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The classification of olive germplasm – A review

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Review Article The classification of olive germplasm – A review By T. GANINO 1 * , G. BARTOLINI 2 and A. FABBRI 1 1 Dipartimento di Biologia Evolutiva e Funzionale, Università degli Studi di Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze, 11/A - 43100 Parma, Italy 2 Istituto per la Valorizzazione del Legno e delle Specie Arboree, CNR-IVALSA,Via Madonna del Piano - 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy (e-mail: [email protected]) (Accepted 6 February 2006) SUMMARY Olive cultivar classification has been a primary concern for olive growers since the earliest times of olive cultivation. As one of the earliest fruit crops to be domesticated, the number of olive genotypes cultivated in the Mediterranean region and elsewhere is high, and the assessment of an easy and undisputed system of classification has become increasingly urgent. This is also because of the high number of synonyms and homonyms in existence. The present review examines the history of attempts, in all olive-producing countries and by many researchers, to achieve an ultimate and exhaustive descriptor list that is valid for all past, present and future genotypes, to support technicians, growers and scholars. After a thorough review of the numerous elaiographical lists proposed, the modern research tools that have been applied to olive (i.e., ultrastructural, biochemical, DNA and molecular markers) are examined critically. A balance sheet has been prepared, taking into account initiatives by major international and national institutions. I n Roman times, the need to identify and classify cultivated olive plants present in each area was already clear. Agronomists of the time summarily described all those varieties they could distinguish which had interesting agronomic features. Descriptions exist by Cato, Varro, Virgil and other scholars. However it is difficult to find any correspondence between those varieties and varieties cultivated today. Many of the former are likely to have disappeared due to abiotic and biotic environmental stresses (e.g., frost, drought, parasites), or may have altered due to outcrossing, mutation and/or changes in selection pressure, including grower requirements. Over time, a large number of olive varieties have been identified by numerous scholars who described them by taking into consideration their most varied characters, with remarkable descriptive meticulousness.This led to a large amount of data as the description often concerned an individual tree, irrespective of whether or not it belonged to a known cultivar. The result was “to confuse the mind of even the most intelligent agronomists and of the sharpest growers” (Caruso, 1883). One of the main difficulties was understanding the names of all these varieties, often described in local dialect or vernacular. Another problem was to relate results from different regions. The first result was an elevated homonymy (i.e., when different olive cultivars have the same name in different zones) and synonymy (i.e., a given variety is named in one area, and recorded with another name in a different area) within a given olive district and between different districts. The same problem exists for scientists and growers today. Determination of characters that can be observed and expressed in all environments (i.e., varietal identification) is the first objective in order to: a) classify and describe the existing varietal heritage; b) describe and isolate all genotypes with valuable characteristics; and c) overcome existing confusion concerning varietal names. Hence the importance of distinguishing and identifying olive genotypes. Knowledge of the morphological, ecological and agronomical characteristics of all available germplasm is indispensable for selection of the most promising individuals, best-suited to modern cultivation techniques. At the same time, commercial requirements can be satisfied, particularly those of nurserymen who need to know the main characters of a genotype to be introduced onto the market, to be able to certify it and, at times, patent it. TAXONOMIC ENTITIES THAT ARE THE OBJECT OF CLASSIFICATION The smallest taxonomic entity that can usually be defined with distinction is universally termed a “variety”. In botany, “variety” implies some morphological criterion of differentiation, while among agricultural varieties we may have identical morphologies alongside marked distinctions in other characters such as bearing precocity, productivity, or resistance to biotic and/or abiotic factors (Trehane et al., 1995). The term “cultivar” (cultivated variety) is also commonly used in agricultural terminology. “Cultivar” is defined by the International Code of Nomenclature for *Author for correspondence. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology (2006) 81 (3) 319–334

Review Article

The classification of olive germplasm – A review


1Dipartimento di Biologia Evolutiva e Funzionale, Università degli Studi di Parma, Parco Area delleScienze, 11/A - 43100 Parma, Italy 2Istituto per la Valorizzazione del Legno e delle Specie Arboree, CNR-IVALSA, Via Madonna delPiano - 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy(e-mail: [email protected]) (Accepted 6 February 2006)

SUMMARYOlive cultivar classification has been a primary concern for olive growers since the earliest times of olive cultivation.As one of the earliest fruit crops to be domesticated, the number of olive genotypes cultivated in the Mediterraneanregion and elsewhere is high, and the assessment of an easy and undisputed system of classification has becomeincreasingly urgent. This is also because of the high number of synonyms and homonyms in existence. The presentreview examines the history of attempts, in all olive-producing countries and by many researchers, to achieve anultimate and exhaustive descriptor list that is valid for all past, present and future genotypes, to support technicians,growers and scholars. After a thorough review of the numerous elaiographical lists proposed, the modern researchtools that have been applied to olive (i.e., ultrastructural, biochemical, DNA and molecular markers) are examinedcritically. A balance sheet has been prepared, taking into account initiatives by major international and nationalinstitutions.

In Roman times, the need to identify and classifycultivated olive plants present in each area was

already clear. Agronomists of the time summarilydescribed all those varieties they could distinguish whichhad interesting agronomic features. Descriptions exist byCato, Varro, Virgil and other scholars. However it isdifficult to find any correspondence between thosevarieties and varieties cultivated today. Many of theformer are likely to have disappeared due to abiotic andbiotic environmental stresses (e.g., frost, drought,parasites), or may have altered due to outcrossing,mutation and/or changes in selection pressure, includinggrower requirements.

Over time, a large number of olive varieties have beenidentified by numerous scholars who described them bytaking into consideration their most varied characters,with remarkable descriptive meticulousness.This led to alarge amount of data as the description often concernedan individual tree, irrespective of whether or not itbelonged to a known cultivar. The result was “to confusethe mind of even the most intelligent agronomists and ofthe sharpest growers” (Caruso, 1883).

One of the main difficulties was understanding thenames of all these varieties, often described in localdialect or vernacular. Another problem was to relateresults from different regions. The first result was anelevated homonymy (i.e., when different olive cultivarshave the same name in different zones) and synonymy(i.e., a given variety is named in one area, and recordedwith another name in a different area) within a givenolive district and between different districts.

The same problem exists for scientists and growerstoday. Determination of characters that can be observedand expressed in all environments (i.e., varietalidentification) is the first objective in order to: a) classifyand describe the existing varietal heritage; b) describeand isolate all genotypes with valuable characteristics;and c) overcome existing confusion concerning varietalnames.

