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The Rheology of Cementitious Materials

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The Rheology of Cementitious Materials by Robert J. Flatt Sika Technology Zurich, SWITZERLAND Nicos S. Martys Building and Fire Research Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, MD 20899 USA and Lennart Bergström Institute for Surface Chemistry, YKI Stockholm, SWEDEN Reprinted from MRS Bulletin, Materials Research Society, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 314-318, May 2004. NOTE: This paper is a contribution of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and is not subject to copyright.

The Rheology of Cementitious Materials


Robert J. FlattSika Technology


Nicos S. MartysBuilding and Fire Research Laboratory

National Institute of Standards and TechnologyGaithersburg, MD 20899 USA

andLennart Bergström

Institute for Surface Chemistry, YKIStockholm, SWEDEN

Reprinted from MRS Bulletin, Materials Research Society, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 314-318,May 2004.

NOTE: This paper is a contribution of the National Institute of Standards andTechnology and is not subject to copyright.


IntroductionWhen explaining what concrete is to

students, the analogy to baking a fruitcaketurns out to be quite useful. Both “materials”contain solid inclusions (aggregates in con-crete, versus fruit or nuts in a fruitcake)and a binder (cement versus dough). Inboth cases, the consistency of the “batter”may be improved by adding water, and asa result, the porosity of the final product isincreased. While in the case of fruitcake thisporosity may be an advantage, particu-larly if the recipe calls for soaking the cakewith brandy or kirsch after baking, it canprove catastrophic to the durability of con-crete. Indeed, it is through the porous net-work of the cement paste that chemicalagents can enter concrete and cause itsdegradation. Furthermore, increased poros-ity of the matrix significantly decreasesconcrete strength.

At first glance, this may suggest that thesolution for a more durable concrete is

simply to add as little water as possible.However, while the amount of water re-quired for complete hydration is �25–30%of the cement mass, about twice this amountis needed to achieve sufficient workability.This is where dispersants, referred to in thisfield as superplasticizers or high-rangewater-reducing admixtures (HRWRAs)come into play. Indeed, the introduction ofsuch admixtures in concrete has enhancedthe durability, increased the strength, andimproved the workability to levels that pre-viously were unattainable.

Benefits of Using HRWRAs inConcrete

In this section, the practical advantages tothe construction sector of using high-rangewater-reducing admixtures are outlined.The mechanisms by which these advan-tages are achieved in materials terms arediscussed in the following sections of thisarticle.

Self-Leveling / Self-CompactingConcrete

Nowadays, it is possible to optimize theproperties of fresh concrete with the use ofsuperplasticizers to combine a high flowa-bility at very low additions of water withnegligible segregation of the particles. Thistype of concrete, which is usually referredto either as self-compacting concrete (SCC)or self-leveling concrete (SLC), can be castinto a frame of reinforced steel without theneed for the labor-intensive vibration usu-ally associated with concrete placing. Theintroduction of SCC in the last few decadeshas enabled the development of new con-struction technologies. For example, thespeed of construction of the 238-m-highRoppongi Hills Mori Tower in Tokyo is il-lustrated in Figure 1. In this case, the build-ing structure consists of steel tubes, 2 m indiameter, which were filled with concreteto increase dimensional stability. The useof SCC made it possible to cast sections ofup to 100 m in height without segregationof the aggregates due to gravity.

Ecological BenefitsSuperplasticizers are able to reduce the

porosity of the final material by allowingthe concrete to become workable with lesswater. This greatly enhances the durabil-ity of the concrete, which extends the lifecycle of the infrastructure in which it isused, thereby reducing the ecological im-pact of the construction sector.1 Further-more, superplasticizers also make itpossible to substitute substantial volumesof cement with industrial-waste materialssuch as slag, fly ash, and silica fume,which reduces the CO2 emissions associ-ated with cement production.

Architectural BenefitsConcrete, while relatively inexpensive,

is unique as a building material because itcan be cast in a wide variety of shapes andsizes. Furthermore, because the use of su-perplasticizers improves workability andmechanical properties through water re-duction (see the article by Vernet in thisissue), architects can now exploit com-pletely new designs for elegant structureswith normal load-bearing capacities.

