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The MIT Press • Title Catalog 2021

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The MIT Press Title Catalog 2021

The MIT Press • Title Catalog 2021



after Afterall Books

BB A Bradford Book/The MIT Press

BR Boston Review

Gold Goldsmiths Press

Killian Killian Press

MITCSE MIT Connection Science & Engineering/The MIT Press

MITxP MITxPress/The MIT Press

Nautilus NautilusThink, Inc.

no place no place press

SA Strange Attractor Press

SA+P SA+P Press

semio Semiotext(e)

seq Sequence Press

stern Sternberg Press

TN Terra Nova Press

Urb Urbanomic

Urb/Seq Urbanomic/Sequence Press

Zone Zone Books


Series Code Series Title

20cfb Twentieth Century Fund Book

aaai American Association for Artificial Intelligence

aah Annotating Art's Histories: Cross-Cultural Perspectives in the Visual Arts

aasgs American Academy Studies in Global Security

acep American and Comparative Environmental Policy

acl ACL-MIT Series in Natural Language Processing

acma ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award

acmd ACM Distinguished Dissertation

acml Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series

aei AEI Studies in Telecommunications Deregulation

AGEN Agendas in Architecture

ahf Architectural History Foundation Books

ahf-am Architectural History Foundation/American Monograph series

ahspp Alvin Hansen Symposium on Public Policy at Harvard University

ai Artificial Intelligence Series

ai-lr Artificial Intelligence and Legal Reasoning

alph Alphabet City

APPP American Politics and Public Policy

armls Arne Ryde Memorial Lectures

attperf Attention and Performance Series

awt Acting with Technology

bbe Basic Bioethics

bcsia Belfer Center Studies in International Security


BPRRF Proceedings of the Retina Research Foundation Symposia

brb Boston Review Books

brbo Boston Review Originals

cad Complex Adaptive Systems

caica Critical Anthologies in Art and Culture

cbi Charles Babbage Institute Reprint

cca Centre Canadien d'Architecture/Canadian Centre for Architecture

celln Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience

ceps Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) Series

cesifob CESifo Book Series

cesifos CESifo Seminar Series

cgst Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought

cia Comparative Institutional Analysis

ciau Chicago Institute for Architecture and Urbanism Books

cis Cooperative Information Systems

cls Cairoli Lectures

cmb Computational Molecular Biology

cmod Computational Models of Cognition and Perception

codex Codex Studies in Letterforms

Series Code Series Title

cogn Cognitive Neuroscience

cogpsy Cognitive Psychology

compm Computing in Musicology

compn Computational Neuroscience Series

cpm Contemporary Philosophical Monographs

cps Cyber Physical Systems Series

csl Current Studies in Linguistics

css Computer Science Series

csys Computer Systems Series

ct-mr Cognitive Theory and Mental Representation

culpsy Culture and Psychiatry

curie The Curie Society

DB Documents Book

dc Digital Communication

dcn Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

deth Design Thinking, Design Theory

di Design Issues Readers

dishst Dibner Institute Studies in the History of Science and Technology

DistMa Distribution Matters

dlep Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing

dmal The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning

dscart Documentary Sources in Contemporary Art

dwr Dahlem Workshop Reports

dyec Studies in Dynamical Economic Science

echtp Electronic Culture: History, Theory, and Practice

econ Readings in Economics

ecs Explorations in Cognitive Science

ee-cs MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

EKS The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series

ELEC Monographs in Modern Electrical Technology

else Economic Learning and Social Evolution


engist Engineering Studies

epfh Eurasian Population and Family History

es Engineering Systems

esg Earth System Governance

eys Gaston Eyskens Lectures

fab Flash Art Books

fcs Foundations of Computing

fdp Fundamentals of Design Practice

fhe Food, Health, and the Environment

fhp Frontiers in Health Policy

forum Boston Review / Forum

fr MIT Press First Reads



Series Code Series Title

FUTURE Goldsmiths Press / Future Media Series

GameHist Game Histories

gea Global Environmental Accord: Strategies for Sustainability and Institutional Innovation

GPaR Goldsmiths Press / Practice as Research

GPML Goldsmiths Press / Methods Lab

gps Goldsmiths Press / Planetarities

graham Graham Foundation / MIT Press Series in Contemporary Architectural Discourse

gsce Global South Cosmologies and Epistemologies

gsf Goldsmiths Press / Gold SF

GSP Goldsmiths Press / Spatial Politics

HFIS History and Foundations of Information Science

hisc History of Computing

hll The Open Casebook Series

hpp Health and Public Policy

hsf History for a Sustainable Future

iblc Issues in the Biology of Language and Cognition

iccn Issues in Clinical and Cognitive Neuropsychology

idrc International Development Research Centre

iie Institute for International Economics

iip Information Infrastructure Project at Harvard University

imag Masters of Imagination

infopol Information Policy

infra Infrastructures

insubo Insubordinations: Italian Radical Thought

io International Organization Readers

ipe Innovation Policy and the Economy (NBER)

iraa Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents series

irgp Information Revolution and Global Politics

is Information Systems

isec International Security Readers

ISL The Irving Singer Library

iss The Information Society Series

itech Inside Technology

jhc Johns Hopkins Center for the History and Philosophy of Science

jihr Journal of Interdisciplinary History Readers

jns Jean Nicod Lectures

JOINTC Harvard-MIT Joint Center for Urban Studies Series

kbl Karl Brunner Distinguished Lecture Series

koop Tjalling C. Koopmans Memorial Lectures

labtech Labor and Technology

lcsii Lemelson Center Studies in Invention and Innovation series

ldcc Learning, Development, and Conceptual Change

leo Leonardo

LiLSE Learning in Large-Scale Environments

lim Linguistic Inquiry Monographs

lls MIT Lincoln Laboratory Series

lm Life and Mind: Philosophical Issues in Biology and Psychology

logo Exploring with LOGO

Series Code Series Title

logp Logic Programming

lrl Lionel Robbins Lectures

lsc Language, Speech, and Communication

lse London School of Economics Handbooks in Economics

M&S Management and Strategy

mat Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

meta metaLABprojects

mfrs The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning

mit Media in Transition

mobst Mobility Studies

moot Mathematicians of Our Time

mrcp MIT Readers in Contemporary Philosophy

mun Munich Lectures in Economics

mwp Mediaworks Pamphlets

nber NBER Macroeconomics Annual series

nber/is NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics

NBERIN NBER Innovation Policy and the Economy

NBERLTF NBER Series on Long-Term Factors in Economic Development

nip Neural Information Processing series

nla New Liberal Arts

nling Neuropsychology and Neurolinguistics

NMOS Media Origins

nnet Neural Network Modeling and Connectionism

NS&B Neural Systems and Behavior

oct October Books

octf October Files

ohbl Open Handbooks in Linguistics

ol Ohlin Lectures

onework Afterall Books / One Work

op One Planet

opp Oppositions Books

org Organization Studies series

OS On Seeing

para Research Monographs in Parallel and Distributed Computing

pbl Publications of the Burndy Library

PEES Principles of Electrical Engineering Series

perc Goldsmiths Press / PERC Papers

persp Perspecta

phipsy Philosophical Psychopathology

plat Platform Studies

play Playful Thinking

portvt Portmanteau Press/La Vue/Le Texte

prism Prisms: Humanities and War

pse Politics, Science, and the Environment

Psych The New Neuropsychiatry

RAD Radium Age

rea Regulation of Economic Activity

rep Representation and Mind series

ret Retina Research Foundation Symposia



Series Code Series Title

RIC BOOKS RIC BOOKS (Ryerson Image Centre Books)

