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United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water (Mail Code 4305) EPA 823-B-95-007 September 1995 Technical Guidance Manual for Developing Total Maximum Daily Loads Book II: Streams and Rivers Part 1: Biochemical Oxygen Demand/Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrients/Eutrophication

United StatesEnvironmental ProtectionAgency

Office of Water(Mail Code 4305)

EPA 823-B-95-007September 1995

TechnicalGuidanceManualfor Developing TotalMaximum Daily Loads

Book II: Streams and Rivers

Part 1: Biochemical Oxygen Demand/DissolvedOxygen and Nutrients/Eutrophication

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TITLE: Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Wasteload Allocations,

Book II: Streams and Rivers – Part 1: Biochemical Oxygen Demand/Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrients/Eutrophication

EPA DOCUMENT NUMBER: EPA-823-B-97-002 DATE: March 1997 ABSTRACT As part of ongoing efforts to keep EPA’s technical guidance readily accessible to water quality practitioners, selected publications on Water Quality Modeling and TMDL Guidance available at http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/pc/watqual.html have been enhanced for easier access. This document is part of a series of manuals that provides technical information related to the preparation of technically sound wasteload allocations (WLAs) that ensure that acceptable water quality conditions are achieved to support designated beneficial uses. The document:

• Emphasizes the need for water quality managers to consider key water quality interactions and ecological responses to point and nonpoint source loadings in streams and rivers;

• Provides technical guidance on modeling, reaction rate coefficients, and

field measurement techniques and

• Provides the recommended TMDL procedures for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved oxygen (DO), and nutrients discharged into streams and rivers.

Book II Part 1 presents the technical basis for analysis of BOD, DO, nutrient, and eutrophication impact. It also discusses some of the mathematical models available to perform TMDL calculations, provides guidance on model selection, and uses case studies to illustrate key steps in constructing a site-specific for a TMDL. Detailed appendices provide additional discussions of important fate and transport processes, quality assurance for field monitoring, and uncertainty analysis. KEYWORDS: Wasteload Allocations, Rivers, Streams, Biochemical Oxygen

Demand, Dissolved Oxygen, Eutrophication, Nutrients, Modeling, Water Quality Criteria


SUBJECT: Final Technical Guidance Manual for DevelopingTotal Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)

FROM: Tudor T. Davies, DirectorOffice of Science and Technology (4301)

TO: Regional Water Division DirectorsRegional Environmental Services Division DirectorsRegional TMDL Coordinators

Attached for national use, is the final Technical Guidance manual for Developing Total Maximum DailyLoads, Book II: Streams and Rivers, Part 1: Biochemical Oxygen Demand/Dissolved Oxygen and Nutri-ents/Eutrophication. We are sending extra copies of this manual to the Regional TMDL coordinators fordistribution to the States to use on performing TMDLs.

Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act requires States to perform wasteload allocations (WLAs) and TotalMaximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for waters where technology-based treatment is found to be inadequateto meet State water quality standards (WQS). As a part of our technical assistance effort in performingWLAs, primarily involving controls of point source discharges, the Office of Water issued a series of techni-cal guidance manuals. More recently, we issued guidance for the 303(d) program Guidance for waterquality-based decisions: The TMDL Process, 1991 in response to the U.S. General Accounting Office(GAO) report Water Pollution - Greater EPA Leadership Needed to Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution,October 1990.

We are issuing this TMDL technical guidance manual to support the implementation of the 1991 TMDLguidance mentioned above. This document provides guidance on how to assess water quality impacts ofpoint and nonpoint source discharges of biochemical oxygen demanding (BOD) pollutants and nutrients tostreams and rivers. More details of what this guidance includes are stated in the document under theheading “To the Reader” on page iii.

The earlier drafts of this document have been reviewed by your staff, and some of them made signifi-cant contribution to its development. Also, the document has been peer reviewed by technical ex-perts. This final guidance reflects all comments and suggestions received on the earlier drafts.

If you have any questions, comments or desire additional information, please contact Hiranmay Biswas,Standards and Applied Science Division (4305), Telephone: (202) 260-7012.





This guidance manual represents the consolidation of the following two documents in the U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency’s series of Technical Guidance Manuals for Performing Waste Load Allocations:

USEPA. 1983. Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Allocations, Book II: Streamsand Rivers, Chapter 1: Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Dissolved Oxygen.

USEPA. 1983. Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Allocations, Book II: Streamsand Rivers, Chapter 2: Nutrients and Eutrophication.

The revised single manual, renamed Technical Guidance Manual for Developing Total Maximum DailyLoads, Book II: Streams and Rivers, Part I: Biochemical Oxygen Demand/Dissolved Oxygen and Nutri-ents/Eutrophication, eliminates duplicative information on hydrodynamics and physical characteristics ofstreams and rivers, and on the interactions of nutrients and dissolved oxygen dynamics, that was includedin the above- cited manuals. The availability of a single manual also helps to meet the needs of waterquality managers to adequately consider the key water quality interactions and ecological responses topollutant loadings in streams and rivers. In addition, this manual includes updated information on model-ing, reaction rate coefficients, field measurement techniques, etc. and includes several examples usingEPA-supported models. More specifically, these changes and updates include:

Integration of principles and concepts on waste load and load allocations for nutrients/eutrophication with those forcarbon (BOD) and oxygen balances in aquatic ecosystems (see Chapter 2 - Basic Principles and Concepts).

• Update of model identification and selection, with emphasis on the EPA-supported water quality modelQUAL2E (see Chapter 3 - Model Selection and Review) and additional mention of watershed models.

• Update of water quality reaction rate coefficients and field measurement techniques (see Chapter 4- River and Stream Modeling Procedures, Appendix A - Development of Model Coefficients and

Constants, and Appendix C - Quality Assurance for TMDL Studies).

• Update of technical literature citations (see Chapter 5 - References and Appendix E, Supplemental


• Inclusion of a TMDL example using QUAL2E and WASP5 (see Appendix B - Example Total Maximum

Daily Load Analysis).

• Inclusion of an uncertainty analysis example using QUAL2E-UNCAS (see Appendix D - Uncertainty


Comments and suggestions from the user community help us in improving our guidance manuals, and weinvite the user community to send their comments and suggestions to:

Hiranmay BiswasU.S. EPAOffice of Science and TechnologyStandards and Applied Science Division (4305)Washington, DC 20460



The contents of this section have been removed to comply with current EPA practice.



MEMORANDUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

TO THE READER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv

1. . . INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

1.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

1.2 Relationship to Other Guidance Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

1.3 Organization and Scope of Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4

2. BASIC PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

2.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

2.2 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

2.3 Concepts in Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Dissolved Oxygen, and NutrientAnalyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

2.3.1 Pollution Source Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

2.3.2 In-Stream Fate and Transport of Pollutants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3

2.3.3 Receiving Water Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4

2.3.4 Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Dissolved Oxygen Reaction Kinetics . . 2-8

2.3.5 Eutrophication Kinetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15

2.4 Governing Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20

2.4.1 Mass Balance Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20

2.4.2 Dissolved Oxygen Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22

2.4.3 Separate Mass Balance Equations by Constituent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24

3. MODEL SELECTION AND REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

3.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

3.2 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

3.3 Model Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

3.3.1 Study Objectives and Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3

3.3.2 Pollutant Loadings, Spatial and Temporal Resolution, andTransport Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3

3.3.3 Water Quality Pollutant Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8

3.4 Model Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9

4. RIVER AND STREAM MODELING PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

4.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

4.1.1 Modeling Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

4.1.2 General Requirements of a Stream Water Quality Modeling Analysis . . . . 4-3

4.2 Initial Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3

4.2.1 Study Area Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3

4.2.2 Compilation and Review of Existing Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7


4.2.3 Preliminary Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7

4.2.4 Selection of Modeling Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14

4.3 Site-Specific Stream Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16

4.3.1 Hydraulic Geometry Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16

4.3.2 Time-of-Travel Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17

4.3.3 Stream Water Quality Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17

4.3.4 Wastewater Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17

4.3.5 Biological Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21

4.4 Model Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21

4.4.1 Model Coefficient Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21

4.4.2 Component Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-22

4.4.3 Quantifying the Comparison Between Model Results and Data . . . . . . . 4-22

4.5 Model Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25

4.5.1 Model Coefficient Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25

4.5.2 Model Sensitivity Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25

4.5.3 Model Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25

4.6 Model Application and Total Maximum Daily Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25

4.6.1 Development of Management Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27

4.6.2 Total Maximum Daily Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27

4.6.3 Uncertainty Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29

5. REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1


Appendix A: Development of Model Coefficients and Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1

Appendix B: Example Total Maximum Daily Load Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1

Appendix C: Quality Assurance for TMDL Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1

Appendix D: Uncertainty Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1

Appendix E: Supplemental Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-1

Appendix F; Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-1

Appendix G: Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-1

Appendix H: Conversion Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H-1

Appendix I: Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-1

Appendix J: BOD-DO Nutrient Guidance input files for QUAL2E

and WASP5-EUTRO5 example problems. Diskette EPA 823-C-95-004 . . J-1



2-1 Interaction of transport mechanisms for loads in a stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5

2-2 Interrelationship of major kinetic processes for BOD andDO as represented by water quality models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7

2-3 Comparison of stream BOD and laboratory BOD for various incubation times . . . . . . . 2-10

2-4 Steps in nitirification and utilization of dissolved oxygen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10

2-5 Interrelationship of major kinetic processes for BOD, DO, and nutrient analysisas represented by water quality models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14

2-6 Specific algal growth rate as a function of temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16

2-7 Effect of light intensity on algal growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16

2-8 Effect of nutrients of algal growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17

2-9 Effects of nutrient limitation on algal growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18

2-10 Ammonia preference structure for algal growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20

2-11 Mass balance equations for dissolved oxygen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21

2-12 Components of DO profile (sag curve) downstream of waste discharge . . . . . . . . . . 2-23

3-1 Dissolved oxygen response as a function of estuary number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8

3-2 Effect of pH and temperature on un-iodized ammonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10

4-1 Steps in the use of a water quality model for a site-specific TMDL application . . . . . . . 4-2

4-2 Range of chlorophyll a average concentrations and target “objectives” toregulatenutrient inputs for eutrphication control for various water bodeis . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

4-3 Time and space scales for assessment of water quality problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6

4-4 Diurnal model vs. observed oxygen in Senix Creek, Long Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15

4-5 Catawa River study area and major point sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18

4-6 Preliminary water quality sampling network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19

4-7 Component analysis of DO for Rock Creek, Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23

4-8 Numerical tagging of James RIver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-24

4-9 Some relative errors of dissolved oxygen models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26

4-10 TMDL procedure for BOD/DO problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28




1-1 Technical Guidance Manuals for Performing Waste Load Allocations . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3

1-2 Available guidance and other references for TMDL development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4

2-1 Comparison of typical point and nonpoint sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

2-2 Decision situations requiring watershed models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3

2-3 Nonpoint source modeling options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4

2-4 Separate mass balance equations used for each constituent in BOD, DO, andnutrient analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25

3-1 Methods of analysis for phytoplankton and aquatic plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10

3-2 Comparison of models: constituents modeled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13

3-3 Comparison of models: summary of capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14

3-4 Comparison of models: reaeration formulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15

3-5 Comparison of models: input data requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18

3-6 Comparison of models: ease of application−output form and content . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20

3-7 Comparison of models: ease of application−sources, support, and documentation . . . . . 3-21

3-8 Comparison of models: ease of application−equipment and programming requirements . . 3-22

3-9 Comparison of models: operating costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22

3-10 Hierarchy of models based on selected features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23

4-1 Identification of potential water quality problems: Dissolved oxygen depletion,nutrient enrichment, and eutrophication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

4-2 Data types and possible sources for stream total maximum daily load . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7

4-3 Data for stream eutrophication calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11

4-4 Water quality survey for the Catawba River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20

4-5 Point source sampling program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20





The purpose of this guidance manual is to present themost recent information and techniques for use in pre-paring total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) when exces-sive biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), low dissolvedoxygen (DO), and excessive nutrients and eutrophica-tion impair the water quality of streams and rivers. Thismanual reflects current policy on TMDL developmentas outlined in the Guidance for Water Quality-based

Decisions: The TMDL Process (USEPA, 1991a), andrepresents the consolidation of the following two docu-ments in the U.S. EPA’s series of Technical Guidance

Manuals for Performing Waste Load Allocations:

USEPA. 1983. Technical Guidance Manual for

Performing Waste Load Allocations, Book II:

Streams and Rivers, Chapter 1: Biochemical Oxy-

gen Demand and Dissolved Oxygen


USEPA. 1983. Technical Guidance Manual for

Performing Waste Load Allocations, Book II:

Streams and Rivers, Chapter 2: Nutrients and Eu-


This revised manual, renamed Technical Guidance

Manual for Performing Total Maximum Daily Loads,

Book II: Streams and Rivers, Part 1: Biochemical Oxy-

gen Demand/Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrients/Eutro-

phication, eliminates duplicated information onhydrodynamics and physical characteristics of streamsand rivers. The objectives of the manual are (1) toemphasize the needs of water quality managers toadequately consider the key water quality interactionsand ecological responses to both point and nonpointsource loadings in streams and rivers; (2) to providetechnical guidance on modeling, reaction rate coeffi-cients, and field measurement techniques; and (3) toprovide the recommended TMDL procedures for bio-chemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, and nutri-ents forpoint sourcesand nonpoint sourcesdischarginginto streams and rivers. This manual includes severalexamples using EPA-supported models. Much of theinformation needed by the water quality analyst todesign and develop a TMDL for a stream or river (i.e.,

model selection and design, field measurements,assignment of reaction rate coefficients, and analysisof the TMDL) is contained within this manual.

This guidance reflects the current policy on TMDLdevelopment for streams and rivers, which requiresthe consideration of pollutant loads from all sourceswithin a watershed. TMDLs should be developedto provide more stringent water quality-based con-trols when technology-based controls are inade-quate to achieve water quality standards (USEPA,1991a). TMDLs are composed of waste load allo-cations (WLAs) for point sources, load allocations(LAs) for nonpoint sources, and a margin of safety(MOS). The MOS accounts for scientific uncer-tainty involved in establishing the TMDL. This un-certainty can be caused by insuff ic ient orpoor-quality data or a lack of knowledge about thereceiving water and pollution effects. The TMDLprocess consists of the following steps:

(1) Identifying water quality-limited waters stillrequiring TMDLs.

(2) Prioritizing and targeting water quality-limitedwaters.

(3) Developing the TMDL.

(4) Implementing the TMDL through control ac-tions.

(5) Assessing whether step 4 actions are suffi-cient to meet water quality standards.

The Guidance for Water Quality-based Decisions:

The TMDL Process (USEPA, 1991a) discussesthese procedures for TMDL development within thecontext of a water quality-based watershed ap-proach. The following guidance is intended primar-ily to assist the water quality analyst in the third stepof the TMDL process with regard to developingTMDLs to control BOD, DO, and nutrients instreams and rivers.

The level of effort required to develop a TMDL ishighly dependent on the complexity and magnitudeof the receiving water problems. In general, to assessthe anticipated level of effort, site-specific conditions


need to be evaluated in terms of the type and com-position of loads, the variability and characteristics ofpollutant sources and their response to local hydro-logic events, and the characteristics of receivingwater. Additional considerations may also involvethe local or regional value of the resources beingprotected and the phase of the TMDL process. Sincethe TMDL program has directed water and watershedmanagers toward adoption of a phased approach toaddress controls on both point and nonpoint sourceloads under both dry-weather and wet-weather con-ditions, simplified modeling techniques for low-flowconditions may be of limited use for developing first-phase TMDLs. As water quality goals for a water-shed are more clearly defined by first-phaseassessments and additional monitoring efforts, inter-mediate or complex modeling techniques may berequired for advanced phases of the TMDL process.

This manual calls for an intermediate level of effort todevelop a TMDL for typical cases associated withoxygen depletion and nutrient loadings. Although themodels reviewed in this manual accommodate multi-ple discharges and complex inflow characteristics,the emphasis is limited to less complex scenarios.More detailed modeling techniques are described inthe Compendium of Watershed-scale Models for

TMDL Development (USEPA, 1992b), Principles of

Surface Water Quality Modeling and Control

(Thomann and Mueller, 1987), and Water Quality

Modeling, Volume 1, Transport and Surface Ex-

change in Rivers (McCutcheon, 1989). In specialcases where a level of effort less than that presentedin this document is deemed necessary, the followingdocuments may be of interest: Water Quality Assess-

ment: A Screening Procedure for Toxic and Conven-

tional Pollutants in Surface and Ground Water (Millset al., 1985), and Simplified Analytical Method for

Determining NPDES Effluent Limitations for POTWs

Discharging into Low Flow Streams (USEPA, 1980).


Table 1-1 summarizes the relationship of the various

documents that make up the series of technical guid-

ance manuals for waste load allocations. These manu-

als describe approaches for allocating point source

waste loads in rivers and streams, lakes and impound-

ments, and estuaries. The pollutants addressed in the

manuals listed in Table 1-1 include biochemical oxygen

demand/dissolved oxygen, nutrients, and toxic sub-

stances (ammonia, organic chemicals, and metals).

The manual Simplified Analytical Method for Determin-

ing NPDES Effluent Limitations for POTWs Discharging

into Low-Flow Streams (Table 1-1) may be used to

assist in waste load allocation procedures when such

simplifications are valid. In addition, ammonia toxicity

is addressed in more detail in the Simplified Methods

Manual, which now includes methods for evaluating the

interactions of multiple discharges.

Table 1-2 lists available guidance for TMDL develop-

ment. These documents include guidance on the

allocation of nonpoint source loads. These docu-

ments assist the water quality analyst in selecting and

using appropriate models for development of TMDLs.

In addition, an EPA report entitled Technical Guidance

for Estimating Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs):

Integrating Nonpoint and Episodic Point Source Load-

ing from Stormwater and Combined Sewer Overflows

(CSOs) is currently in development and should be

available by October 1994. This document is intended

to provide technical guidance on the integration of

point and nonpoint, steady state and episodic dis-

charges into a waterbody. The guidance will provide

several examples of evaluating these discharges

within the TMDL process.

Users of this manual also can consult the latest State

water quality standards before developing TMDLs.

These standards provide applicable water quality

criteria for pollutants of concern in the state. Federal

water quality criteria for many pollutants are listed in

the EPA “Gold Book”:

USEPA. 1987. Quality criteria for 1986 (with up-dates 1 and 2 included). “Gold Book.” EPA440/5-86-001. U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency, Office of Water Regulations andStandards, Washington, DC.

The “Gold Book” is available from:

U.S. Government Printing OfficeSuperintendent of DocumentsNorth Capitol and H Street, NWWashington, DC 20401(202) 783-3238Order No. 955-002-00000-8

Usually, however, TMDL developers consult statewater quality standards first. Several manuals onmodeling and parameter selection are also available.These documents, listed in Table 1-2, are availablefrom:


Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Allo-cations - Book II Streams and Rivers - Chapter 1 Biochemi-cal Oxygen Demand/Dissolved Oxygen (EPA 440/4-84-020)This chapter presents the underlying technical basis for perform-ing WLA and analysis of BOD/DO impacts. Mathematical mod-els to calculate water quality impacts are discussed, along withdata needs and data quality.

Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Allo-cations - Book II Streams and Rivers - Chapter 2 Nutrient/Eu-trophication Impacts (EPA 440/4-84-021)This chapter emphasizes the effect of photosynthetic activitystimulated by nutrient discharges on the DO of a stream or river.It is principally directed at calculating DO concentrations usingsimplified estimating techniques.

Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Allo-cations - Book II Streams and Rivers - Chapter 3 Toxic Sub-stances (EPA 440/4-84-022)This chapter describes mathematical models for predicting toxi-cant concentrations in rivers. It covers a range of complexities,from dilution calculations to complex, multi-dimensional, time-varying computer models. The guidance includes discussion ofbackground information and assumptions for specifying values.

Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Allo-cations - Simplified Analytical Method for DeterminingNPDES Effluent Limitations for POTWs Discharging intoLow-Flow StreamsThis document describes methods primarily intended for “desktop” WLA investigations or screening studies that use availabledata for streamflow, effluent flow, and water quality. It is in-tended for circumstances where resources for analysis and dataacquisition are relatively limited.

Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Allo-cations - Book IV Lakes and Impoundments - Chapter 2 Nu-trient/Eutrophication Impacts (EPA 440/4-84-019)This chapter discusses lake eutrophication processes and somefactors that influence the performance of WLA analysis and theinterpretation of results. Three classes of models are discussed,along with the application of models and interpretation of result-ing calculations. Finally, the document provides guidance onmonitoring programs and simple statistical procedures.

Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Allo-cations - Book IV Lakes, Reservoirs and Impoundments -Chapter 3 Toxic Substances Impact (EPA 440/4-87-002)This chapter reviews the basic principles of chemical water qual-ity modeling frameworks. The guidance includes discussion ofassumptions and limitations of such modeling frameworks, aswell as the type of information required for model application.Different levels of model complexity are illustrated in step-by-step examples.

Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Allo-cations - Book VI Design Conditions - Chapter 1 Stream De-sign Flow for Steady-State Modeling (EPA 440/4-87-004)Many state water quality standards (WQS) specify specific de-sign flows. Where such design flows are not specified in WQS,this document provides a method to assist in establishing amaximum design flow for the final chronic value (FCV) of anypollutant.

Final Technical Guidance on Supplementary Stream DesignConditions for Steady State ModelingWQS for many pollutants are written as a function of ambient en-vironmental conditions, such as temperature, pH, or hardness.

This document provides guidance on selecting values for theseparameters when performing steady-state WLAs.

Technical Guidance Manual for performing Waste Load Allo-cations - Book VII: Permit Averaging (EPA 440/4-84-023)This document provides an innovative approach to determiningwhich types of permit limits (daily maximum, weekly, or monthlyaverages) should be specified for the steady-state model output,based on the frequency of acute criteria violations.

Handbook - Stream Sampling for Waste Load Allocation Ap-plications (EPA 625/6-86/013)This handbook provides guidance in designing stream surveysto support modeling applications for waste load allocations. Itdescribes the data collection process for model support, and itshows how models can be used to help design stream surveys.In general, the handbook is intended to educate field personnelon the relationship between sampling and modeling require-ments.

Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Al-locations - Book III Estuaries - Part 1 - Estuaries and WasteLoad Allocation Models (EPA 823/R-92-002)This document provides technical information and policy guid-ance for preparing estuarine WLAs. It summarizes the impor-tant water quality problems, estuarine characteristics, and thesimulation models available for addressing these problems.

Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Al-locations Book III Estuaries - Part 2 - Application of Estu-arine Waste Load Allocation Models (EPA 823-R-92-003)This document provides a guide to monitoring and model calibra-tion and testing, and a case study tutorial on simulation of WLAproblems in simplified estuarine systems.

Technical Support Document for Water Quality-based Tox-ics Control (EPA 505/2-90-001)This document discusses assessment approaches, water qual-ity standards, derivation of ambient criteria, effluent charac-terization, human health hazard assessment, exposureassessment, permit requirements, and compliance monitoring.An example is used to illustrate the recommended procedures.

Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Al-locations - Book III - Estuaries - Part 4 - Critical Review ofCoastal Embayment and Estuarine Waste Load AllocationModeling (EPA 823-R-92-005)This document summarizes several historical case studies ofmodel use in one freshwater coastal embayment and a numberof estuarine discharge situations.

Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Al-locations - Book III: Estuaries - Part 3 - Use of Mixing ZoneModels in Estuarine Waste Load Allocations (EPA 823-R-92-004)This technical guidance manual describes the initial mixingwastewater in estuarine and coastal environmental and mixingzone requirements. The important physical processes that gov-ern the hydrodynamic mixing of aqueous discharges are de-scribed, followed by application of available EPA-supportedmixing zone models to four case study situations.

These documents are available from the Office of Science andTechnology (4305), Washington, DC 20460. See Standardsand Applied Science Division Clearinghouse Request Form fordocument completion dates.



USEPA Center for Exposure AssessmentModeling (CEAM)

Environmental Research Laboratory960 College Station RoadAthens, GA 30605-2720(706) 546-3549Bulletin Board (706) 546-3402


The remainder of this document is organized into three

chapters and five appendices, as summarized below.

Chapter 2, Basic Principles and Concepts, presents the

underlying technical basis for analyzing stream bio-

chemical oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved oxygen

(DO), nutrient, and eutrophication impacts. The basic

theory on transport and fate and the nature of stream

system responses to oxygen-demanding loads are de-

scribed using equations and basic relationships.

Chapter 3, Model Selection and Review, discussesmathematical models available to perform TMDL cal-culations, with emphasis given to EPA-supportedmodels including Multi-SMP, QUAL2E-UNCAS, andWASP5. Guidance is also provided to assist in iden-tifying and selecting appropriate models for varyinglevels of complexity (e.g., steady-state vs. dynamic).

Chapter 4, River and Stream Modeling Procedures,

presents the following procedures to construct a site-specific model for a TMDL: initial assessment, site-specific stream survey, model calibration, modelvalidation, and model application. Examples fromactual case studies are given to illustrate key steps inthe procedures.

Appendix A, Development of Model Coefficients and

Constants, provides a detailed discussion on variousfate and transport processes and reaction rates af-fecting biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxy-gen, and nutrients in rivers and streams such asreaeration, oxidation, nitrification, photosynthesis,respiration, settling, sediment oxygen demand, andammonia flux. Environmental factors that influencefate and transport processes and technical ap-proaches for determining model parameters are pre-sented. This appendix supplements the overviewmaterial presented in Chapter 2.

Appendix B, Sample Total Maximum Daily Load

Analysis, presents an example that illustrates theTMDL process applied in settings using an analytical




Rates, Constants, and Kinetics Formulations in SurfaceWater Quality Modeling (Bowie et al., 1985, EPA/600/3-85/040)This report provides formulations used in surface water qualitymodeling along with accepted values for rate constants and coeffi-cients. Topics covered include dispersion, heat budgets, dis-solved oxygen saturation, reaeration, alkalinity, nutrients, algae,zooplankton, and coliform bacteria.

Water Quality Assessment: A Screening Procedure for Toxicand Conventional Pollutants in Surface and Groundwater,Parts I and II (Mills et al., 1985, EPA 600/6-85/002a and EPA600/6-85/002b)Part I of this series describes the aquatic fate of toxic organic sub-stances, waste loading calculations, and the assessment of waterquality parameters in rivers and streams. Part II describes the as-sessment of impoundments, estuaries, and groundwater.

Compendium of Watershed-scale Models for TMDL Develop-ment (USEPA, 1992b, EPA 841-R-92-002)This document identifies and summarizes the most widely usedwatershed-scale models and is intended to assist in model selec-tion.

Modeling of Nonpoint Source Water Quality in Urban andNon-urban Areas (Donigan and Huber, 1991, EPA/600/3-91/039)This document presents detailed reviews of established nonpointsource assessment procedures, methodologies, and modelingtechniques. Simple procedures (e.g., constant concentration, re-gression, statistical, and loading function approaches) and com-plex models (e.g., SWMM, HSPF, CREAMS, SWRRB) aredescribed.

A Quick Reference Guide: Developing Nonpoint SourceLoad Allocations for TMDLs (USEPA, 1992a, EPA 841-B-92-001)This document directs TMDL developers to existing technical guid-ance from other programs while more detailed TMDL technicalguidance is developed.

TMDL Case Study SeriesThis series of case studies published by EPA illustrates real-worldTMDL applications that the user may consult when appropriate.

The Enhanced Stream Water Quality Models QUAL2E andQUAL2E-UNCAS: Documentation and User Manual (Brownand Barnwell, 1987, EPA/600/3-87/007)This manual describes the water quality models QUAL2E, whichcan be operated as a steady-state or dynamic model, andQUAL2E-UNCAS, which is an enhancement of QUAL2E that in-cludes uncertainty analysis. QUAL2E allows the user to modelthe effects of diurnal variations and to examine diurnal dissolvedoxygen variations caused by algal growth and respiration.

The water quality analysis simulation program, WASP5, PartA: Model documentation, Version 5.10 and The water qualityanalysis simulation program, WASP5, Part B: The WASP5 in-put dataset, Version 5.10 (Ambrose, et al., 1993a and 1993b)This manual describes the use of the Water Quality AnalysisSimulation Program Version 5.10 (WASP5). The WASP5 model-ing system covers hydrodynamics, conservative mass transport,eutrophication-dissolved oxygen kinetics, and toxic chemical-sedi-ment dynamics.


solution and the EPA-supported QUAL2E andWASP5 models. The example TMDL problem in-cludes problem setting, river characteristics, treatmentplant and effluent characteristics, ambient river waterquality data review, model calibration, and model pro-jections. The example illustrates an analysis of thesame water quality problem using two differentmodels: an analytical, screening level model andthe WASP5 model. The solutions consider non-zero background sources, nonpoint source in-puts, and eutrophication problems. The secondexample problem is based on a study of the Wil-lamette River basin in Oregon. The Willamette Riverexample highlights the use of the QUAL2E model inassessing water quality for a large river.

Appendix C, Quality Assurance for Field Monitor-ing Programs, provides an overview of objectivesand components of a quality assurance plan forfield monitoring.

Appendix D, Uncertainty Analysis, provides a dis-cussion on uncertainty analysis as it applies towaste load allocation modeling. An example demon-

strating various aspects of uncertainty analysis usingQUAL2E-UNCAS is included. Also, through this ex-ample, techniques in uncertainty analysis, first-ordererror analysis, and Monte Carlo simulation are de-scribed.

Appendix E, Supplementary Bibliography, includes ad-ditional references relevant to oxygen depletion, nutri-ent enrichment, and eutrophication processes infreshwater and marine ecosystems. These referencesare not cited in the guidance manual.

Appendix F presents a glossary of technical termsrelated to the guidance document.

Appendix G presents a list of abbreviations used inthe document. Appendix H provides a list of conver-sion factors for metric and US equivalent units.

Appendix I provides a list of symbols used as nomen-clature in the document.

Appendix J provides an attached MS-DOS 3.5 inchdiskette containing input files for the QUAL2E andWASP5 example problems presented in Appendix B.




This chapter provides an introductory discussion ofthe primary concepts in conducting analyses of riverand stream dissolved oxygen responses to loadingsof BOD and nutrients. Section 2.2 provides an over-view of the basic principles of the total maximumdaily load (TMDL) process. Section 2.3 presents adiscussion of the key relationships (i.e., loading, fateand transport by physical and chemical/biologicalprocesses) that determine the effect of a pollutantload on oxygen demand and eutrophication in astream or river. Section 2.4 presents the mass bal-ance principle and governing equations that form thebasis for most water quality models used to simulatethe key processes of interest.


EPA defines the total loading capacity (LC) or totalmaximum daily load (TMDL) as the greatest amount ofpollutant loading that a waterbody can receive withoutviolating water quality standards. A TMDL is the portionof the LC or TMDL that is allocated to one of its existingor future point sources of pollution. A load allocation(LA) is the portion of the TMDL that is allocated to oneof its existing or future nonpoint sources of pollution andnatural background. The sum of the individual WLAsfor point sources and LAs for nonpoint sources (includ-ing natural background sources and tributaries) plus themargin of safety (MOS) is equivalent to the TMDL (i.e.,TMDL= LC = WLA+LA+MOS). TMDL studies utilizingfield monitoring data and predictive models providequantitative information to assist managers in makingeffective decisions to protect water quality. Models andwater quality equations are used to establish cause-and-effect relationships correlating incrementalchanges in stream water quality to changes in pollutantloading. From this correlation, optimum and desirable,but not required cost-effective treatment levels can bespecified toachieve waterquality standardsand criteria.The MOS can be included implicitly in the TMDL model

calculations to account for the uncertainty about therelationship between the allocated waste loads andloads and the predicted quality of the receiving water-body. A reserve capacity for future development canbe included in the TMDL at this stage. Wastewatertreatment plant designers can then evaluate variouscombinations of alternative unit processes to selectan optimum treatment scheme to meet the require-ments of the WLA. Likewise, land use planners andengineers may need to analyze various managementscenarios to meet the requirements of the nonpointsource LA. This analysis may include an evaluationof the cost-effectiveness of different combinations ofbest management practices (BMPs).

Knowledge of the quantitative cause-and-effect rela-tionship between receiving water quality and pollutantloads is the key to making reliable determinations of thetotal loading capacity. This relationship is quite sensi-tive to natural environmental conditions. These condi-tions include physical characteristics such as streamflow, velocity, depth, slope, time of travel, and tempera-ture and chemical/biological characteristics such asin-place sediment oxygen demand, algal photosynthe-sis and respiration, and nitrification. The determinationof the rates at which various water quality reactions takeplace in the receiving waterbody introduces additionalcomplications in establishing cause-and-effect relation-ships and projecting water quality impacts. In someinstances, the water quality response can be as sensi-tive to the reaction rates as it is to the total amount ofpollutant loadings. This is particularly important inBOD/DO reactions where the resulting dissolved oxy-gen concentration is determined by competing reac-tions of oxygen consumption from BOD, nitrification,and sediment oxygen demand (SOD) and oxygen re-plenishment from reaeration and photosynthesis.

Models not only are used to determine rigorous relation-ships between pollutant loads and the resulting waterquality response, but also are necessary to predictfuture water quality conditions and conditions that maynot have been monitored for in the past (e.g., 7Q10critical low-flow conditions).1 Models are also useful to


1There is a 10 percent chance that the 7Q10 critical low flow (7-day average low flow that occurs once in 10 years) will occur during a 1-year monitoring period. In a 10-yearmonitoring period, there is only a 65 percent chance that critical low-flow conditions will occur.

evaluate the array of variables (temperature, streamflow, load, reaction rates, etc.) that simultaneouslyinfluence water quality response, especially wherethe system is relatively complex as a result of multiplesources, varying stream geometry, flow changes dueto tributaries and storm events, and other factors.


This section examines the relationships between pol-lutant fate and transport processes in natural watersand the response of dissolved oxygen in streams andrivers to point and nonpoint source loads. An appre-ciation of these relationships and related factorsshould help regulatory staff and water quality andwatershed managers to assess the technical com-plexity associated with the development of a givensite-specific TMDL and to recognize the level of mod-eling and monitoring effort that may be required.Factors that govern the fate and transport processesof pollutant loadings in streams and rivers and deter-mine the effects on dissolved oxygen include thosefactors related to the magnitude and variability of thepollution sources, the hydrologic conditions of thereceiving water, and the in-stream transport of pollut-ants. Detailed discussion of these factors can befound in Appendix A. In addition, detailed derivationof BOD, DO, and nutrient relationships can be foundin Thomann and Mueller (1987).

2.3.1 Pollution Source Characteristics

An important task in watershed and water qualitymodeling is to characterize the pollution sources andestimate the associated pollutant loadings. Pollutionsources can be characterized as either point sourcesor nonpoint sources. These two categories of sourcesare governed by different mechanisms, resulting indifferent impacts on the receiving water. Table 2-1identifies typical differences between point and non-point source characteristics.

Point Sources - Point source pollutant loads includeeffluent discharges from municipal and industrialwastewater treatment plants. Point sources are alsocharacterized by pollutant inputs to surface watersfrom tributaries and other watercourses that aggre-gate into major surface water systems. Point sourcesare defined in the Clean Water Act ) as “. . . any

discernible, confined, and discrete conveyance, in-cluding but not limited to, any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel,

conduit, well, discrete fissure, container, rolling stock, con-

centrated animal feeding operation, landfill leachate collec-

tion system, vessel or other floating craft from which pollutants

are or may be discharged. This term does not include return

flows from irrigated agriculture or agricultural storm water

runoff ”(40 CFR Vol. 1 7-1-1990 edition).

Point source loading rates from permitted discharges,such as publicly owned treatment works (POTWs)and combined sewer systems, may be determinedfrom discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) availablefrom many state regulatory agencies or EPA regionaloffices. Most of these DMRs contain information onmany conventional pollutants such as BOD, ammo-nia, Kjeldahl nitrogen, suspended solids, and fecalcoliform bacteria. Not all nutrients are reported inDMRs. For example, facilities that do not have phos-phorus removal (e.g., secondary treatment plants)may not measure or report total phosphorus and/ororthophosphate concentrations in their effluents. Inthis case, the field monitoring program should includemeasuring these effluents. When plant-specific dataare not available, literature values (see Appendix A)can be used for first approximations.

Nonpoint Sources - Nonpoint loading of pollutantsresults from the transport of pollutants into receivingwaters via overland surface runoff within a drainagebasin. Land use and hydrologic characteristics of abasin are major determinants of the magnitude ofpollutant loading contributed from nonpoint sourceinputs. The general long-term trend of deforestationand the subsequent transition to agricultural, urban,


Point Sources Nonpoint Sources

Fairly steady flow Highly dynamic flow occurringat random intermittent intervals

Variability changes less thanone order of magnitude

Variability changes severalorders of magnitude

Most severe impacts occurduring low flow conditions

Most severe impacts occurduring or following stormevents

Fairly predictableconcentrations

Unpredictable, variableconcentrations


and suburban land uses has resulted in large-scalechanges in nonpoint source pollutant loading to theNation’s rivers and coastal waters.

As the magnitude of the nonpoint source pollutionproblem has become better understood over the past10-20 years, a number of urban and agriculturalmanagement practices have been proposed, investi-gated, and implemented to reduce pollutant loadingfrom these very diverse sources. A major emphasisof ongoing and future national water quality manage-ment objectives for EPA and the states will be thebasin-scale implementation of best managementpractices to reduce nonpoint source pollutant loads.

Several modeling techniques have been developedfor estimating pollutant loadings from diffuse andstorm-driven sources. Recent reviews of these tech-niques are presented in USEPA (1992b) andDonigian and Huber (1991). Although watershedmodeling techniques were originally developed toestimate loading and to provide input to receivingwater models, the TMDL program has widened therange of application of these models to include thedevelopment and evaluation of various componentsof watershed management plans. Since not all deci-sion situations regarding the development of TMDLsare the same, some models are more suitable thanothers under certain conditions. Simple and screen-ing watershed models have been extensively used tosupport preliminary assessment and planning-levelactivities, while applications of detailed simulationmodels are most cost-effective when dealing with

development of design criteria or evaluating manage-ment programs. Table 2-2 presents a set of com-monly encountered decision situations associatedwith TMDL development for which the use of a water-shed model may be considered. These situations arepresented in increasing order of complexity and mod-eling requirements.

Other nonpoint pollution sources that may influencethe development of TMDLs include groundwaterseepage, atmospheric deposition, and natural weath-ering of rocks and soils. These sources are difficult tocontrol, and under natural conditions they representthe background concentrations of the waterbody.When developing TMDLs, uncontrollable sourcesneed to be identified and their magnitude evaluatedto characterize the available assimilative capacity ofthe waterbody. The weathering and dissolution pro-cesses of rocks and soil are natural mechanisms andshould be considered as part of the uncontrolledloads. Atmospheric deposition is in part a result ofindustrial and development activities at the regionalor national scale. Therefore, their control at the site-specific or watershed scale is not possible. The con-trol of atmospheric deposition is usually addressed inregional and national programs and should be con-sidered as part of the uncontrollable load for typicalTMDL development.

Groundwater contributions to the nonpoint sourceloads are a main concern if the groundwater is con-sidered contaminated. In general, since groundwaterinterfaces natural geological formations that undergodissolution and weathering processes under naturalconditions, pollutant discharges caused by noncon-taminated groundwater seeping to surface water-bodies should be considered a part of theuncontrollable load. When dealing with contaminatedgroundwater, seepage to surface water can repre-sent a major concern requiring an identification ofcontamination sources and the pollutant(s) of con-cern and an evaluation of the magnitude of the dis-charge. Potential groundwater assessment methodsare summarized in A Review of Methods for Assess-

ing Nonpoint Source Contaminated Ground-water

Discharges to Surface Water (USEPA, 1991c).

2.3.2 In-Stream Fate and Transport ofPollutants

When a pollutant load is discharged into a flowingstream or river, it is subject to fate and transportprocesses that modify stream concentrations. The


Screening Level (simple models)

Relative comparison of watersheds

Preliminary estimates of discharge quantity and quality

Delineation of the geographical extent and analysis of thetemporal variability of major pollution sources

Identification of pollutants and governing processes ofconcern

Identification of modeling and monitoring needs

Planning Level (mid-range to detailed models)

Prioritization and targeting of specific watersheds orpollution sources

Evaluation and selection of control strategies

Post-Planning Level (detailed models)

Siting criteria for implementation of management measures

Design criteria for sizing control practices


principal factors determining stream concentrationsare advection, dispersion, and reaction.

Advection - Advection represents the primary trans-port process of pollutant inflow in the downstreamdirection. Lateral advective transport across astream is typically neglected. Usually complete mix-ing between the pollutant load and the ambientstream flow in the vertical and lateral direction hasbeen achieved within a relatively short distancedownstream of the outfall.

Dispersion - If all water elements in a stream weretraveling at a uniform speed over each cross-sectionof the river, they would arrive at a given location atthe same time. In reality, however, lateral velocitydifferences cause each element to arrive at a differenttime, resulting in an apparent mixing due to verticaland lateral velocity gradients. For example, the cen-ter of the stream near the surface moves faster thanthe flow near the banks and streambed. This phe-nomenon is called longitudinal dispersion (see Fis-cher et al., 1979). When analyzing the effects of acontinuous pollutant load, the effect of dispersionmay be ignored since the contribution of dispersionto the resulting in-stream pollutant concentration isusually small in comparison to the contribution fromadvection. On the other hand, when analyzing trans-port of storm-driven loadings during wet-weather pe-riods, longitudinal dispersion also must be consideredsince the pollutant loading is represented as a single“pulse” input rather than a continuous series of“pulse” inputs. When a water quality-analysis is con-ducted over a “long” distance with a short time “pulse”interval of discharge, then longitudinal dispersionmust be considered in the analysis (Thomann andMueller, 1987).

Reaction - The biodegradable materials dischargedto a stream or river (e.g., oxygen-demanding or-ganics) undergo decomposition by bacteria in thewater column. In the presence of dissolved oxygen,bacteria convert organic materials to end productssuch as CO2, NO3, and H2O, stabilizing the pollutantload. In addition, algae take up nutrients such asinorganic phosphorus and nitrogen during photosyn-thesis and reduce the nutrient concentrations in thestream. Algal biomass is then recycled back intoinorganic nutrients. A number of chemical, biological,and biochemical reactions contribute to the flux andattenuation of waste material concentrations.

The interactions of these factors are shown schemati-cally in Figure 2-1, which presents what would be

observed if a single slug of waste load were injectedand could be followed downstream over a period oftime. Conservative materials in the waste (those notsubject to reaction and decay, such as chloride)would track as shown in the sketch of advection, oradvection and dispersion. Reactive materials, suchas oxygen-consuming materials, would behave asshown in the sketches that include reaction. Thus,the behavior of a dissolved substance in the streamis the result of the velocity and mixing action of thewater and the resulting transformation from biologicaland chemical reactions.

2.3.3 Receiving Water Conditions

The local impact of pollutant loadings to receivingwaters is largely determined by the relative magni-tudes of the loading and the receiving water flow rate.Assimilation of the pollutant load is a function of thehydrologic conditions of the stream or river defined interms of flow rate, transport characteristics, and back-ground water quality. As a result, seasonal and storm-driven variations in the watershed hydrology andpollutant buildup and washoff characteristics can ex-ert very different impacts on the receiving water dur-ing and immediately following wet-weather episodes.The significance of storm-driven discharges fromnonpoint sources on dissolved oxygen is very site-specific and difficult to characterize explicitly. Duringwet-weather conditions, stream flow rate is generallyhigh, allowing for higher transport and assimilativecapacity. However, pollutant deposition and accumu-


Stochastic/Probabilistic models: Mathematical models thatinclude consideration of hydrologic uncertainty and probability.Models rely on statistical characteristics of the hydrologicprocess to predict the behavior of the hydrologic system.Transport and fate processes are represented usingcompounded parameters describing multiple processes.

Deterministic models: Model variables are thought to follow apredictable, certain behavior, and the probability of hydrologicdata is generally ignored. Models rely on series of algorithmsthat simulate actual physical or chemical processes, and aresometimes referred to as physically based models.

Design storm simulation: Focuses on a detailed simulation of asingle storm event, often selected as representative, with agiven frequency and duration of rainfall (e.g., 1-year, six -hourstorm).

Continuous simulation: Simulates the behavior of a system overan extended period of time (months to years) with relativelyshort time steps, providing continuous runoff and loading values.




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lation on streambed and pool areas may exert acritical demand on dissolved oxygen during low flowconditions. When nonpoint sources are identified asthe major sources of oxygen depletion, storm eventor continuous and time-dependent modeling may berequired. Nonpoint source modeling options that cap-ture, to a certain extent, the impacts of wet-weatherconditions are summarized in Table 2-3.

Often when oxygen demand is the mechanism ofconcern, the modeling effort focuses primarily onpollutant discharges during dry periods and the baseflow rate, which depends on the magnitude of the flowrecession following wet-weather recharge conditions.Although pollution discharges during dry periods arecharacterized by fairly constant rates and composi-tion, the base flow rate fluctuates seasonally andannually. In the continental United States, seasonallyhigh flow normally occurs during the colder period ofwinter and in early spring from snowmelt and springrains, while seasonally low flow typically occurs dur-ing the warmer summer and early fall drought peri-ods. Because of these seasonal hydrologic andclimatological patterns of low flow, minimum dilution,and high temperature, summer and early fall aretypically the critical periods for evaluating the worst-case impact of pollutant loads on water quality. Dur-ing this period, flow conditions approaching steadystate are achieved. The analysis and evaluation ofdata collected during this period become more mean-ingful because the mathematical assumption ofsteady state is frequently made when evaluating dis-solved oxygen in streams and rivers due to fairlyconstant point sources.

Rapid transport of pollutants by high flow and mixingconditions results in a short residence time with typi-cally minimal ecological damage. Conversely, slowremoval of pollutants in waters characterized by along residence time because of low-flow conditionscan result in adverse ecological impacts such assevere oxygen depletion, nutrient enrichment, andeutrophication problems.

Factors that affect the time of travel in a naturalstream include stream depth, width, cross-sectionalarea, and bed slope-hydraulic geometry. In somecases, stream hydraulic geometry and time-of-travelinformation are available from studies performed bythe U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the U.S. ArmyCorps of Engineers, or other State and Federal agen-cies. Sometimes a field program may be needed tocollect the hydraulic geometry data and measure thetime of travel (usually by a dye study).

Projections of water quality impacts for some futurecritical low-flow condition are normally required inTMDL studies. The change in hydraulic geometrycaused by flow fluctuation must be predicted. Flowvariance, in turn, results from changes in streamvelocity and depth (both of which strongly affect thestream reaeration capacity).

Basically, two approaches are used to quantify hy-draulic geometry and time of travel for future condi-tions. First, Leopold and Maddock (1953) haveexamined various rivers and developed empiricalrelationships between flow (Q), velocity (U), depth(H), and width (W) using the following functions withflow as the independent variable.

U ≈ aQ n(2-1)

H ≈ bQ m(2-2)

W ≈ cQ f(2-3)

where a, b, and c are constants for the stream and n,m, and f are exponents defining the basic relation-ships.

These constants vary with size of the river basin.More detailed information on these constants can befound in Appendix A.

The second approach is to independently calculatestream velocity, depth, and width for different flows.Typically, hydrodynamic models based on momen-tum and continuity equations are used. Many streamwater quality models (see Chapter 3) include hydrau-lic components that can be used to model flow inaddition to water quality.

A simpler modeling approach is to use the Manningequation relating velocity, depth, slope, and a chan-nel roughness coefficient (Brown and Barnwell, 1987;McCutcheon, 1989) to simulate the velocity andstream flow rate for different depths. It is typicallyeasier to estimate and extrapolate the Manningroughness coefficient than to estimate the hydraulicconstants and exponents in Equations 2-1 through2-3. However, the Manning equation is an empiricalformulation that may not reflect actual conditions ofnatural streams. While both equations are semi-em-pirical, the Manning equation involves only one co-efficient (vs. six in the Leopold and Maddockequations), and that coefficient is well understood byhydraulic engineers. The Manning equation also pro-vides better physical insight by integrating the effect



(After McCutcheon, 1989)


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of slope and elaborate stream geometry information.EPA Region 6, however, has shown Manning’s n togreatly overestimate velocity. Although not exten-sively used in TMDLs, other backwater and dynamicrouting simulations are feasible (see McCutcheon(1985) and French (1985) for a review).

2.3.4 Biochemical Oxygen Demand andDissolved Oxygen Reaction Kinetics

Figure 2-2 shows the interrelationship of the followingmajor BOD/DO kinetic processes for a water columnas commonly represented by water quality models:

• Carbonaceous deoxygenation

• Nitrogenous deoxygenation (nitrification)

• Reaeration

• Sediment oxygen demand

• Photosynthesis and respiration

Prior to describing these processes, a brief discus-sion of the biochemical oxygen demand concept isnecessary. BOD is a measure of the amount ofoxygen required to stabilize organic matter in waste-water. As such, BOD is an equivalent indicator ratherthan a true physical or chemical substance. It meas-ures the total concentration of dissolved oxygen thatwould eventually be demanded as wastewater de-grades in the stream. The validity of BOD as a gaugeof wastewater quality has often been questioned;nevertheless, the concept of BOD remains the stand-ard for dissolved oxygen modeling analysis.

BOD is determined from a standardized test measur-ing the amount of oxygen available after incubationof the sample at 20 °C for a specific length of time,usually 5 days. The oxidation process is usuallycarried out in two stages: carbonaceous and nitroge-nous (nitrification). The first stage is accomplishedby saprophytic organisms, which derive their energyfrom the breakdown of organic carbon compounds;the second stage, by autotrophic bacteria, whichrequire simple inorganic nitrogen compounds.

Each stage is characterized by two steps: synthesisand respiration. In the carbonaceous stage, the en-ergy required for synthesis is obtained from the de-struction of complex organic carbon compounds,liberating carbon dioxide and water. After the organicmatter has been converted to bacterial cells, theendogenous respiration of the synthesized organ-isms occurs, also yielding carbon dioxide, water, andusually ammonia. In the BOD test, there is a pro-nounced lag between the carbonaceous oxidation

and the nitrification step, the latter following by asmuch as 10 days. The lag is less for treated (stabi-lized) wastewaters and is on the order of 1 to 2 daysfor highly treated effluents. In streams, the twostages frequently proceed simultaneously, althoughthere may be lags in the nitrification stage for highlypolluted streams or those with low dissolved oxygen. Carbonaceous Deoxygenation

The first phase of the BOD reaction involves theoxidation of the carbonaceous organic material. Thereaction is approximated by a first-order reaction.The oxygen required, y, approaches the total demandof the overall process, Lo, and the rate is assumed tobe proportional to the amount of oxygen-demandingmaterial (Lo - y), either substrate or cells:


dt= K1 (Lo −y)


Integration of this expression yields:

y = Lo (1−e − K 1t ) (2-5)

or, if the relationship is put in terms of the organicmatter remaining,

L = Lo e − K1t(2-6)


K1 = BOD reaction rate coefficient (day-1)y

= oxygen consumed

L = oxygen equivalence of the organicmatter remaining

Lo = total oxygen demandt

= time (day)

Equation 2-4 indicates that the rate at which theoxygen is consumed (dy/dt) is proportional to theconcentration of biologically degradable organic ma-terial, as well as chemically oxidizable substances.The coefficient, K1, depends on the state of thematerial and the degree of treatment. A typical do-mestic wastewater may have the following values:raw sewage (0.35 day-1), settled sewage (0.40 day-

1), and treated effluent (0.25 day-1). Because of thenature and composition of wastewater, these valuesvary significantly. Industrial wastewaters are knownfor their widely varied K1 rates. Coefficients deter-mined from samples taken from rivers indicate


that many factors affect the rate at which the reactionproceeds. In many natural settings, the reaction ratecoefficient for river water is usually less than that ofan undiluted wastewater sample and decreases withdistance downstream (Thomann and Mueller, 1987).Decreasing coefficients indicate the progressive re-sistance to the oxidation of the more stable (refrac-tory) end products.

