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Lava- und Kalkhöhlen in Jordanien

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l Stephan Kempe Publikationsliste Stand Oktober 2012 Literaturverzeichnis einsehbar unter: http://www.tu-darmstadt.de/fb/geo/gpi/kempe/kempe.htm Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften Technische Universität Darmstadt Schnittspahnstr. 9 64287 Darmstadt 1


Stephan Kempe

Publikationsliste Stand Oktober 2012

Literaturverzeichnis einsehbar unter:


Institut für Angewandte GeowissenschaftenTechnische Universität Darmstadt

Schnittspahnstr. 964287 Darmstadt


A) Bücher:

Stephan Erika Kempe, . Mattern, Friedrich Reinboth, Martin Seeger & Firous Vladi (1972): Die Jettenhöhle bei Düna und ihre Umgebung. - Abh. Karst- u. Höhlenkunde A6, 63 pp.

Bert Bolin , Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & Peter Ketner (eds.) (1979): The Global Carbon Cycle. - SCOPE Report 13, Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, J. Wiley & Sons: 491 pp.

Stephan Kempe (ed.) (1982): Höhlen in Deutschland. - Bildatlas Spezial 4, 114 pp., HB-Verlag, Hamburg.

Egon T. Degens., Stephan Kempe & H. Soliman (eds.) (1983): Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers, Pt. 2. - Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 55: 535 pp.

Egon T. Degens., Stephan Kempe & Raffael Herrera (eds.) (1985): Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers, Pt. 3. - Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 58: 645 pp.

Egon T. Degens., Stephan Kempe & Gan Weibin (eds.) (1987): Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers, Pt. 4. - Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 64: 512 pp.

Stephan Kempe, Friedrich Reinboth & Fridjof Knolle (Red.) (1985): Die Iberger Tropfsteinhöhle bei Bad Grund (Harz). - Bad Grund: 58 pp.

Stephan Kempe, Gerd Liebezeit, Volkert Dethlefsen & Uwe Harms (eds.) (1988): Biogeochemistry and Distribution of Suspended Matter in the North Sea and Implications to Fisheries Biology. - Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 65: 547 pp.

Egon T. Degens., Stephan Kempe & S. Naidu (eds.) (1988): Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers, Pt. 5. - Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 66: 422 pp.

Venu Ittekkot, Stephan Kempe, Walter Michaelis & Alejandro Spitzy (eds.) (1990): Facets of Modern Biogeochemistry. Festschrift for Egon T. Degens on occasion of his 60th birthday. - Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Springer-Verlag: 433 pp.

Egon T. Degens., Stephan Kempe & Jeffrey E. Richey (eds.) (1991): Biogeochemistry of Major World Rivers. - SCOPE Report 42, Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore, J. Wiley & Sons: 356 pp.

Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe, Ala Lein & Y. Sorokin (eds.) (1992): Interactions of Biogeochemical Cycles in Aqueous Systems, Pt. 7. - Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 72: 289pp.

Stephan Kempe Doerke Eisma & Egon T. Degens (eds.) (1993), Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries and Coastal Seas, Pt. 6. - Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 74: 327pp.

Stephan Kempe (ed.) (1997): Höhlen, Welt voller Geheimnisse- HB Bildatlas Sonderausgabe 17, 114 pp., HB-Verlag, Hamburg.

Stephan Kempe (deutscher Text), Andrej Kranji, . (ed.) (2007): Die Höhle von Postojna, Touristenführer. – Tourismus AG, Postojna, 95pp.

Horst-Volker Henschel, & Stephan Kempe (2007): Darmstadts „Unterwelt“. – Justus-Liebig Verlag, Darmstadt, 120 pp., 2. Aufl. 2009 124 pp.

Stephan Kempe & Wilfried Rosendahl, (Hrsg.) (2008): Höhlen: verborgene Welten. – Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt, Darmstadt, 168 pp.

Arnold Hanselmeier, Stephan Kempe, & Josef Seckbach, , (eds.) (2012): Life on Earth and Other Planetary Bodies. – Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology Volume 24, 533pp, Springer: Dortrecht, Heidelberg, New York London. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-4966-5

Wissenschaftliche Beratung der Deutschen Ausgaben:

Jackson, D.D. (1983): Höhlen: Der Planet Erde. - Amsterdam, Time Life Bücher: 176 pp.

Pringle, L. (1985): Seen und Flüsse: Der Planet Erde. - Amsterdam, Time Life Bücher: 176 pp.

Mitarbeit an geologischen Karten:

Geologische Karte der Republik Österreich, Blatt 205, St. Paul im Lavanttal, 1:50 000. - Wien, Geologische Bundesanstalt, 1989.


B) Einzelveröffentlichungen (peer-review Publikationen durch Fettdruck gekennzeichnet)

Stephan Kempe (1969): Laugnäpfe und ihre Entstehung. - Die Höhle 20/4: 111-113.

Stephan Kempe (1970): Beiträge zum Problem der Speläogenese im Gips unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Unterwasserphase. - Die Höhle 21/3: 126-134.

Stephan Kempe, (1969): Diskussionsbeitrag zu L.R. Goodman: Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Laugung bei gleichzeitiger Anwesenheit von Sediment. - Abh. 5th Intern. Speleolog. Congr. Stuttgart 1969, vol. 2: S30 1-9.

Stephan Kempe & Martin Seeger (1970): Riß-Würm-Interglazial Verkarstung der Triasscholle von Wietersdorf, Krappfeld, Kärnten. - Der Karinthin 63: 178-183.

Stephan Kempe, Martin Seeger & Firous Vladi (1970): Höhlen auf Bornholm. - Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch. 17: 8-11.

Stephan Kempe (1971): Östlicher Kernbergschacht, Kat. Nr. 4127/19. - Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch. 17: 6-7.

Stephan Kempe (1971): Lehmschacht, Kat. Nr. 4127/24. - Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch. 17: 8-11.

Stephan Kempe (1971): Speläogenetisch wirksames CO2 durch Verwitterung von Siderit? - Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch. 17: 38.

Stephan Kempe (1972): Wie steht es um das Hainholz? - Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch. 18: 11-14.

Stephan Kempe & Martin Seeger (1972): Zum Problem der Höhlengenese im Stillwassermilieu. - Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch. 18: 53-58.

Stephan Kempe (1972): Übersicht über die längsten Gipshöhlen der Welt. - Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch. 18: 97-100.

Stephan Kempe (1972): Cave genesis in gypsum with particular reference to underwater conditions. - Cave Sci., J. Brit. Spel. Ass. 49: 1-6.

Stephan Kempe (1972): Contributions to the problem of cave genesis in gypsum, with particular reference to the underwater conditions. - Nittany Grotto News 20/2: 62-70.

[Rane Curl, (1975): Die Ableitung der Fließgeschwindigkeit in Höhlen aus den Fließfacetten. - Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch. 21/3: 49-55. (Übersetzung aus dem Englischen: Stephan Kempe)]

Stephan Kempe (1975): Untersuchungen in der Kleinen Jettenhöhle bei Düna, Gem. Hörden, Kr. Osterode am Harz, I. Speläologische Untersuchungen und Ausgrabungen in der Kleinen Jettenhöhle. - Nachr. aus Niedersachsens Urgeschichte 44: 87-94.

Stephan Kempe, A. Brandt, Martin Seeger & Firous Vladi (1975): "Facetten" and "Laugdecken", the typical morphological elements of caves developing in standing water. - Ann. de Spéléologie 30/4: 705-708.

Stephan Kempe (1975): A computer program for hydrochemical problems in karstic water. - Ann. de Spéléologie 30/4: 699-702.

Stephan Kempe (1975): Siderite weathering, a non-biogenetic source of CO2 (illustrated by the Iberg/Harz/Fed. Rep. of Germany). - Ann. de Spéléologie 30/4: 703-704.

Stephan Kempe (1975): Ca and Mg organic complexes in the water (illustrated by water analyses from the River Alster, Hamburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany). - Ann. de Spéléologie 30/4: 695-698.

Stephan Kempe, A. Brandt, Martin Seeger & Firous Vladi (1976): Fünf Aspekte der Entwicklung der Gipshöhlen im Hainholz/Südharz. - Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch. 22: 7-10.

Stephan Kempe (1976): Zur Geohydrochemie des Alsterbeckens. - In "Die Hamburger Alster" (eds. H. Caspers, Egon T. Degens & K. Vollbrecht), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg 46: 199-230.

Andreas Brandt, Stephan Kempe, Martin Seeger & Firous Vladi (1976): Geochemie, Hydrographie und Morphogenese des Gipskarstgebietes von Düna/Südharz. - Geol. Jb. C 15: 3-55.

Stephan Kempe, Ch. Ketz & E. Platakis (1976): Die Gipshöhle Karagiorgaki auf Kreta. - Die Höhle 27/3: 103-113.

Stephan Kempe (1975): Höhlenbildung und Wasserkörper im Stillwasserbereich. - Akten des 6. Intern. Kongr. Speläologie, Olomouc, CSSR 1973, Sektion C a: 125-132.

Stephan Kempe (1977): Gipssinter, zur Morphologie und Mineralogie. - Die Höhle 28/2: 41-49.

Stephan Kempe & Egon T. Degens (1977): Van See: Größter Soda-See der Erde. - Umschau in Wiss. u. Techn. 77/14: 478-481.


Stephan Kempe (1977): Hydrographie, Warvenchronologie und organische Geochemie des Van Sees, Osttürkei. - Dissertation, Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg 47: 125-228.

Stephan Kempe & Christian Spaeth (1977): Excentriques: Their capillaries and growth rates. - Proc. 7th Intern. Spel. Congr. Sheffield, U.K.: 259-262.

Stephan Kempe & Rainer Hartmann (1977): Solution velocities on facets: Vessel experiments. - Proc. 7th Intern. Spel. Congr. Sheffield, U.K.: 256-258.

Stephan Kempe (1977): The relationship between prehistoric man and karst: discussion. - Bull. Nat. Speleol. Soc. 39/1: 34-35.

Stephan Kempe & Egon T. Degens (1978): Lake Van varve record: the past 10 420 years. - In "Geology of Lake Van" (eds. Egon T. Degens & F. Kurtman), Ankara, MTA Press: 56-63.

Stephan Kempe, Francis Khoo & Yüksel Gürleyik (1978): Hydrology of Lake Van and its drainage area. - In "Geology of Lake Van" (eds. Egon T. Degens & F. Kurtman), Ankara, MTA Press: 30-44.

Stephan Kempe (1978): Gypsum caves of the world. - Nat. Spel. Soc. News 1978/11: 159-161.

Bert Bolin , Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & Peter Ketner (1978): The global carbon cycle. - In "Carbon Dioxide, Climate and Society" (ed. J. Williams), Oxford, New York, Toronto, Sydney, Paris, Frankfurt, Pergamon Press: 35-38.

Stephan Kempe & Egon T. Degens (1979): Varves in the Black Sea and Lake Van/Turkey. - In "Moraines and Varves" (ed. C. Schlüter), Rotterdam, Balkema: 309-318.

Bert Bolin , Egon T. Degens, Paul Duvigneaud & Stephan Kempe (1979): The global biogeochemical carbon cycle. - In "The Global Carbon Cycle" (eds. B. Bolin, Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & Peter Ketner ), SCOPE Report 13, Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, J. Wiley & Sons: 1-56.

Stephan Kempe (1979): Carbon in the freshwater cycle. - In "The Global Carbon Cycle" (eds. B. Bolin, Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & Peter Ketner ), SCOPE Report 13, Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, J. Wiley & Sons: 317-342.

Stephan Kempe (1979): Carbon in the rock cycle. - In "The Global Carbon Cycle" (eds. B. Bolin, Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & Peter Ketner ), SCOPE Report 13, Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, J. Wiley & Sons: 343-377.

Stephan Kempe & Christhild Ketz-Kempe (1979): Fire and ice atop Hawaii. - Nat. Spel. Soc. News 37/8: 185-188.

Stephan Kempe & Kay Emeis (1979): Geschichte einer Schlotte im Naturschutzgebiet Hainholz/Südharz. - Heimatblätter für den Südwestlichen Harzrand 35: 63-74.

Stephan Kempe (1979): Das Gipskarstgebiet Hainholz, Gefahr für ein bedeutendes Naturdenkmal im Südharz. - Naturschutz und Naturparke 95: 33-40.

Stephan Kempe (1979): Three caves on Mauna Loa and Kilauea, Hawaii. - Limestone Ledger 11/6: 37-43.

Stephan Kempe & Christhild Ketz-Kempe (1979): Three lava tubes on Hawaii, a caving report. - Limestone Ledger 11/7: 47-53.

Egon T. Degens. & Stephan Kempe (1980): Istoriya CO2. - In "Komplexnyi Global'nyi Monitoring Zagryazneniya Okruzhayushchei Sredy", Leningrad, 1980: 50-61.

Egon T. Degens., Walter Michaelis, Curado Garrasi, Kenneth Mopper, Stephan Kempe & Venu Ittekkot (1980): Warven-Chronologie und frühdiagenetische Umsetzungen organischer Substanzen holozäner Sedimente des Schwarzen Meeres. - N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh. 1980/2: 65-86.

Stephan Kempe (1980): Les plus grandes cavités du gypse. - In "Les grandes cavités en roches pseudokarstiques ou non-karstiques" (ed. C. Chabert), Spelunca 1980/3: 109-115.

Stephan Kempe, Bernd Mycke & Martin Seeger (1981): Flußfrachten und Erosionsdaten in Mitteleuropa. - Wasser und Boden 3: 126-131.

Stephan Kempe & Kay Emeis (1981): Carbonaceous sediments in a gypsum karst (Hainholz/South Harz, Fed. Rep. of Germany). - Proc. 8th Intern. Spel. Congr. Bowling Green, Kent.: 568-570.

Egon T. Degens., How Kin Wong & Stephan Kempe (1981): Factors controlling global climate of the past and the future. - In "Some Perspectives of the Major Biogeochemical Cycles" (ed. G.E. Likens), SCOPE Report 17, Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, J. Wiley & Sons: 3-24.


Stephan Kempe (1981): Long-term CO2 pressure fluctuations in selected rivers. - Proc. WMO/UNEP/ICSU Scientific Conference on Analysis and Interpretation of Atmospheric CO2 Data, Bern, Sept. 14-18, 1981: 137-144.

Stephan Kempe & Kay Emeis (1981): Bracks der Hamburger Elbmarschen, Teil 2: Mikroskopische und chemische Untersuchungen. - Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Schriftenreihe der Behörde für Bezirksangelegenheiten, Naturschutz und Umweltgestaltung 2: 35-99.

Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & Alejandro Spitzy (1981): Mögliche Auswirkungen einer globalen Erwärmung durch CO2-Emission. - Contract work for the Federal Environmental Agency and the Battelle-Institut, "Die Auswirkungen von CO2-Emissionen auf das Klima", Bd. 2, Frankfurt am Main, 50-153.

Stephan Kempe (1982): Long-term records of CO2 pressure fluctuations in fresh waters. - Habilitationsschrift. In "Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers", Pt. 1 (ed. Egon T. Degens), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 52: 91-332.

Stephan Kempe (1982): VALDIVIA Cruise, October 1981: Carbonate equilibria in the estuaries of Elbe, Weser, Ems and in the Southern German Bight. - In "Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers", Pt. 1 (ed. Egon T. Degens), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 52: 719-742.

Egon T. Degens. & Stephan Kempe (1982): Riverine carbon - an outlook. - In "Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers", Pt. 1 (ed. Egon T. Degens), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 52: 757-765.

Stephan Kempe (1982): Ergebnisse einer Umfrage bei den Schauhöhlen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. - Die Höhle 33/1: 8-13.

Stephan Kempe (1983): Impact of Aswan High Dam on water chemistry of the Nile. - In "Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers", Pt. 2 (eds. Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & H. Soliman), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE-UNEP Sonderband 55: 401-423.

Stephan Kempe & Roy Jameson (1983): Geochemistry of the Friars Hole Cave trunk stream at low discharge. - In "Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers", Pt. 2 (eds. Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & H. Soliman), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE-UNEP Sonderband 55: 153-166.

Stephan Kempe & Ute Lammerz (1983): Statistical interpretation of hydrochemical data from major world rivers. - In "Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers", Pt. 2 (eds. Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & H. Soliman), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE-UNEP Sonderband 55: 39-54.

Roger Pocklington & Stephan Kempe (1983): A comparison of methods for POC determination in the St. Lawrence River. - In "Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers", Pt. 2 (eds. Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & H. Soliman), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE-UNEP Sonderband 55: 145-151.

Hartmut Grassl, Ernst Maier-Reimer, Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & Alejandro Spitzy (1984): CO2, Kohlenstoff-Kreislauf und Klima, I. Globale Kohlenstoffbilanz, II. Strahlungsbilanz und Wasserhaushalt. - Naturwissenschaften 71: 129-136, 234-238.

Stephan Kempe (1984): Sinks of the anthropogenically enhanced carbon cycle in surface fresh waters. - J. Geophys. Res. 89, D3: 4657-4676.

Egon T. Degens., Stephan Kempe & Venu Ittekkot, 1984: Monitoring carbon in world rivers. - Environment 26/9: 29-33.

Egon T. Degens., Stephan Kempe & Alejandro Spitzy (1984): Carbon dioxide: A biogeochemical portrait. - In "The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry" (ed. O. Hutzinger), Vol. 1/C, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag: 127-215.

Egon T. Degens., How Kin Wong & Stephan Kempe (1984): A geological study of Lake Van, Eastern Turkey. - Geol. Rundschau 73/2: 701-734.

Erol Izdar, Tosun Konuk, Susumo Honjo et al. (1984): First data on sediment trap experiment in Black Sea deep water. - Naturwissenschaften 71: 478-479.


Egon T. Degens, ., Stephan Kempe & Alejandro Spitzy (1985): Spurenstoffe: was geschieht in der Atmosphäre? - Umschau 85/3: 155-156. Nachdruck in Chinesisch in "Umwelt der Provinz Quinghai" 1985/3: 61-62.

Hartmut Grassl, Stephan Erika Kempe, rnst Maier-Reimer et al. (1985): Das Kohlendioxid in der Atmosphäre als Teil des globalen Kohlenstoffkreislaufs und seine Wechselwirkungen zu Klima und Pflanzenwachstum. - Veröffentl. Naturforsch. Ges. Emden, N. F. 1-1.1, Ser. 1: 1-60.

Stephan Kempe & Raffael Herrera (1985): Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859). - In "Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers", Pt. 3 (eds. Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & Rafael Herrera), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 58: 1-6.

Stephan Kempe & all participants of the SCOPE/UNEP Project on "Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers" (1985): Compilation of carbon and nutrient discharge from major world rivers. - In "Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers", Pt. 3 (eds. Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & Rafael Herrera), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 58: 29-32.

Stephan Kempe & Kay Emeis (1985): Carbonate chemistry and the formation of Plitvice Lakes. - In "Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers", Pt. 3 (eds. Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & Rafael Herrera), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 58: 351-383.

Guenter Borchert & Stephan Kempe (1985): A Zambezi aqueduct. - In "Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers", Pt. 3 (eds. Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & Rafael Herrera), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 58: 443-457.

