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The CHANGE study: a healthy-lifestyles intervention to improve rural children's diet quality

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RESEARCH Original Research The CHANGE Study: A Healthy-Lifestyles Intervention to Improve Rural Childrens Diet Quality Juliana F. W. Cohen, ScD; Vivica I. Kraak, MS, RD; Silvina F. Choumenkovitch, PhD; Raymond R. Hyatt, PhD; Christina D. Economos, PhD ARTICLE INFORMATION Article history: Accepted 9 August 2013 Available online 11 October 2013 Keywords: Children Rural Diet Vulnerable populations Healthy-lifestyle behaviors Copyright ª 2014 by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2212-2672/$36.00 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2013.08.014 ABSTRACT Background Despite the high rates of overweight and obesity among rural children, there have been limited interventions reported to improve the diet quality of rural, low- income children in the United States. Objective Our aim was to evaluate studentsdiet quality at baseline and after implementing the CHANGE (Creating Healthy, Active and Nurturing Growing-Up Environments) study, a 2-year (2007-2009) randomized, controlled, community- and school-based intervention to prevent unhealthy weight gain among rural school- aged children. Design We used a school and community-based group randomized, controlled design. Participants/setting Data were collected in eight rural communities in California, Kentucky, Mississippi, and South Carolina (one elementary school per community). Children in grades 1 to 6 participated in the study (n¼432; mean age¼8.65 years1.6 years). Studentsdiets were assessed at baseline (spring or early fall 2008) and post intervention (spring 2009) using the Block Food Screener for ages 2 to 17 years. Statistical analyses Mixed-model analysis of variance was used to examine the effect of the CHANGE study intervention on studentsdiets. Results were adjusted for corre- sponding baseline dietary values, sex, age, grade, race/ethnicity, and state, with school included as a random effect nested within condition. Results At the end of 1 year, students enrolled in the CHANGE study intervention schools consumed signicantly more vegetables (0.08 cups/1,000 kcal/day; P¼0.03) and combined fruits and vegetables (0.22 cups/1,000 kcal/day; P<0.05) compared with students in control schools. Students in the intervention schools also showed a reduc- tion in the average daily dietary glycemic index (GI¼1.22; P<0.05) and a trend toward more fruit consumption (0.15 cups/1,000 kcal/day; P¼0.07). There were no signicant differences in studentsconsumption of whole grains, legumes, dairy, potatoes/potato products, saturated fat, added sugars, or dietary ber consumption. Conclusions The CHANGE study enhanced some aspects of rural studentsdietary intake. Implementing similar interventions in rural America can be promising to support vege- table consumption. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2014;114:48-53. I N THE UNITED STATES, CHILDREN TYPICALLY HAVE inadequate intakes of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and have excessive intakes of added sugars and solid fats, which runs counter to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendations. 1-4 In addition to providing important nutrients, consuming a healthy diet re- duces the risk of overweight and diabetes. 5-9 Childhood is an important time to establish healthy eating behaviors, which can impact diet and the risk of chronic diseases in adulthood. 10-13 Interventions have focused on schools to improve the diets of students and/or reduce the risk of overweight and obesity of children, but the available evidence shows mixed success. The Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) study (formerly the Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardio- vascular Health), an intervention that included classroom, physical education, cafeteria, and family components to improve several aspects of urban elementary childrens diets, found considerable reductions in saturated fat con- sumption among the intervention group at the end of 2 years. 14 The Teens Eating for Energy and Nutrition at Schools (TEENS) study in Minnesota, which had school and family components to increase fruit and vegetable con- sumption and reduce fat intake among adolescents in a metropolitan area, did not report substantial changes at the end of 2 years. 15 A smaller, cafeteria-based study in Boston, MA, found that students selected and consumed healthier To take the Continuing Professional Education quiz for this article, log in to www.eatright.org, click the myAcademylink under your name at the top of the homepage, select Journal Quizfrom the menu on your myAcademy page, click Journal Article Quizon the next page, and then click the Additional Journal CPE Articlesbutton to view a list of available quizzes, from which you may select the quiz for this article. 48 JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS ª 2014 by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.


