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Histological Study of Seed Coat Development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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J. Plant Res. 113:139-148.2000 in Arabidopsis thaliana Tom Beeckmanl'z'*, Riet De Ryckel, Ronald VianeP and Dirk Inzel 1 Deqtunnt oí Pknt Genettcs,Flandeís lnErunivercity lnstitutetot Biodnology, Ghent UniveÊily, K.L Ledqanckstraat 35, 8-9000 Gení Belgium 'z Wrcnt ot Biolqy, Ghent Univetsu B-Wo Gent, Belgiun * Conesponding author:fax *32-9-2il5?49; @gengenp.rug.ac.be Journalof Plant Research @ by The Botanical Society of Japan 2000 responsible for the growth of the seed coat. At seed maturity, however,much of the integumental tissue may be degenerated and absorbed by other developing tissues (Fahn 1990). To clarify which parts have taken part in the forma- tion of a seed coat, ontogenetic studies are necessary. ln Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. various mutatíons in genes controlling differentaspects of ovule and seed devel- opment have been described (Kluchet et al. 1996, Léon- Kloosterziel et al. 1994,Reiserand Fischer1993,Robinson- Beerset a\.1992). These studiesresulted in detailedanalyses of the ovule ontogeny, which mainlyfocused on integument development. Nevertheless, a description of the subse- quent development into the seed coat is entirely lacking. We performeda detailed analysis of the Arabidopsr.s seed coat development using light and transmission electron microscopy. With a metachromatic staining procedurethe accumulation of phenolic compounds and acidic polysac- charides could easily be followed. Based on the obtained anatomical data, we propose a model that describes the main developmental changes in the seed coat after fertiliza- tion and explains the structure found in mature seeds. Distinctchanges in one or more cell layerscoincide with the three main developmental phases of embryogenesis: mor- phogenesis, maturationincludingsynthesisof reserveprod- ucts and dormancy and dessication (Westand Harada 1993). For a full understanding of the structureof the mature seed coat of Arabidopsr.s, the development of the endosperm, although not belonging to the seed coat proper, needs to be considered as well, because one or two endospermal layers persist and stick to the seed coat. We will discuss each layer in the seed coat separately, though with an emphasison the developmentof the inner epidermis of the inner integumentor pigment layer,and on the mucilage-producing outer epidermal layer. The detailed description of embryogenesis in Arabidopsrb (Jur- gens and Mayer 1994)was used to stage the developmental events seen during seed coat formation. Materials and Methods Light microsapy Anatomical changes were recorded on whole-mount preparations as well as on sectioned ovules. For both Histological Study oÍ Seed Coat Development A detailed analysis of Arabidopsis seed coat development using light and transmission electron microscopy revealed major morphological changes associated with the transition of the integuments into the mature seed coat By the use oÍ a metachromatic staining procedure, cytological events such as the production oÍ phenolic compounds and acidic polysaccharideswere Íollowed. lmmediately after Íertiliza- tion, the cells oÍ the inner epidermis oÍ the inner integument became vacuolated and subsequently accumulated pigment within them. This pigment started to disappear from the cytoplasm at the torpedo stage of the embryo, as it became green. During the tor@o stage, mucilage began to accu- mulate in the cells of the extemal epidermis oÍ the outer integument. Furthermore, starch grains accumulated against the central part of the inner periclinal wall oÍ these cells, resulting in the formation of small pyramidal domes that persisted until seed maturity. At the maturation stage, when the embryo became dormant and colourless, a new pigment accumulation was observed in an amorphous layer derived from remnants oÍ crushed integument layers. This second pigment layer was responsible Íor the brown seed colour. These resultrsshow that seed coat formation may proceed in a coordinated way with the developmental phases oÍ embryogenesis. Key words: ArabidWsis haliana - Embryogenesis - Pigmentation - Seed coat The seed coat often plays an essential role in various processes such as nutrition of the growingembryo, mechani- cal and chemical protection, dehydration, imbibition,and maintenanceof seed dormancy(Boesewinkel and Bouman 1995). lt usuallydevelops from one or two integuments, but mature seeds may include funicular tissue or layers of the nucellus and/or the endosperm (Fahn 1990). The inner integument may give rise to a tegmen and the outer integu- ment to a testa (Corner 1976). During seed coat develop- ment many histological changes take place. Periclinal and anticlinal cell divisions, combined with cell enlargement, are E-mail: tobee

