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Pre-sale information and auction prices for Australian Indigenous artworks

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01 November 2103 Pre-sale information and auction prices for Australian Indigenous artworks* Lisa Farrell a, b and Tim R.L. Fry b a Department of Strategy and Marketing The University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom b School of Economics, Finance and Marketing RMIT University, Australia Abstract: The catalogue for art auctions conveys information to prospective buyers. We investigate the role that pre-sale information plays in determining auction prices for Australian Indigenous artworks. Keywords: Pre-sales information, auction prices, Indigenous artwork. JEL Classification: Z11 Corresponding Author: Prof. Tim R.L. Fry, School of Economics, Finance & Marketing, RMIT University, GPO Box 2476, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia. Email: [email protected] ______ * This work is part of a research project on “Indigenous art at auction” which has been supported by RMIT University funding. We are grateful to Jane Fry for her comments on an earlier version of this paper. The usual disclaimer applies.

01 November 2103

Pre-sale information and auction prices for Australian Indigenous artworks*

Lisa Farrella, b and Tim R.L. Fryb

a Department of Strategy and Marketing

The University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom

b School of Economics, Finance and Marketing RMIT University, Australia

Abstract: The catalogue for art auctions conveys information to prospective buyers. We investigate the role that pre-sale information plays in determining auction prices for Australian Indigenous artworks.

Keywords: Pre-sales information, auction prices, Indigenous artwork.

JEL Classification: Z11

Corresponding Author: Prof. Tim R.L. Fry, School of Economics, Finance & Marketing, RMIT University, GPO Box 2476, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia. Email: [email protected]


* This work is part of a research project on “Indigenous art at auction” which has been supported by RMIT University funding. We are grateful to Jane Fry for her comments on an earlier version of this paper. The usual disclaimer applies.


1. Background This paper examines the role of pre-sale information in explaining the hammer price

for artworks at auction. The focus of our study is works created by Australian

Indigenous artists. Indigenous art is of international relevance with collectors spread

across the globe. Art auction data typically contain many types and styles of artwork,

making the data inherently heterogeneous. We reduce this variability by focusing on

analyzing Indigenous artworks as three categories/groups, namely objects, paintings

and works on paper. Our primary attention is upon information contained in the

auction catalogue but our empirical modeling also controls for the prior information

concerning the auction market for Indigenous artworks as a whole.

The catalogue for an art auction contains information for potential buyers prior to the

auction taking place. Two key pieces of information in such catalogues are a lower

(L) and upper (U) estimate of the likely hammer price for the artwork. In prior

research these two have usually been combined into a single value to give a pre-sale

price estimate. Typically the pre-sale estimate is taken as the midpoint between the

lower and upper estimates1 (M = (L+U)/2). Ashenfelter and Graddy (2006) have

shown that if we view L and U as lower and upper bounds on the true price µ (L = µ –

kσ, U = µ + kσ, k > 0) then M provides a reliable estimate of the sale price.

Moreover, in this framework the range R = U – L is an estimate of the degree of

uncertainty (2kσ) in the auction house pre-sale estimate. Thus L and U convey

information about both the expected hammer price and the degree of (un)certainty

surrounding that estimate.

Ashenfelter, Graddy and Stevens (2002) argue that the ratio of the two pre-sale

estimates (the upper and lower bound) may also convey information. In particular, in

art auctions the convention is that the seller’s reserve price is set to be a proportion –

usually 0.8 – of the lower estimate (L) in the catalogue. In situations when the seller

requires a higher reserve than this implies, Ashenfelter, Graddy and Stevens (2002)

suggest that the value for L will be inflated whilst the value of U will remain

unchanged. In such a case the ratio (S = (U/L)), termed spread, will be compressed.

1 An exception is Bauwens and Ginsburgh (2000) who use L and U separately.


Thus, the ratio of the two pre-sales estimates may itself convey information to

potential buyers concerning the seller’s reserve if the ratio on one item is very

different to the ratios for other items at that auction.

In our modeling we are interested to know what role, if any, the midpoint (M), the

range (R) and the spread (S) play in explaining the actual hammer price (P) at auction.

A further piece of information that may play a role concerns the state of the auction

market for Indigenous art prior to the sale. To capture this information we use the

Herfindahl index (H) for the market in the previous year as a measure of how

competitive the market has been. The Herfindahl is calculated using the volume of

Indigenous works offered for sale by auction house.

