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LI B R A R Y - Forgotten Books

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V O L . I.





THE REV. DR. DAN IEL W IL L IAMS was an eminentProtestantdissenting minister ofthe Presbyterian denomination ,in the latter partof the seventeenth , and the beginning of

the eighteenth , century he was born atWrexham,in Den

bighshire, in 1644 , and died in London in 1 71 6 , bequeathing nearly the whole of h is ample fortune to public and

charitable objects.

For sometime previous to his decease, he had formedthedesign of founding intheMetropolis a Public L ibrary, to beplaced underthe managementand control of a succession of

Trustees, and to be accessible to such persons as they, intheir discretion, should admittothe privilege.

Dr .Williams’

s private collection of books, which he de

stinedtothis object, was very numerous and of greatvalue ;butbefore his death, he had added to it, by purchase, theentire library of Dr . William Bates, which was known tocontain a large number of rare and curious works, Dr .Batesbe ing esteemed one ofthe mostlearned and accomplished

bibliographers of histime .

Owing to some technical difliculties inthe establishmentof the trusts of Dr . Williams

s will, his Trustees were notable to complete the arrangements for the opening ofthePublic L ibrary before the year 1 72 9, aboutthirteen yearsafterthe Testator ’

s death .

They had obtained fromthe C ourtof C hancery, inthe suitunder whichthe afi



ofthe Trusthave always been admi


ulstered, an orderto lay outa certain sum of money in thepurchase of ground andthe erection of a house in Red C ross

Street, forthe reception ofthe books butthis sum having

been wholly expended beforethe building had advanced near

its completion ,the Trustees, who were unwillingto applytothe C ourtfor an addition to the original grant, raised thefundsthatwere wanted for finishingthe house and furn ishingthe principal apartments, by handsome contributions fromthemselves, and liberaldonations from opulentfriends whowere favourabletothe design .

Whilstthese arrangements were in progress , the bookswere, conformablyto Dr.Williams

s directions, carefully examined, the duplicates and useless books removed, and a

C atalogue prepared ofthose selected for preservation , whichwas printed inthe year 1 72 7. The objectofthe Trustees inpublishing the C atalogue so long before the L ibrary wasready for use, is statedto have been to induce other mun iheentand public - spirited persons, and lovers of literature,tocontribute to its augmentation .

”In this expectation they

were notdisappointed ; many donations, some of them of

greatvalue, were received forthe increase ofthe L ibrary ; butthe largestaccession was derived from Dr .William Harr is ,

the personalfriend of Dr .Williams, who bequeathed forth ispurposethe whole of his own library. Atmany subsequentperiods, liberal contributions have been made to it, both byTrustees

,and by other friends ofthe Institution notcon

nected with its management*.

Dr.Williams having, inthe disposalof his property, madeno provision forthe augmentation ofthe L ibrary , orders wereobtained bythe Trustees fromthe C ourtof C hancery, intheyears 1805 and 1 830, authorizing the application of certain

Ithas been usualwiththe Lay Trustees, on their appointment, to presenttothe Librarythe sum often guineas , or some book or books equivalentto that sum.


portions ofthe annualsurplus profits ofthe Trustestates tothis specific purpose. In consequence of this order , theyhave from thattime been enabled to enrich the L ibrary bythe purchase of a considerable number of standard works invarious languages

The L ibrary, in its presentstate, comprises a very extensive and valuable collection of books in both the ancientandmoderntongues, and in allthe more importantdepartmentsof learning, especially inthose oftheology and ecclesiasticalhistory and biography.

Looking, however,tothe usesto which such an Institutionmay be applied,

— open withoutdistinction to persons of all

classes and parties, — and placed in the centre oftheMetropolis , now made the seatof a University, and therefore furnish ing a new stimulus to the more general cultivation of

science and literature, itmustbe apparent,thatwhatever mayhitherto have been done, much yetremains, which itis desirable to effectfor its improvement

, by contributions fromauthors and learned bodies, and fromthe opulentand liberalof alldescriptions .

The chief aim ofthose benefactors who have contributedtothe augmentation ofthe L ibrary, has beento promote itsgeneralusefulness, withoutreferenceto sectarian distinctions.The Trustees, in the appropriation ofthe money placed attheir disposal for its improvement, have been guided whollybythe same principle,

—lookingto public utility alone.

Itwasthe intention ofthe benevolentFounder, that, witha viewto its more extensive usefulness, his L ibrary should be

easy of access . Acting upto h is liberaldesign , the Trusteeshave always aimedto afford every practicable facility fortheadmission of visitors ; imposing no restraints beyond such

as they deemed to be indispensable for the security oftheproperty, andthe generalinterests ofthe Institution , and such ,indeed

,as are usualin other public libraries .


The mode of obtaining admission may be learntfrom theprinted Regulations, which willbe found below and if in any

case difficulty should be experienced by individuals in pro

curingthe necessary introductions , assistance will, on appli

cation, be cheerfully afforded them bythe L ibrarian , who isresidentonthe premises .

The firstC atalogue, comprisingthe united collections of

Dr .Williams and Dr . Bates, was published, as already stated,in 1 72 7. Another C atalogue was published in 1 801 , embo

dying allthe additions madetotheL ibrary uptothatperiod .

A new C atalogue having been rendered necessary by thegreataugmentation ofthe L ibrary, the following volumes

have been compiled . The various alterations which have

been made in the form and arrangements of the C atalogueneed notbe stated in detail. Sufiice itto mention


classification under the several divisions of sizes and lan

guagcs has been altogether abandoned, and thatthe wholeofthe books have been arranged under one alphabetforthegreater facility of reference .

An importantaddition has been made onthe presentoccasion , by the compilation of an entirely new C atalogue, devoted exclusively to Tra cts and Pamphlets, of which theL ibrary contains a large and, in many respects, a curious and

valuable collection . This forms the Second Volume theFirstVolume being altogether devoted to the larger books .

Tothe FirstVolume has been subjoined an Appendix, com

prisingthe books added to the L ibrary during the timetheC atalogue has been in preparation .

Dec. 1 , 184 1 .


ESTAB L ISHEDMARC H 1 1m , 183 5 .

I . THE L ibrary shallbe Open onMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday and Fr iday, in every week throughout the year , exceptC hristmas and Whitsuntide weeks, and the month of August, fromten o’

clock in the forenoon t illthree in the afternoon, during themonths of N ovember , December, January and February, and fromten o’

clock inthe forenoon tillfour o’

clock in the afternoon, duringthe other months in which the L ibrary is open, and the L ibrarian(unless prevented by sickness) shall constantly attend the L ibraryatsuch times ; nevertheless, a Trustee shall have accesstothe Library whenever he thinks proper.

II. All persons shall be admi tted to the L ibrary duringtheappointed days and hours, upon producing to the L ibrarian a

written order from one ofthe Trustees, specifying their names andplaces of abode, and alsothe title or titles ofthe book or books ih

tended to be consulted . Butthey shallnotbe permi tted to enterthe back L ibrary, except in the presence of a Trustee or of theL ibrarian .

III. Persons who are admitted by a Trustee’

s order to consult

the books, shallbe introduced into the front L ibrary, wh ich shallbe

used as a reading- room. The book or books shallthen be brought

to them there, to be consulted or perused. N o paper shall be laid

onthe book in use or any other book when any extracts are made.

viii RULES or rm: L IBRARY.

The written orders for books wh ich may thus be delivered to theL ibrar ian shallbe carefully preserved by him on a file , to be afterwards referred to, in case any work named inthem should be discovered to have been mutilated or damaged .

IV. No book shallbe taken outof the L ibrary except by one ofthe Trustees , on his giving a rece ipt for itto the L ibrarian, or anorder upon the L ibrarian regularly subscribed and dated , wh ichorder shall be the said Trustee’

s receipt ; and such book shall bereturned ator beforethe next quar terly Meeting, except the same

be inthe actualpossession of such Trustee .

V. The L ibrarian shallkeep a correct account of allbooks takenoutof the L ibrary , withthe time when taken, andthe name oftheTrustee takingthe same , and of all applications for books alreadytaken, and such accounts shall , fromtimetotime, be laid beforetheTrustees attheir regular meetings.

VI. Allbooks given or purchased forthe use ofthe L ibrary shallbe, immediately on such giftor purchase , inserted bythe L ibrarianinthe C atalogue intheir proper places, and stamped or marked ; andallbooks or manuscripts presented, together with all other gifts tothe L ibrary, theMuseum and the L ibrary- rooms, shall be enteredinthe Book of Benefactions, in which shallbe specified the time of

the donation and the name of the donor and such Book of Bene

factions shallbe laid onthe table atevery ordinaryMeeting of theTrustees.

VII. The L ibrarian shallnotrece ive anymoney or other gratui tyfrom any person forthe use ofthe Library.

C A T A L O G U E .


A . (C . Technologia Theologica. 1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. 16 3 3 .A . C ourt C onvert.A . In Annales Ecclesiasticos Baronn , etC asauboni Exercitationes Animadversiones. 1 2 ° Par . 1 606.

A . Rélations du Levant. 8° Par . 1 667 .

Douze Sermons sur d ivers Textes . 8° Rotterd. 1685 .

A . Scala Sancta, orthe Exaltation ofthe Soul. 8° Land. 1692 .

A . (T. Rosarium, sive Psal terium Beate VirginisMarie . 1 2 °

A ntverp . 1 600.

ABBADIE L’Artde se C onnoitre Soy - meme . 8° Rotterd.

1 682 .

Trai té de la Vérité de laReligionC hrétienne. 2 vol. 8°Rotterd.

1 684.

Réfiexions sur la Présence Réelle, &c. 1 2 ° Haye, 1 685.

C haractéres du C hrestien etdu C hr istianisme. 8° Hays, 1686 .

Traité de la Divinité de Jésus C hrist. 1 2 ° Rotterd. 1 689.

A Vindication ofthe Truth ofthe C hristian Rel igion. 2 vol.8° Land. 1 694.

The Artof Knowing One’

s Self. 1 2 ° Owj. 1 695 .

ABBADIE (Pierre). La Vierge Marie supres de la C roix , etdeuxautres Sermons. 1 2 ° C harent, 1 641 .

Anno'r Archbishop of C anterbury. Questiones sex, totidempraelectionibus in Schola Theologica Oxoniae habitis discusse ,

anno 1 597 . 4° Oman. 1598.

Reasons against Hill on Papistry. 4° Oa'f . 1 604 .

Exposition ofthe Prophet Jonah . 4° Land. 16 1 3

Explicatio sex illustrium Questionum de Mendacno, &c. 4°

Francof . 16 16 .

Annor Bishop qf Salisbury. The Exaltation of the Kingdom and Priesthood of C hrist. 4° Land. 1 601 .

Antichristi demonstratio , contraBellarminum. 4° Land. 1 603 .

A Defence ofthe Reformed C atholick ofW. Perkins, againstDr. W. Bishop. 4° Land. 1 6 1 1 .

The true Ancient Roman C atholick, against Dr . W. Bishop.

4° Land. 1 61 1 .

De Gratia etPerseverantia Sanctorum. 4° Lond. 1 6 1 8.




r Bishop of Salisbury. De Suprema Potestate Regia,contra Bellarminum ctSaurez . 4° Land. 1 6 19.

Vindiciae Sabbathi. 4° Land. 1 64 1 .

A s s or A C hristian Family builded by God. 1 2 ° L and.

1 653 .

Asnras, Babylon. Episcop. Historia C ertaminis Apostolici , Jul.A fricano interprete. 8° Par . 1560.

Annrcar s n . Debate betweenthe Lords and C ommons onthe WordA bdicated. 1 2 ° Land. 1695 .

ABEILLARD . L ives of Abeillard and Heloisa, by Jos. Ber ington.

4° Birmingham, 1 788.

As s aN E'm Y (John), Bishop of C aithness. Physicke for the Soul .4° Land. 1 6 2 2 .

ABERN ETHY (John). Discourses on the Being and N atural Perfections of God. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 745 .

Sermons on various Subjects. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 748.

ABLAN C OURT. V. Pas no'r .

ABRABAN IEL C omment. in Esaiae Prophetiam 3 0 : cum Ad

ditamento eorum quae Rab. Simeon é Veterum Dictis collegit, &c.

ao Lagd. Bat. 1 63 1 .De C apite Fidei , aVorstio. 4° Amst. 1 63 8.

As s AMU s In Tertium Volumen O rationum C iceronis C ommentarius . 2 vol. Fol. Par . apud C ramoisy , 1 6 3 1 .

Pharus Vet. Testamenti ; accesseruntejusdem Authoris deVeri tate etMendacio L ibri IV. Fol . Par . 1 648.

ABULPHARAGIUS Histor ia Dynastiarum, cum Latina ver

sione Edw. Pocockii. 4° Oman. 1 66 2 .

Acansm s delC imento. Essayes of N atural Experiments made in

the Academie delC imento, translated by Waller . 4° Land. 1 684 .

Acaném s Francoise. Sentimens de l'Acad. Francoise sur la Tragicomédie du C id . 8° Par . 1 63 8.

Histoire de l’Acad. Francoise . 8° Par. 1 653 .

1 2 ° Hays , 1 688.

Recueilde divers Pieces d’Eloquence etde Poesie présentées


Acad . Francoise. 1 2 ° Par . 1 675 .

D iscours etHarangues de l’

Acad. Francoise. 2 vol. 8° Amst.1 697 .

ACHILLES Tu ms. De C litophontis etLeucippes Amoribus, Gr . etLat. s Salmasio. 1 2 ° Lugd. 1 640.

AC HILLIN I (C laudio). Rime e Prose. 1 2 ° Venet. 1 656 .

Aconrms Stratagematum Satanas L ibr i O cto. 8° Oman .

1 63 1 .

AC OSTA De N atura novi O rbis, etde Promulgatione Evangelii apud Barbaros. 8° C al. Agr . 1596 .

N aturalandMoralHistory ofthe East and West Indies . 4°

Land. 1 604.

HistoriaN atural yMoralde las Indias. 4° Madr . 1 608.

ACTA Sanctorumtotius O rbis, Januarii, Feb ., Mar. , Apr. , etMan ,

cum notis Bollandi, Henschenii, etPaperbachii. 1 6 vol. Fol .Ants . 1648.


Acr s of Parliament (Abstract of certain) and Injunctions for thePeaceableGovernment ofthe C hurch, forthe mostpar t unknown.

4° L and.

Acr s, O rders and Decrees , made bythe 9th of Henry VII.ADAMAN TIUS Saphista . Physiognomonicon , Gr . etLat. per JanumC ornarum. 8° Bas. 1543 .

ADAMS On the Globes. 8° Land. 1 769.

ADAMS (Dr . An Inquiry into the Laws of Epidemics . 8°

Land. 1 809.

Treatise onthe supposed hereditary Proper ty of D iseases. 8°

Land. 1 814 .

ADAMS The Works of Thomas Adams, be ingthe summe

of his Sermons , Meditations and other Divine and Moral Discourses . Fol. Lond. 1 630.

C ommentary onthe 2 nd Epistle of Peter. 2 nd vol. Fol. Land.

1 63 3 .

ADAMS TheMain Principles ofthe C hristian Religion ex

plained. 8° Land. 1675 .

ADAMSON (John). Dioptra Gloriaa D iv inse . 4° Edinb. 1 63 7 .

ADAMSON (Patric) , A rchbishop of St. Andrews. De sacro PastorisMunere Tractatus , cum Vi ta Auctoris, operaTho. Voluseni con

scr ipta. 8° L and. 1 6 1 9 .

ADAMUS Vi tae PhiIOSOphorum, etHumanioribus L iterisC larorum. 8° Francaf. 16 1 5 .

Vitae Germanorum Theologorum. 8° Heidelb. 1 6 2 0.

Vi tae Germanorum Jurisconsultorum etPoliticorum. 8° Heidelb. 1 6 2 0.

ADDIN GTON (Stephen). Religious and Prudential Maxims , 8zc. 8°

Land .

ADDISON Remarks during Travels in I taly , &c. 1 2 ° Land.

1 7 3 3 .

Freeholder . 1 2 ° L and. 1 7 3 9.

Miscellaneous Works . 4 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1 73 6—1 750.

ADDISON West Barbary ; or a shor t N arrative ofthe Revolutions ofthe Kingdoms of Fez andMorocco. 8° Owj. 1 67 1 .

The present State ofthe Jews in Barbary . 8° Land. 1 675 .

C hristian’

sManual . 8° Land. 1 700.

ADELUN G (J . PhilologicalEssays , byWillich . 8° Land. 1 798.

ADO, Vien. A rchiep . C hronicon. 8° Par . apudMorel. 1 56 1 .

ADRIAN I (Geo . Bat). Istor ia de’

Suoi Tempi . 2 vol. 4° Venet.1 5 87 .

ADVEN TURER . 4 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1 76 2 .

ADVICES and Animadversions sent from London to the Men of

Shaftsbury. 4° Land. 1 676 .

E amw s Proverbia Gall icana. 4° Ea: Of . Bad. 15 1 9.

JEGYPTH. C ollectanea de Annis .lEgyptiorum, Gr . etLat. 8° Par .

apud Rob. Stephan. 1 6 1 6 .

E L IAN U S (C laudius). N atura Animalium. 1 2 ° Genes . 1 6 1 1 .

JEliani etLeonis Tactica, Gr . etLat. aJohanne Meursio. 4°

Lagd. Bat. 1 6 1 3 .


E n s ue s (C laud ius). Vsria Historia, Gr. etLat., cum notis Schefferi . 1 2 ° A rgent. 1685 .

E mma (Paulus). De Rebus gestis Francorum. Fol. Lulel. 1 5 66 .

rEItonws (Pe trus ). Rerum ab omni Antiquitate judicatorum Pan

decta . Fol. Par. 1588.

E scnts s s. E schinis in Ctesiphontem, etDemosthenis de C oronaO rationes, Gr. etLat. s Foulkes etFreind. 8° Or an. 1695 .

E scur Lus. Traga dia , Gr . 8° Apud Tsu ch. 1 55 2 .

E sor cs. Vita etFabula , Gr. 4° Lulet. apud Rob. Stepha n. 1 546 .

E sopi etGabria Fabula , Gr. etLat. 1 2 ° 1 605 .

Fables of 2 Bsop, wi th Morals and Reflections by L’

Estrange .

Fol. Land. 1694 .

2 Parts. Fol. Land. 1699.

As '

rws Amidenus . C ontracta ex veteribusMedicina Tetrabiblos,Lat. per Janum C ornarium. Fol. Bar , 154 2 .



UB (Disc . Scheda Regia, cum Latina VersionsMatth . Martinii. 1 2 ° Bra nd s, 1 6 1 5 .

AoArusMs a . Geographia, Gr. etLat., cura Sam. Tennuln. 8°

Awst. 1 67 1 .AGA '

rIIIAS De Imperio etRebus C estis Justin iani,Gr. etLat., cum notis Volcani i ; accesseruntejusdem AgathiaEpigrammata Gra ca . 4° Lugd. Bat. apud Plant. 1 594.

AaoBA ItDos, A rchiep. Lugdun. Opera ; cum notis Steph. Baluzn.

8° Par. 1 666 .

AenIC OLA De ReMe tallica. Fol. Baa. Helv. 16 2 1 .

Aas IOOLA C ommentaria etObservationes in d ie C hymischeArtzenen Johann is Poppii. Germ vol. 4° Leip s. 1 63 8

- 9 .

Aa atr rA Trattato di Scientla d’

Arme , con un D ialogo diFilosofia. 4° Ram. 1553 .

Aantr rA (Hen. De Incer titudine etVanitate Sc ientiarumetde N obil itate Fa minei Sexus. 1 2 ° Hag . C om. 1 653 .

AHMED AaABSIAD s s. Vi ta etRerum gestarum Timur i , qui vulgbTamerlanes dicitur, Historia ; Arab icé. 4° Lugd. Bat. 163 6 .

Am N (Dr. John). Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose, by Dr. JohnA ikin andMrs . Barbauld. 8° Land. 1 792 .

Letters from a Father to his Son, on various Topics relativeto L iterature and the C onduc t of L ife . 2 vol. 8° L and . 1 7 93 .

Translation of Hue t’s L ife by himself. 2 vol. 8° L and.

1 810.

L ives of Selden and U sher. 8° Land. 181 1 .

Annals ofthe Re ign ofGeorge III. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 816 .

An us (Lucy). Memoirs ofthe C our t ofQueen Elizabeth. 2 vol.

8° Land. 1 818.

Memoirs ofthe C ourt of King James I. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 8 2 2 .

Memoirs ofthe C ourt ofKing C harles I. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 83 3 .

A ILMs n Musa Sacra . 8° Oman. 1 65 2 .


rn (Henry). The Book of Psalmes : Engl ished both inProse and Me tre . 4° Amst. 1 61 2 .

Annotations uponthe Fourth Book ofMoses. called N umbers .

4° Land. 1 6 1 9.


Amswon-rn (Henry). Annota tions uponthe Five Rookes ofMoses,

andthe Psalmes. 4° Land. 1 6 2 2 .

Fol. Land. 1 63 9 .

An Arrow against Idolatry. 8° Land. 1 640.

C ounterpoyson ; in AnswertoMr. Bernard’

s Book , intituledThe Separatist

s Schisme.

”4° Land. 1 642 .

Two Treatises : the First on the C ommunion of Saints ; theSecond, entitled An Arrow against Idolatry.


1 2 ° Edinb. 1 789.

A IN SWORTH A Latin and English D ictionary . 4° L and.

1 7 3 6.

AIRS de C our. 8° Par . 1 6 15 .

Annex. Ayeen Akbery, or the Institutes ofthe Emperor Akber,translated fromthe Persian by Francis Gladwin. 2 vol. 4° 1 800.

ALABASTER (Gulielmus). Roxana Tragoedia, a plagiarii unguibusvindicata, aucta, etagnita ab Authore. 1 2 ° Land. 1 63 2 .

Spiraculumtubarum. Fol.

A LBASPINmUS O bservationes Ecclesiastica in Epitomenredacta , etAnnotatis illustrata , a J . G. Kattembeillio. 4°Helmet.1 657 .

A LBERGATUS (Beams Vi ta , per Georg. Garnefelt. 4° C ol.Agr . 1 6 18.


Histoire de I’Archiduc Albert. 1 2 ° C ol.1 693 .

A LBERTI Descrittione di Tutta Italia. 4° Vineg . 1553 .

A LBERTIN U S (Alexander) aRocha . Malleus Da monum. 8° Veron.

1 6 2 0.

A LBERTIN US De Eucharistia. Fol. B avent. 1 654.

A LBERTU S Joan Alberti Ducis Megapol. Laudatio. 4°

Helmst. 1 605 .

A LBERTU SMAGN UB. De SecretisMulierum. 2 4° A rgent. 1 6 15 .

De adha rendo Deo, etejus Vita . 1 2 ° Ants . ea: Ofi cina

Plantin. 1 6 2 1 .

On adheringto God. 1 2 ° Land. 1 654.

1 2 ° Land. 1692 .

ALBIN The Dying Pastor’

s Farewellto his Fr iends. 8°

Land. 1 697 .

A LC IATI De FormulaRomani Impetu. 8° Basil. 1559.

Mediolanensis Historia. 8° Medial. 1 6 2 5 .

A LC IPHRON . Epistles, translated fromthe Greek. 8° Land. 1 791 .

ALcocs a (Juan de). C eremonial de laMissa. 1 2 ° Madr . 1 6 14.

ALC ORAN . Alcoran deMahomet, translaté d’

Arabe par Du Ryer.4° Par . 1 647 .

A rab. etLat. a Lud.Marraccio Fol. Pataa. 1 698.

Translated from the Arabic, wi th N otes and a preliminaryDiscourse by George Sale. 4° Land. 1 73 4.

ALDRETE Antiguedades var ias de Espaiia, Africa, y otrasProvincias. 4° En Amberes, 1 6 1 4

ALDROVAN DUS O rnithologIa— Ejusdem de Animalibus

exanguibus L ibr i iv. Ejusdem de Piscibus L ibr i v. 2 vol. Fol.

Francaf. 1 6 10.


ALDROVANDUB De Quadrupedibus etde Insectis. Fol.

Francof . 16 2 8 .

ALEA N DER Difesa dell’ Adone delMarino. 1 2 ° Venet.1 6 2 9.

A LEA N DEa (Hier. N avis Ecclesiam referentis Symbolum In veteriGemma insculptum, Explicatione illustratum. 8° Ram. 1 6 2 6 .

A LEGAMBE (Phil . HeIoes , etVictima C har itatis Societa tis JesuExtremum Decennium adjecit, usque ad exactum annum 1 657 ,Joannes N adasi. 4° Ram. 1 658 .

ALEMAMU S (Senex). L iber Tasriphi, Arab . etLat. 4° Ram. 16 10.

ALEMAN Vida de Guzman d’

Alfarache . 4°Madr . 1 600.

ALEX A N DER. L i fe of Alexander the Great , by Quintus C ur tius. 4°Land. 1 65 2 .

ALEX ANDER ab Alexandra. Genialium Dierum L ibr i Sex cum

notis variorum. 2 vol. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 67 3 .

ALEX AN DER (John). A Paraphrase on 1 C or. xv. &c. 4° Land.

17 66 .

ALEX AN DER Exper imental Essays onMedicalTopics . 8°

1 7 68.

ALEX AN DRO VII. 11 Sindicato di Alexandra VII., con ilsuo Viaggio nell

altI'oMondo. 1 2 ° 1 668 .

A L sxowrrz L ife and Actions o f Peter Alexowitz , C zar of

Muscovy , by a British Officer . 8° Land. 1 7 2 3 .

ALFRAGAN US (Mohammedes). C hronologica etAstronomica Elementa, a Palatina Bibl iotheca veter ibus libI is versa , expleta,etscholiis expolita, Autore Jacobo C hristmanno. 8° Francaf.1 590.

A LIN GHAM(Wilh). Geometry epi tomized. 8° Land. 1 695 .

Fortification. 8° 1 702 .

The N ature and U se ofMaps . 8° Land. 1 703 .

Arithmetick. 8° Land. 1 7 10.

ALIS,Imp .Musl. PIoverhia, A rab ice. 8° Lugd . Bat. 1 6 2 9.

ALL ATIUS Gra cia O rthodoxa Tomus primus, Gr . etLat.4° Ram. 1 65 2 .

De Symeonum Sei iptis Diatriba, &c. 4° Par . 1 664.

Animadversiones In antiquaEtruscarum Fragmenta, ab Inghiramio edit. 4° Pa r . 1 640.

De Mensura Temporum Antiquorum. 8° C ol. Agr . 1 645 .

Excerpts varia Gra corum Saphistarum etRhetorum. 8°

Ram. 1 64 1 .

De Psellis, eteorum Scriptis. 8° Ram. 1 63 4 .

Apes U rbana . 8° Ram. 1 63 3 .

De Septem O rbis Spectaculis . 8° Ram. 1 640.

De Patria Homeri. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 640.

Homeri N atales, Andr . Bajano Interp. 8° Lugd. Bat.1 640.

De utr iusque Ecclesia O ccidental is etO rientalis perpetua inDogmate de Purgator io C onsensione. 8° Ram. 1 655 .


Opusculorum Gra corum etLatinorum vetustiorum etIecen~tIO Ium L ibri, a N ihusio. 8° C al. Agr . 1 653 .



rIUs De [Etate etInterstitns in C ollations O rdinum,

e tiam apud Gra cas Servandis . 8° Ram. 163 8.

ALLE IN E (J Alarme to unconverted Sinners. 1 2 ° Land.

1 67 1 .

L ife and Death. 8° Land. 1 67 2 .

Remains . 8° Land. 1 674.

A Sure Guide to Heaven. 8° Land. 1 705 .

ALLEIN E GodlyMan’

s Portion. 8° L and. 1663 .

Vindicia Pietatis . 8° Land. 1 664.

Heaven Open’

d, &c. 8° Land. 1 666 .

The N ature and N ecessity ofGodly Fear. 8° Land. 1 674.

World C onquered. 8° Land. 1 676 .

Instructions about Hear t - work. 8° L and. 1 684.

Rebuke to Backsliders . 8° Land. 1 694.

ALLEMAGN E . Relation de toutcc que c’

est passé en A llemagne . 1 2 °

C ologn. 1 684.

ALLEN (John). An Inquiry intothe Rise and Growth ofthe RoyalPrerogative in England. 8° L and. 1 830.

ALLEN (Mrs. Hannah). N arrative ofGod’

s graciousDealings wi thMrs. H. A llen. 18° Land. 1 683 .

ALLEN A C hain of Scripture C hronology fromthe C rea tion tothe Death of C hr ist. 4° 1 63 9.

ALLEN A Relation ofthe Release ofMrs . Deborah Huishfrom underthe Power ofthe Tempter. 1 2 ° Land. 1658.

ALLEN Works . 5 vol. 8° Land. 1 680.

ALLESTREE (Dr . Richard). Sermons. Fol. Oxf . 1 684.

A L L IAco (Petr . de). Opuscula Spiritualia. 1 2 ° Duaci, 1 634

A L l (D r . Peter) . D issertationes , de TertullianiVita etScrIptis ;de Sanguine Jesu C hr isti , etde C onciliorum Definitionibus. 8°

Réflex ions sur les L ivres de Moyse pour établir la Véri té dela Religion C hrétienne . 8° Land. 16 3 7 .

Douze Sermons. 1 2 ° Rotterd. 1 685 .

Reflexions uponthe Holy Scriptures to establishthe C hristianReligion. 2 vol. in 1 . 8° Land. 1 688.

Remarks onthe EcclesiasticalHistory ofthe ancient C hurchesof Piedmont. 4° Land. 1690.

8° Owj. 1 8 2 1 .

Judgment of the ancient Jewish C hurch againstthe Uni tar ians in the C on troversy uponthe Trini ty. 8° Land. 1 699.

8° Oxf. 1 82 1 .

Remarks upon the Ecclesiastical History of the ancientC hurches ofthe A lbigenses. 8° Oxf . 1 8 2 1

ALMELOVEEN (Theod. Jansonius ab). De VitIs Stephanorum. 1 2 °

Amst. 1 683 .

Inventa nov- antiqua. 8° Amst. 1 684.

Opuscula, sive Antiquitatum é sacris profanarum Specimen.

8° Amst. 1 686 .

Amoenitates Theologica -

philologica . 8° Awst. 1 694.

Epigrammata vetera. 8° Amat. 1 694.Plagiariorum Syllabus. 8° Amst. 1694.


ALruAs E'run Gra cum. 8° Ant. apud Plantin. 1666 .

s Beza. 8° Apud Rab. Stephan. 1554.

C hr isti etDiaboli . 1 2 ° Manach. 1 6 18.

A LPHABETUMetSyllabarium, Arabice. 4° Ram. 1592 .

ALSOP (Vim). Antisozzo against Sherlock. 8° Land. 1 675 .

Melius Inquirendum. 8° Land . 1 679.

Decus etTutamen. 8° Land. 1696 .

ALe DIus (Jo. Methodus Theologia . 4° Francqfi. 16 14.

Lexicon Theologicum, 8° Hanan. 1 6 2 0.

Theologia C asuum. 4° Hanan. 16 2 1 .

Summa C asuum C onscientia novaMethodo elaborate . 1 2 °

Francqf. 1 6 2 8.

DeMille Annis. 1 2 ° Francof . 1 63 0.

Definitiones Theologica . 1 2 ° Hanan. 1 6 3 1 .

PentateuchasMosaics , etPleiss Apostolica . 8° Herb. N ass.

163 1 .

Thesaurus C hronologia . 8° Herb. N ass. 1 650.

A LTESEBRA N ota in Anastasium de Vi tis RomanorumPontificum. 4° Par . 1 680

A Lr IIAMEIw S C oncIliationes Locorum Sacra Scripturaqui specie tenus inter se pugnare videntur . 8° Witteb. I5S4 .

AL '

rIN a Loci C ommunes. 3 tom. in 1 vol. 4° Freistad.

1 646 .

Exegesis Augustana C onfessionis , ctSyllabus C ontroversiarum. 4° Amst. 1647 .

Theologia Elenctica. 4° Amst. 1 554 .

Methodus Theologia Didactica . 1 2 ° Amst. 1 656 .

ALr IN G Hebra orum Respublica. 1 2 ° Leonard. 1 652 .

Schilo, seu de Vaticinio Patriarcha Jacobi. 2 vol. 4° Francqf. 1 660.

Spes Israelis, sive C omment. Ecclesiast. in Rom. m . in quoMyster ium C onversionis Juda orum explicatur. 4° L eonard . 1 67 7 .Fundamenta Punctationis L ingua Sancta . 8° Francaf. 1 701 .Synopsis Institutionum C halda arum etSyrarum. 8° Francqf.

1 701 .

ALVAEADO Spanish and English D ialogues. 1 2 ° Land.1 7 19.

A LVAEEz De Auxilns Div ina Gratia . 4° Lugd. Bat.1 6 1 1 .

ALVAEus Prosodia. 8° K ilhon. 1 648.

AMAMA (Sixtinus). C ensura Vulgata Versionis LibrorumMosis. 4°Fran. Fris. 1 6 2 0.

Dissertatiuncula. 4° Francaf . 1 6 18.

Antibarbarus Biblicus in sex L ibros distributus : etResponsioad C ensurasMar.Marsennii, &c. 8° Amat. 1 6 2 8.

4° Francaf. 1 656 .

Grammatica Ebra a. 8° Francqf. 1 6 2 5 .

C oronis ad eandem Grammat. 8° Francaf. 1 6 2 5 .


r , S'

r . (Sieur de). Moyse Sauvé. 1 2 ° Leide, 1654.

O euvres de. 8° Par . 163 5 .

10 AMO AMYAMos r (Dr . Thom. Sermons. 8° Land. 1 758.

AMORIS Efligies. 1 2 ° Land.

AMooB The Journalof St. Amour . Fol. Land. 1 664.

AMU SEMEN S sérieux etcomiques. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 709.

AMYBA LDos Defensio Doctrina C alvini de absolute Reprobationis Decreto. 4° Salmur . 164 1 .

Specimen Animadversionum in Exercitat. de Gratis U niver

sali. 4° Salmur . 1 648.

Paraphrasis etAnnotationes in Psalmos Davidia. 4° Salmur.1 66 2 .

De Secessione ab Ecclesia Romans , deque Ratione Pacisinter Evangelicos. 8° Salmur. 1 6 1 7 .

Irenicum ; sive deRatione Pacis inter Evangelicos. 8° Salmar .1 662 .

In O rstionem Dominicam. 8° Salmur. 1 66 2 .

In Symbolum Apostolicum. 8° Salmur . 1663 .

Dissertationes Theologica . 8° Salmur. 1 645 .

In C ap. VII. ad Romanos. 8° Salmur . 1 648.

DeMysterio Tr initatis. 8° Salmur. 1 66 1 .

De L ibero hominis A rbitrio. 8° Salmur . 1 667 .

Defensio adversus Epist. Hist. C riminationes. 8° Salmur .1 649.

Replicatio ad Riveti Respons. Epistolam. 8° Salmur . 1 649.

Evidence ofThings notseen. 8° Land . 1 660.

Treatise on Religion. 8° Land . 1 6 60.

La Vie de Franco is, Seigneur de is None. 4° Leide, 1 66 1 .

Mystére de Piété . 1 2 ° Saumur , 165 1 .

Morale C hrestienne. 6 tom. 8° Saumur , 1 65 2 .

DuMér ite d’

oeuvres contreMilletiére. 8° Saurnur , 1 63 8.

De la Justification. 8° Saumur , 163 8.

Du Gouvernement de l’Eglise. 8° Saumur , 1 653 .

Sermon sur l’

Apocalyse , C hap. II. 1 7 . 8° C harenton, 1 63 6 .

Sermons sur quelques Sentences de I’Ecriture . 8° Saumur ,1 648.

Sermon du Voile deMoyse. 1 2 ° Saurnur , 1 65 1 .

Sermons sur d ivers Tex tes de la Sainte Ecriture . 8° Saumur ,1653 .

Sermons sur le C hap. vr. de I’

Epistre aux Hébrieux , v . 4,5 ,

6 , etsur le C hap. VII. v . 1 , 2 , 3 . 8° Saumur , 1 657 .

Sermon sur Hébr . x11. 2 9. 8° Saumur , 1 657

Vingt - quatre Sermons. 8° Saumur , 1 658.

Le Tabernacle expliqué, ° en cinque Sermons, sur Hébr . Ix.

2 , 3 , 4. 8° Saumur , 1 658.

Sermon sur les Parables de C hrist. (Jean xv u. 8°

Saumur , 1 66 2 .

Sur les Droi ts desMarisges. 8° Saumur , 1 648.

Explication de l’Histoire de Joseph. 8° Saumur , 1 658.

De la Vocation des Past .eurs 1 2 ° Saumur, 1649.

Sur les Songes Divins dontil estparlé dans l’

Ecriture. 8°

Saumur , 1 659.


AMYRALDU S Discourse concerningthe Divine Dreamsmentioned in Scripture. 8° Land. 1676 .

Apologie pour ceux de la Religion Réformée. 8° Saumur .

De la Souveraineté des Roys. 8° Saunmr , 1 650.

De l’

Elevation de la Foi etAbaissement de la Rsison. 8°


Trs IIté des Religions contre ceux qui les estimenttoutes ind ifi


erentes. 8° Saumur , 1 63 1 .

D iscours sur les Eaux de Bourbon, aprés la Lecture du C hap.

vn . de St. Jean. 8° C harent. 1 658.

D iscours de l’Estatdes Fideles aprés 1aMort. 8° Saumur ,1 657 .

Sur ls Regne deMille Ans. 8° Saumur , 1654.

Répl ique au Launay , sur le Régne deMille Ans. 8° Saumur ,1 656 .

Apologie contre les Invectives de Launay, avec la Répliquede Launay. 8° Saumur , 1 65 7 .

Répl ique 5.Milletiére . 8° C harent. 1 63 8.

La Ravissementde St. Paul . 8° Saumur , 1 660.

A N ACREON . Oda ; Gr. etLat. ab Henr. Stephano. 4° Latet. apudHenr . Stephan. 1 554.

Oda ; Gr. etLat. s Barnesio. 1 2 ° C antab. 1 705.Anacreon etSappho, Gr. etFr . per Longepierre . 8° Par .

1 69 2 .

Gr. etLat. aFabro. 1 2 ° Salmur . 1 660.

A N A LEc'

rA Gra ca, sive var ia Opuscula Gra ca, hactenus non edits .

4° Par . 1 688.

AN ALYTICAL Review. 2 8 vol. 8° Land. 1 747 - 1 798.

A N A N IAs De N atura Da monum. 8° Venet. 1 58 1 .A N ASTASIU S Bibliothecarius. L iber Pontificslis de Vi tis Romano

rum Pontificum a Petra ad N icolaum 1 . 4° Mogunt. 1 602 .

De Hominis C reatione , Gr. etLat. 4° Par . 16 18.

AN CIEN S. D iscours sur les Anciens . 8° Par . 1 687 .

A N C ILLON (C harles). Histoire de l’Etablissementdes FrancoisRéfugiez dans les Etats de Brandenburg. 8° Berlin, 1 690.

A N C BE (P. de L’

Incredulité etMescréance de Sortilege plainement convaincue . 4° Par . 1 66 2 .

AN DERSON (James). Royal Genealogies or , the GenealogicalTables of Emperors, Kings and Princes from Adam to theseT imes . Fol . L and. 1 7 3 5 .

AN DERSON (John). A Defence of the C hurch Government, Fai th,and Worship ofthe Presbyterians . 4° Glasg . 1 7 14.

AMD IL LY (M. Arnauld Vie Ilu C hr ist, Lat. etFr. 1 2 ° Par.

1 664.

Lettres deMonsieur Arnauld d’

Andilly. 1 2 ° Lyon, 1 665 .

(Euvres C hrestiennes 1 2 ° Par . 1 669.

AN DLo De ImperIo Romano Regis etAugusti Inauguratione . 4° A rgent. 1 6 1 2 .

A NDoc Es : n. AN TIPHON .

ANDRADA C As'rEL BLAN co (Man. de). Instruccion que Magestad


se de

partmandar fortificar elMara Oceano y defenderse de

todos iratu , dre.

AN DREAS (Valerius). Bibliotheca Belgicn ; or Lives of eminentNatives ofthe Netherlands. 4° Laran. 1 643 .

ANDREWS! (Lancelot), Bishaq Winchester . Tortura Torti ; s iveadMafi a e i Torti L ibrum responsio . 4° Land. 1609.

Responsio ad Apologiam Bellarmini, edits contra JacobumAnglia Regem. 4° Land. 1 6 10.

Opuscula posthuma. 4° 1 52 9.

Seven Sermons on the C ombat betwixt C hrist and Sathan.

4° Land. 1 6 2 7 .

XC VI Sermons published by His Majesties speciall C ommand , with a Sermon preached athis Funeralby John Bishop ofRochester. Fol. Land. 1 6 2 9.

Pattern of C atechisticalDoctrine. Fol. Land. 1675 .

Pr ivate Devotions, translated fromthe Greek by Dean Stanhope . 1 8° Land. 1 8 1 1 .


rIus (Fulvius). C ertain Devout C ons ideration: of frequentingthe Blessed Sacrament. 1 2 ° Land.

Anon (Mich ). Relation de Son Voyage de C ongo, &c. 1 2 ° Lyon,1 600.

ANGELL (John). Stenography. 8° Land.

ANGELoIII Istoria di Terni . 4° Rant. 1 646.ANGELS. A Discourse of Angels . 4° Land. 1 701 .

ANGELus Sta tus etRitus Eccles ia Gra ca , cum

Latina Vers ione Georgi i Fhelsvii. 1 2 ° Franc . 1655 .

ARGIEE (John). Help to be tter Hearts for be tter Times . 1 2 °

Land. 1 647.

ANGLE (Max im. de Les Jayes glorieuses de l’

Ame fidéle . 8°

Saanmr , 1 669.

Tre ize Sermons. 8° Geni e. 1664.

AnaLus Soans Bucc ina ; sive Tractatus tres de Virtutibus Fide i etTheologia , 8zc. 1 2 ° Par . 1 6 3 4.

Meditationes in Gratiam Sacerdotum C ler i Anglicani. 2 4°

Par. 163 1 .

Institutiones sacra Peripateticis Ina dificata . 2 vol. 8° Land.

1 65 2 .

Tabula Sufl'

ragisles , de terminandis Fide i L itibus. 1 2 ° Land.1 655 .

Dialogi deMundo. 4° Par. 1692 .

ANGLIC AN IE Historia decem Scriptores antiqui. 2 vol. Fol. Land.

1 65 2 .

ANGLIC ARUMRerum Scriptores post Bedam pra cipui. Fol. Francqf.1 601 .

Annu . C elebriores Opiniones de Anima, Gr. etLat. 4° Par .

1 6 18.


U S (F Scientia Media contra Gul. Twissium aliosque

defensa. 4° Talas. 1 645 .

Anson A Voyage roundtheWorld inthe yearsMDC C XL ,


, 111, IV, by G. Anson, Esq., compiled from Papers and


other Materials of the Right Honourable George Lord Anson,and publ ished under h is direction by Richard Walter. 4° Land.

1 748.

A N STEY (C hristopher). The N ew Bath Guide. 8° L and. 1 767 .

A N THO LOGIA . Flor ilegium diversorum Epigrammatum in quatuorL ibr is. 8° Francqf. 1 6 1 4.

Anthologia sive Gra corum Epigrammatum Florilegiumnovum. 8° Land . 1 673 .

Anthologia sive selects Poemats Italorum qui Lstiné scripScrunt. 1 2 ° Land. 1 684.

AN THON Y (John). C omfort ofthe Soul. 4° Land. 1654.

A N TICHRISTU S. Antichristi Excidium. 8° Land. 1 644.

D iscovery ofthe Person and Period of Antichrist. 18° Land.

1 679.

AN TIDOTE. A spir itual Antidote against s infulC ontagion in dyingT imes. 8° Land . 1 665 .

A N TIGARASSE d iv isé en cinq L ivres. 8° Par . 16 2 7 .

AN T IGON US C arystius. Historiarum memorabilium C ollectanea Gr .L at. cum notis Jo.Meursii. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 19.

A N TIPHON . Antiphontis, Andocidis etIsa i O rationes, Gr . etLat.ab Alph.Miniato. 8° Hanan. 1 6 19.

A N TIQU ITE des Tems rétablie etdéfendue contre les Juifs etlesnouveaux C hronologistes . 4° Par . 1 687 .

1 2 ° Amat. 1 687 .

A N TON IN US (Marcus Aurel ius). De Seipso etad Seipsum L ibri xn .,

cum annotat.M. C asauboni. 8° Land. 1 643 .

recogniti etnotis illustrati . 1 2 ° Oxan. 1 680.

RéflexionsMorales, avec Remarques de Dacier. 2 tom. 1 2 °

Utrecht, 169 1 .Meditations concerning himself, translated outofthe original

Greek byMeric C asaubon . 8° Land. 1 67 3 .

C onversations with himself, translated by Jeremy C ollier. 8°

Land. 1 701 .

The L ife and moral Reflections of Marcus Antoninus, wi thGataker’

sPreliminary Discourse 8° Land. 1 740.

AN TON IUS (fElius). In Aulum PerSIum Flaccum Poetam Satyricuminterpretatio , &c. 4° Land. 1 5 1 7 .

AN TON IUS Bibliotheca Hispana, sive Hispanorum qui us

quam unquamve , sive Latina, sive populari, sive s lid quévis lingué scripts , aliquid consignaverant, notitia. 2 tom. Fol. Ram.

1 6 7 2 .

AN TON IUS Vita S. Antonn Eremita , aA thanasia, Gr., cumnotis Ha schelii. 4° A ug . Vin. 16 1 1 .

Gr . etLat. per Stanhope. 4° Land. 1 697 .

APHTHON IUS Saphista . Aphthonii Progymnasmata, Gr. etLat. 1 2 °Lugd. Bat. 16 2 6 .

Progymnasmata, ab Agricola etC stana o, cum scholns LorichII.

1 2 ° L and. 1 506 .

APIAN US C osmographia Pet. Apiani etGemma Frisn. 4°

A ntn. 1 584.


APOC ALIIPSIS insigniumaliquotHa resiarC IIarum. 8°Lugd.Bat. 1 608.APOC ALYPSE. A new System of the Apocalypse, by a French Minister , wi th the Author's Defence . 1 2 ° Land . 1 688.

APOCRY‘PHA. The Apocrypha.

APOLLODORUS Atheniensis. De Dns, Gr. etLat., a Fabro . 8°

Salmur. 166 1 .

APOLLON IUS Dyscolus. Historia Mirabiles, Gr. ctLat., cum notisMeursii. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 2 0.

APOLLON IUS Grallopeus deteC Ius : s ive Epistola responsoriaad Larenum, etLareni Responsio. 8° Medioburgi, 1647 .

C onsideratio qusrundam C ontroversiarum ad Regimen Ecclesia spectantium, qua in Anglia agitantur . 8° Land. 1 644.

APOLLON IU S Rhodias. Argonautics , Gra ce, etscholia vetusta, cumannotat. Henr. Stephani . 4° Pa r . apud Hea r. Stephan. 1 574 .

APOLLON IUS Tyanceus. Apollonii Tyana i ctvariorum IllustriumEpistola , Gr. etLat. 8° Apud C ommelin. 1601 .

The L ife o f Apollonius Tyana us by Philostratus, translatedby C harles Blount. Fol. Land. 1 680.

APO LO C ETIC O contra elTirano y Rebel de Verganza. 4° Z arag . 1 642 .

APOLOGIA Modesta etC hristiana ad Acts C onventus TheologorTorga . 8° L and. 157 5 .

APOPIITREGMATA , Gr. etLat. 1 2 ° Apud Henr . Steph. 1 568 .

APOSTO L Ios Para mia , Gr . etLat. , cum notis Pet. Fantini.4° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 19.

A PPARATUS Gra co - Latinus, cum interpretatione Gallica, ex Isocrate,Demosthene ,the. ab mmC Societate Jesu. 4° Par . 1 681

APPARATUS N ovus Latino - Gra cos , cum interpretatione Galhca . 4°

Par . 1 754.

APPIAN U s Alexandrinus . Historia, cum notis variorum, etTolln.

2 vol. 8° Amst. 1 670.

APPLETON Funeral D iscourses for Mr . Edw. Holyoke.

8° Boston, 1 769.

APROSIU S (Angelicus). Bibliotheca Aprosiana Pra misitPra fationem Notasque nonnullss addiditJohan. C hrIstOph . Wolfius. 1 2 °

Hamb. 1 73 4

APULEIUS (Lucius). Apologia, cum castigstionibus Isaaci C asauboni . 4° Apud C ommelin. 1594.

O pera. 1 2 ° Amsi . 1 6 2 4.

De Deo Socratis, cum notis Jas Merceri. 1 2 ° Latet. 1 6 2 5 .

Apologia, cum notis Joannis PrIca i. 4° Par . 1 6 3 5 .

AQU ILA. O rigo ac progressus ce leberr imi Monasterii de C astroAquila . Fol. C ol. Agr . 1 644.

AQU IL IN IUS De Tr ibus Histor ieis C oncilii Tr iden tini . 8°

Amst. 1 66 2 .

AQU IN (P. Traduction de l’

Examen du Monde ; Sentencesmorales des Hébreux , &c. 8° Par . 1 6 2 9.

AQUIN AS C ommentaria super omnes Paul i Epistolas. Fol.Auto. 1569.

Summa tatius Theologia . 2 tom. Fol. Antn. apud Plantin.

1 5 75 .


AQU IN AS Totius Summa C onclusiones. 1 2 ° Anto. 1 6 14.

C atena Aurea in quatuor Evangelia. Fol. Anto. 16 12 .

L iber de Ente, etEssentia, cum commentsriis Thom. de Vio.

8° C olon. 1 6 2 6 .

ARAN DA (Eman. de). Relation de la C aptivité, etL iberté da SieurEmanueld

Aranda, mené Esclave s A lger . 1 2 ° Bran. 1 656 .

ARAN TIUS (J. In Hippocratis librum dé Vulneribus C api tisC ommentarius, cum C laudii Porralii annotationibus. 1 2 ° Lugd.

Bat. 1 6 3 9.

ARA TUS Solensis. Pha nomena etPrognostica . Lat. InterpretibusM. T. C icerone, R. F. Avieno , Germanico C a sare una cumejus C ommentariis, C . Julii Hygini Astronomicon. Fol. C al.Agr. 1 570.

(Da cvopeva ratA Ioaa Ia‘ Oewvor EXCAIa . Epa roaflevons Karo

ar epwpot. A Iovvawu'

Y,uo . AccesseruntAnnotationes in Eratosthenem etHymnos Dionysn . 8° Or an. 1 67 2 .

A RBU SSI. Ls Juste Idée de la Grace immédiate 1 2 ° Hays, 1 689.

ARBUTHN OT (D r . John). PracticalRules of DIet. 8° Land. 1 7 3 2 .

ARC E U S De recta C urandorum Vulnerum Ratione. 1 2 ° Amat.1 658.

A RCHE OLOGIA ; orMiscellaneous Tracts relatingto Antiquity pub

lished bythe Society ofAntiquaries ofLondon. 2 8 vols. 4° Land.

1 789—1 840.

An Index to the first fifteen volumes . 4° Land. 1 809.

ARC RDA LL (Mervyn). Mons sticon Hibernicum. 4° Land. 1 786 .

ARC ROMBROTUS etTheopompus, sive Argenidis Secunda etTertiaPars. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 669 .

ARC TAN DER (N ic . Laur .) De Excommunicatione ecclesiastica. 1 2 °

Giess. Hass. 1 6 10.

ARETE US C appadox. De acutorum etdiuturnorumMorborum C ausis etSigais , Gra ce ; etde C uratione , Gra ce. 8° Par . 1554 .

A RETIU S Loci C ommunes C hristiana ReligionisMe thod ice explicara . Fol . Genen. 1 6 17 .

In Novum Testamentum C ommentarn. Fol. Genes . 1 6 18.

A Shor t History of Valentinus Gentilis . 8° Land. 1 696 .

A RC UMEN TUM Anti - N ormanicum ; or, An A rgument proving theDuke of N ormandy made no absolute C onquestof England. 8°

Land. 1 68 2 .

ARGYL (La C ondessa de). ElAlma delincomparable San Augustin,sacada delC uerpo de sus C onfessiones. 4° Amber . 1 6 2 2 .

ARGYLE (Marq. qf). Indictment of High Treason. 4° 1 66 2 .

Instructions to a Son. 8° Glasgow, 1 76 2 .

ARIASMON TAN US Davidis Psalmi, ex Hebraica ver itatein Latinum C armen conversi . 4° Anta. 15 74 .

ARIAN E , en deux Parties . 8° Par . 1 6 3 2 .

ARIN GHU S (Paulus). Roma subterranes , in qua antiqua C hr istianorum etpra cipueMartyrum C a meteria , Ti tuli, Monuments , &c.

illustrantur . 1 2 ° A rnhem. 1 67 1 .

ARISTIEN ETUS. Epistola , Gr. etLat. cum notis Jac. Bongarsn. 8°

Par . 1 6 10.


ARIETARco o C ensura de la Proclamacion de los C atalanes.

ARISTIDES (Aelius). O rationes , Gr. etLat. a C antero. 2 vol. 8°

Apud Paul. S han. 1 604 .

ARISTOPRAN ES. oma dia undecim, Gr. ctLat. i Kuster. Fol.

Amt. 1 7 10.

8° Apud Plantin. 1606 .

Le PlutIIs etLes N uées d’

Aristophane par Mad. le Fevre.8° Par . 1 684.

ARISTo-rELEs. De Moribus ad N icomschum, L ib . X Gr. ctLat.Fol. Par. 1 555.

Aristotelis etTheophrasti Scripts qua dam, Gra ce. 8° P ar.

apud Henr . Stzhan. 1 55 7 .

Aristotelia ommentstionum de N atura Lib. VIII. De Ga la

1111. De Ortu etInteritu II. Meteorologicorum IIII. De A ni

ma 111. Parva qua dicuntur N aturalia. 4° Par . 156 1 .

Pepl i Fragmentam, s ive Heroum Homericorum Epitaphia ,

Gr. etLat. , cum annotat. Gul. C anteri. 8° Land. 1 57 1 .

DeMundo, Gra cé , cum interpretatione etscholiis Bon . Vul

cani i. 8° Lngd. Bat. 1 591 .ParaphrastesGra cus in Ethics AristotelisN icomaChes , a Dan.

Heinsio . 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 607 .Historia Animalium, J . C a s. Scaligero interprete, cum ejaa

dem comment. Fol. Talas. 1 6 19.

Rhetorics , Gr. etLat. , cum annotat. Goulstoni. 4° Land.

16 19.

Politicorum L ibri VIII. 8° Lu

gd. Bat. 1 6 2 1 .

Opera omnia, Gr. ctLat. s Du sl. 2 vol. Fol. Par . 1 6 2 9.

Réfiexions sur la Poé tique d’

Aristote etsur les Ouvrages dePoetes anciens etmodernes . 1 2 ° Par. 1674.

Ls Rhétor ique d’Aristote, par C assandre . 1 2 ° Par . 1 6 75 .

La Poétique d’

Aristore , parMr . Dacier . 1 2 ° Par . 1 69 2 .

ARE . The Ark ofthe Testament Opened ; or , A Treatise of theC ovenan t of Grace. 4° Land. 1 66 1 .

ARLINGTON (Earlcf). Letters to SirWilliam Temple. 2 vol. 8°

Lond. 1 701 .

ARMIN IUS Opera Theologica. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 2 9.A Declaration on the pr incipalPoints of Rel igion, before the

States ofHolland. 8° Land . 1 657 .

ARN ALD A C ritical C ommentary upon the Book of theWisdom of Solomon. Fol. L and. 1 744.

ARN AULD (Antony). De frequenti C ommunione . 4° Par . 1 647 .

De Gratia. 4° Par . 1657 .

De Perpétuité de la Fay de I’

Eglise C atholique, touclIantl’

Euchar istie , défendue contre Mons. C laude. 3 vol. 4° Pa r .

1 669.


EspritdeM. Arnauld. 2 vol. 1 2 ° B event. 1684.

Défense deM. Arnauld contre laRéponse au L ivre des vrayesetdes fausses Idées. 1 2 ° C ologn. 1684 .

Le Mespris duMonde . 1 2 ° C harent. 1 66 1 .Préjugés légitimes contre les C alvinistes. 1 2 ° Par . 1 67 1


ASC IIAM(Am ). A Discourse showing what is particularly lawfulduringthe C onfus ions ofGovernment. 8° Land . 1649.

ABCMAM Familiarium Epistolarum L ibri tres. 8° L and.

1 590.

ASELL IUS De Lactibus , s ive , Lacte is Venia Dissertatio.

4° L ugd. Bat. 1 640.

AsaIL (John). An Enquiry into the C ase of Mr . Asgil’

s General

Translation . 8° Land. 1 704.

An Argument to prove Man may be translated to eternal L ifewi thout passing through Death. 8° Land. 1 7 1 5 .

ASHBY and White ; or , The grand Question debated , Whe ther an

Action lies for an Elector who is denied his Vote for aMemberof Parliament. 8° Land. 1 705 .

ASRE Uh perfect table atouts les several]livres delReportes de Sir Edward C oke . 1 2 ° Land. 1 606 .

ASIIWORTII (D r . C aleb). An Introduction to Plane Trigonome try.

1 2 ° Land. 1 803 .

ASIATIC Researches . 1 2 vol. 4° Land. 1799- 1 8 16 .

ASIN US. Asini Laus . 1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 2 9.

A s w (Egeon). Brotherly Reconcilement. 4° Land. 1 605 .

A SPLAN D A Plea for Uni tarian Dissenters , in a Letter of

Expostulation tothe Rev . H. Norr is , M.A . 8° Hackney , 18 1 3 .

Three Sermons. 1 2 ° Land. 18 14.

1 2 ° Land. 18 1 6 .

2 nd edition. 1 2 ° Hackney, 18 15 .

Sermons on various Subjects , chiefly practical. 8° Land.

1 83 3 .

ASPLIN Alkibls , or Disquisition uponWorshipping towardsthe East, in two parts. 8° Land. 1 740.

ASSARIN O Le Rivolutioni di C atalogna diuise in quattroL ibri . 4° Bologn. 1 648.

ASSEMBLY or DIVIN ES. The C onfession of Faith , together withthe Larger and Lesser C atechisms. 4° Land. 1 658.

1 2 ° Land. 1 688 .

ASSIIETON A Theological Discourse of last Wills and Testaments . 8° L and. 1 696 .

C ases of Scandal and Persecution. 8° Land. 1 674.

L ife ofWilliam Assheton , by Watts . 8° Land. 1 7 14.

A SSIGN Y (Marius The ArtofMemory. 1 2 ° Land. 1 647 .

A ssIzEs. TheMerciful Assizes , or Panegyrick on Judge Jefl'


8° 1 701 .

ASTERIUS (S ) . Homil ia , Gr . etLat. aRubenio ; etRubenII C armins , O rationes , Epistola , &c. 4° Antn. apud Plant. 1 6 15 .

ASTLE The O rigin and Progress of Wr iting. 4° Land.

1 803 .


S Return , a Dream, from the French. 8° Land. 1 797 .

ASTRON OMICA Veterum Scripts Isagogica, Gr . etLat. 8° Es: aficiSanctandr . 1 5 89.


Omnia Opera. 2 vol. Fol. C al. 1 686 .


A THAN ASIUS (Sanctus) . V. AN TON IUS .Opera, Latiné , aPet. N annio, Fol . Bar. 1 564 .

La Vie de Saint A thanase , par Godefroy Hermant. 2 vol. 4°

Pa r . 1 67 1 .

The L ife of St. A thanasius, by N . B. P. C . 8° Land. 1 664.

ATHEN E U S. Deipnosophistarum L ibri quindecim, cum animadver

sionibus Is . C asauboni. Fol. Lugd. Bat. 1 6 1 2 .

ATHEN AGORAS . Apologia pro C hristianis ad lmperatores Antoninum etC ommodum. Ejusdem de ResurrectioneMortuorum. Gr.

etLat. 8° Par . apud Henr . Stephan. 1 55 7 .

A THEN IAN Society’

s Young Student’

s L ibrary. Fol . Land. 1 69 1 .

O racle . 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 703 .

Letters. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 798.

A TKIN SON (James). Epitome ofthe Artof N avigation. 8° Land.

1 704.

A TLAS. A tlas Geographus for Europe . 2 vol. 49 Land. 1 7 1 1 .

N ew Sea A tlas. Fol. Land. 1 7 2 3 .

A tlas Universel , parM. Robert. Fol . Par . 1 756 .

Le Sage’

s Histor ical A tlas. Fol. Land. 1 8 18.

The American Atlas , be ing a Guide tothe History of Northand South Amer ica andthe West Indies. Fol . Philad. 1 8 2 2 .

A tlas to C ruttwell’s Gazetteer . Fol . Land.

A tlas forthe East India and C hina Seas, published by Gilber t,i llustrative of A N ew N autical D irectory. Fol. Land.

ATTERBURY (D r . Francis), Bishop of Rochester . Sermons and Discourses on severalSubjects and O ccasions. 4 vol. 8° Land. 17 3 0.

AVAUX (Mans. Lettres deMessieurs d’

Avaux etServien. 1 2 °

1 650.

AUBERY (Louis). Mémoires pour servir al’Histoire d’Hollsnde.

8° Par . 1 680.

AUBIGNE (Le Sieur L’

IIistoire Universelle du Sieur d’

Aubigné .

3 vol. Fol.Ma illé, 1 6 1 6 .

AUBRY (M). Oxonii Dux Poeticus. 8° Oxon. 1 795 .

A UDIPPERT (Mr . Histoire etGéographie Ancienne etModerne.3 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1 694 .

AVEN ARIUS (J Lexicon Hebraicum. Fol . Witteb. 1 589.

AVEN DAN O (C hr ist. de). Sermones delAdviento, con sus Festividades, y Santos. 4° Madr . 16 2 7 .

AVESBURY (Rob . dc). Historia de mirabilibus C estis Edv. III.

Hearnio Edit. 8° Oman . 1 7 2 0.

AUGU STE Historia Scriptores LatiniMinores. 4 vol. 1 2 ° Lngd.Bat.1 63 2 .

AUGU STE Scriptores Sex, cum notis variorum. 2 vol. 8° Lugd. Bat.1 6 7 1 .

AUGUSTIN US De Emendatione Gratiani etSchotti O ratioin Funere Augustini. 4° Par . 1 607 .

AUGUSTIN US (Sanctus). De C ivitate Dei, cum comment. Thom. Vs

lois etN ic . Triveth. Fol . N uremb. 1 5 2 0.

cum notis Lud . Vivis. Fol . Bas. 1 5 2 2 .

cumnotis Lud.Vivis etLeon. C oqua i . Fol . Par . 1 63 6 .

c 2

2 0 A UG B

AUGUSTINU S (Sanctus) . De Doctrina C hr istiana L ibri Iv . 1 2 °

Lugd. Bat. 1 641 .

O puscula adversus Pelagianos. 3 vol. 4° Lanan. 1 647 .

O pera,tom. 1 et2 . Edi t. Benedict. Fol. Pa r . 1 679.

Les C onfessions , par Mons. Arnauld d’

Andilly. 1 2 ° Par .

1 651 .

De le Véritable ’Religion, parMons. Ant. A rnauld . 1 2 ° Par.

1 656 .

DesMa urs de l’Eglise C atholique , par Mons . Ant. A rnauld.

1 2 ° Par . 1 657 .

De la C orrection etde la Grace, par Mons . Ant. A rnauld.

1 2 ° Par . 166 1 .

De la Foy , de I’

Espérance etde la C harité , par Mons . Ant.A rnauld. 1 2 ° Par . 1 6 6 1 .

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Medi tations, by Stanhope . 8° Land. 1 701 .

AVITUS, A rchiep . Viennce . O pera, a Sirmondo. 8° Par . 1 643 .

AULIC US C OQU IN ARIIE : or , a Vindication in Answer to a Pamphletentitled The C ourt and C haracter of King James . 1 2 ° Land.

1 650.

AVRIL Voyages en divers Etats d’

Europe etd ’

Asie entrepris pour découvr ir nu nouveau Chemin C hina. 8° Par . 1 693 .

AUSON IUS (DeciusMagnus). Opera . 1 2 ° Amst. 16 2 1 .ex recensione Jacobi Tollii, cum integris Scaliger i , Ma

r iani , Accursii, Freheri, Scriverii, selectis Vineti, Barthii, Acidalii, Gronovii, Gra vii, aliorumque N otis. 8° Amst. 1 6 7 1 .

AUSTIN Manifestation ofthe Equali ty ofthe Father , Son,and Holy Ghost. 8° Land. 1650.

AYLMER (John) . Histor ical C ollections ofthe L ife and Acts of JohnAylmer, Bishop of London inthe Re ign of Queen Elizabeth, byJohn Strype. 8° Oxf . 1 82 2 .

B. (C .) Monuments L itteraria, sive Obitus etElogia doctorum Virorum, ex Historia Thuani. 4° Land. 1640.

B. (C .) ArtofRhetorick . 8° Land. 1 706 .

B. (F.) Judgments ofGod . 8° Land. 1 668.

(G.) Artof Self- government. 8° Land. 1 69 1 .

(H.) Truth’

s Triumph over Trent. 4° Land. 1 6 2 9.

(I.) Manifold Wisdom of God, in the divers D ispensations of

Grace by Jesus C hrist. 1 2 ° Land. 1 640.

Sick- bed Thoughts . 8° Lond. 1667 .

PracticalC hr istian. 8° Land. 1 670.

(J . Fai th’

s Tryal and Tryumph. 8° Land. 1 702 .





L .) ReformedMonastery . 1 2 ° Land. 1 649.

M.) Description de Par is . 8° 1684.





B. (S De antiqua Ecclesia Br itannica Libertste. 4° 1656.

B BAK 2 1

B . (T.) RoyalC harter granted unto Kings by God Himself. 8°

Land. 1 649.

Sacramental Instructions . 1 2 ° Land. 1 649.

Vindicia Gratia Sacramentalis. 8° Land. 1 650.

B . (W.) Bonasus vapulans ; or , C astigations given to Jo. Durell .8° Land. 16 7 2 .

B. (W.) C hris t and the C ovenant ; in x. Sermons. 8° Land. 1 667 .


BABIN GTON (Gervase), Bishop of Worcester . N otes on Genesis.4° Land. 1592 .

The Works of Gervase Babington. Fol. Land . 16 2 2 .

BAC C IUS (Pet. Vita Sancti Philippi N ern . 4° Ram. 1 645 .

BA C IIBT Problémes plaisans etdélectables. 8° Lyon, 1 6 1 2 .

Les Epistres d’

O vide . 8° Bourg en Bresse, 1 63 2 .

BAc S (Isaac). A History of N ew England , with par ticular Refe rence tothe Baptists. 8° Boston, N . E . 1 7 7 7 .

BACON (Francis), Baron of Verulam. InstauratioMagna, sive Novum O rganum ; acceditParasceve ad Histor iam N aturalem etExperimentalem. Fol . Land. 1 6 2 0.

De D ignitate etAugmentis Scientiarum. Fol. Land. 1 6 2 3 .

Sylva Sylvarum, or N atural History. Fol. Land. 1 65 1 .

History ofthe Re ign of King Henry VII. Fol . Land. 1 6 2 9.

O fthe Advancement of Learning. 4° Land. 1605 .

Remains . 1 2 ° Land. 1 679 .

Miscellany Works , published by Rawley. 4° Land. 16 2 9.

Works, C ivil, Histor ical , Philosophical , and Theological , published by W. Rawley. Fol . Land. 166 1 .

Works . 5 vols. 4° Land. 1 705 .

BADRESHITA (R. Examen Mundi , cum Lat. interpretationsatque animadversionibus Uchtmanni. 8° Lugd. 1 650.

BAGLION E Le Vite de’

Pi ttor i , Scul tor i , etA rchi te tti , delPontifiCato di Gregor io X III . del 157 2 in fino a

’ tempi di PapaU rbano ottano nel1 642 . 4° Ram. 1 64 2 .

Dissertationes Anti - Sociniana . 1 2 ° Land. 1657 .

BAGSHAW Discourses against Papists . 8° Land. 1 680.

BAGULEY The Lord C hancellor’

s ProceedingS about theC hapel inGreat Queen Street. Fol . Land. 1 709.

BAIL (Louis). Théologie affective Fol . For . 1 659.

BAILEY Dictionarium BrItsnnicum ; or, a more compleatEtymological Engl ish Dictionary than any ex tant. Fol. Land.1 7 30.

Fol. Land. 1 7 3 6 .

BAILEY The L ife of John Fisher , Bishop of Rochester.1 8° Land. 1 655 .

BAIN E (Paul). A C ommentary onthe Epistle tothe Ephesians. F01.L and. 1658.

BAK ER History of Job , a Sacred Poem. 8° Land. 1 706 .

BAK ER Microscope made easy. 8° Land. 1 74 2 .

BAK ER (Sir Meditations onthe Psalms. 4° Land . 1640.

Meditations onthe Lord’

s Prayer . 4° Land. 1 640.


BAKER (Sir C hronicle ofthe Kings of England. Fol. L and.

1 653 .

The Theatre vindicated ; or , an Answer to Mr . Pryn’

s Histriomastix. 8° Land. 1670.

BAEER Reflections on Learning. 8° Land. 1 700.

BALDE Lyricorum Lib. Iv. stEpodonLib . I . 1 2 ° C al.U bior .1 646 .

Sylva Lyrica . 1 2 ° C al. Obior 1 646 .

BALDIN U C C I Vi ta delC avaliere GIO . Lorenzo Bernino, Scultore,Archite tto, s P ittore. 4° FIorenz . 1 604.

BALDU IN US De C alceo antiqua, stN igronius de C aliga Ve terum. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 66 7 .

BALDU IN US De Insti tutions Histor ia Universa . 4° Par.

156 1 .

Responsio ad C alvinum stBezam. 8° C olon. 1564 .

Responsio alters ad C alvinum. 8° C olon. 15 6 2

BALDUS De Vs rborum Vitruvianorum Sigmficatione ; stVitruvii V i ta . 4° Aug . Vind. 1 6 1 2 .

BALE (JOhn). A Treatise of Fai th. 4° Land. 163 2 .

A Trialofthe Grounds ofSeparation. 4° C amb. 1 640.

The C ovenantofGrace . 4° 1645.

BAL E The Pulpi t’

s Patronage. 4° 1 656 .

BALGUY (John). Tracts moraland theological, with a Supplementon Rectitude . 8° Land. 1 73 4.

PracticalDiscourses. 8° Land. 1 748.

BALGUY (D r. Divine Benevolence asserted ; and vind icatedfromthe O bjections of ancient and modern Sceptics. 8° L and.

Sermon on the C onsecration of the Bishop of Landafl'

. 4°

Land. 1 769.

BALL (John). A short Treatise containing allthe pr incipalGroundsof C hr istian Religion. 8° Land. 1 654.

Ofthe Power ofGodliness. Fol. Land. 165 7 .

BALLESTERO (JuanMateos). O rigin y Dignidad de la C aca. 4°

Madr . 1 6 34 .

BALU EIU S Miscellanea. 3 vol. 8° Par. 1 680.

C oncilia Gallia Narbonensis. 8° Par . 1668.

BALzAc (Jean Louis Seigneur de). C arminum L ibr i III. etEpistola , edi t . aMsnagio. 4° Pa r . 1650.

Socrate C hrestien, stautres oeuvres. 1 2 ° Par . 166 1 .

Le ttres s Gourart. 1 2 ° Par . 1 659.

Le ttres. 8° Par . 163 4.

Les (Euvres diverses . 1 2 ° Par . 1 65 1 .

Lettres aC hapelain. 1 2 ° Par . 1659.

Les Entretiens . 1 2 ° Par . 1 65 7 .

Aristippe , ou de la C our . 1 2 ° Par . 1658.

Le Pr ince . 1 2 ° Rouen , 1 66 1 .

Le ttres choisies. 1 2 ° Rouen, 1 65 2 .

BAN CROPT Sermon atPaul ’s C rosse. 8° Land. 1 588.

BANGORIAN C ontroversy, pro and con. 14 vol. 8° 1 7 15—19.

BAPTISTA (Frey. C alendar io Romano perpetua . 8° 1588.


BARBA (Albaro Alonzo). Arte de losMetales. 4° Madr. 1640.

The Artof Metals, translated by H. Earl of Sandwich. 8°

Land. 1 674.

BARBAN SON (C onst. de). Amoris divini occulta Semi ta . 1 2 ° C olon.

16 2 3 .

BARBARUS De Re Uxoria L ibr i duo. 1 2 ° Amet. 1659.

BARBERIN U S C ardinal. Poemats . 4° Antn. 1 634.

BARBEYRAC Traité de la Morale des Peres de l’Eglise.4° Amst. 1 7 2 7 .

BARRIER (Ant. Dictionnaire deS O uvrages anonymes etpseudo - nymes, &c. 4 vol. 8° Par . 1 82 2 .

BARC LA IUS De Regno stRegal i Potestate , adversus Bu

chananum, Brutum, Boucherium, streliquos Monarchomschos.4° Par . 1 600.

Traits de la Puissance du Paps sur les princes séculiers. 1 2 °

C ologn. 1687 .

BARCLAY (James). Sermons on divers interesting Subjects. 8°

L and. 1 7 7 7 .

BARCLAY (John). Vindicia pro Regibus adversus Bellarminum.

4° Par . 16 1 2 .

Para nesis ad Sectarios de vera Ecclesia, Fide etReligions .8° Ram. 1 6 1 7 .

Pasmats . 4° Land. 16 2 6 .

Argenis. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 664.

Satyr icon. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 674.

BARCLAY Theologia veré C hr istiana Apologia. 4° Amet.167 6.


s Apology, abr idged byG.Harr ison. 1 2 ° Land. 1815 .

Truth Cleared O f C alumnies, SIC . Fol. Land. 1 69 1.

Short Account of the L ife and Wr itings of Robert Barclay.1 2 ° Land. 1 802 .

BARDIN Le Lycée, ou de l’

honnéts homme. 2 vol. 8° Par .1 682 .

PenséesMorales sur l’Ecclssiaste. 8° Par. 1640.

BARETTI (J A Journsy from Londonto Genoa. 4 vols. 8° Land.1 770.

BARGE US (Petrus Angslus). De Obelisco Vaticano. 4°Ram. 1 586 .

BARK ER (John) . Treasury of Fortifications . 8° Land. 1 707 .

BA RK ER (John). Sermons. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 764.

BARK ER N atural Theology. 8° Land. 1 674.

BARKSDALE (C L). Memorials of Worthy Persons : Two Decades.1 2 ° Oman. 1 664.

BARLE US Historia Rerum gestarum sub J .Mauritia inBrasil ia. Fol . Amst. 1 647

AcceditG. PisonIs Tractatus de Aere, Aquis stLocis.8° C livis , 1 660.

C ontra Bogermsnnum. 4° Lugd. Bat. 16 15 .

Poemats . 1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. 1 63 1 .O rationes. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 65 2 .

Epistolia . 2 vol. 8° Amst. 1 667 .


BARLow (John) . An Exposi tion ofthe First and Second C haptersOfthe latter Epistle of St. Paul to Timothy . Fol. Land . 1 6 3 2 .

BARLOW (Dr . B is/zap of L incoln. Exercitationes aliquotMetaphysica , de Deo. 4° Or an. 1 63 7 .

4° Oxan. 1 658.

A Survey Ofthe pretended Holy Discipl ine. 4° Land . 1 6 63 .

Letters on Justification by Faith only. 8° Land . 1 701 .

BARLow (D r . Bis/tap of L incoln. A Defense ofthe Ar ticlesofthe Protestants’

Religion. 4° Land. 1601 .

BARN ABAS Epistola , Gr. stLat. access it S. Herma Pas tor,Gr . stLat. 1 2 ° Oxan. 1 685 .

BARN ABEUS Vi ta C ard. Batonu. 4° Ram. 1 65 1 .

BARN ES (Joshua). History Of Edward 111. and of Edwardthe BlackPr ince. Fol . Cambridge, 1 688.

BARON De Fide, ejusqus O rtu, L iber . 1 2 ° L and. 1 580.

BARON IU S C ard. De Monarchia Sicil ia , stC ard . C olumnade hoc Tractatu Judicium, cum Responsione ejusdem Baronii.

1 2 ° Par . 1 609.

Relationes duarum Legationum. 1 2 ° C olon. 1 600.

Histor ies relatio de Ruthenorum O rigins eorumqus miracu

losa conversions . 1 2 ° Colon. 1598.

Annalium Epitome , per Heur. Spondsnum. 4 vol. Fol. Par .1 660.

Annales Ecclesiastici . 1 9 vol. Fol. Anta. apud Plantin. 1 6 70.

BARON IU S C ontra Turnsbullum. 8° Aberdan. 16 3 1 .

Metaphysics generalis ; Acceduntnunc primum qua supers

rant ex Parts speciali. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 65 7 .

De d iscrimine Peccati venialis stmortalis. 8° A berdon . 1 6 3 3 .

Philosophia Theologia ancillans. 8° Oman. 1 64 1

BARRE (Lsur . de la). Histor ia C hristiana vetsrum Patrum . Fol.

Par . 15 83 .

BARRET (John). Good - will towards Men ; or , A Treatise of theC ovenants. 8° Land. 1 675 .

C hristian Temper . 8° Land. 1 678.


s Love toMan. 8° Land. 1 678.

Evil and Remedy of Scandal. 8° Land. 1 7 1 1 .

BARRET Theorike and Practike ofmoderne Warren. Fol.Land. 1 598.

BARRETT (John). On the Pardon of Sin and Blessedness of a Pardoned State. 8° Land. 1 704.

Discourse of secret Prayer . 8° Land. 1 709.

BARRIER Treaty vindicated . 8° Land. 1 7 1 2 .

BARRIERE (Dominicus). Villa Aldobrandina. Fol . Ram. 1 647 .

BA RRIN OTON (Hon. Daines) . Miscellanies. 4° Land. 1 7 81 .

Observations on the Statutes. 4° Land. 1 7 66 .

BARRIN GTON (Lord). Miscellanea Sacra, containing an Abstract ofthe Scripture History ofthe Apostles. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 2 5 .

Essay onthe several Dispensations of God toMankind. 8°

Land. 1 7 3 2

TheologIcalWorks. 3 vol. 8° Land. 1 82 8.


BASIER (Isaac). Antient Liberty of the Britannick C hurch . 1 2 °

Land. 166 1 .

BASILICA Dora, s ive Sylloge EpistolarumMonarcharum Br itannia .

8° Land. 1640.

BASILIUS, C appad.A rchiep . O rationes deMoribuS,Gra cé. 8° Land.

1 556.

Opera, Gr . stLat. 3 vol. Par. apud C ramoisy. Fol. Land.

1 6 1 8.

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1 679.

BASILIUS, Seleucice Ep iscop . Opera, Gra ce. Ea: Bib. C am elin. 8°

L and. 1 596 .

BASN AGE Dissertationes Historico-theologica . 8° Land.

1 694.

Histoire de I’Egliss . 2 vol. Fol. Rotterd. 1699.

La C ommunion Sainte. 1 2 ° Rotterd. 1 688.

Histoire de la Rel igion des EglisesReformées contre Bon net.2 vol. 8° Rotterd. 1 690.

Traité de la C onscience. 2 vol. 8° Ratterd. 1 696 .

Defense des L ibsrtéz dss EglisesReformées de France. 2 vol.

8° Rotterd. 1 688.

History Ofthe Jews, by Tho. Taylor. Fol. Land. 1 708.

BASN AGE (Sam. Exercitationes de Rebus Sacris. 4° Ultraj.1 692 .

Annales Poli tico - ecclesiastici Annorum Dc v. itC a sare Augusto ad Phocam usque. 3 vol. Fol. Rotterd. 1 706 .

BASSE (JOSH) A C ollection of the Sufl'

erings ofthe People calledQuakers. 2 vol. Fol. Land. 1 753 .

BASSET (Will. An Answertothe BriefHistory ofthe Un itarian .

8° Lond . 1 693 .

BASSOMPIERRE (Marech. de). Ambassade en Espagne. 1 2 ° C ologn.

1 668 .

N egotiaten Angleterre. 1 2 ° C ologn. 1 668.

Ambassade en Suisse. 1 2 ° C olagn. 1 668.

Mémoires. 2 vol. 1 2 ° C ologn. 1 666 .

BATE (Randal). Meditations wh ilst he was Pr isoner in the Gatehouse, Westminster . 8° Land.

BATESIUS Vita selectorum Virorum. 4° Land. 168 1 .

Works. Fol. Land. 1 700.

2 nd Edit. Fol . Land. 1 7 2 3 .

BATEU S ElenchusMotuum nupsrorum inAnglifi. 8° Land.

1 663 .

BAUDARTIUS Polemographia Aurs ico - Belgica. 2 vol. 4°

Amst. 1 6 2 1 .BAUDIUS (Dominicus). Pasmara. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 607 .

Induciarum Belli Belgici L ibri tres. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 2 9.Epistola . 1 2 ° Lu d.Bat. 1 662 .

BAUDRAN DUS (Mich . Geographia. 2 vol. Fol. Par . 1 682 .

BAUMGARTEN (Martinus). Peregrinatio In ZEgyptum, Arabism, Palestinam, stSyriam. 4° Norimb. 1594.


BAxTER Matho, sive C osmotheoria Puerilis. 2 vol. 8°

Land. 1 7 45 .

Onthe Soul. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 745 .

BAX TER Methodus Theologia . Fol. Land. 1 68 1 .

C atholick Theology. Fol. Land. 1 675 .

End Of Doctrinal C ontroversions. 8° Land. 1 691 .

Successive Visibility ofthe C hurch. 8° Land. 1 660.

Second Admon ition to Bagshaw. 8° Land. 1 67 1 .

Paraphrase onthe Psalms. 8° Land. 1 692 .

Grotian Religion discovered . 8° Land. 1658.

Disputations on O riginalSin. 8° Land. 1 6 75.

More Proofs for Infant C hurchMembership, or a second Defence of the ir Rights. 8° Land. 1 675 .

Defence ofthe Pr inci les Of Love. 8° Land. 1 67 1 .

Safe Religion againstopery. 8° Land. 1 657 .

Scripture Gospeldefended . 8° Land. 1 690.

Answer to Dodwslland Sherlock. 4° Land. 1 68 2 .

Scr ipture Proof for InfantBaptism, and other Tracts. 4° Land.1 656.

Five Disputations of C hurch Governmentand Worship. 4°

Land. 1659

C onfessIon Of Fai th. 4° Land. 1 655 .

D isputations ofRightto Sacraments. 4° Land. 1 658.

Four Disputations Of Justification. 4° Land. 1 658.

Apology against Blake and O thers. 4° Land. 1 654.

Key for C atholicks. 4° Land. 1659.

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Roman Tradition examined . 4° Land. 1 676.

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s and Hood’

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BEUOREN (C orn. is) Incunabula Typographies , sive C atalogus Librarum ab Invent1oneTypographimadAn. 1500. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 688.

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A History of Bri tish Birds. 8° N ewcastle, 1 809.BEYERLrc 1Us (Laur.) O ratio in FunereMatth.Hovii. A nts . 16 2 0.

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BEZA Annotationes in Nov.Testamentum. 8° Land . 1594.

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Poemata var ia. 2 4° Land. 1 644.

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Responsio ad Balduini Eceboli C onvieis . 8° Genes . 1 565.

Defensio contra Geneb rardum. 8° Genes. 1 585 .

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Base etC amerarii Annotationes in N ovum Testamentum.

Fol. C antab. 1 642 .

Tractationes Theologica . Fol. Genes . 1576 .

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BrRLEs printed bythe British and Foreign Bible Society.

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Dutch Bible. 8° 1 81 7 .

French Bible. 8° 1 81 4.

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I talian Bible. 8° 1 8 2 1 .

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Fol. Ants . apud Plantin. 1 584.

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aSeb . C astalione. Fol. Bas. 1554.

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Biographia Presbyter ians . 2 vol. 8° Edinb. 1 82 7

Biographiam ineum. The Female Worthies. 2 vol. in 1 .

1 2 ° L and. 1 766 .

GeneralBiography ; or , L ives of the mosteminentPersonsof allAges, &c., by Dr. J .A ikin, Dr .W. Enfield, Rev. T .Morgan,Mr . N icholson, &c. 4° Land. 1 799. 10 vol.

BION . Bionis etMaschi Idyllia, aG. Wakefield. 4° Land. 1 795.

B1RAGO (GiO . Istoria Africans . 4° Venet. 1 650.

Bracn (Dr . The L ife OfDr. John Tillotson. 8° Land. 1 753 .

BIRC HBEC K (Simon). Treatise O fthe Four Last Things. 8° Land.

1 655 .

Brsco (John) . TheMystery (f God’

sMercy. 8° Land. 1 647 .

Grand TrialofTrue C onvers ion. 8° Land. 1 655 .

Brsnor Sermons on practicalSubjects. 8° Land. 1 798.

BISHOP. The Reformed Bishop, or N ineteen Articles tendered byaWell- wisher Ofthe presentGovernmentofthe C hurch OfScotland.8° Land. 1680.


Bu rma. The Rightof Bishops to Judge in C ases capital. 8° Land.

1 680.

Bishops notJudges in C ases capi tal. 8° Land. 1 6 79.

Postscr ipttoHunt’

s Argumentforthe Bishops’

Rightto Judgein C ases capital. 8° Land. 1 682 .

BIsTERr ELDIU s (Joan. Mysterium Pietatis de Trinitate,contra C rellium. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 3 9 .

BLAC K BURN B (A rchdeacon). C onsiderations onthe State ofthe C ontroversy between Protestants and Papists . 8° Land. 1 7 68.

An Histor icalView of the C ontroversy concerning an Intermediate State. 8° Land. 1 77 2 .

BLAcxnALL (Bishap). Discourses upon C hr ist’

s Sermon on theMount. 8 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 17 .

BLACRMORE (Sir Rich”) Poems. 8° Land. 1 7 18.

C reation. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 18.

Psalms O fDavid. 8° Land. 1 7 2 1 .

Pr ince A rthur , and King A rthur , Poems. Fol. Land . 1 697 .

Job , &c. a Poem. Fol. Land. 1 700.

Eliza, a Poem. Fol. Land . 1 705 .

An impartialHistory Ofthe C onspiracy againstWilliam III.8° Land. 1 7 2 3 .

Just Prejudices againstthe Arian Hypothesis. 4° Land. 1 7 2 1 .

BLACKSTON E (Sir Analys is O f the Laws of England ; towhich is prefixed an introductory D iscourse onthe Study of theLaw. 8° Oxf . 1 7 58.

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BLACKWELL (Dr . Thomas). Schema Sacrum. 8° Edinb. 1 7 10.

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BLAC VODE U S Opera. 4° Par . 1 644 .

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BLAINVILLE (Mans . de). Travels throughHolland, Germany, Switzerland , and Italy. 2 vol. 4° Land. 1 757 .

BLAIR (Dr .Hugh). Lectures onRhetoric and Belles Le ttres . 3 vol.

8° Land. 1 790.

BLAIR (James). Sermons on C hrist’s Sermon ontheMount. 4 vol.

8° Land. 1 740.

BLAIR (John). C hronological Tables. FO].BLAKE (Martin). The Great Question resolved , in answertoMr. B.

C oxe . 4° Land. 1 645

BLAKE Vindicm Foeder is . 4° Land. 1658.

BLA N c (Beaul ieu de). Sermons. 8° Sedan, 1 676 .

BMW (Ludov. le). Theses Theologica , 1683 . Fol. Land. 16 88.

BLAN c Abrégé de l’

HistOire de la Maison de Savoye.

3 vol. 1 2 ° Lyon, 1 668.

Histoire de Baviere . 4 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1 680.

BLAN c (Vincentle). Les Voyages. Fol. Par. 1658 .


BLAN O (Vincentle). Voyages and Travels. Fol. Land . 1660.

BLAN CARD PhysicalDictionary. 8° Land. 1 7 15 .

BLAN cIIIN O Evangel iar ium Quadruplex Latina Versionisantiqua seu veteris Italica . 2 vol. in 4. Fa]. Ram. 1 749.

BLAN C IIOT Bibliotheca SS. Patrum concionator ia. 8° C al.

Agr . 1 63 4.

BLAN C U C IU S Indices tres Observationum miscellanearumvar iarumque Lectionum, quibus Veterum scripts partim emendantur , par tim illustrantur . 4°Ram. 1697 .

BLA N OU s Pra lectio in Rom. C ap. X. Ver. 6 , 7 , 8. 8°

BLAYN EY (Dr . Pentateuchas Behra o - Samaritanus charactere B ehra o - C haldaico . 8° Or an. 1 790.

Jeremiah and Lamentations ; a new Translation wi th notesC r itical, Philological , and Explanatory. 4° Or a n. 1 784 .

Zechariah ; a new Translation, with notes, 8rc. 4° Or an. 1797 .

BLESDIK IUS Historia Vita , Doctr ina , ac Rerum gestarumDav. Georgi i Ha resiarcha . 1 2 ° Dasent. 1 642 .

BLON DEL Apologia pro SententiaHieronymi de Episcopis etPresbyteria. 4° Amst. 1 646.

Pseudo - Isiodorus etTurrianus vapulantes. 4° Genes .

De Formula Regnante C hrista in Veterum MonumentisU su. 4° Amst. 1 646 .

De Johanna Papissa. 8° Amst. 1 658.

De la Pr imauté en l’Eglise . Fol . Genes . 1 641

A ctes des Eglises Réformées , touchant la Pa1x etC haritéfraternelle. 4° Amst. 1 655 .

De la Sincéri té etVérité des Eglises Réformées de France .

8° Sedan, 1 6 19 .

Lettre deM. Blondel touchant la Puissance du Pape . 8° 1640.

His tory ofthe Sibyls, translated by Davies. Fol. Land. 1 66 1 .

BLONDEL Histoire du C alendr ier Romain. 1 2 ° Haye, 1 684 .

C omparaison du Pindare etd’

Horace . 1 2 ° Par . 1 67 3 .

BLOOMYIELD (S. Recensio Synoptica Annotationis Sacra , be inga cri ticalDigest Of the most importan t Annotations Of the N ewTestament. 8 vol. 8° Land . 1 82 6 .

BLOSIU S Ench iridion parvulorum. 1 2 ° Land. 1655 .

BLOU N T TheWorks Of C har les Blount. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 695 .

BLOU N T A Voyage tothe Levant. 4° Land. 1 63 6 .

BLOU N T A Law Dictionary. Fol . Land. 1 6 70.

BLOU N T (Sir Thom. Pope). C ensura Authorum. Fol. Land. 1 690.

Essays. 8° Land. 1 692 .

Remarks upon Poetry. 4° Land. 1 694 .

BLU N DEVIL Exercises containing EightMathematicalTreatises. 4° Land. 1 606 .

BLU N T Letters to Granville Sharp. 8° Land. 1 803 .

BOATE Ireland’

s N atural History . 8° Land. 1 65 2 .

BOOAN GEL Declamationes C astellanas. 1 2 ° C arer . 1 640.

Baccac O (John). De C lar isMulieribus. Fol. Lasan. 1 587 .

De C asibus Virorum illustrium. Fol.


40 BO C BO E

Baccaccw (John). llDecameron. 1 2 ° A rnsl. 1665 .

Le Decame ron, traduit par Ant. Macon. 1 2 ° Raven , 1 601 .Ragguagl i di Parnasso . 4° Venet. 1 6 14 .

Pietra delParagone politico. 4° C asu ap . 16 15 .

La Secretaria d i Apo llo . 1 2 ° 165 3 .

Advertisements from Parnassus , translated by Henry Earl OfMonmouth, wi th Briani's C ontinua tion, revised b y Hughes . Fol


Land. 1 706 .


r Traitté du Sacr ifice de la Messe. 4° Genes.1 663 .

Trois Sermons . 8° C ha renton , 163 7 .

BOOIIART De Qua stione , N um E neas unquam fue r i t inI talia ? 8° Hana. 16 7 2 .

Opera omnia , 5 Joan . Leusdena . 3 vol. Fol. Lugd . Bat.

Epistola qua respondetur ad tres Qua stiones , I . De Pre sbyteratu etEpiscopatu 11. De Provocatione a Judiciis Eccles iasticis ; III. De Jure ac Potestate Regum. 1 2 ° Pa r . 1 650.

Actes de la C onference , tenue aC aen, entre Samue l DachartetJean Baillehache , d ’

une part, etFranco is Veron etIsaac LeC onte de l'autre . 8° Saumur , 1 63 0.

Bocnw s In Psalmos David ia varia O bse rvationes , i temPropheta Regu v ita. 8o A nts . 1608.

Psalmorum Davidis l’arod ia Heroica. 8° A nts . 1 608 .

BOOK (Fr id . Histor ia Antitrinitar iurum, maxime Socinia.

nismi ctSocinianorum. 3 vol. 8° L ips . 1 7 74 .

BODEC IIERU S SocinianO - Remonstrantismus. 4° Lugd . Bat.1 6 2 4 .

BODIN U s Paradoxon. 8° Pa r . 1 596 .

Methodus ad Histor iarum C ognitionem. 8° Pa r . 1 5 7 2 .

Universa Natura Theatrum. 8° Hanas . 1 605 .

De Magorum Da monomania. 8° Franco/I 1 603 .

De la Démonomanie des Sorciers . 4° Pa r . 1 58 7 .

De la République . 8° Par . 1 5 7 7 .

Fol. Lyon, 1 580.

BODIU S Unio Dissidentium. 8° A nts . 1 53 1 .

BO EOLERU s (JO . Hem). De Rebus Sa onl i a C hrista nato IX . etXper Seriem German . C a sarum C ommentarius. 4° A rgent. 1 656 .

Animadvers iones in Polybium. 4° A rgent. 1 68 1 .

O rationes etProgrammata . 8° A rgent. 1 654 .

De Scr iptoribus Gra cis etLat inis ab Homero ad Initium Sa .

cul i post C hr . N at. Decimi Sexti. 8° A rgent. 16 74 .

BOEOTIIOLT Memoria C rucis etPassionum acerb issimarum

Salvator is nostri uniui Domini Monumentis quotidianis ac per

petuis , 81 0 . 1 2 ° Land. 1 65 1 .

BOEMU S (A . Ench irid ion Precum. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 1 5 .

BOERIIA AVE (D r . Herman). O nthe Power O fMedicines ; translatedby J . Martyn. 8° L and. 1 740.

BOETHIU S . De C onsolatione Philosophia , etOpuscula , cum notisvariorum. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 67 1 .


BOLTON Four las t Things , and Assise Sermons, with hisL ife. 4° Land. 16 3 9 .

BOLTON (Sir Justice Of Peace for Ireland . Fol. Dubl. 1 688.BOLTON Dead Saint speaking. Fol. Land. 1 657 .

Guard ofthe Tree of L ife . 8° Land. 1647 .

Bounds Of C hristian Freedom. 8° Land. 1645 .

Arraignment of Error. 4° L and. 1 646 .

BOMRIN us (Paulus). V i ta etMartyr iumEdm. C ampiani. 1 2°Man

tuce , 16 2 0.

BON A Opera. 3 vol. 8° Par . 1 6 77

Guide to Eterni ty. 8° Land. 1 67 2 .

BON ARDO . La Grandezza, Larghezza, e D is tantia delle Sfere . 8°

Venet. 1 589 .

BON ARELLUs (Guidi). Filli di Sciro. 4° Ferrar . 1 607 .

D ifesa di C elia. 4° A ncona , 16 1 2 .

BON ARscIU s Amphitheatrum Honoris. 4° Paleap . AM .

1 606 .

BON AVEN TURE des Periers. N ouvelles Récréations etjoyeux Dévisde Bonaventure des Per iers . 2 4° Par . 1564.

BON ET (JuanPablo). Reduction de las Le tras, y Arte para ensefisr,a ablar lasMundos. 4° Madr . 1 6 2 0.

BON eARs (James). Epistola ad C amerar ium. 1 2 ° Lsgd.Bat. 1 647.Bongarsi etLin elshemi E

pistola . 1 2 ° A rgent. 1 660.

BON IEAOC IO (Giov.) Arte de enni, con la quale formandosi Favella visibile. 4° Vicenza , 1 6 1 6 .


Arti L iberali , e Mechaniche. 4° Ras iga, 1 62 8.

BON IEAc O Dell’ Immortalita dell’ Anima. 4° Venet. 1 6 2 1 .BON IFACIU S (Balthz). Histor ia Lud icra. 4° Bruce. 1 656 .

BON N ET (M.) Interesting V iews of C hristiani ty . 1 2 ° Land. 1 787 .

BON NYC A STLE (John). Introduction to Algebra. 1 2 ° Land. 1 803 .

BOOTH The Death of Legal Hope and L ife of EvangelicalO bedience. 1 2 ° Land. 1 794.

Essay onthe Kingdom of C hrist. 1 2 ° Land. 1 788.

Reign OfGrace, from its Riseto its C onsummation. 1 2 ° Land.

1 790.

Pa dobaptism examined on the Pr inciples, C oncessions , andReasonings Ofthe most learned Pa dabaptists. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Land.

1 787 .

Defence of Pa dobaptism examined , or Animadversions on

Dr. E. Williams’

s Antipa dobaptism examined. 1 2 ° Land . 1 79 2 .

Glad T idingsto Per ish ing Sinners. 1 2 ° Land. 1 800.

BOOTH (John). Medulla L ingua Gra ca . 4° Hudder sfield .

BOOTIUs Animadversiones adTextumHebr.Veteris Testamenti . 4° Land . 1 644 .

BORRON IU s (N ic.) Poematia exposi ts . 1 2 ° Par . 1 630.

Pra fationes. 1 2 ° Par .

Tumulus 1 2 ° Par . 1 649.

BORRON Ius (Pn nceps). L itera . 8°

BOREL (PEre). Trésor de Recherches etAntiquités Gauloises etFrancoises. 4° Par . 1655.


BOREL (Pare). Vita Renati C artesn. 8° Par. 1 656 .

BORGHIN I (Ram). 11Riposo , O Tratato della Pittura. 8° Fir . 1 584.

BORGIA Las O bras en Verso. 4° Amber . 1 654.

La Vie de S. Francois de Borgia. 4° Par . 1 67 2 .

BORREMAN SIU s Varia Lectiones . 8° Amst. 1 6 76 .

BORRIOHIU s C ogitationes de variis Latina L ingua [EtatibusetScripto illustris v ir i Ger . JOh. Vossii de Vitiis Sermania. Ao

cedit ejusdem Defensio nomine Vassii etStrada , adversus Seiappium. 4° Hafn. 1 675 .

Analecta ad C ogitationes cum Appendice , 8 m. 4° Hafn. 1 682 .

De O rtu etProgressu C hemia . 4° Hafn. 1 668.

De Poe tis. 4° Francqf. 1 683 .

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De Vita Borroma i, ab C ard. Augustino.

4° Veran. 16 1 1 .

La Vie de Borromé, par Ant. Godeau. 8° Par . 1 657 .

Bos (Lambertus). Exercitationes Philologica in N ov. Foed. 8m.

8° Franeq. 1 700.

N ov. Ed i t. 8° Braucq. 1 7 1 3 .

Ellipses Gra ca a N icol. Scwebelio. 8° N arimb. 1 76 3 .

Base (P. da). Sermons. 2 vol. 8° Ratterd. 1 687 .

La Vie de P. du Bosc. 8° 1694.


honneste Femme . 8° Par . 1 658.

Sermons sur l’Epitre aux Ephésiens. 2 vol. 8° Batterd. 1 699.

