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Generalized Probabilistic Scale Space for Image Restoration

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2774 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 19, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2010 Correspondence Generalized Probabilistic Scale Space for Image Restoration Alexander Wong, Member, IEEE, and Akshaya K. Mishra, Member, IEEE Abstract—A novel generalized sampling-based probabilistic scale space theory is proposed for image restoration. We explore extending the defini- tion of scale space to better account for both noise and observation models, which is important for producing accurately restored images. A new class of scale-space realizations based on sampling and probability theory is in- troduced to realize this extended definition in the context of image restora- tion. Experimental results using 2-D images show that generalized sam- pling-based probabilistic scale-space theory can be used to produce more accurate restored images when compared with state-of-the-art scale-space formulations, particularly under situations characterized by low signal-to- noise ratios and image degradation. Index Terms—Bayesian, estimation, generalized, image restoration, noise, nonlinear, probabilistic, sampling, scale space. I. INTRODUCTION A powerful approach to multiscale decomposition and analysis that has gained significant popularity in the research community is scale- space theory [1], which is a framework for handling the inherent multi- scale nature of the physical world by representing them across multiple scales, with a monotonic decrease in fine-scale structures being repre- sented at each successive scale. One of the motivations for scale-space theory stems from the idea that, given no prior information about the scale of structures, the only reasonable course of action is to repre- sent them at multiple scales [2]. Scale-space theory has become a par- ticularly powerful tool in pattern recognition and image processing and has been widely used in feature detection [2]–[5], noise reduction [5]–[8], segmentation [9]–[13], classification [14], and color constancy enhancement [15]. While scale-space theory has been shown to be a very powerful, robust tool for computer vision applications [16], the application of scale-space theory in the context of image restoration has been largely limited to noise reduction [5]–[8]. Given that images are often subject to not only noise but also observation-based degradations, which has been largely unexplored in the context of scale-space theory, investi- gating the extension of scale-space theory to account for both noise and observation models can yield potential benefits for producing ac- curately restored images. In this study, we propose a novel generalized sampling-based scale- space framework based on probability theory for the purpose of image restoration. The underlying goal of this generalized sampling-based probabilistic scale-space theory is to extend the definition of scale space to better account for noise and observation models, which are important for producing accurately restored images. We study nonlinear scale- Manuscript received April 18, 2009; revised March 09, 2010. First published April 22, 2010; current version published September 17, 2010. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publica- tion was Dr. Eero P. Simoncelli. The authors are with the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1 (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIP.2010.2048973 space theory based on the generalized diffusion equation proposed by Perona and Malik [3] from a sampling and probabilistic point of view and derive a sampling-based probabilistic scale-space formulation that better satisfies the extended scale-space definition for image restora- tion under an identity observation model. We then derive a generalized sampling-based probabilistic scale-space formulation that satisfies the extended scale-space definition for image restoration under nonidentity observation models. This paper is organized as follows. Previous scale-space formula- tions are reviewed in Section II. Scale-space realizations derived using the generalized diffusion equation is studied based on sampling and probability theory, and the sampling-based probabilistic scale-space formulation is derived in Section III. The generalized sampling-based probabilistic scale-space formulation is derived in Section IV. Finally, experimental results involving the restoration of 2-D images using the proposed sampling-based probabilistic scale-space formulation under different noise and degradation scenarios are presented in Section V, and conclusions are drawn in Section VI. II. EXISTING SCALE-SPACE FORMULATIONS Let be a set of sites into a discrete lattice and be a site in . Let , , and be random fields on , where , , and take on values representing the state, observation, and observation noise at site , respectively. Let , , and be realizations of , , and , respectively, such that, given an observation model , we have (1) Scale-space theory attempts to represent as a single-parameter family of derived realizations , where is a scaling parameter that defines the scale of structures in being represented. As first formalized by Witkin [1] and Koenderink and Van Doorn [17], an -dimensional scale-space realization can be defined as the convolution of with a Gaussian function of variance as (2) (3) This linear scale realization can be equivalently defined as the solution to the diffusion equation [17] (4) where is the Laplacian. The linear scale-space formulation has been successfully used in a wide variety of computer vision applications [16], and scale-selection methods have been proposed for the linear scale-space formulation for robust feature detection [2]. Subsequent work by Perona and Malik [3] proposed that nonlinear scale-space realizations can be defined by extending to the solution of the generalized diffusion equation (5) 1057-7149/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE



Generalized Probabilistic Scale Spacefor Image Restoration

Alexander Wong, Member, IEEE, andAkshaya K. Mishra, Member, IEEE

Abstract—A novel generalized sampling-based probabilistic scale spacetheory is proposed for image restoration. We explore extending the defini-tion of scale space to better account for both noise and observation models,which is important for producing accurately restored images. A new classof scale-space realizations based on sampling and probability theory is in-troduced to realize this extended definition in the context of image restora-tion. Experimental results using 2-D images show that generalized sam-pling-based probabilistic scale-space theory can be used to produce moreaccurate restored images when compared with state-of-the-art scale-spaceformulations, particularly under situations characterized by low signal-to-noise ratios and image degradation.

Index Terms—Bayesian, estimation, generalized, image restoration,noise, nonlinear, probabilistic, sampling, scale space.


A powerful approach to multiscale decomposition and analysis thathas gained significant popularity in the research community is scale-space theory [1], which is a framework for handling the inherent multi-scale nature of the physical world by representing them across multiplescales, with a monotonic decrease in fine-scale structures being repre-sented at each successive scale. One of the motivations for scale-spacetheory stems from the idea that, given no prior information about thescale of structures, the only reasonable course of action is to repre-sent them at multiple scales [2]. Scale-space theory has become a par-ticularly powerful tool in pattern recognition and image processingand has been widely used in feature detection [2]–[5], noise reduction[5]–[8], segmentation [9]–[13], classification [14], and color constancyenhancement [15].

While scale-space theory has been shown to be a very powerful,robust tool for computer vision applications [16], the application ofscale-space theory in the context of image restoration has been largelylimited to noise reduction [5]–[8]. Given that images are often subjectto not only noise but also observation-based degradations, which hasbeen largely unexplored in the context of scale-space theory, investi-gating the extension of scale-space theory to account for both noiseand observation models can yield potential benefits for producing ac-curately restored images.

In this study, we propose a novel generalized sampling-based scale-space framework based on probability theory for the purpose of imagerestoration. The underlying goal of this generalized sampling-basedprobabilistic scale-space theory is to extend the definition of scale spaceto better account for noise and observation models, which are importantfor producing accurately restored images. We study nonlinear scale-

Manuscript received April 18, 2009; revised March 09, 2010. First publishedApril 22, 2010; current version published September 17, 2010. The associateeditor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publica-tion was Dr. Eero P. Simoncelli.

The authors are with the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L3G1 (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]).

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIP.2010.2048973

space theory based on the generalized diffusion equation proposed byPerona and Malik [3] from a sampling and probabilistic point of viewand derive a sampling-based probabilistic scale-space formulation thatbetter satisfies the extended scale-space definition for image restora-tion under an identity observation model. We then derive a generalizedsampling-based probabilistic scale-space formulation that satisfies theextended scale-space definition for image restoration under nonidentityobservation models.

This paper is organized as follows. Previous scale-space formula-tions are reviewed in Section II. Scale-space realizations derived usingthe generalized diffusion equation is studied based on sampling andprobability theory, and the sampling-based probabilistic scale-spaceformulation is derived in Section III. The generalized sampling-basedprobabilistic scale-space formulation is derived in Section IV. Finally,experimental results involving the restoration of 2-D images using theproposed sampling-based probabilistic scale-space formulation underdifferent noise and degradation scenarios are presented in Section V,and conclusions are drawn in Section VI.