By U.S. convention, BOD measurements are typicallyconducted for 5 days. In fact, regulatory agencieswrite wastewater discharge permits (NPDES) interms of 5-day BOD. In addition, many of the testsare run with a nitrification inhibitor so that the testmeasures the oxidation of carbonaceous materialonly. When total BOD is measured after 5 days (aninhibitor is not used), these tests are designated asBOD5. When the 5-day BOD test employs a nitrifica-tion inhibitor, the results are designated as CBOD5(Hall and Foxen, 1984). More and more frequently,long-term tests of 20 to 30 days are employed tomeasure ultimate BOD (BODu) to reflect the potentialstrength of the oxygen consumption. Some pulp andpaper mill wastewater samples are analyzed formuch longer periods (in excess of 100 days), butmeasurements over an extended period of time areof limited value in streams where the time of travelfrom the waste source to the dissolved oxygen sag isonly a few hours or days, or where the stream isdiluted by tributaries within a few hours or days. Suchtests are very useful, though, in converting modelresults in CBODu to a CBOD5 NPDES limit. In astandard test, the values of oxygen used, y, at the endof specified intervals of time, t, are determined. Givena set of such values, the coefficient, K1, and theultimate value, L0, may be determined (Metcalf andEddy, 1991).

Another important concept for stream BOD is illus-trated in Figure 2-3. When water samples are takenfrom a stream to the laboratory for analysis of theirbiochemical oxygen demand, the results may berepresented by a family of curves (Equation 2-5) ofoxygen consumed vs. time of incubation (see Figure2-3b). Each of these curves has a different K1 value.As suggested above, the K1 value decreases in thedownstream direction. If CBOD5 values (eithermeasured during the analysis or calculated usingEquation 2-5) are plotted against the longitudinalstream distance (Figure 2-3a), a decreasing trend forCBOD5 is obtained. This trend follows an exponen-tial decay and usually can be approximated by thefollowing equation in terms of ultimate CBOD:

L (CBODu) = Lo (CBODu) e − K rx

U (2-7)


L(CBODu) = oxygen equivalence of theorganic matter at any givenlocation in the stream(measured as CBODu)

Lo(CBODu) = total oxygen demandmeasured at the source ofwaste load followingcomplete mixing (measuredas CBODu)

Kr = CBODu removal rate in thestream (day-1)

x = distance below thewastewater discharge

U = average stream velocity

The time of travel, t, is equal to x/U. The meaning ofEquation 2-7 is that the oxygen-consuming materialsare removed from the water column at an overall lossrate of Kr. It should be noted that Kr is used tocharacterize the overall loss of dissolved organicmaterials in the water column due to biochemicaloxidation and settling. It is highly empirical and,therefore, is usually quantified by fitting an exponen-tial decay curve through the field data.

The rate of removal of organic material from the watercolumn is not necessarily equal to the rate at whichdissolved oxygen is utilized. The coefficient describ-ing this oxygen utilization may be identified as Kd. Ifa difference exists between the rate of BOD removal(Kr) and oxygen utilization (Kd), it may be attributedto factors such as sedimentation, flocculation, scour,or volatilization. For example, Kr may be significantlygreater than Kd for effluents with high concentrationsof suspended solids, which readily settle to thestreambed. In most of the highly treated effluents,suspended solids concentrations are low and thewaste has been stabilized. It is usually found that therate at which the organic matter is removed is equalto the rate at which the dissolved oxygen is utilized(Kr = Kd). Furthermore, the coefficients Kr and Kdmay be quite different from the laboratory BOD testrate, K1, primarily because of the various physical andbiochemical characteristics of the two environments.It is useful to compare filtered versus unfiltered todetermine if Kd = Kr. Biological growths on thestreambed, nutrients, turbulence, and acclimation



(Figure 2-3a) (Figure 2-3b)


(Manhattan College, 1983)


may also contribute to the difference between thelaboratory rate, K1, and the field rates, Kr and Kd.

Both CBOD5 and CBODu can be used to describe thedecay of CBOD in streams when the ratio of the tworemain relatively constant in the downstream direc-tion. However, only CBODu can be used to simulatethe loss of dissolved oxygen in stream TMDL studies.For this reason, it is necessary to employ CBODumeasurements for model calibration. If measure-ments of CBOD5 are to be used, it is necessary todetermine the relationship between CBOD5 andCBODu. One purpose of evaluating K1 (in Equation2-5; CBOD5 = y, CBODu = Lo; and t = 5 days) is toconvert CBOD5, as usually reported, to CBODu,which is required for the dissolved oxygen modelinganalysis (e.g. QUAL2E or WASP5) (see Thomannand Mueller, 1987). Nitrogenous Deoxygenation (Nitrification)

The nitrogenous stage of the BOD test includes con-version of organic nitrogen to ammonia and the sub-sequent oxidation of ammonia (Figure 2-4). Manywastewaters contain organic nitrogen, such as urea,and/or ammonia. The former is hydrolyzed to ammo-nia, under aerobic or anaerobic conditions, withoutthe use of oxygen. Ammonia is successively oxidizedthrough nitrite to nitrate by the organisms Nitroso-monas and Nitrobacter, respectively.

NH 4+ + 1.5 O 2 −−> NO 2

− + H 2O + 2H +(2-8)

NO 2− + 0.5 O 2 −−> NO 3


Stoichiometrically, 3.43 and 1.14 grams of oxygenare required to transform each gram of ammonianitrogen to nitrite nitrogen (Equation 2-8) and nitritenitrogen to nitrate nitrogen (Equation 2-9), respec-tively. The decay of organic nitrogen indirectly re-quires oxygen after the organic nitrogen is hydrolyzedinto ammonia. Some researchers (e.g., Wezernakand Gannon, 1967; Adams and Eckenfelder, 1977)have suggested that the oxygen requirement couldbe reduced to 3.22 and 1.11 grams, respectively, dueto cell synthesis.

The most common approach to modeling nitrificationis to use first-order kinetics (similar to BOD describedearlier) to characterize Equations 2-8 and 2-9. That

is, the rate of accumulation or depletion is linearlydependent on the amount of nitrogen available in aspecific pool. Factors affecting the rate of nitrificationinclude temperature, pH, nitrogen concentrations,dissolved oxygen, suspended solids, and organic andinorganic compounds.

Because of the ease of measuring organic nitrogen,ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, waste load allocationmodeling of nitrification involves a mass balance anda description of each species decay. Nitrification isbest simulated as a cascade process involving hy-drolysis of organic nitrogen, oxidation of ammonia,and oxidation of nitrite. In some models, the interme-diate step of nitrite oxidation is combined with theoverall oxidation of ammonia to nitrate, but only littlecomputational efficiency is gained. Furthermore, theconversion of nitrite to nitrate is very rapid; therefore,the combination of the corresponding rates is notunreasonable.

A number of studies have demonstrated that nitrifica-tion and denitrification in the water column may bedominated by benthic processes, particularly in fast-moving shallow streams and rivers. Enumerations ofnitrifier organisms have demonstrated that benthicpopulations can be two to three orders of magnitudegreater than water column populations (Williams andLewis, 1986). Several studies have shown that up to80 to 95 percent of total nitrification can be accountedfor by benthic processes. Selected studies includethe James River in Virginia (Cerco, 1981), shallowstreams in North Carolina (Kreutzberger and Fran-cisco, 1977; Lewis, 1983), the Trent River in England(Curtis et al. 1975; Garland, 1978), and the PassaicRiver in New Jersey (Matulewich and Finstein, 1978).

The sequential forward reactions of mineralization oforganic nitrogen and nitrification suggest that nitrateshould accumulate as an end product of the reactions.Several data sets, however, suggest the removal ofnitrate from the water column along with the conver-sion of ammonia to nitrite and nitrate (see Seitzinger,1988). Simultaneous benthic nitrification and denitri-fication have been observed in the James River(Cerco, 1981) and in shallow streams in North Caro-lina (Williams and Lewis, 1986) and incorporated intowater quality models of oxygen and nitrogen distribu-tions (Cerco, 1981; Williams and Lewis, 1986).

Seitzinger (1988) has observed that measured ratesof denitrification in most river, lake, estuarine, andcoastal sediments (i.e., production of N2O gas) arehigher than the corresponding rates of nitrate loss to


the sediments. The major source of nitrate for sedi-ment denitrification underlying an aerobic water col-umn is nitrate produced in the sediments duringnitrification rather than nitrate diffusing from the over-lying water column into the sediments.

Some earlier stream models made the cascade proc-ess a single process by combining Equations 2-8 and2-9 and combining all nitrogenous oxygen demands(3.43 + 1.14 = 4.57 grams of oxygen per gram ofnitrogen) as NBOD. Modeling NBOD and CBOD asseparate demands is not as useful as modelingCBOD, organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrateas separate demands to track the sequential reac-tions of the nitrogen cycle, which is widely used inwaste load allocation studies. Nevertheless, NBODmodeling has been determined to be useful. Forexample, the Simplified Analytical Method for Deter-mining NPDES Effluent Limitations for POTWs Dis-charging into Low-Flow Streams (see Table 1-1) usesthis approach after ensuring that none of the con-straints of the method are violated. Reaeration

In general, oxygen may be removed from or added towater by various physical, chemical, or biologicalreactions. If oxygen is removed from the water col-umn and the concentration drops below the satura-tion level, there is a tendency to make up this deficitby the transfer of the gas from the atmospherethrough the surface into the stream at a certain rate.If oxygen is added and the water column concentra-tion is greater than the saturation level, the supersatu-ration is reduced by the transfer of oxygen from thestream to the air. Such interactions between the gasphase and liquid phase are driven by the partialpressure gradient in the gas phase and the concen-tration gradient in the liquid phase (see Thomann andMueller, 1987). In general, oxygen transfer in naturalwaters depends on:

• Internal mixing and turbulence due to velocitygradients and fluctuation.

• Temperature.

• Wind mixing.

• Waterfalls, dams, and rapids.

• Surface films.

• Water column depth.

The rate of transfer to be quantified in streamBOD/DO modeling analyses is expressed as:


dt= Ka (Cs − C)



dC/dt = rate of change of oxygenconcentration

Cs = saturation concentration ofdissolved oxygen

C = dissolved oxygen concentrationin stream

Ka = stream reaeration ratecoefficient (day-1)

Many empirical formulations have been developedfor estimating stream reaeration rate coefficients.For example, the QUAL2E model offers eight differ-ent formulations reported in the literature. Streamreaeration rate coefficients span a wide range ofvalues (typically 0.1 to 10 day-1 or even greater) andhave a greater magnitude than BOD reaction ratecoefficients. Appendix A presents reaeration ratecoefficients reported in the literature for a number ofwaterbodies with guidance for selection of an appro-priate equation. Sediment Oxygen Demand

Benthic decomposition of organic material is definedas the stabilization of the volatile suspended solidsthat have settled to the streambed. These depositsare stabilized by the biological activity of many differentorganisms including bacteria. As these organic ma-terials are associated with suspended solids, thedischarge of settleable waste components may forma sludge blanket below a wastewater outfall. After aperiod of time, organic materials may accumulate,since the deposition rate of particulate material isgreater than the decomposition and physical lossrate.

The demand of oxygen by sediment and benthicorganisms can, in some instances, be a significantfraction of the total oxygen demand. This is particu-larly true in small streams. The effects may be par-ticularly acute during low-flow and high-temperatureconditions. Decomposition of organic matter andrespiration of resident invertebrates form the majoroxygen demands from the sediment. In addition tobiological decomposition and respiration of benthicinvertebrates, net photosynthetic oxygen productionof attached benthic algae (periphyton) can also be asignificant component of the total SOD. The oxygenbalance of shallow streams, in particular, can be


influenced by this process since attached algae arefrequently present in shallow streams (see Terry andMorris, 1986; Jeppesen and Thyssen, 1984). Al-though these processes are distinct, they are typicallyquantified together because in situ measurementscombine oxygen uptake and separation of the proc-esses would result in added model complexity.

Because of its complexity, it is difficult to estimateSOD analytically and independently. In situ meas-urements of SOD are usually conducted using achamber at the bottom of the stream. Continuousmeasurement of oxygen uptake over a certain periodof time provides data to derive the oxygen consump-tion rate. In some cases, samples of river sediments(undisturbed) are taken to the laboratory to measurethe oxygen uptake of bottom muds. The amount ofoxygen used over the test period is calculated asgrams of oxygen per square meter per day (g O2/m2-day). In a modeling analysis, SOD is typically formu-lated as a zero-order process:


dt= −SOD ⁄ H



dC/dt = rate change of oxygenconcentration (g O2/m3-day)

SOD = sediment oxygen demand (gO2/m2-day)

H = average river depth (m)

Appendix A presents various values of SOD reportedin the literature for a number of streams and rivers.

Like many other reaction rate coefficients, the SODvalues can be determined by model calibration ifdirect measurements from the field are not available.The difficulty arises when SOD values need to bepredicted for future conditions. In recent years, cred-ible interactive sediment-water column models haveappeared to independently quantify the oxygen up-take rates of sediments. For example, Di Toro et al.(1990) have developed a SOD model based on di-agenesis of particulate organic materials to predictthe production of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), ammonium(NH4), phosphate (PO4), and silicon (Si). Such aframework explains some, but not all, of the proc-esses associated with SOD and is still being tested.As a result, EPA recommends that conservative es-timates of SOD be used for future conditions inTMDLs. Photosynthesis and Respiration

Through photosynthesis and respiration, phyto-plankton, periphyton, and rooted aquatic plants(macrophytes) could significantly affect the dis-solved oxygen levels in the water column. Becausephytoplankton growth requires sunlight and nutri-ents, quantifying photosynthetic oxygen productionwould need to address phytoplankton-nutrient dy-namics. That is, phytoplankton and nutrientsshould be modeled concurrently to address thisproblem. In many simple stream BOD/DO models,however, the oxygen production rate due to photo-synthesis and consumption rate due to respirationare assigned, thereby uncoupling the calculationfrom the phytoplankton-nutrient dynamics. In thissection, the simple approach is presented; the fulldiscussion of phytoplankton-nutrient dynamics isprovided in Chapter 4.

In a stream water quality model, the daily averageoxygen production due to photosynthesis and reduc-tion due to respiration is formulated as follows:


dt= P − R



dC/dt = rate of change of oxygenconcentration (mg O2/L-day)

P = average grossphotosynthesis production(mg O2/L-day)

R = average respiration (mgO2/L-day)

Note that R is considered to be plant respirationonly, excluding microbial respiration for carbona-ceous deoxygenation and nitrification. In amodel such as QUAL2E, the mass flux term forthe aquatic plant contributions to the oxygen bal-ance is typically modeled as a zero-order proc-ess:


dt= (α3 µ − α4 ρ ) Ag



dC/dt = rate of change of oxygenconcentration (mg O2/L-day)

Ag = algal biomass concentration(mg/L)



(After McCutcheon, 1989)


Atmolphlnc 0,




r\ CBODi -I '

i.......0.."..., 7'fff' , .-'N_,"_ , , "'VO""

1 , 1

, ._-'00


1L::Fd", c,,


0I , £ '",. l, ,,, "II


CG, .._....._~

". ,- DIS·P

Wr._-•• .........,I

N_v....._u......,••,o.ou. Chi • -_.- ALGAE

.- - ,.

µ = algal growth rate coefficient(day-1)

ρ = algal respiration ratecoefficient (day-1)

α3 = the stoichiometric ratio ofoxygen production per unitof algal photosynthesis(mg/ mg)

α4 = the stoichiometric ratio ofoxygen uptake per unit ofalgae respired (mg/mg)

2.3.5 Eutrophication Kinetics

Figure 2-5 shows the major kinetic processesusually considered in a complete DO, BOD, andnutrient analysis. The reader should note thesimilarities between Figures 2-2 and 2-5. Thefollowing processes are discussed in this section:

• Algal growth and nutrient uptake

• Algal death and settling

• Nutrient mineralization

• Sediment nutrient release Algal Growth and Nutrient Uptake

Phytoplankton growth is directly related to tempera-ture in moderate climates, nutrient effect, and lightintensity up to a saturating condition:

Gp = GT rL rn (2-14)


Gp = phytoplankton growth rate(day-1)

GT = temperature dependentgrowth rate (day-1)

rL = light effect (dimensionless)

rn = nutrient effect(dimensionless)

Temperature dependence, GT, is approximated by:

GT = Gmax (1.066)T-20


Gmax = maximum growth rate(day -1)

T = temperature (°C)

The value suggested for Gmax under average condi-tions for a mixed phytoplankton population is ap-proximately 1.8 day-1 (Thomann and Mueller,1987).

Auer and Canale (1980) and Canale and Vogel(1974) summarized data from phytoplankton growthexperiments conducted at various temperatures.These results, plotted in Figure 2-6, illustrate thedifferent temperature optimums for different phyla(species groups) of phytoplankton (diatoms, greenand blue-green algae) as well as the influence oftemperature on the growth rate. The growth rate atsaturating light condition can be expected to be spe-cies group dependent, as shown in Figure 2-7. Be-cause light energy available to phytoplankton varieswith depth and time of day, an appropriate expressionof light availability for use in models should accountfor these changes.

Averaging relative photosynthesis as a function oflight intensity over a given depth of water and over afixed interval of time yields

rL = 2.718 f

Ke HT[ e − α1 − e − α2 ]


α1 =IT

Is fe − Ke H


α2 =IT

Is f (2-15b)


rL = light effect

Is = saturating light intensity (ly/day)

IT = total daily solar radiation (ly)

f = photoperiod (day)

Ke = extinction coefficient (m-1)

H = depth (m)

T = average period (day)

The extinction coefficient, Ke, is dependant on inor-ganic solids, detrital particles, and phytoplanktonbiomass in the water body. Values of Ke in naturalwater bodies typically vary from 0.05 to 6.9 m-1.Typical values for IT range from 250 to 500 ly. Thecorresponding range of values for rL is 0.1 to 0.5, sothe overall daily effect of light extinction with depth isto reduce the growth rate by about 50-90 percent(Thomann and Mueller, 1987).





The phytoplankton growth rate is also a function ofnutrient concentrations up to a saturating condition,greater than which it remains constant with nutrientconcentration (Figure 2-8). At zero nutrient concen-tration, there is no growth. As the nutrient level isincreased, the growth rate is linearly proportional tothe availability of nutrients. However, as nutrientlevels continue to increase, the effect on the growthrate of the phytoplankton is saturated. Such a rela-tionship is described by a Michaelis-Menton formula-tion where the nutrient reduction factor, or nutrienteffect, for algal growth, rn, is:

rn = Nut

Km + Nut (2-16)


Nut = the nutrient concentration(µg/L)

Km = half saturation (Michaelis)constant (µg/L)

The Michaelis half-saturation constant, a function ofthe algal species group, is the nutrient concentrationfor which the nutrient reduction factor is 0.5 or half themaximum growth rate. The value usually rangesfrom 5 µg/L to 25 µg/L for nitrogen and from 1 µg/L to5 µg/L for phosphorus, depending on the species.

With more than one nutrient accounted for in themodel (i.e., nitrogen, phosphorus, silica), the nutrienteffect is given by:

rn = min ⎛⎜⎝


Kmn + DIN;


Kmp + DIP;


KSi + Si; . . .⎞⎟



rn = limiting nutrient reductionfactor

DIN = inorganic nitrogenconcentration (sum ofammonia, nitrate, and nitrite)

DIP = dissolved inorganicphosphorus concentration(µg/L)

Kmn = Michaelis-Menton constantfor nitrogen (µg/L)

Kmp = Michaelis-Menton constantfor phosphorus (µg/L)

Si = dissolved inorganic silicaconcentration (µg/L)

KSi = Michaelis-Menton constantfor silica (µg/L)

The minimum ratio of the nutrients considered in themodel thus controls the computation of the nutrient

FIGURE 2-8. EFFECT OF NUTRIENTS ON ALGAL GROWTH(After Ambrose et al., 1993a)


reduction factor and is described as the nutrient lim-iting algal growth. Nitrogen and phosphorus are re-quired by all algal species while silica is required onlyby diatoms.

Figure 2-9 shows the Michaelis-Menton formulationin a slightly different format. In this figure, Kmn = 25µg/L and Kmp = 1 µg/L are used. For a stream witha DIN concentration of 100 µg/L, this corresponds toa 20 percent reduction in the growth rate (rn = 0.8).For phosphorus to become the limiting nutrient in thestream, dissolved inorganic phosphorus must reacha level of 4 µg/L or less. It should also be pointed outthat if upstream nitrogen controls were instituted suchthat DIN was reduced to 60 µg/L for the same streamreach, a further reduction in DIP to 2.5 µg/L would berequired to keep phosphorus as the limiting nutrient.In other words, as the water column concentrationsof DIP begin to approach growth-limiting levels dueto continued reduction in point source phosphoruseffluents, any nitrogen control strategies that mightbe instituted would require additional levels of phos-

phorus removal to keep phosphorus as the limitingnutrient by keeping an upstream N/P ratio below 10. Algal Death

Decreases in algal biomass are brought about by twoprocesses: algal respiration and death. Algal respi-ration is caused by endogenous respiration, in whichalgal biomass is oxidized to generate CO2. Algaldeath includes grazing by zooplankton (for diatomsand greens only) and cell destruction through bacte-rial attack, disease, physical damage, the naturalaging process, or other mechanisms. The distinctionbetween phytoplankton reductions through deathand reductions through respiration, grazing byzooplankton, or settling is that upon death all thecarbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus contained in thealgal biomass is returned to the carbonaceous BOD(CBOD), organic nitrogen, and organic phosphoruspools, respectively. During respiration, carbon is



given off as CO2 rather than CBOD; through grazing,only a portion of the organic contents of the algal cellsis returned to the respective organic pools. (Theremaining portion is lost from the phytoplankton massbalance as zooplankton biomass.)

The algal reduction rate, Dp, can be expressed as:

Dp = Dp1 (T ) + Dz (2-18)


Dp1(T) = temperature-dependentendogenous respiration rate(day-1)

Dz = death rate (day-1) (grazingand natural mortality)

The phytoplankton death rate, Dz, is a function ofzooplankton population and zooplankton grazingrate. Zooplankton control the population of phyto-plankton through predation. They also recycle thenutrient content of their prey. Limited data onzooplankton usually do not allow elaborate formula-tion of zooplankton grazing. Given the concentrationof zooplankton and their filtering rate, the loss rate ofphytoplankton due to zooplankton grazing may beformulated. Algal Settling

Phytoplankton are lost from the water column throughsettling. In a vertically mixed water column, the netsettling rate (i.e., settling to the bottom less resuspen-sion from the bottom) is expressed as:

S =Vs

H (2-19)


S = net settling rate (day-1),

Vs = phytoplankton settlingvelocity (m/day)

H = average depth (m)

Through settling, none of the organic cell material isreturned to the organic nutrient pools in the watercolumn unless the model incorporates an explicitdynamic link between the sediments and the watercolumn (e.g., Di Toro et al. 1990). As with otherparameters in a eutrophication model, the phyto-plankton settling velocity is dependent on the algalspecies group and size of the organism. Settling

velocities can range from 0.1 to 10.0 m/day with smallcells (e.g., chlorophytes) characterized by low veloci-ties of 0.1 m/day and larger cell size diatoms byhigher velocities (1-10 m/day). Nitrogen Components

The major components of the nitrogen system aredetrital organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, and ni-trate. In natural waters, there is a stepwise transfor-mation from organic nitrogen to ammonia, nitrite, andnitrate, yielding nutrients for phytoplankton growth asshown in Figure 2-5. The kinetics of the transforma-tions are temperature-dependent.

During algal respiration and death, the cellular nitro-gen is returned to the organic nitrogen pool. Organicnitrogen undergoes a bacterial decomposition whoseend product is ammonia. Ammonia, in the presenceof nitrifying bacteria and oxygen, is oxidized to nitriteand to nitrate (nitrification). Both ammonia and ni-trate are available for uptake and use in algal growth;however, for physiological reasons the preferred formof nitrogen is ammonia (Conway, 1977; Garside,1981). The ammonia preference term is charac-terized in Figure 2-10. As the available nitrate in-creases above approximately the Michaelislimitation, for a given ammonia concentration, thepreference for ammonia reaches a plateau. Also, asthe concentration of available ammonia increases,the plateau levels off at values closer to unity, i.e.,total preference for ammonia. Phosphorus Components

In many stream water quality models, phosphorus isaccounted for in two forms: dissolved and particulate.A fraction of the phosphorus released during phyto-plankton respiration and death is in the inorganic formand readily available for uptake by other viable algalcells. The remaining fraction released is in the or-ganic form and must undergo a mineralization orbacterial decomposition into inorganic phosphorusbefore it can be used by phytoplankton.

There is an adsorption-desorption interaction be-tween dissolved inorganic phosphorus and sus-pended particulate matter in the water column. Thesubsequent settling of the suspended solids togetherwith sorbed inorganic phosphorus can act as a sig-nificant loss mechanism in the water column and is asource of phosphorus to the sediment. Comparedwith the reaction rates for the algal and biological


kinetics, which are on the orderofdays, theadsorption-desorption rates are much faster, permitting an in-stantaneous equilibrium assumption for thecalculation. In the model formulation, the concentra-tions of dissolved and particulate phosphorus need tobe repartitioned at every time step. A wide range ofpartition coefficients for phosphorus have been foundin the literature. Schreiber and Rausch (1979) re-ported partition coefficients ranging from 4,540 to15,900 for a flow detention reservoir (see alsoThomann and Fitzpatrick, 1982). Sediment Nutrient Release

In addition to the external sources of nutrients, therelease of nutrients from the sediments may also beimportant. Such releases occur as a result of agradient in nutrient concentration between the over-lying water and the interstitial water of the sediment.In some systems, the impact of sediment nutrientrelease can be significant and can result in continuingeutrophication problems even after point sourceshave been substantially reduced through controlmeasures. Sediment nutrient releases can be

treated as nutrient sources to the stream in wasteload allocation modeling studies. In the absence ofsite-specific field data describing sediment nutrientrelease, approximations can be made on the basis ofsediment oxygen demand estimates (see AppendixA).


2.4.1 Mass Balance Principle

The basic principle used to formulate a stream waterquality model is mass balance. That is, for a givensegment of the stream, the accumulation of a waterquality constituent over a finite period of time is equalto the mass entering the segment plus the massadded to the segment, less the mass leaving thesegment and the mass lost within the segment (Fig-ure 2-11).

Accumulation = Mass In − Mass Out

+ Source − Sink (2-20)





river flow rate (L3/T)concentration of dissolved oxygen (M/L3 )

Cs = saturation concentration of dissolved oxygen (M/L3 )L = CBOD concentration (M/L3 )H = mean water depth (L)dV = segment volume A∆x(L3 )

α3 = the stoichiometric ratio of oxygen production per unit of algal photosynthesis (M/M

α4 = the stoichiometric ratio of oxygen uptake per unit of algae respired (M/M)

α5, α6 = the stoichiometric ratio of oxygen uptake per unit of ammonia and nitrite-nitrogen oxidation,respectively (M/M)

β1, β2 = ammonia and nitrite oxidation rate coefficient, respectively (T -1 )

µ = algal growth rate coefficient (T -1 )

ρ = algal respiration rate coefficient (T -1 )

N1, N2 = ammonia and nitrite-nitrogen concentration, respectively (M/L3 )Ag = algal biomass concentration (M/L3 )SOD = temperature-adjusted rate constant for SOD (M/L2T)Ka = atmospheric reaeration rate: reflects first-order reaction whereby a fraction of oxygen deficit is

satisfied, e−Ka t = e−Kax⁄U (T −1)

Ka(Cs-C) = change in dissolved oxygen concentration in a segment that when, multiplied by segment volume(dV), yields change in dissolved oxygen mass in segment (M/L3T)

Kd = BOD oxidation rate where oxidation accounts for all CBOD removal (T -1 )


(After USEPA, 1983a)

Dimension Code

L = lengthM = massT = time


Applying the mass balance principle and consideringa small segment of a stream, one may develop:

dV∆C = QC∆t − [Q + ∆Q] [C+∂C

∂x∆x] ∆t

+W ∆t − dV KC ∆t (2-21)


dV = volume of the segment andis equal to A∆x (L3)

∆C = change of concentration(M/L3)

Q = flow rate (L3/t)

C = concentration (M/L3)

∆t = small increment of time (t)

∆Q = change of flow rate over thelength


∂x= concentration gradient over

∆x (M/L4)

W = direct loading rate (Mt-1)

K = first-order reaction rate (t-1)

Dividing Equation 2-21 by dV∆t results in


∂t= −Q



∂x− C



∂x+ W



Assuming steady-state conditions and neglecting theflow gradient, the above equation becomes

0 = − Q



∂x+ W

dV− KC


Note that the reaction term KC may represent formu-lations for carbonaceous deoxygenation, nitrogenousdeoxygenation, reaeration, or any other first-orderreactions.

2.4.2 Dissolved Oxygen Equation

Using the notation in Figure 2-11, the distribution ofdissolved oxygen may be formulated by including alldissolved oxygen sources and sinks described inSection 2.3:

0 = − Q



dx+ Ka (Cs − C) − KdL

– α5 β1 N1 − α6 β2 N2

+ (α3µ − α4 ρ)Ag − SOD

H (2-24)

The terms on the right side of Equation 2-24 repre-sent, respectively: the downstream transport of oxygenwith the stream flow, atmospheric reaeration, biologi-cal oxidation of CBOD, biological oxidation of ammo-nia, biological oxidation of nitrite photosynthesis lessrespiration, and the biological oxidation of sedimentmaterials. If CBOD is removed only by direct oxida-tion, the deoxygenation rate coefficient, Kd, reflectingactual oxygen reduction in the system, is equal to theCBOD removal rate coefficient, Kr. Equation 2-24may be transformed into the time domain by substi-tuting the relationship Adx/Q is equal to dt, or


dt= Ka (Cs − C) − Kd L

− α5 β1 N1 − α6 β2 N2

+ (α3 µ − α4 ρ)Ag − SOD

H (2-25)

Equation 2-25 is the differential equation that is nu-merically solved by QUAL2E to describe the rate ofoxygen change in one-dimensionalstreamsandrivers.

In some stream BOD/DO models, the dissolved oxy-gen deficit, D (=Cs-C), is used instead of dissolvedoxygen to formulate the dissolved oxygen profile, andEquation 2-24 can be expressed as:

0 = −Q



dx− KaD + KdL + α5 β1 N1 + α6 β2 N2

− (α3 µ − α4 ρ) Ag + SOD

H (2-26)

Because of zero-order and first-order kinetics formu-lated in the model, the dissolved oxygen deficit termsdue to different sources and sinks may be added (i.e.,superimposed). For a simple case where nitrifica-tion, SOD, algal photosynthesis, and algal respirationare not significant and can be neglected, the solutionto Equation 2-26 is:

D =Kd Lo

Ka − Kr(e − Kr


U − e− Kax

U) + Do e − Kax


Figure 2-12 shows the dissolved oxygen profile ob-tained by subtracting the dissolved oxygen deficit(Equation 2-27) from the saturated dissolved oxygenconcentration. Also shown in Figure 2-12 is theCBODu profile represented by Equation 2-7. At x =




W" I t. [}JlilC!t!.",.;_ (~ • 0, T • 0)

I (h )'9'" e4 '~"l'l. d!.II)' aila: t.r.1iI

20'0,i'2,.TIME (days)




z -

DIstance (Miles) (U '" 2rnllday)



$ -

o 4 • --~--

------00 "'fa·rll. 'W lh JIl .....'dllWl~'K s. O.2/dil.y)

O';YIil"" ~'9I"1'J,lfT\...dD)' .~ ..1.rl:ij

"--.-~~._. .....:.DO.:..:.P:..:'.:.::rI::.:...W::.':.::'~::.N::..:..:.:.~.:.:~:.::.:..:..:..:'=".__

o2 • • B '0 12

TIME (days)20

0, the initial CBODu concentration is 10 mg/L fol-lowing complete mixing between the waste load andstream flow. After 10 days all of the CBODu hasbeen exerted. Since the CBOD test measures theamount of organic material present in terms of theamount of oxygen required for its stabilization bybacteria, the reduction of CBOD concentration isequivalent to the dissolved oxygen consumption.The bottom plot in Figure 2-12 shows two calculateddissolved oxygen profiles associated with the CBODprofile in the top plot. The lower profile represents thedissolved oxygen concentration in the river if oxygenwere not replenished by reaeration. In this case, theassumed initial dissolved oxygen concentration of 12mg/L is ultimately reduced to 2 mg/L to compensatefor the CBOD reduction (in top plot). The upperprofile indicates the net effect of reaeration providinga source of oxygen.

The characteristic shape of the stream dissolvedoxygen profile (called the DO sag curve) is the resultof interplay of the biological oxidation and reaerationrates. Each is represented by first-order kinetics. Inthe early stages, oxidation greatly exceeds reaerationbecause of high CBOD concentrations and river dis-solved oxygen concentrations close to saturation(i.e., small deficit). Oxygen is used faster than it isresupplied, and stream dissolved oxygen concentra-tions decrease. As the waste moves downstream,the consumption of oxygen decreases with the stabi-lization of waste and the supply of oxygen from theatmosphere increases because of greater deficits.The driving force to replenish oxygen by atmosphericreaeration is directly proportional to the oxygen defi-cit, (i.e., low oxygen concentration). At some pointdownstream from the waste discharge, the decreas-ing utilization and the increasing supply are equal.This is the critical location, where the lowest concen-tration of dissolved oxygen occurs. Further down-stream, the rate of supply exceeds the utilization rate,resulting in a full recovery of the dissolved oxygenconcentration. The above discussion is a simpleillustration of the BOD/DO modeling analysis conceptwhen it is assumed that organic decomposition andreaeration are the dominant pro-cesses affecting theorganic balance. In reality, many other factors suchas nitrification and SOD can significantly change theshape of the profile. Many streams receive nonpoint

sources upstream or other point sources that depressthe upstream dissolved oxygen below a saturationvalue. Natural background loading also may depressdissolved oxygen in certain streams. Note that con-stant hydraulic geometry is also assumed in theabove illustration. In a natural stream, it is difficult tofind constant hydraulic geometry for more than a fewmiles. In this case, the stream is divided into anumber of reaches with uniform geometry.

2.4.3 Separate Mass Balance Equations byConstituent

Dissolved oxygen dynamics depend on the interac-tions of several constituents and processes. Theconstituents that directly influence oxygen includeBOD, ammonia nitrite, and nitrate. Nitrogen andphosphorous determine growth of phytoplankton,periphyton, and aquatic plants and subsequently af-fect dissolved oxygen via photosynthesis and respi-ration. For each constituent that is in the dissolvedoxygen mass balance, a separate mass balanceequation is used to account for the reactions of thatparameter. Using the notation developed thus far,these constituents may be modeled by the massbalance equations summarized in Table 2-4. Themass balance equations in Table 2-4 can be found inmany stream water quality models (e.g., QUAL2E)that have been used inTMDL studies. Thomann andMueller (1987) present a simplified version of theeutrophication equation for river and stream eutrophi-cation analysis.

One should note that the major difference betweenthe BOD/DO modeling and nutrient/eutrophicationmodeling is in terms of the model formulations. Thatis, the equations governing phytoplankton growth arenonlinear functions of nutrients and light availability,whereas the BOD/DO equations are all linear. In fact,the phytoplankton/nutrient problems are the mostdifficult models to work with because of the complex-ity of the algal biology, the nonlinear interactionsbetween nutrients and aquatic plants, and the inter-actions of the sediment-water column interface. Asa result, the superposition of results from BOD/DOequations is appropriate to isolate the effects of thevarious linear reaction terms, whereas the same isnot true of the eutrophication results.



Carbonaceous BOD (CBOD) dL

dt= − (Kd + Ks ) L = −Kr L

Ammonia Nitrogen dN1

dt= β3 N4 − β1 N1 +


H− Fα1 µAg

Nitrite Nitrogen dN2

dt= β1 N1 − β2 N2

Nitrate Nitrogen dN3

dt= β2 N2 − (1 − F)α1 µ Ag

Organic Nitrogen dN4

dt= α1 ρAg − β3 N4 − σ4 N4

Algae dAg

dt= (µ − ρ) Ag

Organic Phosphorus dP1

dt= α2 ρ Ag − β4 P1 − σ5 P1

Dissolved Phosphorus dP2

dt= β4 P1 +


H− α2 µ Ag

Variables and coefficients not previously identified in Figure 2-11:

N3 = nitrate nitrogen concentration(M/L3)

F = fraction of algal nitrogen uptakefrom ammonia pool

N4 = organic nitrogen concentration(M/L3)

β3 = organic nitrogen hydrolysis ratecoefficient (T-1)

P1 = organic phosphorus concentration(M/L3)

β4 = organic phosphorus decay rate(T -1)

P2 = dissolved phosphorus concentration(M/L3)

σ2 = benthos source rate for dissolvedphosphorus (M/L2T)

α1 = fraction of algal biomass that isnitrogen (M/M)

σ3 = benthos source rate for ammonianitrogen (M/L2T)

α2 = phosphorus content of algae(M/M)

σ4 = rate coefficient for organic nitrogensettling (T -1)

Ks = effective loss rate due to settling (T -1) σ5 = rate coefficient for organicphosphorus settling (T -1)




The purpose of this chapter is to provide generalguidance and some specific procedures for selectingan appropriate model(s) to support the developmentof TMDLs for BOD, DO, and nutrients in streams andrivers. Section 3.2 presents an overview of Chapter3. Section 3.3 identifies and discusses the steps ofmodel selection. A brief review of selected models ispresented in Section 3.4. As stated earlier, the mod-els reviewed in this guidance emphasize the fate andtransport of BOD, DO, and nutrients in streams andrivers.


The success of a modeling effort to support thedevelopment of TMDLs is highly dependent on under-standing the complexity of the water quality problems.This understanding will assist in defining the requiredaccuracy, analyzing the implication of various simpli-fying assumptions, and eventually selecting an ap-propriate modeling strategy and modeling tools. It isgenerally known that the preferred and most cost-ef-fective approach is to use the simplest model thatincludes all the important processes affecting waterquality in the stream or river. Problem understanding,normally gained through characterization studies us-ing available data, provides answers to questionssuch as the following: Are nonpoint sources an impor-tant contributor to water quality impairment? Are non-point sources or a portion of nonpoint sourcescontrollable? Is watershed modeling necessary, andif so, what is the sufficient level of detail? What arethe temporal and spatial boundaries of impaired wa-ters? In general, the results of watershed and waterquality characterization define the modeling needs aswell as the need for monitoring, field surveys, andother support activities. The selection of too simplea model may result in inaccurate predictions of man-agement needs and their implications on water qual-ity. The cost implications of decisions are alsoimportant factors. Furthermore, inaccurate projec-tions from present to future conditions may be causedby an insufficient sensitivity of the selected model(s)

to changes in watershed or water quality processessuch as the balance of sediment oxygen demand inspecific reaches or seasons.

On the other hand, the selection of too complex amodel can result in misdirected resources, delays inthe study, and unnecessary costs. Predictive uncer-tainty may increase because of extra “free” modelparameters that cannot be estimated with availabledata and resources. Study costs will increase be-cause of the additional data needs, as well as modelcalibration and validation requirements. When waterquality impairment is characterized as the result ofboth controllable point and nonpoint loadings, theselection of the modeling tools should be compatibleso that watershed modeling results provide the datanecessary for analysis of the water quality in thereceiving water.


Successful model selection results from achieving aclose match of the primary site-specific physical,hydrologic, and water quality features of interest to amodel’s capabilities to simulate these features. Twocategories of models are available for use throughoutthe TMDL process. The first category consists ofwatershed models that can be used to derive pollut-ant loadings from both point and nonpoint sources.Watershed models rely on (1) hydrologic processesand water balance over the watershed and (2) thephysiographic characteristics of the watershed in-cluding land use and land cover, soils, topography,water uses, and discharges from municipal and in-dustrial facilities. A detailed review of these modelsin terms of their potential application in the develop-ment of TMDLs is presented in USEPA (1992b). Thesecond category consists of receiving water modelsthat can be used to assess the impact of pollutantloadings on the waterbody. These models rely on(1) transport characteristics of the receiving waterincluding flow rate, stream morphology and bounda-ries, and reaeration and dispersion parameters and(2) fate of the pollutant within reaches of the receivingwater. Available watershed and water quality modelsrange from simple empirical and statistical proce-


dures to more deterministic and multidimensionalmodels. In addition, these models can be differenti-ated based on a number of criteria including:

• Water quality constituents modeled.

• Spatial and temporal resolution of the results.

• Level of detail used to simulate hydrologicand water quality processes.

• Level of effort and data requirements for thespecific application.

• Ease of application including input and out-put data processing, user support, documen-tation, and operating requirements.

Most importantly, the selection process should focuson determining which watershed and water qualityprocesses closely match the site-specific charac-teristics. As mentioned earlier, the results of thecharacterization of watershed and water quality con-ditions can facilitate this selection process by provid-ing information for (1) establishing the studyobjectives and constraints, (2) determining theneeded detail to represent the pollutant loadings andthe problem boundaries and identifying the criticalconditions in terms of their temporal and spatial reso-lution, and (3) determining the pollutant of concernand the required mathematical formulations of hydro-logic and water quality interactions.

A preliminary step of the characterization study con-sists of reviewing existing information about the waterbody so that the dominant physical and chemicalprocesses can be defined. This information includesavailable site-specific analyses, monitoring data, pastmodeling studies that identify pollution sources andtheir magnitude, stream flow data, hydrologic andstatistical characteristics, and ambient water qualityimpairment. In certain instances, simple calculationsand statistical procedures may be required prior to themodeling selection process. These procedures mayinclude pollutant loading estimates using simple load-ing functions, pollutant transport predictions usinganalytical steady-state methods, and prediction ofwater quality violations using standard excursion andtrend analysis techniques. The result of this step isa detailed description of the modeling objectives andthe potential and anticipated constraints. The mag-nitude of nonpoint source loadings and the signifi-cance of their impact on the receiving water maydictate whether a watershed model is necessary orwhether a steady-state water quality model is suffi-cient to represent the dominant transport processes.

A second step may involve further evaluation of thevariability of pollution sources and the hydrologicregime to assess the level of modeling effort requiredto represent the temporal and spatial resolution of thewater impairment under consideration. Analysis ofthe variability of pollution loadings from varioussources and identification of critical water qualityimpairment conditions will result in identification of thetemporal and spatial resolution to be considered inmodel development in order to ensure an accuraterepresentation of the system. At this stage, the analy-sis should ensure that the watershed model and thereceiving water quality model are properly addressingthe key decisions and that all assumptions are withinthe acceptable range. Although most streams andrivers can be represented using a one-dimensionalsteady-state model, certain wide or deep reachesmay exhibit significant lateral and vertical water qual-ity gradients, therefore requiring a two-dimensionalconfiguration. In both of these cases, a simple wa-tershed loading model may be sufficient to provideinput data for the water quality model. However, amore detailed continuous or design storm watershedsimulation model may be required if water impairmentis characterized as storm-driven events, if a dynamicrepresentation of water quality is required to capturedaily variabilities, or if conditions where specific pol-lutant concentrations violate certain criteria must bedefined.

In a third step, an initial assessment of the dominantwater quality interactions is necessary to ensure thatthe proper combination of constituent and kineticsformulation is represented by the model. For exam-ple, where algal photosynthesis and respiration are asmall component of the dissolved oxygen balance,the corresponding terms and rate coefficients can beignored in the model equations. Similarly, sequentialreaction of the various forms of organic and inorganicnitrogen may be highly nonlinear, resulting in time andspace lags in the resultant dissolved oxygen profileand therefore making it inadvisable to select a modelthat combines all nitrogen reactions in a single term.

The steps listed above are addressed in more detailin the following sections, with special emphasis onBOD, DO, and nutrients in streams and rivers. Modelselection may require a phased approach in whichsimple formulations are considered initially in Phase1 of TMDL development. As new monitoring data andcharacterization studies become available, a moredetailed modeling effort can be considered.


3.3.1 Study Objectives and Constraints

The first step in selecting an appropriate model tosupport the development of TMDLs is to review theexisting data on pollutant loadings, stream flows, andambient water quality regarding the designated usesof the stream and the applicable water quality stand-ards. Estimation of pollutant loadings from a water-shed may also require land use distribution data, soilcharacteristics, information on existing managementpractices, and pollutant buildup and washoff parame-ters in addition to climatic and hydrologic charac-teristics. These data should be reviewed to indicatewhether standards violations or water quality prob-lems are associated with diel fluctuations, stormevents, flow variations, or seasons of the year.

In selecting a receiving water quality model, themodeler can use this information to determine thetemporal resolution (steady-state, quasi steady-state, real time) and to specify the magnitude andvariability of point and nonpoint sources that must beincluded in the selected modeling approach. Ambi-ent water quality data should also indicate whereviolations or impairment problems are occurring andwhether significant spatial gradients in concentra-tions exist. The combined information collected onthe watershed and hydrologic characteristics andwater quality problems will help determine the levelof effort needed and the type of water and waterquality processes that must be considered. Exam-ples of processes of major concern when modelingBOD, DO, and nutrients in stream and rivers includeCBOD oxidation, nitrite oxidation, sediment oxygendemand, ammonia oxidation, atmospheric reaera-tion, and algal photosynthesis and respiration.

The modeling framework should include preliminarymass balance calculations using simple models oranalytical equations to help define water quality proc-esses. These simple models provide analytical solu-tions for various load scenarios under varying flowconditions. In-stream sinks and sources can also berepresented using simplified formulations such aszero- and first-order decay equations.

It is also desirable to anticipate the technical issuesassociated with pollution control scenarios, overallcontrol levels, and other changes in watershed char-acteristics such as changes in land use and theaddition of new sources of pollution. These issuescan be summarized in terms of how these changesaffect the magnitude of pollutant problems and there-fore the modeling and monitoring needs. These

needs actually represent the project objectives anddefine a number of criteria to assist in selecting theappropriate model.

3.3.2 Pollutant Loadings, Spatial and TemporalResolution, and Transport Mechanisms Pollution Sources

Various loads, sources, and sinks influence the dis-solved oxygen distribution in streams and rivers. Up-stream sources of oxygen demand or dissolvedoxygen deficit can be caused by point source dis-charges from municipal and industrial waste treat-ment plants; combined and separate sewer systemdischarges and urban runoff; and runoff from for-ested, agricultural, and suburban drainage areas.In-stream processes that affect dissolved oxygendistribution include sediment oxygen demand, ben-thic regeneration, and oxygen production and utiliza-tion by phytoplankton and other aquatic plants.

All sources that are explicitly included in the TMDLanalysis require direct measurements on appropriatetime and space scales to define the magnitude of theindividual source by contaminant. Under diverseconditions, receiving water quality data are requiredto evaluate the effects of both point and nonpointsources.

The primary contaminants of concern associated withpoint sources are organic carbon compounds thatproduce carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand(CBOD) and the reduced forms of nitrogen that resultin nitrification. For each source type, it is necessaryto define the magnitude of the ultimate oxygen de-mand for both classes of contaminants. In addition,field and laboratory data may be required to distin-guish between the forms of organic nitrogen that canhydrolyze to ammonia and the nitrogen that is effec-tively refractory. This distinction can be importantwhen nitrification is a concern. The effluents fromtreatment plants without nitrification can contain po-tentially significant concentrations of organic nitro-gen. The degree of nitrification required can beinfluenced by the organic nitrogen level in the effluentthat can be transformed to ammonia and sub-sequently oxidized in the stream or river. Althoughconsidered point sources, combined sewer overflows(CSOs) are storm-driven and contribute additionalpollutants of concern to stormwater discharges.Groundwater may also contribute a significant portionof nitrate to surface water, although unless proven


contaminated, this portion of the loading is uncon-trollable within the short term.

Nonpoint source pollutants come primarily from agri-cultural lands, forested watersheds, and urban storm-water runoff. Agricultural areas can contribute asignificant amount of nutrients depending on fertiliza-tion programs. Organic loads also can be significantduring certain periods of the year. The main concernassociated with agricultural sources is the storm-driven aspect of the pollutant loadings and the directrelationship between the occurrence of storm eventsand agricultural practices (e.g., timing and rate offertilizer application, soil plowing and tillage tech-niques, etc.). Many researchers recognize that for-ested watersheds represent pristine conditions andthat pollutant loadings from these areas are the resultof natural processes. These loads represent thebackground condition and should be considered un-controllable. However, some silvicultural activities(e.g., road construction, timber harvesting, pre-scribed burning) may result in soil disturbance anderosion processes that represent concerns similar tothose for agricultural areas. Pollutants of concerninclude high suspended sediment and organic debrisfrom destruction of topsoils. Urban stormwater runoffis also a complex, storm-driven source. Stormwaterrunoff transports significant amounts of metals.Build-up of dust and dirt on impervious areas repre-sents a major process characterizing urban sources.Where combined sewer overflows (CSOs) are con-tributing to stormwater runoff, additional pollutants ofconcern involve those associated with municipalwaste. Model Dimensions

Most receiving water modeling projects that addressdissolved oxygen in streams and rivers under sum-mer, low-flow conditions can be adequately repre-sented as one-dimensional , steady-statecalculations. Both theory and practice demonstratethat dissolved oxygen gradients in streams and riversare most significant along the longitudinal axis. Thereare only relatively minor vertical and lateral gradientsexcept in the initial mixing zone at the point of dis-charge. Near the shore of streams and rivers, lateralgradients can occur from low oxygen conditions re-sulting from groundwater inflow depleted of oxygen,photosynthetic and respiratory processes of attachedalgae, elevated temperature, and reduced velocity(and atmospheric reaeration) of the shallower near-shore area. Most, if not all, State laws and regula-tions have defined initial mixing zones that alleviate

the need to simulate the three-dimensional mixing ofan effluent in a stream. This is especially true forCBOD and dissolved oxygen, for which it can beshown that only small errors result from treating theeffluent plume as being immediately mixed at thepoint of discharge (McCutcheon, 1989). For ammo-nia toxicity, as well as other toxic constituents, it is theusual practice to meet chronic toxicity criteria at theedge of the mixing zone and acute criteria at the endof the discharge pipe and in the mixing zone of initialdilution (ZID). However, it is also important to ac-count for the far-field effect of a potentially toxicdischarge, since the extent of the toxicity is related toambient and effluent levels of pH, temperature, andhardness. An effluent discharge from an activatedsludge municipal wastewater plant that is charac-terized by low pH in the effluent may not cause anammonia toxicity problem in the near-field mixingzone. However, further downstream, after the pH hasreturned to ambient conditions, ammonia toxicity canoccur in the far-field region. Refer to the Technical

Support Document for Water Quality-based Toxics

Control (USEPA, 1991b) for additional information.

