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Java for high performance computing

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Java for High Performance Computing: Assessment of Current Research and Practice Guillermo L. Taboada, Juan Touriño, Ramón Doallo Computer Architecture Group University of A Coruña, A Coruña (Spain) {taboada,juan,doallo}@udc.es ABSTRACT The rising interest in Java for High Performance Computing (HPC) is based on the appealing features of this language for programming multi-core cluster architectures, particu- larly the built-in networking and multithreading support, and the continuous increase in Java Virtual Machine (JVM) performance. However, its adoption in this area is being delayed by the lack of analysis of the existing programming options in Java for HPC and evaluations of their perfor- mance, as well as the unawareness of the current research projects in this field, whose solutions are needed in order to boost the embracement of Java in HPC. This paper analyzes the current state of Java for HPC, both for shared and distributed memory programming, pre- - sents related research projects, and finally, evaluates the performance of current Java HPC solutions and research de- velopments on a multi-core cluster with a high-speed net- work, InfiniBand, and a 24-core shared memory machine. The main conclusions are that: (1) the significant interest on Java for HPC has led to the development of numerous projects, although usually quite modest, which may have prevented a higher development of Java in this field; and (2) Java can achieve almost similar performance to native languages, both for sequential and parallel applications, be- ing an alternative for HPC programming. Thus, the good prospects of Java in this area are attracting the attention of both industry and academia, which can take significant advantage of Java adoption in HPC. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.3.2 [Programming Languages]: Language Classifica- tions—Object-oriented languages ; D.1.3 [Programming Techniques]: Concurrent Programming—Parallel program- ming ; C.4 [Performance of Systems]: Performance at- tributes, Measurement techniques; C.2.5 [Computer-Co- mmunication Networks]: Local and Wide-Area Networks— High-speed, Ethernet Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. PPPJ ’09, August 27–28, 2009, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-598-7 ...$10.00. Keywords Java, High Performance Computing, Performance Evalua- tion, Multi-core Architectures, Message-passing, Threads, Cluster, InfiniBand 1. INTRODUCTION Java has become a leading programming language soon af- ter its release, especially in web-based and distributed com- puting environments, and it is an emerging option for High Performance Computing (HPC) [1]. The increasing inter- est in Java for parallel computing is based on its appealing characteristics: built-in networking and multithreading sup- port, object orientation, platform independence, portability, security, it has an extensive API and a wide community of developers, and finally, it is the main training language for computer science students. Moreover, performance is no longer an obstacle. The performance gap between Java and native languages (e.g., C and Fortran) has been narrowing for the last years, thanks to the Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that obtains native per- formance from Java bytecode. However, the adoption of Java in HPC is being delayed by the lack of analysis of the existing programming options in this area and evaluations of their performance, as well as the unawareness of the cur- rent research projects in Java for HPC, whose solutions are needed in order to boost its embracement. Regarding HPC platforms, new deployments are increas- ing significantly the number of cores installed in order to meet the ever growing computational power demand. This current trend to multi-core clusters underscores the impor- tance of parallelism and multithreading capabilities [12]. In this scenario Java represents an attractive choice for the de- velopment of parallel applications as it is a multithreaded language and provides built-in networking support, key fea- tures for taking full advantage of hybrid shared/distributed memory architectures. Thus, Java can use threads in shared memory (intra-node) and its networking support for dis- tributed memory (inter-node) communication. Neverthe- less, although the performance gap between Java and native languages is usually small for sequential applications, it can be particularly high for parallel applications when depending on inefficient communication libraries, which has hindered Java adoption for HPC. Therefore, current research efforts are focused on providing scalable Java communication mid- dleware, especially on high-speed networks commonly used in HPC systems, such as InfiniBand or Myrinet. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sec- tion 2 analyzes the existing programming options in Java

Java for High Performance Computing:Assessment of Current Research and Practice

Guillermo L. Taboada, Juan Touriño, Ramón DoalloComputer Architecture Group

University of A Coruña, A Coruña (Spain){taboada,juan,doallo}@udc.es

ABSTRACTThe rising interest in Java for High Performance Computing(HPC) is based on the appealing features of this languagefor programming multi-core cluster architectures, particu-larly the built-in networking and multithreading support,and the continuous increase in Java Virtual Machine (JVM)performance. However, its adoption in this area is beingdelayed by the lack of analysis of the existing programmingoptions in Java for HPC and evaluations of their perfor-mance, as well as the unawareness of the current researchprojects in this field, whose solutions are needed in order toboost the embracement of Java in HPC.

This paper analyzes the current state of Java for HPC,both for shared and distributed memory programming, pre-- sents related research projects, and finally, evaluates theperformance of current Java HPC solutions and research de-velopments on a multi-core cluster with a high-speed net-work, InfiniBand, and a 24-core shared memory machine.The main conclusions are that: (1) the significant intereston Java for HPC has led to the development of numerousprojects, although usually quite modest, which may haveprevented a higher development of Java in this field; and(2) Java can achieve almost similar performance to nativelanguages, both for sequential and parallel applications, be-ing an alternative for HPC programming. Thus, the goodprospects of Java in this area are attracting the attentionof both industry and academia, which can take significantadvantage of Java adoption in HPC.

