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North Atlantic sea surface conditions during the Younger Dryas cold event

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North Atlantic sea surface conditions during the Younger Dryas cold event J. C. DUPLESSY, L. D. LABEYRIE & M. PATERNE Centre des Faibles Radioactivités, Laboratoire mixte CNRS-CEA, 91198 Gif sur Yvette cedex, France Abstract: A map has been drawn of the oxygen isotopic composition (ó18O) ol planktonic fo¡aminilera which deposited their shells in isotopic equilibrium with ambient surface waters during the Younger Dryas cold event. These ó!80 values were derived from the ó18O values of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (left coiling) and Globigerina bulloides, which lived in their respective optimum temperature ranges. This map reflects the main trends of the sea surlace temperature field during the Younger Dryas, but does not exhibit any ár8O anomaly associated with continental ice-sheet melting. This result rules out all the theories relating the Younger Dryas cooling to injection of continental ice-sheet meltwater with very low ór80 value into the North Atlantic Ocean. This reconstruction suggests that drifting of Arctic sea ice transported by the East Greenland Current may be a possible cause lor the strong cooling which occurred in the middle of the last deglaciation. The most impressive of the deglacial climatic excursions is the Bolling/Allerod Younger Dryas oscillation and its termination leading to warm Holocene conditions. The Younger Dryas took the deglaciated areas of Scandinavia and north- \ryestern Europe back into almost glacial con- ditions after these areas had enjoyed warm temperatures for about two millennia. At the Allerod-Younger Dryas transition, l l 000 radio- carbon years ago, temperatures dropped by 6-8'C in the northwestern Atlantic (Ruddiman & Mclntyre 1973; 1981; Duplessy et al. l98l; 1992) and even more on the nearby European continent (Van der Hammen 1957; Coope 1977; Mangerud 1987). The cooling which marked the end of the warm Allerod period developed within a few decades (Taylor et al. 1993) and the Younger Dryas has been often considered as a typical example of abrupt climatic change. The origin of this cold event is still largely unknown, despite the large number of scenarios for it which have been proposed. Mercer (1969), and later Ruddi- man & Mclntyre (1981), suggested that its onset marks a major influx of tabular icebergs from a disintegrating Arctic ice shelf. Boyle & Keigwin (1987) called on shifts in the pattern of orographic winds in response to the retreat of the ice sheets as a possible cause. Johnson & McClure (1976) remarked that the beginning of the Younger Dryas event coincides with the diversion of Laurentide meltwater from the Mississippi to the St Lawrence River. Later Rooth (1982) and Broecker e/ ø/. (1988) sug- gested that the impact of this diversion was to decrease the salinity of the northern North Atlantic, eventually to the point of turning off deep water production in the North Atlantic and stopping the Nordic Heat Pump - that is, the advection of warm surface waters to the high latitudes. Other potential points of freshwater injection into the North Atlantic have been proposed, noticeably iceberg discharge from Hudson Bay, the discharge of the Baltic Ice Lake into the Norwegian Sea or the waning of the Barents Sea ice sheet into the Arctic Ocean (Berger 1990). Because the study ofthe inception of the Younger Dryas event offers an opportu- nity to analyse the positive feedbacks which am- plify a minor perturbation applied to a climate system, it is important to determine the causes of this event if it is not a simple manifestation of the stochastic behaviour of the climate system. In this paper, we reconstruct the mean condi- tions prevailing at the surface of the North Atlantic Ocean during the Younger Dryas by mapping the oxygen isotopic composition of planktonic foraminifera which lived in their respective optimum temperature ranges. We then use this reconstruction to describe the circulation of the North Atlantic Ocean and test the various mechanisms which have been pro- posed as causes of this abrupt cooling. Strategy Ideally, a reconstruction of conditions prevailing at the sea surface should rest on both a sea surface temperature (SST) and a sea surface salinity (SSS) map, as has been shown for the last glacial maximum (CLIMAP l98l; Duplessy et al. l99l). The SST estimates are derived from Froz Andrews, J. T., Austin, W. E. N., Bergsten, H. & Jennings, A. E. (eds), 1996, Late Quaternary Palaeoceanography of the North Atlantic Margins, Geological Society Special Publication No. I I 1, pp.167 175. llgL