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Original Research

The CHANGE Study: A Healthy-Lifestyles Interventionto Improve Rural Children’s Diet QualityJuliana F. W. Cohen, ScD; Vivica I. Kraak, MS, RD; Silvina F. Choumenkovitch, PhD; Raymond R. Hyatt, PhD; Christina D. Economos, PhD


Article history:Accepted 9 August 2013Available online 11 October 2013

Keywords:ChildrenRuralDietVulnerable populationsHealthy-lifestyle behaviors

Copyright ª 2014 by the Academy of Nutritionand Dietetics.2212-2672/$36.00http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2013.08.014

ABSTRACTBackground Despite the high rates of overweight and obesity among rural children,there have been limited interventions reported to improve the diet quality of rural, low-income children in the United States.Objective Our aim was to evaluate students’ diet quality at baseline and afterimplementing the CHANGE (Creating Healthy, Active and Nurturing Growing-UpEnvironments) study, a 2-year (2007-2009) randomized, controlled, community-and school-based intervention to prevent unhealthy weight gain among rural school-aged children.Design We used a school and community-based group randomized, controlled design.Participants/setting Data were collected in eight rural communities in California,Kentucky, Mississippi, and South Carolina (one elementary school per community).Children in grades 1 to 6 participated in the study (n¼432; mean age¼8.65 years�1.6years). Students’ diets were assessed at baseline (spring or early fall 2008) and postintervention (spring 2009) using the Block Food Screener for ages 2 to 17 years.Statistical analyses Mixed-model analysis of variance was used to examine the effectof the CHANGE study intervention on students’ diets. Results were adjusted for corre-sponding baseline dietary values, sex, age, grade, race/ethnicity, and state, with schoolincluded as a random effect nested within condition.Results At the end of 1 year, students enrolled in the CHANGE study interventionschools consumed significantly more vegetables (0.08 cups/1,000 kcal/day; P¼0.03) andcombined fruits and vegetables (0.22 cups/1,000 kcal/day; P<0.05) compared withstudents in control schools. Students in the intervention schools also showed a reduc-tion in the average daily dietary glycemic index (GI¼�1.22; P<0.05) and a trend towardmore fruit consumption (0.15 cups/1,000 kcal/day; P¼0.07). There were no significantdifferences in students’ consumption of whole grains, legumes, dairy, potatoes/potatoproducts, saturated fat, added sugars, or dietary fiber consumption.Conclusions The CHANGE study enhanced some aspects of rural students’ dietary intake.Implementing similar interventions in rural America can be promising to support vege-table consumption.J Acad Nutr Diet. 2014;114:48-53.

IN THE UNITED STATES, CHILDREN TYPICALLY HAVEinadequate intakes of fruits, vegetables, and wholegrains, and have excessive intakes of added sugars andsolid fats, which runs counter to the 2010 Dietary

Guidelines for Americans recommendations.1-4 In addition toproviding important nutrients, consuming a healthy diet re-duces the risk of overweight and diabetes.5-9 Childhood isan important time to establish healthy eating behaviors,which can impact diet and the risk of chronic diseases inadulthood.10-13

Interventions have focused on schools to improve thediets of students and/or reduce the risk of overweight andobesity of children, but the available evidence shows mixedsuccess. The Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH)study (formerly the Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardio-vascular Health), an intervention that included classroom,physical education, cafeteria, and family components toimprove several aspects of urban elementary children’sdiets, found considerable reductions in saturated fat con-sumption among the intervention group at the end of 2years.14 The Teens Eating for Energy and Nutrition atSchools (TEENS) study in Minnesota, which had school andfamily components to increase fruit and vegetable con-sumption and reduce fat intake among adolescents in ametropolitan area, did not report substantial changes at theend of 2 years.15 A smaller, cafeteria-based study in Boston,MA, found that students selected and consumed healthier

ª 2014 by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.


foods, particularly whole grains and vegetables, when thepalatability was enhanced by engaging a professionalchef.16 The Shape Up Somerville (SUS) study in the greaterBoston area implemented a multifaceted interventionbefore, during, and after school, including a significantschool food component, as well as in the homes and in thelarger community in an urban setting. The SUS studydocumented a reduction in the body mass index z scores ofthe students exposed to the intervention compared withstudents in matched-control schools at the end of 2years.17,18

