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The Attica Tollway Operations Authority KPI Performance System

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Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 00 (2011) 000–000 www.elsevier.com/locate/procedia Conference Title (Transport Research Arena– Europe 2012) The Attica Tollway Operations Authority KPI Performance System Helen Tyrogianni a , Bill Halkias b , Anna Politou c , Pagona Kotzampassi d aHead of Consulting Services, 41, 9Km Attiki Odos, 19002, Greece bCEO, 41, 9Km Attiki Odos, 19002, Greece cCivil Engineer- Transport Planner, 41, 9Km Attiki Odos, 19002, Greece dApplied Maths Engineer, 41, 9Km Attiki Odos, 19002, Greece Abstract PPP’s develop Toll Roads, promote innovation and generally provide above-average, and in some cases, high-level of service to their users. The level of service provided is either mandated by contractual terms or by a strong desire to promote legitimate commercial goals. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are used to measure the level of service provided to the users by the tollway operator, since the services affect the lives of people using the facility. Attica Tollway Operations Authority (Attikes Diadromes SA) has developed a program of measuring and monitoring performance indicators, over and above the contractual requirements, in order to improve safety, mobility, asset management and user satisfaction. The monitoring of performance using the KPI system in Attica Tollway offers efficiency, effectiveness, communication and improvement over time to the Operating Company. A set of more than thirty key performance indicators are in use nowadays by Attica Tollway. These are covering the areas of traffic management, toll operation, infrastructure maintenance, HR, violation enforcement, etc. The presentation will focus on the design and implementation of this application of KPIs parameters, as well as on the recorded results and their utilization. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of TRA 2012

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Sciences Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 00 (2011) 000–000


Conference Title (Transport Research Arena– Europe 2012)

The Attica Tollway Operations Authority KPI Performance


Helen Tyrogiannia, Bill Halkias

b, Anna Politou

c, Pagona Kotzampassi


aHead of Consulting Services, 41, 9Km Attiki Odos, 19002, Greece

bCEO, 41, 9Km Attiki Odos, 19002, Greece

cCivil Engineer- Transport Planner, 41, 9Km Attiki Odos, 19002, Greece

dApplied Maths Engineer, 41, 9Km Attiki Odos, 19002, Greece


PPP’s develop Toll Roads, promote innovation and generally provide above-average, and in some cases,

high-level of service to their users. The level of service provided is either mandated by contractual terms

or by a strong desire to promote legitimate commercial goals. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are

used to measure the level of service provided to the users by the tollway operator, since the services affect

the lives of people using the facility.

Attica Tollway Operations Authority (Attikes Diadromes SA) has developed a program of measuring and

monitoring performance indicators, over and above the contractual requirements, in order to improve

safety, mobility, asset management and user satisfaction. The monitoring of performance using the KPI

system in Attica Tollway offers efficiency, effectiveness, communication and improvement over time to

the Operating Company.

A set of more than thirty key performance indicators are in use nowadays by Attica Tollway. These are

covering the areas of traffic management, toll operation, infrastructure maintenance, HR, violation

enforcement, etc.

The presentation will focus on the design and implementation of this application of KPIs parameters, as

well as on the recorded results and their utilization.

© 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of TRA 2012

2 Author name / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 00 (2011) 000–000

Keywords: Key Performance Indicators, PPPs,Toll, Road,

1. Introduction

The main purpose of measuring performance in the road sector is to improve transportation

service for customers and this is the reason that an increasing importance is given by transportation

agencies. In the road sector, performance measured has long been used as part of a pavement

management and bridge management systems. Nowadays, many agencies are extending the process to

applications in construction and maintenance systems, operations and safety, and administrative structures

and processes (1). In the case of concession projects, the measurement of the project’s performance is set

in the contract and specific contractual obligations are arisen for the concessionaires.

However, road agencies are now expected to meet service level targets at reduced costs and to develop

mechanisms for customer feedback. In general, road agencies now operate in an environment in which

there is a much greater emphasis on customers. Meeting customers’ needs drives business for public

sector as well as private sector agencies. That focus on customers has made the assessment of agencies’

performance more complex and has been a trigger for the study and application of objective performance

measurement (2).

2. Description of Attica Tollway

Attica Tollway has been designated by the European Union to be part of the Trans European

Network, extending along 70 km, enabling quicker access to areas which, until recently, were either

unapproachable or required a great amount of travel time. A road axis connecting the 30 municipalities of

the Attica basin and meeting the transportation needs of millions of people, on an annual basis.

