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Life cycle assessment of a willow bioenergy cropping system

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Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147 – 165 Life cycle assessment of a willow bioenergy cropping system Martin C. Heller a , Gregory A. Keoleian a ; , Timothy A. Volk b a Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan, Dana Building, 430 E. University St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1115, USA b SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 133 Illick Hall, Syracuse, NY 13210, USA Received 8 July 2002; received in revised form 2 December 2002; accepted 4 December 2002 Abstract The environmental performance of willow biomass crop production systems in New York (NY) is analyzed using life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. The base-case, which represents current practices in NY, produces 55 units of biomass energy per unit of fossil energy consumed over the biomass crop’s 23-year lifetime. Inorganic nitrogen fertilizer inputs have a strong inuence on overall system performance, accounting for 37% of the non-renewable fossil energy input into the system. Net energy ratio varies from 58 to below 40 as a function of fertilizer application rate, but application rate also has implications on the system nutrient balance. Substituting inorganic N fertilizer with sewage sludge biosolids increases the net energy ratio of the willow biomass crop production system by more than 40%. While CO2 emitted in combusting dedicated biomass is balanced by CO2 adsorbed in the growing biomass, production processes contribute to the system’s net global warming potential. Taking into account direct and indirect fuel use, N2O emissions from applied fertilizer and leaf litter, and carbon sequestration in below ground biomass and soil carbon, the net greenhouse gas emissions total 0:68 g CO 2 eq: MJ 1 biomass produced . Site specic parameters such as soil carbon sequestration could easily oset these emissions resulting in a net reduction of greenhouse gases. Assuming reasonable biomass transportation distance and energy conversion eciencies, this study implies that generating electricity from willow biomass crops could produce 11 units of electricity per unit of fossil energy consumed. Results from the LCA support the assertion that willow biomass crops are sustainable from an energy balance perspective and contribute additional environmental benets. ? 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Willow biomass production; Life cycle assessment; Energy analysis; Greenhouse gas emissions; Fertilizer inputs; Biosolids 1. Introduction About 7% of the 104 EJ (98 quadrillion BTU) of energy consumed annually in the US currently comes from renewable sources [1]. Biomass in all of its forms composes nearly half of these renewable sources, Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-734-764-3194; fax: +1-734-647-5841. E-mail address: [email protected] (G.A. Keoleian). making it the second most utilized renewable after hydroelectric. Concern over national energy security and the environmental burdens associated with fos- sil energy sources has prompted interest in expanding domestic renewable energy markets. Biomass, and in particular dedicated energy crops, has received recent attention as a promising means to develop local, sus- tainable energy sources. Short rotation woody crops (SRWC) (typically of Salix or Populus species) are a demonstrated biomass cropping system that is managed more intensively 0961-9534/03/$ - see front matter ? 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0961-9534(02)00190-3

Available online at www.sciencedirect.com

Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147–165

Life cycle assessment of a willow bioenergy cropping system

Martin C. Hellera, Gregory A. Keoleiana ;∗, Timothy A. Volkb

aCenter for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan, Dana Building, 430 E. University St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1115, USAbSUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 133 Illick Hall, Syracuse, NY 13210, USA

Received 8 July 2002; received in revised form 2 December 2002; accepted 4 December 2002


The environmental performance of willow biomass crop production systems in New York (NY) is analyzed using lifecycle assessment (LCA) methodology. The base-case, which represents current practices in NY, produces 55 units of biomassenergy per unit of fossil energy consumed over the biomass crop’s 23-year lifetime. Inorganic nitrogen fertilizer inputs havea strong in9uence on overall system performance, accounting for 37% of the non-renewable fossil energy input into thesystem. Net energy ratio varies from 58 to below 40 as a function of fertilizer application rate, but application rate alsohas implications on the system nutrient balance. Substituting inorganic N fertilizer with sewage sludge biosolids increasesthe net energy ratio of the willow biomass crop production system by more than 40%. While CO2 emitted in combustingdedicated biomass is balanced by CO2 adsorbed in the growing biomass, production processes contribute to the system’snet global warming potential. Taking into account direct and indirect fuel use, N2O emissions from applied fertilizer andleaf litter, and carbon sequestration in below ground biomass and soil carbon, the net greenhouse gas emissions total0:68 g CO2 eq: MJ

−1biomass produced. Site speci?c parameters such as soil carbon sequestration could easily o@set these emissions

resulting in a net reduction of greenhouse gases. Assuming reasonable biomass transportation distance and energy conversioneAciencies, this study implies that generating electricity from willow biomass crops could produce 11 units of electricity perunit of fossil energy consumed. Results from the LCA support the assertion that willow biomass crops are sustainable froman energy balance perspective and contribute additional environmental bene?ts.? 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Willow biomass production; Life cycle assessment; Energy analysis; Greenhouse gas emissions; Fertilizer inputs; Biosolids

1. Introduction

About 7% of the 104 EJ (98 quadrillion BTU) ofenergy consumed annually in the US currently comesfrom renewable sources [1]. Biomass in all of its formscomposes nearly half of these renewable sources,

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-734-764-3194;fax: +1-734-647-5841.

E-mail address: [email protected] (G.A. Keoleian).

making it the second most utilized renewable afterhydroelectric. Concern over national energy securityand the environmental burdens associated with fos-sil energy sources has prompted interest in expandingdomestic renewable energy markets. Biomass, and inparticular dedicated energy crops, has received recentattention as a promising means to develop local, sus-tainable energy sources.Short rotation woody crops (SRWC) (typically of

Salix or Populus species) are a demonstrated biomasscropping system that is managed more intensively

0961-9534/03/$ - see front matter ? 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S0961-9534(02)00190-3