Hence the importance of distinguishing and identifyingolive genotypes. Knowledge of the morphological,ecological and agronomical characteristics of all availablegermplasm is indispensable for selection of the mostpromising individuals, best-suited to modern cultivationtechniques. At the same time, commercial requirementscan be satisfied, particularly those of nurserymen whoneed to know the main characters of a genotype to beintroduced onto the market, to be able to certify it and, attimes, patent it.


The smallest taxonomic entity that can usually bedefined with distinction is universally termed a “variety”.In botany, “variety” implies some morphologicalcriterion of differentiation, while among agriculturalvarieties we may have identical morphologies alongsidemarked distinctions in other characters such as bearingprecocity, productivity, or resistance to biotic and/orabiotic factors (Trehane et al., 1995).

The term “cultivar” (cultivated variety) is alsocommonly used in agricultural terminology. “Cultivar” isdefined by the International Code of Nomenclature for*Author for correspondence.

Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology (2006) 81 (3) 319–334

History of cultivated olive classification and description320

Cultivated Plants as “an ensemble of cultivated plants,clearly distinguished by any character (morphological,physiological, cytological, chemical, etc) which, whenreproduced (sexually or asexually), preserves itsdistinctive features” (Trehane et al., 1995).A cultivar mayconsist of a single clone, or a number of very similarclones (polyclonal variety), where clone is meant as “anensemble of genetically uniform individuals, derivedoriginally from a single individual by asexualpropagation, i.e., by cutting, division, grafting or obligateapomixis” (Roselli and Scaramuzzi, 1974).

Morphological and biological characters may notalways appear constant in all areas and for all clones, dueto the influence of the particular pedoclimatic conditionsin which they may be cultivated. It is therefore necessaryto introduce the concept of “ecotype”; that is, thepeculiar biological, morphological and/or agronomicappearance that cultivars and clones may assume indifferent environments, usually over a limitedgeographical range (Lorenzetti et al., 1996).

In perennial plants, the concept of a variety is oftenundetermined, as varieties are often grouped withreference to a number of common characters, allowing adegree of variation for other phenological features.However, it is precisely in perennial plants, includinggrapevines, olives and the most important fruit crops,that we have devised an empirical selective method,vegetative propagation. This method permits thepreservation of genetic inheritance in the progeny,unchanged and easily usable. The most ancientdomesticatied fruit crops in the Mediterranean Basinhave therefore been those that could be easilypropagated from plant parts (e.g., fig, date palm, olive,pomegranate, grape).

The number of olive cultivars described has beenincreasing since ancient times due to progress intaxonomy and plant breeding techniques.

To comply with the need for a practical classificationof cultivated plants, Marinucci (1908) suggestedsubstitution of the term “variety” with “agrarian race”.For olive, this term has not been further explained oradopted. For Marinucci (1908) it applied to groups ofindividuals, agamically propagated over severalgenerations, and therefore each group should be termed“a clone” (Baldini and Scaramuzzi, 1952), or a set ofclones.

The term “race” was eventually replaced by “cultivar”,although perhaps too quickly. In fact, all known cultivarsshould still be considered as wide and heterogeneouspopulations of clones, separated by a number ofcharacters.


We owe the first olive classification system to thebotanist Pitton de Tournefort (1719). He was soonfollowed by numerous other botanists, who suggested oradapted several systems to describe large number ofolive varieties, but they never achieved an accurate orpractical classification (Prevost and Mostardini, 1999;Table I).

In Spain, the first to attempt an olive classification in1815 was Simòn de Rojas Clemente (Barranco et al.,1984), based on features of leaves and fruits in a numberof varieties.

The proposal to take the olive stone into considerationas a discriminating character in the classification ofItalian germplasm was made by Tavanti (1819). He wasconvinced that endocarp characters had fundamentalimportance in the study he was to undertake on olive“races”. The stone was considered both in its wholeshape, and in its separate and minute aspects: the base,the apex, the valves and the course of the suture lines ofthe valves that form the stone. Tavanti (1819) based thedistinction he made of Tuscan cultivated olive varietieson these five characters, and accordingly divided theminto 21 groups.

Analogous classification systems were eventuallyproposed by Marinucci (1908), who reduced the numberof groups listed by Tavanti to five, by Zito (1932), byFrezzotti (1937) and by Savastano (1939). But endocarpcharacters were no longer considered sufficient, andother characters (morphological, biological andecological) were added, in order to satisfy technicalrequirements and to take into account the influence ofenvironment. With this in mind Ciferri and Breviglieri(1942) made the first attempt at a morpho-ecologicalclassification by enforcing the criteria adopted by theRussian school of Vavilov. In all papers of the time, theuse of morphological characters was aimed at achievinga sub-division of cultivars according to morphological

TABLE IComparison of different classification systems in the history of olive identification from 1719 to the present-day in various olive-producing countries

Year Authors Country Discriminant characters

1719 Pitton de Tournefort France Botanic characters1815 Simón de Rojas Clemente Spain Leaf and fruit1819 Tavanti Italy Endocarp1908 Marinucci Italy Endocarp1917 Ruby France Leaf, fruit and endocarp1932 Miliani Italy Ecological characters1932 Zito Italy Endocarp1937 Bracci Italy Leaf, inflorescence, fruit, endocarp and ecological characters1937 Frezzotti Italy Endocarp1939 Savastano Italy Endocarp1942 Ciferri et al. Italy Morphological, biological and agronomic characters1954 Patac Spain Morphological, botanical and agronomic characters1984 Barranco and Rallo Spain Morphological and agronomic characters1985 UPOV World Morphological and agronomic characters1986 Leitão et al. Portugal Morphological and agronomic characters1998 Bartolini et al. World Passport, agronomic characters, biochemical and molecular markers, collection, etc.2000 Barranco et al. World Passport and agronomic characters2000 Pannelli et al. Italy Morphological, agronomic and commercial characters2005 Rallo et al. Spain Passport, morphological, agronomic and commercial characters


variations in fruits, leaves, inflorescences, endocarp andother organs. Progress lay in increased numbers ofcharacters taken into account.

In 1917, in France, Ruby proposed a classificationsystem in which three characters were considered: fruits,stones and leaves. With these, and with the ratiosbetween maximum transverse and longitudinal lengths,data were obtained which were typical of groups ofplants, and which enabled differences between varietiesexisting in the territory to be distinguished andevaluated.

Another tentative classification, this time based onecological grounds, was that of Miliani (1932), whodistinguished some Italian olive races with reference totheir resistance to low temperatures and arid conditions,to hardiness, to productivity and to the quality of theproduct.

