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Testosterone and libido in surgically and naturally menopausal women

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10.2217/17455057.2.3.459 © 2006 Future Medicine Ltd ISSN 1745-5057 Women's Health (2006) 2(3), 459–477 459 R EVIEW Testosterone and libido in surgically and naturally menopausal women Jeanne L Alexander 1† , Lorraine Dennerstein 2 , Henry Burger 3 & Alessandra Graziottin 4,5,6 Author for correspondence 1 Kaiser Permanente Medical Group of Northern California Psychiatry Women’s Health, Kaiser Permanente Medical Group, 1700 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 329, Berkeley, CA 94709, USA Tel.: +1 510 527 3010; Fax: +1 510 525 3189; E-mail: [email protected] 2 Office for Gender and Health, Department of Psychiatry, The University of Melbourne, 4th Floor, 766 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia Tel.: +61 3 8344 4520; Fax: +61 3 9347 4127; E-mail: ldenn@ unimelb.edu.au 3 Prince Henry's Institute of Medical Research, Monash Medical Center, Clayton, VIC, Australia Tel.: +61 3 9594 3553; Fax: +61 3 9594 3558; E-mail: henry.burger@ phimr.monash.edu.au 4 Center of Gynecology and Medical Sexology, Hospital San Raffaele Resnati, Milan, Italy 5 Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, University of Florence and Parma, Italy 6 Post-graduate Course in Sexual Medicine, University of Florence, Italy Tel.: +39 02 72002177; Fax: +39 02 876758; E-mail: segreteria@ studiograziottin.it; a.graziottin@ studiograziottin.it Keywords: female sexuality, libido, menopause, testosterone The assessment and then treatment of a change in libido, or a change in the desire to partake in sexual activity, during the menopausal transition and beyond has been a challenging and elusive area of clinical research. This is partly due to the multidimensional nature of female sexuality, the difficulties of measuring testosterone in women in a reliable and accurate manner, and the complexity of the neurobiology and neurobehavior of female sexual desire. In addition, there is a lack of evidence for diagnostic specificity of low free testosterone levels for the symptom of low libido in women for whom there are no confounding interpersonal or psychological factors; although, in the symptomatic population of surgically or naturally menopausal women, a low level of free testosterone often accompanies a complaint of reduced desire/libido. The randomized clinical trial research on testosterone replacement for naturally and/or surgically menopausal women with sexual dysfunction has been criticized for a high placebo response rate, supraphysiological replacement levels of testosterone, the perception of modest clinical outcome when measuring objective data such as the frequency of sexual intercourse relative to placebo, and the unknown safety of long-term testosterone replacement in the estrogen-replete surgically or naturally menopausal woman. A careful review of current evidence from randomized, controlled trials lends support to the value of the replacement of testosterone in the estrogen-replete menopausal woman for whom libido and desire has declined. The issue of long-term safety remains to be answered. Multifactorial nature of female sexuality The assessment and then treatment of a change in libido, or a change in the desire to partake in sexual activity, during the menopausal transition and beyond has been a challenging and elusive area of clinical research. There is a lack of evi- dence for the diagnostic specificity of low free testosterone levels for the symptom of low libido in the women for whom there are no confound- ing interpersonal or psychological factors; although, in the symptomatic population of sur- gically or naturally menopausal women, a low level of free testosterone often accompanies a complaint of reduced desire/libido [1–6]. Female sexuality is dependent on biological, psychosexual, sociocultural and context-related factors [7–9]. As a consequence, any movement or change in any of these realms may increase or decrease a woman’s perception of her drive or motivation to participate in sexual activity. The presence of any chronic medical illness such as diabetes, pulmonary or cardiovascular problems, or depression will in many instances impact a woman’s sexuality concurrent with changes related to age [10,11]. The length of the relationship with a partner, as well as aging, has been demonstrated to impact sexual interest and fre- quency of sexual activity [12,13]. The menopause has been shown to have an incremental effect on a woman’s sexuality, separate from the change brought about by aging [14]. The quality of her intimate relationship and the degree to which she feels empowered in it have been demonstrated to affect sexual desire [15]. The culture in which she lives has been shown to affect frequency of sexual intercourse [16]. The degree of stress she is under, as well as her general wellbeing, has also been shown to affect her libido. A recent longitudinal study demonstrated that higher stress lowers well- being, resulting in a decrease in sexual arousal, enjoyment, orgasm and desire [17]. In addition, the balance between sexual inhibition and sexual excitement may be unique to each woman and may change according to her circumstances, along with any other change she may have with regard to these opposing forces [18]. Thus, the treatment of any woman distressed by a change in desire at midlife and beyond is driven by many factors. The clinician’s task is to elucidate which one or more of these many variables changed in her life, concurrent with her change in sexual desire, and then to determine whether or not these changes are related to her change in sexual desire. For reprint orders, please contact: [email protected]


For reprint orders, please contact:[email protected]

Testosterone and libido in surgically and naturally menopausal women

Jeanne L Alexander1†, Lorraine Dennerstein2, Henry Burger3 & Alessandra Graziottin4,5,6

†Author for correspondence1Kaiser Permanente Medical Group of Northern California Psychiatry Women’s Health, Kaiser Permanente Medical Group, 1700 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 329, Berkeley, CA 94709, USATel.: +1 510 527 3010;Fax: +1 510 525 3189;E-mail: [email protected] for Gender and Health, Department of Psychiatry, The University of Melbourne, 4th Floor, 766 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, VIC 3010, AustraliaTel.: +61 3 8344 4520;Fax: +61 3 9347 4127;E-mail: [email protected] Henry's Institute of Medical Research, Monash Medical Center, Clayton, VIC, AustraliaTel.: +61 3 9594 3553;Fax: +61 3 9594 3558;E-mail: [email protected] of Gynecology and Medical Sexology, Hospital San Raffaele Resnati, Milan, Italy5Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, University of Florence and Parma, Italy6Post-graduate Course in Sexual Medicine, University of Florence, ItalyTel.: +39 02 72002177;Fax: +39 02 876758;E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Keywords: female sexuality, libido, menopause, testosterone

10.2217/17455057.2.3.459 © 2

The assessment and then treatment of a change in libido, or a change in the desire to partake in sexual activity, during the menopausal transition and beyond has been a challenging and elusive area of clinical research. This is partly due to the multidimensional nature of female sexuality, the difficulties of measuring testosterone in women in a reliable and accurate manner, and the complexity of the neurobiology and neurobehavior of female sexual desire. In addition, there is a lack of evidence for diagnostic specificity of low free testosterone levels for the symptom of low libido in women for whom there are no confounding interpersonal or psychological factors; although, in the symptomatic population of surgically or naturally menopausal women, a low level of free testosterone often accompanies a complaint of reduced desire/libido. The randomized clinical trial research on testosterone replacement for naturally and/or surgically menopausal women with sexual dysfunction has been criticized for a high placebo response rate, supraphysiological replacement levels of testosterone, the perception of modest clinical outcome when measuring objective data such as the frequency of sexual intercourse relative to placebo, and the unknown safety of long-term testosterone replacement in the estrogen-replete surgically or naturally menopausal woman. A careful review of current evidence from randomized, controlled trials lends support to the value of the replacement of testosterone in the estrogen-replete menopausal woman for whom libido and desire has declined. The issue of long-term safety remains to be answered.

Multifactorial nature of female sexualityThe assessment and then treatment of a changein libido, or a change in the desire to partake insexual activity, during the menopausal transitionand beyond has been a challenging and elusivearea of clinical research. There is a lack of evi-dence for the diagnostic specificity of low freetestosterone levels for the symptom of low libidoin the women for whom there are no confound-ing interpersonal or psychological factors;although, in the symptomatic population of sur-gically or naturally menopausal women, a lowlevel of free testosterone often accompanies acomplaint of reduced desire/libido [1–6].

