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Palaeo-hydrogeological control on groundwater As levels in Red River delta, Vietnam

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0883-2927/$ - see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2008.06.015 Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 3116–3126 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Applied Geochemistry journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/apgeochem Palaeo-hydrogeological control on groundwater As levels in Red River delta, Vietnam Søren Jessen a, * , Flemming Larsen b , Dieke Postma b , Pham Hung Viet c , Nguyen Thi Ha d , Pham Quy Nhan e , Dang Duc Nhan f , Mai Thanh Duc c , Nguyen Thi Minh Hue c , Trieu Duc Huy d , Tran Thi Luu c , Dang Hoang Ha e , Rasmus Jakobsen a a Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (TUD), 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark b National Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Denmark c Research Centre for Environmental Technology and Sustainable Development (CETASD), Hanoi University of Science, Viet Nam d Vietnam Northern Hydrogeological and Engineering Geological Division (NHEGD), Viet Nam e Hanoi University of Mining and Geology (HUMG), Viet Nam f Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology, Viet Nam article info abstract Article histry: Available online 4 July 2008 To study the geological control on groundwater As concentrations in Red River delta, depth-specific groundwater sampling and geophysical logging in 11 monitoring wells was conducted along a 45 km transect across the southern and central part of the delta, and the literature on the Red River delta’s Quaternary geological development was reviewed. The water samples (n = 30) were analyzed for As, major ions, Fe 2+ , H 2 S, NH 4 , CH 4 , d 18 O and dD, and the geophysical log suite included natural gamma-ray, forma- tion and fluid electrical conductivity. The SW part of the transect intersects deposits of grey estuarine clays and deltaic sands in a 15–20 km wide and 50–60 m deep Holocene incised valley. The NE part of the transect consists of 60–120 m of Pleistocene yellowish alluvial deposits underneath 10–30 m of estuarine clay overlain by a 10–20 m veneer of Holocene sediments. The distribution of d 18 O-values (range ¡12.2‰ to ¡6.3‰) and hydraulic head in the sample wells indicate that the estuarine clay units divide the flow system into an upper Holocene aquifer and a lower Pleistocene aquifer. The groundwa- ter samples were all anoxic, and contained Fe 2+ (0.03–2.0 mM), Mn (0.7–320 lM), SO 4 (<2.1 lM–0.75 mM), H 2 S (<0.1–7.0 lM), NH 4 (0.03–4.4 mM), and CH 4 (0.08–14.5 mM). Generally, higher concentrations of NH 4 and CH 4 and low concentrations of SO 4 were found in the SW part of the transect, dominated by Holocene deposits, while the oppo- site was the case for the NE part of the transect. The distribution of the groundwater As concentration (<0.013–11.7 lM; median 0.12 lM (9 lg/L)) is related to the distribution of NH 4 , CH 4 and SO 4 . Low concentrations of As (60.32 lM) were found in the Pleistocene aquifer, while the highest As concentrations were found in the Holocene aquifer. PHRE- EQC-2 speciation calculations indicated that Fe 2+ and H 2 S concentrations are controlled by equilibrium for disordered mackinawite and precipitation of siderite. An elevated groundwater salinity (Cl range 0.19–65.1 mM) was observed in both aquifers, and domi- nated in the deep aquifer. A negative correlation between aqueous As and an estimate of reduced SO 4 was observed, indicating that Fe sulphide precipitation poses a secondary control on the groundwater As concentration. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Jessen).

0883-2927/$ - see front matter © 2008 Else vier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 3116–3126

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Applied Geochemistry

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/ locate /apgeochem

Palaeo-hydrogeological control on groundwater As levels in Red River

delta, Vietnam

Søren Jessen a,*, Flemming Larsen b, Dieke Postma b, Pham Hung Viet c, Nguyen Thi Ha d, Pham Quy Nhan e, Dang Duc Nhan f, Mai Thanh Duc c, Nguyen Thi Minh Hue c, Trieu Duc Huy d, Tran Thi Luu c, Dang Hoang Ha e, Rasmus Jakobsen a

a Depart ment of Envi ron men tal Engi neer ing, Tech ni cal Uni ver sity of Den mark (TUD), 2800 Kgs. Lyn gby, Den markb National Geo log i cal Sur vey of Den mark and Green land (GEUS), Den markc Research Cen tre for Envi ron men tal Tech nol ogy and Sus tain able Devel op ment (CET ASD), Ha noi Uni ver sity of Sci ence, Viet Namd Viet nam North ern Hydro geo log i cal and Engi neer ing Geo log i cal Divi sion (NHEGD), Viet Name Ha noi Uni ver sity of Min ing and Geol ogy (HUMG), Viet Namf Insti tute for Nuclear Sci ence and Tech nol ogy, Viet Nam

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article histry:

Available online 4 July 2008

To study the geo log i cal con trol on ground wa ter As con cen tra tions in Red River delta,

depth-spe cific ground wa ter sam pling and geo phys i cal log ging in 11 mon i tor ing wells

was con ducted along a 45 km tran sect across the south ern and cen tral part of the delta,

and the lit er a ture on the Red River delta’s Qua ter nary geo log i cal devel op ment was

reviewed. The water sam ples (n = 30) were ana lyzed for As, major ions, Fe2+, H2S, NH4,

CH4, d18O and dD, and the geo phys i cal log suite included nat u ral gamma-ray, for ma-

tion and fluid elec tri cal con duc tiv ity. The SW part of the tran sect inter sects depos its of

grey estu a rine clays and del taic sands in a 15–20 km wide and 50–60 m deep Holo cene

incised val ley. The NE part of the tran sect con sists of 60–120 m of Pleis to cene yel low ish

allu vial depos its under neath 10–30 m of estu a rine clay over lain by a 10–20 m veneer

of Holo cene sed i ments. The dis tri bu tion of d18O-val ues (range ¡12.2‰ to ¡6.3‰) and

hydrau lic head in the sam ple wells indi cate that the estu a rine clay units divide the flow

sys tem into an upper Holo cene aqui fer and a lower Pleis to cene aqui fer. The ground wa-

ter sam ples were all anoxic, and con tained Fe2+ (0.03–2.0 mM), Mn (0.7–320 lM), SO4

(<2.1 lM–0.75 mM), H2S (<0.1–7.0 lM), NH4 (0.03–4.4 mM), and CH4 (0.08–14.5 mM).

