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Traverse adjustment A systematic approach Ashish Kediya Academia

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11/12/2015 Traverse adjustment A systematic approach | Ashish Kediya Academia.edu http://www.academia.edu/4559262/Traverse_adjustment_A_systematic_approach 1/24 systematic approach 25 Pages CONNECT TO DOWNLOAD GET PDF READ PAPER Traverse adjustment: A systematic approach Ashish Kumar Kediya 1 , Vivek Shankar 2 1 Department of Mining Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad-826004 2 Department of Mining Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad-826004  Abstract: Traversing is basically associated with measuring the angles/bearings and distances between set of points on the field using surveying instruments. However this manual approach towards computation work is vulnerable to errors owing to a list of reasons. The present paper attempts toward providing with a more coherent approach for eliminating these errors through logical adjustments. In this regard several adjustment methods have been prescribed and their authenticity totally depends upon the closeness to the actual figure. Keywords: traverse, mistakes, systematic errors, accidental errors, normal probability curve, bowditch/transit method. I. INTRODUCTION Traversing is a method of establishing control points. It includes positioning of survey stations along a line or path of travel, and then using the previously surveyed/observed stations as a platform for surveying the next station. Traversing has got a hand to play in geodetics, civil engineering, tunneling, surveying engineering and is not aloof from particularly mining engineering, where it is used for preparation of mine plans, water drainage plans, mine layouts etc. it has got an upper hand over triangulation and trilateration in terms of accuracy. It also requires less reconnaissance and organization. It does not even require a great deal of linear and angular measurements to be taken rather only a few observations at each station. II. TYPES OF TRAVERSES AND CLOSING ERROR Traverses are of 3 kinds. 1. Open traverses. 2. Closed traverses. 3. Linked traverses. Search... LOG IN SIGN UP Traverse adjustment A systematic approach DOWNLOAD

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Traverse adjustment Asystematic approach

25 Pages


Ashish KediyaVIEWS






Traverse adjustment:

A systematic approachAshish Kumar Kediya 1, Vivek Shankar2

1 Department of Mining Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad-826004

2 Department of Mining Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad-826004

 Abstract: Traversing is basically associated with measuring the angles/bearings anddistances between set of points on the field using surveying instruments. However thismanual approach towards computation work is vulnerable to errors owing to a list ofreasons. The present paper attempts toward providing with a more coherent approachfor eliminating these errors through logical adjustments. In this regard severaladjustment methods have been prescribed and their authenticity totally depends upon

the closeness to the actual figure.

Keywords: traverse, mistakes, systematic errors, accidental errors, normal probabilitycurve, bowditch/transit method.


Traversing is a method of establishing control points. It includes positioning of surveystations along a line or path of travel, and then using the previously surveyed/observedstations as a platform for surveying the next station.

Traversing has got a hand to play in geodetics, civil engineering, tunneling, surveyingengineering and is not aloof from particularly mining engineering, where it is used forpreparation of mine plans, water drainage plans, mine layouts etc. it has got an upperhand over triangulation and trilateration in terms of accuracy. It also requires lessreconnaissance and organization. It does not even require a great deal of linear andangular measurements to be taken rather only a few observations at each station.


Traverses are of 3 kinds.

1. Open traverses.

2. Closed traverses.

3. Linked traverses.

Open traverse

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Open or free traverse consists of a series of linked traverse lines which do not terminateat the starting point itself and thus abstaining from giving a polygonal structure. It isutilized in plotting a strip of land which can then be used to plan a route in roadconstruction0.

Close or polygonal or loop traverse is a series of linked traverse lines where theterminal points closes at the starting point thus forming a polygon. It is useful intomarking the boundaries of mines, lakes, ponds, etc. construction and civil engineersutilize this practice for preliminary surveys designated area.

Linked traverse

It is a traverse in which an open traverse is linked to a closed traverse or vice versa.

Closi ng errors







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However most of the times a closed traverseactually does not close it does not imply that it isan open traverse. It is due to a gap left behindcalled the closing error or linear misclosure arising out of miscalculations or errors in

linear and angular measurements.


Errors of measurements are of three kinds.

1. Mistakes.

2. Systematic errors.

3. Accidental errors.


Mistakes are errors arising out of inattention, inexperience, carelessness and poor judgment or confusion in the mind of the observer. If a mistake is undetected it canproduce a serious effect on the final result. However there is no technical law that itfollows and so in case of occurrence of mistakes it has to be dealt with distributingtechniques.

Systematic errors

It is an error that under same conditions will always be of same size and sign. It follows

some definite mathematical or physical law and a correction can be determined orapplied. Such errors are of constant character and are regarded as positive or negativeaccording as they make the result too great or too small.

Their effect is cumulative and very serious too they arise generally due to errors in theinstrument itself or their improper alignment.

 Accidental errors

These are errors which are totally beyond the ability of the observer to control. Theytend sometimes in one direction and sometime in the other. These errors differ inbetween the true value of the quantity and the determination that is free from mistakes



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