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The Realistic Development of Petroleum Engineering

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,.. EDUCATION The Realistic Development of Petroleum Engineering Abstract This paper first waces hrieffy the hi$tory of Keneral and petroleum en- gineering education, noting the chatrges that have been ntade in the factors whit+ have not only charac- terized the profession, but engineer- ing as a whoie. A broad treatment is made of the educational process, the role ef engineering educators at@ iul- pcwtant objectives in the initiation of professiotud d~velopment. The close relationship between ac- creditation o~ the engineering curri- cula, pmfessiotud engineering, regi8s: tration and characterization i,s discuss- etl, and the need for breadth noted. ltle value of graduate study is com- pared with that of self-study or di- rected study pro~r.ants and experience ga(ned “on the job”, particularly frotn the standpoint tif professional obso- lescence and its reduction, The value of training program and teatn-work in industry at the junior and senior levels is indicated, as well as the de- velopment of ettgineer-nlanagers “on the job”, and through, special pro- gratnsof study, The various needs for accreditation of curricula and regis- tration of professional engineers are summarized. hstro4i4Xion The percentage of engineers to total number of employees in industry has quadrupled during the past 55 years.’ According to the Department of Lab- or’s latest summary of employment in 150 major labor markets, the Iarg- est number of unfilled openings dur- ing. the latter part of 1963 were for engineering and scientific personnel. Regardless of the overall demand, however,” the report showed that the nationwide demand for chemists, phy- Orhrhwd manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers oth JuSy 6, 1964. Paper to be presented at SPIS Annual FIN Meetintr, to be held in Houston, (M. 1 -14. IVI14. 1 lRePerencea given at end o sinner, ., bEPTEMBER, 196.4 .. . . ... . .— HARRY H. POWER I U, OF TEXAS MEMBER AIME AUSTIN, TEX. sicists, mathematicians and the ntttur- al science occupations declined.’ Al- though business is still giving top en- gineering students an impressive rush, the ardent wooing of college engineer- ing seniors by aerospace and elec- tronics companies, following the event of Sputnik, has slumped, especially on the Pacific Coast. Much of the blame has been placed on defense contract losses, but the efforts of both government and pri- vate business in the encouragement of engineering study have been bearing Fruit. The supply of recruits apprmrs to be meeting the decreased de- nlqnd.:. In the more distant future, how- ever, the suppIy of engineers will be related to the rise of industrial so- ciety, to our dependence upon tech- nology and, in particular, to the re- sul~ing increase in the use of energy in ibis country. The annual growth of electrical power consumption here has been estimated at 6 to 7 per cent compounded annually, Universally, the 1:1 relationship existing between crtergy use and national income is mute evidence that our future devel- opment will depend upon technology.’ History Over 100 years ago, engineering ,education in this country WRSdesign: ecf for people who expected to do something, to conceive, to design, to build, to operate. Their functions in- volved the. analysis and solution of practical problems, planning of need- ed systems, circuits, Structures, or processes, and the prediction of their performance and cost. The’ engineer’s experiep$e and judgment were ‘sought for” “the art he had developed for a particulttr project, rather than for his scientific knowledge.’” Since ,the organization of the engi- neering educational society in 1893, . .. . .. -. —— ‘—. ‘i ., many rcviewk of engineering curricula and contents have been made, togeth- er with the distribution of time spent in the major divisions of work. The Wlckenden Report of 1923-30, “Cur- ricular Content as Related to the Ob- jectives of Engineering Education”, and its supplemental report of D. C. Jackson, were outgrowths of the Mann Report of 1907. The necessity of learning how to study and of con- tinuing study throughout a whole pro- fessional career was emphasized. The earlier Wickenden and Jackson re- ports were followed by the Hammond and Wlckenden reports, “Ainls and Scope of Engineering Curricuht” in 1940, and “Engineering Education After the War”, in 1944.” Pre-Wtw Emphasis Before, the second world war, heavy emphasis was placed on nmth- od and on “how”, The professor’s worth depended greatly on his know- ledge of current practice and his ztbility to train students in his field c,f engineering. The content and or- ganization of courses were cf&ermin- ed largely by. skills most useful in the first jobs of the young engineers after graduation,’ The 1940 and 1944 reports em- phasized two major areas, namely, the scientific-technological and the hu- manistic-social. The latter program was to be an integrated sequence run- ning throughout the four years. This phase of engineering education has received considerable attention during the last decade.” ln summarizing Wickemfen’s 1944 report, Dean H, P: Hammond out- Iincd the preparation needed for varying engineering activities as fol: lows -. ln order “to provide for the sat- isfaction of the needs. incident to these trends, the (1944) commit- tee sugggests, for consideration, a 947 .-. .-. ,., . .“----- ----’ Downloaded from http://onepetro.org/JPT/article-pdf/16/09/947/2218464/spe-885-pa.pdf by guest on 26 October 2022



The Realistic Development of Petroleum Engineering


This paper first waces hrieffy thehi$tory of Keneral and petroleum en-gineering education, noting thechatrges that have been ntade in thefactors whit+ have not only charac-terized the profession, but engineer-ing as a whoie. A broad treatment ismade of the educational process, therole ef engineering educators at@ iul-pcwtant objectives in the initiation ofprofessiotud d~velopment.

The close relationship between ac-creditation o~ the engineering curri-cula, pmfessiotud engineering, regi8s:tration and characterization i,s discuss-etl, and the need for breadth noted.ltle value of graduate study is com-pared with that of self-study or di-rected study pro~r.ants and experiencega(ned “on the job”, particularly frotnthe standpoint tif professional obso-lescence and its reduction, The valueof training program and teatn-workin industry at the junior and seniorlevels is indicated, as well as the de-velopment of ettgineer-nlanagers “onthe job”, and through, special pro-gratnsof study, The various needs foraccreditation of curricula and regis-tration of professional engineers aresummarized.


The percentage of engineers to totalnumber of employees in industry hasquadrupled during the past 55 years.’According to the Department of Lab-or’s latest summary of employmentin 150 major labor markets, the Iarg-est number of unfilled openings dur-ing. the latter part of 1963 were forengineering and scientific personnel.Regardless of the overall demand,however,” the report showed that thenationwide demand for chemists, phy-

Orhrhwd manuscript received in Society ofPetroleum Engineers oth JuSy 6, 1964. Paperto be presented at SPIS Annual FIN Meetintr,to be held in Houston, (M. 1 -14. IVI14.

1lRePerencea given at end o sinner,.,

bEPTEMBER, 196.4

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sicists, mathematicians and the ntttur-al science occupations declined.’ Al-though business is still giving top en-gineering students an impressive rush,the ardent wooing of college engineer-ing seniors by aerospace and elec-tronics companies, following the eventof Sputnik, has slumped, especiallyon the Pacific Coast.

Much of the blame has been placedon defense contract losses, but theefforts of both government and pri-vate business in the encouragement ofengineering study have been bearingFruit. The supply of recruits apprmrsto be meeting the decreased de-nlqnd.:.

In the more distant future, how-ever, the suppIy of engineers will berelated to the rise of industrial so-ciety, to our dependence upon tech-nology and, in particular, to the re-sul~ing increase in the use of energyin ibis country. The annual growthof electrical power consumption herehas been estimated at 6 to 7 per centcompounded annually, Universally,the 1:1 relationship existing betweencrtergy use and national income ismute evidence that our future devel-opment will depend upon technology.’


Over 100 years ago, engineering,education in this country WRSdesign:ecf for people who expected to dosomething, to conceive, to design, tobuild, to operate. Their functions in-volved the. analysis and solution ofpractical problems, planning of need-ed systems, circuits, Structures, orprocesses, and the prediction of theirperformance and cost. The’ engineer’sexperiep$e and judgment were ‘soughtfor”“the art he had developed for aparticulttr project, rather than for hisscientific knowledge.’”

Since ,the organization of the engi-neering educational society in 1893,

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many rcviewk of engineering curriculaand contents have been made, togeth-er with the distribution of time spentin the major divisions of work. TheWlckenden Report of 1923-30, “Cur-ricular Content as Related to the Ob-jectives of Engineering Education”,and its supplemental report of D. C.Jackson, were outgrowths of theMann Report of 1907. The necessityof learning how to study and of con-tinuing study throughout a whole pro-fessional career was emphasized. Theearlier Wickenden and Jackson re-ports were followed by the Hammondand Wlckenden reports, “Ainls andScope of Engineering Curricuht” in1940, and “Engineering EducationAfter the War”, in 1944.”

Pre-Wtw EmphasisBefore, the second world war,

heavy emphasis was placed on nmth-od and on “how”, The professor’sworth depended greatly on his know-ledge of current practice and hisztbility to train students in his fieldc,f engineering. The content and or-ganization of courses were cf&ermin-ed largely by. skills most useful inthe first jobs of the young engineersafter graduation,’

The 1940 and 1944 reports em-phasized two major areas, namely, thescientific-technological and the hu-manistic-social. The latter programwas to be an integrated sequence run-ning throughout the four years. Thisphase of engineering education hasreceived considerable attention duringthe last decade.”

ln summarizing Wickemfen’s 1944report, Dean H, P: Hammond out-Iincd the preparation needed forvarying engineering activities as fol:lows -.

ln order “to provide for the sat-isfaction of the needs. incident tothese trends, the (1944) commit-tee sugggests, for consideration, a


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plan of curricula differentiation inthe fourth year through whichthree options would be offeredwithin each major professional cur-riculum (1) Continuation of thepresent type of four-year programessentially as a terminal curriculum,but with modifications advocatedby the committee, fo. a majority

&of students; (2) a _ alternativefourth year emphcssizing subjectsdealing with the management ofconstruction and production enter-prises; (3) a fourth year intendedto prepare for additional years ofadvanced study by strengtheningthe student’s cominand and extend-ing his knowledge of basic sciencesand mathematiw, and by introduc-ing him to the methods of advanc-ed study. This fourth year and theyear or years of graduate study tofollow would be planned as a unitrather than as two stages markedby the usual differences of under-graduate and postgraduate pro-grams,Since conventional pre-war curricu-

la did not meet the demands of post-war conclitions, a three-year studywas sponsored hy the American So-

‘ciety for Engineering Education afterWorld War 11, which resulted in thewell-known Grinter Report of 1955.Reflecting changes nlready made bya. few of the more experimentallyminded schools, this report stimulatedorientation and revisions w“~elythroughout other schools, which havecontinued to the present time.

