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The Effect of Interaural Fluctuation Rate on Correlation Change Discrimination

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1 23 Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology ISSN 1525-3961 JARO DOI 10.1007/s10162-013-0426-8 The Effect of Interaural Fluctuation Rate on Correlation Change Discrimination Matthew J. Goupell & Ruth Y. Litovsky

1 23

Journal of the Association forResearch in Otolaryngology ISSN 1525-3961 JARODOI 10.1007/s10162-013-0426-8

The Effect of Interaural Fluctuation Rateon Correlation Change Discrimination

Matthew J. Goupell & Ruth Y. Litovsky

1 23

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Research Article

The Effect of Interaural Fluctuation Rate on CorrelationChange Discrimination



1Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA2Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin, 1500 Highland Avenue, Madison, WI 53705, USA

Received: 31 January 2013; Accepted: 24 October 2013


While bilateral cochlear implants (CIs) provide somebinaural benefits, these benefits are limited comparedto those observed in normal-hearing (NH) listeners.The large frequency-to-electrode allocation band-widths (BWs) in CIs compared to auditory filter BWsin NH listeners increases the interaural fluctuationrate available for binaural unmasking, which may limitbinaural benefits. The purpose of this work was toinvestigate the effect of interaural fluctuation rate oncorrelation change discrimination and binauralmasking-level differences in NH listeners presented aCI simulation using a pulsed-sine vocoder. In exper-iment 1, correlation-change just-noticeable differ-ences (JNDs) and tone-in-noise thresholds weremeasured for narrowband noises with different BWsand center frequencies (CFs). The results suggest thatthe BW, CF, and/or interaural fluctuation rate areimportant factors for correlation change discrimina-tion. In experiment 2, the interaural fluctuation ratewas systematically varied and dissociated from changesin BW and CF by using a pulsed-sine vocoder. Resultsindicated that the interaural fluctuation rate did notaffect correlation change JNDs for correlated refer-ence noises; however, slow interaural fluctuationsincreased correlation change JNDs for uncorrelatedreference noises. In experiment 3, the BW, CF, andvocoder pulse rate were varied while interauralfluctuation rate was held constant. JNDs increasedfor increasing BW and decreased for increasing CF. In

summary, relatively fast interaural fluctuation ratesare not detrimental for detecting changes ininteraural correlation. Thus, limiting factors to binau-ral benefits in CI listeners could be a result of othertemporal and/or spectral deficiencies from electricalstimulation.

Keywords: cochlear implants, interaural fluctuationrate, correlation change discrimination


Cochlear implants (CIs) in many cases restore highlevels of speech understanding to people with severe-to-profound sensorineural hearing loss. The success of theCI has motivated bilateral implantation, thus providingauditory information to both ears in an attempt toproduce binaural benefits, specifically better soundlocalization and speech understanding in noise. Thesebinaural benefits are mostly derived from temporalenvelope information because the present generationof CIs primarily encodes the temporal envelope. CIspeech processing consists of bandpass filtering incom-ing sounds into a contiguous set of channels, extractingthe envelope of each channel, and using the envelopesto modulate high-rate electrical pulse trains at eachelectrode. There are several factors that limit thebinaural benefits achieved by CI users, including thelack of time synchronization between processors (vanHoesel 2004; Litovsky et al. 2012), placement of theelectrode array in the cochlea (Poon et al. 2009; Kan etal. 2013), age of onset of deafness (Litovsky et al. 2010),and lack of temporal fine-structure encoded in thesignal (van Hoesel 2007).

Correspondence to: Matthew J. Goupell & Department of Hearing andSpeech Sciences & University of Maryland & College Park, MD 20742,USA. Telephone: (301) 405 8552; fax: (301) 314 2023; email:[email protected]

JARO (2013)DOI: 10.1007/s10162-013-0426-8D 2013 Association for Research in Otolaryngology JARO

Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology

Author's personal copy

Normal-hearing (NH) listeners are highly sensitiveto interaural difference cues that produce binauralbenefits. A majority of the binaural benefits resultfrom low-frequency (G1,500 Hz) interaural timedifferences (ITDs); however, interaural level differ-ences (ILDs) contribute to binaural benefits, particu-larly at higher frequencies (Bronkhorst and Plomp1988; Wightman and Kistler 1992; Macpherson andMiddlebrooks 2002). Bilateral CI users do not haveaccess to low-frequency fine-structure ITDs becauseonly envelope information is encoded. Therefore,bilateral CI users must rely on envelope ITDs andILDs for binaural benefits, which is thought to be amajor reason why CI users do not demonstrate largerbinaural unmasking of speech when presented inspatially separated noise (van Hoesel et al. 2008;Loizou et al. 2009; Culling et al. 2012).

Another interaural cue, called the interaural cor-relation, is thought to be related to the binauralunmasking of speech (Culling et al. 2004; Lavandierand Culling 2010; Culling et al. 2012). The interauralcorrelation of a signal is the statistical similarity of thesignals between the two ears, and is related to themagnitude of the time-varying ITD and ILD fluctua-tions (Goupell 2010). NH listeners can detect smallchanges in the interaural correlation of sounds,particularly at 500 Hz where fine-structure cues areavailable (e.g., Culling et al. 2001), and also in theenvelopes of high-frequency stimuli (van de Par andKohlrausch 1997; Goupell 2012). Many bilateral CIusers demonstrate binaural masking level differences(BMLDs), or lower tone-in-noise thresholds fordichotic versus diotic stimuli if the experiments areperformed with single-electrode pairs using time-synchronized research processors (Long et al. 2006;Van Deun et al. 2009, 2011; Lu et al. 2010, 2011).Since lower thresholds for the dichotic conditionscan only be achieved by detecting differencesbetween the ears, this is evidence that bilateral CIusers are sensitive to changes in interaural envelopecorrelation. The link between BMLDs and interauralcorrelation sensitivity has been previously establishedin NH listeners (Koehnke et al. 1986). However, theenvelope encoding in CIs has many differencescompared to envelope encoding in NH listeners,particularly for the rate of envelope fluctuations.

Under some conditions, the binaural system is lesseffective at processing rapid changes in ITDs, ILDs,and interaural correlation than it is at processingslower changes (e.g., Grantham and Wightman 1978;Grantham 1984), which has been called "binauralsluggishness." Several studies have examined thepossibility that high-rate interaural fluctuations indecorrelated noises reduce sensitivity to changes ininteraural correlation in NH listeners (e.g., Zurekand Durlach 1987; Buss and Hall 2010; van de Par et

al. 2012; Yasin and Henning 2012). In normalacoustic hearing, the fluctuation rate of the ITDsand ILDs in decorrelated signals is determined bythe fine-structure and envelope modulations inher-ent to the stimulus and the bandwidth (BW) of thestimulus (determined by the physical BW of thestimulus if it is smaller than the auditory filter BW, orthe BW of the auditory filter where a portion of thestimulus is being passed). For a Gaussian noiseapplied to an ideal bandpass filter, the expectednumber of maxima of the envelope in 1 s isapproximately 60 % of the BW (Rice 1954). Thetime-varying ITD can be calculated from the instan-taneous changes in the fine-structure of the noisesand the time-varying ILD can be calculated from theinstantaneous changes in the envelopes of the noises(Goupell and Hartmann 2006). It is also clear from aplot of the instantaneous ITD and ILD as a functionof time (Fig. 1) that average fluctuation rate of theITDs and ILDs increase with BW and occur at asimilar rate.