Female sexuality is dependent on biological,psychosexual, sociocultural and context-relatedfactors [7–9]. As a consequence, any movement orchange in any of these realms may increase ordecrease a woman’s perception of her drive ormotivation to participate in sexual activity. Thepresence of any chronic medical illness such asdiabetes, pulmonary or cardiovascular problems,or depression will in many instances impact awoman’s sexuality concurrent with changesrelated to age [10,11]. The length of the relationshipwith a partner, as well as aging, has been

demonstrated to impact sexual interest and fre-quency of sexual activity [12,13]. The menopausehas been shown to have an incremental effect on awoman’s sexuality, separate from the changebrought about by aging [14]. The quality of herintimate relationship and the degree to which shefeels empowered in it have been demonstrated toaffect sexual desire [15]. The culture in which shelives has been shown to affect frequency of sexualintercourse [16]. The degree of stress she is under,as well as her general wellbeing, has also beenshown to affect her libido. A recent longitudinalstudy demonstrated that higher stress lowers well-being, resulting in a decrease in sexual arousal,enjoyment, orgasm and desire [17]. In addition,the balance between sexual inhibition and sexualexcitement may be unique to each woman andmay change according to her circumstances, alongwith any other change she may have with regardto these opposing forces [18]. Thus, the treatmentof any woman distressed by a change in desire atmidlife and beyond is driven by many factors.The clinician’s task is to elucidate which one ormore of these many variables changed in her life,concurrent with her change in sexual desire, andthen to determine whether or not these changesare related to her change in sexual desire.

006 Future Medicine Ltd ISSN 1745-5057 Women's Health (2006) 2(3), 459–477 459

REVIEW – Alexander, Dennerstein, Burger & Graziottin


Prevalence of sexual problems in the populationEstimates for female sexual dysfunction in thepopulation range from 25 to 63% [19]. Thisrange is dependent on many variables includingwhether or not the patient is distressed by thedysfunction, the nature of the sampling and thedefinitions of dysfunction. Epidemiologicalstudies have shown a decline in coitalrate [12,13,20,21], sexual interest [20–22],orgasm [13,20,22], arousal [20] and enjoyment withage. Most studies find an incremental effect ofmenopausal status over aging on sexuality [14].Estimates for a decline in desire or hypoactivesexual desire disorder (HSDD) vary accordingto the group studied, such as women who haveundergone hysterectomy with bilateraloophorectomy, or naturally menopausalwomen. Few studies address whether or not thewoman is distressed by her lack of desire. TheWomen’s International Study of Health andSexuality (WISHeS), using a European sampledrawn from 2467 women, found the prevalenceof low desire in reproductively intact womenaged 20–49 years to be 16%, but only 7% hadHSDD (low desire and distress). Women in thesame age group who had undergone hysterec-tomy and bilateral oophorectomy were signifi-cantly more affected. A total of 29% of thesewomen reported low desire and 16% met crite-ria for HSDD [23]. WISHeS, using an Americansample drawn from 2671 women, found theprevalence of low desire ranged from 9% in nat-urally postmenopausal women to 26% inyounger surgically postmenopausal women. Theprevalence of HSDD for younger surgicallypostmenopausal women was statistically greaterthan that found for age-matched premenopausalwomen. The percentage of the American samplewith HSDD who were distressed by theirHSDD symptoms was greater in the surgicallymenopausal younger group (aged 20–49 years)than in the age-matched premenopausal groupwith HSDD (72 vs 59%). No statistically signif-icant difference was found in the percentage ofsurgically menopausal women with HSDD andnaturally menopausal women with HSDD,aged 50–70 years, who were distressed by theirHSDD (44 vs 33%) [24].

Definition of libido & arousalThe classifications described below were arrivedat by expert opinion and consensus and have notas yet been incorporated into either the Diagnos-tic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatry

(DSM)-IVR or the International Classification ofDisease (ICD)-10. However, they reflect themost recent consensus in the field.

Sexual interest/desireLibido has been referred to as desire, appetite,drive and/or the motivation to seek out sexualsatisfaction. The first and second female sexualfunction consensus conferences attempted tocombine biological and psychological factors, abalance felt to be lacking in previous classifica-tions [25,26]. These classifications distinguishbetween generalized and situational, lifelong orrecent, and whether or not the woman isdistressed by the symptom.

ArousalThe definition of arousal has evolved from apurely physical definition to definitions ofarousal in categories reflecting the subjective andphysical aspects of arousal [26]. The definitionsbelow (Box 1) are taken directly from the work ofBasson and colleagues during a consensus con-ference on female sexuality [26]. In addition,arousal problems can be further categorized bygeneralized and situational, lifelong or recent,and whether or not the woman is distressed bythe symptom.

Dynamic interplay between arousal & sexual desire/libidoThere is some controversy in the field as to thedynamic interplay and nature of arousal anddesire/libido. The patient often does not distin-guish between the two or does not understandthe difference between physical arousal, subjec-tive arousal and desire/sexual interest [18]. Inaddition, the order in which she experiencesthese may vary [18]. For purposes of research, sex-ual desire is often viewed as distinct, a drive toseek out or respond to sexual activities (or antici-pation) and considered different from genitalarousal. There is some early evidence that dimin-ished desire may impact and diminisharousal [27]. Others, however, view sexual interestas a subcategory of arousal and, along these lines,view arousal and sexual desire/libido as a combi-nation of sexual arousal (a state), sexual arousa-bility (varies in time and by person), and sexualinterest as an aspect of sexual arousal [28]. Thesedifferences are made more complex by the use ofdifferent scales to measure sexuality in rand-omized clinical trials examining hormone ther-apy and its impact on sexuality [9]. An 8-yearprospective, population-based study of

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Testosterone and libido in surgically and naturally menopausal women – REVIEW

middle-aged women was unable to separateitems denoting sexual interest from thosedenoting arousal (responsiveness) [29].

The perimenopausal transition & beyondDuring the natural menopausal transition, estra-diol levels decline significantly [30]. The decline inestradiol occurs during the late menopausal transi-tion phase, which coincides with reports of at leasttwo skipped menstrual cycles [30]. Althoughestrone production also decreases, it is the predom-inant estrogen postmenopausally. The postmeno-pausal ovary is believed to be an ongoing source ofandrogen production [31]. Following surgicalmenopause in younger women, there is an approx-imately 50% fall in circulating levels of testoster-one and androstendione [32]. Estradiol levels alsodecline abruptly following bilateral oophorectomy,and the fall in estrogen is clearly much larger in thepremenopausal woman [32]. Observational studiesof young premenopausal women who have under-gone bilateral oophorectomy provide an opportu-nity to explore the effects of sudden reduction ofboth androgen and estrogen on sexual function-ing. A number of observational studies, both cross-sectional and longitudinal, have suggested thatsurgical menopause has a more negative impact onsexual functioning than hysterectomy alone [33–35].

The cross-sectional WISHeS demonstrated thatthe major impact of surgical menopause was onyounger women [23].

Davison and colleagues found that womenaged 55 years or older who had a bilateraloophorectomy had lower androgen levels thanthose who had not had a bilateraloophorectomy [36]. Androgen levels in this studywere found to decline more rapidly in youngerpremenopausal women and then continue todecline with age with no significant changesacross the menopausal transition [36]. Rand-omized, controlled trials of hormone therapieshave focused on the evaluation of estrogen(± progestogens) alone or combined with differ-ent forms of delivery of testosterone for naturallypostmenopausal women, surgically menopausalwomen, and a combination of both groups. Oneunique randomized clinical trial has examinedtestosterone replacement with and without anaromatase inhibitor, thus attempting to deter-mine whether the effects of testosterone on moodand sexuality require aromatization to estrogen.

Difficulties & controversy around testosterone levels & measurementThe study of normative values for androgens perdecade of life has been impacted by the numberof women studied, the timing of sampling, their

Box 1. Definitions of libido and arousal disorders.

Subjective arousal disorder

• Absence of or markedly diminished feelings of sexual arousal (sexual excitement and sexual pleasure) from any type of sexual stimulation. Vaginal lubrication or other signs of physical response still occur.

Genital sexual arousal disorder

• Complaints of absent or impaired genital sexual arousal. Self-report may include minimal swelling or vaginal lubrication from any type of sexual stimulation and reduced sexual sensations from caressing genitalia. Subjective sexual excitement still occurs from nongenital sexual stimuli.

Combined genital & subjective arousal disorder

• Absence of or markedly diminished feelings of sexual arousal (sexual excitement and sexual pleasure) from any type of sexual stimulation as well as complaints of absent or impaired genital sexual arousal (e.g., vulval swelling and lubrication)

Persistent sexual arousal disorder

• Spontaneous, intrusive and unwanted genital arousal (e.g., tingling, throbbing and pulsating) in the absence of sexual interest and desire. Any awareness of subjective arousal is typically but not invariably unpleasant. The arousal is unrelieved by one or more orgasms, and the feelings of arousal persist for hours or days.