Gen er ally, higher con cen tra tions of NH4 and CH4 and low con cen tra tions of SO4 were

found in the SW part of the tran sect, dom i nated by Holo cene depos its, while the oppo-

site was the case for the NE part of the tran sect. The dis tri bu tion of the ground wa ter As

con cen tra tion (<0.013–11.7 lM; median 0.12 lM (9 lg/L)) is related to the dis tri bu tion of

NH4, CH4 and SO4. Low con cen tra tions of As (60.32 lM) were found in the Pleis to cene

aqui fer, while the high est As con cen tra tions were found in the Holo cene aqui fer. PHRE-

EQC-2 spe ci a tion cal cu la tions indi cated that Fe2+ and H2S con cen tra tions are con trolled

by equi lib rium for dis or dered mack i naw ite and pre cip i ta tion of sid er ite. An ele vated

ground wa ter salin ity (Cl range 0.19–65.1 mM) was observed in both aqui fers, and dom i-

nated in the deep aqui fer. A neg a tive cor re la tion between aque ous As and an esti mate of

reduced SO4 was observed, indi cat ing that Fe sul phide pre cip i ta tion poses a sec ond ary

con trol on the ground wa ter As con cen tra tion.

© 2008 Else vier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Cor re spond ing author.

E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Jessen).

S. Jes sen et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 3116–3126 3117

1. Intro duc tion

Ele vated con cen tra tions of ge o gen ic As in ground wa ter

poses a threat to the health of tens of mil lions of people

living in the large delta areas of South east Asia. In the Red

River delta, Viet nam, an esti mated 11 mil lion people are

at risk (Berg et al., 2001). Although sev eral pro cesses lead-

ing to the release of As have been pro posed, the reduc tion

of As-con tain ing Fe-oxides with nat u ral organic mat ter

is gen er ally con sid ered the most impor tant mobi li za tion

mech a nism (McAr thur et al., 2001; Akai et al., 2004;

Islam et al., 2004; Post ma et al., 2007). On a local scale,

the ground wa ter As con cen tra tion often shows a patchy

dis tri bu tion (Har vey et al., 2005; Char let and Polya, 2006)

prob a bly deter mined by the local hydro ge ol ogy and/or

vari a tions in abstrac tion depth (Smed ley and Kinni burgh,

2002; Har vey et al., 2005). How ever, on a larger scale,

regional sur veys in the Ben gal and Me kong del tas indi-

cate the exis tence of areas in which new wells are likely

to pro duce low-As water (McAr thur et al., 2001; Berg et

al., 2007). Regional sur veys are costly and time con sum-

ing and a pre dic tion of the ground wa ter As con tent based

on exist ing data would there fore be pref er a ble. Recently

maps that pre dict the As con cen tra tion in the ground wa ter

based on geo log i cal and sur face-soil param e ters have been

val i dated with rea son able suc cess against sur vey data sets

from the Ben gal, Me kong, Red River, Myan mar and Suma-

tra delta areas (Polya et al., 2005; Hoss ain et al., 2007;

Berg et al., 2007; Win kel et al., 2008; Rodri guez-Lado et

al., 2008) and also global ground wa ter As pre dic tion mod-

el ling has been con ducted (Amini et al., 2008). For the

Red River delta, a val i da tion and refine ment of pre dic tion

maps should be pos si ble, because thousands of ground-

wa ter sam ples have been ana lyzed in two recent regional

sur veys by UNICEF (Bad loe et al., 2004) and the Swiss Fed-

eral Insti tute of Aquatic Sci ence and Tech nol ogy, EA WAG,

in coop er a tion with CET ASD (Unpub lished data, Michael

Berg, pers. comm.). The EA WAG/CET ASD sur vey shows a

high ground wa ter As con cen tra tion in a 20 km wide band

along the NW–SE bound ary of the delta plain, par al lel to

the position of the pal ae o-Red River main chan nel (Fig.

1A), while ground wa ters in the cen tral and north ern delta

plain gen er ally have low lev els of As. These results are

con sis tent with the results of the UNICEF sur vey, though

the lat ter are reported per prov ince. In the Ben gal delta, a

high ground wa ter As con cen tra tion is found in Holo cene

aqui fers, while Pleis to cene aqui fers have a low-As level

(Rav ens croft et al., 2001, 2005). The South east Asian del tas

all derive their sed i ments ulti mately from the Hima la yas

(Stan ger, 2005; Char let and Polya, 2006; Guil lot and Char-

let, 2007), and depo si tion takes place in Ceno zoic sub si-

dence basins under the influ ence of Qua ter nary eu stat ic

sea level changes (Tan a be et al., 2006). The sub si dence

rate in the Ben gal delta (Good bred and Ku ehl, 2000) has

been much higher than that in the Red River delta, and in

the onshore Red River delta the Qua ter nary sequence is

only up to 200 m in total (Ma thers and Zal asiewicz, 1999).

Dur ing the mid-Holo cene trans gres sion the sea cov ered

a large part of the Red River delta (Tan a be et al., 2006).

This trans gres sion, com bined with the mod est total thick-

ness of the Qua ter nary aqui fers, influ ences the pres ent day

ground wa ter chem is try in the Red River delta.

In this study ground wa ter sam ples have been col-

lected from mon i tor ing wells along a 45 km tran sect run-

ning per pen dic u lar to the Red River, from the south ern

delta bound ary to the cen tral part of the delta (Fig. 1A

and B). The aims of the pres ent study are (i) to pro vide

a first assess ment of the over all dis tri bu tion of Pleis to-

cene and Holo cene sed i ments in the Red River delta, (ii)

to inves ti gate if the ground wa ter As lev els in the Red

River delta are related to geo log i cal age of the aqui fer

sed i ments, and (iii) to inves ti gate the con trols on the

ground wa ter As con cen tra tion in the brack ish-marine

sed i ments of the Red River delta.

