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Naturally acid waters from Copahue volcano, Argentina

J.C. Varekamp a,*, A.P. Ouimette b, S.W. Herman c, K.S. Flynn d, A. Bermudez e, D. Delpino f

a Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 06459, USAb The University of New Hampshire, Stable Isotope Laboratory, Spaulding Hall, Durham, NH 03824, USAc Department of Earth Science, University of California, Webb Hall, BLDG 526, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9630, USAd Geology Department, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616-8605, USAe Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientıficas y Tecnicas (CONICET), National University of Comahue, Neuquen, Argentinaf REPSOL-YPF, Dirección General de Exploración, Talero 360 – (8300) Neuquén, Argentina

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Available online 24 November 2008

a b s t r a c t

Volcanic acid sulfate–chloride brines form through absorption of volcanic vapors in shallow reservoirs ofmeteoric water. Reaction with surrounding volcanic rocks leads to partial neutralization of the fluids andprecipitation of secondary minerals. Chemical data of such acid waters from Copahue volcano, Argentina,covering 8 years of observations, show evidence for changes in composition related to water rock inter-action at depth prior to emergence of the fluids at the surface. The chemical composition changed dra-matically during the 2000 eruption of Copahue, with enhanced concentrations and fluxes of Mg, Na, Feand Al, followed in 2001 by rapidly declining concentrations and element fluxes. The subsequent 5 yearssaw more variable element ratios and strong depletions in K and Al. Most incompatible elements arereleased from the rock matrix stochiometrically, whereas some elements are enriched through vaporinput from the magma (As, Pb, Zn). Most fluids have LREE enrichments relative to the rock matrix, butduring periods of new magma intrusion the LREE enrichment decreases as does the magnitude of the neg-ative Eu anomaly in the fluids. These observations are interpreted assuming early dissolution of plagio-clase, olivine and volcanic glass that occurs during intrusion of new magma into the hydrothermalsystem. The high field strength elements are virtually immobile even in these hot acid fluids, with Nband Ta more so than Hf and Zr. The mobility of U and Th in these fluids is comparable, at variance withTh behavior in neutral fluids. The local rivers and lakes of Copahue are fertilized by volcanic dissolved P,and most surface waters with pH < 3 have high levels of As. The acid fluids from Copahue may be surficialanalogs for deep subduction fluids that evolve below zones of arc magma generation as well as for earlyMars environments that are thought to have had large acid lakes.

� 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Acid fluids are common contaminants in the industrial world,ranging from acid rain to acid mine drainage to industrial wastefluids (Schuiling, 1998). Many volcanic regions carry acidic watersthat are related to the oxidation of geothermal H2S to H2SO4 in theshallow environment (Schoen and White, 1965; Schoen et al.,1974; Africano and Bernard, 2000). Such fluids have pH values of2–3, are dominated by SO2�

4 but low in Cl. Another group of acidvolcanic fluids are SO4–Cl acid brines that are found in crater lakes,hot springs and the rivers that drain these source areas (e.g., Roweet al., 1992a,b; Kempter and Rowe, 2000; Sriwana et al., 2000;Varekamp et al., 2000; Delmelle and Bernard, 2000a,b; Delmelleet al., 2000; Gammons et al., 2005). In general, these acid fluidsform when magmatic gases such as SO2, HCl and HF are capturedby condensed volcanic waters with variable contributions of mete-

oric waters (e.g., Brimhall and Chiorso, 1983; Kusakabe et al., 2000;Varekamp et al., 2001; Symonds et al., 2001). The absorption of SO2

in water leads to its disproportionation according to3SO2 þ 2H2O! 2HSO�4 þ 2Hþ þ S, generating acidity and solid Sor liquid S when the temperature is high enough (Kusakabeet al., 2000; Symonds et al., 2001). These acid fluids then react withsurrounding rocks and acquire rock forming elements (RFE) andtrace elements. Some volatile trace elements may also be contrib-uted by the primary magmatic gases. Such deep-seated volcano-hydrothermal fluids may be expunged into crater lakes or throughhot springs, feeding naturally acidic rivers and lakes and loweringpH values down to zero (Rowe et al., 1995; Kempter and Rowe,2000; Sriwana et al., 1998; Delmelle and Bernard, 2000a,b; Gam-mons et al., 2005).

The composition of volcano-hydrothermal acid fluids probablyclosely mimics that of hydrothermal fluids in direct contact withmagmatic gases (Kusakabe et al., 2000). The changes in composi-tion of such fluids over time has been used to monitor ongoing vol-canic activity or forecast volcanic events (Giggenbach, 1974;

0883-2927/$ - see front matter � 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2008.11.018

* Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (J.C. Varekamp).

Applied Geochemistry 24 (2009) 208–220

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Giggenbach and Glover, 1975; Rowe et al., 1992b; Takano et al.,1994; Christenson, 2000; Martinez et al., 2000; Varekamp et al.,2001). The chemistry of these acid fluids may also provide insightsinto the composition of ore-carrying fluids and the alteration pat-terns that they may cause (Barnes, 1979; Hedenquist et al., 1994).

The acid fluids from Copahue were studied in detail for theircompositional variation during a volcanic eruption (Varekampet al., 2001), as expressions of water–rock interaction (Varekampet al., 2004), and for their changes in rare earth element (REE) con-tents during dilution and neutralization (Gammons et al., 2005).The evolution of Lake Caviahue and URA element fluxes were dis-cussed by Pedrozo et al. (2001, 2008) and Varekamp (2003, 2008).Here compositional variations of the main Copahue hot springs andcrater lake fluids over an 8-year period, which includes the periodof volcanic eruptions of Copahue in 2000 (e.g., Delpino and Bermu-dez, 2002) are discussed, and the Copahue fluids compared withdata from other acid volcanic fluids.

2. Geographic setting

Copahue volcano (37.5�S, 71�W, 2980 m above mean sea level)sits on the rim of the large �2 Ma Caviahue caldera in the provinceof Neuquen, Argentina (Bermudez and Delpino, 1995; Delpino andBermúdez, 1995; Varekamp et al., 2006). Copahue volcano (Fig. 1)has an acid crater lake (CPL, pH � 0.2–1.1) and acid hot springs (CP,pH � 0.3–2.4) near the summit that feed an acid river, the UpperRio Agrio (URA, pH � 0.5–2.5). This river discharges into a largeglacial lake (Lake Caviahue, CVL) that is acidified (pH � 2.1–2.7)and the Lower Rio Agrio (LRA; pH � 2.1–6) carries lake fluids out-side the Caviahue caldera (e.g., Ouimette, 2000; Fehn et al., 2002;Gammons et al., 2005; Parker et al., 2008). After its exit from thecaldera, ‘‘normal” rivers mix with the acid river, which leads tocopious precipitation of orange–red to bright yellow hydrous Fe-bearing mineral phases. The river then continues with a water fall(El Salto) and flows east down the flank of the old Caviahue vol-cano. The LRA then mixes with the Rio Norquin and is further di-

luted and neutralized to arrive with a pH � 6–8 near the town ofLoncopue to the South (Fig. 1). Many river boulders are colored dullred from episodic acidic pulses that reach these lower sections ofthe LRA during periods of high discharge from Lake Caviahue. Mud-pots, geothermal pools, and gas vents occur on the north side ofCopahue volcano, some with acidic waters, surface expressions ofa large underlying geothermal system (Mas et al., 2000).

