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Thermodynamics of adsorption of binary aqueous organic liquid mixtures on a RPLC adsorbent

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Journal of Chromatography A, 1155 (2007) 85–99 Thermodynamics of adsorption of binary aqueous organic liquid mixtures on a RPLC adsorbent Fabrice Gritti a,b , Georges Guiochon a,b,a Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-1600, USA b Division of Chemical Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6120, USA Received 23 January 2007; received in revised form 29 March 2007; accepted 4 April 2007 Available online 19 April 2007 Abstract The surface excess adsorption isotherms of organic solvents commonly used in RPLC with water as co-eluent or organic modifiers (methanol, ethanol, 2-propanol, acetonitrile and tetrahydrofuran) were measured on a porous silica surface derivatized with chlorotrimethylsilane (C 1 -silica with 3.92 mol C 1 groups per m 2 of SiO 2 ), using the dynamic minor disturbance method. The 5 m diameter particles were packed in a 150 mm ×4.6 mm column. The isotherm data were derived from signals resulting from small perturbations of the equilibrium between the aqueous–organic solutions and the adsorbent surface. The partial molar surface area of the adsorbed components were assumed to be the same as those of the pure components. The difference σ σ i between the surface tensions of the adsorbed mixtures and that of the pure liquids was measured as a function of the organic modifier molar fraction. A simple and unique convention for the position of the Gibbs dividing surface was proposed to delimit the Gibbs’s adsorbed phase and the bulk liquid phase. The activity coefficients of the organic modifiers and of water and their thermodynamic equilibrium constants between the two phases were measured. The strong non-ideal behavior of the adsorbed phase is mostly accounted for by the surface heterogeneity. Some regions of the surface (bonded –Si(CH 3 ) 3 moieties) preferentially adsorb the organic compound while the regions close to unreacted silanols preferentially adsorb water. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Gibbs surface excess; RP-HPLC; Adsorption heterogeneity; Silanols; Minor disturbance method; Adsorption isotherm; Retention mechanism; Water; Methanol; Ethanol; 2-Propanol; Acetonitrile; Tetrahydrofuran; C 1 -silica; Endcapping 1. Introduction Understanding the thermodynamics of equilibrium between a solution and a solid adsorbent [1–13] is essential to assess the performance of a porous material in terms of molecular recogni- tion. An adsorbent wet by a solution will adsorb selectively one or a few components of the solution. This selectivity depends on the composition of the liquid. A direct application of this phenomenon is the separation of samples in reversed-phase liq- uid chromatography (RPLC). A pulse of sample, dissolved in the mobile phase, percolates through a bed of porous, chemi- cally modified silica. In order to achieve the elution of all the sample components in a reasonable time and/or to modify the selectivity of the separation, the mobile phase is a solution of a weak solvent (e.g., water in RPLC, hexane in NPLC) and a Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 865 974 0733; fax: +1 865 974 2667. E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Guiochon). strong solvent (e.g., methanol, acetonitrile or tetrahydrofuran in RPLC, isopropanol in NPLC). The progressive increase of the concentration of the strong solvent (gradient elution chromatog- raphy) is a common application of the influence of a change in the mobile composition on selective adsorption. Methanol, ethanol, 2-propanol, acetonitrile and tetrahydro- furan are the organic modifiers most frequently used in RPLC. Based on the observation that elution times are systematically smaller with acetonitrile than with methanol, chromatographers have classified methanol as a weaker eluent than acetonitrile. This decision may not be justified. Some have advanced as alternative explanations, the higher solubility of most sample components in acetonitrile than in methanol, others the stronger adsorption of acetonitrile on RPLC packing materials and its more effective competition with the analyte components for adsorption on the stationary phase. Not being solidly based on thermodynamics, these explanations are fragile. The solu- bility of a compound is not directly related to its distribution between the bulk liquid and the adsorbed phase. A complete 0021-9673/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2007.04.024







Journal of Chromatography A, 1155 (2007) 85–99

Thermodynamics of adsorption of binary aqueous organicliquid mixtures on a RPLC adsorbent

Fabrice Gritti a,b, Georges Guiochon a,b,∗a Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-1600, USA

b Division of Chemical Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6120, USA

Received 23 January 2007; received in revised form 29 March 2007; accepted 4 April 2007Available online 19 April 2007


The surface excess adsorption isotherms of organic solvents commonly used in RPLC with water as co-eluent or organic modifiers (methanol,thanol, 2-propanol, acetonitrile and tetrahydrofuran) were measured on a porous silica surface derivatized with chlorotrimethylsilane (C1-silicaith 3.92 �mol C1 groups per m2 of SiO2), using the dynamic minor disturbance method. The 5 �m diameter particles were packed in a 150 mm4.6 mm column. The isotherm data were derived from signals resulting from small perturbations of the equilibrium between the aqueous–organic

olutions and the adsorbent surface. The partial molar surface area of the adsorbed components were assumed to be the same as those of the pureomponents. The difference σ − σ∗

i between the surface tensions of the adsorbed mixtures and that of the pure liquids was measured as a functionf the organic modifier molar fraction. A simple and unique convention for the position of the Gibbs dividing surface was proposed to delimithe Gibbs’s adsorbed phase and the bulk liquid phase. The activity coefficients of the organic modifiers and of water and their thermodynamic

quilibrium constants between the two phases were measured. The strong non-ideal behavior of the adsorbed phase is mostly accounted for byhe surface heterogeneity. Some regions of the surface (bonded –Si(CH3)3 moieties) preferentially adsorb the organic compound while the regionslose to unreacted silanols preferentially adsorb water.

2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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eywords: Gibbs surface excess; RP-HPLC; Adsorption heterogeneity; Silanoethanol; Ethanol; 2-Propanol; Acetonitrile; Tetrahydrofuran; C1-silica; Endca

. Introduction

Understanding the thermodynamics of equilibrium betweensolution and a solid adsorbent [1–13] is essential to assess theerformance of a porous material in terms of molecular recogni-ion. An adsorbent wet by a solution will adsorb selectively oner a few components of the solution. This selectivity dependsn the composition of the liquid. A direct application of thishenomenon is the separation of samples in reversed-phase liq-id chromatography (RPLC). A pulse of sample, dissolved inhe mobile phase, percolates through a bed of porous, chemi-ally modified silica. In order to achieve the elution of all the

ample components in a reasonable time and/or to modify theelectivity of the separation, the mobile phase is a solution ofweak solvent (e.g., water in RPLC, hexane in NPLC) and a

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 865 974 0733; fax: +1 865 974 2667.E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Guiochon).


021-9673/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.oi:10.1016/j.chroma.2007.04.024

inor disturbance method; Adsorption isotherm; Retention mechanism; Water;

trong solvent (e.g., methanol, acetonitrile or tetrahydrofuran inPLC, isopropanol in NPLC). The progressive increase of theoncentration of the strong solvent (gradient elution chromatog-aphy) is a common application of the influence of a change inhe mobile composition on selective adsorption.

