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"MOUNTAIN OF FIRE AND MIRACLES MINISTRIES (A.K.A. M.F.M) IFETEDO (IFE SOUTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT HEADQUARTERS OF THIS STATE OF OSUN S/W, NIGERIA") AS IT IS FROM 9 TH OF SEPTEMBER TO THE PRESENT MOMENT NOVEMBER / DECEMBER, 2015. GENERAL REPORTS ON THE CHURCH". The journey started on the 6 th September, 2015 which was Sunday from S/W Region 69 Headquarters at No. 85 Oduduwa College Road Sabo Ile-Ife for Ifetedo and we got there around after 8:00am; we took Bike from the Motor-Park Garage Junction to . the Church, but the bike was stopped by Pastor & Mrs. Wumi Adebayo a few metres to the Church then pointed the Church to me and II walked towards the Church and when I entered into the Church Auditorium, it was an eyes sore because it was raining by then, I. saw flood of water inside the church's auditorium due to tartar do tatted or damaged corrugated iron sheet from the top of the Church' s building. When, 1 entered into the church building, I saw a gentle man inside the Pastor's Office, who accidentally was the Pastor of the Church at Ifetedo, although, his face looked familiar and we exchanged greeting to each other, then I introduced myself to him , I that I am the one that came to relieved 'him because I learnt that he was sick and wanted to go and take cre of himself and he welcomed me very well. The Pastor introduced himself as Pastor Imafidion Joseph and I told my own names. We started the service around9:00a.m with a lady called Adedeji Oriyomi, and a boy named Paul Ayo and a girl Called Paul Esther. Pastor Imafidion started with Praise worship; later with congregational songs. I did the search the scripture,' delivered the : - I message sermon and 70 days prayers and fasting programmes for those who were fasting. All the money collected on that Sunday was N 80:00 with total attendance of 5 people i.e 2 men, alady, a boy and a girl = 5 people altogether Pastor & Mrs. Wumi Adebayo did not entered the Church Auditorium neithered introduced me to the Assembly Pastor but only pointed the Church to me, then goes away i ' with the bike; but she told me that she is going to Moore at Mrs. Awodele's house, she





The journey started on the 6th September, 2015 which was Sunday from S/W

Region 69 Headquarters at No. 85 Oduduwa College Road Sabo Ile-Ife for Ifetedo and

we got there around after 8:00am; we took Bike from the Motor-Park Garage Junction to

. the Church, but the bike was stopped by Pastor & Mrs. Wumi Adebayo a few metres to

the Church then pointed the Church to me and II walked towards the Church and when I

entered into the Church Auditorium, it was an eyes sore because it was raining by then, I.

saw flood of water inside the church's auditorium due to tartar do tatted or damaged

corrugated iron sheet from the top of the Church' s building.

When, 1 entered into the church building, I saw a gentle man inside the Pastor's

Office, who accidentally was the Pastor of the Church at Ifetedo, although, his face

looked familiar and we exchanged greeting to each other, then I introduced myself to him , I

that I am the one that came to relieved 'him because I learnt that he was sick and wanted

to go and take cre of himself and he welcomed me very well.

The Pastor introduced himself as Pastor Imafidion Joseph and I told my own

names. We started the service around9:00a.m with a lady called Adedeji Oriyomi, and a

boy named Paul Ayo and a girl Called Paul Esther. Pastor Imafidion started with Praise

worship; later with congregational songs. I did the search the scripture,' delivered the : - I •

message sermon and 70 days prayers and fasting programmes for those who were fasting.

All the money collected on that Sunday was N80:00 with total attendance of 5 people i.e 2

men, alady, a boy and a girl = 5 people altogether

Pastor & Mrs. Wumi Adebayo did not entered the Church Auditorium neithered

introduced me to the Assembly Pastor but only pointed the Church to me, then goes away i '

with the bike; but she told me that she is going to Moore at Mrs. Awodele's house, she

later came back then told :Pastor Imafidion Joseph to took me to the newly rented

residence for the Pastor which. he did before we both later traveled back to Ile-Ife without

handing nothing over to me except the naked 3 ½ inches mattress and 4 ½ inches wood

bed and a door cutting clothes.

Pastor & Mrs Wumi Adebayo left both me and the Pastor Imafidion Joseph for Ile-Ife immediately she instructed the Pasto to took me to the house they have rented for the Church’s Pastor & Ministers.