J. Plant Res. 113: 139-148. 2000

in Arabidopsis thaliana

Tom Beeckmanl'z'*, Riet De Ryckel, Ronald VianeP and Dirk Inzel

1 Deqtunnt oí Pknt Genettcs, Flandeís lnErunivercity lnstitute tot Biodnology, Ghent UniveÊily, K.L Ledqanckstraat 35, 8-9000Gení Belgium

'z Wrcnt ot Biolqy, Ghent Univetsu B-Wo Gent, Belgiun

* Conesponding author: fax *32-9-2il5?49;@gengenp.rug.ac.be

Journal of Plant Research@ by The Botanical Society of Japan 2000

responsible for the growth of the seed coat. At seedmaturity, however, much of the integumental tissue may bedegenerated and absorbed by other developing tissues (Fahn1990). To clarify which parts have taken part in the forma-tion of a seed coat, ontogenetic studies are necessary.

ln Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. various mutatíons ingenes controlling different aspects of ovule and seed devel-opment have been described (Kluchet et al. 1996, Léon-Kloosterziel et al. 1994, Reiser and Fischer 1993, Robinson-Beers et a\.1992). These studies resulted in detailed analysesof the ovule ontogeny, which mainly focused on integumentdevelopment. Nevertheless, a description of the subse-quent development into the seed coat is entirely lacking.

We performed a detailed analysis of the Arabidopsr.s seedcoat development using light and transmission electronmicroscopy. With a metachromatic staining procedure theaccumulation of phenolic compounds and acidic polysac-charides could easily be followed. Based on the obtainedanatomical data, we propose a model that describes themain developmental changes in the seed coat after fertiliza-tion and explains the structure found in mature seeds.Distinct changes in one or more cell layers coincide with thethree main developmental phases of embryogenesis: mor-phogenesis, maturation including synthesis of reserve prod-ucts and dormancy and dessication (West and Harada 1993).For a full understanding of the structure of the mature seedcoat of Arabidopsr.s, the development of the endosperm,although not belonging to the seed coat proper, needs to beconsidered as well, because one or two endospermal layerspersist and stick to the seed coat.

We will discuss each layer in the seed coat separately,though with an emphasis on the development of the innerepidermis of the inner integument or pigment layer, and onthe mucilage-producing outer epidermal layer. Thedetailed description of embryogenesis in Arabidopsrb (Jur-gens and Mayer 1994)was used to stage the developmentalevents seen during seed coat formation.

Materials and Methods

Light microsapyAnatomical changes were recorded on whole-mount

preparations as well as on sectioned ovules. For both

Histological Study oÍ Seed Coat Development

A detailed analysis of Arabidopsis seed coat developmentusing light and transmission electron microscopy revealedmajor morphological changes associated with the transitionof the integuments into the mature seed coat By the useoÍ a metachromatic staining procedure, cytological eventssuch as the production oÍ phenolic compounds and acidicpolysaccharides were Íollowed. lmmediately after Íertiliza-tion, the cells oÍ the inner epidermis oÍ the inner integumentbecame vacuolated and subsequently accumulated pigmentwithin them. This pigment started to disappear from thecytoplasm at the torpedo stage of the embryo, as it becamegreen. During the tor@o stage, mucilage began to accu-mulate in the cells of the extemal epidermis oÍ the outerintegument. Furthermore, starch grains accumulatedagainst the central part of the inner periclinal wall oÍ thesecells, resulting in the formation of small pyramidal domesthat persisted until seed maturity. At the maturation stage,when the embryo became dormant and colourless, a newpigment accumulation was observed in an amorphous layerderived from remnants oÍ crushed integument layers. Thissecond pigment layer was responsible Íor the brown seedcolour. These resultrs show that seed coat formation mayproceed in a coordinated way with the developmentalphases oÍ embryogenesis.

Key words: ArabidWsis haliana - Embryogenesis -Pigmentation - Seed coat

The seed coat often plays an essential role in variousprocesses such as nutrition of the growing embryo, mechani-cal and chemical protection, dehydration, imbibition, andmaintenance of seed dormancy (Boesewinkel and Bouman1995). lt usually develops from one or two integuments, butmature seeds may include funicular tissue or layers of thenucellus and/or the endosperm (Fahn 1990). The innerintegument may give rise to a tegmen and the outer integu-ment to a testa (Corner 1976). During seed coat develop-ment many histological changes take place. Periclinal andanticlinal cell divisions, combined with cell enlargement, are

E-mail: tobee


purposes the ovules were dissected from siliques at differentstages of development and fixed for 4 hr in a mixture oÍ 45o/oethanol, 5o/o acetic acid, and 5olo formaldehyde in distilledwater.