3. Sampling methods

Water samples were collected in the field with van Dorn bottlesor large open bottles. The samples were filtered the same daythrough 0.2 lm filters, and the more concentrated fluids were di-luted either 26 times or 52 times. Almost all samples had field pHvalues <3, and these samples were not acidified. The more diluteriver samples with pH > 3 were acidified with HNO3 to a pH � 1.The temperature was measured in the field, together with the pH,either with a digital probe or with pH paper. The pH values reportedhere were re-measured in the lab at the local room temperature(22 �C) after calibration with pH standard fluids at 1, 4 and 7. Fluidswith measured pH values below 1 were estimated through chargebalance – speciation calculations with the ‘web-phreeq’ program(http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/webphreeq/), because measured pHvalues below one after calibration with NBS pH standards basedon the extended Debye–Huckel approximation can deviate stronglyfrom the ‘true values’ (e.g., Nordstrom et al., 2000). The pH valuesmeasured in the field at the local water temperature usually differfrom the laboratory pH measurements at 22 �C because the pHchanges during cooling as a result of changes in the SO¼4 ! HSO�4equilibrium (see Gammons et al., 2005, for a discussion). Small dif-ferences in pH values in low pH fluids represent large differences inH+ contents, and even if the pH measurements or calculations areprecise at the second decimal, errors in H+ activity can still be sub-stantial. Errors in H+ concentration (e.g., for charge balance calcula-tions) are even larger because of the uncertainties in activitycoefficients in these concentrated fluids.

Fig. 1. Copahue volcano and its watershed: Copahue hot springs (CP, 1) and Copahue crater lake (CPL, 1), inlet of the Upper Rio Agrio (URA, 2) into the north and south arms ofLake Caviahue (CVL, 3, 4), Lower Rio Agrio (LRA), Salto (waterfall) of the LRA, and confluence of the LRA with the Rio Norquin (modified after Gammons et al., 2005).

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The F–Cl–SO4 concentrations were analyzed by ion chromatog-raphy (Dionex) at Wesleyan University and aliquots were analyzedat Amherst College (MA) on a similar Dionex instrument for QA/QC.Samples were also analyzed for bulk S by ICP-AES at Wesleyan Uni-versity as well as at the CT Agricultural Experiment Station (NewHaven, CT, USA). The most concentrated samples were also ana-lyzed by gravimetry for total S (barite precipitation with the pre-cipitate washed in oxalic acid for Fe-oxide removal prior todrying and weighing). The observed variations in SO4 contentsfrom these various techniques ranged between 1% and 5%, butaveraged about ±1.5%.

Cations were analyzed by ICP-AES and ICP-MS at SGS MineralsServices (Ontario, Canada) and by ICP-AES at Wesleyan University.The major elements were taken from the ICP-AES analyses of di-luted aliquots, whereas the trace element data were used wherepossible from the ICP-MS analyses. In a few samples (e.g., mostURA samples) only ICP-AES data were available and these trace ele-ment analyses were used, although small systematic off-sets occurbetween ICP-MS and ICP-AES data from the same samples. The ICP-MS analyses of diluted and undiluted runs were compared andseemed satisfactory for most trace elements. Rocks were analyzedfor major elements by XRF at Wesleyan University and for traceelements (including the REE) by ICP-MS at SGS Minerals Servicesafter fusion with sodium peroxide and dissolution of the resultingglass in acid (Varekamp et al., 2006).

Many ‘hyper-acid’ fluids (pH < 1) have H+ contents that cover alarge range, and pH values are thus not a very suitable parameterto subdivide such fluids. Here the ‘degree of neutralization’(DON) of these fluids, a semi-quantitative parameter that com-pares the measured or calculated acidity with the original H+ con-centration based on its anion contents is used (Varekamp et al.,2000). The DON value is a reflection of the neutralization historyof a fluid that acquired its acidity through absorption of volcanicgases. The DON value (in %) equals 100�{100 � [H+] (measured orcalculated)/[H+] (original)} (see Varekamp et al., 2000 for furthercalculation details and approximations).

4. Chemistry of the Copahue volcanic acid fluids

4.1. General aspects

The acid Copahue-summit waters are acid Cl–SO4 brines withhigh contents of the RFE and the volcanogenic elements, S andthe halogens (Table 1) as well as a suite of volatile trace elements

such as Zn, Pb, Cu and As (Table 2). The fluids from the Copahuegeothermal system (Las Machinitas, Las Machinas, Copahue villagegeothermal pools; described by Ouimette, 2000) are Cl-poor, SO4-rich and mildly acidic, with modest amounts of RFE. These fluidsare largely heated meteoric waters and are not further consideredhere. The concentrations of the individual RFE in the Copahuesource fluids (Vertedero hot springs and crater lake – CP and CPL,respectively, in Fig. 1) range from 10 to 1000 s of mg/L (Table 1).The fluids have acquired these RFE through water–rock (W/R)interaction at depth, but despite the H+ consumption during thisprocess have remained very acid. The DON value as defined beforefor these fluids ranges from 9% to 99%, indicating that some ofthese waters with high RFE concentrations are still relatively‘immature’. The 2000 CP spring waters that are associated withthe eruptive period were closer to full neutralization and containedhigh concentrations of RFE, indicating enhanced W/R interactionbetween the hydrothermal fluids and a newly intruded magma(Varekamp et al., 2001). This higher level of maturity is also ex-pressed in the mineral saturation characteristics of the CP springfluids: the 1997–1999 waters were saturated with silica and gyp-sum/anhydrite, whereas the 2000 and later fluids were saturatedwith many more minerals, including jarosite, alunite and a suiteof Al–silicate minerals (Varekamp et al., 2004).

The reservoir temperature of the system was derived from the Sisotope equilibration between bisulfate and native S, and yieldstemperatures of 300–350 �C (Ouimette, 2000; Varekamp et al.,2004). The exact depth of the hydrothermal system is not known,but extrapolation of the liquid–vapor curve to �300 �C suggests aminimum depth of about 1500 m for a single phase system. Thiswould put the system within the roots of the modern Copahue vol-cano, which was built upon the older deposits of the Caviahue vol-canoes that are exposed in the caldera walls (Varekamp et al.,2006). The potential protoliths for W/R interaction are most likelythe basal Copahue rocks, for which compositions were reported inVarekamp et al. (2006).

The composition of Copahue crater lake differed in RFE fromthat of the Copahue hot springs before the 2000 eruption, but thetwo water types became much closer in composition after the lakehad reformed in 2001 after the 2000 eruption. The RFE concentra-tions in both the crater lake and CP hot springs changed stronglywith the eruption, e.g., the Mg concentrations went up while theK concentrations went down (Fig. 2a); the SO2�

4 concentrationsdropped in both water types after the eruption, and continued todo so in the years following (Fig. 2b).

Table 1pH and major element concentrations (lg/L) in Copahue (Vertedero) hot springs and crater lake by year.