Methanol, ethanol, 2-propanol, acetonitrile and tetrahydro-uran are the organic modifiers most frequently used in RPLC.ased on the observation that elution times are systematically

maller with acetonitrile than with methanol, chromatographersave classified methanol as a weaker eluent than acetonitrile.his decision may not be justified. Some have advanced aslternative explanations, the higher solubility of most sampleomponents in acetonitrile than in methanol, others the strongerdsorption of acetonitrile on RPLC packing materials and itsore effective competition with the analyte components for

dsorption on the stationary phase. Not being solidly basedn thermodynamics, these explanations are fragile. The solu-ility of a compound is not directly related to its distributionetween the bulk liquid and the adsorbed phase. A complete

8 hroma





















The chemical potentials of the component i in the adsorbeda l

6 F. Gritti, G. Guiochon / J. C

nderstanding of the adsorption of organic compounds requiresse of the fundamental concept of the Gibbs surface excessegarding the adsorption of a liquid mixture at a solid–liquidnterface.

The goal of this paper is an investigation based on the Gibbsurface excess of the adsorption properties of five classicalPLC organic solvents (methanol, ethanol, 2-propanol, acetoni-

rile and tetrahydrofuran) from their aqueous solutions onto ailica surface that has been derivatized with chlorodimethyl-ilane (i.e., fully endcapped). This work is a first step in anttempt to better understand retention mechanisms in RPLC, i.e.he adsorption of solutes from a binary solution onto an imper-

eable solid surface. The impermeability of the solid surfaceo liquid solutions used in RPLC was demonstrated by Kazake-ich et al. [29], based on the comparison between the specificore volume of porous silica particles measured by chromatog-aphy and by low temperature nitrogen adsorption. In this firstttempt, we do not take the dissolved analyte into considerationut focus on the thermodynamics of adsorption of the binaryobile phase (water + organicsolvent). The surface excess of

he organic compound is measured for the whole possible com-osition range of the mixture (0–100%). The simplest adsorbent,silica surface covered with a monolayer of trimethylsilane

roups, –Si(CH3)3, is used. The equilibrium between the solu-ion and the adsorbent surface is perturbed locally by injectionf a small pulse of organic modifier (linear perturbation), andhe elution signal is detected. This is the minor disturbance

ethod. The heterogeneity of the adsorbent surface, the non-deal behavior of the adsorbed phase and the exact value ofhe thermodynamic equilibrium constant K between the bulkolution and the adsorbed phase will be discussed on the singleasis of the Gibbs surface excess isotherms obtained and of theonvention used to define the position of the Gibbs’ dividingurface. We present first the derivation of the activity coeffi-ients in the adsorbed phase, followed by a discussion of theethods used to derive numerical estimates valid in the case


. Theory

.1. The Gibbs-Duhem relationship

The Gibbs-Duhem relationship is inherent to the constructionf the extensive state function G. To derive it, the Gibbs-elmholtz enthalpy is written for both the adsorbed phase

noteda) and the bulk solution (notedl).The definition of the state function G is:

= U + PV − TS − σA (1)

here U is the internal energy of the system, P its pressure, V itsolume, T its temperature, S its entropy, σ the interfacial tensionetween the solution and the adsorbent that are in contact and A

s the adsorbent surface area. According to the first and secondrinciples of thermodynamics, any infinitesimal and reversibleransformation causing independent increments of entropy dS,olume dV , surface area dA and number of mole dni, leads to


togr. A 1155 (2007) 85–99

he following increment of the internal energy, U:

U = T dS − P dV + σ dA +∑


μi dni (2)

here μi is the chemical potential of component i in the solu-ion. The corresponding infinitesimal increment of the Gibbsree energy, G (Eq. (1)), writes:

G = (T dS − P dV + σ dA +∑


μi dni) + (P dV + V dP)

− (T dS + S dT ) − (σ dA + A dσ)

= −S dT + V dP − A dσ +∑


μi dni (3)

Integration of Eq. (2) at constant temperature T, under con-tant pressure P and at constant surface tension σ, and chemicalotential μi, relates the change in internal energy to the increasesn the entropy, the volume, the surface area and the number of

olecules of component i in the system from 0 to S, 0 to V, 0 toand 0 to ni, respectively.1

− 0 = U = T

∫ S

0dS − P

∫ V

0dV + σ

∫ A





∫ ni

0dni = TS − PV + σA +




Combination of Eqs. (1) and (4) gives:



niμi (5)

nd after differentiation of Eq. (5)

G =∑


ni dμi +∑


μi dni (6)

Finally, the Gibbs-Duhem relationship is obtained by com-aring Eqs. (3) and (6),

Adσ = S dT − V dP +∑


ni dμi (7)

Eq. (7) is the classical Gibbs-Duhem relationship that applieso a solution adsorbed on an adsorbent surface. This same rela-ionship can be applied to a bulk solution that is not under thenfluence of the potential field of the adsorbent surface. It is thenritten:

= S dT − V dP +∑


ni dμi (8)

.2. Chemical potentials in the bulk solution and in thedsorbed liquid phase

hase and in the bulk solution, μi and μi, respectively, shoulde derived consistently. In the bulk phase, the chemical potential

1 The internal energy is obviously zero in the absence of matter.




























F. Gritti, G. Guiochon / J. C

epends on three independent intensive parameters, P, T and theomposition of the solution, xl

i. For the pure component i, theariation of its chemical potential μ∗

i with pressure and temper-ture can be derived from Eq. (8). At constant temperature TdT = 0), the variation of the chemical potential with the pres-ure P is given by integration of the Gibbs-Duhem relationshipEq. (8)):

l,∗i (T, P) − μ

l,∗i (T, P0) =

∫ P

P0vl,∗i (T, P) dP (9a)

here μl,∗i (T, P0) is the chemical potential of the pure liq-

id component i at the reference atmospheric pressure P0 andl,∗i (T, P) is its molar volume.

If we assume that the pressure under which the adsorptionroblem is studied is not very different from the atmosphericressure, v

l,∗i can be considered as independent of the pressure.


l,∗i (T, P) = μ

l,∗i (T, P0) + v

l,∗i (P − P0) (9b)

The chemical potential μli(T, P, xl

i) of component i in a mix-ure of molar composition xl

i is:

li(T, P, xl

i) = μl,∗i (T, P) + RT ln[γl

i (xli)x


= μl,∗i (T, P0) + v

l,∗i (P − P0) + RT ln[γl

i (xli)x



here γli (x

li) is the activity coefficient of compound i in the

ulk mixture. The activity coefficients generally depends on theixture composition.In the adsorbed layer of adsorbed solution, the chemical

otential of compound i depends on four intensive parameters,he temperature T, the pressure P, the composition xa

i and thenterfacial tension σ. Repeating the same calculation as for theulk liquid phase but considering now Eq. (7) instead of Eq. (8),he general expression of the chemical potential of component in the adsorbed solution, at constant pressure P is:

ai (T, P, σ, xa

i ) = μa,∗i (T, P, σ∗

i ) − a∗i

ti(σ − σ∗

i )