To study the initial stage of seed coat development, ovuleswere isolated from flower buds at stage 13 of flowering asdetermined by Smyth et al. (1990). For whole-mount prepa-rations, the seeds were transferred to a 2:1 :1 mixture ofchloral hydrate, lactic acid and phenol (chloral lactophenol,CLP). After at least 2 hr of clearing, the ovules were put ina droplet of CLP on a microscope slide and viewed in aDiaplan microscope (Lei2, We2lar, Germany) using differen-tial interference contrast optics.

For sectioning, the seeds were dehydrated (upon fixation)and embedded in Technovit 7100 embedding resin (HeraeusKulzer, Wehrheim, Germany) according to the manufacturer'sinstructions. Sections @ pml were made on a rotary mi-crotome (Supercut 2050) equipped with glass knives (Rei-chert-Jung, Nussloch, Germany) and stained for 8 min in0.05o/o toluidine blue ffoluidine blue O; Merck, Darmstadt,Germany) in an aqueous solution or in an aqueous solutionof 1o/o acid fuchsine and 1olo toluidine blue.

Electron miaosmpyFor scanning electron microscopy, mature dried seeds,

without foregoing treatments, were sputter coated with goldand examined with a scanning electron microscope (JEOLLtd, Tokyo, Japan) at an acceleration voltage of 15 kV. Fortransmission electron microscopy, seeds were dissected outof the siliques and fixed in a mixture of 3o/o glutaraldehydeand 4o/o paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH7.2). Mature seeds were put in the same fixative after theseed coat had been carefully pricked with a fine needleunder a dissecting microscope. Subsequently, the materialwas transferred to fresh fixative and kept overnight at roomtemperature. The next day, the fixative was washed outwith three changes of cacodylate buffer (each for 20 min).Postfixation was performed in 2o/o osmium tetroxide and 1.5o/opotassium ferricyanide in cacodylate buffer for 2 hr at roomtemperature. After three washes of 20 min with cacodylatebuffer, the material was dehydrated in ethanol. After de-hydration to 50o/o ethanol, the tissue was stained with 1olouranyl acetate. Further dehydration was performed using agraded ethanol series: 70olo (overnight), 95o/o (2 hr) and 10oo/o(2X2hrl. Finally, the samples were gradually infiltrated andembedded in Spurr's resin. Ultra-thin sections (60-90 nm)were cut with an Ultracut microtome (Reichert-Jung, Heidel-berg, Germany) using a diamond knife, and collected oncollodion-coated copper grids. The grids were poststainedin an LKB Ultrastainer for 15 min in uranylacetate at 4O C and2 min in lead citrate at 20 C. Sections were examined usingan Elmiskop 1Ol transmission electron microscope (Siemens,Karlsruhe, Germany).


The ovule wall before fertilizationIn principle, the start of seed coat development coincides

with the onset of embryogenesis. To study the initial stageof seed coat development, ovules isolated from flower budsat O hr after flowering (see Materials and Methods) weresectioned and examined. The mature ovule is am-phitropous (Robinson-Beers et al. 1992) with the micropylepositioned near the insertion of the funiculus with a pro-nounced curvature of both integuments and embryo sac (Fig.1a). At this stage, the nucellus is nearly completely resor-bed, except for a group of cells at the base of the embryosac. The inner and outer integuments completely enclosethe mature embryo sac. The zone between the chalazaland micropylar pole of the embryo sac is called the curvingzone or basal body (Bouman 1975) (Fí9.1a2).

Although the outer and inner integuments are both entirelyof epidermal origin (Schneitz eÍ a/. 1995), the constituent celllayers will be treated here as separate entities because theydiffer in various characteristics during seed coat formation.To document the seed coat development and to clarifywhich layers of the integuments take part in the formation ofthe seed coat, the terms outer and inner integuments as wellas their constituting cell layers (abbreviated oi1, oi2, ii1, iil',and ii2) will be used instead of testa and tegmen (Corner,1976). The outer integument (oi)consisted of two cell layers,an inner (oi1)and an outer (oi2)epidermis, both of which werecomposed of large and vacuolated cells at the micropylarand the chalazal pole, but of smaller cells in the curving zone(Fig.1a).The inner integument (ii) contained two cell layers at the