I started the missionary’s Journey on Wednesday 9th of September 2015 from Ile-Ife to Ifetedo on that day; I started looking for an alternative place or another location for the Church. Why? Because the major bridge that joined the church (M.F.M) to other areas had been blown off or damaged therefore make the place where the Church is situated to be;

(1) Remote(2) The People who were living beside the community civic centre built by Governor

Aregbesola and the people opposite the building the said civil centre and another people in the area turned the bush beside the (M.F.M) church and the damage bridge into a dungeon where they all passed their excretal (won so agbegbe ile ijosin naa di ile igbe yiya) Therefore no good odour that the people in that areas enjoyed any more.

(3) Snake and other the reptile animals ands dangerous insects always crawled into the church building at any time of the day.

(4) The people in that areas had placed an embargoes on the (M.F.M. church building) with their excretal faces and with on indecent habits e.t.c.

(5) Therefore, the place was covered with thick forests, then become a place for dangerous animals or den for animals.After looking for an alternative place or another location for the church day in, day out, all the places we got, they were not as big as the store housing the church beside the damage bridge.

(1). I started injecting anointed oil inside the thick forest beside the church building. Although, I learnt that the land belong to the Oloro family of that town. I tried to look for someone to help me weed the thick forest which no one turned up to weed it for me.

(2). One day as I was praying inside the Pastor’s Office, the spirit of God instructed to sum-up courage and goes and weed the forest, in which I did with courage and boldness But Ironically be hold and look, I was spiritually attacked with chicken pox all over my body and the clothes that I wore for the bush cutting was totally condemned.

(3). I was physically attacked also by their satanic-agents and physically abused inside and in front of the church building. They even passed their excretal (igbe yiya) at the church building entrance and also in front of the main church auditorium building. But God gave me victory over all of them and I am more than a conqueror.


(A). I took the steps of visitation and evangelism to all nooks and cranny of the town.

(B). I did the spiritual mapping of the whole town and its environments i.e (a) spirit of dogs. (b) spirits of rebel (ote didi si’ra won) (c) spirit idolatry i.e iborisa e. g (egungun, ogun bibo, oro and others (d) sprits of religious.

(C). I organized night vigil for each church member’s family and the house that I am living also.

(D). Through the effort of some members of the church, I was connected with some notable or important people of the town e. g the Oba of the town and some Baales in the areas in which I was given opportunity to minister word of God every Wednesday of weeks.

(E). I was also introduced to some minister of God in the town e.g (i) The Christian Association of Nigeria A.K.A (C.A.N) (ii) Pentecostal Fellowaship of Nigeria (A.K.A. P.F.N).

(iii) Ifetedo Progressive union – (I.P.U) (iv) Ifetedo Christaian Youth Fellowship (I.c.Y.F) and many other alike e.t.c.

(F). The place beside the church i.e means the tick forest that I weeded and I was attacked because of it:- I planted Big plantain on its land (Ogede Agbagba) with green vegetable e.g efo tete, ewuro (better leaves) red cocyam (koko pupa), Efinrin, ewe taaba (lati fi maa le ejo seyin).

(G). I located those who are in charged of the co-operative building directly from Osogbo.

(H). I penetrated through some of the primary and secondary school in the town, even Osun State University campus that was situated in the out skirt of the town and also penetrated through the coopers lodge within the town and I believed that all these efforts shall be fruitful in Jesus name Amen.

On September 21st 2015, Pastor & Mrs Wumi Adebayo and I want to Igi-nla where thay are selling building materials at iremo in Ile-ife there, we bought ½ bundle of corrugated iron sheets, nails, leather necessary material for Ifetedo church and 1,500.00 was given as the carpenter workmanship money/fees and the major damage areds was roofed on Wednesday 22nd September, 2015 plus 6 sheets bought by Mrs. Veronica Awodele (Mainaonisu at Ifetedo)

making 16 sheets so far bought by leaving the minor areas within the church’s building to be cover so far.

I have listed all the item found inside the church and Pastor’s Office and Pastor’s house on a sheet of white paper and the expenditure so far spent at the back of the sheet attached to these reports also.


(1). We needs big DSTV dish for the Church power must change hand’s programme on every first Saturday of the month.

(2). We need a good & long lasting generator for the church

(3). We needs a good stabilizer to regulate power for the church

(4). We wanted to re-paints the church building and church’s sign post or sign’s board for the church in order to be fitted like others churches within the town e.g Winner Chaples and Redeemed (RCC).

(5). We need your prayers for the church at Ifetedo and Ifetedo in particular for the returning of ligh back to the town and his environment and re-construction of the damaged bridge, etc.