148 M.C. Heller et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147–165

than usual forestry practices and harvested on a 3–4year cycle [2,3]. SRWC systems provide signi?cantopportunities for environmental and other bene?ts, in-cluding reduced net greenhouse gas and SOx emis-sions (relative to fossil energy sources), improved soiland water quality, expanded wildlife habitat, increasedland use diversity, and revitalized rural economies[4,5].The Salix Consortium is an alliance of over 20

organizations with a goal of facilitating the commer-cialization of willow biomass SRWC in the North-eastern and Midwestern regions of the US. In 1995,a development grant was awarded under the BiomassPower for Rural Development Program supported bythe US Department of Energy and the Departmentof Agriculture to develop willow as a dedicated en-ergy feedstock crop. Over 200 ha of willow havebeen established to date in western and central NewYork (NY). In the near-term, the harvested willowbiomass will be used to supplement new co-?ringoperations at an electricity generating facility inwestern NY.Widespread development of bioenergy in general,

and willow biomass-for-bioenergy in particular, iscontingent on the environmental sustainability of thesystem, along with its socio-economic sustainability[4]. Life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology pro-vides a comprehensive systems-based analysis of theenergy and environmental performance of a productsystem [6]. In LCA, the material and energy inputsand outputs are quanti?ed throughout a product’s life,from raw material acquisition through production, useand disposal. Potential environmental impacts of theproduct system are then assessed based on this lifecycle inventory.A LCA model was developed for the full willow

agriculture to electricity production system. In thispaper, we focus on the willow biomass productionsystem as it is being developed in New York state.The primary aim of the study was to evaluate the en-ergy performance and net greenhouse gas emissionsof the biomass feedstock production system. Previouslife cycle or energy analysis studies of SRWC sys-tems have considered prospective popular plantationsin the US [7] and both willow and poplar biomassproduction systems under European conditions[8–13]. The current paper provides detailed account-ing of willow biomass crop production, supported by

demonstration-scale ?eld experience from NY. Bothcarbon and nitrogen (N2O) 9ows are considered inthe global warming potential assessment. In additionto the base-case scenario that represents managementpractices currently in place in NY, we estimate sys-tem performance of alternative practices, includingthe use of sewage sludge biosolids as an alternativefor inorganic N fertilizer. Utilization of biosolidsin biomass energy production o@ers a reduced-risk(relative to edible food crops) opportunity to converta waste stream into a resource. Finally, we considerthe implications on system performance of usingwillow biomass to generate electricity.

2. Methods

Life cycle assessment methodology follows theISO 14040 guidelines [6]. The model was developedusing the software program, Tools for EnvironmentalAnalysis and Management (TEAM), by Ecobalance,Inc. Modules for generalized practices such as rawmaterial extraction, large market chemical production(including ammonium sulfate), average grid elec-tricity generation, transportation fuel production, andtransport emissions were taken from Ecobalance’sDatabase for Environmental Analysis and Manage-ment (DEAM).The net greenhouse e@ect was calculated using

global warming potentials from the Intergovernmen-tal Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (direct e@ect,100 year time horizon) [14]. Air acidi?cation andeutrophication impact assessment methods followedthose presented by Leiden University, Centre forEnvironmental Science [15]. These impact poten-tial methods compile the contributions of releasesthroughout the system life cycle, quanti?ed relative toa standard. The air acidi?cation potential calculation,expressed in kg SO2 eq: ha

−1, includes air emis-sions of ammonia, sulfur oxides, and nitrogen oxides.Eutrophication potential, expressed in kg PO4 eq: ha

−1,includes contributions from air and water emissionsof ammonia and phosphorous, air emissions of ni-trogen oxides, and water emissions of nitrates andphosphates. Data of nutrient run-o@ or leaching fromwillow biomass crops are unavailable and thereforenot included in this assessment. Studies in the lit-erature have shown that N leaching is very low in

M.C. Heller et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147–165 149

coppice regrowth


seven 3-year rotations

willow stoolelimination


field preparation

herbicide production


willow cuttings






mech. & chem. weed


herbicide production



fertilizer production





herbicide production

KEYD = diesel fuel production M = farm machinery (tractor and

implement) manufacturing

energy conversion


Fig. 1. Schematic of willow biomass cropping system boundary.

Table 1Willow ?eld operation timeline

Year Season Activity

0 Fall Mow, contact herbicide, plow, disk, seedcovercrop, cultipack

1 Spring Disk, cultipack, plant, pre-emergent herbicide,mechanical and/or herbicide weed control

1 Winter 1st year coppice2 Spring Fertilize34 Winter 1st harvest5 Spring Fertilize67 Winter 2nd harvest{8–22} {Repeat 3 year cycle for 3rd–7th harvest}23 Spring/ Elimination of willow stools


willow crops [46,47] and so it is expected that this as-sumption will have little e@ect on the eutrophicationpotential in perennial willow crops.

2.1. System description

The willow cropping system boundary is shownschematically in Fig. 1. The willow agriculturalproduction model uses ?eld data collected during theestablishment of 65 ha inWestern NY in 2000. Table 1

gives a timeline for the major operations undertakenin willow ?eld management. Willow biomass cropsare grown as a perennial with multiple harvest cycles(or rotations) occurring between successive plantings.The Salix Consortium anticipates harvesting on 3–4year cycles, and expects to re-plant after 6–7 rotations[16]. The model base-case scenario assumes seven3-year rotations and includes 1 year of site prepara-tion, coppicing after the ?rst year of growth, and theremoval of the willow stools at the end of the rota-tion. The life cycle model allocates resource demandsand associated emissions for all operations shown inTable 1 evenly across the total biomass harvestedover a 23-year timeline. In other words, even thoughthere is more ?eld activity during the ?rst rotation dueto ?eld preparation and planting, these burdens areshared equally with biomass harvested in all sevenrotations.Energy is consumed and emissions are released in

tractor operations in each ?eld activity. Field opera-tion input data are summarized in Table 2. Tractorsize (maximum power-take-o@) and weight were de-rived from tractor models indicated in 2000 ?eld ac-tivity records. Some operations (for example, covercrop seeding and 1st year weed control) are conductedbased on ?eld management decisions and do not occuron all acreage. Estimates of acreage requiring such op-erations are again based on experience with the 65 haplanted in 2000.

150 M.C. Heller et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147–165

Table 2Field operations data for base case

Operation Implement used Implement weight (kg) Tractor Operating rate Input rates andpowera and (h ha−1) commentsweight

Mow existing 1:8 m brushhog 470 54 kW 1.5 (55% of acreage)vegetation 3240 kg

Apply contact 7:6 m boom 670 37 kW 0.5 Glyphosate:herbicide sprayer 2572 kg 2:5 kg AI ha−1

Plow 1:45 m 1226 60 kW 1.7Moldboard plowb 3683 kg

Disk 3:4 m tandem 1053 54 kW 1.4 (2× coverage)harrow disk 3240 kg

Cultipack 3:0 m cultipacker 635 54 kW 0.71 (2× coverage)3240 kg

Seed 12:2 m 100 37 kW 0.10 2.5 bu. winter rye ha−1

covercrop broadcaster 2572 kg (50% of acreage)

Planting 4 row Salix 1400 78 kW 2.5 15,300 cutting unitsMaskiner Step 5670 kg ha−1

Apply pre-emergent 7:6 m boom 670 37 kW 0.46 Simazine: 2:24 kg AI ha−1

herbicide sprayer 2572 kg Oxy9uorfen: 1:12 kg AI ha−1

1st year 2:1 m sicklebar 270 54 kW 1.5coppice mower 3240 kg

Mechanical Modi?ed row 500 37 kW 0.61 (54% of acreage)weed control cultivator 2572 kg

Mechanical Badalini 400 54 kW 1.6 (29% of acreage)weed control rototiller 3240 kg

Chemical 7:6 m boom 670 37 kW 0.46 Simazine: 2:24 kg AI ha−1

weed control sprayer 2572 kg (5% of acreage)

Fertilize 7:6 m spreader 180 75 kW 0.21 100 kg N ha−1

4192 kg ammonium sulfate

Harvest Salix Maskiner 1250 78 kW 3.0c

Bender 5670 kg

aMaximum power take o@ (PTO) power.bPlow width is average of two used: 4×36 cm (137 cm width) and 4×41 cm (152 cm width).cExtensive harvesting with the Maskiner Bender has not yet occurred in New York. Harvesting rates are based on data from

European studies using earlier models of this machine.

