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Preliminary Volcano-Hazard Assessment for Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska

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Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska Report of Investigations 2002-4 Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys This report is preliminary and subject to revision as new data become available. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by this agency. N A L A S K A G EO L O G I C A L A N D G E O P H Y S I C A L S U R V E YS

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment forShishaldin Volcano, Alaska

Report of Investigations 2002-4

Alaska Department of Natural ResourcesDivision of Geological & Geophysical Surveys

This report is preliminary and subject to revision as new data become available.Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does

not imply endorsement by this agency.














The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) was established in 1988 to carry out volcano monitoring, eruptionnotification, and volcanic hazards assessments in Alaska. The cooperating agencies of AVO are the U.S.Geological Survey (USGS), the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute (UAFGI), and theAlaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (ADGGS). AVO also plays a key role in notifica-tion and tracking of eruptions on the Kamchatka Peninsula of Russia as part of a formal working relation-ship with the Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruptions Response Team (KVERT).

Cover photo: Shishaldin Volcano from the west. Steam from the summit crater, similar to that shown, iscommon. The jagged topography in the lower right shows the remains of a previous edifice that was destroyedduring the production of a debris avalanche in earliest Holocene time. Photo by Pete Stelling, AVO/UAFGI.

Preliminary Volcano-Hazard Assessmentfor Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska

Report of Investigations 2002-4

Alaska Department of Natural ResourcesDivision of Geological & Geophysical Surveys


This DGGS Report of Investigations is a final report of scientific research. It has received technical review andmay be cited as an agency publication.

by J.E. Begét1, C.J. Nye2, J.R. Schaefer2, and P.L. Stelling3

1Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Alaska, P.O. Box 755780, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-57802Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 794 University Avenue, Suite 200, Fairbanks, Alaska 99709-36453Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, P.O. Box 757320, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-7320

STATE OF ALASKAFrank Murkowski, Governor



Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys publications can be inspected at thefollowing locations. Address mail orders to the Fairbanks office.

Alaska Division of Geological University of Alaska Anchorage Library & Geophysical Surveys 3211 Providence Drive794 University Avenue, Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99508Fairbanks, Alaska 99709-3645

Elmer E. Rasmuson Library Alaska Resource LibraryUniversity of Alaska Fairbanks 3150 C Street, Suite 100Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-1005 Anchorage, Alaska 99503

Alaska State LibraryState Office Building, 8th Floor333 Willoughby AvenueJuneau, Alaska 99811-0571

This publication released by the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys wasproduced and printed in Fairbanks, Alaska by DGGS at a cost of $18 per copy.Publication is required by Alaska Statute 41, “to determine the potential of Alaskan landfor production of metals, minerals, fuels, and geothermal resources; the location andsupplies of groundwater and construction materials; the potential geologic hazards tobuildings, roads, bridges, and other installations and structures; and shall conduct suchother surveys and investigations as will advance knowledge of the geology of Alaska.”



CONTENTSSummary of hazards of Shishaldin Volcano .................................................................................................... 1

Volcanic ash clouds .................................................................................................................................. 2Volcanic ash fallout .................................................................................................................................. 2Lahars and floods ..................................................................................................................................... 2Pyroclastic flows and surges .................................................................................................................... 2Lava flows ................................................................................................................................................ 2Volcanic gases .......................................................................................................................................... 3Debris avalanches ..................................................................................................................................... 3Directed blasts and large pyroclastic flows .............................................................................................. 3Volcanic tsunamis ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 4Physical setting and the historical record of Shishaldin Volcano eruptions .................................................... 5Prehistoric eruptive history of Shishaldin Volcano ......................................................................................... 8Hazardous phenomena at Shishaldin Volcano ................................................................................................ 11Details of volcanic hazards at Shishaldin Volcano .......................................................................................... 11

Volcanic ash clouds .................................................................................................................................. 12Volcanic ash and bomb fallout ................................................................................................................. 14Lahars and floods ..................................................................................................................................... 16Pyroclastic flows and surges .................................................................................................................... 17Lava flows ................................................................................................................................................ 18Volcanic gases .......................................................................................................................................... 18Debris avalanches ..................................................................................................................................... 19Directed blasts .......................................................................................................................................... 19Volcanic tsunamis ..................................................................................................................................... 21Phreatomagmatic explosions .................................................................................................................... 21

Eruption frequency and volcanic risk at Shishaldin Volcano .......................................................................... 22Precursory activity, volcano monitoring, and hazard mitigation ..................................................................... 24References ....................................................................................................................................................... 26Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................... 27

SHEETSheet 1. Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska [in envelope]

FIGURESFigure 1. Location of Shishaldin Volcano with respect to other volcanoes in the easternmost

Aleutian Islands and the Alaska Peninsula .................................................................................... 42. Location map of Shishaldin Volcano and other volcanoes on Unimak Island .............................. 53. Photo of Shishaldin Volcano, showing the symmetrical cone formed by numerous

eruptions in postglacial time .......................................................................................................... 74. Photo of an ice-free crater several hundred meters across that is present at the

summit of Shishaldin Volcano ....................................................................................................... 85. Satellite images of the 1999 eruption of Shishaldin Volcano ........................................................ 96. Simplified sketch of a stratovolcano that illustrates hazardous phenomena that

result from typical eruptions .......................................................................................................... 127. Illustration showing typical flight paths of commercial freight and passenger

airlines crossing the North Pacific ................................................................................................ 138. Illustration showing average wind direction over the southwestern Alaska Peninsula ................ 149. Illustration showing twenty-four hour airborne ash probability distribution (AAPD) maps for

Shishaldin Volcano ........................................................................................................................ 1510. Map showing areas that might be affected by ash fallout during a typical eruption of Shishaldin

Volcano .......................................................................................................................................... 16


11. Photo showing tephra deposits produced during the 1999 eruptions ........................................... 1612. Photo of lahar deposits produced during the 1999 eruptions ........................................................ 1713. Map showing areas likely to be affected by pyroclastic flows during future eruptions

of Shishaldin Volcano .................................................................................................................... 1814. Photo of deposits of the Cape Lapin debris avalanche that are exposed along the coast

of the Bering Sea at Cape Lapin .................................................................................................... 1915. Map showing maximum likely travel distance of a future large debris avalanche at

Shishaldin Volcano ........................................................................................................................ 2016. Photo of the southwest side of Shishaldin Volcano, showing part of a truncated rim of

older lavas buried by the modern volcanic cone ........................................................................... 2017. Map showing directed blast hazard zone at Shishaldin Volcano .................................................. 2118. Photo showing a maar crater blasted deep into older rocks on the southern flank of

Shishaldin Volcano ........................................................................................................................ 2219. Map showing location of seismic stations around Shishaldin Volcano ........................................ 2420. Alaska Volcano Observatory level-of-concern color code ............................................................ 25

TABLETable 1. Historic eruptions of Shishaldin Volcano ...................................................................................... 6



Shishaldin Volcano is a 2,857-meter-high stratovolcano on Unimak Island, the most easterly of the Aleutian Islands. Itis located about 45 kilometers west of False Pass, a small, permanently inhabited fishing village on Unimak Island that hasa summer population of about 100. Shishaldin Volcano is historically one of the most active volcanoes in the AleutianIslands. Eruptive events have occurred on at least 39 occasions since the late 1700s, when Russian traders and explorersbegan keeping written records. The most recent eruptive episode occurred from February to July of 1999, when the volcanoproduced tephra plumes on several occasions and extensive scoria blankets, and lahars on two occasions. The largestexplosive eruption, on April 19, 1999, sent ash higher than 16 kilometers above sea level. The ash cloud drifted southwardwith the wind over the North Pacific Ocean, causing local disruptions in air traffic.

During the last 230 years, most eruptions of Shishaldin Volcano have been explosive, repeatedly producing ash cloudsthat have risen from 3,000 to 10,000 meters or more above the volcano summit. These ash clouds deposited lapilli and ashon the flanks of the volcano and nearby parts of Unimak Island before drifting hundreds of kilometers downwind. Some ofthese eruptions deposited small amounts of ash at False Pass and other nearby settlements. In addition, lava flows, lahars,and floods have been produced repeatedly during the relatively small historical eruptions; however, these events haveaffected only uninhabited areas near the volcano.

Geologic studies show that this volcano has produced frequent explosive eruptions over a period of thousands of years,with some prehistoric eruptions being significantly larger than any recorded in historical time (Begét and Nye, 1998). Inaddition to eruptions from the summit of Shishaldin Volcano, many of the more than 50 cinder cones, maars, and tuff conesthat are found on the flanks of the volcano have produced explosive eruptions in the Holocene. At some cinder cones,effusive lava eruptions followed the explosive phase, with the volume of lava much greater than the volume of the cindercone.

The largest known eruption of Shishaldin Volcano occurred about 9,500 years ago when the summit of ShishaldinVolcano collapsed to produce the large Cape Lapin debris avalanche. This giant landslide traveled more than 20 kilometersnorth to the Bering Sea, burying the northwest flank of Shishaldin Volcano and nearby areas of Unimak Island. The modernsymmetrical cone of Shishaldin has completely regrown since this collapse event (Begét and others, 1998). Another notableeruption from Shishaldin occurred about 9,000 years ago. This eruption deposited more than 2 meters of pumiceous andscoriaceous tephra near the volcano. Deposits from this eruption are about 3 centimeters thick in Cold Bay, Alaska, about95 kilometers northeast of the summit vent.

Future eruptions are likely to be similar in size to those of the last few hundred to few thousand years, and the mostlikely volcanic hazard is the eruption of plumes of volcanic ash that could rise ten kilometers or more into the atmosphere.Such ash plumes would constitute a hazard to aircraft flying long-distance routes over the North Pacific Ocean, as well asthose flying more local routes over Unimak Island and the eastern Aleutian Islands. More than 200 flights travel over theregion each day (Miller and Casadevall, 2000). Ashfall from eruptions might also affect shipping and fishing activitiesaround Unimak Island. Lava flows, floods, lahars, and small pyroclastic flows and surges may also accompany futureeruptions, and would preferentially affect low-lying areas within 10 kilometers of the volcano.

A worst-case scenario would be an eruption similar to those that took place about 9,000–9,500 years ago. Such aneruption might result in the collapse of the summit of Shishaldin Volcano, producing a debris avalanche that could burylarge areas on the volcano’s flanks. A large debris avalanche could travel far enough to enter the Bering Sea to the north orthe Gulf of Alaska to the south, possibly generating tsunami waves. The debris avalanche might also be accompanied by alateral blast that could travel across topographic barriers and across the sea, devastating areas 25 kilometers or more fromthe volcano. Thick pumice and ash deposits might bury much of Unimak Island and surrounding areas. Ash clouds associ-ated with such large-scale eruptions could severely impact air traffic across Alaska, Canada, and the continental United

THE ALASKA VOLCANO HAZARD ASSESSMENT SERIESThis report is part of a series of volcano hazard assessments being prepared by the Alaska Volcano Observatory.The reports are intended to describe the nature of volcanic hazards at Alaska volcanoes and show the extent ofhazardous areas with maps, photographs, and other appropriate illustrations. The reports are preliminary andsubject to revision as new data become available.

2 Report of Investigations 2002-4

States, and may deposit a significant amount of ash in False Pass and Cold Bay. However, based on the patternestablished by the volcano’s past behavior, eruptions of this magnitude are very uncommon, and are probablyunlikely to recur in the near future.

