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Radial fingering in viscoelastic media, an experimental study

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241 Radial fingering in viscoelastic media, an experimental study H. Van Damme, C. Laroche and L. Gatineau Centre de Recherche sur les Solides à Organisation Cristalline Imparfaite, 1B, rue de la Férollerie, 45071 Orléans Cedex 02, France (Reçu le 23 octobre 1986, accepté le 6 janvier 1987) Résumé. - Nous avons effectué des expériences de digitation viscoélastique en géométrie radiale, dans des suspensions concentrées de particules colloïdales (des argiles), en conditions de tension interfaciale très faible. Le taux de déplacement, la largeur moyenne des branches et la dimension fractale associée à la croissance de la figure de digitation ont été mesurés dans une plage très large de viscosité et de pression d’injection. Le processus de croissance est fractal dans toutes les conditions expérimentales que nous avons étudiées, avec des exposants fractals, DG, couvrant tout le domaine compris entre 1,3 à faible vitesse d’avancement du front, et 2,0, à très haute vitesse. Le taux de déplacement, 03B4, défini comme la fraction volumique de pâte déplacée par l’eau lorsque l’eau sort de la pâte, est négligeable à vitesse nulle, et semble tendre vers une valeur asymptotique de ~ 0.25 à grande vitesse. 03B4 est presque entièrement déterminé par l’évolution, en fonction de la vitesse, du taux de branchement. La largeur moyenne des branches n’intervient que faiblement. Abstract. - We report measurements of two dimensional radial fingering in viscoelastic concentrated suspensions (pastes) of colloidal particles, in small surface tension conditions. The displacement efficiency, the average finger width and the fractal dimension for growth have been measured in a broad range of paste viscosity and driving pressure. The growth process appears to be fractal in all the experimental conditions, with fractal exponents, DG, covering the whole range from 1.3 at very small tip velocity to 2.0 at very high tip velocity. The displacement efficiency, 03B4, defined as the volume fraction of paste displaced by water when water flows out of the paste, is almost zero at very low velocity, and seems to tend toward an asymptotic value close to 0.25 at high velocity, 03B4 is almost entirely dominated by the velocity dependence of the tip-splitting cascade. The average finger width has very little influence. Revue Phys. Appl. 22 (1987) 241-252 AVRIL 1987, Classification Physics Abstracts 47.z0 68.10 List of symbols. b : thickness of rectangular or radial Hele- Shaw cells. T : surface tension between the less viscous and the more viscous fluid. IL : viscosity of the more viscous fluid. U : velocity of the interface. N ca capillary number = IL U /T. W : width of rectangular Hele-Shaw cells (chan- nels). À : relative width of the viscous finger with respect to channel width in Hele-Shaw chan- nels. ~ : Laplacian potential. 03C3 : shear stress. 03C30 : yield stress. 03B3 : shear rate. m : shear-thinning exponent. S/L : solid to liquid ratio (weight by weight) in the clay suspension (paste). P; : injection pressure. V (t ) : volume of water injected in the cell at time t. R (t ) : average diameter of a radial pattern at time t. DG : fractal exponent for growth, derived from V(t) ~ R(t)DG. Vt : total volume of water injected in the paste when the finger tips flow out of the paste. Nb : number of main branches (fingers) of water leaving the injection hole. 8 : displacement efficiency, defined as the ratio of the total volume of injected water (Vt ) over the total volume of paste. 1 : finger width. S (R ) : surface area of a radial pattern of average diameter R. B : control parameter used in viscous fingering between immiscible fluids in Hele-Shaw Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/rphysap:01987002204024100


Radial fingering in viscoelastic media, an experimental studyH. Van Damme, C. Laroche and L. Gatineau

Centre de Recherche sur les Solides à Organisation Cristalline Imparfaite,1B, rue de la Férollerie, 45071 Orléans Cedex 02, France

(Reçu le 23 octobre 1986, accepté le 6 janvier 1987)