Let � be a set of sites into a discrete lattice � and � � � be asite in �. Let � � ����� � ��, � � ����� � ��, and � �

����� � �� be random fields on �, where ��, ��, and �� take onvalues representing the state, observation, and observation noise at site�, respectively. Let � � ����� � ��, � � ����� � ��, and � �

����� � �� be realizations of � , � , and � , respectively, such that,given an observation model , we have

�� � �� � �� (1)

Scale-space theory attempts to represent �� as a single-parameterfamily of derived realizations ����, where � is a scaling parameterthat defines the scale of structures in �� being represented. As firstformalized by Witkin [1] and Koenderink and Van Doorn [17], an -dimensional scale-space realization ���� can be defined as theconvolution of ���� � �� with a Gaussian function � of variance � as

���� �

���������� (2)

���� �



��� ���

�� (3)

This linear scale realization can be equivalently defined as the solutionto the diffusion equation [17]

��� ��


� (4)

where�� is the Laplacian. The linear scale-space formulation has beensuccessfully used in a wide variety of computer vision applications[16], and scale-selection methods have been proposed for the linearscale-space formulation for robust feature detection [2].

Subsequent work by Perona and Malik [3] proposed that nonlinearscale-space realizations can be defined by extending to the solution ofthe generalized diffusion equation

��� � ������������� �� (5)

1057-7149/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE


where ���� is the conduction coefficient, and� is the gradient. As such,the linear scale space becomes a special case of this nonlinear scalespace where ���� � ���. Furthermore, Perona and Malik reasons thatimmediate localization and piecewise smoothing are important criteriato consider [3] and proposed the use of a nonnegative conduction co-efficient that is a function of the gradient magnitude to better satisfythese criteria

���� � ��� ��������

� (6)

This conduction coefficient discourages diffusion when ������� islarge and encourages diffusion when ������� is small, hence pro-moting intraregion structure suppression over interregion structuresuppression as well as structure localization.

Subsequent work in nonlinear scale-space theory have largely beenfocused on improving the computation of local conductivities. Catte etal. [4] proposed the regularization of ������� using Gaussian regular-ization priors to improve posedness of the problem. In a similar vein,Yu et al. [5] proposed a kernelized approximation of ������� using ra-dial-basis function kernels to improve posedness of the problem as wellas structural separability. Black et al. [18] take a different approach toimproving the posedness of the problem by proposing an alternativeconduction coefficient based on robust statistics. Gilboa et al. [7] ex-tended the generalized diffusion equation into the complex domain bycombining nonlinear diffusion and the free Schrödinger equation andwas shown to provide ramp-preserving characteristics. Arridge et al.[14] and Undeman and Lindeberg [13] extended the local conductioncoefficient using probability theory. It is important to note that these ex-isting probabilistic scale-space formulations differ significantly fromthe probability scale-space formulation proposed in this study, sincethe probabilistic aspect of these works stems from the local conduc-tion coefficient, while the probabilistic aspect of the proposed proba-bilistic scale-space formulation stems from the sampling process. Thebenefits of the latter approach will be discussed in later sections. Fur-thermore, the proposed generalized probabilistic scale-space formula-tion accounts for the observation model, which existing probabilisticscale-space formulations do not.

Another powerful class of nonlinear scale-space formulations withmore attractive properties that avoids the “false edge” issues faced bymethods based on the model by Perona and Malik [3] are those basedon tensor diffusion models [19]. Such methods utilize the local imagestructure as measured by a second moment matrix to adapt local con-ductivities and have been shown to allow for good feature detectionunder noisy scenarios [20].

Given the usefulness of scale-space theory for computer vision ap-plications [16], there is great potential benefit in utilizing scale-spacetheory for the purpose of image restoration. However, existing scale-space formulations are not designed for the purpose of image restora-tion and, as such, are limited in this context for several reasons. First,while effective for feature detection, existing scale-space formulationscan produce poorly restored images in situations characterized by lowsignal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) since local information redundancy maybe insufficient for image restoration under such situations. Second, ex-isting scale-space formulations also do not account for the observationmodel and, as such, do not produce accurately restored images when� is not the identity � . To apply scale-space theory for the purpose ofimage restoration, we believe that the definition of scale space shouldextended to account for the following criteria.

