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Submicron Surface Vibration Profiling Using Doppler Self-Mixing Techniques

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Research Article Submicron Surface Vibration Profiling Using Doppler Self-Mixing Techniques Tânia Pereira, 1 Mariana Sequeira, 1 Pedro Vaz, 1 Ana Tomé, 1 Helena C. Pereira, 1,2 Carlos Correia, 1 and João Cardoso 1 1 Instrumentation Centre, Physics Department, University of Coimbra, Rua Larga, 3004-516 Coimbra, Portugal 2 Instituto Pedro Nunes, Rua Pedro Nunes-Edif´ ıcio D, 3030-199 Coimbra, Portugal Correspondence should be addressed to Tˆ ania Pereira; taniapereira@lei.fis.uc.pt Received 23 April 2014; Revised 9 July 2014; Accepted 10 July 2014; Published 23 July 2014 Academic Editor: Chi-Wai Chow Copyright © 2014 Tˆ ania Pereira et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Doppler self-mixing laser probing techniques are oſten used for vibration measurement with very high accuracy. A novel optoelectronic probe solution is proposed, based on off-the-shelf components, with a direct reflection optical scheme for contactless characterization of the target’s movement. is probe was tested with two test bench apparatus that enhance its precision performance, with a linear actuator at low frequency (35 m, 5–60 Hz), and its dynamics, with disc shaped transducers for small amplitude and high frequency (0.6 m, 100–2500 Hz). e results, obtained from well-established signal processing methods for self-mixing Doppler signals, allowed the evaluation of vibration velocity and amplitudes with an average error of less than 10%. e impedance spectrum of piezoelectric (PZ) disc target revealed a maximum of impedance (around 1kHz) for minimal Doppler shiſt. A bidimensional scan over the PZ disc surface allowed the categorization of the vibration mode (0,1) and explained its deflection directions. e feasibility of a laser vibrometer based on self-mixing principles and supported by tailored electronics able to accurately measure submicron displacements was, thus, successfully demonstrated. 1. Introduction Laser Doppler velocimetry is a well-known measurement technique, widely used for accurate and remote measurement of fluid velocity and objects’ displacement, velocity, and acceleration. e use of a laser diode (LD), both as an emitter and as a receiver of coherent light, allows for the capability to measure the velocity and displacement of a moving target surface. ese optoelectronic elements, LDs, have been widely used in many different areas due to these remarkable features such as high sensitivity and accuracy, contactless operation, and a simplified optical scheme, when compared with most of the alternative sensors [14]. In order to measure the Doppler signal produced by a vibrating moving target, an optical probe based on a LD with self-mixing interference capabilities was used. is probe was tested with two different test benches in order to determine its ability to accurately measure velocity and other movement characteristics of a moving target. One test bench was composed by a linear actuator (35 m of amplitude) at low frequency (5–60 Hz), other with disc shaped transducers with small amplitude (0.6 m) and high frequency (100– 2500 Hz). e optical solutions based on a LD with an algorithm for self-mixing signal processing represent an interesting tool to the determination of features of the movement described by PZ and for the study of vibration mode of PZ disc surface [5, 6]. e information of the self-mixing signals is mostly encoded in the frequency domain and, to extract important data, signal processing techniques such as the Doppler spectrogram and power spectral density was used [7]. ese methods allow the extraction of the movement profile and the absolute displacement. e features of movement measured from Doppler fre- quency shiſt during a motion of PZ enable the character- ization of the relationship of energy conversion between electrical and mechanical domains. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Optics Volume 2014, Article ID 576380, 7 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/576380

Research ArticleSubmicron Surface Vibration Profiling Using DopplerSelf-Mixing Techniques

Tânia Pereira,1 Mariana Sequeira,1 Pedro Vaz,1 Ana Tomé,1 Helena C. Pereira,1,2

Carlos Correia,1 and João Cardoso1

1 Instrumentation Centre, Physics Department, University of Coimbra, Rua Larga, 3004-516 Coimbra, Portugal2 Instituto Pedro Nunes, Rua Pedro Nunes-Edifıcio D, 3030-199 Coimbra, Portugal

Correspondence should be addressed to Tania Pereira; [email protected]

Received 23 April 2014; Revised 9 July 2014; Accepted 10 July 2014; Published 23 July 2014