The plan of this paper is as follows. In the next section we discuss our methodology.

Section three describes the data used and presents some descriptive analysis of the

data. The results and discussion are then presented in section four and section five

presents our conclusions.

2. Methodology

Empirical (regression) modeling is used to understand what, if any, role the pre-sale

information plays in explaining the hammer price for artworks sold at auction. In our

analysis we regress the hammer price (P) of an artwork on pre-sale information from

the auction catalogue – midpoint (M), range (R) and spread (S) – and on the

Indigenous auction market last year (H).

The traditional ordinary least squares (OLS) regression model is a model for the

conditional mean of price (P). Alternative specifications exist that model the

conditional quantiles (or percentiles) as depending upon the set of explanatory

variables. One example is a median regression that yields least absolute deviation

estimates. These alternative specifications can be also used to investigate robustness

to the conditional mean parameterization or as an alternative way to investigate the

dependence of the conditional distribution on explanatory variables. Thus we estimate

the model using both OLS and (simultaneous) quantile regression estimation.2 We

2 Estimation was carried out in Stata 13 using the sqreg command and standard errors were computed using 200 bootstrap replications.


report robust standard errors (for OLS) and bootstrapped standard errors for quantile


The model specification for the price of artwork i = 1, …, n is given by3:

𝑃! = 𝛽! + 𝛽!𝑀! + 𝛽!𝑅! + 𝛽!𝑆! + 𝛽!𝐻! + 𝑢!

In this framework we can use hypothesis tests on the individual coefficients to

determine whether the midpoint, range, spread or Herfindahl are significant in

explaining the price.

The intercept 𝛽! may be interpreted as the fixed amount by which the hammer price is

over or under estimated. If the midpoint (M) is a good estimate of the price then

𝛽! = 1. It is possible that M could under or over estimate the true price. Increased

uncertainty as measured through larger values for the range variable (R) may also

reflect higher risk. The idea of “high risk, high return” would then suggest that the

coefficient on R is positive. Alternatively, the auction house and the buyer(s) may

have differing levels of knowledge on risk or different risk preferences. In which case

the sign on R is unknown. Reductions in spread (S) could reflect an increase in seller

reserve. As spread falls, the hammer price may increase through the effects of an

increased seller’s reserve price. Thus we might expect the coefficient on S to be

negative. Increased competitiveness in the market for Indigenous art is reflected in a

lower value of H and is likely to lower the hammer price, so 𝛽! would be positive. If

no “higher order” information matters then the coefficients on R, S and H are all zero.

In this first order information world, a zero intercept and unit slope suggests that the

midpoint is the best estimate of the true sale price.

3. Data and Descriptive Analysis

Our data covers 29,812 artworks by Australian Indigenous artists offered for sale at

auction from 1969 to 2011 as recorded by Australian Art Sales Digest (AASD). We

are concerned with understanding the role of pre-sale information on the hammer

price and thus restrict attention on those artworks that were sold at auction4. Our

3 The regression model is estimated separately for each category of artwork. 4 Ninety eight per cent of all artworks have pre-sale price estimates. The sale rates are 69.3% for objects, 57.8% for paintings and 78.1% for works on paper.


analysis looks at the three main classes of Indigenous artwork – objects, paintings and

works on paper5. We begin with some descriptive analysis of our data (tables 1 – 3).

Table 1: Descriptive Statistics for Objects Price Midpoint Price - Midpoint Range Ratio Mean 4,831 4,447 384 1,654 1.508 Median 2,300 2,500 -200 1,000 1.500 Standard deviation 10,132 8,626 3,762 2,912 0.225 Minimum 30 40 -15,000 20 1.091 Maximum 190,000 175,000 40,000 50,000 3.000 Skewness 10.17 11.71 4.06 8.76 1.78 Kurtosis 158.27 208.50 29.84 117.80 7.26 Sample size 757.

Table 2: Descriptive Statistics for Paintings Price Midpoint Price - Midpoint Range Ratio Mean 9,792 10,381 -589 3,450 1.495 Median 3,000 3,500 -450 1,500 1.500 Standard deviation 33,048 33,287 10,932 11,123 0.374 Minimum 20 25 -245,000 10 1.037 Maximum 2,000,000 2,150,000 385,000 700,000 15.000 Skewness 25.07 27.74 7.91 27.25 23.71 Kurtosis 1223.69 1520.58 326.57 1405.20 835.76 Sample size 11,645.

