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Siltation in Rivers. 1: A Review of Monitoring Techniques

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BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE HYDRAULIC RESISTANCE OR ROUGHNESS OF VEGETATED WATERCOURSES BY F.H.DAWSON (Freshwater Biological Association, River Laboratory, Wareham, Dorset, UK) and F.G. CHARLTON (Consulting Civil Engineer) Freshwater Biological Association Occasional Publication No. 25. 1988 Published by the Freshwater Biological Association The Ferry House, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 OLP United Kingdom. c. Freshwater Biological Association 1988 ISSN 0308-6739 CONTENTS Page 1. Vegetation in waterways 4 2. Design needs 7 3. Mechanics of flow in channels 10 4.


(Freshwater Biological Association, River Laboratory, Wareham, Dorset, UK) and F.G. CHARLTON (Consulting Civil Engineer) Freshwater Biological Association Occasional Publication No. 25.

1988 Published by the Freshwater Biological Association The Ferry House, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 OLP United Kingdom.

c. Freshwater Biological Association 1988 ISSN 0308-6739

CONTENTS Page 1. Vegetation in waterways 4 2. Design needs 7 3. Mechanics of flow in channels 10 4.

Investigations 11 5. Limitations of bibliography 11 6. Acknowledgements 15 7. The bibliography (in alphabetical order) 16 8. Addendum (October 1987) 49 1. VEGETATION IN WATERWAYS The movement of water in natural and artificial channels (rivers,floodplains and canals) is influenced by the type and form

of the boundary material on the bed and banks, and by the effect of obstructions within the channel. Vegetation occurs in many watercourses for the whole or part of every year changing the hydraulic resistance (Table 1). The interaction between the vegetation of various species and the flowing water is complex, being influenced by many factors which include:- (a) The height of the vegetation relative to the depth of flow (e.g.compare a grass covered floodplain, a channel with reeds and a tree covered plain). (b) Diameter, shape, surface texture and specific gravity of plant stems and leaves. (c) Flexibility or stiffness of stems or of whole plant stands (affecting the deflection and frequency of vibration of a stem).

(d) Form resistance, water approach angle and dimensions of plant stand. (e) Distribution of stems within the plant stand, their areal or numeric density, and the degree of stem compaction caused by increasing velocity and the resulting change in stand permeability (i.e. water tends to flow round rather than through stands). (f) Distribution of plant stands, their frequency and pattern per unit area of watercourse. The presence of vegetation in a waterway may affect flow in some of the following ways:- (a) Reduce water velocity and raise water levels. (b) Increase, progressively, the flooding or overbank spill particularly during summer when aquatic vegetation may be at its

maximum (i.e. increase flood risk). (c) Encourage the deposition of suspended sediment which may have to be removed to maintain adequate flow discharge capacity; this is supply dependant and seasonal. (d) Change the magnitude and direction of currents within a channel causing local erosion or reducing erosion, depending on the location, extent and density of the vegetation. (e) Interfere with the use of water for navigation, fishing and swimming. TABLE 1 Vegetative hydraulic resistance or roughness with empirical values and investigations.

A Introductions to the general nature of vegetative resistance 168, 334, 335, 125, 127, 305, 257, 304 (marine algae 169) measurement - aquatic plants 254, 255, 256 - grasses 64, 238, 188, 182, 184 (see below) B Studies of vegetative hydraulic roughness with its values and

variation - general 124, 348, 93, 309, 290, 113, 213, 187 - biomass related 72, 73 - seasonal change in total roughness 94, 95, 243, 244, 259, 260, 72, 73, 74, 104, 105, 68, 236, 37, 254, 8, 156, 255, 234, 339, 256, 78 - seasonal change, partition 135, 216 - roughness and velocity (n vs VR) 275, 185, 136 - irrevocable changes in roughness 169, 78, 254, 112 - turbulence 180, 181 C Studies on changes in roughness - plant management 343, 345, 315, 280, 28, 25, 222, 2, 76, 122, 336, 157 D Separation of vegetative roughness from bank, bed of flood plain 130, 70, 66, 154, 306

E Similarities of roughness in non-vegetated streams for comparison - winter (temperate zone) values 129, 266, 5, 196, 1 ,301, 302, 45, 284, 277, 353, 229, 226, 277 - small channels 131, 132 - lined channels 217 - tidal channels 316 F Applied studies - canals and irrigation ditches 348, 27, 326 - downstream of channelised reaches 38, 39 - runoff studies 253 - improvement in plant management 105, 104, 15, 73, 8, 156 G Values of roughness 55, 120, 17, 94, 63, 238, 146, 107, 161, 271, 42, 325, 314

H Grasslined channels and flood plains, non-aquatic vegetation (these data have considerable significance for erosion control and flooding, which have topical interest) - optimum shape and vegetative lining for intermittent flows 60, 54, 268, 61, 64, 238, 65, 102, 101, 86, 87, 145, 62, 52, 53, 107, 147, 273 - species selection USA 65, 270, urban areas 52, 53 UK 235, for river banks 347, 83 Australia 86, 87 - erosion control general 14, 64, 332, 296, 174, 164 during grass dormancy 360

coastal sites 227 excess velocity damage 237 design 84, 271, 361 long-term stabilisation 111 seasonal values 0.025-0.05 in winter or after plant washout to 0.3-0.6 at maximum plant biomass, summer, for smaller streams. The problem of estimating hydraulic resistance due to the presence of vegetation in a waterway is wider than appears at first sight. It includes flow over short grass where the depth is several times greater than the height of the grass, flow over and through weeds of different areal distribution, and between trees. Numerous

papers have been written on the topic but due to many different patterns of flow there is no single method of approach which is suitable for all situations, a point which is often not explicit in many of the papers contained in the bibliography. 2. DESIGN NEEDS

The ability to predict the discharge capacity and stage in watercourses is essential for the design of irrigation, water supply, drainage, flood control, river conservancy and navigation schemes. An efficient and successful plan, however, is not restricted to the engineering requirements only, it must take into account the interests of conservationists, fishermen and other users of the amenities afforded by the watercourse. A better understanding of the effect of vegetation on flow in waterways by engineers, botanists, zoologists, fishermen, conservationists and all concerned with or affected by natural or artificial watercourses is desirable (Table 2). Such understanding will help to ensure efficient and economic design, avoid unrealistic demands and lead to greater harmony among all concerned with the

maintenance and use of watercourses. TABLE 2 Vegetation and water flow affects on ecology, morphology and their interaction A Ecological effects of water flow - general interactions and role of water plants 44, 215, 103, 288, 291, 303, 117, 118, 207 - flow on metabolism 89, 344, 210, 140, 141, 216 - vegetation and seasonal flows 195, 177, 178, 117, 37, 114, 170 management effects 77, 308, 345, 2, 157 - flood effects on vegetation 23, 112

- abrasive materials on plants 59, 200, 201 - seasonal codominance of species 191, 74 - silting and vegetation 88, 298 - as habitat etc. for animals and microorganisms 220, 233, 16, 313, 46,300 - flow on animals (experimental) 6, 79, 80 B Morphological interactions - redesign and channelisation effects,151, 123, 38, 39, 40, 41, 249, 286, 323 - improvements in land drainage and environmental awareness 218, 160, 294, 219, 338, 246 - bank and channel protection - general 155 - vegetative 148, 241

- overbank flows, high roughness 198, 269, 189 - boundary shear 225, 163 - sheet flow 251, 252, 337 - flood risk and channel design, floodwave passage 281, 311, 115, 349, 159, 289, 342 - hydraulic resistance in flood plains and boundaries 161, 147, 185, 137, 190, 242, 248, 258 - flood retardation by trees 29, 30, 31, 160, 176 - tree removal for new reservoirs 265 - fluvial morphology and hydraulic geometry 197, 41, 50, 152, 153, 356, 357 C Role of vegetation in erosion reduction and habitat improvement

- general studies 298, 24, 363, 299, 322, 10, 134, 21, 310, 34, 199 - bank improvement and maintenance 9, 193, 320, 32, 224, 318, 214, - vegetation planting 326 TABLE 3 Water flow measurement and resistance or roughness determination

A Water flow and resistance - empirical equation 212, 13, 121, 69, 340, 341 - texts and chapters 54, 55, 120, 13, 159, 26, 3, 20, 261 B Flow and hydraulic roughness determination - texts 110, 333, 202, 100, 158, 262, 281, 120, 172, 346, 240, 287, 316, 159 - bibliographies to 1963 48, 13, 321 - roughness factors (n = 0. 02-0.08) - tables 55, 266 - illustrations 92, 239, 17, 332, 11, 12 C Flow measurement techniques - general or standard 51, 122, 35, 138, 67

- errors and uncertainty 36, 35, 138, 33, 211 - flumes 2 - electromagnetic 109, 138 - tracer gauging 85, 58, 57, 4 (extensions of technique 73, 78) - small watercourses 143 - turbulence effects 149, 108, 71 - weed on flumes 82 D Velocity in the vicinity of plants - dissolution method 209 - fine wires or filons 213 - dyes or particles 6, 80 E Rating curve methods - simple direct 35, 138, 122

- special incorporating seasonal plant growth 43, 104, 105, 156 - floodplain flow 351, 352, 3. MECHANICS OF FLOW IN CHANNELS The theory of flow in channels is complex and reference should be made to text books for details (Table 3). Basically, however, the quantity of water flowing in a channel is a function of the wetted cross sectional area and perimeter of the channel, the hydraulic gradient and the resistance to flow. The magnitude of the latter depends on the retarding shear force at the channel boundaries, obstructions in the channel, changes in channel alignment and section along the waterway, and sediment movement. Over the last two centuries scientists and engineers have

studied the mechanics of the movement of water to develop methods of predicting the magnitude of hydraulic roughness at the boundaries of channels. Studies have included the hydraulic roughness of rigid or inerodible boundaries (e.g. concrete, steel, brickwork etc.), and mobile boundaries (e.g. sands, gravels etc.). More recently attempts have been made to predict the magnitude of hydraulic roughness due to vegetation growing on the bed and banks of watercourses. Many formulae have been developed relating speed of flow and hydraulic resistance, but the two in common use are:- (i) Manning's equation V = {K} R{0.67} S{0.5} and {{n}}