Academic Editor: Chi-Wai Chow

Copyright © 2014 Tania Pereira et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Doppler self-mixing laser probing techniques are often used for vibration measurement with very high accuracy. A noveloptoelectronic probe solution is proposed, based on off-the-shelf components, with a direct reflection optical scheme for contactlesscharacterization of the target’s movement. This probe was tested with two test bench apparatus that enhance its precisionperformance, with a linear actuator at low frequency (35𝜇m, 5–60Hz), and its dynamics, with disc shaped transducers for smallamplitude and high frequency (0.6 𝜇m, 100–2500Hz). The results, obtained from well-established signal processing methods forself-mixing Doppler signals, allowed the evaluation of vibration velocity and amplitudes with an average error of less than 10%.Theimpedance spectrum of piezoelectric (PZ) disc target revealed a maximum of impedance (around 1 kHz) for minimal Dopplershift. A bidimensional scan over the PZ disc surface allowed the categorization of the vibration mode (0, 1) and explained itsdeflection directions. The feasibility of a laser vibrometer based on self-mixing principles and supported by tailored electronicsable to accurately measure submicron displacements was, thus, successfully demonstrated.

1. Introduction

Laser Doppler velocimetry is a well-known measurementtechnique, widely used for accurate and remotemeasurementof fluid velocity and objects’ displacement, velocity, andacceleration. The use of a laser diode (LD), both as anemitter and as a receiver of coherent light, allows for thecapability to measure the velocity and displacement of amoving target surface. These optoelectronic elements, LDs,have been widely used in many different areas due to theseremarkable features such as high sensitivity and accuracy,contactless operation, and a simplified optical scheme, whencompared with most of the alternative sensors [1–4].

In order to measure the Doppler signal produced bya vibrating moving target, an optical probe based on aLD with self-mixing interference capabilities was used. Thisprobe was tested with two different test benches in order todetermine its ability to accurately measure velocity and othermovement characteristics of a moving target. One test bench

was composed by a linear actuator (35 𝜇m of amplitude) atlow frequency (5–60Hz), other with disc shaped transducerswith small amplitude (0.6𝜇m) and high frequency (100–2500Hz).

The optical solutions based on a LDwith an algorithm forself-mixing signal processing represent an interesting tool tothe determination of features of the movement described byPZ and for the study of vibration mode of PZ disc surface[5, 6].

The information of the self-mixing signals is mostlyencoded in the frequency domain and, to extract importantdata, signal processing techniques such as the Dopplerspectrogram and power spectral density was used [7]. Thesemethods allow the extraction of themovement profile and theabsolute displacement.

The features of movement measured from Doppler fre-quency shift during a motion of PZ enable the character-ization of the relationship of energy conversion betweenelectrical and mechanical domains.

Hindawi Publishing CorporationAdvances in OpticsVolume 2014, Article ID 576380, 7 pageshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/576380

2 Advances in Optics

The piezoelectric transducers have been extensively usedin several applications [5]; however, there is a gap in aglobal characterization study of dynamic behaviour likethe vibration modes of the structure, impedance spectrum,resonant frequencies, and energy balance analysis.

This study represents a global analysis of piezoelectricactuators in dynamic stage with a simple and low-costprobe for Doppler velocity measurements, which allows thedetermination of the vibration modes of a piezoelectric discmembrane, and the algorithms for self-mixing signal process-ing that allows the determination of vibration features, suchas velocity and amplitude, a frequency spectrum of the PZand energy balance analysis.

2. Material and Methods

The optical probe based on self-mixing technique was testedin two different test setups, where two types of displace-ment transducers were used. On a precision test setup, apiezoelectric actuator (ACT) was used, electronically driven(700𝜇m Physik Instrument GmbH, P-287), and biased bya high voltage linear amplifier (HVLA) Physik InstrumentGmbH, E-508. This test allowed a profile error evaluation bycomparing the original values defined in the system with themeasurements obtained by the self-mixing signals.

A second test bench, built to characterize the dynamicsof the movement, was based on a disc shaped piezoelectricelement driven by an oscillating electronic circuit.