2.2. Tractor and implement manufacture andoperation

Material and energy required in manufacturingagricultural implements and tractors were included in

the life cycle inventory. Manufacturing requirementswere based on weight, according to data shown inAppendix A (Tables 9 and 10). Manufacturing bur-dens were allocated to the system on a ?eld-hour ba-sis, distributed over the estimated life of the tractor or

M.C. Heller et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147–165 151

Table 3Data used in fuel consumption equations

Operation A B C Et S W T F2(km h−1) (m) (cm)

Moldboard plow 113 0 2.3 0.72 5.6 1.45 20.3 0.7Fall disk 53 4.6 0 0.67 6.4 3.4 10.2 0.88Spring disk 37 3.2 0 0.72 6.4 3.4 10.2 0.88Cultipack 180 0 0 0.67 4.8 3.0 6.4 1

Table 4Assumed power requirements for certain operations

Operation Maximum PTO Assumed totalpower from power requiredmodeled tractor for operation(kW) (kW)

Brushhog 54 37Herbicide application 37 18.5Fertilizer application 75 45Coppicing w/sicklebar mower 54 37

Rototilling 54 48Planting with Step planter 78 52Harvesting with Bender 78 78Biosolids application 75 60

implement (1200–1500 h for implements, 12,000 hfor tractors [17]). Operation burdens are broken downinto fuel consumption and oil consumption.

2.2.1. Fuel consumptionSince fuel consumption was not well documented

in ?eld records, the life cycle model relies onengineering estimates from the American Societyof Agricultural Engineers [18,19]. For operationswith signi?cant draft force (plow, disk, cultipack),diesel consumption is estimated by the following:

Qdiesel = PT



+3:91− 0:203√738


+ 173

): (1)

Assuming that power take-o@ (PTO), hydraulic,and electric power requirements are negligible

relative to drawbar (draft) power with these oper-ations, and combining appropriate equations from[18,19]:

PT =F2WTS3:6EmEt

[A+ B(S) + C(S)2]; (2)

where Qdiesel is the diesel fuel consumption (l h−1);

PT the total power required for an operation (kW);Pmax the maximum available PTO power (kW); F2the dimensionless soil texture parameter for mediumtextured soils;W the machine width (m); T the tillagedepth (cm); S the ?eld speed (km h−1); Em the me-chanical eAciency of transmission and power train =0:96 for tractors with gear transmissions; Et the trac-tion eAciency; A; B, and C are the machine-speci?cparameters.The parameter values used, also taken from ASAE

[19], are summarized in Table 3. Table 4 lists as-sumed power requirements for ?eld operations lackingappropriate engineering data. Fuel consumption wasthen calculated by substituting these assumed powerrequirements for PT in Eq. (1).

2.2.2. Oil consumptionOil consumption was estimated with the relation

given as follows [19]:

Qoil(l h−1) = 0:00059Pmax + 0:02169: (3)

2.3. Manufacture and transport of ;eld inputs

The manufacture of fertilizer and pesticides wasincluded in the life cycle inventory. Modeling de-tails for these manufacturing processes are shown inAppendix A (Tables 11 and 12). Ammonium sulfate(the base-case fertilizer) is produced in the US as

152 M.C. Heller et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147–165

a byproduct as well as through elective manufacturing[20]. A marginal allocation approach was adopted inthis study: additional demand for ammonium sulfatewould have to be met through elective manufacturing[21]. Thus, production by the direct neutralization ofammonia with sulfuric acid is used (data for produc-tion from DEAM). Transport to the farm was takeninto account for fertilizer and herbicide supplies. Anaverage distance of 640 km was used, 60% by rail and40% by truck [22]. The willow cuttings used for plant-ing are produced in a nursery: demands of this nurseryproduction are shown in Appendix A (Table 13).

2.4. Biosolids application

There is considerable interest in using treatedwastewater sewage sludge (biosolids) as a nutrientsource in SRWC [23,24]. About half of the biosolidsproduced in the US are recycled for bene?cial usethrough land application [25]. Biomass energy cropsare particularly attractive means for treating and uti-lizing biosolids: a non-food crop further reduces therisk of causing human disease, extensive perennialroots e@ectively ?lter mineral nutrients, and, withproper consideration, it is possible to control the 9owof heavy metals in the system [26]. In addition, the or-ganically bound fraction of nutrients in biosolids arereleased slowly, making them available longer intothe SRWC rotation-cycle when additional amendmentapplication is prohibitive.In this report we consider hypothetical scenarios

using biosolids as an alternative fertilizer source forwillow plantations. Representative biosolids data froma small, rural municipality (Little Valley, NY) anda more industrial municipality (Syracuse, NY) wereused. Application rates were 100 kg plant-availableN, based on calculation methods in the NY State reg-ulatory guidelines [27]. The analysis does not includeproduction or treatment of the biosolids: biosolidsare a waste stream and typically a disposal burdenfor the wastewater treatment industry. Transportation(by diesel truck) and surface application of biosolids(assumed operating rate = 0:53 h ha−1; tractorrequirements shown in Table 4) are included, how-ever. Transportation distances for the Little Valleyand Syracuse scenario are assumed to be 25 and80 km, respectively.

Table 5Willow biomass characteristics

Willow biomassa

(dry weight %)

Carbon 49.4Sulfur 0.05Oxygen 42.9Hydrogen 6.01Nitrogen 0.45Chlorine 265 ppmAsh 1.24Moisture (at harvest) ∼50%

Heating value 19:8 MJ odkg−1

aAverage of samples of 3-year old SV-1 and S-365 (willowclones still in use) from [28].