Attica Tollway is one of the biggest peripheral ring roads in Europe. It is an urban motorway, with 3

traffic lanes in each direction and an emergency lane. In the centre, it has a special traffic island, reserved

for the operation of the suburban railway. Attica Tollway is a fully access control tollway, within a

metropolitan capital where the problem of traffic congestion is really acute.

The motorway forms the link which connects the PATHE road axis (Patra – Athens – Thessaloniki -

Evzoni), since it links the Athens – Lamia National Road with the Athens – Corinth National Road, by-

passing the centre of Athens.

Being a closed motorway, it has full control of its access points and consists of three sections:

• The Elefsina – Stavros – Spata A/P motorway (ESSM), extending along approximately

52 km, and

• The Imittos Western Peripheral Motorway (IWPM), extending along approximately 13


• The Egaleio Western Peripheral Motorway (EWPM), extending along approximately 5


The provision of high level of service and services above and beyond of the contractual obligations,

Attica Tollway succeeded to change the initial reluctance of users towards paying tolls. In addition, an

enormous residential and business development occurred to all the regions surrounding Attica Tollway.

Author name / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 00 (2011) 000–000 3

The day to day activities of the Attica Tollway Operation Authority include:

• Traffic management & safety of users

• Detection / intervention / management of incidents

• Routine maintenance of infrastructure and fixed equipment

• Maintenance of vehicles

• Proposals for major maintenance plan and improvements

• Toll Collection

• Design of Commercial Policy & management of commercial packages

• Monitoring of the users complaints

• Public Relations and Communication

3. Scope of Key Performance Indicators Program of Attica Tollway operations Authority

Considering that the customers of Tollways have higher service level demands compared to the users of

non-tolled motorways, systems measuring the performance are recommended to be adopted by Tollways.

The major components of this program are the "Key Performance Indicators" (KPIs), which are based, to

a great extent, on a multifunctional survey, in reference mainly to safety, customer service maintenance

and toll collection.

The aim of this program is the operational application of a reliable management and exploitation

mechanism to measure the service level and to take the appropriate measures to rectify the problems or

improvements needed. In order to achieve this goal the following targets were set according to Anderson

research (2001):

� To implement a reliable and accurate system capable of measuring any fluctuation of

performance on the key areas of safety, maintenance effectiveness, mobility and user


� To raise the awareness and educate the managerial staff on understanding this action and the

valorization of exploitation through tangible changes of the project results.

� To establish the appropriate management instrument that would have the responsibility for

the evaluation of the results data, in order to plan and monitor the timely intervention actions.

In the case of Attica Tollway, a system has being developed for monitoring and analysing the trends of

the outcome of the Tollway and this system acts as a mechanism protecting the expected “value” that

arises from the payment of toll fee. The application for a period of four years of this program succeeded

in detecting changes in service conditions and in measuring Service Levels, so as to identify the necessary

measures that will lead to the optimization of the level of service offered to the users. The existence of the

vast majority program is not imposed by the contract since only 2 indicators from the total amount of 35

are contractual obligations.

The Key Performance Indicators are measuring and assessing the following categories of issues:

1. Response to incidents

2. Closed lanes to traffic

3. Management of incident

4. Traffic congestion

5. User safety

6. Perceived quality by users

7. Liability

4 Author name / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 00 (2011) 000–000

8. Level of maintenance

9. Level of service of toll lanes

10. Cash discrepancy

11. Level of service of Integrated Toll and Traffic Management System (ITTMS)

12. Electronic Toll Collection(ETC) penetration

13. Subscription Programs

14. Subscribers attitude

15. Level of written communication with users

16. Level of service by Customer Telephone Center

17. Level of user satisfaction

18. Human resources

4. The Structure of KPIs System and the Source of Information

4.1. The structure of the system

The preferred approach for regulating quality of service is to specify and monitor performance outputs

rather than inputs. Regulating outputs promotes innovation and efficiency improvements – but only if the

service provider also has an incentive to reduce costs. As a result, this approach goes hand-in-hand with

other regulatory mechanisms, such as the price cap approach to tariffs (which motivates cost savings).

Specifying and monitoring a limited number of outputs helps to minimise regulation and avoid costly and

bureaucratic regulatory practices and interference in day-to-day operations.

This reliable KPI system was structured in 5 stages :

Stage 1

The definition of the basic principles for the development of the KPI, in order to be:

� Truly representative of the success of the main goal,

� Verifiable to avoid misrepresentation of results,

� Useful and available on time to influence decisions,

� Linked into systems allowing feedback of information for the decision-making.