Grinter Report

The Grinter Report stated, “Educ~.tion directed toward the creative andpractical phases of economic design,involving analysis, synthesis, develop-ment and engineering research. . . isthe most distinctive feature of engi-neering curricula”. The question hasbeen raised: Are engineering curriculaoverplanned and too rigid for de-veloping creativity? The 1963 ECPDeducation and accreditation commit-tee report says: “Whereas the 1955(Grinter) report emphasized the needfor increased attention to the mathe-matics and science content of the cur-ricuhsm and their use in the engi-neering courses, the present need ap-pears to be related more to the pres-entation of engineering analysis, de-sign and systems.’ Experimentation inthis fundamental differentiating char-acteristic of engineering education,‘especially, is- important to the pres-ent and future vitality of the profes-sion.’” In addition, the criteria calledfor representative courses in the hu-manities, economics and social stu-dies:

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Economic conditions have been re-sponsible for the creation and devel-opment of the petroleum engineer.Over-production and drastic declinesin price in 1930, coupled with thestark reality of the big depression,caused industry to focus its attentionon new concepts in the productionof petroleum, Other talents wereneeded for the ever-widening skillsrequired in the various branches ofthe oil industry: Although more at-tention may have been paid to prac-tice than to science, as’>comparedwith the more mature fields of engi-neering, the scientific basis for pet-roleum engineering has developedgreatly during the past 30 years, andis expected to expand rapidly in thefuture, ,.?,4.s,O,ll.12.!.!.l,zl,:a.To,w,4,1.11

Diksftions andCharacterizing Criteria

The impact of scientific develop-ment upon industry has been so sig-nificant that engineering has beencharacterized by a few as “the appli-cation of scientific principles to thesolution of practical problems.’” Forthe past 30 years or more, p@’oIe\lmand other engineers have suggestedvarious factors that characterize theengineering profession.’-’m For allbranches of professional engineering,various primary and secondary cri-teria have been advanced, includingthe following:

1.. Direction and development ofmaterials and forces of nature forthe use and convenience of man,whereby scientific principles are ap-plied to practice;

2, The creative and practicalphases of economic design, involv-ing analysis, synthesis, llevelopmentand engineering research:

3, The prediction of the results ofo~ration, with fs.dl cognizance of de-sign, encompassing an understanding,analysis of, and prediction of the be-havior of the physical environment:

4, Recognition.. of the. integrationof systems, interrelation of the parksin complex systems, and the coordina-tion of specialties; and ,

5. The functions of economics ofdevelopment and operation, humanrelationships, and safety to life andproperty.

ECPD DefinitionIn the 31st Annual Report of the

Engineers’ Council for ProfessionalD.evelopment, engineering is said tobe “the profession in which a know-ledge of the mathematical and nritur-al sciences, gained by study, exper-ience and practice, is applied withjud@rtent to develop ways to utilize,

economically, the materials and forcesof nature for the benefit of mankind”.In this endeavor, the engineer de-signs creatively with a scientific basis,and, as an end result, he promotesan efficient and economical processand the saving of life and property.No other purpose has these objec-tives.’”’’”’”

Former studies show that desigttin the mechanical sense, as definedby Hollister, is an important factorto the petroleum production engi-neer, but this does not characterizehim. Although not a mechanical de-signer, he should be desigtz coitsciom.The mechanical engineers designingoilfield equipment should be o@ra-tiotts CONSCIONS,if they are to workunderstandingly with the petroleumproduction engineers, for a full under-standing by each group of the other’sproblems is the best insurance thatthe best professional standards willbe met.

Since the characterizing features ofengineering now include not only theability to design, but also to con-struct, operate and forecasl, a morerealistic differentiation with respectto petroleum production engineeringis assured. When oil tiekfs ‘are kiidout in plan, wells are spaced, holesizes and cus,ing programs are deter-mined, producing equipment is in-stalled and placed in operation, reser-voirs are analyzed and produced tomeet definite objectives, many of theelements of design are req’uired, butadmittedly of a tbr different orderfrom the concept of design as definedoriginally by Hollister and practicedby the mechanical engineer.

Engineer or Scientist?

An examination of the broader as-pects of engineering indicates thatthe public today has a tendency toconfuse the functions of engineers,scientists and technicians in indus-trial activities. Whereas the engineershould be engaged primarily with eco-nomic design development, produc-tion and engineering research, thescientist’s concern should be with bas-ic research, and that of the techni-cian with routine operations. The pro-fessional engineer has the additionaldirect responsibility for the protectionof life, health and property. How-ever. engineering educators are alsoconfronted with the steadily’ increasi-ng problem, involving severe coni-petitjon, of imposed requirements inbasic science at the undergraduatelevel and theoretical science at thegraduate level. Some of the leadingeducators are tackling the problemvigorously, believing that the roIe of


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the more theoretical sciences in en-gineering has progressed too far.’’’”

The orientation of the scientist inengineering projects is different fromthat of the engineer. Although thetwo are mutually dependent, the lat-ter relies on the scientist for provendiscoveries to advance his technology.The former depends upon the engi-neer for economic planning and op-eration to the eventual benefit of msm-kind.” Some topics in science con-tinue in engineering much longer thanin scientific interest. As arr example,engineers used and developed fluidmechanics long after the topic wasabandoned by the physicist.”

In one branch of engineering, partsof the curricula have been “stream-lined” to emphasize underlying scien-tific principles only. This permits newtopics in modern technology to beincluded as needed, Such a pian forextrticting the essence of a subject,usually scientific in origin, leaves in-dustry the additional task of helpingthe young engineer assimilate the ap-piied knowiedge of interest. An ex-ample is the phenomenon of diffu-sion in transport properties,’:’Ihgimwring Scientist

The engineering scientist has anobjective to develop further the clas-sical sciences and translate them into

●forms u.s6fuI in engineering design.Normaliy, he may not be involved ineconotnflc and process design. In gen-eral, the engineering sciences involvetransformations of energy and nlater-iais, transport phenomena and theprocesses of communication, exchangeand distribution,” More specifically,engineering sciences inciude statics,dynamics, strength of materials, ther-m~ynamics, fluid mechanics, electri-cal circuits, fields and electronics,heat transfer and the physico-chemi-cal properties of solids and fluids, in-cluding physical metallurgy:

In the field of petroleum engineer-ing the engineering scientist investi-gates the flow of fluids in porousmedia, the phase relationships of hy-drocarbon -mixtures under reservoirconditions of temperature and pres-sure, capiliary phenomena in reser-voirs, problems in statics and dyna-mics, strength of materials, corro-sion, transport and many other use-fuI derivatives of the engineeringsciences cutting across most of theengineering specialties. An opinionhas been expressed that engineeringscience is relatively easier to te~chthan design, particularly if ‘the in-structor is inexperienced in the prac-tical aspects of the latter.’”

Granted that basic research is anecessary ingredient far technical pro-

sSi PTEMBER, 1964

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gress, engineering development has anequai need for originality and crea-tiveness, However, in the birth of anidea and the resulting growth pro-cess, the “research” phase is but afraction of the criteria necessary forcharacterizing the profession. The en-gineering profession itself, in sharingresponsibility with the educators, cangive inestimable aid and direction forrealistic emphasis on those factorswhich comprise an engineering edu-cation and later qualifications for theprofessional engineer.” .

Before leavin~ the discussion ofcharacterizing criteria, it is profitableto examine the manner in which oneimportant branch distinguishes en-gineering from science, and even fromthe engineering sciences:”

The basic sciences are concern-ed essentially with processes thattake place independent of scale,Engineering sciences are subjectsonce studied by scientists, but nowdeveloped by engineers as tools forresearch, development, or design,Serving as bridges from one engi-neering discipline to another, the en-gineering sciences use the methodsand subject matter of the sciences,but adapt them to the purpose. ofengineering. Engineering, on the oth-er hand, is concerned with processesconducted on a scale large enoughfor economic factors to become sig-nificant, Engineering fulfills its ob-jectives when some device, system,process or structure can prove it-self to be both technically andeconotnicaliy justified, The engi-neer strives for the best result fromconflicting requirements and mustfind a reasonable compromiseamong criteria of producibility, ef-ficiency, reliability, safety and cost.He is faced with a succession ofchoices among technical and eco-nomic alternatives. Hence the engi-neer must be able to make sounddecisions and find workable solu-tions to practical problems.

The Educational Process

In recent years petroleum engineer-ing students have been trained in thefundamentals of science and engineer-ing, and have had a limited amountof undergraduate specialization. To arelatively large degree, the require-ments for the undergraduate degreein areas other than specialization havebeen extensive, and with compara-tively little additional effort the stu-dent has attained a “capacity to spec-ialize” later in graduate work or inthe industry.

