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European RIB facilities – Status and future

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European RIB facilities - status and future Thomas Nilsson Fundamental Physics, Chalmers Univ. of Technology, S-41296 Gothenburg Abstract The European landscape of Radioactive Ion Beam facilities is currently in a transformation phase. Several existing installations are undergoing extensive upgrade programmes while construction of next-generation facilities are underway. This encompasses facilities based on both the in-flight and the ISOL techniques, though such traditional scopes are being modified by developments concerning beam handling and -preparation. The facility developments are a consequence of the strong scientific potential demon- strated by experiments with radioactive ion beams in the last decades. This potential was recently highlighted in the European roadmap for Nuclear Physics, coordinated by the Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee (NuPECC). A brief account of the main current facilities is made, including key instrumentation and future plans. The two major RIB facilities that are under construction in Europe, namely the NUSTAR part of FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) and SPIRAL-2 at GANIL, are described. An outlook and roadmap for European ISOL-research according to the NuPECC long range plan, ultimately leading to the future EURISOL facility, is presented. Keywords: 1. Introduction Modern nuclear research relies heavily on the availability of radioactive isotopes, as ion beams as well as samples, as a ve- hicle for both fundamental studies as for many applications in various fields of science. The science quests using radioac- tive ion beams, shared by facilities worldwide, are extremely wide and a summary is beyond the scope of the current paper. A recent overview of contemporary scientific issues has been made in [1], as well containing a comprehensive overview of the world-wide landscape of RIB facilities [2]. 2. The European Roadmap NuPECC (Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Commit- tee) is an expert committee under the European Science Foun- dation (ESF) that is regularly preparing a long range plan for Nuclear Physics in Europe through a bottom-up process. The latest issue was published in 2010[3] and includes a compre- hensive plan for the development of radioactive beam facilities over the next decade and beyond. The main recommendations concerning RIBs are as follows: The European organisation ESFRI (European Strategy Fo- rum on Research Infrastructures) has made a list of ma- jor large scientific facilities recommended to be built in Europe where the RIB installations FAIR and SPIRAL2 are included [4]. NUPECC recommends to complete, in a timely fashion, the construction of the two Nuclear Physics facilities on this list: FAIR at the GSI site in Darmstadt, in- cluding the NUSTAR radioactive beam facility to produce nuclei far from stability and investigate their structure, and SPIRAL2 at GANIL in Caen, including high intensity sta- ble beams at the S3 spectrometer, and ISOL radioactive beams of very neutron-rich fission products and studied, for example, at the DESIR facility. Strongly support the construction of HIE-ISOLDE at CERN and SPES at LNL-INFN Legnaro which combined with SPIRAL2 will be the stepping stones towards EU- RISOL. In order to prepare the long term future strong support should be given to the inclusion of the high intensity ISOL facility EURISOL in future editions of the ESFRI list based on the successful EURISOL Design Study and also to the technical design study for intense radioactive ion beams at ISOL@MYRRHA. The time-line of this roadmap (status as of 2010, updated time scales are given in the following) is summarised in fig. 1 and the future facilities mentioned above will be outlined below. A traditional subdivision in in-flight and ISOL-facilities will be made, although recent developments in beam handling and - preparation done in devices like coolers, gas cells, storage rings etc. tends to bridge this classification scheme. 3. In-flight infrastructures 3.1. NUSTAR at FAIR/in-flight RIBs at GSI FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research), located at the existing GSI facility in Darmstadt, Germany is the world- wide largest project within Nuclear Physics of the decade [5]. The envisaged programme of FAIR is subdivided into four sci- entific pillars and includes studies of hadrons and quarks in Preprint submitted to Nucl. Instr. Meth. B June 17, 2013

European RIB facilities - status and future

Thomas Nilsson

Fundamental Physics, Chalmers Univ. of Technology, S-41296 Gothenburg


The European landscape of Radioactive Ion Beam facilities is currently in a transformation phase. Several existing installationsare undergoing extensive upgrade programmes while construction of next-generation facilities are underway. This encompassesfacilities based on both the in-flight and the ISOL techniques, though such traditional scopes are being modified by developmentsconcerning beam handling and -preparation. The facility developments are a consequence of the strong scientific potential demon-strated by experiments with radioactive ion beams in the last decades. This potential was recently highlighted in the Europeanroadmap for Nuclear Physics, coordinated by the Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee (NuPECC).