In NH, the ITD and ILD fluctuation rate arelimited by both the modulations inherent to theacoustic stimulus and the BW of the auditory filter(s)through which the stimulus passes. This is unlike whatoccurs in bilateral CI speech processing strategies,where the ITD fluctuations are discarded leaving onlythe ILD fluctuations from the envelopes, and the ILDfluctuation rate is limited by (1) the low-pass filter onthe envelope extraction and (2) the analysis-channelBW if it is narrower than the BW of the low-pass filter.The cutoff frequency on this low-pass filter is usuallyset between 200 and 400 Hz (Loizou 2006). The BWof each analysis channel in a CI is often larger than atypical auditory-filter BW because the present gener-ation of multi-electrode arrays have a limited numberof channels in which to encode the entire frequencyrange necessary to present speech information (seeTable 1). Since CI analysis-channel BWs are largerthan typical auditory-filter BWs, this would increasethe rate of envelope fluctuations in CI listenerscompared to NH listeners, particularly at low centerfrequencies (CFs). Another major difference in CIsignal encoding compared to NH listeners is thatcurrent spread will encode the same envelope fluctu-ations coherently over a large frequency range. InNH, the systematic relationship between cochlearfilter BWs and CF introduces a dependence ofinteraural fluctuation rate on frequency. Therefore,there are fundamental differences in the interauralinformation presented to NH and CI listeners. It islikely that CI listeners typically need to process fasterILD fluctuation rates than NH listeners at lowfrequencies, which may limit the usefulness ofinteraural correlation change discrimination in pro-ducing binaural unmasking in bilateral CI users.

GOUPELL AND LITOVSKY: Correlation Discrimination and Interaural Fluctuation Rate

Author's personal copy

The purpose of this work was to determine theeffect of the rate of fluctuations in detectinginteraural correlation changes in NH listeners pre-

sented CI simulations. Utilizing envelope-based pro-cessing similar to the processing in a CI, weinvestigated the contribution of individual stimulus

TABLE 1A standard frequency-to-electrode allocation table used in a 24-electrode Cochlear-brand array

Electrode Lower cutoff (Hz) Upper cutoff (Hz) CF (Hz) Analysis BW (Hz) Auditory BW (Hz) Difference (Hz)

22 188 313 242.6 125 50.9 74.121 313 438 370.3 125 64.7 60.320 438 563 496.6 125 78.3 46.719 563 688 622.4 125 91.9 33.118 688 813 747.9 125 105.4 19.617 813 938 873.3 125 119.0 6.016 938 1,063 998.5 125 132.5 −7.515 1,063 1,188 1,123.8 125 146.0 −21.014 1,188 1,313 1,248.9 125 159.5 −34.513 1,313 1,563 1,432.6 250 179.3 70.712 1,563 1,813 1,683.4 250 206.4 43.611 1,813 2,063 1,934.0 250 233.5 16.510 2,063 2,313 2,184.4 250 260.5 −10.59 2,313 2,688 2,493.5 375 293.8 81.28 2,688 3,063 2,869.4 375 334.4 40.67 3,063 3,563 3,303.6 500 381.3 118.76 3,563 4,063 3,804.8 500 435.4 64.65 4,063 4,688 4,364.3 625 495.8 129.24 4,688 5,313 4,990.7 625 563.4 61.63 5,313 6,063 5,675.6 750 637.3 112.72 6,063 6,938 6,485.8 875 724.8 150.21 6,938 7,938 7,421.2 1,000 825.7 174.3

The lower and upper frequency boundaries, geometric CF, and analysis-channel BW are reported for each channel/electrode. In addition, the critical BW for anauditory filter at the analysis-channel CF following Moore and Glasberg (1983) is reported. Lastly, the difference between analysis-channel and auditory filter BWs arereported in the right column.

FIG. 1. Examples of the relationshipbetween waveforms (top row), interauralphase difference (IPD, middle row), andinteraural level difference (ILD, bottomrow) as a function of time for threedifferent bandwidths. The IPD is artificial-ly bounded by ±90 ° for clarity; ITDequals IPD divided by instantaneousfrequency.

GOUPELL AND LITOVSKY: Correlation Discrimination and Interaural Fluctuation Rate

Author's personal copy

factors to correlation change discrimination (namely,dissociating BW from interaural fluctuation rate). CIprocessing was simulated using a Gaussian-envelopedpulse train with a sinusoidal carrier that sampled thetemporal envelope of narrowband noises (i.e., pulsed-sine vocoder) because it allows for independentcontrol of interaural fluctuation rate, BW, and CF.In experiment 1, correlation change sensitivity wasmeasured as a function of BW and CF using unpro-cessed/non-vocoded noises to determine if the effectsof BW were consistent across CF. Then, using pulsed-sine vocoding, the effect of interaural fluctuation ratewas investigated for a fixed BW and CF (experiment2) and the effects of BW and CF were investigated forfixed interaural fluctuation rate (experiment 3). Ifhigh-rate interaural fluctuations are detrimental tobinaural processing, sensitivity should decrease withincreasing interaural fluctuation rate. Such a resultcould have consequences for binaural hearing inbilateral CI users; in particular, it may be a limitingfactor for binaural unmasking of speech in spatiallyseparated noise.


This experiment presents data from a larger experi-ment, part of which was published in Goupell (2012).The methodology was the same for both studies.

Listeners and equipment

Nine listeners (three females and six males), 20 to30 years old, participated in this experiment. Theyhad hearing thresholds at octave frequencies be-tween 250 and 8,000 Hz that were within 20 dB oftypical thresholds. They also had less than 10-dBinteraural asymmetry in thresholds at any frequen-cy. Nine listeners participated in the correlationchange discrimination tasks, while only five listenersparticipated in the BMLD tasks. The first author wasone of the listeners and participated in the corre-lation change and BMLD tasks. The listenersconsented to the testing and all procedures wereapproved by the University of Wisconsin'sInstitutional Review Board.

The stimuli were delivered by a personal computerto a Tucker–Davis System 3 real-time processor(RP2.1) and headphone driver (HB7), and over apair of headphones (Sennheiser HD580). Listenersperformed the experiments in a double-walled soundattenuating booth (IAC).


Stimuli were dual-channel narrowband Gaussianwhite noise pairs; a sine tone was embedded in thenoise for the BMLD tasks. Both the noise and tonewere 500 ms in duration and were temporally shapedby a Tukey window with a rise–fall time of 10 ms. TheCF of the stimuli was 500, 2,000, 4,000, or 8,000 Hz.The BW of the stimuli was 10 Hz, 50 Hz, or 1equivalent rectangular BW (ERB) according toMoore and Glasberg (1983) (BW=78, 240, 456, or888 Hz for CF=500, 2,000, 4,000, and 8,000 Hz,respectively). The stimuli were arithmetically centeredon the CF. The stimuli had an A-weighted soundpressure level of 65 dB, a 48.848-kHz sampling rate,and 24-bit resolution.