Categories and Subject DescriptorsD.3.2 [Programming Languages]: Language Classifica-tions—Object-oriented languages; D.1.3 [ProgrammingTechniques]: Concurrent Programming—Parallel program-ming ; C.4 [Performance of Systems]: Performance at-tributes, Measurement techniques; C.2.5 [Computer-Co-mmunication Networks]: Local and Wide-Area Networks—High-speed, Ethernet

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission and/or a fee.PPPJ ’09, August 27–28, 2009, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-598-7 ...$10.00.

KeywordsJava, High Performance Computing, Performance Evalua-tion, Multi-core Architectures, Message-passing, Threads,Cluster, InfiniBand

1. INTRODUCTIONJava has become a leading programming language soon af-

ter its release, especially in web-based and distributed com-puting environments, and it is an emerging option for HighPerformance Computing (HPC) [1]. The increasing inter-est in Java for parallel computing is based on its appealingcharacteristics: built-in networking and multithreading sup-port, object orientation, platform independence, portability,security, it has an extensive API and a wide community ofdevelopers, and finally, it is the main training language forcomputer science students. Moreover, performance is nolonger an obstacle. The performance gap between Java andnative languages (e.g., C and Fortran) has been narrowingfor the last years, thanks to the Just-in-Time (JIT) compilerof the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that obtains native per-formance from Java bytecode. However, the adoption ofJava in HPC is being delayed by the lack of analysis of theexisting programming options in this area and evaluationsof their performance, as well as the unawareness of the cur-rent research projects in Java for HPC, whose solutions areneeded in order to boost its embracement.

Regarding HPC platforms, new deployments are increas-ing significantly the number of cores installed in order tomeet the ever growing computational power demand. Thiscurrent trend to multi-core clusters underscores the impor-tance of parallelism and multithreading capabilities [12]. Inthis scenario Java represents an attractive choice for the de-velopment of parallel applications as it is a multithreadedlanguage and provides built-in networking support, key fea-tures for taking full advantage of hybrid shared/distributedmemory architectures. Thus, Java can use threads in sharedmemory (intra-node) and its networking support for dis-tributed memory (inter-node) communication. Neverthe-less, although the performance gap between Java and nativelanguages is usually small for sequential applications, it canbe particularly high for parallel applications when dependingon inefficient communication libraries, which has hinderedJava adoption for HPC. Therefore, current research effortsare focused on providing scalable Java communication mid-dleware, especially on high-speed networks commonly usedin HPC systems, such as InfiniBand or Myrinet.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-tion 2 analyzes the existing programming options in Java

for HPC. Section 3 describes current research efforts in thisarea, with special emphasis on providing scalable communi-cation middleware for HPC. A comprehensive performanceevaluation of representative solutions in Java for HPC ispresented in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 summarizes ourconcluding remarks and future work.


This section analyzes the existing programming optionsin Java for HPC, which can be classified into: (1) sharedmemory programming; (2) Java sockets; (3) Remote MethodInvocation (RMI); and (4) Message-passing in Java. Theseprogramming options allow the development of both highlevel libraries and Java parallel applications.

2.1 Java Shared Memory ProgrammingThere are several options for shared memory programming

in Java for HPC, such as the use of Java threads, OpenMP-like implementations, and Titanium.

As Java has built-in multithreading support, the use ofJava threads for parallel programming is quite extended dueto its high performance, although it is a rather low-leveloption for HPC (work parallelization and shared data ac-cess synchronization are usually hard to implement). More-over, this option is limited to shared memory systems, whichprovide less scalability than distributed memory machines.Nevertheless, its combination with distributed memory pro-gramming models can overcome this restriction. Finally, inorder to partially relieve programmers from the low-leveldetails of threads programming, Java has incorporated fromthe 1.5 specification the concurrency utilities, such as threadpools, tasks, blocking queues, and low-level high-performanceprimitives for advanced concurrent programming like Cyclic-Barrier.

The project Parallel Java (PJ) [17] has implemented sev-eral high level abstractions over these concurrency utilities,such as ParallelRegion (code to be executed in parallel), Par-allelTeam (group of threads that execute a ParallelRegion)and ParallelForLoop (work parallelization among threads),allowing an easy thread-base shared memory programming.Moreover, PJ also implements the message-passing paradigmas it is intended for programming hybrid shared/distributedmemory systems such as multi-core clusters.

There are two main OpenMP-like implementations in Java,JOMP [16] and JaMP [18]. JOMP consists of a compiler(written in Java, and built using the JavaCC tool) and aruntime library. The compiler translates Java source codewith OpenMP-like directives to Java source code with callsto the runtime library, which in turn uses Java threads toimplement parallelism. The whole system is “pure” Java(100% Java), and thus can be run on any JVM. Althoughthe development of this implementation stopped in 2000,it has been used recently to provide nested parallelism onmulti-core HPC systems [25]. Nevertheless, JOMP had tobe optimized with some of the utilities of the concurrencyframework, such as the replacement of the busy-wait im-plementation of the JOMP barrier by the more efficientjava.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier. The experimentalevaluation of the hybrid Java message-passing + JOMP con-figuration (being the message-passing library thread-safe)showed up to 3 times higher performance than the equiva-

lent pure message-passing scenario. Although JOMP scal-ability is limited to shared memory systems, its combina-tion with distributed memory communication libraries (e.g.,message-passing libraries) can overcome this issue. JaMPis the Java OpenMP-like implementation for Jackal [33], asoftware-based Java Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) im-plementation. Thus, this project is limited to this environ-ment. JaMP has followed the JOMP approach, but takingadvantage of the concurrency utilities, such as tasks, as it isa more recent project.