According to the considerations of Ciferri andBreviglieri (1942), and because of the inadequacy andlimited usefulness of schemes suggested in previous years,Ciferri and other researchers (Ciferri et al., 1942)elaborated more acceptable solutions. In the classificationthen put forward, numerous morphological andbiological characters were considered, as well as criteriaadopted to evaluate the importance of each character.

Based on these elements, a very detailed elaiographic(from ancient Greek “elaion”, pertaining to olive oil)descriptor list was prepared, and used for data collectionon approx. 70 cultivars grown in Central Italy (Tuscany,Latium, Marches, Umbria). Where data collection wascarried out with care, in a circumscribed environmentand in such conditions as to exclude environmentalvariables, this list allowed varietal identification with anacceptable degree of reliability. The introduction ofagronomic and morphological-ecological characters hadtherefore become necessary, as had been proposed byCaruso in his olive monograph (1883). Caruso hadstressed the fact that “an ordering of races must be clearand able to put anyone in the condition of being able toappreciate and choose the olive trees according to theiragrarian prerequisites” (Morettini, 1972). Zonallimitations, however, do not allow the identification ofsynonyms (i.e., the various names by which the samecultivar is identified in different environments) which isprecisely one of the main tasks of any classification.

However, a study in 1942 by Ciferri et al. is stillconsidered today when studying new classificationsystems. Ciferri et al. (1942) acknowledged that theirsystem had some limitations, largely because olive is avery homogeneous species, and consequently sub-division of Italian proles into sub-proles is difficult. Inaddition, the values considered were so variable, due todifferent cultivation techniques and environmentalconditions, that their exact definition is impossible,including the classification of the same cultivars intoproles and sub-proles (Zito, 1942).

Further discussion was on the terminology adopted.The word “average”, as used to describe characters, has adifferent meaning for statisticians, defines nothing forthe practical technician (grower), and is never sufficientto define a given character. Despite criticisms raised atthe time of its publication, the 1942 Descriptor Listeventually became the starting point and a fundamentalreference for all researchers in the field.

Towards the end of the 1940’s, Patac propounded asystem for the identification of cultivars existing in Spain(Patac et al., 1954). The assumption that morphologicalcharacters were highly influenced by environmentalconditions and by human activities led Patac to consideras important, all characters that may give informationconcerning olive transformation, without omitting thedescription of characters deemed to be more strictlybotanical. This innovation consisted of introducing ahierarchy of importance among the characters used. Indecreasing order of importance, therefore, were theshape and size of the endocarp, the shape and size offruits, features of the tree, shoots, inflorescences andseed, and organoleptic characters of the oil. For eachcharacter, coefficients and biometric indices weredeveloped and included. Thus, the descriptor aimed tosatisfy classification, agronomic and industrial needs.Thesystem, and the problems related to it, were discussed atthe International Olive Congress in Seville, in 1950(Patac et al., 1954).

Over the next 30 years, no major innovations wereintroduced into olive classification. The innovativeproposal of Patac’s descriptor was not well-received, andthe reference document remained the pomological listsuggested by Ciferri et al. (1942).

The need to understand the complexity of olivegermplasm was particularly strong in countries in whichthe olive industry was most developed. In fact, in the1980’s interesting proposals were made in Spain,Portugal and by UPOV (Union Internationale pour laProtection des Obtentions Végétales) in Geneva. In1984, Barranco et al. put forward pomological lists inwhich the description of the tree and of its fruitingbranches, leaves, inflorescences, fruits and endocarpswere considered fundamental characters, to catalogueand identify all Andalusian olive cultivars. Thisdescriptive scheme, though, was confined by taking intoaccount that of Ciferri et al. (1942), with a few changesintroduced by Bottari and Spina (1953) and by theauthors. The changes introduced included using thelargest possible amount of information, eliminatingcharacters that were most difficult to obtain and thosemost influenced by the environment, as well as othersconsidered irrelevant and/or subjective. In addition, foreach character, Barranco et al. (1984) tried to use as fewcategories as possible, to separate cultivars withoutcreating too many classes. To make interpretation andreading easier, each file was accompanied byphotographs of those organs important for thedescription.

In 1985, UPOV proposed a specific descriptor list forolive. In that list, whole plant characters, fruiting shoots,leaves, inflorescences, flowers, fruits and endocarp weretaken into consideration. The aim was to standardise themethodology of data collection, and to indicate a “leaderlist” usable by all researchers who seek to describe olivecultivars. This initiative represented the second mostsignificant attempt, after Ciferri et al. (1942), atclassifying all olive germplasm existing in variouscountries with an homogeneous method.

In 1986, Leitâo described 22 Portuguese olivecultivars. For each cultivar, tree, shoot, leaves, flowersand inflorescences, endocarp and fruit characters wereconsidered, together with agronomic characters. For the

History of cultivated olive classification and description322

author, this technique had the merit of allowing an easyand fast plant description, without resorting tosophisticated and difficult techniques. The aim was toprovide a summary description of the plant, whilefocussing interest on some characters (leaf, inflorescence,fruit and endocarp) that were considered interesting forthe identification and characterisation of cultivars.Leitâo also took general and agronomic aspects, such asrooting ability, disease resistances and susceptibilitiesinto account. The whole description of each cultivar wasaccompanied by photographs of plant organs.

In 1993, in Tuscany, the problem of describing andidentifying olive germplasm was again on the agenda,this time involving plants kept in collections in theProvinces of Pistoia, Grosseto and Firenze. Thedescriptor list proposed by Cimato et al. (1993) includeddescriptions of the tree, shoots, leaves, inflorescences,fruits and endocarp. For a description of the differentcharacters, reference was made to the UPOV descriptor.By applying a few changes, Cimato et al. (1993) deemedit indispensable to reduce environmental effects on thephenotypic expression of characters. Such changes werenot clear, and no adequate explanation was given. In thesame year, an elaiographic descriptor was produced forolive germplasm in Catalonia (Tous Martì and RomeroAroca, 1993). No major methodological innovationswere adopted.

Cristoferi et al. (1997) propounded a list for theidentification and classification of Romagna olivecultivars. For each cultivar, the list contained informationon its diffusion, synonyms, elaiographic characters (e.g.,tree, leaf, inflorescence, fruit, endocarp, etc.), biologicaland agronomic characters.

In the following year, Bartolini and collaborators(1998) advocated the use of a simplified pomologicaldescriptor for the World’s olive germplasm. Such a listhad plant passport data, tree data and agronomiccharacters (e.g., productivity, oil yield, tolerance tobiotic and abiotic stresses, etc.). For the first time,important information was added such as the existenceof patents, any presence in germplasm collections, andwhere, and data concerning biochemical and molecularcharacterisations.