+ RT ln[γai (xa

i )xai ] (11)

here σ∗i is the interfacial tension between the pure liquid i and

he solid surface. a∗i is the molar surface area of compound i,

lone, on the adsorbent surface and ti is the average numberf adsorbed monolayers of pure compound i. Thermodynamicquilibrium between the adsorbed and bulk pure liquid phasemposes that:

a,∗i (T, P, σ∗

i ) = μl,∗i (T, P) = μ

l,∗i (T, P0) + v

l,∗i (P − P0)


.3. Solid–liquid thermodynamic equilibrium

Combining Eqs. (10)–(12), the equilibrium relationshipetween the adsorbed and the bulk liquid phases is given by a

togr. A 1155 (2007) 85–99 87

he equality of their respective chemical potential in each phase:

ai (T, P, σ, xa

i ) = μli(T, P, xl

i) (13a)



ti(σ − σ∗

i ) + RT ln[γai (xa

i )xai ] = RT ln[γl

i (xli)x

li] (13b)


li (x


li = γa

i (xai )xa

i exp




σ − σ∗i



Eq. (13c) represents the fundamental equilibrium thermody-amic relationship between the adsorbed and the bulk liquidhases. Its application requires the knowledge of the molar sur-ace area a∗

i (T ) of the compound in the adsorbed monolayer. Theumber of adsorbed monolayers, ti, is a priori unknown. Theerm σ − σ∗

i is the free energy of immersion into the solutiony reference to immersion into the pure liquid. It can be mea-ured experimentally, based on the measurement of the excessdsorbed amount of component i onto the adsorbent surface.

.4. Excess amount adsorbed and adsorbed phase structure

The surface in contact with the bulk liquid phase attractsome components of the solution. The composition of the liquid,rom the adsorbent surface to the bulk, varies in an unknownanner with the distance to the surface. The excess amount of

omponent i, nei , in the adsorbed phase with respect to the bulk

hase in equilibrium (composition xli) writes [14]:

ei = (xa

i − xli)∑


nai (14)

here nai is the adsorbed amount of component i.

Note that nei is unique and can be measured. On the other

and, the total number of mole in the adsorbed phase,∑

inai ,

s completely arbitrary and so is the molar fraction in thedsorbed phase, xa

i , because the real physical concentration pro-le above the surface is unknown. However, the thermodynamic

reatment of the adsorption behavior requires a physical delimi-ation between two apparently immiscible phases in equilibriumadsorbed and bulk solutions) with their own chemical com-ositions (xa

i and xli, respectively). Fig. 1 illustrates this point.

ccording to the choice for the maximum distance za abovehich the liquid is considered as identical to the bulk solution,

he number of moles in the adsorbed phase differs. za can be con-eniently expressed as a multiple t of the adsorbed monolayerhickness.

In the case in which the partial molar surface areas of theixture components do not depend on the composition xa

i butre equal to the molar surface areas of the pure components, a∗

i ,ne can write:

At∑ =∑

a∗i x

ai (15a)


nai i

For a binary mixture, the molar fractions can be expressed asfunction of the unique, experimental excess amount adsorbed

88 F. Gritti, G. Guiochon / J. Chroma

Fig. 1. Representation of the true excess amount adsorbed of component i(hatched area) relatively to the bulk concentration xl

i and the equivalent adsorbedphase represented by the different rectangles, which correspond to different val-ut



























ttcomponent 1 can directly be accounted for by Eq. (23). t ischosen by convention. Comparison between the experimentaldata and the results of Eq. (23) needs the determination of three

es of the number of adsorbed monolayer t. Note the interdependence betweenand xa

i .

nd of the parameter t:

a1 = Atxl

1 + a∗2n


At + (a∗2 − a∗



Knowing the molar surface areas of the pure components, a∗1

nd a∗2, and the surface area of the adsorbent A, it is possible to

easure the molar compositions xai of the adsorbed phase. The

arameter t is directly related to the arbitrary choice made forhe position of the Gibbs dividing surface above the adsorbenturface (see explanation later, Fig. 1).

.5. Case of a binary mixture

In this work, we study the adsorption of a binary mixture on aolid surface. According to Eq. (14), the amounts of componentsand 2 adsorbed at equilibrium are

ne1 = −ne


na1 = ne

1 + xl1



na2 = ne

2 + xl2




The Gibbs-Duhem relationships, Eqs. (7) and (8), combinedith the equilibrium between adsorbed and bulk liquid mixturesive, at constant T and P:

Eq.(8) : 0 = xl1 dμl

1 + xl2 dμl

2 ⇔ dμl2 = −xl



dμl1 = −

Eq.(7) : −A dσ =(

ne1 + xl





1 +(

−ne1 + xl





togr. A 1155 (2007) 85–99

.5.1. Homogeneous surfaceThe selectivity of an adsorbent for component 1 with respect

o component 2 is defined as:

1/2 = xa1x




= α (18)

Combining Eq. (18) with Eq. (13c) for components 1 and 2ives:

1/2 = γl1γ


γa1 γl






σ − σ∗1

RT− a∗



σ − σ∗2



Combining Eqs. (14), (15) and (18) gives:

e1 = At(K1/2 − 1)xl



l1 + a∗



Obviously, in Eq. (20), K1/2 depends on the composition ofhe mixture studied. It is not a constant.

.5.2. Heterogeneous surfaceLet assume that the surface area A of the adsorbent can be

ivided into N different patches, Aj . On each patch j, the selec-ivity K1/2,j is written:

1/2,j = xa1,jx





here xa1,j and xa

2,j are the molar fraction of the adsorbateolecules 1 and 2 adsorbed on the patch j. The excess num-

er of moles of component 1 in the adsorbed phase is giveny

e1 =


ne1,j =


naj (xa

1,j − xl1) (22)

here naj = na

1,j + na2,j . A similar relationship applies to com-

onent 2.If we assume that there are t monolayers in the adsorbed

hase on each patch j of surface area Aj , the overall excessole numbers of adsorbate 1 are

e1 =


Ajt(K1/2,j − 1)xl1(1 − xl



l1 + a∗

2(1 − xl1)


ith A =∑jAj

In the simple case in which the surface A is divided intowo types of patches (N = 2) and the adsorbed and bulk solu-ions are ideal, the measurable excess amount adsorbed of



dμl1 ⇔ − A

RTdσ = ne








F. Gritti, G. Guiochon / J. Chromatogr. A 1155 (2007) 85–99 89

Table 1Activity coefficient in the bulk estimated from the UNIFAC method

% Modifier (v/v) H2O MeOH H2O EtOH H2O iPrOH H2O MeCN H2O THF

0a 1.000 2.240 1.000 6.782 1.000 17.02 1.000 13.34 1.000 33.420.5 1.000 2.225 1.000 6.600 1.000 16.15 1.000 13.17 1.000 32.071 1.000 2.210 1.000 6.425 1.000 15.33 1.000 13.01 1.000 30.795 1.001 2.096 1.004 5.230 1.007 10.42 1.001 11.79 1.003 22.51