robrev Robotics Review

san The Works of George Santayana

sc Short Circuits

scicom Scientific and Engineering Computation

sdf System Development Foundation Benchmark Series

semio/aa Semiotext(e) / Active Agents

semio/da Semiotext(e) / Double Agents

semio/fa Semiotext(e) / Foreign Agents

semio/i Semiotext(e) / Intervention Series

semio/j Semiotext(e) Journal

semio/na Semiotext(e) / Native Agents

semio/ot Semiotext(e)

sfr Strüngmann Forum Reports

siai Special Issues of Artificial Intelligence

sicog Cognition Special Issue

sidad Special Issues of Dada/Surrealism

simp Simplicity: Design, Technology, Business, Life

siphy Special Issues of Physica D

sm Structural Mechanics

smcb Sustainable Metropolitan Communities Books

smrb The Digital Future of Management

smro Management on the Cutting Edge

socneuro Social Neuroscience

sol Solar Heat Technologies

Sonics Goldsmiths Press / Sonics Series

spatkh Sternberg Press / All the King's Horses series

spbsl Sternberg Press / Bulletins of The Serving Library

spcc Sternberg Press / The Contemporary Condition

spcsp Sternberg Press / Critical Spatial Practice

spdp Sternberg Press / Domestic Psycho Series

speac Sternberg Press / Experiments in Art and Capitalism

speflux Sternberg Press / e-flux journal

spiks Sternberg Press / Institut für Kunstkritik series

spinc Sternberg Press / The Incidents

spj Sternberg Press / Jahresring

spls Sternberg Press / Lukas & Sternberg series

spm Sternberg Press / Montana

spoc Signal Processing, Optimization, and Control

sppsafav Sternberg Press / Publication Series of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

sprip Sternberg Press / Research/Practice

spsand Sternberg Press / Sandberg Series

spss Sternberg Press / Solution Series

spta Sternberg Press / The Antipolitical

Series Code Series Title

sptable Sternberg Press / On the Table

sptoc Sternberg Press / Thoughts on Curating

spvca Sternberg Press / Visual Cultures as...

spxxi Sternberg Press / XXI Century Science

ssbs Software Studies

stp MIT Press Sourcebooks

strong Strong Ideas

stucog Studies in Cognition

tax Tax Policy and the Economy

TCP Topics in Contemporary Philosophy

tdr A TDR Book

tnb Terra Nova Books

tola Technologies of Lived Abstraction

tprc Telecommunications Policy Research Conference

tran Transportation Studies

trans Transformations: Studies in the History of Science and Technology

TTO Twelve Tomorrows

UFO Goldsmiths Press / Unidentified Fictional Objects

uie Urban and Industrial Environments

um Untimely Meditations

UrbArt Urbanomic / Art Editions

UrbCol Urbanomic / Collapse

UrbK Urbanomic / K-Pulp

Urbkps Urbanomic / K-Pulp Switch

UrbMono Urbanomic / Mono

UrbRe Urbanomic / Redactions

use USENIX Association Books

vstb Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology

warch Writing Architecture

wbql Well Being and Quality of Life

whitech Whitechapel: Documents of Contemporary Art

whitonby Whitechapel: On & By

wl Wicksell Lectures

wpl Walras-Pareto Lectures

wq Washington Quarterly Readers

wr-al MIT Press/Wright Allen Series in System Dynamics

wriart Writing Art

yrjo Yrjo Jahnsson Lectures

zls Zeuthen Lectures

Zone/nf Zone / Near Futures

zz-lp Proc. of the International Conference on Logic Programming & Proc. of the North American Conference on Logic Programming

zz-sr Student Reader


1943Albert C HallThe Analysis and Synthesis of Linear

Servomechanisms.hc ISBN 9780262080736 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262582292MIT Department of Electrical EngineeringMagnetic Circuits and Transformers: A First Course for

Power and Communication Engineers. (PEES)hc ISBN 9780262130028 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262630634MIT Department of Electrical EngineeringElectrical Circuits: A First Course in Circuit Analysis for

Electrical Engineers. (PEES)hc ISBN 9780262130035 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262630627 (OP)Charles A. Myers and Rupert MacLaurinThe Movement of Factory Workers: A Study of New

England Industrial Community, 1937–1939 and 1942.

hc ISBN 9780262131049 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262632768

1944Hervey W. Shimer and Robert R. ShrockIndex Fossils of North America.hc ISBN 9780262190015 (OP)

1948John E. BurchardQ.E.D.: MIT in World War IIhc ISBN 9780262020015 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262523646L. G. Wesson (ed.)Tables of Electric Dipole Moments.hc ISBN 9780262230018 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262731591

1949Ernest S. GuilleminThe Mathematics of Circuit Analysis: Extensions to the

Mathematical Training of Electrical Engineers. (PEES)

hc ISBN 9780262070010 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262571890

Norbert WienerExtrapolation, Interpolation, and Smoothing of

Stationary Time Series: With Engineering Applications.

hc ISBN 9780262230025 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262730051

1950Douglas P. Adams (ed.)An Index Of Nomograms.hc ISBN 9780262010016 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262511391Arthur C. Hardy (ed.)Handbook of Colorimetry: Charts.hc ISBN 9780262080019 (OP)

1951John A. Hrones and George L. NelsonAnalysis of the Four-Bar Linkage: Its Application to the

Synthesis of Mechanisms.hc ISBN 9780262080033 (OP)Brunham KellyThe Prefabrication of Houses: A Study by the Albert

Farwell Bemis Foundation of the Prefabrication Industry in the United States.

hc ISBN 9780262110013 (OP)Philip M. Morse and George E. KimballMethods of Operations Research, revised edition.hc ISBN 9780262130059 (OP)Charles A. MyersIndustrial Relations in Sweden: Some Comparisons

with American Experience.hc ISBN 9780262130042 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262632775

