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Analytica Chimica Acta 496 (2003) 3–16 Distance-dependent electron hopping conductivity and nanoscale lithography of chemically-linked gold monolayer protected cluster films Francis P. Zamborini a,, Laura E. Smart a , Michael C. Leopold b,1 , Royce W. Murray b a Department of Chemistry, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292, USA b Kenan Laboratories of Chemistry, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3290, USA Received 25 October 2002; accepted 28 October 2002 Abstract Films of monolayer protected Au clusters (MPCs) with mixed alkanethiolate and -carboxylate alkanethiolate monolayers, linked together by carboxylate–Cu 2+ –carboxylate bridges, exhibit average edge-to-edge cluster spacings that vary with the numbers of methylene segments in the alkanethiolate ligand as determined by a combined atomic force microscopy (AFM)/UV-Vis spectroscopy method. The electronic conductivity (σ EL ) of dry films is exponentially dependent on the cluster spacing, consistent with electron tunneling through the alkanethiolate chains and non-bonded contacts between those chains on individual, adjacent MPCs. The calculated electronic coupling factor (β) for tunneling between MPCs is 1.2 Å 1 , which is similar to other values obtained for tunneling through hydrocarbon chains. Electron transfer rate constants measured on the films reflect the increased cluster–cluster tunneling distance with increasing chainlength. The MPC films are patterned by scanning the surface with an AFM or scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) tip under appropriate conditions. The patterning mechanism is physical in nature, where the tip scrapes away the film in the scanned region. Large forces are required to pattern films with AFM while normal imaging conditions are sufficient to produce patterns with STM. Patterns with dimensions as small as 100 nm are shown. Subsequent heating (300 C) of the patterned surfaces leads to a metallic Au film that decreases in thickness and is smoother compared to the MPC film, but retains the initial shape and dimensions of the original pattern. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Gold; Clusters; Nanoparticles; AFM; Conductivity; Lithography 1. Introduction Metal nanoparticles are receiving a great deal of attention because of their wide range of applications [1] in areas, such as catalysis [2], chemical sens- Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (F.P. Zamborini). 1 Present address: Chemistry Department, Gottwald Science Center, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA 23173, USA. ing [3–12], nanoelectronics [13], separations [1,14], surface-enhanced Raman scattering [15], and biolog- ical imaging [1]. There is particular interest in their optical and electronic properties which have been re- cently exploited for optical [3,4], electrochemical [5], and electronic-based [6–12] chemical sensing and for designing single electron transistors [16–18]. Further fundamental studies are needed to gain a better un- derstanding of how these properties are affected and controlled by particle size and chemical environment. 0003-2670/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.aca.2002.10.003

Analytica Chimica Acta 496 (2003) 3–16

Distance-dependent electron hopping conductivity andnanoscale lithography of chemically-linked

gold monolayer protected cluster films

Francis P. Zamborinia,∗, Laura E. Smarta,Michael C. Leopoldb,1, Royce W. Murrayb

a Department of Chemistry, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292, USAb Kenan Laboratories of Chemistry, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3290, USA

Received 25 October 2002; accepted 28 October 2002


Films of monolayer protected Au clusters (MPCs) with mixed alkanethiolate and-carboxylate alkanethiolate monolayers,linked together by carboxylate–Cu2+–carboxylate bridges, exhibit average edge-to-edge cluster spacings that vary withthe numbers of methylene segments in the alkanethiolate ligand as determined by a combined atomic force microscopy(AFM)/UV-Vis spectroscopy method. The electronic conductivity (σEL) of dry films is exponentially dependent on the clusterspacing, consistent with electron tunneling through the alkanethiolate chains and non-bonded contacts between those chainson individual, adjacent MPCs. The calculated electronic coupling factor (β) for tunneling between MPCs is 1.2 Å−1, whichis similar to other values obtained for tunneling through hydrocarbon chains. Electron transfer rate constants measured onthe films reflect the increased cluster–cluster tunneling distance with increasing chainlength. The MPC films are patterned byscanning the surface with an AFM or scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) tip under appropriate conditions. The patterningmechanism is physical in nature, where the tip scrapes away the film in the scanned region. Large forces are required to patternfilms with AFM while normal imaging conditions are sufficient to produce patterns with STM. Patterns with dimensions assmall as 100 nm are shown. Subsequent heating (300C) of the patterned surfaces leads to a metallic Au film that decreasesin thickness and is smoother compared to the MPC film, but retains the initial shape and dimensions of the original pattern.© 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Gold; Clusters; Nanoparticles; AFM; Conductivity; Lithography

1. Introduction

Metal nanoparticles are receiving a great deal ofattention because of their wide range of applications[1] in areas, such as catalysis[2], chemical sens-

∗ Corresponding author.E-mail address:[email protected] (F.P. Zamborini).

1 Present address: Chemistry Department, Gottwald ScienceCenter, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA 23173, USA.

ing [3–12], nanoelectronics[13], separations[1,14],surface-enhanced Raman scattering[15], and biolog-ical imaging[1]. There is particular interest in theiroptical and electronic properties which have been re-cently exploited for optical[3,4], electrochemical[5],and electronic-based[6–12] chemical sensing and fordesigning single electron transistors[16–18]. Furtherfundamental studies are needed to gain a better un-derstanding of how these properties are affected andcontrolled by particle size and chemical environment.

