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Preventative Strategies for Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage

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0896-2960/04/$5.00 © 2004 by Begell House, Inc. Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 16(2):133–150 (2004) 133 I. INTRODUCTION Muscle damage resulting from exercise commonly occurs when the exercise involves an unaccus- tomed “lengthening” eccentric contraction. This type of exercise is difficult to avoid for several reasons. First, rehabilitation practitioners often prescribe eccentric exercise in the initial stage of treatment in rehabilitation programs because it elicits less fatigue and pain than concentric con- traction at the same workload. 1,2 Second, coaches usually combine concentric and eccentric contrac- tion in training programs because this provides greater strength gains than concentric exercise alone, particularly when the eccentric exercise is emphasized. 3 In addition, eccentric contraction is also a part of regular exercise when smooth move- ment is required. Unaccustomed eccentric exercise appears to result in muscle damage and, conse- quently, causes soreness sensation and strength and functional movement loss. The symptoms of muscle damage usually subside within a week and might not affect daily living in healthy individu- als. However, when the symptoms of muscle dam- age occur in patients undergoing rehabilitation, or in athletes, this might disrupt the rehabilitation or training program, as well as sport performance. Several researchers have investigated interven- tions thought to reduce and/or prevent the severity of muscle damage. From a clinical point of view, Preventative Strategies for Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage Pornratshanee Weerapong, MSc, 1 Patria A. Hume, PhD, 1, * & Gregory S. Kolt, PhD 2 1 New Zealand Institute of Sport and Recreation Research, Division of Sport and Recreation, Faculty of Health, Auckland University of Technology, and 2 Faculty of Health, Auckland, New Zealand * Address all correspondence to Associate Professor Patria Hume,PhD, New Zealand Institute of Sport and Recreation Research, Division of Sport and Recreation, Faculty of Health, Auckland University of Technology, Private Bag 92006, Auckland 1020, New Zealand; Tel.: (+64 9) 917 9999, Ext. 7306; Fax: (+64 9) 917 9960; Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT: Eccentric exercise is part of regular rehabilitation and sports training. Unaccustomed eccentric exercise causes muscle damage that presents as delayed soreness, strength and range of motion loss, swelling, and increased passive stiffness. These symptoms reduce the ability to exercise and might be harmful if further exercise is continued. Several interventions such as warm-up, stretching, massage, acupuncture, anti-inflammatory drugs, and estrogen supplements have been researched in order to find interventions that successfully alleviate the severity of muscle damage. The results are controversial due mainly to the variety of exercise-induced muscle damage protocols, the types of intervention protocols, and the doses of application. From a practical point of view prevention strategies are preferred by practitioners because they reduce time lost from training, reduce the cost of treatment, and reduce the risk of further injury. For that reason, this article emphasizes the mechanism of initial events and the factors involving the severity of muscle damage. Research on the prevention of eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage is reviewed and discussed. Appropriate preventative strategies for muscle damage from eccentric exercise are suggested. KEY WORDS: eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage, delayed-onset muscle soreness, repeated bout effect, prevention of DOMS [[FOR AUTHOR APPROVAL ONLY]] [[FOR AUTHOR APPROVAL ONLY]] [[FOR AUTHOR APPROVAL ONLY]] [[FOR AUTHOR APPROVAL ONLY]] [[FOR AUTHOR APPROVAL ONLY]]

0896-2960/04/$5.00© 2004 by Begell House, Inc.

Critical Reviews™ in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 16(2):133–150 (2004)



Muscle damage resulting from exercise commonlyoccurs when the exercise involves an unaccus-tomed “lengthening” eccentric contraction. Thistype of exercise is difficult to avoid for severalreasons. First, rehabilitation practitioners oftenprescribe eccentric exercise in the initial stage oftreatment in rehabilitation programs because itelicits less fatigue and pain than concentric con-traction at the same workload.1,2 Second, coachesusually combine concentric and eccentric contrac-tion in training programs because this providesgreater strength gains than concentric exercisealone, particularly when the eccentric exercise is

emphasized.3 In addition, eccentric contraction isalso a part of regular exercise when smooth move-ment is required. Unaccustomed eccentric exerciseappears to result in muscle damage and, conse-quently, causes soreness sensation and strengthand functional movement loss. The symptoms ofmuscle damage usually subside within a week andmight not affect daily living in healthy individu-als. However, when the symptoms of muscle dam-age occur in patients undergoing rehabilitation, orin athletes, this might disrupt the rehabilitation ortraining program, as well as sport performance.Several researchers have investigated interven-tions thought to reduce and/or prevent the severityof muscle damage. From a clinical point of view,

Preventative Strategies for Exercise-InducedMuscle Damage

Pornratshanee Weerapong, MSc,1 Patria A. Hume, PhD,1,*& Gregory S. Kolt, PhD2

1New Zealand Institute of Sport and Recreation Research, Division of Sport and Recreation,Faculty of Health, Auckland University of Technology, and 2Faculty of Health, Auckland,New Zealand

* Address all correspondence to Associate Professor Patria Hume,PhD, New Zealand Institute of Sport and RecreationResearch, Division of Sport and Recreation, Faculty of Health, Auckland University of Technology, Private Bag 92006,Auckland 1020, New Zealand; Tel.: (+64 9) 917 9999, Ext. 7306; Fax: (+64 9) 917 9960; Email: [email protected]

ABSTRACT: Eccentric exercise is part of regular rehabilitation and sports training. Unaccustomed eccentricexercise causes muscle damage that presents as delayed soreness, strength and range of motion loss, swelling, andincreased passive stiffness. These symptoms reduce the ability to exercise and might be harmful if further exerciseis continued. Several interventions such as warm-up, stretching, massage, acupuncture, anti-inflammatory drugs,and estrogen supplements have been researched in order to find interventions that successfully alleviate theseverity of muscle damage. The results are controversial due mainly to the variety of exercise-induced muscledamage protocols, the types of intervention protocols, and the doses of application. From a practical point of viewprevention strategies are preferred by practitioners because they reduce time lost from training, reduce the costof treatment, and reduce the risk of further injury. For that reason, this article emphasizes the mechanism ofinitial events and the factors involving the severity of muscle damage. Research on the prevention of eccentricexercise-induced muscle damage is reviewed and discussed. Appropriate preventative strategies for muscle damagefrom eccentric exercise are suggested.