Certain rivers may require a framework that encom-passes a two-dimensional analysis. These situationsare generally associated with deep rivers or run-of-the-river impoundments where vertical or lateral gra-dients can be significant. Depending on thegeomorphology, the upstream regions of lakes andimpoundments may be characterized by significantlateral, as well as longitudinal, variations in dissolvedoxygen that would require a two-dimensional analy-sis.

If a second dimension (i.e., depth or width) is re-quired, the analyst should provide justification interms of the specific decision-making elements relat-ing to controls and treatment. This requirement isnecessary since the additional dimension in theanalysis for streams or rivers will usually requiresubstantially more data collection efforts and gener-ally will result in a more complex model whose pa-rameter values cannot be determined reliably in allcases. Thus, if the study is not done well, the addi-tional dimension can tend to weaken the analysis andmay adversely affect the ability to make decisions.However, if significant vertical or lateral oxygen gra-dients are apparent in observed data, a two-dimen-sional model should be used.

Three-dimensional analysis of stream and river sys-tems is still under development. These complex mod-els are recommended only for TMDL decisions that


cannot be addressed in any other fashion. If three-dimensional models are required, they must be de-veloped by experts in the field. Spatial Extent

The spatial extent of the modeling analysis shouldextend downstream of the dissolved oxygen recoveryzone (see Figure 2-12). This spatial coverage isnecessary for several reasons:

• Reaeration is a dominant factor in the zoneof recovery, and analysis can provide infor-mation on the value of the reaeration coeffi-cient.

• In many situations, a key issue is the pres-ence of nitrification and the rate at which itmay occur following treatment upgrades.Observations of nitrification in the zone ofdissolved oxygen recovery could be valuablein defining bounds for nitrification rates to beconsidered in making projections under fu-ture conditions.

• Indications of phytoplankton or other aquaticplant growth can be obtained by examiningthe dissolved oxygen recovery zone aftertreatment upgrades.

The information obtained from the zone of dissolvedoxygen recovery will depend, to a large extent, on theuniformity of the stream. Time Scale

The time scale selected for the analysis should be afunction of both the observed water quality and thedissolved oxygen standards or criteria for the systembeing analyzed. Dissolved oxygen analysis instreams and rivers usually can be performed on aseasonal time scale, employing either a steady-stateor time-variable analysis. It is desirable to evaluatewater quality data collected during several seasonsto determine the critical period to be analyzed. Themost frequent critical period is the low-flow, high-tem-perature summer period. Winter periods, however,may also be critical because of ice cover (physicalrestriction of reaeration). Fall may be significant ifupstream organic carbon sources from phytoplank-ton and/or aquatic plants result in large depressionsin dissolved oxygen. Also, spring floods that pick uplarge amounts of organic debris from adjacent flood-plains can result in severe dissolved oxygen deple-tion or phytoplankton blooms. Some Great Plains

streams experience a low flow in spring before snow-melt occurs. A rigorous hydraulic analysis is neededto define the critical flow periods in relation to theoxygen balance.

Next, the analyst must determine the time interval tobe used in the water quality analysis. Severalchoices available are listed below in order of increas-ing complexity:

• Steady-state.

• Quasi-steady-state, including

– Constant loads—constant stream flowand diel dissolved oxygen productionby phytoplankton or aquatic plants

– Constant loads—variable stream flow– Variable loads—constant stream flow– Other combinations of the above

• Fully time-variable dynamic analysis.

In a steady-state analysis, a spatial profile of concen-tration is calculated, such as would result at equilib-rium (stream flows, waste loads, temperature, etc.).To the extent that actual variations in pollutant load,stream flow, and other factors can be realisticallyapproximated by constant conditions for the periodcovered by the analysis, the calculated receivingwater concentration profile will approximate an aver-age of the actual concentrations during that period.

A fully time-variable analysis performs successivecalculations at relatively short time steps and acceptsvariable input values for parameters such as streamflow, pollutant load, and temperature. The results area record of both temporal and spatial fluctuations inthe calculated water quality concentrations. Practicalconsiderations of cost and operating time usually limitthe duration that can be covered by such an analysisto critical conditions.

“Continuous” versions of time-variable models ex-tend the calculations over longer periods of time byusing larger time steps and averaging the variableinput over that period. As a result, the calculatedreceiving water concentrations will not reflect short-term variations but will reproduce the longer-termfluctuation trends. Also available are complex kineticsystems that relate oxygen levels to phytoplanktonpopulations (chlorophyll a), which in turn are control-led by light, nutrients, zooplankton, and other factors.These latter frameworks are time-variable and re-quire extensive data for model calibration and valida-tion.


Quasi-steady-state analyses usually have one time-variable element incorporated into what basically re-mains a steady-state calculation. For example, theQUAL2E program assumes that flow and loads areconstant and simulates the dynamic effect of sunlight,temperature, and wind. Quasi-steady-state analysesthat use steady-state calculations supplemented bytime-variable calculations of diel oxygen variationsare also available for streams and rivers (Chapra andDi Toro, 1991).

Continuous monitoring data (usually dissolved oxy-gen and flow measurements) are useful to determinethe time resolution required for TMDL modeling. Forexample, if dissolved oxygen levels reach a constantlow value for long periods and if flow and loads arerelatively constant, then a steady-state analysisshould be employed. Accordingly, if dissolved oxy-gen levels fluctuate, then a quasi-dynamic or dynamicanalysis may be in order. However, steady-stateaveraging using a daily averaging period should beattempted before complex dynamic models are ap-plied. If an average condition is investigated, then thefluctuations about the mean and relationships be-tween the standard (i.e., daily or hourly averagedissolved oxygen standard) and the mean valuesmust be investigated as well. If necessary, somesafety factor must be incorporated when using asteady-state analysis to estimate the mean trends ina dynamically varying stream.

Variability in loads and upstream conditions does notnecessarily dictate a dynamic analysis. Only a sig-nificant variable response in water quality during criti-cal low dissolved oxygen periods justifies a dynamicanalysis to determine the exact critical conditions.

Diel variability due to photosynthesis also does notnecessarily justify a dynamic or quasi-dynamic simu-lation. It has been consistently proven possible tosimulate the average net effect of dissolved oxygenproduction minus respiration (P-R). However, thefluctuation about the mean must be measured orestimated by alternative means and taken into ac-count (see Thomann and Mueller, 1987).

In general, a steady-state analysis should be widelyuseful. Point sources, sediment oxygen demand,groundwater inflows, and upstream backgroundloads are approximately constant or can be ade-quately averaged. A dynamic analysis may be justi-fied only if standards require that minimum dissolvedoxygen levels be maintained at all times or for asignificant portion of the time (i.e., 95 percent of the

time) and loads are known to cause variable dis-solved oxygen levels in the stream. The effects ofphotosynthesis can normally be taken into accountwith a steady-state analysis, or a dynamic analysismay occasionally be useful. The dynamic simulationis expected to provide more reliable predictions butwill require more data collection and more computa-tions. The increased amount of data input to performa dynamic analysis also creates difficulty with properinterpretation of the results.

The issue of the time interval of the analysis is in partcontrolled by the major pollution sources. Pointsources, sediment oxygen demand, and upstreamconditions usually can be represented by steady-state modeling, which employs time-averaged valuesfor the loads from these sources. The same type ofanalysis can be appropriate for some nonpointsources, such as those associated with groundwaterinflow, leaching from bottom deposits, and drainagenot directly related to transient events such as stormrunoff or spills. By contrast, event-related inputs ofmass, such as those associated with storms thatproduce urban runoff and runoff from other land usetypes, can require either a time-variable analysis or aquasisteady-state analysis. The quasi-steady-stateanalysis often can be considered in situations whenthe receiving water is large and the incremental flowassociated with the study area being modeled issmall. For most of these situations, however, a time-variable analysis has been necessary.

The time-variable analysis can be applied satisfacto-rily if sufficient data exist or can be obtained. Projec-tions present a special set of problems in terms ofidentifying the storms or storm sequences to be usedto develop the TMDL. Furthermore, the event-relateddissolved oxygen problem can be influenced stronglyby the hydrograph after the event and the geomor-phology of the downstream segments of the water-body. In addition, the basic technical, economic, andenvironmental issues associated with wet-weatherstandards for dissolved oxygen have not yet beenaddressed fully. Transport Mechanisms

The transport mechanisms that influence the distribu-tion of wastes discharged into free-flowing streamsand tidally mixed streams include advective transportand dispersive transport. Advective transport repre-sents the bulk transport, by flow, and is often thedominant net transport mechanism except in certain


tidally mixed streams where strong flow reversalsoccur. Dispersive transport represents the mixing(lateral and longitudinal) caused by local velocitygradients within the bulk fluid and is normally a smallportion of the net transport except in tidally mixedstreams where the net advective transport is over-shadowed by the longitudinal mixing caused by peri-odic, strong tidally reversing flows.

Dispersion is present, to some extent, in all bodies ofwater. However, water quality profiles, such as dis-solved oxygen concentrations, may not be influencedwhen the dispersive mixing is small and/or the advec-tive transport is large. In these situations, decisionswill not be influenced by inclusion of dispersion in theanalysis. For certain slow-moving streams with com-plex configurations (e.g., bayous), the dispersionprocess may be a major transport component. Con-sequently, the complexity of the calculations and datacollection programs will be reduced. The importanceof dispersion is site-specific and can be estimated bythe following procedure:

STEP 1 - Calculate the approximate longitudinal dis-persion coefficient (Fischer et al., 1979).

Dx = 0.011 U 2W 2/HU* (3-1)


Dx = longitudinal dispersioncoefficient (ft2/sec)

U = average stream velocity(ft/sec)

W = stream width (ft)

H = stream depth (ft)

U* = shear velocity (ft/sec)

The Shear velocity (U*) for many streams is approxi-mately one-tenth of the average stream velocity andcan be estimated by:

U∗ = √⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯gHS


g = gravitational constant (32.2ft/sec2)

S = stream slope (ft/ft)

STEP 2 - Calculate the estuary number (n) as de-fined by O’Connor (Hydroscience, 1971). The longi-

tudinal dispersion coefficient can be employed withstream velocity and oxidation rate (Kd) to develop thisdimensionless number.

n =Kd Dx

U 2(3-2)

The estuary number (n) and the ratio (Φ) of thereaeration rate coefficient (Ka) to the oxidation ratecoefficient (Kd) or

Φ= Ka/Kd (3-3)

can be used, with Figure 3-1, to provide a basis forjudging the significance of dispersion in calculationsof dissolved oxygen concentration.

Figure 3-1 indicates that for advective streams withvalues for n of about 0.1 or less, neglecting dispersioneffects will affect the calculation of the maximumdissolved oxygen deficit (critical deficit, Dc) by lessthan 10 percent. When considering steady-stateconditions, dispersion can be ignored. Wherereaeration is high relative to deoxygenation rates(high values of Φ), the lack of sensitivity to dispersionextends to higher values of n, as indicated by theessentially horizontal lines for the higher values of Φ.

It should be noted that the estimates of the dispersioncoefficient and the ratio of the maximum DO deficit tothe initial BOD concentration (Dc/Lo) incorporate sev-eral simplifying assumptions. The foregoing ap-proach must therefore be considered to be anapproximation. It should, however, be adequate foruse in most studies.

There may be situations where dispersion is consid-ered significant by the investigator even though theforegoing analysis suggests otherwise. Examplescould include swamps, tidal rivers, or upstream seg-ments of impoundments. If the computational frame-work employed in the analysis introduces dispersiondue to spatial segmentation or numerical approxima-tions (called numerical dispersion or numerical mix-ing), the study should contain an evaluation of theinfluence of dispersion on calculations of water qual-ity. Finally, the influence of dispersion on TMDLdecisions should also be supplied in this situation.The requirement relating to numerical mixing canoften be met by comparisons of analytical solutionswith computer output under comparable conditions.

A flow balance is required for the modeling effort;therefore, consideration should be given to the poten-


tial importance of groundwater inflow and outflow. Inaddition, flow from significant tributaries and wastesources must be included in the model. The compu-tation of a flow balance is not a trivial aspect of modeldevelopment. Since USGS stream-flow gauge dataare often used to compute time-averaged steady-state streamflow (e.g., monthly) at successive down-stream station locations, the flow balance canbecome somewhat difficult because of the down-stream travel time required for propagation of the flowwave and the transient response of a drainage basinto precipitation events between two successivestream gauges. Any discrepancy in the downstreambalance of the USGS gauge time-averaged stream-flow data with known (or estimated) point sourceinputs from waste discharges and gauged tributariesis usually attributed to either ungauged tributaries orgroundwater flow. Each of the sources included inthe model must also be supported by data (or bestestimates) to characterize the concentrations of sig-nificant constituents, such as dissolved oxygen,BOD, and NH3, to compute the pollutant mass fluxrate.

Data on the cross-sectional area, depth, and time oftravel (or velocity), as a function of flow, are requiredfor the flows at which observed water quality data arecollected and at the critical flow regimes used forprojections.

3.3.3 Water Quality Pollutant Interactions

Dissolved oxygen dynamics depend on the interac-tions of several constituents and processes. Theconstituents include dissolved oxygen, carbona-ceous BOD, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, temperature,and in some cases phytoplankton, periphyton, andaquatic plants.

These constituents and processes may be modeledby a set of coupled mass balance equations such asthose in Table 2-4. The selection of constituents andprocesses should be based on site- and problem-specific factors. Documentation of the rationale forselection of a particular combination of variablesshould be provided in an early stage of the study andshould include an examination of observed waterquality data, considering each variable supplemented


(Hydroscience, 1971)


by calculations and relating the selected analysisframework to the decisions to be made at the conclu-sion of the project.

Ranges of the specific first-order rates for the variousreactions are discussed in Appendix A, as are theprocedures for defining site-specific reaction rates forvarious levels of treatment. The necessity for depar-tures from this norm should be documented at anearly point in the project and should particularly ad-dress the additional information required in the deci-sion-making process.

There are circumstances, particularly in systems withlow dissolved oxygen, in which nonlinear kinetic for-mulations can be considered. The nonlinear formu-lation usually employed is Michaelis-type kinetics, inwhich the overall rate of reaction decreases as achemical species is depleted. Dissolved oxygen isone of the chemical species that controls these typesof kinetic formulations. In particular, the rate of nitri-fication has been shown to be controlled by dissolvedoxygen levels at and below 2 mg/L (Hydroscience,1971; Carlucci and MacNally, 1969).

One method of approximating the nonlinear nitrifica-tion reactions has been to use lower values for first-order reaction rates in areas of low dissolved oxygenconcentrations. Low dissolved oxygen concentra-tions can also reduce the rate of BOD oxidation andsediment oxygen utilization and increase the releaseof contaminants from the benthos. These latter reac-tions are influenced only at very low dissolved oxygenlevels such as 0.1 mg/L or lower. In bodies of waterwith large detention times, feedback reaction se-quences have occasionally been employed(Thomann, 1972). For example, the death and de-composition of algal cells returns organic nitrogen tothe system. Feedback reactions can utilize first-orderkinetics in dissolved oxygen analysis and have beenused to model larger estuaries (see Thomann andMueller, 1987; O’Connor et al., 1973). The usualreaction sequence employed for dissolved oxygeninvestigation is shown in Figures 2-2 and 2-5. Thisfeedback reaction sequence may be appropriate forlarger river systems.

Many models use a simplified framework that ignoresor combines some of the processes in Figure 2-5. Forexample, in systems where photosynthesis and res-piration are small components of the overall oxygenbalance, the corresponding terms and equations canbe left out of the analysis (e.g., Wu and Ahler, 1979).Simple models and hand calculation techniques often

represent the nitrogen cycle using a single nitrificationequation (e.g., Wu and Ahler, 1979) or combine thenitrogenous and carbonaceous BOD into a singleconstituent representing total BOD.

Even when the nitrogen cycle is not combined into asingle BOD equation, models differ in the number ofstages included in the cycle. The complete sequenceshould include hydrolysis of organic nitrogen to am-monia and oxidation of ammonia to nitrite and nitriteto nitrate. However, many models do not includeorganic nitrogen as a separate constituent (e.g., Wuand Ahler, 1979; Johanson et al., 1984). It will beimportant in many situations to distinguish betweenorganic nitrogen and ammonia concentrations, ratherthan to define the nitrogenous oxygen demand (NODor NBOD) load on the basis of total Kjeldahl nitrogen(TKN) concentrations, which are composed of boththese forms. Time and space lags in the resultantdissolved oxygen profile, due to this sequential reac-tion, may be significant. If the two species of nitrogenare combined in the calibration and validation effort,the apparent nitrification rate (Kn) will be lower thanthe actual first-order nitrification rate of ammonia.The ratio of TKN to NH3-N affects the value of theoverall oxidation rate. Where this ratio changes aftertreatment, the modeler is faced with additional uncer-tainty. Several models (e.g., Brown and Barnwell,1987; Ambrose et al., 1988) include both organicnitrogen and organic phosphorus capability. Manymodels also leave out nitrite so that ammonia isoxidized directly to nitrate in the model equations(e.g., Ambrose et al., 1988). In many situations, theNO2 concentration level observed and calculated isvery low or tends to be uniform, reducing the uncer-tainty of this simplification. It should also be notedthat where algal problems are severe, NH3 may betaken up directly by algae.

Several levels of analysis can be used for consideringthe influence of phytoplankton and other aquaticplants. These are summarized in Table 3-1. LevelA, which uses measured values of photosynthesisand respiration (P-R) and diel dissolved oxygen datamay be satisfactory in many cases. When significantchanges in nutrients or light extinction coefficient areanticipated, the Level B analysis should be consid-ered.

Level C represents a full-scale eutrophication ap-proach, which increases the project costs for data andmodeling by several orders and should be used whenthe problem is dominated by photosynthetic oxygen


production and utilization and where environmentalor control costs are significant.

Eutrophication analyses require models that simulatenutrient and algal dynamics. Phosphorus and nitro-gen are generally the only nutrients considered, al-though silica can be considered if diatoms are adominant component of the phytophankton commu-nity. The major processes include algal uptake, algalexcretion, sediment release, and nitrification.Periphyton and aquatic plants are rarely included inwater quality models because of the difficulty in pre-dicting biomass of these parameters although thesephotosynthetic organisms can be significant compo-nents of the oxygen and nutrient balance, specificallyin shallow rivers (e.g., Jeppesen and Thyssen, 1984;Horner and Welch, 1981). An analytical frameworkdescribed by Level A in Table 3-1 can be used toestimate the diel fluctuations in dissolved oxygen dueto aquatic plants. More quantitative modeling ap-proaches would require equations analogous tothose used for algae except that the settling term isreplaced by a sloughing or nonpredatory mortalityterm (e.g., Welch et al. 1989). The alternative ap-proach is to use field data to account for the netphotosynthetic contributions of water column algae,periphyton, and rooted aquatic plants as a combined(P-R) term in the oxygen balance model.

In addition to dissolved oxygen analyses, ammoniatoxicity may be important. Ammonia toxicity is due tothe un-ionized form of ammonia. The un-ionizedfraction of total ammonia increases with pH and tem-perature. Figure 3-2 shows this relationship. Mostcurrently available water quality models do not simu-late un-ionized ammonia or pH. Therefore, TMDLsthat involve ammonia toxicity must usually be basedon total ammonia simulations in combination with fieldmeasurements of pH and temperature (e.g., Szumski

et al., 1982; Yake and James, 1983). Un-ionizedammonia concentration can be calculated frommodel-projected total ammonia and a relationshipsuch as that shown in Figure 3-2. There are modelsavailable for ammonia toxicity (e.g., STREAM DOfrom EPA Region VIII).


In this section the term model, following commonlyused terminology, is used to describe computer pro-grams. However, computer programs are not modelsuntil the user structures them with site-specificboundaries, topography, hydrology, pollution buildupand washoff, stream configuration, and pollutant in-teractions representative of the contributing water-shed, sources, and the receiving waterbody beinganalyzed.

As stated earlier, TMDL development may require thedevelopment of a watershed or water quality modelor both, depending on the results of the charac-terization study. The TMDL process creates a frame-work for considering the management of both pointand nonpoint pollution sources that contribute to wa-terbody impairment. Although in most cases dis-


(Novotny and Krenkel, 1975)


A. Measure P-R and/or diurnal swings in DO: employmeasured value in steady-state or quasi-steady-statemodels.

B. Measure chlorophyll a, light, light extinction, nutrients:employ the results in steady-state or quasi-steady-statemodels.Calculate P-R.Compare to P-R data and diurnal swings.

C. Model chlorophyll a, nutrients, dissolved oxygen, etc.With calibration and validation, a time-variable,nonlinear modeling framework is required.


solved oxygen problems are observed during low-flow conditions in streams and rivers where pointsources are the major pollutant load contributor, spe-cial consideration may be required in instances wherenonpoint sources have a significant impact on dis-solved oxygen levels. In these cases, the review andselection of appropriate watershed models are nec-essary. The model selected should represent thedominant processes in the waterbody, should providethe necessary management information on the mag-nitude and variability of pollutant loading, and even-tually should allow for an evaluation of theimplications of various watershed management alter-natives. Watershed models are not considered in thepresent review. However, interested readers are re-ferred to USEPA (1992b) and Donigian and Huber(1991), where detailed reviews of these models arepresented to assist water quality analysts in selectingthe appropriate model for a specific TMDL problem.

Selected receiving water quality models with potentialapplication to analysis of dissolved oxygen variationsin streams and rivers are reviewed in this section.The criteria used for reviewing these models as partof this document are as follows:

• They are in the public domain.

• They are available at a minimal cost fromvarious public agencies.

• They are supported on a limited basis byFederal and/or State agencies. The form ofsupport is generally telephone contact to astaff of engineers and programmers whohave experience with the model and provideguidance (usually free of charge).

• They have been used extensively for variouspurposes and are generally accepted profes-sionally.

• They represent a wide range of complexity.The more complicated models take into ac-count additional processes and simulate agiven process in more detailed manner.

The selection procedure should not be limited tothose models discussed in this document. Othercomputer programs (models) that are available to aproject or organization should be given consideration.USEPA (1979c) and Hinson and Basta (1979) de-scribe many other available water quality models.The discussions and criteria presented in this docu-ment can be employed as major elements in theselection process. One additional consideration in

this process is the experience and familiarity of thetechnical staff with a particular computer program.

It is suggested, however, that where project staffs donot have access to or familiarity with other computerprograms, effort would be most effectively focused onthe computer programs selected for discussion in thisdocument. A brief description of the selected com-puter programs follows. The models are listed inorder of increasing complexity. Source code, ex-ecutable files and sample input files for EPA-sup-ported models can be downloaded from EPA’s CEAMelectronic Bulletin Board Service (BBS); the phonenumber for the BBS is (706) 546-3402. The BBSsystem operator (SYSOP) can be contacted by tele-phone at (706) 546-3524.

Simplified Method Program for Multiple Dis-chargers (Multi-SMP) (USEPA, 1992d) is a steady-state, one-dimensional water quality model thatimplements EPA’s Simplified Analytical Method for

Determining NPDES Effluent Limitations for POTWs

Discharging into Low Flow Streams (see Table 1-1).The model predicts four water quality variables: dis-solved oxygen, CBOD, NBOD, and un-ionized am-monia. Water quality processes include reaeration,deoxygenation, nitrification, and sediment oxygendemand. The model considers up to 10 point sourcedischarges. Multi-SMP can be obtained from theCenter for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM),Athens, Georgia (requires one diskette).

Enhanced Stream Water Quality Model QUAL2Eand QUAL2E-UNCAS (Brown and Barnwell, 1987)are one-dimensional (longitudinal) water quality mod-els that assume steady flow (steady-state hydraulics)but allow simulation of diel variations in temperatureor algal photosynthesis and respiration. QUAL2Esimulates a series of piecewise, nonuniform seg-ments that make up a river reach. The effects ofwithdrawals, branches, and tributaries can also beincluded. Water quality variables simulated includeconservative substances; temperature; bacteria;CBOD; DO; ammonia; nitrite, nitrate, and organicnitrogen; phosphate and organic phosphorus; andalgae. QUAL2E is widely used for stream TMDLsand discharge permit determinations in the UnitedStates and other countries. It has a 15-year historyof application and is a proven, effective analysis tool(e.g., Crabtree et al., 1986). QUAL2E Version 3incorporates several uncertainty analysis techniquesuseful in risk assessment. This model can be ob-tained from CEAM (requires four diskettes).


Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program(WASP5) is a dynamic compartment modeling sys-tem that can be used to analyze a variety of waterquality problems in one, two, or three dimensions(Ambrose et al., 1993). WASP5 simulates the trans-port and transformation of conventional and toxicpollutants in the water column and benthos of ponds,streams, lakes, reservoirs, rivers, estuaries, andcoastal waters. The WASP5 modeling system cov-ers four major subjects: hydrodynamics, conservativemass transport, eutrophication-dissolved oxygen ki-netics (EUTRO5), and toxic chemical-sediment dy-namics (TOXI5). The modeling system also includesa stand-alone link-node hydrodynamic program,DYNHYD5, that simulates the transport of water.WASP5, along with the associated programs TOXI5,EUTRO5, and DYNHYD5, can be obtained fromCEAM.

Hydrological Simulation Program-FORTRAN(HSPF) is a comprehensive package that performscontinuous simulation of watershed hydrology andwater quality for both conventional and toxic organicpollutants. HSPF incorporates the watershed-scaleAgriculture Runoff Model (ARM) and Non-PointSource model into a basin-scale analysis frameworkthat includes fate and transport and transformation inone-dimensional stream channels (Johanson et al.,1984). It is the only comprehensive model of water-shed hydrology and water quality that allows theintegrated simulation of land and soil contaminantrunoff processes with in-stream hydraulic and sedi-ment-chemical interactions. HSPF, however, is anextremely complex model that requires enormousresources for development and application. HSPFcan be obtained from CEAM (requires six diskettes).

CE-QUAL-RIV1 (US Army Corps of Engineers, 1990)is a fully dynamic one-dimensional riverine waterquality model. The model comprises two submodels:a hydrodynamic model, RIV1H, which can standalone, and a water quality model, RIV1Q, which re-quires output from RIV1H or another routing model todrive it. Ten water quality variables can be simulated:temperature, DO, carbonaceous BOD, organic nitro-gen, ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, dissolved iron,dissolved manganese, and coliform bacteria. Addi-tionally, algae/macrophyte photosynthesis, respira-t ion, and nutrient interactions are included.CE-QUAL-RIV1 can be obtained from the US ArmyCorps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station,Vicksburg, Mississippi.

RIVMOD is a numerical, hydrodynamic, and sedi-ment transport riverine model that describes the lon-gitudinal distributions of flows and sedimentconcentrations in a one-dimensional waterbodythrough time. It can be used as an alternative to theEPA-supported link-node model, DYNHYD5.RIVMOD is based on a 4-point implicit numericalintegration scheme whereas DYNHYD5 is based onan explicit numerical scheme. RIVMOD is availablefrom CEAM, although EPA does not currently providesupport or documentation for the model. RIVMODhas been used by CEAM to link the transport outputdata files as input to the previous version of thegeneral WASP model, WASP5.

Three of the models discussed (WASP5, HSPF, andCE-QUAL-RIV1), when operated in the fully dynamicmodes, are quite complex and require well-trainedanalysts.

The salient features of the first five models selectedfor discussion are summarized in Tables 3-2 through3-10. Since QUAL2E is probably the most widelyused computer model for predicting the effects ofconventional pollutants in streams, the tables useQUAL2E as a reference point against which othermodels can be compared. The tables presented areas follows:

Table 3-2 Constituents ModeledTable 3-3 Summary of CapabilitiesTable 3-4 Reaeration FormulationsTable 3-5 Input Data RequirementsTable 3-6 Ease of Application—Output Form and ContentTable 3-7 Ease of Application—Sources, Support, and

DocumentationTable 3-8 Ease of Application—Equipment and

Programming RequirementsTable 3-9 Operating CostsTable 3-10 Hierarchy of Models Based on Selected Features

Information presented under the first four table sub-jects (Constituents, Capabilities, Reaeration Formu-lations, and Input Data Requirements) is primarilytechnical and is required to evaluate whether themodel simulates the important physical and bio-chemical features of a problem. Information pre-sented under the table subjects Ease of Applicationand Operating Costs is primarily nontechnical or re-lated to operational features of the models. This infor-mation is needed to evaluate the cost associated withand the ease of acquiring the model, getting themodel running on the user’s system, calibrating andvalidating the model, and finally applying the model.




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The information provided in these tables is primarilyqualitative and sufficient to determine whether amodel may be suitable for a particular application.For some of the models, more quantitative informa-tion is given in Evaluation of Water Quality Models: A

Management Guide for Planners (USEPA, 1976b).For complete information the potential user mustconsult the appropriate user’s manuals and othersupporting documentation. The Center for ExposureAssessment Modeling (CEAM, EPA EnvironmentalResearch Laboratory, Athens, Georgia) is a sourceof information and limited technical support. Briefdescriptions of the contents of Tables 3-2 through3-10 follow.

Table 3-2, Constituents Modeled. As a basis forcomparison, QUAL2E simulates the following con-stituents:

• Dissolved oxygen

• Carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand

• Temperature

• Algae (as chlorophyll a)

• Organic nitrogen

• Ammonia

• Nitrite

• Nitrate

• Organic phosphorus

• Dissolved phosphorus

• Coliforms

• Arbitrary nonconservative constituents

• Three conservative constituents

Table 3-2 compares QUAL2E with other models com-monly used in TMDL analyses with respect to theconstituents simulated. The models vary signifi-cantly in terms of the number and type of constituentsfor which calculations are performed. The number ofconstituents analyzed usually reflects the numberand complexity of biochemical processes simulatedand is shown in Table 3-3. In the more complexmodels (e.g., QUAL2E, WASP5), provision is madefor selecting only those constituents (and thereforeprocesses) of interest.

Table 3-3, Summary of Capabilities. The modelequations and process formulations in QUAL2E arethe same as those discussed in Section 2.3 for dis-solved oxygen, nutrients, and phytoplankton. Figure


Model Number of Options Options

QUAL2E 8 A, B, F (after L), G, H, I, J, K, modelaccounts for C

CE-QUAL-RIV1 3 E (after M), F (after H), C (after N)WASP5 3 A, D, E (after M)HSPF 4 A, D, E, KMulti-SMP 3 A, F (after H), J

Sources of Stream Reaeration OptionsA Input directlyB As a power functionC Structural reaeration due to damsD Covar’s method (automatic selection among H, I, and L)E Wind-driven reaerationF Calculated as a function of velocity and depthG Langbien and Durum (1967)H O’Connor and Dobbins (1958)I Owens et al., (1964)J Thackston and Krenkel (1969)K Tsivoglou-Wallace method (Tsivoglou and Wallace, 1972)L Churchill et al., (1962)M O’Connor (1983)N Wilhelms and Smith (1981)


2-5 shows the interactions of the various constituentsin QUAL2E.

Table 3-3 compares the general features of QUAL2E(i.e., temporal and spatial resolution, hydraulics,types of loads, and processes simulated) with othercomputer models used in TMDL analyses. Multi-SMP is limited to steady-state DO/BOD analyses,whereas QUAL2E, WASP5, and CE-QUAL-RIV1 canbe used for eutrophication analyses as well as dis-solved oxygen analyses. The latter three modelssimulate the effects of photosynthesis, respiration,and temperature on diel variations of dissolved oxy-gen. WASP5, HSPF, and CE-QUAL-RIV1 are trulydynamic since they simulate continuous temporalvariations in stream hydraulics and waste loadings.QUAL2E assumes these features remain constant,but allows the meteorology and water quality condi-tions downstream of the upstream boundaries tovary, making it a quasi-dynamic model.

Table 3-4, Reaeration Formulations. Most modelspermit direct input of the reaeration coefficient orselection from several commonly used correlations ormethods. Appendix A provides a discussion of thisparameter.

Table 3-5, Input Data Requirements. All models re-quire data for input, calibration, and validation. It isbest if model selection is not restricted by availabilityof data and the decision is made to acquire thespecific type of data required for the model. On theother hand, if data availability is a constraint, selectionof a less sophisticated model than would be war-ranted on technical grounds may be appropriate.Table 3-5 compares the input data requirements forthe models discussed. Input data requirements in-crease with the complexity of the stream hydraulicsand water quality mathematical formulations. Forexample, Multi-SMP, QUAL2E, and WASP5 (de-scriptive transport mode) assume steady-state hy-draulics formulas which then require specification ofregression coefficients (see Equations 2-1 through2-3) to estimate velocity and depth required in thereaeration formulas. The more complex models suchas WASP5 (linked with DYNHYD5) or CE-QUAL-RIV1 solve a form of the momentum equation, whichrequires more detailed characterization of the streamgeometry and roughness. Similarly, extensive dataare required to simulate the nonlinear nutrient-algal-DO linkage.

Table 3-6, Ease of Application—Output Form andContent. All of the computer programs print results

of the simulation and the input data to standard ASCIIfiles. The more complex programs require scratchdisks or tapes for storing intermediate results to beread subsequently in submodels or for storing infor-mation to be plotted. Post-processing of model out-put is a major task in the application of a model,requiring software for statistical data summaries andgraphical display of observed and modeled data sets(Stoddard, 1988; Stoddard et al., 1990).

Table 3-7, Ease of Application—Sources, Support,and Documentation. Two of the most important fac-tors in facilitating the use of a new model are theadequacy of the documentation and the adequacy ofthe support available. The documentation shouldstate the theory and assumptions in adequate detail,describe the program organization, and clearly pre-sent the input data requirements and format. A well-organized input data scheme is essential. Limitedtechnical support is typically provided by agenciesresponsible for distribution of models. For example,EPA’s Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling(CEAM) in Athens, Georgia and the U.S. Army Corpsof Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station inVicksburg, Mississippi will provide very limited tech-nical consultation to users experiencing problemswith operations of models. It may be possible thatspecial support arrangements (including shortcourses or informational or personnel exchanges) areavailable under existing intra- or interagency agree-ments or could be made available to the potentialuser. The support agency may also be able to pro-vide the potential user with a list of local users whocould be contacted for information regarding theirpast or current experience with the computer programassociated with the model.

Table 3-8, Ease of Application—Equipment and Pro-gramming Requirements. The models are written inFORTRAN 77, with the exception of Multi-SMP,which is written in Turbo Pascal. Most models aremachine-independent though pre- and post-proces-sors are important to ease of application. Storagerequirements increase with program complexity.

Table 3-9, Operating Costs. It is difficult to estimateoverall costs involved in a model application becauseapplications differ in scope and complexity and theability to solve or avoid certain problems is highlydependent on the experience and technical back-ground of the analysts involved. However, machinerequirements and costs associated with typical runsare usually estimated in the program documentation.As a rule, the simpler the model, the less expensive


it is to apply. It is essential that the support agencyand other experienced professionals be contacted forinformation or assistance.

Once the cost of application has been estimated, itshould be compared with the benefits of using theprogram as part of the water quality modeling effortand the overall importance of the problem. TheTMDL study costs should be consistent with theeconomic, social, or environmental values associ-ated with the problem and its solution.

Table 3-10, Hierarchy of Models Based on SelectedFeatures. To assist in initial model selection, Table3-10 shows a hierarchy of models based on important

distinguishing features. As shown in this table, theprograms increase in complexity. One of these pro-grams should be adequate for most TMDL studies and,in general, the simpler program should be chosen if itcontains all the features needed to simulate the impor-tant processes in the prototype. On the other hand, useof a more complex model may be justified. Often, acomplex model can be used with no more additionaleffort than that required for a simple model by “turningoff" processes (i.e., set coefficients to zero values).This procedure allows easy upgrading of the model asmore information becomes available. QUAL2E, forexample, can be used at the same analysis level asMulti-SMP and requires no additional information.



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OV~ C¥>Io<f«E,,,.,....-­U.S.E..............,,-­-~­P'OOI ""'"""'"

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Model Requirements

QUAL2E QUAL2E is written in FORTRAN 77 and is compatible with both mainframe and personal computer systemsequipped with 640 KB RAM. Can be executed from floppy disk. User interface and capabilities to interfacewith graphics display, laser printers or dot matrix printers, or pen plotters.

CE-QUAL-RIV1 The program is written in FORTRAN 77 and is compatible with mainframe and personal computers.

WASP5 The program is written in FORTRAN 77 and is compatible with mainframe and personal computer systemsequipped with 640 KB RAM. A 10-MB hard disk and a printer are generally required. A math coprocessor ishighly recommended.

HSPF The program is written in FORTRAN 77 and is compatible with mainframe and personal computer systemsequipped with 640 KB RAM. A 10-MB hard disk and a printer are generally required. A math coprocessor isneeded.

Multi-SMP Executable Turbo Pascal file. Requires IBM-compatible PC and EGA card for graphic capability.


Dimensionality Water Quality Problem Approximate Level of Effort

1-D steady state DO, BOD, nutrients 1-6 person-months

1-D, 2-D, steady state DO, BOD, nutrients,phytoplankton, toxics

0.5-1 person-years

1-D, 2-D time variable DO, BOD, nutrients,phytoplankton, toxics

0.5-2 person-years

3-D time variable DO, BOD, nutrients,phytoplankton, toxics

1-5 person-years



Models(Ordered fromLeast toMost Complex)


Sources ofBOD

DistributedSources of



Net AlgalProduction




Waste Loadsand Water




Multi-SMP X ∇ ♦ ·

QUAL2E X X ♦ D X • *


WASP5 X X ♦ ∆ ¨ X X X


X Available feature♦ Specified (i.e., input to the model as forcing function)∆ Simulated in a nutrient-algal cycle∇ Can be simulated approximately by input of load at beginning of each multiple segment• Can be simulated by making Kr > Kd

* Meteorology only




The purpose of Chapter 4 is to review briefly thevarious steps associated with the development of asite-specific water quality model. These steps aregeneric and can be modified according to availabledata and the type and complexity of the water impair-ment being analyzed. Furthermore, the level of detailrequired within each step may depend on the phaseof the TMDL. Simple analyses are usually sufficientduring the first phase of TMDL development, whereasmore detailed analysis may be required for laterphases. Examples illustrating the use of these stepsusing the EPA-supported water quality modelsQUAL2E and WASP5 are provided in Appendix B.The five steps suggested for model development,illustrated in Figure 4-1, are as follows:

• Initial assessment

• Site-specific stream survey

• Model calibration

• Model validation

• Model application

4.1.1 Modeling Goals

Prior to detailing each step, it is necessary to presentthe overall goals of model development. A phasedTMDL may require only simple modeling tools in theearly stages of development. However, an increas-ing level of model complexity may be needed in laterphases when additional data become available. Ateither stage, the overall modeling goals should re-main consistent. For determining a TMDL forstreams and rivers, the following goals are applicable:

• Development of a technically credible quan-titative cause-effect representation of in-stream processes.

• Ensuring that modeling results are defensi-ble for use in determining the loading capac-ity and load and TMDLs.

• Provision of analytical or modeling tools suf-ficient for evaluating the implications of vari-ous pollution reduction alternatives.

• Definition of the level of uncertainty for deter-mination of the margin of safety.

When developing TMDLs, it is reasonable to separatethe water quality impacts caused by a given pollutionsource. This is best achieved through the use of onemodel or a combination of models (watershed and/orreceiving water models). For example, in some sys-tems where nonpoint source loadings are significant,control of point sources may provide only a marginalimprovement in water quality.

Consider a typical case in which the dissolved oxygenprofile does not meet a water quality standard of 5 mg/Lusing summer temperatures and a 7Q10 low flow.Separation of the dissolved oxygen profile into com-ponent responses may show that the discharger isresponsible for a minor portion of the predicted dis-solved oxygen depression. The major depression indissolved oxygen could be created by upstream con-ditions and sediment oxygen demand, for example.This perspective is important because it demon-strates that the discharger may have a minor impacton the dissolved oxygen resources, and increasedtreatment at the point source may have only a minoreffect on the dissolved oxygen balance.

Consider a second case in which critical conditionsfor both dissolved oxygen and un-ionized ammoniaoccur during the summer when the flow is low and theriver temperature is high, and where nitrification isoccurring in the river. In this case, it is necessary tobe able to separately evaluate the effects of carbona-ceous and nitrogenous BOD on dissolved oxygenand the effects of nitrification on ammonia in order tooptimize decisions on controlling nutrient loads andon selecting wastewater treatment schemes (i.e.,nitrification facilities vs. advanced CBOD removal).Appendix B presents an example TMDL modelinganalysis using QUAL2E that illustrates this type ofoptimization.

In this context, typical questions to be addressed in astream BOD/DO and nutrient/eutrophication TMDLmay include the following:

• How can the effects of two or multiple pollut-ant loads be differentiated?


INITIAL ASSESSMENTStudy Area EvaluationCompilation and Review of Existing DataPreliminary AnalysisSelection of Modeling Framework

SITE-SPECIFIC STREAM SURVEYHydraulic Geometry SurveyTime-of-Travel StudyStream Water Quality SamplingWastewater MonitoringBiological Assessment

MODEL CALIBRATIONModel Coefficient AssignmentComponent AnalysisQuantifying Comparison Between Model Results and Data

MODEL VALIDATIONModel Coefficient AdjustmentModel Sensitivity AnalysisModel Accuracy Check

MODEL APPLICATION AND TMDLDevelopment of Evaluation ScenariosWaste Load AllocationsLoad AllocationsMargin of SafetyUncertainty Analysis



• How can the individual impacts of sedimentoxygen demand, nonpoint sources, and pointsources be quantified?

• Is nitrification occurring in the stream, andwould it occur under future conditions?

• Which nutrient should be controlled to reducethe algal biomass?

• What is the magnitude of dissolved oxygenfluctuations that cannot be accounted for bythe present analysis?

• How do these fluctuations vary with time andspace?

• Is dissolved oxygen or ammonia toxicity (un-ionized ammonia) the limiting water qualityparameter?

In summary, the goal of the TMDL modeling analysisis to obtain a quantitative assessment of systembehavior that will support decision making. To ac-complish this task, a number of general requirementsare listed below.

4.1.2 General Requirements of a StreamWater Quality Modeling Analysis

The following are examples of the basic requirementsof a TMDL study:

• A quantitative analysis of all pollutant loadsand inputs.

• Sufficient data to support the derivation ofmodel coefficients.

• A consistent set of model coefficients deter-mined from independent derivation, modelcalibration, and validation using availabledata.

• Assignment of reasonable values for modelcoefficients in model projections under futureconditions.

The suggested requirements should be flexible tomeet site-specific needs.


An essential element of a TMDL study is a quantita-tive assessment of the relative impacts of differenttypes and sources of pollutant loads on specific waterquality parameters. This assessment will help to en-sure that all participants in the TMDL process under-stand the relative importance of various pollutant

sources at an early stage and that appropriate priori-ties are defined. Another advantage of an initialassessment is to provide a check that all significantwaste loads have been identified. It will also help toensure that subsequent field monitoring programs arecost-effective and responsive to planning and deci-sion-making requirements. The following analysisparticularly addresses water quality in streams andrivers.

4.2.1 Study Area Evaluation

The study area evaluation defines the study area andproblem by determining applicable water qualitystandards as well as existing and potential waterquality problems. A more detailed description of theevaluation is presented in the following subsections. Water Quality Standards

First, a desirable water use, or uses, for the streamsystem (e.g., recreation, water supply, agriculture)must be designated. State regulatory agenciesshould be consulted to define the designated uses,as well as specific water quality criteria. In addition,EPA has published a series of water quality criteriasince the first “Green Book” issued by the FederalWater Pollution Control Administration in 1968. Thecurrent edition is EPA’s “Gold Book,” Quality Criteria

for 1986 (USEPA, 1987). In all cases, however, Statecriteria should be consulted first.

In the United States there are no standards regulatingCBOD concentrations in streams. Instead, there areextensive standards for dissolved oxygen levels thatare affected by CBOD deoxygenation. As a result,CBOD and oxidizable nitrogen (NBOD) are regulatedon the basis of dissolved oxygen standards. Dis-solved oxygen standards have been set by Stateregulatory agencies to protect designated use(s) forindividual streams or segments of streams. Statedissolved oxygen standards may be expressed asany one or all of the following:

• Average daily concentration.

• Minimum or lower percentile concentration(usually used for streams that have signifi-cant diel variations due to algae).

• Percent saturation.

There are no specific algal biomass standards foreutrophication analyses since it is difficult to deter-mine whether a particular chlorophyll a concentrationwill be a problem. Figure 4-2 compares chlorophyll a

concentration ranges with perceived water quality


conditions and target objectives for several differentwaterbodies. These cases may be used as a guideto regulate nutrient inputs for eutrophication control. Identifying Existing and Potential WaterQuality Problems

Table 4-1 summarizes the constituents, wastesources, and consequences associated with dis-solved oxygen, nutrient enrichment, and eutrophica-tion problems. Nutrient enrichment and subsequentalgal growth are a concern in rivers and streamsbecause of their effect on dissolved oxygen concen-trations. Growing plants provide a net addition ofdissolved oxygen to the stream on an average dailybasis, yet respiration can cause low dissolved oxygenlevels at night that can affect the survival of lesstolerant fish species. Also, if environmental condi-tions cause a die-off of either microscopic or macro-scopic plants, the decay of biomass can cause severeoxygen depressions. Therefore, excessive plantgrowth can affect a stream’s ability to meet bothaverage daily and instantaneous dissolved oxygenstream standards.

Biological assessments can also be designed to es-tablish baseline conditions and assess impacts frompoint and nonpoint pollution sources. They can playa fundamental role in establishing biocriteria, whichare numerical or narrative expressions that describethe reference biological condition of aquatic commu-nities inhabiting waters of a given designated aquaticlife use (Barbour et al., 1992). Biocriteria are oftenpresented as measures such as species composi-tion, abundance, and diversity (Gallant et al., 1989).Biological communities reflect overall biological integ-rity and integrate the effects of different pollutantstressors. In cases where specific impacts are ab-sent or unknown (e.g., nonpoint source impacts thatdegrade habitat), bioassessments may be the onlypractical assessment tool.

The individual water quality problems can be associ-ated with specific time and space scales, which canbe used to identify the most appropriate method ofanalysis. Several different time and space scales arerequired for effective water quality evaluation (seeFigure 4-3). In general, the dissolved oxygen prob-lem associated with organic waste discharges has asignificant time scale of days to weeks, with a signifi-cant space scale of impacts up to 20 miles. Nutrientsare usually associated with a longer time scale ofseasons to years and a space scale of up to 100miles. It is essential to recognize these time andspace scales in order to address questions and prob-

lems in the most economical manner and to providemeaningful analysis. The selection of a steady-stateor time-variable model should be determined on thebasis of the water quality variable, the available database, and the major mechanisms affecting that vari-able.

In evaluating dissolved oxygen water quality effects,including situations where algal influences are impor-tant, a steady-state analysis can be used. Phyto-plankton chlorophyll a concentrations will commonlybe sufficiently constant over the period covered by asteady-state analysis to justify this approach. In suchcases, a steady-state analysis of dissolved oxygenresponse to point source BOD discharges is super-imposed over the algae-induced diel fluctuations.These fluctuations can be calculated by simplifiedanalytical approximations. QUAL2E uses steady-state hydrology and allows simulation of diel vari-ations in temperature or algal photosynthesis andrespiration.

Time-variable approaches to eutrophication prob-lems are sometimes employed when a time-variabledata base exists (or can be developed) to calibratethe model dynamically over a range of conditions.Models such as HSPF, CE-QUAL-RIV1, and WASP5are run in the time-variable mode. When using thesemodels, the computation can be continued, usingconstant input values, until a steady-state condition isreached.

A general guideline for determining the appropriate-ness of a steady-state vs. a time-variable approach issummarized below:

• If phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentrationsare relatively constant over a time period of1 or 2 weeks, then a steady-state approachis justified. This period should coincide withthe critical season in terms of stream flow andtemperature for dissolved oxygen analyses.Spatial variations in algal biomass can behandled by averages over appropriate riverreaches.

• Where the principal water quality issue is thelevel of biomass rather than oxygen deple-tion, longer time periods (covering one ormore seasons) are usually selected. Onsuch a time scale, expected changes arelarge and time-variable eutrophication mod-els are the most appropriate modeling ap-proach.



(After Thomann and Mueller, 1987)


Sources: Organic material, ammonia in: Nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon in:wastewater wastewaterrunoff and CSOs runoff and CSOsbenthic oxidation atmospheric depositionalgal production benthic recyclingmarinas, boating marinas, boatingheated effluent

Consequences: Fish kills Nuisance levels of phytoplanktonReduced fish productivity Less desirable aquatic communityLess desirable aquatic community Large dissolved oxygen fluctuations

Dissolved oxygen depletion




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4.2.2 Compilation and Review of Existing Data

A thorough characterization of the river or stream isnecessary for any water quality study. Table 4-2 liststhe types of data to be gathered and their possiblesources.

Stream flow and geometry are typically available atspecific gaging stations for large rivers through theUSGS and/or the US Army Corps of Engineers.For analysts with access to EPA’s mainframe com-puter, USGS streamflow data available can be eas-

ily queried using interactive tools and the Reach File.

The EPA STORET system is a good source forwater quality data. STORET data are usually ap-propriate to describe long-term trends for waterquality problem identification. However, STORETdoes not always have synoptic surveys of thestream system, which are most useful for waterquality modeling.

EPA’s Permit Compliance System (PCS) is the re-pository of NPDES permitted loads and all reported


SourceData Type Federal Agencies State Agencies Local Groups

Stream Geometry USGS Special studies Planning agenciesUS Army Corps of Engineers’Division/District OfficesEPA

Stream Flow USGS gage records Publications on low flows Universitiesand low flows (available Basin plans Planning agenciesthrough EPA)

Water Quality Data EPA STORET Regulatory agencies’ Studies by regionalUSGS TMDL studies planning groupsUS Fish & Wildlife Service State Dept. of Health Discharger’s studies


Wastewater Loads EPA Permit Compliance Discharge Monitoring Municipal and industrialSystem (PCS) Reports (DMR) discharger’s plant records

Nonpoint Loads EPA STORET, USGS and Urban runoff data Urban runoff data fromUS Fish & Wildlife Service; from special studies; regional, city and countyurban runoff data available precipitation and studies; precipitation andfrom EPA National Urban meteorological data meteorological data fromRunoff Program (NURP); from State planning local and county planningprecipitation and meteoro- agencies and local agencies and local airports;logical data available from airports; land use and land use and soilsNOAA National Climatic Data soils characteristics characteristics data fromCenter; land use data available data from State planning, regional and countyfrom USGS; soils charac- agricultural and geological planning, agricultural andteristics data available from agencies. geological agencies.USDA Soil Conservation Service.


information from NPDES discharge monitoring re-ports (DMRs).

4.2.3 Preliminary Analysis

Preliminary screening analysis of available informa-tion described in the previous section may be per-formed by employing analytical equations, simplifiedmodels, or a preliminary version of the water qualitymodel. Several simplified analyses are presented inthe following paragraphs. Screening Procedure for Determining Algal-Nutrient Relationship

This simple procedure may be used to provide anappropriate indication of a nonproblem. That is, if themaximum possible chlorophyll a level that could beachieved is extremely low, it will usually be safe toconclude that nutrients do not pose a problem inrelation to water column algae. The guidance inSection and Section A.9 of Appendix A, whichrelates chlorophyll a levels to dissolved oxygen ef-fects, can be used to determine how low the concen-tration of chlorophyll a must be in a particular situationto be considered insignificant.