Soon a scheme was elaborated for the identificationof Marches olive cultivars (Pannelli et al., 1998), whichwas also eventually used for Umbrian cultivars(Pannelli et al., 2000). The first scheme was generatedby describing the tree, shoots, leaves, inflorescences,fruits and agronomic behaviour. For the description ofmorphological characters, reference was made to theterminology adopted by UPOV, with a few minorchanges concerning the elimination of some charactersthat were hard to detect, and the addition ormodification of others. As regards agronomiccharacters, for each cultivar judgments were expressedaccording to results obtained over several years and indifferent situations. The work was thus simplified, asonly essential characters were used. Practicalconsiderations were also expressed on harvest time,taking into account oil accumulation in the drupes, andjudgments on oil quality characteristics and plantproductivity; information was also given on thesuitability of fruits for milling and extraction with apressure system. For the first time, technical

information was introduced for the producer, relatingto the milling and extraction process.

A “World Catalogue of Olive Varieties” (Barrancoet al., 2000a) has recently been published by TheInternational Olive Oil Council (IOOC), with aclassification system based on descriptor lists which arevalid for all olive producing areas. Once more, the need touse a unified and valid classification system was stressed,to guarantee the conservation of olive germplasm.The fileconsists of a list of descriptive characters, accompanied bya synthetic bio-agronomic evaluation. The information isdivided into three groups: plant passport data,morphological characters, and agronomic and commercialconsiderations. The first group contains the most commonname of the cultivar, its synonyms, its country of origin[i.e., the country of most probable cultivar provenance, orin which it has reached the largest distribution, usingInternational Standards Organisation (ISO) codes], themain growing areas, the importance of the cultivar in theseareas, and the purpose(s) of production.The morphologicalcharacters are structured as primary descriptors used forthe identification and characterisation of each cultivar.Thecharacters have been structured according to qualitative(shapes, expression of morphological features) andquantitative (biometric indices) descriptors. Theagronomic and commercial considerations contain datathat are useful for growers, scientists and techniciansinterested in the olive industry.

The IOOC proposal, which was the result of a jointstudy by experts and scientists throughout the oliveworld, is the latest attempt to unify the methodologies ofolive classification. In recent years, others have suggestedother descriptor lists, starting from existing ones. AgainCimato et al. (2001) published elaiographic lists of Tuscanolive germplasm, relying on former work elaborated bythe same authors in 1993. Several other elaiographic listshave been elaborated recently (Cicoria et al., 2000;Pugliano et al., 2000; Rotundo and Marone, 2002;Trigui etal., 2002; Parlati and Pandolfi, 2003; Lombardo et al.,2003; 2004; Bassi, 2003). That of Rotondi et al. (2004)appears to be quite interesting. Besides the charactersformerly listed in previous work (Cristoferi et al., 1997),detailed information is added on the organoleptic andchemical properties of the oil and, for the first time, onthe phytosanitary situation of each cultivar. Amonograph by Rallo et al. (2005) has very recently beenpublished in which the elaiographic lists of all Spanishcultivars are collected together (including plant passport,morphological, agronomic and commercial characters).The starting point for this descriptor was that ofBarranco et al. (2000a) which also contained informationon plant passport, tree, leaf, fruit, endocarp andagronomic features.

The distinctive features of the most recentelaiographic lists undoubtedly lie in the introduction ofmore refined methods of study such as molecularmarkers and the chemical and organoleptic analyses ofoil. Varietal identification by such methods is madedifficult by the nature of the species, which is oftencharacterised by the presence of cultivar-populations orpopulations of clones, rather than by clear cultivars(Bartolini et al., 1992; 1994a).

Thanks to statistical analyses of the variability of theleast variable individual characters, most suitable


characters were identified: leaves, drupes, stones (Baldiniand Scaramuzzi, 1952; 1955; Damigella, 1960). Morerecently, several methods of multivariate statisticalanalysis have shown the existence of numerousbiometric variables related to the fruit and to the plant,or to the acid composition of the oil, which have asatisfactory discriminating power (Barone et al., 1994a,b;Perri et al., 1995; Cantini et al., 1999; Barranco et al.,2000a). Notwithstanding, morphological markers remainpoorly discriminating for varietal identification, as theyare characterised by high environmental variability.Their study must therefore be integrated by recentultrastructural, artificial neural networks (ANN),biochemical and molecular genetic techniques. Thesenew research tools represent a turning point to resolveproblems in olive taxonomy.

Ultrastructural analyses: Some authors (Quiros, 1975;Maas, 1977) proposed pollen morphology (section,shape, etc.) as a useful tool for varietal identification.Pollen features, although part of the morphologicalcharacters, are considered intermediate between fullymorphological characters and biochemical ones(Petruccelli, 1992; Bartolini et al., 1994b). In particular,exine structure (i.e., the outer coating of the cell wallsurrounding the pollen grain at maturity) is considered,as its characteristics (grain diameter, net mesh size andshape, etc.) are under the control of the sporophyte(pollen mother cells; Pandey and Troughton, 1974). Wallstructure is therefore a more stable character comparedto other morphological characters, as it is specificallygenetic, with little or no influence from the environment.Roselli (1979) was the first to use pollen ultrastructuralanalysis for olive cultivar identification. He studied 13table olive cultivars; however, the research did notproduce sufficient information for the identification ofcultivated varieties. In 1995, Lanza et al., used scanningelectron microscopy to study the morphology of exinepatterns on pollen grains of four olive cultivars. The dataobtained allowed complete differentiation of the fourgenotypes (Lanza et al., 1995). These analyses, however,give little information for the identification of theindividual cultivar (Bartolini and Petruccelli, 1994).Further studies on several other anatomical andultrastructural aspects have also not yielded encouragingresults.

ANN: Interesting results were obtained by applying thetechnique of backpropagation neural networks (BPNN)to ten olive cultivars. Sets of phyllometric parameterswere used for cultivar identification and the results,albeit preliminary, could be considered encouraging(Mancuso and Nicese, 1999).

Biochemical markers: Total and storage proteins,isozymes and molecular markers (RFLPs, RAPDs,AFLPs, micro- and mini-satellites sequences) permit theelimination of two negative aspects of phenotypicanalyses: the use of polygenic (quantitative) charactersand genotype � environment interactions.

The basic concept of biochemical and molecularmethodologies has been presented by Larsen (1969). Hemaintained that “All morphological displays of varietiesmust, in the end, have a biochemical differentiation, but

not all biochemical characterisations necessarily have amorphological display; hence, biochemical characterswill be more numerous than morphological characters”.For example, the genotypes of several individuals mightbe distinguished by their phenolic content, as shown fora number of species by several authors (Singh andThompson, 1961; Brown et al., 1971). In olive, thesecompounds have been used to separate ten cultivars, butthe results did not prove to be sufficient to discriminateamong plants (Heimler et al., 1994).

