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Linear Programming and Capital Budgeting: A Reappraisal

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LINEAR PROGRAMMING AND CAPITAL BUDGETING: A REAPPRAISAL K.N. BHASKAR” INTRODUCTION This paper continues the controversy begun by Baumol and Quandt in their criticism (1) of Weingartner’s famous work on capital budgeting under capital rationing. Other contributorsto the controversy include Carleton (3), Elton (5) and Myers (7). The purpose of this paper is firstly to summarise the somewhat confusing debaie and secondly to suggest a new solution. The main debate has principally concerned itself with the question of what goes into the objective function. Before Myers’ (7) paper, there were two schools of thought. One school felt the objective function should bc the utility of withdrawals and the other adopted the net present value of projects as the maximand. Myers (7) then suggested that the two formulations were equivalent. This will be contested and a third formulation will be suggested - the objective function in this instance is the present value of the future stream of dividends. THE WEINGARTNER MODEL The Weingartner model, reduced t o essentials,’ is as follows: Maximise Z [ajt/(l + k)’]~j j=l t=O subject to J j= 1 -[Z ajtxj] <Mt t=0,1, ..., T xj20 j= 1, ..., J where: k = a futed discount rate, the “cost of capital”; ajt = the net cash flow, possibly negative, obtained from project j in period t ; xi = the number of units of project j undertaken; Mt = the fmed amount of cash available at t. *The author is Lecturer in Economics at the University of Bristol. (Paper re- ceived June 19 75) Journal of Business Finance h Accounting, 3/3(1976) 29




This paper continues the controversy begun by Baumol and Quandt in their criticism (1) of Weingartner’s famous work on capital budgeting under capital rationing. Other contributors to the controversy include Carleton (3), Elton ( 5 ) and Myers (7). The purpose of this paper is firstly to summarise the somewhat confusing debaie and secondly to suggest a new solution. The main debate has principally concerned itself with the question of what goes into the objective function. Before Myers’ (7) paper, there were two schools of thought. One school felt the objective function should bc the utility of withdrawals and the other adopted the net present value of projects as the maximand. Myers (7) then suggested that the two formulations were equivalent. This will be contested and a third formulation will be suggested - the objective function in this instance is the present value of the future stream of dividends.


The Weingartner model, reduced to essentials,’ is as follows:


Z [ajt/(l + k)’ ]~ j j= l t = O

subject to J

j= 1 -[Z ajtxj] < M t t = 0 , 1 , ..., T

x j 2 0 j = 1, ..., J


k = a futed discount rate, the “cost of capital”; ajt = the net cash flow, possibly negative, obtained from project j in

period t ; xi = the number of units of project j undertaken; Mt = the fmed amount of cash available at t.

*The author is Lecturer in Economics at the University of Bristol. (Paper re- ceived June 19 75)

Journal of Business Finance h Accounting, 3/3(1976) 29

Baumol and Quandt (1) made two substantive criticisms’ of this model. The first (criticism a) concerns the problem that the duals from the’solution are needed before the present values of the projects can be incorporated in the model. (i.e. the Hirshleifer problem, (6)) “The discount factors (1 + k)Ot in solu- tion must equal ratios of the internal discount factors. Since we acknowledge the existence of capital rationing, k must itself be internally determined and hence be independent of monetary phenomena. However, if we assume that k is a true marginal opportunity rate, then it turns out that we cannot use present value discounting in the primal objective function until we know the values of the dual variables”.

The second criticism (criticism b) is more fundamental since it strikes at the logic of discounting which can be viewed as a reward for postponed consump- tion. Rather than discount a stream of cash throw-offs from a set of projects, it would be better to discount the (to be determined) future dividend stream. In the end Baumol and Quandt opted for the utility of cash withdrawals to be included in the objective function rather than the net present value of objects.


From the above and other criticisms, Baumol and Quandt recast the Weingartner model (as presented here in equations (1) and (2)) as follows4

Maximise T

t=o I: utwt

subject to I

- [ .I: ajtxj] t Wt < Mt t = 1,2, ..., T J=1



w,, xj 3 0

where: Wt = cash withdrawn for owners’ consumption in period t; U, = marginal utility of consumption in t, assumed constant.