Date pH F Cl SO4 Na Mg Al P K Ca Ti Mn Fe

Hot springs3/15/1997 0.4 nd 10,600 64,200 940 640 3870 64 790 1100 4.7 25 21903/20/1998 0.4 nd 10,200 64,000 1020 640 3690 51 930 1420 3.4 34 22701/06/1999 0.3 700 9800 65,400 910 500 3250 67 880 770 11.6 23 186011/26/1999 0.2 500 6800 45,400 520 300 1940 30 470 800 4.3 13 9707/16/2000 0.8 700 8400 51,400 1500 1870 5320 53 710 610 17.6 54 27801/17/2001 2.4 230 4300 30,900 900 960 2950 50 660 710 3.8 34 15803/21/2002 1.5 1300 7800 24,500 1180 2830 1720 11 190 860 1.1 95 35901/18/2003 1.7 750 6600 11,100 1010 1870 1010 3 60 600 0.1 70 21403/14/2004 2.3 840 9800 15,600 1540 1720 2210 10 130 680 0.3 71 261011/23/2004 1.5 220 3800 8800 540 640 1020 5 120 630 0.3 23 780

Crater lake3/15/1997 0.3 960 10,300 64,200 790 490 2700 33 640 810 3.0 20 13203/20/1998 0.3 840 8600 59,600 590 370 2020 25 480 800 2.6 15 9601/06/1999 0.3 720 8000 55,400 470 290 1560 20 390 850 3.2 13 80011/26/1999 0.2 950 9100 66,000 430 270 1490 20 370 840 5.0 13 7501/17/2001 1.1 230 4300 20,000 460 1830 360 2 50 450 0.7 50 17803/21/2002 0.6 740 9000 34,900 700 1430 1040 bd 80 680 1.6 48 21001/18/2003 0.6 970 14,500 31,700 1200 1470 2400 15 260 1020 2.7 52 189011/23/2004 0.8 520 6700 20,700 560 590 1190 11 170 900 1.5 22 760

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The elemental concentrations in the URA and Lake Caviahuewaters varied over the 8-year period, a result of variations in thecomposition and discharge rate of the CP source springs and thedilution with glacial meltwater. The Lake Caviahue water composi-tion is driven by the input compositions and flow rates of the URA,the Agua Dulce (R. Dulce in Fig. 1), and direct precipitation as wellas by the compositional momentum of the vast volume of lakewaters (non-steady state effects). The evolving composition of LakeCaviahue waters provides insight into the mean secular trends inelement fluxes, which complement the once a year spot samplesfrom the URA (Varekamp, 2008). The URA element concentrationsnear the entrance of Lake Caviahue are diluted versions of the con-centrated Copahue main spring fluids (CP), slightly modified byseveral near-neutral, concentrated tributaries on the mountain(Ouimette, 2000).

4.2. Major element variations

The Cl, F and SO4 concentrations in the springs, rivers and lakesare largely a function of the concentration of these substances in

the source fluids, the flow rates of the springs and the degrees ofdilution with meltwater. Fluoride probably behaves perfectly con-servatively (as shown by Gammons et al., 2005), whereas Cl shouldbe close to conservative as well. Small fractions of SO4 are precip-itated in gypsum and jarosite (URA) or reduced to sulfide in theLake Caviahue bottom sediment (Koschorreck et al., 2008).

Secular trends in the hot spring and crater lake RFE composi-tions before the 2000 eruptions show low pH values with high con-centrations of Al, K, Ca, Ti and P. These elements drop significantlyin concentration after the 2000 eruptions; the pH values rose in theCP fluids, whereas the crater lake remained very acidic. The Mg andMn concentrations increased during and after the eruptions(Varekamp et al., 2001), whereas the Fe concentrations show noclear time trends. The Mg concentrations in the hot spring fluidsare a direct reflection of the W/R interactions in the hydrothermalsystem, as no Mg-bearing minerals precipitate at these low pH val-ues at any of the observed or calculated temperatures. Elementfractionations in the URA, Lake Caviahue or further downstreamas a result of non-conservative behavior during travel throughthe landscape (Verplanck et al., 2004; see Gammons et al., 2005

Table 2Trace element data in lg/L for Copahue hot springs samples over time; bd = below detection.

3/15/1997 1/6/1999 11/26/1999 7/16/1900 1/17/2001 3/21/2002 1/18/2003 3/14/2004 11/23/2004

Ag 5 19 14 11 6 78 12 16 7As 4520 10,980 6500 6900 4330 7250 4110 5830 2910Ba 63 37 52 58 82 bd bd 110 47Cd 90 120 80 130 110 120 70 90 30Co 80 320 160 1460 600 180 230 110 110Cr 1540 2160 1090 6010 1750 750 330 710 520Cs 69 90 54 97 83 62 33 53 18Cu 170 530 220 750 730 440 120 40 140Hf 0.9 7.5 12 0.9 1.8 2.6 1.1 0.6 0.2Mo 2 3 2 7 3 bd 2 2 2Nb 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 bd 0.3 0.2 bdNi 550 860 630 2800 1210 390 380 200 250Pb 2290 3490 2200 1500 1900 1330 130 760 300Rb 1750 2350 1300 2030 1820 1350 810 1440 540Sc 720 860 530 980 750 810 430 790 290Sn 7 100 60 20 8 20 1 4 1Sr 15,400 21,000 14,300 17,100 16,500 9300 5700 6280 5870Ta 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.2 bd 0.3 0.2 bdTh 220 340 190 250 250 60 20 70 50U 46 93 50 70 67 18 7 17 24V 5250 6790 3910 8510 5590 5200 3230 4780 1880Y 550 840 540 780 710 810 520 560 310Zn 2450 2830 1860 4350 3200 10,100 4900 5120 1800Zr 140 2270 1650 320 390 160 40 10 6

Fig. 2. Compositions of Copahue hot spring (CP) fluids and Copahue crater lake (CPL) over time. (a) Change in K and Mg concentrations before and after the 2000 eruption, anda decrease in the difference between the two water types after the eruption. (b) Decrease in SO4 concentration in CP and CPL waters after the 2000 eruption and in the yearsfollowing.

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for a detailed discussion of the LRA) are not considered further, butthe focus here is mainly on the Copahue acid springs, URA and thecrater lake.

To assess the W/R interaction process, element ratio plots androck-normalized diagrams for the CP fluids are presented. Thesediagrams distinguish between pre- and post-2000 eruption rocksand fluids, assuming that the compositional changes in the fluidsduring the eruption were related to W/R interaction processes be-tween fluids and the magmatic rocks in the hydrothermal reservoir(Varekamp et al., 2001). The Copahue rocks (<0.8 Ma) are mainlybasaltic andesites, with the 2000 magma a relatively mafic olivine– clinopyroxene – plagioclase bearing rock (Varekamp et al., 2006).The underlying Caviahue sequence (>2.0 Ma) has a much widercompositional range, from basaltic andesites to rhyolites. A dacitefrom the Caviahue caldera wall is used as an example of an evolvedrock from the Caviahue series (Varekamp et al., 2006).

The pre-eruptive CP fluids have Mg/K and Mg/Al values thatoverlap with those of the more evolved pre-eruptive Copahuerocks, but plot well away from the Caviahue dacite (Fig. 3a). Thepost-eruptive fluids plot towards much more Mg-rich composi-tions, some compatible with element ratios in the 2000 magma,but also many fluids with higher Mg/element ratios than thosefound in the rocks. The fluids plot on an approximately linear trendwith Mg/K up to 30 (Fig. 3a). The Mg/K versus Na/Al plot shows asimilar pattern (Fig. 3b), but the Caviahue dacite now plots wellaway from the array of Copahue rocks and fluids. Once more, thepost-2000 fluids are more Na- and Mg-rich, plotting at much high-er element ratios than the rocks.

