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Fuzzy Critical Path Method Based on Lexicographic Ordering

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Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.VIII No.1 2012pp139-154 Fuzzy Critical Path Method Based on Lexicographic Ordering of Fuzzy Numbers P. Phani Bushan Rao Department of Engineering Mathematics GIT, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, India [email protected] N. Ravi Shankar Department of Applied Mathematics GIS, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, India [email protected] Abstract The Critical Path Method (CPM) is useful for planning and control of complex projects. The CPM identifies the critical activities in the critical path of an activity network. The successful implementation of CPM requires the availability of clear determined time duration for each activity. However, in practical situations this requirement is usually hard to fulfill since many of activities will be executed for the first time. Hence, there is always uncertainty about the time durations of activities in the network planning. This has led to the development of fuzzy CPM. In this paper, we use a Lexicographic ordering method for ranking fuzzy numbers to a critical path method in a fuzzy project network, where the duration time of each activity is represented by a trapezoidal fuzzy number. The proposed method is compared with fuzzy CPM based on different ranking methods of fuzzy numbers. The comparison reveals that the method proposed in this paper is more effective in determining the activity criticalities and finding the critical path. This new method is simple in calculating fuzzy critical path than many methods proposed so far in literature. Keywords: Fuzzy set,Critical path method, Activity network, Trapezoidal fuzzy number, Lexicographical Ordering. 1. Introduction A project network is defined as a set of activities that must be performed according to precedence constraints stating which activities must start after the completion of specified other activities (Durbois et al., 2003). Such a project network can be represented as a directed graph. A path through a project network is one of the routes from the starting node to the ending node. The length of a path is the sum of the durations of the activities on the path. As activities in the network can be carried out in parallel, the minimum time to complete the project is the length of the longest path from the start of the project to its finish. The longest path is therefore the critical path in the network. The project duration equals the length of the longest path through the project network. In many situations, projects can be complicated and challenging to manage. When the activity times in the project are deterministic and known, CPM has been demonstrated to be a useful tool in managing projects in an efficient manner to meet the challenge (Hilier and Lieberman, 2004). However, there are many cases where the activity times may not be presented in a precise manner.

Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.VIII No.1 2012pp139-154

Fuzzy Critical Path Method Based onLexicographic Ordering of Fuzzy Numbers

P. Phani Bushan RaoDepartment of Engineering MathematicsGIT, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, [email protected]

N. Ravi ShankarDepartment of Applied MathematicsGIS, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, [email protected]

AbstractThe Critical Path Method (CPM) is useful for planning and control of complex projects. The CPMidentifies the critical activities in the critical path of an activity network. The successfulimplementation of CPM requires the availability of clear determined time duration for eachactivity. However, in practical situations this requirement is usually hard to fulfill since many ofactivities will be executed for the first time. Hence, there is always uncertainty about the timedurations of activities in the network planning. This has led to the development of fuzzy CPM. Inthis paper, we use a Lexicographic ordering method for ranking fuzzy numbers to a critical pathmethod in a fuzzy project network, where the duration time of each activity is represented by atrapezoidal fuzzy number. The proposed method is compared with fuzzy CPM based on differentranking methods of fuzzy numbers. The comparison reveals that the method proposed in thispaper is more effective in determining the activity criticalities and finding the critical path. Thisnew method is simple in calculating fuzzy critical path than many methods proposed so far inliterature.

Keywords: Fuzzy set,Critical path method, Activity network, Trapezoidal fuzzynumber, Lexicographical Ordering.

1. IntroductionA project network is defined as a set of activities that must be performedaccording to precedence constraints stating which activities must start after thecompletion of specified other activities (Durbois et al., 2003). Such a projectnetwork can be represented as a directed graph. A path through a projectnetwork is one of the routes from the starting node to the ending node. Thelength of a path is the sum of the durations of the activities on the path. Asactivities in the network can be carried out in parallel, the minimum time tocomplete the project is the length of the longest path from the start of the projectto its finish. The longest path is therefore the critical path in the network. Theproject duration equals the length of the longest path through the project network.

In many situations, projects can be complicated and challenging to manage.When the activity times in the project are deterministic and known, CPM hasbeen demonstrated to be a useful tool in managing projects in an efficientmanner to meet the challenge (Hilier and Lieberman, 2004). However, there aremany cases where the activity times may not be presented in a precise manner.