By reason of the unusual stressplaced on fundamentals today, with

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diminishing recognition given to spec-ialization outside of the graduateschools, concern hw been expressedfor tbe future welfare of formai pet-rcleum engineering education, What-ever modifications may be made tothe undergraduate curricula, the tech-nological courses, serving as guidesto aptitude, should permit the stu-dent to acquaint himself broadly withthe principal areas of specialization.Also, many schoois wili serve a usefulpurpose in planning and handiing de.sign courses, the experienced statls re-maining expert in their respectivefields to teach advanced courses alongspecialized Iines,””n

LHserds vu CamervulivesKMian” refers to two basic posi-

tions among engineering educators,namely, the iiberal or radical, and theconservative. The extreme liberal par-ty. believes that the traditional curri-cuia of engineering schools are essen-tially obsolete, Apart from the labora-tory and research, the engineer today.must deal with many subjects, but isunlikely to make important ccmtribu-tions without thoF~ugh training inphysics, chemmand mathematics,No one questions the status of re-search in indus&y and the increasingneed for applied scientists, competent-iy trained to work in these new fron-tiers. The rca[ question is whether ornot undergraduate curricula may bcleaning too strongiy in this direction,leaving other facets of the engineeringprofession at a disadvantage.

The liberals ‘also argue that the bestundergraduate engineering educationshould ieave a post-bachelor-degreedecision between a career in research,development, operations, design, nlan-agement and other areas. On this pre-mise, the undergraduate curriculumemphasizing science, rnuthemat its, thebasic professional subjects and thehumanities wouid approach the Iiberaieducation programs underlying theprofessions of medicine and law.

The conservatives, however, raiseserious objections to this argument.Conceding that engineering restssquarely on science and mathematics,the socfal function of the engineerdiffers profoundly from that of thepure scientist. Judgments and deci-sions must be made by engineers thatnormaiiy are outside the affairs ofscientists. The former are concernedwith such questions as cost, efficiency,reliability, maintenance and replace-ment. Attributes of this kind have“distinguislied ‘the -builders of- industryin the past and will continue to doso in the future.

An apparent resolution of thesecontending points of view lies in the


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recognition of both the applied scien-tist and the more empirical engineer.Accordingly, within the past fewyears, many engineering schools haveintroduced a new curriculum desig-nated “engineering science”, whichhas been defined and differentiated inthe preceding section.Four Yews hwlequute

Increased recognition of the inade-quacies of the four-year engineeringcurriculum, regardless of specialty, isreceiving widespread atteution today.Since most branches of engineeringare practiced in the oii-producing in-dustry, one must conclude that a four-year curriculum, embracing effective-ly ,the necessary mathematics, science,.engineering-science, specitriized andother subjects “across the board” pre-sents its difficulties. Not that the pet-roleum. engineer can gain proficiencyin ali fields of application to the in-dustry, but he is cognizant of thebroad scope of his duties which havebeen so delegated, since his role isusually one of change—geographical,from year to year, and in the natureof the work performed. Hence, if afour-year program is insufficient forthe all-embracing curriculum, a fifth-year program should not ordy expandthe particular sequence adequately,but serve to orient the various elec-tives chosen to a weil-balanced pro-gram, covering petroleum engineeringas a whole.” In the past, several in-stitutions have offered options to atieast partially overcome these diffi-culties, including production, develop-ment, naturaI gas, geological, pro-cess, reservoir and refinery engineer-ing,”

An important problem in educationtoday is the apparent “conflict betweenquantity and quality. A question hasbeen raised as to whether the pri-mary emphasis should be on ma?h-enratics or engineering? in the seiec-tion of new students, inferring thatscience and mathematics seem to havemore status among certain membersof the engineering faculties. Althoughmodern technology appears to bemore sophisticated, mathematicallyand scientifically, and greater atten-tion must be given to competence inthese areas, engineers in positions ofindustrial responsibility conclude thatconcentration should remain in engi-neering.w Consequently, more candi-dates for operating positions, graduateprograms, engineering research andadministrative positions may bescreened ind salvaged for service tm-der engine&in$ disciplines. ” -

To fulflil the chosen characteriz-ing features of the engineer, the as-sociated areas, such as business ad-ministration, engineering economy,


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communication and legal principlesshould be applied with understand-ing. In addition, the instructionalgoals that give an appreciation to ourhistorical and cultural heritage andthe moral vaiues underlying a soundphilosophy of life should not be neg-lected.

Traditionally, socia[ studies andthe humanities are supposed to havebeen recognized adequately by includ-ing related courses in the engineer-ing curricula, but these are notenough, The atmosphere of the engi-neering coliege should reflect appre-’ciation and understanding of the in-tangible areas of the liberal arts andthe more tangible areas mentioned,which led to the broad professionalattitude of the engineer, The pres-sure created by the world’s popula-tion explosion, and the maintenanceof even present living standards, wiiltax the highest levels of the engineer-ing profession, Students must becomecognizant of the impact of technologyon society and prepare to assume re-sponsibility in public affairs.”

Aithough it is recognized thatknowledge in many extraneous areasof the liberal arts and eisewhere isrequired for the solution of engineer-ing problems, this must not be the”raison detre. Rather credit it to asound attempt to develop the “wholeman”, and then fulfill the characteri-zation of the engineer to which theprofession has previously committeditself.

Currently, in the broad areas ofgeneral engineering education, the in-tegration of scientific subject matterassists in the translation of new scien-tific developments into engineeringpractice. As an exampie, great simi-larity in the understanding of prin-ciples and analytical methods used,exist in the generalizations of heatflow, fluid mechanics, transient con-trol processes, the solid state, electro-magnetic fields and vibration theory.Understanding these generaiizations,the student gains a concept of sys-tematic orderliness of many fields ofscience and engineering. This permitshim to soive problems, in wideiy di-verse fields, using somewhat similarmethods.”

Unified Curriculum

The nationwide trend to unify en-gineering” curricula, involving jointstudies of engineering sciences, theso-calied “core” courses, merits con-sideration in petroleum engineering.A typical unified engineering ctirficu-hsm considers engineering to be asingie discipline, namely, “the bridgebetween science and the everydayworld”. The best subject matter under-


Iying and common to all branchesof engineering is required, regardlessof the field of interest. A clearlydiscernible objective, marked bystrong guide iines, must exist for eachelement of the curriculum.

Preparation for, engineering scienceis no bar to a career in professionalengineering, as witnessed by the earlyproponents of the unified approach, ,who used this as a basis for design,the latter embodying the professionalaspects common to all fields of en-girieering. In a curriculum of inter-est, the content for the first two yearsresembles others sutTiciently as toneed no speciai description, In sup-plying riducation, the unified programpermits the individual to gain compe-tence as an engineer of breadth, aswell as to practice within a specificengineering field, The specializedfield is considered to be secondaryto the broad field, conceived firstthrough the unified approach.

Petroleum engineering is an inter-disciplinary activity, and ,unitlcationmay or may not be desirable or neces-sary, Nevertheless, the advances inbasic theory made by other branchesmust be considered. With accent onfundamentals in a typical core cur-riculum, a later trcinsition to specia-lization and application would be rel-atively smooth. In addition to thecore studies, geology, reservoir nle-chanics, formation evaluation, reser-voir fluid behavior, drilling and weiicompletion, and petroleum economicsare included in the undergraduateprogram. Additional depth is gainedthrough graduate study or profession-al practice.’’’”

Also included in the objectives of“engineering education is planning forconservation through the more efH-cient utilization of natural resources,materiais and energy.

Emphasis on the synthesis of new “processes permits undergraduates toview the overall system and compre-hend the economics of the industry.The training in economics and de-sign, weil seasoned with humanities,is often tailed process design. Thetotal process and its environment ,areconsidered, and selection is madefrom various alternatives in the ef-fort to discover simpler and moreeconomical processes?’

For economical and other reasons,many students cannot spend moret~me in engineering course study ‘banthat required for the bachelor% de- ,gree. The time then available is not

. s.ufficiimt- to gain -great competence --in degree requirements, but the stu-dent should’ gain sufficient understand-ing of them to serve as a base fromwhich to expand throughout his pro-


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fessional lifetime. Through a propersequence of courses, he should gainconfidence in the use of a broad ar-ray of engineering approaches to aproblem, and in making a soundchoice between alternative procedures.The most impo~tant factor in the en-gineering educational process, how-ever, is the gradual and cumulativeacquisition of personal competencewhich breeds confidence, engineeringattitude, judgment and professionalrecognition, This can be at least par-tially developed through decision mak-ing in college, using what analyticaltools are available.’”

Gwloute Study

If sufficient emphasis on funda-mentals has been made in the under-graduate schooi, through engineeringscience and unification or otherwise,a proper basis wili have been iaid forgraduate work, The concenstrs todayis that the advanced treatment oftechnical analysis and applicatic.ns,as added preparation for specializa-tion, should be included in the grad-uate program, Such an arrangementand change of emphasis should en-courage thoroughness and breadth inthe fundamental studies, and a great-er degree of originality and imagina-tion among engineering students.Specialization in the graduate schooiaiso gives the student more time andopportunity to orient himseif intohis chosen work. The courses shouid,for the most part, be voluntary andindividualized, rather than prescribed.If specialization is not desired, thegraduate studies can be broadenedto meet the requirements of any ra-tional program.

Professional engineers and othersbeiieve that graduate programs shouldbe built around a core of errgineeringresearch, but that candidates working

‘‘ for a degree in science should seeka non-engineering graduate programcentered around research in science.The research projects in engineeringschools should be planned to ad-vance engineering technology throughcreative efforts in analysis, designand synthesis, including the economicand social aspects, aiI characteristicfeahires of the profession.”