Fig. 1. (A) The Red River delta, pres ent day sit u a tion and pal ae og e og ra phy. A–A9 indi cates the position of the stud ied tran sect. (B) The position of bore holes

for water sam pling (Q82–Q131) and sed i ment descrip tions along the tran sect.

3118 S. Jes sen et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 3116–3126

2. Meth ods

2.1. Field cam paign

The field work was car ried out from 27 May to 5 June

2006 and sam pling sites included 11 of the Viet nam ese

National Mon i tor ing Net work wells (Fig. 1B). The wells

are nests with up to three sep a rate holes. Typ i cally, the

bore holes are equipped with OD 120 mm PVC cas ings and

screens; the upper one or two screens are 6 m long while

the deep est screen is 8–10 m long.

2.2. Bore hole log ging and water table mea sure ments

Geo phys i cal log ging was car ried out in the deep est

bore hole at each mon i tor ing nest. The log suite included

nat u ral gamma-ray, for ma tion elec tri cal con duc tiv ity

(focused induc tion), and fluid tem per a ture and con duc tiv-

ity (Rob ert son Geo log ging). The gamma-ray log is a proxy

for sed i men tary clay con tent, while the for ma tion con-

duc tiv ity log is a proxy for the salin ity of the for ma tion

pore water. To trans late for ma tion con duc tiv ity log-val ues

into esti mates of pore water salin ity, the for ma tion fac tor

Ff = rw/rf was used, where rw and rf are the con duc tiv i ties

of the water sam ple (mea sured by sam pling) and of the

for ma tion (mea sured by log ging), respec tively. Thus, after

esti mat ing the for ma tion fac tor for a given sed i men tary

unit in the tran sect, the pore water salin ity expressed as

rw can be cal cu lated from the for ma tion con duc tiv ity log


To assess the aqui fer hydro dy nam ics the rel a tive

static water lev els in the bore holes at each loca tion were

recorded and cor rected for den sity vari a tions using fluid

con duc tiv ity mea sure ments to obtain com pa ra ble heads.

2.3. Water sam pling and field anal y sis

To ensure that the water sam ples orig i nated from the

screened inter vals of the bore holes the sam ples were

col lected by a low-flow-rate Whale-pump (0.5–2 L/min)

posi tioned at the top of the screen, and below a high flow-

rate Grund fos MP1-pump (typ i cally, 10–20 L/min). In two

of the sam pled screens, two sam ples (as opposed to one

sam ple) were col lected from sep a rate in-flow zones iden-

ti fied by the geo phys i cal log ging. Before sam pling, 3–12

bore hole vol umes were flushed. Dis solved O2, pH, tem per-

a ture and elec tri cal con duc tiv ity was mea sured by WTW

elec trodes in a flow cell and mon i tored through the flush-

ing to ensure sta ble val ues before sam pling. Fer rous iron

(Fe2+), PO4 and H2S were mea sured on a HACH DR/2010

spec tro pho tom e ter in the field, using, respec tively, the

Fer ro zine (Stoo key, 1970), molyb date blue and meth y lene

blue meth ods (Cline, 1967). The Fe2+ con cen tra tions mea-

sured in the field closely matched total Fe mea sured in the

lab o ra tory by flame atomic absorp tion spec tro pho tom e try

(slope 1.00; r2 = 0.99). Alka lin ity was mea sured in the field

by Gran-titra tion (Stumm and Mor gan, 1981). Sam ples

were col lected by poly eth yl ene tub ing and syrin ges, and

fil tered through 0.20 lm cel lu lose ace tate syrin ges-fil ters

(Sar to rius Min is art) to poly eth yl ene vials. Prior to sam-

pling, syrin ges and fil ters were pre-flushed with N2-gas

to pre vent As seques tra tion by Fe oxide pre cip i ta tion. Sam-

ples for CH4 were injected into pre-weighed evac u ated

glass vials equipped with a pierce able sep tum (ex e tain ers;

Lab co, ord.co. 819W), through a syringe nee dle mounted

on the sam pling tube. The ex e tain ers were stored upside-

down to trap the CH4 in the head space vol ume of 2–3 mL.

Sam ples for anions, NH4 and CH4 were put on ice in the

field and fro zen later on the day of sam pling. Sam ples for

all other param e ters were acid i fied by add ing 2 vol% of a

7 M HNO3 solu tion, then put on ice and stored refrig er ated.

Detec tion lim its for Fe2+, H2S and PO4 were ca. 0.1 lM.

2.4. Lab o ra tory anal y sis

Cat ions were ana lyzed by flame atomic absorp tion

spec tro pho tom e try on a Shi ma dzu AAS 6800 instru ment.

Aque ous As was deter mined on the same instru ment using

a HVG hydride gen er a tor and a graph ite fur nace. Anions

were ana lyzed by ion chro ma tog ra phy using a Shi ma dzu

LC20AD/HIC-20ASu per. Ammo nium was deter mined by

spec tro pho tom e try using nitro prus side. Meth ane head

space con cen tra tions were deter mined by gas chro ma tog-

ra phy using a Shi ma dzu GC-14A with a 1 m packed col umn

(3% SP1500, Car bo pack B) and a FID detec tor. The aque ous

CH4 con cen tra tion was cal cu lated using Henry’s law. Detec-

tion lim its were: As 0.013 lM; Mn 0.91 lM; Ca 0.50 lM;

NH4 5.6 lM; NO3 3.2 lM; SO4 2.1 lM and CH4 0.01 mM.

The sta ble iso tope ratio of O (18O/16O) and H (2H/1H)

of the water rel a tive to the VSMOW stan dard was ana-

lyzed using a Mi cro Mass spec trom e ter (Iso Prime, GV

Instru ments, UK) equipped with an Eu ro vec tor ele men tal

ana lyzer (Eu roEA 3000, Italy) and the Mass lynx Pro gram

(GV Instru ments, UK) for data pro cess ing. The results are

expressed in ‰ units using the d-nota tion with a stan dard

devi a tion not larger than ±0.20‰ (for d18O), as cal cu lated

from a min i mum of five rep li cate injec tions into the ele-

men tal ana lyzer.