Women’s sexual interest/desire disorder

• There are absent or diminished feelings of sexual interest or desire, absent sexual thoughts or fantasies and a lack of responsive desire. Motivations (here defined as reasons/incentives) for attempting to become sexually aroused are scarce or absent. The lack of interest is considered to be more than that due to a normative lessening with the life cycle and length of a relationship.


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reproductive status and the sensitivity of theassay [36]. Furthermore, there has yet to be astudy that has shown a relationship betweenserum androgen levels and complaints of sexualfunction, specifically desire or libido [37,38].However, a low level of free testosterone oftenaccompanies a complaint of reduceddesire/libido, as illustrated in a number of therandomized, controlled trials [1–3,6]. Davis andcolleagues, in a community-based, cross-sec-tional study, examined a sample of 1423 normalwomen aged 18–75 years. A total of1021 women were included in the final analysis.There was no relationship between serum totalor free testosterone or androstenedione levelswith any domain score for the Profile of FemaleSexual Function (PFSF), irrespective of age [38].Although there was some association of lowdomain scores of arousal, sexual responsivenessand desire with low dehydroepiandrosterone sul-fate (DHEAS) levels in women aged18–44 years, there was nonetheless no associa-tion in the majority of women between lowDHEAS levels and domain scores of the PFSF.

Female testosterone levels require a highly sen-sitive test, as their total and free levels are muchlower than males. Many of the newer researchstudies have used a highly sensitiveradioimmunoassay (RIA) that combines a solventstep with a chromatographic step to separate thetestosterone from other steroids. Davison andcolleagues relate that this test would be time con-suming and expensive for clinical practice [39].Other methods of measurement such as analogtechnique have not been as accurate, with poorconsistency [39–41]. Davison and colleagues haverecently demonstrated that a direct RIA methodcan be used in clinical practice with high validityfor the low testosterone range compared with theconventional RIA method used in research. It wasless accurate at higher testosterone levels [39].

Testosterone levels are a combination of the freetestosterone level and the total testosterone boundto sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), as wellas the portion loosely bound to albumin. Of cir-culating testosterone, 55–60% is bound toSHBG, 35–40% to albumin, and the remainder,the free testosterone, is nonbound [42]. The effectof SHBG on free and total testosterone is signifi-cant. This becomes important in those womenreceiving oral estrogen replacement preceding theexogenous replacement of testosterone. Oralestrogen artificially increases the woman’s SHBGto ‘supraphysiological levels’ as well as artificiallylowering her natural free testosterone level [43].

There are currently two opposing theories inthe field: the ‘free-hormone hypothesis’ and the‘megalin-dependent mode of steroid entryhypothesis’. These theories have opposite con-clusions as to whether a supraphysiological levelof total testosterone in excess of a normal pre-menopausal level is of concern or not, as long asthe free testosterone is in the normal range for apremenopausal woman. The free-hormonehypothesis proposes that the free testosterone isthe biologically active component, its leveldefines exogenous testosterone replacement asphysiological or supraphysiological, and that theSHBG-bound testosterone or the loosely albu-min-bound testosterone are not biologicallyactive [44]. Since these latter two bound portionshave been generally regarded as nonbiologicallyactive by those who support the free-hormonehypothesis, then it would not be of concern ifexogenous testosterone replacement results insupraphysiological levels of bound testosterone.This hypothesis is based on the observation thatthe small size and lipid solubility of steroid hor-mones, in this case testosterone, means that thefree molcule can traverse the plasma membraneof cells, whereas bound to SHBG or albumin itcannot. Hammes and colleagues have proposedthat there are two mechanisms for entry: free andprotein bound. The latter is referred to as themegalin-dependent mode of steroid entryhypothesis [45]. They also argue that cell-surfacereceptors for SHBG in steroid target cells as wellas passive diffusion both play a role on steroidtarget cells [46]. For a full discussion of this alter-native view, the reader is referred to the review byAdams [44] as well as the commentary on this byWillnow and Nykjaer [47] and Rosner [46]. Theimportance of this new alternative view to to themeaning of a supraphysiological level of total tes-tosterone and its implications for the exogenousreplacement of testosterone is significant. If themegalin-dependent mode of steroid entryhypothesis is correct, then it is important thatthe pharmacokinetics of testosterone replace-ment in women be fully understood with regardto premenopausal physiological ranges for free,albumin-bound and SHBG-bound testosterone,rather than just being concerned with the level offree testosterone after exogenous replacement, asindicated by the free-hormone hypothesis.

Notably, Davis and colleagues carried out theonly randomized, controlled trials in whichphysiological levels for both free and total testos-terone were achieved along with statistically sig-nificant changes in mood and sexual function [4].

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Testosterone and libido in surgically and naturally menopausal women – REVIEW

However, the placebo group was treated with tes-tosterone rather than transdermal estrogenalone. Due to the use of oral estrogens in the tes-tosterone-patch studies [1,3,6] and the consequenthigh SHBG levels prior to exogenous replace-ment, the results are skewed towards higher-dosetestosterone replacement patches with conse-quent supraphysiological total testosterone,along with physiological free testosterone levels.The fact that Davis and colleagues were able toachieve these results while maintaining physio-logical levels in both free and total testosteronepoints to the need for further pharmacokineticstudies of testosterone delivery [4].

In this review, any exogenous replacement oftestosterone in surgically or naturally menopau-sal women will be referred to as supraphysiologi-cal if it exceeds levels to be expected in apremenopausal woman either for free ortotal testosterone.

The placebo effect Sexual desire or libido is a complex behaviorwhose etiology is often a combination of physio-logical and psychosocial mechanisms. This isparticularly so in the patient with previouslygood sexual desire who experiences an insidiousde novo change related to natural or iatrogenicchanges in her hormonal milieu. Studies of sex-ual function in women have had placeboresponse rates of approximately 30% [6,48]. Stud-ies of older individuals with depression have hada placebo response of 32.5% [49]. The researchon the placebo response for other conditions thathave a physiological and psychosocial compo-nent may be relevant to the placebo responseobserved in desire/libido randomized, controlledstudies. Depression and chronic pain both relyon behavioral patient outcome measures similarto sexual function research. For a discussion ofpower and the statistical implications of behavio-ral outcome measures in sexual functionresearch, see Alexander and colleagues [9].

Patients may achieve a beneficial effect bybeing in a therapeutic trial despite receiving pla-cebo. Many explanations have been put forwardto explain this phenomenon. They include:

• Subjects’/patients’ expectations of thetherapeutic intervention [50]

• Nonspecific effects of the study [51]

• Social support

• Attention

• Education

• Other treatments that have a beneficial effect

• Characteristics of outcome measures in thetrials

• Measures with poor test–retest reliability,inter-rater reliability or response to changewill increase artifactual placeboresponses [52,53]

• Length of study

• May or may not improve validity of treatmentresponse [51]

Some feel the idea that the placebo response isnot treatment is a misnomer; the placeboresponse results from nonspecific treatment [54].In psychiatric research, particularly clinical trialsfor the treatment of depression, the placeboresponse has been reported to be30–70% [49,52,55–57]. One meta-analysis of rand-omized clinical trials found that in recent yearsthe placebo response has increased for reasonsthat were not discernable [57]. Attempts to reducethe placebo response by increasing the severity ofsymptoms required for those entering a studydid not result in a lower placebo response [53].Fava and colleagues, among others, have theo-rized that the placebo response is not sustained,therefore the longer the study the greater thechance that the treatment will discriminate fromplacebo [53]. Dworkin and colleagues argue thatthe longer the trial the more opportunity there isfor the nonspecific effects of participating in thestudy to impact outcome for the nontreatedgroup, for example, reassurance and social sup-port [51]. The heterogeneity of the pathophysio-logical mechanisms for both chronic pain anddepression may be the etiology of the difficultiesin discriminating between placebo and treat-ment [51]. A similar issue may exist for rand-omized, controlled studies examining theefficacy of different agents in improving libido ordesire. Sexual desire is as complex and hetero-geneous as depression. It is believed to be a con-sequence of a change in a woman’s hormonalmilieu as well as the many factors discussed inthis article.