Since the 1970s, protein analyses (total proteins and/orstorage proteins) have been as a method to identify anddistinguish species and cultivars. Storage proteins arewell-suited for use as genome markers. Protein analysis,compared to other biochemical markers, has theadvantage of simplicity of extraction and separationtechnique, although the information it provides ongenetic variability is less exhaustive. In olive, seedstorage proteins (Durante et al., 1992) and total leafproteins (Petruccelli, 1992) have been studied.

Enzymes are specialised proteins that catalyse thenumerous chemical reactions that occurr in livingbeings. The term “isoenzyme” (or isozyme) was firstproposed by Markert and Moller (1959) to indicatemultiple molecular forms of an enzyme, catalysing thesame biochemical reaction. Isoenzymaticelectrophoresis permits the detection of geneticvariability in several enzymatic proteins. Varietaldifferences are shown by means of enzymicpolymorphism on “activity gels”.Therefore “the analysisof a protein structure, by means of electrophoresis, isapproximately an analysis of the gene” (Gottlieb, 1977).Isozyme polymorphism became a simple marker toanalyse genetic relationships within a population(Gottlieb, 1981). However, isoenzymes suffer severallimitations: the genetic (isoenzymatic) loci testedrepresent a very small portion of the structural genes inthe whole genome; the variation present in a populationcan not be expressed in full; only some nucleotidesubstitutions that occur at the DNA level can beidentified because variations in amino acid sequence donot always take place. Nevertheless, numerous authors(Pontikis et al., 1980; Trujillo et al., 1989; Roselli et al.,1990; Petruccelli et al., 1992; Seker et al., 2005) employedisozymes to identify olive cultivars.

In recent years, in parallel with progress inbiochemical and bio-molecular marker techniques(Pontikis et al., 1980; Ouazzani et al., 1993; Trujillo et al.,1995; Hatzopoulos et al., 2002), molecular fingerprintingmethodologies have been established. In particular, theintroduction of DNA markers and of DNAfingerprinting techniques provide a high resolutiondiscrimination system that is independent ofenvironmental conditions and able to contribute to theresolution of problems such as mis-identification ingermplasm collections, nursery certification, varietalprotection, and/or guaranteed labelling for certificationof geographical origin (Powell et al., 1996;Testolin, 2000).The application of these technologies has alreadypermitted several advances: i) taxonomical revisionwithin the genus Olea and forms connected to Oleaeuropaea L.; ii) clarification of the relationships betweenwild and cultivated forms; and iii) contributions to thestudy of variability within the olive genome, by

History of cultivated olive classification and description324

identifying markers associated with specific characters ofagronomic interest (Rugini and Baldoni, 2003).

The first molecular marker technique employed onolive was Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms(RFLPs; Gallitelli et al., 1991). RFLP markers confirmedthat the Mediterranean Basin was the site ofdomestication of this fruit crop (Besnard et al., 2001).This technique has also been used by De la Rosa et al.(2003), when 95 plants obtained by crossing two cultivars(‘Leccino’ and ‘Dolce Agogia’) were analysed.

Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)has been applied successfully in many investigationsaimed at the study of polymorphism in olive cultivars,and at ways to distinguish them (Bogani et al. 1994;Fabbri et al., 1995; Cresti et al., 1996; Mekuria et al., 1999;Nikoloudakis et al., 2003; Perri et al., 1999; GonzaloClaros et al., 2000; Russo et al., 2001; Bronzini de Caraffaet al., 2002; Guerin et al., 2002; Mailer and May, 2002;Fabbri and Ganino, 2003; Belaj et al., 2001; 2002; 2003a;2004a; Mir Ali and Nabulsi, 2004; Ganino and Fabbri,2005; Hossein-Mazinani, 2005). The technique was alsoemployed by Gemas et al. (2000) and by Roselli et al.(2002) to evaluate intra- and inter-cultivar variability.Both RAPD and RFLP have contributed greatly to thetaxonomic classification within the genus Olea (Besnardet al., 2002).

Mini-satellites, or Variable Number of TandemRepeats (VNTR), are based on the study of smallgenome fragments which can be isolated due to theirspecific length. They consist of tandem repeats of a shortDNA sequence, and polymorphism is due to the numberof times the element is repeated in the genome (Sollerand Beekman, 1983). To use mini-satellites, it is notnecessary to create genomic libraries, but the techniqueis expensive. Contento et al. (2002) carried out a studybased on tandem repeats in three Olea europaea L.nuclear DNA sequences.

Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms(AFLPs) are very sensitive when seekingpolymorphism in the whole genome(Ranamukraarachchi et al., 2000). The use of AFLPmarkers made it possible to evaluate the geneticrelations between different forms of Olea and thecultivated olive, thus contributing to our understandingof the relative genetic distances separating forms thatbelong to different geographic areas (Angiolillo et al.,1999; Ambrosino and Rao, 2001; Ambrosino et al., 2002;Labombarda and Fontanazza, 2002; Ricciolini et al.,2003; Sanz-Cortes et al., 2003; Grati Kamoun et al., 2005;Kalaitzis et al., 2005; Owen et al., 2005; Strikic et al.,2005). By employing AFLPs, genetic affinity was alsoanalysed, in an attempt to clarify situations ofsynonymy and homonymy in a number of cultivarsfrom several Italian regions: Sicily (Angiolillo et al.,1999; Baldoni et al., 2002; 2003a; Labombarda andFontanazza, 2004); Sardinia (Angiolillo et al., 1998);Umbria (Marchionni et al., 1999; Labombarda et al.,2002; Baldoni et al., 2003b); Apulia (Resta et al., 2002);Marche (Baldoni et al., 2001); Molise (Pilla et al., 1999);Campania (Ambrosino et al., 2003); and Colli Euganei(Ziliotto et al., 2002). The simultaneous use of AFLPs,RAPDs and morphological characters madediscrimination possible between olive cultivars(Hagidimitriou et al., 2005)

Simple Sequence Polymorphisms, Simple SequenceRepeats (SSR) or microsatellites locate the DNAregions that are characterised by a tandem repeat of only1–6 bp in a sequence. Microsatellites are widespread anddispersed in the genomes of all plants, and display anelevated level of hypervariability within each species.These features makes them excellent both for genemapping and fingerprinting. Presently, the SSRtechnique has provided reliable markers to solve theproblems of varietal identification and for geneticcharacterisation of olive because of their hightransferability, elevated polymorphism and co-dominance, which is particularly interesting for olive(Sefc et al., 2000; Bandelj et al., 2002; Carriero et al., 2002;Marrazzo et al., 2002; Belaj et al., 2004b; 2005a; Bracciet al., 2005; Diaz et al., 2005a, b; Lopes et al., 2005).