Sermon : les Larmes de St. Pierre. 8° Genes . 1 666 .

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Bosco (Joan. de Sacra). Spha ra emendata. 8° Par . 1 569.

BOSCOVICH (Rog. J Opera pertinentia ad Opticam etAstronomiam. 5 vol. 4° Bassan. 1 785 .

BOSIU S Historia Passionis S. C ecilia Virg. Valeriani etSociarum. 4° Ram. 1600.

BO SQUETU S Ecclesia Gallicana Histor ia,tom. 1 . 4° Par . 1686 .

Pontificum Romanorum qui é Gall ia or iundi , in ca sederunt,Historia ab anno 1 3 05 ad ann. 1 3 94. 8° Par . 1 63 2 .

Bosss Sentimens sur la D istinction de diversManteresde Peinture . 1 2 ° Par . 1 649 .

Basso (Rene ls). Traité du Paeme Epique . 8° Pa r . 1 677 .

BOSSU ET (Jaques Benigne), Bishop ofMean . L iber Psalmorum. 8°

Lugd. Bat. 1 691 .Nata in Librum Psalmorum. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1691 .De nova Qua stione Tractatus. 8° Par . 1 698.

N ata in L ibros Solomonis 8° Par . 1 680.

Discours sur l’

HistOire Umverselle . 2 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1 681 .

C onference avecM. C laude sur la Matiere de l’Eglise. 1 2 °

Par . 168 2 .

Réponse au meme . 8° Hays, 1 683 .

Réflex ions sur la C omédie . 1 2 ° Par . 1 694.

Hist. de VariationsdesEgl isesProtestants . 2 vol. 4°Par . 1 688.

Défense de l’Hist. des Variations, contre la Response deM. Basnage . 1 2 ° Par . 1 69 1 .


BossUET (Jaques Benigne), Bishop of Mean . L’

Apocalypse , avec

une Explication. 1 2 ° Par . 1690.

Exposition de la Doctrine de l’

Eglise C atholique sur le s Ma

t1eres de C ontroversie . 1 2 ° Par . 1 680.

Traité de la C ommunion. 1 2 ° Pa r . 1 68 2 .

Reponse au Traité de Bossuet touchant la C ommun ion . 1 2 °

C ologne, 1683 .

Lettre Pas torale . 1 2 ° C ologne, 1 686.

O raison funebre d’Henriette Marie . 1 2 ° Par . 1 67 2 .

U niversal History , withoutthe C ontinuation . 2 vol. 1 2 ° Land.

1 748.

BO STON , N ew England . A Vindication ofthe Town of Boston fromthe A spersions O fGovernor Bernard. 8° La nd. 1 7 70.

N arrative oftheMassacre in Boston,March 5 , 17 70. 8” Land.

1 770.

BOSWELL (James). Bericht van C ors ica . 8° Amst. 1 769 .

BOTERO Rilationi universali . 4° Venet. 1640.

BOUOHET Les Serres . 3 vol. 8° Pa r . 1608.

BOU ILLI (C an ). Samarobrini d ivina C aliginis L iber. 8° Lugd.

Bat. 1 5 2 6 .

BOU ILLON (Due de). Mémoires de Duc de Bouillon. 1 2 ° Amst.1 693 .

BOULLAYE LE Gouz (Sieur de la). Les Voyages etO bservationsdu Sieur de la Boullaye le Gouz . 4° Par . 1 6 57 .

BOULTER (D r .Hugh) . Letters containing an Account O f the mostremarkable Transactions in Ireland from 1 7 2 4 to 1 7 3 8. 2 vol.

in 1 . 8° w . 1 769—70.

BOURDIN (Pierre). L’

ArchitectureMilitaire . 8° Par . 1 655 .

BO URIGN ON (M. L a Vie de Mlle . A ntoinette Bourignon. 8°

Amat. 1 683 .

Treatise of Solid Virtue . 8° Land. 1699 .

Apology forM. Anton ia Bourignon. 8° 1699.

BOURN (Samuel). Discourses on N atural Religion and C hris tianity.

2 vol. 8° Land. 1 760.

Family Prayer - book. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 3 8.

Twenty Sermons. 8° Land. 1 75 7 .

Young C hristian’

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BOU SSIN GAU LT Guide de touts les Pays - has . 8° Par . 1 67 7 .

BOUVER (I . Histoire de l’Empire de la C hine . 1 2 ° Haye , 1 699.

Bovro Fulmine , contra dc Med ici Putatitii Rationali. 1 2 °Padaua , 1 6 2 6 .

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BOWER The History of the Popes , from the Foundationofthe See of Rome to the present TIme . 8 Vol. 4° L and. 1 750.

BowLEs De Pas tore Evangelico . 4° Land. 1 649 .

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BOX HORN IUS (Marc. Historia O bsidionis Breda . Fol.Lugd. Bat. 1 640.


BOXHORN IU S (Marc. Panegyricus in N uptiasGulielmi Araus.Pr in. etMar ia . Fol. Lugd.Bat. 1 641 .

Epistola etPoemata. 1 2 ° Amat. 1 66 2 .

Varii Tractatus politici . 1 2 ° Amst. 1 673 .

O rationes Varii A rgumenti. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 65 1 .His tor ia U niversal is. 4° Lugd. Bat. 165 2 .

O r igines Gallica , etantiqua L ingua Br itannica Lexicon. 4°

Amst. 1 654 .

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BOYER Descr iption Ofthe Seat O fWar . 8° Land. 1 696.

French and Engl ish Dictionary. 8° Land. 1708.

French and English Grammar . 8° Land. 1 703 .

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BOYER His toire desVaudois. 1 2 ° Par . 1 691 .

History Ofthe Vaudois. 1 2 ° Par . 1 692 .

BOYLE (C harles). Examination of Bentley’

s Dissertations on theEpistles of Phalar is . 8° Land. 1 699.

A View O f Boyle and Bentley . 8° Land. 1698

BOYLE (Rob.) Inquisitio in Fidem C hristianorum hUJus Seculi. 8°

Dubl. 1 665 .

L ife of Robert Boyle by Thomas Birch , D.D. 8° Land. 1 744.

Works. 6 vol. 4° Land. 1 7 7 2 .


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BOYSE True Deity of C hr ist. 8° L and. 1 703 .

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D iscourse on the Four Last Th ings. 8° Dubl. 1 7 2 4.

Remarks on the Bishop O f Derry’

s Inventions OfMen intheWorsh ip ofGod , and Vindication . 8° Land. 1 694.

Sacramental Hymns. 8° Dubl. 1 698 .

Works. Fol. Land . 1 7 2 8.

BOYVIN (Joan. Gabriel). Theologia Scoli . 1 2 ° Par . 1 682 .

BRA (Henr . a). Medicamentorum ad C alculum Enumeratio. 8°

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BRADRURY Doctrine Of Justification. 1 2 ° Land. 17 1 6.

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C hr istian’

s Joy in finishing his C ourse . 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 1 3 .

BRADEORD (John). Med itations of John Bradford . 1 2 ° Land.

BRADSHAW (J A SleepySpouse OfC hr istawaked. 8° Land. 1 677 .

BRADSHAW De JustificationisDoctr ina. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 1 8.

Unreasonableness Of Separation. 4° Land. 1 640.

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BRAOOE (Fran. Discourses anthe Parables. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 702 .

Discourses onthe Miracles. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 702 .

Regulation ofthe Passions . 8° Land. 1 708.

BRAHE (Tycho). Astronomia instaurata . 4° Francaf . 1 6 10.

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BRAIS (Steph . de) Exercitationes Inaugurales. 8° Salnmr . 1678.

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BRAMHALL (Bishop). C onsecration and Succession of ProtestantBishops justified , &c. 8° Land. 1 644.

V indication ofthe C hurch Of England, with a Replicationtothe Bishop Of C halcedon. 8° Land. 1 66 1 .

V indication against Exeter. 8° Land. 1 67 2 .

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Bramhalland Hobbes’

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BRAN D (Adam). Relation duVoyage deMons . Isbrand itla C hine.8° Amst. 1 699.

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BRAN DT History ofthe Reformation ofthe Low C ountries.4 vol. Fol . Land. 1 7 2 0.

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C ommentarius in Epistolam ad Hebra os. 4° Amst. 1 705.De Vestitu Sacerdotum Hebra orum. 2 vol. 4° Amst. 1 680.

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BRAYERORE (Lard) : s . PEPYS.BREATHINOS. The Holy Breathings of a DevoutSoul. 1 2 ° Land.1 695 .

BREEEUE (Mona ). (Euvres posthumes. 1 2 ° Par. 1 670BREEELL (John) . D iscourses onthe Grounds Ofthe C hrIstisn Revelation. 8° Land. 1 765 .

BREN T (C harles). C ompendious Astronomer. 8° Land. 1 740.

N ature and Guilt of Lying. 8° Land. 1 702 .

BREREWOOD (Edw. Tractatus Ethici. 4° Oxan. 1 640.

BRE BRI 47 .

BREREWOOD Tractatus Logici . 4° Or an. 1 63 8.

Recherches sur la Diversité des Langues etReligions. 8°

Saumur , 1 66 2 .

Enquir ies touchingthe Diversi ty of Languages and Religious.4° Land. 1 6 14.

Enquiries touchingthe Diversi ty Of Languages and Religions.4° Land. 1 63 5.

BRESSERU S (Mart. De C onscientia. 4° A nts . 1 63 8.

BRETLAN D Sermons, to which are prefixedMemoirs of hisL ife. 2 vol. 8° Easter .

BRETON N EAU Méthode pour acheminer a la Langue Latinepar l

Observation de la Francoise . 8° Par . 1 634.


Eloquence de la C haire etdu Barreau.

8° Par . 1 689.

BREVIARIUM Romanum. 8° Par . 1 6 1 1 .

8° A nts . 1 66 1 .

BREVINT (Dan.) The C hristia nSacrament and Sacr ifice. 1 2 ° 0.1;f.1 679.

Sauland SamuelatEndor. 8° Land. 1 674.

BEIANVILLE (Oronce de). Abrégé de l’Histoire de France. 1 2 ° Par.

1 664.

BRIDGES (John). On the Supremacy Of C hr istian Princes in allC auses ; against Stapleton and Sanders. 4° Land. 15 73 .

Defence oftheGovernmentofthe C hurch ofEngland. 4° Land.

1 587 .

BRIDGES Sermons and Tracts. 4° Land. 1 642 .

Twen ty- one Books, collected into 2 vol. 4° Land. 1 657

Remains . 8° Land. 1 673 .

BRIDGEWATER Treatises.Bell(Sir C harles). The Hand, itsMechanismand vitalEndowments as evincing Design. 8° Land. 1 83 4.

Buckland D .D. On Geology and Mineralogy. 8°

Land. 1 83 0.

C halmers D.D. O 1Ithe Power,Wisdom, andGoodnessof God as manifested inthe Adaptation Of ExternalN aturetothe Moral and IntellectualC onstitution ofMan. 2 vol.

8° Land. 1 83 4.

Kidd (John),M.D. Onthe Adaptation of ExternalN aturetothe PhysicalC ondition ofMan , pr incipally wi th reference tothe Supply of his Wants , and the Exercise of his IntellectualFaculties. 8° Land. 1 83 4.

K irby M.A . On the History, Hab its, and InstinctsO fAnimals. 2 vol. 8° Land . 1 83 5 .

Prout M.D. C hemistry,Meteorology, andthe FunctionO f D igestion considered with referenceto NaturalTheology.

8° Land. 1 83 4.

Roget (Pet.Mark), M.D. Animaland Vegetable Physiologyconsideredwith referencetoN aturalTheology. 8° Land. 1 83 4.

Whewell M.A . Astronomy and GeneralPhysics considered with referenceto N aturalTheology. 8° Land. 1834.


BRIGGs Ophthalmographia. 8° Land. 1 687 .

BRIGHT Six Sermons before QueenMary. Land. 1 695 .

Treatise of Prayer . 8° Land. 1 678.

BRIGHT De Sani tatetuenda . 8° Franc-of. 1598 .

Treatise OfMelancholy. 8° Land. 16 13 .

BRIGHTLAND (John). A Grammar ofthe English Tongue . 8° Land.

1 7 1 2 .

BRIGHTMAN (Thos .) Revelation of St. John illustrated , with an

Analysis and Scholions. 4° Land. 1644.

Apocalypsis Apocalypseos . 8° Apud C ammelin. 1 6 1 2 .

In C antica C anticorum. 8° Bas. 1 6 14.

In Danielem. 8° Bas . 1 6 14.

BRIN SLEY (John). True Watch and Rule Of L ife . 8° Land . 16 14.

Drinking ofthe Bitter C up. 8° Land. 1 660

MysticalBrazen Serpent, and aTreatise OfSamts’

JOint- memhership. 8° Land . 1653 .

OnlyMediator between God andMan. 8° Land.

Mystical Implantation. 8° Land. 165 1 .

Two Treatises. 8° Land . 1 655 .

Healing of Israel’

s Breaches. 4° Land. 1642 .

Grammar Schoole. 4° Land. 16 2 7 .


s C harge and People’

s Duty. 4° Land .

Pa dO - Baptism 4° Land.

BRISSON IUS Opera varia. 4° Par. 1 606 .

DeFormulis etsolemnibus PapuliRomaniVerbis. 4° Francaf.1 592 .

BRITAIN . The History ofthe C ivilWars ofGreatBritain and Ireland. Fol. Land. 1 681 .

Poli ticalSta te ofGreat Britain for 1 7 14 and 1 7 15 . 2 vol. 8°

Land. 1 7 14.

Poli ticalState OfGreatBri tain for 1 7 1 1 and 1 7 1 2 . 8 vol. 8°

Land. 17 1 1 .

C haracteristics ofthe presentPoliticalState ofGreatBrita in.

8° Land. 1 758.

Histoire des Troubles de la Grande Bre tagne . Par. 1 649.

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BRITAN N IA!Theologorum Suffragium de controversia Remonstrantium A rticulis. 1 2 ° Land. 1 63 3 .

BRITAN N IGA Phytologie . 1 2 ° Land. 1 650.

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BRITISH Biography. 10 vol. 8° Land. 1 77 3 .

BRITON . N orth Briton . 3 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1 764.

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BROADHURST (Thos .) Adv ice to Young Lad ies. 1 2 ° Land. 18 10.

FuneralO rations fromthe Greek . 8° Bath, 1 81 1 .BROCHU RES. 2 0 vol. 1 2 °

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BROWN (Sir Thomas). An Inquiry into Vulgar Errors ; and his otherWorks. Fol . Land . 1686 .

ReligioMed ici. 1 2 ° Land. 1 73 8.

C hristianMorals ; and L ife ofSir Thomas Brown by D r . Johnson. 8° Land. 17 56 .

BROWN (Dr . W. An Essay on the Existence of a SupremeC reator. 2 vol. 8° Aberdeen , 1 8 18.

BROWN E Travels in Africa.Egypt, andSyria. 4°Land . 1806.

BROWN E (John). The Truth O f C hristianity proved. 8° Land . 1 734.

BROWN E (Moses). O nthe Works and Res t ofthe C reation. 8°

Land. 1 7 5 2 .

BROWN E Analogy of Things Divine and Supernatural. 8°

Land. 1 7 3 3 .

BROWN E (T . Hermes unmasked. 1 2 ° 1 795 .

BROWN RIG (Ralph), Bishop of Exeter . Repentance and Prayer.1 2 ° Land. 1 660.

Sermons. 2 vol. Fol. Land. 166 1 .


s C onviction. 1 2 ° 1654.

BRUCE (Dr . L iterary Essays . 4° Belfast, 1 81 1 .A Treatise onthe Being and A ttributes ofGod. 8° Belfast,

1 8 18 .

Sermons onthe Study of the Bible and onthe Doctr ines of

C hristiani ty as taught by our Lord Jesus C hrist. 8° Belfast, 1 82 6.BRUEYS (Dav . Réponse anM. Bossuet. 1 2 ° Amst. 1682 .BRUGU IER (J ) Réponse au L ivre intitulé, Le Renversement delaMorale de Jesus - C hrist. 1 2 ° Quevilly, 1 67 3 .

BRU IN (Florent. de). De emendandis Temporum Hebraica Lin

gua Anomaliis Dissertatio . 8° Amst. 1 703 .

BRU N EAU (Mu) Estatdes Affaires d ’

Allemsgne. 8° Pa r . 1 675.BRU N EELSIUS Pandecta Scripturarum Vet. etN ov i Test.8° A rgent. 1 5 3 5 .

BRiiN INGS C ompendium Antiquitatum Hebra arum. 8°

Francas . 1 766 .

BRU YERE (Jean de la ) . C haracters Ofthe Age, withthe C haractersO f Theophrastus . 8° Land. 1 702 .

BRUYN (Joan de). Defensio Doctrina C artesiana adv. O bjectionesReineri Vogelsargii. 4° Amst. 1 6 70.

BRYAN (John). O f Dwelling‘

wi th God, the interest Of true Believers. 8° Land. 1 6 70.

BRYAN T (Jacob). Observations and Inquiries relating to var iousParts Of Ancient History. 4° C amb. 1 767 .

AncientMythology , in 6 vol. 8° Land. 1807 .

BU C A N IERS. History O fthe Bucaniers of Amer ica . 4° Land. 1 684.

BU C A N U S Institutiones Theologica . 8° Genes . 1 6 1 2 .

BUC ERU S Dissertatio de Gubernatione Eccles ia ,maximeque

de Presbyter ia etEpiscopatu. 4°Middleb. 1 6 18.

BU C ERUS (Martinus). Scr ipts Anglicans fere omnia. F Basil. 1 577.


BU CHAN AN De Jure Regni apud Scotos. 4° 1 580.

8° 1 580.

Rerum Scoticarum Historia. Fol . Edin. 1582 .


B UCHAN AN RerumScoticarumHistoria. 8° Francaf . 1594.

DetectioMaria Regina Scotarum. 1 2 °

Detection ofthe Duinges ofMarie Quene Of Scottes,touchingtheMurder of her Husband . 1 2 °

Poemata. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 2 8.1 2 ° Amst. 1 687 .

1 2 ° Amst Elzesir . 1676 .

Psalmorum Par is. 8° ApudHen. Steph.

Davidia Paalmi uotinVersus Gra castranslati. 8° Apud

Buchanani etBeza Poemata. Apud Hen. Steph. 1 2 ° Land.

1 659.

BU CHAN NAN (James). A Spell ing Dictionary of the English Language . 1 2 ° Land. 1 757 .


regular English Syntax. 1 2 ° Land . 1 767 .

BU CHERIU S Belgium Romanum Ecclesiasticum etC ivile .

Fol Lead. 1 656 .

C ommentarius in C anonem Paschalem Aquitani, velde DoctrIna Temporum. Fol. A nts . apud Plant. 1 634 .

BU C HIUS (Paul). D ivine Be ing and its Attributes. 8° Land. 1 693 .

BU C HOLEC RU S Isagoge C hronologica . 8° Ea: Ofi cina St.A ndreana , 1596 .

Index C hronologicus. 8° Francqf. 1 6 1 6.

BUCKIN GHAM. Works ofSheffield, Duke ofBuckingham. 1 2 ° Land.

1 7 2 6 .

BUDsrU s De Asse etPartibus . Fol. Par .ap . Vascasan. 1 541

C ommentariiLingua Gra ca . Fol. Par . ap .R. Stephan. 1 548 .

Epistola , Gr . etLat. per Ant. Pichonium. 4° Par . 1 574.

BUDDEUS (Joan. Fran.) Historia EcclesiasticaVeteris Testamenti.2 vol. 4° Hal.Magd. 1 7 15 .

BUDERU S (C hrist. Vi ta clarissimorum Historicorum. 8°

Jen. 1740.

BUDGELL (Eustace). Memoirs ofthe Family ofthe Boyles . 8° Land.

1 7 3 7 .

BU LB U S Methodus Hebraica 1 2 ° Ultraj. 1 658.

BUL ENGERUS (Jul. Histor ia su1 Temporis. Fol. Lugd.Bat.1 6 1 9.

De Pictura, Plastice , Statuaria. 8° Lugd.Bat. 16 2 7 .

De Spoliis Bellicis ; cui accessitL iber Onuphiri PanviniVeronensis de Triumpho etLudis C ircensibus. 8° Par. 1 601 .

Ecloga . 8° Talas. 1 6 1 2 .

BU LKELEY The GospelC ovenantopened. 4° Land. 1 764.

BU LKLEY (C harles). (Economy ofthe Gospel . 4° Land. 1 764.

N otes onthe Bible. 3 vol. 8° Land. 1802 .

Apology for Human N ature. 1 2 ° Land.

BU LL (Dr .George) , Bishop of St.David’

s. Opera Omnia : curs JO.

Ern. Grabe . Fol. Land. 1 703 .

Sermons and L ife . 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 14.

BU L LART (Isaac). Académie des Sciences, contenantles Vies desHommes lllustres avec leur Portraits. 2 vol. Fol. Par . 1 682 .

E 2


BULLIALDU S Astronomia l’hilolaica. Fol. Par . 1 645 .

BU L L IN GERIU S Ser ies etDigestio Temporum etRerumdescriptarum £1 Luca in Actis Apostolorum. 4° Tiga r . 1 548.

Expositio, qua ostenditur Tigur ina Ecclesia Ministros nullumaequi Dogma Ha reticum in C a ns Domini. 8° Tige r .

Sermones. 8° Land.

BULLOCK Reasoning of C hr istand his Apostles in the ir Defence ofC hr istianity considered in Seven Sermons. 8° Land . 1 7 2 8.

BULWER (John). ArtificialC hangeling. 1 2 ° Land. 1650.

C hirologia, or Language ofthe Hand. 8° Land.

C hironomia, orManual Rhetorick. 8° Land. 1644.

BU N ELL IU S. Petri Ennelli etPaul iManutii Epistola . Apud Henr.Steph. 1581 .

— C hr . Longolii, item P. Bembi etJ . Sadoleti, etsliorum Gsllorum aliquot Epistola . 8° Land.

BUN YAN (John) . P ilgrim’

s Progress. 8° Land. 1 75 1 .

D ifferences in Judgement about Water - baptism no Bar toC ommunion. 8° Land. 1 6 73 .

Work of Jesus C hrist as an Advocate explained. 1 2 ° Land.

1 688.

Holy C itie . 8° Land. 1669.

BUON AMICI Discors i poetici nella Academia Fiorentina, inD ifesa d’

Aristotile. 4° Fiorenz . 1 597 .

NuovoThesoro de Proverbultaliani. 8° Venet. 1 604.

BUOMMATTEI Introduz ione alla L inguaToscano. 4° Venet.1 6 2 6 .

BUREERRY (John). History ofthe Queen Of Swedeland, w ith theReasons of her C onversion . 8° Land . 1 660.

BURDER A C ollection ofHymns intended as a SupplementtoDr . Watta’

s Hymns and Psalms . 2 4° Land. 1809.

BURDER O rientalC ustoms. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 802 —5 .

BURE (William Francis de). Bibliographie Instructive. 7 vol. 8°

Par . 1 7 63 .

BURGERSD IC IUS Institutiones Logica . 8° C antab. 1644.

Logics , er Heereboord. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 560.

BURGESS (Ant. Doctrine of Justification. 4° Land. 1 655 .

Vindicatton oftheMoral Law, and the C ovenants. 4° Land.

1 647 .

O n O r iginalSin. Fol. Land. 1 659.

ScriptureDirectory, andGodlyMan’

s C hoice Fol. Land . 1659.

Exposition ofthe lstC hap. of the 2 nd Eplstleto the C orinthians. Fol. Land. 166 1 .

Sermons on John XVII. Fol . L and. 1656 .

Spiri tualRefinings . Fol . Land. 1 658.

SpiritualRefin ing, the second part, in 42 Sermons. 4° Land.

1 654.

BURGESS (Dam). C all to Sinners. 8° Land. 1 689.

C haracters of a Godly Man. 8° Land. 169 1 .

BU RGESS (John) . An Answer to a Reply to Dr.Morton. 4° Land.

1 6 3 1

BURGESS (Dr . On a Passage ofthe second SymbolumAn

BUR 53

tiochenum ofthe Fourth C entury, as Evidence O ftheAuthentici tyof 1 John v . 7 . 8° Land. 1 8 2 5 .

BURGH (J ) The Dignity Of Human N ature . 4° Land . 1 754 .

Political D isquisi tions. 3 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 74.

BURIGN ON IA . Defensio Relationis de Antonia Burignonia, adversusAnonymi famosas char tas Amstelodami typis Boetmannianis subti tuloMoniti N ecessarii publicatas. 4° L ips. 1 687 .

BU RKE (Edmund). Works. 14 vol. 8° Land. 1815 .

BU RKE Greek - Engl ish Derivative Dictionary. 1 2 ° Land.

1 806 .


s Help. 8° Land. 1 701 .

O bservations onthe N ew Testament. Fol . Land. 1 7 3 4.

A Help and Guide to C hr istian Families . 8° Land. 1 7 64.

BURMAN N U S Synopsis Theologia . 2 vol. 4° Truj. adRhen.

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BURN (John Southerden). The History Of Par ish Registers in Eugland . 8° Land. 1 8 2 9.

BURN EcclesiasticalLaw. 2 vol. 4° Land. 1 763 .

BURN ET (Andrew). Spir itual Anatomy OfMan. 8° Land. 1 693 .

BURN ET (Dr . Gilbert), Bishop of Sarum. L ives , C haracters, and anAddress to Posteri ty, edited by John Jebb, D .D . , Bishop Of L i

merick. 8° Land. 1 83 3 .

Memoirs of the L ives and Actions of James and William,

Dukes ofHamilton and C astelhersld , &c. Fol . Land. 1 67 7 .

Vindication Ofthe C hurch of Scotland. 8° Glasg . 1 67 3 .

Rights Of Princes. 8° Land . 1 682 .

V indication of Himself and Tillotson. 8° Land. 1 696 .

Discourses to the C lergy. 8° Land. 1694 .

Essay on QueenMary ’

s Memory . 8° Land. 1 695 .

D iscourse on Pastoral C are . 8° Land. 1 7 1 3 .

Twelfth Edit. 1 2 ° Land. 1 805 .

L ife of SirMatthew Hale . 8° Land . 1 68 2 .

Travels . 8° Rotterd. 1 687

L ife of Lord Rochester. 8° Land. 1680.

with Johnson’

s L ife O f that Lord. 8° Land. 1 782 .

Reflections onVarillss ’

sHistoryofRevolutions. 8° Amst. 1686V indication of English O rdinations. 8° Land . 167 7 .

History ofthe Reformation. 3 vol. Fol . Land. 1 679.

Abridgement of his History of the Reformation. 3 vol. 8°

L and . 1 7 2 8.

History of his Own Time . 2 vol. Fol. Land. 1 7 2 4.

6 vol. 8° Orf . 1 82 3 .

Exposi tion ofthe Thirty- nine Articles. Fol . L and. 1 699.

Exposi tion ofthe C atechism. 8° Land. 1 7 10.

State Papers . 4° Land. 1 689.

C ritique da L ivre Ix. de l’

Histoire de Varillas. 8° Amst. 1 688.

BURN ET (Dr . Theory Ofthe Earth. Fol. Land. 1 684.

2 vol. 8° Land.

Telluris Theoria. 2 vol. 4° Land. 1689.

Archa ologia Philosophica . 4° Land. 169 2 .

54 BUR

BURN ET (Dr. Archa ologia P hilosophica , orthe AncientDoctrine concerningthe Originals ofThings, translated by Foxton.8° Land. 17 2 9.

Sta te ofthe Dead. 8° Land. 173 9.

BURNET (Dr . Essay on Government. 8° Land. 1 7 1 6.

BURN EY s .METASTASIO.BURN SIDE Remarks onthe Different Sentiments entertainedin C hristendom relativetothe Weekly Sabbath. 1 2 ° Land . 1 82 5.

BURRID .E Historia nupera RerumMutationis in Anglia.8° Land. 1697 .

BURROUGHS (J Rare Jewelof C hristian C ontentment. 4° Land.1 6 77 .

Excellency of a Gracious Spirit. 8° Land. 1 649.

Difference betweenthe Spats oftheGodly and ofthe Wicked.8° Land. 1668.

GospelWorship. 4° Land. 1 648.

GospelC onversation. 4° Land. 1 653 .

GospelReconciliation. 4° Land. 1657 .

EarthlyMindedness, and conversing in Heaven, and walkingwith God. 4° Land. 1656.

Excellency Of Holy C ourage in EvilTimes. 4° Land . 1662 .

Moses's C hoice . 4° Land. 1 650.

Moses’s Self- denial. 8° Land. 1 649.

Heart Divisions opened. 4° Land. 1 653 .

Glorious N ame ofthe Lord ofHosts. 4° Land. 1 64 3 .

Exposition ofHosea. 3 vol. 4° Land. 1643 .

Saint’s Happinesse . 4° Land. 1660.

Four Books onMatth . xI. 4° Land. 1659.

Three Treatises : 1. Of precious Fai th ; 11. O f Hope ; 111.The Saint’s Walk by Faith on Earth, by Sight in Heaven. 4°

Land. 1 655 .

BURROUGHS Sermons. 8° Land. 1 741 .

BURSCOUGH Discourse of Schisme. 8° Land. 1699.

Discourses. 8° Easter , 1 704.

BURTHOGGE C ausa Dei. 8° Land. 1 675 .

A rgument for Infant Baptism. 8° Land. 1 684.

On Reason, andthe N ature of Spirits. 8° Land. 1 694 .

BURTON Discourses 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 684.

BURTON C ommentarIOlus Thoma Seeker, Arch . C ant.Memories sacer. 8° Or an. 1 768.

BURTON Greca L ingua etPersica Historia. 8° Land . 1 657.

C ommentary on Antoninus’

s Itinerary. Fol . Land. 1658.

BURT icestershire . Fol. Land. 1 6 2 2 .

BURT and. 1 591 .

BURY (Dr . Arthur) . C onstant C ommunicant. 8° Oxf . 168 1 .

BURY Antidote againstthe Fear Of Death. 8° Land . 1 681.

BURY The People’

s Lamentations forthe ir deadMinis ters ;or three Sermons occasioned bythe Death Of Mr. John Fairfax,andMr. Timothy Wright. 8° Land. 1 702 .

Sermons on the Opening Of a new C hapelatSt. Edmund'


Bury. 8° Land.


BUSBEIAN A Grammatica, Gr. etLat. 8° Land. 1 702 .

BUSBEQU IU S Epistolae de ReMilitari. 1 2 ° Monach. 16 2 0.

Opera. 2 4° Lugd.Bat. 1 683 .

Buses Della Arch i tetturaMilitare. 4° Mila n. 1601 .

BUscnrNo (Dr . A . F Geography. 6 vol. 4° Land. 1 76 2 .

Buse REs (Joan. de). Historia Francica. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat.1 661 .

Flosculi Historiei. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 677 .Bussr RABUTIN (Comte de). Discours aseaEnfans. 1 2 ° Par. 1 694.BUTCHER (Edmund). Prayers forthe Use of Families and Individuals . 8° Land. 182 2 .

BUTrU s De calido, fr igido actemperato Antiquorum Potu.

4° Ram. 1 658.

BU TLER (C an ). Rheto rics 1 2 ° Land. 1 642 .

BUTLER (C harles). HistoricalMemoirs of the English, Ir ish , andScottish C atholics, since the Reformation. 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 82 2 .

Horas Biblica . 8° Ozan. 1 799 .

Par tthe Second 8° Land. 1802 .

Hora Biblica Subsecrvm. 8° Land. 1 804.

Reminiscences of C harles Butler . 8° Land . 182 2 .

BU TLER (Dr . Joseph). Fifteen Sermons preached atthe RollsC hapel; to wh ich are added, Six Sermons on Public O ccas ions.2 vol. 1 2 ° Glasgow, 1 769.

8° Land. 1 749 .

Analogy of N aturaland Revealed Religion. 8° Land. 1802 .

BU TLER Hud ibras. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 1 6

BU TLER Introduction to Arithme tic. 8° Land. 1 788.

Ari thmeticalQuestions. 8° Land. 1 801 .

Exercises onthe Globes. 8° Land. 1 803 .

C hronological , Biographical, andMiscellaneous Exercises. 8°L and. 1 807 .

BU X ERIU S (C laudius). Ludus Pythagoreus, quiRythmomachia no

minatur. 8° Lutet. 1 556 .

Pater. C oncordantiae BibliorumHebraica . Fol.

Bas. 1 63 2 .

Lex icon C haldaicumTalmudicum etRabbinicum. Fol. Bar.1 63 9.

Lexicon Hebr. etC bald. 8° Bar. 1 663 .

Grammatica C haldaics etSyriaca. 1 2 ° Bas. 1 6 15 .

EpitomeGrammatica:Hebreae, aLeusdeno. 8°Lugd.Bat.1 701Synagoga Judaica. 8° Ba 1 66 1 .

Institutia Epistolaris Hebrai ca. 8° Bas. 1 6 2 9.

De Abbreviaturis Hebraicis, i tem Bibliotheca Rabbinica. 8°

Bas. 1640.

Florilegium Hebraicum. 8° Bas. 1 648.

Thesaurus Grammaticus L ingua Sanctae , cum ProsodiaMetr ica. 8° Bas. 1 6 2 9.

Tiber ias, seu C omment.Masorethicus. 4° Bas. 16 2 0.

Epi tome of his Hebrew Grammar, translated by John Davis.8° Land. 1656 .


BuxTORrws (JOll.filius). Versio , etN ata: ad L ibrum C osri. 4°

Bas. 1 660.

Tractatus de Punctatum Vocalium, etAccentuum, in L ibrisVet. Test. Hebraicis, O rigine. 4° Bas. 1648 .

Dissertatio de Sponsalibus, etDivortius , etAbarbenelis Diatriba de Excidii Pmna. 4° Bas . 1 65 2 .

Dissertationes Philologica - Theologica ; accesseruntIs.Abubenelis al iquotDissertationes . 4° Bas. 166 2 .

Exercitationes ad Historiam Arce Focderis. 4° Ba . 1659.

Anticritica, seu Vindicia Veritatis Hebraica adversus Lud.

C apell i C ri ticam Sacram, etejus Defensionem. 4° Bar . 1 658.

BUY (Jonas le). Paraphrase sur l’

Apocalypse . 4° Genet) . 1 65 1 .Bu rn !) Exposition ofthe C oloss ians. Fol. Land. 16 17.

C ommentary on the Firs t Epistle of St. Peter, C hap. 1. 2 , 8.

Fol. Land. 163 7 .

L ight of Fai th . 18° Land . 1630.


s Glory . 1 2 ° Land. 1 659.

EYEBALL The Glimps of God . 8° Land. 1 665.

BYTHN ER Institutio L ingua Sancta . 1 2 ° Land. 1 650.

C lavis L ingua Sanctae. C antab. 1 648.

Grammatica Exemplaris, 163 9— etLinguarum C ognatio, atJ . C hittletii Apologetics Paraenesis , atGra ce L ingua Historia.1 8°

Lyra PrOphetica. 4° Land. 1 664.

Bzovw s Paulus Quintus Burghesius. 4° Ram. 1 6 2 5 .

De Praestantia, Oflicio, Authoritate, 8to. Pontificum. Fol. Col.

Ag r. 1 6 19.

C . A .) Jesus,Maria, Joseph . 8° Amsi . 1663 .

C . C .) Rélation de Rome . 1 2 ° Par . 1 666 .

C . J .) Par nobile. 8° Land . 1 669.

Ecclesia Enucleata. 8° Land. 1 684.

C . (R.) C atholick C hristian instructed. 1 2 ° Land. 1 73 7 .

C . (S.) An Inquiry into the Existence of God, with Remarks on

C larke’

s Being and Attributes of God. 8° Land. 1 7 18 .

Truth Ofthe C hristian Religion. 8° Land. 1 685 .

Epistle on his Vindication of Stillingfieet. 8° 1 674.

C . (T.) Prospect ofDivine Providence. 8° Land. 1 67 2 .

Reply to an Answere made ofM. Doctor Whitegifie againstthe Admonition tothe Parliament. 4° Land.

C . (W.) Exposition onthe 4th C hap.tothe Romans. 4° Land. 1698.

C lavis C alendaria ; or L i turgy - C alendar of the C hurch of

England explained. 1 2 ° Land . 1 700.

C ABALA ; or, Letters of Illustrious Persons inthe Reigns ofHenrythe VlIIth, Q. Elizabeth, James, and C harlesthe Ist. 4° Land.

1 654.

A further Supplementtothe C abala. 4° Land. 1 66 3 .

58 C AL C AL

C ALAsws (Marius). Dictionarium Hebraicum ad S. Scripture Intelligentiam. 4° Ram. 1 6 1 7 .

C oncordantie SacrorumBibliorumHebraicorum. 4 vol. Fol.

Ram. 1 6 2 1 .

aRomaine. 4 vol. Fol. Land . 1 747 .

C ALC U LATrons relative to a Provision forWidows. Fol. Edinb. 1748.C ALDERwoon Altare Damu cenum. 4° Bat. 1 708.

True History ofthe C hurch of Scotland. 680.

C A LEN nAa x. C alendarium Rotulorum Patentium in Turri

dinensi. Fol. Land. 1802 .

C alendarium RotulorumC hartarum etInquisitionum ad quadDamnum. Fol. Land. 1 803 .

C alendarium Inquisitionum postMortem sive Elcmtarnm.

Vol. 1 .tem RegumHen. “L , Ed . I . etEd. II. Fol. Land. 1806.O]. u.ternp. Regis Edw. III. Fol. Land. 1 808.

Vol. 11 1.temp.RegumRic.II.etHen.IV. Fol.L and.182 1.

Vol. lv. temp. RegumHen. V Hen. VI., Edw. IV. ctRic. III. Fol. Land. 1 82 8.

C alendarium Ducatus Lancastrie Pan Prim . C alendariumInquisitionumpostMor tem, 8m.temp.Edw.L , Edw.III ., Ric.II..Hen.V., Hen. VI., Edw. IV Hen.VIlL , Edw.VI., Reg in .Mar.,Phil. andMar., Eliz., Jac. I., C ar. 1. Pars Secunda. A C alendarto the Pleadings, &c. in the re igns of Hen. VII., Hen . VIIL.Edw. VI. QueenMary, and PhiL andMary. Fol. Land. 182 3 .

C alendarium Ducatus Lancastrim Pars Tertia . C alendartoPleadings, Depositions , &c. inthe re igns Of Hen. VII. and VIII.,Edw. VI., QueenMary, and Ph ilip andMary ; and to Pleading!ofthe first thirteen years Ofthe Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Fol.Land. 1 8 2 7 .

C alendars of the Proceedings in C hancery in the Reign OfQueen Elizabeth, fromthe O riginal in the Tower. 8 vol. Fol.Land . 1 8 2 7—80.

C ALBPIN UB (Ambrosius). Dictionarium O ctolingue ; adornatum iR. P. Joanne Lvdovico de la Gerda. 2 vol.Fol. Lugd.Bat. 1 656.

C ALEY Glimpse of Eterni ty. 1 2 ° Land. 1 683 .

C ALLruAcEUs. Hymni, Epigrammata, &c. Gr. etLat., cum notisTanaq. Fabr i. 4° Par . apud C ramoisy.

Works, translated into EnglishVerse by H.W.Tytler,M.D.

4° Land. 1 793 .

C ALMET C ommentaire sur laBible. 9 vol. Fol. Par . 1 7 2 4.



TIUS Biblia TestamentiVeteris etNovi illustrati. 4 vol,

0 1 7 190

Socinismus profligatus 4° Witteb. 165 2 .C ALVERT Naphthali. 4° Land. 1 67 2 .

C ALVERT Isaiah ’

s C rucifix, be ing anExpositiononIsaiah,chap. 53 rd. 4° Land. 1 65 7 .

Blessed Jew of Morocco ; or, A Blackamoor made White.8° York, 1 648 .

C ALVERWELL Ofthe LightOf Nature, and severalSermons, 1 652 .

C AL C AM 59

C ALe rsn . Histo ire du C alvinisme etPapisme contreMaimbourg.

4° Rotterd. 1683 .

C alvin ist’s C abinetunlocked ; or, An Apology for TilenusagainstMr. Baxte r. 1 2 ° Land. 1 659.

C ALe Us Opera. 9 vol. Fol. Amat. 1667.Lexicon Juridicum. Fol. Genea. 1 664.

Postumum C alv ini Stigma in tr ia lilia, sivetres libros diapertitum. 1 2 ° Bras . 1 6 1 1 .

Admonitio ad Joachimnrn Westphalium. 8° Land. 1 557

C ommentary on the Romans, translated by C . Rosdcll. 4°

Land. 1 583 .

by Francis Sibson. 1 2 ° Land. 183 4.

C ALvu rUs (Sethna). Opus C hronologicum. Fol. Francaf. adMa n.1 650.

C AMBRIDGE (Rich . Owen). Account ofthe War in India, fromtheYear 1 750to 1 760. 4° Land. 1 76 1 .

C AnUEN C amdeni etIllustrium Virorum Epistola , cumVita aSmitho. 4° Land. 1 691 .

Annales Elizabe tha . 8° Lu d.Bat. 163 9.

Elogia Anglorum. 1 2 ° L 1 653 .

Britannia, by Bp. Gibson. Fol. Land. 1 695 .

Remaines concerning Britaine. 4° Land. 1 63 7 .

8° Land. 1 674.

C A I EBABIUS (J De Philipp iMelanchthonis Ortu,totius ViteC urricula etMorte , irnplicata Rerum Memorabilium Ternporis

illinsHominnmqueMentione atque Indicio, cumExpositionisSeriecohmrentium. 8° L ips. 1 696 .

Epistola Familiares. 8° Francaf . 1 583 .

De Generibus Divinationum. 8° L ips. 15 75 .

HymniSacr iGrsecisVersibuscontexti, etaliaOpuscula,Greece.8° Hamb. 1 6 18.

C ommentarius Explicationmn primi etsaoundi Libri IliadosHomari. 4° A rgent. 153 8.

C AMERON Opera . Fol. Genev. 1 658.

Praelectiones in selection Loca N ovi Testamenti. 3 vol. 4°

Sahnur. 1 6 2 6

Myrothecrum Evangelicum. 4° GM . 1 63 2 .

adjecte auntAlex. Mari Note in N ovum Fmdus, etD issertatio inMatth . 2 4, 2 8. 4° Sahnur . 1 67 7 .

Defensio. 8° Salmur . 1 6 2 4 .

Les Préjuges de ceux de I’

Eglise Romaine examines . 8°

Rachel. 1 6 1 8C AuErELn A Discourse ofMatth. vn . 1 2 . 8° Land. 167 1.

C Am LLO (Giulio). T0pica delle figurate Locutioni. 8° Venet. 1 560.

C AuOEN E (Luis dc). Lusiad, or Poem, fromthe Portuguese , byRich. Fanshaw.

'Fol. Land. 1 655.

Lusiada Italiana, di C arlo Antonio Paggi. 1 2 ° Lisb. 1 560.

C AMPAN A Dell’ Istor ie delManda. 4° Ven. 1 596.

C AMPAN ELLA Realis Philosophia . 4° Francof. 162 8.De Sensu Rerum etMagia. 4° From]. 162 0.


C A N PA N ELL A Philosophie instaurandm Prodromus. 4°

Francaf . 16 17 .

A the ismus Triumphatus . 4° Par . 1 6 3 6 .

C AN PBELL (Archibald). The Necess ity of Revelation. 8° Land.I7 3 9 .

C AMPBELL (Dr . A Dissertation onMiracles. 2 vol. 8° Edinb.

1 797 .

Lectures on Eccles iasticalHistory . 2 vols . 8° L and . 1 800.

Four Gospels translated from the Greek, with D isse rtations.4 vol. 8° Aberdeen, 1808.

The Philosophy of Rhetor ic. 2 vol. 8° Edinb. 1 808 .

C AMPBELL Prayer for a gracious King. 1 2 ° Land . 1 696

C Aur rON Decem Rationes propositm in C ausa Fide i ; etOpuscula ejus selects . 1 2 ° Antn. apud Plant. 16 3 1 .C ampion andHaumer

aHistory of Ireland . Fol. Dubl. 1633.

C AN AcE. Giuditio sOpra le C anace etMacareo Traged ie . 8° Venet.1 566 .

C AN ERARw s (Pet. De Atramentis cujuscunque Generis. 4°Land. 1 660.

C AN OE (da a. FREsN E (C ar . dc) .C AN rutU s Hellenismus, cum Indice Dictionum Grzecarum

etLatinarum. 8° Land. 1 6 13 .

Hellenismus. 4° Par . apudMorel.

Institutiones L inguae Syriacw. 4° Par. apud C ar . Stephan.1 555.

C AN ONEs. C anones C onciln provincialis C oloniensis anno celebrati1 53 6. 1 2 ° Par . 1 550.

C ANTELrU s (Pet. De Romans Republics . 8° Ultraj. 1 691.

MetrOpolitanarum U rbium Historia, tom. prim. 4° Par.

1 684.

C A NTERUs Novm Lectiones. 8° Apud Plantin. 1 5 7 1 .

De Ratione emendandi Gra cos Auctores. 8° Apnd Plantin.

1 57 1 .

C ANus Opera. 8° C al.Agr. 1 605 .

De Locis Theologicis. Fol. Salman. 1 563 .

C APACCIO La vera Antichita di Pozzuolo. 8° Ram. 1 652 .

Trattato dell’ Impress . 4° N apal. 159 2 .

C APEL (Jaque) . Apologie pour lesEglises reformées contre Lessius,C oton, &c. 8° Sedan, 1 6 1 1

Les Trophées de GOnten Jesuite ; avec un C atechisme pourson Instruction . 8° Sedan, 1 6 13 .

Histoire du Siege Romain. 8° Sedan, 1 63 3

C APEL O f Temptations , and Resti tution m case of U sury.

8° Land. 1 63 3 .

C ure of Tentations, wi th C apel’s Remains. 8° Land. 1 658.

C APELLA (Martianus). Satyricon , sive de Nuptiis Philologim etMercurii, etde septemArtibus liberalibus L ibri, cum notis Grotii.8° Apud Plantin. 1559.

C APELLO (Blanca). The L ife of Blanca C apella, translated by C .

Ludger. 1 2 ° L iverpool, 1 797.

C AP C AR 6 1

C A PELLUS Adversus Praatensum Primatum EcclesiasticumRegis Jacobi Angliae L iber . 4° Banon. 1 6 10.

C APELLUs Historia Sacra etExotica ab Adamo ad Augustum. 4° Sedan. 16 1 2 .

Histor ia Ecclesiastica ab Augusti N ativitate ad Imp.Valentinianum III. 4° Sedan. 1 6 2 2 .

C otonia Errores. 4° Genev. 16 2 0.

Vindicia pro Is. C asaubono contra Rosweidum, Eudaemon etBulengerum. 4° Francqf. 1 6 1 9.

Sedis Romanm Potestas, Sanctitas etFides demonstrates . 4°

Francqf. 1 6 19.

Vindicia pro C asaubono adversus Rosweidum, cum N otisejusdem in Rosweidi L ibrum de Fide cum Haereticis servanda.

8° Sedan. 16 1 9.

C A PBLLU S C ri tica Sacra. Fol . Lutet. 1 650.

C ommentarii etN ota C riticae in Ve tus Testamentum. Fol .Amat. 1689.

Historia Apostolica illustrata. 4° Genev. 1 63 4.

C hronologia Sacra. 4° Par. 1655 .

D iatriba de veris etantiquisEbrmorumLiteris. 1 2 °Amst. 1 645 .

Epicrisis. 1 2 ° Amst. 1644.

C AP IFERREU S (Fran. Elenchus Librorum omnium turn inTridentino Elementinoque Indice , tum in aliis omnibus sacrae Indicis C ongregationis, particularibusDecretis usque ad annum 1 640prohibitorum. 1 2 ° Romce , 1 640.

C APITAN I. Ritratti etElogii di C apitani Illustri . 4° Ram. 1 646 .

C APORALI Vita, etHorti diMecenate, con altre seu Rime.

1 2 ° Parma , 1 604.

C APPE Memoirs of the L ife of C atherine C appe , writtenby herself. 8° Land . 1 82 2 .

History Ofthe L ife of Jesus C hrist . York, 1 809.C APPE (N ewcome) . Works. 5 vol. 8° York, 1 802 .

D iscourses onthe Providence and GovernmentOf God . 2 nd

Edi t. 1 2 ° York, 1 81 1 .

3 rd Edit. 1 2 ° York, 1 81 8.

A Selection of Psalms for Social Worsh ip. 1 2 ° York, 1 786 .

C APPEL (L ). Pivot de la Foy etReligion. 8° Saumur , 1 643

C APRIA TA (Piet. Dell ’Historia di PietroGiovanni C aprrata,L ibr i dodici . 4° Genev. 1 63 8.

Parte Seconds . 8° Genev. 1 649.

C APU crN s. Procca fai t ala Barbe des C apucins. 1 2 ° C olon. 1 680.

C ARAcrOL (Ma rq.) LaVie etl’Histoire Tragique de Fran. Spiere .

1 2 ° Amst. 1 682 .

C ARAccxom DeV ita Paul iQuar ti Pont.Max . 4° C olon .

1 6 1 2 .

C ARADOU of Lhancarvon. History ofWales. 8° Land. 1 7 74.

C ARBO DeAmore etC oncordia Fraterna. 8° Venet. 1 586 .

C ARDA LE (R ) . The true Doctrine ofthe N ewTestament concerning Jesus C hrist considered. 8° Land. 1 7 7 1 .

C ARnAN U s (Him-

om). De Subtilitate . Fol. Bas. 1 553 .

62 C AR C AR

C AanAN Us De Rerum Varietate . 8° Bas. 1557 .De Vi ta Propria. 8° Par . 1 643 .

De Utilitate ex Adversis capienda. 8° Amst. 16 7 2 .

Arcana Politics . 1 2 “ Lugd.Bat. 1 63 5 .

SomniorumSynesiorumL ibr i xv. acceduntaliiTractat. ejusdemAuthoris. 4° Bas. 1 56 2 .

C ARnrN AL rsxO (ll). Di Santa C h iesa. 3 vol. 1 2 ° 1668.

C ARnrN ALs. History ofthe C ardinals . 8° Land. 1 653 .

Fol. Land. 1 670.


O rigines des C ardinaux, avec deux Traittea des Legats iLatere . 1 2 ° C ologn. 1670.

C ARRw Poems. 8° Land. 1 642 .

Four Godly and profitable Sermons. 8° Land . 1 605 .

C AREY (H ). Poems on severalOccasions. 4° Land. 1 7 2 9 .

C ABION (Jean). C hronique, parMelancthon etPeucer . 2 vol. 8°

1 695 .

C ARLETON C onsensus Ecclesia C atholicm contra Tridentinos. 8° Francqf. 1 6 1 3 .

Thankful Remembrance ofGod’

sMercy. 4° Land. 1 630.C ARLrsLE Positions, via. Thatthe Faithfulbefore C hristwent to Heaven, andthat C hristdescended notinto Hellneitherin Body or Soul. 8° Land. 1 582 .

C ARLrsLE (Earlof). Traged ies and Poems. 8° Land. 1 801 .Three Embass ies . 8° Land. 1 669.

Trois Ambassades. 1 2 ° Amat. 1 67 2 .

C ARsuN A . C armina novum illustriumm inarum, Gra ce. 8° Ants.apud Plant. 1 568.

C arminaVar ia de O beliscoVaticano Sixti Quinti. 4° Ram.

1586 .

C ARO (Annib u) Alcune C ose segnate nella. 8° Farm. 157 3 .

Lettere familiari. 4° Venet. 1581 .

Apologia degli Academici di Banch i di Roma, contra C aste]vetro, in difesa de la seguente C anzone delAnnib .C aro. 4° Paris.

1 580.

Rime. 4° Venet. 1 569.

Lettere . 4° Venet. 1575 .C ARO LUs I. Defensio Regis pro C arolo I. ad Magnm BritanniaRegem C arolum I I. 1 2 ° 1 649.

C AROLU s IV. (Ram. Bulls Aurea, etC ollegiumElectorale.8° 1 657 .

C AROLUs (Paulus). C aroli Pauli etAnt. Garisolii Explicatio C atecheseos Gallicana . 8° Genes . 1656 .

C ARON C aron and Shooten’

s Descr iption ofSiam and Japan.

8° Land. 167 1 .

C ARPEGN A Rar iora maximiModuli N umismata, cum commentariisMonterchii. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 685 .

C ARPEN TER (Dr . Lant). An Examination ofDr.Magee’

s C harges

against Unitarians . 8° Bristol, 1 82 0.

An Introductionto the Geography of the NewTestament.1 2 ° Land . 1 830.

C AR C AR 63

C ARPENTER (Dr . Lant). Unitarianismthe Doctrine ofthe Gospel.1 2 ° Land. 1 809.

1 2 ° Bristol, 1 82 3A Harmony or SynoptncalA rrangementof the Gospels. 8°

Bristol, 1 83 5 .

C ARPENTER Philosoph ia L ibera. 8° Ozon. 1 63 6 .

Geogra hie delineated. 4° Oxf. 1 635.

C ARo vms ( ob . A Defence ofthe HebrewBible, translated b MosesMarcus. 8° Land. 1 7 2 9.

C ARR (GU) Sermons. 2 vol. 8° Ebinb. 1 784.

C ARRAN zA Summa omnium C onciliorum etPontificum.

8° Rat/ram. 1 655 .

C ARRERA (P ietro). IlGioco de gli Scacchi . 4° Militello , 16 1 7 .

C ARRO LL ADissertation onthe TenthBook OfLocke’

sEssayon Understanding. 8° Land. 1 706 .

C ARTARr Imagini dei Dei de gli Antichi. 4° Venet. 1 580.

C ARTER (Matth .) Analysis Of Honour . 8° Land. 1673 .

C ARTER Domestics]Duties. 8° Land. 1 6 2 7 .

C ARTEs (Réné des). Opera Philosophies . 4° Amst. 1 67 2 .

Meditationes de Prima Philosophia. 4° Amst. l644.

Epistola . 3 vol. 4° Amst. 1 682 .

Iter perMundum. 1 2 ° Amst. 1682 .

De Homine, etFormatione Foetus. 4° Amst. 1686.

Les Passions de l’Ame. 8° Amst. 1649.Voyage duMonde. 1 2 ° Pa r. 1 691 .

De quelques Pieces concernant la Philosophie de Mons.Descartes. 1 2 ° Amst. 1684.

Reflexions d’

un Academician sur la Vie. 1 2 ° Haye, 1 692 .

L’Artdev ivreheureux, formésurMaximes deMons.Descartes.

1 2 ° Par . 1667 .

La Vie deMons . Descartes. 4° Par . 1691 .

Le ttres. 2 vol. 4° Par . 1 657 .

C ARTWRronT In Exodum etGenesim. 8° Land. 1648.

AgainsttheMarquis ofWorcester. 4° Land. 1652 .

C ommentonthe 1 5th Psalm, with an Accountof his Life. 4°

Doctrine of Faith. 8° Land. 1650.

C ARTWRronT C ommentarii in Proverbia etEcclesiastem. 4°

Amat. 1 63 8.C ommentaria practica in totam Historiam Evangelicam. 4°

1 630.

Harmonia Evangelica. 4° Amst. 1 647 .

TwoRepliesto an Answer made by Dr.Whitgifte againsttheAdmonitiontothe Parliament. 4° Land. 157 7 .

Second Reply. 4° Land. 1 575 .

C onfutation ofthe Rhemish Testament. Fol. Land. 1 6 1 8.

C omed ies and Poems. 8° Land. 165 1 .

nologicalAccountof Time. Fol. Land. 1677 .

Exposition Of Job . 2 vol. Fol. Land. 1 670.

6 -1 C AS C AS

C AsA N arratio Regionum Indicarum perHispanos devastatarum. 4° Franco/T. 1598 .

C AM (Giov. della ). Rime e Prose . 8° 1564. Fiarenz .apnd Giunti.Prose e Rime , con Annotationi d ’

EgidioMenagio. 8° 1667.

IlGalatheo , con una O ratione a C arlo V 8° Fir-ens . 1 560.

C AsA (J LatinaMoniments , per Pet. Victorium. 4° Flau nt.1 564.

Galateus , seu deMorumHonestate, ex Italico, aC hytrmo. 8°

Franco]. 1 63 7 .

C AsALrU s (Joan. De U rbis de Romani Imperu olim Splendore . Fol. Ram. 1 650.

C AsAs (Bar th. de la s). Tyrannies etC ruautez des Espagnols commise s cn Indes O ccidentales. 4° Raven, 1 630.

Histoire des C ruautez par les Espagnols en Indes O ccidentales , tradui te parMiggrade. 8° 1 588.

C AsAs (C hrist. de las). Vocabulario de las Lenguas Toscana yC as tellana. 8° Venet. 1 6 1 8.

C A sATus (Paulus). Dissertationes de Igne. 4° Franco/ Z 1 688.C AsAUBON (Isaac). Epistola 4° Hag . C am. 1 63 8.

De Rebus Saoria Exercrtationes. 4° Genes . 1 663 .

Exercitationes in Baronium. Fol. Land . 1 6 14.

TheocriticarumLectionum Libellus. 8° Apud C ommelin. 1596.

AdPolybiiHistoriarumLibrumprimumC ommentarii . 8° Par.1 6 1 7 .

De Satyrica Gra corum Poesi etRomanorum Satira. 8° Par.

1 605 .

C AsAUBON De quatuor Linguis C ommentsrium. 1 2 ° Land.

1 650.

De Verborum U su. 1 2 ° Land . 1 647 .

Pietas. 8° Land . 1 6 2 1

De L ibertate Ecclesiastica. 8° Land . 1 607 .

C redulity and Incredulity in N aturalThings. 8° Land. 1668.

Of C reduli ty in Spir itualThings. 8° L and.

V indication ofthe Lord’

s Prayer . 1 2 ° Land. 1 660.

Treatise Of Enthusiasme . 8° Land. 1 655 .

C ASE In Ar istotelis Dialecticam. 4° Land. 1 584.

C AsE Treatise of Affl ictions. 1 2 ° Land. 1 67 1 .

C AsELms Opera. 8° Franco/I 1633 .

Epistolae. 8° Francof . 1 687

De Ludo L iterario. 1 2 ° Helmcestad. 1 6 1 9.

O ratio de Ar te Poetarum. 1 2 ° Hamb. 16 1 8.

Ad Dav. Hilchenium IIparpen'

rtxas. 4° Helm stad. 1 609.

C AsEs (C ount de las). Journal ofthe Pr ivate L ife and C onversationsofthe Emperor N apoleon atSt. Helena. 4 vol. 8° Land . 1 82 3 .

C Ase US Lyricorum L ib . lv. 4° A nte. apud Plantin.1 6 3 2 .

Lyrics . 8° Antv. Plantin. 1 634.

Odes , Lat. and Eng. by G. H. 1 2 ° Land. 1 646 .

C ASSAN DER (Georg ). Opera. Fol. Par . 1 6 1 6 .

C ASSAN DRA . Epistola etO rationes, etVi ta. 4° Pataa. 1 63 6 .

66 C AT C A'


C ATALOGUE. C atalogue ofMaps , Prints , Drawings, &c., formingthtGeographicaland Topographical C ollection attachedtothe LibraryofGeorge III. , and presented by George IV.tothe BritishMaseum. Fol. Land. 1 8 2 9 .

C atalogue O ftheManuscripts in the Harle ian L ibrary intheBri tishMuseum. 4 vol. Fol. 1 808- 1 2 .

C atalogue oftheManuscripts inthe C ottonian L ib rary intheBritishMuseum. Fol. Land. 1 80 2 .

C atalogue of Books contained in the L ibrary oftheMedicalSociety of London, ins tituted 1 7 73 . 8° Land. 1803 .

C atalogue ofDr .Williams’

s L ibrary inManuscript. Fol.C atalogue of Books inthe L ibrary ofthe C ompany of C lock

makers ofthe C ity of London. 8° Land. 1830.

C atalogue of the L ibrary of the Royal Institution of GreatBritain, by W. Harris. 8° Land. 1809.

8° Land. 1 82 1 .

C atalogue ofthe L ibrary ofthe London Institution. 8° Land.

1 81 3 .

C atalogue of the L ibrary ofthe London Institution systemstically classed . vol. 1 . 8° 1 83 5 .

C atalogue ofthe ArchiepiscopalMSS. inthe L ibrary atLambeth Palace. Fol. Land. 1 81 2 .

C atalogue ofBooks printed in England sincethe Fire ofLamdon, 1 666 to 1 695 . Fol. Land. 1696.

C atalogue Ofthe L ibrary ofDr. Kloss , by PhilipMelancthon.8° Land. 183 5 .

C atalogue of the printed Books, to which is prefixed a shortAccount oftheManuscripts. inthe L ibrary of Lincoln

s Inn. 8‘

Land. 1 83 5.

C ATCOTT A Treatise onthe Deluge. 8° Land. 1 768.

C ATCOTT (A. Sermons. 8° Bristol, 1 75 2 .

C ATBCHISMUS. C atechesis C hristiana, Hebr . 1 2 ° A rgent. 1554.C atechismusEcclesiarum inRegnoPolonia . 1 2 ° Bacon. 1609.

C atechesis, sive pr ima Institutia ReligionisC hristiana ; Hebr..Gr . etLat. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1591 .

C atechismus Juda o rum, Hebr. clLat. 8° 1 679.

C atechismus ex Decreto C oncilii Tridentini. 8° Par . 1635.

C atechisme. 8° C harenton, 167 1 .TheGeneva C atechism,translated fromthe French. 1 2 ° Land.

1 815 .

The Racovian C atechism. 1 2 ° Amst. 165 2 . V. REEs.The Assemblie

s Shorter C atechism explained for C hildren.1 2 ° Land. 1 695 .

The C atechism of the C hurch Of England briefly explained.

1 2 ° Oxf. 1684.

A RationalC atechism. 8° Land. 1 687 .

C ATEN A Vi ta delPapa Pio Quinta ; con unaRaccolta diLettere di Pio Quinta . 4° Ram. 1586 .

C ATHERIN E Factum pour les Religieuses de S. C atherine.contre les C ordelires. 1 2 ° Land. 1 668.

C AT C EL 67

C ATHOLIcs. Apology forthe C atholics. 1 2 ° Land. 1 768.

C atholics no Idolaters. 8° Land. 1 6 7 2 .

The Points in C ontroversy between C atholics and Protestants .

8° Land.

Apologie pour les C atholiques , contre nu L ivre intitulé LaPoli tique du C lergé. 2 vol. 8° L iege, 1 682 .

C ATE OLIOON . Le C atholicon d’

Espagne . 1 2 ° Par. 163 2 .

C ATIvos. C onforto par los C ativos. 8° 1 594.

C ATO Disticha, Gr. etLat. per Erasmum etScaligerum. 8° Lugd.Bat. 163 5 .

D isticha de Mor ibus, aJos. Scaligero etMart. Opitio, cumnotis Daumii etWachii. 8° Gedan. 1 697 .

Disticha, etSyri Sententia , Gr . etLat. aScaligero. 8° Amst.1 646 .

C ATO (Marcus Portius). De Re Rustica, cum notis Popma etMeursii. 8° Francqf. 1 6 2 0.

C ATO D ira , cum commentarus C hrist. Arnoldi. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 65 2 .

C ATTAN Geomancie, andWheele ofPythagoras. 4° Land.

1 59 1 .

C ATULL Us. C atullus , cum notis Vossn. 4° Land. 1 684 .

C atullus, Tibullus, etPropertius. 1 2 ° Gene'o. 1 6 2 2 .

8° Amat. 1 686 .

aJos. Scaligero. 8° Ante. 1582 .

cum notisVariorum ex recensioneGra vn. 8° Truj. adRhea. 1 680.

C AU ssIN De Eloquentia. 4° Par. 1643 .

Apologie ur la C ompagnie de Jesus. 8° Bowen, 1 644.C hristian iary. 1 2 ° Land. 1 649.

Holy C ourt. Fol. Land . 1 650.

C AVALOANTI La Retorica . Fol. Vineg. 1560.

C AVE ScriptorumEcclesiasticorumHistor ia L i terar ia. 2 VOl.

Fol. Oran. 1 740.

Primitive C hr istianity. 8° Land. 16 75 .

L ives ofthe Apostles. Fol. Land. 1 67 7 .

Lives ofthe Fathers. Fol. Land . 1 7 1 6 .

C AwnREr (Dam). C hurchReformation promoted. 4° Land. 1 657 .

Independence a greatSchism, in Answer to Dr. Owen on

Sch ism. 8° Land. 1 657 .

Inconsistence ofthe IndependentWay. 4° 165 1 .

C awdry and Palmer’

s Sabbatum redivivum, in 4 parts. 4°

Land. 1645 .

C ERES. Tabula, Gr . etLat. 5. Johnsono. 8° Land. 1 7 2 0.

cum notis C aselii. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 1 8.

C Ecco n’


Acerba. 4° Bologn. 1 496 .

C ELAN IRE. 1 2 ° Par. 1 57 1 .

C ELEsTINA ; Tragicomedia de C al isto yMelibea. 8° Apud Plantin.

1 599.'

C EL EU sILA, seu C lamor ad Theologos Hierarchia Angl icana SanctitateDoctr ina etVi ta conspicuos , etResponsiones. 4° Lond. 1679.

r 2

Notitia O rbis antiqui . 2 vol. 4° C antab.t!Amst. 1 703 , 8rc .

C ura posteriores de Barbarismis etIdiotismis Sermonis Latini.8° Jenee , 1687 .

Geographia Antique, 5 Sam. Patrick. 8° Land . 1 7 3 1 .

Programmata etO rationes . 8° Lips . 1689 .

C EL so - C ITTADIN I. Le O rigini delle volgar ToscanaFavella . 8° Sienc.1 604.

C ELsus (C De ReMedics , nccessere Hier.Thriveri C ommentar ii , ctBaldv. Boussei Gandensis Enarrationes. 4° L ugd.Bat.159 2 .

De Medicina, aVander - L inden. 1 2 ° La d.Bat. 1 65 7 .

C ELsus (Julius). De Vita etRebus gestis Julii Ca saria. 1 2 ° Anal.1 697 .

C ELsus (Minus). De Ha reticis capi tali Supplicio non afi ciendis.

Adjuncta sunt ejnademArgumentiTheodori Beza etAndra Daditii Epistola dua contraria . 8° I5S4.

C EN ALIs De veraMensurarum Ponderumque Ratione. 8°

Par . 1 547 .

C EN E (C harles Le). Proje t d’

une nouvelle Version Francoise de laBible. 8° Rotterd. 1 696 .

C EN sORIN Us deDieN atali, cum notisHenr.L indenbrogn. 8° C antab.1 695 .

8° Lugd.Bat. 164 2 .

C EPORIN us GrammaticaGra ca , etEpigrammata . 8° Tiger.

15 2 6 .

C ERDA (Ludov . de la). De Excellentia Spirituum ca lestium. 8‘

Par. 1 63 1 .

C ERDA (LuysValle de la ). Avisos enMateria de Estado , y Guerra.pars oprimir Rebeliones , y hazer Pazes 4° Madr. 1 599 .

C EREMON IA. Sacrarum C a remoniarum sIve Rituum Ecclesiasticorum S. Rom. Ecclesia L ibri Tres. 4° Venet. 158 2 .

C eremonia Romana Ecclesia . 8° C OLAgr . 15 7 2 .

C ERIZ IERs (Sieur de). Philosophe Francois. 3 vol. 1 2 ° Rauen, 1 651.Les trois Etats de l’Innocence . 1 2 ° Par . 1 65 2 .

C ERVAN TEs (Mig. de). Don Quixote . 2 vol. 4° Madr . 1647 .

C H. (Sieur (le) . Histoire abrégée duSlecle depuis l’

An 1 600jusqu’


présent. 1 2 ° Par . 1 687 .

C HABAN E US con traMaresium. 8° Ultraj. 1 647 .

C HALMERS History Of the University Of Oxford. 2 vol.

8° Land. 1 8 10.

C HALMERS (Dr . Thomas). On the Power , Wisdom and Goodnessof God as manifested inthe Adapta tion of External N aturetotheMoral and IntellectualC onsti tution OfMan. 2 vol. 8° Land. .1834.

C B AMBAUD (Louis). Nouveau D ictionnaire Francois - Anglois etAnglois

- Francois. 2 vol. 4° L and. 1 805 .

C HAMBERLAYN E (John) . O ratio Dominica, in diversis omnium fore

Gentium L inguas versa. 4° Amat. 1 7 15 .

L ives of the French, Italian, and German Philosophers. 8‘

Land. 1 7 17 .


C HAMBERLAYN B (John). Present Sta te ofGreat Britain. 8° Land.

1 7 2 3 .

C HAMBERS (E ). C yclopa dia ; or an UniversalDictionary of Artsand Sciences. 2 vol. Fol. L and. 1 74 1 .

C yclopa d ia, by Abraham Rees , D.D. 5 vol. Fol. Land. 1 786 .

C HAMBER (M. de la). L’

A rtde connoitre lesHommes. 4° Par . 1 66 2 .

1 2 ° Amst. 1 660.

Les C haractéres des Passions . 5 vol. 4° Par. 1 66 2 .

2 vol. 1 2 ° Amst. 1658.

O bservations etC onjectures sur I’Iris . 4° Par . 1 66 2 .

La Lumiere . 4° Par. 1 66 2 .

Lettres deMons. de la C hambre . 1 2 °

O f the Knowledge Of Beasts, translated into English by a

Person Of Qual ity. 8° Land. 1 65 7 .

C RAM IER (Dam). C ontractus , per Fred. Spanhemium. Fol . Genes .

1 645 .

C orpus Theologicum. Fol. Genes . 1 653 .

La C onfusion des Disputes des Papistes . 8° Genes . 1600.

C IIAm snA Ir C humshe Torah ; or, An Exposition onthe Pentateuch,by Rabbi N achmanides and Solomon Jarchi . Fol. Williamsdorf .

C HAN CEL (A . Journey over Europe . 8° Land. 17 14.

C HAN DLER Defence of C hristiani ty against C ollins . 8°

L and . 1 7 2 8.

C HAN DLER Effort against Bigotry . 4° Land. 1 699 .


s highest Happiness. 8° L and. 1 705 .

C HAN DLER History and Proceedings ofthe House of C ommons , fromthe Restoration to the present Time. 1 4 vol. 8° Land.

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C HAN DLER (Dr . The L ife of W. Waynflete Bishop of

Winchester. 8° Land. 1 8 1 1 .

C HAN DLER (Dr . Sam.) C ri ticalHistory ofthe L ife ofDav id. 2 vol.

8° Land. 1 766 .

C ountry ’

s C oncurrence with the London UnitedMinisters intheir Heads of Agreement 8° Land. 1 69 1 .

Vindication Ofthe C hr is tian Rel igion. 8° Land. 1 7 2 5 .

History of Persecution . 8° Land. 1 73 6 .

V indication ofthe Antiqui ty of Daniel ’s Prophecies. 8° Land.

1 7 2 8.

V indication ofthe Old Testament, Par t I . 8° Land. 1 741 .

Onthe N ature and Use ofMiracles. 8° Land. 1 7 2 8.

Paraphrase on Galatians and Ephesians . 4° Land. 1 77 7 .

Paraphrase and C ommentary on Joel. 4° Land. 1 7 3 5

C B A N ET (Sieur de). De l’

Instinctetde la C onnoissance des AnImaux .

8° Rochelle , 1646 .

C RAN N ING (Dr . W. Sermons and Tracts , includingthe Analys is Ofthe C haracter Of N apoleon, and Remarks onthe L ife andWr it ings of JohnMilton. 1 2 ° Land. 1 8 2 8.

The Works ofWm . Ellery C hanning, D.D . Gla sgow, 1 83 5 .

C RAN TEREsuE (Sieur de). Traitté de l’Education d’

un Prince. 1 2 °

Pa r. 1 6 7 1 .


C HAPELAIN . La Pucelle C hapelain. 8° Par . 1 656 .

C HAPON E (Hester). Le tters , Essays and Poems. 1 2 ° Land. 1 790.

C HAPPEL, Bishop of C ork. The Use of the Holy Scr iptures. 8°

L and. 1 65 8.

C HAPPELow (John). Believer’

s Ground of Joy under sorrowfulDispensations . 8° Land. 1 7 2 4.

Right Way to be rich . 8° Land. 1 7 16 .

C HAPPELOW Elemen ts L ingua Arabica ex ErpeniRudimentis utplurimum desumpta. 8° Land. 1 7 3 0.

C HAPTA L (J . C hemistry applied to Arts and Manufactures.4 vols. 8° La nd. 1807 .

C HARLEMAGN E , Poeme Héroiquc. 1 2 ° Par . 1666.

C HARLES I. History ofthe Reign of C harles I. by Lord Herbert.Fol. Land. 1656 .

A Declaration ofthe Tumults in Scotland. Fol. Land . 1639.

The Royal L ibrary . 8° Land. 1 658.

O bservations on H. L .

a History Of C harles 1. 1 2 ° Land.

1 656 .

A View ofthe L ife of C harles I . 1 2 ° Land. 1 658 .

The Works of C harles I., wi th his L ife andMartyrdome . Fol.

Land. 1 66 2 .

C HARLES II. History of C harles 11. 1 2 ° Land. 1660.

Secret History Of C harles II. and James II . 1 2 ° Land. 1690.

C harters : First and Second granted by C harles II. to thePropr ietors of C arolina, with a Description of thatProvince byJohn Archdale . 4° Land. 1 698.

C HARLES V . Histoire de C harles V. par Vera. Bruce. 1663.

C HARLES VIII . Histoire de C harles VIII . par Varrllas. 1 2 ° Hays,1 69 1 .

C IIARLES IX . Histoire de C harles IX . 2 vol. 1 2 ° C ologne , 1684.

C HARLES X II. The History of C harles XII. King O f Sweden, byVoltaire. 8° Land. 1 7 3 2 .

C HARLESWORTH (J ) Six PracticalSermons. 8° Dancaster , 1795.C HARLETON De C ansis , Sigais, etSanatione L ithiaseusD iatriba. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 650.

(Economia Animalia. 1 2 ° Hag . C orn. 1 681 .

Enquiries into Human N ature. 4° Land. 1 697.A Ternary of Paradoxes. 4° Land. 1 650.

History Of N utrition. 4° Land . 1659.

O f differentWi ts ofMen andMystery ofVintners. 8° Land.

1 675 .

C HARLTON (J Ladies’

Astronomy and C hronology. 8° Land.

1 73 8.

C HARNocx Works. 2 vol. Fol. Land. 1 699.

C HARPEN TIER (Francis). De l’

Excellence de la Langue Francoise.

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C HARRON (Pierre). De la Sagesse. 8° Par . 1607

C HARTARIU s Imagines Deorum qui ab Antrquis colebantur.4° Magunt. 1 687 .

C HARTER (Lawrence) . SpiritualDiscourses. 8° Edinb. 1 704.


C HASTEN ET (Jacques de). LesMémoires de Jacques de C hastenetsous les Regues de Louis XIII. etLouis XIV. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 690.

C HASTRE (Mons . de la). Mémoires de la Minorité dc Louis XIV.

1 2 ° Par . 1 688.

C HAUOER (Geoffrey). Works, by U rry. Fol. Land. 1 7 2 1 .

C HAUMON T (Le C heaal. dc) Relation de l’Ambassade de Mons. leC hevalier de C haumont a la C our duRoy de Siam. 8° 1 686 .

C HAU N CY (Dr . C harles). A complete View Of Episcopacy. 8°

Boston, N .E. 17 7 1 .

Sermons. 8° Boston, N .E 1 705 .

C HAUNcr (Isaac). Alexipharmacon. 8° Land. 1 700.

Doctrine which is according to Godliness. and Account ofC hurch O rder . 1 2 ° Land.

C HEITOILEUS Gra cO - barbara Novi Testamenti qua O rientiOriginem debent. 1 2 ° Amat. 1694.

C HEER (Sir John). De Pronunciatione Gra ca L ingua Disputationes. 8° Basil. 1 555 .

The L ife of Sir John C heke , by John Strype. 8° Oxf . 182 1 .

C HEIIIA. Artis Aurifera quam C hemism vacant. 8° Basil. 1 6 10.

C HEMIN AIS (Pare). Sermons. 3 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1694.

C HEHINTIUS De Pra cipuis Doctrina ca lestis C apitibus.1 2 ° Lubes . 1603 .

Examen C oncilii Tridentini . Fol. Francof. 1609.

Loci Theolo ici. Fol. Witteb. 1 6 2 3 .

C HESELDEN (Will . Anatomy ofthe Body. 8° Land. 1 7 2 6.

Anatomy ofthe Bones.y

.Fol Lond. 1 7 3 3 .

C HESN E (Andr. da). Bibliotheque des Auteurs qui ontescritl’

Histoire ctTopographic de France. 8° Par . 1 63 7 .

Antiqh itéz etRecherches des Places plus remarquables detoute de France. 8° Par . 1 63 7 .

C HETWIN D (John). Watch charged. 1 2 ° Land. 1659.

C HEVREAU (U rban). Tableau de la For tune. 1 2 ° Lyon, 1664.

(EuvresMeslées. 2 vol. 8° Hays , 1 697

C HEYN E The PhilosophicalPrinciples ofReligion N aturaland Revealed. 8° Land. 1 7 2 4.

Essay onthe Nature oftreatingthe Gout. 8° Land. 17 2 4.

Discourse of Fevers. 8° Land. 1 7 2 4.

On Health and Long L ife . 8° Land. 17 2 4.

C HEYN ELL The Divine Tr iunity of the Father, Son, andHoly Spir it. 8° Land. 1650.

C HIABRERA (Gabr. Poesie . 4 vol. in 2 . 1 2 ° Firenz. 16 2 7 .

Rime, raccolte per Pavoni. 1 2 ° Genoua , 1599.

C HIBALD An Apology for the Treatise called “a Tr ialof


”1 2 ° L and. 1 6 2 4.

C HIPPLETIU S (P. F. Dissertationes tres. 8° Par. 1 676 .

C HIPLETIUS (Joan ). Dissertaria de Juris utriusque Architectis , Justiniano , Tr iboniano, Gratiano etS. Raymundo. 4° Ants . 1 65 1 .

Apologetics Para nesis ad L ingnam Sanctam. 8° Ants .

1 642 .

C HILD (Sir Josiah) . A Discourse on Trade. 8° Land.


C HIL LINGWORTH The Religion of Protestants ab r idged.

4° Land. 1 687 .

L ife O fWilliam C hillingworth , byMaizeaux. 8° Land . 1 7 2 5.

Works. Fol. Land. 1 742 .

C HIMC HUS C ompendium absolutiss . Grammatices nunc primum editum. Authore Rod. Bayno. 4° Par . 1554 .

C HIN A . Historics relatio de ortu etprogresen Fide i O rthodoxa inRegno C hinensi per Missionar ias Societatis Jesu ab anno 1581

usque ad annum 1 669. 8° Ratisb. 167 2 .


Etatde l’

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1 65 7 .

C HOISY (A bbe’

de). Voyage de Siam, fai t 1685 . 1 2 ° Par . 1 687 .

Histoires de Philippe de Valois etdu Roi Jean. 8° Amst.1 688.

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GHOU L (G. da) . Discours de In Re l igion des anciens Romains, etde la C astramétation . 4° Lyon, 158 1 .

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Hackney, 1 8 15—1 82 3 .

N ew Series . 2 vol. 1 83 4- 5 .

The C hristian L iturgy , or Farm of Divine Worship. 8° Land.

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s Pocke t C ompanion. 1 2 ° Land. 1 75 1 .

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s Memorandum Book ; or Family Instructor.1 2 ° Land. 1 755 .

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s Magazine . 8° Land. 1 790.

The C hristianMirror . 1 2 ° Land. 1 805 .

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tan, N .E . 1 744.

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C hristian C ommunion, in 3 parts. 4° Land. 1 693 .

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C HURCH. Vindication ofthe Primitive C hurch , inAnswerto Baxter'sC hurch History of Bishops. 8° Land. 1 682 .

C auses of the N eglect of the Protestant C hurch . 8° Land.1675 .

C HURCH Government. The Divine Rightof C hurch Governmentasserted fromthe Scr iptures. 4° Land . 1 647 .

A brief Account of C hurch Government, with a Reflectionon several modern Wr i tings of the Presbyteriana. 4° L and.

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C HURCH Of England. Free and C andid Disquisitions relating tothe C hurch ofEngland. 8° Land. 1 749.

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An h istor ical and cr iticalEssay on the Thirty- nine Ar ticlesOfthe C hurch ofEn land . 8° Land. 1 7 2 4 .

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O rnaments Of C hurches considered. 4° Ozan. 1 76 1 .

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Poesie Sacre. 1 2 ° Bologn. 1 648.

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Lettere. 1 2 ° Venet. 1 661 .

Fragmenti dell’ Opere. 1 2 ° Van. 1655 .

Prose. 4° Ram. 1 647 .

C IC ATELLI (San tio). V ita C amilli de Lallis 8° Ants . 1 68 2 .

C ICERO (Marcus Tullius). O era. 4 vol. In 2 . Fol. Par. 1 555.

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9 vol. 4° Genes . 1 743 .

C IC C IN 75

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4° Par . 1 685 .

cum commentarns diversorum. 8° ApudHenr .Stephan.

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tabn l7 2 8De FInibus Bonorum etMalorum, cum notis BentleII. 8°

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Or an. 1 7 1 6.

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Amst. 1695 .

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P ar . 1 684.

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in usum Delphini , ediditProust. 8° Or an. 1 7 2 3 .

De N atura Deorum, cum notis variorum, ex recens ione Dav isii; 8° . C antab. 1 7 1 8.

De Divinatione etFato, cum notis variorum, recensuitDavis ins. 8° C antab 1 7 2 1 .

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tab. 1 7 2 3 .

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Synonyms. 4° Hogan. 15 1 8.

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(Euvres de C iceron, par Du Ryer. 1 2 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1670.

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US (J DeRebus gestis Imperatorum C onstantinop. Joan.

etManuelis C omnenorum, Gr . etLat. aTollio. 4° Traj. adRhea.

1 65 2 .

76 C 10 C LA

C IOPAN U s. In omnia O vidII Opera, cumO viduVita. 8° Ants . aptidPlant. 1583 .

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Tracts . Fol. L and . 1 7 2 7 .

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Mirrour for Saints and Sinners. 8° Land. 1646 .

Abridgement Ofthe HistoricalParts ofthe Bible. 1 2 ° Land.

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Annotations onthe Bible . Fol. Land. 1 690.

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C LA 77

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ReplytoMr .N eIsonand sn anonymousAuthor. 8° Land. 17 14.

An Apology for Dr. SamuelC larke. 8° Land. 1 7 14.

Exposition ofthe C hurch C atechism. 1 2 ° Land . 1754.

Be ing and Attributes ofGod, and Evidences ofRevealed Religion. 4° Land. 173 8.

8° Land. 1 758.

Seventeen Sermons. 8° Land. 1 7 2 4.

Sermons. 10 vol. 8° Land.

A C ollection of Papers which passed be tween Dr . Samuel

C larke and Leibnitz relating to the Pr inciples of NaturalPhilosophy and Religion. 8° Land. 1 7 1 7 .

Letter to Dodwsll. 8° Land. 1 7 18 .

Three Essays. 8° Land. 1 7 2 1 .

Doctrine ofthe Trinity. 8° Land. 1 73 2 .

Observations on Dr . Waterland’

s Second Defence Of his Quer ies. 8° Land. 1 7 2 4.

C LARKE C onnexion of the Roman, Saxon, and English

C oins. 4° Land. 1 77 1 .

C LARKSON A Discourse of Saving Grace. 8° Land. 1688.

Primitive Episcopacy. 8° Land. 1688.

Discourse of L iturgies. 8° Land. 1 689.

Sermons. Fol. Land. 1 696 .

C LAUBERC IU S De C ognitione Dei. 8° Duisb. 1 656.

C LAUDE Abrégé de la Vie deMons. C laude. 1 2 ° Amst.1 687 .

Préservatif contre Is C hangement de Religion aux Portraitsflattes deM. de C ondom. 1 2 ° 1 6 81 .

Les (Euvres posthumesdeMons. C laude. 5 vol.8°Amst. 1688.

Réponse auMons. C laude. 1 2 ° Par . 1 67 1.

Examen de Soi- méme pour préparer ala C ommunion. 1 2 °

C harenton, 1682 .

Sermons. 8° Quevilly, 1 670.

Réponse aI’

Evesque de C ondom, sur Exposition de la Doctr ine de I’Eglise. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Quevilly, 1673 .

Parabole des N 6ces expliquée en cinque Sermons surMatth.

xxII. 1— 14. 8° C harenton, 1 676 .

Défense de la Reformation contre le L ivre intitulé PrejugézLégitimes contre les C alvinistes .

’4° Ques illy, 1 673 .

Translated into English by T. B. 4° Land . 1 683 .

Réponse au L ivre de Arnauld intitulé La Perpétuité de la Foy.4° Quevilly, 1 670.

C atholick Doctrine ofthe Eucharist. Fol. Land. 1 684.

An Essay on the C omposition of a Sermon, translated, withN otes , by Robert Robinson. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 788 .

C LAUDIAN US. Opera. 1 2 ° Amst. apud Elz . 1 650.

1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. 1 650.

C LA UDIN US (Jul. De Ingressu ad Infirmos L ibri duo. 4°

Venet. 1 647 .


C LAVIUS OperaMathematics . 4 vol. Fol. Land. 161 2 .

Gnomonices , L ibr i VIII . Fol . Ram. 1581 .

In Spha ram Johana is de Sacro Bosco. 4° Ram. 1606 .

C ommentary onthe Sphericks O f Theodosius, by Stone. 8°

Land. 1 7 2 1 .

C LAYTON (Dr . Rober t), Bishop of C logher . A Vindication oftheHistories ofthe Old and N ew Testament. 8° Land. 1 75 3 .

C hronology . 4° Land. 1 754.

Journey from C airo toMount Sinai. 4° Land. 1753 .

An Inquiry intothe Time ofthe C oming ofthe Messiah and

the Restoration ofthe Jews. 8° Land. 1 75 1 .

An Essay on Spirit, where in the Doctrine O f the Tr inity isconsidered inthe light of N ature and Reason. 8° Land . 1 751 .

8° Land. 1 75 2 .

A Journey from Grand C airo toMount Sinai , and back again.8° Land. 1 753 .

C LEAN DRE. Réponse aux Lettres provinciales de L . deMontalte,ou Entretiens de C leandre etd’

Eudoxe . 1 2 ° Amst. 1 696 .

C LEAN TE. Sentimens de C leante sur les Entretiens d’

A riste etEugéne. Par . 1 6 7 2 .

C LELAN D (John). Wayto Things by Words ; being an at tempt atthe Retrieval ofthe Ancient C eltic. 8° Land. 1 766 .

Specimen of an Etymological Vocabulary ; or , Essay bymeans ofthe AnaliticMe thod, to retrievethe Ancient C eltic. 8°Land. 1 768.

C LEMEN S VIII . PontificaleRomanum C lementis VIII. pr imum nunc

denuo U rbani VIII . auctor itate recognitum. 1 2 ° Pa r . 1 665 .

C LEMEN S (T. Flavius) , Alexandrinus. O pera, Gr . etLat. Fol.Lulet. apudMorel. 16 2 9.

Opera, Gr . etLat. 5 Joan . Pottero . 2 vol. Fol . Oman. 1 7 15.

C LEMEN S Ramanns. De Rebus gestis S. Petr i , etC lementis Vita,Gr . etLat. 4° Par . 1 555 .

Epistola prior ad C orinthios , versione etnotis Pat. JunII. 4°

Oran. 1 63 8 .

Translated outofthe originalGreek . 4° Land. 1652 .

Ad C ormthios Epistola dua , Gr . etLat. a Wottono. 8°

C antab. 1 7 1 8 .

C LEN ARDU S s uls in Grammat. Hebr. 4° Par . 1 556.

aJohanne Quinqusrboreo. 4° Par . 1 564.

Epistola . 8° Ants . apud Plant. 1 566 .

Institutiones acMeditationes in Gra cam L ingnam. 4° Hanas .

16 17 .

Institutiones Gra ca L ingua , studio atque Opera Gerardi Jo.

Vossii. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 3 2 .

C LEOMEDES. Meteors , Gr. etLat. aR. Balforeo. 4° Burdig . 1605.

C LERC (John lo). HistoriaEcclesiastica duorum primorum s C hristanato Sa culorum. 4° Amst. 1 7 1 6 .

Ars C ri tics . 8° Land . 1 698.

3 vol. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 7 1 2 .

C LE C LO 79

C LERC (John le). Physics . 1 2 ° Amst. 1 696 .1 2 ° C antab. 1 705 .

C ompendium Historia Universalis. 8° A n st. 1 698.Qua stiones Hieronymiana . 8° Amst. 1 700.

In Ve tus Testamentum. 4 vol. Fol. An st. 1 7 10.

Vi ta etOpera. 8° Amst. 1 7 1 1 .Opera Philosoph ies . 4 vol. Amst. 1 7 10De I

Incrédulité. 8° Amst. 1 696 .N ouveau Testament, avec deS Remarques. 4° Amst. 1 703 .

Bibliotheque C hoisie. 2 0 vol. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 705 - 10.

Harmony Ofthe Evangel ists . 4° Land. 1 701 .

Supplementto Hammond on the N ew Testament. 4° Land.

1 699.

Five Letters on Inspiration. 8° Land. 1 690.

L ives of C lemens A lexandrinus, Eusebius, Greg. Nazisnzen,and Prudentius. 8° Land. 1 696 .

C auses Of Incredulity. 8° Lond. 1 697 .

PartSIsns , orThoughtsupon severslSubjects 8° Land. 1 700.

O nthe C hoice of our Opinions, and Indifference Inthe C hoiceofReligion. 8° Land.

C LERGYMAN . The C lergyman’

s C ompanion in visitingthe Sick. 8°

Land. 1 783

C LERICAL PetItion C ontroversy. 1 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 77 1 .

2 vol. 4° C amb. 1 768.

C LERIC U S Qua stiones Sacra . 1 2 ° Amat. 1 685 .

C LERIMON D (B. D. de). Answer to a Proclamation published underthe N ame of King James. 4° L and. 1 5 1 1 .

C LERKE C ontra Bulli JudIcIum Ecclesia C atholica . 8°

C asm. 1 695 .

O ughtredus explicatus. 8° Land. 1 682 .

C LEVELAN D (John). The Works and L ife Of John C leveland. 1 2 °

L and. 1 687 .

C LIPPORD Methodus Evangelics . 8° Land. 1 676 .

C L IPEORD (John). Sound Words. 8° Land. 1 699.

C LIO, a Discourse on Taste. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 7 2 .

C LOPPEN BURC IUS (JO Anti - Smalcius de Divini tate Jesu C hristi, etpars posterior dcMuncre C hr isti Regio. 4° Francqf. 1 652 .

Pars prior deMuncre C hr isti PrOphetico. Francof . 1 65 2 .

C ompendiolum Socinianismi confutatum, cum Pra fstione deO ri ne etProgressu Socinianismi. Francof . 1 65 1 .

indicia pro De itate Spiri tus Sancti adversus JOh Bidellum.

Francqf. 1 65 2 .

Syntagma selectarum Exercitationum Theologics rurn. 4°

Francof . 1 655 .

8° Francqf. 1 645 .

Exercitationes super Locos C ommun.Theologicos. 4° Fran

eof. 1 653 .

Opusculatr ia. 1 2 ° Francqf. 1 65 2 .

Ep istola ad Ludovicum de Dieu, etTractatio de Sabbato deuterOproto. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 63 4 .

80 C LO C OD

C LOPPENRURO IU S Schola Sacrificiorum Patriarchalium. 12 °

Lugd.Bat. 163 7 .C LORIA and N arcissus, a Romance . 8° Land. 1653 .

C LOVET Motives de se séparer de l’

Eglise Romaine , etsonInnocence justifiée contreVeron. 8° Haye, 1641 .

C L UVERIU S Geographia , itJoan . Bunone . 4° Amst. 1683 .HistoriarumtotiusMundi Epitome . 4° Amst. 1 668 .

C OADE A Letter to a C lergyman on his Sermon on the 3othof January. 1 2 ° Land. 1 747 .

C ORBET O f the Honour due from C hildren to the ir Parents . 8°

Discourse of Prayer . 8° Land. 1 65 7 .

Vindication ofthe C ovenan t of C hildren Of C hurchMembers,4° Land. 1 643 .

C ivilMagistrate’

sPower inMatters ofReligion. 4° Land. 1652 .

4° Land. 1 653 .

C OBRETT A Grammar ofthe English Language. 1 2 ° Land.

1 8 2 3 .

C OC C RIUS (J Lex icon etC ommentarium L inguarum, Hebr. etC hald. Fol. Amst. 1669.

In Librum Jobi. Fol. Franco. 1644.

In°Minores Prophetss. Fol . Lugd.Bat. 1 65 2 .

Ad UltimaMosis.h . e . in Sex postrem. cap.Deuteronom.C on

siderationes . 4° Francaf. 1 650

Examinatio Apologia EquitIs Poloni adversus Ed ictum O rdinum Hollandia etWestfr isia . 4° Lugd.Bat. 1656 .

Summa Theologia . 4° Amst. 1669 .

C ollationes de Fa dere etTestamento Dei. 8° Francqf. 1 648.C OCH (J Ssnedrin, etMaccoth, cum excerptis ex utr iusqueGemara. 4° Apud Jansan. 1 6 2 9 .

C oheleth, siveEcclesias tesSolomonis illustratus. 4°Brem. 1636.

C OC IUS C ensura quorundam Scriptorum veterum. 4° Land.

1 6 2 3 .

C OCKBU RN (John). Fifteen Sermons. 8° Land. 1 697 .

Evidence of C hristian Faith. 8° Land. 1697 .

C OCKE Kitchen Physick . 8° Land. 1 670.

C OOK ER Decimal Arithmetick. 8° Land. 17 2 0.

C OCLES Physiognomia ctC hiromantia C ompend ium. 8°

A rgent. 153 9 .

C OC QU IUS Historia Sacra Plantarum, Arborum, etHerbarum. 4° Ulissing . 1664.

C ODE Frédéric, tradui t de I’

Allemand, en 3 vol. 1 2 ° Par. 1 75 1 .

C ODEX . C odex Beza C sntsbrigiensis , aKipling. 2 vol. Fol. C an

tab. 1 793 .

C odex Theodosianus , cum comment. Jac. Gothofredi. 4 vol:

Fol. Lugd.Bat. 1 665 .

C odex Theodosianus , itemque Imp. Theodosn, Valentiniani,8 m. N ovella C onstitutiones. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1 593 .


or, ouRecue il tirée de I’

Institution du Prince d’

Erasmet1 2 ° 1 665 .

8 2 C O I. C O L

C OLLIER (Thos) . Pulpi t- Guard and Font - Guard routed . 4° Land.1 65 2 .

Exal tation Of C hrist 8° Land. 1647 .

C O LLIC N ON (C harles). Mtscellsne ous Works . 4° C amb. 1 786.

C O LLIN C ES (John). Intercourses of Divine Love betwix t C hris t and‘

. is C hurch . 4° Land . 1683 .

O n the Providence OfGod . 4° Land. 16 78.

C ordial for a fainting Soul. 4° Land. 1649.

Double Reply , in a Vind ication ofthe C hurch suspend ingtheScandalous fromthe Lord ’

s Table . 4° Land .

C O LL IN O S (John). Lessons for a C hristian. 8° Land. 1 650.

C OLLIN S A C atalogue of his L ibrary . 8° Land . 1 7 3 9.

O nthe Thirty - nine Articles. 8° Land. 17 2 4.

Review ofthe C ontroversy between him and his Adversaries.8° Land. 1 7 2 6 .

O n Human L iberty . 8° Land . 1 7 1 7 .

C OLLIN S (Ar thur). The Peerage of England ; augmen ted by SirEgerton Brydges . 9 vol. 8° Land. 18 1 2 .

C OLLIN S The Believer ’

s Baptism from Heaven . 8° Land.

1 69 1 .

C OLLIN S (D r . Increpatio Andr . Euda monO - Johannis ctrenovata Assertio Tortura Torti . 4° C antab. 16 1 2 .

A Defence of the Bishop of Ely, concerning his AnswertoBellarmine ’

s Apology . 4° Land. 16 2 8.

C OLLURAPP I 11 N obile Veneto 4° Venet. 1 6 2 3 .

C OLLYER (Dr .W. Lectures on ScrIpture Facts. 8° Land. 1809.

O n Scr ipture Prophecy . 8° Land. 1 809.

Lectures on ScriptureMiracles . 8° Land. 18 1 2 .

Lectures on Scripture Parables . 8° Land. 1 8 15 .

C OLMAN The L ife and C haracter of B. C olman, by EbenezerTure ll. 8° Boston, N .E . 1 749 .

Two Sermons stMedford April 6 , 1 7 3 5 , afterthe Funeral ofhis Daughter Mrs . Jane Turell, with someMemoirs of her Lifeand Death by the Rev . Ebenezer Turell. 8° Boston , N .E.

1 7 3 5 .

D iscourses on the Parable of the Ten Virgins . 8° Load.

1 707 .

C OLOMA (C arlos). Las Gterras de los Estatlos Baxos, desde elsiio

1 588, hasta elde 1599 . 4° Amber . 1 6 2 5 .

C OLOMESIUS (Paulus). Gallia O r ientalis, sive Gsllorum qui Ling.Hebr . excolueruntVita . 4° Hag . C am. 1 665.

Observationes Sacra ; etRemarques sur la Version Francoisede N . T. de Geneve . 1 2 ° Amst. 1 679.

O puscula. 1 2 ° Par . 1 668.

C OLON IE Bibliotheque C hoisie . 8° Rochelle , 1682 .

C OLON N A (Donna llTempio. 4° Padoua , 15 68.

C OLOSSEN SES. Expositio Epistola Pauli ad C olossenses , per JosnnemSarishuriensem Episcopum. Fol. C antab. 163 9.

C OLSON IU S (Fr. The Teacher of the Italian, French andEnglish Languages. 8° Land. 16 88.

C O L C OM 83

C OLUMELLA (Lucius JuniusModeratus) . De Re Rus tica, etde A rboribus, cum explicationibus Pe tr i Victorii. 8° Par . 1 543 .

C OLUMN A (E gid) De Regimine Principum. 8° Ram. 1 607 .

C OMA. D ialogus de C oma. 8° 1645 .

C OMBEFIS O riginum Rerumque C onstantinop.Manipulus.4° Par . 1 664 .

C hristiMartyrum Lecta Trias. 8° Par . 1 666 .

C om ma A C ompan ion tothe Temple ; or , a Help to Devotion inthe U se ofthe C ommon Prayer. 2 vol. Fol. L and. 1 701 .

C OMEDY . C onversations on C omedies, Drinking, &c. 8° Land.

1 694 .

C omedias nvevas escogidas de los mejores Ingenios de Espana.4° Madr . 1 66 1 .

Traité de la C omédie etdes Spectacles, selan la Tradition del’

Eglise . 8° Par . 1 666 .

Lettre contre Pere Augustin touchant la C omédie . 1 2 ° Par.

1 6 1 1 .

C omedies Francoises. 1 2 ° Par . 1 655 .

C OMEN IU S (Joh. Janua Aurea reserata quatuor L inguarum.

8° Lugd. Bat. 1 640.

Physicw ad Lumen Divinum reformatae Synopsis. 1 2 ° Amst.1 645 .

Lex icon A triale, Latino- Latinum. 8° Amst. 1 65 7 .