A brief account of the main current facilities is made, including key instrumentation and future plans. The two major RIBfacilities that are under construction in Europe, namely the NUSTAR part of FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) andSPIRAL-2 at GANIL, are described. An outlook and roadmap for European ISOL-research according to the NuPECC long rangeplan, ultimately leading to the future EURISOL facility, is presented.


1. Introduction

Modern nuclear research relies heavily on the availability ofradioactive isotopes, as ion beams as well as samples, as a ve-hicle for both fundamental studies as for many applications invarious fields of science. The science quests using radioac-tive ion beams, shared by facilities worldwide, are extremelywide and a summary is beyond the scope of the current paper.A recent overview of contemporary scientific issues has beenmade in [1], as well containing a comprehensive overview ofthe world-wide landscape of RIB facilities [2].

2. The European Roadmap

NuPECC (Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Commit-tee) is an expert committee under the European Science Foun-dation (ESF) that is regularly preparing a long range plan forNuclear Physics in Europe through a bottom-up process. Thelatest issue was published in 2010[3] and includes a compre-hensive plan for the development of radioactive beam facilitiesover the next decade and beyond. The main recommendationsconcerning RIBs are as follows:

• The European organisation ESFRI (European Strategy Fo-rum on Research Infrastructures) has made a list of ma-jor large scientific facilities recommended to be built inEurope where the RIB installations FAIR and SPIRAL2are included [4]. NUPECC recommends to complete, in atimely fashion, the construction of the two Nuclear Physicsfacilities on this list: FAIR at the GSI site in Darmstadt, in-cluding the NUSTAR radioactive beam facility to producenuclei far from stability and investigate their structure, and

SPIRAL2 at GANIL in Caen, including high intensity sta-ble beams at the S3 spectrometer, and ISOL radioactivebeams of very neutron-rich fission products and studied,for example, at the DESIR facility.

• Strongly support the construction of HIE-ISOLDE atCERN and SPES at LNL-INFN Legnaro which combinedwith SPIRAL2 will be the stepping stones towards EU-RISOL.

• In order to prepare the long term future strong supportshould be given to the inclusion of the high intensity ISOLfacility EURISOL in future editions of the ESFRI listbased on the successful EURISOL Design Study and alsoto the technical design study for intense radioactive ionbeams at ISOL@MYRRHA.

The time-line of this roadmap (status as of 2010, updatedtime scales are given in the following) is summarised in fig. 1and the future facilities mentioned above will be outlined below.A traditional subdivision in in-flight and ISOL-facilities will bemade, although recent developments in beam handling and -preparation done in devices like coolers, gas cells, storage ringsetc. tends to bridge this classification scheme.

3. In-flight infrastructures

3.1. NUSTAR at FAIR/in-flight RIBs at GSIFAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research), located at

the existing GSI facility in Darmstadt, Germany is the world-wide largest project within Nuclear Physics of the decade [5].The envisaged programme of FAIR is subdivided into four sci-entific pillars and includes studies of hadrons and quarks in

Preprint submitted to Nucl. Instr. Meth. B June 17, 2013

Figure 1: The NuPECC roadmap for RIB facilities [3]. Time scale refers to status as of 2010.

compressed nuclear matter (CBM); atomic and plasma physics,and applied sciences in the bio, medical, and materials sci-ences(APPA); hadron structure and spectroscopy, strange andcharm physics, hypernuclear physics with antiproton beams(PANDA) and of most interest here the structure of nuclei,physics of nuclear reactions, and nuclear astrophysics withRIBs (NUSTAR).

The planned installations for production and utilisation ofenergetic RIBs by in-flight separation builds upon more thantwo decades of experience from the programme performed atSIS18+FRS. The SIS synchrotron at GSI can provide energiesof up to 2 GeV/u, albeit with intensities much lower than atcyclotron-based facilities. This drawback is partially compen-sated during the production stage by the stronger forward fo-cusing of the reaction products and the high efficiency of theFRS fragment separator. Furthermore, the high energies per-mits using thick secondary reaction targets in the experimentsand the kinematical focussing aids in reaching detection cover-age approaching 4π in the centre-of-mass system. In addition,the possibility of fast extraction of the primary beams can becombined with storage rings in a straightforward manner.

