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ROTO AUTUMN 2015web - Rotary District 1210

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Rotary Magazine for District 1210

2 Autumn 2015

After two and a half years oftraining and preparation thatgrew in intensity, the currentDistrict Governor's year hasfinally got under way. It's provingto be very demanding and busybut I have to say I'm enjoyingevery minute of it. Thatenjoyment comes from theunfailing goodwill, fellowship,hospitality and wonderfulwelcome I'm experiencingwherever I go to clubs andevents throughout our District. Abig thank you to all of you formaking my job so easy andrewarding!

With the wonderful projectsI'm hearing about and visiting,truly, the clubs in District 1210are being a Gift To The World.

The year has started with thegreat news that Nigeria, aprevious hotbed of polio, hasgone a whole year without asingle new case. We are veryclose to getting the job done,with just a few new cases inAfghanistan and Pakistan only,and at the InternationalConvention we heard DoctorHamid Jafari, the World HealthOrganisation's Director of theElimination Campaign say 'wecould now be talking aboutmonths, rather than years.'

It's pleasing to be able toreport that just in the 4 weeksthat have started the new Rotaryyear, I've been able to write 13letters of welcome to newRotarians at Etruria, ChurchStretton, Ludlow, Newport,Wednesbury and Shrewsbury.Additionally, there are some verypositive initiatives in progress atseveral clubs in recruitingCorporate Members.

Membership Developmentand Retention Chair PDG TrevorDavies has formed a 'think tank'

within the Membership ServicesCommittee chaired by HowardLeese, to share best practiceand ideas about recruitment.They welcome new members tothat group and would like to hearany ideas and thoughts on thisvital topic, which is theresponsibility of all of us.

It is a great pleasure towelcome RIBI President PeterDavey and Sandra to ourDistrict. Peter is proving to be anextremely capable and likeableleader of Rotary in Great Britainand Ireland, and I know you willenjoy meeting and chatting withhim. We are showing him anumber of the wonderful projectsand Fellowship that our clubsprovide. He will be meeting themembers of our pioneering andunique Vocational StudyExchange project at the DistrictCouncil Meeting on September7th.

The re-organised DistrictSports seem to have got off to agood start. The feedback I'mgetting is that you are allenjoying the friendly rivalry andfellowship that these provide.

The year has got off to a greatstart in Service and Fellowship,and now we're looking forward tothe District Conference over theweekend of September 25th /27th., when we have a stunningline up of inspirational andfamous speakers together withsuperb entertainment, includingperformances and presentationsfrom some of our talentedyoungsters, in keeping with thetheme 'Young At Heart.'

I look forward to seeing youthere.Enjoy your Rotary!

DG RichardDistrict Governor

Thoughts fromThe DistrictGovernorHello Everyone,

FRONT COVERDG Richard Green enjoys the company of BBC TV Presenter

Jules Hudson (‘CountryFile' and 'Escape To The Country’) at theRotary Club of Ludlow's Dog Day.

Front Cover Photo Courtesy of Anna Photography,Codsall, Wolverhampton, Tel: 07742 966012.



The three Rotary clubs which meet in Shrewsbury are organising aMilitary Charity Dinner. The event, on September 18, will be atShrewsbury Town Football Club. Speaker is Lt Col Mark Foster, aconsultant hand and plastic surgeon from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital,Birmingham. There will also be entertainment by the Military WivesChoir. The dinner will be hosted by the three Rotary clubs which meetin Shrewsbury and tickets at £35 each are available from Rotarian ColinSharp 07817 270694 or email [email protected]

Making a Difference in theCommunity, whilst having

Fun and FellowshipDistrict Governor Nominee

Carol Reilly would like to say ahuge THANK YOU to all theClubs who took part in the HealthAwareness Day Programme forthe Rotary Year 2014/2015.

Twenty eight events took place,with thirty seven Clubs takingpart. 2893 people were seen. Thehealth checks on offer includedblood pressure and blood glucosetesting; pulse checks; height and

weight with Body Mass Index(BMI) calculations and life styleadvice. The anonymised data hasnow been presented to TheStroke Association for analysis,once complete a report will bewritten for District 1210.

Thank you also to all theorganisations and healthprofessionals who join us in thisprogramme, we could not do itwithout you all.

Autumn 2015 3

Rotary Magazine for District 1210

Members and Partners of theRotary Club of Stoke-on-TrentSouth visited Midlands AirAmbulance at RAF Air Base on1st June 2015 to present acheque for £500 to this veryworthy organisation/charity. Thiswas President David's nominatedcharity this year. He is seenpresenting the cheque toMidlands Air Ambulance official Jo

Bailey at their Heli Port baseCosford.

After the presentation,Members and their ladies visitedRAF Cosford Museum followedby lunch. The Museum visit is tobe recommended.

Many thanks Lynne for yourcontinuing interest & support inour Club activities.

RC of Stoke-on-Trent SouthVisit to Midlands Air Ambulance

President David PresentingCheque to Jo Bailey

RAF exhibit



From the left, retiring President of the Rotary Club of ShrewsburyPeter Waller, Neil Davies, Edward Rees, (front, sitting) Mrs

Gráinne Walters and Andrew Evans

The Rotary Club of Shrewsburywelcomed four new members atits meeting on 1st July 2015 as aresult of an innovative CorporateMembership of Rotary by LanyonBowdler, solicitors of AbbeyForegate, Shrewsbury.

The new members are MrAndrew Evans, Senior Partner,Mr Edward Rees, Partner, MrsGráinne Walters, Partner, and MrNeil Davies, Associate at LanyonBowdler. The four were inductedinto Rotary by ShrewsburyPresident Peter Waller who said:“It is a great pleasure to be ableto strengthen our numbers in thisway and I’m sure our newmembers will enjoy assisting ourvoluntary work while taking part inthe many social aspects of ourclub.” Mr Andrew Evans of

Lanyon Bowdler said: “We arepleased to be able to re-establishour association with the RotaryClub of Shrewsbury throughcorporate membership. We havea strong corporate socialresponsibility programme whichenables us to give somethingback to our local communities.”

District Governor of Rotary forthe area, Richard Green, said: “Itis a particular pleasure towelcome Lanyon Bowdler asCorporate Members to the familyof Rotary in Shrewsbury to addconsiderable strength to ourefforts. I know that LanyonBowdler, our newest corporatemembers, will be able to make agreat contribution by theirexpertise and knowledge. We aredelighted to have them on board”

108 teams take part inUttoxeter Rotary’s Junior 5-a-Side Football Competition

The annual Uttoxeter RotaryJunior 5-a-Side FootballCompetition took place onSunday 5th July at the JCBSports Complex at Rocester. Thisyear it was an even bigger eventwith108 teams taking part in 9age groups from Under 7s toUnder 15s.

Over 1500 players andspectators enjoyed good weather,great facilities, tasty refreshmentsprovided by Uttoxeter Rotary andInner Wheel Clubs but above all,250 individual games of football.

The Under 7’s to Under 9teams played 4 games each butfor each of the older age groupsthere was also a final play-offgame.

Trophies and medals for thefinalists were handed out byRotary President Dave Brown.

This was the eighth year of thisannual event which has becomea real favourite with thecompeting teams and is attractingparticipants from a wide area.Over £7000 was rased.

25 is a very special number forthe Rotary Club of Brewood &District as we are celebrating our25th Charter this year.

We are marking this milestonewith a celebration dinner on 18thSeptember at the LindensTettenhall Rd Wolverhampton; wehope to be supported by acontingent of Rotarians from allover the district on this auspiciousformal occasion.

All of our events for this Rotaryyear will have a “25” themerunning through them.

At Brewood we seem to relishhard work, and this year will be noexception. Our annual V-Festivaltent collecting will take place asusual in late August; we hope thatmost clubs in the District willsupport us as usual. With thesupport of our new fledgling

Satellite Club, we know that ourChristmas expeditions and eventswill be grander than usual.

Malcolm Lockey has beeninducted as our new Presidentand we are hoping that his pastexperience with Rotary and hisprevious high office in 41 Club willhold him in good stead; hisinspiration and experience isalready reaping rewards.

Social media is playing an everincreasing role in communicatingwith the local community; we nowhave 390 “friends” which areincreasing daily.

Strange isn’t it…..we have justhad the hottest day of the year butwe are already starting to discussand organise ourWinter/Christmas events….butthat is Rotary!


Rotary Magazine for District 1210

4 Autumn 2015


WOW!!! 31 Schools andColleges sponsored by 12 RotaryClubs entered this year’s DistrictYoung Photographer Competition.

WOW!!!This meant over 150

photographs were judged and thiswas only the tip of the iceberg asclubs were limited as to howmany photographs they couldenter into the District final fromtheir own competitions.

WOW!!!What a venue. Thank you to the

Ironbridge Gorge Museum whodid us proud. Their Museum ofIron at Coalbrookdale was a fittingvenue for the competition withtheir historic surroundings givingan ambiance to our visualphotographic artistry.

And a further WOW as morethan 150 parents, friends and

young people crammed into thehall meaning the Rotary club ofIronbridge, our hosts for theevening, did a roaring trade ondrinks. Thanks to Ironbridge, youdid us proud.

The District YoungPhotographer competition looksto be a District wide event so nextyear we look forward to moving toDenstone College where theRotary Club of Uttoxeter will beour hosts.

We must never decry ouryoung people, for the talent onshow at our various Youth ServiceCompetitions gives an indicationof what lies in store if we nurtureit and I am proud that the YoungPhotographer competition playsits part in doing just this.

Roger Whittaker - DistrictYoung Photographer Coordinator

The Rotary Club of Shrewsburystaged two Charity Bike Rides onFather’s Day, 21 June 2015, insupport of RGBI’s ProstateCancer Awareness initiative.

Riders had a choice of a 20 KmRoad Ride or a 1 Km StadiumRide. Rotary President PeterWaller and Shrewsbury MayorCllr. Miles Kenny launched theparticipants from the SundorneSports Village including keencyclists from the Mid-Shropshire

Wheelers Club. Shrewsbury InnerWheel President Sue Henshawalso took part together with two ofher grand-children but supportfrom the wider community wassomewhat lacking possibly due tothe town’s annual half-marathonon the same day. FoundationCommittee Chair, Ivan Warren,and his team ensured that allwent smoothly and afterwardsalso had the task of collecting insponsorships.