O rbis Sensualium pictus, Lat. Engl., by C harles Hoole. 8°

L and. 1 659.

Ratio Disciplinm O rdinisque Ecclesiastici in Unitate FratrumBohemorum. 8° Amst. 1 660.

Ars O rnatoria, sive Grammatica elegans, etEruditionis Scholasticm A trium. 8° Land. 1664.

Eruditionis Scholasticaa A trium, una cum Fortio Redivivo,s ive, de pellenda Scholis Ignav ia. 8° N arib. 1 67 9.

Janua L inguarumtrilinguis . 8° Land . 1 685 .

Pattern of Universal Knowledge , by C ollier 8° Land. 1 65 1 .

C OMES (N atalis). Mythologim : sive explicatioms Fabularum L i

br i x . ejusdem L ibri quatuor de Venatione. 8° Genev. 1 65 1 .

C OMESTOR (Petrus). Historia Scholastica. Fol . A rgent. 1485 .

C OMETS. A Discourse of C omets. 8° Land. 1684.

C OMIN ES (Phil . de), Seign. d’

A rgentan. The History of Philip deC omines. Fol. Land. 16 14 .

LesMémoires de . 1 2 ° Leide, 1 648.

C OMMEL IN US Praeludia Botanica. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 703 .C OMMEN DON US (Joh. C a rd. De Vita, aGratiano. 4° Par . 1669.

Traduite en Francois parMons . Fléchier. 8° Par . 1 680.

C OMMEN TARIES and Essays for promoting the Knowledge of theScr iptures. 2 vol. 8° Land.

C OMMIN S (John) . Remarks on Dr . Bentley’

s Sermon upon Popery.8° L and. 1 7 1 6 .

C OMMON PRAYER. The Grand Debate betweenthe Bishops and thePresbyter ian Divines for aReview and A l teration ofthe C ommonPrayer, andthe Petition for Peace . 4° Land. 166 1 .

G 2

84 C OM C ON

C OMMON Pan za. C ommon Prayer Book , wi ththe Apocrypha andSinging- Psalms. 4° C amb. 1 696 .

The Book Of C ommon Prayer . 132 ° Land . 1 700.

8° Land. 17 1 7 .

C atechisticalExplanation of the Book of C ommon Prayer.1 2 ° Land. 1 7 1 3 .

A Form of C ommon Prayer forMorning and Evening , fittedfor the Use of C hristians of all Denominations. 1 2 ° Land.1 75 1 .

A N ew Farm of C ommon Prayer , w ith the O llices theretobelonging ; with Reasons for the proposed Alterations . 8° Land.

1 758 .

The Book Of C ommon Prayer Reformed according tothe Planof Dr. S. C larke. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 74.

8° Land 1 785 .

with various addi tions and al terations, by Dr. S. C larke

in his own handwriting. 4° C amb. 1 7 78.

with Hymns and a Psal ter. 1 2 ° Land. 1 793 .

A C ommon Prayer Book , according tothe Plan ofthe L i turgyof the C hurch of England , wi th suitable Services. 1 2 ° Exeter,1 79 1 .

The Book of C ommon Prayer Reformed , forthe U se of Unitarian C ongregations . 8° Land. 1 79 2 .

8° Land. 1 799.

The Book of C ommon Prayer Reformed, wi th a C ollection of

Hymns and Psalms . 1 2 ° Land. 1 793 .

The Book Of C ommon Prayer. 1 2 ° Philadebphia , 1 786 .

The Book of C ommon Prayer Reformed. Second Ed i tion.

1 2 ° Land. 1802 .

The Book of C ommon Prayer Reformed, wi th the Book of

Psalms and C ollection of Hymns , revised and corrected . 1 2 °

Land. 1 806 .

C OMMON S (House of). History and Proceedings of the House of

C ommons, fromtheRestoration to 1 742 . 14 vol. 8° Land . 1 743—4.

Debates and Proceedings of the House of C ommons from1 743 to 1 7 7 2 . 9 vol. 8° Land. 1 766—7 2 .

C OMMUN ICAN T. The DevautC ommunicant exemplified. 1 2 ° Land.

1 683 .

C OMMUN ION V indication of some Passages in a Discourse on C ammunion Wi th God. 8° Land. 1 674.

C OMN EN A (Anna) . Alexiados L ibr i vm . de rebus a Patre gestisscripti ab Haeschelio. 4° Aug . Vind. 1 6 10.

C OMPTE (Louis le). Memoirs and Observationsmade in a late Journey throughthe Empire Of C hina. 8° Land. 1697 .

C ON AN 'r (John). Sermons . Vol. I , II, IV, V , VI. 8° Land . 1 693 .

C ON CILIA. C oncilia Sacrosancta, studio P. Labbei etGabr . C ossartii. 1 8 vol. Fol . Par . 1 67 1 .

Acta C oncilii Primi Pisani etSenensis. 4° Par . 1 6 1 2 .

C onciliorum omnium Generalium etProvincialium C ollectioRegis , ab Ann. 34 ad Ann. 1 6 2 3 Gr. etLat., cumnotis, etPon

C O N C O N 85

tificum Vi tis ac Epistolis Decretalibus . 3 7 vol. Fol . Typ . Reg .

Par . 1 644.

C ON CILIA . N ova C allestia C onciliorum, s Stephano Baluze . Fol.

Par . 1 688.


Idée du C onclave présent deM.Dc.Lxxvr. 1 2 ° Amst.1 676 .

C onclavi de PontificiRoman i. 4° 1 667

C ON C OBDANTIA . C ambridge C oncordance . Fol. Land. 1 7 2 0.

C oncordantiwMajores Sacra Biblia . Fol. Bas. 1 548.

C oncordantie Bibliorum Editione . Fol. apud Wechel. 1600.

C ON nEa (Josiah). On Protestant C onformi ty. 2 vol. 8° Land.

1 81 8.

C ON ESTAGGIUS Histoire de la Réunion du Royaume dePortugal5 la C ouronne de C astile. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1 680.

Histor ia delle Guerre della Germania Inferiore. 8° 1 684.

Historia dell’ Unione di Portogallo alla C orona di C astiglia.

8° Venet. 1 592 .

C ON r nssro . C onfessio etC atechesis Ecclesiarum Belgicarum, Gr.6! Lat. aRevio etSylburgio . 1 2 ° Ultraj. 1 660.

C onfess io Fidei exhibi ta invictiss. Imp. C arolaV . C aesari Aug.

in C omieiis Auguste , Anno 1 530. 8° Witeb. 156 2 .

C onfessio Fide i in C onventuTheologorum, authoritate Parl iamenti Anglicani indicto , elaborata ; una cum C atechismo duplici ,major i minorique. 8° C antab. 1 656 .

C onfessionum Fide i C orpus etSyntagma. 4° Genes . 1 654 .

The Assembly of D ivines ’

C onfession of Faith . 1 2 ° Land.

1 688.

C ON FESSION AL . C onfessionalC ontroversy. 6 vol. 8° Land. 1 766—9 .

The C onfessional. 8° Land. 1 7 66 .

8° Land. 1 76 7 .

8° Land. 1 7 70.

Tracts relating to the C onfessional. 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 66 - 8.

O ccasionalRemarks on some late Strictures on the Goufess ioual , PartII. 8° Land. 1 769.

C onfessionum Fide i C orpus Syntagma. 4° Genev. 1 654.

C O N FIRMATION . The Apostolique Institution OfImposition ofHands ,for C onfirmation, revived. 1 2 ° Land. 1649.

C ON FORMIST. A Fr iendly Debate between a C onformis t and a N onconformist. 1 2 ° Land. 1 669.

A C ontinuation ofthe Debate . 1 2 ° 1 669.

A further C ontinuation ofthe Debate. 1 2 ° 1 6 70.

An Appendixtothe Third Par t ofthe Friendly Debate . 1 2 °

1 670.

The Grand C ase ofthe present Ministry, whe ther they maylawfully Declare and Subscr ibe , as by the late Actof Uniformityis required. 8° Land. 1 663 .

The C ourse of C onformity , as i t hath proceeded, is concluded,should b e refused. 4° Land . 1 6 2 2 .

C onformi té de la Discipline Ecclésiastique des Protestans deFrance avec des anciens C hrestiens . 4° Quevilly, 1678.

86 ( O N (‘



onlhnn itéz deS C érémonies modernes avec les an

ciennes . 8° Lvidt'. “567 .

C onrucw s . O pe ra . Fol. Par. 1 687 .

The Morals ot' C onfucius, a C hinese Philosopher . 1 2 ° Land.1 706 .

C O Nti Rl Ma azine . 2 vol. 1 8 18— 19 .

C O NGRRV I: Emendments of C ollier's False C ita tions fromhis Plays . 8" Land. 1698.

C ommentarii C ollegi i C onimb ricensis in DialecticamA ristotelis . 8 vol. 4° C ol.Ag r . 16 30.

C O N N AN IL'S C omment. Juris C ivilis , cum Argumentis Ho~tomani . 4° Hanav. 1 6 10 .

C O N N O ISSS UR. The C onnoisseur . 4 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 6 7 .

C ON NOR Evangel iumMedici . 8° Land . 1697 .

C ON RARD. Le ttres familieres sMons . Felihien. 1 2 ° Par . 16 8 1 .

C O N RINGIU S (Hen ) . De Antiquitatibus Academicis Dissertationes.4° Helmslad. 1 65 1 .

Epistolae , cum ejus Ita . 4° Helmstad. 1694 .

C O N RIUS Tractatus de Statu Parvulorum sine Baptfimodecedentium. 4° m a . 16 2 4.

C ON SC IEN CE . C ases of C onscience about Things ind iffe rent s tated.

1 2 ° Land. i 66 l.

L iberty of C onscience in its O rder to un iversal Peace impartinlly stated. 4° Land. 168 1 .

Traité de la L iberté de C onscience . 1 2 ° C ologn. 1687 .

Resolutions de plusieurs C as de C onscience. 1 2 ° Pa r. 1 666.

C ON SPIRACY. A True Account of the horrid C onspiracy againstthe late K ing. Fol. Land. 1 685 .

C ON STAN TIN U S (Imp ) . O ratio Anonymi Funebr is in O b itum. 8°

Latet.De administrando Imperio, Gr . etLat. , cum notisMeursn . 8°

Lugd.Bat. 1 6 1 1 .C ON STAN TIN US Lex icon Graecum. Fol . Land. 1 5 9°

Supplementum L inguas Latina . 4° Land. 1 5 78.

C O N TAREN U S De Elementis , eorumque Mixtione . 1 2 °

Lugd.Bat. 168 3 .

C ON TA RIN r Della Republics etMagistrati d i Venetia . 8°

Venet. 1650.

C ON TEN TMEN T . The Artof C ontentment . 152 ° Land . 1675 .


Onférence surMatiéres de C ontroversie. 8° Par.

1 680.

C ON VEN TIC UL S . C onventicale de Rolle , par nuTémoin digne de Foi.1 2 ° Genes . 1 82 1 .

C ON VERSATION S . La C onversations etnu Discours de la Justesse.

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A rtde plaire dans la C onversation. 8° Pa r . 1688 .

C ON VERSION . A D iscourse concerning C onversion. 8° Land.

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ION . The History ofthe C onvocation ofthe Prelatcs andC lergy ofthe Province of C anterbury. 4° Land. 1 702 .

C O O C OR 87

C ome (Dr . Histo ry of the Reformation in Scotland , with an

In troductory Book and an A ppendix. 3 vol. 8° Edina. 181 1

The History of the C hurch of Scotland , from the Estabhshmen t ofthe Reformationtothe Revolution. 3 vol. 8° Edinb. 1 8 15 .

C OOKE Tales , Epistles , Odes , Fables. 8° L and. 1 7 2 9.

C OORE An Inquiry into the Patriarcal and DruidicalReligia n, Temples, &c. 4° Land. 1 755 .

C OOPER (C . Parliamentary Proceedings as to the C ourtofC hancery , the House of Lords , and Bankruptcy . 8° Land. 18 2 8.

Le ttres sur la C our de la C hancellerie d ’

Angleterre, etsurquelques Points de la Jur isprudence Anglaise. 8° Par . 1 830.

C OOPER The L ife ofSocrates . 8° Land. 1 7 59.

C OO PER DomusMosaicm C lavis . 8° Land. 1 673 .

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C OOPER Admonition tothe People of England. 4° Land.

1 5 89 .

C OOPER Four D iscourses . 8° Land. 1 77 2 .

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L and. 1 7 3 8.

C OPERN ICU S (N icolaus). De Revolutionibus O rb ium C e lestium.

Fol. N arimb. 1543 .

A stronomia Instaurata, edid. per N ic.Mulerium. 4° A n st.1 6 1 7 .

C OQ (Mans. le). Lettre sur le C hangement de Religion de M. C ottiby . 8° C lem ent. 1 660.

ParfaitGéographe. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1 687

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Kingdom of God amongMen. 1 2 ° Land. 1679.

Remains. 4° Land. 1 684.

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ratori. 4° Vineg . 1 5 54.

C ORR (Peter), Bishop of. A D iscourse on Drinking inRemembranceofthe Dead, two parts . 8° Land. 1 7 1 5 .

O f Dr inking Heal ths . 8° Land. 1 7 1 6 .

Power ofGodliness. 1 2 ° Land . 1683 .

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C ORNTIIWAYTE Reflections on Dr.Wright’

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s Day. 8° Land. 17 2 9.

C ORON ELLOS (P. Mémoires h istoriques etgéograph iques daRoyaume de laMorée , N egrepont, etdes Places maritimes jusguns 5 Thessnlonique . 1 8° Amst. 1 686 .

C ORPU S . C orporis Humani Partium viva Imagines . Fol. Ante.apud Plant. l566 .

C ORRADU S Qua stura . 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 66 7 .

C ORRARO Relation de la C our de Rome . 8° L eide , 1663.

C one L'

s (J . Institutiones Imperiales. 1 2 ° Ams i .

JurisprudentiaRomans , 5 Vulteio contracts . 1 2 ° Amst. 1 658.

C OSIN S An O pinion for C ommunicating rather with Genevathan Rome . 8° Land . 1 684.

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Apologie . 4° Par . 1 657 .

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Second Part ofthe same . 8° Oxf . 1 748.

C OSTERU S Enchir idion C ontroversiarum. 8° Lugd. Bat.1 604 .

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C OTTON (John). The Way of L ife . 4° Land. 1641 .

C onsti tution of a visible C hurch. 4° Land.

Doubts on Predestination. 4° Land. 1 646 .

C ommentary onthe First'Epistle of St. John. Fol. Land. 1656.

Exposition ofthe C anticles . 8° Land . IG4S.

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C OTTON (Pére) . Sermons. 8° Rauen, 1 6 2 9.

C OTTON (Sir C o tton and Hayward’

s Histories of Henry III.’

and Henry IV. 1 2 ° Land. 1642 .

Posthuma, or C hoice Pieces of Antiquity. 8° L and. 1 651 .

C O UL ErU S Opera Latina. 8° Land. 1 668 .

C OtINTEnPOYSON ; or, The Differences be tweenthe godly Ministersofthe C hurch of England and Separatists. 4° Land. 1 608.


C RAurusn Sketches chiefly relating to the History , Religion, Learning and Manners of the Hindoos. 2 vol. 8° Land.

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C REC IIE. D iscourse sur le C reche . 1 2 ° C ologn. 1 677 .

C nsnoa rus In Gra ces Buda i Epistolas. 4° Par . 1579.

C am p . Ex si tiou ofthe Apostles’

C reed , &c. 1 8° Land .

C REEn (Will . A Defence of Hammond against H. Jeanes. 4°

Land. 1 660.

GRELL IUS (Johannes). Ethics Aristotelica ad Sacrarum LiterarumN ormam emandata. 4° C osmop . 1 68 1 .

C atechesis Ecclesiarum Polonicsrum. 4° Staurap . 1 680.

1 2 ° Trenop . 1 659.

Two Books touching O ne God the Father. 4° Land. 1665.

C REMON IN US Apologia Dictarum Aristotelis de O rig ine etPrincipstuMembrorum, adversus Galenum. 4° Venet. 1 6 2 7 .

N ascimento di Vinetia, Poems . 1 2 ° Venet. 16 1 7C hlorinda e Valliera , Poems . 4° Venet. 16 2 4.

C REN IU S Fasciculus DissertationumHistarico- C r itico - Phi

lalogicarum. 8° Rotterd. 1 69 1 .

Fasciculus secundus Opusculorum qua ad Historiam ctPhilologiam Sacram spectant . 8° Rotterd. 1 693 .

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Land. 1 690.

C RESSOL IU S Vacationes Autumnales, sive de O ratoris Actione etPronunciatione . 4° Pa r. 1 6 2 0.

Theatrum Rhetorum. 8° Par . 1 6 2 0.

C RESSY An Answerto Dr. Pierce’

s C ourt - Sermon. 8° Land.

1 663 .

Animadversions on his Answer to Stillingfleet. 8° Land.

1 674 .

Motives of his C onversion . 1 2 ° Par . 1 647 .

C hurch History. Fol. Land. 1 668 .

C REYGIITON U S Historia C oncilii Florentini. 4° Hag . C ant.1 660.

C RIN ITU S De Honesta D isc ipl ina. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1554.

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Poémata. 8°

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Works. 4° Land. 1 690.

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CRO 9 1

( b on us De Verbo Dei, contra Bellarminum. 8° Hanan.

1 6 14.

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Para neticus de Theologin C ryptica . 8° Bram. 16 15.

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m in i, etJae. Gretseri, &c. 8° Bram. 1 644.

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O rator Ecclesiasticus. 1 2 ° Bram. 16 2 4.

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Saint’s C ure for C hurch C ommunion. 8° Land. 1 67 1 .

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Pars Prior. 4° Genes . 1644.

C am!: (Jean de la). C atéchisme de Diocese de Québec. 1 2 ° Par.

1 70 2 .

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History of Genghizcan. 8° Land. 1 7 2 2 .

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A Treatise onthe Etymology and Syntax ofthe English Language. 8° Land. 1 809.

3 rd Edit. 8° Land. 1 880.

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Gymnasium, sive Symbols C ritica. 2 vol. 8° Land. 181 2 .

3 rd Edit. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 82 8.

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by C arrington. 8° Land. 1659.

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92 C RO C UN

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S I rishMusicalRepository .

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Practical Discourse concerning C harity. 8° Land . 1 7 2 2 .

C ROW Meditations onthe Lord ’

s Supper . 8° Lond . 1693.

C ROWE U S Elenchus Scriptorum in Sacras Scr iptures. 8°

Land. 1 6 7 2 .

C ROWE (Dr . Sermons . 8° Land. 1 744 .

C RUC IOERU S HarmoniaL inguarum, Germ.

Fol . Francaf . 16 16 .

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Medulla Logica . 8° Lugd . Bat. 1 640.

C RUDEN C oncordance tothe Bible . 4° Land. 1 7 3 8.

C RU SIU S (Paulus). De Epochis Temporum etImperiorum. 8° Bas.

1 5 78.

C RU SO The C hr istian Lover . 8° Land. 1 690.

Blessedness of atender C onscience . 8° 1 691 .

God the Guide to Youth. 8° 1 695 .

Plea for attendance atthe Lord ’

s Table . 8° 1 696.

Sermons atPinners ’

Hall . 8° Land. 1 691 .

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C RUTTWEL L (C lement). The N ew U niversal Gazetteer ; or , Geo

graphical Dictionary. 4 vol. 8° Land. 1808 .

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C UDWORTH (Dr . Ralph). True Notion of the Lord ’

s Supper . 8‘

Land. 1 6 70.

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C UMBERLAN D De Legibus N atura . 4° Land. 1 6 7 2 .

Essay towardsthe recovery ofthe JewishMeasures, We ights,andMonies . 8° Land. 1 686 .

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DAC IRR (Andrew). The L ife of Pythagoras , with his Golden Versesand L ife of Hierocles. 8° Land. 1707 .


DA ILLON (B. de). Examen de l’

Oppression des Réformez en France.1 2 ° Amat. 1 687.

DALE (Ant. Van). De O raculis Ethnioorum. 8° Amst. 1683 .

4° Am l. 1 700.

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DALLE U S Adversus Milleterianam de conciliandis Religionibus Sententiam, Disputatio . 8° Land. 1 63 7 .

Apologia pro duabus Ecclesiarum in Gall ia ProtestantiumSynodis N ationalibus, adv. Spanhemium. 8° Amat. 1 6 3 5 .

Adversus Epicritam Gratiam Dei universalem Oppugnsutem. 8° Amst. 1 657 .

Apologia pro Synodis Alensoniensi etC arentonensi. 1 2 ° Amst.1 655 .

Apologia pro Ecclesus Reformatis. 8° Amat. 165 2 .De Jejuniis etQuadragesima L iber. 1 2 ° Dasent. 1 654.

De Pseudepigraphis Apostolicis. 8° Harden . 1 655

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De C onfirmatione etextrema U nctione. 4° Genes . 1 659.

De Pa nis etSatisfactionibus humanis . 4° Amsi . 1 649 .

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Sermons sur II Epitre s Timothée. 2 vol. 8° Genes . 1659.

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Sermons. 8° Genes . 16 58.

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Traité de l’Employ des Saincts Péres. 8° Genes . 1 6 3 2 .

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Apologie des Eglises Réformées. 8° 163 3 .

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AccommodementdeMilletIere. 8° C harent. 1 63 7 .Sermons onthe Epistle tothe C olossians, translated by F. S.

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DALRYMPLE (Sir David). An Inquiry into the Secondary C auseswh ichMr . Gibbon has assigned for the rapid Growth of C hristianity. 4° Edinb. 1 786 .

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DAMME (Sieur J . van). Le Maitre s danser . 8° Aguad.

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ditis, nec vocatis. 8° Genes . 1 581 .

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DA NDIN US Voyage doMont L iban . 1 2 ° Par . 1 675 .

DA N ET Dictionarium Lat. etGall . 4° Par . 1 673 .

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DAN TE . Dante , con 1’

Espositione diM. Bern. Daniella da Lucca.

4° Venet. 1568.


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AN VERS A Treatise of Baptism. 8° Land. 1 674.

DAREEL (John). A Discovery of the fraudulent Practices , onthepretended Possession of Will. Somers and others, as made byS. H. 4° Land. 1 599 .


DASSEL (Hardew. L iber Historicus continens pra cipuarumItalia urbium descriptiones , 4° Rastoclc. 1 596 .

DASYPODIUS Dictionarium Latino- German. 8° Argent.1 53 7 .

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L ibr i Historia Veteris Testamenti . 8° Halon, 1 784 .

Propheta Majores . 8° Hales , 1 7 7 9 .

Psalmi. 8° Halts , 1 7 87 .

JObus, Proverbia Salomonis, Ecclesiastes, C anticum C anticarum. 8° Hales , 1 789 .

DAUEERU S (Johan . O ratio Funebris in Eccessum AndreaRivoli. Fol. Lugd. Bat. 165 1 .

DAU N C EY (John). The C hronicle of Portugal. 8° Land . 1661 .

DAUROU LTIU S Flores Exemplorum. 4° C al. Agr . 1 6 2 4.

DAVEN AN T (Dr . John), Bishop of Salisbury . De Judiec C ontroversiarum etJostitis Hab ituali. 4° C antab. 168 1 .

Determinationes Qua stionum quarundam Theologicarum. 4°

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DAVIES (David). The C ase of Labourers in Husbandry stated andconsidered . 4° Bath, 1 799.

DAVIES C eltic Researches onthe O rigin, Tradi tions, andLanguage ofthe A ncient Br itons . 8° Land. 1 804.

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DAVILA (Gil. Vidas de San Juan deMata y Fel ix Valois,Fundadores de la O rden de la Santiss. Tr inidad. 4° Madrid,16 30.

DAVILA (H. History ofthe C ivi l Wars of France . Fol. Savoy,1 678.

Historia delle Guerre C ivili di Francis . 4° Venet. 1 63 4.

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DAVION (J La Philosophie de Socrate . 8° Par . 1 660.

DAVITY (Pierre). Le Monde , on Is Descr iption de ses Quatre Parties. 6 vol. Fol. P ar . 1 6 60.

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DEPON Travels in South America. 2 vol. 8° L and . 1 807.

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Astra - Theology. 8° Land. 1 7 3 8.

DERODON Opera Philosophies . 2 vol. 4° Genes . 1 659.4° Genes . 1669.

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DESMARESTS (J ) C lovis, on La France C hrestienne. 8° Par. 1666.

DESPAGN E (Jcan). (Euvres de Jean Despagne. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Genet.1 67 1 .

Sermon on the Eclipse which happened March 2 7th, 1652 .2 4° Land. 165 2 .

Shibboleth , or Reformation Of Places in the French and Eu

glish Bible . 8° Land. 1 655 .

O bservations onthe Decalogue 8° Land. 1 65 2 .

Eatingthe Body of C hr ist consIdered . 8° Land. 1 65 2 .

Onthe C reed and Lord’

s Prayer. 8° Land. 1 647 .

Errors in generalPoints ofReligion. 8° Land. 1 648 .

DESTOOC EES (Philip N ericault). (Euvres de Théatre. 8° Amst.1 7 1 7 .

DEVARIUS De Gra ca L ingua Particulis. 4° Rain. 1588.

DEVEREL L (Mary). Sermons on var ious Subjects, std Ed it. 8°

Land. 1 77 7 .

DEVOTION S. DevotionalOffices for Public Worship, from variousServices. 8° Salisbury, 1 794.

8° Land. 1 8 10.

Devotions ofthe Ancient C hurch. 8° Land. 1660.

A N ewManualof Devotions. 8° Land. 1 747.

D irections for leading a Devou t Life. 8° Land. 1 702 .


EWES (Sir Simon). A Journal of allQueen Elizabeth’

s Parlia

ments. Fol. Land. 1693 .

DBON A (C hristofie Vicomte de). C ommentaire historique de laVieetde la Mort de Messire C hristofie Vicomte de Dhona. 4°

Genés . 163 9.

DHON D De Rebus Pace Belloque gestis ; ejusdem Precationes etSuspiria, edi t. Joh.Vossio . 4° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 2 8.


HU ISSEAIJ. La Discipl ine des Eglises réformées de France. 4°

GenEs . 1 666

DIALOGUE. DIalogue entre nu Pére etson Fils. 8° Land. 1 688.

Three Dialogues onthe Differences ofthe Times. 1 2 ° Edinb.1 679.

D IAN A Resolutiones C asuum. 2 4° Ants . 165 1 .DIBDIN : s . AMES and BIBLIOTIIEC A Spenceriana.


DIEDIN (ThOS. An Introduction to the C lassics . 2 vol. 8°

Land. 1 808.

D IC E ARC HU S (Messenius) . Geographies qua dam, cum Lat. interpretatione atque annotat. Hen. Stephani . 8° ApudH. Steph. 1 589.

DIC K IN SON U S Delph i Phoenicizantes , etDiatriba de N oa inItaliam Adventu. 8° Or an. 1 755 .

D ICKSON Therapeutics Sacra. 8° Edinb. 1 656 .

4° Land. 1 664 .

An Exposition of St. Paul's Epistles. Fol. Land. 1659 .

An Exposition onMatthew andthe Hebrews. 8° Land. 1 65 1 .

A briefExplication ofthe first Fifty Psalms . 2 vol. 8° Land.

1 65 3 .

DIC TIO N ARIUM. DictionariumBelgica - Latinum. 8° Lugd .Bat. 1 684.

D ictionnaire , Fran. etLat. 8° Pa r . 1 697 .

Proje t etFragmens C r itiques (l’

un Dictionnaire C ritique. 8°

Rotterd. 1692 .

Dictionnaire Hebra ne par Racines . Par . 1 7 3 2 .

D ictionnaire Etymologique etRaisonné des Racines Latines.8° Par 1 780.

LatIn and Russian D ictionary . 3 vol. 8°Moscow, 1 79

English and Russ ian Dictionary . 8° Land. 1 784 .

An Historical , Genealogical , and Poetical Dictionary . 1 2 °

L and. 1 703 .

DIC TYS C retensis. Dictys C retensis etDares Phrygius de Bello etExcidio Troja , in usum Delph ini . 4° Amstel. 1 702 .

DIERK EN S Exercitia Spiritualia. 8° Gandes . 1 67 1 .

D IEST De Ratione Studii Theologici. 1 2 ° Harders . 1 634.

DIEST De L i te etPace Religiosa Evangelicorum. 8° Duis.

C lis . 1 663 .

DIETERIC US Analysis Evangeliorum. 4° Francaf . 1 656 .

Specimen Antiquitatum Biblicarum. 4°Marp . C att. 1 64 2 .

D13 0 (Lud. de ). Grammatica Linguarum O rientalium. 4° Lugd.

Bat. 1 6 2 8.

Animadversiones in Vetus Testamentum. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 648.

in omnes Epistolas. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 646 .

in Quatuor Evangelia. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 63 1 .

in Acts Apostolorum. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 63 4 .

Apocalypsis S. JOannis. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 2 7 .

DIGBY (George Lard). Letters between the Lord George Digbyand Sir Kenelm Digby concerning Religion. 1 2 ° Land . 1 65 1 .


(Sir Kenelm). O f Bodies , and of Man’

s Son], the Powerof Sympathy, and Vegetation of Plants. 4° Land. 1669.

O f Bod ies, andthe Immortali ty Ofthe Soul . Fol . Pa r . 1644.

O bservations onDr . Browne ’

s ReligioMedici . 1 2 ° Land. 1 644.

Discours touchant la guér ison des Playes par la poudre deSympathie. 1 2 ° Pa


r . 1 658 .

DIGGES (Sir Dudley). C ompleat Ambassador . Fol. Land . 1655.

Unlawfulnesse of Subjects taking up A rms against their Sovereign. 4° Land. 1 647 .

DIGHTON Reasons of a private C hristian against Kneelingatthe Lord’

s Supper . 8° Land. 1 6 1 8.



&Dan. Onthe l2 4th Psalm. 4° Land. 16 1 7 .

orks. 4° Land. 1 685 .

DILIIERUS (Joh. Ecloga Sacra N ovi Testamenti, Syn,Gr. etLat. 1 2 ° Jena , 1 63 8.

Disputationes Academica . 2 vol. 4° N orimb. 1 65 2 .

A trium L ingua Sancta Ebraica , genuinam Lectionem, sex

Horis, ostendens. 8° N arimb. 1659.

DILLINGRAM(Francis). Enchiridion C hr istiana Fide i, ex Patribusdesumptum. 8° Land. 1 6 17 .

A Dissuasive from Popery.DILLON (John Talbot). Travels through Spain. 4° Land. 1 780.

DILUVIIIM. De Universalitate Diluvii. 1 2 ° Genes . 1 66 7 .

DINGLEY (Robert). Deputation of Angels. 1 2 ° Lond. 1 654.

DIN N ERUS Epi theta ad faciliorem stricta O rationis GracaScriptionem, singulari studio collects ctrecognita. 8° Lugd.

Bat. 1658 .

DIN OTnus Adversar ia Historica In C entur ias , Quinquagenarias , Decurias, etAratcrovs digests . 4° Bas. 1 581 .

DIOCESAN C hurches. N O Evidence for Diocesan C hurches, or anyBishops , withoutthe C hoice or C onsent Ofthe People , Inthe Primitive Times. 4° Land. 1 68 1 .

Diocesan C hurches notyetdiscovered inthe Primi tiveTimes.4° Land. 1682 .

DIODATI Salmi di DavidMessi in Rime. 8° Haerl. 1664.

Interpret. des Epistres deS Saints Apostres. 1 2 ° Amst. 1665.Annotations onthe Bible. 4° Land. 1 643 .

4° Land. 1648.

DIODORus Siculus. Diodori Siculi Bibliotheca Historica , sWesselingio. 2 vol. Fol. Amstel. 1 746 .

Bibliotheca Historica, Gra ce. Fol. ApudHenr . SteplI. 1559.Englished by H. C ogan. Fol. Land. 1 653 .

DIOGEN ES Laertina. De Vitis Philosophorum, Gr. etLat., cumnotisvariorum etMeibomii. 4° Amst. 1 69 2 .

cumannotatHenr.Stephani. 8° ApudHenr .Steph. 1570.

Gr. etLat. a C asaubono. 8° 1 6 15 .

cum notisMenagii etaliorum. Fol. Land. 1 664.

Thom .Aldobrandino interprete. FOl.Ram. apud Z anct.1594.

DION C assius. Historia Romans , Gr. etLat. s Leunclavio. Fol.

Hanas . 1 606 .

Translated byMr.Manning. 2 vols. 8° L and. 1-704.

DION YSIU S Areopagita. Opera, Gra ce . 8° Paris. apud More”.

1562 .

DION YSIU S Halicarnasseus. De Thucydidis Historia Judicium. 4°

P%n. 1560.

De C ollocatione Verborum, Gr. etLat. RSim. Bircovio. 4°

Samasc. 1 604.

Responsio ad Pompen Epistolam. 8°Apud C ar . Step /c. 1554.

Geographia, Gr . etLat. a Wells. 8° Oxan. 1 709.

O rbis Descriptio, Gr . etLat., cum annotat. Eustathii etStephani, ab Hill. 8° Land. 1688.


Eth ical , and OfMathematical and Physica Science, by DngsldStewart, Sir JamesMackintosh , John Playfair and Sir John Leslie.4° Land. 183 5 .

DITTON A Discourse ofthe Resurrection of C hrist. 8°

Land. 1 7 14.

Institution Of Fluxions. 8° Land. 1 7 2 6.

DIVE U S Rerum Brabanticarum L ibri xxx. 4° A nte . 16 10.D IVIN ES. AnApology for C ongregationalDiv ines. 1 2 ° L and. 1 608.

DIVIN ITY. The Sum of Divinity,translated by Rob. B atten. 8°

Land . 1548.

The Sacred Doctrine of Divinity gathered outoftheWord of

God . 4° Land. 1 6 1 3 .

DOBELL (Joseph). Remarks on P. Edwards’

s Argumentfor theBaptism, &c. of Infants . 8° Land. 1807 .

DODSON (G. s . ORATORES A ttici.DOCTRIN A. Doctr ina C hr istiana, Arab. etLat. 8° Par . 1 6 3 5 .

A Pattern of C atech istical Doctr ine . 1 2 ° Land. 1 64 1 .

DOD (Johu) A plain and familiar Exposition Ofthe Ten C ommandments, WIth a Me thodicalshort C atechisme, published by JohnDad and RobertC leaver . 4° Land . 1 63 5.

Sermonsto fitMen forthe wor thy rece ivingthe Lord’

s Supper.

8° Land. 1 66 1 .

DODD Reflections on Death . 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 7 2 .

DODDRIDGE (Dr . Philip). The C orrespondence and Diary of Dr.

Philip Doddr idge. 5 vol. 8° Land. 1 82 9.

Family Exposi tor . 6 vol. 4° Land . 1 745 .

C ourse ofLectures onthe pr incipalSubjects in Pneumatology,Eth ics, and Divinity ; wi th additionalReferences by Dr . Andr.

K ippis. 2 vol. 8° L and. 1 7 94 .

Rise and Progress of Religion inthe Soul. 8° Land. 1 749.

Sermons on the Grace of C hr ist, and the Evidences of hisGospel. 8° Land. 1 741 .

Sermons collected . 8° Land. 1 73 6.

Sermons to Young Persons . 8° Land. 1 743 .

Ser ious Address to the Master of a Family on Religion. 8°

Land. 1 750.

Pr inciples ofthe C hristian Religion, in verse. 8° Land. 1 748.

Discourses on Regeneration. 8° 1 745 .

Lectures on Pneumatology, Ethics, and Divinity. 4° Land.

1 766 .

Letters to and from Dr. Doddridge by Stedman. 8° Land.

1 790.

The L ife of Dr. Doddr idge , by Job O rton. 8° Salop , 1766.

DODSLEY Tr ifles. 8° L and. 1 745 .

C ollection of Poems. 6 vols. 8° Land. 1 748—1 758.

C ollection of Fugi tive Pieces . 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 7 1 .

DODSON (James). Mathematical Reposi tory . 8° Land. 1 748.

DODSON (Michael). Translation of Isaiah, wi th LetterstoMr.Evanson and Dr . Sturges . 8° Land. 1 790, 8m.

DODWELL Dissertationes C yprianica . 8° Owen. 1 684.


B onwan . Dissertationes in Irenseum. 8° Or an. 1689.

Pre lectiones C amdenianen. 8° Ozon. 1 692 .

Annales Velleiani, Quintiliani etStatiani. 8° Or an. 1 698.

De Schismate Anglicana . 8° Land. 1 704.

De Jure Laicorum Sacerdotali Dissertatio. 8° Land. 1 73 5.

Replyto Baxter ’

s Separation of C hurches fromEpiscopalGoverament. 8° Land. 1 681 .

Letters ofAdvice aboutHoly O rders and TheologicalStudies,and a Discourse on Sanchoniathon’

s Phoenician History. 8°

L and. 1680.

Lawfulness of InstrumentalMusic in holy Offices. 8° Land.

1 700.

OccasionalC ommunion. 8° Land. 1 705.

C onference be tweenthe Souland Body. 8° Land. 1 705.

C oncerningMarr iages in d ifferent C ommunions, in a SermonatC hester. 8° Land . 1 702 .

Separation of C hurches from EpiscOpalGovernmentprovedschismatical. 4° Land . 1 679.

D onwnm. PracticalD iscourses. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 748.

Dow n O sservationi della LinguaVolgare. 8° Vineg . 1 597 .

Don't(John). The C ivilLaw, translated byWill. Strahan. 2 vol.

Fol. Land . 1 7 2 2 .

Domaxms (Geo . Philosophia N ewtoniana Illustrata. 8°

L and. 1 730.

Don xmcm Facetie, Matti etBarle di diversi Signor i etPersone private . 8° 1 565 .

Don zsmnrBook v. L IBER C ensualis.Domms De RepublicaEcclesiastica. 3 vol. Fol. Land. 1 6 1 7.

Dona -m s Roma vetus ac recens . 4° Ram. 1 648.

C onstantinus Romae L iberator , Poema Heroicum. 8° Ramae,1 640.

Don a'm s De Platonica etAristotelicee Philosophia Dif

ferentia. 8° Par . 1 541 .

Dom . Moral]PhilOSOphie , translated by Sir Roger N or th. 4° Land.DON N E (John). Pseudo-Martyr . 4° Land. 1610.

O f SelfHomicide. 4° Land. 1648.

Devotions. 1 2 ° Land. 1 6 2 4.

Paradoxes, Essays, &c. 1 2 ° Land . 1 65 2 .

Poems. 1 2 ° Land. 1 650.

Sermons. 3 vol. Fol. Land. 1 640.

Letters. 4° Land . 1 65 1 .

Doomr 'ru The RighteousMan

s Hope. 8° Land. 1 693 .

DOOLITTLE The Saint’s C onvoy to Heaven, a FuneralSermon forMr. Benjamin Lindsey. 8° Land. 1 698.

Sermons. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 765 .

Love to C hr ist. 8° Land. 1 692 .

C atechiz ing. 8° Land. 1 700.

Body of Divini ty. Fol. Land. 1 7 2 3 .


s Instructor, and OldMan’

s Remembrancer. 8°

Land . 167 3 .


Doam n a (Thos. Supper ; 2 parts. 1 2 ° Land. 1681.

Doas sn (N eeman C atech ism. 8° Land. 1 7 3 3 .

Doarsna us tanum. 4° Land. 1640.

Donnmoron Vindication ofthe C hristian C hurch intheBaptiz ing of Infants. 8° Land. 1 701 .

DissentingMinistry condemned. 1 2 ° Land. 1 703 .Family Devotions for Sundays. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 708.

Reformed Devotions. 8° Land. 1 704.

Family Instruction. 8° Land. 1 705 .

Down The Doctrine of the Synod of Dort and Aries reducedtothe Practice. 4°

Douons arv (John). MathematicalDigests. 4° Land.


rnw s Analecta Sacra. 8° Land. 1 658

Douatas (Dr . John). C ri terion, or Rules for distinguishing Truefrom FalseMiracles. 8° Land. 1 807 .

DOUGLAS Degenerate Plant. 1 2 ° Land. 1 668.

Dow n . Histoire du DroitC anonique. 1 2 ° Par . 1 685 .

Abrégé de l’Histoire Romaine etGrecque. 8° Par. 1 67 2 .

Donmnus In Philippicamde Pace Demosthenis . 8° Land.

1 6 2 1 .

Dovsa (Janus). AnnalesBatavie etHollandia . 4° Apud Plantin.

1 601 .

Poemata, per Petr . Scriverium. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1609.

Dournm (John). Scheme of Divine Truths. 8° Land. 1 705 .

Dove (John) . Defence of C hurch- Government, and ofthe Signsofthe C rosse in Baptisme . 4° Land. 1 607 .

Dow (Alexander). History ofHindostan . 3 vol. 4° Land. 1 768.

Downau . (James). Vindication againstthe Injustices of his FellowPr isoners . 1 2 ° Land. 1 681 .

Downtu rn C ovenant ofGrace. 4° Dubl. 163 1 .

Defence of the Sermon atthe C onsecration of the Bishop ofBath andWells. 4° Land. 1 6 1 1 .

Lectures onthe 1 5th Psalm. 4° L and. 1 604.

O f Prayer. 4° C amb. 1640.

Two Sermons, one commendingtheMinistry in general; theotherthe O ffice of Bishops. 4° Land. 1 608.

O f Justification. Fol . Land. 163 3 .

Abstract of Duties and Sins. 8° Land. 163 5 .

C ovenant of Grace. 1 2 ° Land. 1 647 .

Downtu rn (John). Guide to Godl iness. Fol. Land. 16 2 9.

C hr istian Warfare. Fol. Land; 163 4.

Treatises against Swear ing, Drunkenness, Whoredom, and

Br ibery . 4° Land. 1 6 1 3 .

Treatise of Anger. 4° Land. 16 18.

Br ief C oncordance. 8° Land. 1640.

Downs (John). A Treatise ofthe N ature of Justifying Faith , andhis Defence ofthe same against Baxter. 4° Olff. 1 63 5 .

Posthumous Treatises 4° 1 63 3 .

Dnacn Voyage fatot autour duMonde. 8° Par. 1641 .Dnaxn (James). Anatomy. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1707.


a Life of the Author by Sir Walter Scott. 1 8 vol. 8° Edinb.

1 82 1 .

Bar nes (John) Miscellany Poems. 4 vol. 8° Land. 169 2 .

AnnusMirabilis. 8° Land. 1 666 , 1 667.

Fables. 8° Land. 1 7 2 1 .

Ducs aar.(Dr .AndrewC oltee). Anglo-Gallic Coins. 4° Land. 1 757.

D UC HALL (James). Arguments forthe Truth of C hristianity . 8°

Land. 1 753 .

Sermons. 2 vol. 1 765.

Ducx De Usu etAuthoritate Juris C ivilis Romanorum.

8° Lugd.Bat. 1 654.

Dunoaon Letterstothe Rev.Mr. Jackson. 8° L and. 1 737.

Dunr'rnws O rationes in C oncilio Trident. hab its . 4°

Of enbach. 16 10.

Durm eus (H EtymologicumTeutonica Lingua , cum auc

tuario Lud. Potteri. 8° Amst. 1588.

Dnoann True N ature ofthe Divine Law. 8° Land. 1687.

Duoann Blind Eye Opened . 1 2 ° Land. 1 64 1 .

DUGABD Gre ca Grammatica . 1 2 ° Land. 1 654.

DUGDALE (Sir The AncientUsage of bearing Arms. 8°

Orf . 1 68 2 .

Dun nsnrr. Synonymes Francois. 8° Par. 1 788.

Duncanus (Marcus). Logica. 8° Sahnur . 1 643 .

Dunn A newDirectory fortheEastIndies. Fol. Lond. 1 804.

Dunra oans Astronomy oftheMoon. 8° C amb. 1 739.Dnnron (John). The L ife and Errors of John Dunton. 2 vol. 8°

Land. 1 81 8.

Damn (Ellies). N ova Bibliotheca Auctorum Ecclesiasticu m .

3 vol. 4° Par . 1 692 .

De Antiqua Ecclesia Disciplina. 4° Par. 1 686.

De partu re (J Metaphrasis L ibr. Psalmorum, Gra ciaVersibuscontexts . 4° C antab. 1 666 .Gnomologia Homeri. 4° C antab. 1 660.

Muse Subsecivw. 8° C antab. 1 6 76 .

Psalmi, Gr . etLat. 8° Land. 1 674.

Dur urs (Bense L’

Apollon, ou l’

O racle de la Poesie ItalienneetEs agnole . 8° Par. 1 644.

Durur (Monsieur). Traittez concernantl’Histoire de France .

Par . 1654.

Duennsns . Voyage des Indes O rientales. 2 4° Brae. 1 69 2 .

Daw ns (J Irenicorum Tractatuum Prodromus. 8° Amst.1 66 2 .

Duna n't Si ofSweetness forweakBelievers. 8° Land. 1 652 .DURAN TE (C astro IlTesoro della Sanita. 8° Venet. 1 6 1 1 .DUBELL (Dr. C r iticalRemarks on Job, Proverbs. 4° Oran.1 77 2 .

DUBELL (John). View ofthe Governmentand Worship of God,intheReformed C hurches beyond Seas . 4° Land. 166 2

Dunasun Ezekiel’s Wheels, or Treatise on Divme Providence. 8° Land. 1 653 .


Dnnn au (James). Of Scandal. 8° Edinb. 1659.Heaven upon Ear th . 8° Edinb. 1 685 .

Law unseal’

d. 8° Edinb. 1 676 .

Exposition oftheTen C ommandments. 4° Land. 1 675 .

Onthe Revelations. Fol. Amst. 1 660.

D an . The Whole Duty ofMan. 8° Land. 1 745 .

Dr on a (Thomas). A N ew GeneralEnglish Dictionary , begun bthe Rev. Thomas Dyche, and finished byWilliam Pardon. 2 voi:8° Land. 1 748.

Dr an The History of the University of C ambr idge. 2 vol.

8°Land. 1 81 4.

The Privileges of the University of C ambr idge. 2 vol. 8°

L and. 1 82 4.

An Inquiry intothe N ature of Subscriptiontothe Thirty- nine

A rticles. 8° Land. 1 79 2 .

The L ife ofRobert Robinson. 8° Land. 1 796 .

Poems. 8° Land. 1801 .

Poems. 2 vol. in 1 . 1 2 ° Land. 1802 .

D 1 3 3 C hrist’s Titles, and Believer’

s Golden C hain. 1 2 °

L and . 1 666 .

C abinet of Jewels. 1 2 ° Land. 1 664.

C hr ist’s Voice to London. 1 2 ° Land. 1666 .


s Assistant. 1 2 ° Land. 1697 .

DYKE O fthe Dece itfulness ofMan’

s Heart. 4° Land.

DYK B Worthy C ommunicant. 8° Edinb. 1 680.

Sermons. 8° L and. 1640.

E. Propugnaculum Pietatis. 8° Land. 1 66 7 .

Reflections on certain Authors that are pretended to disavowthe C hurch ’

s Infallibilitie. 8° Danny, 1 63 5 .

Sa int’s Ebenezer. 8° Land. 1667 .

E. The Reconcileableness of Reason and Religion, wi th a

D iscourse of Boyle onthe Resurrec tion. 8° Land . 1 675 .

Eamrsnrns. Histor ia sui Sacculi , cum notis Seldeni. Fol. Land.

1 6 2 3 .

EARLE (Jabez). SacramentalExercises. 1 2 ° Land 1 707 .

Eu r TheMemoirs of Emma Humphries, Wi th a Series of

L e tters to Young Ladies on the Influence of Religion. 1 2 °

Bath .

Eas '

r nn. The Rule for findingEaster. 8° L and . 1 7 14 .

EAST - IN DIAN S. Agreement of the C ustoms of the East - Indiansand Jews. 8° Land. 1 705 .

EATON (John). The Honeycombe of Free Justification by C hristalone . 4° Land. 1 64 2 .

EATON (Samuel). Vind ication, or further C onfirmation of someother Scriptures, producedto prove the Divinity of Jesus C hrist.8° Land. 1 65 1 .


Enron (Samuel). Mystery ofGod incarnate. 8° Land. 1650.a aansrs Sententia etExempla. 2 vol. in 1 . 8° Lugd.Bat. 155 7 .

Eccrrs LLaN srs Epistola , in quibus diluuntur C alumniaValeriani de lavigny adversus SyriacamLibelli Ruth Editionen.

8° Land. 1 647 .

Eccns sra. Dissertatio de Pace etC oncordia Eccles ia . 8° Elevtherap . 1680.

Eccns sras'r s s. Annotations onthe Book ofEcclesiaste s. 1 2 ° Land.1669.

Ecnaan (Dr . John). Works. 8° Land. 1 705 .

Dialogues against Hobbs. 8° Land. 1 697 .

Borraan (Lawrence) . The History of England from the Time of

Julius C a sar to the C onclusion of the Reign of James II. Fol.

Land. 1 7 2 0.

Gazeteer . 2 vol. 8° Land . 1 7 16 .

Roman Histor 5 vol. 8° Land . 1 699.

His tory ofthe evolution ofEn land in 1688. 8° Lond.l72 5.

Max ims and Reflections from ‘

illotson. 8° Land. 1 7 19.

Ecxnaanus Fasciculus C ontroversarium Theologicarinter Lutheranos etC alvinianos. 8° L ips. 1 681 .

EC LOGE Sacra . 1 2 ° Tubing . 163 3 .

Ens ue s Elementa Juris C ivilis secundum Methodum etSeriem Institutionum Justiniani. 4° Ozan. 1 744.

Ens aus (Georg ). (Economia Bibliorum. Fol. C OLAgr . 1 568.

Enoswoa'm (C . Sneyd). Memoirs of the Abbé Edgeworth. 8°

Land. 1 81 5 .

Encnwon'r n (Maria and Richard Lovell). PracticalEducation. 2

vol. 4° Land. 1 798.

Enonwoa 'm (Richard Lovell). Memoirs ofRichard LovellEdgewor th, begun by Himself and concluded by his DaughterMariaEdgeworth. 2 vol. 8° Land. 18 2 0.

Enter s etDeclarations des Roys Henry IV., Louis XIII . etLouisKl X IV. sur la Pacification des Troubles, etEdictde Nantes. 8°

Par . 1659.

Enmanaen Rev iew. 60 vol. 8° Edinb. 1803 - 3 5 .

GeneralIndextothe Edinburgh Review from 1 802 to 1 812 .8° Edinb. 1 8 1 8.

from 1 81 3 to 1830. 8° Edinb. 1 882 .

Enuonns Observations on C a sar’

s C ommentaries. Fol.Land. 1 604.

Revised and enlarged. Fol. Land. 1 677 .

Enucu o . Of Education, especially of young Gentlemen. 1 2 °

Or an. 1673 .

Enwaan IV. L ife ofKing Edward IV. by Hab ington. Fol. Land.


Enwaan VI. Arguments againstthe Pope’

s Supremacy. 89 Land.1 68 2 .

Enwaans (George ). The PoliticalInterests of GreatBritain. 8°

Land. 1 801 .

1 10 EHI EMMEnrnoanus (Elia ). C anones Apostolorum ctSanctorum C oncilio

rum. 4° Wiueb. 16 14 .

Ercn sTADms C ollegium Anatomicum. 8° Gedan . 1649.

Ecpqvopaxta . 8° Land. 1 67 1 .

ELnonowx Prospect of Pr imi tive C hristianity. 1 2 ° Land.

1 668 .

ELEMENTA LatinaMetrica. 8° Land. 1 788.

ELEUTHERIA or , An Idea ofthe Reformation in England , and His tory of N onconformi ty. 8° Land. 1698.

ELtNGw s Historia Gra ca L ingua . 8° Li 3 . 1 6 9 1 .

ELIOT (D r. John) . N ew England Biographical ictionary.

Boston, N .E . 1 809.

Bu s (J Articulorum 3 9Ecclesia Anglicana Defensio, acceduntArticuli Lambethani. 1 2 ° Amat. 1696 .

ELIZABETHA Succincts Hospitalis S. Elizabetha , extraMurosImperialis Monaster ii S. Maximini O rdinis S. Benedicti propeTreviros Histor ia. 8° 1 786 .

ELLBSBY (James). C aution against IllC ompany. 8° Land. 1 705.

Exam (C lement). C hristiani ty in Short. 1 2 ° Land. 1 698 .

Three D iscourses : I . O nthe Parable ofD ives and L azarus ;I I. O n that ofthe Unjust Steward ; 111. Onthat ofthe Ten Virgins. 8° Lond. 1 704.

ELLrs O riginalLetters illustrative of English History.3 vol. 8° L and. 18 2 4 .

Second Ser ies. 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 82 7 .

ELLIOT D ivine Revelation the only Testof sound Doctrine.8° Land. 1 7 73 .

ELOQU EN CE. Réfiexions sur l’

U sage de l’

Eloquence de cc Temps.1 2 ° Par . 1 67 1 .

1 2 ° Par . 1 67 2 .

Bu reau (J O bservationes sacra in N ov i Fa deris L ibros . 2 vol.

8° Truj. udRhen. 1 7 2 0.

ELSTOB Rudiments of English- Saxon Grammar. 4° Land.

1 7 1 5 .

ELSYNGE Manner of holding Parliaments inEngland, withthe ir Pr ivileges. 8° Land. 1 663 .

ELTON Exposi tion ofthe Epistle tothe C oloss ians. Fol.

L and. 1 6 3 7 .

ELWA LL Tracts . 8° Land. 1 73 6 .

EmaN U s L (R. Scholia in Quatuor Evangelia. 4° A ntn. 1596.

EMBLEMATA anniversariaAcademia N oribergensis. 4°N uremb.1 6 17.

Selectiora, elegantissimis typis expressa, necnon Sententiis,C arminibus, &c. illustrata. 4° Amat. 1 7 1 4.

EMERSON Doctr ine of Flux ions. 8° Land. 1 743 .

Earns A the ist turn’

d Deist, and Deistturu’

d C hristin .

8° and. 1 698.

EMLYN Works. 3 vol. 8° Land. 1 746 .

Eun us Gulielmus Lodov . C omes Nassovius , i . e . Fu

nebris O ratio prolixa, integram ejusdem C omitiaV itam etResgestas exponens. 4° Groning . 1 6 2 1 .


Eu rxas na (C onstant. De Oppyck Talmudis Babylonici C odex Middoth . 4° Lugd.Bat. 16 30.

De Legibus Heb ra orum. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1 63 7 .C lavis Talmudica. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1634.

Burmas. Présages de la Decadence des Empires. 1 2 ° Mekel.

1 688.

EN CYC LOPE DIE. Encyclopedic, ou D ictionnaire Raisonnée des Sciences, des Arts , etdesMétiers. 2 8 vol. Fol. Par . 1 75 1—6 2 .

Enr ans devenues c élébres p'

ar leur Etudes, on par leur Ecrits. 8°

Par . 1 688.

EN r rs LD (Dr. William). History of Philosophy. 2 vol. 4° Land.

1 7 91 .

EN GELBRBTH (W. F.) L ibrum, Sapientia Salomonis vulgo inscriptum interpretandi Specimina Primum etSecundum C apita quinquepriora complectentia. 8° Hajnice , 18 16 .

EN GLAN D Enquiry into the Morals of the Ancients. 4°

Land. 1 7 3 5 .

Brenn an (Rea. Thomas). Memoirs ofthe Rev. Thos. English , byJohn Gr iffin. 8° Portsmouth, 1 8 1 2 .

Barn e s . Ennn Fragmenta, ab Hieron. C olumns . 4° N eap .

1 5 90.

ab PauloMerula. 4° Lu d.Bat. 1 595 .

EN N onms (Magnus Felix), Episcapus icincnsis. Opera,aSirmondo .

1 2 ° Par . I6 1 I

8° Tarnac. 1 6 1 1 .

Enson The Independent Man. 2 vol. 1806 .

EN THU SIASM ofMethodists and Papists compared . 2 vol. 8° Land.

1 749.


Ariste etd’Eugéne. 8° Par . 1 673 .

EPICTETU S. Epicteti Ench irid ion etC ebetis Tabula, cumSimplicnetArriani commentariis. 1 2 ° Land. 1 670.

cum notis variorum ex recens. Berkeln. 8° Lugd.Bat.1 6 70.

Gr. etLat. 1 2 ° Glas. 1 744.

Gr . etLat. cum Simplicii scholns, etArriani comment.aWolfio. 8° C olon. 1 596 .

Gr . etLat., cum commentArriani ; etPorphyrius deAbstinentia etde Vita Pythagora , a Luca Holstenio. 8° C an

tab. 1 655 .

Ench iridion Latinis Versibus adumbratnm per Edv. Ivie . 8°

Ozon. 1 7 2 3 .

8° Oman. 1 7 1 5 .

Enchir idion, C ebes etTheophrastus , Gr . etLat. 8° Or an.

1 6 70.

Epictetus ,Englished in a PoeticalParaphrase, byEllisWalker .8° Land. 1 764.

Morals. 4° Land. 1056 .

translated by J . Davies. 8° Land. 1 670.

with Simplicius’

s C ommentary, by Stanhope. 8° Land.

1 12 EPI ERA

Erronau ar a, etPoematia Vetera. 1 2 ° Par. 1580.

ErroaauuATA Gra ca, cum annotat. Broda i, O baopa i, 8m. Fol.Francof . 1600.

Erraaann arun Delectus . 8° Land. 1 7 15.

Er rrnanrus Opera, Gr. etLat., cum notis Pats y n. 2 vol.

Fol. Par . 16 2 2 .

Er as (John) : a. Wan na .

EPISCOPACY. A Discourse onthe N ature ofthatEpiscopacy whichis exercised in England. 8° Land. 166 1 .

Er racorw s OperaTheologica. 2 vol. Fol. Amst. 1 650.EPISTOLA. Epistola C r i tica ad H. B. S. E. 1 . 4° Land . 1 7 2 6 .

Epistola IllustriumVirorum, cum F. Sylvn C ommentariis etJoan. Badi i Explanations . 4° Land. 152 0.

Epistola C larorumVirorum, edid . AbbasGabema. 1 2 ° Hart.Fris. 1664.

Epistola C larorumVirorum, ad indicandam nostrorum Temporum Eloquentiam 8° Venet. 1 568 .

Epistola Selectiores IllustriumVirorum, superiore Sa culo

scripta velaBelgis velad Belgas. 8° Lu d.Bat. 1 6 1 7 .Epistola Principum etIllustrium Firorum. 1 2 ° Anal.

1 644.

Epistola Apoll. Tyana i, Anacharsidis, Euripidis , 8te. Gr. etLat. per Lubinum. 8° Er qflicina C ommelin. 1601 .

Epistola Hippocratis, Democriti, 8zc. per Lubinum. 8° E:

aficina C ommelin.

Epistola C onsolatoria Begum, Principum, 8zc. ad Ranzovium,

aFrobenio collecta . 8° Francof . 1598.

Epistola , Dialogi, O ratiuncula , Poematia, ex variis utr iusqueL ingua Scriptoribus. 8° Apud Henr.Steph.

Epistola Ecclesias tica Pra stantium ac EruditorumVirorum.

Fol. Amst. 1684.

Philologicarum Epistolarum C enturia una, ed ita perMelch.

Goldastum. 8° Francqf. 1 6 10.

EmsTa Francoises desPersonnages illustres etdoctes, aMons . Jas.Juste de la Scala. 8° Hardera. 1 6 2 4.

Para hrase sur les Epistres de l’Apostre S. Paulaux C olossiens ethessaloniciens I . etII. 8° Saumur , 1 645 .

EQU IC OLA (Mario). Dell’ Istoria diMantova, L ibr i c inque ; Scritta

in C ommentari daMar ia Equicola d’Alveto. 4° Mant. 1 6 1 0.

Enasuns (Desiderius). Annotat. in N ovum Testamen tum. Fol.Bas. 1 541

Erasmi etaliaram Adagia. Fol. ApudWaakei. 1 648.

Erasmi etMelancthonis quibus adjiciuntur Th.Mor i etLud.V ivis Epistola . 2 vol. Fol. Land. 1 64 2 .

Erasmi C iceronianus. 4°

Annotationes in N ovum Testamentum. Bas. 1 53 5 .

Apophthegmata . 8° Hag . C am. 1641 .

C olloquia. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 686 .

1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 643 .

cum notis variorum. 8° Land. 1 664.


Enrnnrus O rationes dc L inguarum Ebra a etArab icaD ignitate . 1 2 ° Leide, 1 6 2 1 .

Rudiments Lingua Arabica . 8° ApudE12 . 1 6 2 8 .

Prove rbia A rabica. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 2 3 .

De Peregr inations Gallica utiliter instituenda Tractatus. 1 2 °

Lugd.Bat. 1 63 1 .

Ensxms (Ralph) . GospelSonne ts. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 3 4.

A C ollec tion of Se rmons by Ebenezer Erskine and RalphErskine . 8° L and. 1 788 .

Enr nacnus Sanctorum Patrum de Gratis C hr isti, etL iberoA rbi trio dimicsntium, Trias. 4° Land. 1648.

Esopo. Vita di Esopo Frigio. 1 2 ° Venet. 1 6 15 .

Esr a aza C ursus Theologicus. 2 vol. Fol. Lugd.Bat.1 666 .

Espa La Fausseté des Vertus Humaines. 8° Par.

1 6 7 7 .

Essay . An Essay on the Happiness and Advantages of a wellordered Family. 8° Land. 1 795 .

Essays onthe L ives ofGamma, N ewton, andHebe r. 8° Land.1 880.

Esss s Systems Theologia . 2 vol. 4° Amst. 1 659.

Triumphus C rucis , sive de Satisfactions C hristi. 4° Amst.1 649 .

ESTAN G (Sieur de De la Traduction, ou les Regles pour apprendre a traduire la Langue Latine. 8° Par. 1 660.

ESTAT. Le C onseiller de l’Estat. 1 2 ° Par . 1645.

ESTIEN N E Gallica Grammatica. 8° Par 1 569.

Trai té de la C onformité du Langage Francors avec le Grec.

8° Par . 1 569.

Introduction nu Traité de la C onformité des Merveilles anciennes avec les modernes, ou Traité pré tatif aPA l


e atHérodote , sur les Hasles. 8° 1 607 .

pa po ogtpo

Traicté de la Grammaire Francoise . 8° Par 156 9.

EsTws C ommentaria in omnes Bes ti Paultetseptem C atholicas Apostolaram Epistolas . Fol. C ak d gr . 163 1 .

C ommentarium in L ibros Sententiarum. 2 vol. Fol. Budai,1 61 5 .

O rationes Theologica . 8° Duaci, 16 14.

EsTL rN (Dr . John Pr ior). The GeneralPrayer Book. 1 2 ° Bristol,1 814.


O rigine des Estrenes. 1 2 ° 1 674.

Em s aron (Sir Works. 8° Land. 1 704.

ETrno (Partenio). DellaHumanita delFigliuolo di Dio. 1 2 ° Venet.163 8.

V ita di S. C ater ina Vergine . 1 2 ° Venet. 1 630.

Parafrasi sapra vrr. Psalmi della Penitenza di Dav id . 1 2 ’

Venet1 6 2 9.

V i ta diMariaVergine . Venet. 1 63 3 .

Specchio delle Opere di Dio, nello Stato di Natura. 1 2 ° Venet.1 6 2 9.

ETI EVE 1 15

ETIRO (Partenio). Vi ta de S.Thom. d’

Aquino . 1 2 ° Venet. 1630.

Ethiopic Psalms. 8°

ETON (W. Survey ofthe Turkish Empire . 8° Land. 1 799 .

ETYHOLOGIC UMTeutonica L ingua . 4° Truj.Bat. 1 7 7 7Evauonnmu . Evangelia Quatuor, Gothicé etAnglo - Saxonicé . 4°

Dordrechti, 1 665 .

Sacrorum Evangeliorum Versio Gothics , ex C odice A rgenteo,cum interpre t. Benzelii, a Lye . 4° Ozon. 1 750.

Evans (Rev. C aleb). Sermons. 1 2 ° C hiannck, 18 2 2 .

Evans (Dr . John). Discourses onthe C hr istian Temper . 2 vol. 8°

Land. 1 7 2 9.

C atalogue of the L ibrary of the Rev. Dr. John Evans . 8°

L and. 1 730.

Two LetterstoMr . C umming on Scripture C onsequences . 8°

Land. 1 7 19.

Evans (John). Sketch ofthe Denominations ofthe C hristianWorld,and Sequel. 1 2 ° Land. 1 800.

EVAN S Engl ish and Welsh Vocabulary. 1 2 ° Merthyr .Encnanlsr . The History of the Eucharist, translated from theFrench by J . W. 4° Land . 1684 .

Histo ire de l’Euchariste . 4° Amst. 1 669 .

Reponse aux deux Traitéz intituléz La Perpé tuité de laFoy de l

Eglise C atholique touchant l’

Euchariste. 8° C harant.1 660.

Eucmns s. Elementorum sex L ibri priores dcmonstrati, ab Henr.

C oetsio . so Lugd.Bat. 16 92 .

Elementorum L ibri xv. Gr. etLat. 8° Par . 1 5 73 .

Elements , a Barrow. 8° Lond. 1 678.

L ibri priores Sex, 3 Fred . C ommandino. 8° Oxan. 1 7 2 3 .

The Elements of Geometry, with annotations by Billingsley.

Fol. Land.

by Stone. 8° Land. 17 2 8.

EUDE MON (Johannes). Adversus Rob. Abbatum. 4° Ingoldstad .


Epistola ad Amicum Gallum, super Dissertatione politicsLeidhresseri. 8° C ol.Agr . 1 6 13 .

Responsio ad Epis t. C asauboni. 8° C ol.Agr . 1 61 2 .

C astigatio Apocalypsis Apocalypse“ . 8° C ol.Agr . 1 6 1 3 .

Parallelus Torti etTortoris ejus L . C icestrensis, seu Resp. ad

Torturam Torti, pro R.Bellarmino . 8° C al.Agr. 16 1 1 .

Eva n s (John). Memoirs and C orrespondence of John Evelyn.

2 vol. 4° Land. 1819.

Sylva or, A Discourse of Forest- Trees. Fol. Land. 1 6 70.

Discourse ofMedals. Fol. Land. 1697 .

A rtof C halcography. 8° Land. 166 2 .


s Almanack. 8° Lond. 1660.

O riginalof N avigation and C ommerce. 8° Land . 1 6 74.

Employment prefer’

dto Solitude. 8° Lond. 166 7 .

History of three famous Impostors. 8° Lond. 1669.

Private Letterto a Fr iend. 8° Land. 1607 .

1 2


Es r s (John). Interest of England. 8° Land. 166 2 .

Discourse of Sumptuary Laws. 8° Land.

Evssoun de C our. 2 vol. 8° C ologn, 1675 .

Eve r-ma . The L ife of Prince Eugene of Savoy. 8° Land. 1 702 .

Euousmus De Perenni Philosophia. Fol. Lugd . apud

Gryph. 1 540.

Euous rnns (P. Benius). De Efi caci Dei Auxilio, etL ibero Arbitrio. 4° Pata '

o. 1 603 .

Refutatio Exercitationum Isaaci C asauboni. 4° C ol.Agr.

1 6 1 7 .

Ens u re s Sardianus. De Vitis Philosophorum etSaphistarum, Gr.etLat. aJunio. 8° Anta. apud Plant. 1 568.

Eur noauro Lusinur. Euphormionis Lusinini Satyricon. 8° Arab.

1 606 .

Evnanom The A rguments ofMona. Herard for the Dukeand Duchess ofMazar ine. 8° Land. 1699.

Works. 3 vol. 8° Land. 1 700.

(Euvres meslées. 8° Pa r. 1 689.

An Answer to the Ten C ounter Demands propounded by T . Drakes. 8° Land. 1 6 19.

EummDr-zs. Trsga dia , cum Latina versione C snteri, etcum scholiis

doct. Virorum. 2 vol. 4° Apud Paul.Stephan . 1602 .

Medea etPha nissa , Gr. etLat., cum scholiis Gra cia sWilh.P iers . 8° C antab. 1 703 .

Pha nissa , Gr . etLat. aGrotio. 8° Par . 1 630.

Ennormns Monarchia Solipsorum. 1 2 ° L and.

Euxop a. The State of Europe from 1 698 to 1 7 1 1 . 8 vol. 4°


The GeneralHistory of Europe contained in the monthlyMercuries from 1688 to 1 7 1 3 . 6 vol. 4° Land.

Histoire Abrégée de l’

Europe . 5 vol. 1 2 ° Leide, 1 686.

Euss nrus Pamphilus, Episc. C a sar iensis. Historia Ecclesiastica,Gr. etLat. aValesio. Fol. Par . 1 659.

Pra paratio atDemonstratio Evangelica, Gr. etLat. 2 vol.

Fol. Par . 1 6 2 8.

Evangelica Pra parationis Lib . xv. Fol. Lutet. 1 544.

Historia Ecclesiastica . Fol. Par. apudRob. Steph. 1 544.

Gr . etLat. ; item de Vita Imp. C onstantini Libri m ;

quibus subjicitur O ratio C onstantini ad Sanaroa etPanegyricusEusebii : aGul. Reading. 3 vol. Fol. C antab. 1 7 2 0.

ex versione Rufini, cumRufini ipsius Hist. Ecclesiastica.Fol. Hunt. 1479.

Thesaurus Temporum, Gr. cum notis etcastigat. Jo. Scaligeri.2 vol. Fol Amst. 1 658.

Euseb11, Polychronii, Pselli, in C an ticum C anticorum Expositiones, Gr. 5 Joan.Meursio. 4° Lugd.Bat. 161 7 .

Opuscula, aJae. Sirmondo. 8° Pa r . 1 643 .

C hronicon. 2 vol. Venet. 1 818.

Histoire de I’Eglise, traduite par C ousin. 6 vol. 1 2 ° Par.

1 686 .

1 18 FAB FAI

Faas a (Jo. Plagiariorum etPseudonyrnorum C enturia, secessitExercitatio de Lexicis Gra cia. 4° L i

es. 1 689 .

Fannn Opuscula ; cum ejusdem Fabri its per Fr. Balbum.

4° Par . 1 6 14.

Fu s s Dodecamenon, sive de Dei nomine , atque attr ibutis,L iber singularis. 8° Lu

gtd. Bat. 1 59 2 .

Agonisticon, sive de e A thletics , Ludisque Veterum Gym

n icia, Musicis , atque C ircensibus Spicilegiorum Trac tatus , tribus l ibris comprehensi. Opus tessellatum. 4° Lugd. Bat.1 695 .

Semestrium L ibri tres. 4° Genes . 1 660.

Fu s s (Pet. Pharmacopoea C hymics . 8° Tolos . 1 6 2 8 .

Fan s Adversus Atheos Disputationes. 4° Van. 1 6 2 7 .

Fan s Epistola . 4° Salmur . 1 6 74.

FABRBTTUS De C olumns Trnjani Syntagma. Fol. Rain.

1 683 “

Fans rcrus C hemnicenais . Summa Evangeliorum Dominicalium. 8° A rgent. 1 602 .

Fas nrcw s Opera C hirurgica. 8° Franco]: 1 6 2 0.

Fannrcw s (Jo. Albertus). Bibliotheca Latina. 8° Land . 1 703 .

Bibliotheca Latina. 2 vol. 4° Venet. 1 7 2 8.

Bibl iotheca Gra ca 14 vol. 4° Hamb. 1 7 10.

Bibliotheca Eccles1astica. Fol. Hamb. 1 7 1 8.

DelectusArgumentorumetSyllabus Scriptorum qui VeritatemReligionis C hristiana adversus Atheos, Deistas , &c. asseruerunt.4° Hamb. 1 7 2 5 .

Bibliotheca LatinaMedia atInfima Etatis, cum SupplementoC hr istian i Schoettgenii. 3 vol. 4° Patas . 1 754.

Fas nrcms (Jo. De Limitibus Obsequii erga Homines. 4°


Fanarcms Poemata. 1 2 ° Amat. 1 63 8.

Fas nr'rms C onciones sacra Festivitatibus annuis habita .

4° Berna , 1 656 .

Fas xorns (C an ). Replicatio adversus C laudu Salmssn Refutationem. In qua mutuam alienationem esse ostenditur . 4° Par.

1 647 .

De V ita etHonestate C lericorum. 4° Par . 1 65 1 .

Disquisitiones dua : prior , De Justo Partu ; alters , De Nu

mero Puerperii. 4° Par . 1 65 1 .

Facw s Bartholoma i Facu etJov. Pantani Rerum suo

Tempore gestarum L ibr i xvr. 8° Bas. 1566 .

Faa ns C entum Fabula ex antiquis auctoribus delecta .

8° Land. 167 2 .


s Legacy. 1 2 ° Land. 1 663 .

FAIRFAX Godfrey of Bulloigne : or the Recovery of Je

rusalem. 8° Land. 1 687 .

FAIRFAX (Thomas Lord). ShortMemorials of. 8° Land. 1 699.

Farm . Enquir

i' intothe true N ature of Fai th, by Philalethes C es

triensis. 8° and. 1 746 .

Formular ies of Faith putforth by author ity dur ing theReign ofHenry VIII. 8° Oxf. 1 8 2 5 .


FAITH. The SeveralWays of Resolv ing Faith . 8° Yarlr, 1 679.

Evidences of the Faith of God’

s Elect: written in chalk onblack pap er . 3 vol. Fol.

FAL C ON Enw s Inscr iptiones Athletica . 4° Ram. 1 688.

FALDO (John). Quakerism no C hristian ity. 8° Land . 1673 .

FALKLAN D (Lard) . A Discourse on Infallibility, the Answer -to i t,and His Lordship

s Reply. 4° Land. 1 65 1 .

FALKN ER Treatises concerning Reproaching and C ensure.

4° Land. 1 63 4 .

C hr istian Loyalty. 8° Land. 1679.

Vindication of the L i turgy of the C hurch of England . 8°

Land . 1 683 .

FALLE An Account of Jersey. 8° Land . 1694.

Fan s . Love of Fame the UniversalPassion . 8° Land . 1 7 3 0.

FAMILY Instructor , by a C lergyman of London. 1 2 ° Land. 1 755 .

FAN SHAW (Sir A Translation of Pastor Fido, and otherPoems. 4° Land. 1 647 .

FA ItEL La Vie de Guillaume Farel. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 691 .FARET (Sieur). L

’Honneste Homme . 1 2 ° Par . 1 658 .

Gall. etHispan. 8° Par . 1 660.

The HonestMan or, the Artto Please in C ourt. 1 2 ° Land.

1 63 2 .

FARIA Y Sousa (Manuel de). The History ofthe C onquestof Indiabythe Portuguse , wr itten in Spanish byManuel de Far ia y Sousa,translated into English by C aptain John Stevens. 3 vol. 8° Land.

1 695.

Fasn an (Hugh). Memoirs ofthe L ife andWri tings ofHugh Farmer ,byMichaelDodson. 8° Land. 1 804.

Dissertation onMiracles. 1 2 ° Land. 1804.

Enquiry on C hr ist’s Temptation. 8° Land.

Essay on the Demoniacs ofthe N ew Testament. 1 2 ° Land.

1805 .

FAaN Aams Index Rhetoricus . 1 2 ° Land. 1 646 .

Epigrammata , Gr. etLat. 8° Land . 1 650.

FARRIN DON XXX Sermons . Fol. Land. 1647 .

FARRIN GTON The Two Great Duties of C hristianity ex

plained. 1 2 ° Land. 1 608 .

FAnnIN OTON (R ). Twenty Sermons. 8° Land. 1 741 .

FAU CHET (C laude). Antiquités etHistoiresGauloises etFrancoises.

4° Genes . 1 6 1 1 .

Fancnaun Traité de la C éne du Seigneur. Fol. Genes .

1 6 3 5.

PrIeres etMeditations C hrestiennes. 1 2 ° C harant. 1 66 2 .

Sermons sur d ivers Textes. 2 vol. 8° Genes . 1660.

Sermons sur C hap. 1 . de St. Paul aux Thessalonians. 8°

Genes . 1 666 .

Sermons sur les onze premiers C hapi tres des Actes . 4 vol.

8° Genév. 1 663 .

Pavonrs. Histoire des plus illustres Favor is ancrens etmodernes,recuei llie parMons. P . D . P. 1 2 ° Leide , 1 660.

12 0 FAW FEN

FAwcs '


r (Joseph) . Sermons delivered atthe Sunday Evening Lecture atthe Old Jewry . 2 vol. 8° Land. 1801 .

FAws L (John) . The Principles of Sound Policy . 8° Wigan.

1 785 .

FEARN (John). An Essay onthe Philosophy of Faith and the Economy ofRevelation. 8° Land. 1 81 5 .

A Manualofthe Phys iology oftheMind, comprehendingthefirst Principles of PhysicalTheology. 8° Land. 182 0.

First L ines ofthe HumanMind. 8° Land. 1 82 0.

Anti - Tooke ; or an Analysis ofthe Principles and Structureof Language , exemplified inthe English Tongue. 2 vol. 8° Land.1 8 2 4.

A Rationale ofthe Laws of C erebralVision. 8° Land

Fs Ar Lr (Dr.Daniel) . Pedum Pastorale , etMethodus C oncionandi.1 2 ° Ultraj. 1 657 .

Featla i Hahty ‘

yen atn . 1 2 ° Land. 1660.

Ancilla Pietatis. 8° Land . 1 6 75.

C lavis Mystics ; or , A Key to d ivers difi cultTexts. Fol.Land. 1 63 6 .

Grand Sacr ilege ofthe C hurch of Rome in taking awaytheC up fromthe Lai ty atthe Lord’

s Table . 4° Land. 16 3 0.

The Di pers dipped . 4° Land. 1 647.

FEATLY (John). The Fountain of Tears. 1 2 ° Land. 1688.

Fans “ (N ic. le). C hymistry. 4° Land. 1 670.

FBLIC IAN US C omment. in Acts Apostolorum etin Epist.Jacobi , Johannis, etJude . 1 2 ° Van. apud Z iletti, 1 556 .

Fu n O ctavius, cum notis Variorum etOuzeli. 4° Lugd.

Bat. 165 2 .

His Vindication of C hristianity, by PaulLorrain. 8° Land.

1 695 .

FELL (Bishop) A Specimen ofthe severalSorts of Letter giventothe Universi ty . 8° Oxf. 1 706 .

FBLLEC CHIA Viaggio della Regina di Bohemia deMadrid.4° N apol. 1 630.

FEN EL ON’ Maximes de Saints . 1 2 ° Amsi . 1 698.

Instruction Pastorale. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 698.

Réponse al’Evéque deMeaux . 1 2 ° Brass. 1699.

Reflections upon L earning. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 18.

The Existence and Wisdom ofGod . 8° Land. 17 18 .

Onthe Love ofGod . 8° Land. 1 7 15 .

D ialogues on Eloquence . 8° Land. 1 7 2 2 .

Tales and Fables, by Bellamy . 8° Land. 1 7 2 9.

L ife of Archbishop Fene lon. 1 2 ° Land . 1 7 2 0.

FEN ESTELLA DeMagistratibus Sacerdotiisque Romanorum.

2 4° Par. 1 646 .

Farm (John). O riginal Letters during the Reign of Henry VIEdw. IV., and Rich. III. 2 vol. 4° Land.

Fanns aus Sacra Theologia. 8° Amst. 1682 .

q was Works. Fol. Land. 1 658.

C hrist’s Alarm to drowsy Saints. 4° Land. 1650.

1 2 2 FER FIR

FEaus In Ecclesiasten. 8° Mogu l. 1556 .

Sermones in Jobum. 8° C OL /lgr . 1 574.

In EvangeliumMatthe i. 8° Ram. 1 577 .

In Johannem. 8° Ram. 15 7 7 .

a s Descr iption de la Féte donnée par la Ville de Paris 5 l'


caslon duMaringe de Monseigneur le Dauphin avec la PrincesseMar ie - Josephe de Saxe, le 1 3 Fevrier 1747 . Fol.

FEUGUEaEws Thesaurus Prophetiam etApostolice Scriptursz. Fol. Land . 1574.

FEvnE (Jacques le). Recue il detoutcc qui s’

est faitpour etcontreles Protestans en France , 850. 4° Par . 1686.

FEvaE (Mans. le). Les Poetes Grecs. 1 2 ° Saumur , 1 6 64 .

Mar iage de Belfegor. 1 2 ° 1 664.

La Vie d’

Aristippe . 1 2 ° Par . 1668.

FEYN EUS Medicina Prac tica. 4° Lugd. 1650.

FIAT Lox. Animadvers ions on Fiat Lux. 1 2 ° 0s 1 66 2 .

e N o (Marsil io). Sopra l’

Amore , overo C onv ito d i Platone . 8°

Fiorenz . 1 544 .

FIDES . Harmonia C onfessionum Fide i. 4° Genes . 1 5 8 1 .

FIDGE . The C itizen ’

s Sacred Entertainment. 8° Land. 1 666.

FIELD O fthe C hurch. 4° Land. 1606 .

Fol. Oxf . 1685 .

FIELDING (J ). A Ser ies of Le tters addressed to the C hurch and

C ongregation assembling atthe GreatMeeting, C oggeshall. 8°

C oggeshall.

FIELL STROM Grammatica Lapponica. 8° Helm. 1 7 3 8.

De Viribus Imaginationis. 8° Lu d.Bat. 1685.

De Statuis Romanorum. 8° flalm. 1 656.

FIGU IER. Les Feuilles de Figu ier . 1 2 ° Hays , 1 687 .

FILESAC US Selectorum L ibr i Tres. 2 vol. 4° Par . 1 62 1 8:

1 688.

FILMER (Sir Rober t). The Freeholder’

s Grand Inquest, 8m. 8°

Land. 1684.

PINE U S . De universale Quadrante . 4° Par . 1 550.

De Sinubus. 4° Par . 1 550.

C anones Astronomici. 4° Par . 1 553 .

De duodecim C ocl i Domiciliis. 4° Par . 1 553 .

c u (Sir Henry) . A Discourse on Law. 8° Land . 166 1 .

c n (J Travels inthe United States of America and C anada.

8° Land. 1 83 3 .

c n On Sir Henry Vane’

s Re tiredMan’

s Med itations.1 2 ° Land. 1 656 .

FIORELLI Detti , e Fatti memorabili delSenato e PartritiiVeneti . 4° Venet. 167 2 .

Fraw N (Giles). A Plea for the C hildren of Believ ing Parents. 8°

Land. 1 683 .

D iscourse of Schism. 8° Land. 1 658.

Real C hr istian . 4° Land. 1 6 70.

FIBMIN (T The L ife of Thomas Firmin. 8° Land. 1698.

Tracts relating tothe Poor . 4° Land. 1 787

FIS FLE 1 2 3

FISHER (James). Wise Virgin ; or, N arration ofthe Hand of God

onMrs . Hatfield. 1 2 ° Land. 1 65 3 .

FISHER Love - Token forMourners. 1 2 ° Land. 1 655 .

F ITZGERALD (Lard Edward). The L ife and Death ofLord EdwardFi tzgerald, by Thos.Moore . 2 vol. 8° Land. 183 1 .

F ITZGERALD Poems . 8° Oxf . 1 78 1 .

FITZ HERRERT A Treatise on Religion and Policy . 4°

L and. 1 65 2 .


r us Oxon . Acad . Descriptio. 8° Ram. 1 602 .

De Antiquitate C atholicaaReligionis in Anglia, etVita C ard.

A lani . 8° Ram. 1608.

FL Acms (Mathias). C lav is Scripture , pars prima. Fol. Bas . 1 56 7.

FLAcoun'r (Sieur de) . Histoire de la Grande Isle deMadagascar .

4° Pa r . 1658.

FL A 'I'MAN Poems and Songs. 8° Land. 1 674.

FL AVEL Tractatus de Demonstratione Methodicus etPolemicus . 8° Owen. 1 65 1 .

FL AvEL (John). Reply to C ary’

s Solemn C all. 1 2 ° Land. 1 690.

Works. 2 vol. Fol . Land. 1 7 1 6 .

FLAVIGN Y (Valerian de). Epistolae. 8° Land. 1 646 .

FLECHERE (John Wm. de la ). A Por trai t of St. Paul, translatedby Joshua Gilpin . 1 2 ° Land. 1 806 .

FLEcm ER (M. Esprit), Eveque de N ismes. Histoire de Theodosele Grand . 4° Par . 1 679.

O raisons funébres . 8° Par . 1680

Les O raisons funébres de la Reine de France . 8° Haye,1 684.

Histoire du C ard . Ximenes. 2 vol. 8° Amsi . 1 693 .

FL EC K N OE Enigmatical C haracters . 1 2 ° Land. 1 669.


rwoon (William), Bishap af'

Ely. An Essay onMiracles. 8°

Land. 1 701 .

Sermons on Relative Duties. 8° Land. 1 705 .

The L ife and Miracles of St. Wenefrede , toge ther with herL i tanies. 8° Land . 1 7 1 3 .

Method of Devotion. 8° Land. 17 2 4 .

Works. Fol . Land. 1 7 3 7 .

FLEMIN J (Dr . C aleb). V. Vol. II .Root of Protestant Errors examined . 4° Land. 1 7 67 .

FLEMIN G (Giles). Royal Progeny Delineated . 8° Land. 1 660.

FLEMIN G O nthe Assistance to a C hristian Faith. 8° Land.

1 6 9 2 .

C onfirming Work of Religion. 8° Land. 1 6 93 .

FLEM IN G The Fulfill ing ofthe Scripture . 8° Land. 1 681 .

On Earthquakes . 8° L and. 1 693 .

D iscourses . 8° Land. 1 701 .

Blessedness of those that die inthe Lord , a Discourse ontheDeath of K . William the Third. 8° L and. 1 702 .

A Discourse concerning C hrist. 3 vol. 8° Land. 1 705 .

FLEsuER L aws of Honour ; or , Suppression of Duels inFrance. 8° Land. 1 685 .

12 4 FLE FON


FLETCHER The Wayto Blessedness. 4° Land. 1 682 .

Purple Island, and other Poems. 4° C amb. 1 63 8 .


s Testament. 8° Land. 1 670.

FLEURIA U (Pare). EstatdesMissions de Gréce. 1 2 ° Par . 1 695.


A bbé C laude). Traité du C hoix etde la Méthode desEtudes. 1 2 ° Par . 1 686 .

Les Devoirs desMaitres etdes Domestiques. 1 2 ° Par . 1688.

An HistoricalAccount of theManners and Behaviour oftheC hristians inthe severalAges ofthe C hurch . 8° Land. 1 698

Histoire Ecclésiastique , en 84 vol. avec la C ontinuanonen 2 vol. 8° Par . 1 7 2 2 - 1 7 7 1 .

Table générale desMatiéres contenues dans les xxv volumesdc I

Histoire Ecclésiastique de M. Fleury etdu P . Fabre. 4

vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1 774.

FLa ns (Q. In Aristophanis Irenam C ommentaria. 8°

Lutet. apudMorel. 1 589.


rw s Wigarnensis. C hronicon ex C hronicis, ab InitioMundiusque ad 1 1 18 deductum. Fol . Franc. 1 601 .

FLORILEGIUM Epigrammatum vet. Graecorum, cum notis Henr. Stephan i. 4° Apud Hen. Steph. 1566 .

FLORU S (Lucius). Lucius Florus . 1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 3 8.

cum comment . Salmasii, recensuitBlanckardus. 8'

Lugd. Bat. 1 648.

cum notis var. etGraevn . 8° Amat. 1692 .

in usum Delphini. 8° Land. 1 692 .

aMaittaire . 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 15 .

FLowaE (John). Queries concern ingthe C hurch of Jesus C hrist.8° Land. 1658.

FLUC TIBUS (Rob . dc). Tractatus Apologet. Integr itatem Societatisde Rosea C ruce defendens. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 1 7 .

FLUm s . An Introduction tothe Doctrine of Fluxions . 8° Land.

1 75 1 .

FOE (Danieldc) . Memoirs of the L ife and T imes of, by WalterWilson. 3 vol. 8° Land. 1 830.

History of the Union be tween England and Scotland. 4°

Land. 1 786 .

History ofthe Plague , with a Journal of the Plague atMarse illes inthe Year 1 7 2 0. 8° Land. 1 7 2 0.

Essay upon several Projects . 8° Land. 1697 .

Various Wr i tings. 8° Land. 1 703 .

Jure Divino ; a Satire . Fol.

Fos s Theologica Speculative Schema. 8° Land. 1 7 1 2 .

Four (Paul de), A rchevéque de Talase. Les L ettres escr itos 5 RoyHenr. III . 4° Par . 16 2 8.

POLIETA C larorum Virorum Elogia. 4° Ram. 1 5 74 .

Histor ia Rerum snorum Temporum. 4° Ram. 1 5 87 .

FOLIOT Bishop of London . Expositio in C anticum C antieorum, una cum compendio Alcuini. 4° Land. 1 6 3 8 .

FON SECA Amphitheatrum Amorum. 1 2 ° Ingolst. 16 2 8.

1 2 6 FOR FO X

FORSTER (George) . A Voyage roun dthe World during the Years1 7 7 2 - 5 . 2 vol. 4° Land. 1 7 7 7 .

FonsTER (Dr . John Reinold). C haracteres Generum Plantarum quasin Itinere ad InsulasMar is Australia collegerunt, descripserunt,delinearuntAnnis 1 77 2 , 1 775 Johannes Reinoldus Forster , LL.D.

ctGeorgina Forster. 4° Land. 1 77 6.

Observations made during a Voyage round the World on

PhysicalGeography , NaturalHistory and Ethic Philosophy. 4°

Land. 1 7 78.

FORSTER (Mark) . Arithmetical Trigonome try. 8° Land. 1 690.

FORsTERus Dictionarium I cb raicum. Fol. Bas . 1 564.

FORTESCUE (Sir John) . De Laudibus Legum Anglitn . 1 2 ° Land.

1 67 2 .

The Difference be tween an Absolute and L imited Monarchy,with a particular Referencetothe Engl ish C onstitution. 8° Land.

FORTIA (Virgin) De Jurc nova U rbis condendw ctincolende . 4°

Utin. 16 3 3 .

FORTIN Testament d'

un bon Pére a ses Enfans . 1 2 ° Leide,165 3 .

FORTIUS De Ratione Stodu. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 3 4.

FOSRRORE (Thos. Dudley). Encyclopwdia of Antiqui ties, and Elements of Archaeology, C lassical andMedie val. 2 vol. 4° Land.

1 82 5 .

FOSTER (James). Sermons. 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 745 .

D iscourses on N aturalReligion and SocialVirtue. 2 vol. 4°

Land. 1 749.

FO STER (Sir Examination ofthe Scheme of C hurch Power

inthe C odex Jur . Eccl . Angl. 8° Land. 1 73 6 .

L ife ofSirMichae l Foster , byMichaelDodson.Esq . 8° Land.

1 81 l

C rown Law: Fol. Oxf . 176 2 .

FosTER Miscellanies : or ,MathematicalLucubrations, byJohn Twysden Fol. Land . 163 9.

FOTHERBY (Martin), Bishop of Salisbury. Atbcomastix , clearingFour Truths againstA theists , &C . Fol. Land. 1 6 2 2 .

FOTHERGILL (Dr . Enquiry intothe Suspension of vitalAction,&c. 8° Bath.

FOTIIERGILL (Dr . John). Works. 3 vol 8° Land. 1 783 .

Focu s (Henry). The History of Romxsh Treasons. Fol. Land.1 67 1 .

FOWLER A Discourse ofC hr istian L iberty. 8° Land. 1680.

A Discourse ofthe Descent oftheMan, C hristJesus, fromHeaven. 8° Land. 1 706 .

A D iscourse on the Principles of someModerate Divines ofthe C hurch of En land. 8° Land. 1679.

The Design 0 C hr istiani ty . 8° Land. 1 67 1 .

Fox (C harles James). History ofthe early Part of the Reign of

James 11. 4° Land. 1808.

Fox (George) A Journal or HistoricalAccountOf the Life, Travels, Sufl


ermgs , &c. ofGeorge Fox. Fol. Land. 1 765 .

FOX FRA 12 7

Fox (John). De C ensura sive Excommunicatione Ecclesiastica.

8° Land. 1 55 1 .

Rerum in Ecclesia gestarum C ommentarn. Fol. Bas. 1 559.

De C hr isto gratis Justificante. 8° Land. 1583 .

Meditationes in sacram Apocalypsin. Fol. Land. 1587 .

The Book of Martyrs, and Acts andMonuments relatingtothe C hurch. 8 vol. Fol . 1684.

Free Justification by C hrist. 8° Land. 1 694.

Fox (John) . Time andthe End ofTime ; intwo Discourses . 1 2 °

Land. 1 6 7 1 .

Fox (W, C hrist and C hr istiani ty : Sermons on the Miss ion,C haracter and Doctrine of Jesus of N azareth. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Land.

1 83 1 .

Foxms De N atura Philosophie , seu, de Platonis etAr istotelis consensione L ibr i v. 8° Par . 1 560.

FRA CRETTA La Spositione sopra la C anzone di GuidoC avalcanti . 4° Venet. 1 586 .

FRAMBESARIU S C anonesMedicinales . 1 2 ° Par. 1595 .

ScholwMcdicaa. 1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 2 8.

FRAN CE . EcclesiasticalHistory of France. Fol. Land. 1 676 .

Proceed ings ofthe C ommi ttee appointed to manage the C ontributions begun atLondon , Dec. 1 8 , 1 755 , for cloathing FrenchPr isoners ofWar. Fol . Land. 1 760.

Histoire de France. Fol. 1 58 1 .

Rélation de la C onduite de la C our de France . 1 2 ° Land.

1 665.

Examen des Méthodes proposées par l’

Assemblée du C lergéde France, 1 682 . 1 2 ° C olagn, 1 684 .

Actes de l’Assemblée Générale du C lergé de France , avec

Réflexions. 1 2 ° 1 685 .

C e que C’

est que la France toute C atholique sous Louis lsGrand. 1 2 ° St. Omar , 1 686 .

Poli tique du C lergé de France . 1 2 ° Haye, 1 682 .

FRAN CH I (Guglielmo). Sole della L ingua Santa. 4° Bergum.

1 59 1 .

FRAN C IOSIN US De Particulis Italics: O rationis. 1 2 ° Fla.rent. 1 63 7 .

Fax L inguae Italicw. 1 2 ° Venet. apud Junt. 1 646 .

Vocabular io Italiano e Espagnuolo . 2 vol. 4° Ram. 1 6 3 8.

FRAN CIS (Rev. Sermons. 8° Land. 1 7 7 1 .

FRA N C IUS O rationes . 8° Amst. 1692 .

FRAN CO - FURT (A rnoldo). ElTribunal de la Justa Vengeance cri

gido contra los Escr itos de Quevedo. 8° Valencia , 1 63 5 .

FRAN COIS I. and II : a. VARILLAS .FRAN C U S Refutatio utriusque Elenchi C erco Petaviani.8° Par . 1 6 2 3 .

C onfutatio Animadversionum Ant. C crcoetn ad Salmasn

N otas in Tertullianum de Pallio. 8° Midelb. 1 6 2 3 .FRA N C US (Gregorius). L ex icon Sanctum. 8° Han. 1 63 4.

FRAN E (Mark). Sermons. Fol. Land. 16 7 2 .

12 8 FRA FRE

FRAN ItE (Aug. N icodemus ; or , Treatise againstthe FearofMan. 1 2 ° Land. 1 706 .

FRAN ItE Epitome of Divinity Poe tically composed. 1 2 °

Land. 1 655 .

FRAN KLIN (Dr . Memoirs of the Life and Wri tings ofDr. Benjamin Franklin, and his Works. 6 vol. 8° Land. 1818.

FRAN KLIN O rthotonia seu Tractatus de Ton is in L inguaGrmcanica. 1 2 ° Land 16 3 8 .

FRA NTzIU S Hi storia C aroliMagni . 4° A rg ent. 1 644.

FRA N Z Ius Histor ia Animalium Sacra. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 605.FRASER (James). History of Nadir Shah. 8° Land. 1 742 .

FRASER (John) . Ofi'

er made to a Gentleman of Quali ty byMr. J.Fraser to subscribe theMinisters of Scotland'

s Rel ig ion , if theycan prove themselves to have the true Kirk. 8° Land. 1 605.

FREART (Rowland). The Idea of the Perfection of Painting. 8°

Land. 1668.

FREDERIc z 0 . C ODE .

FREDERIC III. The L ife and Reign of Frederic III . Of Prussia, byDr . Jos . Towers. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 795 .

FREE STATE. The Excellence of a Free State. 8° Land. 1 767.

FREE - TRIN ERR. The Free- Thinker. 3 vol 1 2 ° Land . 1 7 3 9.

FREE - THIN KIN G. A Discourse of Free - Thmking, with Bentley’


Remarks on i t. 8° C amb. 1 7 2 5 .

FREHERU S De Re Monetaria veterum Romanorum. 4°

Lugd. Bat. 1 605 .

O riginum Palatinarum commentarius . 4° Heidelb. 1 599.

O bservationes in varia Jur is Civilis Loca. 4° N orémb. 1 62 2 .

FREIGIUS Histor ian Synopsis. 8° Bas.

Questiones Logicae etEthicae. 8° Bas. 1 576 .

A Discourse on aTender C onscience . 8° Land. 1708.

PREMAUT (Pierre). Traité de la Reformation etDélivrance deI’

Eglise . 8° Embden, 1 657 .

FREN CH (John). Yorkshire Spaw ; or , a Treatise of four famousmedicinal Wells . 8° Land. 1 65 2 .

The Artof Distillation. 4° Land. 165 1 .

FREN D ThePrinciples ofAlgebra ; 2 parts . 8° Land.1 796- 9.

FRESN E (C ar. da). Glossarium ad Scriptores Media etInfimeLatinitatis. 3 vol. Fol. Par . 1 678.

Historia Byzantina. Fol . Par . 1 680.

Glossarium ad Scriptores Median etIntime Grae citatis. 2

vol. in 1 . F0]. Lugd. Bat. 1 688.

Histoire de l’Empire de C onstantinople sous les EmpereursFrancois . Fol. Par . de l

imprim. rayale, 1 65 7 .

FRESN E (Raph. da). C atalogus L ibrorum Bibliotheca Rspb. Du

Fresne . 4° Par . 1 66 2 .

FRESN OY The ArtofPainting, byDryden . 4° L and . 1 695.

FREWEN (John) . C ho ise Grounds and Principles ofour C hristianReligion setforth by Way ofQuestions and Answers . 8° Land. 1 6 2 1.

FREY (Joseph SamuelC . A Hebrew, Latin, and English Dictionary . 8° Land. 1 8 15 .


FU LLER Infant’s Advocate. 8° Land . 1 658.

C ause and C ure of aWounded C onscience . 8° La rd. 1 647.

C omment on the Eleven Firs t Verses ofMark Ivth, with hisJustMan’

s FuneralSermon. 8° Land. 165 2 .

Four Sermons. 8° Land. 1659.

Good Thoughts in Bad Times, and Good Thoughts inWorseT imes. 1 2 ° Land. 1647 .

FULLWOOD Vindicia; Mediorum etMediatoris. 8° Land.

1 65 1 .

Discourse ofthe Visible C hurch. 4° Land. 1 6 58.

FULVIA (O lympia). Morate Fa mine O rationes, Dialogi, etC armina. 8° Bas. 156 2 .

FURETIERE Factum contre quelques uns de l’AcadéInie

Francoise . 1 2 ° Amst. 1 685 .Second Factum. 1 2 ° Amat1 686 .

Essais d’

un Dictionnaire Umversel. 1 2 ° I n st. 1 685 .

N ouvelle Allégor ique . 8° Par . 1 658.