Further research using microsatellites to identify olivecultivars was carried out by Rallo et al. (2000) whoanalysed 46 genotypes from several countries. In 2001,the SSR technique was also used to characterise ancientolive cultivars from Central Italy and Lake Garda(Cipriani et al., 2001).

Morphological and phenological aspects, as well asmolecular investigations (SSR markers) were used inSicily to characterise germplasm existing in the region(Caruso et al., 2005).

With the combined use of RAPDs and SSRs, thesolution to some cases of synonymy was made possible(Barranco et al., 2000b). The same combination ofmarkers led to the identification and characterisation ofIranian olive cultivars (Shahriari et al., 2005).

Simultaneous use of AFLPs and SSRs clarifiedrelationships between some Slovenian and Italian olivecultivars (Bandelj et al., 2004), within Italian, Spanish,French and Greek cultivars (Montemurro et al., 2005),and within Emilia-Romagna germplasm (Rotondi et al.,2003). RAPDs,AFLPs and SSRs were used by Belaj et al.(2003b) to evaluate the genetic relationships betweenItalian and Spanish cultivars. Later, Belaj et al. (2005b)used isozymes, RAPDs and SSRs to investigate therelationships between olive cultivars conserved in theWorld Olive Collection at Córdoba.

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) represent anew and alternative technique for molecularidentification. By this type of analysis it is possible toidentify, in a very short time, differences betweengenomes due to a single base-pair (Cooper et al., 1985).These markers have been shown to be highlydiscriminatory both in the human genome (Collins et al.,1998) and with plants, particularly maize (Rafalski et al.,2001) and soybean (Rafalski, 2002). In olive, SNPs wereused for the first time to classify 51 olive cultivars, withsatisfactory results (Diaz Bermudez, 2005).

The integration between statistical methods applied tobiometry and to bio-molecular analyses is less well-developed. Some recent applications of bothmethodologies to the same genetic pool (Bassi et al.,2002; Rotondi et al., 2003) have demonstrated that thetwo procedures do not always give matchingrepresentations of similarity relations between cultivars.Although, in some cases, only molecular analyses wereable to characterise specific olive cultivars and toidentify erroneous classifications and synonyms, therehave also been cases in which molecular analysis alone


did not allow the separation and distinction of presumedclones which, however, presented visible differences inagronomic and morphological characteristics, and in theproperties of their oils (Perri et al., 1995).

To conclude, improvements in biochemical andmolecular techniques are proving to be valid instrumentsfor research in plant taxonomy, and for the identificationand characterisation of varieties. The improvement ofsuch techniques is still in progress and, although anincreasing number of papers are being published inwhich these are employed, the old variety descriptor list,with its indications of morphological and agronomictraits, retains its importance and usefulness, and is farfrom having become obsolete.

THE IMPORTANCE OF A CLASSIFICATION A journey through successive classifications since 1900

(Table II) shows a profound change in the choice ofcharacters adopted for cultivar identification. In thebeginning, botanical characters were of greatest interest,with some agronomic indications. A typical example isthe famous descriptor of Ciferri et al. (1942) which, in itsdiscrimination into “families”, merely returns to thesystematic concept of likeness between individuals.

Next, a change occurred as to choice of characters todescribe morphological and agronomic features. Thiscaused the loss of the “systematic” aspect in allsubsequently proposed descriptors. By the end of the1990s, it was felt necessary to introduce moretechnological and scientific characters, such as accuratechemical and organoleptic oil analyses and molecularcharacterisation.

It is also true that adoption of a new descriptionprocedure was not universal. On the contrary, eachauthor tended to represent and satisfy the needs of thecontext in which s/he operated. This led to thepublication of descriptor lists which were similar butdifferent, useful and interesting for one sector of theindustry, but less so for another. For example, adescriptor list that focusses on morphological charactersis seldom used by geneticists. Geneticists aim to separategenotypes that differ in a number of characters byeliminating, or at least reducing, the environmentalcomponent, and this is possible only within a commonenvironment, or by using methodologies that are notinfluenced by the environment.

An elaiographic methodology for olive is importantfor, and must satisfy the needs of: a) the botanist, toobtain valid information to begin any classification;b) the agronomist, to optimise cultivation techniques;c) the oil mill operator, to know the characteristics of thefruit and its oil content; d) the geneticist, as a startingpoint for genetic analyses and various breedingtechniques; and e) the nurseryman, who must be certainhe is propagating the most suitable material to marketwith due guarantees.

The need to construct an elaiographic descriptor thatincludes all characters useful for the completedescription of genotypes, therefore has the purpose ofsupporting both the production sector and scientificresearch.

The industry-oriented role is clear, there is a perpetualneed to improve production, both quantitatively and

qualitatively. This can only be achieved if thecharacteristics of cultivars from various regions areassessed, and there is easy access to certified propagationmaterial. These requirements can only be satisfied usingidentification tools of undisputed efficacy.

We have seen that a consideration of morphologicalcharacters alone is not sufficient to completely identifycultivars, although it represents an important advance inknowledge. For a better, more definitive description it isnecessary to grow and study plants in the sameenvironment, in which the features of each genotype canbe evaluated and compared according to their intrinsiccharacters. Such evaluation is more accurate if more thanone environment is used. Hence the usefulness ofreuniting those genotypes to be studied in the samecollection fields, possibly covering national or regionalgermplasm. A collection field, in order to deserve such adefinition, must contain plants of indisputed origin, withsufficient numbers of each accession to allow correctevaluation and to guarantee survival. In addition, thecollection must be accessible to all scholars, to facilitatecomparisons between germplasm, and to start breedingprogrammes.

From a scientific point of view, individual cultivars canbe regarded as potential sources of genetic material, tobe used to transmit characters concerning productivity,disease resistance or tolerance, etc., to new genotypesproduced through breeding programmes. Thus, theprotection of olive germplasm is particularly important,as it includes the gene pools of both domestic varietiesand related wild species, amenable to cross-breeding.Theneed to safeguard our existing genetic heritage thereforeappears increasingly urgent. But this is only feasibleinsofar as it is possible to identify, catalogue, andeliminate synonyms and homonyms still present ingermplasm in all olive-producing countries.

