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Model Separability Indices for Efficient Dynamic Simulation

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Model separability indices for efficient dynamic simulation A.V. Papadopoulos * F. Casella ** A. Leva ** * Lund University, Department of Automatic Control, Lund, Sweden (e-mail: [email protected]) ** Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Milano, Italy (e-mail: {francesco.casella,alberto.leva}@polimi.it) Abstract: This paper proposes a means to quantify the aptitude of a dynamic model to be partitioned into weakly coupled submodels. The proposal applies to both linear and nonlinear systems, is largely independent of their scale, and requires information that is easy to provide on the part of the analyst. The presented indices can be exploited in different manners, from easing numerical integration on monolithic solution platforms to tailoring distributed or co-simulation ones based on the particular characteristics of the model at hand. Examples are reported to show the usefulness and the practical viability of the proposal. Keywords: Dynamic modelling, efficiency enhancement, numerical simulation, distributed simulation, nonlinear models, large-scale systems. 1. INTRODUCTION AND RELATED WORK Efficient dynamic simulation is becoming more and more important for all engineering studies. Modern tools allow to construct and manage very complex models also on lightweight platforms, such as laptops. As such, however, the computational capabilities of the target platform often becomes the bottleneck, especially if simulation tools need bringing to the plant floor (e.g., to streamline and facilitate commissioning). Different approaches can be taken to cope with the afore- mentioned complexity. The most common is the adoption of Model Order Reduction (MOR) techniques [Antoulas, 2005, Donida et al., 2010], which are widely studied but are well-established only in the linear case. When dealing with nonlinear systems only problem-specific extensions are available, essentially based on linearisation or Taylor expansion, bilinearisation, or functional Volterra series ex- pansion, followed by a suitable projection (see, e.g., Inno- cent et al. [2003]). Another interesting approach is, for example, the Trans- mission Line Modelling (TLM) presented in Sj¨ olund et al. [2010]. TLM is based on modelling the propagation of a signal which is limited by the time it takes to travel across a medium. By utilizing this information it is possible to partition the system into independent blocks that may be simulated in parallel. This leads to improved simulation efficiency since it enables full performance of multi-core CPUs. This, how ever requires that the modeller explicitly introduces the transmission model, i.e., the decoupling part, by introducing some additional components, based on his/her intuition. Schiela and Olsson [2000] propose an eigenvalue-based technique, more similar to the one related to this research, where a structural analysis is performed aimed at splitting the system into two subsystem so as to use a mixed-mode integration method to improve simulation efficiency. This ? A.V. Papadopoulos is member of the LCCC Linnaeus Center at Lund University. is natural for linear systems, but the eigenvalue analysis hinders extensions to the nonlinear case. This paper is part of a long-term research path aimed at endowing modelling and simulation tools with the capa- bility of automatically introduce suitable approximation in the solution of complex nonlinear models, so as to achieve the needed simulation efficiency, and above all, in as transparent a manner as possible for the user. In the previous work Papadopoulos et al. [2013] we introduced an analysis technique to partition a system based on the time scale of its dynamics, and a way to exploit that partition by mixed-mode integration. Here we propose other technical means to exploit the same information, and we define some separability indices to quantify the keenness of a system to be partitioned. 2. BACKGROUND In this section we summarise some background concepts and briefly review previous results [Papadopoulos et al., 2013], to contextualise the additional contributions of this paper in the overall research path. The main idea is to enhance simulation efficiency by partitioning the dynamic model at hand, based on the time scale of the contained dynamics. Peculiar to our research is however the analysis technique used for that purpose, named Cycle analysis (CA), and described below. The so obtained system partition can be exploited by mixed- mode (i.e., implicit-explicit) integration, as suggested, e.g., in Schiela and Olsson [2000], or taken as the basis for further quantifications of the model “separability”, which is the specific subject of this paper. 2.1 Cycle analysis The main idea of CA is that in a causal ODE model, both each variable and each equation can be associated with a characteristic time scale. To this end, consider the state- space form of a continuous-time system ˙ x = f (x, u) (1)

Model separability indices for efficientdynamic simulation

A.V. Papadopoulos ∗ F. Casella ∗∗ A. Leva ∗∗

∗ Lund University, Department of Automatic Control, Lund, Sweden(e-mail: [email protected])

∗∗ Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione eBioingegneria, Milano, Italy

(e-mail: {francesco.casella,alberto.leva}@polimi.it)

Abstract: This paper proposes a means to quantify the aptitude of a dynamic model to bepartitioned into weakly coupled submodels. The proposal applies to both linear and nonlinearsystems, is largely independent of their scale, and requires information that is easy to provide onthe part of the analyst. The presented indices can be exploited in different manners, from easingnumerical integration on monolithic solution platforms to tailoring distributed or co-simulationones based on the particular characteristics of the model at hand. Examples are reported toshow the usefulness and the practical viability of the proposal.