Need for Predictability andRobustness

The benefits mentioned here produce amarket drive for higher-performance con-crete with enhanced workability. However,as performance requirements rise, the ro-bustness of the mix design becomes a morecritical issue. This brings with it a growingneed for predictability in concrete proper-ties and the a priori selection of concretecomponents as well as their proportioning,

The Rheology ofCementitiousMaterials

Robert J. Flatt, Nicos Martys, and Lennart Bergström

AbstractThe introduction of a new generation of dispersants in concrete allow this material to

exhibit self-compacting properties in its fresh state and high durability and mechanicalstrength in its hardened state.These properties translate into many practical advantagesfor the construction field.Two of the most important are reducing the ecological impact ofthis sector of industry and reducing the labor-intensive work associated with placingordinary concrete by vibration. In this article, it will be shown that knowledge of colloidalscience has proven essential in the development of this new generation of dispersantsfor concrete. Indeed, the polymer molecules used in these dispersants are specificallydesigned to induce steric repulsion between cement particles, reducing theiragglomeration and allowing high workability of fresh concrete prior to setting. While thelinkage between interparticle forces and the rheological behavior of cement pastes is stillonly semiquantitative, recent advances in the modeling of concrete rheology show verypromising results in terms of handling aggregates with a wide distribution of particlesizes and shapes. However, accurate modeling requires reliable input on the interactionof the dispersant with the hydrating cement at the molecular level, which is identified asa future research challenge.

Keywords: cement, colloids, construction materials, rheology, aggregates.


The Rheology of Cementitious Materials


in order to match the requirements of thedesign while minimizing sensitivity to vari-ations in materials supply.

Concrete Rheology and the Roleof SuperplasticizersNature of Superplasticizers

The original introduction of superplas-ticizers into concrete was accidental. Car-bon black had been added to concrete tochange the color of the center line of athree-lane highway. In doing so, the concretehad poor workability, and a dispersantwas introduced to counter the effect of thecarbon black. The resulting hardened con-crete showed properties that indicatedthat the cement had been positively af-fected by the dispersant;2 the workersprobably had added less water because ofthe enhanced dispersion, and thus higherstrength was obtained in the hardened ma-terial. It is now common practice to usethese additives to improve the flowabilityand extend the working time of fresh con-crete.3,4 The use of the first generation ofsuperplasticizers—for example, sulfonatednaphthalene formaldehyde (SNF) andmodified lignosulfonates (LSs)—resultedin significant improvements in the proper-ties of fresh concrete, and they are stillwidely used. However, increasing de-mands for better flowability, extendedworking time, and a reduction in concreteporosity have created a need for superplas-ticizers with improved performance.

Dispersion MechanismsSuperplasticizers adsorb at the solid–

liquid interface between the particles andthe aqueous phase. There, they impart arepulsive interparticle force, thus reduc-ing or eliminating adhesion between par-ticles in close proximity.4 The attractive

forces between the cement grains, silicafume, fly ash, and slag particles may origi-nate from van der Waals5 or electrostaticforces (ion correlation, see the article byPellenq and Van Damme in this issue), orfrom surface-charge inhomogeneities.

The term electrosteric stabilization isoften used to describe how superplasticiz-ers act as dispersants. Electrosteric stabi-lization is a combination of an electrostaticdouble-layer repulsion and a steric repul-sion, where the relative importance of therespective contributions is closely related tothe polymer segment density profile at theinterface, the charge density of the poly-mer, and the ionic strength of the solution.To prevent particles from coming intoclose proximity with each other, this forcemust be sufficiently long-range. In cemen-titious systems, where the ionic strength ishigh (�0.1 mol/L), electrostatics alone donot suffice. Thus, it is expected that extend-ing the layer thickness of adsorbed super-plasticizers should improve their rheologicalperformance in such systems.6,7 This maybe achieved with comb-type superplasti-cizers in which adsorption is driven by theionic content of the backbone and thesteric layer is enhanced by grafted non-adsorbing side chains that extend into thesolution (Figure 2).