These binary diagrams and many others suggest that the rockprotolith for W/R interaction is most likely a stack of basal Copahuelavas or mafic lavas from the Caviahue series, which are commonat the top of that sequence (Varekamp et al., 2006). The moreevolved members (dacites/rhyolites) of the underlying Caviahuesequence are very unlikely protoliths. Lead isotope studies of theCP fluids indicated beyond doubt that the Pb in the Copahue springfluids was derived from the Copahue magmatic system and notfrom Pb leaching from the older Caviahue rocks (Varekamp et al.,2006). In the following discussion, therefore a compositional aver-age of 15 Copahue rocks is used as the hypothetical rock matrix forpre-2000 fluids and an average of six rock analyses of the 2000magma for the post-2000 fluids.

A comparison of element patterns in the pre-eruptive and post-eruptive CP fluids through simple normalization to the rock proto-liths shows that the pre-2000 fluids are depleted in Mg, Na, Ca andTi compared to Fe, Al, K and P. The Ca-depletion is most likely a re-

sult of gypsum/anhydrite precipitation, and the Ti depletion maybe the result of its poor aqueous mobility. The Mg–Na depletionmay reflect the maturity of the protolith: the most easily leachedelements Mg and Na (in olivine and plagioclase) had already beenlargely removed during earlier W/R interaction. The 2000 fluidsshow a strong enrichment in Al, Mg and Na, whereas the other ele-ments remained roughly similar in relative enrichment. Subse-quently, the degree of Mg enrichment increases, to fall again in2004. Depletions in Al and K develop in the post-eruptive period,most likely the result of alunite precipitation in the deep systemand near surface environment. The CP fluids are also severely de-pleted in Si, which is probably precipitated as hydrothermal silicain the hydrothermal reservoir (Varekamp et al., 2004).

An alternative approach to simple rock normalization is the useof element transfer ratios (ETR), as first introduced by Pasternackand Varekamp (1994). The ETR approach uses a normalization fac-tor created by dividing the concentration of an ‘‘easily dissolvedelement” (e.g., a highly incompatible element such as Cs that formsno secondary minerals) in the fluids by the concentration of thatelement in the unaltered rock protolith. The element concentra-tions of the rocks are then multiplied with that normalization fac-tor which creates a set of ‘‘predicted” element concentrations in afluid if congruent rock dissolution had occurred, and no precipita-tion of secondary phases was involved. The ETR are then obtainedby dividing the measured concentrations over these predicted con-centrations (multiplied by 1000 to obtain numbers >1). Such ETRdiagrams thus show the combined effects of secondary mineralprecipitation as well as non-congruent rock dissolution behavior,with ETR values of one indicating simple congruent rock dissolu-tion. A Cs-based ETR diagram for pre-eruptive CP fluids (Fig. 4a)shows strong relative depletions in Ti, a slight dip in Mg, Ca andMn, but highs in K and P. These ETR values decrease over time, pos-sibly indicating the progressive exhaustion in reactive minerals be-fore the 2000 eruption. During the post-eruptive period, the initialfluids (2000, 2001) show modest ETR values just above one for Fe,Al, Mg, Na, K and P, but depletions in Ca and Ti (Fig. 4b). Over time,significant peaks in ETR develop for Mg and Na, with a lesser peakin Fe, whereas Al, K and P decrease. In early 2004, the first sign ofprotolith maturation and exhaustion appears again with decreasedMg ETRs.

4.3. Trace elements

Trace element data of the CP hot springs show a wide range butalmost all elements are very high in concentration compared to

Fig. 3. Element ratio (weight) plots of Copahue fluids with pre-eruptive Copahue rocks and fluids (PE), post-eruptive rocks and fluids (POE) and a dacite from the olderCaviahue caldera series. (a) Mg/Al versus Mg/K. (b) Mg/K versus Na/Al.

212 J.C. Varekamp et al. / Applied Geochemistry 24 (2009) 208–220

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non-volcanic surface waters (Tables 2 and 3). Secular trends intrace elements show very high concentrations in the 1999 samples,and an overall drop off in concentrations in the CP fluids after theeruptions. Some toxic elements are present in very high concentra-tions in the CP spring fluids, with maximum values of 11 mg/L, As,0.7 mg/L, Cu, 3.6 mg/L B, 3.5 mg/L Pb, 1.3 mg/L Tl, 2.8 mg/L Ni,0.13 mg/L Cd and up to 6 mg/L Cr. The URA near the entrance ofLake Caviahue is more dilute, with maximum values of 640 lg/LAs, 140 lg/L Cu, 370 lg/L B and 200 lg/L Ni. Copahue is a signifi-cant source of toxic trace elements to the lake and the localenvironment.

Trace element Cs-based ETR diagrams (Fig. 5) show extremedepletions in both pre- and post-eruptive CP fluids in Ta, Nb, Zrand Hf. Strong negative anomalies also occur for Ba, Co, Cu, Snand Mo, whereas Sr and Rb show slight enrichments in post-erup-tive fluids. The ETR values of U and Th are close to one for the pre-eruptive fluids, but slightly below one for post-eruptive fluids. TheU/Th values in the fluids and local Copahue rocks are very similar(Fig. 6). The REE as a group hover at ETR values just below one forthe pre-eruptive fluids, whereas the heavy rare earth elements(HREE) are enriched in the post-eruptive fluids. The ETRs of thecompatible elements Y, Sc, V, Ni and Cr are well above one,whereas Co has much lower ETR values. The chalcophile elementsZn and Pb show strong enrichments, especially in the post-eruptivefluids, whereas Cu is strongly depleted in both. The Cd concentra-tions correlate positively with the HREE (as was documented alsofor mean-ocean-ridge basalt glasses by Yi et al. (2000), suggestingderivation from the rock matrix of these elements and no strong Cdsource in the volcanic vapors.

Variations in REE concentrations (Table 3) in CP fluids over timeare shown first in chondrite-normalized relative abundance dia-

grams. All pre-2000 CP water samples are light rare earth element(LREE) enriched relative to the Copahue rocks (Fig. 7a). The 2000fluid samples have slightly steeper LREE slopes than Copahue rock(Fig. 7b), but as in the pre-2000 fluids, middle rare earth elements(MREE) and HREE have slopes that are broadly similar to that ofrock. In 2001–2002, LREE enrichment is still pronounced in the flu-ids, which decreases in the 2002 samples. Most striking are theLREE patterns of the 2003–2004 samples, which are similar to that

Fig. 4. Element transfer ratio (ETR) diagrams based on Cs for pre-eruptive fluids (a) and for post-eruptive fluids (b). Note strong depletions in Ti in both diagrams, the highETR values for Mg and Na and the low ETR values for Al and K in the post-eruptive fluids.

Table 3Rare earth element concentrations (lg/L) in Copahue hot springs by year; bd = below detection.