Résumé. - Nous avons effectué des expériences de digitation viscoélastique en géométrie radiale, dans dessuspensions concentrées de particules colloïdales (des argiles), en conditions de tension interfaciale très faible.Le taux de déplacement, la largeur moyenne des branches et la dimension fractale associée à la croissance de lafigure de digitation ont été mesurés dans une plage très large de viscosité et de pression d’injection. Leprocessus de croissance est fractal dans toutes les conditions expérimentales que nous avons étudiées, avec desexposants fractals, DG, couvrant tout le domaine compris entre 1,3 à faible vitesse d’avancement du front, et2,0, à très haute vitesse. Le taux de déplacement, 03B4, défini comme la fraction volumique de pâte déplacée parl’eau lorsque l’eau sort de la pâte, est négligeable à vitesse nulle, et semble tendre vers une valeur

asymptotique de ~ 0.25 à grande vitesse. 03B4 est presque entièrement déterminé par l’évolution, en fonction dela vitesse, du taux de branchement. La largeur moyenne des branches n’intervient que faiblement.

Abstract. - We report measurements of two dimensional radial fingering in viscoelastic concentrated

suspensions (pastes) of colloidal particles, in small surface tension conditions. The displacement efficiency, theaverage finger width and the fractal dimension for growth have been measured in a broad range of pasteviscosity and driving pressure. The growth process appears to be fractal in all the experimental conditions, withfractal exponents, DG, covering the whole range from 1.3 at very small tip velocity to 2.0 at very high tipvelocity. The displacement efficiency, 03B4, defined as the volume fraction of paste displaced by water when waterflows out of the paste, is almost zero at very low velocity, and seems to tend toward an asymptotic value closeto 0.25 at high velocity, 03B4 is almost entirely dominated by the velocity dependence of the tip-splitting cascade.The average finger width has very little influence.

Revue Phys. Appl. 22 (1987) 241-252 AVRIL 1987,


Physics Abstracts47.z0 - 68.10

List of symbols.

b : thickness of rectangular or radial Hele-

Shaw cells.T : surface tension between the less viscous and

the more viscous fluid.

IL : viscosity of the more viscous fluid.U : velocity of the interface.N ca capillary number = IL U /T.W : width of rectangular Hele-Shaw cells (chan-

nels).À : relative width of the viscous finger with

respect to channel width in Hele-Shaw chan-nels.

~ : Laplacian potential.03C3 : shear stress.

03C30 : yield stress.03B3 : shear rate.m : shear-thinning exponent.S/L : solid to liquid ratio (weight by weight) in the

clay suspension (paste).

P; : injection pressure.V (t ) : volume of water injected in the cell at time


R (t ) : average diameter of a radial pattern at timet.

DG : fractal exponent for growth, derived fromV(t) ~ R(t)DG.

Vt : total volume of water injected in the pastewhen the finger tips flow out of the paste.

Nb : number of main branches (fingers) of waterleaving the injection hole.

8 : displacement efficiency, defined as the ratioof the total volume of injected water

(Vt ) over the total volume of paste.1 : finger width.S (R ) : surface area of a radial pattern of average

diameter R.B : control parameter used in viscous fingering

between immiscible fluids in Hele-Shaw

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/rphysap:01987002204024100


channels (Saffman-Taylor flow). B =

T/12(w/b)2 03BCU.Û : : average tip velocity in radial cells, defined

as R (t )/t at the time where the water tipsflow out of the paste.

Vo : volume of paste in the cell.

Ro : diameter of the paste « cake », before inject-ing water.

T : average finger width.03B40 : displacement efficiency extrapolated at zero

tip velocity.DG0 : fractal exponent for growth extrapolated at

zero tip velocity.

1. Introduction.

The hydrodynamic instability which affects the inter-face between a low viscosity fluid and a highviscosity fluid when pushing the former into thelatter is one of the most actively studied patternformation problem. The simplest patterns are ob-tained with immiscible Newtonian fluids (air and oil,or water and oil, for instance) flowing in a Hele-Shaw [1] channel, i.e. between two parallel platesseparated by a narrow space, b, small compared withthe other dimensions of the cell. Those are theconditions used by Saffman and Taylor in their

original work [2].Saffman-Taylor flow is characterized by a transient

in which the originally plane interface is destabilizedby a few modes [3] with wavelengths scaling as

~ b (T / IL U)1/2, in which T is the interfacial tension,U the velocity of the interface and g the viscosity ofthe more viscous fluid (or, more generally, the

viscosity difference between the high viscosity andthe low viscosity fluid) [4]. However, the mostcharacteristic feature is the long-time steady-statepattern which, when the capillary number, Nca =1£ Ul T, is not too high, is one smooth finger ofrelative size À (with respect to the channel width,w), which moves steadily through the channel. À goes continuously from ~ 1 (full width) at very smallvelocities to ~ 0.5 (one half of the channel width) atlarge velocities [1, 5]. Although the mechanismleading to the selection of a finger size is not entirelyclear, there is no doubt that capillarity and filmdraining have an important stabilizing effect [6].