Keywords: Dynamic modelling, efficiency enhancement, numerical simulation, distributedsimulation, nonlinear models, large-scale systems.


Efficient dynamic simulation is becoming more and moreimportant for all engineering studies. Modern tools allowto construct and manage very complex models also onlightweight platforms, such as laptops. As such, however,the computational capabilities of the target platform oftenbecomes the bottleneck, especially if simulation tools needbringing to the plant floor (e.g., to streamline and facilitatecommissioning).

Different approaches can be taken to cope with the afore-mentioned complexity. The most common is the adoptionof Model Order Reduction (MOR) techniques [Antoulas,2005, Donida et al., 2010], which are widely studied butare well-established only in the linear case. When dealingwith nonlinear systems only problem-specific extensionsare available, essentially based on linearisation or Taylorexpansion, bilinearisation, or functional Volterra series ex-pansion, followed by a suitable projection (see, e.g., Inno-cent et al. [2003]).

Another interesting approach is, for example, the Trans-mission Line Modelling (TLM) presented in Sjolund et al.[2010]. TLM is based on modelling the propagation of asignal which is limited by the time it takes to travel acrossa medium. By utilizing this information it is possible topartition the system into independent blocks that may besimulated in parallel. This leads to improved simulationefficiency since it enables full performance of multi-coreCPUs. This, how ever requires that the modeller explicitlyintroduces the transmission model, i.e., the decouplingpart, by introducing some additional components, basedon his/her intuition.

Schiela and Olsson [2000] propose an eigenvalue-basedtechnique, more similar to the one related to this research,where a structural analysis is performed aimed at splittingthe system into two subsystem so as to use a mixed-modeintegration method to improve simulation efficiency. This

? A.V. Papadopoulos is member of the LCCC Linnaeus Center atLund University.

is natural for linear systems, but the eigenvalue analysishinders extensions to the nonlinear case.

This paper is part of a long-term research path aimed atendowing modelling and simulation tools with the capa-bility of automatically introduce suitable approximationin the solution of complex nonlinear models, so as toachieve the needed simulation efficiency, and above all, inas transparent a manner as possible for the user. In theprevious work Papadopoulos et al. [2013] we introduced ananalysis technique to partition a system based on the timescale of its dynamics, and a way to exploit that partition bymixed-mode integration. Here we propose other technicalmeans to exploit the same information, and we define someseparability indices to quantify the keenness of a systemto be partitioned.


In this section we summarise some background conceptsand briefly review previous results [Papadopoulos et al.,2013], to contextualise the additional contributions of thispaper in the overall research path.

The main idea is to enhance simulation efficiency bypartitioning the dynamic model at hand, based on the timescale of the contained dynamics. Peculiar to our researchis however the analysis technique used for that purpose,named Cycle analysis (CA), and described below. Theso obtained system partition can be exploited by mixed-mode (i.e., implicit-explicit) integration, as suggested, e.g.,in Schiela and Olsson [2000], or taken as the basis forfurther quantifications of the model “separability”, whichis the specific subject of this paper.

2.1 Cycle analysis

The main idea of CA is that in a causal ODE model, botheach variable and each equation can be associated with acharacteristic time scale. To this end, consider the state-space form of a continuous-time system

x = f(x,u) (1)

that discretised with the Explicit Euler (EE) method withintegration step h yields

xk+1 = xk + h · f (xk,uk) . (2)

Suppose now that (2) is at an asymptotically stableequilibrium. If a small perturbation is applied to a singlestate variable xk, a transient occurs, and either the sameperturbation affects the other state variables, without inturn re-affecting xk, or the same perturbation, after someintegration steps, re-affects xk.

