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Disclosure of five breakpoints in a complex chromosome rearrangement by microdissection and FISH

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56 Med Genet 1996;33:562-566 Disclosure of five breakpoints in a complex chromosome rearrangement by microdissection and FISH J J M Engelen, W J G Loots, J C M Albrechts, P C C Motoh, J-P Fryns, A J H Hamers, J P M Geraedts Abstract Microdissection and fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) were used to elu- cidate the nature of a complex chromo- some translocation, after GTG banding failed in the complete characterisation of the structural rearrangement between chromosomes 6 and 12. These chromo- somes were painted with chromosome specific paints and one of the chromosome regions involved in the translocation was isolated by microdissection. Ten copies of the microdissected region were collected with microneedles from GTG banded metaphases, transferred to a collecting drop, and amplified by means of DOP- PCR. The PCR product was labelled with biotin-14-dATP and used as a FISH probe for hybridisation to normal metaphase chromosomes and metaphase chromo- somes of the patients (microFISH). FISH with this chromosome region spe- cific painting probe and with chromosome band specific probes enabled the char- acterisation of a complex chromosome rearrangement with five breakpoints in two chromosomes. This resulted in the following karyotype: 46,XY,t(6; 12) (6pter -* 6q12: :12q24.1-+12qter;12pter-÷12ql3.3:: 6q16.2 --6q26::12q13.3-+ 12q24.1: :6ql2-* 6q16.2: :6q26-+6qter). (J Med Genet 1996;33:562-566) Key words: chromosome microdissection; complex chromosome rearrangement (CCR); degenerate oligo- nucleotide primer-PCR (DOP-PCR). A complex chromosome rearrangement (CCR) has been defined as an interchange comprising more than two chromosome breaks and re- ciprocal exchange of segments.1 Since in- terpretation of a CCR is often difficult when only standard GTG banding techniques are used, FISH with whole chromosome paints, developed by Pinkel et al' and Lichter et al,' is frequently used for characterisation of a CCR.i However, in the case reported here, the application of GTG banding and whole chromosome painting still did not characterise the CCR completely. MicroFISH is the phys- ical dissection of (GTG) banded chromosomes followed by DOP-PCR and subsequent FISH with the probe obtained. This method, developed by Meltzer et al9 and Deng et al,10 is successfully used to generate whole Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, University of Limburg, PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands J J M Engelen W J G Loots J C M Albrechts P C C Motoh A J H Hamers J P M Geraedts Centre for Human Genetics, University Hospital, Leuven, Belgium J-P Fryns Correspondence to: Dr Engelen. Received 28 September 1995 Revised version accepted for publication 26 January 1996 7- *4 0 a S4 . .4 _... *. " 0 Figure 1 Partial karyotype presenting normal GTG banded chromosomes 6 and 12 (left) and derivative chromosomes (right). Arrows indicate breakpoints, asterisks indicate points of reunion. I: _ .* 562 group.bmj.com on July 14, 2011 - Published by jmg.bmj.com Downloaded from

56 Med Genet 1996;33:562-566

Disclosure of five breakpoints in a complexchromosome rearrangement by microdissectionand FISH

J J M Engelen, W J G Loots, J C M Albrechts, P C C Motoh, J-P Fryns,A J H Hamers, J P M Geraedts

AbstractMicrodissection and fluorescence in situhybridisation (FISH) were used to elu-cidate the nature of a complex chromo-some translocation, after GTG bandingfailed in the complete characterisation ofthe structural rearrangement betweenchromosomes 6 and 12. These chromo-somes were painted with chromosomespecific paints and one ofthe chromosomeregions involved in the translocation wasisolated by microdissection. Ten copies ofthe microdissected region were collectedwith microneedles from GTG bandedmetaphases, transferred to a collectingdrop, and amplified by means of DOP-PCR. The PCR product was labelled withbiotin-14-dATP and used as a FISH probefor hybridisation to normal metaphasechromosomes and metaphase chromo-somes of the patients (microFISH).FISH with this chromosome region spe-cific painting probe and with chromosomeband specific probes enabled the char-acterisation of a complex chromosomerearrangement with five breakpoints intwo chromosomes. This resulted in thefollowing karyotype: 46,XY,t(6; 12) (6pter-*