The OpenMP-like approach has several advantages overthe use of Java threads, such as the higher level program-ming model with a code much closer to the sequential versionand the exploitation of the familiarity with OpenMP, thusincreasing programmability. However, current OpenMP-likeimplementations are still preliminary works and lack effi-ciency (busy-wait JOMP barrier) and portability (JaMP).

Titanium [34] is an explicitly parallel dialect of Java devel-oped at UC Berkeley which provides the Partitioned GlobalAddress Space (PGAS) programming model, like UPC andCo-array Fortran, thus achieving higher programmability.Besides the features of Java, Titanium adds flexible andefficient multi-dimensional arrays and an explicitly paral-lel SPMD control model with lightweight synchronization.Moreover, it has been reported that it outperforms FortranMPI code [11], thanks to its source-to-source compilation toC code and the use of native libraries, such as numericaland high-speed network communication libraries. However,Titanium presents several limitations, such as the avoidanceof the use of Java threads and the lack of portability as itrelies on Titanium and C compilers.

2.2 Java SocketsSockets are a low-level programming interface for net-

work communication, which allows sending streams of databetween applications. The socket API is widely extendedand can be considered the standard low-level communica-tion layer as there are socket implementations on almostevery network protocol. Thus, sockets have been the choicefor implementing in Java the lowest level of network commu-nication. However, Java sockets usually lack efficient high-speed networks support [29], so it has to resort to inefficientTCP/IP emulations for full networking support. Exam-ples of TCP/IP emulations are IP over InfiniBand (IPoIB),IPoMX on top of the Myrinet low-level library MX (MyrineteXpress), and SCIP on SCI.

Java has two main sockets implementations, the widelyextended Java IO sockets, and Java NIO (New I/O) sock-ets which provide scalable non-blocking communication sup-port. However, both implementations do not provide high-speed network support nor HPC tailoring. Ibis sockets partlysolve these issues adding Myrinet support and being the baseof Ibis [22], a parallel and distributed Java computing frame-work. However, their implementation on top of the JVMsockets library limits their performance benefits.

2.3 Java Remote Method InvocationThe Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) protocol al-

lows an object running in one JVM to invoke methods onan object running in another JVM, providing Java with re-mote communication between programs equivalent to Re-mote Procedure Calls (RPCs). The main advantage of thisapproach is its simplicity, although the main drawback is

the poor performance shown by the RMI protocol.ProActive [2] is an RMI-based middleware for parallel,

multithreaded and distributed computing focused on Gridapplications. ProActive is a fully portable“pure”Java (100%Java) middleware whose programming model is based on aMeta-Object protocol. With a reduced set of simple prim-itives, this middleware simplifies the programming of Gridcomputing applications: distributed on Local Area Network(LAN), on clusters of workstations, or for the Grid. More-over, ProActive supports fault-tolerance, load-balancing, mo-bility, and security. Nevertheless, the use of RMI as its de-fault transport layer adds significant overhead to the opera-tion of this middleware.

The optimization of the RMI protocol has been the goal ofseveral projects, such as KaRMI [23], RMIX [19], Manta [20],Ibis RMI [22], and Opt RMI [27]. However, the use of non-standard APIs, the lack of portability, and the insufficientoverhead reductions, still significantly larger than socket la-tencies, have restricted their applicability. Therefore, al-though Java communication middleware (e.g., message-pa-ssing libraries) used to be based on RMI, current Java com-munication libraries use sockets due to their lower overhead.In this case, the higher programming effort required by thelower-level API allows for higher throughput, key in HPC.

2.4 Message-Passing in JavaMessage-passing is the most widely used parallel program-

ming paradigm as it is highly portable, scalable and usuallyprovides good performance. It is the preferred choice for par-allel programming distributed memory systems such as clus-ters, which can provide higher computational power thanshared memory systems. Regarding the languages compiledto native code (e.g., C and Fortran), MPI is the standardinterface for message-passing libraries.

Soon after the introduction of Java, there have been sev-eral implementations of Java message-passing libraries (elevenprojects are cited in [28]). However, most of them have de-veloped their own MPI-like binding for the Java language.The two main proposed APIs are the mpiJava 1.2 API [8],which tries to adhere to the MPI C++ interface defined inthe MPI standard version 2.0, but restricted to the supportof the MPI 1.1 subset, and the JGF MPJ (Message-Passinginterface for Java) API [9], which is the proposal of the JavaGrande Forum (JGF) [15] to standardize the MPI-like JavaAPI. The main differences among these two APIs lie on nam-ing conventions of variables and methods.