2.5. Spe ci a tion cal cu la tions

Aque ous spe ci a tion was done using PHRE EQC-2

(Park hurst and Ap pe lo, 1999) with the inclu sion of the

ther mo dy namic data base for the As spe cies pro vided by

Lang muir et al. (2006). For Fe sul phide equi lib rium cal cu la-

tions the FeS(ppt) phase defined in the data base for which

FeS M Fe2+ + S2¡, K = 10¡16.833 was used.

3. Results

3.1. Geo log i cal set ting

The cross sec tion shown in Fig. 2 is based on a sequence

strati graph i cal inter pre ta tion of the avail able lith o log i cal

and geo phys i cal logs, con sis tent with the work pub lished by

Su sumu Tan a be, his co-work ers and oth ers (Tran et al., 1991,

2002; Ma thers and Zal asiewicz, 1999; Lam and Boyd, 2003;

Tan a be et al., 2003a, b, 2006; Hori et al., 2004; Hane buth et

al., 2006; Li et al., 2006; Funa bi ki et al., 2007). Neo gene bed-

rock forms the base of the Qua ter nary depos its, which thick-

ens north ward from about 30 m to 150 m. The Qua ter nary

sequence con sists of Pleis to cene allu vial sand and gravel

S. Jes sen et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 3116–3126 3119

depos its, over lain by estu a rine clays and Holo cene del taic

sands. On the top there are depos its of silt and clay in Holo-

cene marine ter races and, near the mod ern chan nels such as

the Red River, over bank depos its, typ i cally form ing a 5–10 m

thick con fin ing clay layer. The cross sec tion also dis plays 14C sed i ment dates from the DT hole (Tan a be et al., 2003a),

and the HH120 hole and two addi tional loca tions (Lam and

Boyd, 2003; Funa bi ki et al., 2007). Fault loca tions from Tran

et al. (2002) are indi cated on Figs. 1B and 2. The dashed line

in Fig. 2, at ele va tion around ¡50 m in the SW part of the

cross sec tion and around ¡10 m in the NE part of the cross

sec tion, indi cates the pre sumed topo graphic sur face dur ing

the Late Pleis to cene sea level low, shown in Fig. 3 by the sea

level curve for the Late Pleis to cene–Holo cene. Fig. 3 shows,

that dur ing the mid dle of the Weich sel gla ci a tion, 80–30 ka

before pres ent (BP), the sea level oscil lated at around 80 m

below the pres ent sea level (Kit az a wa, 2007), and 25–19 ka

BP, the sea level dropped to 120 m below the pres ent sea

level, as global cool ing at the time caused sea wa ter to accu-

mu late in ter res trial ice-sheets (Yo koy ama et al., 2000; Lam-

beck et al., 2002; Tan a be et al., 2006). Dur ing the sea level

low, the pal ae o-Red River (Fig. 1A) eroded a val ley into the

Pleis to cene sed i ments in the SW part of the cross sec tion. In

Fig. 1A, the incised val ley along the NW–SE delta bound ary

is out lined by the shore line 9 ka BP (Tan a be et al., 2006).

From 6 to 4 ka BP the sea level stood 2–4 m above pres ent sea

level (Boyd and Lam, 2004; Tan a be et al., 2006) evi dent in

the cross sec tion as the marine ter races (Figs. 1A and 2).

Three of the geo phys i cal bore hole logs recorded dur-

ing the sur vey are depicted in Fig. 2, rep re sent ing pri mar-

ily Holo cene depos its in Q86 and Pleis to cene depos its in

Q130 and Q131. The Pleis to cene allu vial sed i ments in the

bore hole logs show rel a tively low gamma-ray lev els of

around 75 API, cor re spond ing to rel a tively coarse grained

sed i ments. The grad ual upward increase in the gamma-ray

lev els, e.g., from ele va tion ¡68 m to ¡62 m and again from

¡62 m to ¡39 m in Q130, and from ¡84 m to ¡60 m in Q131

indi cate fin ing-upward sequences of the allu vial, higher-

energy depo si tional envi ron ment. High-stand flu vial sed-

i ments have smaller-scale fin ing-upward sequences (Gani

Fig. 3. Com pi la tion of sea level curves (ele va tion in meters rel a tive to pres-

ent sea level) from Tan a be et al. (2006) (0–20 ka BP) and Kit az a wa (2007)

(20–150 ka BP).

Fig. 2. Geo log i cal cross sec tion of the sam pled tran sect (A–A9 in Fig. 1). The Late Pleis to cene topo graphic sur face is indi cated by a black dashed line. Geo-

phys i cal logs show, to the left, the nat u ral gamma-ray, and to the right, the for ma tion con duc tiv ity.

3120 S. Jes sen et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 3116–3126

and Alam, 2004). The two estu a rine sed i ment units (Holo-

cene in the SW, and Pleis to cene in the NE part of the tran-

sect) are clay-rich, con sis tent with the ele vated gamma-

ray lev els of up to 140–150 API. The gamma-ray lev els in

the Holo cene sand depos its are rel a tively high, 110–120

API, con firm ing the silty-clayey con di tions described in

the lith o log i cal logs. The lithol ogy of the sed i ments will be

described fur ther in Sec tion 4.1.

3.2. Cross sec tion hydrol ogy

Fig. 4A shows the dis tri bu tion of d18O in the water

sam ples col lected by the depth-spe cific sam pling in the

11 mon i tor ing wells (Fig. 1B). The value of d18O ranges

from ¡12.2 to ¡6.3‰, and rel a tively 18O-rich ground wa-

ter is gen er ally found in the Holo cene depos its while the

ground wa ter in the Pleis to cene depos its is more depleted

in 18O with d18O-val ues lower than ¡8.6‰. The ver ti cal

dis tri bu tion of hydrau lic head (not shown) gen er ally indi-

cated a down ward migra tion of water. In the NE part of

the tran sect (dis tance 20–50 km), a ver ti cal hydrau lic head

dif fer ence of 2.4–2.7 m water col umn was observed across

the estu a rine depos its, while a less pro nounced ver ti cal

hydrau lic head dif fer ence (<0.8 m) was observed in the

SW part of the tran sect (dis tance 0–20 km). The hydrau lic

head dif fer ences trans late into ver ti cal gra di ents of +8 to

¡146‰, where the neg a tive val ues infer down ward flow.