• Noise robustness: The presence of noise should have minimal in-fluence on the scale-space realizations at all scales, with the ex-ception of the zeroth scale.

• Observation model awareness: The observation model shouldbe taken into consideration.

In Section IIi, we will study scale-space realizations derived usingthe generalized diffusion equation using probability theory to gain abetter understanding of limitations of existing scale-space formulationsin the context of image restoration. Furthermore, we will derive the pro-posed probabilistic scale-space formulation, which addresses the afore-mentioned criteria.


Let � and be modeled as Markov random fields (MRFs), wherethe probability distributions of �� and � given their local neighbor-hood �� is independent of the rest of and �, respectively. Basedon probability theory, the scale-space realization ���� derived from thegeneralized diffusion equation defined in (5) can be formulated as theexpected value of �, ���, given a conditional probability densityfunction ������

���� � ��� ��

���� � ������ (7)

where ���� � �� and ������ is estimated in a deterministic mannerusing all samples from ������ within a local neighborhood around site �weighted by a conduction coefficient ������. Unfortunately, restrictingsamples to be drawn only from within the local neighborhood around� can result in a poor estimate of ������ for image restoration fortwo reasons. First, since the proximity of samples used to estimate������ to � is very close, there is significant information overlapbetween the samples. As such, the estimate is biased due to the spatialcloseness of the samples to �, which can have a negative impact on thequality of the restored image. Second, the number of samples used toestimate ������ is small, and, as such, the estimated ������ issensitive to noise, resulting in restored images with low visual qualityin situations characterized by low SNRs.

Intuitively, the visual quality of the restored image in situations char-acterized by low SNRs can be greatly improved by utilizing a more ac-curate estimate of ������. To achieve this goal, we forgo the deter-ministic estimation approach used in existing scale-space formulationsand instead perform a stochastic estimation of the conditional proba-bility distribution ������ using a conditional sampling scheme.

Recall that � is a set of sites into a discrete lattice � and � � �be a site in �. Let � be a random variable in �. To draw a sample� that follows the unknown conditional probability density function������, we first draw a sample � from an instrumental distribution���. The instrumental distribution ��� used in the implementationof the proposed formulation is a Gaussian function centered at � witha standard deviation of �� � � . The motivation behind the use ofthe aforementioned Gaussian function for the instrumental distribution��� is that it promotes samples that are spatially close to � but does noteliminate the possibility of samples that are spatially distant to � (whichmay still be realizations of ������). Let us now introduce the conceptof a squared neighborhood gradient magnitude ��� �� ����, whichis defined as the cumulative Gaussian-weighted ��-norm between twolocal neighborhoods

��� �� ���� ����

���� ����� � ���������� (8)

The associated observation ��� is then either accepted or rejected asa realization of ������ based on the following condition:

��� �� ���� � � (9)

where � is the rejection threshold. If the condition in (9) holds, thenobservation ��� is accepted as a realization of ������. If the con-dition does not hold, then ��� is rejected. The conditional samplingprocess is repeated until an upper bound � for the number of sam-ples to draw from ��� has been reached. The resulting set of samples


��� � � � � � �� �, weighted by a conduction coefficient ��������, pro-vides a significantly more accurate estimate of �������� and can thenbe used to compute the expected value �����. In the discrete case, theexpected value ����� formulated in (7) can be alternatively computedas

����� �


�������� ��� �



� (10)

The conduction coefficient ������ used in the proposed probabilisticscale-space theory extends upon the nonnegative conduction coeffi-cient proposed by Perona and Malik [3] by making ������ a functionof the squared neighborhood gradient magnitude ��� �� ���� intro-duced in (8) and given as

������ � ��� ���� �� ����

�� (11)

Let�� � ������ � � be an MRF on , where���� takes on valuesrepresenting the scale-space state at site for scale �. Given � sam-ples � � � � � � � � � drawn from conditional probability density func-tion ������������ using the conditional sampling scheme, the proba-bilistic scale-space realization ��� can be computed as