From the above, the need to establish a “varietalstandard” (as has been done with other fruit species)becomes apparent. This requires the creation of areference point, obtained by using averages of all knowncharacters, so that all fluctuations in a population canserve to define the cultivar more precisely. The more wecan eliminate environment-related variables by creatingcollections and by working in a restricted environmentwith a given number of trees per variety, the morereliable will be this reference. At the same time, it isextremely important to describe each plant in its originalenvironment, where it grew and developed, and atdifferent sites.

The IOOC acknowledged the need to have the largestnumber of olive genotypes in the same environment, andadvocated the organisation of three World germplasmcollections located in Spain (Cordoba), Italy (Cosenza)and Morocco (Marrakech). The Spanish collection isalready established. The other two are now beingrealised.

Today, although all published monographs on oliveclassification refer to clearly defined areas, theirreliability is fairly low. This is because all authors tend todescribe only those cultivars present in their ownterritory, and disregard those present in adjacent areasand/or in other olive-producing countries, with theirfrequent homonyms, synonyms and discrepancies as tothe classification of the same variety. In addition, this

History of cultivated olive classification and description326

TABLE IIComparison of descriptor lists established since 1942 according to the characters they describe and olive growing areas



Cultivar name X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XSynonyms X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XOrigin X X X X X X XDiffusion X X X X X X X X X X X X X XArea of major diffusion X X XFrequency of cultivation X X X% Presence of the cultivar X XValue XFruit purpose X X X X X X X X X X XBiochemical characterisation XMolecular characterisation X XPatents XExistence of collections X X



Average height X XVigour X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XGrowth habit X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XCanopy colour XCanopy width XCanopy shape X XCanopy section X X XCanopy volume XCanopy vigour XCanopy density X X X X X X X X X X X X X XInflorescence emission XFruit set XTrunk size XTrunk shape XTrunk surface XBark appearance and colour X XTrunk section X



Average size XShape XSurface XColour XGrowth habit X



Abundance X XSize XShape XSurface XGrowth habit X X X X X X XLength X X X X XSection XInternode length X X X X X X X X X XColour X X X X XShoot XFeathers X X X X

*Ciferri et al., 1942, Italy (A); Patac et al., 1954, Spain (B); D Amore et al., 1977, Calabria (Italy) (C); Loussert et al., 1978, World (D); Barranco et al.,1984, Andalusia (Spain) (E); UPOV, 1985, World (F); Leitão et al., 1986, Portugal (G); Cimato et al., 1993, Tuscany (Italy) (H); Tous Martí and RomeroAroca, 1993, Catalonia (Spain) (I); Cristoferi et al., 1997, Emilia Romagna, (Italy) (J); Bartolini et al., 1998, World, (K); Pannelli et al., 1998, Abruzzo(Italy) (L); Cicoria et al., 2000, Molise (Italy) (M); Pannelli et al., 2000, Umbria (Italy) (N); Barranco et al., 2000a, World (O); Pugliano et al., 2000,Campania (Italy) (P); Cimato et al., 2001, Tuscany, (Italy) (Q); Rotundo and Marone, 2002, Lucania (Italy)(R); Trigui et al., 2002, Tunisia (S); Parlatiand Pandolfi, 2003, Lazio (Italy)(T); Lombardo et al., 2003, Calabria (Italy)(U); Bassi, 2003, Lombardy (Italy) (V); Lombardo et al., 2004, Apulia(Italy)(W); Rallo et al. 2005, Spain (Y).†The characters column carries as accurate as possible a translation of the original terms. When terminology was similar and obviously indicated thesame character, the terms were unified in English and listed in the same row; otherwise the character was given a separate row, especially if, in theoriginal publication, no clear indications were given as to the meaning of the character.




Abundance XShape X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XLength/ Width ratio X X X X X X X XSize X X X X X X X X X X X X XLength X X X X X X X X XWidth X X X X X X X X XSymmetry XTile curvature XVeins XMidrib XSecondary veins XMucro XPetiole XTransverse section X XLeaf bearing X% Stomata open in the hottest hours XMargins XBlade XLongitudinal curvature of the blade X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XSurface X X X X X X X X XProfile of blade X XTorsion XApex angle X X X X X X X X XBase angle X X X X X X X X XPosition of maximum width X X X X X X XConsistency X X XColour X XDorsal colour X X X X X X X X X X XVentral colour X X X X X X X XBrightness X X XAbnormal leaves X XShape of abnormal leaves X X



Time of development XPosition XShape X X X X X X X X XRachis length X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XPeduncle length X XMaximum length XBranching type XColour at anthesis XPresence of axillary flowers XDensity XArrangement XNumber of inflorescence per branch XTotal number and position of flowers XFlower number/inflorescence X X X X X X X X X% Terminal inflorescences X% Simple and compound inflorescences XSize of swollen buds X X X XFrequency of supernumerary flowers X X XRachis structure X X X X X X X X X X X XRachis branching X X X XTime of full bloom X X X X X X X XFlower diameter XCorolla colour XPetal length XStylus length XShape and size of stigma X% Abortive flowers X X X X XNumber of fertile flowers X% Fertilisation XSelf-pollination or heterogamy X X XLevel of incompatibility XIncidence and localisation XAxillary flowers XPollen X

History of cultivated olive classification and description328



Fruit number per infructescence XSize X X X X X X X XWeight X X X X X X X X X X X X X XVolume and weight: averages and upper

values XLength X X X XSymmetry X X XShape X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XDiameter medium X XAverage length/average diameter ratio X XMaximum diameter X XShape of transverse section X XSymmetry in position A X X X X X X X X X X X X X XSymmetry in position B X XSection XShape maximum transverse section XPosition maximum transverse diameter X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XShape of apex in position A X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XShape of apex in position B X X XShape of base in position A X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XShape of base in position B X X XPedicel insertion XPedicel length XPedicel diameter XShape of pedicel cavity X X X X X X X X X XSize of pedicel cavity X X X X X X X X X XDepth of pedicel cavity X X XUmbo X X X X X XMucro X X X X X XPulp/endocarp ratio X X X X X X XSarcocarp type (at maturity) XSarcocarp consistency (at maturity) XSarcocarp (%) XEpicarp surface X XEpicuticular wax coating X X X X X X XLenticels, coloration, frequency X X X X X X X X X X X XLenticels size X X X X X XPerceptibility of lenticels at maturity X XEpicarp X XFruit distribution in 2–3 year-old plants XColour uniformity at maturity XColour before maturity XColour at maturity X X X X X XColour at harvest X X X X X X XColour evolution XPulp consistency X X XAdhesion pulp to epidermis XMesocarp colour XCuticle thickness XPosition of pistil scar X XResistance to abscission X XTime of maximum oil content X X XMesocarp clinginess X XTurning to dark colour (Veraison) X X X X X X X X X X X X XBiometrics indices XAverage weight/single fruit weight ratio XAverage volume/volume 100 olive fruits XSarcocarp/endocarp ratio XSarcocarp weight/weight of 100 olive fruits X

