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Three-dimensional high resolution fluvio-glacial aquifer analog - Part 2: Geostatistical modeling

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Three-dimensional high resolution fluvio-glacial aquifer analog: Part 1: Field study P. Bayer a,, P. Huggenberger b , P. Renard c , A. Comunian c a ETH Zürich, Engineering Geology, Sonneggstrasse 5, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland b University of Basel, Geological Institute, Bernoullistrasse 32, 4056 Basel, Switzerland c University of Neuchâtel, Centre of Hydrogeology and Geothermics (CHYN), Rue Emile-Argand 11, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland article info Article history: Available online 1 April 2011 This manuscript was handled by P. Baveye, Editor-in-Chief Keywords: Aquifer analog Unconsolidated sediment Digital mapping Ground penetrating radar (GPR) Hydrofacies Heterogeneity summary Describing the complex structures that exist in many sedimentary aquifers is crucial for reliable ground- water flow and transport simulation. However, hardly any aquifer can be inspected in such detail that all decimeter to meter heterogeneity is resolved. Aquifer analogs serve as surrogates to construct models of equivalent heterogeneity, and thus imitate those features relevant for flow or transport processes. Gravel pits found in excavation show excellent sections of the sedimentary sequence and thus offer direct insight into the structural and textural composition of the subsoil. This paper describes an approach to also inspect the third dimension: by mapping during the ongoing excavation it is possible to obtain a three-dimensional representation of the subsurface within a short period of time. A detailed description of a case study is presented and the findings from sedimentological, hydrogeological and geophysical analyses are compared. The gravel pit is located near the town of Herten in southwest Germany, where relatively young unconsolidated fluvio-glacial and fluvial sediments in the Rhine basin are mined. The excavated gravel body is built up by architectural elements typical for braided river deposits. The study generated a high-resolution data set of lithofacies, hydrofacies and ground penetrating radar (GPR) pro- files. It represents the basis for a full three-dimensional geostatistical reconstruction presented in the sec- ond part (Comunian et al., 2011). Ó 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Sedimentary aquifers in river valleys host many of the impor- tant shallow aquifers in Central Europe. Among these are late Pleistocene unconsolidated fluvio-glacial and fluvial braided river sediments in the Rhine basin. They are often built up by non- uniform sequences of layers, cross-beddings and deposits that are gradually changing. Such features can hardly be modeled by simple interpolation between point measurements or stan- dard geostatistical methods (Anderson, 1989; Jussel et al., 1994; Weissmann and Fogg, 1999; Chen et al., 2010). Even ad- vanced noninvasive techniques such as modern tomographical or georadar geophysical examination can only approximate sub- surface structures (e.g. Becht et al., 2007; Brauchler et al., 2010) and often deliver non-unique results. Hydrogeological and geo- physical site investigation thus is ideally complemented by pro- cess-based geological analysis and characterization of deposition environments. Integrating this source of ‘‘soft information’’ in the model building process is fundamental for building realistic con- ceptual geological models. However, due to the complexity of the braided river systems, there is still a lack of combinations of sed- imentological, hydrogeological and geophysical analyses of differ- ent sites that portray the character and the band-with of heterogeneity scales in this type of deposits. As a consequence, it is important to develop methods to capture the essence of such a deposit with respect to heterogeneity characterization at different scales, which is a main topic of the field investigation methods presented in this study. Sedimentological analysis and interpretation can offer a sys- tematic framework for reconstruction of architectural elements and their spatial continuities (Scheibe and Freyberg, 1995; Fraser and Davis, 1998; Heinz et al., 2003; Ezzy et al., 2006). Utilizing this knowledge is fundamental to achieve a geologically plausible description of heterogeneity, to delineate ranges of high-conduc- tivity zones and for consistent re-interpretation of geophysical data (Stanford and Ashley, 1998; Asprion and Aigner, 1999; Hyndman and Tronicke, 2005; Iversen et al., 2008). Inclusion of such information in hydrogeological model calibration prevents non-realistic realizations of spatial hydraulic parameter distribu- tion and exploits complementary knowledge to reduce ill-posed- ness of (geostatistical) inversion problems (Chen and Rubin, 2003; Maier et al., 2009; Dafflon et al., 2010). Even in case of significant data scarcity, a conceivable portrayal of the subsurface, 0022-1694/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.03.038 Corresponding author. Tel.: +41 44 63 36829. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (P. Bayer), [email protected] (P. Huggenberger), [email protected] (P. Renard), alessandro.comunian@ unine.ch (A. Comunian). Journal of Hydrology 405 (2011) 1–9 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Hydrology journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jhydrol

Journal of Hydrology 405 (2011) 1–9

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Journal of Hydrology

journal homepage: www.elsevier .com/ locate / jhydrol

Three-dimensional high resolution fluvio-glacial aquifer analog: Part 1: Field study

