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Regulation of lac operon expression: reappraisal of the theory of catabolite repression

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JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, Dec. 1978, P. 947-954 0021-9193/78/0136-0947$02.00/0 Copyright © 1978 American Society for Microbiology Vol. 136, No. 3 Printed in U.S.A. Regulation of lac Operon Expression: Reappraisal of the Theory of Catabolite Repression BARRY L. WANNER,t RYOJI KODAIRA,: AND FREDERICK C. NEIDHARDT* Department of Microbiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Received for publication 17 September 1978 The physiological state of Escherichia coli with respect to (permanent) catab- olite repression was assessed by measuring the steady-state level of f8-galactosid- ase in induced or in constitutive cells under a variety of growth conditions. Four results were obtained. (i) Catabolite repression had a major effect on fully induced or constitutive expression of the lac gene, and the magnitude of this effect was found to be dependent on the promoter structure; cells with a wild-type lac promoter showed an 18-fold variation in lac expression, and cells with the lacP37 (formerly lac-L37) promoter exhibited several hundred-fold variation. (ii) Exog- enous adenosine cyclic 3',5'-monophosphoric acid (cAMP) could not abolish catabolite repression, even though several controls demonstrated that cAMP was entering the cells in significant amounts. (Rapid intracellular degradation of cAMP could not be ruled out.) (iii) Neither the growth rate nor the presence of biosynthetic products altered the degree of catabolite repression; all variation could be related to the catabolites present in the growth medium. (iv) Slowing by imposing an amino acid restriction decreased the differential rate of f-galactosid- ase synthesis from the wild-type lac promoter when bacteria were cultured in either the absence or presence of cAMP; this decreased lac expression also occurred when the bacteria harbored the catabolite-insensitive lacP5 (formerly lacUV5) promoter mutation. These findings support the idea that (permanent) catabolite repression is set by the catabolites in the growth medium and may not be related to an imbalance between catabolism and anabolism. The presence of glucose in growth media often has a severe effect on catabolic enzyme expres- sion-a phenomenon originally referred to as the glucose effect (5). Two decades ago Neid- hardt and Magasanik (14) and later Mandelstam (9) demonstrated that many catabolizable sub- strates were capable of eliciting repression of catabolic enzyme synthesis. An hypothesis ac- counting for this repression was originally for- mulated by Neidhardt and Magasanik (13). Briefly, this hypothesis states that growth con- ditions that lead to an excess of catabolism over anabolism will reduce the synthesis of catabolic enzymes (8). The term "catabolite repression" was coined to describe this general control (8), which now is known to be involved in the regu- lation also of some enzymes not involved in carbon and energy source metabolism (16). Whereas most early studies of catabolite repres- sion dealt with the permanent phase of catabo- lite repression, a much more severe type of repression referred to as transient repression (10, t Present address: Department of Microbiology and Molec- ular Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115. t Present address: Biochemical Research Center, Asahi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Nobeoka, Miyazaki, Japan. 15, 22) occurs after addition of glucose to a growing culture. Whether or not transient repression and permanent catabolite repression are controlled by the same mechanism(s) re- mains uncertain. Adenosine cyclic 3',5'-monophosphoric acid (cAMP) was found to abolish transient repres- sion and to increase the level of catabolic enzyme expression under conditions of permanent catab- olite repression (18, 25). Subsequently, both in vivo and in vitro evidence demonstrated a role for cAMP and a protein factor known as CAP (catabolite gene activator protein [19]), or cAMP regulator protein (4) for high-level expression of the catabolite repression-sensitive lac operon in Escherichia coli. This control was shown to act at the promoter site on the DNA, and mutations in the lac promoter have been isolated which make the lac operon insensitive to catabolite repression (21). Although cAMP and CAP are necessary for high-level lac expression both in vivo and in vitro, their role as exclusive mediators of catab- olite repression is not settled (24). Also, because catabolite repression has come into general use as a term to designate inhibited synthesis of 947

JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, Dec. 1978, P. 947-9540021-9193/78/0136-0947$02.00/0Copyright © 1978 American Society for Microbiology

Vol. 136, No. 3

Printed in U.S.A.