North Atlantic sea surface conditions during theYounger Dryas cold event


Centre des Faibles Radioactivités, Laboratoire mixte CNRS-CEA,91198 Gif sur Yvette cedex, France

Abstract: A map has been drawn of the oxygen isotopic composition (ó18O) ol planktonicfo¡aminilera which deposited their shells in isotopic equilibrium with ambient surface watersduring the Younger Dryas cold event. These ó!80 values were derived from the ó18O valuesof Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (left coiling) and Globigerina bulloides, which lived in theirrespective optimum temperature ranges. This map reflects the main trends of the sea surlacetemperature field during the Younger Dryas, but does not exhibit any ár8O anomalyassociated with continental ice-sheet melting. This result rules out all the theories relatingthe Younger Dryas cooling to injection of continental ice-sheet meltwater with very lowór80 value into the North Atlantic Ocean. This reconstruction suggests that drifting ofArctic sea ice transported by the East Greenland Current may be a possible cause lor thestrong cooling which occurred in the middle of the last deglaciation.

The most impressive of the deglacial climaticexcursions is the Bolling/Allerod Younger Dryasoscillation and its termination leading to warmHolocene conditions. The Younger Dryas tookthe deglaciated areas of Scandinavia and north-\ryestern Europe back into almost glacial con-ditions after these areas had enjoyed warmtemperatures for about two millennia. At theAllerod-Younger Dryas transition, l l 000 radio-carbon years ago, temperatures dropped by6-8'C in the northwestern Atlantic (Ruddiman& Mclntyre 1973; 1981; Duplessy et al. l98l;1992) and even more on the nearby Europeancontinent (Van der Hammen 1957; Coope 1977;Mangerud 1987).

The cooling which marked the end of thewarm Allerod period developed within a fewdecades (Taylor et al. 1993) and the YoungerDryas has been often considered as a typicalexample of abrupt climatic change. The origin ofthis cold event is still largely unknown, despitethe large number of scenarios for it which havebeen proposed. Mercer (1969), and later Ruddi-man & Mclntyre (1981), suggested that its onsetmarks a major influx of tabular icebergs from a

disintegrating Arctic ice shelf. Boyle & Keigwin(1987) called on shifts in the pattern oforographic winds in response to the retreat ofthe ice sheets as a possible cause. Johnson &McClure (1976) remarked that the beginning ofthe Younger Dryas event coincides with thediversion of Laurentide meltwater from theMississippi to the St Lawrence River. LaterRooth (1982) and Broecker e/ ø/. (1988) sug-gested that the impact of this diversion was todecrease the salinity of the northern NorthAtlantic, eventually to the point of turning off

deep water production in the North Atlantic andstopping the Nordic Heat Pump - that is, theadvection of warm surface waters to the highlatitudes. Other potential points of freshwaterinjection into the North Atlantic have beenproposed, noticeably iceberg discharge fromHudson Bay, the discharge of the Baltic IceLake into the Norwegian Sea or the waning ofthe Barents Sea ice sheet into the Arctic Ocean(Berger 1990). Because the study ofthe inceptionof the Younger Dryas event offers an opportu-nity to analyse the positive feedbacks which am-plify a minor perturbation applied to a climatesystem, it is important to determine the causes

of this event if it is not a simple manifestationof the stochastic behaviour of the climatesystem.

In this paper, we reconstruct the mean condi-tions prevailing at the surface of the NorthAtlantic Ocean during the Younger Dryas bymapping the oxygen isotopic composition ofplanktonic foraminifera which lived in theirrespective optimum temperature ranges. Wethen use this reconstruction to describe thecirculation of the North Atlantic Ocean and testthe various mechanisms which have been pro-posed as causes of this abrupt cooling.


Ideally, a reconstruction of conditions prevailingat the sea surface should rest on both a sea

surface temperature (SST) and a sea surfacesalinity (SSS) map, as has been shown for thelast glacial maximum (CLIMAP l98l; Duplessyet al. l99l). The SST estimates are derived from

Froz Andrews, J. T., Austin, W. E. N., Bergsten, H. & Jennings, A. E. (eds), 1996, Late QuaternaryPalaeoceanography of the North Atlantic Margins, Geological Society Special Publication No. I I 1, pp.167 175.