2.1. Self-Mixing Theory. The basic theory of the self-mixingeffect is explained by the presence of two Fabry-Perot cavitieswhose parameters are sensitive to variations of the externalcavity length and frequency shift of the back-scattered light[8–10]. The light from the LD is focused on the remotetarget and undergoes a Doppler frequency shift proportionalto the target surface orthogonal velocity. A fraction of thebackscattered shifted light returns to the LD cavity andcoherently interferes with the original light in the laser cavity[11, 12], producing a modulated signal.

The theoretical relationship for the Doppler frequency 𝑓𝑑is given by (1), where ] is the vector magnitude of the target’svelocity, 𝜃 is the angle between the optical axis of the sensorand the velocity vector, and 𝜆 is the coherent light source [4].Consider

𝑓𝑑 =2] cos 𝜃𝜆. (1)

The interference of these two light sources (the referencebeam with the original frequency and the Doppler shiftedbeam) produces a beat frequency related to the first orderDoppler shift of the beam reflected by themoving surface [13].

For small amplitude moving targets, or limited velocityobjects, this beat frequency corresponds to a much lowerfrequency (around MHz) than the laser light (THz) and can,therefore, be detectedwith a fast photodetector. In the specificcase of the self-mixing LD, the photosensitive part is coupledto the laser cavity itself.

The readout LD signal is converted in a Doppler spectro-gram, using a short-time Fourier transform (STFT), resulting





Laser diodeTrans-impedance amp

Out In





Acquisition box

Acquisition controller


Figure 1: Schematic overview of the optical system.

in a frequency shift dependent plot as a function of time.TheSTFT assumes that the signal is stationary during the analysisinterval [7, 14] and the overall spectrogram represents asequence of spectral power distributions in a time versusfrequency space.

In specific cases, such as a not constant target velocity,the statistical distribution of the measured Doppler shifts isproportional to the power spectral density (PSD) of the targetvelocity. The maximum Doppler frequency corresponds tothe maximum velocity of the target. The peak of PSDcorresponds to the dominant frequency and can be relatedwith the velocity by (1) [6, 15].

The Doppler spectrogram allows the determination ofother features of the target movement such as amplitudeand period and can be used to reconstruct the movementequations that describes the target vibrations [14].

2.2. Technology. The probe makes use of a laser diode (LaserComponents, ADL-65075TL Visible Laser Diode), with apeak wavelength of 635 nm and an output power of 5mW.This LD is extensively used in optical drivers, and all thesystem is based on simple electronic components with anoptical scheme of a single optical axis [7].

The optical probe, placed orthogonally to a printedcircuit board layer and the LD, was driven by a constantcurrent source. Figure 1 illustrates the electronics used forboth driving the LD and to perform the signal readout. Aconstant current is imposed by a voltage regulator (LM337)in a configuration where a resistor (𝑅) sets the output currentthrough the load.The electronic amplification circuit consistsof an ultralow bias current monolithic operational amplifier(Texas Instruments, OPA129UE4) for the current-to-voltageconversion (trans-impedance amplifier) [7].

Advances in Optics 3



Figure 2: Photo of the experimental setup with ACT, mirror, andthe optical probe.

The acquisition box comprises a data acquisition system(DAS), a DC/DC converter, and an USB connection forprimary power supply and interface with the host controller.The DC/DC circuit converts the standard USB +5V to thevoltages required by the analog electronics (±15 V) of theoptical probe [7].

The signals were acquired using a 16-bit resolution dataacquisition system (National Instruments, USB-6343) andstored for offline analysis using Mathworks MATLAB.

2.3. Test Bench I. The test bench I, which is representedin Figure 2, was based on a piezoelectric actuator (ACT)mechanically coupled to a mirror surface that acts as themoving target. For bench procedure, a sinusoidal drivingsignal was used, thus, providing a single frequency oscillatorymovement. This test was designed to evaluate the ability ofthe optical probe to measure the velocity and amplitude in amicron range.

The sinusoidal movement signal was provided by anactuator (ACT in Figure 2) driven by theHVLA that amplifiesto the appropriate high voltage level the Agilent 33220Aoutput.Themirror attached to the actuator reproduced a puresinusoidal movement with 35 𝜇m of amplitude.

In the velocity study, several frequencies, from 5 to 60Hz,were tested with the optical probe axis perpendicular to themirror surface in order to detect the Doppler frequencymodulation imposed to the reflected light.

