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Foliar analysis for detecting and correcting nutrient imbalances in Norway spruce

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Ecological Bulletins 44:.178-190. Copenhagen 1995 Foliar analysisfor detecting and correcting nutrient imbalances in Norway spruce SuneLinder Linder, S. 1995. Foliar analysis for detecting and correcting nutrient imbalances in Norway spruce. - Ecol. Bull. (Copenhagen) 44: 118-19O. Results are presented from the first seven years of a nutrient optimisation experiment rn young stands of Norway spruce in northem Sweden. The principal aim of the experi- ment was to eliminate water and mineral nutrients as growth-limiting factors, at the same time as leaching to the groundwater was avoided. The approach applied was the defininition oftarset values for the foliase concentration ofeach nutrient element. On the basis ofrepeatid fbliar analysis and predicted growth responsethe proportions and amounts ofnutrients applied were adjusted annually. Imbalances in the nutrient status of the trees, induced by fertilisation as determined by foliage analysis, were success- fully corrected by adjustment of the amount and composition of the fertiliser mix. Accumulation, followed by depletion, of starch in needles during summer had a pronounced ef'fect on nutrient concentrations, thus making evaluation of nutritional status difficult. A variation in needle dry weight of up to 30% occurred during the growing season.The depletion of starch coincided with the onset of growth and was both earlier and faster in fertilised trees than in control trees. This indicates that the growth rate in non-treated stands was not limited by carbon, but rather by nutrient availability. It is recommended that for diagnostic purposes, several age-classcs of foliage are sampled on a number of occasions during the season(s).If sampling is restricted to one age-classof foliage, it is recommended that one-year-old foliage is used, to reduce between-year variation and to enable sampling throughout the season. If nutrient concentrations are assessed on samples taken during the period late spring to early autumn, the carbohydrate content must be determined to allow values to be normalised. Nutrient imbalances can, however, be detected without correcting for carbohydrate reserves, by calculating the ratio between elements. Experience obtained during the first seven seasons has indicated that the nutrient quotients relative to nitrogen, based on detailed studies of plant nutrition, have been more generally valid than the concentrations regarded as optimal for Norway spruce. S. Liruler. Dept of Ecology and Environmental Res., Sw'edish Unir. of Agricultural Sciences.P. O. Box 7072, 5-750 07 Uppsala, Sv'eden. Introduction Our basic knowledge of the effects of nutrient stresson the yield, vitality and survival of forest trees is still inadequate. Until recently, the study of forest nutrition has mainly aimed at improving yield by detecting nu- trient deficiencies or at improving the fertility of poor sites to allow 'maximum' production, by supplying the limiting nutrient(s). Over the latest two decades, how- ever, it has become increasingly evident that the 'vitality' and yield of forest ecosystems can be severely aff'ected by anthropogenic pollution; effects described as 'new type forest decline' (Blank 1985). Even if the causal relation- 178 ships were unclear, it was commonly agreed at an early stage that nutritional disturbances were involved (e.g. Hiittl 1988, Oren and Schulze 1989,Schulze et al. 1989). In declining Norway spruce standsin Denmark, however, nutritional deficiencies or imbalances could not explain the observeddecline (Saxe 1993), stressingthe fact that a multitude of factors can result in similar symptoms. Not only anthropogenic pollution, but also new management systems, such as whole tree-harvesting and the use ot slash for energy purposes, may deplete forest sites of valuable nutrient elements, which must be replaced to maintain a high 'vitality' and sustained yield (e.g. Staaf and Olsson 1994). To be able to identify and correctly ECOLOGICAL BULLETINS 4,1.I995

Ecological Bulletins 44:. 178-190. Copenhagen 1995

Foliar analysis for detecting and correcting nutrient imbalances inNorway spruce

Sune Linder

Linder, S. 1995. Foliar analysis for detecting and correcting nutrient imbalances inNorway spruce. - Ecol. Bull. (Copenhagen) 44: 118-19O.

Results are presented from the first seven years of a nutrient optimisation experiment rnyoung stands of Norway spruce in northem Sweden. The principal aim of the experi-ment was to eliminate water and mineral nutrients as growth-limiting factors, at thesame time as leaching to the groundwater was avoided. The approach applied was thedefininition oftarset values for the foliase concentration ofeach nutrient element. Onthe basis ofrepeatid fbliar analysis and predicted growth response the proportions andamounts ofnutrients applied were adjusted annually. Imbalances in the nutrient statusof the trees, induced by fertilisation as determined by foliage analysis, were success-fully corrected by adjustment of the amount and composition of the fertiliser mix.Accumulation, followed by depletion, of starch in needles during summer had apronounced ef'fect on nutrient concentrations, thus making evaluation of nutritionalstatus difficult. A variation in needle dry weight of up to 30% occurred during thegrowing season. The depletion of starch coincided with the onset of growth and wasboth earlier and faster in fertilised trees than in control trees. This indicates that thegrowth rate in non-treated stands was not limited by carbon, but rather by nutrientavailability. It is recommended that for diagnostic purposes, several age-classcs offoliage are sampled on a number of occasions during the season(s). If sampling isrestricted to one age-class of foliage, it is recommended that one-year-old foliage isused, to reduce between-year variation and to enable sampling throughout the season.If nutrient concentrations are assessed on samples taken during the period late spring toearly autumn, the carbohydrate content must be determined to allow values to benormalised. Nutrient imbalances can, however, be detected without correcting forcarbohydrate reserves, by calculating the ratio between elements. Experience obtainedduring the first seven seasons has indicated that the nutrient quotients relative tonitrogen, based on detailed studies of plant nutrition, have been more generally validthan the concentrations regarded as optimal for Norway spruce.

S. Liruler. Dept of Ecology and Environmental Res., Sw'edish Unir. of AgriculturalSciences. P. O. Box 7072, 5-750 07 Uppsala, Sv'eden.