Table 3: Descriptive Statistics for Works on Paper Price Midpoint Price - Midpoint Range Ratio Mean 2,784 2,676 108 864 1.545 Median 475 500 -50 200 1.500 Standard deviation 6,511 5,871 2,235 1,945 0.306 Minimum 15 30 -15,625 10 1.053 Maximum 120,000 70,000 50,000 30,000 4.000 Skewness 5.03 4.06 6.39 5.37 2.01 Kurtosis 43.45 22.87 98.68 45.07 6.69 Sample size 4,744.

For each type of artwork, all variables in the data are highly variable, positively

skewed and heavy tailed. We also see that on average the hammer price and midpoint

5 The “text fields” in our database reveal that almost all Works on Paper are actually (watercolour) paintings.


are different, with the hammer price exceeding midpoint for objects and works on

paper but midpoint exceeding the hammer price for paintings One variable that is

remarkably similar across all classes is the spread (or ratio) variable. The average in

all classes is close to 1.5 suggesting that the upper bound (U) is, on average, some

50% higher than the lower bound (L). However, there is a wide range of values for

the ratio suggesting that there is some movement away from the 50% mark up in


If the midpoint is a good estimate of the hammer price then the difference between

them should appear random and centered around zero. Histograms for the three

classes of art show that the distribution of the price difference is unimodal but

positively skewed, which results from a few works — particularly in the category of

paintings — having hammer prices much larger than their midpoint (figures 1 – 3).

Figure 1


Figure 2

Figure 3


Using the AASD data we also derive a value for the Herfindahl index for the market

for Indigenous artworks. The index is derived using the volume of art offered for

auction by each auction house each year. Figure 4 shows the value of the index over


The index shows that since the late 1980s the market for Indigenous artworks has

become much more competitive. This is primarily due to a rapid expansion in the

number of auction houses offering Indigenous artwork for sale.

4. Results and Discussion

We now turn to the results of our regression modelling (tables 4 – 6).

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9



































Figure 4: Herfindahl Index over time


Table 4: Regression Results for Objects Constant Midpoint Range Spread Herfindahl R2 O.L.S. 408.0123 0.8566 0.7274 -681.5942 2368.272 0.8714 (1250.056) (0.2875) (0.9124) (895.446) (1924.611) Percentiles

10% -313.5245 0.7895 -0.3291 62.1138 421.3875 0.4745 (243.6287) (0.0731) (0.1800) (149.8452) (402.0111) 25% -169.5268 0.8328 -0.1963 -32.6413 552.2031 0.5349 (303.9005) (0.0820) (0.2166) (184.6789) (361.5536) 50% -0.4857 0.9501 -0.2758 -27.3475 148.6625 0.5689 (486.1514) (0.1877) (0.4636) (275.8669) (439.6199) 75% 306.2492 0.8738 1.1121 -225.4167 164.7635 0.6256 (429.0587) (0.2130) (0.6129) (248.3850) (638.7488) 90% 911.0540 0.9829 1.9386 -486.6893 201.8290 0.6944 (756.9173) (0.3304) (0.9894) (409.5594) (2177.276) Sample size 757. Standard errors are in parentheses.

Table 5: Regression Results for Paintings Constant Midpoint Range Spread Herfindahl R2 O.L.S. 545.863 0.8784 0.1880 -1162.693 6446.001 0.8949 (1408.379) (0.0902) (0.2711) (907.657) (1302.175) Percentiles

10% 200.5308 0.6409 0.0014 -294.9670 397.0334 0.5439 (212.7534) (0.0486) (0.1540) (164.6029) (103.7913) 25% 198.4446 0.7186 0.0450 -264.5125 452.0947 0.6372 (164.5397) (0.0255) (0.0700) (107.7302) (107.4625) 50% -108.8832 0.8737 -0.1305 -6.2422 394.9654 0.7044 (69.2752) (0.0247) (0.0719) (38.7772) (95.3468) 75% 41.9553 0.8331 0.5828 -117.5168 778.3444 0.7528 (101.9833) (0.0328) (0.1317) (47.9524) (163.0120) 90% 45.7143 0.9499 1.2775 -191.1334 1687.1040 0.8054 (238.5128) (0.1255) (0.3409) (122.7440) (431.1193) Sample size 11,645. Standard errors are in parentheses.