0003-2670/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.aca.2002.10.003

4 F.P. Zamborini et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 496 (2003) 3–16

For most applications it is equally important to designstrategies for assembling and patterning well-orderedone-dimensional[19], two-dimensional [20], andthree-dimensional arrays of metal nanoparticles.

In this paper we determine the concentration andaverage core edge-to-edge spacing (δe) in networkfilms of Au140 monolayer-protected clusters (MPCs)and correlate it to previously reported[11] electronicconductivity measurements on identically-preparedfilms [21–23]. This was accomplished by measuringthe physical thickness and the optical absorbance ofthe films with atomic force microscopy (AFM) andUV-Vis spectroscopy, respectively. The films are com-prised of Au140 clusters surrounded by a mixed mo-nolayer of n-alkanethiolates (“non-linker”) andmercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA, “linker”) and wereassembled by linking the nanoparticles with previ-ously described[11,24–28]carboxylate–Cu2+–carbo-xylate coordination. The chainlength of the“non-linker” n-alkanethiolates was varied between 4,8, and 12 carbons while the “linker” was kept constant(these clusters are referred to as C4/MUA, C8/MUA,and C12/MUA Au MPCs). We found thatδe increaseswith increasing chainlength (C4< C8 < C12) and aplot of ln(σEL) versus averageδe gives an electroniccoupling factor (β) of 1.2 Å−1, which is consis-tent with previous reports on tunneling through hy-drocarbons[29–37]. Measured electron transfer rateconstants of the films reflect the increased clusterspacing with increasing non-linker chainlength. Wealso patterned films by AFM- and scanning tun-neling microscope (STM)-based lithography withsub-100 nm resolution.

The gold nanoparticles in this study are referredto as monolayer protected clusters (MPCs)[21–23]to emphasize the stabilizing aspect of the thiolateligand shells. Their electronic communication hasbeen investigated via the electronic conductivities ofcast, non-networked films of arylthiolate[38] andof alkanethiolate-coated[35,36] MPCs. Within thesestudies, it has been shown that electronic communi-cation between the metal-like MPC cores occurs byelectron hopping (self-exchange), with the interven-ing monolayer coatings serving as tunneling bridges.Results showed that electronic conductivity is a bi-molecular process with an extremely fast rate constantthat varies exponentially with the core edge-to-edgespacing as expected for an electron tunneling reaction

[35]. Cast films of MPCs with reasonably uniform Aucore sizes and observable solution quantized doublelayer charging[24,39] properties could be preparedwith well-defined mixtures of different core electronic“charge states”[35]. The large rate constants and smallactivation barriers are consistent with Marcus rela-tionships[40–42], and in summary, arise from the lowdielectric medium surrounding the Au core reactioncenters and the relatively large size of those centers.

We previously investigated the electronic commu-nication between MPC cores in monolayer[27] andmultilayer [28] films of Au140 nanoparticles contain-ing mixed monolayers of hexanethiolate and MUAthat were linked by metal ion-carboxylate coordi-native coupling. Electrochemical investigations offilms in contact with CH2Cl2/electrolyte solutionsshowed heterogeneous electron transfer rate constantsof 102 s−1 for a monolayer[27] of nanoparticlesand nanoparticle–nanoparticle self-exchange electrontransfer rate constants of 106 s−1 for multilayer films[28]. It was surmised that electron tunneling pro-ceeds through different pathways; the metal-linkedMUA ligands in monolayer films and the non-bondedhexanethiolates in multilayer films.

In a later report[11], air-dried films of mixed mono-layer Au MPCs linked by carboxylate–Cu2+–carboxy-late bridges showed that the electronic conductivity(σEL) proceeds primarily through the non-linker,non-bonded contacts and changes by 3 orders of mag-nitude depending on the chainlength. A linear plot ofln(σEL) versus chainlength showed that conductivityoccurs by electron hopping (tunneling) between theAu140 cores via the non-linker chains, but limitedinformation on the packing arrangement of the filmand average edge-to-edge cluster spacing preventedaccurate determinations of the electronic couplingfactor (β) and electron transfer rate constants. Con-ductivity was sensitive to the bathing medium (air,N2, liquids) and the films demonstrated chemiresis-tive, microgravimetric, and spectroscopic responsestoward ethanol vapor, implying possible applicationsin chemical sensing.

Others have assembled films of Au nanoparti-cles through hydrogen bonding[8], dithiols [43–46],DNA [47], covalent binding[48], electrostatic attrac-tion [49], polyelectrolytes[50–52], and dendrimers[9,12] and studied their electronic properties or po-tential use as chemiresistive sensors. There are also

F.P. Zamborini et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 496 (2003) 3–16 5

several approaches for assembling nanoparticles in thesolution-phase through biological recognition[53],DNA [54–56], metal ions[4,26], dithiols[57,58], C60[59], or cyclodextrins[60]. Patterning films of MPCsor Au colloids is essential for fabricating miniaturizeddevices based on these materials. Microcontact print-ing [61,62], electron-beam lithography[63,64], AFM[65–70], and STM [71,72] lithography are recentexamples. A series of papers showed that the manip-ulation and assembly of individual nanoparticles withscanning probe tips is possible[66–70]. Developmentof novel strategies for patterning Au nanoparticleswill make it possible to study their properties on thenano-scale and reduce the size of nanoparticle-basedelectronic and chemical sensing devices.