Stephan Kempe & Egon T. Degens (1985): An early soda ocean? - Chem. Geol. 53: 95-108.

Egon T. Degens. & Stephan Kempe (1985): The global carbon cycle, Part 3: CO2 and carbon in the freshwater system. - First R&D Programme in the Field of Climatology 1981-1985, Comm. Europ. Commun. Environm. and Quality of Life, Rep. EUR 9920 EN: 313-316.

Stephan Kempe & Kay Emeis (1986): Travertine formation in the Plitvice National Park. - Proc. 10th Intern. Speleol. Congr. Barcelona: 55-59.

Kay Emeis, & Stephan Kempe (1986): Speleothems of the Winterberg and Quaternary climate of the Harz Mountains. - Proc. 10th Intern. Speleol. Congr. Barcelona: 281-284.

Stephan Kempe & Egon T. Degens (1986): Enthielt der urzeitliche Ozean Soda statt Kochsalz? - Spektrum der Wissenschaft 11: 28-30.

Kay Emeis, Hans-Hermann Richnow & Stephan Kempe (1987): Travertine formation in Plitvice National Park/Yugoslavia: Chemical vs. biological control. - Sedimentology 34: 595-609.

Erol Izdar, Tosun Konuk, Venu Ittekkot, Stephan Kempe & E. T. Degens (1987): Particle flux in the Black Sea: Nature of the organic matter. - In "Particle Flux in the Ocean" (eds. Egon T. Degens, Erol Izdar & Susumo Honjo), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 62: 1-18.

Susumo Honjo, Bernward J. Hay, Steve J. Manganini, Vernon L. Asper, Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe, Venu Ittekkot, Erol Izdar , Y.Tosun Konuk & Hussein Benli (1987): Seasonal cyclicity of lithogenic particle fluxes at a southern Black Sea sediment trap station. - In "Particle Flux in the Ocean" (eds. Egon T. Degens, Erol Izdar & Susumo Honjo), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 62: 19-39.

Stephan Kempe, Hartmut Nies, Venu Ittekkot, Egon T. Degens, Kenneth O. Buesseler, Hugh Livingston, Susumo Honjo, Erol Izdar & Tosun Konuk (1987): Comparison of Chernobyl nuclide deposition in the Black Sea and in the North Sea. - In "Particle Flux in the Ocean" (eds. Egon T. Degens, Erol Izdar & Susumo Honjo), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 62: 165-178.

Stephan Kempe & Hartmut Nies (1987): Chernobyl nuclide record from North Sea sediment trap. - Nature 329: 825-828.

Stephan Kempe (1988): Estuaries - their natural and anthropogenic changes. - In "Scales and Global Change" (eds. T. Rosswall, R.G. Woodmansee & P.G. Risser), SCOPE Report 35, Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore, J. Wiley & Sons: 251-285.


Stephan Kempe (1988): Freshwater carbon and the weathering cycle. - In "Physical and Chemical Weathering in Geochemical Cycles" (eds. A. Lerman & M. Meybeck), NATO ASI Series C 251, Dordrecht, Boston, London, Kluwer Acad. Publ.: 197-223.

Fenag Jian-Xiang & Stephan Kempe (1987): The concentration and transportation of major ions in the lower Huanghe. - In "Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers", Pt. 4 (eds. Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & Gan Weibin), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 64: 161-170.

Gan Weibin & Stephan Kempe (1987): The Changjiang: Its long-term changes in PCO2 and carbonate mineral saturation. - In "Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Major World Rivers", Pt. 4 (eds. Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & Gan Weibin), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 64: 207-215.

Stephan Kempe, Gerd Liebezeit, Volkert Dethlefsen & Uwe Harms (1988): Synopsis. - In "Biogeochemistry and Distribution of Suspended Matter in the North Sea and Implications to Fisheries Biology" (eds. Stephan Kempe, Gerd Liebezeit, Volkert Dethlefsen & U. Harms), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 65: XI-XXIII.

Kai Pegler & Stephan Kempe (1988): The carbonate system of the North Sea: Determination of alkalinity and TCO2 and calculation of PCO2 and SIcal (Spring 1986). - In "Biogeochemistry and Distribution of Suspended Matter in the North Sea and Implications to Fisheries Biology" (eds. Stephan Kempe, Gerd Liebezeit, Volkert Dethlefsen & U. Harms), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 65: 35-87.

Stephan Kempe & Tim C. Jennerjahn (1988): The vertical particle flux in the northern North Sea, its seasonality and composition. - In "Biogeochemistry and Distribution of Suspended Matter in the North Sea and Implications to Fisheries Biology" (eds. Stephan Kempe, Gerd Liebezeit, Volkert Dethlefsen & U. Harms), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 65: 229-267.

Stephan Kempe & Firous Vladi (1988): Die Lichtenstein-Höhle, eine präholozäne Gerinnehöhle im Gips und Stätte urgeschichtlicher Menschenopfer am Südwestrand des Harzes (Gemarkung Dorste, Landkreis Osterode am Harz). - Heimatbl. für den süd-westl. Harzrand 44: 1-12.

Susumo Honjo, Bernward Hay et al. (1988): Temporal and Spatial Variability in Sedimentation in the Black Sea: Cruise Report, R/V KNORR 134-8, Black Sea leg 1, April 16 - May 7, 1988. - PIRI REIS Intern. Contr. Ser. 6, WHOI-88-35: 156 pp.

Stephan Kempe, Jozef Kazmierczak & Egon T. Degens (1989): The soda ocean concept and its bearing on biotic and crustal evolution. - In "Origin, Evolution and Modern Aspects of Biomineralization in Plants and Animals" (ed. R.E. Crick), Proc. 5th Intern. Symp. Biomineralization, Arlington, Texas, May, 1986, New York, Plenum Press: 29-43.

Stephan Kempe, Gerd Liebezeit & Martin Schröder (1989): Inventory of phosphorus in the North Sea. - In "Phosphorus Cycles in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems" (ed. Holm Thiessen), Regional Workshop 1: Europe, SCOPE Workshop, Proceedings: 319-339, Saskatchewan Inst. of Pedology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.

Stephan Kempe (1989): Sinterschäden: verursacht durch Permafrost oder Erdbeben? - Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch. (Binder Festschrift) 35: 87-90.

Andreas Reimer. & Stephan Kempe, (1989): Recent and paleokarst systems and their relation to ore mineralization in the Iberg-reef-complex, Harz Mountains. - Proc. 10th Intern. Congr. Speleol., Budapest, August 13-20, 1989: 1-2.

Uwe Svensson & Stephan Kempe, (1989): Hydrochemistry of karst waters in the Iberg-reef-complex, Harz Mountains. - Proc. 10th Intern. Congr. Speleol., Budapest, August 13-21, 1989: 3-5.

Commission des Grandes Cavités (Matériaux rassemblés par Claude Chabert) (1989): Les grandes cavités mondiales en roches non-Calcaires. - Budapest: 34 pp. (unter Mitwirkung von Stephan Kempe für die Gipshöhlen)

Joachim Lohse, Stephan Kempe & Gerd Liebezeit, (1989): Weiträumige Belastung der Nordsee. - Die Geowissenschaften 7/6: 151-156.


Jürgen Sündermann. & Egon T. Degens (eds.) (1989): Die Nordsee/The North Sea. - Univ. Hamburg: 51 pp. (mit Beiträgen vieler Autoren, u.a. Stephan Kempe)

Hay, Bernward, Susumo Honjo, Stephan Kempe, Venu Ittekkot, Egon T. Degens, Tosun Konuk & Erol Izdar (1990): Interannual variability in particle flux in the southwestern Black Sea. - Deep-Sea Research 37/6: 911-928.

Stephan Kempe (1990): Reservoir case study: Lake Nasser. - In "Global Freshwater Quality, A First Assessment" (eds. M. Meybeck, D.V. Chapman & R. Helmer), Chapter 16, WHO/UNEP, Oxford, Cambridge, Blackwell Reference: 243-252.

Stephan Kempe & Jozef Kazmierczak (1990): Calcium carbonate supersaturation and the formation of in situ calcified stromatolites. - In "Facets of Modern Biogeochemistry" (eds. V.A. Ittekkot, Stephan Kempe, Walter Michaelis & A. Spitzy), Festschrift for Egon T. Degens on occasion of his 60th birthday, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer-Verlag: 255-278.

Stephan Kempe & Jozef Kazmierczak (1990): Chemistry and stromatolites of the sea-linked Satonda Crater Lake, Indonesia: A recent model for the Precambrian sea? - Chem. Geol. 81: 299-310.

Kenneth O. Buesseler, Hugh D. Livingston, Susumo Honjo, Bernward J. Hay, Tosun Konuk & Stephan Kempe (1990): Scavenging and particle deposition in the southwestern Black Sea - evidence from Chernobyl radiotracers. - Deep-Sea Research 37/3: 413-430.

Stephan Kempe, Gerd Liebezeit, Arne-Roland Diercks & Vernon Asper (1990): Water Balance in the Black Sea. - Nature Scientific correspondence 346: 419. (A response to J.W. Murray, H. W. Jannasch, Susumo Honjo et al., "Unexpected Changes in the oxic/anoxic interface in the Black Sea", Nature 338: 411-413, 1989).

Stephan Kempe (1990): Alkalinity: The link between anaerobic basins and shallow water carbonates? - Naturwissenschaften 77: 426-427.

Stephan Kempe & Andreas Reimer (1990): Lake Van: first nutrient results. - SALINET 4: 31-33.

Jozef Kazmierczak. & Stephan Kempe (1990): Modern cyanobacterial analogues of Paleozoic stromatoporoids. - Science 250: 1244-1248.

Petro J. Depetris, & Stephan Kempe (1990): The Impact of the El Niño 1982 event on the Paraná River, its discharge and carbon transport. - Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology (Global and Planetary Change Section) 89: 239-244.

Stephan Kempe & Petro J. Depetris (1990): Labile carbon in the Paraná River basin. - Mitt. Geol.-Paläontol. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, Egon T. Degens Memorial Volume, 69: 157-165.

Stephan Kempe, Maurizio Pettine & Gustave Cauwet (1991): Biogeochemistry of European rivers. - In "Biogeochemistry of Major World Rivers" (eds. Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & J. Richey), SCOPE Report 42, Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore, J. Wiley & Sons: 169-211.

Egon T. Degens., Stephan Kempe, & Jeffrey E. Richey (1991): Summary: biogeochemistry of major world rivers. - In "Biogeochemistry of Major World Rivers" (eds. Egon T. Degens, Stephan Kempe & J. Richey), SCOPE Report 42, Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore, J. Wiley & Sons: 323-347.

Stephan Kempe, Jozef Kazmierczak, Günter Landmann, Tosun Konuk, Andreas Reimer & Andreas Lipp (1991): Largest known microbialites discovered in Lake Van, Turkey. - Nature 349: 605-608.

Stephan Kempe & Kai Pegler (1991): Sinks and sources of CO2 in coastal seas: the North Sea. - Tellus 43B: 224-235.

Stephan Kempe & Heinz Mrkos (1991): Zur Speläogenese der Hermannshöhle/ Niederösterreich. - Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch. 34/4: 76-81.

Stephan Kempe (1991): Particle Flux in the Ocean, SCOPE/UNEP Workshop Goa, Indien .-11. April, 1991. - Deut. Ges. Meereskunde. Mitt. 2/91: 18-21.

Tim Jennerjahn & Stephan Kempe (1991): Tschernobyl in der Nordsee, Schwebstoffe schreiben die Atomkatastrophe in das Geschichtsbuch der Erde. - In "Kurs Nord, Meeresforschung mit VALDIVIA" (ed. H. Thiel), Heide, Verlag Boysen & Co.: 31-36.


Stephan Kempe, A.-R. Diercks, Gerd Liebezeit & Andreas Prange (1991): Geochemical and structural aspects of the pycnocline in the Black Sea (R/V KNORR 134-8 leg 1, 1988). - In "Black Sea Oceanography", (eds. Erol Izdar & J.W. Murray), NATO Advanced Studies Institute Series C, Vol. 351: 89-110, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht.

Stephan Kempe, Jozef Kazmierczak, Tosun Konuk, Günter Landmann, Andreas Lipp , Andreas Reimer (1992): Mikrobialithe in alkalischen Seen - lebende Zeugen des Urozeans? - Spektrum der Wissenschaft 1: 14-15.

Jozef Kazmierczak. & Stephan Kempe (1992): Recent cyanobacterial counterparts of Paleozoic Wetheredella and related problematic fossils. - Palaios 7: 294-304.

Stephan Kempe & Petro J. Depetris (1992): Factors controlling the concentration of particulate carbohydrates and amino acids in the Paraná River. - Hydrobiologia 242: 175-183.

Eva Danulat & Stephan Kempe (1992): Nitrogenous waste excretion at extremely alkaline pH: The story of Chalcalburnus tarichi (Cyprinidae), endemic to Lake Van, Eastern Turkey. - Fish Physiol. Biochem. 9: 377-386.

Tim C. Jennerjahn, Gerd Liebezeit, Stephan Kempe, L.Q. Xu, W.B. Chen & How Kin Wong (1992): Particle flux in the northern South China Sea. - In: "Marine Geology and Geophysics of the South China Sea" (eds. Jin Xiabglong, H.R. Kudrass & G. Pautot), China Ocean Press, Hangzhou: 228-235.

Stephan Kempe, Christhild Ketz-Kempe , William R. Halliday & Marlin Spike Werner (1993): The Cave of Refuge, Hakuma Horst, Kalapana, Puna District, Hawaii. - Pacific Studies 16(2): 133-142.

Petro J. Depetris, & Stephan Kempe (1993): Carbon dynamics and sources in the Paraná River. - Limnol. Oceanogr. 38(2): 382-395.

Stephan Kempe & Jozef Kazmierczak (1993): Satonda Crater Lake, Indonesia: Hydrogeochemistry and biocarbonates. - Facies 28: 1-32.

Stephan Kempe & Christhild Ketz-Kempe (1993): Lava tube systems of the Hilina Pali area, Ka'u District, Hawaii. - Proc. 6th Intern. Symp. Volcanospeleol., Hilo, 1991: 15-25.

Stephan Kempe & Christhild Ketz-Kempe (1993): Underground observations during the Pu'u O'o earthquake, 4.06 p.m., Aug. 8, 1990. - Proc. 6th Intern. Symp. Volcanospeleol., Hilo, 1991: 29-34.

Diego M. Gaiero, Petro J. Depetris & Stephan Kempe (1993): Biogeochmisty of carbon in an altered semiarid river system: The Suquia of Cordoba, Argentina. - XII Congreso Geológico Argentino y II Congreso de Exploración de Hidrocarburos Actas, Vol. VI: 123-129.

Stephan Kempe (1993): Damming the Nile. - In "Transport of Carbon and Minerals in Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries and Coastal Seas", Pt. 6 (eds. Stephan Kempe, Doerke Eisma & Egon T. Degens), Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband 74: 81-114.

Murray, J.W. & Stephan Kempe (1993): Previous research in the Black Sea by scientists from western Europe and the United States. - In: "Black Sea Research Country Profiles (Level II)", Mar. Science Country Profiles 3: 150-161, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, UNESCO, Paris.

Jens Hefter, Volker Thiel, Angela Jenisch, Ursula Galling, Stephan Kempe & Walter Michaelis (1993): Biomarker: indications for microbial contributions to Recent and Late Jurassic carbonate deposits. - Facies 29: 93-106.

Stephan Kempe (1993): Are coastal systems a source of CO2 to the atmosphere? - Proceedings First IGBP/LOICZ Core Project Meeting, 18.-21. May, 1993, Raleigh, North Carolina, T.S. Hopkins & C.A. Kinder (eds): 27-31.

Stephan Kempe, and Jozef Kazmierczak. (1994): The role of alkalinity in the evolution of ocean chemistry, organization of living systems and biocalcification processes. In: Past and Present Biomineralization Processes. Considerations about the Carbonate Cycle (edited by F. Doumenge), Bull. Inst. Oceanogr, Monaco, no. spec. 13, 61-117.

Stephan Kempe (1994): Felsenbogen, Höhlenburg und andere Höhlen im Görtschitztal, Kärnten. - Die Höhle 45(4): 125-135.

Stephan Kempe (1995): Coastal Seas: a Net Source or Sink of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide? - LOICZ Reports and Studies No 1, vi + 27pp., LOICZ, Texel, The Netherlands


Stephan Kempe (1995) Contribution to: D. Schimel, L.G. Enting, M. Heimann et al.,: CO2 and the carbon cycle.- In: "Climate Change 1994, Radiative Forcing of Climate Change; and An Evaluation of the IPCC IS92 Emission Scenarios", (eds. J.T. Houghton, L.G. Meira Filko, J. Bruce et al.), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge Univ. Press, 35-71.

Wolfgang Ludwig,, Jean-Luc Probst & Stephan Kempe (1996): Predicting the oceanic input of organic carbon by continental erosion. - Global Biogeochemical Cycles 10(1): 23-41.

Stephan Kempe, C. und Reinhard Völker, Martin Heckwolf & Dirk Markgraf (1996): Rekonstruktion des Verlaufs des Borstentaler Stollen zwischen Hainrode und Großleinungen, Kreis Sangerhausen. - Mitt. Arge Karstkd. Harz 1996, 1-2: 7-13.

Petro J. Depetris, Stephan Kempe, Mojib Latif & Wim Mook (1996): ENSO-controlled Flooding in the Paraná River (1904-1991). - Naturwissenschaften 83: 127-129.

Stephan Kempe & Martina Schaumburg (1996): Vertical particle flux in Lake Baikal. - In: "Particle Flux in the Ocean" (eds. Venu Ittekkot, P. Schäfer, Susumo Honjo & P. Depetris) SCOPE REP. 57, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 325-355.

Stephan Kempe & Heiko Knaack, trfd (1996): Vertical particle flux in the Western Pacific below the North Equatorial Current and the Equatorial Counter Current. - In: "Particle Flux in the Ocean" (eds. Venu Ittekkot, P. Schäfer, Susumo Honjo & P. Depetris) SCOPE REP. 57, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 313-323.

Stephan Kempe (1996): Steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein? Wie Höhlen wirklich entstehen. - In (W. Rosendahl & E.-B. Krause, eds.) "Im Reich der Dunkelheit, Höhlen und Höhlenforschung in Deutschland", p. 22-32, Edition Archaea, Gelsenkirchen.

Stephan Kempe (1996): Vom Hohlraum zum Kristallpalast, wie Tropfsteine entstehen. - In (W. Rosendahl & E.-B. Krause, eds.) "Im Reich der Dunkelheit, Höhlen und Höhlenforschung in Deutschland", p. 33-52, Edition Archaea, Gelsenkirchen.

Stephan Kempe (1996): Primäre und sekundäre Lösungskapazität.- Arge Höhle u. Karst Grabenstetten, Jahresheft 1995, anläßlich der 36. Jahrestagung des Verbandes der deutschen Höhlen- und Karstforscher in Blaubeuren, 1996: 13-17.