KEY WORDS: eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage, delayed-onset muscle soreness, repeated bout effect,prevention of DOMS






134 Critical Reviews™ in Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine

preventative intervention is preferred because itreduces the cost of treatment, time lost fromtraining or rehabilitation, and the likelihood ofsustaining further injury, and it also maintains theability to exercise. Therefore, this article reviewsthe initial mechanisms of muscle damage andanalyses-related factors, and proposes possible strat-egies for prevention. Previous research related topreventative strategies is discussed.

In this article, we use the term “eccentricexercise” to indicate the type of exercise thatinduces muscle damage. The term “severity ofmuscle damage” indicates the magnitude of thesymptoms after eccentric exercise, including sore-ness sensation, strength and range of motion loss,swelling, and tenderness. In terms of muscle dam-age from eccentric exercise, soreness sensation wasthe major concern in earlier research4–6 because thesymptoms after eccentric exercise are usually termed“delayed-onset muscle soreness”. However, othersymptoms, such as strength and range of motionloss, need to be considered because they might havemore impact on athletes or patients than sorenesssensation, and they may take longer to recoverfrom. This article considers the other symptoms ofmuscle damage such as strength and range of motionloss, swelling, tenderness, and stiffness, alongwith soreness sensation after exercise-inducedmuscle damage.

Several reviews of eccentric exercise-inducedmuscle damage have been published in the past 15years, so the reader is encouraged to refer to thesefor information on the mechanisms and etiologyof exercise-induced muscle fiber injury, musclefunction and adaptation after exercise-inducedmuscle damage, treatment strategies, and perfor-mance factors.7–14 No reviews, however, have dealtwith preventative strategies for muscle damagefrom eccentric exercise.

Literature for this review was located usingthree electronic databases (PubMed, SPORTDiscus, and ProQuest 5000 International), inaddition to manual journal searches. The elec-tronic databases provided access to biomedicaland sports-related journals, serial publications,books, theses, conference papers, and relatedresearch published since 1985. The key phrasesused to search the databases included delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), mechanisms ofDOMS, sports performance and DOMS, DOMS

treatments, DOMS and prevention, DOMS andexercise, and repeated bout effect. Articles notpublished in English and/or in scientific journals,articles that focused on the psychological effectsof DOMS, or articles on the effects of treat-ments after performing exercise-induced muscledamage were not included in this review. Thecriteria for inclusion were

• Articles must have used normal, healthy par-ticipants. Age, gender, and fitness differenceswere not excluding factors

• Articles must have discussed the possiblemechanisms of initial events of DOMS, fac-tors inducing DOMS, and the impacts onexercise performance

• Articles must have investigated preventativeinterventions in reducing the severity ofDOMS.

A. Signs and Symptoms ofMuscle Damage

Even though eccentric contractions result in lessfatigue and pain than concentric contractionsimmediately after exercise,1,2 eccentric contrac-tions have been shown to produce specific andlong-lasting effects on soreness sensation andmuscle functions.15–17 It is well known that ec-centric exercise causes muscle damage.8,10,12,18

The specific and long-lasting effects resultingfrom lengthening contractions (a contractionthat happens when an external torque is greaterthan an internal torque within muscle) includedelayed-onset soreness sensation, prolongedstrength loss, reduced range of motion, and in-creased passive stiffness. Several reviews havedescribed the nature and time course of thesechanges.11,19 In brief, soreness sensation appears24 hours after exercise, peaks at 2 to 3 days afterexercise, and slowly recovers but does not fullysubside until 8 to 10 days after exercise.11 Strengthdramatically reduces immediately after exercise,and slowly recovers up to 80% of the pre-exercisestrength 10 days after exercise.11 Range of mo-tion reduces as the damaged muscles shortenspontaneously (decreased relaxed muscle length)and are unable to fully contract voluntarily (de-creased active range of motion). The spontane-

Volume 16 Issue 2 135

ous muscle shortening occurs immediately afterexercise and peaks on day 3 after exercise. Muscleloses the ability to contract maximally immedi-ately after exercise and gradually recovers. The lossof range of motion measurements appear to returnto baseline within 10 days after exercise.11 Theincrease in passive stiffness peaks on day 2 afterexercise and returns to pre-exercise values on day10.20 To illustrate the changes, the time course ofsoreness sensation, range of motion, musclestrength, and passive stiffness described in theearlier literatures is presented in Figure 1.

Careful interpretation is needed, because thedata presented in Figure 1 are based on muscledamage to the elbow flexors (from two sets of 35maximal eccentric contractions, with 5 minutesrest between each set).11,20 The time course andthe severity of muscle damage in other muscleswith different exercise-induced muscle damageprotocols would be slightly different.18,21,22 It isclear, however, that the adverse effects of eccen-tric exercise last longer than 10 days and have animpact on functional movements.

B. Impact of Muscle Damage onSports Performance

Strength, range of motion, and a feeling of com-petence are important factors in performing sportsand exercise. Unaccustomed eccentric exercise causesadverse effects on these factors.18,21,23–26 Moreover,soreness sensation is aggravated during movements,especially when the eccentric contraction is in-volved. Eccentric exercise, therefore, may causesignificant reduction in performance during train-ing and competition and/or increase the risk offurther injury. The impact of muscle damage fromeccentric exercise on athletic performance in termsof biomechanics has been reviewed recently byCheung et al.9 The perception of functional im-pairment, joint kinematics, strength and power,altered recruitment patterns, and injury risk factorsin healthy adults were emphasized.