AFM for Probing Properties ofAdsorbed Polymers

From the previous discussion, it is clearthat an important factor in the dispersionefficiency of superplasticizers is their ad-sorbed conformation. While computationalmethods such as molecular dynamics mayprovide insight into such phenomena inthe long term, it is currently more practi-cal to measure the interaction betweensuperplasticizer-coated surfaces directly

in relevant solution conditions. The atomicforce microscopy (AFM) method for meas-uring surface forces was first used byDucker et al.8 They attached a sphericalparticle at the tip of the cantilever and ob-tained a force-displacement curve fromthe deflection of the cantilever as a func-tion of intersurface separation. This versa-tile method was recently extended tospherical MgO particles,9,10 which have asimilar surface chemistry as cement buthave the advantage of being much less re-active when subjected to water.11

Figure 3 shows the results from direct-force measurements between a sphericalMgO probe attached to the cantilever anda flat MgO substrate immersed in an aque-ous media at pH 10.12 It was found that theinteraction is repulsive in a simple mono-valent electrolyte (KCl), which probablycan be related to the positive charge on theMgO surfaces (Figure 3a) and low attrac-tive van der Waals forces. However, theaddition of calcium resulted in an attractionbetween the surfaces that may originatefrom ion correlation forces, as described inthe article by Pellenq and Van Damme inthis issue. The addition of a comb-likecopolymer having a negatively chargedbackbone with grafted poly(ethyleneoxide) (PEO) chains of a relatively shortlength (PCP1) resulted in a stronger repul-sion between the surfaces (Figure 3b). Noattraction was observed, even in a calcium-rich electrolyte.

Addition of a comb-like copolymerhaving an identical backbone to PCP1 butwith PEO side chains of a much longerlength (PCP4) results in a interparticle re-pulsion that is much more long-range (Fig-ure 3c). In addition, the effect of thispolymer is influenced relatively little by thenature of the polyelectrolyte. This indi-cates that the steric repulsion is dominat-ing and we can even get an indication of thethickness of the adsorbed layer on the sur-face. These results are currently being usedin the design of superplasticizers with anoptimal structure and can also be used forrealistic estimates of the interparticle forcesin larger-scale simulations of the rheologyof particulate suspensions, as described inthe section on “Interparticle Interactions/Yield Stress.”

The Role of Particle SizeDistribution

While the addition of superplasticizersgreatly improves concrete rheology throughdispersion of the finer particles, the granularnature of concrete must not be overlooked.13

Concrete contains particles of different types,spanning several orders of magnitude issize (�50 nm for silica fume to �50 mmfor the largest aggregates). Thus, rheology

Figure 1. Series of photographs showing the speed of construction of the 238-m-highRoppongi Hills Mori Tower in Tokyo (completed in 2003).The use of self-compactingconcrete made it possible to cast sections of up to 100 m in height without segregation of the aggregates due to gravity. (Photographs courtesy of M. Danzinger; personalcommunication).


The Rheology of Cementitious Materials

may be improved by better grading andproportioning of the components.14,15

IncompatibilitiesWhile dispersion mechanisms appear

well understood in general terms, many

details remain unresolved, in particular,cement–superplasticizer incompatibility.3This term refers to specific combinationsof cement and superplasticizers that showpoor rheological properties unless exces-sive amounts of polymer are added, or for

which the duration of the dispersion effectis extremely short.

These incompatibilities arise from thereactivity of cement and in particular fromthe calcium aluminate phases, whichhave the strongest initial reaction in thepresence of water. The influence of thecement chemistry on superplasticizerperformance is well established4,16 and is attributed in part to the intercalation ofthe superplasticizers into hydrationproducts.17 The intercalated polymer islost for dispersion purposes and this de-creases efficiency.18 In other cases, theefficiency of some polycarboxylates canbe lowered because of competitive ad-sorption from sulfate ions.19

ModelingA detailed simulation of concrete rheol-

ogy, accounting for the motion of the ce-ment, sand, and aggregates, is impossibleon present-day computers. To solve thecomputational problem of the broad spanof particle sizes in concrete, a multiscale orhomogenization approach is used. Phe-nomena are modeled at a characteristiclength scale to determine an averageproperty, which is then used as an input ina simulation at a coarser scale. For ex-ample, if the viscosity of a mortar can bedetermined by simulation or experiment,that viscosity can be used as an input todetermine the viscosity of concrete.