In the first case, no numerical instability can be introducedby the numerical integration process, but in the secondcase there is a “dependency cycle” among some state vari-ables that may lead to unstable behaviour of the integra-tion algorithm (intuitively, if along the dependency cyclethe perturbation is amplified). CA detects the dependencycycles in the system, and defines conditions under whichthe perturbation cannot lead to numerical instability.

The first step in CA is to build the dependency digraph(or directed graph) G = (N,E) associated with the model.Said digraph has a node n ∈ N for each state, while theset of edges is formed as

E = I + h∂f

∂xwhere h is the integration step and the ∂f/∂x is theJacobian of the continuous-time system. In other words,the Jacobian of (2) is the adjacency matrix of the weighteddigraph, and accounts for the propagation entity of thedisturbance from the i-th variable to the j-th one.

The second CA step is to detect the set C of all cycles inthe digraph. For every cycle c ∈ C detected in G, the cyclegain is then computed.

Definition 1. A cycle gain µc(h) of a cycle c ∈ C is

µc(h) =∏

xi,xj∈cei,j =

1 + h


if L = 1

hL ·∏xi,xj∈c∂fi∂xj

if L > 1

where ei,j are the edges involved in the cycles and L is thelength of the cycle.

The cycle gain quantifies how much the disturbance givento a single state variable xi ∈ c is amplified along one cyclec. Apparently, by suitably constraining this quantity, weensure that no numerical unstable behaviours can occur.Starting from the computed µc(h), inequalities of the form|µc(h)| ≤ α can be set for each cycle, yielding

0 < h ≤ (1 + α)

∣∣∣ ∂fi∂xi


if L = 1 and∂fi

∂xi< 0

0 < h ≤ L√α ·






where α is an upper bound on the allowed amplification ofthe disturbance entering the cycle. As a result, every cyclec ∈ C has been associated with a constraint on h, i.e., withan upper bound on the integration step which allows theperturbation not to be amplified along c.

Finally, each variable xi is associated with the mostrestrictive constraint hxi on h among the set of cyclesCxi

= {c ∈ C|xi ∈ c}. Formally,

maximise hxi

subject to |µc(h)| ≤ α, ∀c ∈ Cxi .(4)

The result of CA is that each dynamic variable is associ-ated with an upper bound of the integration step needed

for a numerically stable integration, thus with a quantityrelated to its time scale. As a result, the variables canbe ordered, for example, by increasing value of hi andpresented to the modeller, who can decide how to cut themodel. For further details on CA, the interested reader isreferred to Papadopoulos and Leva [2014].

2.2 Exploiting CA by integration method

CA can be exploited to improve simulation efficiency byclustering the dynamic variables by time scale. One canthen use explicit integration methods for the slow ones,and implicit methods for the fast ones. This implies losinga precise representation of fast phenomena, but on theother hand it improves efficiency. To exemplify, considerthe generic nonlinear ODE system

x = f (x) (5)

and assume it to be partitioned into two subsystem: onewith slow dynamics, the other with fast dynamics. Follow-ing an approach similar to the one presented in Schielaand Olsson [2000], we can left-multiply the state vectorby a projection matrix P = diag{p1, p2, . . . , pn}, withpi ∈ {0, 1} to select the slow part, and by P = I − Pto select the fast part. Therefore (5) can be written as{

xS = P x = P f(xS ,xF

)xF = P x = P f

(xS ,xF

) (6)

where xS represents the slow variables, and xF the fastones. In this work we use Explicit Euler (EE) for the slowpart, and Implicit Euler (IE) for the fast part, but thepresented concepts are totally general.

Using those methods, equation (6) can be expressed as

xSk+1 =Pxk+1 = Pxk + hP f(xSk ,x

Fk , tk

)xFk+1 =Pxk+1 = Pxk + hP f


Fk+1, tk


which in the linear case becomes

xSk+1 =Pxk + hPAxk

xFk+1 =Pxk + hPAxk+1.

Composing those two equations, and solving for xk+1, wecan obtain

xk+1 = (I − h (I − P )A)2

(I + hPA)xk.

Alternatively to the proposed techniques, other couplesof Explicit-Implicit Runge-Kutta methods can be used,for example all the ones proposed in Schiela and Olsson[2000], Ascher et al. [1997]. In principle one could also usecompletely different methods, which however we do notdiscuss here owing to the predominant diffusion of Runge-Kutta ones.