6q12: :12q24.1-+12qter;12pter-÷12ql3.3::6q16.2 --6q26::12q13.3-+ 12q24.1: :6ql2-*6q16.2: :6q26-+6qter).(J Med Genet 1996;33:562-566)

Key words: chromosome microdissection; complexchromosome rearrangement (CCR); degenerate oligo-nucleotide primer-PCR (DOP-PCR).

A complex chromosome rearrangement (CCR)has been defined as an interchange comprisingmore than two chromosome breaks and re-ciprocal exchange of segments.1 Since in-terpretation of a CCR is often difficult whenonly standard GTG banding techniques areused, FISH with whole chromosome paints,developed by Pinkel et al' and Lichter et al,'is frequently used for characterisation of aCCR.i However, in the case reported here,the application of GTG banding and wholechromosome painting still did not characterisethe CCR completely. MicroFISH is the phys-ical dissection of (GTG) banded chromosomesfollowed by DOP-PCR and subsequent FISHwith the probe obtained. This method,developed by Meltzer et al9 and Deng et al,10is successfully used to generate whole

Department ofMolecular CellBiology and Genetics,University of Limburg,PO Box 616,6200 MD Maastricht,The NetherlandsJ J M EngelenW J G LootsJ C M AlbrechtsP C C MotohA J H HamersJ P M Geraedts

Centre forHuman Genetics,University Hospital,Leuven, BelgiumJ-P Fryns

Correspondence to:Dr Engelen.Received 28 September1995Revised version accepted forpublication 26 January 1996




. .4_...

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Figure 1 Partial karyotype presenting normal GTG banded chromosomes 6 and 12 (left) and derivative chromosomes

(right). Arrows indicate breakpoints, asterisks indicate points of reunion.


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Disclosure offive breakpoints in a complex chromosome rearrangement by microdissection and FISH






Figure 2 Der(12) chromosome (A) before, (B) during, and (C) after microdissection. The arrow points to thechromosome portion that is used for DOP-PCR.

chromosome painting probes,"1 region specificprobes,91213 and band specific probes.'415 Inclinical cytogenetics microFISH is used toidentify marker chromosomes""'9 and un-identifiable chromosome abnormalities.20We describe the use of microFISH in a case

in which chromosomes 6 and 12 are involvedin a CCR with five breakpoints (fig 1). Wholechromosome painting and microFISH werevery beneficial in identifying the rearrangedsegments. Additionally, FISH with centromerespecific and band specific probes was essentialfor the complete characterisation of the CCR.

Material and methodsCASE REPORTThe patient was an 18 year old male whosechromosomes were re-examined because of astrong suspicion of an unbalanced karyotype.Cytogenetic analysis at 3 years ofage had showna reciprocal translocation (6; 12) (qi 2;q24). Atthat time he was referred because of moderatedelay in psychomotor development. Now, atthe age of 18 years, he is a moderately mentallyretarded male with a normal phenotype. Theparents of the patient had normal karyotypes.

CYTOGENETICSChromosomes were prepared from peripheralblood lymphocyte cultures using a modificationof the synchronisation method of Dutrillauxand Viegas-Pequignot2l by treatment overnightwith thymidine, followed by incubation with5-BrdU for six hours and ethidium bromidefor one and a half hours before harvest. High

resolution banding was performed by treatmentwith trypsin followed by staining with Giemsato obtain a GTG banded pattern. A cell line isavailable.