The stimuli for the correlation change discrimina-tion tasks had a varied interaural correlation, ρ, andwere compared against one of two reference correla-tions (ρref=1 or 0). The value of ρ was preciselycontrol led by using the Gram-SchmidtOrthogonalization process (Culling et al. 2001). Thestimuli for the BMLD tasks had a tone-in-noiseconfiguration (NoSo and NoSπ) with the tone at theCF of the noise. In total, 48 conditions were tested inthis experiment (4 CF × 3 BW × 4 configurations).

The stimuli were generated offline before theexperiments. Reproducible noise tokens were usedin order to have a set of stimuli and methods that wascomparable to those used in subsequent experimentsusing pulsed-sine vocoded stimuli. It was necessary togenerate the pulsed-sine vocoded stimuli offlinebecause the stimulus generation time was on theorder of seconds. Therefore, there were 25 differentnoise tokens for each condition and each value of ρ orSNR used in the adaptive procedure. Stimuli wererandomly drawn from the 25 tokens without replace-ment on each trial.


A four-interval, two-alternative forced-choice proce-dure was used. The listener initiated each trial bypressing a button. Four intervals were played, whichwere grouped into sequential pairs. The four intervalscontained a different noise token. The inter-intervalduration was 250 ms between stimuli in the first pair(first and second intervals) and in the second pair(third and fourth intervals). The inter-interval dura-tion was 500 ms between the two pairs (second andthird intervals). The first and fourth intervals alwayscontained reference stimuli. The second and thirdinterval contained a reference stimulus and a targetstimulus; the interval with the target chosen random-ly. The listener was instructed to choose the pairperceived to be different (i.e., the pair that had the

GOUPELL AND LITOVSKY: Correlation Discrimination and Interaural Fluctuation Rate

Author's personal copy

target interval). No feedback was provided during thetesting.

A two-down, one-up adaptive staircase procedurewas used to measure just-noticeable differences(JNDs) and tone-in-noise thresholds. For correlationchange discrimination, the initial target value wasperfectly uncorrelated (ρ=0) for a correlated reference(ρref=1), and perfectly correlated (ρ=1) for an uncorrelat-ed reference (ρref=0). The step size was α ¼



¼ 0:4until the first reversal, 0.2 until the second, 0.1 until thethird, and 0.05 for the rest of the staircase.1 For thecorrelation change discrimination tasks, if listeners couldnot detect the change in correlation (i.e., had fourincorrect answers at the easiest possible testing level), therun was stopped and the JND was recorded as "NotDeterminable." This translated to a numerical value ofΔα=1.1 for that run when the data were analyzed. For thetone in noise configurations, the level of the sine tonebegan at a +10-dB SNR. The step size was 8 dB until thefirst reversal, 4 dB until the second, and 2 dB for the rest ofthe staircase. Ten reversals were measured for eachstaircase. The last six reversals were averaged to calculatethe JND or threshold for a run. Three runs wereperformed per condition and the average JND orthreshold over the three runs was recorded. In conditionsthat had a large standard deviation over the three runs(33 % of the JND for the correlation change discrimina-tion tasks and 3 dB for the tone in noise tasks), two extraruns were performed and all five were used to calculatethe average JND or threshold.

Training that included correct answer feedbackwas performed before data collection using 500-Hz CFand 10-Hz BW stimuli, as outlined in Goupell (2012).During data collection, conditions with different BWand CF were randomized over listeners, and at leastthree runs were completed before moving on to a newcondition. The task type was fixed until all the datawere taken for the different BWs and CFs. The orderof testing was ρref=1, ρref=0, NoSo, and NoSπ.


The average correlation change discrimination JNDsare shown in Figure 2. Note that the 10-Hz BW datahave been previously reported in Goupell (2012). Athree-way repeated-measures analysis of variance (RM

ANOVA) was performed on the data with factors BW,CF, and reference (ρref=1 and 0). The data show thatJNDs decreased with increasing BW [F(2,48)=15.8,p=0.0002, ηp

2=0.66]. Subsequent Tukey HonestlySignificant Difference post-hoc tests conducted onthe JNDs showed that the 10-Hz BW was higher thanthe 50-Hz BW (p=0.006); the 10-Hz BW was higherthan the 1-ERB (pG0.0001); and the 50-Hz BW washigher than the 1-ERB (p=0.001). Regarding CFs,JNDs increased for larger CF [F(3,48)=34.2, pG0.0001, ηp

2=0.81]. Tukey post-hoc tests showed thatthe JNDs were significantly higher for each level of CF(pG0.0001), except that the JNDs for 2,000 and4,000 Hz were not different (p=0.32).

Regarding reference correlation, JNDs werehigher for the ρref=0 conditions compared to theρref=1 conditions [F(1,48)=12.9, p=0.007, ηp

2=0.62].The interaction CF × reference was significant[F(3,48)=4.31, p=0.015, ηp

2=0.35], showing a largerchange for the ρref=1 conditions as a function ofCF than for the ρref=0 conditions. The interactionsBW × CF, BW × reference, and BW × CF × referencewere not significant (p90.05).

The average NoSo and NoSπ results are shown inFigure 3. A three-way RM ANOVA was performed withfactors BW, CF, and configuration (NoSo and NoSπ).There was a significant effect of configuration[F(1,48)=60.7, p=0.0015, ηp

2=0.79]; therefore twoseparate two-way RM ANOVAs were performed withfactors BW and CF.

For the NoSo data, thresholds decreased withincreasing BW [F(2,24)=9.91, p=0.007, ηp

2=0.75].Tukey post-hoc tests showed that thresholds for the10-Hz BW were not different from thresholds for the50-Hz BW (p=0.076), but were higher than thresholdsfor the 1-ERB (pG0.0001). Thresholds for the 50-HzBW were higher than thresholds for the 1-ERB (p=0.017). Thresholds decreased with increasing CF until4 kHz then increased again [F(3,24) = 11.7,p=0.0007, ηp

2=0.71]. Tukey post-hoc tests showed thatthresholds for the 500-Hz CF were higher thanthresholds for the 2,000-Hz CF (p=0.020) and thresh-olds for the 4,000-Hz CF (pG0.0001), but were notdifferent from thresholds for the 8,000-Hz CF(p=0.27). Thresholds for the 2,000-Hz CF were higherthan thresholds for the 4,000-Hz CF (p=0.039), butwere not different from thresholds for the 8000-Hz CF(p=0.57). Thresholds for the 4000-Hz CF were lowerthan thresholds for the 8000-Hz CF (p=0.002). TheBW × CF interaction was not significant [F(6,24)=0.95,p=0.48, ηp

2=0.19].For the NoSπ data, there was a significant effect of

BW [F(2,24)=5.55, p=0.031, ηp2=0.58]. Tukey post-

hoc tests showed that thresholds for the 10-Hz BWwere not different from thresholds for the 50-Hz BW(p=0.97) and the 1-ERB (p=0.68). Thresholds for the

1 Using vector diagrams (e.g., Zurek 1991), the interauralcorrelation between two noise vectors is the projection of onevector on the other. In other words, the interaural correlation ρ isthe similarity of two noises. The perpendicular or orthogonalcomponent that we call α is the dissimilarity of the two noises. Wehave used α as the scale in the adaptive procedure because themagnitude of the IPD and ILD fluctuations, which may be related todetecting changes in correlation, vary nearly linearly in terms of α,not p (Goupell 2010).