Commenting on antidepressants, Paul Leber,former director of the FDA’s Division of Neuro-pharmacology Drugs Products states: “In myview, the reason why efforts to develop psycho-tropic drugs so often flounder has little, if any-thing, to do with our methods, techniques ordevelopment strategies. Given a modestly effec-tive drug and a reasonably homogeneous sampleof patients biologically capable of responding tothat drug, it is not especially difficult, using thecrudest of clinical methods currently available


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(e.g., a 10 cm line scale), to demonstrate that thedrug (e.g., an analgesic) provides a clinical bene-fit. Admittedly, some progress is being made, butthe field still has a long, long way to go. One mustwonder just how anyone can possibly claim to besurprised when an attempt at rational drug dis-covery fails or when samples of patients recruitedusing identical selection criteria vary in their aver-age behavior from one clinical study to the next.Indeed, given how little we actually understandabout the behaviors and affects we seek to managethrough pharmacological interventions, it haslong seemed to this commentator that we areexceedingly fortunate to possess the number ofmodestly effective drugs that we do” [58].

PharmacokineticsThe pharmacokinetics of testosterone replace-ment have not been fully elucidated and appearto vary by delivery mechanism. The testosteronepatch, testosterone gel by different manufactur-ers, orally inhaled testosterone, methyltestoster-one with esterified estrogens, testosteroneundecanoate, as well as other novel forms ofdelivery, have different pharmacokinetics. Thishas been preliminarily examined inHIV-infected women, as well as in healthywomen. These studies will help establish dosingregimens that lead to physiological rather thansupraphysiological replacement for either orboth free and total testosterone. There are manyvariables that may impact levels. These includebody mass index (BMI), SHBG levels, rapid orslow metabolizers, impact of concomitant drugsfor comorbid illnesses on liver metabolism, qual-ity of absorption and depot effects. For more dis-cussion of these very important issues the readeris referred to Singh and colleagues [59], Davisonand colleagues [60] and Javanbakht andcolleagues [61], among others.

Does testosterone or aromatization of testosterone impact sexual function?Testosterone binds to androgen receptors. Thisbinding results in the transcription of genes andconsequent production of different effector pro-teins [62]. In most tissues, testosterone acts via theandrogen receptor or is converted to the biologi-cally active androgen dihydrotestosterone, or isconverted to 17β-estradiol [63]. A recurrent ques-tion posed in the field of sexual medicine iswhether or not the impact of testosterone on sex-ual behavior in women is through its aromatiza-tion to estrogen. This question has been mademore difficult by the finding that aromatization

to estrogen is the case in mice [64]. Davis and col-leagues conducted a randomized, double-blind,controlled study comparing two groups of post-menopausal women with complaints of lowdesire [4]. One group was replaced with testoster-one (n = 30) while the other group was replacedwith testosterone and an aromatase inhibitor(n = 30). The women entering the studyreported low sexual satisfaction, SabbatsbergSexual Self-rating Scale (SSS) score under 42,and had a total testosterone value of less than1.2 nmol/l [65]. They were treated with 400 μl ofa 0.5% testosterone gel, giving a total dose of2 mg. The aromatase inhibitor group received2.5 mg of letrozole daily. Both groups were fol-lowed with the SSS and the psychological gen-eral wellbeing index (PGWB) [66], as well as theBeck Depression Inventory at entry and at16 weeks [67]. After 16 weeks of estradiol, levelsof SHBG, fasting lipids, lipoprotein (a) andC-reactive protein did not differ, either at base-line or between groups. The SSS and the PGWBsignificantly increased along with a reduction ofthe Beck Depression Inventory in both groups.Free and total testosterone were in the physiolog-ical range for a premenopausal woman in bothgroups. Sexual satisfaction, wellbeing and moodimproved. These results seemed to indicate thataromatization was not necessary for the benefi-cial response to testosterone. Shifren, in hercommentary on this study, discusses whether ornot the testosterone-only group can be consid-ered a placebo group, while Davis and colleagueshave argued that the comparison of the twogroups is valid [4,62].

Randomized, placebo-controlled trials A literature search for relevant studies was per-formed on PubMed. Reference lists from thesearticles were also examined. For this review, dou-ble-blind, randomized, controlled trials of post-menopausal hormone therapies, in samples ofwomen with natural or surgical menopause,which included specific and comprehensivemeasures of sexual function, have been included.One single-blind study by Davis and colleagueswas included [68]. Trials must have included a pla-cebo or drug comparison (for example, in studiesof the addition of testosterone to estrogen ther-apy, the placebo group received estrogen only,while in another study, testosterone was com-pared with testosterone combined with an aro-matase inhibitor, and the testosterone-only groupwas the placebo). Studies that only comparedtreatment outcomes to baseline levels of function

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Testosterone and libido in surgically and naturally menopausal women – REVIEW

were not included. For example, a much-citedstudy by Sarrel and colleagues was not included[69], which compared all outcomes to baselinerather than to a control group (Boxes 2 & 3).

Three of these four crossover studies were feltto not have a sufficient washout period to pre-vent carry-over effect by the CochraneReview [78]. Somboonporn and colleagues feltthat the lack of a washout period for Floter andcolleagues and Shifren and colleagues may havecontributed to a reduced treatment effect [1,75,78].

Impact of estrogen replacement in naturally menopausal womenIn naturally menopausal women there is supportfor the beneficial effect of estrogen on differentaspects of sexual function. A decline in estrogenhas been shown to have the most profoundimpact on vulvar/vaginal tissues, leading todelayed or absent orgasm, pain with sexual rela-tions (dyspareunia), decreased lubrication,among many symptoms associated withatrophy [69]. There was a statistically significantimprovement over placebo for a number ofparameters measured on the McCoy Female Sex-uality Scale, including the total score, satisfactionwith sexual activity, increase in the feeling of sex-ual attractiveness, improvement in sex life [79],sexual fantasies, degree of sexual enjoyment, vagi-nal lubrication and frequency of sexualactivity [80], with estrogen replacement in the nat-urally menopausal woman. Sherwin found thatoral conjugated equine estrogens had a significantbeneficial effect on sexual desire and arousal com-pared with the nonhormonal phase of cyclicaladministration [81]. Cross-sectional studies as wellas longitudinal studies of menopausal womenhave been supportive of these findings. The lackof lubrication, change in quality of orgasm,increased pain with sexual relations, among othercontemporaneous psychosocial factors such aseducation, emotional closeness with partner,stress and health problems impact sexualsatisfaction and rate of intercourse [7,82,83].

Entry criteria: symptomatic and/or low free or bioavailable testosteroneThe trials sought out symptomatic postmenopau-sal women who would also be considered to havelow levels of free testosterone for a premenopausalwoman [1–6]. Although Warnock and colleagues[74] and Lobo and colleagues [71] sought outwomen who were symptomatic, their mean freeand bioavailable testosterone at entry were not inthe lowest quartile. Floter and colleagues [75] andDobs and colleagues [73] did not seek out sympto-matic women, and for Floter and colleagues [75]

the mean free testosterone was not in the lowestquartile. Of the trials that met both the sympto-matic and low free testosterone criteria, Davis andcolleagues, Brauntein and colleagues, Buster andcolleagues, Simon and colleagues and Shifren andcolleagues [1–4,6] all had replacement median ormean free testosterone in the physiological range[1]. All of these trials demonstrated an increase insexual function with testosterone treatment. Asummary can be found in Table 1.

Box 2. List of randomized, controlled trials: natural, combined or surgically menopausal.

Naturally menopausal

• Davis and colleagues, 2006 [4]

• Davis and colleagues, 1995 [68]

• Burger and colleagues, 1987 [70]

Naturally & surgically menopausal

• Nathorst-Boos and colleagues, 2006 [5]

• Lobo and colleagues, 2003 [71]

• Myers and colleagues,1990 [72]

• Dobs and colleagues, 2002 [73]

Surgically menopausal

• Braunstein and colleagues, 2005 [3]

• Buster and colleagues, 2005 [2]

• Simon and colleagues, 2005 [6]

• Warnock and colleagues, 2005 [74]

• Floter and colleagues, 2002 [75]

• Shifren and colleagues, 2000 [1]

• Sherwin & Gelfand, 1985 [76]

Box 3. Design of studies.