(ii) Logarithmic equationV = 5.75V}*{ log}10{(12.3 {R}) {{k}} where

V = mean speed of flow R = hydraulic mean depth (the cross sectional area of flow divided by the wetted perimeter of the channel) S = hydraulic gradient V* = shear velocity, i.e. (gRS){0.5} in wide rivers K = coefficient depending on the units used in Manning's equation = 1.00 when units used are metres and seconds, or = 1.49 when units used are feet and seconds n = Manning's roughness coefficient k = equivalent grain roughness The results of investigations usually provide values of 'n' or 'k' for different types of vegetation, or more usually, for broad

general descriptions of the extent of vegetal growth in a channel. Some offer equations for the calculation of hydraulic roughness in terms of other parameters (e.g. diameter and spacing of elements). The logarithmic equation should be used in preferences to eq. (i), an empirical equation derived for large river flows with fully developed velocity profiles; further development of logarithmic-type equations is also required. 4. INVESTIGATIONS To determine the hydraulic resistance of a waterway the discharge, water surface slope and channel cross section are measured. There are many different methods and instruments

available depending on channel conditions and dimensions. These are fully described in technical literature together with information on the accuracy which may be expected. Investigations have covered field studies where particular channels have been gauged at the same time as a description of the vegetation has been given or a more detailed botanical survey undertaken (Table 4). Some studies have been undertaken in small channels in which specific types of vegetation have been cultivated in advance. Finally, studies have been carried out in laboratory flumes using artificial elements, flexible or rigid, to simulate the behaviour of natural vegetation. 5. LIMITATIONS OF BIBLIOGRAPHY

The hydraulic resistance of a vegetated waterway depends on the characteristics of flow and vegetation, variables which have not always been defined in papers listed in this bibliography. The resistance due to a particular type of vegetation is not a constant. Seasonal changes in biomass affect roughness, but the stage of growth is not mentioned in tables relating vegetal type and roughness. Sometimes a description of the type and extent of vegetation in a waterway has been omitted, making it impossible for the results of a study to be used to calculate flow and stage in other channels. TABLE 4

Plant structure and water flow A Comprehensive models 297, 204, 324, 325, 283, 247, 185, 208, 223 B Studies on tall vegetation - flow and sedimentation 204, 221, 327

- partitioning of roughness 78 - flow in grassed channels 238 in irrigated fields 276, 192, 327 in lakes, reed cutting 49, 312 - stiffness and leaf blade arrangement 183, 146, 162 - tree spacing and vegetation in floods plains 31, 176, 91, 137, 189, 194 - stem vibration (marine) 7 and for comparision - rigid pier resistance 133, 139, 241, 228 - multiple cylinders, wake interaction 355, 206 - vibration in hydraulic structures 172 C Short vegetation

- short grass in channels 64 - vegetative linings for rivers 185 - estuarine studies 98, 99, 169 - experimental studies on simulated vegetation or artificial plants 358, 250, 243, 236, 186, 135 - turbulence and velocity 223, 180, 181 and for comparision - short uniform vegetation in air 292, 293, 96, 97, 267 - action of wave forces and reinforcing tissues 47, 167 D Very short vegetation - flow patterns, metabolism and aquatic mosses 140, 141 E Large scale bed roughness (i.e. for comparison with small plant

stands) - roughness and drag form 278, 279, 282, 359, 295, 253, 13 - seagrasses and sediment beds 99 - friction form factors 127, 116 - channel resistance 128 - shear stress and velocity distribution 179 - laminar flow 350 F Studies on plant stands - individual stands freshwater 140, 141, 78 marine 7, 165, 166, 168 - long-leaved plants, on flow and turbulance 232 - sedimentation and stands 204, 221, 73, 327, 191, 88 (- size limits in wave-swept organisms 81)

Authors often fail to make clear whether their values of 'n' or 'k' were deduced assuming flow over the whole cross section of the waterway or only over that part unobstructed by vegetation. Since some investigations have shown that even small quantities of simple artificial elements significantly change the distribution of flow across the channel section, thickly vegetated waterways may convey nearly all the flow over the vegetation, almost nothing passing through it. Differences betweeen effective and assumed cross sections may therefore affect the values of 'n' or 'k' greatly. For example, in a wide waterway the value of 'n' may be increased from 0.03 to 0.05, 0.10, or 0.30 if the vegetation obstructs 0.25,0.50 or 0.75 respectively of the total cross section, and

allowance is not made for this reduction in flow area. The studies are beginning to show that more attention should be given to the degree of obstruction caused by different types of vegetation, the areal density of distribution and relative depth of flow. The concept of a blockage factor, or ratio of effective to actual area of cross section of watercourse might prove more

useful in the prediction of hydraulic resistance of vegetated waterways. Readers of the papers listed in this bibliography should examine carefully the descriptions of the type and extent of vegetation, and the flow conditions for which the results have been presented to avoid using data to compute flow in channels with very different conditions of flexible roughness and in a different phase of flow. The conclusions presented in some papers have sometimes been critally examined and discussed by other authors. Where such discussions are availaable readers are recommended to study them before making use of the conclusions presented. To assist the reader to select papers for study tables covering different aspects of the main and ancillary topics have been

included. In addition to references on the hydraulic resistance of vegetated waterways in different patterns and phases of flow, references have been included providing guidance on hydrometric methods, the accuracy of measuring techniques, the mechanical behaviour of vibrating elements, and the use of vegetation in bank protection and river training works. 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank the following for help in commenting upon and in compling this bibliography, particularly D.F. Westlake, R.T. Clarke, P. Carling and T. Flintham of FBA, A. Brookes of Thames Water Authority, P. Barko of US Department of Army, Vicksburg, Mississippi, Remmet Pitlo of Wageningen, Holland, M.A.R. Koehl

of UC Berkeley, California, and Virginia Carter of US Geological Survey, Boston. 7. THE BIBLIOGRAPHY The following bibliography is an extensive, though not exhaustive, list of papers primarily related to vegetative roughness of watercourses. It includes ecological and morphological effects of flow together with references on unvegetated streams, air flows and physical hydraulic models for purposes of comparison. The bibliography is only annotated where expansion of the title is required for clarification of content or the paper has aspects of particular interest. Theses titles are included for completeness but were generally not seen.

(Notes Refs. = papers with useful related references; ins particularly useful information on subjects in title). 1. Ackers, P. and Charlton, F.G. (1970) The slope and resistance of small meandering channels. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, supplement 15, paper 7362S. [For comparision with vegetated channels.] 2. Ackers,P.,White,W.R., Perkins,J.A. and Harrison, A.J. (1984)

Weirs and flumes for flow measurement. J. Wiley & Sons, Winchester, 327pp. 3. Albertson, M.L. and Simons, D.B. (1959) Fluid mechanics. In: Handbook of applied hydrology (ed. V.T. Chow),7.1-7.48. McGraw-Hill Book Co. New York.

4. Allen, C.M. and Taylor, E.A. (1923) The salt velocity method of water measurement. Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers 45, 285-341. 5. Allen, J. and Shahwan, A. (1954) The resistance to flow along a tortuous stretch of the River Irwell (Lancashire) - an investigation with the aid of scale model experiments. Journal of the Institution of Civil Engineers Part III, 3(1), p.144. 6. Ambühl, H. (1959) Die Bedeutung der Strömung als ökologicher Factor. Schweize Zhurnal Hydrobiologie 21,

133-264. 7. Anderson, S.M. and Charters, A.C. (1982) A fluid dynamics study of seawater flow through Gelidium nudifrons. Limnology and Oceanography 27, 399-412. [Marine study of whole plant, includes vibration and turbulent flows.] 8. Andreasen, J-O. (1979) Grödens hydrauliske virkning. Laboratory for Physical Geography, Geological Institute, Århus University, Report No. 3, 64pp. [Hydraulic effect of water weeds, study of key streams in Jutland to find general relationship between flow and weed growth.] 9. Anselm, R. (1976) Analyse der Ausbauverfahren, Schäden

und Unterhaltungskosten von Gewassern. Mitteilungen des Institutes fur Wasserwirtschaft, Hydrologie und landwirtschaftlichen Wasserbau der Technische Universitat, Hannover 36, 11-189. [Thesis on channel maintenance and improvement by profile change.] 10. Arrignon, J. (1976) Aménagement écologique et piscicole des eau douces. Gauthier Villars, Paris, 320pp. [Various forms of bank protection and resectioning pp.236-247. Refs.] 11. Arcement, G.R. Jr, and Schneider, V.R. (1984) Guide for selecting Manning's roughness coefficients for natural

channels and flood plains. Us Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, Report FWHA-TS-84-204, 1-62. 12. Arcement, G.R. Jr, and Schneider, V.R. (1984) Roughness coefficients for densely vegetated flood plains. US Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation 83-4247, 68pp. 13. ASCE (1963) Frictional factors in open channels. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 89, 97-143. (Discussion 1963, 89 (July), 283; 1963, 89 (Sept), 169;

1964, 90 (July), 223.) [Comprehensive bibliography.] 14. Bailey, R.Y. (1939) Kudzu for erosion control in the southeast. US Department of Agriculture, Farmers Bulletin No. 1840, 32pp. [Intermittent flows in grass-lined

channels.] 15. Baitsch, B. and Radermacher, H. (1972) Hydraulische Bemessung von verkrauteten Gräben geringer Dimensionen im landwirtschaftlichen Bereich. Gewässerunterhaltung 4, 1-76. [Resistance in small channels, weed factors, economics] 16. Baker, J.H. and Orr, D.R. (1986) The distribution of epiphytic bacteria on freshwater plants. Journal of Ecology 74, 155-165. 17. Barnes, H.H. (1967) Roughness characteristics of

natural channels. US Geological Survey, Water-Supply Paper No. 1849, 214pp. Washington, D.C. [Photographs of 50 stream channels, USA, with roughness coefficients n = 0.024-0.097, cross sections given.] 18. Bartley, T.R. and Gangstad, E.O. (1974) Environmental aspects of aquatic plant control. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 100, 231-244. (Discussion: 1975,101, 230-234; 1977, 103, 281.) 19. Bathurst, J.C., Li, R-M. and Simons, D.B. (1981) Resistance equation for large scale roughness. Journal

of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the Americal Society of Civil Engineers 107, 1593-1613. [Experimental work on large scale roughness (75mm) for comparision with small plant stands.] 20. Beaumont, P. (1975) Hydrology. In: River ecology (ed. B.A. Whitton), Studies in Ecology 2, 1-38. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. [Includes water flow equations.] 21. Begeman, W. (1980) Lebendverbau an Gewässern. Forschungen Institutet Senckenberg 41, 247-257. [Includes use of marginal vegetation for river and lake bank protection. Refs]

22. Benson, M.A. and Dalrymple, T. (1967) General field and office procedures for indirect discharge measurements. US Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigation, Book 3, Chapter A1, 30pp. 23. Bilby, R. (1977) Effects of a spate on the macrophyte vegetation of a stream pool. Hydrobiologia 56, 109-112. 24. Bittmann, E. (1967) Uferbewuchs and Uferform. Symposium on River Morphology. Bern 1967, International Association of Scientific Hydrology Publication 75,

297-308. [Vegetation on river banks and channel shape, influence of planting on bank shape, useful symposium.] 25. Blackburn, R.D., Sutton, D.L. and Taylor, T. (1971) Biological control of aquatic weeds. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, Proceedings of the

American Society of Civil Engineers 97, 421-432. 26. Blench, T. (1969) Mobile bed fluviology. (2nd. edition). The University of Alberta Press, Edmonton, 168pp. 27. Bogart, D.G. (1949) The effect of aquatic weeds on flow in everglades canals. Proceedings of the Soil Science Society of Florida 9, 35-52. [Florida - everglades canals, study and explanation of loss of efficiency due to aquatic plants.] 28. Bon, J. (1976) [Maintenance classes: arrangement

classification of dykes and drains.] [See Haslam 1978 ; in Dutch.] 29. Bonham, A.J. (1974) Storm drainage system design and new city planning. Civil Engineering Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia CE16, 67-70. [Channel redesign in 'urban' Australian flood plain, use of suitable natural vegetation and reduced water velocities.] 30. Bonham, A.J. (1975) The influence of alternative stormwater drainage systems on flood discharges. Institution of Engineers, Australia, Hydrology Symposium,

Armidale 1975, 188-192. [As title and use of grass channels. Refs.] 31. Bonham, A.J. (1978) A role for flood retarding vegetation in urban stormwater management and creek preservation. Institution of Engineers, Australia, Hydrology Symposium, Canberra 1978, 174-175, [Analysis and model of storm flow through trees to determine optimum planting pattern and hydraulic drag.] 32. Bonham, A.J. (1980) Bank protection using emergent plants against boat wash in rivers and canals. Hydraulics Research Station, Wallingford, England, Report No. IT206, 34pp.