GOUPELL AND LITOVSKY: Correlation Discrimination and Interaural Fluctuation Rate

Author's personal copy

50-Hz BW were lower than thresholds for the 1-ERB(p=0.040). Thresholds increased with increasing CF[F(3,24)=24.8, pG0.0001, ηp

2=0.86]. Tukey post-hoctests showed that thresholds for the 500-Hz CF werelower than thresholds for the 2,000-, 4,000-, and 8,000-Hz CFs (pG0.0001). Thresholds for the 2000-Hz CFwere not different from thresholds for the 4000-Hz CF(p=0.24), but were lower than thresholds for the8,000-Hz CF (pG0.0001). Thresholds for the 4,000-HzCF were lower than thresholds for the 8,000-Hz CF(p=0.0001). The BW × CF interaction was notsignificant [F(6,24)=1.30, p=0.30, ηp

2=0.25].Table 2 shows a comparison between the ρref=1

JNDs and NoSπ thresholds for the five listeners thatparticipated in the BMLD conditions. The final valueof ρ for an NoSπ threshold was found by linearlyinterpolating the value of the ρ between the nearesttwo SNRs tested in the experiment from the averagevalue of ρ over the 25 tokens at each SNR used in theexperiment. The values of ρ are almost identical forthe 500-Hz CF conditions, and show slightly largerdifferences at the higher CFs where listeners neededlarger changes in correlation to perform the discrim-ination task.


The purpose of this experiment was to determine theeffect of rate of interaural fluctuations on correlationchange discrimination. If the rapid interaural fluctuationsare the only factor that affects discrimination of changes ininteraural correlation, then correlation change JNDs andNoSπ thresholds should increase with increasing BW.Furthermore, JNDs and thresholds should increase moreas a function of CF for the 1-ERB stimuli (i.e., there shouldbe a significant interaction of BW × CF for the NoSπthresholds). The results of this experiment (see Fig. 2)show that correlation change discrimination JNDs de-creased or did not change for increasing BW for bothcorrelated and uncorrelated references for all CFs. Whilethere was a trend for increased NoSπ thresholds forthe 1-ERB stimuli in Figure 3, the interactionbetween BW × CF was not significant. Therefore thisexperiment provided no clear evidence that rapidfluctuations are detrimental for discrimination ofchanges in interaural correlation when the stimuliremain in a single auditory filter. However, thisinterpretation is confounded by the fact thatinteraural fluctuation rate and BW co-vary for noisestimuli. Furthermore, there was clearly an effect of CF

FIG. 2. Correlation change just-noticeable differences (JNDs)for conditions with unprocessed stimuli as a function ofbandwidth (BW). Different columns show data for differentcenter frequencies (CFs). Open symbols show conditions wherethe correlation of the reference stimuli was one (ρref=1); closed

symbols show conditions where the correlation of the referencestimuli was zero (ρref=0). Data points represent the arithmeticmean with error bars that are ±1 standard deviation in overalllength.

FIG. 3. Average JNDs for the NoSo (open symbols) and NoSπ (closed symbols) conditions as a function of BW. Data points represent thearithmetic mean with error bars that are ±1 standard deviation in overall length.

GOUPELL AND LITOVSKY: Correlation Discrimination and Interaural Fluctuation Rate

Author's personal copy

(see Figs. 2 and 3). Therefore, the role of interauralfluctuation rate alone was investigated in Experiment2 with stimuli that do not contain the BW and CFconfounds.

To relate the results of the present study toprevious studies, Gabriel and Colburn (1981) investi-gated BW effects for correlation change discrimina-tion and found no effect of BW for CF=500 Hz andρref=1 stimuli when the BW was less than 115 Hz forone listener and 10 Hz for another listener. Theaverage change in correlation needed for discrimina-tion was approximately Δρ=0.004 for a BW less than100 Hz. The results of the current work in Figure 2show no effect of BW up to 78 Hz at a CF of 500Hz fora group of nine listeners. The average change incorrelation needed for discrimination was Δρ=0.017.Gabriel and Colburn also reported that for CF=500 Hzand ρref=0, JNDs decreased with increasing BW. Theaverage value needed to detect a change in correla-tion in that study was between Δρ=0.3 and 0.7 for aBW less than 100 Hz. That was a much greaterdifference than the ρref=1 conditions, which is consis-tent with other studies (e.g., Boehnke et al. 2002). Inthe present study, the average change in correlationneeded to discriminate a partially correlated targetfrom uncorrelated references was Δρ=0.72. Therefore,our results are consistent with the results of Gabrieland Colburn (1981).

The NoSo and NoSπ conditions tested in thisstudy reproduced conditions tested by van de Parand Kohlrausch (1999) for 400-ms, 70-dB SPLstimuli with three listeners. For the CF=500,2,000, and 4,000 Hz and BW=10 and 50 Hz NoSoconditions, van de Par and Kohlrausch foundthresholds between +2 and −3 dB SNR.Thresholds for a 10-Hz BW were consistentlyhigher than thresholds for a 50-Hz BW. Thethresholds found in this study (see Fig. 3) are

slightly smaller for these conditions, between 0 and−5 dB SNR. The NoSπ data in van de Par andKohlrausch (1999) were best at a CF of 500 Hz andworsened with increasing CF, which is consistentwith the results of this study. Additionally, theirNoSπ data show little effect of BW between 10 and50 Hz, also consistent with the results of this study.

Previous research has also shown that correla-tion change discrimination for ρref=1 and NoSπdetection yield the same sensitivity when NoSπthresholds are converted to changes in correlation(Koehnke et al. 1986; Jain et al. 1991). Theequivalence of ρref=1 and NoSπ thresholds wasdemonstrated in the data collected from fivelisteners in this experiment, shown in Table 2. Ina study demonstrating the contrary, Bernstein andTrahiotis (1997) showed a pronounced discrepancybetween ρref=1 JNDs and NoSπ thresholds forwideband (100–3000 Hz) and narrowband (450–550 Hz) noises. One possible explanation for adifference is that the onset of the sine tone inBernstein and Trahiotis (1997) was gated asynchro-nously to the onset of the noise, i.e., there was atemporal fringe for the NoSπ condition but not theρref=1 condition. However, data from Yasin andHenning (2012) showed little effect on NoSπthresholds in the presence of a short temporalfringe. There was no temporal fringe for both ρref=1 and NoSπ detection in the Koehnke et al. studyand the present study. If there is an added benefitof listening to an asynchronous onset of the targetsine tone in the NoSπ detection, this would explainthe difference in the correlation change needed toachieve threshold across the correlation changeand NoSπ detection tasks as measured in Bernsteinand Trahiotis, and why our data are more similarto those in Koehnke et al.


Experiment 1 did not show evidence that rapidinteraural fluctuations were detrimental for discrimina-tion of changes in interaural correlation. This experi-ment aimed to better determine the role of interauralfluctuations by allowing the interaural fluctuation rateto vary while the CF and BW were fixed.