Regulation of lac Operon Expression: Reappraisal of theTheory of Catabolite Repression

BARRY L. WANNER,t RYOJI KODAIRA,: AND FREDERICK C. NEIDHARDT*Department ofMicrobiology, University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

Received for publication 17 September 1978

The physiological state of Escherichia coli with respect to (permanent) catab-olite repression was assessed by measuring the steady-state level of f8-galactosid-ase in induced or in constitutive cells under a variety of growth conditions. Fourresults were obtained. (i) Catabolite repression had a major effect on fully inducedor constitutive expression of the lac gene, and the magnitude of this effect wasfound to be dependent on the promoter structure; cells with a wild-type lacpromoter showed an 18-fold variation in lac expression, and cells with the lacP37(formerly lac-L37) promoter exhibited several hundred-fold variation. (ii) Exog-enous adenosine cyclic 3',5'-monophosphoric acid (cAMP) could not abolishcatabolite repression, even though several controls demonstrated that cAMP wasentering the cells in significant amounts. (Rapid intracellular degradation ofcAMP could not be ruled out.) (iii) Neither the growth rate nor the presence ofbiosynthetic products altered the degree of catabolite repression; all variationcould be related to the catabolites present in the growth medium. (iv) Slowing byimposing an amino acid restriction decreased the differential rate of f-galactosid-ase synthesis from the wild-type lac promoter when bacteria were cultured ineither the absence or presence of cAMP; this decreased lac expression alsooccurred when the bacteria harbored the catabolite-insensitive lacP5 (formerlylacUV5) promoter mutation. These findings support the idea that (permanent)catabolite repression is set by the catabolites in the growth medium and may notbe related to an imbalance between catabolism and anabolism.

The presence of glucose in growth media oftenhas a severe effect on catabolic enzyme expres-sion-a phenomenon originally referred to asthe glucose effect (5). Two decades ago Neid-hardt and Magasanik (14) and later Mandelstam(9) demonstrated that many catabolizable sub-strates were capable of eliciting repression ofcatabolic enzyme synthesis. An hypothesis ac-counting for this repression was originally for-mulated by Neidhardt and Magasanik (13).Briefly, this hypothesis states that growth con-ditions that lead to an excess of catabolism overanabolism will reduce the synthesis of catabolicenzymes (8). The term "catabolite repression"was coined to describe this general control (8),which now is known to be involved in the regu-lation also of some enzymes not involved incarbon and energy source metabolism (16).Whereas most early studies of catabolite repres-sion dealt with the permanent phase of catabo-lite repression, a much more severe type ofrepression referred to as transient repression (10,

t Present address: Department of Microbiology and Molec-ular Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115.

t Present address: Biochemical Research Center, AsahiChemical Industry Co., Ltd., Nobeoka, Miyazaki, Japan.

15, 22) occurs after addition of glucose to agrowing culture. Whether or not transientrepression and permanent catabolite repressionare controlled by the same mechanism(s) re-mains uncertain.Adenosine cyclic 3',5'-monophosphoric acid

(cAMP) was found to abolish transient repres-sion and to increase the level of catabolic enzymeexpression under conditions ofpermanent catab-olite repression (18, 25). Subsequently, both invivo and in vitro evidence demonstrated a rolefor cAMP and a protein factor known as CAP(catabolite gene activator protein [19]), orcAMPregulator protein (4) for high-level expression ofthe catabolite repression-sensitive lac operon inEscherichia coli. This control was shown to actat the promoter site on the DNA, and mutationsin the lac promoter have been isolated whichmake the lac operon insensitive to cataboliterepression (21).Although cAMP and CAP are necessary for

high-level lac expression both in vivo and invitro, their role as exclusive mediators of catab-olite repression is not settled (24). Also, becausecatabolite repression has come into general useas a term to designate inhibited synthesis of



inducible enzymes, the task remains to deter-mine whether or not all the diverse phenomenacalled catabolite repression actually share acAMP-CAP mechanism. Re-examination of theoriginal concept of catabolite repression in thelight of new information about cAMP is nowappropriate.We have directed this paper towards defining

catabolite repression in the cell under conditionswhere either the medium composition, thegrowth rate, or both are varied. We have donethis by using lac expression controlled by differ-ent lac promoters as a probe into the physiolog-ical state of the cell.