Single-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel

• Davis and colleagues,1995 [68]

• Burger and colleagues,1987 [70]

Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel

• Davis and colleagues, 2006 [4]

• Braunstein and colleagues, 2005 [3]

• Buster and colleagues, 2005 [2]

• Simon and colleagues, 2005 [6]

• Warnock and colleagues, 2005 [74]

• Lobo and colleagues, 2003 [71]

• Dobs and colleagues, 2002 [73]

• Myers and colleagues, 1990 [72]

Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover

• Nathorst-Boos and colleagues, 2006 [5]

• Floter and colleagues, 2002 [75]

• Shifren and colleagues, 2000 [1]

• Sherwin & Gelfand, 1985 [77]


REVIEW – Alexander, Dennerstein, Burger & Graziottin


Was replacement in excess of levels expected for premenopausal woman?To determine whether or not the trials had sig-nificant numbers of women receiving supraphys-iological levels of testosterone, it is necessary toreview the reference ranges for each study for freeand total testosterone and then to compare thelevels found in the treatment arm of the study atcompletion with the reference ranges for thestudy. Note that the placebo arm and the entrytreatment arm of these studies had postmeno-pausal levels of free and total testosterone. Thestudies in which estrogen replacement waslargely oral, with some having less than a quarterof patients receiving transdermal estrogenreplacement [2,6], had supraphysiological levels ofSHBG for all groups at baseline (all testosterone-patch studies as well as Warnock and colleagues,Lobo and colleagues and Floter and colleagues)[71,74,75]. The high SHBG levels resulted in ahigher total testosterone relative to free testoster-one (the active portion) at baseline and at treat-ment end point for the respective testosteronereplacement doses than would have occurred ifthese women had their own unaltered

physiological levels of SHBG [84–87]. Conse-quently, both the placebo group and the treat-ment arm had artificially reduced serum levels offree testosterone at baseline, and for the testos-terone-patch studies supraphysiological total tes-tosterone levels at the study end point withnonetheless physiological free testosterone levels.For the methyltestosterone studies, no meaning-ful concentrations can be determined. In termsof SHBG, for Nathorst Boos and colleagues [5]

the type of estrogen replacement was notreported, and for Davis and colleagues [4] thiswas not an issue as all of the patients werereceiving transdermal estrogen.

Whether or not the patients were replacedphysiologically or supraphysiologically by type oftestosterone delivery will now be reviewed, witha focus on the biologically active testosterone,free testosterone. Reference ranges and whetheror not the reference range is pre- or postmeno-pausal will be indicated.

The recent testosterone gel studies includeNathorst Boos and colleagues [5] and Davis andcolleagues [4]. Nathorst-Boos and colleagues, intheir 12-week, double blind, randomized,

Table 1. Low entry free testosterone for baseline and/or placebo group (from 2000)

Low free testosterone as entry criteria or baseline/placebo free testosterone < lowest premenopausal value

Reference ranges indicated in the studies


Davis and colleagues mean ± SD, 8.4 ± 5.11, 9.75 ± 8.5 pmol/l

12.91–36.64 pmol/l by Sodergard equation premenopausal, aged 18–24 years


Nathorst-Boos and colleagues < 2.0 nmol/l Comparison made to postmenopausal baseline placebo and baseline testosterone, no reference range given


Braunstein and colleagues median 0.7 pg/ml (0.4–1.0)*

0.9–7.3 pg/ml, premenopausal [3]

Buster and colleagues median 0.7 pg/ml (0.3–1.8)** 0.9–7.3 pg/ml, premenopausal [2]

Simon and colleagues 0.8 pg/ml (0.3–1.7)** 0.9–7.3 pg/ml, premenopausal [6]

Shifren and colleagues mean 1.1 ± 0.7 pg/ml 1.3–6.8 pg/ml, premenopausal [1]

Not below 25th quartile for postmenopausal Reference range

Floter and colleagues 15.4 ± 8.5 pmol/l <35 pmol/l postmenopausal [75]

Warnock and colleagues 1.38 ± 0.48 pg/ml 0.5–3.8 pg/ml, postmenopausal [74]

Lobo and colleagues bioavailable testosterone 2.7 ± 1.5, 3.1 ± 2.7 pg/ml

1.1–4.3 pg/ml, menopausal status not specified


Dobs and colleagues 10.57 pmol/l (7.07) estrogen pregroup9.74 (8.36) pmol/l E/A pregroup

No reference range [73]

*Highest median and highest spread for the four groups, placebo and three patch groups at baseline; **Median for placebo and baseline for treatment group was the same in these two studies, for range the lowest and highest level for each group are reported here.E/A: Estrogen/androgen; SD: Standard deviation.

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Testosterone and libido in surgically and naturally menopausal women – REVIEW

crossover design examined 53 naturally post-menopausal women, aged 50–65 years, withserum free testosterone levels below 54 ng/l(2 nmol/l), receiving estrogen replacement andtreated with testosterone gel 10 mg/day. By theend of the study, total testosterone levels weresupraphysiological, having increased by tenfoldcompared with placebo [5]. This study measureddihydrotestosterone at baseline and at 12 weeks,the treatment group doubled compared with theplacebo group. This supraphysiological level wasnot observed in their previous, shorter-durationstudy using this testosterone gel [42]. They sur-mised that this resulted from an accumulationof testosterone in the skin over the 3-monthperiod. This highlights the importance ofextended-length studies to determine the phar-macokinetics of different forms of replacementover time.

Davis and colleagues, in a 16-week, rand-omized, placebo-controlled trial, enrolled80 postmenopausal women aged 55 years orolder, or women who had undergone bilateraloophorectomy, receiving a transdermal estrogenpatch equivalent to 50 µgm of 17β-estradiol bymatrix patch or 1 mg/day by transdermal gel for8 weeks. The patients were assigned randomly toeither 400 µl of a 0.5% testosterone gel (total dose2 mg) plus a placebo tablet or 400 µl of a 0.5%testosterone gel plus 2.5 mg of letrozole, an aro-matase inhibitor, for 16 weeks [4]. The free andtotal testosterone levels were physiological as com-pared with the reference ranges for premenopausalwomen. This study is the only study to date usingthe gold standard for testosterone measurementthat has demonstrated positive mood and sexualfunction results and that has achieved physiologi-cal replacement of free and total testosterone. Onecould surmise based on the placebo response ofother studies that if the study had included atransdermal estrogen replacement only arm, therewould have been improvement in this arm,although not as significant as the testosterone-onlyand testosterone and letrozole arms.

Floter and colleagues compared the effects of2 mg oral estradiol valerate with estradiol valerateplus 40 mg testosterone undecanoate in surgi-cally menopausal women aged 45–60 years [75].The mean level of free testosterone and total tes-tosterone in the group receiving testosteronetherapy was supraphysiological for the postmeno-pausal woman reference range provided, but therange of levels was wide, in keeping with theknown erratic absorption of testosterone unde-canoate. Free and total testosterone levels would

be considered supraphysiological for a premeno-pausal woman by other reference ranges for totaland free testosterone [1].

Three recent studies examined replacement ofmethyltestosterone in estrogen-replete womenreceiving esterified estrogens [71,73,74]. Dobs andcolleagues did not provide reference ranges fortheir testosterone measurements [73]. Warnockand colleagues assessed 102 women aged32–62 years who were in a 2-week lead-in phasereceiving 1.25 mg esterified estrogens [74]. Theyfound that the addition of 2.5 mg of methyltestos-terone resulted in the patients being in the post-menopausal physiological reference range at studycompletion for free testosterone, bioavailable tes-tosterone, and just above the postmenopausal ref-erence range for total testosterone. Lobo andcolleagues assessed 218 women aged 40–65 yearswho were already receiving 0.625 mg of esterifiedestrogens [71]. They found that the addition of1.25 mg of methyltestosterone to esterified estro-gens was associated with total testosterone levels inthe low range, while the bioavailable testosteronelevels were just above the normal range. Meno-pausal status for the reference ranges in this studywere not indicated by the authors. For all themethyltestosterone studies, it is unclear what rolethe unmeasured levels of methyltestosteroneplayed in terms of androgenic effect.