2.4. Test Bench II. In a second test bench the ACT wasreplaced with a piezoelectric disc and finely polished toimprove the reflection properties of the vibrating surface. Acircularly-shaped piezoelectric sounder,MURATA7BB-35-3,with 23mmelectrode size diameter and 2.8±0.5 kHz resonantfrequency, was used.

To determine the characteristics of the PZ vibration, asinusoidal voltage signal, from an Agilent 33220A arbitrarywaveform generator, was used as a driving signal for thesounder.

Figure 3 depicts this test bench apparatus with a three axislinear precision positioner (T-LA28A from ZABER LinearActuator, 28mm travel range with RS-232 interface) thatallows precise control of the actuator position relative to the





Figure 3: Photo of the experimental setupwith PZdisc fixed in threelinear actuators in front of optical probe.

probe.The PZ is welded at two points at the edge of the metaldisc to guarantee free vibration of the piezo wafer.

3. Results and Discussion

The self-mixing signals readout from the optical probe wereprocessed in order to characterize the mechanical dynamicsof the target. Complementally, a study of the errors associatedto this measure was performed.

3.1. Actuator Velocity Assessment. The self-mixing signalswere sampled at 100 kHz. Figure 4 shows the power spectrumof the self-mixing signals obtained when the sinusoidalfrequency that drives the ACT is swept from 5 to 60Hz,with constant amplitude of the 35 𝜇m.TheDoppler frequencyis computed as the maximum peak in the power spectrumcalculated for the signals (magenta dots). It is clearly visiblethat the Doppler frequency increases when the ACT velocityalso increases. However there is a nonlinear correlationbetween these two variables that were expected to be linearlycorrelated. This behaviour results from the operating limitsthe HVLA when it drives high capacitive loads. Regardingthe inherent electrical capacitance of the actuator (290 nF± 20%), the response curve of the HVLA presents a decreas-ing amplitude for frequencies values higher than 45Hz.

In Figure 4 it is also possible to identify another frequencycomponent, which is twice the Doppler frequency, represent-ing a second harmonic generated by the multiple reflectionsat the dielectric mirror used in the test setup. An interfacebetween two different dielectric media is a source of secondand third-harmonic components which are clearly visiblein the spectrogram (Figure 4) [16]. In the power spectrumplot the presence of a strong component at 28.52 kHz and at42.97 kHz is also clear, for all the analysed signals. This effectresults from an interference in the data acquisition system(DAS), which is easily proved since the two peaks remainin the spectrum even for acquisitions with the probe turnedoff. However, these interference peaks do not affect ourconclusions on the target’s dynamics, if properly consideredduring processing.

The theoretical relationship for the Doppler frequency(1) allows the determination of the ACT velocity. To solvethe equation that describes the sinusoidal movement, the

4 Advances in Optics

50 5040 40

30 3020 20

10 100 0


Frequency ACT (Hz)Doppler frequency (kHz)




Figure 4: PSD generated by the self-mixing signals for a sinu-soidal vibration of the ACT (movement frequencies between 5 to60Hz).The power spectral characteristics evidence the behaviour ofDoppler frequency with the ACT frequency marked with magentadots.


Time (s)



y (H


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5





4.55 0



Figure 5: Spectrogram for a self-mixing signal at a 20Hz vibrationof the actuator ACT. Conventional gray scale representing the top50 dB of the signal.

amplitude of the ACT displacement needs to be assessed.The spectrogram is considered to be the most valuable toolto derive the target movement from the self-mixing signals.This time dependent spectral description of the signal isobtained through a sequence of STFTs over the analysisinterval, providing a two-dimensional matrix with the coef-ficients proportional to the frequencies present in each timewindow (Figure 5). In this grey scale plot the predominantfrequencies are represented by the darker colours (50 dB).Thesuccessively attenuated harmonics are clearly visible as lightertraces on the STFT plot.

The sinusoidal movement is described by (2), where 𝐴is the amplitude of the movement and 𝑤 is the angularfrequency:

𝑥 (𝑡) = 𝐴 sin (𝑤𝑡) ,

V (𝑡) = 𝐴𝑤 cos (𝑤𝑡) ,

𝑎 (𝑡) = − 𝐴𝑤2 sin (𝑤𝑡) .


These expressions are related to (1) leading to the equationthat describes the velocity V = 𝐴𝑤.

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500








r (%


ACT frequency (Hz)

Figure 6: Error evolution for the velocity determined in thedifferent frequencies tested.