(A preliminary report of part of this work waspresented at the Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. Micro-biol. New York, N.Y., 27 April to 2 May 1975).

MATERIALS AND METHODSMedia. Morpholinopropane sulfonic acid medium

was used for all growth studies and prepared as de-scribed previously (12). Carbon sources and supple-ments were added as listed in Table 1 of reference 27.All components were filter sterilized. Unless specifiedotherwise, cAMP when present was added at 5 mM.

Bacterial strains. Most strains used in this studywere derivatives of our reference strain E. coli NC3.This strain is an unmutagenized derivative of E. coliB/r which lacks the B-type restriction system. Itsderivation has been given previously (27). E. coliAS19, an E. coli B strain which contains several mu-tations that increase the permeability of the mem-brane (20), was used in a few experiments. It wasobtained from K. Gausing. E. coli NP4, an E. coli Bstrain maintained in this laboratory for several years,was also used in a few experiments.

Genetics. All genetic methods were described pre-viously (27). The lacP37 (formerly lac-L37) catabolite-sensitive lac promoter mutation was transduced intoa proline auxotroph of our reference strain NC3 byusing bacteriophage P1 and selecting for prototrophy.E. coli CA8005, which harbors the lacP37 lesion, wasobtained from B. Magasanik. Auxotrophs were iso-lated by penicillin enrichment at 42°C as describedpreviously (27). Auxotrophs were screened for tem-perature-sensitive auxotrophy by replica plating at 30and 42°C. A strain harboring the leuA(Ts) lesion wasisolated after mutagenesis with N-methyl-N'-nitroso-guanidine. Bacteriophage P1 transduction was used todemonstrate genetic linkage of this allele to the araoperon. By in vitro assay, the strain harboring thisleuA(Ts) lesion contains a thermolabile 2-isopropyl-malate-synthetase. The leuA(Ts) allele was trans-ferred into a leucine auxotroph of NC3 by using bac-teriophage P1 transduction. Prototrophs were selectedat permissive temperature (30°C). Transductants werepurified, and, when checked for temperature-sensitiveauxotrophy, more than 95% were temperature sensi-tive. Other auxotrophs were isolated without mutagen-esis. The trpE(Ts) allele was so designated becausethe auxotrophy could be satisfied with anthranilate ortryptophan. The trpE(Ts) allele was linked to galU inP1 transduction. The trpS(Ts) allele was shown to be

linked to the aroB gene. The met(Ts) allele was notmapped.

Bacterial growth and enzyme assays. Cultureswere grown and assayed as described previously (27).,8-Galactosidase assays were performed on sonic su-pernatant fluids, because this procedure was previ-ously shown to give the most reliable data. Units aremicromoles of o-nitrophenol produced per minute at28°C. Growth rates are expressed in terms of thespecific growth rate constant k, as calculated from theexpression k = (ln2)/(mass doubling time [hours]). Anoptical density at 420 nm of 1.0 is equivalent to 3 x108 to 3.5 x 108 cells per ml for a logarithmic cultureof E. coli NC3 growing in glucose minimal medium.The culture conditions used support logarithmicgrowth to an optical density at 420 nm of 7.0.

Analytical methods. The protein concentration ofcell extracts was determined colorimetrically by themethod of Lowry et al. (7).

Reagents. Morpholinopropane sulfonic acid, tri-cine [N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methylglycine], cAMP,isopropyl-,1-D-thiogalactoside, glycyl-L-proline, 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-/8-D-galactoside, phenyl-,8-D-galactoside (4)Gal), and o-nitrophenyl-,f-D-fucosidewere purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. Radioactiveamino acids were obtained from New England NuclearCorp. or Schwarz/Mann. o-Nitro-,i-D-thiogalactosidewas purchased from Cyclo Chemical. cAMP was alsokindly donated by Asahi Chemical Co. (Nobeoka, Ja-pan).