P. Bayer a,⇑, P. Huggenberger b, P. Renard c, A. Comunian c

a ETH Zürich, Engineering Geology, Sonneggstrasse 5, 8092 Zürich, Switzerlandb University of Basel, Geological Institute, Bernoullistrasse 32, 4056 Basel, Switzerlandc University of Neuchâtel, Centre of Hydrogeology and Geothermics (CHYN), Rue Emile-Argand 11, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history:Available online 1 April 2011This manuscript was handled by P. Baveye,Editor-in-Chief

Keywords:Aquifer analogUnconsolidated sedimentDigital mappingGround penetrating radar (GPR)HydrofaciesHeterogeneity

0022-1694/$ - see front matter � 2011 Elsevier B.V. Adoi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.03.038

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +41 44 63 36829.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (P. Bayer), p

(P. Huggenberger), [email protected] (P. Renunine.ch (A. Comunian).

Describing the complex structures that exist in many sedimentary aquifers is crucial for reliable ground-water flow and transport simulation. However, hardly any aquifer can be inspected in such detail that alldecimeter to meter heterogeneity is resolved. Aquifer analogs serve as surrogates to construct models ofequivalent heterogeneity, and thus imitate those features relevant for flow or transport processes. Gravelpits found in excavation show excellent sections of the sedimentary sequence and thus offer directinsight into the structural and textural composition of the subsoil. This paper describes an approach toalso inspect the third dimension: by mapping during the ongoing excavation it is possible to obtain athree-dimensional representation of the subsurface within a short period of time. A detailed descriptionof a case study is presented and the findings from sedimentological, hydrogeological and geophysicalanalyses are compared. The gravel pit is located near the town of Herten in southwest Germany, whererelatively young unconsolidated fluvio-glacial and fluvial sediments in the Rhine basin are mined. Theexcavated gravel body is built up by architectural elements typical for braided river deposits. The studygenerated a high-resolution data set of lithofacies, hydrofacies and ground penetrating radar (GPR) pro-files. It represents the basis for a full three-dimensional geostatistical reconstruction presented in the sec-ond part (Comunian et al., 2011).

� 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Sedimentary aquifers in river valleys host many of the impor-tant shallow aquifers in Central Europe. Among these are latePleistocene unconsolidated fluvio-glacial and fluvial braided riversediments in the Rhine basin. They are often built up by non-uniform sequences of layers, cross-beddings and deposits thatare gradually changing. Such features can hardly be modeledby simple interpolation between point measurements or stan-dard geostatistical methods (Anderson, 1989; Jussel et al.,1994; Weissmann and Fogg, 1999; Chen et al., 2010). Even ad-vanced noninvasive techniques such as modern tomographicalor georadar geophysical examination can only approximate sub-surface structures (e.g. Becht et al., 2007; Brauchler et al., 2010)and often deliver non-unique results. Hydrogeological and geo-physical site investigation thus is ideally complemented by pro-cess-based geological analysis and characterization of depositionenvironments. Integrating this source of ‘‘soft information’’ in themodel building process is fundamental for building realistic con-

ll rights reserved.

[email protected]), alessandro.comunian@

ceptual geological models. However, due to the complexity of thebraided river systems, there is still a lack of combinations of sed-imentological, hydrogeological and geophysical analyses of differ-ent sites that portray the character and the band-with ofheterogeneity scales in this type of deposits. As a consequence,it is important to develop methods to capture the essence ofsuch a deposit with respect to heterogeneity characterization atdifferent scales, which is a main topic of the field investigationmethods presented in this study.

Sedimentological analysis and interpretation can offer a sys-tematic framework for reconstruction of architectural elementsand their spatial continuities (Scheibe and Freyberg, 1995; Fraserand Davis, 1998; Heinz et al., 2003; Ezzy et al., 2006). Utilizing thisknowledge is fundamental to achieve a geologically plausibledescription of heterogeneity, to delineate ranges of high-conduc-tivity zones and for consistent re-interpretation of geophysicaldata (Stanford and Ashley, 1998; Asprion and Aigner, 1999;Hyndman and Tronicke, 2005; Iversen et al., 2008). Inclusion ofsuch information in hydrogeological model calibration preventsnon-realistic realizations of spatial hydraulic parameter distribu-tion and exploits complementary knowledge to reduce ill-posed-ness of (geostatistical) inversion problems (Chen and Rubin,2003; Maier et al., 2009; Dafflon et al., 2010). Even in case ofsignificant data scarcity, a conceivable portrayal of the subsurface,

2 P. Bayer et al. / Journal of Hydrology 405 (2011) 1–9

which would hardly be possible based on only a few measure-ments, is feasible.