The Message-passing in Java (MPJ) libraries can be im-plemented: (1) using Java RMI; (2) wrapping an underlyingnative messaging library like MPI through Java Native In-terface (JNI); or (3) using Java sockets. Each solution fitswith specific situations, but presents associated trade-offs.The use of Java RMI, a “pure” Java (100% Java) approach,as base for MPJ libraries, ensures portability, but it mightnot be the most efficient solution, especially in the presenceof high speed communication hardware. The use of JNIhas portability problems, although usually in exchange forhigher performance. The use of a low-level API, Java sock-ets, requires an important programming effort, especiallyin order to provide scalable solutions, but it significantlyoutperforms RMI-based communication libraries. Althoughmost of the Java communication middleware is based onRMI, MPJ libraries looking for efficient communication havefollowed the latter two approaches.

The mpiJava library [3] consists of a collection of wrap-per classes that call a native MPI implementation (e.g.,MPICH2 or OpenMPI) through JNI. This wrapper-basedapproach provides efficient communication relying on na-tive libraries, adding a reduced JNI overhead. However, al-though its performance is usually high, mpiJava currentlyonly supports some native MPI implementations, as wrap-ping a wide number of functions and heterogeneous runtimeenvironments entails an important maintaining effort. Addi-tionally, this implementation presents instability problems,derived from the native code wrapping, and it is not thread-safe, being unable to take advantage of multi-core systemsthrough multithreading.

As a result of these drawbacks, the mpiJava maintenancehas been superseded by the development of MPJ Express [25],a “pure” Java message-passing implementation of the mpi-Java 1.2 API specification. MPJ Express is thread-safe andpresents a modular design which includes a pluggable archi-tecture of communication devices that allows to combine theportability of the “pure” Java New I/O package (Java NIO)communications (niodev device) with the high performanceMyrinet support (through the native Myrinet eXpress –MX–communication library in mxdev device).

Currently, these two projects, mpiJava and MPJ Express,are the most active projects in terms of uptake by the HPCcommunity, presence on academia and production environ-ments, and available documentation. These projects are alsostable and publicly available along with their source code.

In order to update the compilation of Java message-passingimplementations presented in [28], this paper presents theprojects developed since 2003, in chronological order:

• MPJava [24] is the first Java message-passing libraryimplemented on Java NIO sockets, taking advantageof their scalability and high performance communica-tions.

• Jcluster [35] is a message-passing library which pro-vides both PVM-like and MPI-like APIs and is focusedon automatic task load balance across large-scale het-erogeneous clusters. However, its communications arebased on UDP and it lacks high-speed networks sup-port.

• Parallel Java (PJ) [17] is a “pure” Java parallel pro-gramming middleware that supports both shared mem-ory programming (see Section 2.1) and an MPI-likemessage-passing paradigm, allowing applications to takeadvantage of hybrid shared/distributed memory archi-tectures. However, the use of its own API difficults itsadoption.

• P2P-MPI [13] is a peer-to-peer framework for the ex-ecution of MPJ applications on the Grid. Among itsfeatures are: (1) self-configuration of peers (throughJXTA peer-to-peer technology); (2) fault-tolerance, ba-sed on process replication; (3) a data management pro-tocol for file transfers on the Grid; and (4) an MPJimplementation that can use either Java NIO or JavaIO sockets for communications, although it lacks high-speed networks support. In fact, this project is tai-lored to grid computing systems, disregarding the per-formance aspects.

• MPJ/Ibis [6] is the only JGF MPJ API implementa-tion up to now. This library can use either “pure”Java communications, or native communications onMyrinet. Moreover, there are two low-level communi-cation devices available in Ibis for MPJ/Ibis commu-nications: TCPIbis, based on Java IO sockets (TCP),and NIOIbis, which provides blocking and non-blockingcommunication through Java NIO sockets. Neverthe-less, MPJ/Ibis is not thread-safe, and its Myrinet sup-port is based on the GM library, which shows poorerperformance than the MX library.

• JMPI [4] is an implementation which can use eitherJava RMI or Java sockets for communications. How-ever, the reported performance is quite low (it onlyscales up to two nodes).

• Fast MPJ (F-MPJ) [30] is our scalable Java message-passing implementation which provides high-speed net-works support (see Section 3).

Table 1 serves as a summary of the Java message-passingprojects discussed in this section.

Table 1: Java message-passing projects overview



























MPJava [24] X X X

Jcluster [35] X X X

Parallel Java [17] X X X

mpiJava [3] X X X X

P2P-MPI [13] X X X X

MPJ Express [25] X X X X

MPJ/Ibis [6] X X X X

JMPI [4] X X X

F-MPJ [30] X X X X X X

3. JAVA FOR HPC: CURRENT RESEARCHThis section describes current research efforts in Java for

HPC, which can be classified into: (1) development of highperformance Java sockets for HPC; (2) design and imple-mentation of low-level Java message-passing devices; (3) im-provement of the scalability of Java message-passing collec-tive primitives; and (4) implementation and evaluation ofefficient MPJ benchmarks. These ongoing projects are pro-viding Java with several evaluations of their suitability forHPC, as well as solutions for increasing their performanceand scalability in HPC systems with high-speed networks.