Date La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

3/15/1997 590 1280 140 540 110 26 110 14 90 17 53 8 54 81/6/1999 1080 2140 220 850 170 43 180 23 140 28 85 12 84 1211/26/1999 640 1370 150 590 120 29 120 16 90 18 53 7 50 77/16/2000 590 1270 140 550 110 34 130 18 120 24 77 11 78 121/17/2001 880 1750 180 690 140 35 140 20 120 23 71 10 69 103/21/2002 660 960 100 400 90 23 110 18 110 23 81 10 83 bd1/18/2003 400 550 60 240 50 16 70 10 70 15 50 8 54 93/14/2004 350 510 50 220 50 16 70 10 70 15 52 8 63 1011/23/2004 220 470 60 260 60 17 60 9 50 10 30 4 29 4

Fig. 5. Element transfer ratio (ETR) diagram based on Cs for trace elements in pre-and post-eruptive fluids. Note strong depletions in the HFSE, Ba, Co, Cu, Sn and Mo,but enrichments in post-eruptive fluids in HREE. The ETR of Y, Ni, Cr, Sc, V are inexcess of one, probably the result of dissolution of phases associated with olivine.The ETRs of Pb and Zn are very large, probably indicating volcanic gas derivedelement inputs.

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of the mean rocks but show some HREE enrichment. Many fluidsamples show strong La enrichment relative to the other LREE(Fig. 7b).

A more detailed view of REE patterns over time is shown in arock-normalized REE diagram (Fig. 8), where horizontal fluid-REEpatterns represent those similar to rocks. Pre-eruptive samplesshow enrichments in the LREE (especially La, Ce), whereas the2000 samples show only slight LREE enrichments but some HREEenrichment. The 2002–2004 samples show the most fractionated

Fig. 6. The concentrations of U and Th in fluids and rocks from Copahue. Theuniform U/Th in fluids and rocks suggest similar mobilities for these two elementsin acid fluids.

Fig. 7. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for pre- (a) and post-eruptive fluids (b), and rocks. All pre-eruptive fluids are LREE enriched relative to the mean rock protolith,whereas the post-eruptive rocks show much more variations.

Fig. 8. Rock-normalized REE diagram for all Copahue hot spring fluids.

Fig. 9. The magnitude of the Eu anomaly varied over time in the Copahue CP fluids.Note the increase in Eu/Eu* during the 2000 eruption and in 2004. Shaded area isthe range of Eu anomalies in the Copahue rocks.

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patterns with LREE and HREE enrichment (or depletions in MREE).The November 2004 sample shows the anomalous flat pattern sim-ilar to bulk rock. Most of these acid fluids have small negative Euanomalies, defined as the chondrite-normalized Eu concentrationdivided by the Eu value obtained from the mean of the chon-drite-normalized Sm and Gd concentrations (Eu*). The Eu/Eu* val-ues show clear shifts over time, with the highest values (closestto 1) during the 2000 eruption and in 2004 (Fig. 9).

5. The composition of Lake Caviahue and element fluxesthrough the Upper Rio Agrio

The secular variations in fluid compositions discussed abovewere largely based on annual samples of the CP hot springs. Thetime trends in the chemical composition of Lake Caviahue are dri-ven by variations in the element input rates of the URA, and pro-vide an average of these secular trends in URA element fluxes.Lake Caviahue is a large lake (�0.5 km3 water) of glacial origin,fed by the acid URA and the meltwater stream Agua Dulce (Delpinoet al., 1997; Varekamp, 2003). Direct precipitation, seepage andevaporation also impact the water budget of the lake, which hasan overflow at the NE side of the northern arm, feeding the LRA.The composition of the lake waters (selected data in Tables 4 and5, complete data in Varekamp, 2008) has varied over the 8-yearobservation period, with pH ranging from 2.1 to 2.7 and varyingRFE concentrations of Al (25–36 mg/L), Mg (13–24 mg/L), Fe (15–35 mg/L), K (5–9 mg/L) and volcanogenic element concentrationsof Cl (70–118 mg/L), F (7–12 mg/L) and SO4 (325–730 mg/L). Sometoxic trace elements (Table 5) have relatively high concentrations(maximum values listed) in the lake: As (40 lg/L), Ni (47 lg/L),Cu (109 lg/L), Zn (257 lg/L), and B (130 lg/L), but nonetheless,the lake has substantial organic productivity, with P concentra-tions up to 910 lg/L (Pedrozo et al., 2001, 2008; Wendt-Potthoffand Koschorreck, 2002).

The elemental influxes into Lake Caviahue were determinedfrom measured URA water fluxes and the river water composition(Varekamp, 2008; Tables 6–8). The magnitude of these elementfluxes are dominantly a function of the flow rate of the CP sourcesprings and their composition; for several elements no simple cor-relation exists between CP fluid compositions and URA elementfluxes as determined at the entrance of Lake Caviahue. The hotspring flow rates are probably the more important variable indetermining the element flux rates. The compositional trends inthe waters of Lake Caviahue (Fig. 10) show that this acid lakewas most concentrated in 2000 during the eruptive period, witha period of strong dilution directly following the eruptive events(2001, months 48–60). During the period 2002–2003 (months

Table 4pH and major element concentrations (mg/L) by year for Lake Caviahue (N, north arm;S, south arm); m is water depth in meters; nd = not determined.

Date Arm m pH F Cl SO4 Na Mg Al K Ca Fe

3/14/1997 N 10 2.5 10 88 340 13 14 29 6 20 193/14/1997 N 60 2.5 nd 85 340 13 13 27 6 19 183/18/1997 N 20 2.4 11 82 330 11 14 28 6 19 183/18/1997 S 40 2.6 11 81 320 10 13 25 5 18 173/19/1998 N 0 2.3 nd 85 370 13 14 29 7 20 181/8/1999 S 30 2.5 11 91 470 13 14 30 7 20 201/8/1999 S 50 2.4 10 92 440 13 14 30 7 20 201/11/1999 N 70 2.4 10 92 460 14 15 32 7 21 2111/23/1999 S 70 2.4 10 99 480 13 15 34 8 23 2211/23/1999 S 20 2.4 10 94 470 12 15 32 8 22 2111/23/1999 N 30 2.2 nd 90 460 11 14 31 7 22 207/6/2000 N 70 2.1 12 117 710 16 24 36 8 28 357/6/2000 N 75 2.3 11 106 570 14 16 31 8 23 237/6/2000 S 0 2.2 9 104 480 12 14 26 8 22 191/15/2001 S 70 2.4 9 94 500 13 18 30 7 23 211/15/2001 S 30 2.3 9 91 490 13 18 30 7 24 211/15/2001 S 10 2.3 9 91 480 13 18 30 7 23 211/16/2001 N 50 2.4 9 92 500 13 18 30 7 24 223/20/2002 N 11 2.4 9 79 430 13 21 23 6 23 233/20/2002 N 75 2.5 8 82 450 13 20 27 6 23 233/20/2002 S 28 2.4 8 78 440 13 20 26 6 23 223/20/2002 S 63 2.5 8 78 480 13 20 30 6 22 221/22/2003 N 75 2.5 8 71 400 13 19 23 6 20 221/22/2003 N 20 2.5 7 71 350 13 20 22 5 18 201/23/2003 S 40 2.6 7 72 360 13 19 24 6 20 211/23/2003 S 20 2.4 7 71 330 14 19 22 5 20 211/23/2003 S 60 2.7 7 72 410 13 18 23 5 20 203/12/2004 N 20 2.3 9 86 350 14 24 23 5 20 233/12/2004 N 40 2.4 8 76 330 15 22 21 5 22 2211/21/2004 N 0 2.6 8 80 330 15 22 22 5 20 22

Table 5Trace element concentrations (lg/L) by year for Lake Caviahue (N, north arm; S, south arm) and the Lower Rio Agrio (LRA); m is water depth in meters; blank = below detection;nd = not determined.