All scientific pillars at FAIR rely on the new synchrotronSIS100 which will deliver primary beams of 1012 238U28+ at1.5-2 GeV/u, corresponding to an increase in intensity of 2 to 3orders of magnitude with respect to the current GSI synchrotronSIS18. The heart of NUSTAR will be the Super-FRS fragmentseparator, [6, 7], with vastly improved acceptance through theuse of large-aperture superconducting magnets. The device willdeliver a broad range of radioactive beams with up to a factor104 improvement in intensity over current values, in particu-lar for the “hot” fragments produced in projectile fission. Thebeams are then directed to three branches, each with its char-acteristic range of beam energy and properties. The branch

connected to the high-energy cave will take the beams directlyfrom the separator, whereas the ions are degraded to inter-mediate energies or stopped in the low-energy cave followingthe corresponding branch. The ring branch permits injection,through fast extraction of the primary beam from the SIS100synchrotron, and subsequent cooling in the CR (Collector Ring)Following the CR, the full FAIR-NUSTAR facility concept en-visages the NESR storage ring for experiments with stored andcooled radioactive beams where light-ion reactions in inversekinematics using an internal gas-jet target can be done in theEXL set-up and electron-ion scattering in the ELISe set-up[8].The latter will be a unique installation in order to measure e.g.charge distributions for exotic nuclei. Mass measurements instorage rings is an established technique [9] and will be pur-sued both in the CR and the NESR within the ILIMA project.

Several experimental devices are being developed and con-structed, and in some cases, precursor programmes running par-tial detector set-ups are already operational. In the high energyarea the R3B detector will comprise a large gap dipole alongwith highly efficient charged particle, neutron and gamma-ray arrays for complete kinematic coverage. The low energybranch of NUSTAR will include installations dedicated to HighResolution Spectroscopy (HISPEC) using the AGATA gamma-ray array[10], decay studies (DESPEC), and a gas-filled stop-ping cell [11] in order to generate ISOL-type beam, permit-ting mass measurements as well as radii and moment measure-ments through laser spectroscopy (MATS and LASPEC [12]).A schematic view of the FAIR facility and the NUSTAR area,devoted to exotic beam studies, is displayed on fig. 2.

The FAIR facility is subdivided into six modules out of whichfive are related to the NUSTAR program:

• 0: Heavy-Ion Synchrotron SIS100.


Main Separator




Pre Separator M0


M2 M3


Figure 2: The FAIR facility according to the Modularized Start Version[13] with modules 0-3 indicated. Right inset depicts the Super-FRS and its three branches,constituting the NUSTAR part of the facility.

• 2: Super-FRS for NUSTAR.

• 3: Antiproton facility for PANDA, providing further op-tions also for NUSTAR ring physics.

• 4: Second cave for NUSTAR, NESR storage ring forNUSTAR and APPA, building for antimatter programmeFLAIR.

• 5: RESR storage ring for higher beam intensity forPANDA and parallel operation with NUSTAR.

Modules 0, 2 and 3 are part of the so-called modularized startversion (MSV) while modules 4 and 5, which include the lowenergy cave of NUSTAR and the NESR storage ring would beconstructed at a later stage [13]. Actions are underway to findalternative solutions permitting parts of the associated scien-tific programme to be pursued earlier. One example is the im-plementation of the low-energy storage ring CRYRING at theexisting ESR storage ring that will open new possibilities foratomic and nuclear astrophysics [14]. Furthermore, in a mid-term perspective there are options for feeding RIBs from theSuper-FRS and antiprotons to the ESR/CRYRING and possi-bly modify the ESR to house further experimental installations.

3.2. Selected further in-flight facilities

The GANIL laboratory in Caen, France has two separatedsector room temperature cyclotrons which produce heavy ionsfrom C to Ar up to 100 MeV/u and can accelerate masses up

to U at 25 MeV/u, used as driver beams for in-flight RIB pro-duction. The primary intensities can reach several µA but thesecondary beam intensities are limited by the moderate forwardfocussing of the reaction products. A focussing superconduct-ing solenoid named SISSI[15] was thus placed after the produc-tion target and led to an increase of the RIB intensities whichcould be transported to all GANIL experimental areas of upto a factor 100. Unfortunately SISSI is no longer operationalsince 2008 which leaves the LISE-3 separator for beam produc-tion and limits the range of experiments possible with in-flightbeams.