Günter Landmann, Andreas Reimer, Gerry Lemcke & Stephan Kempe (1996): Dating Late Glacial abrupt climate changes in the 14,570 years long continuous varve record of Lake Van/Turkey. - Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 122: 107-118.

Stephan Kempe, Jozef Kazmierczak, Andreas Reimer, Günter Landmann & Joachim Reitner (1996): Microbialites and hydrochemistry of the crater lake of Satonda, a status report.- In (Joachim Reitner, Neuweiler, F. & Gunkel, F. eds.) Global and Regional Controls on Biogenic Sedimentation, I. Reef Evolution, Göttingen, 59-63.

Stephan Kempe (1996): Neue Rekorde in Lavahöhlen auf Hawaii, ein Statusbericht. - Mitt. Arge f. Karstkunde Harz e.V. 1996(3): 46-49 und (mit gleichem Text) Lavahöhlen auf Hawaii - ein Statusbericht. - Mitt. Verb. Dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforscher, 42 (2): 27-29.

Jozef Kazmierczak., Max I. Coleman , Michal Gruszczynski & Stephan Kempe (1996): Cyanobacterial key to the genesis of micritic and peloidal limestones in ancient seas.- Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 41(4): 319-338.

Günter Landmann, Andreas Reimer. & Stephan Kempe (1996): Climatic induced lake level changes of Lake Van/Turkey during the transition Pleistocene/ Holocene. - Global Biogeochemical Cycles 10(4): 797-808.

Diego M. Gaiero, Gabriela Román Ross, Petro J. Depetris & Stephan Kempe (1997): Spatial and temporal variability of total non-residual heavy metals content in stream sediments from the Suquia River Drainage System, Cordoba, Argentina. - J. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 93: 303-319.

Stephan Kempe (1996): Gypsum karst of Germany.- In "Gypsum Karst of the World" (A. Klimchouk, D. Lowe, A. Cooper & U. Sauro eds.), Intern. J. Speleol. Spec. Issue Vol. 25(3-4): 209-224.

Stephan Kempe, (1997): Lava falls: a major factor for the enlargement of lava tubes of the Ai-la'au shield phase, Kilauea, Hawaii. Proc. 12. Intern. Congr. Speleol. 10.-17. Aug. 1997, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland,Vol. 1: 445-448.

Stephan Kempe, & Christhild Ketz-Kempe (1997): Archaeological observations in lava tubes on Hawaii.- Proc. 12. Intern. Congr. Speleol. 10.-17. Aug. 1997, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland,Vol. 3: 13-16.


Stephan Kempe, Holger Buchas, Jens Hartmann, Mathias Oberwinder, Jan Strassenburg & Klaus Wolniewicz (1997): Mapping lava flows by following their tubes: The Keauhou Trail/ Ainahou Ranch Flow Field, Kilauea, Hawaii. - Proc. 12. Intern. Congr. Speleol. 10.-17. Aug. 1997, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland,Vol. 1: 453-455.

Stephan Kempe, & Mathias Oberwinder (1997): The Upper Huehue Flow (1801 eruption, Hualalai, Hawaii): An example of interacting lava flows yielding complex lava tube morphologies. - Proc. 12. Intern. Congr. Speleol. 10.-17. Aug. 1997, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, Vol. 1 3: 449-452.

[Carol Hill. & Paulo Forti (eds.) (1997): Cave Minerals of the World, 2nd ed, 463 pp., Nat. Speleol. Soc. With contributions by Stephan Kempe.]

Stephan Kempe & Mathias Oberwinder (1997): Field Report for the Hu'ehu'e Tube Exploration, March 11997.- Newsl. Hawaii Speleol. Sur., 97(1): 3-8.

Stephan Kempe, Jozef Kazmierczak, Andreas Reimer, Günter Landmann & Joachim Reitner (1997): Satonda a porthole view into the oceanic past. - In: (T. Tomascik, A. J. Mah, A. Nontji & M.K. Moosa, eds.) "The Ecology of the Indonesian Seas", 156-166.

Stephan Kempe & Jozef Kazmierczak (1997): A terrestrial model for an alkaline martian hydrosphere.- Planet. Space Sci., 45(11): 1493-1499.

Hu, Dunxin, Yukio Saito & Stephan Kempe (1998): Sediment and nutrient transport to the coastal zone. – In: James N. Galloway & Jerry M. Melillo (eds.) Asian Change in the Context of Global Climate Change Impact of Natural and Anthropogenic Changes in Asia on Global Biogeochemical Cycles. – Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, IGBP Publication Series 3: 245-270.

Stephan Kempe-, Fridtjof Neander , Jens Hartmann & Wilfried Klughardt, (1998): CO2-Druck der Luft in der "Höhle ohne Namen", Steinamwasser (Nördliche Frankenalb). - Mitt. Verb. Dt. Höhlen- u. Karstfor. 44(2): 39-44.

Stephan Kempe, (1998): Gipskarst und Gipshöhlen in Deutschland. - In "Gipskarstlandschaft Südharz - aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse und Perspektiven“; A. Töpfer Akademie f. Naturschutz (NNA) 11(2): 25-35; Schneverdingen.

Stephan Kempe & Ralph Hinsch (1998): A short look at caves in Tonga. - Hawaii Grotto News 7(2): 5-11.

Stephan Kempe, (1998): Flüsse: ihre Bedeutung für die globalen Stoffkreisläufe und ihre Veränderung durch den Menschen. - Thema Forschung 2/98: 126-132, Darmstadt.

Richard Seifert, Nicolai Delling, Hans Hermann Richnow, Stephan Kempe, Jens Hefter& Walter Michaelis, (1998): Ethylene and methane in the upper water column of the subtropical Atlantic. - Biogeochemistry 44: 73-91.

Jozef Kazmierczak. & Stephan Kempe, (1998): Bakteryjne sferulity z cyjanobakteryjnych mikrobialitów jeziora Wan (Turcja) kluczem do wyjasnienia genezy kopalnych ooidów. - PAN wybrane zagadniencid 6: 54-56.

Stephan Kempe, Uwe Fricke, Andrew Kleinschmidt & Friedrich Reinboth, (1999): Die Baumannshöhle, Harz, ihre Bedeutung für die frühe Wissenschaftsgeschichte, ihre Darstellung durch Johann Friedrich Zückert, der Arzneygelahrtheit Doctor, 1763, und was heute noch davon zu sehen ist. - Abhandlungen Verband Dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch. Reihe A-F (31): 55 pp + XXVI S.

Stephan Kempe & Wilfried Rosendahl, (1999): Speläotheme als pleistozäne Klimaarchive in Mitteleuropa. - Mitt. Verb.. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch. 45 (2) (Dobat Festschrift): 100-101.

Jozef Kazmierczak. & Stephan Kempe (1999): Wspólczesne odpowiedniki prekambryjskich stromatolitów odkryte przez niemiecko-polska ekspedycje w Kroókestuwue Tonga. - Dzialalnosc Naukowa PAN, Warszawa, (7): 84-88.

Martin Beck, Christoph Gruner, Florian Gruner, Richard Geserer, Wilfried Rosendahl & Stephan Kempe (1999): Saisonale Variationen der Hydrochemie des Höhlenbaches der Falkensteiner Höhle (Schwäbische Alb, SW-Deutschland). – Jahresheft 1999 der Arge Höhle u. Karst Grabenstetten e.V., 68-94.

Kevin Allred, Stephan Kempe & William R. Halliday (2000): Kenneth P. Emory and „Herbert C. Shipman Cave“: a longstanding puzzle solved. - Pacific Studies 22(1):77-92.


Wilfried Rosendahl, Bettina Wiegand, Anton Eisenhauer, & Stephan Kempe (2000): Paläoklima im Pleistozän der Allgäuer Alpen – speläochronologische Beiträge aus der Klaus-Cramer Höhle / Region Hochifen-Gottesackerplateau. – Jb. Karst u. Höhle 2000/1: 175-182, München.

Stephan Kempe & Angela Helbing (2000): Die „Größe“ deutscher Gipshöhlen. – Die Höhle, 51(1): 13-20.

Stephan Kempe (2000): Neues zum Nachruf auf Zückert, den frühen Erforscher der Baumannnshöhle. – Mitt. Argeitsgem. Karstkde. Harz, 00(2+3): 3.

Stephan Kempe (2000): Expedition report, Hawaii March 2000. - Newsletter Hawai’i Speleol. Survey of the Nat. Speleol. Soc., 2000(7): 25-29.

Stephan Kempe & Wilfried Rosendahl, (2000): Vom „Erdfall“ zur „Doline“: Die eher zufällige Einführung eines „Fachbegriffes“ durch Morlot und Schmidl in den Jahren 1848 bis 1854. – Mitt. Verb. Dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforscher (Pfeffer Festschrift), 2000 (1/2): 49-55.

Stephan Kempe & Wilfried Rosendahl, (2000): Die Rolle Franz von Rosthorns bei der Einführung des Begriffes „Doline“, Ergänzung zum Artikel: Vom „Erdfall“ zur „Doline“: Die eher zufällige Einführung eines „Fachbegriffes“ durch Morlot und Schmidl in den Jahren 1848 bis 1854. – Mitt. Verb. Dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforscher (Pfeffer Festschrift), 2000 (1/2): 122-123.

Stephan Kempe (2000): Sea level rise and coastal zones. - Symp. Berlin-Bandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, "Climate Impact Research: Why, How and When", Oct. 28-29, 1997, Berlin, 69-86.

Günter Landmann, Michael Kaselow, & Stephan Kempe (2000): Lake level fluctuation of Lake Lisan/Dead Sea and Lake Van (Turkey). - GeoLines 11 (Proc. Intern. Conf. Past Global Changes Upper Pleistocene and Holocene Climatic Vatiations; Prague, Sept. 6-9, 2000): 41-44.

Wilfried Rosendahl, Stephan Kempe, Bettina Wiegand . & Anton Eisenhauer, (2000): Speleothemes and Upper-Pleistocene Climate - New Results from Caves in Germany. - GeoLines 11 (Proc. Intern. Conf. Past Global Changes Upper Pleistocene and Holocene Climatic Vatiations; Prague, Sept. 6-9, 2000): 161-163.

Marlin Spike Werner, Stephan Kempe, Horst-Volker Henschel, Philipp Stankiewicz, Philip Elhard, Rick Strait, M. & Elhard, J. (2000): ThisCave and ThatCave. – Hawaii Grotto News 9(2): 13-17.

Stephan Kempe, Jan Straßenburg,, Sigrid Belzer, Horst-Volker Henschel, & Klaus Fahlbusch, (2001): Der Darmstädter Granodiorit im Stollen unter der Dieburger Straße, Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt. – Jahresber. u. Mitt. Oberrheinischer Geol. Ver. NF 83, 51-63, 6 Abb., Stuttgart

Stephan Kempe & Friedrich Reinboth, ., (2001): Die beiden Merian-Texte von 1650 und 1654 zur Baumannshöhle und die dazugehörigen Abbildungen. – Die Höhle 52 (2): 33-45.

Stephan Kempe & Wilfried Rosendahl, (2001): Höhlensinter als Klimaarchive. – In: Negendank, J.W. (ed.), Klimaweisbuch: Klimainformationen aus geowissenschaftlicher Forschung (Fallstudien), Stand und notwendige Erfordernisse der Paläoklimaforschung,- Terra Nostra 2001/7: 128-135.

Ernst, A. M., Wolfgang Mauser, & Stephan Kempe (2001): Interdisciplinary perspectives on freshwater: availability, quality, and allocation. - In: E. Ehlers & T. Krafft (eds.) „Understanding the Earth System“, Springer, Heidelberg, 265-274.

Wilfried Rosendahl, Bettina Wiegand, Anton Eisenhauer, & Stephan Kempe (2001): Première datations absolues de speléothèmes d’une cavité de l’Eifel, Allemagne. – Speleochronos, 6 pp; Mons (submitted).

Stephan Kempe, (2001): Stalaktiten und Stalagmiten, die Erforschung unterirdischer Wunder. – In: „Höhlengeheimnisse“, Mineralien Tage München, 2001 Messethemenheft 2001: 55- 73.

Stephan Kempe, Ingo Bauer, & Horst-Volker Henschel, (2001): Expedition Report, Hawaii, March 2001. - Newsletter Hawai’i Speleol. Survey of the Nat. Speleol. Soc., 2001 10: 3-10.

Stephan Kempe, Gerd Liebezeit, Mohamed Duman, & Vernon Asper (2001): Extrusion: the formation mechanism for the presumed "turbidites" of the deep Black Sea? Senckenbergiana maritima 31 (1): 11-16. (Marine Biodiversity Volume 31, Number 1 (2001), 11-16, DOI: 10.1007/BF03042832 )


Stephan Kempe (2002): Lavaröhren (Pyroducts) auf Hawai’i und ihre Genese. - In: W. Rosendahl & A. Hoppe (Hg.): Angewandte Geowissenschaften in Darmstadt.- Schriftenreihe der deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Heft 15: 109-127.

Günter Landmann, & Stephan Kempe (2002). Seesedimente als Klimaarchiv, Fallbeispiele: Lake Van und Totes Meer. - In: W. Rosendahl & A. Hoppe (Hg.): AngewandteGeowissenschaften in Darmstadt.- Schriftenreihe der deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Heft 15: 129-143.

Stephan Kempe, Anne Schnitzspan, & Klaus Fahlbusch (2002): Die Geschichte der geologischen Institute in Darmstadt. – In: W. Rosendahl & A. Hoppe (Hg.): Angewandte Geowissenschaften in Darmstadt.- Schriftenreihe der deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Heft 15: 295-313.

Günter Landmann, Abu Qudaira, G. M., Khaled Shawabkeh, Volker Wrede, & Stephan Kempe (2002): Geochemistry of Lisan and Damya Formation in Jordan and implications on palaeoclimate. – Quaternary Intern., 89/1: 45-57.

Stephan Kempe, Günter Landmann, & Gernot Müller, (2002): A floating varve chronology from the Last Glacial Maximum terrace of Lake Van/Turkey. – Zeitschr. Geomorphol., Supplem. 126 Research in Mountains and Deserts of Africa and Central Asia: 97-114.

Stephan Kempe, Wilfried Rosendahl, Bettina Wiegand . & Anton Eisenhauer, (2002): New speleothem dates from caves in Germany and their importance for the Middle- and Upper-Pleistocene climate reconstruction.- Acta Geologica Polonica, 52/1: 55-61.

Stephan Kempe & Jozef Kazmierczak, (2002): Biogenesis and Early Life on Earth and Europa: Favored by an alkaline ocean? - Astrobiology 2(1): 123-130.

Stephan Kempe, Martin Ebert, & Wolfgang Morlock, (2002): ESEM Untersuchungen des dunklen Belages aus dem Blautopf und Schlussfolgerungen für die Interpretation von Lösungsexperimenten mit Rocktablets. – Mitt. Verb. Dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforscher. 48(3):67-71.

Andreas Reimer., Sabine Brasse, Roland Doerffer, Dürselen, C.D., Stephan Kempe, Walter Michaelis, Rick, H.-J. & Richard Seifert, (2002): Carbon cycling in the German Bight: An estimate of transformation processes and transport. – Deut. Hydrogr. Zeitschr. (German J. Hydrography) 51 (1999) (2/3): 313-329.

Diego M. Gaiero, Probst, Jean Luc, Petro J. Depetris, Lydia Lelyter, & Stephan Kempe (2002): Riverine transfer of heavy metals from Patagonia to the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. – Regional Environmental Change, DOI 10.1007/s10113-001-0040-x. (in press).

Wilfried Rosendahl, & Stephan Kempe (2002): Erstnachweis von mittelpleistozänen Insektenresten aus einem Höhlensinter in Deutschland. - N. Jb. Geol. Pal., Mh., 2002(11): 693-704.

Marlin Spike Werner, Stephan Kempe, Horst-Volker Henschel, & Rick Elhard, (2002): Kukaiau Cave (alias ThisCave and ThatCave): Exploration report of a lava cave eroded by water, a new type of Hawaiian cave. – Nat. Speleol. Soc. News Dec. 2002:346-351.

Stephan Kempe & Jozef Kazmierczak. (2003): Modern soda lakes: Model environments for an early alkaline ocean. – In: Müller, T. & Müller, H. (eds.) “MoNicolai Delling in Natural Sciences; Design, Validation and Case Studies”: 309-322; Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Jozef Kazmierczak. & Stephan Kempe (2003): Modern terrestrial analogues for the carbonate globules in Martian meteorite ALH84001. – Naturwissenschaften 90: 167-172.

Stephan Kempe, Ingo Bauer, & Horst-Volker Henschel, (2003): The Pa‘auhau Civil Defense Cave on Mauna Kea, Hawai‘i, a lava tube modified by water erosion. – J. of Cave and Karst Studies 65(1): 76-85.

Stephan Kempe, & Marlin Spike Werner, (2003): The Kuka‘iau Cave, Mauna Kea, Hawai‘i, created by water erosion, a new Hawaiian cave type. – J. of Cave and Karst Studies 65(1): 53-67.

Stephan Kempe & Friedrich Reinboth, (2003): Die Baumannshöhle, Harz; Befahrung der historischen Teile 3. Mai, 2003; eine Zeitreise ins Jahr 1763, geführt von Johann Friedrich Zückert, der Arzeygelahrtheit Doctor. – Exkursionsführer, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Karstkunde e.V. Elbingerode, 41pp.


Stephan Kempe, (2003): Der hypokryotische Ozean auf Europa. – Deut. Ges. Meereskunde, Mitt. 2003(1): 14-16.

Stephan Kempe, (2003): Die alten Inschriften der Adelsberger Grotte /Postojnska Jama. – Die Höhle, 54(2)-36-44.

Stephan Kempe, (2003): Gipskarst und Gipshöhlen in Deutschland. – Der Excentriker, Sonderbd., Ausgabe 2/3, Dez. 03: 7-14. Und in: Mitt. Arbeitsgemeinschaft f. Karstkde. Harz e.V. 3+4/2003: 9-16. (Nachdrucke der gleichnamigen Arbeit von 1998, aber ohne Literaturzitate).

Stephan Kempe, (2003): Adalbert von Chamisso und Johan Casper Horner und die Messungen der Sichttiefe und anderer ozeangraphischer Parameter auf der Forschungsfahrt der „Rurik“ 1815-1818 Ergänzung zum Aufsatz von H. van der Piepen und G. Zimmermann in den DGM Mitteilungen 2-3/02: “Von der Secchi-Scheibe zur Satellitenkamera: 100 Jahre Erkundung der Meeresfarbe“ – Deut. Ges. Meereskde. Mitt. 2/3 04: 16-20.

Jozef Kazmierczak. & Stephan Kempe (2004): Microbialite formation in seawater of increased alakalinity, Satonda Crater Lake, Indonesia - Discussion of Arp et al. (2003), January issue. - Journal of Sedimentary Research 74(2). 314-317.

Jozef Kazmierczak., Stephan Kempe & Wlady Altermann, (2004): Microbial origin of Precambrian carbonates: Lessons from modern analogues. - In: Eriksson, P., Wlady Altermann, , Nelson, D. Mueller, W., & Catuneanu, O. (eds.): “The Precambrian Earth: Tempos and Events”, Elsevier, 545-564.