Summarising, exploiting CA by integration method leadsto join the best of implicit and explicit integration in aknowledgeable manner for the case under question. Theresulting integration scheme is represented in Figure 1.





Fig. 1. Mixed-mode integration scheme.


Broadly speaking, we can say that CA can be exploitedalong two fundamental axes. One – already treated – refersto the used integration methods, the other – which is thenovel contribution of this work – to the adopted simulationarchitecture.

To enhance simulation efficiency, it is useful to identifywhich parts of a model can be simulated in parallel. To thisend, the dependency digraph used for CA can be furtherexploited by detecting Parallelisable Cycle Sets (PCS), asbriefly explained in this section.

A PCS is defined in the simplest manner as a set of cyclesin the digraph that share a single node and have no othernodes in common. Extensions can be given consideringsets of common nodes instead of a single one, or “weak”absence of other common nodes, for example based on thedominance of some cycle gains over others, but these arenot necessary for the purpose of this section and cannotbe treated in this work due to space limitations. Theinterested reader can refer to Fortunato [2010] for somedetails on how to formally define and detect PCS-likestructures – usually defined as community in the networkanalysis theory – on the same digraph used here for CA.

The key idea motivating the search for PCS is that it isnot infrequent to encounter situations in which fast partsof an overall model are made mutually dependent only byslower ones. This happens, for example, when several heatnetworks are connected to a large central energy storage.Another similar situation is when the presence of somecontrols eliminates high-frequency variabilities and thusconfines the coupling of some parts of the model to lowfrequency only. This could be the case when branches of agrid are connected to a central strong node, which is tightlycontrolled. A possible example of PCS as seen on the modeldigraph is shown in Figure 2. If the model parametersactually make the PCS emerge, node C would be thecommon one, and the four subsystems corresponding tothe cycles in the PCS would be composed of nodes {T},{R}, {B}, and {L, LT, LB}.






Fig. 2. An example of PCS as seen on the model digraph.

The usefulness of PCS comes by simply observing thatthey evidence situations like those just mentioned, andthat in such cases the fast parts of the system can notonly be dynamically decoupled from the slow ones, but alsosimulated in parallel. Furthermore, given the variety of theencountered time scales, the same model can give rise todifferent partitions into parallelisable models, dependingon how the modeller chooses to split the time scales. Basedon this idea, PCS can be exploited in at least two ways.

First, they can be detected on the entire digraph, i.e.,before possibly selecting the time scale splits. Even inthe case of a monolithic solution, and independently ofthe integration method, doing so provides an automaticselection of which parts of the system can be parallelised,e.g., by acting as discussed in Casella [2013].

Second, one can perform CA as described in the previoussections, and then detect PCS only for those parts forwhich implicit methods are to be used, so as to combinethe improvements coming from DD with an efficiencyenhancement of the most computationally intensive partof the simulation code.

From a more technological standpoint, one can then justemploy parallel computing architectures, or even use theso obtained information to structure a co-simulation setup.In the latter case, the proposed technique provides moreformally grounded an alternative to heuristics based e.g.on the minimisation of the number of signals exchangedamong the co-simulation units [Kernighan and Lin, 1970,Hendrickson and Devine, 2000]. Of course such optimisa-tions are not possible when the structure of the simulationsetup is dictated by the used software tools, but in thelast years formalisms and standards have been emergingto provide designers with more freedom in this respect,see e.g., Andersson et al. [2011], Blochwitz et al. [2012],Papadopoulos and Leva [2013].


The result of CA is to associate each dynamic variablewith an upper bound of the integration step, thus with aquantity related to its time-scale. The variables can thenbe ordered – and possibly clustered – by increasing valueof hxi

. Based on this, some synthetic indices will now bedefined, useful for deciding how to partition the originalmodel in weakly coupled submodels. It will also be shownhow such indices extend the idea of “stiffness”, like CA wasshown to evidence more decoupling-related informationthan eigenvalue analysis.

4.1 Measuring stiffness

To start, consider the classical stiffness indicator based oneigenvalues analysis, i.e., the stiffness ratio.

Definition 2. (Stiffness ratio). The stiffness ratio σR asdefined in Cellier and Kofman [2006] is defined as the ratiobetween the absolute largest real part and the absolutesmallest real part of any eigenvalue of the Jacobian of (1),i.e.,

σR =maxi |<{λi}|mini |<{λi}|


It is worth saying that highly stiff systems are associatedwith high values of σR.