Th JINR laboratory in Dubna operates the ACCULINA sep-arator, a device with maximum rigidity of 3.6 Tm, connectedto the U-400M cyclotron. This can be used for production ofthe lightest exotic nuclei at a few tens of MeV per nucleon, e.g.8He at 22 MeV/u. Currently, the ACCULINA-II separator isbeing constructed, with foreseen commissioning in 2014[16].The device will have an angular acceptance of 5.8 msr and along time-of-flight stage for high energy resolution and be op-erating in the low energy domain of 6-60 MeV/u and with ZRIB

= 1-36 [17]. Both tritium beams and secondary reaction targetsare available, and the upgrade options include an RF kicker forbetter selectivity of proton-rich beams.

4. ISOL facilities

The long-range perspective for ISOL-research in Europe isto build the “ultimate” ISOL facility, EURISOL outlined in


section 4.5. However, as can be seen in Fig. 1, the path toEURISOL goes via three existing facilities at GANIL, CERNand LNL and their corresponding upgrade programmes, namelySPIRAL-2, HIE-ISOLDE and SPES. These are briefly de-scribed in the following.


SPIRAL uses of the GANIL coupled cyclotrons (see 3.2) asdriver, where the incident heavy-ion beam is undergoing frag-mentation while being stopped in a thick graphite target, pro-ducing radioactive species. The beams are ionised in a per-manent magnet ECR source. This scheme has the advantageof simplicity but limits the variety of beams available whichis currently restricted to noble gases and to oxygen and fluo-rine. A development programme (under the name GANISOL)is underway to increase the number of elements available [18],e.g. through inclusion of FEBIAD sources for metallic beams.An ECR 1+ to N+ scheme is as well currently under develop-ment. The new ionisation and charge-state booster schemes areexpected to be operational by the end of 2014. The CIME cy-clotron is employed as post-accelerator, utilising its inherent ca-pability as a high-resolution mass separator. The final energy,up to 25 MeV/u for light beams, is the highest of existing ISOLfacilities.

The driver of the SPIRAL2 facility is a high power, CW, su-perconducting LINAC, delivering up to 5 mA of deuterons at 40MeV, corresponding to 200 kW, directed on a carbon converter+ uranium target. The main production method of the radioac-tive beams is through fission induced in the uranium by the fastneutron flux from the converter, up to 1014 reactions/s. The ex-pected radioactive ion beams intensities in the mass range be-tween A=60 and A=140 will reach up to 1010 particles per sec-ond for some species. These unstable beams will be availableat energies ranging between a few keV/u at the DESIR facilityup to 20 MeV/u (up to 9 MeV/u for fission fragments) follow-ing post-acceleration in the CIME cyclotron. The beams willbe transported to the existing GANIL experimental areas wherea corresponding development of the available instrumentationwill take place by a large number of next generation detectorssuch as AGATA, PARIS and EXOGAM2 γ arrays, GASPARD,HELIOS and FAZIA charged particle detectors/arrays, NEDAneutron detector or the ACTAR active target. The DESIR low-energy RIB facility will house a large range of state-of-the-artexperiments to study ground-state and decay properties.

The SPIRAL2 LINAC will as well accelerate protons up to33 MeV and heavy ions up to 14.5 MeV/u with high intensity,up to 1 mA. This will be used to enlarge the range of exoticnuclei produced by the ISOL method towards neutron-deficientnuclei or very heavy nuclei produced by fusion evaporation, ortowards light neutron-rich nuclei via transfer reactions. Theheavy-ion beams will also be used to produce in-flight a largerange of neutron deficient and very heavy exotic nuclei with theSuper Separator Spectrometer (S3). A diagram of the facility ispresented in fig. 3.

The construction of SPIRAL2[19, 20] is split into severalphases:

i Linear accelerator with S3 experimental hall: commission-ing expected in 2014.

ii Super Separator Spectrometer (S3): commissioning ex-pected in 2015.

iii Radioactive Ion Beam production hall and DESIR low-energy RIB facility: commissioning expected in 2017.

All essential sub-systems of LINAC were already deliveredand successfully tested. The civil construction of the facilitybegan in the second half of 2010, and installation of equipmentwill proceed through 2013.