However, interventions targeting low-income, rural areashave been limited, despite children in these areas having adisproportionately higher risk for overweight and obesityand less-healthy dietary habits compared with their peers inurban and suburban settings.19-21 Those in rural Americatypically experience greater health disparities comparedwith those in urban areas, including increased risk of dia-betes and coronary heart disease as adults.22 Therefore,effective interventions that improve the diets and overallhealth of rural children are needed.To address this lack of attention to a vulnerable popula-

tion, the Creating Healthy, Active and Nurturing Growing-UpEnvironments (CHANGE) study was designed with thefollowing primary objectives: to improve the diets, physicalactivity levels, and weight status of rural children based onthe successful model developed by the SUS study.17 Theobjective of this analysis was to examine changes in fruit,vegetable, legume, whole-grain, and low-fat dairy con-sumption among rural elementary students who wereexposed to the CHANGE study intervention compared withstudents in control schools. Secondary aims were toexamine changes in energy from saturated fats, addedsugars, fiber, white potatoes/potato products, and glycemicindex (GI) among CHANGE and control children. GI, which isa system for classifying carbohydrate-based foods used toexamine carbohydrate quality, has been inversely associatedwith obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.23

It was hypothesized that students exposed to the CHANGEstudy would improve their diet quality compared withthe control students because of the healthier foodenvironments.

METHODSStudy DesignThe CHANGE study was a 2-year randomized, controlled,community- and school-based healthy-lifestyles interven-tion designed to improve rural elementary school children’sdiets, increase their physical activity levels to meet the 1hour or more of moderate-to-vigorous activity recom-mended, limit their screen time to 2 hours or less per day,and decrease their body mass index z scores. Eight com-munities in rural areas of California, Kentucky, Mississippi,and South Carolina participated in the study from 2007-2009. Each state had two participating communities thatwere randomly assigned to intervention or control status.Each community consisted of an entire school district. Eachschool district had only one elementary school, and all eightelementary schools participated in the study as eithercontrol or intervention schools. Formative research wasconducted to adapt the successful SUS model to a rural

January 2014 Volume 114 Number 1

setting, which resulted in focusing on certain systemswithin the community. This research helped to determinewhich schools would be the most effective setting and theprimary focus, which was to leverage change (in addition tosmaller, secondary, initiatives throughout the schooldistrict).Additional study details have been published previously.24,25

Description of the InterventionThere were multiple components to improve the diets andoverall health of the students enrolled in CHANGE commu-nities. These changes began mid-fall after baseline datacollection and were maintained for the rest of the school year.Students were primarily exposed to the intervention while atschool through daily access to a foodservice component andto an educational curriculum every week on average. Theresearch staff collaborated with and provided professionaldevelopment training for the school cafeteria staff to servehealthier school breakfasts and lunches. Foodservice di-rectors participated in multi-day training, including a tour ofSomerville’s school food operation. The cafeteria changesincluded offering whole grains daily; providing five differentfruit and vegetable options weekly (with a fresh fruit orvegetable option daily, and a dark green or orange vegetableor fruit at least three times per week); providing beans orpeas weekly; supplying 1% and nonfat milk daily; limiting icecream sales; and encouraging a healthier à la carte portfolio.Students were also exposed to the Shape Up: During- andAfter-School curricula, the Eat Well Keep Moving curricula(both curricula were based on the social-cognitive theory),and the 5-2-1 messages (ie, at least 5 servings of fruits andvegetables/day; no more than 2 hours of television or otherscreen time/day; and at least 1 hour of physical activity/day).26 In addition, the CHANGE study also included parentand community outreach components throughout the schooldistrict to promote the healthy lifestyle changes encouragedduring and after the school day. The study protocol wasapproved by the Institutional Review Board at TuftsUniversity.

ParticipantsStudents in grades 1 to 6 who attended a public elementaryschool in a CHANGE or control community were eligible toparticipate in this study. A total of 1,302 children initiallyagreed to participate and parental informed consent wasobtained. Of these children, 1,230 (94%) completed at leastone survey with dietary information. Students were excludedif they did not complete a dietary assessment both pre- andpost-implementation (n¼640 [49%] excluded) or reportedconsuming an implausible quantity of food (>5,000 kcal/dayor <500 kcal/day; n¼158 [12%] excluded).27 These exclusionsleft a total of 432 students (33%) for the analyses. At baseline,the mean age of participants was roughly 8.6 years andslightly more than half were female (Table 1). The partici-pants came from families with high household povertylevels; in all of the participating communities, at least 85% ofthe students were eligible for free or reduced-price meals, aproxy measure for poverty and low socioeconomic status.About 85% to 95% of the participants were nonwhite.