Average fruit volume/volume of singlefruit ratio X

Fruit drop (after fruit set) X X X XAmount of olive drop (% total olive

fruits at end season) X XTime of onset of olive drop X

*Ciferri et al., 1942, Italy (A); Patac et al., 1954, Spain (B); D Amore et al., 1977, Calabria (Italy) (C); Loussert et al., 1978, World (D); Barranco et al.,1984, Andalusia (Spain) (E); UPOV, 1985, World (F); Leitão et al., 1986, Portugal (G); Cimato et al., 1993, Tuscany (Italy) (H); Tous Martí and RomeroAroca, 1993, Catalonia (Spain) (I); Cristoferi et al., 1997, Emilia Romagna, (Italy) (J); Bartolini et al., 1998, World, (K); Pannelli et al., 1998, Abruzzo(Italy) (L); Cicoria et al., 2000, Molise (Italy) (M); Pannelli et al., 2000, Umbria (Italy) (N); Barranco et al., 2000a, World (O); Pugliano et al., 2000,Campania (Italy) (P); Cimato et al., 2001, Tuscany, (Italy) (Q); Rotundo and Marone, 2002, Lucania (Italy)(R); Trigui et al., 2002, Tunisia (S); Parlatiand Pandolfi, 2003, Lazio (Italy)(T); Lombardo et al., 2003, Calabria (Italy)(U); Bassi, 2003, Lombardy (Italy) (V); Lombardo et al., 2004, Apulia(Italy)(W); Rallo et al. 2005, Spain (Y).†The characters column carries as accurate as possible a translation of the original terms. When terminology was similar and obviously indicated thesame character, the terms were unified in English and listed in the same row; otherwise the character was given a separate row, especially if, in theoriginal publication, no clear indications were given as to the meaning of the character.




Weight X X X X X X X X X X X XShape (positions A and B) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XThickness XThickness/weight ratio XLength X X X X XAverage diameter X X XLength/diameter ratio X XSize X X X X X XSymmetry (positions A and/or B) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XVolume and weight: averages and upper

values XDiameters ratio (longitudinal and

transverse) XSection XBiometrics indices XMaximum diameter X XShape of largest transverse section XPosition of longest transverse diameter X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XApex (positions A and B) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XBase (positions A and B) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XColour XSurface: colour, roughness and groove

number XSurface X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XGroove type XGroove number X X X X X X X X X X X X X XGroove gait X X X X X X XGroove distribution X X X XGroove depth X X X X X X XSuture line X XSuture curvature XApex termination X X X X X X X X X X X X X X



Shape XColour XSize XFlavour XAverage weight X XNumber of seeds per fruit XSeedless fruits X



Precocity X XOnset of bearing X X X X X X X XProductivity X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XProduction regularity X X X X X X X X X X X XDrupe oil content X X X X X X X X X X X XOil yield X X X X X X X X X X X X XOil quality X X X X X X XCourse of oil accumulation X XMesocarp clinginess X XRooting ability X X X X X X X XBloom time XTime of recovery of vegetative activity

and inflorescence emission XBloom duration XDays from full bloom to fruit ripening XPollinators X XCompatibility X X X X X X X X XFlowers/ripe fruits ratio XFruit-set after free pollination XFruit-set after self pollination XAverage no of seeds per drupe (%) XFruit ripening time X X X X X X X X XSusceptibility to abiotic stress X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XSusceptibility to biotic stress X X X X X X X X X X XHardiness X X X XSuitability to mechanical harvest XParticular conditions for variety

identification XInfluence on the plant of environment

and cultivation techniques X XAdditional information X X

History of cultivated olive classification and description330

makes it particularly difficult to transfer data obtained ina given environment to other environments, due to a lackof common references.

As a consequence of these considerations, theproposed classification methods, even the most recentones, suffer grave limitations due to: a) polygenic controlof morphological characters and the strong influence ofenvironment and cultivation techniques on theirexpression; b) the absence of identical collections indifferent environments, which would be extremely usefulin the study of genotype � environment interactions;c) the need to consider a large number of characters todraw up a suitable descriptor list; and d) the need togather data concerning the required characters for aminimum number of years.

In conclusion, we must acknowledge that we do notyet possess an accurate methodology to identify olivevarieties. This causes a delay in olive breeding, andconsequently a delay in improvements in oliveproduction. The unification of all methodologies, bycreating a common pomological descriptor list for allscholars and scientists in the field, consisting of a seriesof characters useful both for genotype description andscientific research, would be a significant advance. Inaddition, any new list should include informationobtained by new research methods (physiological dataand ultrastructural analysis, serological, biochemical andmolecular marker analyses). We must admit that the useof morphological, biological and agronomic charactersalone does not permit an accurate varietal identificationof olive cultivars. The sole use of molecular markers,which are receiving increasing interest and credit, doesnot necessarily provide the accuracy and reliability theyseem to inspire. Although DNA marker techniques are

theoretically valid, in practice the methodology needs tobe better tested and improved. Actually, there are limitsin the application of the new techniques. It must beremembered that: a) even reproducible differences inDNA profiles only offer the certainty of the negativeresult, and never genetic identity; consequently, b) whenthe molecular profiles between two plants are identical,we still do not have absolute certainty that we aredealing with the same genotype. We can only reasonablydeduce that two individuals can be referred to the samegenotype, with very low or no significant (≤ 1%) marginfor error, provided the numerical acceptabilitythresholds of the molecular markers being tested, whichvary according to species and type of marker, are passed.

The problem of olive classification is therefore ofprime importance. Equally apparent is the need for theconstruction of an univocal descriptor list, theestablishment of collection fields, and the creation of acomplete data-bank.

Nevertheless, this review can close on an optimisticnote. The Italian Accademia Nazionale dell’Olivo edell’Olio of Spoleto has sponsored a Committee of themost eminent Italian olive scientists to prepare adescriptor list (plant passport data, morphological,biological, agronomic and commercial characters,biochemical and molecular markers, collections, etc.), atdifferent levels, and valid for all olive-producingcountries, which will soon be submitted to theinternational research community.

The “new” descriptor list, once accepted by all thoseinvolved in the olive industry, will represent a model thatcan eliminate, or at least contain the confusionaccumulated so far in attempts to describe the cultivatedolive.

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