��� � ��������� �


���������� � � �



� (12)

It is important to note that the probabilistic scale-space realiza-tion ��� in (12) can be considered a special case of the nonlocalmeans (NLM) method [23], where, instead of utilizing all samplesin the image like in the traditional view of NLM, we are utilizingonly a small set of relevant samples drawn from the image. However,this probabilistic sampling process makes a significant difference interms of both computational efficiency and estimation accuracy. Forexample, in the case of a 256 256 image, 65 536 samples used forestimating each pixel based on the traditional view of NLM. How-ever, based on the proposed probabilistic sampling approach, only asmall set of samples (e.g., at most 150 samples in our implementa-tion) are needed to estimate each pixel at each scale. Furthermore, theproposed approach achieves improved estimation accuracy due to theuse of only relevant samples, which will be illustrated in the exper-imental results in Section V.



While the aforementioned computation of ����� using the sto-chastic estimate of �������� addresses issues associated with noise,����� is only suitable when the observation model � is the identity� . However, many situations are characterized by observation modelswhere � is not the identity � , making it important to account for theobservation model to construct accurately restored images. Intuitively,given that the underlying goal of image restoration is to recoverthe original state ��, what we really want to base our generalizedprobabilistic scale space realization ��� on is the estimate of �� given� and ��.

Recall that � � ���� � � is a realization of random field� � ���� � �. Therefore, given �� �� �� ��� � and�� ����� �, where �� and �� are the process and noise

covariances, respectively, the estimate of �� given � and �� in theBayesian sense can be expressed as

�� � ������

� � �� � ��� � �� � ��� � (13)

Based on the relationship between ��, ��, and �� established in (1), theBayesian estimate �� takes the form of

�� � ��� � �� (14)

� and � can be derived based on the unbiasedness and orthogonalityconditions of the Bayesian estimator, where the estimator is unbiasedand the estimation error is perpendicular to any linear combination of�� as

� �� ��� � � (15)

� � �� ���� ���� � �� ��� (16)

Given the unbiasedness condition

� �� ��� � �

� ���� � ����� � �

�� �� � �� � �� � �

� �� ��� �� ��� (17)

Given the orthogonality condition

� � �� ���� ���� � �� ��

� ���� � ����� ���� � �� ��

� ���� � �� ����� ��� ���� ���� � �� ��

�� ��� � � ����� � � ��� � � ����

� �



For (18) to hold for all values of �

�� ��� � � ����� � � ��� � � ����

� � � (19)

and so

� � � ��� � � ����� � ��� � � ����


� (20)

Given that

� ��� ��� �� ��

� �� ����� �� (21)

� ��� � � ����� ��� �


where �� is the process covariance, and

� ��� � � ����� � ��� �

��� (23)

where �� is the noise covariance, � and � can be rewritten as

� ��� �

��� � � ��



� ����� �� � �� �� � (25)


Based on � and �, the Bayesian estimate of ��� based on the expectedvalue ����� given �������� defined in (7) can be expressed as

��� � �������� � ����

��� � ��� ���

������ ��� � ������ � (26)

While (26) provides a nice closed-form solution for ���, the covari-ance matrices � and � and observation model � are not knowna priori and must be estimated. The approximate solution for ��� canbe defined as

��� � �������� �






��� � ������ (27)

where � is a nonstationary kernel at site �, ��� is the estimated noisevariance, and ��� is the estimated process variance as defined by

��� ��

��� � ��������������� (28)

While not the main focus of this study, the nonstationary kernel �can be computed using the method proposed by Joshi et al. [22], whichallows for the estimation of spatially varying, nonparametric point-spread functions (PSFs) from the observed image. First, a blind sharpimage estimation is performed on the observed image, where the edgesin the observed image are localized, the corresponding edge profilesare predicted, and an estimated sharp image is computed accordingly.Second, based on this estimated sharp image, a maximum a posteriori(MAP) estimation approach is used to estimate the PSF that, when ap-plied to the estimated sharp image, produces the observed image. Thisapproach has been shown to be very effective at estimating nonsta-tionary kernels due to motion, defocus, and intrinsic camera properties[22].