Jozef Kazmierczak. & Stephan Kempe (2004): Calcium build-up in the Precambrian Sea: A major promoter in the evolution of eukaryotic life. – In: J. Seckbach (ed.): Origins, Evolution and Biodiversity of Microbial Life, Kluwer, 329-345.

Stephan Kempe, (2004): Natural speleothem damage in Postojnska jama, Slovenia, caused by glacial cave ice? A first assessment. - Acta Carsologica, 33/1: 265-289.

Stephan Kempe, Ingo Bauer, Heiko Dirks, & Horst-Volker Henschel (2004): Schaffenrath’s Inscription Column in Pisani rov, Postojnska jama. – Acta Carsologica, 33/2: 299-312.

Wilfried Rosendahl & Stephan Kempe (2004): New Geological and Palaeontological Investigations in the Zoolithen Cave, Southern Germany. – Cahiers scientifiques/ Hors série no. 2: 69-74.

Stuart P. Donachie, Shaobin Hou, Lee, Kit Shan Riley, C.W., Pikina, A., Stephan Kempe, Gregory, T.G. Bossuyt, A., Boerema, J., Liu, J., Freias, T.A., Malahoff, A., Magsudul Alam, 2004: The Hawaiian Archipelago: A microbial diversity hotspot.- Microbial Ecology 48: 509-520.

Stephan Kempe & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2004: Alois Schaffenraths „zerbrochene Pyramide“ (Postojnska jama), ein Zeuge glazialer Höhlenvereisung? Mitt. Verb. Dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforscher, 50(3): 76-81.

Stephan Kempe, (2004): Der Bericht von Dr. Johann Christian Kundmann über seine Befahrung der Baumannshöhle Anno 1708. – Mitt. Verb. Dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforscher, 50(3): 82-89.

Wilfried Rosendahl, & Stephan Kempe, (2004): Johann Christian Rosenmüller und der Höhlenbär (1794-2004) - "Lebensbilder" aus 210 Jahren. – Natur und Mensch, Naturhistorische Gesellschaft Nürnberg e.V., Jahresmitteilungen 2003: 145-159.

Stephan Kempe, Boris Dunsch, Klaus Fetkenheuer, Naumann, G. & Friedrich Reinboth, ., (2004): Die Baumannshöhle bei Rübeland/Harz im Spiegel der wissenschaftlichen Literatur vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert: Lateinische Quellentexte. - Braunschweiger Naturkundliche Schriften, Bd. 7, Heft 1, Okt. 2004: 171-215.

Stephan Kempe, Wilfried Rosendahl & Doris Döppes, (2005): The making of the cave bear - Die wissenschaftliche Entdeckung des Ursus spelaeus. – Festschrift G. Rabeder Mitt. Komm. Quartärforsch. Österr. Akad. Wiss., 14: 57-73.

Stephan Kempe (2005): Bemerkungen von Prof. Dr. Stephan Kempe zum Herbstlabyrinth nach einer Befahrung im Nov. 2004. – Mitt. Verbd. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch. 51(1):12.

Stephan Kempe (2005): Karstgebiete und Höhlen in Deutschland. – Geograph. Rundschau, 57 (6/2005): 44-52.

Stephan Kempe, Ingo Bauer, Heiko Dirks, & Horst-Volker Henschel (2004): Schaffenrath’s Inscription Column in Pisani rov, Postojnska jama. – Acta Carsologica, 33/2: 299-312.


Pourification López-Garcia, Jozef Kazmierczak, Karim Benzerara, Stephan Kempe, Francois Guyot, & David Moreira, , (2005) Bacterial diversity and carbonate precipitation in the microbialites of the highly alkaline Lake Van, Turkey. – Extremophiles 9: 263-274.

Petro J. Depetris, Diego M. Gaiero, Jean Luc Probst, Jens Hartmann, & Stephan Kempe, (2005): Biogeochemical output and typology of rivers draining Patagonia’s Atlantic seaboard. – J. of Coastal Res. 21(4): 835-844.

Stephan Kempe, & Peter Krahe (2005): Water and biogeochemical fluxes in the River Rhine catchment. – Erdkunde 59: 216-250.

Günter Landmann & Stephan Kempe, (2005): Annual deposition signal versus lake dynamics: Microprobe analysis of laminated Lake Van (Turkey) sediments reveals missing varves in the period 11.2-10.2 ka BP. – Facies 51: 135-145.

Achmed Al-Malabeh, & Stephan Kempe (2005): Origin of iron ore nuggets (“Bohnerze”) through weathering of basalt as documented by pebbles from the Herbstlabyrinth, Breitscheid-Germany. – Acta Carsologica 34(2): 459-470.

Wilfried Rosendahl, & Stephan Kempe, (2005): Ursus spelaeus ROSENMÜLLER 1794 and not ROSENMÜLLER & HEINROTH – Johann Christian Rosenmüller, his life and the Ursus spelaeus. – In: Neue Forschungen zum Höhlenbären in Europa, 11. Intern. Höhlenbär-Symposium, 29.9.-2.10.2005, Naturhistorische Gesellschaft Nürnberg e.V., Abhandlungen Bd. 45: 191-198.

Wilfried Rosendahl, Stephan Kempe & Doris Döppes, (2005): The scientific discovery of „Ursus spelaeus“.– In: Neue Forschungen zum Höhlenbären in Europa, 11. Intern. Höhlenbär-Symposium, 29.9.-2.10.2005, Naturhistorische Gesellschaft Nürnberg e.V., Abhandlungen Bd. 45: 199-214.

Jozef Kazmierczak. & Stephan Kempe (2006): Modern analogues of Precambrian stromatolites from caldera lakes of Niuafo'ou Island, Tonga. – Naturwissenschaften 93: 119-126.

Stephan Kempe, 2006: Ein Bild im Stein, das Volto Santo Relief bei Gärtenroth/Franken. – Vom Main zum Jura, 15: 7-31.

Stephan Erika Kempe, rika Kempe, . & Christhild Ketz-Kempe, ., (2006): Die ersten Beschreibungen von Höhlen durch Frauen: Lady Cravens Besuch der Höhle von Antiparos und Johanna Schopenhauers Schilderung der Peaks Cavern. – Natur und Mensch, Jahresmitteilung 2005 der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft Nürnberg e.V.: 19-48.

Stephan Kempe, Hans-Peter Hubrich, & Klaus Suckstorff, (2006): The story of the 1833 Fercher Survey, Postojnska jama, continues: An additional document and newly discovered inscriptions. – Acta Carsologica, 35/1: 131-138.

Stephan Kempe, Hans-Peter Hubrich, Klaus Suckstorff, (2006): The history of Postojnska jama: The 1748 Joseph Anton Nagel inscriptions in jama near Predjama and Postojnska jama. - Acta Carsologica 35/2: 7-21.

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, Achmed Al-Shraedeh, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2006: Al-Daher Cave (Bergish), Jordan, the first extensive Jordanian limestone cave: A convective Carlsbad-type cave? – J. Cave and Karst Studies 68 (3): 107-114.

Stephan Kempe, 2006: The Baumann’s Cave at Rübeland/Harz, Germany, one of the caves noted in early science history for its cave bear and cave hyena bone deposits. – Proc. 12th Intern. Cave Bear Symposium in Thessaloniki/Loutra, Sci. Annals, School of Geology, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, Spec. Vol. 98: 213-220.

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, Doris Döppes, Mohamed Frehat, Horst-Volker Henschel, & Wilfried Rosendahl, 2006: Hyena Caves in Jordan. – Proc. 12th Intern. Cave Bear Symposium in Thessaloniki/Loutra, Sci. Annals, School of Geology, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, Spec. Vol. 98: 201-212.

Stephan Kempe, 2007: Das neue Buch von Alexander Klimchouk zur hypogenen Speläogenese: Klimchouk, A., 2007: Hypogene Speleogenesis: Hydrogeological and Morphogenetic Perspective. – National Cave and Karst Research Institute, Special Paper 1, 106 pp. - Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforscher, 53(3): 90-93.

Stephan Kempe & Achmed Al-Malabeh, 2007: Tiermumien aus Lavahöhlen der jordanischen Wüste. – In: A. Wieczorek, M. Tiefenbach & W. Rosendahl (Hrsg.), Mumien, der Traum vom ewigen Leben, Ausstellungskatalog Reiss-Engelhard Museen, Mannheim: 283-286.


Wilfried Rosendahl, Doris Döppes & Stephan Kempe, 2007: OIS 5 to OIS 8 – Numerically dated paleontological cave sites of Central Europe. – In: Sirocko, F., M. Clausen, M.F., Sànchez Goñi, & T. Litt, (eds.) The Climate of Past Interglacials, Developments in Quaternary Science, 7: 455-470.

Stephan Kempe, & Jozef Kazmierczak, 2007: Hydrochemical key to the genesis of calcareous non-laminated and laminated cyanobacterial microbialites. – In: Josef Seckbach, (ed.) Extremophilic Algae, Cyanobacteria and non-photosynthetic Protists: from Procaryots to Astrobiology; Springer, Berlin, COLE Series 241-264.

Jens Hartmann, Nils Jansen, Stephan Kempe & Hans H. Dürr, 2007: Geochemistry of the River Rhine and the Upper Danube: recent trends and lithological influence on baselines. – J. of Environmental Science for Sustainable Society 1: 39-46. http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jesss/1/0/39/_pdf

Stephan Kempe & Wilfried Rosendahl, 2008: Einleitung: Höhlen, verborgene Welten. - In: Stephan Kempe & Wilfried Rosendahl, (Hrsg.), Höhlen: verborgene Welten; Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt, Darmstadt: 9-13.

Stephan Kempe, 2008: Die Entdeckung des Unterirdischen, Geschichte der Höhlenforschung. – In: Stephan Kempe & Wilfried Rosendahl, (Hrsg.), Höhlen: verborgene Welten; Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt, Darmstadt: 14-22.

Stephan Kempe, 2008: Vom Urkanal zur unterirdischen Kathedrale, Höhlenformen und ihre Entstehung. – In: Stephan Kempe & Wilfried Rosendahl, (Hrsg.), Höhlen: verborgene Welten; Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt, Darmstadt: 54-64.

Stephan Kempe, 2008: Steter Tropfen baut den Stein. – In: Stephan Kempe & Wilfried Rosendahl, (Hrsg.), Höhlen: verborgene Welten; Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt, Darmstadt: 76-89.

Doris Döppes , Stephan Kempe, & Wilfried Rosendahl, 2008: Schauhöhlen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. – In: Stephan Kempe & Wilfried Rosendahl, (Hrsg.), Höhlen: verborgene Welten; Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt, Darmstadt: 151-160.

Nils Lenhardt , Enrique Martinez-Hernandez, Annette E. Götz, Matthias Hinderer, Jens Hornung, Ignacio S. Torres Alvarado, & Stephan Kempe, 2008: Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Miocene Tepoztlán Formation (Central Mexico): Preliminary results of palynological investigations. – Proc. 12th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Tepotzlán, Mexico, 2-7 July, 2006, Assoc. for Mexican Cave Studies, Bull. 19 and Socieded Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas Bol. 7: 158-161.

Achmed Al-Malabeh, Mohamed Frehat, Horst-Volker Henschel & Stephan Kempe, 2008: Al-Fahda Cave (Jordan): the longest lava cave yet reported from the Arabian Plate. – Proc. 12th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Tepotzlán, Mexico, 2-7 July, 2006, Assoc. for Mexican Cave Studies, Bull. 19 and Socieded Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas Bol. 7: 201-208.

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, Mohamed Frehat, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2008: State of lava cave research in Jordan. – Proc. 12th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Tepotzlán, Mexico, 2-7 July, 2006, Assoc. for Mexican Cave Studies, Bull. 19 and Socieded Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas Bol. 7: 209-218.

Stephan Kempe, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2008: Thurston Lava Tube, the most visited tube in the world. What do we know about it? – Proc. 12th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Tepotzlán, Mexico, 2-7 July, 2006, Assoc. for Mexican Cave Studies, Bull. 19 and Socieded Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas Bol. 7: 219-228.

Stephan Kempe, Horst-Volker Henschel, Harry Shick, & Frank Trusdell, 2008: Geology and genesis of the Kamakalepo Cave System in Mauna Loa picritic lavas, Na‘alehu, Hawaii. – Proc. 12th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleolpgy, Tepotzlán, Mexico, 2-7 July, 2006, Assoc. for Mexican Cave Studies, Bull. 19 and Socieded Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas Bol. 7: 229-242.

Stephan Kempe, Horst-Volker Henschel, Harry Shick, & Basil Hansen, 2008: Archaeology of the Kamakalepo / Waipouli / Stonehenge area, underground fortresses, living quarters and petroglyph fields. – Proc. 12th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Tepotzlán, Mexico, 2-7 July, 2006, Assoc. for Mexican Cave Studies, Bull. 19 and Socieded Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas Bol. 7: 243-252.


Stephan Kempe, 2008: Gipskarst – ein Überblick. – Exkurs. f. und Veröffentl. DGG, 235: 30-41 (5 Abb., 1 Tab., Hannover).

Doris Döppes, Stephan Kempe & Wilfried Rosendahl, 2008: Dated paleontological cave sites of Central Europe from Late Middle Pleistocene to Early Upper Pleistocene (OIS 5 to OIS 8).- Quaternary International, 187: 97-104.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_Online available under:ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VGS-4NFXDHP-2&_user=10&_coverDate=08%2F15%2F2008&_alid=770515139&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_cdi=6046&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_ct=1&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=7e3f91619b7a45db1f44701db7d5b009

Stephan Kempe, Heiko Dirks, 2008: Layla Lakes, Saudi Arabia: The world-wide largest lacustrine gypsum tufas. – Acta Carsologica 37(1): 7-14.

Jens Hartmann, Stephan Kempe, 2008: What is the global potential for CO2 sequestration by “stimulated” weathering? Natur-wissenschaften 95: 1159–1164.

Stephan Kempe, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2008: Thurston Lava Cave, the most visited tube in the world. What do we know about it? – Hawai‘i Speleological Survey Newsletter, Fall 2008, 24: 16-24.

Stephan Kempe, 2008: Natürliche Sinterschäden, Indikatoren für glaziales Höhleneis in Mitteleuropa (Mitarbeit: I. Bauer, H. Dirks, D. Döppes, I. Dorsten, A. Anton Eisenhauer, Hüser, W. Rosendahl). – Stalactite 1, 2008: 38-42 .

Achmed Al-Malabeh, Stephan Kempe, Horst-Volker Henschel, Hofmann, H. & Tobschall, H.J., 2008: The Warda iron ore deposit and historic mine near Ajloun, (Northern Jordan): Mineralogy and geochemistry of a potential speleogene iron ore deposit. – Acta Carsologica 37 (2-3): 241-253.

Andreas Reimer., Günter Landmann, & Stephan Kempe, 2009: Lake Van, Eastern Anatolia, hydrochemistry and history. - Aquatic Geochemistry 15: 195-222. (DOI 10.1007/s10498-008-9049-9) Online First http://www.springerlink.com/content/e5n40883t50766t2.

Shahrazad Abu Ghazleh, Jens Hartmann, Nils Jansen, & Stephan Kempe, 2009: Water input requirements of the rapidly shrinking Dead Sea. –Naturwissenschaften 96 (5): 637-643.

Al-Malabeh, M., & Stephan Kempe, 2009: Petrolithology of the Permian melaphyre lavas, Darmstadt, Germany. – N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 252/2: 129-143.

Stephan Kempe, 2009: Siderite weathering as a reaction causing hypogene speleogenesis: the example of the Iberg/Harz/Germany. – In Klimchouk, A., Ford, D., (eds.) 2009: Hypogene Speleogenesis and Karst Hydrogeology of Artesian Basins. - Ukrainian Institute of Speleology and Karstology, Special Paper 1, Simferopol, 59-60.

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2009: Hypogene karstification in Jordan (Bergish/ Al-Daher Cave, Uweiyed Cave, Beer Al-Malabeh Sinkhole. – In Klimchouk, A., Ford, D., (eds.) 2009: Hypogene Speleogenesis and Karst Hydrogeology of Artesian Basins. - Ukrainian Institute of Speleology and Karstology, Special Paper 1, Simferopol, 253-255.

Stephan Kempe, Heiko Dirks, & Ingo Bauer, 2009: Hypogene karstification in Saudi Arabia (Layla Lake Sinkholes, Ain Heeth Cave). – In Klimchouk, A., Ford, D., (eds.) 2009: Hypogene Speleogenesis and Karst Hydrogeology of Artesian Basins. - Ukrainian Institute of Speleology and Karstology, Special Paper 1, Simferopol, 247-251.

Sharhazad Abu Ghazleh, & Stephan Kempe, 2009: Geomorphology of Lake Lisan terraces along the eastern coast of the Dead Sea, Jordan. – Geomorphology, 108: 246-263.

Shahrazad Abu Ghazleh, Nils Jansen, Jens Hartmann, Stephan Kempe, 2009: Das Sterben des Toten Meeres. - Naturwiss. Rundschau, 62(7): 368-370.

Stephan Kempe, 2009: Principles of pyroduct (lava tunnel) formation. - Proc. 15th Intern. Congress of Speleolog., Kerrville, Texas, July 19-26, 2009: 669-674.

Stephan Kempe, & Horst-Volker Henschel, , 2009: Interpreting the genesis of Thurston Lava Cave, Kilauea, Hawai‘i. - Proc. 15th Intern. Congress of Speleolog., Kerrville, Texas, July 19-26, 2009: 675-681.


Stephan Kempe, Horst-Volker Henschel, Harry Shick, & Basil Hansen, 2009: Archaeology and 14C dates of the Kamakalepo/Waipouli/Stonehenge Area, Nahalehu, Hawai‘i. - Proc. 15th Intern. Congress of Speleolog., Kerrville, Texas, July 19-26, 2009: 682-689.

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2009: Jordanian lava caves and their importance to understand lava plateaus. - Proc. 15th Intern. Congress of Speleolog., Kerrville, Texas, July 19-26, 2009: 690-697.

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2009: The possible speleogene-hypogene origin of the Warda Iron Ore Mine Deposit (Jordan). - Proc. 15th Intern. Congress of Speleolog., Kerrville, Texas, July 19-26, 2009: 891-897.

Stephan Kempe, Ingo Bauer, & Heiko Dirks, 2009: Glacial cave ice as the cause of wide-spread destruction of interglacial and interstadial speleothem generations in Central Europe. - Proc. 15th Intern. Congress of Speleolog., Kerrville, Texas, July 19-26, 2009: 1026-1031.

Stephan Kempe, Heiko Dirks, Ingo Bauer, & Randolf Rausch, 2009: The sinkholes of Layla Lakes; Saudi Arabia and their singular sub-lacustrine gypsum tufa. - Proc. 15th Intern. Congress of Speleology, Kerrville, Texas, July 19-26, 2009: 1556-1561.