For bringing together sedimentological and hydrogeologicalcharacterization, aquifer analog studies have become popular,particularly in the last decade: vertical outcrops of sedimentarybodies are inspected in detail to obtain a model imitate of thereal reservoirs that is as exact as possible (e.g. Smith, 1989;Huggenberger and Aigner, 1999; Heinz et al., 2003; Bersezio etal., 2007, Huysmans et al. 2008). Such accuracy means a consid-erable workload, because sedimentary facies may vary on thecentimeter scale. Facies types have to be categorized with respectto sedimentary and hydrogeological criteria. Lithofacies reflectwell defined deposition events or environments, whereas hydrof-acies stand for quasi-homogeneous sub-units that can becharacterized by single representative hydraulic and/or hydro-chemical parameters (Anderson et al., 1999; Klingbeil et al.,1999; Ouellon et al., 2008). These parameters have to bedetermined by appropriate field and lab methods.

A major problem is that analogs are usually obtained fromsingle outcrop walls, which only deliver a cross-sectional profilebut hardly capture the true three-dimensional conditions. Thepresent work reports a previously unpublished comprehensivethree dimensional aquifer analog study on an unconsolidatedbraided river deposit at the scale of tens of meters (Bayer,2000). A gravel pit found in excavation showed excellent sectionsof the sedimentary sequence and thus offered direct insight intothe structural and textural composition of the subsoil. Study oflithofacies and hydrofacies distribution is supplemented byground penetrating radar (GPR) measurements that were con-ducted before mining.

The presented mapping enables the detailed comparison ofhydrogeological, sedimentological and geophysical investigations.

Fig. 1. Map of Herten gravel pit location in SW G

This inspected scale is of importance, for instance at the scale ofsmaller to medium scale contaminant sources of spills and proxi-mal plumes downstream. Meanwhile, several recent studies haveused part of the data set for demonstration of geophysical forward(Kowalsky et al., 2001) or inverse modeling (Hu et al., 2009), forhydraulic or transport modeling (Maier et al., 2005; Maji et al.,2006; Werth et al., 2006), and for sedimentological analysis (Heinzet al., 2003). The developed dataset is provided as downloadablesupplement and may be used in realistic 3D hydrogeological mod-eling studies. The companion paper (Comunian et al., 2011) pre-sents how such a data set can be used to obtain a full 3D modelusing classical and multiple point geostatistical techniques.

2. Architecture and facies types

2.1. Sedimentological setting and concept

The study site is located in the upper Rhine valley in SouthernGermany close to the Swiss border near Basel and 500 m west ofthe town of Herten (see Fig. 1, Kieswerk Rheinfelden, GaussKrueger right value 3403877, Gauss Krueger high value 5268837;276 m a.s.l). The gravel deposits in this area originate from glacialoutwash 50 km downstream of the front of the Rhine-glacier. Asediment accumulation phase at the glacier front reached its max-imum 18,000 a BP (i.e., years before present) and down river, in theBasel region about 12,000 a BP (see Kock et al., 2009). Several deg-radation phases followed and formed series of river terraces. Thesedimentary structures outcropping as nearly vertical sections invarious gravel pits clearly document the braided character of themajority of the deposit. Exceptions are remnants of poorly sortedcoarse gravel documenting events of high flows with an erosionalepisode followed by deposition of gravel. Overbank deposits are

ermany at the SW bend of the River Rhine.

Fig. 2. Photos of typical lithofacies and hydrofacies at study site: (a) poorly and wellsorted gravel, (b) alternating gravel, and (c) well sorted sand.

P. Bayer et al. / Journal of Hydrology 405 (2011) 1–9 3

quasi absent, indicating a large lateral channel mobility of the ac-tive channel belt or a lateral extent of the active channel beltincluding the entire valley floor, at least for the aggrading phase.

Among others, Siegenthaler and Huggenberger (1993), Bereset al. (1995), Heinz and Aigner (2003b) and Heinz et al. (2003)intensively studied the pro-glacial environment along the riverRhine. They interpreted their observations from multiple outcropstudies with respect to depositional conditions and presented re-gional facies models that can be distinguished according to dis-charge types (main, intermediate, minor discharge area) of theformer glacier outwash plain. The Herten gravel body is part ofthe main discharge area, including high-energetic depositions ofcoarse sediments. In the following, the genetic classification andsedimentological interpretation will only be tangent and the read-er is referred to Heinz and Aigner (2003b) and Kostic et al. (2005)for more details.

Lithofacies and sedimentary structures of the Herten gravelbody have been carefully mapped, from the maximum aggradationlevel, in a series of parallel outcrops, oriented in east–west direc-tion more or less parallel to the former River Rhine. To perform agenetic analysis on such deposits, several scales need to be takeninto consideration. On the small scale (decimeter), separate lithof-acies types with comparable structural and textural characteristicsand which stem from similar transport and depositional processesare distinguished. On the larger scale (meter), architectural ele-ments can be differentiated according to characteristic elementboundaries (generally made up of erosional surfaces and in somecases, but in the Rhine gravel rarely, of former geomorphologicalsurfaces). These architectural elements include cut-and-fill ele-ments and accretionary elements as well as transitional categoriesbetween these two types. The former is the result of a process inwhich an erosive phase creates scours. Flow separation betweenchannel bases causes scours to be filled with well sorted openframework and bimodal gravel sediments (Heinz et al., 2003).The gouging is usually characterized by internal trough-shapedcross-beddings that can be composed of alternating sequences.Here, lithofacies varies on the decimeter-scale. These cut-and-fillelements (e.g. scour pools) are frequent in the main discharge areain the Rhine valley and also typical for the central part of the stratastudied at the Herten site.