Our basic knowledge of the effects of nutrient stress onthe yield, vitality and survival of forest trees is stillinadequate. Until recently, the study of forest nutritionhas mainly aimed at improving yield by detecting nu-trient deficiencies or at improving the fertility of poorsites to allow 'maximum' production, by supplying thelimiting nutrient(s). Over the latest two decades, how-ever, it has become increasingly evident that the 'vitality'

and yield of forest ecosystems can be severely aff'ected byanthropogenic pollution; effects described as 'new typeforest decline' (Blank 1985). Even if the causal relation-

1 7 8

ships were unclear, it was commonly agreed at an earlystage that nutritional disturbances were involved (e.g.Hii t t l 1988, Oren and Schulze 1989, Schulze et al. 1989).In declining Norway spruce stands in Denmark, however,nutritional deficiencies or imbalances could not explainthe observed decline (Saxe 1993), stressing the fact that amultitude of factors can result in similar symptoms. Notonly anthropogenic pollution, but also new managementsystems, such as whole tree-harvesting and the use otslash for energy purposes, may deplete forest sites ofvaluable nutrient elements, which must be replaced tomaintain a high 'vi tal i ty ' and sustained yield (e.g. Staafand Olsson 1994). To be able to identify and correctly


treat forest stands, which are declining or which have

reduced 'vitality' as an effect of nutrient disorders. we

require an improvement in our diagnostic tools.

Attempts have been made to evaluate the causes and

magnitude of current forest damage and decline by re-

gional surveys of nutritional status in 'healthy' and 'de-

cl ining' trees (e.g. van Praag and Weissen 1986, Kaupen-johann et al. 1989, Cape et al. 1990). Such studies give'

however, mainly circumstantial evidence; the lack of

reliable historical records is obvious and the need for

long-term studies and experiments is emphasised (e.g.

Woodman and Cowling 1987, Tamm 1995).In forest science there is, however. a number of long-

term experiments, designed for purposes other than the

study of forest decline, which are of great value in the

study of long-term changes occurring in forest ecosys-

tems. Such a series of experiments. including repeated

additions of nitrogen and other nutrient elements, was

started in Sweden during the late 1960's to determine the

primary production of forest ecosystems at optimum nu-

trient levels, and to study disturbances in ecosystem func-

tions under supra-optimal nutrient regimes (Tamm 1968,

l99l). This type of long-term experiment has proved

important not only for establishing the relationship be-

tween tree nutrition and forest yield, but also for de-

veloping concepts and methods for assessing the impact

of air pollution on forest ecosystems, as well as for

establishing 'critical loads' for nitrogen and sulphur

(Tamm 1989. 1995) .A further development of the experiments mentioned

above is the establishment of a new type of forest nutrient

optimisation trial (Linder 1990). The experiments were

established in young stands of Norway spruce in the north(Flakaliden) and southeast (Asa) of Sweden, where treat-

ments commenced in 1987 and 1988, respectively. A

third experiment (Skogaby) using sirnilar concepts, but

focusing on the impacts of anthropogenic pollution, was

started at the same time in southeastern Sweden (cf'

Bergholm et al. 1994). The principal aim of these experi-

ments was to eliminate, by means of combined irrigation

and f'ertilisation, water, mineral nutrients or both, as

growth-limiting factors, at the same time as leaching of

nutrients to the groundwater was avoided. The supply of

mineral nutrients was adjusted annually to the nutrient

status of the trees and soil. The concepts and methods

used were based on the following assumptions: l) Opti-

mal 'vitality' and conditions lbr growth can exist only if

all essential plant nutrients are present in the correctproportions. 2) Within a wide range the concentration per

se of a nutrient element is not essential to the 'vitality' of

a plant; the proportions of elements relative to nitrogen

are at least as important. 3) To optimise biomass produc-

tion in a given climate, all essential mineral nutrients

should be supplied at a rate which is adjusted to the

current mineralisation and fixation rates and nutrient de-

mand of the crop. 4) The optimal proportion between

nutr ient elements is similar fbr al l higher plants and can

be defined in relat ion to nitrogen.


These concepts were not completely new (cf. Shear et

al. I 948), but had not previously been rigorously tested in

long-term field experiments. Earlier combined irrigation

and fertilsation experiments in forest stands had tried to

create non-limiting conditions, in terms of water and

nutrient availability, but without attempting to define and

maintain an optimal nutrient balance in the stand (e.9.

Aronsson and Elowson 1980, Linder et al' 1987, Pereira

e t a l . 1989) .The method used was to set target values for the

concentration of each individual nutrient element in the

foliage. The target values were based on results from

detailed studies of plant nutrient requirements established

in laboratory studies, and experience from long-term

forest nutrient experiments. On the basis of foliar analysis

and predicted growth response, the amount of element to

be applied was estimated relative to the target figure.

Subsequent analysis of nutrients in foliage and soil water

showed the extent to which the target had been met and

the information was fed back to the proportions and

amounts of nutrient to be added on the next occasion (cf.

Ericsson et al. 1992, Linder and Flower-Ellis 1992). For

this approach to be meaningful, it was important to stan-

dardise the procedures for foliar sampling and analysis.

In the present paper, results are presented from the first

seven years of nutrient optimisation at the northern site(Flakaliden), using diagnostic foliar analysis to determine

composition and amount of nutrient supply, to create and

maintain optimal internal nutrient status in the trees.

Materials and methods


The results presented were obtained in a current nutrient

optimisation experiment at Flakaliden (64"07'N; 19"27'E:

alt . 310 m a.s. l .) in northern Sweden (Linder 1990). The

principal aim of the experiment was to demonstrate the

potential yield of Norway spruce, under given climatic

conditions and non-limiting soil water, by optimising the

nutritional status of the stands, at the same time as leach-

ing of nutrients to the groundwater was avoided. The

experiment was laid out in a young Norway spruce stand.

planted in 1963 after clear-felling. Two nutrient optimisa-

tion treatments were included. The first treatment (IL)

was a complete nutrient solution, which was injected into

the irrigation water and supplied every day during the

growing season (June to mid-August). The second treat-

ment (F) was a solid fertiliser mix, which was applied in

early June each year. Controls (C) and plots with irriga-

tion (l) were also included. The treatments' which began

in 1987. were replicated four times. and each replicate

consisted initially of a double plot, made up of two 50 x

50 m plots. Some of the subplots were later used for new

treatments, but without reducing the number of true reph-

cates. The total area of the experiment was 8.2-5 h3.