Table 1. Baseline characteristics of elementary studentsparticipating in the CHANGEa study in intervention andcontrol schools



��mean�standard deviation

��!Age (y) 8.6�1.5 8.7�1.7



Male 47 41

Female 53 59


1 16 17

2 22 22

3 16 16

4 26 20

5 18 21

6 2 3


White 15 3

Black 40 44

Hispanic 38 51

Other 6 2

aCHANGE¼Creating Healthy, Active and Nurturing Growing-Up Environments.

Table 2. Baseline dietary measures from the Block KidsYesterday food screener

Intervention Control

Primary outcomes ��mean�standard deviation

��!Fruits (cups)per 1,000 kcal

1.15�0.88 1.18�0.84

Vegetables(excluding potatoes)(cups) per 1,000 kcal

0.55�0.36 0.50�0.33

Fruits and vegetablescombined (cups)per 1,000 kcal

2.13�1.53 2.00�1.73

Whole grains (oz)per 1,000 kcal

0.39�0.34 0.38�0.32

Legumes (cups)per 1,000 kcal

0.06�0.11 0.04�0.08a

Dairy (cups)per 1,000 kcal

1.16�0.58 1.20�0.58

Secondary outcomes

Potatoes (cups)per 1,000 kcal

0.22�0.19 0.23�0.20

Energy fromsaturated fat (%)

7.39�4.74 7.22�3.98

Added sugars (tsp)per 1,000 kcal

6.8�3.5 7.4�3.7

Fiber (g) per 1,000 kcal 8.5�2.8 8.1�2.7Glycemic index 49.9�4.6 51.0�4.4aSignificantly different from intervention by t test.


Outcome MeasuresStudent’s diets were assessed using the 2007 Block FoodScreener for ages 2 to 17 years.28 This food screener is self-administered with adult assistance and obtains consump-tion information from the past 24 hours for 41 commonlyconsumed foods and beverages and their portion sizes. Thefoods and beverages included on the list are based on thefoods most commonly consumed by children as determinedby data from two cycles of the National Health and NutritionExamination Survey (2001-2002 and 2003-2004). The foodscreener estimates the consumption of food groups, includingfruits, vegetables (excluding potatoes), potatoes/potatoproducts, whole grains, dairy, and legumes. It also estimatessaturated fats, fiber, added sugars, and the overall GI of thefoods consumed. The Block Food Screener has been usedpreviously in several studies with children who need assis-tance with recalls.29-31 Additional information about theBlock Food Screener’s consumption calculations has also beenpublished previously.25 Students enrolled in the CHANGEstudy completed the food screener with the assistance of atrained data collector, either one-on-one (children in grades 1to 3) or in small groups (children in grades 4 to 6). Studentscompleted these surveys at baseline in the spring and/orearly fall of 2008 and then again post implementation in thespring of 2009. For students who had two baseline measures(both spring and fall 2008), the spring 2008 value was used.Differences between the two baseline measurements were


nonsignificant. Parents/primary caregivers provided addi-tional information on their child’s age, sex, race/ethnicity,grade, and demographics on a family survey, adapted fromthe SUS study.17

Statistical AnalysisAnalyses were conducted using mixed-model analysisof variance using SAS PROC MIXED software (version 9.1,2003, SAS Institute), with schools included as a random effectnested within condition. Food categories were energyadjusted by dividing by total energy intake and expressed per1,000 kcal, and saturated fat was calculated as a percentageof energy intake. To estimate change in consumption, thepost-implementation value of the dependent variablewas regressed on the condition, adjusting for the pre-implementation value of the dependent variable, sex, race/ethnicity, grade, and age. The primary analyses were changesin daily consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, le-gumes, and dairy intake. Similar to other studies, fruits andvegetables were also examined combined.15,32,33 The sec-ondary analyses measured changes in students’ consumptionof potato/potato products, added sugars, fiber, percent of

January 2014 Volume 114 Number 1


energy from saturated fats, and GI. Statistical analyses wereconducted using the SAS statistical software (version 9.2,2008, SAS Institute).