Among university educators, thepreparation for research and develop-ment careers in industry should giverecognition to the fact that the pro-fessional engineers’ activities havemuch in common with research. Indesign, however, the important diff-erence- is that ideas -are not “tentative;but concrete, and that engineeringeconomy is of prime importance.Creativity is treated as a gift, presentat least in some degrees in engineers

and others, and subject to enhance-ment and growth.

In standard engineering practice,true research activities usually makeup a portion only of the wholeproflam, Such technological changesare created as the development ofhydraulic fracturing, new techniquesto incr~dse driiling rates and iowercosts, increased production and ulti-mate recoveries by novel fluid in-jection methods, and improved ‘artifi-cial lift methods; In many such areas,the ideas born by scientists in thepast have been transformed into tech-nology through engineering researchand development, including small-scale testing, and, eventually, full-scaie field operation, The finai objec-tives of these activities are measuredfrom “a few successes to consistent,repeated commercial success”, and en-gineering investigation and develop-ment thereby shows a versatility notcommon in purely research programs.

Whiie development differs frompure research, no less need for orig-inality and creativeness exists. In oneouinion expressed, motivation is thedifference between research and de-v~lopment, “or of the direction inwhich ideas tend to flow naturally,rather than number and quality ofthe ideas obtained”, The fultiilment ofthe criteria of simplicity, economyand adaptation to varying situationsis frequently outside the considera-tions of the researcher, but is equaliydependent on creative ability.”

From the school’s viewpoint, it isimportant that graduate study and re-search activities be maintained toachieve academic growth and ad-vancement. Competent instruction isthe backbone of the gradwdte pro-gram. A fatuity primariiy interestedin graduate instruction and research,requiring relatively iight teachingloads, may become less available forbasic, engineering courses which aredifficuit to teach. The present empha-sis on graduate study and researchshould take due recognition” of theimportance of undergraduate teach-ing, where the maintenance of thehighest possible standards is para-mount.”

A tentative report on the project,“Goals of Engineering Education”,carries the statement, that “research-oriented programs in graduate workhave been overemphasized, since moremoney is available to support appiiedscience projects”. Furthermore, ad-ditional “emphasis is needed on thet%.mctionsof engineering practiife, sttdtas design and operations; more thesesare needed that include economic andtime factors”, These reconlmenda-tions, (as well as those for manage?

‘./ . .

ment) were thought to be difficult fortbe increasing number of instructorswho have had only marginal indus-trial experience.’

I%dueutor’s Role

In :he college cataiogs the curriculafor a given branch of engineeringure apt to resemble each other.Hence, the real character of a curric-ulum cannot be appraised until it isbrought to life by those who teachit, and the most important factor ofail is the abiiity and attitude of theengineering educator,’

A study of professional engineeringattributes and qualifications of engi-neering educators, the result of aquestionnaire sent 10 msmy engineers ‘in industry as well as engineering ed-ucators, showed diametrically oppos-ed opinions concerning the personalfactors believed necessary for “doing ,’a good job” as compared with thepersonal factors believed to be neces-sary for financial and professional ad-vancement, Although many personalfactors are involved in “doing a goodjob”, it is encouraging to note thatabiiity to teach and knowledge of thesubject matter were placed at the headof the list in the summary of ans-wers.’h

For a branch of engineering whichhas made remarkable internal pro-gress in teaching over the past 40 or‘more years, professional abiiities, at-titudes and inspirat on have beenachieved through “curricular changeswith advances in science and engi-neering, encouraging diversity an&fex-perimentatio,l; instilling in studentspride of accomplishment; develop-ment of creativity in individualsthrough research; recognition ofteaching as the educator’s primaryduty; continued re-education of fat-uity with periodic leaves for intensivestudy, attendance at meetings andseminars; agreement that consultingand industrial work of rec~gnizedcaliber permit faculty to keep abreastof current practice; advanced studyprograms, technlcai assistance andother aids to research; course offer-ings for empioyed engineers; and par- -ticipation in orientation programsshowing opportunities in the profes-sion”. In addition, teachers shouldmake contributions to education “overand above the usual” Iectures, prob-lems and laboratory experiments,such as the organization of newcourses and the writing of textbookswith fresh viewpoints.’’””’

With the increased demand for en.gineering teachers holding advanceddegrees-usually the doctorate—theemphasis for men with adequate in-dustrial and governmental engineer-


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iug experience ia practice has de-creased.

Traditionally,, the responsibility, ini-tiative and provision of opportunitybelonged to each faculty member en-gaged within the academic area, buthighly organized, sponsored researchencourages subordination of this aca-demic isolation to the organized ef-fort, Since engineering, in its growth,depends on the maintenance of bal-ance and varied activity, a facultyhighly involved in research, to theexclusion of practice in the profes-sion, risks distortion in its develop-ment.”

Although acombinatiohof advanc-ed degrees, research, and industdalexperience is probably the best solu-tion, the supply of men thus doublyblessed is limited, as witnessed bythe increased number of educatorswhose advanced degrees and academicattainments outweigh greatly the posi-tions of responsibility they may haveattained in industry, As a means forimproving the balance, a program forcontinuing education for the facultyhas been proposed, which inclu~esactive participation in engineeringpractice.’”

The responsibilities of engineeringfaculties to teach or to do research,or to do both, has been subject towidespread discussion, with varYingopinions as to which activity, orwhich combination, most proper] y ful-fills the purpose of modern teach-ing.” Academic research of high cali-ber is considered to be a most im-portant attraction to a scholar, pro-viding him with an effective meansfor developmen~ but with the provisothat it “take its rightful place as ateaching device, rather than solelyfor its results, or as an end in itself.”Many believe that research in engi-neering colleges, like. mathematics.sciencci, economics and communica-tion, is one of the tools only, foruse within the broad framework ofpre-determined characterizing criteriafor the profession.

Special areas of research should notbe over-emphasized to the detrimentof other more rewarding “fringe”areas appearing on the educationalhorizon. It is apprent that “every-where there is a rush to the glamourfields . . . to the reckless abandonmentof vast unexplored areas in-between.”Also, it has been observed that “manYof these b~passed frontiers of know-

“ ledge are w’ challenging and intrigu-ing as the popular- areas”, and. mustbe considered “if our economy is toprosper”.

For the engineering educator, high-caliber consulting work resulting in


the expansion of investigational andresearch activities, often serves asone of the leading criteria for profes-sional evaluation.’ Often, however,this source of needed additional in-.come may interfere with publishableresearch activities. So the choice be-twerm research and publication and“bread and butter” may present un-usual internal conflict in some cases,If the choice must be made to do re-search and publish, then personal in-come should be such that outside con-sulting assignments are not necessary.

Other Aids to EducationIndustry and colleges ha;e long

known that vital experiences often gofar beyond the areas of direct super-vision and instruction, Opportunitiesshould be present to seek knowledgewith no detailed plan superimposedfrom above the student’s level, Givenenhanced responsibility, the above-av-erage student is apt to respond in afavorable and enthusiastic manner. Aplan of action for engineering re-search created by the gifted student“from scratch”, with no more than*’token” supervision from above, isworth a dozen plans or programs de-vised by the director and nursed alongat every step of the way.’

The study of fundamentals is usuzl-IY more difficult if pursued on one’sown, Hence they should usually re-main in the curriculum, omitting,where space does not permit, fhosesubjects easily read and - understoodby the average graduate. The teacher,therefore, has a specific duty to out-line further post-college areas of stu-dy and to inspire the graduating stu-dent to adopt the necessary “self-help” studies for a professional life-time program.”

The question is often raised, shotddthe petroleum engineer have a broad-er role than that in which he operatesin the petroleum industry? Whhsmall changes, the curricula in petrol-eum and mining engineering can alsoserve as a basis for such sub-divisionsas the development of mineral de-posits by conventional mining meth-ods and by circulating fluids, under-ground storage of fluids, ground wrtterresources and availability, develop-ment of the earth’s thermal energy,disposal of wastes underground, andothers. Perhaps a fundamental corecurriculum with suitable electives willserve the interests of many indus-tries where these subdivisions are ofconcern.”

As a- final observation: in the edu-cational process, Hocott’s remarks arenot only appropriate, but apply equal-ly well to professional development,which will be considered later, At-

tention is called to the three stagesof learning—namely, knowledge, un-derstanding and wisdom. “Knowledgemight be termed the what, under-standing the why, and wisdom thehow.” Little is heard about wisdomtoday, Many people content them-selves with the what, or at most, thewhy. When students are pressed byfacts, leaving no time for “soaking”or understanding, the true educationalprocess has failed, BY contrast, thegradual step-by-step process of edu-cation that introduces the elementsof time, repetition and understandingleads eventually to wisdom. “Give thestudents a framework on which tohang new kriowledge gieaned ontheir initiative. . . above all, inspirethem to study and think. . . “’”



Accreditation of college engineer-ing curricula provides assurance thatgraduates wili be provided with aneducation for entrance into the en-gineering profession. This assurance

‘ “is important to the State Board ofRegistration, to the employer, to thestudent, to the faculty member, tothe institution, to the professional en-gineering societies, to. the agency orfoundation called on to support theprogram. . . . and, finally, to the tax-payer who ffnances the curriculum ifit is in a pubiic institution”. Thus, al-though the original impetus was sup-plied by the state boards of registra-tion, and the Nationai Council ofState Boards of Engineering Examin-ers stili takes a keen interest in thepfocess, the purpose of accreditationhas ,broadened greatly.