(6). We needs your visitations also & encouragements from you all from regional headquarter at Ile-Ife Region 69.

(7). We also needs your corrections where-ever we have made mistakes but (“with love and encouragements”) because we are all human beings not angel or God therefore we are not 100% perfect and God is the only that can make us all to be perfect.



( I ) One medium DSTV Dish

(2) One medium Television sets

(3) One (,"ORGAN'S PIANO")

(4) Two speakers "thus 15 (TOVNSTER PHONE) i

(5) One Ahuja Pa super power megaphones with 'one microphone (with Eight


(6) One wooden pulpit

(7) One glass pulpit

(8) Two big tables with drawers

(9) One big leather (black) wooden chair and a plastic chair at home.

(10) Wooden chairs with hands rest made with upholds trees

(11) Two wall clocks (one at home and on in the church)

(12) Twenty seven plastic chairs

(13) Two big Ahuja Horn Speakers

(14) One wooden 4 ½ bed with 3 ½ mattress foam

(15) Two big jingle church bells

(16) One microphone stand

(17) Two flower pots with decoration flowers

(18) Two big Alter clothes and Rugs

(19) One sliver offering/s bowl

(20) Two silver cooking pots with soup’s spoons

(19) A stabilizer


(A)1. One big Padlock = N5002. Three medium padlocks = N4503. One semi-medium padlock = N2004. One small padlock = N1005. A pack of big doors Hinges = N8006. 3 inches nails =7A. 2 inches nails =

7B. Cutlass =

Grand Total =

(B) 8. 4 corner rod woods at 350 each = N1,400

Together with okada transport money N100 = N1,500(C) 9. Carpenters workmanship money = N2,000


I thanked god almighty for what he had been doing in my life for the past years, glory be too his name halleluyah.

There is an adage will says. That man proposed, but god almighty disposed after I have being directed byholy sprit of god almighty to mountain of fire and miracle ministries ( A.KA. MFM) region 69 formal headquarters at no 85 oduduwa college road sabo ile-ife osun state in april 2015 with kwown that it wasthe will of god almighty the regional overseen of the region was a well know person to me and my family.

To be factual, I don’t known me and my family. He accepted me as as I am and fixed me on as one of region pastor. Then introduced me to other region pastor without known that the region was newly created region called out of region 37 of lagere ile-ife osun state.

The R.O for region 69 ile-ife posted me ifetedo headquarter of ile-ife osun state local government in the person of pastor ayo aajeromi adeyemi to goes there , in the person of pastor immafidion joseph who was said that he was sick as it was reported on Sunday 6th of September 2015. I was taken there by pastor & miss Adebayo . but I went back there finally with my baged or load on the 9th September 2015.

To be realistic, the R.O promised me to pays me N20, 000.00 monthly, I decided to do full time pastor which I did and he was honest to his promised and sometimes, he did more than what he promise before he posted me to ifetedo MFM, church pastor there.

The state or position I met the church on that 6th of September 2015 was so bad that you cannotcall it an MFM church at all as I had reported in my reports from September to December 2015. Annual reports that flood was flowing inside the church as a result of rain that was fallen from the damaged roof of the church, I reported the case to pastor ayo adeyemi, money was given to pastor & mrs Adebayo and both me and her went to remo ile-ife to buy half bundle of iron sheet which was teen pieces, nails and other necessary things for my uses at ifetedo and I was given N1,500 for the carpentersworkmanship money.

But when the carpenter mounted the roof of the church building, some rod wood had been damaged in which four rod woods was bought at the rate of N350.00 each equaled to N1,400.00 and additional N100.00 was spent in order to transport the rod to the church by okada from where it was brought at ifetedo which totally to = N1,500.00

Addition nails was also bought i.e nails inches 2 and 3, big hidges a pack containing ten or twelve pieces, some padlock was bought with other necessary items which equaled to = N3,000.00 and N2,000.00 for carpenter workmanship money = N 5,000.00

I reported the case to pastor & mrs wumi Adebayo she said that I will be responsible for that N 5,000.00

The R.O appreciated my action and gave me N2,000.00 for the carpenter workmanship money from the generator money contributed for the ile-funfun newly regional headquarters building founds collected and since that up till now that I am writing this let

Er, the remaining N3,000.00 was not settled or pay back to me not only that I was given N9,500.00 out of my august allowanced which remains N10,500.00 and September to janurary,2016 allowances have not been pay to me . even when I was sicked for always tree weeks noting was sent to me.