Accretionary elements (e.g. gravel sheets) are interpreted asaccumulations in the active channel belt and dominate distant dis-charge areas. Usually, unarticulated horizontal layer units of ma-trix-dominated gravel grow over a continuously flat base. Incontrast to the cut-and-fill elements, they appear homogeneousand can show significant lateral extension to hundreds of meters.

2.2. Lithofacies

The classification into small-dimensional sedimentologicalunits is, for the most part, based on the classification used by Keller(1996) and Heinz and Aigner (2003b). According to this system, itis possible to differentiate between typical lithofacies types thatcan be characterized by the spectrum of grain sizes, the sorting, le-vel of roundness, and the composition of the particles, as well asthe structure and the layering.

A code ([i1]I1i2i3,[i4]) is used, which for each facies combines aunique sequence of indices that represent abbreviations for typicalfeatures. Index I1 denotes the main grain size, and optionally i1may be considered to describe subordinate components or matrix.For specification of I1, we find gravel (G) and sand (S) dominatedfacies types, as well a mixture of both (GS). Index i1 highlightsthe appearance of cobbles (c), sand (s) or fines (f). The texture (c:clast-supported, m: matrix-supported) is indicated by the nextcode letter, i2. This may be not further specified in well sorted fa-cies and accordingly represented by i2 = ‘�‘. The following index

i3 reflects stratification: x: stratified, m: massive (no bedding),g: graded. Additional information may be added, separated by acomma as i4. This includes alternation (a), open framework (o)and bimodal structure (b).

At the Herten quarry site, four lithofacies types aredistinguished:

– poorly sorted gravel (Gcm): gravel with a broad grain size distri-bution, cobbles and also sand as secondary components; thelayered appearance is due to changing sand content, but imbri-cation of particles indicates horizontal- to cross-bedding; thislitho- and hydrofacies originates from bedloads of high-ener-getic flood events (Klingbeil et al., 1999; Heinz et al., 2003b);it can be of significant lateral extension up to hundreds ofmeters and as such form accretionary elements (Fig. 2a).

– alternating gravel (Gcg, a): sequence of matrix-filled (bimodal)and matrix-free (open framework) gravel; lower, bimodal unitwith matrix and made of sand or silt; horizontal to cross-bedding; typical deposit of cut-and-fill elements, which canappear in different variants, partly eroded and incomplete(Fig. 2b).

– well sorted gravel and sand (GS-x): mixture of gravel and sand,matrix- or component-based; often cross-bedded, sheet-boundgrain size change; interpreted as typical bedload deposit inhigh-energetic fluvial systems (Heinz et al., 2003b) (Fig. 2a).

– pure sand (S-x): very well sorted sand with occasionalgravel debris, horizontal- to cross-bedding; occurs rarely atHerten site and typically represents low-energetic bedloaddeposit (Fig. 2c).

Table 1Litho- and hydrofacies types at Herten site with hydraulic properties. Except of those for the hydrofacies cGcm, sGcm, b and fGcm, b, the ranges of hydraulic conductivities aretaken from referenced previous studies. The range for cGcm is approximated by that measured by Heinz et al. (2003) for Gcm, for sGcm, b the range measured by Heinz et al.(2003) for sGcm is suggested. No range is available for fGcm, b, but it is expected to be about ±1 � 10�6 m/s, i.e. in the order of magnitude of the listed mean hydraulicconductivity. Porosity ranges are only listed when given in previous work.


Description Hydro-faciescode

Further description Hydraulic conductivityK (m/s)

Porosity References

Gcm Poorly sorted, matrixsupported gravel

Gcm Normal 2.5 � 10�4 ± 2.1 � 10�4 0.17 ± 0.07 (2)

cGcm Cobble-rich 2.3 � 10�4 ± 2.1 � 10�4 0.15 ± 0.01 (2)sGcm Sand-rich 6.1 � 10�5 ± 5.9 � 10�5 0.13 ± 0.04 (2)

Gcg,a Alternating gravel Gcg, o Matrix-free, clast-supported open frameworkcoarse–fine pebbles

2.6 � 10�2 ± 2.3 � 10�2 0.26 ± 0.02 (3)

cGcg, o Cobbles-coarse pebbles openwork 1.3 � 10�1 ± 7.4 � 10�2 0.26 ± 0.02 (3)sGcg, o Granules/sand open framework 9.5 � 10�2 ± 6.5 � 10�3 0.23 (2)sGcm, b Bimodal basal subunit with sand matrix 4.3 � 10�5 ± 1.8 � 10�4 0.22 (1), (2)fGcm, b Bimodal basal subunit with silt/clay matrix 6.0 � 10�7 0.20 (1), (2)

GS-x Well sorted gravel (andcoarse sand)

GS-x 2.3 � 10�3 ± 4.5 � 10�3 0.27 ± 0.07 (2)

S-x Pure, well sorted sand S-x 1.4 � 10�4 ± 5.0 � 10�3 0.36 ± 0.04 (2)

(1) Bayer, 2000, (2) Heinz et al., 2003, (3) Kostic et al., 2005.