micropyle (ii1 and ii2l but became three-layered in thecurving zone (ii1, ii1' and ii2), both at the adaxial and abaxialsides (Figs.1a and 1b). The ii1' was only present in thecurving zone whereas the inner integument at the micropylarand chalazal poles remained two-layered during seedmaturation. Thus, at the beginning of its development theseed coat was composed of five cell layers (Fig.1b), exceptin the micropylar and chalazal poles. With the exception ofthe cells at the micropylar pole, the ii1 layer became darklystained by toluidine blue before fertilization (Fig.1a). Thislayer, usually called an "endothelium", is composed of smallisodiametric cells containing small vacuoles, thus resembl ingmeristematic cells (Fig. 2a).

The pigment layer or endotheliumlmmediately after fertilization, at the one-cell stage of the

embryo (i.e., after the first zygotic division, when the embryois composed of one small apical and one large basal cell),the cells of the ii1 layer became vacuolated (Fig.2b). Theinner cell wall of iil, seen on the surface facing the embryosac, was bordered by an electron-dense layer that reactedpositively to osmium tetroxide (arrow, Fig.2b), suggesting itslipid nature. We considered it as the original cuticle of theinner integument. Such a cuticle was only found on thesurface of cells in direct contact with the embryo sac andnot on the other integument layers. This cuticle was obser-ved in electron microscopic sections until the mature-embryo stage.

From the two-cell stage of the embryo onwards, the cellsof the ii1 layer showed a remarkable change in staining

T. Beeckman et al.

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Seed Coat Development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Fig.1. Seed coat formation during early embryogenic stages in Árabrdopsis thaliana. Longitudinal sections through ovules stainedwith toluidine blue, except for (d) in which no staining was used. Bright-field optics were used except for (e). a1. Pre-fertilization stage with a mature embryo sac. a2. Schematic drawing of a1. b-e. Details of the integuments at the abaxial sidein the curving zone, i.e. the part of the ovule, between the micropyle and the chalaza. Ovular side facing the locule of thesilique is called abaxial, whereas the side connected to the placenta via the funiculus is called adaxial. b. One-cell stage.Arrow indicates where ovular coverings become five-layered. Note that the cells of the inner layer of the inner integument (ii1)

are stained dark-blue. c. Two-cell embryo stage. The cytoplasm of ii1 or pigment layer cells are stained bluish-green. d.Dermatogen embryo stage. The contours of the ovule, suspensor, and embryo are indicated by dotted lines. The ii1 layerappears light yellow because of an early pigment deposition. e. Globular embryo stage. Picture made using phase-contrast

optics to demonstrate numerous starch granules in the layers of the outer integument. ap, antipodal cells; cc, central cell; ch,chalaza; cz, curuing zone or basal body; ec, egg cell; em, embryo; f, funiculus; fne, free nuclear endosperm; ii, inner integu-ment; ii1, inner epidermis of inner integument or pigment layer; ii1', median layer of inner integument; ii2, outer layer of innerintegument; mp, micropyle; nu, nucellus, oi, outer integument; oi1, inner epidermis of outer integument; oi2, outer epidermis ofouter integument; sc, synergid cell; sg, starch granules; sus, suspensor. Bars:50 pm(a-c, e), and:1OOtm (d).

t42 T. Beeckman et al.

Seed Coat Development in Arabidopsis thaliana t43

capacity in light microscopic sections stained with toluidineblue (Fig.1c). Until the one-cell embryonic stage the cellcontent stained dark-blue (Fig.1b), but from the two-cellstage onwards a bluish green staining appeared in this layer.With toluidine blue a similar bluish green colour was normallyobtained in lignified cell walls. In the ii1 layer toluidine blueclearly stained the cell content. Even without staining, theaccumulation of a light yellow pigment could be observed inthese cells (Fig.1d). Therefore, this layer is generally termeda "pigment" layer.

In electron microscopic sections, we noticed that pigmentaccumulation was preceded by the formation of a centralvacuole (Fig.2b). In the stages following the one-cellembryo stage a dark electron-dense substance was de-posited, first inside the vacuoles (Fig.2c), gradually fillingmost of the cells by the early torpedo stage (Fig.2d). Thepigment was also deposited in the cytoplasm;organelles (e.9.nuclei) were found completely embedded in this electron-dense material. From the late-torpedo stage onwards, thepigment disappeared from the central part of the cells andonly remained at the cell periphery, leaving a large centralcavity at the mature-embryo stage (Figs. 2e and Xl. At thedesiccation stage, the pigment layer had become a layer ofempty, dead cells (Figs.3f and 3g) or had disappearedcompletely, its remnants being incorporated into the brownpigment layer (bpl) (Fig.2g).