Date Arm m Mn P Sr Sc Ti V Ni Cu Zn Cr Co As Y Ba B

3/01/1997 N 0 810 910 200 5 100 60 10 13 6 10 10 12 15 1301/12/1999 S 60 810 400 190 5 120 50 13 17 54 16 10 13 361/12/1999 N 80 850 470 210 5 130 60 13 13 54 16 35 10 13 4211/23/1999 N 80 830 420 210 5 150 60 20 24 147 16 33 10 50 5411/23/1999 S 70 850 480 210 5 150 60 34 70 165 22 36 11 48 567/06/2000 N 80 1090 530 280 7 200 90 37 63 99 27 18 39 14 20 397/06/2000 S 0 740 370 210 5 140 50 13 39 10 7 101/15/2001 S 60 900 480 230 5 150 60 19 23 49 17 10 36 11 15 281/16/2001 N 75 940 480 220 5 150 60 23 13 49 18 12 40 11 16 303/20/2002 N 60 950 420 200 4 120 50 24 20 129 15 12 11 52 573/20/2002 S 60 890 410 190 4 120 60 23 21 126 15 11 11 56 561/22/2003 N 75 960 260 170 4 100 50 47 19 135 13 11 10 78 551/22/2003 N 30 910 260 160 3 90 40 20 33 209 7 60 nd1/22/2003 N 40 910 290 170 4 90 40 20 36 257 30 7 70 nd1/22/2003 N 75 910 260 160 4 110 40 40 24 143 10 7 40 nd1/23/2003 S 60 920 310 170 3 90 50 23 19 113 12 11 10 76 481/23/2003 S 72 880 190 170 5 180 50 30 55 227 10 7 30 nd1/23/2003 S 60 840 320 160 4 90 50 20 26 122 10 8 80 nd1/23/2003 S 10 980 270 190 4 100 40 20 17 119 7 70 nd1/23/2003 S 0 920 280 170 3 90 40 10 11 107 10 7 70 nd3/12/2004 N 10 1060 240 160 4 70 40 20 6 61 30 10 10 nd3/12/2004 N 50 950 240 150 3 70 40 10 9 54 9 10 nd11/21/2004 N 0 1020 220 160 4 60 40 20 9 57 9 nd8/12/2000 LRA 0 420 180 120 3 70 30 17 22 nd3/13/2004 LRA 0 1060 220 170 4 70 40 20 63 10 nd11/23/2004 LRA 0 890 170 140 3 60 30 10 10 49 8 nd

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60–84) the dilution in Al Ca and K continued, whereas the Na andMg concentrations gently increased. The years 2003–2004 (months84–96) saw a pause in the dilution of Al and stronger increases inMg and Na concentrations. The overall lake dilution continuedhowever during 2006 (Varekamp, 2008). The S/Cl values in theCopahue hot springs varied over the 8-year period, with a decreasein S/Cl after the eruption (Fig. 11). The S/Cl in Lake Caviahue waterstrail those in the URA input (and those in the CP and CPL waters)because of non-steady state effects.

Most elements behave pseudo-conservatively in the lake, withminor sinks for SO4 (SO4 reduction and pyrite formation in sedi-ment) and P (take-up during primary organic productivity). Theelements are exported from the lake through the LRA, where brightyellow–orange–brown hydrous Fe-oxides started to precipitate atthe ‘Salto di Agrio’ (large waterfall in the LRA) past the confluencewith the neutral Trollope river in 2003 (Fig. 1). This ‘front of Fe-richmineral precipitation’ has moved from the Salto area towards thelake outlet as a result of the ongoing dilution of the lake watersand increase in pH, and was near to the lake outlet in 2008.

6. Discussion

The compositional variations of the Copahue fluids (CP and CPLsamples) and the evolution of Lake Caviahue over time largely re-flect W/R interaction processes at depth and fluctuations in dis-charge rate from the deep system. Factors that play an importantrole are:

Table 6Major element concentrations (mg/L) of the Upper Rio Agrio at the bridge in Caviahue over time; nd = not determined.

Date F Cl SO4 Na Mg Al K Ca Si Fe Mn P

1/07/1999 46 950 4740 100 100 280 65 170 36 170 6 5.711/25/1999 15 180 1060 24 25 55 14 49 15 31 2 1.07/06/2000 21 130 1220 33 130 76 7 88 nd 130 4 0.71/13/2001 11 120 790 27 58 45 9 72 23 34 3 0.13/24/2002 36 280 1170 26 71 44 5 45 19 53 3 0.11/21/2003 17 170 460 30 62 27 6 44 20 23 3 bd3/12/2004 120 1490 2790 210 310 260 34 160 nd 320 12 1.911/22/2004 11 180 560 28 40 41 6 36 nd 32 2 0.3

Table 7Trace element concentrations (lg/L, collected by ICP-AES) of the Upper Rio Agrio at the bridge in Caviahue over time; bd = below detection; nd = not determined.

Date Sr Sc Ti V Ni Cu Zn Cr Co As Y B

1/07/1999 1830 60 1550 580 120 50 310 170 50 460 89 37011/25/1999 410 10 270 110 30 10 160 30 10 90 21 1007/06/2000 590 20 310 200 200 140 260 100 110 40 42 nd1/13/2001 360 8 60 70 90 110 120 20 60 bd 30 873/24/2002 340 7 50 80 50 30 260 10 30 52 32 911/21/2003 270 5 bd bd 30 10 130 bd 20 bd 20 553/11/2004 1200 70 170 600 80 30 850 100 50 640 90 nd11/22/2004 260 8 40 70 20 10 90 20 bd 70 16 nd

Table 8Pre-eruptive element fluxes (1999; PE) and the mean post-eruptive fluxes (2001–2004; POE); values are in kilotonnes/a, except As and B (tonne/a).

F Cl S Na Mg Al K Ca Fe Si As B

PE 0.9 14 25 1.6 1.7 4.2 1.0 3.1 2.5 0.8 6.8 6.4POE 1.0 11 12 1.7 3.3 2.1 0.3 2.5 2.0 0.8 2.7 3.6

Fig. 10. Average compositional trends in Lake Caviahue waters with time, reflectingchanges in the input strength of the Upper Rio Agrio into the lake that reflectcompositional changes and flow rates of the summit hot springs (CP). Horizontalscale in ‘months’ starting in January 1997 and ending in December 2004; eruptiontook place in month 43, July 2000. Elements that decreased in concentration afterthe 2000 eruption (Al, Ca, K) are shown with dashed lines.

Fig. 11. The S/Cl values in the Caviahue lake waters, the Copahue hot springs andcrater lake and the URA before entry into Lake Caviahue. The data show thedecrease in S/Cl after the 2000 eruption, and that the CP, CPL and URA samples leadthe CVL compositions. The S/Cl value recovers at the end of 2004, suggestingenhanced S inputs into the system possibly associated with new magmatic activity.Horizontal axis as in Fig. 10.

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1. the dissolution kinetics of glass and minerals, e.g., plagioclaseand olivine react rapidly with the hot acids,

2. the maturity of the rock protolith, resulting from earlier aciddissolution,

3. the availability of ligands to complex the dissolved elements,4. the precipitation of secondary minerals as a function of P, T, fO2

and element speciation.