3.2. Evaluation Error in Actuator Movement. The veloc-ity computation, according to the previously describedexpressions, revealed a particular distribution illustrated byFigure 6. The comparison between these values obtainedfrom the self-mixing signal analysis and the real valuesimposed on the actuator shows an average error of 10% forthe amplitude and velocity values.

This error is inversely proportional to the ACT drivingfrequency for values bellow 45Hz and quickly increasesabove this value. This behaviour is explained by the perfor-mance degradation of the actuator for this frequency range,as mentioned earlier.

The relative error is higher at lower velocities and dec-reases when the velocity increases. Similar results obtainedby other authors [4, 17–19] support our observations. It isshown that the method is not sensitive to slow movements,that is, low frequencies, since the Doppler frequency is tooclose to the fundamental frequency and consequently cannotbe clearly distinguished.

Themovement amplitude is estimated from two variablesextracted from the self-mixing analysis: V and 𝑤. The ampli-tude mean value obtained is 33.8 𝜇m with standard errorof 5.6 𝜇m. The error associated to these values produces anamplitude error of less than 20% in all measurements.

3.3. PZ Velocity Measurements. Higher Doppler frequenciesare expected for the test bench II that was used to characterizethe piezoelectric transducer. As the sampling frequency mustalways be higher than twice the measured beat frequency(from theNyquist-Shannon theorem), the self-mixing signalswere sampled at the higher possible frequency supported bythe DAS, that is, 500 kHz.

To study the PZ vibration it was necessary to select thebest surface region on the PZ to acquire the signals. In orderto build the PZvibration profile, a systematic disc surface scanwas performed. The axis linear precision positioners wereused in 28 incremental steps, both in 𝑥-axis and in 𝑦-axis,resulting in asquare image (28 × 28 pixel). The signals wereacquired for a fixed vibration frequency of 600Hz far enoughfrom the PZ resonance frequency expected to be around2.8 ± 0.5 kHz. The Doppler shifted frequencies determinedare represented by a colour scheme in Figure 7. From the

Advances in Optics 5

Pixel (n)


l (n)



y (H


5 10 15 20 25






Figure 7:Themode shape (0, 1) of the PZ disc vibration obtained bythe Doppler frequencies. The scales represent the number of pixels,and the colour code represents the Doppler frequency (in Hz) foreach pixel.

0 500 1000 1500 2000 25000








PZ frequency (Hz)





y (H





Figure 8: Typical curve response for the Doppler frequencyobtained from the several acquisitions with different amplitudes(2.5 V, 3V, 4V, and 5V) of the self-mixing signals for differentfrequencies in the PZ movement.

observation of this image it can be concluded that points nearthe disc fixation site (left and right peripheral points) presentlow vibration, that is, the determined Doppler frequency isclose to zero. This vibration absence, corresponds to a nullvelocity, and account for the elliptical shape of the vibrationarea.

The vibration amplitude, in the centre of disc, was esti-mated to be 0.6 𝜇m by using the central Doppler informationpresented in the PZ disc scanning.

Figure 7, obtained from the surface scan, can be used toidentify the vibration mode of the PZ disc and explain thedeflection directions on the disc. The vibration mode (0, 1)acts like a monopole source and represents the most efficientmode concerning the transfer of vibrational energy [5].

The frequency spectrum of the PZ measured by theoptical probe is shown in Figure 8. The PZ disc transducerwas swept by frequencies from 100 to 2500Hz, and, for eachscan, four slightly different amplitudes were tested. Frequen-cies above 2.5 kHz were tested but the power spectrum ofthe self-mixing becomes very complex, making the Dopplerfrequency determination very hard most likely due to theresonance effect expected for these frequencies.

2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6




Log[frequency (Hz)]

Figure 9: Impedance profile of a piezoelectric disc. The frequenciesare represented in logarithmic scale. Dashed box define the fre-quency window that corresponds to the frequencies analyzed for thePZ response; red dot makes a second antiresonance point in 1 kHz.

The behaviour of the Doppler frequency curve (Figure 8)shows an inflection point when the PZ vibrates at 1 kHzthat can be properly understood considering the impedanceanalysis of the PZ (Section 3.4).

