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Specialist dictionariesDictionary of Accounting 978 0 7136 8286 1Dictionary of Agriculture 978 0 7136 7778 2Dictionary of Aviation 978 0 7136 8734 7Dictionary of Banking and Finance 978 0 7136 7739 3Dictionary of Business 978 0 7136 7918 2Dictionary of Computing 978 0 7475 6622 9Dictionary of Economics 978 0 7136 8203 8Dictionary of Environment and Ecology 978 0 7475 7201 5Dictionary of Food Science and Nutrition 978 0 7136 7784 3Dictionary of Human Resources and Personnel Management 978 0 7136 8142 0Dictionary of ICT 978 0 7475 6990 9Dictionary of Information and Library Management 978 0 7136 7591 7Dictionary of Law 978 0 7136 8318 9Dictionary of Leisure, Travel and Tourism 978 0 7136 8545 9Dictionary of Marketing 978 0 7475 6621 2Dictionary of Media Studies 978 0 7136 7593 1Dictionary of Medical Terms 978 0 7136 7603 7Dictionary of Politics and Government 978 0 7475 7220 6Dictionary of Publishing and Printing 978 0 7136 7589 4Dictionary of Science and Technology 978 0 7475 6620 5Dictionary of Sport and Exercise Science 978 0 7136 7785 0

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second edition

A & C Black ! London

First edition published in 2003 byBloomsbury Publishing Plc.

This second edition published 2007 byA&C Black Publishers Ltd

38 Soho Square, London W1D 3HB

Copyright © A&C Black 2007

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any formor by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers.

A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 978 0 7136 8287 8 eISBN-13: 978-1-4081-0206-0

Text Production and ProofreadingJoel Adams, Sandra Anderson, Heather Bateman, Emma Djonokusumo,

Ruth Hillmore, Daisy Jackson, Irene Lakhani, Sarah Lusznat,Katy McAdam, Howard Sargeant

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This fully-updated dictionary provides the user with a complete guide to thevocabulary in current use by nurses and other health care professionals.

Over 11,000 terms are explained in clear, straightforward English. Areas coveredinclude diseases and conditions, instruments, drugs, treatments and patient care, aswell as medical specialisations such as surgery, psychiatry and physiotherapy. Manyinformal and everyday terms used by patients in describing their condition are alsoincluded.

A useful supplement also contains a guide to anatomical terms, illustrated with clearand simple diagrams.

Thanks are due to Glenda Cornwell, Rosemary Cook, Stephen Curtis, FionaMcIntosh, Lynn Davy and Dinah Jackson for their advice on the first edition of thistext, and to Kathryn Jones for her helpful comments during the production of thissecond edition.

Publishers’ Note:

While every effort has been made to be as accurate as possible, the author,advisors, editors and publishers of this book cannot be held liable for any errorsand omissions, or actions that may be taken as a consequence of using it.

PronunciationThe following symbols have been used to show the pronunciation of the mainwords in the dictionary.

Stress is indicated by a main stress mark ( ! ) and a secondary stress mark ( " ) .Note that these are only guides, as the stress of the word changes according to itsposition in the sentence.

Vowels Consonants

# back b buck$% harm d dead& stop ' othera( type d) jumpa* how f farea(+ hire , golda*+ hour h head-% course j yellow-( annoy k cabe head l leavee+ fair m mixe( make n nile* go . sing/% word p printi% keep r resti happy s save+ about 0 shop( fit t take(+ near t0 changeu annual 1 theftu% pool v value* book w work*+ tour x loch2 shut ) measure

z zone


AA abbreviation Alcoholics AnonymousA & E

A & E /!e" #nd $i%/, A & E department /!e" #nd$i% d"|!p&%tm#nt/ noun same as accident andemergency departmentA & E medicine

A & E medicine /!e" #nd $i% !med(#)s"n/ nounthe medical procedures used in A & E depart-mentsab-

ab- /'b/ prefix away fromABC

ABC /!e" bi% $si%/ noun the basic initial checks ofa casualty’s condition. Full form airway, breath-ing and circulationabdomen

abdomen /$'bd#m#n/ noun a space inside thebody below the diaphragm, above the pelvis andin front of the spine, containing the stomach,intestines, liver and other vital organs ! pain inthe abdomen (NOTE: For other terms referring tothe abdomen, see words beginning with coeli-,coelio-.)abdomin-

abdomin- /'bd(m"n/ prefix same as abdom-ino- (used before vowels)abdominal

abdominal /'b |$d(m"n(#)l/ adjective located inthe abdomen, or relating to the abdomenabdominal aorta

abdominal aorta /'b|!d(m"n(#)l e"|$)%t#/noun the part of the aorta which lies between thediaphragm and the point where the aorta dividesinto the iliac arteries. See illustration at KIDNEY inSupplementabdominal cavity

abdominal cavity /'b|!d(m"n(#)l $k'v"ti/noun the space in the body below the chestabdominal pain

abdominal pain /'b|$d(m"n(#)l pe"n/ nounpain in the abdomen caused by indigestion ormore serious disordersabdominal viscera

abdominal viscera /'b|!d(m"n(#)l $v"s#r#/plural noun the organs which are contained in theabdomen, e.g. the stomach, liver and intestinesabdominal wall

abdominal wall /'b|$d(m"n(#)l w)%l/ nounmuscular tissue which surrounds the abdomenabdomino-

abdomino- /'bd(m"n#*/ prefix referring tothe abdomenabdominopelvic

abdominopelvic /'b|!d(m"n#*|$pelv"k/adjective referring to the abdomen and pelvisabdominoperineal

abdominoperineal /'b|!d(m"n#*per"|$ni%#l/adjective referring to the abdomen and perineumabdominoperineal excision

abdominoperineal excision /'b|!d(|

m"n#*per"|!ni%#l "k|$s"+(#)n/ noun a surgical

operation that involves cutting out tissue in boththe abdomen and the perineumabdominoposterior

abdominoposterior /'b|!d(m"n#*p(|

$st"#ri#/ adjective referring to a position of afetus in the uterus, where the fetus’s abdomen isfacing the mother’s backabdominoscopy

abdominoscopy /'b|!d(m"|$n(sk#pi/ noun aninternal examination of the abdomen, usuallywith an endoscopeabdominothoracic

abdominothoracic /'b |!d(m"n#*,)%|$r's"k/adjective referring to the abdomen and thoraxabduce

abduce /'b|$dju%s/ verb same as abductabducens nerve

abducens nerve /'b|$dju%s(#)nz !n-%v/ nounthe sixth cranial nerve, which controls the musclewhich makes the eyeball turn outwardsabducent

abducent /'b |$dju%s(#)nt/ adjective referringto a muscle which brings parts of the body awayfrom each other or moves them away from thecentral line of the body or a limb. Compare addu-centabduct

abduct /'b |$d.kt/ verb (of a muscle) to pull aleg or arm in a direction which is away from thecentre line of the body, or to pull a toe or fingeraway from the central line of a leg or arm. Com-pare adductabduction

abduction /'b|$d.k/#n/ noun the movement ofa part of the body away from the centre line of thebody or away from a neighbouring part. Oppositeadduction. See illustration at ANATOMICALTERMS in Supplementabductor

abductor /'b|$d.kt#/, abductor muscle /'b|

$d.kt# !m.s(#)l/ noun a muscle which pulls apart of the body away from the centre line of thebody or away from a neighbouring part. Oppositeadductoraberrant

aberrant /'|$ber#nt/ adjective not usual orexpectedaberration

aberration /!'b# |$re"/(#)n/ noun an action orgrowth which is not usual or expectedablation

ablation /# |$ble"/(#)n/ noun the removal of anorgan or of a part of the body by surgeryabnormal

abnormal /'b|$n)%m(#)l/ adjective not usual !abnormal behaviour ! an abnormal movementabnormality

abnormality /!'bn)%|$m'l"ti/ noun a form orcondition which is not usual (NOTE: For other

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abocclusion 2

terms referring to abnormality, see words begin-ning with terat-, terato-.)abocclusion

abocclusion /!'b(|$klu%+(#)n/ noun a condi-tion in which the teeth in the top and bottom jawsdo not touchabort

abort /# |$b)%t/ verb to eject an embryo or fetus,or to cause an embryo or fetus to be ejected, andso end a pregnancy before the fetus is fully devel-opedabortifacient

abortifacient /# |!b)%t" |$fe"/(#)nt/ noun a drugor instrument which provokes an abortionabortion

abortion /# |$b)%/(#)n/ noun a situation where afetus leaves the uterus before it is fully developed,especially during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy,or a procedure which causes this to happenabortive

abortive /# |$b)%t"v/ adjective not successful !an abortive attemptabortus

abortus /#|$b)%t#s/ noun a fetus which isexpelled during an abortion or miscarriageabortus fever

abortus fever /#|$b)%t#s !fi%v#/ noun same asbrucellosisABO system

ABO system /!e" bi% $#* !s"st#m/ noun a sys-tem of classifying blood groups. ! blood groupabrasion

abrasion /# |$bre"+(#)n/ noun a condition inwhich the surface of the skin has been rubbed offby a rough surface and bleedsabreaction

abreaction /!'bri |$'k/#n/ noun the treatmentof a person with a neurosis by making him or herthink again about past bad experiencesabruptio placentae

abruptio placentae /# |!br.pti#* pl# |$senti%/noun an occasion when the placenta suddenlycomes away from the uterus earlier than it should,often causing shock and bleedingabscess

abscess /$'bses/ noun a painful swollen areawhere pus forms ! She had an abscess under atooth. ! The doctor decided to lance the abscess.(NOTE: The formation of an abscess is oftenaccompanied by a high temperature. The pluralis abscesses.)absorbable suture

absorbable suture /#b|!z)%b#b(#)l $su%t/#/noun a suture which will eventually be absorbedinto the body, and does not need to be removedabsorbent cotton

absorbent cotton /#b|!z)%b#nt $k(t(#)n/noun a soft white material used as a dressing toput on woundsabsorption

absorption /#b |$z)%p/#n/ noun the process bywhich a liquid is taken into a solidabstinence

abstinence /$'bst"n#ns/ noun a deliberate actof not doing something over a period of time,especially not eating or drinking ! abstinencefrom alcoholabulia

abulia /#|$bu%li#/ noun a lack of willpowerabuse

abuse noun /# |$bju%s/ 1. the act of using some-thing wrongly ! the abuse of a privilege 2. theillegal use of a drug or overuse of alcohol ! sub-stance abuse 3. same as child abuse 4. bad treat-ment of a person ! physical abuse ! sexualabuse " verb /#|$bju%z/ 1. to use something

wrongly ! Heroin and cocaine are drugs whichare commonly abused. 2. to treat someone badly! sexually abused children ! He had physicallyabused his wife and child.a.c.

a.c. adverb (used on prescriptions) before food.Full form ante cibumacanthosis

acanthosis /#|!k'n |$,#*s"s/ noun a disease ofthe prickle cell layer of the skin, where wartsappear on the skin or inside the mouthacapnia

acapnia /e" |$k'pni#/ noun the condition of nothaving enough carbon dioxide in the blood andtissuesacaricide

acaricide /# |$k'r"sa"d/ noun a substance whichkills mites or ticksacatalasia

acatalasia /e" |!k't#|$le"zi#/ noun an inheritedcondition which results in a lack of catalase in alltissueaccessory

accessory /#k |$ses#ri/ noun something whichhelps something else to happen or operate, butmay not be very important in itself " adjectivehelping something else to happen or operateaccident

accident /$'ks"d(#)nt/ noun 1. an unpleasantevent which happens suddenly and harms some-one’s health ! She had an accident in the kitchenand had to go to hospital. ! Three people werekilled in the accident on the motorway. 2. chance,or something which happens by chance ! I mether by accident at the bus stop.accidental injury

accidental injury /!'ks"dent(#)l $"nd+#ri/noun an injury that happens to someone in anaccidentaccident and emergency department

accident and emergency department/!'ks"d(#)nt #nd " |$m-%d+#nsi d"|!p&%tm#nt/noun the part of a hospital which deals with peo-ple who need urgent treatment because they havehad accidents or are in sudden serious pain.Abbreviation A & Eaccident form

accident form /$'ks"d(#)nt f)%m/, accidentreport form /!'ks"d(#)nt r" |$p)%t f)%m/ noun aform to be filled in with details of an accidentaccident prevention

accident prevention /!'ks"d(#)nt pr"|

$ven/#n/ noun the work of taking action orchanging procedures to prevent accidents fromhappeningaccident ward

accident ward /$'ks"d(#)nt w)%d/ noun award for urgent accident victims. Also calledcasualty wardaccommodation

accommodation /# |!k(m# |$de"/(#)n/, accom-modation reflex /#|!k(m# |$de"/(#)n !ri%fleks/noun (of the lens of the eye) the ability to focuson objects at different distances, using the ciliarymuscleaccommodative squint

accommodative squint /# |!k(m#de"t"v$skw"nt/ noun a squint when the eye is trying tofocus on an object which is very closeaccouchement

accouchement /# |$ku%/m(0/ noun the timewhen a woman is being looked after because herbaby is being born, or has just been born