4 P. Bayer et al. / Journal of Hydrology 405 (2011) 1–9

2.3. Hydrofacies

The lithofacies classification relies on physical attributes that al-low direct subdivision of outcrop walls into the sedimentary cate-gories. Mosaics can be generated that are clustered in well-definedsub-units. Such lithofacies types are distinguished from a sedimen-tological perspective and cannot always be converted to hydrofa-cies classes. For example, for genetic reasons it is common tocombine typical sequences of alternating gravel beddings (Gcg, a)into one lithofacies cluster. A basal matrix-supported gravel unitis overlain by sequences of clast-supported, matrix-free gravels(open framework) (Fig. 2b). The lower part shows a substantiallylower hydraulic conductivity than the upper highly permeableopen framework. Consequently, it is reasonable to further subdi-vide such lithofacies into subclasses of different hydrofacies. Viceversa, different lithofacies types with similar hydraulic propertiesmay be combined into one single hydrofacies.

In contrast to lithofacies, hydrofacies can quantitatively be de-scribed by the specific hydraulic parameters. Thus classificationbased on hydrofacies means that facies with the same or compara-ble permeability and porosity could be merged. Heinz et al. (2003)and Kostic et al. (2005) present the results from laboratory mea-surements (using permeameter columns) that are complementedby empirical estimation of hydraulic conductivity based on thegrain size distribution. The measurements with multiple samplesshow a considerable variability, in particular for the matrix-supported facies types. Therefore, former estimations presentedby Huggenberger et al. (1988), Jussel et al. (1994), Kleineidam(1998), Klingbeil et al. (1999) and Bayer (2000) can differ com-pared with the findings from the later, more comprehensiveanalyses as presented by Heinz et al. (2003). Table 1 lists the spec-ifications taken from Bayer (2000), Heinz et al. (2003), and Kosticet al. (2005), whereas the latest are considered the more realisticand precise data. Partially empirical values as given in the originalwork (Bayer, 2000) are replaced by later experimental conductivityand porosity estimates. In a comprehensive overview, Zappa et al.(2006) compiled the hydraulic data from different studies onalluvial sediments. Kleineidam et al. (1999) also examined thechemical properties of the sand and gravel grains collected fromthe braided river sediments in the Rhine valley.

As presented in Table 1, hydrofacies follow the lithofacies clas-sification. However, the poorly sorted gravel, Gcm, as well as thealternating gravel, Gcg, a, are subdivided into separate hydrofaciestypes (see also Fig. 2a and b), which results in a total of ten catego-ries. For the massive gravel, sandy and cobble-rich variants are

distinguished, which can be characterized by individual conductiv-ity and porosity values. As mentioned above, the alternating se-quence can be further differentiated according to the gradation.Apparently, though considered as single sedimentological unit,the Gcg, a spans a wide range of hydraulic conductivity values overnearly seven orders of magnitude. Of major hydraulic importanceappear the highly conductive, matrix free compartments of typi-cally thin open framework deposits (Gcg, o).

The lithofacies-based sub-classification of hydrofacies types isstandardized (e.g. Heinz et al., 2003), but could be simplified. Forexample, nearly the same conductivities are measured for sGcm,b and sGcm; also Gcm and cGcm appear to be similar. Thereforedepending on the specific hydrological objectives, it appears desir-able to combine those hydrofacies types listed in Table 1 into ma-jor groups. For example, an option is to cluster and visualize thembased on a log scale as will be done in the remainder of this study.

2.4. GPR and radar facies

Before excavation, the sedimentary block was examined by aground penetrating radar (GPR) survey. GPR is a fast, inexpensiveand established geophysical technique for non-invasive collectionof stratigraphical data (e.g. Huggenberger, 1993; Jol, 2009). It uti-lizes high-frequency electromagnetic waves that are sent in theground, where they propagate (for gravels mostly in the order of8–11 cm/ns), are refracted, reflected or attenuated. Changes inresidual water content, clay fraction and grain size distributiondetermine the reflection coefficients of the different materials.The two-way travel-times of the returning signals are recorded.The vertical resolution of sedimentary structures is in the orderof a quarter wave length, for gravel at the 10 cm scale. However,for a given wave length, resolution decreases with depth (i.e.increasing size of footprint with time, Daniels, 2009). The strongdecrease in amplitudes with increasing depth of reflections ismainly controlled by attenuation of the energies of the electromag-netic waves due to conductive electrical properties of the differentsediments. Penetration depth in the Rhine gravel depends on elec-trical properties of different lithofacies, which are mainly depen-dent on clay content and chemical composition of the porewater. For gravel it varies from a few meters to >20 m for areaswith very low apparent electrical conductivities.