Stephan Kempe, & Klaus Suckstorff, 2009: Josef Anton Nagel and his 1748 manuscript about his cave expedition to Carniola (Slovenia) and Moravia (Czech Republic). - Proc. 15th Intern. Congress of Speleolog., Kerrville, Texas, July 19-26, 2009: 1987-1992.

Stephan Kempe, Christhild Ketz-Kempe, & Erika Kempe, 2009: Early cave visits by women and the travel accounts of Lady Elisabeth Craven to the Grotto of Antiparos (1786) and Johanna Schopenhauer to Peaks Cavern (1803). - Proc. 15th Intern. Congress of Speleolog., Kerrville, Texas, July 19-26, 2009: 1993-1999.

Stephan Kempe, & Hans-Peter Hubrich, 2009: Inscriptions of historically known persons in Postojnska jama. - Proc. 15th Intern. Congress of Speleolog., Kerrville, Texas, July 19-26, 2009: 2000-2005.

Jozef Kazmierczak., Wlady Altermann, Barbara Kremer, Stephan Kempe and Eriksson, P.G., 2009: Mass occurrence of benthic coccoid cyanobacteria and their role in the production of Neoarchean carbonates of South Africa. – Precambrium Research, 173: 79-82.

Stephan Kempe, 2009: Wie bohrt die Natur große Löcher.- In: Wilfried Rosendahl,Müller, T., Arge Höhle und Karst Grabenstetten e.V. & Staatsanzeiger Verlag (Hrsg.) „Höhlen in Baden Württemberg“, KulturGeschichte BW, Staatsanzeiger Verlag, Stuttgart: 44-46.

Stephan Kempe & Doris Döppes, 2009: Cave bear, cave lion and cave hyena skulls from the public collection at the Humboldt Museum in Berlin. – Acta Carsologica, 38/2-3:253-264.

Jens Hartmann, Nils Jansen, Hans H. Dürr, Stephan Kempe, & Peter Köhler,2009: Global CO2-consumption by chemical weathering: What is the contribution of highly active weathering regions? Global Planetary Change, 69: 185-194. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2009.07.007

William R. Halliday, Okubo, C.H., Stephan Kempe, Michael Garman, Sherry Garman, ., and Wynne, J.J., 2009: Rheogenic caves and cavernous structures of Kalaupapa Peninsula, Molokai Island. Hawaii, USA, a Mars analog revisited. – 2009 Portland Gelo. Soc. America Annual Meeting (18-21 October 2009, Paper No 66-4. (Workshop Beitrag)

Jens Hartmann, Nils Jansen, Hans H. Dürr, Aktia Harashima, ., Kenji Okubo, Stephan Kempe, 2010: Predicting riverine dissolved silica fluxes into coastal zones from a hyperactive region and analysis of their first order controls. - International Journal of Earth Sciences 99(1): 207-230. DOI: 10.1007/s00531-008-0381-5

Nils Jansen, Jens Hartmann, Ronny Lauerwald Hans H. Dürr, Stephan Kempe, Loos, S. & Middelkoop, H., 2010: Dissolved silica mobilization in the conterminous USA. - Chemical Geology, 270 (1-4): 90-109. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo. 2009.11.008

Pisera, A., Rützler, K., Jozef Kazmierczak., and Stephan Kempe, 2010: Sponges in an extreme environment: suberitids from the quasi-marine Satonda Island crater lake (Sumbawa, Indonesia). – Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 90 (1): 203-212. Doi 10.1017/S0025315409990968.

Stephan Kempe, 2010: Longitudinal section through a lava pyroduct. - Hawai‘i Speleolog. Survey Newsletter, Spring 2010 (27): 18. (Artikel)


William R. Halliday, Okubo, C.H., Stephan Kempe, Michael Garman, Sherry Garman, ., and Wynne, J.J., 2010: Rheogenic caves and cavernous structures of Kalaupapa Peninsula, Molokai Island. Hawaii, USA, a Mars analog revisited. - Hawai‘i Speleolog. Survey Newsletter, Spring 2010 (27): 19-32. (Artikel)

Shahrazad Abu Ghazleh, Stephan Kempe, Jens Hartmann, & Nils Jansen, 2010: Rapidly shrinking Dead Sea urgently needs infusion of 0.9 km3/a from planned Red-Sea Channel: Implication for renewable energy and sustainable development. – Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 4 (1): 211-216. (Artikel)

Stephan Kempe, 2010: Principles of pyroduct (lava tunnel) formation. – Hawaii Speleological Survey Newsletter 22: 16-24 (reprinted version of the 2009 Kerrville paper with added figures).

Stephan Kempe, & Achmed Al-Malabeh, 2010: Hunting kites (‘desert kites’) and associated structures along the eastern rim of the Jordanian Harrat: A geo-archaeological Google Earth Images Survey. – Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie 10(3): 46-86.

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh Ingo Bauer, & Horst-Volker Henschel, , 2010: Pressure ridge caves, a comparison between the Jordanian caves of the Qais/Makais volcanic field and the Hawaiian Mauna Loa Eclipse Cave. – Proceedings 14th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology, 2010: 83 92.

Stephan Kempe, Ingo Bauer, Peter Bosted, Don Coons, & Rick Elhardt, 2010: Inflationary versus crusted-over roofs of pyroducts (lava tunnels). – Proceedings 14th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology, 2010: 93-101

Stephan Kempe, Ingo Bauer, Peter Bosted, & Steven Smith, , 2010: Whitney’s Cave, an old Mauna Loa/Hawaiian pyroduct below Pahala ash: an example of upward-enlargement by hot breakdown. – Proceedings 14th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology, 2010: 103 - 113.

Stephan Kempe, & Achmed Al-Malabeh 2010: Kites and other archaeological structures along the eastern rim of the Harrat (lava plain) of Jordan, signs of intensive usage in prehistoric time, a Google Earth images study. – Proceedings 14th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology, 2010: 199-215.

Günter Landmann, Georg Steinhauser, J. Hans Sterba, Stephan Kempe, Max Bichler, 2011: Geochemical fingerprints by activation analysis of tephra layers in Lake Van sediments, Turkey. - Applied Radiation and Isotopes 69: 929-935.

Shahrazad Abu Ghazleh, Abdelkader Abed, & Stephan Kempe, 2011: The dramatic drop of the Dead Sea: background, rates, impacts and solutions. – In: Badescu, V. & Cathcart, R.B. (eds.), Macro-engineering Seawater in/and Unique Environments. Arid Lowlands and Water Bodies Rehabilitations; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg: 77-105.

Stephan Kempe, & Jozef Kazmierczak., 2011: Soda lakes. – In: Joachim Reitner, and Volker Thiel, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Geobiology, Springer, 824-829.

Stephan Kempe, & Jozef Kazmierczak., 2011: Soda ocean hypothesis. – In: Joachim Reitner, and Volker Thiel, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Geobiology, Springer, 829-833.

Jens Hartmann, Levy, J. & Stephan Kempe, 2011: Increasing dissolved silica trends in the Rhine River: an effect of recovery from high P loads? – Limnology, 12: 63-73. DOI 10.1007/s10201-010-0322-4.

Jozef Kaźmierczak, Stephan Kempe, Barbara Kremer, Pourification López-Garcia, David Moreira, & Rosaluz Tavera, 2011: Hydrochemistry and microbialites of the alkaline caldera Lake Alchichica, Mexico. – Facies: 57: 543-570. DOI 10.1007/s10347-010-0255-8.

Stephan Kempe, & Hans-Peter Hubrich, 2011: Inscriptions of historically known persons in Postojnska jama. –Acta Carsologica 40(2): 397-415.

Jens Hartmann, Hans H. Dürr, Nils Moosdorf, Meybeck Michel , & Stephan Kempe, 2012: The geochemical composition of the terrestrial surface (without soils) and comparison with the upper continental crust. - International Journal of Earth Science, (Geol. Rundsch.). 101(1): 365-376. doi: 10.1007/s00531-010-0635-x.

Stephan Kempe, 2012: Volcanic rock caves. – In: White, W. & Culver, D.C., (eds.), Encyclopedia of Caves, 2nd ed. Academic Press /Elsevier, Amsterdam, 865-873.


Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2012: Jordanian lava caves, an overview. – Abstracts and Proceedings 15th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Hashemite Univ. Zarka – Jordan, 15-22 March, 2012: 38-42..

Achmed Al-Malabeh, & Stephan Kempe, 2012:Hashemite University Cave, Jordan. – Abstracts and Proceedings 15th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Hashemite Univ. Zarka – Jordan, 15-22 March, 2012: 43-48..

Stephan Kempe, 2012: Lava caves, types and development. – Abstracts and Proceedings 15th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Hashemite Univ. Zarka – Jordan, 15-22 March, 2012: 49-56.

Stephan Kempe & Achmed Al-Malabeh, 2012: Distribution, sizes, function and heritage importance of the Harrat Al Shaam desert kites: the largest prehistoric stoneworks of mankind?- Abstracts and Proceedings 15th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Hashemite Univ. Zarka – Jordan, 15-22 March, 2012: 57-66.

Stephan Kempe, 2012: Ronald Greeley, PhD, 1939-2011 – ein Nachruf.- Mitt. Verb. d. deut. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch. 58(1): 30-31.

Achmed Al-Malabeh, & Stephan Kempe, 2012: Hypogene point karstification along Wadi Sirhan Graben (Jordan): A sign of oilfield degassing?- Acta Carsologica (in press).

Nils Moosdorf, Jens Hartmann, Ronny Lauerwald, Hagedorn, B.K. & Stephan Kempe, 2011: Atmospheric CO2 consumption by chemical weathering in North America. - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75: 7829-7854. (Achtung wurde noch nicht für 2011 angemeldet als Arbeit für Inst. Etat angemeldet!)

Stephan Kempe, & Jozef Kazmierczak., 2012: Caldera lakes of Niuafo‘ou Island, Tonga: Hydrochemistry and carbonate deposits. – In: “Life on Earth and Other Planetary Bodies”, in: Arnold Hanselmeier, Stephan Kempe, Josef Seckbach, (eds.), Springer, Dortrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London, 197-234.

Stephan Kempe, Ingo Bauer, Peter Bosted, and Bosted, A., 2012: The Queen’s Bath, a littoral cave in Mauna Loa lava, formed by coastal erosion. - Hawai‘i Speleolog. Survey Newsletter, Fall 2012 (32): 16-17.

Ingo Bauer, Stephan Kempe, and Peter Bosted, 2012: Kahuenaha Nui Cave, Hawaii, a cave developed in four different lava flows. - Hawai‘i Speleolog. Survey Newsletter, Fall 2012 (32): 27-31.

Ronny Lauerwald Jens Hartmann, Nils Moosdorf, Stephan Kempe, & Raymond, P.A. 2012: What controls the spatial patterns of the riverine carbonate system? A case study 2 for North America.- Chemical Geology, 337-338: 114–127.

Barbara Kremer, Jozef Kazmierczak, Maja Łukomska-Kowalczyk, ., & Stephan Kempe, 2012: Calcification versus silicification: assessment of the fossilization potential of cyanobacteria from stromatolites of Niuafo‘ou caldera lakes (Tonga) and implications for the Archean fossil record. - Astrobiology (in press).

Stephan Kempe, 2013. Morphology of speleothems in primary (lava-) and secondary caves. - In: Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Frumkin, A. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, vol. 6, Karst Geomorphology, pp. 267–285.

Jens Hartmann, Stephan Kempe, Hans H. Dürr, & Nils Jansen, 2012: High resolution global CO2-consumption by chemical weathering. – submitted.

Jens Hartmann, Hans H. Dürr, Nils Jansen, Stephan Kempe, 2012: Increasing silica concentration in the Neckar river system – effects of the recovery cycle. - Biogeochemistry (submitted).

Fridjof Knolle,& Stephan Kempe 2011: Dr. Benno Wolf and the Nazi Military Use of German Caves. In prep.

Ronny Lauerwald, Jens Hartmann, Nils Moosdorf, Hans H. Dürr, . & Stephan Kempe, 2012: Retention of dissolved silica within the fluvieal systems oft he cconterminous USA. – In press.

Stephan Kempe, & Achmed Al-Malabeh, 2013: Desert kites in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, structure, statistics and function, a Google Earth Study. – Quat. Intern. Submitted.

Stephan Kempe, Naumann, G., Boris Dunsch, 2013: Athanasius Kircher’s chapter XX„About caves, fractures and the innumerable passages of the earth“ and the Grotto of Antiparos from „Mundus subterraneus“, 1678, translated from latin. – 13th Intern. Congr. Speleolog. Brno Aug. 2013, submitted.


Blau: VGWORT gemeldet

Diese Arbeit wird von Richter et al. 2010 (Cryogenic Speleothems in The Cryosphere) zitiert. Ich kenne sie aber nicht:

Stephan Kempe, Doris Doeppes, Ingo Bauer, Heiko Dirks, Ingo Dorsten, Anette Hueser,and Anton Eisenhauer,: Naturally damaged speleothems, indicators of glacial cave ice in Central Europe, Karst Waters Institute Special Publication, 10, 35 pp., 2006.


C) Abstracts :

Egon T. Degens, Venu Ittekkot & Stephan Kempe (1979): Impact of man on soil erosion documented in coastal marine sediments. - Proc. Symp. on Anthropogenic Influences on the Environment, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

Stephan Kempe (1981): Dissolution experiments with facets. - Proc. 8th Intern. Spel. Congr. Bowling Green, Kent.: 647. (abstract only)

Alejandro Spitzy, Stephan Kempe & Egon T. Degens (1981): Tracing the missing CO2, Pt.1: riverine carbonate. - Paper presented at the CLIMATE MODELS contact group meeting May 26-27, 1981, Brussels, Commission of European Communites.

Egon T. Degens, Venu Ittekkot & Stephan Kempe (1981): Tracing the "missing" CO2 - Pt. 2: riverine organic carbon. - Extended abstracts and/or text of presentation at the first meeting, Brussels, 26-27 Oct., 1981. Comm. of the European Communities, Directorate General for Science, Research and Development.

Stephan Kempe (1982): Carbonate corrosion in the estuarine zone. - Amer. Chem. Soc., Div. of Geochem. Nat. Meeting Kansas City, Missouri Sept. 12-17, Abstract 43.

Stephan Kempe (1985): Sediment trapping in the Black Sea. - (abstract) Terra Cognita 5: 70.

Stephan Kempe, Jozef Kazmierczak, & Egon T. Degens (1986): The soda ocean concept and its bearing on biotic and crustal evolution.- Abstr. 5th Intern. Symp. Biominerlization "The Origin of Ocean Chemistry and Its Significance to Biomineralization, May 19-23, 1986, Arlington, Texas: 31-32.

Stephan Kempe, Jozef Kazmierczak & Karl Heinz Stetter (1988): Satonda Insel: Schlüssel zur chemischen Evolution des Ozeans. - In Statusseminar "Marine Rohstofforschung" mit dem deutschen Forschungsschiff SONNE im Zeitraum 1984 bis 1988, Goslar 9. Mai bis 11. Mai 1988 Programm und Kurzfassungen der Vorträge, Kernforschungsanlage Jülich GmbH.

Stephan Kempe & Jozef Kazmierczak (1989): Satonda Crater Lake and its stromatolites: A recent model of the early alkaline ocean? - European Union of Geosciences, 5th Meeting, Strasbourg 20-23 March 1989; Terra Abstracts 1/1: 197.

Weers, K.-P., How Kin Wong & Stephan Kempe (1990): Hauptionen und Nährstoffe in der Unterelbe (poster abstract). - 3. Magdeburger Gewässerschutzseminar zur Belastung der Elbe, GKSS, Geesthacht, WWD, Magdeburg: 324 pp.

Stephan Kempe & Christhild Ketz-Kempe (1991): Lava tube systems in the Hilina Pali area, Kilauea, Hawaii. - Newslett. Cave Geol. Geograph. Sec. Nat. Speleol. Soc. 19/1: 18. (abstract)

Stephan Kempe & Christhild Ketz-Kempe (1991): Underground observations during the Pu'u O'o Earthquake, August 8, 1990, 4.9 Magnitude. - Newslett. Cave Geol. Geograph. Sec. Nat. Speleol. Soc. 19/1: 19. (abstract)

Jozef Kazmierczak. & Stephan Kempe (1991): Recent cyanobacterial counterparts of Paleozoic Wetheredella and related problematic fossils. - 5th Inter. Symp. on Fossil Algae, Capri, 7-14 April 1991, Abstract Volume: 30.

Stephan Kempe & Kai Pegler, (1992): Karbonatsystem im Nordatlantik (SO/76-A und M/21-3 Fahrt). – Berichte aus dem FB Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, No. 33, J. Duinker & G. Wefer (eds.): Bericht über den 1. JGOFS-Workshop, 1./2. Dezember 1992 in Bremen: 32-34.

Petro J. Depetris, W.G. Mook & Stephan Kempe (1992): The 1982 ENSO impact on the Paraná River: Evidence from stable isotopes. Extended Abstract Intern. Symp. on "Former ENSO Phenomena in Western South America: Records of El Niño Events", Lima Mar. 4-7., 1992.

Stephan Kempe, Günter Landmann & Andreas Reimer (1992): Sediments of Lake Van, Eastern Anatolia. - Abstracts Amer. Geophys. Union San Francisco 1992 Fall Meeting, Supplement to EOS Oct. 27, 1992: 206.

Jozef Kazmierczak., Stephan Kempe, Michal Gruszczynski & M. Coleman (1993): Concurrence of in vivo and early post-mortem biocalcification in modern coocoid cyanobacterial mats from Indonesia: a key to the morphogenesis of ancient stromatolites. - 7th Biomineralization Symposium, Monaco 17.-20.11.93, Program and Abstracts, p.60.

Jozef Kazmierczak., M. Gruszczynski, M. Coleman, Stephan Kempe & C. Maile (1994): Coccoid cyanobacterial origin of common micritic and peloidal limestones: Jurassisc and modern examples. - 14th Intern. Sed. Congr. Recife, Aug. 1994, Abstracts: B5-B7.


Petro J. Depetris, Georg Irion, S.R. Bertolino & Stephan Kempe (1993): Riverine sources of clay minerals in the SW-Atlantic - an overview. -Abstracts Intern. Workshop "Particle Flux in the Ocean", SCOPE/UNEP, Hamburg Sept. 20-23, 1993.

Stephan Kempe & Heiko Knaack (1993): Vertical particle flux in the Western Pacific below the North Equatorial Current and the Equatorial Counter Current. - Abstracts Intern. Workshop "Particle Flux in the Ocean", SCOPE/UNEP, Hamburg Sept. 20-23, 1993.

Stephan Kempe, Andreas Lipp , Bernward Hay & Mohamed Duman (1993): Vertical particle flux in the Black Sea. - Abstracts Intern. Workshop "Particle Flux in the Ocean", SCOPE/UNEP, Hamburg Sept. 20-23, 1993.

Zheng, L., W. Chen, H. Erlenkeuser, How Ki Wong, P. Stoffers, Stephan Kempe & Martin G. Wiesner (1993): Seasonal variations of oxygen and carbon isotopes in planktonic foraminifera in the Northern South China Sea. - Abstracts Intern. Workshop "Particle Flux in the Ocean", SCOPE/UNEP, Hamburg Sept. 20-23, 1993.