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3 acid refluxaccountability

accountability /#|!ka*nt#|$b"l"ti/ noun the stateof being responsible to someone else for an action! developing and maintaining standards ofaccountabilityaccountable

accountable /#|$ka*nt#b(#)l/ adjective respon-sible to someone else for an action ! accountableto the publicaccretion

accretion /# |$kri%/(#)n/ noun a gradual increasein size, as through growth or external addition !an accretion of calcium around the jointacebutolol

acebutolol /!'s" |$bju%t#l(l/ noun a drug whichreduces both the heart rate and how strongly theheart muscles contract, used in the treatment ofhigh blood pressure and irregular heart rhythmsACE inhibitor

ACE inhibitor /$e"s "n |!h"b"t#/ noun same asangiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitoracephalus

acephalus /e" |$sef#l#s/ noun a fetus born with-out a headacetabuloplasty

acetabuloplasty /!'s"|$t'bj*l#*|!pl'sti/noun a surgical operation to repair or rebuild theacetabulumacetabulum

acetabulum /!'s"|$t'bj*l#m/ noun the part ofthe pelvic bone, shaped like a cup, into which thehead of the femur fits to form the hip joint. Alsocalled cotyloid cavity (NOTE: The plural isacetabula.)acetaminophen

acetaminophen /# |!si%t# |$m"n#f#n/ noun USsame as paracetamolacetazolamide

acetazolamide /#|!si%t# |$z(l#ma"d/ noun adrug which helps a person to produce more urine,used in the treatment of oedema, glaucoma andepilepsyacetonaemia

acetonaemia /#|!si%t#* |$ni%mi#/ same as keto-naemiaacetone

acetone /$'s"t#*n/ noun a colourless volatilesubstance formed in the body after vomiting orduring diabetes. ! ketoneacetonuria

acetonuria /#|!si%t#* |$nju%ri#/ noun the pres-ence of acetone in the urine, shown by the factthat the urine gives off a sweet smellacetylcholine

acetylcholine /!'s"ta"l |$k#*li%n/ noun a sub-stance released from nerve endings, which allowsnerve impulses to move from one nerve to anotheror from a nerve to the organ it controls

COMMENT: Acetylcholine receptors are oftwo types, muscarinic, found in parasympa-thetic post-ganglionic nerve junctions, andnicotinic, found at neuromuscular junctionsand in autonomic ganglia. Acetylcholine actson both types of receptors, but other drugsact on one or the other.

acetylcoenzyme A

acetylcoenzyme A /!'s"ta"lk#*|!enza"m $e"/noun a compound produced in the metabolism ofcarbohydrates, fatty acids and amino acidsacetylsalicylic acid

acetylsalicylic acid /!'s"ta"l|!s'l#s"l"k$'s"d/ noun " aspirinachalasia

achalasia /!'k# |$le"zi#/ noun the condition ofbeing unable to relax the muscles


ache /e"k/ noun a pain which goes on for a time,but is not very severe ! He complained of variousaches and pains. " verb to have a pain in part ofthe body ! His tooth ached so much he went tothe dentist.Achilles tendon

Achilles tendon /# |!k"li%z $tend#n/ noun a ten-don at the back of the ankle which connects thecalf muscles to the heel and which acts to pull upthe heel when the calf muscle is contractedachillorrhaphy

achillorrhaphy /!'k"|$l)%r#fi/ noun a surgicaloperation to stitch a torn Achilles tendonachillotomy

achillotomy /!'k" |$l(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to divide the Achilles tendonachlorhydria

achlorhydria /!e"kl)%|$ha"dri#/ noun a condi-tion in which the gastric juices do not containhydrochloric acid, a symptom of stomach canceror pernicious anaemiaacholia

acholia /e" |$k#*li#/ noun the absence or failureof the secretion of bileacholuria

acholuria /!e"k( |$lu%ri#/ noun the absence ofbile colouring in the urineacholuric jaundice

acholuric jaundice /!e"k#lu%r"k $d+)%nd"s/noun a disease where unusually round red bloodcells form, leading to anaemia, an enlarged spleenand the formation of gallstones. Also calledhereditary spherocytosisachondroplasia

achondroplasia /!e"k(ndr#|$ple"zi#/ noun aninherited condition in which the long bones in thearms and legs do not grow fully while the rest ofthe bones in the body grow as usual, resulting indwarfismachromatopsia

achromatopsia /!e"kr#*m#|$t(psi#/ noun arare condition in which a person cannot see anycolours, but only black, white and shades of greyachy

achy /$e"ki/ adjective feeling aches all over thebody (informal)aciclovir

aciclovir /e" |$sa"kl#*v"#/ noun a drug that iseffective against herpesviruses. Also called acy-cloviracidaemia

acidaemia /!'s" |$di%mi#/ noun a state in whichthe blood has too much acid in it. It is a feature ofuntreated severe diabetes.acid–base balance

acid–base balance /!'s"d $be"s !b'l#ns/noun the balance between acid and base, i.e. thepH level, in plasmaacidity

acidity /#|$s"d"ti/ noun 1. the level of acid in aliquid ! The alkaline solution may help to reduceacidity. 2. same as hyperacidityacidosis

acidosis /!'s"|$d#*s"s/ noun 1. a conditionwhen there are more acid waste products such asurea than usual in the blood because of a lack ofalkali 2. same as acidityacidotic

acidotic /!'s"|$d(t"k/ adjective relating to aci-dosisacid reflux

acid reflux /!'s"d $ri%fl.ks/ noun a conditioncaused by a faulty muscle in the oesophagusallowing the acid in the stomach to pass into theoesophagus

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acid stomach 4acid stomachacid stomach /!'s"d $st.m#k/ noun same ashyperacidityacinusacinus /$'s"n#s/ noun 1. a tiny sac which formspart of a gland 2. part of a lobule in the lung(NOTE: The plural is acini.)acneacne /$'kni/ noun an inflammation of the seba-ceous glands during puberty which makes black-heads appear on the skin, usually on the face, neckand shoulders. These blackheads often thenbecome infected. ! She is using a cream to clearup her acne.acne rosacea

acne rosacea /!'kni r#* |$ze"/#/ noun same asrosaceaacne vulgarisacne vulgaris /!'kni v*l |$1&%r"s/ noun same asacneacousticacoustic /# |$ku%st"k/ adjective relating to soundor hearingacoustic nerveacoustic nerve /#|$ku%st"k n-%v/ noun theeighth cranial nerve which governs hearing andbalanceacquiredacquired /#|$kwa"#d/ adjective referring to acondition which is neither congenital nor heredi-tary and which a person develops after birth inreaction to his or her environmentacquired immunityacquired immunity /#|!kwa"#d "|$mju%n"ti/noun an immunity which a body acquires fromhaving caught a disease or from immunisation,not one which is congenitalacquired immunodeficiency syndromeacquired immunodeficiency syndrome /#|

!kwa"#d !"mj*n#*d"|$f"/(#)nsi !s"ndr#*m/,acquired immune deficiency syndrome /#|

!kwa"#d "m|!ju%n d" |$f"/(#)nsi !s"ndr#*m/ nouna viral infection which breaks down the body’simmune system. Abbreviation AIDS. ! HIVacrivastine

acrivastine /# |$kr"v# sti%n/ noun a drug whichreduces the amount of histamine produced by thebody. It is used in the treatment of rhinitis, urti-caria and eczema.acro-acro- /'kr#*/ prefix referring to a point or tipacrocephalia

acrocephalia /!'kr#*s#|$fe"li#/ noun same asoxycephalyacrocyanosisacrocyanosis /!'kr#*sa"#|$n#*s"s/ noun ablue coloration of the extremities, i.e. the fingers,toes, ears and nose, which is due to poor circula-tionacrodyniaacrodynia /!'kr#*|$d"ni#/ noun a children’sdisease, caused by an allergy to mercury, wherethe child’s hands, feet and face swell and becomepink, and the child is also affected with fever andloss of appetite. Also called erythroedema, pinkdiseaseacromegalyacromegaly /!'kr#*|$me1#li/ noun a diseasecaused by excessive quantities of growth hor-mone produced by the pituitary gland, causing aslow enlargement of the hands, feet and jaws inadultsacromioclavicularacromioclavicular /!'kr#*ma"#*kl#|

$v"kj*l#/ adjective relating to the acromion andthe clavicle


acromion /#|$kr#*mi#n/ noun the pointed top ofthe scapula, which forms the tip of the shoulderacronyx

acronyx /$'kr(n"ks, $e"kr(n"ks/ noun a con-dition in which a nail grows into the fleshacroparaesthesia

acroparaesthesia /!'kr#*p'r"s|$,i%zi#/ nouna condition in which the patient experiences sharppains in the arms and numbness in the fingersafter sleepacrophobia

acrophobia /!'kr# |$f#*bi#/ noun a fear ofheightsacrosclerosis

acrosclerosis /!'kr#*skl#|$r#*s"s/ noun scle-rosis which affects the extremitiesACTH

ACTH abbreviation adrenocorticotrophic hor-moneactinomycin

actinomycin /!'kt"n#* |$ma"s"n/ noun an anti-biotic used in the treatment of children with can-ceractinomycosis

actinomycosis /!'kt"n#*ma" |$k#*s"s/ noun afungal disease transmitted to humans from cattle,causing abscesses in the mouth and lungs (pul-monary actinomycosis) or in the ileum (intesti-nal actinomycosis)action potential

action potential /$'k/#n p# |!ten/#l/ noun atemporary change in electrical potential whichoccurs between the inside and the outside of anerve or muscle fibre when a nerve impulse issentactive immunity

active immunity /!'kt"v "|$mju%n"ti/ nounimmunity which is acquired by catching and sur-viving an infectious disease or by vaccinationwith a weakened form of the disease, whichmakes the body form antibodiesactivities of daily living

activities of daily living /'k|!t"v"tiz #v !de"li$l"v"0/ noun a scale used by geriatricians andoccupational therapists to assess the capacity ofelderly or disabled people to live independently.Abbreviation ADLsactivity

activity /'k |$t"v"ti/ noun 1. what someone does! difficulty with activities such as walking anddressing 2. the characteristic behaviour of achemical ! The drug’s activity only lasts a fewhours. # antibacterial activity effective actionagainst bacteriaacuity

acuity /# |$kju%"ti/ noun keenness of sight, hear-ing or intellectacupressure

acupressure /$'kj*pre/#/ noun a treatmentwhich is based on the same principle as acupunc-ture in which, instead of needles, fingers are usedon specific points on the body, called pressurepointsacupuncture

acupuncture /$'kj*p.0kt/#/ noun a treat-ment based on needles being inserted through theskin into nerve centres in order to relieve pain ortreat a disorderacute

acute /#|$kju%t/ adjective referring to a disease orcondition which develops rapidly and can be dan-gerous ! an acute abscess Opposite chronic