Based on (27), the generalized probabilistic scale-space realization��� of �� can be defined as

���� � �� (29)

��� � ����������� �






������ � ��������� (30)

where, given � samples ��� � � � �� � drawn from conditional prob-ability density function ��������� using the conditional samplingscheme, the expected value ������ is computed as

������ �


������� ��� �




and �� is computed as

�� �


��� � ��������� (32)

This generalized probabilistic scale-space formulation accounts forboth noise and nonidentity observation models, making it well suitedfor image restoration.


The goal of this section is to investigate the effectiveness of the pro-posed sampling-based generalized probabilistic scale-space formula-tion at producing accurately restored images. To achieve this goal, we

Fig. 1. Set of test images.

Fig. 2. In the first set of tests, “Scene” and “Barbara” images were corrupted byadditive Gaussian noise with a standard deviation of � � ����� ���� of thedynamic range of the image. In the second set of tests, the “Barbara” image wascorrupted by motion blur of angle � � � and length of � � � and a Gaussianblur with a standard deviation of 3 pixels, as well as additive Gaussian noisewith a standard deviation of � � ��� of the dynamic range of the image.

perform a number of experiments involving the restoration of naturalimages and clinical ultrasound images using the proposed prob-abilistic scale space formulation. For comparison purposes, threestate-of-the-art nonlinear scale-space formulations, as well as thestate-of-the-art NLM restoration method [23] were also evaluated.The tested scale-space formulations include the nonlinear diffusionscale space introduced by Perona and Malik [3] (PM), the regularizednonlinear diffusion scale-space proposed by Catte et al. [4] (CA), andthe complex nonlinear diffusion scale space proposed by Gilboa [7](GI). All tested formulations were implemented using the parametersproposed in the respective works. The proposed generalized sam-pling-based probabilistic scale space will be denoted as PS. For testingpurposes, the constant � for all tested scale-space formulations was


Fig. 3. Restored “Scene” images of the tested scale-space formulations and NLM under additive Gaussian noise with a standard deviation of � � ����� ����of the dynamic range of the image.

set based on the estimated noise standard deviation �� of the image.Furthermore, the upper bound � was set to 150 and rejection threshold� � ���

�, as it was shown to produce stable results during testing

for various images. Finally, the local neighborhoods used are 9� 9rectangular neighborhoods. The set of test images is shown in Fig. 1.Note that both the “Scene” and “Barbara” images used are 256� 256.

A. Noise and Degradation

To study the effect of noise and image degradation on the restoredimage produced by the different approaches, two sets of tests were con-ducted on the test images. For the first set of tests, the “Scene” and“Barbara” test images were corrupted by additive Gaussian noise withstandard deviations of � � ����� ���� of the dynamic range of theimage. This set of tests is designed to investigate the effect of differentnoise levels on the restored images. For the second set of tests, the “Bar-bara” test image was first degraded using two different image degrada-tion models and then corrupted by additive Gaussian noise with a stan-dard deviation of � � ��� of the dynamic range of the image. Theimage degradation models used were a motion blur of angle � � �

and length of � � � and a Gaussian blur with a standard deviationof 3 pixels. This set of tests is designed to investigate the effect of dif-ferent observation models on the restored images under the presence ofnoise, with the goal of highlighting the importance of accounting forthe observation model during the image restoration process. The de-graded and noise corrupted versions of the test images used for testingare shown in Fig. 2. Peak SNR (PSNR) and the mean structural simi-larity (MSSIM) value [24] was measured to quantify the quality of therestored images.