In fact, Saffman-Taylor fingers are extremelyrobust pattems. One has to go to very high values ofthe capillary number (which measures the ratio ofviscous forces over surface tension) before disturb-ances appear. The most obvious disturbance is tip-splitting. It was already evidenced by Saffman andTaylor themselves [2] and recently by several others,either in rectangular [6-8] or in radial [9, 10] Hele-Shaw cells. However, before tip-splitting - which isa symmetric disturbance - occurs, other simplerasymmetric or symmetric modes might appear, as

predicted by Bensimon et al. [11], and observedexperimentally by Tabeling et al. [6].A totally different pattern structure is obtained

when the stabilizing effects controlling Saffman-

Taylor flow are minimized. Nittmann et al. [8, 12,13] showed that by using (i) a pair of fluids withnegligible interfacial tension and (ii) a viscous fluidwith non-Newtonian (shear-thinning) properties (wa-ter into aqueous polymer solutions or aqueous latexsuspensions), extensive tip-splitting occurs, leadingto highly ramified patterns with a fractal structure.The close similarity of fractal viscous fingering (VF)patterns with other fractal patterns obtained bydiffusion limited aggregation (DLA) [14] or dielec-tric breakdown (DB) [15] was very soon pointed outby several authors [8, 16, 17]. This similarity can beat least intuitively understood since VF, DLA andDB are all governed by a potential field obeying aLaplace equation, ~2~ = 0, with equivalent bound-ary conditions. The potential is (minus) the pressurein VF, the particle concentration in DLA, and theelectric potential in DB. Fractal VF, DLA and DBpatterns therefore belong to the general class ofLaplacian fractals [18].Although the main morphological features of

fractal VF patterns have been reported (in fact,almost exclusively in those cases where resemblancewith DLA is the most striking) [8,11,12,19] severalimportant data are still lacking before a comprehen-sive picture, comparable to what has been achievedfor classical Saffman-Taylor flow, could be construc-ted. In particular, the relationships between thefractal dimension, the pattern homogeneity, the

pattern surface, the « finger » shape and profile onthe one hand, and the flow parameters as well as thevisco-elastic properties of the viscous fluid on theother hand, have still to be determined.The purpose of this paper is to establish some of

these relationships experimentally. We used wateras the low viscosity fluid and concentrated aqueoussuspensions (pastes) of colloidal clay particles as thehigh viscosity fluids. Since the water/clay paste is infact a water/water interface, the interfacial tension isessentially zero and fractal patterns are easily ob-tained, as we showed recently [19]. Aqueous claypastes are viscoelastic media with a threshold forflow (yield stress) which may be very high. Theexistence of a threshold for flow is probably anadditional factor favourable to the development oframification since it prevents the disturbances from

vanishing as the front (and the stress) moves for-ward.

This paper will be devoted to a qualitative descrip-tion of the patterns and of the flows, and to a semi-quantitative correlation of the pattern structure withthe flow parameters, emphasizing the fractal aspectsof the process. In a subsequent paper [20] we willconcentrate on the correlation between the viscoelas-


tic properties of the pastes and the finger character-istics.

2. Materials and methods.

Crude ground Wyoming bentonite from NL Indus-tries was used to prepare the clay pastes. The claywas dispersed in distilled water by shaking themixture. The solid to water ratio (S/L ) in the pastesranged from 0.05 to 0.10. Just before injecting thepastes into the Hele-Shaw cell, the pastes werestirred for five minutes. Particular care was taken tocontrol the rheological history (shaking, stirring andrest periods) of the pastes. This was indeed found tobe absolutely necessary to obtain reproducible re-sults.

