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Maturity and fecundity of Champsocephalus gunnari, Chaenocephalus aceratus and Pseudochaenichthys georgianus in South Georgia and Shag Rocks Islands M.I. Militelli a,b, *, G.J. Macchi a,b , K.A. Rodrigues a,b a Instituto Nacional de Investigaci on y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), Paseo Victoria Ocampo No. 1, CC.175, Mardel Plata 7600, Argentina b Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y T ecnicas (CONICET), Argentina Received 5 December 2014; revised 18 March 2015; accepted 30 March 2015 Available online 11 April 2015 Abstract The reproductive biology of three species of icefishes (family Channicthyidae), Champsocephalus gunnari, Pseudochaenich- thys georgianus and Chaenocephalus aceratus in South Georgia and Shag Rocks Islands was studied by means of a histological analysis. Parental care, a widespread behaviour among icefishes such as C. aceratus, is not observed in C. gunnari, which has a broadcast spawning strategy. There were large differences in total fecundity mainly due to the different sizes reached by each species (total fecundity range was 2,500e21,300 hydrated oocytes). Nevertheless, when comparing relative fecundity values, the average results were, in general, similar for P . georgianus and C. aceratus (6e9 hydrated oocytes per female gram). However, relative fecundity estimated for C. gunnari was 10e37 hydrated oocytes per ovary-free female gram. The difference may be a consequence of the smaller oocyte size of the species as compared to other icefishes. The small diameter of hydrated oocytes was also associated with low values of dry weight. The high relative fecundity recorded for C. gunnnari may compensate, in part, for a broadcast spawning strategy. © 2015 Elsevier B.V. and NIPR. All rights reserved. Keywords: Fish reproduction; Fecundity; Notothenioidei; Channichthyidae; South Georgia; Antarctica 1. Introduction Demersal fish assemblages in the Southern Ocean are dominated by the Suborder Notothenioidae (Eastman, 2005). One of the six families included in notothenioids, Channichthyidae, are known as icefishes (Everson, 1984). Icefishes or white-bloodedfishes is unique among the vertebrates in that its members lack erythrocytes and the respiratory pigment haemoglobin (Ruud, 1954). Of the 16 species comprised in chann- nichthyids, Champsocephalus gunnari, Pseudochae- nichthys georgianus and Chaenocephalus aceratus, are limited the distribution to the Atlantic Ocean sector (Kock, 2005) and are abundant around South Georgia (Reid et al., 2007). Some icefish species are the target of commercial fisheries. That was the case of C. gunnari around South Georgia during 1970e1990 (Kock, 2005). Others, such * Corresponding author. Instituto Nacional de Investigaci on y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), Paseo Victoria Ocampo No 1, CC. 175, Mar del Plata 7600, Argentina. E-mail address: [email protected] (M.I. Militelli). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.polar.2015.03.004 1873-9652/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. and NIPR. All rights reserved. Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect Polar Science 9 (2015) 258e266 http://ees.elsevier.com/polar/

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Polar Science 9 (2015) 258e266http://ees.elsevier.com/polar/

Maturity and fecundity of Champsocephalus gunnari,Chaenocephalus aceratus and Pseudochaenichthys georgianus in

South Georgia and Shag Rocks Islands

M.I. Militelli a,b,*, G.J. Macchi a,b, K.A. Rodrigues a,b

a Instituto Nacional de Investigaci�on y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), Paseo Victoria Ocampo No. 1, CC.175, Mar del Plata 7600, Argentinab Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y T�ecnicas (CONICET), Argentina

Received 5 December 2014; revised 18 March 2015; accepted 30 March 2015

Available online 11 April 2015


The reproductive biology of three species of icefishes (family Channicthyidae), Champsocephalus gunnari, Pseudochaenich-thys georgianus and Chaenocephalus aceratus in South Georgia and Shag Rocks Islands was studied by means of a histologicalanalysis. Parental care, a widespread behaviour among icefishes such as C. aceratus, is not observed in C. gunnari, which has abroadcast spawning strategy. There were large differences in total fecundity mainly due to the different sizes reached by eachspecies (total fecundity range was 2,500e21,300 hydrated oocytes). Nevertheless, when comparing relative fecundity values, theaverage results were, in general, similar for P. georgianus and C. aceratus (6e9 hydrated oocytes per female gram). However,relative fecundity estimated for C. gunnari was 10e37 hydrated oocytes per ovary-free female gram. The difference may be aconsequence of the smaller oocyte size of the species as compared to other icefishes. The small diameter of hydrated oocytes wasalso associated with low values of dry weight. The high relative fecundity recorded for C. gunnnari may compensate, in part, for abroadcast spawning strategy.© 2015 Elsevier B.V. and NIPR. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fish reproduction; Fecundity; Notothenioidei; Channichthyidae; South Georgia; Antarctica

1. Introduction

Demersal fish assemblages in the Southern Oceanare dominated by the Suborder Notothenioidae(Eastman, 2005). One of the six families included innotothenioids, Channichthyidae, are known as icefishes(Everson, 1984). Icefishes or “white-blooded” fishes is

* Corresponding author. Instituto Nacional de Investigaci�on y

Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), Paseo Victoria Ocampo No 1, CC.