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To deal quantitatively with imprecise data, the program evaluation and reviewtechnique (PERT) (Hilier and Lieberman, 2004) can be employed. However,there are critiques of PERT (Chanas and Zielinski, 2001). An alternative way todeal with imprecise data is to employ the concept of fuzziness (Slyeptosov andTyshchuk, 2003), whereby the vague activity times can be represented by fuzzysets. Several studies have investigated the case where activity times in a projectare approximately known and are more suitably represented by fuzzy sets ratherthan crisp numbers (Slyeptosov and Tyshchuk, 2003, Zielinski, 2005, Shankar etal., 2010).

This paper presents another approach, which has not been proposed in theliterature so far, to analyze the critical paths in a general project network withfuzzy activity times. We use a Lexicographic ordering ranking method for fuzzynumbers (Farhadina, 2009) to a critical path method for fuzzy project network,where the duration time of each activity in a fuzzy project network is representedby a trapezoidal fuzzy number. We compare this method with various fuzzycritical path methods based on ranking of fuzzy numbers (Shankar et al., 2010,2010; Yao and Lin, 2000).

1.1 Literature review of Fuzzy Critical Path MethodProject scheduling is an important part of project management science. Thereare several methods for project scheduling such as CPM, PERT and GERT. Asthere are too many drawbacks involved in these methods, estimating the durationof activities by these methods lack the capability of modelling practical projects.In order to solve these problems, a number of techniques like fuzzy logic, geneticalgorithm (GA) and artificial neural network can be considered. A fundamentalapproach to solve these problems is applying fuzzy sets. Introducing the fuzzyset theory by Zadeh(1965) opened promising new horizons to different scientificareas such as project scheduling. Fuzzy theory (Zimmermann, 1991), withpresuming imprecision in decision parameters and utilizing mental models ofexperts are an approach to adapt scheduling models into reality. To this end,several methods have been developed during the last four decades. The firstmethod called FPERT was proposed by Chanas and Kamburowski (1981). In(Chanas and Kamburowski, 1981) the project completion time is given in theform of a fuzzy set in the time space, thenGazdik (1983) developed a fuzzynetwork of an a priori unknown project to estimate the activity duration, and usedfuzzy algebraic operators to calculate the duration of the project and its criticalpath. This work is called FNET. An extension of FNET was proposed by Nasution(1994) and Lorterapong and Moselhi (1996). Following on this McCahon (1993),Chang et al. (1995) and, Lin and Yao (2003) presented three methodologies tocalculate the fuzzy completion project time. Other researchers such as Kuchta(2001), Yao and Lin (2000), Chanas and Zielinski (2001), Olivers and Robinson(2005) used fuzzy numbers and presented other methods to obtain fuzzy criticalpaths and critical activities and activity delay.

Fuzzy Critical Path Method Based on Lexicographic Ordering of Fuzzy Numbers

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Literature review of Ranking Fuzzy NumbersAs ranking and comparing fuzzy numbers plays a very important role in manyfuzzy optimization problems and decision-making procedure, various methods ofranking fuzzy numbers are available in literature and Lexicographical Ordering isone of them. Ranking of fuzzy numbers is not an easy task as fuzzy numbers arerepresented by possibility distributions and then can overlap with each other.Various approaches on ranking fuzzy numbers have been proposed which canbe classified into four major classes; preference relation, fuzzy mean and spread,fuzzy scoring and linguistic expression. Except a few approaches, others are notsimple in calculation procedure. There is no single result that can produce asatisfactory result in every situation: some may generate counter-intuitive resultsand others are not discriminative enough (Bortolan and Degani, 1985). Toovercome such problems the method of ranking fuzzy numbers based onlexicographical ordering is introduced by Farhadinia (2009). The method ofranking fuzzy numbers was first proposed by Jain (1976). Since then, a largevariety of methods have been developed ranging from the trivial to the complex,including one fuzzy number attribute to many fuzzy number attributes. In a studymentioned by Chen and Hwang (1992), the ranking methods are classified intofour major classes which are preference relation, fuzzy mean and spread, fuzzyscoring and linguistic expression. Although the centroid concept has beenknown and applied in various disciplines since hundreds of years ago, theinvolvement of centroid concept in ranking fuzzy number only started in 1980 inYager (1980). Other than Yager (1980), a number of researchers like Murakamiet al. (1983), Cheng (1998), Chu and Tsao (2002), Chen and Chen (2003, 2007),Liang and Zhang (2006), Wang and Lee (2008) have also used the centroidconcept in developing their ranking index. Each of the researchers presents theirown definition of ranking index based on the centroid concept where some of theranking indices are based on the value of x alone while some are based on thecontribution of both x and y values. However, to produce a correct centroid pointformula and apply it in the ranking index is also an aim for some researchers likeWang et al. (2006) and Shieh (2007). Their corrected formulae provide a veryuseful computational support in ranking fuzzy numbers based on the centroidapproaches.