2.5. Willow biomass

2.5.1. Harvested yieldBased on experience at SUNY-ESF, the assumed

willow biomass yield for the 1st rotation is 10 oven drytonnes (odt) ha−1 yr−1. Thus, the 1st harvest (after3 years of growth) is expected to produce 30 odt ha−1.Successive rotations have an additional growth advan-tage because the willow’s root system is already es-tablished. It is expected that this will increase yields inlater rotations by 30–40%. For successive rotations,the assumed yield is 13:6 odt ha−1 yr−1. The assumedcomposition and energy content of harvested willowis presented in Table 5.Adegbidi [29] conducted experiments with

willow clone SV1 consisting of triplicate testblocks at 4 di@erent fertilizer application rates(0; 100; 200; 300 kg N ha−1). One, two, and three-yearharvest yields were measured for each test block. Inorder to estimate the response of biomass yield to Nfertilizer application rates, data from Adegbidi were?t by nonlinear regression to an exponential satura-tion function of the following form (suggested byBallard et al. [30]):

yield = I + A(1− e�∗fert:rate): (4)

Regression resulted in the following parameter val-ues: I = 5:876 odt yr−1;A = 6:856 odt yr−1; � =−0:00916; r2 = 0:63. Given the limited data availableto date, this function is provisional and is used here

M.C. Heller et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147–165 153

only in estimating system performance sensitivity tofertilizer application rate.

2.5.2. Below ground biomassUnutilized biomass in the form of coarse roots and

stools represents a potential pool for short-term car-bon storage. Data on below ground biomass in SRWCwillow systems are limited. It is expected that coarse,woody roots and stumps will reach a nearly stablemass in mature willow biomass systems that will re-main for the lifetime of the system (circa 20 years).To estimate this mature below-ground biomass,willow data from Matthews [10], Zan [31] and Volk(unpublished data) were aggregated and a shoot:rootratio was plotted as a function of stool age (data notshown). From this graph, an asymtotic shoot:rootratio of 1.75 was estimated. Using this ratio and as-sumed shoot harvest yields from mature (3rd rotation)plantations, the maximum accumulated below groundbiomass was calculated, and carbon stored was esti-mated assuming a root carbon content equivalent tothat of stem biomass (Table 5). This estimate must beconsidered preliminary. It is intended to demonstratethe order of magnitude of potential carbon storage inSRWC root biomass.

2.6. Soil carbon

It has been shown in the agricultural and soil sci-ence literature that switching from conventional tillageto no-till practices can accumulate soil organic carbonlevels on a decade time scale [32–34]. Given the rela-tive infancy of SRWC plantations, the e@ect of SRWCon soil organic carbon is not well known, althoughit is suspected that there is potential to sequester soilcarbon in long-term (20 year) plantations on histori-cally tilled soils [35,36]. No signi?cant change in soilcarbon was seen in a chronosequence study of willowcrops that were 2–12 years old [37]. The base-case inthis study thus assumes zero net soil carbon seques-tration or loss.

2.7. Soil emissions

2.7.1. Ammonia volatilizationAmmonia (NH3) volatilization from fertilized soils

is essentially a physicochemical process and is de-pendent on fertilizer type, and in some cases soil

pH, soil type and weather conditions [38]. Emissionsfrom urea fertilizer are typically the highest and mostvariable, ranging from 6% to 47% of applied N.Other fertilizer types (ammonium nitrate, compoundfertilizers) demonstrate emissions on the order of1–2% of applied N. NH3 emissions from applicationof ammonium sulfate, the base-case fertilizer usedhere, have proven to be highly pH dependent, withsuggested emission factors of 2% for pH¡ 7 and 18%for pH¿ 7 [38]. Currently established willow cropsin western NY have soil pHs in the 5–6 range. In thisstudy, an ammonia volatilization factor of 2% wasassumed.For the application of biosolids, ammonia volatiliza-

tion is estimated according to EPA land applicationprocess design guidelines [39]. A volatilization fac-tor of 50% of applied NH4-N is recommended forsurface applied biosolids.

2.7.2. Nitrous oxide (N2O)N2O is a persistent greenhouse gas produced natu-

rally in soils through the processes of nitri?cation anddenitri?cation. Agricultural soils are estimated to con-tribute nearly 70% of the anthropogenic N2O emis-sions in the US [40]. Evolution of N2O is governed bya complex array of agriculture practices, biogenic pro-cesses, soil properties, and climatic conditions [41].The addition of nitrogen to agricultural systems in theform of synthetic fertilizer, biosolids and increasedbiological N-?xation enhances N2O formation, al-though formation is also regulated by such factorsas temperature, pH and soil moisture content. Due tolimited available data for inclusion of crop, soil, andclimatic factors, the IPCC Guidelines recommendestimating direct N2O emissions from the addition ofsynthetic fertilizer as a simple function of the amountof fertilizer added (N2O-N emitted = 1:25 ± 1% ofN addition) [42]. This relation provides an order ofmagnitude estimate of N2O emissions and will beused in this study. Note that estimated N loss dueto ammonia volatilization is subtracted from the Naddition before estimating N2O emissions with thisrelation.The revised 1996 IPCC guidelines recommend

including N2O emissions from the decompositionof crop residues recycled to agricultural soils. Therecommended method of calculation is to estimatethe nitrogen returned to soils in crop residues and

154 M.C. Heller et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147–165

apply the same N2O emission factor used for syntheticfertilizer application [42]. Annual leaf senescencein willow crops constitutes a signi?cant addition of“crop residue” with relatively high nitrogen contentto the soil. Since leaf litter is not incorporated into thesoil through tillage and thus accumulates on the soilsurface, it is expected that decomposition under mostcircumstances will be primarily aerobic, thus minimiz-ing the N2O created by denitri?cation (an anaerobicprocess). Still, leaf litter as a source of N2O emissionsis included in this study (calculated according to theIPCC Guidelines) to indicate its potential signi?cance.An annual leaf senescence of 3800 kg ha−1 yr−1

[43] and a leaf N content of 1.5% [43,44] wasassumed.