There are problems with this approach,mainly linked to agglomeration.20 How-ever, at sufficiently high shear rates, theevolution of an agglomerating system issimilar to that of a non-agglomerating sys-tem. For cementitious materials that ex-hibit a Bingham behavior (a linear relationbetween shear stress and shear rate), plas-tic viscosity is the most relevant rheologi-cal parameter, and the slope ofexperimental flow curves can be com-pared to those of simulations.

Suspensions Model Based onDissipative Particle Dynamics

While some analytical solutions describ-ing the rheological properties of simplesuspensions exist (e.g., for very dilute sus-pensions), understanding the flow of morecomplex suspensions like cement-based ma-terials—dense suspensions and suspensionscomposed of particles with different shapes orparticles that interact—remains a challenge. Amajor difficulty in modeling complex fluidslike suspensions is the tracking of boundariesbetween the fluid and solid phases. Recently,a promising new computational methodcalled dissipative particle dynamics (DPD)21

has been developed for modeling complexfluid systems. Indeed, DPD may have advan-tages over other computational fluid

Figure 2. Schematic illustration of the force between two surfaces with adsorbed comb-likecopolymers, as a function of separation distance. Steric repulsion prevents van der Waalsinteractions from developing strong attractive forces (negative values). Schematicillustrations (top) show surfaces (from right to left) before, at the onset, and during theoverlap of their adsorbed layers, leading to steric hindrance that overcomes the van derWaals force.The dashed line in the graph is for a thinner adsorbed layer, which is shownbefore overlap-upon-layer-overlap in the lower illustration.The structure inset at lower rightgives the generic composition of such comb-type copolymers.

Figure 3. Atomic force microscopy colloidal probe results between MgO surfaces at pH 10:(a) without superplasticizer, (b) in the presence of PCP1 [short side chains of poly(ethyleneoxide), and (c) in the presence of PCP4 (longer side chains of PEO).The errors on suchmeasurements are about 5 �N/m.13

The Rheology of Cementitious Materials


dynamics methods because it can describemoving boundaries without requiring re-gridding of the computational domain.22

On the surface, DPD looks similar to amolecular dynamics algorithm,23 whereparticles, subject to interatomic forces,move according to Newton’s laws. How-ever, the particles in DPD are not atomisticbut instead are a mesoscopic representationof the suspension. The interactions be-tween the particles are described by threeclasses of forces: conservative, dissipative,and random. The conservative force is acentral force, derivable from some poten-tial. The dissipative force is proportionalto the difference in velocity between par-ticles and acts to slow down their relativemotion, producing a viscous effect. Therandom force (usually based on a Gauss-ian random noise) helps reproduce thetemperature of the system while produc-ing a viscous effect. Finally, it has beenshown that DPD equations can accountfor hydrodynamic behavior consistentwith the Navier–Stokes equations.24,25

To model a rigid-body inclusion in afluid, a subset of the DPD particles are ini-tially assigned a location in space suchthat they approximate the shape of the ob-ject.26 The motion of these particles is thenconstrained so that their relative positionsnever change. The total force and torqueare determined from the DPD particle in-teractions, and the rigid body moves ac-cording to the Euler equations.

Cement-based materials are usuallycomposed of particles with a broad shapeand size distribution. Figure 4 shows sometypical examples. Figure 4a is a system ofpolydisperse spheres that could corre-spond to a concrete composed of riverbedaggregates, which are usually rounder andsmoother than most aggregates. Figure 4bis based on realistic images of aggregatesacquired by x-ray microtomography of acrushed aggregate. The tomographic im-ages of aggregates can be analyzed fortheir geometrical properties by construct-ing a spherical harmonic representation oftheir shape.27 Once the aggregate imagesare incorporated into the code, we can de-termine the viscosity of the total systemrelative to the matrix fluid viscosity for agiven shear rate.