Volcanic hazards to life and property can be mitigated through public awareness and planning. Volcanic erup-tions can vary widely in style and magnitude, and the planning for and response to volcanic emergencies shouldtake into account the unique geologic and geographic characteristics of each volcano. The volcanic processesassociated with individual eruptions may be complex. Typical small eruptions of Shishaldin Volcano have beenlargely explosive, generating plumes of volcanic ash. However, larger eruptions may involve multiple processes,and may be highly destructive over wide areas. Future volcanic hazards at Shishaldin Volcano, ranked approxi-mately by their likelihood of occurrence and importance, are itemized below and shown on sheet 1.

Volcanic ash cloudsClouds of pumice, lithic material, volcanic ash, and gas that are erupted high into the atmosphere will driftaway from the volcano with the wind. Ash clouds produced during eruptions can reach heights of 20 kilome-ters or more above the volcano. Ash clouds are a hazard to passenger and freight aircraft, as jet enginessometimes stall after ingesting volcanic ash. In some cases avionics and other electronics have been dis-rupted or have failed as airplanes fly through ash clouds. Ash abrasion has damaged windows, wings, land-ing gear, and other exposed parts of airplanes. Large ash clouds, in addition to disrupting air travel near thevolcano, can maintain their integrity and coherence for days as they drift eastward with prevailing winds,continuing to cause problems for air travel across large areas of Alaska, Canada, and the contiguous UnitedStates.

Volcanic ash falloutAsh fallout from historical eruptions of Shishaldin Volcano has occurred mainly on uninhabited parts ofUnimak Island, but accumulations of several millimeters occurred in nearby communities during eruptionsin the 19th century. Ash and lapilli deposits from the largest prehistoric eruptions of Shishaldin Volcano areas much as 3.35 meters thick near the volcano.

Small amounts of fine ash fallout may cause respiratory problems in some humans and animals. Heavy ashfallout may interfere with power generation and electrical equipment, damage air filters and gasoline en-gines, and greatly reduce visibility. Resuspension of ash by wind may prolong the unpleasant effects of ashfallout. Very thick ashfalls may collapse the roofs of buildings.

Lahars and floodsEruptions of Shishaldin Volcano can melt large volumes of glacier ice and snow, which will produce floods ofwater and volcanic debris. Hot volcanic ash produced during eruptions may also melt snow and glacier iceon the flanks of the volcano, forming fast-moving slurries of water, mud, rocks, and sand, called lahars, thatmay travel more than 20 kilometers downslope to the Bering Sea and Pacific Ocean. Lahars may also begenerated when thick deposits of proximal ash are eroded rapidly by heavy rainfall. The floods and laharswill tend to follow streams and valleys, but can overflow channels and spread out across flat fans on the lowerflanks of the volcano. Lahars produced during the 1999 eruptions at Shishaldin Volcano affected areas as faras 20 kilometers away from the volcano. Future lahars and floods may affect areas along any of the streamsthat drain Shishaldin Volcano.

Pyroclastic flows and surgesHot material erupted from the volcano may travel rapidly down slopes as incandescent mixtures of volcanicgas and rock debris called pyroclastic flows and surges. Pyroclastic flows and surges similar to those of thelast few thousand years would pose a significant hazard to people within 10 to 15 kilometers of the volcano,possibly reaching the coast on the south side of the volcano. Pyroclastic surges also might be generated byphreatomagmatic eruptions at flank vents, as occurred in the past when eruptions produced two maar craterson the south side of Shishaldin Volcano, and a tuff cone on the north side.

Lava flowsFlows of molten rock (lava) may erupt at the summit or from flank vents around Shishaldin Volcano. Theseflows will probably move slowly, at rates of only a few meters to tens of meters per hour. Such flows pose little

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska 3

hazard to humans if a safe distance is maintained. Lava flows can develop steep, blocky fronts and margins,and avalanching of blocks from the flow front or flow side might be hazardous to someone approaching tooclose to the active lava flow.

Volcanic gasesVolcanoes can emit gases in concentrations and at temperatures that are harmful to humans. The deep craterat the summit of Shishaldin Volcano contains fumaroles that continually emit steam mixed with gases. Thesegases include hydrogen sulfide, a gas that can sometimes be smelled at considerable distances from thevolcano. During eruptions there may be an increase in the amount of such gases emitted at the volcano.Dangerous, invisible, odorless volcanic gases may collect in the summit crater, making it inadvisable todescend into the crater. It also may be hazardous to approach gas-emitting fumaroles that are associatedwith active lava flows and lava domes on the volcano’s flanks.

Debris avalancheA debris avalanche is a rapidly moving mass of rock debris produced by a large-scale landslide from thesummit areas of a volcano. The 9,500-year-B.P. Cape Lapin debris avalanche from Shishaldin Volcano trav-eled more than 25 kilometers down the north side of the volcano into the Bering Sea. The potential hazardareas from debris avalanches are the volcano’s flanks and the valleys draining Shishaldin Volcano for dis-tances of 30 kilometers from the volcano.

Directed blasts and large pyroclastic flowsA directed blast is a laterally directed explosion of the volcano caused by rapid release of internal pressure.Most directed blasts are caused by a slope failure of newly erupted lava domes or sector collapse of thesummit edifice, resulting in a debris avalanche. Directed blasts are rare at active volcanoes, and there is nodefinitive evidence for a prehistoric directed blast at Shishaldin Volcano. Directed blasts can cause destruc-tion to distances of 25 to 30 kilometers from the volcano. Very large pyroclastic flows can also travel 25 to 30kilometers or more from the vent. Unless an unusually large eruption occurs, Shishaldin Volcano is unlikelyto produce directed blasts and large pyroclastic flows in the near future.

Volcanic tsunamisLarge debris avalanches or pyroclastic flows that travel into the sea may rapidly displace water and initiatevolcanic tsunamis. Although no tsunami deposits have been identified, the 9,500-year-B.P. Cape Lapin de-bris avalanche traveled 20 km from Shishaldin Volcano and reached the Bering Sea. A volcanic tsunami fromShishaldin Volcano would pose a risk to nearby, low-lying coastal areas on Unimak Island, and could affectcoastal areas of nearby islands and the westernmost parts of the Alaska Peninsula.

SUGGESTIONS FOR READING THIS REPORTReaders who want a brief overview of the hazards at Shishaldin Volcano are encouraged to read thesummary and consult sheet 1 and the illustrations. Individual sections of this report provide a slightly morecomprehensive overview of the various hazards at Shishaldin Volcano. A glossary of geologic terms isincluded and additional information about Shishaldin Volcano may be obtained by consulting the refer-ences cited at the end of this report.

4 Report of Investigations 2002-4


Shishaldin Volcano is a nearly symmetrical, conical2,857-meter-high stratovolcano on Unimak Island, theeasternmost of the Aleutian Islands. It is part of the Aleu-tian volcanic arc, a chain of at least 42 active volcanoesthat extends from the far western end of the AleutianIslands to the volcanoes of the Cook Inlet area in south-central Alaska (fig. 1). Several eruptions typically oc-cur every year from one or more volcanoes in theAleutian arc. Over the last several hundred years,Shishaldin Volcano has been one of the most active vol-canoes in the Aleutian Islands portion of the Aleutianarc. Its most recent eruptive period occurred in 1999.

Shishaldin Volcano is located 45 kilometers west ofthe small fishing village of False Pass (population ca.100), the only permanently inhabited site on UnimakIsland (fig. 2). Former Aleut villages at Morzhovoi,Ikatan, Agayadan and other sites around Unimak Islandare now abandoned. There have been several occupiedinstallations on southwestern Unimak, including theScotch Cap Lighthouse (established in 1903, destroyedby a tsunami in 1946, rebuilt and operated into the 1970s,then deactivated), the Cape Sarichef Lighthouse (1904–1979), and a missile defense Distant Early Warning(DEW line) station (1957–1969). Currently, the areaaround Shishaldin Volcano is visited only by mountainclimbers, hikers, fishermen, hunters, biologists, geolo-gists, and archeologists and thus the total number ofpeople near the volcano at any time is small. Shishaldin

Volcano is in the federally managed Eastern AleutiansWildlife Refuge, which virtually precludes any exten-sive development near the volcano.

There have been two dozen 20th-century eruptionsand at least 39 historical eruptions at Shishaldin Vol-cano since the late 1700s (table 1). During the 20th cen-tury the longest interval between eruptions was 15 years.Historical eruptions have occurred mostly from the cen-tral vent and have been explosive, with abundant steam,varying amounts of ash, and occasional lahars and floodsbeing generated. Based on the geologic record and thepattern of historical activity, typical explosive eruptionsof Shishaldin Volcano produce volcanic ash clouds thatrise to 10 kilometers or higher above sea level. The mostrecent eruptions occurred from March to July of 1999,with the largest eruption occurring on April 19 when anash cloud reached 16 kilometers above sea level, andcaused local disruptions in air traffic over the NorthPacific Ocean. Future eruptions of similar ash cloudsfrom Shishaldin Volcano would be hazardous to all air-craft from Asia, Europe, and North America that flyheavily used air routes across the North Pacific Ocean.Historical eruptions of Shishaldin Volcano, includingthe 1999 event, have also produced dustings of ash innearby communities, the nearest of which is the villageof False Pass, 45 kilometers to the east.

Modern geologic study of Shishaldin Volcano be-gan in the 1930s (Finch, 1934), and continued with in-termittent visits by geologists during and after WorldWar II. The first detailed volcanologic study of

0 200 400 km

0 200 400 mi


36 34 333332 28





















AtkaIsland Unalaska



150˚ W

138˚ W

158˚ W

170˚ W



178˚ E














1. Wrangell

2. Spurr

3. Redoubt

4. Iliamna

5. Augustine

6. Katmai

7. Novarupta 8. Trident

9. Mageik10. Martin

11. Peulik

12. Ukinrek

13. Chiginagak

14. Aniakchak

15. Veniaminof

16. Pavlof

17. Dutton

18. Isanotski


20. Fisher

21. Westdahl 22. Akutan

23. Makushin24. Bogoslof

25. Okmok

26. Vsevidof

27. Kagamil

28. Carlisle

29. Cleveland

30. Yunaska

31. Amukta

32. Seguam

33. Korovin

34. Kasatochi

35. Great Sitkin36. Kanaga

37. Tanaga38. Gareloi

39. Cerberus

40. Little Sitkin

41. Kiska








Figure 1. Location of Shishaldin Volcano with respect to other volcanoes in the easternmost Aleutian Islands andthe Alaska Peninsula. All of these volcanoes have erupted in late Holocene time and should be consideredactive and capable of eruptions in the near future. Shishaldin Volcano has been one of the most active volca-noes in the Aleutian Islands during historical time.

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska 5

Shishaldin Volcano was done in the 1980s (Fournelle,1988). The first detailed geologic map of ShishaldinVolcano is currently being produced as a result of fieldstudies, laboratory, and geochronologic work by person-nel of the Alaska Volcano Observatory (Begét and oth-ers, 1998; Begét and Nye, 1998). This hazards appraisalis the first comprehensive report on the volcanic haz-ards associated with Shishaldin Volcano, and is partlybased on the stratigraphic and geochronologic data ob-tained during the most recent mapping project.

