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petroleum geomechanical engineering in field development ...

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The geology of geomechanics: petroleum geomechanical engineering in field development planning M. A. ADDIS Rockfield Software Ltd, Ethos, Kings Road, Swansea Waterfront SA1 8AS, UK Tony.Addis@rockfieldglobal.com Abstract: The application of geomechanics to oil and gas field development leads to significant improvements in the economic performance of the asset. The geomechanical issues that affect field development start at the exploration stage and continue to affect appraisal and development decisions all the way through to field abandonment. Field developments now use improved static reservoir characterization, which includes both the mechanical properties of the field and the initial stress distribution over the field, along with numerical reservoir modelling to assess the dynamic stress evolution that accompanies oil and gas production, or fluid injection, into the reservoirs. Characterizing large volumes of rock in the subsurface for geomechanical analysis is accompa- nied by uncertainty resulting from the low core sampling rates of around 1 part per trillion (ppt) for geomechanical properties and due to the remote geophysical and petrophysical techniques used to construct field models. However, some uncertainties also result from theoretical simplifications used to describe the geomechanical behaviour of the geology. This paper provides a brief overview of geomechanical engineering applied to petroleum field developments. Select case studies are used to highlight how detailed geological knowledge improves the geomechanical characterization and analysis of field developments. The first case study investigates the stress regimes present in active fault systems and re-evaluates the industry’s interpretation of Andersonian stress states of faulting. The second case study discusses how the stress magnitudes and, potentially, stress regimes can change as a result of production and pore pressure depletion in an oil or gas field. The last case study addresses the geomechanical charac- terization of reservoirs, showing how subtle changes in geological processes are manifested in significant variations in strength. The studies presented here illustrate how the timely application of petroleum geomechanical engineering can significantly enhance field development, including drilling performance, infill drilling, completion design, production and recovery. Gold Open Access: This article is published under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license. Geomechanical analysis is based on a comparison of rock mechanical properties and strengths with the stresses acting in situ. When the magnitudes of the stresses acting in the rock are lower than the yield strength, the rocks behave elastically and deforma- tions are small. However, if the changes in stress resulting from excavation during drilling, or from pore pressure or thermal variations exceed the com- pressive yield, peak or pore collapse strengths, the rock will fail through shearing or compaction, lead- ing to non-linear irreversible deformation. If, on the other hand, the stresses become tensile, fracturing of the formation can occur. A brief timeline of the important developments in geomechanical engineering applied to oil and gas extraction (Fig. 1) shows that these issues have been pursued since the earliest days of widespread hydrocarbon extraction, attracting the attention of some of the most notable figures in the industry. The geological expression of the geomechanical, or structural, processes that are responsible for the development of many oilfields include folding, fault- ing, fracturing and diapirism. The stress regimes and strains accompanying these deformations can con- trol the present day initial stresses and textures in many reservoirs. However, oil field developments lead to geomechanical changes, including the following: (1) rock excavation during drilling results in well- bore stability and sand production problems; (2) removing pore fluid and pressures from the rock results in compaction and subsidence; (3) injection into the reservoirs increases the pres- sure and induces thermal changes, which result in rock fracturing or shearing to enhance the natural geologically controlled permeability. This is accompanied by significant changes in the reservoir and overburden stresses and strains. In short, field development activities, from drilling to stimulation, perturb the initial geological condi- tions. It is the job of the petroleum geomechanical engineer to characterize the initial stress regime and the material properties, including the strength of rocks, to predict and plan for any changes in From:Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) 2017. Geomechanics and Geology. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458, 7–29. First published online June 28, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1144/SP458.7 # 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. Publishing disclaimer: www.geolsoc.org.uk/pub_ethics Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsl/books/book/2067/chapter-pdf/4060227/02_sp458-1863.pdf by guest on 09 September 2022

The geology of geomechanics: petroleum geomechanical

engineering in field development planning


Rockfield Software Ltd, Ethos, Kings Road, Swansea Waterfront SA1 8AS, UK

[email protected]

Abstract: The application of geomechanics to oil and gas field development leads to significantimprovements in the economic performance of the asset. The geomechanical issues that affectfield development start at the exploration stage and continue to affect appraisal and developmentdecisions all the way through to field abandonment. Field developments now use improved staticreservoir characterization, which includes both the mechanical properties of the field and the initialstress distribution over the field, along with numerical reservoir modelling to assess the dynamicstress evolution that accompanies oil and gas production, or fluid injection, into the reservoirs.

Characterizing large volumes of rock in the subsurface for geomechanical analysis is accompa-nied by uncertainty resulting from the low core sampling rates of around 1 part per trillion (ppt) forgeomechanical properties and due to the remote geophysical and petrophysical techniques used toconstruct field models. However, some uncertainties also result from theoretical simplificationsused to describe the geomechanical behaviour of the geology.

This paper provides a brief overview of geomechanical engineering applied to petroleum fielddevelopments. Select case studies are used to highlight how detailed geological knowledgeimproves the geomechanical characterization and analysis of field developments. The first casestudy investigates the stress regimes present in active fault systems and re-evaluates the industry’sinterpretation of Andersonian stress states of faulting. The second case study discusses how thestress magnitudes and, potentially, stress regimes can change as a result of production and porepressure depletion in an oil or gas field. The last case study addresses the geomechanical charac-terization of reservoirs, showing how subtle changes in geological processes are manifested insignificant variations in strength. The studies presented here illustrate how the timely applicationof petroleum geomechanical engineering can significantly enhance field development, includingdrilling performance, infill drilling, completion design, production and recovery.

Gold Open Access: This article is published under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license.

Geomechanical analysis is based on a comparison ofrock mechanical properties and strengths with thestresses acting in situ. When the magnitudes of thestresses acting in the rock are lower than the yieldstrength, the rocks behave elastically and deforma-tions are small. However, if the changes in stressresulting from excavation during drilling, or frompore pressure or thermal variations exceed the com-pressive yield, peak or pore collapse strengths, therock will fail through shearing or compaction, lead-ing to non-linear irreversible deformation. If, on theother hand, the stresses become tensile, fracturing ofthe formation can occur.

A brief timeline of the important developmentsin geomechanical engineering applied to oil andgas extraction (Fig. 1) shows that these issues havebeen pursued since the earliest days of widespreadhydrocarbon extraction, attracting the attention ofsome of the most notable figures in the industry.

The geological expression of the geomechanical,or structural, processes that are responsible for thedevelopment of many oilfields include folding, fault-ing, fracturing and diapirism. The stress regimes and

strains accompanying these deformations can con-trol the present day initial stresses and textures inmany reservoirs. However, oil field developmentslead to geomechanical changes, including thefollowing:

(1) rock excavation during drilling results in well-bore stability and sand production problems;

(2) removing pore fluid and pressures from therock results in compaction and subsidence;

(3) injection into the reservoirs increases the pres-sure and induces thermal changes, which resultin rock fracturing or shearing to enhance thenatural geologically controlled permeability.This is accompanied by significant changesin the reservoir and overburden stresses andstrains.

In short, field development activities, from drillingto stimulation, perturb the initial geological condi-tions. It is the job of the petroleum geomechanicalengineer to characterize the initial stress regimeand the material properties, including the strengthof rocks, to predict and plan for any changes in

From: Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) 2017. Geomechanics and Geology.Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458, 7–29.First published online June 28, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1144/SP458.7# 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London.Publishing disclaimer: www.geolsoc.org.uk/pub_ethics

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either of the stress magnitudes or deformationsaccompanying the field development. The perturba-tions can be small and linear in nature, going unno-ticed in many developments. However, when largechanges occur, the response of the formations maybecome non-linear, or plastic, leading to safetybreaches and lost production, costing billions ofdollars in design changes in the worst-affectedfields. As the industry pushes for increased effi-ciency, greater safety and improved economicsin increasingly challenging fields, all aspects ofthe development are expected to deliver improvedfield performance, including the discipline ofgeomechanics.

