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On the resolution of singularities of ordinary differential systems

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Numerical Algorithms � ������ ��� �

On the resolution of singularities of ordinary

di�erential systems

Jukka Tuomela

Institute of Mathematics� Helsinki University of Technology� PL ����� ����� TKK� Finland�

E�mail jukkatuomela�hut�

We show how some di erential geometric ideas help to resolve some singularities of

ordinary di erential systems Hence a singular problem is replaced by a regular one� which

facilitates further analysis of the system The methods employed are constructive and the

regularized systems can also be used for numerical computations

Keywords� singularities� di erential equations� jet spaces

AMS Subject classi�cation� Primary ��F��� ��A��� secondary ��C��

�� Introduction

We continue the investigation of �apparent� singularities of ordinary di�erential

systems which was started in ����� By a di�erential system we mean any system of ODEs

or DAEs� of any order� This large class of systems can be handled in a uniform way

using jet spaces� In particular there is no di�erence between ODEs and DAEs� so the

term DAE is superuous in jet space context� This is perhaps a little surprising since

in the traditional approach to DAEs the di�erence between ODEs and DAEs is always

stressed� see for example ��� Intuitively one might explain this as follows� the traditional

distinction of ODEs and DAEs has more to do with certain representations of objects

rather than objects themselves�

What are these objects then� Usually one thinks of a di�erential equation or system

as a manifold with some vector eld and the solutions as integral curves of this vector

eld� This is inconvenient or too restrictive for several reasons� First transforming a

given system to a rst order system destroys the natural structure of the problem� recall

that highest order derivatives determine the nature of the problem� There is also the

arti cial distinction of autonomous and nonautonomous systems� More important from

the point of view of the present article is the fact that singularities� i�e� zeros� of vector

elds cannot model certain singularities which arise even in very simple systems�

The jet theory provides a richer framework than the use of the tangent bundle�

� J� Tuomela � Singularities of di�erential systems

Di�erential systems are regarded as submanifolds of jet bundles� hence we have quite

many geometric tools available to study them� For example one may inquire if these

systems are singular as manifolds� and if these singularities are generic� The hierarchy

of jet bundles of di�erent order allows a geometric interpretation of di�erentiation �pro�

longation� and elimination �projection� which is quite important as the examples below


To discuss the solutions it is necessary to use two distinct points of view� one may

consider solutions as integral manifolds of certain distributions or certain sections of some

bundle� Perhaps this sounds a bit confusing� but in fact both notions are important and

useful in their ways� The fundamental objects to be studied are thus de ned geometri�

cally� in particular they are de ned without any reference to any equations� Of course in

actual computations the manipulation of equations is necessary and it is seen that the

tools from ideal theory are very convenient in this task� Also it is quite interesting that

there is a close connection between geometric and algebraic concepts�

Below we will see that the use of jet bundles allows us to regularise some singular

systems� i�e� we can replace the original singular system by a regular one� The examples

are chosen to represent various singular situations where the numerical computation of

the solutions by standard methods would be di�cult or impossible� In each case we

show how to use jets to obtain a system which is convenient for numerical purposes�

The discussion of actual numerical methods� however� is outside the scope of the present

article� see ���� and �����

In spite of the simplicity of the examples� the methods employed can be used to

analyse general systems� in sections ��� and ��� all steps are entirely constructive and no

special property of the initial system is used� Section ��� is a bit di�erent in character

since there the pullback map is explicitly needed� However� the point is that since

the system is imbedded in a �big� jet bundle� this gives more freedom in choosing the

appropriate transformation than the traditional setting allows� Also the nal example is

directly related to problems occurring in applications�

Hence the scope of the tools used is quite large� but its extent is a bit di�cult

to characterize� This is because the word singular�ity� covers such a wide variety of

phenomena and so it does not make much sense to speak about singularities �in general��

Anyway� we think that the geometric point of view of di�erential equations is quite

useful in practice� not only in the resolution of singularities� but also in the analysis and

numerical analysis of di�erential systems�

�� Basic de�nitions

We recall here briey some notions that are needed below� For more information

we refer to ���� �standard di�erential geometry� and ��� �jet spaces�� We will also need