RESULTSAt baseline, students in CHANGE and control schoolsconsumed similar amounts fruits, vegetables, whole grains,dairy, potatoes/potato products, saturated fats, and sugars,and had a diet with a similar GI (Table 2). Students inCHANGE schools consumed significantly more legumes atbaseline compared with students in control schools. Stu-dents ate, on average, roughly 1 cup of fruit, 0.50 cup ofvegetables, 0.40 oz of whole grains, negligible amounts oflegumes, and 1 cup of dairy per day per 1,000 kcal. Studentsalso consumed about 0.20 cups of potatoes/potato products,7 teaspoons of added sugar, and 8 g fiber per 1,000 kcal.Saturated fat intake represented roughly 7% of their totalenergy intake, and students’ intakes had an overall GI ofabout 50.Significant intervention effects were seen for servings of

vegetables and combined servings of fruits and vegetablesper 1,000 kcal (Table 3). At the end of the intervention, stu-dents exposed to the CHANGE intervention consumed 0.08cups of vegetables per 1,000 kcal more per day than studentsin control schools (P<0.05). Students attending CHANGEschools also consumed 0.22 cups of combined fruits andvegetables per 1,000 kcal more at the end of the interventioncompared with students enrolled at control schools (P<0.05).There were no significant differences between the interven-tion and control schools in fruit, legume, whole grain, or dairyconsumption, although the results were suggestive of a trend

Table 3. Estimated difference in dietary intakes based on the Blo


Primary ����mean (standard

Fruits (cups) per 1,000 kcal 1.05 (0.07)

Vegetables (excluding potatoes)(cups) per 1,000 kcal

0.56 (0.04)

Fruits and vegetables combined(cups) per 1,000 kcal

1.57 (0.12)

Whole grains (oz) per 1,000 kcal 0.38 (0.04)

Legumes (cups) per 1,000 kcal 0.05 (0.01)

Dairy (cups) per 1,000 kcal 1.14 (0.10)


Potatoes (cups) per 1,000 kcal 0.22 (0.01)

Energy from saturated fat (%) 8.65 (0.92)

Added sugars (tsp) per 1,000 kcal 7.23 (0.33)

Fiber (g) per 1,000 kcal 8.12 (0.33)

Glycemic index 49.5 (0.62)

aCalculated using least-squares means regression, adjusted for the baseline value of the depenbAdjusted difference represents the difference in values between the intervention group and thethe food screener), sex, race/ethnicity, grade, and age. Regression estimates were calculated u

January 2014 Volume 114 Number 1

towardmore fruit consumption (0.15 cups/1,000 kcal per day;P¼0.07). There were no significant differences in consump-tion by sex or grade level.In the secondary analysis, it was found that the GI of the

diets of students in CHANGE schools was significantly lowerthan the GI of students in control schools post intervention(�1.22; P<0.05). However, there were no significant differ-ences in the consumption of potatoes/potato products, addedsugars, fiber, or saturated fats.

DISCUSSIONThe outcomes of the CHANGE study provide evidence that amulti-component intervention targeting low-income chil-dren living in rural communities in America can improvetheir diet quality. Overall, students consumed significantlymore vegetables and combined fruits and vegetables afterexposure to the CHANGE study intervention compared withstudents in control schools and communities. For a typicalchild consuming a 2,000-calorie diet, this translates to morethan an additional cup of vegetables per week, and an addi-tional 3 cups of fruits and vegetables combined per week.There were no significant differences in their whole grain,legume, or dairy consumption, but there was a trend towardmore fruit consumption. Although there were also no dif-ferences when examining potatoes/potato products, addedsugars, fiber, or saturated fats, the analysis revealed a sig-nificant reduction in the GI of students in the CHANGE studyschools compared with students in the control schools, whichcould have important implications for obesity prevention inthis at-risk population. Although there have been criticisms

ck Kids Yesterday Food Screener at follow-up

ControlaAdjusted differenceb

(standard error) P value

error)����!0.90 (0.08) 0.15 (0.08) 0.07

0.47 (0.05) 0.08 (0.04) 0.03

1.35 (0.13) 0.22 (0.09) 0.01

0.38 (0.05) 0.003 (0.04) 0.94

0.04 (0.01) 0.006 (0.01) 0.56

1.12 (0.11) 0.02 (0.06) 0.72

0.21 (0.02) 0.006 (0.02) 0.75

8.98 (0.97) �0.34 (0.46) 0.46

7.12 (0.41) 0.11 (0.41) 0.79

7.73 (0.39) 0.39 (0.28) 0.16

50.6 (0.70) �1.13 (0.50) 0.03

dent variable (based on the food screener), sex, race/ethnicity, grade, and age.control group after adjustment for the baseline value of the dependent variable (based onsing SAS PROC MIXED software to account for clustering of observations within schools.