The organization of this paper is as follows; in the next section some standarddefinitions are presented. One of the ranking procedure (Metric distance) of fuzzynumbers is described in section 3. In the fourth section ranking fuzzy numbersby lexicographic ordering with an example is given. In section 5, the fuzzy criticalpath based on lexicographic ordering is described. The final section involvesconclusion which tells about the ease of using lexicographic ordering fuzzynumbers in finding fuzzy critical path method.

2.PreliminariesSome preliminary notions, definitions and operations in fuzzy set theory to beused throughout this paper. These are stated as follows:

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Definition 1: Let X be the collection of objects.A fuzzy set~A in X is characterized

by a membership function [0,1]X:μ ~A

and denoted by~A = Xx/))x(,x{( ~

A .

Definition 2:An -cutor - levelof the set~A , is the crisp set

})x(/Xx{]A[ ~A


Definition 3: The supportof a fuzzy set~A is the crisp set supp (

~A ) =

}0)x(/Xx{ ~A


Definition 4: A fuzzy set~A is called a fuzzy numberif the following conditions are


(i)~A is normal. It means that there exists one Xx such that 1)(~

Ax ;

(ii) ~A

is quasi-convex. It means that for every ,Xy,x

]1,0[)},y(),x(min{)y)1(x( ~~~AAA


(iii) )(~Ax is upper semi-continuous;

(iv) Supp~A is bounded in X.

Definition 5:Let ]1,0[),0[:R,L be two upper semi-continuous, non-increasingfunctions satisfying L(0)=R(0)=1, L(1)=R(1)=0, invertible on [0,1]. Let a, d be real

positive numbers. The fuzzy number )(~

Rp is an LR fuzzy numberif




)x(p ~p


It is symbolically written as LR

~)d,a,c,b(p where b and care called the

meanvalues satisfying cb and a, d are the left and right spreads, respectively.

Definition 6:An LR fuzzy number )R(p~

is said to be a trapezoidal fuzzynumberif the functions L and R are linear. With this assumption, a real-numberedquadruple LR)d,a,c,b( represents a trapezoidal fuzzy number. If

b = c = p then LR)d,a,p( triple characterizesthe triangular fuzzy number )R(p~


Fuzzy Critical Path Method Based on Lexicographic Ordering of Fuzzy Numbers

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Fuzzy Arithmetic

Let 1

~A and 2

~A be two trapezoidal fuzzy numbers parameterized by the

quadruple )d,c,b,a( 1111 and )d,c,b,a( 2222 respectively. Then, Fuzzy numbersaddition : )d,c,b,a( 1111 )d,c,b,a( 2222 = )dd,cc,bb,aa( 21212121 Fuzzynumbers subtraction :

)d,c,b,a( 1111 )d,c,b,a( 2222 = )ad,bc,cb,da( 21212121 .

3. Fuzzy critical path method based on metric distance ranking

3.1 Metric distance rankingChen and Cheng [34] proposed a metric distance method to rank fuzzy numbers.

Let~A and

~B be two fuzzy numbers defined as follows:






A ,)(












B ,)(







where ~Am and ~

Bm are the mean of

~A and

~B . The metric distance between


and~B can be calculated as follows:










~~)()()()()B,A( ~~~~

dyygygdyygygD RRLL , (3)

where Lg ~A

, Rg ~A

, Lg ~B

and Rg ~B

are the inverse functions of Lf ~A

, Rf ~A

, Lf ~B

and Rf ~B



If the fuzzy number~B = 0, then the metric distance between

~A and 0 is

calculated as follows:










~)()()0,A( ~~

dyygdyygD RL (4)

The larger the value of D (~A , 0), the better the ranking of

~A .