The ISOLDE facility[21, 22], located at CERN, is the oldestfacility capable of delivering a large range of radioactive beamslocated at CERN. The Proton Synchrotron Booster delivers apulsed proton beam of 1.4 GeV energy with an average cur-rent that can reach up to 2 µA. A large range of production tar-gets, including actinide carbide and oxide targets, can be usedto produce unstable nuclei through fission, spallation, and frag-mentation reactions. Converter assemblies, yielding spallationneutrons close to the production target, can as well be used toemphasise production of fission fragments relative to contam-inants produced in other reactions. The such produced nucleidiffuse and effuse through a transfer line into the ion source;here, a large range of sources is employed to maximise effi-ciency and suppression of isobaric contamination, most notablythrough the Resonant Ionisation Laser Ion Source (RILIS) [23]where step-wise resonant excitation and subsequent ionisationof the wanted element is performed.

The REX-ISOLDE [24] post-accelerator was added to the fa-cility more than a decade ago, meaning that the full range of nu-clei available at ISOLDE can be accelerated up to 3 MeV/u, per-mitting low-energy reaction studies. The scientific programmehas hitherto had emphasis on Coulomb excitation and transferreaction experiments, the latter restricted to the lightest nucleidue to the limited beam energy. The REX-ISOLDE conceptcombines cooling and bunching in a Penning trap and subse-quent charge breeding in an EBIS in order to permit a compactnormal-conducting linear accelerator. The accelerator runs at10% duty factor and can handle up to A/Q of 4.5, the final en-ergy of 3 MeV/u can be reached for A/Q < 3.5 and 2.8 MeV/ufor A/Q < 4.5.

In order to broaden the scientific opportunities far beyondthe reach of the present facility, the HIE-ISOLDE (High Inten-sity & Energy ISOLDE) project [25, 26, 27] will provide majorimprovements in energy range, beam intensity and beam qual-ity. A cornerstone of the project will be an increase of the finalenergy of the post-accelerated beams to 10 MeV/u throughoutthe periodic table. This will be achieved by gradually replac-ing the current REX LINAC modules by superconducting cav-ities in a staged fashion. The first stage, coinciding with theCERN “Long Shutdown 1”, will boost the energy to 5.5 MeV/uthrough additional “high-beta” cavities. Here, the Coulomb ex-citation cross sections are strongly increased and several trans-fer reaction channels will be opened. This physics programmeis expected to start in early 2015. In the second stage, additional


Figure 3: Schematic view of the SPIRAL2 project

Figure 4: Staging and milestones of the HIE-ISOLDE Linac upgrades. Right inset depicts a “high-beta” cryomodule, denoted by HB in the schematic, where eachmodule contains five superconducting cavities.


cryomodules will be added to bring the energy up to 10 MeV/ufor all nuclides with A/Q = 4.5 and up to 14 MeV/u for A/Q =

3. This will offer ideal conditions for transfer reactions over thewhole periodic table, particularly the heavy elements uniquelyproduced at ISOLDE. In the final stage, adding low-beta su-perconducting cavities, replacing all normal-conducting cavi-ties, allows for CW operation and the delivery of beams withenergies down to 0.5 MeV/u for astrophysics oriented measure-ments. Figure 4 shows the staging and the envisaged milestonesof the project.

In addition, the new CERN injector LINAC 4, expected toreplace the current LINAC2 in 2018, will provide a major boostof the proton intensity onto the ISOLDE target. In the frame-work of HIE-ISOLDE, the target areas and ion sources are alsobeing respectively upgraded and optimised in order to make useof the more intense proton beams from LINAC4 and to improvethe efficiency for ion extraction and charge breeding. This willenable up to an order of magnitude higher RIB intensity to bedelivered for many nuclides. Improved beam quality will arisefrom several technological advances: the already implementedsolid state lasers equipping the RILIS ion source and use ofthe recently commissioned RFQ cooler ISCOOL together withthe construction of a new high resolution mass separator. Thepossibility of providing polarized beams is as well being inves-tigated [28], and later it is planned to include the TSR storagering [29].

4.3. SPES at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Italy

SPES(Selective Production of Exotic Species) is an ISOL fa-cility under construction that is dedicated to the production ofneutron-rich beams. The method chosen here is direct produc-tion through a proton driver, a commercial 70 MeV cyclotronthat can deliver a total current of 750 µA. The proton beam willimpinge on a ISOL target-ion source assembly, including UCx

targets, followed by a beam transport system with high resolu-tion mass selection and the existing superconducting PIAVE-ALPI accelerator complex at LNL, which will be used as post-accelerator. The ground-breaking for the new building housingthe cyclotron is planned for early 2013.