This report presents an evaluation of a variety ofvolcanic hazards that may result from different types oferuptions of Shishaldin Volcano and describes hazard-ous volcanic phenomena that occur near the volcano, aswell as the distal effects of eruptions. This report alsodiscusses the present status of monitoring efforts to de-tect volcanic earthquakes, ash clouds, and elevated sur-face temperatures, and the procedure for eruptionnotification and dissemination of information. Also in-cluded are maps and illustrations that indicate potentialhazard zones, and a glossary of volcanic and geologic

terms. This report is designed to provide informationuseful to government agencies and to private individu-als and parties. However, in the event of an eruption,scientists of the Alaska Volcano Observatory will beavailable for detailed discussions of the actual eventsoccurring at the volcano and specific potential hazardsassociated with these events.


Shishaldin Volcano is a 2,857-meter-high active stra-tovolcano situated near the center of Unimak Island, thelargest and easternmost of all the Aleutian Islands(figs. 1, 2). Subduction rates of the Pacific sea floorbeneath Unimak Island are high, reaching velocities ofabout 6.5 centimeters per year. Large, subduction-re-lated earthquakes are common in this area. The presentcone of Shishaldin Volcano buries the remnants of anolder edifice that is exposed high on the western flank

Fisher Caldera

Shishaldin Volcano

Westdahl Volcano

Isanotski Volcano

Roundtop Volcano

False Pass

Cold Bay


Unimak Bight



Morhovoi Bay

Amak Island

U n i m a k I s l a n d

Pacific Ocean

Bering Sea

Scotch Cap

Cape Sarichef CapeRukavitsa

0 10 20 30 km

Figure 2. Location of Shishaldin Volcano and other volcanoes on Unimak Island. Also shown is the location ofFalse Pass, the only inhabited village on Unimak Island.

6 Report of Investigations 2002-4

Table 1. Historical activity of Shishaldin Volcano

Eruption Date Volcanic Activity Reference

1775–78 Active; type of activity not specified Coats, 19501790 Smoke Coats, 19501824 Major explosive eruption; smoke; lava flow Coats, 1950

or plug dome1825 Smoke Coats, 19501826 Lava flow Simkin and Siebert, 1994Nov.–Dec., 1830 Major explosive eruption; lava flow or plug dome Coats, 19501838 Minor explosive eruption Coats, 19501842 Minor explosive eruption; lava flow or plug dome Coats, 19501865 Smoke Coats, 19501880–81 Smoke Coats, 19501883 Minor explosive eruption Coats, 19501897 Smoke Coats, 19501898 Minor explosive eruption; lava flow or plug dome Coats, 19501899 Smoke Coats, 19501901 Active; type of activity not specified Coats, 19501912 Smoke Coats, 19501922 Minor explosive activity; lava flow or plug dome; Coats, 1950

mudflow Simkin and Siebert, 19941925 Active; type of activity not specified Coats, 19501928 Minor explosive eruption; smoke Coats, 1950May–June 1929 Lava flow or plug dome; some explosive activity; Coats, 1950

three new craters low on the north side Jaggar, 1932Feb.–May 1932 Explosive eruption; lava flow; mudflow Coats, 1950

Jaggar, 1932Simkin and Siebert, 1994

Aug. 1946–Jan. 1947 Minor Explosive eruption Coats, 19501948 Minor explosive eruption Coats, 19501951 Minor ash emission Wentworth, 1951Oct. 4, 1953 Explosive eruption Simkin and Siebert, 1994July 1955 Explosive eruption Simkin and Siebert, 1994Dec. 28, 1963 Explosive eruption Simkin and Siebert, 1994Jan. 28, 1967 Explosive eruption Simkin and Siebert, 1994Sep.–Oct. 1975 Ash eruptions1 Smithsonian Institution,

1975, v. 1, no. 1.Jan. 1976 Ash eruptions and small lava flows Anchorage Times,

Jan. 25, 1976, p. 1Apr.–July 1976 Ash eruptions2 Smithsonian Institution,

1976, v. 1, nos. 7, 8, 9, 10Oct. 1976 Incandescent gas jet; steam-and-ash emissions Smithsonian Institution,

1976, v. 1, no. 13Feb. 8, 1978 Minor ash emission Smithsonian Institution,

1978, v. 3, no. 2Feb. 1979 Minor ash emission Smithsonian Institution,

1979, v. 4, no. 21981 Steam and ash emissions for several months Smithsonian Institution,

1981, v. 6, no. 9Mar. 1986–Feb. 1987 Steam and minor ash Smithsonian Institution,

1986, v.11, nos. 4, 5, 8, 9, 12;Smithsonian Institution, 1987,v. 12, no. 2

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska 7

Oct. 28, 1993 Explosive eruption Simkin and Siebert, 1994Dec. 1995–May 1996 Steam and ash to as high as 10 km Neal and McGimsey, 1997Mar.–July 1999 Ash eruption to 15–20 km; strombolian eruption Smithsonian Institution, 1999,

in April v. 4, nos. 3, 4

1Ash sample collected by NOAA’s RV Millard Freeman 80 kilometers north of the volcano on September 16, 1975.2Lahar or debris flow from summit to 300-meter elevation seen on April 27, 1976. Flanks of volcano about 70 percent ash covered in lateMay and early June 1976.

of the volcano and low on the northeast and southernflanks (Fournelle, 1988). The ancestral Shishaldin Vol-cano was partially destroyed by flank collapse during alarge eruption in early Holocene time (Begét and oth-ers, 1998). The modern volcanic cone is remarkablysymmetrical and uneroded, and small glaciers and snow-fields cap its steep summit. The glaciers descend to el-evations of 300 to 600 meters above sea level on allsides of the volcano, and together cover about 90 squarekilometers (fig. 3). An ice-free crater a few hundredmeters across is present at the summit (fig. 4), and isalmost constantly steaming, intermittently sendingplumes 1,000 to 3,000 meters above the volcano.

Many flank vents surround Shishaldin Volcano.Fifty-four cinder cones and small monogenetic lavacones have been identified, the majority of which arelocated on the northwest flank of the volcano. A few ofthe cinder cones may have formed since the 1700s, al-though most of these vents appear to have formed ear-lier in the Holocene. Lava flows are associated withmany of the cinder cones, and some fresh-appearingunvegetated flows can be traced for more than 5 kilo-meters downhill from individual cinder cones. Other lavaflows emerge from the snow- and ice-covered flanks of

Shishaldin Volcano itself, and some of these extend sev-eral kilometers from the volcano. A vent at about 1,300meters elevation on the northeast side of the volcano isthe source of a large outpouring of pahoehoe and aabasaltic lava. Recent field investigations (Nye and Begét,unpublished) suggest that this 20-square-kilometer lavaflow may have been erupted in 1825 as described byVeniaminov (1840, translated and reprinted in 1984).

Enormous, active fans composed of fluvial andlaharic deposits surround much of the volcano. The sur-faces of the fans are generally uneroded, although val-leys as deep as 40 meters have been eroded by smallcreeks in the fan on the north side of the volcano. At theBering Sea coastline, north of the volcano, 4- to 8-meter-high sea cliffs truncate the fan surface. These cliffs maypartly reflect recent tectonic uplift of Unimak Island andsurrounding areas. Large areas of the surfaces of thesefans were buried repeatedly by flood and laharic debrisduring 20th-century eruptions of Shishaldin Volcano.

Shishaldin Volcano erupts frequently (table 1). A totalof 39 eruptive episodes have been recorded at ShishaldinVolcano since 1775, when Russian explorers and trad-ers first began keeping written records of events in theAleutian, and there have been two dozen 20th-century

Figure 3. Photo of Shishaldin Volcano, showing the symmetrical cone formed by nu-merous eruptions in postglacial time. Thin glaciers cover the uppermost parts ofthe volcano.

8 Report of Investigations 2002-4

eruptions. Most historical events were relatively smalleruptions of ash and steam, although a few were majorexplosive eruptions, accompanied by lava flows, lahars,and widespread dispersal of volcanic ash. Additionalsmall eruptions during historical time may have goneunrecorded, either because they occurred at times of badweather when the volcano was obscured from view, orbecause they were too small to have noticeable effectsbeyond the volcano’s flanks.

The most recent eruptions of Shishaldin Volcanooccurred in 1995 and 1999. The December 1995 erup-tion produced an ash cloud that reached 10.7 kilome-ters above mean sea level and resulted in a light dustingof ash in the village of Cold Bay, 90 kilometers down-wind. From February to July of 1999, the volcanoerupted again, and produced ash plumes, scoria falls,and lahars. In February an increase in seismicity wasobserved, and elevated surface temperatures and smallplumes were detected using satellite data. Observers inCold Bay reported seeing plumes as well. Aerial obser-vations using a thermal-infrared imaging system detectedlow-level lava fountaining at the summit in April andMay. On April 19 the volcano erupted explosively re-sulting in the highest ash plumes of the 1999 eruption.These plumes rose to over 16 kilometers above sea leveland buried the flanks of the volcano with as much as 50centimeters of ash and mafic lapilli (Smithsonian Insti-tution, 1999). The ash cloud drifted to the south–south-east disrupting air traffic over the North Pacific Ocean.In May, volcanic plumes were at lower altitudes butextended up to 1,000 kilometers to the east, southeast,

and south (fig. 5). Trace amounts of ash fell on the vil-lage of False Pass, 45 kilometers to the east, but most ofthe tephra affected only uninhabited areas near the vol-cano on Unimak Island. A coeval flood originated onthe upper north side of Shishaldin Volcano, swept downthe glaciated flanks, and eroded a deep channel into theglacier ice where it incorporated sediment from the gla-cier surface. This flood was more than 30 meters deepwhere it moved through a narrow valley on the northflank of the volcano. The flood deposited sedimentacross alluvial fans as far as 20 kilometers to the north,reaching almost to the Bering Sea.


Because the written record of volcanism atShishaldin Volcano goes back only about 230 years,geologic studies of the deposits of prehistoric eruptionswere made to reconstruct the eruption history of thevolcano and to learn more about the long-term style,magnitude, and frequency of volcanic eruptions andassociated hazards. Extensive glaciers covered much ofUnimak Island during the Pleistocene ice ages, makingit difficult to reconstruct the volcanic history ofShishaldin Volcano prior to the end of the last ice age(about 10,000 years B.P.). Because the products of mostancient eruptions of Shishaldin volcano have been bur-ied by younger volcanic deposits, or removed by ero-sion, this study concentrates on the record of Holoceneactivity of Shishaldin Volcano.

Figure 4. An ice-free crater several hundred meters across is present at the summit ofShishaldin Volcano and is almost constantly steaming, intermittently sending steamplumes 1,000 to 3,000 meters above the volcano.

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska 9

The earliest deposits of Shishaldin Volcano that post-date deglaciation are preserved on the north side of thevolcano, and record several explosive tephra eruptions.Subsequently, a voluminous debris avalanche buried thenortheastern and northern flanks of the volcano. Thisavalanche traveled at least 20 kilometers from the vol-cano and today is best exposed in sea cliffs at the shoreof the Bering Sea. The summit of Shishaldin Volcanoapparently collapsed during this event, as indicated bya truncated rim of lava flows, largely buried by thevolcano’s modern cone, that can be traced around thewestern and southern sides of the volcano at an eleva-tion of about 1,500 to 1,800 meters. This feature ap-

pears to be part of the rim of a horseshoe-shaped craterleft by the summit collapse that resulted in the CapeLapin debris avalanche.

Within a few hundred years after the debris ava-lanche a huge explosive eruption occurred at FisherCaldera, about 30 kilometers to the west, which buriedmuch of the area around Shishaldin Volcano in thick,silicic pumice deposits and a coeval, far-traveled pyro-clastic flow (Miller and Smith, 1977).