Four of the studies reviewed testosteronereplacement with a testosterone patch. Simonand colleagues and Buster and colleagues used asingle dose of 300 µg, Braunstein and colleaguesused three doses of 150, 300 and 450 µg in dif-ferent arms of their study [3], and Shifren andcolleagues used either one 150 or one 300 µgdose. Buster and colleagues, Braunstein and col-leagues and Simon and colleagues [2,3,6] used thesame laboratory [88], with a study duration of24 weeks and 447 patients; Shifren and col-leagues used a different laboratory with a studyduration of 12 weeks and 75 participants [1].Table 2 illustrates and compares these studies. TheShifren and colleagues study was distinguishedby being a crossover design. The women hadundergone oophorectomy and hysterectomy andwere aged from early twenties to 70 years. Thewomen’s median (mean for [1]) free and total tes-tosterone levels pretreatment were in the lowrange for postmenopausal women in all treat-ment groups. The testosterone-replacementserum levels at the study end point for biologi-cally active free testosterone were physiologicalcompared with a reference range for premeno-pausal women in all four studies [1–3,6]. There


REVIEW – Alexander, Dennerstein, Burger & Graziottin


Table 2. Testosteron

Studies: transdermaltestosterone patches

Reference range

Simon and colleaguesAged 20–70 years75% oral or 25% transdermal estrogen

Braunstein and colleaguAged 24–70 yearsAll on oral estrogen:50% CEE ≤ 0.625 mg oEOE 0.50% > 0.625 mgCEE or EOE

Buster and colleaguesAged 20–65+ yearsapproximately 81% oraestrogen 19% transdermestrogen

Reference range

Shifren and colleaguesAged 31–56 years55% 0.625 mg, 16% 0.9 mg, 20% 1.25 mg, 1% 1.8 mg, 1% 2.5 mg

Testosterone 1 ng/dl = 0.03Testosterone to nm/l, multBISF: Brief index of sexual PFSF: Profile of female sexSHBG: Sex hormone-bindin

were a small number of patients who were mod-estly above a premenopausal physiological freetestosterone level, as illustrated by the ranges andstandard deviations for the 300 µg patches, andin one study for the 450 µg patch it was alsoabove the range for a small proportion of thepatients. There was also a group of womenreceiving both the 300 and 450 µg patch whoremained in the lowest range for a premenopau-sal woman. The existence of outliers – extremelylow or high scores by one or a small number ofthe subjects – exists in most currently prescribedhormone treatments approved by the FDA andis supported by a number of factors impactinghormone levels. These include variability ofmetabolism, route of administration, individualdifferences in liver function, skin absorption,body composition (fat mass/lean mass), bodysize, medication interactions and levels of differ-ent circulating binding proteins such as SHBGand albumin [89]. Not surprisingly, due to thebaseline supraphysiological SHBG levels, thetotal testosterone values were supraphysiological,except for Braunstein and colleagues’ 150 µgpatch [3]. In the latter case, the median was low

premenopausal for free testosterone and physio-logical premenopausal for total testosterone, andthis group failed to show a treatment effect.

Sexual function outcome: improvement in sexual functionThe sexual function outcome measures for therandomized, controlled trials examining add-back testosterone in the estrogen-replete natu-rally or surgically menopausal woman that metthe review criteria are listed below. A full discus-sion of the difficulties in analyzing the older ran-domized, controlled trials can be found in areview by Alexander and colleagues [9]. Thiswould include Sherwin & Gelfand, Burger andcolleagues and Myers and colleagues [70,72,76].The studies from 2000 onward [1–6,71,73–75], Shi-fren and colleagues, Floter and colleagues andLobo and colleagues [1,71,75], were also reviewedby Alexander and colleagues [9].

These trials used different validated scales formeasuring sexuality. Consequently, in describingthe results it is necessary to refer to the domain ordescriptor separately. A full discussion of thesevalidated scales is beyond the scope of this

e patch replacement studies.

Scales Testosterone patch

SHBG nmol/l Total testosterone ng/dl

Free testosterone pg/ml


RR 13–98 12–50 0.9–7.3


Placebo300 µgm

100 (36–188)77.5 (33–172.5)

16 (7–28)70 (33–139)

0.7 (0.3–1.5)4 (1.2–8.5)





Placebo150 µgm300 µgm450 µgm

119 (90–171)117 (67–166)107 (71–166)108 (67–158)

18 (14–22)44.5 (31.5–66)91 (67.5–130)122.5 (78–182)

0.75 (0.4–1.0)2.15 (1.4–3.1)3.7 (2.3–7.8)5.9 (3.6–9.1)


l al


Placebo300 µgm

95.0 (40–176)83.0 (32–167)

15.0 (7–26)65.5 (23–146)

0.6 (0.3–1.3)3.1 (1.0–8.2)


RR 36 ±185 14 ± 54 1.3 ± 6.8

BISF PGWB Telephonediary

Placebo150 µgm300 µgm

218 ± 111205 ± 107204 ± 100

22 ± 1264 ± 25102 ± 39

1.2 ± 0.83.9 ± 2.45.9 ± 4.8


47 nmol/l. SI conversion factors: to convert total testosterone and bioavailable.iply by 0.0347.To convert nmol/l to ng/dl , pmol/l or pg/dl, divide by 0.0347.functioning for women; CEE: Conjugated equine estrogen; EOE: Equivalent oral estrogen; PDS: Personal distress scale; ual function; PGWB: Psychological general well being index: RR: Reference range; SAL: Sexual activity log; g globulin.

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Testosterone and libido in surgically and naturally menopausal women – REVIEW

review. All of the trials found some improve-ments or positive change in sexual symptoms,and some of the trials found improvements inpsychological symptoms, as illustrated inBoxes 3 & 4. Davis and colleagues found that theuse of multiple questions in a single study tomeasure one effect, such as sexual desire, may beproblematic [90]. This may have resulted inconflicting results for Warnock and colleaguesand Lobo and colleagues for desire, where thefirst questionnaire had statistically positive resultsand the other did not [71,74]. Psychological symp-toms were not the primary end point in many ofthese trials and, as such, have fewer data collec-tively. Table 3 shows a summary of these studies.Some studies were inadequately powered for psy-chological symptoms and, in those instances,their negative results were not listed [9]. Due tothe nature of randomized clinical trials, theseimprovements may have been mild, moderate orsignificant in the different women in these trials.The statistical analysis simply demonstrates thatthe treatment arm was superior to the placeboarm for outcome on the variables studied. Thequestion of whether or not the clinical improve-ment is as remarkable as the outcome measureshas been raised in other reviews [90–94], and willbe addressed later in this review.

Placebo response: context & meaningThe placebo response varied from study to study,as well as from sexual function domain to sexualfunction domain, for the respective studies. It was

consistent with established placebo responses forthis type of study as well as for other psychomet-ric behavioral outcome studies for conditions thathave behavioral heterogeneity. Given the goodplacebo response for the nonspecific treatmentaspects of being in these studies as well as thegreater responses to testosterone treatment, thequestion remains for clinical practice as to whatthe clinical significance is of treatment, andwhether or not the benefits to sexual functionover placebo are worth the risk of treatment.

To better inform healthcare practitionersregarding the clinical significance of any of theseresults, the relevance of any improvements insexual function could be measured, for example,in terms of what percentage of women are satis-fied with a particular result [9,90], their reductionin personal distress or concerns, their increase inwellbeing, and their improved quality oforgasm/arousal/desire/interest. Although fre-quency of sexual activity has received muchattention and has improved in these studies, itmay or may not be as clinically important to thepractitioner and the patient as these other fac-tors. The degree of improvement in frequencyof sexual activity relative to placebo has beencriticized for being unimpressive per month [93].However, the authors of this article believe thatthe percentage increase in frequency over base-line and/or placebo may be a more valuable wayto access clinical success than the actual numberof sexual intercourse events. The average midlifewoman in a relationship has one sexual interac-tion/week, with this number rapidly decliningwith age [105]. These testosterone-replacementstudies have examined a very broad range ofages, from the early twenties up to the age of70 years. For the mid- to late-life woman, thepercentage increase in sexual frequency achievedover placebo with these treatments may begreatly appreciated by herself and her partnerrelative to their own baseline. Female sexuality ismultifactorial and more elusive than the sexual-ity of males, whose treatment end points such asquality and duration of erection, ejaculation,frequency of intercourse, and fantasies have ledto faster progress in the treatment of male sexualdysfunction. Relative to placebo, the studieswith a mean or median physiological replace-ment range for a premenopausal woman since2000 found improvement in sexual functionand psychological indices includingwellbeing [1,4], decreased concerns anddistress [2,6], desire [2,3,6], interest [4,71,74],fantasies [4], arousal [2,3], orgasm [2,4,6], sexual

Box 4. Sexual dysfunction as a criteria for entry.