Table l. Location of North Atlantic cores providing a record of the Younger Dryas

Core Latitude Longitude Equilibrium valuewith summer SSTcalculated lrom

August ReferencesSST

Pachy ó18 Bullo ór8

v 27-60M 23-259K-I1M 17-732HM 7l-14HM 71-12M 23-074M 23-071v 28-t4HM 52-43uB 31-33HU 75-41NO 77-14NA 81-04Y 23-42su 90-24M 16-396su 90-32TROLL 3.1

cH 73-ll0HU 75-37HU 84-030-004HU 90-013-013su 90-16BOFS I7KcH 77-03Y 23-23NA 87-22M t7049cH 73-139Cv 30-105KN 51-PG 13

v 23-81HU 84-030-003v 27-116HU 91-045-094K 708-loDP 609cH 72-t0lcH 72-t04v 30-97su 90-11cHN 82-20su 90-08cH 69-09NO 82-13su 81-18NO 78-07

72.1t72.027 t.471t.3769.5068.2667.0s66.4064.4763.3163.3862.3962.2762.1462.1t62.046t.526t.4760.4759.3059.0958.t358 13


8.3 5


- 18.0s13.522.554.54


-53.53-20.25-2.20-27.56-37.02- 1 1.15



-48.56-48.23-45. I 0




- 16.08





- 10.1 I


3.473.303.t43. 19

3.3 5


<6 I2

















17, 6t218,19t2'920,2116












2.16 9.92.692.69





















The ór8O value ofplanktonic foraminifera has been calculated either from the ô18O value ofN. pachyderma(leftcoiling) when SST was lower than l0'C or from the 618O value of G. bulloides for SST higher than 8?C (see text).Only SST estimates derived from high sedimentation rate cores (with minimal bioturbation effect) are reported.

Relerences are: l, this work; 2, Kiel measurements reported in Sarnthein el al. (1995);3, Duplessy et al. 1975;4,Bergen measurements reported in Sarnthein et al. (1995); 5, Kellogg et al. 1978; 6, Bard et al. 1994;7, Veum et al. 1992;8, Fillon & Duplessy 1980; 9, Ruddiman & Mclntyre 1984; 10, Lehman et al. 1991;11, Scottet al. 1989; 12, Hillaire Marcel el al. 1994; 13, Cambridge measurements reported in Sarnthein et al. (1995):14, Mix & Fairbanks 1985; 15, Duplessy et al. 1992:16, Duplessy et al. l98l1'17, Jansen & Veum 1990;18, Ruddiman & Mclntyre 1981; 19, Imbrie e! al. 1989:20, Bond et al. 1992;21, Bond et al. 1993;22,Keigwin&Lehman 1994.

foraminiferal counts to which are applied atransfer function (Imbrie & Kipp 1971). The SSSestimates are derived from the ól8O value ofplanktonic foraminifera and SST estimates, bothlinked through the palaeotemperature equation(Duplessy et al. l99l).

This approach is not easily feasible for theYounger Dryas because ofthe short duration ofthis cold event, which was preceded and followedby major warm episodes. As in most locations ofthe North Atlantic, sediment accumulates at arate of only a few centimetres per thousandyears, the continual mixing of recently depositedsediment has disturbed the original micropa-laeontological and isotopic signals and intro-duced warm foraminiferal shells into the coldYounger Dryas original fauna. Bioturbationacts thus as a low-pass fllter by reducing thesignal amplitude, so that the SST estimatesfor the Younger Dryas are signiflcantly toowarm in most sediment cores (Bard et al. 1987;1994).

We therefore took account of SST estimatesonly in those cores which have a high sedimen-tation rate and where the impact of bioturbationis minimized (Table 1). The SST and SSSestimates can then be generated for the wholedeglaciation following the method of Duplessyet al. (1992;1993). Examples are given in Fig. l.These records show that the summer SSS hasbeen low during all the cold events of the lastdeglaciation, in particular the Younger Dryas.