Apparently, the stiffness ratio is defined for a linear (or lin-earised) system, and indicates how much the smaller timescale differs from the larger one. It is thus a good indexfor understanding whether or not to use an integrationmethod for stiff systems on the entire model, but gives noinformation about how many “clusters of time scales” arepresent in it, nor about which dynamic variable belongs towhich cluster.

To exemplify, let us limit to the linear case, and considerFigure 3. In the left graph, the continuous-time eigenvaluesof the system (indicated with crosses) are not equallyspaced in the left-half-plane, and can be divided into twoclusters: those that are close to the origin are associatedwith “slow dynamics”, while the others are associated with“fast dynamics”. The presence of the two different timescales is also evidenced by computing the stiffness ratio ofDefinition 2. Let us now consider the right graph of thesame figure. In this case, the stiffness ratio is the same,

since the closest and the farthest eigenvalues from theorigin are the same, while the eigenvalues of the systemare almost equally distributed in the left-half-plane. Thisfeature of the system is strictly related to how much thesystem can be “separable” and is not evidenced in any wayby the stiffness ratio.

−4 −2 0 2−4





<{λ · h}


−4 −2 0 2

<{λ · h}

Fig. 3. Two linear systems with the same stiffness ratio.

Coming back to the CA approach, two different indicesbased it can be defined. One (the stiffness index, seeDefinition 3) quantifies the span of the time scales in themodel, analogously to the one of Definition 2. The other(the separability index, see Definition 5) indicates to whatextent the clusters of dynamic variables correspondingto those time scales the system can be computed in adecoupled manner. Both indices are function of α asindicated in (3), and being based on CA, they can becomputed also for nonlinear systems.

Denote by H the set of integration steps hxiassociated

with each dynamic variable as in (4), and assume Hordered by ascending values of h, i.e., H = {h1 ≤ h2 ≤. . . ≤ hN}.Based on that, the following definitions can be given.

Definition 3. (Stiffness index). The stiffness index for agiven α is the ratio between the minimum and the maxi-mum integration step found with the cycle analysis, i.e.,

σ(α) =hmax(α)

hmin(α). (7)

4.2 Measuring separability

Analogously to the stiffness ratio σR, also for the stiffnessindex highly stiff systems are associated with high valuesof σ.

Definition 4. (Separability term). The separability termfor a given α, and for a given couple of variables xi and xjis

sα(i, j) =|hi(α)− hj(α)|

maxm (hm+1(α)− hm(α)), hi, hj ∈ H.

Definition 5. (Separability index). The separability indexfor a given α is the unity minus the ratio between themaximum and the average difference among two subse-quent values of the time scales, i.e.,

s(α) = 1−1

N − 1

∑N−1i=1 hi+1(α)− hi(α)

maxi (hi+1(α)− hi(α))

= 1− 1

N − 1

∑N−1i=1 sα(i+ 1, i).

Apparently, high values of s(α) ∈ (0, 1) indicate that thetime scales involved in the system are different enough tobe effectively separated.

In the following, the presented indices will be used toevaluate the level of stiffness and separability of the con-sidered examples. Summarising, the stiffness ratio andindex are comparable and synthetic descriptions of theseparation between the maximum and the minimum modeltime scales, not suited however for understanding whethersaid model can be partitioned. The separability indexis another synthetic one, but is specifically targeted atquantifying the possibility of such a separation. The sepa-rability term is a local index to a couple of adjacent timescales, and an analysis of its behaviour can easily suggestpossible separation points.

4.3 Separability analysis

The proposed separability index (5) is a synthetic descrip-tion of a structural property of the overall system, but ad-ditional information can be extracted from CA, providingalso suggestions on how the system can be partitioned.However, CA – thus the computation of the proposedindices – usually requires the choice of a value of α, whichis discussed in [Papadopoulos et al., 2013].

On the basis of those remarks, a parametric separabilityanalysis can be performed:

(1) perform a parametric CA, and express the time scalesassociated with each dynamic variable as a functionof α ∈ (0, 1);

(2) for each value of α ∈ (0, 1), order the time scalesobtaining a set of values of the integration stepsH = {h1 ≤ h2 ≤ . . . ≤ hN};

(3) for each value of α ∈ (0, 1), compute the separabilityterms sα(i+ 1, i) for all i = 1, . . . , N − 1;

(4) plot the obtained sα(i + 1, i) as a function of α andi = 1, . . . , N − 1, possibly as a colormap.