1952Joseph Maximus PestariniMetadyne Staticshc ISBN 9780262160018 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262661720Arthur R. von Hippel (ed.)Dielectric Materials and Applications.pb ISBN 9780262220019 (OP)

1953Robert C. Dean, Jr. Aerodynamics Measurements.hc ISBN 9780262040013 (OP)Karl W. Deutsch Nationalism and Social Communication: An Inquiry into

the Foundations of Nationality, second edition.hc ISBN 9780262040020 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262540018

1954E. Wight Bakke, Phillip M. Hauser, Gladys L. Palmer, Charles A. Myers, Dale Yoder, and Clark Kerr; preface by Paul Webbink Labor Mobility and Economic Opportunity.hc ISBN 9780262020022 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262523752Truman S. Gray Applied Electronics: A First Course in Electronics,

Electron Tubes, and Associated Circuits, second edition. (PEES).

hc ISBN 9780262070027 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262571906Ernst A. Hauser Colloidal Phenomena: An Introduction to the Science

of Colloids.hc ISBN 9780262080040 (OP)John C. Johnson Physical Meteorology.hc ISBN 9780262100014 (OP)Waldo V. Lyon The Transient Analysis of Alternating-Current

Machinery: An Application of the Method of Symmetrical Components

hc ISBN 9780262120012 (OP)Sterg O’Dell A Chronological List of Prose Fiction, Printed in

England and Other Countries, 1475–1640.hc ISBN 9780262150019 (OP)Samuel C. Prescott When MIT Was “Boston Tech”: 1861–1916.hc ISBN 9780262160025 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262661393Walt W. Rostow; with Richard W. Hatch, Frank A. Kierman, Jr., and Alexander Eckstein The Prospects for Communist China.hc ISBN 9780262180016 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262681391



1955Karl Taylor Compton A Scientist Speaks: Excerpts from Addresses by Karl

Taylor Compton.pb ISBN 9780262532204 hc ISBN 9780262030533 (OP) William N. Locke and A. Donald Booth (eds.) Machine Translation of Languages: Fourteen Essays.hc ISBN 9780262120029 (OP)Charles A. Powel Principles of Electric Utility Engineering.hc ISBN 9780262160032 (OP)Walt W. Rostow; with Richard W. Hatch An American Policy in Asia.pb ISBN 9780262680011 (OP)

1956Francis Bitter Currents, Fields, and Particles.hc ISBN 9780262020039 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262523530Karl W. Deutsch Nationalism and National Development: An

Interdisciplinary Bibliography.hc ISBN 9780262040259 (OP)Walter Isard Location and Space-Economy: A General Theory

Relating to Industrial Location, Market Areas, Land Use, Trade, and Urban Structure.

hc ISBN 9780262090018 (RR)pb ISBN 9780262590051 (RR)John H. Kautsky Moscow and the Communist Party of India: A Study

in the Postwar Evolution of International Communist Strategy.

hc ISBN 9780262110037 (OP)George C. Manning The Theory and Technique of Ship Design: A Study

of the Basic Principles and the Processes Employed in the Design of Ships of All Classes.

hc ISBN 9780262130073 (OP)Philip M. Morse and Haseyin Yilmaz Tables for the Variational Determinations of Atomic

Wave Functions.hc ISBN 9780262130066 (OP)Julius A. Stratton, P. M. Morse, Lan Jen Chu, J. D. C. Little, and Fernando J. Corbato Spheroidal Wave Functions: Including Tables of

Separation Constants and Coefficients.hc ISBN 9780262190022 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262692915Benjamin Lee Whorf; John B. Carroll, (ed.); foreword by John B. Carroll and Stuart Chase Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings of

Benjamin Lee Whorf.hc ISBN 9780262230032 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262730068 (OP)

1957Alexander G. Korol Soviet Education for Science and Technology.hc ISBN 9780262110044 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262611909

1958Kia-Ngau Chang The Inflationary Spiral: The Experience in China

1939–1950.hc ISBN 9780262030014 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262532181John F. Elliott (ed.) The Physical Chemistry of Steelmaking: Proceedings

of the Conference The Physical Chemistry of Iron and Steelmaking Endicott House, Dedham, Massachusetts 28 May to 3 June, 1956.

hc ISBN 9780262050012 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262550468Henry G. Houghton (ed.) Atmospheric Explorations: Papers of the Benjamin

Franklin Memorial Symposium of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

hc ISBN 9780262080057 (OP) pb ISBN 9780262582315Witold Hurewicz Lectures on Ordinary Differential Equations.hc ISBN 9780262080064 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262580014 (OP)W. D. Kingery (ed.) Ceramic Fabrication Processes.hc ISBN 9780262110051 (OP)Frederick G. Lesieur (ed.) The Scanlon Plan: A Frontier in Labor-Management

Cooperation.hc ISBN 9780262120036 (OP) R. G. H. Siu The Tao of Science: An Essay on Western Knowledge

and Eastern Wisdom.hc ISBN 9780262190039 (OP)Alfred K. Susskind (ed.) Notes on Analog-Digital Conversion Techniques.hc ISBN 9780262190046 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262692885Norbert Wiener Nonlinear Problems In Random Theory.hc ISBN 9780262230049 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262730129Robert S. Woodbury; foreword by Abbott Payson Usher History of the Gear-Cutting Machine: A Historical Study

in Geometry and Machines.pb ISBN 9780262730013 (OP)

1959Joseph Airov Location of the Synthetic Fiber Industry.hc ISBN 9780262010023 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262511476B. L. Averbach, D. K. Felbeck, G. T. Hahn, and D. A. Thomas (eds.) Fracture: Proceedings of an International Conference

on the Atomic Mechanisms of Fracture held in Swampscott, Massachusttes, April 12-16, 1959.

hc ISBN 9780262010030 (OP)Raymond A. Bauer Nine Soviet Portraits.hc ISBN 9780262020046 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262520027Sanborn C. Brown and Norman Clarke (eds.) International Education in Physics: Proceedings of the

International Conference on Physics Education.hc ISBN 9780262020053 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262523745

Stephen H. Crandall (ed.) Random Vibration, Volume 1.hc ISBN 9780262030021 (OP) Jack B. Dennis Mathematical Programming and Electrical Networks.hc ISBN 9780262040044 (OP) Hermann A. Haus and Richard B. Adler Circuit Theory of Linear Noisy Networks.hc ISBN 9780262080071 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262582322Walter Isard, Eugene W. Schooler, and Thomas Vietorisz Industrial Complex Analysis and Regional

Development: A Case Study of Refinery-Petrochemical-Synthetic Fiber Complexes and Puerto Rico.