Rtn Ivan Warren (extreme left) with Shrewsbury President PeterWaller (centre left) and Mayor Cllr Miles Kenny (centre right)

together with some of the sponsored cyclists.

Summer Ball Success -RC of Stafford CastleA staggering £10000+ was raised for Katherine House Hospice and

local charities at the club’s summer ball. Dinner was followed by anauction, tombola and raffle. Finally party goers danced away theevening to the talented Top Ten Beatles tribute band and DJ Funky Phil.It was a splendid evening and a brilliant end to President Olly’s year.

President Olly and Sandy his wife with Lynne and Ron

A collage of photo's describing the antics of our Past PresidentJohn Morris Roberts, President at Telford Center Rotary Clubduring year 2014 - 2015 overwritten by a simple sonnet.

Rotary Magazine for District 1210

Autumn 2015 5

Cheeky Nandos Junior Winners - Youth winners presentation byMayor Ian Ward, with the current Club President.

The Rotary Club of Ellesmerestaged its annual Bell BoatRegatta on the Mere against abackdrop of changeable weatherthat never blunted the enthusiasmof the contestants. Amongst theother family attractions on offer tothe crowd of approximately 2000spectators, only the Children’sSports and the Martial ArtsDisplay had to be cancelled ongrounds of safety, whilst thefeatured performances by UkeyMonsters were happily unaffectedby the rain.

A full programme of races inAdult Open, Ladies and Youthclasses produced a number ofexciting finishes. Prizes to thewinners and runners up werepresented by the Governor ofRotary District 1210, RichardGreen (Adult Open), the DistrictGovernor Nominee, Carol Reilly(Ladies) and Mayor of Ellesmere,

Ian Ward (Youth). Adult Openwinners were Tony T’s Torpedoes,Ladies winners were Mama Mia,whilst in the Youth final CheekyNandos triumphed after a numberof years of honing their technique.

This year the event was stagedin support of Ellesmere AgeConcern Day Centre, EllesmereScout Group and EllesmereRotary Charity Trust. The Clubwould like to thank all those whoworked so hard to help stage theevent and also the good people ofEllesmere who turned out in suchlarge numbers to show theirgenerosity. Details of theproceeds will be published assoon as possible.

Anyone wishing to find outmore about the activities of theRotary Club of Ellesmere, or whomight like to join, should contactthe Secretary on 01691 777178.

Ellesmere RotaryRegatta 2015Sunday 5th July

Youth Teams turning the Bouys

A New Partnership for theDistrict 1210 Health

Awareness ProgrammeIn May 2015 Rotary

International District 1210commenced a new partnershipwith the Abdominal AorticAneurysm (AAA) ScreeningService from the UniversityHospitals of North Midlands NHSTrust.

“The event at the Guildhall inStafford was extremelyworthwhile – we were able to offerscreening to 33 men and happilywere able to reassure each ofthem that they do not have ananeurysm”.

The NHS Abdominal AorticAneurysm (AAA) screeningprogramme aims to reduceavoidable deaths from rupturedAAA’s by offering screening tomen aged 65+. Men who reachtheir 65th birthday each year from2012 will receive an automaticinvitation to attend a screeningappointment in a clinic near towhere they live – men over theage of 65 may not have receiveda letter and we would encouragethem to self-refer into theprogramme.

AAA’s are swellings in the aortawhich is the main artery whichcarries blood away from the heart.These aneurysms can reach asize when they can suddenlyrupture – 50% of people whohave a ruptured AAA don’t makeit into hospital and of the 50% whodo reach hospital only 50% ofthose survive. AAA’s can be fatalbut are easily detectable and verytreatable. This is why the NHSintroduced AAA screening.

Screening for AAA’s is quickand painless – it consists of anultrasound scan of the abdomenwhere the diameter of the aorta ismeasured and checked forswelling which may be an

aneurysm. If an AAA is found theneither regular monitoring would beoffered or a referral to aconsultant if needed.

“Please ring 01782 674355 toself-refer into the programme andspeak to one of their staff.”

The District is taking theopportunity to provide a AAAscreening programme forRotarians, as a component of theHealth Awareness Programmepromotions at the DistrictConference in September. Forfurther details please contactDGN Carol Reilly [email protected]; 07796956432.

ROTARY DAYThe five Rotary clubs in Telford joined together to mark “Rotary Day”.

Over 100 members and guests enjoyed a relaxed Sunday Lunchexchanging Rotary anecdotes and future projects until late into theafternoon.

Selection of the diners

Members of the Rotary Club of Blythe Bridge and District turned outin force to support the local Armed Forces Day at Longton Park.

The Tombola and Golf game raised over £260.

Rotary SupportArmed Forces Day

Rotary Magazine for District 1210

6 Autumn 2015


Incoming presidents including Ken Dolman, President of theRotary Club of Bilston and Wolverhampton West, Mayor andMayoress of Wolverhampton Ian and Paula Brookfield,

and District Governor of Rotary Richard Green.

The Rotary Club of Bilston andWolverhampton West hosted aprestigious evening at theRamada Park Hall Hotel towelcome in the Rotary new yearwith incoming presidents fromacross the area. In the presenceof The Mayor of Wolverhamptonand the District Governor over 50Rotarians from across the areacelebrated the installation newpresidents for their clubs for the

forthcoming Rotary Year. Ken Dolman President of the

Rotary Club of Bilston andWolverhampton West said“Rotary Clubs do an amazing jobfor charity in our localcommunities, coming together tocelebrate the start of the NewRotary years in fellowship was agreat way to start our effortstogether to help our communities”

Rotary Club of Ironbridgecelebrate 60th Anniversary

Pictured is David Hyner about to begin his presentationand having a bit of fun with the guests

The Rotary Club of Ironbridgewas chartered in 1955. Rotariansfrom other clubs, guests andfriends helped celebrate the 60thAnniversary in style.

District Governor Lynneproposed the Toast to the Club.

Responding, Martin Brookes,father of the club, recalled some

of the highlights of 60 years andlooked forward to the future.

The key note speaker wasDavid Hyner, a Fellow of theProfessional SpeakingAssociation. David gave a lighthearted but inspiring talk on howassumptions can get in the way ofachieving our goals


This major event came toStaffordshire for the first time onJune 11th.. There were 2700competitors participating in a 1mile swim, a 56 mile bike ride anda 13 mile run. The swim tookplace in Chasewater, the cycleride around Cannock and EastStaffordshire before the run onthe Shugborough Estate.

Behind such a major eventthere were hundreds ofvolunteers manning each courseand supporting the competitors.Many from other localorganisations. 197 Rotarians andfriends from 19 clubs aroundStaffordshire and the WestMidlands volunteered to supportthis event. This was a clearopportunity to ‘Serve theCommunity’.

Many were on road junctionsduring the cycle ride, encouragingthe riders to press on and keeping

them safe from othertraffic.Others were on foodstations on the cycle ride andwithin the Shugborough Estate.The Rotary Club of Stafford Knotsupplied 25 members andsupporters to the “Campsite feedstation”. Current President JanetStubbs said ‘This was an amazingexperience to see so manyathletes running and supportingcharities. They were good naturedand a pleasure to serve with food.We believe that we handed outover 6,000 cups of water, 1,500bananas and goodness knowshow many power drinks.’ RotarianJune Keleghan said’ If I don’t seeanother banana before Christmasit won’t be too soon’.

The weather was kind to us andit made for a very enjoyable, buttiring experience. We hope to beinvolved next year.


Darren Minor of Single Source receiving the David BuftonMemorial Trophy from Mrs Diana Bufton.

Each year the Rotary Club ofWellington organise the DavidBufton Charity Golf Day. DavidBufton was a former member ofthe Rotary Club of Wellington whohad organised our Charity GolfDay for many years. He sadlydied a week before the 2008competition – hence the decisionto name the event after him.

The Rotary Club of Wellington’s22nd Charity Golf Day took placeat Lilleshall Hall Golf Club onMonday 15th June. It proved to bea very enjoyable day on a firstclass course in a beautiful setting.Twenty teams from the local areaentered the event playing for twotrophies, the Gerry PowellMemorial Trophy for the bestteam and the David BuftonMemorial Trophy.

The winner of the Gerry PowellMemorial Trophy was the teamrepresenting Single SourceLimited from TelfordReprographics, in second placewith a Money Relevance team,third. The winner of the DavidBufton Memorial Trophy fornearest the hole in two on the14th was Darren Minor of theSingle Source team. Otherindividual winners were RogerEvelyn-Bufton [Armstrong-Wolfe]and Jim Mullock [Andrew Dixon &Company].

Golf day organiser, RotarianGeoff Foulkes, said, “I would liketo thank Lilleshall Hall Golf Club,all the competitors, sponsors andhelpers for contributing towardsraising over £2000 for charity.”

Rotary Magazine for District 1210

Autumn 2015 7


PROJECT IN THE TOWN.Stuart Haynes runs a business

called Charity Cars in Willenhalland some eighteen months agothe Company contacted membersof the Rotary Club of Willenhall.Mr. Haynes stated that he wouldbe very interested in using someof the money from his business ofcar sales for the benefit of peoplein the town and asked if memberscould help him identify suitablecauses.

As a result, a number ofprojects have been identified andthese have been given bothfinancial and other support byCharity Cars and the Rotary Club.

The most recent of these hasbeen the newly formed WillenhallBoxing Club.

Two local boxers, ShaunHargreaves and Neil Buckland,decided to start the club to assistyoungsters interested in boxingbut realised that it would be ameans of giving youngsters afocus as well as helping themmaintain a good level of fitness.

The Boxing Club acquired theuse of suitable premises offAshmore Lake Road in Willenhallwith the intention of opening theClub between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.on Mondays, Wednesdays andThursdays each week. However,so great was the demand, 43youngsters attended on the

opening night, that the Club nowopens Monday to Friday,inclusive, each week.

Shaun and Neil arrange anumber of activities, split intodifferent age groups, for bothmale and female. In fact, therehas been a great demand for 'noncontact' sessions for the ladies.