Iiole of ECPDWhh this broadening, the import-

ance of professional etrgineers andassociates has increased, The Engi-neering Council ‘for Professional De-velopment assumes the role of inter-preter and implementer for the edu-cational policies of the professionalsocieties. As such, it constantly in-vites and welcomes the guidance ofthe latter,

The Grinter Report was the resultof a request from ECPD for a com-prehensive evaluation, of engineeringeducation. Three years ago, ECPDagain requested the American Societyfor Engineering Education to spon-sor a stu@ of undergraduate andgraduate engineering education, “toformulate criteria for colleges of en-gineering which will .assur~ to. their . .graduat~ ‘a sound educational back-ground for practicing the engineeringprofession, . .“ The criteria will in-clude those considered in the evalua-



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tion of curricula offered for accredi-tation, namely: quality, engineeringorientation and purpose; emphasis onfundamentals; breadth; depth; appro-priateness of subject matter; andtlexibility2

With respect to breadth, ECPD ex-pects a curriculum to contain atleast the equivalent of one-half aca-demic year in such fields as history,economics, government, literature, so-ciology, philosophy, psychology andfine arts.’

The appropriateness of the subjectmatter is to be determined by theexamination of the curriculum byquaiified engineers, We anticipatethat the examiners selected will bemen of mature engineering judgment,who belie~e implicitly that all thecharacterizing facto-rs of the profes-sion shou~d be taken into considera~tion, including the role of engineer-ing research, and the predominantrole of tenching and ability to teach.

Professional Development

Inherently, a profession involves theconc~pts of competence, service tosociety and the ,acceptance by the in-dividual of a code of ethical behav-ior.”’ Webster refers to a professionas a “calling requiring specializedknowledge”. “Calling” is a word ex-pressing purpose, goals and dedica-tion, identifying the professional per-!on with a particular fraternity. Eachprofessional society is represented. bya specific calling and specializedknowledge which identifies the calling,bridging the gap between formalknowledge and practice.~

Professiomi Growtil

New situations need analysis in en-gineering progress, or new solutionsare necessary for old ones. Withoutlosing its essential nature, the prob-lem must be simplified and a methodof attack conceived which leads toa successful conclusion. The solutionmust be checked at each stage of pro-gress and possible applications ascer-tained for similar problems in thefuture, Practical problems rarely ap-pear in clear, concise form, nor fitthe traditional compartments of pet-roleum engineering, but rather crossbroadly several fields.”

The best efforts of both engineer-ing schnols and industry, combined,will insure sound growth of talentsand career opportu~itics,, which may

.. or may not be influenced by the num-ber of degrees held by our young en-gineers. Some graduat$s at the bache-lor’s level may find themselves insuch a favorable environment that the

opportunity for professional advance-ment in industry is promising. Ac-cordingly, the benefits anticipatedfrom training and practice are be-lieved to compare favorably withthose from additional academic studyat the master”s or PhD levels.

By comparison, others might farebetter by remaining in the graduateschools, assuring more rapid advance-ment in those areas-of engineeringstudy which would have been pos-siblq for a similar advancement in in-dustry. Just as great differences existin institutions of higher learning, sodo great differences exist in the train-ing programs of industry and theirrelative effectiveness from the stand-point of professional engineering. Inaddition, the personal feeling of ac-complishment and other intangibleswill ~ect the choice between the twoalternatives.

As young engineers progress broad-Iy over many areas of training in in-dustry, added proficiencies are acquir-ed as they see their ideas take form,comparing their results with those ofothers and bringing their many engi-neering tissignments to completionwith definite (or tentative) conclu-sions, and :he eventual approval ofmanagement. Self-confidence is bornin the process, and the all-importantexperience gained in direct propor-tion to the amount and the qualityof work approved and placed in op-erat ion. ,

Unlike “book learning”, which maybecome dim through non-use, the re-peated succession of problems, bothold and new, in practice, which willbe referred to as “job experiences”,are retained firmly in memory, re-sulting in professional competenceand responsibility.

By far the greatest number of tech-“ nically trained persons absorbed by

industry each year “specialize on thejob”, These men are expected to comeprepared with the greatest possiblelatitude and flexibility, molding andadapting these attributes to the re-quirements of a complex organizationas they grow in the direction of theirmaturing tastes and talents.W Elklnsasks: “Is it not safe to conclude thata substantial majority of our engineersand scient isls in the next two decadeswill be performing a very importantservice to industry by becoming ex.pert along some line of specialization?At the same time, would it not beextremely. dangerous if our colleges ,ttrrried” out these trained Spechdists-with a base so narrow that; if thatspecialty became obsolete, the manwould have lost his opportunity toserve in a professional capacity?”

While all of the intricate detailsin the contributions of numerousspecialists need no understanding, thebroad engineer in his process of inte-gration, “appreciates their signiff-carsce, recognizes their limitations,and is able to ‘engineer’ them into asystem’’,’”““”V+siue of Experience

The engineer with his accumulatedexperiences thereby distinguishes him-self from the trainee, or the juniorengineer, fresh from the classroomand theory. In fact, the latter maybecome one of his technical assistantsin building the entire structure, Hemay even call upon a company re-searcher, or a consulting scientist, toassist him in his master plan. He hasgained this stature through far diff-erent educational procedures than theacademic ones; but with the twopaths combined, the competent andexperienced professional man enlerg-es, and through his sound backgroundand personal qualifications he be-comes a likely candidate for advance-ment. ,

When the man who makes a dis-covery attempts to apply it to a prac-tical problem, he ceases to be a scien-tist, works essentially as an engineer,and is therefore motivated externallyby society. The point is emphasizedto contradict the statemeht ofteumade that the scientist has createdthe complexities of our modern in-dustrial civilization.’

The engineer depends upon thescientist for new discoveries to ad-vance his technology, whereas thescientist relies upon the engineer toconvert his discoveries into formsbenefiting mankind.

Solutions must be found at timeshaving no unique scientific basis, butrequiring judgment, resulting fromsuch broad knowledge and experienceas to dictate a prudent course of ac-tion.” The fad that only basic re-search in science is important is giv-ing way to a change in thinking and“a new climate for engineering wouldseem to be developing as scientiststhemselves imply that ‘science (is not)everythkg’.’”” Granted that scientists,through study and experience, caneventually qualify as engineers, andthat engineers through” a similar pro-cess can eventually qualify as scien-tists, it is possible that licensing byofficial state boards,. of_. registrationmight clarify the atmosphere with res-pect to the proper professional imagethat each group should present to the

“public.Few fields of human endeavor ap-

proach petroleum engineering i,n,breadth or scope. Whereas the as-sumption is usually made that the


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sEPTEMBER, 1964,,.

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profession as practiced bears closerelationship to the academic courses,the industry is so complex and thefacets of petroleum technology are sointerrelated that a given curriculumis deemed insut%cient to cover theactual industrial field. The graduatepetroleum engineer may thereforework in a team ‘of engineers fromseveral fields of specialization. As heacquires specific knowledge in otherfields, his team associates acquirespecific, knowledge in his field, As aresult, ‘all engineers receive a much ‘broader industrial training than theiracademic specialty would suggest.’

The team effort, rather than theindividual approach in research; hasthe advantage in finding the Iyxt solu-tion in the shortest time. Perhaps en-gineering problems in the petroleumindustry afford greater opportunitiesfor cross-fertilization and team workthan in other industrial enterprise.’The so-called “citizenship of indus-try” has a main requirement to workas a partner in any enterprise. If, bynature, scientists or engineers adaptthemselves to such circumstances withdifficulty, they must learn, eventually,that individual recognition is oftenthe result of leadership developedthrough contributions to the partner-ship effort.’”Enghleer-ManagementRehtionship

Since various engineering fiekia arerepresented in the petroleum industry,the professional petroleum engineeroniy is in a position to supply theparticular feature of design necessaryfor the development and exploitationof oil fields. Without him or hisequivalent, correlation and directionof the component activities would beinefficient, if not uneconomical. Suchactivities include “systems engineer-ing”, described as an advanced order,where a number of parallel engineer-ing problems are solved simultaneous-ly. A solution for the system of prob-lems is also a solution for each in-dividual problem.” The engineer’s re-sponsibility is stIore concerned withthe whole proces~ rather than for thecomponent parts, “more for the un-seen interactions than for the visiblestructure”.

Because of this intimate relation-ship between engineers, their techni-cal and other associates and manage-ment, the latter expects somethingfrom the engineers bgsides a basicknowledge of science, engineeringscience ,and the. engineering method.A ‘quality of personality’ “ii”oftenequal to or more important thanscholarship, or ‘indicated developmentin a specific field of engkering.w AsReistle has remarked “A ‘project,.,964

which works out wonderfully well onthe drawing board can fall apart likea house of cards if the human eq ua-tion is left out”.”*

Although current practice may in-volve econoniic, human and socialfactors superimposed on the usual en-gineering studies, and the traditionalbelief that technical efficiency is in-creased with additional technical in-plant training, one authority (andprobably others) have the opposite”conviction,

The contention is made that moreexposure to literature, history, politi-cal science, philosophy, psychologyand general information should in-crease the embryo engineer’s efficien-cy in his work.’ Narrowly trainedtechnical people may find it difticuhto understand matters other thanscientific or technical, but the profes-sional engineer must recognize thernsny separate factors involved in thecomplex problems of professionalpractice and how to deal with them”collect ively.’”

Today, research, development andengineering science indicates thenecessity for practicing engineers to

allot part of their time to the ac-quisition of. new knowledge, just tokeep up with recent graduates,” AsHurst has stated: “Once a man knowshow to think, teachers are no longernecessary and I speak for many, asthe greatest education follows in theyears after commencement when theindividual teaches himself.’’:”

Petroleum engineering graduatesare often recruited to serve as “reser-voir engineers”, “drilling engineers”,“mud engineers” and so on, hut corn-panics still. coptinue the time-honoredpractice’ ot selecting ,men of promis-ing potential for broad on-the-jobtraining in all facets of oil and gasoperations.”