Other issues that were considered when selecting performance measures to evaluate Attica Tollway

include the followings according to NCHRP Report 446 (2000):

- Forecastibilty: it is possible to compare future alternative projects using this measure?

- Clarity: is it likely to be understood by transportation professionals, policy makers and the


- Usefulness: Does the measure reflect the issue or goal of concern? Is it an indicator of condition,

which could be used as a trigger for action? Does it capture cause-and-effect between the

agency’s actions and conditions?

- Ability to diagnose problem: Is there a connection between the measure and the actions that

affect it? Is the measure too aggregate to be helpful to agencies trying to improve performance?

- Temporal effects: Is the measure comparable across time?

- Relevance: Is the measure relevant to planning and budgeting processes? Will changes in

activities and budget levels affect a change in the measure that is apparent and meaningful? Can

the measure be reported with a frequency that will be helpful to decision makers?

Stage 2

Extensive education of the managerial staff in order to include KPIs in the production process.

Stage 3

Author name / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 00 (2011) 000–000 5

An analytical multiphased selection of the indicators, emphasing on the key differentiation areas between

tolled and non-tolled motorways has lead to the selection of 35 indicators covering the entire operation of

Attica Tollway Operations Authority.

Attention was given to the relation between the indicator and the operational target of the department, the

strategic target of the operation authority and finally the weight of the importance with regards to the

overall performance

Stage 4

A pilot application of the system, conducted for six months, in order to adjust and to evaluate the selected


Stage 5

Constant evaluation of the system in order to assess the overall performance of the interventions.

4.2 The source of information

A critical parameter of the efficiency of the performance-measuring system is the quality of its sources of

primary data and the “realistic” selection of indicators. The collection of the relevant data is based on the

accurate and effective Management Information System of Attica Tollway that constitutes also to an

integral tool for the daily operation of the management of the Tollway. The internal data is generated by

the Integrated Motorway Management System of Attica Tollway Operations Authority.

Another source of data for the KPIs system is the conduction of extensive surveys, such as Road Side

Survey (RSS), telephone survey for the subscribers and "mystery shopping", these surveys provide data

for indicators assessing the user’ perception. Indicatively, the annual RSS covers about 7500

questionnaires and "mystery shopping" about 8000 questions on an annual basis.

5. Presentation of KPIs of Attica Tollway

5.1. Presentation of Representative Key Performance Indicators of Attica Tollway

In this chapter the definition, the measurement method and the results of five representative key

performance indicators are presented.

Key Performance Indicator 1: Response Time of Attica Tollway to incidents

A major service provided by Attica Tollway Operations Authority to its users is the incidents’

management. An indicator for the performance of the incident management is the response time on

incidents. Average response time to incidents is calculated as the time from incident detection to patrol

arrival at the incident place, counted in minutes, per detection source (Users, Toll personnel, Traffic

Management Center, Recovery Unit, police, patrols etc). In the following figure the results of the

measured Key Performance Indicator – Response Time is presented. It should be noted that the first

column presents the average response time for all sources of detection and the second excluding the

detection from patrols vehicles allocated along the motorway.

6 Author name / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 00 (2011) 000–000

Fig. 1: KPI 1- Response time of Attica Tollway (minutes) for 2010

Referring to the table above, it should be mentioned that the average response time is around 2.8 min for

all sources of detection and around 5,5 min for all sources excluding patrols that is significantly below the

contractual obligation of 10 minutes.

Key Performance Indicator 2: Closed lanes to traffic due to maintenance

Another indicator is the lane closures to traffic due to maintenance. This indicator records the continuous

availability of infrastructure and shows the efficiency of road maintenance. For the accuracy of the

indicator, two parameters are measured a) the length of intervention and b) the duration of intervention. In

the following figure the results of the measured Key Performance Indicator –Lane Closure due to

maintenance is presented.

Figure 2: KPI 2- Total km-hours of closed lanes due to maintenance for 2010

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As seen above, June has one of the lowest measurements since it is traditionally the month with the

largest traffic flows and the scheduled interventions are minimal. Regarding July, the interventions are

scheduled mainly to second half of the month when traffic flows are much lower.

Key Performance Indicator 3: Hours of queue

Traffic queue is an element of the operation of motorway, therefore an indicator was selected to show

queue duration per four hours intervals. Indicators are the reference points for taking measures that will

aim in reducing congestion (e.g. construction of new infrastructure, new commercial and pricing policy

for these locations and hours etc), wherever this is possible. For the measurement of the indicator, only

incidents relative to congestion are selected. Then the records are grouped according to their start time.