RESULTSEffect ofmedium composition on fl-galac-

tosidase synthesis controlled by a wild-type promoter. A great variation in expressionof the lac operon can be seen in cells underdifferent growth conditions. This variation,which is independent of inducer, is shown in Fig.1A and B. The specific activity of 8-galactosid-ase in bacteria which are either constitutive orfully induced and carry the wild-type lac pro-moter region is shown in Fig. 1A.The most noteworthy observations are the

following. (i) An 18-fold variation in the specificactivity of fB-galactosidase was found over a 5.6-fold range in growth rate. (ii) An overall trend ofdecreasing enzyme activity with increasinggrowth rate was found, but with large variationsin enzyme activity in media supporting similargrowth rates. Additional information in Fig. 1Acan be summarized by examining four sets ofrelated growth conditions. (iii) The effect ofsingle carbon sources in minimal medium wasfound to be as follows. If one assigns a value of100 to the highest specific activity (found in D-alanine minimal medium [no. 23]), then the lev-els in the other media are 88 in succinate (no.22), 85 in L-aspartate (no. 19), 74 in pyruvate(no. 20a), 69 in acetate (no. 16), 55 in glycerol(no. 9), 40 in D-serine (no. 21), and 12 in glucose(no. 1). (iv) The effect of a second carbon sourcein minimal medium was found to be as follows.



0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6K (hrl)

FIG. 1. ,B-Galactosidase activity in E. coli NC3 harboring the wild-type lac promoter region. The bacteriawere maintained in logarithmic growth at 37°C in the various media for at least 10 generations beforeremoving portions for assays. Both wild-type and full-level constitutive strains were used. Inducible strainswere grown in media containing 1 mM isopropyl-,B-D-thiogalactoside. The media are identified by number inthe body of the figure and are described in Table 1 of reference 27. At an optical density at 420 nm ofapproximately 0.3,0.6, and 1.0, samples were taken intoprechilled tubes containing sufficient chloramphenicolto give a final concentration of 100 pg/ml in an ice-water bath. After washing bypelleting and suspending thecells, the samples were sonically treated, and the supernatant fluids were assayed for protein and /8-galactosidase activity as describedpreviously (27). Each point represents the average value for three samples.Reproducibility ofresults was always within 10%. Open circles represent fully induced level of/3-galactosidaseactivity from the lac promoter in a cell with wild-type background grown in media without cAMP; closedsymbols are for those strains grown in the presence of 5 mM cAMP. When a particular medium was usedmore than three independent times, the standard deviation is represented by a vertical or horizontal bardrawn through each appropriate point. (A) Cultures grown without exogenous cAMP: medium no. 1 was usedfor 15 cultures, and medium no. 4 was used for 4 cultures. (B) Cultures grown with a 5 mM cAMP: medium no.

1 was used for five cultures, and medium no. 4 was used for four cultures.

In all cases examined (no. 7 and 12, and data notshown), the presence oftwo carbon sources leadsto a lower enzyme level than with either singlecarbon source. (v) The effect of additional car-bon sources in rich medium was found to be asfollows. The cells were grown in rich mediumwith any of four carbon sources: acetate, glyc-erol, glucose, or L-serine. The addition of eitherglucose (no. 4) or glycerol (no. 11) as a secondcarbon source to L-serine-rich medium (no. 15)produced a greater repression than that foundin rich medium with the single carbon source.

(Unlike most amino acids, L-serine is rapidlycatabolized in rich media, even in the presence

of glucose). The addition of both ribose andfructose to glucose-rich medium led to a furtherrepression of 36% (no. 6 versus no. 4). (vi) Theeffects of medium supplementation were foundto be as follows. Supplementation of acetate,glycerol, or glucose minimal medium cultureswith the mixture of amino acids (lacking L-ser-ine), nucleic acid bases, and vitamins in all cases

increased the growth rate. Supplementation ofacetate minimal medium led to a 70% increasein growth rate and a 9% increase in enzymeactivity. For glycerol medium (no. 10 versus no.

9), a near doubling of the growth rate (76%increase) was accompanied by an 18% decrease

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949VOL. 136, 1978


in enzyme activity, whereas for glucose medium(no. 3 versus no. 1), a 52% increase in growthrate occurred with a 28% decrease in enzymeactivity.

