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Fire-exposed cross-laminated timber–Modelling and tests

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FIRE-EXPOSED CROSS-LAMINATED TIMBER – MODELLING AND TESTS Joachim Schmid 1 , Jürgen König 2 , Jochen Köhler 3 ABSTRACT: Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is increasingly used in medium-rise timber buildings, for the time being up to eight storeys, among other reasons for cost effectiveness and robustness. This paper presents a simple design model using the effective cross-section method for the structural fire design, i.e. the determination of the mechanical resistance with respect to bending (floors). Performing advanced calculations for a large number of lay-ups of various lamination thicknesses, using the thermal and thermo-mechanical properties of wood, charring depths and the reduction of bending resistance of CLT were determined as functions of time of fire exposure. From these results zero-strength layers were derived to be used in the design model using an effective residual cross-section for the determination of mechanical resistance. The model also takes into account different temperature gradients in the CLT in order to include the effect of slower heating rate when the CLT is protected by insulation and/or gypsum plasterboard. The paper also gives results from fire-tests of CLT in bending using beam strips cut from CLT with adequate side protection in order to achieve one-dimensional heat transfer. Reference tests at ambient temperature were performed to predict the moment resistance of the beams being tested in fire. KEYWORDS: Cross-laminated timber, fire resistance, model, tests 1 INTRODUCTION 123 Cross-laminated timber (CLT) made of flatwise laminations are increasingly used as structural elements in housing and commercial buildings, both in floors and walls. Recently eight storeys high buildings were erected in Sweden. The laminations are held together by bonding. In structural fire design, for timber beams and columns EN 1995-1-2 [1] gives a simplified method for the calculation of the mechanical resistance (reduced cross-section model). Apart from charring that reduces the size of the cross-section of the member, the effect of elevated temperature in a 35 to 40 mm deep zone below the char layer is taken into account by assuming a zero- strength layer of depth 7 mm immediately below the char layer, and ambient strength and stiffness properties in the remaining effective residual cross-section. For unprotected timber members, this zero-strength layer is assumed to increase linearly from zero to its maximum value during the first 20 minutes of the fire exposure. When EN 1995-1-2 was drafted, it was believed that the reduced cross-section method could be applied to timber slabs exposed to fire on one side using a zero-strength layer of 7 mm. At that time the use of CLT in housing 1 Joachim Schmid, SP Trätek, Box 5609, SE-114 86 Stockholm, Sweden. Email: [email protected] 2 Jürgen König, SP Trätek, Box 5609, SE-114 86 Stockholm, Sweden. Email: [email protected] 3 Jochen Köhler, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH, Zurich, Switzerland. Email: [email protected] was just in the beginning. It was not intended that the reduced cross-section method could be applied to this new type of construction without further investigation. In a preliminary study [2] on timber decks in bending, it was shown that the application of a zero-strength layer of 7 mm would give unsafe results in many applications. This paper presents an easy-to-use design model for CLT decks (floors) and a comparison with the results from fire tests. CLT walls will be subject of future publications. 2 COMPUTER SIMULATIONS 2.1 ASSUMPTIONS 2.1.1 Thermal analysis The thermal analyses were performed using SAFIR 2007 [3] using thermal properties of wood given by EN 1995-1-2 [1]. The thermal properties of gypsum plasterboard were similar to those given in [4], however further calibrated to fit test results, see [5]. 2.1.2 Structural analysis For the structural analysis, a computer program CSTFire, written as a Visual Basic macro embedded in Excel, was developed, using the temperature output from the heat transfer calculations and the relative strength and stiffness values given by EN 1995-1-2 [1], i.e. compressive and tensile strengths, f c and f t , and moduli of elasticity in compression and tension, E c and E t . These values are given as bi-linear functions of temperature from 20 to 300°C with breakpoints at 100°C, also taking