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5 adenoidsacute abdomen

acute abdomen /# |!kju%t $'bd#m#n/ nounany serious condition of the abdomen whichrequires surgeryacute bed

acute bed /# |$kju%t bed/ noun a hospital bedreserved for people requiring immediate treat-mentacute care

acute care /#|$kju%t ke#/ noun medical or sur-gical treatment in a hospital, usually for a shortperiod, for a patient with a sudden severe illnessor injuryacute disseminated encephalomyelitis

acute disseminated encephalomyelitis /#|

!kju%t d" |!sem"ne"t"d en |!kef#l#*ma"# |$la"t"s/noun an encephalomyelitis or myelitis believed toresult from an autoimmune attack on the myelinof the central nervous systemacute glaucoma

acute glaucoma /#|!kju%t 1l)% |$k#*m#/ nounsame as angle-closure glaucomaacute hospital

acute hospital /# |$kju%t !h(sp"t(#)l/ noun ahospital where people go for major surgery orintensive care of medical or surgical conditionsacutely

acutely /# |$kju%tli/ adverb 1. having or causinga suddenly developing medical condition !acutely ill patients ! acutely toxic chemicals 2.extremely (informal)acute respiratory distress syndrome

acute respiratory distress syndrome /#|

!kju%t r" |!sp"r#t(#)ri d" |$stres !s"ndr#*m/ nounan infection of the lungs, often following injury,which prevents them functioning properly.Abbreviation ARDSacute rheumatism

acute rheumatism /#|!kju%t $ru%m#t"z(#)m/noun same as rheumatic feveracute rhinitis

acute rhinitis /# |!kju%t ra" |$na"t"s/ noun a virusinfection which causes inflammation of themucous membrane in the nose and throatacute suppurative arthritis

acute suppurative arthritis /#|!kju%t!s.pj*r#t"v &%, |$ra"t"s/ noun same as pyarthro-sisacute toxicity

acute toxicity /# |!kju%t t(k|$s"s"ti/ noun a levelof concentration of a toxic substance whichmakes people seriously ill or can cause deathacyclovir

acyclovir /e" |$sa"kl#*v"#/ noun same as aciclo-viracystia

acystia /e" |$s"sti#/ noun a condition in which ababy is born without a bladderAdam’s apple

Adam’s apple /!'d#mz $'p(#)l/ noun a part ofthe thyroid cartilage which projects from the neckbelow the chin in a man. Also called laryngealprominenceadapt

adapt /#|$d'pt/ verb 1. to change one’s ideas orbehaviour to fit into a new situation ! She hasadapted very well to her new job in the children’shospital. 2. to change something to make it moreuseful ! The brace has to be adapted to fit thepatient.adaptation

adaptation /!'d'p |$te"/(#)n/ noun 1. a changewhich has been or can be made to something 2.the act of changing something so that it fits a newsituation


ADD abbreviation attention deficit disorderAddison’s anaemia

Addison’s anaemia /!'d"s(#)nz #|$ni%mi#/same as pernicious anaemia [Described 1849.After Thomas Addison (1793–1860), fromNorthumberland, founder of the science ofendocrinology.]Addison’s disease

Addison’s disease /$'d"s(#)nz d"|!zi%z/ nouna disease of the adrenal glands, causing a changein skin colour to yellow and then to dark brownand resulting in general weakness, anaemia, lowblood pressure and wasting away. Treatment iswith corticosteroid injections. [Described 1849.After Thomas Addison (1793–1860), fromNorthumberland, founder of the science ofendocrinology.]adducent

adducent /#|$dju%s(#)nt/ adjective referring to amuscle which brings parts of the body together ormoves them towards the central line of the bodyor a limb. Compare abducentadduct

adduct /#|$d.kt/ verb (of a muscle) to pull a legor arm towards the central line of the body, or topull a toe or finger towards the central line of a legor arm. Opposite abductadducted

adducted /#|$d.kt"d/ adjective referring to abody part brought towards the middle of the bodyadduction

adduction /#|$d.k/#n/ noun the movement of apart of the body towards the midline or towards aneighbouring part. Compare abduction. Seeillustration at ANATOMICAL TERMS in Supplementadductor

adductor /#|$d.kt#/, adductor muscle /#|

$d.kt# !m.s(#)l/ noun a muscle which pulls apart of the body towards the central line of thebody. Opposite abductoraden-

aden- /'d"n/ prefix same as adeno- (usedbefore vowels)adenectomy

adenectomy /!'d" |$nekt#mi/ noun the surgicalremoval of a glandadenine

adenine /$'d#ni%n/ noun one of the four basicchemicals in DNAadenitis

adenitis /!'d"|$na"t"s/ noun inflammation of agland or lymph node. ! lymphadenitisadeno-

adeno- /'d"n#*/ prefix referring to glandsadenocarcinoma

adenocarcinoma /!'d"n#* |k&%s" |$n#*m#/noun a malignant tumour of a glandadenohypophysis

adenohypophysis /!'d"n#* |ha" |$p(f"s"s/noun the front lobe of the pituitary gland whichsecretes most of the pituitary hormonesadenoid

adenoid /$'d"n)"d/ adjective like a glandadenoidal

adenoidal /!'d"|$n)"d(#)l/ adjective referring tothe adenoidsadenoidal tissue

adenoidal tissue /!'d"n)"d(#)l $t"/u%/ nounsame as adenoidsadenoidectomy

adenoidectomy /!'d"n)"|$dekt#mi/ noun thesurgical removal of the adenoidsadenoids

adenoids /$'d"n)"dz/ plural noun a mass of tis-sue at the back of the nose and throat that canrestrict breathing if enlarged. Also called pha-ryngeal tonsils

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adenoid vegetation 6adenoid vegetation

adenoid vegetation /!'d"n)"d !ved+#|

$te"/(#)n/ noun a condition in children where theadenoidal tissue is covered with growths and canblock the nasal passages or the Eustachian tubesadenolymphoma

adenolymphoma /!'d"n#*l"m|$f#*m#/ nouna benign tumour of the salivary glandsadenoma

adenoma /!'d" |$n#*m#/ noun a benign tumourof a glandadenomyoma

adenomyoma /!'d"n#*ma"|$#*m#/ noun abenign tumour made up of glands and muscleadenopathy

adenopathy /!'d" |$n(p#,i/ noun a disease of aglandadenosclerosis

adenosclerosis /!'d"n#*skl#|$r#*s"s/ nounthe hardening of a glandadenosine

adenosine /# |$den#*si%n/ noun a drug used totreat an irregular heartbeatadenosine diphosphate

adenosine diphosphate /# |!den#*si%n da"|

$f(sfe"t/ noun a chemical compound which pro-vides energy for processes to take place withinliving cells, formed when adenosine triphosphatereacts with water. Abbreviation ADPadenosine triphosphate

adenosine triphosphate /#|!den#*si%n tra"|

$f(sfe"t/ noun a chemical which occurs in allcells, but mainly in muscle, where it forms theenergy reserve. Abbreviation ATPadenosis

adenosis /!'d" |$n#*s"s/ noun any disease ordisorder of the glandsadenovirus

adenovirus /$'d"n#* |!va"r#s/ noun a viruswhich produces upper respiratory infections andsore throats and can cause fatal pneumonia ininfantsADH

ADH abbreviation antidiuretic hormoneADHD

ADHD abbreviation attention deficit hyperactiv-ity disorderadhesion

adhesion /#d|$hi%+(#)n/ noun a stable connec-tion between two parts in the body, either in ahealing process or between parts which are notusually connectedadhesive dressing

adhesive dressing /#d |!hi%s"v $dres"0/ noun adressing with a sticky substance on the back sothat it can stick to the skinadiposeadipose /$'d"p#*s/ adjective containing fat, ormade of fatadipose degenerationadipose degeneration /!'d"p#*s d" |!d+en#|

$re"/(#)n/ noun an accumulation of fat in the cellsof an organ such as the heart or liver, which makesthe organ less able to perform its proper function.Also called fatty degenerationadiposis

adiposis /!'d" |$p#*s"s/ noun a state where toomuch fat is accumulated in the bodyadiposis dolorosa

adiposis dolorosa /'d"|!p#*s"s !d(l# |$r#*s#/noun a disease of middle-aged women in whichpainful lumps of fatty substance form in the body.Also called Dercum’s diseaseadiposogenitalis

adiposogenitalis /'d" |!p#*s#*|!d+en" |$te"l"s/noun same as Fröhlich’s syndromeadiposuria

adiposuria /#d"ps#*|$ju%ri#/ noun the presenceof fat in the urine


adiposus /!'d" |$p#*s#s/ " panniculus adipo-susaditus

aditus /$'d"t#s/ noun an opening or entrance toa passageadjustment

adjustment /#|$d+.stm#nt/ noun a specificdirectional high-speed movement of a joint per-formed by a chiropractoradjuvant

adjuvant /$'d+*v#nt/ adjective referring totreatment by drugs or radiation therapy after sur-gery for cancer " noun a substance added to adrug to enhance the effect of the main ingredientadjuvant therapy

adjuvant therapy /$'d+*v#nt !,er#pi/ nountherapy using drugs or radiation after cancer sur-geryADLs

ADLs abbreviation activities of daily livingadminister

administer /#d|$m"n"st#/ verb to give someonemedicine or a treatment # to administer orally togive a medicine by mouthadmission

admission /#d |$m"/(#)n/ noun the act of beingregistered as a hospital patientadnexa

adnexa /'d |$neks#/ plural noun structuresattached to an organadolescence

adolescence /!'d#|$les(#)ns/ noun the periodof life when a child is developing into an adultadolescent

adolescent /!'d# |$les(#)nt/ noun a person whois at the stage of life when he or she is developinginto an adult " adjective developing into an adult,or occurring at that stage of life ! adolescentboys and girls ! adolescent fantasiesadoptive immunotherapy

adoptive immunotherapy /#|!d(pt"v"mj*n#|$,er#pi/ noun a treatment for cancer inwhich the patient’s own white blood cells are usedto attack cancer cellsADP

ADP abbreviation adenosine diphosphateadrenal

adrenal /# |$dri%n(#)l/ adjective situated near thekidney " noun same as adrenal glandadrenalectomy

adrenalectomy /# |!dri%n#|$lekt#mi/ noun thesurgical removal of one of the adrenal glandsadrenal gland

adrenal gland /#|$dri%n(#)l 1l'nd/ noun one oftwo endocrine glands at the top of the kidneyswhich secrete cortisone, adrenaline and other hor-mones. Also called adrenal body, adrenal. Seeillustration at KIDNEY in Supplementadrenaline

adrenaline /# |$dren#l"n/ noun a hormonesecreted by the medulla of the adrenal glandswhich has an effect similar to stimulation of thesympathetic nervous systemadrenal medulla

adrenal medulla /# |!dri%n(#)l me|$d.l#/ nounthe inner part of the adrenal gland which secretesadrenaline and noradrenaline. Also called supra-renal medullaadrenergic

adrenergic /!'dr#|$n-%d+"k/ adjective referringto a neurone or receptor which is stimulated byadrenaline. ! beta blockeradrenergic receptor

adrenergic receptor /!'dr#n-%d+"k r"|

$sept#/ noun same as adrenoceptorCOMMENT: Three types of adrenergic recep-tor act in different ways when stimulated by

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7 afferent nerve

adrenaline. Alpha receptors constrict thebronchi, beta 1 receptors speed up theheartbeat and beta 2 receptors dilate thebronchi.