GPR measurements are commonly conducted along a surfaceline to obtain a vertical 2D cross-section of shallow undergroundstructures. Multiple closely-spaced GPR profiles can be combinedinto a 3D representation (e.g. Beres et al., 1995). Such structural

P. Bayer et al. / Journal of Hydrology 405 (2011) 1–9 5

information has to be supported with borehole or outcrop mea-surements to correlate the litho-, hydrofacies and/or architecturalelements to the reflections. Typically, reflection amplitudes canbe correlated to the contrasts between different hydrofacies types.They can be used to identify bounding surfaces and the geometryof internal structures such as foresets of different lithologic zonesand bodies. However, no unambiguous evidence of single strataproperties can be defined (Heinz and Aigner, 2003a). Hence, GPRprofiles are ideally explained by comparison to a well-defined setof default reflection patterns and their associated interpretation.Such radar facies types are not unique and have to be defined fordifferent depositional environments.

Asprion and Aigner (1997, 1999) have examined in detail thecharacteristic reflection patterns in fluvio-glacial sediments ascan be found in the Rhine valley. In line with their work, the GPRprofiles obtained for the Herten site will be examined with respectto specific patterns that can be correlated to typical geometricstructures, genetic units or architectural elements as identified inthe outcrop sections. Accordingly, the measurement and signal fil-


S N10m

Profile 1

Profile 6

Fig. 3. Orientation of profiles through gravel body (uniform distance betweenprofiles of 2 m). During excavation, a pair of pillars on top was used to mark theposition of each new section.

Fig. 4. Profile 4 – (a) outcrop photograph, (b) litho and hydrofacies distr

tering procedures as given by Asprion and Aigner (1997) wereadopted, and a GSSI (Geophysical Survey Systems Inc., NorthSalem, NK, USA) radar system (model SIR 10A) with a pair of300 MHz antenna was applied. Separation of transmitter and recei-ver was held constant at 1.4 m. Asprion and Aigner (1999) providea complete description of the field measurement procedure. In arelated study, Kowalsky et al. (2001) selected one section of theHerten case study to construct models with various water satura-tion distributions for GPR forward modeling.

3. Mapping procedure

For the purpose of this mapping, a 16 m � 7 m � 10 m gravelbody excavated in the summer of 1999 in the Herten gravel pitwas chosen. To reduce the strong attenuation of the GPR-signal,the top-soil containing electrically high loss material has been re-moved. Then, perpendicular to the desired direction of excavation,parallel GPR measurements were conducted. Finally, unconsoli-dated sediment until a depth of ca. 9 m was dug out. The excava-tion extended laterally and did not reach the groundwater table.During the ongoing mining it was possible to obtain a three-dimensional image of the gravel body within a short period of time.The sedimentary body was documented by parallel and equidistant(2 m) vertical sections, which follow the gradual excavation(Fig. 3). From the geophysical measurements, GPR maps could beassigned to each of the cross sections.

Sketches of geological structures were drawn, and small- andlarge-scale digital photographs were taken from all six cross-sections in order to fully capture 2D heterogeneity on the cm todm-level. Wide-angle photographs (6 cm � 17 cm, Linhof Techn-orama 617 S camera with tripod and Schneider centre filter) ofthe entire outcrop width were scanned and served as basemapsfor the digitization procedure. Bedding surfaces and facies bound-aries could then be traced to produce digital maps (GIS shape

ibution after digitization with distinction of main genetic units I–VI.

6 P. Bayer et al. / Journal of Hydrology 405 (2011) 1–9

format) that accurately depict the facies distribution on each face.As a result, six parallel portrayals of litho-, hydro- and radar facieswere obtained. In this manner, the basis for the production of aninterpolated full 3D-model was created (Maji, 2005; Comunian etal., 2011).

As an example, Fig. 4 depicts inner Section 4. Even with the lowresolution outcrop photo shown here (Fig. 4a), major structurescan be delineated. This is due to the variability of material, watercontent and excavation stability specific to different facies types.Furthermore, in matrix-rich compartments, drying of the exposure

Fig. 5. Hydrofacies based conductivity map (left) an

wall surface from the sunny weather was less effective, a fact thatincreased the visual contrasts.

4. Results

4.1. Architectural elements

The digitization procedure and facies-based distinction deliv-ered six very similar facies mosaics for each of the vertical profiles

d corresponding GPR profiles of Sections 1–6.

Fig. 6. Areal percentage of hydrofacies classes in the six profiles.

P. Bayer et al. / Journal of Hydrology 405 (2011) 1–9 7

(Fig. 5, Nos. 1–6 in the direction of excavation) with typical, recur-ring patterns. In all sections, we can distinguish six major geneticunits that are dominated by specific architectural elements. Theseunits can be distinguished, from bottom to top, as follows (Fig. 4b):

Unit I: The lowermost unit consists of sand-rich, poorly sortedgravel intercalated with patches and discontinuous beds of open-work gravels (10–20 cm in thickness) which indicate subhorizontalstratification.