On the other hand, it is not appropriate to use thisscreening procedure to conclude that there is a prob-lem. In most natural systems, especially flowingstreams, the actual chlorophyll a levels that occur willbe substantially less than the maximum potentialunder a combination of ideal conditions. Collectionof chlorophyll a data could be used to verify theestimated chlorophyll a levels and to determinewhether a problem exists.

Stoichiometric ratios can be used in preliminaryscreening analyses to make two useful initial assess-ments that can help focus subsequent data acquisi-tion, testing, and analysis activities. The first of theseis to determine the limiting nutrient (nitrogen or phos-phorus) and therefore the most appropriate for con-trol. The second is an estimate of the maximumpotential chlorophyll a level that could result and theimplications on the need for nutrient control. In eithercase, it should be recognized that such a screeningis relatively imprecise and results should be inter-preted with care. When indicated conditions are mar-ginal rather than being dramatically in favor of oneresult over another, additional analyses should beperformed as indicated in the discussion that follows.

Algae require inorganic carbon, nitrogen, phospho-rus, silica (for diatoms), and various trace elements

in the presence of light to synthesize algal proto-plasm. Nitrogen and phosphorus are the only essen-tial elements that can be controlled since carbon isoften (but not always) readily available in solution andthe various trace elements are usually plentiful innatural systems. When considering cell stoichiometryof aquatic plants or phytoplankton, for example, cellscontain approximately 0.5 - 2.0 µg phosphorus per µgchlorophyll a and 7 - 10 µg nitrogen per µg chlorophyll

a. Although the weight ratio of each nutrient to chlo-

rophyll a varies with the age of an algal population,species composition, and nutritional state, the follow-ing ratios are commonly used to represent typicalconditions:

7 µg N/ µg chlorophyll a

1 µg P/ µg chlorophyll a

The chlorophyll a-to-carbon and carbon-to-nutrientstoichiometry of algal cells is not precise, and ratiosthat are somewhat different from those used in thismanual may be preferred by other analysts (seeBowie et al., 1985). Such preferences are usuallybased on local data, which should be used wheneverpossible.

For example, consider the following nutrient concen-trations:

N = 0.35 mg/L = 350 µg N/LP = 0.02 mg/L = 20 µg P/L

Using the above stoichiometric ratios, the maximumpotential chlorophyll a concentration would be either:

(350 µg N ⁄ L) 17 µg N ⁄ µg Chl a

= 50 µg Chl a ⁄ L



(20 µg P ⁄ L) 11 µg P ⁄ µg Chl a

= 20 µg Chl a ⁄ L


Since each concentration represents a maximum po-tential, the lower of the two is the maximum result andphosphorus is therefore the limiting nutrient. Themaximum possible chlorophyll a concentration thatcould result from the waste discharge in combinationwith the background stream concentration is 20 µg/L.


This level might be achieved if there is adequateresidence time in the study area, optimal environ-mental conditions (i.e., temperature and light) exist,and all of the phosphorus is in a form available foralgal uptake. Stream conditions, however, are usu-ally considerably less than optimal. Stream turbidity,shading by a forest canopy, or self-shading by thealgae usually restrict the available light.

If the ratio of ambient nitrogen (mg N/L) to phospho-rus (mg P/L) is greater than 12 to 1, phosphorus isconsidered to be the limiting nutrient; if the N-to-Pratio is less than 5 to 1, nitrogen is considered limiting.However, a number of factors must be consideredwhen interpreting the results of the type of analysisillustrated above, particularly when the outcome is notat one extreme or the other.

• Nutrient availability is an important issue.Organic and particulate forms of the nutrientscannot be used directly by algae. Althougha relatively slow conversion to availableforms takes place in natural water systems,the residence time in most stream systemsis too short to make this a significant factor.

• The lack of precise stoichiometric ratios canbe an important consideration when N-to-Pratios are only marginally in favor of one orthe other as a limiting nutrient.

• Nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae may negatethe impact of a control program based onnitrogen being the limiting nutrient becausethey can draw on a source (atmospheric)other than the wastewater discharge.

The first two of these issues can be addressed morereliably by the use of algal growth potential (AGP) teststo supplement or substitute for the simple analysisbased on stoichiometric ratios. Properly performedAGP tests are generally preferred because they willprovide more accurate results than the use ofstoichiometric ratios. The Selenastrum capricornu-tum Printz Algal Assay Bottle Test described by Milleret al. (1978) is an example of a suitable AGP test. Phytoplankton Analysis of Short Streams

The previous section describes the estimation ofmaximum chlorophyll a concentrations based ongiven nutrient concentrations under optimum lightand temperature conditions. This section illustratesprocedures to develop estimates of maximum chloro-phyll a concentrations in a stream under specific light,temperature, and nutrient conditions. A short stream

is defined as one in which nutrients are in excess ofgrowth-limiting concentrations over the entire lengthof interest. The distance and hence the time of travelfor stream nutrient problem contexts generally tend tobe short, perhaps on the order of less than 10 days.This travel time is equivalent to distances of less than160 miles for streams with a velocity of about 1 ft/sec(0.3 m/sec). As a result, the phytoplankton biomassmay not have enough time to grow to the maximumlevel calculated from the N-to-P ratio. The rate ofgrowth of the phytoplankton and the travel time of thestream length are therefore of specific importance.

Thomann and Mueller (1987) describe a simplified setof differential equations for chlorophyll a and inor-ganic phosphorus and nitrogen under a steady-statecondition:


dt ∗= Gn A (4-1)


dt ∗= aP Gp A (4-2)


dt ∗= aN Gp A (4-3)


A = concentration of chlorophyll a


P,N = concentrations of inorganicphosphorus and nitrogen (mg/L)

t* = travel time in stream (= x/U)(days)

x = distance downstream of effluent(miles)

U = stream velocity (miles/day)

aP = phosphorus:chlorophyll ratio(0.001 mg P/µg A)

aN = nitrogen:chlorophyll ratio (0.007mg N/µg A)

Gn = phytoplankton net growth rate(day -1)

= [Gp -Dp - Vs/H]

Gp = phytoplankton growth rate (rN =1.0) (day -1)

Dp = phytoplankton death rate (day -1)


Vs = phytoplankton net settling velocity(ft/day)

H = average stream depth (ft)

In these equations, inorganic phosphorus is assumednot to settle and is not recycled from respired algae.

Solutions of Equations 4-1 through 4-3 are:

A = Ao e Gn t∗ (4-4)

P = Po −aP Gp Ao

Gn(e Gn t

∗− 1)

( for P > 0.025mg ⁄ L ) (4-5)


N = No −aN Gp Ao

Gn( e Gn t

∗− 1 )

( for N > 0.125 mg ⁄ L ) (4-6)

Note that these equations are valid only in the regionwhere nutrients are in excess of phytoplanktongrowth needs. Ao, Po, and No are the in-streamconcentrations of chlorophyll a (µg/L), inorganicphosphorus (mg/L), and inorganic nitrogen (mg/L) atthe outfall after mixing of the upstream and effluentflows. The travel time to the location in the streamwhere nutrients begin to significantly affect the phy-toplankton growth rate can be calculated from Equa-tion 4-5 or 4-6 by substituting P = 0.025 mg/L forinorganic phosphorus and N = 0.125 mg/L for organicnitrogen:

t P∗ = 1



Ao′ + Po − 0.025Ao ′



t N∗ = 1



Ao′′ + No − 0.125Ao′′




t*P, t*N = travel times to stream locations whereinorganic phosphorus and nitrogen con-centrations begin to significantly limit phy-toplankton growth (days)

Ao′ =aP Gp Ao



Ao′′ =aN Gp Ao



In summary, “short” streams are defined as thosestreams where actual travel times are less than t*P ort*N as calculated from Equations 4-7 and 4-8. Forsuch streams, phytoplankton concentrations vary ex-ponentially according to Equation 4-4 and are essen-tially independent of nutrient concentrations (whichare in excess of growth-limiting concentrations). Nu-trient removals at a point source will reduce thein-stream concentrations Po and/or No and will de-crease the travel times t*P and/or t*N. If t*P or t*Nbecomes less than the actual stream travel time, peakchlorophyll concentrations will be reduced.

For small streams, 10 to 20 miles long with velocitiesof 0.5 to 1.0 ft/sec (8 to 16 miles/day), resulting traveltimes are from 1 to 2.5 days. If a high-rate activatedsludge (HRAS) plant flow with effluent P = 5 mg/L (75percent of which is available for uptake) mixes withan equal upstream flow with ambient P = 0.02 mg/L,Po = 25 µg/L, Gp = 1/day, and Gn = 0.5/day, t*P willequal approximately 7 days. If phosphorus removalwere instituted and the effluent were reduced to 1mg/L, t*P would become approximately 4 days. Inboth cases, t*P exceeds the actual travel time and thestream would be classified as a “short” stream, withphytoplankton concentrations varying exponentiallythroughout its length.

The following procedure for analysis is suggested:

1. Determine the limiting nutrient (inorganic phos-phorus or nitrogen). Include an estimate for thefraction of the inorganic nutrients available foruptake (for example, 0.75).

2. For present conditions, estimate Gn, Gp, Dp, andVs using observed phytoplankton data and em-pirical relationships.

3. Calculate t*P or t*N for present conditions fromEquation 4-7 or 4-8.

• If t*P (or t*N) is greater than the actual traveltime in the stream reach under consideration(t*a), then nutrients are in excess and

A max ≈ Ao e Gn t a∗

• If t*P or t*N is less than t*a, nutrients have thepotential to limit at t*P or t*N and

A max ≈ Ao e Gn (t P∗

or t N∗ )


4. Under projected conditions and future removal

programs, repeat steps 1 through 3. If the new

t*P (or t*N) is greater than the new t*a, nutrients

would still be in excess.

The data given for the example calculation for a short

stream are summarized in Table 4-3 and Thomann

and Mueller (1987). The underlying assumption is

that nutrients are not limiting the algal growth in the



• Estimate net phytoplankton growth rate (Gn):

Use observed chlorophyll a data at x = 0 andx = 20 miles and assume an exponentialincrease. P(x=20) = P(x=0)exp(+Gn x/U)

Travel time for reach: x/U= t* = 20 mi/8.2mi/day = 2.44 days

Chlorophyll a at end of 20 miles: P(x=20)= 65= 25 e


Net growth rate: Gn = [ln (65/25)] / 2.44 =0.391 day-1

• Determine algae population dynamics ratefactors:


Parameter Unit Present Design

Flow Rates:Ambient Stream cfs 20.0 12.0Wastewater cfs 0.39 0.49Total Flow cfs 20.39 12.49

Hydraulic Geometry:Stream Depth ft 3.0 2.2Velocity ft/sec 0.5 0.4Velocity mi/day 8.2 6.56

Water Temperature oC 23.0 25.0

Solar Radiation:Daily Solar Radiation (IT) ly 600 600Optimum Light Intensity (Is) ly/day 300 300Photoperiod (f) day 0.5 0.5Averaging Period (T) day 1.0 1.0

Light Extinction Coef. (Ke) ft-1 0.33 0.33KeH 0.99 0.73

Inorganic Phosphorus Conc: mg/LUpstream 0.02 0.02Wastewater 5.0 1.0

Maximum Limiting Phosphorus Conc mg/L 0.025 0.025

Chlorophyll a Conc:Upstream (x < 0) µg/L 25.0 25.0Downstream (x = 20 mi) µg/L 65.0 ?

Algal Growth Rate, Gmax (20 oC) day-1 1.8 1.8

Algal Respiration Rate, µR (20 oC) day-1 0.1 0.1

Net Algal Settling Rate, Vs ft/day 0.327 0.327


Gp = Gmax 1.066 (T−20 ) ⎡⎢⎣

2.718 f

KeHT(e−α1 − e−α2 )⎤⎥



Km + Nut


= GT rL rn (2-14)

rn = 1.0(assuming no nutrient limitation)


GT= (1.8day−1) (1.066) (23−20) = 2.18 day−1 (Figure 2-6)

α1 = 600 ly

300 ly ⁄ day (0.5day)e−(0.33)(3) = 1.47 (2-15a)

α2 = 600 ly

300 ly ⁄ day (0.5day)= 4.00 (2-15b)

rL = (2.718)(0.5)(0.33)(3.0)(1.0)

(e−1.47 − e−4.00) = 0.287 (2-15)

Gp = (2.18 day−1)(0.287) (1) = 0.626 day−1

Dp = (0.1day −1)1.08(23−20) = 0.126 day−1

Since Gn = [Gp - Dp - Vs/H], the net settling lossrate can be estimated from

Vs = H (Gp - Dp - Gn) = 3.0 (0.626-0.126-0.371)

Vs = 0.327 ft/day

Summary of population dynamics rates:

Specific growth rate, Gp = 0.626 day-1

Respiration loss rate, Dp = 0.126 day-1

Algal settling loss rate, Vs/H = 0.109 day-1

Net algal growth rate, Gn = 0.391 day-1

• Check for nutrient limitation:

Using a phosphorus-to-chlorophyll a ratio(aP) of 1.0, the amount of inorganic phospho-rus required to generate a net 40 µg/L chlo-

rophyll a is

Po′ = Ao′ ⁄ aP = ⎛⎜⎝

aP Gp Ao



⁄ aP = 40 µg ⁄ L

The initial phosphorus concentration follow-ing complete mixing between the waste inputand stream flow is

Po = (20)(0.02)+(0.39)(5.0)20+0.39

= 0.115 mg ⁄ L = 115 µg ⁄ L

By the end of the 20-mile reach, the inorganicphosphorus concentration would be equal to115 - 40 or 75 µg/L, which is much higher than

the maximum limiting concentration of 25

µg/L (see Table 4-3). Thus, the above analy-

sis is appropriate.

• Estimate algal population dynamics rate fac-tors under future design conditions:

Assume that the phytoplankton settling rate(Vs) and light extinction coefficient (Ke) willnot change under future design conditions.

Modify pertinent rate factors for designstream flow, temperature, and depth.

Using design conditions summarized in Ta-ble 4-3 and the pertinent relationships de-fined earlier, the rate factors for algal growthdynamics become:

Light limiting factor, rL = 0.236Nutrient limiting factor, rn = 1.0

(initial assumption)Specific algal growth rate, Gp = 0.585 day


Algal respiration rate, Dp = 0.147 day -1

Algal settling rate, Vs/H = 0.149 day-1

Net algal growth rate, Gn = 0.289 day-1

The projected algal chlorophyll a concentra-tion at x = 20 miles would be

25e(0.289day−1 )(20mi ⁄ 6.56 mi ⁄ day) = 60.3 µg ⁄ L

which would require the following amount ofinorganic phosphorus to support it:

Po′ = (1.0)(0.585)(25)0.289

= 50.6 µg ⁄ L

Yet, the inorganic phosphorus concentrationfollowing complete mixing at x = 0 is only

Po = (12.0)(0.02)+(0.47)(1.0)12.0+0.49

= 0.0568 mg ⁄ L = 56.8 µg ⁄ L

Although this inorganic phosphorus concen-tration is slightly more than the amount re-quired for algal growth, it is not sufficient tomaintain a no limitation condition while ap-proaching the end of the 20-mile stream.[Note that an inorganic phosphorus concen-tration of 25 µg/L (see Table 4-3) is requiredfor a no limitation condition in the water col-umn.] In other words, phosphorus limitationwill occur in the stream prior to the end of the20-mile reach. Because of this limitation, thechlorophyll a concentration at x = 20 miles,60.3 µg/L as calculated earlier, will be theupper bound for the algal biomass. A lower


bound can be estimated by first calculatingthe time it takes to reach a potential phospho-rus limitation (i.e., inorganic phosphorusconc. = 25 µg/L):


50.6+56.8 − 2550.6

= 1.628 days

The lower bound of the chlorophyll a concen-

tration is therefore

25 e (Gn) (1.68) = 41 µg ⁄ L

Based on the above analysis, the maximum chloro-

phyll a concentration at x = 20 miles would be be-tween 41 and 60 µg/L. The analysis also indicatesthat the short stream assumption is violated underfuture design conditions. More rigorous analyses(i.e., using a computer model) are required to addressthis issue. Diel Dissolved Oxygen Variation Due to Al-gae

If only average daily dissolved oxygen concentrationsare of concern in a TMDL, the above analysis may beused to determine the daily average net dissolvedoxygen production due to algal photosynthesis andrespiration. In cases where minimum daily standardsare of concern, an estimate of the diel variation indissolved oxygen must be made. A brief theoreticalanalysis is presented in the following paragraphs andfollowed by an example using the data from theprevious example in Section

Algal oxygen production as a function of time duringthe day can be approximated as (Di Toro, 1975;Chapra and Di Toro, 1991):

P(t) = PM sin(π t ⁄ f) 0 < t < fT (4-9)

P(t) = 0 f T < t < T

whereP(t) = algal gross photosynthetic

production of oxygen (mg/L–day)PM = maximum rate of photosynthetic

oxygen production (mg/L–day)t = time (days)

T = period (day)f = photoperiod (fraction of day)

To extend P(t) for more than one day, a Fourier seriescan be used:

P(t) = PM2f

πT+ ∑


bn cos⎡⎢⎣


T(t−f ⁄ 2)⎤⎥



n = number of days

bn = cos(πnf ⁄ T) 4πT ⁄ f(πT ⁄ f)2 − (2πn)2

and the average daily value of this function is equatedto the average daily algal oxygen production calcu-lated as:

Pav = PM2f



Pav = average daily rate of photosyntheticoxygen production (mg/L–day).

Assuming that phytoplankton oxygen production canbe represented with the diel Fourier Series functiongiven above and that algal respiration and sedimentoxygen demand are constant, the periodic steady-state solution to the differential equation is given as(O’Connor and Di Toro, 1970; Di Toro, 1975):

C ( t ) = Cs + [ (Pav − R ) ⁄ Ka ] −[ Sb ⁄ (Ka H ) ]

+ Pm




[K a2

+ (2πN ⁄ T )2]

1 / 2cos



T(t − f ⁄ 2) − tan

− 1 2πn







C(t) = time varying oxygen level (mg/L)Cs = oxygen saturation value (mg/L)Pav = daily average algal photosynthesis

(mg O2/L-day)R = algal respiration (mg O2/L-day)Ka = atmospheric reaeration coefficient

(day-1)Sb = sediment oxygen demand

(g O2/m2-day)H = depth of the water column (m)Pm = maximum algal photosynthetic

production (mg O2/L-day)T = diel period = 1.0 day

t = time during day (fraction of day)f = photoperiod (fraction of day)bn = periodic coefficient (n=1, n=2)

Using unique properties of the solution of the periodicequation, Di Toro (1975) and Chapra and Di Toro(1991) present an analytical expression (deltamethod) to estimate the diel range of oxygen attrib-uted to algal photosynthesis as follows:


(Cmax − Cmin)Pav

= [1− e −Ka f T ] [1−e − Ka T (1 − f ) ]

f Ka [1 −e −Ka T ](4-12)

where Cmax and Cmin represent the maximum andminimum daily (24 hr) oxygen levels.

Thomann and Mueller (1987) and Chapra and Di Toro(1991) present complete documentation of derivationof the diel oxygen production model and Di Toro’s(1975) delta method of determining the diel range ofoxygen from algal photosynthesis.

In shallow streams and rivers, attached epiphyticalgae and benthic macrophytes can account for sig-nificant components of observed primary productionand oxygen and nutrient distributions (Jeppesen andThyssen, 1984). In particular, steep gradient reachesof rivers with high current velocity (ca. 50 cm/s) andsufficient nutrient supply are typically characterizedby maximum rates of benthic primary productivityfrom periphyton (Hynes, 1970; Horner and Welch,1981; Welch et al. 1989). Consistent with other stud-ies reported in the literature, stream velocity in-creases of up to ~50 cm/s have been observed toresult in enhanced biomass accumulation and pro-ductivity of attached periphyton (Horner and Welch,1981). Velocities higher than ~50 cm/s tend to resultin reduced biomass accumulation because of physi-cal scouring and removal of attached biomass.

Since data to describe benthic biomass or benthicprimary productivity in a river are typically not avail-able, literature values can be used to estimate pa-rameter values for gross benthic algae productionand production/respiration ratios (P/R) (e.g., Bott etal., 1985). From these literature values, gross ben-thic algae productivity appears to be on the order of0.5 to 5.0 g C/m2-day. Based on photosyntheticefficiency and assuming that 1 mole O2 = 112 kcal,gross benthic production is on the order of 0.5 to 5.0percent of total incoming solar radiation (Thomannand Mueller, 1987).

In a comparative long-term seasonal study of fourrivers across the United States (Oregon, Michigan,Pennsylvania, and Idaho), Bott et al. (1985) reportedsummer benthic algae productivity rates of 0.25 to 2.5g C/m2-day. Bott et al. (1985) also reported a rangeof values of P/R ratios consistent with the “RiverContinuum Concept” (Williams, 1981) where transi-tions in community metabolism (i.e., P/R) tend tooccur over the domain of a river as small streamsdevelop into larger rivers over a drainage basin. Ingeneral, the data of Bott et al. (1985) tend to supportthis hypothesis, as summarized below:

• Upper reach of river: predominant heterotro-phy (P/R <1 )

• Middle reach of river: predominant autotro-phy (P/R > 1)

• Lower reach of river: predominant heterotro-phy (P/R <1 )

In shallow systems, accurate representation of theobserved diel oxygen range might require a dailyaverage and diel benthic algae component in additionto the phytoplankton component.

In order to account for benthic algae, or macrophytes,Equation 4-11 can be easily modified to include addi-tional daily average and diel terms. This approach hasbeen used with hydrographic data for Flanders Bay andSenix Creek (Tetra Tech, 1989; Morton et al. 1990),shallow estuarine ecosystems in eastern Long Island .Data from a 48-hour time series in Senix Creek (Rytheret al., 1958) are presented for comparison to the dielmodel results assuming (a) phytoplankton productiononly and (b) phytoplankton and benthic macrophyteproduction (Figure 4-4).

Using the hydrographic and nutrient data obtained forSenix Creek, the computed average phytoplanktonprimary production rate of 5.3 g C/m2-day falls withinthe observed range of 3.2-6.2 g C/m2-day. If phyto-plankton were the dominant primary producer, thenthe diel analysis should have adequately reproducedthe observed 48-hour time series of oxygen data wheresediment oxygen demand was assumed constant at4.1g O2/m2-day at the ambient temperature of 25 °C.Like the diel oxygen model results reported for theShenandoah River (Deb and Bowers, 1983), the com-puted amplitude and phase of the phytoplankton dieloxygen model do not adequately reproduce the ob-served data (Figure 4-4(a)). Incorporation of an aver-age benthic macrophyte production (4 g C/m2-day) andrespiration (3.75 g C/m2-day), however, results inmuch better agreement with the observations fromSenix Creek (Figure 4-4(b)).

The results of the diel analysis clearly demonstratethat benthic photosynthetic oxygen production can bea significant factor in the observed diel variability ofoxygen in shallow systems such as Senix Creek. Itis also likely that benthic macrophytes would accountfor a significant component of total nutrient uptake inthe water column.

4.2.4 Selection of Modeling Framework

Obtaining a simulation model that effectively imple-ments the conceptual model is important. If available






models do not fully implement a specific conceptualmodel, the analyst may:

• Refine the model code.

• Make calculations or assumptions external tothe model code.

• Explore consequences with model sensitivityanalyses.

It should be pointed out that how a modeling frame-work is used is typically more important to a TMDLmodeling study than exactly which model is used.Selection of an appropriate modeling framework in-creases the probability of accurate results.

The nature of the problem and, specifically, the timeand space scales of the problem dictate the simplicityor complexity of the modeling analysis. Given orassuming these scales, a specific question is posed,and the purpose of the modeling analysis is to answerthis question in the simplest, most efficient, and mostrealistic manner. For example, if the dissolved oxy-gen depression in the stream is primarily due to pointsource BOD discharges and no significant algae havebeen detected in the study area, a simple model ofBOD/DO without eutrophication is sufficient for theanalysis. By contrast, if the dissolved oxygen prob-lem is caused by decomposition of algal biomassfollowing nutrient inputs, the next level of analysis,incorporating algal-nutrient dynamics, should be con-sidered.

Furthermore, many stream water quality problemscan be and have been answered by a steady-stateanalysis with linear kinetics and simple transport(one-dimensional) components. The simple dis-solved oxygen models of streams are typical exam-ples. Such problems may be approximated withsufficient accuracy to yield an analysis that is ade-quate for making decisions regarding the treatmentlevel of wastewater. On the other hand, at this stageof development, an analysis of the eutrophicationproblem usually requires time-variable and nonlinearterms in order to determine the effect of nutrientremoval from wastewaters.

The relative complexity of the model is an importantfactor in TMDL studies—the more complex, thegreater the degree of model validation required. Thecomplexity of the model is determined by the numberof transport, kinetic, and input terms in the modelequations. Compare the simplicity of the equationsused to describe the steady-state distribution of dis-

solved oxygen in streams to the complexity of thosedescribing the time-variable distribution of nutrientsand phytoplankton in streams. For each additionalcomponent included in the analysis, an additionaldegree of validation is necessary. As a conse-quence, additional data are required. If data are notavailable on a specific component, it is questionablewhether the component should be included in theanalysis.

Most of the stream water quality models for TMDLscan be run on personal computers. Therefore, it isessential that the modeling framework selected beuser-friendly. Technical support to operate the modelis also crucial. Finally, graphic display of the modelresults can significantly increase the productivity ofthe TMDL study. With the rapid advancement ofmicrocomputer hardware and software, user-friendlyfeatures should be considered in model selection.


Following the initial assessment, including review ofexisting data, preliminary analyses, if any, and theselection of a modeling framework, a field survey maybe conducted to fill any data gaps. The additionaldata are key to the model calibration and validationfor the TMDL study. In fact, the initial assessmentshould determine:

• What pollution sources will be monitored?

• What is the extent of water quality data to becollected?

In general, a stream survey includes three basiccomponents:

• Measuring stream physical parameters suchas hydraulic geometry, velocity, flow, andtime of travel.

• Receiving water quality (physical, chemical,and biological) data collection.

The following special studies may be conducted, asneeded, if the budget and time schedule allow:

• Time-of-travel and dye dispersion studies.

• Measurement of reaeration coefficients.

• Light and dark bottle tests.

• Diel oxygen measurements.


• Nitrifying bacteria counts in the water columnand sediments.

• Long-term BOD tests of wastewater and re-ceiving water.

• Field measurements of sediment oxygen de-mand and nutrient fluxes.

It is extremely important that these components besynchronized to form a synoptic survey, making thedata most useful for the water quality modeling analy-sis. The handbook on stream sampling for wasteloadallocation applications by Mills et al. (1986) providescomplete information for designing a stream surveyprogram for point sources. A complete QA programfor the stream survey should be developed in ad-vance of any sampling activities to ensure docu-mented evidence that a data product of known andacceptable quality is produced. Appendix C presentsthe basic elements of a quality assurance program forfield monitoring programs.

4.3.1 Hydraulic Geometry Survey

Physical stream data include stream cross-sectionalarea, average stream depth, stream flow, and aver-age stream slope. These data must be collected ateach of the sampling stations selected. If the river isconstricted or not reflective of the natural channel atthese stations, then area and depth data should bemeasured slightly upstream of the location or wherethe channel is reflective of natural conditions.

About 5 percent accuracy should be required forcross-sectional area data, while 10 percent accuracyshould be required for flow measurements. In addi-tion, some self-checking procedure should be estab-lished so that any vandalism or change in staff gageelevation can be determined and corrected.

4.3.2 Time-of-Travel Study

Time-of-travel data are useful to define the time ofpassage between various sampling stations and todetermine the magnitude of longitudinal dispersion inthe stream. Time-of-travel studies should be con-ducted under different flow conditions (see FigureA-4). These flow conditions could be low flow or dryweather flow, and high flow. Each time-of-travelstudy should take place during a constant flow periodof a few days. During the survey, fluorescent dye isreleased at each selected location on the river andfluorescence is measured at the next downstreamstation. Stations should be selected to take intoaccount any features in the river basin that mightchange the time of travel such as present and future

wastewater inputs, tributary inputs, and changes inchannel characteristics. The dye is released instan-taneously at the upstream station and collected overtime at the downstream station. Dye samples can becollected by an automatic sampler for fluoresencemeasurement. The sampling interval from start ofsampling to end of sampling should be determinedbefore the dye is released, based on the river flow andthe length of the stream reach. Although most dyestudies are conducted using a single instantaneousdye dump, continuous dye injection can also be used.When conducting a time-of-travel study for multiplereaches in a river, the analyst must always start withthe most downstream reach and proceed in the up-stream direction to avoid any influence from upstreamdye releases.

Rhodamine WT dye is normally used in stream sur-veys. This dye should be diluted, one to one, withmethyl alcohol to bring the solution to a specificgravity of approximately 1.0. The mass of dye re-leased should be recorded, as well as the instantane-ous flow at the upstream and downstream stations.After dye samples have been collected, they shouldbe analyzed for percent transmittance. In addition, acalibration curve should be presented, showing thepercent transmittance vs. dye concentration (Wilsonet al., 1986).

4.3.3 Stream Water Quality Sampling

Water quality sampling should be conducted to as-sess the point and nonpoint source impacts onBOD/DO levels in a stream or river. When monitoringwater quality, all samples should be checked forresidual chlorine. If substantial levels are found, thenBOD samples must be dechlorinated and reseeded.In addition, when planning a stream water qualitysurvey, three key items should be determined: (1)sampling locations, (2) sampling time and frequency,and (3) sampling protocols.

A survey program designed for the Catawba River,South Carolina, illustrates the scope of a streamsurvey to support a BOD/DO TMDL study (Lung,1990). Figure 4-5 shows the study area and majorpoint sources along the Catawba River. Figure 4-6presents the sampling network along the river. Notethat the water quality sampling stations were selectedto reflect the major point source discharges and non-point source tributary inputs. The receiving waterquality parameters sampled are shown in Table 4-4,including the sampling frequency. The number andlocations of the stations could vary slightly depending





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Parameter Stations Sampling Frequency

Temperaturea All Twice a day for 2 dayspHa All Twice a day for 2 daysDissolved Oxygena All Twice a day for 2 daysSpecific Conductivitya All Twice a day for 2 daysDiurnal Dissolved Oxygenb 3, 5, 7, 9 Grab samples every 2 hr for 24 hrCBODu 3, 5, 7, 9 Grab samplesc

TBODud 3, 5, 7, 9 Grab samplesc

CBOD5 All Twice a day for 2 daysTotal Kjeldahl Nitrogen All Twice a day for 2 daysAmmonia Nitrogen All Twice a day for 2 daysNitrite and Nitrate All Twice a day for 2 daysTotal Suspended Solids All Twice a day for 2 days

a Using field sampling unit.b Light and dark bottle rig was used.c Both total BOD and nitrification inhibited BOD for days 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, and 50.d Total BOD.


Parameter Sources Sampling Frequency

Temperature All InstantaneouspH All InstantaneousFlow All 24-hour composites taken 4 times during

the surveyDissolved Oxygen All Same as aboveCBOD5 All Same as aboveTotal Kjeldahl Nitrogen All Same as aboveAmmonia Nitrogen All Same as aboveNitrite and Nitrate All Same as aboveTotal Suspended Solids All Same as aboveCBODu All Grab samplesa

TBODu All Grab samplesa

a Both total BOD and nitrification inhibited BOD for days 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, and 50.


on the actual field conditions. A similar summary isshown in Table 4-5 for point source sampling. Thesurvey lasted for approximately 4 days to cover theentire length of time required for dissolved sub-stances to travel the designated section of the river.The sampling of the upstream stations began 2 daysprior to the stream sampling to establish accurateboundary conditions for the modeling analysis.

4.3.4 Wastewater Monitoring

Different types of point sources require an analysis ofwastewater characeristics to accurately determinethe ultimate dissolved oxygen demand. The mostimportant factor for this determination is the CBODu-to-CBOD5 ratio. In the Catawba River, a number ofmunicipal and industrial point sources were sampledduring dry weather conditions. Table 4-5 lists thewater quality parameters sampled and the samplingfrequency.

Because of insufficient CBODu and CBOD5 data,conservative values (high ratio) were used during thestudy to avoid criticism. An overly conservativeCBODu-to-CBOD5 ratio would result in wasteloadallocations more stringent than necessary. There-fore, if industries want to have adequate allocations,sufficient data are required to justify a lower CBODu-to-CBOD5 ratio. A long-term BOD test of the efflu-ents and the stream samples is needed. Long-termBOD tests usually take about 90 to 100 days and arevery straightforward, but time-consuming.

4.3.5 Biological Assessment

Several methods exist for evaluating the biologicalattributes of a stream system (USEPA, 1993a). Habi-tat Evaluation Procedures (HEPs) are used to docu-ment the quality and quantity of available habitat byproviding information for comparing in-stream andriparian habitat in different areas or in one area underdifferent conditions. Rapid Bioassessment Protocols(RBPs) for habitat are screening tools for determiningwhether a stream is supporting a designated aquaticlife use. One component of these protocols is anin-stream habitat assessment procedure that meas-ures physical characteristics of the stream reach.RBP III, an RBP for benthic macroinvertebrates, fo-cuses on quantitative sampling in riffle/run habitat oron other submerged, fixed structures where rifflesmay not be available. The data collected are used tocalculate various metrics pertaining to benthic com-munity structure, community balance, and functionalfeeding groups. The Index of Biological Integrity (IBI)has been used in many States to assess a wide range

of impacts in streams and rivers. The IBI includes 12matrices in three major categories of fish assemblageattributes: species composition, trophic composition,and fish abundance and condition. Any of thesemethods can be useful in determining the effects ofpollutant loadings on biological communities instreams and rivers.


Model calibration is the first stage of testing and tuninga model to a set of field data, preferably a set of fielddata not used in the original model construction(Thomann and Mueller, 1987). Given the externalparameters of a modeled stream system, an initialestimate is made of the appropriate transport andreaction rate coefficients in the model. These coeffi-cients may be determined from a fundamental analy-sis relating to each specific coefficient (i.e., hydrologicor hydraulic analyses). The coefficients may also bedetermined from a statistical analysis, as is usuallydone with biological and chemical kinetic terms. Inany case, if a range of these values is known, a bestestimate is made for each, the model is run, and theoutput is compared to the data. Successive iterationsand adjustments are required to obtain a reasonablefit of the model and data. This procedure is known asmodel calibration.

4.4.1 Model Coefficient Assignment

Model calibration is also part of the process of deter-mining model coefficients. A simple example is thederivation of the stream deoxygenation coefficient,Kd, using the measured CBOD5 or ultimate CBODdata (e.g., CBOD20).

In many stream BOD/DO modeling analyses, sedi-ment oxygen demand was not included in the models.To calibrate the model to actual in-stream dissolvedoxygen data, the effect of SOD was incorporated intoother modeling rates such as Kd, Kn, and Ka. Incases where Ka was determined using a reaerationformula and was not adjusted, the oxygen demandfrom SOD could be incorporated into the Kd or Knrates. This approach would have the effect of over-estimating the dissolved oxygen impact from removalof nitrogenous or carbonaceous BOD. Sub-sequently, this derived value must be incorporatedinto the site-specific model to check the model-com-puted CBOD5 and dissolved oxygen profiles againstthe field data.


Incorrect calibration of models could also arise fromwrong steps in model calibration. For example, Kdcan be adjusted until the calculated dissolved oxygenmatches the measured data, rather than adjusting Kdto correspond to the CBODu data. Sediment oxygendemand, not considered in the model, was measuredat a certain value. In this case, the effect of SODcould inadvertently be included in the Kd rate in orderto match the model output with the observed data.Thus, the Kd rate used in the model could be sub-stantially higher than the Kd estimated from theCBOD data. Since the Kd used in the model exceedsits likely value, the dissolved oxygen increase result-ing from CBOD removal would be overestimated.

In model calibration analyses, adjustments of modelcoefficients should not exceed a predeterminedrange for each individual rate constant. For example,if CBOD5 data show that Kd could range from 0.25to 0.30 day-1 (depending on how the slope of theCBOD decay curve was drawn), Kd should not beadjusted beyond this range. Another approach incalibrating a model is to set all rates other than Kaequal to their most reasonable value based on avail-able data, and then to vary Ka under various flowregimes within the range indicated by the applicablereaeration formulas. If adjustments within this rangeof Ka do not produce a good match with the data, thenthe other rate constants may be adjusted furtherwithin their range of uncertainty. If these adjustmentsstill do not produce a good match, the analyst shouldreevaluate available data, the reaeration formulasused, and the receiving stream itself to identify factorsthat may be preventing model results from correspond-ing with actual in-stream data. It should be noted,however, that if Ka is calculated or measured usingsite-specific data, it is not advisable to vary Ka valuesand other estimated coefficients such as SOD shouldbe adjusted.

A more difficult case is the assignment of the modelcoefficients involving eutrophication. As indicated inSection 2, many kinetic processes related to phyto-plankton growth and nutrient recycling in the watercolumn are difficult, if not impossible, to obtain inde-pendently because of cost or time constraints. Thepractical approach of assigning them in a TMDLanalysis is to rely on model calibration and sensitivityanalyses. That is, model coefficient values are se-lected from literature values, preferably from previousstudies at the specific site location, or from waterbodies with similar problem settings. Subsequentmodel runs are performed to fine tune these modelcoefficients by matching the field data. Although anumber of model coefficient values are derived from

literature data, independent estimates of the exoge-nous variables such as streamflows, time of travel,boundary conditions, and environmental conditionsshould still be derived from the field data to minimizethe degree of tuning.

When field measurements are available, model coef-ficients can be determined using curve-fitting proce-dures. However, it should be pointed out that modelcalibration is not a curve-fitting exercise. The modelcoefficients (e.g., algal growth rate) are also adjustedthrough a series of model runs with reasonable andnarrow ranges of their values derived from the litera-ture. The model is designed to mimic the steady-statealgal growth and nutrient dynamics and should beshown to accomplish the task of reproducing the algalbiomass and nutrient concentrations in the stream. Inmodel sensitivity analyses, adjusting the kinetic coef-ficients and constants (within their predeterminedranges) to improve the calibration of certain waterquality constituents often results in adverse outcomesfor other water quality constituents. These are theconstraints in the model calibration process thatwould eventually lead to the determination of a uniqueset of credible model coefficients.

4.4.2 Component Analyses

In the steady-state stream BOD/DO modeling analy-sis, the amount of dissolved oxygen deficit producedby each of the oxygen-demanding components canbe calculated. The dissolved oxygen deficit is calcu-lated for each source of deficit and then is plotted.Figure 4-7 shows the component analysis results fromthe modeling analysis of Rock Creek, Pennsylvania,for the August 1979 conditions (Lung, 1990). Theresults suggest that the Gettysburg wastewater treat-ment plant and the sediment oxygen demand contrib-uted the most oxygen deficit in the stream. All othersources had a much smaller effect on the dissolvedoxygen concentrations. This type of analysis is impor-tant in both the model calibration/validation and was-teload allocation analyses. The component analysisgives the analyst a graphical presentation of thecause-and-effect relationship for in-stream water qual-ity.

While component analyses are routinely performed toquantify the contribution of individual sources to dis-solved oxygen deficits, a similar component analysisis not appropriate for eutrophication modeling analy-sis because of the nonlinear nature of the phytoplank-ton growth-nutrient dynamics in the model. That is,results from a component analysis would not predictalgal biomass accurately in terms of the various


sources of phosphorus without taking into considera-tion other factors that also control algal production.Lung and Testerman (1989) have demonstrated atechnique called numerical tagging to determine howmuch phosphorus in the algal biomass at a certainlocation in the James River, Virginia, is from a par-ticular wastewater source. The technique is similar tousing a radioactive tracer in limnological studies totrack the fate and transport of phosphorus in systems.Instead of using a radioactive tracer such as 32PO4,Lung and Testerman used a numerical tracer injectedat the particular wastewater source studied. That is,that source of phosphorus was numerically labeledand added to the river. Figure 4-8 shows the numeri-cal tagging results for the James River. The resultsshow that POTWs in the James River are majorcontributors of orthophosphate as well as algalbiomass. One interesting observation is that whilethe Richmond POTW contributes more than 80 per-cent of the orthophosphate to the river, its contributionto the biomass is only about 50 percent (a dispropor-tionate share compared with its phosphorus input).Such a result further emphasizes the nonlinear natureof eutrophication models.

4.4.3 Quantifying the Comparison BetweenModel Results and Data

Research activities (Thomann, 1982, 1987) in model-ing eutrophication in lakes have begun to explore theuse of simple statistical comparisons in an attempt toquantify model adequacy. These techniques couldbe a supplement to the qualitative comparisons ofobserved and calculated water quality profiles. Threetechniques that have been used are:

• Comparison of means

• Regression analysis

• Relative error

In the first technique, the mean of the observed datais compared to the mean of the computed profile forthe comparable conditions of loading, transport, andtemperature. The Student’s t-probability densityfunction is employed for the comparison of themeans.

In regression analysis, calculated concentrations andobserved data are considered as paired points in thetest equation:



FIGURE 4-8. NUMERICAL TAGGING OF JAMES RIVER(After Lung and Testerman, 1989)


F,~.h"ater Fla", 1100 cIS (31.2 mY~) T~mpe'a\u,e, 2t/C


I • •, , •• ,• "• •~ • , ; ii, , •• , •50.1 ••" ."oom &c ,""",po;nt Inp<.rt••0

Exch •cc,,, "c '" eo " " " <0 " " " 0 ."0'

<0.4 ~lIp."oom '" ,""",po;nt~

•50.3 Other POTW.

"bO.2• Richmond;§ 0.1 ~

"-0.0He "'" '" " " " " <0 '" " " 0 "" Appomattox Riv" 1nput

:::? 40 !Jpovoom '" No<IpoInt Phoapho<"uo 1nput, _rfal PhoopOor\JO lnpu!.•3"•~ 20•• ill0 ._- ,",u_

00no "" '" " " " '" <0 '" " " ·ill

Rive' loIiIea fr"'" Mouth

X = α + β C + E

where α and β are the true intercept and slope, respectively,

between the calculated value C and the observed data X. E is the

error associated with the observed data X. The regression analysis

assumes that the calculated value C is known with certainty and

that the error E is in the measured data, which is not necessarily

a realistic assumption. Standard linear regression methods can

be used to compute the square of the correlation coefficient (r 2)and the standard error of estimate representing theresidual error between data and model. Estimates ofthe slope and intercept are calculated and a test ofsignificance developed. Well-calibrated modelswould have a zero intercept and a slope of one.

Relative error is the absolute value of the differencebetween the observed and the calculated valuesdivided by the observed value. The relative error maybe aggregated across time or space, and the cumu-lative frequency of error can be computed. Estimatescan be made of the median relative error as well asthe 10 percent and 90 percent frequency of error.This statistic is poorly behaved at the upper tail andat low values of X. The median error can be easilyunderstood; therefore, it is the suggested measure ifstatistical representations of model adequacy are tobe employed in a TMDL study.

Statistical measures of adequacy are in the earlystages of research and should be employed recog-nizing that they provide, at the very best, a lowerbound on the magnitude of the error.


4.5.1 Model Coefficient Adjustment

Once a set of coefficients representative of one setof external conditions (e.g., with respect to tempera-ture, flow, and loading inputs) has been established,the model is rerun for a different set of input condi-tions. If the model output agrees in a reasonable,

qualitative way with the second set of data, the modelis considered to be validated in the first degree.

In some instances, if sufficient data are available, aquantitative comparison is possible. Then a measuresuch as the standard error of the mean can be used,and the model is considered validated if the modelresults fall within one standard error. Additional com-parisons with different combinations of the exoge-nous parameters yield higher degrees of validation.

In some cases, a model coefficient value may haveto be varied slightly to match the data in the validation

process. Then the changed value must be testedagain with the data set for the model calibration run.A good example of such an exercise is the calibrationof the nitrification rate, Kn. When data from a wintersurvey are first used to calibrate a model, the dis-solved oxygen balance is not sensitive to the nitrifica-tion rate and, therefore, Kn cannot be determinedaccurately. During model validation, another set ofdata collected in the summer months is used. Sincethe nitrification process is highly sensitive to tempera-ture, the modeling analysis is able to tune the nitrifi-cation rate with greater accuracy. Now, this modifiedKn should be checked again with the winter run.Because of the cold temperature in the winter months,the model results are not affected. This procedure isalso valid for model calibration and validation analy-ses between two drastically different stream flowconditions. Under high flows, some kinetic coeffi-cients may not be important and, therefore, cannot beaccurately calibrated until the low-flow conditions,when the kinetics become much more significant inrelation to stream flow.

4.5.2 Model Sensitivity Analysis

When validating or calibrating a mathematical waterquality model, the analyst selectively determinessome model input parameters that, when used in themodel, yield reasonable simulations of observedwater quality data. Some of these input parameters,such as stream geometry, cross-sectional areas, anddepths, are directly measured. Other model parame-ters, such as system transport, oxidation rates,reaeration rates, and nitrification rates, are not directlymeasured. These parameters are determined fromempirical formulations, literature searches, or itera-tive model simulations. The purpose of a sensitivityanalysis is to test the sensitivity of the model to someof these input parameters. Some of the commonmodel sensitivity analyses in a stream TMDL include:

• Sensitivity of model to transport coefficients.

• Sensitivity of model to Kd rates.

• Sensitivity of model to Ka rates.

• Sensitivity of model to Kn rates.

• Sensitivity of model to the net algal oxygenproduction rate (P-R).

• Sensitivity to SOD





E '"•" 00•~0

'"••;:~ m


4.5.3 Model Accuracy

The question of model accuracy is often crucial insituations where a given allocation is being negoti-ated or contested. Thomann (1980) has discussedthis question and compiled a distribution of relativeerrors between model calibration results and the ob-served data. Figure 4-9 displays the median relativeerror in measured versus simulated (modeled) dis-solved oxygen for waterbodies of varying complexity.The models represented in Figure 4-9 generally rep-resent state-of-the-art models, applied by experi-enced practitioners using best judgment on loads,parameters, and model structure. That is, the calibra-tions were conducted based on defensible theoreticalassumptions rather than simply an attempt to matchthe measured dissolved oxygen values by arbitrarilyadjusting model coefficients. With this considerationin mind, Figure 4-9 indicates that for the 20 modelsrepresented, 50 percent had a median relative errorin dissolved oxygen of 10 percent (plus or minus),with maximum errors of up to 60 percent occurring inthe smaller streams/estuaries simulated. This com-parison is useful in suggesting the present ability toreproduce the observed data with a credible model.


An integral part of the TMDL process is the analysisof cause-effect relationships via a mathematicalmodel of loading input and resulting water qualityresponse. The TMDL rests heavily on the credibilityand predictive capability of the mathematical model-ing framework (Thomann and Mueller, 1987). How-ever, the adequacy of the modeling framework is onlyone of many issues that must be considered in aTMDL process (Chadderton and Kropp, 1985). Todevelop an actual TMDL, a number of tasks need tobe conducted. The following sections provide a briefdescription of these tasks.

4.6.1 Development of Management Scenarios

In many cases, management alternatives can beevaluated by using model applications, particularly inriver systems that receive loadings from multiplesources. Usually a regional or State planning agencyis responsible for soliciting input from dischargers, thepublic, and other interested parties to determine themost feasible management alternatives. In all cases,depending on scenario, all point and nonpoint

sources should be considered when developing allo-cation scenarios.

When developing an allocation scenario fora TMDL, thewater resource manager should select the best combi-nation of point and nonpoint source controls thatachieves water quality standards. The selection of anallocation alternative largely depends on available tech-nical and financial resources. The best combination ofpollution reduction controls is that which is the mostcost-effective and feasible to implement. Allocationscenarios typically reduce point source dischargesthrough NPDES permitting, reduce nonpoint sourceloads through the implementation of best managementpractices (BMPs), or use a combination of both.

Cost trade-offs are an important consideration whendeveloping alternative pollution allocation scenarios.Point and nonpoint source trading is one cost-effec-tive alternative for meeting water quality criteria orother appropriate TMDL endpoints. Although it canbe implemented in many different forms, essentiallytrading allocates pollutant loading reductions acrosspoint and nonpoint sources using least cost as thecriterion (USEPA, 1992c). For example, in lieu ofupgrading their pollution control technology, pointsource dischargers may be allowed to pay for equiva-lent or greater reductions in nonpoint source loadingswithin their watersheds. Trading is applicable whenimplementation of nonpoint source BMPs is lesscostly per unit of pollution reduction than upgradingpoint source treatment technology.

4.6.2 Total Maximum Daily Loads

Application of a model to allocate waste loads andnonpoint loads is usually done under 7-day, 10-yearlow-flow conditions depending on the WQS being im-plemented, and the type of waterbody (see SectionA.3.2). A temperature condition needs to be estab-lished as well. There is no standard procedure in themodel application analysis. Figure 4-10 is a suggestedallocation procedure for BOD/DO in streams, the stepsof which are discussed below. The procedure does notaddress cost/benefit issues.

The determination of the dissolved oxygen standard orendpoint as the first step includes an evaluation of thestatistical requirements of the standard. Thus, if thestandard indicates that the dissolved oxygen shouldnever be less than 5 mg/L, then recognition should begiven to random uncontrollable variations in dissolvedoxygen. For streams and rivers, these fluctuations maybe on the order of a standard deviation of 0.25 mg/L.Thus, if 0.5 mg/L is added to the standard, then the
























*See glossary for definition



resulting level of 5.5 mg/L represents the target mini-mum level that, if attained, will meet the absoluteminimum level of 5 mg/L with only a 2.5 percentchance of dropping below the standard. This doesnot imply that the short-term fluctuations may or maynot be damaging to the ecosystem. That determina-tion is part of the interpretation of the standard.

The selection of a background dissolved oxygen defi-cit is subject to wide variation depending on the spe-cifics of the area, such as urban, suburban, or ruralland use. Some States have determined backgroundpercent saturation for specific ecoregions. The deficitmay be determined from upstream BOD and dis-solved oxygen conditions and calculated through theregion of interest. This approach requires assignmentof BOD deoxygenation coefficients. A minimum effortanalysis would simply assign a constant dissolvedoxygen deficit throughout the river reach of 0 - 1 mg/Ldepending on the problem conditions. This step isclearly subject to potentially widely varying engineer-ing judgment. It should be noted that the use of a1-mg/L dissolved oxygen deficit may result in a signifi-cantly higher degree of required treatment than thatresulting if no background is assigned.

The inputs from each of the point source dischargesare then estimated following general guidelines forexpected effluent concentrations. Nonpoint sourceloadings are estimated from existing or collected wa-tershed data. Often, nutrient budget studies are con-ducted as part of the TMDL process to determineapproximate pollutant loadings contributed by non-point sources. The remaining steps are as indicated.The application of the water quality model may alsovary widely, depending on the level of effort involved,from simplified desktop calculations to full-scale fieldand calibration studies. If the dissolved oxygen stand-ard is achieved with presently mandated effluent lev-els, then the allocation is as given by those levels andan equivalent reserve capacity can be estimated. Insome cases the dissolved oxygen standard may beachieved by incrementing point source treatment bydiscrete levels. However, nonpoint source controlsmay be needed when further reductions in point sourcewaste loads are not possible or are cost-prohibitive.The technological upper bound should be checkedhere. The maximum allowable discharge load is thenthe load needed to achieve the standard. However, thisis not necessarily the load to be allocated.