Despite obvious changes in soreness sensationand biomechanical properties of muscle, reviews onthe impact of muscle damage resulting from eccen-tric exercise on physiological and metabolism pa-rameters are controversial. Dolezal et al27 reportedan increase in resting metabolic rate at 24 hours


















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FIGURE 1. The parameters indicating the severity ofmuscle soreness (soreness sensation, range of motion,muscle strength, and passive stiffness) in elbow flexormuscles. Data were compared among pre-exercise,immediately postexercise, and follow-up for 10 days.Data were modified from Clarkson et al11 and Howellet al.20

136 Critical Reviews™ in Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine

(18%) and 48 hours (11%) after eccentric exercise.The muscle damage was induced by using a legpress exercise for eight sets at the subjects’ 6-RM.The symptoms of muscle damage were similar intrained and untrained groups, except that theuntrained group showed a higher magnitude increatine kinase and soreness sensation. Walsh etal,28 however, reported that after eccentric exercise(eccentric cycling for 30 minutes), muscle oxygenutilization and local oxygen transport (measuredby near infrared spectroscopy), and muscle fiberrespiration at rest (measured from biopsy) of thevastus lateralis muscle were unchanged.

In addition, previous research has reported anincrease in physiological and metabolic responsesfrom healthy, untrained men indicating exercisestress parameters (ie, minute volume, breathingfrequency, respiratory exchange ratio, heart rate,rating of perceived exertion, venous blood lactateconcentration, and plasma cortisol concentration)during cycling 2 days after eccentric exercise.29,30

Even though the changes in these physiologicalparameters indicated an earlier onset of fatigueand more stressful exercise than in normal circum-stances, the cycling efficiency, as measured byoxygen uptake29,30 and time to exhaustion,29 werenot different. The results of the Gleeson et al29,30

study might be due to the muscle damage in thesetwo studies being induced by bench stepping (in-volving mainly the quadriceps).31 The subsequentexercise test for the efficiency was cycling (involv-ing all muscles of the legs—ie, quadriceps, gluteusmaximus, gastrocnemious, hamstrings, anddorsiflexors).31 In fact, if athletes perform eccen-tric exercise with several muscles during training,it is possible that the exercise efficiency on thesubsequent day might be impaired. This notion issupported by Calbet et al32 who reported an in-crease in running cost (8%) 48 hours after aduathlon (five kilometres running, 16 kilometrescycling, and two kilometres running). However, 7days after the duathlon, the running economy hadnearly returned to the baseline.

C. The Importance of PreventativeStrategies to Reduce Muscle Damage

Coaches, athletes, and medical practitioners arewell aware of the symptoms of muscle damage

after eccentric exercise because it clearly affectssubsequent exercise or performance (ie, strength,power, range of motion, and probably exerciseeconomy). If muscle damage does occur, the fol-lowing problems are of importance:

• How long is an appropriate recovery period?• What is (are) the main factor(s) to determine

when an athlete can start their training again?• How much does the treatment cost?• Is an athlete likely to get a related injury, such

as a muscle tear, if the rest time is not enough?• Are there any long-term effects from muscle

damage if such damage happens repeatedly?• How much do the symptoms of muscle dam-

age affect performance?• Is a reduction of soreness sensation a good

indicator to restart training? Muscle weak-ness requires longer recovery and might havemore impact on performance than sorenesssensation.

To avoid the above problems, preventativestrategies are required. A comprehensive under-standing of the initial mechanisms of exercise-induced muscle damage is necessary to investigateappropriate intervention. This article, therefore,reviews briefly the initial event of exercise-induced muscle damage and the factors that con-tribute to the magnitude of muscle damage.


A. Initial Events of Muscle Damage FromLengthening Exercise

Many theories have been proposed to explainmuscle damage, including inflammation,33 musclespasm,34 metabolic,35 and mechanical theories.36

Recently, several authors have reviewed the initialevents of exercise-induced muscle damage12,37–39

and stated that the mechanical theory appears tobe the most likely explanation.

Friden and Lieber13 hypothesized that hightension from eccentric contraction might stretch orbreak the intermediate filaments (desmin anddystropin). The intermediate filaments are respon-sible for maintaining the sarcomeres in register/

Volume 16 Issue 2 137

alignment38 and may fail when the non-homoge-neous lengthening of sarcomeres occurs.8 Thedisruption of these intermediate filaments wouldexpose degraded Z-proteins and globular proteins,and then activated lysosomal enzymes, causingfurther degradation and eventually Z-disk dissipa-tion.40 Changes in ultrastructure such as focaldamage have been observed using electron micros-copy.41 Clarkson and Hubal12(ps53) have describedthe changes in ultrastructural integrity as “Z-linestreaming, Z-lines out of register, loss in thickmyofilaments, loss in mitochondria in areas thatshowed abnormalities, and disturbed arrangementof filaments at the A-band.” In addition,Abraham42 reported an increase in the ratio ofhydroxyproline/creatinine (OHP/Cr) in 24-hoururine collection which indicated the disruption ofthe connective tissue elements in the muscles and/or their attachments. In an animal study, how-ever, Hasselman et al43 showed the disruption ofboth muscle fibers and connective tissue only at ahigh intensity of exercise (actively stretched at10 cm/s to 90% of the force required to fail). Alower intensity of exercise (70% and 80% of thesame relative force) showed only evidence of musclefiber disruption.