In addition, changes in the volcanic volatile element fluxes im-pact the concentrations of volatile major and trace elements inthe hot spring waters. The composition of the hot spring and cra-ter lake fluids is fractionated relative to the rock protolith as a re-sult of all these factors and processes. The waters changecomposition further downstream in the rivers and lakes as a re-sult of dilution, precipitation of new minerals and adsorption–desorption reactions. The zone directly downstream of the hotsprings at the Copahue summit is covered with fresh red hematiteand gypsum precipitates, and there is spectral evidence for thepresence of jarosite (Varekamp, 2004). At the outflow of Lake Cav-iahue and in the LRA, abundant precipitates of Fe-rich mineralshave formed since 2003 and are still forming today. These surfi-cial processes are discussed in detail by Gammons et al. (2005)and Parker et al. (2008).

The elements F, Cl, Mg and Na do not form secondary phasesduring cooling/neutralization of these fluids, but Ca, Al, K, Fe andSO4/S= may have formed minerals such as anhydrite, barite, jaro-site, alunite and sulfides (according to saturation calculations ofVarekamp et al., 2004). The temporal variations in these elementconcentrations may thus be related to mineral precipitation,changes in the rock dissolution process, or maturation of the pro-toliths. The Mg and Na compositional variations in the hot springsprobably reflect changes in the latter two parameters only. Be-tween early 1997 and late 1999, the CP fluids had relatively lowNa and Mg concentrations and a very low pH. This is interpretedas the result of W/R interaction with a mature rock protolith: alow rate of element release and a low DON parameter for the fluids.At the same time, Lake Caviahue saw declining element inputfluxes (Varekamp, 2008), but because the lake had not yet reachedsteady state with respect to most elements, it still became moreconcentrated during this period (Fig. 10). A sudden increase in ele-ment concentrations in CP fluids and in the URA fluxes of Na andMg in mid-2000 strongly suggests the arrival and acid attack ofnew magma in the hydrothermal system at that time. This concen-tration spike is rapidly followed by the first eruptions, but in 2001the hydrothermal system seems to have almost ‘shut off’. The sud-den decrease in element fluxes into Lake Caviahue in 2001 mayhave been caused by decreased permeability in the volcano-hydro-thermal system, with precipitation of several new secondary min-erals in the reservoir rocks. The hot springs became more dilute(Table 1), and Lake Caviahue in response also became more dilute(Fig. 10). The years 2001–2006 saw a general decline in elementconcentrations in Lake Caviahue, indicating diminishing elementfluxes into the lake system. The element fluxes temporarily in-creased in 2004, possibly suggesting a new small intrusion of mag-ma but no eruption (a ‘failed eruption’?). The CP fluidconcentrations show highly variable element concentrations post2001: the concentrations of K, Al, Ca and S show an unsteady de-cline, probably related to both precipitation of jarosite–alunite–anhydrite in the reservoir at depth as well as depletion of the pro-tolith in K and Al.

Most incompatible elements in fluids show rock-like relativeabundance patterns, possibly the result of the dissolution of glassy,chilled magma which would be the main host of these elements.The negative Ba anomaly indicates barite precipitation, whereasthe negative anomalies of Co, Mo, Sn and Cu suggest the formationof sulfides or oxides such as cassiterite and molybdenite. The high

field strength elements Ta, Nb, Hf, and Zr are almost immobile inthese hot acid brines, creating depleted patterns in rock-normal-ized diagrams (Fig. 5); in mature protoliths, Zr seems more mobilethan Ta–Nb–Hf. The protolith residue is presumably enriched inthis group of immobile elements. The Copahue data suggest thatTh is only slightly less mobile than U in the hot acid fluids. The ele-ments Zn and Pb probably are present in excess with respect to therocks, and are likely supplied by the volcanic gases. The compatibletrace elements Ni, Cr and Co correlate with Mg in the pre-eruptivefluids, and are enriched in the syn-eruptive fluids, similar to Mg,probably the result of olivine dissolution. The Mg enrichments inthe CP fluids during the post-eruptive period are not accompaniedby enrichments in Ni–Cr–Co, suggesting mineral Mg sources otherthan olivine.

Rock-normalized REE patterns (Fig. 5) show a close to congru-ent REE removal from the rock matrix, but in detail, fractionationsare present. Gammons et al. (2005) suggested that the REE distri-bution in the Copahue hot spring fluids may have varied over time.During W/R interaction, REE fractionations between bulk rock andfluid may occur as a result of the preferential dissolution of miner-als with fractionated REE relative to the whole rock or the moreincompatible LREE are released into the acid water prior to themore compatible HREE. For example, a study of the El Chichónandesites (Luhr et al., 1984) showed that plagioclase has strongLREE enrichments, a positive Eu anomaly, but low overall REEabundances, whereas other mineral phases have smaller LREEenrichments, negative Eu anomalies, but higher overall REE con-centrations. The El Chichón anhydrite has strong LREE enrichmentsand is rich in REE, similar to hydrothermal anhydrite (Morgan andWandless, 1980). The fine-grained groundmass or volcanic glassprobably has the highest REE abundances with a REE pattern closeto that of the bulk rock. The maturity of the protolith also will im-pact the fluid REE patterns (e.g., Michard, 1989; Kikawada et al.,1993, 2001; Bach and Irber, 1998; Fulignato et al., 1999; Sriwanaet al., 2000; Takano et al., 2004), with already partially dissolvedrocks providing possibly HREE enriched fluids during W/R interac-tion (LREE removed during earlier W/R interaction stage). It is un-likely that ligand preferences caused severe REE fractionations inthese Cl- and SO4-rich waters (Gammons and Li, 2002; Bozauet al., 2004). Precipitation or dissolution of REE-bearing secondaryphases may further fractionate the REE in the water, with anhy-drite/gypsum formation as an important process depleting the flu-ids in LREE.

The REE data from the Copahue hot spring fluids show that allpre-eruptive fluids are LREE-enriched with respect to the sourcerocks. During the 2000 eruptions and in late 2004, the fluids be-came more rock-like in their LREE pattern, but between 2001and early 2004, the REE patterns were largely MREE depleted.The Eu/Eu* values increased during 2000 and late 2004 (Fig. 9),and were well above the Eu/Eu* of the bulk rock. These REE fracti-onations are interpreted as the result of the intrusion of new mag-ma into the hydrothermal system in early 2000 (prior/during theeruption) and possibly during late 2004, with preferential dissolu-tion of fresh plagioclase, which has a positive Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* > 1), and possibly dissolution of chilled glassy rocks (close tobulk rock REE pattern). The HREE enrichments in the fluids from2001 to 2004 may be related to protolith maturation.

Despite the acid conditions and relatively high levels of toxicelements, aquatic life is omni-present in these fluids, both in thehyperacid rivers and in the mildly acid Lake Caviahue (Wendt-Potthoff and Koschorreck, 2002; Pedrozo et al., 2001, 2008). Theecosystem in this lake is stimulated by the volcanic P input, whichremains in solution until a pH > 3 is reached when it may becomelargely scavenged by Fe-rich minerals. As a result of the copious Pinput, Lake Caviahue is N-limited in its primary productivity (Pedr-ozo et al., 2008).