Lettre aMr . Doujat, avec In Response . 1 2 ° A’

la Hays,1 688.

FuRN EAux (Philip). Letters toMr . Justice Blackstone. 8° Land.


FUTURE State. The Future State, by a Gentleman. 8° Land. 1683.

G. (I.) Philosoph ia Vulgaris Refutata. 1 2 ° Par. 1 670.

G. (T.) Proditoris Proditor . 4° Land. 1606 .

Ten tamen N ovum ; proving that T imothy and Titus wereD iocesan Rulers of Ephesus and C rete. 8° Land. 1 696.

G. (Will .) The Arraignment of Ignorance . 8° Land. 1 659.

The C orruption ofMan’

s N ature, and his Salvation by Faith.8° Land. 1 6 76 .

GAEAL IS. Le C omte de Gabalis, ou Entretiens sur les Sciences

Secre ts . 1 2 ° Par . 1 6 7 1 .

GAC HES XV Sermons. 8° Genes . 1660.

GADBURY (John). Ephemerides ofthe C elestialMotions, from 1672to 1 701 . 2 vol. 4° Land.

GADDIU S (J De Scriptoribus Gre cis, Latin is, etItalicis ; Vol. 1.Fol . Flarent. 1 648.

GAEEARELL I Que Stio Pacifica. 4° Par. 1645 .

Unheard- Of C uriosi ties. 8° Land. 1 650.

GAGE Voyages. 2 vol. 8° Amat. 1 695 .

A Survey ofthe West Ind ies. Fol. Land. 1 648.

GA ILHARD (J The present State of the Republiek of Venice.

1 2 ° Land. 1 669 .

The C ompleat Gentleman. 8° Land. 1678.

The Socinian Hersais confuted. 8° Land. 1 697 .

GALATIN U S De Arcanis C atholica:Veritatis. Fol. Fmarof1 603 .

GAL GAR 13 1

GA LE (John). Reflections on Wall’

s History of Infant Baptism.

8° Land. 1 7 1 1 .

Sermons. 4 vol. 8° L and. 1 7 2 6 .

GA L E Idea Theologia . 8° Land. 1 673 .

Philosophia Generalis. 8° Land . 1 676 .

The C ourtofthe Gentiles, Parts 1st, 2 nd, and 4th. 4° Land..1 6 7 2 .

Theophilie ; or, Saint’

s Ami ty with God in C hrist. 8° Land .

.1 6 7 1 .

Anatomic of Infidelitie. 8° 1 6 7 2 .

GALE Historia Br itannica: etSaxonicm Scriptores. Fol.Ow n. .1 691 .

OpusculaMytholo 8° C antab. 167 1 .Sermons upon Hofyidays. 8° Land. 1 704.

GALEN US. De Usu Partium C orpor is Humani , Greece, cum C sap.

Hofmanni commentariis. Fol. Francqf. adMwn. 1 6 2 5 .

O pera , Greece. 2 vol. Fol. Venet. 15 2 5 .

O puscula. 8°

GALESIN I (Petro). Dittionario, overo Tesoro della L ingua, Volgare , Latina. 8° Venet. 1 6 2 1 .

GAL LATIU S Interpretatio etC ommentarn in A ristoteliaL ibrosMoralium ad N icomschum. 2 vol. Fol . Par . 1 6 3 2 .

O rationes . 8° Medialan. 1 6 30.

VirgilianaaVindicationes , etC ommentar i i tres de Tragoedia,C ome dia, etElegia. 4° Ram. 1 6 2 1 .

GALLO N IU S DeMartyrum C ruciatibus. 8° C olon. 1 602 .

GALLY A Dissertation against pronouncing Greek accord. ingto Accents . 8° Land. 1 754.

GALTHERU S Alexandreidos, L ibr i decem. 4° Lugd.Bat.l6 5 8.

GAL U Z v VARAHON A Paradoxas paralaQuie tad delAnimo .

4° Madr . 1 6 2 5 .

GALUzz I Renovazione dell ’ antics Trajedia, e Difesa delC r ispo. 4° Ram. 1683 .

GAN AN DER (Hem). Grammatica Lapponica . 8° Helm. 1 743 .

GAN D SolBritannicus. 8° Land. 1 64 1 .

Parallelum Olive-3, nec non Oliveru C romwelli Protectoris.. Fol. Land. 1 656.

GAN GES (Marq. d

b?Les véritables etprincipales C irconstances

de la Mortde sdame laMarquise de Ganges, empoisonnée etmassacrée , par l

Abbé de Ganges. 1 2 ° Rauen, 1 667 .

GARA SSE C ensure de la Doctrine de Garasse . 1 2 ° Par.

1 6 2 8.

La Doctrine curieuse des beailx Esprits. 4° Par . 1 6 2 3 .

GARRUT The Resurrection of C hr ist. 1 2 ° Land . 1669.

GARC ILAsso : a. Vacs .

GARDARORE C ontrarotulatoris L iber Quotidisnus, Anno EdwardiPr imi vicesimo octavo. 4° 1 787 .

GARDIN ER (C olonel). Life of C olonel Gard iner, byDr. Doddridge.

8° Land. 1 747.

13 2 GAR GA U

GARDIN ER C onfutatio C avillationum, quibus Eucharistis:Sacramentum ab impiis C apharnaitis Impe ti solet. 8° Laaan.

1 554 .

GARDN ER An Histor icalAccountof Dunwich. 4° Land.

1 754.

GARISSOLIU S De C hr istoMediators . 4° Genes . 1 66 2 .

GARLAN DIA (Joh. dc) . L iber Synonymorum, ex ExpositioneMagistri Galfridi Angl i. Par . 1502 .

MultorumVocabulorum equivocorum Interpretatio. 4° Par.

1 502 .

GARN ER Myster ies unvail’d . 1 2 ° Land. 1 646 .

GARN ERIUS Gemmulae L inguarum Lat., Ga11., Ital. etHispan. 8° Amstel. 1656 .

Lat., Gall., Ital . etGerm. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 63 7 .

GARRETT (Walter). A Discourse concerning Antichris t. 8° Land.

1 680.

GARTIIIUS Theologiae Jesuitarum pra cipue C apita. 12 °

A rgent. 1 602 .

GARTHWA IT (Henry). EvangelicalHarmony. 4° C amb. 1 684.

GARZON I (Thom. Piazza Un iversale di tutto le Profess ioni delMondo. 4° Venet. 1 605 .


Huomo A stratto. 4° Venet. 1604.

La Stella dc’Magi. 4° Venet. 1 604 .

GASSEN DU S (Petu) Opera omnia. 6 vol. Fol . Lugd.Bat. 1 658.V i ta N ic. C laudii Fabr ici i de Peiresc. 4° Par. 1 641

GA STIU S (J . De Anabaptismi Exord io, Erroribus , Historuts abominandis, C onfutationibus adjectis, L ibri duo. 1 2 ° Basil.

GASTRELL Sermons atBoyle ’

s Lectures. 8° L and. 1 697.

The C hr istian Institutes. 8° Land. 1 784.

GATARERUS (Thom). Opera omn ia, Gr . etLat. Fol. Traj. adRhen. 1 697 .

De Baptismstis Infantilis Efficacia. 8° Land. 1 65 2 .

Vindicatio Dissertationis deTetrsgrammato sum, contra LudC apellum. 8° Land. 1 65 2 .

N ature and U se of Lots . 4° Land. 1 6 19.

Defence of his Treatise ofthe U se of Lots . 4° Land . 1 62 8.

God ’

s Eye on his Israel. 4° Land. 1 645 .

Vindication of his Annotations on Jeremiah x. 2 . againstLillieand Swan. 4° Land 1 658 .

A Balme from GIleard. 8° Land.

Sermons. Fol . L and. 1 687 .

GAUDEN (John). The Duty of a C ommunicant. 1 2 ° Land.

1 701 .

A Sermon atDr . Brownrig’

s Funeral; with an Accoun t Of hisL ife and Death . 8° Lond. 1 660.

A Defence of the Ministry of the C hurch of England. 4°

Land. 1 658.

Tears ofthe C hurch of England. Fol. Land. 1 659.

GAU DEN TIUS (Paganinus). De Philosoph ies apud Romanos InitioetProgresan . 4° Pisic, 1 648.


Gas The Divine Right and originalof C ivilMagistrates.8° Land. 1 658.

The Jesuit’sMemorial for the intended Reformation of En

gland, under their first Popish Prince. 8° Land. 1 690.

Gs nsr aaanvs De C onstantia C hristiana. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1679.Gms nnus De Hebra orum Luctu. 1 2 ° Lip s. 1 6 56 .

Gmos nus Microcosmus Hypochondriacus. 4°Manuela.

1 65 2 .

Gnu . An Essay towards the Amendment ofthe EnglishTranslation ofthe Bible . Fol . Land. 1 659.

GEL L 1 (Gio. La Sports , C omedia. 8° Trevig . 1 60 1 .

GELL IUS (Aulus). Noctes A ttica , cum H. Stephani N octibus Par isianis. 8° Par . 1585 .

N octes Attica . 8° Par . 1 602 .

Gnumu xo : v. GIBBON .

GEN EBRARDU S Isagoge ad Legends Rabbinorum C ommeatar ia. 4° Par . 1559.

C hronographia. 8° C ol. Agr . 1 581 .

Isagoge ad legends etintelligendaHeb ra orum etO rientaliums ine punctis Scripts . 4° Par . 1 587 .

GBN EBRIER (C laude) : v. STUKELEY .

Histoire de C arausius, Empereur de la Grande Bretagne. 4°

Par . 1 740.

GEN ET Recherches sur l’

ancien Peuple Finois par Mr. lePasteur N ils Idman. Tradui t do Suédois par Mr . Genet. 8°

Strasbourg , 1 778

GEN EVA. Academia Genevensis IIAAII‘


ENEEIA , seu Panegyr icus de C hr isto L iberatore . 8° 1 603 .

Leges Academia Genevensis. 4° Genev.

GEN N ADIUS. De Ecclesiasticis Dogmatibus, etMarcialis Lemovicencis Epistola , cum notis Elmenhorstii. 4° Hamb. 16 1 4 .

GEN TILIS De Juris Interpretibus Dialogi vi. 4° 1 58 2 .

De Armis Romanis L ibr i 1 1 . 8° Hanan. 1 599.

GEN TILIS In D . Paul i Apostoli ad Philemonem EpistolamC ommentarius . 4° N arimb. 1 5 74.

Annotationi sopra la Gerusalemme L iberata di Tasso. 8°

Leid. 1 586 .

GEN TILIS Impietatum ejus Explicatio, ex Actis PublicisSenatus Genevensis descripta. 4° Genev. 1567 .

Historia Valentini Gentilis, per A rretium. 4° 156 7 .

GEN TLEMAN ’S C alling. 8° Land. 1 668.

C ompanion. 8° Land . 1 6 7 2 .

Religion. 1 2 ° Land. 1 703 .

Magazine. 97 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 3 1—182 7 .

GEOGRA PHIA . Geographia N ubiensis, ex Arab. in Lat. versa aGabricle Sionita. 4° Par . 1 6 19.

C ompendium Geographia . 1 2 ° Ultraj. 1 650.

A Body of Geography . Fol . Land. 1 695 .

An Introduction to Geography and Astronomy. 1 2 ° Land.

1 7 3 3 .


GEOGRAPB IA . A C omple te System of Geography, with Bowen’


Maps. 2 vol. Fol. Land. 1 747 .

Gnonams (David) . David ia Georgn Historia 8° Antn. 1560.

GERARD (Dr . Alexander). An Essay on Gen ius. 8° Land. 1 7 74.

D issertations on Subjects relating tothe Genius and Evidencesof C hr istianity. 8° Land. 1 7 66 .

GERARD (Dr.Gilbert). Institutes of Biblical C r iticism. 8° Edinb.1 808.

GERARD (John) . The Herbal, enlarged by Tho. Johnson. Fol.Land. 1 63 3 .

GRRRE The GoldenMean. 1 2 ° Land. 1656 .

GRRRARD (J Patrologia ; sive , de Primi tiva Ecclesia C hristianaDoctorum Vi ta. 8° Jen. 1 653 .

AphorismiSacri Pra cipua Theologia Practica complectentes.8° Jen. 1 63 5 .

Meditationes Sacra . 8° Amst. 16 3 3 .

Exercitium Pietatis. 1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. 1 630.

Enchiridion C onsolatoriumMarti ac Tentationibus in AgoneMortis opponendum. 8° Jen 1 6 1 3 .

C enturiaQuestionum politicarum; cumQua stione , an diversaReligiones in bene constituta Rep. sinttoleranda ? 4° Jen. 1 608.

Annotationes in Evangelium D.Mattha i. 4° Jen. 1663 .

Harmonia Evangelica a C hemnitio primum inchoata , etperLyserum con tinuata , Libri v. cum C ommentario Jo. Gerhardi.Fol. Genev. 1641 .

Sum of C hristian Doctrine, trans. by R.Winterton. 1 2 ° C amb.1 640.

GERMAIN Tradition de l’Eglise Romaine, sur la Prédestination, des Saints, etsur la Grace efficace. 2 vol. 8° C ologne, 1687

Défense de l’Eglise Romaine . 8° L iege, 1 696 .

GERMAN IA . GermanicarumRerum Veteres Scriptores sex, ex Joan.

Pistorii Bibliotheca. Fol. Francaf. 1607 .

The Present State ofGermany. 8° Land. 1690.

GERMAN O Vocabular io ltaliano e Greca . 8° Ram. 1 6 2 2 .

GERSO N IUS Apologia pro Jo . Gersonio. 4° Lugd. Bat. 16 76 .

GERTRUDA (B . V La Vita dellaB. Vergine Gertruda, ridottain v. L ibri . 4° Venet. 1 646 .

Gnsn snus Tabula de Stirpium C ollectione , edita perC asp.Wolphium. 8° Tigar . 1 586 .

Mithr idates, exprimens Difi'

erentias L inguarum, cum commen t. Gasp.Waseri. 1 2 ° Tigar . 1 6 10.

Historia Animalium. 3 vol. Fol. Francof . 16 2 0.

GRSN ERUS (J . Index Etymol. Latini tatis. 8° L ip s. 1 749.

GHERU S (Ranutius) . Delicia Poetarum Gsllorum. 3 vol. 1 2 °

Land. 1609.

GHETALDUS (Main). De Resolutione etC ompositione Mathematica L ibri v . Fol. Ram. 1640.

GHIRABDELLI (Gio. Battista Filippo) . Il C onstantino, Tragedia,colla Difesa della medesima. 1 2 ° Ram. 1660.


lSito , Forms , etMisure della Inferno diDante. 8° Firenz . 1543 .


GIAN NOTTI (Donato). Libra de la Republica de Venetiani.Guano»: TheMiscellaneous Works ofEdw. Gibbon, withMemoirs of his L ife and Writings. 3 vol. 8° Dublin, 1 796.

History of the Decl ine and Fallof the Roman Empire. 12

vol. 8° Land. 1 791 .

GIBBON Sermones Funebres R. F. Joannis de Sancta Ccmeniauo . 8° A ntv. 1 6 1 1 .

GIBBON S Juvenilia. 8° Land. 1 750.

GIBIEUF De L ibertate Dei etC reatura . 4° Pa r . 1 630.

La Vie etGrandeurs de la ViergeMar ie. 2 vol. 8° P ar . 1 637.

Grannr (Hem). Histor ie de Re Lusignani. 8° Ven . 1 65 1 .

Gmsou Bishop of London. Three Pastoral Letters. 8°

Land. 1 7 3 5 .

C odex Jur is Ecclesiastici Ang. ; or , The Statu tes , C onstitutions , C anons, &c. ofthe C hurch ofEngland. 2 vol. Fol. Gag/ 2 1 761.

GIBSON Onthe Anatomy of Bodies. 8° Land. 1 697 .

GIBSON The C onstruction ofthe harder Problems ofGeometry. 8° Land. 1 655 .

GIPA N IU S O bservationes in L ingnam Lat. 8° Francqf. 162 4.GIFFORD (James). An Elucidation of the Unity of God, deducedfrom Scr ipture and Reason, addressed to C hr istians of allDeno

minations . 8° Land. 1 815 .

GIGLI (Gio . Idea della Vera Amicizia. 4° Venet. 1545.GILDON (C harles). Poems. 8° Land . 1 692 .

The Deist’sManual . 8° Land. 1 705 .

GILL (Dr . John) . An Exposi tion of the N ew Testament. 3 vol.

4° Land. 1 809 .

An Exposi tion ofthe Old Testament. 6 vol. 4° Land . 1810.

GILLESPIE Government of the C hurch of Scotland inthePoint of Ruling Elders . 4° Edinb. 1 641 .


s Rod Blossoming : or,the Divine O rdinance ofC hurchGovernment vindicated . 4° Land. 1 646 .

A Treatise ofMiscellany Questions . 4° Edinb. 1 649 .

D ispute againstthe English Popisb C eremon ies obtruded uponthe C hurch of Scotland. 4° Land. 1 660.

GILLIES (John) . The History of Ancient Greece . 4 vol. 8° Land.

1 79 2 .

GILLIN G The L ife ofMr . Geo . Trosse 8° L and. 1 7 15 .

Gu am The L ife of Bernard Gilp in , wi th his Sermonpreached before King Edward VI. 155 2 . 1 2 ° Land. 1 63 6 .

GILPIN Treatise of Satan’

s Temptations. 4° Land . 1677.

GIRAC Replique de Mons. de Girac aMons. C os tar , surMons. Voiture. 4° Par . 1 664.

GIRAFFI Le Rivolutioni di N apoli . 4° Genes . 1 6 47 .

GIRALDI (Gio . C ommentar io delle C ose di Ferrara, etdePrincipi da Este , trad. di L at. da L . Domenichi. 1 2 ° Van . 1597.

GIRA LDI Difesa di Terentia . 8° Mont. Reg . 1 66 6 .

GIRA LDU S De O peribus C hristi imitandis. 4° Bonan. 1 61 2 .


EstatetSuccéz des Affaires de France . 8°

Par . 1595 .


Genius -r (C harles). Instruction de la Jeanen e en la Piété C hresti

enne . 8° BM . 1685 .

Gocu iu us Problemats Logica. 1 2 ° Marpurg . 1602 .

Observationes L ingua Latina . 1 2 ° Franc-of. 1 6 2 1 .Gan. A Discourse onthe Love of God. 1 2 ° Land. 1 696 .


s Goodness vind icated againstabsolute Reprobation. 8°Land. 1 668.

Gonn a Histoire de l’Eglise. 6 vol. 1 2 ° Par. 1 680.

5 vol. in 3 . Fol. Par. 1 678.

Giuvres C hrestiennes stMorales. 2 vol. 8° Par . 1 658.

Tableaux de la Péni tence. 1 2 ° Par . 1665 .


esies C hrestiennes . 8° Par . 1 654.

Sur les O rdres Sacres. 8° Par. 1658.La Séduction éludée. 1 2 °

Eloges des Evéques qui ontfieury enDoctrine eten Saintété.4° Par. 1665 .

Vic de St. Augustin. 4° Par . 1 657.

Reflections upon Plays. 8° Land. 1699.

Gonsnw s (Antonius), An Elogi iScriptor Idoneus, Idemque utruin Poets ? 8° C onstant. 16 50.

GODIGN U S De AbyssinorumRebus. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1615.Gonwm De Pra sulibus Anglia C ommentarius, cum An

notationibus etC ontinuationes a Gul.Richardson. Fol. C antab.1 6 1 6 .

De Pra sulibus Anglia . 4° Land. 1810.

Gonwm (W. The L ife of C haucer. 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 804 .

L ives of Edward and John Philips , N ephews and Pupils ofMilton. 4° Land. 1 81 5.

History of the C ommonwealth of England , from its Commencementto the Restoration of C harles II . 4 vol. 8

° Land.

1 82 4.

Gosnsmus Methodologia Homiletics . 8° Lips. 16 2 8.

Gonswa. Vindicia pro rece

gta de Mutui Alienations Sententia ;

acceditSpecimen ejusdem ontroversia . 8° Lugd.Bat. 1646.Gor r s (John). A Discourse of Self- examination. 1 2 ° 1 7 1 8

GOLDASTUS (Melch. Replicatio pro C a saria etRegis Fm commMajestate, adversus Gretserum. 4° Hanan. 1 6 1 1 .

Apologia pro Hen. IV. 4° Hanov. 16 1 1 .

Gonnsm 'm (I. A Geography for Schools. 1 2 ° Land. 1 803 .Gou ns (Jsc. Rarorum Librorum C atalogus. 4° Par . 1 680.

Gonnrr zins Ulysses Belgian-Gallica . 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat1 63 1 .

Gonr zws Thesaurus ReiAntiquaria uberrimus. 4° Am.


Gous AiJLn Le ttres touchant In Religion. 8° Amt.1 670.

Le ttres. 8° Par. 1 697 .


Amaranthe, Pastorale. 8° Par . 1 63 1 .

Les Epigrammes. 1 2 ° Par . 1657 .

Les Poésies deMonsieurGombauld. 4° Par. 1 646.


Gon na-um) The Fundamentals of the Protestant Rel i .g ion, Englished by Sidney Lodge . 1 2 ° Land. 168 2 .

Go ueonA (Luis dc). Todas las O bras de Don Luis de Gongoraen varias Poemas . 4° Madr . 1 63 3 .

4° Madr . 1 659.0

Soledades de Don Louis de Gongora commentadas per Garciade Salsedo C oronal. 4° Madr . 1676 .

Gonorws C hronicon Beata VirginisMaria . 4° Lugd.Bat. 163 7

GO N ZAGUE (Due de). Les Amours de Due deGonzague. 8° 1666 .

Goon (John). Tables calculated for Sun- Dials, for London. 8°

Land. 1 706 .

Goon (J .Mason). Song of Songs : or , Sacred Idyls, translatedfromthe Hebrew. 8° Land. 1 808. Vida vol. of Tracts.

GoonuAN (John). The Old Religion. 1 2 ° Land. 1 698.Winter Evening Conference. 8° Land. 1694.

Sermons. 8° Land. 1 697 .

Goonwm (John). The Life of John Goodwin, by Thomas Jackson.

8° Land. 182 2 .

The be ing filled wi ththe Spirit. 4° Land. 1670.

Authori ty ofthe Scriptures. 4° Land. 1648.

Treatise of Justification. 4° Land. 1 642 .

Exposition of the 9th C hapter to the Romans. 4° Land.

1 65 8:

Triumvir i ; or, The Genius of Resbury, Fawson , &c. 4°

Land. 1 658.

C ata~Baptism ; or , N ewBaptismwaxing old. 4° Land . 1 655

ImpeditIra Animum ; or , Animadversions upon GeorgeWalker. 4° Land . 164 1 .

Saints’ Interest in God . 1 2 ° Land . 1 640.

God a gobdMaster. 1 2 ° Land. 1 641 .

Return ofMercies. 1 2 ° Land. 1 64 1 .

C hristian’

s Engagementforthe Gospel. 1 2 ° Land. 1 64 1 .

Redemption redeemed. Fol. L and . 1 65 1 .


s Debt and Dowry. 8° Land. 167 1 .

Etpnvopaxta . The Agreement and D istance of Brethren.

8° Land. 1 67 1 .

Goonwm The Lord’

s Day enliven’

d. 8° Land. 1654.

Mystery of Dreams. 8° Land. 1 658.

EvangelicalC ommunicant. 8° Land. 1 649.

Goonwm Works. 5 vol. Fol. Land. 1 681 .

A C hild of Light walking in Darkness. 4° Land . 1 643 .

Padance and its perfectWork. 8° Land. 1 666 .

Punishmentof Sin in Hell. 8° Land. 1 680.

C hr ist setforth. 1 2 ° Land. 1 658 .

TheRoman Antiqui ties expounded inEnglish. 4° Land. 1655 .

Moses and Aaron. 4° Land. 1 655 .

Gannon GeographicalGrammar . 8° Land. 1 744.

Gannon C ordialfor LowSpirits, in a C ollection of Tracts .2 vol. 8° Land.


Gannon (Thos. C ato’s Letters , or Essays on L iberty, C ivilsnil

Religious. 4 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1787

Gannon (Dr. William). History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishmentofthe Independence of the United States of Amaties.4 vol. 8° Land . 1 788 .

GORE (John). Sermons. 4° Land. 1686 .

Gonons America painted to the Life, or History oftheSpaniards

C onquest ofthe Indians. 4° Land. 1 659.

Gononu Remarques sur les Pontifes RomainsC éléstin II . 4° A bbeville , 1659.

Gonw us Dactylotheca. 4° Land. 1 609.

GosnL iN i (Ginl. Vi ta delPrincipe Don Fiorando Gonzago. 4°

Milan. 1575 .

GOSPEL. GospelMagazine from 1 7 66 to 17 77 . 8° Land.

GospelMagazine , Vol. 6 . 8° Land. 1 7 79.

The Divine Right ofGospelMinistry. 4° Land. 1 654.

The Gospelof St.Matthew and St. John. Fol.

The Gospelof St.Matthew, English and Gothicshall . 8° Land. 1 807 .

The Touchstone ofthe Reform’

d Gospel. 1 2 ° Land. 1685.

The Four Gospels in Saxon. 4° Land. 1 57 1

Gospels printed bythe British and Foreign Bible SocietyEsquimaux Gospels. 1 2 ° 1 818.

St. John ’

s Gospel, O tahe ite. 1 2 ° 18 2 1 .


s and St. John’

s Gospels, English and Ben

galee. 1 2 ° 1 8 1 9.


s Gospel, Hindoostanee and English. 8° 1819.

Gor nosnnnns O puscula varia juridica, po itica, &c. 4°

Genes . 1 654.

Animadversiones Jur is C ivilis . 4° Genes . 1 6 2 8.

Vetus O rbis Descriptio Gra ci Scriptoria. 4° Genes . 1 62 8.

O rationes i v. Libanii. 4° C olon. Allabr. 163 1 .

Fragments Julia etPaphia . 4° Genes . 1 6 1 7 .

De ImperioMaris. 4° Genes . 1 687 .

O rationes Poli tica . 4° Genes . 1 684.

O ratio L ibanii pro Templia Gentilium non excindendis. 4°

Genes . 1 634 .

Discursus ad LegemMajestatis quisquis. 4° Genes . 1683.

De diversis Regulis Jur is C ommentarius. 4° Genes . 1 6 58.

De Statu Paganorum sub C hristiania Imperatoribus. 4°

Genes . 1 6 16 .

Manuale Juris. 1 2 ° Genes . 1654.

Go“ (Sam. Onthe True Happiness ofMan. 1 2 ° Land . 1650.

GOVEAN U S (Tho ). Logica Elenctica. 8° Dubl. 1688.

GOVERNMEN T. A D iscourse of Ecclesiastical Government. 8°

Land. 1584.

O fthe certain Form ofEcclesiasticalGovernment. 8° Land1 584.

A br ief Account of the ancientC hurch Government. 8°

Land. 1 685 .


GnAscoun The Scripture History ofthe Sabbath. 12 °

Land. 1 700.

GnAsERus Ultima Verbs . 4° Tb.Bar . 1 6 14.

Plaga Regia . 4° Ti 16 10.

De C asibus Virorumfildstrium. 4° Par . 1680.

De Bella C ypr io. 4° Rain. 16 2 4.

Gnasso O ratione contra gli Terentiani. 8° Man.Reg.1566 .

GnAr iA N i C onquista di Gransta, Poems Heroica. 4°

Medan. 1650.

Gnar i AN i Scielta de C oncetti. 8° Van. 1 6 1 9.

La C leopatra. 8° 1 688.

Gna r 'rON (Jobn). Journslofthe L ife of JohnGratton. 1 2 ° La id.

1 795.

GnavnsAN DE (Will.James). PhysicesElementsMathematics , vol. l .4° Lugd.Bat. 1 790.

Matheseos Universalis Elements . 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 7 2 7 .Philosoph ia N ewtonia Institutiones. 8° Leide, 1 7 2 8.

Explanation ofthe N ewtonian Ph ilosophy. 8° Land. 1785

GRAvws Elements L ingua Persica item Anonymiis

Persa de Siglis Arabum etPersarum Astronomicis. 4° Load.

1 649.

Epocha C elebriores. 4° Land. 1 650.


r O bservations made on the Bills ofMortality. 8°

1665 .

GRAWERU S De Satisfactione C hristi. 4° Jen. 16 18.

Harmonia C alvinianorum etPhotinianorum. 4° Jen. 1613.

GRAY (Andr. Precious Promises . 1 2 ° Edinb. 1 669.

GRAY (John). Treatise ofGunnery. 8° Land. 1 781

The Poems ofMr .Gray, withMemo irs of his Lifeand Writings byMason . 4° York, .1 7 75 .

wi th N otes by Gilb. Wakefield . 8° Land. 1 7 86 .

GREAvns (John). A Descr iption ofthe Seraglio. 8° Land. 1653.

A Descr iption ofthe Pyramids . 8° 1 646 .

A Discourse of the Roman Foot, and the Denarius. 18°

1 647 .

GREEN (Rob . Demonstration ofthe C hristianReligion. 8° Carib.

1 7 1 1 .

GREEN NewTranslation ofthe Psalms fromthe Hebrew.

8° C amb. 1 76 2 .

GREEN E The Principles of Philosophy. Fol. C anb1 7 1 7

GREENRAM Works. Fol. Land. 1601 .

GREENRi Lr. Will. Sermons on C hrist’s lastDiscovery ofHimself8° Lond. 1 656 .

Sound - hearted C hristian. 8° 1 67 1 .

Exposition of Ezekiel. 5 vol. 4° Land. 1 645.

Gnsnnwoon (James). AnEssaytowards a practicalEnglish Grammar. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 2 9.

1 2 ° Land. 17 1 1 .




Land. 1689.

GREGORIE (John). Gregorii Posthuma ; or certain learned Tracts,wr itten by John Gregor ie. 4° L and. 1 650.

GREGO Ri Us Astronomia , Physica , etGeometr ia Elements .

Fol. Oman. 1 702 .

A s tronomy . 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 15 .

GREGORIU s Etymologicum Parvum. 8° Land. 1 670.

GREGORi U s, N azianzenus : s . N azianzenus.

O rationes, Gra ce. 8° Apud A ld . 15 16 .

A rcana. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1591 .Definitiones Rerum Simpl ices, ab Hoeschelio. 8° Heidelo.

1 5 9 1 .

In Julianum Invectiva dua , Gra ce, cum scholi i s. 4° Eton,1 6 1 0.

Sententia . 8° Ants . 1668.

GREGORius , N yssenus. De Euntibus Ierosolyma, Epistola. Gr. Lat.aMolineo. 8° Hanos . 1 607 .

Ad Eustathium, Ambrosiam, etBasilyssam Epistola , Gr .Lat. a C asaubono. 8° Hanas . 1 607 .

GREGORws XV Papa . Epistola ad PersarumRegem Sciahabbahas,5 Joan . C iampolo . 8° Land. 1 6 2 7 .

GREGORlus Syntax is Ar tisMirabilis. 8° C olon . Agr. 1 665 .

GREGORius (Sonatas), Papa . L iber Moralium, s ive C omment. inJobum. Fol. Ram. 1475 .

De C ura Pastorali. 8° Land . 16 2 9.

GREGORins (Theodorus). Thaumaturgus. Opera , 5 Vossio. 4°

Mogunt. 1 604 .

GregoriiThaumaturgi ,Macar i i E gypti i etBasilii SeleuciensisO pera, Gr . etLat. Fol. Par . 1 6 2 2 .

GREGORY (D r . Antidote against a Devilish Poyson, in Answer to John Smi th. 8° Land. 1 696.

GREGORY (Dr . A D ictionary of Arts and Sciences . 2 vol. 4°

Land. 1 806 .

GREGORY (J A Manualof Geography. 1 2 ° Land. 1 748.

GREGORY (D r . John). Works. 4 vol. 1 2 ° Edinb. 1 788.

German History oftheReformers . 4° Dread. 1587 .

GRELO 'r . Voyage de C onstantinople. 1 2 ° Par . 1681 .

GRELLo'rns Prodromus in Apocalypsis Joannis. 4° Lugd.

Bat. 1 675 .

GREs Grammatica Gallica. 1 2 ° C antab. 1 63 6 .

GRE 'r snnus Apologia pro Societate Jesu. 8° 1 600.

L ibr i quinque Apologe tici pro Vita Ignatii Loyola , adv. Si

mon is L ithiMiseni C alumnias. 8° Ingolstad. 1 601 .

Exercitationes adversus Ha reticos. 4° Ingalstad . 1604.

GREVILLE (Lord Brook) . Works . Fol.GREw (N ehemiah). Anatomy of Vegetables. 8° Land. 1 67 2 .

Musa um Regalia Societatis ; or a C atalogue and Descriptionofthe N atural and A r tificial Rarities belonging to the Royal Society and preserved atGresham C ollege. Fol . Land. 1 68 1 .

C osmologia Sacra ; or a Discourse o i' the Universe . Fol.

Land. 1 701 .


GREw Meditations onthe Parable Of the ProdigalSon.4° Land . 1 678.

GREY s . MADnox.

GREY Method of learning Hebrew withoutPoints . 8°

L and. 1 7 3 8.

GRi LLo (Angelo) . Rime. 1 2 ° Venet. 1599.

Gii O N ovw s (J O ratio de Ratione Studiorum snorum. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 79.

Exercitationes de Pernicie etC asu Juda Traditoris. 4° Lugd.

Bat. 1 683 .

Epistola ad Gra vii im. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 687 .

ThesaurusGra carum Antiquitatum. 13 vol. Fol. L ugd.Bat.1 697 .

GRON ovms (Joan. O bservationum L iber N ovus . 1 2 ° Da

sent. 1 65 2 .

De Sestcrti is , son de Pecunia Veterum. 8° Amat. 1 656.

Gnosmrus I’aradoxa L iterar ia. 8° Amst. 1 659 .

De Rhetoricaruni Exercitationum Generibus. 8° Amst.1 660.

Gnosss Tlie Soul - persuading Inducements to C hrist. 4°Land. 1 6 3 2 .

The Mystery of Self- Denial . 4° Land. 1 64 2 .

The Happiness of a speedy U se of C hrist. 4° Land. 1 647.

The Fiery Pillar ofHeavenly Truth . 1 8° Land. 1 649.

The Buildings and Blossomings of old Truths. 8° Land.

1 656 .

GROSVEN OR TheMourner. 8° Land. 1 7 3 1 .

An Essay on Health . 8° Land. 1 748 .


r ius (Hugo) . De Veritate Religionis C hr istiana . 1 2 ° Amst.1 709 .

De Satisfactione C hristi . 8° Land . 1 66 1 .

De Jure Bell i ac Pacis . 8° Amat. 1 6 89.

Historia Gotliorum, Vandaloruni , &c. 8° Amst. 1 655 .

Baptizatorum Puerorum Institutia , Lat.C armine ; cui accesssruntGra ca metaphrasis aWase , etAnglicana versio aGoldsmith.1 2 ° Land. 1 65 7 .

Institutiones J i i ris N atural is etGentium ex Hugon is Groti ide Jure Belli ac Pacis L ibris excerpta 1 2 ° C antab. 1 703 .

Annales etHistoria de Rebus Belgicis . Fol. Amst. 1 657 .Epistola . Fol. Amst. 1 687 .

O pera Theologica. 4 vol. Fol . L and. 1 679 .

Poemata. 1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. 1 685 .

Epistola ad Israelem Jaski . 1 2 ° Dantisc. 16 70.

Philosophorum Sententia de Fato . 1 2 ° Amat. 1 648H. Grotii ‘

etaliorum Dissertationes dc Studiis Instituendis.1 2 ° Amst. 1 645 .

Mare L iberum, s ive de jure quod Batavis competitad Indicans commercia. 1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 3 3 .

De C oena Administratione , cum DiversorumResponsionibus.8° Land . 1 685 .

Florum Sparsio ad Jus Justinianeum. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 643 .

146 GUA GU I

GUALnus Paulus). DeO fIicioMinistrorumEcclesia . 4° Tige r. 1548.

( 5UALDO ( sleazzo). Historia delle Guerre delFerdinando II . c III.e delRe Filippo IV. Imperatori di Spagna, contro Gostavo AdolfoRe di Suetia



Luigi XIII . Re di Francis . 4° Bologn. 1 641 .

Histor ia di C hristina Regina di Suetia. 8° Ven. 1 656 .

Relatione di Firenze. 8° C ol. 1668.

GuAnniA N . 2 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1 784.

GUARi N i La Idropica, C omedia. 8° Van. 1 6 18 .

IlPastor Fido. 4° Ven. 1605 .

1 2 ° Van. 1597 .

Lettere . 8° Ven. 1 606 .

Rime . 1 2 ° Van. 1598.

4° Van. 1 598.

IlSegre tar io Dialogo di Battista- Guarini. 4° Van. 1 600.

Gun ius. Gudli etSarravii Epistola , a BurmannO . 4° Ultrqj. 1697.GUERET (Gabriel). Entretiens sur l’Eloquence de la C ha ire etduBarreau. 1 2 ° Par . 16 66 .

GUERREs. Description exacte des Guerres d’

Angleterre , 1 664. 4°

Amat. 1 668.

GU EVARA TheMyster ies ofMount C alverio. 4° Land . 1618.

Epistles , by Hellowes. 4° Land. 1 582 .

Golden Epistles, by Fenton. 4° Land. 1 582 .

C hronicle contayning the L ives ofthe Emperours of Rome,by Hellowes. 4° Land. 157 7

Gni sERrus (Phil . Medici Officiosi Opera. 8° Par. 1 649.

L es Gfluvres C har i tables. 8° Rouen, 164 1 .GUicci ARDiN i Dell

Histor ia diM. Francesco - Guicciardini.4° Venet. apud Giolito, 1567 .

Historia d ’ Italia. 2 vol. 8° Genes . 1 6 2 1 .

Lottini e Sansovini C onsiderationi inMateria di C ase di Stato.4° Vineg . 1608.

Descr ittione de Paesi Bassi . Fol. Ans . 1 58 1 .

History of the Wars of Italy, translated by Fenton. Fol.

Land. 1 599.

GU icci ARDi N i Hare diRicreatione. 1 2 ° Ven. 1645 .

Belgia Descr iptio. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Amet. 1 65 2 .

Descr iption de touts les Pays- Bas . 4° A rnlietm, 1 6 1 8 .

Gma RD (Estienne). L’

Harmonie Etymologique dans les Leagues.8° Par . 1 6 10.

Gnmus ALDo (C . de’

Bonarelli. Filli di Sciro 2 4° Mila n. 1 61 2 .

GtmON ii . Jacob i, Joannis, Andrea , etHugonis Fratrum Guiioniorum Opera var ia. 4° D is iane, 1 658.

GU ILD (Will. Moses unvailed. 1 2 ° Land. 1 6 2 0.

Popish Glorying in Antiqui ty turned to the ir Shame. 8°

A berdane, 1 6 2 6 .

Sealed Book opened ; or, Explication of the Revelation. 8°

Land. 1 656 .

Go i LLEr i ERE. A thene Ancienne etN ouvelle . 1 2 ° Par . 1 6 75 .

Gni L L i ONus (Renatus). SyntaxisGra ca. 4° Latet. apudBenenatum,I568.

GU I H 147

Gnmnitms Opi isculum Theologia Moralis. 1 2 ° C ol.

Agr . 1665 .

Gnm i sms Allocutiones Gymnastica . 1 2 ° Ants .Plant.1 688.

Gui sE (Due de). LesMémoires deMonsieur le Due de Guise . 4°

Par . 1 668.

GU ISI (Innocent). Magnificenza dell’ Essequie. 4° Vineg . 1 601 .

GU ITTON Explication du PetitC atechisme des Eglises Réformées de France . 8° C harenton, 1 665 .

GnL i ELMns (Janus). Plautina Qua stiones. 8° Lutet. 1583 .GU L L iVERi AN A . 8° Land. 1 7 2 8.

GUN N IN G (Peter). Schisme unmask’

d or, A late C onference betwixtMr. Peter Gunning andMr. John Pierson. 8° Par. 1 658.

GU N TER Descri tion and Use of the Sector, C ross - Staff,and otherWorks. 4° and. 1 63 6 .

GORDON (Thomhaugb). The History ofthe High C ourtof Parliament. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 781 .

GnRN A LL Sermon onthe Death of Lady Vere. 8° Land.

1 67 2 .

C hristian A rmour . Fol. Land. 1 669.

Go '


rR (Hem). Discursus Logicus. 8° Herb.N ass. 1 6 1 4.

Pathologin. 8° Herb. N ass. 1 6 15 .

Ethics . 8° Herb. N ass. 1 6 1 2 .

GnrnERins De Oflicio Domus Augusta . 4° Par . 16 2 8.

Specula ad Jac. Leschasserii Observationem de Ecclesiis Suburbicariis . 8° Par . 16 18 .

De JureManium. 8° L ip s. 167 1 .

Go 'rRRiE The C hristian’

s Interest. 8° Land. 1 68 1 .

The GeneralHistory of England . 8 vol. Fol. Land. 1 744.

GorunY (Bishop). Memoirs of Bishop Guthry. 8° Land. 1 702 .

Gor iEREz DE GODOY (Juan). Tres Discursos para provar que estanobligadas criarsus Hijos, a sus Pechos todas lasMadres quandotienen buenan Salud fi iercas , y buen Temperamento, buena Leche,y sufficiente para Alimentareos. 4° Jaen. 1 6 2 9.

GUYON (Lays). Le C ours deMédecine. 4° Lyon, 1 67 1 .

Ga E (Dr. John). A PracticalExposition ofthe Four Evangelistsinthe Form of a Paraphrase . 8 vol. 4° Land. 1 739.

GYnALnns (Lilius). Opera omnia. Fol. Bar. 1580.


H. (G.) The Excellency and Equi tableness of God’

s Law. 8°

Land. 1669.

H. (L) The Author ity oftheMagistrate about Religion . 8° Land .

1 67 2 .

The C ompleatC lerk. 4° Land. 1 67 7 .

The Exact Dealer Refined. 1 2 ° Land. 1 695 .

The Fort Boys]of the Holy Scriptures ; or , a N ew C ancar

dance . 8° Land. 1655 .

L 2

148 H HAL

H. (L ) History of Sir ThomasMore. 8° Land. 1 65 2 .

Meditations. 1 2 ° Land. 1686 .

Tlie O bligation of Human Laws discussed. 8° Land 1671.

The Plea for the N onconformiststo justify them against theC harge of Schisme. 8° Land. 1 674.

The View of Antiquity. 8° Land. 1 67 7 .

H. (L .) Index BiblicusMultijugus . 1 2 ° Land. 1 672 .

1 2 ° Land. 1 688.

H. (M.) The N ature of Sch ism. 8° Land. 1 690.

H. (P:)Marquis of C . The Politicks of France . 8° Land. 1 680.

H. S.) The Second Guide to Heaven. 8° Land. 1 687 .

H. (W.) The Holy Sinner ; or ,Medita tions onthe penitentWoman.1 2 ° Land . 163 9.

Observations on History. 8° Land. 1 641 .


r (Germ) . La Vie du C ardinalde Berulle. 4° Par . 1646.

HABERr (Isaac) . L iber Pontificalis Ecclesia Gra ca . Fol. Par.

1 693 .

HAc'r (John). Sermons. Fol. Land. 167 5.

L ife of Archbishop Williams. Fol. Land. 1 693 .

HA C K SPAN IU S De Locutionibus Sacris. 4° A ltdarf . 1648.

Disputationes Theologica etPhilologica . 4° Altdorf . 1663.

N ota Philologica - Theologica in varia etdifiicilia ScripturaLoca. 3 vol. 8° Altdorf . 1 664.

HADDOa Lucubrationes, aThom. Hatchero collecta .

4° La nd. 1567 .

Poemata, aThom. Hatchero collecta. 4° Land..1 567 .

HADRIA Nus De Sermone Latino. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 581 .HE RETIC I. De Ha reticis, an s int persequendi ? 8° Magdeb. 1 554.

Epigrammata in Ha reticos, Auctore Andrea Prusia . - 1 2 °


Traicté de Hérétiques, a savoir , Si on les doitpersécuter ? 8°Rauen, 1554.

Moyens pour la C onversion de tous les Hérétiques. 12 °

C ologne, 1 681 .

HAGER (J An Explanation of C hinese Elementary C haracters.Fol . Land. 1 801 .

Ezechielis Propheta Vaticinia. 8° Losing.

1 587 .

HA i N L i Nus C hronologiaMystics . Fol. Tubing . 1 646 .

HAK EWILL (George). ScutumRegium contraRegicidas. 8° Land.1 6 1 3 .

An Apology for the Power and Providence of God . Fol.

Land. 1685.

King David’

s Vow for Reformation. 8° Land. 1 6 2 2 .

The Vani ty ofthe Eye. 1 2 ° Oxf. 1608.

HALD (P. da). The GeneralHistory of C hina. 4 vol. 8° Land.

1 7 3 6 .

HALE (Sir MagnetismusMagnus. 8° Land.

O rigination ofMankind. 8° L and. 16 77 .

A short Treatisetouching Sheriff’

s Accounts. 8° Land. 1683 .


HAMEL (Joan . Bapt . do). De C orporum Afl'

ectionibus manifestisetoccultis. 1 2 ° Par . 1 670.

DeMente Humans . 1 2 ° Par . 16 72 .

Opera Philosophica. 2 vol. 4° N ariinb. 168 1 .

HAMi L 'rON (Sir The Private C hristian’

s Witness to C hristianity. 8° Land. 1 697 .

The Inward Testimony of the Spiri t of C hrist. 8° Lasd.

1 701 .

HAMMOND De C onfirmatione per ImpositionemManunmEpiscopi. 8° Orr. 166 1 .

Xapts A'

atBipsun. 8° Land. 1 660.

Works . 4 vol. Fol. Land. 1674.

Onthe N ew Testament. Fol. Land. 1702 .

The L ife of Henry Hammond, by Fell. 8° Land. 1 66 2 .

A Para nesis or seasonsble Exhortatoryto alltrue Sons ofthe C hurch of England. 1 2 ° Land. 1656 .

A FuneralSermon for Richard Steele. 8° Land. 1 693 .

HAMMON D (Dr .John) and his Paraphrase vindicated against Le Clerc.8° Land. 1699.

HAMMON D An Answer to Dr. Pr iestley ’

s Lettersto a Phi

losophicalUnbeliever . 8° Land. 1 782 .

HAMMON D Algebra. 8° Land. 1742 .

HAMON D A Discourse of Family Worship. 1 2 ° Land.

1 694.

HAMPTON (C hristopher). A Sermon beforethe King atBeauly,Hants. 8° Dublin, 1 6 2 0.

HANRURY (Benj .) Extracts fromthe Diary,Meditations and LettersofMr. JosephWilliams. 8° Land. 181 5.

The Ecclesias ticalPolity and otherWorks OfRichard Hooker,with his L ife by IzaakWalton, and Strype

s Interpolations . 3 vol.

8° Land. 1880.

HA i us (M De Romanarum Rerum Scriptoribus. 4° L ips.

1 669.

HANMER (Jonathan). A View of Antiquity. 8° Land. 1 6 77 .

An Exercitation upon C onfirmation. 8° Land. 1 657 .

HANWAY (Jonas). Travels in Pers ia. 2 vols. 4° Land. 167 2 .

The Sea Lad’

s C ompanion. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 79.

HARANGUEs. Recueil des Harangues faites a la Reine de Suede.1 2 ° Par. 1660.

HAREY WhatisTruth ? or, The Pattern intheMountain.

4° Land. 1 67 1 .

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HARDYNG’s C hronicle. 4° Land. 1 81 2 .

HARE (Bishop). Works. 4 vols. 8° Land. 1 746 .

HARLEi AN Miscellany. 1 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 809.

HARLEY (Sir An Account of the C hristian Religion. 1 2 °

Land. 1 695

HARMARus C atechesis Religionis C hristin a , Gr. etLat.1 2 ° Land. 1 659.

HAR 151

HARMARUS C atechesis Religionis C hristiana compendios ior, a C onventu VenerandorumMagna Britannia Theologorumqui Westmonasterii consederant, concionata. 1 2 ° Land. 1659.

HARMER A Specimen of some Errors and Defects in Burne t’s His tory Ofthe Reformation. 8° Land. 1 693 .

HARMER O bservations on various Passages of Scripture,newly arranged and enlarged by Dr. Adam C larke , in 4 vol. 8°

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HARPocRATION (Valer ius). Dictionarium in decem Rhetores cumnotis Ph . J . Maussaci. 4° Par . 1 6 14.

HA RRIN GTON (James). The Oceans , and other Works of JamesHarr ington, with an A ccount of his L ife, by John Toland. 4°

Land. 1 778 .

HARRIN GTON (Sir John). A View of the State of the C hurch of

England, as i t was in Q. Elizabeth’

s and K . James’

s Reigns. 1 2 °Land. 1 658 .

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HARRIs (James). Three Treatises, on Art, Music , Painting, andPoe try. 8° Land. 1 744.

Hermes ; or Philosophical Inquiry concerning universalGrammar . 8° La nd. 1 7 7 1 .

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versal Deluge. 8° 1 697 .

C ollection Of Voyages and Travels. 2 vol. Fol. Land. 1 705.

A short Treatise of A lgebra. 8° Land. 1 702 .

Trigonometry. 8° Land. 1 706 .

Lexicon Technicum. 2 vol. Fol . 1 708, 1 7 10.

AstronomicalDialogues. 8° Land . 1 7 1 9.

U ses ofthe Globes. 8° Land. 1 7 2 5 .

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mons. Treatise ofthe N ew C ovenant. 4° Land. 1 63 2 .

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s Estate inthe First and Second Adam.

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Works and Sermons. Fol. Land. 1 654.

HARRIS Discourses onthe principal Representations oftheMessiah throughoutthe Old Testament. 8° Land. 1 7 2 4.

Four Discourses upon the N ature of the Lord’

s Supper . 8°

Land. 1 7 3 7 .

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L ife and Wr itings of James I . 8° Land. 1 7 7 2 .

L ife of C harles I . 8° Land. 1 7 7 2 .

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s Gift humbly offered tothe C onsideration of allthe 30th of January Preachers. 8° Land. 1 742 .


HARRISON (Joseph). The Papish Proselyte , the grand Fanatick ;or , an Antidote against the Poyson of C aptain RobertEverard


Epistle to the severalC ongregations Of the N onconformists. 8°

Land. 1 684.

HART (James). Anatomic of U rines. 4° Land. 1 6 2 5 .

HART (John) . The Die t ofthe Diseased. Fol. Land . 1 6 3 3 .

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wi th a L ife of the Author ; and N otes translated fromthe German of Herm. Andr . Pistorius. 4° Land . 1 7 9 1 .

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HARTMAN N (Joh. Prax is C hymistries . 8° Genes . 1 685 .

Tractatus de O pio . 8° Witteb. 1685 .

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HARwoon An Introduction tothe Study and K nowledgeofthe N ew Testament. 8° Land. 1 767 .

Discourses on St. Paul’s Description of Death, and its Consequences . 8° Land . 1 790.

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HASENMU LLERU S (Elia) . Historia Jesuitici O rdinis. 8° Francof.1 595 .

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HATTON System of Ar ithmetick . 4° Land . 1 7 2 1 .

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HAUGHTON The Rise, Growth and Fallof Antichr ist. 1 2 °

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HAue n (P ). Senile Odium, C onioedia. 1 2 ° C antab. 1 663 .

154 11151 HEN

Hzmsws O rationes etPoemata in O bitum Jos. Scaligeri.4° ApudPlantin. 1609.

O rationes. 1 2 ° d pud Elz . 16 2 7 .

Historia Rerum ad Sylvam Ducis atque alibi in Belgio Anno1 6 2 9 gestarum. Fol. Lugd.Bat. 1 63 1Laudatio funebris Mauritii Principis Auriace etO ratio in

O bitum Bontii. Fol. Lugd.Bat. 16 2 5 .

Breda expugnata. Fol. Lugd.Bat. 1 687 .

Exercitationes Sacra ad Novum Test. etAristarcbus Sam .

Fol. Lugd.Bat. 1689.

Panegyricus Gustavo Magno Sueoorum Regi consecrstul.Fol. Lugd.Bat. 1 68 2 .C re undis Siliana. 1 2 ° C antab. 1646 .

DeTragmdim C onstitutione. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 648.

Poemata. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1640.

Epistola opposita ad Dissertationem Balzacu de Herods In

fanticida. 1 2 ° L d.Bat. 1 686 .

Apologia pro aniele Heinsio adversus Jo. C ron C alumnias.1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1646 .

HEIN SIUS (N icolas). Bibliotheca Heinsiana. 1 2 ° Lugd. Ba .

1 68 2 .

In Prudentium Adnotata. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 667 .HEIss. Histoire de l’Empire. 3 vol. 1 2 ° Hays, 1 685 .

HELIonoRUs. Heliodori Ethiopicorum L ibri x. Gr. Lat. 8°AprilC ammelin. 1596 .


s Pilgrimage to Jerusalem. 8° Land.

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HELVETIus (M). O n Man and his Education ; translated byW. Hooper . 8° Land. 1 7 7 7 .

HELVIcus Systems C ontroversiarum. 4° Gin a , 1612 .

Synopsis Histor ia Universalis. 4° 6 53 3 49, 1 6 1 2 .

Lexicon Hebraicum. 4° Gissar, 1 6 2 0.

Desider iumMatris Eva . 4° Gin a , 1 6 1 3 .

Vindicatio Locatum pontissimorumVeteris Testamenti aCarruptelis Pontificiorum. 8° Gissae, 1 6 2 0.

Theatrum Historicum, a Balth. Schappio. Fol. Mam. Cat.1 63 8.

HEMERY (Sieur). Recue il de C uriositéz de la N ature etde l’Art.1 2 ° Par. 1 679 .

HEMIN G A complete Survey of Scr ipture Geography.4° Land. 1 8 18.

Postilla. 8° L ips. 156 1 .

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Land . 1 669.

HEN LEY John). The C ompleat L inguist. 8° Land. 1 7 19 .

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8 ° L and. 1 82 1 .

HEN RY , Prince of Wales. Life of Henry Prince ofWales, by Birch.

8 ° Land. 1 760.

HEN RY II. Boy de France. Histoire de Henry II. 2 vol. 1 2 °

A msi . 1 698.

HENRY 111. R0 de France. Histoire de Henry III. par Var illas.8 vol. 1 2 ° aye, 1 694.

Recue ilde Pieces de servantal'Histoire de Henry III. 8°

C ol. 1 699.

D iverses Pieces concernantl’Histoire deHenry III. 1 2 °Hays,1 6 60.

Mémoirestres particuliéres pour servir al’Histoire de HenryIII. etIV. 1 2 ° Par . 1 667 .

HEN RY IV. Ray de France. Epistola etResponsa de Pace Ecclesiastica constituenda. 1 2 ° Ultraj. 1 679.Histoire de Henry IV. 2 vol. 8° Par . 1 609.

Remarques sur le Gouvernementde Henry IV. etLouis XIII.1 2 ° C ologne, 1688.

Histoire des Amours de Henry IV. 1 2 ° L eide, 1 663 .

L’Assassinatdu Roy Henry le Grand. 8° 1 6 14.

HENRY V., K ing ofEngland. The History ofHenry V., by Thomas Goodwin. Fol. Land. 1 704.

HEN RY VIII K of England. The L ife of Henry VIII . , byLord Herber t. 01. 1 649.

11a ! (Matthew). A Scripture - C atechism, intheMe thod of the- Assemblies . 1 2 ° Land. 1 703 .

An Exposi tion onthe Bible. 6 vol. Fol. Land. 1 708.

Method of Prayer. 8° Land. 1 7 10.

FuneralSermons onMr . Renion ’

s andMr . Tallent's Deaths .

8° Land. 1 709.

C ommun icant’s C ompanion. 8° Land. 1 73 4 .

Pleasantness of a Rel igious L ife . 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 14 .

1 2 ° Land. 1 8 1 1 .

D iscourse onMeekness. 8° Land. 1 699.

Scripture C atechism. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 14.

C ommunion wi th God. 8° Land. 1 7 1 2 .

The L ife ofMatthew Henry, by W. Tong. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 10.

HEERY (Dr . History of Great Bri tain, from its Invasion byJulius C aesarto the Accession of Edward VI., wr itten on a new

Plan . 1 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 788—1 795 .

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1 7 4 1 .

HBPTATEU CHU S. L iber Job etEvangeliumN icodemiAnglo - Saxonicae.

HistoriaJudith ,Dano - Saxonice abEdw.Thwaites . 8° Oman. 1698.

HERAcLEOTA (Marcianus). Scylacis C aryandensis, &c.Geographies ,aDav. Hoeschelio, Gr . 8° Aug . Vi nd. 1 600.

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Amst. 1 63 8.

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possibili , eta falsa . 4° Land. 1 645 .

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O utland ish Proverbs. 1 2 ° Land. 1 65 1 .

QuadripartitDevotion. 8° Land. 1648.

The Temple , or sacred Poems. 8° Land. 1709 .

A Dialogue between a Tutor and his Pupil. 4° Land.

1 768 .

HERBERT (Sir Memoirs ofthe Two lastYears of C harlesl.8° Land. 1 7 1 1 .

Travels into Afr ica . Fol. Land. 1677 .

HERDER (J . Godfrey). The History ofthe Philosophy ofMan. 4’L and. 1800.

HERnsON U s (Hem). ArsMnemonica. 1 2 ° Land. 1 65 1 .

Meletemata Philos0phica. 4° Amst. 1665.HEREsEAC IIIU s Histor ia Anabaptistica. 8° Amst.HERLE (C harles). Independency on Scriptures ofthe Independency

of C hurches. 4° Land. 1 643 .

Excellence of C hristian Wisdom. 1 2 ° Land. 1 655 .


s Tr ipos. 1 2 ° L and. 1655 .

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HERUART Admiranda Ethnica Theologia Mysteria propalata. 4° Ingaldstad . 1 6 2 3 .

HBRN E An Account of the C harter House , with the Lifeof Sir Thos. Sutton, the Founder. 8° Land. 1677 .

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Historia , Gr. Lat., cum notis Boecleri. 8° A rgent. 1 66 2 .

Histor ia , Gr. Lat. 8° Oman. 1 678.

HERODOTU S Halicarnasseus. Historia , Lat., cumVi ta Homeri. Fol.ApudHen.Steph. 1566 .

Histor ia , Gr. Fol . Apud Henr. Sleph. 1570.

Histor ia , Lat. 8° Francaf. 1 584.

Historia , Gr . Lat. cura Gronovii. Fol. Lugd. Bat. 1 7 15 .

Les Histoires d ’Hérodote, par Du Ryer. Fol. Par . 1 658.

HERPORT (Mr .) Essays on Truths of Importance. 8° 1 768.

HERRERA (Anton. de). N ovus O rbis, sive Descriptio Ind ia Occiidentalis. Fol. Amat. 1 6 2 2 .

HERRIN G (Archbishop). Seven Sermons. 8° Land. 1 768 .

HERsEN TIus In Librum Dionys.Areopagita de MysticsTheologia. 8° Par . 1 6 2 6 .

1558 “BY HIG

HEo on A Treatise of C hrist’s Intercession. 8° Land.1 701.

GeneralAssembly. 8° Land. 1700.

Heart- Treasure. 8° Land. 1667.

Mercies of David. 8° Land. 1 67 2 .

BaptismalBonds renew'

d. 8° Land. 1687 .N ew C reature . 8° Land. 1695 .

L ife in God’s Favour. 8° Land. 1679.

C lose t Prayer a C hristian Duty. 8° Land. 1 687 .A l tar erected to God . 8° Land. 1693 .

Best Entail. 8° Land. 1 693 .

HEo on Digest of the Law of C ounty Elections. 8°

Land. 1 790.

Digestofthe Law respectingthe Elections of C ities and Boroughs in eneral, &c. 8° Land. 1797 .

HEo on Hierarch ie ofthe blessed Angels. Fol. Land.1 685 .

Principles ofthe ArtMilitary. Fol. L and. 1637.Hc ERINGIIILL Jamaica view

d . 1 2 ° Land . 1 6 6 1 .

The History of Priests and Priestcraft, the Plague of allBeligions . 8° Land. 17 2 1 .

Hc EsIus L inguarum vett. Septentrionalinm ThesaurusGrammatica - cr iticus etA rcha ologicus. 2 vol. Fol. Ozan. 1705.

Institutiones Grammatica Anglo - Saxonica . 4° Oman. 1689.

Sermons. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 1 8.

Vindication ofthe C hurch of England. 8° Land. 1 709.

Answerto his C hristian Priesthood. 8° Land. 1 709.

Spinoza reviv’

d, against Tindal'

s Rights of the C hurch. 8°

La nd. 1 709.

HICKMAN (C harles). Sermons. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 700.

8° Land. 1 706 .

Hc uAN (Henry). Justification of the Fathers and Schoolmen.8° Oman. 1659.

Animadversions on Dr. Heyhn s Quinquarticular History. ‘

8° Land. 1 674.

Believer ’

s Duty to the Spirit. 8° Land. 1700.

HICKMAN The Spirit of Prophecie. 8° Land 1 6 79.

HIDE C hristian Vindication of Truth againstErrant. 12 °

Land. 1 659.

HIERocLEs Philosaplms A lexandr. De Providentia etFato, Gr.Lat. cum notis C asauboni. 1 2 ° Land. 1 655 .

C ommentarius in Aurea Pythagoreorum C armina, C urteriointerp. 1 2 ° Par . 1654.

1 2 ° Land. 1654.

1 2 ° Par . apudN ivel. 1 683 .

Onthe Golden Verses of Pythagoras. 8° Land. 1 682 .

HIERONYMUS (Sanctus). Opera. 4 vol. Fol. Par . 1546 .

Epistola Selecta . 1 8° Par . 1 61 8 .

HIGBMORE The History oftheHonourable Artillery C ompany. 8° Land.


Hu ma n Pictavaruns. O pera. Fol. Bar. 1570.

HILDA N US Of C utting forthe Stone in the Bladder. 8°

L and. 1 640.

C hyrurgery. 4° Land. 1648.

HILDEERA IInus (Joach . C ompend ium veterum O randiRituum ex

sacr is prisca Eccles ia Antiquitstibus. 4° Helmstad. 1656 .

HIL DERsBAu (A rth. Onthe 4th of John. Fol. Land. 1 6 2 9.

Lectures onthe 5lstPsalm. Fol. Land. 1 64 2 .

HIL L (John). A Review of the Works of the RoyalSociety. 4°

Land. 1 75 1 .

Arithmetic. 8° Land. 1 7 1 6.

HIL L rly Love. 8° Land. 1 798.

HIL L imitive Fathers against BishopBurnet. 8° Land. 1695 .

Rights and L iberties ofthe C hr istian C hurch 8° L and. 1 701 .

Examination ofthe Principles in T indal’

sRIghts ofthe C hristian C hurch. 8° Land. 1 7 68.

HIL L Excerpts ex Parsphrssi Poetics Buchanani in

Psalmos. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 15.

HILPEBTUS (Joan). D isquis itio de Pra - Adami tis. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 656 .

Hmc EY (John). Two Assize Sermons. 1 2 ° Oxford, 1657 .

HIN C II ARUB Archiep . Remensis. Opuscula etEpistola . 4° Lutet.1 6 15 .

HIPPOC RATES. AphorIsmI, Gr Lat. s Vorstio. 2 4° Lugd.Bat. 16 2 8.

Gr. Lat. per Heurnium etWintertonum. 1 2 ° C antab.

1 63 3 .

Gr. Lat. aHeurnio. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 63 8.

Gr. Lat. ab Almeloveen. 2 4° Amet. 1 685 .

De Aeribus, Aquis etLocis, aC arnar ia interprete, cum notisFoesii. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1658.

Aphorisms. 8° Land. 1 665 .

HISPAN IA . H18pania, s ive de Regis Hispania Regnis etOpibusC ommentarius. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 2 9.

Hispania etLusi tania Itinerarium. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 656 .

Abrégé de l’

HistoireGénérale d’

Espsgne. 3 vol. 8° Par . 1 689.

Mémoires de C our d ’

Espagne . 1 2 ° Par . 1 69 1 .

Relation de Voyage d’

Espsgne. 1 2 ° Hays, 1691 .Voyage d

Espagne, contenant Trois Discours Politiques sur

les Afl'

aires de Protecteur d’

Angleterre, ls Reyne de Suede etda Due de Lorraine. 1 2 ° C ologne, 1 666 .

HISTORIA. Historicarum Fragments , collects ab Ant. Augustino ,emendata aFulvio Ursino. 8° Antv Plant. 1 595 .

Histoire des Troubles de la Grand re e 4° Par . 1649.

Recueil de plusieurs Pisces servsns a'Histoire Moderne .

1 2 ° C ologne, 1663 .

RecueilHistor ique, contenantdiverses Pisces curieuses de ccTemps. 1 2 ° C ologne, 1 664.

Instructions pour l’Histoire. 1 2 ° Par . 1 67 7 .

Histoire Poétique de laGuerre entre les Anciens etModernes.1 2 ° Par . 1 688.


HIsTORIA. L’Histoire da Temps depuis les Regnes de C harles II. It

Jacques II . 4 vol. 1 2 ° Amt. 1 691.Divers Traitez d'Histoire de Morale etd ’

Eloquence . 12 °

Pa r . 1 67 2 .

Histoire etApologie de la Retrsite des Pasteurs a cause de

la Persecution de France. 8° Francof . 1687 .

Histoire de la Prison etde la Liberté deMons. le Prince. 4°Par . 1 65 1 .

The UniversalHistory. 2 0 vol. 8° Land. 1 747 .

TheModern U niversal History. 42 vol. 8° Land. 1 780.

An Introduction to History AntientandModern. 1 2 ° Load.

1 749.

HITC IIIs Infant’s C ause vindicated. 8° Land. 1 700.

HOADLY Bis/zap of Winchester . O riginalof C iv ilGovernment. 8° Land. 1 7 10.

Accountofthe Sacrament. 8° Land. 1705 .

Reasonsbleness of C onformity. 8° Land. 1 708 .

Defence ofthe same . 1 2 ° Land. 1 705 .

Defence of EpiscopalO rdination. 8° Land. 1 707 .

Measures of Submission. 8° Land. 1 7 10.

.Tracts . 8° Land . 1 7 1 5 .

Answertothe C ommi ttee. 8° Land. 1 7 17 .

C ommon Rights of Subjects. 8° Land. 1 7 1 9 .

Terms of Acceptance with God. 8° Land. 1 7 1 1 .

Measures of Submission disprov’

d. 8° Land . 1 7 1 1 .

Sermons. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 54.

Works. 3 vol. Fol. Land. 1 778.

HOADLY The Method ofTeaching. 8° Land. 1 7 2 8.

HoARE (Sir Richard C olt) . A C lassical Tour through Italy and

Sicily. 2 vol. 8° Land. 181 9.

HOBART (D r. John Henry). Sermons onthe pr inc ipalEvents andTruths of Redemption. 2 vol. 8° Land. 18 2 4.

HOEBES Elements Philosophia . 8° Land. 1 655 .

Elements Philosophies de C ive. 1 2 ° Amst. 1657 .

De C ive. 4° Par . 1 642 .

Opera Philos0phica, aBlaeu. 2 vol. 4° Amat. 1 668.

Vita. 8° C aralop . 1 68 1 .

4° C aralop . 168 2 .

Historia Ecclesiastica, in csrmine. 8° Aug .Trinob. 1688.Elemens philosophiques du C itoyen. 8° Awst. 1 649 .

Dialogues of Philosophy . 8° Land. 1 678.

The History of the C ivi l Wars of England from 1 640. 12 °

Land. 1 679.

The ArtofRhetorick, with s Discourse of the Laws of Eliglsnd. 8° Land. 1 68 1 .

Tracts. 8° Land. 1 682 .

Philosophical Rudiments of Government and Soc iety. 12 °

Land. 1 65 1 .

The Elements of Policy. 1 2 ° Land. 1650.

1 2 ° Land. 1 65 1 .

162 HOL HOMHOLLAIID An Exposition, or an Epitome of the most

choice C ommentaries uponthe Revelation Of St. John. 4° Land.


HOLLAN D. Histoire de la Guerre de Hollands . 8° Hays, 1689.

Les Délices de la Hollands . 1 2 ° A rnst. 1685 .

Hou s e (Denzil), Lard Ificld. Memoirs Of Lord DenailHolles.8° Land. 1699.

HOLLIDAY (Francis). Syntagma Mathesios , containing the Resolation Of Equations. 8° Land. 1 745 .

HOLLIN OWORTII The Holy Ghost onthe Bench, and otherSpir its atthe Bar . 1 2 ° Land. 1 654.

HOLLIS (John). Hints and Essays, Theologicaland Moral. 1 2 °

Land. 1 7 75 .

Essays in Support of RationalReligion. 1 2 ° Land . 1 790.

Apology forthe Disbelief O f Revealed Religion. 1 2 ° Land.

1801 .

HOLLIS Memoirs of Thomas Hollis wi ththe Appendix.

2 vol. 4° Land. 1780.

HOLLIS (Thos. Brand). Memoirs O f Thomas Brand Hollis. 4°

Land. 1 808 .

HOLMES (Dr . Abel) : v. STILBS.American Annals. 2 vol. 8° C amb. 1 805 .

HOLMES (John). A Greek Grammar. 8° Land. 1 7 3 5 .

B on u s a . TESTAMEN TUM.

HOLSTEN IUS (Lucas) . C ollectio veterum Eccles ia Romana Monumentorum. 8° Ram. 1 66 2 .

Annotationes in Geographism. 8° Ram. 1666 .

HOLSWORTII The Valley of Vision 4° Land. 1 65 1 .

HOLWELL Mythological , EtymologIcsland Histor icalDictionary. 8° Land. 1 798 .

HOLYDAY Philosophia Poli to - Barbsra Specimen, deAnims. 4° Or an. 1 683 .

HOLYOKE (Dr . Thomas). A Dictionary. Fol. Land. 16 77

HOIIE Essays upon several Subjects concerning BritishAntiquities. 1 2 ° Edin. 1 763 .

HOMEBUS. Homeri Ilias, Gra ce. 8° Par . apud Tarneh. 1 554.

Homeri etHesiodi C ertamen. 8° A b Hanf . Steph. 157 3 .

Iliados L iber primus, aSylvano. 8° Land. 1 685 .

Opera, Gr. etLat. cum notis Spondani. Fol. Aur .A llob. 1 606.cum scholiis Didymi, aSchrevelio. 2 vol. 4° Amat. 1 656 .

Homerici C entones ; Virgilii C entones ; Nonni Paraphrasis inJohannem, Gr. Lat. 8° Apud Henr. Steph. 1 578.

The L ife and Writings of Homer , by Thos. Blackwell. 8°

1 7 3 6.

The Iliad and Odyssey , translated by Pope, and ed i ted byG Wakefield. 1 1 vol. 8° Land. 1 796 .

The Iliad and Odyssey, by Hobbes. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1676.

HOMES A Vindication of baptiz ing Believers’ Infants . 4°

Land. 1 646 .

Da monologie , and Theologie : the first the Malady, thesecondthe Remedy . 1 2 ° Land. 1650.


HOMIL IA. Homilies Académiques . 8° Par . 1664.

Homilies in Q. Elizabeth ’

s Time . Fol . Land. 1673 .

Homilies ofthe C hurch of England . 1 2 ° Land. 1 687 .

HOMO . Ofi‘icium Hominis. 8° Lond . 1680.

De l’

Etatde l’Homme apres le Péché. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 684.

Réflexions sur les Défauts ordinaires des Hommes etsur leursbonnes Qualitéz . 1 2 ° Par . 1 695 .

HOOKE (John) . C atholicism wi thout Popery. 8° Land. 1 674.

HOOKER O fthe Lawes ofEcclesiasticallPolitie the Sixthand Eighth Books . 4° Land. 1 648.

Ecclesiastical Polity, and his otherWorks, with his L ife . Fol.L and. 1 705 .

HOOKER The Soul ’s Implantation into C hrist. 4° Land.

1 6 3 7 .

The Unbeliever’

s Preparing for C hr ist. 4° Land. 1 63 8 .

The Soul’s effectualC all ingto C hrist. 4° Land. 1 63 8.

The Soul’s Humiliation. 4° Land. 1 640.

A Survey of the Summe of C hurch Discipl ine ; whereintheWay Of the C hurches of N ew England is warranted. 4° Land.

1 648.

The Doubting C hr istian drawn to C hrist. 1 2 ° Land . 1 652 .

The Application OfRedemption. 4° Land. 1 6 56 .

8° Land. 1 656 .

HOOLE (Barbara). Poems. 1 2 ° Shefi eld, 1805.

HOOLE (C har les). A N ew Discoverie ofthe Old A rtof TeachingSchoole. 1 2 ° Land. 1 660.

Grammatica Latina. 1 2 ° Land. 1 670.

HOOPER (J A Declaration of the Ten C ommandments. 8°


HOORN EEC K Institutiones Theologica . 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 658.

Apologia pro Eccles ia. 8° Amsi . 1 647 .

Summa controversiarum Religionis , cum Infidelibus, Ha re

ticis, Schismsticis. 8° Traj. ad Rhen . 1 653 .

De C onversione Indorum etGentilium. 4° Amat. 1 669.

Disputationes Theol. sub Pra sidio ejusdem . 4° Ultraj. 1 644.

HOPKIN S Bislrap ofLondonderry. Works. Fol. Land. 1 701 .

Fol. Land. 17 10.

The Doctrine ofthe Two C ovenants. 8° Land. 1 7 1 2 .

The Doctrine ofthe Two Sacraments. 8° Land. 1 792 .

Death disarm’

d Of its Sting. 8° Land. 1 7 1 2 .

Onthe Ten C ommandments . 4° Land. 1 69 2 .

HOPKIN S Of Salvation from Sin, by Jesus C hr ist. 1 2 °

L and. 1 655 .

HOPKIN S The L iturgy ofthe C hurch of England in its ordinary Serv ice reduced nearer tothe Standard of Scripture. 1 2 °

L and. 1763 .

Exodus : a corrected Translation , with N otes critical and ex

planatory. 4° Land. 1 784.

HO PTON A C oncordancy of Years. 8° L and. 1 6 1 6 .

HOME. Hora Beatissima Virginis , in U sum Sar ish . 4° Par . 1 530.

M 2

164 HOR

HORE . Hora in Laudem Beatissima Virginis Mar ia , ad Usum

Romanum. 8° Par . 1 556 .

Hora Diurna Breviarii Romani . 1 2 ° Ants. 1 63 1 .

HORATIU S (Quintus Flaccus). Horatius, cum notis Fabri. 12 °

Salmur . 1 6 7 1 .

cum notis Heinen. 1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. apud E12 . 1 6 2 9 .

L iber Iv. C arminum, a C raquio. 8° Brag . Fland. 1 565.

aBond. 8° Amat. 1 7 1 2 .

cum notis variorum etBond. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 670.

aRutgersio . 1 2 ° Truj. Rhea. 1699.

1 2 ° C antab. 1 701 .

in usum Delphini . 8° Land . 1 705 .

cum a ne is Tab . 5.Pine. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 3 3 .

s Alexandra C unninghsmio. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 2 1 .

aSandby. 2 vol. in 1 . 8° Land. 1749.

aRich. Bentleio. 4° C antab. 1 7 1 1 .

cum notis G. Wakefield. 2 vol. 8° Land. 17 2 4 .

s Land ino. 4° Venet. 1 483 .

cum notis Kutgersii. 1 2 ° Apud Rob. Steph. 1 6 18.

cum notis var iorum, 5 C arol. C ombe . 2 vol. 4° Land. 1792 .

Horatii Emblemata , a studio Othonis Va ni . 4° Anta. 1607.

Horatio, en Lengua C astellsna y Latina, per V illen . de Biedma.Fol. Granad. 1 599.

Horace , by Brome , &c. 8° Land. 1 67 1 .

HORDAL (J Historia Joanna d’

Arc, sive Aurelianensis Paella.4° Pante -Muss. 1 6 1 2 .

HORN (John). Open Door forMan’

s Approachto God. 4° Land.

1 650.

A C aveat againstthe Spir it of Antichrist. 8° Land . 1651 .

HORN E (George), Bishop of N orwich. Sixteen Sermons on variousSubjects and O ccasions . 8° Oxf . 1 795 .

HORN E Manudictio in a dem Palladia, qua UtilissimaMethodus authores bonos legendi indigitatur . 1 2 ° Land. 1 641.

HoRN EcK The First Fruits ofReason. 1 2 ° Land. 1686.

The Great Law of C onsideration. 8° Land. 1 687 .

The C rucify’

d Jesus ; or , a fullAccoun t ofthe N ature, End,Design and Benefits ofthe Sacrament Ofthe Lord ’

s Prayer. 8°

Land. 1 689.

Sirenes , or, Delight and Judgment. 8° Land. 1 690.

HORN EIU S De Processu Disputandi. 8° Francqf. 16 2 4.PhilosophiaMoralis. 8° Franco/Z 1648.

C ompendium Historia Ecclesiastica . 4° Brunsv. 1 649.

HORN IUs De O riginibus Americanis. 1 2° Hag . C am. 1652 .

Histor ia Philosophies . 4° Lugd. Bat. 1655 .

Area N oa , sive , Historia Imperiorum etRegnorum a conditoO rbe ad nostra Tempora. 1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. 1 666 .

O rbis Politicus. 1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. 1 668.

O rbis Imperans. 1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. 1 669.

U lysses peregrinans, omnia lustrans L ittora. 1 2 ° Lugd. Bat.1 67 1 .


HOWELL (James). Dodons’

s Grove. 1 2 ° Cmnb. 1 645 .

Letters. 8° Land. 1 650.

Precedency Of Kings. Fol. Land. 1664.

HOWELL The History of the World. 3 vol. Fol. Land.

1 680.

HUARTE (Juan). Essamina degl’ Ingegni degl

’ Huomini. 1 2 °

Venet. 1603 .

Examen de Ingenios. 1 2 ° Leida , 1591 .

TrialofWits, translated by R. C . 4° Land. 1604 .

by Bellamy. 8° Land. 1 698.

HUBBARD The State of N ew England. 4° Land. 1677.

The Benefit of a well - ordered C onversation. 8° Boston, 1684.HU BBERT A Pillto purge Formality. 8° Land. 1650.

HUDSON The Essence and Uni ty ofthe C hurch C atholiquev isible. 4° Land. 1 654.

A Vindication ofthe Essence and Unity Ofthe C hurch visible.4° Land . 1 65 8.

HU ERTE Problemas Filosoficas. 1 2 ° Madr . 16 2 8.

Hum A Treatise ofthe Globes, by C hilmead . 8° Land.

1 6 3 9. s

HUET Apologie pour les vrais Toletans. 1 2 ° Dardr . 1690.

HUETIUS (Dan. De Interpretatione. 8° Hag . C am. 1683.

4° Par . 1 66 1 .

Demonstratio Evangelica. Fol. Par . 1679.

De C oncordia Rationis etFide i . 4° Francaf . 1 7 19.

La Situation du Paradis Terrestre. 8° Par . 1 691 .

The L ife of Daniel Peter Huet: a.AIK IN .

C ensura Philosophia C artesiana . 8° Par . 1689.

HUG (D r . John Leonard). An Introductionto the Writings OftheN ew Testament. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 8 2 7 .

HUGEN IU S Moments desultor ia ; Poematum Libri xIv.8° Hag . C am. 1 655 .

HUGHES AnalyticalExposition of Genesis, andthe 2 stdC hapter Of Exodus. F Land. 1 67 2 .

Sure Footing in C hristIsnity examined. 8° Land. 1 668.

Dry Rod blooming and bear ing Frui t. 4° Land. 1 644.

HUGHES (Jabez). L ives Ofthe x1 1 C a sars. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 17 .HUGHES (John). Poems . 2 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1 73 5 .

HUGHES Tour in France, in 1 802 and 1 803 . 8° Land.1 803 .

HUGHES Disputationes Grammaticales . 8° Land. 1671 .

N omotomia ; or , Survey ofthe C ommon‘

Law. 4° 1657 .

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Summons to Sinners. 8° Land. 1 681 .

HUGO De Scribendi O rigine. 8° Anta. 1 6 1 7 .

De vera Fide capessends . 8° A nts . apud Plant. 16 2 0.Pia Desider ia. 8° A nts . 163 2 .

HUGUEN OTS. Examen de la Doctrine des Huguenots. 8° C aen,1 590.


HU ISSEAU (J . Discipline des Eglises Réformées de France. 4°

C ha renton, 1 667 .HU LL Discourses on some important TheologicalSubjects .

8° Land. 1830.

HU LL (Dr . HarbourlessGuest, or Sermons onthe Revelations. 8° Land. 1 6 14.

HU LSIU S Theologia Juds ica deMessia. 4° Breda . 1 658 .

Spec imen Theologia Hypothetica . 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 670.H U L SIU S Series N umismstum Imp.Rom. aJulio C a sare

ad Rodolph. II. 8° Francaf. 1 603 .

N omenclatorBiblicus B ehra o - Latinus. 8° Breda , 1 650.

HUHBOLDT (Alex. de) . Political Essay on N ew Spain. 4 vol. 8°

Land. 1 8 14.

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Essays. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 7 2 .

H UHEREDUS De N obili tate . 1 2 ° Bar. 1560.

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1 560.

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HUHYREY (John). M iocris ; being a C ollection of allhe hathwr i t on Justification. 4° Land. 1698.

Rejoinderto Drake . 8° Land. 1 654.

Question ofRe- ordination. 8° 1 66 1 .

HU N GARIA. Scriptores Rerum Hungaricarum veteres ac genuini,&c. 3 vol. Fol. 1746 .

HungaricarumRerum Scriptores varII. Fol. Francaf. 1 600.

His toire etDescription du Royaume de Hongrie . 8° Par.

1 688 .

HUN T (J An Essay for explainingthe Revelations. 8° Land

1 784.

Sermons. 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 748.

HUN T (J .H. L .) Juvenilia, A C ollection Of Poems. 8° L and. 1801 .HU N T (John). The Infant’s Faith and Rightto Baptism. 8° Land.

HU N T (Dr . Observations on Passages in the Proverbs .

Oaf . 1 775.

HU N T Postscript for rectifyingMistakes in some OftheC lergy. 8° Land. 1 682 .

HU N TER (Dr .David). Observations onthe History Of Jesus C hrist.2 vol. 8° Land. 1770.

HUNTER (Joseph). Who wrote C avendish’s L ife of Wolsey ? 4°

Land. 1 81 4.0

Hallsmshire ; the History and Topography ofthe Pe sh of

Sheflield . Fol. Land. 1 8 19 .

The Diary ofRalph Thoresby, F.R.S. 2 vol. In 4 parts. 8°

L and. 1 830.

HUN TLEY (J. A Treatise ofthe UnwrittenWord ofGod com

monly called Traditions. 1 2 ° 1 6 14.

A Summary of C ontroversies. 8° 1 6 18.

168 HUN HYMHUN TLEY Breviate of the Prelates’

intolerable Usurpations upon the King

s Prerogative and Subjects ’

L iberties. 4°

Land. 1 687

HURD (D r . Introduction to the Study Ofthe Prophecies,in 1 2 Sermons. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 76 .

Sermons preached atL incoln’

s Inn between 1 765 and 1776.

8 vol. 8° Land. 1 785 .

B URRION (John). The Knowledge Of C hrist. 8° Land. 1 7 2 7 .

HURRY Tables Of Interest. 8° Land. 1 786 .

HURST RevivalOf Grace. 8° Land. 1678

HURTERU S (Joh. Jacobus). De Anima humana O rigIne. 8° Land.

1 648.

HUS Opera cumMartini Lutheri Pra fstione. Fol. N ari

berg . 1 558.


ipelFeast Opened. 8° Land . 1698.

The Glory of brist unveiled . 4° Land. 1 706 .

HUTC HESON An Inquiry into our Ideas Of Beauty and

Virtue . 8° Land. 1 7 2 6 .

Essay onthe N ature and C onductoftheP ass ions. 8° Land.

1 7 2 8.

MoralPhilosophy . 8° Gla sg . 1 747 .

HUTOHESON An Exposition of S!. John’

s Gospel. Fol.

L and. 1 657 .

An Exposition onthe 1 2 minor Prophets. 8° Land. 1655.

F0]. Land.l657 .

An Exposi tion onthe Book of Job. Fol. Land. 1 669.

HUTOHIN SON (C olonel). Memoirs Of C olonel Hutchinson by hisWidow Lucy. 4° Land. 1 808.

HUTcIIIN SON The History ofMassachusetts Bay. 8 vol. 8°

Land. 1 760.

HUTTERU s (Elias). Dictionarum Biblicum, Gr., Lat. etGerm. 4°

N arib. 1 598.

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HUTTON The L ife of W. Hutton , including a parttAccount ofthe Riots atBirmingham, 1 791 . 8° Land. 1 81 6 .

HUYGEN S C a lestislWorlds discover’

d . 8° Land . 1698.

HYDE Veterum Persarum, etParthorum, etMedorumReligionis Histor ia. 4° Oman. 1 760.

Syntagma Dissertationum, etOpuscula, a Gregorio Sharpe.2 vol. 4° Oman . 1 767 .

HYGIN US. Opera, aJoanne Schefl'

ero . 8° Hamb 1 674.

HYIIN S. Hymns for Public Worship. 1 2 ° Wam n tan, 1 7 7 2 .

A C ollectionOfHymns forPublicWorsbip. 1 2 °Salisbury, 1778.Hymns , &c. composed on various Subjects by J . Har t. 1 2 °

Land. 1 784.

A select C ollection ofHymns to be sung in allthe C hapelsofthe C ountess O f Huntingdon. 8° Land. 1 785 .

A Selection OfHymns for Social Worship. 8° N orwich, 1 795.

A C ollection of Hymns and Psalms, &c. by Andrew Kippis,D .D . 8° Land. 1 795 .

170 JAM IBMJAtlas 1 . K ing OfEngland. Works. Fol. Land. 1 6 1 6 .

The L ife of James I. by A rthur Wilson. Fol. L and. 1658.

Annals of James I. and King C harles. Fol. Land.

An HistoricalNarration of the firstfourteen Years OftheReign of James I . 4° Land. 1 65 1 .

JAn Es Ecloga Oxonio- C antsbrigiensis ; s ive C atalogusManuscriptorum inBibliothecis Acad.Oxon. etC antab . 4° Land.

1 600.

Index L ibrorum prohibitorum aPontificis. 1 2 ° Oman. 162 7.

Treatise Ofthe C orruption Ofthe Fathers, Scripture - Councils.&c. 4° Land. 16 1 2 .

A Manuductionto Divini ty ; containing a C onfutation of Pa

pista by Papists. 4° Land. 1 6 2 5 .

Voyage for the discovering a Passagetothe South Sea. 4°

Land. 1 683 .

JAHESON Roma Racovians . 4° Edin. 1 702 .

C yprianus Isotimus. 8° Edinb. 1 705.N azianzeni Querels ; or, Fundamentals of Hierarchy exa

ned. 4° Glas 1 697 .

The Sum O f piscopalC ontroversy. 8° Glasg . 1 7 18.

JANEWAY (James). A Token for C hildren. 1 2 ° Land. 1 709.

Invis ible Reali ties. 8° Land. 1 673 .JAN SEN ISHE . Préjugé contre ls Jansenisme, par un Docteur deSorbonne . 1 2 ° C al. 1 686 .

Le Janseniste convaincu de vaine Saphistiquerie. 1 2 ° Amst.1683 .

Phantosme du Jansenisme. 1 2 ° C al. 1686.

L’Histoire de Jansenius etde St. C yran. 1 2 °

JA N SEN Ias Ep ie 3 Gandaaensis. C ommentarium in sumC oncordiam etta tam istorism Evangelicam. Fol. Venet. 1579.

Augustinas. Fol. Rathamag . 1 65 2 .

Paraphrasis in Psalmos Davidia ; itemque in Proverbia etEcclesiasticum C ommentaria. Fol . A nte. 1 6 14.

C ommentarium in quinque L ibrosMoysis. 4° Par . 1 660.

Analecta in Proverbia Ecclesiasten, Sapientiam, Habacuc ctSophonism. 4°

C ommentarium in C hr isti Evangelia. 4° 1 660.

JAN SSON IU S (J N ovus Atlas, sive C amdeni Britannia. Fol.Amst. 1 659.

JAN SSON IUS De Vitis Stephanorum. 8° Amst. 1 688.JARDIN E Sermons. 2 vol.

_8° Land. 1 798.

JARDIN IER. Le Jardinier Francois. 2 vol. 8° Par . 1 6 78 .

JAOUELOT Dissertations sur l’Existence de Dieu, contre

Epicure etSpinoze. 4° Haye, 1 697 .

JARRY Recueilde diversOuvrsges dePiété. 1 2 ° Par. 1688.JMA . The History of Java, by Thomas Stamford Raffles. 2 vol. 4°

Land. 181 7 .


IBBOT Sermons atBoyle’

s Lectures. 8° Land . 1 7 2 7.

IDHAN (N ils ). Recherches sur Finois : a.GENET.

IBM JES 17 1

IDIIA N C onferences concerningthe Idolatry Ofthe C hurchO f Rome . 8° Land. 1679.

A Replyto an Answer to Dr . HenryMore’

sAntidote againstIdolatry. 8° Land. 1 67 2 .


JEAN ES AMixture of Scholas tical Divini ty with Practical.4° Omf. 1 656

On C hristIan Abstinence fromAppearance ofEvil. 1 2 ° Or].1 640.

The WantOf C hurch Governmentno Warrantfor a totalOmission Ofthe Lord’

s Supper . 1 2 ° Oxf . 1 658.

h as (Dr . John). Works Of Dr . John Jebb, with his L ife, byDr . D isney. 0 vol. 8° Land. 1 787 .

JEETERY (John). Forms Of Prayer. 8° N one. 1706 .

Select Discourses. 8° Land. 1 7 10.

Sermons and Tracts. 8° Land. 1 75 1

JEPEERY C hristianitythe Perfectton a’ allReligion. 8°

Land. 1 7 2 8.

JEHU DA LEAO (Selom). GrammathicaHehrsycs . 4° Amet. 5468.

JEN ISON (Robert). Two Treatises. 1 2 ° Land. 1 642 .

JEN K IN The Ressonsbleness of the C hr istian Religion.

2 vol. 8° Land. 1 698.

JEN KIN S (Sir Leoline). L ife Of Sir Leoline Jenkins by Wynne,wi th Letters relative to the Treaties of C ologne and N imeguen .

2 vol. Fol. Land. 17 2 4.

JEN N ER (Thom. Quakerism anatomized. 8° Land. 1670.

JEN N IN GS (Dam) Sermons to young People. 8° Land . 1 780.

The U se ofthe Globes and O rrery. 8° Land. 1 747 .

Jewish Antiquities. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 766.

JEN YN S (Saame). The Works Of Soame Jenyns, by C . N . C ole. 4

vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1 790.

JERK IN (Dr .Michael). C ommentary on Ecclesiastes. Fol. Land.

1 689.

JERVIS Sermons. 8° Land. 181 1 .

JESSY (Hem). The Storehouse Of Provision. 1 2 ° Land. 1 650.

The ExceedingRiches ofGrace advanced inMrs.SarahWight.1 2 ° Land. 1658.

h am : 0 . C HRISTUS.The Religion OfJesus delineated. 4° Land. 1 7 2 6 .

Jesus C hrist,theMediator be tween God andMan. 8° Land.

1 782 .

De N atura etEssentia Jesu C hristi adversusAndr. Volanum.

8° Bacon. 1 6 2 7 .

Imago primi Sa culi Societatis Jesu. Ante. 1 640.

Tres - humble Remonstrance de la C ompagnie de Jesus, etRequests des Religieux. 8° Board. 1598.

Instruction sur lesMysteres de Jesus Christ. 5 vol. 8° Par.

1 6 73 .

JESU Societas . Regula , &c. 5 vol. 8° Antv.1 685.Regula . 8° Lugd.Bat. 1606.

17 2 JES IN D

JESU Societas . A rcana. 8° Genes . 1 685.

Mysteria Jesuitarum ex eorum Scriptis cum Fide cruta. 1 2 °

Lampral. 1 683 .

LeMercure Jesui ts . 8° Genes . 1 681 .

La Rel igion des Jesuites . 1 2 ° Hays , 1 689.

Les Jesuites mis sur l’

Eschafaut. 1 2 ° Par . 1 649.

La Doctr ine des Jesuites . 2 vol. 8° Par . 1 659.

La Politique des Jesuites . 8° Par . 1 688.

LaMorale des Jesuites. 8 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1 669.

Le Franc etVéri table Discours sur laRétsblissementdemandépar les Jesuites. 1 2 ° Par . 1 66 2 .

Le C abinet Jesuite . 1 2 ° C ologne, 1 674.

TheMystery of Jesui tism. 1 2 ° Land. 1 658'

Another Par t ofTheMystery Of Jesuitism. 8° Land . 1664.

The Jesuits’

Loyalty manifested in Treatises wr i tten bythemagainst the O s h Of A llegiance . 4° Land. 1 66 7 .

Account of eLife and Doctrine oftheJesuites . 8° Land .1661.

The N ew Heresy ofthe Jesuites. 8° Land. 1 666 .

JEVON S SystematicMoral i ty . 2 vol. 8° Land . 18 2 7 .

JEWELL (John), Bishop of Salisbury. Works. Fol. Land . 1566.

JEws. Disputatio Theologica de Prejudiciis etErroribus SynagogaJudaica . 4° Ultraj. 1 644.

Traitté des C érémon ies superstitieuses des Juifs. 1 2 ° Amst.1 678.

Trad itions Ofthe Jews fromthe Talmud, &c. 2 vol. 8° Land.

1 78 2 .

The Jews’

C atech ism. 8° Land. 1 7 2 1 .

JEzIRAH L iber , qui Abrahamo Patriarcha sdscrihitur, Heb . etLat.cum notis Rittsngelii. 4° Amet. 1 64 2 .

IGN ATIUS Sanctus . Ignatii Sancti etBarnaba Epistola , Gr. etLat.cum notis Isaaci Vossii. 4° Amst. 1 646 .

IIIRE (Johannes). Tracts on N orthern Antiqui ties. 10 vol. 4°

Glossarium Suigothicum. Fol. Upsal. 1 769.

IHRE In N uce Roma. 8° Up sal. 1 780.

ILLYRIC US (Matt. Flacius). Apologia pro suis Demonstrationibus,Anno superiore editis , in C ontroversia Sacraments ria, contra BezaC avillstiones. 8° 1 566 .

IMMORTALITY. An Essay on Immortality. 8° Land. 1 81 4 .

IMPRIHERIE . Histoire de l’Imprimerie etde laL ibrair ie. 4° Pa r .1 689.

IN CHIN US C onciones de quatuor Hominis novissimis. 8°

C al.Agr . 1 68 2 .

IN COGN ITI . Le Glor ie degl’ Incogniti , overo Elogia, e Ritratti degl

illustri dell’Accademia overo gl’

Huomini. 4° Venet. 1 6 47 .

INDEx. Index Expurgatorius L ibrorum qui hoc Sa culo prodierunt.1 2 ° Land. 1 599.

Index etC atalogus Librorum prohibitorumMandato Gasp.

Quiroga . 4° Madr . 1 588 .

Index Expurgatorium Librorum, Gasp. Quiroga Jussu editus.4° Salmur . 1 601 .

INDIA. SpeculumOrientalis Occidentalisque India Navigationum. 4°


JOHAN N ES DeModo Existendi C orporis C hristi in Sacra

mento. 8° Land. 1 686 .

JOHAN N ES Glastoniensis. C hronics , sive Historia de Rebus Glastoniensibus , ab Hearne. 2 vol. 8° Oman. 1 7 2 6 .

JOIIAN N ES Junior . Scala C a li. Fol . Loaan. 1485 .

JOIIN SON Answerto Jacob’

s Defence Ofthe C hurches andMinistry O fEngland. 4° Land. 1 600.

A rguments proving i t notlawful to hold C ommunion withthepresentMinisters ofthe C hurch ofEngland. 4° L and . 1 608.

A C hristian Plea againstthe Anabaptists, A rmenians , &c. 4°Land. 1 6 1 7 .

JOHN SON A ristarchus Anti - Bentleisnus. 8° N attingh. 1717.GrammaticalC ommentarieson L illy’

sGrammar. 8° Land.1706.JOHN SON Manual of Physick . 8° Land. 1 684.

JOHN SON Works . Fol. Land. 1 7 10.

JOHN SON (Dr . Works , with Murphy’

s Essay on his Lifeand Genius . 1 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 806 .

A new Edi tion. 1 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 8 10.

A Dictionary Ofthe English Language , wi th the Addi tion ofseveral thousand Words by the Rev. H. J . Todd. 2 vol. Fol.

Land. 1 778 .

5 vol. 4° Land. 181 5 .

JOHN STON (Dr . A rthur). Delicia Poetarum Scotorum. 1 2 ° Amst.163 7 .

Psalmi Davidici interpretatione illustrati. 8° Land. 1 741 .

A Prefatory Discourse to a N ew Edition O f the Psalms of

David. 8° Land. 1 74 1 .

The Psalms of David. 4° Land. 1 748.

JOHN STON An Address to the Dei ty, in three Parts. 8°

Land. 1 81 1 .

JON ES A new and full Method Of settling the C anonicalAuthori ty Ofthe N ew Testament. 8 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 2 6 .

JON ES De Febribus Intermittentibus. 8° Land. 1683.

JONES (Dr . John). Analogia L atina . 1 2 ° Land. 18 2 5 .

Etymologia Gra ca. 1 2 ° Land. 1 8 2 6 .

Illustrations ofthe Four Gospels. 8° Land. 1808.

A Greek and English Lex icon. 8° Land. 1 8 2 8 .

A Reply to two DeisticalWorks , enti tled The N ew Trialofthe Witnesses, ’ &c. , and Gamal iel Smith

s N otPaul butJesus,’by Ben David. 8° Land. 1 82 4.

JO N Es (Dr . John) . Welsh Gospels. 1 2 ° Land. 1 818.

The History ofWales. 8° Land.

JON ES (John). The Duty Of C onformity. 8° Land. 1 684.

JON ES (Mary). Miscellanies, inProse andVerse. 8° Omford, 1750.JON ES (Rowland). The O rigin of Language and N ations. 8° Land.1 7 64.

C ircles Of Gomer ; or an Essay towards an Investigation and

Introduction OfEngl ish as an Universal Language . 8° Land. 1 77 1

JON ES (T.) of Oswestry. Rome noMother C hurch to England. 8°

Land. 16 78.


J ON ES Synops is Palmariorum Mstheseos ; or , Introduction totheMathematicks . 8° Land. 1 706 .

J ON ES History Ofthe Waldenses. 8° Land. 1 8 1 2 .

J ON GEL IN US Purpura divi Bernardi ; sive Elogia , &c.

Pontificum etC srdinalium qui, assumpti ex O rdine C istertiensi,in Rom. Ecclesia floruerunt. Fol . C al.Ag r . 1 644.

JON SIU S (J De Scriptoribus Historia Philosophica . 4° Francaf.1 659.

J ON SON (Ben). Works. Fol. Land. 1 69 2 .

J ON STON Thaumatogrsphia N atural is . 1 2 ° Amst. 1 63 2 .

Historia C ivilis etEcclesiastica . 8° Amst. 1 644.

Idea Universa Medicina . 8° Amst. 1 648.

De C ommunione Vet. Eccles ia . 1 2 ° Awst. 1 658.

JORDIN U S Hebraica Radices . 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 2 3 .

J ORTIN (John). D iscourses onthe Truth ofthe C hristian Religion.