adrenoceptor /#|!dren#*|$sept#/ noun a cell orneurone which is stimulated by adrenaline. Alsocalled adrenoreceptor, adrenergic receptoradrenocortical

adrenocortical /#|!dri%n#*|$k)%t"k(#)l/ adjec-tive relating to the cortex of the adrenal glandsadrenocorticotrophic hormone

adrenocorticotrophic hormone /#|!dri%n#*|

!k)%t#k#*tr(f"k $h)%m#*n/ noun a hormonesecreted by the pituitary gland, which makes thecortex of the adrenal glands produce corticoster-oids. Abbreviation ACTH. Also called cortico-trophinadrenocorticotrophin

adrenocorticotrophin /# |!dri%n#*k)%t#k#*|

$tr#*f"n/ noun adrenaline extracted from ani-mals’ adrenal glands and used to prevent haemor-rhages or to help asthmatic conditionsadrenogenital syndrome

adrenogenital syndrome /#|!dri%n#*|

$d+en"t(#)l !s"ndr#*m/ noun a condition causedby overproduction of male sex hormones, whereboys show rapid sexual development and femalesdevelop male characteristicsadrenolytic

adrenolytic /#dri%n#*|$l"t"k/ adjective actingagainst the secretion of adrenalineadrenoreceptor

adrenoreceptor /# |!dren#*r"|$sept#/ nounsame as adrenoceptoradsorbent

adsorbent /'d|$s)%b#nt/ adjective being capa-ble of adsorptionadsorption

adsorption /'d|$s)%p/(#)n/ noun the attach-ment of one substance to another, often the bond-ing of a liquid with a gas or vapour which touchesits surfaceadult

adult /$'d.lt/ adjective grown-up ! Adoles-cents reach the adult stage about the age of eight-een or twenty. " noun someone who is no longera childadult coeliac disease

adult coeliac disease /!'d.lt $si%li'k d"|

!zi%z/ noun a condition in adults where the villi inthe intestine become smaller and so reduce thesurface which can absorb nutrientsadult dentition

adult dentition /!'d.lt den|$t"/(#)n/ noun the32 teeth which an adult hasadulteration

adulteration /#|!d.lt#|$re"/(#)n/ noun the act ofmaking something less pure by adding anothersubstanceadult respiratory distress syndrome

adult respiratory distress syndrome/!'d.lt r"|!sp"r#t(#)ri d"|$stres !s"ndr#*m/ nouna description of various lung infections whichreduce the lungs’ efficiency. Abbreviation ARDSadvanced trauma life support

advanced trauma life support /#d|!v&%nst!tr)%ma $la"f s#|!p)%t/ noun the management of atrauma patient during the critical first hour afterinjury. Abbreviation ATLSadventitious

adventitious /!'dv#n|$t"/#s/ adjective on theoutside or in an unusual place

adventitious bursa

adventitious bursa /!'dv#nt"/#s $b-%s#/noun a bursa which develops as a result of contin-ued pressure or rubbingadverse

adverse /$'dv-%s/ adjective harmful or unfa-vourableadverse occurrence

adverse occurrence /!'dv-%s # |$k.r#ns/noun a harmful event which occurs during treat-mentadvocacy

advocacy /$'dv#k#si/ noun active support forsomething, especially in order to help people whowould have difficulty in gaining attention withoutyour helpadynamic ileus

adynamic ileus /e"|!da"n'm"k $"li#s/ nounsame as paralytic ileusaegophony

aegophony /i% |$1(f#ni/ noun a high sound ofthe voice heard through a stethoscope, wherethere is fluid in the pleural cavityaer-

aer- /e#/ prefix same as aero- (used before vow-els)aeration

aeration /e#|$re"/(#)n/ noun the adding of air oroxygen to a liquidaero-

aero- /e#r#*/ prefix referring to airaeroba

aeroba /e#|$r#*b#/, aerobe /$e#r#*b/ noun atiny organism which needs oxygen to surviveaerobic

aerobic /e# |$r#*b"k/ adjective needing oxygento live, or taking place in the presence of oxygenaerogenous

aerogenous /e#|$r(d+#n#s/ adjective referringto a bacterium which produces gasaerophagia

aerophagia /!e#r#|$fe"d+#/, aerophagy /e#|

$r(f#d+i/ noun the habit of swallowing air whensuffering from indigestion, so making the stom-ach pains worseaerosol

aerosol /$e#r#s(l/ noun tiny particles of a liquidsuch as a drug or disinfectant suspended in a gasunder pressure in a container and used as a sprayaetiology

aetiology /!i%ti |$(l#d+i/ noun 1. the cause or ori-gin of a disease 2. the study of the causes and ori-gins of diseasesAfC

AfC abbreviation Agenda for Changeafebrile

afebrile /e" |$fi%bra"l/ adjective with no feveraffect

affect /# |$fekt/ verb to make something or some-one change, especially to have a bad effect onsomething or someone ! Some organs are rap-idly affected if the patient lacks oxygen for even ashort time. " noun same as affectionaffection

affection /# |$fek/(#)n/, affect /# |$fekt/ noun thegeneral state of a person’s emotionsaffective

affective /#|$fekt"v/ adjective relating to a per-son’s moods or feelingsaffective disorder

affective disorder /#|$fekt"v d"s|!)%d#/ noun acondition which changes someone’s mood, mak-ing him or her depressed or excitedafferent

afferent /$'f(#)r#nt/ adjective conducting liq-uid or electrical impulses towards the inside.Opposite efferentafferent nerve

afferent nerve /$'f(#)r#nt !n-%v/ noun sameas sensory nerve

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afferent vessel 8afferent vesselafferent vessel /$'f(#)r#nt !ves(#)l/ noun atube which brings lymph to a glandaffinityaffinity /#|$f"n"ti/ noun an attraction betweentwo substancesaflatoxinaflatoxin /!'fl# |$t(ks"n/ noun a poison pro-duced by some moulds in some crops such as pea-nutsAfrican trypanosomiasisAfrican trypanosomiasis /!'fr"k#n!tr"p#n#*s#* |$ma"#s"s/ noun same as sleepingsicknessafterbirthafterbirth /$&%ft#b-%,/ noun the tissues, includ-ing the placenta and umbilical cord, which arepresent in the uterus during pregnancy and areexpelled after the birth of a babyaftercareaftercare /$&%ft#ke#/ noun 1. the care of a per-son who has had an operation. Aftercare treat-ment involves changing dressings and helpingpeople to look after themselves again. 2. the careof a mother who has just given birthafter-effectafter-effect /$&%ft#r "|!fekt/ noun a changewhich appears only some time after the cause !The operation had some unpleasant after-effects.after-imageafter-image /$&%ft#r !"m"d+/ noun an image ofan object which remains in a person’s sight afterthe object itself has goneafterpainsafterpains /$&%ft#pe"nz/ plural noun regularpains in the uterus which are sometimes experi-enced after childbirthafunctionalafunctional /e" $f.0k/#n(#)l/ adjective whichdoes not function properlyagalactiaagalactia /!e"1#|$l'kti#/ noun a condition inwhich a mother is unable to produce milk afterchildbirthagammaglobulinaemiaagammaglobulinaemia /e" |!1'm#|1l(bj*l"|

$ni%mi#/ noun a deficiency or absence of immu-noglobulins in the blood, which results in areduced ability to provide immune responsesagaragar /$e"1&%/, agar agar /!e"1# $e"1#/ noun aculture medium based on an extract of seaweedused for growing microorganisms in laboratoriesageage /e"d+/ noun the number of years which aperson has lived ! What’s your age on your nextbirthday? ! He was sixty years of age. ! The sizevaries according to age. " verb to grow oldage group

age group /$e"d+ 1ru%p/ noun all the people ofa particular age or within a particular set of ages! the age group 20–25agencyagency /$e"d+#nsi/ noun 1. an organisationwhich carries out work on behalf of anotherorganisation, e.g. one which recruits and employsnurses and supplies them to hospitals temporarilywhen full-time nursing staff are unavailable 2. theact of causing something to happen ! The diseasedevelops through the agency of bacteria presentin the bloodstream.Agenda for Change

Agenda for Change /#|!d+end# f# $t/e"nd+/noun a pay and reform package designed toensure that all directly employed NHS staff arepaid on the basis of equal pay for work of equal

value, implemented in December 2004. Abbrevi-ation AfCagenesis

agenesis /e"|$d+en#s"s/ noun the absence of anorgan, resulting from a failure in embryonicdevelopmentagent

agent /$e"d+#nt/ noun 1. a chemical substancewhich makes another substance react 2. a sub-stance or organism which causes a disease or con-dition 3. a person who acts as a representative ofanother person or carries out some kinds of workon his or her behalfagglutination

agglutination /# |!1lu%t"|$ne"/(#)n/ noun the actof coming together or sticking to one another toform a clump, as of bacteria cells in the presenceof serum, or blood cells when blood of differenttypes is mixedagglutinin

agglutinin /#|$1lu%t"n"n/ noun a factor in aserum which makes cells stick together in clumpsagglutinogen

agglutinogen /!'1lu% |$t"n#d+#n/ noun a factorin red blood cells which reacts with a specificagglutinin in serumagitation

agitation /!'d+"|$te"/(#)n/ noun a state of beingvery nervous and anxiousaglossia

aglossia /e"|$1l(si#/ noun the condition of nothaving a tongue from birthagnosia

agnosia /'1|$n#*zi#/ noun a brain disorder inwhich a person fails to recognise places, people,tastes or smells which they used to know wellagonist

agonist /$'1#n"st/ noun 1. a muscle whichcauses part of the body to move and another mus-cle to relax when it contracts. Also called primemover 2. a substance which produces an observ-able physiological effect by acting through spe-cific receptors. ! antagonistagony

agony /$'1#ni/ noun a very severe physical oremotional pain ! He lay in agony on the floor. !She suffered the agony of waiting for weeks untilher condition was diagnosed.agoraphobia

agoraphobia /!'1(#)r#|$f#*bi#/ noun a fear ofbeing in open spaces. Compare claustrophobiaagoraphobic

agoraphobic /!'1(#)r# |$f#*b"k/ adjectiveafraid of being in open spaces. Compare claus-trophobicagranulocytosis

agranulocytosis /#|!1r'nj*l#*|sa"|$t#*s"s/noun a usually fatal disease where the number ofgranulocytes, a type of white blood cell, fallssharply because of a bone marrow conditionagraphia

agraphia /e"|$1r'fi#/ noun the condition ofbeing unable to put ideas into writingAHF

AHF abbreviation antihaemophilic factoraid

aid /e"d/ noun 1. help 2. a machine, tool or drugwhich helps someone do something ! He uses awalking frame as an aid to exercising his legs. "verb to help someone or something ! The proce-dure is designed to aid the repair of tissues aftersurgery.AID

AID /!e" a" $di%/ noun full form artificial insem-ination by donor. Now called DI

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9 aldosteroneAIDSAIDS /e"dz/, Aids noun a viral infection whichbreaks down the body’s immune system. Fullform acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,acquired immune deficiency syndromeAIDS dementia

AIDS dementia /!e"dz d" |$men/#/ noun a formof mental degeneration resulting from infectionwith HIVAIDS-related complexAIDS-related complex /!e"dz r"|!le"t"d$k(mpleks/, AIDS-related condition /!e"dz r"|

!le"t"d k#n|$d"/(#)n/ noun early symptoms shownby someone infected with the HIV virus, e.g.weight loss, fever and herpes zoster. AbbreviationARCAIHAIH abbreviation artificial insemination by hus-bandailment

ailment /$e"lm#nt/ noun an illness, though notgenerally a very serious one ! Chickenpox is oneof the common childhood ailments.air bed

air bed /$e# bed/ noun a mattress which is filledwith air, used to prevent the formation of bed-sores. ! conductionairborne infectionairborne infection /!e#b)%n "n|$fek/#n/ nounan infection which is carried in the airair conductionair conduction /$e# k#n|!d.k/#n/ noun theprocess by which sounds pass from the outside tothe inner ear through the auditory meatusair embolism

air embolism /$e#r !emb#l"z(#)m/ noun ablockage caused by bubbles of air, that stops theflow of blood in vesselsair passage

air passage /$e# !p's"d+/ noun any tube whichtakes air to the lungs, e.g. the nostrils, pharynx,larynx, trachea and bronchiairsickness

airsickness /$e#s"kn#s/ noun a queasy feeling,usually leading to vomiting, caused by the move-ment of an aircraftairwayairway /$e#we"/ noun a passage through whichair passes, especially the tracheaakathisiaakathisia /!e"k# |$,"si#/ noun restlessnessakinesiaakinesia /!e"k" |$ni%zi#/ noun a lack of voluntarymovement, as in Parkinson’s diseaseakinetic

akinetic /!e"k" |$net"k/ adjective without move-mentalacrimaalacrima /e"|$l'kr"m#/ noun same as xerosisalactasia

alactasia /!e"l'k |$te"zi#/ noun a condition inwhich there is a deficiency of lactase in the intes-tine, making the patient incapable of digestinglactose, the sugar in milkalaliaalalia /e" |$le"li#/ noun a condition in which a per-son completely loses the ability to speakalaninealanine /$'l#ni%n/ noun an amino acidalanine aminotransferasealanine aminotransferase /!'l#ni%n #|