175, Mar del Plata 7600, Argentina.

E-mail address: [email protected] (M.I. Militelli).


1873-9652/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. and NIPR. All rights reserved.

unique among the vertebrates in that its members lackerythrocytes and the respiratory pigment haemoglobin(Ruud, 1954). Of the 16 species comprised in chann-nichthyids, Champsocephalus gunnari, Pseudochae-nichthys georgianus and Chaenocephalus aceratus, arelimited the distribution to the Atlantic Ocean sector(Kock, 2005) and are abundant around South Georgia(Reid et al., 2007).

Some icefish species are the target of commercialfisheries. That was the case of C. gunnari around SouthGeorgia during 1970e1990 (Kock, 2005). Others, such

259M.I. Militelli et al. / Polar Science 9 (2015) 258e266

as P. georgianus and C. aceratus were caught duringseveral seasons and/or became by-catch in mackerelicefish fisheries (Kock, 1992; Kock et al., 2004).

It is known that most icefishes spawn in late Sum-mer/early Autumn (January/February) e early Winter(MayeJune) (Kock and Kellermann, 1991; Duhamelet al., 1993; La Mesa et al., 2003). Maturing ovariesare typically filled with ova in two stages of maturationwhere large yolky oocytes form the current seasonspawning (Kock and Kellermann, 1991). This is char-acteristic of species that spawn eggs of one generationsimultaneously, as is the case of C. gunnari, C. acer-atus and P. georgianus (Permitin, 1973; Macchi andBarrera-Oro, 1995).

Antarctic fishes have developed a series of strategiesto facilitate adaptation to the environment. As regardsreproduction, some common characteristics are pro-longed gametogenesis, delayed maturation, large yolkyeggs and low fecundity (Andriashev, 1987; North andWhite, 1987 in Kock, 2005). In many species repro-ductive strategies are complemented by a complexreproductive behaviour such as nest guarding (Northand White, 1987; Kock, 1989), as suspected byPermitin (1973) for C. aceratus that deposits eggs onthe bottom (Detrich et al., 2005).

Description of reproductive strategies and fecundityassessment are the fundamental topics in the study offish biology and population dynamics (Hunter et al.,1992 in Murua and Saborido-Rey, 2003). It wasobserved that, in many species the size or age of fe-males usually alters the reproductive capacity atdifferent levels which may affect the beginning, dura-tion or frequency of spawning and the fertility andquality of the eggs produced (Marteinsdottir andSteinarsson, 1998; Marteinsdottir and Begg, 2002;Macchi et al., 2004).

The aim of this study was to synthesize informationon the reproductive potential of C. gunnari, C. acer-atus and P. georgianus and compare the values ob-tained considering each reproductive strategy. Theanalysis included the description of length distribution,the estimate of total and relative fecundity; and therelationships between oocytes size and the maternalcharacteristics were described.

2. Materials and methods

Samples of C. gunnari, P. georgianus and C. acer-atus were collected during the research survey carriedout on board of RV Dr Eduardo L. Holmberg in thecoastal waters of South Georgia and Shag RocksIslands shelves in May 2013 (�Alvarez Colombo et al.,

2013). Total length (TL) in centimetres and totalweight (TW) in grams were recorded for each fishsampled (n ¼ 533 for C. gunnari; n ¼ 155 for C.aceratus; n ¼ 70 for P. georgianus). Sex was deter-mined and the reproductive developmental stagemacroscopically determined using a five-stage matu-rity key (adapted from Kock and Kellermann, 1991): 1.Immature; 2. Maturing; 3. Gravid; 4. Spent; 5. Resting.

Size at first maturity (L50) was estimated obtainingthe percentage of mature or adult specimens (stages2e5) per 1 cm length class; values were afterwardsfitted to a logistic regression with the maximum like-lihood method (Kendall and Stuart, 1967). Coefficientsof the logistic regressions obtained to estimate L50 formales and females were compared using a Chi-squaretest (Aubone and W€ohler, 2000). The analysis wasperformed only for C. gunnari due to the low numberof individuals obtained for the other species.