All the experiments reported here were performedwith a horizontal radial celle (diameter : 0.5 m) inorder to avoid the wall effect evidenced by Nittmannet al. [8] in rectangular cells. Injection of dyed waterwas performed at constant pressure, through a hole(diameter : 1 mm) at the centre of the bottom glassplate. The water was stored in a measuring glassvessel. In the low pressure experiments, the injectionpressure was kept constant by moving the reservoirupwards in order to keep the water level at the sameheight above the cell during the whole experiment.In that way, the volume of injected water, V (t ), wascontinuously monitoréd. This was no longer possiblein the high pressure experiments, in which the

pressure was kept constant by pressurizing the waterreservoir. Photographs of the patterns were taken atregular intervals in some experiments. The averagediameter of the patterns, R (t ), (i.e. the diameter ofthe circle passing through the most remote fingertips) was measured on the photographs.The rheological properties of the clay pastes were

measured with a Couette viscosimeter. The shearstress (or) vs. shear rate (03B3) curves are shown infigure 1. The shear-thinning properties of the pastesare obvious. Also shown are the exfrapolated yieldstresses (ao) of the pastes. This rheological be-haviour is satisfyingly accounted for by a generalizedCasson equation :

The shear-thinning exponent, m, is a decreasingfunction of paste concentration, whereas ao is a

steeply increasing function of the concentration

(Table I). This expresses the development of theelastic properties.

3. Pattern morphology.

We describe here the morphological tendencies as afunction of paste concentration and injectionpressure, at constant cell spacing, b. We will focuson simple properties or parameters such as patternhomogeneity, pattern surface, and fractal dimension.

Fig. 1. - Shear stress (cr) vs. shear rate (03B3) curves forthree clay pastes used in this study. S/L is the solid toliquid, i.e. the clay to water ratio (weight by weight) in thepaste. The arrows indicate the yield stress.

Table I. - Rheological parameters of the clay pastes.

S/L is the clay to water ratio (weight by weight) in the paste.03C30 is the yield stress.m is the shear-thinning exponent used in equation (1) :

(a - a) - y’".6 is the shear stress.

03B3 is the shear rate.

However, it will be clear tô the reader that there ismuch more information in the patterns than is

extracted by those simple features.We will distinguish, somewhat arbitrarily, three

regimes characterized by the low, medium or highvalue of the following couple of parameters : theviscosity of the clay paste (the term « viscosity » inused here to designate all the viscoelastic propertiesof the paste which increase upon increasing the solidto liquid ratio, S/L, in the paste) and the injectionpressure (Pi). Actually, it tums out that each of

these regimes corresponds to a morphology class.


3.1 LOW VISCOSITY-INJECTION PRESSURE REGIME.- Figures 2 to 5 form a typical set of patternsobtained at increasing injection pressure in a rela-

tively fluid paste (S/L = 0.05) in a thin cell

(b = 0.2 mm). The pattern represents the part of theclay paste which has been displaced by the waterinjected at the centre of the cell. Although we haveno quantitative measure of the thickness of the clayfilm which is drained behind, there is no doubt that itis much smaller than the cell thickness, b. Indeed,the transparency of the regions were water haspenetrated is such that one can look through those

Fig. 2. - Pattern obtained by injecting water in a claypaste, with a clay to water ratio in the paste of 0.05 and aninjection pressure of 0.1 kPa. The cell spacing is 0.2 mm.

Fig. 3. - Pattern obtained by injecting water in a claypaste with a clay to water ratio in the paste of 0.05 and aninjection pressure of 0.3 kPa. The cell spacing is 0.2 mm.

Fig. 4. - Pattern obtained by injecting water in a claypaste with a clay to water ratio in the paste of 0.05 and aninjection pressure of 0.7 kPa. The cell spacing is 0.2 mm.

Fig. 5. - Pattern obtained by injecting water in a claypaste with a clay to water ratio in the paste of 0.05 and aninjection pressure of 0.9 kPa. The cell spacing is 0.2 mm.


regions at a distance of 0.5 meter (the depth of ourset-up) without any noticeable light scattering. Atsuch a distance, a film of clay a few microns thickwould already prevent a clear vision.Another important point is that the interface

between the water and the clay paste is sharp. Thereis no mixing of the fluids nor diffusion of the dye(which is anionic, in order to avoid adsorption on theclay, which is itself a cation exchanger) during thetime of an experiment.