Proske and Morgan39 described the series ofevents leading to muscle damage from eccentricexercise, suggesting that lengthening contractionwith mechanical overload from eccentric exercisecaused overstretched sarcomeres. The sarcomeresare disrupted and cause the optimum length toshift to a longer length. When the disruptedsarcomeres are spread widely, membrane damageoccurs. The damage of muscle fibers in series(sarcomeres) and membrane (connective tissues)causes local contracture and increases in stiffness.The damage of muscle fibers and connective tis-sues lead to several symptoms of muscle damage,such as strength and range of motion loss, tender-ness, edema, and soreness.39

B. Factors Related to the Magnitude ofMuscle Damage

Several researchers have investigated the factorsinvolved in the magnitude of muscle dam-age.41,42,44,45 Information that has been reported isuseful for coaches and health care practitioners in

designing eccentric exercise programs at early stagesof training or rehabilitation sessions in order tominimize muscle damage.

A number of factors have been linked to theseverity of muscle damage. An individual’s char-acteristics, such as muscle strength or physicalfitness level, are not related to the response toeccentric exercise-induced muscle damage.12 Ge-netics, as investigated in research on identicaltwins, is also not a predisposing factor in theseverity of muscle damage.46 Muscle properties,such as passive stiffness, have been reported ashaving a positive relationship with the magni-tude of muscle damage.18 In a study by Leivsethet al,47 the stiffer muscles demonstrated lesssarcomere numbers and muscle length and in-creased mechanical energy loss during passivemovement than did normal muscles. Therefore,stiff muscles might reduce the ability to with-stand elongation and may be more likely todevelop injuries (which generally occur duringmuscle elongation).47 Nevertheless, there is nopublished study on the relationship between otherproperties of muscle on the severity of muscledamage, such as active stiffness, tendon stiffness,creep, and stress relaxation.

Several mechanical factors involving exerciseprescription have been investigated, such as velo-city,48 intensity,49–51 duration of exercise,49 restingperiod,52 starting position,53,54 and muscle attach-ment.45 Kulig et al48 compared fast and sloweccentric movement of elbow flexors at the samework load (60% 1-RM) and duration (144 s).Fifty-eight percent of participants reported sore-ness sensation in the arm that performed fastmovement, whereas none of the participants re-ported soreness sensation in the arm that per-formed a slow protocol. The results are question-able due to the exercise muscles (elbow flexors)and the exercise protocol (Fast: 2-s eccentric move-ment plus 2-s concentric movement per 1 repeti-tion, 36 repetitions; Slow: 10-s eccentric move-ment plus 2-s concentric movement per 1repetition, 12 repetitions). Elbow flexors consistof both one-joint (brachialis) and two-joint (bi-ceps brachii) muscles, which are recruited differ-ently at different velocities. The brachialis wasmore active during the slow movement protocol,whereas the biceps brachii were more active duringthe fast protocol.48 Kulig et al48 did not compare

138 Critical Reviews™ in Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine

the same muscle when comparing the two veloci-ties. The number of repetitions might be a moreimportant factor in the severity of muscle damagethan the velocity of exercise. As a result, therecommendation to decrease the velocity of eccen-tric exercise to reduce the severity of muscle sore-ness is questionable.

At the same exercise velocity, biarticular andmonoarticular muscles respond to the same eccen-tric exercise protocol differently. Prior et al45 in-vestigated muscle injuries in four muscles (vastuslateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermediate, andrectus femoris) by using magnetic resonance. Thefour muscles were activated equally during eccen-tric exercise (similar muscle transverse relaxationof water protons [T2]) but the rectus femorisshowed a greater level of muscle injury on thefollowing days (greater delayed T2) than the othermuscles. The results showed that the biarticularmuscle was likely to experience more damage thanthe monoarticular muscle when exercised at thesame velocity. Prior et al45 proposed that thegreater injury to rectus femoris might have beendue to the position of exercise. In this study,participants sat on the seat and exercised theirquadriceps eccentrically. The seated position mightrestrict the ability of rectus femoris to transferforce between the hip and knee joints. Interest-ingly, the results also indicated that the level ofmuscle activation during exercise was not a uniquedeterminant of muscle injury.

The starting position of exercise and/or theinitial muscle length is another factor thought tobe involved in the magnitude of muscle damage.Newham et al53 and Nosaka and Sakamoto54

compared two different starting positions with thesame range of motion (short and long musclerange, 50–130° and 100–180°, respectively). Theparticipants reported more soreness and demon-strated more strength and range of motion loss,and more swelling in the long muscle lengthcondition than in the short muscle length condi-tion. The images from the magnetic resonanceand ultrasound also showed greater damage in thelong muscle length condition.54 At a longer musclelength, both bicep brachii and brachialis contrib-uted to torque, whereas at the shorter length,brachialis had the greater contribution.55 As aresult, the more muscle involved in the exerciseprotocol, the more muscle damage that occurred.

Other factors that may affect the magnitudeof muscle damage include intensity of exercise,number of repetitions, and the length of restperiod between each set. Previous research on theseverity of muscle damage has agreed that inten-sity of exercise is the most important factor.49–51

In a study by Nosaka and Newton,51 the highintensity of exercise (100% of maximum isomet-ric contraction) produced more severity of muscledamage than the low intensity of exercise (50%of maximum isometric contraction), as measuredby isometric muscle strength, range of motion,upper arm circumference, and plasma creatinekinase activity. High intensity of exercise alsorequired longer periods of time to recover. In astudy by Nosaka et al,50 at the high intensity ofexercise (maximal eccentric contraction) an in-crease in the number of repetitions (12, 24, and60 repetitions) did not affect soreness sensationbut did produce more severity of muscle damage,as indicated by an increase in strength and rangeof motion loss as well as the level of plasmacreatine kinase.50 In a study by Tiidus andIanuzzo,49 the high intensity and short durationexercise (80% 10-RM, 170 repetitions) resultedin greater serum enzyme activities (LDH, CK,and GOT) and soreness sensation than for thelow-intensity and long-duration exercise (30%10-RM, 545 repetitions). Nevertheless, the restperiod between each eccentric exercise (0 s, 15 s,5 min, and 10 min) did not affect the severity ofmuscle damage.52 Therefore, increases in inten-sity and duration of exercise seem to producemore severity of muscle damage, with intensityhaving a more pronounced effect.