10 1.003 1.967 1.014 4.132 1.028 6.856 1.005 10.40 1.012 15.6920 1.013 1.744 1.055 2.746 1.103 3.512 1.021 8.019 1.048 8.32930 1.029 1.561 1.125 1.962 1.224 2.129 1.053 6.115 1.107 4.89340 1.055 1.411 1.227 1.494 1.397 1.468 1.109 4.615 1.191 3.13950 1.090 1.287 1.372 1.205 1.636 1.123 1.204 3.451 1.306 2.18160 1.139 1.188 1.575 1.029 1.965 0.940 1.364 2.565 1.458 1.63170 1.205 1.110 1.862 0.929 2.425 0.853 1.649 1.907 1.654 1.30880 1.295 1.051 2.281 0.891 3.092 0.835 2.214 1.437 1.906 1.12390 1.420 1.014 2.950 0.910 4.153 0.878 3.580 1.128 2.223 1.02895 1.501 1.004 3.518 0.943 5.058 0.925 5.146 1.037 2.407 1.00799 1.578 1.000 4.383 0.985 6.415 0.981 7.596 1.002 2.567 1.0009 6.

10 6.


















9.5 1.588 1.000 4.557 0.9920a 1.599 1.000 4.758 1.000

a The activity coefficient given for the eluent whose volume fraction is zero c

ndependent parameters, the surface area A1 and the two ther-odynamic equilibrium constants K1/2,1 and K1/2,2.

.5.3. Determination of the activity coefficients in thedsorbed phase

The activity coefficients of the components in the bulk liq-id phase (γl

i ) can easily be estimated using the UNIFAC groupethod [15,16]. The details of the calculation are given in ref-

rence [17] for the calculation of the activity of a ternary liquidixture of methanol, water and phenol. The precision of theNIFAC method is only fair (< 10%) but it has a wide applica-

ion range [18]. Table 1 lists the activity coefficients of the fiverganic solvents studied in their aqueous solutions, as functionsf the volume fraction of the organic solvent.

The calculation of the activity coefficients in the adsorbedhase do not require the knowledge of details regarding the het-rogeneity of the adsorbent surface. The required informationncludes the activity coefficients in the bulk phase (as afore-

entioned), the overall surface area A of the adsorbent, theolar surface areas of the pure liquid components a∗

1 and a∗2

n the same adsorbent, the average number t of monolayersdsorbed and the changes in interfacial tension σ − σ∗

1 and− σ∗

2 between the liquid solution and the pure liquids. Com-ining Eqs. (18) and (13c), it is possible to derive the logarithmf the ratio between γa

1 and γa2 :




= lnγl



− ln K1/2 + a∗1


σ − σ∗1

RT− a∗



σ − σ∗2


From the definition of K1/2 (Eq. (18)), the structure of thedsorbed phase (Eq. (15)) and the excess amount adsorbed (Eq.14)), one can express K1/2 as a function of the measurable


xcess n1 as:

1/2 = xl2(xl

1At + a∗2n



2At − a∗1n



684 0.990 8.043 1.000 2.588 1.000992 1.000 8.535 1.000 2.609 1.000

onds to that of the infinitely diluted binary solution.

Integration of Eq. (17) between γl1x

l1 = 1 and γl

1xl1, on the

ne hand, and between γl1x

l1 = 0 and γl

1xl1 on the other gives the

ifferences σ − σ∗1 and σ − σ∗

2 , respectively:

− σ∗1 = −RT


∫ γl1x






l1(1 − xl


1xl1) (26a)

− σ∗2 = −RT


∫ γl1x






l1(1 − xl


1xl1) (26b)

From this point, only the ratio of the activity coefficientγa1 and

a2 is accessible from Eq. (24). One needs an additional relation-hip between both. It is given by the Gibbs-Duhem relationshipn the adsorbed phase:



RT= xa

1 d ln


1 xa1 exp




σ − σ∗1



+ xa2 d ln


2 xa2 exp




σ − σ∗2






t1+ xa



t2− A∑



⎞⎟⎟⎠ dσ

RT= xa

1 d ln γa1 + xa

2 d ln γa2


The left-hand-side term in Eq. (27a) is equal to zero underwo conditions:

1) If the average number of adsorbed monolayers t1 and t2 forthe pure components 1 and 2 are equal to the average number

of layers t in the mixture adsorbed phase.

2) If the molecular surface areas of compound i are the samein the adsorbed phase and in the pure component adsorbedphase (Eq. (15)).

9 hromatogr. A 1155 (2007) 85–99












Table 2Space requirement per molecule of solvent (a∗

i ) adsorbed on hydrophobicsurfaces

Solvent Mi (g/mol) ρia(g/cm3) a∗

i (A2) a∗i (m2/mol)

Reference nitrogen 28 0.807 20 120,000Water 18 0.998 13 78,000Methanol 32 0.792 22 130,000Ethanol 46 0.789 28 170,0002-Propanol 60 0.785 34 200,000Acetonitrile 41 0.782 26 160,000Tetrahydrofuran 72 0.886 35 210,000












0 F. Gritti, G. Guiochon / J. C

Under these hypotheses,

= xa1 d ln γa

1 + xa2 d ln γa

2 (27b)

Let us define the quantity ge as:

e = xa1 ln γa

1 + xa2 ln γa

2 (28)

Differentiation of Eq. (28) gives:

ge = ln γa1 dxa

1 + ln γa2 dxa

2 = lnγa



dxa1 (29)

nd integration of Eq. (29) leads to:

e =∫ xa





dxa1 (30)

Combining Eqs. (28) and (30), the activity coefficients in thedsorbed phase are calculated as follows:

n γa1 = ge + xa

2 ln γa1 − xa

2 ln γa2

= xa2 ln



+∫ xa





dxa1 (31a)

n γa2 = ge + xa

1 ln γa2 − xa

1 ln γa1

= −xa1 ln



+∫ xa





dxa1 (31b)

.5.4. Estimate of the molar surface areas a∗i

In order to calculate the molar surface area of water, methanol,thanol, 2-propanol, acetonitrile and tetrahydrofuran, one needsstandard reference. This standard reference can be given by theolar surface area of nitrogen, N2 on a silica surface modifiedith reaction with a dimethylalkyl silane. Amati and Kovats

19,20] have determined the space requirement of a single N2olecule on a series of modified silica surfaces. They showed

hat this space was of the order of 20 ± 1 A2 on hydrophobicurface but of only 16.2 ± 0.1 A2 on neat silica surfaces.