Despite the small viscosity contrast and the extre-mely small front velocity in some cases (down to10-4 m s-1), the patterns are all extensively bran-ched. However, their homogeneity varies consider-ably. Generally speaking, the width of the branchesis larger at the centre of the patterns than at theperiphery. This tendency decreases as the injectionpressure and the tip velocity increases, but it is verynoticeable in the low pressure experiments, wherethe centre of the pattern is in some cases a compactspot, which means that water has completely dis-placed the clay paste in that spot (Fig. 3 is a clearexample). This is parallel to the time-dependence ofthe injected volume (which is equivalent to the time-dependence of the pattern area), as shown in

figure 6. In the very low pressure experiment, onecan separate two different flow regimes. The firstone corresponds to compact displacement. Thesecond one, which settles in only after the first onehas almost stopped, corresponds to the growth ofbranches. As the pressure increases, the separationbetween the two regimes vanishes and one singleregime is observed when branching starts from thecentre (beyond - 700 Pa).

Fig. 6. - Examples of flow curves in clay pastes, with aclay to water ratio in the paste of 0.05. V is the volume ofwater injected at time t. Pi is the injection pressure. Theend point of each curve is the point where the water flowsout of the cell.

Daccord et al. [12] showed that the growth offractal VF patterns in polymer solutions occurs onlyby consecutive splitting of the leading tips. Nogrowth occurs in the shielded interior regions. Thiswas found to be also the case here, even in veryinhomogeneous patterns. Figure 7 shows four stagesin thé growth of the pattern obtained at Pi =1.5 kPa. One can see that going from one stage tothe next one merely involves the addition mass at theperiphery.The eventually fractal structure of the injection

patterns was tested by plotting the volume of waterinjected at time t, V (t ), vs. the size of the pattern atthat time, R(t), in double Log plot. We call theexponent derived from such plots the fractal expo-nent for growth, DG. Surprisingly, reasonably good

ng. "/. 2013 (jrowtn séquence ot me pattern obtained at

Pi = 1.5 kPa in a clay paste with clay to water ratio of0.05.


Fig. 8. - Volume of water injected vs. diameter of thepattern in double Log plot. The clay to water ratio is 0.06and 0.05 in the upper and in the lower row, respectively.

linear plots were obtained over about one decade inpattern size, in spite of the inhomogeneity of thepatterns (Fig. 8). Although a large uncertainty af-fects each fractal exponent derived from those

V(t) ~ R (t )DG relationships, one can distinguish twomajor tendencies : (i) all DG’s are lower than 1.7,the fractal dimension of regular DLA aggregates andof homogeneous, fractal, and radial VF patterns [13,19] ; (ii) as the injection pressure and the tip velocityincreases, DG also increases.Another simple parameter was measured : the

total volume injected in the paste, at the point wherethe water flows out of the paste, Vt. Vt is equivalentto the maximum surface area of the pattern. For agiven cell thickness, Vt is determined by severalother parameters : (i) the number of main branchesleaving the injection hole, Nb ; (ü) the branchingcascade of each of those main branches ; (iii) theaverage width of the branches. Nb is a remarkablyconstant parameter : Nb = 5 or 6, not only in thepatterns that we discuss here, but also in all theradial patterns that we will consider later on in the

paper. We also found that in the low viscositycontrast-low injection regime, Vt is an increasinglinear function of Pi (this is no longer true in the high

The injection pressures (P;) and the fractal exponents forgrowth (DG) are indicated on the graph.

viscosity contrast-high injection pressure conditions,as we shall see).

Basically, the same type of results is obtained

upon injecting water into slightly more viscous

pastes in which the clay/water ratio is 0.06. However,a general tendency towards homogeneity is

noticeable, as well in the patterns (Figs. 9-10) as inthe flow curves (Fig. 11). The total injected volumeis still increasing linearly with injection pressure,Pi, but a tendency to saturation is already noticeableat the highest Pi that we used (2.5 kPa). The fractalexponent for growth, DG, increases steadily from~ 1.4 to ~ 1.7 as Pi increases from 0.9 to 2.2 kPa(Fig. 8).


GIME. - Figure 12 exemplifies the phenomenonwhich is characteristic of this regime : the « detach-ment » of the water fingers from the glass walls. Forinstance, in figure 12, one can see that, in a largeportion of the pattern near the centre, the« regular » fingers in which the water occupies thewhole space between the glass walls (except for themicroscopic film drained behind), are surrounded bymore diffuse regions, in which the water finger is


Fig. 9. - Pattern obtained by injecting water in a claypaste with a clay to water ratio of 0.06. The injectionpressure is 1.3 kPa. The cell spacing is 0.2 mm.