MICRODISSECTION AND AMPLIFICATION OFCHROMOSOMAL DNAFor microdissection, routinely fixed (methanol:acetic acid 3:1) cell suspensions stored at- 20°C were used to prepare metaphasespreads on coverslips. The slides were rinsedin water and stored in 98% ethanol at - 20°C.Dissection of the distal region of the der(l2)chromosome (fig 2) was performed with glassmicroneedles controlled by a Narishige mi-cromanipulator (MO-202). Before use, theneedles and centrifuge tubes were treated withUV light for 30 minutes. The dissected chro-mosome parts were transferred to a 20 gl col-lection drop (containing 2501g/ml proteinase-K) in a 0 5 ml centrifuge tube. A fresh micro-needle was used for each dissection. BeforeDOP-PCR, the collection drop, containing 10copies of the dissected region, was incubated at37°C for 30 minutes (proteinase-K treatment)and at 90°C for 10 minutes (proteinase-K in-activation). PCR reactions were performed fol-lowing the protocol ofGuan et al'2 in a BiometraPersonal Cycler with a heated lid. PCR prod-ucts were analysed for yield and probe size(200-800 bp) on an agarose gel and stainedwith ethidium bromide. The PCR product wasprecipitated and purified with NH4Ac (4 molV1) and isopropanol, washed with ethanol (70%),and dissolved in 50 TO, 1E buffer (10 mmol/lTRIS-HC1/O 1 mmol/l Na2EDTA, pH 8-0).

FLUORESCENCE IN SITU HYBRIDISATION (FISH)The chromosome specific probes used areshown in the table.

Paints specific for chromosomes 6 and 12and labelled with biotin-1 1-dUTP were pur-chased (Oncor) and painting was performed






Chromosome specific probes used in the analysisChromosome region Probe Insert (kb) Reference

Cen 6 p308 3 00 22Cen 12 pal2H8 135 236q26 cCI6-60 40 Y Nakamura, personal communication6q27 cCI6-107 40 Y Nakamura, personal communication


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Engelen, Loots, Albrechts, Motoh, Fryns, Hamers, Geraedts

Figure 3 (A) Metaphase chromosomes of the patient after FISH with a chromosome 6 specific paint. (B) Metaphasechromosomes of the patient after FISH with a chromosome 12 specific paint. (C) Metaphase of a normal male afterFISH with the DOP-PCR probe generated from the der(12) chromosome. Arrows point to the signals on the q arm ofchromosomes 6. (D) Metaphase of the patient after FISH with the DOP-PCR probe generated from the der(12)chromosome. Signals are on the q arm of chromosome 6 and on the q arm of the der(12) chromosome. (E) Metaphase ofthe patient after FISH with centromere probes p308 (6) and pal2H8 (12) together with probe cCI6-60 specific forchromosome band 6q26. Arrows point to the signals on the q arm of chromosome 6 and the q arm of the der(12)chromosome. (F) Same as fig 3E with probe cC16-107 specific for chromosome band 6q27.

according to the manufacturer's specifications.FISH with the DOP-PCR product was per-

formed following the protocol of Pinkel et al4with only minor modifications. The centromere

specific and band specific probes were labelledby nick translation with biotin- 1 1-dATP. ForFISH with these probes the protocol of Lichteret al25 was followed. The slides were examined


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Disclosure offive breakpoints in a complex chromosome rearrangement by microdissection and FISH

with a Zeiss Axiophot microscope and photo-graphed using Scotchchrome 640 ASA colourslide film. Fig 3D was imaged with a CCDcamera (Metasystems).