Joachim Schmid1, Jürgen König

2, Jochen Köhler


ABSTRACT: Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is increasingly used in medium-rise timber buildings, for the time being

up to eight storeys, among other reasons for cost effectiveness and robustness. This paper presents a simple design

model using the effective cross-section method for the structural fire design, i.e. the determination of the mechanical

resistance with respect to bending (floors). Performing advanced calculations for a large number of lay-ups of various

lamination thicknesses, using the thermal and thermo-mechanical properties of wood, charring depths and the reduction

of bending resistance of CLT were determined as functions of time of fire exposure. From these results zero-strength

layers were derived to be used in the design model using an effective residual cross-section for the determination of

mechanical resistance. The model also takes into account different temperature gradients in the CLT in order to include

the effect of slower heating rate when the CLT is protected by insulation and/or gypsum plasterboard. The paper also

gives results from fire-tests of CLT in bending using beam strips cut from CLT with adequate side protection in order to

achieve one-dimensional heat transfer. Reference tests at ambient temperature were performed to predict the moment

resistance of the beams being tested in fire.

KEYWORDS: Cross-laminated timber, fire resistance, model, tests


Cross-laminated timber (CLT) made of flatwise

laminations are increasingly used as structural elements

in housing and commercial buildings, both in floors and

walls. Recently eight storeys high buildings were erected

in Sweden. The laminations are held together by

bonding. In structural fire design, for timber beams and

columns EN 1995-1-2 [1] gives a simplified method for

the calculation of the mechanical resistance (reduced

cross-section model). Apart from charring that reduces

the size of the cross-section of the member, the effect of

elevated temperature in a 35 to 40 mm deep zone below

the char layer is taken into account by assuming a zero-

strength layer of depth 7 mm immediately below the

char layer, and ambient strength and stiffness properties

in the remaining effective residual cross-section. For

unprotected timber members, this zero-strength layer is

assumed to increase linearly from zero to its maximum

value during the first 20 minutes of the fire exposure.

When EN 1995-1-2 was drafted, it was believed that the

reduced cross-section method could be applied to timber

slabs exposed to fire on one side using a zero-strength

layer of 7 mm. At that time the use of CLT in housing

1 Joachim Schmid, SP Trätek, Box 5609, SE-114 86

Stockholm, Sweden. Email: [email protected] 2 Jürgen König, SP Trätek, Box 5609, SE-114 86 Stockholm,

Sweden. Email: [email protected] 3 Jochen Köhler, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH,

Zurich, Switzerland. Email: [email protected]

was just in the beginning. It was not intended that the

reduced cross-section method could be applied to this

new type of construction without further investigation. In

a preliminary study [2] on timber decks in bending, it

was shown that the application of a zero-strength layer

of 7 mm would give unsafe results in many applications.

This paper presents an easy-to-use design model for CLT

decks (floors) and a comparison with the results from

fire tests. CLT walls will be subject of future




2.1.1 Thermal analysis

The thermal analyses were performed using SAFIR 2007

[3] using thermal properties of wood given by

EN 1995-1-2 [1]. The thermal properties of gypsum

plasterboard were similar to those given in [4], however

further calibrated to fit test results, see [5].

2.1.2 Structural analysis

For the structural analysis, a computer program CSTFire,

written as a Visual Basic macro embedded in Excel, was

developed, using the temperature output from the heat

transfer calculations and the relative strength and

stiffness values given by EN 1995-1-2 [1], i.e.

compressive and tensile strengths, fc and ft, and moduli

of elasticity in compression and tension, Ec and Et. These

values are given as bi-linear functions of temperature

from 20 to 300°C with breakpoints at 100°C, also taking

into account the effects of transient moisture situations

and creep, see Figure 1. The software takes into account

the possibility of permitting ductile behaviour of wood

under elevated temperature. Contrary to ambient

conditions where failure on the tension side of a beam is

brittle, in the fire situation tensile failure of the

outermost fibres won’t cause immediate collapse of the

member since a redistribution of internal stresses will

take place as long as equilibrium is maintained.




0 100 200 300

Temperature [°C]

Reduction factor kΘ

f c

f t

f v

E t

E c

Figure 1: Reduction factors for strength and stiffness properties according to EN 1995-1-2 [1].







f t

f c

Figure 2: Temperature-dependent stress-strain relationships for wood for different temperatures.