In the test bench the piezoelectric layer converts electricalenergy into mechanical energy. When excited at the resonantfrequency, the PZ will resonate freely with higher amplitudethan at any other frequencies. In the vicinity of this resonantfrequency, an anti-resonant frequency is expected, with aconsequent impedance maximum and, therefore, minimumoscillation amplitude.

The ability to transform electrical energy into mechanicalenergy depends on the frequency response of the PZ and canbe measured through the impedance spectrum.

3.4. PZ Impedance Measurements. An electrical impedancespectroscopy (EIS) system [20] was used to obtain thespectrum of impedance profile (Figure 9), and a comparativeanalysis was performed with profile estimated from theoptical signals.

The resonant frequency, that is, minimum of impedance,occurs at 3 kHz which corresponds to the value expected forthe PZ used in this study. The antiresonant frequency, thatis, maximum impedance, occurs immediately afterwards,at about 3.3 kHz. For the antiresonant frequency, the PZdisc shows almost no displacement and no reproductivebehaviour to the applied voltage, showing minimum con-version of electrical energy into mechanical energy. There isanother maximum in the impedance curve that explains theparticular behaviour for the determinedDoppler frequencies.At around 1 kHz (red dot mark in Figure 9) the Dopplerfrequency is close to zero due to the higher impedance of PZ.The dashed box in Figure 9 defines the frequency windowthat is represented in Figure 8 and exhibits the same waveprofile, which explains the behaviour of PZ vibration andDoppler frequencies obtained.

3.5. PZ Energy Study. The electric to mechanical energyconversion in the actuator accounts for the mechanical

6 Advances in Optics

movement (oscillation) of the PZ element and its adjacentmaterials, when the sinusoidal voltage is applied.The electricpower delivered to the PZ is evaluated by measuring itselectrical current using a sense resistor. The instantaneouselectric power for a 600Hz frequency was found to be 2.9 ×10−3W.

The mechanical power was computed as the sum of thepower of each pixel, as seen in Figure 7: 𝑃 = ∑𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑝V𝑝 where𝑎𝑝 and V𝑝 are acceleration and velocity, respectively, directlyderived from the corresponding Doppler frequencies, and𝑚𝑝 is the mass of the vibrating pixel, estimated from itsdimensions and from the physical properties of the disc [21].A total mechanical power of 6.01 × 10−6Wwas computed.

The efficiency of the energy conversion process, under-stood as the ratio between the electrical input and themechanical output powers, was computed to be 2.07 × 10−3.A significant part of the electric energy seems to be lostdue to the source-load impedance mismatch at 600Hz,which is very far from equality, the condition for maximumpower transfer.The low conversion efficiency of piezoelectricmaterials also contributes to these final results that are similarto others [21, 22].

4. Conclusions

A low-cost optical system able to acquire a self-mixingsignal from a vibration target has been assembled and wasused to develop an algorithm for estimation of the move-ment features. The new optical system is portable, compact,lightweight and it was designed with low power and off-the-shelf materials, easy to assemble and align, in order to beconsidered as an interesting solution.

The developed algorithm uses well established methodsfor signal processing of self-mixing Doppler signals, suchas the STFT and PSD for the determination of the featuresof the movement. This method allows the estimation ofthe movement equations and the evaluation of velocity andamplitude with an average error of less than 10%.

A test bench apparatus based on electromechanical actu-ator evidences limitations on its operation limits due to theelectronic circuitry that introduces an error for movementswith frequencies upper than 45Hz.

The results obtained by the Doppler signals enabled theconstruction of the vibration curve of the PZ, and it wasconfirmed by the impedance spectroscopy analysis.

The scan of all regions of the PZ disc allowed theidentification itsmain vibrationmode (0, 1) and explained thedeflection directions in the disc.

The energy balance analysis allowed the evaluation ofthe electromechanical characteristics of the piezoelectric disc,under dynamic conditions, and the determination of theefficiency of electrical power conversion into mechanicalpower.

Finally, it has been demonstrated that a laser vibrometerbased on the self-mixing effect, with a simple optical appa-ratus, can accurately perform measurements of velocity anddisplacements in sub-micron vibrations amplitudes.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


The authors acknowledge the support from Fundacao paraa Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) for funding (SFRH/BD/79334/2011). Project developed under the initiative of QREN fund-ing by UE/FEDER, through COMPETE—Programa Opera-cional Factores de Competitividade.


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