Table l. Target values used as 'optimal' in one-year-old fbliage of Norway spruce. Nitrogen [N] is given in mg g-' (structural weight)

and other values in per cent of nitrogen (by weight) during the first seven years of treatment. To convert [N] fiom strqctural dryweight to total dry weight, fbr periods when starch is not stored in the fbliage, the value should be decreased by c. l0%- For further

details see text.


P K C aMicronutrients

Fe Zn Cu Mo

l 9u7I 990r 993

t20lt l 8 lt t 8 l


0.10.10 .2

' 7 6 5

2 . 5 5 4l 5l 0l 0

0.03 0.0s 0.0070.03 0.05 0.0070.03 0.0s 0.007

Nutrient treatment

An 'optimal' nutritional status to be obtained in the fo-liage of the trees was defined in terms of target needleconcentrations for each individual nutrient element. Onthe basis of foliar analysis and predicted growth responseit was possible to estimate applications of mineral fer-tiliser appropriate to the target values (cf. Ericsson et al.1992. Linder and Flower-El l is 1992).

The initial target values (Table l) for macronutrientswere derived from studies of 'optimal' nutrition of Nor-,,vav spruce in laboratory (Ingestad 1959, 19'79, 1982.lngestad and Kiihr 1985) and field experiments (Tamm

I 968, Ingestad et al. I 98 I , Aronsson I 983, I 985, Linder1987. Tamm 1991). For micronutr ients, values recom-mended by Ingestad (1967) for optimal f'ertilisation oftree seedlings were used. Based on experience from thefirst three years of treatment and new results liom de-tarled laboratory experiments (Ericsson and Ingestad1988. Ericsson and Kiihr 1993) target values for ma-:ronutr ients were revised in 1990. A revision ofthe target..,alues for manganese, iron and zinc occurred in 1993 andwas based on results by Gilransson (1993, 1994) andGiiransson and McDonald (1993).

The initial composition of the nutrient solution andferr i l iser mix was as recommended by Ingestad (1967,

1979). The amount and composit ion of the nutr ient.:olution and fertiliser mix was later changed each year inlelation to the results obtained (Table 2).

PhosphorusI L F

Sampling and analyses

Following a complete inventory of al l plots (> 18000trees), and detailed structural analysis of 32 trees inOctober 1986, four height classes of tree were selectedfor serial branch sampling in IL, F and C plots. Thesample trees were distributed over all replicate plots ofthe C. F and IL treatments so that every plot had approxi-mately the same number. In total 70 trees per treatmentwere ut i l ized. Ten of those. selected across repl icates,were sampled on each occasion, and the same group oftrees was used only once a year. A detailed description ofthe selection of sample trees, branch sampling and sub-sequent growth analysis has been given by Flower-Ellis(1993). To cover the snow-free season (c. May-October)adequately, it was estimated that seven sampling occa-sions would be needed. These were concentrated to theperiod of most active growth, with longer intervals at thebeginning and end of the season. From the end of April,l987,

serial branch samples were collected liom whorls4, 7 and l0 (counted frorn the top) on every occasion.During the r.vinter of 1991192 an extra five samplingoccasions were included.

The sample branches were dissected by age-classesand orders before being frozen (-20"C) to await furtherprocessing. Subsamples to be used for nutrient and carbo-hydrate analysis were immediately immersed in liquidnitrogen before being stored at -20"C until analysed. Thesuhsamples were dried in a venti lated oven (85'C, 48 h),then separated into the fractions needles and shoot axes,which rvere counted and measured. The fractions werepooled by age-classes within treatments. For the diag-nostic nutrient and carbohvdrate analysis, needles from

CalciumI L F

Sulphur MagnesiumI L F I L F

Table 2. Summary of macronutr ients (N. P. K. S, Ca, Mg) suppl ied. kg ha r . dur ing the f i rs t seven years, to i r r igated-ter t i l ised ( lL)

rrncl fertilised (F) plots. respectively. For fulther details see 1ext.

NitrogenII- F

PotassiumI L F


l 0l 0l 08

t 4558

t 88 1 28 1 26 86 1 0- 4


- 8


l 0t 5l l85

5 3

l ;

.18 4848 4u55 -s84t 484l ,1834 3530 30

t 11'�7292222l 5t i)

t 7t 12 1l 61- ll ll 0

100 100100 100100 t0015 15i5 1575 1515 ,15

i 987i q881 9n9i9r)0l9r) I1 ! )92I crc)3



tl n

Izu8 rEz



el r oE6R rEz


et ,F69 n,

t 8?

; 6

E= , 1

d3 r


t 8I

i '; '6 z

t 8i

; 8


3 .

tE t o




tI t otsI l.o=atU* o sI


eI t o

E '.0=dg o o

ff,y Jn



Ag ilry Jr JJ Atg SQ Od l{d

Se Oct

Atr Mry Jn ,fi AtE Se Od t{q,

Ap. r,q Jr ,tl A{ se od t{d

Atr iltt fr Jf A.e Se Od l{a

I ' \ - b ? - '

-,- l ' ' v'';-a

c-:\r - - ,/


F ig . l . Theseasona l va r i a t r on inn i t r ogen , l a - c l ,magnes iun t (d - f ) , andca l c i um(g - i ) du r i ng l g88 incunen t ( c : a ' d ' g ) ' one -yea r -o l d

(C+l: b, e, h) and two-year-.rJ tCiz,-., r,'i) needleion *rroiL+ oi yoyng Norwa*y spruce tiees subjected to different treatments' The

concentratrons are expressed as mg g r (total dry weighr). symboli coi-trnl' open iircle; f'ertilised: filled circle; irrigated-t'ertilised:

f i l led t r iancle.

second order shoots from the 4th whorl, were used' After

mil l ing to pass a 0.12 mm sieve' the material was dried

under vacuum before being analysed. Three age-classes

of needle (C: current; C+l: one-year-old; C+2: two-year-

old) were analysed on each occasion.