For histological examinations, 105 pairs of ovariesof gravid females (with yolked oocytes in hydration orhydrated) of the three species were removed and fixedin 10% neutral buffered formalin (89 for C. gunnari, 9for C. aceratus and 7 for P. georgianus). The fixedgonads were weighed (GW) to the nearest 0.1 g and theportions of tissue removed from the centre of eachovary dehydrated in ethanol, cleared in xylol andembedded in paraffin. Tissues were sectioned atapproximately 4 mm thick and stained with Harrishaematoxylin followed by eosin counterstain (Garcíadel Moral, 1993).

Total fecundity (TF: number of oocytes released perspawning) was gravimetrically estimated (Hunteret al., 1985). Oocyte resorption processes (atresias)for C. gunnari in pre-reproductive phases wereobserved (Macchi and Barrera-Oro, 1995). Therefore,to determine the presence of atresias, postovulatoryfollicles (POF: indicators that spawning has alreadystarted) and hydrated oocytes, samples of the threespecies were histologically examined. To avoid biaswhen estimating fecundity, only ovaries with hydratedoocytes without POF or atresias were used (84 C.gunnari, 9 C. aceratus and 7 P. georgianus). Threepieces of ovary of approximately 2 g each from theanterior, middle and posterior section of each gonadwere sampled, weighed (0.1 mg) and the number ofhydrated oocytes counted. Total fecundity was theproduct of the mean number of hydrated oocytes perovarian unit weight and total ovarian weight (GW).Relative fecundity (RF: number of hydrated oocytesper gram of ovary-free body weight) was estimated asthe total fecundity divided by the female weight. Therelationship between TF and TL, TF and TW (ovary-

Table 1

Number and gonad stage of specimens sampled during research sur-

vey carried out in South Georgia and Shag Rocks area during May


Males Females N

1 2 3 4 5 Total 1 2 3 4 5 Total

C. gunnari 91 131 2 e 15 239 92 91 111 e e 294 533

C. aceratus 54 23 e e 2 79 33 34 9 e e 76 155

P. georgianus 28 12 e 1 e 41 13 8 8 e e 29 70

(1) immature; (2) developing; (3) spawning capable; (4) regressing;

and (5) regenerating (Kock and Kellermann, 1991).

260 M.I. Militelli et al. / Polar Science 9 (2015) 258e266

free) was described using a simple linear regression(Draper and Smith, 1981).

Hydrated oocytes diameter (OD) and dry weight(DW) were measured. To that end, ovarian samples ofC. gunnari (n ¼ 86), P. georgianus (n ¼ 7) and C.aceratus (n ¼ 9) were collected and samples of 50hydrated oocytes removed. The longest axis of eachoocyte was measured with a Carl Zeiss binocular ste-reoscope equipped with an image analyzer and theAxion-Vision software. Then, each sample was rinsedin distilled water, dried for 24 h at 60 �C and weighed(0.1 mg). The oocyte dry weight (DW) was consideredan index of egg quality, taking into account that drymass is associated with the quantity of yolk reservesstored in oocytes, considered as one of many factors

Fig. 1. Spatial distribution of trawl stations (dots) and percentage of C. gun

May 2013. The size of the symbols is proportional to the percentage of gr

that could influence quality (Macchi et al., 2006;Mehault et al., 2010).

3. Results and discussion

Macroscopic staging data showed that, out of thetotal of C. gunnari individuals sampled 34.3% corre-sponded to juveniles and that, within the group ofadults 95.7% showed reproductive activity (stages 2and 3) (Table 1). Values for C. aceratus were 56.1%juveniles and 97.1% adults in reproductive activity.During the cruise only 70 specimens of P. georgianuswere caught, of which 58.6% juveniles and 96.6%active adults. Reproductive staging confirm that thethree species were within the reproductive season.Fig. 1 shows the location of C. gunnari, C. aceratusand P. georgianus totally mature females (with hy-drated oocytes). Catches of ripe females confirmed thatthe three species spawn in Autumn or early Winter inthe South Georgia region or nearby.

Although location of most icefish species spawningareas is unknown, C. gunnari and C. aceratus werereported to move inshore or close to the shore in SouthGeorgia and Kerguelen (Kock, 1981; Duhamel, 1987;Everson et al., 2001). In South Georgia, C. gunnaripre-spawning aggregations were found at Fortuna Bay,Cumberland West Bay, Royal Bay fjords and near the

nari, P. georgianus and C. aceratus in spawning capable stage during

avid females (with hydrated oocytes).