33. Botma, H and Struyk, A.J. (1970) Errors in measurements of flow by velocity-area methods. International Association of Scientific Hydrology, Symposium, Koblenz 1970, 2, 771-784. 34. Bowie, A.J. (1982) Investigations of vegetation for stabilising eroding streams banks. Transactions of the Soil and Water Division of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 25, 1-12. [Erosion control on Mississippi stream banks by combining vegetation with structural bank protection and resectioning.] 35. British Standards Institution. Methods for measurement

of liquid flow in open channels (BS 3680). (1983) Part 1. Vocabulary and symbols. (1974) Part 2A Dilution methods. Constant rate injection. (1983) Part 2C Dilution methods. Radioisotope techniques. (1980) Part 3A Velocity area methods. (1980) Part 3D Moving boat method.

(1981) Part 4A Weirs and flumes. Thin plate weirs and Venturi flumes. (1969) Part 4B Weirs and flumes. Long base weirs. (1981) Part 4C Weirs and flumes. Flumes. (1980) Part 4E Weirs and flumes. Rectangular broad crested weirs. (1981) Part 4G Weirs and flumes. Flat V weirs. (1970) Part 5 Slope area method. (1973) Part 6 Tidal channels. [under revision] (1971) Part 7 The measurement of liquid level (stage). (1973) Part 8A Current meters - current meters incorporating a rotating element. (1973) Part 8B Current meters - suspension equipment. (1980) Part 8C Current meters - current meter calibration.

(1971) Part 9A Water level instruments - specification for the instillation and performance of pressure actuated liquid level measuring equipment. (1980) Part 10B Methods of measuring sediment load. (1980) Part 10C Bed material sampling. 36. British Standards Institution (1980) BS 5844. Calculation of uncertainty of a measurement of flow. 37. Brooker, M.P., Morris, D.L. and Wilson, C.J. (1978) Plant flow relationships in the R. Wye catchment. Proceedings of the European Weed Research Society, 5th Symposium on Aquatic Weeds,Amsterdam 1978, 63-70.

[Inverse relationship of plant cover and peak biomass with flow during April to June for R. Wye and R. Lugg, Wales.] 38. Brookes, A. (1981) Channelization in England and Wales: Discussion Paper No. 11. Department of Geography, University of Southampton, 49pp. [Quantification of management techniques and hydraulic effects. Refs.] 39. Brookes, A. (1983) River channelization in England and Wales. Downstream consequences for the channel morphology and aquatic vegetation, 458pp. University of Southampton. Ph.D Thesis. 40. Brookes, A., Gregory, K.J. and Dawson, F.H. (1983) An

assessment of river channelization in England and Wales. The Science of the Total Environment 27, 97-111. 41. Brookes, A. (1985) River channelization: Traditional engineering methods, physical effects and alternative practices. Progress in Physical Geography 9, 44-73. 42. Bruk, S. and Oef, Z. (1975) Determination of roughness coefficients for very irregular rivers with large flood plains. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, Paper A.12.

43. Bussmann, P. (1978) Eine weitere Möglichkeit der Berücksichtigung des Verkrautungseinflusses auf den Abfluss. Deutsche Gewässerkundliche Mitteilungen 22, 57-61. [A method of determining the influence of weed growth on stream flow, use of sills and special rating curves for discharge.]

44. Butcher, R.W. (1933) Studies on the ecology of rivers. 1. On the distribution of macrophyte vegetation in the rivers of Britain. Journal of Ecology 21, 58-91. [Classic and useful study of vegetation groups in relation to environment factors. Refs.] 45. Butler, D., Rock, S.P. and West, J.R. (1978) Friction coefficient variation with flow in an urban stream. Journal of the Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists 32, 227-232. [Manning's n for lowland stream, Bourne brook, with lined sections.]

46. Butterworth, B. (1981) Biofilm growth and hydraulic performance. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 107, 629-649. 47. Carstens, T. (1968) Wave forces on boundaries and submerged bodies. Sarsia 34, 37-60. (Second European Symposium on Marine Biology.) 48. Carter, R.W., Einstein, H.A., Hinds, J., Powell, R.W. and Silberman, E. (1963) Frictional factors in open channels. Journal of the Hydraulics Division , Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 89, 97-143.

(Discussion: 1963, 89 (July), 283; 1963, 89 (Sept.), 169; 1964, 90 (July), 223.) [Comprehensive bibliography.] 49. Caspar, J. (1983) Circulation in reed-overgrown lakes. Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, Moscow V, 536-542. VINITI, Moscow. 50. Chang ,H.H. (1985) River morphology and thresholds. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 111, 503-519. [Refs.] 51. Charlton, F.G. (1978) Measuring flow in open channels: a review of methods. Construction Industry Research and Information Association, London, Report No. 75, 160pp.

52. Chen, Cheng-Lung (1975) Urban storm runoff inlet hydrograph study. 2. Laboratory studies of the resistance coefficient for sheet flow over natural turf surfaces. Utah Water Reaearch Laboratory, College of Engineering, Utah State University, Logan, Utah. Final Report No. PRWA 106-2, 56pp. 53. Chen, Cheng-Lung (1976) Flow resistance in broad shallow grassed channels. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 102, 307-322. (Discussion: 1977, 103, 90-91; 1977, 103, 1356-1357.)

54. Chow, Ven Te (Editor) (1964) Handbook of applied hydrology. McGraw-Hill Book Co. New York, 680pp. [Full discussion and diagrams on hydraulics of grassed waterways, permissible velocities, channel resectioning. Refs.]

55. Chow, Ven Te (1981) Open-channel hydraulics. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc. New York, 680pp. (First edition 1959.) 56. Chow, Ven Te (1981) Hydraulic exponents. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 107, 1489-1499. 57. Church, M.A. (1974) Electrochemical and fluorometric tracer techniques for streamflow measurements. British Geomorphological Research Group, Technical Bulletin No. 12, 73pp. [Practical tracer techniques and annotated

bibliography.] 58. Cole, J.A. (1969) Dilution gauging by inorganic tracers, notably the plateau method. In: Institution of Water Engineers, Symposium on River Flow Measurement, Loughborough 1969, 111-154. 59. Conboy, D.A. and Glime, J. M. (1971) Effects of drift abrasives on Fontinalis novae-angliae Sull. Castanea 36, 111-114. 60. Cook, H.L. (1938) Spartanburg Outdoor Hydraulic Laboratory. Journal of the Civil Engineering Division,

Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 8, 653-655. 61. Cook, H.L. and Cambell, F.B. (1939) Characteristics of some meadow strip vegetations. Agricultural Engineering 20, 345-348. 62. Cornish, B.A., Yong, K.C. and Stone, D.M. (1967) Hydraulic characteristics of low cost surfaces for farm dam bywash spillways. University of New South Wales, Water Research Laboratory, Report No. 93. 63. Cowan, W.L. (1956) Estimating hydraulic roughness coefficients. Agricultural Engineering 37, 473-475.

64. Cox, M.B. (1942) Tests on vegetated waterways. Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, Agricultural Experimental Station, Stillwater, Oklahoma, Technical Bulletin No. T-15, 23pp. [Tests on grass species for temporary channels, flexible hydraulic roughness.] 65. Cox, M.B. and Palmer, V.J. (1948) Results of tests on vegetated waterways and method of field application. Oklahoma Agricultural Experimental Station, Stillwater, Oklahoma, Miscellaneous Publication No. MP-12, 43pp. 66. Cox, R.G. (1973) Effective hydraulic roughness for

channels having bed roughness different from bank roughness: a state of the art report. US Army Engineers Waterways Experimental Station, Miscellaneous Paper H-73-2, 64pp. (AD-757 138) [Use of seperate roughnesses is preferable but relatively large errors in estimating channel roughness caused only minor error in

capacity design.] 67. Dackombe, R.V. and Gardiner, V. (1982) Fluvial processes. In: Geomorphological field manual, (eds. V.Gardiner & R.V. Dackombe) 127-156. George Allen and Unwin, London. [Velocity- Area method, resistance coefficients, gauge structures etc.] 68. Danske Hedeselskab (1976) Data for Q-H-Kurver, Bilag i Viborg Amtskomme afströmningsmalinger 1976. Det Danske Hedeselskab Slagelse, Denmark, 53pp. [Variation in discharge to water height curves with plant growths for 9 river stations in Jutland; also other reports on similar

subjects in Danish.] 69. D'Arcy, H. (1857) Sur recherches expérimentales relatives au mouvement des eaux dans les tuyaux. Compte Rendus des Séances de L'Acádemie des Sciences 1857, 1109-1121. 70. Davidian, J. and Cahal, D.I. (1963) Distribution of shear in rectangular channels. US Geological Service, Professional Paper No. 475-C. Washington. 71. Davies, J.T. (1972) Turbulence phenomena. Academic Press, London, 402pp.

72. Dawson, F.H. (1973) The production ecology of Ranunculus penicillatus var.calcareus in relation to the organic input into a chalk stream, 356pp. University of Aston in Birmingham, Ph.D Thesis. 73. Dawson F.H. (1978) Seasonal effects of aquatic plant growth on the flow of water in a small stream. Proceedings of the European Weed Research Society, 5th Symposium on Aquatic Weeds, Amsterdam 1978, 71-78. 74. Dawson, F.H., Castellano, E. and Ladle, M. (1978) The concept of species succession in relation to river vegetation and management. Verhandlungen der

internationalen Vereiningung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie 20, 1451-1456. [Seasonal cycling of two codominant species of aquatic plants under influence of hydrological cycle.] 75. Dawson, F.H. (1979) Ranunculus calcareus and its role in lowland streams. Report of the Freshwater Biological Association No.47, 60-69. 76. Dawson, F.H. (1981) The reduction of light as a technique for the control of aquatic plants - an assessment. Association of Applied Biologists, Weed Group, Proceedings of a Symposium, Aquatic Weeds and their Control, Oxford,

1981, 157-164. 77. Dawson, F.H., Kern-Hansen, U. and Westlake, D.F. (1981) Water plants and temperature and oxygen regimes of small lowland streams. In: Studies on aquatic plants (eds. J.J. Symoens, S.S. Hooper and P. Compère), 214-221. Royal

Botanical Society of Belgium, Brussels. 78. Dawson F.H. and Robinson, W.N. (1985) Submerged macrophytes and the hydraulic roughness of a lowland chalkstream. Verhandlungen der internationalen Vereiningung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie 22, 1944-1948. 79. Décamps, H., Capblancq, J. and Hirigoyen, J. (1972) Étude des conditions d'écoulement prrs du substrat en canal experimental. Verhandlungen der internationalen Vereiningung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie 18, 718-725.