Total nitrogen (N) was analysed with an elemental

combustion analyzer (Carlo Erba, NA 1500' Carlo Erba

Strumentatzione, Milan, I taly) and other elements (K' P'

Ca, S , Mg, Mn, Fe , Zn .B, Cu, A l ) by an induc t ive ly

coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (Jobin

Yvon 70+. Longjumeau, France). Starch and soluble sug-

ars were analysed enzymatically, according to Steen and

Larsson (1986), sl ightly modif ied (50 mg sample ex-

tracted 40 min at 60'C. Termamyl l20L). Al l samples

from one season were analysed at the same time and on

each occasion a 'standard' sample was included' The'standard' was prepared by sampling all one-year-old

shoots on a control tree during summer when the carbo-

hydrate content was high (29Vc of dry weight)' To deter-

mine the accuracy of the analysis. ten individual samples


fiom this batch were analysed for nutrients, starch and

soluble sugars. The standard deviation for the individual

nutrient elements, starch and total carbohydrate' was <5

per cent.

Results and discussionSampling for diagnostic foliage analysis

For discussion of the usefulness of diagnostic needle

analysis and the possibi l i ty of detecting and correcting

nutrient imbalances in forest stands, the presentation o1'

results has been restricted mainly to results from autumn

samplings during the period 1987-1993. To i l lustrate and

discuss seasonal variation in foliage nutrition, results

from two out ol the seven years studied are presented

(1988 and 1993). A further restr ict ion is to concentrate

mainly on four (N, P. K' Mg) of the 1 I nutr ient elements


'-:. j/ ' , //.y'


l 8 l

3o 1-\ a Fig. 2. The seasonal

variation in nitrogenconcentration (mg g-') inone-year-old (C+l) needleson whorl 4 of Norwayspruce during 1988, before(a) and after (b) correctionfor variations incarbohydrate content. Theseasonal variation in theamount (7c of total dryweight) of totalcarbohydrates and starchduring the same period isshown in diagrams c and d,respectively. The horizontallines in the diagrams showthe target value of thenitrogen concentration usedup to 1990. Symbols:Control: open circlegf'ertilised: filled circle;irrigated-fertilised: filledtr iangle.

These results agree in general with a number of recentreports on Norway spruce nutrition (e.g. Oren et al.1988b, Cape et al. 1990, Rosengren-Brinck and Nihlgird1994,199s).

Even on fertilised plots, there was a clear decrease inthe mineral nutrient concentration, during the growingseason. in needles older than the current season. Part ofthis decrease can be explained by the resorption of nutri-ents and their transport to the developing needles andshoots (e.g. Fife and Nambiar 1982, 1984, Helmisaari1992), but most of the variation was caused by the sea-sonal variation in the carbohydrate reserves, principallystarch (Fig. 2c-d). If the effect of variations in the carbo-hydrate content was eliminated, needle residual dryweight (structural weight) at constant length increasedmore or less linearly with age (Flower-Ellis 1993). InNorway spruce, this amounts to 0.18 mg yr r per singleneedle, at a standardised length of 10 mm, i.e. c. 57a . Thedevelopment of new phloem cells in the vascular tissuemay lie behind the increase in needle weight (cf. Ewers1982), but other substances unaccounted for in the carbo-hydrate analyses may also be involved. The 'dilution

effect' on needle nutrient concentrations, associated withthe increase in structural weight, is thus c. 5Vo in a year.Neglect of this leads to overestimation of the extent ofnutrient resorption from tbliage. As an effect of between-year variation in needle size, the method of expressingnutrient contents 'per needle' or per '1000 needles' is notto be recommended. unless estimated at a standardisedlength (cf. Flower-El l is 1993).

The general recommendation that foliage should besampled for diagnostic purposes in autumn or winter (e.g.Wehrmann 1959. Tamm 1964. Hiihne 1964). reduces the

cE9 2 0

EzUH r oGEz

3$ oo

E o@

E# mI

E r o5



0 -Apr M.y Jun Jd tug


For foliar analysis to be meaningful, particularly incomparative studies, it is important to standardise proce-dures for foliar sampling and analysis, taking into ac-count temporal and spatial variation (e.g. Wehrmann1959, Tamm 1964,van den Driessche 1914).In the pre-sent study, comparability of successive samples was en-sured by always sampling shoots from the fourth whorl,and the effect of between-tree variation was reduced bypooling the samples from ten trees.

Seasonal variation of nutrient concentration

In agreement with earlier studies in conifers (e.g. Wehr-mann 1959, Hcihne 1964, Evers 1972, Aronsson andElowson 1980, Oren et al. 1988b) a pronounced seasonalvariation was found for all nutrient elements analysed,independent of age-class of foliage or treatment. How-ever, the magnitude and pattern of seasonal variationvaried between elements and age-class of foliage (Fig. l).Nitrogen (Fig. la--c), calcium (Fig. ld-|, and magne-sium (Fig. 1g-i) were chosen to represent the main pat-terns. The example was taken from the second year oftreatment (1988), but the general pattern was similarduring the seven seasons studied (1987-1993). Except forCa (Fig. ld) the concentration (mg g ' total dry weight) ofother macronutrients (N, P, K, S, Mg) decreased rapidlyin current (C) foliage, reaching a minimum in early July,whereafter the concentrations increased once more. Themagnitude of the variation in one-year-old (C+l) andtwo-year-old (C+2) foliage was smaller, but still pro-nounced. With the exception of Ca and Mn, elementconcentrations decreased with increasing needle age.


influence of stored carbohydrates, but includes an lm-

provement in nutrient status' which can occur after

growth has ceased in autumn. The autumn uptake of

nutrients can depend on the weather conditions and hence

add to the between-year variation. The results from seven

years of autumn sampling showed a considerable be-

i*e"n-y"u. variation in nutrient concentrations (s.d' = l0

to 2O(Vo of the means), which is in agreement with earlier

reports (cf. van den Driessche 1974). The magnitude of

the variation depended on age-class of foliage' treatment

and nutrient element. Across treatments, the extent of

variation for all elements, except Mg, was smaller in

one-year-old than in current foliage, and higher in treated

than in non-treated stands (F > IL > C). Of all macro-

elements, Mg had the lowest between-year variation in

current foliage, but the highest in older foliage. Ranking

of the variation between other macroelements was similar

across treatments and age-classes of foliage (K > Ca > N

> S > P).The between-year variation in carbohydrate

concentration of the autumn samples was higher (s'd'

>2OVd than for the macronutrients, but was independent

of age-class of foliage or treatment. Normalising the

element concentrations with regard to carbohydrate re-

serves had a minor effect on the variation and no effect on

the ranking between elements or age-classes of foliage'

The highest between-year variation of all elements was

found for Fe @. 4O7o s.d. of the mean)' while other

micronutrients had a variation similar to that found for

macroelements. The ranking between micronutrients was

F e > B > Z n > M n > C u .