So far, we have found good agreementwith experimental studies of the plasticviscosity of fresh concrete having an ag-gregate composition similar to that usedin the simulations28 (Figure 5).

Interparticle Interactions/YieldStress

We are currently investigating the incor-poration of interparticle interactions thataccount for agglomeration of cement par-

ticles. For example, by including an ap-proximation to the attractive van der Waalsforce expected in cementitious systems,5 itis possible to produce a Bingham-like be-havior in our suspension. To model thesteric hindrance of dense layers, where in-terpenetration is low before the van derWaals force is counteracted, a cutoff dis-tance is introduced at close separation.While more refined models need to be de-veloped, the results of these preliminary

investigations are encouraging. Ultimately,we expect to be able to use conformationaldata of adsorbed superplasticizers fromAFM within such predictions.

ConclusionsIn this article, we have highlighted two

key aspects of concrete rheology: (1) the ag-glomeration of the finer particles and therole of dispersants to counter this agglomer-ation and (2) the granular nature of concreteand the role of particle size distributionson the rheological properties of concrete.

Mastering both aspects has led to signifi-cant progress in concrete technology, rais-ing expectations for concrete propertiesand highlighting questions of robustness.Consequently, there is an increased needfor predicting concrete properties andtheir variation.

In this context, modeling can play a cru-cial role. The work presented showspromising results in its ability to accountfor the three-dimensional shapes of par-ticles. While good predictions of plasticviscosity have been obtained, more workis needed to accurately measure the role ofyield stress. Ultimately, the model shoulduse structural information about the su-perplasticizer molecule to properly evalu-ate interparticle forces. Such tools will notonly allow better use of existing materialsbut will also help admixture producers de-sign superplasticizers with better per-formance and enhanced robustness.

The utility and predictive capability of themodels will improve with further advancesin our ability to quantify interparticleforces and formulate multiscale models. Inthe long term, to properly describe cement

Figure 4. Example of concrete systems: (a) system of polydisperse spheres, correspondingto a concrete composed of riverbed aggregates, which are usually rounder and smootherthan most aggregates; (b) model based on three-dimensional images of realistically shapedparticles, acquired by x-ray microtomography of crushed aggregates.

Figure 5. Comparison of relativeplastic-viscosity values from asimulation of coarse aggregate gradingsand experimental measurements usingdifferent concrete rheometers. In thefigure, Grad. #1, #2, and #3 correspondto gradations of spherical aggregatesused in the computer simulation. BML isa coaxial concrete rheometer, IBB is avane concrete rheometer, and “beads inpaste” corresponds to measurements ofmonosized glass beads in a cementpaste using a parallel plate rheometer.The solid line is included as a guide forthe eye.28


The Rheology of Cementitious Materials

rheology, the inclusion of other features suchas the reactivity of cement and the pertur-bation of dispersant efficiency though inter-calation or adsorption competition fromother species needs to be taken into account.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank colleagues in their

respective institutions for support in thefundamental investigations in this fieldand for fruitful discussions and com-ments, in particular, at Sika Technology,Dr. Norman Blank, Dr. Irene Schober, andDr. Urs Mäder; at NIST, Dr. Chiara Ferraris, Dr. Edward Garboczi, Dr. SteveSatterfield, and Dr. Terrance Griffins; andat YKI, Dr. Anika Kauppi. N. Martys alsoacknowledges support from VCCTL (theVirtual Cement and Concrete Testing Lab-oratory, NIST) for modeling work. AFMresults presented here were obtained with EU support under the project Super-plast (Project of the 5th European Frame-work Programme, G5RD-CT-2001-00435). L. Bergström and R. Flatt are also gratefulto all of their colleagues within that projectfor many fruitful discussions.

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