3.1 High Performance Java SocketsJava Fast Sockets (JFS) [29] is our high performance Java

socket implementation for HPC, available at http://jfs.

des.udc.es. As JVM IO/NIO sockets do not provide high-speed network support nor HPC tailoring, JFS overcomes

these constraints by: (1) reimplementing the protocol forboosting shared memory (intra-node) communication (seeFigure 1); (2) supporting high performance native socketscommunication over SCI Sockets, Sockets-MX, and SocketDirect Protocol (SDP), on SCI, Myrinet and InfiniBand, re-spectively (see Figure 2); (3) avoiding the need of primitivedata type array serialization; and (4) reducing buffering andunnecessary copies. Its interoperability and user and appli-cation transparency through reflection allow for immediateapplicability on a wide range of parallel and distributed tar-get applications.




<primitive data type> rdata[ ]



Native Socket Library

native socket buffernative socket buffer



<primitive data type> sdata[ ]






Shared Memory




local? Is src

Is dstlocal?


Native Socket Library





Figure 1: JFS optimized protocol

The avoidance of primitive data type serialization is pro-vided by JFS extending the sockets API in order to al-low the direct sending of primitive data type arrays (e.g.,jfs.net.SocketOutputStream.write(int buf[], int off-set, int length)). In the implementation of these read-/write socket stream methods it has been used the JNI func-tion GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(<primitive data type>

sdata[]) (see point (1) in Figure 1), which allows nativecode to obtain, through JNI, a direct pointer to the Java ar-ray, thus avoiding serialization. Therefore, a one-copy pro-tocol can be implemented in JFS, as only one copy is neededto transfer sdata to the native socket library.

JFS reduces significantly JVM sockets communication over-head (see Table 2). According to Figure 1, JFS needs up totwo data copies and a network communication, or only ashared memory transfer. JVM IO sockets can involve upto nine steps (see [29]): a serialization, three copies in thesender side, a network transfer, another three copies in thereceiver side, and a deserialization.

Table 2: JFS performance improvement comparedto Sun JVM sockets

JFS start-up JFS bandwidthreduction increase

Shared memory up to 50% up to 4411%Gigabit Ethernet up to 10% up to 119%

SCI up to 88% up to 1305%Myrinet up to 78% up to 412%

InfiniBand up to 65% up to 860%

Infiniband Driver: OFEDMyrinet Driver: MXoM

UNIX TCP/IP TCP/IP Sockets IPoIBIPoMX SDPSockets Sockets

Infiniband NICMyrinet NICSCI NICShared Memory



Gigabit Ethernet NIC

Java IO sockets JFS

Shared Memory Protocol Gigabit Ethernet Driver


Java Communication Middleware

Parallel and Distributed Java Applications

(RMI−based, Socket−based or MPJ Middleware)


JVM IO sockets

Figure 2: Java communication middleware on high-speed multi-core clusters

JFS transparency is achieved through Java reflection: thebuilt-in procedure (setting factories) to swap the defaultsocket library can be used in a small application, launcher,which invokes, through Java reflection, the main method ofthe target Java class (see Listing 1). This target Java appli-cation will use JFS transparently from then on, even with-out source code availability. Finally, JFS is portable becauseit implements a general pure Java solution over which JFScommunications can rely on absence of native communica-tion libraries, although it obtains, in general, worse perfor-mance than the native approach.

Listing 1: JFS launcher application codeSocketImplFactory f a c t o ry ;f a c t o ry = new j f s . net . JFSImplFactory ( ) ;Socket . setSocketImplFactory ( f a c t o ry ) ;ServerSocket . se tSocketFactory ( f a c t o ry ) ;

Class c l = Class . forName ( className ) ;Method method = c l . getMethod ( ”main ” , parametrTypes ) ;method . invoke ( null , parameters ) ;

3.2 Low-level Java Message-passingCommunication Devices

The use of pluggable low-level communication devices forhigh performance communication support is widely extendedin native message-passing libraries. Both MPICH2 and Open-MPI include several devices on Myrinet, InfiniBand andshared memory. Regarding MPJ libraries, in MPJ Expressthe low-level xdev layer [25] provides communication devicesfor different interconnection technologies. The two imple-mentations of the xdev API currently available are niodev(over Java NIO sockets) and mxdev (over Myrinet MX). Fur-thermore, there are two shared memory xdev implementa-tions [26], one thread-based (pure Java) and the other basedon native IPC resources, and two more xdev devices are be-ing implemented, one on native MPI implementations andthe other on InfiniBand. This latter can take full advantageof the low-level InfiniBand Verbs layer, like Jdib [14].

Additionally, we have implemented a low-level communi-cation device based on Java IO sockets which presents an

API similar to xdev [30]. The motivation behind this de-velopment is the research on the efficiency of Java message-passing protocols based on Java IO sockets. Thus, this de-vice, iodev, can run on top of JFS, and hence obtain highperformance on shared memory and Gigabit Ethernet, SCI,Myrinet, and InfiniBand networks. In order to evaluate theimpact of iodev on MPJ applications we have implementedour own MPJ library, Fast MPJ (F-MPJ) [30], on top ofiodev.