The application of geomechanics to oil and gasfield development has become increasingly com-mon over the past 40 years, with asset teams in themore challenging and larger field developmentsadopting geomechanical engineers as a permanentpart of the team. The growth of unconventional oiland gas developments has accelerated this trendbecause the need to hydraulically fracture reservoirformations, or to shear the natural fracture network,to generate artificial reservoir permeability relies ongeomechanical knowledge of the mechanical prop-erties and initial stresses, as well as on the evolutionof the reservoir stresses during field development.

The continual adoption of geomechanical engi-neering in the industry is difficult to judge quantita-tively. However, a good indicator of the level ofintegration of petroleum geomechanics in the indus-try is the number of papers published annually bythe Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) andstored in the SPE library containing the term ‘geo-mechanics’ in the publication title (Fig. 2).

The number of publications increased graduallythrough the 1990s, with a significant increasearound 2000, predating the successful developmentof shale gas in the USA in 2004 or the increase in USshale oil production after 2010. This measure ofindustry uptake does not take into account differentaspects of geomechanical analysis, such as compac-tion, hydraulic fracturing and wellbore stability,which have been used by the industry for a muchlonger period than that indicated in Figure 2. Com-paction and subsidence has attracted considerableactivity and interest since the late 1950s, with thenotable examples of the Wilmington, Ekofisk, Gro-ningen and the Central Luconia fields, demonstrat-ing the extent to which reservoirs are dynamicduring the field development. Wellbore stabilityand sand production have been a focus in the indus-try since the late 1970s, particularly after 1979 whenfour seminal wellbore stability papers were pub-lished (Bradley 1979a, b; Bell & Gough 1979;Hottman et al. 1979). These presaged a step changein drilling inclined, high-angle, extended and hori-zontal wells, both onshore in the Austin chalk,the North Slope of Alaska, and offshore in theNorth Sea and Gulf of Mexico in the 1980s andearly 1990s. Figure 2 reflects the uptake of the now-accepted discipline of geomechanics into fielddevelopment.

Numerous textbooks comprehensively addressboth the theory and application of geomechanicalengineering to field planning (Charlez 1991, 1997;Fjaer et al. 2008; Zoback 2008; Aadnoy & Looyeh2011). This paper, in contrast, presents an individualview and geomechanical insights from significantfield developments, with emphasis on the geological

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Drill fluids



Anderson Stress Systems for Faulting


Bol et al.Mechanical influence of

drilling fluids is recognised

Bell & Gough,Bradley,

Hottman et al.MechanicalBoreholeInstability

Hubbert & RubeyOverpressures and faulting

1941 1925 1959 ‘76 ‘79 ‘031994

Morita et al., Alberty& Mclean,

Depletion & Stress Caging


Kirsch Stress

around a circular hole

Wellbore Instability in industry



Hubbert & Willis Hydraulic Fracturing



TerzaghiEffective Stress

Antheunis et al.Sand

Production Hatchellet al.,Kenteret al. 4DSeismic


Fig. 1. Timeline of notable developments in the adoption of geomechanics in the oil and gas industry. Modifiedfrom SPE Distinguished Lecture by D. Moos (2014).


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considerations for stress regime estimation and rockstrength determination, along with some insightsof their impact on production and developmentsuccess.

Stress estimation in fault blocks: the

limitations of using the Andersonian system

Stress magnitude estimation in the absence of

field data

Subsurface stress magnitudes and orientations differconsiderably from passive basins and margins toextensional basins and compressional regimes,with wide variations within these structural regimes.The determination of present day subsurfacestresses centres around the estimation of the twohorizontal total stress magnitudes and directions;the vertical total stress is typically assumed to beequal to the weight of the overburden.

The magnitudes of the two horizontal totalstresses (sH, sh), which result solely from theweight of the overlying column of rock or sediments(sv), have been calculated in civil engineeringusing linear elastic theory since Terzaghi (1943).This approach considers ‘passive basin’ stresses,expected in flat-lying strata in geologically passiveenvironments, where no horizontal compression orextension occurs and the magnitudes of the two hor-izontal stresses are equal. The horizontal stress insuch a simple case is caused by an element of rock

trying to expand laterally against the adjacent ele-ments. The horizontal stress magnitude is thereforedirectly related to the vertical effective stress (s ′

v)and the Poisson’s ratio of the formation. ThisEaton approach was formulated for passive basins(Eaton 1969) yet, in the absence of area-specificdata or measurements, it is commonly used by theindustry as a first approximation regardless of thegeological environment.

Geologically, the assumption of a passive basinis inappropriate for the majority of oil and gas accu-mulations, which are more commonly found ‘onstructure’ and associated with compressional orextensional geological environments. Horizontalstress anisotropy occurs in these structural regimeswhen a significant difference is observed betweenthe magnitudes of the maximum and minimum totalhorizontal stresses, sH and sh, respectively. Twodifferent approaches are used to estimate the magni-tudes of these stresses from geological consider-ations. The first imposes a horizontal strain on theformations, whereas the second considers a constanthorizontal stress, or stress gradient, compressing orextending the formations – strain v. stress horizon-tal boundary conditions. Both methods commonlyrely on the assumption of isotropic formationproperties.

The strain boundary, or deformation boundary,approach results in different horizontal stress mag-nitudes in different lithologies, calculated fromboth the Poisson’s ratio and the horizontal stiffness(Young’s modulus) of the formations. This method



















































rs P



Per Y


'Geomechanics' in Paper Title

Fig. 2. Publications in the Society of Petroleum Engineers OnePetro library with ‘geomechanics’ in the paper title(up to the first quarter of 2016).


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requires estimates of the present day strains appliedto the formation in the two horizontal directions,which are either obtained empirically through cali-bration with any available stress data from the field,or through numerical modelling. The stress boun-dary method, on the other hand, results in lithology-dependent horizontal stress magnitudes controlledby the contrasts in Poisson’s ratio between forma-tions. Two common stress boundaries include aconstant stress gradient (or effective stress ratio,s ′

h/s′v), which is determined by calibration with

any existing stress data from the field, or on theassumption of active faulting.

Andersonian fault systems

The assumption of active faulting relies on estimatesof the relative magnitudes of the two horizontalstresses and the vertical stress consistent with theAndersonian stress system for faulting (Anderson1905, 1951). In this approach, for a given pore pres-sure, the relative total stress magnitudes required togenerate different faulting systems are consideredto be:

normal faulting: sv ≥ sH ≥ sh (where sH ¼ s//)strike-slip faulting: sH ≥ sv ≥ sh (where sv ¼ s//)thrust faulting: sH ≥ sh ≥ sv (where sh ¼ s//)

where compressive stresses are considered to bepositive and s// is the stress oriented parallel tothe strike of the fault.

The stress magnitudes associated with these faultsystems require that basins are at the limit equilib-rium for faulting – that is, on the point of slip,where the stresses required to activate the faultsare either the maximum compressional stresses inthrust and strike-slip regimes, or the minimumextensional stresses in normally faulted basins.The following case study illustrates that the mea-sured stresses, particularly the magnitude and orien-tation of the minimum total stress, are not alwaysconsistent with the deformational style of faultingand the assumed stress regime.

Case study 1. Cusiana field, Colombia:

identifying the stress regime acting in an

active thrust fault environment

The Cusiana field in Colombia is located in the foot-hills of the Andes at the deformation front, wherethe foothills reach the Llanos plain, and consists ofan anticlinal structure bounded by two thrust faults,the Yopal and Cusiana faults (Fig. 3). The underly-ing Cusiana fault defining the structure of the fieldis active, as observed in the ground movementsand deformation in buildings prior to the start ofthe field development. The movement on the main

fault blocks consists of thrust deformation with littleor no strike-slip motion.

Severe wellbore instability was encountered byBP while drilling the first exploration well (Cusiana1) and subsequent appraisal wells on the Cusianastructure (Skelton et al. 1995). Cusiana 1 was thefirst well to successfully reach the Mirador reservoirin the region, despite the attempts of several opera-tors. The wellbore instabilities were most common,and challenging, in the overburden that includedthe Leon and Carbonera formations. The CarboneraFormation was particularly challenging to drillbecause it consists of four layers of strong sandstoneunits where mud losses and tight hole were experi-enced, with hole sections generally in-gauge orslightly under-gauge, separated by more shale-richunits, which experienced severe breakouts in theearly exploration and appraisal wells. In one exam-ple, a four-arm caliper tool measured breakouts thathad extended the wellbore to .1 m (.40 inches)in diameter in one direction, with essentially anin-gauge 31 cm (12¼ inch) borehole diameter inthe perpendicular direction (Addis et al. 1993;Last et al. 1995). These early wellbore stabilityproblems led to significant non-productive timedrilling the wells, numerous sidetracks and lengthydrilling programmes.