!mi%n#*|$tr'nsf#re"z/ noun an enzyme which isfound in the liver and can be monitored as an indi-cator of liver damage. Abbreviation ALTalar cartilage

alar cartilage /!e"l# $k&%t"l"d+/ noun cartilagein the noseAlbee’s operationAlbee’s operation /$)%lbi%z (p#|!re"/(#)n/noun a surgical operation to fuse two or more ver-

tebrae [After Frederick Houdlett Albee (1876–1945), US surgeon.]albinismalbinism /$'lb"n"z(#)m/ noun a condition inwhich a person lacks the pigment melanin and sohas pink skin and eyes and white hair. It is hered-itary and cannot be treated. ! vitiligoalbinoalbino /'l|$bi%n#*/ noun a person who is defi-cient in melanin and has little or no pigmentationin the skin, hair or eyesalbuginea oculialbuginea oculi /!'lbj*d+"ni# $(kj*la"/ nounsame as scleraalbuminalbumin /$'lbj*m"n/ noun a common protein,which is soluble in water, found in plant and ani-mal tissue and digested in the intestinealbuminuriaalbuminuria /!'lbj*m" |$nj*#ri#/ noun a condi-tion in which albumin is found in the urine, usu-ally a sign of kidney disease, but also sometimesof heart failurealbumosealbumose /$'lbj*m#*z/ noun an intermediateproduct in the digestion of proteinalcoholalcohol /$'lk#h(l/ noun a pure colourless liq-uid which is formed by the action of yeast onsugar solutions and forms part of drinks such aswine and whiskyalcohol abusealcohol abuse /$'lk#h(l # |!bju%s/ noun theexcessive use of alcohol adversely affecting a per-son’s healthalcohol addictionalcohol addiction /$'lk#h(l #|!d"k/#n/ noun acondition in which a person is dependent on theuse of alcoholalcohol-fastalcohol-fast /$'lk#h(l f&%st/ adjective refer-ring to an organ stained for testing which is notdiscoloured by alcoholalcoholicalcoholic /!'lk#|$h(l"k/ adjective containingalcohol " noun a person who is addicted to drink-ing alcohol and shows changes in behaviour andpersonalityalcoholic cirrhosisalcoholic cirrhosis /!'lk#h(l"k s"|$r#*s"s/noun cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholismAlcoholics AnonymousAlcoholics Anonymous /!'lk#h(l"ks #|

$n(n"m#s/ noun an organisation of former alco-holics which helps people to overcome theirdependence on alcohol by encouraging them totalk about their problems in group therapy.Abbreviation AAalcoholismalcoholism /$'lk#h(l"z(#)m/ noun excessivedrinking of alcohol which becomes addictivealcohol poisoningalcohol poisoning /$'lk#h(l !p)"z(#)n"0/noun poisoning and disease caused by excessivedrinking of alcoholalcoholuriaalcoholuria /!'lk#h(|$lj*#ri#/ noun a condi-tion in which alcohol is present in the urine(NOTE: The level of alcohol in the urine is usedas a test for drivers who are suspected of drivingwhile drunk.)aldosteronealdosterone /'l|$d(st#r#*n/ noun a hormonesecreted by the cortex of the adrenal gland, whichregulates the balance of sodium and potassium inthe body and the amount of body fluid

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aldosteronism 10aldosteronism

aldosteronism /'l |$d(st(#)r#n"z(#)m/ noun acondition in which a person produces too muchaldosterone, so that there is too much salt in theblood. This causes high blood pressure and theneed to drink a lot of liquids.aleukaemic

aleukaemic /!e"lu%|$ki%m"k/ adjective referringto a state where leukaemia is not presentAlexander techniqueAlexander technique /!'l"1 |$z&%nd# tek |

!ni%k/ noun a method of improving the way a per-son stands and moves, by making them muchmore aware of how muscles behavealexiaalexia /e"|$leksi#/ noun a condition in which thepatient cannot understand printed words. Alsocalled word blindnessalfacalcidol

alfacalcidol /!'lf#|$k'ls"d(l/ noun a substancerelated to vitamin D, used by the body to maintainthe right levels of calcium and phosphate, andalso as a drug to help people who do not haveenough vitamin Dalgesimeter

algesimeter /!'ld+" |$s"m"t#/ noun an instru-ment to measure the sensitivity of the skin to pain-algia-algia /'ld+i#/ suffix a word ending that indi-cates a painful conditionalgid

algid /$'ld+"d/ adjective referring to a stage in adisease that causes fever during which the bodybecomes coldalienationalienation /!e"li#|$ne"/(#)n/ noun a psychologi-cal condition in which a person develops the feel-ing of not being part of the everyday world, and asa result often becomes hostile to other peoplealignmentalignment /# |$la"nm#nt/ noun the arrangementof something in a straight line, or in the correctposition in relation to something elsealimentary

alimentary /!'l"|$ment(#)ri/ adjective provid-ing food, or relating to food or nutritionalimentary canal

alimentary canal /'l"|!ment(#)ri k# |$n'l/noun a tube in the body going from the mouth tothe anus and including the throat, stomach andintestine, through which food passes and isdigested

COMMENT: The alimentary canal is formed ofthe mouth, throat, oesophagus stomach andsmall and large intestines. Food is brokendown by digestive juices in the mouth, stom-ach and small intestine, water is removed inthe large intestine, and the remaining matteris passed out of the body as faeces.


alimentation /!'l"men |$te"/(#)n/ noun the actof providing food or nourishmentaliquot

aliquot /$'l"kw(t/ noun a part of a larger thing,especially a sample of something which is takento be examinedalkalaemiaalkalaemia /!'lk#|$li%mi#/ noun an excess ofalkali in the bloodalkali

alkali /$'lk#la"/ noun one of many substanceswhich neutralise acids and form salts (NOTE: Theplural is alkalis.)alkalinealkaline /$'lk#la"n/ adjective containing morealkali than acid


alkalinity /!'lk# |$l"n"ti/ noun the level of alkaliin a body ! Hyperventilation causes fluctuatingcarbon dioxide levels in the blood, resulting in anincrease of blood alkalinity.alkaloid

alkaloid /$'lk#l)"d/ noun one of many poison-ous substances found in plants and used as medi-cines, e.g. atropine, morphine or quininealkalosis

alkalosis /!'lk#|$l#*s"s/ noun a condition inwhich the alkali level in the body tissue is high,producing crampsalkaptonuria

alkaptonuria /!'lk'pt#|$nj*#ri#/ noun ahereditary condition where dark pigment ispresent in the urineallantois

allantois /#|$l'nt#*"s/ noun one of the mem-branes in the embryo, shaped like a sac, whichgrows out of the embryonic hindgutallele

allele /# |$li%l/ noun one of two or more alternativeforms of a gene, situated in the same area on eachof a pair of chromosomes and each producing adifferent effectallergen

allergen /$'l#d+#n/ noun a substance whichproduces hypersensitivityallergenic agent

allergenic agent /!'l#d+en"k $e"d+#nt/ nouna substance which produces an allergyallergic

allergic /# |$l-%d+"k/ adjective having an allergyto something ! She is allergic to cats. ! I’mallergic to penicillin.allergy

allergy /$'l#d+i/ noun an unusual sensitivity tosome substances such as pollen or dust, whichcause a physical reaction such as sneezing or arash in someone who comes into contact withthem ! She has an allergy to household dust. !He has a penicillin allergy. (NOTE: You have anallergy or you are allergic to something.)allergy bracelet

allergy bracelet /$'l#d+i !bre"sl#t/ noun "medical alert braceletallied health professional

allied health professional /!'la"d $hel, pr# |

!fe/(#)n(#)l/ noun a professional working inmedicine who is not a doctor or nurse, e.g. a phys-iotherapist or paramedicallo-

allo- /'l#*/ prefix differentallocation

allocation /!'l#|$ke"/(#)n/ noun the way anamount of something is divided among the vari-ous departments of an organisation, or the amountwhich is received by a particular departmentallodynia

allodynia /!'l#|$d"ni#/ noun pain of the skincaused by something such as clothing which usu-ally does not cause painallograft

allograft /$'l#*1r&%ft/ noun same as hom-ograftallopathy

allopathy /# |$l(p#,i/ noun the treatment of acondition using drugs which produce oppositesymptoms to those of the condition. Comparehomeopathyallopurinol

allopurinol /!'l#* |$pj*#r"n(l/ noun a drugwhich helps to stop the body producing uric acid,used in the treatment of gout

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11 amentiaall or none law

all or none law /!)%l )% $n.n l)%/ noun the rulethat the heart muscle either contracts fully or doesnot contract at allallylestrenol

allylestrenol /!'la"l|$estr#n(l/ noun a steroidused to encourage pregnancyalopecia

alopecia /!'l#|$pi%/#/ noun a condition in whichhair is lost. Compare hypotrichosisalopecia areata

alopecia areata /!'l#pi%/# !'ri|$e"t#/ noun acondition in which the hair falls out in patchesalpha

alpha /$'lf#/ noun the first letter of the Greekalphabetalpha-adrenoceptor antagonist

alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist /!'lf# #|

!dri%n#*r" |$sept# 'n |!t'1#n"st/, alpha-adreno-ceptor blocker /$'lf# !bl(k#/ noun a drugwhich can relax smooth muscle, used to treat uri-nary retention and hypertension. Also calledalpha blockeralpha-fetoprotein

alpha-fetoprotein /!'lf# !fi%t#*|$pr#*ti%n/noun a protein produced by the liver of the humanfetus, which accumulates in the amniotic fluid. Ahigh or low concentration is tested for by amnio-centesis in the antenatal diagnosis of spina bifidaor Down’s syndrome, respectively.Alport’s syndrome

Alport’s syndrome /$)%lp)%ts !s"ndr#*m/noun a genetic disease of the kidneys whichsometimes causes a person to lose his or her hear-ing and sightalprostadil

alprostadil /'l |$pr(st#d"l/ noun a drug whichmakes blood vessels wider, used to treat impo-tence, prevent coagulation, and maintain babieswith congenital heart conditionsALT

ALT abbreviation alanine aminotransferasealternative medicine

alternative medicine /)%l |!t-%n#t"v$med(#)s"n/ noun the treatment of illness usingtherapies such as homoeopathy or naturopathywhich are not considered part of conventionalWestern medicine. ! complementary medicinealtitude sickness

altitude sickness /$'lt"tju%d !s"kn#s/ noun acondition caused by reduced oxygen in the airabove altitudes of 7000 to 8000 feet (3600metres). Symptoms include headaches, breath-lessness, fatigue, nausea and swelling of the face,hands and feet. Also called high-altitude sick-ness, mountain sicknessaluminium hydroxide

aluminium hydroxide /'l# |!m"ni#m ha"|

$dr(ksa"d/ noun a chemical substance used as anantacid to treat indigestion. Formula: Al(OH)3 orAl2O3.3H2O.alveolar

alveolar /!'lv"|$#*l#, 'l |$vi%#l#/ adjective refer-ring to the alveolialveolar duct

alveolar duct /!'lv" |$#*l# d.kt/ noun a duct inthe lung which leads from the respiratory bron-chioles to the alveoli. See illustration at LUNGS inSupplementalveolitis

alveolitis /!'lvi#|$la"t"s/ noun inflammation ofan alveolus in the lungs or the socket of a toothalveolus

alveolus /!'lv" |$#*l#s, 'l|$vi%#l#s/ noun a smallcavity, e.g. an air sac in the lungs or the socket

into which a tooth fits. See illustration at LUNGS inSupplement (NOTE: The plural is alveoli.)Alzheimer plaque

Alzheimer plaque /$'ltsha"m# pl'k/ noun adisc-shaped plaque of amyloid found in the brainin people who have Alzheimer’s diseaseAlzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease /$'ltsha"m#z d"|!zi%z/noun a disease where a person experiences pro-gressive dementia due to nerve cell loss in spe-cific brain areas, resulting in loss of mental facul-ties including memory [Described 1906. AfterAlois Alzheimer (1864–1915), Bavarian physi-cian.]amalgam

amalgam /#|$m'l1#m/ noun a mixture of met-als, based on mercury and tin, used by dentists tofill holes in teethamaurosis

amaurosis /!'m)%|$r#*s"s/ noun blindnesscaused by disease of the optic nerveamaurotic familial idiocy

amaurotic familial idiocy /!'m)%r(t"k f#|

!m"li#l $"di#si/, amaurotic family idiocy/!'m)%r(t"k !f'm(#)li $"di#si/ noun same asTay-Sachs diseaseamb-

amb- /'mb/ prefix same as ambi- (used beforevowels)ambi-

ambi- /'mbi/ prefix bothambidextrous

ambidextrous /!'mb"|$dekstr#s/ adjectivereferring to a person who can use both handsequally well and who is not right- or left-handedambisexual

ambisexual /!'mb" |$sek/u#l/ adjective, nounsame as bisexualamblyopia

amblyopia /!'mbli|$#*pi#/ noun a lack of nor-mal vision without a structural cause. A commonexample is squint and other forms may be causedby the cyanide in tobacco smoke or by drinkingmethylated spirits.amblyopic

amblyopic /!'mbli|$(p"k/ adjective affected byamblyopiaamblyoscope

amblyoscope /$'mbli#*sk#*p/ noun aninstrument for measuring the angle of a squint andhow effectively someone uses both their eyestogether. Also called orthoptoscopeambulatory

ambulatory /!'mbju|$le"t(#)ri/ adjective refer-ring to a patient who is not confined to bed but isable to walkambulatory care

ambulatory care /!'mbju |!le"t(#)ri $ke#/noun treatment of a patient which does notinvolve staying in hospital during the nightamelia

amelia /#|$mi%li#/ noun the absence of a limbfrom birth, or a condition in which a limb is shortfrom birthamelioration

amelioration /#|!mi%li#|$re"/(#)n/ noun theprocess of getting betterameloblastoma

ameloblastoma /!'m"l#*bl' |$st#*m#/ nouna tumour in the jaw, usually in the lower jawamenorrhoea

amenorrhoea /!e"men#|$ri%#/ noun the absenceof one or more menstrual periods, usual duringpregnancy and after the menopauseamentia

amentia /e" |$men/#/ noun the fact of being men-tally underdeveloped

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ametropia 12ametropia

ametropia /!'m" |$tr#*pi#/ noun a condition inwhich the eye cannot focus light correctly ontothe retina, as in astigmatism, hypermetropia andmyopia. Compare emmetropiaamfetamine

amfetamine /'m|$fet#mi%n/ noun an addictivedrug, similar to adrenaline, used to give a feelingof wellbeing and wakefulness. Also calledamphetamineamikacin

amikacin /!'m" |$ke"s"n/ noun a type of antibi-otic used to treat infections caused by aerobicbacteriaamiloride

amiloride /# |$m"l#ra"d/ noun a drug which helpsto increase the production of urine and preservethe body’s supply of potassiumamino acid

amino acid /#|!mi%n#* $'s"d/ noun a chemicalcompound which is broken down from proteins inthe digestive system and then used by the body toform its own proteinaminobutyric acid

aminobutyric acid /#|!mi%n#*bj*t"r"k $'s"d/noun " gamma aminobutyric acidaminoglycoside

aminoglycoside /# |!mi%n#*|$1la"k#sa"d/ nouna drug used to treat many Gram-negative andsome Gram-positive bacterial infections (NOTE:Aminoglycosides include drugs with names end-ing in -cin: gentamicin.)aminophylline

aminophylline /!'m" |$n(f"li%n/ noun a drugthat makes the bronchial tubes wider, used in thetreatment of asthmaamiodarone

amiodarone /!'mi|$(d#r#*n/ noun a drug thatmakes the blood vessels wider, used in the treat-ment of irregular heartbeatamitosis

amitosis /!'m" |$t#*s"s/ noun the multiplicationof a cell by splitting of the nucleusamitriptyline

amitriptyline /!'m"|$tr"pt"li%n/ noun a sedativedrug used to treat depression and persistent painamlodipine

amlodipine /'m |$l(d"pi%n/ noun a drug thathelps to control the movement of calcium ionsthrough cell membranes. It is used to treat hyper-tension and angina.ammonia

ammonia /#|$m#*ni#/ noun a gas with a strongsmell, a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen,which is a usual product of human metabolismamnesia

amnesia /'m|$ni%zi#/ noun loss of memoryamnihook

amnihook /$'mnih*k/ noun a hooked instru-ment used to induce labour by pulling on theamniotic sacamniocentesis

amniocentesis /!'mni#*sen|$ti%s"s/ noun aprocedure which involves taking a test sample ofthe amniotic fluid during pregnancy using a hol-low needle and syringeamnion

amnion /$'mni#n/ noun the thin sac containingthe amniotic fluid which covers an unborn baby inthe uterus. Also called amniotic sacamnioscope

amnioscope /$'mni#sk#*p/ noun an instru-ment used to examine a fetus through the cervicalchannel, before the amniotic sac is brokenamnioscopy

amnioscopy /!'mni|$(sk#pi/ noun an exami-nation of the amniotic fluid during pregnancy


amniotic /!'mni |$(t"k/ adjective relating to theamnionamniotic fluid

amniotic fluid /!'mni(t"k $flu%"d/ noun thefluid contained in the amnion which surrounds anunborn babyamniotomy

amniotomy /!'mni |$(t#mi/ noun a puncture ofthe amnion to help induce labouramoeba

amoeba /#|$mi%b#/ noun a form of animal life,made up of a single cell (NOTE: The plural isamoebae.)amoebiasis

amoebiasis /!'m" |$ba"#s"s/ noun an infectioncaused by amoebae which can result in amoebicdysentery in the large intestine (intestinal amoe-biasis) and sometimes affects the lungs (pulmo-nary amoebiasis)amoebic

amoebic /# |$mi%b"k/ adjective relating to orcaused by amoebaeamorphous

amorphous /# |$m)%f#s/ adjective with no regu-lar shapeamoxicillin

amoxicillin /# |$m(ks"s"l"n/ noun an antibioticAmoxil

Amoxil /#|$m(ks"l/ a trade name for amoxicillinamphetamine

amphetamine /'m |$fet#mi%n/ noun same asamfetamineamphiarthrosis

amphiarthrosis /!'mfi&%|$,r#*s"s/ noun ajoint which only has limited movement, e.g. oneof the joints in the spineamphotericin

amphotericin /!'mf#*|$ter"s"n/ noun an anti-fungal agent, used against Candidaampicillin

ampicillin /!'mp"|$s"l"n/ noun a type of penicil-lin, used as an antibioticampoule

ampoule /$'mpu%l/, ampule /$'mpju%l/ nouna small glass container, closed at the neck, used tocontain sterile drugs for use in injectionsampulla

ampulla /'m|$p*l#/ noun a swelling of a canalor duct, shaped like a bottle (NOTE: The plural isampullae.)amputation

amputation /!'mpj*|$te"/(#)n/ noun the surgi-cal removal of a limb or part of a limbamputee

amputee /!'mpj* |$ti%/ noun someone who hashad a limb or part of a limb removed in a surgicaloperationamygdala

amygdala /#|$m"1d#l#/ noun an almond-shapedbody in the brain, at the end of the caudatenucleus of the thalamus. Also called amygdaloidbodyamygdaloid body

amygdaloid body /#|$m"1d#l)"d !b(di/ nounsame as amygdalaamyl-

amyl- /'m(#)l/ prefix referring to starchamylase

amylase /$'m"le"z/ noun an enzyme whichconverts starch into maltoseamyl nitrate

amyl nitrate /!'m(#)l $na"tre"t/ noun a drugused to reduce blood pressure (NOTE: Amyl nitrateis also used as a recreational drug.)amyloid

amyloid /$'m"l)"d/ noun a waxy protein thatforms in some tissues during the development ofvarious diseases, e.g. forming disc-shapedplaques in the brain in Alzheimer’s disease

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13 anastomoseamyloid disease

amyloid disease /$'m"l)"d d"|!zi%z/ nounsame as amyloidosisamyloidosis

amyloidosis /!'m"l)"|$d#*s"s/ noun a diseaseof the kidneys and liver, where amyloid developsin the tissues. Also called amyloid diseaseamylopsin

amylopsin /!'m"|$l(ps"n/ noun an enzymewhich converts starch into maltoseamylose

amylose /$'m"l#*z/ noun a carbohydrate ofstarchamyotonia

amyotonia /!e"ma"#|$t#*ni#/ noun a lack ofmuscle toneamyotonia congenita

amyotonia congenita /!e"ma"#t#*ni# k#n |

$d+en"t#/ noun a congenital disease of children inwhich the muscles lack tone. Also called floppybaby syndromeamyotrophia

amyotrophia /e"|!ma"#|$tr#*fi#/ noun a condi-tion in which a muscle wastes awayamyotrophic lateral sclerosis

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis /e" |

!ma"#tr(f"k !l't#r(#)l skl# |$r#*s"s/ noun amotor neurone disease in which the limbs twitchand the muscles gradually waste away. Alsocalled Gehrig’s disease. Abbreviation ALSamyotrophy

amyotrophy /e"|!ma" |$(tr#fi/ same as amyo-trophiaan-

an- /'n/ prefix same as ana- (used before vow-els)ana-

ana- /'n#/ prefix without or lackinganabolic

anabolic /!'n#|$b(l"k/ adjective referring to asubstance which synthesises proteinanabolic steroid

anabolic steroid /'n#|!b(l"k $st"#r)"d/ nouna drug which encourages the synthesis of new liv-ing tissue, especially muscle, from nutrientsanabolism

anabolism /'|$n'b#l"z(#)m/ noun the processof building up complex chemical substances onthe basis of simpler onesanacrotism

anacrotism /# |$n'kr#t"z(#)m/ noun a secondstroke in the pulseanaemia

anaemia /# |$ni%mi#/ noun a condition in whichthe level of red blood cells is less than usual orwhere the haemoglobin is less, making it moredifficult for the blood to carry oxygen. The symp-toms are tiredness and pale colour, especially palelips, nails and the inside of the eyelids. The con-dition can be fatal if not treated.anaemic

anaemic /# |$ni%m"k/ adjective having anaemiaanaerobe

anaerobe /$'n#r#*b, 'n |$e#r#*b/ noun amicroorganism which lives without oxygen, e.g.the tetanus bacillusanaerobic

anaerobic /!'n# |$r#*b"k/ adjective 1. not need-ing oxygen for metabolism ! anaerobic bacteria2. without oxygen ! anaerobic conditionsanaesthesia

anaesthesia /!'n#s|$,i%zi#/ noun 1. a state,deliberately produced in a patient by a medicalprocedure, in which he or she can feel no pain,either in a part or in the whole of the body 2. a lossof feeling caused by damage to nerves (NOTE:The US spelling is anesthesia.)

anaestheticanaesthetic /!'n#s|$,et"k/ adjective inducingloss of feeling " noun a substance given to some-one to remove feeling, so that he or she canundergo an operation without painanaesthetic induction

anaesthetic induction /!'n#s,et"k "n|

$d.k/#n/ noun a method of inducing anaesthesiain a patientanaesthetic riskanaesthetic risk /!'n#s,et"k $r"sk/ noun therisk that an anaesthetic may cause seriousunwanted side effectsanaesthetiseanaesthetise /#|$ni%s,#ta"z/, anaesthetizeverb to produce a loss of feeling in a person or inpart of the person’s bodyanaesthetistanaesthetist /#|$ni%s,#t"st/ noun a specialistwho administers anaestheticsanal

anal /$e"n(#)l/ adjective relating to the anusanalepticanaleptic /!'n#|$lept"k/ noun a drug used tomake someone regain consciousness or to stimu-late a patientanalgesiaanalgesia /!'n(#)l |$d+i%zi#/ noun a reduction ofthe feeling of pain without loss of consciousnessanalgesicanalgesic /!'n(#)l |$d+i%z"k/ adjective relatingto analgesia " noun a painkilling drug which pro-duces analgesia and reduces pyrexiaanallyanally /$e"n(#)li/ adverb through the anus ! Thepatient is not able to pass faeces anally.analyse

analyse /$'n#la"z/ verb to examine somethingin detail ! The laboratory is analysing the bloodsamples. ! When the food was analysed it wasfound to contain traces of bacteria.analysisanalysis /# |$n'l#s"s/ noun an examination of asubstance to find out what it is made of (NOTE:The plural is analyses.)analystanalyst /$'n#l"st/ noun a person who examinessamples of substances or tissue, to find out whatthey are made ofanaphaseanaphase /$'n#fe"z/ noun a stage in cell divi-sion, after the metaphase and before the telophaseanaphylacticanaphylactic /!'n#f"|$l'kt"k/ adjective relat-ing to or caused by extreme sensitivity to a sub-stanceanaphylactic shockanaphylactic shock /!'n#f"l'kt"k $/(k/noun a sudden severe reaction, which can be fatal,to something such as an injected substance or abee stinganaphylaxisanaphylaxis /!'n#f" |$l'ks"s/ noun 1. extremesensitivity to a substance introduced into the body2. same as anaphylactic shockanaplasiaanaplasia /!'n#|$ple"si#/ noun the loss of acell’s typical characteristics, caused by canceranaplasticanaplastic /!'n#|$pl'st"k/ adjective referringto anaplasiaanarthriaanarthria /'n |$&%,ri#/ noun the loss of the abil-ity to speak words properlyanasarca

anasarca /!'n# |$s&%k#/ noun the presence offluid in the body tissues. ! oedemaanastomoseanastomose /# |$n'st#m#*z/ verb to join twoblood vessels or tubular structures together