For production of fission fragments, a proton beam of 40MeV and 200 µA will impinge on the uranium carbide targetand give rise to 1013 fission/s. Multi-foil UCx targets havebeen developed that can sustain the primary beam power ofup to 10 kW [30]. The target-frontend assembly, developedin collaboration with CERN-ISOLDE, has been completed andwill allow for a range of ion sources depending on the class ofbeams to be produced. To achieve better beam purity and adaptthe beam properties to the requirements of the post-acceleratorLINAC, further beam handling stages are planned. With a high-resolution mass separator that is preceded by an RFQ-coolerthat reduces energy spread and transversal emittance, a massresolution of 1/25000 is to be achieved. An ECR charge-statebooster is being developed in collaboration with SPIRAL2.

The re-acceleration stage with the superconducting linacALPI will produce high-quality beams with regard to intensityand energy spread. The final energy interval (5-15 MeV/u) is

ideal for investigations of nuclear reactions between medium-heavy nuclei close to the Coulomb barrier. Figure 5 depicts thelayout of the SPES project which also a part devoted to applica-tions in conjunction with the possibility of using a second exitport at the cyclotron.

4.4. Selected further ISOL facilities

Front-line research within RIB physics is as well feasible ata smaller scale than the above mentioned installations. Severalexamples of national or even university-based laboratories ex-ist, focussing on e.g. a certain production and/or beam extrac-tion method. The ALTO installation at IPN Orsay[31, 32] con-centrates on production of fission fragments in a UCx target, us-ing a 50 MeV electron accelerator as driver. A very productiveuniversity-based facility is JYFL in Jyvaskyla, Finland wherethe IGISOL technique has been exploited most succesfully, us-ing thin targets and extraction from a gas cell [33]. The facilityhas been receiving beams from the K130 heavy-ion cyclotronsince early nineties where proton-induced fission has been com-plemented by heavy-ion induced reactions to explore neutron-deficient nuclei. The extracted ions are then transported to set-ups for measurements of ground-state properties by laser spec-troscopy and a Penning trap, as well used for purification pur-poses in decay studies. The IGISOL facility has recently beenmoved and is being recommissioned [34] in order to as welltake beams from the new, dedicated MCC30 proton cyclotron.This will increase the available amount of beam time consider-ably.


EURISOL is a facility concept that has evolved for morethan a decade, aiming at building the ultimate ISOL installa-tion given the technology existing or within development reach[35]. This has been concretised in a conceptual design studyand subsequently in a Technical Design Study [36] that wasundertaken within the European sixth framework programme.The EURISOL DS, which brought together 20 laboratories rep-resenting 14 European countries, provided a credible design forthe facility. Prototypes of some essential components of EU-RISOL such as superconducting LINAC cavities and the mer-cury loop, to be used as a converter target, were constructed andtested.

The EURISOL is planned to use a large superconducting lin-ear accelerator to accelerate H− ions to energies of 1 GeV as thedriver. Whereas CW operation is optimal for RIB production inorder to reduce the thermal stress on the target, the option ofusing a pulsed beam at 50 Hz with a minimum pulse lengthof 1 ms has been kept open for possible sharing of the driverwith other scientific communities. An intensity correspondingto beam power of up to 4 megawatts will be delivered to onetarget station, and through a newly developed magnetic beamsplitting system some 100 kilowatts to three smaller target sta-tions in parallel. The high-power target station is to be used forindirect production of radioisotopes, through a neutron spalla-tion source where the neutrons are generated by high-energyprotons impacting on a high Z material. The radioisotopes are


Figure 5: Layout of the low-energy part of the SPES project (adapted from [30])


Figure 6: Schematic view of the EURISOL concept


then fission products of fissile target material positioned closeto the neutron source. In order to cope with the 2.3 MW powerdeposited in the spallation target, out of the 4 MW EURISOLproton beam, the converter has to be made of liquid metal. Upto six targets can be positioned simultaneously, linked to 1+ ionsources. Furthermore, up to three direct targets, in which thetarget material is directly exposed to the proton beam will alsobe available simultaneously.