8° Land. 1 747 .

Six D issertations . 8° Land. 1 755 .

Remarks on Ecclesiastical History. 4 vol. 1 767 , 1 7 78. 8°

L and.

Sermons. 7 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 7 1 .

L ife Of John Jattin, by Dr . Disney . 8° Land. 1 79 2 .

L ife Of Erasmus . 8 vol. 8° Land. 1808.

Tracts, Ph ilological, C ritical, and Miscellaneous . 2 vol. 8°

L and. 1 790.

JOSEPH (Pierre). Histoire des deux C onquerans Tartares , qui ontsubjugué la C hine. 8° Par . 1688

JOSEPHU S (Ben Var ia HIstoria Judaica, Hebr . etLat. ,cum notisMunsteri. Fol. Bas. 1 541 .

JOSEPHU S (Flavius) . Opera, Latine, ex interpretations S. GelenII.

8° Francaf . 1 6 1 7 .

De Jesu Dom. Testimon ia. 8° 1 655 .

Gr . etLat. per Joh . Hudsonum . 2 vol. Fol. Oman.

1 7 2 0.

De Bella Judaica , aRufino. Fol. L and . 1480.

Histoire des Juifs, tradu ite par D ’

Andilly. 5 vol. 8" Par .

1 6 7 2 .

JOSSELYN The State Of Saints departed. 1 2 ° Land. 1 65 2 .

JOVIU S (Paulus). Vi ta Illustrium Virorum. 8° Bas. 1 55 1 .

Fol. Florent. apud Torrent. 1567 .

Historia suiTemporis, 2 vol. in 1 . Fol . Flarent. apudTorrent.1 550.

Elogia Virorum Illustrium. Fol . Bas. 1 57 7V i ta duodecimV icecomitumMediolani Principum. 4° Lutet.

apud Rab. h. 1540

JOYCE ntroductIontoMagnetism, Electr icity, andthe firstPrinciples of C hemistry. 4° Land. 1 799.

Screntific Dialogues . 4 vol. 1 8° Land. 1 800.

Dialo es in C hemistry. 2 vol. 1 8° Land. 1 809.

IRELAND. ears Of Ireland. 8° Land. 1 64 2 .

The PresentState Of Ireland. 1 2 ° Land. 1 678.


1RELAN D . The His tory of the Irish Rebellion. Fol. Land.

1680 .

A Nationa l History O f Ireland, inthree parts ,“yDr.Gerard

Boats , Thos .Molyneux, M.D., and others. 4° D lin, 1 785 .

IRENE US Sanctus, E iscapas Lugdunsnsis. Opera , Gr. etLat. abErn . Grabbe. Fol

POman. 1 702 .

O pera , n Massuet. Fol. Par . 17 10.

IRIIOVIUS C onjectanes In Psalmorum T itulas . 4° Lugd.

Bat. 1 7 2 8 .

IRVIN G (D r.David). L ives ofthe Scottish Posts , with PreliminaryDisserta tions. 2 Vol. 8° Land. 1 804.

Memoirs Of the L ife and Writings ofGeorge Buchanan. 8°

Edinb. 1807 .

ISAAC The General Apiarian , &c. 1 2 ° Easter , 1 808ISAAC US Defensio Veritatis Hebraica Sacra ScrIpturae.8° C olon. 1 559 .

Grammatica Hebra a. 4° Anta. apud Plantin. 1 564.

188 0 8 : a. AN TIPHON .

ISllAM D ivine Philosophy, containingthe Books Of Job, Proverbs, snd Wisdom. 8° Land. 1 706.

ISIDORU S Pelusiata . De Interpretations Div. Script. EpistolarumL ib . V . Fol . Par . 1 688 .

I SLE (Sieur ds Relation de Siam. 8° Par . 1684.

ISLES Antilles. Histoire Naturelle etMorale des Isles Antilles. 4°Rattsrd. 1 658.

ISN ARD Arcis Sam-Martiniana O bsidio, etFuga AnglorumaRea Insula. 4° Par . 1 6 2 9.

ISOCRATES. Isocratis O rationes stEpistola , cum Latina interpretatione H.Wolfii. 8° Genet) . 1686 .

8° C antab. 1686 .

O rationes dua , aSylvano. 1 2 ° Oman. 1 6 77 .

Opera, Gr. stLat. aWolfio. 8° Bas. 1587 .

ITALIA. Italia Illustrata, per var ias Scriptores. Fol. Franco].1 600.

Ital ia Itinerar ium. 1 2 ° C al.Agr . 1 602 .

D ialogo sopra la presents Guerra d’ Italia. 1 2 °

Italia Descr i tio. 1 2 ° Ultraj. 1 650.

Voyage d’

I is . 1 2 ° Lyon, 1 681 .

Letters onthe State Of Italy. 8° Land. 1 688.

Italian and Latin Psalter. 8°

ITARD (E.M An Accountofthe Young Savage Of Aveyron. 8°

Land. 1 802 .

JUGULUH C ausa contra Romanenses. 8° Land. 1 67 1 .

IVIHEY (Joseph). The L ife OfMilton. 8° Land . 1888 .

History Ofthe English Baptists. 8° Land. 1 81 1 .

L ife of John Bunyan. 1 2 ° Land. 1 809.

JULIAN E (Loyse), Electrics Palatine. Mémoires sur la Vie etlaMort de Loyse Juliane, Electrics Palatine . 4° Leide, 1 645 .

JULIAN U S (S. Episc0pus. L ibellus Fidei , cum notis Garnerii. 8°

Par . 1 6 7 3 .


JURIEU Préservatif contre ls C hangementde Religion. 1 2 °Hays , 1682 .

Justification de laMorale des Réforméz. 8° Hays, 1685.

Traité de la Devotion. 1 2 ° Rotterd. 168 2 .

Préjugéz Légitimes contre ls Papisme . 2 vol. 4° An st. 1685.Method OfDevotion, by Flee twood . 1 2 ° Land. 1 692 .

C ontinuation Ofthe Accomplishment Of Scripture Prophecies.8° Land. 1688.

JUS. C orpus Juris C anonici , aLancelotto. 4° C ologn . 1681 .

C orpus Juris C ivilis, a Gothofredo. 2 vol. Fol. Amstapud,Elz . 1668

EnchirIdion Titulorum aliquot. 8° C olon. 1 565 .

Jurisdiction Of the House of Peers asserted , and the C ase ofThomas Skinner ,Merchant. 8° Land. 1 669.

J USTEL LUS C odex C anonum. 2 vol. Fol. Par . 1 66 1.

JUSTIrIC ATION . Le Renversement de laMorale de Jesus C hrist parles Erreurs des C alvin istes touchantla Justification. 4° Par.

1 67 2 .

JU STIN . Justin, tradui t par C olombis . 8° Saunmr , 1 67 2 .

JUSTIN IAN U S In omnes Epistolas. 8 vol. Fo]. Lugd.1 6 1 2 - 2 1 .

JUSTIN IAN U S De Sacra Scriptura, ejusqus Usu etInterpretibus. 8° Ram. 1 6 14.

Index Universalis Alphabeticus, Materias in omni Facultate.consulto, pertrsctstas earumque Scriptores designans. Fol.

Elenchus Auctorum qui in Sacra Biblia scripserunt. Fol.

Ram. 1 6 12 .

JU STIN IAN US Institutiones, cum snnotstionibus Fran.Bal

duini . Fol . Par . 1 546.

C odicis L ibr i K II. cum nOtis Dion. Gothofredi. 4° Land. 16 19.

Institutiones, aVina io. 1 2 ° Amst. apud E12 . 1 669.

Paraphrase des Institutions. 8° Par . 1 645

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Historia, cum notis Is. Vossii. 1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. apud Elz.1 640.

Historia, ex recens. Is.VOSSII. 8° Amst. 1 67 1 .Historia, cum notis variorum. 8° Amst. 1659 .

Historia, in usum Delphini. 8° Land. 1 701 .JU STIN U SMartyr . Apologia dua , stD ialogua cum Tryphone Juda o, Gr. etLat. aThirlb io. Fol. Land. 1 7 2 2 .

Opera, Gra ce. Fol. Lutct. apud Rab. Stephan . 1 55 1 .

Opera, Latine reddi ta per Gslsnium. Fol. Bas. apud Frabsn.

1 555 .

Vi ta stDocuments , 5 Halloix, Gr. stLat. 8° Duaci.

JUVEN ALIS (Decius Junius) . Satyra , in usum Delphini . 8° Land.

1 699.

Juvenalis etPersius. Fol. Pa r .typog. reg . 1664.

cum notis C a lii Secundi C urionIs, Joan . Br itannici, &c.

JUV K EI 179

JUVEN ALIS (Decius Junius). Juvenalis etPers ius, cumnotis Labini . 4° Hanov. 1 608 .

cum notis Fsrnabn. 1 2 ° Awst. 164 2 .

aPulmanno. 8° A ntv. apud Plant. 1 565 .

cum notis variorum. 8° Lugd.Bat. 167 1 .Juvenal etPerse , Lat. etFran . par Marolles. 8° Pa r .

1 658 .

Juvenaland Persius, translated by BartonHolyday. Fol. 0i1 6 7 3 .

Translated by Dryden. Fol . Land. 1 698.

Satires , by Sir R. Stapylton. 8° Land. 1 647 .

JUVEN C US (C ains). C s ii Juvenci, C oslii Sedulii, A ratoris SacraPoesis. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 588.

K .

K . (H ) An Exposi tion Of the whole Book Of the Revelation. 4°

Land. 1 689 .

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KALM (Peter). Travels into N orth America. 8 vol. 8° Warrington,1 7 7 9.

K AHES (Lord). The Elements Of C ri ticism. 2 Vol. 8° Edinb. 1 807 .

Sketches ofthe His tory ofMan. 8 vol. 8° Edinb. 1 807 .

KAYE (John) , Bishop of L incoln The Ecclesiastical History OftheSecond and Third C enturies, Illustrated fromtheWri tings Of Tertullian. 8° C amb. 1 82 9.

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Alexandr ia. 8° Land. 1 885 .

Some Account oftheWritings and Opinions of JustinMartyr .

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KEACH Tropes and Figures. Fol. Land. 1 689 .

Scr iptureMetaphors. Fol. Land. 1 68 1 .

GospelMyster ies Unveil’

d ; or, An Exposition of the Parables . Fol. Land. 1 701 .

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Introductio ad Astronomiam. 8° Land . 1 7 2 1 .

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s. 8° Omf. 1 698.

Introductionto Astronomy . 8° Land. 1 789 .

K EISERUS Diurnale Sacerdotum. 8° Dantisc. 1 681 .

KEITH (George). Way cast up ; or , An Answer to SamuelRutherford. 8° Land. 1 6 76 .

Deism Of Penn and his Brethren. 8° Land. 1 699.

Answer to Barclay’

s Apology. 8° Land. 1 702 .

KEITH (Robert) . An Historical C atalogue Of the Scottish Bishopsdownto 1688, s new Edition by Dr. Russell. 8° Edinb. 1 82 4.

N 2


KEN PIS (Thos. a). De 1Iuitstione C hristi, cumVindiciis Rosweidiadv. C a


etsnum. 1 2 ° Ante . 1 6 1 7 .

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The Doctrine ofthe Saints’ Perseverance. Fol. Land. 1654.

KEN N EDY (John). A C omple te System ofAstronomicalC hronology.4° Land. 1 76 2 .

KEN N ET (Basil). The L ives and C haracters Of the antient GreekPoets . 8° Land. 1 697 .

8° Land. 1 7 2 5 .

Sermons. 8° Land. 1 7 15 .

Roman Antiquities. 8° Land. 1 699.

Abridgement of Pearson onthe C reed . 8° Land. 1 705 .

KEN N ET (Whi te), Bishop of Peterborough. Ecclesias tical Synodsand C onvocations asserted against A tterbury. 8° Land. 1 701.

C ase O f Impropriation. 8° Land. 1 704.

L ife. 8° Land. 1 780.

History Of England. 8 vol. Fol. Land. 1 7 19.

His tor ical Register. Fol. Land. 1 7 2 8.

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K EP LERUS (J De Proportions Orbium C a lestium. 4° Tubing.

1 596 .

Epi tome Astronomia C opem icana . 1 2 ° Francqf. 1 685 .

KER Selecta de L ingua Latina Observationes . 8° Land.

1 709.

K ERK OETIU S Animadversiones ad Salmasn Notas inTertullianum de Pallio. 8° Bhedan. 1 6 2 2 .

Elenchus C onfutationis, etalia Scripts contra Sslmasium. 8°

Par . 1 6 2 8 .

KERSEY (John). English Dictionary. 8° Land. 1 708.

KETTLEWELL (John). C ompanion forthe Penitent. 1 2 ° Land. 1 706.

Death made comfortable. 1 2 ° Land. 1695 .

Exhortation to worthy C ommunicating. 8° Land. 1 688 .

Practical Believer. 8° Land. 1 688.

PracticalDiscourses. 8° Land. 1 696.

Measures Of C hristian O bedience. 8° Land. 1 696 .

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KEU CHEN IUS Antoninus Pius . 8° Amst. 1 66 7 .KEYSLER (John George). Travels through Germany, Bohemia,Hungary , Swi tzerland, Italy and Lorrain. 4 vol. 4° Land. 1 756.

K IDDELL (John). The Inspiration of the Holy Scr iptures assertedand explained. 8° Land. 1 7 79.

K IDDER The YoungMan’

s Duty. 1 2 ° Land. 1 6 7 1 .

The C hristian Sud'

srsr supported. 1 2 ° Land. 1 680.

182 K IR L

K IRSTEN IUS N ota inMattha um. Fol. Bresl. 1 6 10.

K IRWAN The Elements ofMineralogy . 8° Land. 1 784.

K ITE (C harles). An Essay ontheRecovery Ofthe apparentlyDead.

8° 1 788.

KLEIN De 70 Hebdomsdibus Dan ielis. 4° Gi n. Catt.1 6 2 4.

K N ATCHBULL (N orton). Animadversiones in N ovum Testamentum.

8° Land. 1 659.

Annotations OIIthe N ew Testament . 8° C ambr . 1 693 .

K N EWSTUB (John). A C onfuta tion of monstrous and horrible Heresies, taught by H. N . and embraced of a number , who call

themselvesthe Family Of Love . 4° Land. 1579.

K N IGHT Be ing and A ttributes Of God demonstrated. 8°

Land. 1 747 .

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KN OLLYS (Hanserd). The Life and Death ofHanserd Knollys. 8°

Land. 1 69 2 .

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K NOK (John). The History Ofthe Reformation Of the C hurch ofScotland. Fol. Land. 1 644.

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C rie, D.D . 2 vol. 8°

Edinb. 18 14.

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sub Imperatoribus Ethnicis. 4° K ilan. 1 689.

KROMAYERUS. Specimen Fontium Scriptura Sacra spertorum. 8°

Amst. 1 7 30.

KRUGER (J . An Essay on the Education O f C hildren, fromthe German. 1 2 ° Land. 1 765 .

K UHN IUS (J Animadversiones in Julu Pollucis Onomasticon.1 2 ° A rgent. 1675 .

KUSTERU S De vero U su Verborum msd iorum, aBowyer.

1 2 ° Land. 1 7 78.

L . The Growth Of Error . 8° Land. 1 697 .

L . Wi t’s C ommonwealth . 8° Land. 1 667 .

L . (D.) Map ofthe World. 4° L and. 1 6 76 .

L " “ Entretiens sur la Pluralité desMondes. 8° Lyon,

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LABBE U S N ova BibliothecaManuscriptum L ibrorum, siveSpecimen Antiqusrum Lectionum. 4° Par. 1 658.

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BibliothecaBibliothecarum, acceditBibliothecaN ummsria,&c.cumMantissa Antiquar ia Supellectilis, &c. 8° Par . 1 664.

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LABORDE (Alexander de). A View of Spain, In 5 vol. and an A tlas .

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LABOREUR (Jean ls). Les Avantages ds ls Langue Francoise sur

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Relation du Voyage de la Reyne de Pologne . 4° Par . 1647 .

LA C TA N TIUS (Lucius) . Opera, cum notis variorum, per Galla um.

8° Lugd.Bat. 1 660.

De Mortibus Persecutorum, cum notis variorum. 8° Ultraj.1 69 2 .

Relation Ofthe Death ofthe primitive Persecutors, English’


by Bishop Burne t. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 687 .

LADIES. A Serious Proposal to the Ladies for Advancement Ofthe ir Interest. 1 2 ° Land. 1 647 .

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ADVOC AT (Abbe). Dictt‘trnns ire Historique etBibliographiqueportatif. 8 vol. 8° Land. 1 77 7 .

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LAET (Joan. de). N ata ad DissertationemGrotII de O rigine Amer icanorum. 1 2 ° Amst. apudElz. 1 648.

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LA IN G (Malcolm). The History of Scotland fromthe Union oftheC rowns onthe Accession of James VI. tothe Throne of England,to the Union ofthe Kingdoms inthe Reign OfQueen Anne . 4 vol.

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Sermons . 4° Land. 1640.

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LAMOIGNO N (Mans . de ). Du Grand ou du Sublime dans lesMa uradeS Hommes , aMonsieur de Lamoignon. 1 2 ° Par . 1 686 .

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Apparatus Biblicus ; or, An Introductionto the Holy Scriptures . 4° L and. 1 7 2 8 .

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LAN CASTER A Vindication Ofthe Gospel. 8° L and. 1 702 .

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antichi His tor iei. 1 2 °

Venet1 686L HoggIdi, overo ilMondo non peggiore delPassato. Venet.

16 3 7 .

L’Hoggidi, Parte 2 da, overo gl

’ Ingegni non infer iori aPassati.8° Van. 1 646

C h’

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LAN DSEER (John). Saba an Researches. 4° Land. 1 82 8.

LAN E A Method Of attaining the Latin Tongue . 8° Land.

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LANGBA IN E An Accountof Dramatic Wr iters . 8° Om].1 69 1 .

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1 2 ° Par . 1 660.

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Méthode pour apprendre la Langue Greque . 8° Par . 1 658.

Méthode pour apprendre la Langue Italienne . 1 8° Par . 1 680.

Méthode pour apprendre la Langue Latine . 8° Par . 1 655.

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Epistola ad C amsrarios . 1 2 ° Groning . 1 646 .

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Exposi tion ofthe Epistle to the Hebrews. Fol. Land. 1 66 2 .

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Treatise of Divini ty. 4° Land. 1647 .

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The Br itishMuseum, Egyptian Antiqui ties. 1 2 ° Land. 183 2 .

Pompeii. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 183 3 .

The Hindoos. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1834.

L ICETU S (Fortunius). De Lucernis Antiquorum reconditis. Fol.

Utini, 1 65 2 .

De prOpriorum Operum Historia, etdeMundi etHominisAnalogia, 1 63 5 . 4° Pataa. 1 63 4.

DeMund i etHominis Analogia ad Bar .Herber t de C herbury.4° Utini, 163 5 .

Encyclope dia ad Alas D ivini Amaris . 4° Pataa. 1 640.

L IEEENTIIA L C ollegium Ethicum. 1 2 ° Amat. 1 653 .

L IEE . A Discourse ofthe Per iod of L ife . 8° Land. 16 7 7 .

The Importance of a Religious L ife. 1 2 ° Land . 1 745 .

The Economy of Human Life , complete in two Parts. 1 2 °

Land. 1790.

The Way to Long L ife. 4°

The great Importance of a Religious L ife considered. 1 2 °

Land. 18 1 2 .



(John). Opera. 2 vol. Fol . Rotterd. 1 686 .

Hora Hebraica in EvangeliumMarci . 4° C antab. 1 66 3 .In pr imam Epist. ad C orinthios, 4° C antab. 1 664 ; etEvan

gelium Johannis, 1 6 7 1 .

InMattha um. 4° C antab. 1 658.

In Lucam. 4° C antab. 1 6 74.

194 L IN L IS

L IN DSEY C atechist ; or , An Inquiry intothe Doctrineof the Scr iptures concern ing the only true God and ObjectofRel igious Worsh ip. 8° Land. 1 79°

C onversations onthe Div ine Government. 8° L and . 1 802 .

Sermons , with appropriate Prayers. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 810.

Memo irs of Theophilus Lindse a. BELsnAII.

L 1NGARD (John). A History of Engrsnd fromthe firs t Invasion bythe Romans to the Accession of Henry VIII . 8 vol. 4° Land.

18 19.

L IEGEN DES (C laude dc). Avis pour bien vivre selan Dieu. 8°

Pa r . 1 660.

LIr rouAN s (Aloisius). C atena in Genesim. Fol. Par . 1546.

L IPSIUB (Justus). Opera qum ad C riticam per tinent. 4° Am.

1 600.

DeMilitia Romans . 4° Ants. 1596 .

Politics , atde una Rel igione. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 589.

Saturnales Sermones, etde Amphitheatro. 4° A nts . 1585.

De Amphitheatro . 4° Ants . 1 685 .

De Amphitheatris extra Ramam. 4° Anta. 1685 .

Physiologie Stoicorum etLovanium. A nte: 1 604 .

De Recta Pronunciatione Lingua Latinas. 4° Ants .De Bibliothecis . 4° Ants . 1602 .

Dispunctio Notarum Mirsndulaui C odicis ad Tacitum. 4°

A nte. 1602 .

Fama Posthuma L ipsu, &c. 4° Ante . 1 607 .

Assertio L ipsiani Donarii, etPrincipatus L iterarius. 4° Ante.1607 .

Saturnal ia , etde C onstantia. 4° Ants . 1588.

Dissertatiuncula apud Principes, etPlinii Panegyricus. 4‘

Ania. 1 600.

De Romans Magn itudine . 4° Ante. 1 599.

Diva V irgo Hallensis. 4° Ania. 1604.

Monita etExempla. 4° Antn. 1 605 .

De Vesta etVestalibus. 4° Ante . 1609.

De C ruce . 4° Antn. 1 593 .

De C ruce , etMachinis . 4° Ants .

Moni ta etExempla politics . 8° Par . 1605 .

De C ruce L ibri III. 1 2 ° Amat. 1 6 70.

Epistola: er Poemata. 8° Hardera. 1 6 2 1 .

Epistola . 4° A nts . 1 6 14.

Philosophia etPhysiologia Stoica. 1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. 1 644.Roma Illustrata . 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 645

L IPSTORPIUS. Specimina Philosophie C artes1anaa, quibus acceditC opernicus red ivivus. 4° Lugd.Bat. 165 3 .

L ISLE Saxon Treatise of the Old and N ew Testament, inSaxon and English. 4° Land. 1 6 2 3 .

Sermon onthe PaschalLamb. 4° Land. 1 6 2 3 .


s Prayer, Belief, and Ten C ommandments. 4° Land.

1 6 2 3 .

L ISTER (D r.Martin). Journey to Paris. 8° Land. 1 699.


L ITERATURA . L iterariaHistoria ; or , An exact Account ofthe mostvaluable Books. 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 73 1 .

1Literarum Exemplar , a Sacerdote C ollegu Duaceni deMar

tyriis quatuor in Anglia. 8° Duaci.

N ewMemoirs of L i terature . 8 vol. 8° Land. 17 2 5 .

Memoirs of L iterature, vol. 1st, fol. Land. 1 7 1 2 ; 2 nd , 3 rd, and

4th , 4° Land . 1 7 1 2 - 14.

e nGow N ineteen Years’ Travels. 8° Land. 1682 .

L ITTLETON (Adam). Sermons. Fol. Land. 1680.

Engl ish and Latin Dictionary . 4° 1684 .

L ITURG1A . L iturgia Inglesa . 4° Aug . Trinob. 1 563 .

Why N onconformists cannot comply wi th the L iturgies. 8°

L and. 1 6 79 .

D iscourse against Falkner onthe L iturgies. 8° 1 681 .

L iturgia, sen L iber Precum C ommunium. 8° Land. 17 3 3 .

A Specimen o f a L iturgy designed for the Use of a PrivateC ongregation. 8° Land. 1 75 3 .

A L iturgy collected principally from the Book of C ommon

Prayer, forthe U se ofthe Firs t Episcopal C hurch in Boston, toge ther w iththe Psalter. 8° Boston, N .E ., 1785 .

A L iturgy compiled fromthe Book of C ommon Prayer Reformed according to the plan of Dr. SamuelC larke . 8° Plymouth, 1 79 1 .

Forms of Uni tarian Worsh ip selected for the Use of a So

ciety of Protestant Dissenters atWi tham, Essex. 1 2 ° Sudbury,1 802 .

L IVRL IE True C hronology of the PersianMonarchy , &c.

8° Land. 1 597 .

L IVESL EY The Greatest Loss. 8° Land. 1660.

L IYEY (James). Apology forthe Power and L iberty ofthe Spir it.8° Land. 1 674.

a s (Titus). Historia, ex recens. Gronovn . 3 vol. 1 2 ° Lugd.

Bat. apud Elz . 1 63 4 .

Amst. 1 6 78.cum notis variorum etG'

ronovu. 3 vol. 8° Amat. 1 665 .

ex recens.Heinsii. 3 vol. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat.apudElz . 16 3 4.

ab Hearne . 6 vol. in 3 . 8° Oxan. 1 708.

aMaittaire. 6 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 2 2 .

RomanHistory , a N ew Translation, withthe Supplements ofFrenshemius and Dujacius . Fol. Land. 1686 .

Roman History, translated by Holland. Fol. Land. 1 600.

L Ivrus (Titus) Fara-juliensis . Vita Henr ie. V. acceditSyllogeEpistolarum i variis Angliae Principibus Scr iptorum : edid . Th.

Hears e . 8° Oxan. 17 1 6 .

L IVRES. De la C onnoissance des bans L ivres . 1 2 ° Par . 167 1 .

L LOYD Memoirs of the L ives , Actions, Sufi'

erings, &c. of

excellen t Persons that suffered for A llegiance to the ir Sovere ign.


Fol. Land. 1 668 .

L LOYD (John). Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus. 8° Land. 1 788.

LLOYD Bp . of Worcester . An Account of C hurch Governo 2

196 LOA LO I

mentin Great Br itain when they receivedthe C hr istian Religion.

8° L and. 1603 .

LOARTE The Exercise of a C hr istian L ife . 8° Land.

1 584.

Los s Step .h ). The True Dissenter. 8° Land. 1 685 .

Los s Theop . .h ) Sermons and Tracts 8° Land. 1 798.

O nthe Small Pox . 8° Land 17 3 1

The RationalMethods of curmg Fevers . 8° Land . 173 4 .

Practice of cur ing Fevers . 8° Land. 1 7 34.

Dissolvents ofthe Stone. 8° Land. 1 73 9.

O n painfulD istempers. 8° Land. 1739 .

Lasxoe z (Juan). Respuesta alManifesto delReyna de Portugal . 4° Amber . 1 64 2 .

Loc (John) . A Paraphrase and Annotations upon allthe Epistlesof St. Paul. 8° Oxf . 1 684.

A N ewMe thod of making C ommon-

place Books. 8° Land.

1 706 .

Two Treatises on Government. 8° Glasgow, 1 796 .

A Discourse on Government. 8° Land. 1 7 64 .

Posthumous Works. 8° Land. 1 706 .

Onthe Understanding. Fol . Land. 1 695 .

Works. 4 vol. 4° Land. 1 768.

Letters on Toleration. 4° Land. 1 765 .

Paraphrase onthe Epistles. 4° Land. 1 707 .

C ommon -

place Booktothe Bible . 4° Land . 1697 .

L ife of John Locke, by Lord King. 4° Land. 1 8 2 9.

LO C EYER C hr ist’s C ommunion wi th his C hurch. 8° L and.

1 650.

Olive Leaf, on Sincerity. 8° Land.

Balm for bleeding England. 8° Land.

Memorial ofGod ’

s Judgements . 8° Land. 1 67 1 .

L ittle Stone outof theMountain ; or , C hurch O rder b rieflyopen

d. 8° Leith, 1 65 2 .

LOCMA N N US. Fabula etArabum Adagia, ab Erpenio . 8° Laid .

1 6 15 .

L as (Will. King’

s Shoo'

s , a Sermon. 4° Land. 1 6 2 3 .

L OEUS (Rob . Efiigiatio ver i Sabbatismi. 4° Land. 1 605

LOYET (C apel). O bservations 011 Dr. Knowles'

s Testimomes , &c .

Bury, 1 789.

Elements of UniversalLaw. 1 2 ° Land. 1 779.

LOGARITEms : a. F.MASSERES.LOGGAN (D ). C antabrigia Illustrata. Fol. C antab.LOGICA. Logica, sive Ars C ogitandi. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 687 .

Logicae Summa, ex optimis Authoribus collecta. 8° Land .

1 685.

Logique , ou I’Artde Penser . 1 2 ° Land. 1 6 64.

Logick, or A rtof Thinking. 8° Land. 1 702 .

LOGOTEETA (Georg). AcrOpolitw C hronicon. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 14 .

LOISEL (Arit. Divers Opuscules, tiréz de sesMémoires. 4° Pa’r .

1 65 2 .


La smus (J C ommentaria in Librum Numerorum. Fol. Lugd.Bat. 1 6 2 2 .

LORRAIN E (Due de). La Vie de Francois de Lorraine Duc de Guise.1 2 ° Par . 168 1 .

Loam Defense du Sermon de M. Hesperien. 12 °

Saumur, 1 675 .

Traitté de la Sainte C éne. 1 2 ° Saumar ,°1 6 75 .

LOSSA V ida delGreg. Lopez. 8° Mexico, 1 6 13 .

LOSTAU (James). Mercantile Book. 8° Land. 1 7 3 5 .

LO UEERE (Simon de la). Voyage nu Siam. 2 vol. 1 2 ° 1 69 1 .

LOVE (C hristopher) . Love’

s N ame lives. 4° Land. 1 66 3 .

Tryal. 4° Land. 1 660.

Mr. Love ’

s C ase . 4° Land. 1 65 1 .


s Glory and Hell’

s Terror. 4° Land. 1653 .

Dejected Soul’s C ure . 4° Land. 1657 .

Penitent Pardoned. 4° Land. 1 65 7 .


ectualC alling. 4° Land. 1 653 .

D iscourse on Grace . 8° Land. 1 657 .

Zealous C hristian takingHeaven by holy Violence . 8° Land.

1 653 .

Soul’s C ordiall. 8° Land. 1653 .

N aturalMan’

s C ase stated. 8° Land. 1658.

Grace The Truth and Growth and difi'

erentDegreesthereof,be ingthe Sum and Substance of Sixteen Sermons , &c. to whichare added Seven Letters to and from him while in Prison, with 3Sketch of his L ife , and his Predictions. 1 2 ° La nd. 1 8 10.

LOVET Recue 1ld’

aucuns notables Arrests pr is de sesMémoi res . Fol. Pa r . 1 644 .

LOU 1S de Bourbon. Histoire de Louis de Bourbon. 8° C ologne,1 693 .

Laura la Grand. Histoire de Louis le Grand. 1 2 ° C ologne, 1684.

LOU IS XI. and X 11. a. VAR1L LAs.

LOU IS XIII . Hist. de Louis XIII . parMich. de Vas sar . 1 1 vol.

8° Amst. 1 700.

LOU IS X IV. Hist. de Louis X IV. par Verdier. 3 vol. 8° Par.

1 6 6 1 .

par Riencourt. 2 vol 8° Par . 1 693 .

L OU IS Histoire de St. Laws. 2 vol. - 8° Par . 1 688.

LOUYET (Pierre) . France dans la Splendeur. 2 vol. 8° Lyon, 1674.

LOWDE (James). N ature ofMan . 8° Land. 1 698.

L OWE (Solom.) French Rud iments . 8° Land. 1 7 3 6 .

A Grammar ofthe Latin Tongue. 8° Land. 1 7 2 6 .

LOWER De C orde . 8° Land. 1 670.

LOWMAN (Moses). A Paraphrase and N otes on the Revelation of

St. John. 8° Land. 1 7 7 3 .

C ivil Government of the Hebrews. Second Edition. 8°

Land. 1 745 .

Paraphrase and N otes onthe Revelations. 4° Land . 1745 .

Rationalofthe Ri tual oftheHebrewWorship. 8° Land. 1 748.

Three Tracts , 1 756 . And Julius Bate’

s Enquiry into the

LOW LU C 199

occasionaland standing Similitudes of the Lord God inthe Oldand N ew Testament. 8° Land. 1756.

L OWTII Bishop of London V. MICRAELIS.Pra lectiones de Sacra Poes1 Hebra orum : subj1citurMetrica

Hariana etO ratio C rewiana. 8° a n. 1 7 63 .

Lectures on the Sacred Poetry ofthe Hebrews, translated byG. Gregory. 8° Land. 1 788.

N ew Translation of Isaiah, with a preliminary Dissertationand N otes . 8° Land. 1 7 95 .

L OWTH Vindication of the D ivine Author ity and Inspiration ofthe Wr itings ofthe Old and N ewTestament. 8° Oxf. 1692 .

Directions forthe profitable Reading of the Scr iptures. 8°

L and. 1 7 1 2 .

L OYSEAU (C harles). (Euvres contenans les cinque L ivres duDroictdes O ffices , &c. Fol. Par . 1 640.

L U EEERTU S De Jesu C hrista Servatore ; L ibr i Iv. contraFaustum Socinum. 4° Francqf. 1 6 1 1 .

LU EIEN IC iUS Epistola de Statu C hristi, etPaschalis Responsio. 1 2 ° Lugd. 163 8.

L UBIEN IEC IU S Historia Reformstionis Polonica . 8° Frie

stad. 1 685 .

L U CAN U S (M. Pharsal ia, cum tribus commentarus. 4° Lugd.

Bat. 1 5 19.

Pharsalia, cum scholns Sulpitn etOmniboni, etannotationibusMycilli. 4° Franco/Z 1 55 1 .

Par . apud C olin. 1543 .

cum notis Farnabii. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 68 1 .cum notis variorum etSchrevelii. 8° Amst. 1 669.

Pharsalia, and C ontinuation byMay. 8° Land. 163 1 .

Lucan, en Vers, par Brebeufi'

. 1 2 ° Ranen, 165 7 .

L UCAS (F Brngensis. In sacrosancta quatuor Jesu C hristiEvangel ia. 3 vol. Fol. A ntv. apud Plant. 1 6 1 2 .

LU CAS (Dr. PracticalC hristiani ty. 8° Land. 1693 .

The Duty of Servants. 8° Land. 1699.

Sermons. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1699.

Enquiry after Happiness. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 734.

L UCIAN U S. De Aulicorum Erumnis , P. Valeriauo Interp. 1 2 ° 15 16 .

Tragoedia, cui Ti tulus estPodagra, versibus reddita . Podagra Laus, Bil. Pirckeymhero Authore . 1 2 ° 152 9.

Dialogi, per Leedes. 8° Land. 1 7 10.

Opera, Gr. 8: Lat. aJo. Benedicto. 2 vol. 8° Salmnr . 16 19.

C olloquia Selects , etTimon. C ebetis Thebani Tabula ; Menandri Sententia Morales , Gr . Lat. 1 2 ° Amat. 1 73 2 .

Lucien, par d’

Ablancourt. 8° Haye, 1 659.

Par t of Lucian’

s Dialogues made English by JasperMaine.

Fol. Oxf . 1 664 .

L U C IEER, Ep isc. C alar . Opuscula. 8° Par . 1 568.

LUCILIU S (C aius.) Satyra , cum notisDousa . 4° Lugd.Bat. 1679.

1 10010 8 Historia Jesuitica. 4° Bas. 16 2 7 .

LUCRETIA (Helena). Lucretia Virginis, Pietate etEruditione ad

mirabilis , Opera, edit. par Beued. Bachinum. 8° Farm. 1688.

2 00 LU C LUT

LUC RET1US (T. C arus). De Rerum N atura Lib. VI., curs Wakefield. 4 vol. 8° Glasgure , 1 8 1 3 .

cum commentariis perpetuis, etanimadversionibus Beutleunon ante vulgatis, sG. Wakefield. 3 vol. Fol. 1 796 , 1 797 .

s C reech. 8° Land. 1 683 .

8° Ozan. 1 695 .

aMaittaire. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 1 3 .

81 Fabro 4° Salmnr . 1 66 2 .

cum not1s Gifanii, &c. 8° L ugd.Bat. 1595 .

s Lsmbino. 8° Francqf. 1 588 .

Book 1 . Lat. and Eng. by Evelyn. 8° Land. 1 65 6 .

translated into English Verse by JohnMason Good. 2 vols.

4° Land. 1805 .

LUCY Bishop of St. David’

s. O bservations on Hobbes’sLeviathan. 4° Land. 1 663 .

An Answer to Hobbes’

s Leviathan. 4° Land. 1 67 3 .

LUDLOW (Edmund). Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow. 3 vols. 8°Vivay, 1 698.

4° 1 7 7 1 .

Three Tracts published atAmsterdam in 1691 and 1 69 2 underthe name of Letters of General Ludlow to Sir Edward Seymourand other Persons, concerning the oppressive Government ofKing C harles I . inthe first four years of his Re ign, wi th that ofthe four years ofthe Reign of King James II. 4° Land. 1 8 1 2 .

LUDOLEUS (Jobus). Lexicon JEthiopico - Latinum. 4° Land . 1661.

Historia t’Ethiopica. Fol. Francof . 1681 .

Ad Historiam [Ethiopicam C ommentarius. Fol.

1 691 .

LuDovIC US Ecclesia vetus etnova. 8° Heidelb. 1 6 1 4.

LU ITPRA NDU S Ticinensis, Opera. Fol . Antn. 1 640.

LUKE MoralReflections uponthe Gospelof St. Luke , translated fromthe French. 1 2 ° 1 707 .

LUKIN (H ). The L ife of Fai th. 1 2 ° Land. 1 660.

C hief Interestof Man . 1 2 ° Land. 1 670.

Spiri t of Prayer. 1 2 ° Land . 1 674.

P ractice of Godliness. 1 2 ° Land. 1 690.

Introductiontothe Scrip tures. 8° Land. 1669.

Remedy against Trouble . 1 2 ° L and. 1 694.

LUMN IU S (Joan. De Extrema Dei Jndieia , etIndorumVocatione , L ibri II . 8° Venet. 1 5 69.

LU N ADORO Relatione della C or te di Roma. 4° 1 63 5.

1 2 ° Viterba, 1 642 .

LU SHIN GTON Logica Analytics . 8° Land. 1 650.

LUTHER (Martin). Opera. 4 vol. Fol. Jen. 1 564.

InMattha um. 8° Witteb. 1 5 3 8.

De Servo Arbitrio. 8° N eost. Palat. 1 591 .

V i ta, aJuneker . 8° Lips. 1 699 .

Epistolarumtomus pr imus. 4° Jence, 1 556 .

The L ife of Martin Luther , with an Account of the earlyprogress of the Reformation, by Alexander Bower. 8° L and.

1 81 3 .

2 02 LYT MAC

e 'ru


ron (George Lard). O nthe C onversion and ApostleshipofSt. Paul. 8° Land.

Dialogues ofthe Dead. 8° Land. 1 760.

M. (A . The Present State of Scotland. 1 2 ° Land . 1 68 2 .

M. (G. C ollections of Scripture. 1 8° Land. 1695 .

M. H.) Survey ofthe Turkish Empire. 8° Land. 1 6 64.



(J Le tters to a sick Fr iend. 8° Land . 1682 .

M.) Appendixto Solomon’

s Prescr iption for the Removalofthe Pestilence. 8° Land. 1 6 67 .

Sichah , or a Tract ofMed i tations, &c. 8° Land .

M. (T.) C loud ofWi tnesses, or Sufi'


sMirrour . 8° Land. 1670.

MABILLON Vetera Analecta. 4 vol. 8° Par. 1 675 .

De L iturgia Gall icana. 4° Par. 1685 .

Museum Italicum. vol. 1 . 4° Par . 1 687 .

Trai té des EstudesMonastiques . 8° Par . 1 6 1 6 .

Macs aw s (J Abraxas , senAristopistus , qua estde GemmisBasilidianis Disquisi tio ; acceditAbraxas Proteus , a C hifletio. 4


Ania. apud Plantin. 1 65 7 .

Homilia , Gr. Lat. edit. 5 Zach . Palthenio. 8° Franco/Z 1594.

Macm um: (Dr u) . Essays onMedical and PhilosophicalSubjects.8° Land. 1 76 7 .

Maccovws Me taphysics . 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 5 2 .

Distinctiones , etRegula Theologica ac Philosophica . 1 2 °

Francaf . 1 65 2 .

Loci C ommunes. 4° Amst. 1 658.

Redivivus, sive Manuscripta ejus ab Arnolds . 4° Francqf.1 659.

Opuscula Philosoph ies 4° Amst. 1 660.

Macs no (Ant. de). Lusi tania infulata etpurpurata. 4° Par. apud

C ramoisy, 1 663 .

De Republica. 1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. 1 649.Historia Florentina. 1 2 ° Hag . C am. 1 658.

Pr inceps. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 643 .

Discorsi sapra le primo Deca di Ti to - L ivia. 8° Palerno, 1584.

IlPrincipe . 8° Palermo, 1 584.

Arte della Guerra. 8° Palermo, 1 587 .Histor ie. 8° Ven. apud Ald. 1540.

Arte della Guerra. 8° Van. apud Ald. 1540.

O pere. 4° Genes . 1550.

Works . Fol . Land. 1 675 .

MAcrrm (John) . The L ife of JohnMach in. 1 2 ° Land. 1 67 1 .

Mncxnxzm (Sir Virtuoso. 8° Land, 16 75 .

De Humane Ratiocinationis Imbecillitate. 8° Traj. RM.

1 690.

Pleadings in remarkable C ases in Scotland. 4° Edinb. 1672 .Religious Staiek. 8° Land. 1698.

MAC MAG 2 08

MAcxs nzrs (Sir Solitude preferable to publick Employment. 8° Land. 1 685 .

Righ t ofMonarchy maintain’

d . 8° Land. 1 684.

Defence of the Antiquity ofthe Royal L ine of Scotland. 8°

Land. 1 685 .

Institutions ofthe Laws of Scotland. 8° 1694.

Reason, an Essay. 1 2 ° Land. 1 695 .

Moral Gallantry. 1 2 ° Land. 1669.

Macxxxzm (Sir George Steuar t). Travels inthe Island of Icelandduringthe Summer of 1810. 4° Edinb. 181 2 .

Ma cxm '

rosn (Rich. Disputatio Physica -Medica Inauguralis de HominumVirietatibus. 8° Edinb. 1 799.

Macxn ron r (D r . James). Harmony of the Four Gospels, with a

Paraphrase. 2 vol. 4° Land. 1 7 68 .

A new literalTranslation fromthe O riginalGreek , of alltheApostolicalEpistles , wi th N otes and a C ommentary. 4° Edinb.

1 7 95 .

Man a ma Discourses on various Subjects. 8° Land.

1 801 .

Macnaunm (C olin). An Account of N ewton’

s Philosoph icalDiscover ies. 8° Land. 1 750.

Algebra. 8° Land. 1 748.

Macaosms. Opera, cum notis Pontani etMeursu. 8° Lugd.Bat.1 6 2 8.

aGronovio. 8° Land. 1 694.

Mannox (Bishop). A Vindication ofthe Government, Doctrine andWorship ofthe C hurch of England , es tablished in the Reign of

Queen Elizabeth, againstthe Reflections ofMr. Dan ielN eal inh is History ofthe Puri tans : and an Impar tialExamination oftheSecond , Third , and Fourth Volumes ofMr . DanielN eal’s Historyofthe Pur i tans. 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 73 3 .

Man's Sylva Quasationum insignium. 4° Ultraj. 1 650.

Mar rmus (Joh. Historiarum Indiarum L ibri xvr. etIgnatuLoyola; Vi ta: Fol. C OLAgr . 1 598.

Maoamanus De ecclesiastico Principatu, etC ommentarium in Epistolas ad Timotheum etad Titum. 4° Lugd.

1 669.

C ommentaria in Historiam Joshuas. Fol. Turnan. 1 6 1 2 .

MAGAILLAN History of C hina. 8° Land. 1 688.

Mas azmx. The Monthly Magaz ine . 62 vol. 8° Land. 1 796

1 82 6 .

The ProtestantDissenter’

sMagaz ine. 6 vol. 8° Land. 1 794

The London C hristian Instructor, or C ongregationalMagaz ine . 7 vol.


8° Land. 1 8 18- 2 4.

The C ongregationalMagaz ine, N ew Series. 8 vol. 8° Land.

1 82 5 - 8 2 .

Mamas . ArsMagica, siveMagia naturalis etartificiosa. 1 2 ° Fran

cof . 16 3 1 .

Maorsus Anthropologia. 8° Francqf. 1 603 .

2 04 MAG MAI

Maoraus Physiologin Peripatetica . 8° Genes . 1 688.

Maon ws Epinimologium C riticum. 4° Franco/l 1644.

Mac ros De Tintinnabulis etEquuleo. 1 2 ° Amst. 1664.Varia Lectiones. 1 2 ° Venet. 1564.

Maoxs nus De Tabaco. 1 2 ° Ticin. 1 658.

De Manna. 1 2 ° 1658.

Democritus Reviviscens 1 2 ° H C am. 1 658.

Maoxo (S. Pietro). Introdutrone nell' utica Republica Romans.1 2 ° Ram. apud Z annetti, 1 606 .

Maoxus (Olaus). De Gentibus Septentrionalibus. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat.1 65 2 .

Manon“ II . L’

Histoire du Regne deMahometII., par Gnillet.2 vol. 8° Par . 1 681

MAIERUS Hieroglyphics E gyptio - e ca. 4°

Man na-

r Summa Philosophie . 2 vol. 1 2 ° C oh d gr.’

1 660.

MAILLARD (Mary). A Relation of the wonderful C ure of MaryMaillard. 8° Land. 1 780.

Mam souuo (Louis). Histoire des C roisades. 4 vol. 1 2° Par . 1 682 .

Histoire de la L igue. 1 2 ° Par . 1 684.

Histoire du Grand Sch isme d’

Occident. 2 vol. Par .

Histoire du Pontificatde SaintLeon Le Grand. 1 2 ° f lags,1 687 .

Histoire du C alvinisme etPapisme mises en Parallele . 4 vol.

1 2 ° Rotterd. 1 683 .

Histoire de l’Hérésie des Iconoclastes. 2 vol. 1 2 ° 1 683 .

Histoire de la Decadence de l’Empire. 1 2 ° 16 3 8.

Histoire de l’Arianisme. 3 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1 678.

Entre tiens d’

Eudoxe , etd ’

Euchariste, sur l’Histoire do I’Arianisme deMons ieurMaimbourg. 1 2 ° C ologne, 1 683 .

Histoire du C alvinisme. 1 2 °“

1682 .

N ouvelles Lettres de la C ritique Générale de l’Histoire daC alvinisme deMons .Maimbourg. 2 vol. 1 2 ° 1 685 .

Histoire du Sch isme des Grecs . 2 vol. 1 2 ° 1 68 2 .

Traité de l’Etahlissementdes Prérogatives dc l’Eglise deRome.

1 2 ° 1 685 .

Remarques sur la Traité de Prérogatives. 1 2 ° C ologne, 1 688.

Histoire du Lutheranisms . 1 2 ° Par . 1 681 .

History ofthe League, by Dryden. 8° Land. 1 684 .

Mamomaxs (R.Moses). C onstitutiones de Jurejurando, Hébr. etLat., cum notis Dithmari. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1 706 .

De C ultu Divino, cum notis De Veil. 4° Pan 1 678 .

C onstitutiones de Primitivis, Hebr. etLat., cum notis Rod.C rameri. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1 702 .

De Jure Pauper is etPeregrini apud Jude as, Hebr . etLat.,cum notis Humf. Prideaux. 4° Oxan. 1679.

De Doctrina Legis sive Educations Puerorum, etde N aturaetRatione Pmnitentiw apud Hebrasos, Hebr . etLat., cum notisRob . C lavering. 4° Oman. 1 705 .

More N evochim, s Buxtorfio. Fol. Bas. 1 6 2 8 .

2 06 MAL MAN

MAu rsas s (Francis de). Les (Euvres (10 Francis de Malherbe.1 2 ° Par . 1 659.

Les Poés ies de Francis deMalherbe, avec les Observations dcMons.Menage . 8° Par . 1666 .

MALL A Serious Exhorta tionto holy L iving. 1 2 ° Land.

1 6 68.

MALLEVILLE (Sieur dc). Poesies. 1 2 ° Par . 1 659.

MALLET (David) . L ife of the Lord C hancellor Bacon. 8° Land.

1 749 .

MALTBY (Edward) , Bishop of Durham. Illustrations ofthe Truthofthe C hristian Religion. 8° C amb. 1802 .

Sermons. 2 vol. 8° Land. 181 9.

Princeps. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 16 3 6.Sucessos principales de la Monarquia de Espana. 4° Madr.

1 640.

Successi dellaMonarchia di Spagna, nelle Arms , 1 63 9. 1 2 °

A nvers , 164 1 .

IlRomulo. 1 2 ° Venet. 163 3 .

Tarquinio Superbo. 1 2 ° Venet. 1 63 6 .

Dav ide persiquitado 1 2 ° Venet. 1 6 34.

V ite d’

Alcib isde e dr C oriolano. 4° Bologn.

Discors i sopra Tacito . 4° Venet. 1 6 2 3 .

Romulus and Tarquin, translated byHenryEarlofMonmouth.1 2 ° Land. 1 648 .

Stoa Triumphans, or Paradoxes onthe Praise of Banish- satand Dispraise of Honours. 1 2 ° Land. 1 65 1 .

MAMBBU N US Dissertatio de Epico C armine. 4° Par . 1652 .

MAN . The Man of Sin. 4° Land. 16 7 7 .

MAN A sss s Annales , Gr. etLat. e dit. per Joan.Meursium. 4° Helvet. 16 16 .

MAN CHESTER. TheManchester Socinian C ontroversy. 8° Land.

1 8 2 5 .

MA N DEY (Venterus). System oftheMathematicks. 8° Land . 17 2 9.

MAN ETHO. Apotelesmatics , Gr . etLat., cum notis Jae.Gronovii.

4° Lugd.Bat. 1 698.

MA N 11.ws (Marcus). Astronomicon, cum notis Fayu, in usumDel

phini . 4° Par . 16 79.

A stronomicumL ibri v. a Jos . Scaligero. 8° Apud Sanctand.1 590.

Translated by C reech . 8° Land. 1697 .

Sphere , translated by Sherburne . Fol. 1 675 .

MAN (J Descrittione della Villa Borghese . 8° Ram. 1650.

MAN KIN D. Mankind display’

d , or the History ofthe little World.1 2 ° Land. 1 690.

MAN LIU S C ommentariorum de Rebellione Anglicana ab Anno1 640 usque ad Annum 1 685 Pars Prima. 8° Land. 1 686 .

MAN LOVE The Immortali ty of the Soul . 8° Land. 1 697.

Discourse ontheSoul’s Preparation forHeaven. 8° Land. 1698.

MAN N True Years of the Birth and Death of C hrist. 8°

Land . 1 73 3 .

MAN MAR 2 07

Mam a (John Discourses upon the Soul, Body, Heavenand Hell. 8° Land. 1 702 .

MAN N IN G (Francis). The L ife of the Emperor Theodos ius theGreat, from Flechier. 8° Land. 1 698.

MA N N 1Na (Dr . Henry). A Treatise on Female Diseases. 8° Land.

1 7 7 1 .

MAN N 1N a C atholick Religion. 1 2 ° Land. 16 86 .

MAN Ntrccr Vi ta di C osmo deMedici, primo Duca di TosFol. Bologn. 1 586 .

Ma ma Vi ta di Tasso. 1 2 ° Ven. 1 6 2 1 .

Erocallia, overo dell’

Amore e della Bellezza . 4° Venet. 1 6 2 8.

Mu st BishapafDawn and C onnor . The Book of Psalms ,in nu -EnglishMetricalVersion. 8° Oarf. 18 2 4.

MA N'm N Onthe Lord ’

s Prayer . 8° Land. 1 684.

XVIII Sermons onthe Second C hapter ofthe 2 nd Epistletothe Thessalonians. 8° Land. 1 679.

Exposition ofthe 5 3 rd C hapter o f Isaiah . 8° Land. 1 703 .

Discourses on Peace and Hol iness . 8° Land. 1 684.

Expos ition and N otes onthe Epistle ofJames. 4° Land. 1 65 1 .On Jude. 4° Land. 1 658.

Sermons. 5 vol. Fol. Land. 1 68 1 .

MAN'rU AN o (Pedro) . Advertenciss a la Historia deMariana. 4°

Milan . 1 6 1 1 .

MA N 'r U AN us (Joh. Adolescentia in 10 Eclogas divisa, cum

Jodoci Badii commentar io. 1 2 ° Land. 15 7 2 .

MAN UA Lx ad usum Sarisburiensis Ecclesia . 4° Land. 1 554.

MA N uscmm's. Manuscripts inthe L ibrary of the King of France ,

A ccounts of, and Extracts from, published under the Inspectionof a C ommittee of the Royal Academy of Sciences atPar is .Translated fromthe French. 2 vol. 8° Land . 1 789

MA Nur rus (Aldus). Phrases Lat. L ing., a C arpenteria. 4° Har

dera. 1 6 2 2 .

MAN ur 1us (Paulus). Epistola etPre fationes. 8° Land. 15 7 3 .

C ommentar ius in Epistolas C iceronis ad Atticum. 8° Ven.

apud A id . 1 56 1 .

De Qumsitis per Epistolam. 8° Venet. 1576 .

Phrases L ingua Latine . 1 2 ° C ant. 163 6 .

Le ttere volgar i. 8° Venet. apud Aid . 1560.

MA N z1N 1 IlServire negato alSavio. 1 2 ° Ven. 16 3 6 .

Furor i della Gioventu, etdella Peripe tia di Fortuna. 1 2 °

Genes . 1647 .

MAn zmr (Louis). Let nix . 1 2 ° Par . 1655 .

MAPS. Introductiontothe Knowledge and U se ofMaps . 8° Land.

1 7 74.

MA aAmms C onnoissance des Temps pour l’

Année 1 745 , au

Merid ien de Paris. 8° Par 1 744.

MA aan'rA De Theriaca etMithridatio, a C amerario. 8°

157 6 .

e C oncordia Sacerdotii etImpern. Fol. Par .

2 08 MAR MAR

MAMA (Pet. dc). Dissertationes. 8° Par. 1669.

O puscula. 8° Par .

Histoire de Beam . Fol. Par . 1669.

MARCEL Histoire de l’O rigine etdes Progrés do llMonarch ie Francoise . 4 vol. 8° Par. 1 686 .

Table ttes C hronologiques. Amat. 1 73 1 .MAnC L LLrN us (A-mmisnus). AmmianiMarcelliniRerum gestaranqui de xxxxsupersuntL ibri xv111. Fol. Par . 1 68 1 .

The Roman Histor ie , containing such Acts and Occurrents aspassed under C onstantius, Julianus , Jovianus, Valentinianus, andValens , translated by Philemon Holland. Fol. Land. 1 609.

Marcellini etFaustini L ib ellus Precum. 8° Pa r. 16 50.

MAncs Ls Armamentarium Scientifieum. 8° Pa r. 1635.

MARCH (John). Sermons. 8° Land. 1 699 .

MAacus 'rr 1s (Domin. dc). Anatomia. 1 2 ° Hash im. 1 656.

MARC IL IU S Aurea Pythagoreorum C arm'

n a, Gr. etLat.1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. 1 585 .

MAaC s De Sibyllinis C arminibus. 8°M f . 1682 .

C hr istiana Theologie . 8° Amst. 1 705.

MARC U LFUS Monachas. Formula veteres, cum notis Bignonaccessi t L iber Legis Salim . 4° Par . 1 666.

MARDON The Ressonsbleness ofReligion in its Doctrinesand Institutions , wi th a particular consideration ofBeliever? Baptism. 1 2 ° Land. 1 830.

MARESIUB Epistola . 8° Par . 1 655 .

Synops is Doctrine de Gratia. 4° Groning . 1654.

Theologia Elenctica, contra Jac .Tirinum Jesuitam. 2 vol. 4°

Graning . 1 648

Hydra Socmianismi expugnata, s ive Refutatio Joan .Volkeln

etJoan. C rellii. 8 vol. 4° Groning . 1 651 .

C onfessio Ecclesiarum Belqicarum. 4° Groning . 165 2 .

Systems Theologia . 4° Graning . 1 656 .

Qua stiones Theologica . 4° Graning . 1659.

De JohannaPapissa, etRefutatio C urcellaai. 4° C rossing . 1658.

Munimen O rthodoxa etPerseverantia Evangelica . 4° Gra

ning . 1 65 2 .

De Anti - C hrista. 8° Amst. 1 640MAaGus s rr n. LesMémoires de la Rome Marguer ite. 8° Amst.1 6 2 8.

MA uao s Hymni Anacreontici, Gre ca, cum interpretatione Rittershusu . 8° A ugust. 1 601 .

Poemata Sacra, Gr. etLat. ab Hoeschelio. 8° Lugd.Bat.1 59 2 .

MA arA O culus Enoch etElise, sive Radius sidereomysticus.Fol. Ants . 1 645 .

Mar ia Virginis Officium. 4° Ants . 15 75 .

Miracoli della Madonna, per virtt‘r del Santa Rosario. 8°

Milan. 1 585 .

MAMAN A Historia General de Espai n defend ida por'


Doctor Thoma Tamaca de Vargas. 4° Toledo, 1 6 1 6 .

2 10 MAR MAR

MARsII (Herbert). Lectures onthe C riticism and Interpretation ofthe Bible , &c. 8° C amb. 1 82 8.

MARsII (John) . DecimalArithmetick . 4° Land. 1 74 2 .

MARsN ALL Three Letters in further Vind ication ofBishopLloyd’

s H pothesis of Daniel’

s Prophecy. 8° Land . 1 7 2 8.

MARsN AL L Mortality oftheMetropolis. 4° Land. 183 2 .

MARsN ALL Mstevy of Sanetification. 1 2 ° Land . 1692 .

MARsIIAnus anon C hronicus E gyptiacus, Ebraicus etGra cus. 4° Francaf. 1696 .

Fol. Land. 1 67 2 .

MARTL N (Anthony). A Reconciliation ofthe C lergy of England.

4° Land. 1 590.

MART1AL Is (M. V.) Epigrammata, cum notis var iorum, a Schre

vel io. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 66 1 .In usum Delphini . 8° Amst. 1701 .aMaittaire . 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 16 .

MARTIN Philosophia Bri tannica. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 747 .

Young Student’

sMemorialBook. 8° Land. 1 7 3 6 .

DecimalArithmetick. 8° Land. 1 7 3 5 .


s Guide . 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 73 6 .

Philologica]L ibrary of Arts and Sciences. 8° Land. 1 787.

Ph ilosoph icalGrammar . 8° Land. 1 788.

Elements of Geometry. 8° Land. 1 7 3 9.

Logar ithms. 8° Land. 1 780.

Insti tutions of Language, &c. 8° Land. 1 748.

MARTIN (Bernard). Variarum Le ctionum L ibr i quatuor. 4° Par.

1 605 .

MARTIN (Dav id). A C riticalDissertation onthe 7th Verse ofthe5th C hap. of St. John ; also a Second Dissertation in Defence ofthe Testimony given to our Saviour by Josephus. 8° Land.

1 7 19.

An Examination ofMr. Emlyn’

s Answertothe D issertationuponthe 7th Verse ofthe 5th C hap. of St. John. , 8

° Land. 1 7 19.

The Genuineness ofthe Textofthe First Epistle of St. John.

8° Land. 1 7 2 2 .

MARTIN Dean of Ely. Opinion concerningthe D ifferencebetweenthe C hurch of England and Geneva. 1 2 ° Land. 1 66 2 .

MARTIN Epistola . 1 2 ° Harden ) . 1 653 .

MARTIN Partitiones etQusestiones Metaphysica . 8°

Wittenberg . 1 6 15 .

MARTIN (John). Praxeos C oncionandi Rudiments . 8° Graning :1 65 1 .

Analytics etTopics Dominicalia tripartite. 8° Graning.

1 66 2 .

Sam. Petto’

s and Fred. Woodal’e Preacher sent. 2 4° Land.

1 658.

MARTIN Description oftheWestern Islands of Scotland. 8°

Land. 1 6 7 3 .

Voyage to St. Kilda. 8° Land. 1 698.

MARTIN ELLI Roma ricercata nelsuo Sito. 2 4° Ram. 1650.

MAR MAS 2 1 1

MARTIN xz de e ALnA Expositio LittermMagistri Sententiarum. 4° Salamant. 1 63 5 .

MARTIN IIJs (Martinus). SinicmHistoria Deess pr ima. 1 2 ° Amst.1 659.

De Bello Tartarieo Historia. 1 2 ° Amat. 1655 .

MARTIN IIJs Lexicon Latinum Philologicum. 2 vol. Fol.

Traj. Rhen. 1697 .

Gre ene L ingum Fundamenta. 8° Bremes , 1 681 .

Proeatechesis . 8° Bram , 16 19.

C admus Gre ca - Phoenix. 8° Bremce , 1 6 2 5 .

De Foederis N aturae etGratia Signsculis. 8° Bra nds, 16 18.

De prompts utilium RerumMeditatione . 8° Brenna, 1 6 14.

De Deo summo illo Bono etC ausa omnis Bani ; etde Trinitate. 8° Bramar, 1 6 16 .

Lex d ivina N atura , Gratia etPolitia . 8° Brenna, 16 1 9.

C hristiana etC atholics Fides ; sive Symbolum Apostolicumexplicatum. 8° Bramar, 1 6 18.

MARTIN rus Grammatica Hebrwa etC haldwa. 8° ApudPla nt. 16 1 2 .

Grammat. Heb . Technologin. 8° Apud Plant. 1 6 1 1 .MARTIN us De Mathis Mesenteri i abstrusioribus ; i temAfi


ectionum Hypoehondriaearum Historia etC uratio. 8° L ips.

1 6 3 0.

MARTIN us Pugio Fidei, adversusMauros etJudmos , cumO bservationibus Jos. de Voisin. Fol. Par. 1 5 6 1 .

MARTIN !? (Mans u) N ouvelle Géographie. 1 2 ° Par . 1 668.

MARTms De Doctr ina promiscua. 1 2 ° L ugd. 155 2 .

MARTYB Epistolae, etFerd. de Pulgar Epistolae. Fol.

Awst. apud Elz . 1670.

De Rebus O ceani , etO rbe N ovo. Fol. Bas. 153 8.

MARTYR Vermilins . Loci C ommunes . Fol . Land. 1 576.

translated by Ant.Marten. F Land. 1583 .

Defensio Doctrina veteris de Eucharistiw Sacramento, adv.

Steph. Gardinerum. Fol. Land. 156 2 .

C ommentaria in L ibros Samuelis etRegum. Fol. Tigar.

1 5 75 .

C ommentaria in Epist. ad Romanos, etin pr imam Epist. adC orinthios. Fol. Bas. 1 5 70.

Disputatio de Eucharistia. 8° Tigar . 1 55 2 .

MARTYROLOGY. The Western Mar tyrology, or Bloody Assizes.8° Land. 1 705 .

MARTYRS. Actiones etMoniments Martyrum. 4° Apud C rispin.

1 560.

History ofthe EnglishMartyrs. 8° Land. 1 7 2 0.

MARU C Panégyriques des Saints. 8° Par . 1 664.

Works , .with a L ife ofthe Author by C apt. Edw. Thompson.

3 vol. 4° Land. 1776 .

MARVEL Rehearsal transpos’

d. 2 vol. 8° Land. 167 2

MAsC ARnI Ethics; Prolusiones, etRomane DissertatIonesde Afi


ectibus Animi . 4° Par. 163 9.

r 2

2 2 0 MAR .‘IAR

V m ax Her sc Lee : ares an the C riticism and Interpretation ofm. mzre . a 9 La n i


J r : M m Arzthmetick. 4° Lond. 1 74°

Ma n a I b e I'

: see Lester: Inturther \ indication ofBIshop[ Ae g i s Fly -

c : UM 5 Pr ophecv . 8“ Land. 1 7 2 8.Mania c J . Mcru n zv atthe Metropolis. 4° Land. 183 2 .

Ha n a n : Wal My stery atSamtitiestiou. 12 ° Land. 1692 .

Mum-ta n s Jam . L a wn C hronicus E gyptiacus, Ebraicus et

Pei . Le n -L I .

m m ; k ai s e r


A Ree s- c la rion ofthe C lergy ofEngland.L,

“ a n u s cum notis variorum, a Schre

De igb 3 Ju st. 1 701 .

1 Matu r e . I i" 1 7 16 .

H u m Ran - J “ Jam ‘fltn Britannica. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1747.

N antes; Arab -

se nd . La d.

f rag-en tre es! s Guzde . 2 vol. 5° Land. 173 6 .

Pfiziuluzta l [abu t-v of Arts and Sciences. 8° Land. 173 7.

[ Av artthttts La nd. 1 750.

Ins : Imuc us atLanguage . &c. S" Land. 1 748.

MI sttN fi e ” arm -

urn Lectionum Libri quatuor. 4° Par.

.\Itarts Datic!‘ A tritia lDisse rtation on the 7th Verse ofthe‘th C hap atSt. John : also a Second Dissertation in Defence of

the I'

d-stutte r“ given to our Saviour by Josephus. 8° Land.

1 . 1°

An ExamInAtion ofMr. Emlyn'

s Answertothe Dissertationawn the .

‘thYam ofthe 51h C hap. of St. John. 8° Land. 17 19.

Tin ( rennineness ofthe Textofthe FirstEpistle of St. John.

1 ml.

a rm (litw . Da n qr Ely . Opinion concerningthe Difi



lwtm u the l:hurch atEngland and Geneva. 1 2 ° Land. 166 2 .

MI NtIN (Fran. Epmclw. Harden

\lI NtIN ( Jag Partitiones er Qua stiones Metaphysiea . 8°

”aw ry . 10 1 I .

MAN I‘IN ( John). Praxeos C oncionandi Rudiments . 8° Gramsg :

AnalI-tiea ctTopics Dominiealia tr ipartita. 8° C rossing.

166 2 .

Sam. l‘etto‘

s and Fred . Woodal’s Preacher sent. 2 4° Land.

16 58.

.\I I e N Description oftheWestern Islands of Scotland. 8°Lt'ltl.

avagc In St. Kilda. 8° Land. 1698.

MI N I IN III.LI ( lIor. Roma ricercata nelsuo Sito. 2 4° Ram. 1650.

2 12 MAS MATMAsC ARm Sylve . 4° Ant. apud Plantin. 1 6 2 2 .

Prose volgari . 4° Venet. 163 5 .

DiscorsiMorali sur la Tauala di C ebete Tebano. 4° Venet.1 6 2 7 .

Saggi Accademici. 4° Venet. 1 630.


Arte Historica. 4° Ram. 163 6.

Aggiunti all’ Arte Historica . 4° Venet. 1 646 .

La C ongiura delC onte Luigi de Fiesehi con Aggiunta d’

aleuneOppositioni, e Difesa alla detts C ongiura, Ital. etBologn. 1 63 9.

MAsC Ls r Grammatica Hebraica, C haldaics , Syr iaca etSamaritans . 2 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1 73 1 .

Mass as s (Francis). Scriptores Logarithmici ; or a C ollection of

several curious Tracts onthe N ature and C onstruction of Loga

rithms. 6 vol. 4° Land. 1 791 .

Tracts on Algebraiek Equations. 8° Land. 1800.

Tracts onthe Resolution of C ub iek and BiquadratieltEquations. 8° Land.

MA sIus (Andreas). Josue Imperator iaHistoria illustrata atque expl icata. Fol. Ants . apud Plantin 1 574.

MAsoN (Henry). Hearing and Domg, the ready Wayto Blessedness. 8° Land. 1 63 5 .

Three Treatises. 1 2 ° Land. 1 634.

MASON (John). Self- Knowledge. 8° Land. 1 745.

C hristianMorals. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1761 .

Student and Pastor ; a new Edition wi th Additions. 1 2 °

Land. 1 807 .

MAsoN Golden Key to the C abinetof C ontractions. 8°

Land. 1 695 .

MA ss. FuneraloftheMass. 1 2 ° Dubl. 1 685.

The bestMethod of hearingMass.MASSACHU SET. Massachuset’s Bay : a C ollection ofO riginalPapers

relativeto its History , 1 769. 8° Boston, N . E . 1 769.

C ollections oftheMassachuset’sHistoricalSociety. 2 vol. in 1 .8° Boston, N . E . 1 814.

MA ssoN De Episcopis U rbis, qui Rom. Eeclesiam rexs

runt. 4° Par . 1 586 .

N otitia Episcopatuum Gallie . 8° Par. 1 6 10.

Elogia. 8° Par . 1 656 .

MASTBIC HT (Petr. van). Theoretico - PraetieaTheologia. 4° Traj.ad Rhen. 1 7 15 .

MAsIILLas (Joh. De A ttractions . 4° N aapal. 1 6 2 2 .

MATHER (Dr. C otton). GoodMen deserib’

d. 1 2 ° Bast. 1 692 .

Memoirs relating tothe L ives ofMr. John C otton, Mr. Norton, &c. 8° Bast. 1 695 .

L ife of JonathanMitchel. 8° Massaeh. 1 697 .

EcclesiasticalHistory of N ew England. Fol. Land. 1 702 .

Reasonable Religion. 8° Bast. 1 7 1 3 .

Discourse before the C ommissioners for the Propagation of

the Gospelamongthe American Indians. 1 2 ° Bast. 1 7 2 1 .The Life of Dr. C ottonMather, by S.Mather. 8° Bast. 1 7 2 9

MAT MAU 2 13

MATN ER (Increase). Diatriba de Signo FilII Hominis , etsecundoAdventuMess ie . 8° Amst. 1682 .

An Answer to Ke ith’

s L ibel against a C atechisme publishedby Fran.Makime . 1 2 ° Bast. 1 694.

IncreaseMather’s and C ottonMather’

s Sermons on J. Bailey’


Death. 8° Bast. 1 698.N ature and Power of Angels. 8° Bast. 1 696 .

Two plain and practical Discourses. 1 2 ° Land. 1699.

Mystery of Israel’s Salvation 8° Land. I669.

A briefHistory ofthe War wrththe Indians in N ew- England,4° Land. 1 676.

MATII ER Lawfulness ofa Pastor’

s acting in other C hurchesbesides that of which he hasthe O versight. 1 2 ° Land. 1 698.

Sermons atPinners'Hall. 8° Land. 1 701 .

MATIIER Onthe Types and Figures ofthe Old Testament.4° Land. 1 705 .

Life of C ottonMather. 8° Bast. 17 2 9.

Apology forthe L iberties of the C hurches in New England.

8° Bast. 1 73 8.

MATIIER The Young Man’

s C ompanion, or Arithmetiekmade Easy. 8° Land. 1 750.

MATI-IEsoN : a . REED.

MATHOUD De vera Senonum O rigine. 8° Par. 1 687 .

Archiepisco orum Senonensium C atalogua. 8° Par . 1 688.

MATRAN GA (Hier. De Academia. 8° Panarm. 1 63 7 .

MATRIIIoN r . The C hristian State of Matrimony. 8° Land.

1 543 .

MATTHE U S Evangelista . Evangelium exC od.Dublin. aBarrett.4° Dubl. 1 801 .

Evangel ium exHebre a fideliter redditum. 8° Par . 1 555 .

Paraphrase onthe 5th , 6 th, and 7th C hapters ofSt.Matthew’


Gospel. 8° Land . 1 764.


rmsus Westmonasteriensis . Matthe i Westmonasteriensis FloresHis toriaram ; etC hroniconFlorentiiWigorniensis . Fol . Francqf.1 601 .

MATTHEW The mostglor ious Star. 1 2 ° Land. 166 2 .

MATTHEW The unlearned Alehymist’

s Antidote . 8°

L and. 1 66 2 .

MATTE IAs Systems Ethicum. 8° Giess. 1 6 2 0.

Systems Theologie . 4° Hamb. 163 9.Theatrum Historieum. 4° Amst. 1656 .

MATTHIEU (Pierre). Histoire de Louys X I. 4° Par . 1 6 2 8.

E lius Sejanus. 1 2 ° Rauen, 1 6 2 8.

MAUC ROY (Sieur de). O uvrages de Prose etde Poesie des S" deMaueroy etde la Fontaine. 2 vol 8° Par . 1 685 .

MAUGER (C laude). French and Enghsh Grammar. 8° Land . 1 708.

MAU NDRELL A Journey from .Aleppo to Jerusalem. 8°

Oxf . 1 7 2 1 .

MAURICE A Defence of Diocesan Episcopacy. 8° Land .

1691 .

2 14 MAU MAY

MAURICE Vindication ofthe Primitive C hurch, in Answerto Baxter. 8° Land. 1 682 .

MAURICE Indian Antiquities. 7 vols. 8° Land. 1 794

1 800.

MAURIzE (J de). Juris C anonici Selects ; accet Fabrotti Recitationes In Decretales Gre orIi IX . 4° Par . 1 659.

MAUTIN I da Pred iche fatte nelPalazzo Apostolica.

4° Ram. 1 63 8.

MAxIIIs. Maximes pour I’Education d’

un jeune Se igneur . 1 2 °

Par . 1 690.

MoralesMaximes. 8° Par . 1 675 .

MAxIs Monachas. C apitum Theologicarum Centurie , Gre eé.8° Par. a .pudMarel 1 560.

Scholia inB. DionysiiLibros qui extant, Gre cs. 8° Par . apud

Plant. 1652 .MAItIItU s Tyrius. Dissertationes, a Reiske. 8° Lipsia , 1 774.

Gr. Lat. 1 2 ° Oxan. 1 67 7

Gre ee, cum Interpretatione Dan. Heinsii, etAlcinousin Doctrinam Platania. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 607 .Gre ca. ApadHenr . Steph. 1557 .The Dissertations of Max imus Tyrina, translated from the

Greek b Thomas Taglob 2 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1 804.

MAxmus Valerius). Cum C ommentariis Oliverii etBadii, &c.Fol. Venet. 1 573 .MAY (Louis da). Prudent Voyageur . 3 vol. 1 2 ° Genes . 1681 .

The Estate ofthe Empire of Germany. 8° Lond. 1664.

MAY (Thos. History ofthe Parliament ofEngland began 1 640.

Fol. Land.

MAY Sermons . 8° Land. 1 757

MAYAN s 1 SIEC AR Defensa delRei Witiza. 4° 1 77 2 .

MAYER (John). C ommentaries on Joshua. Fol. Land. 1 647 .

C ommentary onthe Prophets. Fol. Land. 1 652 .

C ommentary onthe Epistles of St. Paul. Fol. Land. 1 63 1 .

On difficult Texts of Scr ipture . 4° Land. 16 2 2 .

MAYER (Jo. De Fide Baronii etBellarmini. 8° Amst.1 697 .

MAYER Anatomia humane C onscientie . 8° Bas 1 603 .

MAYEREERG (Augustin, Bara de). Voyage en MoscovIe. 1 2 °

L eide, 1 688.

MAYERN IUS OperaMedics . Fol. Land. 1 703 .

MAYHEW (Experience) . Indian C onverts. 8° Land. 17 2 7 .

MAYHEW (Jonsh) O bservations on the C har ter and C onductofthe Society for propagatingthe Gospel in Fore ign Parts. 2 vol.

8° Bastan d‘ Land. 1 763 , &c.

D iscourses and FuneralSermons for Jonathan Mayhew byC hauncy, Gay, and Brown. 8° Land.

Sermons. 8° Land..l750.

Tracts 8° Land .

MAYHEW Discussion of Faith, Hope, and Love . 8° Land.1 680.

2 16 MEI MENMEIsomUs (Jo. Me cenas , sive deMe eenatisVita etMo

rihua. 4° Lugd . Bat. 1 653 .

MEIC II A C ollection of Hymns forthe Use of C h ildren. 8°

Land. 181 1 .

MEIsN ERus Anthropologia Sacra. 2 vol. 8° A rgent. 16 2 5.

Philosophia Sohria. 3 vol. 8° Giess. 1 6 1 5.

Status N ature Humane . 4° Witteb. 1 6 2 7 .

MExERerw s (Adolph) De veteri etrecta Pronunciatione Gre ceL ingue . 8° A nts . apud Plant. 1 576 .

MELA De Situ O rbis. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1685 .


MELAN CTIIC N (Ph ilip) . Opera. 4 vol. Fol. Witteb. 1 66 2 .

The MIC of Ph ilip Melancthon, by F. A . C ox . 8° Land.

18 15 .

Loci C ommunes Theologici. 8° Bas. 1568.

Elements Rhetorices. 8° Par . apud C olin. 1 53 2 .

Epistole . 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 647 .

Vi ta, h C amerario. 1 2 ° Hag . C am. 1609.

MELAN DER (Otho) . Jocorunr C enturie . 1 2 ° Francaf. 1 603 .

MELAN s Es Histor iques. 1 2 ° Orange, 1 6 75 .

MELMC TII (C ourtney). O bservations onDr .Young’

s N ightThoughts.8° Land. 1 7 76.

MELVIL (Sir James) . Memoirs of England and Scotland under

Queen Elizabeth, Mary Queen of Scots, and King James L , pub

lished by G. Scott. Fol. Land. 1683 .

MELVILLE (Andrew). The L ife of Andrew Melville, by ThomasM’

C rie , D.D. 2 vol. 8° Edinb. 18 19.

MELVIN Muse , etAdamsoni Vi ta, &c. 4° Land. 1 6 2 0.

MsuoIRs. Mémoires d’

un Honnete Homme. 2 vol. 8° Dresd.

1 753 .

Mémoires pour l’Histoire des Sciences etdes Beaux Arts, parl

O rdre du Duc duMaine. 9 vol. 8° Amst. 1 701 .Mémoires deM. D . L .R. sur les Brigues alaMortduLouys

XIII. &c. 1 2 ° Cologne, 1 666 .

Memoirs of what past in C hristendom fromthe War begun1 6 7 2 tothe Peace concluded 167 9. 1 2 ° Land. 1 69 2 .

Memoirs of the L iterary and PhilosophicalSocie ty ofManchester . vol. 1 . 8° Land. 1 785 .

British and ForeignMemoirs of Illustr ious Persons. 2 vol. 8°

Land. 1 7 1 2 .

MEN A (Juan de) . C on la‘Glosss delC ommendador Fernan. N u

nnez. 8° Ansers, 1 55 2 .

MEN AGE (Gilles). Observations sur la Langue Francoise . 2 vol.

1 2 ° Par . 1 675 .

A vis aMons.Menage sur son Eglogue inti tulé C hristine . 1 2 °

Par . 1 657 .

Anti - Baille t, ou C r itique du L ivre deMons. Baillet. 2 vol.

1 2 ° Haye, 1 688.

Menagiana, ou BansMots, Pensées Judicieuses, etO bservations C urieuses . 4 vol. 18° Amst. 1 693 .

MEN MER 2 17

MENAarus (E gid) . HistoriaMulierum Philosopharum, etC omm.

in Sonettum Petrarche 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 690.

Juris C ivilis Amoemtates. 8° Par . 1677 .

Poemata. 8° Par . apud C ramoisy, 1 668.

Miscellanea . 4° Par . 1 65 2 .

Mescolanze . 8° Par . 1 678.

Le O rigine della L ingua Italiana. 4° Par . apud C ramoisy,1 669.

MENAN DER. Sententie , Gr Lat. 8° Par . apudMorel. 1553 .

Menandri etPhilemoms Sententie comparate , Gre ce, aRi

gal tia. 8° Apud Rab. Stephan. 1 6 1 3 .

MEN ARDUS C oncordia Regulsrum Sancti Benedicti. 4°

Par . 1 63 8.

MEN ASSEH Ben Israel. De C reatione Problemata, etde ResurrectioneMortuorum. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 63 5 .

De Vi te Termino. 1 2 ° Amst. 163 9.

The Hope of Israel. 1 2 ° Land. 1 650.

MEN DEz (Moses) . C ollections of Poems. 8° Land. 1 7 67 .

MEN DocA (Ant. de). Querer por solo querer, C omedia. 4° Madr.1 6 2 3 .

Paraphrased in English , 1 654. 4° Land. 1 670.

Fiestas de A ranjuez . 4° Ili adr . 1 6 2 3 .

MEN DocA C omments rios de la Sucedido en las Guerrasde los Payses haxas desde 1 567 hasta 157 7 . 4° Madr . 1592 .

MEN DocA (Diego de). Guerra de Granada. 4° L isb. 1 6 2 7 .

MEN DocA (Fran. de). Viridarium Sacre etProfane Eruditionis.8° C al. Agr . 16 3 3 .

MENDozA (Petr. Hurtado de). De universa Philosophia. 4° Lugd.

Bat. 1 6 17 .Disputationes Philosophice . 4 vol. 8° Talas. 1 6 18.

MEN ESTRIER (C laude Symbolics D iane Ephesie Status .

4° Ram. 1 657 .

La Philosophie des Images. 8° Par . 1 682 .

Philosophia Imaginum. 8° Amst. 1 695.MEN oCHIC (Gio. Stefl) . Delle Stuore tessute de varia Eruditione

sacra, morale e profana. 5 vol. 4° Ram. 1 653 .

MEN oTus Sermones quadragesimsles. 8° Par . 1 5 2 6 .

MENTEL IUs De O rigine Typographie . 4° Par . 1650.

MERCATOR A tlas, auctus A . J . Handia, Belgicé. 4° Amst.1 63 1 .

A tlasMinor, auctus A . J . Handia , Lat. 4° Amst.MERC AToR Institutiones Astronomice . 8° 1 676 .

MERC ERU S Tabula in C halde am Grammaticen. 4° Par.


C ommentaria in Jobum, Proverb., Eccles . etC antic. Fol.

Genes . 15 7 3 .

Tabule in Grammaticen L ingue C haldaice que etSyriacadicitur. 8° Witteb. 15 79 .

C ommentaria in Genesin. Fol. Genes . 1598.

Grammatica C haldaics etSyriaca. 4° Land. 1560.

2 18 MER MET

MERC ERUs Merceri etaliorum C ommentaria in quinquepriores ProphetasMinores. Fol. GenesMBRC ORU S (Julius). Basis totius MoralIs Theologie . 1 2 ° Par.

1 659.

MERC URIALIs Varie Lectiones inMedicine Scriptoribus.4° Ven. apud Junt. 1 588.

MERC URIUs. Mercurius Politicus, compr isingthe Sum of allIntelligence , with the Affairs and Designs now on Foot, in the threeN ations of England, Ireland, and Scotland. N o. 1 - 6 15 . 9 vol.

1 650—1 660.

Mercurius Pragmaticus, communicating Intelligence from all

Parts , touching allAffairs, &c. 4° 1 647 , &c.

Mercure Historique etPolitique. 1 2 ° Par. 1686 .

1 1 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1 686 .

Mercure Hollanda is de l’an 1677 . 1 2 ° Amst. 1679.

LeMercure d’

Estst. 8° Genés . 1 63 4.

MERITO N (George). Brief History of England . 1 2 ° Land. 1 678.

Forms of Prayer . 8° 168 2 .

MERLAT (Elie). Réponse au L ivre du M. Arnaud, intitulé, ‘Le

Renversement de la Morale de Jésus C hr ist.’ 1 2 ° Saumur,1 676 .

MERLIN Prophetia Anglicana. 1 2 ° Franeqf. 1 608.

The L ife ofMerlin surnamed Ambrosius. 4° Land. 1 641 .

Merlin reviv’

d. 8° Land. 1 683 .

MERSEN N E (Marin). Que stiones C eleberrime in Genesim, cum

accurata Textus Expl ications . Fol. Latet. 1 6 2 3 .

La Vie deMar inMersenne. 8° Par . 1 649.

MERU LA (Paulus). C osmographis Generalis etSpecialis. 6 vol.

1 2 ° Amst. 1 63 6 .

C osmographie Generalis L ibri Tres . 4° Apud Plant. 1 605C ommemoratio Rerum adversus Angelum Merulam tragics

ab Inquisitoribus gestarum. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 604.

Historia Anabaptistics . 4° C olon. 1 6 1 1 .

MEssAL IN Us Dissertatio de Episcopis etPresbyteria. 1 2 °

Lugd. Bat. 1 641 .MESTREZ AT (Jean). Exposition de la Epistre de S. Jean. 2 vol.

8° Genés . 1 65 1 .

Exposition de l’

Epistre aux Hébreux. 5 vol. 8° Genes.

1 655 .

XX Sermons. 8° Genés . 1 657 .

Du Sacrement de l’Eucharistie . 8° Sedan, 1 6 2 5 .

Trois Sermons au Jour de Jensue . 8° C harsat. 1 63 6 .

Traité de l’Eglise. 4° C harenton, 1 649.

METASTASIO (Pietro). Works, by John Hoole . 2 vol. 1 2 ° Land.

1 767 .

Memoirs ofthe L ife and Wri tings of the Abate Metastasio,by C harles Burney . 3 vol. 8° Land. 1 796 .

METEREN (Eman. de). Histoire des Pays Bas. Fol . Amst. 1 670.

METHODIU S Episcapus. C onvivium decem Virginum, Gr . etLat.ab Allatio . 1 2 ° Ram. 1 656 .

2 12 MAS MATSylve . 4° Ant. apud Plantin. 1 6 2 2 .

Prose volgari . 4° Venet. 163 5 .

DiscorsiMorali sur la Tauala di C abets Tebano. 4° Venet.1 6 2 7 .

Saggi Accademici. 4° Venet. 1 63 0.


Ar te Historica. 4° Ram. 163 6 .

Aggiunti all’

Arte Historica . 4° Venet. 1 646 .

La C ongiura delC onte Luigi de Fieschi con Aggiun ta d’

alcuneOppositioni, e Difesa alla detts C ongiura, Ital. etHispan. 4°

Bologn. 1 6 3 9.

MAsC LEr Grammatica Hebraica, C haldaics , Syriaca etSamaritans . 2 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1 73 1 .

MASEREs (Francis). Scriptores Logarithmici ; or a C ollec tion of

several curious Tracts onthe N ature and C onstruction of Loga

rithms. 6 vol. 4° Land. 1 791 .

Tracts on Algebraick Equations. 8° Land. 1800.

Tracts onthe Resolution of C ubiek and BiquadraticltEquations. 8° Land.

MA srus (Andreas). Josue Imperatoris Historia illustrata atque explicata. Fol. Ants . apud Plantin 1 574.

MAsoN (Henry) . Hearing and Domg, the ready Wayto Blessedness. 8° Land. 1 63 5 .

Three Treatises . 1 2 ° Land. 1 634 .

MA soN (John). Self- Knowledge . 8° Land. 1 745.

C hristianMorals. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 761 .

Student and Pastor ; a new Edition wi th Additions. 1 2 ‘

Land. 1 807 .

MAsoN Golden Key to the C abinetof C ontractions. 8°

Land. 1 695 .

MAss. FuneraloftheMass. 1 2 ° Dubl. 1 685.

The bestMethod of hearingMass .

MAssAC IIU SET. Massachuset’s Bay : a C ollection ofO riginalPapersrelativeto its History , 1 769. 8° Boston, N . E . 1 769.

C ollections oftheMassachuset’sHistoricalSociety. 2 vol. in 1.8° Boston, N . E . 1814.

MA ssoN De Episcopis U rbis, qui Rom. Ecclesiam sexe

runt. 4° Par . 1 586 .

N otitia Episcopatuum Gallie . 8° Par. 1 610.

Elogia. 8° Par . 1 656 .

MASTRIC IIT (Petr. van). Theoretico- PracticaTheologia. 4° Traj.ad Rhen. 1 7 15 .

MASULLUS (Joh. De A ttractions . 4° N eapal. 1 6 2 2 .

MATRER (Dr . C otton). GoodMen describ ’

d. 1 2 ° Bast. 1 692 .

Memoirs relating tothe L ives ofMr . John C otton, Mr. Norton, &c. 8° Bast. 1 695 .

L ife of JonathanMitchel. 8° Massach. 1697 .

Ecclesiastical History of N ew England. Fol. Land. 1 702 .

Reasonable Religion. 8° Bast. 1 7 1 3 .

Discourse before the C ommissioners for the Propagation of

the Gospelamongthe American Indians. 1 2 ° Bast. 1 7 2 1 .The L ife of Dr. C ottonMather, by S.Mather. 8° Bast. 1 7 2 9

MAT MAU 2 13

MATHER (Increase). Diatriba de Signo FilII Hominis , etsecundoAdventuMessie . 8° Amst. 1682 .

An Answer to Ke ith ’

s Libel against a C atechisme publishedby Fran.Makime . 1 2 ° Bast. 1 694 .

IncreaseMather’s and C ottonMather ’

s Sermons on J. Bailey’


Death. 8° Bast. 1 698.N ature and Power of Angels. 8° Bast. 1 696 .

Two plain and practical Discourses. 1 2 ° Land. 1699.

Mystery of Israel’s Salvation 8° Land. 1669.

A briefHistory ofthe Warmththe Indians in N ew- England ,4° Land. 1676 .

MATHER Lawfulne ss ofa Pastor’

s acting in other C hurchesbesides that of which he hasthe O versight. 1 2 ° Land. 1 698.

Sermons atPinners ’ Hall. 8° Land. 1 701 .

MATHER O nthe Types and Figures ofthe Old Testament.4° Land. 1 705 .

Life of C ottonMather. 8° Bast. 1 7 2 9.

Apology for the L iberties of the C hurches in N ew England .

8° Bast. 1 7 3 8.

MA THER The Young Man’

s C ompanion, or Arithmetickmade Easy. 8° Land . 1 750.


MATROUD De vers Senonum O rigine. 8° Par. 1 687 .

Archiepiscoporum Senonensium C atalogus. 8° Par . 1 688.

MATRAN GA De Academia. 8° Panarm. 163 7 .

MATRIIIoN Y. The C hr istian State of Matrimony. 8° Land .

1543 .

MATTHAIUs Evangelista . Evangelium ex C od.Dublin.RBarrett.4° Dubl. 1 801 .

Evangelium exHebre a fideliter redditum. 8° Pa r . 1 555 .

Paraphrase onthe 5th , 6 th, and 7th C hapters ofSt.Matthew’


Gospe l. 8° Land. 1 764.

MATTH1EU 8 Westmonasteriensis . Matthe i Westmonasteriensis FloresHistoriarum ; etC hroniconFlorentiiWigorniensis . Fol . Francaf.1 601 .

MATTHEW The most glor ious Star. 1 2 ° Land . 166 2 .

MATTHEW The unlearned Alchymist’

s Antidote . 8°

L and. 166 2 .

MATTHIA s Systems Ethicum. 8° Giess. 16 2 0.

Systems Theologie . 4° Hamb. 163 9.

Theatrum Historieum. 4° Amst. 1656 .

MATTHIEU (Pierre). Histoire de Louys X I. 4° Par . 1 6 2 8.

E lius Sejanus. 1 2 ° Rauen, 16 2 8.

MAU C ROY (Sieur de). O uvrages de Prose etde Poesie des Sf“I deMaucroy etde la Fontaine . 2 vol. 8° Par . 1 685 .

MAU C ER (C laude). French and Engl ish Grammar. 8° Land . 1 708 .

MAU N DRELL A Journey from .Aleppo to Jerusalem. 8°

Oxf . 1 7 2 1 .

MAURICE A Defence of Diocesan Episcopacy. 8° Land .

1691 .

2 14 MAU MAY

MAuarcE Vindication ofthe Primi tive C hurch, in Answerto Baxter. 8° Land. 1 682 .

MAURICE Indian Antiquities. 7 vols. 8° Land. 1 794

1 800.

Mutu al: (J de). Juris C anonici Selects ; acceduntFabrotti Recitationes 1n Decretales Gregorii IX . 4° Par . 1 659.

MAUTIN I da Prediche fatte nelPalazzo Apostolica.

4° Ram. 1 63 8.

Ma ma . Maximes pour l’Education d’

un jeune Seigneur . 1 2 °

Par . 1 690.

MoralesMaximes. 8° Par . 1 675 .

MAxmosManachua. C apitum Theologicarum Centuria , Gre ca.8° Par . apudMorel. 1560.

Scholia inB. DionysiiLibros qui extant, Gre cia. 8° Par . apud

PM . 165 2

MAx mus Tyrms. Dissertationes, a Reiske. 8° Lipsiar, 1 774.

Gr. Lat. 21 ° Oxan. 167 7

Gre ca, cum Interpretatione Dan. Heinsii, etAlcinousin Doctrinam Platania. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 607 .

Gra ce. ApudHenr . S h. 1557 .

The Dissertations of aximus Tyr ina, translated from theGreek b Thomas Taylor . 2 vol. 1 2 ° Lond . 1 804.

MAxn ms Valerius). C um C ommentariis Oliverii etBadii, &c.Fol. Venet. 1573 .

MAY (Louis da). Prudent Voyageur. 3 vol. 1 2 ° Genev. 1681 .

The Estate ofthe Empire ofGermany. 8° Lond. 1664.

MAY (Thos. History ofthe Parliament of England began 1 640.

Fol. Land.

MAY Sermons . 8° Land. 1 757

MAYAN S tSISCAR Defensa delRei Witiza. 4° 1 77 2 .

MAYER (John). C ommentaries on Joshua. Fol. Land. 1 647 .

C ommentary onthe Prophets. Fol . Land. 1652 .

C ommentary onthe Epistles of St. Paul. Fol. Land. 1 63 1 .

On d ifficult Texts of Scripture . 4° Land. 16 2 2 .

MAYER (Jo. De Fide Barani i etBellarmini. 8° Awst.1 697 .

MAYER Anatomia humanaa C onscientiae. 8° Bas 1 608.

MAYERBEBG (Augustin, Bara dc). Voyage en Moscovre . 1 2 °

L eide, 1 688.

OperaMed ica. Fol. Land. 1 703 .

MAYHEW (Experience) . Indian C onverts. 8° Land. 17 2 7 .

MAYHEW (Jonah) . Observations on the C harter and C onductofthe Society for propagatingthe Gospel in Foreign Parts. 2 vol.

8° Boston (3' Land. 1 768, &c.

Discourses and FuneralSermons for Jonathan Mayhew byC hauncy, Gay, and Brown. 8° Land.

Sermons. 8° Lond..1 750.

Tracts 8° Land.

MAYIIEW Discussion of Faith, Hope, and Love. 8° Land.1 680.

2 16 MEI MENM3 13 0 11 1t(Jo . Me cenas , sive deMe cenatisVita atMo

rihua. 4° Lugd . Bat. 1653 .

Mama A C ollection of Hymns forthe Use of C h ildren. 8°

Land. 1 8 1 1 .

MEIsN ERUS Anthropologin Sacra. 2 vol. 8° d rgent. 16 2 5.

Philosophia Sohria. 8 vol. 8° Giess . 1 6 15 .

Status N atura Humanm. 4° Witteb. 1 6 2 7 .MEK EBC B US (Adolph) De veteri etrecta Pronunciatione Gra ca!

L ingua . 8° A nta. apud Plant. 1 5 76 .

MELA De Si tu O rbis. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 685 .


MBLAN CTHON (Ph ilip) . Opera. 4 vol. Fol. Witteb. 1 6 6 2 .The L 1fe of Philip Melancthon , by F. A . C ox . 8° Land.

18 15 .

Loci C ommunes Theologici. 8° Bas. 1568.

Elementa Rhetorices . 8° Par . apud C olin. 1 53 2 .

Epistola . 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 647 .

Vi ta, aC amerar io. 1 2 ° Hag . C am. 1609.

MELAN DER (Otho) . Jocorunr C enturiaa. 1 2 ° Franco/Z 1 603 .

Mau reen Histor iques. 1 2 ° Orange, 1 6 75 .


r II (C ourtney). O bservations onDr .Young’

sN ightThoughts.

8° Land. 1 7 76 .

MELVII. (Sir James) . Memoirs of England and Scotland under

Queen El izabeth, Mary Queen of Scots, and King James L , pub

lished by G. Scott. Fol. Land. 1683 .

MELVILLE (Andrew). The L ife of Andrew Melville, by ThomasM’

C rie , D.D. 2 vol. 8° Edina. 1 8 19.

MELVIN Masae, etAdamsoni V ita , &c. 4° Land. 1 6 2 0.

Mexams. Mémoires d’

un Honnete Homme . 2 vol. 8° Dresd.

1 753 .

Mémoires pour l’Histoire des Sciences et(les Beaux Ar ts , parl

O rdre du Duc duMaine. 9 vol. 8° Amst. 1 701 .

Mémoires deM. D . L .R. sur les Brigues alaMort duLouysXIII. &c. 1 2 ° C ologne, 1666 .

Memoirs of what past in C hr istendom fromthe War begun1 6 7 2 to the Peace concluded 1 67 9. 1 2 ° Land. 1 69 2 .

Memoirs of the L iterary and PhilosophicalSocie ty ofManchester . vol. I. 8° Land. 1 785 .

British and ForeignMemoirs of lllustrious Persons. 2 vol. 8°

Land. 1 7 1 2 .

MEN A (Juan de). C on la‘Glossa delC ommendador Fernan. N u

nnez. 8° Anvers , 1 55 2 .

MEN AGE (Gilles). Observations sur la Langue Francoise . 2 vol.

1 2 ° Par . 1 675 .

A vis aMons.Menage sur son Eglogue inti tulé C hristine . 1 2 °

Pa r . 1 657 .

Anti- Baille t, ou C ritique dn L ivre deMons. Baille t. 2 vol.

1 2 ° Hays , 1688.

Menagiana, ou BonsMots, Pensées Judicieuses, etO bservations C urieuses . 4 vol. 18° Amst. 1 693 .

MEN MER 2 17

MEN Aows (E gid) HistoriaMulierum Philosopharum, etC omm.

in Sonettum Petrarcha 8° Lugd. Bat. 1690.

Jur is C ivilis Amoemtates. 8° Par . 1 67 7 .

Poemata. 8° Par . apud C ramoisy, 1668.

Miscellanea . 4° Par. 1 65 2 .

Mescolanze . 8° Par . 1 678.

Le O rigine della L ingua Italiana. 4° Par . apud C ramoisy,1 669.

MEN AN DER. Sententia Gr Lat. 8° Par . apudMorel. 1 558.

Menandri etPhilemoms Sententim comparatae, Greece, 5 Bi.galtia . 8° Apud Rab. Stephan. 1 6 1 3 .

MEN ARDU s C oncordia Regularum Sancti Benedicti. 4°

Par . 1 63 8.

MEN ASSEH Ben Israel. De C reatione Problemata, etde ResurrectioneMortuorum. 1 2 ° Amat. 1 63 5 .

De Vitae Termino. 1 2 ° Amst. 163 9.

The Hope of Israel. 1 2 ° Land. 1 650.

MEN DEz (Moses) . C ollections of Poems. 8° Land. 1 7 67 .

MEN DocA (Ant. dc). Querer por solo querer, C omedia. 4° Madr .1 6 2 3 .

Paraphrased in English, 1 654. 4° Land. 1 670.

Fiestas de Aranjuez . 4° Madr . 1 6 2 8.

MEN DocA C ommentarios de la Sucedido en las Guerrasde los Payses haxas desde 1 567 hasta 1 577 . 4° Madr . 1592 .

MEN DOQA (Diego de). Guerra de Granada . 4° L isb. 1 6 2 7 .

MEN DooA (Fran. de). Vir idarium Saerae etProfanas Eruditionis .

8° C al. Agr . 163 8.

MEN DOZA (Petr. Hurtado dc). De universa Philosophia. 4° Lugd.

Bat. 1 6 1 7 .Disputationes Philosophicee . 4 vol. 8° Tolas. 1 6 18.