The discovery of the large debris avalanche fromShishaldin Volcano during this study, and the existenceof the slightly younger, thick pumice fall and pyroclas-tic flow deposit from Fisher Caldera, provided key

Figure 5. Satellite images of the 1999 eruption of Shishaldin Volcano. Elevated surface temperatures (A, top left),recorded on March 13 in Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data draped over a digitalelevation model. This temperature anomaly may be the result of an early low-level eruption, although therewas no visual or seismic confirmation of such an event. Explosive eruptions produced volcanic clouds re-corded in Geostationary Orbiting Environmental Satellite (GOES) data on April 19 (B, top right) and AVHRRdata on May 27 (C, bottom). Most volcanic clouds from the 1999 eruption blew to the southeast and in Maywere over 1,000 kilometers long.

50 km


50 km




10 Report of Investigations 2002-4

marker horizons during field studies. At sites where thesedeposits were recognized around Shishaldin Volcano, itwas possible to confidently determine whichvolcaniclastic deposits, lava flows, flank cinder cones,maars, and tuff cones were erupted later in the Holocene.

The most complete record of Shishaldin eruptionsthat postdate the debris avalanche and the Fisher ignim-brite is found near a large maar crater on the southeastflank of Shishaldin Volcano. At this location, more than100 volcanic tephra layers, some as much as 5 centime-ters thick, are intercalated with eolian silt and alluvium.The thick section of tephra deposits overlies ash cor-relative with the last major eruption of Fisher Caldera,and is capped by coarse surge deposits and colluviumthat form the pyroclastic apron of the nearby maar. Thesetephra deposits primarily consist of well-sorted, highlyvesicular, dark-colored, scoriaceous clasts ranging froma few millimeters to a few centimeters in diameter, anddocument frequent explosive eruptions of ShishaldinVolcano during the early and middle Holocene. The pres-ence of these tephra layers suggests that explosive erup-tions large enough to leave a discrete deposit on thevolcano’s flanks have occurred, on average, at least onceper century through the last 9,000 years of the Holocene(Begét and others, 1998).

Thick deposits that consist of numerous volcanic ashlayers are also preserved at other sites on the flanks ofthe volcano, although most of the volcanic deposits atthese sites are younger and contain shorter records ofexplosive volcanism. A representative sequence of te-phra deposits on the north side of Shishaldin Volcano,near the lower limit of modern glaciers, occurs above ayoung lava flow radiocarbon dated to about 1,000 yearsB.P. (Begét and others, 1998). At this site, seven coarsetephra layers are preserved above the unglaciated lavatop, recording multiple explosive eruptions during thelast millennium.

The 1999 eruption provides a useful model for un-derstanding and interpreting deposits of prehistoric erup-tions. This explosive eruptive episode produced a newtephra deposit across the south flank of Shishaldin Vol-cano and a flood deposit on the north flank. The 1999tephra deposits closely resemble, in grain size and thick-ness, some of the thicker prehistoric deposits fromShishaldin Volcano. This strongly suggests that themultiple scoria and ash layers preserved at sites aroundthe volcano record numerous prehistoric explosive erup-tions. The large explosive eruption on April 19, 1999,sent ash 15 to 20 kilometers above the summit, wherestrong, northwesterly winds dispersed the ash cloud prin-cipally to the southeast (Smithsonian Institution, 1999).Deposits from 3 to 50 centimeters thick accumulated onthe south flank of the volcano, but the north and westsides of the volcano received little or no ash, and mostof the ashfall was probably deposited over the North

Pacific Ocean. By analogy, prehistoric eruptions thatproduced tephra deposits as much as 50 centimeters thickin areas just downwind of the vent might leave virtuallyno trace in other areas around the volcano. This indi-cates that the geologic record tephra falls found at anygiven site on the flanks of the volcano will provide onlya minimum estimate of the total number of explosiveeruptions. Unfortunately, widely separated ash depositsoften cannot be correlated because the geochemical andphysical characteristics of the tephra layers have notvaried much through the Holocene. Nonetheless, it isnow clear that the record of frequent explosive erup-tions during the last 230 years of historical documenta-tion is the latest manifestation of a long-lived pattern ofexplosive activity that has produced at least 100 signifi-cant tephra eruptions over the last 9,000 years (Begétand others, 1998).

The total volume of the 1999 eruption was estimatedat 43 million cubic meters by determining the volumeof the 1999 ashfall on Unimak Island, and estimatingthe additional volume of the ash that fell into the sea(Begét and others, 1999). The volume of the numerousprehistoric deposits cannot be precisely estimated, butsome of these eruptions appear to have been at least aslarge as the 1999 eruption. Indeed, it seems probablethat any eruption large enough to leave significant ashand scoria deposits at distances of 10 kilometers fromthe vent would have been large enough to present a haz-ard to any people near the volcano, or to nearby aircraft.Taken together, the historical and prehistoric recordssuggest that explosive eruptions as large as that in 1999occur roughly every 100 to 150 years, while smallerexplosive eruptions typically occur at least every 10 to25 years.

In addition to tephra, the 1999 eruption also pro-duced a flood and lahars that affected the fan surface onthe north side of the volcano. Similar geologic depositsat the base of the fan on the north side of the volcanohave been dated by radiocarbon techniques at 4,000years, suggesting that the fans on the north and southflanks of the volcano record numerous 1999-style erup-tions over the last 4,000 years. Lahar and flood depos-its, possibly produced by small eruptions, are present atlow elevations in virtually all streams that drain the vol-cano. As with the tephra deposits, it is not possible todirectly correlate flood and lahar deposits in widely scat-tered drainages or between the north and south flanksof the volcano.

Some of the prehistoric deposits appear to recordlahars larger than that of the 1999 eruption. Thick, pre-historic volcaniclastic alluvium and lahar deposits areexposed in sea cliffs all along the northern shoreline ofUnimak Island. In contrast, the 1999 flood deposit didnot reach the coastline. In addition to lahar deposits,several thin prehistoric pyroclastic flow and surge de-

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska 11

posits are found up to 8 kilometers from the vent on thenortheast, north, southeast, and west flanks of ShishaldinVolcano.

Fresh-appearing, unvegetated lava flows extend asfar as 18 kilometers from the summit vent on the northside of the volcano, and to the shoreline of the PacificOcean, 13 kilometers to the south. The lava flows oftenbury older, vegetated flows, indicating that lava flowsare commonly produced during eruptions of ShishaldinVolcano.

In addition to the central cone, there are numerousflank vents around the volcano. There are two, deep,maar craters on the volcano’s south flank, and a tuffcone near the shore of the Bering Sea, 20 kilometers tothe north of the volcano. Also, more than 50 cinder conescan be identified on the upper flanks of the volcano.The maars and tuff cone record explosive flank venteruptions, which were accompanied by hydrovolcanicexplosions, surges, and pyroclastic flows. The cindercones record magmatic explosive eruptions, and are of-ten the source of lava flows. The large numbers of cin-der cones and maars show that explosive eruptions atflank vents are common at Shishaldin Volcano.


A wide range of volcanic phenomena poses a threatto human life, property, and the environment aroundvolcanoes (Blong, 1984; Scott, 1989). The type andmagnitude of volcanic hazards that will affect specificareas around a volcano will depend on the magnitudeand style of an eruption. During small eruptions, onlyareas in the immediate vicinity of the volcano are at risk,while areas at greater distances from the volcano maybe affected by the same phenomena during larger erup-tions. Some volcanic phenomena will characteristicallybe dangerous only in areas very near the vent, whilehazards associated with other volcanic processes willscale up and affect progressively greater areas duringincreasingly larger and more energetic eruptions.

Many types of volcanic processes can affect areaswithin 10 to 20 kilometers of an active vent (fig. 6), butthe most hazardous processes are associated with ex-plosive eruptions. These can produce pyroclastic flowsand surges that can sweep all areas within a few kilome-ters of an erupting vent, and result in death or injury toanyone nearby. Once an eruption begins, explosiveevents can occur without warning, leaving no time toescape. At greater distances from the source, most typesof volcanic flows are channeled into low-lying areas, sothat conditions may be hazardous along river channelsfor many kilometers downvalley. Because ShishaldinVolcano lies in an uninhabited part of Unimak Island,

only the occasional visitor is currently at risk from proxi-mal volcanic hazards. Probably no more than a few dozenpeople, including hikers, climbers, hunters and fisher-men, visit Shishaldin Volcano each year. No one liveson the flanks of the volcano, although in recent yearsarcheological field parties have surveyed around thevolcano, staying for several weeks at an excavation siteabout 15 kilometers northeast of the central vent.

It is possible that extremely large eruptions, espe-cially those that generate pyroclastic flows and calderacraters, will have severe impacts at distances of 30 kilo-meters or more from the vent. Other eruption processes,such as the generation of volcanic debris avalanches andlateral blasts, or volcanic tsunamis, can also affect areasat 30 kilometers or more from the volcano. Based onthe geologic record at Shishaldin Volcano, such erup-tions are extremely rare.

Recently completed geologic mapping of ShishaldinVolcano has delineated the areal extent of volcanic de-posits formed during various types of eruptions. Strati-graphic and geochronologic studies have determined theage and magnitude of major eruptions during the last10,000 years (Begét and Nye, 1998). These studies showthat eruptions of Shishaldin Volcano during the last10,000 years produced ashfalls, pyroclastic flows, lavaflows, debris avalanches, lahars, and floods that repeat-edly impacted proximal areas within 10 kilometers ofthe volcano. More rarely, volcanic eruptions occurredthat were large enough to impact areas more than 20kilometers from the volcano.


Based on written records of volcanic activity inAlaska over the past 230 years, Shishaldin Volcano hasbeen one of the most active volcanoes in the AleutianIslands. At least 39 eruptive episodes are documentedin this historical record. Although little is known aboutmany of the events, several are known to have producedash plumes several kilometers high that carried ash morethan several hundred kilometers downwind (table 1).Recent geologic studies have extended the short histori-cal record of volcanic eruptions back to more than 9,000years B.P. The geologic data show that Shishaldin Vol-cano has produced frequent eruptions for thousands ofyears, indicating that the high frequency of historicaleruptions is characteristic of the long-term behavior ofthis volcano. This strongly suggests that additional erup-tions are likely in the near future.

As discussed below, the greatest potential dangerfrom future eruptions of Shishaldin Volcano is likely toresult from damage to jet airplanes that encounter ashclouds. However, volcanoes can erupt in a wide variety

12 Report of Investigations 2002-4

of ways that may endanger humans and damage infra-structure including machines, roads, and buildings.Many volcanic processes are inherently dangerous, butthe hazards from some types of eruptions are mitigatedat Shishaldin Volcano because there are very few visi-tors and no permanently inhabited sites near the vol-cano. The risks associated with several types of volcanichazards are discussed in separate sections below, inroughly the order of perceived risk to humans, ratherthan frequency of occurrence.

Volcanic Ash CloudsMost historical and prehistoric eruptions of

Shishaldin Volcano had an explosive phase that sent ashclouds high into the atmosphere. The material producedduring these eruptions ranges from microscopic to sev-eral meters in diameter and is collectively called tephra.The coarser volcanic debris rains out near the volcano,while the finer-grained material can rise convectively10–20 kilometers or higher above the volcano, forming


pyroclastic flow

eruption column

lahar (debris flow)

lava flow

prevailing wind

magma reservoir


eruption cloud

ash (tephra) fallacid rain





landslide(debris avalanche)


Volcanoes generate a wide variety of phenomena that can alter the earth's surface and atmosphere and endanger people and property. While most of the natural hazards illustrated and described in this diagram are associated with eruptions, some, like landslides, can occur even when a volcano is quiet. Small events may pose a hazard only within a few kilometers of a volcano, whereas large events can endanger people and property tens to hundreds of kilometers away.