2. Experimental

2.1. Chemicals

All chemicals were reagent grade and used asreceived.

2.2. Synthesis and preparation of mixed monolayerMPCs

Alkanethiolate monolayer-protected clusters(MPCs) were synthesized using a modified Brustreaction [22]. Briefly, butanethiol (C4), hexanethiol(C6), octanethiol (C8), or dodecanethiol (C12) werecombined in toluene in a 3:1 mole ratio with AuCl4

−,followed by a 10-fold excess of reductant (NaBH4 inwater) at 0C. The MPC product was recovered fromthe stirred reaction mixture after 24 h by precipitation,filtering, and thorough washing with acetonitrile ona glass fritted Buchner funnel. We label this 28 kDaproduct as Cn MPC, wheren is the number of carbonsin the alkanethiolate chain.

Linker ligand 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (HS(CH2)10CO2H, MUA) was place-exchanged[73] forsome of thenon-linkerCn ligands in the initial MPCmonolayer. Stirring tetrahydrofuran (THF) solutionsof MPC and linker ligand (in selected molar ratios)for ca. 4 days gave mixed monolayer MPCs thatwere collected and washed as above. The mole ratioof linker to non-linker thiolates was determined byNMR of solutions of the disulfides that were quan-

titatively liberated from the mixed monolayer MPCsupon decomposition with iodine[73].

Based on transmission electron microscopy (TEM)and thermogravimetry as described previously[74],the Cn MPCs haveaveragecore diameters of 1.6 ±0.8 nm and Au140(Cn)53 composition. The MPCs withmixed monolayers containing MUA have (by NMR)the averagecomposition Au140(Cn)33(MUA)20. Thecompositions are averages in that a dispersion ofAu core sizes exists (as determined by TEM). Ad-ditionally, some dispersity in the Cn/MUA ligandratio is statistically expected within the overall MPCpopulation.

2.3. Patterning MPC films on gold by microcontactprinting

Films of Cn/MUA mixed-monolayer protectedclusters were microcontact printed on Au filmsas shown in Scheme 1. First, an Au film was

2) Stamp an Au surfacewith the C16SH-inkedPDMS stamp

PDMS Stamp



3) Remove stamp andrinse substrate with ethanol

1) Ink PDMS stamp withC16SH from 1 mMisopropanol solution

GlassAu C16SH Ink

5) Deposit MPC-Cu2+ Film onMUA region of the surface.

4) Functionalize the restof the surface with MUA

MPC Film

Scheme 1.

6 F.P. Zamborini et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 496 (2003) 3–16

cleaned by rinsing with ethanol, rinsing with iso-propanol, drying under nitrogen, and placing in aUV ozone cleaner for 10 min (Jelight Company Inc.,Irvine, CA). A polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) poly-mer stamp (gift from Professor Mark Schoenfisch,UNC-Chapel Hill) was inked in a 2 mM hexade-canethiol (C16SH)/isopropanol solution and driedunder nitrogen. Then, using a procedure developedby Whitesides[75], the PDMS stamp was broughtinto contact with the clean Au surface for 1–2 minto create a pattern of the C16S self-assembled mono-layer (SAM). The Au surface was rinsed thoroughlywith ethanol and dried under nitrogen. The Au wasthen placed in a 2 mM ethanol solution of MUA for15 min to fill in the unpatterned regions with the-carboxylic acid-functionalized SAM. Au Cn/MUAMPCs were deposited on the MUA regions using apreviously described procedure[11,24,27,28]. Briefly,the sample was soaked in a 0.1 M Cu(ClO4)2/ethanolsolution for 10 min, rinsed with ethanol, and placed inan approximately 1–2 mg/ml ethanolic solution of theappropriate Cn/MUA MPCs for 20–30 min. This con-stitutes one “dip cycle” and by repeating the proce-dure thick films were prepared. The procedure aboveresults in a patterned Au surface containing regionsof Au/C16S and regions of Au/MPC Film (Fig. 1).It is important to note that when several dip cycleswere used a visible amount of MPCs accumulatedon the Au/C16S region as well. In this case, Scotchtape was used to remove these physisorbed MPCs,which were easily dislodged without perturbing theMPC film that had been grown on the Au/MUAregions.

2.4. Preparing MPC films on glass

MPC films were deposited on a glass slide usingpreviously described[11,24,25] carboxylate–Cu2+–carboxylate chemistry as follows: a layer of 3-mercap-topropyltrimethoxy silane (MPTMS)[76] was at-tached to the glass surface by exposing it to 100lof MPTMS in 10 ml isopropanol (plus two to threedrops deionized water) and heating to near boil-ing for 30 min. The slide was rinsed with ethanol,dried under a N2 stream, and heated at 100C for5–10 min. The slide was then serially exposed to0.1 M Cu(ClO4)2·6H2O in ethanol (10 min), rinsedwith ethanol, exposed to 1–2 mg/ml MPC in ethanol

Fig. 1. (A) Optical and (B) AFM image of a C6/MUA MPC filmmicrocontact printed on an Au substrate. The film was depositedusing two dip cycles and the procedure outlined inScheme 1. Thesquare in Frame A corresponds to the approximate area imagedwith AFM in Frame B. Opposite contrast is observed for the twoimages due to the different imaging mechanisms. Au/C16S regionsappear bright in the optical image, but dark in the AFM image,and vice versa for the Au/MPC regions.