ResultsCytogenetic re-examination of GTG bandedmetaphases showed a complex chromosomalrearrangement of chromosomes 6 and 12 inwhich at least four regions were involved (fig1). Painting with a chromosome 6 and a chro-mosome 12 specific paint confirmed this con-clusion (fig 3A, B). However, GTG bandingcombined with chromosome painting was notsufficient to characterise the distal region of theder(I 2) chromosome completely. Ten copies ofthe distal region of the der(I 2) chromosomewere collected by microdissection (fig 2) andthe probe that was generated by DOP-PCR washybridised to normal metaphase chromosomesand to metaphase chromosomes of the patient.Normal metaphases showed a signal in theregion 6q12 to 6q16.2 and a second signal inthe distal region of chromosome 6 (fig 3C).On metaphase chromosomes of the patient, thesame fluorescence pattern as described abovewas seen on the normal chromosome 6 and,as expected, a fluorescent signal was seen atthe distal end of the der(l 2) chromosome (fig3D). FISH with the probe cCI6-60 specific forchromosome band 6q26 showed that the probehybridised at the distal end of the normal chro-mosome 6. In the der(12) chromosome thecorresponding fluorescent spot was detected inthe middle of the q arm (fig 3E). Probe cCI6-107 specific for chromosome 6q27 hybridisedat the distal end of the normal chromosome 6and at the distal end of the der(l 2) chro-mosome (fig 3F).

DiscussionHigh resolution GTG banding is usually suffi-cient to identify chromosome translocations.However, for the clarification of complexchromosome rearrangements, FISH with chro-mosome painting probes is nowadays almostindispensable. At the moment painting probesare available for all chromosomes and their usehas led to a reinterpretation of the karyotypein at least one other previously reported casewith a CCR.5 In the present case, the combineddata ofGTG banding and chromosome paint-ing still left some doubt about the structureof the der( 12) chromosome. Microdissectionhas provided a means for characterisation ofchromosome bands and chromosome regions.Several laboratories have previously usedmicrodissection of GTG banded metaphasechromosomes to generate region specific lib-raries. The first studies used restriction en-donuclease digestion and DNA ligationsteps.26-30 Later, Meltzer et atl developed atechnique that eliminated the microchemistryprocedure by making use of a DOP-PCR andcloning procedure. Recently, Guan et al 1 3 15used DOP-PCR probes generated from mi-crodissected GTG banded chromosomes forchromosome (region) painting.

In our case, whole chromosome paintingdisclosed that at least six regions (and fourbreakpoints) were involved in this complexrearrangement. However, microFISH of thedistal region of the der(12) chromosomeshowed that this region originated from twodifferent segments of chromosome 6, namely6ql2-6ql6.2 together with a distal region of6q, thus disclosing a fifth breakpoint. FISHwith probes specific for chromosome bands6q26 and 6q27 further characterised this fifthbreakpoint in chromosome 6 between thesebands. The patient's karyotype is:46,XY,t(6;12)(6pter-+6q12::12q24.1 -÷12qter;12pter-*12ql3.3: :6ql6.2-+6q26: :12ql3.3-+12q24.1: :6ql2-+6ql6.2: :6q26-+6qter).As loss or gain of chromosomal material was

not detected, the mental retardation of ourpatient can best be explained by a small sub-microscopic deletion or by disruption of a geneor regulatory sequence caused by one (or more)of the five breakpoints. This assumption issupported by the increased risk of mental re-tardation and phenotypic abnormalities in car-riers of apparently balanced de novo reciprocaltranslocations3' or de novo CCRs32 33 whencompared with familial cases.

In summary, the use of chromosome paint-ing, microFISH, and FISH with band specificprobes showed a CCR of chromosomes 6 and12 in which five breakpoints were involved.The application of these techniques provides apowerful tool in the characterisation of con-stitutional and acquired complex structural ab-errations. Furthermore, the results of our studyshow that the generated DOP-PCR probe con-tains DNA sequences that span a breakpoint.Microdissection in combination with DOP-PCR and subsequent cloning will enable theisolation of sequences from translocationbreakpoints associated with genetic diseases orspecific forms of cancer that can be used inmetaphase and interphase cytogenetics and ingenome analysis.

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doi: 10.1136/jmg.33.7.562 1996 33: 562-566J Med Genet

 J J Engelen, W J Loots, J C Albrechts, et al. microdissection and FISH.chromosome rearrangement by Disclosure of five breakpoints in a complex

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