Healthy postmenopausal population (surgical or natural)

• Floter and colleagues, 2002 [75]

• Dobs and colleagues, 2002 [73]

• Davis and colleagues, 1995 [68]

• Myers and colleagues, 1990 [72]

• Sherwin & Gelfand, 1985 [76]

Hypoactive sexual interest &/or desire, &/or decreased sexual frequency

• Davis and colleagues, 2006 [4]

• Nathorst-Boos and colleagues, 2006 [5]

• Braunstein and colleagues, 2005 [3]

• Buster and colleagues, 2005 [2]

• Simon and colleagues, 2005 [6]

• Warnock and colleagues, 2005 [74]

• Lobo and colleagues, 2003 [71]

• Shifren and colleagues, 2000 [1]

• Burger and colleagues,1987 [70]


REVIEW – Alexander, Dennerstein, Burger & Graziottin


responsiveness [2,71], satisfaction [2,4,6],relevancy [4] and frequency [1–4,6]. The one studyof transdermal estrogen replacement with add-back testosterone with or without an aromataseinhibitor, by Davis and colleagues, had physio-logical free and total testosterone with improve-ment in wellbeing, interest, fantasies, orgasm,satisfaction, relevancy and frequency [4].

The fact that the placebo group had a lesserbut improved response relative to treatment isalso a very valuable result from these trials. Itindicates the need for further research on non-hormonal, behavioral interventions that may givepositive treatment results for patients distressedby their sexual function who cannot have hor-mone replacement, choose not to have hormonereplacement, or do not require hormone replace-ment due to the positive outcome from receivinga behavioral intervention. Studies on the con-comitant use of different behavioral interventionsin the symptomatic naturally or surgically post-menopausal woman without significant con-founding interpersonal or psychiatric etiologiesindicate added benefit to the treatment outcomefor patients who receive hormone replacementwith add-back testosterone. This would be con-sistent with the findings in psychiatry for the effi-cacy of behavioral interventions for depressionwith or without antidepressant treatment [106].

In future, randomized, controlled trials oftestosterone replacement, having a sufficientlyhigh number in the treatment as well as theplacebo group so that the study is adequately

powered to report on the percentages of womenwho improve and to what degree they improve inthe treatment and placebo groups, would also behelpful. The recent testosterone-patch studiescomment on the percentage improvement in thedomains of sexual function for the treatmentgroup as well as the placebo group, but do notcomment on the percentage of women in eachgroup who improve and to what degree [2,3,6].Commenting on the percentage of patients whoimprove and to what degree has been a criticalmethodology for psychiatric studies that examineantidepressant treatment of depression. It has beenpossible to further elucidate the percentage ofpatients who remit, partially remit and have treat-ment-resistant depression with antidepressanttreatment, as well as examining the impact of con-comitant cognitive behavioral therapy with phar-macotherapy using this approach [91,107,108].Interestingly, for depressive illness, Fava and col-leagues, in an excellent review on the issue of effi-cacy of antidepressant drugs to achieve remission,report antidepressant responses as follows: depres-sion remission in 51–69%, partial response in12–15% and nonresponse in 19–35% ofpatients [109]. This methodological and theoreticalapproach to the study of depression and depres-sion treatments has led to breakthroughs in theunderstanding of the heterogeneity of depression,its neurobiology, improved methodology for treat-ment efficacy studies, and improved treatmentstrategies using pharmacological, psychologicaland psychosocial approaches, individually or col-lectively, depending on the patient’s characteris-tics. It has also helped to establish a betterunderstanding of pharamacokinetics, doseresponse and etiology for variation indose response.

Conclusions This review of the randomized, controlled stud-ies, both recent and older, illustrates a positivebenefit of add-back testosterone in some surgi-cally or naturally postmenopausal women. Italso illustrates that a behavioral intervention inthe form of a randomized, controlled trial willlead to improvement in sexual function,although not as dramatically as testosteronereplacement. A summary of the improvementsin sexual response of women taking part in ran-domized, controlled trials is shown in Table 4.With these randomized, controlled trials, it isnot possible to ascertain the cohort of womenwho have a significant improvement fromtestosterone replacement versus the women who

Table 3. Improvement in psychological variables with add-back testosterone in the estrogen-replete surgically or naturally postmenopausal woman.

Psychological change Ref.

↑ Mood and wellbeingPGWB


↑ Positive wellbeing PGWB


↓ AnxietyPGWB


↑ Self image and ↓ concernsPFSF


↑ VitalityPGWB


↓ DistressPDS


PDS: Personal distress scale; PFSF: Profile of female sexual function; PGWB: Psychological general wellbeing index.

Women's Health (2006) 2(3)


Testosterone and libido in surgically and naturally menopausal women – REVIEW

Table 4. Improvemesurgically or natura

Sexual function chan

↑ Sexual activity/frequenSSS Davis BISF Shifren, Dobs SAL Simon, Buster, BrauMSFS Nathorst-Boos

↑ DesirePFSF Buster, Simon, BrauMSFS Nathorst-BoosSIQ Lobo

↑ Desire/interestSSS Davis SIQ Lobo, Warnock

↑ Interest in sexMSFS Floter, Nathorst-BSIS Dobs

↑ Sexual thoughts and fMSFS

↑ FantasiesSSS DavisMSFS Nathorst-Boos

↑ ArousalPFSF Buster, Simon, Brau

↑ Arousal/erection CSFQ-F-C

↑ OrgasmSSS Davis PFSF Buster, Simon, BrauSAL Buster, Simon MSFS Nathorst-Boos

↑ PleasurePFSF

↑ Pleasure/orgasm dimeBISF-W Shifren, Dobs

↑ Sexual responsivenessPFSF Buster, Simon, BrauSIQ Lobo, Warnock

↑ SatisfactionSSS Davis SAL Simon, Buster

↑ Relevancy – importancSSS

BISF-W: Brief Index of SexuQuestionnaire; MSFS: McCoSIS: Sexual inhibition scale;

have modest or no improvement. Thepharmacokinetics of the different delivery sys-tems is important in establishing dosing guide-lines and achieving physiological levels of freeand total testosterone. The implications ofwhether free and/or protein-bound testosteroneacts at the cellular level, on which targets, and to

what degree, will impact clinical treatment.Further exploration of the nonaromatization oftestosterone has enormous implications for neu-robiology as well as the clinical treatment ofwomen for whom estrogen replacement is con-traindicated, such as breast cancer patientsreceiving aromatase inhibitors [4]. This latter

nt in sexual function variables with add-back testosterone in the estrogen-replete lly postmenopausal woman.

ge Study Ref.

cy of coitus


Davis and colleagues (1995), Shifren and colleagues (2000), Braunstein and colleagues (2005), Buster and colleagues (2005), Simon and colleagues (2005), Nathorst Boos and colleagues (2006), Davis and colleagues (2006), Dobs and colleagues (2002)


nsteinBuster and colleagues (2005), Simon and colleagues (2005), Braunstein and colleagues (2005), Lobo and colleagues (2003)


Lobo and colleagues (2003), Davis and colleagues (2006), Warnock and colleagues (2005)


oosFloter and colleagues (2002), Nathorst Boost and colleagues (2006), Dobs and colleagues (2002)


antasies Floter and colleagues [75]

Nathorst Boos and colleagues, Davis and colleagues [4,5]

nstein Buster and colleagues (2005), Braunstein and colleagues (2005), Nathorst Boos and colleagues (2006)


Warnock and colleagues [74]


Davis and colleagues (1995), Buster and colleagues (2005), Nathorst Boos and colleagues (2006), Simon and colleagues (2005), Braunstein Davis and colleagues (2006)


Simon and colleagues (2005), Buster and colleagues (2005), Braunstein and colleagues (2005)


nsion Shifren and colleagues (2000), Dobs and colleagues (2002) [1,73]

nsteinLobo and colleagues (2003), Buster and colleagues (2005), Simon and colleagues 2005, Braunstein and colleagues (2005), Warnock and colleagues (2005)


Davis and colleagues (1995), Simon and colleagues (2005), Buster and colleagues (2005), Davis and colleagues (2006)


e of sexuality in her life Davis and colleagues (1995), Davis and colleagues (2006) [4,68]

al Function; CFSQ-F-C: Changes in Sexual Functioning Questionnaire; MSIQ or SIQ: Menopausal Sexual Interest y Sexual Function Scale; PDS: Personal Distress Scale; PFSF: Profile of Female Sexual Function; SAL: Sexual Activity Log;

SSS: Sabbatsberg Sexual Self-Rating Scale.