MEN ESTRIER (C laude Symbolica D ianae Ephes ian Statua.

4° Ram. 1 657 .

La Philosoph ie des Images. 8° Par . 1 682 .

Philosophia Imaginum. 8° Amst. 1 695 .

MEN OCHIO (Gio. Delle Stuore tessute de varia Eruditionesacra, morale e profana . 5 vol. 4° Ram. 1 653 .

MEN OTU S Sermones quadragesimales. 8° Par . 15 2 6 .


ELIUS De O r igine Typographia . 4° Par . 1 650.

MERCATOR A tlas, anotus A . J . Hondio, Belgica. 4° Amst.16 3 1 .

A tlasMinor, anotus A . J . Handia, Lat. 4° Amst.Institutiones Astronomica-3. 8° 1676 .

MERC ERUS (J Tabula in C haldaaam Grammaticen. 4° Par.

1 550.

C ommentaria in Jobum, Proverb., Eccles. etC antic. Fol.Genev. 15 7 3 .

Tabulae in Grammaticen L inguas C haldaicm quw etSyriacad icitur. 8° Witteb. 1 579 .

C ommentaria in Genesia. Fol. Genev. 1 598.

Grammatica C haldaica etSyriaca. 4° Land. 1 560.

2 18 MER MET

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1 659.

MERC URIAL Is VariaaLectiones inMedicina Scriptoribus.4° Ven. apud Junt. 1 588.

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Mercure Historique etPolitique. 1 2 ° Bar . 1686 .

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LeMercure d’

Estat. 8° Genév. 1 684.

MERITON (George). BriefHistory of England . 1 2 ° Land. 1 678.

Forms of Prayer . 8° 168 2 .

MBRLAT (Elie). Réponse au L ivre du M. Arnaud, intitulé , ‘Le

Renversement de la Morale de Jésus C hrist.’ 1 2 ° Saumur ,1 676 .

MERLIN Prophetia Anglicana. 1 2 ° Francqf. 1 608.

The L ife ofMerlin surnamed Ambrosius. 4° Land. 1 641 .

Merlin reviv’

d. 8° Land. 1 683 .

MERSEN N E (Marin). Quae stiones C eleberrimm in Genesim, cum

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La Vie deMar in Mersenne . 8° Par. 1 649.

MERU LA (Paulus). C osmographia Generalis etSpecialis. 6 vol.

1 2 ° Amsi . 1 63 6 .

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ab Inquisitoribus gestarum. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 604.

MEsnovms Historia Anabaptistics . 4° C olon. 1 6 1 1 .

MESSAL IN US Dissertatio de Episcopis etPresbyter ia. 1 2 °

Lugd. Bat. 1 641 .MESTRE Z AT (Jean). Exposi tion de la 1

°re Epistre de S. Jean. 2 vol.

8° Genéa. 165 1 .

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Epistre aux Hébreux. 5 vol. 8° Genet) .1655 .

XX Sermons. 8° Genéa. 1657 .

Du Sacrement de l’Eucharistie . 8° Sedan, 1 6 2 5 .

Trois Sermons au Jour de Jcusua. 8° C harent. 1686.Traité de l’Eglise . 4° C ha renton, 1 649.

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1 767 .

Memoirs ofthe L ife and Wr itings of the Abate Metastasio,by C harles Burney. 3 vol. 8° Land. 1 796 .

METEREN (Eman. de). Histoire des Pays Bas. Fol . Amst. 1 670.

METHODIU S Ep iscopus. C onviv iam decem Virginum, Gr . etLat.ab Allatio . 1 2 ° Ram. 1 656 .

2 2 0 MIC MILMIa EL Is (John David). Syntagma C ommentationum. 2 vol. 4°

Goetting . 1 759- 1 767 .

In Roberti Lowth Pra lectiones de sacra Poesi Hebra orum,

N ata etEpimetra. 8° Oman. 1768.

Introductory Lectures onthe Sacred Books of the N ew Testament. 8° Land. 1 76 1 .

Introduction tothe N ew Testament, translated fromthe German by HerbertMarsh. 6 vol. 8° Land. 1 802 .

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Miscellaneous Works . 5 vol. 8° Land. 1 755 .

MIDDLETON (Erasmus). Biographin Evangelica. 4 vol. 8° Land.

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MILL (James). The History of British India. 6 vol. 8° Land.

1 82 0.

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MILLAR History ofthe Propagation of C hr istiani ty andtheO ver throw of Paganism. 2 vol. 8° Edinb. 1 7 2 3 .

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MILN ER (John). Latin Rudiments. 8° Land. 1 7 2 9.

Grammar ofthe Greek Tongue . 8° Land. 1 7 3 4.

Rhetor ic. 8° Land. 1 7 3 6 .

Grammar ofthe Latin Tongue . 8° Land. 1 742 .

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1 685 .

Defensio Secunda pro Populo Anglicana contra infamem Li

MIL MIL 2 2 1

bellum, cui Titulus, ‘Regu Sanguinis C lamor . Accessi t Alex.

Mori Fides publica contra C alumniasMiltoni. 1 2 ° Hag. C am.

1 654.

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L and. 1 674.

A rs Logica, ad Petri Rami Methodum concinnata. 8° Land.

1 6 7 2 .

8° Land . 16 78.

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1 676 .

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PoliticalWorks, by Birch. 2 vol. 4° Land. 1 753 .

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Eiconoclastes, in answer to Emma Baronium. 4° Land.

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4° L a nd. 1 641 .

Animadversions upon the Remonstrant’

s Defence againstSmectymnus. 4° Land. 1641 .

Apology againsta Pamphletcalled ‘A modest C onfutation of

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4° Land. 1 642 .

O f PrelaticalEpiscopacy. 4° Land. 1 641 .

Areopagi tica : a Speech , forthe L iber ty of Unlicensed Printing, tothe Parliament of England. 4° Land. 1644.

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A Tractate of Education, addressed ‘toMaster SamuelHartlib . 4° Land.

The Doctr ine and Discipline of Divorce. 4° Land. 1 644.

The Judgemen t ofMartinBucer concerningDivorce , translatedinto English. 4° Land. 1 644.

Works , by Dr . N ewton. 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 753 - 57 .

History ofMoscovia. 8° Land. 1 682 .

Poems. 8° Land. 1 673 .

PoeticalWorks. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 707 .

Letters of State. 1 2 ° Land. 1 694.

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Historical, Political , andMiscellaneousWorks, Eng. and Lat.3 vol. Fol. Land. 1 698.

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Land. 1695 .

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A Treatise on C hristian Doctr ine , compiled from the HolyScr iptures alone : translated from the O riginal by C harles R.

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MIN SIIEN The Guide into the Tongues, in nine Lan

guages. Fol L and. 1 6 2 7 .

MIN UC I (Minuci o). Historia degli U scochi. 4° 1 602 .

MINUTIus FEL Ix. MinutinaFelix , parAb lancour t. 1 2 ° Par . 1 66 2 .

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s Apology, translated into English . 8° Land. 1 708.

MIRARIL Is Annus, or Year ofWonders. 4° Land. 1 66 1 .

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lnvocation du

SaintPére Francois Xavier . 8° Malina , 1 66 1 .

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A siam, &c. 8° C OLAgr . 16 1 9.

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sacra DomusMansionis SS. Trinitatis. 4° Panarm. 1 7 2 1 .

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Antidiatriba . Fol. Land. 1 6 2 5 .

Acts andMonuments ofthe C hurch . 4°Lond. 164 2 .

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Mystery of Jesuitisms . 1 2 ° Land. 1657 .

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etGall. 8° Pa r . 16 1 1 .

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r ies . 2 1 vol. 8° Hackney, 1 806—2 6 .

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MathematicalC ompendium. 8° Land. 1 693 .

Works. 2 vol. 4° Land. 1 681 .


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C onversations de Morale. 8° Hays, 1 692 .

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Hexameron Rust1que . 1 2 ° Amst. 1 67 1 .MOTHE Josss L (Sieur ds la ) . D iscours politique sur Tacite . 4°

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ovelty of Popery. Fol. Land. 1 66 2 .

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Froben. 15 2 4 .

MURcII (Jerom). A History ofthe Presbyterian and General BaptistC hurches inthe West of England ; with Memoirs of some of

the ir Pastors . 8° Land. 183 5 .

MURC OT (John) . Works. 4° Land. 1 65 7 .

MURETU s Varia Lectiones , 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 586 .

8° ApudPlant. 1 580.

O rationes, Hymni, etPoemata. 8° Venet. apzid A ld. 1 576 .

O rationes , Epistola , etHymni. 8° Lubes . 1 652 .

2 30 MUR NAN

MURRAY (James). Lecturesto Lords Spir itual. 8° Land. 1 78 1.

MURRAY C losetDevotions. 8° Land. 1 744.

MU sa U s onthe Loves ofHero andLeandsr, by Stapylton. V.WHITEORDU s. 1 2 ° Land. 1 647 .

Museu m Loci C omrnunss . Fol. Erphard . 1 568.

MUSCULU S In Psalter ium Davidis . Fol. Bas. 1 5 7 3 .

In lesaiam. Fol . Bas. 1 55 7 .

In Mattha um. Fol . Bas. 1 567 .

In Johannem. Fol . Bas. 1 553 .

In Romanos . Fol . Bas. 1 555 .In Galatas etEphesios . Fol. Bas. 1 569 .

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Fol . Bas . 15 78.Loci C ommunes. Fol. Bas . 1 564.

MusaoMoscs rdo. Fol. Padana , 1 656.

MUSEUM . Museum Historico- Philologica - Theologicum. vol. 1 . 8°

Brem. 1 7 2 8.

Musa um Hermeticum. 4° Francqf. 1 6 2 5 .

MU SSARD (Pierre). Sermons. 8° Genes . 1 67 3 .

MU SSO Pred iche. 8° Ven. 156 1 .

MUSSUS In Epistolam ad Romanos. 4° Venet. 1 588.

MUTEL (C harles). A Treatise concerning the C auses of the Present C orruption of C hristians , andthe Remed ies thereof. 8° Land.1 700.

MYLIU S In C atschismum Heydelbergensem Homilia . 8°

Amst. 1 654.

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Fol. Bas. 1580.

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‘i. 8° Amst. 1 68 1 .Le tters concerningMythology . 8° Land. 1 748 .

N . (N .) LaV ita di Giovanni d’

Austria. 1 2 ° 1 686 .

America. 8° Land. 1 655 .

Reflections upon Eloquence . 8° Land. 1 67 2 .


s C atechism. 8° Ants . 1 658.

N . (T.) Medulla Historia An licsna 8° Land. 1 687

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N A LSON (John). A C ollection of State A ffairs from 1 63 9 to theDeath of C harles I . 2 vol. Fol. Land. 1 682 .

N A LTON (James). Sermons . 8° Land. 1 664.

N AN I (Battista). Historia dellaRepublicaVeneta. 2 vol. 4° Venet.1 6 68 .

Histoire de la Republique de Venise . 4 vol. 8° C al. 1 68 2 .

N AN N IUs Miscellanea. 8° Lugd. 1548.

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Land. 1 669 .

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Looking Glass. 8° Land. 1 679.

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Scale of Interest. 8° Land. 1 668.

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sers, 1576 .

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The Faith of God ’

s Elect; written on black paper in largewh ite letters, forthe use of Jos. Harris . 3 vol. Fol.Works. Fol. Land. 1 7 2 1.

OWEN (John). The C hristianMonitor forthe last Days. 8° Land.

1 808.

O xormm . Oxonisnsis Universitatis Statute. 8° Land. 1 63 5 .

Judicium de Solemni L igs stFa dere . 8° Land. 1648.

0 3 11 11 111: (Morum) DictionnaireMathématique . 4° Awst. 1 691 .R

2 42 O Z A PAL

O zANAu Trai té de Fortification. 8° Par . 1 694.

MathematicalRecreations. 8° Land. 1 708.

Mathematicks.by Desaguliers. 5 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 2 5 .

P. (J ) Hypomnsmats Logics , Rhetorica, Physics , Metaphysics ,Pneumatics , Eth ics , Politics , (Economics . 8° Ozan.

P. The Second Par t ofthe Book of Exercise appsrtayningtoResolution. 8° Land . 1590.

The L ife ofthe Tyrant Agathocles. 8° Land. 1 66 1 .

P. The C ase of the C hurch of England truly stated againstHobbes and others. 8° Land. 1 681 .

P. Elements Optica . 8° Land . 1 65 1

PAC HYN ERES Psraphrssis in omma Dionys . AreopagitaOpera, Gra ce. 8° Par . apudMorel. 1 56 1 .

PAC IPIC ATORIUN O rthodoxa Theologia C orpusculum. 8° Land.

1 685 .

PAEPP Artificiosa Msmoria Fundamenta. 1 2 ° Lugd.

1 6 18.

Introductio in Prsxim Artificiosa Memorie . 1 2 ° Lugd.

16 18.

Vita C iceronis in Annos distincts . 1 2 ° Lugd.

PAGAN Prince ; or , C omicalHistory of the Palatine of Eboracum.

1 2 ° Amet. 1 690.

PAGET (John) . An Answer tothe C omplaints ofWill. Be st, onthemiserable Slavery of the English C hurch atAmsterdam. 4°

An st. 1 63 5 .

Defence of C hurch Government. 4° Land. 164 1 .

PAGITT (Ephraim). C hristiauography ; or ,the Description afchtians intheWorld notsubjecttothe Pope. 4° Land. 1 63 6.

PAGN IN US Sanctus. Thesaurus Lingua Sancta . Fol. Lugd. apsdVincent. 1 575 .

Hebraica Institutiones . 4° Apud

Institutionum Hebr . Abbreviatio. 4° Stephan.

Epitome Thesaur i L ingua Sancta . 8° Ants . 1 588 .

PAGUB C ri tics in Baranii Annales . 4 vol.Fol. A nts . 1 705.

Fol. Lutst. 1 689De C onsulibus C a sareIS Dissertatio. 4° Lugd. 1 6 8 2 .

PAINTERs. Entretiens sur les Vies stles (Euvres des Peintres. 2

vol. 4° Par . 1 685 .

C onfi rence sur la Peinture etde Sculpture. 4° Par. 1669.

PAJ ON (C L). Examen du L ivre intitulé, Préjugéz Légitimes contreles C alvinistes.’ 2 vol. 1 2 ° C harsat. 1673 .

PALB OTUB De sacri C onsistorii C onsultationibus . 4° Venet.1 596 .

PALE PHA‘I‘UO. De Incredibilibus, Gr. etLat. cumnotis C orn.Tallii.

8° Land. 1656 .

PALArox (Jean da). Histoire de Dom. Jean de Palafox. 1 2 ° 1690.

2 44 PAN PAR

PAnvmws De Ludis C ircensibus etde Triumphis , cumnotis A rga li etPinelli . Fol . Patav. 164 2 .

De Primatu Pe tri 4° Veran. 1689.

De Ludis C ircensibus. 8° Par . 1591 .

lmperium Romanum. 8° Par. 1588.

PAN VIN IUS Expositiones literales etmorales in Loca difficilioratotius Sacras Scriptures. 4° Vicent. 16 1 2 .

PAOLO (Padre). Raccolta degli Scritte , nella C ausa dell’

Paolo V.

contro Signori Venetiani. 2 vol. 4° 1 606 .

Apologia per le Oppositioni fatte delC ard. Bellarmino allaGio.Gersone. 4° Venet. 1606 .

Discorso dell’O rigine , Forms, Leggi , ed U so dell’

Uflicio dell’

Inquis i tions . 4° Venet. 163 9.

Vi ta delPadre Paolo. 8° Leid. 1646 .

Histoire da C oncile de Trent,traduite par Amelot. 4° Amsi.1 686 .

Traité des Bénéfices. 1 2 ° Ams i . 1687 .

PAoLo V . Papa . C onsiderationi sopre le C ensure contraRepublicad i Venetis , cummultis Tractatibus ejusdemA rgumenti. 4° Venet.1 606 .

PAPA. Tratado primero delPapa y de su Autor idad. Tratado segundo de laMissay de su Santidad . 8° 1 588.

PAPAL Usurpation and Tyranny, with Perrin’

s History of the OldWaldenses and Albigenses, publ ished by Dr. Bray. Fol. Land.

1 7 1 2 .

PAPEBROCHIUS C onatus C hronica- historicus ad C atalogumRomanorum Pontificum. Fol . Ants . 1 685 .

PAPERS of State. Fol. Land. 1 686 .

PAPIN La Tolérance des Protestants , etl’Autorité del’

Eglise , ou Repouse aJurien . 1 2 ° Par . 1 692 .

Pu r imA lexandrinus. Mathematics: C ollectiones, aC ommandino,in Lat. converse etcommentariis illustrata . Fol. P isaur . 1 588.

PARACELSU S (Aurel. Philip. C hirurgiaMinor , etal ii Tractatus ejusdem Autbaria. 8° Basil.

PAnAuo (Lud . dc). De O rigine etProgressu Inquisitionis. Fol.

Matr . 1 598 .

PARAPHRASE sur St. Jean, les Actes , etles Epistres. 4 vol. 8°

Saumur , 165 1 .

PAamns (Ignace Gaston). Geometry and Trigonometry, byHarris.8° Land. 1 701 .

A rithmetick. 8° Land. 1 788.

PARBRGA Historica. 4° Land. 1 782 .

PAREU S Mellificium Atticum. 4° Franaaf . 1 6 2 7 .

Historia Ecclesiastica Medulla. 1 2 ° Francaf. 1 688 .

InMatthmi Evangelium C ommentarius. 8° Genes . 1 641 .

C alvinna O rthodoxus. 8° N eostad.

PAREU S De Joseph i Scaligeri Elenchis C hronologicis Dav idis Pare i Epistola. 8° Franco/Z 1 608.

C orpus Doctrina . 8° Heidel.

In Genesin C ommentarius. 4° Genev. 16 14.

PAR PAR 2 45

PA l s Opera Theologica, s ive C ommentaria in Ve tus etN ovum Testamentum. 2 vol. Fol. Heidelb. 16 2 8.

PAREus Lexicon criticumLingua Latina . 8° N arimb. 1 645 .

De Imi tations Terentians . 8° N eap . N ern. 16 1 7 .

PARrs HistoriaAnglia , aWats. Fol. Land. 1 684.

PARISH . N ames of allthe Parishes in England and Wales. 4°

Land. 1 657 .

PARN A L . The History of this Iron Age , Englished byHarris. Fol.Land. 1 656 .

PARKER. (John). AnHistor icalD idacticalTreatise ofthe Two C oveRants. 8° Land. 1 704.

PARKER De Poli te ia Ecclesia . 4° Land. 1688.

PARKER De Rebus sui Temporis C ommentariordm L ibr iquatuor . 8° Land. 1 7 2 6 .

De Deo etProvidentia. 4° Land. 1 678.

An Account ofthe Government ofthe C hurch forthe first 600Years . 8° Land. 1 683 .

Discourse ofReligion and Loyalty. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 684 .

EcclesiasticalPolitic . 8° Land . 1670.

A Defence and C ontinuation of Ecclesiastical Politic. 8°

L and. 1 67 1 .

Reprooftothe Rehearsal transpos’

d. 8° Land. 1 673 .

D iscourse againstSymbolizing wi th Anti - C hr ist in C eremonies, especially inthe Signe ofthe C rosse . Fol.


Lond. 1 607 .

A free and impartialC ensure ofthe Platonich Philosophie .

4° Oxf . 1 666 .

8° Oaf. 1667 .

Nature and Extent oftheD ivine Dominion andGoodness. 4°

Oxf . 1 666 .

Accountofthe Platonich Ph ilosophy. 4° Ozf. 1 666.


Authority ofthe Law of N ature , &c. 4° Land. 1 681 .

PARKER Parka rus illustratus, sive Annotata qua dam inomnes LxxMr.Thoma Parkeri Theses, De Traductions , HominisPeccatoris ad Vitam, s Ph ilo - Tileno 8° Land. 1 660.

PABK ES C hemicalEssays , principally relating tothe Ar ts andManufactures ofthe Br itish Dominions. 5 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 18 15.

Thou hts onthe Laws relating to Salt. 8° Land: 1 81 7 .

The hemienlC atechism. 8° Land. 18 19.

PARxRURs'r Masorah ; or , C anon of the Scr iptures. 8°

Land. 1 660.

PARxms (C harles) : a. Stone“ .


Artde Parler . 1 2 ° Hays, 1 676.

1 2 ° Par . 1 685.

PARLIAMEN T. Observations on severalActs of Parliament, passedinthe Four th, Sixth and Seventh Years of His presentMajesty


Reign. 8° Land. 1 770.

Acts and Declarations of Parliamentfor the Years 1 648,1 649, and 1 650. Fol. L and.

Parliament C ases resolved and adjudged upon Peti tions and

Wr its of Error . Fol. Land.

2 46 PAR PAS

PARLIAMEN T. The Rise and Power of Parliaments . 8° Land.

Memor ials for pass ing Bills In Parliament. 8° Land .

Admoni tiontothe Parl iament forRestitution oftrue Re l igion.

Admonition tothe Parliamentheld the 1sth Year of Queen

Elizabe th, 15 70. 4° 1 6 1 7 .

Parliamentary Wri ts and Wr its ofMilitary Summons. 2 vol.

in 4 par ts. Fol. Land. 1 82 7—1 880.

Parliamentary Journals, In 102 vol. containing the Rolls of

Parliament , in 6 vol. the Journals ofthe House of C ommons, in

58 vol.to the Prorogation of Parliament, July 5 , 1 796 ; General

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mons, in 4 vol. to the 3oth of June 1 7 78 ; and Journals of theHouse of Lords, in 3 8 vol. to the End of the Session in 1 778.


Parliamentary or C onsti tutionalHistory of England , fromtheearliest Timestothe Res toration of King C harles II . 2 4 vol. 8°

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PARR Abba Father. 1 2 ° Land. 1 686.

PARR (Dr . Sam. Memoirs ofthe L ife, Wr i tings , and Opin ions ofDr . SamuelParr, bythe Rev. W. Field. 2 vol. 8° Land . 18 2 8.

PARRRAsms (Janus). L iber de Rebus per Epistolam qua sitis. 8°

Apud Henr . Stephan. 1 567 .

PARsoN . The C ountry Parson’

s Advice to his Parishioners . 1 2 °

Land. 1 788.

PARSON (James). Remains of Japhet. 4° Land . 1 767 .

PA RsoN (John). A Key to Arithmetick, by Wastell. 8° Land.

1 703 .

PARSON B a. Sm r son .

PARsons A C hristian Directory. 8° Land. 1650.

PARTHBNAY 4 666 de). TheHistory of Poland under Augustus II.2 vol. 8° 1 784.

PARTICLES. Greek Particles English’

d, with a Lexicon. 8° Land.

1 63 7 .

PARur A (Paolo). Historia Vinetiana. Vinet. 1 605.PA scAL (Blaise). Pensées sur la Religion, etdo la Vie da memeAutheur . 1 2 ° Amst. 1 684.

Discours sur les Pensées deMr.Pascal, avec nuDiscours snrles Preuves des L ivres deMoyse. 1 2 ° Amst. 167 2 .

Thoughts, by Walker. 8° Land. 1 688.

PAsa nws (C ard. Vidi Fabricii Pibrachii Vita. 1 2 ° Par . 1584.

De Optima Genere Elocutionis. 1 2 ° Rathamag. 1 596 .

C ensura Animi ingrati. 8° Genea. 16 2 0.

Legatus. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 645 .

C orona . Lugd.Bat. 167 1 .PA scuALIos (Rathert). De C orpore etSanguine C hristi. 8° C olon.1 550.

PAscnoun Historico -

poli tico Geography. 2 vol. 8° Land.1 7 2 6 .

2 48 PAT PAY

PATRc (D r . Simon) , Bishop of Ely. Divine Arithmetick . 8° Land.

1 67 2 .

C hr istian Sacrifice. 1 2 ° Land. 1676.

Helpto youngC ommunicsnts. 8° Land. 1 699 .

Discourse on rayer. 1 2 ° Land. 1686 .

MensaMystics . 8° Land. 1 684.

On Baptism. 8° Land . 1659.

Jewish Hypocr isy . 8° Land. 1 660.

Witnesses to C hristian ity. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1676 .

Glorious Epiphany . 8° Land. 1 678.

Friendly Debate, w ith C ontinuation and Append ix . 4 vol.

8° Land. 1 669.

Parable ofthe Pilgr im. 4° Land. 1665 .

PATRU (Olivier). Plaidoyéz , et(Euvres diverses. 4° Pa r 1670.

PATTIN o Introduzione alla Storis delle MedaglIe . 1 2 °

Venet. 1 673 .

Historia Inquisitionis. 1 2 ° Rotterd. 165 1 .PAU L (Father). The Rights of Sovereigns and Subjects 8° Land.

1 7 2 5 .

Maxims ofthe Government of Venice. 8° Land . 1 707 .

Treatise of Ecclesias ticalRevenues and Benefices. 8° Land.

1 7 3 6 .

History of the C ouncil of Trent, and the Inquis ition. Fol.

Land. 1 676 .

Letters. 8° Land. 1 693 .

The L ife of Father Paul, by a Person of Quality . 8° Land.

1 65 1 .

PAU LINus Ep isc. N olan. Opera. Item : Vi ta ejusdem. Ao

ceduntN ata Ama ba a Frontonis Duca i etHeriberti Rosvveydi.8° Ants . 1 6 2 2 .

PA ULo (C ar . d Sancta). Geographia Sacra. Fol. Latet. 1 641PAU Lus Themathorologia, exhibens Radicum, etDerIvationis TermInationum U sum Vocibus N ovi Testamen ti. 18°

Lubec. 1653 .

PAU Lus Apostolus. Epistola ad Ti tum, Arab . etLat. s Johan. An

tanida. 4° Apud Plantin. 1 6 1 2 .

Epistola ad Gra cam Veritatem, castigata per Thom. C aetanum. 8° Par . 1 57 1 .


Ouverture de l’Epitre de St. Paulaux Romaines, etEclairvcissements. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 685 .

La Vie de St. Paul, ar Godeau. 1 2 ° Par. 1 647

PA ULus , Venetas Era n. xpositio super L ibros PhysIcorum Ari

stotelis. Fol. Venet. 1 499.

PAU SAN IAS. Descr iptioGra cia , edi t. itGul. Xylsndro. Fol. Hanov.

1 6 1 3 .

PAYBODY Apology for kneeling atthe Sacramen t. 4° Land.

1 6 2 9.

PAYN E A Discourse of Repentance. 8° Land. 1 693 .

D iscourses. 8° Land. 1 698.

PAYN BL Regimen ofHealth . 8° Land. 1557 .

PEA PEM 2 49

PEACE. Persuasive to Peace and Uni ty among C hr istians . 8° Land.

1 67 2 .

Histoire du Traitté de la Paix conclue sur la FrontIered

Espagne etde France entre les deux C ouronnes. 1 2 ° C al.1 665 .

PEACOC K (Lucy) . Adventures of Six Pr incesses of Babylon. 8°

L and. 1 785 .

PEAcocx The last C onflicts and Death ofThomas Peacock .

1 2 ° Land. 1 646 .

PEARCE (Sam. Memoirs ofthe Rev. SamuelPearce , wi th Extracts from some of his Letters : compiled by Andrew Fuller . 8“

C lip stone, 1 800.

PEARCE (Zachary), Bishop of Rochester . C ommentary and N otesonthe Evangelists and Acts . 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 78 .

Sermons on severalSubjects. 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 788.

PEARSE (Edward). The Great C oncern . 8° Land. 1 67 1 .

PEARSON Great C ase of Tythes opened and resolved. 8°

Land. 1 76 2 .

PEARSON (John) , Bishop of C hester . Vindicia Epist. St. IgnatIIcontra Dalla um. 4° C antab. 167 2 .

Opera posthums , per Dodwellum. 4° Land. 1 688.

Onthe C reed . Fol . Land. 1 692 .

PECK (Francis). Memoirs ofthe L ife and Actions ofOliver C romwell. 4° Lond. 1 740.

N ewMemoirs ofthe L ife and PoeticalWr itings of JohnMilton. 4° Land. 1 740.

PEC OC K (Reynold). The L ife of Reynold Pecock , by John Lewis .

8° Oxford, 1 82 0.

PEDAE Z UR (Gamaliel Ben). The Book of Religion, C eremonies,and Prayers ofthe Jews. 8° Land. 1 73 8.

PEERS (Richard). The C ompanion forthe Aged. 8° Land. 1 805 .

PEGGB Anecdotes ofthe English Language . 1 803 .

PEIRCE (James). Vindicia Fratrum Dissentientium in Angl ia. 8°

L and. 1 7 10.

Remarks on Dr. Wells, in various Tracts. 8° Land. 1 706.

Onthe C olossians, Philippians , and Hebrews. 4° Land . 1 7 2 7 .

PELAOIAN A . Disquisi tio an Pelagiana sint ea Dogmata qua nunc

sub eo nominetraducuntur . 8° Par . 1 6 2 2 .

PELEOROIIIUS Synonymorum Sylva. 8° Ants . 1563 .

PELEU S (J Qua stiones de Jure C onnub iorum, &c. 8° Latet.apudMorel. 1 6 10.

PELLEC RIN I I Fonti dell’ Ingegno. 1 2 ° Bologn. 1 650.

PELLICER ElFenix. 8° Madr . 1 6 3 0.

PELLIN G Discourse on Humility. 8° Land. 1 694 .

O nthe Existence ofGod. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 696 .

PELLISON Trai té de l’Euchariste. 1 2 ° Par . 1 694.

PELO Leggi nuove dellaRepublica diGenous , ItaletLat.1 2 ° Genoud , 1 584 .

PEuREL IU S De Formarum O rigine. 1 2 ° Land. 1 62 9.

PEMBERTON (Ebenezer). Sermons. 8° Land. 1 7 2 7 .

2 50 PEM PER

PEIIIIERTON (Hen. A View of Sir Isaac Newton’s Philosophy. 4°

Land . 17 2 8.

PBI BLE (Will. Works. Fol. Oxf. 1 659.

PEN AL Laws. C ollection of Treatises onthe PenalLaws . 4° L and.1 67 7 .

PEN nLEsuRr (Hen. InvisibleRealitiestheRealC hristian’

3 greatestC oncernment. 8° Land. 1696.

PEN nLERuRr (W. The practicalInfluence ofthe speculative Doctrine of C hristian ity. 8° Land. 1 7 2 6 .

PEN nRA C ON ; orthe C arpet Knight’

s C alendar. 8° Land . 1 698.

PEN N An Account ofthe Rise and Progress ofthe Quakers.

8° Lond. 1694.

WilliamPenn andthe Quakers , either lmpostors or Apostates.1 2 ° Lond. 1 696 .

The C hristian Quaker and his D ivine Testimony stated and

v indicated, from Scripture , &c. 8° Land. 1 699.

SelectWorks. 5 vol. 8° Land. 1 782 .

N o C ross, no C rown. 8° Land. 1 789.

PEN N AN T (Thos. A Tour In Wales In 1 7 73 . 8° Dublin, 1 779.

PEN N IN OTON (Isaac). Works. 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 784.

PEN ROSE (Dr. F. Essays Physiologicaland Practica l. 8° Land.

1 794 .

PEN SER. LaManiere de bien Penser dans les Ouvrsges de I’Esprit.1 2 ° Amst. 1688.

Pensées d’un Gentilhomme . 1 2 ° Par. 1 659.

PENTATEUCR. Pentateuchus Hebra o - Samaritanus. V. BLAYN EY.

8° Land. 1 790.

A criticaland practicalExposi tion of the Pentateuch . Fol.

Land. 1 748.

PEN TON (Ste h .) Apparatus ad Theologiam. 8° Land. 1 688.

PEPYS Memoirs of SamuelPepys, by Richard Lord Braybrooke. 2 vol. 4° Land. 1 82 5 .

PERAN DA (Gio. Fran. Lettere. 8° Venet. 161 9 .

PERCIVAL (Rich. Bibliotheca His ca ; contain ing a Grammarwith a Dictionary in Spanish, Eng ish andLatin. 4° Land. 1 591 .

PERCIVAL (Robert). An Accountofthe Island of C eylon. 4° Land.

1 803 .

PERCIVAL (Dr . Thos. Socratic Dialogues on Truth and Faithfulness. 8° Warrington, 1 78 1 .

PERCY (Thos. Bishop of Dramore. A C hinese Fragment,ing an Inquiry into the present State ofReligion In England. 8°

Land. 1 786 .

PERERIUS (Bened. DeMagia. 8° C al.Agr. 1598.

De communibus omnium Rerum naturalium Principus etAffectionibus . 8° C olon. 1 6 1 8.

PEREYRA (Dav id deElisa). C inco Libros de laLeyD ivina. 8° Amst.

PERETRA (Bento). Thesauro da L ingua Portuguesa. Fol. L isb.

1 647 .

PEREzIUs (Ant. Epistola ad C omitem Essexium, etad alias. 8°Par .

2 52 PER PET

PERIJC C I Pompe Funebri di tutte le Nationi delMondo.4° Veran. 1646 .


I TI (O rlando). Proverbi Italiani. 1 2 ° Venet. 1 6 1 8.

PETAU (Denys) . La Pierre de Touche C hronologique. 8° Par.

1 63 6 .

De la Pénitence publique ; etde la Preparation is Is C ommunion. 4° Par . 1 644.

PETAvms De Theologicis Dogmatibus . 5 vol. Fol. Lutet.1 644.

De Doctrina Tern rum. 2 vol. Fol. Par. 1 6 2 7 .

U ranologion. Fo Par. 1 6 30.

Rationarium Temporum. 1 2 ° Par . 1 688.

De Potestate C onsecrandi etSacriflcandi Sacerdotibus con

cessa. 8° Par . 1 63 9.

Appendix ad Epiphanianas Animadversiones. 8° Par . 1 6 2 4.

Psraphrss is Psalmorum Davidis, etaliorum C anticorum, Gr.

Lat. 1 2 ° Par . 1 6 3 7 .

O rationes etEpistola . 8° Par . 1 653 .

De Lege etGratia. 4° Par . 1 648.

PETERthe Great, Emperar ofRussia . The L ife of Peter the Great,Emperor of Russia . Fol . Land. 1 7 3 9

PETERS (C harles). A C r itical DissertatIon on the Book of Job.

4° Land. 1 75 1 .

PETERS (Hu h). Adviceto his Daughter. 8° Land. 1 66 1 .

PETIT (Petrg. De Renati C artesii Philosophia. 8° Par . 1 670.

O bservationes. 8° Traj. adRhen. 1 682 .

De Extensione Anima . 8° Par . 1665 .

De Amazonibus. 8° Amst. 1 687 .

De Sibylla. 8° L ips. 1686 .

Homeri N epenthes. 8° Tra’

. adRhen 1 689.

Poemata, etDissertatio de urore PoetIco. 8° Par . 1 683 .

PETIT Var ia Lectiones. 4° Par. 163 3 .

Leges A ttica . Fol. Par . apudMorell. 1635 .

De Jure, Principum Edictis, &c . 8° Amst. 1 649 .

Traité touchant la Réunion des C hrestiens. 1 2 ° Par . 1670.

PETRAc A Epistola . 8° Land. 1 601 .

De Remediis utr iusque Fortuna . 1 2 ° Ratterd. 1 649 .

De C ontemptuMundi. 8° Benn - 1 604.De V ita Solitaris . 8° Bern. 1 605.

IlPetrarchs . 8° Ven. 1 542 .

Sone tti, C anzoni , e Triomfi, con la Spositione di Bern. Da

niella. 4° Vineg . 1 549.

Le Rime, con br ievi A rgomenti di Pietro Petrscci. 1 6° Van.

1 6 10.


s View of Human Life, byMrs. Dobson. 8° Land.

1 791 .

PETRASAN C TA De Symbolia Heroicis . 4° A nts . apudPh ntin. 1 634.

PETRIUS Evangelia Anniversaria, Heb. Lat. 8° Apud

Plantin. 1581 .

PET PHA 2 53

PETRON E. La Satyre de Petroue . 1 2 ° C ol. 1694 .

Le Petrone en Vers, parM. L . D. B 1 2 ° Par . 1667 .

PETRON IU S A rbiter . Satyricon, cum not1s variorum. 8° Amst.1 6 69.

Petroun etdiversorum Poetarum Lusus in Priapum, cum commentariis variis. 8° Truj. ad Rhen. 1 654.

cum Fragmentis A lba Gra cia recuperatis Anno 1 688, nunc

demum integrum. 1 2 ° Rotterd. 1 693 .

The Satir icalWorks of Titus Petronius A rbiter , in Prose and

Verse. 8° Land. 1 708.

PETRU CCI C hr istian Perfection , consisting in the Love of

God. 8° Land. 1 704.

PETRU CCI Prodromo Apologetico alli Studi C hircheriani.4° Amst. 1 677 .

PETRU S De Scriptoribus Frisia . 8° C OLAgr . 1 593 .

PETT (Sir Peter). Memoirs of Arthur , Earlof Anglesey. 8° Land.

1 693 .


PETr IN ouALL (John). The U se and Practice of Jur ies amongtheAncients. 4° Land. 1 769.

PETTO The Voice ofthe Spiri t. 1 2 ° Land. 1 654.

PETTr (Sir PoliticalA rithmetick. 8° Land. 1 690.

Political Anatomy of Ireland. 8° Land. 1 69 1 .

Reflections on Persons and Things in Ireland . 8° Land.

1 660.

PETYR The Ancien t Righ t ofthe C ommons of England.

8° Land. 1 680.

PEU C ERUS Histor ia C arcerum. 8° Ti

gar . 1605 .

PEYTON (Sir Edward). The D ivine C atastrop e, or the KinglyFamily ofthe House of Stuarts. 1 2 ° Land. 165 2 .

PEZ EL IU S Refutatio C atechismi Jesuitici. 8° Land. 1 599.

De pra cipuis Divinationum Generibus. 8° Francqf. 1607 .

FEEIEEER Dubia vexata Sacra Scriptura . 4° L ips.

1 685 .

Opera Philologica. 2 vol. 4° Ultraject. 1 704.

PFEIFFBR (Joan. Antiquitates Gra carum Gentilium. 4°

L and. 1 689.

PmEnRus. Fabula , cum notis Tanaq. Fab ri. 4° Salmur . 1 657 .

cum notis Hoogstratani. 4° Amst. 1 701 .Bentleii. 4° C antab. 1 7 2 6.


ero. 8° Up s. 1 663 .

cum comment. variorum, curante Burmanno. 8° Amst.1 698.

in usum Delphini. 8° Land. 1698 .

8° Land. 1 708.

with English s by W. Willymot. 8° Land. 1 7 2 8.

PHALARIS. Phalaridis eti'uti Epistola , Gr. Lat. 8° Apud C am

melin . 1 597 .

Epistola , Gr . Lat. s Boyle. 8° Oxan. 1695 .

Epistles, by W. D. 1 2 ° Land . 1634.

2 54 PHE PHI

PIIELIPE 11. Los D ichos y Hechos. 1 2 ° Bras. 1 666.

Pe n n . The Phenix ; or , A Revivalof scarce and valuable Piecesfromthe remotestAiItiquity down to the presentTimes . 2 vol.

8° Land. 1 707 .

PRILADELPIIC S (Theophilus Philauax). LoyalNon- conformist. 1 2 °

Land. 1664.


PE ILA LETIIES Natural History, intermixed with philosophicalDiscourses. 8° Land. 1 669.

N ew In ic L ight. 8° Land.

Second ash. 8° Land. 1 65 1 .

PEIL ALETRES (Irena us). Understanding C hristian’s Duty. 1 2 °

Land. 1 660.

PRILAN 'I'RROPE. The Philanthrope : after theManner of a Perio

dicalPaper. 8° Land. 1 797 .

PE ILE (Manuel). Versus Sambici de Animalium Proprietate, Gr.Lat. 8° Apud C ommelin. 1596 .

PRILIP (Dr. John). Researches in South Africa. 2 vol. 8° Land.

1 8 2 8.

PRIL IPOT Antiquitas Theologica etGentilis. 1 2 ° Land.

1 670.

PIIILIPPART (John). C ampaign in Germany and France . 2 vol. 8°

Land. 1 814.

PIIIL IPPs (J. T ). Dissertationes Historica quatuor. 8° Land.1 7 3 5 .

PHILIPS L ives ofthe Poe ts. 1 2 ° Land. 1 660.

PHILIPS (John). The L ife and C haracter of John Philips by Sewell.8° Land. 1 7 2 0.

PIIILIPs Dissertationes Varu Argumenti, viz . I. Dissertatia Historica -

poli tics de Papatu ; II'

. O ratio de Utilitate Peregrinationis ; III . De Rebus Ssntgallensibus in Helvetia. AcceditD isputatio de Eucharistia ex Gra ca L inguaModems in Latinamconversa. 8° Land. 1 7 1 5 .

PIIIL LIPPUS I tinerarium O rientals . 8° Lugd. 1649.

PHILLIPS The Book of Lamentations. 1 2 ° Land.

1 63 9.

PHILO Byzantinus . De Septem O rbis Spectaculis, ab one Allatio.

8° Land.

PRILO Juda us. Opera, Gra ce. Fol. Par . apud a neb. 1 55 2 .

Gr. Lat. Fol. Francaf . 1 691 .PIIILOL AU S. De vero SystemsteMund i. 4° Awst. 1 63 9.

PIIILOPON U S (J In C ap. I. Geneseos, de Mundi C reations , Gr.Lat. 4° a . Aust. 1 630.

PHILOSOPHIA. Philosophia Elementorum Sectiotertia de C ive. 4°

Par. 1 64 2 .

Philosoph iaVetus etN ova ad usuaSchola accomm. in Regis

Bur undia pertrsctsta . 6 vol. in 3 Par 1 681 .

Reflections sur l’Ancienne etModerne Ph ilosoph ie. 1 2 ° Par.1 676 .

Reflections on Philosophy. 8° Land. 1 686 .

2 56 PIE PIN

ingthe fatal N ecessity of allEvents , with other Tracts onthesame C ontroversy. 4° Land. 1 658.

PIERIus (Joan ). Hieroglyphics , ab Aca lia Augustino. Fol Basil.1 575 .

De L iteratorum Infelicitate L ibri. 8° Venet. 1 6 2 0.

Antiquitates Bellunenses. Venet. 1 6 2 0.

Hieroglyphics. etHieroglyphicorumC ollectanea exVeteribus.4° Franco 16 78 .

PIERRE de aux. Prédication da C hristianisme, ou Vér ités de laReligion C hrétienne , &c. 3 vol. 8° Genes . 1 803 .

PIERSON Excellent Encouragements againstAmictions,and his other Works. 4° Land. 1 647 .


s Heart’3 Desire . or an Exposition ofthe 84th Psalm.

4° Land. 1 647 .

The C hurches Exercise under Affl iction ; or, An Exposi tionofthe 85th Psalm. 4° Land. 1 647 .

The Great C harter ofthe C hurch. 4° Land . 1 647 .

PIETr . The Decay of C hristian Pie ty. 8° Land. 1 669.

TheMirror of C hristian Piety. 1 2 ° Land. 1 679.

The Practice of Piety. 8° Land. 1669.

A C ourse of Sermons on early Piety. 1 2 ° Bast. 1 7 2 1 .

PIOHIus Themis Des . 8° Ants . 1 567 .

PIGN ORIA Le O r igine di Padoua, e l’

Antenor. 4° Pad . 16 2 5.

Symbola Epistolica . 8° Patav. 16 2 9.

Antiquissima Pictura qua Roma vis itar Typus. 4° Pata s .1 630.

Bibliotheca etMusa um, iI Tomas ino . 4° Venet. 163 2 .

De Servis. 4° Patas . 1 656 .

PIKE (Z eb . Exploratory Travels in North America. 4°

Land. 1 8 1 1 .

PILKIN GTON Dictionary of Painters, by Fuseli. 4° Land.

1 810.

PIN (Lewis Ellis da). N ouvelle Bibliotheque des Auteurs ecclésiastiques. 3 vol. 8° Par . 1686 .

Histoire des C ontroverses etMatiéres ecclésiastiques dans leneuvieme Siécle. 8° Par . 1694.

Histoire des C ontroverses dans le XI . etXII . SIecles. 2 vol.

8° Par . 1696 .

History of EcclesiasticalWriters. 6 vol. Fol. Land. 1 696 .

Universal L ibrary of Historians . 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 709.

The History of the C hurch, englished by Thomas Fenton.

4 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 17 2 4

PIN AIIJS (Seven ). De Virginitatis N otis , etBonaciolus de FatusFormatione. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 63 9.

PIN ELLU S (Lucus). Pia Meditationes de Eucharistia Sacramento.

1 2 ° C ol.Agr . 1 599.

Society OI the Rosarie newly augmented . 1 2 ° St. Omers,1 6 2 4.

PINETON Les Larmes, qui contiennentles Persecutionsarr ivées aux Eglises d

orange . 1 2 ° Hays, 1688.

PIN PIU 2 57

PINnARus. Olympia, Pythia, Nemes , etIsthmia,Gra cé, cum achalns

Gra cis. 4° Ram , 1 5 15 .

Opera, etLyricorum C armina, Gr . etLat. 1 6° Apud Henr .

Stephan. 1586 .

Gr. Lat. 8° Glasg . 1 744.

Gra ce. 4° Par . apudMorel. 1558.Gr . Lat. h Benedicto. 4° Salmur. 162 0.

P IN KE Tryalof s C hr istian’s sincere Love to C hrist. 4°

L and. 163 1 .

1 2 ° Land. 1 657 .


Evnis Ragionamenti Pastorale . 8° Venet. 1583 .

P IN TO (Fern. Voyages , traduits par Fran. Figuier. 4°

Par . 1 645.

PISCATOR Analysis Epistolarum Pauli ad Rom., C orinth. ,Galat., Ephes., &c. 8° Land. 1590.

C ommentarii in N ovumTestamentum. 4° Herb. N ass. 16 1 3 .

Herb. N ass. 1 658.

C ommentarii in Vetus Testamentum. 2 vol. Fol. Herb.N ass.

1 646 .

Index in L ibros BiblicosVeteris Testamenti. 8° Herb. N ass .

1 6 2 2 .

Scripts Adversar ia de C ausa Meritoria Justificationis. 1 2 °

Land. 1 641 .

PISIDA .Opus sex Dierum, Gra ce. 4° Par . apudMorel.1 6 1 8.

PITA T Paschales, etNoviluniorumMensurni C anones. 4°

Va st/ 1 53 7 .PITC ARN Harmonia Evangelica Apostolorum de Justifl

catione . 8° Ratterd. 1 685 .

C odex C anonumVeteris Ecclesia Romsna . Fol.Par . Typog .Reg . 1 687 .

P ITHE IIS Adversar ia. 8° Par. 1565

P ITHOU (Pierre). C ommentaire sur le TraIte des Libertéz de


Eglise Gallicane . 4° Par . 1 65 1 .

P ITIscus The Doctrine of Tr iangles, translated intoEnglish by Rs . Hendson. 4° Land. 1 6 14.

Trigonometria etProblemata. 4° Francof . 1 6 1 2 .

Bartholoma i Pitisci etSchulteti Idea C oncionum in PsalmosDavidis. 4° Francqf. 1 6 1 8.

P ITSEU S De Rebus Anglicis. 4° Par . 1 6 19.

PITT (J Account of the Religion andManners of theMahometens. 8° Land. 1 7 3 8.

P ITT (Moses). The English A tlas . 4 vol. Fol. Oxf. 1 680.

P ITT Tryalofthe Spirits. 8° Land. 1 683 .

Martyrology , orthe Bloody Assize. 8° Land. 1693 .

P IU S IL , Pant.Max. Epistola . Fol . 1 743 .

Asia Europa que Descr iptio. 8° Land.

Pms V . , Pant.Max. Epistola , s Fran. Goubeau. 4° Ants . 1640.

Pros Epistola ad Joan. Housonum qua Dogma ejus deDivortiis Juda orum refutatur . 4° Land. 1603 .


2 58 PLA PLA

PLAC IEus Disputationes de TestimonIIs pro C hristi Divinitate é Veteri Testamento petitis. 4° Salmnr. 165 1 .

De Imputations primi Peccati Adami . 4° Salmur . 1 655 .

De A r umentis quibus eflicitur , C hristum pr ius fuisse quamin U teroVirginis secundum Garnem conciperetur. 4° Salms r.

1 660.

Disputatio de Argumentis quibus probatur C hristum esse

Deum. 4° Salmur. 1 670.

Opuscula Pos thuma. 4° Salmnr 1 656 .

Exposition du C antique des C antIques ; etnu Trai té de l’


vocation dcs Saints. 8° Saunsur , 1 656 .

Entretiens d’

un Pére etde son Fils sur le C hangement de Rel igian. 1 2 ° Hays, 1 682 .

Discours, Si onpeut faire son Salut, en allantalaMesse , poureviter Persecuter . 8° Genes . 1 63 9.

Examen des Raisons pour etcontre le Sacrifice de la Messe.8° Saumur , 1 63 9.

Suite de l’Exsmen de Raisons pour etcontre le Sacr ifice delaMesse. 8° Saumur , 1 643 .

PLAccms De Scriptis, etScriptoribus anonymis etpseudonymis. 4° Hamb. 1 674.

PLAC ETE (Jean la). Observationes Historico- Ecclesiastica . 8°

Amst. 1 695.

Traité de la Restitution. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 696.The C hr istian C asuist. 8° Land. 1 705.

0The Death ofthe Righteous. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1 750.

PLACITA. Placitomm in domo capitulari Westmonasteriensi asserr ataram Abbreviatio, Tempor ibus Regum Ric. I., Johann.,

Hen. III., Edw. I., Edw. II . Fol. Land. 1 81 1 .

Placita de quo Warranto Temporibus Edw. I II. etIII. incur is recepta ScaccariiWes tm. asservats . Fol. Land. 1 81 8.

PLAGUE. Directions forthe C ure ofthe Plague, and for preventingInfection. 4° Land. 1 686 .

PLAISIRS des Sens . Dissertation sur les Plaisirs des Sens . 8° C o

lagne, 1 687 .

PLAN T1E. C atalogusPlantarumHortiMedici Oxoniensis, Eng. Lat.8° Oxan. 1 648.

An English C atalogue ofthe Trees and Plants inthe PhysickeGarden ofthe Universitie of Oxford. 8° Oxf. 1 648.

PLAN TIN (Joh . Abrégé de l’

Histoire Générale de Suisse.8° Genes . 1 666 .

PLATIN A De Vitis Pontificum. 4° C ol.Agr . 1 6 2 6 .

1 2 ° Land. 1664.

L ives ofthe Popes,translated by Sir PaulRicaut. Fol. Land.1 685 .

PLATO. Opera omnis , Gr. Lat. per Serranum. 3 vol. Fol. Par.

apudHenr . Stephan. 1578.

Opera Omnia, aM. Ficino. Fol. Lugd. 1 590.

Tima us, cum C halcidii commentario etMeursu notis. 4°

Lugd.Bat. 1 6 1 7 .

2 60 PLO PO I

PLOWMAN (Pierce) . The V ision of Pierce Plowman. 4° Land . 156 1.

PLU C IIE (Antoine N oel dc) . Ls Méchanique des Langues . 8° Par.

1 7 5 1 .

PLU N QU ET Heroum Speculum, sive deVi ta Fran .Tregeon.

8° Olyssip . 1655 .

PLUTA RC IIU S. De Fluviorum ctMontium N ominibus. Gr . et. Lat.,cum notis Mausaci. 8° Talas . 1 6 1 5 .

Moralia etV i ta , Gra ce. 6 vol. 8° Apud Henr . Stepha n. 1 57 2 .

Latiné, aXylandro . 6 vol. 8° Francof . 1 6 19 .

O pera Omnia , Gr . L at. 2 vol. in 4. Fol . Lutet. 16 2 4 .

Vita , Gr . Lat. Fol . Francof .

(EuvresMorales dc Plutarque , par Amyot. 8° Lyon , 1 6 1 5.

V ies des Hommes Illustres. 4 vol. 8° Land . 1 6 2 1 .

traduites par Tallemsnt. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Brux . 1 6 6 7 .

par Dacier . 1 2 ° Pa r . 1 695 .

L ives abridged by L loyd . 8° Land. 1 665 .

L ives by several Hands . 5 vol. 8° Land. 1 700.

L ives : fromthe French of Amyot, by Sir Thomas N orth.

Fol. Land. 1 01 2 .

Pococx (D r . s . TooRAU S.

Specimen Histor ia A rabum , sive Gregorii Abulfarajii deO rigine ctMor ibus Arabum succincts N arratio , in L ingnam Latinam conversa . 4° Oxon. 1640.

Epistola Ab i- Jaafar , Ebn. Tophail de Hai. Ebn. Yokdhan .

A rab . L at. 4° Oman . 1 67 1 .

Theological Works, wi th his L ife, by Mr. Leonard Twells ,M.A . 2 vol. Fol . Land. 1 740.

POC OC K E A Description of the East and some otherC ountries. 2 vol. Fol . Land. 1 743 .

POELEN EURGIU S Dissertatio de Remonstrantibus. 8° Amst.1 658.

C onfutatio Disputationis Fred . Spanhemu de Pra destinatione,&c. 8° Land. 1 658.

POETE . Poesis Philosophies , seu Rel iquia Poetarum, Gra ce. 8°

Apud Henr . Steph. 15 73 .

Poeta Gra ci Minores, Gr . Lat. 8° C antab. 1 67 7 .

Poeta Gra ci Principes , Gra ce. Fol. ApudHenr .Steph. 1 566 .

Varia Doctorum Piorumque Virorum, de corrupto Eccles iaStatu, Poemata, &c . 8° Basil.

Poemata septem Illustr ium Virorum. 8° Amst. 1 67 2 .

Poems by Waller , Dryden, and others. Fol. Land. 1 666 .

Poems, Elegies, Paradoxes, &c. 8° Land . 1 664.

A newMiscellany of or iginal Poems . 8° Land. 1 7 2 0.

The PoeticalMonitor . 1 2 ° L and. 1 803 .

POETON The C hirurgian’

s C loset , collected fromthe Papersof Dr. Thos . Bonham. 4° Land. 1 6 30.

POGGIO BRACCIOLIN I. L ife O f Poggio Bracciol ini , by William Shepherd . 4° Land. 1 802 .

POIN TER (John) . Br itannia Romans , or Roman Antiqui ties in Britain. 8° 0a:f . 1 7 2 4 .

POI POM 2 6 1

PO IRET De Eruditions Solids , &c. 8° Amst. 1 692 .

PorvRE (Le). Travels of s Philosopher in Africa and As ia. 8°

L and. 1 769.

POLAN us Ratio Legendi cum Fructu Authores , imprimis Sacros, etAnalysis Psalmorum xIII. 8° Bas . 1 603 .

Logica. 8° Herb. N ass. 1 590.

Symphonia C atholics . 8° Genes . 1 6 1 2 .

Syntagma Theologia C hr istiana . Fol. Genes. 1 6 17 .

4° Hanas 1 6 2 4.

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POLEIIAN The Excellent Doctrine of the highly -

giftedPhilosopher Van Helmont. 8° Land. 1 66 2 .

POLEIION Atheniensis. Polemonis, Himerii, etaliorum Declamationes, Gra ce, per Hen. Stephan. 4° Land. 1 567 .

4° Land. 1567 .

POLEN US (J In Roman. ctGra c. AntiquitatesGra vu etGronov ii Supplements nova. 5 vol. Fol. Venet. 1 73 7 .

POLHILL A Discourse of Schisme. 8° Land. 1694.

Precious Faith . 8° Land. 1 675 .

Answer toSherlock ontheKnowledge ofC hrist. 8° Lond.1675 .

View of Div ine Truths. 4° Land . 1 678.

POLIGN AC Anti- Lucretius. 1 2 ° Land. 1748.

POLITIAN OS Opera Omnia. Fol . Venet. apud Ald. 1498.POLITIQUES. C onsiderations Politiques sur l’Etatprésentdes Afl


s ires

de I’

Europe. 3 vol. 1 2 ° Ville - Fran. 1688.

Recue ilde Discours Politiques sur l’

O ccurrence des Affaires

etGuerres Estrangeres. 8° 1 63 2 .

Pow (Julius). Onomasticon, Gr. Lat. 4° Francqf. 1 608.

POLON I Fratres. 10 vol. Fol. Iren . 1656 .

Les Vies des C ardinaux Polus etC ampege ; misesen Francois parMonsieur Maucroix. 1 2 ° Par . 16 77 .

POLus Synopsis C riticorum. 5 vol. Fol. Land. 1 669.

POLWHEILE (Theo Quench ingthe Spirit. 8° Land . 1667 .

POLTANnEa (Joami)

. SyntagmaExercitationumTheologicarum. 8°

Lugd.Bat. 1 6 2 1 .De C oma etVestium Usu etAbusu. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 644.

Polyandri etaliorum Synopsis purioris Theologia . 8° Lugd.

Bat. 1 642 .

POLYBIU S. Historia, Gr. Lat., cum notis variorum etGronovu.

3 vol. 8° Amst. 1 670.

LesHistoires dePolybe, par DuRyer. 3 vol. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 670.POLYC ABPUS. Polycarpi ctIgnatii Epistola , cum notis Jac. U sserii.4° Or an. 1648.

POIIET A complete History of Drugs, translated from theFrench. 2 vol. 4° Land. 1 7 1 2 .

PO IIET Pantheon. 8° Land. 1698.

Pour RET Hymns atthe Sacrament. Fol.

Pou ras r A Sermon to the Society for Reformation ofManners. 8° Land. 1701 .

Poems. 8° Land. 1707.

2 62 POM POP

Pom s (Dav. de). Lex icon Hebraica- Rabb inico - Italico - Latinum.

Fol . Venet. 1 587 .POMIIIEz (Baron de). La Parallels de la Persecution d’

Antiochusavec celle contre les Protestans . 1 2 ° C ol. 1 687 .

PO IIPON ATIU S De Immortalitate Anima . 1 2 ° Bonan. 1534.

PON A Elogia. 4° Veran. 16 2 9.

PON CET Va age to E thiopia. 8° Land. 1 709.

PON TAC IU S ota in C hronica Eusebii, Hieronymi, etProsper i Aquitanici. Fol. Burdig . 1 604.

PONTANus (J Philocalia, s ive Excerpts ex vsrns Authoribus,cum comment. so notis. Fol. August. 16 2 6 .

PON TANus Sabbaticorum Annorum C hronologia. 4° Land.

1 6 1 9.

PONTIPIC ALE. Pontificale Romanum C lementis VIII. primum nunc

denuo U rbani VIII . Auctoritate recognitum. 1 2 ° Par . 1 6 65 .

Pontificale Romanum. Fol . Par . 1 664.

Pontificale secundum Ri tus Sacrossncta Romana Ecclesia ,Germanicis literis impressum. Fol . Land. 1 52 0.

PON TIS (Sieur dc). Mémoires du Sieur de Pontis. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Amst.1 6 78.

POOLE English Parnassus. 8° Land. 1 657 .

PracticalRhetorick . 8° Land. 1 663 .

POOLE Nulli ty ofthe Romish Faith. 1 2 ° 0s 1 667.

Annotations ontheHoly Bible . 2 vol. in 1 . Fol. Land. 1 700.

POPE . The History ofthe Pope’

s N ephews fromthetime of SixtusIV.to the Death of the last Pope Alexander VII. 8° Land.

1 669.

POPE Works, by Wakefield. 8° Land. 1 794.

Translation ofthe Iliad and Odyssey. 1 1 vol. 8° Land. 1 796.

POPE L ife and Death consider’

d as the Impor tant C oncern ofthe Gospel D ispensation. 8° Land.

Sermons onthe Loving Kindness of God. 8° Land . 1 701.

POPE (Sir Thomas) : s . WALTON .

POPERY . Histoire du Papisme. 2 vol. Amst. 1685 .

The C urse of Popery and Papish Princes tothe C ivilGovemmentand ProtestantC hurch of England, &c. 8° Land . 1 807.

Papal U surpation and Tyranny. Fol. Land. 1 7 1 2 .

History of Popery , or Weekly Pacquetfrom Rome. 3 vol. in

2 . 4° Land. 1 679.

C onsiderationstouchingthe trueWayto suppress Popery. 4°

Land. 1 677 .

The History of Papish Sham- Plots. 1 2 ° Land. 1682 .

Texts of Scripture against Papish Errors. 1 2 ° 1 686 .

The PracticalDivini ty of the Papists destructive to C hristisui ty andMen’

s Souls. 4° Land. 1676 .

C ontroversy for and againstthe Papists. 4° Land .

An AlphabeticalIndex tothe Papish C ontroversy. (Manuscript.)The Romish Priest’s plausible Arguments answered from

Scr ipture. 8° Land. 1 688.

2 64 POT PRA

POTrEn Fons C hymicus. 4° C olon. 1687 .

POTT (D. Dav. Julio). Sylloge C ommentationum Theologicarum.

1 2 ° Helmstadt. 1800.

POTTEE Want of C haritie charg’

d upon such Romanistsas affirm that Protestancie destroyeth Salvation. 8° Ozf . 1 684.

POTTER In terpretation of the Number 1 666 . 4° Ozf.

POTTER (John) D iscourse on C hurchGovernmen t. 8° L and. 1 707.

Antiquities ofGreece. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 740.

POU L LET (Sieur Relations du Levant. 1 2 ° Par. 1668.

POWELL (Gabr.; Prodromus. 8° Ozf. 1602 .

De Antichristo etejus Ecclesia. 8° Land. 1 605 .

POWELL Salve for Soul - Sores. 8° Land. 1679 .

A N ame be tter than ofSons or Daughters , beingthe Substanceof some Sermons preached from Isaiah LVI. 5. 1 2 ° L and . 1 7 14.

POWELL (Vavasor). C hrist’s and Moses’

s Excellency. 8° Land.


Saving Fai th. 3 ° Land. 165 1 .

PuAnE (I . Sommaire de l’Histoire de France . 5 vol. 1 2 ° Par.

1 6 84.

Histoire d ’

Allemagne. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Par. 1 684.

Histoire de Gustave Adolphe, etC harles Gustave, Roys deSuede. 8° Par . 1686 .

Pu AOAurTzE. Pre adamite , sive Exercitatio in Rom. v. 1 2 , 1 3 , 14.

1 2 ° Land. 1655 .

v on us. Medicina Pauperum. 1 2 ° L d. 1 648

PBAT (Sieur dc). Le Portrai t duMaresc de Gassion. 1 2 ° Par.


PEATEOLus De V itis , Sectis, &c. Ha reticorum. Fol.

C olon . 1569 .

PRAYER. L iber Precum Ecclesiae Anglicana . 8° Land. 1 5 74.

A C ollection of Prayers for the U se of Families. 8° Easter,1 801 .

A Farm of Prayer, and a new C ollection of Psalms for theuse of a C ongregation of Protestant D issenters in L iverpool. 8°

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A C ollection of O ffices, or Forms of Prayer in C ases O rdinaryand Extraord inary. 1 2 ° Land. 1 658.

Forms of Prayer used atHighburyGrove C hapel. 8° Land.

1 7 93 .

Forms of Prayer for Public Worship. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 91 .

Farms of Prayer forthe U se of a C ongregation of ProtestantD issenters inManchester. 8° Birming . 1789.

Forms of Prayer, by Authority. 4° 1 7 3 9— 18 1 7 .

A Form of Prayer for Morning and Evening, fitted fortheuse of C hristians of any Denomination. 8° Land. 1 75 1 .

Forms of Prayer for the Use of the ProtestantD issentingC ongregation atMill HillC hape l , Leeds . 1 2 ° L eeds , 1 801 .

Forms of Prayer for PublicWorship, Baptism, andthe Lord’


Supper . 1 2 ° Salisbury, 177 6 .

A rational D iscourse of Prayer. 8° Land. 1669.

PRA PRI 2 65

PRAYER. Path Wayto Prayer , written inthetime of Henry VIII.80

A C allto Prayer. 8° Land. 1677 .

A Manualof Prayers. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 2 5 .

1 2 ° Land. 1 706 .

PREACHER. The Preacher sent; or a Vindication of Public Preaching. 8° Land. 1 658.

The Scotch Preacher. 4 vol. 8° Edinb. 1 77 1 .The Preacher

sManual. 1 2 ° Land. 1 81 2 .

PREAcmna . An Essa on Preaching. 1 2 ° Land . 1678.

The Inec acy o Preaching. 8° Land. 1 7 7 1 .

PREC EnEN Ts. A Book of Precedents in Law. 8° Land. 1 64 1 .

PREnEs'rmEz . La Vie des Prédestinez dans la Bienheureuse Eter

n i te. 4° Par. 1 684.

PRELATEs. An Appeal to Parliament on Sion’

s Plea againstthePrelacie. 4° Land.

PREPARATv s . Preparatives to the last C ivilWar, from 1550to1 640. Fol .

PRESEYTERIAR. A Vindication of the PresbyteriallGovernmentandMinistry. 4° Land. 1 650.


Loyalty in GreatBritain and Ireland. 4°

L and. 1 7 18 .

Histoire de nouveaux Presbyteriens. 8° 1 660.

PRESTON (John). A Discourse onMortification. 4° Land. 1685 .

L ifeless L ife. 4° Land. 1 63 5 .

Spiri tualL ife and Death. 4° Land. 1 63 6 .


s Repentance. 4° Land. 1 687 .

Saints ’

Spir itualStrength . 4° Land. 1 687 .

Breast- plate of Fai th and Love. 4° Land. 1630.

L ife Eternal. 4° Land. 1 63 1 .

N ew C ovenant. 4° Land. 1 6 2 9.

Saints’ Qualification and Remains. 4° Land. 1 63 7

Sermons beforethe King. 4° Land. 1630.

Golden Scepter, wi th the C hurches Marr iage and C hurches

C arriage . 4° Land . 1 63 9.

D ivine Love of C hrist. 4° Land. 1640.

Sermons. 4° Land. 1 63 7 .

PRETr Poesie. Bologna, 1644.

PRETORrus (Steph .) Ratio formandorum Studiorum, etSpandenbergius deMemoria A rtificiali. 1 2 ° Witteb. 1 609.

Pam! Triumphus Sapientiaa. 1 2 ° Amsi . 1 655 .

Ars C oncionand i. 8° Amst. 1 655 .

Pc E (Dr . An Appealtothe Public onthe SubjectoftheN ational Debt. Second Ed ition, with an Appendix. 8° Land.

1 7 7 2 .

Four Dissertations on Providence, Prayer, &c. 8° Land.

1 7 77 .

Sermons on the C hr istian Doctrine, with an Appendix,occas ioned by Dr. Priestley

s Letters to the Author. 8° Land.

1 787.

2 66 PRI PRI

Pla ce (Dr. Two Tracts on C ivilL iberty,theWar with Amer ica , andtheDebts and Finances ofthe Kingdom. 8° Land. 1 778.

Review of the Principal Questions in Morals. 8° Land.

1 787 .

O bservations on Revers ionary Payments, Annuities , A ssurances on L ives, andthe N ationalDebt, with aPostscript onPapulation, &c. wi th Algebraical N otes and a GeneralIntroduction byWilliamMorgan. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 792 .

Sermons on the C hristian Doctri ne. 8° Belfast, 1 819.Pt E Journalof the British Embassyto Persia ; embel

lished wi th numerous Viewstaken in India and Persia ; also, aD issertation upontheAntiquities of Persepolis. 2 vol. in 1 . Land.1 83 2 .

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Pa w Marmara Oxoniensia. Fol. Ozan. 1 676.

L ife ofMahomet. 8° Land. 1 7 18.

C onnexion ofthe Old and N ew Testament. 3 vol. 8° Land.

1 7 1 8.

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PRmEAux (Matthias). Introductionto readingHistories . 4° OT].1 682 .

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1 648.

PRrESTcRAPT. The Pillars of Priestcraftand O rthodoxy shaken.

4 vol. 8° Land. 1 768.

PRrEsTnoon. A D iscourse of the Priesthood of Jesus C hrist. 8°

Land . 1 747

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The Theological Repos itory. 6 vol. 8° Land. 177 3 .

The History and present State of Electricity, with originalExper iments. 4° Land . 1 767 .

Lemures on History and GeneralPolicy. 2 vol. 8° Land.

1 793 .

An History ofthe Sufferings ofMr. Lewis deMarolles and

Mr. Isaac le Fevre upon the Revocation ofthe Edictof Nantz.8° Birming . 1 788.

L etters to Dr.Horsley in Answer to his Animadversions on

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1 783 .

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2 68 PRI PRO

Pars s'rLEr (Dr. Joseph). Experiments and Observations on differentKinds of Air, and other Branches of Natural Philosophyconnected withthe Subject. 3 vol. 8° Birming . 1 790.

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Harmony ofthe Evangelists, in Greek, with C riticalDissertations. 4° Land. 1 777 .

History ofthe PresentState of Discoveries relatingto Vision,L ight, and C olours. 2 vol. 4° Land. 1 77 2 .

GeneralHistory Of the C hristian C hurch to the Fall oftheWestern Empire. 2 vol. 8° Bin nsng . 1 790.

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N otes onthe Book; of Scripture. 4 vol. 8° N artlmmb. U .S.

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The Doctrines ofHeathen Philosophy compared with thoseof Revelation. 8° N artlmmb. U . S. 1 804.

Tracts in C ontroversy wi th Bishop Horsley. 8° Land.

18 15 .

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Par . 1 62 4.

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1 63 8.

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PRINTs. Book of Prints. Fol.

PRrOLus Historia Gallica. 1 2 ° Ultraj. 1669.e omus De L iterie C anonicis Dissertatio, cum appendicede Tractoriis etSynodicis. 8° Par . 1 675.

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Joseph Ivimey. 8° Land. 183 5 .

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8° Venet. 1 641PROC OPrus C cesamnsis. Historia Arcana, Gr. Lat. per N ic. Alemannum. Fol. Lugd. 16 2 3 .

PRorEssmN . Profession of C atholick Faith. 1 2 ° Land. 1 784.

PRouEN AnE. La Promenade : Dialogue entreMarcus Bibulus etTubertus Ocella. 1 2 ° Par . 1668.

PROPHECY. Illustrations ofProphecy, inwhich are elucidated manyPredictions, which are thoughtto foretell, amongstother greatEvents , a Revolution in France, the Overthrow of EcclesiasticalTyranny , the Downfallof C iv ilDes tism, and the subsequentMelioration ofthe State


ofthe War] 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 796.


PRomsrTION s. Propositions for the Happiness of the King and

Kingdom, by a Lover of Sincer i ty. 1 2 ° Land. 1667 .

PRosE. Prose C hagr ine. 1 2 ° Par. 166 1 .

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8° Firenz . 1 66 1 .

PROSPER (Divus) Aquitanians, Ep isc. Regisnsis. Opera. 8° C al.

Agr . 1609.

PROTEsTANT. Les Plaintes des Protestants de France. 1 2 ° C ol.1 686.

Jugementsur lesMethodes rigides etrelaschées d’


la Providence etla Grace pour.

trouver nu Moyen de Reconciliation entre les Protestans qui suiven t la C onfession d ’


hour , etles Réformés. 1 2 ° Rotterd. 1686 .

he Non- Entity of Protestancy , by a Jesuit. 8° Land. 1 63 3 .

The C orn arisan of Protestants. 8° Land. 1685 .

PROTEsTERs. rotesters no Subverters . 8° Edina. 1 658.

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Proverbios C astellanas , Fran. y C aste], par Ondin. 1 2 ° Par .

1 659 .

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PxovosTE (John). Instructions to a Nobleman’

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PRunENTws Opera, per Sichardum. 8° Bas. 1 5 2 7 .

Opera, ab Heinsio. 1 2 ° Amst. apud Elz . 1 66 7 .

PauserA (Frederick K ing of). Plan for reformingthe Administration of Justice. 8° Land. 1 750

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PRYN N E Anti- Arminianisme. 4° Land. 1 630.

God no lmpostor nor Deluder, and on Bowing tothe N ameof Jesus. 4° Land.

Power of Parliaments, with an humble Remonstrance againstSh ip- money, &c. 4° Land. 1 648.

Antipathie ofthe Engl ish Lordly Prelacieto RegalMonarchy.

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Lame Giles s Haultings againstBowing atthe N ame ofJesus.4° Land. 1 630.

C ensure of C ozens’

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HistoricalVindication ofthe good old fundamental L ibertiesof allEnglish Freeman. 4° Land. 1654.

Breviate ofthe L ife ofArchbishopLaud, and his C anterbury’


Doom. Fol. Land. 1644.

History ofKing John, Henry III. andEdwardI. fromRecords.Fol. Land. 1 670.

PsALuA N AA Z AAR (Geo. AnHistor icalandGeographicalDescription O f Formosa, an Island subjecttothe Emperor of Japan. 8°

Land. 1 704.

PsALm ET PsALTEa . Psalter ium Graecum é C odiceMS.Alex

andrino ; cura H. H. Baber. Fol. Land. 1 81 2 .

Psalterium Syriace . 1 2 ° Land. 1882 .

2 70 PSA PTO

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Hebraicé. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 63 7 .

Hebraice, aGul. Robertsono. 1 2 ° C antab. 1 685 .

Hebr . Lat. aPagnino. 1 2 ° Bas. 1 648 .

Hebr . Lat. ab Hulsio. 1 2 ° Lndg .Bat. 1 650.

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Gr. Lat. 1 2 ° Par . 1 6 1 8

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Pseaumes in N ederduytschen. 18° Awst. 1 63 9.

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Pseaumes par C onrart. 1 2 ° Quevilly, 1 680.

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Explanation ofthe Psalms. 1 2 ° Land. 1708.

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2 7 2 PUT QUI

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QUI RAI 2 73

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aGibsono. 4° Oman. 1693 .

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B rute. 1 684.

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1 698.

RAEAN UR (Maurus). De Pré destinatione. 8° Par . 1 647 .

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Autheur. 8° Par. 1 65 1 .

BARUTIN (Rog. de). Lettres etMémoires 2 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1697 .

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RE VARDUS Opera. 8° Land. 1 601 .

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eors (M. le). Instruction sur l’Histoire de France , atsur laRO

maine. 1 2 ° Par. 1 685 .

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RAIMON D (Denis). Eclaircissement du Fai t etdu Sens de Jansen ius. 4° C ologn. 1 660.

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RAIN BOW Bishop qf C arlisle. The L ife of Edward Rainbow, Bishop of C arlisle, wi th Tully

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2 74 RAL RAP

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Ar ts of Empire , published b Milton. 8° Land. 1 692 .

Sceptick, and Letterstothe ing. 1 2 ° Land. 1 65 1 .

L ife and Tryalof Sir Walter Raleigh. 8° Land. 1 677 .

History ofthe World. Fol. Land. 1 6 14.

Fol. Land. 1 67 7 .

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History ofEngland , duringthe Reigns ofKingWilliam, QueenAnne, and King George I. 2 vol. Fol. Land. 17 44- 6 .

RAMA Z Z IN US De Fontium Matinensium admiranda Scaturigine. 8° Patas . 1 7 13 .

RAMEAU (John Phili A Treatise ofMusic. 4° Land. 1 75 2 .

RAMMOHU N Roy. he Precepts of Jesus , the Guideto Peace and

Happiness, extracted fromthe Books ofthe New Testament. 8°

Land. 1 83 4.

RAn us Optics , per Frid. Risnerum. 4° C assel. 1 606 .

Praelectiones in C iceronis O rationes octo C onsulares, cumPetri Rami Vita. 4° Bas . 1 580.

Dialecticm L ibr i duo : cum commentarus Georgi i Dounamiannexis. 8° Land. 1 669.

etVi ta, ex J . T . Freigio descripta. C antab. 167 2 .

In C iceronis O rationes, etScripts nonnulla Pralectiones. 8°

Francaf . 1582 .

RAN PELoers (Ant. de). FigurmBibliorum. 1 2 ° C olon. 1 609.

RAMSAY (Allan). The Gentle Shepherd. 8° Edinburgh, 1 769.

RAMSAY (Sir Andrew). Travels of C yrus, French and English.

2 vol. 8° Edinb.

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2 vol. 8° Trenton. 1 785 .

American Revolution. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 793 .

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RAmsnEN (Dr. Richard). Sermons. 8° Land. 1 82 7.

RA N CHIN Tractatus duo ; I . De Mathis ante Partum, in

Pattu, etpost Partum ; II. De Purificatione Rei-11m,infectarum

postPestilentiam. 8° Lugd. 1 645.

RAN DALL (John). XXIX Lectures ofthe C hurch. 4° Land. 1 63 1 .

RAN DOLPH Poems . 8° Land. 1 643 .

BAN EW Soli tude improved. 8° Land. 1 670.

RAN Tzovrus De conservanda Valetudine, etGratalor nL iber ejusdem Argumenti, etdeMemoria. 1 2 ° Franco/I 1 604.

ScientimA strologicae C ertitudo, etde Annis C limactericis. 4°C olon. 1 585 .

RAPHSON I Analysis E quationum. 4° Land. 1690.

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2 76 RA Z REC

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READING (John). Guide tothe Holy C i ty. Fol. Oxf . 16 5 1 .

David ’

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READIN G C atalogus Bibliotheca C ler i Londinensis . Fol.Land . 1 7 2 4.

REALITEdes Biens etManx avenir. 8° Rotterd. 1 692 .

REASON . A Treatise ofHuman Reason. 1 2 ° Land. 1 674.

REAsON s proving itnotlawful to have any spiritual C ommunionwi ththeMinisterie ofthe C hurch of England. 4° L and . 1 608.

RECEPTION Royale de leurMajesties Tres - C hretiennes en la Ville deBourdeaux. 8° Board. 1 6 15 .

RECORD C ommission. Reports from the C ommissioners appointedby HisMajesty to execute theMeasures recommended by a Se

lect C ommittee of the House of C ommons respectingthe PublicRecords ofthe Kingdom. 1 800- 181 9. Fol.

Appendixtothe Reports . Fol.

Reports from the C ommissioners, respecting the Public Record of Ireland , 1 810- 1 81 5 . Fol.

Magnum Rotulum Scaccarii, velMagnum Rotulum P ipes, deanno tr icesimo -

primoRegn i Henrici Primi , aJosepho Hunter. 8°1 883 .

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tertio anno regni Regis Johannis. 8° 1 83 3 .

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us Hardy. vol. 1 . Fol. 1 83 3 .

Ducatus Lancastriae, pars quarts . C alendar tothe Pleadingsfromthe Fourteenth Yeartothe End ofthe Reign ofQueen Elizabeth. Fol. 1834.

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s C ouncil,grounded upon a Repor t presentedto the Honourablethe C ommissioners onthe Public Records, N ov. 1 82 2 , in orderto ex lainthe N ature and Importance of the Antient Parliamentary etitions , asMater ials for the C onstitutionalHistory of England, bySir Francis Palgrave . 8° 1 83 4.

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r ico TertioRege A .D . 1 2 16—1 2 7 2 ; curs C aroli Roberts. 8° 183 5.

Rotul i N ormanim in Turri Londinensi asservati, Johanne etHenr ico Quinta Angliae Regibus ; accurantae Thoma DuffusHardy. 8° 1835 .

REC REF 2 7 7

RECORD C ommission. Rotuli de Ohlatis etFinibus in Turri L0 11d inensi asservati, Tempore Regis Johannis ; accurante ThomaDufi


us Hardy. 8° 183 5 .

Fines, sive Pedes Finium : sive Finales C oncord ia in C uriaDomini Regis : ab anno septimo RegniRegisRicardi I. ad annumdecimum sextum Regis Johannis A .D. 1 195— A.D . 1 2 14.

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us Hardy. 8° 1 83 5.

RECORDE The First Principles of Geometry, dedicated toKing Edwardthe VIth . 4° Land. 155 1 .

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REDE (L . Anecdotes and Biography, including many modernC haracters in the C ircles of Fash ionable and O fficial Life. 8°

L and. 1 799.

REDus (F Experiments Naturalis . 1 2 ° Amstel. 163 5 .

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REED (Dr. Andrew). A N arrative of the Visitto the AmericanC hurches, bythe Deputation from the C ongregational Union of

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Ram (Dr . Abraham). The N ew C yclopa dia : or Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. 3 9 vol. 4° Land. 1819.

Platestothe C yclopa dia . 6 vol. 4° Land. 1 82 0.

PracticalSermons, in 4 vol. 8° Land. 1809.

REEs (Dr . The Racovian C atechism, with N otes and Illustrations , translated fromthe Latin : to which is prefixed a Ske tchofthe History of Unitar ianism in Poland andthe adjacent C ountr ies . 1 2 ° Land. 1 81 8.

The Beauties of South Wales. 8° Land. 1 81 5 .

Lord King’

s Diary. 8°

The C hristian Divinity . 4° Land. 1 601 .

SpiritualHymns. 1 2 ° Land. 1684.

REPORIIATION . Les pretendus Réforméz convaincus de Schisme.

1 2 ° Par . 1684.

Juhilé de la Reformation de Geneve. 8° Genes . 183 5 .

C orrespondence du Jubilé de laReformation. 8° Genés . 1 83 5 .

Souvenirs du Jubilé pour la Paroisse de C hene, par J.Mar

tin. 8° Genes . 183 5 .

Defence ofthe Petition for Reformation. 8°

REEORMATION OfManners. An Account ofthe Society forthe Reformation OfManners. 8° Land. 1 699.

Sermons preached before the Society for the Reformation of

Manners. 7 vol. 8° Land. 1 69 2 .

REFUGE (Mr . de). Géographie Historique . 8° Par . 1658.

REFUGEES. ApologiedesRefugees, par 1 2 ° Haye, 1 63 8.

2 78 REG REL

REGALE . Lettre d’

un C hanoine sur la Regale. 8° C al. 1680.

C ase ofthe Regale and Pontificat. 8° Land. 1 702 .

REGEN VO LSC IUS Histor ia Ecclesiarum Sclavonicarum. 4°

Truj. adRhen. 165 2 .

REGII Sanguinis C lamor ad C oelum adversus Parricidas Anglicanos.1 2 ° Hag . 1 65 2 .

REGIN ALDus (R. P. Praxis Fori Paenitentialis ad DirectionemC onfessariorum. Fol . C al. Ag r. 1 63 3 .

RBGIOMON TA N US Tabula Directionum Profectionumque,cum Tabula Sinuum. 4° Tubin

g. 1550.

REGISTER. RegistrumMagni Sigi li Regum Scotorum in Archivis

publicis asservatum. Fol . 1 814 .

The N ew Annual Register from 1 780—1 801 . 8° Land.

Partof aRegister ofmemorableMatters by d iverse godly andlearnedMen, which stand forthe Reformation ofthe C hurch. 4°

PoliticalRegister forMay, July, and August. 8° Land. 1 769.

REGIU s FundamentaMedica. 4° Ultraj. 1 647 .

REGIus Epistola . 4° Par. apudMorell. 1559.

Vita Buda i . 4° Par . 1 540.

Epistola etO rationes. 4° Par. apudMorel. 1559.

REGN AULT (Dr. J . O bservations on Pulmonary C onsumption.

8° Land . 1 804.

REGN IER. Satyres etautres (Euvres de Regnier. 1 2 ° Par. 1 661 .

REGULE Societatis Jesu. 1 2 ° Lu d.Bat. 1 607 .REID (Dr . James Seaton). The istory ofthe Presbyterian C hurchin Ireland. vol. 1 . 8° Land. 1 834.

REID (Dr . Essays on the Powers ofthe Human Mind.in 3 vol. 8° Edina. 1 808.

An Inquiry intothe HumanMind. 8° Edina. 1 8 10.

A ccount of the L ife and Wr itings of Dr. Thomas Re id, byDugald Stewart. 8° Edinb. 1 803 .

REIN EEC E De AccentihusHebra orum. 4° Bruns. 1 692 .

REIN ECCIUS De Saxonum O riginibus. 4° Hanas . 1 6 1 2 .

REIN Esms De Deo Endovellico C ommentatio. 4° Altsub.1 63 7 .

Epistola . 4° Lips. 1 660.

Variarum Lectionum L ibr itres priores. 4° Lips. 1 640.

RErsx (Joh . Jac.) Animadversiones ad Gra cos Auctores. 5 vol.

8° L ip s. 1 7 157- 1 766 .

RELAN DU S (Hadr ianus). Decas Exercitationum Philologicarum devera Pronuntiatione N ominis Jehova. 1 2 ° Truj. Rhea . 1 707 .

De nummis Veterum Hebra orum. 1 2 ° Traj.Rhcn . 1 709.

De Spoliis Templ i Hierosolymitani in A rcu Titiano Romaconspicuis. 8° Traj.Rhen. 1 7 1 6 .

Dissertationes, Pars 2 et3 . 8° Traj.e en. 1 707 .

Antiquitates Hebra orum. 1 2 ° Tw i ll/zen. 1 7 1 7 .

De ReligionsMohammedica. 8° Ti'aj.Rhen. 1 7 1 7 .

Analecta Rabbinica. 8° Traj.Rhen 1 7 2 3 .

RELIGION . C ommentaria de Statu Religionis etReipublica inRegnoGallia . 2 vol. 8° Land. 157 2 .

2 80 REN RES

REN EPORT (Sanchu dc). Histoires des Indes O rientales. 1 2 ° Par.

1 688 .

1 2 ° Leide, 1 688.

REN EU Account of the C omplaints and Persecutions of

the Protestants in France . 1 2 ° Land. 1 708.

REN N ECHER Aurea Salutis C atena . 8° L ichee , 1 597 .

The Golden C hayne of Salvation. 4° Land. 1 604 .

REN TY (Monsieur de). La Vie de Monsieur de Renty ; par le P.

Jean Baptiste . 1 2 ° Par . 1658.

REN VERsEIIENT de la Morale de J . C . par les Erreurs des C alvinistes touchant la J listification. 4° Par . 1 6 7 2 .

REPEN TAN CE. A Treatise of Repentance and Fasting. 1 2 ° Land.

1 6 85 .

REPON sE . Réponse au L ivre deM. Arnaud, intitulé La Perpetuitéde la Foy de l’Eglise C atholique , touchantl’Eucbaristie , défendue.4° Par . 1670.

Réponse aux deux Traitez intitulé La Perpétuité de la Foy.’

4° C harenton, 1668.


Report ofthe First and SecondMee tings ofthe Br itish Association forthe Advancemen t of Science ; atYork in 1 83 1 , and atOxford in 1 83 2 . 8° Land. 183 5 .

Report ofthe ThirdMeeting held atC ambridge in 1 83 3 . 8°

Land. 1 83 4.

Repor t ofthe Fourth Meeting held atEdinburgh in 1 83 4. 8°

Land. 183 5.

Reports ofthe Society for betteringthe C ondition ofthe Poor,Digest of. 8° Land. 1809.

REPROOP . An Essay on friendly Reproof. 1 2 ° Land. 1 696 .

REPUBLIQUE des Lettres . 1 2 ° Amst. 1 648.

1 2 ° Amst. 1 687 .

REQUESTEs, Procez , &c., par O rdre de l’

Université de Par is contreles Jésuites. 8° Par . 1 644.

RESBURIE Step tothe Gangrene of Arminianisme , promotedby Jo. Goodwin. 8° Land. 1 65 1 .

L ightless Starre . 8° Land. 1 65 2 .

RESPUBLIC A . Respublica A rabum. 8° Amst. 1 63 5 .

Anglorum, 5 Smith. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 63 0.

Belgi i C onfederati . 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 63 0.

C hinensis . 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 3 9.

Dania etN orwegia . 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 2 9.

Gallia . 2 vol. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 2 6 .

Gra corum, ab Emmio. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 63 2 .

Germania . 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 34 .

Hebra orum, aC una o. 8° Amst. 1 666 .

Hispania , aC ampanella. 8° Amst. 1 653 .

Hispania . 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 2 9.

Hannonia . &c. 8° Amst. 1 63 4 .

Hungarian. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 3 4.

Helvetiorum. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 2 7 .

RES REY 2 8 1

REsPUBLIC A. India . 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 63 1 .Italia . 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 2 8:Moscovia . 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 630.

Pttmgallia . 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 64 1 .Polonia , &c. 8° Lu d.Bat. 1 6 2 7 .Romsna. 8° L d. at. 1 6 2 6 .

Bhe tia. 8° Lug .Bat. 1 63 3 .

Russia , &c. 8° 1 630.

Scotia etHibernia . 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 62 7 .Suecia . 8° Lugd.Bat. 163 1 .Turcici Imperii. 8° Lugd.But. 1 63 4.

Vallesia etAl ium, aSImlero. 8° Lugd.Bat. 163 3 .

Venetorum, a sanatia. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 63 1.Venetorum, aC ontsreno. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 2 8.

REsTITUTION s. Traité des Restitutions de Grands. 1 2 ° Par . 1665 .


RETOUR des Pieces C hoisies. 1 2 Emerich, 1 687.REU C IILIN Us DeRudimentis Hebraicis. Fol. Land. 1506 .

De VerboMirifico . 1 2 ° L d. 1552 .

Dissertation sur la nouvelle ihliotheque des Auteurs eccle

siastiques. 1 2 ° Francqf. 1 688.

REvEL ATION . Revelation unrelieved against theMillenaries. 1 2 °

Land. 1 650.

Annotations onthe Revelations. 4° Land. 1 693 .

RBVBLL US De Rupella O hsessa. 1 2 ° Amst. 1649.REvrus Historia Pontificum. 8° . Amst. 1 63 2 .

REVOLU TION . Narrative ofthe French Revolution in 1 830. 1 2 ° Par .

REvOL U 'rION Society. Tracts relating to the Revolution Society,

published between 1 788 and 1 79 2 . 2 vol. 8° Land:

REUsN ER Symbols Imperatorum. 8° Genes. 163 4.

REYEs (Mat. de las). Para A lgunos. 4° Madr . 1640.

REYN EMere. Recueilde Pieces servantra l’Histoire de la ReyneMere. 2 vol. 1 2 °

BEr N ER The Being and Well-Being of a C hr is tian. 8°

Land. 1669.

Discourse ofthe N ecessity of Humane Learning for a GospelPreacher. 8° Land. 1 663 .

Precepts for C hristian Practice. 8° Land. 1 658.

Governmentofthe Tongue. 8° Land. 1 656 .

C onsiderations onMarriage. 8° Land. 1 657.

REYN OLDs Treatise ofthe Passions. 4° Land. 1658.

Three Treatises. 4° Land. 1 65 1 .

Explication ofthe cxth Psalm. 4° Land. 1 654.

Two Sermons. 4° Land. 1 63 6 .

Meditations on the Falland Rising of St. Peter. 1 2 ° Land.

1 677 .

Works. Fol. Land. 1 679.

REr N OLDs (John). Reconciliation between God and Man. 8°

L and. 17 2 9.

On Sacred Zeal. 8° Land. 1 7 16 .

2 82 REY RIC

REYN OLDS (John) . Lettersto a Deist. 8° Land. 1 7 2 5 .

State and (Economy of angelick Worlds. 8° L and. 1 7 2 3 .

REYN OLDS PracticalReligion, inthe L ives‘

ofMrs.MaryTerry andMrs. C lifford, with their FuneralSermons. 3 ° Land.

1 7 1 2 .

L ife ofMr .Ashwood, and his FuneralSermon. 8° L and. 1 707 .

REYN OLDS (Wm.) of N ottingham. Life of William Reynolds, byJohn Barret. 8° Land. 1 698.

The Div ine Pourtrait. 1 2 ° Land. 163 1 .

RHEN AN U S (Beatus). RerumGerh aniasrumLibri. Fol. Bar. 1551 .RHEN IUS Grammatiéa Latins. 8° Regions. 16 7 7 .

R110 O ras ione sacre sopra divina Scritturs. 4° Venet. 1 652 .RHODES (Alex. ds). Divers Voyages ctMissions en la Chine, et

autres Royaumes de l’orient. 4° Par. 1558.

Histoire duRoyaume dc Tonquin. 4° Lyon, 1-85 1 .RHODIGIN IU S (Lud. C osh ). Lectiones Antiqua . Fol. Bas. 1666.

RHYMER Feeders , C onventiones, Littera , ctcuju3cunqueGeneris Acta Publica inter Reges Anglia , &c. 3 vol. in 6

Fol. Land. 1 81 6 - 1 880.

RIBADEN EIRA Vita Ignatii Loyola . 8° Ingaldstadt. 1 590.C atalogus Scriptorum Societatis Jesu‘

. 8° Ants . 1 6 1 3 .

RIBERA Meson delMundo. 8° Madr . 163 1 .

RIBOTI (R. Florus C hris tianus . 1 2 ° Par . 1 666 .

RIC AUT (Paul). Histoire de l’Empire O ttoman, parBrier. 1 2 ° Par.1 670.

RIC C IOLUS (John AlmagestumNovum. 2 vol. Fol. Bonan.

1 65 1 .

RIC C OBONUS (A C ommentarius de Historia. 1 2 ° Ven. 1 568.

De Gymnasia Patavino. 4° Patas . 1598.

RICH (Jeremiah) . Mr. Jeremiah Rich’

s ShortHand improved byDr . Doddridge , ed ited bythe Rev. 8 . Wood. 1 2 ° Land . 1 830.

RICHARDS (Thus A Grammar ofthe Welch La'nguage. 8°Merth r .

3 .1c 3 1” (D'

r . Memoirs of the L ife and Writings of Dr.William Richards, by John Evans. 1 2 ° C him ick, 1 81 9 .

The Welsh N onconformist’sMemorial, edited with N otes, byJohn Evans. 1 2 ° Land. 1 82 0.


s SchoolMaster. 4° Land . 1 6 2 9.

RICHARDSON John). C anon ofthe New Testamentvindicated, inAnswer to Toland’

s Amyntor. 8° M d. 17 00.

RICHARDSON (Jonathan). Explanatory Notes and buMilton’

s Parad ise Lost. 8° Land. 17 3 4.

RICHARDSON A newSystemof Short'Hand. 8° Liverpool, 1 802 .

RICHARDUSDunelmensis, De AmoreLibrorum'

etInstitutione Bibliotheca . 4° Ozon. 1599.

RICHELIEU (C ardinal). Min ister ium, cum Observationibus politicis.8° Francqfl 1 65 2 .

La Vie de C ardinalRichelieu. 2 vol. 1 2 ° C al. 1 695 .

Mémoises pour l’Histoire du C ardinalDue de Richelieu, parls Sieur A bery. 7 vol. 1 2 ° Cal. 1667 .

2 84 RIV ROB

RIVET C ollegium C ontroversiarum. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1681.GrotianaaDiscuss ionis D ialysis. 8° Rotterd. 1646 .

Examen Animadversionum Hug. Grotii, &c. 8° Lugd.Bat.1 642 .

C ritica Sacra. 8° GM . 16 2 6.

Epistola ad C riminationesMos.Amyraldi deGratiaUniversali.8° Bredze , 1 648.

De N atura etGratia. 8° Amst. 1649.

In Hoseam. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 2 5 .

In Genesin. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1688 .

In Exodum. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 684.

In C ap. xx. Exodi. 4° Lugd.Bat. 168 2 .

In Psalmos. 4° Rotterd. 1 645 .

Apologia pro Sanctissima Virgins Mar ia. 4° Lugd. Bat.1 63 9.

C atholicus Orthodoxus. 2 vol. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 30.

Instruction du Prince C hr istian. 8° L eide , 1 64 2 .

Eschantillon des Paradoxes de la Papauté sur les Po ints deReligion. 8° Rochelle , 1603 .

Les derniers Voeux du Sacrificateur Eternel. 8° A rnlm'

m,1 63 9.

Rtvs 'r Vindicia Evangelica de Justificatione. 4° Amst.

1 648.

La Defense desDroits de Dieu. 8° Saumur , 1 684.

Rm ann (Lazare). OperaMedica Universa. Fol. Lugd. 1 67 2 .

Rrvw s Histor ia N aval is Antiqua. 8° Land. 1 683 .

BOA Singularium Locorum ac Rerum L ibr i vn . 8° Lugd.

1 604.

De Die N atali. 8° Lugd. 1 604.

ROBERT dc A verbury. Historia deMirab ilibus gestis Edvardi III .,aTho . Hearnio. 8° Or an. 1 7 2 0.

ROBERT of Glocester . C hronicle, by Thomas Hearne . 2 vol. 8°

Oxf. 1 7 2 4.

Ron a-rs (Fmm). A Key tothe Bible. 8° Land. 1 648.

C ommunicantinstructed. 8° Land. 1 659.

Mystery andMarrow ofthe Bible. Fol. Land. 1 657

Ros na'ra (Joseph) . O rientalIllustrations ofthe Sacred Scr iptures.8° Land. 1 83 5 .

Ros nnr s (Peter). A Review Ofthe Policy and peculiar Doctrinesofthe modern C hurch of Rome. 8° Land. 1 809.

Rons n'rs (T. Indian Glossary. 1 2 ° Land. 1 800.

Ros s a 'r s The U nitarian L i turgy inthe TamulLanguage. 4°

C atechism and Hymns forthe Unitar ian SchoolatMadras. 4°Questions and Dialogues withthe Trinitar ians. 4°

The C ollection of Sc ripturalTexts. 4°

Worship ofthe Holy Scriptures contras ted with the Worshipofthe C hurch of England . 4°

ROBERTSON (J ). A, Treatise on Mathematical Instruments . 4°

Land. 1 747 .

8° Land. 1 747 .

ROB R00 2 85

RO BERTSON Thesaurus L ingue Sancta . 4° Land. 1 680.

Thesaurus Gre ca : Lingue . 4° Land . 16 76 .

Phraseologia. 8° C ant. 1681 .Hebrew Text ofthe Psalms and Lamenta tions. 8° Land. 1656 .

The Gate tothe Holy Tongue. 8° Land. 1 653 .

A Key tothe Hebrew Bible. 8° Land. 1 656 .

ROBERTSON (Dr . History of the Reign of the EmperorC harles V. 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 787 .

History of Scotland during the Re igns of Queen Mary and

King James VI. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1787 .

History of America. 3 vol. 8° Land. 1 79 2 .

An HistoricalDisquisition concerning India. 8° Land. 1 794.

ROBERTus. De Gratia etPerseverantia Sanctorum. 4° Land. 1 6 18.

ROB IN SON Review ofthe C ase of L iturgies, and their Impos i tion, in Answer to Bennet. 8° Land. 1 7 10.

ROBIN SON (Hugh). Latin Phrases ofWinchester School. 8° Land.

1 658.

Land. 1667 .

AnnalesMundi Universales. Fol. Land . 1677 .

ROB IN SON (John). Justification of Separation fromthe C hurch OfEngland. 4° Land. 16 10.

The People’

s Plea for the Exercise of Prophesie. 8° 1 6 1 8.

O bservations Divine andMoral . 4° Land. 1 6 2 5 .

ROBIN SON Theory of Physick and Diseases. 8° Land.

1 7 2 5 .

ROBIN SON (Ralph). The C hristian Armed . 8° Land . 1 656 .

C hristAlland in All. 8° Land. 165 6 .

4° Land. 1 660.

ROBIN SON (Robert) : 0 . DYER.

The Miscellaneous Works of Rober t Robinson. 4 vol. 8°

Harlow, 1 807 .

Two or iginal Letters . 8° L and. 1802 .

History of Baptism. 4° Land. 1 790.

Ecclesiastical Researches. 4° C amb. 1 79 2 .

ROBIN SON An Essay towards a N atural History ofWestmorland and C umberland. 8° Land. 1 709.

ROBORO UGII (Henry). The Doctrine of Justification cleared. 4°

Land. 1650.

ROBSON The British Flora. 8° York, 1 77 7 .

ROC C BA Trattato contra i Giouchi delle C arte, e Dadi. 4°

Ram. 1 6 17 .