2.8. Nitrogen balance

In addition to fertilizer inputs, the model alsoaccounts for atmospheric N deposition at a rate of16 kg N ha−1yr−1 [45]. Nitrogen removal, or out-puts, include NH3 and N2O emissions and harvestedbiomass (N content according to Table 5). N2O lossesfrom leaf litter are not accounted for in this balance.Nitrate leaching ?eld data are not yet available fromlarge-scale SRWC in NY. Since fertilizer is not ap-plied during the establishment year, which is whenSRWC systems are most susceptible to nitrate leach-ing [46–48], it is assumed in this assessment thatsigni?cant nitrate leaching does not occur. Nitrogencontent of the soil prior to planting is also not ac-counted for in the elementary N balance conductedhere.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Energy analysis

Fertilization and harvesting account for the major-ity of the 98:3 GJ ha−1 of primary energy consumedover seven harvest rotations of willow biomass crops(Fig. 2). Fertilizer manufacturing itself makes up 91%of the energy consumed in the fertilization step, whilethe nursery production of willow cuttings constitute76% of the planting step. Overall establishment of thecrop and management through to the end of the ?rstrotation accounts for 36% of the total primary energy

use. Direct energy inputs of diesel fuel represent 46%of the total energy use, while indirect inputs (agricul-tural chemicals, machinery, nursery operation) com-pose the balance (Fig. 3).The net energy ratio (harvested biomass energy

at the farm gate divided by fossil energy consumedin production) for agricultural production of willowbiomass after the ?rst rotation is 16.6. This ratioincreases to 55.3 when considering output and con-sumption over the full seven rotations (Table 6). Inother words, according to our model, 55 units of en-ergy stored in biomass are produced with one unit offossil energy. The net energy ratio for the system isdirectly proportional to total yield as the reasonableyield range based on experience in NY, and pre-sented in Table 6, demonstrates. Biomass yield isdependent on a wide array of factors including cropgenetics, soil fertility, weather, site preparation, weedcompetition, insect and disease damage, and animalbrowse.The net energy ratio presented here is on the high

end of values reported in the literature for the pro-duction of woody biomass (see Table 4 in [10]).Much of the range seen in earlier reportings and thediscrepancy with our estimates can be attributed tomajor di@erences in growing and processing methods(for example, the inclusion of irrigation or activedrying), fertilizer application rates (see Section 3.3below) and biomass yield assumptions. When thecontributions from storage and drying, fence erectionand maintenance, and transportation are not includedin Matthews’ energy budget of a SRWC productionsystem in the UK, the resulting net energy ratio is 65[10]. Mann and Spath conducted a LCA study of abiomass gasi?cation combined-cycle system fed withbiomass feedstock from a hybrid poplar cropping sys-tem grown on 7-year rotations [7]. They report a netenergy ratio of 55 (recalculated to represent energyin biomass divided by energy consumed in feedstockproduction).

3.2. Greenhouse gas emissions

A predominant environmental bene?t of biomassenergy is its apparent carbon neutrality with respectto the atmosphere: that is, the CO2 emitted in uti-lizing the biomass energy is balanced by the CO2absorbed in growing the biomass crop, resulting in

M.C. Heller et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147–165 155

Fig. 2. Primary energy use for major cropping events during the 23 year lifespan of willow biomass crops in New York. “Field preparations”encompasses all of the tilling and weed control activities leading up to planting, including the manufacture of herbicidal inputs. “Planting”includes the nursery production of willow cuttings and the planting operation itself. “Fertilizer manufacturing and application” includesthe manufacture and transportation of ammonium sulfate as well as ?eld application of the fertilizer.

no net increase in atmospheric CO2. However, othersources of CO2 emissions that exist in the system(tractor operation, fertilizer manufacturing, etc.) mustbe considered. In addition, emissions of other green-house gases, such as N2O, will also contribute tothe net global warming potential of the system. Onthe other hand, there are potential carbon storagepools in the willow coppice system that may deserveattention. Here we demonstrate the relative magni-tudes of the various contributors to the system netglobal warming potential in an attempt to highlighttheir respective importance. Table 7 presents esti-mates for these greenhouse gas 9ows per hectareof willow plantation, accumulated over 7 rotations(23 years).

Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from dieselfuel combustion and the manufacture of agricul-tural inputs are predominantly CO2; together theseemissions are equivalent to 1.3% of the carbon thatis harvested as biomass. Considering only the CO2emissions from diesel combustion and agriculturalinputs, 0:31 g C is emitted per MJ of biomass pro-duced. Matthews reports a carbon emissions coeA-cient of 1:4 g C MJ−1 [10]. However, if Matthews’value is adjusted by excluding the contributions ofmajor system di@erences (fence, storage/drying, trans-portation) the result is comparable (0:37 g C MJ−1).Fertilizer manufacturing constitutes 75% of the green-house gas emissions included under the heading“agricultural inputs” in Table 7.

156 M.C. Heller et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147–165

herbicide manuf.


fertilizer manuf.


ag. chemical transport


farm machinery manuf.


nursery operations


diesel used in farm equipment


Fig. 3. Breakdown by activity type of primary energy used in producing willow biomass crops.

As indicated, estimates of N2O emissions are basedon IPCC guidelines and do not account for di@erencesthat may exist due to fertilizer type, soil type and/ordrainage, or other site speci?c parameters. E@ortshave been made to determine the e@ect of fertilizertype on N2O emissions (for example, see the reviewby Harrison and Webb [38]) and in general, empiri-cal emission measurements from anhydrous ammonia(2–5% applied N) are higher than the IPCC estimatewhile emissions from ammonium, urea, and nitratebased fertilizers tend to be on the low end of the IPCCestimate range. However, weather, timing of fertilizerapplication, and possibly soil type (drainage) are largefactors. N2O emissions are generally higher under wetconditions (spring application, poorly drained soil)as denitri?cation is an anaerobic process. Review ofempirical studies suggest that emissions from nitratebased fertilizers can be signi?cantly greater than am-monium based fertilizers (e.g. ammonium sulfate) un-der wet conditions. Speci?c reports of emissions fromammonium sulfate would suggest that spring applica-tion of ammonium sulfate would result in emissions at

or below the low end of the IPCC range (i.e.,¡0.25%of applied N) [38]. Thus the N2O emission estimatespresented in Table 7 would seem to be an upperbounds.Annual leaf senescence in willow biomass crops is

signi?cant (3:8± 0:2 Mg ha−1 yr−1) [43]. Typically,the nutrients contained in leaf litter are consideredto remain within the system, becoming availablefor successive tree growth as the leaves decompose.However, the microbial processes that cause decom-position can also result in atmospheric losses as N2O.While losses are small (again, likely overestimatedby the IPCC correlation), the quantity of leaf litter inSRWC as well as the high global warming potential ofN2O (296 times that of CO2) amplify the e@ect. Still,our upper-bound estimates of N2O emissions from leaflitter amount to only 1.5% (uncertainty range: 0.3–2.6%) of the harvested biomass on a CO2-equivalentsbasis.Below-ground biomass in the form of coarse roots

and stools presents a short-term (1–2 decade), re-versible carbon storage pool. Coarse root biomass

M.C. Heller et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147–165 157

Table 6E@ects of yield assumptions on the net energy ratio at the farm gate for willow biomass crops grown in NY