The iil' and ii2 layersAt the one-cell stage of the embryo, an extensive

vacuolisation in the cells of the ii1' and ii2 layers at theabaxial side of the seed coincided with the expansion of theovule along the adaxial-abaxial axis (for terminology of theaxis, see Fig.1a). This expansion gradually intensified dur-ing the following stages. Even in cleared preparations oftorpedo-stage seeds, large cells could be seen in theselayers at the abaxial side (data not shown). Cellwidth alongthe adaxial-abaxial axis of ii1' cells in the abaxial region ofthe ovule, measured on longitudinal sections, was approxi-mately 5 pm before fertilization, 8 tÍï'r at the one-cell stage,and 25 pm at the torpedo stage. Both cell layers were highlyvacuolated and their walls only showed weak staining.From the bent-cotyledon stage onwards, shrinkage of boththese cell layers seemed to be induced by the growingembryo (Fig.3d). At the desiccation stage, the ii1' and ii2layers were completely crushed and formed the brownpigment layer (bpl) (stained green with toluidine blue) thatwas responsible for the seed colour (Figs. 29,3f , and 3g).

The oil and oi2 layersAt the onset of embryogenesis the cells in the outer

integument were vacuolated (Fig.1b). By the globular stage,they were characterized by the presence of starch grains(Fig.1e). In cleared preparations, some dermatogen-stageseeds showed starch grains whereas others did not, indicat-ing that the accumulation of starch started mainly at thisstage.

Electron microscopic micrographs of torpedo-stage seedsshowed that the inner periclinal walls of the oi1 becamethickened (Figs.3b and 3c: arrowheads). In light-micro-scopic micrographs of sections stained with toluidine blue,these walls stained darker than comparable cell walls atprevious stages (Fig.3a: arrowheads). The other cell wallsof these cells kept their original thickness. The dark bluishcolour indicated that the primary wall became thickenedrather than that a secondary wall, accompanied withlignification, was formed, as this would result in a bluishgreen colour. This observation was confirmed by electronmicroscopy, revealing a thickened primary inner periclinalcell wall throughout the whole oi1 layer (Figs.3b and 3c).

At the torpedo stage, a second obvious cytologícalchange was noticed in the seed coat. After toluidine bluestaining, the content of the cells composing the oi2 layerturned reddish purple (Fig.3a). This colour reaction, obser-ved in the middle lamellae of unlignified cells by O'Brien efa/. (1964), was thought to indicate the presence of pectinsubstances. In the same layer of mature Arabidopab seeds,Goto (1985) demonstrated the presence of mucilage com-posed of a pectin substance with rhamnose as its mainneutral sugar. The appearance of the reddish staining atthe torpedo stage therefore probably marked the onset ofmucilage production in the seed coat epidermis. Simulta-neously, amyloplasts containing starch grains accumulatedcentrally against the inner periclinal wall of the epidermalcells, resulting in the formation of small domes (Figs.3a and4d-4f). Upon seed desiccation, these heaps persisted andwere seen in surface view as centrally located domes (Figs.4a and 4b). Upon contact with water the mucilage in thesecells started to swell and to be excreted, destroying the outercell walls. When fully hydrated, it formed a sphere of 200 to300 pm thickness around the seed and could easily bevisualized with ruthenium red or toluidine blue (Fig.4c: mu).

From the torpedo stage until the mature embryo stage, theoi1 layer remained discernible by its thickened inner periclinalwalls (Figs.3a,3d, and 3e). At the desiccation stage, thislayer is mostly collapsed (Fig.30 but may persist in someparts of the seed coat (Fig.3g). The inner periclinal cell wallof oi1 contributed to the brown pigment layer (bpl) together

Fig.2. Transmission electron micrographs showing development of the ii1 (or pigment) layer during embryogenesis in Arabrdopsis thaliana.a. Pre-fertilization stage. ii1 cells with dense cytoplasm and large nuclei. b. One-apical-cell stage. ii1 cells with large centralvacuoles. c. Octant stage. Onset of accumulation of electron-dense substance (pigment) in the vacuoles of ii1 cells. d. Torpedostage. ii1 cells completely filled with pigment. Aleurone layer becomes distinct. e. Bent-cotyledon stage. f. Mature embryo stage:pigmentation in ii1 gradually less dense. g. Desiccation stage. a, aleurone; ac, apical cell; bc, basal cell; bpl, brown pigment layer;c, cuticle; em, embryo; en, endosperm; es, embryo sac; fne, free nuclear endosperm; ii1, innermost layer of the inner integument orpigment layer; ii1', median layer of inner integument; ii2, outer layer of inner integument; oi1, inner epidermis of outer integument.Bars:10 pm.

t44 T. Beeckman et al.

