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RLC complete analysis with examples

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The characteriscs and different manners of RLC circuit in me as well as in Laplace transform paerns to be noted. Also the different graphs across resistor, Inductor and capacitor has to be studied in my project of ECA-II. Behavior of RLC circuits Different behaviors of RLC circuits through different applicaons and what are their characterisc. [email protected]

The characteristics and different manners of RLC circuit in time as well as in Laplace

transform patterns to be noted. Also the different graphs across resistor, Inductor and capacitor has to be studied in my project of


Behavior of RLC circuits

Different behaviors of RLC circuits through different applications and what are their characteristic.

[email protected]

[Behavior of RLC circuits] December 16, 2015


Project: Behavior of RLC circuitsSubject: Electric-Circuit Analysis-II

Submitted by: Hamza Saeed Khan _\ (SP14-EPE-096).

Submitted to: Engrr. Shahid KhanDated: 9th December, 2015. (15:05)

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[Behavior of RLC circuits] December 16, 2015


1) Introduction………………………………………………… Passive elements Active elements Difference between actives and passives

2) Resistor……………………………………………………… Fabrication Types Graph of resistor

3) Capacitor……………………………………………………. Units of capacitor Fabrication Graph of capacitor

4) Inductor……………………………………………………… Units of Inductance Fabrication Graph of inductor

5) Resonance …………………………………………………….. Series resonance What is resonance circuit Graphs for rlc

6) RLC Circuits………………………………………………….. Definition What is LCR? My simulation informations

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[Behavior of RLC circuits] December 16, 2015

Introduction:Electric circuit analysis is the vast field of Electrical engineering having lots of theories, laws and hypothesis. My project to work and research on it is to study the behavior of different RLC circuits by taking different applications consists of definitely these elements, how it works, what are the characters they show when connected to the AC sources with different voltages and what are the different behavioral graphs they show after in simulation I’ve done in Proteus 8.0. My main work is related to resonance and transient circuit analysis, also a bit touch to steady-state analysis. What is RLC, how resistor, inductor and capacitor works and what are the different formulas and Laplace transforms uses to find different quantities from them are all in here. Graphs are the easy way to study the characteristics of any element either active or passive. These three elements i-e R,L,C are passive circuit elements.

A) Passive elements : Those devices or components which store or maintain Energy in the form of Voltage or Current are known as Passive Components

B) Active elements : Those devices or components which produce energy in the form of Voltage or Current are called as Active Components

C) Difference between active and passive elements :What is the difference between active and passive components?1. Active devices inject power to the circuit, whereas passive devices are incapable of supplying any energy2. Active devices are capable of providing power gain, and passive devices are incapable of providing power gain.3. Active devices can control the current (energy) flow within the circuit, whereas passive devices cannot control it.

Resistor:A resistor is an electrical component that limits or regulates the flow of electrical current in an electronic circuit. Resistors can also be used to provide a specific voltage for an active device such as a transistor. Its symbol is :[1]

fig1.symbol of resistor.

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[Behavior of RLC circuits] December 16, 2015

All other factors being equal, in a direct-current (DC) circuit, the current through a resistor is inversely proportional to its resistance and directly proportional to the voltage across it. This is the well-known Ohm's Law. In alternating-current (AC)

circuits, this rule also applies as long as the resistor does not contain inductance or capacitance.

A) Fabrication :Resistors can be fabricated in a variety of ways. The most common type in electronic devices and systems is the carbon-composition resistor. Fine granulated carbon (graphite) is mixed with clay and hardened. The resistance depends on the proportion of carbon to clay; the higher this ratio, the lower the resistance.

B) Types :Another type of resistor is made from winding Nickel-Chrome or similar wire on an insulating form. This component, called a wire wound resistor, is able to handle higher currents than a carbon-composition resistor of the same physical size. However, because the wire is wound into a coil, the component acts as an inductors as well as exhibiting resistance. This does not affect performance in DC circuits, but can have an adverse effect in AC circuits because inductance renders the device sensitive to changes in frequency.


Capacitor:A capacitor is a passive electronic component that stores energy in the form of an electrostatic field. In its simplest form, a capacitor consists of two conducting plates separated by an insulating material called the dielectric. The capacitance is directly proportional to the surface areas of the plates, and is inversely proportional to the separation between the plates. Capacitance also depends on the dielectric constant of the substance separating the plates. It’s symbol is [2]:

fig. symbol of capacitor

C) Unit of Capacitor:

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[Behavior of RLC circuits] December 16, 2015

The standard unit of capacitance is the farad, abbreviated. This is a large unit; more common units are the microfarad, abbreviated µF (1 µF =10-6F) and the Pico farad, abbreviated pF (1 pF = 10-12 F).