Effect of exogenous cAMP. High-levelexpression of the lactose operon requires cAMP.Expression of lac in the presence of exogenouscAMP was examined, and the results are shownin Fig. 1B. Four general effects of the presenceof 5 mM cAMP are evident. (i) The apparentinverse correlation of enzyme level with growthrate seen in the absence of cAMP (Fig. 1A) wasmore pronounced in its presence. This resultedfrom a partial quenching of medium-specific ef-fects. (ii) The presence of cAMP usually in-creased the relative rate of B-galactosidase syn-thesis, but in a few instances (media no. 9, 17,19, and 23) appeared to have very little effect.(iii) Media in which there was marked growthrate inhibition by cAMP (media no. 4, 11, 12, 15,and 21) also showed large stiznulation of fl-ga-lactosidase synthesis; a growth rate inhibition,however, was not a necessary condition for anincrease in the enzyme activity (e.g., no. 1 and10).

If the differences in the level of ,B-galactosid-ase expression shown in Fig. 1A are caused bycatabolite repression and if cAMP is the solemediator of catabolite repression, then theseeffects should have been eliminated in the ex-periments presented in Fig. 1B. Obviously, thiswas not the case, but there could be severalreasons for the failure ofcAMP to overcome therestrictions observed. Several lines of evidencesuggest that the ability of cAMP to abolishcatabolite repression is not limited by a restric-tion of entry into the cell. First, the addition of1 mM cAMP was shown to be sufficient tosaturate these cells with respect to ,B-galactosid-ase synthesis under many growth conditions ex-amined; lac expression was no higher in 10 than1 mM cAMP in media no. 1, 2, and 16 (data notshown). Second, an adenyl cyclase-deficient mu-tant of E. coli NC3 was examined. Such a mu-tant grows very poorly; the addition of exoge-nous (1 mM) cAMP completely restored thegrowth rate. Finally, under some growth condi-tions, very little effect of exogenous cAMP wasobserved, and the possibility that cAMP doesnot enter the cells was tested with the glucoseanalog, a-methylglucoside, to induce transientrepression (21). Significant repression of /3-galac-tosidase synthesis was observed when a-meth-ylglucoside was added to cultures of NC3 grow-ing in three different media, and the repressionwas abolished in all cases by the simultaneousaddition of cAMP (data not shown). Neverthe-less, it is possible that exogenous cAMP is notsaturating for the lac operon if a higher concen-

tration is needed for lac expression than for anormal growth rate and for the relief of transientrepression and if this concentration cannot bereached during growth in some media containingcAMP.Effect ofmedium composition on f8-galac-

tosidase synthesis controlled by a low-levelcatabolite-sensitive promoter. Data ob-tained for the lacP37 promoter, a "down" pro-moter mutation in the CAP interaction region,are presented in Fig. 2. Significant observationsinclude the following. (i) With the lacP37 pro-moter, there was a dramatic decrease infl-galac-tosidase activity when the growth rate was in-creased. (ii) The addition of cAMP to glucoseminiimal medium increased this level over 50%.(iii) The response of the lacP37 promoter tomedia of different composition was qualitativelysimilar to that of the wild type.Effect ofbiosynthetic restriction on fl-ga-

lactosidase synthesis controlied by thewild-type lac promoter. A strain of E. coliwith a wild-type lac promoter and a tempera-ture-sensitive first enzyme in leucine biosyn-thesis was grown in glucose minimal mediumcontaining the gratuitous inducer isopropyl-f)-D-thiogalactoside at 370C (a permissive temper-ature). Portions were then placed at a variety ofrestricting temperatures from 38.5 to 40.80C.These temperature shifts caused an abruptchange to lower growth rates and were accom-panied by a severe inhibition of f-galactosidasesynthesis for approxiimately half a mass dou-




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0 IC 06I1 1 1 006o

0 0.4 0.8 1.2K(hr 1)

1.6 2.0

FIG. 2. /8-Galactosidase activity in E. coli NC3harboring the lacP37 promoter mutation. See thelegend to Fig. 1 for key to the media, methods, andsymbols used.