Several interventions have been proposed as pre-ventative or as treatment strategies for eccentricexercise-induced muscle damage, including acu-puncture,56 ultrasound,57,58 cryotherapy,59 com-pression,24,60 anti-inflammatory drugs,61 hyper-baric oxygen therapy,62 warm-up,5,63 stretching,4,5,64

and massage.65–68 These strategies, as treatments,have been reviewed extensively,9,69–73 but none ofthese strategies have been evaluated in terms ofeffectiveness as preventative interventions.

Volume 16 Issue 2 139

A. Repeated Bout of Exercise(Eccentric Exercise)

The “repeated bout effect” is believed to be the mosteffective strategy in preventing muscle damagefrom eccentric exercise. The repeated bout effectrefers to “the protective adaptation to a single boutof eccentric exercise.”71 The protective adaptation isknown to markedly reduce the severity of muscledamage, as indicated by soreness sensation andstrength and range of motion loss, when thesesymptoms of the second bout of eccentric exerciseare compared with the initial bout.74–77

The repeated bout effect has been shown toproduce a rapid adaptation of muscle propertieswhich happens while the damage process is stilloccurring (within 1 day after the initial bout ofeccentric exercise).75,78–80 However, how longthe protective effect lasts is uncertain. Byrnes etal81 and Nosaka et al82 reported that the re-peated bout effect did not last longer than 6weeks. Lund et al83 stated from their pilot workthat the repeated bout effect did not appearafter 8 to 10 weeks (data was not shown in thearticle). Nosaka et al84 reported that the protec-tive effect of elbow flexors (24 maximal eccen-tric actions) lasted for at least 6 months (seeTable 1). Interestingly, the effectiveness of therepeated bout seems to be greater the sooner itwas repeated after the initial bout of eccentricexercise. Repeated exercise when muscle has notfully recovered (Day 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 after theinitial bout) has been shown to neither exagger-ate the damage nor delay the recovery rate.75,76,78–

80,85 These results can be interpreted as indicatingthat there are some rapid adaptations that fullyprotect muscle damage from the second bout ofeccentric exercise. The results from previous re-search have shown that the sooner the repeatedbout is performed the less severe the symptomsof muscle damage will be (see Table 1).

Several studies have shown that the initialbout of eccentric exercise produced a protectiveadaptation on muscle regardless of the severity ofmuscle damage of the initial bout.76,79,86,87 A smallnumber of contractions (as little as two maximaleccentric contractions) showed a slightly protec-tive adaptation on the following 24 maximaleccentric contractions (performed 2 weeks later).86

It should be noted that the two eccentric contrac-

tions protocol of the initial bout did not producemuscle damage. However, the effectiveness of therepeated bout effect of the two contractions wasless than the 6 and 24 maximal eccentric contrac-tions.86 Interestingly, there were no significantdifferences of the repeated bout effects betweenthe 6 and the 24 maximal eccentric contractions.Therefore, the low intensity of the initial bout asindicated by low repetitions (such as 16%,79 20%,87

25%,86 42%,76 and 60%87 of the subsequent bout)is effective in producing the repeated bout effect,as indicated by less swelling and range of motionand strength loss. Nevertheless, in the studies ofNosaka et al86 and Paddon-Jones and Quigley88

the low volume of eccentric exercise did not reducethe soreness sensation when compared with thefirst bout (soreness level of the first bout was 1.1cm.).86,88 This might be due to the low volume ofthe first bout of exercise being too small to causesoreness sensation.

There is evidence that high-intensity exercise(maximal contraction) is a more pronounced fac-tor on the repeated bout effect than the numberof repetitions. For example, Nosaka et al89 re-ported that low-intensity eccentric training (50%of 1-RM) did not produce the repeated bout effecton the subsequent maximal bout. Therefore, highintensity of the initial bout eccentric exercise isnecessary for providing repeated bout effects.

The repeated bout effect was specific to theexercised muscle90 but not specific to the patternof exercise.91,92 In a study by Eston et al,90 theknee extensors exercise (100 maximal eccentriccontractions) showed protective effects on down-hill running 2 weeks later. In two studies, down-hill running showed a repeated bout effect onsubsequent downhill running, regardless of thestride length.91,92 However, in the Connolly etal study,93 there was no evidence of crossovereffects to the contralateral limb. Therefore, tomaximize the effectiveness of the protectiveadaptation on the repeated bout without severedamage of muscle from the initial bout, theinitial eccentric exercise program should be highintensity (maximal eccentric contraction), havelow repetitions (at least 15% of the repetitionsof the subsequent exercise), and be specific tothe muscle group. The subsequent bout shouldbe repeated within 2 to 6 weeks (after muscleweakness recovers).

140 Critical Reviews™ in Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine


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Volume 16 Issue 2 141

Recently, several articles have reviewed thepossible adaptative mechanisms of the repeatedbout effect.12,71,93 The proposed mechanisms haveincluded neural, mechanical, and cellular adapta-tions.71 Neural adaptation could occur by an in-crease in motor unit activation, a change in motorunit recruitment, and an increased synchrony ofmotor firing.94 Mechanical adaptation could occurby increasing muscle stiffness from the adaptationin the cytoskeletal proteins responsible for main-taining the alignment and structure of sarco-meres.71 Cellular adaptation could occur by a lon-gitudinal addition of sarcomeres, an adaptation ininflammatory response, and an adaptation to main-tain E–C coupling.71

The neural adaptation theory is the mostwidely investigated of the three theories. Someresearch has supported this theory by reporting areduction of fast-twitch motor unit activationduring the subsequent exercise bout (3 days later).74