Figure 6. Simplified sketch of a stratovolcano that illustrates hazardous phenomena that result from typical erup-tions.

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska 13

an eruption cloud that drifts downwind away from thevolcano. Typical ash clouds can travel through the at-mosphere for distances of tens to hundreds of kilome-ters, while ash clouds produced by large eruptions cantravel thousands of kilometers over periods of days tomonths. The glass and aerosol particles in ash cloudsare a hazard to any jet aircraft they might encounter,because their physical and geochemical characteristicscan damage jet engines and electronics (Swanson andBegét, 1991; Swanson and Begét, 1994; Casadevall,1994).

The most recent tephra eruption at Shishaldin Vol-cano, which occurred in 1999, illustrates the type andextent of hazards that are likely to accompany futureexplosive eruptions. On April 19, 1999, scientists of theAlaska Volcano Observatory detected unusually highlevels of seismic activity below Shishaldin Volcano, anda large eruption occurred. Aircraft pilots reported aneruption cloud at an elevation of at least 14 kilometersabove sea level. Satellite observations confirmed thatan eruption cloud rose high above the volcano and thendrifted toward the southeast as it was entrained by strongwinds. Because of the eruption monitoring by the AlaskaVolcano Observatory and coordination with Federal

Aviation Authority staff and private airlines, aircraft weredirected away from the ash plume and no mechanicaldamage to airplanes is known to have occurred.

Probably the greatest risk from ash clouds is to pas-senger and freight airplanes flying heavily used routesacross the North Pacific (fig. 7). For example, on De-cember 15, 1989, a Boeing 747 flying 240 kilometersnortheast of Anchorage encountered an ash clouderupted from Redoubt Volcano and lost power in all fourjet engines. The plane, with 231 passengers aboard, lostmore than 3,000 meters of elevation before the flightcrew was able to restart the engines (Casadevall, 1994).After landing it was determined the airplane had suf-fered about $80 million in damage (Brantley, 1990). Twojets later encountered the Redoubt ash cloud 5,400 ki-lometers to the southeast over west Texas. One of thesejets suffered a transient engine stoppage, while the otherjet’s wings were abraded (Waythomas and others, 1998).Altogether, five jet aircraft are known to have sustainedabrasion on windshields, wings, landing gear, and otherparts of the planes after flying through ash clouds eruptedfrom Alaska volcanoes. The ash clouds travel with highlevel winds (fig. 8) and typically move east over thePacific Ocean and Canada. Dilute ash clouds from






0 500 1,000 kilometers

0 250 500 miles




Figure 7. Typical flight paths of commercial freight and passenger airlines crossing the North Pacific. Futureexplosive eruptions of Shishaldin Volcano may inject ash as high as 10,000 to 20,000 meters into the atmo-sphere, causing disruption of trans-Pacific flight schedules. The exact area of ash fallout will depend on syn-optic weather conditions and wind directions, but because of prevailing wind patterns ash is most likely to bedispersed east of the volcano. Ashfall during small eruptions will be restricted to the immediate vicinity of thevolcano and surrounding parts of Unimak Island, with fallout of large blocks and bombs restricted to areaswithin 5 kilometers of the vent.

14 Report of Investigations 2002-4

Alaska volcanoes have been traced as far south as Ari-zona, and as far east as Virginia.

Airborne ash probability distribution (AAPD) mapshave been generated for Shishaldin Volcano (fig. 9; Papp,2002). This model, based on wind field data, shows theprobability of ash distribution at low and high altitudes,both in the summer and winter. In both seasons, the pre-vailing winds are from the west, and the areas with thehighest probability of airborne ash for a hypotheticaleruption are from 3 to 8 kilometers above sea level, drift-ing eastward from the volcano.

The magnitude of the hazards from ash clouds dur-ing future eruptions of Shishaldin Volcano will dependon the characteristics of the eruption, including the el-evation and rate of ascent of the ash cloud, and the con-centration, size, and geochemistry of the ash particles.The regional distribution and long-range transport ofthe ash clouds will be controlled by meteorological andwind conditions at the time of the eruption, as the cloudwill drift with the prevailing high altitude winds. Be-cause prevailing winds at Shishaldin Volcano are usu-ally from the west, eruptions of ash clouds are likely toaffect air travel and operations at the regional Cold Bayairport, and are a potential hazard to air traffic over theeasternmost Aleutian Islands, Alaska Peninsula, CookInlet, and surrounding areas of the North Pacific Ocean.

Volcanic Ash and Bomb FalloutExplosive eruptions can blast volcanic ash and

bombs high into the atmosphere. The bombs will fallnear the volcano, while fine-grained volcanic ash willrain out from ash clouds as they drift away with the wind,affecting areas tens or even hundreds of kilometers fromthe eruption. During ashfalls, the sky typically darkens,and visibility may be reduced to tens of meters, disrupt-ing all types of surface and air transportation. Volcanicash will accumulate on the roofs of buildings, and theweight of a thick ash layer can cause lightly constructedbuildings to collapse. The weight of ash on a roof maybe significantly augmented if the falling ash is mixedwith rain or snow, or if it rains on the ash after deposi-tion (Blong, 1984).

A wide range of mechanical and electrical systemscan be affected by airborne ash during even relativelythin ashfalls of 1 to 2 centimeters. Ash can plug the cool-ing system and damage the electrical system of automo-biles and other internal combustion engines. Equipmentin hospitals, power plants, pumping plants, and facto-ries may also be damaged. Ash can cause short circuits,disrupting telephone circuits and other communicationssystems. Thicker accumulations of ash can clog waterand sewer systems (Blong, 1984; Scott, 1989).







Cold Bay









Figure 8. Average wind direction over the southwestern Alaska Peninsula. Duringfuture eruptions of Shishaldin Volcano, volcanic ash will drift with the wind,most likely toward the northeast, east, or southeast. The lengths of the sectionson the windrose diagrams are proportional to wind frequency determined byannual percent. Original data are from the National Climatic Data Center, Na-tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska 15

Figure 9. Twenty-four hour airborne ash probability distribution (AAPD) maps for Shishaldin Volcano. The mapsshow the regions in the North Pacific most likely to contain airborne ash 24 hours after a hypotheticaleruption from the volcano, in winter (October through April) and summer (May through September), both ata low altitude (3 to 8 kilometers above sea level) and at a higher altitude (8 to 12.5 kilometers above sealevel). (a) low altitude winter, (b) low altitude summer, (c) high altitude winter, and (d) high altitude summer.Probabilities are based on average wind directions from National Weather Service archives and the PUFFash dispersion model. Figure from Papp, 2002.

Ash can cause health problems in humans. Peoplewith respiratory problems may experience breathingdifficulties during very minor ashfalls. Even healthypeople may find prolonged exposure to atmospheric dustduring sustained ashfalls irritating to their throat andlungs. At sites near volcanoes the ash may become sothick in the atmosphere that it clogs and blocks breath-ing passages. It is also possible for volcanic ashfalls tobe accompanied by harmful gases, although such inci-dents are rare.

The health effects of ashfall on humans can be miti-gated. People with respiratory problems should stay in-doors during ashfalls. Respirators, filters, or even wetcloths over the mouth and nose can help people whomust work outdoors. If possible, ash should be removedfrom roofs and buildings by shoveling before it accu-mulates to dangerous thicknesses. It can be removedfrom roads with heavy equipment.

If an eruption is similar in size to typical eruptionsof the last approximately 230 years, the areas most likely

to be affected by significant ashfall will be restricted tothe flanks of the volcano and nearby unpopulated areasof Unimak Island. However, geologic studies show thatmore powerful eruptions have occurred several timesduring the last 10,000 years. An ash fallout hazard zonemap (fig. 10) illustrates areas that are most likely to beaffected in an eruption similar in size to the 1999 erup-tion.

During explosive eruptions, large volcanic bombsand other rock debris may be blasted from the vent andrain out around the volcano (figs. 6, 11). Typically, largevolcanic bombs that weigh as much as tens of kilogramsfall no more than a few kilometers from the vent, al-though in unusually large eruptions bombs may reachareas 10 kilometers or more away. Volcanic bombs areoften hot, and may start fires. Because the area aroundShishaldin Volcano is uninhabited, the risk from volca-nic bombs is low except to humans and low-flying air-craft that might come near the volcano during aneruption.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


16 Report of Investigations 2002-4

Figure 11. Tephra deposits producedduring the 1999 eruptions coveredthe south flank of Shishaldin vol-cano to a depth of more than 50centimeters on the upper flanks ofthe volcano, but rapidly thinned toonly a few centimeters thickness.Note the scoria overlying the snowat the tops of the cliffs.








? ?

? ?

? ?



0 500 1,000 kilometers

0 250 500 miles

Figure 10. This map shows areas that might be affected byash fallout during a typical eruption of Shishaldin Vol-cano. The exact area and thickness of the ash falloutwill depend on synoptic weather conditions and winddirections, but fallout is most likely to affect areasmainly east of the volcano (shaded area).

Lahars and FloodsVast quantities of glacier ice and snow, which may

be melted during volcanic eruptions, can result in floodsand volcanic debris flows or lahars. Lahars typicallyconsist of fluid suspensions of boulders, sand, and siltthat can travel 20 kilometers or more downvalley atspeeds of 10 to 30 kilometers per hour. Lahar depositshave a consistency of wet concrete and can cover flood-plains with deposits centimeters to meters thick.

The steep upper slopes of Shishaldin Volcano aremantled by glaciers, and floods and lahars have beenproduced repeatedly by the interaction of hot materialwith the glacier ice. During the 1999 eruption, a laharthat traveled more than 20 kilometers downvalley fromthe north side of the volcano almost reached the coastof the Bering Sea (fig. 12). On the north flank of the

volcano, a deep trench was cut into a glacier, while theglacier surface on either side of the trench was sweptclean of sediment. Several coeval(?) steep-fronted de-bris-flow deposits were observed on the uppermost partsof the volcanic cone adjacent to the flood pathway. Theseobservations indicate that the lahar originated as a floodand was transformed into a lahar as it incorporated sedi-ment high on the volcano. The lahar locally exceeded20 meters in depth where it traveled through a narrowvalley. This event deposited a layer of volcanic debrisas much as 1.4 meters thick across an area of almost 10square kilometers. The lahar spread out across a youngvolcanic fan composed of similar deposits from prehis-toric eruptions.

Geologic studies show that floods and lahars fromlarger past eruptions have reached the coast both to thenorth and south of the volcano. The greatest hazards

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska 17

Figure 12. Lahar deposits from the1999 eruption on the lowerflanks of Shishaldin Volcanoovertopped a fan of older floodand laharic debris, andreached almost to the shore ofthe Bering Sea north of the vol-cano.

from such flows are in low-lying areas and valley bot-toms, extending from the volcano to the ocean on boththe north and south flanks. In general, hazards from la-hars and floods will be greatest at lower elevations, andwill be somewhat less at higher elevations. At the presenttime, all areas around Shishaldin Volcano, including flu-vial channels and fans, are uninhabited and undevel-oped.