However, the small number of cores with asufficiently high sedimentation rate prevents usfrom generating meaningful maps of SST andSSS lor the whole North Atlantic.

The impact of bioturbation is less severe lorthe ór80 value of the cold foraminiferal speciesNeogloboquadrína pachyderma (left coiling),because this species was absent in the middlelatitudes and less abundant in the higherlatitudes of the North Atlantic during both theBolling/Allerod and the Preboreal warm episodes1Fig. 2). Therefore. the árEO value ol N. pachy-derma (left coiling) shells deposited during theYounger Dryas has been almost fully preservedin the sedimentary record, even in cores of whichthe sedimentation rate is only a few cm/ka. Atlower latitudes, in warmer waters, the abun-dance of N. pachyderma (left coiling) decreasesand we have analysed Globigerina bulloides,which becomes one of the dominant species.

The ó18O values of N. pachyderma (leftcoiling) and Globigerina bulloides record faith-fully both summer SST and sea water ól8O 1aproxy for salinity) only within the optimumtemperature range of these species (i.e. less than10'C for N. pachyderma (left coiling) and in therange 8-22"C for Globigerina bulloides). Wetherefore used the SST estimates obtained ìnthe high sedimentation rate cores as a guideto select the foraminiferal species of which theó18O value was taken into account to estimateYounger Dryas conditions (Table 1).


CH721O4 (46'54'N-8"05'W- 44QOm )

Fig. 1. Oxygen isotope record, microfaunal analysis and estimated August sea surlace temperature for core CH72 104 ftom the Bay ol Biscay (Duplessy et al. 1981).





o.s lq, I lq,þ, ç o¡

E stimated AugustTemperature(o C )

ó 81012ì4rót820



G. bulloides


\ Ëô






Core SU 8l-18 (off Portugal)




























024 6 B 10 12 14Age (Radiocarbon kyr)

16 18

Core NA 87-22 @ff Ireland)




















355 I,

35 Ø

=345 1.


33.50 2 4 6 I 10 12 14 16 18

Age (Radiocarbon kyr)

Fig. 2. Sea surface temperature and salinity estimates for cores NA 87 22 and SU 81-18. All values have beeninterpolated every 200 years (details of the calculations are given in Duplessy el al. 1992).

Finally, as within their optimum temperaturerange the isotopic temperature determined fromthe isotopic composition of foraminiferal shellsis summer SST minus l"C for G. bulloides and,summer SST minus 2.5'C for N. pachyderma(left coiling), we corrected for this oflset andcalculated the á18O value of planktonic forami-niferal shells in isotopic equilibrium withsummer conditions by subtracting 0.60%o fromthe measured ôl8O value of N. pachyderma (leftcoiling) and 0.24%o flrom the measured ór8Ovalue of G. bulloides. The results are reported inTable I and plotted in Figs 3 and 4.

Results and discussion

The planktonic foraminiferal ól8O values arelinked to the summer SST by the palaeotem-perature equation

t : 16.9 - 4.38(ô - ô*) + 0.10(6 - ó*)2

where t is the summer SST, ó the ôl8O value ofthe planktonic foraminiferal shell in isotopicequilibrium with ambient water and ów the ól8Ovalue of the sea water. Low foraminiferal ól8Ovalues thus reflect either high temperatures or




You nge rDryas

O- Sumnrer SST

iF SurÎace Saliniry






-- O Surnrncr SST

----i- Surlacc salinity


?oq ¡

ós' r


55' r

50c r


aon ra

!s' ¡


nt7sc N


3.35o 3.{




?oo ¡

3t0 óso N

óoc L

sso r

soo ¡




!oo l¡

eo 3.38o

2.18 2.79o tr t2.76o

2.sg I2.952.60


2ßrot o 269

2âO3 2.58o 275

2.81 I0c,

25 5o

154 r 3¡it50tzF


I -¡a!¡

Yourger Dryas 12loramlnlleral ôore

ôotvt ?o'w 6otw soow 4ocw !o'w zo.w l0 t0

Fig. 3. Reconstruction of the oxygen isotopic composition (ól80) of planktonic foraminilera which depositedtheir shells in isotopic equilibrium with ambient surlace water during the Younger Dryas cold event.