Jozef Kazmierczak., Stephan Kempe, Michal Gruszczynski & M. Coleman (1993): Concurence of in vivo and early post-mortem biocalcification in modern coccoid cyanobacterial mats from Indonesia: a key to the morphogenesis of ancient stromatolites. - Abstract, 7th Intern. Symp. Biomineralization, Monaco, November 17-20, 1993: 69 p.

Stephan Kempe & Jozef Kazmierczak (1994): Hydrochemical prerequisites for modern and past environments sustaining in-situ calcifying cyanobacterial mats. - Death Valley International Stromatolite Symp. Laughlin, Nev. 15.-17.10.1994, Abstracts: 41.

Jozef Kazmierczak, M. Gruszczynski, Wolfgang Weitschat & Stephan Kempe (1994): Devonian and Triassic seafloor accumulated micritic limestones: Product of benthic coccoid cyanobacteria. - Death Valley International Stromatolite Symp. Laughlin, Nev. 15.-17.10.1994, Abstracts: 39-40.

Jozef Kazmierczak., M. Gruszczynski, M. Coleman, Stephan Kempe & C. Maile (1994): Origin of lamination in modern and ancient in situ calcified stromatolites: A geomicrobiological and isotopic approach. - Death Valley International Stromatolite Symp. Laughlin, Nev. 15.-17.10.1994,

Jozef Kazmierczak., N.M. Gruszczynski, M.L. Coleman & Stephan Kempe (1995): Open marine micritic and peloidal limestones from the Jurassic of Poland: Products of benthic coccoid cyanobacteria. - Abst. 10th Bathurst Meeting of Carbonate Sedimentologists. - London, 2.-5, July, 1995, 32-33.

Stephan Kempe (1995): The coastal ocean and its role in the global carbon cycle. - In "Changing Estuarine and Coastal Environments", (eds. W. Salomons, B. Bayne, C.H. Heip & K. Turner), EERO Workshop, GKSS-Research Center, Geestacht, 8.-12. Oct., 1995: 57-59.

Kai Pegler & Stephan Kempe (1995): The CO2 system in the North Atlantic Ocean: Seasonal influence on the regional distribution of inorganic carbon. - The XXI General Assembly of the Intern. Assoc. for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean, Honolulu, 5.-12.8. 1995, Abstracts (ed, R.E. Stevenson): 132.

Wolfgang Ludwig, Phillippe Amiotte-Suchet, Guy Munhoven, Jean-Luc Probst & Stephan Kempe (1995): MoNicolai Delling the consumption of atmospheric CO2 by continental erosion. - In Glabal Analysis, Interpretation, and MoNicolai Delling: First Science Conference, 25.-29. Sep.,1995, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Abstract volume: H3.

Stephan Kempe (1996): Enlargement of lava tubes by downcutting and breakdown. - Abstr. Proc. Nat. Speleol. Soc. Conv., 5.-9. 8. 1996, Salida, Colorado, p.46.

Gernot Arp, Joachim Reitner, Gerd Wörheide, Günter Landmann & Stephan Kempe, 1997: New data on Satonda Crater Lake microbial communities, Sumbawa, Indonesia.- EUG Abstracts, Strassbourg, 23.-27. March, 1997 21/2b26.

Stephan Kempe, (1997): Lavahöhlen auf Hawaii.- Der Schlatz, 82: 54.

Stephan Kempe, & Jens Hartmann (1997): Excentriques capillaries, do they carry paleoclimatic information? - Proc. 12. Intern. Congr. Speleol. 10.-17. Aug. 1997, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland,Vol. 3: 100, abstr. only.

Stephan Kempe, & Petro J. Depetris, 1997: Why basin studies. - Proceedings "Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone"LOICZ-IGBP Open Science Meeting, 10.-13. October 1997, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands LOICZ Meeting Report No 29: 55-58.


Diego M. Gaiero, Godino, G., Piovano, E.L., Petro J. Depetris, Jean-Luc Probst, & Stephan Kempe, 1997: Heavy metal speciation in Patagonian rivers: a preliminary view. - Proceedings "Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone" LOCIZ-IGBP Open Science Meeting, 10.-13. October 1997, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, LOICZ Meeting Report No 29: 75.

Pasquini, A.I., Petro J. Depetris, Jean-Luc Probst, and Stephan Kempe, (1997): The effect of natural events and man-made factors on runoff and sediment transport of Patagonian Rivers: Colorado, Negro, and Chubut rivers. - Proceedings "Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone"LOICZ-IGBP Open Science Meeting, 10.-13. October 1997, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands LOICZ Meeting Report No 29: 84-85.

Jozef Kazmierczak. & Stephan Kempe, (1998): Bacterial spherulites associated with cocoid cyanobacterial microbialites from lake Van, Turkey: Clues for the origin of ooids. - 14th Intern. Sedimentol. Congr. Alicante, April 1998.

Stephan Kempe, & Jozef Kazmierczak, (1998): Geomikrobiologische und isotopische Untersuchungen an mitteldevonischen Kalken Mitteleuropas im Hinblick auf mikrobielle Kalke aus reczenten limnischen und quasimarinen Environments. - Protokoll Kolloquium Schwerpunktprogramm "Evolution des Systems Erde während des jüngeren Paläozoikums im Spiegel der Sedimentgeochemie", 26.-27.1.1998, Bonn.

Wilfried Rosendahl, & Stephan Kempe; 1998: Zur Bedeutung von Speläothemen für die Rekonstruktion von jung- und mittelpleistozänen Klimasequenzen. - Tagungsband der 40. Tagung der Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft; 14.-18.4.1998, S.13; Erlangen.

Stephan Kempe & William R. Halliday, (1998): Report of the discussion on Pseudokarst. - Proc. 12th Intern. Congr. Speleol., La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, 10th-17th Aug. 1997, Vol 6: 107.

Stephan Kempe (1998): Siderite weathering, a rare source of CO2 for Cave Genesis: The Eisensteinstollen System and adjacent caves in the Iberg, Harz Mountains, Germany. - Proc. 1998 Nat. Speleol. Soc. Conv. Sewanee, TN, 3.-7.8.1998: 78.

Stephan Kempe (1999): The historical importance of the Baumannshöhle/Harz Illustrated by the report of Zückert (1763).- Abstract, NSS Convention 1999, geo2 session. Und: J. Cave Karst Stud. Nat. Speleolo. Soc. 62 (April 2000) (1): 37. Also in: The Journal of Spelean History, 33(1):19, Abstracts of the papers presented at the History Session 1999 NSS Convention in Filer, Idaho.

Stephan Kempe, Christian Lerch & Mathias Oberwinder (1999): Channel and Cave Systems of the Puhia Pele Flow, Hualalai, Hawaii, and Its Relation to the 1801 (Huehue) Flow. Abstract, NSS Convention 1999, Vulcano-spelelogical session. Und: J. Cave Karst Stud. Nat. Speleolo. Soc. 62 (April 2000) (1): 42-43.

Stephan Kempe (1999): Waipouli and Kamakalepo, Two Sections of a Large and Old Mauna Loa Tube on Hawaii.. Abstract, NSS Convention 1999, Vulcanospeleological session. Und: J. Cave Karst Stud. Nat. Speleolo. Soc. 62 (April 2000) (1): 43.

Stephan Kempe (1999): Mapping lava flows by surveying lava tubes; example: Aila'au/Keauhou Flows, Kilauea / Hawaii IX International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology Catania, 6.-11. September, 1999. Und: Newsletter Hawai'i Speleological Survey of the Nat. Speleol. Soc. Nov. 1999(6): 18.

Stephan Kempe, Christian Lerch & Mathias Oberwinder (1999): Geology of the Huehue Tube (eruption 1801) and the Puhia Pele Channel System, Hualalai, Hawaii.- IX International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology Catania, 6.-11. September, 1999. Und Newsletter Hawai'i Speleological Survey of the Nat. Speleol. Soc. Nov. 1999(6): 18, 21.

Stephan Kempe (1999): The genesis of isolated lava caves on Hawaii. - IX International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology Catania, 6.-11. September, 1999. Und: Newsletter Hawai'i Speleological Survey of the Nat. Speleol. Soc. Nov. 1999(6): 21-22.

Wilfried Rosendahl, & Stephan Kempe (1999) Zur Bedeutung von Speläothemen für die Rekonstruktion von jung- und mittelpleistozännen Klimasequenzen. – Quärtär 49/50: 149-130.

Joachim Reitner, Gerd Wörheide, John N.A. Hooper, and Stephan Kempe, 1999. An unusual suberitid demosponge fom a marine alkaline crater lake (Satonda Island, Indonesia. Memoires of the Quensland Museum 44: 477-478.


Michael Garman, Sherry Garman, & Stephan Kempe (2000): First deep dives into Kauhako Crater Lake, Molokai a deep volcanic vent dominated by microbial life. – Abstr. Nat. Speleol. Soc. Convention 2000.

Stephan Kempe, Wilfried Rosendahl, Bettina Wiegand & Anton Eisenhauer, (2000): New speleothem datation from caves of Germany and their importance for the Middle- and upper-Pleistocene climate reconstruction. – Guidebook and Abstracts: 2nd Sympos. Climate Changes and the Karst Record, Krakow 30.7.-4.8.2000: 74.

Stephan Kempe & Jozef Kazmierczak. (2001): Early Alkaline Oceans: Modeling Environments for Biogenesis. – In R. Greeley (ed.) Abstracts „Europa Focus Group Workshop“, NASA-Ames Research Center, Mofett Field, Ca., 1.-2.Febr. 2001, 14-15.

Günter Landmann & Stephan Kempe (2001): Comparison of Lake Van and Greenland Ice core Records: The Late Pleistocene/Holocene Transition. Contribution to EUG Abstracts, Strasbourg, 8-12. April, 2001, 762.

Jozef Kazmierczak, Bozena Lacka, Krysztof Malkowski, Stephan Kempe, Cyprian Kulicki, & Michal Kuzniarski, (2001): Calcification potential of artificial marine cyanobacterial mats. – Symp. Fossil and Recent Biofilms, a natural history of the impact of life on Planet Earth, Hanse Inst. f. Advanced Study, Delmenhorst and Geomocobiology Division C. v. Ossietzky Univ. Oldenburg, Febr. 18-21, 2001, Oldenburg; Abstracts (W. Krumbein, T. Dorniedne & M. Volkmann, eds.) p. 33.

Jozef Kazmierczak. & Stephan Kempe, (2001): Modern terrestrial analogs of carbonate globules from the Martian meteorite ALH84001. – Euro Workshop on GeoExtreme: Geology and Exobiology of Extreme Environments on Earth and in the Solar System; Tremiti Islands (Italy), May 6-10, 2001.

Wilfried Rosendahl, Bettina Wiegand & Stephan Kempe (2001): Speleothems and Pleistocene Climate - New dating results from caves in Germany and their correlation with the GRIP ice core record.- PAGES – PEP III, Past Climate Variability Through Europe and Africa, International Conference, Aix-en-Provence, 27.-31. August, Abstract: 133-134 und Poster.

Stephan Kempe & Jozef Kazmierczak. (2001): The alkaline Lake Van, Turkey: A test site for the origin of life and chemical evolution of early planetary oceans. – In: R. Greeley (ed.) Abstracts 2nd „Europa Focus Group Workshop“, Arizona State University, U.S. Geological Surevey Flagstaff Az. 7.-9. September 2001: 21-22.

Stephan Kempe, (2002): Alkalinity pump and carbonate precipitation: A Comparison of the crater lakes of Kauhako Hawaii, Satonda Indonesia and Niuafo’ou, Tonga. Abstracts Vol. 6th Intern. Symp. On the Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface (GES-6), 20-24 May, 2002, Honolulu, Hawaii: 136-137.

Stephan Kempe & Jozef Kazmierczak. (2002): Bioindicators and Biomarkers, a Rehearsal. – 3rd. Europa Focus Group Workshop Flagstaff, Arizona, 14.-16.05.02.

Jozef Kaźmierczak, & Stephan Kempe (2002): Models of CaCO3 precipitation in modern natural and cultured cyanobacterial mats. Clues for explaining the origin of ancient carbonate cyanobacterial microbialites. In: A. Y. Rozanov, J. Lipps & R. Hoover (eds.) International Conference Bacterial Paleontology, 21- 25 May 2002, Moskwa, p. 47.

Bettina Wiegand, Martin Dietzel, Wilfried Rosendahl, Pieter Nordhoff, Stephan Kempe & Bent T. Hansen (2002): Stable isotope and trace element variation in a stalagmite from the Eifel, Western Germany. – In: Niebuhr, B. (Hrsgin.): GEO 2002, Planet Erde: Vergangenheit, Entwicklung, Zukunft; 1.-5.10.2002, Würzburg; Gemeinschaftstagung der 13 geowiss. Ges. der Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Schriftenreihe Dt. Geol. Ges. 21: 352-353.

Stephan Kempe & Wilfried Rosendahl, (2002): Caves as archives of terrestrial paleoclimate and paleoenvironment information – In: Niebuhr, B. (Hrsgin.): GEO 2002, Planet Erde: Vergangenheit, Entwicklung, Zukunft; 1.-5.10.2002, Würzburg; Gemeinschaftstagung der 13 geowiss. Ges. der Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Schriftenreihe Dt. Geol. Ges. 21: 189.

Stephan Kempe & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2002: Erosional caves on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. – Proc. 5. Intern. Bergbau Worshop Ridnauna/Schneeberg, 15.-22.9.2002: p. 83.


Günter Landmann, & Stephan Kempe, (2002): Spiegelschwankungen im Nahen Osten während der Termination I. In Hüssner, H., Matthias Hinderer, Götz, A.E. & Petschick, R. (Hrsg.), „Sediment 2002“, Schriftenr. d. Deut. Geol. Ges (17): 126-127.

Wilfried Rosendahl, Stephan Kempe, Bettina Wiegand, Anton Eisenhauer, & Basil Hansen, 2003: Caves as terrestrial archives of Pleistocene paleoclimate and paleoenvironment information in Central Europe – an overview. – Deklim-Eem, 2nd

Workshop, Chlimate Change at the very End of a Warm Stage, Academy of Sciences, Heidelberg, March 24-28, 2003, Heidelberg; Abstract Volume: 7-8.

Stephan Kempe & Wilfried Rosendahl ,2003: Speleothem damage in Central European Caves, a result of permafrost processes? Proc. “Climate Changes: the Karst Record III, 3rd

Intern. Conf., Montpellier, France, 11th-14th

May, 2003: 88-89.

Pieter Nordhoff, Bettina Wiegand, Wilfried Rosendahl, Simon, K., Bent T. Hansen, & Stephan Kempe, 2003: Stable isotopes and trace element variations in a speleothem from the Swabian Alb, Southern Germany. - Proc. “Climate Changes: the Karst Record III, 3rd Intern. Conf., Montpellier, France, 11th-14th May, 2003: 119.

Petro J. Depetris, D.M. Diego M. Gaiero, Jean Luc Probst, and S. Stephan Kempe, 2003: Carbon and nutrient dynamics in Patagonien rivers. – Proc. Estuaries on the Edge, Convergence of Ocean, Land and Culture, Seatle Sept. 14-18 th, 2003.

Achmed Al-Malabeh, Stephan Kempe, Horst-Volker Henschel, 2004: Lava caves of Jordan. – The 8th International Conference of Jordanian Geologists Association 6.-7, April 2004, Amman, Abstracts Volume, p. 199.

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, Achmed Al-Shraedeh, Horst-Volker Henschel, 2004: Daher Cave, Irbid District, Jordan, a First Assessment of this Unique Jordanian Geotop. – The 8th

International Conference of Jordanian Geologists Association 6.-7, April 2004, Amman, Abstracts Volume, p. 200.

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, Horst-Volker Henschel, 2004: Lava caves of Jordan. – 11th

International Symposium on Volcanospeleology, 12-17 May, Azores, Abstract Volume.

and in 2008: Proc. 12th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Tepotzlán, Mexico, 2-7 July, 2006, Assoc. for Mexican Cave Studies, Bull. 19 and Socieded Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas Bol. 7: 76-78.

Stephan Kempe, Marlin Spike Werner, Horst-Volker Henschel, 2004: Kuka‘iau Cave, Mauna Kea, Hawai‘i: a water-eroded cave (a new type of Lava cave in Hawai’i). - 11th International Symposium on Volcanospeleology, 12-17 May, Azores, Abstract Volume.

and in 2008: Proc. 12th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Tepotzlán, Mexico, 2-7 July, 2006, Assoc. for Mexican Cave Studies, Bull. 19 and Socieded Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas Bol. 7: 83-85.

Stephan Kempe, Ingo Bauer, Horst-Volker Henschel, 2004: Pa‘auhau Civil Defense Cave, Mauna Kea volcano, Hawai‘i: a Lava tunnel (“Pyroduct”) Modified by Water Erosion). - 11th International Symposium on Volcanospeleology, 12-17 May, Azores, Abstract Volume.

and in 2008: Proc. 12th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Tepotzlán, Mexico, 2-7 July, 2006, Assoc. for Mexican Cave Studies, Bull. 19 and Socieded Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas Bol. 7: 83-84.

Stephan Kempe, Gerald Schmidt, Michael Kersten, &. B. Hasse , 2004: Analysis of iron speciation microstructures in lava samples from Hawaii by position sensitive X-ray absorption spectroscopy. - 11th International Symposium on Volcanospeleology, 12-17 May, Azores, Abstract Volume (Poster Presentation).

and in 2008: Proc. 12th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Tepotzlán, Mexico, 2-7 July, 2006, Assoc. for Mexican Cave Studies, Bull. 19 and Socieded Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas Bol. 7: 87-88.

Achmed Al-Malabeh, Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Shraedeh & Horst-Volker Henschel, , 2004. Tourisitic potential of Al-Daher cave, Jordan: A show cave of a modest design. 3rd Inter. Confr. of Sci. & Techn. In Archaeology & conservation. The Hashemite University, Abstracts and Program, p.34.


Stephan Kempe, & Jozef Kazmierczak, 2005: Carbonates and hydrochemistry of crater lakes (Kauhako, Hawai‘i; Satonda, Indonesia; Niuafo‘ou, Tonga): clues for understanding the evolution of early ocean chemistry. – Trends and Developments in Carbonate Sedimentology and Paleontology, Flügel-Colloquium 2005, April 13-15, Erlangen, Abstracts: 26-27.

Jozef Kaźmierczak, Michael Kühl, Tom Fenchel, Łacka, B., Krysztof Malkowski, Stephan Kempe, Barbara Kremer, Cyprian Kulicki, ., and Michal Kuźniarski, 2005: Calcification of cultured marine cyanobacterial mats: an example from Øresund, Denmark. – EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7: 04960.

Pourification López-Garcia, Karim Benzerara, Nicolas Menguy, Jozef Kaźmierczak, Stephan Kempe, Francois Guyot. and David Moreira, 2005: Microbial diversity and spectroscopic study of the aragonite microbialites from the alkaline Lake Van (Turkey). – EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7: 03648.