Pyroclastic Flows and SurgesPyroclastic flows are hot, dry mixtures of volcanic

rock debris and gas that move like a fluid. They typi-cally consist of coarse debris flowing in a basal zonewith an accompanying dilute cloud of hot dust above.Pyroclastic flows can begin when masses of hot rockdebris are explosively ejected onto the volcano’s flanks,or when part of a growing volcanic dome collapses orexplodes into rock fragments. The rock debris and in-tercalated hot gases in pyroclastic flows generally flowdownslope under the force of gravity, but can overtopridges and flow around obstructions. Pyroclastic surgesare similar to the upper dust cloud of pyroclastic flowsbut typically have higher gas contents and are often gen-erated by large volcanic explosions.

Pyroclastic flows and surges constitute an especiallysevere hazard to human life because of their speed,mobility, and high temperatures (Baxter and others,1998). Pyroclastic flows and surges have temperaturesas high as 700°C to 1,000°C and can travel at speeds of50 to 150 kilometers per hour. The coarse basal zone ofrock debris in pyroclastic flows can bury and incineratepeople and buildings, while pyroclastic surges and thedilute clouds of hot ash that form the upper parts ofpyroclastic flows can cause asphyxiation and burn skin,throat, and lungs. Also, high-velocity pyroclastic flows

and surges can be very energetic, blasting down build-ings and carrying sand-sized and larger rock fragmentsthat may cause injury by impact or by their intense heat.

At Shishaldin Volcano, interactions between magmaand glacier ice have produced phreatomagmatic explo-sions and pyroclastic surges on several occasions dur-ing the last 4,000 years. Maars and tuff cones on theflanks of the volcano have been additional sources ofpyroclastic surges.

Because of their high velocity and mobility, pyro-clastic flows and surges can affect areas at considerabledistances from the volcano. Pyroclastic flows tend tospread out when they are not channeled down valleys,but when confined by steep valley walls, they might af-fect areas even further from the volcano. Based on geo-logic studies of the extent of prehistoric pyroclastic flowand surge deposits erupted from Shishaldin Volcano,nearly all areas within a distance of 10 kilometers fromthe summit could be affected by pyroclastic flows andsurges (fig. 13).

Pyroclastic flows and surges can travel across wa-ter, as has been repeatedly observed during the volcaniceruptions that began in 1997 on the island of Montserratin the Caribbean Sea. During the large caldera-formingeruption of Krakatau Volcano in 1883, pyroclastic flowscaused casualties after traveling more than 40 kilome-ters over water (Carey and others, 1996). While an erup-tion of comparable size and magnitude seems unlikelyto occur at Shishaldin Volcano in the near future, areasfarther from the volcano could be at risk if explosiveflank eruptions occurred, as has happened on severaloccasions in postglacial time. For this reason, the haz-ard zones for pyroclastic flows and surges surroundingShishaldin Volcano are shown extending out into theBering Sea on the north side of Unimak Island and intothe North Pacific Ocean on the south (fig. 13).


Older DepositsOlder Deposits

18 Report of Investigations 2002-4

10 20 40 kilometers0

Source Vent

Fisher Caldera

Shishaldin Volcano

Westdahl Volcano

Isanotski Volcano

Roundtop Volcano

False Pass


Unimak Bight



Morhovoi Bay

U n i m a k I s l a n d

Pacific Ocean

Bering Sea

10 km10 km

15 km15 km

10 km10 km

10 km10 km

10 km10 km

Scotch Cap

Cape Sarichef CapeRukavitsa

Figure 13. Areas likely to be affected by pyroclastic flows during small to moderate future eruptions of ShishaldinVolcano are shown by the inner circle (red), while the maximum extent of pyroclastic flows and surges thatmight occur during a large eruption are shown by the outer circle (blue). Pyroclastic flows are produced onlyrarely at Shishaldin Volcano. Also, potential hazard zones are shown surrounding postglacial maars and atuffcone on the flanks of Shishaldin Volcano (yellow). Future flank eruptions at these locations or at new ventsites may produce explosions, pyroclastic flows, and surges.

Lava FlowsShishaldin Volcano and its flank vents have produced

lava flows numerous times since the end of the last iceage. Several fresh-appearing lava flows reach more than18 kilometers from the volcano’s north flank, and ex-tend to the Pacific Ocean on the south flank. ShishaldinVolcano lava flows are primarily basaltic andesite tobasaltic in composition and can be expected to movedownslope at velocities of tens to hundreds of metersper hour. Lava eruptions at Shishaldin Volcano will al-most certainly be limited to uninhabited parts of the is-land, and consequently such eruptions will pose littledirect threat to property or people, save those who ap-proach to observe the flow.

Volcanic GasesLarge volumes of volcanic gases, such as carbon

dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and hydro-gen sulfide, are emitted before, during, and immediatelyafter eruptions. These gases can be poisonous in highconcentrations, and even when diluted by mixing with

air they can irritate the throat and lungs of people whocome in contact with them. Hydrogen sulfide has an odorsimilar to rotten eggs, but carbon monoxide and carbondioxide are colorless and odorless. Carbon dioxide,which is heavier than air, may collect in low-lying ar-eas, causing suffocation of birds, animals, and humans.

Aerosols and microscopic droplets of sulfuric acid,hydrochloric acid, and hydrofluoric acid may form wherevolcanic gases interact with water in the atmosphere.Acidic precipitation may result from the mixing of agas-rich volcanic plume with rain or snow. Clouds ofvolcanic aerosols or acid rain can cause skin and lungirritation, make plants inedible for local wildlife, andcorrode paint, fabric, and metals.

The greatest hazards from volcanic gases and acidicaerosols during eruptions will occur within a few kilo-meters of active vents—an area that is unpopulated atShishaldin Volcano. During dormant periods, volcanicgases may build to dangerous levels in low areas thatare protected from the wind, such as the summit crater.The gases will be incorporated in steam plumes that in-termittently form above the crater and may be carried

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska 19

by strong winds far downwind from the volcano. Thesmell of hydrogen sulfide may be noticeable at distancesof 10 kilometers or more from the vent, but the gasespresent are unlikely to present a hazard to people formore than a few kilometers downwind.

Debris AvalanchesVolcanic debris avalanches are giant landslides that

form by collapse of the upper parts of volcanoes. De-bris avalanches can attain speeds of 30 to 150 kilome-ters per hour, and may travel 10 kilometers or more fromthe source volcano, burying everything they encounterbeneath many meters of coarse volcanic debris. Volca-nic debris avalanches generally occur during eruptions,as occurred during the 1980 eruption of Mount St.Helens in Washington State. More rarely, debris ava-lanches may occur during non-eruptive periods, espe-cially where hydrothermal alteration associated withfumaroles has weakened the upper parts of a volcanicedifice (Siebert and others, 1995). Unusually large earth-quakes that occur along the Aleutian subduction zonemay trigger volcanic debris avalanches at volcanoesalong the Aleutian arc (Begét and Kienle, 1992).

At Shishaldin Volcano, two thick debris avalanchedeposits are present on the northwest and southwestflanks of the volcano. The southwesterly-directed de-posit is more than 10,000 years old, has been largelyburied by younger volcanic deposits, and is only visibleover a small area. In contrast, the deposit on the north-west flank is about 9,500 years old, and forms the mod-ern coastline near Cape Lapin, 25 kilometers from thevolcano (figs. 14, 15). This large debris avalanche de-posit appears to be similar in magnitude to the event atMount St. Helens in 1980, although its maximum ex-tent cannot be determined because its most distal partslie below sea level. The modern summit of Shishaldin

Figure 14. Deposits of the CapeLapin debris avalanche are ex-posed along the coast of theBering Sea at Cape Lapin,about 25 kilometers northwestof Shishaldin Volcano, wherethey form high sea cliffs that lit-ter the beach with large boul-ders as they erode. The debrisavalanche deposit extends anunknown distance farther to thenorth into the Bering Sea.

Volcano is constructed atop a bench, which appears tobe the rim left by the summit collapse that produced theCape Lapin debris avalanche (fig. 16).

Debris avalanches are uncommon events atShishaldin Volcano, but still pose a significant hazardbecause they have the potential to completely obliter-ate and bury huge areas of the low-lying topographyaround the volcano (fig. 15). The regrowth of the presentcone after the Cape Lapin event suggests that a largedebris avalanche could occur in the future. At the presenttime, all areas around Shishaldin Volcano that might beaffected are uninhabited and undeveloped, so only visi-tors to the area near the volcano would be at risk.

Directed BlastsA directed blast is a laterally directed explosion

caused by dome collapse or by a debris avalanche thatuncovers and depressurizes hot magma within a vol-cano. Deposits from what may have been a directed blastwere found associated with the early Holocene CapeLapin debris avalanche that is exposed at the moderncoastline 25 kilometers northwest of the volcano.

It is not possible to directly estimate the extent ofany prehistoric directed blast at Shishaldin Volcano be-cause rock and ash from the blast would have travelednorth over the Bering Sea for some distance beyond thecurrent coastline. The extent of the hazard from directedblasts at Shishaldin Volcano is therefore based on datafrom the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens Volcano(Moore and Sisson, 1981). This was one of the largestand best-known historical examples of a directed blastand thus provides a realistic model for this hazard.

If a directed blast were to occur at Shishaldin Vol-cano, it would most likely be associated with a flankcollapse and debris avalanche. The blast would affect abroad area downslope from the avalanche scar, in an

20 Report of Investigations 2002-4

30 km

Cape Lapin debris avalanche deposits

10 20 40 kilometers0

Fisher Caldera

Shishaldin Volcano

Westdahl Volcano

Isanotski Volcano

Roundtop Volcano

False Pass



ak Bight





Morhovoi B


U n i m a k I s l a n d

Pacific Ocean


g Sea

Scotch Cap

Cape Sarichef Cape



Debris avalanche hazard zone

Figure 15. Maximum likely travel distance of a future large debris avalanche at Shishaldin Volcano, based on theestimated extent of the prehistoric Cape Lapin debris avalanche and other debris avalanches of similarvolume generated by volcanoes close to Shishaldin Volcano in size. Deposits from the Cape Lapin debrisavalanche that are not covered by younger volcanic debris are shown. Areas east of the volcano (yellow) willbe protected by the topographic barrier formed by Isanotski and Roundtop volcanoes.

Figure 16. Southwest side of Shishal-din Volcano, showing part of atruncated rim of older lavas bur-ied by the modern volcanic cone.The buried rim appears to bepart of a horseshoe-shaped cra-ter rim that most likely formedas a consequence of the destruc-tion of an ancestral Shishaldincone by the Cape Lapin debrisavalanche 9,500 years ago.

rim of older lavas

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska 21

Directed blast hazard zone

Fisher Caldera

Shishaldin Volcano

Westdahl Volcano

Isanotski Volcano

Roundtop Volcano

False Pass


Unimak Bight



Morhovoi Bay

U n i m a k I s l a n d

Pacific Ocean

Bering Sea

Scotch Cap

Cape Sarichef CapeRukavitsa

10 20 40 kilometers0

30 km


Figure 17. Directed blast hazard zone at Shishaldin Volcano, assuming the maximum extent of a future blast iscomparable to that seen at Mount St. Helens in 1980. Any blast associated with a debris avalanche is likelyto be directed broadly in the same direction as the debris avalanche. The extent of hazard shown here is a“worst-case” scenario for a directed blast at Shishaldin Volcano.

arc that may exceed 180 degrees. The blast might ex-tend about 30 kilometers from the volcano (fig. 17). Adirected blast might occur with little warning during thefirst minutes of a large eruption that involves edificecollapse. The hot, energetic, explosive blast would po-tentially destroy everything in its path.