(20–30 min), rinsed with ethanol, and then dried un-der N2. This protocol, a “dip cycle,” deposits severalmonolayers of MPCs. Additional dip cycles serve tobuild up the network film thickness.

F.P. Zamborini et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 496 (2003) 3–16 7

2.5. Absorbance and thickness measurements

Absorbance spectra were obtained from 300 to1000 nm on MPC-coated glass slides using a VarianCary 50 UV-Vis spectrophotometer and subtractedfrom a spectrum of bare glass. The quantity of MPCsdeposited was determined spectrophotometricallyat 520 nm based onεAu140 ≈ 3.8 × 105 M−1 cm−1

[77]. Film thicknesses were measured on MPC filmspatterned on Au with a Veeco Metrology Digital In-struments (Santa Barbara, CA) Nanoscope IIIA mul-timode AFM. Silicon tips were scanned over the edgeof the film in tapping-mode and the thickness wasdetermined by performing an average cross-sectionalanalysis (Fig. 2). The thickness was measured in atleast two different regions on each sample. The glassand patterned Au samples were treated with identicalCu2+ and MPC solutions using the same soakingtimes as described above in order to ensure that the

Fig. 2. An AFM image (top) showing the edge of a patternedC8/MUA MPC film on an Au substrate and the correspondingcross-sectional line scan (bottom) used to obtain the film thickness.This film was 65 nm thick.

films were deposited similarly on both substrates andthat the absorbance measured on glass could be cor-related with the thickness measured on the patternedAu. Between four and six dip cycles were typicallyused to deposit the films.

2.6. Electronic conductivity

Solid-state electronic conductivity measurementsfrom a previous report were employed[11].

2.7. Scanning probe lithography

A Veeco Metrology Digital Instruments (Santa Bar-bara, CA) Nanoscope IIIA multimode atomic forcemicroscope (AFM) and STM were used to performscanning probe lithography experiments on variousMPC films. Films on Au and glass were patternedby scanning a particular region of the film with asilicon nitride AFM tip in contact mode with a 20 Vdeflection setpoint (1.0 × 10−6 to 1.7 × 10−8 N) andscan rate of 5 Hz for 1–10 min as indicated. A cutPt/Ir STM tip (Veeco Metrology Digital Instruments,Santa Barbara, CA) was used to pattern films de-posited on Au by scanning the desired region undernormal imaging conditions (0.5 V bias, 1 nA tunnel-ing current, 3–5 Hz scan rate) for 10–15 min typically.Patterns were formed by selective removal of thefilm under the scanned area. Films patterned on glasswith AFM were subsequently heated to 300C for10 min in a vacuum tube furnace (Lindbarg Blum) tofabricate patterned films of metallic Au on glass[25].

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Determination of edge-to-edge clusterspacing (δe)

Measuring the concentration and average coreedge-to-edge spacing in films of clusters is crucialwhen studying their electronic properties becauseconductivity proceeds by electrons hopping (or tun-neling) from core-to-core, which is largely depen-dent on the distance between the particles and thechemical composition of the tunneling barriers. Elec-tron hopping kinetics can also be analyzed when

8 F.P. Zamborini et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 496 (2003) 3–16

the average spacing is known. The measurementsare analytically challenging because direct imagesof individual, adjacent nanoparticles are not easilyobtained in these three-dimensional films. There areother methods available, however, for obtaining coreedge-to-edge distances. For example, small angleX-ray scattering (SAXS)[55] was used to measuredinterparticle distances of DNA-linked Au nanoparti-cles and pycnometry[35,38]was used to measure theconcentration of drop-cast MPC films. Both studiescorrelated the information with the electrical proper-ties. It is also possible to determine the concentrationof MPCs in films by measuring both MPC coverageand film thickness. Coverage has been previouslymeasured spectroscopically[25] and electrochemi-cally [24,27,28]while thickness has been measuredby profilometry[25] and AFM[62].

In this paper the goal was to determine and com-pare the average cluster spacing in films of C4/MUA,C8/MUA, and C12/MUA MPCs2 and correlate thedata with previously measured electronic conductiv-ity measurements on identical films. This has beenaccomplished by devising experiments suited to mea-suring the physical thickness and optical absorbanceof films that were identically prepared on Au and glasssamples, respectively. Thickness was measured withAFM on Au substrates patterned with Cn/MUA MPCfilms by microcontact printing (seeScheme 1) [75]. APDMS stamp was inked with C16SH and brought intocontact with a clean Au substrate. The Au substratewas rinsed with ethanol and exposed to an ethanolicsolution of MUA for 15 min. This produces an Ausubstrate patterned with C16S and MUA. We thenselectively deposited the Cn/MUA MPC film onto theMUA region of the sample using previously described[11,24,27,28] carboxylate–Cu2+–carboxylate chem-istry, creating a Au substrate patterned with the MPCfilm. Others have similarly prepared well-definedmicron-sized patterns of Au clusters by microcontactprinting [61,62].