Based on the van der Waals atomic radius of nitrogen andhe van der Waals bond length in the nitrogen molecule, the

inimum space requirements for an adsorbed molecule of nitro-

en would be only 11.0 A2. The difference with the 20 A2

a factor × 1.82) is explained by the steric void between thedsorbed molecules and by surface motions. It is now possi-le to estimate the molecular surface area of any other liquid


able 3hysico-chemical characteristic of the C1-silica column

olumn Particle size(�m)

Specific mesoporevolume (cm3/g)a

Average poradius (A)a

ilica 4.81 0.88 46.5ndcapped C1-silica 4.81 0.69 45.4

a Measured from BET experiments with space requirements of N2 = 16.2 A2.b Measured from elemental analysis.

a The densities are considered at a temperature of 20 ◦C, except nitrogen at196 ◦C.

nowing its density and that of nitrogen. Accordingly,

∗i = aN2








able 2 lists the space requirements of the liquids men-ioned above, based on the density of liquid nitrogen at 77 K0.807 g/cm3).

. Experimental

.1. Chemicals

The mobile phases used in this work were mixtures ofethanol, ethanol, isopropanol, acetonitrile or tetrahydrofuran

nd water. The volume fractions were 0 (pure water), 0.5, 1, 5,0, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95, 99, 99.5 and 100 (purerganic solvent). Water, methanol, isopropanol, acetonitrile andetrahydrofuran were all HPLC grade and purchased from Fishercientific (Fair Lawn, NJ, USA). Ethanol was absolute (200roof) and purchased from the same manufacturer.

.2. Columns

The column used in this work was packed with silica end-apped with trimethylchlorosilane (TMS). It was generouslyffered by the manufacturer (Waters, Mildford, MA, USA). Theolumn tube dimensions are 150 mm ×4.6 mm. The characteris-ics of the bare silica and of the modified silica measured by the

anufacturer are given in Table 3. BET was used to measure thepecific surface area, the total pore volume and the average poreiameter. The C1surface coverage was calculated according tohe carbon content measured by elemental analysis.

re Specific surfacearea (m2/g)a

C endcapping(%)b

C1surface coverage(�mol/m2)

349 0 0.00235 4.48 3.92

hromatogr. A 1155 (2007) 85–99 91




















F. Gritti, G. Guiochon / J. C

For 1 g of unbonded silica, the mass of tethered C1 chains isiven by:

C1(g/gSiO2) = dC1(mol/m2)×Sp,SiO2 (m2/g)×MWC1 (g/mol)

= 3.92 × 10−6 × 349 × 73 = 0.09987 (33)

his mass is important to know because it allows to report anyuantity measured on the C1-silica column to the unit surfacerea of the neat silica.

.3. Apparatus

The injections were acquired using a Hewlett-Packard (Palolto, CA, USA) HP 1090 liquid chromatograph. This instru-ent includes a multi-solvent delivery system (tank volumes, 1 L

ach), an auto-sampler with a 25 �L sample loop, a diode-arrayV-detector, a RI-detector (HP1047), a column thermostat and aata station. Compressed nitrogen and helium bottles (Nationalelders, Charlotte, NC, USA) are connected to the instrument

o allow the continuous operations of the pump, the auto-samplernd the solvent sparging. The extra-column volumes is 0.041 mLrom the auto-sampler needle seat to the UV cell. It is 0.211 mLrom the auto-sampler needle seat to the RI cell. All the retentionata were corrected for these contributions. The flow-rate accu-acy was controlled by pumping the pure mobile phase at 295 Knd 1 mL/min during 50 min, from each pump head, succes-ively, into a volumetric glass of 50 mL. The relative error wasess than 0.25%, so that we can estimate the long-term accu-acy of the flow-rate at less than 3 �L/min at flow rates aroundmL/min. All measurements were carried out at a constant tem-erature of 295 K, fixed by the laboratory air-conditioner. Theariation of the ambient temperature during the acquisition ofhe peak profiles never exceeded ±0.5 K.

.4. Minor disturbance method

The excess amount of organic modifier adsorbed was mea-ured using the minor disturbance method [21,22]. For a binaryixture, the perturbation of the equilibrium between the bulk

nd the adsorbed phases generates a single signal that is detectedy the refractive index detector. The elution volume of this per-urbation (VR) is related to the excess amount adsorbed by:

R(cl1) = VM +





The column thermodynamic hold-up volume is determinedrom the integration of Eq. (34) between 0 and c

l,∗1 . Since the

xcesses are zero for these two extreme concentrations:

M =∫ c


0 VR(cl1) dcl




The excess amount adsorbed is given by:


1) =∫ cl



1) − VM) dcl1 (36)


ig. 2. Experimental contraction factor α at room temperature (T = 295 K) forve aqueous–organic binary liquid mixtures vs. the molar fraction of the organicolvent. Data taken from references [23–27]. Note that the correction for theontraction volume never exceeds 4%.

.5. Measurement of the concentration of the organicodifier

The different mobile phases used in the minor disturbanceethod measurements were prepared by mixing known volumes

f water and organic modifier. The sum of these two volumesas 250 mL. The volume fraction of the organic modifier, φ1,

s known experimentally (0%, 0.5%, 1%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%,0%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 95%, 99%, 99.5% and 100%).he mole fraction of organic modifier xl

1 was calculated as fol-ows:

l1 = 1

1 + (1 − φ1/φ1)(ρ2/ρ1)(M1/M2)(37)

here ρ1 and ρ2 are the densities of the organic modifiernd water, respectively, and M1 and M2 their molar mass. Inrder to determine the concentration (cl

1 in mol/mL) of therganic modifier, one needs to know the volume contractionactor α (α < 1, see Fig. 2) upon preparation of the mixturesater–methanol [23], water–ethanol [24], water–2-propanol

25], water–acetonitrile [26] and water–tetrahydrofuran [27]. cl1

s calculated as follows:

l1 = φ1




.6. Measurement of the external porosity by exclusion ofolystyrene standards

The measurement of the external porosity of the C1-columnas made from Inverse Size Exclusion Chromatography. Injec-

ion of four polystyrene standards of sufficiently high moleculareight (MW = 90, 000, 400,000, 575,000 and 900,000) corre-

ponding to the exclusion branch of the ISEC were performed28,29]. The extrapolation of the linear correlation between thelution volumes and the cubic root of the molecular weight tomass of zero gives the interparticle volume. The polystyrene

92 F. Gritti, G. Guiochon / J. Chroma

Fig. 3. Plot of the retention volume of polystyrene standards in pure THF as afl(

















unction of the cubic root of their molecular weight. The extrapolation of theinear trend to zero gives the interparticle volume in the chromatographic columnsee more details in Section 3).

tandards were dissolved into THF. The experimental results arehown in Fig. 3.