3.3 MPJ Collectives ScalabilityMPJ application developers use collective primitives for

performing standard data movements (e.g., Broadcast, Scat-ter, Gather and Alltoall –total exchange–) and basic compu-tations among several processes (reductions). This greatlysimplifies code development, enhancing programmers pro-ductivity together with MPJ programmability. Moreover, itrelieves developers from communication optimization. Thus,collective algorithms, which consist of multiple point-to-pointcommunications, must provide scalable performance, usu-ally through overlapping communications in order to max-imize the number of operations carried out in parallel. Anunscalable algorithm can easily waste the performance pro-vided by an efficient communication middleware.

The design, implementation and runtime selection of ef-ficient collective communication operations have been ex-tensively discussed in the context of native message-passinglibraries [5, 10, 31, 32], but not in MPJ. Therefore, in F-MPJwe have adapted the research in native libraries to Java. Asfar as we know, this is the first project in this sense, as up tonow MPJ library developments have been focused on pro-viding production-quality implementations of the full MPJspecification, rather than concentrate on developing scalableMPJ collective primitives.

The collective algorithms present in MPJ libraries canbe classified in six types, namely Flat Tree (FT) or linear,Minimum-Spanning Tree (MST), Binomial Tree (BT), Four-ary Tree (Four-aryT), Bucket (BKT) or cyclic, and BiDirec-tional Exchange (BDE) or recursive doubling, which are ex-tensively described in [10]. Table 3 presents a complete list

of the collective algorithms used in F-MPJ and MPJ Express(the prefix “b” means that only blocking point-to-point com-munication are used, whereas “nb” that non-blocking prim-itives are used). It can be seen that F-MPJ implements upto three algorithms per collective primitive, allowing theirselection at runtime, as well as it takes more advantage ofcommunications overlapping, achieving higher performancescalability. As MPJ libraries (e.g., MPJ Express) can ben-efit significantly from the use of these collective algorithmswe plan to distribute soon our MPJ collectives library im-plementation.

Table 3: Collective algorithms used in representa-tive MPJ libraries (1selected algorithm for shortmessages; 2selected algorithm for long messages;3selectable algorithm for long messages and numberof processes power of two)Collective F-MPJ MPJ Express

Barrier MST nbFTGather+bFour-aryTBcast

Bcast MST1 bFour-aryTMSTScatter+BKTAllgather2

Scatter MST1 nbFTnbFT2

Scatterv MST1 nbFTnbFT2

Gather MST1 nbFTnbFT2

Gatherv MST1 nbFTnbFT2

Allgather MSTGather+MSTBcast1 nbFTBKT2 / BDE3

Allgatherv MSTGatherv+MSTBcast nbFTAlltoall nbFT nbFTAlltoallv nbFT nbFTReduce MST1 bFT

BKTReduce scatter+MSTGather2

Allreduce MSTReduce+MSTBcast1 BTBKTReduce scatter+

BKTAllgather2 / BDE3

Reduce - MSTReduce+MSTScatterv1 bFTReduce+scatter BKT2 / BDE3 nbFTScattervScan nbFT nbFT

3.4 Implementation and Evaluation ofEfficient HPC Benchmarks

Java lacks efficient HPC benchmarking suites for charac-terizing its performance, although the development of effi-cient Java benchmarks and the assessment of their perfor-mance is highly important. The JGF benchmark suite [7],the most widely used Java HPC benchmarking suite, presentsquite inefficient codes, as well as it does not provide the na-tive language counterparts of the Java parallel codes, pre-venting their comparative evaluation. Therefore, we haveimplemented the NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB) suite forMPJ (NPB-MPJ) [21], selected as this suite is the most ex-tended in HPC evaluations, with implementations for MPI(NPB-MPI), OpenMP (NPB-OMP), Java threads (NPB-JAV) and ProActive (NPB-PA).

NPB-MPJ allows, as main contributions: (1) the compar-ative evaluation of MPJ libraries; (2) the analysis of MPJperformance against other Java parallel approaches (e.g.,Java threads); (3) the assessment of MPJ versus native MPIscalability; (4) the study of the impact on performance of theoptimization techniques used in NPB-MPJ, from which Java

HPC applications can potentially benefit. The descriptionof the NPB-MPJ benchmarks implemented is next shown inTable 4.

Table 4: NPB-MPJ Benchmarks Description

Name OperationCommunicat.intensiveness



CG Conjugate Gradient Medium XEP Embarrassingly Parallel Low XFT Fourier Transformation High XIS Integer Sort High X

MG Multi-Grid High XSP Scalar Pentadiagonal Medium X

In order to maximize NPB-MPJ performance, the “plainobjects” design has been chosen as it reduces the overheadof the“pure”object-oriented design (up to 95%). Thus, eachbenchmark uses only one object instead of defining an objectper each element of the problem domain. Thus, complexnumbers are implemented as two-element arrays instead ofcomplex numbers objects.

The inefficient multidimensional array support in Java (ann-dimensional array is defined as an array of n − 1 dimen-sional arrays, so data is not guaranteed to be contiguousin memory) imposed a significant performance penalty inNPB-MPJ, which handle arrays of up to five dimensions.This overhead was reduced through the array flattening op-timization, which consists of the mapping of a multidimen-sional array in a one-dimensional array. Thus, adjacent ele-ments in the C/Fortran versions are also contiguous in Java,allowing the data locality exploitation.