Volcanic TsunamisNumerous tsunamis, some among the largest and

most devastating known in historical time, have beengenerated during eruptions at volcanoes located near thesea. Most volcanic tsunamis are generated by volcanicexplosions or by the displacement of seawater by largemasses of volcanic debris entering the ocean (Begét,2000; Latter, 1991). Voluminous pyroclastic flows anddebris avalanches that flow into the sea at high velocityhave produced the largest tsunamis, while smaller waveswere associated with lahars, lava flows, and surges.

Shishaldin Volcano lies near the center of UnimakIsland, only 15 kilometers from the sea at the nearestpoint on its south flank, and from 22 to 25 kilometers onthe north flank. It is possible that during an unusually

large eruption, volcanic debris from Shishaldin Volcanocould flow into the sea and generate a tsunami. The CapeLapin debris avalanche that occurred 9,500 years ago,clearly traveled to the modern shore of the Bering Sea,and likely extended farther off shore. However, a flankcollapse and debris avalanche of sufficient volume toreach the sea has occurred only once at Shishaldin Vol-cano during the last 10,000 years, which suggests that itis highly unlikely a hazardous tsunami will be gener-ated in the near future. Nonetheless, because of the prox-imity of this high volcanic edifice to the sea and itshistory of debris avalanche formation, the possibility ofa volcanic tsunami cannot be ruled out.

Phreatomagmatic ExplosionsContact between hot magma and water can produce

violent explosions, the magnitude of which depends onthe ratio and total volumes of water and magma involved.Energetic phreatomagmatic explosions can also gener-ate pyroclastic surges (see above). Seismic monitoringof Shishaldin Volcano in January 2000 detected dozensof small explosive events near the summit crater that

22 Report of Investigations 2002-4

Figure 18. A maar crater blasted deep into older rocks on the southern flank ofShishaldin Volcano by hydromagmatic explosions accompanied by pyroclas-tic surges and pyroclastic flows.

may have been phreatomagmatic in origin. The watersource for these phreatomagmatic eruptions may havebeen from winter snowfall into the hot crater. Glacierscover the steep upper flanks of Shishaldin Volcano, andprovide a voluminous potential source of water forphreatomagmatic explosions. The interior of the steep-sided summit crater is ice-free, but large volumes ofwater evidently are transmitted through the volcanicedifice to the crater or hot central core of the cone. In-termittent steam clouds, which rise to elevations of 1,000meters or more above the summit, have been observedthroughout the recorded history of the volcano.

Future summit eruptions are likely to produce melt-ing of snow and ice in the summit area and may be ac-companied by phreatomagmatic explosions. In addition,lava erupted from fissures on the glacier-covered flanksof Shishaldin Volcano will likely come in contact withice and meltwater and may result in phreatomagmaticexplosions. Cinder cones and tuff cones that protrudethrough glacier ice at several sites around ShishaldinVolcano provide evidence of past lava–ice interaction.

Phreatomagmatic explosions also have occurred atvents on the lower flanks of Shishaldin Volcano. Twolarge maar craters, each more than 1,000 meters in di-ameter, are aligned along a northeasterly-trending faulton the south side of the volcano (fig. 18). These craterswere formed as a result of prehistoric phreatomagmaticeruptions during which explosive interactions of magmaand groundwater occurred. A large tuff cone almost atsea level near Cape Lapin on the north side of the vol-cano records phreatomagmatic explosions that occurredalmost 20 kilometers from the summit. A second, much

smaller tuff cone is present in the saddle betweenShishaldin Volcano and Fisher Caldera.

Phreatomagmatic explosions may accompany anyfuture eruption of Shishaldin Volcano. Also, any erup-tions on the lower flanks of the volcano in areas wheremagma comes into contact with groundwater will likelybe characterized by repeated phreatomagmatic explo-sions, ejection of bombs and blocks, and the genera-tion of pyroclastic surges. The frequency ofphreatomagmatic explosive eruptions on the lowerflanks of the volcano is apparently much lower thanthe eruption frequency of Shishaldin Volcano itself.Phreatomagmatic eruptions from flank vents on thelower parts of Shishaldin Volcano may last months to afew years and result in the creation of a new maar ortuff cone. Phreatomagmatic explosions are quite dan-gerous. Falling ballistic ejecta may create a hazard withina few kilometers of the vent, and pyroclastic surges mayaffect areas 5 to 10 kilometers from the vent.


Evaluations of volcanic hazards require understand-ing of both the magnitude and style of a potential futureeruption, and the likelihood of its occurrence. AtShishaldin Volcano, like most other volcanoes, it is clearthat small eruptions occur much more frequently thanlarger eruptions, but because the historical record is ofvery short duration, the precise frequency of varioustypes of events is not well known. Also, the historical

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska 23

record does not include examples of several types oferuptions that are evident in the prehistoric geologicrecord. To better evaluate the volcanic risk and improveour understanding of the complex relationships betweeneruption size and probability, we have combined geo-logic evidence of volcanic behavior at Shishaldin Vol-cano during the last 9,500 years with the historical datafrom the last 230 years.

Risks from future eruptions at Shishaldin Volcanofall into three broad categories. First, there are hazardsassociated with eruptions that are similar in magnitudeand style to those seen during the last few hundred years.Such eruptions are relatively small and are likely to oc-cur several times during the next century. Second, thereare hazards associated with eruptions that are similar instyle to those seen during the last few hundred years,but are somewhat larger and occur less frequently. Fi-nally, we discuss hazards associated with very large erup-tions that might resemble the largest known prehistoricevent at Shishaldin Volcano about 9,500 years ago.

If Shishaldin Volcano behaves in the near future asit has during the recent past, several eruptions are likelyto occur during the 21st century. The primary volcanichazard during typical eruptions will be from volcanicash clouds that may drift downwind over False Pass onUnimak Island, over the Alaska Peninsula, and over otherparts of Alaska and the North Pacific Ocean. Such ashclouds may interfere with operations of nearby airportsat Dutch Harbor and Cold Bay, and may also affect theflight plans of the numerous commercial and passengerjet flights that move daily across the North Pacific be-tween Asia, Europe, and North America. Ash rainingout from the tephra clouds could accumulate to thick-nesses of a few centimeters in False Pass, the only townon Unimak Island, and to lesser thicknesses at DutchHarbor and Cold Bay. Such ashfalls may briefly affectair quality, highway travel, and commercial and gov-ernmental activities such as the operation of generatorsor telecommunications equipment.

Thirty-nine eruptive episodes have been recorded atShishaldin Volcano in the last 230 years (table 1). Mostof these eruptions were relatively small, although a fewwere described as major explosive eruptions, accompa-nied by lava flows, lahars, steam, and ash. If eruptionsoccur in the near future at a similar rate, then six to seveneruptions might be expected during the coming century.Most such eruptions are likely to be similar to or smallerin magnitude than the 1999 eruption. They are likely toproduce floods, lahars, and perhaps small pyroclasticsurges and pyroclastic flows that would be restricted touninhabited parts of Unimak Island near ShishaldinVolcano.

It is more difficult to evaluate the frequency and riskfrom larger eruptions, but if the volcano continues to

erupt with similar frequencies to those it has maintainedsince the end of the last ice age, it is possible that aneruption larger than any seen during the 20th centurywill occur sometime during the 21st century. Geologicfield studies show that eruptions larger than any histori-cal event occurred at least 13 times in the last 9,500years. Such eruptions produced thicker tephra depositsthan did any of the historical eruptions, and generatedfloods and lahars that were more extensive than thoseof the 1999 eruption. Such eruptions may have lastedlonger than historical eruption cycles, and appear to haveculminated in explosive eruptions that generated volu-minous ash clouds. Such large eruptions might deposit1 centimeter or more of ash in the towns of Cold Bay orDutch Harbor and Unalaska. The effects of lava flows,floods, lahars, and coeval pyroclastic flows and surgeswould be restricted mainly to the uninhabited parts ofUnimak Island, although some pyroclastic flows mighttravel to the shoreline and short distances over the ocean.Floods and lahars could be larger than any seen in the20th century, and might result in significant sedimenta-tion in river valleys and flood plains around the vol-cano, as well as prolonged sediment discharge into thewaters around Unimak Island.

There is a very small likelihood that a very large erup-tion might occur in the near future at Shishaldin Vol-cano. The largest known prehistoric event was thesummit collapse that occurred 9,500 years ago. A futureeruption of similar magnitude might have serious con-sequences. A debris avalanche similar in size to that pre-served at Cape Lapin could travel as far as 25 to 30kilometers from the volcano, deeply burying everythingin its path. A northward directed debris avalanche mightflow into the Bering Sea, while a southward directedavalanche would enter the north Pacific. Large debrisavalanches that enter the sea displace ocean water andcan sometimes generate destructive tsunamis. The heightof the tsunami wave would depend on the velocity andvolume of debris entering the ocean, as well as on thebathymetry of the sea floor (Begét, 2000). Tsunamisgenerated in this fashion at other volcanoes have hadinitial heights of 5 to 10 meters. Such waves attenuateas they travel away from the debris avalanche but canbe locally refocused where they enter bays and run upon shore. Volcanic tsunami waves can cause damage incoastal areas and result in fatalities at distances of 100kilometers or more away from the source volcano.

There is also a small likelihood that a voluminouspyroclastic flow or large lateral blast might be producedby a very large eruption at Shishaldin Volcano. If a lat-eral blast or pyroclastic flow were produced coevallywith a debris avalanche, it would likely be directed inthe same general direction as the debris avalanche. En-ergetic lateral blasts and pyroclastic flows can destroy

24 Report of Investigations 2002-4

Figure 19. Location of seismic stations around Shishaldin Volcano. This network is designed to detect smallearthquakes beneath the volcano that may signal the onset of a volcanic eruption.

areas 25 kilometers or more from the volcano, and couldtravel across the sea and endanger boats near the shore-line around the volcano. The village of False Pass at theeastern end of Unimak Island is near the approximatetravel limit of a lateral blast or very energetic pyroclas-tic flow from Shishaldin Volcano. However, this villageis topographically shielded by Isanotski and Roundtopvolcanoes (fig. 2), and therefore is unlikely to be in dan-ger even during a large eruption.

Very large explosive eruptions at Shishaldin volcanocould generate ash clouds much more voluminous thanany seen in historical time. These ash clouds could re-sult in ash accumulation of 5 to 10 centimeters or morein False Pass and nearby communities. The explosiveeruptions might be sustained for a long period of time,and ash clouds might disrupt air travel across the NorthPacific for days to weeks.