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e more pronounced the growth inhibi- temporary, severe inhibition ofenzyme synthesismore severe was this temporary inhi- was eliminated, and the final steady-state rateLta not shown). After this transition during restricted growth was increased, but theie differential rate of /-galactosidase pernanent decrease in lac expression duringincreased, but the final steady-state leucine restriction was little affected by the pres-ing restricted growth were lower than ence of cAMP. Several experiments were re-ng unrestricted growth. The more se- peated with a derivative strain that has a fullgrowth restriction (i.e., the higher the level of constitutive synthesis of,B-galactosidase.are), the lower was the final differential Identical results were obtained.zyme synthesis. Control cultures grown The effect of leucine restriction on fully in-ine at the same temperatures showed duced lac expression was examined in culturesial rate of ,B-galactosidase synthesis, during growth on lactose and on glycerol mini-ating that the lower growth rate during mal media. In each case a severe inhibition ofastriction was responsible for the de- f8-galactosidase synthesis immediately followedites of enzyme synthesis. the temperature shift. Afterwards, a more mod-3 the final steady-state rates of p8 erate decrease in lac expression ensued (data

lase synthesis are plotted as a function not shown). The addition of cAMP abolishedecific growth rate constant of the re- any temporary severe repression and increasednd unrestricted cultures. Figure 3 also the level of ,B-galactosidase synthesis in the;he results obtained when cAMP was steady-state restricted culture. However, the fi-the time of the temperature shift. The nal steady-state rate ins the cAMP-containing

restricted culture was always reduced whencompared with the cAMP-containing unre-

*| Z Z stricted control culture.. *_i7_ To test the generality of the results obtained

* with leucine restriction, strains with a tempera-ture-sensitive tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase[trpS(Ts)] or a temperature-sensitive methio-

)0_ nine biosynthetic enzyme were employed. TheOs°8results from these experiments can be summa-

rized briefly. Shifting each of the three strains0{YO from its permissive to a restrictive temperature

caused a temporary, severe inhibition of ,B-galac-o tosidase synthesis for about half a generation. In

each case this period was followed by a loweredsteady-state rate of enzyme synthesis during

0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 prolonged growth at the restricted rate. The

K (hr') addition of cAMP eliminated the severe tran-sient inhibition for methionine limitation as for

,B-Galactosidase activity in E. coli NP4 leucine limitation, but had no effect on the tryp-the wild-type lac promoter region and a tophanyl-tRNA-limited culture. The final differ-re-sensitive first enzyme in leucine biosyn- ential rate of f8-galactosidase synthesis in the? bacteria were maintained in logarithmic amino acid-restricted cultures containing cAMP37°C in glucose minimal medium contain- in all cases represented a great reduction frompyl-P-D-thiogalactoside for several gener- the rate in the control cAMP-containing unre-portion of each culture was shifted to aitricting temperature between 38.5 and stricted culture (data not shown).control culture containing leucine was si- Expression of the lacP5 promoter. Thesly shifted. Each point shown represents lacP5 (formerly lacUV5) promoter of the lacrom a differentialplot of the enzyme activ- operon is insensitive to catabolite repression. Inilliliter of culture versus the amount of a previous study we have shown that the levelr milliliter of culture between an optical of lac expression from this promoter is unaf-420 nm of 0.1 and 1.0. At least five portions fected by cAMP and is virtually constant ature were assayed over this interval. Open different growth rates (27). The effects of bio-present the level off/-galactosidase activity synthetic restriction on the function of this de-rown in media without cAMP; closed sym- contred r onwereea ned wito the te-)r cultures incubated in the presence of 5 controlled operon were examined with the tem-P. Circles represent unrestricted cultures, perature-sensitive leuA enzyme. The resultses represent amino acid-restricted cultures. (Fig. 4) were that slow, biosynthetically re-s connect points plotted for steady-state stricted growth led to decreased rate of 8?-galac-

tosidase synthesis both in glucose miniimal me-


o -~

In 0

FIG. 3.harboringtemperatuithesis. Thegrowth at'ing isoprolations. Agrowth-res40.8°C. A i

multaneouthe slope fiity per miprotein pedensity atof the cultsymbols rejin a cell g7bols are fcmM cAMIand squariSolid lineLcultures.