Much research, however, has not supported thistheory. For example, a study of McHugh et al94

reported that EMG per unit torque and medianfrequency showed no difference between the ini-tial and the repeated bout of eccentric exercises (2weeks apart). Therefore, there was no evidence ofan increase in motor unit recruitment or activa-tion. Nosaka et al89 reported the repeated bouteffect in electrically stimulated eccentric contrac-tion. The changes in symptoms of muscle damage(maximal voluntary isometric force, range ofmotion, plasma creatine kinase and aspirate amino-transferase activities, upper arm circumference,muscle thickness from ultrasonography, and musclesoreness) from the subsequent electrically stimu-lated eccentric contractions were smaller than forthe symptoms from the initial electrically stimu-lated eccentric contraction (2 weeks later). Theelectrical stimulation was applied at the samemuscle sites by the same conditions for the initialand the subsequent bouts. The peak force of thestimulation was the same between the two bouts.As a result, the pattern of motor unit activationwas exactly the same between bouts, but thesymptoms of muscle damage were different. Thelack of crossover effect did not support the centralneural adaptation theory.93

There is little published on the mechanicaltheory of the repeated bout effects and there issuggestion that mechanical adaptation of muscle

might present by the change of muscle stiffness.71

The change in active stiffness contributes to changesof the stretch reflex, level of muscle activation,and passive joint properties,95 whereas the changein passive stiffness contributes to changes of cross-links between the actin and myosin filaments, andseries and elastic components of muscle.96 Therehave been no reports on the effects of eccentricexercise on active stiffness, either through a singlebout or as a training effect. Howell et al20 reporteda change in passive stiffness after eccentric exer-cise. Passive stiffness increased nearly twofoldimmediately after elbow eccentric exercise andremained elevated for 3 days (see Fig. 1). A rapiddecrease in passive stiffness then occurred on days4 to 6, but the degree of stiffness did not returnto the baseline completely until ten days aftereccentric exercise. At this period of time, whereaspassive stiffness was still higher than the normallevel, the repeated bout effect had already oc-curred. Therefore, one might conclude that a highlevel of passive stiffness produces a protectiveeffect on the subsequent bout of eccentric exercise.This notion is contrary to that of McHugh et al,18

who reported that the stiff participants experi-enced more severity of muscle damage than thecompliant participants. McHugh71(p92) also statedin his recent review that “less stiffness was thoughtto enable greater sarcomere shortening therebyavoiding sarcomere strain.” In fact, the increase ofpassive stiffness after eccentric exercise was thoughtto be one of the protective effects preventingmuscle from further damage.10 Therefore, moreevidence on the mechanical theory is needed toinvestigate the effects of eccentric training onmuscle stiffness, the time course of elevated pas-sive stiffness after eccentric exercise, and the re-peated bout effect on passive stiffness.

The cellular theory is another theory used toexplain the repeated bout effect.71 Cellular adapta-tion after initial eccentric exercise is thought tobe due to the longitudinal addition of sarco-meres, as shown by the shift of optimal length tothe right (longer muscle length).97 The changein sarcomere numbers connected in the series ofmuscle fibres was considered the most plasticproperty of muscle and these could be changedwithin days after changes in activity patterns.98

However, there are a number of questions thatneed to be addressed:

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• What is the least amount of time to producean increase in the number of sarcomeres?

• Can the longitudinal addition of sarcomereshappen within a day after eccentric exercise(because the repeated bout effect occurred 24hours after the initial bout)?78

• Can the longitudinal addition of sarcomeresoccur due to low-intensity stimulation (be-cause the repeated bout effect occurred whenthe initial bout was low intensity—8% of thesubsequent bout)?86

• How long does the shift to the longer lengthof muscle last (because the repeated bouteffect lasts for 6 months)?84

Armstrong et al99 proposed another theorythat is used to explain the repeated bout effect.This theory is based on the idea that the highmechanical lengthening overload on muscle fi-bres from the initial bout results in damage onlyto the weak muscle fibres. Therefore, the strongfibres remain. The existence of strong fibresmight be responsible for reducing severity ofmuscle damage for the subsequent bout of eccen-tric exercise. As a result, repeated bout effects(the less severity of muscle damage) can be seenas early as the first day after the initial bout.78 Inthe study by Foley et al,100 the prolonged loss inmuscle volume (7–10%, 2–8 weeks after theinitial bout) was thought to be a result of theextinction of weak fibers within the muscle com-partment. The shift to the longer muscle length,as reported by Brockett et al,97 might be thelength of the remaining strong fibres, not fromthe longitudinal addition of sarcomere. Theprotective mechanism that lasted for 6 months,as reported by Nosaka et al,84 might be a conse-quence of the time that muscle has built up weakfibres and returned to a normal combination be-tween the weak and strong fibers. Therefore, theprotective effect from the strong fibers alone dis-appeared. The decrease in motor unit activation(30%) and median frequency (20%) reported byChen74 might also be the result of the vanishingof the weak fibres. The pronounced effect of thehigh intensity (maximal contractions), not thenumber of repetitions, might be another reason tosupport this theory because the high intensity ofexercise is more likely to damage the weak fibresthan the number of repetitions.

B. Training

In an early report, Hill101 stated that training wasthe only way to reduce the severity of muscledamage. Contrary to Hill’s101 suggestion, a singlebout of eccentric exercise provides a protectiveeffect on a subsequent bout (known as the re-peated bout effect). Regular eccentric exercisetraining, however, seems not to provide a protec-tive benefit on the severity of muscle damage onsubsequent eccentric exercise.

The published literature on the effect of train-ing on severity of muscle damage does not supportthe common belief that training can prevent muscledamage from eccentric exercise. Concentric train-ing was reported to increase the susceptibility ofmuscle damage.16,102,103 The protective effect ofeccentric training, however, is still uncertain.Balnave and Thompson104 reported that downhillrunning once a week for 8 weeks reduced muscledamage. When eccentric training was comparedwith concentric training, Nosaka and Newton105

reported no difference in the symptoms of muscledamage between groups. If concentric training didincrease the severity of muscle damage as reportedby other studies, 16,102,103 eccentric training in theNosaka and Newton105 study might provide thesame results, because the data were not comparedwith a nontraining group.