Although this reformulation answers the specific criticisms raised by Baumol and Quandt, it has one obvious deficiency. The concept of maximising utility, although of paramount importance in economic theory, is not an operational model. Corporate capital budgeting models are difficult enough to “sell” to the real world without making them seem even further removed from it. We come back later to a suggested method of overcoming this difficulty but before doing so, another debate must be summarised.

30 K.N. Bhaskar


Hard capital rationing is conceived of as being “firmly given from outside the model”.’ Soft capital rationing is conceived of more as a “tentative restriction pointed as an aid to planning and control”.6 The argument basically boils down to the significance that attaches to the fuced amount of cash available at t (MJ. Soft capital rationing assumes that this is fuced in an approximate way, whilst hard capital rationing assumes that Mt is, say, the precise amount of cash the firm can lay its hands on. Of course this opens up problems about borrowing, but these problems will be abstracted from.‘

With soft capital rationing the Weingartner model presented in equations (1) and (2) can overcome one of the criticisms levelled by Baumol and Quandt. The specific criticism (criticism a) is the one saying that the objective function can- not be specified until the solution is found. (Then the duals can be used as the relevant discount notes.) If an external k could be specified in the context of soft capital rationing one could then derive an objective function.’

More recently Elton ( 5 ) concerned himself with the problem of hard capital rationing. He dismisses Baumol and Quandt’s criticism and shows that even under hard capital rationing, external discount rates can be used in the objective func- tion. We will return to this argument later.


Myers (7) assumed certainty and an absence of market imperfections. Myers noticed that in equation (4) an inequality in an optimal solution is impossible, since this implies that Wt (dividends) could be increased and this would increase the objective function. Equation (4) becomes an equality.


Wt = Mt t 2 ajtxj j= 1

( 5 )

Substituting for Wt in equation (3) the revised Baumol and Quandt model can be rewrit ten

Maximise -

subject to

(7) J

j= 1 - [ Z ajtxj] + Wt = Mt t = 0, 1, ..., T

Xj, Wt 2 0

Linear Programming and Capital Budgeting: A Reappraisal 31

The problem now is that we are still faced with an objective function that has weights in terms of marginal utilities. Myers then argues that:

“In a certain world, however, investors facing a prevailing interest rate k will all adjust their portfolios so that the following conditions hold

The interest rate k is, of course, the firm’s “cost of capital”.

We can scale any person’s utility function so that Uo = 1. At equilibrium, then, the following relationship will hold for all investors:

1 ut = (m

In other words, the firm can use the observed interest rate k to infer the marginal utilities required by the Baumol-Quandt f~rmulation.”~

Substituting equation (10) in the objective function and forgetting about the constant term Z Ut Mt, the model becomes”

T J Z Z [ajt/(l t k)t] xj

t = O j = 1

subject to J

j= 1 - [ C atjxj] + Wt = Mt t = 0, 1, ..., T

xi, wt > 0

Equation (1 1) is the same as (l), and (12) is the same as (7). The only remaining difference is the inclusion of the slack variables (Wt). Myers dismisses these as unimportant and concludes that the Baumol and Quandt formulation “turns out to be exactly equivalent to the original Weingartner model” (- equations (1) and (2)).”


It is invalid for Myers to dismiss the slack variables and conclude that the Baumoll

32 K.N. Bhaskar

Quandt and Weingartner models are identical. There are two reasons that make the two models distinct:

1. In the Baumol/Quandt model, as reformulated by Myers, Mt clearly refers to the total amount of cash available in period t. It can either be used for in- vestment in projects or to pay a dividend. In the Weingartner model, Mt is the amount available for investment in period t. No part of it is used to pay a dividend; in fact all of it will be invested in projects provided that there are sufficient projects with a positive net present value to use up the whole of M,. However, Weingartner clearly does not intend the firm to pay no dividends during the period of capital rationing, and therefore it must be assumed the amount of the dividend has already been deducted in calculating M,."