The PSNR and MSSIM values for the restored images producedusing the tested scale-space formulations as well as NLM for thedifferent noise levels are shown in Table I. The proposed probabilisticscale space formulation achieves noticeably higher PSNR and MSSIMwhen compared with the other tested scale-space formulations andNLM, thus indicating that scale-space theory can be successfullyextended for improved image restoration. The restored “Scene” and“Barbara” images produced using the tested scale-space formulationsas well as NLM for the different noise levels are shown in Figs. 3 and4, respectively. For PM and CA, � � ���� �� iterations were used toproduce the restored images for � � ���������, respectively. ForGI, � � ���� ��� iterations were used to produce the restored images




for � � ����� ����, respectively. For PS, � � iterations were usedto produce the restored images for both noise cases. The scales arechosen to provide similar levels of noise reduction. Visually, the prob-abilistic scale space provide noticeably superior structural preservationwhen compared to the other tested scale-space formulations, hencebetter satisfying the noise robustness criterion for image restoration.The visual quality of the restored images produced by probabilisticscale space shows improvements to that produced by NLM for both� � ��� and � � ���.

The PSNR and MSSIM values for the restored images producedusing the tested scale-space formulations as well as NLM for the dif-ferent image degradation models are shown in Table II. The proposedprobabilistic scale-space formulation achieves noticeably higher PSNRand MSSIM when compared to the other tested scale space formula-tions as well as NLM, thus demonstrating that scale-space theory canbe successfully extended for the purpose of image restoration. The re-stored images produced using the tested scale-space formulations aswell as NLM for the different image degradation models are shown inFig. 5. For PM and CA, � � �� iterations were used to produce the


Fig. 4. Restored “Barbara” images of the tested scale-space formulations and NLM under additive Gaussian noise with a standard deviation of � � ����� ����of the dynamic range of the image.

Fig. 5. Restored images of the tested scale-space formulations and NLM under motion blur of angle � � � and length of � � � and a Gaussian blur with astandard deviation of 3 pixels, as well as additive Gaussian noise with a standard deviation of � � ��� of the dynamic range of the image.






restored images for both degradation cases. For GI, � � �� iterationswere used to produce the restored image for both degradation cases. ForPS, � � � iterations were used to produce the restored image for bothdegradation cases. As with the previous set of tests, the restored imageproduced using probabilistic scale space provide noticeably superior

structural restoration when compared with the other tested scale-spaceformulations as well as NLM, hence better satisfying the observationmodel criteria. This is due to the fact that the generalized probabilisticscale-space formulation accounts for both noise and the observationmodel, hence providing more accurately restored images under noiseand image degradation.

B. Clinical Ultrasound Image

In the second set of experiments, we study the restored image pro-duced by the generalized sampling-based probabilistic scale-space for-mulation for a real clinical ultrasound image of the prostate. A total of� � � iterations were used to produce the restored image. The originalimage and restored image produced using the proposed probabilisticscale space formulation for the clinical image are shown in Fig. 6. Therestored image produced using generalized probabilistic scale spacemaintains good structural preservation while much of the noise in theoriginal image has been suppressed, hence demonstrating the effective-ness of the generalized probabilistic scale space for producing restored


Fig. 6. Original image and restored image produced using the proposed proba-bilistic scale space formulation for the clinical ultrasound image of the prostate.

images under real-world noise scenarios. The quality of the restoredultrasound image is important for both visualization and midlevel pro-cessing such as segmentation, which has potential for improved clinicaldiagnosis.


In this paper, a novel generalized scale-space framework based onsampling and probabilistic theory for the purpose of image restora-tion was introduced. The definition of scale space was extended tobetter account for noise and the observation model, which are impor-tant to image restoration. A generalized scale-space formulation wasderived based on sampling and probability theory that satisfies the ex-tended scale-space definition for image restoration. The generalizedsampling-based scale-space theory was applied to image restorationin 2-D images and experimental results show that improved imagerestoration performance can be achieved when compared to existingscale-space realizations under situations characterized by low SNRsand image degradation. Future work involves investigating alternativeconditional sampling approaches for estimating the conditional prob-ability density functions in a more efficient and effective manner, dif-ferent conduction coefficients to further improve structural preserva-tion and noise robustness, as well as stopping criteria for determiningthe optimal number of scales to use.


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