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Fig.3. seed coat formation during late embryonic stages in Ambidopsis thatiana. a, d-g, light-microscopic

micrographs of sections stained with toluidine blue; b, c, transmission electron microscopic micrographs'

a. Torpedo stage. purple staining of the oi2 cells indicates the presence of mucilage' Anowheads

show the thickened inner periclinal ceil wall of the oi1 cells. b. Detailed view of the integumentary

layers at the early torpedo embryo stage. The oi1 layer shows a thickened inner periclinal cell wall

(arrowheads). c. Detailed view of the thickened inner periclinal cell wall (anowheads) at the same

stage as in (b). d. Bent-cotyledon stage. ii1' and ii2 cells and cellular endosperm become crushed'

Areurone rayer becomes distinct. e. Mature embryo stage. shrinkage of the ii1' and ii2 layers is

intensified. The oi1 layer is still discernible by its thickened inner periclinal walls (arrowheads)' f'

Mature seed with the oi1 layer largely crushed. g. Mature seed with the oi1 layer persisting' a'

aleurone; bpl, brown pigment layer; em, embryo; en, endosperm; ii'l, inner epidermis of the inner

integument or pigment layer; ii1" median layer of the inner integument; ii2, outer epidermis of the inner

integrument; mu, mucilage; oi1, inner epidermis oÍ the outer integument; oi2, outer epidermis of the outer

integument. Bars=5Opm in a, d, Í, and g; 20pm in e; 5 7'r in b and c'

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Seed Coat Development in Arabidopsis thaliana

Fig.4. The oi2 layer at seed maturity in Arabrdopsis ttnliam. a and b: scanning elec-ton microscopy micrographs. c and d: light-microscopic micrographs of sections stained with toluidine blue. e and t transmission eleclron microscopic micrographs. a. Surfaceview of mature seed. b. Close-up shoruing pyramidal domes. c. Longitudinal section of imbibed seed shorruing sunounding sphere ofmucilage. d. Paradermal section through oi2 layer showing polygonal cell shape and centrally located starch granules. e. Same as ind. f. Longitudinal section through a cental pyramidal dome composed of starch granules. mu, mucilage; sg, starch granules. Bars:10opm in a; 10pm in b, e, and t zffipm in c; 50pm in d.


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with the remnants of the ii1' and ii2 (Figs.3f and 3g) and insome cases also of the ii1 layer (Fig.2g).

The endospermEndosperm development was analyzed in detail by Mans-

field and Briarty (1990a, b) and is characterized by an initialperiod of free-nuclear endosperm formation lasting until thefate-globular stage, a subsequent period of endospermcellularization completed at the torpedo stage, followed by aperiod of partial degeneration of the endosperm. During thelast period, much of the endosperm is crushed and absorbedby the expanding embryo.

At the torpedo stage, the outermost layer of the endo-sperm became distinct (Figs.2d and 3a), being composed ofelongated cells that contained numerous protein bodies anda few chloroplasts. During the following stages, proteinbodies accumulated whereas chloroplasts were convertedinto starch grain-containing amyloplasts (Fig.2e). Such alayer, also reported in other members of the Brassicaceae,was frequently considered an aleurone layer (Groot and Van

Caeseele 1992, Vaughan and Whitehouse 1971). In contrastto layers derived from the integuments, it remained viftuallyintact as an aleurone layer after desiccation and had notcollapsed in mature seeds (Figs.29,3t, and 3g). A hyalinelayer was usually present between the embryo and thealeurone layer, but no cell content could be demonstratedwithin its cells.


Our study of the development of the Arabidopsr.s seed coatreveals major structural changes that allow the compilationof the model presented in Fig.5. Most of the histologicalchanges observed are in agreement with earlier descriptionsfor the related àpsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Med. (Bouman1975, Dale and Scott 1943). However, in Capse//a, the colour-ed inner epidermis of the inner integument (ii1)also becomescrushed and resorbed after the two outermost layers of theinner integument (ii1', ii2) have disappeared. ln Aródopsrbthaliana, we observed that, at least in the majority of the

Two+ell to octant stage

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T. Beeckman et al.