80. Décamps, H., Larrouy, G. and Trivellato, D. (1975) Approche hydrodynamique de la distribution d'invertébrés benthique en eau courante. Annales de Limnologie 11, 79-100. 81. Denny, M.W., Daniel, T.L. and Koehl, M.A.R. (1985) Mechanical limits to size in wave-swept organisms. Ecological Monographs 55. 69-102. [Good list of references, marine situations and biota.] 82. Department of the Environment (1977) Weed growth on river flow measuring structures. UK Department of the

Environment, Water Data Unit Technical Memorandum 15, 22pp. 83. Dobbie, C.H. and Partners (1980) Report on bank protection in rivers and canals. Hydraulic Research Station, Wallingford, England. 84. Doubt, P.D. (1955) Chute spillways. In: National Engineering Handbook. US National Soil Conservation Service. 85. Dumas, H. (1952) La méthode chemique pour la mesuré de débit des cours d'eau. La Houille Blanche 5, 690-701.

86. Eastgate, W.I. (1966) Vegetated stabilization of grassed waterways and dam bywashes. University of Queensland. MSc Eng Thesis. 87. Eastgate, W.I. (1969) Vegetated stabilization of grassed waterways and dam bywashes. Water Research Foundation of Australia, Bulletin No. 16. Sydney. 88. Edwards, D. (1969) Some effects of siltation upon aquatic macrophyte vegetation in rivers. Hydrobiologia 34, 29-37. 89. Edwards, R.W. and Owens, M. (1962) The effects of plants

on river conditions. IV. The oxygen balance of a chalkstream. Journal of Ecology 50, 207-220. 90. Evers, P. (1983) Untersuchung der Strömungsvorgänge in gegliederten Gerinnen mit extremen Rauheitsunderschieden. Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Wasserbau und

Wasserwirtschaft, Rheinisch Westfälische Technische Hochschule, Aachen 45, 222pp. 91. Evers, P. and Rouvé, G. (1980) Basic model investigations on hydraulic effects of bank and flood-plain vegetation. International Association for Hydraulic Research, Symposium on River Engineering and its Interaction with Hydrological and Hydraulic Research, Belgrade 1980, paper D14, 8pp. 92. Fasken, G.B. (1963) Guide to selecting roughness coefficient 'n' values for channels. US Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, 33pp.

93. Faust, O. (1933) [Basis of a method for ascertaining the events involved in the rate of flow for stretches of river with weed growth.] Baltic States Fourth Hydrological Conference, Leningrad, 1933. [In German.] 94. Fenzl, R.N. (1962) Hydraulic resistance of broad shallow vegetated channels. University of California, Davis. Ph D Thesis. 95. Fenzl, R.N. and Davies, J.R. (1964) Hydraulic resistance relationships for surface flows in vegetated channels. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural

Engineers 7, 46-51, 55. 96. Finnigan, J.J. (1979) Turbulence in waving wheat I. Mean statistics and Honami. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 16, 181-121. [Short flexible vegetation in air, for comparison,] 97. Finnigan, J.J. (1979) Turbulence in waving wheat II. Structure of momentum transfer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 16, 213-236. 98. Fonseca, M.S., Fisher, J.S., Zieman, J.C. and Thayer, G.W. (1982) Influence of the seagrass, Zostera marina L., on current flow. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 15, 351-364. [Marine study

on seagrass stands and plants, short flexible roughness. Refs.] 99. Fonseca, M.S., Zieman, J.C., Thayer, G.W. and Fisher, J.S. (1983) The role of current velocity in structuring eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) meadows. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 17, 367-380. [Marine study on seagrass meadows, short flexible roughness, movement of bed materials in relation to tidally induced flows. Refs.] 100. Francis, T.R.D. (1962) A textbook of fluid mechanics for engineering students. Edward Arnold, London,

340pp. 101. Fredenhagen, V.B. and Doll, E.H. (1954) Grassed waterways. Agricultural Engineering 35, 417-419. 102. Gardner, H.H. and Freyburger, E. (1949) Grass waterways.

US Department of Agriculture, Leaflet 257. 103. Gessner, F. (1955) Hydrobotanick 1. Veb Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 517pp. [See p.285 onwards.] 104. Gils, H. (1962) Die wechselnde Abflusshemmung in verkrauteten Gewässern. Deutsche gewässerkundliche Mitteilungen 6, 102-110. [Variation in flow obstruction in waters with weed growths, series of relationships of height and flow to give weed factor, allows separation of natural and artificial back-up of water flow.]

105. Gils, H. (1966) Der Abfluss in verkrauteten Gewässern: eine Gegenüberstellung den Verfahren von Prantle, Gils und Schenk. Deutsche gewässerkundliche Mitteilungen 10. 44-51. 106. Graf, W.H. and Ko, S.C. (1971) Tests on cylinders in turbulent flow. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 97, 1265-1267. 107. Graf, W.H. and Chhun, V.H. (1976) Manning's roughness for artificial grasses. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, American Society of Chemical Engineers

102, 413-423. 108. Gran Olsson, R. (1936) Geschwindigkeits- und Temperatur-verteilung hinter einem Gitter bei turbulenter Strömung. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 16, 245-274. 109. Griffiths, G. and Collar, P.D. (1980) Some comparative studies on electromagnetic sensor heads in laminar and near-turbulent flows in a towing tank. Journal of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 323-329. [Velocity measurement by electro-magnetic sensors. Refs.]

110. Grover, N.C. and Harrington, A.W. (1949) Stream flow. J. Wiley and Sons, London, 363pp. 111. Gwinn, W.R. and Ree, W.O. (1980) Maintenance effects on the hydraulic properties of a vegetation-lined channel. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 23, 636-642. [Changes in stability and capacity of grass-lined channels over 32 years, large vegetation had reduced capacity by 29% but channels now have higher permissible velocities.] 112. Haber, B. (1982) Über den Erosionsbeginn bei der Überströmung von flexiblen Rauheitselementen,

Mitteilungen des Leichtweiss Institut für Wasserbau, Technische Universität, Braunschweig 74, 212pp. 113. Hahn, A. (1942) Rate of flow in water courses covered with ice or with weed growth. Deutsche Wasserwirtschaft 7, 419-451.

114. Ham, S.F., Cooling, D.A., Hiley, P.D., McLeish, P.R., Scorgie, H.R.A. and Berrie, A.D. (1982) Growth and recession of aquatic macrophytes an a shaded section of the River Lambourn, England, from 1971 to 1980. Freshwater Biology 12, 1-15. [Macrophyte growth in relation to environmental variables, positive correlation between Ranunculus growth in spring and spring discharge.] 115. Hamill,L. (1983) Some observations on the time of travel of waves in the River Skerne, England, and the effect of aquatic vegetation. Journal of Hydrology 66, 291-304.

116. Haque, M.I. and Mahmood, K. (1983) Analytical determination of form friction factor. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 109, 590-610. [Form friction factor for comparison with plant stand resistance.] 117. Haslam, S.M. (1978) River plants. Cambridge University Press. 396pp. [Comprehensive distribution of water plants, management and environmental factors discussed, effect of velocity on plant washout.] 118. Haslam, S.M. and Wolseley, P.A. (1981) River vegetation: its identification, assessment and management. Cambridge University Press, 154pp.

119. Hayes, J.C., Barfield, B.J. and Albrecht, S. (1981) Techniques for modeling and monitoring the effects of vegetative strips on sediment yield from disturbed areas. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Proceedings of the Symposium on Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement, Firenze 1981, Ist. Ing. Civ. 1981, 241-248. 120. Henderson, F.M. (1966) Open channel flow. Macmillan, London, 522pp. 121. Herschel, C. (1897) On the origin of the Chezy formula. Journal of the Association of Engineering Societies 18,

363-369. 122. Herschy, R.W. (Editor) (1978) Hydrometry. Principles and practices. Wiley, Chichester, 542pp. 123. Hill, A.R. (1976) The environmental impacts of agricultural land drainage. Journal of Environmental Management 4, 251-274. [Refs.] 124. Hillebrand, D. (1950) Verkrautung und Abfluss. Deutsche Gewässerkundliche Jahrbuch 2, 1-30. [Early classic study on R. Eder, Germany; hydraulic effects at varying conditions of weed growth, tall flexible

vegetation, Ranunculus and Potamogetons; DSIR translation available.] 125. Hino, M. (1977) Eco-hydraulics, an attempt. Hydraulic Engineering for Improved Water Management, 17th Congress of International Association of Hydraulic

Research, Baden-Baden 1977 6, 178-208. 126. Hino, M. (1981) Eco-hydrodynamics. Advances in Hydroscience 12, 143-193. [General as title, some river hydraulics, flexible roughness equation. Japanese refs.] 127. Hoerner, S.F. (1965) Fluid-dynamic drag (2nd ed.). Publ. S.F. Hoerner, Midland Park, N.J. 450pp. 128. Holtorff, G. (1982) Resistance to flow in alluvial channels. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, American Society of Civil Engineers 108, 1010-1027. [Analysis

of geometry of bed patterns and form, for comparison with vegetated channels.] 129. Horton, R.E. (1916) Some better Kutter's formula coefficients. Engineering News, 24 Feb. and 4 May 1916. 130. Horton, R.E. (1933) Separate roughness coefficients for channel bottom and sides. Engineering News Record 3, (22) 30 Nov.1933. 131. Hosia, L. (1980) Manningin kertoimen muuttuminen vesisyvyyden ja hydraulisen sateen mukaan. Vesitalous 21 (5), 8-11.

132. Hosia, L. (1980) Pieten uomien virtausvastuskerroin. Vesitalous 21 (2), 17-21. 133. Hsieh, T. (1964) Resistance of cylindrical piers in open-channel flow. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 90 (Jan.), 161-173. (Discussion: 1964, 90 (Sept.), 223; 90 (Nov.), 269; 1965, 91 (July), 276.) 134. Hütterott, K. (1976) Biologischer Uferschutz an fliessenden und stehenden Gewässern. Wasser und Boden 9, 234-237. [Biological bank protection of flowing and

stagnant water.] 135. Hydraulics Research Ltd (1985) The hydraulic roughness of vegetation in open channels. Hydraulics Research Ltd Wallingford, England. Report IT 281 (SR36), 48pp. 136. Ieperen, H. van and Herfst, M.S. (1986) Laboratory experiments on the flow resistance of aquatic weeds. Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Hydraulic Design in Water Resources Engineering: Land Drainage, 1986. 137. Indlekofer, H. and Rouve, G. (1981) On hydraulic capacity of rivers with vegetated banks and flood-plains.