hc ISBN 9780262090025 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262582308Irma Johnson (ed.) Selected Books and Journals in Science and

Engineering, second edition.pb ISBN 9780262100021William D. Kingery (ed.) Kinetics of High-Temperature Processes. hc ISBN 9780262110068 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262611916 MIT Operations Research Center Notes on Operations Research 1959.hc ISBN 9780262130103 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262650656Philip M. Morse and George E. Kimball Methods of Operation Research, revised edition.hc ISBN 9780262130080 (OP) Walter A. Rosenblith (ed.) Processing Neuroelectric Data.pb ISBN 9780262180023 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262681407Caroline Shillaber References On City and Regional Planning.pb ISBN 9780262191272 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262692878Louis D. Smullin and Hermann A. Haus (eds.) Noise in Electron Devices.hc ISBN 9780262190053 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262692892Arthur R. von Hippel Molecular Science and Molecular Engineering.hc ISBN 9780262220026 (OP)Robert S. Woodbury History of the Grinding Machine: A Historical Study in

Tools and Precision Production.pb ISBN 9780262730020 (OP)C. K. Yang A Chinese Village in Early Communist Transition.hc ISBN 9780262240017 (OP)C. K. Yang; foreword by Talcott Parsons A Chinese Family in the Communist Revolution.hc ISBN 9780262240024 (OP)

1960Pierre R Aigrain, Roland J. Coelho and Gianni Ascarelli (eds.) Electronic Processes in Solids.hc ISBN 9780262010047 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262511469John F. Blackburn, Gerhard Reethof, and J. Lowen Shearer (eds.) Fluid Power Control.hc ISBN 9780262020060 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262520041 (OP)



Daniel Hovey Calhoun The American Civil Engineer: Origins and Conflicts.hc ISBN 9780262030038 (OP) Paul E. Gray Dynamic Behavior of Thermoelectric Devices.hc ISBN 9780262070034 (OP)Lawson Harris Hydromagnetic Channel Flows.hc ISBN 9780262080088 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262582339Ronald A. Howard Dynamic Programming and Markov Process.hc ISBN 9780262080095 (RR)Walter Isard; with David F. Bramhall, Gerald A. P. Carrothers, John H. Cumberland, Leon N. Moses, Daniel O. Price, and Eugene W. Schooler Methods of Regional Analysis: An Introduction to

Regional Science.hc ISBN 9780262090032 (RR)Eileen Kibrick (ed.) Bibliographic Problems in the Natural Sciences.hc ISBN 9780262110518 (OP)Kevin Lynch The Image of the City. (JOINTC) hc ISBN 9780262120043 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262620017Mihajlo D. Mesarovic The Control of Multivariable Systems.hc ISBN 9780262130097 (OP)Henry M. Paynter Analysis and Design of Engineering Systems.hc ISBN 9780262160049 (RR)Paul Penfield, Jr. Frequency-Power Formulas.hc ISBN 9780262160056 (OP)Willard Van Orman Quine Word and Object.hc ISBN 9780262170017 (OP)Manuel Rotenberg, R. Biyins, N. Metropolis, and John K. Wooten, Jr. The 3-J and 6-J Symbols.hc ISBN 9780262180047 (OP)Thomas A. Sebeok (ed.) Style in Language.hc ISBN 9780262190077 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262690102 (OP)Milton C. Shaw Metal Cutting Principles, third edition.pb ISBN 9780262690218Robert S. Woodbury History of the Milling Machine: A Study in Technical

Development.pb ISBN 9780262730037 (OP)

1961Jeremy M. Anglin The Growth of Word Meaning.pb ISBN 9780262511643hc ISBN 9780262010337 (OP)Robert M. Fano Transmission of Information: A Statistical Theory of

Communication.hc ISBN 9780262060011 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262561693Tomas Roberto Fillol Social Factors in Economic Development: The

Argentine Case.hc ISBN 9780262060028 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262560047 (OP)

Jay W. Forrester Industrial Dynamics. (wr-al)hc ISBN 9780262060035 (RR)pb ISBN 9780262560016 (RR)Bernard J. Frieden The Future of Old Neighborhoods: Rebuilding for a

Changing Population. (JOINTC)pb ISBN 9780262561945hc ISBN 9780262060059 (OP)Frederick C. Hennie, III Iterative Arrays of Logical Circuits.hc ISBN 9780262080101 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262582346Roman Jakobson, Gunnar Fant, and Morris Halle Preliminaries to Speech Analysis: The Distinctive

Features and Their Correlates.pb ISBN 9780262600019Walerian Kipiniak Dynamic Optimization and Control: A Variational

Approach.hc ISBN 9780262110075 (OP)Henry Kolm, Benjamin Lax, Francis Bitter, and Robert Mills (eds.) High Magnetic Fields: Proceedings of the International

Conference on High Magnetic Fields.hc ISBN 9780262110082 (OP)A. L. Loeb, J. Th. G. Overbeek, and P. H. Wiersema The Electrical Double Layer Around a Spherical

Colloidal Particle: Computation of the Potential, Charge Density, and Free Energy of the Electrical Double Layer Around a Spherical Colloid Particle.

hc ISBN 9780262120050 (OP)Aram S. Melik-Shakhanazarov Technical Information in the U.S.S.R.hc ISBN 9780262130011 (OP)W. Wesley Peterson Error-Correcting Codes.hc ISBN 9780262160063 (OP)Lloyd Rodwin Housing and Economic Progress: A Study of the

Housing Experience of Boston’s Middle-Income Families. (JOINTC)

hc ISBN 9780262180054 (OP) David J. Rose and Melville ClarkPlasmas and Controlled Fusion.hc ISBN 9780262180061 (OP)Walter A. Rosenblith (ed.)Sensory Communication: Contributions to the

Symposium on Principles of Sensory Communication July 19- August 1, 1959, Endicott House, M.I.T.

hc ISBN 9780262180078 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262680042 (OP)Norbert WienerCybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the

Animal and the Machine, second edition.hc ISBN 9780262230070 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262730099 (OP)Burleigh T. WilkinsCarl Becker: A Biographical Study in American

Intellectual History.hc ISBN 9780262230056 (RR)Robert S. WoodburyHistory of the Lathe to 1850: A Study in the Growth of a

Technical Element of an Industrial Economy.pb ISBN 9780262730044 (OP)John M. Wozengraft and Barney ReiffenSequential Decoding.hc ISBN 9780262230063 (OP)

1962Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the

American Industrial Enterprise.hc ISBN 9780262030045 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262530095John L. EnosPetroleum Progress and Profits: A History of Process