Finally, the implementation of the NPB-MPJ takes ad-vantage of the JVM JIT (Just-in-Time) compiler-based op-timizations. The JIT compilation of the bytecode (or evenits recompilation in order to apply further optimizations)is reserved to heavily-used methods, as it is an expensiveoperation that increases significantly the runtime. Thus,the NPB-MPJ codes have been refactored towards simplerand independent methods, such as methods for mapping ele-ments from multidimensional to one-dimensional arrays, andcomplex number operations. As these methods are invokedmore frequently, the JVM gathers more runtime informa-tion about them, allowing a more effective optimization ofthe target bytecode.

The performance of NPB-MPJ significantly improved us-ing these techniques, achieving up to 2800% throughput in-crease (on SP benchmark). Furthermore, we believe thatother Java HPC codes can potentially benefit from theseoptimization techniques.

4. PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONThis section presents an up-to-date comparative evalua-

tion of current Java and native solutions for HPC using theNPB on two representative scenarios: a multi-core Infini-Band cluster and a 24-core shared memory machine.

4.1 Experimental ConfigurationThe InfiniBand cluster consists of eight dual-processor

nodes (Pentium IV Xeon 5060 dual-core, 4 GB of RAM) in-terconnected via InfiniBand dual 4X NICs (16 Gbps). TheInfiniBand driver is OFED 1.4, and the MPI implementationis Intel with InfiniBand support. The performance

results on this system have been obtained using one core pernode, except for 16 and 32 processes, for which two and fourcores per node, respectively, have been used. The sharedmemory machine has four Pentium IV Xeon 7450 hexa-coreprocessors (hence 24 cores) and 32 GB of RAM. The bench-marks have been evaluated using up to the number of avail-able cores on this system (24). Both scenarios share the re-maining configuration details. The OS is Linux CentOS 5.1,the C/Fortran compiler (with -fast flag) is the Intel version11.0.074 with OpenMP support, and the JVM is Sun JDK1.6.0 05. The evaluated MPJ libraries are F-MPJ with JFS0.3.1, MPJ Express 0.27 and mpiJava 1.2.5x. It has beenused the NPB-MPI/NPB-OMP version 3.3 and the NPB-JAV version 3.0. The ProActive version used is the 4.0.2,which includes its own implementation of the NPB (NPB-PA). The metric that has been considered is MOPS (Millionsof Operations Per Second), which measures the operationsperformed in the benchmark, that differ from the CPU op-erations issued. Moreover, Class B workload has been usedas their performance is highly influenced by the efficiencyin communications, both the network interconnect and thecommunication library. Therefore, the differences amongparallel libraries can be appreciated more easily.

4.2 Experimental Results on One CoreFigure 3 shows a performance comparison of several NPB

implementations on one Xeon 5060 core. The results areshown in terms of speedup relative to the MPI library (usingthe GNU C/Fortran compiler), Runtime(NPB-MPI bench-mark) / Runtime(NPB benchmark). Thus, a value higherthan 1 means than the evaluated benchmark achieves higherperformance (shorter runtime) than the NPB-MPI bench-mark, whereas a value lower than 1 means than the evalu-ated code shows poorer performance (longer runtime) thanthe NPB-MPI benchmark. Only F-MPJ results are shownfor NPB-MPJ performance for clarity purposes, as otherMPJ libraries obtain quite similar results on one core. Here,the differences that can be noted are explained by the differ-ent implementations of the NPB benchmarks, and the useof Java or native code (C/Fortran). Thus, the ProActivecode generally obtains good results due to its efficient im-plementation, especially for EP and IS, whereas Java FTimplementations achieve poor performance. Java ThreadsEP and ProActive SP results are missing from Figure 3 asthese kernels are not implemented in their respective NPBsuites (NPB-JAV and NPB-PA).















tive t

o M






NPB Class B Performance on 1 core (Xeon 5060)

MPI (GNU Comp.)MPI (Intel Comp.)MPJ (F-MPJ)ProActiveJava Threads

Figure 3: NPB relative performance on one core

NPB-MPI results have also been obtained with the GNUcompiler version 4.1.2. As the publicly available Sun JVMfor Linux has been built with the GNU compiler, Java per-formance is limited by this compiler throughput. Thus, theJava results of Figure 3 (MPJ, ProActive and Java threads)are usually slightly lower than those of GNU-built bench-marks, although it is possible that Java benchmarks outper-form native code (EP), or, on the contrary, obtain aroundhalf of the native performance (FT and SP). From now ononly the Intel compiler results are shown as it usually out-performs GNU compiler.

4.3 Java Performance for HPCFigure 4 shows NPB-MPI, NPB-MPJ and NPB-PA per-

formance on the InfiniBand cluster, and NPB-OMP andNPB-JAV on the 24-core shared memory machine. Althoughthe configuration of the shared and the distributed scenar-ios are different, their results are shown together in order toease their comparison. Moreover, the NPB-MPJ results havebeen obtained using three MPJ libraries: mpiJava, MPJ Ex-press and F-MPJ, in order to compare them.