International Association for Hydraulic Research, Symposium on River Engineering and its Interaction with Hydrological and Hydraulic Research, Belgrade 1981, paper D15, 8pp. 138. International Standards Organization

(1978) Calculation of uncertainty of a measurement of flow. ISO 5168. (1979) Velocity area methods. ISO 748. (1981) Establishment and operation of a gauging station. ISO 1100/I (1982) Stage discharge relation. ISO 1100/II. (1983) Errors in velocity area station. TR 7178, (1985) Data for determination of errors. ISO 1088. (in press) Part 1: Assessment of uncertainty in calibration graph. ISO 7066. (in press) Part: Assessment of uncertainty in non-linear calibration. ISO 7066.

139. Isaacs, L.T. (1965) Hydrodynamic forces on surface piercing circular cylinders and flat plates. University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane. MSc Eng Thesis. 140. Jenkins, J.T. (1982) Effects of flow rate on the ecology of aquatic bryophytes. University of Exeter, April 1982. 164pp. Ph.D Thesis. [Including boundary layer and whole plant study, mainly in relation to inorganic carbon uptake. Refs.] 141. Jenkins, J.T. and Proctor, M.C.F. (1985) Water velocity,

growth-form and diffusion resistances to photosynthetic CO{2} uptake in aquatic bryophytes. Plant Cell and Environment 8, 317-323. 142. Jorga, W. and Weise, G. (1978) Biomasseentwicklung submerser Makrophyten in langsam fliessenden Gewässern in Beziehung zum Sauerstoffhaushalt. International Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie 62, 209-234. 143. John, P.H. (1978) Discharge measurement in lower order streams. Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie 63, 731-755. [As title. Refs.] 144. Jumars, P.A. and Nowell, A.R.M. (1984) Fluid and sediment

dynamic effects on marine benthic community structure. American Zoologist 24, 45-55. [Microbial community dynamics and textural roughness.] 145. Koa, D.T.Y. and Barfield, B.J. (1976) Hydraulic resistance of grass media on shallow overland flow. Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute. Research Completion Report, Project (A 049 KY). 146. Kao, D.T.Y. and Barfield, B.J. (1978) Prediction of flow hydraulics for vegetated channels. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 21, 489-494.

147. Kao, D.T., Barfield, B.J., Lyons, A.E. and Austin, E. (1977) Hydraulic resistance of grass media on shallow overland flows. Water Resources Research Institute, Research Report No.RR107 116pp. Office of Water Research and Technology (Lexington, University of Kentucky). (PB-275 219 4ST)

148. Karasev, I.F. (1969) Influence of the banks and flood plain on channel conveyance. Soviet Hydrology, Selected Papers 5, 429-442. 149. Kármàn, T. von. (1934) Turbulence and skin friction. Journal of Aeronautical Science 1, 1-24. 150. Karovicova, M. and Kosorin, K. (1981) Experimental research of flow structure in vegetated channels. Vodohospodársky casopis 29. 309-319. [See Civil Engineering Hydraulic Abstracts 14, 1780 CH 14.] 151. Keller, E.A. (1976) Channelization: environmental

geomorphic and engineering aspects. In: Geomorphology and Engineering (ed. D.R. Coates), 115-140. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross Inc. London. [Refs.] 152. Keller, E.A. (1978) Pools, riffles and channelisation. Environmental Ecology 2, 119-127. 153. Keller, E.A. and Brookes, A. (1984) Consideration of meandering in channelization projects: selected observations and judgements. In: River meandering (ed. C.M. Elliot), Proceedings of the Conference,'Rivers '83,' New Orleans 1983, 384-397. American Society of Civil Engineers, Vicksburg.

154. Kelly, W.E. and Gularte, R.C. (1981) Erosion resistance of cohesive soils. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, American Society of Civil Engineers 107, 1211-1224. 155. Keown, M.P., Oswalt, N.R., Perry, E.B. and Dardeau, E.A. (1977) Literature survey and preliminary evaluation of stream bank protection methods. US Army Engineer Waterways Experimental Station, Hydraulics Laboratory, Vicksburg, Mississippi, Technical Report No. H-77-9, 262pp. [Refs.] 156. Kern-Hansen, U., Holm, T.F., Madsen, B.L., Thyssen, N. and Mikkelsen, J. (1980) Vedligeholdelse af vandlöb.

Miljö-projekter No. 30, Miljöministeriet Copenhagen, 162pp. 41pp. in data supplement. (Additional Technical Report (1984) No. 4 Undersögelser, vedrörende vedligeholdelseof vandlöb, 1979-82.) General study on stream maintenance including hydraulic study on several Jutland streams, water height to plant biomass relationships analysed, predictive element discussed.] 157. Kern-Hansen, U., Holm, T.F., Thyssen N, Mortensen, Hunding, C and Brostrup, V. (1983) Vedligeholdelse og restaurering af vandlöb. Miljöstyrelsens Ferskvandslaboratorium, Silkeborg, 47pp. [Summarises National Agency's views on alternative weed cutting

practices.] 158. King, H.W. and Brater, E.F. (1963) Handbook of hydraulics, 5th.edition. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc. New York, c.350pp.

159. Kinori, B.Z. and Mevorach, J. (1984) Manual of surface drainage engineering II. Stream flow engineering and flood protection. Elsevier, Amsterdam 523pp. [Practical guide to small river engineering and design, includes stream channel morphology, hydrometric measurement, roughness calculation and optimisation for varied flow regimes, bed form variation, sediment transport, flood protection and stream outlet design. Also Vol. I 1970,pp.131-135. Kinori, B.Z. on vegetative lining of channels.] 160. Kite, D. (1980) Getting to the root of river ecology. The Surveyor 10 July, 24-25. [Role of marginal

vegetation as an active form of bank protection to absorb impact of water currents, especially on outer bends ; suggest flood flows be allowed to take mean path of river.] 161. Klassen, G.J. and van der Zwaard, J.J. (1974) Roughness coefficients of vegetated flood plains. Journal of Hydraulic Research 12, 42-63. 162. Knight, D.W. and Macdonald, J.A. (1979) Hydraulic resistance of artificial strip roughness. Journal of Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 105, 675-695. (Discussion: 1980, 106, 1142; 106, 1257; 1981 107, 140.)

163. Knight, D.W. and Hamed, M.E. (1984) Boundary shear in symmetrical compound channels. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 110, 1412-1430. 164. Knutson, P.L. (1977) Designing for bank erosion control with vegetation. Coastal sediments 77, 716-733. 165. Koehl, M.A.R. (1977) Effects of sea anemones on the flow forces they encounter. Journal of Experimental Biology 69, 87-105. 166. Koehl, M.A.R. (1977) Mechanical organization of cantilever-like sessile organisms: sea anemones.

Journal of Experimental Biology 69, 127-142. 167. Koehl, M.A.R. (1982) Mechanical design of spicule-reinforced connective tissue: stiffness. Journal of Experimental Biology 98, 239-267. 168. Koehl, M. A. R. (1982) The interaction of moving water and sessile organisms. Scientific American 247, 110-120. [Interesting introduction and summary.] 169. Koehl, M.A.R. (1984) How do benthic organisms withstand moving water? American Zoologist 24, 57-70. [ Brief review of forces acting upon water plants,

illustrated by reference to large marine algae. Refs.] 170. Kohler, A., Pensel, T. and Zeltner, G.-H. (1980) Veränderungen von Flora und Vegetation in den Fliessgewässern der Friedberger Au (bei Augsberg) zwischen 1972 und 1978. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für

Ökologie (Freising-Weihenstephan 1979),8 343-350. 171. Kolessar, M.A. (1967) Aquatic plants in Maryland - a growing menace. Journal of Waterways and Harbour Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 93, 1-8. 172. Kolkman, P.A. (1984) Vibrations of hydraulic structures. In: Developments in hydraulic engineering 2, (ed. P. Novak), 1-53. Elsevier Applied Science, London. 173. Koloseus, H.J. (1971) Rigid boundary hydraulics for steady flow. In: River mechanics 1, (ed. H.W. Shen),

3-1 to 3-51. 174. Komura, J. (1976) Hydraulics of slope erosion by overland flow. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 102, 1573-1586. (Discussion: 1977 103, 679-680; 103, 1115-1118; 1978, 104, 802-803.) 175. Komura, J. (1977) Hydraulicke odpory stromovych Porastov v inundovanych územiach riek. Vyskumny Ustav Vodneho Hospodarstva 87, 82pp. 176. Komura, J. (1981) Vplyv stromovych porastov na

odvádzanie povodni v inundovanych územiach riek. Vodohospodársky casopis 29, 514-537. 177. Kopecky, K. (1965) Einfluss der Ufer und Wassermakrophyten-Vegetation auf die Morphologie des Flussbettes einiger tschechoslowakischen Flüsse. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 61, 137-160. 178. Kopecky, K. (1969) Klassifikationvorschlag der Vegetationsstandorte an den Ufern der tschechoslowakischen Wasserläufe unter hydrologischen Gesichtspunkten. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 66, 326-347. [Proposal for classification of vegetation habitats from hydrological standpoint.]

179. Kosorin, K. (1977) [On turbulent shear stress and velocity distribution in vegetated streams]. Vodohospodársky casopis 25, 352-356. (In Czech.) 180. Kosorin, K. (1983) Turbulent shear stress and velocity distribution in vegetated zone of open channel. Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, Moscow 1983, V, 572-579. VINITI, Moscow. 181. Kosorin, K. (1981) Struktura prudenia v zarastenej zone otvoreneho koryta. Vodohospodarsky casopis 29, 63-70.