Cusiana, as an anticlinal structure bound byactive thrust faults, was expected to have a typicalthrust fault stress system, where the minimum stressis oriented vertically and equal in magnitude to theoverburden stress (Anderson 1905, 1951; Hubbert& Willis 1957). Analysis of the wellbore stabilityproblems confirmed that the maximum horizontalstress direction, as determined from breakout orien-tations, was perpendicular to the strike of the fault,consistent with pure dip-slip (plane strain) thrustdeformation. However, the analysis of leak-off testand mud loss data indicated that the minimum stressmagnitudes were similar to those expected in pas-sive basins, and considerably smaller in magnitudethan the vertical stress. This had significant implica-tions for optimizing the stability of the inclinedwells required to develop the field from a numberof limited drilling pad locations and any hydraulicfracture stimulation of the reservoir.

Analytical stress analysis

This unexpectedly low magnitude of minimum hor-izontal stress was explained using a simple isotropiclinear elastic analysis of relatively undeformed faultblocks bound by active faults in plane strain condi-tions (no strike-slip deformation). This approachshowed that it is possible for active thrust faults toexhibit a 908 rotation of the minimum stress actingon the fault blocks, from vertical pre-faulting tohorizontal post-faulting (Addis et al. 1994). This


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rotation of the minimum stress direction resultedfrom low fault friction, which causes the magnitudeof the horizontal total stress acting parallel to thefault (s//) to drop below the magnitude of the verti-cal total stress (sv) post-faulting. The stress calcula-tions are shown in Figure 4.

The y-axis of Figure 4 shows the magnitude ofthe horizontal ‘plane strain’ stress (s//) in the faultblocks aligned parallel to the strike of the thrustfault, relative to the magnitude of the vertical stress(sv). If this s///sv ratio .1, the minimum stressis oriented vertically, as expected for thrust faults.

Fig. 3. Cross-section of the Cusiana structure in Colombia showing the bed inclination adjacent to the thrust faults(Willson et al. 1999). # 1999, Society of Petroleum Engineers. Reproduced with permission of SPE. Furtherreproduction prohibited without permission.

Fig. 4. Variation of the minimum horizontal stress acting in intact fault blocks oriented parallel to a thrust fault,normalized by the vertical stress magnitude, for different friction angles on the thrust fault (Addis et al. 1994).# 1994, Society of Petroleum Engineers. Reproduced with permission of SPE. Further reproduction prohibitedwithout permission.


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A ratio ,1 indicates that the horizontal stress ori-ented parallel to the strike of the fault is the mini-mum stress (sh ¼ s//) and a strike-slip stressregime exists, even though the fault deforms as athrust fault. This ratio is plotted for different faultfriction angles on the x-axis and for formationswith different Poisson’s ratios, shown as the con-tours on the plot.

Figure 4 illustrates that for an active thrust faultat the point of slip, with plane strain deformation,fault blocks consisting of different lithologies, asin the Carbonera Formation in Cusiana, couldhave lithology-dependent stress regimes: a sand-stone with a low Poisson’s ratio may have aminimum stress oriented horizontally, while a juxta-posed shale characterized by a higher Poisson’sratio may have a minimum stress oriented vertically.In other words, the stresses in the sand layers withinthe Carbonera Formation are inconsistent withAnderson’s stress regime for the formation of athrust fault, whereas the stress system in the shaleconforms to these pre-faulting stresses.

Numerical stress models

The conclusions of this analytical approach weresupported by a finite difference numerical modelof the Cusiana structure (Fig. 5). BP’s numericalsimulation of tectonic deformation in the threeCusiana blocks involved gravitational loading dueto the weight of the overburden. Horizontal tectonicmovement was then introduced by displacing theYopal thrust fault overlying the Cusiana structureby 100 m (330 ft) to the SE and displacing theunderlying Cusiana thrust fault by 20–25 m (65–82 ft). This ratio of displacements matched theobserved fault-throw ratio on the fault surface.The results of this numerical approach illustratethe relatively low horizontal stress magnitude (Sh

SW – NE) oriented parallel to the strike of the thrustfaults (Addis et al. 1993; Last et al. 1995), in linewith the analytical estimates.

While drilling additional wells on the Cusianastructure, these low minimum horizontal stress mag-nitudes of 14.7–17.0 kPa m21 (0.65–0.75 psi/ft)and vertical overburden stresses of 23.8–24.7kPa m21 (1.05–1.09 psi/ft) were repeatedly ob-served across the field (Last et al. 1995).

The analytical estimates of horizontal stressmagnitudes, illustrated in Figure 4, assume a simpleflat-lying fault block geometry. However, in reality,rollover anticlines defining the Cusiana field result innon-horizontal and non-vertical principal stresses.Last & McLean (1996) described the stress rotationbased on numerical modelling of the Cusiana struc-ture and the impact on wellbore stability analysis.

This additional complexity does not seem to sig-nificantly influence the minimum horizontal stress

magnitude in Cusiana: The stresses used to modelthe stress rotation in Cusiana by Last & McLean(1996) were equivalent to 31.7:24.9:15.8 kPa m21

(1.4:1.1:0.7 psi/ft) for the maximum horizontalstress, vertical stress and minimum horizontal stressgradients, respectively.

Model validation with additional

measurements during late field development

More reliable data on the stress magnitudes becameavailable during the completion and stimulationof the Cusiana development wells. The low-permeability Mirador reservoir underlying the Car-bonera Formation was hydraulically fractured andthe stress measurements obtained during these stim-ulations again largely support the earlier stressestimates, indicating stress gradients in the sand-stone reservoir of sv ¼ 23.8 kPa m21 (1.05 psi/ft),sH ¼ 24.9–28.3 kPa m21 (1.1–1.25 psi/ft) andsh ¼ s// ¼ 13.1–17.6 kPa m21 (0.58–0.78 psi/ft)(Osorio & Lopez 2009).

Microseismic data measured during reservoirstimulation confirmed the development of verticalhydraulic fractures. The microseismic events werealigned with the maximum horizontal stress(NW–SE) direction determined from breakout ana-lysis and were oriented perpendicular to the strikeof the fault planes (Osorio et al. 2008). This againindicates that the minimum stress magnitude isoriented horizontally and parallel to the strike ofthe thrust fault (sh ¼ s//) and, while consistentwith the analytical and numerical modelling, isapparently at odds with the common interpretationof stress regime associated with the Andersonianthrust deformation of the faults.

Business impact

Despite the very severe drilling problems experi-enced in the early exploration and appraisal wellson the Cusiana field, the efforts taken to understandthe complexity of the stress field allowed the devel-opment team to better address the wellbore instabil-ity and to improve well design and drilling practices.This led to a significant improvement in perfor-mance in this challenging field, with the non-productive time reducing from 47% in 1993 to27% in 1996 (Last et al. 1998).

Stress evolution from numerical sandbox

modelling of thrust fault systems

The transformation of the stress state in the com-pressional thrust fault blocks, pre- and post-faulting(Fig. 4), results from low fault friction, either initialor residual friction. In the latter case, the maximum


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compressive stress required to initiate the thrustfault plane exceeds that required to mobilize thefault plane at large strains, the difference betweenpeak strength and residual strength. Using Sibson’scharacterization of faulting styles (Sibson 1977,2003), this may be more common at relatively shal-low depths in a ‘brittle’ zone, where strain softeningrock behaviour might be expected, rather than at

great depths with larger confining pressures, wherethe fault planes may display perfect plasticity duringrock failure.