Unit II: A heterogeneous thick unit with local small sectionsthrough alternating sequences, with variably cross-bedded poorlysorted gravel dipping to the South and a massive well sorted gravelbody in the Southern (left) half.

Unit III: A trough-shaped, relatively thin and continuous unitwith mainly alternating sequences, dipping in a Southern direction.

Unit IV: A wedge-shaped sand-rich, poorly sorted gravel depositwith discontinuous thin beds of openwork gravels that indicatecross stratification gently dipping to the North.

Unit V: A laterally extended unit with heterogeneous sequencesof inclined, concave and trough-shaped bimodal gravel and openframeworks; dipping to the South, similar to unit III.

Unit IV: Horizontally stratified, thick continuous gravel sheetsin the uppermost ca. 1.5 m of the outcrop.

The geometry of the bounding surfaces and the dip of the tan-gential and parallel foresets are indicators that the sections are ori-ented almost parallel to the mean ancient flow direction. Geneticunits III and V can be interpreted as typical scour pool fillings thatoriginate from pools moving to the South with sedimentation ofalternating sequences downstream. The bimodal couples found inthe units II, III and V portray the existence of flow separation zonedeveloping at the transition from the channel into the scour. Thesescour pool fillings represent architectural elements with erosion aswell as deposition character. The size of lower unit III slightly in-creases in direction of excavation with greatest extension in pro-files 5 and 6. This could also indicate a trough shape in thisdirection. Unit IV represents a gravel sheet, which is genetically re-lated to the scours (e.g. Marti, 2002). Alternating sequences spo-radically appear also in unit V. These can be interpreted as partlyeroded relics of former more extensive scour pool fills. Particularlyin the Northern part, a wedge-shaped zone in the cross section canbe found in all profiles that could be the beginning of a further bigscale scour pool fill that dominates beyond the mapping bound-aries. While the rather homogeneous units I and V cannot be easilycategorized, unit VI shows typical features of erosive gravel sheets.Such gravel sheets are typical architectural elements, in particularin the more distant glacier outwash area. Therefore, its appearanceon top of the profiles could indicate a later phase of outwash depo-sition during further retreat of the glacier. The transition betweenunits V and VI is also described at different localities in NE-Switzer-land, e.g. Hüntwangen pit (Siegenthaler and Huggenberger, 1993).

4.2. Litho- and hydrofacies distribution

The hydrofacies show the highest variation in the alternatingsequences (lithofacies Gcg, a) that dominate units III and V. Thesealternating sequences account for about 25% of the profiles. Thesandy bimodal gravel (sGcg,b) clearly dominates the base of the se-quences. The finer fGcg,b common to Gcg,a sequences only appearsrarely and concentrated locally as trough-shaped deposits in theNorthern part of unit III (in profiles 1–5). The highly permeablecoarse framework gravels (cGcg, o) also occur exclusively in thiscentral unit. They are most pronounced in profile 5. The total por-tion of open framework is about 10% on the average and slightlyincreases towards the (Western) direction of excavation (Fig. 6).

The preeminent lithofacies (ca. 70%) is the matrix-supportedgravel (Gcm) with the hydrofacies variants sGcm, cGcm, Gcm. Incontrast to the alternating sequences, they commonly show larger

extensions and more continuity from one section to the next. Forexample, top unit VI is built up by a continuous cGcm – sGcm –cGcm strata in all profiles. Such continuous cGcm gravel sheets alsorepresent the top of unit I and the basis of unit IV. Compared withthe homogeneous unit VI, the matrix-supported gravel in the otherunits is frequently interbedded by local trough-shaped or thin-layered framework.

Unit II is dominated by the sandy matrix-supported gravel.Therefore, as depicted in the log-based conductivity profiles(Fig. 5), it is an extensive zone of low conductivity. Only in thisunit, a substantial GS-x wedge can be found which increases its sizetowards the direction of excavation. It represents a continuouszone of relatively high conductivity. Overall, well sorted lithofaciesGS-x and S-x are rare, and the latter represents less than 1% in theprofiles.

4.3. Radar profiles

Fig. 5 compares the derived conductivity maps to the GPR pro-files, and shows that several typical structures and bedforms arewell captured by GPR. Radar permittivity and reflection is con-trolled especially by the residual water content contrasts. Thushydrofacies boundaries are ideally reproduced if they are signifi-cant and continuous such as at the interfaces between some genet-ic units and within alternating sequences. This is true in particularbetween and within the upper units. The horizontal layering of thehomogeneous gravel sheet that makes up top unit VI can be di-rectly correlated from the outcrop facies maps to the continuoushorizontal high-amplitude reflectors in the upper part of the radarprofiles (see top arrow GPR profile of Section 3). The following low-er unit V is separated clearly from unit VI by commonly short, dip-ping reflectors that delineate the internal cross-beddings of thebundles of alternating gravel. Interestingly, the amplitudes of thesereflections increase towards the bottom, which could reflect drain-age in the upper part and ponding of residual water in the lower. Abasal strong reflection of unit V originates from the contrast to theunderlying massive matrix-supported gravel of unit IV.

