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Traceability \u0026 Mock Recall

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TRACEABILITY AND MOCK RECALLS Penn State Cooperative Extension Penn State University


Penn State Cooperative Extension

Penn State University


• Ability to track food through the food system back to their source and forward to the next destination

• DOES NOT prevent a foodborne outbreak

• CAN quickly identify the source of a product and speed an investigation

• CAN limit damage to the consumer

• CAN prevent damage to the innocent grower

Penn State Extension 2012

Two-way information flow



Grower Packer Distribution

center Retailer

(Store, restaurant, hospital, etc.)

Consumer Field

Penn State Extension 2012

Product Recalls • Recalls are actions taken by a firm to remove a

product from the market.

• They may be conducted

– on your own initiative,

– By request of your buyer,

– by FDA request, or

– by FDA order under court order.

Penn State Extension 2012

How to make your products traceable • Keep records of

– name of the product, – the grower – the production area, – harvest dates (or group of dates), and – where it was sent.

• Use crop production records, farm maps, transportation bills, weight tickets, and storage records to provide documentation.

• Keep records for crops that are held in storage before packing

Penn State Extension 2012

How to make your products traceable

Step 1 - Map all production areas

Field 1

Field 2

Penn State Extension 2012

Step 2 – Label all produce containers with the date and location of harvest

Field #1

Field #2


ABC Farms 1 Farm Road, Anytown, PA 16803 Grown in Pennsylvania TOTAL NET WT 16 oz (1 lb)


072411-2 Means the tomatoes were harvested on July 24, 2011 from field #2

Penn State Extension 2012

Grower and shipper information passed on to next buyer


ABC Farms 1 Farm Road, Anytown, PA 16803 Grown in Pennsylvania TOTAL NET WT 16 oz (1 lb)


Fresh Tomatoes

Grower information

Shipper information

Box labels show grower and shipper information

Penn State Extension 2012

Step 3 - Include the harvest date and location on each invoice


ABC Farms 1 Farm Road, Anytown, PA 16803 Grown in Pennsylvania TOTAL NET WT 16 oz (1 lb)


ABC Farms

1 Farm Road, Anytown, PA 16803 Phone: 808-123-4567 Fax: 808-123-5678




T-1 Tomatoes (072411-2) 15 bxs $2.00 $30.00

Other comments or instructions

Please include invoice number on your check.

Thank You for Your Business

SUBTOTAL $30.00 TAX RATE 4% S& H $ 0 TOTAL $31.20

XYX Distributors 123 Store Rd Othertown, PA 16810


Date 7/25/11 Invoice # 123456 Customer ID XYZ-312

Invoice shows grower, product, field, harvest date, date shipped

Penn State Extension 2012

Step 4 – Establish procedures to deal with a problem and document them • Who is in charge of traceability?

• Who will be contacted?

– Make a buyers and suppliers list using invoices and your contact lists.

– Record contact information for

• State Health Department and/or Department of Agriculture

• Attorney contact information

• Newspapers, radio, TV

• Extension food safety educator

• Conduct a mock recall at least once per year. Penn State Extension 2012

Mock Recall Example . . .

• This is just one very simple example of how a mock recall might be conducted.

• Variations depend on the audit: unannounced mock recall, time limit after shipping, etc.

• Work with your auditing company and customers for specific instructions on how to conduct a mock recall.

Penn State Extension 2012

Notify buyer that a mock recall will be conducted 2 days from the

present time

Identify and record lot number to be shipped to participating buyer

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Contact buyer and request disposition of the previously identified product lot

number (e.g. how many sold/how many still at location)

Ship to buyer

Obtain written confirmation by fax or email

Mock Recall Flow Chart (example only)

Penn State Extension 2012

Mock Recall – Day 1

Grower: “Hello, this is John Smith from ABC Farms. Our GAP program requires us to conduct a mock recall at least once per year.“

Grower Buyer

Penn State Extension 2012

Mock Recall – Day 1

Grower: “Will you help us out by participating in this year’s mock recall? Remember, this is NOT a real recall notice.

We just want to see if our plan is working correctly.”

Buyer Grower

Penn State Extension 2012

Mock Recall – Day 1

Grower: We will make our usual shipment to your store tomorrow. The day after that, I will call you and ask how much of that shipment remains at your location.

Buyer Grower

Penn State Extension 2012

Mock Recall – Day 1

Buyer: “OK, we will expect to hear from you in 2 days.”

Buyer Grower

Penn State Extension 2012

Mock Recall – Day 2

The product is shipped by the grower


ABC Farms

Penn State Extension 2012

Mock Recall – Day 2

The product is received by the buyer


ABC Farms

Penn State Extension 2012

Mock Recall – Day 3

Grower: Hello, this is John Smith from ABC Farms again. We shipped our product to your store yesterday.

Buyer Grower

Penn State Extension 2012

Mock Recall – Day 3

Grower: “Please tell me how many boxes you have already sold and how many boxes remain at your location”

Buyer Grower

Penn State Extension 2012

Mock Recall – Day 3

Grower: “The lot number labeled on the boxes was 123456XXX”

Buyer Grower

Penn State Extension 2012

Mock Recall – Day 3

Buyer: “OK, let me check my records”

Buyer Grower

Penn State Extension 2012

Mock Recall – Day 3

Buyer: “According to my records, we received 20 boxes with that lot number from you yesterday.”

Buyer Grower

Penn State Extension 2012

Mock Recall – Day 3

Buyer: “We have 8 boxes on site and we have sold 12 boxes.”

Buyer Grower

Penn State Extension 2012

Mock Recall – Day 3

Grower: “Thank you. Would you please fax or email this information to me for my records?”

Buyer Grower

Penn State Extension 2012

Mock Recall – Day 3

Buyer: “Yes, I will send that information to you.“

Buyer Grower

Make sure the buyer faxes or emails the report using their business letterhead

Penn State Extension 2012

Keep a record of the mock recall !

Penn State Extension 2012

Buyer Contact List

Penn State Extension 2012

Mock Recall Log

Penn State Extension 2012