Since the reduction of strength and stiffness properties is

different for tension and compression, CSTFire uses an

iteration process, increasing the curvature of the member

until the maximum moment resistance is reached. The

element size used for the thermal and structural analysis

was chosen as 1 mm × 1 mm.

The calculations were conducted assuming material

properties that are representative for timber deck plates

used in practice, using the stress-strain relationship

shown in Figure 2. Since the values of tensile and

compressive strength of solid timber given in design or

product standards, e.g. EN 338 [6], are values related to

the whole cross-section and were determined on the

assumption of a linear relationship between stress and

strain until failure, the use of these values in a finite

element analysis would not be correct [4]. Therefore,

compressive strength values were determined using the

data from Thunell [7] dependent on density and moisture

content as shown in [4]. For the timber slabs assumed

here the compressive strength was fc = 30 N/mm2, while

the tensile strength was taken as ft = 27 N/mm2, that is

the ratio of ft/fc is 0,9. The results of simulations of cross-

laminated timber slabs were taken from [5]. These

calculations were made assuming ft/fc = (0,92). Since the

ratio has only a small influence on the results, it can be

neglected for practical application. For layers with the

grain direction perpendicular to the longitudinal

direction of the plate (cross-layers), the modulus of

elasticity was assumed to be zero, while these layers

were assumed to be completely effective with respect to

shear stiffness, i.e. complete composite action of the

longitudinal layers was assumed. This assumption is

justified by the slenderness ratios of CLT occurring in

practice. For deck plates of thickness 150 mm and a span

of 5,5 m, the slenderness ratio is 30. Due to shear

deformations the maximum bending stress is increased

by about 3 % [8]. Since the slenderness ratio in fire –

due to charring – is somewhat greater than under

ambient conditions, the increase of bending stresses due

to shear deformations would be less than 3 %. This

influence is neglected in the model presented here.

The calculations were carried out for members in

bending with depths from 45 to 315 mm, layer

thicknesses from 15 to 45 mm and layer numbers from 3

to 7, both for unprotected and protected CLT, and both

for the fire-exposed side in tension or compression.

Both regular and irregular lay-ups were studied, i.e.

regular lay-ups with equal layer thicknesses of

longitudinal and cross-layers, and irregular ones where

layer thicknesses of longitudinal and cross-layers were

different. In all cases, however, all longitudinal layers

had the same thickness and the lay-ups were


2.2 Results

In the following, for unprotected CLT with five layers of

20 mm thickness, the results of the computer simulations

are shown as relationships between the bending moment

ratio Mfi/M and time t and zero-strength layer d0 and

time, respectively, see Figure 4 and Figure 5 (for CLT

with three or seven layers, see [5]. In one case, the

relationships are also shown as functions of the charring

depth dchar (Figure 6). The zero-strength layer d0, see

Figure 3, is used by EN 1995-1-2 [1] for the reduced

cross-section method in order to take into account the

reduction of strength and stiffness properties due to

elevated temperatures.



n = i

n = 1

n = i-1

n = 2

n = 3h

n = i

n = 1

n = i-1

n = 2

n = 3


Figure 3: Effective residual cross-section obtained after reduction of original cross-section (left) with charring depth dchar and zero-strength layer d0 (right).








0 20 40 60 80




t [min]

d0 d0 = 7mm

Mfi/M Mfi/M (d0 = 7 mm)

Figure 4: Results for CLT with 5 layers of thickness 20 mm with the fire-exposed side in tension. The yellow bars indicate charring of bondline. The black broken bars indicate the 20 and 40 % levels of bending resistance.


















0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90




t [min]

d0 d0 = 7 mm

Mfi/M Mfi/M EN 1995-1-2

Figure 5: Results for CLT with 5 layers of thickness 20 mm with the fire-exposed side in compression. The yellow bars indicate charring of bondline. The black broken bars indicate the 20 and 40 % levels of bending resistance.


















0 10 20 30 40 50 60




dchar [mm]

d0 EN 1995-1-2 d0,fi,fm,resCS

Mfi/M Mfi/M EN 1995-1-2

Figure 6: Same results as in Figure 5, however shown as functions of charring depth dchar.