A well-known” truism is that a pro-fession is only as dynamic as the in-dividuals in it, The engineer’s statusis insured by his educational institu-tion, by industry and by his profes~sional society, which presents him tothe public as a professional individual—a “cardinal constituent” of petrol-eum engineerip$.’:’

In more duail, the engineer’s tasksshould prove to be a professional chal-lenge-society activity through attend-ance at meetings, writing of papers.work on committees and in technicaloffices should be encouraged. Linesof communication between the engi-ne+x and management,: shoul,d .bemade effective, the- latter treitin&–en--gineers as professional people. Theengineer should find satisfaction inhis job beyond, his financial reward.As a natural huritan attribute, he.


should feel that he “belongs” to theexisting order and scheme of” things—n~t just looking on from the ob-scurity of the side-lines, As Moseshas said: “Man cloth not live by hrewlalone”,

Executives today need engineers man integral part of management. Withhis undivided loyalty to management,the engineer should be far more con-cerned with opportunity than withregimented securi(.v. Creative thinkingcanrmt be regimented, nor can anengineef’s efforts and. working hoursbe prescribed and limited, except thathe be reduced to the drab status ofa zoutine technician, with little orno intent ive.(kmmunicutions

While many engineers and scientistsreason from cause to effect, stressingsimilarities, executives often think interms of differences. Accordingly, iftraining and job responsibility reauirethat thinking be in terms of differ-ences, engineering reports should benmde in terms of differences, or ofconsequences of action. Otherwise, if“thinking” is in terms of similarities.the report should be so prepared,

The sale of the engineer’s profes-sional services not only to thosehigher in administration, but to thoseof lower status on the way up, entailswritten, oral and graphicat communi-cation, As the painting and its con-veyed interpretation is to the artist.so is the written report und its oraldefense to the engineer. The etrgi-neer’s main purpose is to lay a basisfor management’s decision, He is ex-pected to arrive at conclusions andrecommendations derived from factsand analyses that can t ‘. stated andconfirmed clearly. If neither black norwhite hut rather gray conclusionsmust be drawn, then the engineer willshow his competence through hisskills in communication, establish-ing thereby several courses for execu-tive action,’’’”’”

A proper balance between creativi-ty and conservatism must be preserv-ed. Some engineers religiously believethat the current economic problemswhich emphasize items of the great-est costs of development or operationdeserve almost 100 per cent of their .,attention, to the exclusion of the newtechnology studies which legitimat?lYshould occupy ~n adequate portionof their \ime. - “Over-conservatism”may prove ito be as dangerous to boththe professional engineer and manage-rnent as t~e opposite approach.

In Zorjm”on with “all citizens, the ‘ “-professional engineer is needed incivic life to serve in various capaci-ties. In recent years, management hasgiven increased recognition and sup-


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port to such efforts as a matter ofgood business.”

In the pursuit of an engineeringprofessional career, all tangible itemsvary in value with the individual, Al-though important, these items are notat the heart of ,the matter, The basicincentives contributing most in thechoice of a career are intangible. Therapid growth of the population curvesince the severiteenth century has beenattributed to science and techriology.“Since the relative contributions oftechnology to die humanities is takenas 3:1, it has been suggested that thenames be interchanged,’

Post.(kdlege Educathnl-

The gap between the current stateof engineering knowledge and thatknown to the profession some yearsago is ever-widening, and variousmeans have been adopted to keepthis divergence within workable pro-portions. Early retirement, as an ans-wer to the “obsolescence” of manage-ment, was invented in the early195o’s and may possibly be a sohl-tion for the so-called “technical obso-lescence” of engineers. Due to thecurrent “knowledge explosion”, theefforts of the technical, societies tomaintain engineering understandingthrough meetings and publications aredeemed insufficient to fulfill theseneeds for professional engineering im-

~ provement. Continued growththroughout the professional lives ofengineers by post-collegiate education-al processes may therefore be signi.ficant.’”~

Advanced seminars, evenin.7schools, lectures, work-shops, spec[a

conferences, plant and field trips bycollege and industrial personnel havelong been s~: wiored by the profes-sional societies, educational institu-tions and industry. An important partof the scheduled meeting is a specialforum for new ideas, stipulating thatformal pre~iously prepared papers arenot to be required.”

For the most part, however, thepractical professional person make-s,a brave effort to offset obsolescencethrough books, technical journ/ds,professional society activities andhome study. For the petroleum engi-neer, considerable stress would begiven to the current technical infor-mation made available through specia-lists of the service, supply, consuk-ing, research and similar organizationsthat enter the engineers’ lives in ac-

- cordancc. with msstomtmy practicesand professional courtesies.

Faculty, as well as practicing engi-neers, need. opportunities to studythrough sabbatical leaves, schools for

SE PTESliSER, 1964

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college teachers, consulting assign-ments in indtMry and creative engi-neering research; The routine ofteaching, if not offset immediately andeffectively through constructive meas-ures, is apt to lead to *’obsolescence”often at a sharper mte than for theengineer in industry,

The tidal wave of science and tech-nology has not only created an em-ployment problem for post-college en-gineers, but also for the best and un-usual man who hiss not remainedwithin a specialty, but has chosen thebroad path and received successivepromotions into management. Theyoung engineers under his directionhave taken courses in mathematics,science and engineering science thathardly existed when he was in school.The question has been raised: howcan he manage men with whom conl-munication may have become increas-ingly difficult? For older engineersand engineer-managers who were sup-erior students under non-modem en-gineering instruction, bitt who havelearned to think for themselves andconfotm to the characterizing fea-tures of their’ profession, it is hardto believe that their predicament isnearly as serious as current pro-nouncements seem to indi$ate.s’

If the manager has an engineer-ing background, he will rememberfrom his hard-won “job experiences”,the engineering practices that havehad much to do with his personaland his firm’s success. He may nothave intimate knowledge of a newscience application, but his daily con-ferences, as well as his general read-ing and study, should give hlm sutll-cient direction to at, least call foran investigation and report by hisstaff, by the company research per-sonnel, or by a competent consul-tant. This would appear to be themore usual procedure. rather than forone broad-minded administrator toburden himself with all the minutedetails, involved in the acquisition ofup-to-date knowledge in a new fieldof science or engineering, “Spreadingthe butter too thin” may become asdisadvantageous at times as the alter-nate plan. of applying. “too much but-ter” to a limited area, while otherareas of importance suffer in the pro-cess, A broad knowledge of modernengineering and science ‘for culturalpurposes presents another problem.

It is obvious, however, that theolder engineers and engineer-manag-ers sometimes need special post-c6l-kge ‘educational “’”attention. ~ It? -th~ylack the fresh viewpoint by recentstudy of individual courses and alsothe time for re-education from thebottom up, they may need something

.. f..’.-... . .

in-between. Although it does not existas a conventional educational proce-dure, a new program introduced atseveral universities, incltihsg The U,of Texas, offers up to six weeks of’courses in the fundamentals of scienceand technology, gfving conversancewith the important concepts of “mod-ern engineering”.

Far from not “seeing the forest forthe trees”, or not being an expert inany particular field, the engjneer-manager will gain sufficient insightinto the technical work as to undt?r-stand and direct h]s subordinatesmore effectively. The course alsoserves as a mind-stretcher, removingsome of “the inhibitions which accu-mulate in the rapidly expanding areasof modern engineering.

Wilson” befieves that the attributesor qualifications required in the se-lection of managers from the engi-neering ranks are included in fourcategories: integrity, ability, responsi-bility and inspirability. The candidatemust “shmt square in the fields ofscientific uncertainty”, and “instinc..tively play fair in business relations”.*’The beginning of bxtdership is abattle for the hearts and minds ofmen—its exercise is decision and anunderstanding of human nature.”

Motivation, innovation, curiosity,objectivityy and action are not confinedto any one segment of an organiza-tion, especially when the engineer-manager practices and directs contin-uously under the dictums and obli-gations involved in the characteriz-ing features of ,the profession.”


Registration of engineers engagedin work involving public health andwelfare is required by law in mostof the states, but mixed feelings onthe problems of compulsory regi$lra-tion exist among many of the mem-hers of AIME, since a majority ofthe membership is employed in ip-dustry. Many employers do not re-quire their employees to become reg-istered. This is particularly the rulein companies which produce items“for bulk “sales to others who, in turn,process the “crude material for directsale to the, public?’

However, since registration is thelaw, men engaged in private practiceand engineers in industry “who are re-sponsible for the design and manu-facture of eauiment, rzoods or facil-ities which w-ill‘he used-directly or in= .-.1directly by the public. must .ako beregistered”, I

Men in. responsible Positions rnaY” ~be required to t Wjfy in court cases



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where enormous amounts in damagesare involved, or by reason of acci-dental death. The’ testimony of non-registered engineers in responsiblecharge may not be acceptable to thecourt. “Therefore, the company em-ployer may require the registration ofsuch engineers, w,hich may also con-stitute one of the bases for promotion.