Local Willenhall Councillor,Diane Coughlin, expressed agreat interest in the setting up andprogress of the Boxing Club andalerted members of the Rotary

Club to see if they could help.As a result, the then Rotary ClubPresident, Terry Lewis visited theBoxing Club, with other membersof the Rotary Club, onWednesday, May 6. Terry said "Itis a tremendous venture for thepeople of Willenhall and Shaunand Neil deserve great credit. Itnot only involves the kids butpeople of all ages and it issomething that the Rotary Cluband our good friend StuartHaynes have no hesitation insupporting. Stuart, throughCharity Cars, does so much forpeople and organisations inWillenhall.

The Boxing Club benefittedfrom a £250 donation from theRotary Club and a similar amountfrom Charity Cars.


The final three months of theRotary Year 2014/15 simply flewby with so many activities.Fellowship with other Clubsincluded a Night at the Dogs, aCasino Night and Golf as well aswinning the Snooker and comingfifth in the District Quiz.Fellowship and fun in our ownClub included various meetings,Golf Day, a Sunday Ramble anda Target Bowls Evening which allinvolved a meal!

The highlight in May was thevisit to stay with our friends in theRotary Club of Cote DeLegendes. Thirteen took the nightferry to arrive for a hectic dayvisiting La Maison de Johnnies, asmall museum about the onionsellers, a castle being builtaccording to old plans, a picnic in

the church hall and anothercastle. Finally we reached thehomes of our hosts for a quickchange before an evening meal atthe home of another Rotarianwhere conversation ranged inFrench and English and weended up discussing the EU. Thenext day it was off to the MaritimeCentre at Cross Corsen wherethe passage of vessels throughthe Channel is monitored. Afteranother lunch, we visited thememorial to the four airmen atL’Hŏpital Camfrout where we laida wreath from our Club. Thevillagers take great care of thismemorial and it was good toremember when the two Clubshad come together to achieve thissome five years ago.

At the meal in the evening bothPresidents spoke about theactivities of their year. Then sadlythe next day, after yet anotherlunch, it was time to bid farewellat Roscoff but we look forward towelcoming them again in Dudleyin 2016.

Not forgetting our localcommunity, the Best Trier Awardswere made to pupils in localprimary schools, an ArtCompetition held at a secondaryschool and the annual CentenaryAward of £1000 given to FensPool Voluntary Association.

As tradition has it, the Club

organised a fun afternoon for outgoing President Pauline

which involved a walk to KinverScout Camp for hot dogs cookedby members who had set upcamp. Dressed as Guides, theyserenaded her to remind her ofher time in Guiding. Therefollowed a pleasant evening atDunsley Hall Hotel for Rotariansand friends to end the year.Incoming President Mikepresented Pauline with a PHFafter her valedictory in recognitionof her service in Dudley sincejoining when the Tipton Clubclosed.

NEPAL EARTHQUAKE COLLECTIONOrganised by Whitchurch Rotarians Ray Hatton and David Hewitt on

2nd May over £750 was raised by a street collection. A club donation of £1,000 to provide shelter boxes to the stricken

area further boosted the total amount.

Windsor Park on top form inRotary Youth Speaks


Winners with Club President, Dave Brown and organiser of theevent Rotarian Anita Thomas-Epple.

Uttoxeter Rotary Club has beenholding their annual publicspeaking competitions for localschools for over 20 years. Thelatest competition for 11 to 13year olds was hosted by OldfieldsMiddle School. There were 11speakers from 4 schools –Oldfields, Windsor Park, Ryecroftand Abbotsholme.

The standard of speaking wasextremely high with topics asdiverse as School Uniform, SpaceTravel and Younger Sisters.

Judges were Ken Ryder, Sue

Higginbottom and David Thomas.Ken Ryder said in his summing upthat the maturity shown by all thespeakers had been remarkablefor their ages and praised themfor providing the audience withsuch an entertaining evening.

The winners were: in first placeJess Eardley from Windsor Parkfor a talk entitled Moments,second place Olivia David fromOldfields for Women in Sport andJames Bown from Windsor Parkwho spoke about Enlightenment.

Rotary Magazine for District 1210

8 Autumn 2015

Rotarian Wendy Morton M.P.Wendy Morton M.P. Rotary

member who has transferred toAldridge RC following hersuccess as the new ConservativeM.P. for Aldridge-Brownhillsconstituency in the May 2015General Election.

Wendy succeeds Sir RichardShepherd who has retired after 39yrs as the M.P., Wendy won theseat handsomely with a majorityof 11,500 votes.

She has been a Rotarian inWensleydale RC and joins

Aldridge RC on July 1st. 2015.Wendy attended the Aldridge

Fayre on Saturday, 20th Junetaking the opportunity to meet hernew constituents and members ofAldridge RC.

She is pictured with in-comingPresident - Jeremy Bakewellwhose main charities will beWalsall Heart Care and MeningitisBackground of Rotary ventures2015 e..g Young Chef, YoungMusician.


The Rotary Club of WellingtonFairbourne Fund was created in2005 following the sale of abungalow in Fairbourne,Gwynedd, when the net proceedswere invested.

The bungalow itself had beentransferred to the Rotary Club ofWellington from OakengatesRound Table in 1989. The RotaryClub made the bungalowavailable for holidays fordisadvantaged families to the bestof their ability until in 2004/5 itbecame apparent that thebungalow was not being utilisedto its full extent and accordinglythe Club agreed that it woulddispose of the bungalow.

The Rotary Club of Wellingtonnow uses the income from theinvestment to provide Grants fromThe Fairbourne Holiday Fund tohelp with holiday costs fordisadvantaged families, groupsand individuals nominated bycharities, social workers,churches and other organisations.

During 2014 a range of daysout, weekends and local activitieswere provided for families andgroups from Telford. A total of 22grants, amounting to just over£4800, were made to 19 families,totalling 36 adults and 43 childrenunder 18, and three groupstotalling 19 adults.

The sponsors of the recipientsincluded Telford & Wrekin SocialServices, Schools, Homestart,Telford Visually Impaired Groupand Wellington Rotary Clubmembers. Activities undertakenincluded days out to DraytonManor Park, West MidlandsSafari Park, Alton Towers andChester Zoo; and weekends atLegoland and Presthaven SandsCaravan Park.

Secretary of the Rotary Club ofWellington Fairbourne Fund,

Rotarian Richard Studd said,"2014 was the most successfulyear ever for the Fairbourne Fundand the club received manymessages of thanks fromdeserving families. We're hopefulthat 2015 will be even better."

The 2015 campaign began withthe knowledge that the amountavailable to support the work ofthe Fairbourne Fund was to bemuch greater. As a result theRotary Club of WellingtonFairbourne Fund has alreadybeen able to made grants of£4578.40 to 9 groups in the localarea. More than 282 people willbenefit from these events. Theactivities supported include aweekend trip for 28 members and5 helpers of the South TelfordGateway Club to Weston SuperMare; two days of creating andmaking music for two groups of10 children from Hope HouseChildren's Hospice; a dayexcursion to the PontcyllteAqueduct for the Age UKHornbeam day Centre,Wellington; and a day out for 25young carers plus 5 supervisingadults from the Telford & WrekinYoung Carers Service.

This is only the first part of thisyear’s campaign. The second partfocuses on help with days out orholiday costs for families, andindividuals nominated bycharities, social workers,churches and other organisations.

President Venn Davies, incongratulating the members ofthe Fairbourne Fund Committee,said, 'Your hard work has ensuredthat a good many people have theopportunity to have a break or aholiday this year. 2015 promisesto be one of the best for theRotary Club of WellingtonFairbourne Fund and for thepeople it serves.'

The Lord Lieutenant of WestMidlands Paul Sabapathy CBEhas strongly urged Rotarians toput up more of themselves forhonours.

Speaking at a district councilmeeting of Rotarians from parts ofthe West Midlands as well asStaffordshire and Shropshire, hepraised the voluntary work ofRotarians and asked why more ofthem were not receiving honours.

“What I hope is that as part ofmy talking to you it raises yourunderstanding, raises your desireand above all people deserve tobe recognised for what they doand we are not very good atsaying thank you.”

The Lord Lieutenant said 70%of honours go to people who dovoluntary work. “People don’tvolunteer for personal rewards,but because they care. Why don’twe as a society recognise it?

“To only get 2.5% of thehonours when you make up 4.5%of the population is because wedon’t nominate.

“I would encourage you tomake a resolution you know youare serving. There might be otherpeople you know who deserve tobe honoured. You do an honourfor another extra mile. Pleasenominate,” the Lord Lieutenanturged.

“If you don’t,” he toldRotarians, “you don’t get it. I seewonderful work in our region yetwe don’t recognise it. Honours fororganisations is an enormousaward for voluntary service forvolunteers who go beyond the callof duty to help others.”

The Lord Lieutenant added:“What I would hope is that as partof my talking to you it raises yourunderstanding, raises your desireand above all people deserve tobe recognised for what they doand we are not very good atsaying thank you. In that way youare saying thank you.

“We need to be proud and oneof the ways is to nominatepeople.”



New President Colin Horwarth inducted new member MalcolmHaywood at his very first meeting in the chair.



Rotary Magazine for District 1210

Autumn 2015 9

A Wolverhampton Rotarian isthe new Rotary District Governorfor Staffordshire, Shropshire andparts of the West Midlands.

At a formal handover dinnerlast Friday night at ShrewsburyTown Football Club, RichardGreen succeeded Lynne Marshallof Burslem Rotary Club as DistrictGovernor of Rotary InternationalDistrict 1210.

Richard, 75, of Finchfield,Wolverhampton, is a highlyrespected and active Rotarianwho is a Paul Harris Fellow –recognition of ‘exceptionalservice’ and one of the highesthonours which can be bestowedupon a Rotarian.

Of his election to the topposition in the Rotary District, hesaid: “Rotary is one of the world'slargest voluntary serviceorganisations and I am honouredto be leading the efforts of the1,500 Rotarians in Staffordshire,Shropshire and the Black Countryin furthering our watchwordService Above Self.”

He has held numerous officesduring his Rotary career includingpresident of his own club,Wolverhampton, in 2012. He wasDistrict Humanitarian GrantsChair (2007/2010); DistrictFoundation Chair (2010/2013);Group Study Exchange teamleader to Malaysia andSingapore; India NationalImmunisation Day in the PolioElimination campaign (2010);organiser of District 1210 YoungMusicians Competition (2011/12/13/14) and Regional 6 final(2013); Rotary Young LeadersAward mentor (2011).