Start times are grouped in 4-hour intervals, the first interval starting at 7:00. Congestions from 23:00 to

6:59 of the next day are not taken into account. Finally, total queue duration and length for the same start

time group are calculated. In the following table the results of the measured Key Performance Indicator –

Total hours of queue is presented.

Figure 3: KPI 3- Total hours of queue per month for 2010

As presented above, August is the month with the negligible queues due to seasonal trends of this month

(typical month of vacations for Athenians).

Key Performance Indicator 4: ETC Penetration

Regarding the toll services, a significant measurement corresponds to the Electronic Toll Collection

(ETC) penetration. The ETC Volume Indicator shows percentage of electronic transactions out of the

total toll transactions. The relevant data derives from reporting of Attica Tollway Integrated Toll Traffic

Management System. In the following figure the results of the measured Key Performance Indicator –

Percentage of ETC Transactions is presented. As presented in the figure below, the electronic toll

transactions cover almost the half of the toll transactions. This high percentage of electronic transactions

denotes better services at toll lanes and low waiting time.

8 Author name / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 00 (2011) 000–000

Figure 4: KPI 4-Percentage of ETC Transactions per month for 2010

Key Performance Indicator 5: Effectiveness of preventive Road Maintenance

This indicator presents the effectiveness of preventive road maintenance. The ratio of unscheduled

(repair) maintenance man-hour effort to preventive maintenance man-hour effort for infrastructure

maintenance is calculated. Unscheduled maintenance works must represent a low percentage of scheduled

maintenance so that:

1. Infrastructure condition to be maintained at the highest level

2. Maintenance cost to be reduced (repairs are always more expensive compared to scheduled works)

3. User satisfaction to increase since infrastructure will be available during peak hours and there will be

no problems due to maintenance works during peak hours (repairs may have to be carried out

immediately, even at peak hours)

Figure 5 KPI 5- Percentage of unplanned man-hours over to total man-hours for maintenance activities per month for


Author name / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 00 (2011) 000–000 9

As shown on the Figure above, the percentage of unplanned man-hours spent to maintenance activities

remains steadily to a low level for all the months of year.

5.2 Demonstratable Achievements of the KPI system

This program produced tangible results for the customers, the agency and the community.The most

significant results are:

� Maintain the response time of Attica Tollway patrols in low level despite the significant increase

of traffic. The daily average traffic volume increased from 195,000 Transactions [KN1](2005) to

281.329 transactions (2010)

� Increase of ETC use (from 36% in 2005 to 47,5% in 2010), therefore better service at toll lanes.

� Subscribers' increase (from 143,000 distributed transponders in 2005 to 445,000 in 2010),

exceeding any preliminary projection.

� The customers satisfaction remained at a very high level: Customer satisfaction from toll

collectors 92% (as the queues were reduced due to higher ETC use), , for safety level provided

95.6% (less closed lanes, better road conditions from more effective maintenance), despite the

significant increase of transactions.

� Increase of the number of internal operating procedures of the agency from 15 (2005) to 47


5. Conclusions

Performance indicators can be defined as variables whose purpose is to measure changes in a process or a

function. Indicators used by the principal must be clearly defined, accessible and transparent. Providing

an effective mechanism to measure continuously the level of service protecting the value of the Toll paid

by users, as well as to estimate the consequences of any action or decision to the value of the road.

Aiding the decision-making process, by giving it both forecasting assistance, as well as monitoring


� Setting a high standard of service level for itself and for all the motorways in Greece.

� Managing change without risking value.

� Communicating the effectiveness of the operation to third parties.

Furthermore, the observed customer satisfaction of Attica Tollway users is probably the best proof that

demonstrates the success of this action. Despite the increase of the daily traffic, the quality of customer

service, the high safety level and the innovations brought by the company are highly appreciated by our

customers. Today Athenians feel that they are getting their money’s worth.


Anderson, “Quantitative Methods for Business”, 2001.

InVision Consulting S.A. RSS Annual Surveys, 2005-2010.

Gudmundsson, Henrik “Indicators and performance measures for Transportation, environment and

sustainability in North America”, National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark, 2001.

10 Author name / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 00 (2011) 000–000

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), “Performance indicators for the

road sector, Summary of the field tests”, OECD Paris, 2001.

Papandreou K., Tyrogianni H. “Level of Service in Concession Motorway Projects, XXXV ASECAP

Study and Information Days, Crete, 2007.

Transportation Research Board (TRB). NCHRP Report 446: “A guidebook for Performance-Based

Transportation planning”. National Academy press, Washington DC, 2000.