261M.I. Militelli et al. / Polar Science 9 (2015) 258e266

shore in deeper waters (>100 m depth). Reports indi-cate that most spawning occurs northeast, close to theshelf shore waters (Kock, 1981; Everson et al., 2001)and, to a lesser extent, in Shag Rocks and on the shelf,southwest of South Georgia (Frolkina and Trunov,

Fig. 2. Length frequency distribution obtained for juveniles (line) and adu

Islands area during Autumn 2013.

2004). The presence of totally mature or hydrated fe-males confirms that C. gunnari spawn in South Geor-gia and Shag Rocks Islands and suggests that P.georgianus and C. aceratus also spawn in the area orsurrounding zone.

lts (grey bars) of icefish species in South Georgia and Shag Rocks

Fig. 3. Sexual maturity curves for males and females of Champ-

socephalus gunnari from South Georgia and Shag Rocks Islands


Fig. 5. Chaenocephalus aceratus total fecundity (TF) as a function

of A) total length (TL) and B) total weight (TW*) obtained during

May 2013.

262 M.I. Militelli et al. / Polar Science 9 (2015) 258e266

Icefish are among the largest of Antarctic fish. Withthe exception of the genera Pagetopsis, Dacodraco andChampsocephalus esox which grow smaller than30e40 cm, all other species exceed 55 cm inmaximum size. The largest icefish species found wasC. aceratus with 75 cm (Kock, 2005). Size distributionof C. gunnari adult individuals varied from 20 to54 cm TL with a 33 cm TL modal value; for C.aceratus it was 30e63 cm TL with a 52 cm TL mode

Fig. 4. Champsocephalus gunnari total fecundity (TF) as a function of A) total length (TL) and B) total weight (TW*) (without ovary) and

relative fecundity (RF) as a function of C) total length (TL) and D) total weight (TW*) obtained during May 2013.

Fig. 6. Pseudochaenichthys georgianus total fecundity (TF) as a

function of A) total weight (TW*) and relative fecundity (RF) as a

function of B) total length (TL) and C) total weight (TW*) obtained

during May 2013.

263M.I. Militelli et al. / Polar Science 9 (2015) 258e266

and P. georgianus showed 2 groups between 38 and52 cm TL with 42 and 48 cm TL modal values,respectively (Fig. 2).

Size at first maturity was only estimated for C.gunnari, the only species with an adequate sample size.It was observed that males mature at a larger sized thanfemales (c2 ¼ 6.44, df ¼ 1, P < 0.05) (Fig. 3).Bringing 150 individuals of both sexes together, lengthat first maturity averaged 27.4 cm TL. This value issimilar to that obtained by Everson et al. (1996) forSouth Georgia and Shag Rocks Islands.

C. gunnari total fecundity (TF) had a power rela-tionship to total length and a linear relationship to totalweight of individuals (P < 0.001; Fig. 4A and B) withan average of 5656 hydrated oocytes (CI 95% ¼ 560).Relative fecundity (RF) was estimated at 10 - 37 hy-drated oocytes/g of female (ovary-free) with anaverage of 21 hydrated oocytes (CI 95% ¼ 1). Despitethe fact that RF evidenced a large dispersion in relationto female length and weight, negative trends werefound in both cases (P < 0.001; Fig. 4C and D).

C. aceratus TF showed a linear relationship to totallength and weight (P < 0.05; Fig. 5) with an average of11,040 hydrated oocytes (CI 95% ¼ 1,180). RF was6e9 hydrated oocytes/g of female (ovary-free) with anaverage of 7 hydrated oocytes (CI 95% ¼ 0.6). Nosignificant relationship was obtained between RF andfemale size (P > 0.1).

P. georgianus TF showed a linear relationship toweight (P < 0.1; Fig. 6A) but no significant relation-ship was obtained between this variable and totallength and had an average of 7,325 hydrated oocytes(CI 95% ¼ 448). RF was 6e8 hydrated oocytes/g offemale (ovary-free) with an average of 7 hydratedoocytes (CI 95% ¼ 0.47). As observed for C. gunnari,RF showed negative trends in relation to female lengthand weight (Fig. 6B and C), however were not sig-nificant (P ¼ 0.06 and P ¼ 0.07 respectively).

TF and RF values obtained for the three speciesagreed with those reported by other authors (Kock andKellermann, 1991; Alekseeva and Alekseev, 1997;Kock, 2005). It was observed that C. gunnari and P.georgianus RF decreased as length and weight of fe-males increased, characteristic already mentioned forC. gunnari (Alekseeva and Alekseev, 1997) but has notbeen reported for P. georgianus.