Innovation.hc ISBN 9780262050029 (OP)Martin Greenberger (ed.)Management and the Computer of the Future.hc ISBN 9780262070041 (OP)Andre LwoffBiological Order, revised edition.hc ISBN 9780262120074 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262620048 (OP)Kevin LynchSite Planning.hc ISBN 9780262120067 (OP)William F. MassyPlanning in Marketing: A Selected Bibliography.pb ISBN 9780262630047 (OP)John McCarthy, Paul W. Abrahams, Daniel J. Edwards, Timothy P. Hart, and Michael I. Levin LISP 1.5 Programmer’s Manual.pb ISBN 9780262130110Richard L. MeierA Communications Theory of Urban Growth.hc ISBN 9780262130127 (OP)Paul Penfield, Jr. and Robert P. RafuseVaractor Applications.hc ISBN 9780262160070 (OP)Steen Eiler RasmussenExperiencing Architecture, second edition.hc ISBN 9780262180030 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262680028Francis O. Schmitt (ed.)Macromolecular Specificity and Biological Memory.hc ISBN 9780262190091 (OP)Richard D. SmallwoodA Decision Structure for Teaching Machines.hc ISBN 9780262190107 (OP)Otto StruveThe Universe.hc ISBN 9780262190084 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262690034 (OP)Lev S. Vygotsky; translated by Eugenia Hanfmann and Gertrude VakarThought and Language.hc ISBN 9780262220033 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262720014 (OP)Victor H. YngveCOMIT Programmers Reference Manual.pb ISBN 9780262530026 (OP)Victor H. YngveComputer Programming with COMIT II.pb ISBN 9780262740074 (OP)

1963G. N. Abramovich and Leon SchindelThe Theory of Turbulent Jets.hc ISBN 9780262010085 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262511377



William P. Allis, Solomon J. Buchsbaum, and Abraham BersWaves in Anisotropic Plasmas.hc ISBN 9780262010320 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262511551Edward J. AndersonMagnetohydrodynamic Shock Waves.hc ISBN 9780262010054 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262511599 Albert Ando, Franklin M. Fisher, and Herbert A. SimonEssays on the Structure of Social Science Models.hc ISBN 9780262010078 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262511612Arthur S. Banks (ed.)Cross-Polity Time-Series Data.hc ISBN 9780262020718 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262523844Bernard P. CohenConflict and Conformity: A Probability Model and Its

Applications.hc ISBN 9780262030052 (OP)F. J. Corbató and MIT Computation CenterThe Compatible Time-Sharing System: A Programmer’s

Guide.pb ISBN 9780262030083 (OP)F. J. Corbató, Dr William Poduska, and Jerome H. SaltzerAdvanced Computer Programming: A Case Study of a

Classroom Assembly Program.hc ISBN 9780262030069 (OP)Stephen H. Crandall (ed.)Random Vibration, Volume 2.hc ISBN 9780262030076 (OP)Owen F. Devereaux and Philip L. De Bruyn andInteraction of Plane-Parallel Double Layers.hc ISBN 9780262040051 (OP)John F DueTaxation and Economic Development in Tropical Africa.hc ISBN 9780262040068 (OP)S. Folomkina and H. Weiser; foreword by Morris HalleThe Learner’s English-Russian Dictionary.hc ISBN 9780262060042 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262560023 (OP)Robert G. GallagherLow-Density Parity-Check Codes.hc ISBN 9780262070072 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262571777 Nathan Glazer and Daniel P. MoynihanBeyond The Melting Pot: The Negroes, Puerto Ricans,

Jews, Italians, and Irish of New York City. (JOINTC)

hc ISBN 9780262070089 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262570046 (OP)Samuel A. Goldblith (ed.)Exploration in Future Food-Processing Techniques.hc ISBN 9780262070065 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262571760Lawrence Halprin and Jim BurnsTaking Part: A Workshop Approach to Collective

Creativity.hc ISBN 9780262080798 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262580281 (OP)Oscar Handlin and John E. Burchard (eds.)The Historian and the City. (JOINTC)hc ISBN 9780262080149 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262580069 (OP)Arthur C. Hardy (ed.)Handbook of Colorimetry: Charts.hc ISBN 9780262080125 (OP)David HarrahCommunication: A Logical Model.hc ISBN 9780262080118 (OP)

Warren Hausman (ed.)Managing Economic Development in Africa:

Proceedings of the M.I.T. Fellows in Africa Annual Conference Evian-Les-Bains, France August 12-24, 1962.

hc ISBN 9780262080132 (OP)William Henderson (ed Southeast Asia: Problems of United States Policy.hc ISBN 9780262080163 (OP)P. J. HoneyCommunism in North Vietnam: Its Role in the Sino-

Soviet Dispute.hc ISBN 9780262080156 (OP)W. Edwin Jarmain (ed.)Problems in Industrial Dynamics.hc ISBN 9780262100045 (OP)William D. Kingery (ed.)Ice and Snow: Properties, Processes, and Applications.hc ISBN 9780262110099 (OP)George F. Koster, John D. Dimmock, Robert G. Wheeler, and Hermann StatzThe Properties of the Thirty-Two Point Groups.hc ISBN 9780262110105 (OP)B. A. Lapidus and S. V. Shevtsova; foreword by Morris HalleThe Learner’s Russian-English Dictionary.hc ISBN 9780262120098 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262620024 (OP)W. James LyonsImpact Phenomena in Textiles.hc ISBN 9780262120081 (OP)James L MasseyThreshold Decoding.hc ISBN 9780262130141 (OP)James R. MelcherField-Coupled Surface Waves: A Comparative Study

of Surface-Coupled Electrohydrodynamic and Magnetohydrodynamic Systems.

hc ISBN 9780262130158 (OP)Ronald E MillerDomestic Airline Efficiency: An Application of Linear

Programming.hc ISBN 9780262130134 (OP)C. W. Nielson and George F. KosterSpectroscopic Coefficients for the pn, dn, and fn

Configurations.hc ISBN 9780262140010 (OP)Ole C. NordGrowth of a New Product: Effects of Capacity-

Acquisition Policies. (wr-al)hc ISBN 9780262140027 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262640534 Frederic L. PryorThe Communist Foreign Trade System.hc ISBN 9780262160087 (OP)Alexander L. Pugh, IIIDYNAMO User’s Manual. (wr-al), second edition.hc ISBN 9780262160094 (RR)Bruce M. RussettCommunity and Contention: Britain and America in the

Twentieth Century.hc ISBN 9780262180085 (OP)Thomas K. SherwoodA Course in Process Design.pb ISBN 9780262690010 (OP)hc ISBN 9780262190114 (OP) Harry L. Van TreesSynthesis of Optimal Nonlinear Control Systems.hc ISBN 9780262220040 (OP) Jaroslav VanekThe Natural Resource Content of U.S. Foreign Trade,

1870–1955. (econ)hc ISBN 9780262220057 (OP)

S. Winograd and Jack CowanReliable Computation in the Presence of Noise.hc ISBN 9780262230087 (OP)

1964Charles AbramsMan’s Struggle for Shelter in an Urbanizing World.

(JOINTC)hc ISBN 9780262010108 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262510011A. D. Aleksandrov, A. N. Kolmogorov, and M. A. Lavrent’ev (eds.); translated by K. HirschMathematics: Its Contents, Methods, and Meaning,

Volume 3.hc ISBN 9780262010122 (OP)A. D. Aleksandrov, A. N. Kolmogorov, and M. A. Lavrent’ev (eds.); translated by S. H. GouldMathematics: Its Contents, Methods, and Meaning,

Volume 2.hc ISBN 9780262010092 (OP)A. D. Aleksandrov, A. N. Kolmogorov, and M. A. Lavrent’ev (eds.); translated by S. H. Gould and T. BarthaMathematics: Its Contents, Methods, and Meaning,

Volume 1.hc ISBN 9780262010139 (OP)A. D. Aleksandrov, A. N. Kolmogorov, and M. A. Lavrent’ev (eds.); translated by S. H. Gould, T. Bartha, and K. HirschMathematics: Its Contents, Methods, and Meaning,

3-vol. set.hc ISBN 9780262010146 (OP) Martin AndersonThe Federal Bulldozer: A Critical Analysis of Urban

Renewal, 1949–1962. (JOINTC) hc ISBN 9780262010115 (RR)Martin BeckerPrinciples and Applications of Variational Methods.hc ISBN 9780262020091 (OP)Richard J. BriggsElectron-Stream Interaction with Plasmas.hc ISBN 9780262020114 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262523509Sanborn C. Brown, Norman Clarke, and Jayme Tiomno (eds.)Why Teach Physics? Based on Discussions at the

International Conference on Physics in General Education, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1963.

hc ISBN 9780262020084 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262523769P. P. Budnikov; translated by Scripta TechnicaThe Technology of Ceramics and Refractories.hc ISBN 9780262020107 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262523776Paul H. Cootner (ed.)The Random Character of Stock Market Prices.hc ISBN 9780262030090 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262530040 (OP)Ithiel de Sola Pool, Robert P. Abelson, and Samuel PopkinCandidates, Issues, and Strategies: A Computer

Simulation of the 1960 Presidential Election.hc ISBN 9780262160117 (OP)Seymour J. DeitchmanLimited War and American Defense Policy.hc ISBN 9780262040075 (OP) Steven J. Fenves, Robert D. Logcher, Samuel Mauch, and Kenneth P ReinschmidtSTRESS: A User’s Manual: A Problem-Oriented

Computer Language for Structural Engineering.pb ISBN 9780262060295



John Friedmann and William Alonso (eds.)Regional Development and Planning: A Reader.

(JOINTC)hc ISBN 9780262060066 (OP)Jean GottmannMegalopolis: The Urbanized Northeastern Seaboard of

the United States.pb ISBN 9780262570039 (OP) Martin Greenberger (ed.)Computers and the World of the Future.pb ISBN 9780262570022William E. Griffith (ed.)Communism in Europe: Continuity, Change and the

Sino-Soviet Dispute: Hungary, Italy, Poland, Yugoslavia, Volume 1.

hc ISBN 9780262070102 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262570107 (OP)William E. GriffithAlbania and the Sino-Soviet Rift.pb ISBN 9780262570053 (OP)Edward P. Holland and Robert W. GillespieExperiments on a Simulated Underdeveloped

Economy: Development Plans and Balance of Payments Policies.

hc ISBN 9780262080170 (OP)William Innes HomerSeurat and the Science of Painting.hc ISBN 9780262080187 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262580366 (OP)Jerrold J. Katz and Paul M. PostalAn Integrated Theory of Linguistic Descriptions.hc ISBN 9780262110112 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262610216 (OP)Friedrich Klemm; translated by Dorothea Waley SingerA History of Western Technology.hc ISBN 9780262110129 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262610018Yu. L. Klimontovich; translated by H. S. H. Massey and O. M. Blunn; D. Ter Haar (ed.)The Statistical Theory of Non-Equilibrium Processes

in Plasma.hc ISBN 9780262110211 (RR)A. Scheffer Lang and Richard M. SobermanUrban Rail Transit: Its Economics and Technology.hc ISBN 9780262120104 (OP)Robert C. K. LeeOptimal Estimation, Identification, and Control.hc ISBN 9780262120128 (OP)Eric H. Lenneberg (ed.)New Directions In The Study Of Language.hc ISBN 9780262120111 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262620055 (OP)William A. LitleReliability of Shell Buckling Predictions.hc ISBN 9780262120135 (OP)J. Norman LockyerThe Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple

Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians.

pb ISBN 9780262620031hc ISBN 9780262120142 (OP)Charles MorrisSignification And Significance: A Study of the Relations

of Signs and Values.hc ISBN 9780262130172 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262630146Hugh Odishaw (ed.)Research in Geophysics - Vol. 2: Solid Earth and

Interface Phenomena, Volume 2.hc ISBN 9780262150033 (OP)Hugh Odishaw (ed.)Research in Geophysics: Sun, Upper Atmosphere and

Space, Volume 1.hc ISBN 9780262150026 (OP)

David W. PackerResource Acquisition in Corporate Growth. (wr-al)hc ISBN 9780262160100 (OP) Willard Van Orman QuineWord and Object.pb ISBN 9780262670012Gordon RaisbeckInformation Theory: An Introduction for Scientists and

Engineers.pb ISBN 9780262680035 (OP)hc ISBN 9780262180092 (OP)Warren M. Rohsenow (ed.)Developments in Heat Transfer.hc ISBN 9780262180108 (OP) P. N. Rosenstein-Rodan (ed.)Pricing and Fiscal Policies: A Study in Method.hc ISBN 9780262180122 (RR)P. N. Rosenstein-Rodan (ed.)Capital Formation and Economic Development.hc ISBN 9780262180115 (RR)M. T. Simnad and L. R. Zumwalt (eds.)Materials and Fuels for High-Temperature Nuclear

Applications: Proceedings of The National Topical Meeting of the American Nuclear Society San Diego, April 11-13, 1962.

hc ISBN 9780262190121 (OP)Marshall R. SingerThe Emerging Elite: A Study of Political Leadership in

Ceylon.hc ISBN 9780262190145 (OP)R. G. H. SiuThe Tao of Science: An Essay on Western Knowledge

and Eastern Wisdom.pb ISBN 9780262690041Hans SpeierSocial Order and the Risks of War: Papers in Political

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to Modern Times.pb ISBN 9780262690058 (RR)Peter TeminIron and Steel in Nineteenth-Century America: An

Economic Inquiry. (econ)hc ISBN 9780262200035 (OP)Dinko TomasicPersonality and Culture in Eastern European Politics.hc ISBN 9780262200028 (OP)Edward WasiolekDostoevsky: The Major Fiction.hc ISBN 9780262230124 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262730266 (OP)J. Fred Weston (ed.)Defense-Space Market Research.hc ISBN 9780262230100 (OP)Norbert WienerI Am a Mathematician.pb ISBN 9780262730075 (OP)hc ISBN 9780262230759 (OP)Norbert WienerGod & Golem, Inc.: A Comment on Certain Points

where Cybernetics Impinges on Religion.hc ISBN 9780262230094 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262730112Norbert WienerEx-Prodigy: My Childhood and Youth.hc ISBN 9780262230117 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262730082 (OP)

1965Donald Appleyard, Kevin Lynch, and John R. Myer The View From the Road. (JOINTC)hc ISBN 9780262010153 (OP) Ralph S. BatesScientific Societies in the United States, third edition.hc ISBN 9780262020121 (OP)Johannes M BurgersExperience and Conceptual Activity: A Philosophical

Essay Based Upon the Writings of A. N. Whitehead.

hc ISBN 9780262020138 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262523783 (OP)Aubrey F. BurstallA History of Mechanical Engineering.pb ISBN 9780262520010 (OP)Robert CapranicaEvoked Vocal Response of the Bullfrog: A Study of

Communication and Sound.hc ISBN 9780262030120 (OP)Noam ChomskyAspects of the Theory of Syntax.hc ISBN 9780262030113 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262530071 (OP)Ronald ClarkTizard.hc ISBN 9780262030106 (RR)Ralph W. Conant (ed.)The Public Library and the City. (JOINTC)hc ISBN 9780262030151 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262532198Ithiel de Sola Pool, Robert P. Abelson, and Samuel PopkinCandidates, Issues, and Strategies: A Computer

Simulation of the 1960 and 1964 Presidential Election, Revised Edition.

pb ISBN 9780262660037 (OP)hc ISBN 9780262160124 (OP)Michael L. DertouzosThreshold Logic: A Synthesis Approach.hc ISBN 9780262040099 (OP)Albert G.H. Dietz, Marcia N. Koth, and Julio A. Silva Housing in Latin America.hc ISBN 9780262040082 (OP)John F. Elliott (ed.); with the assistance of Thomas R. MeadowcroftSteelmaking: The Chipman Conference.hc ISBN 9780262050036 (OP)Tom J. Farer (ed.)Financing African Development.hc ISBN 9780262060103 (OP)Bernard T. Feld (ed.)Proceedings of the Conference on Photon Interactions

in the BeV-Energy Range: January 26–30, 1963.

pb ISBN 9780262060097 (OP)Steven J. Fenves, Robert D. Logcher, and Samuel P. MauchSTRESS: A Reference Manual: A Problem-Oriented

Computer Language for Structural Engineering.hc ISBN 9780262060073 (OP)Edmund B. FordGenetic Polymorphism.hc ISBN 9780262060127 (RR)Frederick W. FreyThe Turkish Political Elite.hc ISBN 9780262060080 (OP)Stanley L. FriedlanderLabor Migration and Economic Growth: A Case Study

of Puerto Rico. (econ)hc ISBN 9780262060110 (OP)



Clifford GeertzThe Social History of an Indonesian Town.hc ISBN 9780262070621 (OP)Joan E. GoodyNew Architecture in Boston.hc ISBN 9780262070164 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262570077 (OP)N. A. Goryunova; J. C. Anderson (ed.); translated by Scripta TechnicaThe Chemistry of Diamond-Like Semiconductors.hc ISBN 9780262070171 (OP)Nicholas J. Grant and Arthur W. Mullendore (eds.)Deformation and Fracture at Elevated Temperatures.hc ISBN 9780262070140 (OP)Martin Greenberger, Malcolm M. Jones, James R. Morris, and David N. NessOn-Line Computation and Simulation: The OPS-3

System.hc ISBN 9780262070195 (OP)William Chace GreeneThe Choices of Criticism.hc ISBN 9780262070188 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262572101Walter Gropius; translated by P. Morton Shand; introduction by Frank PickThe New Architecture and The Bauhaus.pb ISBN 9780262570060George H. Grosser, Henry Wechsler, and Milton Greenblatt (eds.)The Threat Of Impending Disaster.hc ISBN 9780262070133 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262570275J. B. S. HaldaneEnzymes.pb ISBN 9780262580038hc ISBN 9780262080217 (OP)Ernest HalperinNationalism and Communism in Chile.hc ISBN 9780262080200 (OP)James Harrison (ed.)Scientists as Writers.pb ISBN 9780262580045Samuel HollanderThe Sources of Increased Efficiency: A Study of

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1947–1962.hc ISBN 9780262110143 (OP)Alexander G. KorolSoviet Research and Development: Its Organization,

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Walter Z. Laqueur and Leopold Labedz (eds.)The State of Soviet Science, Volume 1.hc ISBN 9780262120203 (OP)Emmet LarkinJames Larkin: Irish Labor Leader 1876–1947.hc ISBN 9780262120159 (RR)Harold D. Lasswell and Daniel Lerner (eds.)World Revolutionary Elites: Studies in Coercive

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hc ISBN 9780262130226 (OP)Brian Martin, Frederick W, Memmott, III, and Alexander J. BonePrinciples and Techniques for Predicting Future

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hc ISBN 9780262130202 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262630122 (OP)Bruce Mazlish (ed.)The Railroad and the Space Program: An Exploration

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1966Carlos F. Diaz AlejandroExchange-Rate Devaluation in a Semi-Indusrialized

Country: The Experience of Argentina, 1955–1961.

hc ISBN 9780262040105 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262511490W. H. G. ArmytageA Social History of Engineering, second edition.hc ISBN 9780262010160 (OP)Frederick B. ArtzThe Development of Technical Education in France,

1500–1850.hc ISBN 9780262010177 (OP)Alexander BadawyArchitecture in Ancient Egypt and the Near East.hc ISBN 9780262020206 (OP)Raymond A. Bauer (ed.)Social Indicators.hc ISBN 9780262020190 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262520072Vannoccio Biringuccio; Cyril Stanley Smith and Martha Teach Gnudi (eds.)Pirotechnia.pb ISBN 9780262520171Lincoln P Bloomfield, Walter C Clemens, Jr., and Franklyn J. C. GriffithsKhrushchev and the Arms Race: Soviet Interests in

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Germany.hc ISBN 9780262020169 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262520102 (OP)John CageSilence: Lectures and Writings.pb ISBN 9780262530033 (RR)Colin CherryOn Human Communication: A Review, a Survey, and a

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Generators.hc ISBN 9780262030199 (OP)Jeremy Leake FelkerSoviet Economic Controversies: The Emerging

Marketing Concept and Changes in Planning, 1960–1965.

hc ISBN 9780262060141 (OP)David G. ForneyConcatenated Codes.hc ISBN 9780262060158 (OP)John FriedmannRegional Development Policy: A Case Study of

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Regions: Neutron Thermalization, Volume 1.hc ISBN 9780262070232 (OP)

Albert Goodjohn and Gerald C. Pomraning (eds.)Reactor Physics in the Resonance and Thermal

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hc ISBN 9780262070218 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262570091 (OP)Piet HeinGrooks.pb ISBN 9780262580076 (RR)Bruce H. HerrickUrban Migration and Economic Development in Chile.