The dis tri bu tion of d18O and ver ti cal hydrau lic heads indi-

cate that the estu a rine clay depos its (Fig. 2) divide the

sequence into an upper and a lower aqui fer. No attempt

was made to deduce any hor i zon tal gra di ents along the

tran sect, as the ele va tion of ref er ence points was not ver-

i fied.

3.3. Ground wa ter types

The dis tri bu tion of the ground wa ter Cl con cen tra tion

is shown in Fig. 4B. The Cl con cen tra tion ranges from 0.19

to 65 mM, and is gen er ally higher in the lower aqui fer. In

Fig. 4C each water sam ple is rep re sented by a Stiff dia-

gram. The fig ure also includes exam ples of Stiff dia grams

for intru sion (saline water dis plac ing fresh wa ter), fresh-

en ing (fresh wa ter dis plac ing saline water), fresh wa ter and

a 10% oce anic sea wa ter. Fresh- or fresh en ing waters of,

respec tively, Ca–HCO3 or Na–HCO3 water types, are dom-

i nant in the Holo cene aqui fer. Fresh wa ter is also found in

Fig. 4. (A) The dis tri bu tion of d18O in the tran sect. The d18O-val ues in the Pleis to cene aqui fer are depleted rel a tive to those in the Holo cene aqui fer. (B)

The dis tri bu tion of Cl in the ground wa ter. The area of the dots in this and con sec u tive fig ures vary lin e arly with the param e ter value (square root scal ing).

(C) Water types in the sam pled tran sect, as indi cated by Stiff dia grams. For com par i son four exam ples of Stiff dia grams are shown below dia gram C to

exem plify the three dif fer ent ground wa ter types and 10% oce anic sea wa ter.

S. Jes sen et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 3116–3126 3121

the Pleis to cene aqui fer in Q87, for which the bore hole logs

(not shown) describe a rel a tively sandy sequence, allow-

ing fresh wa ter recharge to the lower aqui fer. The elec tri-

cal con duc tiv ity and the Cl con cen tra tion of the fresh wa-

ter are, respec tively, 60–120 mS/m and 0.19–3.03 mM (Cl

median: 1.73). Intru sive waters are dom i nant in the Pleis-

to cene aqui fer and are of a Na–Cl water type, which, due to

cat ion exchange for Ca2+, are depleted in Na+ rel a tive to the

Na/Cl ratio of sea wa ter. The elec tri cal con duc tiv ity of the

intru sive water is as high as 600 mS/m, or 11% that of oce-

anic sea wa ter. Com pared to this, the geo phys i cal logs (Fig.

2) sug gest a for ma tion con duc tiv ity of up to 400 mS/m,

which indi cates a pore water salin ity of 600–1000 mS/m

(Ff = 1.5–2.5), cor re spond ing to 11–19% of the salin ity of

oce anic sea wa ter. Because pres ent day tide-induced salin-

ity intru sion in sur face waters extend only 20–30 km

inland from the coast (Vu, 1996), the high salin ity found in

the tran sect (Fig. 4B) must be due to the pres ence of stag-

nant saline water in the estu a rine clay units or, espe cially

for the upper aqui fer, from the mid-Holo cene marine sed-

i ments. The for ma tion con duc tiv ity is high est in the mid-

dle of the estu a rine clay units (Fig. 2) and low ers towards

Fig. 5. The dis tri bu tion of ground wa ter redox com po nents in the tran sect. ‘BD’ indi cates a con cen tra tion below the limit of detec tion.

3122 S. Jes sen et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 3116–3126

the top and bot tom of the units, which could indi cate that

flush ing of the stag nant saline water is con trolled by dif-

fu sion.

3.4. Ground wa ter redox chem is try

The dis tri bu tion of the redox-sen si tive param e ters,

Fe2+, SO4, H2S, NH4 and CH4, is shown in Fig. 5. All sam ples

have a detect able Fe2+ con cen tra tion (Fig. 5A) imply ing

the pres ence of reduced con di tions. Con sis tently, the dis-

solved O2 con cen tra tion was always below the 0.016 mM

detec tion limit The high est Fe2+ con cen tra tions of 0.50–

0.95 mM (Q86), 2.0 mM (Q88) and 0.56 mM (Q131) are

found in the Pleis to cene aqui fer. The Mn con cen tra tion

(not shown) ranged from 0.7 to 320 lM and was above the

WHO guide line of 7.3 lM (0.4 mg/L) in 70% of the sam ples.

The SO4 con cen tra tion (Fig. 5B) is up to 0.75 mM, being

high est in the NE part of the tran sect, where SO4 is found

both in the upper aqui fer and in the Pleis to cene aqui fer. In

the SW end of the tran sect, SO4 is found in a con cen tra tion of

up to 0.05 mM, mainly in shal low wells and at depth in Q84.

Sul phide was detected in the ground wa ter (Fig. 5C)

in con cen tra tions of up to 7.0 lM, indi cat ing ongo ing

SO4 reduc tion. The dis tri bu tion of sul phide appears scat-

tered, though the high est lev els are pres ent in the Holo-

cene aqui fer.

High NH4 con cen tra tions (Fig. 5D) of typ i cally 1–2 mM,

and up to 4.4 mM, are found in the SW part of the tran sect,

except for many of the shal low screens, which have con cen-

tra tions below 0.2 mM. In the NE part of the tran sect, the

NH4 con cen tra tion is below 0.7 mM.

The CH4 con cen tra tion (Fig. 5E) shows a dis tri bu tion

sim i lar to that of NH4. In the SW part of the tran sect the

CH4 con cen tra tion typ i cally ranges from 1 to 3 mM, except

from some screens placed in the Holo cene aqui fer. A very

high CH4 con cen tra tion of 14.5 mM was found in the deep-

est screen of Q85. Lower lev els of CH4 are found in the NE

part of the tran sect.