If relatively rapid growth is forecasted for an area,then it is recommended that some fraction of the

maximum allowable load be placed in reserve forfuture growth. A fraction of the maximum allowableload can be set aside explicitly, or implicitly, as amargin of safety to account for scientific uncertaintyabout whether the TMDL reflects the actual loadingcapacity of the waterbody. This uncertainty can becaused by insufficient or poor-quality data or a lack ofknowledge about the water resource and pollutanteffects. Thus, if a margin of safety of 0.8 is chosen,then 20 percent of the allowable load is placed inreserve. The allocation is given by the margin ofsafety times the maximum allowable load. However,a final check should be made to ensure that therequired treatment level is technologically feasible. Ifan upper technological treatment bound has beenexceeded, the margin of safety may have to be ad-justed.

4.6.3 Uncertainty Analysis

Uncertainty analysis should be included as an integralcomponent of water quality modeling. One of theprimary purposes is to quantify the error in predictingwater quality and evaluate the effect of input parame-ters on model output. Better management decisionscan be made by quantifying this error. Such quanti-fication also facilitates subsequent studies, such asrisk assessments, to evaluate alternative allocations.

In addition, uncertainty analysis may provide insightinto the need for additional data collection to refinethe estimate of certain loads, initial conditions, orreaction rates. For example, if the model is sensitiveto the reaeration rate (that is, a small change inreaeration rate results in large changes in the predic-tion of critical water quality parameters such as dis-solved oxygen), it may be appropriate to allocateresources to more accurately estimate the reaerationrate of that stream or river.

Appendix D presents a discussion of the three tech-niques for performing uncertainty analysis: sensitivityanalysis, first-order error analysis, and Monte Carlosimulation. Each technique has advantages and dis-advantages in terms of applicability and computa-tional burden that will make one method more suitablethan another for a particular analysis. In many in-stances, the modeler may need to explore the resultsfrom all three procedures. The three methods mayproduce discrepancies in their results because themethodologies and assumptions differ. Each ofthese techniques is available in QUAL2E-UNCAS,and the discussion and example in Appendix D islimited to the features available in that model.



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As demonstrated in Chapter 2, a number of model coef-ficients and constants are formulated in a stream waterquality model. Coefficient values can be obtained in fourways:

• Direct measurement

• Estimation from field data

• Literature values

• Model calibration

Model calibration is usually required regardless of theapproach selected. However, coefficients that are site-specific or those that can take on a wide range of valuesshould be measured directly or estimated from fieldsamples. The purpose of Appendix A is to providesufficient information and data to developa consistent setof model coefficients and parameter values for a TMDLmodel analysis. For some model coefficients, additionaldiscussions are presented to address subtle technicalissues associated with the determination. This appendixis organized to follow the materials presented in Chapter2 and is summarized below.

A.1 OverviewA.2 LoadsA.3 Physical ParametersA.4 Carbonaceous Deoxygenation RateA.5 Nitrogenous Deoxygenation (Nitrification)

RateA.6 Stream Reaeration RateA.7 Sediment Oxygen DemandA.8 Photosynthesis and RespirationA.9 Phytoplankton Kinetic RatesA.10 Nutrient Recycling RatesA.11 Sediment Nutrient Release RateA.12 Temperature Effects on Reaction Rate



A.2.1 Effluent Concentrations

As suggested in Chapter 2, point source inputs frommunicipal wastewater treatment plants or publicly ownedtreatment works (POTWs) and industrial facilities shouldbe measured for site-specific situations. However, if the

data are not readily available, typical effluent charac-teristics reported for POTWs in the literature may beused as a first approximation. In a study by Leo et al.(1984), an extensive amount of POTW effluent infor-mation was gathered and compiled to assess effluentBOD5, CBOD5, ammonia, CBODu-to-BOD5 ratios, andCBODu-to-CBOD5 ratios for various treatment levels. Intotal, information on these parameters was available fromapproximately114 treatment facilities. TableA-1presentsa summary of the effluent BOD5, CBOD5, and ammoniaconcentrations for POTWs with various treatment levels.

Effluent BOD5 and CBOD5 concentrations are signifi-cantly different (see Table A-1), reinforcing the findings byHall and Foxen (1984) that significant nitrification occursduring BOD tests for many POTWs with secondary treat-ment. For the 26 secondary treatment facilities in theabove study, the ammonia data were gathered duringintensive summer water quality surveys, indicating thatmany secondary POTWs achieve some nitrification dur-ingsummerperiods. It is likely thatwith in-plantnitrificationoccurring, nitrifying bacteria present in the effluent cancause oxygen consumption during the BOD5 test. TheBOD5 test would therefore tend to underestimate theability of the POTW to remove carbonaceous oxidizingmaterials.

Ingeneral,onlyPOTWsthatpracticephosphorusremovalto meet their NPDES permit effluent limits measure andreport phosphorus concentrations in the effluent. Lung(1986b) reported an average totalphosphorus concentra-tion of 6.25 mg/L in the effluents of 18 secondary POTWsin the Chesapeake Bay area (plants in Virginia, Maryland,and Pennsylvania) thatdid not have phosphorus removal.Phosphate detergents have been progressively bannedin the Chesapeake Bay region since that study. Recentdata collected from a number of POTWs in HamptonRoads Sanitation District, Virginia, indicated up to a 50percent phosphorus load reduction following the phos-phate detergent ban, which became effective on January1, 1988 (Virginia WaterControl Board,1989). One shouldnote that phosphate detergent bans would have no effecton the effluent concentrations at POTWs that removephosphorus to meet NPDES permits.

A number of texts, technical reports, and other literaturedocument influent and effluent characteristics of munici-pal wastewater for various treatment levels. Tables A-1through A-17 present data summarized by a number


of investigators that can be used to estimate effluentcharacteristics.

A.2.2 Effluent CBODu-to-BOD5 or CBODu-to-CBOD5 Ratios

The effluent CBODu-to-BOD5 or CBODu-to-CBOD5 ra-tio is required in dissolved oxygen modeling analysesto estimate POTW CBODu from effluent BOD5 orCBOD5 data. This data is also needed to convert modeloutput (as CBODu) to NPDES permit limits (as CBOD5).A summary of this information is presented in Figure A-1(Leo et al., 1984), suggesting a mean value of 2.47 forCBODu-to-BOD5 and 2.84 for CBODu-to-CBOD5.Thomann and Mueller (1987) summarize the CBODu-to-CBOD5 ratios for municipal wastes as 1.2 for notreatment, 1.6 for primary/secondary, 3.2 for activatedsludge, and 2.84 for advanced primary. In the absenceof site-specific data, these ratios are reasonable ap-proximations for a dissolved oxygen modeling analysis.

EPA strongly recommends that, whenever possible,data from existing plant or pilot plant effluents be usedin the modeling analysis. In this case, long-term BODtests should be run to determine the K1 coefficient fromEquation 2-5 and consequently the CBODu-to-CBOD5ratio. However, caution should be exercised when

using data from an existing plant that has a treatmentlevel significantly less than that of a proposed plant.In this case, the existing data should be used as aguide. A model sensitivity analysis of the final WLAwith respect to the ratio should help the analyst tojudge the need for additional data.

The CBODu-to-CBOD5 ratio of industrial wastewater ishighly dependent on the type of industry manufacturingprocesses, treatment schemes or operation, measure-ment techniques, and other factors. Pulp and paper milleffluent, forexample, is characterizedbyveryhigh ratiosof CBODu to CBOD5 because of the refractory natureof the cellulose and compounds in the wastewater. Formany industrial wastewaters, the ratios also may varywith BOD concentration.

A.2.3 Nonpoint Source Loads

Other loading rates for nonpoint loads such as combinedseweroverflows,urbanstormrunoff, andupstreamback-ground loads vary from one study area to another.ThomannandMueller (1987)andNovotony(1991,1992)provide a brief summary of these loading rates. Mills etal. (1985) present information on determining theseloads. Table A-2 lists some of the typical ranges asdescribed in the literature.


POTW Effluent Concentrations (mg/L)BOD5 CBOD5 Ammonia-N

Treatment TypeNumber ofLocationsa Mean

StandardDeviation Mean

StandardDeviation Mean


Primary 2 101.0 21.2 — — — —

Trickling Filter 13 41.2 27.8 — — 16.6 12.2

Secondary 38 19.1 16.3 10.3 6.4 8.9 6.3

Secondary + P-Removal 9 16.2 14.0 14.6 9.3 7.9 8.9

Secondary + Nitrification 10 11.5 11.8 4.8 3.9 1.0 1.4

Secondary + P-Removal + Nitri-ficaton

3 13.6 18.6 — — 0.9 0.7

Secondary + P-Removal + Fil-ters

3 3.9 2.0 — — 4.8 8.2

a Number of locations with BOD5 data. In some cases, number with CBOD5 or NH3 data may be less.



Source Range Supplemental References

Domestic and Industrial NPDES Permits a, b, c, d, ePoint Sources Compliance Reports

Upstream Background Levels:Dissolved Oxygen Deficit 0.5-2.0 mg/L g, i, Use STORET

BOD5 0.5-3.0 mg/L f, g, h, Use STORET

NH3 0.05-.27 mg/L f, g, h, Use STORET

NO3 0.07-0.37 mg/L f, Use STORET

Organic N 0.05-0.50 mg/L f, g, Use STORET

Combined Sewer Overflow, BOD 115 mg/L d, h, jOrganic N 3.8 mg/L d, h, j

TN 9.1 mg/L d, h, j

Nonpoint sources (kg/ha/yr)Urban


TN 6.69 k

6.37-8.00 l

8.12 m

5.62-7.14 n

17.23 o

TP 1.57 k

0.40-3.19 l

1.20 m

0.89-4.46 n

1.33 o

BOD5 58.97 k

34.23 m


TN 0.87 k

4.77-7.16 l

6.69 m

TP 0.17 k

0.48-0.79 l

1.03 m

BOD5 28.55 k

28.67 m


TN 7.34 k

2.39-9.56 l

17.83 m

TP 0.55 k

0.07-0.71 l

2.70 m

BOD5 13.03 k

78.03 m


TABLE A-2. (Continued)

Source Range Supplemental References


0.63-59.71 lTP 0.08-7.16 l


TN 20.46 k

4.77-47.77 l

0.09-10.35 n

18.71 oTP 0.83 k

0.24-5.58 l

0.04-2.32 n

5.45 oImproved Pasture

TN 5.02 k

3.98-11.95 l

TP 0.92 k

0.08-0.48 l


TN 4.17 k

2.31 o

TP 0.24 k

0.44 o

Forested TN 2.44 k0.79-6.37 l

2.41-10.35 n

a Leo et al., 1984b Metcalf and Eddy, 1972c Mueller et al., 1976d Thomann and Mueller, 1987e Mueller et al., 1982f Hydroscience, 1975g Hydroscience, 1968h Metcalf and Eddy, 1977i Manhattan College, 1980j USEPA, 1976ak Shahane, 1982l Novotny and Chesters, 1981m NURP, 1983n Sweeten and Melvin, 1985o Haith and Shoemaker, 1987



(after Thomann and Mueller, 1987)

Variable UnitsaMunicipalInfluentb CSOc





Average daily flow gcd 125Total suspended solids mg/L 300 410 610 2500 400CBOD5

g mg/L 180 170 27 40 8CBODU

g mg/L 220 240NBODg mg/L 220 290Total nitrogen mg-N/L 50 9 2.3 15 4 8.9-18.9Total phosphorus mg-P/L 10 3 0.5 1.0 0.3 0.13-1.3Total coliforms 106/100 mL 30 6 0.3

Cadmium mg/L 1.2 10 13 0.015

Lead mg/L 22 190 280 1.3

Chrome µg/L 42 190 22 0.088

Copper µg/L 159 460 110

Zinc mg/L 241 660 500 1.8

Total PCB mg/L 0.9 0.3 - 0.002-0.02

a Units apply to municipal influent, combined sewer overflow (CSO), and urban runoff sources; gcd = gallons per capita per day.b Thomann (1972); heavy metals and PCB, HydroQual (1982).c Thomann (1972); total coli, Tetra Tech, (1977); heavy metals Di Toro et al. (1978); PCB, Hydroscience (1978).d Tetra Tech (1977); heavy metals, Di Toro et al. (1978).e Hydroscience (1976).f Nitrogen and phosphorus, Tetra Tech (1982); heavy metals and PCB, HydroQual (1982).g CBOD5 = 5 day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD); CBODU = ultimate CBOD; NBOD = nitrogenous BOD.


Before Sedimentation After Sedimentation Biologically Treated

Total solids 800 680 530Total volatile solids 440 340 220Suspended solids 240 120 30Volatile suspended solids 180 100 20BOD 200 130 30Ammonia nitrogen as N 15 15 20Total nitrogen as N 35 25 20Soluble phosphorus as P 7 7 7Total phosphorus as P 10 8 7


TABLE A-6. TYPICAL COMPOSITION OF RAW DOMESTIC SEWAGE(All values except settleable solids are expressed in mg/L)

(after Metcalf & Eddy, 1972)

Concentration Before TreatmentConstituent Strong Medium Weak

Solids, total 1200 700 350Dissolved, total 850 500 250

Fixed 525 300 145Volatile 325 200 105

Suspended, total 350 200 100Fixed 75 50 30Volatile 275 150 70

Settleable solids, (mL/L) 20 10 5Biochemical oxygen demand, 5-day, 20°C (BOD5 @20 °C)

300 200 100

Total organic carbon (TOC) 300 200 100Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 1,000 500 250Nitrogen, (total as N) 85 40 20

Organic 35 15 8Free Ammonia 50 25 12Nitrites 0 0 0Nitrates 0 0 0

Phosphorus (total as P) 20 10 6Organic 5 3 2Inorganic 15 7 4

Chloridesa 100 50 30Alkalinity (as CaCO3)a 200 100 50Grease 150 100 50

aValues should be increased by amount in carriage water.


Variable Unit Approx. Average Normal Range

Avg. Daily Flow gal/cap/day 125 100-200Solids -Total mg/L 800 450-1200

Total Volatile mg/L 400 250-800Total Dissolved mg/L 500 300-800Total Suspended mg/L 300 100-400Volatile Suspended mg/L 130 80-200

Settleable mg/L 150 —CBOD (5-day)a mg/L 180 100-450CBOD (ultimate) mg/L 220 120-580NBODb mg/L 220 —Total Nitrogen mg/L N 50 15-100

Organic Nitrogen mg/L N 20 5-35Ammonia Nitrogen mg/L N 28 10-60Nitrate + Nitrite mg/L N 2 0-6

Total Phosphate mg/L PO4 20 10-50Ortho Phosphate mg/L PO4 10 5-25Poly-Phosphate mg/L PO4 10 5-25

Total Coliforms million/100mL 30 2-50Fecal Coliforms million/100mL 4 0.3-17

aCBOD - Carbonaceous oxygen demand.bNBOD - Nitrogenous oxygen demand, ultimate; exclusive of CBOD.



Concentration (mg/L)Parameter NYC NJ NYC

Raw Sewage Primary Effluent Secondary Effluent

SS 139 93 43ALK 190 190 170BOD5 131 158 36COD 2.5 x BOD5 2.5 x BOD5 4.7 x BOD5

TOC 83 0.68 x BOD5 0.94 x BOD5MBAS 10 10 1.0Oil & Grease 36 23 15NH3-N 10.6 0.58 x Tot.N 0.64 x Tot.NOrg-N 10.4 0.69 x NH3-N 0.53 x NH3-NNO2+NO3-N 0.68 0.02 x Tot.N 0.02 x Tot.NTotal N 21.7 22 22Ortho-P 3.27 0.7 x Tot.P 0.7 x Tot.PTotal P 4.70 6.14 3.30Cd 0.018 0.012 0.012Cr 0.15 0.057 0.057Cu 0.23 0.105 0.105Fe 2.5 0.70 0.70Hg 0.033 0.025 0.025Pb 0.26 0.190 0.190Zn 0.39 0.185 0.185Fecal Coli (cells/100mL) 0.44 x T.Coli 0.44 x T.Coli 0.44 x T.ColiTotal Coli (cells/100mL) 50x106 15x106 2.5x106

Total Coli after Chlorination(cells/ 100mL)

357 357



(after Mueller et al., 1982)

ParameterNYC Raw

Sewagea (mg/L)NJ Primary

Effluentb (mg/L)

Middlesex CountySecondaryEffluentc


Effluentd (mg/L)

SS 110 105 43 20BOD 104 218 39 15TOC 93 151 128 39NH3-N 10 22 11 7.9ORG-N 13 13 17 6.1NO2-N 0.07 0.06 0.16 0.19NO3-N 0.38 0.51 3.6 1.3Ortho-P 2.0 7.7 3.5 1.6Total-P 3.2 9.3 2.3 2.1Fecal Coliform


Winter 3 x 106 33 33 1.5 x 105Summer 3 x 106 33 33 33

Cadmium 1.2 14 12 1.1Chromium 42 68 34 16Copper 159 185 334 93Cyanide 92 92(f) 57 52Lead 22 211 77 11Mercury 1.3 0.62 0.2 0.57Nickel 45 105 37 37Zinc 241 365 4800 101

a Not including Newton Creek and Bowery Bay (high industry).b 14 New Jersey plants.c SS, BOD, TOC, ORG-N, and ortho-P from ISC data. All other from Middlesex County (NJ) quarterly reports.d Not including Coney Island, Newton Creek, and Owls Head (intermediate treatment) and Bowery Bay (high industry).e NYC raw from 208 study, NJ primary, Middlesex County, and NYC secondary from NYC summer 1980 and NYC winter

from Lake Tahoe, California.f NYC raw concentration assumed.



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(After Metcalf & Eddy, 1989)(in mg/L unless otherwise specified)

Effluent ParameterMWRA Primary

EffluentMWRA Secondary

Effluent Data Source

Total CBOD5 112 9 MWRA PilotSoluble CBOD5 44.80 3.05 Total*ParticulateParticulate CBOD5 67.20 5.94 Total*Particulate/TotalParticulate/Total CBOD5 60% 66% MWRA PilotTotal COD 253 50.50 MWRA PilotSoluble COD 93.61 37.87 Total*ParticulateParticulate COD 159.39 12.62 Total*Particulate/TotalParticulate/Total COD 63% 25% MWRA PilotTotal SS 136 15 MWRA PilotTKN 16 11 MWRA PilotNH3-N 11 8.10 MWRA PilotTotal N 16.33 11.22 TN=TKN/0.98NO3-N + NO2-N 0.33 0.22 NO3=TN*0.02Total P 4.13 1.88 MWRA Pilot


(after Metcalf & Eddy, 1991)

Treatment Operation or Process Removal of Phosphorus Entering System (%)

Conventional treatmentPrimary 10-20Activated-sludge 10-25Trickling-filter 8-12Rotating biological contactors 8-12

Biological phosphorus removal onlyMainstream treatment 70-90Sidestream treatment 70-90

Combined biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal 70-90

Chemical removalPrecipitation with metal salt 70-90Precipitation with lime 70-90

Physical removalFiltration 20-50Reverse osmosis 90-100Carbon adsorption 10-30

a Adapted in part from Ref. 24 cited in Metcalf & Eddy (1991).



(After Metcalf & Eddy, 1991)

Nitrogen CompoundRemoval of Total

Nitrogen EnteringProcess, %b

Treatment Operationor Process Organic Nitrogen NH3-NH4 NO3

Conventional treatmentPrimary 10–20% removed No effect No effect 5-10Secondary 15–50% removedc urea

—> NH3-NH4d

< 10% removed Slight effect 10-30

Biological processesBacterial assimilation No effect 40-70% removed Slight 30-70Denitrification No effect No effect 80-90% removed 70-95Harvesting algae Partial transformation to


—> Cells —> Cells 50-80

Nitrification Limited effect —> NO3 No effect 5-20Oxidation ponds Partial transformation to


Partial removal bystripping

Partial removal bynitrification/denitrification


Chemical processesBreakpoint chlorination Uncertain 90-100% removed No effect 80-95

Chemical coagulation 50-70% removed Slight effect Slight effect 20-30Carbon adsorption 30-50% removed Slight effect Slight effect 10-20Selective ion exchange forammonium

Slight, uncertain 80-97% removed No effect 70-95

Selective ion exchange fornitrate

Slight effect Slight effect 75-90% removed 70-90

Physical operationsFiltration 30-95% of suspended

organic N removedSlight effect Slight effect 20-40%

Air stripping No effect 60-95% removed No effect 50-90%Electrodialysis 100% of suspended

organic N removed30-50% removed 30-50% removed 40-50%

Reverse osmosis 60-90% removed 60-90% removed 60-90% removed 80-90%



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Effect on ConstituentRemoval of TotalNitrogen Entering

Process (%)Treatment process Organic-N Ammonia-N Nitrate-N

Conventional treatment processesPrimary 10-20% removed no effect no effect 5-10Secondary 15-20% removed

urea —> NH3/NH4

<10% removed nil 10-20

Advanced wastewater treatmentprocesses

Filtration 30-95% removed nil nil 20-40Carbon sorption 30-50% removed nil nil 10-20Electrodialysis 100% of suspended

organic N removed40% removed 40% removed 35-45

Reverse osmosis 100% of suspendedorganic N removed

85% removed 85% removed 80-90

Chemical coagulation 50-70% removed nil nil 20-30

Other nitrogen removal processesSelective ion exchange for nitrate nil nil 75-90% removed 70-90Oxidation ponds partial

transformation toNH3/NH4

partial removal bystripping

partial removal bynitrification-denitrification


Algae stripping partial transforma-tion to NH3/NH4

—> cells —> cells 50-85

Bacterial assimilation no effect 40-70% removed limited effect 30-70


(After Ketchum, 1982)

Treatment TypePrimary Trickling Filter Activated Sludge Stabilization Pond

No. of plants sampled 55 244 244 149Total P (mg/L) 6.6 ± 0.66 6.9 ± 0.28 5.8 ± 0.29 5.2 ± 0.45Total N (mg/L) 22.4 ± 1.30 16.4 ± 0.54 13.6 ±0.62 11.5 ± 0 .84N:P (weight) (mg N/mg P) 3.39 2.38 2.34 2.21N:P (atoms)(mg-at N/mg-at P)

7.52 5.26 5.19 4.90



(After Metcalf & Eddy, 1991)

Percent Reductiona

Control CBODSuspended





Conventional TreatmentPrimary settling 25-40 20-60 10-20 – –Intermediate-chemical treatment 40-65 60-80 20-30 – –Secondary-primary and trickling filter 65-85 60-80 20-40 – –Secondary-primary andconventional activated sludge

85-90 90 20-40b 5 10

Advanced TreatmentSecondary, nitrification anddenitrification

90-95 95 90 5 10

Secondary and coagulation,settling filtration

95 99 50 10 95

Secondary and coagulation andadsorption

99c 99 55 15 95

Secondary and coagulation andadsorption and electrodialysis

99c 99 75 50 97

a Percent reduction based on raw waste concentration.b Longer aeration times convert oxidizable nitrogen to nitrate.c Minimum CBOD of about 2-5 mg/L.



Treatment Type





Number of Sampled Plants 55 244 244 119

Total Population Served 1,086,784 3,459,893 4,357,138 270,287

Ortho-P Conc. (mg/l) Median 3.5 ± 0.29a 5.1 ± 0.21 4.6 ± 0.24 3.9 ± 0.34Mean 4.0 ± 0.62 5.4 ± 0.38 5.3 ± 0.40 4.8 ± 0.62

Total-P Conc. (mg/l) Median 6.6 ± 0.66 6.9 ± 0.28 5.8 ± 0.29 5.2 ± 0.45Mean 7.7 ± 1.19 7.2 ± 0.50 6.8 ± 0.51 6.6 ± 0.81

Total-P Load (cap � y) Median 1.1 ± 0.10 1.2 ± 0.05 1.0 ± 0.06 0.9 ± 0.10

Total-N Load (kg/cap � y) Median 3.7 2.9 2.4 2.0

Inorganic-N Conc. (mg/l) Median 6.4 ± 1.00 7.1 ± 0.38 6.5 ± 0.45 1.3 ± 0.29Mean 8.3 ± 1.40 8.2 ± 0.60 8.4 ± 0.69 5.5 ± 1.95

Total-N Conc. (mg/l) Median 22.4 ± 1.30 16.4 ± 0.54 13.6 ± 0.62 11.5 ± 0.84Mean 23.8 ± 3.48 17.9 ± 1.23 15.8 ± 1.16 17.1 ± 3.59

Total-N Load Median 4.2 ± 0.40 2.9 ± 0.17 2.2 ± 0.15 2.0 ± 0.26

TN:TP Ratio Median 3.4 2.4 2.4 2.2

Per Capita Flow (1/cap � d) Median 473 ± 72 439 ± 19 394 ± 26 378 ± 38




(Q )


. ~ .•••

•---_._----- -.', .• \Me:AN~ l.47

-• •...•

•2.0 '-

10.0 ......-------------------...,:-

5.0 _ \ME~~l H SfO.OEv

4.0 f- - - ~ - - ..... - - -

3.0f- •• •



( b}IO.Of'"""------------------~

.... .- .. . .._ .... _ \:.. - - - ..... -L _ - - - - - -­•••


5.0 10.0 50.0

EFFLUENT eeoo!; (mg/ll


•MEAN: 2.e4•


t.lEA N .. I S Q DEv.

• • •--- ------• • •

., 500 4.00In

3.0u....'.:j 2..0=:l


These loading rates represent those rates found atspecific sites across the country. In any water qualitymodeling analysis, site-specific data should be col-lected.


A.3.1 Hydraulic Geometry Data

Hydraulic data include the velocities, flows, and waterdepths. Flows include the flows at upstream bounda-ries of all channels, as well as all significant tributaryinflows, lateral inflow (from groundwater or runoff),flow diversions, return flows, and stage at some loca-tions. If wastewater flows represent a significantportion (i.e., greater than 5 to 10 percent) of the totalstream flow, they should be included in the hydraulicanalysis.

While the upstream boundary, tributary, and diver-sion flows can be measured directly, lateral inflowsfrom groundwater or runoff can be estimated fromdifferences in measured flow at different locationsalong the stream channel. USGS official flow recordsare annually published several months to a year afterthe end of the water year, which ends September 30.All USGS flow data are available through EPA’smainframe computer. Under special contract, USGSis able to furnish the records for the period of a streamstudy as soon as the stream stage data can beconverted to flow. These records may be designatedas tentative or provisional, but are adequate for all butthe strictest legal uses. The U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation main-tain stream flow records on streams for which theyhave special responsibilities. In addition, some Stateregulatory agencies only rarely make stream flowmeasurements for selected streams.

As indicated in Section 2.3.3, mathematical modelssuch as Manning’s Equation and stream hydrody-namic models can be used to quantify the stage-flowrelationships for each channel reach in a stream.One of the simple stream hydrodynamic models isRIVMOD (USEPA, 1990). Power functions may alsobe developed relating flow with velocity, depth, andcross-sectional area (see Equations 2-1 through 2-3).It can be shown that the sum of the exponents (m +n + f ) and the product of the coefficients (abc) fromEquations 2-1 through 2-3 are unity because of thecontinuity equation. Using this and experience froma variety of streams, the value of the exponents canbe approximated as follows (Barnwell et al., 1989):

n = range (0.4 - 0.6); typical 0.43

m = range (0.3 - 0.5); typical 0.45

f = range (0 - 0.2); typical 0.12

Impounded reaches in rivers have exponents m andf = 0, and n = 1. Where the analyst has more thanone set of data, a log-log plot of area, depth, andvelocity against stream flow will permit extrapolationto other flows of interest. The slope of such plotsprovides the local value of the exponents (see FigureA-2). When data at only a single flow regime areavailable, estimates for other flows can be developedby the following ratios, derived from the foregoingrelationships:

velocity:U2/U1 = (Q2/Q1)0.43(A-1)

depth: H2/H1 = (Q2/Q1)0.45(A-2)

cross-sect. A2/A1 = (Q2/Q1)0.43

area: (A-3)

travel time: T2/T1 = (Q2/Q1)0.43(A-4)

It should be recognized that these relationships existonly in free-flowing streams and care should be exer-cised when upstream dams or hydropower facilitiesare present that may interfere with the assumption ofthe analysis. It is also common to collect site-specificdata since the exponents may vary by 50 percent forany river.

A.3.2 Low-Flow Analysis

Generally, the minimum average 7-day flow expectedto occur once every 10 years is used in modelinganalyses depending on the state WQS and waterbody assessed. However, several different types offlows can be estimated from a hydrologic record. Forexample, the minimum average 7-day flow occurringat any time in a year can be estimated, or the mini-mum average flow in a given month or season can becomputed. Figure A-3 shows the low-flow frequencycurves for the Potomac River at Point of Rocks de-veloped using the USGS flow records from 1891 to1981. Table A-18 presents a summary of data ob-tained from Figure A-3. The analysis to determine thelow-flow frequency curve is simple and straightfor-ward; Thomann and Mueller (1987) provide an easy-to-follow procedure.




River Ge<Jm~

Shallow Channel Deep Channel

10 ..,....-----------.....,lC1 ,---- .....,

Depth 0;1.<412 aQ~




11---O:"".._---.......---l0.1100,01.0 10.0

f ..... !nl·'-l


100 -r-------------, lCOO r-----------...,

l00J)t,O 10,0F..... jm"I&j

10 -I----_--- --lO,t100.01.0 10.0

fro... lm'1aI

10 ~--.:;...._-------....j0.1

1,00 ..--------------,

River Velocity Shallow Chanf\8.1 Deep ChaMel

1.00 r--------------.


Veloclty ., 0.017 00.0

~0.01 -1----=_---_----1


i~ 0.10

!100,1)1.0 10.0

flow' ~/&)

Velocity,. 0.005 oo.a

~0.01 -+--------......---.-..l


"Ii':s-f 0.10






































A.3.3 Time-of-Travel Survey

Time of travel can be determined by several differentmethods. The three principal methods involve use ofsurface floats, use of a tracer such as a dye orradionuclide, and measurement of cross-sectionalareas.

Surface floats can be followed downstream and timedfor known distances to determine times of travel. Thisapproach requires considerable judgment sincefloats tend to travel into eddies or become trapped ontree limbs, stream banks, or other obstacles. Thefloats must be frequently retrieved and returned to thecurrent of the stream. The principal judgment factorsare how long the floats should be left in quiet areasbefore retrieval and where they should be placed inthe current. The surface water velocity is greater thanthe average for the entire stream, and a correctionfactor must be applied to the surface velocity; anaverage velocity equal to 85 percent of the surfacevelocity is a reasonable rule of thumb. Oranges makevery good floats since their density is such that theyfloat with only a small portion of their tops exposed towind action and their color is easily detected andfollowed in the water.

Measurement of cross-sections at frequent longitudi-nal intervals and calculation of average velocity fromthe average cross-section and stream flow at the timeof measurement constitute a time-consuming methodof obtaining time of travel. This method does, how-ever, produce information that is useful for otherpurposes. For example, reaeration coefficients maybe calculated by one of the formulas based on aver-age depths and velocities.

The most accurate method of measuring time oftravel, and a good way to measure velocity, involvesfollowing a tracer downstream. An industrial wastemay include an occasional discharge of some con-stituent that can serve as a tracer. Radioisotopeshave given good results, but their safe handling can

present problems. Several kinds of dyes have beenused, including the recent trend of using RhodamineWT. This dye can be detected in concentrations aslow as 0.05 part per billion (µg/L) by a fluorometer.The dye is distributed across the stream at the up-stream point, as nearly instantaneously as possible.Because of longitudinal mixing (see Figure 2-1), thedye arrives downstream in a wide band. The time oftravel to a downstream point is the difference be-tween the time the dye was released to the streamand the time the centroid of the dye mass arrives atthe downstream point. Two handbooks by the USGS(Hubbard et al., 1982 and Wilson et al., 1986) providestep-by-step procedures to conduct a time-of-travelstudy. Figure A-4 shows the hydraulic geometry andtime-of-travel data for the Kalamazoo River in Michi-gan under various stream flow conditions.

A.3.4 Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient

Although the mechanics of longitudinal dispersion arewell understood, general analytical treatment is ex-tremely difficult, if not impossible. Theoretical devel-opment has led to a number of equations to calculatelongitudinal dispersion in one-dimensional streammodels. One equation suggested by Fischer et al.(1979) is:

Dx = 0.011U 2 W 2

H U ∗(A-5)

whereDx = longitudinal dispersion

coefficient (ft2/sec)U = average velocity (ft/sec)W = river width (ft)H = river depth (ft)U* = shear velocity (ft/sec)

Since the exact effect of irregularities cannot be in-cluded and, for most applications, results are insen-sitive to the exact value used, it is generally not


(1891 - 1981)


Probabilityof Occurrence(% time flow

≤ flow plotted)Mean Annual Low Flow (cfs)

7-day 30-day 90-day 365-day

5 20% 950 1200 1500 660010 10% 825 1005 1250 560050 2% 625 800 910 4000





0"" ,,

.../, --I --"\ ..", ..

--I...I -- ,-:\II ---, ,,



\\ ,\.\ ,\

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necessary to achieve a high accuracy in predictingdispersion coefficients (Fischer et al., 1979). Equa-tion A-5 provides a good approximation to longitudinaldispersion coefficients for a number of rivers, asshown in Table A-19.


A.4.1 Using Field Data to Determine Kr and Kd

The carbonaceous deoxygenation rate coefficientcan be estimated from field data by plotting CBODmeasurements versus time of travel on semi-log pa-per, based on Equation 2-7. The rate of deoxygena-tion is estimated as the slope of the line that best fitsthe data points:

Kr = −In (L ⁄ Lo)

t (A-6)

whereL = oxygen equivalence of the

organic matter at any givenlocation in the stream (mg/L)

Lo = total oxygen demand measuredat the source of waste loadfollowing complete mixing(mg/L)

t = time of travel (day)

The above equation, based on concentrations, isapplicable for constant hydraulic geometry. In prac-

tice, the river channel changes frequently and addi-tional flow from tributaries may provide dilution to theriver flow, all affecting the BOD concentrations. Amore practical approach to estimating the deoxy-genation rate coefficient is to plot the mass loadingrate (kg/day) of BOD instead of concentration. Themass loading rate at any given location in the river isthe product of measured BOD concentration and riverflow. Figure A-5 shows such a plot for Rock Creek,Pennsylvania. Note that the tributaries provide dilu-tion along the stream.

In Rock Creek, a two-stage curve is obtained. Thefirst part of the curve is steep, showing that the totalremoval rate (Kr) results when both settling and bio-logical oxidation are significant. The second part, amore gradual slope, generally represents the CBODdeoxygenation rate (Kd) after most of the settling hastaken place. The settling rate (Ks) can then be esti-mated as the difference between Kr and Kd.

The above procedure is valid for either CBOD5 orCBODu provided that the laboratory coefficients, K1,are identical for all stations. If K1 values vary fromstation to station, it is necessary to use CBODu.

Leo et al. (1984) evaluated the change in Kd followingthe installation of higher treatment levels at POTWs.The data indicate that Kd values associated withadvanced treatment levels are generally lower thanthose determined for lesser treatment levels.

Algae can affect the CBOD data used to calculate Kd.Algal respiration and decay in the CBOD bottle can







Dx(m2/sec)Using Eq. A-5 References

Missouri RiverClinch River,Tennessee








Yotsukura et al.(1970)Godfrey andFrederick (1970)(predicted Dx

from Fischer,1968)McQuivey andKeefer (1974)(predicted Dx

fromFischer, 1975)

Bayou Anacoco 0.940.91






Nooksack RiverWind/Bighom Rivers







John Day River 0.582.47






Comite RiverSabine River






Yadkin River 2.353.84









cause higher measured CBOD values and thushigher K1 rates compared to samples without algae.In addition, if the concentration of suspended algaeis not constant in the stream below the discharge, themeasured CBOD concentrations would not indicatea defined Kd. Where the concentration of suspendedalgae increases in the stream, there may be a netincrease of measured CBOD below the discharge.To minimize these effects, filtered CBOD and totalCBOD samples should be analyzed at several loca-tions downstream of the discharge. The oxygen de-mand resulting from settleable (i.e., filtered) organicsis then accounted for separately in establishing theKs (BOD settling) and SOD rates. However, evenwith filtered and unfiltered CBOD data, it is difficult toselect rates for model calibration and projectionanalyses of algae-dominated streams. Where largeconcentrations of algae occur in the receiving stream,a range of Kd rates should be estimated based onfiltered and unfiltered CBOD data. Some generalrules of thumb follow:

• Algal impacts on Kd occur wherever highconcentrations of chlorophyll a or large diur-nal dissolved oxygen fluctuations are meas-ured.

• 10 µg/L of chlorophyll a will increase theCBODu concentration by 1 mg/L above lev-els without algae. Rough estimates can beobtained from multiples of this relationship;i.e., 100 µg/L of chlorophyll a may increasethe concentration by 10 mg/L.

• If the stream is effluent-dominated with mostof the CBOD originating from the dischargerather than algae, filtering may not be neededor the number of filtered CBOD analyses maybe decreased. If the stream is not effluent-dominated and most of the CBOD is fromalgae, filtered and unfiltered samples shouldbe run.

A.4.2 Projection of CarbonaceousDeoxygenation Rates

In wasteload allocations, Kd rates are projected forfuture conditions. Literature data have been com-piled (Figure A-6) to correlate Kd with the streamdepth in lieu of any other parameters. The rationalebehind this correlation is that the greater the wettedperimeter, the greater the contact with the biologicalcommunity in the streambed, the most importantfactor in natural oxidation processes. The tendencyfor this relation to hold is greater for rocky streambedsthan for silty beds. However, the general trend ap-

pears reasonable up to depths of about 5 to 10 ft.Hydroscience (1971) developed the following rela-tionship:

Kd = 0.3 [H

8] −0.434 for 0 < H < 8


= 0.3 for H > 8 (A-7b)

where H is the depth in feet. Wright and McDonnell(1979) suggested the following:

Kd = 10.3 Q −0.49(A-8)

where Q is stream flow in cfs. They also indicatedthat for flow conditions greater than 800 cfs, Kd rateswere consistent with K1 for the effluent. In otherwords, for larger and deeper streams (greater than10 ft), the characteristics of the streambed becomeless of a factor and the level of treatment woulddictate the following Kd values:

• Primary 0.4 day-1

• Intermediate 0.3 day-1

• Secondary 0.2 day-1

• Advanced 0.1 day-1

That is, for increasing levels of treatment, the residualwaste contains a large proportion of refractory organ-isms and will be less easily oxidized since the treat-ment processes are designed to oxidize the labilecomponents of the organic matter.

A.4.3 Literature Values of Kd

Bowie et al. (1985) summarized a large number ofcarbonaceous deoxygenation rate coefficients re-ported in the literature (Table A-20). Leo et al. (1984)provided a comparison of Kd rates before and afterthe improvement in stream dissolved oxygen condi-tions following treatment upgrades (Table A-21).


A.5.1 Using Field Data to Determine Kn

The procedure described in Section A.4.1 (see FigureA-5) may be used to develop the nitrification coeffi-cient, Kn, for NBOD. Either the nitrogenous compo-nents of the laboratory BOD test or the directlymeasured ammonia concentrations at the variouslocations in the stream may be used. Each shouldyield the same value of Kn following the first-orderreaction. The displacement of the curves is due tothe stoichiometric relation between oxygen and am-


FIGURE A-6. DEOXYGENATION COEFFICIENT (Kd) AS A FUNCTION OF DEPTH(A benthic deoxygenation component is included in these values)

(After Hydroscience, 1971)





(day-1 @20 °C,base e)

MethodDeterminingCoefficient Reference

Potomac Estuary 1977Potomac Estuary 1978Willamette River, ORChattahoochee River, GAGanga River, IndiaYamuna River, IndiaS. Fork, Shenandoah RiverMerrimack River, MAGray’s Creek, LAOnondaga Lake, NYYampa River, COSkravad River, Denmark







field study

field study

field studyfield studymodel calibrationmodel calibrationmodel calibrationfield study

USEPA (1979b)USEPA (1979a)Baca et al. (1973)Bauer et al. (1979)Bhargava (1983)

Deb and Bowers (1983)Camp (1965)Crane and Malone (1982)Freedman et al. (1980)Grenney and Kraszewski (1981)Hvitved-Jacobsen (1982)

Seneca Creek 0.008 MWCOG (1982)Kansas (6 rivers)Michigan (3 rivers)Truckee River, NVVirginia (3 rivers)N. Branch, Potomac, WVSouth Carolina (3 rivers)New York (2 rivers)



various methods Reported by Bansal (1975)

New Jersey (3 rivers)Houston Ship Channel, TXCape Fear R. Estuary, NCHolston River, TNNew York Bight



model calibration Novotny and Krenkel (1975)O’Connor et al. (1981)

White River, ARN. Fork Kings River, CALake Washington, WAOuachita River, AR



laboratory study


laboratory study

Terry et al. (1983)Tetra Tech (1976)Chen and Orlob (1975)Hydroscience (1979)

NCASI (1982a)36 U.S. river reaches pluslaboratory flumeSan Francisco Bay EstuaryBoise River, IDW. Fork, Trinity River, TXWilamette River, ORArkansas River, CO





field studies

laboratory studylab and field study

Wright and McDonnell (1979)

Chen (1970)Chen and Wells (1975)Jennings et al. (1982)McCutcheon (1983)

Lower Sacramento River, CADelaware River EstuaryWappinger Creek Estuary, NYPotomac EstuarySpeed River, Ontario


0.16, 0.211.0 field study

Hydroscience (1972)

Thomann and Fitzpatrick (1982)Gowda (1983)


monia, which is approximately 4.57. Figure A-7shows the determination of Kn for the ShenandoahRiver.

Benthic ammonia regeneration, benthic nitrification,and large concentrations of algae, either suspendedor attached, markedly affect values obtained for Kn.The approach shown in Figure A-7 to determine Kn

reflects only the net loss of ammonia. Such an ap-proach can result in the overestimation of Kn wheresignificant algal or attached periphyton effects occur.Algae consume ammonia as a nutrient; therefore, aKn determination based only on the loss of ammoniawould include uptake of ammonia by algae as well asammonia oxidation. In some cases, using the rate ofnitrate increase is a better approach for estimating Kn

because nitrate increases result directly from ammo-nia oxidation. However, as a cautionary note, undersome conditions algae can consume nitrate as wellas ammonia. In addition, benthic denitrification canaccount for a significant component of the total nitro-gen balance as a loss mechanism for nitrate (Seitz-inger, 1988). Therefore, the Kn rate derived fromnitrate data would represent the minimum Kn. Acritical issue in determining Kn involves the time ofyear. Although ammonia and nitrate data may indi-cate relatively high Kn rates during July and August,Kn rates for the same stream may be negligible duringthe winter months and even during transitional peri-ods such as April, May, June, September, October,

and November. Seasonal adjustments in Kn usingthe temperature correction relationships can be foundin Section A.12. During months when the tempera-ture falls below 20 °C, nitrogen series data collectedduring these cooler periods may be necessary toselect appropriate Kn rates to support cool-weathernitrification.

A.5.2 Projection of NitrogenousDeoxygenation Rates

Kn rates applied to deep and slow-moving rivers,without site-specific data, are higher than those nor-mally expected for such rivers. The availability ofsurfaces for nitrifier attachment can affect Kn rates.These surfaces include the stream bottom and sus-pended particles in the water column. Therefore,shallow streams with rocky bottoms favor the growthof nitrifying bacteria with associated high Kn rates.Deep rivers composed of sands, silts, or clays gen-erally have fewer attached nitrifiers. Although thesestreams may support significant populations of nitrifi-ers in the water column, they tend to have lower Kn

values than shallow streams.

One of the difficult issues related to the determinationof Kn is the onset of the nitrification process. It isknown that there are lags in the nitrification processin highly polluted streams or those with low dissolvedoxygen. In projection analyses, a critical question is


Pre-Improvement Post-Improvement

River Treatment


Rate (day-1)


Rate (day-1) Treatment


Rate (day-1)


Rate (day-1)Main StemPatuxentWilsons Creek







Secondary andNitrificationSecondary andNitrification andPolishing





Hurricane Creek Trickling Filter 0.10-0.50 0.10-0.50 Secondaryb 0.35 0.70Cibolo Creek Secondary 0.18 0.25 Secondaryc 0.18 0.25Clinton River Secondary 2.20 0 Secondary and

P- Removal0.20 2.5-3.8

Hudson River Primary 0.25 0 Secondary 0.15 0South River Secondary - 1.6-2.0 Secondary and

Nitrification- 1.6-2.0

a From reference (23) cited in Leo et al. (1984), not from calibration analysis.b Oxidation ditch achieving nitrification.c New facility achieving nitrification.



(Deb and Bowers, 1983)


when and where nitrification should occur followingimproved treatment such as nitrification at the plant.

A.5.3 Literature Values of Kn Rates

A large body of literature exists for case studies of Kn

rates in streams and rivers. Tables A-22 and A-23,taken from Bowie et al. (1985), summarize Kn ratesmeasured in the field and used as parameter valuesfor models from a number of investigations.


A.6.1 Measuring Stream Reaeration Rate

Several methods of measuring Ka rates have beenreported in the literature. These methods are dis-cussed in detail by Bennett and Rathbun (1972).Churchill et al. (1962) used a dissolved oxygen bal-ance method to measure reaeration in several Ten-nessee rivers. Owens et al. (1964) used a similartechnique for small English streams. Both requiredthat all other factors influencing the oxygen balancebe known or negligible. Because of the difficulty inaccurately measuring the other factors, these tech-niques are subject to considerable error. Tsivoglou(1967) developed a gas-tracer method for directlymeasuring gas transfer in streams, eliminating theneed for the oxygen balance information. In thismethod, a fluorescent tracer is used for determiningtime of travel and longitudinal dispersion, tritium isused as an indicator of total dispersion, and krypton-85 is used as a gaseous tracer. Of the variousmethods, the gas-tracer method is superior since itdoes not require estimating any other factor affectingthe oxygen balance. This method, however, requiresthe handling and the injecting of radioactive tracersinto streams. Application of the method is limitedbecause the use of radioactive tracers in the naturalenvironment is subject to public health restrictions.Rathbun et al. (1975) modified Tsivoglou’s method touse nonradioactive hydrocarbons (ethylene or pro-pane) as the gaseous tracers. Additional informationabout the method is given in Rathbun and Grant(1978). Whittemore (1990a) has recently reported anonradioactive technique for determining reaerationrates.

A.6.2 Predicting Stream Reaeration Coefficient

Various predictive equations are discussed in Ben-nett and Rathbun (1972) and Rathbun (1977). Oneof the most popular theoretical formulas was that ofO’Connor and Dobbins (1958):

Ka = 12.9U1⁄2

H3⁄2 (A-9)


U = average stream velocity (ft/sec)H = average stream depth (ft)

This formulation was derived from theoretical consid-erations regarding surface renewal of the liquid filmthrough internal turbulence. Table A-24 lists anumber of other conceptual, empirical, and semi-em-pirical predictive equations found in the literature.The model QUAL2E offers eight different formula-tions.

The variability of Ka estimates using these formulasis illustrated in Figure A-8. As shown in this figure,the range of Ka values calculated with the O’Connor,Owens, Churchill, and Tsivoglou equations is signifi-cant at all flow levels in the Muskingum River. Al-though these formulas may not be equally applicableto this particular river, this result illustrates the differ-ences in the Ka values calculated using these fourequations. For some allocations, Ka values derivedfrom empirical formulas could result in the degree ofuncertainty exceeding the degree of projected waterquality improvement from the proposed treatmentplant upgrades. Using a predictive equation devel-oped for the receiving water conditions similar tothose being modeled is extremely important (see theapplicability column in Table A-24).

In addition to the numerous studies compiled in Bowieet al., (1985), Whittemore (1990b) has compiled adata base of stream reaeration measurements ob-tained over a 30-year period under a wide range ofenvironmental and hydraulic conditions. The database and computer software for querying the database are available to interested investigators fromNCASI for a modest cost. Using a personal com-puter, the data base can be queried to extract fieldstudy measurements obtained under a range of en-vironmental criteria specified by the analyst (i.e.,depth, velocity, temperature, etc.).

A.6.3 Dam Reaeration

The QUAL2E model uses the following equation de-scribed by Butts and Evans (1983) to estimate oxy-gen input from dam reaeration:

Da − Db = ⎡⎢⎣1− 1

1 + 0.116 a b H (1−0.034H) (1+0.046T)⎤⎥⎦




TABLE A-22. SUMMARY OF NITRIFICATION RATES (day-1)(After Bowie et al., 1985)

River Maximum Average Minimum Reference

Grand River, MI 3.9 2.6 1.9 Courchaine (1968)Clinton River, MI 15.8


Wezernak and Gannon (1968)

Truckee River, NV 2.4 1.9 - O’Connell and Thomas (1965)South Chickamaugo Creek, TN 1.9 - 1.1 Ruane and Krenkel (1978)Oostanaula Creek, TN 0.8 - 0.1 Ruane and Krenkel (1978)Town Branch, AL - 0.7 0 Ruane and Krenkel (1978)Chattahoochee River, GA - 0.44 - Stamer et al. (1979)Willamette River, OR 0.7 - 0.4 Rinella et al. (1981)Flint River, MI 2.5 1.4 0.1 Bansal (1976)Upper Mohawk River, NY 0.3 0.25 0.25 Bansal (1976)Lower Mohawk River, NY 0.3 0.3 0.3 Bansal (1976)Barge Canal near UpperMohawk River, NY

0.25 0.25 0.25 Bansal (1976)

Ohio River, OH 0.25 0.25 0.25 Bansal (1976)Big Blue River, NB 0.25 0.11 0.03 Bansal (1976)Delaware River Estuary, DE 0.54 0.3 0.09 Bansal (1976)Willamette River, OR - 0.75a

1.05b- Alvarez-Montalvo et al.

(undated)Ouachita River, AR and LA - 0.1a

0.5b- NCASI (1982a)

Potomac Estuary - 0.09-0.13 - Thomann and Fitzpatrick (1982)Lake Huron and Saginaw Bay - 0.20 - DiToro and Matystik (1980)New York Bight, NY - 0.025 - O’Connor et al. (1981)

Note: Nitrification rates are in units of day-1.a Ammonia oxidation.b Nitrate oxidation.





Iii i •i I i I

lr ! •1.~ I • I; ~ I l i • H~ii , c ! !:}g

i I I! Hlllim f ,I'j,.1 !hr! ,H.!h

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TABLE A-23. (Continued)


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o' ~§00 0 .0

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•• •• • • ••




whereDa = dissolved oxygen deficit above

dam (mg/L)Db = dissolved oxygen deficit below

dam (mg/L)T = temperature (oC)H = height through which water

falls (ft)a = 1.80 in clean water

= 1.60 in slightly polluted water= 1.00 in moderately polluted water= 0.65 in grossly polluted water

b = 0.70 to 0.90 for flat, broadcrested weir

= 1.05 for sharp crested weir withstraight slope face

= 0.80 for sharp crested weirwith vertical face

= 0.05 for sluice gates withsubmerged discharge

The parameters H, a, and b need to be assigned foreach dam.