Gaussian-noise stimuli were generated as in experi-ment 1 with a 500-Hz CF and BWs of 10, 25, 50, 100,200, and 400 Hz, and these stimuli were used toproduce the pulsed-sine vocoded stimuli for this

TABLE 2Comparison of NoSπ thresholds and ρref=1 JNDs from

experiment 1

CF (Hz) BW

NoSπ threshold ρref=1 JND

DifferencedB ρ ρ

500 10 −28.7 0.998 0.997 0.001500 50 −24.8 0.993 0.996 −0.003500 78 −25.3 0.994 0.996 −0.0022,000 10 −19.8 0.982 0.957 0.0252,000 50 −22.2 0.988 0.988 0.0002,000 240 −19.1 0.978 0.982 −0.0044,000 10 −17.9 0.971 0.947 0.0244,000 50 −20.4 0.982 0.957 0.0254,000 456 −17.4 0.963 0.979 −0.0168,000 10 −14.8 0.938 0.852 0.0878,000 50 −14.6 0.932 0.923 0.0098,000 888 −11.8 0.875 0.910 −0.035

GOUPELL AND LITOVSKY: Correlation Discrimination and Interaural Fluctuation Rate

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experiment. The average rate of the inherentchanges in the fine-structure and envelope (andconcomitantly the interaural fluctuations, see Fig. 1)was assumed to be 6.4, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 Hz,because the average rate of change is about 64 % ofthe BW (Rice 1954). Note that only the interauralfluctuation rate changed, not the overall distributionof the interaural differences (Zurek 1991). Pulsed-sine vocoded stimuli were generated by firstextracting the Hilbert envelope from both channelsof the unprocessed narrowband noises. These enve-lopes were temporally sampled with periodicGaussian-enveloped tone pulse trains. The pulseshad a 4-kHz carrier frequency and were diotic beforethe amplitudes between the ears were adjusted. Therate of the pulse trains was 800 pulses per second(pps), a rate which has adequate sampling of theenvelope at all modulation frequencies. The final −3-dB BW of the stimuli after vocoding was 2 kHz(irrespective of interaural fluctuation rate) and theCF was 4 kHz. We will distinguish the BW and CF ofthe unprocessed stimuli with the vocoder BW (VBW)and the vocoder CF (VCF). With the VBW and pulserate chosen for this experiment, the −3-dB pulseduration was 1/2,000=0.5 ms, resulting in a modula-tion depth of the pulse train greater than 99 %.

Four conditions were tested: ρref=1, ρref=0, NoSo,and NoSπ. For the latter two conditions, only enve-lope modulation rates of 6.4, 32, and 256 Hz weretested on five listeners. As in experiment 1, the datawere collected as part of a larger set of conditions(Goupell 2012). The methods were the same as inexperiment 1, except that there was no additionaltraining because the detection cues should be similarbetween experiments 1 and 2. Low-frequency maskingnoise to mask distortion products was not usedbecause it did not seem advantageous to utilizefluctuating ILDs from low-level distortion productsnear 100 Hz compared to high-level acoustic energynear 4 kHz.


Figure 4A shows the correlation change discriminationJNDs for the pulse-train vocoded stimuli and Figure 4Bshows the JNDs normalized to the JND at the 256-Hzrate. The normalized JNDs in Figure 4B confirm thetrends in Figure 4A. Again, note that all of the 10-Hz BWdata have been previously reported in Goupell (2012). Atwo-way RM ANOVA was performed with factors ofinteraural fluctuation rate and reference correlation.Correlation change JNDs for ρref=1 were lower thanthose for ρref=0 [reference: F(1,24)=19.0, p=0.0024,ηp

2=0.70] and there was a larger difference for loweraverage interaural fluctuation rates [rate × reference:F(5,24)=7.5, pG0.0001, ηp

2=0.48]. Therefore, we ana-lyzed the ρref=1 and 0 data in separate one-way RMANOVAs. There was no effect of rate for ρref=1[F(5,12)=0.52, p=0.76, ηp

2=0.06]. Lower rates hadhigher JNDs than higher rates for ρref=0 [F(5,12)=6.45, p=0.0002, ηp

2=0.45]. Tukey post-hoc tests for ρref=0 showed that there was no significant differencebetween rates of 6.4 and both 16 and 32 Hz (p90.05for both), but JNDs for 6.4 Hz were significantly higherthan JNDs for 64-, 128-, and 256-Hz rates (p=0.033,0.019, and 0.024, respectively). There were no signifi-cant differences for any of the combinations of ratesabove 6.4 Hz (p90.05).

Figure 5 shows the average NoSo and NoSπthresholds for the pulsed-sine vocoded stimuli. NoSπthresholds were lower than NoSo thresholds[F(1,12)=74.0, p=0.001, ηp

2=0.95]. There was noeffect of envelope modulation rate [F(2,12)=1.57,p=0.27, ηp

2=0.28] and the rate × configurationinteraction was not significant [F(2,12)=2.76, p=0.13,ηp

2=0.41].As in experiment 1, the amount of correlation

needed to achieve threshold was compared betweenthe ρref=1 and NoSπ conditions. Table 3 shows thatthe average NoSπ thresholds converted to ρ yieldedvalues within Δρ=0.006 of the correlation changeJNDs.


FIG. 4. Correlation change JNDs for thepulse-train vocoded stimuli in Exp. 2 as afunction of average interaural fluctuationrate (top axis) or unprocessed stimulusBW (bottom axis). A The average JNDsand B the average of normalized JNDs,where the individual-listener JNDs werenormalized to the 256-Hz interaural fluc-tuation rate JND. Data points representthe arithmetic mean with error bars thatare ±1 standard deviation in overalllength.

GOUPELL AND LITOVSKY: Correlation Discrimination and Interaural Fluctuation Rate

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The pulsed-sine vocoding of narrowband noises inthis experiment replaced any informative fine-struc-ture information and encoded only the envelopeinformation. Hence, changes in correlation for thesestimuli were represented solely as dynamic ILDs,which would be the interaural information availableto bilateral CI users. The average JND for the pulsed-sine vocoded stimuli was worse than the best JNDs forthe unprocessed stimuli in experiment 1 at a 500-HzCF. However, the JNDs for the pulsed-sine vocodedstimuli, which had a 4-kHz VCF, were better than theJNDs for the unprocessed stimuli at a 4-kHz CF.Although the fine-structure information (hence thedynamic IPDs) remained in the unprocessed and non-vocoded 4-kHz CF stimuli, the auditory system likelycannot utilize the IPDs at high CFs because of the lackof neural phase locking, and must rely on the ILDsfrom the envelopes. If JNDs only reflect the availabilityof the interaural cues, the JNDs for the pulsed-sinevocoded stimuli should be at least as good as the JNDsfor the unprocessed stimuli. The JNDs for the pulsed-sine vocoded stimuli are better than the JNDs from

the unprocessed stimuli at 4-kHz CF and the VBWfor the pulsed-sine vocoded stimuli is at least fourtimes greater than the BW of the unprocessedstimuli. Therefore, there seems to be a benefit ofdetecting binaural cues when they are encodedcoherently across a number of auditory filters.Table 3 demonstrates that as in experiment 1, theamount of correlation needed to achieve thresholdwas nearly the same for the ρref=1 the NoSπconditions for the five listeners that performed bothmeasurements. This finding reinforces the equiva-lence of the two measurements, which occurred evenfor pulsed-sine vocoded stimuli.