3.5. The dis tri bu tion of As in ground wa ter

The dis tri bu tion of total As in the ground wa ter is

shown in Fig. 6. In the SW part of the tran sect the As con-

cen tra tion ranges from below the 0.013 lM detec tion limit

(1 lg/L) to nearly 12 lM (900 lg/L) in Q128. The As con cen-

tra tion shows a large spa tial var i a tion, although the high-

est val ues are found close to the Red River. In the NE end of

the tran sect the As con cen tra tion is low, the high est being

0.32 lM.

4. Dis cus sion

4.1. Lithol ogy of the sed i ments

Dur ing the rapid eu stat ic sea level rise around 15 ka BP

(Fig. 3) the incised val ley became filled with suc ces sively

estu a rine dark-grey silt and clay, over lain by del taic dark-

grey, in places described as green ish, silty, clayey sand

and fine sand. In the NE part of the cross sec tion in Fig.

2, Pleis to cene depos its com prise most of the Qua ter nary

sequence, while Holo cene depos its only form a thin super-

fi cial aqui fer of up to 10 m in thick ness. This shal low Holo-

cene aqui fer is char ac ter ised by silty and clayey sed i ments

depos ited at a low sed i men ta tion rate (Lam and Boyd,

2003; Funa bi ki et al., 2007). The Pleis to cene estu a rine

unit, with a top ele va tion of around ¡10 m (Fig. 2), con-

sists of lat er itic, grey-yel low or spot ted silt and clay. Other

stud ies describe the sequence bound ary for the Holo cene

sed i ments as a sub aer i ally weath ered, lat er itic marker hori-

zon, dated to the time of the sea level low (Ma thers and

Zal asiewicz, 1999; Tran et al., 2002; Funa bi ki et al., 2007)

or ear lier in Pleis to cene (Hane buth et al., 2006). The Pleis-

to cene aqui fer con sists of thick depos its of sand, gran ules

and peb bles, which in parts of the more detailed lith o log i-

cal descrip tions of bore holes LK20 and LK25 (Figs. 1B and

2) are described also as grey-yel low and brown col oured,

in both bore holes to ele va tions as deep as ¡105 m. The sed-

i ments under neath the incised val ley in the SW part of the

cross sec tion (ele va tion ¡50 to ¡70 m), how ever, are typ i-

cally described as grey.

4.2. Redox envi ron ment and sed i ment age

The con cen tra tions of NH4 and CH4 in and beneath the

Holo cene incised val ley in the SW part of the tran sect are

mark edly higher than in the NE end of the tran sect (Fig. 5D

and E). The dis tri bu tion of NH4 and CH4 over depth sug-

gests that they are gen er ated by the deg ra da tion of sed-

i men tary organic mat ter within the aqui fer, rather than

being derived from organic C infil trat ing from the sur face.

Fig. 6. The dis tri bu tion of the ground wa ter As con cen tra tion in the tran sect. The dot-size of Q128 was set to cor re spond to 4 lM in order to improve res o-

lu tion in the plot. ‘BD’ indi cates a con cen tra tion below the limit of detec tion.

S. Jes sen et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 3116–3126 3123

The high con cen tra tions of NH4 and CH4 in the SW part

of the tran sect indi cate that either the abun dance or the

reac tiv ity of the sed i men tary organic mat ter is higher than

in the Pleis to cene depos its in the NE end of the tran sect.

While a reduced reac tiv ity of the organic mat ter would

be expected in the older sed i ments (c.f., Row land et al.,

2007), the organic mat ter con tent is also likely to be lower

because the sed i ments were depos ited in a higher-energy,

allu vial regime (Ma thers and Zal asiewicz, 1999).

In Fig. 7, the ion activ ity prod ucts (IAPs) for dis or dered

mack i naw ite (FeS) and sid er ite (FeCO3) are plot ted vs. depth.

The dashed lines in Fig. 7 indi cate the equi lib rium con stants

for these two phases. The sam ples plot close to the equi lib-

rium line for dis or dered mack i naw ite and gen er ally one to

two log units to the right of the equi lib rium line for sid er ite,

thus mak ing the pre cip i ta tion of sid er ite fea si ble (Post ma et

al., 2007). The results in Fig. 7 indi cate that the pre cip i ta tion

of Fe sulp hides and sid er ite con trols the Fe2+ con cen tra tion

in the tran sect. Both sid er ite and amor phous FeS, the lat ter

being a pre cur sor for pyrite, has been detected in Ben gal

aqui fer sed i ments (Ahmed et al., 2004; Akai et al., 2004;

Seng upta et al., 2004; Low ers et al., 2007).

4.3. As in the ground wa ter

The dis tri bu tion of ground wa ter As in the tran sect is

related to the dis tri bu tion of redox spe cies, espe cially SO4,

NH4 and CH4. A low-As con cen tra tion is found in the NE

part of the tran sect in both the Holo cene and the Pleis to-

cene aqui fer (Fig. 6), while a high As con cen tra tion is found

in the more reduced Holo cene val ley fill. The high est con-

cen tra tion of ground wa ter As is found in the pre sum ably

youn gest aqui fer sed i ments close to the Red River (Fig. 6).

The lateral As dis tri bu tion observed in the rather lim ited

data set is, how ever, sup ported by the regional As dis tri bu-

tion in the delta (Michael Berg, pers. comm.; Bad loe et al.,

2004). Thus, it appears that ground wa ter As lev els in the

Red River delta are linked to the age of the sed i ments.

A hydro dy namic con trol on the As dis tri bu tion is

inferred for Q87 (dis tance 12.4 km) in which dis solved

As is found at depth where fresh wa ter migrates from the

Holo cene to the Pleis to cene aqui fer.

An excep tion to the above described rela tion ship

between sed i ment age, hydro dy nam ics and As dis tri bu-

tion, is the high con cen tra tion of As found in bore hole Q85,

61 m below sur face (Fig. 6). This sam ple has an extremely

high CH4 con cen tra tion of 14.5 mM (232 mg/L) (Fig. 5E) indi-

cat ing that excep tional hy drog eo chem i cal pro cesses occur.