For the examples shown here, during the first charring

phase when charring takes place in the first (load-

bearing) layer, the bending resistance is reduced to

approximately forty percent of ambient resistance. In the

beginning of the next charring phase when charring takes

place in the second (non load-bearing) layer, the decay

of bending resistance is very slow, but increasing

considerably before the char front has reached the

second bond line. At that stage the bending resistance

has dropped to twenty-five to twenty percent, depending

on the state of stress on the fire-exposed side. When the

fire-exposed side is in compression, the reduction of

bending resistance is greatest. The charts also show the

corresponding zero-strength layers d0 that should be

applied to the cross-section to get the same results using

ambient strength and stiffness properties for the effective

residual cross-section. Since the value of d0 varies

considerable with time (or charring depth dchar), in order

to simplify the design model, the largest value within the

bending resistance interval between 20 and 40 percent

was chosen. In Figure 4 and Figure 5 these values are

marked as rings. For the CLT plates shown,

d0 = 10,5 mm for the fire-exposed side in tension and

d0 = 15,9 mm for the fire-exposed side in compression.

EN 1995-1-2 [1] gives, for rectangular cross-sections

(beams and columns), a general value for the zero-

strength layer as d0 = 7 mm, once a stabilized

temperature profile has established after about twenty

minutes. From the charts can be seen that, for the most

relevant stage of relative resistances from 0,2 to 0,4, this

value would give non-conservative results in comparison

with the results from the simulations.

This calculation was carried out for a large number of

lay-ups with five layers. The data for d0 where the

plotted as functions of the depth h of the CLT plate, see

Figure 7. The trendlines, somewhat modified and

simplified, are given as:

• For unprotected CLT with five layers where the fire-

exposed side is in tension



hd = + in millimetres (1)

• For unprotected CLT with five layers where the fire-

exposed side is in compression



hd = + in millimetres (2)







50 100 150 200



h [mm]

Exposed side in compression

Exposed side in tension

5 layers

Figure 7: Determination of linear expression for zero-strength layer d0 vs. plate depth for unprotected CLT.

For protected CLT, the relationships of Mfi/M and d0 are

shown as functions of time t and charring depth dchar,

respectively, see Figure 8 and Figure 9.


















0 20 40 60 80 100 120




t [min]

d0 = 7mm


d0 (model)

d0 (tf = 69 min)

Mfi/M (no protection failure)

Mfi/M (tf = 69 min)

Mfi/M (d0 = 7mm)

Figure 8: Results for CLT with 5 layers of thickness 20 mm with the fire-exposed side in compression and one layer of 15 mm gypsum plasterboard protection. The yellow bars indicate charring of bondline. The black broken bars indicate the 20 and 40 % levels of bending resistance.


















0 10 20 30 40 50





d0 = 7mm

d0 (tf = 69 min)


d0 (no protection failure

Mfi/M (tf = 69 min)

Mfi/M (d0 = 7 mm)

Mfi/M (no protection failure)

Figure 9: Same results as in Figure 8, however shown as functions of charring depth dchar.

The protection chosen in the simulations was a 15,4 mm

thick layer of gypsum plasterboard. Two cases were

assumed: 1. The gypsum plasterboard remains in place,

2. The gypsum plasterboard falls off after 69 minutes

(using a failure criterion of 800°C being reached on the

unexposed side of the gypsum plasterboard; it is just a

coincidence that the relative resistance is 0,4 at that


There is a large effect of the protection on the fire

resistance, c.f. Figure 5 and Figure 8 since the start of

charring is delayed and the charring rate behind the

gypsum plasterboard is slower than in the unprotected

case. Comparing Figure 6 with Figure 9, however, we

can see that, for the same charring depth (which are valid

for different times t), the bending resistance is smaller

when the CLT is protected. Since the heating rate is

smaller due to the protection provided by the gypsum

plasterboard the temperature gradient in the wood is

smaller than in the unprotected case. Therefore, failure

of the gypsum plasterboard at time tf has a positive effect

on the bending resistance (and the zero-strength layer

d0), however the total effect of failure of the gypsum

plasterboard is negative, since the charring rate increases

considerably during the post-protection phase.