He is Vice Chair (UK) TheInternational Fellowship ofRotarian Musicians (IFRM);organised the entertainment on 2

stages in the House of Friendshipat the Birmingham RotaryInternational Convention (2009);Co-producer of the RIBI DGEteam presentation at the FestivalNight, Rotary InternationalAssembly, San Diego (2015).

In his professional life, Richardfirst came to Wolverhampton inthe early 1970’s to join Carillionplc (formerly known as Tarmac).He enjoyed a career inconstruction management andbusiness development, beingresponsible at director level formajor construction projects inPakistan, the Middle East,Scandinavia and throughout theUK.

He was born in Portsmouth,educated at PortsmouthGrammar School and NottinghamTrent University. He is a widower,having lost his wife June tocancer seven years’ ago, hasthree sons, a daughter, fivegrandchildren and one greatgrandson.

Richard is well known in localamateur theatre circles as theadministrator, artistic director andactor in the Goldthorn TheatreCompany founded by his wife andhimself 18 years’ ago.



Governor Richard GreenVisits RC of Blythe Bridge

On Monday 6th July 2015 The Rotary Club of Blythe Bridge andDistrict welcomed the District Governor Richard Green on the first ofhis many visits to Clubs. The message of "Be a Gift to the World” waswell received.

President Tony Castrey with Gov. Richard Green

RC of Shrewsbury SupportInternational Charity Mary’s Meals

Club President Peter Waller

The Rotary Club of Shrewsburyhas taken up the challenge tosupport the international charityMary’s Meals after they started anappeal to help the education ofdeprived children. By collectingredundant backpacks and fillingthem with some basic educationalsupplies they aimed to help thosechildren who were getting supportfrom the charity to get a betterstart in life.

Club President Peter Wallersaid “Mary’s Meal is a wonderfulcharity with an aim to see thatevery child receives a nutritiousdaily meal in a place of education.

They have just passed the pointwhere more than 1 millionchildren in Africa and LatinAmerica are being helped.”

He added “So to help thechildren who receive the mealsservice, my club set aboutgathering redundant backpacks,50 in all, the equivalent of one foreach member of the club, andthen filled them with pencils,erasers and notepads for theeducational needs and addedother items as a bonus for eachchild, such a t-shirts andtoothbrush, even a ball each.”

Rotary Magazine for District 1210

10 Autumn 2015


Work on a community library inUganda has now been completedthanks to a grant of £500 fromShawbury and Mid ShropshireRotary.

The community library is theflagship project of Omushana,Sunshine for Children, a UKregistered charity run byShrewsbury based Gill Castle.

“The library has already madea huge impact on the wholecommunity as it is open six daysa week with an employedlibrarian/IT instructor andavailable to 10 schools and over2,000 children,” said Gill.

“With solar panels and 10laptops as well as the 600-plusbooks it is a wonderful resource.We have had a student volunteerspend a month in the library andher role was to work with childrenhaving ‘Fun with Books’.”

Following completion of work tothe exterior of the building, Gill isexpecting it will last many yearslonger. Shawbury and Mid

Shropshire Rotary has beenacknowledged on the outside ofthe building.

Gill’s charity has a long-standing connection with theKabale Rotary Club who haverecently asked if Omushana cansupport their plan to bringvocational training to children inthe rural areas of their district.

She said: “They are proposingto arrange holiday vocationaltraining for children in villages byusing existing primary schoolsduring the holidays and sendingtrained instructors.

“They will do all the organising,but asked if Omushana can helpwith equipment and possiblyfunding. I promised we couldsend equipment and would seekhelp with funding.”

Gill added that another prioritythis year is their “Class Support”project and she has askedShawbury and Mid ShropshireRotary if it is interested inbecoming a ‘Class Supporter’ atthe secondary and vocationalschool which is just opening in anarea where until now the childrenhad no hope of education beyondprimary.

She added that to support aclass in this way only needed £90per year for four years.

Said Mervyn Davies,immediate past president ofShawbury and Mid ShropshireRotary: “I am most interested inthis concept and I can assure Gillwe shall look at the possibility ofhelping a class receiveeducation.”

For further information [email protected] or visit thewebsite www.omushana.org

District Fellowship Quiz, 2014-15A Thursday evening in May

drew representatives of elevenDistrict clubs to Linden House inWolverhampton. These were thesurvivors from the fifty eightteams who had set off in Octoberin the hopes of lifting the FrankPoynton District 1210 FellowshipQuiz Trophy. Having alreadydealt with three hundredquestions, they met for the finaltranche of 100 questions whichwould determine the outcome andestablish the bragging rights forthe next twelve months.

Dudley, Stafford Castle andWellington joined eight teams thathad featured in the 2014 final,including holders Audley, butWhitchurch, last year’s runner-up,had failed to make the cut. In thesemi-final the Leek team’ssatisfaction in getting through wasimmediately negated by therealisation that on the date of thefinal the whole team would bescattered to the four corners ofthe globe. Andy Machinsucceeded in recruiting a totallynew line-up with hours to spare.Wellington was also depleted bythe tactical error of allowing teammembers to book holidays at thewrong time!

After two rounds Walsall weresetting the pace, despiteShrewsbury having had a fullhouse in Round 2. It was at thisstage that holders Audley put in afaultless round on Science,Technology and Nature, to take alead they were never to lose. Bythe halfway stage they had athree mark lead over Newcastle,with Walsall a further mark adrift,in third place.

The second half of the quizproved to be a real challenge,with teams struggling, inparticular, with the Sports round(again!) the “novelty” round onSlogans and Mottos. Newcastlewent through an especially bad

patch, to see their position slump,round by round.

Even Audley found their strikerate falling off, but of the leadingbunch only Shrewsbury Darwincould match them and the gapAudley had established at half-way was enough to see them,with 140 marks, receive the FrankPoynton Trophy, presented byDistrict Governor, Lynne Marshall.

Shrewsbury Darwin wererunners up with 131 marks,enough to secure the KeithBarlow Trophy. The Ron Sherrattplate went to third placed Walsall,with 126 marks. These werefollowed by Stafford Castle (124),Dudley (120), Shrewsbury (119),Wolverhampton St George’s(118), Newcastle (117), MarketDrayton (115), Leek (95) andWellington (89).

We extend thanks to all clubswho took part in this year’s quiz,in particular to the twenty threeclubs who were prepared to makethe whole thing possible, byacting as hosts. Geoff Lowndes,Ed Isaacs, Derrick Sanders.

"District Governor Lynnehands back the Frank PoyntonCup to Audley captain, and

then President, Jim McCabe."

Rotarian Colin Horwath Stafford Castle Club President for 2015/2016arrives in style with outgoing President Olly Lewy to the handoverceremony at Canalised Great Hayward. Rotarians, wives and guestsenjoyed a buffet, wine tasting and music by James and Dave.


Olly is in the blazer and Colin in the light coloured jacket.

Autumn 2015 11

Rotary Magazine for District 1210

RC of Wellington CelebratesPresident Venn Davies End of Year

Recipients with President Venn Davies of the Rotary Club of Wellington

President Venn Daviescelebrated the end of hissuccessful year in office at ameeting of the Rotary Club ofWellington held at the BuckatreeHall Hotel on Friday 19th June.President Venn said, “ One of thegreatest pleasures of my year ofoffice is being able to supportlocal, national and internationalcharities.” He went on to presentcheques for £500 to five charitieswhose representatives werepresent. Cheques were

presented to Jim Craib on behalfof Royal Voluntary Service, TomKane representing Hearing Dogsfor Deaf People, Gwyneth Dale ofthe Telford Samaritans, OlwynMarmion from Telford Orchestraand Tom Hendy of ABF-TheSoldiers Charity. President Vennalso announced that he wasestablishing a special fund tobegin a microfinance initiative togive a helping hand and supportto entrepreneurs in developingcountries.


For a number of years the fiveclubs in Wolverhampton havehonoured the Service to thecommunity of Tom Warren with anannual dinner each July. Tomwas a former Chief EducationOfficer in the city and a memberof Wolverhampton Rotary Club.As a Rotarian, Tom followed thePresidency of his club bybecoming District Governor,President of RIBI and thenPresident of Rotary Internationalin 1945-46. When he stooddown as President of RI hebecame one of a small group ofRotarians which was consulted inthe formation of “United Nations”.

The “annual dinner” had run itscourse so an alternative way ofcelebrating Tom was devised inthe form of an Annual Award tothe “Wolverhampton YoungCitizen of the Year” in partnershipwith Wolverhampton City Council.The first award was made in 2014for young people under the age of19 living, working or in formaleducation in Wolverhampton whohave gone “that extra mile” inserving the local community. Itwas felt that this would reflectboth Tom’s occupation and hisRotary Service.

Support and sponsorship wasobtained from the local paper“Express and Star” together with“Waitrose”, Wolverhampton CityCouncil and “WolverhamptonWest” magazine. The“Wednesfield and Bilston”magazines came on board thisyear. Through these sources weobtained the necessary publicityto secure a viable number ofentries for consideration by thejudges. The judging panel wastotally independent of rotary andthis year comprised The Mayor ofWolverhampton, a representativefrom Express and Star, themanager of “Waitrose”, last year’swinner. It was chaired by Sir GeoffHampton of WolverhamptonUniversity and the judging panelwas co-ordinated by organisingcommittee chair PP RotarianRoger Timbrell of Tettenhall.

Entries were duly consideredduring June and a Presentationceremony was arranged in theMayor’s Parlour early in July.

The winner, from a strong list ofnominations, was Ramnik Uppal(18) a pupil at WolverhamptonGirls High School who in additionto outstanding academicachievements mentored youngerpupils, represented the NationalCitizens Service, raisedawareness about a local hospice,and volunteered regularly at alocal Dementia Care Home and aBarnardo’s Charity Shop. Theaward was presented by AlisonSykes, Tom Warren’sgranddaughter, and in acceptingRamnick said:- “The otherentrants have done so much forthe city and it is a massivesurprise and honour for me toreceive this award. I am going tocontinue to do as much as I canfor the people of Wolverhampton.”