Table 6: Regression Results for Works on Paper Constant Midpoint Range Spread Herfindahl R2 O.L.S. 9.9350 1.0065 0.1157 -82.7372 444.844 0.8839 (220.971) (0.0829) (0.2793) (127.016) (132.514) Percentiles

10% -109.3168 0.7609 -0.1269 19.4899 42.1361 0.5572 (21.3728) (0.0308) (0.0912) (13.8591) (14.0717) 25% -51.7364 0.8966 -0.2904 10.7756 34.7271 0.6410 (20.7919) (0.0232) (0.0514) (11.6528) (8.2583) 50% -48.3295 1.0011 -0.3026 28.7919 34.0195 0.7092 (27.3557) (0.0420) (0.1373) (19.8452) (14.5580) 75% 5.3560 1.1215 0.2704 -18.6893 79.3325 0.7947 (47.1146) (0.0841) (0.2574) (34.3464) (25.4561) 90% 82.0653 1.3089 0.7220 -52.0422 93.4877 0.8495 (60.4107) (0.1152) (0.3350) (41.7924) (70.0857) Sample size 4,744. Standard errors are in parentheses.

Turning first to the OLS results we see that for all three classes of artworks the

constant and coefficients on range and spread are not statistically significant. In all

three cases the coefficient on the midpoint is significant and the hypothesis that it

equals one is accepted. This suggests that only the midpoint (M) obtained from the

catalogue explains the hammer price and that it is a good estimator of the price. We

also see that the Herfindahl index, reflecting overall market information (that is,

competitiveness of the market), is significant and positive both for paintings and for

works on paper. Thus, an increase in competition in the indigenous auction market

lowers the hammer price for paintings and works on paper. However, for objects that

tend to be more heterogeneous in nature than paintings and works on paper

competition has no significant effect on price.

Results of a least absolute deviation (median or 50%) regression are very similar to

the OLS results, with two exceptions. First, for paintings, the coefficient on the

midpoint is not equal to one and the estimate indicates price tends to be less than the

midpoint. This may indicate that potential buyers of works on paper are more risk

averse than potential buyers of objects and paintings.

Looking at the results across the conditional percentiles it is clear that the constant

and spread are never statistically significant in the estimation. The coefficients on the

midpoint increase in magnitude and indicate that, for objects and paintings, the


midpoint becomes a more reliable estimate of the hammer price as we move up the

percentiles. For works on paper, above the 50th percentile the midpoint increasingly

overestimates price.

For paintings and works on paper, the range increases in magnitude and for works on

paper the range also changes sign from negative to positive across the percentiles.

One potential explanation for this may be that at the lower percentiles of the

conditional distribution buyers are risk averse but at the higher conditional percentiles

high risk is associated with high return (and price). The results on the market

information (Herfindahl) are consistent with the OLS results. Thus, an increase in

competition lowers the hammer price and the reduction is larger for the higher

percentiles (except for objects where the Herfindahl has no significant effect).

5. Conclusions

This paper has investigated the role that pre-sale information plays in explaining the

hammer price for three classes of Indigenous artworks (0objects, paintings and works

on paper). The auction catalogue contains two important pieces of information – a

lower and an upper estimate of the hammer price. These pieces of information can be

combined to form a single price estimate (the midpoint M), an estimate of uncertainty

in the estimation of price (the range, R) and the spread of estimates (the ratio or

spread, S). The results suggest that the midpoint M is significant in explaining price

and is a reliable price estimate. The spread does not play a role and the results on the

range (uncertainty) are mixed. We also investigate the potential role of information

concerning the Indigenous art auction market as a whole. We find that this is

significant in explaining the hammer price of both paintings and works on paper.


References Ashenfelter, O., Graddy, K., (2006). “Art Auctions”, in: Ginsburgh, V., Thorsby, D.

(Eds.), Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture, Volume 1. Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, 909–945.

Ashenfelter, O., Graddy, K., Stevens, M. (2002). “A study of sale rates and prices in

impressionist and contemporary art auctions”. Unpublished manuscript. Australian Art Sales Digest, http://www.aasd.com.au/ Bauwens, L., Ginsburgh, V., (2000). “Art Experts and Auctions: Are pre-sale

estimates unbiased and fully informative?”, Recherches Economiques de Louvain, 66(2), 131–144.