REVIEW – Alexander, Dennerstein, Burger & Graziottin


Executive summary

Multifactorial nature

• Female sexuality is de• The length of the rela

of sexual activity • The menopause has b

by aging. • The clinician’s task is t

change in sexual desir

Prevalence of sexual p

• Estimates for female s• Few studies address w• The prevalence of hyp

greater than that foun

Definition of libido &

• New classifications wDiagnostic and Statist

Dynamic interplay bet

• The patient often doesubjective arousal and

• There is some early ev

The perimenopausal t

• During the natural me• The postmenopausal • Following surgical me

and androstendione.• Estradiol levels also de

premenopausal woma

Difficulties & controve

• The study of normativsampling, their reprod

• There has yet to be a specifically desire or li

• Of circulating testostethe free testosterone,

The placebo effect

• Studies of sexual func• Studies of older indivi• Patients may achieve


• The testosterone patcesterified estrogens, t

• Variables impacting tefor comorbid illnesses

Does testosterone or

• Testosterone binds to• A recurrent question

women is through its

of female sexuality

pendent on biological, psychosexual, sociocultural and context-related factors.tionship with a partner as well as aging have been demonstrated to impact on sexual interest and frequency

een shown to have an incremental effect on a woman’s sexuality separate from the change brought about

o elucidate which one or more of these many variables changed in the patient’s life, concurrent with her e, and then to determine whether or not these changes are related to her change in sexual desire.

roblems in the population

exual dysfunction in the population range from 25 to 63%. hether or not the woman is distressed by her lack of desire. oactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) for younger, surgically postmenopausal women was statistically d for premenopausal women of the same age.


ere developed by expert opinion and consensus but have not as yet been incorporated into either the ical Manual of Psychiatry or the International Classification of Disease.

ween arousal & sexual desire/libido

s not distinguish between the two or does not understand the difference between physical arousal, desire/sexual interest. In addition, the order in which she experiences these may vary.idence that diminished desire may impact and diminish arousal.

ransition & beyond

nopausal transition, estradiol levels decline significantly.ovary is believed to be an ongoing source of androgen production.nopause in younger women, there is an approximately 50% fall in circulating levels of testosterone

cline abruptly following bilateral oophorectomy. The fall in estrogen is clearly much larger in the n.

rsy around testosterone levels & measurement

e values for androgens per decade of life has been impacted by the number of women studied, timing of uctive status and the sensitivity of the assay.study that has shown a relationship between serum androgen levels and complaints of sexual function, bido.rone, 55–60% is bound to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), 35–40% to albumin, and the remainder, is nonbound.

tion in women have had placebo response rates of approximately 30%.duals with depression have had placebo response rates of 32.5%.a beneficial effect of being in a therapeutic trial despite receiving placebo.

h, testosterone gel by different manufacturers, orally inhaled testosterone, methyltestosterone with estosterone undecanoate, as well as other novel forms of delivery, have different pharmacokinetics.stosterone levels include body mass index, SHBG, rapid or slow metabolizers, impact of concomitant drugs on liver metabolism, quality of absorption and depot effects.

aromatization of testosterone impact sexual function?

androgen receptors.posed in the field of sexual medicine is whether or not the impact of testosterone on sexual behavior in aromatization to estrogen.

Women's Health (2006) 2(3)


Testosterone and libido in surgically and naturally menopausal women – REVIEW

Randomized, placebo

• A decline in estrogen orgasm, pain with sex

• There was a statisticaSexuality Scale with e

• Of the trials that met the physiological rang

• Estrogen replacementtransdermal estrogen


• This review of randomsome surgically or nat

• It also illustrates that function, although no

• With these randomizefrom testosterone rep

• The pharmacokineticslevels of free and tota

• The implications of wdegree, will impact cltestosterone replacem

• The role of behavioraor natural menopause

Executive summary

group has many of the same quality of life(QoL) issues as surgically and naturally meno-pausal women and does not have the option ofestrogen replacement. Whether or not testoster-one replacement would be safe in this groupregardless of whether it aromatizes to estrogenwill require further study.

The controversies that remain are associatedwith the long-term safety of estrogen plus testos-terone replacement, a topic beyond the scope ofthis review. The role of behavioral interventionsfor women who are distressed by the change intheir sexual function subsequent to surgical ornatural menopause, with or without testosteronereplacement, warrants further exploration.

Future perspective This is a very exciting time for the study ofpsychoneuroendocrinology. Only a portion of thevery interesting data on the impact of estrogen andtestosterone on the brain was presented in thisarticle. For further reading on this topic, severalexcellent review articles include Janowsky [110],Trainor and colleagues [111], Hogervorst and col-leagues [112], Williamson and colleagues [113],Tuiten and colleagues [114] and Hermans and col-leagues [115]. With novel studies such as that byDavis and colleagues [4], the excellent recent rand-omized, controlled trials, along with basic scien-tific research on the brain, our knowledge of theseimportant hormones will exponentially increase inthe coming years. The understanding of the

actions of estrogens and androgens on behavior,wellness and neuropsychological functioning ingeneral, and sexual function specifically, in the sur-gically, iatrogenically or naturally postmenopausalwoman, holds hope for improved QoL in manywomen who are living longer and healthier lives.

DisclosuresJeanne Leventhal Alexander, MD, FABPN, FRCPC, FACP, hasdisclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Lorraine Dennerstein, AO, MBBS, PhD, DPM, FRANZCP,has received grants and/or research support from Organon andWyeth; is a consultant to Pfizer, Organon and Boehringer-Ingelheim; and has been a consultant to Procter & Gamble.

Henry Burger, AO, FAA, MD, FRCP, FRACP, FCP(SA),

FRCOG, FRANZCOG, is a consultant to Wyeth, Novonord-isk, Solvay, Servier, Organon, Eli Lilly and Novartis, and iscurrently a speaker for Organon and Schering.

Alessandra Graziottin, MD, is a consultant to EpitechLab, Fater, Rottapharm and Theramex; serves on the advi-sory board of Boehringer-Ingelheim, Pfizer, Rottapharm,Organon and Valeas and is a member of the Speakers’ Bureaufor Bayer, Janssen-Cilag, Novonordisk, Pfizer, Procter &Gamble, Rottapharm, Schering, Solvay and Theramex


Jeanne Leventhal is affiliated to Kaiser Permanente MedicalGroup of Northern California Psychiatry Women’s HealthProgram, Oakland, CA, USA; Alexander Foundation forWomen’s Health, a non-profit, Berkeley, CA, USA; ClincalFaculty, Department of Psychiatry, Stanford School ofMedicine, Palo Alto, CA, USA

-controlled trials

has been shown to have the most profound impact on vulvar/vaginal tissues, leading to delayed or absent ual relations (dyspareunia), decreased lubrication, among many symptoms associated with atrophy.

lly significant improvement over placebo for a number of parameters measured on the McCoy Female strogen replacement in the naturally menopausal woman.both the symptomatic and low free-testosterone criteria, all had replacement median or free testosterone in e. All of these trials demonstrated an increase in sexual function with testosterone treatment. was largely oral in these studies, with some having less than a quarter of their patients receiving replacement.

ized, controlled studies, both recent and older, illustrates a positive benefit to add-back testosterone in urally postmenopausal women.a behavioral intervention in the form of a randomized, controlled trial will lead to improvement in sexual t as dramatically as testosterone replacement.d, controlled trials, it is not possible to ascertain the cohort of women who have a significant improvement lacement versus the women who have modest or no improvement. of the different delivery systems are important in establishing dosing guidelines and achieving physiological l testosterone.hether free and/or protein bound testosterone act at the cellular level, on which targets, and to what inical treatment. The controversies that remain are associated with the long-term safety of estrogen plus ent, a topic beyond the scope of this review.

l interventions for women who are distressed by the change in their sexual function subsequent to surgical , with or without testosterone replacement, warrants further exploration.


REVIEW – Alexander, Dennerstein, Burger & Graziottin

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