Seasonal variation of starch reserves

Most of the seasonal variation in nutrient concentrations

could be explained by variations in the amount of starch

stored in the needles (Fig. 2d). The maximum starch

content attained by needles appeared to be independent of

treatment. whereas the rate of breakdown of the starch

reserves was far greater in fertilised than in unfertilised

trees (Figs 2d and 3). The rapid breakdown of the starch

reserve in fertilised (F, IL) trees was also in good agree-

ment with earlier bud-break and more rapid shoot exten-

sion of such trees (Linder and Flower-El l is 1992)' This

agrees with earlier findings in young stands of Scots pine

(Ericsson 1979). and indicates that the availability of

nutrients. rather than of carbon. limits yield in these

northern conifer stands.The starch content of previous year's and older needles

varied fiom 0 to >304/0 of their dry weight, while the

concentration of soluble sugars varied relatively little (c'

lTo/c of dry weight). irrespective of treatment. Up to c'

40o/o of the needle's dry weight may thus consist of

non-structural carbohydrates during early summer.

The size and dynamics of the starch reserve in all

age-classes of fol iage exhibited a wide range of variat ion

during the seven seasons for which it was measured (cf'

Figs 2d and 3). The course of accumulation of the starch


Apr Jul Oct Jan ADr Jd Oct

5 0 a - -

t a o-g


9 3 0ol!

x 2 0I


5 1 0

5o r-

l oI

4 0 [

F: l6 lE g o FE la l5 z o f5 l6

H \ l. t

\ i\ . \ . 1\,[ I

.LApr Jul

{ B-'r

ApI Jul G

Fig.3. The seasonal variation in the conce.ntration (Tcpj,tota]

Oii weiSht r of carbohydrates (a) and starch (b), during.l 99 I andorv wgl l .nt ) oT carDonyuratss \4, drru srdrLrr tur . uur r r rS | '

f S'SZ. ii one-year-old tC+l) needles on whorl 4 of Norway.^r,,^o trAAc ",,1,;o^t..l tn different treatments- Svmbols: Control:spruce trees subjected to diffe.rent treatments. IVI!9!t:s D r u c g l r e e s s u D l c c t c u t u u l l l E l q l l ( t l s a r r r r s r r L ) ' r J r I U v r r ' \

open circle: feitilised: filled circle; irrigated-fertilised: filled

tr iangle.

reserve in the early part of the growing season, and its

breakdown in the latter part of the summer, differed

markedly. In an "average" year' starch has begun to

accumulate by mid-April at the latest, peak values are

reached in mid-June, and by mid-October the starch re-

serves have been completely emptied. The beginning of

the decline in the starch reserve coincides with the start of

extension growth, when the daily demand for carbo-

hydrates normally exceeds net assimilation.

After the nutrient concentrations (mg g-' total dry

weight) were normalised with regard to carbohydrate

reserves and expressed as mg g-r structural dry weight.

the seasonal variation decreased' but some variation re-

mained (cf. Fig. 2a-b).When defining the level of nutrient stress in trees' there

is reason to believe that the minimum concentrations

found during the period of active growth are more perti-

nent than peak values fbund during the non-active part of

the year. Furthermore, the period when sampling is pos-

sible without disturbance from starch reserves in the

lable 3. Nutrient concentrations in one-year-old fcrliage of young Norway spruce trees subjected to ditl 'erent treatments. Valuesshown are from needles on whorl 4. sampled in the autumn. during the first seven years oftreatment. The nutrierrt concentrations inMay l g8T ,onemon thbe fb re t r ea tmen tswe recommenced .a reg i v l n fo r compar i son .Thesesp r i ngva luesa renonna l i sed in re l a t i onto their content of starch, but not soluble sugars. The concentrat ions are givcn es mg g I (N, P. K, Ca. S, Mg, Mn) or pg g I (Fe, Zn.Cu, B) of total dry weight. The treatments were irrigation-fertilisation (lL), fertilisation (F), and control (C). For further details seetext .


19 May 198719 May 198719 May 1987

15 Sept 198715 Sept 1987l-5 Sept 1987

20 Sept 198820 Sept 198820 Sept 1988

4 Oct 19894 Oc^t 19894 Oc^t 1989

4 Oct 19904 Oct 19904 Oct 1990

7 Oct l99 l7 Oct l99 l7 Oct l99 l

27 Ocr 199221 Oct 199227 Oct 1992

28 Sept 199328 Oct 199328 Oct 1993

10.4 t .4210 .9 1 .52r0.8 l .58

3 .9 0.69 I .034.0 0.68 0.963 .9 0 ;7 t 1 .025 .25 . 15.5

0.69 31 . -5 38 .70 .82 33 .0 38 .20.65 26.9 40;7

I . l 3 3 l . 7 4 5 . 80.90 34.6 40.10.96 34.5 41.2

8 . 97 .56.6

8 .510.51 .9

3 .0 9 .63.8 12.24 . t I 1 . 6

2 .5 8 .33 . 1 I 1 . 53 . 4 l 0 . l

5 .95 .16 . t


CFIL( -l.