Roccm Funerals della Signora Si tti Maani Gioeridadella Valle. 4° Ram. 1 6 2 7 .


(C harles C esar de). Mémoires de Mr . Le C . D. R.

contenant cc qui s’

est passé sous C ard. Richel ieu etMazarin.

1 2 ° C ol. 1 687 .

RO C HEFOU C A ULT (Francois), Due de la . Maxims. 1 2 ° Land. 1 706 .

RéflexionsMorales. 1 2 ° Par . 1 666 .

ROCHESTER. The History and Antiquities ofRochester. 1 2 ° Ro

chester , 1 7 7 2 .

2 86 ROC ROH

ROCHESTER (John), Earlof. Poems, with Valentian, a Tragedy.8° Land . 1696 .

ROC OLES (Jean Les Impostures Insignes, on Histoires dcplusieurs Hommes de N éant qui ontusurpé la Quali té d’


reurs , Boys atPrinces. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 683 .

RoconE (Matthmus La). The C onformi ty ofthe D iscipline oftheReformed C hurches of France wi th that ofthe Primi tive C hristians. 4° Land. 1 69 1 .

Ron. The Rod, orthe Sword : the present D ilemma of the Nations of England, Scotland , and Ireland, considered, argued , andimproved. 8° Land. 1 694.

RODOLPB US of Werdenberg ; translated from the German of La

Fon taine . 2 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1 805 .

ROE C hr istian L ibert r igh tly stated. 8° Oxf . 1 66 2 .

ROELL (Herm. De Generations Filii , etMor te fidelinm

temporali. 4° Franeq. 1 690.

Judicium Ecclesiast. quo Opiniones que dam C l. H. A . Roell

synodicé damnate sunt, laudatum a Professoribus Theologia in

A cademia Lugd. Bat. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 7 2 8.

ROGER La Porte ouverte pour parvenir ala C onnoissancedu Paganisme caché, on la vraye representation de la Vie, desMoeurs, etde la Religion des Bramines. Traduitpar Th. la

Grue . 4° Amst. 1 670.

ROGERI (Geltio) . V ita di Sisto V. 1 2 ° Loran. 1 669.

ROGERS Matrimonial Honour . 4° Land. 164 2 .

N aamanthe Syrian, his Disease and C ure. Fol. Land . 1 642 .

ROGERS (John). Exposition uponthe lstEpistle of St. Pe ter. Fol.Land. 1 659.

Doctr ine of Faith. 8° Land. 1 6 2 7 .

ROGERS (N ehem). True C onvert. 4° L and. 163 2 .

Figless Fig - tree . 4° Land. 1 659.

ROGERS Seven Treatises, containing D irections outofScripture , leading to true Happiness. Fol. 1603 .

C ommentary on the Book of Judges, in 103 Sermons. Fol.

Land. 1 6 15 .

ROGERS Poems. 1 2 ° Land. 1 81 2 .

ROGERS Onthe 3 9 Articles. 4° Land. 1 63 9.

ROGERS C haracter of a good Woman. 8° Land. 1697 .

On Trouble ofMind. 8° Land. 169 1 .

C onsolation for the Affl icted. 8° Land. 1 694.

PracticalDiscourses on Sickness and Recovery. 8° Land.

1691 .

A FuneralSermon onMr. Ant. Dunwell. 8° Land. 1 69 2 .

ROHAN (Henri), Due de. Voyage en 1’

An 1 600. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 646.Le Parfai t C apitaine ; autrement l

abrégé desGuerres de Gauledes C ommentaires de C ésar. 1 2 ° Par. 1 648.

Histoire de Henry Due de Rohan. 1 2 ° Par. 1667 .

A Treatise ofthe Interest ofthe Pr inces and States of C hristendom ; translated by H. H. 1 2 ° Land. 1 641 .

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2 88 ROS ROY

ROSEN N U LLER (Ern. Frid. Scholia in Vetus Testamentum.

10 vol. 8° L ips. 1 795 , 18 1 2 .

ROSEN IIU LLER (Jo. De C hristiane Theologie O rigine L iber.8° L ips. 1 786 .

Scholia in Novum Testamentum. 5 vol. 8° N orirnb. 1 801- 8.

ROSEWELL Tryal for High Treason, by Sam. Rosewell,with his L ife. 8° Land. 1 7 1 8.

ROSIN U S Antiquitates Romane . 4° Lugd. Bat. 1668.ROSSE (Abraham). An Exposi tion ofthe 14 first C hapters ofGenesis. 8° Land. 16 2 6 .

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s Vulgar

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Philosoph icalTouchstone. 4° Land. 1645 .

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s History ofthe World.1 2 ° Land .

View of allReligions. 1 2 ° Land. 1 658.

Animadversions upon Hobbes’

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Vet. Rom.Martyrologium. Fol . Ants . 1 6 13 .

ROTULI . Rotuli Scotiae in Turr i Londinensi stin Domo capitulariWestmonasteriensi asservati. 2 vol. Fol. Vol. I. TemporibusEdw. I. II . etIII. 18 14. Vol. I I. Temporibus Ric. II. etHen. IV.

V. VI., Edw. IV Ric. III., Hen. VII. VIII. 181 9.

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paribus Hen. III ., Edw. I . II. etIII. 2 vol. Fol. Land. 1805.

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Rons The only Remedy that can cure a People when all

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C atholick C harity . 8° Land. 1 641 .

Mella Patrum. 8° Land. 1650.

Works . Fol. Land. 1 657 .

A ttic Antiquities. 4° Owj. 1 67 1 .

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Row (J Hebrsese Lingue Institutiones. 1 2 ° Glasg . 1644.

ROWE Miscellaneous Works . 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 3 9.

DevautExercises ofthe Heart. 8° Land. 1 743 .

Fr iendship in Death. 8° Land. 1 748.

ROWE (John). Saint’s Temptations. 1 2 ° Land. 1 675 .

ROWLAND (Henry). Mona Antiqua Restaurata, An ArchaeologicalDiscourse onthe Antiqui ties ofthe Isle ofAnglesey. 4° Dublin,1 7 2 3 .

Bar (Ant. le). Histoire de N ostre Dame de Boulogne. 8°Par . 1 681 .

ROY RUS 2 89

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abridged from 1 7 19to 1 73 3 , by J .Eames and J .Martyn.

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abridged from 1 73 2 to 1750, by J .Martyn. 4 vol. 4°

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ROYAUME. Remarques sur le Gouvernement du Royaume durantles Régnes d

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RU BEUS Bonifac ius VIII. 4° Ram. 165 1 .

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RU SIIWORTII (John). Historical C ollections. 8 vol. Fol. Land.

1 659.

RU SSELL (Rachel). Letters of Lady RachelRussell, fromtheManuscriptinthe L ibrary atWoburn Abbey. 4° Land. 1 7 73 .

RU SSELL (Lord The L ife of Lord William Russell, wi thsome Account of the Times in which he l ived, by Lord JohnRussell. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 82 0.

The L ife and Death of Lord William Russell. 8° Land.

1 684.

RU SSIA (C atherine II. Empress of ) s . TOOKE.

RU SSIA (Emgeror qf ). An Account ofthe Visit Ofthe Prince Re

gent, the mperor of Allthe Russias, andthe King of Prussia, tothe C orporation of London, June 1 8 14. 4° Land.


2 90 RUT S

RU'rGERSIUS (Janus). Varia: Lectiones. 4° Lugd. Bat. apud Elzes.1 6 18.

RUTEERTORD (Dr. A View ofAncientHistory includingthe Progress of L iterature and the Fine Arts. 2 vol. 8° Land.

1 788.

RUTIIEREURD Disputatio de D ivina Providentia. 4° Edinb.


Exercitationes pro D ivina Gratia. 8° An st. 1 63 6 .

Examen Arminianismi. 8° Ultraj. 1668.Lex, Rex. 4° Land. 1 644.

Tryaland Triumph of Faith . 4° Land. 1 645.

Survey ofthe SpiritualAntichrist. 4° Land. 1648.

Influence ofthe L ife ofGrace. 4° Land. 1659.

C ovenantof L ife opened. 4° Edinb. 1655 .

C hr ist's dying and drawing Sinners to Himself. 4° Land.

1 647 .

Free Disputation againstpretended Liberty of C onscience. 4°Land. 1 649.

Divine Rightof C hurch Government. 4° Land. 1 646 .

Rightof Presbyteries. 4° Land. 1 644.

RUTHEREORTR N atural Philosophy. 2 vol. 4° Cat-b.1 748.

RUTILIUs (C laudius). Itinerarium, ex Muse o Almeloveen. 12 °

Amst. 1 682 .c AULT (Sir Paul). The Turkish History. 3 vol. Fol. Land.

1 687 .

Maxims ofthe Turkish Polity. 8° Land. 1 686 .

State ofthe Greek and Armenian C hurches. 8° Land. 1 678.

RYC QU IU S De C apitolio Romano. 4° Gandas . 1 6 1 7 .

Pietas in Funere Philippi III . Hisp. Regis. 4° Ants . 1 6 2 1.

Epistola . 8° Lasan. 1 615 .

De Anno Seculari Jubileo. 8° Amst. 1 6 2 5 .

RYE (Joseph Jekyll). A Sermon onthe Death oftheHon.RichardSpencer. 4° Land.

Rr ER (Andr. da). Grammatica Turcica. 4° Par. 163 0.

Ry a n Faedera etC onventiones inter Reges Anglia ctal ios lmperatores. 2 0 vol. Fol. Land. 1 7 2 7

Tragedies ofthe last Age. 8° Land. 1 694.

ShortView of Tragedy. 8° Land. 1 693 .

Rr r rrER (John). Plat for Mariners ; or Seaman’

s Preacher. 8°

Land. 1 675 .Morning Seeker ; or,the Benefitof being Good betimes. 8°

Land. 1 678.

S. Meditatio du U su etAbusu Rationis Humanae in Interpretandis Scripturis. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 63 3 .

S. The English Worthies. 8° Land. 1684.

2 92 SAG SAL

SAGESSE. Les Lccon'

s de la Sagesse . 3 vol. 1 2 ° Par. 1 743 .

De la Sagesse des Anciens. 1 2 ° Par. 1 683 .

SAGITTARIU S Histor ia Gothana. 8 vol. 4° Jane , 1 7 1 3 .

SAGREuo Memor ie Istoriche de Monarch i Ottomani. 4°

Venet. 1 673 .

SAINOTES PERES Apologie pour les Sainctes Peres. 4° Par . 1651.SAIN TS. Les Vies de quelques Saints . 1 2 ° Par.

SALDEN U S Otia Theologica. 4° Amst. 1 684 .

De L ibris varioque eorum Usu etAbusu L ibri Duo . 8° Amst.1 688.

SALE (George) . Koran ofMohammad. 4° Land. 173 4.


Escbole de Salerne enVersBurlesques : etDuo Poemats Macaronica, De Bella Huguenotico, etDe GestisMagnanimietPrudentissimi Baldi. Par. 1 65 1 .

SALERN ITAN AMedicina, cum Arnoldi Villanovani in Singula C apitaExegesi, per C urionem. 1 2 ° Francof . 1 61 2 .

SALES An Introduction to a DevautL ife , wi th N ichola’sRise and Progress of SpiritualBooks inthe Romish C hurch. 8°

Land. 1 701 .

SALGADO (James). A Description of the Spanish Inquisition. 8°


True C hurch of C hr is t. 8° Land. 1681 .

SAL LE (J . de la). Paradoxes. 1 2 ° 1 653 .

SALLENGRE (Alb . Hem). Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum.

3 vol. Fol. Ha C om. 1 7 16.

SALLUSTIUS (C risp. EPhil. Pareo. 8° Francof. 1 6 17 .Lugd. Bat. apud Elz . 1 2 ° 1 634.

cum notis variorum. 8° Amst. 1 689.in usum Delph ini. 8° Land. 1 7 1 5 .

aMaittaire. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 13 .

SALLUSTIUS Philosoplms. De Diis etMundo, Gr. etLat. ab Allatio.

1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 63 9.

SALMASIUS Funus L ingua Hellenistica . 8° Lugd.Bat.1 643 .

De Annis Climactericis. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 648.

Epist. ad Andr . C olvium, de C e sarie Virorum etMulierumC oma. 8° Lu d.Bat. 1 644.

Specimen onfutationis Heraldi, sive de Sub scribendis etSignand is Testamentis, etde Difi'

erentia Sigillorum. 8° Lugd. Bat.1 648.

Miscelle Defensiones pro C l. Salmasio de varnS O bservationibus ad Jus Atticum etRomanum pertinentibus. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 645 .

De U suris. Lugd.Bat. 163 8.DeModo Usurarum. 8° Lugd.Bat. 163 9.De Poenere Trapezitico. 8° L d.Bat. 1 640.

DeMutuo, etC onfutatio. 8° ugd.Bat. 1 645 .De L ingua Hellenistica. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 643 .

Interpretatio Hippocratei Aphorismi de C alculo, etBeveravicii Epistolae quibus respondetur. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 640.

SAL SAM 2 93

SALMASIUS Duarum veterum Inscriptionum Explicatio.

4° Par. 1 6 19 .

De Suburhicarns Regionibus, etEcclesus Urbis Romae C onJectura. 4° Francof . 1 6 1 8.

Vindicia pro C onjectura adversus Jac. Sirmondum. 4° Genes .I 6l9.

Plinianm Exercitationes in Solinum. 2 vol. Fol. Traj. adRhea. 1 689.

SALMASIUS Alexandri Refutatio C onjecture . 4° Par.1 6 1 9.

Responsio adMiltonum. 4° D ision. 1660.

De Primatu Pape . 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 645 .

Epistola etProlegomena de Laudibus etVi ta Salmasu, aC lementia. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1 656.

SALMON Stemmata Latini tatis ; or, an EtymologicalLatinD ictionary. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 796 .

SA LMON Advancement ofMusick. 8° Land . 1 67 2 .

Vindication of his Essay onMusick fromMr. Locke’

s Observations. 8° Land. 1 67 2 .

SALMON Practical Physick. 8° Land. 1692 .

L ondon D ispensatory. 8° Land. 1 678.

C hronologicalHistorian. 8° Land . 1 7 2 3 .

SA LMURIEN SES Theses Theola ice . 4 vol. in 2 . 4° Salmur . 1 641 .SAL OMON Rex. Paraphras is aldayca en los C antares de Selornoh,

con elTexto Hebrayco. 8° C ordosa , 1584.

Proverbios de Salomon, por Remon. 8° Madr . 1 6 2 5 .SA LTMARSII (John). The Practice of Policy in a C hristian Life. 1 2 °

L and. 1 63 9

Holy Discoveries and Flames. 1 2 ° Land. 1 640.

Dawnings of L igh t, Free Grace , and Sparkles ofGlory . 1 2 °

Land. 1 646 .

SA LUTHIUS Schola Divini Amoris. 1 2 ° C ol. 1 610.

C onvivium Spirituale Amator ia Jesu. 1 2 ° C ol. 1 6 18 .

Inventiones D ivini Amoris. 1 2 ° C ol. 1 6 19.

SA LVIAN US Ep isc. Massiliensis . Opera, per Rittershusium.

8° Altorf . 1 6 1 1 .

Sanctorum Presbyterorum SalvianiMassiliensis etVincentiiL irinensis Opera, cum notis Baluzii. 8° Par . 1 663 .

SALzEno C ur ia Ecclesiastica, para Secretar ios de Pre. lados. 4° Madr . 1 634.

SAMARITAN . The Samar itan, shewing thatmany and unnecessaryImpositions are notthe Oilthatmust healthe C hurch. 8° Land .

1 682 .

SAMARITAIN S. N ouveaux Eclaircissemens sur l’O rigine etls Pentateuque des Samari tains. 8° Par . 1 7 60.

SaMBUcUS (J De Imi tations C iceroniana ; etdun: O rationesfunebres, cum doctis.Virorum Epist. etEpigram. Gr. Lat. 8°

Par. 156 1 .

Regulae Vita . 8° Ants . 1 568.

SaMMARco DelleMutationi de’

Regni. 4° Ants . 16 2 9.

2 94 SAM SAN

SAMMAETIIAN US (Scwvola). C armen de Victor ia apud Euriacum

parta Anno 1 590. Lugd.Bat. 1 592 .

SAMMES (Aylett). Antiquities of Britain derived from the Phenicians. Fol. Land. 1 676 .

SAN OBEE Alonso). Dictionario de Vocablos C astellanos, appli

cados a a Pro rietad Latina. 4° Salam. 1587 .


SThmnician History, translated from Eusebius byBishop C umberland, with a C ontinuation and Remarks, edited byS. Payne. 8° Land. 1 7 2 0.

SAncRorT A rchbishop of C anterbury. Sermons. 8° Land.

1 694.

SANGTA C LARA De Pre destinstione etSanctorum Invo

cations . 4° Lugd. 1 634.

SANGTA Soph ia, or Directions forthe Prayer of C ontemplation, fromthe Works ofBaker. 8° Dona 1657 .

SANGTIUS Alfonsus). De Rebus is ie . 63 3 .

SANGTIU S Minerva, sen de ausis L i C ommentarius , cum notis SciOppii. 8° An st. 1664.

Minerva, cum notis SciOppn stPerizonii. 8° Francof . 1 702 .

SAN CTIUS C omment. in Acta Apostolorum. 4° Lugd.

1 6 1 6 .

Disputatio de Pm dicatione S. Jacobi, Petri stPauli in Hispania. 4° Lugd. 16 1 6 .

In quatuor L ibros Regum stduos Paralipomenon Commentarii. Fol. Lugd. 1 6 2 3 .

In Job , Ruth, Badram, N ehemiam, Tobit, Judith , Esther, stMacchabe os. Fol. Lugd. 1 6 2 5 .

In Isaiam. Fol. Lugd. 1 6 15 .

In Jersmiam, &c. Fol. Lugd. 1 618.

In Ezekislsm stDaniclsm. Fol. Lu d. 161 9.

In 1 2 ProphetasMinores stBaruch ommentaru cum Para

phrasi. Fol. Lu d. 1 6 2 1 .

SAN C'I'O AMORE (Gu ds). Opera. 4° C onstant. 1 63 2 .Med icina Statica. 8° Ven. 1 63 8.

Methodi vitandorum Errorum in Arte Medica. 4° Genes .

1 681 .

SAN DERUS De claris Antonns. 4° Losan. 1 6 2 7

SANDERUS Historia Schismatis Anglicani. 8° Col. Ag r.1 6 2 8.

SAN DERSON (Rober t) , Bishop qf L incoln. Logica. 8° Owj. 1 640.

De Juramenti Promissorii O bligations Praslsctiones. 1 2 °

Land. 1 676.

De O bligations C onscientias. 8° Land. 1 660.

Episcopacgnotprejudicialto Regal Power. 8° Land. 166 1 .

C ases of onscisncs . 8° Land. 1 685 .

Sermons and Life . Fol. Land. 1 686.

SANDIUS De O rigins Animw. 8° C osmap . 167 1 .

Histor ia Ecclesiastica. 2 vol. 8° C osmap . 1 669.

Bibliotheca Antitrinitariorum. 8° Friestad: 1 684.

N ucleus Histor ia: Ecclesiasticas. 4° C olon. 1 676 .

2 96 SAT SC A

SATYRE . SatyreMenippés . 1 2 ° Ratish. 1664.

Traité de la Satyre. 1 2 ° Par. 1695 .

SAvAGE (John). C ollection of the Letters of the Ancients . 8°

Land. 1 703 .

SAVAGE (Mrs. Sarah). Memoirs of the L ife and C haracter of

Mrs. Sarah Savage, by J. B. Williams. 1 2 ° Land. 1 8 2 1 .

SAVILIUS Pre lectiones in Principium Elementorum . Eu

clidis. 4° Oxon. 1 62 1 .

SAUBERTU S De Sacrificus. 8° Jena , 1 659.

SauLx (Jacques dc) , C omte de Tasannes. Mémoires dcMessireJaques de Saulx. 1 2 ° C ol. 1 691 .

SAUN DERS Anti- diatr ibe , or an Apology for Admini

steringthe Sacramentto a Select C ompany, in answer to Humphrey. 8° Land. 1655 .

SAUN DERS A Balm to healReligiousWounds . 8° Land.

1 65 2 .

SAUN DERS A Treatise onthe C hemicalHistory andMedicalPowers of some ofthe mostcelebratedMineralWaters. 8° Land.1 800.

SAU N DERSON The Elements of Algebra. 2 vol. 4° Land.

1 740.

SAVON AROLA De Simplicitats C hristiane Vita. 1 2 ° Lugd.

Bat. 1 63 8.Triumphus C rucis. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 63 3 .

Vita, psrMirandulam. 2 vol. 8° Par. 1 674.

Expositio O rationis Dominicm. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 63 3 .

Meditationes in PaalmosMiserere, Ints Domine speravi, stQui Regis Israel. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat. 1 63 3 .

Dialogua, cuiTitulus, Solatium ItinsrisMs I. 1 2 ° Lugd.Bat.I63 3 .

The Truth ofthe C hristian Fai th . 1 2 ° C amb. 166 1SAURIN (Elie). Rsfiexions sur les Droits de la C onscience. 8°

Utrecht, 1 697 .Examen de la Théologie de M. Jurien. 2 vol. 8° Hays,

1 694.

SAURIN (James). Sermons in 5 vols., translated by Robinson . 8°

C amb. 1 7 75 .

SAUSEU IL (Le C hevalier de ). The Brachygraphy of the FrenchVerbs. 4° Land. 1 77 2 .

SAXON C hronicle. A L iteral Translation of the Saxon C hronicle.1 2 ° N orwich, 1819.

SAX ON IS Grammatici Histor ia Danica. Fol. Franco/lapud Wechel.1 576.

SC AC CHUS De Salubri Potu. 4° Rm , 1 6 2 2 .

Sc1EVOLA . Scaevolss stAbsllii Sammarthanornm Patris etFiliiOpera, Lat. stGall. 4° Par . 163 3 .

SCALA Sancta ; or , Exaltation ofthe Soul. 8° Land. 1678.

SCALIGER (J De Emendations Temporum. Fol. C ol. A llob.

1 6 2 9.

Opuscula Varia. 4° Par. 1 6 10.

SC A SCH 2 97

De IEqninoctiorumAnticipations . 4° Latet. 16 13 .Elenchus utr iusque O rationis C h


ronologica: D.Davidis Parei.4° Lugd. Bat. 1 607 .

De Vstustats stSplendore Gentis Scaliger i, etJnln C essarisScaligeri Vita. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1 694.

De Re N ummsria. 8° Apud Plant. 1 6 1 6 .

Epistole . 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 2 7 .Emsndationss ad Theocriti, Masch i, stDionis Idyllia. 8°

Apud C ommelin. 1596 .

Iambi Gnomici. Lugd. Bat. 1 608.

Poemata Omnia, aScriverio. 1 2 ° Lugd. apud Plant. 1 6 15 .Scaligsriana. 8° C ol. Agr . 1667 .

1 2 ° Groning . 1 669.

SC ALIGER (Jul. De Subtilitate .


8° Francqf. 1 582 .Poemata Omnia. 8° Apud C ommelin. 1600.

Epistola stO rationes . 1 2 ° Hanas. 1 6 1 2 .

O ratio pro C icerone, contra Erasmi C iceroniannm, cum notisAdami, stScaligeri Vita. 8° Heidelb. 1 6 1 8.

Epistola duas stalia Opuscula. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1 694.

Adversus Erasmi O rationes. 4° Talos. 1 6 2 1 .Epistolae stProblemata. 4° Talos. 1 6 2 0.

De Subtilitate. 4° Par. 1 557 .

Factices. Fol. Apud Vincent. 1561 .SCAMOZ Z I (Vincenzo). Idea dell

’Arch itettura Universale. Fol.

Venet. 1 6 15 .

SCAN DAL. Discourse of Scandal. 8° Land. 1 683 .

SC AN N ABUE Frustra Letteraria. 4° Roveredo , 1 674.

SCAPULA. Lexicon Gra ca- Latinum. Fol. Lugd. apud Els . 1 65 2 .

SCARRON (Paul). (Euvres. 1 2 ° Par. 1 659.

Le Virgi ls Travesty. 1 2 ° Par . 1 65 1 .

SCAVAN S. Jugemsns dss Scavans snr les Ouvrsges dss Auteurs.9 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1 685 .

Histoire dss Ouvrages dss Scavans. 2 1 vol. 1 2 ° Rotterd.

1 687 .

1 2 ° Rotterd. 1 698.

Journals dss Scavans. 2 3 vol. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 685.1 2 ° Amst.

SC IIAAE Testamentum Syriacum. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 7 1 7 .Lexicon Syr iacum C oncordantials . 4° Lugd.Bat. 1 7 1 7 .

C ursus Theologicns. 4° Aurel. Allob. 1 6 2 2 .

Symphonia PrOphetarum stApostolorum. 4° Genes . 1 63 9.

SCHEDIU S (Elias). De D ils Germania. 8° Amst. 1 648.SCHEFFER ExemplaMemorabilia Sneticas Gentis. 1 2 ° Amst.1 67 1 .

Lectiones Academica . 8° Hamb. 1 675 .

De Stylo Exercitiisqne ejus. 8° J enae, 1678.

De N atura stC onstitutions PhilOSOphia: Italicae. 8° Upsal.

1 691 .

DeMili tia N avali Veterum L ibri . 4° Upsal. 1654.

Lapponia. 4° Francqf. 1673 .

2 98 SCH SCH

SC REEEER Regnum Romanum. 4° Upsal. 1 65 2 .

SC BEIBLER Liber Topicornm. 8° Oz . 1 6 3 7 .

Metaphysics . 4° C aron. 163 8.

SC BEIN ER O culus, hoc est, FundamentumOpticum. 4°

Land. 1 65 2 .

SC BELLER (J . J. Klein Woordenboek der Latynsche Taale.8° Amst. 1 792 .

ScBELSTRATE De Disciplina Arcani, contra Disputationem Ernesti Teutzeln. 4° Ram. 1 685 .

SC IIEc IUs ObservationesMedica . 6 vol. 8° Bas. 1594.

SC RERzERUS (Adam). Trifolium O rientals. 4° L

?“ 1 663 .

O].SC B EU C IIZ ERUS (Joh. Physica Sacra. 5 vol. A ug . Vind.1 73 1 .

SCBIC EARD HorologiumHebraicum. 8° Ultra]. 1 66 1.Jus Regium Hebra orum. 4° 6 2 5.

Happeruschim Bechinath. 4° 62 4.

Seriesn um Persia . 4°

SC IIILDIUS De C oalitions Populorum. 4° Hag . C ans. 1 661.

SC B INDLERUS Lexicon Pentaglotton, Hebr. C hald. Syr.

Talmud. Rabbinicum, etArab . Fol. Hanas . 16 1 2 .

SCRISM. A Defence ofMr.M.H.

s Brief Enquiry intothe Natureof Sch ism. 4° Land. 1 693 .

SCRLEU SNER (Joh . Lexicon Gra ca- Lat. in Novum Testamentum. 4 vol. 8° L ips. 1 801 .

Lexicon in N ovum Testamentum. 2 vol. 8° Glasguae, 1817.Lexicon in LXX ctreliquos Interpretes Ga cos, acScriptores

Apocryphas Veteris Testamenti. 3 vol. 8° Glasgua , 1 82 2 .

SCHMIDIUS N ata stAnimadversiones in Novum Testamentum, Gr. Lat. Fol. N arimb. 1 658.

N ovi TestamentiGra ca C oncordantia . Fol. L ips. 17 1 7 .SCHMIDT De Dialectic Gra corum. 8° Witteb. 1 604.

SCHMIDT (J Dissertationes Theologica dua de A tanaC onfessionisN omine, Occasionc,Autoribus, &c.aJohanne hmidtstJoh. Georgia Dorschso. 4° A rgent. 1 63 0.

SCHOEPFLIN (Joh. Vita. 1 2 ° C arolsruhc , 1 767 .

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SC BOMBERG An AbridgmentofVan Swistsn’

s C ommentar ies.8° Land. 1 76 2 .

SCHONE UB Terentius C hristianus; sen Gama dia Sacra .

8° Amst. 1 6 2 9.

SC IION BORN ERU S Politics . 1 2 ° Amst. 1 642 .

SCHOOC K IU S Physica Ga leatis. 8° Amst. 1663 .

Belgium Fa dsratnm. 1 2 ° Amsi. 1 65 2 .

De Adversations C ass i. 8° Groning . 1658.

Diluv ium Noachi. 1 2 ° Groning . 1 66 2 .

Exercitationes Varia . 4° Traj. ad Rhen. 1663 .

300 SC I SC O

SC IOPPIUS C onsultationss de Scholarum Ratione. 8° Amst.1 665 .

De Vosa itiis Sermania. 8° Amst. 1666 .

Verisimilium L ibri. 8° Amst. 1662 .Pr iaps ia. 8° Patas . 1664.

Scorpiacum. 4° Magnat. 16 1 2 .

SCLATER Explicatio utriusque Epist. ad C orinthios. 4°

Oxan . 163 3 .

Exposi tion onthe 1 stand 2 nd Epist.tothe Thessalonians. 4°

L and . 1 688.

Exposition ofthethree firstC hapters ofthe Epist.totheRomans. 4° L and. 1 6 2 9.

Exposition ofthe 1 1 6th and 1 1 7th Psalms. 1 63 8.O nMalachi . 4° Land. 1 650.

Onthe 4th C hap. of Romans. 4° Land.

SC LAVON IC UMLexicon : s . THESAURU S Dictionum Sclavonicarum.

SC OUGAL (Henr.) L ife of God inthe SoulofMan. 8° Land. 1707.

D iscourses on important Subjects. 1 2 ° Glasgow, 1 75 1 .

SCOT A ratus Lat. Locutionis. 4° Genes . 1 6 1 7 .

SCOTLAN D. Thema ry of Scotland from 142 3 to 1 54 2 , byWilliam Drummond ofHanthorndcn. Fol. Land.

The Altar ofDamascus, orthePattern oftheEnglish HierarchyandC hurch Policy obtruded uponthe C hurch ofScotland . 8° 16 2 1 .

Testimonyto the Truth of C hrist, or,tothe DC hurch of Scotland. 1 2 ° Land. 1 660.

Acts ofthe GeneralAssembly of Scotland. 8° Land. 1 682 .

The Governmentand O rder of the C hurch of Scotland. 8°

Edinh. 1 690.

Memoirs concerning the Affairs of Scotland from QueenAnne

s Access ion to the Throne to the C ommencementoftheUnion of Scotland and England,May 1 707 . 8° Land . 1 7 1 5.

A Journsy through Par t of England and Scotland along withthe Army underthe C ommand ofthe Duke of C umberland. 8°

L and. 1 747.

Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence displayed . 8° Land. 1 789.

AnAnswerto Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence. 8° L and. 1 789.

A C ompendium ofthe Laws ofthe C hurch of Scotland . 1 2 °

Edinb. 1 830.

The C onfessions of Faith and the Books ofDiscipline of theC hurch of Scotland, of Date anteriortothe Westminster Goufess ion of Fai th. 1 2 ° Land. 1 83 1 .

An Abridgement ofthe Acts ofthe GeneralAssembly oftheC hurch of Scotland, from 1 580to 1 830. 1 2 ° Edinb. 1 83 1 .

Reportmade to HisMajesty by a RoyalC ommission of In

quiry intothe State ofthe Universi ties of Scotland. Fol. 1 83 1.

SCOTO Itinerario d’ Italia. 1 2 ° Padaua , 1 649.

SCOTT Gra ca Grammatica. 8° Lugd. 1 6 14.

SCOTT Appendix ad Thesanrnm Gra ca L ingua , ab Hen.Stephano, stad Lsxica C onstantini stScapula . 2 vol.Fol. Land.1 745.

SC O SEA 301

SCOTT N ewVersion of St. Matthew. 4° Land. 1 741 .

SCOTT (David). The History of Scotland, containing allthe HistorieslTransactions of that N ation fromthe Year oftheWorld 3 6 19tothe Year of C hris t 1 7 2 6 . Fol. Westminster , 1 730.

SCOTT (Dr. John). The Works of John Scott, D .D . 2 vol. Fol .L and. 1 7 1 8.

SCOTT (John). C hr istian L ife . 5 vol. 8° Land. 1694.

D iscourses. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 697 .

Sermons . 8° Land. 1 704.

SCOTT (Jos. Sermons. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 743 .

SCOTT (Russell). An Analytical Investigation of the ScripturalC laims ofthe Devil . 8° Land. 1 8 2 2 .

SCOTT The Book of Job in English Verse . 8° Land.

1 7 73 .

SC RAETON (Luke). Reflections onthe Governmentof Indostan. 8°

L and . 1 770.

SC RIBAN IUS Antverpia. 4° Ants . 1 6 10.

Philosophns C hr istianus. 8° A nts . 1 6 14.

Medicus Rsligiosus. 8° Ants . 1 6 1 8.

Poli tico - C hristianus. 8° Westphal. 1 6 2 5 .

SC RIRTURE. Scriptura Sancta Pra stantia, d Bullingero. 8° Tig .

1 5 7 1 .

A b rief Discourse ofthe Scr iptures. 4° Land. 1 6 14.

Table of Scr ipture , or Index BiblicusMultijugas. 8° Land.

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Scripture’s Snflicisnc Demonstrated. 4° Land. 1 689 .

O bservations onthe aly Scriptures. 1 2 ° L and. 1 707 .

Scripture Lessons for Schools onthe Bri tish System of Mn

tualInstruction. 8° Land. 182 5 .

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Land. 1 688.

SC RIVERIUS Batavia Illustrata. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1 609.

C ollectanea veterum Tragicorum. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 2 0.

Animadversiones inMartialsm. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 18 .

SC UDERr (Mademoiselle dc). C onversations sur divers Sujets. 3 vol.1 2 ° Haye, 1 685.

SCUDERY Alaric. 1 2 ° Par . 1 659.

SCUDDER (Henry). C hr istian’

s DailyWalk. 8° Land. 1 689.

SCU LTETUS (Abr. Annales Evangelii. 8° Heidelb. 1 6 1 8.

Dslitia Evangelica Pragsnsss. 8° Hanas . 1 6 2 0.

De Precatione. 8° Hanas . 1 6 1 9.

Axiomata C oncionandi. 8° Hanas . 1 6 1 9.

Exercitationes Evangelica . 4° Amet. 1 6 2 4.

De C urricula Vi ta , stO rationes. 4° Entdae, 1 6 2 5 .

Scr Lax C aryandensis. Per iplusSylacis C arysndsnsis cum TralationsstC astigationibns IsaaciVossii. AcceditAnonymi Per iplus PontiBuxini. C um ejusdem VOSSii notis. 4° Amst. 1 63 9.

SEAGER (John). D iscover ies ofthe World to come . 8° Land. 1 650.

SEAMAN C atechesisReligionis C hristiana breviar Hebraica.8° Land. 1 689.


SEAMAN Reign of Sultan O rchan, second K ing oftheTurks. 8° Land. 165 2 .

SREBRU S (Wolf. Index Homericus. 4° Apud C ommelin. 1604.

SEC EENDORE itus Ludov. d). C ommentarius h istoricus de Lutheranismo : in quo Lud.Maimburgii Historia Lutheranismi Latinsversa sxhibetur etsupplctur. 2 vol. Fol. Francof. 1 692 .

SECRER (Dr . A rchbishop qf C anterbury. Letter to Hor.Walpole concerning Bishops in America ; with a C riticalC ommentary onthat Letter . 8° Land. 17 69.

Sermons and C harges. 10 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 70.

Lectures onthe C hurch C atechism. 1 2 ° Land. 1 804.

Works . 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 804.

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Property. 8° Land. 17 5 1.

SEDER Tephillot, or Prayers. 1 2 °

accordingtothe German and Polish Jews. 1 2 °

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The Humbled Sinner resolvedwhathe should doto be saved.4° Land. 1 660.

The Anatomy of Secret Sins ; delivered in several Sermons.4° Land. 1 660.

The Doubting Believer . 1 2 ° Land. 1653 .

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SEERER. The RealSeeker. 8° Land. 1 769.

SEGRAIs (JcanReynaultdc). Z ayde, Histo ireEspagnols , parMonsieur Segrais ; avec nu Traitté de l’Origins dss Romans, parMonsieur Huet. 8° Par . 1 67 1 .

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Mars C lausum ; translated byMarchmontN edham, with Ad



s. Sinfulness of EvilThoughts. 8° Land. 1 659.

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State ofthe Socinian C ontroversy. Land.

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Works. 4° Land. 16 76.

Glimpse ofGospelGlory. 8° Land. 1 661 .Summ it(Jamss). An Essay towards an Universal and Ra tionalGrammar. 8° Land. 1 7 2 5 .

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pggns (John). God

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Discourse oftempting C hr ist. 1 2 ° Land. 1694.

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agium Fidei etBona C onScientia . 1 2 ° Land. 1 657 .

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1 2 ° Land. 1 63 8.


s Aim, and C hristian’

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Land. 1 63 8.


s C onflict. 8° Land. 1 658.

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Re turning Backslider. 4° Land. 1 63 9.

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C ommentary onthe 2 nd ofthe C or inthians, C hap. I. Fol. Land.

1 655 .

SIBELIUS Opera Theologics. 8 vol. Fol. Amst. 1644.

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x 2

308 SIB SIMSIBELIU S C hr istiana Precationes etGratiarum Actiones.1 2 ° Dasent. 1658.

SIBERU S (Justus). De Salute C hristiana ctPhilosophica. 1 2 °

Dresd. 1659.

SIBYLLIN A O racula, cum notis O bsopa i etInterpretations Lat. Seb.

C astellionis. 8° Par . 1 599.

SICILIA. Sicilia stobjacsntium Insularum veterum Inscriptionumnova C ollectio. Fol. Panorm. 1 769.

SIDN EY (Algernon). On Government. 4° Land. 1 763 .

Discourses on Government. Fol. Land. 1 704 .

SIDN EY (Sir Philip .) Arcadia. Fol. Land. 1674.

Letters andpMemorials of State, by Arthur C ollins. 2 vol.

Fol. Land. 1 046 .

Memoirs of the L ife and Writings of Sir Philip Sidney, by1 110 3 . Zouch , D .D . 4° York, 1 809.

SIDON IU S (C ains Sallins Apollina ris). Opera. 4° Par . apud C ra

moisy, 165 2 .

per Elmenhorstium. 8° Hanas . 1 6 1 7 .

SIGO N IU S Vi ta Andr . Sturia Melphia Principie. 4° Gm ,

1 586 .

De Historieis Romania 4° Venet. 16 2 7 .

Vita Scipiouis Emiliam. 4° Bonan. 1569.

De Republica Hebra orum. 8° Francaf . 1 583 .

SILHON (Jean de). De la C er titude dss C onnoissances Humaines, stTraitté de l’Obeissancs que les Snjsts doiventRleurs Souverains,&c. 4° Par . 1 66 1 .

De l’

Immortalité de l’Ame. 1 2 ° Par. 1 66 2 .

De Ministre d’

Etat. 1 2 ° Leyd. 1 643 .

SILIU S (C ains) Italians. De Secunda Bella Pnnico. 1 2 ° Amst. 163 1 .ab Heinsio. 1 2 ° Apud Plant. 1 600.

SILLERY (Marchioness qf) . Religionthe only Basis of Happ iness.2 vol. 8° Land. 1 787 .

A Selection ofMadame Sillery fromthe Annals of Virtue. 8°

L and. 1 794.

SILVIU S (E nsns). Epistola Latina . Fol.

SIN LERUS De Eterno Dei Filio, etde Spir itu Sancta. 8°

Tigar . 1568.

SIMM Select Passages, Historical, C hronological, Moral,&c ., extracted from eminentAuthors, ancient and modern. 1 2 °

Edsnb 1 753 .

SIMON (C hrist. Vita Ignatii Loyola . 8° Lond . 1598.

Responsio ad Gretsernm. 8° Lond. 1 600.

SIMON (Richard). Fides Ecclesia O rientalis, ssu Gabr ielis Metropolita Philadelphiensis Opuscula. 4° Par . 1 67 1 .

Disquisitiones ds Bibliorum Editionibns . 4° Land. 1 684.

HIstoria C r itica Veteris Testamenti. 4° Amst. 1 681 .Opuscula C ritica adversus Isaacum Vossium. 4° Edinb.

1 685 .

La C réance de l’

Egliss O rientals snr la Transubstantiation.

1 2 ° Par. 1 687 s

3 10 810 SMISION . Sion


s in its firstView. 4° Land. 1668.


‘A iber Psalmorum, Arab. etLat. 4° Rout. 1614.

Star llMercurio. 8 vol. 4° C arole, 1 647 .

Stanton ) OperaVaria. 5 vol. Fol. Par . 1 696 .

Propempticum Salmasio adv. ejue Eucharisticon de Suburb.Regionibus etEcclesiis. 8° Par .

Tr iplex Nummus Antiquus, C hristi Domini. Perperenaa C ivitatis , Houniballiani Re 8.

Opuscula dogmatica eterum V.Scriptorum. 8° Par. 1630.

De Suburb icariis Regionibus. 8° Par. 16 2 0.

De duabus Dionysiis. 8° Par. 1 641 .

Antirrheticus de C anone Arausicano. 8° Par. 1 688 .

Antitristanus, sive , ad Joan. Tristani Antidotum Responsio.8° Par . 1650.

Historia Paenitentiw Publ ice . 8° Par . 1 65 1 .

SIxrus Senensis. Bibliotheca Sacra Fol. C olon. 1 68 6.

C hr istian Practice described by an Essay onthe Life of Christ.8° Lond. 1 693 .

Stab na (Matth .) C ontraVorstium. 4° Amst. 16 15 .

SLATER (Sam. O f Family Worshi . 4° Land. 1 694.

Su s ann a Grammatica ebraica. 8° Amst. 1 699.SLAVE Tu ne . Debate and Evidence respectingthe Slave Trade.8° Land. 1 792 .

Su mANus C ommentaria de StatuReligionis etReipublica .

8° A rgent1 576De quatuor Summis ImperIIs. 1 2 ° L J.Bot. apudE18 . 16 2 4.

Histoire de l’Etatde la Religion et publique sous l’

Emp.C harles V. 8° Stratb. 1558.

8 1.0 a (Severin Walther). Anatomia Logica Aristotelis. 8°

Su stamen (George) , Bishop of Bristol. Sermons 8° Oqf. 1 7 17.SN EATON (John). Reports as a C ivilEngineer. 8 vol. 8° Land.181 2 .

Sum as Prosodia. 8° Land. 1681 .Sm en cw s Logica. .4° Om . 1688 .

N ovaMonstra novi Arianismi refutata. 4° N issas, 181 2 .De N otisMinistrorum. 4° Gracam 16 1 7 .De O rdinatione Sacerdotum in Ecclesia Romans. 4° C ramp.

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Sim -II (Adam). Wealth of Nations. 8 vols. 8° Edin. 1 809.

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Sw rn respondence of SirJames Edward Smith. 2 vol. 8° Land. 183 2 .

SMITH (John). Essex Dove. 4° Land. 1688.Select Discourses. 4° L and. 1 660.

Pat tern of true Prayer . 1 2 ° Land. 16 2 4.

Rhetorick Unveiled . 8° Land. 1678.Pourtraitof Old Age. 8° Land. 1 676 .

SMI SO B 3 11

SMITH (John). Essay on Universal Redemption. 8° Land. 1 701 .

On Perseverance in Religion. 8° Land. 1 702 .

SMITH (John). HorologicalD isquisitions on Time. 8° Land. 1 694.

SMITH (John). Letters onthe Prophecies. 8° Land. 1 8 10.

SMITH (Dr . John Pye). Letters to the Rev . Thos . Belsham, occasioned by his FuneralDiscourse for Dr. Pr iestley ; and Two Sermons. 8° Land. 1805 .

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1 8 18.

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SMITH Memoirs of Secre t Service . 8° Land. 1 699 .

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1 7 5 9 .

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1 788.

SMITH (T ) . The Duty of C ontentment and Resignation, in e ightSermons. 8° Land. 1 76 7 .

SMITH (Sir The L ife of Sir Thomas Smith, by J . S. 8°

Land. 1 698.

by John Strype. 8° Owj. 1 8 2 0.

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s Dialogue. 4° Land. 1 643 .

SMITH Epistola: de Moribus Turcarum, etde SeptemA siaa Ecclesns . 8° Oxan. 1 6 7 2 .

Account ofthe Greek C hurch. 8° Land. 1 680.

Miscellanea, in qui continentur Praemonitio de lnfantum com

munione apud Graecos. Defensio libri de Gra ce Ecclesia statu,&c . 8° Land. 1 686 .

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5 vol. 8° Edinb. 1 805 .

SMYTHIES The UnworthyN oncommunicant. 8° Land. 1 683 .

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SN APE (Dr . Andrew). An Answer to Dr . Snape’

s Le tter tothe Bishop of Bangor , by Benjamin,

Bishop of Bangor . 8° L and. 1 7 1 7 .

Fotty - Five Sermons on several Subjects. 3 vol. 8° Land. 1 745 .

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Land. 1 76 2 .

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SOBIESKI (Jean) . Les Anecdotes de Pologne , ouMémoires Secretsdu Régne de Jean Sobieski. 2 vol. 8° Amst. 1 699.

3 12 SO C SOT

SOCIN IAN . Socinian Tracts , 3 vol. in two . 4° Land. 1 69 1 - 1695.

Tombeau du Socinianisme . 1 2 ° Francof. 1 687 .Socmus (Faustus). Vi ta descripta ab Equite Polono, cum C atalogoO perum Socin i . 1 2 ° Eleutherap. 1 65 1 .

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Socmus (Laelius ) . C ontra L ibellum C alvini in qua ostendere co

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SOCRATES . Socratis , Antisthenis , etaliorum SocraticorumEpistolae,a Leone Allatio , Gr . etLat. 4° Par . 1 63 7 .

Son s nIN I (Gioan . Vittor io). C oltivaz ione Toscana delle V iti, e d'alcuni Alberi . 4° Fir . Giant. 1 6 2 2 .

SO LERIU S (Ans ). De Pileo . 1 2 ° Amst. 1 6 7 2 .

SOLIS (Ant. de) . Histoire de la C onquéte duMexique . 2 vol. 1 2 °

Haye , 1 69 2 .

History ofthe C onquest ofMexico. 2 vol. 8° Land . 1 734.

SOME (Rob . A Treatise o fthe C hurch. 8° Land. 1 58 2 .

SOMMERS (Lard). C ollection of Tracts from Lord Sommers’

s Pa

pers , 4 vol. 4° Land. 1 748.

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Or an.

Sancus (Paulus). Super Iv. L ibros Sententiarum Joan. C apreoli.8° 15 2 1 .

SON ETTI e C anzoni di diversi antichi Autor i Toscani . 8° Fir .

1 5 2 7 .

SON GS . Spir itual Songs, and Songs of Praise . 8° Land. 1 701 .

SON N IU S Ep iscop . Buscaducensis. Demonstrationes Religionis C hristiana ex Verbo Dei. 8° Lugd. 15 64.

SOPHOCLES . Tragoediae, Greece, cum scholiis Gra cis. 2 vol. 4° Par.

apud Tarnab. 155 2 .

Gr. Lat. , cum notis C anter i . 8° Land. 1 57 9 .

Gr . Lat., cum Gra cis scholns 8° C antab. 1 6 65 .

Ajax, Electra, Antigone etTrachime , Gr. etLat., cum scho

lIIs vet. ac notis Johnsoni. 2 vol. 8° Or an. 1 700.

Tragedies par M. Dacier . 1 2 ° Par . 1693 .

Tragedies, by Adams . 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 2 9.

SOPS AN I (Rafi). Le Vi te de’

Pi ttori , Scultori etArch itetti Genovesi.4° Genoa , 1 674 .

SonBIBnE (Samuel). Voyage en Angleterre. 1 2 ° Par . 1 6 64 .

Relations, Lettres , &c. 8° Par . 1 660.

Le ttres etDiscours sur diversesMatiéres C urieuses . 4° Par.

1 660.

C opie d’

une Le ttre sur le Sujet de son Voyage de Rome.

Sos s s nIAN A . 1 2 ° Par . 1 694 .

Sonar. (C harles) . Discours sur l’

Académie Francoise. 1 2 ° Par.

1 654 .

Bibliotheque Francoise . 1 2 ° Pa r . 1 667 .

SOTO Relectio de Ratione tegendi etdetegendi SecretIInI. 8° Venet. 1590.


junctions, C anons, O rders, O rdinances and Constitutions Eccles iastical, Ofthe C hurch of England . 4° Land. 1 675 .

SPARROW Essays and Dialogues Moral and Religious , wi than Appendix containing a C orrespondence between the Rev. J .

Wesley andthe Author , with a FuneralSermon for the Author,by Andrew Kippis.D .D. 8° C hesterfield, 1 782 .

SPECTATOR. 8 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 1 8 .

SPE EDE (John). The History of Great Britain. Fol. Land. 1 63 2 .

SPELMA N (.Sir A Treatise concerning Tithes. 4° L and . 1647.

Glossarium Archaiologicum. Fol. Land. 1 687 .

Leges Anglosaxonicae Ecclesiastica etC iviles , a Wilkins.Fol . Land. 17 2 1 .

SPEN CE (Joseph). Essay on Pope’

s O dyssey. 1 2 ° Land . 1 7 3 7 .

Polymetis. Fol. Land. 1 7 55 .

SPEN CER (J De Legibus Hebrteorum Ritualibus. Fol. C antab. 1 685 .

2 vol. Fol. C antab. 1 7 2 7 .

De U rim etThummim in Deut. xxxIII. 8. 8° C anta b. 1670.

Discourse on Prod igies . 8° Land. 1665.

SPEN SER (Edmund). C omplaints , containing sundrie smallPoemes

ofthe World'

s Vanitie . 4° Land. 1591 .

A View ofthe State of Ireland . Fol. Land. 1 63 3 .

C alendarium Pastorale , Lat. carmine donatum a Theod. Ba

thurst. 8° Land. 1 653 .

Works. Fol. Land. 1 679.

SPERON I (Sperone). Lettere . 8° Ven. 1606 .

C anace. Tragedia. 8° Van . 1 566.

D ialoghi etO rationi. 4° Venet. 1 596 .

SPEY (Rutgherus) . Epistola Paul i ad Galatas , i tem sex primariaC apita C hristiana Religionis. A rabice. Quibus adjunctum estC ompendium Grammatices A rabica . 4° Heidelb. 1583 .

SPIERA Histor ia, cum clarissimorum Virorum P ra fationibus. 8° Land. 1 549.

SPIN OZA (Benedictus dc) . TractatusTheologica- Politicus de L ibertate Philosophandi. 4° Hamb. 1670.

8° Hamb. 16 7 3 .

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IZ EL IU S Templum Honor is reseratum, sive 50 Illustriam hujus mtatis imagines etElogia. 4° Aug . Vind. 1 683 .

Vetus Academia Jesu C hristi, Iconibus, &c. , illus trata . 4°

A ug . Vind. 167 1 .

Scrutinium Atheismi. 8° Aug . Vind 1 663 .

Felix L iteratus ex infelicium pericuhs etcasibus. 8° Aug.

Vind. 1 6 76 .

SPON IUS (Jacob). Aphorismi novi ex Hippocratis operihus C ollecti.8° Lugd. 1 648.

Ignotorum atque obscurorum quorundam Deorum A re illustrata , 1 2 ° Lugd. 16 76 .

Voyage d’

ItaIie , de Dalmatie, de Grece etdu Levant , faitauxannées 1 6 75 et1676 par J . Span etG.Wheeler. 4 vol. 1 2 ° Lyons,1 678.


SPON ItIs (Jacob). Histoire de Geneve. 1 2 ° Lyons, 1680.Recherches d

Antiquité. 4° Lyons , 1683 .

SPOON ER (Lawn ). Looking-

glass for Smoakers. Land. 1 703 .

SPOTTISWOOD (James). C oncio ad C lerum. 4° 16 1 6 .

SPOTTISWOOD (John), A rchbidwp of St.Andrew’

s. History of theC hurch ofScotland. Fol. Land. 1 677 .

SPRAT O bservations on Sorbiere’

s Voyage into England.

8° Land. 1665 .

History ofthe RoyalSocie ty. 4° Land. 1667 .

SPa IGGE (J England’

s Recovery under GeneralFairfax. Fol.

L and. 1 67 2 .

Testimonyto approaching Glory. 8° Land. 1 649.

SPRIN T (John). C assander Anglicanus, or N ecessity of C onformitytothe prescribed C eremonies ofthe C hurch in case of Depriva

tion. 4° Land. 1 6 18.

Propofi onsto provethe necessary U se ofthe C hristian Sabbath. l2 ° Land. 1 685 .

SPURSTOWE (Will.) Wel ls Of Salvation opened. 8° Land. 1655 .

Spiritualb mist. 8° Land. 1 666.

Wiles of Satan. 8° Land..

1 666 .

SPY. The Turkish Spy . 8 vol. 8° Land. 1 734.

STACKHOU SE State ofthe C ontroversy between Woolstonand his Adversar ies. 8° Land. 17 30.

N ew Histo ry O fthe Holy Bible. 4 vol. 8° Edinb. 1 767 .

History ofthe N ew Testament. 2 vol. 8° Edinb. 1 765 .

STAD IERA lnganni della Via Spiritualia. 4° Venet. 1 645 .

STA ii I.HOLe IN (la Baroness de). Germany, translated fromtheFrench. 8 vol. 8° Land. 1 818.

C onsiderations on the PrincipalEvents ofthe French Revolutian. 8 vol. 8° Land. 1 818.

The Influence ofL iterature upon Society ; translated fromtheFrench. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 81 2 .

STA PPORD On Happiness. 4° Land. 1 689.

N iobe, or Age of Tears. 1 2 ° Land. 16 1 1 .

C omfort, &c. of having walked before God in Truth. 8°

L and. 1 699.

STAGES. The ancient and modern Stages surveyed , orMr . C ollier’


V iew of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stagesetin atrue L ight. 8° Land. 1 699.

STAHL IUB Axiomata Philosophica. 1 2 ° C antab. 1645.Regulm Philosophica . 1 2 ° C antab. 167 2 .

STA IR (Earlof). Physiologia Experimentalis. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1686 .

V indication ofthe Perfections of God. 8° Land. 1 695 .

STANHOPE (George), Dean of C anterbury. The C hristian’

s Pattern.

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C hr istian Directory. 8° Land. 1 7 16.

Sermons. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 700.

C ommentary onthe Epistles and Gospels. 8° Land. 1 705.

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3 16 STA STE

STANtEr History Of Philosophy. 2 vOl. Fol. Land. 1655.History Of C haldaick Philosophy. Fol. Land. 166 2 .

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nione de’Prencipi C hristiani. 4° Bergarn. 1595.

STAPLETON Tres Thoma : seu, De S. Thom ApostoliRebus gestis ; De 8. Thoma Arch iepiscopo C antuar.Martyre ;De Thoma Mari Vi ta. 8° C ol. Agr . 16 1 2 .

Su s an (Gear e). Pyrotechny asserted. 1 2 ° Land . 1658.

STAaovonscws De dextra etfructuosa Ratione Historislegendi. 4° Venet. 16 2 0.

Monuments Sarmatarum. Fol. Uracoa. 1 655 .

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airs. 8 vol. 8° Land. 1 702 .

8° Land. 1 702 .

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STATE Tracts . A C ollection Of State Tracts , published on occasion

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Statutes Ofthe Realm. 9 vol. Fol. Land. 1 800—2 2 .

An A lphabetical Index to the Statutes of the Realm fromMagna C har ta to the End of the Re ign of Queen Anne. Fol.1 82 4.

Abr idgement ofthe Statutes. 8 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 2 0.

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STAUN TON (Edmund). The L ife and Death of Edmund Staunton ;to which is added, I. His Treatise of C hristian C onference ;II. His Dialogue betwixt aMinister and a Stranger . 8° Land.

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3 18 STE STI

STEPHAIms De Abusu L ingua Gra ca Admonitio . 8°

Apud Henr . Stephan. 157 3 .

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C ollatio Legum Mosaicarum etRomanarum.

Henr Stephan. 1580.

C Iceronianum Lexicon Gra ca- Latinum, etC astigationes inC iceronem. 8° A Henr . Stephan. 1557 .

Epigrammata ra ca, ex Anthologia. 8° Apud Henr . Stephan.

1 570.

O ratio adversus Lib . Foliata de Magni tudine, &c . Imperu

Turcici etO ratio ad Expeditionem in Turcas persequendam ex

hortatoria. 8° Francof. 1594.

DictionariumMed icam. 8° Apud Hear. Stephan . 15 64.

Empor ium Francfordiense . 8° Apud Henr. Stephan. 1 5 74.

Hen. Stephani etRob. Stephani Fragments vet. PoetaramLatinorum. 8° Apud Henr . Stephan. 1 564.

VirtutumEncomia, Gr . etLat. 8° Apud c r . StephanJ 573.Apud Hanf . Stephan . 15 78

PrincipumMonitrixMusa. 8° Bar . 1 590.

De A ristot. Ethicss Difl'

erentia ab Historica etPoetica. Bar.

1 590.

STEPHANU S (Rob Responsio ad C ensuras Theolog. Par is. inBibliorum EditIonenI. 8° Land. 155 2 .

Phrases Hebraica . 8° Land. 1658.

Thesaurus L'

na Latina . 4 vol. Fol. Land. 1784.

STEPHEN (James). e Slavery ofthe -Br itishWestIndia C oloniesdelineated, as itexists. both in. Law and Practice. 8° Land.

1 8 2 4.

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ciently paid. 4° Land. 166 1.

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Plain and Easy C alculation of the N ame,Mark, &c. oftheBeast. Land. 1 656

STEEL E O fthe Kingdom OfGod in the Soul. ofMan. 4°

Land . 1683 .

Onthe Freedom ofthe Will. Fol. Land.


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or . 1 2 ° Par . 1 699 .

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Spanish Grammar. 8° Land. 1 739:

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STEVIE (SimI). (EuvresMathématiques. Fol. Leide, 1 63 4 .

STEWART (Dugald) : a. REID . Elements Of the Ph ilosophy oftheHumanMind. 2 vol. 8° Lond. 1811 .

Philoso hicalEssays. 8° Edinb. 1 8 1 8 .



(Godeau .) De Particulis L ingua Latina . 8° Col.

Agr . 1580.

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STI STR 3 19

STIGLIANI (Fr. Della O cchiale Opera difensiva, inRispos taalMar ini. 1 2 ° Venet. 16 2 7 .

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STILES (Dr .Ezra) . The L ife Of Dr. Ezra Stiles , by AbielHolmes .

8° Boston, N .E 1 798.

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4° Land . 1 680.

fol. C ambridge, 1 702 .

Twelve Sermons on several O ccasions. vol. 1 . 8° Land.

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o and Burne t’s C onference . 8° Land. 16 76 .

An Answerto Irenicum. 8° Land. 1680.

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Works. 5 vol. Fol. Land. 1 7 10.

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Srocx (C hr istian) . C lavis L ingua Sancta Veteris etN ovi Testamenti . 2 vol. Jena , 1 7 3 7 .

Smart(Dr . Joseph). The Book Of JOb metrically arranged and

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aphis , Gr. etLat. aC asaubono. Fol. Latet. 1 62 0.

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Treatise on the Subord ination ofMan’

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Genes . 1 6 19.

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Sherma n . The Lawfulness ofthe Oath Of Supremacy and PowerOfthe C ivilMagistrate in EcclesiasticalAffairs. 1 2 ° Land. 166 1 .

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vealed fromHeaven. 8° Land. 181 1 .

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Essay onthe Truth ofthe C hr istian Religion, against C ollins .

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Land. 1755 .

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L and. 1 785 .

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s Race and Patience . 2 vOl. 8°

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Land. 1800.

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Sermons. 8° Land. 1 7 87 .

SYMON DS (Dr . John) . Observations upon the Expediency of re.

visingthe present English Translation ofthe Four Go spels , Actsofthe Apostles, and Epistles . 4° C ambridge, 1 789

- 94 .

SYMON DS (Joseph). The C ase and C ure of a Deserted Soul. 8°

Land. 1641 .

Saints like C hrist. 8° Land. 1650.

Sight and Fai th. 8° Land. 165 1 .

Treatises. 8° Land. 1 653 .

SYMSON Onthe Second Epistle ofSt. Pe ter . 4° L and. 1 63 2 .

SYMSO N The Historic Of the C hurch , since the B ayes of

our Saviour Jesus C hrist, until this present Age . Fol . Land. 1634.


IU S, Episcopus C yrenensis . Synesii Hymni, etGreg. N as ianzeni Oda , Gr. Lat. 2 4° Apud Hen . Stephan . 1 568 .

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Regem. 4° C antab. 1 63 7 .SYN OPSIS C ommunium Locorum ad Mares spectantium ex PoetisLatinis. 8° Or an. 1 700.

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T. Grammaire Raisonnée . 1 2 ° Par . 1 660.

T. Moral Reflections upon the Gospel of St. Mark . 1 2 °

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T. (R L iberty Of C onscience . 1 2 ° Land. 1 66 1 .

T . (T High Way to Heaven. 1 2 ° Land. 1 63 5 .

T. (W.) Vindicia Ecclesia Anglicana . 8° Land. 1 6 3 0.

TABLE. The Holy Table, N ame and Thing, more anciently and

properly used under the N ew Test. than that of an A l tar . 4°

Land. 1 63 7 .

TACITUS (C . C ornel ius) . Opera, $1 L ipsio. Fol. A ntv. 1 66 8.

1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. apud EIs . 1 640.

1 2 ° Amst. 16 3 7 .

1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. apud Elz . 1 63 4.

cum notis var iorum. 2 vol. 8° A .mst1 6 7 2 .

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orquato, Gentilhuomini Bergamasch i. 4° Bergam.

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4° Pa r . 1644.

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I]Re Torrismondo. 1 2 ° Venet. 1 6 2 2 .

IlRogo di C orinna. 1 2 ° Venet. 1 6 2 1 .Lettere Familiari. 8° Venet. 1607 .

La Gierusalemme Liberate . Parma, 1 581 .

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Aminta Favola, con le Annotazioni diMenagio . 4° Par . 1655 .

D iscorsi delPoema Heroica , e Lettere Poetiche. 4° Venet.1 587 .

La Vie du Tasse. 1 2 ° Par . 1695 .

Jerusalem Del ivered , by.Hoole. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 68.

Tassom Pensieri d iversi. 4° Venet. 1 62 7 .

C onsiderationi sopra le Rime delPetrarcha. 8°Madon. 1609.

La Secch ia Rapi ta, Ital. etFran. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1 678.

TATLER. The Tatler . 4 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1 754 .

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raitéz curieux. 1 2 ° Par.

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TAYLER. Sermons upon Subjects interesting to C hr istiansof every Denomination. 8° Land.

TAYLOR (Adam). The History of the English General Baptists.2 vol. 8° Land. 18 18.

TAYLOR Examen PraefationisMorini in Biblia e ca de

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Thoughts onthe N ature oftheGrandApostasy. 8° Land. 178 1 .

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L ife of C hrist, wi th C ave ’

s L ives OftheApostles. Fol . Land.1 678.

Sermons. Fol. Land. 1 678.

PolemicalDiscourses. Fol . Land. 1674.Worthy C ommunicant. 8° Land.» 1 660.

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Sketch ofMoralPhilosophy. 8° Land. 1 760.

Scr ipture Doctrine of O riginalSin. 8° Land. 174 1 .

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Paraphrase onthe Romans. 4° Land. 1 745 .

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History ofPOpish Sham Plots, fromthe Reign ofQ. Elizabeth .

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Bapti sm of Infants vindicated . 8° Land. 1683 .

Exposition ofthe C hurch C atechism. 8° Land. 1 684

On the N ature and N ecessity of Faith in Jesus C hrrst. 8°

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s C ases and Letter on C ommunion considered . S°

Land. 1 702 .

D iscourses. 8° Land . 1 703 .

Sermon onthe Death ofMr.N ath. Vincent . 4° Land. 1 697 .

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8° Land. 1 704.

The Parable ofthe Sower . 4° Land. 1 684.

The Progress O f Saints to full Holiness. 4° Land .

C ommentary upon the 3 2 ud Psalm, &c. Fol . Land. 1 659.

Exposi tion of C hr ist’s Temptations . Fol. Land. 1 659.

TAX ATIO Ecclesias tica Angliae etWallise Auctoritate P. N icholai IV.

cmea A .D. 1 2 91 . Fol. Land. 1802 .

Tum ; (Faithful). Right Thoughts,the RighteousMan’



8° Dubl. 1666 .

TEISSERU S C atalagusAuctorum qui Librorum C atalogos,Ind ices , Bibliothecas, Virorum litteratorum Elogia, &c. Scriptisconsignarunt, cum Phil. Labbaei Bibliotheca N ummaria, &c. 4°

Genet) . 1 686 .

3 2 8 TEI TER

TmssRRus Les Eloges des Hommes Scavans, tiréz deI’Histoire de Thou. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Genev. 1 683 .

TBKELI (Emer ic C omte de). Histoire d'Emeric C omte de Tekeli,ouMémoires ur sa Vie, par 8° C al. 1 693 .

TRLs s (Bern. De N aturalibus Rebus. 4° Venet. 1 590.

TRLLL z Vetustissimum C oncilium llliberr itanum quartoineunte Sa culo in Hispania celebratum. Fol. Lugd. 1 665 .

TRuYLR (Sir Works. 2 vol. Fol. Land. 1 740.

TRI PLRB (John). A Treatise on the Worsh ip ofGod . 8° Land.1 694.

TBN A In Epistolam ad Hebre os. Fol. L and . 166 1 .

Txmson Archbishop of C anterbury. An ExaminationofMr. Hobbes’

s C reed. 8° Land. 1670.

O n Idolatry. 4° Land. 1 676.

An AnswertoMr . Pulton. 4° Land. 1687 .

Six C onferences concerningthe Euchar ist. 4° Land. 1687.

Memoirs ofthe Life and Times ofDr. Thomas Tenison. 8°


TBN N EMAN . A Manual of the History Of Philosophy, translatedfromthe German ofTenneman, bythe Rev. Arthur JOxf . 188 2 .

TBPELIUS (Joh). Histor ia Philosophie C artesiana . 1 2 ° N arimb.

1 674.

TBBBNTIUS. C ommdia, ex recena. Heinsu. 1 2 ° Lugd. apud EIs .

1 63 5.

cum notis variorum. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1669.in usumDelphini. 8 Land. 1688.

1 2 ° C ant. 1 701 .dMaittaire. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 18.

aSandby. 2 vol. so Land. 1 751 .

Terentias ettdrus , aBentleio. 4° C antab. 1 7 2 6 .

by Richard Bernard. 4° Land. 1641 .

Lat. and Eng. by Hoole. 8° Land. 1 676 .

Lat. and Eng. by Patrick. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1745.

Andria, Eng. and Lat. 4° Land. 16 2 9.

TERESA de Jesus (S.Madre). Las O bras de la S.Madre Teresa deJesus, Fundadora de laReformacion de las Descalcas y Descalgosde N . Senora delC armen. 4° Anvers, 1 680.

TERTU LLIAN UB (Q. Sept. Opera, cum notis Pameln . Fol.

Lntet. 166 2 .

aRigaJtio. Fol. Lutet. 1 684.Fol. Lutet. 1 675 .

Opera, ejusque Vita, cum notisRigaltii. Fol. Latet. 1664.Apologeticus etMinucius Foelix, ab Heraldo. 4° Par. 16 13.

Ad N ationes, cum notis Gothofredi. 4° Genea. 1 6 2 5 .

De Pallio, cum notis Salmasii. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 656 .C hris ti Servatoris Genealogia. 8° Land. 1 65 1 .

Inscriptiones, cum notis Emman.PhilibertiPanealbi. 8° Tcar.I666 .

4° C ol.Brandenb. 1 67 1 .

330 TES

Ts s'rAusn'rmtNovum. TestamentumGr., cumduplici Interpreta

tione Erasmi etveteris Interpretis, &c. 2 vol. 8° Rob. Stephan.1 55 1 .

1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. apud EIs . 16 2 4.

2 vol. 1 2 ° C antab. 1 6 2 4.

cum notis manuscriptis additis. 2 vol. 8° C ant. apud

Back. 1 63 2 .

cumnotis Stephani,ScaligerietC asauboni. 8° Land. 163 3 .

cum figuris. 8° Land. 1688.

1 2 ° Amst. 1 63 3 .

ab Hoole . 1 2 ° Land. 1653 .

a C urcellwo. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 658.

cum versione Lat. etGlossa Flacci Illyrici. Fol. Fran

cof . 1 659.

8° Land. 1 701 .

8° Amst. ea: qflicina Wetsteniana , 17 1 1 .s Wetstenio. 2 vol. Fol. Amst. 1 75 1 .Millii, per Kusterum. Fol. L ips. 1 7 2 8.

8° Land. 1 7 2 8.

a Leusdeno. 8° Amst. 1 740.8° Gla sg . 1 750.

s Baskerville . Oxan. 1 763 .

e C odice MS. Alexandrina descriptum, typisque novisad similitudinem ipsius C odicia expressi, a C arola GodofredoWaide. Fol. Land. 1 786 .

aGr iesbach. 8° Halos , 1 786 . 1806 .

8° Cantab. N ov . Angl. 1809.

aGeo. C hr ist. Knappio. 2 vol. 8° Halis, 1 8 2 4.

aMart. Augustino Scholz . Vol. 1 . 4° Lips. 1880.

s C arola Lachmanno. 8° Berolini, 1881 .

Gr. Angl. ab Antonio Jaumann. 8° Monachii, 1 88 2 .

Gr. Lat. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 2 9.

per Erasmum. Fol. Bas. 1585 .

aBeza. 8° Apud Henr. Steph. 1565.aBeza. Fol. C antab. 1 642 .

aLeusdeno . 8° Amat. 1 698.

Amst. 174 1 .aM. Fred. Aug. Adolph. N sebe 8° Lips. 1 88 1 .

ex recensione Knappiana adjectls variis Griesbachn etLachmanniLectionibus ediditAdolfus Goeschen. 8° L ip s. 1 83 2 .

ab Henr ico Augusto Schott. 8° L ips. 1 83 5 .

Lat. 5 Zach.Mathesio. 4° Franco/ Z 1 6 1 1 .a C astellione. 8° Amst. 1682 .

Prolegomena ad Novi Testamenti Gra ci editionem accu

ratissimam, e vetustissimis C odd. MSS. denuo procurandam. 4°

Amst. 1 73 0.

VindiciaaLectionis 9 130 2 1 Tim. m . 1 6. e C odice Alex

andr ino N ovi Testamenti nuper aWoidio Landini ed ito. 4° L ips.

Angl. The English C ollege ofRbemes, with annotations. 4°Rhemes , 1 582 .

TES TES 3 3 1

s 'r AuEN


rux N ovum. Angl. The English C ollege of Rhemes ,wi th annotations. 4° Land. 1594 .

The Four Gospels, in black letter, translated from Beza

by L . Tomson. 8°

The N ew Testament. 8° C amb.

The N ew Testament and Psalms, written on black paper , inwh ite letters, forthe use of Jos.Harr is . 15 vol. Fol.

A C atalogue ofthe EnglishWriters onthe Old and N ew Testament. 8° Land. 1 663 .

8° Land. 1668.

A br ief Discourse concerning the Spirituality and Simplic ityof N ew TestamentWorship. 8° Land. 1 667 .

A Defence ofthe C anon ofthe N ew Testament, in answer toAmyntor . 8° Land. 1 700.

The N ew Testamenttranslated by GilbertWakefield. 2 vol.

8° Land. 1 795.

translated by N athanielScarlett. 8° Land. 1 798.

The N ew Tes tament, in an Improved Version, uponthe Basisof Archbishop N ewcome

s N ew Translation, with a C orrectedTex t, and N otes C ritical and Explanatory. 4th Edition. 8°

L and. 18 1 7 .

Gall. Fran. etDutch . Rotterd. 1647 .1 2 ° AMons, 1 667 .1 2 ° C harenton, 1 67 2 .tradui t par C harles Hure. 1 2 ° Par . 1 700.

Recue il de divers Pieces publiées pour la Traduction.

8° C ol. 1 669.

traduiten Francois, avec des notes, &c. parMess. deBeausobre etl’Enfant. 2 vol. 4° Amst. 1 741 .

C ontinuation etDefense de la Traduction de la NouveauTestament. 8° Amat. 1 680.

Defense de la Traduction da N ouveau Testament. 2

vol. 1 2 ° C ol. 1 682 .

Dutch, by Luther . 1 2 ° Luneburg , 1 63 5 .

Germ. 8° 1660.

Lat. etGerm. 4° Antn. 1 53 9

Hisp. con elTexto Griego, por C ypriano de Valera. 8° Amst.1 6 2 5 .

Ital ., utili Annotationi illustrata . 8° Genev. 1596 .

Syriac. Syr. etLat. cum variis lectionibus aMar t. Trostio.

4° C ath. Anhalt. 1 6 2 1 .Tara. Testamentum Novum Turcicé redditum aGul. Sea

man. 4° Oxon. 1 666 .

TESTAMEN TUM Vetus. In sex Linguis, per Hutterum. Vol. 1 . Fol .Heb ., cum variis lectionibus. 2 vol. Fol. Oman. 1 7 76—80.

ediditBenjamin Kennicott. Fol. Oman. 1 776 .

Gr. Vetus etN ovum Testamentum Greece, cum varus lec

tionibus. Fol. Francof . apud Wechel. 1 597 .Gr. Vetus etN ovum Test., L ib. Apocr. etTest. Nov., cum

var. lect. aReineccio. 8° L ipsice , 1 73 3 .

33 2 TES THE

s 'rAssRn'rastVetus. TestamentumVetus, cum varns lectionibus,aRoberto Holmes. 5 vol. Fol. Ozon. 1 798.

TestamentumVetus é C odiceAlexandrino descriptumaBaber.8 vol. Fol. Land. 1816 .

Gr. Annotationes in Vetus Testamentum, atin Epistolamad Ephesios. 8° C antab. 1658.

An Essaytowards a new Version of the Old TestamentintoEnglish fromthe originalHebrew. 4° Land. 1 746 .

TRs'rARn Synopsis Doctrine de Natura etGra tia. Bleeds,1683 .

Apologie pour le Sentimentdes Evangeliques touchantlsJustification. Samnar , 1 63 9.

Ten ant(Joh. Ravis). C ollectio Authorum de C laris Mulieribus.Par . apud C olin. 1 5 2 1 .

TnAnmRUs C onciliatorium Biblicum. 1 2 ° d mst. 1 648.TnAauA '

rUReA Icon S. P. Dominici O rdinis Pm dicatorum. 13°

C al. Agr. 1 641 .Tn sms


rws Enphrades. O rationes, Gr. Lat., cum notis Harduini.

Fol. Par . 1 684.

TnRocRrras. Theocr iti que dam Selects Idyllia, a T. Edwards,S. T. P. 8° Land . 1 779.

Theocritus,Moschus, Bion, etSimmius, Gr. Lat. ab Heinsioacceduntnote Scaliger i , C asauboni. 4° Apud C ommelin . 1 604.

Tnxonoxs 'rus Ep isc. C yrensis. Opera, vol. v. cura Garnerii. Fol.

Lutet. 1 684.

Tbeodoreti, Evagrn, Philostorg n, &c. Ecclesiastica Historia ,

Gr . etLat. aVelesia. Fol. Par . 1678 .

Tn sonomxs Prodromus. Amores Rhodanthes etDosiclis, Gr. Lat.aGaulmino. 8° Par. 1 62 5 .

THEOLOGIA . TheologieMistique. 1 2 ° Par. 1 699.

Entretiens sur des Questions de Theologie. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 685.Le Theologica dans les C onversations avec les Sages etles

Grands duMonde. 1 2 ° Par. 1 683 .

THEOPHILE (Euvres. 1 2 ° Lyon, 1 641 .

N ouvelles (Euvres. parMayret. 1 2 ° Par. 1 656 .

Tnnopmw s Theologin Germanica. 8° Land. 1 68 2 .

Tn zopmw s (Medicus). De Hominis Fabries ,Gra ce. 8° Par . 1555.

THEOPHRASTUS . C haracteres, Gr. Lat., cum C omment. Iassei Ossauboni. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 63 8.

aNeedham. 8° C antab. 1 7 1 2 .Les C haractéres de Theophraste traduits du Grec ; avec les

C haracteres ou LesMoeurs de cc Siecle . 1 2 ° Par . 1 688 .

THEOPHYLAC TUS Bulgaria; Archiepiscopns. C ommentaria in PauliEpistolas, Gr. Lat. Fol. Land.

C ommentaria in Quatuor Evangelis. Fol. Lutet. 1 685 .

In Quatuor Evangelia, Joan. Oecolampadio interprete. 8°

Bas. 1 5 2 7 .

Epistole , Gr. 5Meursio . 4° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 1 7 .

Institutia Regia, Gr . Lat. a Possino. 4° Par . Typog .Reg.

1 65 1 .


TnuaLor. (John). State Papers, published by T.Birch. 7 vol. Fol:Land. 1 74 2 .

Ta w s Histor ia N avalis. 4° Lu d. Bat. 1 65 7 .

Memorabilia celebriorum veterum rum-

publicaram, &c.

1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. 1 646 .

TmRR'rus (Antiochus). De C hyromantia. 8° Magnat. 1 54 1 .

Ttr rm A new Help and Improvementof the Artof SwiftWriting. 8° Land.

Te nus De Antichristo. 8° Awst. 1 640.Disputationes Theologica 8° Gencu. 1 6 2 2 .

C onsideratio Sententia: Arminu de Pre destinatione etLiberoArbitrio. 8° Francqf. 1 6 1 2 .

Tileni etC ameronis Amica C ollatio de Gratia etVoluntate.4° Lugd. Bat. 16 2 2 .

The Examination ofTilenus be forethe Triers. 8° Land. 1658.

TtL LnuON '

r (Sebastien le N ain de). Mémoires pour servir al’


stoire Ecclesiastique des six premiers Siecles. 1 6 vol. 4° Par.

1 701 - 1 2 .

Histoire des Empereurs etdes autres Pr inces qui ontregnédurant les six premiers Siecles de I

Eglise . 6 vol. 4° Par . 1 7 2 0- 2 8.

The L ife of Apollonius Tyaneus. 8° Land. 1 702 .

The History ofthe Arians andthe C ouncil of N ice. 2 vol. 8°

Land. 1 7 2 1 .

Tru st(Jean da). Recue il des Roys de France, leur C ouronne etMaison. 4° Pa r . 1 607 .

Recueildes Range des Grands de France . 4° Par . 1 606 .

TILLIN GHAST (John). Generation Work. 4° Land. 1 654 .

VIII. las t Sermons, and Idols Abolished. 8° Land. 1 656.

Six Treatises . 8° Land . 1 65 7 .

Knowledge ofthe Times. 8° Land. 1 654.

TILLOTSON (John), A rchbishop of C anterbury. Sermons. 1 4 vol. 8°Land. 1 700.

Sermons . 3 vol. Fol. Land. 1 7 2 0.

The Rule ofFaith : or an Answertothe Treatise ofMr .S. S.

enti tled Sure Footing. 8° Land . 1 676 .

TILLY Offices of Prayer and Devotion. 8° Oxf . 1 7 14.

Tm PLRR Metaphysieae Systems , cum notis Goclenii. 8°

Hanov. 1 6 1 6 .

Tm son (John). Bar to. free Admission to the Lord’

s Supper temoved. 8° Land. 1 654.

TmDA L Four Discourses. 8° Land. 1 709.

Rights ofthe C hurch. 8° Land. 1 709.

Defence of the Rights of the C hristian C hurch. 8° Land.

1 709.

Two Addresses tothe Inhabitants of London and Westminster. 8° Land. 1 780.

TIN TO La N obilita di Verona. 4° Veran. 1 59 2 .

TIRABOSCHI Stor ia della Letteratura Italiana. 10 vol.8° Firenze, 1 805 .

TOD TOM 33 5

TODD (Henry John). Some Account ofthe Deans of C anterbury ,fromthe new Foundation of that C hurch by Henry VIII. tothepresent Time . 8° C anter bury, 1 798.

Some Account ofthe L ife and Wr itings O f John Milton. 8°

L and . 18 2 6 .

TOGRAus. C armen Tograi, Poetes A rabis doctissimi, cum versioneL at. etnotis Edv. Pecockii ; accessit Tractatus de Prosodia Arab ica . 8° Oman. 1 66 1 .

TOLAN D (John) . Anglia L ibera ; or the L imitation and Successionofthe C rown Of England explained. 8° Land. 1 701 .

Le tters to Serena. 8° Land. 1 704 .

C hristianity notMysterious . 8° Land. 1 702 .

N azarenus : or Jewish , Gentile , andMahometan C hristianity.8° Land. 1 7 18.

L ife of JohnMilton. 8° L and. 1 76 1 .

TOLERATION . Doctrine de la Tolerance . 1 2 ° Ratterd. 1 69 1 .

Tolerated Preaching of C hrist's Gospel vindicated. 8° Land.

1 67 2 .

The Reasonableness of Toleration. 8° Land. 1 705 .

Toleration discussed. 8° Land. 1 670.

TOLL Gemmarum etLapidum Histor ia. 8° Lugd. Bat.163 6 .

TOLLER C orrespondence with Dr . Fordyce , and a conciseAccount of some subsequent Transactions . 8° Land. 17 75 .

ToL s Fortuita , seu Opuscula varia. 8° Amst. 1 687 .

TOLN E US De Anima Samuelis , &c. 1 2 ° Francof.TOLOMEO Lettere. 8° Van. 1 582 .

LaGeografia diC laudio Tolomeo A lessandrino. 4° Ven. 156 1

TOMA sr (Tomaso). La Vita delDuca Valentino. 4° 1 655 .

TOMAe I (J . Episcapus .Emaniensis. T . L ivius Patavinus.4° Patav. 1680

Vita Peregrini . 4° Patav. 1 63 6 .

Petrarche Redivivus . 4° Patav. 1 601 .

De Donariis etTabul is votivis . 4° Utin . 1 63 9 .



esseris Hospitalitatis. 4° Utin. 1 647 .

Annales C anonicorum Secularium Sti. Georgn in A lga. 4°

Utin. 1 641 .

Gymnasium l’atavinnm. 4° Utin. 1 654.

Parnassus Euganeus ; sive de Scriptoribus hujus E vi. 4°

Padaua , 1647 .

Manus aeneze C ecropn Votum referentis Dilucidatio. 4°

Patav. 1 649.

Urbis Patavinae Inscriptiones . 4° Patav. 1649.

Elogia Virorum Illustrium, iconibus exornate . 4° Patav. 1 644.

Tomne s (John) . Treatise of Scandaliz ing. 8° Owj.

Theodulia, or Defence of hearing the Sermons and otherTeaching ofthe presentMinisters . 8° Land. 1670.

Sepher Sheba , or the O ath Book ; being a Treatise concerning Swear ing. 4° L and. 1 66 2 .

Tom 'rA N O Ragionamenti della L ingua Toscana . 8° Van .

1545 .


THURLOL (John) . State Papers, published by T. Birch. 7 vol. Fol:Land. 1 74 2 .

THYSIU S Histor ia N aval is. 4° Lu d. Bat. 1657 .

Memorabilia celebriorum veterum rum-

publicaram, &c.

1 2 ° Lugd. Bat. 1 646 .

m nrus (Antiochus) . De C hyromantia. 8° Magnat. 1 541 .

Trr rm A new Help and Improvementof the Artof SwiftWriting . 8° Land.

Te ws De Antichristo. 8° Amst. 1 640.Disputationes Theologica 8° Genes . 16 2 2 .

C onsideratio Sententia: Arminu de Pre destinatione etLiberoArbitr io. 8° Francof. 1 6 1 2 .

Tileni etC ameronis Amica C ollatio de Gratia etVoluntate.4° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 2 2 .

The Examination ofTilenus be forethe Triers. 8° Land. 1658.TIL LEMON T (Sebastien le N ain de). Mémoires pour serv ir al’Hi

stoire Ecclesiastique des six premiers Siécles. 1 6 vol. 4° Par.

1 701—I 2 .

Histoire des Empereurs etdes autres Princes qui ontregnédurant les six premiers Siecles de l

Eglise. 6 vol. 4° Par . 1 7 2 0- 2 8.

The L ife of Apollonius Tyaneus. 8° Land. 1 702 .

The History ofthe Ariana andthe C ouncilof N ice. 2 vol. 8°

Land. 1 7 2 1 .

Tim.“ (Jean da). Recue il des Roys de France, leur C ouronne etMaison. 4° Par . 1 607 .

Recueildes Range des Grands de France .,4° Par . 1 606 .

TILLIN GHAST (John). Generation Work. 4° Land. 1654.

VIII . las t Sermons, and Idols Abolished. 8° Land. 1 656.Six Treatises . 8° Land. 1 65 7 .

Knowledge ofthe T imes. 8° Land . 1 654.

TILLOTSON (John), A rchbishop of C anterbury. Sermons. 1 4 vol. 8°

Land. 1 700.

Sermons . 3 vol. Fol. Land. 1 7 2 0.

The Rule ofFaith : or an Answertothe Treatise ofMr .S. S.

entitled Sure Footing. 8° Land. 1 676 .

TILLY O ffices of Prayer and Devotion. 8° Oxf . 1 7 14.

Tm r LRR Metaphysieae Systems , cum notis Goclenii. 8°

Hanov. 1 6 1 6 .

Tm sox (John). Bar to. free Admission to the Lord’

s Supper removed . 8° Land. 1 654.

TmDA L Four Discourses. 8° Land. 1 709.

Rights ofthe C hurch. 8° Land. 1 709.

Defence of the Rights of the C hristian C hurch. 8° Land.

1 709.

Two Addresses tothe Inhabitants Of London and Westminster . 8° Land. 1 7 3 0.

TIN TO La N obilita di Verona. 4° Veran. 1 59 2 .

TrRARoscm Stor ia della Letteratura Italiana. 10 vol.8° Firenze, 1 805 .

3 36 TOM TOR

Touxms Short Str ictures onMr. C rofton’

s Fastening ofSt. Peter’

s Bonds , as concern the Reasons of the Un iversi ty of

Oxford concerningthe C ovenant. 8° Land. 1 66 1 .

TOMLIN E (Geo. Pretyman), Bishop of Winchester. Elements of

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An Abridgement of the Elements of C hristian Theology forthe U se of Families, by S. C lapham. 2 nd edit. 8° Land . 1 804.

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TON G Memoirs ofShower ,Trosse , andBurkit. 8° Land. 1 7 1 6 .

An Account of the L ife and Death of the Rev .MatthewHenry. 8° Land. 1 7 16 .

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ley. Part I . 8° Land. 1 786 .

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TOPSELL The Reward of Religion, setforth in Lecturesuponthe Book ofRuth. 8° Land. 1 6 1 3 .

TORREN S An Essay on Money and Paper C urrency. 8°

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TORRES (Fr. Juan de). Sustento delA lma. 1 2 ° Madr . 1 6 2 7 .

TORRrAN O An Introduction tothe Italian Tongue . 8° Land.1 657 .

An Italian and Engl ish Dictionary. Fol. Land. 1 659 .

TORSHEL Three Questions on Free Justification, C hr istianL iberty , &c. 1 2 ° Land. 1 63 2 .

Saint’s Humiliation. 4° Land. 1 63 3 .

Palace of Justice. 4° Land. 1646 .

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Help to C hristian Fellowship. 4° Land. 1644.

Design to harmonizethe Bible. 4° L and. 1 647 .

TORTUS Tortura Torti : sive ad Mattha i Torti LibrumResponsio , &c. 4° Land. 1 609 .


TOS TRE 337"

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Toa N (Dr . Joshua). An Historical View of the State of theProtestant Dissenters in England fromthe Revolution tothe Aocess ion ofQueen Anne. 8° Bath, 1814.

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History of Taunton. 4° Land. 1 791

Memoirs ofthe L ife, C haracter, Sentiments, and Writings , ofFaus tus Socinus.MiscellaneousWorks. 5 vol. 8° Land. 1 765 - 1 800.


r (M). A Voyage into the Levant. 2 vol. 4° Land .

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Towxxs (Dr . J Memoirs ofthe L ife andRe ign of Freder ick III .K ing of Prussia. 2 vols. 8° Land. 1 795 .

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s Lessons. 1 2 °

Land. 1687.

TRAVELs. Travels into Portugal, Spain, Italy , &c. 8° L and. 1 702 .

TRAVERs De Discipl ina Ecclesiastica. 8° Land. 1 5 74.

TREAr rEs. A C ollection of Treaties . 4 vol. 8° Land. 178 2 .

TREA 'rtsE. A short Treatise on the English Tongue. 8° Land.

1 767 .


rws (Luca) . Luca Trelcatn senioris, etLuca Trelcatnjunioris, Opuscula Theologica omnia. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 14 .



TRELcA'rrus (Luca). Method ics Locorum C ommuniumTheologiaInstitutia. 1 2 ° Hanov. 16 2 1 .

TREN OB ARD (John). N atural History of Superstition. 8° Land.

1 709 .

TREtt'r . Historic ofthe C ouncelof Trent. Fol. Land. 1 640.

Instructions de Le ttres des Rois tres C hrestiens , etde leursAmbassadeurs concernant le C oncile de Trente . 4° Par . 1 654.

Revis ion du C oncile de ’

fi ente . 1 2 ° Par . 1 600.

Actes de C oncile de Trente. 1 2 ° Land. 1 607 .

TRIALs. Tr ial of Thomas Hardy for High Treason. 4 vol. 8°

Land. 1 794, 1 795 .

Trial of John Horne Tooke for High Treason. 2 vol. 8°

Land. 1 795 .

Tr ial ofWilliam Stone for High Treason. 8° Land . 1 796.

Trial of Robert Thomas C rossfield for High Treason. 8°

Land. 1 796 .

Trialof James O ’

C oigly, Arthur O ’

C onner , Esq., John Binns,John Allen, and Jeremiah Leary , for High Treason. 8° Land.

1 798.

Trial on Information exh ibited agatThomas Paine for a

L ibel.1 793 — TrialofDanielIsaacEaton for aL ibel, 1 794 ; andTrialOf John Smi th for Selling a L ibel, 1 797 .Trialof EdwardMarcusDespard, Esq. for High Treason. 8°

Land. 1 803 .

Trials of N ine- and -twenty Regicides. 4° Land. 1660.

State Trials. Fol. Land. 1 684.

10 vol. Fol. Land. 1 730.

TRrDENYmUM. C anones etDecreta C oncilii Tridentini . 1 2 ° Par .

163 9.

1 2 ° Ante. 1 677 .


rms De C hristiana Expeditione apud Sinas. 4°

Lugd. 16 1 6 .

TRroLAN Dms (J De Potestate C ivili etEcclesiastica. 1 2 ° Amst.1 642 .

TRIGLANDws Pa dia Juris, sive Examen Institutionum.

1 2 ° Ozon. 1 7 10.

Tsun ami Fabulous Histories. 1 2 ° Land. 181 1 .The Servant’s Fr iend. 1 2 ° Land.

The Teacher’

s Assistant. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1800.

A ttemptto familiarize the C hurch C atechism. 1 2 ° Land.1 791 .

Scripture C atechism. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1 800.

Te rr . A Seasonable Vindication ofthe Trin i ty, collected fromthe Wr itings of Tillotson and Stillingfieet. 8° Land. 1 697 .


r C elt- Hellenisme, ou Etymologie des MotsFrancois tirés da Grec. 1 2 ° Orleans, 1 580.

TRISMEGISTU S (Mercurius). Poemander, Gra ce. 4° Par. apud

Turneb. 1554.

Latine, aFicino. 4° ApudMorel.Gr. Lat. 4° Burdigal. 1574.


TUREORD (Hugh). The Grounds of a Holy L ife. 8° Land.1 778.

TURLur rxus Anti- C hoppinus. 8° Wiliorban. 1 598.

TURNEnws (Adrisans). Adversar ia. 3 vol. Fol . Par . 1 5 80.

TURN ER Sermons selected from the Papers of the lateRev. Henry Turner. 8° N ewcastle , 182 2 .

TURN ER (John). Vindication of the Rights and Privileges of theC hristian C hurch. 8° Land. 1 707 .

TURN ER O rationes, Tractatus etEpistola , etEdm. C am

piceni O rationes , &c. 8° Ingaldstad. 1 602 .

Discourse ofthe pretended Apostol icalC onsti tutions , in An~°

swer to Whiston. 8° Land. 1 7 1 5 .

TURN ER (R. HereticalHistory . 8° Land. 1 778 .

TURN ER (Sharon). The History of the Anglo- Saxons , from the'

earliest Per iod tothe N orman C onquest, compr ising the H istoryof England. 8 vol. 8° Land. 18 2 3 .

TURN ER Sermons on var ious O ccasions, and O rd inationC harge. 8° Land. and N ewcastle, 1 78 2 , 1 793 . 1808 .


rrN (Bened) Examen des Dialogues de P. C otton des Traductions de la Bible de Geneve . 4° Genes . 16 2 0.

TURRE'rrN Institutio Theologia Elenctica . 4 vol. 4°

Lugd. Bat. 1 696 .

De Satisfactione C hr isti . Genes . 167 7 .

Sermons. 8° Genes . 1676 .


rtN (Joan. Historia Ecclesiastica C ompend ium. 8°

Genes . 1 73 4.

TURRIAN Us De Ecclesia etO rdinationibusMinistrorum.

4° C olon. 15 74.

AdversusMagdeburg. C enturiatores, pro C anonibus Apostolorum etEpistolis decretalibus. 4° C olon. 1573 .


rON A Vindication ofthe L iterary C haracter ofthe lateProfessor Porson from the Animadversions of Thomas Burgess,D .D . Bishop of Salisbury, in various Publications on 1 Johnv. 7 . 8° C amb. 182 7 .

TWELLs (Leonard). A C ri ticalExamination of the late new Textand Version ofthe N ew Testament. 8° Land. 1 73 1 .

TwrN Brothers ; or, a N ew Book of Discipline for Infidels and OldO ffenders, in Prose and Verse. 8° Edinb. 1 787 .

Sermons. 8° Land. 1801 .

TWISDEN (Sir Vindication of the C hurch of England. 4°

Land. 1 657 .

D iscourse on U sury. 1 2 ° Land. 1 658.

TWISSE De ScientiaMedia. Fol. A rnheim. 1 689.

De Pra destinatione etGratia, &c. Fol. Amat. 1 649.Vindicia Gratia . 4° Amst. 1 68 1 .Doubting C onscience resolved. 1 2 ° Land. 1 65 2 .

Riches ofGod’

s Love, in Answerto Hard and others. Fol.

Oxford, 1 653 .

Discovery of Jackson’

s Vanity. 4° Land. 1 63 1 .'


YRms : s .MAX IMU S.


TYRRELL (James). Bibliotheca Politics , or an Enquiry into theancient C onsti tution ofthe English Government. 1 7 18.History of England . vol. 1 . Fol. Land. 1 697 .

TYm r'

r Glossaryto C haucer . 8° Land. 17 78.

V. (Sieur). L’

Avocatdes Protestans. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 686 .

V . V. (M. F. G.) Le Paradis des Ames C hretiennes. 8° Par . 1692 .

VAEcx De Uniendis C hristianorum Animis, tom. 1 . 4°

Amst. 1645 .

VA rLLAN -r (J. Historia Regum Syria . 4° Pa r . 1681 .

N umismata Imp. Rom. pra stantiora, aJul. C esare ad Posthumum etTyrannos. 4° Par . 1 694.

Va n (Sieur da). Les (Euvres du Sieur duVair. 4° Par. 16 18 .

VAmus (Leonard). De Fascino. 4° Par . 1588.

VA L (P. da). Description etl’Alphabetd’

Espagne etde Portugal.1 2 ° Par . 1 660.

Description d’

Italie . 1 2 ° Par . 1 668.

Géographie . 1 2 ° Par . 168 2 .

VAc EN ARxU s : s . LEN N EP .VALDEsms Pra rogativa Hispania . 4° Francof. 1 6 2 6 .

YA LDEsso (John). Divine C onsiderations. 4° Oxf . 1688.

8° C amb. 1 646 .

VALEN TIA (Greg. de). Analysis Fidei C atholica . 4° Ingolstad.

1 585 .

VALERrusMaz irnus. In U sum Delphini. 4° Par. 1 679 .

cum notis variorum. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 660.

VA LEsrAN A , ou les Pensées deM. Valois. 8° Par . 1695 .

VALEsrUs De Sacra Philosophia. 8° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 2 2 .

VA LEsms Rerum Francicarum Histor ia. 3 vol. Fol.L atet. 1646 .

Notitia Galliarum. Fol. Par. 1 675 .

VA LEsw s Nata inHarpocrationem. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1682 .

VA LEsrUs C ausa Valesiana. 8° Land. 1 684.

VALL (Laur.) De credits Donatione C onstantini Declamatio, etC onstantini Donatio. 4° Lugd.Bat. 1 6 2 0.

De Latina Elegantin. 4° Par . apudRob. Steph. 153 3 .

VA LLEN srs Opus de Prosodia Hebra orum. 4° Par . 1545.

VALLIERE (Mad. la ). The Peni tent Lady. 1 2 ° Land. 1 684.

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VALU E. A C ri tical Dissertation on the N ature, Measures, and

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VAN ERAcrr'r (Herman). Kerkelyke Redevoringen . 8° Garineh.

1 78 2 ;

VAN DER-MrLs De L ingua Belgica C ommunitate , O rigine , Pra stantia, &c. 4° Lugd. 16 1 2 .


VANE (Sir Henry). The Trialof Sir Henry Vane. 4° Land . 1 662 .

VAN E Prudence ofthe Serpent, andthe Simpl icity oftheDove. 8° Land. 1 65 2 .

VANntus (Jul. Amphitheatrum aterna Providentia . 8°

Lugd.Bat. 1 6 15.Dialogi dc Admirandis N atura Arcanis. 8° Lutet. 1 6 1 6 .

Apologia to Julio C a sare Vanino. 8° C osmap . 1 7 14 .

VAN sLER (P. Histoire de I’Eglise d’

Alexandrie. 1 2 ° Par.1 6 77 .

Voyage d’Egypte . 1 2 ° Par. 1677.

VARAMUN DUs (Ernest.) De Furoribus Gallicis etC a de AmiralliC astillonei. 4° Edinb 1573 .

VARcm Lezzxoni, con la Vita dell’ Autore. 4° Fiorenz.

apud Giunti, 1 581 .VARENws (Dr. Bernhard). Descriptio Japonia . 8° C antab. 1 673 .

Geographia. 8° C antab. 168 1 .C omplete System of GeneralGeography, improved by Sir

I. N ewton and Dr. Jurin,translated into English by Mr. Dugdale, and corrected by Dr. Shaw. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 65 .

VaRoAs (Bern.Moreno dc). D iscursus de la N obleza de Espafia;4° Madr . 1 63 6 .

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dido. 4° Madr. 16 2 4.

VARlLL A Reflections on Burnet’s Travels. 8° Land.1 688.

VARrLLAs (Antoine). Histoire de C harles IX. 2 vol. 1 2 ° C olagn,1 684.

Histoire de Fran ois I. 2 vol. 4° Par. 1 685 .

3 vol. 1 2 ° Ilaye, 1 686 .

Histoire de Louis XI. 2 vol. 1 2 °

Histoire de Louis XII . 3 vol. 1 2

Histoire de C harles VIII . 1 2 °

Histoire de Henry II . 2 vol. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 698.

Histoire de Francois II . 1 2 ° Amat. 1693 .

Histoire de Henry III. 8 vol. 1 2 ° Hays , 1 694.La Minorité de St. Louis, avec I

’Histoire de Louis XI. etHen. II. 1 2 ° Haye, 1 685 .