The simulations for protected CLT were carried out for a

large number of regular lay-ups and protective claddings

consisting of one layer (12,5 mm or 15,4 mm thick) or

two layers 12,5 + 15,4 mm thick gypsum plasterboard.

The gypsum plasterboards were assumed to fall off when

the temperature in the interface between gypsum

plasterboard and wood was 270, 400, 600 and 800°C

respectively. The largest value of d0 within the relative

resistance interval between 20 and 40 % was determined

and plotted versus the depth h of the CLT, similar to

Figure 7. The expressions found are given by:

• For protected CLT with the fire-exposed side in


0 344

hd = − for 75 mm ≤ h ≤ 100 mm (3)



hd = + for h > 100 mm (4)

• For protected CLT with the fire-exposed side in



18 mmd =



In order to verify the model by tests, two CLT products

currently being on the market were chosen. The width of

all specimens was 150 mm. The specimens of series M

had a lay-up of five layers of equal thickness 19 mm

(regular lay-up), i.e. the total thickness was 95 mm,

while the lay-up of series S with a thickness of 150 mm

was irregular: 42 19 28 19 42+ + + + (in millimetres), see

Figure 10. The width and length of the specimens chosen

was governed by the test conditions in the fire situation.

Both are considerably smaller than required for testing of

CLT products. EN 789 [9] requires a span of 32 times

the depth of the CLT panel, while the minimum width

required by the standard is 300 mm. A sample of each

product was subdivided into two groups, one of which

was tested in fire (series MF and SF) while the other was

tested at ambient conditions (series MR and SR) in order

to provide data for the prediction of the ambient bending

moment resistance of the specimens to be tested in fire.

In CLT panels lamellae finger joints are situated

randomly. Since finger joints in a lamellae of series SF

could have a considerable influence on the bending

resistance in fire [10], the specimens of series SR and SF

were produced or selected such that they did not contain

any finger joints in the most stressed parts of the beams.

Since the lamellae of CLT in series M, in practice

normally used for walls, are butt-jointed; i.e. the butt-

joints are non-loadbearing in tension), the test specimens

were produced without any joints in the longitudinal

layers. This product will therefore exhibit lower bending

strength when the CLT contains butt-joints. All test

specimens were conditioned at 20°C and 65 % relative


Series M (MR and



Series S (SR and



Figure 10: Lay-ups of specimens in series M and S, in millimetres.



The ambient reference tests were carried out as four-

point ramp load tests. For series SR the span was 2,7 m

and the two point loads were acting at the third points

(0,9 m + 0,9 m + 0,9 m). For series MR, in order to

reduce the risk of shear failure, the distances were

chosen to be equal as in the fire tests (0,9 m + 1,5 m +

0,9 m, see Figure 14). The number of tests was 10 (series

MR) and 15 (series SR), respectively.

Two different failure modes were observed, either tensile

failure in the outer lamella or shear failure in one or two

of the cross-layers see Figure 11 and Figure 12. The

results are shown in Figure 13. In series MR one out of

10 specimens failed due to shear failure while the rest

failed due to tensile failure. In Series SR seven

specimens failed due to tensile failure and eight

specimens due to shear failure. Since shear failure was

not expected in the fire tests and is not a relevant failure

mode in the simulations and the design model, the results

of series SR and MR were evaluated with respect to the

relevant failure mode “failure of tensile lamella”. The

parameters of a lognormal distribution have been

estimated by using the censored using the Maximum

Likelihood Method [11].

Figure 11: Example of tensile failure in reference test of series SR.

Figure 12: Example of shear failure in reference test of series SR.

By using the censored Maximum Likelihood Method,

the different failure modes and their logical arrangement

can be considered. In the case of a serial arrangement

only the realisation of the lowest strength can be

detected directly. For a sample of n observations of

system failure it can by judgement be distinguished

between the two failure modes. Each failure mode is

observed an arbitrary number of times.