An increase in muscle stiffness may be themechanism responsible for increasing the sever-ity of muscle damage after training. A positiverelationship has been reported between activestiffness and isometric and concentric (r = 0.6–0.8), but not eccentric, contraction.106 Similarly,a positive relationship has been reported betweenpassive stiffness and isometric (r = 0.6)107 andconcentric contraction (r = 0.5).108 There havebeen no reports on the relationship betweenpassive stiffness and eccentric contraction. Eventhough a stiff musculotendinous unit is moreefficient in force transmission generated by themuscle to the bone, the stiff muscles might bemore susceptible to the strain imposed by thelengthening contraction than the complaintmuscle. Stiff muscles have been reported to reducethe ability of muscle fibres to absorb energy.47 Thereduced ability of muscle fibres to absorb energyduring lengthening contractions might cause morestrain on the myofibril than on the compliant

Volume 16 Issue 2 143

muscles. Moreover, a positive relationship hasbeen reported between passive stiffness and theseverity of muscle damage. McHugh et al18 at-tributed passive stiffness to tendon-aponeurosisextensibility and stated that the aponeurosis rup-ture was responsible for greater damage in thestiff muscles than the compliant muscles. There-fore, any intervention that increases muscle stiff-ness might also increase the susceptibility of themuscle to damage. Klinge et al109 reported thatisometric training of the hamstring muscles in-creased both strength (43%) and passive stiffness(data were not shown). In the same way, eccen-tric training was reported to increase active stiff-ness.110 Although these studies did not directlyinvestigate the effect of training on the severityof muscle damage, their results could indicatethat stiffness might be a mechanism responsiblefor the more vulnerable musculotendinous unitafter training.

C. Pre-exercise Activities (Warm-Up,Stretching, and Massage)

Warm-up, stretching, and massage are commonlyrecommended before exercise or competition toimprove performance and reduce the risk of injury.Unfortunately, the scientific data to support thisbelief are not widely evident. Warm-up has beenshown to elevate muscle temperature,111 increasemuscle blood flow,65 and increase neurologicalexcitability.112 Stretching has been shown to in-crease flexibility.113 Research has shown thatmassage can increase muscle blood flow,114 muscletemperature,115 and muscle flexibility, and reducetissue adhesion.116,117 The benefits of such pre-exercise activities might help to reduce injury riskfactors. Unfortunately, there are limited publishedstudies in this area.

A search of the literature identified only onepublished research paper on the effects of warm-up on the severity of muscle damage.63 Nosaka andClarkson63 found that both high (100 repetitionsof maximal concentric contraction) and low (100repetitions of minimal concentric contraction)intensities of warm-up could reduce the magni-tude of muscle damage, as indicated by reducedsoreness sensation, strength and range of motionloss, swelling, and creatine kinase activity. The

authors proposed that warm-up might help toincrease muscle temperature and circulation, andconsequently, increase muscle and connectivetissue elasticity. The proposed mechanism thatwarm-up could increase musculotendinous unitelasticity (reduce muscle stiffness) was not inves-tigated in this study. If passive stiffness is themechanism responsible for the severity of muscledamage, the results from this study indicate thatthe warm-up program might need to addressspecific muscles because a general warm-up (run-ning) was not shown to affect passive stiffness.111

If active stiffness is the mechanism responsiblefor the severity of muscle damage, a generalwarm-up might help to reduce the severity ofmuscle damage. As McNair and Stanley95 re-ported, a reduction of active stiffness was achievedafter jogging. To date, there are no publishedpapers on the effects of general warm-up on themagnitude of muscle damage and the effects ofa specific warm-up on passive stiffness.

Several authors have investigated the effectsof pre-exercise stretching on the magnitude ofmuscle damage,4,5,64,118 and a recent review hassummarized the finding.70 Unfortunately, mostresearchers found that static stretching did nothelp to reduce the magnitude of muscle damage.The ineffectiveness of stretching on the severityof muscle damage might be that stretching hasno effects on passive109,119,120 and active121 stiff-ness. No research on the effects of other types ofstretching (eg, ballistic, proprioceptive neuro-muscular facilitation, and dynamic stretching)on muscle stiffness and the severity of muscledamage was found.

No published studies have reported the effectsof pre-exercise massage on the severity of muscledamage. Massage can increase muscle tempera-ture115 and blood flow114, which might help toincrease muscle compliance and reduce musclestiffness. Nevertheless, the only research on theeffects of massage on passive stiffness did notsupport this claim.122 Massage involves severaltechniques such as effleurage, petrissage, and fric-tion. Each technique is used for different purposesand provides different effects. Stanley et al122 usedan effleurage technique for 10 minutes on thehamstring muscles and did not find any change inpassive stiffness. Generally, massage therapists useeffleurage techniques to stimulate the parasympa-

144 Critical Reviews™ in Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine

thetic nervous system and evoke the relaxationresponse. Therefore, the massage technique usedin Stanley et al’s study might not be appropriate.Petrissage and friction are techniques aimed tomobilize deep muscle tissue or the skin and sub-cutaneous tissue and increase local circulation.From a clinical point of view, these techniquesmight be more appropriate in reducing musclestiffness, and, consequently, reducing the severityof muscle damage.

There was only one published research articleon the combined effects of warm-up, stretching,and massage on the severity of muscle damage.Rodenburg et al67 reported that the combinationof warm-up and stretching before eccentric exer-cise, and massage after exercise, was effective inreducing the severity of muscle damage. Unfortu-nately, the researchers did not compare the effectof each treatment alone. The results of Rodenburget al67 suggest the benefit of warm-up only beinggiven because stretching showed no effect on theseverity of muscle damage at all. Massage was alsounlikely to provide any benefit because massagewas applied immediately after eccentric exercise.Immediately after eccentric exercise, muscle doesnot need more blood flow to eliminate wasteproducts, such as lactic acid, because eccentricexercise does not produce a lot of waste products.8Therefore, it was not clear which interventionprovided the benefit for preventing muscle dam-age in this study.