D) Fabrication :Capacitors can be fabricated onto integrated circuit (IC) chips. They are commonly used in conjunction with transistors in dynamic random access memory (DRAM). The capacitors help maintain the contents of memory. Because of their tiny physical size, these components have low capacitance. They must be recharged thousands of times per second or the DRAM will lose its data. Large capacitors are used in the power supplies of electronic equipment of all types, including computers etc.


Inductor:An inductor is a passive electronic component that stores energy in the form of a magnetic field. In its simplest form, an inductor consists of a wire loops or coil. The inductance is directly proportional to the number of turns in the coil. Inductance also depends on the radius of the coil and on the type of material around which the coil is wound.

Its symbol is:[3]

fig3. Symbol of inductor

For a given coil radius and number of turns, air cores result in the least inductance. Materials such as wood, glass, and plastic - known as dielectric materials - are essentially the same as air for the purposes of inductor winding. Ferromagnetic

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[Behavior of RLC circuits] December 16, 2015

substances such as iron, laminated iron, and powdered iron increase the inductance obtainable with a coil having a given number of turns. In some cases, this increase

is on the order of thousands of times. The shape of the core is also significant. Toroidal (donut-shaped) cores provide more inductance, for a given core material

and number of turns, than solenoidal (rod-shaped) cores.


A) Unit of Inductor :The standard unit of inductance is the henry, abbreviated (H). This is a large unit. More common units are the microhenry, abbreviated µH (1 µH =10-6H) and the millihenry, abbreviated mH (1 mH =10-3 H). Occasionally, the nanohenry (nH) is used (1 nH = 10-9 H).

B) Fabrication :

It is difficult to fabricate inductors onto integrated circuit (IC) chips. Fortunately, resistors can be substituted for inductors in most microcircuit applications. In some cases, inductance can be simulated by simple electronic circuits using transistors, resistors, and capacitors fabricated onto ICchips.

Inductors are used with capacitors in various wireless communications applications. An inductor connected in series or parallel with a capacitor can provide discrimination against unwanted signals. Large inductors are used in the power supplies of electronic equipment of all types, including computers and their peripherals. In these systems, the inductors help to smooth out the rectified utility AC, providing pure, battery-like DC.


Resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate with greater amplitude at some frequencies than at others. Frequencies at which the response amplitude is a relative maximum are known as the system's resonant frequencies, or resonance frequencies.A) Series Resonance :The resonance of a series RLC circuit occurs when the inductive and capacitive reactance’s are equal in magnitude but cancel each other because they are 180 degrees apart in phase. The sharp minimum in impedance which occurs is useful in tuning applications.

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[Behavior of RLC circuits] December 16, 2015

B) What is resonance circuit :Resonance of a circuit involving capacitors and inductors occurs because the collapsing magnetic field of the inductor generates an electric current in its windings that charges the capacitor, and then the discharging capacitor provides an electric current that builds the magnetic field in the inductor. In a driven RLC series circuit, the amplitude of the current (Eq. (12.3.8)) has amaximum value, a resonance, which occurs at the resonant angular frequency ω0 .Because the amplitude I0 of the current is inversely proportionate to Z (Eq. (12.3.13), the maximum of I0 occurs when Z is minimum. This occurs at an angular frequency ω0 such that , a qualitative plot of the amplitude of the current as a function of driving angular frequency for two driven RLC circuits, with different values of resistance, R2 > R1 is illustrated in Figure 12.3.5. The amplitude is larger for smaller a smaller value of resistance.

fig.1 [6]

RLC Circuit:

Definition: RLC circuit is an electrical circuit consisting of a resistor (R), an inductor (L), and a capacitor (C), connected in series or in parallel. Represented as;[4]

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[Behavior of RLC circuits] December 16, 2015

.A) What is LCR:A RLC circuit (the letters R, L and C can be in other orders) is an electrical circuit consisting of a resistor, an inductor, and a capacitor, connected in series or in parallel.B) Some Graphs that are showing the behavior of rlc’s are:



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[Behavior of RLC circuits] December 16, 2015

My Simulation for RLC’s:

Fig.A. Proteus simulation of RLC with Oscilloscope attached.

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[Behavior of RLC circuits] December 16, 2015

Another figure of simulation.


1. https://www.google.com.pk/search?q=resistor+symbol&tbm=isch&imgil=49nlEzkVw639cM%253A


2. https://www.google.com.pk/url?