Fig. 1 shows an optical micrograph and AFM im-age (Frames A and B, respectively) of an Au C6/MUAMPC film patterned onto an Au substrate (two dipcycles) using the procedure inScheme 1. In the op-tical image (Frame A), the bright regions correspond

2 A single sample of C6/MUA was also tested, but the resultswere not included in this paper.

to Au/C16S and the dark regions to Au/MPC film be-cause the MPC film is black. In AFM (Frame B), thebright regions correspond to Au/MPC film and thedark regions to Au/C16S because the AFM maps outtopography, designating taller regions brighter. Thebox in Frame A is the approximate region scanned bythe AFM as shown in Frame B. The patterns are verysharp and well-defined, which is consistent with pre-vious examples of microcontact printed SAMs[75].The MPC film clearly grows selectively on the MUAregion and does not grow laterally to a noticeable ex-tent when only two dip cycles are used. Importantly,we were able to scan over the patterns and obtain anaccurate measurement of the thickness of these filmsusing AFM.

Fig. 2 shows the AFM image of an edge ona patterned C8/MUA MPC film on Au and thecross-sectional analysis that was employed for de-termination of the film thickness. The bright regioncorresponds to the C8/MUA MPC film and the darkregion corresponds to Au/C16S. In this case the thick-ness of the film was approximately 65 nm.Fig. 3shows the UV-Vis spectrum of the C8/MUA film onglass that was prepared in parallel to the film shown inFig. 2. It is characterized by an exponential decreasein absorbance over the scanned wavelengths with asmall, broad peak near 550 nm, consistent with small

Wavelength (nm)

400 500 600 700 800 900












A520 = 0.212

Fig. 3. UV-Vis absorbance spectrum of a C8/MUA MPC filmdeposited on glass after subtraction of a bare glass spectrum. Theabsorbance decreases with increasing wavelength and there is asmall, broad peak near 550 nm, consistent with the assembly oftiny, aggregated clusters in the film. Absorbance was measuredat 520 nm for the MPC concentration and edge-to-edge spacinganalysis.

F.P. Zamborini et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 496 (2003) 3–16 9

Table 1Data used to calculate concentration and average spacing of MPC films

MPC film Thickness,l (nm) Absorbance,A/2 CMPC (MPCs/cm3) Edge-to-edge spacing,δe (Å)

C4/MUA 100 0.245 3.88× 1019 13.555 0.125 3.60× 1019 14.390 0.149 2.62× 1019 17.7

Averageδe = 15.2 ± 2.2

C8/MUA 65 0.148 3.61× 1019 14.3170 0.187 1.74× 1019 22.665 0.106 2.58× 1019 17.880 0.109 2.16× 1019 19.9

115 0.231 3.18× 1019 15.6

Averageδe = 18.0 ± 3.3

C12/MUA 70 0.120 2.72× 1018 17.350 0.040 1.27× 1019 26.935 0.054 2.44× 1019 18.590 0.119 2.09× 1019 20.380 0.128 2.53× 1019 18.0

Averageδe = 20.2 ± 3.9

clusters that have been aggregated by binding betweentheir monolayers[11]. The absorbance was measuredat 520 nm for the analysis of MPC concentration andcore edge-to-edge spacing. The thicknesses and cor-responding 520 nm absorbances measured for three ormore samples of C4/MUA, C8/MUA, and C12/MUAMPC films are displayed inTable 1.

The average core edge-to-edge cluster distance (δe),calculated from the thickness and absorbance data, foreach film is also displayed inTable 1. The spacingwas calculated as follows: the 520 nm absorbance ofeach film was converted to MPC coverage using


2= εΓT × 1000 (1)

whereA is absorbance at 520 nm,ε the molar absorp-tivity (3.8×105 M−1 cm−1) [77] andΓ T the coverageof MPCs in mol/cm2. A is divided by 2 to account forthe film growing on both sides of the glass. The con-centration of MPCs in the film was calculated basedon the cubic lattice model shown inScheme 2, using



whereN is Avogadro’s number,l the thickness of thefilm, andCMPC the concentration in MPCs/cm3. The

resultant MPC core edge-to-edge distance (δe, cm)separating two adjacent clusters is

δe = z − d =(




− 1.6 × 10−7 (3)

where the right-hand term corrects for the averagediameter (d) of the MPCs used in this study.


Au Au

1.6 nm


δe = z – d

= (1/CMPC)1/3 – 1.6 x 10-7 cm


Front faceof cube

Scheme 2.

10 F.P. Zamborini et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 496 (2003) 3–16

Number of Carbons in "Non-Linker"





2 4 6 8 10 12 1412








Average δe (Å)

-lnσ E




Average β= 1.2 Å-1


12 14 16 18 20 22 24 268








Fig. 4. (A) Plot of average edge-to-edge distance (δe) vs. thenumber of carbons in the non-linker chainlength and (B) –ln(σEL)vs. δe for the various MPC films studied (C4/MUA, C8/MUA,and C12/MUA). The data are displayed inTables 1 and 2. δe

increases linearly with increasing chainlength andσEL increasesexponentially with decreasing chainlength (or decreasingδe) asexpected for a electron tunneling process.