. Results and discussion

.1. Surface area of the C1-silica adsorbent

One important column characteristic is the surface area, A,f the adsorbent packed in it. It is a priori unknown becausee ignored the mass of adsorbent inside the column. From theDM measurements, the average value of the void volume VM

nside the column measured with methanol, ethanol, 2-propanol,cetonitrile and tetrahydrofuran is equal to 1.979. The interpar-icle volume Vex measured by the injection of the polystyrenetandards is equal to 0.995 mL. Accordingly, the total mesoporeolume Vp is obtained from the difference between VM and Vex.he mass of adsorbent mads is then derived from the knownpecific total pore volume Vs

p measured by BET:

ads = VM − Vex


= 1.979 − 0.995

0.69= 1.43 g (39)

The adsorbent surface A inside the column, corrected for thearger space requirement of one adsorbed molecule of nitrogenn hydrophobic surface, is:

= 1.43 × 235 × 1.235 = 415 m2

The factor 1.235 in this equation accounts for the differencen space requirement of one molecule of nitrogen at 77 K which

s larger when it is adsorbed on a hydrophobic surface (20.0 A2)han when adsorbed on neat silica (16.2 A2) [19,20]. The spe-ific surface area of 235 m2/g were calculated based on a spaceequirement of nitrogen of 16.2 A2.


togr. A 1155 (2007) 85–99

The mass of silica and of the bonded C1chains inside theolumn are:

msilica = 1.43

1.09987= 1.30 g and

mC1 = mads − msilica = 0.13 g

We can check the validity of the experimental hold-up vol-me VM measured from the MDM method. The condition thathe column tube volume is the sum of the volumes VM, Vsilicand VC1 should be verified. The density of the neat silica waseasured by pycnometry (ρsilica = 2.12 g/cm3) and the molec-

lar volume of the attached C1 chain –Si(CH3)3 is assumed toe 75 A3/molecule, as measured by Kazakevich and co-workersρC1 = 1.61 g/cm3) [29]:

C = πr2i L = 2.493 cm3 = VM + msilica

ρsilica+ mC1


= 1.979 + 1.30

2.12+ 0.13

1.61= 2.673 cm3

The rather large difference observed (+7%) may be explainedy the fact that the MDM method do not provide the true geomet-ical void volume of the column. If the value of VM determinedy the MDM holds, the specific pore volume of the adsorbenthould be 0.93 mL/g, a value close to the specific pore volumef the neat silica. Instead, we measured the column void vol-me by pycnometry using dichloromethane and methanol ashe two solvents. The volume measured was V0 = 1.863 mL, aalue significantly smaller than that obtained from the MDMethod (−7%). The specific pore volume is in this case equal

o 0.67 mL/g, a value that is in better agreement with the BETxperimental value of 0.69 mL/g.

This seems to demonstrate that the correct value for the hold-p volume might be better given by pycnometry rather than byhe MDM method. The MDM seems to give an overestimatef the column void volume. More data, however, are requiredo confirm this conclusion. For instance, in the literature [29],he values measured for the hold-up volume of a similar C1-ilica column by pycnometry were 1.913 and 1.917 mL (MeCN-H2Cl2and MeCN-THF pairs of solvent). Measured from MDMr from a labeled pure component injection, these volumes wereound to be 1.956, 1.978, 2.015 and 1.975 mL, e.g. a systematicverestimate of about + 3.5%. In this work, we consider thealue VM = 1.874 mL, which leads exactly to the experimentalalue of Vs

p = 0.69 mL/g.The masses of the adsorbent, silica and C1chains in the col-

mn are then mads = 1.33 g, msilica = 1.18 g and mC1 = 0.15 g.he surface area A inside the column is estimated at 386 m2.

.2. Number of adsorbed monolayer t: the convention

As explained in the theoretical part, the delimitation betweenhe adsorbed and the bulk phases requires an arbitrary choice

or the position of the Gibbs dividing surface. Once this surfaceas been chosen, the total number of adsorbed molecules andhe molar fractions in the adsorbed phase can be calculated. This

eans that the interfacial tension σ and the activity coefficient

F. Gritti, G. Guiochon / J. Chromatogr. A 1155 (2007) 85–99 93

F . Them .












ig. 4. Definition of the choice for the position of the Gibbs dividing surfaceodifier, which exhibits a plateau (dna

1 = 0) for a particular molar composition

n the adsorbed phase, γai , will be referred to this choice. Placing

he Gibbs dividing surface amounts to choosing the number ofdsorbed monolayers t. To be consistent over the entire molaromposition investigated, t should remain a constant and shoulde independent of the bulk composition. Accordingly,

1 = t2 = t (40)

This condition simplifies the Gibbs-Duhem relationship (Eq.27)) and the activity coefficients in the adsorbed phase canasily be derived through Eqs. (31a) and (31b).

One needs to make a choice for the value of t. Fig. 4 illustratesow t is arbitrarily chosen. Any choice for t, whether it is smallerr larger than 1, integer or non-integer, will be acceptable from ahermodynamic viewpoint. Our choice is based on the inflectionoint present on the plot of the excess amount adsorbed for aarticular composition different from 0 and 1. Physically, thiseans that , at this composition, the variation of the total amount

dsorbed reaches a minimum. In a case of an homogeneous sta-ionary phase, this inflection point occurs at xl

1 = 1 and the totalmount adsorbed does not vary (dna

1 = 0) because the surface isaturated with the pure component. For heterogeneous surfaces,his inflection point is located at a composition, which differsrom one. Three cases can be treated according to the numberf adsorbed monolayers t chosen:

1) For the smallest values of t, the derivative of the total amountadsorbed na

1 versus the bulk composition xl1 at the inflection

point is negative. This situation is unrealistic because theadsorption isotherm should be an increasing function of thebulk composition. However, there would be no objectionfrom a thermodynamic point of view.

2) For the highest values of t, the same derivative is positive.This corresponds to the actual situation. However, we haveno clue of deciding what would be exactly this positivederivative.


choice is made on the representation of the total number of mole of organic

3) For a particular value of t, this derivative is equal to zero.By convention, we will choose this unbiased condition todetermine the unique, arbitrary value of t. It is importantto keep in mind that this particular value of t do not nec-essarily reflect the true number of adsorbed monolayers. Itcorresponds to a strict minimum.

From the definition of the total amount adsorbed,



= d(Atxa1/x


1 − a∗2) + a∗



= Ata∗2


1 − a∗2) + a∗




= 0 ⇔ dxa1


= 0 (41)

From Eqs. (16), (15a) and (39), we have at the inflection pointin the above case 3:



= dne1


+ At


1 − a∗2) + a∗

2= 0 (42)

Combining Eqs. (40) and (13c), according to the above con-ention, the choice for the value of t is given by:

= − 1







∗1 + [1 − xl

1]a∗2) + (a∗

2 − a∗1)[ne




Fig. 5 A–E show the numbers of layer t calculatedccording to Eq. (41) for methanol–water, ethanol–water,sopropanol–water, acetonitrile–water and tetrahydrofuran–ater mixtures. t is equal to 0.61, 1.48, 2.23, 2.63 and 2.24

or methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, acetonitrile and tetrahy-rofuran, respectively. From a qualitative point of view, the

rue average number of adsorbed monolayer increases whenhe hydrophobicity of the alcohol increases, e.g. with the car-on number. It would not be too much distant from the realityo affirm that the adsorbed methanol–water system forms a

94 F. Gritti, G. Guiochon / J. Chromatogr. A 1155 (2007) 85–99

Fig. 5. Experimental excess number of mole of five adsorbed organic solvent from water measured by the minor disturbance method vs. the molar fraction of theorganic compound in the bulk mixture xl

1. The coordinates (abscissa, ordinate and slope) at the inflection point I are given to allow the calculation of the numberof adsorbed monolayer T consistently with the convention described in Fig. 4 and Eq. (41). (A) Methanol, (B) ethanol, (C) 2-propanol, (D) acetonitrile and (E)tetrahydrofuran.

hromatogr. A 1155 (2007) 85–99 95







Table 4Best fitting parameters (ε, KCH3 , KOH) of Eq. (44) to the experimental excessamount


Methanol (t = 0.61) 0.804 14.7 0.06Ethanol (t = 1.48) 0.436 16.4 0.312-propanol (t = 2.23) 0.426 18.8 0.31AT





F. Gritti, G. Guiochon / J. C

ingle monolayer, adsorbed ethanol–water system two mono-ayers and adsorbed isopropanol–water, acetonitrile–water andetrahydrofuran–water systems three monolayers.