in the literature of using GI, overall this has been found to bea valid measure of carbohydrate quality.34

Vegetable consumption can be particularly difficult tomodify in children, and those in rural America tend to havelimited access to and consumption of fruits and vegetables.35

Previous studies attempting to impact fruit and vegetableintake, including the 5-A-Day Power Plus Program and TEENSstudy, have found improving vegetable consumption to be achallenge.33,36 In addition, a recent systematic review andmeta-analysis of school-based interventions to improvefruit and vegetable consumption concluded that, overall, in-terventions were successful at increasing fruit but not vege-table consumption.37 This meta-analysis also found theaverage impact of the interventions to be an increase in 0.25portions of fruits and vegetables per day when fruit juice wasnot included, which was similar to the increases seen in theCHANGE study.Because these other studies included similar compo-

nents, such as classroom and parent involvement andcafeteria changes, it is possible that the changes seenwere a result of differences in the content of the schoolnutrition curriculum provided, the multi-day training ofthe foodservice directors, or the additional exposurethrough the before and after-school activities that theCHANGE study provided.This study was subject to a number of limitations. Many

students who agreed to participate in the study failed tocomplete a second food survey at the end of the interven-tion. Because loss to follow-up was anticipated in this lower-income, transient population, students were over-recruitedat baseline and they were given multiple opportunities tofill out a food screener. In addition, local coordinatorsworked with the schools and the students to assist with thestudy, including administering the food screener.No differences were seen in whole-grain consumption,

but it is possible that students were unaware of their whole-grain consumption. Many common foods, including break-fast cereals or white whole-wheat bread, might appear to berefined but actually contain whole grains. Students atCHANGE schools had significantly increased access towhole-grain foods at lunch (primarily whole-wheat bread,rolls, and hamburger buns, but also crackers, pizza dough,corndogs, and breadsticks) compared with students atcontrol schools, but it is possible that students consumingthe school meals did not recognize these foods as wholegrains.38 Therefore, whole-grain consumption might havebeen under-reported.Although the results of the study might not be generaliz-

able to other population, this model has already been suc-cessfully implemented in an urban setting. Therefore, thistype of intervention is promising as a way to improve dietquality in diverse populations.

CONCLUSIONSImproving the diets of children is important, given the highprevalence of overweight and obesity and overconsumptionof nutrient-poor foods that are high in solid fats and addedsugars. The CHANGE study used an innovative, multi-component community-based intervention in rural Americato improve the diets of children. The interventiontook place in an area that is understudied, despite the


disproportionately higher rates of obesity and poorer dietaryhabits. The CHANGE study improved some aspects of ruralchildren’s dietary intakes, providing additional evidence thatthe community-based model for interventions can be suc-cessful in a rural environment. Efforts to promote changewithin the school setting have the potential to reach a sub-stantial number of children through systemic changes. Moreresearch is needed to examine how to improve other aspectsof the children’s diets using this community-based modeland to understand students’ awareness of whole-grainconsumption.

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AUTHOR INFORMATIONJ. F. W. Cohen is a postdoctoral research fellow, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA. V. I. Kraak is a doctoralcandidate, Deakin Population Health Strategic Research Centre, School of Health and Social Development, Deakin University, Burwood, Victoria,Australia. S. F. Choumenkovitch is a research associate, John Hancock Research Center on Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention, R.R. Hyatt is an associate professor, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, School of Medicine, and C. D. Economos is an associateprofessor, John Hancock Research Center on Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity Prevention, Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School ofNutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, Boston, MA.

Address correspondence to: Juliana F. W. Cohen, ScD, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, 677 Huntington Ave, Boston,MA 02115. E-mail: [email protected]

STATEMENT OF POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTERESTAt the time of the study, V. I. Kraak was employed by Save the Children USA, which had received funding from America Gives Back, the PepsiCoFoundation, Kraft Foods, Cadbury North America, and the General Mills Foundation; she has no conflicts in her current position as a PhDcandidate at Deakin University in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the remaining authors.

FUNDING/SUPPORTSupport was provided by Save the Children’s US Programs. J. F. W. Cohen is supported by the Nutritional Epidemiology of Cancer Education andCareer Development Program (R25 CA 098566).