TsoN zsoN

?ooN TooN

6so¡¡ 6soN

6ooN 60o N

55oN s5oN

50 sooN

4soN 450 N

40oN 40oN

3soN 3soN

3ooN 3ooNBoow 70ow 60ow 50ow 4oow 30ow 2o0w roow 0o rooE

Fig. 4. Map ol the August sea surface temperature (SST) reconstruction for the North Atlantic during theYounger Dryas event. Only cores with high sedimentation rates providing reliable SST estimates are taken intoaccount. The iso-ól8O lines from Fig. 3 are plotted lor comparison. Note the broad agreement between the SSTand ól8O patterns.




o' fl

U^ tr<6














¡ 1o o@10,8

140 tr

August SST and iso ôo-rs lines

Younger Dryas



low sea water ól8O values (i.e. low salinity).Conversely, high foraminiferal ót8O valuesreflect either low temperatures or high seawater ól8O value (i.e. high salinity). However,the range of temperature and sea water ól8Ovariations is very different. From the tropics topolar areas, the temperature decreases by about20'C, resulting in a ôl80 increase of 5o/oo,

whereas the sea water ó18O decreases only byabout l%o, so the temperature signal should bedominant in a map such as Fig. 3. Majorchanges associated with continental ice-sheetmelting or meltwater injection should be super-imposed on this pattern and appear distinctly inth^e melting area because of the extremely lowól8O value of polar continental ice (-i0 to-40%o versus that of the mean ocean water). Forinstance, meltwater has been clearly recorded, '

with an amplitude close to l%o, in the oxygenisotopic record ofthe massive iceberg dischargesof the last glaciation, the so-called Heinrichevents (Bond et al.1992;1993).

The map (Fig. 3) shows a progressive increasein the foraminiferal ó18O values towards thenorth, indicating that the temperature signal(Fig. a) is dominant in the reconstructed patternof ó18O variation. A large ól8O gradìent isobserved in the polar front area previouslyrecognised by Ruddiman & Mclntyre (1973;1981). However, our data show that temperatewaters extended beyond 55'N in the centralnortheastern Atlantic, whereas cold, fresh waterswere present in-the Bay of Biscay. In the westernAtlantic, the óruO values indicate the presence olcold water extending south of 50'N.

One of the most surprising result of Fig. 3 is theabsence ofany evidence ofmajor continental icemeltwater injection during the Youngel Dryas.The westernmost cores do not exhibit lower ó18Ovalues reflecting strong meltwater flux from the StLawrence, whereas the easternmost cores in theNorwegian Sea do not reflect any significantinjection of meltwater from either the Baltic Lakeor the Barents ice shelf; the latter disintegratedtwo to three millennia earlier (Jones & Keigwin1988; Sarnthei¡ et al. 1992,1995). In addition, nomeltwater pulse was observed in the ór8O reco¡dsof any North Atlantic core at the Allerod/Younger Dryas transition.

The isotopic map (Fig. 3) shows the YoungerDryas as a period of weak, but still signiflcant,warm North Atlantic drift toward the Norwe-gian Sea opposed to a strong East GreenlandCurrent bringing large amounts of cold waterand sea ice to the western North Atlantic. Thisreconstruction is supported by the presence insummer of an ice-free corridor off Norway,which was recognized by the presence of Arctic

diatoms (Koç et al. 1993), The occurrence of astrong East Greenland Current is in agreementwith the volcanic ash contours from Ruddiman& Glover (1975). The marine ash layer l, whichwas produced by ice-r'afted ashes, has beencorrelated with the continental Vedde Ash inNorway (Mangerud et al. 1984) and the Skogartephra in Iceland (Norddahl & Haflidason1992). These ashes were emitted during avigorous phreatic eruption of the Katla vol-cano, about 10600+60 radiocarbon years ago(Mangerud et al. 1984). The abundance of ice-rafted ashes allows us to reconstruct thedispersal route of outflowing Arctic icebergs(Ruddiman & Glover 1975), demonstrates thepresence of sea ice in the midlatitudes of theNorth Atlantic Ocean, and illustrates the greatstrength of the East Greenland Current duringthe Younger Dryas event.