2. Assuming that in the Weingartner models the amount Mt (the amount of cash available) is net of dividend^,'^ then there is still an important distinc- tion between the Myers and Weingartner models. In the Myers model, the dividends that are outputted from the solution are the optimal ones - that is they maximise the value of the firm. In the Weingartner model, dividends are exogenous. They are somehow e ~ t i m a t e d ' ~ and deducted from M, and then used as an input into the model. Whereas in the Myers (and Baumol and Quandt) model dividends are different from the estimated ones, the Wein- gartner model, (1) and (2), and Myers model, (1 1) and (12), will produce numerically different answers. If this is so, how can the differences between the two models be dismissed as unimportant?


From now on it is assumed that all withdrawals are in the form of dividends. The aim of a firm is usually assumed to be the maximisation of utility. A surrogate for utility here is wealth. Wealth is maximised when the market values of shares is maximised. One of the traditional valuation models in capital budgeting is: l5

O0 dt v = c t=o (1 + k)'


dt = dividends in period t k = as before, the cost of capital

From equation (13) the firm's basic objective can be derived; maximise (13) - the present value of the firm's future dividend stream, discounted at the cost of capital.

Linear Programming and Capital Budgeting: A Reappraisal 33

Since we have a precise objective function it seems senseless not to use it in a Weingartner type of model. The model now becomes: l6

subject to J

j= 1 - [ L: ajtxj] t d t = M t t = 1 , 2 , ..., T

where dty Xj Z 0

dt = dividend payout in period t (Note this is solved for in the model).

(Note that dt has been used in place of Wt to distinguish the new formula- tion of the model.)

The new formulation can be justified.on the grounds that the model has dear pedagogical advantages. The maximand of the model is consistent with the over- all objective of the firm - in fact they are one and the same." It is however important to point out that this model is identical to the Baumol/Quandt formu- lation. Since Myers (7) showed, given certain assumptions, that

1 (1 t k)'

u, = -

then we can substitute for U, in equation (3) and derive the following objective function;

W = (1 t L ) t

Since W, (withdrawals) is assumed identical to dt (dividends), expression (1 6) is equivalent to the objective function of the dividend model in equation (14).


In order to contrast this model with the basic Weingartner model, as per (1) and (2), we will reformulate the model. The new variable to be added to equations (1) and (2) is management's estimates of the dividend payout (d,). The model henceforth known as the revised Weingartner model, now becomes

34 K.N. Bhaskar


j = 1 t = O C Z [ajt/(l t k)*]xj

subject to J

- [ ,Z ajtxj] < [M, - dt] t = 0, 1, ..., T J= 1

xj 2 0


dt = managers estimate of the dividend payout in period t. (Note this is an input to the model.)

This model differs from that given in equations (1) and (2) by the extra estima ted dividend (dt). The amount of cash available in each year is reduced by that amount. It is distinct from Myers model, since his “slack” variable (Wt) has not been explained. This formulation also, to some extent, bridges the gap between hard and soft capital rationing. Since Mt can be regarded as firmly given extern- ally and dt is under management’s manipulation, the actual amount of cash avail- able for investment is both given externally and is a tentative internal restriction.


The difference between the dividend model given in equations (14) and (15) and the revised Weingartner model given in (16) and (17), is the role of dividends. In the dividend model they are optimised, in the Weingartner model management estimates their values. However if the two models (by some coincidence) yield the same dividend policy,’* then it can be proved that the two models produce the same optimal solution. This is shown in the Appendix. Myers (7) was there- fore wrong in deducing that the two models were equivalent. This result can be obtained but only at the cost of reformulating the Weingartner model and adding the restrictive assumption that the dividends which are determined exogenously in the Weingartner model are the same as the endogenously derived dividends in the dividend model.


’ This model comes from Weingartner (8), chapter 3, but is modified to repre- sent the “received” Weingartner model. For example see Carleton (3) and Myers (7). The model differs from the basic (Chapter 3) Weingartner model in that, first, there is no separation of cash inflows and cash outflows and, second, the constraints matrix is not discounted back to period 0.