[Flow structure in vegetated zone of open channels.] 182. Kouwen, N. (1970) Flow retardance in vegetated open channels. University of Waterloo. Ph D Thesis. 183. Kouwen, N. and Harrington, R.A. (1974) A criterion for

vegetation stiffness. American Society of Civil Engineers, Symposium on Agricultural and Urban Considerations in Irrigation and Drainage, 273-284. 184. Kouwen, N. and Li, R.M. (1980) Biomechanics of vegetative channel linings. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 106, 1085-1103. 185. Kouwen, N. and Unny, T.E. (1973) Flexible roughness in open channels. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 99, 713-728. (Discussion: 1974, 100, 699-700; closure by

authors: 1975, 101, 194-196.) 186. Kouwen, N., Li, R.M. and Simons, D.B. (1980) Velocity measurements in a channel lined with flexible plastic roughness elements. Department of Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, Technical Report CER 79-80 N K-RML-DBS11. 187. Kouwen, N., Ruh-Ming Lee and Simons, D.B. (1981) Flow resistance in vegetated waterways. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 24, 684-690. 188. Kouwen, N., Unny, T.E. and Hill, H.M. (1969) Flow retardance in vegetated channels. Journal of the

Irrigation and Drainage Division , Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 95, 329-342. (Discussion: 1970, 96, 351-357; 1970, 96, 101; 1971, 97, 321.) 189. Kowobari, T.S., Rice, C.E. and Garton, I.E. (1972) Effect of roughness elements on hydraulic resistance for overland flow. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 15, 979-984. 190. Kruse, E.G., Huntley, C.W. and Robinson, A.R. (1965) Flow resistance in simulated irrigation borders and furrows. Agricultural Research Service, US Department of

Agriculture, Conservation Research Report 3. 191. Ladle, M. and Casey, H. (1971) Growth and nutrient relationships of Ranunculus penicillatus var. calcareus in a small chalk stream. European Weed Research Council, Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Aquatic Weeds, Oxford 1970, 53-63. [Interaction of two plants and sediment accumulation.] 192. Lal, R. and Pandya, A.C. (1971) Flow retardation on irrigated surfaces. Journal of Institution of Civil Engineers of India 51, 159-164. [Experimental work on tall vegetation to partition loss between surface ground

roughness and stem or vegetal roughness.] 193. Lates, M. (1965) Bank and slope protection against wave action by means of grass and water vegetation. Hidrotechnica, Gospodarirea apelor Meterologia, Bucharest, Rumania 10, 304-309.

194. Leitman, H.M., Sohm, J.E. and Franklin, M.A. (1982) Wet-land hydrology and tree distribution of Apalachicola River flood plain, Florida. US Geological Survey, Open-File Report 82-251, 92pp 195. Lejmbach, B. (1977) The influence of flowing water velocity on the structure of underwater phytocenosis. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 22, 355-362. [Upper velocity tolerance limits for typical river plants in Polish streams. Refs.] 196. Leopold, L.B., Bagnold, R.A., Wolman, M.G. and Brush, L.M.

(1960) Flow resistance in sinous or irregular channels. US Geological Survey Professional Paper No. 282-D. 197. Leopold, L.B., Wolman, M.G. and Miller, J.P. (1964) Fluvial processes in geomorphology. Freeman and Co. San Francisco, 522pp. 198. Leutheusser, H.J. and Chisholm, W.O. (1973) Extreme roughness of natural river channels. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 99, 1027-1041. [High Manning roughness coefficient c. 0.2 for overbank flow during a flood, Toronto, Canada.] (Discussion: 1974, 100, 1079-1080; 100, 1484-1487; 1975, 101, 538-539; 101,

1275.) 199. Lewis, G. and Williams, G. (1984) Rivers and wildlife handbook: a guide to practices which further the conservation of wildlife on rivers. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Royal Society for Nature Conservation, Sandy, Beds, 295pp. 200. Lewis, K. (1973) The effect of suspended coal particles on the life forms of the aquatic moss Eurhynchium ripariodes (Hedw.) I. The gametophyte plant. Freshwater Biology 3, 251-257.

201. Lewis, K. (1973) The effect of suspended coal particles on the life forms of the aquatic moss Eurhynchium ripariodes (Hedw.) II. The effect on spore germination and regeneration of apical tips. Freshwater Biology 3, 391-396. 202. Levich, V. (1962) Physico-chemical hydrodynamics. Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 700pp. 203. Leyton, L. (1975) Fluid behaviour in biological systems. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 235pp. 204. Li, R. and Shen, H.W. (1973) Effect of tall vegetation

on flow and sediment. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 9, 793-814. (Discussion: 1974, 100, 255-256; 1974, 100, 495-497; 1974, 100, 1484-1488.) [Tall vegetation, effects of pattern and grouping on flow retardance and sediment yield. Refs.]

205. Limerinos, J.T. (1970) Determination of the Manning coefficient from measured bed roughness in natural channels. US Geological Survey, Water Supply Paper 1898B. 206. Lindner, K. (1982) Der Strömingswiderstand von Pflanzenbeständen, Mitteilungen des Leichtweiss Institit für Wasserbau, Technische Universität, Braunscheig 75, 262pp.[Refs.] 207. Lobban, C.S., Harrison, P.J. and Duncan, M.J. (1985) Water motion. In: The physiological ecology of seaweeds

(eds. C.S. Lobban et al.), 59-74. Cambridge University Press. 208. Lyatkher, V.M. and Gurin, I.N. (1978) [Hydraulic characteristics of flows over a surface covered with herbaceous vegetation.] Vodnye Resursy, No. 3 (1978), 159-168. [Shear stress analysis to give first approximation in calculation of deformation of short vegetation and effect on hydraulic flow parameters. In Russian.Translation of journal available; see Water Resources 5,445-454.] 209. Madsen, T.V. and Warncke, E. (1983) Velocities of currents around and within submerged aquatic vegetation.

Archiv für Hydrobiologie 97, 389-394. [Flow measurement using dissolution rate of sodium chloride pellets.] 210. Madsen, T.V. and Söndergaard, M. (1983) The effect of current velocity on the photosynthesis of Callitriche stagnalis Scop. Aquatic Botany 15, 187-193. 211. Maizels, J.K. and students (1984) A teacher/student commentary on a field test of Manning's roughness coefficient. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 8, 137-150. 212. Manning, R, (1891) On the flow of water in open channels

and pipes. Transactions of the Institute of Civil Engineers of Ireland 20, 161-207. (Also supplementary paper (1895) 24,179-207.) 213. Marati, P. and Adrian, R.J. (1984) Directional sensivity of single and multiple sensor probes. TSI Quarterly 10 (2), 3-11. 214. Markstein, B. and Sukopp, H. (1980) Die Ufervegetation der Berliner Havel 1962-77. Garten und Landschaft, 1/80, 30-36. 215. Marshall, E.J.P. and Westlake,D.F. (1978) Recent

studies on the role of aquatic macrophytes in their ecosystem, European Weed Research Society, 5th Symposium on Aquatic Weeds, Amsterdam, 1978, 43-51. 216. Marshall, E.J.P. and Westlake, D.F. (in press) Water velocities around water plants in chalk streams. In:

Proceedings First International Workshop on Aquatic Plants, Illmitz, 1981 (ed. L. Hammer). Cramer, Braunschweig. 217. McWhorter, J.C., Carpenter, T.B. and Clark, R.W. (1968) Hydraulic characteristics of channels with artificial liners. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 68, 207. 218. Miers, R.H. (1979) Land drainage - its problems and solutions. Journal of the Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists 33, 547-579. [General review, with European examples.]

219. Miles, W.D. (1976) Land drainage and weed control. British Crop Protection Council, Symposium on Aquatic Herbicides, Oxford 1976, Monograph 16, 7-13. 220. Miller, A.C. and Barko, J.W. (in press) The introduction of Hydrilla in the Potamac River. Report of the US Army Waterways Experimental Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 221. Ming, Li, R. and Shen, H.W. (1973) Effect of tall vegetations on flow and sediment. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 99, 793-814 (Discussion: 1973, 99, 793-814; 1974, 100, 255-256; 1974, 100, 495-497; 1974.

100, 1484.) 222. Mitchell, D.S. (1974) Aquatic vegetataion and its use and control. UNESCO, Paris, 135pp. 223. Murota, A., Fukuhara, T. and Sato, M. (1984) Turbulence structure in vegetated open channel flows. Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering 2, 47-61. 224. Murphy, K. J. and Eaton, J.W. (1982) Tne management of aquatic plants in a navigable canal system used for amenity and recreation. European Weed Research Society, Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Aquatic Weeds, Novi

Sad, 1982, 141-151. 225. Myers, R.C. and Elsawy, E.M. (1975) Boundary shear in channel with flood plain. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 101, 933-946. (Discussion: 1974, 102, 542; 102, 802; 102, 1769.) 226. Myers, W.R.C. (1982) Flow resistance in wide rectangular channels. Journal of Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 108, 471-482. 227. Newcombe, C.L., Morris, J.H., Knutson, P.L. and Gorbico, C.S.

(1979) Bank erosion control with vegetation, San Fransisco Bay, California. US Corps of Engineers, Miscellaneous Report No. 79-2, 33pp. 228. Nnaji, S. and Wu, I.P. (1973) Flow resistance from cylindrical roughness. Journal of the Irrigation and

Drainage Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 99, 15-26. (Discussion: 1974, 100, 390-393.) 229. Novak, P. (1981) Communication on variation of Manning's 'n' roughness coefficient with flow in open river channels. Journal of the Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists 35, 94-95. 230. Obendorf, K. (1978) Abflussverhalten offener Gerinne unter besonderer Berücksichtigung lebender Bauelemente, 131pp. Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule, Aachen. Dissertation. [Discharge regime of open

channels taking vegetation into account.] 231. Obendorf, K. (1978) Rauhigkeitsverhalten und Ermittlung von Rauhigkeitsbeiwerten beim naturnahen Ausbau der Gewässer. Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule, Aachen 25, 49-202. [Roughness behaviour and determination of roughness parameters in river regulation with natural revegetation.] 232. Onkawa, H. and Ohkuma, T. (1978) Effects of aquatic weeds with long leaves on flow and turbulence in open channels. Proceedings 22nd Japanese Conference on Hydraulics, 1978, 43-48. [In Japanese - not read.]

233. Oksiyuk, O.P., Merezhko, A.I. and Volkova, T.F. (1978) [Use of higher aquatic vegetation for improving water quality and stabilizing canal banks.] Water Resources 5, 556-562. [As title; read in translation from Ukranian.] 234. Onslow, C. (1982) Some effects of seasonal river weed and its removal, upon river flow characteristics, 163pp. Department of Geography, Birmingham. B.A. Diss. [Manning's 'n' roughness coefficients up to 0.4 at maximum to 0.05-0.1 after weed cuts for R. Mimram, Herts, U.K. Analysis of float movement around plant stands.]