.3. Surface heterogeneity

Fig. 5 A–E clearly demonstrate the heterogeneity of the C1-ilica surface. Indeed, if the surface was homogeneous, thenflection point I in these plots would be observed at the composi-ion xl

1=1. The molar compositions at which the excess isotherms zero are experimentally observed for a single molar fractionifferent from zero and 1. It is about 0.75, 0.37, 0.32, 0.47nd 0.53 with methanol, ethanol, 2-propanol, acetonitrile andetrahydrofuran.

As a first assumption, one can assume that the adsorbent sur-ace is made of two distinct patches. One represents the surfaceovered by the trimethylsilane groups, the complementary sur-ace being the remaining accessible unreacted silanols after theurface derivatization. According to Eq. (23), one can define twoonstant K1/2, one for the surface –Si(CH3)3groups, KCH3 , thether for the surface Si–OH groups, KOH:

e1 = At

(KCH3 − 1)xl1(1 − xl



l1 + a∗

2(1 − xl1)

+ [1 − ε](KOH − 1)xl

1(1 − xl1)


l1 + a∗

2(1 − xl1)


The value of A(= 386 m2) was measured according to theesults in Section 4.1. t is fixed according to the convention cho-en for the position of the Gibbs dividing surface (see previous


ig. 6. Fit of the excess number of mole of methanol, ethanol, 2-propanol, acetonitrileixtures. Note the disagreement between the experiment and the model.

cetonitrile (t = 2.63) 0.634 9.30 0.13etrahydrofuran (t = 2.24) 0.655 18.0 0.17

ection). The parameters to be estimated are ε (surface fractionccupied with –Si(CH3)3 groups), KCH3 and KOH. Performinghe fit of the experimental values of the excess amount adsorbede1 to Eq. (44) makes sense only if the estimated parametersemain constant with the molar fraction in the liquid phase xl

1.bviously, according to the definition of the parameter K1/2

Eq. (18)), there is no reason for KCH3 and KOH to be indepen-ent of xl

1. The only case for which this hypothesis is exactlyrue is when the molecular sizes of the adsorbate molecules arehe same (a∗

2 = a∗1 = a∗) and the liquid and adsorbed phases

ehave ideally (γl1 = γl

2 = γa1 = γa

2 = 1). The constant K1/2rites then,

1/2 = exp



σ∗2 − σ∗




The results of the fit are shown in Table 4. They make sense

ut qualitatively, only, and the comparison between the differ-nt organic modifiers is not trustworthy. The constant KCH3

nd KOH are well larger and smaller than 1, respectively. Inther words, the organic modifier and water are preferentially

and tetrahydrofuran to Eq. (44), which assumes ideal bulk and adsorbed liquid

9 hromatogr. A 1155 (2007) 85–99





Fig. 7. Activity coefficients of the components in the binary aqueous–organicld[






6 F. Gritti, G. Guiochon / J. C

dsorbed on the trimethylsilyl groups and on the silanol groups,espectively. Note that the average surface fraction occupied byhe hydrophobic group is about 60% which is consistent withhe 3.92 �mol/m2 surface concentration of Si(CH3)3 and thebout 8 �mol/m2 of initial surface concentration of silanols. Theverage values of KCH3 and KOH are about 15 and 0.20, respec-ively. As expected, one is larger than 1 on the hydrophobicart of the surface and the second is smaller than one on theolar silanol surface. However, one cannot attribute much morehysical information based on the results of this fit because thessumption of identical molecular size and mixture ideality isery unlikely. Evidence is given in Fig. 6 where the agreementetween the experiment and the best fit is obviously poor. Inhe next section, the non-ideality of the adsorbed phase will benvestigated and the true surface molecular areas of the com-ound will be conserved (Table 1). The activity coefficients inhe adsorbed phase will be determined experimentally basedn the known activity coefficients in the bulk (UNIFAC groupethod, ±10%, Fig. 7 A and B) and the convention defined

n the previous section for the position of the Gibbs dividingurface.

.4. Non-ideality of the water–organic adsorbed phase

The convention for the position of the Gibbs dividing sur-ace was discussed in the previous Section 4.2. It has lead to theetermination of the number t of adsorbed monolayers for eachrganic modifier in the adsorbed phase when the variation of theumber of mole of organic modifier adsorbed at the inflectionoint I is strictly zero. The procedure to derive the activity coef-cients γa

1 and γa2 is given in the theory Section 2.5.3. First, the

atio of the activity coefficient of the organic solvent to that ofater is determined according to Eq. (24). It is informative to

ook at the variation of the surface tensionσ − σ∗2 when the molar

raction of the organic solvent increases from 0 (pure water, σ∗2 )

o 1 (pure organic solvent, σ∗1 ). These plots are given in Fig. 8

or the five organic modifiers used in this work. As the carbonumber increases in the alcohol compounds (methanol, ethanolnd 2-propanol), the molar fraction for which the surface tensions minimum decreases (0.75, 0.40 and 0.30). Also, the variationf the surface tension between pure water and pure organic mod-fier, σ∗

1 − σ∗2 , are −16, +1 and +11 mN/m. The adsorption of

ater on the C1-silica surface is significant because, for instance,he surface tension between the C1-silica surface and pure waters less than the surface tension measured with pure ethanol (abouthe same −1 mN/m) and pure 2-propanol (−11 mN/m). Note,n the other hand, that pure methanol, pure acetonitrile and pureetrahydrofuran stabilize the surface energy of the surface.

The activity coefficients of the two adsorbed components arehown in Fig. 9 for the five aqueous organic binary mixtures.bviously, they demonstrate that the adsorbed phase is all but

deal. The thermodynamic consistency of our treatment can beested by the measured value of the activity coefficient of the pure

rganic modifier when xl

1 = 1. It is found for methanol, ethanol,-propanol, acetonitrile and tetrahydrofuran activity coefficientsf 1.020, 1.000, 0.987, 0.995 and 0.996, respectively. The verymall difference compared to the expected value of 1 is simply f

iquid mixtures (bulk phase) vs. the molar fraction of the organic component. Theata were estimated from the UNIFAC group contribution method at T = 295 K18]: (A) organic component and (B) water component.

ue to the fact that the integration of Eqs. (26a), (26b), (31a)nd (31b) is based on a limited number of data point (17 points).till, the thermodynamic consistency is excellent.