J� Tuomela � Singularities of di�erential systems �

some standard algebraic terminology for which we refer to ��� �ordinary commutative

algebra� and ����� ����� ���� �di�erential algebra��

We will use the convention that the components of the vector are indicated by su�

perscripts and the derivatives �or jet coordinates� by subscripts� All maps and manifolds

are assumed to be smooth� i�e� in nitely di�erentiable� The di�erential �or Jacobian� of

a map f is denoted by df � LetM be a manifold� The tangent �resp� cotangent� space of

M at p �M is denoted by TMp �resp� T �Mp� and the tangent �resp� cotangent� bundle

of M by TM �resp� T �M�� Let M and N be manifolds and let � be a section of T �N

�i�e� one�form�� Given a map f � M �� N we can de ne a section of T �M by

f���Vp� � ��df�Vp��

where Vp � TMp and f�� is called the pull�back of �� Let E � R � Rn and let us

denote the q�th order jet bundle of E by Jq�E�� The coordinates of Jq�E� are denoted by�x� y� y�� � � � � yq�� Let us de ne the one forms

�ij � dyij�� � yijdx i � �� � � � � n j � �� � � � � q ���

Each �ij is then a section of T�Jq�E�� Let us further de ne

Cp ��vp � �TJq�E��p

���ij�vp� � ��Hence C is a n � � dimensional distribution on Jq�E�� called the Cartan distribution��Now let us consider the di�erential system

f�x� y� y�� � � � � yq� � � ���

where f � Jq�E� � R�q���n�� �� Rk� Let Rq � f����� and let us de ne a distribution Don Rq by

Dp � �TRq�p �Cp ���

Now supposing that the system is involutive and that D is one�dimensional we can de nethe solutions as follows�

De�nition �� Solutions of the involutive system ��� are integral manifolds of D�

Since one�dimensional distributions always have integral manifolds� we conclude that

there always exist solutions to our problem�

Note that it is absolutely essential that the system is involutive� otherwise it is

possible that the distributionD is one�dimensional� although �some of� the correspondingintegral manifolds are not really solutions in any reasonable sense� Since the involutivity

is not explicitly needed in the sequel we refer to ����� ���� and ��� for a thorough discussion

� In the special case n � q � �� C is also called the contact distribution

� J� Tuomela � Singularities of di�erential systems

of this important concept and to ���� for a more accessible introduction� Some elementary

examples of applications of jets to di�erential equations can be found in ����

�� Resolution of singularities

Basically we consider a di�erential system �or equation� as a submanifold of a jet

bundle� but in general any manifold M with one�dimensional distribution D on it� may

be interpreted as a �system of� di�erential equation�s�� The word singular�ity� can be

used at least in the following senses�

�� M is not everywhere smooth manifold�

�� dim�Dp� � � at some points of M �

�� Solution curves �or their projections� are not everywhere smooth�

� Classical distinction of general versus singular solution�

All these aspects appear in some ways in the examples that follow� For an extensive

discussion of the last problem we refer to a recent thesis ����� The set of points where

dim�Dp� � � is called the singular set of the distribution� although around regular points

distributions and vector elds are essentially equivalent� the singular sets are more general

that the singularities� i�e� zeros� of vector elds�

We will show below that using jets it is sometimes possible to resolve the singularity

in the sense that the original problem can be replaced by a regular one whose solutions

correspond to the solutions of the original problem�

���� Regularisation by introducing jets

Let us consider the following problem

f�x� y� y�� � x�y��� � �yy� � x � �

From the traditional point of view there is a singularity at x � �� However� putting

E � R � R and R� � f����� � J��E� we see that R� is everywhere smooth� The

distribution D whose integral manifolds are solutions is given by the nullspace of

A �

��y��� � � ��y� �xy� � �y�y� � �

Obviously the rank of A is two on R�� hence D is everywhere one�dimensional and the

problem is regular� So in this case simply introducing the jet spaces made the �apparent�

singularity disappear� Note that R� n fy��axisg has two components and projectingthe distribution from one of them to E gives an elementary example of the fact that

J� Tuomela � Singularities of di�erential systems �

singularities of distributions are more general than singularities of vector elds� Indeed�

there is no vector eld around origin which would span the projected distribution�

The integral manifolds of the projected distribution �a family of parabolas� make

a similar pattern than the lines of curvature around an umbilic on an ellipsoid� see ����

vol� �� p� ����� Hence in a simple problem of classical di�erential geometry there arise a

situation which cannot be handled using only tangent bundles and vector elds�

Now the situation in the example is absolutely typical� Let Rq � Jq�E� be involu�tive� let the distribution D on it be de ned by ��� and let Sa be the set of points of Rq

where dim�Dp� � a�

Theorem �� For a generic problem Sa is a smooth manifold of codimension a� � a �or