(econ)hc ISBN 9780262080255 (OP)Henry-Russell HitchcockThe Architecture of H. H. Richardson and His Times,

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International Conference on the Earth Sciences MIT September 1964.

hc ISBN 9780262080231 (OP)Information International, Inc.; Edmund C. Berkeley and Daniel G. Bobrow (eds.)The Programming Language LISP: Its Operation and

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hc ISBN 9780262110181 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262610025Nelson Yuan-Sheng Kiang; with the assistance of Takeshi Watanabe, Eleanor C. Thomas, and Louise F. ClarkDischarge Patterns of Single Fibers in the Cat’s

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pb ISBN 9780262630092 (OP)Elting E. MorisonMen, Machines, and Modern Times.hc ISBN 9780262130257 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262630184George Moseley (ed.)The Party and the National Question in China.hc ISBN 9780262130271 (OP)Christian Norberg-SchulzIntentions in Architecture.hc ISBN 9780262140041 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262640022G. Raymond NunnPublishing in Mainland China.pb ISBN 9780262640039 (OP)Rufus Oldenburger (ed.)Optimal and Self-Optimizing Control.hc ISBN 9780262150057 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262650021 (OP)George L. PerryUnemployment, Money Wage Rates, and Inflation.

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(moot)hc ISBN 9780262070546 (OP)Hans Rademacher; Emil Grosswald (ed.)Collected Papers of Hans Rademacher, Volumes 1 and

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Medicine.hc ISBN 9780262180757 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262680325Francis O. Schmitt, Theodore Melnechuk, George Adelman, and Frederic G. Worden (eds.)Neurosciences Research Symposium Summaries: An

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hc ISBN 9780262191173 (RR)Walter W. Schroeder, III, Robert E. Sweeney, and Louis E. Alfeld (eds.)Readings in Urban Dynamics, Volume 2.hc ISBN 9780262191708 (RR)Union Of Concerned ScientistsThe Nuclear Fuel Cycle: A Survey of the Public Health,

Environmental, and National Security Effects of Nuclear Power.

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Neurophysiological Processes in Opiate Drug Action and Addiction.

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Theodore Sorensen; foreword by James MacGregor BurnsWatchmen in the Night: Presidential Accountability after

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1975.hc ISBN 9780262191401 (RR)Stockholm International Peace Research InstituteTactical and Strategic Antisubmarine Warfare.hc ISBN 9780262200318 (RR)Stockholm International Peace Research InstituteSafeguards against Nuclear Proliferation.hc ISBN 9780262191371 (OP)Stockholm International Peace Research InstituteNuclear Proliferation Problems.hc ISBN 9780262100151 (RR)Stockholm International Peace Research InstituteThe Nuclear Age.hc ISBN 9780262191364 (RR)Stockholm International Peace Research InstituteIncendiary Weapons.hc ISBN 9780262191395 (RR)Stockholm International Peace Research InstituteThe Arms Trade Registers.hc ISBN 9780262191388 (RR)Szentágothai, János & Michael A. ArbibConceptual Models of Neural Organization.hc ISBN 9780262191449 (OP)Steven R. Tannenbaum and Daniel I. C. Wang (eds.)Single-Cell Protein II.hc ISBN 9780262200301 (OP)Edward Teitelman and Richard W. LongstrethArchitecture in Philadelphia.hc ISBN 9780262200288 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262700214Wallace H. TuckerRadiation Processes In Astrophysics.hc ISBN 9780262200219 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262700108G. Venkataraman, L. A. Feldkamp, and V. C. SahniDynamics of Perfect Crystals.hc ISBN 9780262220194 (OP)Phyllis A. Wallace (ed.)Equal Employment Opportunity and the AT&T Case.hc ISBN 9780262230735 (OP)Gilbert White and J. Eugene HaasAssessment of Research on Natural Hazards.hc ISBN 9780262080835 (OP)Frank Rowland Whitt and David Gordon WilsonBicycling Science.hc ISBN 9780262230681 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262730464 (OP)Frederic G. Worden, Judith P. Swazey, and George Adelman (eds.)The Neurosciences: Paths of Discovery.pb ISBN 9780262730426 (OP)hc ISBN 9780262230728 (OP)

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Guayana. (JOINTC)hc ISBN 9780262010443 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262511667

Richard Arnowitt and Pran Nath (eds.)Gauge Theories and Modern Field Theory.hc ISBN 9780262010467 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262511735Nicholas A. AshfordCrisis in the Workplace: Occupational Disease and

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Limitations of Some Mathematical Methods in the Social, Political, and Biological Sciences.

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Libraries: A Case Study of the Use of Monographs in the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, Harvard University.

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Population, and Family Planning, Volume 2.pb ISBN 9780262700122 (OP)hc ISBN 9780262200356 (OP)Howard C. Taylor (ed.)Human Reproduction: Lectures in Physiology,

Population, and Family Planning, Volume 1.pb ISBN 9780262700115 (OP)hc ISBN 9780262200349 (OP)Howard C. Taylor (ed.)Human Reproduction: Lectures in Physiology,

Population, and Family Planning, Volume 3.pb ISBN 9780262700139 (OP)hc ISBN 9780262200363 (OP)

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Physiology, Population, and Family Planning.hc ISBN 9780262200370 (OP)Robert UnderhillTurkish Grammar.hc ISBN 9780262210065 (OP)pb ISBN 9780262514576Gerhard Werner (ed.)Feature Extraction by Neurons and Behavior.pb ISBN 9780262730440 (RR)Norbert Wiener; P. Masani (ed.)Norbert Wiener: Collected Works: Mathematical

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hc ISBN 9780262230766 (OP)Richard Saul Wurman and North Carolina StateUniversity StudentsCities: Comparisons of Form and Scale.pb ISBN 9780262730358 (RR)

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