According to Chen and Cheng (2005), a trapezoidal fuzzy number~A =

),,,( 4321 aaaa can be approximated as a symmetry fuzzy number S [,], where

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denotes the mean of~A and denotes the standard deviation of

~A , and the

membership function of~A is defined as follows:





)(~A (5)

where and are calculated as follows:

4)(2 2314 aaaa

, (6)

44321 aaaa

, (7)

If 32 aa , then~A becomes a triangular fuzzy number, where

~A = ),,( 421 aaa

and and can be calculated as follows:


14 aa (8)

42 421 aaa


The inverse functions Lg ~A

and Rg ~A

of Lf ~A

and Rf ~A

respectively, are shown as

follows: yyg L )(~


yyg R )(~A


3.2 Fuzzy CPM Based on Metric Distance [8]The operation time for each activity in the fuzzy project network is characterizedas a positive trapezoidal fuzzy number. In accordance with CPM, the forwardpass yields the fuzzy earliest-start and earliest-finish times:





i tEE~~


~max (12)





i tEE~~~




is the fuzzy earliest –start time withs


= (0,0,0) at the initial node

i = A,f


is the fuzzy earliest finish time withf


equal to the fuzzy project

network completion time~T at the ending node i = Z, P(i) is the set of

predecessors for activity i, and it~

is the operation time for activity i. The

Fuzzy Critical Path Method Based on Lexicographic Ordering of Fuzzy Numbers

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backward pass is performed to calculate the fuzzy latest-start and latest-finishtimes:





i tLL~~


~min (14)





i tLL~~~




is the fuzzy latest-finish time withf


=~T at the end node i = Z ,




the fuzzy latest start time and S(i) is the set of successors for activity i. Onces








have been determined for the ith activity, the fuzzy float time iseither





~~ (16)





~~ (17)

We can easily compute the fuzzy float times of all activities in a project networkusing the method by Shankar et al. (2010).

Example:Fig.1 shows the network representation of a fuzzy project network. Table Irepresents the total float of each activity in a fuzzy project network.

Fig. 1 A fuzzy project network




4 5

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Table I: Total float of each activity in the fuzzy project networkActivity Fuzzy Activity

timeTotal float(a,b,c,d)

Total float(b,c,b-a,c-d)

1-2 (10,15,15,20) (-160,-60,60,160) (-60,60,100,-100)1-3 (30,40,40,50) (-130,-35,75,170) (-35,75,120,200)2-3 (30,40,40,50) (-160,-60,60,160) (-60,60,100,-100)1-4 (15,20,25,30) (-110,-20,95,185) (-20,95,90,-90)2-5 (60,100,150,180) (-100,-10,100,190) (-10,100,90,-90)3-5 (60,100,150,180) (-160,-60,60,160) (-60,60,100,-100)4-5 (60,100,150,180) (-110,-20,95,185) (-20,95,90,-90)

The possible paths of fuzzy project network (Fig.1) are 1-2-3-5, 1-2-5, 1-3-5 and1-4-5.Metric distance rank of total fuzzy slack time for each path in fuzzy projectnetwork (Fig. 1) are computed and presented in table II.

Case (i) Path: 1-2-3-5Total fuzzy slack time for the path 1-2-3-5 is (a,b,c,d) = (-480,-180,180,480).Then (b,c,b-a,c-d) = (-180,180,300,-300)

Let~A = (a1,a2,a3,a4) = (-180,180,300,-300)

4)(2 2314 aaaa

= -30

44321 aaaa


yyg L )(~A

= 30 (-y+1)

yyg R )(~A

= 30 (-1+y)







dyygdyygD R

ALA = 24.49

Case (ii) Path: 1-2-5Total fuzzy slack time for the path 1-2-5 is (a,b,c,d) = (-260,-70,160,350)Then (b,c,b-a,c-d) = (-70,160,190,-190)

Let~A = (a1,a2,a3 , a4) = (-70,160,190,-190)

4)(2 2314 aaaa

= -52.5

44321 aaaa


yyg L )(~A

= 75-52.5 y

yyg R )(~A

= -30 +52.5 y

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dyygdyygD R

ALA =53.38

Case (iii) Path: 1-3-5Total fuzzy slack time for the path 1-3-5 is (a,b,c,d) = (-290,-95,135,330)Then (b,c,b-a,c-d) = (-95,135,195,-195)

Let~A = (a1,a2,a3, a4) = (-95,135,195,-195)

4)(2 2314 aaaa

= -35

44321 aaaa

= 10

yyg L )(~A

= 45-35y

yyg R )(~A

= -25+35y







dyygdyygD R

ALA = 31.58

Case (iv) Path: 1-4-5Total fuzzy slack time for the path 1-4-5 is (a,b,c,d) = (-220,-40,190,370)Then (b,c,b-a,c-d) = (-40,190,180,-180)

Let~A = (a1,a2,a3 , a4) = (-40,190,180,-180)

4)(2 2314 aaaa

= -72.5

44321 aaaa


yyg L )(~A

= 110-72.5 y

yyg R )(~A

= -35 +72.5 y







dyygdyygD R

ALA = 79.48.