A.6.4 Saturated Dissolved OxygenConcentration

The solubility of oxygen in water is dependent onwater temperature, barometric pressure (i.e., alti-tude), and the concentration of dissolved solids in thewater. Oxygen saturation concentration decreaseswith the increase in temperature and salts and in-creases with barometric pressure. Freshwaterstreams, where temperature ranges from about 0 to30 °C, typically have oxygen saturation concentra-tions ranging from 7.5 to 15 mg/L. The followingequation is recommended to calculate the saturateddissolved oxygen concentrations as a function oftemperature for freshwater streams:

Cs = 468316.6 + T (A-11)

where T is water temperature in degrees Celsius (°C).This equation is accurate to within 0.03 mg/L com-pared with the Benson-Krause equation on which theStandard Methods tables are based (see McCutch-eon, 1985).


A.7.1 Field Measurement of SOD

Direct field measurement of sediment oxygen con-sumption upstream and downstream of the dischargeis the preferred approach for obtaining model input

data. Consistent field techniques for determiningSOD in natural waters are evolving with investigatorsin the southeast United States using an approachdeveloped by Murphy and Hicks (1986). The twobasic measurement techniques are (1) in situ cham-bers and (2) sediment core extraction and laboratorymeasurement (see Bowie et al., 1985; Hatcher, 1986;and Whittemore, 1986). The in situ method requiressubmersion of a chamber on the bottom with periodicmeasurements of oxygen to determine the uptakerate in the chamber. Laboratory measurements arebased on a sample core from the sediment (hopefullyundisturbed) being placed in a well-oxygenated col-umn with oxygen measurements taken over time todetermine the uptake rate. Different investigatorshave varying opinions on the relative merits of eachtechnique; however, the use of in situ chambers, withminimal disturbance of the natural sediments, ap-pears to be the preferred technique (Murphy andHicks, 1986).

A.7.2 Predicting SOD

Projections of the expected water quality impact of awaste discharge alternative for some future low-flowcondition are normally required during waste loadallocation studies. Projections of the expectedchange in SOD that might result from a change inwaste loading to a stream is a complex evaluation(e.g., DiToro et al., 1990). HydroQual (1987), forexample, demonstrated that a reduction of total or-ganic carbon loading to the Potomac estuary from92,540 lb/day (1.56 g C/m2-day) in 1969 to 57,800lb/day (0.98 g C/m2-day) in 1985 resulted in a reduc-tion of the mean SOD from 2.2 to 1.8 g O2/m2-day.The relationship used to infer the long-term couplingbetween carbon loading and SOD in the Potomac isnot a simple formulation.

Until such time when models (such as that of Di Toroet al., 1990) are readily available to explicitly coupleparticulate carbon deposition and sediment oxygendemand, it is beyond the scope of most waste loadallocation studies to predict future SOD rates with anycredibility since SOD is not linearly proportional to thewaste loading of organic carbon in freshwater sys-tems. For projecting future water quality conditions,it is preferable to use the same SOD parametervalues that were used in verification of the model. Atthe least, this approach will result in a somewhatconservative projection of future oxygen levels sinceSOD is likely to be reduced following improvementsin waste management.


A.7.3 Literature Values of SOD

Model parameter values for SOD could be specifiedusing field measurements reported for streams andrivers with similar hydraulic and waste loading char-acteristics. A fairly large body of literature (e.g.,Phoel, 1982; Butts and Evans, 1978; Butts, 1974) isavailable for the analyst to review actual field meas-urements obtained under a wide range of conditionsthat might be similar to the study area for a waste loadallocation. Table A-25, taken from Bowie et al.(1985), summarizes a large number of investigationsof SOD rates that have been reported for streams andrivers in the literature. Table A-26, taken from Mur-phy and Hicks (1986), also summarizes a largenumber of in situ chamber SOD measurements ob-tained from 1977 to 1984.


A.8.1 Estimation Techniques

Three methods for estimating photosynthesis (P) andrespiration (R) in waste load allocation modeling stud-ies are:

• Estimation from observed chlorophyll a lev-els.

• Measurements of diel variations of dissolvedoxygen concentrations.

• Light and dark bottle measurements of dis-solved oxygen.

The first method is addressed by the following prob-lem: given the concentration of phytoplankton in astream, estimate the average daily oxygen produc-tion. A technique for performing this estimate, devel-oped by Di Toro (1975), can be found in Thomannand Mueller (1987). In summary, the following equa-tions are used:

P = 0.25 Chl a (A-12)


R = 0.025 Chl a (A-13)

in which Chl a is the chlorophyll a concentration inµg/L.

For the second method, Di Toro (1975) has devel-oped an analytical method to calculate P based onthe measured diurnal dissolved oxygen range:

P =f Ka (1 − e −KaT)

(1−e −KafT) (1−e −KaT(1−f) )∆


wheref = photo period (0 < f < 1)Ka = stream reaeration rate coefficient

(day-1)T = 1-day period∆ = diurnal dissolved oxygen range


Note that Equation A-14 can be used to estimate thediurnal range of dissolved oxygen with an estimate ofP from the first two methods (Thomann and Mueller,1987). Table A-27 presents a summary of streamphotosynthesis studies compiled by Bowie et al.(1985).

The light and dark bottle method is described in detailby Standard Methods (APHA, 1989). As shown inFigure A-9, clear glass (light) and foil-wrapped glass(dark) bottles are stationed or suspended at variousfixed depths in a stream and filled with water collectedat their respective depths. Usually, an attempt ismade in deep rivers to suspend the bottles at least tothe depth of the euphotic zone, taken to be the 1 percentlight penetration depth. Based on Equation A-20, thedepth to 1 percent remaining light can be estimatedas 4.6/Ke. Since Ke is approximated by 1.7/Secchi

depth (Equation A-21), the approximate depth of theeuphotic zone is 2.9 times the Secchi depth.

Dissolved oxygen measurements are made at regu-lar time intervals, with the light bottles that receive thesolar radiation, measuring net photosynthetic oxygenproduction (P-R). The dark bottles, in the absence oflight, measure gross respiration (R) as shown inFigure A-9. It should be noted that:

• In contrast to the diurnal method where watercolumn and benthic algae or macrophytescontribute to the observed oxygen balance,only the photosynthetic activity of the algaein the water column (phytoplankton) is meas-ured by this technique. If there are significantattached algae or rooted plants, no measure-ment of their photosynthetic contribution ismade.

• The estimate of respiration (R) made fromthe dark bottle studies includes both algalrespiration and bacterial respiration from oxi-dation of carbonaceous and nitrogenouscompounds.

• Both P and R are temperature-dependent.Since they are essentially expressions ofgrowth rate and respiration rate in oxygenequivalents, the temperature-rate relation-ships discussed in Sections 2.3.5 and A.9 forgrowth and respiration apply directly to P and



SOD, g02\m2 day Environment Experimental Conditions References

0.022-0.92 Upper Wisconsin river 60-hour laboratory core incubationperiodic mixing, 4 °C, dark

Sullivan et al. (1978)

0.09 ± 0.02 (@12°C)0.15 ± 0.04 (@20°C)0.20 ± 0.03 (@28°C)0.29 ± 0.07 (@36°C)0.18 ± 0.05 (@12°C)0.55 ± 0.22 (@20°C)0.60 ± 0.28 (@28°C)0.87 ± 0.23 (@36°C)

Eastern U.S. river

Southeastern U.S. river

45-day incubation of 0.6 litersediment in 3.85-liter BODdilution water, light

NCASI (1981)


Fresh shredded tree barkAged shredded tree bark

10-liter incubations in aged tapwater, room temperature, light

NCASI (1971)

2-33 Four eastern U.S. riversdownstream of paper milldischarges

In situ chamber respirometers,22-27 °C, light, stirred at varyingrates

NCASI (1978)

0.9-14.1 Open-ended tunnel respirometer,in situ 22-27 °C, dark

<0.1-1.4 (@20°C) Eastern U.S. riverdownstream of papermill discharge

In situ respirometer stirred atvarious rates, 9-16 °C, dark,Θ = 1.08

NCASI (1979)

0.27-9.8 Northern Illinois rivers(N = 89 stations)

In situ respirometer, dark,T = 5-31°C, time = 1 1/2-3 hours

Butts & Evans (1978)

0.1-5.3 (@20°C) Six stations in easternMichigan rivers

In situ respirometer in stirredchambers, 15-27 hours, dark,19-25 °C, Θ = 1.08 Θ = constantfor temperature adjustment

Chiaro & Burke (1980)

1.1-12.8 New Jersey rivers(10 stations)

In situ respirometer, dark 30minutes-8 hours, stirred.Temperature unknown

Hunter et al. (1973)

0.3-1.4 Swedish rivers In situ respirometer, light,stirred, 0-10 °C

Edberg & Hofsten (1973)

0.2-1.2 Swedish rivers Laboratory incubations,stirred, dark, 20 °C

Edberg & Hofsten (1973)

1.7-6.0 Spring Creek, PA Laboratory incubators in dark,stirred, 20 °C

McDonnell & Hall (1969)

1.5-9.8 74 samples from21 English rivers

Laboratory incubation ofcores; 15 °C

Rolley & Owens (1967)

4.6-4.4 Streams Oxygen mass balance James (1974)


TABLE A-26. SOD RATES MEASURED USING EPA IN SITU CHAMBERS, 1977-1984(After Murphy and Hicks, 1986)

Location DescriptionMean

g 02/m2-hr

SOD RatesRange

g 02/m2-hrC,V%

MeanTemp. °C

Indian River, FLSykes Creek at Merritt ls, FL

High-salinity lagoonSaltwater tidal creek subject to urbanrunoff and STP





Turkey Creek at Melbourne, FL Density-stratified tidal creek stream,residential development, heavy organicdeposit

.54 .49-.60 14.3 32.4

Inidan River at Turkey Creek,Melbourne, FLSugarloaf Key, FLWilson Creek, SCWilson Creek, SCWilson Creek, SCMobile Bay, ALSt. Andrews Bay, FLSavannah River at Savannah, GASavannah River at Savannah, GASavannah River at Savannah, GAHillsborough River at Tampa Bay, FLHillsborough River at Tampa Bay, FLHillsborough River at Tampa Bay, FLHillsborough River at Tampa Bay, FLSarasota Bay, FL (Summer)Sarasota Bay, FL (Summer)Sarasota Bay, FL (Summer)Sarasota Bay, FL (Summer)Sarasota Bay, FL (Winter)Sarasota Bay, FL (Winter)Sarasota Bay, FL (Winter)Sarasota Bay, FL (Winter)Whitaker Bayou, FL (Summer)


Dead-end canal, hypersalineShallow, flashy, piedmont creekShallow, flashy, piedmont creekShallow, flashy, piedmont creekLow-salinity estuaryEstuaryDensity-stratified, high-velocity river/estuaryDensity-stratified, high-velocity river/estuaryDensity-stratified, high-velocity river/estuaryDensity-stratified river/estuaryDensity-stratified river/estuaryDensity-stratified river/estuaryDensity-stratified river/estuaryShallow bay, grass flatOpen bay, sandy bottomOpen bay, sandy bottomDeep bay channel, coarse sandShallow bay, grass flatOpen bay, sandy bottomShallow bay, grass flatDeep bay channel, coarse sandDensity-stratified creek, thick organicdeposits. Subject to urban runoff and STP





















































Whitaker Bayou, FL (Summer) Density-stratified creek, thick organicdeposits. Subject to urban runoff and STP

.140 .117-.157 12.9 27.7

Sarasota Bay, FL at Whitaker Bayou(Summer)Whitaker Bayou, FL (Winter)

Bay near mouth of tidal creek. Subject tourban runoff and STPDensity-stratified creek, thick organicdeposits. Subject to urban runoff and STP.









Whitaker Bayou, FL (Winter) Density-stratified creek, thick organicdeposits. Subject to urban runoff and STP

.240 .134-.300 35.4 20.5

Sarasota Bay, FL, at Whitaker Bayou(Winter)Lake Myakka, FL (Summer)

Bay near mouth of tidal creek. Subject toUrban runoff and STPShallow freshwater lake with bottom ofdense organic matter









Lake Myakka, FL (Winter) Shallow freshwater lake with bottom ofdense organic matter

.070 .063-0.75 7.1 19.7

Lake Myakka, FL (Winter) Shallow freshwater lake with bottom ofdense organic matter

.124 .081-.172 36.3 19.2

Gulf Shores, ALGulf Shores, ALGulf Shores, ALGuntersville Reservoir, ALGuntersville Reservoir, ALPickwick Reservoir, ALPickwick Reservoir, AL

Gulf Intracoastal WaterwayGulf Intracoastal WaterwayGulf Intracoastal WaterwayTVA lakeTVA lakeTVA lakeTVA lake




















TABLE A-26. (Continued)

Location DescriptionMean

g 02/m2-hr

SOD RatesRange

g 02/m2-hrC,V%

MeanTemp. °C

Hillsborough Bay, FLHillsborough Bay, FLHillsborough Bay, FL

Density-stratified bay, dynamic murkDensity-stratified bay, sand/siltDensity-stratified bay at river mouth andSTP density









Sowashee Creek, MSSowashee Creek, MSHillsborough Bay, FLTampa Bay, FLHillsborough Bay, FLTampa Bay, FLOld Tampa Bay, FLTampa Bay, FLManatee River, FLManatee River, FLManatee River, FLBoone LakeBoone LakeBoone LakeBoone LakeBoone LakeBoone LakeBoone LakeBoone LakeBoone LakeBoone LakeCalcasieu RiverCalcasieu RiverCalcasieu RiverCalcasieu RiverCalcasieu RiverCalcasieu RiverCalcasieu RiverCharlotte HarborPine Island SoundFt. Loudoun Res.Ft. Loudoun Res.Ft. Loudoun Res.Tellico ReservoirTellico Reservoir

Shallow creek, upstream of STPShallow creek, downstream of STPShallow bay, dark sand & siltOpen Bay, sandShallow bay, dark sand & siltOpen bay, sandShallow bay, nearshoreShallow bay, nearshoreTidal stratified riverTidal stratified riverTidal stratified riverTVA lake, sludge bankTVA lake, upstream of sludge bankTVA lake, downstream of sludge bankTVA lake, HRM 19.7TVA lake, HRM 26TVA lake, HRM 29TVA lake, HRM 31TVA lake, WRM 3TVA lake, WRM 7TVA lake, WRM 11.25Stratified river/estuaryStratified river/estuaryStratified river/estuaryStratified river/estuaryStratified river/estuaryStratified river/estuaryStratified river/estuaryEstuary; seasonal stratificationEstuary; shallowTVA Lake, TRM-608TVA Lake, TRM-608TVA Lake, TRM-638TVA Lake, LTRM-16.5TVA Lake, LTRM-21

















































































Rg/m2-day Reference

Grand, Michigan 28 12.7-37.6 4.4-13.0 9.3-12.7a O’Connor and Di Toro (1970)

Clinton, Michigan 21 13.2-22.9 4.2-7.3 9.3a O’Connor and Di Toro (1970)

Truckee, Nevada 28 12.9-26.0 4.8-9.6 3.6-6.2a O’Connor and Di Toro (1970)

Ivel, Great Britain 16 24 9.0 4.6a O’Connor and Di Toro (1970)

Flint, Michigan 28 4.0-40.0 1.3-18. 4.-20a O’Connor and Di Toro (1970)

North Carolina Streams - - 9.8 21.5b Thomas and O’Connell (1966)

Laboratory Streams - - 3.4-4.0 2.4-2.9b Thomas and O’Connell (1977)

Charles, Massachusetts 19-25 - 0.0-12.0 0.0-36.b Erdmann (1979a, b)

Shenandoah, Virginia 23 4.8-17.4 - 0.9-5.9a Deb and Bowers (1983)

Baker, Virginia - - 0.45 1.9b Kelly et al. (1975)

Rappahannock, Virginia - - 6.1 7.3b Kelly et al. (1975)

S. Fork Rivanna, Virginia - - 2.1 3.4b Kelly et al. (1975)

Rivanna Virginia - - 2.3 5.4b Kelly et al. (1975)

South, Virginia - - 2.0 5.3b Kelly et al. (1975)

Mechums, Virginia - - 1.3 2.6b Kelly et al. (1975)

Havelse, Denmark - - 0.2-25.9c 4.8-22.9b Simonsen & Harremoes (1978)

Experimental Channels 9-24 5-45 1.5-14.8 2.6-10.7b Gulliver et al. (1982)

aAlgal respiration only.bTotal community respiration.cMeasurements were made over the period of 1 year, and solar radiation varied by more than a factor of 10.


FIGURE A-9. LIGHT AND DARK BOTTLE STUDIES(After Thomann and Mueller, 1987)

EXAMPLE CALCULATION (for each bottle)

(1) Slope of light DO data

(11.5−6.0)6 hr

X(24 hr)1 day

= 22 mg ⁄ L−day

(2) Slope of dark bottle DO data

(6.1−7.5)10 hr

X(24 hr)1 day

= 1.4 mg ⁄ L−day

(3) R = Slope of dark bottle data = 1.4 mg/L-day

(4) P = Slope of light bottle + Slope of dark bottleP = 22.0 + 1.4 = 23.4 mg/L/day

(5) Calculate P for each depth sampled(A, B, C, D) and plot as shown

(6) Equate area under curve A1 to A2 to determinedepth averaged production rate


R measurements derived from light and darkbottle tests.

The productivity vs. depth relationship developedfrom the light and dark bottle test data, shown inFigure A-9, provides a determination of the depth-av-eraged primary productivity rate. The extent to whichit is time-averaged depends on the period of the daycovered by the measurements. Because of the sig-nificant variations in P with depth and time, care mustbe taken that light and dark bottle test results areinterpreted correctly.

When conducting the light and dark bottle work, it isessential that the light bottles not be allowed to pro-gress to the point where saturation is exceeded.Losses of dissolved oxygen during sample handlingand performing the analytical measurements wouldintroduce errors into the test results. The maximumhourly increase in dissolved oxygen in the light bottlecan be computed as follows:

∆C =aoc ac Gmax 1.066(T−20)

(1000) (24)Chl


where∆C = maximum hourly increase in

dissolved oxygen (mg/L-hr)aoc = stoichiometric ratio of oxygen to

carbon = 2.67 (mg O2/mg C)ac = stoichiometric ratio of carbon

to chlorophyll a (mg C/mg Chl)Gmax = maximum algal growth rate (day-1)T = water temperature (°C)

Chl = instantaneous chlorophyll a

concentration (µg/L)

Equation A-15 can be used to estimate appropriatesampling intervals and maximum duration of lightbottle measurements.

A.8.2 BOD Deoxygenation in Bottles

The following example illustrates how to calculate thealgal respiration from the light and dark bottle resultswith significant BOD: The initial DO in a light and darkbottle test is 7.0 mg/L. After 1 day, the DO in the darkbottle is 2.0 mg/L and the DO in the light bottle is 9.0mg/L. The BOD5 of the water sample without algaeis 10 mg/L and K1 is 0.3 day-1. Using Equation 2-5,

10 = BODu [1 − e −(0.3)(5)]

yielding BODu equal to 12.9 mg/L. Thus, BOD1 canbe calculated as

BOD1 = 12.9 [1 − e −(0.3)(1)] = 3.34

That is, the amount of oxygen consumed by bacteriafor BOD decay is 3.34 mg/L. The algal respiration isthen equal to 7.0 - 2.0 - 3.34 or 1.66 mg/L.


A.9.1 Growth Rate

Eppley (1972) summarized algal growth data from avariety of sources as a function of temperature anddeveloped the following equation:

GT = GmaxΘT−20(A-16)

whereGT = temperature-adjusted growth rate

(day-1)Gmax = maximum growth rate at 20°C

(day-1)Θ = constant for temperature

adjustmentT = temperature (°C)

Both GT and Gmax are specific growth rates underoptimum light and nutrient conditions. Reportedranges for Gmax and Θ are:

Gmax = 1 to 3 day-1 at 20°CΘ = 1.01 to 1.18

As a first approximation, Gmax = 1.8 day-1 and Θ =1.066 may be used (Thomann and Meuller, 1987).Thus,

GT = 1.8 (1.066) (T−20)(A-17)

Equation A-17 is shown in Figure 2-5. This relation-ship (Eppley, 1972) can be viewed as an enveloperepresenting the maximum growth rate at any tem-perature, under optimum light and nutrient condi-tions.

A.9.2 Light Effect on Phytoplankton Growth

A depth- and time-averaged effect of available lightenergy on phytoplankton growth rate can be obtained(Di Toro et al., 1971), by integrating the light intensityrelationships over depth and time. This reduces to

rL = 2.718f

Ke HT(e − α1 − e − α2)




α1 = −ITIs


α2 = −ITIs

rL = light limitation factorf = photoperiod - daylight fraction of

averaging period (day)T = averaging period (day)Ke = light extinction coefficient (m-1)H = average depth of segment (m)Ia = average of incident light on water

surface over a 24-hour day (ly/day)IT = average of incident light over

photoperiod (=Ia/f)(ly)Is = saturated light intensity (ly/day)

(see Figure 2-6)

The full expression for algal growth can be synthe-sized from Equations A-16, A-17, and A-18 as fol-lows:

Gp = Gmax1.066(T−20) ⎡⎢⎣


Ke HT⎛⎝e


min ⎛⎜⎝


Kmn + DIN;


Kmp + DIP;


Ksi + si

⎞⎟⎠ (A-19)

Solar radiation is measured routinely at selectedweather stations in the United States. It is usuallyreported as langleys (ly), which is a measure of thetotal radiation of all wavelengths that reach the sur-face of the earth. One ly is equal to 1 g cal/cm2.Algae and other photosynthetic plants respond tosolar radiation in the visible range of the spectrum.Visible light energy was historically measured interms of intensity as footcandles. A common conver-sion used in calculations is 2000 ft-candles = 350ly/day. Contemporary primary production studiesgenerally report incident light intensity with units ofµEm-2- sec (micro einstein) where the appropriateconversion factors are:

1 ly day −1 = 0.485 watt m −2 (w m −2 )

1 w m −2 ≈ 4.6 µ Em −2 sec −1

The light reduction factor, rL, interpreted as the per-centage of the optimum growth rate, is sensitive tothe product of KeH, which appears as the denomina-tor in Equation A-18. It can be seen that shallow andclear waters yield high rL values and offer a favorable

condition for algal growth when compared with turbidand deep waters. KeH, a dimensionless number, isalso referred to as the light extinction factor.

Typical Ke values vary widely with type of waterbody,principally as a function of the amount of suspendedsolids and phytoplankton biomass present in thewater column. Table A-28 summarizes typicalranges of Ke for different types of waterbodies.

Extinction coefficients can be determined directlyusing light intensity measurements from the field.Light attenuation with depth is approximated by thefollowing equation:

I = Io e−Ke z(A-20)

That is, the slope of ln (I/Io) vs. depth, z, provides anestimate of Ke. In lieu of the direct measurements oflight intensity at various depths, Ke may be deter-mined by the following empirical equation:

Ke = 1.7Secchi depth (A-21)

It should be pointed out that the correlation betweenSecchi depth and light extinction coefficient is notori-ously poor in many waters; factors may range from1.5 to 5.0 (see Holmes, 1970.) Thus, field determi-nation of Ke is recommended.

Di Toro (1978) has provided a theoretical and empiri-cal basis for estimating the extinction coefficient as afunction of nonvolatile suspended solids, detritus,and phytoplankton chlorophyll:

Ke = 0.052 NVSS + 0.174 VSS + 0.031 Chl


whereNVSS = nonvolatile suspended solids

concentration (mg/L)VSS = detritus concentration (mg/L)

Chl = chlorophyll concentration (µg/L)


Ke = 1.5/SD(m-1)

SecchiDepth (m) Types of Waterbodies

0.02 - 0.06 30 - 80 Clear, mid-oceanoligotrophic waters

0.2 8 -10 Clear lake waters0.2 - 0.5 3 - 8 Coastal zone marine waters0.5-5.0 0.3-3.0 Rivers and estuaries


The nonvolatile suspended solids (the inorganic par-ticulates) both absorb and scatter the light, whereasthe organic detritus and phytoplankton chlorophyllmainly absorb the light. Di Toro has shown thatEquation A-22 applies to Ke values of approximatelyless than 5.0 m-1 and phytoplankton biomass up toapproximately 15 µg/L.

A.9.3 Death Rate

The endogenous respiration rate, Dp1 (Equation 2-16) is given approximately by

Dp1 = µR (1.08)T−20(A-23)

where µR varies from 0.05 to 0.25 day-1 (Thomannand Mueller, 1987). A value of 0.15 day-1 is usuallyused as a first approximation.

A.9.4 Settling Rate

Phytoplankton settling rate is estimated by dividingthe settling velocity by the stream depth. Phytoplank-ton settling velocities are presented in Table A-29.Additional data are available in a review by Smayda(1970). Some phytoplankton such as blue-green al-gae develop gas vacuoles, which result in buoyancyand subsequent aggregation at the water surface.The proliferation of such species is a particular prob-lem because the settling velocity may be zero or evennegative and phytoplankton tend to remain in thewater column or at the surface (e.g., 1983 Microcystis

bloom in Potomac estuary).

A.9.5 Biomass Stoichiometry

Dry weight biomass is related to the major nutrients(carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus) and chlorophyll a

through stoichiometric ratios that give the ratios ofeach nutrient to the total biomass. Typical algalnutrient compositions are summarized in Table A-30.Ratios for different algal groups or species (e.g.,blue-green, diatom, etc.) can be found in the literature(O’Connor et al., 1973; Bowie et al., 1985) but are notincluded in Table A-29 as this manual addresses thealgal modeling only on a total population basis.

A.9.6 Half Saturation Constants

Half saturation constants are required to describe thenutrient dependence of the phytoplankton growth rate(Equation A-19). Table A-31 summarizes an exten-sive compilation of phytoplankton half saturation con-stants for populations of diatoms, flagellates,chlorophytes and chrysophytes.


A.10.1 Phosphorus Mineralization Rate

The rate of transformation from particulate phospho-rus to orthophosphate in the water column rangesfrom 0.02 to 0.10 day-1 (Bowie et al., 1985). As a firstapproximation, a value of 0.03 day-1 may be used.

A.10.2 Organic Nitrogen Hydrolysis Rate andAmmonia Nitrification Rate

Table A-32 presents the rate coefficients for nitrogentransformations reported in a number of modelingstudies.


Sediment nutrient releases measured in the field areusually reported in mg/m2-day. Table A-33 (fromThomann and Mueller, 1987) shows some reportednutrient fluxes from the sediments under both aerobicand anaerobic conditions. When the overlying wateris anaerobic, the flux of phosphorus from the sedi-ment increases significantly as a result of increaseddiffusion between the sediment and the water. Suchincreased diffusion results from changes in the ironcomplexes at the water-sediment interface. TableA-34 presents data for two stations in the PeconicBay in Long Island (Garber, 1990).

Since data are usually not available to characterizesediment nutrient processes for many streams andrivers, aerobic sediment flux rates of ammonia andphosphate can be estimated as the stoichiometricequivalent of the biochemical component of SOD

using Redfield ratios (by weight) for O:C:N:P(109:41: 7.2: 1) (Redfield et al., 1963). Using the O:Nratio of 109 mg O2: 7.2 mg N benthic regeneration ofammonia can be estimated as:

jNH3 = SOD [1000 mg O2 /g O2] [1 mg N/15.14 mgO2]

where SOD is in units of g O2/m2-day and jNH3 hasunits of mg N/m-2-day. Di Toro (1986) has summa-rized paired measurements of SOD and jHN3 flux tosubstantiate the relationship of SOD and jHN3 underaerobic conditions.

Although the sediment-water interactions for phopho-rus recycling are complex, Redfield stoichiometry isappropriate for a preliminary estimate of phosphateflux from the sediments under aerobic conditions.



Settling Velocity (m/day) References

0.05 - 0.5 Chen and Orlob (1975)Tetra Tech (1976)Chen (1970)Chen and Wells (1975, 1976)

0.05 - 0.2 O’Connor et al. (1975, 1981)Thomann et al. (1975, 1979)Di Toro and Matystik (1980)Di Toro and Connolly (1980)Thomann and Fitzpatrick (1982)

0.02 - 0.05 Canale et al. (1976)

0.4 Lombardo (1972)

0.03 - 0.05 Scavia (1980)

0.04 Bierman et al. (1980)

0.2 - 0.25 Youngberg (1977)

0.04 - 0.6 Jorgensen (1976)Jorgensen et al. (1978, 1981)

0.01 - 4.0 Baca and Arnett (1976)

0.0 - 2.0 Chen and Orlob (1975)Smith (1978a)

0.15 - 2.0 Duke and Masch (1973)Roesner et al. (1977)

0.0 - 0.2 Brandes (1976)

0.0 - 30.0 Jorgensen (1979)



Algal TypeC

Chl a

NChl a

PCh la

SiChl a References

Total Phytoplankton 50 - 100 7 - 15 0.5 - 1.0 Thomann et al. (1975, 1979)O’Connor et al. (1981)Di Toro & Matystik (1980)Di Toro & Connolly (1980)Salas and Thomann (1978)

0.5 Salisbury et al. (1983)

7.2 0.63 Larsen et al. (1973)

25 - 112a 7 - 29a 1.0a Jorgensen (1979)

10 - 100a 2.7 - 9.1a O’Connor et al. (1981)

Diatoms 100 1. - 15 0.5 - 1.0 40 - 50 Di Toro & Connolly (1980)

Di Toro & Matystik (1980)Thomann et al. (1979)

0.5 Salisbury et al. (1983)

5.-200b Baca & Arnett (1976)

18-500a 2.2-74.6a 0.27-19.2a 2.4-50.7a Di Toro et al. (1971)

Green Algae 20-100b Baca & Arnett (1976)

Blue-green Algae 14-67b Baca & Arnett (1976)

Dino flagellates 275 19.3 O’Connor et al. (1981)

Dry Weight (mg/mg DW) percentage of five phytoplankton function groups. (O’Connor et al., 1973)

TotalPhytoplankton % Carbon % Nitrogen % Phosphorus

Average % SD(N=5)Range

39 % 4.419!50

6.1 % 1.92.7!9.1

1.6% 0.80.4!3.3

a Literature values.b Model documentation values.

N = available inorganic nitrogen concentration, mass/volumeC = available inorganic carbon concentration, mass/volumeSi= available inorganic siliconcentration mass/volume.



(After Tetra Tech, Inc., 1992)

Species TaxaNO3




mixed/natural populationsmixed/natural populationsmixed/natural populationsmixed/natural populations










Skeletonema costatum

Skeletonema costatum

Skeletonema costatum

Skeletonema costatum







9 ND

mixed/natural populationsmixed/natural populationsmixed/natural populationsmixed/natural populations






Dunalliella tertiolecta

Dunalliella tertiolecta

Dunalliella tertiolecta

Dunalliella tertiolecta





Monchrysis lutheri

Monchrysis lutheri

Monchrysis lutheri

Monchrysis lutheri







PONa to NH3 NH3 to NO2 NH3 to NO3 NO2 to NO3 Reference

0.035 0.04 Thomann et al. (1975)0.03 Thomann et al. (1979)0.03 0.12 Di Toro and Connolly (1980)0.03 0.20 Di Toro and Matystik (1980)0.075 0.09-0.13 Thomann and Fitzpatrick (1982)0.1-0.15 0.05-0.15 Lung (1986a)0.1 0.05 Lung and Paerl (1988)0.003 0.02 0.25 Tetra Tech, Inc. (1980)0.1 0.02 0.25 Porcella et al. (1983)

0.1-0.4 0.1-0.5 5.0-10.0 Baca et al. (1973)0.02-0.04 0.1-0.5 3.0-10.0 Baca and Arnett (1976)

a PON = particulate organic nitrogen.


Using the N:P ratio of 7.2 mg N:1.0 mg P, benthicregeneration of phosphate can be estimated as:

j PO4 = jHN3 (1mg P/7.2 mg N)

where jPO4 is in units of mg P/m2-day and jNH3 hasunits of mg N/m2-day. In addition to benthic releaseof nitrogen, benthic uptake of ammonia and nitratecan be a potentially significant component of theoverall nitrogen balance in a stream or river (e.g.,Williams and Lewis, 1986). Reported measured

rates of benthic nitrification and benthic denitrificationare summarized in Table A-35.

TABLE A-33. SEDIMENT NUTRIENT RELEASE RATES(After Thomann and Mueller, 1987)

Flux-Aerobic Conditions(mg/m2 -day)

Flux-Anaerobic Conditions(mg/m2 -day)

LocationTotal Dissolved

Phosphorus NH3-NTotal Dissolved

Phosphorus NH3-N Si-silicon Reference

Muddy River, Boston,MA

9.6 (96 Max) Fillos andSwanson (1975)

Lake Wamer, Amherst,MA

1.2 (26 Max) Bannermanet al. (1975)

Lake Ontario 0.2Lake Erie

Western BasinCentral BasinEastern Basin


DiToro andConnolly (1980)

White Lake, MuskegonCo., MI

34 32 297 Freedman andCanale (1977)

Cape Lookout Bight,NC

40 (winter)325 (summer)

Martens et al.(1980)

LaJolla Bight 2.4(-13 to 16)

Hartwig (1975)

Potomac Estuary 1-10 Calendar andHammond(1982)


FLUX IN PECONIC BAY,JULY 1989 (after Garber, 1990)

Region Station

SOD(g 02/m2


NH3 flux(gN/m2


Gardiner Bay BT-6A 0.76 14.6 23.7Little PeconicBay

BT-3 0.8 33.3 24.8


TABLE A-35. REPORTED RATES OF BENTHIC NITRIFICATION AND BENTHIC NITRATE LOSS(as mg N/m2-day)(Negative values indicate water column loss to the sediments; positive

values indicate sediment source to the water column)

Study Site Range Reference

Benthic Nitrification

Lake MendotaSewage-enriched streamLaboratory stream

-540 to - 9000 to - 150-29a to - 69b

Kaushik et al. (1981)Kaushik et al. (1981)Kaushik et al. (1981)

Benthic Nitrate Loss

Sewage effluent/canalsSwifts Brook/OntarioDuffin Creek/OntarioLaboratory columnsSilt-enriched columnsSand/gravel columnsStreamsUpper Potomac estuaryGunston Cove, Potomac

-913c-480-40 to -300-61 to -166-100 to -251-20 to -60-50a to -90b

-266 to +23-36

Kaushik et al. (1981)Kaushik et al. (1981)Kaushik et al. (1981)Kaushik et al. (1981)Kaushik et al. (1981)Kaushik et al. (1981)Kaushik et al. (1981)MWCOG (1987)Seitzinger (1988)

Notes:a Absence of tubificid worms.b Presence of tubificid worms enhances nitrification and denitrification/nitrate loss rates.c Reported units are mg NO3-N/m2-day.


TemperatureCoefficient, Θ Reference


Streeter (1926)Elmore and West (1961)Elmore and West (1961)Downing and Truesdale (1955)Downing and Truesdale (1955)Downing and Truesdale (1955)Streeter (1926)Truesdale and Van Dyke (1958)Truesdale and Van Dyke (1958)Truesdale and Van Dyke (1958)Churchill et al. (1962)Tsivoglou (1967)Committee on Sanitary Engineering Research (1960)



Water temperature plays an important role in affect-ing many first-order kinetic coefficients because thereactions are temperature-dependent following theusual van’t Hoff-Arrhenius temperature correlation:

KT = K20 ΘT−20(A-24)

in which KT and K20 are values of the kinetic coeffi-cient at temperatures T and 20 °C, respectively.Tables A-36 through A-41 present ranges of Θ valuesfor a variety of kinetic coefficients.



(After Bowie et al, 1985)

Temperature coefficient, ΘTemperatureLimits (°C) Reference

1.047 Chen (1970)Harleman et al. (1977)Medina (1979)Genet et al. (1974)Bauer et al. (1979)JRB Associates (1983)Bedford et al. (1983)Thomann and Fitzpatrick (1982)Velz (1984)Roesner et al. (1981)

1.05 Crim and Lovelace (1973)Rich (1973)

1.03-1.06 (0-5)-(30-35) Smith (1978b)

1.075 Imhoff et al. (1981)

1.024 MWCOG (1982)

1.021-1.06 Baca and Arnett (1976)Baca et al. (1973)

1.04 Di Toro and Connolly (1980)

1.05-1.15 5-30 Fair et al. (1968)


Reference Ammonia Oxidation Nitrite Oxidation

Stratton (1966) 1.0876 1.0576

Knowles et al. (1965) 1.0997 1.0608

Buswell et al. (1957) 1.0757 -

Wild et al. (1971) 1.0548 -

Bridle et al. (1979) 1.1030 -

Sharma and Ahlert (1977) 1.0689 1.0470

Laudelout and Van Tichelen (1960) - 1.0689

Mean 1.0850 1.0586



(After Bowie et al., 1985)

Model Θ Q10a Reference

DOSAG-3 1.047 1.58 Duke and Masch (1973)QUAL-II 1.047 1.58 Roesner et al. (1977)Vermont QUAL-II 1.047 1.58 JRB Associates (1983)Lake Erie Model 1.08 2.16 Di Toro and Connolly (1980)WASP 1.08 2.16 Thomann and Fitzpatrick (1982)

WASP 1.1 2.59 O’Connor et al. (1981)LAKECO 1.02 1.22 Chen and Orlob (1972, 1975)WQRRS 1.02-1.04 1.22-1.48 Smith (1978)ESTECO 1.02-1.04 1.22-1.48 Brandes (1976)

DEM 1.04 1.48 Genet et al. (1974)EAM 1.02 1.22 Bowie et al. (1980)

EAM 1.047 1.58 Tetra Tech (1980); Porcella et al. (1983)

USGS - Steady 1.065 1.88 Bauer et al. (1979)AQUA-IV 1.02-1.09 1.22 Baca and Arnett (1976)

EXPLORE-l 1.05 1.63 Baca et al. (1973)Laboratory/Field Studies 1.040-1.130 1.5-3.4 Zison et al. (1978); Whittemore (1984)

a Q10 = ratio of K (20°C)/K(10°C) = Θ10 from K(T) = K20 ΘT-20 for T = 10°C


Reference Range, °C Coefficient, Θ

Edberg and Hofsten (1973) 5-1510-2015-25


Edwards and Rolley (1965) 10-20 1.077Karlgren (1968) 2-22 1.090McDonnell and Hall (1969) 5-25 1.067Pamatmat (1971) 5-10 1.088Thomann (1972) 10-30 1.065Fair et al. (1941) 10-25 (1.07)a

Baity (1938) 22-29 (1.05)a

Masch et al. (1971) - 1.0159

a Estimated based upon author’s conclusion.



Location Q10 Θ Reference

Narragansett Bay 4.48 1.16 Kremer and Nixon (1978)

Peconic Baymeanrange (N = 8)



Garber (1990)

Chesapeake Bay(Anoxic mainstem)

3.0 1.116 Garber (1990)

Note: Relationship of Q10 to Θ and reaction rates at 10°C (K10) and 20°C (K20)Q10 = K20/K10

Θ = 10 0.1 log Q10

Θ = exp (0.1 ln Q10)




Two studies, the Rivanna River study and the WillametteRiver study, are included in this appendix to illustrate theapplication of WASP5 and QUAL2E—two EPA supportedstream water quality models. Additionally, an analyticalsolution approach is included in the Rivanna River study todemonstratehowdifferentwaterqualityparameterscanbedirectly calculated, without the use of a complex simulationmodel, for a relatively simple BOD-DO and eutrophicationproblem. TheWillametteRiverBasinmodelingstudyhigh-lights theuseof theQUAL2Emodel inassessingdissolvedoxygen (DO), nutrients, and phytoplankton biomass for alarge river system in Oregon.

Readersarecautioned thatsite-specificdatamustbeusedwhen performing TMDL analyses, and that values pre-sented in this (or any other) example must not be substi-tuted for site-specific data. When such data are notavailable,applicablevaluesshouldbedevelopedbyfollow-ing the procedures detailed in the text.


B.2.1 Problem Setting

This example is based on the earlier example problempresented in the Technical Guidance Manual for Perform-

ing Waste Load Allocations (USEPA, 1983) in calculatingsimplebiochemicaloxygendemandanddissolvedoxygenconditions in streams. This example extends further toinclude a eutrophication problem and assessment of vari-ations in channel geometry. Addressing the algal growthas a component of this example provides a more compre-hensive analysis of production and respiration processesand their effect on dissolved oxygen in rivers.

Acityofapproximately60,000peopledischargesitswaste-water into a relatively small river, Rivanna River, with anaverage annual flow of about 250 cfs. The city’s wastewa-ter is presently treated by a trickling filter plant that provides

about85percentBODremovalandhasreached itsdesigncapacityof7.5mgd.Thepopulationisprojectedtoincreaseby more than 50 percent to 92,000 people (with a range of75,000 to 120,000 people) by the year 2000. Expansionof the treatment plant to a capacity of 11.5 mgd andprovision of an activated sludge system for secondarytreatment has been proposed.

Rivanna River, for 60 miles downstream of the treatmentplant outfall, is classified as B1, which has a designatedwater use of fish and wildlife propagation. The pertinentState water quality standards for this example are a mini-mum DO level of 5.0 mg/L, a maximum un-ionized ammo-nia concentration as specified by EPA Ambient Water

Quality Criteria for Ammonia (USEPA, 1984), and a narra-tive nutrient criteria as specified in the State water qualitystandards. The river is used locally for fishing and isbordered by several campgrounds and a State park. Ap-proximately 30 miles downstream of the treatment plantoutfall is a wider, slow moving section of the river, whichunder low flow conditions has experienced algal blooms,with chlorophyll a proliferation in the range of 30-40 ug/L.OccasionalviolationsofDOandun-ionizedammoniahavebeen observed downstream of the wastewater treatmentplant. The watershed consists of approximately 60 per-cent agricultural, 35 percent forested, and 5 percent urbanareas under existing conditions. The size of the urbanportion of the watershed is 9.4 square miles which isprojected to increase to 14.4 square miles under futureconditions (2000 A.D.). Future land use conditions areexpected to show a conversion of a portion of agriculturalland to urban areas. This more developed watershed isestimated to consist of 58 percent agricultural, 35 percentforested, and 7 percent urban areas. A summary of theproblem setting and treatment plant data is presented inFigures B-1 and B-2.

B.2.2 River Characteristics

The river flow is gaged by the United States GeologicalService (USGS) 5 miles upstream of the treatment plantdischarge. Theaveragemonthly flowsfora30-yearperiodare summarized in Figure B-3(A). The





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average annual flow is about 250 cfs with a minimummonthly average low flow of 100 cfs, which occurs inSeptember. However, the State requires that minimumDO standards must be met for the minimum 7 consecu-tive-day flow with a return period of once every 10 years(7Q10). (As discussed in Book VI, Design Conditions,other design flows may apply under summer conditions.)From a statistical analysis of the flow records, the 7Q10 isdetermined to be 30 cfs and occurs between August andOctober. (For further discussion of critical conditions, referto Section 3.3 of this document.)

Critical conditions of DO, un-ionized ammonia concentra-tion and nutrient enrichment in the river occur during thesummerwhentheflowis lowandtheriver’swatertempera-ture is high. From 11 years of water temperature datacollected as part of a limited river monitoring program, themaximum average monthly river temperature is calculatedto be 27oC and occurs in August. The river conditionselected to representcritical conditionsassumeariver flowof 30 cfs and a river temperature of 27oC.

Note that for this example, both the critical low flow (7Q10)and the maximum average monthly temperature havebeen used in the projection, even though historical records(summarized in Figure B-3A) show minimum averagemonthly flow and temperature to occur in different months.This tacitly assumes that although the minimum averagemonthly flow occurs in September, the critical 7Q10 couldoccur inAugust, themonthofmaximumaverage tempera-tures. In areas where it can be shown that the 7Q10 willoccur in a month with lower temperature, then the appro-priate combination should be used rather than each of theextreme values. For example, critical low flows frequentlyoccur during October in the northeast. An appropriateapproach in such cases would be to define the 7Q10 andtemperature conditions for each of the critical months (e.g.June-October),determinewhichmonth ismostcritical,anduse that month in allocation calculations.

For this example, assume that three surveys were con-ducted to measure stream cross-sectional area underdifferent flow conditions. Cross-sections were measuredat 20 locations within the 65-mile long study area. Fromanalysis of cross-sectional area measurements, it can beconcluded that the study area may be divided into threerelatively homogeneous reaches as shown in Figure B-1.The first and the third reaches have almost the samechannelgeometry,while thesecondreachhasawiderand

deeper channel. Throughout the length of each of thesereaches the river is assumed to have uniform geometry.The first reach stretches from the STP outfall to 30 milesdownstream. The second reach is 10 miles long andbegins 30 miles downstream of the STP outfall. The finalreach is 20 miles long. Two representative cross-sectionalareas are used to characterize the reaches for each set offlow conditions; one cross-sectional area at a given flowrepresents the first and the third reaches, and anotherrepresents the second reach.

The average river velocity during each of the cross-sec-tional area survey periods was computed by application ofthe equation VELOCITY = FLOW/AREA. The averageflowforeachsurveyperiodisobtainedfromUSGSrecords.Alternatively, dye study techniques could be used to moreaccurately determine average velocity for a given riversection.

River cross-sectional area, depth, and velocity generallyformlinear relationshipswith flowwhenthedataareplottedon log-log scales. Figure B-3B shows two sets of log-logplots derived from stream cross-sectional data. One setrepresents the relationships between the channel geome-try and flow for the narrow and shallow sections between0-30 miles and 40-60 miles downstream of the discharge.Another set represents the wide and deep channel be-tween 30-40 miles. Figure B-3C shows the relationshipbetween stream velocity and flow. Interpolations and ex-trapolations of river geometry and velocity at specific flowscan be made directly from the log-log plots or can becomputed from the equation of the line of best fit. Theequation for the line of best fit has the form Y =IQs whereI is the interceptatQ=1cfsandsis theslopescaleddirectlyfromtheplot. Asummaryof themathematicalexpressionsof the graphs presented in Figure B-3 are as follows:

For the narrow and shallow sections

AREA (m2) = 15.358 [Q (m3/s)]

0.57 (B-1)

DEPTH (m) = 0.565 [Q (m3/s)]0.45 (B-2)

VELOCITY (m/s) = 0.065 [Q (m3/s)]0.43 (B-3)

For the wide and deep sections

AREA (m2) = 57.659 [Q (m3/s)]0.57 (B-4)

DEPTH (m) = 01.413 [Q (m3/s)]0.45 (B-5)

VELOCITY (m/s) = 0.017 [Q (m3/s)]0.43 (B-6)


River area, depth, and velocity can be computed for anyflow in the appropriate section of the river by using theequations listed above. If rivergeometrydataareavailablefor only one flow condition, the relationship presented inSection A.3.1 (Equations A-1 through A-4) can be used tocalculate river depth, area, and velocity at other flows.

B.2.3 Review of Water Quality Data

Historic river water quality data within the study area arelimited. As part of the State environmental department’soverall monitoring program for this river basin, water sam-ples are periodically collected at stations located at rivermiles 25 and 55. These data represent approximately onegrab sample per month during the summer over a 5 yearperiod. A review of these data reveal occasional waterquality problems with regard to dissolved oxygen andun-ionized ammonia. Further downstream, periodic algalblooms violate the State’s narrative nutrient criteria. Prob-lems appear to occur only under extreme low flow condi-tions. Since there are indications of occasional violationsof water quality criteria, a TMDL is needed to assess loadallocations under future conditions. The TMDL shouldaddress the occasional DO, un-ionized ammonia prob-lems, and the eutrophication in the downstream recrea-tional area. The TMDL should consider both upstreamnonpoint source loadings and the local point source dis-charge.

Considering the conditions under which problems occur,an appropriate level of effort for a TMDL study initially canbe limited to the analysis of a single river water quality dataset collected during summer low-flow conditions. Accord-ingly, a survey was conducted during two days in Augustwhen the river flow averaged 100 cfs and the river watertemperature was 25oC. The results of this survey and theState environmental data are presented in Figure B-4.

The DO data in Figure B-4, both August 1979 data andhistorical data, show stream DO levels above the standardof 5.0 mg/L at a flow condition of 100 cfs. The increase inriver BOD5 and the ammonia concentrations at zero milepointshowtheimpactofthetreatmentplantdischarge. Thegraduallydecreasingammoniaprofileandincreasingnitriteandnitrateprofilesuggest thatnitrification isoccurringintheriver. There is evidence that a natural nitrification process,in which nitrate and some oxygen-demanding material areremoved from the water, may occur in some streams.

Un-ionized ammonia has been demonstrated to be theprincipal form ofammonia toxic tobiological life. Tempera-

ture and pH have been shown to affect ammonia toxicity.The EPA Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Ammonia(USEPA,1984)requirestwoconditionstobemet—a4-dayaverageforchronic toxicityandan1-houraverageconcen-tration for acute toxicity. For a river temperature of 25oCandpHof7.75,withsalmonidsorothersensitivecoldwaterspecies absent, the 4-day average standards are 0.043mg/L un-ionized ammonia (0.0353 mg/L un-ionized NH3-N)and 1.39 mg/L total ammonia (1.142 mg/LNH3-N). Fora1-houraveragingperiodstandardsare0.32mg/Lun-ion-ized ammonia (0.263 mg/L un-ionized NH3-N)and 10.384mg/L total ammonia (8.384 mg/L NH3-N). During theAugust 1979 survey, the ambient total ammonia concen-tration was less than the standard of 8.384 mg/L totalNH3-N for the 1-hour average condition. The 1-hour aver-age values are used for calibration so that the worst casescenario can be portrayed. Historical river water qualitydata collected near the USGS gage provides concentra-tions under 7Q10 flow conditions. Table B-1 shows esti-mated data for upstream boundary conditions used inmodeling. The boundary conditions take into account theproportionally highly nonpoint source loads under the 100and 250 cfs flow conditions. Monitored concentrations ofwaterqualityconstituents inthewastewatertreatmentplanteffluent are listed in Table B-2. Table B-2 also showsestimatedeffluentconcentrationsformanagementalterna-tivesusedinmodeling(e.g.,activatedsludgetreatmentandadvanced water treatment). These values were obtainedthrough a literature search of typical loadings from variouslevels of treatment.

B.2.4 The Simplified Analytical SolutionApproach

TheSimplifiedAnalyticalSolutionApproachusestheexactsolutions to differential equations presented in this docu-menttoanalyzetheRivannaRiverexample.Thisapproachprovides a better insight into the fundamentals of modelingDO and eutrophication problems in rivers. The analyticalsolutionapproach issimilar to themethodsdescribed intheTechnical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load

Allocation, Simplified Analytical Method for Determine

NPDES Effluent Limitation for POTWs Discharging into

LowFlowStreams (USEPA,1980) incalculatingammoniatoxicity and DO concentrations. The analytical solutionpresented forDOpresented hereexpandson themodifiedStreeter-Phelps equation to account for phytoplanktonproduction and respiration



• .f'0 lO XI 40 so 60 >II

'. .. ....-----1... ;-~--•·10 0

•,.,; ,... ..-,,- ""10 _



·,---------, -.--------,

~ XI


,1 •! ',


lu:":",:,,.~..~~fo:"~'.~~';O .. :Ill JO 40 so 60 >D


",--------, ".---------,


"1'2, "g •



i"i "


~ I_I _lOlf'l)fIGURE 6-'_ INORGANIC ..,.ROGEtl OHO PHOSPHORUS. C>Ul'lOl't<'YU- II. 800

~ 00 o.o.r.o l""- 23-2<. lll1\1~



as well as, BOD, SOD, and reaeration (Thomann andMueller, 1987). Althoughammonia toxicity is likely tooccurnear the vicinity of the wastewater treatment plant dis-charge, this approach also shows how to calculate theammonia concentrations at downstream locations. Theallowable instream total ammonia concentration is basedon the un-ionized ammonia concentration as a function ofpH and temperature. The EPA Ambient Water Quality

Criteria for Ammonia—1984 (USEPA, 1984) describeshow to calculate allowable chronic and acute toxicity levelsfor un-ionized and total ammonia at a given pH andtemperature. This approach also shows clearly the effectof changing channel geometry on DO sag. A simplifiedanalysis calculates the location of DO sag due to a waste-water discharge for BOD decay only. If the problem isfurther compounded by conditions associated with lowerreaeration coefficients and phytoplankton growth, a sec-ond DO sag may occur. Which of the two sags producesthe minimum DO depends on overall conditions. Theanalyticalsolutionapproachprovidedhere includesamoreelaborate process for dealing with nonuniform channelsand eutrophication issues. In the absence of phytoplank-ton growth and any significant variation in channel geome-try, the analytical approach reduces to the methodpresented in the above mentioned document.