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Ffree nuclearendosperm

Bentcotyledon tomaturecmbryo stage


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Fig.5. Diagrams showing major anatomical events during seed coat development in Anbidopsis tlnliana.Drawings refer to abaxial part of the ovular coverings where it consists of five cell layers. The dottedline indicates the boundary between inner and outer integuments. a. ii1 cells with dense cytoplasm. b.ii1 cells become vacuolated; formation of free nuclear endosperm. c. ii1 cells with pigment accumula-tion. d. oi2 cells with starch accumulation. e. Less pigment in ii1. Mucilage production in oi2 andstarch grains grouped on inner periclinal wall. Inner tangential wall of oi1 thickened (collenchyma).Aleurone layer differentiated. f. Pigmentation gradually disappearing from the cytoplasm of ii1 cells.ii1' becoming crushed. Endosperm, except for the outermost layers, becomes gradually consumed bythe growing embryo. g. ii1 remains as layer of empty thick-walled cells. ii1', ii2, oi'l collapsed, forminga brown amorphous layer (bpl, brown pigment layer). Two layers of endosperm remain: hyaline layer(sunounding the embryo) and aleurone layer (in close contact with the ii1 layer of the seed coat).

Seed Coat Development in Arabidopsis thaliana t47

seeds analyzed, this layer persists as a thick-walled non-pigmented layer in the mature seed coat.

In their extensive work on the seed structure of some 200species of the Brassicaceae, Vaughan and Whitehouse(1971) reported the occurrence of a palisade layer, derivedÍrom the inner layer of the outer integument, in the matureseed coat of Arabidopsis thaliana. We found that this layer(oi1) is present before the desiccation stage and has athickened primary inner periclinal cell wall. lt can be con-sidered as a collenchymatous layer as was previously de-scribed for Srhapr.s alba and Brassica nigra seeds by Bouman(1975). ln desiccated seeds, it becomes crushed in mostparts of the seed coat and, together with wall material fromthe two outermost cell layers of the inner integument (ii1', ii2),its remains contribute to the thick amorphous brown pigmentlayer (bpl) that gives the brown colour to the mature seed.

Before seed coat development starts, the inner epidermisof the inner integument (ii1) becomes distinct by its stainingcharacteristics and its isodiametric cell shape.

The ii1 layer has received different names by differentauthors: pigment layer (Bouman 1975, Léon-Kloosterziel eÍa/. 1994), endothelium (SchneiE et a/. 1995), endothecium(Kuang et a/. 1995) or integumentary tapetum (Bowman 1994,Robinson-Beers et a\.1992). A similar cell layer was record-ed in 65 families of dicotyledons and reviewed by Kapil andTiwari (1978). Although this layer shows considerable varia-tion throughout the Íamilies with regard to its differentiation,morphology, and extent of coverage of the embryo sac, itcan be "characterized" as follows: a layer of initiallyisodiametric cells with dense cytoplasm, differentiated duringembryo sac formation, showing meristematic activity at leastduring a certain stage of its development, and separatedfrom the nucellus and embryo sac by a cuticle. The samecharacteristics were found in our study.

In many publications, a nutritive role has been attributed tothe ii1 layer (Kapil and Tiwari 1978, Maheshwari 1950).However, fudher investigations are needed to prove that iilsupplies nutrients to the embryo sac and embryo inArabidopsis. Consequently, we do not propose to use theterm "integumentary tapetum" for this layer in the Arabrdopsisovule until such evidence has been found. but rather thename pigment layer.

The abrupt deposition of an electron-dense product in thevacuoles of the pigment layer shoftly after fertilization and itsgradual disappearance during later stages are remarkable.Until now, the exact timing of this early pigment accumula-tion has not been mentioned elsewhere. Recently, Albert efal. (1997) reported the isolation of a seed coat mutant(banyuls or banl in Arabidopsrb that accumulates a high levelof red pigments in the pigment layer at the (pre)globularstage. However, these authors did not perform an anatomi-cal analysis of the early stages and overlooked the earlypigmentation we found in wild-type seed coat formation bystaining with toluidine blue and by transmission electronmicroscopic analysis. Therefore, the ban mutant is perhapsonly affected in its level and not in its timing of pigmentaccumulation as stated by Albert eÍ a/. (1997).