Although some sediment from the westernAtlantic contains detrital carbonate originatingfrom Canada, North Atlantic sediments fromthe Younger Dryas are basically free of ice-rafted debris (Ruddiman & Mclntyre 1981).Moreover, the foraminiferal species N. pachy-derma (left coiling) exhibits generally a max-imum of abundance (Ruddiman & Mclntyre1981; Bard et al. 1987; Keigwin & Lehman1994), indicating that the productivity did notdrop to low values as is observed during theHeinrich events. These results, as well as theabsence of the isotopic signature characteristicof huge iceberg melting, demonstrates that theYounger Dryas is not due to a massive icebergdischarge released lrom one of the disintegratingice sheets, in agreement with the minimalmelting of continental ice-sheets reconstructedby Fairbanks (1989). The Younger Dryas cantherefore not be considered as an Heinrich eventand results from a mechanism which is notrelated to the behaviour and disintegration ofcontinental ice sheets. The absence of majorfreshwater anomalies is sup-ported by previousobservations showing that the oceanic circula-tion in the North Atlantic was not significantlydifferent from the modern day (Jansen 1985;Jansen & Veum 1990; Veum et a1., 1992;Labeyrie et al.1992; Sarnthein et al.1995).

The only possibility of conciliating thedemonstrated presence of drifting ice over theNorth Atlantic Ocean (Ruddiman & Glover1975; Ruddiman & Mclntyre 1981) and theabsence of an isotopic anomaly in the planktonicforaminiferal record is to assume that thedrifting ice resulted lrom sea. ice originatingfrom the Arctic Ocean and brought to the NorthAtlantic by a strong East Greenland Current.Icebergs released by continental, marine-based

ice sheets have a very low ó18O value, reflectingthe very low temperature at which the snowforming the ice formed. By contrast, sea ice,which results from sea water freezing, hasapproximately the same ól8O value as oceanwater, because the isotopic fractionation asso-ciated with water freezing is close to zero (Craig& Gordon 1965). As a result, the formation andmelting of sea ice leave no imprint on the surfacesea water ó18O, whereas the salinity experiencesmajor variations (Duplessy 1970). Drifting sea

ice produced in the Arctic Ocean, transported bythe East Greenland Current and melting in theNorth Atlantic polar front would thereforeproduce no signiflcant surface water 6180variations. However, the underlying sedimentwould receive the Katla ashes carried by thedrifting ice when this later melted.

How could the Arctic Ocean suddenly haveproduced a much larger amount of sea ice than itdid during the Allerod warm period? Two majorfactors may have played a signiûcant part. Firstly,the Chukchi and Siberian seas exhibit today alarge continental shelf at a water depth close to50 m and produce a significant amount of sea ice.Shelves were exundated during the last glaciationand at the beginning of the deglaciation. RecentAMS dating of peat layers in cores from the shelfregion of the Chukchi Sea have demonstratedthat this area was exundated until 11 000 radio-carbon years ny (Elias et aL.1992) when the Beringland bridge was submerged. Although thesubmerged Chukchi and Siberian seas were thenvery shallow, they significantly increased the areaof the Arctic Ocean prone to sea ice formation.Secondly, Teller (1990) showed that runoff to theArctic Ocean increased by about 20% at the sametime because of the capture of what is now theheadwater region of the Mackenzie Riverwatershed. Both events mark the beginning ofthe Younger Dryas, and we suggest that increaseof freshwater runoffand surface area of the ArcticOcean, together with the weak inflow of freshPacific surface water, would have favoured theformation of sea ice and its transport to theAtlantic via the East Greenland Current. Arcticsea ice drift would thus constitute a newmechanism by which the freshwater budget ofthe North Atlantic may be modified, leadingpossibly to major changes in the efficiency of theNordic Heat Pump.

Thanks are due to E. Jansen, N. J. Shackleton, B.Austin, J. Andrews, R. Bradley lor helplul discussionsand comments. This cork was supported by CNRS,CEA, INSU (PNEDC) and EEC grant No EV5V-c'î92 0l1t.

This is CFR contribution No 1732.



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