( -FIL




1 . 3L --)

L - )

2.42 .8

l0.t)t 2 . 7t4.4

l 0 . l1 8 .81 6 . 6

912 . l o2.2'7

10.5 1 .952 l .8 2 .42l8 .4 2 .65

10.3 1 .6016.2 1 .86r 5.6 2.02

10.8 | .4414.4 t .9214.1 2.25

9.9 1 .4515.2 2.0u1 3 . 3 2 . 1 2

10.4 l . -5916.2 2 .1415.4 2 .25

0.70 0 .8 |0 .80 0 .930.93 0.85

0.91 0 .89l . l 0 0 . 8 6l . l 4 0 . 8 2

0.85 0 .75I .04 0.11t .07 0 .65

| .23 10.4l .3 t 71 .9I .18 82.6

1 . 2 8 6 1 . 6l .50 55.41 .29 52 .8 ."15.05.45 .36.16.8

5 .96.56 .2

5 .05 .95 .8

6 .51 . 16 .8

4 .74 .85 . 1

4.4+. -)4.9

12.854.95 8 .6


61 .254.462.3


4.11 . 1'7.5

5 . t7 .78 . 1

0.u2 0.130.96 0.501.02 0.5't0 .78 0.880.91 0.700.93 0.120.65 0.70 0.830.83 0.58 0.990.86 0.66 1.00

0.7-5 0.62 0.970.95 0.-54 0.910.98 0 .57 l .0 l

2 .6 6 .32 . 9 9 . 13 .0 9 .6

3 . 5 5 . 13 .9 1 .93 .8 9 .0

0205l 0


5 . 31 .76 .9

6.48 .77 . 8

45.03 8 .537.u

40.137.931 .O

32.1 s0.3 2.330.3 43.0 2.921 .0 10.4 3.138.2 41 .2 2.140.5 39 .4 3 .042.9 46.6 2.9

fol iage is rather short (Fig.3). Results by Oren et al.(1988a) indicate that the starch accumulation in springstarls earlier at lower latitudes, making the suitable sam-pl ing period even shorter.


Based on the present results, and earlier studies in Scotspine (cf. Aronsson and Elowson 1980, Linder 1990), i t isrecommended that several age-classes of foliage are sam-pled on a number of occasions during the season(s). 'I'he

reason for repeated sampling is that without knowledgeof within and between-year variation in element concen-trat ions the value of a single sarnple for evaluation ofnutr ient status is l imited (Evers 1972). I f the sampling isrestricted to one age-class of fbliage, it is recommendedthat one-year-old (C+l) fbl iage is used, to reduce be-tween-year variation and to enable sampling throughoutthe season. I f nutr ient concentrat ions are assessed onsamples taken during the period late spring to early au-tumn, the carbohydrate content should be determined toal low values to be normalised. Nutr ient imbalances can.however. be detected without correcting fbr carbohydratereserves, by calculating the ratio between elements (cf.

Hi i t t l 1990, Linder 1990, Ericsson et al. 1992). An al-

1 8 4

ternative method is to express nutrient contents on a leafarea basis (e.g. van den Driessche 1974), but for smallconifer needles this method may introduce new enors anduncertainties into the estimates.

Use of diagnostic foliage analysis to estimatenutrient supply

In May 1987, the initial nutrient status of the trees at theFlakaliden site was poor (Table 3). More than half of theelement concentrations in the tbliage were below or closeto values considered to be deficient or in the range ofcri t ical levels in Norway spruce (e.g. Cape et al. 1990.Hii t t l 1990, Nihlgf lrd 1990). Only three elements (Ca,Mn, Zn) were consistently above the target values con-sidered as optimal (Table I ) and remained so throughoutthe study (Tables 3 and 4). They are therefore given lessattention in the further presentation and discussion of theresults.

Already two weeks after the treatments were com-menced, the efl'ect of nutrient supply could be seen in theneedle concentrations of all nutrients (data not shown). Inall age-classes of fbliage the highest element concentra-tions were tbund in t-ertilised plots (F and IL).ln currentfbliage (C) the concentration of all elements, except Mn,


Table -1. The ratio between nitrogen and otlrcr nutrrcnt clemcnts in one-ycar-old. fgliaqe. gf young Norway. spruce trecs subiected to

difterent treatnrents. The values are expressed ln p"r..ni'iriniirog-n'1t'ry weight).*Values shown are fiom needles on whorl 4'

sampled in the autumn. during the first.seven years of treatmcnt.-The ritios in Mav 1987' one month betbre treatments werc

c.nrmenccd. are given tor conrparison. -I'he

conc'entratr;";.;-;i;.g"n tbreach occarion are given in Table 3 and the target values

inr. .o.h individuil clenrent arc tbund in Table l. For furthcr dctails see text

Ca :N S : N Mg :N Mn :N Fe:N Zn :N Cu:N B : NDrte K:NP : N

19 May l9tt7l5 Sept l9l t720 Sept 19884 Oct 19894 Oct 19907 Oct l99 l21 Oct 19922lt Sept 1993

19 May 1987l5 Sept 198720 Sept l9tt84 Oct 1989:l Oct 19907 Oct 199 |27 Oct 19922tt Sept 1993

19 May' l9l{7l5 Scpt l9 l t720 Scpt l9l t l3, l Oct 19894 Oct 19907 Oct l99 l21 Oct 19922ll Sept 199-l

I 3.7 56.111.7 50.019.2 59..11 8 . 6 5 7 . 1I 5 .5 35 .9l 3 .3 -+9 .114.6 41 .515.3 .19 .0

1 3 . 9 5 2 . 1t2.9 -+3.3l l .2 3 -s .6I l . l 3 3 . 5I I .5 30.9I 1.3 J+6.5I 3 .7 16.11 3 .2 17 .5

11.6 57 .012.0 ,15 .1t1 .1 -12.8l-1.4 .13.-s12.9 3,1.615.6 11 .2I 5 .9 56.4l -1.6 52.6

9.9 6.68 . 1 I l . 3S.tt 12.2'7 . t 12 .2] . t 9 . 98. | 12.3'7 .1 u .46 .0 9 .3

8 . t t 1 .61 . 3 1 . l4.6 1.03 .5 6 .93 . 1 6 . 54.1) 9.53 .n 6 .53 .3 6 .0

9.5 6.05 .9 6 .74 . 9 1 . 13 .5 1 .0- 1 . f l . l

5.0 l t .95 .0 1 .53 .7 6 .6

0 .370.46o.120.630.-550.620 . 5 10.'15

0.30 0 .350.21 0.-120.41 0 .29o.25 0.300.24 0.300.26 0 .380.20 0.280.25 0.21

0.25 0.3t30 .24 0.3 I0.50 0.3-s0 .29 0 .350.24 0.zt l0.26 0.,130.20 0.530.2tt 0.30