In order to reach the highest intensities from the multi-MW fission targets, the beams from the six units have to bemerged and subsequently cooled and mass separated before be-ing delivered to low-energy experimental installation, alterna-tively transported to either an ECR source or a high-intensityCW EBIS source for charge-state breeding followed by post-acceleration. A superconducting linear accelerator, optimisedfor ions with mass-to-charge ratio (A/Q) up to eight, is envis-aged where the RIBs will reach up to 150 MeV/u e.g. for thereference case of 132Sn25+. The energy is chosen to be suffi-cient for secondary fragmentation of such neutron-rich fissionfragments, reaching further from stability than those producedby any facility existing or under construction today. Figure 6displays a schematic diagram of the EURISOL concept.

4.5.1. ISOL@MYRRHA at SCK·CENThe MYRRHA project aims at constructing an Accelera-

tor Driven System (ADS) at the SCK·CEN site in Mol, Bel-gium, by coupling of a proton accelerator to a liquid Lead-Bismuth Eutectic (LBE) spallation target and a LBE cooled,sub-critical fast core [37]. A proposal for fundamental re-search at MYRRHA is the installation of an ISOL facility,ISOL@MYRRHA, using parts of the beam intensity (a fewhundred µA out of several mA) of the 600 MeV proton accel-erator as a driver beam. The focus would be on intense low-energy RIBs for experiments requiring very long beam times(up to several months). In order to withstand the high en-ergies for extended periods, ruggedised target-ion source sys-tems are foreseen. Experiments, requiring very high statistics,hunting for very rare events, or having inherent limited detec-tion efficiency, have a particular interest in the use of extendedbeam time. This could be in the domain of e.g. fundamental-interaction measurements with extremely high precision to sys-tematic measurements for condensed-matter physics and pro-duction of radioisotopes, and makes ISOL@MYRRHA com-plementary with the activities at other existing and future ISOLfacilities. During the main shut-down maintenance periods ofthe MYRRHA reactor (3 months every 11 months), the full pro-ton beam intensity could be used for ISOL@MYRRHA.

5. Conclusions

The European landscape of RIB infrastructures is heteroge-neous but coherent, as ensured by the planning and prioritisa-tion efforts by NuPECC, ESFRI and national bodies. Leadingin-flight and ISOL infrastructures will be available to the Eu-ropean an global scientific community for decades, being both

competitive and complementary on a global scale. The invest-ments and development efforts in the associated instrumenta-tion are as well matching. However, the focus should now beon timely completion of the upgraded and novel installations.

6. Acknowledgements

The author is indebted to a large range of colleagues asso-ciated with the aforementioned facilities and projects for help-fully providing information. In particular the co-authors of [2]are acknowledged for having gathered large parts of the facility-specific information being used here.

[1] C. Fahlander, B. Jonson, (Eds.), Nobel Symposium 152: Physics withRadioactive Beams, Physica Scripta 2013 (2013) 010301.

[2] Y. Blumenfeld, T. Nilsson, P. Van Duppen, Facilities and methods forradioactive ion beam production, Physica Scripta 2013 (2013) 014023.

[3] Perspectives of Nuclear Physics in Europe - NuPECC Long Range Plan2010, ISBN: 978-2-918428-29-9, European Science Foundation, 2010.

[4] European Roadmap for Research Infrastructures, ISBN 92-79-02694-1,Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communi-ties, 2006.

[5] H. H. Gutbrod, I. Augustin, H. Eickhoff, K.-D. Groß, W. F. Henning,D. Kramer, G. Walter (Eds.), FAIR Baseline Technical Report, GSI, 2006.

[6] H. Geissel et al, The Super-FRS project at GSI, Nuclear Instruments andMethods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materi-als and Atoms 204 (2003) 71–85.

[7] H. Geissel, these proceedings (2013).[8] A. N. Antonov et al, The electron-ion scattering experiment ELISe at the

International Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR)–a concep-tual design study, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics ResearchSection A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equip-ment 637 (2011) 60–76.

[9] T. Radon et al, Schottky mass measurements of stored and cooledneutron-deficient projectile fragments in the element range of 57z84, Nu-clear Physics A 677 (2000) 75–99.

[10] S. Akkoyun et al, AGATA - Advanced GAmma Tracking Array, NuclearInstruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators,Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 668 (2012) 26–58.

[11] W. Plaß, these proceedings (2013).[12] D. Rodrıguez et al, MATS and LaSpec: High-precision experiments using

ion traps and lasers at FAIR, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 183 (2010) 1–123.

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