The result of this kind of analysis is that whenever acouple of dynamic variables (identified in the set H withtheir indices i and i+ 1), the plot will highlight a peak—examples of those kind of plots are presented later on.

This kind of analysis provides information that is twofoldand immediately interpretable by the modeller. First,considering only a single peak for simplicity, the variableson one side of the peak may be considered as coupled, andhighly decoupled in terms of time scale from the variableson the other side of the peak. This can be exploited fordesigning a partition of the system, or multiple in the caseof many peaks. In addition, since the variables are orderedby time scales, those with lower indices are associated withfast time scales, the others with slow ones.

4.4 Exploiting the partition

The information coming from the separability analysis canbe exploited in different ways. A first possibility is to splitthe model into two submodels, and use suitable integrationmethods [Papadopoulos et al., 2013]. On the other hand,the identified time scales can be used to structure morecomplex (co-)simulation architectures, splitting the systeminto many subsystems.

In particular, if the time scales present in the consideredmodel can be clustered into more than two sets, aniterative approach can be used so as to improve simulationefficiency, extending the mixed-mode integration methodto a multi-rate mixed-mode integration. The simulationstructure can be obtained as follows

(1) identify the time scales by means of the separabilityanalysis proposed herein;

(2) according to the time scale of interest, the systemcan be split into two subsystems, one slow that willbe simulated with an explicit method, one fast thatwill be integrated with implicit method(s);

(3) if the faster dynamics cannot be split into othersubsystems according to the time scales, then thealgorithm terminates;

(4) otherwise, the fast dynamics are split into two sub-systems, one faster, and one slower, that will beintegrated with a multi-rate implicit method;

(5) go to step (3).

This approach automatically builds the simulation ar-chitecture, exploiting the system structure without anyadded effort on the part of the modeller. The resultingfaster partitions are smaller reducing the computationalcomplexity of solving them with implicit algorithms.


5.1 Double-mass, triple spring-damper

M1 M2

k1 k2 k3

d1 d2 d3

Fig. 4. Double-mass, triple spring-damper.

This example refers to a simple test problem, similar tothat presented in Gonzalez et al. [2011]. The consideredsystem is composed of two masses and three parallelspring-damper elements, connected as shown in Fig. 4,and moving in a horizontal plane (i.e., gravity has noeffect). Both elasticity and damping friction are assumedto be linear phenomena, so that the couplings betweenthe dynamic variables can be easily determined by actingon the elastic constants ki and the damping factors di. Inparticular, in the reported test, M1 = M2 = 1 kg, k1 =500 N m−1, d1 = 5 N s m−1, k2 = 1 N m−1, d2 = 1 N s m−1,k3 = 5 N m−1, and d3 = 1 N s m−1.

Letting x1 and x2 the horizontal positions of the twomasses represented in Fig. 4, the model can be writtenas {

M1x1 = −(d1 + d2)x1 + d2x2 − (k1 + k2)x1 + k2x2M2x2 = d2x1 − (d2 + d3)x2 + k2x1 − (k2 + k3)x2


The separability analysis can be perform to understandif the model is suited to be partitioned. The result ofthe parametric analysis is shown in Fig. 5, where thenumbers on the vertical axis index the variables orderedby increasing time scale.

The highest separability term is obtained between the 4-th and the 5-th variable, suggesting where to partitionthe model for the decoupled integration, however, anotherpartition could be performed between the 6-th and the7-th variable.

According to CA there are 17 cycles in the model digraph,and choosing α = 0.5, the following constraints on theintegration step are obtained.

x1 : h ≤ 0.032 x2 : h ≤ 0.289x1 : h ≤ 0.032 x2 : h ≤ 0.289y1 : h ≤ 0.045 y2 : h ≤ 0.408y1 : h ≤ 0.045 y2 : h ≤ 0.408


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1








s α(i+1,i)


Separability index





Fig. 5. Separability parametric analysis of the double-mass, triple spring-damper system.