The analytical solution approach also addresses some ofthe limitations of reaeration models. The method pre-sented here uses a discrete segment approach similar tothat employed by more sophisticated computer simulationprograms. To avoid the tedious work of repetitive calcula-tions, a spreadsheet or a short computer program can beset up to solve the appropriate mathematical equations.Repeated solutions of the equations presented here wereused to generate solutions at desired locations of thestream. Application of this approach is, however, limitedto steadystateconditions. Asetof samplecalculationsareshown in Table B-3. The first step in the analytical modelapplication is to divide the systemunderstudy into reacheswith relatively uniform physical characteristics. The streamisdivided into four reachesbasedonwastewater treatmentplant discharge location and channel geometry. The up-stream boundary conditions were used as initial conditionsfor the first reach. Concentrations of water quality constitu-ents at the downstream end of each reach are used asinitial conditions for the next reach. Therefore, for thesecond reach, initial conditions are the concentrationsresulting from mixing of the treatment plant effluent withinstream concentrations at the end of the first reach. Efflu-ent from the wastewater treatment plant is assumed to mixcompletely with stream water immediately after discharge.Since the second reach is 30 miles long, a more detailedassessment could be performed by calculating concentra-tions at various locations along the stream, possibly more

densely near the discharge. The calculations shown inTable B-3 can be grouped into six steps, 1) calculatingphysical parameters, 2) calculating net phytoplanktongrowth rate, 3) checking nutrient limits for phytoplanktongrowth, 4) estimating reaction rates, 5) calculating DOcomponents and DO concentration, and 6) calculatingconcentrations of nutrients, BOD, and chlorophyll a. Thissimplified approach does not include analysis of organicnitrogen, organic phosphorus, and exchange of nutrientsbetween waterand sediment. Additionalequationscanbeused to incorporate these factors in the analysis of phyto-plankton growth. Alternatively, more detailed water qualitymodels, such as WASP5, can explicitly consider a widerrange of nutrient species, interactions, sources, and sinks.

As stream water quality data are available for 100 cfs flowconditions, it is used for calibration. For an analytical solu-tion approach, calibration consists of the determination ofthe reaction rate coefficients (presented in Chapter 2 andAppendix A) that describe the spatial distribution ofCBOD,ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, phytoplankton growth, andDO. The first set of calculations must be made based onan educated guess of reaction rates. Then a comparisonbetweenthecalculatedvaluesandobserveddatawillallowthe modeler to make a better estimate of reaction rates.The overall loss rate of NBOD can be estimated solely bymatching observed ammonia and nitrate data. The overalllossrateofCBODandtheeffectivedeoxygenationratecanbe estimated by matching observed CBOD and DO data,respectively. Calibration of the analytical solution model,as shown in Figure B-5, provides 0.15 day-1, 0.30 day-1,0.30day-1and0.20day-1 for theoverall loss rateofNBOD(Kn), the effective deoxygenation rate (Kd), the overall lossrate of CBOD (Kr) and endogenous respiration of phyto-plankton,respectively.Lossratesaredeterminedbyfindinga value that provides the best fit with the August 1979CBOD data. The CBOD removal rate by settling (Ks) isassumed to be zero for the secondary effluent, and theCBODoxidationrate(Kd)equalsthetotalremovalrate(Kr).These values can be adjusted for simulating water qualityconstituents under different management conditions. Theatmospheric reaeration rate (Ka) is determined in accord-ance with Table A-24.




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(Ka) is determined in accordance with Table A-24. In thewider section of the river, Ka drops below 0.5 day-1.Hydroscience (1971) suggests that the minimum value foroxygen transfer coefficient is 0.6 to 1.0 m/d. The minimumKa is then determined by dividing the minimum oxygentransfer coefficient by the corresponding river depth.

Inthisexample,thecalculationoftheDOprofileagreeswiththe measured data quite favorably without any adjust-ments. In some cases, the calculated DO profile does notinitially agree with the data because of sources and sinksof oxygen which may not be accounted for, such as SOD.Benthic oxygen demand, phytoplankton production andrespiration are included in the analytical calculations. Be-cause no exchange is considered between the benthiclayer and the water column, observed NH3 data are foundto be higher than model predicted values in Figure B-5. Agood agreement between observed and simulated data isfound in the chlorophyll a calibration. The observed inor-ganicphosphatedatashowsadeclinewithdistancedown-streamwhichisnotmatchedbytheanalyticalsolution. Thisdifference is probably due to the assumption that onlydissolvedphosphate isconsidered intheanalyticalsolutionapproach. The loss of phosphate by settling is thereforeomitted.

Having calibrated a model for CBOD, DO, nutrients, andchlorophyll a (i.e., having defined site-specific coefficientsand accepting that some reservations on reliability existsince the model is not tested against an independent dataset), an analyst may use the model to project water qualityimpactsthatmightbeexpectedunderconditionsofinterest.Three different flow conditions are modeled for existingloadingconditionstoevaluatetherangeofconditionsunderwhich problems may occur. For each of the three flowconditions, the upstream boundary condition is varied toaccount for changes in nonpoint source loading contribu-tions. Under the 30 cfs case, upstream flow is consideredto be comprised wholly of baseflow. Ammonia, nitrate,inorganicphosphate,chlorophylla,BOD5,andDOprofilesare presented in Figure B-6.

The calculated profiles in Figure B-6 show that presentwastewater loadswouldresult inDOwaterqualitystandardviolations over approximately 8 miles of the river underdesign30cfsdrought flowconditions(7Q10flowandarivertemperature of 27oC). The lowest DO concentration isabout 3.4 mg/L under 7Q10 flow conditions. Total ammo-nia violates the standard for approximately 25 miles down-

stream of discharge. For a river temperature of 27oC andpH of 7.75, the total ammonia standard that correspondsto an acceptable un-ionized ammonia level is 1.14 mg/LNH3-N. The highest predicted total ammonia concentra-tion is more than three times the standard. It is importantto note here that if the observed effluent ammonia concen-tration and the 100 cfs flow condition persists for 4 days,violations of the standard would occur over a 25-milesection of river downstream of the discharge. The BOD5profile shows a significantly higher concentration immedi-ately downstream of discharge, but it decreases rapidlywithin first 30 miles downstream. Another major concernis the growth of phytoplankton. The total chlorophyll aprofile shows that under 7Q10 flow eutrophic conditionsexist in the downstream reaches of the river. Acceleratedgrowth of algal is likely to result in a reduction of therecreational value of the river.

The analysis of the three flow conditions shows that theinitial selection of 30 cfs as the critical condition is justified.Developing the TMDL for the 30 cfs flow condition shouldbe protective of other flow conditions and result in a con-servative estimate of required load reduction.

Thenext step in theanalysis is toconsider threealternativelevels of treatment for the wastewater treatment plant. Thethree different treatment scenarios are simulated usingfuture population and land use conditions for the low flowcritical condition (e.g., 30 cfs). For each managementalternative, boundary conditions were defined by baseflowconcentrations (equivalent to 30 cfs case under existingconditions). Each treatment alternative is then comparedwith the waterquality criteria forDOandun-ionizedammo-nia. The narrative nutrient standard must be equated to anumeric measure for comparison with model results.Basedonareviewofsimilar rivers in theStateachlorophylla threshold of 20 g/l is selected asa targetgoal. Continuedmonitoringshouldbeused to reevaluate the target in futureyears.

Calculated ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, chlorophyll a,BOD5, and DO profiles for the projected wastewater loadsare presented in Figure B-7. No significant differenceexists between the effluent nutrient concentrations thatresult from trickling filter and activated sludge treatmentprocesses under simulated future loading conditions.Therefore, ammonia, nitrate and chlorophyll a profiles forthese two alternatives coincide. Effluent discharged fromthe



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trickling filter or an activated sludge treatment process isestimated to violate the total ammonia and the DO stand-ardsunder the lowflowcriticalcondition. TheminimumDOsimulated for trickling filter and activated sludge processesare 2.4 and 3.5 mg/L, respectively. An algal bloom ispredicted to continue up to the end of 65-mile study areaand reaches 30 ug/L of chlorophyll a. Advanced watertreatment is the only option which allows the river to meettotal ammonia and DO standards at 30 cfs. It also controlsthe algal growth to a maximum of 18.6 ug/L. The lowestdaily average DO concentration of about 5.0 mg/L occursat 3 miles downstream of discharge location. A sensitivityanalysis is recommended when differences between dif-ferent options are small. Sensitivity analysis can also beused in thedeterminationofMarginofSafety (MOS). Morerefined analysis can be used to reduce the MOS and insome cases increase the allowable discharge.


This example shows an alternative approach to analysisofthe Rivanna River example and considers in greater detailthe in-stream impacts of changes in the contributions fromnonpoint source runoff, baseflow, and effluent concentra-tions to the river reaches. WASP5 includes more detailedtransformationandexchangeprocesses thanananalyticalapproach. For example WASP5 can account for thesettlingofinorganicparticulatematerial,recyclingoforganicnutrients to the inorganic pool, and nutrient flux from thebottom sediment layer to the water column. This applica-tion illustrates the capabilities of a steady state WASP5model application, similar to the previous example. Inaddition, the development of a WASP5 model allows theuser the flexibility to examine continuous simulation resultsshould further examination of dynamic nonpoint sourcesloadings prove necessary.

The WASP5 model is developed based on the dataprovided in Problem Setting and River Characterization(Sections B.2.1 and B.2.2). The WASP5 model is config-ured as 45 segments. The first 35 miles are representedby 15 one-mile segments followed by 10 two-mile seg-ments. The wider portion of the river is divided into 10one-mile segments followed by 20 miles divided into 10two-mile segments. Additional data required by theWASP5model includesdownstreamboundaryconditions,geometric data for each segment, and air temperature.Downstreamboundaryconditionsand initial conditionsareestimated based on observed stream data. Depth and

width for each segment are derived as a function of flowand hydraulic coefficients.

The model is executed using a timestep of 0.05 days (1.2hours) for the three flow conditions and three treatmentscenarios considered earlier. A 30-day simulation periodis used to allow sufficient time for the model to reachsteady-state conditions. The modeling results are basedon the final 5 days of the simulation period.

The first step in any model application is to calibrate themodel with existing data. For this example, the WASP5model is calibrated to the observed data gathered fromAugust 23-24, 1979. Figure B-8 shows the model calibra-tion analyses for WASP5 with the observed data. Theanalytical solution, described in the previous section, pro-vides an additional check for model calibration. Analyticalsolutions are generally recommended for evaluation ofmodel performance. This comparison demonstrates theability of each model to mimic the water quality responsesof the river and shows the similarity between the results ofeach model for a steady-state application. Although theresults agree with the measured data, the WASP5 run hassignificantly higher input requirements and demand agreater level of effort for application. Table B-4 shows alisting of the WASP5 input file.

Similar to the analytical solution, once calibrated, WASP5was run for three different flow scenarios (30 cfs, 100 cfs,and 250 cfs) and three treatment scenarios for future pointsourceloading(30cfsflowonly)foratotalof6runs. FiguresB-9 and B-10 show the resulting (based on the last 5 daysof the simulation period) in-stream concentrations of oxy-gen, BOD5, ammonia, nitrate, total organic nitrogen, andtotal nitrogen for existing and future conditions, respec-tively. The worst case, with DO below the recommendedlimit of 5 mg/l, occurs under the 30 cfs low flow condition(Figure B-9). Under low flow conditions, the baseflowcontribution is assumed to be constant and changes areattributed solely to the increase in load from the treatmentplant. WASP5 simulation results show problems verysimilar to those of analytical solution approach for ammo-nia, nitrate, chlorophyll a and DO. Interestingly, with a 20percent particulate phosphate and a 0.5 m/d settling rate,WASP5 is well calibrated for instream phosphate concen-trations. This is important because it causes nutrient inhibi-tion for phytoplankton growth and a resulting decline ofchlorophyll a



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concentration at approximately 40 miles downstream forexisting 30 cfs flow conditions.

For the low flow condition, the WASP5 run results inapproximately the same oxygen and ammonia concentra-tions as that of the analytical example under both existingand future conditions. Oxygen concentrations drop toapproximately 4 mg/L and ammonia concentrations reachapproximately 4.2 mg/L, resulting in predicted violations ofboth oxygen and ammonia standards. The BOD5 plotshown in Figure B-10 includes the demand exerted bydecaying algae which was not considered in the analyticalsolution approach. In the WASP5 model, benthic denitrifi-cation is not accounted for since it is assumed to benegligible.

B.2.6 Conclusions

For this example, the results showed that low flow condi-tions (7Q10) represent a critical condition for maintenanceof DO and NH3 standards. Critical conditions occurredprimarily under low flow (30 cfs) when the system wasdominated by point source loads. Recommended man-agement for implementation of a TMDL is to pursue a loadreduction from point sources. As the flow decreases, anincreasing percentage of the CBOD and nutrient load canbe attributed to the sewage treatment plant. Low flowconditionsare also critical foraugmented algalgrowth. Forother types of pollutants or other site specific conditions,analyses may result in different conclusions. In somecasesacontinuoussimulationofstorminputsandreceivingwater response may be required to determine the fre-quency and duration of stream impacts. As shown here,steady state examination of several flow conditions usinga analytical solution or WASP5 can assist in screening forthe range of flow conditions where problems may occur.

For development of an actual TMDL, some additionalinvestigations are recommended. Calibration and valida-tion of a nonpoint source loading modeland river responsemodel may need to be conducted and additional datacollected if possible. Future development that may causean additional expansion of the treatment plant should beconsidered. Any model uncertainty and future conditionsshould be built into a margin of safety for the TMDL. A finalTMDL should not be assigned until all of these factors areconsidered carefully.


B.3.1 Introduction

The Willamette River basin modeling study was selectedto show a recent example of a QUAL2E application. Thisexample highlights the use of the QUAL2E model inassessingDO(DO),nutrients,andphytoplanktonbiomassforalargeriversysteminOregon. Foradditionaldiscussionon the use of QUAL2E in the development of TMDLs, seeSections 2.3 and 3.4. The use of QUAL2E for uncertaintyanalysis is shown in Appendix D.

The Willamette River Basin Water Quality Study(WRBWQS) is an ongoing interdisciplinary study that in-cludesinvestigationsofriverhydrology,sedimenttransport,toxic organic compounds and trace elements, point andnonpoint pollution sources, and aquatic ecosystems. Thedevelopmentofpredictivecomputermodelsunder lowflowconditions of late summer was one goal of the Phase Istudy. The low-flow periodcoincideswith thecriticalperiodfor DO and is suitable for steady-state DO modeling. Amodel was needed to more fully assess the interactionsamong nutrients, phytoplankton, and DO, which had notpreviously been undertaken. A summary of the selection,calibration, and preliminary evaluation of the Phase I DOmodel is presented below. A water quality managementcase scenario involving the effect of variation of the riverflow regime on DO and phytoplankton biomass is alsopresented. A more complete description of the develop-ment and evaluation of the WRBWQS Phase I DO modelhas been provided in a number of technical reports (TetraTech, 1993a, b, c).

B.3.2 Problem Setting

TheWillamette Riverdrainage basinarea isapproximately30,000 km2 in area and is bounded by the Coast andCascade mountain ranges (Figure B-11). The mainstemof the river meanders in a northerly direction through analluvialvalleyapproximately300kmto theColumbiaRiver.The problem setting and essential characteristics of theriver system are summarized in Figure B-12.

Although the drainage basin contains the majority of theState’s inhabitants, approximately half of the basin is for-ested. However, significant changes have occurred in thedrainage basin since the arrival of European immigrantsbeginning in the early 1890s




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Gleeson, 1972; Sedell and Frogatt, 1984). Approximatelyone-third of the basin is currently used for agriculture, andthe forests have been exploited for timber production.About 10 percent of the basin has been urbanized or is inresidential use. The river receives direct inputs of treatedmunicipal wastes and industrial effluents—primarily frompulp and paper processing facilities. Although nonpointsourceinputsaresignificantduringwinterrainfall runoff, thissource is considered minor relative to point sources duringthe dry critical period for DO.

Oregon water quality standards relevant to the modelingstudy include the state standards for DO and an “actionlevel” for chlorophyll a (Oregon Administrative Rules,Chapter 340, Division 41). The state DO standards varyfor each reach of the river:

• The Tidal Reach [river kilometer (RK) 0-43] -5 mg/L

• Newberg Pool (RK 43-80) - 6 mg/L

• Newberg Pool to Salem (RK 80-137) - 7 mg/L

AboveSalem, theDOstandard isaminimumof90percentof the saturation concentration for DO.

Thestateaction level forchlorophyll a is15g/L. Thisactionlevel applies to natural lakes that do not thermally stratify,and to reservoirs, rivers, and estuaries. The action level isintended to identify water bodies where phytoplanktonmight impair beneficial uses. If it is determined that theaction level is exceeded in a particular water body, addi-tional studies might be conducted to determine the causesof the exceedances and impacts on beneficial uses. Con-trol strategies, including additional standards or pollutantload limitations, could then be developed.

The need for predictive water quality models was under-scored by the continued industrial and agricultural devel-opmentandpopulationgrowthwithinthebasin. Asof1990,the population within the nine counties that cover the basinhad almost reached 2 million. Highest population growthrates have occurred in the counties that encompass thelarge urban centers of Eugene, Salem, and Portland.Theseurbancentersandothersmallertownsandindustrialfacilities are found along the banks of the mainstem of theriver.

Currently there are 21 major dischargers to the mainstemof the Willamette River. Twelve additional facilities dis-charge to tributaries of the Willamette. Discharger name,type, receiving water, and river mile location are summa-

rized in Table B-5. Pollutant loading information for thevarious facilities is shown in Table B-6.

B.3.3 River Characteristics

At its mouth, the Willamette is the 10th largest river in thecontinentalUnitedStates, intermsoftotaldischarge(Sedelland Frogatt, 1984), and the discharge per unit area is thehighest of the large rivers in the Nation due to the heavywinter rainfall at lower elevations in the basin during thewinter months (Rickert and Hines, 1978). At higher eleva-tions the winter precipitation occurs as snow, which con-tributes to extended high flow as spring snowmelt runoff.The climate is temperate and characterized by wet, mildwinters and dry, moderately warm summers. Most of therainfall occurs in the fall, winter, and spring, with little rainfallduring June, July, and August. The period of low river flowduring the late summer coincides with the period of lowrainfall and highest air temperatures.

Riverdischarge ismanaged for floodcontrol, irrigation,andnavigation purposes by impoundments located on anumber of the large tributaries. Nonetheless, river dis-charge varies seasonally, with greatest runoff occurringduring the winter months (December-February) (ca. 1,800m3/sec) and lowest flows occurring in summer (July-Sep-tember) (ca. 283 m3/sec), with a mean annual flow ofapproximately 943 m3/sec (Moffatt et al., 1990). Lowsummer flows are augmented by controlled releases fromtributary impoundments to provide for commercial naviga-tion. A natural flow control occurs at RK 42—WillametteFalls—although a lock, powerhouse, and fish ladder havealso been constructed at this location. Below the falls, theriver is tidally influencedvia the confluence with theColum-bia River which flows to the Pacific Ocean approximately160kmto thewest. Due to thegreatdistance to theocean,flow reversals in this 42-km reach cause intrusion of onlyfreshColumbiaRiverwater into theWillamette. Flow in thereachbelowthe falls is furthercomplicatedbythepresenceof two channels—the main channel, which enters theColumbia River at RK 162, and the Multnomah Channel,which passes between Willamette RK 5 and Columbia RK140.

Based on hydraulic and physical characteristics, the main-stem of the river may be divided into three distinct reaches(Rickert et al., 1976). The upstream reach is 217 km longand is characterized by fast-moving currents flowing overa shallow, meandering




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riverbed composed of cobbles and gravel. The middlereach (Newberg Pool) is a 54-km-long, deep and slow-moving portion of the river formed by the natural impound-ment behind Willamette Falls. The tidally influenced reachbelow the falls (TidalReach) isalso relativelydeepandhasthe longestestimated travel time—241hoursduringcriticalflow conditions (Rickert et al., 1975).

B.3.4 Model Application

The objective of the WRBWQS was to develop and cali-brate a predictive DO model for the Willamette River toevaluate river basin management alternatives and meetregulatorymandates. Tofirst identifyappropriatepredictivemodels, several DO models of varying complexity wereidentified and evaluated using a number of selection crite-ria:1)Dimensionality—aone-dimensionalmodelwascon-sidered adequate; 2) Temporal characteristics—asteady-state model was considered appropriate for thesummer low-flow period of interest; 3) Consideration of

relevant processes—these processes included the capa-bility to model phytoplankton growth and nutrient interac-tions; 4) Suitability for a range of

applications—temperature or bacteria modeling is an ex-ample; 5) Data requirements—thedatarequired formodelcalibration had to be within the resources of the study; and6) Ease of use—the selected model needed to be suffi-ciently easy to use so water quality managers could prac-tically apply the model as a decision-making tool.

Based on these selection criteria, the model QUAL2E(Version 3.14) was selected. This one-dimensional,steady-state model incorporates all of the relevant proc-essesand hasamenu-driven inputandoutput systemthatfacilitates use of the model. Additionally, the model in-cludes applications for component, sensitivity, first-ordererror analysis, and Monte Carlo simulations.

B.3.4.1 Database Development and ModelCalibration

Historical water quality data and previous DO modelingeffortswerereviewedtoidentifyrelevantdataandmodelingapproaches that could be incorporated into the QUAL2Emodelcalibration effort (TetraTech,1992a, b). Thehistori-cal data review also identified data gaps to support thedesign of a synoptic field sampling effort to provide a dataset for calibration of the model.

The field sampling effort was conducted in August 1992and included diurnal DO and temperature measurements

at 15 stations and measurements of nutrients and CBODat 24 stations along the mainstem (Tetra Tech, 1992c).ODEQ collected single grab samples from 10 locations,and Tetra Tech collected samples at approximately 6-hrintervals over a 24-hr period at 15 stations. Data were alsocollected by the USGS at RK 20.6 as part of its NationalStream Quality Assessment Network (NASQUAN) onAugust 17, 1992. USGS data were also incorporated intothemodelcalibrationeffort. Pointsource loadingdatawerecompiled for the 21 major municipal and industrial effluentdischarges to the mainstem of the Willamette River usingthe permit-required monitoring reports submitted to ODEQand additionaldata collected during thesynoptic fieldstudy(Tetra Tech, 1992c, d) (Table B-4).

The QUAL2E model was first discretized based on riverhydraulic information provided by USGS (M. Fretwell, May20, 1992, personal communication). The riverwasdividedinto 35 model segments with similar physical charac-teristics, resulting in a model consisting of 35 reachesdivided into elements 1.2 km long for a total of 249 modelelements. The tributaries and major municipal and indus-trial point sources were modeled as point sources inputs tothe mainstem of the river.

Since river depths, velocities, and cross-sectional areas ineach model segment vary under different hydrologic con-ditions, discharge coefficients and exponents were esti-mated for the model calculation of these variables as afunction of discharge. (Note: It was assumed that theeffective channel width would not change under low flowconditions.) Toestimate thecoefficientsandexponents foreach model segment velocity- and depth-discharge rela-tionship, low-andhigh-flowstreamchannelhydraulic infor-mation providedby USGS wasused (M.Fretwell, May20,1992, personal communication). The resulting QUAL2Emodeloutput fordischarge,velocity,depth, and cross-sec-tional area are compared to the channel hydraulics dataprovided by USGS for the 2-yr, 60-day recurrence intervalflow in Figure B-13. The model-predicted discharge, ve-locity, depth, and cross-sectional area are also shown inFigure B-14 for the August 1992 sampling period. Asample of the model input file is shown in Table B-7.

The model was then calibrated to the 1992 synoptic waterquality survey data using a combination of visual best-fitand error minimization techniques. A preliminary calibra-tion was conducted first using best









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professional judgment and a visual best-fit technique toarrive at reasonable values for the rate constants in thefollowing steps:

• Nitrogen balance: Adjustment of the ammo-nia oxidation nitrification and organic nitro-gen hydrolysis rates to fit the modelpredictions to the nitrate, ammonia, and or-ganic nitrogen data.

• Phytoplankton growth:1) Variation of the model options for algalgrowth limitation and photosynthesis.2) Adjustment of the specific maximum algalgrowth rate, algal respiration rate, and thephytoplankton settling rate to fit the modelpredictions to the chlorophyll a and nutrientdata.

• Phosphorus balance: Adjustment of the or-ganic phosphorus decay rate to fit the or-ganic phosphorus and soluble phosphorusdata.

• DO balance: Fixing of the instream ultimateCBOD decay rate and the atmosphericreaeration coefficient based on previousstudies of the Willamette River (reported byMcKenzie et al., 1979) and adjustment of theSOD to fit the DO field data.

Final model calibration was achieved by minimizing thecumulative absolute relative error (CARE) between modeloutput and field data using the ammonia oxidation rate, theorganic phosphorus decay rate, the maximum specificalgal growth rate, the algal settling rate, and the sedimentoxygen demand rate.

The calibrated model’s fit to the synoptic survey data areshown in Figures B-14, B-15, and B-16. The location andconcentration of the minimum DO measured during thesynoptic survey at RK 43 was matched by the model (7.3mg/L) (Figure B-16). The model-predicted DO concentra-tions ranged up to 8.6 percent of the 24-hour average DOconcentrations measured at 15 stations, with a mean andmedian relative difference of 2.5 and 1.7 percent, respec-tively. The model-predicted DO concentrations did not fitthe concentrations measured using single grab samplescollected by ODEQ. In general, single grab samples forDO were considered inadequate for the calibration of asteady-state model, especially for the upper river reachwhere large diurnal fluctuations in DO occur.

The maximum chlorophyll a concentrations measured inthe lower river were also predicted well by the model,although the model prediction increased exponentially tomuch higher levels below RK11 (FigureB-17). Themodeldid not predict the relatively high chlorophyll a levels meas-ured in the upper river. Suspended algal biomass in theupper river reach is considered to be derived from slough-ing of periphyton in this relatively shallow stretch of river.Because the model does not consider the influence ofperiphyton growth, the model DO predictions for the upperriver reach reflect only variation in the steady-state DOconcentration due to point source inputs and reaeration.

B.3.4.2 Model Validation

Validation of a calibrated model with an independent dataset is meant to substantiate the model’s predictive powerunder environmental conditions similar to those underwhich the model was calibrated. With thisgoal in mind, thecalibrated model was applied to August 1990 conditionsusingpoint sourcedataprovidedbyHydroQual (1990)andwater quality data available as part of ODEQ’s AmbientMonitoring Program. Although model-predicted andmeasured conditions were in relatively good agreement(FigureB-17showsthemodel’sfit totheDOandchlorophylla data), the model was not considered to be fully validatedbecause the DO concentrations reported byODEQare forsingle grab samples. These types of samples were notconsidered adequate for the calibration or validation of asteady-state model. The model was considered suffi-ciently tested for management analysis. Full validation willbe achieved upon completion of additional monitoring andfuture updates of the model.

B.3.5 Conclusions

Figure B-18 shows the effect of variation in the WillametteRiver flow regime on Willamette River DO and chlorophylla concentrations. The relative effect of various flow re-gimes, ranging from 135 to 218 m3/sec measured atSalem, on the calibrated-model prediction of DO at RK 43(using the August 1992 model inputs) and chlorophyll a atRK16,arepresented. Ingeneral, variation in river flowhada noticeable effect on DO throughout the river and onchlorophyll a below RK 80 where the river enters theNewberg Pool reach. This analysis substantiates the as-sumption that flow augmentation of the Willamette Riverduring the low-flow period of July through September canbe an effective means of water quality



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management. Aminimumflowof170m3/secat theSalemgauge(RK134) ismaintainedduringthesemonthstoallowfor navigation, and also, to maintain adequate DO levels inthe river (Rickert et al. 1980). The model-predicted DOconcentrationsatRK43varyalmost linearly from7.0 to7.5mg/L over the range of flow regimes evaluated. Themodel-predicted effect of flow on chlorophyll a concentra-tion was not linear. The chlorophyll a concentration ispredicted by the model to increase rapidly when river flowat Salem falls much below 150 m3/sec. These resultssupport the hypothesis of Rickert et al. (1977) that phyto-plankton biomass in the lower river is most strongly con-trolledbyvariation in theflow(i.e., thewater residencetime)and that management of the flow regime is not only aneffective means to control DO levels, but should also beeffective in the control of phytoplankton biomass.

There are several assumptions inherent to the modelinganalysis that should be considered in interpretation of thecalibrated model results.

1) The model does not incorporate the effect ofperiphyton production on DO. The effect ofperiphyton production on DO might be signifi-cant in the upper reach of the river above RK 80.

2) The model does not account for tidal mixingwith the Columbia River. Therefore, the modeloutput below RK 16 should be interpreted withcaution.

3) The model does not consider high-flowevents or dynamic conditions. The model as-sumes steady-state conditions that are appropri-ate for representing the low-flow conditionspresent when problems in the Willamette Rivertypically occur.

4) The model does not explicitly consider mi-nor point sources of nutrients or oxygen-de-manding substances. Preliminary estimatessuggest that minor point sources could contrib-ute as much as an additional 10 percent to theestimated CBOD demand load to the mainstemof the river (Tetra Tech, 1992d).

5) The model-predicted DO concentration inthe lower river was very sensitive to the model-specified rate of SOD. However, no field datawere collected to establish the reliability of therates of SOD specified in the model.

None of the assumptions associatedwith themodeldevel-opment precluded its application and use as a predictivetool.

Future work includes a field study conducted during thesummer of 1994 by ODEQ and USGS, including meas-urements of SOD that will allow further refinement of theQUAL2E-UNCAS DO model. Planned Phase II modelimprovements include updating the model to QUAL2EVersion 3.20, which will allow for the incorporationofminorpoint sources and the evaluation of the model-specifiedSODrates. Dependingontheresultsof thisevaluation, themodel will be recalibrated and validated using the morerecently collected field data. The update of the model willrefine estimation and predictive capabilities.


APHA(AmericanPublicHealthAssociation),1985. Stand-

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Water, 16th ed., Washington, DC., 874 pp.

Bowie, G.L., W.B. Mills, D.B. Porcella, C.L. Campbell, J.K.Pagenkopf, G.L. Rupp, K.M. Johnson, P.W.H. Chan, andS.A. Gherini. 1985. Rates, constants and kinetics formula-

tions in surface water quality modeling. 2nd ed.EPA/600/3-85/040. U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency,EnvironmentalResearchLaboratory,Athens,GA.

Fretwell, M.O. 20 May 1992. Personal Communication(letter to Mr. Robert Baumgartner, Water Quality Section,Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Portland,OR). District Chief, U.S. Geological Survey, Portland, OR.

Gleeson, G.W.. 1972. The return of a river. The Wil-

lamette River, Oregon. The Willamette River AdvisoryCommittee on Environmental Science and Technologyand Water Resources Institute, Oregon State University,Corvallis, OR.

HydroQual. 1990. DO data analysis and modeling for theWillamette River, Oregon. HydroQual, Inc., Mahwah, NJ.

McKenzie,S.W.,W.G.Hines,D.A.RickertandF.A.Rinella.1979. Steady-state DO model of the Willamette River,

Oregon. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 715-J.

Moffatt, R. L., R.E. Wellman and J.M. Gordon. 1990.Statistical summaries of streamflow data in Oregon:


Volume 1 — Monthly and annual streamflow, and flowduration values. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Re-port 90-118, Prepared in cooperation with Oregon WaterResources Department.

Rickert,D.A.,andW.G.Hines. 1978. Riverqualityassess-ment: implications of a prototype project. Science,200:1113-1118.

Rickert, D.A., W.G. Hines and S.W. McKenzie. 1975.Methods and data requirements for river-quality assess-ment. Water Resources Bulletin 11:1013-1039.

Rickert, D.A., W.G. Hines and S.W. McKenzie. 1976.Methodology for river-quality assessment with application

to the Willamette River Basin, Oregon. U.S. GeologicalSurvey Circular 715-M.

Rickert, D.A., R. Petersen, S.W. McKenzie, W.G. Hinesand S.A. Wille. 1977. Algalconditionsand thepotential for

futurealgalproblemsintheWillametteRiver,Oregon. U.S.Geological Survey Circular 715-G.

Rickert,D.A.,F.A.Rinella,W.G.HinesandS.W.McKenzie.1980. Evaluation of planning alternatives for maintaining

desirable dissolved-oxygen concentrations in the Wil-

lamette River, Oregon. U.S. Geological Survey Circular715-K.

Riley, G.A., 1956. Oceanography of Long Island Sound1952-1954. II. Physical Oceanography, Bulletin Bingham.Oceanog. Collection 15, pp. 15-46.

Sedell, J.R. and J.L. Frogatt. 1984. Importance of stream-side forests to large rivers: The isolation of the WillametteRiver, Oregon, U.S.A., from its floodplain by snagging andstreamside forest removal. Verh. Internat. Limnol.


Tetra Tech. 1992a. Willamette River Basin Water QualityStudy. Component 3: Data review and summary for DO

modeling on the Willamette River. Prepared for OregonDepartmentofEnvironmentalQuality,Portland,OR. TetraTech, Inc., Redmond, WA.

Tetra Tech. 1992b. Willamette River Basin Water Quality

Study. Component 4: Review and summary of nutrient

and phytoplankton growth data for the Willamette River.Prepared for Oregon Department of Environmental Qual-ity, Portland, OR. Tetra Tech, Inc., Redmond, WA.

Tetra Tech. 1992c. Willamette River Basin Water Quality

Study. Component 11: Water quality survey data. Pre-

pared for Oregon Department of Environmental Quality,Portland, OR. Tetra Tech, Inc., Redmond, WA.

Tetra Tech. 1992d. Willamette River Basin Water Quality

Study. Component 7: Point source discharges and waste

loading to the Willamette River basin during 1991. Pre-pared for Oregon Department of Environmental Quality,Portland, OR. Tetra Tech, Inc., Redmond, WA.

Tetra Tech. 1993a. Willamette River Basin Water Quality

Study. Summary report. Prepared for Oregon Depart-ment of Environmental Quality, Portland, OR. Tetra Tech,Inc., Redmond, WA.

Tetra Tech. 1993b. Willamette River Basin Water Quality

Study. Willamette River DO modeling component report.

Volumes 1 and 2. Prepared for Oregon Department ofEnvironmental Quality, Portland, OR. Tetra Tech, Inc.,Redmond, WA.

Tetra Tech. 1993c. Willamette River Basin Water Quality

Study. WillametteRivernutrientandphytoplanktongrowth

modeling component report. Volumes 1 and 2. PreparedforOregonDepartmentofEnvironmentalQuality,Portland,OR. Tetra Tech, Inc., Redmond, WA.

Thomann, R.V., and J.A. Mueller. 1987. Principles of

surfacewaterqualitymodelingandcontrol. Harper& Row,New York, NY.

USEPA. 1980. Technicalguidancemanualforperforming

waste load allocation, Simplified analytical method for de-

termine NPDES effluent limitation for POTWs discharging

into low flow streams. U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency, Office of Water Regulations and Standards,Washington, D.C.


waste load allocations, Book II: Streams and rivers, Chap-

ter 1: Biochemical oxygen demand/dissolved oxygen.

EPA-440/4-84-020. U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency, Office of Water Regulations and Standards,Washington, DC.

USEPA. 1983b. Technical guidance manual for perform-

ing waste load allocations, Book II: Streams and rivers,

Chapter2: Nutrinet/eutrophication imacts. EPA-440/4-84-021. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office ofWater Regulations and Standards, Washington, DC.

USEPA. 1984. EPA Ambient water quality criteria for

ammonia. U.S. Environmental Protection


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USEPA. 1987. Quality criteria for 1986. EPA 440/5-86-

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for TMDL development. EPA 841-R-92-002. U.S. Envi-ronmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washing-ton, D.C.




As used here, quality assurance (QA) is a system ofactivities used to provide documented assurance that adata product of known and acceptable quality is produced.

The importance of QA should be evident. However, be-cause of the additional effort required to provide QA (ad-vance planning, management, supervision, andresources) it isoftenneglectedoroverlooked. Thismanualhas addressed, at some length, guidelines for the analysisof data that will lead to the performance of technicallysound,defensibleTMDLstudies. This isparticularly impor-tant where decisions derived from TMDL studies haveserious economic and environmental impacts.

A properly planned and implemented QA program willenable the substantiation of data accuracy and precisionby an outside, impartial review and forestall any attemptsto discredit or impeach the data produced. This sectionoutlinestheminimumQAeffortrequiredtoensureareliableTMDL study. Its aim is to assist the user in developing areliable and effective quality assurance program that willmeet data user requirements for completeness, precision,accuracy, and comparability of data. Note that the QArequirements given herein are the minimum requirements;they are to serve as a foundation on which the user canbuild a viable QA program.


Accuracy refers to agreement between the measurementand the true value of the measurand, with the discrepancynormally referred to as error. Precision refers to the repro-ducibility (repeatability) of the measurement, when re-peated on a homogenous, time-stationary measurand,regardless of the displacement of the observed value fromthe true value.

The statistical measures of location or central tendency(e.g., the various averages, mean, median, and mode) arerelated to accuracy. The statistical measuresofdispersionor variability (e.g., variance, standard deviation, coefficientof variation, and other measures derived from central

moments of the probability density function) are related toprecision.

Discrepancies between the results of repeated observa-tions, or errors, are inherent in any measurement processsince it is recognized that the true value of an object ofmeasurement can never be exactly established. Theseerrors are customarily classified into two main groups:systematic and random (or accidental) errors. Systematicerrors usually enter into records with the same sign andfrequently with either the same magnitude (e.g., a zerooffset) or an establishable relationship between the mag-nitude of the measurement and the error. The methods ofsymmetry and substitution are frequently used to detectandquantifysystematicerrors. Inthemethodofsymmetry,the test is repeated in a symmetrical or reversed mannerwith respect to the particular condition that is suspect. Inthe method of substitution, the object of measurement isreplaced by one of known magnitude (a calibration stand-ard); an instrument with a known calibration curve is sub-stituted for the measuring instrument in question, and soon. Thus, systematic errors bear heavily on the accuracyof the measurement.

Random errors, on the other hand, are due to irregularcauses, too many in number and too complex in nature toallow their origin to be determined. One of the chief char-acteristicsofrandomerrorsisthattheyarenormallyaslikelyto be positive as negative and, therefore, are not likely tohave a great effect on the mean of a set of measurements.Thechiefaimofadataqualityassuranceeffort is toaccountfor systematic errors and thereby reduce errors to therandom class, which can be treated by simple probabilitytheory, inorder todetermine themostprobablevalueof theobject of observation and a measure of the confidenceplaced in this determination.


The basic elements of any quality assurance programinclude the following:

• Management’s commitment to provide theresources necessary to implement quality


assurance activities (approximately 10 to 20percent of total water monitoring resources).

• Designation of a quality assurance coordina-tor responsible for coordinating and imple-menting necessary quality assuranceactivities.

• Documentation of a quality assurance planoutlining the specifics of and responsibilitiesfor the development and implementation ofinternal and external quality assurancechecks.

A complete QA program for water quality measurementswould incorporate a variety of specific elements. Thesecan be depicted on a quality assurance wheel, as showninFigureC-1. Thewheelarrangementillustratesthenatureof a quality assurance system that addresses all elementsand at the same time allows program managers the flexi-bility to emphasize those elements which are most appli-cable to their particular program. Quality assuranceelements are grouped on the wheel according to theorganizational level to which responsibility is normally as-signed. These organizational levels are the quality assur-ance coordinator (normally a staff function), supervisor (aline function), and operator. Together the supervisor andquality assurance coordinator must see that all theseelements form a complete and integrated system andachieve the desired program objectives.

The following specific elements are suggested as minimalrequirements for structuring a QA program for a TMDLstudy. Any proposed program should be comparedagainst these criteria to determine its acceptability.

• A written quality assurance plan should beprepared. It should define the oversight roleof management; identify personnel responsi-ble for the quality assurance program; andspecify proper sample collection, use of ap-proved measurement techniques, calibrationstandards and their verification, internal qual-ity control practices, and appropriate datamanagement controls.

• An estimate of costs associated with thequality assurance program in terms of per-centage of overall project cost should bedeveloped. Normally, a minimum of 10 per-cent of the estimated sample collection andanalysis costs will be necessary for adequatequality control.

• A program for demonstration of acceptableperformance through the use of audit sam-

ples should be established and usedthroughout the duration of the study.

• Provision should be made for performing on-site field and laboratory audits at the optionof and on a schedule established by theproject officer. Such audits would evaluateperformance and document the availability ofall equipment and supplies necessary forsuccessful execution of the study.

• Documentation of quality control perform-ance should be submitted with the final reportand otherwise as directed by the project offi-cer.


A number of aspects of a QA program must be addressedby the QA plan if the minimal requirements are to be met.These aspects can be aggregated into three general cate-gories: water chemistry (laboratory), field data collection,and data handling and reporting.

C.4.1 Water Chemistry

The minimum QA requirements for water chemistry are asfollows:

• Quality control management manual

– Outline of quality assurance program ob-jectives

– Outline of the administrative structure ofthe laboratory (including an organiza-tional chart)

– Clear identification of the responsibilitiesfor implementing the specific quality con-trol activities

– Commitment of resources by manage-ment to implement the necessary qualitycontrol activities

– Description of laboratory training pro-gram

– Designation of a laboratory quality assur-ance coordinator, including a statementaddressing coordination responsibilitiesand duties

• Laboratory operations manual

– Description of analytical methodologiesand procedures

– Description of laboratory quality controlactivities




– Description of the laboratory’s internalchain-of-custody procedures

– Description of general laboratory re-quirements

– Description of laboratory communicationand coordination

• Sample log manual

• Quality control records manual

• Blind duplicate and spiked field samples

– Sample audits

– Parameters included in the program

• Audit sample preparation procedures

• Data evaluation

– Audit follow-up and corrective action

• Estimation of limits for laboratory accuracychecks

C.4.2 Data Collection

The minimum QA requirements for field data collection areas follows:

• Sampling network design

• Sampling procedures

• Calibration of direct-reading field instrumentsand fixed continuous monitoring devices

• Record keeping

• Quality assurance checks in field sampling

• Personnel training

• Flow measurements

• Records, data storage and retrieval

• Sample handling and identification proce-dures (chain of custody)

• Collection of samples/field investigations

C.4.3 Handling and Reporting

The minimum QA requirements for data handling andreporting are as follows:

• Preprinted forms and labels

• Data sheets

• Data flow

• Significant figures and rounding procedures

• Calculation checks

• Data corrections

• Data reviews

• Reasonableness and consistency checks

• Data acceptance

• Data storage and retrieval




Uncertainty analysis should be included as an inte-gral component of water quality modeling. One of theprimary purposes is to quantify the error in predictingwater quality and evaluate the effect of input parame-ters on model output. By quantifying this error, im-proved management decisions can be made. Suchquantification also facilitates subsequent studiessuch as risk assessments to evaluate alternativewaste load allocations. In addition, uncertainty analy-sis may provide insight into the need for additionaldata collection to refine the estimate of certain loads,initial conditions, or reaction rates. For example, ifthe model is sensitive to the reaeration rate (that is,a small change in reaeration rate results in largechanges in the prediction of critical water qualityparameters such as dissolved oxygen), it may beappropriate to allocate resources to more accuratelyestimate the reaeration rate of that stream or river.

There are three techniques for performing uncertaintyanalysis: sensitivity analysis, first-order error analy-sis, and Monte Carlo simulation. Each technique hasadvantages and disadvantages in terms of applicabil-ity and computational burden that will make onemethod more suitable than another for a particularanalysis. In many instances, the modeler may needto explore the results from all three procedures. Thethree methods may produce discrepancies in theirresults since the methodologies and assumptionsdiffer. Each of these techniques is available inQUAL2E-UNCAS, and the following discussion islimited to the features available in that model. Anexample uncertainty analysis using QUAL2E-UNCAS is provided at the end of this appendix.


D.2.1 Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity analysis is the simplest of the three tech-niques for assessing the effect of an input variable onthe output variable. This analysis technique can beused to evaluate simple alternatives and projectionssuch as the effect of reducing all pollutant loads by

10 percent. Simple what-if scenarios are particularlyuseful for managers who must make decisionsamong alternative load reduction strategies. For themodeler, the same analysis can serve as a usefulguide for model calibration.

In the single-factor approach, the modeler varies oneof the input variables, X, and observes the effect in aparticular output variable, Y. A sensitivity coefficientis then computed as the percentage change in Y

divided by the percentage change in X. In general, asensitivity coefficient can be estimated at all pointswhere the output variable is predicted. However, thisprocess can result in an enormous interpretationburden and it is generally recommended that theanalysis be limited to critical points along the modeledstream. This process can then be repeated for anumber of different perturbations in X as well as otherinput variables. By evaluating the relative change inthe sensitivity coefficients for different input variableperturbations, the modeler can determine the modelnonlinearity for that input variable.

Similarly, several input variables can be varied simul-taneously. As the number of input variables andcombinations is increased, the interpretation of re-sults is complicated. Experimental design strategiescan be applied in this situation to elicit main andinteraction effects of input variables. Specifically, inQUAL2E-UNCAS, the modeler may specify a 22 or23 factorial design. In other words, the modeler maybe able to examine the main and interactive effectsof two or three variables evaluated at two levels (e.g.,perturbations). The statistical significance of the in-teraction and main effects are evaluated by compar-ing an appropriate ratio of the sum of squares to acritical F ratio.

To perform sensitivity analysis with QUAL2E-UNCAS, the user must specify the type of analy-sis (single/multiple variable or factorial design),the input variables to be modified, and the pertur-bation as a percent of the input variable.

D.2.2 First-Order Error Analysis

First-order error analysis can be used in a mannersimilar to that used for sensitivity analysis. In addition


to estimating the change of an output variable withrespect to an input variable, first-order error analysisprovides an estimate of the output variance. A first-order approximation (from the Taylor series expan-sion) to the relationship for computing variances inmultivariate situations is used. Input variables areassumed to be independent, and the model is as-sumed to respond linearly to the input variables. (Insome instances, the assumptions may not be cor-rect.) The linear assumption can be evaluated bycomputing the normalized sensitivity coefficients forseveral different input parameter perturbations. If thenormalized sensitivity coefficients are similar or thedifference is small, the model can be assumed to belinear for that input parameter. If the difference innormalized coefficients is large, it may be more accu-rate to use the Monte Carlo simulation approach toestimate output parameter variance.

In this analysis, the sensitivity coefficients are normal-ized such that

Sij = (∆Yj ⁄ Yj) ⁄ (∆Xi ⁄ Xi) (D-1)

whereSij = normalized sensitivity coefficient

for output Yj to input XiXi = base value of input variable∆Xi = magnitude of input perturbationYj = base value of output variable∆Yj = sensitivity of output variable

The components of variance for each output variable(Y) are the percentages of output variance attribut-able to each input variable (X) and are computed inthe following manner.

Var (Yj) = ∑i = 1


(∆Yj ⁄ ∆Xi)2 Var (Xi)(D-2)

whereVar(Yj) = variance of output variable Yj

Var(Xi) = variance of input variable Xi

Each term in the summation of Equation D-2 is acomponent of the total variance of the output variable.A particular input variable may be a large (small)contributor to the output variance if it has either alarge (small) input variance or a large (small) sensi-tivity coefficient. This analysis can be used as a guidefor additional field work. To apply this analysis tech-nique using QUAL2E-UNCAS, the user must specifythe magnitude of input parameter perturbation andvariance. The variance term is a measure of uncer-

tainty caused by factors such as spatial and temporalvariation, sampling and analytical error, and bias inmeasurement or estimation techniques. A file oftypical variance estimates is provided with the model.

D.2.3 Monte Carlo Simulation

Monte Carlo simulation is a numerical procedure thatcan be used to evaluate linear and nonlinear systems.Each input variable is defined to have a certain prob-ability density function (pdf). Before each model run,an input variable is randomly selected from eachpredefined pdf. By combining the results from nu-merous model runs, a pdf can be developed for theoutput variable. The pdf is useful in evaluating overallmodel predictions and in assessing the likelihood ofviolating a water quality standard.

In general, the linear and independence assumptionsof first-order error analysis can be relaxed when usingMonte Carlo simulation techniques. In QUAL2E-UN-CAS, only the linear assumption is relaxed. To useQUAL2E-UNCAS, the user must specify the varianceof the input variable (a file of typical variance esti-mates is provided), the probability distribution aseither normally or lognormally distributed, and thenumber of simulations to perform. As one wouldexpect, the number of model runs is relatively largeas compared to the number of runs typically done forsensitivity or first-order error analysis. Preliminaryexperience indicates that about 2000 simulations arerequired to achieve estimates of output standarddeviations with 95 percent confidence intervals of5 percent.


This section provides an example of how the uncer-tainty methodologies in QUAL2E-UNCAS can be ap-plied to a QUAL2E data set. The sole purpose of thissection is to demonstrate the utility of uncertaintyanalysis rather than to provide a definitive analysis ofthe river system from which the data were obtained.This appendix is a condensation of Appendix C of theQUAL2E and QUAL2E-UNCAS User Manual (Brownand Barnwell, 1987), entitled QUAL2E-UNCAS Ex-ample Application. The reader is referred to thatmanual for a more detailed explanation of QUAL2E-UNCAS.

The data used to demonstrate the capabilities ofQUAL2E-UNCAS were obtained from a U.S. EPARegion 4 survey of the Withlacoochee River duringOctober 1984 (Koenig, 1986). In this study, water


quality simulations were examined for portions of theriver subjected to both municipal and industrial wasteloads. In addition, there is a significant accretion offlow from groundwater inputs. The river has a uni-form low slope but is characterized by alternatingshoals and pools (often in excess of 25 feet deep).Average depths during the survey periods were 5.2to 14.8 feet; widths were 90 to 140 feet; and flowsvaried from 150 cfs at the headwater to 660 cfs at theend of the system. Water quality is affected by algaeactivity resulting from municipal waste dischargesabove the section of stream studied. The addition ofindustrial waste at RM 24, however, dramaticallyreduces light penetration to the extent that the algaepopulation diminishes in the downstream direction.