Yield parameters Model results

Starting yield Yield increase Total yield Energy input Energy ratio

(odt ha−1) (%) (MJ ha−1) (odt ha−1) (MJ odt−1biomass) (MJout MJ−1in ) % of base case

10 (base case) 36 5,434,950 274.4 358.1 55.36 36 3,264,620 164.8 596.1 33.2 60.415 36 8,161,560 412.1 238.5 83.0 15110 5 4,331,340 218.8 449.2 44.1 79.710 100 7,713,350 389.6 252.3 78.5 142.0

increases as the willow stand matures, but is expectedto reach a relatively stable level in mature plantationswith minor variation due to above-ground harvestcycles. Thus, unlike above-ground biomass that ac-cumulates with successive harvests, below-groundbiomass maintains a steady state for much of thecrop’s lifetime. At the end of the crop’s life, roots andstumps will likely be left in the soil to decompose,releasing much of the accumulated carbon as CO2. Ifthe site is re-planted to willow, growth of a new rootsystem will o@set CO2 emissions from decomposingold roots and stools, but no additional net accumula-tion will be realized. Sequestration on this time scalemay be relevant under future carbon emission tradingscenarios. The values presented in Table 7 are basedon the limited data available, but are intended to pro-vide an order-of-magnitude estimate of below-groundsequestration potential.Our inventory assumes no net change in soil carbon

in the willow system. The potential to sequester carbonin soil under SRWC systems is very site-speci?c and isdependent on factors such as former and current man-agement practices, climate, and soil characteristics.Heavy tillage can result in decreases in soil organicmatter. A site history of conventional tillage withoutsuAcient reintroduction of organic matter throughcrop residues, cover cropping or manure can lead to asigni?cant depletion of soil organic matter [32]. Intro-duction of SRWC on such a site would likely result inincreases in soil organic matter due to reduced tillageand inputs of leaf litter and ?ne root mass. On the otherhand, converting grasslands or, in the extreme, peatbogs which are high in organic matter, to SRWC may

Table 7Greenhouse gas 9owsa per hectare over 7 rotations for the basecase (ammonium sulfate fertilizer)

CO2 Other GHG TotalMg CO2eq: ha−1

EmissionsDiesel fuel +3.12 +0.06 +3.18Ag. inputsb +2.97 +0.40 +3.37N2O from applied N +3:97(±3:17)c +3.97N2O from leaf litter +7:28(±5:83)c +7.28

C sequestrationBelow ground biomass −14:10 −14:10Soil carbon 0 0

Net total −8:01 +11:7(±9:0)c +3.7Harvested biomass −499:2 −499:2aPositive values indicate additions (releases) to the atmosphere.bIncludes fertilizer and herbicide manufacturing and transport,

machinery manufacturing, and nursery operations.cBracketed numbers represent the N2O emission range presented

by the IPCC estimate [42].

result in decreases in soil organic carbon [10,36]. Fur-thermore, it is expected that soils will reach a steadystate of carbon content slowly, on a decade time scale,making measurement of change diAcult. Short-termchanges in soil carbon under perennial bioenergycrops have been reported [49,50] but the long-termsigni?cance of these changes remain uncertain. Westand Marland [33] report a carbon sequestration rateupon switching from a history of conventional tillageto no-till, averaged across a variety of crops and over

158 M.C. Heller et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147–165

an average experiment duration of 17 years. Theirreported value (337 ± 108 kg C ha−1yr−1) amountsto 24:7 ± 7:9 Mg CO2 ha−1 over 20 years. Achiev-ing such a level of sequestration in SRWC woulddominate the other GHG 9ows in the system, result-ing in a net decrease in global warming potential.It is important to note, however, that sequestra-tion of carbon in the soil is neither permanent norconstant.

3.3. Fertilizer application rates and N balance

Fertilizer inputs are energy intensive and stronglyin9uence the energy performance of the overallbiomass production system. Fig. 4 shows the overallsystem energy eAciency (net energy ratio) plot-ted as a function of fertilizer application rate. Thenet energy ratio peaks at 58 with the application of48 kg N ha−1 rotation−1 and then decreases to below40 with 300 kg N ha−1 rotation−1. However, a sim-ple input–output nitrogen balance suggests that thereis a net reduction in system nitrogen over the 23-yearcrop lifetime at fertilizer application rates below150 kg N ha−1 rotation−1 (Fig. 4). While there ap-pears to be an optimal energy eAciency at a fertiliza-tion rate below the base-case 100 kg ha−1 rotation−1,this energy optima may not correspond with the op-timal economic fertilizer application rate. Further, itmay be preferable to maximize yield per hectare (landuse optimization) at the expense of a slight decreasein energy eAciency. At higher N application rates,however, a surplus accumulates, i.e., more N is beingapplied than is removed in harvested biomass. Sur-plus N is sometimes used as an indicator of leachingpotential [11], but studies show that N leaching isvery low in willow crops even at high N applicationrates [46,47]. Note that the curves in Fig. 4 are basedon Eq. (3) and must be validated with additionaldata.

3.4. Management scenarios

Table 8 summarizes environmental impact indica-tors for a select group of potential fertilization andweed control scenarios. Note that due to unavailabledata, willow biomass yields are assumed to remainunchanged in these scenarios. Thus, the comparisonspresented in Table 8 primarily re9ect the in9uence of

ancillary inputs (e.g., fertilizer manufacturing,changes in diesel consumption).Sulfur-coated urea is a slow-release fertilizer that

has been used on some willow biomass crops in NY.Since fertilization is only practical early in the year fol-lowing harvest, a controlled-release product has beenconsidered in order to make N available over a longerperiod and reduce the potential for N losses fromthe system. Data available suggest that slow-releasefertilization has no impact on biomass yield [29,30],but the fact alone that urea requires more energyto manufacture than ammonia (76 MJ kg−1N vs.55 MJ kg−1N [51]) signi?cantly a@ects the systemenergy ratio. There is empirical evidence suggestingthat controlled-release fertilizers have reduced NH3and N2O emission rates [38,52] but these e@ects arenot included here.Biosolids as a nutrient source are an attractive op-

tion for SRWC from the perspective of both biosolidsutilization/disposal as well as biomass productioneconomics. Fertilization with biosolids have a favor-able a@ect on system energy eAciency, due to avoid-ance of the large energy cost of producing inorganicN fertilizer (Table 8). Biosolids likely have an addedbene?t that is not captured in this analysis: additionalN will mineralize and become available to the treesafter the application year. Biosolids application rateswere modeled so that 100 kg N would be availableto the plants in the application year (based on theNH4-N and NO3-N of the biosolids, and an estimatedmineralization of organic N [39]). But the remain-ing organic N will continue to mineralize throughoutthe rotation. For example, EPA’s recommended min-eralization rate estimates indicate an additional 28and 13 kg N ha−1 would be available in the secondand third year, respectively, following application ofSyracuse biosolids. Biosolids also contain apprecia-ble quantities of P and K that could be utilized by thegrowing willows. Available data are not suAcient topredict the extent to which additional nutrient avail-ability would increase biomass yield, but any yieldincrease would further improve the system energyratio. Biosolids also introduce organic matter to thesoil, resulting in increased soil carbon sequestration[29]. On the other hand, adding readily available car-bon along with a nitrogen source can increase N2Oproduction [53] (not accounted for here). Higherammonia volatilization is also expected with biosolids