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The acid Copahue fluids that precipitate sulfates such as gyp-sum and jarosite as well as Fe-oxides may represent a terrestrialanalogue to early Mars environments (Parker et al., 2008; Varek-amp, 2004). The high P levels in Lake Caviahue derive from the dis-solution of volcanic rocks and provide ample nutrients for the localecosystem. The SO4-rich soils of Mars tend to be P-rich as well(Greenwood and Blake, 2006), possibly the result of evaporationof large acid lakes with a composition similar to Copahue hotspring fluids (pH < 1) or to Lake Caviahue waters (pH � 2.5). Thehigh P concentrations in the ancient Mars environments shouldnot necessarily be interpreted as the result of a lack of early Mar-tian life at that time (Greenwood and Blake, 2006): the P supplythrough the dissolution of volcanic rocks in acid fluids may havebeen larger than the P drawdown by organisms, possibly as a resultof N-limitation in the primary producers, as is currently the case inLake Caviahue.

The Copahue data show similarities with acid fluids from otheractive arc volcanoes (Varekamp et al., 2000): Mg/Na values in Poáscrater lake fluids (�1, Fig. 12) are similar to those in intermediateandesitic rocks; pre-eruptive CP water samples have Mg/Na � 0.6,a value identical to mean pre-eruptive Copahue rocks. The post-eruptive CP fluid samples have higher Mg/Na (�1.5), while the

rocks erupted at that time had Mg/Na � 0.9. The Mg concentrationsin the acid fluids can also be compared with the DON parameter orH+ consumption (see calculations in Varekamp et al., 2000) thathas taken place in the deep fluid during W/R interaction(Fig. 13). The dissolution line of a Mg(50%)-olivine is indicated,and all data points plot below that line, indicating that other H+

– consuming reactions were ongoing simultaneous with olivinedissolution. The post-eruptive Copahue fluid samples plot closerto the olivine dissolution line, suggesting once more the early dis-solution of olivine in the newly intruded magma in 2000. The Na–Al relations in the CP fluids show evidence for plagioclase dissolu-tion (Fig. 14), with the Poás data near the intermediate plagioclasedissolution line (andesine), and most Ruapehu samples near the al-bite dissolution line. The pre-eruptive Copahue samples plot alongthe andesine dissolution trend, whereas the post-eruptive samplesplot at lower Al concentrations, probably the result of alunite pre-cipitation in the hydrothermal reservoir. The H+ consumption ver-sus Na concentration diagram shows a broad scatter of data, withthe Copahue data plotting with the Ruapehu data towards the lab-radorite dissolution line (Fig. 15). These diagrams show the com-munalities between these acid volcano-hydrothermal systemsand the role of preferential dissolution of plagioclase and olivineduring the early stages of rock dissolution.

Fig. 12. Na–Mg relations in various hyperacid fluids from active arc volcanoes (datafrom Varekamp et al., 2000). Slopes of data arrays indicate the dissolution of olivineversus plagioclase and bulk rock dissolution. Note the increased Mg concentrationsin Copahue during/after the 2000 eruption (Copahue PE, pre-eruption, and POE,post-eruption, relate to pre-2000 and post-2000 fluids).

Fig. 13. H+ consumption diagram for acid volcanic fluids versus Mg concentrations(the H+ consumption calculations and data from Varekamp et al., 2000). The olivinedissolution line bounds the data to the upper left. All these fluids show the effects ofdissolution of multiple minerals and/or glass.

Fig. 15. H+ consumption diagram for plagioclase dissolution, with the post-eruptiveCopahue fluids (POE) showing enhanced rates of feldspar dissolution relative to thepre-eruptive (PE) fluids.

Fig. 14. Diagram of Al versus Na for dissolution of feldspar in acid fluids. Note thedecreased Al concentrations in post-eruptive Copahue fluids, suggesting Al deple-tion through alunite precipitation (data from Varekamp et al., 2000).

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These hot, acid and shallow volcano-hydrothermal fluids maybe a crude analog of subduction zone fluids that mobilize elementsfrom the subducted crust and sediment, although the pressure andtemperature conditions are of course very different. If this analogyholds, the subduction fluids would not dissolve Nb and Ta, whereasboth U and Th would be largely mobilized, contrary to the commonview (Bailey and Ragnarsdottir, 1994). The LREE would be enrichedin these fluids relative to the rock matrix, and most incompatibletrace elements quantitatively extracted. Such element fractiona-tions are commonly invoked to explain the composition of arc vol-canic rocks (e.g., Winter, 2001).

7. Conclusions

The time series of the composition and fluxes of the Copahueacid hydrothermal fluids provide several new insights. Manyincompatible elements show close to congruent dissolution behav-ior, whereas the high field strength elements are largely immobile,even in these hot and hyperacid fluids. The elements U and Thshow similar, pseudo-congruent dissolution behavior, with littlefractionation between the two elements.

During the pre-eruptive period at Copahue, many major ele-ment ratios are similar to those in mean bulk rock, suggesting thatfine-grained crystallized rock or a glassy matrix was available forW/R interaction. The DON values were around 50% but then de-creased towards lower values by late 1999, possibly signaling en-hanced volcanic gas inputs from rising magma. The REE patternsduring this period showed enrichment in LREE relative to the rock.During the 2000 eruption, the hot spring fluids became more con-centrated, the REE pattern became closer to that of the bulk rock,and the fluxes of Mg, Na, Fe and Al increased strongly. In the yearsfollowing the 2000 eruption, strong variations in element ratios oc-curred, and the REE became heavily fractionated in both the HREEas well as the LREE. The negative Eu anomaly in the pre-eruptivefluids decreased in magnitude during the 2000 eruption and in late2004 (Eu/Eu* increased). In late 2004, the REE pattern became sim-ilar to bulk rock values, and possibly, a small intrusion of magmaoccurred, which did not lead to an eruption however. This newmagma provided fresh plagioclase crystals that were rapidly dis-solved, leading to the decrease in the magnitude of the negativeEu anomalies in the CP fluids. In 2006, the system had ‘calmeddown’ again, and Lake Caviahue had resumed its overall dilutiontrend (Varekamp, 2008).

The chemical signatures in the source fluids may be used ineruption forecasting: increases in the Mg/Cl and Mg/K values, in-crease in Eu/Eu*, and more ‘‘rocklike” REE patterns all may pointto the incipient dissolution of newly intruded magma into the acidhydrothermal reservoir, possibly foreboding a new eruptive period.Increases in S/Cl may also be related to intrusion of new magma,given the lower solubility of SO2 relative to HCl in most magmasat shallow depth (e.g., Symonds et al., 1994). Toxic element (As,Li, B) fluxes from Copahue into the local environment are signifi-cant, but on a global basis they contribute only a small proportionof the total aqueous toxic element load to the oceans (e.g., Varek-amp and Thomas, 1998).


This paper has benefited from the work of Jane Coffey, GabeLandes, Conor Gately, Adam Goss, Matt Merrill, Anna Colvin, Maar-ten de Moor, Astrid Hesse and Marie Brophy, who all sampled flu-ids on the volcano. Funding for the Copahue–Caviahue project wasprovided by NSF (#INT-9704200; #INT-9813912 and #INT-9704200), The American Philosophical Society (Franklin Grant),the National Geographic Society (#7409-03), the Mellon Founda-

tion, as well as the Wesleyan University Smith Fund and the HaroldT. Stearns Chair endowment Fund. Extensive reviews by ChrisGammons and Charles Alpers of an early version of the manuscriptgreatly improved this paper.


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