Stephan Kempe, Ingo Bauer, Heiko Dirks, Ingo Dorsten, and Anette Hüser, 2005: Naturally damaged speleothems, a new facies caused by Glacial cave ice? – EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7: 00151.

Stephan Kempe & Achmed Al-Malabeh, 2005: Newly discovered lava tunnels of the Al-Shaam plateau basalts, Jordan. – EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7: 03204.

Jens Hartmann, & Stephan Kempe, 2005: Are anthropogenic induced changes in nutrient ratios of the Ebro infuencing the ecosystem of the Catalanian coast. – EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7: 03427.

Jens Hartmann, Tomas Fernandez-Steeger, & Stephan Kempe, 2005: First results in the attempt to adept a Data Mining Strategy for distinguishing global, reginal and local factors reflecting patterns in river water chemistry. – EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7: 03441.

Jens Hartmann, & Stephan Kempe, 2005: Increasing Si trends in the Newckar river system and implications to elemental ratios of nutrients. – EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7: 03435.

Achmed Al-Malabeh, and Stephan Kempe, 2005: Discovery of the longest lava cave in the Middle East: Al-Fahda Tunnel Civilization under the Earth Surface, NE-Jordan. - 4th inter. Conf. on Sci. & Techn. in Archaeology & Conservation, Zarka-Jordan. Abstr. Vol.: p.4..

Stephan Kempe, 2005: Entwicklung von Karstlandschaften.- Tübinger Geowissensch. Arb. A73: p.60.

Stephan Kempe & Jozef Kazmierczak., 2006: Calcium and Living Systems: Lessons from life on Earth for potential biogenesis on Europa. – NASA Focus Group Europa, Febr. 27-27, Ames Research Center.

Nils Lenhardt, Annette E. Götz, Matthias Hinderer, Jens Hornung, & Stephan Kempe, 2006: Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Miocene Tepoztlán Formation using palynology. - XII International Symposium on Volcanospeleology, Tepoztlan, 02.-07.07.2006, Programm and Abstracts: 6.

and in 2008: Proc. 12th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Tepotzlán, Mexico, 2-7 July, 2006, Assoc. for Mexican Cave Studies, Bull. 19 and Socieded Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas Bol. 7: 137.

Al-Malabeh, M., Mohamed Fryhat, Horst-Volker Henschel, & Stephan Kempe, 2006: Al-Fahde Cave, Jordan, the longest lava cave yet reported from the Arabian Peninsula. - XII International Symposium on Volcanospeleology, Tepoztlan, 02.-07.07.2006, Programm and Abstracts: 23.

and in 2008: Proc. 12th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Tepotzlán, Mexico, 2-7 July, 2006, Assoc. for Mexican Cave Studies, Bull. 19 and Socieded Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas Bol. 7: 143.

Stephan Kempe, Al-Malabeh, M., Mohamed Fryhat, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2006: State of lava cave research in Jordan. - XII International Symposium on Volcanospeleology, Tepoztlan, 02.-07.07.2006, Programm and Abstracts: 24.


and in 2008: Proc. 12th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Tepotzlán, Mexico, 2-7 July, 2006, Assoc. for Mexican Cave Studies, Bull. 19 and Socieded Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas Bol. 7: 143-144.

Stephan Kempe, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2006: Thurston Lava Tube, the most visited tube in the world. What do we know about it? - XII International Symposium on Volcanospeleology, Tepoztlan, 02.-07.07.2006, Programm and Abstracts: 28.

and in 2008: Proc. 12th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Tepotzlán, Mexico, 2-7 July, 2006, Assoc. for Mexican Cave Studies, Bull. 19 and Socieded Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas Bol. 7: 145.

Stephan Kempe, Horst-Volker Henschel, Harry Shick, & Frank Truesdell, 2006: Geology and Genesis of the Kamakalepo Cave System in Mauna Loa lavas, Na‘alehu, Hawaii. - XII International Symposium on Volcanospeleology, Tepoztlan, 02.-07.07.2006, Programm and Abstracts: 29.

and in 2008: Proc. 12th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Tepotzlán, Mexico, 2-7 July, 2006, Assoc. for Mexican Cave Studies, Bull. 19 and Socieded Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas Bol. 7: 145-146.

Stephan Kempe, Horst-Volker Henschel, Harry Shick, & Basil Hansen, 2006: Archeology of the Kamakalepo/Waipoli/Stonehenge area, underground fortresses, living quarters and Petroglyph fields. - XII International Symposium on Volcanospeleology, Tepoztlan, 02.-07.07.2006, Programm and Abstracts: 30.

and in 2008: Proc. 12th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Tepotzlán, Mexico, 2-7 July, 2006, Assoc. for Mexican Cave Studies, Bull. 19 and Socieded Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas Bol. 7: 146-147.

Stephan Kempe, 2006: The Baumann’s Cave at Rübeland/Harz, Germany, one of the caves noted in early science history for its cave bear an cave hyena bone deposits.- Abstract Book 12th Intern. Cave Bear Symp., Airdea, Macedonia, Greece, 2-5 November 2006: 29-30.

Stephan Kempe, Al-Malabeh, M., Mohamed Frehat, & Horst-Volker Henschel, , 2006: Hyena caves in Jordan.- Abstract Book 12th Intern. Cave Bear Symp., Airdea, Macedonia, Greece, 2-5 November 2006: 31-32.

Schmidt, C., Jens Hartmann, Thomas Schiedek, Stephan Kempe, Christoph Schüth, 2006: Zeitreihencharakteristik organischer Schadstoffe im Rhein. FH-DGG Tagung, 24.5.-28.5.2006, Cottbus.

Thomas Schiedek, Schmidt, C., Jens Hartmann, Stephan Kempe, Christoph Schüth, 2006: Time series analyses of organic contaminants in the river Rhine. EGU General Assembly 2.4.-7.4.2006, Vienna.

Nils Jansen, Jens Hartmann, Stephan Kempe, 2007: Ein neuer Ansatz zur Verwitterungsmodellierung. –Bochum (Poster).

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, Mohamed Frehat, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2007: Hyena Caves in the Jordanian Desert. – Abstracts Vol. Sixth International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Amman April 2-5, 2007: 279-281.

Shahrazad Abu Ghazleh, Stephan Kempe, Hans Peter Harres, Abdelkader Abed, 2007: New High Level Terraces of Lake Lisan in the Eastern Coast at 148 m Below Sea Level, Dead Sea, Jordan. - Abstracts Vol. Sixth International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Amman April 2-5, 2007: 125.

Achmed Al-Malabeh, Stephan Kempe, Mohamed Frehat, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2007: Geo-conservation of the Newly Discovered Kufranja Cave, N-Jordan, a Potential Natural Heritage Site. – Abstracts Vol. Sixth International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Amman April 2-5, 2007: 174.


Quentin Gautier1,2, Karim Benzerara1, David Moreira2, Jozef Kazmierczak3, François Guyot1, Stephan Kempe4 and Purificación López-García2 2007: Molecular diversity of cyanobacteria and other members of the microbial community associated to microbialites from Satonda crater lake, Indonesia. – Intern. Algological Congr. Merida, Mexico 2007.

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, & Horst-Volker Henschel, , 2007: Lava- und Kalkhöhlen in Jordanien. – Speläologisches Jahrbuch, Verein für Höhlenkunde Westfalen, Tagungsband 2007, Sonderausg. 47. Jahrestagung des Verbandes der deutschen Höhlen- und Karstforscher (VdHK) in Iserlohn-Lethmathe vom 17. bis 20. Mai 2007, 22-25.

Stephan Kempe, Kempe., E. & Christhild Ketz-Kempe, 2007: Frühe Höhlenbeschreibungen durch Frauen: Lady Elisabeth Craven und Johanna Schopenhauer. – Speläologisches Jahrbuch, Verein für Höhlenkunde Westfalen, Tagungsband 2007, Sonderausg. 47. Jahrestagung des Verbandes der deutschen Höhlen- und Karstforscher (VdHK) in Iserlohn-Lethmathe vom 17. bis 20. Mai 2007, 43-44.

Jean-Luc Josset, Francis Westall, Beda A. Hofmann, John G. Spray, Charles S. Cockell, Stephan Kempe, A. Dafydd Griffiths, Angioletta Coradini, Luigi Colangeli, Detlev Koschny, Derek Pullan, 2007: CLUPI: Close-Up Imager on EXOMARS Rover J.- European Space Agency, European Mars Science and Exploration Conference: Mars Express & ExoMars, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 12 - 16 November, 2007.

Nils Jansen, Jens Hartmann, Stephan Kempe, 2007: Ein neuer Ansatz zur Verwitterungsmodellierung. –Bochum (Poster).

Hartmann J., Nils Jansen, Hans H. Dürr, Stephan Kempe, 2007: High riverine fluxes of dissolved silica from Japan – the influence of lithology. Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly 2007, Vienna.

Jens Hartmann, Nils Jansen, Stephan Kempe, Hans H. Dürr, 2007: Geochemistry of the river Rhine and the upper Danube: Recent trends and lithological influence on baselines. International Symposium of the 21st Century Center of Excellence, Okayama University: Environmental Issues of World Major River Basins. 19.1.2007.

Jean-Luc Josset, Francis Westall, Beda A. Hofmann, John G. Spray, Charles S. Cockell, Stephan Kempe, Dafydd Griffiths, Angioletta D. Coradini, Luigi Colangeli, Detlev Koschny, Derek Pullan, 2008: CLUPI: Close-UP Imager on the ExoMars Mission rover. – Geophys. Res. Abstr. Vol. 10 EGU2008-A-10806, 2008, EGU eneral Assembly, Vienna.

Shahrazad Abu Ghazleh, & Stephan Kempe, 2008: Stromatolite reefs on Lake Lisan terraces, eastern Dead Sea, Jordan. – Geophysical Res. Abstr. Vol 10, EGU2008-A-00000, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.

Stephan Kempe, Shahrazad Abu Ghazleh, Jens Hartmann, & Nils Jansen, 2008: The dramatic drop of the Dead Sea at 0.44 km3/a and its recently (1932-2007) formed terraces. – Geophysical Res. Abstr. Vol 10, EGU2008-A-00000, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.

Stephan Kempe, 2008: Immanuel Kant’s remark on lava cave formation in 1803 and his possible sources. – Proceedings 13th Intern. Sympos. on Volcanospeleology, Jeju Island, Korea, 1.-5. Sept. 2008: 35-37.

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2008: Kempe Cave: an unusual, meandering lava tunnel cave in NE-Jordan. – Proceedings 13th Intern. Sympos. on Volcanospeleology, Jeju Island, Korea, 1.-5. Sept. 2008: 38-39.

Jozef Kazmierczak., Wlady Altermann, Barbara Kremer, Stephan Kempe, & Eriksson, P.G., 2008: Late Archean mineralised cyanobacterial mats and their modern analogs. - European Planetary Science Congress, EPSC Abtracts, Vol. 3, EPSC2008-A-00493. Session ON9: Habitability in the early Earth and Mars planetary systems.


Stephan Kempe, Jens Hartmann, & Jozef Kazmierczak., 2008: Recent alkaline lakes: clues to understanding the evolution of early planetary alkaline oceans and biogenesis. - European Planetary Science Congress, EPSC Abtracts, Vol. 3, EPSC2008-A-00359. Session ON9: Habitability in the early Earth and Mars planetary systems.

Jozef Kazmierczak, Stephan Kempe, Pourification López-Garcia, Rosaluz Tavera, David Moreira, 2008. Modern and sub-recent carbonate microbialites from the alkaline crater lake Alchichica, Mexico. In: Joachim Reitner, Queric, N.-V., Reich, M. (Eds.), Geobiology of Stromatolites. International Kalkowsky-Symposium, Göttingen, October 4-11, 2008. Abstract Volume and Field Guide to Excursions, pp. 85-88, Universitätsdrucke Göttingen. 

Stephan Kempe, 2009: Siderite weathering as a reaction causing hypogene speleogenesis: the example of the Iberg/Harz/Germany. – In: Klimchouk, A., & Ford, D., (eds.) Hypogene Speleogenesis and Karst Hydrogeology of Artesian Basins, Ukrainian Inst. of Speleology and Karstology, Spec. Pap. 1, Simferopol: 59-60

Stephan Kempe, Dirks, D., & Ingo Bauer, 2009: Hypogene karstification in Saudi Arabia (Layla Lake Sinkholes, Ain Heeth Cave). – In: Klimchouk, A., & Ford, D., (eds.) Hypogene Speleogenesis and Karst Hydrogeology of Artesian Basins, Ukrainian Inst. of Speleology and Karstology, Spec. Pap. 1, Simferopol: 247-251.

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2009: Hypogene karstification in Jordan (Al-Daher Cave, Uwaiyed Cave, Beer Al-Malabeh Sinkhole). – In: Klimchouk, A., & Ford, D., (eds.) Hypogene Speleogenesis and Karst Hydrogeology of Artesian Basins, Ukrainian Inst. of Speleology and Karstology, Spec. Pap. 1, Simferopol: 253-255.

Achmed Al-Malabeh, Stephan Kempe, & Rababa, S. 2008: The Decapolis Aqueduct Tunnel System (Al-Tura – Umm Quis, Jordan): The Longest in Antique History. VI International conf.: Sci. and Tech. in Archaeology and Consevation, Dec. 12. Abstr. Book P.7, Rome- Italy.

Stephan Kempe, 2009: Principles of pyroduct (lava tunnel) formation Submitted to the 15th Intern. Speleological Congress, Kerrville, Texas July 2009.

Stephan Kempe, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2009: Interpreting the genesis of Thurston Lava Cave, Kilauea, Hawaii. - Submitted to the 15th Intern. Speleological Congress, Kerrville, Texas July 2009.

Stephan Kempe, Horst-Volker Henschel, Schick, H., & Basil Hansen, 2009: Archaeology and 14C dates of the Kamakalepo/Waipouli/Stonehenge Area, Nahalehu, Hawaii. - Submitted to the 15th Intern. Speleological Congress, Kerrville, Texas July 2009.

Stephan Kempe, Christhild Ketz-Kempe, & Erika Kempe, 2009: Early Cave visits by Women and the travel accounts OF Lady Elisabeth Craven to the Grotto of Antiparos (1786) and Johanna Schopenhauer to Peaks Cavern (1803). - Submitted to the 15th Intern. Speleological Congress, Kerrville, Texas July 2009.

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2009: The possible speleogene-hypogene origin of the Warda Iron Ore Mine deposit (Jordan). – Submitted to the 15th

Intern. Speleological Congress, Kerrville, Texas July 2009.

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2009: Jordanien lava caves and their importance to understand lava plateaus. - Submitted to the 15th

Intern. Speleological Congress, Kerrville, Texas July 2009.


Stephan Kempe & Hans-Peter Hubrich, 2009: Visitor inscriptions in the old passage of Postojnska jama (Adelsberger Grotte) / Slovenia. - Submitted to the 15th Intern. Speleological Congress, Kerrville, Texas July 2009.

Stephan Kempe, Heiko Dirks, & Ingo Bauer, 2009: The sinkholes of Layla Lakes, Saudi Arabia and their singular sublacustrine gypsum tufa. - Submitted to the 15th Intern. Speleological Congress, Kerrville, Texas July 2009.

Stephan Kempe, Ingo Bauer, & Heiko Dirks, 2009: Glacial cave ice as the cause of widespread destruction of interglacial and interstadial speleotehm generations in Central Europe. - Submitted to the 15th Intern. Speleological Congress, Kerrville, Texas July 2009.

Stephan Kempe, & Klaus Suckstorff, 2009: Josef Anton Nagel and his 1748 manuscript about his cave expedition to Carniola (Slovenia) and Moravia (Czech Republic). - Submitted to the 15th Intern. Speleological Congress, Kerrville, Texas July 2009.

Ronny Lauerwald, Nils Jansen, Jens Hartmann, Hans H. Dürr, Sibren Loos,Stephan Kempe, & Middelkoop H., 2009: Modeling limnic DSi retention for the conterminous USA. - Submitted to EGU, Vienna 2009.

Nils Jansen, Ronny Lauerwald Jens Hartmann, Hans H. Dürr, Sibren Loos, Stephan Kempe & Hans Midelkoop, 2009: A continental scale model for dissolved silica mobilization by chemical weathering for North America. – Submitted to EGU, Vienna 2009.

William R. Halliday, Okubo, C.H., Stephan Kempe, Michael Garman, Sherry Garman, and Wynne, J.J., 2009: Rheogenic caves and cavernous structures of Kalaupapa Peninsula, Molokai Island. Hawaii, USA, a potential Mars analog revisited. A contribution of the Hawaii Speleological Survey of the National Speleological Society. GSA Ann. Meeting, Portland, Abstract 66-4.

Jozef Kazmierczak, & Stephan Kempe, 2009: Mineral products of alkaline endorheic and caldera lakes as planetary biosignatures. European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop on Biosignatures On Exoplanets; The Identity Of Life (Mason, N. & Szuszkiewicz, E. Convenors), Mulhause (France), 22-25 June 2009.

Stephan Kempe, & Jozef Kaźmierczak, 2010: Development of ocean chemistry and life on Earth and its consequences for the Earth atmosphere. First Meeting of the Working Group 3, COST Action CM0805 (The Chemical Cosmos – Exoplanet Atmospheres), 14-17 January 2010, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Jens Hartmann, Nils Jansen, Hans H. Dürr, Stephan Kempe, & Peter Köhler,2010: Global CO2-consumption by chemical weathering: What ist he contribution of highly active weathering regions? – Geophys. Res. Abstr. Vol 12 EGU 2010 Preview.

Jens Hartmann, Nils Jansen, Hans H. Dürr, Aktia Harashima, Kenji Okubo, & Stephan Kempe, 2010: Predicting riverine dissolved silica fluxes by chemical weathering: results from a hyperactive region and analysis of first-order controls. – Geophys. Res. Abstr. Vol 12 EGU 2010 Preview.

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, Ingo Bauer, & Horst-Volker Henschel, , 2010: Pressure ridge caves, a comparison between the Jordanian caves of the Qais/Makais volcanic field and the Hawaiian Mauna Loa Eclipse Cave. – Program and Abstracts, 14th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology, Undara, Australia August 2010: 7-8.

Stephan Kempe, Ingo Bauer, Peter Bosted, Don Coons, & Rick Elhardt, 2010: Inflationary versus crusted-over roofs of pyroducts (lava tunnels). – Program and Abstracts, 14th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology, Undara, Australia August 2010: 8-9.


Stephan Kempe, & Achmed Al-Malabeh 2010: Kites and other archaeological structures along the eastern rim of the Harrat (lava plain) of Jordan, signs of intensive usage in prehistoric time, a Google Earth images study. – Program and Abstracts, 14th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology, Undara, Australia August 2010: 12.

Stephan Kempe, Ingo Bauer, Peter Bosted, & Steven Smith, 2010: Whitney’s Cave, an old Mauna Loa/Hawaiian pyroduct below Pahala ash: an example of upward-enlargement by hot breakdown. – Program and Abstracts, 14th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology, Undara, Australia August 2010: 12-13.