It is assumed that the strength according to failure mode

“tension of the outermost lamella”, which can be

modelled by the random variable X, is observed k times

(x1, x2,…, xk). The parameters of the probability

distribution function of X can be found considering (x1,

x2,…, xk) and the observed strength values (s1, s2,…, sn-k)

where the other failure mechanism (“shear”) is

involved. Two likelihood functions are formulated, the

first one considering (x1, x2,…, xk) quantitatively:

( )θik


xfL ∏=


1(11)( (5)

The second likelihood function uses the information that

n – k strength values si are smaller than a realisation of


( )θikn


sXPL ≥=∏−


2(12) (6)


( ) ( )θθ ii sFsXP −=≥ 1 (13) (7)

The optimal set of distribution parameters can be found

by solving the maximization problem:

( )21maxˆ LL ⋅=θ

θ (8)

The results are shown in Figure 13. The moments of

distribution functions are given in

Table 1: Moments of the distributions for tension of the outermost lamella.


Mean Value [N/mm2] 58,72 50,24

Standard Deviation [N/mm2] 5,12 14,40












0 20 40 60 80 100 120

fm [N/mm2]

SR Bending Failure SR Shear Failure

MR Bending Failure MR Shear Failure

SR LogNormal MR LogNormal

Figure 13: Results from ambient reference tests for series MR and SR plotted together with the corresponding probability distributions (LogNormal, parameters obtained with censored maximum likelihood).


3.3.1 General and test procedure

Fire tests of specimens in bending were performed for

the following cases:

• Unprotected timber; fire-exposed side in tension


• Unprotected timber; fire-exposed side in compression


• Protected timber; fire-exposed side in tension (tsw);

• Protected timber; fire-exposed side in compression


In order to simulate the thermal conditions in a CLT

plate in fire, i.e. the one-dimensional heat flux, and

consequently one dimensional charring, the edges of the

beam specimens were protected by a first layer of 20 mm

thick pieces of wood with the grain in longitudinal

direction and a second layer of 15 mm thick pieces of

gypsum plasterboard type F, all of them fixed with nails.

These layers were discontinuous in order to prevent

composite action, with gap widths of 1 mm. Where the

CLT beams were protected, 150 mm long pieces of

gypsum plasterboard type F were screwed to the bottom

face of the beams with 1 mm gaps between the pieces.

The supports of the specimens were located on the

furnace walls outside the heated zone of one metre, see

Figure 14. The loads could be applied in upward or

downward direction.

A measuring device was placed on top of the specimens

for measuring the deflection within a gauge length of

900 mm.

200 m


Figure 14: Test furnace, location of test specimen and loading equipment [12].

The load was applied prior to the fire test, then the

furnace was started and the load was kept constant until

failure. Unlike the failure modes observed during the

ambient reference tests, failure in fire was preceded by

extensive deflections.

At bending failure or when the load could not be held

constant, the burners were turned off, the specimen

removed from the furnace and the fire in the wood

extinguished with water. The time elapsed from turning

off the burners to extinguishing the fire was normally

from 1 to 1,5 minutes.

3.3.2 Test results

From each of the test specimens, at five locations,

photographs were taken of the cross-section after the fire

test, see two examples shown in Figure 15. Specimen

SF 11 (left) was unprotected while specimen SF 12

(right) was protected. Especially for protected beams it

was difficult to achieve one-dimensional heat flux and

charring over the whole width of the beams, due to

opening of wide gaps between the bottom and side


Figure 15: Examples of residual cross-sections after fire test.

The photographs taken of the residual cross-sections

were used to record the borderline of the shape using the

software AutoCAD. From these data, the area, second

moment of area and the section modulus were

determined. Since the charring depth was not equal over

the width of the beams, the area was used for the

calculation of the mean charring depth for a cross-

section. For the determination of the second moment of

area, only load-bearing layers (with the grain in

longitudinal direction) were considered.

Comparisons of test results with the simulations using

the dimensions of the test beams are shown in Figure 16

to Figure 23 with relationships of the bending resistance

ratio versus charring depth. For each test, the bending

moment resistance was predicted using the results from

the reference tests at ambient temperature. The graphs

also show the relative bending resistance obtained using

the simplified model for the zero-strength layer, and the

value that would be obtained applying a zero-strength

layer of d0 = 7 mm as given in EN 1995-1-2 [1]. Since

the model was fitted to give best results in the range of a

relative bending resistances between 0,2 and 0,4, the

values are only shown for this interval.