ln Arabidopsrb, several mutations, collectively named the

transparenf fesÍa or tt mutations, result in yellow or palebrown seeds because of the absence or reduced levels ofpigments in the seed coat (Koornneef 1990). The yellowcolour of the mature seeds is mainly caused by the weakpigmentation of the cotyledons whereas the seed coat itselfis transparent. As several of these ff mutants also had no,or a reduced, anthocyanin content in their leaves, it seemsplausible that the pigments produced in the seed coat mayhave a similar precursor to anthocyanins (although yellowseeded mutants with a normal anthocyanin content exist;Koornneef 1981). Meanwhile, three of these genes havebeen cloned and appear to encode proteins that controldifferent enzymatic steps in the flavonoid biosynthetic path-way, whereas biochemical evidence indicates the involve-ment of other TT loci in the same pathway (reviewed byShirley et al. 1995). Studies on two of these mutants, tf4and tts, which appear to be completely deficient inflavonoids in all tissues, have provided evidence thatflavonoid compounds are essential in protecting plants fromUV radiation (Li ef a/. 1993). Therefore, we hypothesize thatthe described early accumulation of a phenolic compound inthe cells of the pigment layer shortly after fertilization servesas a protection for the young embryo against UV-radiation.

The disappearance of this pigment during later stages isprobably necessary to allow the differentiation of chloro-plasts in the embryo. lnterestingly, the observed pigmentloss seems to coincide with the greening of ïhe Arabidopsisembryo, which is completed by the end of the late-heartstage or by the beginning of the torpedo stage (Jurgens andMayer 1994).

After seed desiccation, our histological analyses, based onthe similar staining characteristics of toluidine blue, showedthe presence of phenolic compounds in the cell walls of theouter crushed cell layers. Because phenolic compoundshave been suggested to strengthen cell walls by cross-linking cell wall components (Yeung and Cavey 1990), theiraccumulation during seed desiccation might be the prerequi-site for the establishment of the hard brown seed coat.

fn the oi2layer, mucilage production starts at the torpedostage. We found that the elevations seen in surface viewon scanning electron micrographs are caused by the aggre-gation of starch grains on the central part of the innerpericlinal wall of each epidermal cell. Vaughan and White-house (1971), reviewing the previous literature on the seedstructure in the Brassicaceae, noticed that in the initialstudies the mucilage is found to be formed from the starchgrains. Likewise, from studies on amyloplast-containingroot cap cells it has become clear that starch granulesappear to be the primary source of sugars for the synthesisof mucilage (Rougier 1981).

The production of a surface layer of mucilage on seeds orfruits is widespread. Generally, two main ecological func-tions are ascribed to this layer: assistance to both seed orfruit dispersal and germination (Swarbrick 1971). Themucilaginous seeds oÍ Juncus bufonius L., adapted fordistribution via the legs and feathers of waterfowl, clearlyillustrate the dispersal function. On the other hand, thepresence of a mucilage layer would be an adaptation

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ensuring the continuity of water supply to the embryo duringcritical stages of germination (Swarbrick 1971).

In conclusion, the data presented here show that theprocess of seed coat formation is characterized by distinctmorphogenetic events. The following three stages, char-acterized by particular changes in one or more layers, can bedetected: (i) pigment deposition in ii1 and starch accumula-tion in oi2 (quadrant to globular stage), (ii) pigment vanishingin ii1 and mucilage production from oi2 (heart to torpedostage), and (iii) pigment accumulation in oi2 and shrinkage ofcell layers (bent-cotyledon stage to desiccation stage).These three stages coincide with the three main develop-mental phases of embryogenesis: morphogenesis, matura-tion including synthesis of reserve products, and dormancyand desiccation (West and Harada 1993). How and whythese events are so precisely coordinated and how they arerelated to embryogenesis is still unknown. The presentstudy may serve as a basis for future genetic and molecularanalyses to unravel these questions.

We thank an anonymous reviewer, Prof. Dr. Hugh Dickin-son, and Dr. Melissa Spielman (University of Oxford, U.K.)forhelpful comments on the manuscript and advice concerningthe electron microscopy, Martine De Cock for help in prepar-ing the text, and Rebecca Verbanck, Karel Spruyt, StijnDebruyne, and Peter Chaerle for figures and photographs.


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(Received May 25, 1999; accepted February 10, 2000l.