Regarding CG results, NPB-PA, NPB-OMP and NPB-JAV, due to their inefficient benchmark implementations,show the lowest performance, whereas MPJ libraries achievehigh performance, especially mpiJava and F-MPJ. In fact,mpiJava outperforms MPI up to 16 cores. EP presents lowcommunication intensiveness (see Table 4). Thus, speedupsalmost linear are expected. In this case NPB-OMP achievesthe highest performance, followed by NPB-PA. The remain-ing libraries obtain quite similar performance among them.Within FT results the native solutions show the highestperformance, NPB-OMP up to 8 cores and NPB-MPI on16 and 32 cores. Among Java results F-MPJ achieves thehighest performance, around 15% lower than MPI on 32cores, whereas NPB-PA shows the lowest results up 16 cores.Moreover, shared memory solutions do not take advantageof the use of more than 8 cores.

The communication intensiveness of IS reduces Java per-formance, except for NPB-JAV up to four cores. Regardingnative implementations, OpenMP obtains the best resultsup to 8 cores, whereas MPI achieves the highest scalabilityand performance from 16 cores. The highest MG perfor-mance has been obtained with NPB-MPI and NPB-MPJwith mpiJava, whereas the lowest with NPB-PA and sharedmemory programming.

The NPB-MPJ SP benchmark obtains generally high per-formance, especially for F-MPJ and mpiJava, outperformingsignificantly shared memory programming, especially NPB-JAV. In this case MPJ scalability is higher than that of MPIas MPJ on one core achieved around half of the performanceof MPI, but on 32 cores rises up to 75% of MPI results. Inthis case, mpiJava and F-MPJ shows similar performanceamong them. A particular feature of SP is that it requiresa square number of processes (1, 4, 9, 16, 25...). On theInfiniBand cluster it is used one core per node up to 9 pro-cesses, two cores per node for 16 processes and three coresper node for 25 processes. In this scenario all distributedmemory options (MPI and MPJ) take advantage of the useof up to 16 cores, whereas NPB-OMP obtains the highestperformance on 9 cores.

32 24 16 8 4 2 1 0












Number of Cores

CG (Class B)


32 24 16 8 4 2 1 0





Number of Cores

EP (Class B)


32 24 16 8 4 2 1 0


















Number of Cores

FT (Class B)


32 24 16 8 4 2 1 0










Number of Cores

IS (Class B)


32 24 16 8 4 2 1 0






















Number of Cores

MG (Class B)


2516941 0

















Number of Cores

SP (Class B)


Figure 4: NPB Class B results

These NPB experimental results can be analyzed in termsof the three main evaluations that NPB-MPJ allows. Thefirst one is the comparison among MPJ implementations,which present quite significant differences in performance,except for EP, due to their communication efficiency. Thus,in this testbed, MPJ Express uses IPoIB, obtaining rel-atively low performance, F-MPJ relies on the InfiniBandsupport of JFS, implemented on SDP, thus achieving muchhigher speedups. Finally, mpiJava relies on the high perfor-mance MPI support on InfiniBand, in this case implementedon IBV (InfiniBand Verbs). CG and MG results confirmsthe highest performance of mpiJava compared to MPJ Ex-press and F-MPJ. However, F-MPJ obtains the best MPJperformance for IS, FT and SP, showing that it is possi-ble to achieve significant performance benefits without thedrawbacks of mpiJava. Finally, MPJ Express achieves goodresults on CG and SP, thanks to the efficient non-blockingsupport provided by Java NIO.

The second evaluation that can be performed is the com-parison of MPJ against other Java parallel libraries, in thiscase ProActive and Java threads. ProActive is an RMI-based middleware, and for this reason its performance isusually lower than that of MPJ libraries, whose communi-cations are based on MPI or on Java sockets. Moreover,ProActive does not support InfiniBand in our testbed (nei-ther on SDP nor IPoIB), so it resorted to Gigabit Ether-net. Thus, its scalability was significantly worse than thatof NPB-MPJ results. Regarding Java threads, NPB-JAVonly obtains good results for IS up to 4 cores.

Finally, NPB-MPJ allows the comparative performanceevaluation of MPJ against MPI. Except for CG and IS, thegap between Java and native performance narrows as thenumber of cores grows. This higher MPJ scalability helps tobridge the gap between Java and native code performance.

5. CONCLUSIONSThis paper has analyzed the current state of Java for

HPC, both for shared and distributed memory program-ming, showing an important number of past and presentprojects which are the result of the sustained interest in theuse of Java for HPC. Nevertheless, most of these projectsare restricted to experimental environments, which preventsits general adoption in this field. The performance evalua-tion of existing Java solutions and research developments inJava for HPC on a multi-core InfiniBand cluster, and on a24-core shared memory machine allows us to conclude thatJava can achieve almost similar performance to native lan-guages, both for sequential and parallel applications, beingan alternative for HPC programming. In fact, the perfor-mance overhead that Java may impose is a reasonable trade-off for the appealing features that this language provides forparallel programming multi-core architectures. Finally, theactive research efforts in this area are expected to bring inthe next future new developments that will bridge the gapwith native performance and will increase the benefits of theadoption of Java for HPC.

AcknowledgmentsThis work was funded by the Xunta de Galicia under ProjectPGIDIT06PXIB105228PR and the Consolidation Programof Competitive Research Groups (ref. 2006/3).

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