Fig. 10. - Pattem obtained by injecting water in a claypaste with a clay to water ratio in the paste of 0.06. Theinjection pressure is 2.5 kPa. The cell spacing is 0.2 mm.

midway in the gap of the cell, between two thick claypaste films. Interestingly, the regular fingers in thepattern form a very homogeneous (as far as fingerwidth is concerned) backbone. Detached fingeringhas been observed in a range of S/L ratios between0.07 and 0.10, and a range of injection pressurebetween 1 and 15 kPa. It is different from theseepage phenomenon observed by Daccord et al.

[12], in which the water finger flows between theupper plate and the mass of the viscous fluid.

Inspite of the simultaneous growth of two types offingers, the flow curves, V (t ) = f(t) (Fig. 13), arestill smooth, without any inflection point. On theopposite, the V(t) = f[R(t)] Log-Log plots show

Fig. 11. - Flow curves in clay pastes, with a clay to waterratio in the paste of 0.06. V is the volume of water injectedat time t. Pi is the injection pressure.

Fig. 12. - Pattern obtained by injecting water into a claypaste, with a clay to water ratio in the paste of 0.07. Theinjection pressure is 6 kPa. The cell spacing is 0.2 mm.


Fig. 13. - Flow curves in clay pastes, with a clay to waterratio in the paste of 0.07. V is the volume of water injectedat time t. Pi is the injection pressure.

either an important upward bending or a break. Thefractal exponents in the second part of the curveshave physically meaningless values (> 2), suggestingthat the break corresponds to a point were detachedfingering starts near the centre of the pattern withoutsignificant growth on the periphery. Examination ofthe patterns shows that this is indeed the case.A major difference with respect to the previous

regime is that the total injected volume, Vt, is no

longer an increasing linear function of Pi. A cleartendency to saturation shows up, at a level of

Vt = 7 x 10-3 L. This saturation value correspondsto a displacement efficiency of ~ 0.25 (the displace-ment efficiency, 8, being defined as the ratio of thetotal volume of water injected vs. the total volume ofpaste in the cell).

3.3 HIGH VISCOSITY-HIGH INJECTION PRESSURE RE-GIME. - This is the regime in which the most

homogeneous patterns were obtained. No seepagenor detached fingering occurs. Figure 14 is an

example taken at the lower limit of this regime, in apaste at S/L = 0.07 and Pi = 20 kPa. One can seethat detached fingering has been avoided by using arather high pressure, but the finger width is not yettotally homogeneous. The fingers are still somewhatwider near the centre of the pattern than at theperiphery. Another example, deeper into the regimethat we consider (S/L = 0.10 and Pi = 100 kPa), is

Fig. 14. - One of the main branches of a pattern obtainedby injecting water in a clay paste, with a clay to water ratioin the paste of 0.07. The injection pressure is 20 kPa- andthe cell spacing is 0.2 mm.

shown in figure 15. The average finger width is nowconstant.

One can also see that the general aspect of thepattern is different. It looks much more prickling inthe more concentrated pastes. This is due to an

important modification of the local curvature of thefingers, from convex to concave. We will discuss thisin detail in a subsequent paper [20].Because of high velocity of the fingers in this

regime, we were unable to record the flow curves7,which prevents us from calculating the fractal expo-nent for growth. The fractal dimension, D, wastherefore calculated directly on the patterns.

In the ideal case where the pattern is a perfectlyhomogeneous (constant finger width, 4 self-similarradial array starting with Nb main branches, thesurface of the pattern in a box of size ,R is given by :

where a is a dimensionless shape factor. The number


Fig. 15. - One of the main branches of a pattern obtainedby injecting water in a clay paste, with a clay to water ratioin the paste of 0.10. The injection pressure is 100 kPa andthe cell spacing is 0.2 mm.

of branches intersected by the box walls, N (R ), is


in an homogeneous pattern. Hence, one can calcu-late D either by the « mass in the box » method (Eq.(2)) [8], or by the « branching cascade » method,first used by Niemayer et al. for dielectric breakdownpatterns [15]. Using this method, we obtainedD =1.78 and 1.58 for the patterns shown in figures14 and 15, respectively.