D. Pharmaceutical Substances

The role of several chemical substances (eg, anti-inflammatory drugs, antioxidants, herbs, nutri-tional supplements) has been researched in rela-tion to preventing or reducing the severity ofmuscle damage. The use of anti-inflammatorydrugs such as aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen,naproxen, and ketoprofen was emphasized in therecent literature reviewed by Connolly et al.69

Comparisons the effectiveness of different anti-inflammatory drugs on the severity of muscledamage was difficult due to the variety of anti-inflammatory drugs used, doses, time to providedrugs, intensity and protocol of eccentric exer-cise-induced muscle damage, and the initial char-acteristic of participants. Research on the pro-

phylactic effects of the anti-inflammatory drugs(ibuprofen,61 naproxen,23 and flurbiprofen123),however, indicated that only ibuprofen (threedoses, 400 mg each, in 24 hours, for a total of 1200mg) showed preventative effects on eccentric ex-ercise-induced muscle damage by reducing sore-ness sensation and strength and range of motionloss.61 Interestingly, the prophylactic applicationof ibuprofen in this study showed a faster effect inrelieving the symptoms of muscle damage thandid the therapeutic treatment.

There have been attempts to investigate theeffects of several substances used to prevent thesymptoms of muscle damage, such as fish oil,124

ethanol,125 herbs,126 and pollen extract.127 Fish oilwas thought to decrease the inflammatory pro-cess.124 Ethanol was thought to reduce a leakageof muscle proteins after eccentric exercise.125 Anherb (Arnica) was commonly used for any type ofsoft tissue trauma.126 Unfortunately, none of thesesubstances was effective in reducing the severity ofmuscle damage. Pollen extract is a free radical–scavenging preparation that was thought to at-tenuate or eliminate tissue destruction.127 Thepollen extract was reported to reduce sorenesssensation and lower the concentration of lipidperoxides (reduce the level of free radicals). How-ever, the authors did not investigate the othersymptoms of muscle damage, such as strength andrange of motion loss.

E. Estrogen

Several researchers have reported less severity ofmuscle soreness in females than in males.41,44,128

Reduced severity of muscle soreness in womenwas also found in research that compared womenwho were contraceptive users with eumenorrheicnon-oral contraceptive users.129,130 This observa-tion has been explained as being related to theprotective effects of estrogen on cardiac andsmooth muscles in premenopausal females whenthey are compared with age-matched males.73

The protective effects of estrogen on muscledamage might be that estrogen defends againstoxygen free radicals and reduces the susceptibilityof muscle membrane to being damaged.131 Estro-gen also acts as a membrane stabilizer and generegulator.73 The potential protective role of es-

Volume 16 Issue 2 145

trogen on muscle damage from eccentric exercisehas been reviewed recently.73,131

It is important to note that the majority ofprevious research on the effects of estrogen onmuscle damage reported only a reduction in sore-ness perception. When other indirect parameters,such as strength, range of motion, circumference,and serum creatine kinase activity in the oralcontraceptive and non–oral contraceptive usergroups were compared, no differences in theseparameters were found.130 Therefore, the effec-tiveness of estrogen on preventing muscle damageis questionable. Moreover, research in this areacompared males and females who might actuallyhave more differences in muscle properties thanthe effects of estrogen alone. The comparisonbetween the oral contraceptive and non–oral con-traceptive users might show the effects of estrogenat different levels. If estrogen provides a long-term protective effect, women who are non–oralcontraceptive users still have high estrogen levelsduring the regular menstrual cycle that mightprovide the chronic protective effects on muscledamage. Tiidus131 recommended that researchshould compare the menopausal women who re-ceived estrogen supplement with those who re-ceived non-estrogen supplement. However, meno-pausal women are considered a special populationwho might have a change in muscle properties dueto aging. Further research that compares maleparticipants who are provided with estrogen withmale participants who do not receive estrogen isneeded. Such research might lead to more under-standing of the effects of estrogen on muscledamage and lead to more practical use of estrogen.


To prevent and/or reduce the severity of muscledamage from unaccustomed eccentric exercise, onthe basis of the previous research, medical practi-tioners and coaches should recommend to theirpatients in rehabilitation programs or to athletesthat they perform a specific warm-up regularly onmuscles that are predominantly used in the reha-bilitation program or sport. A “light” specific eccen-tric exercise following a specific warm-up (at least15% of the number of repetitions of the real eccen-

tric exercise at maximum contraction, low veloc-ity, and short muscle length position) that pro-duces a “low” severity of muscle damage is recom-mended. This light eccentric exercise will producea repeated bout effect that also helps to reduce theseverity of muscle damage. The next eccentricexercise session should be 2 weeks later in order torecover from strength loss. If eccentric trainingneeds to be performed before 2 weeks, the inten-sity of eccentric exercise should be low (50–60% ofmaximal isometric voluntary contraction).

It is important to note that when chemicalsubstances are administered to prevent or relievethe symptoms of muscle damage, one should beaware of the side effects that might be harmful.Long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs hasresulted in an increased risk of stomach ulcers,kidney failure, and liver damage.61 Estrogen mightbe beneficial for female patients or athletes, butthe effects on male patients or athletes are uncer-tain. For these reasons, the use of chemical sub-stances might not be an appropriate strategy inreducing the severity of muscle damage.


The authors would like to acknowledge HuachiewChalermprakiet University (Thailand) and TheAmerican Massage Therapy Association Founda-tion for funding the preparation of this manuscript.


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