The results of the finite difference numericalmodelling of Cusiana (Fig. 5) only considered thelate-stage movements on existing fault planes withan existing structure. However, simulations of sand-box experiments that consider the formation and

Fig. 5. BP’s finite difference simulation of the Cusiana field stresses. Analysis was made on sections oriented NW–SE, parallel to the tectonic compression. The maps show the three principal stress magnitudes for one of the sections.In general, SH nw–se . Sv . Sh sw–ne. From Addis et al. (1993), reproduced with permission of Schlumberger.


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development of fault planes show similar results;Crook et al. (2006) present such numerical modelsfor extensional faulting.

A large strain finite element numerical model-ling code was used to simulate a compressionalsandbox experiment. The material being com-pressed laterally was sandstone, with a character-istically low Poisson’s ratio and the elastic andMohr–Coulomb properties shown in Table 1.The sandstone properties assigned to the numeri-cal sandstone are representative of high porositysands.

The compressional numerical experiments con-sidered both high and low fault frictions (Fig. 6).The total stress magnitudes for the three stresses(sv, sH, sh) are shown by the colour scales, wherered indicates low compressive stresses and blueshows high compressive stresses. The scale for thetop row of figures differs from the scale for the fig-ures in the middle and bottom rows by an order of

magnitude. The sandbox models simulated in thisnumerical modelling consist of a uniform formationcompressed by the left-hand boundary, with a staticright-hand boundary.

The top panels (Fig. 6) show the calculated ini-tial stress conditions due to gravitational loading,prior to compression, where the two horizontalstresses have similar magnitudes and distributions,equivalent to passive basin conditions. Theobserved differences at the boundaries reflect thefriction assigned to the sides of the sandbox.

The panels in the middle row show the verticalstress, compressional maximum horizontal stressand the minimum horizontal stress (perpendicularto the plane strain boundary, sh ¼ s//) after thesandbox experiment had undergone compressionalstrain. This middle row of simulations uses thesand properties shown in Table 1, which are elasto-plastic, and the friction angle remains constant at368, independent of the amount of strain or slipdeveloped on the failure planes. From the analyticalsolutions presented in Figure 4, these simulationswith a sand Poisson’s ratio of 0.25 would result inthe vertical stress as the minimum principal totalstress (s3 ¼ sv).

The bottom panels again present the threestresses, but for conditions where the sandstonehas been assigned frictional properties that reduceas the plastic strain on the failure planes develops.This approach reproduces a fault plane mobilizingresidual friction as the fault slips. The propertiesassigned to this post-peak residual friction areshown in Table 1 in parentheses for the friction

Table 1. Summary of sandstone properties used inthe numerical sandbox simulations

Property Value

Young’s modulus (Pa) 1.5 × 105

Poisson’s ratio 0.25Density (g cm23) 1.7Effective plastic strain 0 0.05 0.1Cohesion (Pa) 140 50 50Friction angle (8) 36 36 (32) 36 (28)Dilation angle (8) 30 15 0

Fig. 6. Numerical simulations of a sandbox experiment illustrating the stress development post-failure. Top row:passive basin conditions, gravitational loading with no lateral compression. Middle row: gravitational loading withlateral compression – sandstone with constant friction angle. Bottom row: Gravitational loading with lateralcompression – sandstone with residual friction angle.


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angle, where the friction angle drops from 36 to 288as the failure plane develops more plastic strain.Using the analytical solution in Figure 4, thislower fault residual friction should result in the min-imum principal total stress becoming oriented hori-zontally (s3 ¼ sh ¼ s//).

These numerical sandbox simulations show thatthe maximum horizontal stress develops as expected,accompanying the lateral compression. The stresscontours outline the developed shear failure bands.The vertical stress is bound by the free surface inthe y-axis direction, but shows variations resultingfrom the development of the shear failure bands.

In the middle row of Figure 6, the minimum hor-izontal stress (sh ¼ s//) is of a similar magnitudeto the vertical stress. In the relatively undeformedfault blocks, next to the right-hand boundary ofthe figures, the minimum horizontal stress slightlyexceeds the magnitude of the vertical stress, inline with the Andersonian description and the ana-lytical estimates in Figure 4. This is consistentwith the stress system responsible for the formationof the fault planes.

The results from the last suite of simulations areshown in the bottom row, where the friction angle ofthe sands was reduced as the failure planes devel-oped. These simulations show that once residualfriction is developed and the fault plane friction issufficiently reduced, the stresses generated in therelatively undeformed fault block on the right-handboundary of the simulations has the minimum hori-zontal stress oriented parallel to the strike of thefault with a magnitude lower than the vertical stress(s3 ¼ sh ¼ s//).

These simulations again support the field data aswell as the analytical and numerical models used toexplain the anomalously low magnitudes of hori-zontal stress acting in the Cusiana field. The earlierdiscussion of the stresses present in the Cusianaactive thrust fault is also evident in other compres-sional thrust faulting regions, such as the CanadianRockies (Woodland & Bell 1989) and the highlandsof Papua New Guinea (Hennig et al. 2002), whichalso indicate minimum horizontal stress magnitudessignificantly lower than the vertical stress magni-tude (sv . sh ¼ s//). The common interpretationand application of the Andersonian stress systemshould therefore be treated with caution in similarstructural regimes.

Stress regimes in active normal faulting


This discussion has focused on thrust fault environ-ments, but many fields are developed in normallyfaulted regimes. The analytical approach describedin Figure 4 was applied to normal faulting and a

similar picture emerged: stress rotations in the unde-formed fault block can also accompany normalfault development.

In Figure 7, the y-axis again plots the ratio of thehorizontal stress acting parallel to the strike ofthe normal fault, which is normally assumed to bethe intermediate stress, relative to the magnitudeof the vertical stress (s///sv). The horizontalstresses are always less than the vertical stress inthis normal faulting extensional environment andthe values on the y-axis are always ,1. The relativemagnitude of this ‘fault-parallel’ horizontal stress(s//) is again plotted for different values of faultplane friction and formation Poisson’s ratios.

This plot also shows the magnitude of the exten-sional horizontal stress acting perpendicular to thestrike of the fault plane relative to the magnitudeof the vertical stress; the fault mobilization curve.This is the horizontal total stress required to mobi-lize or slip normal faults for given fault frictionangles.

Figure 7 shows that in fault blocks defined by nor-mal faults with no strike-slip component, but withhigh fault friction angles, isotropic formations withhigh Poisson’s ratios are likely to have minimumhorizontal stresses acting perpendicular to thestrike of the fault, in line with expectations of the pre-fault stress state. By contrast, in formations withlow Poisson’s ratios and in the presence of faultswith low friction, in the area below the fault mobili-zation curve, the minimum horizontal stress magni-tude may be re-oriented parallel to the normal fault(s3 ¼ sh ¼ s//), which again contrasts with theAndersonian fault system required to form the faults.

A note on stress polygons

The stress polygon (Anderson 1951) and its modifi-cation (Zoback 2008) is commonly used in thepetroleum industry for the stress estimation offaulted environments. It can be used to illustratethis rotation of the minimum horizontal total stressand the non-coincidence of the principal stress anddeformational axes when low friction or weakeningon the fault occurs during slip or for formations withcontrasting Poisson’s ratios.

Figure 8a shows the standard stress polygon forthe Andersonian stresses required to generate themain faulting types for a fault friction of 308,while Figure 8b illustrates the analytical estimatesfor formations with low Poisson’s ratios (¼0.1)for the stress states presented in Figures 4 and 7for thrust and normal faulting, respectively. Thestress polygons show for plane strain conditionsthat thrust fault deformations can result in stressmagnitudes normally attributed to strike-slip fault-ing and that for thrust and normal fault deformations


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the minimum stress may become oriented parallel tothe fault plane (s3 ¼ sh ¼ s//). Figure 8c, calcu-lated using a Poisson’s ratio of 0.35, demonstratesthat a continuum of stress states may not occurbetween faulting styles for the plane strain condi-tions presented in Figures 4 and 7. Figure 8 illus-trates that a range of different properties and sizesof the stress polygons exists depending on the valuesof the fault friction angle and Poisson’s ratio for aspecified vertical total stress and pore pressure.