0.01 3 0.01t40.024 0.01t50.030 0.0950.02:l 0.0790.025 0.0610.032 0.0530.024 0.0540.021 0.062

0.021 0.0690.022 0.01130.020 0.0650.0 I 4 0.0530.0 l t r 0 .0560.027 0.0-550.019 0 .0510.0 I t t 0.054

0.022 0.0610.022 0.0550.025 0.0700.0 | 9 0.0550.0 l9 0.0620.026 0.0630.023 0.0520.019 0 .05 I






37.n5 2 .064..156.248.560.211 .5+ 1 . - 1

31 .210.233.t)29 .n36.'t49.33 l . 626.5

16.63 8 . 2.10.433.731 .217 .23t3.33 l . l t

6 .61.09 .0t t . ln .07 . 26 .61 . 2

6 .2o.- l

-s.9.1.85 .9t ) - t


6.66.-56 .95 .86 .56 .56.56.;l


was h ighes t in the lL p lo ts . and in o lder fb l iage (C+ l '

C+21 the highest concentrat ions of al l elemcnts' except

K. r.vere fbund in F-plots. At the end of the season'

however. the situation had changed and in current lbl iage

only N, Fe, and B conccntrat ions were higher in F- than

tL-ptots. In C+l ancl C+2 lbl iage Mg and B were also

higher in tbl iage t ionl F- than l l --plots. In spite of a last

,. iponr" to treatment' in terms of concentrat ion of fol iar

nutr icnts. no increase was f i)und in biomass production

(L indc l and F lower -E l l i s 1992. F lower -E l l i s 1993) ' The

lack of growth response during the f irst year of l 'ert i l isa-

t ion is. however. the normal pattern found fbr boreal and

tenrperate conifcrs (cf. Linder and Rook 1984)'

Although the nutr ients supplicd, during the f irst two

seasons. were the samc in amount and composit ion in

both the lL and the F treatment. the method of appl icat ion

resultcd in di l ' f 'erences in needle nutr ient concentrat i()ns

(F igs 1 .2 anc l z l : Tab le 31 . In gencra l ' the up take was

higher tbr al l elernents, except nitrogen. when the supply

wis distr ibuted throughout the season. This dif ference in

uptake of nitrogen probably rel'lects improved condititlns

fbr competit ion l ionr the l ield and bottonl- layer vegeta-

t ion, when nutr ients were supplied "dai ly" instead of

once a year (Kel lner 1993). A similar eft 'ect was init ial ly

l i run t i in an i r r iga t ion and le r t i l i sa t ion exper imen l in

young Scots pine (cl" Aronsson and Elowson l9t i0' Lin-

d e l I 9 8 7 ) .At the end of 198u. the second season ol ' treatment' the

ECOL(X; ICAI - I l t r l -Lh ' l lNS 11. 1995

absolute variat i t ln between treatments in tol iage concen-

trat ion of nutr ient elenlents was not large. except fbr N

(Table 3). The N concentrat ion in C+l needles had in-

creased markedly. fbliage fiom trees on F-plots having

the highest N concentrat ion (Fig. 2). This resulted in

decreasing and non-optimal P:N and K:N rat ios' espe-

cial ly in trees on F-plots (Fig' '1 ' Table ' t) To improve the

P:N and K:N rat ios, the amounts of P and K in relat ion to

N in the f 'ert i l iser mix were increased in the tbl lowing

year (Table 2). The fol iage concentrat ions of both P and

k increased during the fol lowing season (Table 3) ' but

since N increased even nlore the P:N and K:N rat ios

continued to decrease. as cl id the rat io Mg:N (Table 4) '

The fast response to altered supply rate of P and K is in

agrcement with earl ier studies (e.g. Hi i t t l 1989' 1990)'

T-he lbl iage analysis indicated that the N concentrat iott in

autumn ancl spring was sr 'r f f ic ientlv close to the target

value for nitrogen supply to be reduccd in I 990 (Table 2) '

With the exception of Ca. the conccntrat ion of al l ma-

cronutr ient elements st i l l lav below the levels init ial ly

considered oPtimal (Table 3).

In the l ight of new results l iom laboratory experiment:

(cf. Ericsson et al. 1992), thc target values tb| macro-

nutr ients were revised befirre the season of 1990 (Table

l ) . The new ra t ios fb r P :N (10%) and K:N (357) a re

similar to those recommendecl bv Ericsson et al ' ( 1993'

199-5), basecl on studies of nutr ient inrbalances and argt-

ninc accumulation in Norwal ' sprucc The ne"v results


IzuJ,{I mzal

r t 0ooI

E o

n0eE + odeo 3.0DE

3205f i 'oI


ffia6,zH 8 0xFF

2 6 0


f r qotrY

; 2 0


o 1 5c2lrJxE t o1

sA 5i:

s- 0


tn: 1 5oBl

oD r o






Fig.4. The seasonalvariation in needleconcentration of phosphorus(a), potassium (c), andmagnesium (e) in relation tostructural carbon, and theratio (Vc) betweenphosphorus and nitrogen (b),potassium and nitrogen (d),and magnesium and nitrogen(t) in one-year-old (C+1)needles of young Norwayspruce trees subjected todifferent treatments. Thehorizontal lines in thediagrams show the targetvalues used up to 1990.Symbols: Control: opencircle; fertilised: filled circle;inigated-fertilised: filledtriangle. Values shown arefrom 1988, which was thesecond season of treatment.


eE5 1 0fi

tg3 sogh

0 sepArslrayAprSeArslrayrF


revealed that in general the concentration of macronu-trients had been sufficient, both in terms of concentrationand when expressed as a ratio to nitrogen (Tables 3 and4). One exception was that, in both F and IL treatments,the Mg:N quotient approached levels which have beenreported from damaged Norway spruce stands in Ger-many (e.g. Kaupenjohann et al. 1989, Hi i t t l 1990).

Based on the foliar analysis and new target values, thesupply of most nutrients was reduced, during 1990, by25Vo . Extra Mg was supplied in the form of dolomite, but

1 8 6

the effect on foliage concentrations was not seen until thefollowing season (Table 3). Over the next three years thesupply of nitrogen was maintained at a level of 75 kg Nha-r yr-r, while the rate of other elements was decreasedOable 2).