There were joint runners-up:-Kashmire Hawker, (17) who waspraised for his efforts to championthe rights of young people whostruggle with disabilities and asurprisingly young entrant AlfieBaugh, aged 8, who raisedhundreds of pounds for charity,was an ambassador for hisneighbourhood publishing aneighbourhood newsletter andeach week puts out the bins forelderly neighbours of which thereare quite a few. He alsoorganised a neighbourhood gettogether on 5 November to whicheveryone was required to bring afirework. The six finalistsreceived a certificate and thewinner and runners-up receive aplaque with the winner alsoreceiving a cheque for £100.00and the runners-up £50.00 each.As an added bonus the winnerand runners-up have been invitedto be guests of WolverhamptonWanderers at one of their homegames early in the new season.

Committee Chair Rtn RogerTimbrell said:- “The clubs are veryhappy with the outcome andformat and will be repeating theaward next year. We wereparticularly grateful that Tom’sgranddaughter, Alison Sykes,could spare the time to travel fromher home in South Yorkshire tomake the presentation.”


Tea has never tasted so goodfor Rotarians who have helped tosend a wheelchair for a youngperson in Namibia.

They have saved barcodes offboxes of Yorkshire tea andcollected enough points, 750, toobtain the wheelchair.

At a district council meeting ofRotarians from Shropshire,Staffordshire and parts of theWest Midlands, a certificatemarking the achievement waspresented to District GovernorLynne Marshall.

Making the presentation, pastDistrict Governor Lynne Deavin of

Blythe Bridge Rotary Club said:“Rotarians in the district, as wellas Inner Wheel, have savedenough barcodes to have awheelchair sent out to anotherpart of the world and it hasn’t costus a penny.

“We have now managed to geta wheelchair sent to Namibia andwe have a certificate to mark this.I urge you to carry on savingbarcodes because each barcodehas a value and the cost ofwheelchairs is £75.

“Encourage children to do thisas well in schools,” she added.

Lynne Deavin (right) presents a certificate to Rotary DistrictGovernor Lynne Marshall (left).

Rotary Magazine for District 1210

12 Autumn 2015


Ludlow Rotary Club hadpromised that their second DogDay held on 19 July would be“even bigger and even better”than the first, and so it was!

With 21 fun dog competitionsranging from the scruffiest mutt tothe fastest sausage eater: 17 dogdemonstrations including flyball,dog obedience and assistancedogs; four rings, a fun dog scurryand a gun dog scurry; a children’splay area; over fifty stallssupplying everything for thepassionate dog lover; and a dayof glorious sunshine; the eventexceeded all expectations.

Some 3000 people, many withtheir canine friends, turned up toenjoy a great family day helpingthe Club to raise a staggering£20,000 for the many charitiesthat the Club supports, inparticular this year the Friends ofLudlow Hospital , St MichaelsHospice , Hereford, and CaninePartners.

Club Secretary and event co-ordinator, Barry Forrester,commented ‘’There are so manypeople whose help is crucialwhen contemplating what is fastbecoming a major event. Ourthanks must go to our generoushost Caroline Magnus for allowingus to use the beautiful grounds ofStokesay Court, and to popularTV presenter Jules Hudson foropening the event and spendingtime enjoying the atmosphere ofthe day with the crowds. And wemust not forget our sponsors, inparticular - Nock Deighton,Shukers, Teme Vets and HobsonsBrewery. At the heart of theplanning and organisation,however, are the Club’s manyvolunteer friends who ensured theday ran smoothly – particularlythose who joined us from otherRotary Clubs: Brewood,Bridgnorth, Knighton and Wrekin.We hope everyone had a greatday.”

Photograph by Anna Photography, Codsall,Wolverhampton, tel 07742 966012.

At a ceremony at the GrandStation, Wolverhampton, youngapprentice, Mark Chamberlain,was presented with the “MostImproved Apprentice at the In-Comm Engineering Academy”sponsored by the Rotary Club ofDarlaston.

The annual award is dedicatedto the memory of the late DougBridgwood, who was twicePresident of the Rotary Club ofDarlaston. Doug was a skilledengineer and committed Rotarianwho was passionate about givingyoung people the opportunity toreach their potential and the needto support them through youth

programmes. Having seen theBlack Country as both theengineering heart beat of thenation and its subsequentdownturn he was particularly keento give aspiring engineers a hand-up to help boost the localeconomy.

Mark, the recipient of theaward, was selected by the In-Comm Engineering Academystaff who felt that he hadimproved the most throughout theprevious year and had contributedand applied himself to theprogramme – working hard toachieve his goals.

Apprentice Rewarded

Left to right – Darlaston Club Youth Services chairman, IanHankinson, Club President, Kate Phillips, award winner Mark withhis trophy and Claire Foreman, niece of the late Doug Bridgwood.

Ellesmere Rotary ClubSupports Criftins Village Fete

L-R Diana Flint with Rotarians Geoff Evans, Peter Killick andPeter Broadbent & Historical data re destination

of Regatta takings.

The Rotary Club of Ellesmeremanned its Teddy Bear Tombolastall at the fete in support of StMatthew’s Church held at CriftinsVillage Hall on Saturday 13thJune. The fete was organised byDiana Flint, a former High Sheriffof Shropshire, who lives in thevillage. Chairman of the club’sCommunity and VocationalCommittee, Peter Broadbent,another resident of Criftins, wasdelighted at being able to handover the day’s takings, £150-00,to the St Matthew’s Fund. Duringthe fete the club also held abucket collection for its NepaleseEarthquake fund, with theproceeds taking the final total

dispatched to Nepal by the clubup to £2000.

The club also took theopportunity to advertise theEllesmere Rotary Regatta, whichtook place on Sunday 5th July onThe Mere. The club hopes tobetter the record amount that wasraised last year, when £3000 wasdonated to the EllesmereCommunity Nursing Home.

The Rotary Club of Ellesmeremeets most Wednesday eveningsin the Black Lion Hotel at 7.30 pm.Anyone wishing to find out moreabout club activities andcharitable work should contact theSecretary on 01691 623470.

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Autumn 2015 13


For the second year in a rowthe ‘Little Classic Car and BikeShow’ at Penn Hall School inMay was a roaring successraising £2000 for Penn HallSchool and Cancer Research.

This years show broughttogether over fifty classic cars andbikes from vintage classics to upto the minute super cars.Amongst the vintage cars werelocally built classic vehicles.

More up to date classicsvehicles included Jaguar AstonMartin as well as Americanclassics.

The event was organised byRotarian Steve Parton of theRotary Club of Bilston andWolverhampton West whosupported the event with a gamestent and tombola.

This year’s event wascompared by local comedian

Dougie Parker and had live musicfrom Chaser.

While the cars and bikes werethe centre of attention there werechildren’s games, coconut shy,bouncy castle and refreshments.

Best in show trophies weregiven for both cars and bikes.

The day raised £2,000 forPenn Hall School and CancerResearch.

Rotarian Steve said ‘it was myambition to make this an annualshow for Wolverhampton and oursecond year has proved what asuccess the event is.. I ‘d like tothank all those who displayedtheir cars and bikes as well as allthose who helped make the daysuch a great experience. Aspecial thanks to members of thepublic who turned up to supportus on the day despite the rain’

Rotary Club of Wellington

Left: President Venn Davies, PP Brian Lewis and President Elect Peter Seaward.

Rotarian PP Brian Lewis PHFof the Rotary Club of Wellingtondid not realise that the meeting onthe 15th May 2015 was going tobe anything more than a SpeakerMeeting where he was going tobe the speaker.

Brian shared with clubmembers memories of childhoodwhen he was 'bombed out' on twooccasions – Hitler must havebeen worried by this East Endboy! He ended with recollectionsof his National Service.

At this point President VennDavies asked Brian when he hadfirst joined Rotary. Of courseeveryone except Brian knew thathe had joined in May 1975 – 40years ago. President Venn, onbehalf of both the Rotary Club ofWellington and RotaryInternational, thanked Brian forhis years of 'Service Above Self''.He then presented Brian with acommemorative certificate tomark his 40 years as a Rotarian


This was the theme when Whitchurch Rotarians entertained over400 local pensioners and residents of the area’s care homes at theirannual concert first started in 1974.

President Richard Persson had arranged a varied programme bylocal artistes and groups including nostalgic community singing withappropriate song sheets, compere was Senior Vice Chris Smith, intervalrefreshments were by Whitchurch Inner Wheel and a voluntarycollection raised £525 for the league of friends of whitchurchcommunity hospital.

On Wednesday 30th April2015, Rotarians from MarketDrayton club, assisted by theLions club, collected cash to helpthe Nepal Disaster fund.

In only a few hours thecollection amounted to £583.63.

The idea was put forward bythe immediate past President, RtnJim Grant, who lives in the town.

The usual Wednesday streetmarket was held on that day,andthis certainly aided the amount

collected.Jim Grant said.....People were

very enthusiastic,and donated alot of money. A lot of people weredropping in five pound notes andmore. We went straight away andtransferred the money to Nepal.Our thanks go to the public ofMarket Drayton. Wheneversomething like this arises we pulltogether help when and where wecan.

Rotary Club of Market Draytonin aid of the first Nepal

earthquake disaster appeal

At the weekly meeting of theEllesmere Rotary Club onWednesday 13th May the moneyraised from this year’s winter Treeof Light donations was presentedto Sue Harmen, Poppy AppealOrganiser for the Royal BritishLegion in Shropshire. ClubPresident, Tony Rowlandsonhanded over a cheque for £1200.Sue told members about theimportant work that the money willenable the Legion to carry outover the next year, explaining thatall funds raised in Shropshire arealready allocated for necessaryspending in Shropshire. LocalRotarian, Bob McBride, hasorganised the Ellesmere Tree ofLight appeal for many years, and

he said that he was very gratefulthat the Club had chosen theannual Poppy Appeal asbeneficiary in his year asPresident of the local branch ofRBL.

Tree of Light Funds Donatedto Royal British Legion

Poppy Appeal


Rotarian John Mitchell wasawarded the Paul HarrisFellowship by President RichardPersson. John, a Rotarian of 15years service and Club Presidentin 2004/05, has made significantefforts since 2000 in raising over£20,000 through the tree of light,Captain of the Club`s Bowls Teamto District Honours and theprovider of countless clubliterature.