Nils Jansen, Jens Hartmann, Stephan Kempe, & Ronny Lauerwald 2010: Chemical rock weathering as sink for atmospheric CO2 : an empirical model for North America. – In: Hoppe, A., Röhling, H.-G. & Christoph Schüth,. (eds.) GeoDarmstadt2010 –Geowissenschaften sichern Zukunft, Abstracts of Lectures & Posters, 9.-14. Oktober 2010; Schriftenreihe d. Deut. Ges. f. Geowissenschafen 68: 277.

Stephan Kempe, 2010: Comparison of mineral- and rock-speleothems – In: Hoppe, A., Röhling, H.-G. & Christoph Schüth,. (eds.) GeoDarmstadt2010 –Geowissenschaften sichern Zukunft, Abstracts of Lectures & Posters, 9.-14. Oktober 2010; Schriftenreihe d. Deut. Ges. f. Geowissenschafen 68: 295-296.

Stephan Kempe, Ingo Bauer, & Heiko Dirks, 2010: Broken speleothems as an indication of glacial cave ice in Central Europe.– In: Hoppe, A., Röhling, H.-G. & Christoph Schüth,. (eds.) GeoDarmstadt2010 –Geowissenschaften sichern Zukunft, Abstracts of Lectures & Posters, 9.-14. Oktober 2010; Schriftenreihe d. Deut. Ges. f. Geowissenschafen 68: 296-297.

Stephan Kempe, Jozef Kazmierczak., Barbara Kremer, Pourification López-Garcia, , David Moreira, Rosaluz Tavera, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2010: Hydrochemistry and microbialites of Alchichica Crater Lake (Puebla, Mexico): importance for understanding the early ocean chemistry.- In: Hoppe, A., Röhling, H.-G. & Christoph Schüth,. (eds.) GeoDarmstadt2010 –Geowissenschaften sichern Zukunft, Abstracts of Lectures & Posters, 9.-14. Oktober 2010; Schriftenreihe d. Deut. Ges. f. Geowissenschafen 68: 297-298.

Stephan Kempe, Heiko Dirks, Al-Saud, M., Ingo Bauer, & Randolf Rausch, , 2010: Hypogene Karstification and Sinkholes in the Upper Jurassic Hith Formation, Saudi Arabia. – In: Hoppe, A., Röhling, H.-G. & Christoph Schüth,. (eds.) GeoDarmstadt2010 –Geowissenschaften sichern Zukunft, Abstracts of Lectures & Posters, 9.-14. Oktober 2010; Schriftenreihe d. Deut. Ges. f. Geowissenschafen 68: 299.

Barbara Kremer, Jozef Kazmierczak., Maja Łukomska-Kowalczyk, Stephan Kempe, 2011: Fossilization potential of stromatolite-forming cyanobacteria from alkaline caldera lakes of Niuafo'ou Island, Tonga. - Workshop on Geobiology in Space Exploration Marrakech, Morocco - February 7 - 9, 2011.

Maja Łukomska-Kowalczyk, Barbara Kremer, Jozef Kaźmierczak, & Stephan Kempe, 2011: Fossilization of modern benthic cyanobacteria exemplified by stromatolites from alkaline volcanic lakes of Niuafo’ou Island (Tonga, South Pacific). - 30th International Conference of the Polish Phycological Society “The past, present and future of phycological research. Its significance for man and environment protection” WROCŁAW, 19–21 MAY 2011, POLAND.

Heiko Dirks, Nicolas Gassen, Tobias Fuest, Stephan Kempe, & Randolf Rausch, , 2011: Caving below the bottom of Layla lakes – a cave discovery (and a new cave type) from Saudi Arabia. – 23.-25.9.2011 3rd Middle -East Speleology Symposium, Beirut, submitted.

Barbara Kremer, Jozef Kazmierczak., & Stephan Kempe, 2011: Deciphering the early fossil record of cyanobacterial mats based on their mode of mineralization. – Goldschmidt Conference, Prague, Aug. 14.-19, 2011


Josset, J.-L-, Francis Westall, Beda A. Hofmann, John G. Spray, Charles S. Cockell, Stephan Kempe, A. Dafydd Griffiths, Angioletta Coradini, Luigi Colangeli, Detlev Koschny, Derek Pullan, Karl Föllmi, Larryn, W. Diamond, Marie-Christine Josset, Emmanuelle J. Javaux, & F. Esposito, 2011: CLUPI, a high-performance imaging system on the rover of the 2018 mission to discover biofabrics on Mars .- EPSC Abstracts Vol. 6, EPSC-DPS2011-PREVIEW, 2011 EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011.

Achmed Al-Malabeh, & Stephan Kempe, 2012: The possibility of oil occurences in Jordan deduced from the sinhholes along Wadi Al-Sirhan Graben. – Abstracts Inter. Conf. on Iraqi Oil Studies, Baghdad 20.-22. Dec. 2011: 49-50

Sharhazad Abu Ghazleh, & Stephan Kempe, 2012: Water level changes of Lake Lisan, the glacial precursor of the Dead Sea: implications for palaeoclimatic changes of the Jordan Valley. – EGU Vienna 2012 submitted.

Stephan Kempe, Ingo Bauer, Heiko Dirks, 2012: Glacial damage of speleothems. – In: Mangini et al., (conv.) 4th Daphne Workshop, Heidelberg, 8.2.-10.2.2012, Heidelberg, p.21.

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2012: Jordanian lava caves, an overview. – Abstracts and Proceedings 15th

Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Hashemite Univ. Zarka – Jordan, 15-22 March, 2012: 10-11.

Stephan Kempe, 2012: Lava caves, types and development. – Abstracts and Proceedings 15 th

Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Hashemite Univ. Zarka – Jordan, 15-22 March, 2012: 12.

Achmed Al-Malabeh & Stephan Kempe, 2012:Hashemite University Cave, Jordan. – Abstracts and Proceedings 15th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Hashemite Univ. Zarka – Jordan, 15-22 March, 2012: 13.

Stephan Kempe & Achmed Al-Malabeh, 2012: Distribution, sizes, function and heritage importance of the Harrat Al Shaam desert kites: the largest prehistoric stoneworks of mankind?- Abstracts and Proceedings 15th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Hashemite Univ. Zarka – Jordan, 15-22 March, 2012: 16-17.

Ingo Bauer, Stephan Kempe, & Peter Bosted, 2012: Kahuenaha Nui, Hawaii, a cave developed in four different lava flows. - Abstracts and Proceedings 15th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Hashemite Univ. Zarka – Jordan, 15-22 March, 2012: 22.

Peter Bosted, Stephan Kempe, & Ingo Bauer, 2012: The Queen’s Bath, a littoral cave in Mauna Loa lava, formed by coastal erosion. - Abstracts and Proceedings 15th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Hashemite Univ. Zarka – Jordan, 15-22 March, 2012: 26.

Achmed Al-Malabeh & Stephan Kempe, 2012: Yarmouk-Decapolis Tunnel System: the most important underground discovery in Jordan of the last decade. – Abstracts and Proceedings 15th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Hashemite Univ. Zarka – Jordan, 15-22 March, 2012: 32

Achmed Al-Malabeh, Inaz Aamar, & Stephan Kempe, 2012: Mineralogical, geochemical and engineering properties of chalk in northern Jordan and the evaluation of the Al-Kreibeh-Al-Sileh Segments of the Roman Yarmouk-Decapolis Tunnel System. – Abstracts and Proceedings 15th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Hashemite Univ. Zarka – Jordan, 15-22 March, 2012: 32.

Achmed Al-Malabeh , Akrom Abu-Shanab, & Stephan Kempe, 2012: Geo-engineering, field exploration and stabilization of chalk rocks in Hobras – Abila segment of Yarmouk-Decapolis Tunnel System, Jordan. – Abstracts and Proceedings 15th Intern. Symp. on Vulcanospeleology, Hashemite Univ. Zarka – Jordan, 15-22 March, 2012: 34-35.

Stephan Kempe, 2012: Desert kites in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, structure, statistics and function, a GoogleEarth Study. Proc. Soc. Amer. Archaeol. Memphis 18.-22.04.2012.

Ronny Lauerwald, Laruelle, G.G., Moosdorf, Stephan Kempe, Peter A. Raymond, Pierre A. G. Regnier, & Jens Hartmann, 2012: What controls the global scale spatial patterns of the riverine carbonate system? - Geol. Verein. and Sediment Meeting, Sept. 23-28.2012, Hamburg, Abstract Volume, p. 161.

Shahrazad Abu Ghazleh, and Stephan Kempe,2012: Alluvial Fan-deltas Along the Eastern Coast of the Dead Sea, Jordan. - submitted

Shahrazad Abu Ghazleh, and Stephan Kempe,2013: Water level changes of Lake Lisan, the glacial precursor of the Dead Sea: implications for palaeoclimatic changes of the Jordan Valley. Submitted



D) Jahresberichte:

Günter Landmann, & Stephan Kempe 2000: Water level fluctuation of Lake Van/Turkey during termination 1. – Annual Report 2000, Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt: 82-83.

Wilfried Rosendahl, & Stephan Kempe, 2000: Speleothems and Pleistocene climate in Central Europe. - Annual Report 2000, Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt: 84-85.

Wilfried Rosendahl, & Stephan Kempe, 2001: Speleothems and Pleistocene climate in Central Europe. - Annual Report 2001, Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt: 96-97.

Günter Landmann, & Stephan Kempe 2001: A Floating varve chronology from the Last Glacial Maximum terrace of Lake Van, Turkey. – Annual Report 2001, Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt: 98-99.

Wilfried Rosendahl, Stephan Kempe, 2002: Speleothems and Pleistocene climate in Central Europe. - Annual Report 2002, Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt: 116-117.

Stephan Kempe, 2002: Alkalinity pump and carbonate precipitation: a comparison of the crater lakes of Kauhako Hawai‘i, Satonda, Indonesia and Niuafo‘ou, Tonga. - Annual Report 2002, Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt: 118-119.

Stephan Kempe, 2002: Erosional Caves on Mauna Kea, Hawai‘i. - Annual Report 2002, Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt: 120-121.

Jozef Kazmierczak & Stephan Kempe, 2003: Modern terrestrial analogues for the carbonate globules in Martiona meteorite ALH84001. - Annual Report 2003, Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt: 114-115.

Stephan Kempe, Achmed Al-Malabeh, & Horst-Volker Henschel, 2003: Lava caves of Jordan. - Annual Report 2003, Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt: 116-118.

Jens Hartmann, & Stephan Kempe, 2004: Anthropogenic induced changes in nutrient ratios of the Ebro, and their possible impact on the ecosystem of the Catalanian Coast. - Annual Report 2004, Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt: 142-143.

Doris Döppes, Stephan Kempe, & Wilfried Rosendahl, 2005: Dated paleontological cave sites of Central Europe from IS 5 to MIS 8.- Annual Report 2005, Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt: 150-151.

Sharhazad Abu Ghazleh, & Stephan Kempe, 2006: The terraces of Lake Lisan: a continuous record of the climatic changes during the Late Pleistocene. - Annual Report 2006, Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt: 137-138.

Jens Hartmann, Nils Jansen, Hans H. Dürr, , & Stephan Kempe, 2006: High riverine fluxes of dissolved silica from Japan – th influence of lithology. - Annual Report 2006, Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt: 139-140.

Günter Landmann, & Stephan Kempe, 2010: Lake Van, Turkey: Evidence for a lake level drop of 500 m in the period 20-15 ka BP. - Annual Report 2010, Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt: 123-124.

Sharhazad Abu Ghazleh, & Stephan Kempe, 2010: Geomorphological and sedimentological evidence for a high stand of Lake Lisan of up to 150 m higher than previously reported. - Annual Report 2010, Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt: 125.

E) Populärwissenschaftliche Artikel, Zeitungsartikel und Buchbesprechungen:

Stephan Kempe (1978): Das G(l)ashaus Erde heizt uns ein. Im Kohlenstoffzyklus klafft ein Loch. - Die Welt 1978 (18): Wissenschaft, Report IV, Samstag, 21. Januar.


Egon T. Degens. & Stephan Kempe (1979): Heizen wir unsere Erde auf? - Bild der Wissenschaft 16/8: 52-58.

Hartmut Grassl, Stephan Kempe & Alejandro Spitzy (1981): Kohlenstoff: Klimawechsel, aber keine weltweite Katastrophe. - Die Welt 68, 21.3.1981.

Stephan Kempe (1981): Eiszeit - Warmzeit: Klimafaktoren der Vergangenheit und Zukunft. - In "Wetter, Klima, Mensch", Mannheimer Vorträge, Akademischer Winter 80/81, Kulturamt der Stadt Mannheim: 49-62.

Wolfgang Garber, & Stephan Kempe (1981): Dem Klima bleibt eine Galgenfrist. Der Kohlendioxid-Gehalt der Atmosphäre steigt langsamer als vermutet. - Die Welt 242, 17.10.1981.

Stephan Kempe (1981): Buchbesprechung: Alfred Bögli,: Karst Hydrology and Physical Speleology, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1981, 284 pp. - Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch. 27/4: 69-70.

Stephan Kempe (1982): Was Flüsse alles transportieren. - Die Welt 145, 26.6.1982.

Stephan Kempe (1990): Der Ur-Ozean: Ein Soda-Meer. - Bild der Wissenschaften, Sep. 1990: 130-133.

Stephan Kempe (1991): De Oeroceaan, een Sodazee. - Natuur & Technieck 59/3: 204-215. (auf Niederländisch)

Stephan Kempe (1992): Sauerstoffloch im Schwarzen Meer. - Süddeutsche Zeitung, 18 (23.2.92), p. 39.

Stephan Kempe (1992): Die Elbe, der geologische Blick. - Ausstellungskatalog "Die Elbe - ein Lebenslauf" des Deutschen Historischen Museums, Nikolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung Beuermann GmbH, Berlin, S. 25-33.

Stephan Kempe (2000): Buchbesprechung, Vincent Courtillot, Das Sterben der Saurier, 136 S Stuttgart (Enke im Georg Thieme Verlag). – Mitt. Verband Dt. Höhle- u. Karstfor. 2000 (1/2): 141.

Stephan Kempe (2000): Buchbesprechung, Otfried Wagenbreth: Geschichte der Geologie in Deutschland, 264 S. Stuttgart (Enke im Georg Thieme Verlag). - Mitt. Verband Dt. Höhle- u. Karstfor. 2000 (1/2): 141.

Stephan Kempe (2000): Buchbesprechung, David Quammen: Der Gesang des Dodo, 974 S., Classen Verlag, München. – Fossilien 2000 (3): 139-140.

Stephan Kempe (2001): Auf dem Jupitermond Europa könnte sich Leben entwickelt haben. – Die Welt, 26.3.2001, p. 39.

Stephan Kempe (2001): Buchbesprechung, Christoph Adam, Walter Gläßer & Bernward Hölting: Hydrogeologisches Wörterbuch, 1. Aufl., 311 S., Stuttgart 2000 (Enke im Georg Thieme Verlag). - Mitt. Verband Dt. Höhlen- u. Karstfor. 2001 (1): 29.

Stephan Kempe (2001): Buchbesprechung, A. amler, R. Fischer & N. Rogalla: Muscheln; Haeckel-Bücherei, Bd. 5, 214 S., Stuttgart 2000 (Enke im Georg Thieme Verlag). - Mitt. Verband Dt. Höhle- u. Karstfor. 2001 (1): 29-30.

Stephan Kempe (2001): Buchbesprechung, Udo Gansloßer (Hrsg.); Die Bären; 314 S., Filander, Fürth, , 2000. - Mitt. Verband Dt. Höhlen- u. Karstfor. 2001 (1): 30.

Stephan Kempe (2002): Europa und die Frage nach dem Leben; Wissenschaftler sammeln Ideen für die weitere Erforschung des Jupitermondes. – Jahrb. d. Freunde d. Geowissenschaften e.V. 2(02), Darmstadt: 22-26.

Horst-Volker Henschel, & Stephan Kempe (2006): Höhlenforschung in Jordanien. – Jubiläumsheft zum 25-jährigen Vereinsbestehen der Ingolstädter Höhlenfreunde (IHF) e.V.: 48-56; Ingolstadt, Eigenverlag.

Stephan Kempe, 2008: Trevor R. Shaw, Foreign Travellers in the Slovene Karst 1486-1900 – 338 pp, Zalozba 2RC, 2008, Lublana. – Schriftenschau, Mitt. d. Verb. d. deut. Höhlen- u. Karstforscher, 54 (4): 124-125.


F) Zur Veröffentlichung vorbeietete. Teils eingereicht aber nicht realisierte Publikation:

Stephan Kempe (1980): Geochemische und elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen der Schlickbildung im Büsumer Watt.

Stephan Kempe (1984): Lake Van varve record. - In "Ice-Cores, Varves and Treerings" (eds. D.J. Schove & R.W. Fairbridge ).

Egon T. Degens, & Stephan Kempe (1989): North Sea: Impact of the Chernobyl Cloud. - Environment Stephan Kempe (1990) The Nile: Dammed (?); Scientific Correspondence, a response to Burns, Billard & Matusui, (Nature 344: 2544). - (submitted to Nature)

Petro Depetris, & Stephan Kempe, (1991): Aminoácidos y carbohidratos en el río Paraná. - XXII Jornadas Argentinas de Botánica, Córdoba, Argentina 20-24 Noviembre 1989.

Paluska, A., J. Cihalik, K. Heykendorf, B. Jansky, Stephan Kempe, Z. Pavlicek, J. Vesely, J. Vrba (1992): Bedeutende kausale Zusammenhänge im Chemismus der Gewässer im Einzugsgebiet der oberen Elbe (CR) (ausgeählte anorganische Komponenten) und ihre experimentelle sowie statistische Erfassung. - 4. Magdeburger Gewässerschutzseminar, 22.-26.9.1992, Spindleruv Mlyn, CSFR. (submitted).

Stephan Kempe (1993): Satonda and its stromatolites, a geological time machine. - Asian Wetland News, submitted.

Osawa, M., K. Takahashi, Andreas Lipp , Stephan Kempe & B. Hay: Biogenic particle fluxes in the central Black Sea. - Submitted to Deep-Sea Res.

Andreas Lipp & Stephan Kempe, (1995): Ten years of particle flux studies in the Black Sea. - Abst. Submitted to NATO ASI Sensitivity of North Sea, baltic Sea and Black Sea to Anthropogenic and Climatic Changes, Varna Bulgaria. Abstract.

Hay, B.J., Stephan Kempe, Andreas Lipp , C. McClain, Mohamed Duman & Susumo Honjo (1996): Seasonality in biological productivity in the Black Sea. - Deep-Sea Res., submitted.

Günter Landmann, & Stephan Kempe, (2006): Gewarvte Seesedimente als Klimaarchiv Fallbeispiele: Van See und Totes Meer. - Natur und Museum, submitted.

Yu, J.Q., Stephan Kempe, & Zhang, L., 2008: Postglacial paleoenvironmental signatures from carbonate minerals and stable isotopic ratios from Lake Qinghai, China. In preparation