A location map of the basin is shown in Figure D-1,and a plot of observed and modeled dissolved oxygenconcentrations is presented in Figure D-2. Ten statevariables were simulated in this study: temperature,dissolved oxygen, carbonaceous BOD, four nitrogenforms (organic, ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite), twophosphorus forms (organic and dissolved), and algaeas chlorophyll a. A summary of the calibrated inputsand their variance estimates for the uncertainty analy-sis is shown in Table D-1. The calibrated values ingeneral were obtained by adjusting field or laboratorymeasurements of the specific model inputs. Thevariance estimates were computed from replicatedata taken during the survey period and by inferencefrom other published data (McCutcheon, 1985; Bowieet al., 1985).

D.3.1 First-Order Error Analysis (FOEA)

Table D-2 shows the first-order error analysis (FOEA)results for the output variables of CBOD and DO atthree locations in the Withlacoochee system: anupstream location (RM 26), a midpoint near the dis-solved oxygen sag (RM 20), and a downstream loca-tion (RM 2). For the CBOD sensitivity coefficients inTable D-2(a), it is clear that the input forcing functionssuch as point load, headwater flows, and CBODdominate model sensitivity.

Table D-2(a) also presents the components of vari-ance for the modeled CBOD output. These resultsshow a pattern similar to the sensitivity coefficients.The headwater CBOD is the dominant contributor (99percent) to CBOD variability in the upper reaches ofthe basin. The point load CBOD values are theprimary variance component elsewhere in the river(84 percent at RM 20 and 79 percent at RM 2). Thetotal variability in simulated CBOD estimated by the

first-order analysis, when expressed as a standarddeviation, varies from 0.35 mg/L to 0.76 mg/L to 0.27mg/L proceeding through the basin.

The FOEA results for dissolved oxygen are presentedin Table D-2(b). The only forcing functions that havelarge DO sensitivity coefficients are the headwaterinputs, not the point load inputs. DO is also verysensitive to temperature inputs. Next in importanceof DO sensitivity are the reaeration rate and velocity.Similar patterns are apparent in the components ofvariance for dissolved oxygen (Table D-2(b)). CBODdecay has a relatively small impact on DO variance,whereas reaeration and SOD have large impacts.Temperature inputs make a minimum contribution toDO variance. The total variability in simulated DO,when expressed as a standard deviation, increasesin the downstream direction varying from 0.18 mg/Lto 0.30 mg/L and averaging about 5 percent of thesimulated DO.

D.3.2 Effect of Model Nonlinearity

First-order error analysis uses a linear approximationto compute an estimate of output variance. Thevalidity of that approximation can be assessed bycomputing the sensitivity coefficients for both largeand small values of delta x, the input perturbation.Small changes in the normalized sensitivity coeffi-cient indicate near linearity of the state variable overthe range of perturbed input values, while largechanges in sensitivity reflect important nonlinear ef-fects. Table D-3 contains values of the normalizedsensitivity coefficients for the state variables DO andchlorophyll a for input perturbations, ranging from -20to +20 percent. The input variables selected foranalysis are those having the largest sensitivity coef-ficients.

For dissolved oxygen (Table D-3(a)), the reaerationand headwater temperature have the largest non-linear effects on DO. The other variables are consid-ered linear for the conditions of the simulation. Thenet effect from all model input nonlinearities is mani-fest in the FOEA estimate of dissolved oxygen stand-ard deviation, which decreases by 7 percent over therange of input perturbations.

The more pronounced patterns are observed for thestate variable, chlorophyll a (Table D-3(b)). The ratioof chlorophyll a to algal biomass and headwater flowexhibit large nonlinear effects. The maximum algalgrowth rate and the algal respiration rate show mod-est nonlinearities, while headwater chlorophyll a isessentially linear. The net FOEA estimate of stand-






Input Parameter orCoefficient

Base Case (Mean)Values

Relative StandardDeviations (%)

Hydraulic Data (7)*Flow (cfs)Depths (ft)Velocities (fps)Others

Reaction Coefficients (8)CBOD Decay (day-1)Reaeration (day-1)SOD (gO2/ft2 - day)N, P, Algae

Algae, Nutrient, Light Coefficients (17)Maximum Growth Rate (day-1)Respiration Rate (day-1)Others

Climatology, Temperature Inputs (23)Wet, Dry Bulb Air Temps (oF)Temperature CoefficientsOthers

Headwater, Incremental, Point Loads (27)DO, TemperatureCBOD, N, P, Algae


0.12-0.78a, b



1.30.15a, b

64.3, 74,51.00-1.083

a, b










(a) Basin-specific values from Koenig, 1986.(b) Typical values from Table III-3 of Koenig, 1986.

*Value in parentheses is the number of input variables of the type indicated.


(a) Simulation Variable: CBOD (mg/L)Input Relative Sensitivity Coefficient Components of Variance (%)Variable St Dev (%) RM26 RM20 RM2 RM26 RM20 RM2CBOD DecayIncr FlowHW FlowHW TempHW CBODPtld FlowPtld CBOD














79Standard Deviation of Simulated (CBOD) (mg/L) 0.35 0.76 0.27

(%) 15 12 12

(b) Simulation Variable: Dissolved Oxygen

VelocityCBOD DecaySODReaerationIncr TempHE TempHW DO
















Standard Deviation of Simulated DO (mg/L) 0.18 0.27 0.30(%) 3 6 6

a Value in parentheses is rank, with 1 being highest.


ard deviation of chlorophyll a decreases by 29 per-cent over the range of input perturbations.

The results of the analysis of the other state variables(Table D-4) show changes in FOEA estimates ofstandard deviation of about 7 percent for algal growthrate, 5 percent for temperature, and less than 5percent for all others, including CBOD, the nitrogenforms, and the phosphorus forms. In all cases, theFOEA estimate of standard deviation decreases as

the magnitude of the input perturbation increasesover the range of -20 to +20 percent.

D.3.3 Monte Carlo Simulations

The Monte Carlo simulation output in QUAL2E-UNCAS provides summary statistics and fre-quency distributions for the state variables at specific


(a) Simulation Variable: Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)

Magnitude of Input Perturbation % RelativeChange (%)Input Variable -20% -1% +1% +20%


Std Dev. (mg/L)

















(b) Simulation Variable: Chlorophyll a (µg/L)

Max Growth RateRespirationChl a/Agy-BHW FlowHW Chl-a

Std Dev. (µg/L)














Output Variables

Between FOEA InputPerturbations from

-20 to +20%

Between FOEA (5%)and Monte Carlo

Simulations (2000)

TemperatureDissolved OxygenCBODNitrogen FormsPhosphorus FormsChlorophyll aAlgal Growth Rate—a







aExpected values of standard deviations are too small to compute meaningful relative differences, although values are certainlyless than 10% and likely less than 5%.


locations in the basin. Table D-5 contains the sum-mary statistics, based on 2000 Monte Carlo simula-tions. The same input variances employed in thefirst-order error analysis were used. Input probabilitydistributions were assumed to be normal.

There is very good agreement between the cali-brated mean and simulated mean for dissolvedoxygen. For chlorophyll a the differences average3 percent and may be attributed to the nonlineari-ties. For dissolved oxygen, the standard deviationgrows in the downstream direction. This is theresult of the fact that dissolved oxygen never recov-ers to approach saturation, as well as the cumula-tive effect of model input uncertainty. Forchlorophyll a, the standard deviation decreasessteadily in the downstream direction because thealgal biomass concentration is also decreasing.This is the result of a lower algal growth rate due toreduced light penetration caused by color in theindustrial waste discharge at RM 24 and due to the

dilution effects from groundwater inflow. As shownin Table D-4, for the output variables of temperature,CBOD, and algae growth rate, the Monte Carlo esti-mate of standard deviation differs by less than 5percent from the FOEA estimate. These differencesare within the 95 percent confidence interval for theMonte Carlo estimates, thus implying negligible non-linear effects for the conditions of this simulation.The frequency distributions for dissolved oxygengenerated by the Monte Carlo analysis are showngraphically in Figure D-2. These distributions areuseful in providing a visual representation of thedistribution of model output at different locations inthe system. In the case of dissolved oxygen shownin Figure B-3, the distributions appear nearly sym-metric and the dispersion in the upper reaches of thebasin is substantially smaller than that in the middleand lower reaches. Similar plots (not shown) forchlorophyll a data in Table D-5 clearly show thedecreasing dispersion and pronounced positiveskew in the simulated data.


Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Chlorophyll a (µg/L)Statistic RM26 RM20 RM2 RM26 RM20 RM2

Calibrated MeanSimulated Mean


Std. DeviationCoef. Variation

Skew Coef.

Std. Deviation from FOEA

































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Activated sludge A secondary wastewater treatment process that removes organic matter by mixingair and recycled sludge bacteria with sewage to promote decomposition.

Acute toxicity A chemical stimulus severe enough to rapidly induce an effect; in aquatic toxicitytests, an effect observed within 96 hours or less is considered acute. When referringto aquatic toxicology or human health, an acute effect is not always measured interms of lethality.


Adsorption is the process by which nutrients such as inorganic phosphorous adhereto particles via a loose chemical bond with the surface of clay particles. Desorptionis the process by which inorganic nutrients are released from the surface of particlesback into solution.

Advanced primarytreatment

Waste treatment process that incorporates primary sedimentation of suspendedsolids with chemical addition and flocculation to increase the overall removal oforganic solids. Advanced primary treatment typically achieves about 50% removalof suspended solids and BOD.


Biological or chemical treatment processes added to a secondary treatment plantincluding a conventional activated sludge to increase the removal of solids and BOD.Typical removal rates for advanced secondary plants are on the order of 90%removal of solids and BOD.

Advanced wastetreatment (AWT)

Wastewater treatment process that includes combinations of physical and chemicaloperation units designed to remove nutrients, toxic substances, or other pollutants.Advanced, or tertiary, treatment processes treat effluent from secondary treatmentfacilities using processes such as nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification),filtration, or carbon adsorption. Tertiary treatment plants typically achieve about 95%removal of solids and BOD in addition to removal of nutrients or other materials.

Advection Bulk transport of the mass of discrete chemical or biological constituents by fluidflow within a receiving water. Advection describes the mass transport due to thevelocity, or flow, of the waterbody.

Aerobic Environmental conditions characterized by the presence of dissolved oxygen; usedto describe biological or chemical processes that occur in the presence of oxygen.

Algae Any organisms of a group of chiefly aquatic microscopic nonvascular plants; mostalgae have chlorophyll as the primary pigment for carbon fixation. As primaryproducers, algae serve as the base of the aquatic food web, providing food forzooplankton and fish resources. An overabundance of algae in natural waters isknown as eutrophication.

Algal bloom Rapidly occurring growth and accumulation of algae within a body of water. It usuallyresults from excessive nutrient loading and/or sluggish circulation regime with a longresidence time. Persistent and frequent bloom can result in low oxygen conditions.

Algal growth Algal growth is related to temperature, available light, and the available abundanceof inorganic nutrients (N,P,Si). Algal species groups (e.g., diatoms, greens, etc.) aretypically characterized by different maximum growth rates.


Algal respiration Process of endogenous respiration of algae in which organic carbon biomass isoxidized to carbon dioxide.

Algal settling Phytoplankton cells (algae) are lost from the water column by physical sedimentationof the cell particles. Algal biomass lost from the water column is then incorporatedas sediment organic matter and undergoes bacterial and biochemical reactionsreleasing nutrients and consuming dissolved oxygen.

Ambient waterquality

Natural concentration of water quality constituents prior to mixing of either point ornonpoint source load of contaminants. Reference ambient concentration is used toindicate the concentration of a chemical that will not cause adverse impact to humanhealth.

Ammonia Inorganic form of nitrogen; product of hydrolysis of organic nitrogen and denitrifica-tion. Ammonia is preferentially used by phytoplankton over nitrate for uptake ofinorganic nitrogen.

Ammonia toxicity Under specific conditions of temperature and pH, the un-ionized component ofammonia can be toxic to aquatic life. The un-ionized component of ammoniaincreases with pH and temperature.

Anaerobic Environmental condition characterized by zero oxygen levels. Describes biologicaland chemical processes that occur in the absence of oxygen.

Analytical model Exact mathematical solution of the differential equation formulation of the transport,diffusion and reactive terms of a water quality model. Analytical solutions of modelsare often used to check the magnitude of the system response computed usingnumerical model approximations.

Anoxic Aquatic environmental conditions containing zero or little dissolved oxygen. See alsoanaerobic.

Anthropogenic Pertains to the [environmental] influence of human activities.

Aquatic ecosystem Complex of biotic and abiotic components of natural waters. The aquatic ecosystemis an ecological unit that includes the physical characteristics (such as flow or velocityand depth), the biological community of the water column and benthos, and thechemical characteristics such as dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients.Both living and nonliving components of the aquatic ecosystem interact and influ-ence the properties and status of each component.


The amount of contaminant load (expressed as mass per unit time) that can bedischarged to a specific stream or river without exceeding water quality standardsor criteria. Assimilative capacity is used to define the ability of a waterbody tonaturally absorb and use waste matter and organic materials without impairing waterquality or harming aquatic life.

Attached algae Photosynthetic organisms that remain in a stationary location by attachment to hardrocky substrate. Attached algae, usually present in shallow hard-bottom environ-ments, can significantly influence nutrient uptake and diurnal oxygen variability.

Autotroph Organisms that derive cell carbon from carbon dioxide. The conversion of carbondioxide to organic cell tissue is a reductive process that requires a net input of energy.The energy needed for cell synthesis is provided by either light or chemical oxidation.Autotroph that use light, phototroph, include photosynthetic algae and bacteria.Autotroph that use chemical energy, chemotroph, include nitrifying bacteria.


Background levels Background levels represent the chemical, physical, and biological conditions thatwould result from natural geomorphological processes such as weathering ordissolution.


Breakdown by oxidation, or decay, of organic matter by heterotrophic bacteria.Bacteria use the organic carbon in organic matter as the energy source for cellsynthesis.

Benthic Refers to material, especially sediment, at the bottom of an aquatic ecosystem. Itcan be used to describe the organisms that live on, or in, the bottom of a waterbody.

Benthic ammoniaflux

The decay of organic matter within the sediments of a natural water results in therelease of ammonia nitrogen from the interstitial water of sediments to the overlyingwater column. Benthic release, or regeneration, of ammonia is an essential compo-nent of the nitrogen cycle.


Under anaerobic, or low oxygen conditions, denitrifying bacteria synthesize cellularmaterial by reducing nitrate to ammonia and nitrogen gas. Denitrification is acomponent of the overall nitrogen cycle and has been shown to account for asignificant portion of the “new” nitrogen loading to freshwater and estuarine ecosys-tems.


Under aerobic conditions, nitrifying bacteria synthesize cellular material by oxidizingammonia to nitrite and nitrate. Benthic nitrification is a component of the overallnitrogen cycle and has been shown to account for a significant portion of the nitrogenbudget of shallow freshwater and estuarine ecosystems.

Benthic organisms Organisms living in, or on, bottom substrates in aquatic ecosystems.


Synthesis of cellular carbon by algae attached to the bottom of a natural watersystem. Benthic photosynthesis typically is limited to shallow waters because of theavailability of light at the bottom.

Best managementpractices (BMPs)

Methods, measures, or practices that are determined to be reasonable and cost-ef-fective means for a land owner to meet certain, generally nonpoint source, pollutioncontrol needs. BMPs include structural and nonstructural controls and operation andmaintenance procedures.

Biochemicaloxygen demand(BOD)

The amount of oxygen per unit volume of water required to bacterially or chemicallyoxidize (stabilize) the oxidizable matter in water. Biochemical oxygen demandmeasurements are usually conducted over specific time intervals (5,10,20,30 days).The term BOD generally refers to standard 5-day BOD test.

BiologicalNutrient Removal(BNR)

Waste treatment method that employs natural biological processes to reduce thequantity of nitrogen and phosphorus discharged to natural waters. Treatmentprocesses employ the movement of primary effluent through aerobic, anoxic/an-aerobic zones to facilitate bacterially mediated processes of nitrification and denitri-fication.

Biomass The amount, or weight, of a species, or group of biological organisms, within aspecific volume or area of an ecosystem.


Values or functions representing the state of a system at its boundary limits.

Calibration Testing and tuning of a model to a set of field data not used in the development ofthe model; also includes minimization of deviations between measured field condi-tions and output of a model by selecting appropriate model coefficients.

Carbonaceous Pertaining to or containing carbon derived from plant and animal residues


Channel A natural stream that conveys water; a ditch or channel excavated for the flow ofwater.


The improvement of the flow characteristics of a channel by clearing, excavation,realignment, lining, or other means in order to increase its capacity. Sometimes usedto connote channel stabilization.


Erosion prevention and stabilization of velocity distribution in a channel using jetties,drops, revetments, vegetation, and other measures.

Chloride An atom of chlorine in solution, bearing a single negative charge.

Chlorophyll A group of green photosynthetic pigments that occur primarily in the chloroplast ofplant cells. The amount of chlorophyll-a, a specific pigment, is frequently used as ameasure of algal biomass in natural waters.

Chronic toxicity Toxicity impact that lingers or continues for a relatively long period of time, oftenone-tenth of the life span or more. Chronic effects could include mortality, reducedgrowth, or reduced reproduction.

Coliform bacteria A group of bacteria that normally live within the intestines of mammals, includinghumans. Coliform bacteria are used as an indicator of the presence of sewage innatural waters.

Combined seweroverflows (CSOs)

A combined sewer carries both wastewater and stormwater runoff. CSOs dis-charged to receiving water can result in contamination problems that may preventthe attainment of water quality standards.

Complete mixing No significant difference in concentration of a pollutant exists across the transect ofthe waterbody.

Concentration Amount of a substance or material in a given unit volume of solution. Usuallymeasured in milligrams per liter (mg/l) or parts per million (ppm).


Substance that does not undergo any chemical or biological transformation ordegradation in a given ecosystem.

Contamination Act of polluting or making impure; any indication of chemical, sediment, or biologicalimpurities.


As specified under the Clean Water Act, conventional contaminants include sus-pended solids, coliform bacteria, biochemical oxygen demand, pH, and oil andgrease.


Wet area of a waterbody normal to the longitudinal component of the flow.

Decay Gradual decrease in the amount of a given substance in a given system due tovarious sink processes including chemical and biological transformation, dissipationto other environmental media, or deposition into storage areas.

Decomposition Metabolic breakdown of organic materials; the by-products formation releasesenergy and simple organics and inorganic compounds. (see also respiration)

Denitrification Describes the decomposition of ammonia compounds, nitrites, and nitrates (bybacteria) that results in the eventual release of nitrogen gas into the atmosphere.

Design streamflow

The stream flow used to conduct steady-state wasteload allocation modeling.

Designated use Uses specified in water quality standards for each waterbody or segment regardlessof actual attainment.


Detritus Any loose material produced directly from disintegration processes. Organic detritusconsists of material resulting from the decomposition of dead organic remains.

Diagenesis Production of sediment fluxes as a result of the flux of particulate organic carbon inthe sediment and its decomposition. The diagenesis reaction can be thought of asproducing oxygen equivalents released by various reduced species.

Dilution Addition of less concentrated liquid (water) that results in a decrease in the originalconcentration.

Discharge permits(NPDES)

A permit issued by the U.S. EPA or a State regulatory agency that sets specific limitson the type and amount of pollutants that a municipality or industry can dischargeto a receiving water; it also includes a compliance schedule for achieving those limits.It is called the NPDES because the permit process was established under theNational Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, under provisions of the FederalClean Water Act.

DischargeMonitoring Report(DMR)

Report of effluent characteristics submitted by a municipal or industrial facility thathas been granted an NPDES discharge permit.

Dispersion The spreading of chemical or biological constituents, including pollutants, in variousdirections from a point source, at varying velocities depending on the differentialinstream flow characteristics.

Dissolved oxygen(DO)

The amount of oxygen that is dissolved in water. It also refers to a measure of theamount of oxygen available for biochemical activity in water body, and as indicatorof the quality of that water.

Dissolved oxygensag

Longitudinal variation of dissolved oxygen representing the oxygen depletion andrecovery following a waste load discharge into a receiving water.

Diurnal Actions or processes having a period or a cycle of approximately one tidal-day orare completed within a 24-hour period and which recur every 24 hours.


Also called sanitary wastewater, consists of wastewater discharged from residencesand from commercial, institutional, and similar facilities.

Drainage basin A part of the land area enclosed by a topographic divide from which direct surfacerunoff from precipitation normally drains by gravity into a receiving water. Alsoreferred to as watershed, river basin, or hydrologic unit.

Dye study Use of conservative substances to assess the physical behavior of a natural systemto given stimulus.

Dynamic model A mathematical formulation describing the physical behavior of a system or aprocess and its temporal variability.


Modeling of the behavior of physical, chemical, and/or biological phenomena andtheir variation over time.

Ecosystem An interactive system that includes the organisms of a natural community associa-tion together with their abiotic physical, chemical, and geochemical environment.

Effluent Municipal sewage or industrial liquid waste (untreated, partially treated, or com-pletely treated) that flows out of a treatment plant, septic system, pipe, etc.

Effluent plume Delineates the extent of contamination in a given medium as a result of effluentdischarges (or spills). Usually shows the concentration gradient within the delineatedareas or plume.

Epiphyte A plant growing on another plant; more generally, any organism growing attachedon a plant.


Estuary Brackish-water areas influenced by the tides where the mouth of the river meets thesea.

Estuarine number Nondimensional parameter accounting for decay, tidal dispersion, and advectionvelocity. Used for classification of tidal rivers and estuarine systems.

Eutrophication Enrichment of an aquatic ecosystem with nutrients (nitrates, phosphates) thataccelerate biological productivity (growth of algae and weeds) and an undesirableaccumulation of algal biomass.


Mathematical formulation that describes the advection, dispersion, and biological,chemical, and geochemical reactions that influence the growth and accumulation ofalgae in aquatic ecosystems. Models of eutrophication typically include one or morespecies groups of algae, inorganic and organic nutrients (N,P), organic carbon, anddissolved oxygen.


Measure for the reduction (absorption) of light intensity within a water column.

Factor of Safety Coefficient used to account for uncertainties in representing, simulating, or designinga system.

Fate of pollutants Physical, chemical, and biological transformation in the nature and changes of theamount of a pollutant in an environmental system. Transformation processes arepollutant specific. However, they have comparable kinetics so that different formu-lations for each pollutant are not required.

Fecal coliformbacteria

Bacteria that are present in the intestines or feces of warm-blooded animals. Theyare often used as indicators of the sanitary quality of water. See Coliform bacteria.

First-order kinetics Describes a reaction in which the rate of transformation of a pollutant is proportionalto the amount of that pollutant in the environmental system.

Flocculation The process by which suspended colloidal or very fine particles are assembled intolarger masses or flocules that eventually settle out of suspension.

Flux Movement and transport of mass of any water quality constituent over a given periodof time. Units of mass flux are mass per unit time.

Forcing functions External empirical formulation used to provide input describing a number of proc-esses. Typical forcing functions include parameters such as temperature, point andtributary sources, solar radiation, and waste loads and flow.

Geochemical Refers to chemical reactions related to earth materials such as soil, rocks, and water.

Gradient The rate of decrease (or increase) of one quantity with respect to another; forexample, the rate of decrease of temperature with depth in a lake.

Groundwater Phreatic water or subsurface water in the zone of saturation. Groundwater inflowdescribes the rate and amount of movement of water from a saturated formation.


Nutrient concentration at which the growth rate is half the maximum rate. Half-satu-ration constants define the nutrient uptake characteristics of different phytoplanktonspecies. Low half-saturation constants indicate the ability of the algal group to thriveunder nutrient-depleted conditions.

Heterotroph Organisms that use organic carbon for the formation of cell tissue. Bacteria areexamples of heterotroph.


Mathematical formulation used in describing circulation, transport, and depositionprocesses in receiving water.


Hydrograph A graph showing variation of in stage (depth) or discharge of water in a stream overa period of time.

Hydrologic cycle The circuit of water movement from the atmosphere to the earth and return to theatmosphere through various stages or processes, such as precipitation, intercep-tion, runoff, infiltration, storage, evaporation, and transpiration.

Hydrolysis Reactions that occur between chemicals and water molecules resulting in thecleaving of a molecular bond and the formation of new bonds with components ofthe water molecule.

In situ In place; in situ measurements consist of measurement of component or processesin a full-scale system or a field rather than in a laboratory.

Initial conditions A state of a system prior to an introduction of an induced stimulus. Describeconditions at the start-up of system simulations.

Initial mixing zone Region immediately downstream of an outfall where effluent dilution processesoccur. Because of the combined effects of the effluent buoyancy, ambient stratifica-tion, and current, the prediction of initial dilution can be involved.

Interstitial water Water contained in the interstices, which are the pore spaces or voids in soils androcks.

Kinetic processes Description of the rate and mode of change in the transformation or degradation ofa substance in an ecosystem.

Light saturation Optimal light level for algae and macrophyte growth and photosynthesis.

Loading, Load,Loading rate

The total amount of material (pollutants) entering the system from one or multiplesources; measured as a rate in weight per unit time.

Load allocation(LA)

The portion of a receiving water’s total maximum daily load that is attributed eitherto one of its existing or future nonpoint sources of pollution or to natural backgroundsources.

Long stream A receiving water where nutrients are in excess of growth limiting conditions, andwhere the travel time allows growth and physical accumulation of algal biomass.


The spreading of chemical or biological constituents, including pollutants, down-stream from a point source at varying velocities due to the differential instream flowcharacteristics.

Low-flow (7Q10) Low-flow (7Q10) is the 7-day average low flow occurring once in 10 years; thisprobability-based statistic is used in determining stream design flow conditions andfor evaluating the water quality impact of effluent discharge limits.

Macrophyte Large vascular rooted aquatic plants.

Margin of Safety(MOS)

A required component of the TMDL that accounts of the uncertainty about therelationship between the pollutant load and the quality of the receiving waterbody.

Mass balance An equation that accounts for the flux of mass going into a defined area and the fluxof mass leaving the defined area. The flux in must equal the flux out.


A system of mathematical expressions that describe the spatial and temporaldistribution of water quality constituents resulting from fluid transport and the one,or more, individual processes and interactions within some prototype aquaticecosystem. A mathematical water quality model is used as the basis for waste loadallocation evaluations.

Mineralization The transformation of organic matter into a mineral or an inorganic compound.



Refers to the tendency for natural waters to blend; i.e. for dissolved and particulatesubstances to disperse into adjacent waters.

Monte Carlosimulation

A stochastic modeling technique that involves the random selection of sets of inputdata for use in repetitive model runs. Probability distributions of receiving waterquality concentrations are generated as the output of a Monte Carlo simulation.

N/P ratio The ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus in an aquatic system. The ratio is used as anindicator of the nutrient limiting conditions for algal growth; also used as indicatorfor the analysis of trophic levels of receiving waters.

Natural waters Flowing water within a physical system that has developed without human interven-tion, in which natural processes continue to take place.

Nitrate (NO3) andNitrite (NO2)

Oxidized nitrogen species. Nitrate is the form of nitrogen preferred by aquatic plants.

Nitrification The oxidation of ammonium salts to nitrites (via Nitrosomonas bacteria) and thefurther oxidation of nitrite to nitrate via Nitrobacter bacteria.

Nitrifier organisms Bacterial organisms that mediate the biochemical oxidative processes of nitrification.

Nitrobacter Type of bacteria responsible for the conversion of nitrite to nitrate.

Nitrogenous BOD(NBOD)

Refers to the oxygen demand associated with the oxidation of nitrate.

Nitrosomonas Type of bacteria responsible for the oxidation of ammonia to the intermediate productnitrite.


Substances that undergo chemical or biological transformation in a given environ-ment.

Nonpoint source Pollution that is not released through pipes but rather originates from multiplesources over a relatively a large area. Nonpoint source can be divided into sourceactivities related to either land or water use including failing septic tanks, improperanimal-keeping practices, forest practices, and urban and rural runoff.

Numerical model Models that approximate a solution of governing partial differential equations whichdescribe a natural process. The approximation uses a numerical discretization ofthe space and time components of the system or process.

Nutrient A primary element necessary for the growth of living organisms. Carbon dioxide,nitrogen, and phosphorus, for example, are required nutrients for phytoplanktongrowth.

Nutrient limitation Deficit of nutrient (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus) required by microorganisms inorder to metabolize organic substrates.

One-dimensionalmodel (1-D)

A mathematical model defined along one spatial coordinate of a natural watersystem. Typically 1-D models are used to describe the longitudinal variation of waterquality constituents along the downstream direction of a stream or river. In writingthe model, it is assumed that the cross-channel (lateral) and vertical variability isrelatively homogenous and can, therefore, be averaged over those spatial coordi-nates.

Organic matter The organic fraction that includes plant and animal residue at various stages ofdecomposition, cells and tissues of soil organisms, and substance synthesized bythe soil population. Commonly determined as the amount of organic materialcontained in a soil or water sample.

Organic nitrogen Form of nitrogen bound to an organic compound.



Form of phosphate available for biological metabolism without further breakdown.

Outfall Point where water flows from a conduit, stream, or drain.

Oxidation The chemical union of oxygen with metals or organic compounds accompanied bya removal of hydrogen or another atom. It is an important factor for soil formationand permits the release of energy from cellular fuels.

Oxygen demand Measure of the dissolved oxygen used by a system (microorganisms) in theoxidation of organic matter. See also biochemical oxygen demand.

Oxygen depletion Deficit of dissolved oxygen in a water system due to oxidation of organic matter.

Oxygen saturation Natural or artificial reaeration or oxygenation of a water system (water sample) tobring the level of dissolved oxygen to saturation. Oxygen saturation is greatlyinfluence by temperature and other water characteristics.


Chemicals in solution are partitioned into dissolved and particulate adsorbed phasebased on their corresponding sediment-to-water partitioning coefficient.

Peak runoff The highest value of the stage or discharge attained by a flood or storm event, alsoreferred to as flood peak or peak discharge.

Periphyton Attached benthic algae.

Photoperiod Time period of the seasonal response by organisms to change in the length of thedaylight period (e.g., flowering, germination of seeds, reproduction, migration, anddiapause are frequently under photoperiod control).

Photosynthesis The biochemical synthesis of carbohydrate based organic compounds from waterand carbon dioxide using light energy in the presence of chlorophyll. Photosynthesisoccurs in all plants, including aquatic organisms such as algae and macrophyte.Photosynthesis also occurs in primitive bacteria such as blue-green algae.

Phyla Species groups of same family of organisms. Phyla of phytoplankton includediatoms, blue-green algae, dinoflagellates, and green algae.

Phytoplankton A group of generally unicellular microscopic plants characterized by passive driftingwithin the water column. See Algae.

Plankton Group of generally microscopic plants and animals passively floating, drifting orswimming weakly. Plankton include the phytoplankton (plants) and zooplankton(animals).

Point source Pollutant loads discharged at a specific location from pipes, outfalls, and conveyancechannels from either municipal wastewater treatment plants or industrial wastetreatment facilities. Point sources can also include pollutant loads contributed bytributaries to the main receiving water stream or river.

Pollutant A contaminant in a concentration or amount that adversely alters the physical,chemical, or biological properties of a natural environment. The term includepathogens, toxic metals, carcinogens, oxygen demanding substances, or otherharmful substances. Examples of pollutant sources include dredged spoil, solidwaste, incinerator residue, sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, chemicalwaste, biological material, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discharged equip-ment, sediment, cellar dirt, hydrocarbons, oil, and municipal, industrial, and agricul-tural waste discharged into surface water or groundwater.

Postaudit A subsequent examination and verification of model predictive performance follow-ing implementation of an environmental control program.


Pretreatment The treatment of wastewater to remove or reduce contaminants prior to dischargeinto another treatment system or a receiving water.


A measure of the rate at which new organic matter is formed and accumulatedthrough photosynthesis and chemosynthesis activity of producer organisms (chiefly,green plants). The rate of primary production is estimated by measuring the amountof oxygen released (oxygen method) or the amount of carbon assimilated by theplant (carbon method)

Primary treatmentplant

Wastewater treatment process where solids are removed from raw sewage primarilyby physical settling. The process typically removes about 25-35% of solids andrelated organic matter (BOD5).

Priority pollutant Substances listed by the U.S. EPA under the Federal Clean Water Act as harmfulsubstances and having priority for regulatory controls. The list includes metals (13),inorganic compounds (2), and a broad range of naturally occurring or artificialorganic compounds (111).

Publicly OwnedTreatment Works(POTW)

Municipal wastewater treatment plant owned and operated by a public governmentalentity such as a town or city.

Raw sewage Untreated municipal sewage.

Reaction ratecoefficient

Coefficient describing the rate of transformation of a substance in an environmentalmedium characterized by a set of physical, chemical, and biological conditions suchas temperature and dissolved oxygen level.

Reaeration Describe the net flux of oxygen occurring from the atmosphere to a body of waterwith a free surface.

Receiving waters Creeks, streams, rivers, lakes, estuaries, groundwater formations, or other bodiesof water into which surface water and/or treated or untreated waste are discharged,either naturally or in man-made systems.


A broad lumping of man-made organic chemicals that resist chemical or bacterialdecomposition, including many pesticides, herbicides, household and industrialcleaners and solvents, photofinishing chemicals, and dry-cleaning fluids.

Reserve capacity Pollutant loading rate set aside in determining stream waste load allocation account-ing for uncertainty and future growth.

Residence time Length of time that a pollutant remains within a section of a stream or river. Theresidence time is determined by the streamflow and the volume of the river reachor the average stream velocity and the length of the river reach.

Respiration Biochemical process by means of which cellular fuels are oxidized with the aid ofoxygen to permit the release of the energy required to sustain life; during respirationoxygen is consumed and carbon dioxide is released.

Rotatingbiologicalcontactors (RBCs)

A wastewater treatment process consisting of a series of closely spaced rotatingcircular disks of polystyrene or polyvinyl chloride. Attached biological growth ispromoted on the surface of the disks. The rotation of the disks allows contact withthe wastewater and the atmosphere to enhance oxygenation.


A factor in velocity and discharge formulas representing the effects of channelroughness on energy losses in flowing water. Manning’s “n” is a commonly usedroughness coefficient.

Scour To abrade and wear away. Used to describe the weathering away of a terrace ordiversion channel or streambed. The clearing and digging action of flowing water,


especially the downward erosion by stream water in sweeping away mud and silton the outside of a meander or during flood events.

Secchi depth A measure of the light penetration into the water column. Light penetration isinfluenced by turbidity.

Secondarytreatment plant

Waste treatment process where oxygen-demanding organic materials (BOD) areremoved by bacterial oxidation of the waste to carbon dioxide and water. Bacterialsynthesis of wastewater is enhanced by injection of oxygen.

Sediment Particulate organic and inorganic matter that accumulates in a loose, unconsolidatedform on the bottom of natural waters.

Sediment oxygendemand (SOD)

The solids discharged to a receiving water are partly organics, and upon settling tothe bottom, they decompose anaerobically as well as aerobically, depending onconditions. The oxygen consumed in aerobic decomposition represents anotherdissolved oxygen sink for the waterbody.

Sedimentation Process of deposition of waterborne or windborne sediment or other material; alsorefers to the infilling of bottom substrate in a waterbody by sediment (siltation).

Short stream A receiving water where nutrients are in excess of growth-limiting conditions andwhere the time of travel within the stream reach is not sufficient to allow growth andphysical accumulation of algal biomass.

Simulation Refers to the use of mathematical models to approximate the observed behavior ofa natural water system in response to a specific known set of input and forcingconditions. Models that have been validated, or verified, are then used to predict theresponse of a natural water system to changes in the input or forcing conditions.

Sorption The adherence of ions or molecules in a gas or liquid to the surface of a solid particlewith which they are in contact.


A numerical discretization of the spatial component of a system into one or moredimensions; forms the basis for application of numerical simulation models.

Stabilization pond Large earthen basins that are used for the treatment of wastewater by naturalprocesses involving the use of both algae and bacteria.


Mathematical model of fate and transport that uses constant values of input variablesto predict constant values of receiving water quality concentrations.


Mass-balance-based ratio for nutrients, organic carbon and algae (e.g., nitrogen-to-carbon ratio).

STORET U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) national water quality database forSTORage and RETrieval (STORET). Mainframe water quality database that in-cludes physical, chemical, and biological data measured in waterbodies throughoutthe United States.

Storm runoff Rainfall that does not evaporate or infiltrate the ground because of impervious landsurfaces or a soil infiltration rate lower than rainfall intensity, but instead flows ontoadjacent land or waterbodies or is routed into a drain or sewer system.

Stratification (ofwater body)

Formation of water layers each with specific physical, chemical, and biologicalcharacteristics. As the density of water decreases due to surface heating, a stablesituation develops with lighter water overlaying heavier and denser water.

Streamflow Discharge that occurs in a natural channel. Although the term “discharge” can beapplied to the flow of a canal, the word “streamflow” uniquely describes the dischargein a surface stream course. The term streamflow is more general than “runoff” as


streamflow may be applied to discharge whether or not it is affected by diversion orregulation.

Substrate Refers to bottom sediment material in a natural water system.

Surface waters Water that is present above the substrate or soil surface. Usually refers to naturalwaterbodies such as rivers, lakes and impoundments, and estuaries.

Suspended solidsor load

Organic and inorganic particles (sediment) suspended in and carried by a fluid(water). The suspension is governed by the upward components of turbulence,currents, or colloidal suspension.


Rate of increase in an activity or process over a 10 degree Celsius increase intemperature. Also referred to as the Q10.

Tertiary treatment Waste treatment processes designed to remove or alter the forms of nitrogen orphosphorus compounds contained in domestic sewage.

Three-dimensionalmodel (3-D)

Mathematical model defined along three spatial coordinates where the water qualityconstituents are considered to vary over all three spatial coordinates of length, width,and depth.

Total KjeldahlNitrogen (TKN)

The total of organic and ammonia nitrogen in a sample, determined by the Kjeldahlmethod.

Total MaximumDaily Load (TMDL)

The sum of the individual wasteload allocations and load allocations. A margin ofsafety is included with the two types of allocations so that any additional loading,regardless of source, would not produce a violation of water quality standards.

Total coliformbacteria

A particular group of bacteria that are used as indicators of possible sewagepollution. They are characterized as aerobic or facultative anaerobic, gram-negative,nonspore-forming, rod-shaded bacteria which ferment lactose with gas formationwithin 48 hours at 35 degrees Celsius. (See also fecal coliform bacteria)

Toxic substances Those chemical substances, such as pesticides, plastics, heavy metals, detergent,solvent, or any other material that are poisonous, carcinogenic, or otherwise directlyharmful to human health and the environment.

Transit time In nutrient cycles, average time that a substance remains in a particular form; ratioof biomass to productivity.

Transport ofpollutants (inwater)

Transport of pollutants in water involves two main process: (1) advection, resultingfrom the flow of water, and (2) diffusion, or transport due to turbulence in the water.

Travel time Time period required by a particle to cross a transport route such as a watershed,river system, or stream reach.

Tributary A lower order stream compared to a receiving waterbody. “Tributary to” indicatesthe largest stream into which the reported stream or tributary flows.

Trickling filter A wastewater treatment process consisting of a bed of highly permeable medium towhich microorganisms are attached and through which wastewater is percolated ortrickled.

Turbidity Measure of the amount of suspended material in water.

Turbulent flow A flow characterized by irregular, random-velocity fluctuations.

Turbulence A type of flow in which any particle may move in any direction with respect to anyother particle and in a regular or fixed path. Turbulent water is agitated by crosscurrent and eddies. Turbulent velocity is that velocity above which turbulent flow willalways exist and below which the flow may be either turbulent or laminar.


Two-dimensionalmodel (2-D)

Mathematical model defined along two spatial coordinates where the water qualityconstituents are considered averaged over the third remaining spatial coordinate.Examples of 2-D models include descriptions of the variability of water qualityproperties along: (a) the length and width of a river that incorporates verticalaveraging or (b) length and depth of a river that incorporates lateral averaging acrossthe width of the waterbody.

UltimateBiochemicalOxygen Demand(UBOD or BODU)

Longterm oxygen demand required to completely stabilize organic carbon in waste-water or natural waters.

Uncertainty factors Factors used in the adjustment of toxicity data to account for unknown variations.Where toxicity is measured on only one test species, other species may exhibit moresensitivity to that effluent. An uncertainty factor would adjust measured toxicityupward and downward to cover the sensitivity range of other, potentially more orless sensitive species.

Unstratified Indicates a vertically uniform or well-mixed condition in a waterbody. See alsostratified.

Verification (of amodel)

Subsequent testing of a precalibrated model to additional field data usually underdifferent external conditions to further examine model validity (also called validation).

Volatilization Process by which chemical compounds are vaporized (evaporated) at given tem-perature and pressure conditions by gas transfer reactions. Volatile compoundshave a tendency to partition into the gas phase.

Waste loadallocation (WLA)

The portion of a receiving water’s total maximum daily load that is allocated to oneof its existing or future point sources of pollution.

Wastewater Usually refers to effluent from a sewage treatment plant. See also domesticwastewater.


Chemical, biological, and mechanical procedures applied to an industrial or munici-pal discharge or to any other sources of contaminated water in order to remove,reduce, or neutralize contaminants.

Water quality The biological, chemical, and physical conditions of a water body. It is a measure ofa water body to support beneficial uses.

Water qualitycriteria (WQC)

Water quality criteria comprised numeric and narrative criteria. Numeric criteria arescientifically derived ambient concentrations developed by EPA or States for variouspollutants of concern to protect human health and aquatic life. Narrative criteria arestatements that describe the desired water quality goal.

Water qualitystandard (WQS)

A water quality standard is a law or regulation that consists of the beneficialdesignated use or uses of a waterbody, the numeric and narrative water qualitycriteria that are necessary to protect the use or uses of that particular waterbody,and an antidegradation statement.

Wind mixing Refers to a physical process occurring when wind over a free water surfaceinfluences the atmospheric reaeration rate.

Zero-order kinetics Describe the rate of transformation or degradation of a substance; the reaction rateof change is independent of the concentrations in solution.

Zooplankton Very small animals (protozoans, crustaceans, fish embryos, insect larvae) that livein a waterbody and are moved passively by water currents and wave action.



AGP algal growth potentialARM agricultural runoff modelASCII American Standard Code for Information

InterchangeAT advanced treatmentAWT advanced water treatmentBOD biochemical oxygen demandBOD5 5-day biochemical oxygen demandBODu ultimate biochemical oxygen demandBMPs best management practicesBNR biological nutrient removalCBOD carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demandCBOD5 5-day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen

demandCEAM Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling


RIV1fully dynamic one-dimensional riverine waterquality model

Chl chlorophyll concentrationCOD chemical oxygen demandCOE U.S. Army Corps of EngineersCSO combined sewer overflowDIN inorganic nitrogen concentration (sum of

ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite)DIP dissolved inorganic phosphorus concentrationDMR discharge monitoring reportDO dissolved oxygenDYNHYD5 hydrodynamic model; a submodel of WASP5EUTRO5 eutrophication/dissolved oxygen kinetics; a

submodel of WASP5EPA Environmental Protection AgencyEPA STORET U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

national water quality data base for STORageand RETrieval (STORET). Mainframe waterquality data base that includes physical,chemical, and biological data measured inwaterbodies throughout the United States

FOIA Freedom of Information ActFOEA first-order error analysisFORTRAN FORmula TRANslation; revised high-level

programming language for solving problemsin science and engineering

FORTRAN77 FORmula TRANslation ANSI Standard of1977; computer language often used inwriting scientific equations and models assource code for water quality andhydrodynamic models.

H surface-to-bottom depth of the water column;units of length

HSPF Hydrologic Simulation Program - FORTRANHRAS high-rate activated sludge

LA load allocation

MBAS methyl benzene alkyl sulfonateMGD million gallons per dayMulti-SMP Simplified Method Program for multiple

dischargersNBOD nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demandNPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination


National Technical Information Servicenephelometry turbidity units

NVSS nonvolatile suspended solids concentrationO-PO4-P orthophosphateP average gross photosynthesis productionPC personal computer; usually refers to IBM

DOS-compatible machinesPCS Permit Compliance SystemPDF probability density functionPOTW publicly owned treatment worksP/R production/respiration ratioP-R photosynthesis and respirationQ streamflow; units of volume/timeQA/QC quality assurance/quality controlQUAL2E stream water quality modelQUAL2E-UNCAS

stream water quality model

R average respirationRIVMOD numerical, hydrodynamic, and sediment

transport riverine modelRIV1H hydrodynamic model; a submodel of CE-

QUAL-RIV1RIV1Q water quality model; a submodel of CE-QUAL-

RIV1SOD sediment oxygen demandSTP sewage treatment plantTBOD total biochemical oxygen demandTDS total dissolved solidsTKN total Kjedahl nitrogenTMDL total maximum daily loadTOC total organic carbonTOXI5 toxic chemical-sediment dynamics; a

submodel of WASP5TP total phosphorus; sum of all forms of

phosphorus: dissolved, particulate, inorganic,and organic phosphorus

TSS total suspended solidsUSGS U.S. Geological SurveyVSS detritus concentrationW width across a stream channel; units of lengthWASP5 Water Quality Analysis Simulation ProgramWLA waste load allocation1-D one-dimensional water quality model7Q10 7-day average low flow that occurs once in 10



For readers who prefer to use U.S. equivalents of metric units, conversion factorsfor terms used in this report are listed below:

Multiply ByLength


milimeter (mm) 0.03937 inch (in)

Meter (m) 3.2811.094

foot (ft)yard (yd)

kilometer (km) 0.62140.5400

mile (mi)nautical mile (nmi)

meter per second (m/s) 3.281 foot per second (ft/s)

nanometer (nm) 3.937 x 10-8 inch (in)

centimeter (cm) 0.3937 inch (in)

Areasquare meter (m2) 10.76


square foot (ft2)square yard (yd2)

Volumecubic meter (m3) 35.31


cubic foot (ft3)cubic yard (yd3)

liter (L) 1.057 quart (qt)

cubic meter per second (m3/s) 35.31 cubic foot per second (ft3/s)

Massmillligram (mg) 0.00003527 ounce (oz)

gram (g) 0.035270.002205

ounce (oz)

kilogram (kg) 2,205 pound (lb)

metric ton (Mt) (1000 kg) 1.102 ton (short)

gram per square meter (g/m2) 8.922 pound per acre (lb/acre)

Temperaturedegree Celsius (oC) 1.8 [oC] +32 degree Fahrenheit (oF)

Concentrationmilligram per liter (g/L) 1.0 parts per million (ppm)

grams per liter (mg/L) 1.0 parts per thousand (ppt)

Energylangley (ly) 1.0 calorie/square centimeter (cal/cm2)

calorie/square centimeter day 3.6867 British thermal units/square foor/day(Btu/ft2/day)

Symbol Meaning ConversionPAR Photosythetically active radiation

(400-700 nanometer waveband).Measured in microeinsteins persquare meter per second [µE/m2/s]

1 watt m-2~4.6µEm-2s-1

1 ly day-1~0.485 watt m-2

µmho Conductance in micromhos. Ameasure of the amount of dissolvedions present in water

1 part per thousand is approximately1,500 µmho at 25oC




aN nitrogen:chlorophyll ratio (MM-1)aP phosphorus:chlorophyll ratio (MM-1)A chlorophyll a concentration (ML-3)Ag algal biomass concentration (ML-3)bn periodic coefficientC dissolved oxygen concentration in stream (ML-3)Cs saturation concentration of dissolved oxygen (ML


C(t) time varying oxygen value (ML-3)

dV volume of the segment and is equal to A∆x (L-3


Dp phytoplankton death rate (T -1)Dx longitudinal dispersion coefficient (L2T -1)Dz death rate (T -1)f photoperiod (T)F fraction of algal nitrogen uptake from ammonia poolg gravitational constant (L2 T-1)Gmax maximum growth rate (T -1)Gn phytoplankton net growth rate (T -1)Gp phytoplankton growth rate (T -1)GT temperature effect (T -1)H average depth (L)K first-order reaction rate (T -1)Ka stream reaeration rate coefficient (T -1);

atmospheric reaeration rate: reflects first-orderreaction whereby fraction of oxygen deficit issatisfied

Kd BOD oxidation rate where oxidation accounts forall CBOD removal (T -1)

Ke extinction coefficient (L-1)Km half saturation (Michaelis) constant (ML-3)Kmn Michaelis-Menton constant for nitrogen (ML-3)Kmp


Michaelis-Menton constant for phosphorus (ML-3)nitrification reaction rate (T -1)

Kr CBOD5 removal rate in the stream (T -1)Ks effective loss rate due to settling (T -1)Ksi Michaelis-Menton constant for silica (ML-3)K1 BOD reaction rate (T -1)la average of incident light on water surface over a

24-hour period (ly/day)ls saturating light intensity (ly/day)lT total daily radiation (ly)L oxygen equivalence of the organic matter

remaining CBOD concentration (ML-3); length; litersLo total oxygen demand (ML-3)ly langley (incident light intensity)n estuary number (dimensionless)N nitrogen concentration (ML-3)Nut nutrient concentration (ML-3)N1 ammonia concentration (ML-3)N2 nitrite-nitrogen concentration (ML-3)N3 nitrate-nitrogen concentration (ML-3)N4 organic nitrogen concentration (ML-3)


P average gross photosynthesis production(ML-3 T-1); phosphorus concentration (ML-3)

Pav average daily rate of photosynthetic oxygenproduction (ML-3 T -1)

PM maximum rate of photosynthetic oxygenproduction (ML-3 T -1)

P(t) algal gross photosynthetic production of oxygen(ML-3T -1)

P1 organic phosphorus concentration (ML-3)P2 dissolved phosphorus concentration (ML-3)Q river flow rate (L3T -1)rL light effect (dimensionless)rn nutrient effect (dimensionless); limiting nutrient

reduction factorR average algal oxygen respiration (ML-3T -1)S net settling rate (T -1); stream slope (LL-1)Sb sediment oxygen demand (ML-2T -1)Si dissolved inorganic silica concentration (ML-3)t time (T)t* travel time in stream ; =x/U (T)T temperature (°); average time periodU average stream velocity (LT -1)U* shear velocity (LT -1)Vs phytoplankton settling velocity (MT -1)W direct loading rate (MT -1); stream width (L)x distance downstream of effluent (L)y oxygen consumed (ML-3)

α1 fraction of algal biomass that is nitrogen (MM-1)

α2 fraction of algal biomass that is phosphorus (MM-1)

α3 the stoichiometric ratio of oxygen production perunit of algal photosynthesis (MM-1)

α4 the stoichiometric ratio of oxygen uptake per unitof algae respired (MM-1)

α5 the stoichiometric ratio of oxygen uptake per unitof ammonium (MM-1)

α6 the stoichiometric ratio of oxygen uptake per unitof nitrite-nitrogen oxidation (MM-1)

ß1 ammonia oxidation rate coefficient (T -1)ß2 nitrite oxidation rate coefficient (T -1)ß3 organic nitrogen hydrolysis rate coefficient (T -1)ß4 organic phosphorus decay rate (T -1)

σ2 benthos source rate for dissolved phosphorus (ML-2T -1)

σ3 benthos source rate for ammonia nitrogen (ML-2T -1)

σ4 rate coefficient for organic nitrogen settling (T -1)

σ5 rate coefficient for organic phosphorus settling (T -1)

µ algal growth rate coefficient (T -1)

R algal respiration rate coefficient (T -1)

θ constant for temperature adjustment (dimensionless)

Dimension codes:

L=Length M=Mass T=Time



APPENDIX J. BOD-DO-Nutrient Guidance Inputfiles for QUAL2E and WASP5-EUTRO5 example problems,Diskette EPA 823-C-95-004.(Attached to back cover)



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