To be factual, my allowances been not pay was not the fault of the R.O because the church would have been closed before I will arrive from ifetedo due to unforeseen circumstance which was beyond my controlled –that was how the money accumulated to this present moment.

The R.O had comes to ifetedo twice, which he did not brings nothings for me, the first time that he comes to ife-tedo is during the thanksgiving service for pastor gbenga adeboye mothers burial ceremony in November 25th 2015 respectively which he did not bring kobos for me at ifetedo nor neither they send any person to me at Ife-tedo.

The R.O asked me to come to Ile-Ife which I did but I did not meet him and he asked me to pastor & Mrs. Adebayo which I did and I saw him on the second which noting was given to me .

I have to trekked from Ile-Funfun Alakowe to Ilesa Garage. At Ile-Ife. And the second time is when he asked me to shown my Account Records Book of Sister Bukky Oyewole and then see him which I did, and I did not see him, before I went back to Ife-Tedo. And the last time is the January 2016

General Workers Night vigil which I and him saw Each other twice and I promised to see in, Early in the morning because he wanted to rest little bite which he failed to see me and left me at the Ile-Funfun without seeing me and I have to borrowed N50.00 around the regional headquarter at the Ile-Funfun that transported me back to the town and another money that took me back to Ife-Tedo.

R.O. accused me of not seeing him regularly as supposed to be. He told me at the Ile-Funfun that I only did well for the first month of been at Ife-Tedo and did nothing good for the remaining mother this is aow the mother goes thus (1) I reported to you in September 2105.

When you are about to goes out in your can from the church at sabo.

And you gave me 5,000,00 on that day and (2) secondly on October 25th 2015 During the first anniversary for the region 69, I saw you and you told that you gave pastors MRS Wumi Adebayo some money to be given to me and she gave me 4,500 on Monday October 26 th at M.F.m sabo totaling 9,500,00 out of my August allowance and since that time noting come forth to me from you concerning the money up till thus movement I am writing this letter to you.

Concerning my Daughter marriage ceremony

Invitation cards was goven to me from Lagos (P. T. O.)

I gave a copy out of the 5 cards given to me from Lagos to Administration pastor of Akinwale on behalf of you and person of pastor Akinwale on behalf of you and the regional pastor and the remaining (4). Invitation cards I shored with my people and other well wisher I did not see anybody from the regional and noting was nether giving to me as a token from your side but god in it is infinite mercy process aim self as a mightier warder as you are already said Earhier on that

They did not went me to be in my doughtier wedding ceremony but god who sent me to Ifetedo did not leaveme alone John 8i29.

Although Ifetedo church is being face within divers problem but noting, Are changing gradually and god is still seen in control.

Last week papa Awodele got an area of land for MFM church at Ifetedo very closed to UWI-OSHUN at the rate of 60,000,00.

And told him that two Acre of land would be better because of kuture of the church in the town of Ifetedo and I believed god would provide the money in a miraculous ways because I started consulting some people who would be of help for us for the land issues. My believed is that I wanted to leave Ifetedo MFM church better than how I met it

I cannot be cowing to the ife weekly an you wanted me to be coming to be due to insufficient found or money and if you wanted me to be coming for the monthly power must changed head programmes, I and Oriyomi have be to coming transport money to and from Ifetedo to the-Ife monthly and including the monthly

General workers meting per says sir. (P. T. O )

Ifetedo MFM church need help from you people from the regional headquarter at funfun if you really wanted the eorker there to be easy for me and if you really wanted quick development and progress for the MFM church at Ifetedo sir.

In conclusion, where refer have offered I and any other member of the MFM at Ifetedo have offered you in one way on the other pleas for gods sake kinldly for give &forget and joined together for the progress and development of the MFM church at pleas sir ask for the spirit of dis carmerment in order to known who is and to discover weed or chafts among the seeds (Ein ti Eniyen E fi mo EPO LAARIN ALUKAMA E beere fun o, oluwa you ran yin lowon Amin) A word is enough for the wosed ) (Abo oro laa so fun omo ti nuna bi bo o ba de inu re de se no maa di o didi ni o )

I started writing the MFM church at Ifetedo

1. Report from January to march ending 2016 things wenld have changed for good or the best in the Almighty name of Jesus Christ of wassareth from

Thanks so much &God bless MFM







YOUR sincerely

Pastor Adeniji , Rifus winightr Adeleke

__________________ 05/02/ 2106