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anastomosis 14anastomosis

anastomosis /# |!n'st#|$m#*s"s/ noun a con-nection made between two blood vessels or tubu-lar structures, either naturally or by surgeryanatomical

anatomical /!'n# |$t(m"k(#)l/ adjective relatingto the anatomy ! the anatomical features of afetusanatomy

anatomy /#|$n't#mi/ noun 1. the structure,especially the internal structure, of the body 2. thebranch of science that studies the structure of thebodies of humans, animals and plants ! They arestudying anatomy.ancillary worker

ancillary worker /'n |$s"l#ri !w-%k#/ nounsomeone who does a job for patients such cookingor cleaning which is supplementary to medicalcareanconeus

anconeus /'0|$k#*ni#s/ noun a small triangu-lar muscle at the back of the elbowAncylostoma

Ancylostoma /!'ns"l# |$st#*m#/ noun a para-sitic worm in the intestine which holds onto thewall of the intestine with its teeth and lives on theblood and protein of the carrierancylostomiasis

ancylostomiasis /!'ns"l#*st#|$ma"#s"s/noun a disease of which the symptoms are weak-ness and anaemia, caused by a hookworm whichlives on the blood of the carrier. In severe casesthe person may die.androgen

androgen /$'ndr#d+#n/ noun a male sex hor-mone, testosterone or androsterone, whichincreases the male characteristics of the bodyandrogenic

androgenic /!'ndr# |$d+en"k/ adjective pro-ducing male characteristicsandrology

andrology /'n |$dr(l#d+i/ noun the study ofmale sexual characteristics and subjects such asimpotence, infertility and the male menopauseandrosterone

androsterone /'n|$dr(st#r#*n/ noun one ofthe male sex hormonesanencephalous

anencephalous /!'nen|$kef#l#s/ adjectivehaving no brainanencephaly

anencephaly /!'nen|$kef#li/ noun the absenceof a brain, which causes a fetus to die a few hoursafter birthanergy

anergy /$'n#d+i/ noun a state of severe weak-ness and lack of energyaneurine

aneurine /#|$nj*#r"n/ noun same as Vitamin B1aneurysm

aneurysm /$'nj#r"z(#)m/ noun a swellingcaused by the weakening of the wall of a bloodvesselangi-

angi- /'nd+i/ prefix same as angio- (usedbefore vowels)angiectasis

angiectasis /!'nd+i |$ekt#s"s/ noun a swellingof the blood vesselsangiitis

angiitis /!'nd+i |$a"t"s/ noun an inflammation ofa blood vesselangina

angina /'n |$d+a"n#/ noun a pain in the chest fol-lowing exercise or eating, which is caused by aninadequate supply of blood to the heart musclesbecause of narrowing of the arteries. It is com-

monly treated with nitrates or calcium channelblocker drugs.angina pectoris

angina pectoris /'n |!d+a"n# $pekt#r"s/ nounsame as anginaangio-

angio- /'nd+i#*/ prefix referring to a blood ves-selangiocardiogram

angiocardiogram /!'nd+i#* |$k&%di#1r'm/noun a series of pictures resulting from angiocar-diographyangiocardiography

angiocardiography /!'nd+i#*|k&%di |$(1r#fi/noun an X-ray examination of the cardiac systemafter injection with an opaque dye so that theorgans show up clearly on the filmangiodysplasia

angiodysplasia /!'nd+i#*d"s|$ple"zi#/ noun acondition where the blood vessels in the colondilate, resulting in loss of bloodangiogenesis

angiogenesis /!'nd+i#*|$d+en#s"s/ noun theformation of new blood vessels, e.g. in an embryoor as a result of a tumourangiogram

angiogram /$'nd+i#*1r'm/ noun an X-raypicture of blood vesselsangiography

angiography /!'nd+i|$(1r#fi/ noun an X-rayexamination of blood vessels after injection withan opaque dye so that they show up clearly on thefilmangiology

angiology /!'nd+i |$(l#d+i/ noun the branch ofmedicine which deals with blood vessels and thelymphatic systemangioma

angioma /!'nd+i|$#*m#/ noun a benign tumourformed of blood vessels, e.g. a naevusangioneurotic oedema

angioneurotic oedema /!'nd+i#* |nj* |!r(t"k"|$di%m#/ noun a sudden accumulation of liquidunder the skin, similar to nettle rashangiopathy

angiopathy /!'nd+i |$(p#,i/ noun a disease ofvessels such as blood and lymphatic vesselsangioplasty

angioplasty /$'nd+i#*|!pl'sti/ noun plasticsurgery to repair a blood vessel, e.g. a narrowedcoronary arteryangiosarcoma

angiosarcoma /!'nd+i#*s&% |$k#*m#/ noun amalignant tumour in a blood vesselangiospasm

angiospasm /$'nd+i#*sp'z(#)m/ noun aspasm which constricts blood vesselsangiotensin

angiotensin /$'nd+i#*tens"n/ noun apolypeptide which affects blood pressure by caus-ing vasoconstriction and increasing extracellularvolumeangiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor

angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibi-tor /!'nd+i#*tens"n k#n |!v-%t"0 $enza"m "n|

!h"b"t#/ noun a drug which inhibits the conver-sion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, which con-stricts arteries, used in the treatment of hyperten-sion and heart failure. Also called ACE inhibitor(NOTE: ACE inhibitors have names ending in-pril: captopril.)angle-closure glaucoma

angle-closure glaucoma /!'01#l !kl#*+#1l)%|$k#*m#/ noun an unusually high pressure offluid inside the eyeball caused by pressure of the

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15 anteflexion

iris against the lens, trapping the aqueous humour.Also called acute glaucomaangular vein

angular vein /$'01j*l# ve"n/ noun a veinwhich continues the facial vein at the side of thenoseanhedonia

anhedonia /!'nh"|$d#*ni#/ noun a psychologi-cal condition in which a person is unable to enjoyall the experiences that most people enjoyanhidrosis

anhidrosis /!'nh" |$dr#*s"s/ noun a conditionin which sweating by the body is reduced or stopscompletelyanhidrotic

anhidrotic /!'nh" |$dr(t"k/ adjective referringto a drug which reduces sweatinganhydraemia

anhydraemia /!'nha" |$dri%mi#/ noun a lack ofsufficient fluid in the bloodanhydrous

anhydrous /'n |$ha"dr#s/ adjective referring tocompounds or crystals that contain no wateranidrosis

anidrosis /!'n" |$dr#*s"s/ noun same as anhid-rosisaniridia

aniridia /!'n"|$r"di#/ noun a congenital absenceof the irisanisocytosis

anisocytosis /!'na"s#*sa" |$t#*s"s/ noun avariation in size of red blood cellsanisomelia

anisomelia /!'na"s#* |$mi%li#/ noun a differ-ence in length of the legsanisometropia

anisometropia /!'na"s#*m# |$tr#*pi#/ noun astate where the refraction in the two eyes is differ-entankle

ankle /$'0k#l/ noun the part of the body wherethe foot is connected to the legankyloblepharon

ankyloblepharon /!'0k"l#* |$blef#r(n/ noun astate where the edges of the eyelids are stucktogetherankylosing spondylitis

ankylosing spondylitis /!'0k"l#*z"0sp(nd"|$la"t"s/ noun a condition occurring morefrequently in young men, in which the vertebraeand sacroiliac joints are inflamed and becomestiffankylosis

ankylosis /!'0k"|$l#*s"s/ noun a condition inwhich the bones of a joint fuse togetherAnkylostoma

Ankylostoma /!'0k"l |$st#*m#/ noun same asAncylostomaankylostomiasis

ankylostomiasis /!'0k"l#*st#|$ma"#s"s/noun same as ancylostomiasisannular

annular /$'nj*l#/ adjective shaped like a ringannulus

annulus /$'nj*l#s/ noun a structure shaped likea ringano-

ano- /'n#*/ prefix referring to the anusanodyne

anodyne /$'n#da"n/ noun a drug whichreduces pain, e.g. aspirin or codeine " adjectivereferring to drugs that bring relief from pain ordiscomfortanomalous

anomalous /# |$n(m#l#s/ adjective differentfrom what is usualanomaly

anomaly /#|$n(m#li/ noun something which isdifferent from the usual


anomie /$'n#mi/ noun a psychological condi-tion in which a person develops the feeling of notbeing part of the everyday world, and behaves asthough they do not have any supporting social ormoral frameworkanonychia

anonychia /!'n#|$n"ki#/ noun a congenitalabsence of one or more nailsanopheles

anopheles /#|$n(f#li%z/ noun a mosquito whichcarries the malaria parasiteanoplasty

anoplasty /$e"n#*pl'sti/ noun surgery torepair the anus, as in treating haemorrhoidsanorchism

anorchism /'n|$)%k"z(#)m/ noun a congenitalabsence of testiclesanorectal

anorectal /!e"n#* |$rekt(#)l/ adjective referringto both the anus and rectumanorexia

anorexia /!'n#|$reksi#/ noun loss of appetiteanorexia nervosa

anorexia nervosa /!'n#reksi# n-%|$v#*s#/noun a psychological condition, usually found ingirls and young women, in which a person refusesto eat because of a fear of becoming fatanosmia

anosmia /'n|$(zmi#/ noun the lack of the senseof smellanovular

anovular /'n |$(vj*l#/ adjective without anovumanovular bleeding

anovular bleeding /'n |!(vj*l# $bli%d"0/ nounbleeding from the uterus when ovulation has nottaken placeanovulation

anovulation /'n|!(vj* |$le"/(#)n/ noun a condi-tion in which a women does not ovulate and istherefore infertileanoxaemia

anoxaemia /!'n(k |$si%mi#/ noun a reduction ofthe amount of oxygen in the bloodanoxia

anoxia /' |$n(ksi#/ noun a lack of oxygen inbody tissueanoxic

anoxic /'n|$(ks"k/ adjective referring to anoxiaor lacking oxygenantacid

antacid /'nt|$'s"d/ adjective preventing toomuch acid forming in the stomach or altering theamount of acid in the stomach " noun a sub-stance that stops too much acid forming in thestomach, used in the treatment of gastro-intestinalconditions such as ulcers, e.g. calcium carbonateor magnesium trisilicateantagonist

antagonist /'n|$t'1#n"st/ adjective 1. refer-ring to a muscle which opposes another muscle ina movement 2. referring to a substance whichopposes another substance " noun a substancewhich acts through specific receptors to block theaction of another substance, but which has noobservable physiological effect itself ! Atropineis a cholinergic antagonist and blocks the effectsof acetylcholine.ante-

ante- /'nti/ prefix beforeante cibum

ante cibum /!'nti $t/"b#m, !'nti $si%b#m/adverb full form of a.c.anteflexion

anteflexion /!'nti|$flek/#n/ noun the curvingforward of an organ, e.g. the usual curvature ofthe uterus