The alternating sequences generate considerable small-scalecontrasts, apparently delineating the substantial hydraulic con-trasts between clast-supported and matrix-supported facies types.Especially on the Southern part, reflection dips of unit V follow therelatively horizontal layering, whereas the inclined reflections ofthe Northern part indicate the cross-beddings and more concave,inclined alternating sequences. Nevertheless, resolution is limited,and even though the radar profiles reproduce characteristic

8 P. Bayer et al. / Journal of Hydrology 405 (2011) 1–9

features well, individual beds are rarely resolved. Overall, thereflectors help to reconstruct the sequences, although the reflec-tion volume limits depiction of small scale features. Radar faciesdetermined based on these GPR maps thus would have to be basedon the genetic units rather than single facies variability.

Deeper units are more difficult to correlate with the GPR pro-files. While the wedge-shaped form of unit IV can be identified alsoin the reflections, it is hardly possible to deduce from radar infor-mation alone that it is underlain by a thin high-conductivity unit V.This is certainly due to the resolution that technically decreaseswith the profile depth, and due the small width of unit III that can-not be resolved by the given wavelength. Again, internal lithofaciesvariations can hardly be interpreted by the radar profiles alone. Asan exception, the major structural trends in the basal units,cross-beddings and trough-shaped bedforms in unit II and morehorizontal layers in unit I, can be seen in the reflector patterns. Thisenables the tracing of the boundary between the units in the radarprofiles, where inclined reflectors downlap on basal horizontalreflectors (as accentuated by the arrows on the GPR profile for Sec-tion 2, Fig. 5).

5. Conclusions

A high resolution portrayal of a braided river deposit block wasdeveloped, which is considered one of the best characterized gravelbodies of this size. Combination of sedimentary and hydrogeolog-ical facies analysis enabled a reliable structural analysis on decime-ter and meter scale. The gravel body was investigated by recordingfull 2D cross sections during excavation. The sections were digi-tized based on outcrop drawings and photographs. Facies mosaicsare attained, for each of which a sequence of six characteristic ge-netic sedimentary units can be distinguished. The facies mosaicswere compared to GPR profiles. The latter had been obtained froma survey before the excavation. In particular the best resolvedupper part of the profiles delivers characteristic reflection patterns.Continuous high amplitudes correlate with layered gravel sheetsand inclined small-scale reflections delineate alternating gravel se-quences as deposited in scour pools. These patterns would be suit-able for framing radar facies types. For the lower units in the gravelbody, interpretation of the GPR profiles would be ambiguous with-out the facies maps.

The gravel body is highly heterogeneous, in particular in thealternating sequences of units III and V, and at other parts wherehighly conductive open frameworks are embedded in matrix sup-ported gravel beds. Continuity in the third dimension, towardsthe direction of excavation, can be assessed by sequential compar-ison of neighboring facies profiles. It is revealed that the major ge-netic units recur in each section, with slight variability and sometrends in the unit boundaries. Among the individual hydrofacieszones, only larger layers and wedges show continuity. Those withhigh variability in the 2D section such as again the alternating se-quences cannot easily be traced in the third dimension.

This presentation is intended to offer more insight into theunderlying ‘‘real time’’ mapping procedure as well as into the typesof sedimentological, hydrogeological and geophysical data avail-able. It is also meant to stimulate further use of the presented datain future applications. Of particular interest are analog simulationsof flow and transport processes. Results from such simulations canbe interpreted for similar but incompletely described aquifers, orfor hardly accessible deep aquifers with similar facies distribution.For example, the role of sedimentary heterogeneity on dispersiveprocesses relevant for successful carbon dioxide sequestration incomparable sediments can be examined. Also, the detailed resolu-tion of the structures facilitates numerical simulations to studynon-Fickian transport behavior. The data set, in 2D sections or

reconstructed in 3D, is certainly perfect grounds for testing andvalidating innovative hydrogeological modeling concepts. The effi-ciency of both forward and inverse modeling techniques can bedemonstrated on a highly realistic and fully digitalized field case.


This work was supported by the German Research Foundation(DFG) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) SinergiaProject ‘‘Ensemble’’. The diligent assistance of Margaret Hassduring the preparation of the manuscript is highly acknowledged.Special thanks go to Jürgen Heinz, Georg Teutsch, Thomas Aignerand Gerhard Lörcher for their support during mapping, digitizationand facies interpretation at the University of Tübingen. SemereSolomon and two anonymous reviewers substantially helped toimprove the original version of the manuscript.

Appendix A. Supplementary material

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, inthe online version, at doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.03.038.


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