President’s night on 30 Juneenabled 2015/16 DistrictChairman Richard Green topresent the Sapphire Pin Awardto Past President Roly Wyatt(Club President in 1976) and PHF

in 1996. Roly has held manyoffices in the Whitchurch Clubwith especially long service asDistrict and Club AttendanceOfficer and in particular hasdeveloped over the past 12years the club’s vital emergencytelephone service. He alsoreceived an engraved captain’sclock to mark his 60 years serviceto the club and community.

President Richard’s finalSwedish themed eveningcompleted a hectic final fortnightsince 16 June when hepresented cheques totalling£4,338 to seven charitableorganisations.

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14 Autumn 2015


As a part of the Rotary LiteracyProject volunteers from theEllesmere Club pay regular visitsto local primary schools in Criftins,Cockshutt, Ellesmere andWelshampton to listen to childrenread. The club also presentseach Year 6 leaver in theseschools with a personaliseddictionary for their use in seniorschool. This year’s presentationswere made by Club President,Rev. Ian Hutchings, pastPresident Geoff Corfield andYouth Services Chairman, Fred

Williams. They were gratified toreceive a the following delightfulletter from one of the recipients:

Dear Rotary Club of Ellesmere,My name is Emilie and I am in

year six at Ellesmere PrimarySchool. I would like to say thankyou for your kind gift of theDictionary to all year six leavers.It is very nice of you and I am surethat I will use it lots when I moveup to Lakelands Academy nextterm.

Thank you all so much,Emilie

A former breast cancer patientwho started a wigs and wellbeingsalon has said a big ‘thank you’ toRotary for their latest donation.

Fiona Ford, who founded FreshHair Wigs & Wellbeing Salon atthe Royal Stoke UniversityHospital, was speaking on theoccasion of a chequepresentation from Rotary for£1,200.

The money has been donatedby the Rotary district that coversStaffordshire, Shropshire andparts of the West Midlands.

As a result of the donation,Fresh Hair has been able toinvest in a first floor furnished sunterrace at the rear of the salon atthe hospital on Newcastle Road,Stoke on Trent.

The terrace provides a tranquilenvironment where patients cansit and relax in peacefulsurroundings. There is rattanseating, a soothing water featureand pretty planting overlookingthe hospital grounds.

Said Fiona, who wasdiagnosed with breast cancer in2009: “Rotary support has madea huge difference. It started withRotary clubs in NorthStaffordshire raising £2,500 toprovide a state of the artautomated beauty couch, hairwash basin and chair.

“Now we are able to provide abeautiful terrace at the rear of thesalon which has been superblyfurnished – thanks to thefundraising efforts of RotaryDistrict Governor LynneMarshall.”

Said Lynne: “I took the FreshHair project on board earlier in myyear as District Governor. I askedRotary clubs in NorthStaffordshire if they wouldcontribute towards the furnishingof the terrace at the salon.

“I am pleased to say that as aresult we have raised £1,200 andthe terrace is all finished and is anenchanting place.”

Said Fiona: “I am thrilled tohave been able to turn my cancerjourney into a life changing

experience in a really positiveway. I think the salon makes ahuge difference to the way inwhich ladies deal with thetraumatic side effects of cancertreatment.

“I am supported in the salon bya fantastic team headed by thesalon manager Gaynor Muir. Wehave been overwhelmed by theresponse from local people in ourfundraising efforts and inparticular by Rotary.

“I am hoping that this is the startof an on-going relationship whichwill include the possibility of otherhospitals buying into the ‘FreshHair’ formula in the not too distantfuture.”

She added: “Rotary has playeda very important part in thefunding of the new salon and I amthrilled to show District GovernorLynne Marshall the beautifulterrace which is now finished aswell as the fully equipped interiorwhich not only includes a wigsalon, but a private beautytreatment room as well.

“We are very fortunate to haveRotary’s continued support.”



District Governor LynneMarshall and Fiona Ford with

the water feature.

Rotary Club of Telford

Telford Centre President John Morris-Roberts with Tim StimpsonPresident of the Shropshire Wooden Spoon Charity.

Telford Centre Rotary Clubrecently made a donation to theWooden Spoon Charity at one oftheir Speaker Meetings.

Some of their work is in helpingdisabled children and youngadults play Tag Rugby. They area Charity represented throughoutthe UK.

I have heard of Tag Rugby butnever experienced it, so on the6th of June I went along to TheHornets Rugby ground in Telford.There I was introduced to TimStimpson, (Leicester Tigers and

British Lions) Rugby player. As aWelshman and Rugby player inmy youth it was a fun meeting.We talked about InternationalRugby and then about theWooden Spoon Charity.

The Rugby tournament onSaturday consisted of teams fromIreland, Scotland, England andWales, a real British Internationalcross section.

I can only say it was TERRIFICto watch the enthusiasm of theplayers it was an afternoon of realenjoyment.


After a very successful Carnivalin July which saw some 40 stallsand numerous arena events bylocal organisations a fun fair andactivities for the children, it wasestimated that upwards of 2500people joined in the fun.

The Wednesbury Club isalready beginning to arrange thenext Carnival in July 2016.

In the meantime the Club willarrange for Father Christmas tovisit all parts of the WS10 area ofWednesbury. In all ourCommunity ventures the Club hashuge support from many localbusinesses and local traders inthe town.

There are ongoing projects,

however the Club is backing aninitiative by one of the localSecondary Schools to give somewhat disaffected children anachievable aim, notably theAllotment Project.

The Club supports InteractClubs at two schools and islooking to support a new Club atWodensborough OrmistonAcademy linking it to theAllotment project where Rotaryhas already provided a gardenbench for the project.

Books 4 Home is anotherproject aimed at primary schoolswhere again we have an excellentrelationship.


Rotarian Mark Beddow (right) from the Rotary Club of Astara inAzerbaijan exchanges banners with Mervyn Davies who was

President on a recent visit to his mother club of Shawbury and Mid Shropshire Rotary.

Autumn 2015 15

Rotary Magazine for District 1210


The youngest and oldestpresidents in the Rotary District1210 that covers Staffordshire,Shropshire and parts of the WestMidlands have been talking abouttheir experiences in the famousworldwide service and fundraisingorganisation.

Kelly Davies, 25, is presidentof the newly formed BoscobelOak Rotary which meets monthlyin an evening at the ShrewsburyArms, Albrighton, nearWolverhampton.

George Roby, 90 earlier thismonth, is president for the secondtime of Church Stretton Rotarywhich has been in existence formore than 60 years and meets inan evening at the LongmyndHotel, Church Stretton, on the2nd and 4th Wednesdays of themonth.

In terms of Rotary presidentsand types of club, the contrastcould not be greater. But bothKelly and George together holdone thing dear: service beforeself.

Since joining Rotary and thenew club of Boscobel Oak a yearago, Kelly has found theorganisation to be ‘mostrewarding’ and is looking forwardto the new club achieving itsimportant ‘charter status’ fromRotary International before theend of the year.

“It means we have to increaseour membership from the current10 and we have four prospectivenew members already interestedin joining,” said Kelly, an estateagent who is very much enjoyingher presidency which shedescribes as ‘rewarding.’

“I feel I have met a group ofpeople - with an average age of35 – whom I wouldn’t have methad it not been for Rotary. Wehave kicked off very well both inthe club and outside when wemeet socially.

“All the members are verypositive and get on well thoughwe recognise we need moremembers.

“As we only meet formally oncea month, we think that isachieveable not only for us, butpeople who would like to join us.For the rest of the time a lot ofthings can be done online throughemail.”

Kelly, who has a baby sonTheodore, said Boscobel Oakhad some fundraising dates in thediary, including a stall to raisefunds for charity at Albrighton Fairon July 11.

Then on August 2 or 9 theywould be taking part in a minifestival in Shawbury, whereKelly’s father Ian lives, again toraise funds for charity. She saidthe event would feature bands, abarbeque and a bouncy castle.

Kelly added that she would liketo organise an event to raisefunds for one of their memberswho is disabled to have a newwheelchair.

George, a proud Londoner,joined Rotary in 1971 as afounder member of the RotaryClub of Southborough, Kent,where he was made president in1975-76. He and his wifeMaureen moved to ChurchStretton in 1982 and he becamepresident of that club for the firsttime in 1992-93.

Over the years, he has visitedmore than 100 Rotary clubs in theUK and abroad and says ‘I amimmensely proud of being aRotarian.’

Some of his most memorabletimes in Rotary have been visitingclubs overseas, includingtravelling extensively in SouthAfrica at the time of apartheid. Heand Maureen stayed in the homesof Rotarians who all detested thepolitical system.

During his career, he worked upto the age of 80 as a self-employed designer of shopinteriors and was once stationedat RAF Shawbury for six monthswhilst serving in the Air Force asa wireless operator.

To celebrate his birthday earlierthis month he attended with hisfamily the Railway Children playat Kings Cross Station followedby the British Library exhibition ofMagna Carta, Foyles book shopand Stanfords map shop.

As Kelly begins her life as amum, George is proud of hisfamily, daughter Karen, son Nigel,two grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren.

He added: “I wish Kelly well inher career as a Rotarian. I hopeshe is able to achieve as muchpleasure as I have and she will goon to serve her new club well.”

Youngest (sitting) andoldest Rotary presidents

in District 1210

SITUATIONS VACANTIn Rotary year 2016/17, the

opportunity will arise to look afterone of District 1210’s prizedassets, namely administering andsetting questions for the DistrictQuiz. This could be done by anindividual club or two or moreclubs acting together.

The present incumbents fromthe Rotary Clubs ofWolverhampton andWolverhampton St George’s havespent a hugely enjoyable 7 yearsdoing this, but now we are startingto have difficulty rememberingwhat the question is, let aloneproviding the right answer.

The essential requirements areenthusiasm and an appreciationof the fellowship that comes fromvisiting clubs around the District.

When we took over running thequiz from the Rotary Club ofWalsall they provided us withgreat support in terms of a contact

database, timetables andtemplates for all thecorrespondence. We will be ableto provide a similar level ofassistance.

If your club or clubs areinterested, then the first thing todo is get in touch with one of theDistrict Quiz Co-ordinators for achat. We will be able to take youthrough the key parts of theprocess.

We think you will find runningthe District Quiz as rewarding aswe have. All our question mastersand scorers say how much theyhave enjoyed the experience andwe are extremely grateful for theco-operation of all the quiz hostclubs who ensure that each roundof the quiz runs smoothly.