The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) was estab-lished in 1988 to evaluate volcano hazards in Alaska,and to issue warnings of imminent volcanic eruptions(Eichelberger and others, 1995). The AVO is a joint fa-cility of the U.S. Geological Survey, the GeophysicalInstitute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and theDivision of Geological & Geophysical Surveys of theState of Alaska. In many cases volcanic eruptions arepreceded for a period of days to months by earthquakesand by satellite-detected thermal anomalies. These phe-nomena can provide advance warning of future erup-tions. The AVO monitors Shishaldin Volcano with areal-time seismic network (fig. 19) that can automati-cally signal increases in frequency and magnitude ofseismic activity (earthquakes) that typically precedeeruptions. Radio-telemetry connects the seismometersaround Shishaldin Volcano with relay points in Cold Baythat send the signal on to AVO laboratories in Fairbanksand Anchorage. The seismic network was in place dur-ing the 1999 eruption of Shishaldin Volcano, and the

Fisher Caldera

Shishaldin Volcano

Westdahl Volcano

Isanotski Volcano

Roundtop Volcano

F alse P ass



ak Bight





Morhovoi B


U n i m a k I s

l a n d

Pacific Ocean


g Sea

Scotch Cap

Cape Sarichef Cape


10 20 40 kilometers0





� S eismic S tationSeismic Station

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska 25

AVO staff recognized the likelihood of an upcomingeruption several hours before the eruption actually be-gan. Daily observations of satellite imagery allow AVOscientists to detect thermal anomalies and the presenceof ash in the atmosphere. The AVO staff is very experi-enced in recognizing precursory seismic activity andsatellite-detected ash and thermal anomalies, and willlikely be able to provide warning of future eruptions ofShishaldin Volcano.

Other monitoring techniques may be utilized to bet-ter predict the timing and magnitude of a potential erup-tion. Satellite observations, measurement of changes involcanic gas flux, remote observation using video cam-eras or time-lapse cameras, and geodetic surveying us-ing laser theodolites and global positioning satelliteshave all been successfully applied by AVO scientists tohelp monitor volcanic unrest and predict eruptions atother Alaska volcanoes.

The AVO posts on its web page (www.avo.alaska.edu), and distributes by fax and e-mail, a weekly news-letter reporting the status of the 24 monitored volca-noes in Alaska, including Shishaldin Volcano. Duringperiods of precursory activity or eruption the AVO fre-quently updates its reports to keep other government

Figure 20. Alaska Volcano Observatory level-of-concern color code. Color codes are updated based on changingconditions, and are used to quickly indicate the status of Shishaldin Volcano and other Alaska volcanoes. Thecurrent code and written explanations and updates are distributed to government agencies, the media, air-lines, and the public, and are posted on the AVO web page (http://www.avo.alaska.edu).

LEVEL OF CONCERN COLOR CODEVolcano is in its normal "dormant" state. Volcano is restless.Seismic activity is elevated. Potential for eruptive activity is increased. A plume of gas and steam may rise several thousand feet above the volcano which may contain minor amounts of ash. Small ash eruption expected or confirmed.Plume(s) not likely to rise above 7,620 meters (25,000 feet)above sea level. Seismic disturbance recorded on local seismicstations, but not recorded at more distant locations.

Large ash eruptions expected or confirmed.Plume(s) likely to rise above 7,620 meters (25,000 feet) abovesea level. Strong seismic signal recorded on all local andcommonly on more distant stations.






agencies and the public informed about the situation.Copies of the report are sent directly to the Federal Avia-tion Administration, the National Weather Service, lo-cal U.S. military bases and airports, the Governor’s officeof the State of Alaska, the Alaska Division of Emer-gency Services, airports and air carriers, and municipaland other civil authorities in the areas around the vol-cano. Updates are also sent to television and radio sta-tions, newspapers, and newswire services fordissemination to the general public.

The AVO uses a color code system to summarizethe status of volcanoes in Alaska (Brantley, 1990). Thecolor code quickly and simply summarizes the level ofactivity and concern for each monitored volcano(fig. 20). During a volcanic crisis the AVO staff will usethe color code to quickly communicate changes in vol-canic activity to government agencies, whose staff canthen make decisions about governmental response toeruptions.

Although the area around Shishaldin Volcano is cur-rently uninhabited, recreational users including natural-ists, fishermen, and mountain climbers regularly visitthe area. Volcanologists, biologists, geologists, and othergovernment scientists and land managers sometimes

26 Report of Investigations 2002-4

work in the area. A group of archeologists have spentseveral weeks during the past few summers excavatinga site at the coast near Shishaldin Volcano.

If possible, visitors to Shishaldin Volcano should beaware of the possibility of renewed volcanic activity,and should check the latest level-of-concern code re-leased by AVO before making an extended visit to thevolcano. If volcanic activity begins suddenly whilepeople are on the volcano or its flanks, they should beaware that low-lying areas along streams that originateon the volcano are at the greatest risk from pyroclasticflows, surges, lahars, and floods. During a small- tomoderate-size eruption a risk to human life may quicklydevelop without warning in areas closer than about 10to 15 kilometers from the volcano, and access to theseareas may be restricted. Planes and helicopters may alsobe at risk due to dangers from ballistic projectiles andfalling ash.

At greater distances from Shishaldin Volcano thereis likely to be some warning time to prepare for the ef-fects of an eruption. Interruptions in communications,electrical service, heat, surface transport, and air travelmay occur. People (especially children and those withrespiratory problems) may be restricted from going out-doors during ashfalls. If the volcanic emergency becomesvery severe, evacuation and closure of some areas maybe necessary.

This report is an outline of the potential hazards as-sociated with future eruptions of Shishaldin Volcano. Itis designed to provide useful information for both gov-ernment agencies and private individuals and parties.However, in the event of an eruption, scientists of theAlaska Volcano Observatory will be available for de-tailed discussions of the actual events and developmentsoccurring at the volcano.


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Andesite. A fine-grained volcanic rock made up of feld-spars and ferromagnesian minerals; typically has aSiO2 content of 54 to about 62 percent.

Ash. Fine fragments (less than 2 millimeters across) oflava or rock formed in an explosive volcanic erup-tion.

Cinder cone. A conical hill formed by the accumula-tion of cinders and other pyroclastic debris arounda volcanic vent.

Cinders. Glassy, vesicular, volcanic fragments, rang-ing in size from 4 to 32 millimeters, that fall to theground in a solid condition.

Debris avalanche. Rapidly moving, dry flows of dis-aggregated rock debris, sand, and silt. Volcanic de-bris avalanches often form by some type ofstructural collapse of the volcano, usually the steepfront of the cooled lava dome or other parts of theupper edifice. A large part of the volcano may be-come unstable, break away from the volcanic mas-sif, and become an avalanche. Debris avalanches,which may be triggered by an eruption or earth-quake, move at velocities ranging from a few tensof meters per second to more than 100 meters persecond and behave like complex granular flows orslide flows. They may be quite voluminous (greaterthan 10 cubic kilometers) and run out considerabledistances (up to 85 kilometers) from their source.The resulting debris avalanche deposit usually ex-hibits hummocky surface morphology.

Directed blast. Large-scale volcanic explosions causedby a major landslide or slope failure that results ina rapid drop in the pressure of the intruding magmanear the surface of the volcanic edifice. The 1980eruption of Mount St. Helens was triggered by amassive slope failure and the subsequent laterallydirected blast affected a 180-degree sector north ofthe volcano and extended for several tens of kilo-meters outward. A directed blast typically travelsaway from the volcano at a low angle and may notbe deflected by ridges or other topographic barri-

28 Report of Investigations 2002-4

ers. Rock debris propelled by a directed blast movesmuch faster than typical landslides and rockfalls.For example, at Mt. St. Helens, the initial velocityof the directed blast cloud was about 600 kilome-ters per hour decreasing to about 100 kilometersper hour at a distance 25 kilometers from the vol-cano.

Edifice. The upper part of the volcanic cone, includingthe vent and summit areas.

Eruption cloud. Cloud of gas, ash, and other fragments,which forms during an explosive volcanic eruptionand travels long distances with prevailing winds.

Eruption column. The vertical part of the eruptioncloud that rises above a volcanic vent.

Fallout. A general term for debris that falls to the earthfrom an eruption cloud.

Fumarole. Small, vent-like crack or opening with es-caping gas and steam.

Holocene epoch. The period of earth history from10,000 years before present (B.P.) to the present.

Lahar. An Indonesian term for a debris flow containingangular clasts of volcanic material. For the purposesof this report, a lahar is any type of sediment–watermixture originating on or from the volcano. Mostlahars move rapidly down the slopes of a volcanoas channelized flows, delivering large amounts ofsediment to the rivers and streams that drain thevolcano. The flow velocity of some lahars may beas high as 20 to 40 meters per second (Blong, 1984),and sediment concentrations of greater than 750,000parts per million are not uncommon. Large-volumelahars can travel great distances if they have appre-ciable clay content (> 3 to 5 percent), remain con-fined to a stream channel, and do not significantlygain sediment while losing water. Thus, they mayaffect areas as far as hundreds of kilometers down-stream from a volcano.

Lapilli. Ejected rock or pumice fragments between 2and 64 millimeters in diameter.

Lava. Molten rock that reaches the earth’s surface.Lava dome. A steep-sided mass of viscous and often

blocky lava extruded from a vent; typically has arounded top and roughly circular outline.

Maar. A low-relief broad volcanic crater formed by ashallow explosive eruption. It may contain a lake.

Magma. Molten rock beneath the earth’s surface.Pleistocene epoch. The period of earth history between

1.8 million and 10,000 years before present.Pumice. Highly vesicular volcanic ejecta; because of

its extremely low density, it often floats on water.Pyroclastic. General term applied to volcanic products

or processes that involve explosive ejection andfragmentation of erupting material.

Pyroclastic flow. A dense, hot, chaotic avalanche of rockfragments, gas, and ash that travels rapidly awayfrom an explosive eruption column, often down theflanks of the volcano (synonymous with ‘ash flow’).Pyroclastic flows move at speeds ranging from 10to several hundred meters per second and are typi-cally at temperatures between 300°C and 800°C(Blong, 1984). Pyroclastic flows form either bycollapse of the eruption column or by failure of thefront of a cooling lava dome. Once these flows areinitiated, they may travel distances of several kilo-meters and easily override topographic obstaclesin the flow path. A person could not outrun an ad-vancing pyroclastic flow.

Pyroclastic surge. A low-density, turbulent flow of fine-grained volcanic rock debris and hot gas. Pyroclas-tic surges differ from pyroclastic flows in that theyare less dense and tend to travel as a low, ground-hugging—but highly mobile—cloud that can sur-mount topographic barriers. Surges often affectareas beyond the limits of pyroclastic flows.

Scoria. Coarsely vesicular pyroclastic rock that isheavier and darker than pumice.

Sulfurous. Sulfur-bearing or rich in sulfur compounds.Stratovolcano (also called a ‘stratocone’ or ‘composite

cone’). A steep-sided volcano, usually conical inshape, built of lava flows and fragmental depositsfrom explosive eruptions.

Tephra. Any type of rock fragment that is forciblyejected from the volcano during an eruption. Te-phra may be fine-grained dust or ‘ash’ (0.0625- to2-millimeter-diameter, silt- to sand-sized), coarser‘lapilli’ (2- to 64-millimeter-diameter, sand- topebble-sized), or large blocks or bombs (>64 milli-meter, cobble- to boulder-sized). When tephra isairborne, the coarsest fraction will be depositedclose to the volcano, but the fine fraction may betransported long distances and can stay suspendedin the atmosphere for many months. Tephra par-ticles are typically sharp, angular, and abrasive, andare composed of volcanic glass, mineral, and rockfragments.

Tuff cone. A volcanic crater formed by a shallow ex-plosive eruption in an area where surface water islocated above the vent. Tuff cones have beddingangles of 20–25° near the rim crests.

Vent. An opening in the earth’s surface through whichmagma erupts or volcanic gases are emitted.

Vesicular. Characterized by or containing vesicles.Vesicles are small cavities in a glassy igneous rock,formed by the expansion of a bubble of gas or steamas a rock cools and hardens.