Discussion of Andersonian systems and

post-faulting stress regimes

Anderson (1905, 1951) described the relative stressmagnitudes required to generate normal, strike-slipand thrust faults, specifically up to the point whenthe faults form, not post-faulting. Anderson usedthe phrase, ‘Suppose now that the stresses are sogreat as to lead to actual fracture’. That describesthe stress regime acting up to the initiation and gen-esis of the fault, but does not address the stressregimes that could develop after the faults haveformed, stating that, ‘The effect of all faulting isto relieve the stress and bring conditions nearer to. . . the standard state’, i.e. closer to isotropic condi-tions. The assumption of a minimum stress equal to

the vertical stress in a thrust fault regime, or perpen-dicular to normal faulting, may therefore be incor-rect under certain conditions.

The decrease in stress after fault formation canbe explained by the well-documented large post-peak ‘brittle’ or weakening response that accompa-nies the formation of a well-defined discontinuity(Bishop 1974; Sibson 1977; Mandl 2000). This‘brittle’ or weakening response as the fault developsleads to low residual friction at large strains due to anumber of possible contributing mechanisms,including: grain disaggregation, a large clay con-tent, or low effective normal stresses resultingfrom high ‘undrained’ pore pressures on the faultplane, accompanying the shear stress build-up anddeformation. This is akin to the undrained mechan-ical response described by Skempton’s ‘A’ porepressure coefficient (Skempton 1954; Yassir 1989).

This section has considered only simple com-pressional or extensional events. However, geolog-ical history is commonly complex, involvingmultiple loading events that affect the currentday stresses. Stress inversion events are well docu-mented in the Tertiary of the North Sea (Biddle &Rudolph 1988), the NW Shelf of Australia (Baileyet al. 2016) and globally (Cooper & Williams1989; Buchanan & Buchanan 1995). Stress inver-sion also plays a part in the development of the

Fig. 7. Variation of the minimum horizontal stress magnitude acting in intact fault blocks oriented parallel to anormal fault, normalized by the vertical stress magnitude, for different friction angles on the normal fault (Addiset al. 1994). # 1994, Society of Petroleum Engineers. Reproduced with permission of SPE. Further reproductionprohibited without permission.


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Fig. 8. Comparisons of stress polygons with (a) standard Andersonian faulting for stress conditions leading up tofault development; (b) possible stress conditions post-fault development in formations with low Poisson’s ratios(¼0.1); and (c) possible post-fault conditions in formations with high Poisson’s ratios (¼0.35).


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Cusiana field, where the bounding Cusiana fault wasoriginally a margin extensional fault, which waslater reactivated during the Andes compression.Consequently, the inclination of the Cusiana faultmay not be consistent with the typical angular rela-tionship of failure planes relative to the maximumhorizontal stress (b ¼ 458 2 f/2) for thrust faultdevelopment, but may be more representative ofnormal faulting. To account for the differences inthe dip between the actual fault plane after fault for-mation and the expected fault orientation resultingfrom rock failure, Wu et al. (1998) refined the ear-lier calculations for stresses resulting from normaland thrust faults for plane strain conditions. Theseequations represent a simplified analytical approachto estimate the impact of stress inversion on thestresses acting in fault blocks away from the imme-diate vicinity of the fault planes.

As a further consideration, the normal assump-tion of vertical and horizontal stresses, while a com-mon assumption for flat-lying formations, does notapply in these compressional environments, wherefaulted and folded formations predominate. Thesubvertical principal stress orientation in thesefolded environments is, as a first approximation,taken to be normal to the bedding planes in moder-ately inclined and folded beds. The presence offaulting provides additional complexity and localrotations occur based on the orientation of thefault, the relative movements on the fault blocksand the fault friction angles which are best evaluatedusing numerical models (Thornton & Crook 2014).These folded formations and rotated stress systemshave a significant impact on wellbore stability forinclined wells in these compressional environments(Last & McLean 1996).

Other geological processes have a significantimpact altering the stress systems acting in rela-tively passive environments, most notably associ-ated with salt intrusions, where stress rotations inthe horizontal plane are observed from breakoutanalysis (Yassir & Zerwer 1997) and those in thevertical plane are calculated using numerical meth-ods (Peric & Crook 2004).

To conclude, the stress regimes described byAnderson for the onset of different faulting styles,specifically normal and thrust faulting, are calcu-lated to persist in relatively undeformed fault blocksif the formations have a high Poisson’s ratio and/orlarge fault plane friction. The stress states acting infault blocks deviate from the pre-faulting Anderso-nian stress states for formations with low Poisson’sratios and for faults with relatively low friction,either initially or as a result of strain weakeningand low residual friction angles. This suggests thatat depths within the zone of interest for hydrocarbonexploitation, fault blocks containing younger, lesscompact and less cemented formations, which are

more likely to behave in an elastoplastic manner,and bound by faults with high fault friction could beexpected to have stress systems compatible with theAndersonian system of stresses required for the for-mation of the faulting styles. In contrast, older ormore competent formations, bound by faults withlow fault friction (drained or undrained), may havepost-faulting stress systems that are not consistentwith the original pre-faulting stress states.

This has significant implications for stress analy-sis in petroleum field development and for the selec-tion and interpretation of stress estimation methods.These estimation methods are often lithologicallyconstrained, e.g. breakout analysis predominates inmore shale-rich formations, whereas minifrac anddifferential strain curve analysis are more commonin sandstones and limestones. There are also impli-cations for strain-based indicators of fault move-ment, such as seismic moment analysis ‘beachballs’, which may not always represent the existingstress field throughout these active fault systems.

Neotectonic natural fracture development

accompanying compression and extension

Evidence of strain accompanying faulting on ageological timeframe includes the occurrence ofextensional vertical fractures or steep hybrid frac-tures in compressional environments. These neotec-tonic fractures are oriented perpendicular to thedeformation front, with the minimum horizontalstress aligned parallel to the strike of the thrustfault plane (sh ¼ s//), as described by Hancock &Bevan (1987) for a number of foreland basins. Theformation of these near-vertical natural fracturesoriented parallel to the maximum horizontal stressdirection is again inconsistent with a common inter-pretation of compressional thrust stress regimes,where the minimum stress is expected to be vertical.

The rotation of the minimum stress from verticalat the onset of thrust faulting to horizontal during thedevelopment and displacement of the thrust fault,discussed in the preceding sections, may provide aprerequisite condition for the development of thesubvertical neotectonic natural fractures. These areobserved over hundreds of kilometres in the fore-lands and hinterlands of orogenic belts and at dis-tances greater .500 km from the compressionaldeformation front (Hancock & Bevan 1987).Numerous examples are presented by Hancock &Bevan (1987), from southern England, northernFrance and the Arabian platform, along with the ver-tical J2 joint set of the Marcellus Shale in the Appa-lachian basin reported by Engelder et al. (2009). Inthe absence of this post-faulting stress rotation,these neotectonic fractures have been consideredto be restricted to shallow depths and attributed


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to significant uplift and elevated fluid pressures,or lateral elongation in the forelands parallel orsub-parallel to the fault strike or orogenic margin,in order to produce the necessary tensile effectivehorizontal stresses to form the fractures.

For normally faulted environments, similarobservations have been discussed by Kattenhornet al. (2000), where vertical natural extensional frac-tures occur oriented perpendicular to the strike ofthe normal fault plane, again contrary to the com-mon interpretation of stress states associated withnormal faults. Kattenhorn et al. (2000) discuss thefield occurrence of these fractures and assess theconditions required for their formation, primarilyconsidering the elastic stress perturbation aroundfaults. However, one prerequisite for their forma-tion is considered to be sh ¼ s//, which Kattenhornet al. (2000) refer to as a condition where d .1; d isredefined here (where compressional stresses areconsidered positive) as the ratio of the fault-perpendicular to fault-parallel horizontal stresses(s⊥/s//) acting remote from the fault plane(Fig. 7). The stress estimations presented here anddiscussed in Addis et al. (1994) enable us to predictwhich formations are likely contain such fracturesand why these may not extend into adjacent forma-tions of different mechanical properties.

The lithological control on the minimum hori-zontal stress becoming parallel to the fault strikesis consistent with observations of neotectonic frac-tures being more prolific in low Poisson’s ratio for-mations, e.g. sandstones and limestones (Hancock& Engelder 1989), and less clay-rich formations(Engelder et al. 2009).