VOL. 136, 1978



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FIG. 4. f8-Gal(harboring the laa temperature-s4synthesis. Bacte.

variety of tempimpose amino agrown in either

rich medium (nocles represent unrepresent amino

dium and in glcine). An analeffect of tryptoase synthesis c

by using a str

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also observed (

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define catabolittion of the dif

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stitute one fornwe might simp]catabolite rep]repression is a g

III I of transcription and brought about by catabo-lites.Growing E. coli in different culture media

04 resulted in an 18-fold variation in the level of// constitutive 83-galactosidase synthesis. Most, if

not all, of this variation is caused by cataboliterepression, as established by several observa-4

o° tions. (i) The variation is present whether the/P _ lac operon is fully induced or the lacI gene4 repressor is inactivated by mutation. (ii) Practi-

cally no variation in ,8-galactosidase synthesis isobserved when a cell carrying a catabolite

I I I repression-insensitive lac promoter is grown un-0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 der identical conditions (27); most of the varia-

K (hr-') tion is eliminated in a cell carrying a deletion ofthe CAP interaction region of the promoter (27).

actosidase activity in E. coli NC3 Therefore, this variation is promoter specific.zcP37 lacP5 promoter mutation and (iii) The variation is dependent upon the pres-ensitive first enzyme in leucine bio- ence of catabolites in the growth medium, but isria were cultured as in Fig. 1 at a

neratures between 37 and 40.8°C to not dependent upon the presence of biosyntheticxcid restriction. The bacteria were products.glucose minimal (no. 1) or glucose- Much of the variation was eliminated by grow->. 4), except lacking leucine. The cir- ing E. coli in the presence of cAMP, and thismrestricted cultures, and the squares component we call cAMP-mediated cataboliteacid-restricted cultures. repression. Still, a very large repression (greater

than fivefold) which is promoter dependent andcarbon source dependent, and which apparentlylucose-rich medium (lackng leu- isgrowth rate related, remains when the bacteria

ogous experiment examined the are cultured in the presence of cAMP. Substan-iphan restriction on ,B-galactosid- tial evidence indicates that this repression isontrolled by the lacP5 promoter catabolite repression. Whether it is mediated byrain carrying a trpE(Ts) allele. cAMP is uncertain. The repression cannot be)han restriction a decreased dif- reversed by adding cAMP, but our data do not)f 18-galactosidase synthesis was rigorously exclude a failure of exogenous cAMPdata not shown). to produce a sufficiently high internal level to

DISCUSSION saturate the lac operon. Much better informa-tion on this point comes from the more recent

d several tactics to alter the bal- work of Dessein et al. (1) who showed thatatabolism and anabolism: chang- mutants of E. coli deleted for the adenyl cyclasesource, supplying additional car- gene and possessing a second mutation in eitherupplementing the medium with the lac region or the CAP protein still exhibitroducts, and restricting the syn- repression during nitrogen limitation and en-idual amino acids. To facilitate hanced expression of the lac operon during car-ur results, we first propose to bon source limitation. Related work by Desseinte repression as an active inhibi- et al. (2) provides evidence that the cataboliteferential rate of catabolic gene modulator factor described by Ullmann et al.

(i) is independent of regulatory (26) may be an additional effector in cataboliteto a particular operon and, thus, repression, possibly acting on the CAP protein.a variety of operons coding for Our results are consistent with this hypothesisnes; (ii) is exerted in the promoter and also with the work of Epstein et al. (3) wholic operons and, thus, is sensitive reported a few exceptions to the overall close,tructure; and (iii) is normally correlation of internal cAMP levels and lacby catabolites in the medium. expression in different media. The possibility-his definition, repression that is that this variation is caused by changes in thecAMP-CAP system would con- amount of CAP in the cellhas been ruled out bynof catabolite repression, which direct measurements of the CAP protein in thely designate as cAMP-mediated strain used here under a variety of growth con-ression.) In short, catabolite ditions (Smith and Neidhardt, unpublishedreneral effect, acting on initiation data).