In seeking additional means to fa-cilitate registration, the Inter-Engi-neering Society Relations Committeeof AIME investigated possible helpfrom the National Society of Profes-sional ‘Engineers, recognized in allstates as the “voice” of the engineer,at least in political matters, However,since NSPE does not have institution-al membership and only 2 per centof their membership is made up ofAIME mernhers, it was goncludedttutt LL more helpfut organizationwould be the National Council ofState Boards of Engineering Exan~in-ers (NCSBEE). Now, as a supportingmember, AIM E can be represented atthe zone and annual meetings of thecouncil with fruitful results devel-oped .“’

A committee named to work withthe Founder Societies has asked eachof the societies, including AIME, toform groupi to give assistance indefining qualifications, educationalstandards, and other evidences ofcompetence. The AIME Committeeon inter-Engineering Society Coopera-tion has asked each of the constitu-ent societies to assist the state boardsin facilitating registration of engineersin their specialty fields.

Examples h~ve been cited to showthat the status and practices of thepetroleum engineer may, at times, becontradictory to true professionalism.In defense, his objectives should in-volve more than meeting the mini-mum requirements of registration—“when he is not governed by greatimpulses of social ah; uism, he negateshis role as a rational and spiritualcreature and so his life—and hk pro-fession—lose meaning, lose identity.’’”

As members of a prominent branchof engineering have stated, the %f-Ioits to im~roye t.~e technical compe-tence, moral cahiicr, and professionalattitude” should not be”confused withthe pro and con arguments of registra-tion.. Since it is difficult to measure

‘ the many factors which characterizea truly professional person, “the in-herent personal nature of professionalresponsibility” must be recognized in

\ —.--- ‘the- ‘licensin~ and registration; of “en-~ gineers,

Although registration is consideredas one mark of professional accotn-plishment, other indications of status,


. . . . ..’.- . .

such as academic degrees, professiona-1 society membership, technical pub-lications, and career advancement ingeneral, should be given careful andimpartial weighting, since their contri-butions are relatively great, When re-viewing these qualifications, emphasisshould be given the factors which en-courage professional excellence inpractice, such as intellectual capacity,integrity and serviss to society. Rec-ognition is then made of the theoreti-cal and practical advancement of en-gineering and the maintenance of highprofessional standards among themembership?’


This paper is based’ upon theauthor’s professional experience in in-dustrv and education+lso uuon the. .professional experiences of former as-sociates in both areas, and the manydifferent sources in the literature andotherwise, all of which are herebygratefully acknowledged. Many of theconclusions are those of the variousreferences cited, The author, however,assumes responsibility for all concht-sions listed. Further refinement maybe advisable on th~ part of the Edu-’cation Committee of SPE and others.

This statement is made in view ofthe many areas that are subject todynamic changes in the fields of gen-eral and petroleum engineering. Be-cause of space limitations, minor con-clusions reached in this paper areconfined to the appropriate sectionstherein. The major conclusions follow.

1. The 1: I relationship existing be-tween the use of energy and nationalincome is mute evidence that our fu-ture development will depend upontechnology.

2. For purposes of accreditation, aswell as registration, a full understand-ing of all elements which character-ize the engineering profession appearto be essential for a comprehensiveand satisfactory realization of theproper elements to be included ineach activity.

3. A distinction between engineer-ing, science, and engineering science

“is clearly drawn from the conclusionsof petroleum and other engineeringbranches, sLlch as chemical engineer-ing.

4. A number of the curricula. inpetroleum engineering have been up-graded during the last 10 years, withthe end result that, with comparative-ly little additional effort, the studenthas -attained a “capacity to specialize’!later in graduate work, or in industry,

,5. Whatever modifications may bemade to the undergraduate curricula,the technological courses, sewing as’


guides to aptitude, permit student fa-miliarity with the principal areas of $specialization. The planning andhandling of design courses on thepart of experienced staffs from theirfields of specialization will also servea useful purpose.

6. A resolution of the two basicpositions among engineering educa-tors, name!y, the liberal and the con-servative,, lies in the recognition ofboth the applied scientist and themore empirical engineer. In recogni-tion of this compromise, many engi- Ineering schools have introduced thenew curriculum, “engineeringscience”,

7. Management, philosophy, socialstudies and humanities in general mayprove of equal importance withscience and engineering in many in-dustrial areas. .

8. Although the ultimate roles inpetroleum engineering are sources ofdebate between educators, increasingattention ~to core courses and as-sociated engineering science and uni-fication appears to be of interest in ,the undergraduate curricula of pe- ‘troleum engineering, with minimum ‘,emphasis on specialization, the ad-vanced phases of the latter being in-cluded. in the graduate “programs.

9. Also included in tbe objectivesof engineering (and in particular, pe-troleum engineering), is planning forconservation through the more effi-cient utilization of natural resources,materials and energy.

10. The design and synthesis ofnew processes permit understandingof the overall system and the eco-nomics of the industry, These ele-ments, well-seasoned with the human-ities, permit selection from variousalternatives and the discovery ofsimpler and .n~oreeconomical process-es, the entire training being recog-nized as “process design”.

11, In graduate research-orientedprograms, recent studies have indi;cated that more enlphasis’ is needed inthe functions of engineering practice,such as design, synthesis, develop-ment and prediction of the results ofoperations; more of the theses shouldinclude both economic and time fat-tors; and inference is made that in-structors should be as thoroughlygrounded in these activities as theyare in engineering science and otherfundamental subjects.

12. Akhoug~, the role of researchin graduate schools is’ of great im-portance, the; a%ility to teach -and .- . ...knowledge; ‘of the subject mattershould head,.,,!% list of Profmsionalattributes required for the advance-ment of the pr~fessional engineering



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teacher. Using the characterizing fea-tures of the teaching profession as aguide, these features being equivalentto those of the profession in industry,research and teaching should be keptin proper perspective.

13. Engineering educators havingacademic backgrounds for the mostpart, should consider at least part-time employment in industry; whileeducators with industrial backgroundsshould profit by part-time graduate“refresher” study in mathematics,modern science and engineering.Thus, educators with convergingbackgrounds should ultimately reachcommon objectives in educationalprograms and research, in accord withthe chosen characterizing features ofthe profession.

14. High-caliber engineering re-v search constitutes an important at-

traction to a scholar, but a provisoexists in that it should take its placeas a teaching device, rather thansolely as an end result in itself. Re-search in engineering colleges, likemathematics and engineering science,is one of the tools only, for use withinthe broad framework of predeterm-ined characterizing criteria for theprofession.

15. For the engineering educator,high-caliber consulting work, result-ing in the expansion of investigationaland research activities, often serves asone of the leading criteria for profes-sional evaluation, ahhough often tak-ing second place to research and pub-lication.

16. A plan of action for engineer-ing created by the gifted. studentfrom scratch, with no more thantoken supervision from above, isworth a dozen plans or programs de-vised by the director and nursed alongat every step of the way,

17. ECPD has requested the Amer-ican Society, for Engineering Educa-tion to sponsor a study to formulatecriteria assuring eng”meering graduatesa sound educational background forpracticing the engineering profession,The criteria” include those consideredin curriqula evaluation for accredita-tion, namely: qLlality, engineering or-ientation and purpose, emphasis onfundamental, breadth, depth, appro-privateness of subject matter, andflexibility.

18, Unlike “book learning”, whichmay become dim through non-use,the repeated succession o~ problems,

lr.f both old and new, in practice, which. afe- referred- to as-~job” experience

introduces the elements of time, repe-tition and eventual tmde”mtandirsgand

.> wisdom, resulting in professional corn-petence and r~~ponsibility.

,,. sEPTEMBER, 1964

19, By far the greatest number oftechnically-trained personnel absorbedby industry each year “specialize onthe job”. These men are expected tocome prepared with the ~eatest pos-sible latitude and flexibihty, moldingand adapting these attributes to therequirements of a complex organiza-tion, as they grow in the direction oftheir maturing tastes and talents.

20. When the man who makes adiscovery attempts to apply it to apractical problem, he ceases to be ascientist, works essentially as an engi-neer, and is therefore motivated ex-ternally by society. The point is eni-phasizcd to contradict the statementoften made that the scientist has cre-ated the complexities of our modernindustrial civilization,

21. The professional petroleum en-gineer only is in a position to supplythe particular feature of design neces-sary for the development and exploit-ation of oil fields, Without him or hisequivalent, correlation and directionof the component activities would beinsufilcient, if not uneconomical.Su”h acti~ities include systems en-gineering, described as an advancedorder where a number of parallel en-gineering problems are solved simul-taneously.

22, Because of the intimate rela-tionship between engineers, a qualityof personality is often equal to ormore important than scholarship, orindicated development in a spec:~cfield of engineering, “A project whichworks out wonderfully well on thedrawing board can fall apart like ahouse of cards if the human equationis left out.”

23, “once a man knows how tothink, teachers are no longer neces-sary . . , as the greatest education fol-lows in the years after commence-ment when the individual teacheshimself.”

24, The engineer should be farmore concerned with opportunitythan with regimented secur[ty, Cre-ative thinking cannot be regimented,nor can an engineer’s efforts andworking hours be prescribed and”limited.

25. The engineer’s main purpose isto lay a basis for management’s de-cision. The sale of the engineer’s pro-fessional services, not only to thosehigher in administration, but to thoseof lower status on the way up, entailswritten, oral and graphicrd communi-cation, As the painting and its con-veyed interpretation is to the., artist,

‘so is the written report and its oraldefense to the engineer.