235. Omerod, S. (1977) A study of vegetative linings for earth channels and waterways, 76pp. B Sc Special Study Report. National College of Agricultural Engineering, Silsoe. [A demonstration that shows that U.S. design classifications for grasses are not always applicable in U.K.] 236. Osborne, N.F. (1976) Hydraulic characteristics of weeds in watercourses, 41pp. National College of Agricultural Engineering, Silsoe, B Sc Special Study Report. [Field determinations of Manning's 'n' to c. 0.1 for R. Ousel, experimental determinations of 'n' for

artificial short flexible vegetation.] 237. Palmer, V.J. (1945) A method for designing vegetated waterways. Agricultural Engineering 26, 515-520. 238. Palmer, V.J. (1946) Retardance coefficients for low flow

in channels lined with vegetation. Transactions. American Geophysical Union 27, 187-197. [Low flow studies on grass lined channels, tall vegetation, no submergence of plants.] 239. Palmer, V.J. and Law, W.P. (1947; revised 1954) Handbook of channel design for soil and water conservation. US Soil Conservation Service Technical Paper 61, 187-197. Stillwater Outdoor Hydraulic Laboratory, Stillwater, Oklahoma, US Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, Washington DC. 240. Parker, G. and Anderson, A.G. (1977) Basic principles

of river hydraulics. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 103, 1077-1087. (Discussion: 1978, 103, 941-942; 103. 1113-1115; 103, 1202; 1979, 104, 158.) 241. Parsons, D.A. (1963) Vegetative control of streambank erosion. Agricultural Research Service, Jackson, Mississppi, Proceedings Federal Inter-Agency Sedimentation Conference, Miscellaneous Publications No. 970, paper 20, 130-136. 242. Pasche, E., Evers, P. and Rouvé, G. (1983) Investigations on hydraulic effects of vegetated floodplains in compound cross-sections and their influence

on discharge capacity. Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Association of Hydraulic Research, Moscow 1983, V, 489-497. VINITI, Moscow. 243. Pepper, A.T. (1971) Investigation of vegetation and bend flow retardation of a stretch of the River Ousel, 64pp. National College of Agricultural Engineering, Silsoe. B Sc Dissertation. [Determination of Manning's 'n' for artificial short flexible vegetation at different stand densities.] 244. Pepper, A.T. and Waterhouse, J. (1971) A teaching project in agricultural engineering relating channel

roughness to vegetation. Education in Fluid Mechanics (Armfield Engineering Journal) 7, 11-13. [As Pepper 1971.] 245. Peter, P. (ed.) (1982) Canals and river levées, Developments in Geotechnical Engineering 29. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 540pp. 246. Petryk, S. (1969) Drag on cylinders in open channel flow. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Ph D Thesis. 247. Petryk, S. and Bosmajian, G. (1975) Analysis of flow

through vegetation. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 101, 871-884. [Qualitative procedure for predicting Manning roughness for rivers with broad vegetated flood plains, ditches with tall vegetation and densely vegetated canals.]

248. Petryk, S. and Grant, E.U. (1978) Critical flow in rivers with flood plains. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 104, 583-594. (Discussions: 1978, 105, 287; 105, 433.) 249. Petts, G.E. (1984) Impounded rivers. Perspectives for ecological management. Wiley, Chichester, 344pp. [See pp.138-9.] 250. Phelps, H.O. (1970) The friction coefficient for shallow flows over a simulated turf surface. Water Resources Research 6, 1220-1226.

251. Phelps, H.O. (1975) Friction coefficients for laminar sheet flow over rough surfaces. Proceedings Institution of Civil Engineers 59, 21-41. 252. Phelps, H.O. (1975) Shallow laminar flows over rough granular surfaces. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 101, 367-384. 253. Pickels, G.W. (1931) Runoff investigations in central Illinois. University of Illinois Engineering Department Experimental Station Bulletin 232.

254. Pitlo, R.H. (1978) Regulation of aquatic vegetation by interception of daylight. European Weed Research Society, Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Aquatic Weeds, Amsterdam 1978, 91-100. [Vegetative roughness.] 255. Pitlo, R.H. (1979) Biologisch slootonderhoud met behulp van drijvende vegetaties. Waterschapsbelangen 13, 283-290. 256. Pitlo, R.H. (1982) Flow resistance of aquatic vegetation. European Weed Research Society, Proceedings 6th Symposium on Aquatic Weeds, Novi Sad, 1982, 255-234.

[Seasonal flow resistance of Nuphar spp., Nymphaea alba and Potamogeton natans in large outdoor experimental channels.] 257. Pitlo, R.H. and Dawson, F.H. (in press) The flow resistance of aquatic vegetation. In: Aquatic weeds (eds A.H. Pieterse and K.J. Murphy). Oxford University Press. 258. Podmore, T.H. and Huggins, L.F. (1980) Surface roughness effects on overland flow. Transactions of the American Society Agricultural Engineers 23, 1434-1439 and 1445.

259. Powell, K.E.C. (1972) The roughness characteristics of the reach of the River Bain at Fulsby Lock. Lincolnshire River Authority, Report of the Hydrological Section, 25pp. [Seaonal change of Manning roughness in a vegetated lowland river, U.K. ranging from 0.02-0.04 in winter to 0.06 at maximum in summer.]

260. Powell, K.E.C. (1978) Weed growth - a factor in channel roughness. In: Hydrometry. Principles and practices, (ed R.W. Herschy), 327-352. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester. 261. Prandtl, L. (1904) Über Flüssigkeitsbewegung bei sehr kleiner Reibung. Verhandlung III Internationaler Mathematische Kongress, Heidelberg 1904. 262. Prandtl, L. (1965) Führer durch die Strömungslehre(6th ed.) (eds K. Oswatitsch and K. Weighardt). Vieweg, Braunschweig, 523pp.

263. Prantle, R. (1956) Aufstau und Verkrautung. Wasser und Boden 3, 78-80. 264. Rabeni, C.F. and Minshall, G.W. (1977) Factors affecting microdistribution of stream benthic insects. Oikos 29, 33-43. 265. Rákóczi, L. (1983) Effects of vegetation on flow conditions in shallow reservoirs. Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, Moscow 1983, II, 35-43. VINITI, Moscow. 266. Ramser, C.E. (1929) Flow of water in drainage channels.

US Department of Agriculture, Technical Bulletin No. 129. 102pp. [Supersedes Departmental Bulletin 832. Experimental results of widescale determinations of roughness coefficients, on Kutters 'n' with much basic data and cross-sections. See abstract in Chow 1981.] 267. Raupach, M.R. and Thom, A.S. (1981) Turbulence in and above plant canopies. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 13, 97-129. [Short flexible vegetation in air for comparison of analysis.] 268. Ree, W.O. (1939) Some experiments on shallow flows over a grassed slope. Transactions. American Geophysical

Union 4, 653-656. 269. Ree, W.O. (1941) Hydraulic tests of Kudzu as a conservation channel lining. Agricultural Engineering 22, 27-29. 270. Ree, W.O. (1949) Hydraulic characteristics of vegetation for vegatated waterways. Agricultural Engineering 30, 184-9. 271. Ree, W.O. (1958) Retardation coefficients for row crops in diversion terraces. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 1, 78-80.

272. Ree, W.O. (1960) The establishment of vegetation lined waterways. Department of Landscape Architecture, Ohio State University, 19th Short Course on Roadside Development, 54-65.

273. Ree, W.O. and Crow, F.R. (1977) Friction factors for vegetated waterways of small slope. US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Publication S-151, 56pp. 274. Ree, W.O. and Palmer, V.J. (1949) Flow of water in channels protected by vegetative linings. US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service Technical Bulletin No. 967, 115pp. [Broad experimental work to determine permissible water velocities in vegetation lined channels for disposal of excess water in farmlands, mainly grasses, short flexible and tall vegetation. Refs.]

275. Ree, W.O., Winberley, F.L. and Crow, F.R. (1977) Manning 'n' and the overland flow equation. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 20, 89-95. 276. Rehkugler, G.E. and Buchele, W.F. (1969) Biomechanics of forage watering. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 12, 1-8. 277. Richards, G. and Hollis, G.E. (1980) Relationship of the roughness coefficient Manning's 'n' and discharge in an urban river. Journal of the Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists 34, 357-360. (Responses and reply, idid. pp. 452-3.)

278. Roberson, J.A. (1961) Surface resistance as a function of the concentration and size distribution of roughness elements. University of Iowa, Iowa City. Ph D Thesis. 279. Robertson, J.A. (1968) Surface resistance of plane boundaries roughened with discrete geometric shapes. Washington State University, College of Engineering Research Division, Bulletin No. 308. 280. Robson, T.O. (1968) The control of aquatic weeds. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Bulletin No. 194, 54pp.

281. Rouse, H. (ed.) (1965) Engineering hydraulics. John Wiley and Sons Inc. New York, 984pp. [Surface, boundary layer and form resistance, flood routing and channel stabilisation.] 282. Rouse, H. (1965) Critical analysis of open-channel resistance. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 91, (July) 1-25. (Discussion: 1965, 91 (Nov), 247; 1966, 92 (March), 387; 91 July, 154.) 283. Rutherford, J.C. (1977) Modeling effects of aquatic

plants in rivers. Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, 575-591. 284. Sargent, R.J. (1979) Variation of Manning's 'n' roughness coefficient with flow in open river channels.

Journal of the Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists 33, 290-294. [Manning roughness for several unvegetated rivers, asymptotic values obtained as bank full discharge is approached.] 285. Sayre, W.W. and Albertson, M.L. (1961) Roughness spacing in rigid open channels. Journal of the Hydraulic Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 87, 121-150. (Discussion: 1961, 87, 249-270; 1962, 88, 97-107; 88, 249-264.) 286. Schenk, E. (1965) Die Ermittlung eines objectiven Verkrautungs und Entkrautungs Factoren für die Flussläufe.

Deutsche gewässerkundliche Mitteilungen, 9, 101-110. 287. Schlichting, H. (1979) Boundary layer theory, (7th edition). McGraw-Hill Co. New York, 817pp. 288. Schmitz, W. (1961) Fliessgewässerforschung: Hydrographie und Botanie. Verhandlungen der internationale Vereiningung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie 14, 541-586. 289. Schneider, V.R. and Druffel, L.A. (1975) Computing backwater and discharge at width constrictions in wide, heavily-vegetated flood plains. Modern Developments in Hydrometry: Proceedings of an International Seminar, Padua 1975, II, 83-93. World

Meteorological Association, Geneva. (Also, 1977, US Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations 76-129, 64pp..) 290. Scobey, F.C. (1939) The flow of water in irrigation and similar channels. US Department of Agriculture, Technical Bulletin No. 652, 79pp. 291. Sculthorpe, C.C. (1967) The biology of aquatic plants. Arnold, London, 610pp. 292. Seginer, I., Mulhearn, P.J., Bradley, E.F. and Finnigan, J.J. (1976) Turbulent flow in a model plant canopy.

Boundary-Layer Meteorology 10, 423-453. [Turbulent flow in air, short flexible vegetation, for comparison.] 293. Seginer, I. and Mulhearn,P.J. (1978) A note on vertical coherence of streamwise turbulence inside and above a model plant canopy. Boundary Layer Meteorology 14, 515-523. 294. Severn, F.R. (1982) The conflict between land drainage and habitat conservation: the effects of watercourse vegetation on channel capacity, 119pp. Centre for Environmental Technology, Imperial College of Science and Technology, M Sc Report. [On the case for watercourses as a multipurpose resource, some Manning roughnesses.]