Varying the envelope modulation rate for NoSoand interaural fluctuation rate for the ρref=1 andNoSπ (Figs. 4 and 5) did not produce a significanteffect. Therefore, the listeners tested here did notderive a benefit from slow interaural fluctuationsfor detecting changes in interaural correlation.Slow interaural fluctuations would be perceived asmomentary, but possibly infrequent, ILD fluctua-tions or features in the stimuli. However, there wasa significant effect of interaural fluctuation rate forρref=0, where JNDs were worst for the lowestinteraural fluctuation rate of 6.4 Hz, and improvedwith increasing interaural fluctuation rate. Higherinteraural fluctuation rates would be perceived as ablurred but stable auditory image.

One way to interpret the poor performance of theρref=0 conditions at slow interaural fluctuation rates isthat the stability of the auditory image is an importantfactor. For slow envelope modulation rates, the ILDsvary slowly and randomly. Gabriel and Colburndescribed the slow interaural fluctuations ofdecorrelated stimuli as "wandering tones" (Gabrieland Colburn 1981, p. 1396). Comparing the percep-tual width of two such wandering tones (one with ρ=0and one with ρ≈0) would be difficult because alistener might only get a momentary "glimpse" of thelargest ILDs, and hence a momentary glimpse at thepossible width. Indeed, Gabriel and Colburn's lis-teners described this comparison as "annoying." Thelisteners of the current study had a similar subjectiveimpression and reaction to the slow interauralfluctuation rate ρref = 0 conditions. At higherinteraural fluctuation rates, where listeners per-ceived a blurred intracranial image, there were manyopportunities to detect the largest ILDs. Hence, wededuce that a contributing factor to produce lowerJNDs for the ρref=0 conditions at higher interauralfluctuation rates was an easier comparison betweenimage widths.

Interpretation of the data in terms of auditoryimage stability of the reference stimuli may besupported by studies on dynamic interaural differ-ences (Grantham and Wightman 1978; Grantham

FIG. 5. NoSo (open symbols) and NoSπ (closed symbols) thresh-olds for the pulse-train vocoded stimuli in Exp. 2 as a function ofaverage envelope modulation rate (top axis) or unprocessed stimulusBW (bottom axis). Data points represent the arithmetic mean witherror bars that are ±1 standard deviation in overall length.

TABLE 3Comparison of NoSπ thresholds and ρref=1 JNDs from

experiment 2

Env. mod. rate

NoSπ threshold ρref=1 JND

DifferencedB ρ ρ

6.4 −22.2 0.989 0.983 0.00632 −20.6 0.985 0.982 0.003256 −20.9 0.986 0.980 0.006

GOUPELL AND LITOVSKY: Correlation Discrimination and Interaural Fluctuation Rate

Author's personal copy

1984). These studies utilized sinusoidally changingITDs or ILDs with different modulation rates, andlisteners were asked to choose the interval with theperceptually moving stimulus. Results suggest thatlisteners' perception of a stimulus changed from a"moving image" to a "blurry image" at a modulationrate of approximately 50 Hz (Grantham andWightman 1978, pp. 513–514). Similarly, we sawsaturation in the decrease of JNDs for ρref=0 condi-tions between 32 and 64 Hz (Fig. 4), supporting ourinterpretation of the data that blurry images providesmore stable reference images, thus making the taskeasier for the listeners.

One limiting factor in this experiment is the across-listener and within-listener variability in the measure-ments (see Fig. 4). Binaural sensitivity is often highlyvariable (Bernstein et al. 1998; Buss et al. 2007), andone technique to reduce the across-listener variabilityis to calculate normalized JNDs. Comparing Figure 4Aand B, it is clear that some of the variability in themeasurements can be attributed to the across-listenervariability. The within-subject variability is more pro-nounced at low rates, which is likely a result of howthe stimuli were generated. We used a physicalparameter (the normalized interaural correlation) togenerate the stimuli, which may be inconsistent withthe listeners' perceptual scale. Applying physiological-ly relevant transformations to the interaural correla-tion for the stimulus generation may reduce thissource of variability (Bernstein and Trahiotis 2009);however, it is unclear that such transformations wouldcompletely remove the stimulus variability (Goupell2010).

In conclusion, this experiment showed thatinteraural fluctuation rate was a factor for detectingchanges in correlation, but only for ρref=0 referencestimuli.


An additional experiment was conducted to investi-gate the effect of BW and CF of the vocoded stimuli(i.e., the VBW and VCF) when the interauralfluctuation rate was held constant. The factor ofpulse rate was also varied to investigate any effectresulting from the number of harmonics in thestimuli.


The unprocessed stimuli were 50-Hz BW, 500-Hz CFnoises, which have an average interaural fluctuationrate of 32 Hz. These stimuli were chosen because

there was no significant effect of interaural fluctuationrate above 32 Hz in experiment 2. The unprocessedstimuli were vocoded using pulses that produced aVBW=1 or 2 kHz and VCF=4 or 8 kHz, with pulserate=200 or 400 pps. Therefore, eight conditions weretested (2 VBW × 2 VCF × 2 pulse rates). All of theseconditions maintained a pulse train modulation depthgreater than 99 %. The task was correlation changediscrimination with ρref=1. Otherwise, the methodswere the same as those in experiment 2.


Figure 6 shows the JNDs for this experiment as afunction of VBW. A three-way RM ANOVA showedthat JNDs decreased with increasing VBW [F(1,16)=6.22,p=0.037, ηp

2=0.44] and JNDs increased for increasingVCF [F(1,16)=33.4, p=0.0004, ηp

2=0.81]. However, therewas no significant effect of pulse rate [F(1,16)=0.00001,p=0.994, ηp

2=0]. None of the interactions were signifi-cant (p90.05).


The final experiment showed that when discriminat-ing changes in correlation of pulsed-sine vocodedstimuli for a constant interaural fluctuation rate, JNDsdecreased a small amount for increasing VBW andJNDs increased for increasing VCF. Therefore, bothVBW and VCF are factors that affect detectingchanges in interaural correlation. There was no effectof pulse rate (concomitantly, there was no effect ofnumber of harmonics), which is consistent with theresults of Goupell (2012). The effects of VBW andVCF on correlation discrimination sensitivity can be

FIG. 6. Correlation change JNDs as a function of vocoder BW forpulse-train vocoded stimuli in experiment 3. Data for CF=4 kHz areshown as open symbols; data for CF=8 kHz are shown as closedsymbols. Data for 200 pps are shown by circles; data for 400 pps areshown by squares. Data points represent the arithmetic mean witherror bars that are ±1 standard deviation in overall length.

GOUPELL AND LITOVSKY: Correlation Discrimination and Interaural Fluctuation Rate

Author's personal copy

thought of as independent factors because of the lackof significant interaction. As postulated in experiment2, it is advantageous to have a larger number ofauditory filters encoding correlation changes in acoherent or comodulated manner, which is an aspectunique to stimuli that are pulsed-sine vocoded orpresented electrically with a CI. Such an advantagedoes not occur for non-vocoded noises, where theinteraural information in separate auditory filters canbe quite different. It is for this reason that we believeGabriel and Colburn (1981) showed that ρref=1 JNDsincreased for BWs larger than 115 Hz for non-vocoded noises.