Histoire Secrets de la Maison de Medicis. 1 2 ° Hays,1 685.

De I’

Education des Princes. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 684.

Reponse a la C ri tique deM. Burnet, sur l’

Histoire des Revolutions. 1 2 ° Par . 1687 .

Histoire des Revolutions arrivées dans l'EuroPe, enMatierede Religion. 6 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1686.

La Poli tique de FerdinandRoy d’

E gue. 1 2 ° Amst. 1 688.Histoire des Revolutions arr ivées ans I

Europe en matiérede Religion. 4 vol. 4° Pa r . 1 686 .

VARO (Salvator). Vesuvii Ineendii Historia. 4° N eap . 1 684.

VARRO (M. Operaicum notis Scaligeri, Turnebi, &c. 8°Dordrecht. 1 6 19.


VEGA (Garcilasso de la). Histoire des Guerres C iviles des Espagnols . 4° Par . 1 658.

VEGA (Lope de). Hermosura de Angelica, con otras diversas Rimas.8° Madr . 1 602 .

Pastores de Belen. 8° Bruss. 1 6 14.

Arcadia. 8° Valencia , 1 602 .

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VEtL (C ar .Maria de). Explicatio L iteralis C antici C anticorum. 8°

Land. 16 78 .

ExplicatioMinorum Prophetarum. 8° L and. 1 680.

Explicatio Evangelii secundum Mattha um etMarcum. 8°

Land. 1678.

Explicatio Actorum Apostolorum. 8° Land. 1 684.

L iteralExplanation of the Acts of the Apos tles. 8° Land.

1 685 .

VEILLE (Lud. de). Hebra orum de C onnubns, Jus C ivile, etPontificium. 8° Par . 1 673 .

VELAscus Hispaniarum Vindicia tutelares, ab Erisco Pu

teano . 4° Lavan. 1 608.

VELAo Ez DE AzEVEDO (Juan). ElFenix deMinerva, y A rte deMemoria. 4° Madr . 1 686 .

VELLEU s Judicium de Specimine AnimadversionumMosisAmyraldi. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 669.

VELsER (Marcus). OperaHistorica etPh ilologica. Fol. N arimb.

1 682 .

Inscriptiones Antiqua Aug. Vindelicorum. 4° Venet. 1590.

C onversio etPassioMartyrumAfra , Hilaria , Digna , &c. 4°

Venet. 1591 .Fragments Tabula Antiqua . 4° Venet. 1 591 .

Rerum Boicarum L ibri . 4° Aug . Vind. 1 602 .

VEL'rHUYsEN De naturali Pudore , etDignita te Hominis

in quo agitur. 4° Traj. ad Rhen. 1676 .

VELvEr C ush ion. The Legend ofthe VelvetC ushion, by JeremiahRingletub . 1 2 ° La nd. 1 81 5 .

VEN EHA (Hermannus) Pra lectiones deMethodo Prophetien, cumSe rmonibus Academleis Quatuor. 4° Leasard. 1 775 .

VEN Er '

rE De la Generation d’

Homme, ou Tableau del’

Amour C onjugal. 1 2 ° C al. 1696 .

VEN ICE. The History ofthe C onspiracy againstthe State ofVenice.8° Land. 1 675 .

La Ville etla Republique de Venise. 1 2 ° Par. 1 680.

Examen de L iberté O riginaire de Venise . 1 2 ° Ratisb.1 677 .

VEN N ER Via recta ad Vi tam longam, and his Treatiseon Tobacco. 4° Land. 1 650.

VL NRING (Ralph) . Sinthe Plague of Plagues. 8° Land . 1 669.


s Remains , or C hrist’

s School. 8° Land. 1 6 75 .


VEN ur r De Des L ibertate ejusque C ultu apud Romanos , etde L ibertihorum Pileo Dissertatio. 4° Ram. 167 2 .

VERAcU N rGA (J Epitome de la Vida yHechos delC arola V.

4° Madr . 1 6 2 2 .

VERAx The Mystery ofthe two Juntos, Presbyterianand Independent. 4° Land. 1 640.

VERDIER (Sieur da). Histoire des C ardinaux illustres, qui ontétéemployez dans les Affaires d

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VERE (Sir F C ommentaries published by Dillingham. Fol.C ambr . 1 65 7 .

VERGIs De Rerum Inventoribus. 1 2 ° L and. 1 590.

VERrDrcus Elenchus Motuum in Angl ia. 1 2 ° Pa r .

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VERlN Us (Simpl icius). L iber de Transubstantiatione , contra Grotium. 8° Hag iap . 1 646.

Epistola de L ibro posthumo Grotii. 8° Hagiap . 1 646.

VERJU s Panégyriques. 4° Par . 1 664.

VERHUDEz DE PEDRAzA ElSecretario delRey. 4°Madr .1 6 2 0.

VERN EY (M. da). Traité de l’O rgane de l’

Ouie . 1 2 ° P ar . 1 683 .

VERN ON (C aleb). The L ife of C aleb Vernon. 8° Land. 1 666 .

VERRA 'ro (ll). C ontra Gisson de N ores. 4° Ferra r . 1 588.

VERRExUs (M.) Flaccus. De Verborum Significatione , cum Scaligeri C astigationibus. 8° Lutet. 1576 .

VERs mis en C hant. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1 66 1 .

VERe GAN Restitution of decayed Intelligence. 4° Land.

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'r (René Aubertds). Histoire des Revolutions du Suede.

1 2 ° Par . 1 695 .

History ofthe Revolutions intheRoman Republiek , by O zell.2 vol. 8° Land. 1 7 2 1 .

Revolutions of Portugal. 8° Land. 1 7 2 4 .

History ofthe Revolution in Sweden. 8° Land. 1 7 2 8 .

VER'rU Es. La Pratique des C hrestiennes Vertues. 1 2 ° Quevilly,

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VEt LLE (Fr. Beroalde dc). Moyen de Parvenir. 2 vol. 1 2 ° 1 784.

VEsALrU s Epitome Anatomica, cum notis Pauw. 4° Lugd.

Bat. 16 1 6 .

VrcARs (John) . Parliamentary C hronicle, in 4 Parts. 4° Land.

1646 .

VrcARY The English- man’

s Treasure. 4° Land. 1 64 1 .

VrccARs (Joa Decapla in Psalmos. Fol. Land. 1 689.

Vrco (Enea). D iscorsi sopro ls Medaglie de gli Antich i. 4° Par.

16 1 9.


rws (J Ad Gasp.Barla umEpistola , cum Respon

soriis. 8° Amst. 1 696 .


rOR Tresor des trois Langues, Espagnole, FrancoiseetItalienne. 4° C entre . 1 687 .

c ros rA Pra lectiones Theologica . 8° Venet. 16 2 6.


WADswoarH Medi tations onthe Lord’

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WAr ER (L ionel). Voyages to the Isthmus of America. 8° Land.

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WAHL (C hrist. C lavis N ovi Testamenti Philologica. 2

vol. Lips . 1 82 9.

WA rN Em nr Onthe N on- Naturals.,8° Land. 1 707 .

WAKE Rex Platonicus. 4° Oxan. 1 607 .

WARE The State of the C hurch and C lergy of England,fromthe C onversion ofthe Saxons. Fol. Land. 1 703 .

Sermons. 8° Land . 1 690.

Discourse on Swearing. 8° Land. 1 696 .

Author ity ofC hristian Pr inces over theirEcclesiasticalSynods.8° Land. 1 697 .

Principles of the C hristian Religion explained. 8° Land.

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WALcHrus Decas Fabularum. 4° A rgent. 1 609.WALES (Elkanah). Mount Ebal Levelled . 8° Land. 165 9.

WALKER Fire outofWater. 8° Land. 1 684.

WALKER. (George). Sermons on various Subjects. 4 vol. 8° Land.

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WALTON (Dr . Brian), Bishop of C hester . Introductio ad LectionemL inguarum O rientalium. 1 2 ° Land. 1 655 .

De L inguis O rientalibus , etWowerns de Gra ca etL at. Ribliorum Interpretatione . 1 2 ° Dasent. 1658.

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chard Hooker, Mr. G. Herbert, and Dr. Rob . Sanderson. 8°

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WAN GEN (Pet. de). Paralipomena ad Amphitheatrum HonorisJesuitarum. 8° Lugd. 1 6 1 1 .

WAPLE (Edward) . The Book ofthe Revelation paraphrased. 4°

Land. 17 15 .

WARE US De Pra sulibus Provincia Dubliniensis . 4° Dubl.

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De Scr iptoribus Hibernia . 4° Dubl. 163 9.

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Works. 7 vol. Land. 1 788.

WAROUP (Edmund). History of Italy. Fol. Land. 1 660.

WARD (John). Latin Grammar. 8° Land. 1 73 2 .

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Responsio adMiddletonum de Medicorum apud veteres Romanos C ondi tione . 8° Land. 1 7 2 7 .

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WARD Advice concerning Death. 1 2 ° Land. 1 701 .

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WARD (Seth) , Bishop of Salisbury. De C ometis. 4° Oxan . 1 653 .

Astronomia. 8° Land. 1 656 .

Exercitationes in Hobbii Philosophism. 8° Oman. 1 656.

Essays onthe A ttributes of God , the Immortali ty ofthe Soul,&c. 8° Land. 1 66 7 .

Sermons. 8° Land. 1674 .

The L ife of Seth Ward, by Walt. Pope. 8° Land. 1 697 .

WARD Practical Grammar ofthe English Language . 1 2 °


WARDEN (John) The System of Revealed Religion, inthe expressWords of Scrlpture. 4° Land. 1 769.


WARDLAW (Dr. Ralph). C hristian Ethics. 8° Land. 1 884.

WARHSTRY Suspiria Eccles ia etRei Anglicana . 1 2 °

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WARN ER (James ). O f Salvation. 8° Land. 1 7 1 2 .

WARN ER (John). D iatriba. 8° Or an. 165 7 .

WARNER (Levinus). C ompendium Historicum eorum qua Muhammedani de C hrista etpra cipuis aliquot Religionis C hristianaC apitibustradiderunt. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 18.Proverb iorum etSententiarum Persicarum C entur ia collects ,

etversione notisque adorna ta . 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 644.

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History ofthe Isle ofWigh t. 8° Southampton, 1 795 .

WARN ER English Diatessaron, orthe History of C hrist.so Bath, 1 808.

WARREN The HolyMourner. 8° Land. 1 698.

Rule for shewingMercy . 8° N orwich, 1 706 .

The Antidote againstArianism. 8° Land. 17 1 2 .

WARREN (John). Method of Salvation. 8° Land. 1 696 .

WABBINGTON (Henry ), Earlof . Works. 8° Land. 1 694.

WARTON The History and Antiquities of Kiddington. 4°

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WASE An Essay of a PracticalGrammar. 8° Land. 1 667 .

WASHIN GTON (George). The L ife of George Washington, by JohnC orry. 1 2 ° Land. 1800.

by David Ramsay , M.D. 8° Land. 1807 .

WASHUTH Grammatica Arabica. 4° Amst. 1 654 .

WASSENEERGtU S C ommentaria de Be llo inter FerdinandosII. etIII . eteorum Hostes. 1 2 ° Ants . 1 641 .

WATERHOU SE Modest Discourse of the Piety, C harity,and Policy of Elder Times . 8° Land. 1665 .

History ofthe Fire of London. 8° Land. 1 667 .

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A Letter to the Rev . Dr. Waterland, occasioned by some Passages in his late Treatise en titled , The importance of the Doctr ine ofthe Holy Tr inity asserted.

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Sermons. 2 vol. in 1 . 8° Land. 1 7 76 .

WATSON (Richard) , Bishop of Landafi'

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L and. 1 81 8.

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Land. 1 808 .

2 A 2

356 WAT

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356 WAT

WATSON History of the Reign of Philip III. The firstfour books by Rober t Watson ; the two lastby William Thomson. 2 vol. 8° Land . 1 804.

WATSON The Artof C ontentment. 8° Land. 1 658.

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Sermons onthe Lesser C atech ism, composed bythe A ssembly ofDivines atWestminster with a Supplemen t of some Sermons onseveral Texts of Scripture . Fol . Land. 1692 .

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Works. 6 vol. 4° Land. 1810.

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Phi losophical Essays. 8° Land. 1 73 4 .

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The Doctrine ofthe Trinity. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 2 2 .

D issertations relating to the Doctrine of the Trini ty. 1 2 °

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A Defence against SelfMurther . 1 2 ° L and. 1 7 2 6 .

The Ruin and Recovery ofMankind . 8° Land. 1 742 .

The Guide to Prayer. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 1 6.

The A rtof Reading and Wr iting. 1 2 ° Land. 17 2 2 .

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WOLEIUS Tabula de Stirpium C ollectione , per xIIMenses,&c. 8° Tigar . 1587 .WOLEIIIS (C hrrstianus). ElementaMatheseos Universe . 2 vol. 4°

Halts , 1 7 18.A lgebra. 8° Land. 1 73 9.

WOLEIUS Institutionum ImperialiumErotemata. 8° GM .

1 584.

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4° Hamburgi, 1783 .

Bibliotheca Hebre a. 4 vol. 4° Hamb. 1 7 15 .

ElementaMatheseos 5 vol. 4° Genes. 1 78 2 .

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WOLSELEY (Sir C arles) . Justification Evangelical. 8° Land. 1 677.- Unreasonableness of A the ism. 8° Land. 1669.

Mountof Spirits. 8° 1 69 1 .

WOLSTON EcRAET (Mary). V indication of the Rights of Man. 8‘

Land. 1 790.

Vindication oftheRights ofWoman. vol. 1 . 8° Land . 1 796.

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Third Edi tion . 4 vol. 4° Land. 1 81 3 .

Histor ia Universi tatis Oxoniensis. Fol. Oxan. 1 674.

WOOD (Ed. d). Of that which may be known of God bythe Bookof N ature, to which is addedthe Author’

s lastSermon. 8° Oxf.1 674 .

WOOD (James). A L i ttle Stone pretendedto be outof the Manntain tr ied, and foundto be a C ounterfeit ; or an Examination andRefutation ofMr. Lockyer’

s Lecture reached atEdinburgh Anno1 65 1 concerning the Matter of the isible C hurch. 4° Edinb.1 654.


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WOWER De Polymathia. 8° Lip s. 1565 .

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Epistola . 8° Hamb. 1 6 1 8.

De Umbra. 8° Or an. 1 686 .

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WREN Filius . Monarchy Asserted, in v ind ication oftheC onsiderations onMr Harrington’

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Travels through France and Italy. 2 vol. 4° Land. 1 7 80.

WRIGHT A Funeral Sermon onMr. C aleb Head . 8° Land.

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wark. 8° Land. 1 708

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s Day. 8° Land. 1 7 2 6.

The Decei tfulness of Sin. 8° Land. 1 73 5 .

Treatise of being Born a in. 8° Land.

WRIGHT U se ofthe lobes. 8° Land. 1740.

WRIGHT O fthe Passions of theMind in general, and a

Declaration of the N ature of C lymactericalYears , occasioned bythe Death of Queen Elizabeth. 4° Land . 1604.

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sMemor ial, intwo Sermons antheDeath of Mrs. Susanna Soame , wi th some Account of her L ifeand Death by Timothy Wr ightand RobertFleming. 8° Land.

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WRITE. Parliamentary Writs, and Wr its ofMilitary Summons, byFrancis Palgrave.

2 vol. in three Parts. Fol. Land. 1 8 2 7 .

WYCHE Source ofthe N ile. 8° Land. 1 669.

WYCHERLEY Works . 8° Land. 1 7 1 3 .


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WYN N E (John). Abridgement of Locke on the Human Understanding. 8° Land. 1 7 3 1 .

Wr ssw s Dialectolog'ia Sacra N oviTestamenti. 8° Tigar.1 650.

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Apology for the Petitioners for L iberty of C onscience. 8°

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L a Vie de Socrats , par C harpentier. 1 2 ° Par . 1 657 .

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La Retraite de Dix Mi lle , par N . Perrot. 1 2 ° Par . 1665 .

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se pertinere censebat: studio operaque Tho.Gatakeri. Huic Se

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ANTON IUS (1Elius), N ebrissensis. Dictionarium Lat. 85 Hisp. Fol.Matr .

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ARN OLD (Dr. Sermons. 3 vol. 8° Land. 1 83 2 - 4 .

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3 74 BAP BAX

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Four Lectures , delivered atWorship StreetMeeting House,onthe History— the Subjects and Mode— the Perpe tui ty— and

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l8 2 6 .

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BARROW (D r . Eight Sermons preached before the Univers ity of O xford , 1 799, atthe Lecture founded by the Rev. JohnBampton. 8° Land. 1 799 .

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, Rom. i i . 2 2 . 8° Land . 1 6 68 .

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Land. 1 83 5 .

BAxTER The Divine Appointment ofthe Lord’

s Day. 8°

Land. 16 7 1 .

3 74 BAP BAX

BAPTISM . O rdo Baptizandi aliaque Sacramenta administrandi, etO dieis qua dam Ecclesiastica rite peragendi ; ex Ri tual i Romano,ja ssu Paul i Quin ti , extractus. Pro Anglia, Hibernia, etScotifi.

1 2 ° Land. 16 86 .

1 2 ° Par . 1 7 3 8.

Four Lectures , delivered atWorship StreetMee ting House,onthe History— the Subjects and Mode— the Perpe tui ty— and

the Practical Uses of C hr istian Baptism ; by John Evans , LL .D

Edwin C hapman. James GIlchrist, and David Eaton. 8° Land.

l8 2 6 .

BARBAU LD (Anna La titia) . Poems : a new Edition , corrected ; towhich is added , an Epistle to William Wilberforce , Esq. 1 2 °

Land. 1 7 92 .

The Works of Anna La titia Barbauld, wi th a Memoir byLucy A ikin. 2 vol. 8° Land . 1 8 2 5 .

BARLEE A N ecessary Vind ication ofthe Doctr ine of Pre

destination, formerly asserted . 4° Land. 1 658 .

BARN S Scriptores duo Angl ici , coatanei ac con te rranei , deVi tis Pontificum Romanorum ; videl ice t Robertus Barns , etJohannes Baleus , quos a tenebr is vindicavit, veterumtestimon iis ne

quis de fide illorum dubitaretconfirmavit, etusque ad Paulum

Quintum hodie regnantem continuavitJohannesMar tin i Lydius.8° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 1 5 .

BARON (John) . The L ife of Dr . Edward Jenner ,M.D. , wi th Illustrations of his Doctrines , and Selections from his C orrespondence.2 vol. 8° Land. 1 8 38.

BARROW (Dr . Eight Sermons preached before the U nivers ity of O xford , 1 799, atthe Lecture founded by the Rev . JohnBampton . 8° L and. 1 799 .

BAS (C har les Webb L e). The L ife of Thomas FanshawMiddleton,D .D . late Bishop of C alcutta. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 83 1 .

BAS IL IUSMagnus, C a sarece C appadacice A rehiepisc . O pera omniaqua exstant, velqua ejus nomine circumferuntur , ad MSS. co

d ices Gallicanos , Vaticanos , Florentinos etAnglicas , neenoa ad

antiquiores editiones castigata, mul tis aucta : novii Interpretatione , C riticis Pra fationibus , N otis, Variis Lectionibus, illustratanovaSancti Doctoris Vitfi etcapiosissimis lndicibus locupletataoperaetstudio Juliani Garnier . 3 vol. in 6 parts . 8° Pa r . 1 839.

BASIRE (Isaac). Deo etEccles ia Sacrum. Sacriledge arraigned,and condemned by Saint Paul , Rom. ii. 2 2 . 8° Land . 1 6 68 .

BATHURST (D r . Bishop of N orwich. Memoirs of the lateDr . Henry Bathurst , Bishop of N orwich . 2 vol. 8° Land. 183 7.

BATTELY (John). The original Institution of the Sabbath , andtheO bservation due to it , considered . 8° Land. 1 7 2 6 .

BATTLE ABBEY . Descriptive C atalogue of the original C har ters,Royal Grants , and Donations, &c. constitutingthe Mun iments ofBattle Abbey, founded by King William the C onque ror . 8°

Land. 1 83 5 .

BAxTER The Divine Appointment ofthe Lord’

s Day . 8°

Land. 1 6 7 1 .

BEA BIB 3 75

BEAUMON T (Gustave de). Ireland ; Social, Political, and Religious.Edi ted by W. C . Taylor , LL .D. 1 2 ° Land. 1889.

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ker i ; cum Appendice. 3 vol. 4° Berol. 182 5 - 7 .

Anecdota Gra ca. Apollonii Alexandrini de C onjunctionibusetde Adverbiis L ibri . Dionysii Thracis Grammatica : C hoerobosci, Diomedis,Melampodis , Porphyrii, Stephani , in eam Scholia.

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thur C ollier,M.A . 8° Land. 1 83 7 .

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Scripts Adversaria C ollationis Hagiensis, habita anno 1 6 1 1 ,inter quosdam Ecclesiarum Pas tores , de Divina Pra destinationeetC apitibus ei adnexis, una cum Pressiore Declaratione. 4°

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N O . IV. Principles of Biblical Interpretation,translated from

3 76 BIB


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Edinb. 1 834 .

No. VIII. Principles of Interpretation ofthe Old Tes tament ;translated fromthe Institutia Interpretis VeterisTestamenti ,

of John Henry Parean , by Patrick Forbes , D.D. Vol. 1.

1 2 ° Edinb. 1 83 5 .

N o. IX . Tracts, Philological and Exegetical , on several im

portant and difficul t Subjects of the Old and N ew Testaments. Vol. II. 1 2 ° Edinb. 1 83 5 .

N O . X . A Treatise on the Syntax O f the N ew TestamentDialect. With an Appendix , containing a Dissertation on

the Greek A rticle , byMoses Stuart. 1 2 ° Edinb. 1 83 5 .

No. XI. The BiblicalGeography of C entral Asia, by E. F. C .

Rosenmiiller , D.D . ; translated from the German, by theRev. N . Morren. Vol. I . 1 2 ° Edinb. 1 83 6 .

No. X II. Exposi tion of St. Paul ’s Epistle to the Romans ;translated from the original German of Dr . Fred . Aug.

Gottreu Tholuek , by the Rev. Rober t Menz ies . Vol. 11.

1 2 ° Edinb. 1 83 6 .

N O . XIII. Exposition ofthe First Epistle of Peter , cons ideredin reference tothe whole System of Divine Truth translatedfrom the originalGerman of Wi lhelm Steiger , by the Rev.

Patr ick Fairbairn. Vol. I. 1 2 ° Edinb. 1 83 6 .

No. X IV. Vol. II . 1 2 ° Edinb. 1 83 6 .

No. XV. A C ommentary onthe Epistles of St. John, by Dr.

Friedr ich L iicke ; translated from the German , with additional N otes, by Thorleif Gudmundson Repp. 1 2 ° Edinb.

1 83 7 .

N o. XVI. A new Version of the Book of Job ; wi th Explanatory Notes, and an Introduction on the Spiri t, C omposition , and Author of the Book, by D. Fr iedrich WilhelmC arl Umbreit; translated from the German , by the Rev.

John Hamilton Gray. Vol. 1. 1 2 ° Edinb. 1 83 6 .

No . XVII. The Bibl ical Geography of C entral A sia ; wi th a

general Introduction tothe study of Sacred Geography, iacluding the Antediluv ian Per iod , bythe late E . F. C . Rosenmiiller , D.D. ; translated from the German bythe Rev.N .Morren. Vol. I I. 1 2 ° Edinb. 1 83 7 .

3 78 BIB BRA


BIDLAKE (Dr . John). The Truth and C onsistency of D ivine Revelation ; with some Remarks onthe contrary extremes of Infi

delity and Enthusiasm, in Eight Discourses delivered before theUniversi ty of O xford, atSt.Mary’

s , 18 1 1 , atthe Lecture foundedby the Rev. John Bampton. 2 nd Edit. 8° Land. 1 81 3 .

BIOGRAPHIA . Biograph ie Universelle , Ancienne etModerne , ou

Histoire , par ordre A lphabétique , de la Vie publique etpr ivée detous les Hommes qui se sont fait remarquer par leurs Beri ts , leursActions, leurs Talents , leurs Vertus ou leurs C rimes . 5 2 vols. in2 6 . 8° Par . 181 1 - 2 8 .

BLACK (Will . v. C ATA LOGUS .

BLAIR (Hugh) : v. HILL.BLOMMAERT Sylva Anachoretica [Egypti etPala stina ,

Figuris a neis, etbrevibus Vitarum elogus expressa . 4° Ants.

1 6 19.

BLOOM (J. Pulpit O ratory inthe Time of James I . considered,and principally illustrated by O riginal Examples , A .D. 1 6 2 0—2 1—2 2 . 8° Land . 1 83 1 .


BLOU N T (C harles). Thetwo Firs t Books of Philostratus , concerne

ingthe L ife of Apollonius Tyanneus ; wr i tten originally in Greek.

Fol. Land. 1 680.

BODERIAN US (N ic. Ad nobiliores L inguas commun iMethodocomponendas Isagoge ; cui accessit, De literarum Hebraicarum

laudibus O ratio. 4° Par . 1 588 .

BCEC KH The Public Economy of A thens, in four Books ;to which is added , a D issertation onthe SilverMines of Laur ion ;translated fromthe German of Augustus Ba ckh . 2 vol. 8° Land.

1 82 8.


Bar r (F ) Die Siindfluth , nebst drei Andern der wichtigsten Episoden desMahfi- Bharata, aus der U rsprache iibersetzt. 8° Berl.

1 8 2 9.

Vergleichende Grammatik des Sanskri t, Zend , Griech ischen,Lateinischen'

, L itthanischen, Gothischen und Deutschen . Parts I.and II. 4° Berl. 1 83 3— 183 5 .

BOULTON A Vindication of a complete History ofMagick.Sorcery, and Wi tchcraft, in Answer to Dr. Hutchinson

s HistoricalEssay. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 2 2 .

BOVILLUS L iber Divina C aliginis. 1 2 ° 1 52 6 .

BRADY An Introduction tothe Old English History ; comprehended in three several Tracts. Fol. Land. 1 684.

A C omplete History of England fromthe first entrance oftheRomans , untothe end ofthe Re ign of King Henry III. Fol. Inthe Savoy, 1 685 .

A C ontinuation ofthe C omplete History of England , containingthe L ives and Re igns Of Edward I . II. and III. and Richardthe Second. Fol. Inthe Savoy, 1 700.

BRE BYZ 3 79

BRETSCHN EIDER (K . Luther an unsere Zei t, Oder WorteLu thers , welche von unserm Z eitatter beherz igt zu werden ver

d ienen. 8° Erfurdt, 1 8 1 7 .

Systematische Entwickelung aller in der Dogmatik vorkammenden Begr ifl

e , nach den symbol ischen Schriften der evangel ischLutherischen Kirche. 8° L eipz . 1 8 2 5

Die Grundlage deS evangel ischen Pi e tismus. 8° Leipz . 1 83 3 .

Handbuch der Dogmatik evangelisch- luther ischen Kirche.

2 vol. 8° D resd. 1 83 3 .

BROWN E (John). Sermons preached before the University of O x

ford , 1 806 , atthe Lecture founded bythe Rev. John Bampton .

8° Oxf . 1809.

BROWN IST. The Recantation of a Brownist ; or a Reformed Pur itan. 4° Land. 1 606 .

BRYAN T (Jacob). The Sentiments O f Philo Juda us concerningtheAOI

OE, or Word of God. 8° C amb. 1 797 .

BRYEN N IUS (N iceph. C a sar) . C ommentarii de Rebus Byzantinis ;operaetstudio Petri Passini . Fol . Venet. 1 7 2 9.



BURIGNY (M. de) : v . GROTIU S.BURMAN N U S (Franciscus) . D isquisitio deMoralitate Sabbati Hebdomadalis . 4° Ultraj. 1 665 .

BU RN SIDE Remarks on the different Sentiments en tertained in C hristendom relative tothe Weekly Sabbath. 1 2 ° Land.

1 82 5 .



An Inquiry intothe Heresies of the Apostolic Age, in EightSermons preached before the University of O xford, 1 8 2 9, atthe Lecture founded bythe Rev. John Bampton. 8° Oxf . 1 82 9 .

BURTON v. RU TT.BUTCHER Sermons for the U se Of Families . 2 nd Ed it.3 vol. 8° Land. 1 805 .

BU TLER (C harles). The Book of the Roman C atholic C hurch ; ina ser ies of Letters , addressed to Robt. Southey , Esq. , LL .D . , on

his Book ofthe C hurch .

2 nd Edi t . 8° Land. 1 8 2 5 .

RU TTMAN N (Philip). Lex ilogus ; or a C riticalExamination of theMeaning and Etymology of numerous Greek Words and Passages, intended principally for Homer and Hes iod ; translated and

edi ted bythe Rev. J . R. Fishlake . 8° Land. 1 83 6 .



Byzantina Historia Scriptores in unum corpus redacti. Gr.etLat. 3 5 vols. in 2 5 . Fol . Venet. 1 7 2 9- 3 3 .

380 C AM C HA


C ANGE (Du) : v . FRESN E .

C AN TAC U Z EN US (Joan) . Historiarum L ibri Iv. Gr. Lat. Jae . Pon

tanus Soc. Jesu Latine vertit, etN otas suas cum Jacobi GretseriAdnotatiouibus addidit. Gra ce nunc primiIm prodeuntex codiceMS. Bibliotheca viri illustr. Pe tri Seguierii Francis C ancellarii.Fol . Venet. 1 7 2 9.

C ARDWELL (D r . Documentary Annals of the ReformedC hurch of England ; be ing a C ollection of Injunctions , Declarations, O rders , Articles of Inquiry, &c.,

from 1 546 to 1 7 1 6 : withN otes Historical and Explanatory . 2 vol. 8° Oxf . 1 83 9 .

A History of C onferences and other Proceed ings connectedwi th the Revision of the Book O f C ommon Prayer ; from theYear 1558 to the Year 1 690. 8° Oxf . 1 840.

C ARPEN TER (Dr . Lant). Principles of Education, Intellectual , Mors]and Physical . 8° Land. 1 8 2 0.

C ARTWRIGHT C ertamen Religiosum : or, a C onference between the late King of England , andthe lateMarquesse ofWar

cester , concerning Religion. 4° Land. 1 65 2 .

C ARTWRIGHT (Major). The Life and C orrespondence of MajorC artwright. Edited by his N iece , F . D. C artwright. 2 vol. 8°

Land. 182 6 .

C ARWITHEN (J . B. A View of the Brahminical Religion, inits C onfirmation ofthe Truth ofthe Sacred History, and its Influence ontheMoral C haracter in a Ser ies of Discourses, preachedbefore the Universi ty of O xford , 1 809, atthe Lecture foundedby the Rev. John Bampton . 8° Land. 1 840.

C ATALOGUS. A C atalogue ofthe L ibrary ofthe Athena um, L iverpool , by George Burrell . 8° L iverpool, 1 82 0.

Bibliotheca C olfana C atalogus. C atalogue of the L ibrary inthe Free Grammar- School , atLewisham,

founded by the Rev.

Abraham C olfe ; by William Henry Black. 8° Land. 1 83 1 .

C atalogus Librorum qui in BibliothecaRegiaHaganfi partimin duplo, partim in triplo inveniuntur. 8° Hag . C om. 1 83 8 .

C ATROU (Francois). The Roman History : with Notes . Done intoEnglish fromthe original French ofthe Rev. Fathers C atrou andRouille , by R. Bundy. 6 vol. Fol. 1 7 2 8—3 7 .

C AUSEU S (Michael Angelus). RomanumMuseum, sive Thesauruserudita Antiquitatis . 2 vol. Fol . Ram. 1 746 .

C AWDREY Sabbatum Redivivum ; orthe C hristian Sabbathvind icated by Dan. C awdrey and Herb. Palmer. 4° Land. 1642 .

C EDREN U S C ompendium Historiaram ex versione Guil.Xylandri, cum ejusdem Annotationibus . Accedunthuic Editioniprater lacunas tres ingentes , etalias expletas , N ata in C ed renumP. Jacobi Goar , etC aroli Annibalis Fabroti Glossar ium ad eun

dem C edrenum. 2 tom. Fol . Venet. 1 7 2 9 .

C HALC OC O N DYLAS (Laonicus) . Historiarum L ibr i Decem. Gr . Lat

382 C LA C ON

C LARKE (Dr . Adam). A concise View ofthe Succession of Sacred

Li terature ; in a C hronological Arrangemen t of Authors and theirWorks , fromthe Invention ofthe A lphabeticalC haracters totheYear of our Lord 1 3 00. 2 vol. 8° Land.

C LARKSON Letters on the Slave Trade , and the State of theN atives in those Par ts of A frica , wh ich are contiguous to FortSt. Louis and Goree , wr itten atPar is in Dec. 1 789 and Jan. 1 790.

4° Land. 1 79 1 .

C L IPPORD The Signs and C auses OfMelancholy , wi th Directions suited tothe C ase of those who are afflicted wi th i t ; collected outofthe Works ofMr . Richard Baxter . 1 2 ° L and. 1 7 16.

C OBB (Dr . John) . Eight Sermons preached before the U n iversityof Oxford , 1 783 , atthe Lecture founded bythe Rev . John Bampton. 8° Oxf . 1 7 83 .

C OC C EIUS (Johannes). Indagatio natura Sabbati etQuietis NoviTestamen ti . 1 2 ° Lugd . Bat. 1658 .

C ODIN U S De O fficiisMagna Ecclesia , etAula C onstantinopolitana ; ex versione P . Jacobi Gretseri : curii etoperé P.

Jacobi Goar . Fol . Venet. 1 7 2 9.

C OLERIDGE (Hartley). The Worthies of Yorkshire a nd Lancashirebeing L ives of the most distinguished Persons that have beenborn In, or connected wi th those Provinces. 8° Land. 1 83 6 .

C OLLECTAN EA C ur iosa ; or , Miscellaneous Tracts , relating to theHistory and Antiquities of England and Ireland ; the U n iversities of Oxford and C ambridge , and a var iety of other Subjects.2 vol. 8° Oxf . 1 781 .

C OLLIER (A rthur) : v. BEN SON .

C OLLIN S A Discourse ofthe Grounds and Reasons oftheC hr istian Religion intwo Parts . 8° Land. 1 7 2 4.

C OLLIN SON (John). A Key to the Writings ofthe pr incipalFathersofthe C hristian C hurch who flourished dur ingthe firs t three C enturies ; in Eight Sermons preached beforethe Universi ty of Ox

ford , 1 81 3 , atthe Lecture founded by the Rev. John Bampton.

8° Oxf . 1 81 3 .

C OMN EN A (Anna). A lex ius ; sive de Rebus ab Alexia Imperatorevel ejus tempore gestis ; L ibr i Quindecim. A Pe tro Passino.A ccesseruntPra fstiones ac Nota Davidis Hoeschelii. Fol . Venet.1 7 2 9.

C ON AN T (D r . John). The L ife O fthe Rev. John C onant, D .D . 8°

Land. 1 82 3 .

C ON STAN TIN OPLE. Histoire de l’Empire de C onstantinople sous lesEmpereurs Francoisu Fol. Venise, 1 7 2 9.

C ON YBEARE (J . The Bampton Lectures for the year 1 82 4 ;being an A ttempt totracethe History and to ascer tain the l imitsof the Secondary and Spiritual Interpretation Of Scr ipture . 8°

Oxf . 18 2 4.

C ON YBEARE (W. An Analytical Examination into the C haracter , Value , and Just Application of the C hr istian Fathers,dur ingthe Ante - N icene Per iod : beingthe Bampton Lectures forthe year 1 83 9. 8° Oxf . 1 83 9.

C OR DIC 383

C ORN THWAITE Ari Essay onthe Sabbath. 8° Land. 1 740.

C ORRET (La Tour D’

Auvergne). O rigines Gauloises. 8° Hamb.

1 801 .

C OTTON The Five Books ofMaccabees in Engl ish ; wi thN otes and Illustrations . 8° Dmf . 1 83 2 .

C OVERDALE (Myles), Bishap ofEmeter . The Holy Scr iptures faithful ly and truly translated : 1 53 5 . 4° Land. 1 83 8.

C ox (Dr . F. The Baptists in America ; a N arrative of theDeputation from the Baptist Union in England to the Uni tedSta tes and C anada , bythe Rev. F . A . C ox , D.D. and the Rev.

J . Hoby , D .O . 1 2 ° Land. 1 83 6 .

C RACOVIA (Mattha us de). Exortacio seu Dyalogus de D isceptscione C onsciencia etRationis, de frequenter autrarO celebrandoautcommunicando. 4°

C ROPT (D r. George). Eight Sermons preached before the Univers ity of Oxford, 1 786 , atthe Lecture founded by the Rev.

John Bampton. 8° Oxf . 1 786 .

C ROMWELL (Oliver) : v. HARRIS.C ROMWELL The Druid : a Tragedy in Five Acts ; wi thN otes onthe Antiqui ties and early History of Ireland. 8° Land.

1 83 2 .

Quaternio Dissertationum Theologicarum

adversus Samuelem Ms resium ; I . De vocibus Trini tatis , Persona , &c . ; II. De Peccato O r iginis ; III. De N ecessitate cogn itionis C hristi ; IV. De Hominis coramDeo Justificatione ; cumAppendicibus. Opus posthumum. 8° Amst. 1 659.

C U RTIU S (Quin tus) : v . ALEXANDER.


DALEC HAMP (C aleb). Exercitationes dua : querum Pr ior , Exoticorum Scriptorum usum in Theologifi legi timum ; Posterior ,A rtis Poetica etVersificatoria pra stantiam ostendit. 4° Land.

1 6 2 4 .

DA N SEY Hora Decanica Rurales . 2 vol. 4° Land. 1 83 5 .

DARU His toire de la Républ ique de Venise . TroisiemeEd it . 8 tom. 1 2 ° Par . 1 8 2 6.

DAV IS (David). Telyn Dewi— David'

s Harp ; Miscellaneous Poemsin Welsh , &c. 1 2 ° Land. 1 82 4.

DAVY (Sir v. PARIS .DEMON TIOSIus : v . GAURICU S.DEN OMIN ATION S. The Book ofthe Denominations ; or ,the C hurches

and Sects of C hristendom inthe nine teenth C entury. 1 2 ° Land.

1 83 7 .

DIC TION ARIUM. Dictionarium Scoto - C elticum : a Dictionary oftheGaelic Language. 2 vol. 4° Land. 1 82 8.

Dictionnaire Bibl iographique , historique etcr itique , desL ivres rares. 4 vol. 4° Pa r . 1 802 .


DIEPEN BAC H C eltics . 1 vol. in i ii Par ts. 8° Stuttg . 1 840.

DIGEY (Sir Kenelm). Pr ivate Memoirs of Sir Kenelm D igby,Gentleman ofthe Bedchamber to King C harlesthe First ; wr i ttenby himself. 8° Land. 182 7 .

DILLINGIIAM Poemata varII Argumenti, partim e Georgia

Herberto Latine (utcunque) reddita, partim conscr ipts , aWilh.

Dillingham : adseitis etiam aliis aliorum. 8° Land. 1 678 .

DIN DORPIU S (Theoph. N ovumLex icon L ingua HebraicaC haldaica ; C ommentario in L ibros Vet. Test. D ialectorum cognatorum inprimis ope Animadversionibusque pra stantissimorum

interpretum locupletatum. 8° L ips. 1 801- 4 .

DORRIN GTON (Theophilus) . O bse rvations concerning the PresentState of Religion in the Romish C hurch , with some Reflectionsupon them, made in a Journey through some Prov inces of Germany inthe Year 1 698 . 8° Land. 1 699.


DRYSDALE (Dr. John). Sermons : to wh ich is prefixed, an Accountofthe Author ’

s L ife and C haracter . 2 vol. 8° Edinb. 1 793 .

DUCA (Michaelis Duca N epas). Histor ia Byzantina : res in Im

perio Gra corum gestas complectens , 5. Joanne Pala ologo I . adMehemetem. Accessi t C hronicon Breve , quo Gra corum, Vene

torum, etTurcarum aliquot gesta continentur . Studio etOperaIsmaelis Bullialdi Fol . Venet. 1 7 2 9.

DUCHE (Jacob). Discourses on various Subjects . 2 vol. 8° Land.

1 780.

DUDLEY , Lard. Letters Of the Earl of Dudley to the Bishop of

L landaff. 8° Land. 1 841 .

DUN LOP (John). History Of Roman L iterature. 3 vol. 8° Land.

1 82 3 .

DU N STER (Dr . Horace’

s Satires, Epistles , and Artof Poe trydone into English ; with N otes. 8° Land. 1 7 3 9.

EATON (David) : v. BAPTISM.

ECK ERMAN N (J . C . Theologische Beytrage. 6 vol. in xvnI

Parts. 8° Alt. 1 7 94.- 99 .


N o. I. N arrative of D iscovery and Adventure in the PolarSeas and Regions : with Illustrations of their C limate , Geology and N atural History ; and an Account of the WhaleFishery : by Sir John Leslie , Rober t Jameson, Esq., andHugh Murray , Esq. 4th Edi t. 1 2 ° Edinb. 183 5.

N o. I I. N arrative of Discovery and Adventure in Africa , fromthe earlies t Ages to the present Time with Illustrations ofthe Geology, Mineralogy and Zoology ; by Hugh Murray,Esq., Professor Jameson, and James Wilson. 3 rd Edit. 1 2 °Edinb. 1 840.


EDIN BURGH C ABINET L IBRARY.na us ; with introductory Remarks onthe Study of N aturalHistory, and occasional O bservations on the Progress of

Zoology, by W.Macgillivray. 1 2 ° Edinb. 1834.

o. XVII. History and present C ondi tion of the BarbaryStates ; comprehending a V iew of their C ivil Institutions,Antiquities , Arts , Rel igion, L iterature , C ommerce , Agriculture and N aturalProductions, bythe Rev.MichaelRussell ,LL .D . 1 2 ° Edinb. 1 83 5 .

N os. XVIII . XIX. XX . An historicaland descr iptive Accountof C hina, by HughMurray , John C rawfurd , Esq.,

Peter Gordon, Esq., C aptain Thomas Lynn , William Wal

lace , and Gilber t Burnett, Esq. 3 vol. 2 nd Edit.1 2 ° Edinb. 1 83 6 .

No. XXI . An historical Account of the C ircumnavigation of

the Globe , and of the progress of Discovery in the PacificO cean , fromthe Voyage ofMagellan tothe Death of C ook.2 nd Edit. 1 2 ° Edinb. 1 83 7 .

N o. XXII L ife of Henrythe Eighth, founded OII authenticand origInalDocuments (some of them notbefore published) ,including an h istorical View of his Reign ; wi th BiographicalSketches of Wolsey, More , Erasmus , C romwe ll, C ranmer , and other eminent C ontemporaries . 2 nd Edit. 1 2 °Edinb. 1 83 7 .

N os. XXIII. XXIV. Scandinavia, Ancient andModern ; being a History of Denmark , Sweden and N orway ; comprehending a description of these C ountries, by Andrew C r ichton,LL .D. and Henry Wheaton, LL .D . 2 vol. 1 2 ° Edinb.

1 83 8.

N os. XXV. XXVI . XXVII. An h istoricaland descriptive Account of Bri tish Amer ica ; comprehending C anada U pperand Lower , Nova Scotia, N ew Brunswick, N ewfoundland,Prince Edward ’

s Island, the Bermudas and the Fur C ountries , by HughMurray, with Illustrations oftheN aturalHistory , by James Wilson, F R. K . Greville, LL .D. , and Professor Trail . 3 vol. 1 2 ° Edinb.

1 83 9.

N o. XXVIII. An h istoricaland descriptive Account of Iceland,Greenland andthe Faroe Islands ; wi th Illustrations of theirN atural History . 1 2 ° Edinb. 1 840.

Nos. XXIX . XXX . XXXI . Italy andthe Italian Islands, fromthe earliest Ages tothe present Time, by William Spald ing.

3 vol. 1 2 ° Edinb. 184 1 .

EDUCATION (C entral Society of ). First Publication. Papers byThomas Wyse , Esq.,

M.P., Dr . Reid , F.R.S C harles Baker,Esq., B. Hawes, jun. Esq., M.P ., A . DeMorgan, Esq. , A lexander A llen, Esq., William Wittich , Esq. , G. R. Porter , Esq.,

Dr.Mower, B. F. Duppa, Esq. 1 2 ° L and. 1 83 7 .

Second Publication. Papers by George Long, Esq. , WilliamWittich, Esq., B. F. Duppa, Esq., A . DeMorgan, Esq., William


King, Esq., M.D W. E. Hickson, Esq., Lady Ellis, ThomasWyse, Esq.,M.P., Mrs. G. R. Porter , Alfred Fry, Esq., G. R.

Porter , Esq., Mons. De Fellenberg, RawsonW. Rawson ,Esq., Thomas C oates, Esq. : also , The Results of the StatisticalInquiries ofthe Society. 1 2 ° Land . 1 83 8.

EDU CA TION ((C entralSociety qf) . Third Publication. Papers byC . Baker, Esq.

, B. F. Duppa, Esq., F. L iardet, Esq., W. S.


Brien, Esq.,M.P George Long, Esq., Rev. S.Wood, Will iamSmi th , Esq., G. R. Porter , Esq., F.R.S Thomas Wyse , Esq.,

M.P . 1 2 ° Land. 1 83 9.

The Educator . Prize Essays onthe Expediency andMeansof elevating the Profession of the Educator in Society, by JohnL alor , Esq., J. A . Heraud, Esq. , Rev. E. Higginson, J . Simpson , Esq., Mrs. G. R. Por ter . 1 2 ° Land. 1 83 9.

EICHORN (J . Einleitung in die Apocryphischen Schriften desA l ten Testaments . 8° Gottingen, 1 795 .

Geschichte der L iteratur , von ihrem Ursprung bis auf die

neusten Zeiten 6 vol. in K I parts . 8° Gottingen, 1 806 - 2 8.

Einleitung In dss N eue Testament. 5 vol. 8° Leipz. 1 82 0—7 .

Einleitung in das Alten Testament. 5 vol. 8° Gattingen,

1 82 4 .

ELLIS (Hem) : v. FABYAN .

ELLIS (John). The Ellis C orrespondence ; Letters wr itten dur ingthe Years 1 686 , 1 687 , 1 688, and addressed to John Ell is , Esq.

comprising many Particulars of the Revolution , and Anecdotesillustrative of the History andManners of those Times : ed itedbythe Hon. George Agar Ellis. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 8 2 9.

EN JEDIN US Explicationes locaram Veteris etN ovi Testamenti , ex quibus Trinitatis dogma stabiliri solet.

ERPURDT (C ar. Gottl. v. SOPHOCLES.BEN ESTI (Aug. v. L IVIU s .

BEN ESTI (Jo. C hrist. v. LEK IC ON .

ERSKIN E (Lard). Speeches of Lord Erskine when atthe Bar .5 vol. 8° Land. 1 810- 2 7 .

ESTRAN GE (Sir Roger Fables of [Esop and other eminentMythologists : withMorals and Reflexions. Fol. Land. 1 694.

ETYMOLOGICUMMagnum Gr. etLat. cum annetatione Fr. Sylburgu.

Ed i tio nova, studio G. H. Scha feri. 4° Lips. 1 8 16 .

Gra ca L ingua Gudianum, etalia Grammaticorum Scripts e

C odicibus MSS. nunc primum edi ta, cum notis E. H. Barker i,Bekkeri etaliorum, quibus suas adjecitFrid. Gul. Sturzius. 4°

L ip s . 1 81 8.

O rionis Thebani, cum N otis Larcheri etWolfii, ediditFrid.

Gui. Sturzius. 4° Lips. 1 82 0.

EURIPIDES. Euripidis Tragoedia etFragmenta. Recensuit, Interpretationem Latinam correxit, Scholia Gra ca e C odicibusManuscriptis partim supplevitpartim emendavitAugustus Matthia .

9 tom. 8° Lips. 1 81 3—2 9.

EVAN S (Dr . John) : a. BAPTISM .

EVELEIGH (Dr. John). Eight Sermons preached before the Uni2 E 2


versity of Oxford , 1 792 , atthe Lecture founded bythe Rev. JohnBampton. 8° Oxf .

EWALD (G. A . Grammatik der h°

ebraIschen Sprache , des A .T.

8° Leipz . 1 82 7 .

EYRBYGGIA - SAGA , sive Eyranorum Historia, Vers ione , LectionumVarietate ac Indice Rerum, auxitG. J . Thorkelin. 4°Hav. 1 787.

FAEER (George Stanley). Hora Mosaica ; or, a Disser tation on

the C red ibility and Theology of the Pentateuch, comprehendingthe Substance of Eight Lectures read before the U niversity ofOxford, 1 801 , pursuant to the Willof the Rev. John Bampton.

2 nd Edi t. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 8 18.


FABYAN The N ew C hronicles of England and France, witha Biographical and L iterary Preface , and an Index , by HenryEllis. 4° Land. 1 81 1 .

FAC C IOLATI Totius Latini ta tis Lexicon , consilio etcurlsJacobi Facciolati, operfi etstudio E gidii Forcellini. EdiditJacobus Bai ley . 2 vol. 4° Land. 182 8.

FALC ON ER C ertain Pr inciples in Evanson’

s Dissonanceof the Four generally received Evangelists,

”&c., examined in

Eight Discourses delivered before the Universi ty of O xford, atSt.Mary’

s, 1 8 10, atthe Lecture founded bythe Rev. John Bampton. 8° Oxf . 1 81 1 .

FARRER (John). Sermons ontheMission and C haracter of C hrist,and on the Beatitudes ; comprehending what were preached beforethe Universi ty of Oxford, 1 803 , atthe Lecture founded bythe Rev. John Bampton. 8° 0i 1804.

FAUSSETT (Godfrey). The C laims ofthe Established C hurch to ex

elusive attachment and support, and the Dangers which menaceher from Sch ism and Indifference , considered in Eight Sermonspreached before the University of Oxford , 182 0, atthe Lecturefounded by the Rev. John Bampton. 8° Owj. 1 82 0.

FIN CH (Dr . The Objections of Infidel Historians and otherWriters against C hristiani ty considered in Eight Sermons preachedatthe Bampton Lecture atOxford, 1797 . 8° 0i 1 797 .

FITzOSBORN E (Sir The Letters of Sir Thomas Fitzosborneon several Subjects. 8° Land. 1 784.

FLEMING A PracticalD iscourse occasioned by the Deathof KingWilliam, wherein a C haracter of him is given. 8° Land.

1 702 .

FLETCHER (Andrew), of Saltoun. The PoliticalWorks of Andrew

Fletcher. 1 2 ° Gla sgow, 1 749.

Essays onthe L ives and Wri tings of Fle tcher of Sal toun , and

the Poet Thomson, by D. S. Earlof Buchan. 8° Land. 1 79 2 .

FORBES (Duncan). The whole Works of the Rt. Hon. Duncan

Forbes. 2 vol. in 1 . 8° Edinb.



GEORGIREN ES (Joseph), A rchbishop qf Samos. A Descr iption ofthepresent State of Samos, N icaria , Patm’os , andMount A thos. 1 2 °

Land. 1 678 .

GERLACH (Fran. Dorotheus) : v . SALLUSTIUS.


GESEN IUs Versuch uber die malthesische Sprache, zur

Beurtheilung der neulich wiederhohlten Bechauptung , doss sie

ein Ueberrestder altpunischen sey und als Beytrag zur arabischen D ialectologie. 8° Leipz. 1 810.

Der Prophet Jess ica , iibersetztund miteinem vollstandigenphilologisch- kri tischen und historischen C ommentar begle i tet. 3

vol. 8° Leipz . 1 8 2 1—9.

LexiconManuale Hebraicum etC hald. in Vet. Test. L ibros,Editio Latina post Germanicam tertiam, denuo pertrs ctata etplurimis mod is Iocupletata. 8° L ips. 1 83 3 .

Paliiographische Studien, uber phbnizische und punische

Schrift. 4° Leipz . 1 83 5 .

GEUSIUS (Jacob). Victima humana , Pars pr ima complexaModos,C eremonias etTempora , quibus Olim Homines B iia suis immolabant, sr humanum sanguinem libabant. 1 2 ° Graning . 1 675 .

Alters Pars. 1 2 ° Graning . 1 675 .

GIBBON S Juvenilia : Poems on var ious subjects of Devotion and Virtue . 8° Land. 1 750.

GIESELER (J . C . Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte, vol. I. II.in Iv par ts. 8° Bonn. 1 83 1 - 3 .

GILBERT The C hristian A tonement, its Basis , N ature and

Bearings : or the Principle of Substitution illustrated , as appliedtothe Redemption ofMan. 8° Land. 1 886.


GILEILLAN An Essay onthe Sanctification of the Lord’


Day. 1 2 ° Edinb. 1 81 5 .

GILPIN The L ives ofthe English and Foreign Reformers.2 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1 819.

GLASGOW. Repor t of the C ommiss ioners for visiting the U niversity of Glasgow. Fol. Land. 1 83 9.

GLEAN IN GS Historicaland L iterary. 8° Land . 1 83 7 .

GLEN (John). A Treatise onthe Sabbath. 1 2 ° Edinb. 18 2 2 .

GLYC AS Annales , a Mundi exordio usque ad O bitumAlexii C omneni Imper . Quatuor in partes tributi . Fol . Venet.1 7 2 9.

GODDARD (Dr . C harles). TheMental C ondition necessary to a dueInquiry into Religious Evidence; stated and exemplified in EightSermons preached before the University of Oxford, 1 82 3 , atthe Lecture founded by the Rev. John Bampton. 8° Oxf.1 82 4.

GoDwrN An Essay on Sepulchres. 1 2 ° Land. 1 809.

O f Population : an Enquiry concerningthe Power of Increaseinthe N umbers of Mankind , be ing an Answer toMr .Malthus’


Essay on thatSubject. 8° Land. 1 82 0.

GORDON A C ordialfor Low Spir its. 3 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1 763 .

GOU GUR 39 1

GOUGE The Sabbath's Sanctification, with a Treatise of

Apostasy, and Recovery from Apostasy. 4° Land. 1 641 .

GRA SC OME The Scripture History of the Sabbath. 1 2 °

Land. 1 700.

GRA VES (Dr . Rich .) Select Scriptural Proofs of the Trini ty, arranged ih Four D Iscourses. 8° Land. 1 8 19.

Sermons on Practical Subjects . 8° Land. 1 830.

The whole Works of Richard Graves, D.D., now first collected , with aMemoir of his L ife and Wr itings, by his Son, Ri.chard Hastings Graves, D .D . 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 840.

GRAY Sermons onthe Principles upon which the Reformation ofthe C hurch of England was established ; preached beforethe Universi ty of Oxford , 1 796 , atthe Lecture founded bytheRev. John Bampton. 8° Owj. 1 796 .

GRE ILIN G (J . Das Leben Jesu van N azareth, ein religioses

Handbuch fiir den Ge ist und das Herz des Freunde Jesu unterden Gebildeten. 8° Halls , 18 13 .

GRESWELL (W. Memoirs of Angelus Politianus JC annes Picusof Mirandula, Actins Sincerus Sannazar ius , Petrus Bembus ,Hieronymus Fracastorius , Marcus Antonius Flaminius, and theAmalthei. 8° Manchester , 1805 .

A View of the early Par isian Greek Press . 2 vol. 8° Oxf.

1 83 3 .

GREY (Dr . A new and easyMethod of learning Hebrewwi thoutPoints. 8° Land. 1 7 3 8.


Symbola C ritIca ad supplendas etcorrigendas variaramN . T. Lectionum collectiones. 8° Halos , 1785—93 .

GRIN PIELD (E. A Scriptural Inquiry into the N ature and

Impor t of the Image and L ikeness of God in Man. 8° Land.

1 83 7 .

GROTIU S (Hugo) . The Life of Hugo Grotius ; containing a History ofthe several important and honourable N egotiations inwhich he was employed, together with a cri tical Account of hisWorks ; wr itten originally in French, by M. De Burigny. 8°

L and. 1 754 .

GROVE (Ralph). Every C hristian’

s C apacity of being saved, assertedfrom Scripture, in Opposition to the Doctr ine of Absolute Election. 8° Bristol, 1 7 1 1 .

GRUN D (Francis J ) The Americans ; in their Moral , SocialandPolitical Relations. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 83 7 .


General History of C ivilization in Europe, from the Fall ofthe Roman Empire tothe French Revolution : translated fromthe French ofM. Guizot. 2 nd edit. 8° Oxf. 183 8.

Wash ington : translated by Henry Reeve. 1 2 ° Land. 1 840.

GURN EY (Joseph Jalm). A Winter in the West Indies, describedin familiar Letters to Henry C lay, of Kentucky. 3 rd Edit. 8°

Land. 1 841 .

GURWOOD (C olonel) : v. WELLIN GTON .


HAPPN BR (M. Isaac). C atalogue Systematique de Bibl iotheque defeuM. Isaac Haffner 2 vol. 8° Strasbourg , 163 2 .

HAGEL Der Rationalismus im Gegensatze zu dem C ristenthume. 8° Salzb. 1 835 .

HALL (C harles Henry). Sermons preached before the Un iversityof Oxford , atSt.Mary’

s C hurch, 1 798, atthe Lecture foundedbythe Rev . John Bampton. 8° Oxf . 1 799.

HALL Bishop cf N orwich. Satires , wi th the Illustrations ofthe late Rev. Thomas Warton, and additional N otes by SamuelWeller Singer. 1 2 ° Ghiw ich, 1 834.

HALLAM Introduction tothe L i terature of Europe intheFifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth C entur ies. 4 vol. 8° Land.

1 83 7—9.

HALLIDAY (Andrew). A general History ofthe House of Guelph,or, Royal Family of Great Br itain, from the earl iest period inwhich the N ame appears upon record , to the Accession of HisMajesty King George the FirsttO the Throne. 4° Land. 1 8 2 1 .

HAMPDEN (John) : O . N UGEN T .

HAMPDEN (Renn D ickson). The Scholastic Philosophy consideredin its Relation tO C hristian Theology, in a C ourse of Lectures,del ivered before the Universi ty of Oxford, 188 2 , atthe Lecturefounded by the Rev. John Bampton. 8° 0i 1 83 3 .

HAN BURY Histor icalMemorials relating tothe Independents or C ongregationalists, from the ir Rise to the Restora tion of

theMonarchy, A .D. 1 660. Vol. i . 8° Land . 183 9 .



HARRIs An Historical and C ri ticalAccount of the L ivesand Wri tings of James I . and C harles I., and ofthe L ives of

O liver C romwell and C harles II. after the Manner ofMr . Bayle ,from originalWriters and State Papers . 5 vol. 8° Land. 1814.



Five Disser tations : I . On the A thanasian Doctr ine ; II. Onthe Socinian Scheme ; III. O nthe Person of C hrist ; IV. O ntheRise , Progress, Perfection, and End of C hrist’s Kingdom ; V.

Onthe C auses which probably conspired to produce our Sav iour’


Agony. 8° Land. 1 7 7 2 .

HASE Lehrbuch der evangelischen Dogmatik. 8° Stuttg .

1 82 6.

Kirchengeschichte . 8° Leipz . 1834 .

Das Leben Jesu. 8° Leipz . 1 83 5 .

HAUGHTON (Sir Graves C hamney). Prodromus ; or an Inquiryinto the first Principles of Reasoning, including an Analysis of

the HumanMind. 8° Land. 1 83 9 .

HAU K SBEE Experimental C ourse of Astronomy , proposed byMr. Whiston andMr . Hauksbee .


HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Gildas de excidio Britannia-3. EdiditJosephus Stevenson. 8° Land. 1 83 8.

N ennii Histor ia Britonum. EdiditJosephus Stevenson . 8°

Land. 1 83 8.

C hronicon Ricardi Divisiensis de rebus gestis Ricard i Primi ,Regis Anglia ; nunc primum typis mandatum, curante JosephaStevenson. 8° Land. 1 83 8.

C odex Diplomaticus [Evi Saxonici, operaJohannisM. Kemble . 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 83 8.

Willelmi Malmesbiriensis Monachi Gesta Regum Anglororn,atque Historia novella. Ad fidem C odicumManuscriptorum,


censuitThomas Dq '

us Hardy. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 840.

HITZ IG (F ) Die Psalmen h istorischen und kritischen C ommentarnebst Uebersetzung. 2 vol. 8° Heidelb. 1 83 5 .

HOARD The SoulesMisery and Recovery. 8° Land. 1 658.

HORY a. C ox.

HODGSON (Dr . Bernard). Solomon’

s Song : translated from theHebrew. 4° Oxf . 1 786 .

Ecclesiastes ; a new Translation from the O r iginal Hebrew.

4° Oxf . 1 790.

HOBSCHEL IUS Geographies Marciani Heracleotae , SylacisC aryandensis, Artemidori Ephesii, Dicaearcbi Messenii, lsidori

C haraceni, aD . Hoeschelio edita, Gr . 8° Aug . Vind. 1 600.

HOLLAND (Hen. Rich . Vassall), Lard v. VEGA C ARPIO.

The Opinions of Lord Holland, as recorded in the Journalsofthe House of Lords, from 1 797 to 1841 collected and editedby D . C .Moylan. 1 2 ° Land. 1 841 .

HOLMES On the Prophecies and Testimony of John theBaptist, andthe parallel Prophecies of Jesus C hrist ; Eight Sermons preached before the U niversi ty of Oxford, 1 78 2 , attheLecture founded bythe Rev. John Bampton. 8° Oaf. 1 782 .


Ilias : Gr. etLat. cum N otis ; ediditC . G. Heyne ; IndicemadjecitE. A . G. Graefenham. 9 vol. 8° Lips. 1 802

— 2 2 .

HON E AncientMiracles described, especially Engl ishMiracle - Plays ; founded on Apocrypha]N ew Testament Story , &c.8° Land. 1 82 3 .

HOOGEVEEN Doctrina Particularum L inguas Gra ce . 8°

L ip s. 1 806 .



HORN E The religious N ecessi ty oftheReformation asserted,and the exten tto which it was carried inthe C hurch of Englandv indicated ; in EightSermons preached before the U n iversity ofOxford , 1 82 8, atthe Lecture founded bythe Rev. John Bampton.8° Owj. 1 82 7 .

HORN E (Tho . A brief V iew ofthe N ecessity and Truth ofthe C hristian Revelation . 1 2 ° Land. 1 791 .

An Introduction to the critical Study and Knowledge of theHoly Scriptures. 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 83 9.

A Manualforthe Affl icted ; compr ising a PracticalEssay on


Affl iction, and a Series ofMeditations and Prayers. 1 2 ° Land.

1 83 2 .

HORSEY (John). Lectures to Young Persons. 8° Land. 182 8.

HOWARD (Luke). The C l imate of London deduced fromtheMeteorologicalO bservations made intheMetropolis, and atvariousP laces around it . 8 vol. 8° Land. 1 888.

HOWE (John) : 0 . ROGERS.HOWELL Medulla Historiae Anglicana : The ancient andpresent State of England ; being a compendious History of allitsMonarchs, fromthe Time of Julius Cmsar tothe Accession of

George III . 8° Land. 1 7 66 .

HOWELL (John). A practicalD iscourse on the Lord’

s Day. 8°

Land. 1 764 .

HU N TIN GDON (Selina) , C ountess of. The L ife and Times of SelinaC ountess ofHuntingdon. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 889.



Notes onthe State of Virginia. 8° Land. 1 787 .

JEN N ER (Dr . v. BARON .

JEPHSON A Discourse concerningthe Religious O bservation of the Lord’

s Day, both Doctrinal and Practical. 8° Land.

1 7 87 .

JEsu Societas . Aphorismes, ou Sommaires de la Doctrine des Jésuites, etde quelques autres leurs Docteurs. 8° 16 10.

INVERN Izrns (Ph ilippus) : v. ARISTOPHAN ES .JOHN SON (Geo . Memoirs of John Selden, and N otices ofthepolitical C ontest during his Time . 8° Land. 1 885 .

JOHN SON Qua stiones Philosophicae in justi Systematis O rd inem dispositae ; Auctoribus adductis, etsingulis in prOpriasHypotheses dispertitis . Ad calcem subjicitur Appendix de Legibus Disputandi. 1 2 ° C antab. 1 7 35 .

JOHN STON E (John). The Works of Samuel Parr , LL .D., Prebendary of St. Paul’s , C urate of Hatton, &c., wi thMemoirs of his

L ife and Writings , and a Selection from his C orrespondence.

8 vol. 8° Land. 1 82 8.

JON ES (John). TheMoral Tendency ofD ivine Revelation assertedand illustrated in Eight Discourses preached before the University of Oxford, 1 82 1 , atthe Lecture founded bythe Rev. JohnBampton. 8° Oxf . 1 8 2 1 .

JON ES The C atholic Doctrine of a Tr inity proved by abovean hundred shor t and clear Arguments , expressed in the Termsofthe Holy Scripture. 8° Land. 1 810.

JON ES (Sir The Works of Sir William Jones. 6 vol. 4°

Land. 1 799.

Memoirs of the L ife, Writings and C orrespondence of


Sir William Jones, by Lord Teignmouth. 2 nd edit. 4° Land.

1 806 .

JUN Ius ; including Letters bythe same Writer , under other s ignstures (now first collected) ; to which are added, his C onfidentialC orrespondence with Mr . Wilkes , and his pr ivate L e tters ad

dressed toMr. H. S.Woodfall , with a Preliminary Essay , N otes,Fac- Similes, &c. 8 vol. 8° Land. 1 81 2 .

Jq NALIS (Decius Junius) : v.MADAN .

Satire: XVI. ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensitm, Va

rietste Lectionum, perpetuoque C ommentario illustrata etIndiceuberr imo instructae 5.Ge . A lex . Ruperti , quibus adjectae sunt A .

Persii Flacci Satira , ex Recensione etcum N otis G. L . Kmnig.

2 vol. 8° Gla sgow, 182 4- 5 .

KEAC II The Jewish Sabbath abrogated : or the Sabbatarians confuted. 8° Land. 1 700.


KEMPIS (Thomas is) : v.MILBOURN E.

An Abstract from an English Edition of theMed i tations ofThomas aKempis, on the L ife and Loving Kindness of JesusC hr ist, by T. S. 1 2 ° Land.

KEN N (Dr . Thos. Bishop of Bath and Wells. A C rown of Glory,the Reward ofthe Righteous. 8° Land. 1 7 2 5 .

KEN RICK (John). Index of Quotations from Greek Authors con

tained inthe Fifth Edition of Blomfield’

s Translation ofMatth ia ’


Grammar. 8° Land. 1 888

A Grammar ofthe Latin Language by C . G. Z umpt; translated from the German, wi th Add itions by the Rev. John K enr ick ,M.A . 4th Edition. 8° Land. 1 886.

Exercises of Latin Syntax , adapted to Z umpt’

s Grammar.3 rd Edi t. 8° Land. 1885 .

A Key to Exercises on Latin Syntax ; adapted to Z umpt’


Grammar ; to which are added, Extracts from the Wr i tings ofMuretus. 8rd Edit. 8° Land. 1 83 4.

An Introduction to Greek Prose C omposition Par t I . 2 nd

Edition. 1 2 ° Land. 1886 .

A Key to the Introduction to Greek Prose C ompos i tion ;Part 1. 1 2 ° Land. 1 887 .

An IntroductiontoGreek Prose C omposition ; Part II . Syntax.

8° Land. 1834.

A Key to the Introduction of Greek Prose C ompos i tion ;Part II . 1 2 ° Land. 1 885 .

A copious GreekGrammar, by AugustusMatthiaa ; translatedfromthe German, by Edward Valentine Blomfield,M.A . ; editedand enlarged by John Kenrick , M.A . 5th Edit. 2 vol. 1 887 .


rodotus : being the Second and part of the third Books of his


LELAND (Dr . John). A View of the principal DeisticalWri terswith an Appendix by W. L . Brown , D.D. ; and an Introductioncomprising a succinct View ofthe subsequentHistory ofthe C ontroversy, by C yrus R. Edmonds. 8° Land. 1 887 .

LEMESURIER The N ature and Guilt of Schism cons idered,wi th a particular Reference tothe Principles ofthe Reformation,in Eight Sermons preached beforethe University ofOxford , 1 807 ,atthe Lecture founded by the Rev. John Bampton . 8° Land.

1 808.

LEN EANT (Jaques). Histoire du C oncile de C onstance. 2 tom. 4°

Amst. 1 7 2 7 .LEOMagnus . Exercitationes in universa S. LeonisMagn i opera,pertinentes ad Histories Hmresium Manichaeorum, Priscillianistarum, Pelagianorum, atque Eutychianorum, &c. Fol. Ram ,

1 65 1 .

L EPSIU S (Dr . Palaographie alsMittel ftir die Sprachforachung Z uniichstam Sanskrit nachgewiesen. 8° Berlin , 1884.

LESLIE (Sir John) : v. DISSERTATION S.LESLY (John). The Parasynagogue Paragorized. 1 2 ° Land . 1 655.

LETTRES édifiantes etcur ieuses , écri tes des Missions étrangers.2 6 vol. 1 2 ° Par . 1 780—8.

LEXICON . Lex icon Technologies Graecorum Rhetoricae congessitetAnimadversionibus illustravitJo. C hrist. Theoph . Ernesti. 8°Lips. 1 795 .

Lexicon Technologise Latinorum Rhetoricae, &c. 8° L ips.1 797 .

L IN DSAY (John). The N ew Testament of our Lord and SaviourJesus C hrist ; carefully and diligently compared wi ththe O riginalGreek, andthe severalTranslations of i t. Fol . Land. 1 83 6 .

L ISTER (J . L ife and Administration of Edward, firs t Earl ofC larendon ; wi th original C orrespondence , and authentic Papersnever before published. 8 vol. 8° Land. 1 83 8.

L IVERPOOL C ON TROVERSY . Un itarianism confuted : a Series of Leetures delivered in C hrist C hurch , L iverpool, in 1 889, by thir teenC lergymen ofthe C hurch of England. 8° L iverpool, 1 889.

Unitar ianism defended : a Ser ies of L ectures by three Protestant DissentingMinisters of L iverpool ; in Replyto a C ourseof Lectures, entitled Uni tarianism C onfuted.

”8° L iverpool,

1 83 9.

L IVIU S (Titus). Historiarum L ibr i qui supersuntomnes, etdeperditorum Fragmenta ex recensione Am .Drakenborchii, passim re

ficta cum Indice rerum locupletissimo. Accessi t pra ter VarietatemLectionumGronovianae etC revierianae, Glossarium Livianum,

curante Augusto Guilielmo Ernesti. Editio quarta, emendata ab

Joanne Theophilo Kreyssigio. 5tom. 8° L ips. 18 2 8.

LOCKE (John). The Reasonableness of C hr istianity, as de l ivered inthe Scr iptures : to wh ich are added, An Essay on the U nder

standing of St. Paul’s Epistles ; and a D iscourse on Miracles.1 2 ° Land. 1 83 6 .

LorET (C ape1). Paradise Lost : a Poem in twelve Books ;the Author,


JohnMilton. Printed fromthe Firs t and Second Editions collatedthe or iginal system of O rthography restored ; the Punctuationcorrected and extended, with various Readings and Notes, chieflyRhythmical. 4° Bury St. Edmond’

s , 1 79 2 .

LOGAN (John). Sermons. 2 vol. 8° Edinb. 18 2 2 .

LUCKE (G C . Grundri ss der N eutestamentlichen Hermeneutik und Ihre Gesch ichte 8° Gottingen, 1 81 7 .

C ommentar iiber die Schr iften des Evangelisten Johannis.4 vol. 8° Bonn. 1882 —86.

LYDIU S (Johannes v . BARN s.

M. (G ). The Expiation of a Sinner , in a C ommentary upon theEp istle tothe Hebrewes. Fol. Land. 1646.


Vindicia Gallica ; Defence of the French Revolution and

its English Admirers, against the Accusations of the Rt. Hon.

Edmund Burke , including some Str ictures onthe late ProductionofMons . De C alonne . 8° Land. 1 791 .

The History of England. 3 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 183 0—1 .

History of the Revolution in England , in 1 688. 4° Land.

1 834.

Memoirs ofthe L ife of Sir JamesMackintosh , edited by hisSon Rober t JamesMackintosh, Esq. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 835.

A View ofthe Reign of James IL , from his Accession totheEnterprise ofthe Pr ince of O range. 4° Land. 1886 .

Dissertation on the Progress of Ethical Philosophy, dur ingthe Seventeenth and Eighteenth C enturies , wi th a Preface bytheRev. WilliamWhewell, M.A . 2 nd Edit 8° Edinb. 1 887.MADAN (M). A new and li teralTranslatton of Juvenaland Per

s ius. 2 vol. 8° Oxf. 1 807 .

MAGAZ IN E. The C ongregational Magazine . 1 6 vol. 8° Land.

1 82 5 - 40.

MALLET De la Lecture de l’Ecriture Sainte contre lesParadoxes extravagans etimpies de M. Mallet. 8° Anvers,1 680.


MA N A SSES Breviar ium Historicum, ex InterpretationeJoannis Leunclavn , cum ejusdem, etJoannes Meursii N otis.AcceditVariarum Lectionum L ibellus , cura Leon is Allatii, etC aroli Annibalis Fabroti. Fol. Venet. 1 7 2 9.

MA N DERVILLE The Fable of the Bees. 2 vol. 8° Land.

1 78 2 .

MAN T (Dr . An Appealtothe Gospel; or an Inquiry intothe Justice of the C harge alleged byMethodists and other Ohjectors, thatthe Gospelis notpreached by the N ationalC lergy ;


in a Ser ies of Discourses delivered beforethe Umve rsrtof Ox

ford, 1 8 1 2 , atthe Lecture founded by the Rev. JohnBamptonFourth Edition. 8° 0i 1 818.

MAN T (Dr . History ofthe C hurch of Ireland from theReformation tothe Revolution ; with a Preliminary Survey, fromthe PapalUsurpation in the Twelfth C entury to its legalAbolition inthe Sixteenth. 8° Land. 1 840.

MAN UTIU S (Aldus) : v. GAURIC UI .

MARCO POLO. The Travels ofMarco Polo, a Vene tian in theThirteenth C entury ; being a Descr iption by that early Traveller,of remarkable Places and Things, in the Eastern Parts of theWorld ; translated from the Italian, wi th Notes, by WilliamMarsden, F.R.S. 4° Land. 1818.

MARK IEWIcz Decima C leri Secularis in regno Polonim defeuan, contra exemtiones Patrum Societatis. 4° Par . 1644.

Polona Decimarum pro Patribus Soc. Jesu etaliis Regularibus , contra Libellum a JoanneMarcheuicio evulgatum. 4° Ram.

1 647.

MARSH (Herbert) , Bishop of Peterborough. The History ofthePoliticks of Great Bri tain and France, fromthe Time ofthe Canference atPillnitz tothe Declaration of War against Great Britain. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1800.

MARSHALL (John). The L ife of George Washington, C ommanderin C hief of the American Forces during the War wh ich establishedthe Independency of his C ountry, and Firs t President ofthe United States. 5 vol. 8° Land. 1804—7 .

MARSHMAN A Defence oftheDeity and Atonement ofJesusC hrist; in Reply to Rammohun Ray, of C alcutta. 8° Land.

l82 2 .

MARTIN (R.Montgomery). History ofSouthern Africa ; comprisingthe C ape of Good Hope,Mauri tius , Seychelles, &c. 1 2 ° Land.

1 83 6.

History of Nova Scotia, C ape Breton,the Sable Islands, N ewBrunswick, Pr ince Edward Island,the Bermudas, N ewfoundland,&c. 1 2 ° Land. 1 887.

History ofthe British Possessions in the Indian and A tlanticOceans ; comprising C eylon, Penang, Malacca, Sincapore , theFalkland Islands, St. Helena, Ascension, Sierra Leone , the Gambia, C ape C oast C astle , &c . 1 2 ° Land. 1 83 7 .

History of the Br itish Possessions in the Med i terranean ;comprising Gibraltar, Malta, Gaza, andthe Ionian I slands. 1 2 °

Land. 1887 .

History of the Possessions of the Honourable East IndiaC ompany. 2 vol. 1 2 ° La nd. 1887 .

History ofthe West Indies ; compr ising Jamaica , Honduras,Trinidad, Tobago , Grenada, the Bahamas, and the Virg in Isles.2 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 183 7 .

History, Statistics , and Geography of Upper and L ower Osnada. 2 nd Edit. 1 2 ° L and. 1 838.

History of Austral- Asia ; compr ising N ew South Wales, Van


Mom mas : v .MOULIN .


MONK DulceafAlbemarle. Memoirs ofGeorgeMonk Dukeof Albemarle, from the French of M. Guizot ; translated and

edited, with additional N otes and Illustrations, bythe Hon. J.StuartWortley. 8° Land. 1888.


MOORE Memoirs of the L ife of the Rt. Hon. RichardBrinsley Sheridan. 8rd Edit. 2 vol. 8° Land. 182 5.

MORATA (O lympia Fulvia). O rationes, Dialogi, Epistole , C ar

mina.tam Latina quam Grazes . 8° Bas. 1 56 2 .

Her Times, L ife and Wr itings. 8° Land. 1 884.

MORER A Discourse in six Dialogues, onthe N ame, Notion, and Observation ofthe Lord’

s Day. 8° Land. 1 701 .

MORGAN (Hector Davies). A compressed V iew of the ReligiousPr inciples and Practices of the Age ; or, a Tr ial of the C hiefSpiritsthat are inthe World bythe Standard ofthe Scriptures ;attempted in EightSermons preached before the Un ivers ity ofOxford, 1819, atthe Lecture founded bythe Rev. John Bampton.8° Oxf. 1 81 9.MORREs EightSermons preached beforethe University ofOxford, 1 791 , atthe Lecture founded by the Rev. John Rampton. 8° Oxf. 1 791 .

MosnEnt(John Laurence). C ommentaries on the Affairs of theC hristians beforethe T ime of C onstantinethe Great : translatedfromthe Latin by Robert Studley Vidal. 8 vol. 8° Land. 1 8 18- 85.

MOULIN : v.MO I JNB US.MOYSEY (Dr . C . The Doctrines of Unitarians examined , as

Opposedtothe C hurch of England, in Eight Sermons preachedbeforethe Universi ty of Oxfizrd, 1 818, atthe Lecture founded bythe Rev. John Bampton. 8° Oxf. 1 81 8.MU IRHEAD (James Patrick) : C . ARAGO.MULLER (C . The History and Antiquities ofthe Dor ic Racetranslated fromthe German , by Henry Tufnell, Esq. and George

C ornwallLewis, Esq. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 83 9.

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premier. 8° Par. 1 884.

MUTUUH. Elenchus EKGEBEfl z de Mutuo : ex JurisprudentieMethodicm Partitionibus elementariis, Johan. Ottonis Tabor. 8°

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Disquisitio de Mutuo, qua probatur non esse Alienationem ;Auctore S. D . B 8° Lugd. Bat. 1 645 .

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N ARES A View Ofthe Evidences of C hristianity attheC lose ofthe pretended Age ofReason in Eight Sermons preachedbefore the University of Oxford , atSt.Mary ’

s , 1805 , atthe Leeture founded bythe Rev. John Bampton. 8° Owj. 1 805 .

N EAN DER Geschichte der Pflanzung und Lei tung der C hristlichen Kirche durch die Apostel. 2 vol. 8° Hamb. 1 882 - 84.

A llgeme ine Geschichte der C hr istlichenReligion und Kirche.4 vol. in VIII parts. 8° Hamb. 1 83 5 .

N EVE (Dr . Timothy). Eight Sermons preached beforethe University of Oxford, 1 78 1 , atthe Lecture founded bythe Rev. JohnBampton. 8° Oxf. 1 78 1 .

BWC OME The History of the Ancient and Royal Foundation called the Abbey of St.Alban, inthe C ounty of Hertford,from the founding thereof in 798 to its dissolution in 1 589. 4°

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N OLAN (Dr . The Analogy of Revelation and Science established ; in a Series of Lectures del ivered beforethe Universi ty ofOxford , 1 888, atthe Lecture founded bythe Rev. John Bampton. 8° C Tf . 1 888 .

The C atholic C haracter of C hristianity, as reco ised bytheReformed C hurch , in opposition tothe corruptTra itions of theC hurch of Rome . 1 2 ° Land. 1 889.

N OTT (Geo. Freder ick). Religious Enthusiasm considered ; inEight2 E 2

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Sermons preached beforethe University of Oxford, 1 802 , attheLecture founded bythe Rev. John Bampton. 8° Owj. 1 808.

N OYES (George A new Translation ofthe Hebrew Prophets ;arranged in C hronological O rder. 8 vol. 1 2 ° Boston. N . E.

1 888—7

N ew Translation ofthe Book of Job ; wi th an Introduction,and N otes ch iefly explanatory. 2 nd Edit. 1 2 ° Boston, N .E.

1 83 8.

N UGEN T (Lord). Some Memorials of John Hampden, h is Party,and his Times. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 882 .

N UREIIBERG. The Nuremberg C hronicle. Fol. 1493 .

OGILVIE (C harles The D ivine Glory manifested in the C onduct and Discourses of our Lord. Eight Sermons preached beforethe U niversity of Oxford, 1 886 , atthe Lecture founded bythe Rev. John Bampton, M.A . 8° Oxf. 1 886.

O LDEIELD (T. H. The representative History of GreatBritain and Ireland ; being a History of the House of C ommons,and of the C ounties, C ities, and Boroughs of the United Kingdom. 6 vol. 8° Land. 181 6.

O PIN ION S. Essays onthe Formation and Publication of Opinions,and on other Subjects. 8° Land. 182 6.

OWEN (Dr . John). Exerci tations concerning the Name , O riginal,N ature, Use and C ontinuance of a Day of Rest. 1 2 ° Land.

1 67 l.

A Practical Exposition onthe cxxx‘h Psalm. 4° Land . 1 680.

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edi ted bythe Rev. J. W. Brooks. 1 2 ° Land. 182 9.

OKEORD. Tracts for the Times, byMembers of the Un iversity ofOxford. 4 vol. 8° 1888—9.

PACHYMBRBS Andronicus Palmologus : sive Histor ia Rerum ab Andronico Seniore in Imper io gestarum usque ad Annumejusmtatiaundeqninquagesimum Gr . Lat. e BibliothecfiBarberinfi ; interprete Petro Possino. 2 tom. Fol. Venet. 1 7 2 9

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PAGAN S. A Parallelof the Doctrine ofthe Pagans, withthe Doctrine of the Jesui tes ; and thatof the C onsti tution U nigenitusissued by Pope C lement XI. 8° Dublin, 1 7 2 6 .

PALEREY (Dr . John Gorham). AcademicalLectures onthe JewishScriptures and Antiquities. 2 vol. 8° Boston, N .E 183 8- 40.

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N ature ofO riginalSin, BaptismalRegeneration, Repentance , &c.8° Land. 1 747 .


PETITPIERRE (F. Thoughts onthe Divine Goodness, relativeto the Government of Moral Agents, particularly d isplayed inFuture Rewards and Punishments : translated from the Frenchof Ferdinand O liver Petitpierre . 8° Bath, 1 788.

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8 parts. 8° Land. 1 8 2 7 - 89.

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1 7 1 9.

PHILIPPS (Fabian) Veritas inconcussa : or, a most cer tain Truthasserted , thatn C harles I . was noMan of Blood, butaMartyrfor his People . 1 2 ° Land. 1 660.

PHILLIPS (S. Sta te Trials ; or , a C ollection of the mostinteresting Trials prior to 1688, reviewed and illustrated . 2 vol.

8° Land. 1 8 2 6 .

PHILOSTRATUS : v. BLOUN T.PHIORAVAN T Three exact Pieces of Leonard Phioravant,Knight and Doctor in Physick ; viz . his Rationall Secrets and

C hirurgery reviewed and revived. Together wi th a Book of ex

cellentExperiments and Secrets. Whereunto is annexed Paracelsus, his one hundred and fourteen Experiments wi th certainexcellent Works of B. G. 5 Portu Aquitano. Also Isaac Hollandus, his Secrets concerning his Vegetalland AnimallWorkwith Quercetanus, his Spagyrick Antidotary for Gun - Shot. 4°

Land. 1 65 2 .

PIGN ORIUS De Servis, eteorum apud veteresMinisternsC ommentarius. 1 2 ° Awst.

PIN DARU S . Opera qua: supersunt. Textum in genuina metra, etexfide librorumMSS. doctorumque conjecturis recensuit; Adnotationes C riticas , Scholia integra, Interpretationem Latinam, C om

mentarium perpetuum etIndices adjecitA . Boeckhius. 2 vols.in 4 parts. 4° L ips. 181 1

—2 2 .

PITT (William) , Earlof C hatham. C orrespondence ofWilliam Pitt,Earl of C hatham. Edited bythe Executors of his Son, John,Earlof C hatham. and published from the O riginalManuscriptsin their possession. 4 vol. 8° L and. 1 888 .


PLAYPA IR (John) : O. DISSERTATION S.PO IRET C ogitationum Rationalium de Deo, Animi , etMala,L ibr i Quatuor . 4° Awst. 1685 .

POLWHELE Traditions and Recollections , Domestic, C ler ical,and L iterary ; in which are included Letters of C harles II C romwell, Fairfax, &c. 2 vol. 8° Land. 18 2 6 .

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e). The L ife and Times of Saint C yprian. 8°

w. 1 840.


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POPPO (Ern. v. THUCYDIDES.PORTA (Pe trus Dominicus Rosius dc). His toria ReformationisEcclesiarum Raeticarum. 2 vol. 4° C ur . East. 1 77 1 .

PORT - ROYAL. Divers Actes, Lettres etRelations des Religieuses dePort- Royaldu SaintSacrament. 4°

POWELL (Baden). The connexion of Naturaland D ivine Truth ;or, the Study ofthe inductive Ph ilosophy, considered as subser

v ientto Theology . 8° Land. 1 888.

PRELATES. A Breviate of the Prelates intollerable U surpations,both uponthe King

s Prerogative Royall, andthe Subjects L iberties. 4° 1 687 .

PRIDEAUx (Johannes). O rationes novem inaugurales de totidemTheologie Apicibus. 4° Oman. 1 6 2 6 .

PRIESTCRAPT. MentalWander ings ; or , Fragments on Priestcraftand Superstition. 1 2 ° Liverpool, 1 81 9.

PRIESTLEY (Dr . Memoirs of Dr. Joseph Pr iestley, to theyear 1795 , wri tten by himself ; with a C ontinuation, to the timeof his decease , by his Son, Joseph Priestley ; and O bservationson his Writings, by Thomas C OOper, President - Judge of the 4thD istr ict of Pennsylvania, andthe Rev. William C hristie. 2 vol.

8° Land. 1806 .

1 2 ° Land. 1 809.

The Rudiments of English Grammar a C ourse of Lecturesonthe Theory of Language and UniversalGrammar , with Additions by Dr. K ippis ; and Lectures on O ratory and C r i ticism ;wi th N otes and an Appendix, by J . T. Rutt. 8° Land. 1 82 6.

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8° Land. 1887

PROCOPIU S Cwsariensis. Opera : Gr Lat. ; interprete C laudioMaltre to : cum supplementis VaticanIs, 8: locorum aliquot Emendationibus. 2 Tom. Fol. Venet. 1 7 2 9.

PRYN N E The Perpetuitie of a regenerateMans Estate. 4°

Land. 1 6 2 6 .

A new Discovery of the Prelates Tyranny, in their late prosecutions of Mr . William Prynne , Dr. John Bastwick, and Mr.Henry Burton. 4° Land. 1 641 .

The Treachery and Disloyalty of Papiststo their Soveraignesin Doctr ine and Practice . 4° Land. 1 648.

The Soveraigne Power of Parliaments and Kingdomes : or,Second Par t of the Treachery and Disloyalty of Papists to theirSoveraig nes. 4° Land. 1 648.

The Third Part ofthe Soveraigne Power, &c. 4° Land. 1648.

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1 643 .

Independency examined and refuted. 4° Land. 1644.

C oncordia discors. 4° Land. 1 659.

Ten considerable Queries concerningT i thes 4° Land. 1 659.

A Gospel Plea forthe Lawfulness and C ontinuance ofthe an



cient settled Maintenance and Tenths of the Ministers of theGospel . 4° Lond. 1660.

PRYN N E A moderate , seasonable Apology for indulgingjust C hr istian L iberty to truly tender C onsciences , conformingtothe Publike Liturgy, in notbowing at, or tothe N ame of Jesus.4° Land. 1 66 2 .

A br ief relation of certaine special]and most materiallPassages and Speeches inthe Starre C hamber , occasioned and deliveredthe 4th ofJune 1 687 , atthe C ensure of Dr . Bastwick, Mr.Burton , andMr. Prynne. 4°



PYE Moses and Bolingbroke ; a Dialogue . 4° Land . 1 765 .

The Mosaic Theory ofthe Solar , or Plane tary System. 4°

Land. 1 766 .

PYN CHON The T ime whenthe First Sabbath was ordained.4° Land. 1654.


QU IN CY (Dr . Josiah). The History ofHarvard University . 2 vol.

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RAN KE (Leopold) : 17. AU STIN .

RASCHE (Joa. Lexicon Universe Rei N ummariae veterum, etpraecipué Graecorum etRomanorum ; Supplementisemendationibusque auxitJoa. C hristoph. Rasche . Praefatus estC hrist. Gottl. Heyne. 9 vols. in xrv parts. 8° L ips. 1 785—1 806.

RASK IU S (R. Lexicon Islandico - Latino- Danicum Biiirnanis

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RAVISIUS (Joannes). Joannis Ravisn Textoris N iuernensis non vul

garis eruditionis Epistola: 1 2 ° 1 5 2 9.

RECORD C OMMISSION . Inquisitionum in Oflicio Rotulorum C ancellarie Hibernim asservatarum Repertorium. 2 vol. Fol. 18 2 6- 9.

Rotulorum patentium etClausa rum C ancellariae HiberniaC alendarium. Vol. I . Pars 1 . Hen. II. - Hen . VII. Fol. 1 82 8.

The Antient Kalendars and Inventories ofthe Treasury ofHisMajesty’

s Exchequer ; together with other Documents illustratingthe History of that Repos itory ; collected and edi ted by SirFrancis Palgrave. 3 vol. 8° 183 7 .

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REVOLUTION . The Secret History oftheHappyRevolution in 1688humbly Dedicated to HisMost GraciousMajesty King George ,bythe PrincipalTransactor in i t. 8° Land. 1 7 15 .

RHEIs s : v. BIBLE .

RHIND An Apology for Mr . Thomas Bhind. 8° Edinb.

17 1 2 .

RICHARDS (George). The D ivine origin of Prophecy illustrated and

defended ; in a C ourse of Sermons preached before the University of Oxford, 1800, atthe Lecture founded bythe Rev. JohnBampton. 8° Oxf. 1800.

RICHWORTH Dialogues. 1 2 ° Par . 1648.

RIDDLE (J . AManualof C hristian Antiquities ; or , an Accountofthe C onstitution, Ministers , Worship, Discipline , and C ustoms

ofthe Ancient C hurch , particularly duringthe Third , Four th , andFifth C enturies : to which is prefixed an Analysis oftheWri tingsofthe Ante - N icene Fathers . C ompiled fromthe Works of Augusti and other Sources. 8° Land. 1 889.

RIVETUS Isagoge, seu Introductio generalis ad ScripturamSacram Veteris etN ovi Testamenti. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1 6 2 7 .

R11: (Sam.Wilton) . Brief Records of the Independent C hurch atBeccles, Suffolk. 1 2 ° Land. 1887 .

ROBERTSON (Dr . An A ttempt to explainthe words Reason,Substance , Person, C reeds , O rthodoxy, C atholic C hurch, Subscription, and Index Expurgatorius. 1 2 ° Land. 1 768 .

ROBIN SON (N icholas) . An Appendix tothe First Book ofthe C hr istian Philosopher , containing a Physica - Theological D iscourse on

the N ature , A ttributes, and Proper ties ofthe Serpent that temptedEve in Paradise. 8° Land. 1 742 .

ROGERS The L ife and C haracter of John Howe ; wi th an

Analysis of hisWr itings. 8° Land. 1 83 6 .

ROGERS An historical Account ofMr . Ragera’

s three years’

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ROHR (J . Briefe iiber den Rationalismus. 8° Aachen, 1 81 8 .

ROLAN D (J .M. Appel s l’

impartialc Postérité. 2 vol. 8°

Par . 1 7 95 .

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TheWorks of JeanneMarie Philipon Roland : containing herPhilosophicaland L iterary Essays, written previous to her Marr iage ; her C orrespondence and her Travels. 8° Land. 1800.

ROMILLY (Sir Samuel). Memoirs ofthe L ife of Sir Samuel Romillywr itten by h imself ; with a C orrespondence ; edited by his Sons.2 nd Edi t. 8 vol. 8° Land. 1 840.

ROSE (Hugh James) : a.MIDDLETON .

ROSENMU LLER (E. F. Scholia in Vetus Testamentum. Pars

octava, JeremiaeVaticinia etThrenos continens. 2 vol. 8° Lip s.182 6- 8.

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Dona Salamonis Scripta continens . 2 vol. 8° L ips. 1 82 9—80.

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ROWAN (Archibald Hamilton). Autobiography of Archibald Hamilton Rowan, Esq., with Additions and Illustrations by W. H.

Drummond , D.D . 1 2 ° Dublin, 1840.


Diary of Thomas Bur ton, Esq., Member in the Parliamentsof O l iver and Richard C romwell, from 1 656 to 1 659 : now firstpublished fromthe originalAutographManuscript : with an Introduction, containing an Account ofthe Parliament of 1 654 fromthe Journalof Guibon Goddard , Esq., M.P Edi ted and illustrated with N otes Historical and Biographical, by John TowillRutt. 4 vol. 8° Land. 1 82 8.


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s Treatise onthe Religious O hservance ofthe Lord’

s Day. 8° Land. 1 78 1 .

A Dissertation onthe Weekly Festivalofthe C hristian C hurch,in which the principalQuestions concerning Sunday andthe Sabbath are d iscussed. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 78.

An Inquiry into the Design of the C hristian Sabbath . 1 2 °

Land. 1 7 7 9.

Three Treatises in Defence ofthe Seventh- day Sabbath.

SA LLU STIU S (C aius C rispus). Opera qua exstant, recognovitnotisque criticis instruxitFranciscusDorotheusGerlach. 2 vol. in threeparts. 4° Basil. 1 8 2 8—7 .


SC HILTERU S (J De Pace religiosa L iber singularis. 8° A rgent.1 700.

SCHLEGEL (Aug. A C ourse of Lectures on Dramatic ArtandL i terature , by Augustus William Schlegel; translated from theO riginal German, by John Black . 2 nd Edit. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1840.


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The History of Egypt underthe Ptolemies . 4° Land. 1 888 .

SHAW Immanuel : or, a D iscovery of true Rel igion , as i timparts a l iving Principle in the Minds of Men. 1 2 ° Land.

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SHELLEY Mr. Wingate’

s Arithmetick ; conta ining a plainand famil iarMethod for attainingthe Knowledge and Practice of

C ommon Arithmetick. Fourteenth Ed ition. 8° Land. 1 7 2 0.

SHEPHERD (Dr . The Ground and C redibility ofthe C hristian Religion ; in a C ourse of Sermons preached 1 788 , before theUn iversi ty of Oxford, atthe Lecture founded bythe Rev . JohnBampton. 8° Land. 1 788.


SHERLOCK (Dr . A Preservative against Popery . 1 2 ° Land.

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Second Edition, with many additions. 1 2 ° Land. 1 840.

SMITH (Dr . Southwood). The Divine Government. 4th Ed ition.

1 2 ° Land. 1 82 6 .

SMITH (Sydney). TheWorks of Sydney Smi th . 4 vol. 8° Land.

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SMITH Remarks upon theManners , Rel igion , and Government ofthe Turks ; together with a Survey ofthe Seven C hurchesof Asia, as they now lye in their Ruines ; and a brief Descriptionof C onstantinople. 1 2 ° Land. 1 678.

SMYTH Lectures onModern History from the irruptionsofthe N orthern N ations tothe close ofthe Amer ican Revolution.

2 vol. 8° C amb. 1 840.

SOAMES An Inquiry intothe Doctr ines ofthe Anglo- SaxonC hurch in Eight Sermons preached beforethe Universi ty ofOxford, 1880, atthe L ecture founded bythe Rev . John Bampton.

8° 0i 1 880.

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SOPHOCLES. Sophoclis Tragoedia ad optimornm L ibrorum fidem

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mannus. 7 vol. 1 2 ° 1 8 2 8—88.

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Science Physical and Metaphysical with reference to somerecent Publications. 1 2 ° Land. 1 887 .

TALMUD Babylonicum integrum, ex sapientum scriptis etresponsiscompositum s Rabbe Asche , cum C ommentariis Jarch i etMaimonidis ; Hebraicé. 1 2 vol. 4° Amst. 1644.

TATHAM (Dr . Edward). The C har t and Scale of Truth , by whichto findthe cause of Error . Lectures read before the Un ivers ityof Oxford, atthe Lecture founded bythe Rev. John Bampton.

2 vol. 8° Ozf . 1 790.

TAYLOR (Edgar). The Suffolk Bar tholomeans : A memoir of theMinisterial and Domestic History of John Meadows ; ejectedunder the Actof Uniformi ty from the Rectory of O usden , in

Suffolk. 8° Land. 1840.

TAYLOR (John). The Scripture Doctr ine of O riginalSin , proposedto free and candid Examination. 8° Land. 1 740.

T YLOR (Richard) of N orwich. IndexMonasticus. Fol. Land.

DT7‘TID (WED). C um C ommentariis variorum. Fol.TEMPLE (Sir John). The Irish Rebellion ; or , an History oftheBeginnings and first Progress of the General Rebell ion raisedwithinthe Kingdom of Ireland : 1 641 . 4° Dublin , 1 7 1 8 .

TEMPLE (Sir Letters written by Sir W. Temple , and otherMinisters of State. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 700.

Memoirs of what past in C hristendom, fromthe War begun1 67 2 tothe Peace concluded 1 679. 8° Land . 1 700.

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TESTAMEN TUM N OVUM . Ulphila versio Gothica nonnullorum capitum Epistola Pauli ad Romanos ; cum C omment. F. A . Knittel.

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Hen. Steph. 1570.

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The N ew Testament ; collated wi ththe mostapprovedManuscripts ; With selectN otes in English , C r itical and Explanatory,by E. Harwood, D.D. 2 vol. 1 2 ° Land. 1 7 7 6

N ovum Testamentum Gra cum Domini Nostri J‘

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Text, and Notes C riticaland Explanatory. 5th Edit. 1 2 ° Land.1 8 19.

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s ione Jac. Griesbachn. 1 2 ° Land. 1 82 9.

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ward Burton, D.D. 2 vol. 8° Land. 1 885 .

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Land. 1886.

The Greek Testament; with English N otes, C ritical, Philological, and Exegetical bythe Rev. S. T. Bloomfield. 2 nd Edit.2 vol. 8° Land. 1886 .

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THEOPHAN ES . C hronographia ; Gr. Lat. ; itR. P. J. Goar. Fol.Venet. 1 7 2 9.

THEOPHYLAC TU S Simacatta . Historiarum L ib . VIII. Interpret.Jacobo Pontano studio etoperfi C . A . Fabroti. Fol. Venet.1 7 1 9.

THIERS (M. TheHistory ofthe French Revolution : translated,Wi th N otes and Illustrations from the most authentic Sources ;by Frederick Shoberl. 5 vol. 8° Land. 1888.

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