In the formulations presented, the minimum hor-izontal stress does not become tensile, a requirementfor the development of new tectonic joints asdescribed by Hancock & Bevan (1987), Hancock& Engelder (1989) and Engelder et al. (2009) forcompressional regimes and by Kattenhorn et al.(2000) for normal faulting environments. Mechani-cal conditions such as elevated fluid pressures and/or high deviatoric stresses leading to ‘extensionfractures’ (Engelder et al. 2009) or extension paral-lel to the fault plane may be required to make thisminimum effective horizontal stress tensile.

Stress evolution during field production and

the impact on infill drilling

The compressional stress regime discussed in theprevious sections for the Cusiana field considersthe relative total stress magnitudes present at thestart of production, which have developed over ageological timeframe and are considered to be rela-tively static, although fault movements are knownto perturb this static condition. Production and

injection in a field cause the total stresses to varywith the changes in the reservoir pore pressure onan almost daily basis. This dynamic stress environ-ment not only exists in the reservoir, but also in thesurrounding formations. It has a significant techni-cal and economic impact on field planning, drilling,stimulation and production of these fields, espe-cially for depleting high pressure–high temperature(HPHT) fields.

The effect of production and reservoir pressuredepletion on the minimum total stress magnitudewas first documented by Salz (1977), who showeda linear relationship between the change in thetotal minimum horizontal stress magnitude and thechange in the average reservoir pressure (dsh/dPp)in the Vicksburg Formation in south Texas, wherethe stress depletion response was shown to be:



= gh = 0.53

A large number of subsequent studies on differ-ent fields have described similar decreases in themagnitude of the minimum horizontal stress accom-panying depletion (Teufel et al. 1991; Engelder &Fischer 1994; Addis 1997a, b; Hillis 2003). Littleattention has been given to the changes in the mag-nitude of the maximum horizontal total stress withpore pressure, which is normally assumed to changewith the same depletion ratio as the minimum hori-zontal total stress (gH ¼ gh). The change in the ver-tical total stress with pore pressure (gv) has receivedmore attention as a result of the increasing use offield-wide geomechanical numerical modelling andthe cross-correlation with four-dimensional seismicvelocity changes, which are used to monitor thevertical stress and strain changes resulting fromdepletion-driven reservoir compaction and subsi-dence (Kenter et al. 2004; Molenaar et al. 2004).

Geological factors which influence the dynamicresponse of the minimum horizontal total stressesto reservoir pressure changes include:

(1) the reservoir dimensions;(2) the reservoir structure (anticlinal, inclined,

flat-lying);(3) the mechanical property (elastic) contrasts

between the reservoir and overburdenformations;

(4) pore pressure depletion – the radius of influ-ence, drainage radius or reservoir compart-mentalization;

(5) pressure cycles, depletion followed by injec-tion (Santarelli et al. 1998, 2008);

(6) faulting style and stress regime;(7) location on the structure.

These factors contribute to the range of the stressdepletion ratios observed globally, which typically


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vary between gh ¼ 0.4 and 1.0, with the most com-mon being in the range gh ¼ 0.6–0.8. Teufel et al.(1991) showed for the Ekofisk field that the horizon-tal stresses on this domal field decrease at thesame rate for wells located at the crest and theflanks of the field, at a rate of c. gh ¼ 0.8. Thenearby chalk fields show similar stress depletionratios for the minimum horizontal stress. Geologicalfactors also control the vertical stress changesaccompanying depletion, ranging from dsv/dPp ¼gv¼0 for flat-lying, laterally extensive reservoirsto gv ¼ 0.2 for anticlinal or highly inclined reser-voirs (Molenaar et al. 2004). Molenaar et al.(2004) predict that the vertical total stress changesaccompanying the depletion of the Shearwaterfield, in the high pressure–high temperature regionof the central North Sea, are dependent on the loca-tion of the well on the structure of the inclinedreservoir blocks.

The variation of the maximum horizontal stresswith depletion is not known and is only estimatedthrough analytical (Addis 1997a) or numerical mod-elling, given the challenges of determining the mag-nitude of the maximum horizontal stress from fieldmeasurements. The assumption that gH varies in asimilar manner to the minimum horizontal stressmight be a reasonable assumption for flat-lying res-ervoirs exhibiting a passive basin type depletionresponse. This is unlikely to be the case for anticli-nal or faulted reservoirs.

Case study 2. Brent field, North Sea: the

impact of depletion on infill drilling

The difficulty in estimating the magnitude of thestress depletion coefficient for the minimum hori-zontal stress (gh) manifested itself during the analy-sis of drilling challenges which were encounteredduring the infill drilling of the Brent field duringthe early 2000s. Brent had been on productionsince 1976, with the later stages of production bene-fiting from pressure support through water injection.In January 1998, the water injection was halted overthe majority of the field and the reservoir pressureallowed to decrease through reservoir blow-downaimed at recovering remaining bypassed oil andgas. The average pressure depletion rate of thefield was 3.4 MPa a21 (500 psi/year).

Infill drilling of high-angle sidetracks from exist-ing wellbores during 1999 began to encountersevere mud losses, which had not been observedwith the earlier drilling. A post-well review identi-fied the cause of the mud losses as a reduction inthe fracture gradient of the wells, resulting fromthe decrease in the minimum horizontal stressaccompanying the depletion (Addis et al. 2001).The losses were stress-related; the most severe

losses corresponded to the lowest reservoir pres-sures and with wellbores drilled in the direction ofthe maximum horizontal stress direction i.e. pre-dominantly NW–SE (Figure 9).

The infill drilling sidetracks targeted small pock-ets of bypassed oil on the eastern flanks of Brent,which were isolated from the main reservoir by

Fig. 9. Breakout (minimum horizontal stress)directions for the Brent field. Orange and pink denoteborehole elongation in vertical wells and deviatedwells, respectively; blue and green denote possibleborehole breakouts in vertical wells and deviated wells,respectively. Rose diagrams are not to scale. AfterBoylan & Williams (1998). # 1998 Society ofPetroleum Engineers. Reproduced with permission ofSPE. Further reproduction prohibited withoutpermission.


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faulted compartments – the crestal slump faults(Struijk & Green 1991) (Fig. 10). These wellswere low-cost sidetracks, c. £1 million per sidetrack,designed to access 1–2 million bbls of oil per well,but the mud losses and other non-productive timewere making the sidetracks uneconomic (Davisonet al. 2004).

As a result of the mud loss review, a number ofoperational changes were adopted to continue drill-ing the sidetracks, as outlined in Addis et al. (2001)and Davison et al. (2004). An early priority was toestablish the stress depletion constant for Brent.

Stress depletion response

During the planning stages, the depletion coefficientfor the minimum horizontal total stress was assumedto be gh ¼ 0.7–0.75, based on data obtained fromlaboratory tests of the Brent sandstone and the sim-ple passive basin assumption for horizontal stressdecrease. Such estimates are commonly used as afirst approximation, but they ignore the geologyand the geological controls of stress and stress evo-lution accompanying depletion and injection.

The relationships used for estimating the hori-zontal stress magnitudes for faulted environments,post-faulting, illustrated in Figures 4 and 7 forthrust and normal faulting regimes, allow the hori-zontal stress depletion responses (gh) to be esti-mated for these different faulted environments(Addis 1997a). Given that the eastern flank ofBrent was normally faulted, with slump faults, thestress depletion response might be controlled bythe stresses acting in the presence of the normalfaults. However, the estimates for these normallyfaulted conditions did not significantly differ fromthe passive basin values. This simple approachalso does not account for the present day stressregime. The maximum horizontal stress direction,oriented perpendicular to the breakouts (Fig. 9),

indicates that the horizontal stresses have rotatedsince the initiation of the faults because they are cur-rently aligned oblique to the strike of the faults.