Fig. 4A shows a plot of the calculated averageδeversus the number of carbons (Cn) in the non-linkerligand. The averageδe in films of C4/MUA, C8/MUA,and C12/MUA MPCs is 15.2 ± 2.2, 18.0 ± 3.3,and 20.2 ± 3.9 Å, respectively. For comparison, theapproximate lengths of C4, C8, C12, and MUAmolecules are 9, 14, 19, and 19 Å, respectively, as-suming the ligands are fully extended with respect tothe surface normal and in an all-trans conformation[78,79]. Clearly the cluster spacing is not deter-mined by head-to-head linking of the MUA ligands

(Au–S(CH2)10CO2Cu2+O2C(CH2)10S–Au), sincethis would give similar spacings of 38 Å (2MUA)for each of the cluster films. As we concluded previ-ously [11], the spacing is determined by the length ofthe non-bonded, non-linker Cn alkanethiolates. Theexpected spacing for head-to-head packing of thenon-linker (Au–SCn-CnS–Au) would be 18, 28, and38 Å, for C4, C8, and C12, respectively (2Cn). Sincethese values are all larger than the measured values,we conclude that the non-linker ligands are inter-digitated to some degree in each of the cluster filmsstudied. The degree of interdigitation was calculatedas a percentage using

Interdigitation(%) = 2tCn − δe


× 100 (4)

where tCn is the theoretical length of the non-linkerligand as indicated above (C4= 9 Å) and δe themeasured core edge-to-edge spacing. The calculatedpercentage interdigitation is 31, 71, and 94% for C4,C8, and C12 ligands in the cluster films, respectively.Chain interdigitation is theoretically predicted and hasbeen observed experimentally from TEM and densitymeasurements for drop-cast, non-linked films of AuMPCs [35]. The observed cluster spacing in TEMis approximately the length of one chainlength (fullinterdigitation) and the extent of interdigitation is notchainlength dependent as observed in this study. TheMUA–Cu2+–MUA linkage in our MPC films clearlyinhibits interdigitation for short chainlengths morethan the longer C12 ligands. Thenumberof MUAligands per MPC was kept constant between samplesin this study because it is also likely to affect chaininterdigitation. It is surprising that interdigitation isnot inhibited more by the long MUA–Cu2+–MUAlinkage. MUA chain flexibility and hydrophobic in-teractions between the alkanethiolates likely accountfor the extent of interdigitation. The hydrophilicCu2+–carboxylates and carboxylic acid groups ofMUA may also avoid the hydrophobic alkane chainsand cause some microheterogeneity, allowing theclusters to pack efficiently.

The large error bars in theFig. 4 plots reflect theamount of uncertainty in the calculatedδe. Correlat-ing the AFM thickness with optical absorbance givesonly an estimate ofδe and there are possible sourcesof error, leading to this uncertainty. First, the aver-age diameter of the clusters in the films may not be

F.P. Zamborini et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 496 (2003) 3–16 11

exactly 1.6 nm even though that is the average diam-eter of clusters in the MPC solutions used to preparethe films. Second, absorbance and thickness are mea-sured from two different kinds of samples (glass andAu). Differences in film growth on the two samplescould lead to some error, however, comparison of theabsorbance of MPC films deposited on transparentAu and glass samples indicate that the growth is sim-ilar on both samples. Finally, non-uniformity in thefilms could lead to small errors in the measured AFMthicknesses. Each of these sources of error could varyfrom experiment to experiment. The experimentswere repeated several times and averaged (Table 1)in order to minimize these uncertainties.

3.2. Correlating edge-to-edge distance (δe) withelectronic conductivity

A previous report[11] showed that the electronicconductivity of identically prepared films variedby three orders of magnitude and was exponen-tially dependent on the non-linker chainlength. Alinear plot of ln(σEL) versus chainlength indicatedan electron tunneling, or hopping mechanism, be-tween the non-bonded alkanethiolates, but the actualcluster–cluster distances were not measured. Elec-tronic conductivity in terms ofδe and temperature (T)is given by[38]

σEL(δe, T ) = σ0 exp[−βdδe] exp




whereσEL is electronic conductivity (−1 cm−1), δethe core edge-to-edge distance (cm),βd is electron-tunneling coefficient (Å−1), EA is activation barrierenergy (kJ/mol),R the gas constant, andT the tem-perature in K. A plot of ln(σEL) versusδe is shown inFig. 4B. The slope of the plot, a measurement ofβd, is1.2 Å−1. This is in close agreement with values mea-sured for electron tunneling through saturated hydro-carbons in solid-state conductivity measurements ofdrop-cast Au clusters[35,36] (0.8–1.2 Å−1), electro-chemical measurements of ferrocene (Fc)-terminatedself-assembled monolayers (SAMs) (0.85–1.0 Å−1)[29–31], AFM-based conductivity measurementsthrough alkanethiol SAMs[34] (1.1 Å−1), and conduc-tivity through SAMs on closely spaced Hg (0.89 C−1)[37] or Ag and Hg surfaces (0.87 Å−1) [32,33].