M.C. Heller et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147–165 159










0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Fertilizer application rate (kg-N ha -1 rotation -1)














N b


ce a


7 r





energy ratio

N balance

Fig. 4. Net energy ratio (biomass energy at farm gate/ fossil energy consumed) and system nitrogen balance as a function of fertilizerapplication rate for willow biomass crops grown in New York. Note that the curves are based on limited empirical yield data (see Eq.(3)) and must be considered provisional.

Table 8Willow production alternative management scenarios

Scenario Energy ratio Global warming Air acidi?cation Eutrophicationpotentiala potential potentialb

(MJout MJ−1in ) (Mg CO2 eq: ha−1) (kg SO2 eq: ha

−1) (kg PO4 eq: ha−1)

FertilizerAmmonium sulfate (base case) 55 10.5 127.6 13.0Sulfur-coated urea 45 11.1 77.7 13.7Biosolids (Syracuse) 73 9.0 306.1 65.6Biosolids (Little Valley) 80 8.5 115.2 23.7

Herbicide-free 54 10.8 130.2 13.6

aDoes not include biomass carbon 9ows (harvested or belowground) or N2O from leaf litter.bDoes not include nutrient run-o@ or leaching from fertilizer additions.

application, which is the primary contributor to theincreased acidi?cation and eutrophication potentialseen in Table 8. An additional concern with the useof sewage sludge biosolids is the introduction of traceheavy metals into the soil (see Appendix A (Table14) for representative data of biosolid heavy metal

concentrations). Numerous studies from Sweden [5]and Canada [54] demonstrate that heavy metal leach-ing and/or accumulation are insigni?cant in SRWCwillows fertilized with biosolids. Salix clones showmarked speci?city in taking up some heavy metals,and some clones have demonstrated a high capacity to

160 M.C. Heller et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147–165

accumulate heavy metals such as cadmium and zinc[55]. If accumulated concentrations in the biomassare high, heavy metals could be removed from the ashthrough 9ue gas cleaning when the biomass is com-busted [56], thus providing a means for concentrat-ing and removing the metals as an environmentalpollutant.The herbicide free scenario presented in Table 8 in-

volves increased mechanical weed control in place ofchemical herbicides. Two additional cultivation passesprior to planting and 4 total ‘?rst year weed control’cultivation passes were substituted for post-emergentand pre-emergent herbicide applications. While ?eldtrials would need to be conducted to demonstratethe e@ectiveness of weed control under this scenario(it is assumed that yield is una@ected), the resultssuggest that such a scenario has minimal a@ect onsystem energy consumption and tracked emissions(Table 8).

3.5. Implications for willow biomass electricitygeneration

While willow biomass could serve as lignocel-lulosic feedstock for a variety of bioproduct andbioenergy applications, the near-term commercialpotential is to utilize the biomass to produce elec-tricity. Biomass energy conversion technologies cur-rently in the commercial or commercial-prototypestage include co-?ring with coal in existing boil-ers, direct-?red boiler/steam turbine generation, andgasi?cation. EAciencies for these electricity-onlyenergy conversion processes range from 20% for an-tiquated, direct-?red boiler systems to eAciencies inthe high 30s for gasi?cation combined cycle systems[1]. The full biomass-to-electricity system will bethe focus of future communications; here we givepreliminary consideration to the system performanceimplications of generating electricity from willowbiomass.Additional fossil energy is required to transport

biomass to a central power generating facility. As-suming that willow crops are contained within an80 km radius around a central facility and a roadtortuosity factor of 1.8, the average transport dis-tance is 96 km. Preliminary modeling of biomasstransport by 40 tonne diesel trucks over this dis-

tance indicates that 188:9 MJ are consumed per odtof biomass (∼0:1 kJ MJ−1biomass delivered km−1). Mov-ing the biomass produced over 7 harvest rotationsfrom 1 h releases an additional 3:7 Mg CO2 eq: ha


(compare with values in Table 7), and reduces thesystem energy ratio to 36. Assuming an energy con-version eAciency of 30% and accounting for trans-portation, the base-case willow production scenariocould produce electricity with a net system energyratio of 10.9. This estimate does not include theenergy consumed in power plant construction, al-though previous studies suggest that contributionsfrom construction are small to insigni?cant [7].Supplying all of the feedstock to a 100 MW plantoperating at a 30% conversion eAciency and 80%operating capacity would require willow crops to beplanted on approximately 5% of the area within an80 km transport radius surrounding the generatingfacility.

4. Conclusions

The system performance results presented here pro-vide further evidence for the environmental bene?ts ofdedicated biomass energy. By our estimates, willowbiomass crop production in NY requires the consump-tion 0:018 MJ of non-renewable energy to produce1 MJ of renewable energy in the form of wood fuel.After transportation and energy conversion eAciencyestimates are included, the generation of electricityfrom dedicated willow biomass energy crops wouldconsume 0:092 MJ of non-renewable energy per MJof electricity generated (0:33 MJ kWh−1). By com-parison, the generation of a composite kilowatt-hourof electricity under the current US fuel mix consumes11:2 MJ kWh−1 [57]. The manufacture of inorganicfertilizer accounts for nearly 40% of the energy cost ofproducing willow biomass. Great opportunity existsto improve the system energy performance throughthe use of organic waste streams such as sewagesludge biosolids as a nutrient source. Utilization ofbiosolids in biomass energy production can increasethe net energy ratio by more than 40% and alsoprovides a productive use for what was previouslytreated as a waste stream. Further eAciencies can begained through continued research into the in9uence

M.C. Heller et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147–165 161

of fertilizer type and application rates on biomassproductivity.System greenhouse gas 9ows, including emissions

from direct and indirect fuel use, N2O emissions fromapplied fertilizer and leaf litter, and carbon sequestra-tion in below ground biomass and soil carbon, total to3:7 Mg CO2 eq: ha