Table II: Metric distance rank for each path in fuzzy project networkPath Total fuzzy slack time


distance rank1-2-3-5 (-480,-180,180,480) 24.491-2-5 (-260,-70,160,350) 53.381-3-5 (-290, -95,135,330) 31.581-4-5 (-220,-40,190,370) 79.48

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Here, the path having minimum rank is 1-2-3-5. Therefore, the required criticalpath for the fuzzy project is 1-2-3-5.

4. Fuzzy Lexicographical OrderingAlthough problem of ordering of fuzzy numbers has been discussed broadly sofar and many approaches have been extensively proposed, they contained someshortcomings and in some situations they may fail to exhibit the consistency ofhuman intuition. Also most of the existing approaches are not simple incalculation procedure. In order to overcome the mentioned problems, especiallythe complexity of the computational procedures, it is here presented a rankingmethod based on lexicographical ordering. A question to ask is why lexicographicorder is implemented to compare fuzzy numbers. This is due to it providingdecision makers with a simple and efficient algorithm that formulates an orderingfounded on precedence and also the lexicographic order is a total order onground terms when the precedence is total. In other words, any two fuzzy

numbers )(q,~~

Rp are comparable in the sense that one has either~~qp or

~~qp or

~~qp . Before proceeding to present the main results, a number of

definitions are required at this stage.

Definition 7:Let )(~

Rp be a fuzzy number. Define

(i) },1)(p);psupp(inf{)p(~~~


(ii) )}pinf{supp()p(~~

H ,

(iii) )psupp()pI(~~


(iv) dx~~p)pJ( ,

(v) ))pJ(),pI(),pH(),p(G()pK(~~~~~


Definition 8:For nRYX , , the lexicographical ordering on nR is defined lexmeans that YX lex if and only if ii yx for ni 1 and jj yx for ij .

Furthermore means that YX lex or YX .

On the basis of the latter definitions, the following fuzzy lexicographic order isestablished on )(R :

(i)~~qp if and only if )qK()pK(


lex ,

(ii)~~qp if and only if )pK(



(iii)~~qp if and only if )pK(


and )pK(~


if and only if


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It is to be noted that unlike different types of the existing ranking orders, the fuzzy

lexicographic order is so easy to handle the calculations. As particular case, if~p in

parametricrepresentation is given by LRdacb ),,,( then



Another advantage which arises from this ordering is a simple and fast algorithmto determine stepwise the precedence ordering of the fuzzy numbers. However,the algorithm may terminate successfully at step one while the comparison iscomplete.

Working Rule (Fuzzy lexicographic ordering)

Step 1: consider two trapezoidal fuzzy numbers~pand

~q (LR type) and find G, H,

I and J for~pand

~qusing definition 8..

Step 2: Compare )pG(~

and )qG(~

. If )pG(~

= )qG(~

then go to Step 3. Otherwise

stop and the larger )num(G~

is the larger corresponding to the fuzzy number~num .

Step 3: Compare )pH(~

and )qH(~

. If )qH()pH(~~

then go to Step 4. Otherwise

stop and the larger )num(H~

is the larger corresponding to the fuzzy number~num .

Step 4: Compare )p(I~

and )q(I~

. If )q(I)p(I~~

then go to Step 5. Otherwise stop

and the larger )num(I~

is the larger corresponding to the fuzzy number~num .

Step 5: Compare )p(J~

and )q(J~

. If )q(J)p(J~~

then stop and in this case~~qp .

Otherwise the larger )num(J~

is the larger corresponding fuzzy number~num .

Numerical Examples:In this section, the aim is to demonstrate that the results of the fuzzylexicographic order are generally more reasonable than the outcomes whenranked with the other approaches.

Example 1:

Consider the two fuzzy numbers LR

~)1.0,1.0,2,2(p and LR


2)p(G~ and 3)q(G

~ , step 1 of working rule 4 satisfies

One can observe that~p should be intuitively smaller than

~q . The ranking

outcome with the CV index proposed Cheng (2004) is~~qp which is not real. It

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is easy to see that the fuzzy lexicographic order leads to~~qp at the first step of

working rule resulting 3)(2)(~~ qGpG .