Table 2Conductivity and kinetic data for various MPC films

MPC film Averageδe (Å) σEL (−1 cm−1) kET (s−1)

C4/MUA 15.2 ± 2.2 2 × 10−4 5 × 107

C8/MUA 18.0 ± 3.3 9 × 10−6 3 × 106

C12/MUA 20.2± 3.9 5 × 10−7 2 × 105

The first-order electron transfer rate constant for thebimolecular self-exchange process between adjacentMPCs is given by[38]

kET (s−1) = 6RTσEL



whereR is the gas constant,T the temperature in K,σEL the electronic conductivity (−1 cm−1), F theFaraday constant,δc the average core center-to-centerseparation (δe + 16 Å), and C the concentration ofMPCs in the film (mol/cm3). This equation assumesthat electronic charge is localized on MPC cores aselectron donor–acceptor reactants and that the chargecarrier concentration equals the MPC core concentra-tion [35,38]. The results are displayed inTable 2. Theyreflect the chainlength dependence and are similar toprevious kinetic analyses of drop-cast MPC assem-blies. The rate constant for the C4/MUA film, whereelectrons are tunneling ca. 15 Å, is 5×107 s−1. This isthe same order of magnitude compared to solid-state,drop-cast films of Au cluster–alkanethiol–Au clustertunnel junctions (Au C10 MPCs,δe ∼ 15 Å) [35],and several orders of magnitude faster than electrontransfer rate constants measured electrochemicallythrough redox polymers[80] and Au–alkanethiol–Fc[29–31] tunnel junctions. The large rate constants areconsistent with Marcus relationships[40–42], aris-ing from the low dielectric medium surrounding theAu core reaction centers and the large size of thosecenters.

3.3. AFM and STM patterning of Au MPC films

Another goal of this paper is to show that films ofMPCs can be patterned with scanning probe lithog-raphy in a straight-forward manner with nanometerresolution. Patterning films of metal nanoparticles onthe nano-scale is essential if they are going to find useas the components of nano-chemical sensors or elec-tronic devices for future technological applications.

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AFM- and STM-based lithography experiments thatutilize physical force, electrochemistry, or othermechanisms are well-known on SAM-[81–83],polymer- [84,85], dendrimer[86], oxide- [87] and

Fig. 5. Contact-mode AFM images demonstrating the selective removal of MPC films with the scanning probe tip. (A) 10m × 10mimage obtained on a glass surface modified with a C12/MUA MPC film before patterning using a deflection setpoint of 2.0 V. (B) Same10m × 10m area obtained using a deflection setpoint of 2.0 V after patterns of 1m × 1m, 500 nm× 500 nm, and 100 nm× 100 nm(points 1, 2, and 3, respectively) were prepared by scanning those regions with a deflection setpoint of 20.0 V. (C) Same 10m × 10mimage obtained after heating the sample to 300C for 10 min in a vacuum tube furnace. The arrow in Frames A and B show the samearea (four bright dots) to aid comparing of the images before and after patterning.

nanoparticle-modified[65–72] surfaces. These tech-niques are capable of producing well-defined patternsat the nanometer-scale. In this paper we used AFMand STM to pattern MPC films with nanometer

F.P. Zamborini et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 496 (2003) 3–16 13

resolution by physically removing clusters in thescanned region with the scanning probe tip.

Fig. 5shows the results of an AFM lithography ex-periment on a glass surface modified with a C12/MUAfilm and the corresponding illustration. At low de-flection setpoints (2.0 V), the MPC film was imagedwith a silicon nitride tip in contact mode for longperiods of time without degradation or instability ofthe surface (Frame A). At a deflection setpoint of20 V, the tip removes the film in the scanned regionthrough a physical scratching mechanism. Frame Bshows 1m×1m, 500 nm×500 nm, and 100 nm×100 nm patterns (labeled as points 1, 2, and 3, respec-tively) that were fabricated by scanning those areaswith a 20 V setpoint for 10, 5, and 1 min, respectively.The dark squares correspond to areas where the clus-ters were removed and the bright regions at the edgesare where the displaced clusters accumulated. Fairlylarge forces were required to remove the cluster film(1.0 × 10−6 to 1.8 × 10−8 N), showing that the MPCnetwork film is held together very strongly throughthe carboxylate–Cu2+–carboxylate bridges. Patterns 1and 2 (labeled on figure) were well-defined, but pat-tern 3 was relatively blurred due to the pattern sizeapproaching the tip radius of curvature. The overallquality of the image in Frame B is much lower com-pared to Frame A, implying that the AFM tip sufferssome damage during the patterning process. The ar-row in Frames A and B indicates the same region onthe surface to aid comparing of the images before andafter patterning.

We previously reported on the preparation of metal-lic films from MPC precursors by assembling MPCfilms on glass as described in this paper and then sub-sequently heating them to 300C for 5–10 min[25].This process removes the organic monolayer surround-ing the clusters and allows them to coalesce into asmooth metallic Au film. The films were smooth, ad-herent, and conductive, but also contained impuritiesof Cu and S. Nevertheless, we demonstrated a simplebenchtop method for preparing metal films without theneed for high vacuum equipment and with the addedbenefit that metal could be deposited on irregular orhighly-confined surfaces.

Fig. 5C shows the patterned C12/MUA Au MPCfilm from Fig. 5Bafter heating to 300C for 5–10 minas discussed earlier. Three observations were made.(1) The appearance of the film changed dramatically

Fig. 6. Cross-sectional line scans of the 1m × 1m patternfrom Fig. 5 (Frames B and C) before and after heating (top andbottom frames, respectively). The film becomes smoother and thethickness decreases from 50 to 20 nm (60%) upon heating.

from a continuous rough film (RMS= 16.5 nm) toa smoother, grainier film following heat treatment(RMS = 13.7 nm). (2) Patterns 1 and 2 retain theirshape quite well, but pattern 3 was no longer notice-able after heating. This limits the resolution of thismethod to ca. 100 nm. (3) Cross-sectional analysis(dashed lines) of the 1m × 1m pattern before andafter heating reveal that the film has decreased inthickness from 50 to 20 nm, or∼60% (seeFig. 6).This is consistent with the analysis of the averageδecalculated for a C12/MUA MPC film. The thicknessper layer of the C12/MUA film before heating is equalto the average d of the clusters (16 Å) plus the aver-ageδe (20 Å), or 36 Å. The thickness per layer afterheating is equal tod, or 16 Å. A thickness changefrom 36 to 16 Å corresponds to 56%, which is veryclose to the measured 60% change.