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Enrichment ofthe growth medium with aminoacids and nucleic acid bases leads to a verysevere repression in fl-galactosidase synthesis,and much of this repression was eliminated byaddition of cAMP. Several individual aminoacids could be added, however, with very littlechange in lac expression (data not shown). Oncethe rapid catabolism of the amino acid L-serinein rich medium was recognized, most of theamino acid-induced repression could be elimi-nated simply by removing L-serine from thesupplementation mixture. We also demon-strated that L-prohne is catabolized, albeit moreslowly, in rich medium (data now shown). Thesedata support the idea that supplementation onlywith catabolizable amino acids leads to repres-sion of lac gene expression. Little, if any, repres-sion occurs when amino acids and nucleic acidbases are added which are not substantially ca-tabolized, i.e., in rich medium, any cataboliteimbalance seems to be due to the presence ofcatabolizable supplements.When a strain carrying the catabolite-sensi-

tive lacP37 promoter mutation was examined,qualitatively similar results were obtained. Com-parison of the lacP37 data with that obtainedfor the lacPl deletion-bearing strain reportedpreviously (27) reveals a major component ofB8-galactosidase gene activity in the lacP37-carrying strain which is not dependent uponcatabolite repression, particularly at fastergrowth rates, and we presume that this repre-sents activity of the lacPl promoter. By sub-tracting the level of enzyme synthesized in thelacPl strain from that in the lacP37 strain, aseveral hundred-fold variation in gene activityin the different media is revealed. Therefore, thesensitivity of an operon to catabolite repressionis dependent upon the promoter structure andcan be greatly enhanced by mutations withinthe CAP interaction site.When the growth rate was slowed below that

of minimal medium by restricting the rate ofsynthesis of a required amino acid, a repressionof fi-galactosidase was found. A similar repres-sion was seen in both the presence and absenceof cAMP as well as in strains harboring thecatabolite repression-insensitive lacP5 pro-moter. This latter repression is therefore notcatabolite repression because it does not meetthe criterion of promoter specificity. Althoughthe behavior of amino acid-restricted culturessuperficially fits the predictions of the originalcatabolite repression hypothesis (8), deeperanalysis reveals the possibility of different un-derlying mechanisms. Hansen et al. (6), for ex-ample, have described the synthesis of incom-plete polypeptide chains of fi-galactosidase dur-ing restricted protein synthesis, and have as-

cribed this to endonucleolytic cleavage ofmRNA during slow or interrupted ribosometravel along the molecule. At this point, thedetailed mechanism is not entirely clear. Thetemporary severe inhibition upon amino acidrestriction at least in some cases has a cAMPinvolvement, although this may be an indirectone. In this context, we can distinguish the se-vere temporary repression observed duringamino acid restriction from glucose-inducedtransient repression (23). Transient repressiondoes not occur in cells bearing the lacP5 pro-moter, but temporary repression brought on byleucine restriction does (this laboratory, unpub-lished data).

Finally, it should be noted that the extensiverange of lac operon expression presented in thisstudy provides a measure of the catabolic stateof the cell, because catabolite-insensitive pro-motion of this operon virtually eliminates thedifferences seen here (27). This measure (ofwhatwe might call the catabolite potential) will beuseful in examining the expression of other in-ducible, catabolic operons and also in the studynow underway of the pattern of regulation of E.coli proteins resolved on two-dimensional poly-acrylamide gels (11, 17). Discovering what frac-tion of the cell's protein is regulated in thismanner is necessary for an understanding ofhowthe composition of the growth medium deter-mines the bacterial growth rate.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was supported by grants from the National

Science Foundation (GB-26461) and from the Public HealthService, National Institute of General Medical Sciences (GM-17892). B. L. W. was supported by a Public Health Servicetraining grant to the Department of Microbiology from theNational Institute of General Medical Sciences (GM-02204).R. K. was supported in part by the Asahi Chemical Co. Ltd.,of Japan.We thank K. Gausing and B. Magasanik for bacterial

strains. We are grateful to C. Clark for excellent technicalassistance. We thank B. Magasanik for his critical commentson an earlier version of this manuscript.

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