Example 2:

Let LR~

1,1,6,6p , LR

~)1,1.0,6,6(q and LR


6)p(G~ , 6)q(G

~ , 6)r(G

~ , step 1 of working rule fails.

5)p(H~ , 9.5)q(H

~ , 6)r(H

~ , step 2 of working rule satisfies.



~r .

Example 3:

Let LR~

2.0,1.0,7.0,4.0p , LR

~)2.0,4.0,7.0,7.0(q and LR


4.0)p(G~ , 7.0)q(G

~ , 3)r(G

~ ,step 1 of working rule fails.

3.0)p(H~ , 3.0)q(H

~ , 5.0)r(H

~ ,step 2 of working rule fails.

6.0)p(I~ , 6.0)q(I

~ , 4.0)r(I

~ , step 3 or working rule fails.

45.0)p(J~ , 3.0)q(J

~ , 2.0)r(J

~ , step 4 of working rule satisfies.



~r .

Example 4:

Let LR~

2.0,2.0,5.0,5.0p , LR

~)1.0,2.0,8.0,5.0(q and LR


5.0)p(G~ , 5.0)q(G

~ , 5.0)r(G

~ ,step 1 of working rule fails.

3.0)p(H~ , 3.0)q(H

~ , 3.0)r(H

~ ,step 2 of working rule fails.

4.0)p(I~ , 6.0)q(I

~ , 6.0)r(I

~ , step 3 or working rule fails.

2.0)p(J~ , 45.0)q(J

~ , 3.0)r(J

~ , step 4 of working rule satisfies.


~r <

~q .

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5. Fuzzy CPM Based on Lexicographic ordering of Fuzzy NumbersThe operation time for each activity in the fuzzy project network is characterizedas a positive trapezoidal fuzzy number. In accordance with CPM, the forwardpass yields the fuzzy earliest-start and earliest-finish times:











~tEE (18)

where si

~E is the fuzzy earliest start time with )0,0,0(E s


~ at the initial node Ai ,


~E is the fuzzy earliest finish time with f


~E equal to the fuzzy project network

completion time~T at the ending node )i(P,zi is the set of predecessors for

activity i , and~

it is the operation time for activity i .

The backward pass is performed to calculate the fuzzy latest-start and latest-finish times.







i and






i tLL (19)


iL is the fuzzy latest-finish time with~f~

z TL at the end node zi ,s~

iL isthe fuzzy latest –start time and )i(S is the set of successors for activity i .

Once si

~E , f


~E ,


iL ,f~

iL have been determined for the thi activity, the fuzzy floattime is either

FiT s~


~E Or FiT



~E (20)

We can easily compute the fuzzy float times of all activities in a project network.

Example:The possible paths of fuzzy project network (Fig.1) are 1-2-3-5, 1-2-5, 1-3-5 and1-4-5.

Lexicographical Ordering of total fuzzy slack time for each path in fuzzyprojectnetwork (Fig.1) are computed and presented in table III.

Table III: Fuzzy slack time for each path with LR-RepresentationPath Total fuzzy slack time


1-2-3-5 (-480,-180,180,480) ~p =(-180,180,300,300)

1-2-5 (-260,-70,160,350) ~q =(-70,160,190,190)

1-3-5 (-290, -95,135,330) ~r =(-95,135,195,195)

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1-4-5 (-220,-40,190,370) ~s =(-40,190,180,180)

From the above table the Lexicographical Ordering of total fuzzy slack time for

each path in fuzzy project network is~~~~sqrp . Here, the path having

minimum Lexicographical ordering is 1-2-3-5. Therefore, the required critical pathfor the fuzzy project is 1-2-3-5.

ConclusionA new analytical method using lexicographical ordering ranking for finding criticalpath in a fuzzy project network has been proposed. We have computedlexicographic ordering rank of total fuzzy slack time for each path in fuzzy projectnetwork to find the critical path in a fuzzy project network. A numerical examplehas particularly provided to explain the proposed procedure in detail and thismethod is compared with fuzzy critical path method based on signed distanceranking of fuzzy numbers. The comparison reveals that the method proposed inthis paper is more effective in determining the activity criticalities, finding thecritical path. This method also shows that the ease of calculations whencompared with metric distance ranking. We find that the Lexicographic orderingis simple in evaluation and gives a quick comparison of fuzzy numbers ratherthan the metric distance ranking of fuzzy numbers.It has been verified that thismethod is simple in calculating fuzzy critical path method than many methodsproposed so far in literature.

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