Let now consider the following molecular exchange betweenhe adsorbed and the bulk phase:

ORGANIC]l+ [H2O]a ⇔ [ORGANIC]a + [H2O]l K(T )


Basically, this equilibrium describes the exchange ofolecules of organic modifier and water from one phase to

nother. The equilibrium constant writes:

(T ) = γa1 xa



a a l l= exp




σ − σ∗2

RT+ a∗



σ − σ∗1



γ2 x2γ1x1

The phase rule or the degree of freedom of the system is:

= N − p + 3

F. Gritti, G. Guiochon / J. Chromatogr. A 1155 (2007) 85–99 97

F ganicw



ig. 8. Variation of the surface tension σ − σ∗2 vs. the molar fraction of the or


here N is the number of independent components (= 2), p theumber of phases in the system (= 2) and the term 3 accounts forhe three intensive variables, pressure P, temperature T and sur-ace tension σ. If the pressure and temperature are fixed (average


ig. 9. Measurement of the activity coefficients of the binary adsorbed liquid mixtures

modifier by reference to the surface tension exerted by the adsorbent on pure

olumn pressure drop and T = 295 K), there remains one degreef freedom to define completely the equilibrium state. This lastegree of freedom is the molar composition of the bulk xl

1. Oncel1 is chosen, the equilibrium constant can be calculated.

onto the C1-silica adsorbent consistent with the convention described in Fig. 4.

98 F. Gritti, G. Guiochon / J. Chromatogr. A 1155 (2007) 85–99

F ase am










ig. 10. Measurement of the equilibrium constant K(xl1) between the bulk ph

ixtures studied and consistent with the convention described in Fig. 4.

Fig. 10 shows the variation of the equilibrium constant Kith the molar fraction of the organic modifier in the bulk liq-id phase. Obviously, the thermodynamic equilibrium constants dependent on the definition of the adsorbed phase, hencen the parameter t. It is interesting to note the average inten-ity of the equilibrium constant as a function of the naturef the organic modifier. Surprisingly, probably because of itsmall molecular size and easy access to the residual surfaceilanols, the equilibrium constant K for water-methanol mixtures the highest and varied between 2 and 4. It decreases between.75 and 1, and between 0.55 and 0.90, with ethanol and 2-ropanol, respectively. K varied between 1 and 1.3, and between.95 and 1.35 with acetonitrile and tetrahydrofuran, respec-ively. Acetonitrile–water and tetrahydrofuran–water mixturesave comparable overall adsorption behavior on the C1-silicaurface.

In chromatography, one often measures the equilibrium con-tant related to the distribution of a retained analyte betweenhe adsorbed and bulk phases when it is infinitely diluted. InP-HPLC, water is always considered as the weakest solventsith respect to organic solvents such as those used in this study.he distribution of the organic modifier infinitely diluted in pureater is given by the equilibrium constant K∞

1 :

∞1 (T ) = γa

1 xa1

γl xl= exp




σ∗2 − σ∗




1 1

The thermodynamic equilibrium constants of methanol,thanol, 2-propanol, acetonitrile and 2-propanol between theulk and adsorbed phases are 3.91, 0.97, 0.68, 1.30 and 1.34,


nd the adsorbed phase onto the C1-silica adsorbent for the five binary liquid

espectively. Inversely, the equilibrium constant of water in theure organic modifier is:

∞2 (T ) = γa

2 xa2



= exp




σ∗2 − σ∗




K∞2 (T ) is 2.24, 0.99, 0.86, 1.14 and 1.11 with pure methanol,

thanol, 2-propanol, acetonitrile and THF, respectively.

. Conclusion

The less arbitrary convention for the position of the Gibbsividing surface above the adsorbent surface is the one thatefines it as the position for which there is an extremum of theariation of the total number of mole of organic modifier as aunction of the distance to the surface. Assuming that the molarurface area of the mixture components adsorbed on the surfacere the same as those of the pure components simplifies con-iderably the expression of the Gibbs-Duhem relationships inhe Gibbs’ adsorbed phase. The activity coefficients of the com-onents in the bulk phase were estimated using the UNIFACroup contribution method, which is fairly accurate. Then, theerivation of the activity coefficients of the two components inhe binary adsorbed phase is straightforward and the equilibriumonstants between bulk binary solutions of various compositionsnd the adsorbed layer can be derived exactly.

This work has numerous implications in chromatography.t may be used to illustrate the heterogeneous character ofhe surface of conventional chromatographic adsorbents, whichs consistent with the simultaneous presence on their surface














[[[26] K. Hickey, W.E. Waghorne, J. Chem. Eng. Data 46 (2001) 851.

F. Gritti, G. Guiochon / J. C

f residual silanols (–Si–OH, � 4.0 �mol/m2) and of tetheredlkylsilane groups (–Si(CH3)3, � 4.0 �mol/m2). Based on thenique convention for the position of the Gibbs dividing surface,t can provide exact values of the thermodynamic equilibriumonstant K, which governs the equilibrium between the bulkiquid and the adsorbed liquid phase.

Obviously, this work could be extended to the study of ternaryiquid mixtures. Most commonly used mobile phases in RPLCre made of two solvents (as studied in this work). They are usedo elute mixtures. In analytical applications, this third components at infinite dilution. However, its interactions with the adsor-ent surface are much stronger than those of organic solvents,hich explains why analytes are retained. One important issue

n chromatography is to evaluate the dependence of the reten-ion of an analyte on the organic solvent concentration (xl

1). Theethod described could be extended to three-components sys-

em, with one component being infinitely diluted, and wouldllow the derivation of the exact thermodynamic distributiononstants of the analytes between the adsorbent and the liquidhase. For preparative purposes, large sample concentrations aresed and it would be interesting to evaluate the impact of the ana-yte concentration on the adsorption of binary aqueous–organicolvents.

Another extension of this work would permit the comparisonf various RPLC adsorbents, which can differ by their surfaceroperties. The nature of the alkyl chain bonded to silica, theirurface density, the presence or absence of endcapping of thetationary phases are all important column parameters that affecthe adsorption of the binary solutions used as mobile phases inPLC. These parameters and their influence on the retentionechanism of analytes could be the topic of new investigations.


This work was supported in part by grant CHE-06-08659 ofhe National Science Foundation, by Grant DE-FG05-88-ER-3869 of the US Department of Energy, and by the cooperativegreement between the University of Tennessee and the Oak


togr. A 1155 (2007) 85–99 99

idge National Laboratory. We thank John O’Gara (Watersorp., Milford, MA, USA) for the synthesis of the packing mate-

ials used in this study. We thank Marianna Kele and Uwe Dietereue for their fruitful discussions about this work.


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