Geoff Lowndes, Ed IsaacsDerrick SandersDistrict Quiz Co-ordinators

A Significant Achievementfor St Georges

At the District Governors’handover in June, Past DistrictGovernor Lynne was delighted topresent the Rotary Club ofWolverhampton St George’s withthe Rotary International 2014-15Significant Achievement Award, inrecognition of their work with theGood Shepherd Ministry inWolverhampton. Only 200 or soclubs worldwide are presentedeach year with this award inrecognition of their excellentcommunity service projects.These clubs take on projects thatnot only help their localcommunity but also involve mostor all of their club members, andLynne was extremely proud that aclub in District 1210 had beenhonoured in this way.

St George’s club memberstogether with their friends andrelations set aside a few hours oftheir time each week to makesandwiches for the GoodShepherd Ministry, who providenourishing food on a daily basisfor those who are hungry, each ofwhom is given a sandwich, adrink, a small sweet treat andthree tins of food which is enoughto provide them with sustenancefor the next 24 hours. There arethree soup kitchen sessions heldeach week and 4 sandwichdistributions so food of somedescription is provided daily.

In their association with theMinistry the club has producedwell over 22,500 sandwiches todate! The sandwich rota (everyThursday evening) also saves theMinistry around £120 each weekby eliminating the need for themto source the sandwiches fromelsewhere.

The Good Shepherd Ministry isalso a drop-in centre providing forthe needs of any disadvantagedor lonely person looking forsupport, company or just a chat.Additionally, they distribute

around 1500 Christmas hamperseach year for families in need inthe Wolverhampton andsurrounding areas. They alsodonate clothing and bedding tothose who need it; as an exampleof what they achieve, during themonth of January this year foodwas distributed to 8033 people,clothes distributed to 443 peopleand bedding to 100 people.

Immediate Past PresidentMargaret Clewley said “TheRotary Club of Wolverhampton StGeorge’s is very much a ‘hands-on’ club and this projectdemonstrates just how Rotary ismore than just a fundraiser – wealso happen to enjoy thefellowship that “communalsandwich-making” engenders!”

Immediate Past PresidentMargaret Clewley is presented

with the 2014-2015Significant AchievementAward by PDG Lynne.

Rotary Magazine for District 1210

16 Autumn 2015


Rotary Club of AldridgeWendy Morton - MP for Aldridge,

Brownhills constituency

Rotary Club of Brewood & DistrictMike Sheldon • Roger Jones

Maxime Williamson • Neil HarveySally Garner • Claire Thomas

Oliver Lycett • Joanne HollingsheadSusan Cooper • Sally Wormall

Rotary Club of CannockGeoffrey Clegg - Retail Auditing Director

Rotary Club of LudlowRoger Weeks

Kyle Williams (Associate Member)Richard Purssell-Clarke (Associate Member)

George Jacks (Associate Member)

Rotary Club of NewportMrs Margie Haslop

Jon Humphreys

Rotary Club of Stafford KnotJohn Ryan • Jackie Holland

Rotary Club of ShrewsburyNeil Davies - Solicitor Private Practise

Andrew Evans - Solicitor Private PractiseEdward Rees - Solicitor Private Practise

Grainne Walters - Solicitor Private Practise

Rotary Club of Stafford CastleMalcolm Haywood

Rotary Club of StaffordSydney Birkin - Retired - Director IT Services Group

Rotary Club of Stoke-on-TrentWill Harris (Corporate Member)

Gareth Jones, Brian Wilson & Michael Lodey-Young(Associate Members)

Rotary Club of UttoxeterDavid Chapman - Footwear Manufacturing

Rotary Club of WednesburyGarry Steven Willmore

Rotary Club of WhitchurchJohn Holland - Stained & Decorative Glass

Manufacturer, Rtd.Maggi Allen - Manager Local Care Centre

Rotary Club of Wolverhampton St. GeorgesBob Pace (Rtd. BT)

Proud of their huge contributionto the local community the Clubassembly announced 14 projects,old and new, for the rotary year2015/16. The Club ended theiryear with the planting on 16 and17 May of a group of flower bedsby the traffic lights in the towncentre.

Organisation was by JuniorVice Walter Schafer, a fundraising coffee morning in the careof Senior Vice Bob Thompsonfollowed on 19 June, earlier in themonth rotarian Peggy Mullockhad chaired a local group inraising over £50,000 to provide alandscaped and scented gardenat the Whitchurch Community

Hospital - which the Rotary Clubwere happy to provide withfinancial support.

On 17 May a lonely P.President George Brown joinedWem Rotarians in a sponsoredwalk raising £170 for club funds.P. President Peter Williams againhas a full coach load of holidaymakers to Blackpool at the end ofAugust.

The club’s next venture - aseries of canal trips over five daysfor deserving young and old - firstweek in September, ProstateCancer Screening event on 21September organised byWhitchurch Rotarian DavidSimcock.


The speaker (left) is photographed with Rotarian Mervyn Davieswho at the time was President and Speaker Secretary

Rotarian Iain Gilmour.

RECYLCLING ROAD SWEEPINGSIan Kenny from SITA gave a very interesting talk on recycling road

sweepings to Shawbury and Mid Shropshire Rotary. Making concreteblocks and even recovering precious rare earth metals from thesweepings. With modern money now made of a ferrous material thereis sometimes a continuous stream of coins collected by the magneticseparation process.

NEW MEMBER TO GET MARRIEDA new member has been

inducted into Shawbury and MidShropshire Rotary as cubpresident Mervyn Davies beginsthe countdown to his year ofoffice.

For insolvency practitioner IanStewart, it was a doublecelebration.

The ex-Round Tabler, who hasmoved to the area, is to be

married to fiancé Shirley on July1st.

She is now in full timeemployment in Shrewsbury withDyke Yaxley.

He extended a warm welcometo Rotarians to join them at theirwedding in Hampshire andpromised the club ‘I will do asmuch as I can for you.’

President Mervyn pins the Rotary badge to the lapel of Ian

Autumn 2015 17

Rotary Magazine for District 1210

CLUB CONTACTS in District 1210The information listed below gives the Name and location of Club, the days of the weekthat they meet, whether (E) Evening, (L) Lunch or (B) Breakfast and their website andtelephone number of the Club Honorary Secretary to call for Club Information.ALBRIGHTON & DISTRICTMonday (E) 7.15 for 7.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01902 373963www.d1210.org/albrighton.html

ALDRIDGEThursday (E) 7.00pmClub Sec. Tel: 01782 662335www.aldridgerotary.org.uk

AUDLEYWednesday (E) 6.30 for 7.00pmClub Sec. Tel: 01782 662335www.sites.google.com/site/audleyrotaryclub

BILSTONMonday (E) 7.00pmClub Sec. Tel: 01902 761550www.bilstonrotary.org.uk

BLOXWICH PHOENIXSunday (E) 7.30 for 7.45pmClub Sec. Tel: 01902 631164www.bloxwichphoenix.net

BLYTHE BRIDGE & DISTRICTMonday (E) 7.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01782 398349www.d1210.org/blythbridge.html

BREWOOD & DISTRICTWednesday (E) 7.00 for 7.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01902 850329www.brewood-rotary.co.uk

BRIDGNORTHWednesday (E) 7.30pm (Not Aug.)Club Sec. Tel: 01746 766245www.bridgnorthrotary.org.uk

BROWNHILLSThurs. (L) 2nd & 4th 12.45 for 1.00Club Sec. Tel: 01543 821999www.d1210.org/brownhills.html

BURNTWOOD & DISTRICTWednesday (E) 7.30 for 8.00pmClub Sec. Tel: 01543 684020www.burntwoodrotary.co.uk

BURSLEMWednesday (E) 6.15 for 6.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01782 373933www.d1210.org/burslem.html

CANNOCKWednesday (E) 6.00pmClub Sec. Tel: 01543 275667www.cannockrotary.co.uk

CHEADLEThursday (E) 7.15pmClub Sec. Tel: 01538 753192www.d1210.org/cheadle.html

CHURCH STRETTONWednesday (E) 7.00 for 7.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01743 718049www.rotaryclubofchurchstretton.co.uk

DARLASTONTuesday (E) 6.30 for 7.00pmClub Sec. Tel: 0121 502 6001www.darlastonrotary.net

DUDLEYMonday (E) 6.15 for 6.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01902 892160www.dudleyrotary.org.uk

ECCLESHALL MERCIAMonday (E) 7.30 pmClub Sec.: Tel: 01785 603367www.eccleshallrotary.com

ELLESMEREWednesday (E) 7.00 for 7.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01691 623470www.ellesmererotary.org.uk

ENDON & STOCKTON BROOKTuesday (E) 7.15pmClub Sec.: Tel: 01782 637524www.d1210.org/endonandstocktonbrook.html

ETRURIATuesday (B) 7.25amClub Sec. Tel: 01782 398769www.d1210.org/etruria.html

IRONBRIDGEThurs. (E) 6.30pm, 1st .7.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01952 728185www.IronbridgeRotary.org.uk

KIDSGROVEWednesday (E) 7.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01782 786277www.kidsgrove.rotaryweb.org

LEEKMonday (E) 7.00pmClub Sec. Tel: 01538 384889www.rotaryclubleek.org.uk

LUDLOWTues. Odd Dates (L)12.30 for 1.00,Even Dates (E) 7.00 for 7.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01584 878872www.ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk

MARKET DRAYTONTuesday (E) 7.00 for 7.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01630 652656www.marketdraytonrotary.org

NEWCASTLE under LYMETuesday (L) 12.50 for 1.00pmClub Sec. Tel: 01630 672714www.rotary-newcastle-staffs.co.uk

NEWPORTWednesday (E) 7.00 for 7.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01952 813108www.rotary-ribi.org/clubs/homepage.asp?ClubID=1258

PENKRIDGETuesday (E) 7.00 for 7.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01785 712192www.d1210.org/penkridge.html

RUGELEYMonday (E) 7.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01889 881400www.rugeleyrotary.org.uk

SEDGLEY & WOMBOURNEThursday (E) 6.30 for 7.00pmClub Sec. Tel: 01902 845996www.rotarysedgleyandwombourne.org.uk