−1 over 23 years of willow energycrops, or 0:68 g CO2 eq: MJ

−1 of biomass energyproduced. If the more uncertain of these contribu-tions, N2O from leaf litter and below ground carbonsequestration, are not included, the net greenhousegas emissions are 1:9 g CO2 eq: MJ

−1 of biomassenergy produced. Estimated transportation of biomassto a central power generating facility would con-tribute an additional 0:68 g CO2 eq: MJ

−1 delivered.Unlike fossil-based energy systems, however, thesepre-combustion emissions comprise the net systememissions since combustion of biomass is CO2 neu-tral. The global warming potential of nitrous oxideemissions resulting from the addition of N-fertilizer isroughly equivalent to the emissions from tractor oper-ation. Preliminary estimates of the N2O released fromthe decomposition of leaf litter suggest that the contri-bution may be signi?cant, but additional investigationis necessary to better quantify these releases.While thecurrent assessment assumes no change in soil carbonunder willow biomass crops, the potential carbon se-questration could easily o@set system greenhouse gasemissions.System evaluation is ultimately limited by data

availability. In addition to estimating system environ-mental performance and demonstrating the relativecontribution of individual stages, life cycle assess-ment can also aid in identifying the signi?cance ofmajor data gaps and uncertainties. More accuratedata are needed for important aspects including soilcarbon behavior under willow SRWC, below-groundbiomass accumulation, N2O emissions from fertil-ized soils, and overall system nutrient balances. Amore comprehensive assessment would consider ad-ditional impacts such as human toxicity, ecologicaltoxicity, and land use. It would also be desirableto incorporate the spatial and temporal distributionsof emissions since many impacts are experiencedlocally or regionally. These additions to the assess-ment would provide further metrics for evaluatingand improving the system, but they are not expectedto change the energy performance conclusions. The

present analysis clearly demonstrates the sustainabil-ity of the willow biomass system from an energyperspective.


This research is funded by a postdoctoral fellowshipgrant from the National Research Initiative Competi-tive Grants Program of the United States Departmentof Agriculture (USDA Award no. 00-35314-09998).

Appendix A.

Manufacturing requirements for ancillary inputs towillow cropping system and characteristics of sewagesludge biosolids are presented in Tables 9–14.

Table 9Tractor manufacturing (per kg of typical ?eld ready agriculturaltractor)

Materialsa kg kg−1 tractor

Aluminum 0.0033Copper 0.00083Fuel and oilb 0.042Glass 0.0020Cast iron 0.67Plasticc 0.0085Steel 0.11Tire rubber 0.16

Manufacturing and assembly energyd MJ kg−1 tractor

Process energy 24.42Transportation energy 1.00Feedstock energy 0.63Total primary energy 26.04

Non-renewable energy 25.51Renewable energy 0.53

aMaterial demand estimated from personal communication withDavid Newcom, product engineer, John Deere Waterloo Plant,Waterloo, IA.b“Fuel and oil” breakdown estimated as follows: diesel fuel,

84%; engine oil, 5%; transaxle oil, 11%.c“Plastic” breakdown estimated as follows: polyurethane, 25%;

polypropylene, 37.5%; acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, 37.5%.dManufacturing and Assembly energy requirements estimated

by scaling on a weight basis the energy requirements in “LifeCycle Inventory of a Generic Vehicle” [58].

162 M.C. Heller et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147–165

Table 10Inputs for manufacturing of farm implements (per kg implementweight) [59]

Iron ore 1:44 kgLimestone 0:32 kgElectricity 3:3 kWhMineral oila 0:77 lDiesel oil 0:29 lNatural gas 0:19 m3

aMineral oil input was modeled with “lubricant (unspeci?ed)”.

Table 11Inputs for sulfur-coated urea manufacture (per kg sulfur-coatedurea) [51]

Granular urea 0:835 kgSulfur 0:12 kgSealant (wax and oil)a 0:021 kgProcess energy 0:50 MJ

aLubricant (unspeci?ed) substituted for sealant input 9ow.

Table 12Inputs modeled for pesticide production as reported by Green [60]

Glyphosate Simazinea Oxy9uorfenb Carbarylc Inputs modeled as

MJ kg MJ kg MJ MJ kg

(per kg active ingredient)

Naphtha 33.0 0.752 43.2 0.98 11.0 0.25 Petrochemical feedstocksNatural gas 93.0 1.76 68.8 1.30 48.0 0.91 Nat. gasCoke 26.0 0.61 Petroleum cokeFuel oil 1.0 0.023 14.4 0.34 1.0 0.023 Heavy fuel oilElectricity 227 37.2 54.0 US average

productionSteam 100 24.7 13.0 Heavy fuel oil

burned in industrial boilerTotal manuf. 454 190 215 153of AIFormulation 20 20 20 30Packaging 2 2 2 2

aSimazine manufacturing approximated with data for chemically similar atrazine.bManufacturing data unavailable of oxy9uorfen; manufacturing energy requirements estimated by average herbicide energy reported by

[61].cInsecticide used in nursery production.

Table 13Nursery production of willow planting stocka

InputsDiesel oil (used as fuel) 227 lLiqui?ed petroleum gas (1pg, used as fuel) 30:2 kgGasoline (used as fuel) 757 lElectricity 9000 kW hHeavy fuel oil (used for heat) 2271 lWood (for heat) 1296 kgCarbaryl (insecticide) 6:53 kg AIGlyphosate (herbicide) 3:63 kg AIGranular mixed fertilizer (15–15–15) 3289 kgAmmonium sulfate fertilizer 249 kgUrea fertilizer 249 kgSurface water (for irrigation) 10,902,000 l

OutputPlanting stock 456,437 units

aData from Saratoga Tree Nursery, Saratoga Springs, NY.

M.C. Heller et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 147–165 163

Table 14Characteristics of representative sewage sludge biosolids from twoNY municipalities

Syracuse, NY Little Valley, NY

Calculated application ratea 6.9 5.6(tonnes ha−1)

Nutrients (g kg−1)NH4-N 5.6 2NO3-N 0 0.05Organic N 38.7 56.0K 0.9 3.3P 23.1 21

Trace metals (mg kg−1)Mercury Na 4Arsenic Na 2Cadmium 16 3.4Chromium 63.8 22Molybdenum 18.6 2.1Lead 74.9 64Nickel 20.9 22Zinc 432 800Copper 647 540Magnesium 5.5 NaCalcium 33.4 Na

Data from [62] and personal communication with New YorkState Department of Environmental Conservation Region 9 oAce.aCalculated to provide 100 kg plant-available-N ha−1.


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