26. In recent years, managementhas given increased recognition and

.... ., .... . . ... .. .,. = .

support to employee participation incivic affairs, as a matter of good busi-ness.

z7, The bmic incentives contribu-ting most in the choice of a careerare intangible, The rapid growth ofthe population curve since the seven-teenth century has been attributed toscience and technology, Since the rel-ative contributions of the latter to thehumanities is taken as 3:1 ?it has beensuggested that the names be inter.changed,

28, Th& gap between current stateof engineering knowledge and thatknown to the profession some yearsago is ever-widening, and variousmeans have been adopted to keepthis divergence within workable pro-portions, Continued growth through-out the professional lives of engineersby post-college processes may there-fore be significant,

29. With, the engineering btwk-- ground, the engineer-manager will re-

member from his hard won job ex-periences the engineering practicesthat have made much to do with hispersonal and his firm’s success. Hisdaily conferences, as well as his gen-eral reading and study, should givehim sufficient direction to at least callfor an investigation by his staff, bythe company research personnel, orby a competent consultant. He shouldacquire much valuable up-to-dateknowledge in new fields of science orengineering in this manner. However,sometimes special post-college educa-tional attention at chosen universitiesmay sharpen conversance with hn-portant concepts of “modern engineer-ing”,

30. Motivation, innovation, curios-ity, objectivity and action are not con-fined to any one segment of an or-ganization, especially when the engi-neer-manager practices and directscontinuously under the dictums and,obligations involved in the character-izing fetttures of the profession.

31. Although registrati~n is con-sidered as one mark of professional ac-complishment, other indications ofstattis, such as academic degrees, pro-fessional society membership, tech-nical publications and career advance-ment in general should be given care-ful and impartial weighting, sincetheir contributions are relatively great.When reviewing these qualifications.emphasis should be given the factorswhich encourage professional excel-lence in practice, such as intellectualc.apaqity, integrity angf.service. t? ?O-ciety.

32. Finally. will ‘ a CUrrkUhUn

broader than petroleum engineeringand of common interest. regardless


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Of the industry where applied, justifyinvestigation by SPE?

18. KiR1an,James R., Jr,: “The President’s~&r#’, Mass. Inst. Tech. (JulY 1.


1, Sherborne, John E.: “Today’s Petrol.eum Engineerin~ Graduate—Will HeMeet Tomorrows ChaRen e?”, /our.Pet. Tech, (Aug., 1957) If, No. 8, 15.

2, Newsktter, TSP.E (Nov., 1963),3, Uren, Lester C.: Personal Communica.

tion ( Feb,, 1940).4, Calhoun,John C., Jr.: “what DOSS Ed.

uom.ion Offer to the Young Engineer?”.Pa er delivered at the Meeting of theN/PE. Dallas (June 7, 1957).

5. Kimball, Wilfiam P,: “Engineering Ed.ucation and Accreditation”, Jour. Pet.Tech. (March, 1964) 265.

6. Engineering Faculty Stud

0’ ‘n61nee~ng ~dueatio} “curricular

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‘Texas (1958).7. Higdon, Archie: “Report on the Pro:

ject, ‘Goals of En “neering Education’”,r16th AnnuaI Co Iege.brdustry Confer-

ence, ASEE (Feb. 6, 1964).8. Rei&, Carl E.: ●’Scope of a Career in

Petroleum Engineering”, Paper pre.sented at the Petrolmrm Engineeringseemrj The U. of Texas (Sept.,

9. Botmt, Holbrook “G.: Personal Com-munication.

10. HoRister, S. C.: “llifferentinting Char-

Ium”, Jour. o~ Eng. I?duc. (Jan., 1950).acteristics of an En ineering Cnrricu-

11. Power, Hrrr H,: “Characterizing Fea.‘+turee of the etroleum En liner”, km.

Pet. Tech. (May, 1952) It, No, 5, 19.]2, R@and, Douglas: “ASEE Study to Set

New Goals for Engineering Education”,Jour. Pet. Tech. ,(Dec., 1962) 1211.

13, AIChE Commit’tee Report: “DynsmlicObjectives for Chemical Engineering”,~~~0 En9g. l%rg. (Oct., 1961) 57,

. . .14. Calhoun, John C., Jr.: %ome Pewper-

tives of Petroleum Engineering”, jour.P.% Tech. (Feb., 1962) 129.

15. Earlougher, R. C; and Penn, M, B,: “1sEngineering Training Bein Influenced;:;i;; ~ y:msg;l [gf;g?”,,

ec , ,16. Ragland, Douglas: “Tlte Great Engi-

neering Implosion”, jour. Pet. ‘TecA,(Dee,, 1%2) 1311.

17. Elkins, Lloyd E.: “Where Does Pro-fessional Specialization BeIon in the

YEn ineerin Curricula in Re ation toIn#ust ~eeds?”, Presented at hfeet.~fif~CPD, Iaaisvill., KY. (Oct. 2.3.

19. Kirkpatrick, G V,: “Responsibility:‘I#orefeaaional Educator, The Pru.

The Professional Society”.Jour. #et. Tech, (Feb,, 1963) 116.

20. Hocot t, C, R,: “Englneerhrg Educaticmfrom Industrial Research View obrt”,Presented at Wbtter flleetin~ !JSPII.Phoenix, Ariz, (Jan, 8.11, 1964),

21. Perrine, Richard 1..: “Unification inEngineering Education and The Petrol.rum Er@neer”, SPE 62!, presented tit~W)Annual Fall Meeting (Oct. 6.9.

2Z. Perrine, Richard 1..: “College i’reparu.tion for Research and Development (In-reers in the Petroleum Industry”, Jaar.Pet. Tech. (Jan., 1963) 37,

23. Dodson, Charles R.: “A Comillent uuPresent Trends in Engineering Eduru.tion”, Jour. Pet, Tech, (Sept,, 195-11VI, No. 9, 9.

2LHail, Newman A.: Vhe (hrrnissim: mlEngineering Education: its Objewiiwsmrd Program in Relation to Znginver.ing F’acnity Development.’, SPE 6X,presented it SPE Annual Fall Mret.ing, New Orleans (OCL 6.9, 1963),

25. HoRifiter, ,C,: “lfinimum Essentials ofun Engineering Curriculum”, Reportprcsentedat Mcetingof ECPf) Commit.tee on Engineering Schools, Troy, N.Y. (June.1949),

26.Calhoun, John C., Jr.: “iUinimum Ke-qrtirements in Minerai Engineering Ed-ucation”, jour. Pet. Tech. (lftrrrh.1963) 264.

!i. ilrrhart, P. H.: “What Industry Expwtkof Petroieum Jlngineering Schoofs’..Trans., AIME (1948) 174,325.

‘28.Stephenson, Eugene A.: “Current~~dso in Petroleum Engineering”,

XXiX ~oE~~8#uC (June, 19,39,. . . .29.’’Scien;e Ove;emphtrsizerf”, Oil and

Gas Jottr, (Dee.9. 1963). ,30. Kaveler, H&nran:” ‘{A View oint on

Pctroleurn Engineerinfi Education”,Trans., AIME (1949) 179, 372.

31. Rubel, A. C:, hfilIiken, C.- V., Wagy,E. W., LoveJoy, J. M., et al: “Petrol.enrn Engineering Education Problems”,Pet, Dcu. & Tech,, AIME (1927) 798,

:~~.~~~~m, R. D, and van Ostrom, hfar.: “PrOfessiOnal Contemporizing to

Overcome Obsolescence or Parkinson’sLaw Reversed”, Jour. Pet Teck(f)ec.,1963) 1271,

:KLBoehm, George A, W.: “Bringing En-~$6e~ Up to Drrte”, Fortune (May,

$,. .

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34. Power, Harry H,: “Anal sis of Petrol-;eum Engineering Curricua and Recom-

mendations for Electlve Saquenees”,fiu.50\O#tg, Edwc. (Jan., 1951) 41,


35, Dawson, Sam.: ‘.Graduate Job RushingSlumps in Engineering”. Tke DailyTexan, Austin (1963),

36, Plmnmer, F, B,: “Petroleum En ineer.ring Education, Present Curricua and

Future Possibilities”, Mining. and MCI.alfurgy (Oct., 1936) ]7, 385.

37. Powor, Harry H,: “Petroleum Engi.ueerlng Education and the QuantitatiwApproach”, Pet, Derr. & Tech,. AIME(1945) 160,647.

38. ECPD, .Vst Annsud Iieport,

39, Gi11son, Joseph L,: “Facilitatingistration of AJME Mmrdwrs as %:;:sional Engineers”, .toar, Pet ‘PI,r+.

. (Jldy, 1964) 775,

40. Botset, Holhronk G.: “The VanishingPetroleum Enginccrirrg Student”. .lrrar.Per, Teck, [June, 1961) 517.

41. Harnish, Douglas H,, Jr.: ‘.’~he Petrul-eum Engineering Profession”’, Jour. Prt,Tech. {Nov., 1962) 1195.

4LCtnrlpi}eii, JOiIn ill,: “Pctrolcunt Engi.nnering —Whmc D~es It GrI FromHerr?.’, Jour. Pr/, TmJt. [Jan,. 19t12129.

13. Wilson. Jante,: K.: ‘“!++icctimt U( Mtm-trgement Perxonrwl frmn EngineeringRanks’., jour. Pet. ‘lhh. (Feb.. 19641125.

44,’’Professi0nal I)ewiupnwnt in Enginwr-ing Department rrf ihll~ont th,’., ln-dnstrial Professional i)~v(,lopnt,,n[.iwnrrf, NSPE (1963),

HAWtY H. Pctw-ER, p~OjC’SSO~emeritus of pemd-cafn engineering @The U, oj Texas.i.s the 1964 recipi-ent of the AIMEMineral Industry.? Wcrr[ionAwwrd.He has worked

with Cities Service -Oii Co,, die U. S8Government, Gulf Oil Corp, ”,anrl issa teacher, and departmental chairtnanat The U. of Texas. He has also serv-ed in various consulting and iectur-ing assignments in the United Statesand abroad


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