The hydrated oocyte diameter reported for icefishspecies was around 4.2e5.0 mm, except for theChampsocephalus genus (Kock, 2005). Previous re-ports indicate that egg diameter varies from 2.7 mm inC. esox (Calvo et al., 1999) to 3.2e3.7 in C. gunnari(Kock, 1981; Duhamel, 1991). In this study C. gunnari

hydrated oocyte diameter was between 1.22 and2.5 mm with an average of 1.65 mm (CI 95% ¼ 0.05)and had a significant positive relationship to femalesize and weight (P < 0.0001; Fig. 7A and B). Thoselower values may be attributed to the fact that eggs ofthe ovaries selected were not fully hydrated. Oocytedry weight also showed a positive relationship to fe-male size (P < 0.0001; Fig. 7C and D) with an averagevalue for a sample of 50 hydrated oocytes thatamounted to 21 mg (CI 95% ¼ 1.1).

Kock (1981) suggested that old females of C. gun-nari spawn earlier than young (smaller) ones and/ortend to produce larger eggs. The increase of oocytemass and diameter with female size would contributeto the hypothesis of a maternal effect on the spawning

264 M.I. Militelli et al. / Polar Science 9 (2015) 258e266

quality of the species; however, this remains to betested. Different authors suggest that the improvedquality of large eggs results in larger larvae and greaterviability (Hinckley, 1990; Wootton, 1994; Trippel,1998). On the other hand, it is possible that the in-crease in oocyte diameter with female size wouldpartially compensate the decrease in relative fecundityobserved for large individuals.

The results obtained in this study show that C.aceratus and P. georgianus hydrated oocyte diametervalues were similar to those previously reported byKock (2005). For C. aceratus it was 3.36e4.04 mmwith an average value of 3.66 mm (CI 95%¼ 0.16).Oocyte dry weight for a sample of 50 eggs was288e437 mg with an average of 352 mg (CI 95% ¼ 33).These variables did not show any trend in relation tofemale size. For P. georgianus hydrated oocyte diam-eter was 2.62e3.53 mm with an average of 3 mm (CI

95% ¼ 0.25); oocyte dry weight was 216e351 mg witha mean of 385 mg (CI 95% ¼ 47). As observed for C.aceratus, said variables did not show any relation tofemale size. It is possible that the lack of relation be-tween egg quality and female size for both species isthe consequence to the small number of mature ovariesavailable to perform the analysis.

Considering the three species together, it may beconcluded that they share reproduction features such as

Fig. 7. Champsocephalus gunnari hydrated oocyte diameter (HD) as a func

oocyte dry weight (ODW) as a function of: C) TL and B) TW* of female

being total spawners with determinate fecundity andhaving a short reproductive season with differences inthe reproductive tactics. As already mentioned, someicefish species such as C. aceratus are known to exhibitparental care, a quite widespread behaviour amongicefishes (Detrich et al., 2005). Previous nesting reportsof other notothenioid families suggest that it may be arelatively common phenomenon in the suborder spe-cies (Arkhipkin et al., 2013). However, the presence ofC. gunnari eggs floating in the water column aroundKerguelen Islands (Koubbi et al., 1991) indicates abroadcast spawning strategy.

With regard to the reproductive potential, there arelarge differences in fecundity values mainly due to thedifferent maximum sizes reached by each species (TFrange was 2,500e21,300 hydrated oocytes). Never-theless, when comparing relative fecundity values, theaverage results were similar for P. georgianus and C.aceratus (6e9 hydrated oocytes per female gram)while for C. gunnari mean RF ranged 10 e 37 hy-drated oocytes per ovary-free female gram, owing tosmaller oocytes. The small diameter of hydrated oo-cytes was also associated to low values of dry weight.The high RF recorded for C. gunnnari would beassociated, in part, with a broadcast spawning strategy.Species with parental care tend to produce a lowernumber of larger eggs, suggesting that parental care is

tion of: A) total length (TL) and B) total weight (TW*) and hydrated

s sampled during May 2013.

265M.I. Militelli et al. / Polar Science 9 (2015) 258e266

only effective for larger eggs and there is a trade-offbetween egg size and egg number (Helfman et al.,1997).


The research was conducted within the frameworkof INIDEP Southern and Subantarctic Demersal Fish-eries Program. The authors thank the scientific staff onboard of Dr Eduardo L. Holmberg RV/2013 for thecollection of samples and express their gratitude to M.Estrada and H. Brachetta for the preparation of histo-logical sections. We appreciate to the Certified PublicTranslator of English Norma Rossi for her contribu-tions to redraft the manuscript. This is INIDEPcontribution No. 1912.


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