Proof� Let m be the dimension of Rq� In convenient coordinates D can be represented

as the nullspace of some �m����mmatrix� The result then follows from the discussion

in ��� p� ���� �

This result has some interesting consequences which are important from practical point of

view� First note that the typical solution does not meet the singular set of the distribution

because this set is of codimension � while classically the solution usually meets the

singular set since in the classical setting the singular set is of codimension �� The above

example illustrates this situation�

The second interesting� and perhaps surprising� fact is that the singular set can

be �large� in a generic situation while it is well�known that a generic vector eld admits

singularities� i�e� zeros� only at isolated points� For example the singular set of the

following equation is a smooth curve�

R� � �y��� � �y��

� � y� � x� � � � �

By the theorem� this property is stable with respect to perturbations�

���� Regularisation by prolongation

Consider again the general system ��� and let Rq � f����� � Jq�E��

De�nition �� The prolongation of f � denoted by ���f�� is a system obtained by putting

together f and its total derivatives� The zero set of ���f� is the prolongation of Rq �

denoted by ���Rq� � Jq���E��

� J� Tuomela � Singularities of di�erential systems

Note that in general the prolongation can be de ned purely geometrically without any

reference to equations� see ���� and ����� However� the above de nition is convenient in

the context of the present paper�

Let us start with a simple problem �Clairaut�s equation�

f�x� y� y�� � �y��� � xy� � y � �

whose solutions are y � cx� c� ��general solution�� and y � �x�� ��singular solution���Again let E � R � R and R� � f����� � J��E�� Obviously R� is smooth� but the

distribution is not one�dimensional at �y��x � �� By the theorem of the previous section

we conclude that the codimension is �wrong� and hence the problem is not generic� Indeed�

considering the equation �y��� � xy� � ay � �� it is easily checked that the codimension

of the singular set is two �for a �� ��� except for the value a � ��� Hence it depends onthe intended application whether it is more appropriate to perturb the coe�cients to get

a generic problem or to insist that a is indeed exactly equal to ���Let us take this latter point of view� Now taking the total derivative of f we obtain

��y� � x�y� and the problem splits into two subsystems

Q� �

��y��� � xy� � y � �

y� � �Q� �

��y��� � xy� � y � �

�y� � x � ���

It is immediately veri ed that both systems are smooth as manifolds and that the codi�

mensions of the singular sets are �right�� The distribution can in the former case readily

be projected back to R�� so we get a regular problem on R��

Again this example is typical� Now f can be considered as a di�erential polynomial

and the set of solutions of R� is characterized by the radical di�erential ideal generated

by f � According to the basic theorem of Ritt� any radical di�erential ideal is a nite

intersection of prime di�erential ideals� In the above example Q� and Q� are the prime

components of the original system� The important point is that we can in practice

entirely work with algebraic ideals and consequently use Gr�obner basis techniques� This

is explained in ���� p� ��� to which we refer for further details� but the idea is as

follows� First we check if the given system is prime� if not we factor it and proceed with

each subsystem separately� Then we check the involutivity and see if by di�erentiating

and eliminating any new equations can be obtained� If there are new equations� the

system may not be prime anymore� so we have to factor again� take subsystems and

di�erentiate� Hence we obtain a tree structure where the original system is at the root

and prime�involutive components are at the leaves�

Of course the actual implementation of the algorithm is quite complicated� and

in practice it may well be best to do each of the subproblems separately� and try by

inspection to simplify the task� For example one may be interested only in one branch

of the tree� so it would be a waste of time to compute the whole tree�

J� Tuomela � Singularities of di�erential systems �

Going back to the Clairaut�s equation� one could say that from the point of view

of numerical anaslysis the original problem was ill�posed� because it was not generic�

However� the resulting systems Q� and Q� are numerically stable� Hence to treat nu�

merically non�generic situation it may be necessary rst to use symbolic computation to

produce a well�posed problem before actual numerical treatment of the problem� Why

should one be interested in a non�generic problem� One reason is that in some cases it

is the �singular solution� which is really the solution which one wants to compute� see ���

p� ���� for an example� In the present example if a �� ��� no solution of the perturbedsystem is close to the singular solution of the unperturbed system�

Let us then consider another example where prolongation resolves the singularity�

f�x� y� y�� � �y��� � �y� � y� � y� � � � � ���

This de nes a curve in the �y� y���plane

with a double point at p � ��� ��� We

denote this curve by K and hence R� �

f����� � R�K� The set of singular points�i�e� the points at which df vanishes� is

S � R�fpg� Now the geometry ofR� sug�

gests that through each point of S there

could pass two smooth solutions� see the

picture on the right�


























In E this would mean that at each point of R� f�g� there are two solutions whichmeet tangentially� Now if two curves intersect tangentially� one expects that in general

their second derivatives would not coincide �note that R� intersects itself transversally�

and hence we would obtain a regular situation if the information on second derivatives

were also available�

To this end we prolong f and get the system

���f� �

��y��� � �y� � y� � y� � � � �

�y�y� � �y� � �y�y� � �yy� � �

� J� Tuomela � Singularities of di�erential systems

Let us denote the zero set of these

equations in �y� y�� y���space by ���K� so���R�� � R � ���K� � J��E�� Let � �

���K� �� K be the projection induced by

the projection �y� y�� y�� �� �y� y��� Now

we would like � to be bijective in a neigh�

borhood of p � K� except that the ber of pshould consist of two points� However� the

ber of p is the entire dotted line ��� �� y��

in the picture� We would like to eliminate

this line somehow�

-1 -0.5 0 0.5y

0 0.5 11.52y1





-1 -0.5 0 0 5

0 0.5 11.52

Note that the components of ���f� can be interpreted as elements of the ring

Q�y� y� � y��� Let I be the ideal generated by ���f�� We are interested in the solution setsand therefore we computed the prime components of the radical of I� denoted by pI ��This gave

pI � I� � I�� where I� � �y� y� � �� and�

I� ���y��

� � �y� � y� � y� � � � �y�y� � �y� � �y�y� � �yy� ��y�y � ��y� � ��y � ���y� � ��y� � �y � ��y��� � ��y� � ��y � ��y���

So like in the previous example� the system decomposed into � subsystems� However� in

this case the subsystem corresponding to I� is not interesting as a di�erential equation�Now I� describes a curve in a three�dimensional space so we would expect that it werea zero set of two equations� instead the ideal obtained has four generators� From the

ideal theoretic point of view we cannot simply drop two generators� the ideal would

change and also the corresponding solution sets� However� we need only the �piece� of

the variety in the neighborhood of the singular set and so we can proceed as follows�

First the fourth generator gives the exceptional ber� ����p� � f��� ����g� Next wecheck that the gradients of the second and fourth generator are linearly independent in

the neighborhood of these points� therefore the second and fourth generator give the

required smooth curves�

It would be nice if this could be done algorithmically� i�e� given a �radical� ideal

and a regular point b of the corresponding variety M � compute a representation of M

in a neighborhood of b as a zero set of as many equations as the codimension of the

manifold� Perhaps the solution to this problem is well�known� however� we did not nd

it in the literature�

� The computations were performed with SINGULAR� see ���� Because I� is known a priori� the same result can be obtained by computing the radical of the saturation

of I with respect to I� � ie I� �pI I�

J� Tuomela � Singularities of di�erential systems �

Finally let us note that no point of ���K� projects to ���� �� � K� This is relatedto the fact that if the solution is projected from J��E� to E � then the projected curveis not smooth at �x����� However� this is not problematic in our intended application�since we need to prolong only in a neighborhood S� Hence if we follow numerically a

particular solution� we can do the computations in J��E� until we get too close to S� thenwe pass S in J��E� and then switch back to J��E� again�

Now is the situation described in the previous example generic� In some sense it

is not� because by Sard�s theorem generic inverse images are smooth manifolds� How�

ever� considering R� as an immersion� the situation is seen to be generic since the self�

intersection is transverse� To prove that in this case the prolongation produces an imbed�

ding we must introduce some terminology�

De�nition �� Let Rq be a subbundle of Jq�E�� A section y of E is a solution of Rq � if

its q�jet is a section of Rq �

Of course it is rather unfortunate that we have to introduce another concept of solution�

but this is really necessary� We will also need another kind of prolongation�

De�nition �� Let Rq be a subbundle of Jq�E�� Suppose that q�jets of its solutions

foliate it� The sectional prolongation of Rq � �s��Rq� � Jq���E�� is the subset de ned byq � ��jets of the solutions of Rq �

Theorem �� Let E � R � R and R� � J��E� be an immersion with transverse self�intersections� Suppose that �local� solutions exist outside the singular set and that the

singular set is not itself �an image of� a solution� Then �s��R�� is an imbedding in J��E��

Proof� Let g � R� � R� be an immersion� Let S be the curve of self�intersection and

choose domains i� i � �� �� such that g is a di�eomorphism on i� � � � � and �� g� �� � g� �� � S� Now g� i� are submanifolds of J��E� and they have �local�solutions which foliate g� i�� Then it is straightforward to verify that �s��g� i�� are

disjoint if the intersection is transverse� �

Working in this way geometrically we do not have the problems of the �dotted line� of the

example� However� in general the map g is not known in practice� so in applications one

must work with equations� Intuitively it is quite plausible that in general the prolongation

�improves� the situation� indeed� the dimension of the manifold remains the same in the

prolongation while the dimension of the ambient space increases� Hence one expects that

after su�cient number of prolongations one obtains an imbedding because eventually the

prolonged manifold can intersect itself transversally only by not intersecting at all�

�� J� Tuomela � Singularities of di�erential systems

Anyway� the theorem shows that the situation of the example is typical� and that

the �dotted line� is related only to algebraic representation of the problem� The analogy

of prolongation in this context and blow up in algebraic geometry �see for example

���� is rather obvious� and it is quite striking that such basically trivial operation� i�e�

di�erentiating given equations� gives such powerful results�

���� Regularisation by pull�back

We will nally treat two examples where a convenient pull�back produces a regular

problem� The rst example demonstrates the exibility of the jet spaces� one can con�

sider transformations of jet coordinates separately� allowing more possibilities than the

traditional approach� The solutions are obtained by pulling back the one�forms which

de ne the relevant distribution and the original solutions are recovered with the same

map which de ne the pullback� The second example is directly related to applications�

similar situations arise in systems which have constraint singularities ����

First consider the problem

f�x� y� y�� � y�y��� � � � �

whose solutions are given by y� � �� �x � c��� Let R� � f����� as usual� In this case

introducing jet spaces does not directly allow one to pass the singularity� Indeed following

the solutions in R� one would never reach the singular point� one could compute only

one branch of the solution at a time�

Now it is well�known that this type of singular curves are usually obtained by

projecting a smooth curve on a fold� So the idea is to introduce a new manifold with a

fold in such a way that the original solutions can be recovered from this new setting by


In this simple case the solution is rather immediate� Consider the map � �

�x� y� z� �� �x� y� ��z� and let M � ����R��� Taking the closure of M � i�e� adding the

x�axis� we get a smooth manifold !M which is evidently the zero set of g�x� y� z� � y�z��

Then taking the pull�back of � � dy � y�dx we get ��� � dy � �zdx� Now recall that

we are not interested in one forms as such� only in distributions de ned by them� Hence

we can multiply forms by non�zero functions and in particular we can replace ��� by

� � zdy � dx� This can be smoothly extended to !M �

J� Tuomela � Singularities of di�erential systems ��

So the original manifold is replaced by!M and the distribution !D on !M is the

nullspace of

A �

�� � ��z�� z �

Clearly !D is one�dimensional on !M � so the

problem is regular� and the original solu�

tion curves can be obtained with projec�

tion �x� y� z� �� �x� y�� In the gure on the

right there are some solution curves as well

as their projections�















As our nal example consider the following problem which is taken from ����

y�� � y�� �x� ����ex � � � �y�� � y�� �x� � ���ex � �x � ��y��� � �y��� � �x� ����� � �x� � ���� � �

Of course we could denote by y� and treat it in the same way as other variables� How�

ever� the form of the system resembles the form of mechanical systems with holonomic

constraints and Lagrange multipliers� and in those cases� like in the present one� is not

really needed in computations� Let E � R�R�� since the system is linear in derivatives�

we do not need to work with J��E�� because the distribution in J��E� can be projectedto E � Indeed� di�erentiating the last equation and combining it with the other two weobtain �

B � � y�

� � y�

y� y� �


CA �

�B �x� ����ex � ��x� � ���ex � �x�x� � x��� ���

CA ���

Now the distribution is given by the nullspace of

A �

��y�� � �

�y�� � �

The linear system ��� can be solved� except on the x�axis� and computing further the

nullspace of A gives a one�dimensional distribution D on E nfx�axisg� In this simple caseone could compute D symbolically� however� this is not necessary� Let us de ne

f�x� y� � �y��� � �y��� � �x� ����� � �x� � ����

and let M � f����� � E � Evidently M is smooth except at the vertex p � ����� �� ���

The distribution D obtained above restricts further to M n fpg�

�� J� Tuomela � Singularities of di�erential systems

Now in ��� it was observed that there is

at least one smooth solution going through

p� To compute this solution numerically it

would be nice to have a smooth problem

whose solutions would give the original so�

lutions� To this end we introduce the map

��x� y� �

�� ���x�


jyj y�� x � ���



jyj y�� x � ���

and de ne !M � ����M�� In the picture!M is shown above andM below� Evidently

� is bijective� except at the vertex� where

the ber is the unit circle� Note also that �

restricted to !M is continuous� Again this

process is analogous to a blow�up�

Intuitively one may understand the form

of � as follows� rotate !M in di�erent di�

rections for x ��� and x � ��� while

shrinking the exceptional ber to a point�

Then the solution curves of !M andM cor�

respond to each other after a half turn�0 1





0 0 250 50 75 1


0 1





0 0 250 50 75 1


The distribution !D on !M can be de ned by a pull�back as in the previous example or

simply by transporting tangent vectors� It is rather straightforward to work numerically

with !M as a manifold� However� the numerical computation of the distribution near the

exceptional ber may require some care�

In both examples the map � was needed analytically� However� the choice of the

form of the map is not very critical� Also � is required only locally near the singular set�

which further facilitates the choice of the map�


��� V Arnold� Geometrical methods in the theory of ordinary di�erential equations� Grundlehren� vol

���� Springer� ����

��� V Arnold� A Varchenko� and S Goussein�Zad�e� Singularit�es des applications di��erentiables I

Classication des points critiques� des caustiques et des fronts d�onde� Mir� ����

��� U Ascher and P Lin� Sequential regularization methods for nonlinear higher index DAEs� to appear

in SIAM J Sci Comp

J� Tuomela � Singularities of di�erential systems ��

��� K Brenan� S Campbell� and L Petzold�Numerical solution of initial�value problems in di�erential�

algebraic equations� North�Holland� ����

��� D Cox� J Little� and D O�Shea� Ideals� varieties and algorithms� Undergraduate texts in mathe�

matics� Springer� ����

��� H Goldschmidt� Integrability criteria for systems of non�linear partial di�erential equations� J

Di Geom � ������� �������

��� �E Goursat� Cours d�analyse math�ematique� t� �� e �ed�� Gauthier�Villars� ����

��� G�M Greuel� G P�ster� and H Sch�onemann� Singular version ��� User Manual � Reports On

Computer Algebra� no ��� Centre for Computer Algebra� University of Kaiserslautern� June �����


��� J Harris� Algebraic geometry� Graduate texts in mathematics� vol ���� Springer� ����

���� E Hubert� �Etude alg�ebrique et algoritmique des singularit�es des �equations di��erentielles implicites�

PhD thesis� Institut National Polytechnique Grenoble� ����

���� I Kaplansky� An introduction to di�erential algebra� Hermann� ����

���� J F Pommaret� Di�erential Galois theory� Mathematics and its applications� vol ��� Gordon and

Breach Science Publishers� ����

���� J F Ritt� Di�erential algebra� AMS Colloquium Publications� vol ��� Am Math Soc� �����

Dover� ����

���� D Saunders� The geometry of jet bundles� London Math Soc Lecture note series� vol ���� Cam�

bridge university press� ����

���� D Spencer� Overdetermined systems of linear partial di�erential equations� Bull Am Math Soc

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���� M Spivak� A comprehensive introduction to di�erential geometry� vol � � �� �nd ed�� Publish or

Perish� ����

���� J Tuomela� On singular points of quasilinear di�erential and di�erential�algebraic equations� BIT

�� ������� �������

���� � On the numerical solution of involutive ordinary di�erential systems Higher order meth�

ods� Research Report A���� Helsinki University of Technology� ����

���� J Tuomela and T Arponen� On the numerical solution of involutive ordinary di�erential systems

Introduction and numerical results� Research Report A���� Helsinki University of Technology� ����
