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Does seasonality drive spatial patterns in demography? Variation in survival in African reed...

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Does seasonality drive spatial patterns in demography? Variation in survival in African reed warblers Acrocephalus baeticatus across southern Africa does not reflect global patterns Dorine Y.M. Jansen 1,2,3 , Fitsum Abadi 1,2,3 , Doug Harebottle 1 & Res Altwegg 1,2,3 1 Animal Demography Unit, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa 2 Centre for Statistics in Ecology, Environment and Conservation, Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa 3 South African National Biodiversity Institute, Claremont 7735, South Africa Keywords Avian life history, capturemarkrecapture, JAGS, multistate state-space, seasonality, spatial variation. Correspondence Dorine Y.M. Jansen, Animal Demography Unit, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, Cape Town, South Africa. Tel: +27 21 712 4564; Fax: +27 21 650 3434; E-mail: [email protected] Funding Information R.A. was supported by the National Research Foundation of South Africa (Grant 85802). F.A. was supported by a fellowship from the Claude Leon Foundation. Received: 17 December 2013; Accepted: 20 December 2013 Ecology and Evolution 2014; 4(7): 889–898 doi: 10.1002/ece3.958 Abstract Among birds, northern temperate species generally have larger clutches, shorter development periods and lower adult survival than similarly-sized southern and tropical species. Even though this global pattern is well accepted, the driving mechanism is still not fully understood. The main theories are founded on the differing environmental seasonality of these zones (higher seasonality in the North). These patterns arise in cross-species comparisons, but we hypothesized that the same patterns should arise among populations within a species if dif- ferent types of seasonality select for different life histories. Few studies have examined this. We estimated survival of an azonal habitat specialist, the African reed warbler, across the environmentally diverse African subcontinent, and related survival to latitude and to the seasonality of the different environments of their breeding habitats. Data (19982010) collected through a public ringing scheme were analyzed with hierarchical capture-mark-recapture models to determine resident adult survival and its spatial variance across sixteen vegeta- tion units spread across four biomes. The models were defined as state-space multi-state models to account for transience and implemented in a Bayesian framework. We did not find a latitudinal trend in survival or a clear link between seasonality and survival. Spatial variation in survival was substantial across the sixteen sites (spatial standard deviation of the logit mean survival: 0.70, 95% credible interval (CRI): 0.331.27). Mean site survival ranged from 0.49 (95% CRI: 0.180.80) to 0.83 (95% CRI: 0.620.97) with an overall mean of 0.67 (95% CRI: 0.470.85). A hierarchical modeling approach enabled us to estimate spatial variation in survival of the African reed warbler across the Afri- can subcontinent from sparse data. Although we could not confirm the global pattern of higher survival in less seasonal environments, our findings from a poorly studied region contribute to the study of life-history strategies. Introduction In the 170 years since German explorers first described sub- stantially smaller clutch sizes in South American birds com- pared with those found in Europe (Skutch 1985), empirical data of a latitudinal gradient in many avian life-history traits have accumulated in both the New World (Yom-Tov et al. 1994; Young 1994; Johnston et al. 1997; Ricklefs 1997; Ghalambor and Martin 2001; Tarwater and Brawn 2010) and the Old World (Moreau 1944; Lack 1968; Row- ley and Russell 1991), although few studies have compared survival between the Old World northern and southern hemisphere (Yom-Tov et al. 1992; Peach et al. 2001; Schae- fer et al. 2004; Stevens et al. 2013). Southern hemisphere and tropical species, particularly passerines, are character- ized by smaller clutch sizes, higher nest predation, several ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 889

Does seasonality drive spatial patterns in demography?Variation in survival in African reed warblers Acrocephalusbaeticatus across southern Africa does not reflect globalpatternsDorine Y.M. Jansen1,2,3, Fitsum Abadi1,2,3, Doug Harebottle1 & Res Altwegg1,2,3

1Animal Demography Unit, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa2Centre for Statistics in Ecology, Environment and Conservation, Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701,

South Africa3South African National Biodiversity Institute, Claremont 7735, South Africa


Avian life history, capture–mark–recapture,

JAGS, multistate state-space, seasonality,

spatial variation.


Dorine Y.M. Jansen, Animal Demography

Unit, Department of Biological Sciences,

University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701,

Cape Town, South Africa. Tel: +27 21 712

4564; Fax: +27 21 650 3434;

E-mail: [email protected]

Funding Information

R.A. was supported by the National Research

Foundation of South Africa (Grant 85802).

F.A. was supported by a fellowship from the

Claude Leon Foundation.

Received: 17 December 2013; Accepted: 20

December 2013

Ecology and Evolution 2014; 4(7):


doi: 10.1002/ece3.958


Among birds, northern temperate species generally have larger clutches, shorter

development periods and lower adult survival than similarly-sized southern and

tropical species. Even though this global pattern is well accepted, the driving

mechanism is still not fully understood. The main theories are founded on the

differing environmental seasonality of these zones (higher seasonality in the

North). These patterns arise in cross-species comparisons, but we hypothesized

that the same patterns should arise among populations within a species if dif-

ferent types of seasonality select for different life histories. Few studies have

examined this. We estimated survival of an azonal habitat specialist, the African

reed warbler, across the environmentally diverse African subcontinent, and

related survival to latitude and to the seasonality of the different environments

of their breeding habitats. Data (1998–2010) collected through a public ringing

scheme were analyzed with hierarchical capture-mark-recapture models to

determine resident adult survival and its spatial variance across sixteen vegeta-

tion units spread across four biomes. The models were defined as state-space

multi-state models to account for transience and implemented in a Bayesian

framework. We did not find a latitudinal trend in survival or a clear link

between seasonality and survival. Spatial variation in survival was substantial

across the sixteen sites (spatial standard deviation of the logit mean survival:

0.70, 95% credible interval (CRI): 0.33–1.27). Mean site survival ranged from

0.49 (95% CRI: 0.18–0.80) to 0.83 (95% CRI: 0.62–0.97) with an overall mean

of 0.67 (95% CRI: 0.47–0.85). A hierarchical modeling approach enabled us to

estimate spatial variation in survival of the African reed warbler across the Afri-

can subcontinent from sparse data. Although we could not confirm the global

pattern of higher survival in less seasonal environments, our findings from a

poorly studied region contribute to the study of life-history strategies.


In the 170 years since German explorers first described sub-

stantially smaller clutch sizes in South American birds com-

pared with those found in Europe (Skutch 1985), empirical

data of a latitudinal gradient in many avian life-history

traits have accumulated in both the New World (Yom-Tov

et al. 1994; Young 1994; Johnston et al. 1997; Ricklefs

1997; Ghalambor and Martin 2001; Tarwater and Brawn

2010) and the Old World (Moreau 1944; Lack 1968; Row-

ley and Russell 1991), although few studies have compared

survival between the Old World northern and southern

hemisphere (Yom-Tov et al. 1992; Peach et al. 2001; Schae-

fer et al. 2004; Stevens et al. 2013). Southern hemisphere

and tropical species, particularly passerines, are character-

ized by smaller clutch sizes, higher nest predation, several

ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use,

distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


nesting attempts, longer development periods and parental

care, and thus higher juvenile survival, and higher adult

survival than closely related northern, temperate species of

similar body mass (Martin 1996; also see Skutch 1985 and

McNamara et al. 2008 for more references). Even though

not all studies have found these patterns (Karr et al. 1990;

Brawn et al. 1995; Sandercock et al. 2000; Ricklefs and Shea

2007; Blake and Loiselle 2008; Ricklefs et al. 2011), it is still

the generally accepted paradigm.

Life-history theory predicts that with limited avail-

able resources each individual must balance the energy

demands of growth, maintenance, and reproduction,

to maximize fitness in its natural and demographic

environment (Gadgil and Bossert 1970). How the four

components of food supply, reproductive rate, mortal-

ity/survival, and population density interact to drive

the evolution of life history, and thus explain the lati-

tudinal gradient in life-history strategies, is the subject

of lively debate to this day, since the first tentative

hypothesis was suggested by Hesse in 1922 (reviews in

Martin 1996; Ricklefs 2000; McNamara et al. 2008;

Skutch 1985). The three main hypotheses centre on

the seasonality of the environment, which shows a lati-

tudinal gradient in day length and climatic extremes

with stability around the equator and ever more

extremity toward the poles. Lack (1947) proposed that

longer day length during the breeding season in the

North would enable parents to raise larger broods,

leading to the evolution of larger clutch sizes, and

correspondingly lower adult survival. Skutch (1949)

argued that reproduction rate was adjusted to mortal-

ity, which must be higher in the North due to the

hazards of migration or winter and lower in the South

because of the observed smaller clutch sizes and stable

population densities. He also proposed that higher nest

predation in the South would select for smaller and

thus easier to conceal broods. Ashmole (1963) con-

tended that northern temperate climates – with a

highly varying food supply leading to high mortality –would decrease population density during the non-

breeding season, and thus decrease food competition

during the breeding season, leading to a higher repro-

ductive rate. Findings continue to emerge to support

or dispute one or other of these hypotheses (Ricklefs

1980; Dijkstra et al. 1990; Ferretti et al. 2005; Halupka

and Greeney 2009; Rose and Lyon 2013). The patterns

are apparent across species, but if the hypotheses

above hold, that is, types of seasonality select for par-

ticular life histories, we should also expect to see the

same patterns within genera of closely related species

and within species where populations inhabit areas that

differ in seasonality. Finding these same patterns would

confirm the generality of the paradigm.

The Old World Acrocephalidae family of reed and bush

warblers is a phylogenetically homogeneous group and

one of the most extensively studied avian groups and as

such well suited to comparative studies of life-history

strategies (Leisler and Schultze-Hagen 2011). The true

reed warblers Acrocephalus occur sympatrically in wet-

lands – a global, azonal habitat that varies in extent, com-

position, density, and height among biomes (Leisler and

Schultze-Hagen 2011; Nel and Driver 2012). Within this

genus, the subgroup of six small, plain-backed marsh

warblers contains the Eurasian reed warbler (Acrocephalus

scirpaceus, Hermann) and the African reed warbler (Acro-

cephalus baeticatus, Vieillot), which are deemed sister taxa

or conspecific depending on the sample, methodology,

and threshold of genetic distance used to separate species

(Helbig and Seibold 1999; Fregin et al. 2009, 2012). The

difference in research extent between these two insectivo-

rous warblers is striking. Most details of the breeding

ecology of the African reed warbler were gathered in a

1-year study in one study area by Eising et al. (2001), and

to date, survival was estimated for one population in

Malawi (Peach et al. 2001). In contrast, long-term studies

have covered most biological and ecological aspects of the

Eurasian reed warbler’s life history, resulting in findings

representative of the species and not merely a “snapshot”

of the observed population (Leisler and Schultze-Hagen

2011; Fitzsimmon 2013).

The African reed warbler is a tropical and southern,

partial intermediate migrant (migratory roughly below

26°S) thought to migrate to Central Africa during the

austral winter (June–August); the Eurasian reed warbler is

a northern, temperate long-distance migrant wintering

mainly in West and East Africa and as far south as north-

ern Angola with rare sightings in South Africa (Dean

2005; Herremans 2005; Kennerley and Pearson 2010).

Apart from nest predation, the comparison between these

two species shows patterns consistent with the generally

accepted latitudinal trend in avian life-history traits

(Table 1; page numbers indicate several sources).

As it now appears that the pattern holds across these

very closely related species, a more powerful test of the

theory would be to compare populations of a single spe-

cies occurring in environments with different seasonality.

This would facilitate understanding of causal relation-

ships, ecological constraints, population density regula-

tion, and the evolution of life-history traits (Frederiksen

et al. 2005; Dhondt 2001; examples Thaxter et al. (2006)

and Saracco et al. 2012). Additionally, data collected fol-

lowing one protocol and curated by a single institution

would yield well-founded results (Frederiksen et al. 2005).

The objective of this study was to investigate spatial varia-

tion in adult survival of the African reed warbler found

in wetlands across the southern African subcontinent,

890 ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

African Reed Warbler Survival Across Southern Africa D. Y. M. Jansen et al.

which is, relative to its size, one of the most environmen-

tally diverse areas in the world (Allan et al. 1997). We

used ringing data collected over 12 years by a public ring-

ing scheme according to the protocol of the South Afri-

can Ringing Institute (SAFRING) (de Beer et al. 2001).

The data encompass 16 major vegetation units within

nine bioregions within four biomes (Table 2) located

from 21°S to 34°S. We hypothesized that survival would

be lower in the north of the latitudinal range than in the

south, and that the timing of rainfall, the seasonality of

the environment, and the migratory strategy of the differ-

ent populations would influence survival. We predicted

that survival would be higher in the area with austral

summer rainfall than in the area with winter rainfall and

lowest in the areas with irregular rainfall, where the pop-

ulations are sedentary (Dean 2005). The breeding season

of the African reed warbler starts from August onwards,

that is, after the austral winter, when the migratory popu-

lations return (Dean 2005). Winter rainfall might provide

better breeding habitat, that is, denser, higher, and

greener reed beds (Eising et al. 2001), and a good food

supply early in the season, but summer rainfall would

provide a longer period of adequate food supply for

adults, which would also leave migrants fitter for migra-

tion (Newton 2006). We expected survival to be highest

in the least seasonal environments and higher in migra-

tory than in sedentary populations. Although migration is

hazardous (Dobson 1990; Newton 2004, 2006; Leisler and

Schultze-Hagen 2011), these species tend to have shorter

breeding seasons and produce fewer young and sedentary

species must endure deteriorating conditions (Alerstam

and Högstedt 1982).

Materials and Methods


From August 1998 to July 2010, 9921 individual adult

African reed warblers (11,598 captures) were caught in

mist nets throughout the year in southern Africa (12 cap-

ture occasions August–July). These captures were made

by licensed ringers according to the SAFRING protocol

but not within a designed geographical scheme. We

examined capture effort at each location to avoid bias in

the survival estimates through incidental mist netting.

Capture effort ranged from 1 day to 120 days during the

entire study period. Twenty-one locations were selected

where capture effort was 24 days or more from 1998 to

2010 (circles in Fig. 1). Recaptures confirmed earlier

observed high breeding site fidelity (Eising et al. 2001).

Except for five individuals, recaptures of the same indi-

vidual between occasions were within a radius of 0.17

decimal degrees (10 min South and East) of the original

capture. We, therefore, included captures made within

this radius of 0.17 decimal degrees of the 21 high effort

locations. The subsequent dataset comprised of 6951 indi-

vidual adult reed warblers (7,816 captures), of which 701

individuals were recaptured at least once in subsequent

occasions. Table S1 lists captures per site per year.

The biomes/bioregions/vegetation units of the locations

in South Africa, and one in Botswana by proximity, were

extracted with ArcView GIS 3.1 (ESRI 1999) from the latest

vegetation map (Mucina and Rutherford 2006); for Namibia

the map in Mendelsohn et al. 2003 and for Botswana the

map in Allan et al. 1997 were used (Table 2). When loca-

tions were within 0.17 decimal degrees of others and all

within the same vegetation unit, they were viewed as one site

(numbers in Fig. 1). Because no direct measurement of sea-

sonality was available, we used the climate details of the veg-

etation types and “scored” seasonality by adding up annual

precipitation coefficient of variation (APCV), mean annual

temperature (MAT), and mean annual frost days (MAFD)

(Table 2).

Atlas data indicate that African reed warbler popula-

tions are migratory in the south of southern Africa,

roughly below 26°S (Harrison 1997; Dean 2005). We used

this latitude to separate migratory populations from non-

migratory populations. This split locations in Namibia

Table 1. Comparison of life-history traits of the African reed warbler

(ARW) and the Eurasian reed warbler (ERW) sourced from published

studies. ?, no data are available.

Trait ARW ERW References

Clutch size (commonly) 2–3 4–5 1

Nest predation per

breeding season

20% 28–95% 2

Nesting attempts

(after brood fails)

? 1–5 3

Incubation (days) 12–14 9–12 4

Fledging (days) 12–14 10–13 5

Parental care after

fledging (days)

? 10–14 6

Juvenile survival

(mean probability)

? 0.22 7

Adult survival (mean


0.77 0.51, 0.56, 0.59,

0.61, 0.46, 0.56


1. ARW – Urban et al. 1997; Eising et al. 2001; ERW – p. 211 Simms

1985; 2. ARW – Eising et al. 2001; ERW – p. 106 Honza et al. 1998;

Halupka et al. 2008; 3. ERW – p. 185 Schultze-Hagen et al. 1996;

Halupka et al. 2008; 4. ARW – Urban et al. 1997; Eising et al. 2001;

ERW – Simms 1985; Halupka et al. 2008; Kennerley and Pearson

2010; 5. ARW – Urban et al. 1997; Eising et al. 2001; ERW – Simms

1985; Halupka et al. 2008; Kennerley and Pearson 2010; 6. ERW –

Kennerley and Pearson 2010; 7. ERW – Coehoorn et al. 2011; 8.

ARW – Peach et al. 2001; ERW – p. 213 Simms 1985; Buckland and

Baillie 1987; Peach et al. 1990; Coehoorn et al. 2011; Kew and Leech


ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 891

D. Y. M. Jansen et al. African Reed Warbler Survival Across Southern Africa

and Botswana (sites 1–3, Fig. 1) from locations in South

Africa, resulting in 1,021 nonmigratory captures versus

6,795 migratory captures.

Data analysis

We used capture–mark–recapture (CMR) models for open

populations to estimate apparent adult survival probability

(hereafter survival), “apparent” because mortality and per-

manent immigration are confounded. The models assume

individual homogeneity in survival and recapture and no

lost or missed marks, and condition on first capture

(Lebreton et al. 1992). We first pooled the data from all

sites and assessed goodness-of-fit (GOF) of the global

Cormack–Jolly–Seber model (i.e., fully time-dependent

survival /t and recapture pt (/tpt)) with Program

U-CARE 2.3.2 (Choquet et al. 2009). The directional z-test

for transience (3.SR) was significant (P = 0). Transients,

as opposed to residents, are individuals with a zero sur-

vival probability after initial capture (Pradel et al. 1997).

By necessity, mist nets are placed along the edge of reed

beds. In large patches of suitable habitat capture at the

edge, where a territorial bird like the African reed warbler

that nests in close proximity to conspecifics (Urban et al.

1997; Eising et al. 2001) only occasionally forages, might

result in low recapture while placement in the middle of

breeding territories (e.g., fragmented reed beds) would net

much higher numbers, leading to an excess of individuals

that are only captured once (Buckland and Baillie 1987).

Passerine mist-netting data often show transience and not

accounting for it will lead to underestimation of survival

(Buckland and Baillie 1987). With the removal of 3.SR,

the overall GOF no longer showed lack of fit (P = 0.23).

We used multistate capture–recapture models (Gime-

nez et al. 2007) to account for transience and to investi-

gate our hypotheses (sites grouped according to rainfall

Table 2. Climate details of the bioregions/vegetation units of the capture sites of the African reed warbler and estimated mean survival during


Biome Bioregion Vegetation unit


(Fig. 1) Timing P




(%) MAT (°C)




“score”1 Φ 95% CRI

Desert *Central–western Plains2 2 Irregular <50 >100 17.0 0 + 0.69 0.45–0.89

Grassland Mesic Highveld Egoli Granite 4 Summer 682 26 16.0 29 � 0.70 0.51–0.87

Rand Highveld 6 Summer 654 27 15.8 28 � 0.72 0.50–0.89

Soweto Highveld 7 Summer 662 27 14.8 41 + 0.53 0.34–0.75



8 Summer 902 22 14.1 31 � 0.65 0.45–0.85

Eastern Free

State Sandy

11 Summer 701 26 13.6 51 + 0.49 0.18–0.80

Dry Highveld Carletonville


5 Summer 593 28 16.1 37 + 0.83 0.62–0.97

Winburg Grassy


12 Summer 495 31 15.3 41 + 0.71 0.51–0.88

Sub-escarpment KZN Highland


9 Summer 752 25 16.5 15 � 0.80 0.59–0.95


KZN Moist

10 Summer 836 23 16.2 20 � 0.59 0.34–0.82

Savanna # Arid woodland 1 Summer 250–650 ? ? ? ?3 0.57 0.35–0.79

Sub-escarpment Ngongoni Veld 13 Summer 888 22 17.7 2 � 0.76 0.58–0.91

Central Bushveld Dwaalboom


3 Summer 551 29 19.4 19 � 0.49 0.25–0.75

Fynbos Southwest Fynbos Swartland


15 Winter 656 27 17.1 3 � 0.65 0.34–0.90

WC Renosterveld Swartland Shale 14 Winter 430 32 17.2 3 � 0.57 0.36–0.79

Swartland Granite 16 Winter 520 30 16.3 3 � 0.75 0.57–0.89

P, precipitation; MAP, mean annual precipitation; APCV, annual variation precipitation coefficient; MAT, mean annual temperature; MAFD, mean

annual frost days; Φ, mean survival; CRI, credible Interval; KZN, KwaZulu-Natal; WC, west coast; +, high; �, intermediate; -, low; ?, not available.1Seasonality was “scored” by adding up APCV, MAT, and MAFD (range 41.9–117.0). These values were binned into low (41.9–50), intermediate

(50–80), and high (80–117).2Fog (visibility ≤1000 m) 100–125 days per year. This could indicate a less seasonal environment than expected based on the seasonality “score”.3Because the climatic details were not available, this site was omitted from Fig. 3.

References: *Mendelsohn et al. 2003; #Allan et al. 1997; Mucina and Rutherford 2006.

892 ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

African Reed Warbler Survival Across Southern Africa D. Y. M. Jansen et al.

timing, vegetation units and migratory strategy). We con-

sidered a three-state model where the state transition

matrix is given by

True state (t)

True state (t + 1)

Initial Resident Dead

Initial 0 / * w 1�(/ * w)

Resident 0 / 1�/

Dead 0 0 1

(/ – survival, w – transition probability) and the

observation matrix by

True state (t)

Observed state (t + 1)

Seen as I Seen as R Not seen

Initial (I) 0 0 1

Resident (R) 0 p 1-p

Dead 0 0 1

(p– recapture probability). We then developed a hierar-

chical model with additive random site and year effects to

quantify the spatial and temporal variation in survival (the

sparse data prohibited the use of an interactive model):

logitð/s;tÞ ¼ lþ gs þ et

where /s,t is the survival probability from time t to t + 1 in

site s; l is the overall mean survival on the logit scale. gs

and et are the site and year random effects, respectively, that

are independently normally distributed (i.e., gs ~ N(0, r2g),and et ~ N(0, r2e )). r

2g and r2e are the spatial and temporal

variations (on the logit scale) in survival. Testing our

hypotheses required estimating mean survival across

groups of sites with similar rainfall regime or migratory sta-

tus. We calculated these survival rates from the posterior

distributions of the site-specific survival rates.

We treated the residence probability (w) constant over

time, but allowed it to differ among sites. Because the

data were sparse, we used a single random time effect to

model spatio-temporal variation in recapture probability

at all sites. That is,

logitðps;tÞ ¼ bþ c

where ps,t is the recapture probability at time t in site s, bis the overall mean recapture on the logit scale. c is the

spatio-temporal random effect that is independently nor-

mally distributed (i.e., c ~ N(0, d2c ), and d2c is the spatio-

temporal variation in recapture probability (on the logit

scale). Residence and recapture probability were consid-

ered nuisance parameters.

We implemented the models in a Bayesian framework

(King et al. 2010; K�ery and Schaub 2012), assuming nonin-

formative priors for all parameters. We specified uniform

priors (U[-5,5]) for the overall mean logit survival and

recapture probabilities, a uniform prior (U[0,1]) for the

residence probability, and uniform priors (U[0,5]) for the

standard deviation parameters (see Appendix S1 for

details). We ran three independent chains of length

Figure 1. Mist-netting locations analysed in

this study of the African reed warbler in

southern Africa (1998–2010). The numbers

indicate capture sites pooled by proximity

within one vegetation unit. Sites 1, 4, and 13

are two locations each less than 0.17 decimal

degrees apart; site 14 contains three locations

less than 0.17 degrees apart.

ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 893

D. Y. M. Jansen et al. African Reed Warbler Survival Across Southern Africa

100,000 with a burn-in of 50,000 and a thinning rate of 20.

The Brooks–Gelman–Rubin diagnostic statistic (Brooks

and Gelman 1998) and the diagnostic plots (trace plots,

density plots, and autocorrelation plots) showed no lack of

convergence. All the analyses were performed in JAGS

3.3.0 (Plummer 2003) via R package R2jags (Su and

Yajima 2012). The R and JAGS code used are available in

Appendix S1.


Mean adult survival of the African reed warbler was esti-

mated at 0.67 (95% credible interval (CRI): 0.47–0.85).The estimated spatial and temporal standard deviations of

the logit survival were 0.70 (95% CRI: 0.33–1.27) and

1.08 (95% CRI: 0.52–2.35), respectively. Variation in sur-

vival was unrelated to latitude (Fig. 2). Survival of popu-

lations at the same latitude (rounded to degrees) differed

widely, for instance from 0.49 (95% CRI: 0.18–0.80) to

0.80 (95% CRI: 0.59–0.95) at 28°S (Fig. 2). Estimated

survival per vegetation unit differed considerably with a

minimum of 0.49 (95% CRI: 0.18–0.80) in Eastern Free

State Sandy Grassland and Dwaalboom Thornveld and a

maximum of 0.83 (95% CRI: 0.62–0.97) in Carletonville

Dolomite Grassland, but there was no relationship

between survival and seasonality (Table 2; Fig. 3). Sur-

vival did not differ significantly, or widely, between rain-

fall regimes: 0.66 (95% CRI: 0.46–0.83) in the winter

rainfall (peak May–August) areas (sites 14–16, Fig. 1,

Table 2), 0.65 (95% CRI: 0.50–0.82) in the summer rain-

fall areas (sites 1, 3–13), and 0.69 (95% CRI: 0.51–0.87)in the irregular rainfall area (site 2). On average,

migratory populations (sites 4–16) tended to survive

better than sedentary populations (sites 1–3), but the dif-

ference was not significant as reflected by the overlap of

the 95% credible intervals (migratory: 0.67 (95% CRI:

0.52–0.84); sedentary: 0.59 (95% CRI: 0.39–0.78)).The estimated residence probability varied from a range

of 0.25 (95% CRI: 0.04–0.74) for site 15 to 0.86 (95%

CRI: 0.65–0.99) for site 4. Because of the sparseness of

the data, most residence probability estimates, and a few

survival estimates, showed low precision (wide CRIs). The

estimated mean recapture probability was 0.12 (95% CRI:

0.08–0.15) with a spatio-temporal standard deviation on

the logit scale of 1.21 (95% CRI: 0.97–1.50).


The African subcontinent lends itself well to comparative

studies of avian life histories as it covers nine terrestrial

biomes with a wide range of climate regimes (Mucina

and Rutherford 2006). As a habitat specialist of azonal

wetlands, the African reed warbler was a suitable candi-

date to investigate the influence of environmental season-

ality on life-history traits. We found substantial variation

in survival among 16 vegetation units within four biomes

located between 21°S and 34°S ranging from 0.49 to 0.83

(Table 2). Our findings (Fig. 2) did not reflect the global

interspecific pattern of higher survival toward lower lati-

tudes as found, for instance, by Peach et al. (2001) for

African and European insectivores and Stevens et al.

(2013) for Afrotropical and similar-sized temperate

species. The latitudinal band in our study may have been

too narrow to detect such a latitudinal gradient, but there

was no indication of a trend in the expected direction.

Moreau (1944) compared published clutch sizes between

Latitude (rounded degrees South)


lt su



21 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 34











Figure 2. Adult survival of the African reed

warbler at capture sites across southern Africa

(mean 1998–2010). Sites at the same rounded

latitude were separated to show the 95%

credible intervals (vertical lines).

894 ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

African Reed Warbler Survival Across Southern Africa D. Y. M. Jansen et al.

the equator and South Africa and concluded that there

was evidence for a real but slight latitudinal gradient. Sar-

acco et al. (2012) found spatial variation in survival

across the North American continent for the common

yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas – another partially migra-

tory and similar-sized warbler found mainly in reed beds

(Dunn and Alderfer 2008; Sinclair and Ryan 2009).

Although the ranges of estimated survival rates for yel-

lowthroats in North America and reed warblers in south-

ern Africa overlap (0.35–0.61 vs. 0.49–0.83), the extremes

do conform to the general trends of higher survival of

southern hemisphere species compared with northern,

temperate species (Brawn et al. 1999; Francis et al. 1999).

Our study did highlight variation in survival at the

landscape scale like studies by Ricklefs and Shea (2007),

Blake and Loiselle (2008), and Saracco et al. (2012). As

the latitudinal seasonality (lower in the South, little in the

Tropics and high in the northern, temperate zone) under-

pins the main hypotheses of the latitudinal gradient in

life-history strategies (Moreau 1944; Lack 1947; Skutch

1949; Ashmole 1963), we predicted lower survival in less

seasonal environments. We found no such pattern in the

substantially differing environments of the African reed

warbler populations (Table 2; Fig. 3) or between the

different rainfall regimes (Table 2).

There are many potentially interacting influences on

life-history traits (Martin 2004; McNamara et al. 2008).

Saracco et al. (2012) suggested that part of the spatial

variation in survival may be due to life-history differences

between sedentary and migratory populations. They

found a trend similar to the one we found for the Afri-

can reed warbler: higher survival among migratory

populations than among sedentary populations. By

leaving for the wintering grounds when conditions get

tough, migratory populations might increase their survival

chances to such an extent that it compensates for the

added mortality of migration, whereas sedentary popula-

tions are exposed to prevailing conditions in situ all year

round (Alerstam 1993). Another explanation could be

that these birds invest relatively more in reproduction at

the expense of survival (Martin 1996; Ricklefs 2000).

Thaxter et al. (2006) proposed availability of suitable dis-

persal habitat as a reason for the spatial differences they

found in male Eurasian reed warbler survival in England.

Dispersing males would lower resident apparent survival

estimates. In the divergent vegetation units across south-

ern Africa, proximity of dispersal habitat could be as dif-

ferent as the environments of the study populations.

Eising et al. (2001) observed cooperative breeding with

unrelated helpers in the ordinarily monogamous African

reed warbler in saturated habitat in an environment with

little dispersal opportunity. Less-strenuous breeding could

increase annual survival of the breeding pair, and breed-

ing in a group could be safer, for everybody, than breed-

ing alone (Riehl 2013). Another factor – linked to reed

beds as breeding habitat – found to influence adult sur-

vival is brood parasitism, due to the cost of defense

against the parasite and the higher costs of raising the

parasite’s chick (Leisler and Schultze-Hagen 2011). Stokke

et al. (2007); found a positive relationship between host

density and the parasitism rate among 16 Eurasian reed

warbler populations in Europe. Parasitism risk increased

with decreasing distance of tree-top perches – from which

the female cuckoo surveys potential victims – to Eurasian

reed warbler breeding populations (Welbergen and Davies

2009). More extensive and “pure” reed beds were the least



lt su












Low Intermediate High

Figure 3. Adult survival of the African reed

warbler in environments with varying

seasonality (mean survival 1998–2010; 95%

credible interval as vertical lines). Site 1 in arid

woodland was omitted due to unavailable

climatic data. Seasonality was “scored” by

adding up annual precipitation variation, mean

temperature, and frost days (see Table 2 for


ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 895

D. Y. M. Jansen et al. African Reed Warbler Survival Across Southern Africa

parasitized (Leisler and Schultze-Hagen 2011). Brood

parasitism in African reed warbler nests by Klaas’s Cuck-

oos Chrysococcyx klaas has been observed in East Africa

(Urban et al. 1997).

This study revealed large spatial variation in survival in

divergent environments across the African subcontinent

and an indication of variation due to migratory strategy.

Even with sparse data (average recapture similar to its sis-

ter taxon – Buckland and Baillie 1987), our hierarchical

modeling approach was able to estimate spatial variation

with fairly high precision. We did not find a clear pattern

of higher survival in less seasonal environments. As sea-

sonality can only be regarded as a proxy for food supply,

quantitative data on this combined with additional data

on, for example, dispersal and brood parasitism potential

in the vegetation units could aid understanding of the

ecological constraints that influence a life-history trait

that is a major driver of population dynamics (Baillie and

Schaub 2009). Incorporating recording of distance to the

nearest dispersal habitat and tree presence within the reed

beds into the existing protocol of CMR data collection

would be relatively simple. In this manner, a geographi-

cally uncoordinated public ringing scheme across a vast

subcontinent – where resources for detailed field studies

are scarce – could extract important information, as our

study already showed, and contribute to the study of life-

history strategy and its evolution from a relatively poorly

studied region (Martin 1996).


We are grateful to the ringers for collecting the data and

to SAFRING for curating them. We thank Dr R.A. Navar-

ro for his aid with ArcView GIS. The thorough review of

the associate editor, two anonymous reviewers, and Dr

M. K�ery significantly improved the manuscript. R.A. was

supported by the National Research Foundation of South

Africa (Grant 85802). The NRF accepts no liability for

opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations

expressed in this publication. F.A. was supported by a

fellowship from the Claude Leon Foundation.

Conflict of Interest

None declared.


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Supporting Information

Additional Supporting Information may be found in the

online version of this article:

Appendix S1. The R and JAGS code used for the African

reed warbler survival analysis.

Table S1. Captures per site per occasion of the African

reed warbler (1998–2010) in southern Africa.

898 ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

African Reed Warbler Survival Across Southern Africa D. Y. M. Jansen et al.