Linear Programming and Capital Budgeting: A Reappraisal 3s

Baumol and Quandt made some criticisms of the original Weingartner model (see Footnote l), but nevertheless the two criticbms above are still valid for the model given in equations (1) and (2).

The quotation is from Carleton (3) pp.826-27.

Baumol and Quandt (1) p.326.

Carleton (3) p.827.

Myers (7) p.90.

For further analysis of this problem see Bhaskar (2).

See Weingartner (9) and Carleton (3) for an elaboration of this argument.

This quotation is from Myers (7) p.9 1.

lo A similar type of process is done in the Appendix for a different type of model.

l1 Myers (7) p.91.

l2 The important variable is the amqunt available for investment purposes. In the Myers model this is always net of dividends (M, - W,) but in the Wein- gartner model it is just Mt.

l3 i.e. dividends have been deducted from the original estimate of M,.

l4 This could, for example, represent managers estimate of the required dividend by shareholders.

Baumol and Quandt (l), Carleton (3), Elton ( 5 ) and Myers (7) all implicity or otherwise assume a dividend rather than an earnings valuation model.

l6 This model was first formulated, to my knowledge, by Carsberg in 1967 in an unpublished M.Sc. thesis. He has subsequently published it (4) but does not compare it with other formulations of the model.

l7 One problem that arises here is what to do at the horizon date T. One possi- bility is to include a horizon value of the net present value of all projects in existence. The maximand then becomes


36 K.N. Bhaskar


V, = the terminal value of a project time T t 1 ; the terminal value is de- fined as the net present value of the project discounted back to T t 1 at the cost of capital.

’* That is when the management’s estimates agreed with the optimal dt’s from the dividend model.


William Baumol and Richard E. Quandt, “Investment and Discount Rates Under Capital Rationing - A Programming Approach” ECONOMIC JOURNAL, LXXV(June 1965), pp. 317-329.

Krish N. Bhaskar, “Borrowing and Lending in a M i .hematical Programming Model of Capital Budgeting” JOURNAL O F BUSINESS FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING, Summer 1974.

William T. Carleton, “Linear Programming and Capital Budgeting Models: A New Interpretation’’ JOURNAL OF FINANCE, XXIV (December 1969), pp. 825-833.

Bryan V. Carsberg, “Analysis for Investment Decisions”, HAYMARKET, 1974.

Edwin J. Elton, “Capital Rationing and External Discount Rates”, JOURNAL OF FINANCE, XXV (June 1970), pp. 573-584.

Jack Hirshleifer, INVESTMENT, INTEREST AND CAPITAL, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1970.

Steward C. Myers, “A Note on Linear Programming and Capital Budgeting”, JOURNAL OF FINANCE, XXVII (March 1972), pp. 89-92.

H. Martin Weingartner, MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING AND THE ANALYSIS O F CAPITAL BUDGETING PROBLEMS, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall Inc., 1963.

H. Martin Weingartner, “Criteria for Programming Investment Project Sel- ection” JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS, XV (November 1966), pp. 65-76.

Linear Programming and Capital Budgeting: A Reappraisal 37


Proof that the dividend model, equations (14) and (1 5 ) and the reformulated Weingartner model, equations (16) and (1 7) yield identical solutions.

From (1 7) we know that


j= 1 dt = Mt t C ajtxj (20)

The maximand of the dividend model is equal to

By substituting (18) in (19) we get

This simplifies to

; t=o

Mt (1 t k)t


t=o t x i j= 1


(1 t k)'

The above represents the maximand of the dividend model by the substitution of equation (20) for dividends.

Let us now look at the reformulated Weingartner model. Here the maximand is

The only difference between the two formulations as represented by equation (23) for the dividend model and equation (24) for the Weingartner model is the term given below

Mt $ t = o (1 t k)t

which is a constant and can, therefore, not affect the optimal solution. Since the

38 K.N. Bhaskar

two maximands are essentially the same they must produce an identical optimal solution.

This proof is similar to that given t y Myers (7) to show the similarity betwwi the Baumol and Quandt model (1 ) and the Weingartner model.

Linear Programming and Capital Budgeting: A Reappraisal 39