The dynamic response of the reservoir to pres-sure changes does not respond in isolation. Thereservoir has a predominantly shale overburden,providing a contrast in the average elastic materialproperties between the reservoirs and the shale over-burden. The impact of this modulus contrast on thereservoir stress depletion response was estimatedusing a semi-analytical model based on the Eshelbyellipsoidal inclusion approach (V. Dunayevsky,pers. comm. 2001), which resulted in an estimateof the stress depletion coefficient of gh ¼ 0.61–0.62 for the horizontal total stresses and gv ¼0.01–0.02 for the vertical total stress changes. Theinitial estimate of the stress depletion response andthis update used core-based mechanical propertymeasurements and considered uniform reservoirpressure changes across the field. Subsequently, anelastic finite element model was built and populatedwith the calculated reservoir pressures from adynamic reservoir engineering model of the Brentfield, leading again to stress depletion estimatesfor the minimum horizontal total stress in the regionof gh ¼ 0.60–0.61 over the majority of the field, butwith lower values towards the flanks of the field (J.Emmen pers. comm. 2001).

These stress depletion estimates showed a reduc-tion in the minimum horizontal total stress and in thefracture gradient of between 60 and 70% of the porepressure decline for these high-angle sidetracks.However, predicting the observed stress depletionresponses of reservoirs globally for different geo-logical conditions had proved difficult at the timedue to the range of factors affecting the depletionresponse (Addis 1997b).

Consequently, the approach taken to estimate thedepletion constant, and the reduction in the fracturegradient with depletion, was based on an analysis of

Fig. 10. Cross-section through the Brent reservoir along the BA05 S1 well path (in blue). After Addis et al. (2001).# 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers. Reproduced with permission of SPE. Further reproduction prohibitedwithout permission.


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the field data. The only available data reflecting thechange in the fracture gradient and the minimumhorizontal total stress during the depletion stageof the Brent field development since 1998 werethe mud loss occurrences. These are imprecise mea-surements, but in the absence of actual stress mea-surements, such as mini-fracture tests, they can beused as an operational estimate.

Business impact

The reservoir pressure estimates at the time of themud loss, the differences in well trajectory and oper-ational effects such as temperature, swabbing andsurging were analysed, which led to an operationalbound of gh ¼ 0.4 for the decline in the minimumhorizontal total stress (fracture gradient) with deple-tion. This much slower rate of minimum horizontalstress decline formed the basis for new well plan-ning and, along with operational improvements,resulted in continued infill drilling in the Brent res-ervoir and significant improved recovery of reserves(Davison et al. 2004).

This Brent case study demonstrates the short-comings of using simple model assumptions aboutstress and stress variations and the need to includegeologically realistic models calibrated to fielddata measurements. If the early, higher, stress deple-tion estimates had been used for planning purposes,the infill well drilling could have been prematurelycurtailed, with a loss of tens of millions of barrelsof oil production and reserves recovery.

Strength differences resulting from

cementation and facies variations

The previous sections have focused on the relativemagnitudes of the in situ stresses for differentfaulted geological environments and the variationin the stress magnitudes in the reservoir accompany-ing depletion. Field development must also addressthe second element of geomechanical analysis: for-mation mechanical properties and, foremost amongthese, the strength of the reservoir rock.

Numerous relationships are used by the industryto estimate the strengths and mechanical properties

of different lithologies from log-based geophysi-cal measurements, as collated and summarized byKhaksar et al. (2009). These generic trends areinvaluable, because measurements on reservoirformations are often limited by the available core.For a typical exploration well, core taken acrossthe hydrocarbon-bearing interval may range from20 m to over 100 m for larger reservoirs. Mechani-cal testing of 15–20 core sample intervals fromthe reservoir formation would be a typical samplingdensity per well. Given that the determination ofmechanical rock properties on cores obtained frommore than two to three exploration and appraisalwells is uncommon in a field, gives a total numberof sample points of 40–60. More testing mayoccur in larger fields, but this is rarely done.

Table 2 shows calculations of sampling densitiesfor typical geomechanical reservoir characterizationfor different well lengths or for a reservoir sector. Asampling rate for one well in a reservoir sector of3 km radius corresponds to a sampling density,1 × 10212 (,1 ppt). This very low sampling rateillustrates why the use of petrophysical well logs andthree-dimensional seismic data, in combination withcalibrated rock strength trends, are crucial in interpo-lating the measured rock properties across the entirereservoir and overburden, and underpin any three-dimensional geomechanical analysis of the field.

The use of these generic strength trends, how-ever, introduces considerable uncertainty when esti-mating reservoir rock strength profiles for detailedgeomechanical analysis because the correlationsare generally ‘one-parameter’ correlations (e.g.unconfined compressive strength v. porosity). Bycontrast, Coates & Denoo (1980) and Bruce(1990) presented an equation to describe the depen-dence of sandstone strength on two primary factors(stiffness and clay content) based on a collation ofearlier test data:

C0 = 0.026 × 10−6 2 cosf

1 − sinfEK(0.008Vclay

+ 0.0045[1 − Vclay])

where C0 ¼ unconfined compressive strength (psi),f ¼ angle of internal friction, E ¼ Young’s

Table 2. Illustration of the sampling densities for geomechanical analysis in wells and reservoir sectors

No. ofsampling points

Welllength (m)

Reservoirradius (m)


Reservoir interval sampling 15–20 100 0.011–0.015Total well depth sampling 15–20 3000 3 × 1024–5 × 1024

Reservoir (sector) sampling 15–20 100 3000 0.4 × 10212–0.6 × 10212

Based on standard mechanical samples 7.5 cm long.


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modulus (psi), K ¼ bulk modulus (psi) and Vclay ¼fractional volume of clay minerals

Plumb (1994) followed this approach, attributingthe primary petrophysical controls of sandstonestrength to porosity and clay content. Plumb (1994)described a number of characteristics of empiricalstrength curves for sandstones, including a transi-tion from a grain load-bearing skeleton throughoutthe sandstones at low porosities and clay contents,to a predominantly matrix load-bearing structureat porosities .30–35%. This forms an upper boundfor the unconfined compressive strengths of rela-tively clean load-bearing sandstones. For the lowerporosity grain load-bearing sandstones, Plumb(1994) showed that the strength reduces with in-creasing clay content. Additional developments todefine multi-parameter strength correlations includethe work of Tokle et al. (1986) and Raaen et al.(1996).

Improved accuracy of both the strength, andany subsequent analysis, requires strength andmechanical property measurements on the reservoircore materials to calibrate these generic correla-tions. Ideally, mechanical property characterizationtests are performed on each reservoir facies or reser-voir layer to identify potential strength variations. Inpractice, the number of tests possible is limitedby the available length of cores cut through thereservoir.

Case study 3: Lunskoye Sakhalin Island,

Eastern Russia: the impact of strength

variations on completion design

An example of how detailed lithological andstrength variations impact geomechanical design isshown in the completion design for the reservoirsandstones in the Lunskoye field, offshore SakhalinIsland, eastern Russia. The Lunskoye gas field con-sists of 10 layers of the Daghinsky sandstone (layersI–X) with porosities of 15–30% and permeabilitiesranging between 2 and 3000 mD. The DaghinskyFormation, of Miocene age, was deposited undercyclic repetitions of transgressive and regressiveepisodes along a fluvial-dominated delta system.The Upper and Middle Daghinsky sandstonesform the Lunskoye reservoir, with the Upper Dag-hinsky (I–IV) described as a non-coal-bearing shal-low marine, inter- to mid-shelf formation withminor deltaic influence and shoreline-parallel sandbodies. The Middle Daghinsky (V–XII) has beendescribed as being deposited in a coal-bearingdelta plain environment. The sandstone reservoirhas a thickness of c. 400 m true vertical depth,each Daghinsky layer being separated by thin, fine-grained siltstone layers. Between Daghinsky layers

IV and V is a field-wide siltstone layer c. 20 mthick (Ross et al. 2006).

The wells in this reservoir were planned as open-hole completions using either slotted or pre-drilledliners. However, the likelihood of sand productionwas high with these completions and would haveled to significant production delays. The wellswere re-designed and completed using a selectiveperforation technique, which involves shooting per-forations across the higher strength sandstones andavoiding the high porosity, weaker sand-prone inter-vals. However, sufficient interval has to be perfo-rated to deliver the 8.5 million m3 per day per well(300 mmscf per day per well) of gas to meet the liq-uefied natural gas contract (Addis et al. 2008; Gun-ningham et al. 2008). This approach to the lowersandface completion design requires a rock testingprogramme to define a rock strength profile throughthe reservoir as the basis of the selective perforationdesign.