SHAWBURY & MID SHROPSHIRETuesday (E) 7.00 for 7.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01743 241368www.shrewsburyrotary.co.uk

SHREWSBURYWednesday (L) 1.00pmClub Sec. Tel: 01743 231059www.rotaryclubofshrewsbury.org.uk

SHREWSBURY DARWINFriday (B) 7.15 for 7.30am5th Friday Thursday 7.30pmClub Sec.: Tel: 01948 667588www.shrewsburydarwinrotary.org.uk

STAFFORDWednesday (L) 12.30pm Club Sec. Tel: 01785 850525www.d1210.org/stafford.html

STAFFORD CASTLETuesday (E) 7.00 for 7.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01785 253823www.staffordcastlerotary.co.uk

STAFFORD KNOTThursday (B) 7.15 for 7.30amClub Sec. Tel: 01785 760295www.d1210.org/staffordknot.html

STOKE on TRENTMonday (E) 6.15pm Club Sec. Tel: 01785 814813www.stokerotary.co.uk

STOKE on TRENT SOUTHMonday (L) 1.00pmClub Sec. Tel: 01782 615701www.stokesouth.rotaryweb.org

STONE & DISTRICTMonday (E) 7.15 for 7.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01785 760120www.stonerotary.org

TELFORD CENTRETuesday (E) 6.00 for 6.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 07930 397270www.telfordcentrerotary.org.uk

TETTENHALLMonday (E) 7.30 for 7.55pmClub Sec. Tel: 01902 764122www.rotaryinwolverhampton.co.uk

TUNSTALLTuesday (E) 6.15 for 6.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01782 658299www.d1210.org/tunstall.html

UTTOXETERTuesday (E) 7.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01538 703756www.uttoxeterrotary.org.uk

WALSALLFriday (L) 12.45 for 1.00pmClub Sec. Tel: 01922 723591www.rotary.org.uk

WALSALL SADDLERSTuesday (E) 6.30 for 6.45pmClub Sec. Tel: 01213 532086www.walsallsaddlersrotaryclub.org

WEDNESBURYThursday (E) 6.15 for 6.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 0121 556 1065www.wednesburyrotary.co.uk/

WEDNESFIELDWednesday (E) 6.15 for 6.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01902 333853www.wednesfieldrotary.org.uk

WELLINGTONFriday (L) 1.00pmClub Sec. Tel: 01952 541518www.wellingtonrotary.org.uk

WEM & DISTRICTMonday 1st & 3rd (E)7.00 for 7.30pm,2nd & 4th (L)12.30 for 1.00pm, 5th (B)7.15 for 7.30am Club Sec. Tel: 01939 250381https://wemrotary.wordpress.com/

WHITCHURCHTuesday 1st, 3rd & 5th (E) 7.00pm,2nd & 4th (L) 1.00pmClub Sec. Tel: 01948 665330www.rotarian.org.uk

WILLENHALLThursday (E) 5.30 for 6.00pm (last Thursday 7.00pm with partners)Club Sec. Tel: 01922 445031www.rotarywillenhall.org.uk

WOLSTANTONThursday (E) 7.00 for 7.30pmClub Sec. Tel: 01782 799697www.d1210.org/wolstanton.html

WOLVERHAMPTONTuesday (L) 12.45pmClub Sec. Tel: 01902 375784www.rotaryclubwolverhampton.co.uk

WOLVERHAMPTONST. GEORGESTuesday (B) 7.15 for 7.30amClub Sec. Tel: 01543 304682www.stgeorges1210.org.uk

THE WREKINThursday (E) 7.45pmClub Sec. Tel: 01952 247844www.d1210.org/wrekin.html


September 25th-27th.

A terrific line up of world class speakers is inprospect, together with great entertainment.

PROGRAMMESpeakers include:

JENNY SEAGROVEAward winning stage,screen and televisionactress, the star of manyfilms including 'LocalHero,' appearingalongside Burt Lancasterand Peter Capaldi;numerous TV seriesincluding 'A Woman ofSubstance' and 'JudgeJohn Deed' with MartinShaw, and a hugenumber of stage plays.

ZIGGI SHIPPERHolocaust survivor - anunforgettable tale ofsurvival, inspiration andhope that will have youenthralled.

ERNIE GUILD MBEParalympian goldmedallist, Korea 1988,Barcelona 1992 andAtlanta 1996. British,European, and Worldrecord holder. ViceChairman of WheelPower, Ernie isdedicated to inspiringthe next Young At Heartgeneration.

DEREK POULSONActor, lecturer andraconteur – his talk'It's Not What YouSay, It's The Waythat You Say It,' willhave you in fits oflaughter!

DAVE ROBERTS ANDRYLARIANSKeeping the 'YoungAt Heart' themegoing, you'll behearing from someof our amazingyouth, includingRYLARians, theNational FinalistTeam in the YouthSpeaks Competitionfrom our District,and talented YoungMusicians.

...and many more.

Photograph Courtesyof Andy Newbold

18 Autumn 2015

ProgrammeFriday 25th September 20158.30 Conference Golf North Wales Golf Club

Tee off between 10.48 and 11.48Dinner taken in Hotel or venue of choice

20.15 From West End to Broadway The Arena, Venue CymruEntertainment featuring: Real Class

21.15 Fancy Dress Parade21.45 Real Class22.30 Fancy Dress Results22.45 Real Class23.30 Finish/Buses

Saturday 26th September 20158.15 House of Friendship opens The Hall, Venue Cymru9.00 First Plenary Session The Hall, Venue Cymru

Wheelpower Ernie Guild MBEZigi’s Story Zigi Shipper

10.45 Morning Coffee The Hall, Venue Cymru11.15 Second Plenary Session The Hall, Venue Cymru

Canine Partners Malcolm WebbTurning Knives into Angels Clive KnowlesThe Mane Chance Jenny Seagrove

13.5 Announcements & Session closed13.30 District Governor’s Lunch for Club Presidents,

partners and guests at the Imperial Hotel19.00 District Governor’s Gala Dinner The Arena,Venue Cymru21.00 Entertainment featuring Co Stars

(including Interval background music)23.45 District Governor & Party leave23.45 Finish/Buses

Sunday 27th September 20159.00 House of Friendship opens The Hall, Venue Cymru10.00 Third Plenary Session The Hall, Venue Cymru

A Rotary Moment Sylvia Kerris Chair,Inner Wheel (District 21) Terrie Hewitt

10.45 Morning Coffee The Hall, Venue Cymru11.15 Fourth Plenary Session The Hall, Venue Cymru

Teenage Cancer Trust Anie HussainIt’s not what you say (it’s the way that you say it!) Derek PoulsonYoung at Heart Compere: Geoff Mackey

12.45 Conference closes

Autumn 2015 19

The Quarterly Newspaper forRotary District 1210

(Shropshire, Staffordshire & West Midlands)

EDITOR: Keith Law - Rotary Club of Dudley

Design & Origination by: Quill Design LtdItan House, Saltwells Road, Netherton, Dudley DY2 9PE.

Tel: 01384 566266www.quill-design.co.uk • Email: [email protected]

Printed by: Lion FPG - Tel: 0121 500 4962Articles and letters published in this newspaper do not necessarily reflect the

views of RI, RIBI, District 1210 or the Editor.

NEXT ISSUEThe WINTER issue of ROTO will be published in NOVEMBER 2015 and will

be available at the District Council meeting on Monday 16th November 2015COPY DEADLINE DATE for the WINTER Issue is required by


For details of ADVERTISING RATESContact: Rtn. Keith Law

Tel: 01384 566266E-mail: [email protected]

Rotary Magazine for District 1210

Please send all articles to be includedin the ROTO Magazine to the

below email address only:[email protected]

Please send all articles by email onlyKindest Regards - ROTO

In RemembranceRtn Roger Yeomans

�Rtn Arthur Watkin

�PP John Pearce

�PP Tom Farmer

�Rtn Trevor Hall

�PP Jeffrey Benbow

�PP Normal Oliver

Passed to higher service.Our thoughts are with their families.

On Thursday 14th May theRotary Club of Shrewsburyprovided some hardy volunteersto help the local branch of BritishRed Cross. The Red Cross wereholding their “Great SummerGarden Event” in the grounds ofCound Hall, near Shrewsbury

with the club members managingthe car parking arrangements andproviding other assistance to theorganisers. Being a typicalEnglish summer, the clubmembers managed to retire after4 hours on duty beforehypothermia set in!

Shrewsbury Rotary Clubsupports British Red Cross


The Gurkhas help withNepal Collection

left: Rotarian Neil Phillips, Rotarian David Tomkinson, Bal KrishnaRai, Arun Rai, Guru Prasad Pun and Rotarian Dick Bailey.

Members of the Rotary Club ofWellington were helped in acollection at MorrisonsSupermarket in Wellington onSunday May 24th by members ofthe local ex-Gurkha community.

The event raised £843.74 toprovide aid for Nepal following the

recent earthquake disasters.Event organiser, Rotarian DickBailey, said, ' I would like to thankthe staff and customers ofMorrisons for their magnificentcontribution towards helping thepeople of Nepal overcome thisterrible natural disaster.'

WHITCHURCH CROQUET AND BOWLSTeams fared badly at croquet losing heavily to Shrewsbury but with

wins over Newcastle and Shrewsbury Darwin hopes are high toproceed further in the district competition.

A new initiative which is the firstin Shropshire is being pioneeredby the British Red CrossShropshire Young Carers.

Details of the pilot wererevealed by Rowan Ellson Ariasto members of Shawbury and MidShropshire Rotary which hasagreed a donation of £1,000.

She disclosed that theorganisation was keen to supportany ‘hidden or known’ young adultcarer between the age of 18 and25. Said Rowan: “This is inaddition to the existing servicethat works with young carers from5 –18. “Young carers interested inthe pilot can get in touch with theoffice on 01743 457800.”

The pilot, said Rowan, was partway through its funding by theCabinet Office and they werekeen to interest young adultcarers who could access anumber of different developmentand respite opportunities.

“We are recruiting as many aswe can onto both young carersschemes from the age of 16,” shetold Rotarians.

She added that the Red Crosswas organising an ‘Autumn Red’fundraising dinner at Origins,Shrewsbury College, on October20. The price of £20 a headwould include a welcome drink,three course meal and key notespeaker.