In an attempt to char ac ter ize the organic mat ter sources

respon si ble for As release to ground wa ters in the Ben gal

delta, Row land et al. (2006) found bio de grad able nat u-

ral petro leum-derived hydro car bons in their sed i ments.

Onshore hydro car bon seep age from Ter tiary out crops in

the Red River delta plain has been reported (Tray nor and

Sla den, 1997; Pet er sen et al., 2001, 2005), indi cat ing that

hydro car bons could be a local organic mat ter source in

deep parts of the Red River delta’s ground wa ter envi ron-


The ele vated ground wa ter salin ity observed in the

stud ied tran sect (Fig. 4B), indi cates that in the Red

River delta saline ground wa ter occurs far inland from

the coast and ren ders some of the ground wa ter that is

low in As to be unsuited for domes tic use. In the Ben-

gal delta, mod ern intru sion causes a high ground wa ter

salin ity mainly in the coastal region, while saline water

far from the coast is restricted to local pock ets (Ahmed

et al., 2004).

4.4. Pal ae o-hydrol ogy in the Red River delta

The course of the Red River dur ing the sea level low,

and at pres ent, appears con trolled by the Nam Dinh and

Chay fault struc tures (Fig. 1B) (Tran et al., 2002) and, sim-

i larly, other sur face water chan nels in the study area are

aligned along fault struc tures. The cen tre of sub si dence in

the delta has shifted towards the SW from a pre-Holo cene

loca tion north of the Vinh Ninh fault (Tran et al., 2002). To

the north, the tran sect extends into the study area of Lam

and Boyd (2003) (Fig. 1A), who observed a rel a tively high

ele va tion (>¡36 m) of the Pleis to cene marker hori zon in

the north-east ern delta plain. The few avail able sed i ment 14C dates from below the marker hori zon (Figs. 1B and 2)

sig nifi cantly pre-date the Holo cene (Lam and Boyd, 2003).

These obser va tions sug gest a rel a tively sta ble position of

the main chan nel in the south ern part of the delta dur ing

Late Pleis to cene–Holo cene. Tec tonic char ac ter is tics appear

to have pre vented the Red River from mean der ing over the

delta plain dur ing the last part of the sea level low, and

has thereby per mit ted age ing of the depos its in the cen tral

and north ern delta region.

Rav ens croft et al. (2005) pro posed for their Ben gal

delta study area, that the 120 m deep inci sion of the pal-

ae o-riv ers dur ing the sea level low caused steep hydrau lic

gra di ents along with the devel op ment of a thick unsat u-

rated zone in the Pleis to cene sed i ments. Steep gra di ents

will increase the ground wa ter flow veloc ity and thereby

Fig. 7. The ion activ ity prod ucts (IAPs) for sid er ite (FeCO3) and dis or dered

mack i naw ite (FeS) vs. depth. PHRE EQC-2 was used for the spe ci a tion cal-

cu la tions.

3124 S. Jes sen et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 3116–3126

pro mote the flush ing of labile As from the sed i ment. An

enhanced flux of oxy gen ated water and the unsat u rated

con di tions will also pro mote oxi da tion of sed i men tary

organic mat ter and immo bi lize As in re crys tal lized, more

sta bile Fe-oxides. There fore, in the Ben gal delta the oxi-

dized Pleis to cene sed i ments has a smaller As con tent (and

a smaller oxa late extract able pro por tion of the total As)

than the Holo cene sed i ments (Ahmed et al., 2004; Swartz

et al., 2004; Stol len werk et al., 2007). How ever, in some

cases a high As con tent in Pleis to cene sed i ments has also

been reported (Shah, 2008). Because of the sed i men to log i-

cal sim i lar i ties, a com pa ra ble pal ae o-hydro log i cal con trol

on the As con tent of ground wa ter in the Red River delta

might be expected. The deep est ele va tion of the bot tom

of the incised val ley in the pres ent tran sect is only about

¡54 m, and the lower chan nel slope dur ing the sea level

low, when the shore line moved east ward to the shelf

edge south of Ha inan island (inset in Fig. 1A), makes it

dif cult to argue that the incised val ley in the tran sect

was much deeper than 50–60 m. Con di tions required for a

thick unsat u rated zone to develop are a com bi na tion of a

low recharge and a high trans mis siv ity of the sed i ments.

The thick coarse grained depos its in the NE part of the

tran sect have a high trans mis siv ity, and these depos its

have a regional exten sion in the cen tral part of the delta

(Ma thers and Zal asiewicz, 1999). Low mete oric recharge

is likely under the cli matic arid con di tions which pre-

vailed in parts of the cold gla cial phases (Liew et al., 1998;

Rost, 2000; Zheng and Li, 2000; Jian et al., 2001). There-

fore, in the Red River delta, ground wa ter flow may have

occurred towards the high trans mis siv ity regions, rather

than towards incised pal ae o-chan nels, giv ing rise to deep

atmo spheric oxi diz ing con di tions in the cen tral part of

the delta. This may have caused the observed deep yel low-

ish col our ing of the Pleis to cene depos its in the NE part

of the tran sect (see Sec tion 4.1). Alter na tively, the allu vial

depos its have been oxi dized from the start, in a sed i men-

to log i cal regime fea si ble for co-depo si tion of only lim ited

and low-reac tiv ity organic mat ter, in that way pre serv ing

the oxi dized col our ing.

4.5. Seques tra tion of As

Fig. 7 sug gests ongo ing pre cip i ta tion of iron sulp hides

which in estu a rine, sul phi dic envi ron ments has a large As

sorp tion capac ity (Bo stick et al., 2004). The con cen tra tion

of sea wa ter derived SO4 in a sam ple is cal cu lated as the Cl

con cen tra tion in the sam ple mul ti plied by the SO4/Cl ratio

in oce anic sea wa ter (29.5 mM/566 mM = 0.052). The result

of this cal cu la tion is shown in Fig. 8, where the grey and

the black dots indi cate, respec tively, the sea wa ter derived

SO4 and the mea sured ground wa ter SO4 con cen tra tions.

Except for the sam ple from the shal low screen in Q131, all

sam ples have a defi cit of SO4 (Fig. 8), which must be due to

the reduc tion of SO4 to sul phide.