Similar to other reports, binaural sensitivity forrapidly modulated stimuli improves as BW is increased(Goupell et al. 2013b) and worsens as CF is increased(Bernstein and Trahiotis 1996; Majdak and Laback2009). Using bandpass-filtered pulse trains, Majdakand Laback showed a small but significant decrease instatic ITD sensitivity for increasing VCF when theVCF/VBW ratio was held approximately constant. Wealso showed a significant decrease in binaural sensi-tivity with increasing VCF when the VCF/VBW ratiowas held constant, which was confirmed by a separatetwo-way RM ANOVA using just the 4-kHz-VCF/1-kHz-VBW and 8-kHz-VCF/2-kHz-VBW data with factorsVCF and rate [VCF: F(1,16)=11.9, p=0.009, ηp

2=0.60].Hence, our results are in agreement with those fromMajdak and Laback. Stimuli with an approximatelyconstant VCF/VBW ratio are much like electricalstimulation that occurs in CIs. In many reports withCI listeners, there is no significant effect of electrodelocation (i.e., CF) on binaural performance (Lu et al.2010; Litovsky et al. 2012), which is contrary to theresults from this experiment using a pulsed-sinevocoder CI simulation; however, part of the lack ofsignificant effect in CI listeners may be because of thevariability inherent to the CI population.



Bilateral CI users likely need to process faster ILDfluctuation rates than NH listeners at low frequencies,which may limit their ability to experience binauralunmasking of speech in spatially separated noise.Therefore, we investigated the effects of BW, CF,and average interaural fluctuation rate on the abilityof NH listeners to detect changes in interauralcorrelation. This was done by employing both unpro-cessed (non-vocoded) Gaussian noises and pulsed-sinevocoded noises; in the latter stimuli, the effects of BW,CF, and interaural fluctuation rate could be indepen-dently controlled. The data for the pulsed-sinevocoded stimuli (Figs. 4, 5, and 6) show that VCF

and possibly VBW are the factors that affect detectinginteraural correlation changes. The unprocessed datain experiment 1 (Figs. 2 and 3) can be understood ina similar way that the BW and CF are the criticalparameters for ρref=1 JNDs and NoSπ thresholds.

The average interaural fluctuation rate had noeffect on detecting changes from correlated refer-ences (ρref=1 and NoSπ). However, it did have aneffect on correlation change discrimination withuncorrelated references (ρref=0). Specifically, slowinteraural fluctuation rates were detrimental to dis-crimination of changes from uncorrelated references,which we attribute to an auditory image that lacks astable and easily perceived intracranial width.

Interaural fluctuation rate and binauralsluggishness

Many studies have considered or shown the importanceof interaural fluctuations for detecting changes ininteraural correlation (e.g., Webster 1951; Jeffress et al.1956; Hafter and Carrier 1970; Buss et al. 2003; Goupelland Hartmann 2007; van der Heijden and Joris 2009).Slow sinusoidal changes in the ITD and ILD can beexplicitly tracked by the auditory system. Blauert (1972)reported that listeners could detect sinusoidal changesin interaural differences "in detail" for ITDs up to 3.1 Hzand ILDs up to 2.4 Hz. In other studies, listenersreported two different perceptions of the stimulidepending on the rate of the modulations of sinusoi-dally changing ITDs (Grantham and Wightman 1978)and ILDs (Grantham 1984). For slow modulations, lessthan 50 Hz, listeners reported that they tracked thechanging position of the intracranial image. For fastmodulations, greater than 50 Hz, listeners reported thatthey perceived a "blur," implying that the auditorysystem was unable to track these fast changes ininteraural differences, consistent with the binauraltemporal integration window as measured by Cullingand Summerfield (1998). Therefore, binaural process-ing does demonstrate sluggishness (Grantham andWightman 1978; Grantham 1982, 1984; Akeroyd andSummerfield 1999; Bernstein et al. 2001). However, notall binaural tasks have the same time constants (Akeroydand Bernstein 2001) and comparison of time constantsacross different types of binaural tasks should beapproached cautiously.

Several studies have considered the possibility thatthe rapid interaural fluctuations reduce binauralperformance in NoSπ detection because of binauralsluggishness (McFadden et al. 1972; Zwicker andHenning 1984; Zurek and Durlach 1987; Henning etal. 2007; Nitschmann et al. 2009; Buss and Hall 2010;van de Par et al. 2012). For example, there is anincrease in NoSπ thresholds with an increase in noiseBW (Bourbon and Jeffress 1965; Wightman 1971; Sever

GOUPELL AND LITOVSKY: Correlation Discrimination and Interaural Fluctuation Rate

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and Small 1979; Hall et al. 1983; Zwicker and Henning1984; Zurek and Durlach 1987; van de Par andKohlrausch 1999; Nitschmann et al. 2009; Yasin andHenning 2012). When using off-frequency targets withnoise maskers (i.e., spectral masking patterns), there is asharp decrease in the BMLD (NoSπ–NoSo thresholds)as the frequency separation between target and maskerincreases (Zwicker and Henning 1984; Henning et al.2007; Buss andHall 2010; Nitschmann and Verhey 2012;van de Par et al. 2012). If the off-frequency masker onlyaffected thresholds by energy-based masking cues, theBMLD should be independent of target-masker fre-quency separation. The evidence to the contrarysuggests different mechanisms affecting the diotic anddichotic thresholds. Therefore, the decrease in BMLDwith frequency separation may occur because theinteraural fluctuation rate increases as the target movesfarther away from the noise band.2 Most importantly,when an off-frequency masking experiment is per-formed with a tonal masker, a non-monotonic maskingfunction with minima at approximately ±10 Hz could beinterpreted as evidence that listeners derived a benefitfrom slow interaural fluctuations (McFadden et al.1972).

Data from correlation change discrimination studiescould also be interpreted such that rapid interauralfluctuations reduce binaural performance because ofbinaural sluggishness. Gabriel and Colburn (1981)performed a systematic study of the effect of BW oncorrelation change discrimination for two referencecorrelations, perfectly correlated (ρref=1) and uncorre-lated (ρref=0), with a 500-Hz CF. For ρref=1, they foundthat there was no effect of BW until about 115 Hz, atwhich point JNDs increased. Evidence to the contrary,where rapid fluctuations were beneficial for discrimina-tion, was also demonstrated in that same report. Forρref=0, Gabriel and Colburn found that JNDs decreasedwith increasing BW from 3 to 115 Hz, after which JNDsremained unchanged. Culling et al. (2001) performed asystematic study of CF with fixed ERB noises where thetarget was a decorrelated band presented either inisolation or fringed with correlated noise. For 1.3-ERBnoises in isolation, there was little effect of CF from 250(BW=70 Hz) to 1,500 Hz (BW=240 Hz). However, whencorrelated flanking bands were added, thus increasingthe rate of interaural fluctuations, performance wors-ened.

The data from this study, particularly Figures 4 and 5,do not support the interpretation that rapid interaural

fluctuations impair the binaural processing ofinteraural fluctuations, which would be a result ofbinaural sluggishness. The data from the unprocessednoises in Figures 2 and 3 can be interpreted similarly;however, the confounding variables of BW and CFobscure a clean interpretation of the data in terms ofthe interaural fluctuation rate. A major difference inthe unprocessed and vocoded stimuli is that thevocoded stimuli present coherent modulations acrossmany auditory filters, thus having consistent interauralfluctuations across many auditory filters. The unpro-cessed stimuli have inconsistent interaural fluctuationsacross auditory filters. Therefore, the most parsimoni-ous explanation of the different effects of BW, CF, andinteraural fluctuation rate observed in Figures 2 and 3compared to Figures 4 and 5 is the difference in theconsistency of the interaural fluctuations across audi-tory filters.