During the summer of 1993 all macronutrients, exceptCa and Mg, stayed above the old and close to the newtarget values, when expressed as quotients to N (Fig. 5).Calcium, however, was one order of magnitude above thetarget value at all autumn samplings (Table 3), and since



Fig.5. The seasonalvariation in needleconcentration of phosphorus(a), potassium (c) , andmagnesium (e) in relation tostructural carbon, and theratio (c/c) betweenphosphorus and nitrogen (b),potassium and nitrogen (d).and magnesium and nitrogen(f) in one-year-old (C+l)needles of young Norwayspruce trees subjected todift'erent treatments. Thehorizontal lines in thediagrams show the targetvalues used up to 1990(dashed line) and thereafter(sol id l ine) . Symbols:Control: open circle;fertilised: filled circle;irrigated-t'ertil ised: filledtriangle. Values shown arefiom 1993. which was the7th season of treatment.


t)IzuJ,{I z o?.oltr

F 1 0aoIG

oF 0


eE + odc



b 1 0oI0.


IzH moFF

2 . 6


l 2 0U


^ 1 5Ez!l

8E r o7.E6utA 5Y


s* o





; uogF



JtnLlsy0dsopAis.M,ltnilayAp. Apf Jnl AO SA 0d



i t uBoD r.o

9 0 5o

0.0 NovoclSAA{Jtl.lmlrayAprOctsspAJgJJIJmItsyAp.

Ca l ike Mn and Al accumulates in the fol iage over t ime,

constant concentrattons or ratios cannot be expected (cf.

F ig . I ) .Among the analysed micronutr ients (Mn, Fe, Zn, Cu,

B) two elements (Mn. Zn) were consistently above the

target values and two below (Fe. Cu). Boron concentra-

tions varied around the target value when expressed in

terms of tbl iage concentrat ion (Table 3). but the B:N

ratios were always above the set value and independent of

treatment (Table 4).


In 1993, new target values were set for Mn, Fe. and Zn.

The values were based on new f indings regarding nutr ient

requirements in birch seedlings. In the f ield experiment

foliage concentrations of Mn were always found to be at

least one order of magnitude above the old target value(Tables 3 and 4). The init ial target value was' however.

found to be another order of magnitude above the optimal

requirement for growth (Gilransson 1994). There was

also a major difference between the old and new target

values for Fe:N. which had to be adiusted from 0.7 to


c d


1 8 7

0.2olc (Gcjransson 1993). An effect of this reduction in

target value was that foliar concentrations of Fe and Fe:N

ratios. which had been considered too low, had in tact

been sufficient throughout the experimental period (Ta-

bles 3 and 4). The minor increase in recommended levels

of Zn:N (Gciransson and McDonald 1993), from 0.03 to

0.05, had no effect on the interpretation of the results.

The foliage concentrations of Cu and the Cu:N ratios

were always low in relation to the target value (Table 3

and 4), but surprisingly constant over time and between

treatments, in spite of large difTerences in biomass pro-

duction (Linder and Flower-El l is 1992). Since no 'di lu-

tion effect' was detected, this could be an indication that

Cu, and some of the other micronutrients were being

taken up in relation to demand rather than to supply.

Similar results were reported from a study where mtcro-

nutrients in tree leaves were analysed across a range of

site fertilities (Ahrens 1964). The assumption that the

target value for Cu could have been set too high is

supported by results from Pinus rodiata where 4 Fg g ' of

total dry weight was recommended as satisfactory (Will

1985). This lower value agrees with the concentrat ionsfbund by Ahrens (1964). and would give a Cu:N rat io of

0.02, which is in good agreement with the values nor-

mally found in the present study (Table 4).Based on experience from long-term field experiments

(Aronsson 1983, 1985), the target value for B couldprobably be adjusted downwards. This should, however,

be based on the same criteria as for other nutrient ele-

ments, i.e. definition of the critical level at which foliage

element concentration begins to limit growth. For mtcro-nutrients such as B and Cu, such experiments are tech-

nical ly very dif f icult (Gdransson pers. comm.), and unti l

better information is available we have to rely upon

current experience liom long-term field experiments on

forest nutrition.

ConclusionsBy combining diagnostic foliar analysis and annual ad-justment of proportion and amount of nutrient supply inyoung stands of Norway spruce, it was possible to attain

and maintain optimal nutrient status, defined in terms of

target values for each nutrient element in the fbliage.

Nutr ient imbalances, which init ial ly were induced by

f'ertilisation, could be detected by means of foliar analy-

ses and corrected by adjusted nutrient applications.The results indicate that i t is possible, by means of

diagnostic fbliar analyses, to detect and if neccessary

correct nutrient imbalances. which occur as a result of

anthropogenic pollution or unsuitable management sys-

tems. For this approach to be meaningful. particularly in

comparative studies. it is important to standardise theprocedures lbr foliar sampling and analysis and to define

target values fbr indrvidual nutrient elements. The

method should. however, be tested and evaluated on a

1 8 8

'practical' level befbre being recommended for large-

scale 'v i ta l i ty- fer t i l isat ion ' of forests.

Atknowledgentents - The nutr ient opt imisat ion exper iment atthe Flakaliden research site was established with support fiomThe Swedish Forestry Research Foundation (SSFf). Major sup-port for opcrational costs and research has later been obtainedftom The Swedish Environmcntal Protection Agency (SNV).The Swcdish Council of Forestry and Agricultural Research(SJFR). The Swedish National Board for Industrial and Tech-nical Dcvelopment (NUTEK), and the fbrmer Swedish StatePower Board (Vattentall AB). I am most grateful to A. Flower-E,llis for her devoted work in developing and carrying out thecarbohydrate analysis. Many thanks are due also to B.-O. Wi-gren, U. Nylander, L. Olsson and G. Moen for their sk i l fu ltechnical help in the f ie ld. I f inal ly would l ike to thank C. O.Tamm, A. Aronsson and J. Flower-Ellis for continuous help andvaluable discussions during the study and preparation of themanuscnpt.

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