3. https://www.google.com.pk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=&url=https


4 https://www.google.com.pk/search?q=resistor+symbol&tbm=isch&imgil=49nlEzkVw639cM%253A %253BAx8Y9C5IApQ2NM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.resistorguide.com%25252Fresistor-symbols%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=49nlEzkVw639cM%253A%252CAx8Y9C5IApQ2NM%252C_&biw=1024&bih=643&usg=__JI534eYr3ZYbtCi-g_1h3g9Hytw%3D&ved=0ahUKEwitpJS5l-bJAhXJt44KHbxWCIQQyjcIIw&ei=wWN0Vu2_FcnvugS8raGgCA#tbm=isch&q=rlc++symbol&imgrc=w7YrAL6xmAPPBM%3A

5 https://www.google.com/search? q=resonance&oq=resonance&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i61j69i60l2.6002j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8

6 https://www.google.com/search?q=graph+of+resistor&tbm=isch&imgil=JzIKwUnuXe848M%253A %253BNCG7pFw-5741BM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fjcsu.jesus.cam.ac.uk

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7 https://www.google.com/search?q=graph+of+resistor&tbm=isch&imgil=JzIKwUnuXe848M%253A %253BNCG7pFw-5741BM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fjcsu.jesus.cam.ac.uk%25252F~rpc25%25252Fnotes%25252Fphysics%25252Felectricity%25252Felectricity.html&source=iu&pf=m&fir=JzIKwUnuXe848M%253A%252CNCG7pFw-5741BM%252C_&biw=1024&bih=643&usg=__1bLr9TKDgZwttsdLyuywvcOUu00%3D&ved=0ahUKEwid_vmqgv7JAhUnqYMKHV-DAHIQyjcIKA&ei=2OKAVp2yCKfSjgTfhoKQBw#tbm=isch&q=graph+of+inductor&imgrc=Owt-QdXH0I1BAM%3A

8 https://www.google.com/search?q=graph+of+resistor&tbm=isch&imgil=JzIKwUnuXe848M%253A %253BNCG7pFw-5741BM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fjcsu.jesus.cam.ac.uk%25252F~rpc25%25252Fnotes%25252Fphysics%25252Felectricity%25252Felectricity.html&source=iu&pf=m&fir=JzIKwUnuXe848M%253A%252CNCG7pFw-5741BM%252C_&biw=1024&bih=643&usg=__1bLr9TKDgZwttsdLyuywvcOUu00%3D&ved=0ahUKEwid_vmqgv7JAhUnqYMKHV-DAHIQyjcIKA&ei=2OKAVp2yCKfSjgTfhoKQBw#tbm=isch&q=graph+of+capacitor&imgrc=9A90uFa9f72otM%3A

9 https://www.google.com/search?q=graph+of+resistor&tbm=isch&imgil=JzIKwUnuXe848M%253A %253BNCG7pFw-5741BM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fjcsu.jesus.cam.ac.uk%25252F~rpc25%25252Fnotes%25252Fphysics%25252Felectricity%25252Felectricity.html&source=iu&pf=m&fir=JzIKwUnuXe848M%253A%252CNCG7pFw-5741BM%252C_&biw=1024&bih=643&usg=__1bLr9TKDgZwttsdLyuywvcOUu00%3D&ved=0ahUKEwid_vmqgv7JAhUnqYMKHV-DAHIQyjcIKA&ei=2OKAVp2yCKfSjgTfhoKQBw#tbm=isch&q=graph+of+rlc+in+proteus&imgrc=285FKqFbvrmABM%3A

10 https://www.google.com/search?q=graph+of+resistor&tbm=isch&imgil=JzIKwUnuXe848M%253A %253BNCG7pFw-5741BM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fjcsu.jesus.cam.ac.uk%25252F~rpc25%25252Fnotes%25252Fphysics%25252Felectricity%25252Felectricity.html&source=iu&pf=m&fir=JzIKwUnuXe848M%253A%252CNCG7pFw-5741BM%252C_&biw=1024&bih=643&usg=__1bLr9TKDgZwttsdLyuywvcOUu00%3D&ved=0ahUKEwid_vmqgv7JAhUnqYMKHV-DAHIQyjcIKA&ei=2OKAVp2yCKfSjgTfhoKQBw#tbm=isch&q=graph+of+rlc+in+proteus&imgdii=285FKqFbvrmABM%3A%3B285FKqFbvrmABM%3A%3Ba-_xD21x5ocQFM%3A&imgrc=285FKqFbvrmABM%3A

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