In general, the test results agree fairly well with the

simulations. Some deviations are, however, noticeable.

A more in-depth analysis of the specimens after fire tests

showed that some specimens exhibited local deficiencies

of charring depth, caused by char ablation or other. This

may have caused lower bending resistances of some tests

shown in Figure 18. Since such local deficiencies are

more effective in narrow beams, it can be argued that

CLT of sizes used in practice are less vulnerable to local


The simplified model for the zero-strength layer

normally gives conservative results compared with the

simulations, except for protected CLT. Non-conservative

deviations are due to the assumption that the cladding

would fall off after some time; during the fire tests,

however, the protective cladding remained in place

during the fire tests. The assumption of a zero-strength

layer equal 7 mm gives unsafe results, especially when

the fire-exposed side is in compression.







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


dchar [mm]

Simulation Model

Tests d0 = 7 mm

Series MFUnprotectedtsw

Figure 16: Comparison of Test results with simulation and simplified design model for series MF, unprotected, with the fire-exposed side in tension (tsw).







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


dchar [mm]

Simulation Model

Tests d0 = 7 mm

Series MFUnprotectedcsw

Figure 17: Comparison of Test results with simulation and simplified design model for series MF, unprotected, with the fire-exposed side in compression (csw).







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


dchar [mm]

Simulation ModelTests d0 = 7 mm

Series SFUnprotectedtsw

Figure 18: Comparison of Test results with simulation and simplified design model for series SF, unprotected, with the fire-exposed side in tension (tsw).







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


dchar [mm]

Simulation ModelTests d0 = 7 mm

Series SFUnprotectedcsw

Figure 19: Comparison of Test results with simulation and simplified design model for series SF, unprotected, with the fire-exposed side in compression (csw).







0 10 20 30 40 50


dchar [mm]

Simulation Model

Tests d0 = 7 mm

Series MFProtectedtsw

Figure 20: Comparison of Test results with simulation and simplified design model for series MF, protected, with the fire-exposed side in tension (tsw).







0 10 20 30 40 50


dchar [mm]

Simulation ModelTests d0 = 7 mm

Series MFProtectedcsw

Figure 21: Comparison of Test results with simulation and simplified design model for series MF, protected, with the fire-exposed side in compression (csw).







0 10 20 30 40 50


dchar [mm]

Simulation Model

Tests d0 = 7 mm

Series SFProtectedtsw

Figure 22: Comparison of Test results with simulation and simplified design model for series SF, protected, with the fire-exposed side in tension (tsw).







0 10 20 30 40 50


dchar [mm]

Simulation Model

Tests d0 = 7 mm

Series SFProtectedcsw

Figure 23: Comparison of Test results with simulation and simplified design model for series SF, protected, with the fire-exposed side in compression (csw).


It has been shown that the complex performance of CLT

exposed to fire can be described by advanced computer

simulations, using the thermal and thermo-mechanical

properties of wood given by EN 1995-1-2 [1] and that

the simulation results are verified by test results from

fire tests. In order to present a user-friendly easy-to-use

design model for members in bending, the concept of the

reduced cross-section method given in [1] was adopted

and zero-strength layers determined for consideration of

the reduced strength and stiffness properties at elevated

temperatures. The simplified model gives reliable

results, while the adoption of the zero-strength layer

equal to 7 mm, as given in EN 1995-1-2 [1] for beams

and columns, normally gives non-conservative results.


The research described here was conducted at SP Trätek,

Stockholm, as a part of the FireInTimber project within

the European Wood-Wisdom-Net framework. It is

supported by industry through the European Initiative

Building With Wood and public funding organisations.

The test specimens were produced and delivered by

Martinsons Trä (Sweden) and Stora Enso Austria. A part

of the fire tests were assisted, evaluated and reported by

Per Willinder to be included in his Bachelor thesis [12].


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