Other techniques have been employed to study theeffects of interaural fluctuation rate on decorrelatedstimuli. van de Par et al. (2012) also concluded thatrapid interaural fluctuations do not degrade binauralsensitivity by using off-frequency interference tonesboth above and below the noise masker. Such stimulireduced the effectiveness of monaural modulationcues in the task, thus providing evidence that themonaural modulation cues were the cause of thedecreased BMLDs with increasing frequency separa-tion, not the rapid interaural fluctuations. Anothertechnique adds extra binaural modulations in eitherthe ITDs or ILDs of NoSπ stimuli to "scramble" or"jam" the interaural fluctuations inherent to thestimuli (Culling 2011). Culling used 1.3-ERBGaussian noises at CFs from 250 to 1500 Hz. For theAM conditions (i.e., scrambled ILDs), there was anegligible effect of the modulation rate of theadditional modulations, consistent with the results ofthe current study. However, it should be noted thatthere are major differences between the Culling studyand the present study. One difference is that theinherent interaural fluctuations covaried with CF forCulling's stimuli. Another difference is that Cullingdid not test at CFs greater than 1500 Hz. The lastdifference is that Culling's stimuli also provided ITDfluctuations. Future research could apply the binau-ral-modulation technique to systematically study theeffect of interaural modulation rate on correlationchange discrimination as was done using vocoderprocessing in the present study.

Implications for Cochlear Implants

Vocoders have commonly been used to simulate CIprocessing (Shannon et al. 1995). In the pulsed-sinevocoder processing that was used in the presentexperiments, several aspects of CI processing have

2 For an off-frequency target and masking configuration, thetemporal aspects of the combination of target and masker aredependent on SNR, masker BW, and frequency separation of targetand masker. We recommend the vector diagram analysis of thestimuli in Henning et al. (2007) for a better understanding of thiscomplex relationship.

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been reproduced: (1) replacement of any informativefine-structure information and representation of onlythe temporal envelope, (2) use of high-rate pulsetrains to encode acoustic information, and (3) a largeeffective BW of the stimuli to model large spread ofcurrent that occurs in monopolar electrical stimula-tion (on the order of mm, Nelson et al. 2008). Themajor motivation of this study was to determine if therapid interaural fluctuation rates produced by CI-likeprocessing could explain some of the smaller thanexpected binaural benefits in bilateral CI userscompared to CI simulations in NH listeners (e.g., Luet al. 2010). The study showed that rapid interauralfluctuation rates do not degrade interaural correla-tion change sensitivity. Therefore, the poor binauralbenefits in bilateral CI listeners must be a result ofanother factor or factors, such as poor temporalmodulation processing across the ears in both single-channel (van Hoesel 2007; Goupell et al. 2013a) andmulti-channel stimulation (Lu et al. 2011).

The NoSπ thresholds found in this study can becompared to CI data in similar conditions. For example,Lu et al. (2010) performed BMLD measurements inbilateral CI listeners andNH listeners, the latter presenteda pulsed-sine vocoder (similar to the one used in thisstudy). They found an average BMLD of 4.6±4.9 dB forbilateral CI listeners and 12.6±5.4 dB for theNH listeners.In the present study in experiment 2, BMLDs averagedover different envelope modulation rates were 14.8±3.8 dB. Therefore, the two measurements obtained withpulsed-sine vocoders are in agreement. Lu et al. varied theCF of the sine tone (125, 250, and 500 Hz) andconcomitantly varied the BW of the unprocessedmaskingnoise (50, 100, and 200 Hz); therefore, the interauralfluctuation rate changed between conditions. Similar tothe present study, Lu et al. used a pulsed-sine vocoder toconvey only the envelope information, and their pulseshad a fixed VBW across conditions. They found no effectof changing the unprocessed BW and CF in both the CIand NH listeners. Since the unprocessed BW is related tothe average interaural fluctuation rate, the results of Lu etal. are consistent with the results of the current study.

Lu et al. used 1,000-pps pulse trains and testeddifferent VCFs (0.37, 1.4, and 5.3 kHz) using a constantVBW (pulse duration of about 1ms) and found no effectof VCF on NoSπ thresholds. The results of experiment 3(using 200- and 400-pps pulse trains) suggest that VBWand VCF are important factors for correlation changediscrimination. Perhaps the reason for the discrepancyis that we used higher (4- and 8-kHz) VCFs, whereas Luet al. used lower VCFs.

Although we have outlined three processing aspectsof the pulsed-sine vocoder that we believe closely followCI processing, we have at least three recommendationsfor future vocoder implementations. First, VBW shouldbe kept constant in mm not Hz as VCF changes to more

accurately model the spread of excitation (Nelson et al.2008; Goupell et al. 2013b; Kan et al. 2013). Second, adeep modulation depth for the acoustic pulses isdesirable (we chose at least 99 %). Modulation depthhas been shown to be important for binaural processing,such as static ITD sensitivity (Bernstein and Trahiotis2009). A Gaussian pulse with a 1-ms, –3-dB duration hasa 1000-Hz, –3-dB VBW, because the VBW is the inverseof the duration for a Gaussian pulse. From numericalcalculations, we have determined that a relationship ofapproximately 2.5-Hz VBW for every 1 pps is necessaryto achieve a 99 % modulation depth for Gaussian-enveloped tone pulse trains. Therefore, for the highpulse rates necessary to simulate CI processing, the VBWmust be quite large (1,000 pps would need a 2,500-HzVBW), which is not necessarily disadvantageous becausethe spread of excitation in monopolar CI stimulation isusually quite large (Nelson et al. 2008). Third, the pulsetrains should have a VBW appropriate for the VCF of thetesting. A 1,000-pps pulse train with a 1,000-Hz VBWshould not be tested at VCFs less than 500 Hz to avoidaliasing the signal. In fact, given the shallow insertiondepths of CIs into the cochlear, apical stimulationshould probably be performed closer to a VCF of 1–1.5 kHz (Ketten et al. 1998).


Using a pulsed-sine vocoder as a CI simulation, NHlisteners' ability to detect changes in interauralcorrelation was measured as a function of BW, CF,and interaural fluctuation rate. Smaller BWs andhigher CFs produced poorer sensitivity to changes incorrelation. Slow fluctuation rates decreased sensitiv-ity for detecting changes in correlation from uncor-related reference stimuli, but not correlated referencestimuli. Therefore, even though bilateral CI userstypically experience faster fluctuation rates whenprocessing stimuli than NH listeners, this is likely nota limiting factor in producing binaural unmasking ofspatially separated speech for bilateral CI users.Rather bilateral CI listeners could be experiencinginconsistent across-ear temporal modulation process-ing, corrupted by both single-channel encoding andacross-channel interactions.


We thank Corey Stoelb, Mitch Mostardi, Nick Liimatta,Garrison Draves, and Abbey Baus for help collecting data.Corey Stoelb was also vital in organization and plotting ofthe data. This work was supported by NIH Grant K99/R00DC010206 (Goupell), R01 DC003083 (Litovsky), and P30HD03352 (Waisman Center core grant).

GOUPELL AND LITOVSKY: Correlation Discrimination and Interaural Fluctuation Rate

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