Strength v. porosity correlations

For the Lunskoye development and completiondesign, rock mechanics tests consisting of uncon-fined compressive strength tests, thick walled cylin-der tests and petrophysical characterization testswere performed on the available cores from threereservoir layers. Even though the data were sparse,two strength trends were identified, with samplesfrom the deeper sandstone layers exhibiting higherstrengths than those from the shallower layers.

The strength v. porosity trends are shown in Fig-ure 11, indicating that the deeper sandstones arec. 10 MPa (100 bar) stronger than the shallowersandstones for porosities between 15 and 25%.The differences in the strength were not readilyexplained by differences in texture or clay content.However, following the drilling of a new appraisalwell, a spectral gamma ray log indicated that thecements in the different layers differed in geochem-ical composition.

The different geochemical compositions of thecements identified in the Lunskoye reservoir wereused to explain the strength variations observedfrom the laboratory mechanical testing programmeand the two rock strength (thick walled cylinderv. porosity) trends. The final selective perforatedcompletion design was based on the two strengthcorrelations applied to the different reservoir layerscontained in the subsurface model. The model wasdiscretized down to intervals 2 m true verticaldepth thick in the three-dimensional static reservoirmodel, resulting in significantly more of the lowerDaghinsky layers being selectively perforated inthe completion design and contributing to greaterproduction than would have been possible by usingthe lower strength or an average strength trend.


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Business impact

The first phase of well drilling on Lunskoye usedthis selective perforating scheme for completingthe wells, based on real-time reservoir data obtainedfrom logging while drilling (LWD) to update thereservoir model, which enabled a customized, well-specific, selective perforating design for each ofthe wells drilled. As a result, the completions suc-cessfully delivered the required gas productionsand-free for the start-up of the liquefied naturalgas development (Zerbst & Webers 2011).

From this example we demonstrate that identify-ing strength differences in reservoir sandstones canlead to significantly less conservative completiondesigns and larger operational limits for production,leading to increased production and recovery. Thehigher strength sandstones are able to withstandlarger drawdown pressures and depletions, withimproved production and recovery.

Scratch testing of core with subtle

lithological variations

Similar variations in rock strength have beenobserved in other reservoirs around the world, re-sulting from subtle geological influences. For exam-ple, reservoir facies differences in a North Sea field,observable in core, but not discernible from welllogs, required two strength correlations to mechani-cally characterize the reservoir, with the higherstrength facies on average 45 MPa (450 bar) stron-ger than the weaker strength facies for 15–20%porosity sandstones.

The sensitivity of strength to both depositionaland diagenetic factors has been based on coarse

sampling using plugs from cores, which introducessampling bias into any analysis. Recent develop-ments with the use of scratch tests, which providea continuous measure of strength along the entirecore, together with ultrasonic measurements, pro-vide a means to use strength to identify differentfacies in far more detail than with sporadic coreplugs (Germay & Lhomme 2016).

Figure 12 shows an example of scratch test basedstrength estimates over a 400 m long core section,showing a large scatter of data when plotted againstthe corresponding log porosity. When re-analysedusing a clustering scheme, four different facies areidentified, enabling unique strength correlations tobe established for the different facies. Both standardstrength measurements on core plugs and the moredetailed measurements of strength obtained fromthe scratch tests provide independent evidence forthe use of facies-based strength correlations fordetailed completion design.

Concluding remarks

The contribution of geomechanical engineering toa range of field planning issues, from explorationthrough to the development and abandonment ofoil and gas fields, has seen a continued increasesince the 1980s. The uptake of geomechanics hasrelied on analytical models and, more recently,sophisticated numerical models to address thedesign optimization of field developments. Theserange from pore pressure and stress estimation,wellbore stability, sand production and completiondesign, reservoir management issues of compactionand subsidence and four-dimensional field monitor-ing to hydraulic fracturing and natural fracture

y = -571.1ln(x) + 2142.5 R = 0.94062

y = -611.3ln(x) + 2361.9 R = 0.93499









0 5 10 15 20 25 30




h (b


Stressed Porosity (%)

Layers I & IV Layer VII

Fig. 11. Two strength trends identified for the Daghinsky sandstones of the Lunskoye field: stronger red trend linefor the deeper layers; weaker blue trend line for shallower layers.


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stimulation. The use of analytical models has beeneffective, but the availability of field data in thecase studies discussed in this paper highlights thelimitations of the models, which can oversimplifythe industry’s view of the subsurface. What isrequired is both improved modelling and increasedgeological input into the models.

The use of field data to help characterize thestress state in both the Cusiana and Brent fields, forboth the initial field conditions and during produc-tion and depletion, has led to novel explanationsof the initial stress state with respect to the faultingstyle and the stress depletion response of thereservoirs. These data, along with improved modelsand geomechanical subsurface characterization,

have led to significant improvements in the fielddevelopments.

Core sampling and mechanical testing strategiescommonly result in very low sampling rates, downto ,1 ppt of the reservoir volume. This highlightsthe reliance on establishing strength- and property-based correlations to enable petrophysical and geo-physical extrapolation of the core measurementsaway from the well and across the field for sub-surface geomechanical characterization. This lowsampling density increases the uncertainty of anyanalysis, which can be managed, but not eliminated,with intelligent calibration of the data based onsound geological models. Nevertheless, analysisstill benefits from adequate sampling and laboratory

Fig. 12. Identification of different facies using strength v. porosity cross-plots based on continuous strength andp-wave velocity measurements on cores. After Noufal et al. (2015). # 2015, Society of Petroleum Engineers.Reproduced with permission of SPE. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.


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measurements, as shown in the Lunksoye comple-tion design, and from the more detailed strengthmeasurements obtained from scratch tests.

Field-wide porosity distributions derived fromthe three-dimensional seismic attribute analysis usedto generate three-dimensional reservoir strengthand mechanical property distributions typicallyrely on generic correlations for the translationfrom porosity to strength. The Lunskoye case studyshows that significant strength differences measuredon similar sandstones within the same reservoir arisefrom subtle geological changes. As such, futurethree-dimensional reservoir characterization wouldbenefit from a facies level or unit description forany detailed geomechanical analysis and completiondesign.

Advanced numerical modelling is a practicalapproach to improving our visualization and under-standing of subsurface geomechanical conditionsand their evolution with drilling and production.This move away from the more simplistic modelsused in the industry to date is facilitated by the avail-ability of more complex material models andincreased computational power. However, modelsneed data. This paper has shown how additionalmeasurements throughout the lifetime of a field,from early characterization to the monitoring andsurveillance of developments, allow asset teams toassess the validity of the subsurface models andreact in a timely manner to optimize field develop-ment plans.

Understanding the geomechanical issues addres-sed here has led to operational changes with consid-erable financial impact on field developments. It hasmeant the difference between stable wells andunplanned drilling costs, continued drilling v. fieldshutdown, and between sub-optimum and improvedreserves recovery. As we move into increasinglychallenging environments, geomechanics is provingto be an essential key to economically unlockingadditional reserves.

The field studies presented here, and the field improve-ments implemented as a result of these analyses and rec-ommendations, rely on entire asset teams. The ideas andobservations presented here are also the result of numerousdiscussions with supportive colleagues and I acknowledgethe contributions of Mike McLean, Nigel Last, DickPlumb, Philippe Charlez, Mike Cauley, Chris Kuyken,Victor Dunayevsky, Mark Davison, Mike Gunningham,Philippe Brassart, Jeroen Webers, Cor Kenter, Nick Bar-ton, Axel Makurat and Najwa Yassir and the numerousresearchers, operational and asset engineers with whom Ihave had the pleasure of working. The GSL paper review-ers, Paul Gillespie and Miltiadis Parotidis, also madeexcellent recommendations, helping to improve thepaper, and in pointing out the possible impact of stressrotations during faulting on the formation of neotectonicfractures. I acknowledge the support of Rockfield SoftwareLimited in preparing this paper and the support and

invaluable suggestions of Najwa Yassir while reviewingand editing this paper.


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