295. Shapiro, A.H. (1961) Shape and flow: The fluid dynamics of drag. Heinemann, London, 187pp. 296. Sharp, W.C. (1970) 10 year report on sloping techniques used to stabilize eroding tidal river banks. Shore and

Beach 38, 31-35. 297. Shen, Hseih Wen (1972) Flow resistance over short simulated vegetation and various tall simulated vegetation groupings on flow resistance and sediment yield. In: Environmental impact on rivers. (ed.H.W. Shen), 3-1 to 3-51. Colorado State University, Fort Collins. [Discussion of rigid and flexible roughness elements, single and multiple cylinders, drag coefficient, wakes and their interaction. Refs.] 298. Shen, Hseih Wen (1972) Sedimentation and contaminant criteria for watershed planning and management.

Completion Report O.W.R.R. Project B-014-COLO. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado (PB211-6651). 299. Seibert, P. (1968) Importance of natural vegetation for the protection of the banks of streams, rivers and canals. Council of Europe, Nature and Environment Series, Munich, 35-67. 300. Silvester, N.R. and Sleigh, M.A. (1985) The forces on microrganisms at surfaces in flowing water. Freshwater Biology 15, 433-448. 301. Simons, D.B. and Richardson, E.V. (1962) The effect of

bed roughness on depth-discharge relations in alluvial channels. US Geological Survey, Water-Supply Paper No. 1498-E, 26pp. 302. Simons, D.B. and Richardson, E.V. (1966) Resistance to flow in alluvial channels. US Geological Survey, Professional Paper No. 422-J. 303. Sirjola, E. (1969) Aquatic vegetation of the River Teuronjoki, South Finland and its relation to water velocity. Annales botanici Societatis zoologicae-botanicae fennicae Vanamo 6, 68-75.

304. Smith, I.R. (1975) The effect of aquatic weeds on water flow - a working paper to be used in consideration of a proposed project. Agricultural Research Council, Weed Research Organisation, Internal Report, 27pp. [Outline of the hydraulic effects of vegetation in watercourses, weed removal and future research proposals.] 305. Smith, R. (1975) Turbulence in lakes and rivers. Scientific Publications of the Freshwater Biological Association No. 29, 79pp. 306. Sokolov, Yu. N. (1982) Determination of the hydraulic roughness of a vegetated flood plain. Hydrotechnical

Construction 16, 96-100. 307. Song, C.C.S and Yang, C.T. (1980) Minimum stream power: Theory. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 106, 1477-1487.

308. Soulsby, P.G. (1974) The effect of a heavy cut and the subsequent regrowth of aquatic plants in a Hampshire chalk stream. Journal of the Institute of Fisheries Management 5, 49-53. 309. Sperling, W. (1938) Evaluation of flow measurement, particularly with allowance for ice conditions and weed growth. Baltic States Sixth Hydrological Conference, Germany 1938. 310. Spillett, P.B. (1981) The use of groynes and deflectors in river management. Association of Applied

Biologists, Proceedings of the Conference on Aquatic Weeds and Their Control, 1981, Oxford 189-198. [Use of groynes to alter velocities and weed beds and to improve fish carrying capacity.] 311. Sridharan, K. and Kumar, M.S.M. (1981) Parametric study of floodwave propagation. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 107, 1061-1076. (Dicussion: 1982, 108, 469; 108, 973.) [Flood waves in relation to passage of water and channel design possibilities.] 312. Starosolszky, Oe. (1983) The role of reeds in the shaping of currents. Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the

International Association of Hydraulic Research Moscow V, 498-509. VINITI, Moscow. 313. Statzner, B. (1981) The relation between "hydraulic stress" and microdistribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in a lowland running water system, the Schierenseebrooks (N. Germany). Archiv für Hydrobiologie 91, 192-218. [As title.] 314. Stephens, J.C. (1950) Flow of water in drainage channels. US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservtion Service, Annual Report, Everglades Project, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 1949-1950.

315. Stephens, J.C., Blackburn, R.D., Seaman, D.E. and Weldon, L.W. (1963) Flow retardance by channel weeds and their control. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 89 (June), 31-53. (Discussion: 1963, 89 (Dec.), 65; 1964, 90 (June), 111.) [Flow retardance in channels of varying size, Manning roughness of floating and submerged plants up to 1.5 for small heavily infested channels.] 316. Task Force on Friction Factors in Open Channels (1963). Friction factors in open channels. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society

of Civil Engineers 89, 97-143. 317. Stephenson, D. (1981) Storm water hydrology and drainage. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 423pp. [Chapters on stormwater channels, probability risk and flow theory.]

318. Sternberg, R.W. (1968) Frictional factors in tidal channels with differing bed roughness. Marine Geology 6, 243-260. 319. Stevens, G.T., Meuller, D.S. and Strauser, C.N. (1983) A new approach to the elusive Manning's 'n'. In: River meandering, (ed C.M. Elliot), Proceedings of the Conference, 'Rivers 83', New Orleans 1983, 586-597. American Society of Civil Engineers, Vicksburg. 320. Sukopp, H. and Kunich, W. (1969) Die Ufervegetation der Berliner Havel. Natur und Landschaft (Basel) 44, 287-292.

321. Sukopp, H. (1973) Conservation of wetlands in central Europe. Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii 20, 223-228. [Details of fence for reed beds to reduce wave action, etc.] 322. Taube, C.M. (1967) Stabilization of an eroded river bank. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 22, 6-7. 323. Temple, D.M. (1980) Tractive force design of vegetated channels. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 23, 884-904. 324. Thompson, G.T. (1974) A theory of flow resistance for vegetated channels. Washington State University,

Pullmann. Ph D Thesis. 325. Thompson, G.T. and Robertson, J.A. (1976) A theory of flow resistance for vegetated channels. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 19, 288-293. [As title, for short and tall vegetation.] 326. Tönsman, F. and Mockenhaupt, L. (1981) Einfluss von Pflanzformen an Ufern und Vorländern auf die Wasserspiegellagen bei Hochwasser. Wasser und Boden 33(2), 72-76. 327. Tollner, E.W., Barfield, B.J. and Hayes, J.C. (1982)

Sedimentology of erect vegetal filters. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 108, 1518-1531. [Experimental data and analysis of sedimentation by vegetation, tall erect vegetation. Refs.] 328. Turner, A.K. and Chanmeesri, N. (1984) Shallow flow of water through non-submerged vegetation. Agricultural Water Management 8, 375-385. 329. Turner, A.K., Langford, K.J., Win, M. and Clift, T.R. (1978) Discharge-depth equation for shallow flow. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division,Proceedings of the

American Society of Civil Engineers 104, 95-110. 330. Urk, A. van (1981) Hydraulische ruwheid grasland in uiterwaarden. Directorate Waterhuishoudelijk en Waterbeweging, Dist. Zuidoost Arnhem 1981, Nota WWZO 81.21, 47pp.

331. Urk, A. van (1983) Weerstand begroeiingen in uiterwaarden. Directorate Waterhuishoudelisk en Waterbeweging, Dist. Zuidoost Arnhem 1981, Nota WWZO 83.11, 91pp. 332. US Soil Conservation Service. (1947; revised 1954) Handbook of channel design for soil and water conservation, US Soil Conservation Service Technical Paper 61, 187-197. Stillwater Outdoor Hydraulic Laboratory, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 1954, 34pp. 333. Vennard, J.K. (1961) Elementary fluid mechanics. J.

Wiley and Sons, London, 570pp. 334. Vogel, S. (1981) Life in moving fluids. The physical biology of flow. Willard Grant Press, Boston, MA., 368pp. 335. Vogel, S. (1984) Drag and flexibility in sessile organisms. American Zoologist 24, 37-44. [Brief review for marine organisms.] 336. Wade, P.M. and Edwards, R.W. (1980) The effect of channel maintenance on the aquatic macrophytes of the drainage channels in the Monmouthshire Levels, South Wales, 1840-1976. Aquatic Botany 8, 307-322.

337. Wakhlu, O.N. (1973) Obtaining overland flow resistance by optimisation. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 99, 274-277. 338. Water Space Amenity Commission (1984) Conservation and land drainage guidelines, 2nd ed., 121pp. Water Space Amenity Commission, London. [See also 1st ed. 1980 and Conservation and Land Drainage Working Party Report, WSAC London 1980, 27pp.] 339. Watson, D. (1982) River channel roughness. Department of Geography, University of Southampton.

Discussion Paper No. 17, 57pp. [Manning hydraulic roughness of some lowland vegetative streams for different weed management regimes. Refs.] 340. Weisbach, T. (1850) Lehrbuch dur Ingeniew-und Maschinen-Mechanik. Braunschweig, Germany. 341. Werkgroep Afvoerberekeningen (1982) Richtlynen voor het berekenen van afwateringsstelsels in landetyke gebieden. Sectie en Studiekring voor Cultuurtechniek, 155pp. 342. Wessles, W.P.J. and Strelkof, T. (1968) Established surge on an impervious vegetated bed. Journal of

Irrigation and Drainage Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 94, 1-22. (Discussion: 1969, 95, 231-237; 1969, 95, 587-588.) 343. Westlake, D.F. (1960) Waterweed and water management. Journal of the Institute of Public Health Engineers 59,

148-164. 344. Westlake, D.F. (1967) Some effects of low velocity currents on the metabolism of aquatic macrophytes. Journal of Experimental Biology 18, 187-205. 345. Westlake, D.F. (1968) The biology of aquatic weeds in relation to their management. British Crop Protection Council, Proceedings of the 9th British Weed Control Conference, Brighton, 1968. 372-379. 346. White, F.M. (1974) Viscous fluid flow. McGraw Hill, New York, 640pp.

347. Whitehead, E., Schiele, M. and Bull,W. (1976) A guide to the use of grass in hydraulic engineering practice. Construction Industry Research and Information Association, Technical Note No. 71, London, 117pp. 348. Williams, C.C. (1910) Notes on the flow of water in irrigation ditches. University of Colorado Studies, Boulder, Colorado 7, 237-247. [Variety of situations up to partly vegetated irrigation channels of Manning roughness to 0.06.] 349. Wilson, K.V. (1973) Changes in flood flow

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roughness and shear strength of bed and banks.] ADDENDUM

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Technical Note OD/TN 12. Pasche, E. and Rouve, G. (1985) Overbank flow with vegetatively roughened flood plains. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 111, 1262-1278.

Ree, W.O. (1985) Retardation coeficients for row crops in diversion terraces. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 1, 78-80. Reiter, M.A. and Carlson, R.E. (1986) Current velocity in streams and species composition of benthic algal mats. Canadian Journal of Fish and Aquatic Science 43, 1156-1162. Robson, T.O. (1985) Aquatic weeds in Egypt: review of current problems. Hydraulics Research Ltd, Wallingford, U.K. Technical Note OD/TN 14.

Shen, H.W. (1979) Chapter 1. Introduction, flow resistance, sediment transport. In: Modeling of rivers (ed. H.W. Shen), 1-30. Wiley Interscience, New York. Song, C.C.S. and Yang, C.T. (1979) Velocity profiles and minimum stream power. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 105, 981-998. Statzner, B. and Higler, B. (1986) Stream hydraulics as a major determinant of benthic invertebrate zonation patterns. Freshwater Biology,16, 27-139.

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