Fig. 9 shows the con cen tra tion of As vs. ‘miss ing SO4’,

the lat ter cal cu lated as the dif fer ence between the mea-

sured SO4 and sea wa ter derived SO4. The As con cen tra tion

decreases when the amount of miss ing SO4 increases, sug-

gest ing As seques tra tion in Fe sulp hides (Fig. 9). This trend

is not fol lowed by the sam ple from Q85 (61 mbs) which

had an excep tion ally high CH4 con cen tra tion (Fig. 5E) and

appears to be an out lier (see Sec tion 4.3). In Fig. 9, sam ples

that plot close to the 0.013 lM detec tion limit for As and

which are inde pen dent of miss ing SO4 (open dia monds)

are from the Pleis to cene aqui fer in the NE part of the tran-

Fig. 8. The dis tri bu tion of the cal cu lated sea wa ter derived SO4 con cen tra tion (grey) and the mea sured (pres ent) con cen tra tion of SO4 (black) (Seaw. = sea-

wa ter).

Fig. 9. The mea sured con cen tra tion of ground wa ter As plot ted against

the cal cu lated con cen tra tion of miss ing SO4 (see text). Note the log a rith-

mic axis used for As.

S. Jes sen et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 3116–3126 3125

sect and from shal low screens, rep re sent ing super fi cial

ground wa ter which may have a lower As con cen tra tion

(c.f., Post ma et al., 2007) (For the dis tri bu tion of ground-

wa ter As see Fig. 6). It should be noted, that because most

of the sea wa ter derived SO4 has in fact been reduced, the

rela tion ship between As and ‘sea wa ter derived SO4’ is

sim i lar to that shown in Fig. 9 for As and ‘miss ing SO4’,

infer ring that a con trol on ground wa ter As might exist

even with out the pre cip i ta tion of Fe sulp hides. Also, the

Stiff dia grams (Fig. 4C) for the Holo cene aqui fer indi cate

fresh wa ter sig na tures and Cl (and SO4) in these sam ples

may be derived from sea spray from the SE mon soon. The

Cl con cen tra tions in the fresh wa ter in the tran sect is gen-

er ally an order of mag ni tude higher than in fresh ground-

wa ter from upstream Ha noi (<0.2 mM; Lar sen et al., 2008).

Nev er the less, the sat u ra tion for dis or dered mack i naw ite

(Fig. 7) com bined with the drop in ground wa ter As con-

cen tra tions with the increas ing amount of miss ing SO4

(Fig. 9) indi cate that As seques tra tion in Fe sulp hides may

con trol ground wa ter As con cen tra tions. This sug gests that

a dis tinc tion between As con trol in brack ish-marine influ-

enced geo log i cal set tings and fresh wa ter set tings is made

in future stud ies.

The super sat u ra tion of the ground wa ter for sid er ite

(Fig. 7) indi cates that sid er ite could also be a sink for As.

Seng upta et al. (2004) iden ti fied As in sid er ite con cre tions

in aqui fers of the Ben gal delta. How ever, water chem is try

data sug gest that sid er ite pre cip i ta tion removes pro por-

tion ally more Fe2+ than As, i.e., that the As/Fe ratio of the

pre cip i tate is smaller than the As/Fe ratio of the solu tion

(Del e mos et al., 2006; Post ma et al., 2007).

5. Con clu sions

A sequence strati graphic inter pre ta tion of bore hole

descrip tions and geo phys i cal logs was con ducted. The SW

part of the tran sect con sists of grey estu a rine clays and del-

taic sands, depos ited in a Holo cene incised val ley. The NW

part of the tran sect is dom i nated by Pleis to cene depos its

of yel low ish allu vial grav els and sand under neath depos-

its of estu a rine clay, over lain by a thin Holo cene sed i ment

veneer. A review of the lit er a ture indi cates that the Holo-

cene incised val ley, inter sected by the stud ied tran sect,

com prises the dom i nant part of the Qua ter nary sequence

along the south ern bound ary of the Red River delta, and

that the Pleis to cene allu vial sed i ments, found in the NE

part of the tran sect, are dom i nant in the cen tral delta


The ground wa ter in the stud ied tran sect is anoxic, and

gen er ally con tains Fe2+, sul phide, NH4 and CH4. Rel a tive to

the lev els of SO4, NH4 and CH4 observed in the NE part of

the tran sect, higher con cen tra tions of NH4 and CH4, and

low con cen tra tions of SO4, are found in the SW part of the

tran sect, indi cat ing that the ground wa ter redox con di tions

are related to the geo log i cal age of the sed i ments. Sim i-

larly, higher ground wa ter As con cen tra tions are found in

the SW part of the tran sect (up to 11.7 lM or nearly 900 lg/

L), com pared to the NE part of the tran sect (60.32 lM).

The con cen tra tions of Fe2+ and H2S are con trolled by

the pre cip i ta tion of dis or dered mack i naw ite and sid er-

ite, as indi cated by PHRE EQC-2 spe ci a tion cal cu la tions. A

neg a tive cor re la tion between the ground wa ter As con cen-

tra tions and a Cl-based esti mate of reduced SO4 indi cate,

when com bined with the observed equi lib rium con di tion

for dis or dered mack i naw ite, that Fe sulp hides are a sink

for As in the tran sect.

Water type sig na tures and the for ma tion elec tri cal con-

duc tiv ity logs indi cate that the SO4 orig i nates from sea wa-

ter intrud ing dur ing the mid-Holo cene trans gres sion of the

delta (i.e., from the marine ter races cov er ing the delta area)

and entrapped sea wa ter in estu a rine sed i ment units.

Acknowl edge ments

This study has been con ducted with a grant from DAN-

IDA. We are espe cially grate ful to Michael Berg for shar-

ing with us the results from the EA WAG / CETASD sur vey

at an early stage; our sam pling wells were selected based

on his data. We thank Per Jen sen (GEUS) for skill fully

under tak ing the geo phys i cal log ging and Tor ben Dolin

(TUD) for assist ing with the art work. We also thank two

anon y mous review ers for com ments which improved the

man u script.

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