Importantly, our method produces patterns of Au onglass using simple benchtop chemistry, AFM lithogra-phy, and heating, where the MPCs act as precursors tothe metal film. This may be a useful and cost-efficientapproach for preparing closely-spaced metal contactsto study the electronic properties of carbon nanotubes,silicon nanowires, or other interesting nanomaterials.

14 F.P. Zamborini et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 496 (2003) 3–16

Fig. 7. A tapping-mode AFM image showing a 5m × 5msquare pattern that was fabricated on a C12/MUA MPC film onan Au substrate with a Pt/Ir STM tip. The pattern was preparedby scanning the area for 15 min at a bias of 0.5 V and tunnelingcurrent of 1.0 nA. The cross-sectional line scan shows that thethickness of the film was approximately 31 nm.

It is also possible to pattern the Au MPC filmswith STM. Fig. 7 shows a tapping-mode AFM imageof a 5m × 5m square pattern that was fabricatedon a C12/MUA MPC film on Au with STM at abias of 0.5 V and tunneling current of 1.0 nA for ca.15 min. The dark square again corresponds to theregion where clusters were removed and bare Au orAu/MUA is presumably exposed. The bright regionscorrespond to clusters that were removed from thescanned area and subsequently accumulated on theedges of the pattern. The removed clusters accumu-lated more evenly around the pattern compared to theAFM experiments (Fig. 5B), where removed clusterswere predominantly located on one side of the pattern.Patterning occurs with STM because the conductivity

of the MPC film is not sufficient to support electrontunneling from the tip through the film. Instead, the tipphysically moves through the film and removes MPCsin the scanned area as electrons tunnel from the tip tothe underlying Au substrate. Recently, Meldrum andco-workers reported a bias-dependent manipulation ofindividual dodecanethiol-coated Au nanoparticles ona graphite surface with an STM tip[71]. At low bias,the electrons at the STM tip do not have sufficient en-ergy to overcome the Coulomb blockade and the tippushes into and moves the Au nanoparticle. At highbias, the energy is sufficient for the electrons to tunnelfrom the tip to the cluster and the tip images above thenanoparticle without altering it. We did not observe abias dependence in our studies, but more work needsto be done. STM is not capable of patterning filmsprepared on glass or other non-conductive samples,which limits possible lithography applications.

4. Conclusions

We have demonstrated a method for determiningthe average cluster edge-to-edge distance in filmsof mixed-monolayer Cn/MUA MPCs using a com-bination of AFM and UV-Vis spectroscopy (themethodology employed should be amenable to otherelectronically conductive films). The average clusterspacing increased linearly with the non-linker (Cn)chainlength in the order C12> C8 > C4. A plotof ln(σEL) versus the average cluster spacing wasalso linear and the slope gave aβ value equal to1.2 Å−1, consistent with electron tunneling throughsaturated hydrocarbons. Kinetic studies revealed fastelectron-transfer kinetics between adjacent clusters,consistent with previous experiments on MPC assem-blies. Nanoscale patterning of the films was demon-strated using AFM and STM and subsequent heatingof patterned films on glass led to patterned metal-lic Au films. Changing the ligand composition andchainlength of assembled MPCs allows control overtheir electronic properties and a better fundamentalunderstanding of these effects continues to be an im-portant objective. Further, future applications of metalnanoparticles will require them to be controllablyassembled and patterned on the nano-scale.

Studies of other factors affecting the electronicconductivity and average cluster spacing, such as the

F.P. Zamborini et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 496 (2003) 3–16 15

effect of different ligand compositions (aromatic andrigid groups) and metal cation linkers, are currentlyunderway. We hope to better understand what con-trols the assembly and packing of three-dimensionalMPC films formed by our approach and to understandthe effect of chemical environment and structure onelectron hopping conductivity.


This research was supported in part by researchgrants from the National Science Foundation and theOffice of Naval Research. F.P.Z. acknowledges finan-cial support from the University of Louisville. L.E.S.acknowledges financial support from the Universityof Louisville Summer Research Opportunity Program(SROP).


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Francis P. Zamborini received his BSin chemistry from Carthage College(Kenosha, WI) in 1993 and a PhD inchemistry from Texas A&M University(College Station, TX) in 1998. Underthe direction of Richard M. Crooks, hisdoctoral research focused on the useof self-assembled monolayers for corro-sion passivation and nanolithography asstudied by scanning probe microscopy,

electrochemistry, and surface spectroscopy. He studied underRoyce W. Murray at the University of North Carolina, ChapelHill as a Postdoctoral Research Associate from 1998 to 2001,focusing on assembly, electron transport, and chemical sensingproperties of gold nanoparticles. Frank’s current research interestsare in one-dimensional assembly of metal nanoparticles, surfaceforces, and nanosensors. He is a member of the ElectroOpticsResearch Institute and Nanotechnology Center at the University ofLouisville.