Several experiments were performed at very highinjection pressure (up to 400 kPa) in concentratedpastes (S/L = 0.10), in a cell reinforced with steelbars in order to avoid excessive deformations. In this

regime, injection has an explosive character. A

typical pattern is shown in figure 16. The fingerwidth is homogeneous. The fingers are narrow, butthe pattern is very densily branched. The fractaldimension, measured by the branching cascademethod on the patterns, is 2.0, within experimentalerror.

4. Control parameters.

The first step towards a rationalisation of classicalSaffman-Taylor flow was the hypothesis that a single

Fig. 16. 2013 Pattem obtained by injecting water in a claypaste, with a clay to water ratio in the paste of 0.10. Theinjection pressure is 120 kPa, and the cell spacing is

0.2 mm. The steel bars reinforcing the cell are visible onthe photograph.

parameter might control the finger size and shape.In the original Saffman-Taylor paper [2], this controlparameter was proposed to be the capillary numberNca = IL U /T. Later, the aspect ratio of the cell,w/b, was considered (w is the width of the Hele-Shaw channel) in order to take full account of thepressure drop across the curved interface. This led toa more general dimensionless control parameter,1/B = 12(w/b)2 03BCU/T [21]. Finally, in order toresolve the residual discrepancy between exper-imental results and numerical studies [22], Tabelingand Libchaber [5] introduced a renormalized par-ameter, 1/B *, which intégrâtes the influence of thefilm drained behind on the pressure drop across theinterface [23]. With this new parameter, a « univer-sal » À vs. 1/B * curve was obtained. À decreasesfrom 1 at 1/B * = 0, to about 0.5 at very large1/B *. Whether there is a real asymptotic limit ornot is not yet clear [5, 6].As a first step towards an equivalent « universal »

representation of fractal viscous fingering, we triedto plot the displacement efficiency, 6, vs. injectionpressure. 03B4 is a dimensionless number (fraction ofpaste displaced by water) which is equivalent to À,the relative finger width in Saffman-Taylor flow,


when the finger is smooth and long. Although ageneral trend, starting with an increasing linear

region and ending with a saturation value of03B4 ~ 0.25 (see Sect. 3) was observed, the data showedconsiderable scatter.A better result was obtained by plotting 6 vs. the

average front velocity, U, simply calculated from thetime for water to flow out of the paste (i.e. from theend points in the flow curves of Figs. 6,11,13). Thisis shown in figure 17. Other attempts to reducefurther the scatter of data points were unsuccessful.For instance, using the product of U with someviscoelastic parameter (yield stress or apparent vis-cosity) yield a much worse result.

Fig. 17. 2013 Plot of displacement efficiency, 8, vs. averagetip velocity, 11, for all the experiments in which to totalinjected volume could be measured. The clay to waterratios (5/L) in the pastes are denoted on the figure.

The first point to emphasize is that 6 shows a trendwhich is opposite to that of À in Saffman-Taylor flow.This major difference is not an artifact due to the useof a radial cell instead of a rectangular cell. Weobserved the same trend in rectangular cells [20]. Onthe other hand, Patterson [9] has shown that radialfingering with Newtonian fluids having a largeinterfacial tension is only slightly different fromlinear Saîfman-Taylor fingering.

Let us now analyse the mechanism leading to thequasi-linear increase of 8 in the low velocity regime(U2 10-3m s-1). We defined 8 as the ratio

Vt/Vo, where Vo = wbR)/4 is the total volume ofpaste in a « cake » of diameter Ro. From equation(2), one easily obtains :

The increase of 8 is not coming from an increase ofthe number of main branches, Nb. As we already

pointed out, Nb = 5 or 6 (most often 5) in the wholelow velocity regime.Nor does it come from an important increase of

the average finger width, 7, as far as we can estimate.We wexe unable to measure accurately the averagefinger width. This would require a digitization of thepatterns with a resolution of at least 1 000 x 1 000.Nevertheless, a crude estimate was obtained byaveraging the intersection of circles of diameter

Ro/2 with the patterns for which a photograph,taken at the point where the water fingers reach theboundary of the paste, was available. l is plotted vs.,the average velocity, U, in figure 18. No strongtendency is obvious in this cloud of data points,although a general and weak decreasing trend can bedetected. Other attempts to correlate 1 with Pi or