Based on the aforementioned analysis, we can partitionthe model into two submodels by separating the first4 variables – the set of the ones on the left, that areconsidered fast – from the other 4 — the set of the ones onthe right that are considered slow. Notice that incidentallythe analysis brought to an intuitive result, i.e., to separatethe two set of equations associated to the two masses,without any a priori suggestion to the method of thephysical structure of the system.

To complete the example, the proposed indices are herecomputed. In particular, model (8), and CA result (9) yield

σ(0.5) = 12.923, s(0.5) = 0.779.

The stiffness index σ(α) indicates that the system ishighly stiff. On the other hand, the separability index s(α)shows that the considered example has dynamics evolvingwith quite different time scales, thus making it effectiveto partition the model into subsystems. Notice that σRcannot be computed since there are purely imaginaryeigenvalues in the system.

5.2 Counterflow heat exchanger

This example refers to a counterflow heat exchangerwith two incompressible streams reported in Fig. 6. Both

Ta,i pa,i pa,o


pb,o Tb,i pb,i





Fig. 6. Counterflow heat exchanger scheme.

streams and the interposed wall are spatially discretisedwith the finite volume approach, neglecting axial diffusionin the wall and also in the streams, as zero-flow operation isnot considered for simplicity. Taking ten volumes for bothstreams and the wall, with the same spatial division (again,for simplicity) leads to a nonlinear dynamic system oforder 30, having as boundary conditions the four pressuresat the stream inlets and outlets, and the two temperaturesat the inlets. More precisely, the system is given by


NTa,i =waca(Ta,i−1 − Ta,i) +


N(Tw,i − Ta,i)


NTw,i =−


N(Tw,i − Ta,i)−


N(Tw,i − Tb,N−i+1)


NTb,i =wbcb(Tb,i−1 − Tb,i) +


N(Tw,N−i+1 − Tb,i)

(10)where T stands for temperature, w for mass flowrate,c for (constant) specific heat, M for mass, and G for

thermal conductance; the a, b and w subscripts denoterespectively the two streams and the wall, while i ∈ [1, N ](i = 0 for boundary conditions) is the volume index,counted for both streams from inlet to outlet, the wallbeing enumerated like stream a.

The parameter values used in the example are reported inTable 1.

Table 1. Parameter values of Model (10).


N 30 Mb 1 kg cw 3500 J kg−1 K−1

Ta,in 323.15K Mw 10 kg Ga 8000WK−1

Tb,in 288.15K ca 4200 J kg−1 K−1 Gb 8000WK−1

Ma 0.1 kg cb 3500 J kg−1 K−1

A parametric CA is performed so as to analyse thestructure of the system, and Fig. 7 shows its result. Inparticular, 585 cycles are present in the system.

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1









s α(i+1,i)


Separability index





Fig. 7. Separability analysis of the heat exchanger (10).

The separability analysis highlights that there are at leasta couple of points where the system can be separated.However, for α = 1.0 there is only one point in whichthe system can be split, and it is between the 30-th andthe 31-st variable, separating the faster state variablesTa,i, from the other ones. It is worth noticing that inthis example, there is no neat physical separation betweenthe dynamics, since they all belong to the same physicaldomain, and also to the same physical object. Separabilityanalysis, however, can detect those structural propertiesof the system independently of its nature.

The synthetic indices are

σ(0.5) = 9.771, s(0.5) = 0.986.

The stiffness σ(α) index shows that the considered systemis sufficiently stiff, but the more interesting aspect is thatthe separability one shows that it is very suited for thepartition, since its time scales are very well separated.


In this work we proposed a method for analysing structuralproperties of nonlinear dynamical systems, extending theresults presented in Papadopoulos et al. [2013]. Syntheticindices quantifying the stiffness and the separability ofthe considered system are here proposed, that in conjunc-tion with the parametric analysis can provide immediateinformation to the modeller for the construction of thesimulation architecture. In addition, different ways to ex-ploit the information coming from the parametric cycleanalysis, both from the architectural viewpoint and fromthe numerical method one.

In the near future, further investigations are needed forextending and formally address the properties of the nu-merical simulation architectures that can be obtained bymeans of the proposed exploitations. Therefore, the inte-gration of the proposed methods to off-the-shelf simulationtools is the main goal of the overall research, aimed at easethe modeller tasks in a way as transparent as possible.Finally, the exploitation of PCS for enhancing simulationperformance of the fast parts is to be applied to somesignificant cases.


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