Pi/03C30 did not give better results. In any case, therather clear evolution of 8 (Fig. 17) can hardly beexplained in terms of a parallel behaviour of 1 (Fig.18).In fact, the whole behaviour of 8 between

U = 0 and U = 8 x 10-2 m s-1 can be almost quan-titatively accounted for by the variations of thefractal exponent for growth, DG. As shown in figure19, DG undergoes an important increase, from~ 1.3 to ~ 1.75, in the velocity range where a ~seven fold increase of 6 is observed (0 U 2 x10-3 m s-1), and then levels off, just like 8. Quan-titatively, the relationship between 6 and DG can beanalysed using the following simple scaling law,derived from equation (5), at constant Nb and 1 :

Fig. 18. 2013 Average finger (or branch) width, /, vs.

average tip velocity for all the experiments in which thetime was recorded and a photograph was taken at thepoint where the water fingers were on the verge of flowingout of the cell. The dashed line is the average of all values(1 = 2.85 x 10-3 m). The arrow on the right is the averagewidth at very high velocity (U =10-1 m s-1). The full lineis (perhaps) the general tendency.


Fig. 19. 2013 Fractal exponent for growth, DG, vs. averagetip velocity, U, for all the experiments in which the timewas recorded and enough photograph (at least five) weretaken to have a safe estimate of Do. The value indicatedby the triangular symbol has been measured directly on apattem. Fractal dimensions of ~ 2 have been measured ateven higher velocities (U ~ 10-1 m s-1). The dotted curvehas been calculated according to equation (6), using the 8vs. U curve of figure 17 (see text).

80 and DG0 are the displacement efficiency and thefractal dimension for growth extrapolated at zero tipvelocity. 50 = 0.03 (Fig. 17) and DG0 = 1.3 (Fig.19). On the other hand, the average of all the 1values in figure 18 is 2.84 x 10- 3 m, yielding anaverage Ro/l = 150. From this, and using equation(6), one can predict the DG = f(U) curve from the8 = f(U) curve, or vice versa. The agreement is

good. For instance, at U = 1.5 x 10-3 m s-1,03B4 ~ 0.215, and one predicts DG ~ 1.68. The actualvalue is - 1.66. The DG = f(U) curve, calculatedfrom the 8 = f (U) curve, is shown in figure 19 as adotted line. We have certainly not yet reached astrict agreement, but the uncertainty on the exper-imental data is such that one can hardly hope betterthan that.

5. Conclusions.

The main conclusion of this work is that radial

fingering in viscoelastic shear-thinning fluids, in theabsence of important interfacial tension, is intrinsi-

cally a fractal growth process. This fractal behaviour,which is associated with fractal growth exponents inthe whole range 1.3-2.0, is not restricted to a narrowset of conditions which lead to DLA type patterns. It

appears in a broad range of experimental conditionsand can be associated with a broad range of mor-

phologies. This is akin to the conclusion of a recentwork of Rauseo et al. [10], in which « vestiges » (orprecursory signs) of fractal behaviour were detectedeven in the case of Newtonian fluids with an

important interfacial tension.On a more detailed level, we showed that the

displacement efficiency is almost totally dominatedby the branching or tip-splitting cascade of the

fingers. The width of the fingers itself has very littleinfluence. If anything, the finger width decreaseswhen the displacement efficiency increases. Further-more, the branching cascade, estimated by thefractal exponent for growth, appears to be a simplefunction of the tip velocity.

This points to at least two directions for furtherresearch : (i) understanding the relative insensitivityof the finger width to, the flow velocity, or, moregenerally, relating the finger width to the viscoelasticproperties of the more viscous medium and to thedriving pressure. De Gennes [24] has recently ad-dressed this point and we will report more exper-imental data on it very soon [20] ; (ii) reaching afiner description of the morphology of the final

patterns and of the disturbances which affect thebranches in the growing zone. We merely used thefractal exponent for growth but, obviously, there ismuch more information in a pattern than what canbe extracted by a single parameter. One could forinstance use the stretching of the growing zone andthe distribution of distances between neighbouringbranches in this growing zone, as considered byPietronero et al. [25] or, even more generally, thef(03B1) function introduced by Halsey et al. [26].


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