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antemortem 16antemortem

antemortem /!'nti|$m)%t#m/ noun the periodbefore deathantenatal

antenatal /!'nti |$ne"t(#)l/ adjective during theperiod between conception and childbirthantenatal clinic

antenatal clinic /!'nti|$ne"t(#)l !kl"n"k/ nouna clinic where expectant mothers are taught howto look after babies, do exercises and have medi-cal checkups. Also called maternity clinicantenatal diagnosis

antenatal diagnosis /!'nti|!ne"t(#)l !da"#1|

$n#*s"s/ noun a medical examination of a preg-nant woman to see if the fetus is developing in theusual way. Also called prenatal diagnosisantepartum

antepartum /!'nti|$p&%t#m/ noun the period ofthree months before childbirth " adjective refer-ring to the three months before childbirthantepartum haemorrhage

antepartum haemorrhage /!'nti |p&%t#m$hem#r"d+/ noun bleeding from the vaginabefore labour. Abbreviation APHanterior

anterior /'n|$t"#ri#/ adjective in front. Oppositeposterioranterior aspect

anterior aspect /'n|!t"#ri# $'spekt/ noun aview of the front of the body, or of the front of partof the body. See illustration at ANATOMICALTERMS in Supplementanterior fontanelle

anterior fontanelle /'n|!t"#ri# f(nt#|$nel/noun the cartilage at the top of the head where thefrontal bone joins the two parietalsanterior nares

anterior nares /'n|!t"#ri# $ne#ri%z/ pluralnoun the two nostrils. Also called external naresanterograde amnesia

anterograde amnesia /!'nt#r#*1re"d 'm|

$ni%zi#/ noun a brain condition in which the per-son cannot remember things which happenedrecentlyanteversion

anteversion /!'nti|$v-%/(#)n/ noun the tiltingforward of an organ, whether usual, as of theuterus, or unusualanthelmintic

anthelmintic /!'n,el |$m"nt"k/ noun a sub-stance which removes worms from the intestine "adjective removing worms from the intestineanthracosis

anthracosis /!'n,r#|$k#*s"s/ noun a lung dis-ease caused by breathing coal dustanthrax

anthrax /$'n,r'ks/ noun a disease of cattle andsheep which can be transmitted to humansanthrop-

anthrop- /'n,r#p/ prefix referring to humanbeingsanthropology

anthropology /!'n,r# |$p(l#d+i/ noun thestudy of human beings as a species, especiallytheir culture or development. It differs from soci-ology in taking a more historical and comparativeapproach.anthropometry

anthropometry /!'n,r# |$p(m#tri/ noun thestudy of human body measurements (NOTE: Theuses of anthropometry include the design ofergonomic furniture and the examination andcomparison of populations.)anti-

anti- /'nti/ prefix against


antiarrhythmic /!'ntie"|$r"2m"k/ adjectivereferring to a drug which corrects an irregularheartbeatantiasthmatic

antiasthmatic /!'nti's|$m't"k/ adjectivereferring to a drug that is used to treat asthmaantibacterial

antibacterial /!'ntib'k |$t"#ri#l/ adjectivedestroying bacteriaantibiotic

antibiotic /!'ntiba" |$(t"k/ adjective stoppingthe spread of bacteria " noun a drug which isdeveloped from living substances and which stopsthe spread of bacteria, e.g. penicillin ! He wasgiven a course of antibiotics. ! Antibiotics haveno effect against viral diseases.antibody

antibody /$'nt"b(di/ noun a protein that isstimulated by the body to produce foreign sub-stances such as bacteria, as part of an immunereaction ! Tests showed that he had antibodies inhis blood.antibody-negative

antibody-negative /!'nt"b(di $ne1#t"v/adjective showing none of a particular antibody inthe blood ! The donor tested antibody-negative.antibody-positive

antibody-positive /!'nt"b(di $p(z"t"v/adjective showing the presence of particular anti-bodies in the blood ! The patient is HIV anti-body-positive.anticholinergic

anticholinergic /!'ntik#*l"|$n-%d+"k/ adjec-tive blocking nerve impulses which are part of thestress response " noun one of a group of drugswhich are used to control stressanticholinesterase

anticholinesterase /!'nti|k#*l"n|$est#re"z/noun a substance which blocks nerve impulses byreducing the activity of the enzyme cholinesteraseanticoagulant

anticoagulant /!'ntik#* |$'1j*l#nt/ adjectiveslowing or stopping the clotting of blood " nouna drug which slows down or stops the clotting ofblood, used to prevent the formation of a throm-bus (NOTE: Anticoagulants have names endingin -parin: heparin.)anticonvulsant

anticonvulsant /!'ntik#n |$v.ls(#)nt/ adjec-tive acting to control convulsions " noun a drugused to control convulsions, as in the treatment ofepilepsy, e.g. carbamazepineanti-D

anti-D /!'nti $di/, anti-D gamma-globulin/'nti !di% !1'm# $1l(bj*l"n/ noun Rh D immu-noglobulin, used to treat pregnant women whodevelop antibodies when the mother is Rh-nega-tive and the fetus is Rh-positiveantidepressant

antidepressant /!'ntid"|$pres(#)nt/ adjectiveacting to relieve depression " noun a drug used torelieve depression by stimulating the mood of adepressed person. Examples are tricyclic antide-pressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitorsand monoamine oxidase inhibitors.anti-D immunoglobulin

anti-D immunoglobulin /'nti !di% "mj*n#*|

$1l(bj*l"n/ noun immunoglobulin administeredto Rh-negative mothers after the birth of an Rh-positive baby, to prevent haemolytic disease ofthe newborn in the next pregnancy

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17 antitetanus serumantidiureticantidiuretic /!'ntida"j*|$ret"k/ noun a sub-stance which stops the production of excessiveamounts of urine ! hormones which have an anti-diuretic effect on the kidneys " adjective prevent-ing the excessive production of urineantidoteantidote /$'nt"d#*t/ noun a substance whichcounteracts the effect of a poison ! There is nosatisfactory antidote to cyanide.antiembolicantiembolic /!'ntiem|$b(l"k/ adjective pre-venting embolismantiemeticantiemetic /!'nti" |$met"k/ noun a drug whichprevents vomiting " adjective acting to preventvomitingantiepileptic drugantiepileptic drug /!'ntiep"|$lept"k dr.1/noun a drug used in the treatment of epilepsy andconvulsions, e.g. carbamazepineantifibrinolytic

antifibrinolytic /!'ntifa"br"n# |$l"t"k/ adjectiveacting to reduce fibrosisantifungalantifungal /!'nti |$f.01#l/ adjective referring toa substance which kills or controls fungal andyeast infections, e.g. candida and ringworm(NOTE: Antifungal drugs have names ending in-conazole: fluconazole.)antigenantigen /$'nt"d+#n/ noun a substance thatstimulates the body to produce antibodies, e.g. aprotein on the surface of a cell or microorganismantigenicantigenic /!'nt"|$d+en"k/ adjective referring toa substance which stimulates the formation ofantibodiesantihaemophilic factor

antihaemophilic factor /!'ntihi%m#|$f"l"k!f'kt#/ noun factor VIII, used to encourageblood-clotting in haemophiliacs. AbbreviationAHFantihelminthicantihelminthic /!'ntihel|$m"n,"k/ noun a drugused in the treatment of worm infections such asthreadworm, hookworm or roundwormantihistamineantihistamine /!'nti |$h"st#mi%n/ noun a drugused to control the effects of an allergy whichreleases histamine, or reduces gastric acid in thestomach for the treatment of gastric ulcers (NOTE:Antihistamines have names ending in -tidine:loratidine for allergies, cimetidine for gastriculcers.)antihypertensiveantihypertensive /!'ntiha"p# |$tens"v/ adjec-tive acting to reduce blood pressure " noun adrug used to reduce high blood pressureanti-inflammatoryanti-inflammatory /!'nti "n|$fl'm#t(#)ri/adjective referring to a drug which reducesinflammationantilymphocytic serumantilymphocytic serum /!'nti|l"mf#*|$s"t"k!s"#r#m/ noun a serum used to produce immuno-suppression in people undergoing transplantoperations. Abbreviation ALSantimalarialantimalarial /!'ntim#|$le#ri#l/ noun a drugused to treat malaria and in malarial prophylaxis" adjective treating or preventing malariaantimetaboliteantimetabolite /!'ntim# |$t'b#la"t/ noun asubstance which can replace a cell metabolism,but which is not active


antimicrobial /!'ntima"|$kr#*bi#l/ adjectiveacting against microorganisms that cause diseaseantimigraine

antimigraine /!'nti |$ma"1re"n/ noun a drugused in the treatment of migraineantimitotic

antimitotic /!'ntima"|$t(t"k/ adjective prevent-ing the division of a cell by mitosisantimuscarinic

antimuscarinic /!'ntim.sk#|$r"n"k/ adjectivereferring to a drug which blocks acetylcholinereceptors found on smooth muscle in the gut andeyeantimycotic

antimycotic /!'ntima" |$k(t"k/ adjectivedestroying fungiantinauseant

antinauseant /!'nti|$n)%zi#nt/ adjective refer-ring to a drug which helps to suppress nauseaantioxidant

antioxidant /!'nti|$(ks"d(#)nt/ noun a sub-stance which makes oxygen less damaging, e.g. inthe body or in foods or plastics ! antioxidantvitaminsantiperistalsis

antiperistalsis /!'ntiper"|$st'ls"s/ noun amovement in the oesophagus or intestine whichcauses their contents to move in the oppositedirection to usual peristalsis, so leading to vomit-ingantiperspirant

antiperspirant /!'nti |$p-%sp(#)r#nt/ noun asubstance which prevents sweating " adjectivepreventing sweatingantipruritic

antipruritic /!'ntipr*|$r"t"k/ noun a substancewhich prevents itching " adjective preventingitchingantipsychotic

antipsychotic /!'ntisa" |$k(t"k/ noun a neu-roleptic or major tranquilliser drug which calmsdisturbed people without causing sedation or con-fusion by blocking dopamine receptors in thebrainantipyretic

antipyretic /!'ntipa" |$ret"k/ noun a drug whichhelps to reduce a fever " adjective reducing feveranti-Rh body

anti-Rh body /!'nti &%r $e"t/ !b(di/ noun anantibody formed in a mother’s blood in reaction toa Rhesus antigen in the blood of the fetusantisepsis

antisepsis /!'nt"|$seps"s/ noun a procedureintended to prevent sepsisantiseptic

antiseptic /!'nt" |$sept"k/ adjective preventingharmful microorganisms from spreading ! Shegargled with an antiseptic mouthwash. " noun asubstance which prevents germs growing orspreading ! The nurse painted the wound withantiseptic.antiserum

antiserum /!'nti|$s"#r#m/ noun " serum(NOTE: The plural is antisera.)antisocial

antisocial /!'nti|$s#*/(#)l/ adjective referringto behaviour which is harmful to other peopleantispasmodic

antispasmodic /!'ntisp'z|$m(d"k/ noun adrug used to prevent spasmsantitetanus serum

antitetanus serum /'nti|$tet#n#s !s"#r#m/noun a serum which protects a patient against tet-anus. Abbreviation ATS

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antithrombin 18antithrombin

antithrombin /'nti|$,r(mb"n/ noun a sub-stance present in the blood which prevents clot-tingantitoxic serum

antitoxic serum /!'ntit(ks"k $s"#r#m/ nounan immunising agent, formed of serum takenfrom an animal which has developed antibodies toa disease, used to protect a person from that dis-easeantitoxin

antitoxin /!'nti|$t(ks"n/ noun an antibody pro-duced by the body to counteract a poison in thebodyantitragus

antitragus /!'nti|$tre"1#s/ noun a small projec-tion on the outer ear opposite the tragusantitussive

antitussive /!'nti|$t.s"v/ noun a drug used toreduce coughingantivenin

antivenin /!'nti |$ven"n/, antivenom /!'nti|

$ven#m/, antivenene /!'ntiv# |$ni%n/ noun a sub-stance which helps the body to fight the effects ofa particular venom from a snake or insect biteantiviral

antiviral /!'nti|$va"r#l/ adjective referring to adrug or treatment which stops or reduces the dam-age caused by a virus " noun same as antiviraldrugantiviral drug

antiviral drug /!'nti |$va"r#l dr.1/ noun a drugwhich is effective against a virus (NOTE: Antiviraldrugs have names ending in -ciclovir.)antral

antral /$'ntr#l/ adjective referring to an antrumantrectomy

antrectomy /'n |$trekt#mi/ noun the surgicalremoval of an antrum in the stomach to preventgastrin being formedantroscopy

antroscopy /'n|$tr(sk#pi/ noun an examina-tion of an antrumantrostomy

antrostomy /'n|$tr(st#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to make an opening in the maxillarysinus to drain an antrumantrum

antrum /$'ntr#m/ noun any cavity inside thebody, especially one in bone (NOTE: The plural isantra.)anuria

anuria /'n|$j*#ri#/ noun a condition in whichthe patient does not make urine, either because ofa deficiency in the kidneys or because the urinarytract is blockedanus

anus /$e"n#s/ noun a short passage after the rec-tum at the end of the alimentary canal, leadingoutside the body between the buttocks andthrough which faeces are passed. See illustrationat DIGESTIVE SYSTEM in Supplement, UROGENI-TAL SYSTEM (MALE) in Supplement (NOTE: Forother terms referring to the anus, see anal andwords beginning with ano-.)anvil

anvil /$'nv"l/ noun same as incusanxiety

anxiety /'0|$za"#ti/ noun the state of being veryworried and afraidanxiety disorder

anxiety disorder /'0 |$za"#ti d"s|!)%d#/ noun amental disorder where someone is very worriedand afraid, e.g. a phobia

anxiety neurosisanxiety neurosis /'0|$za"#ti nj*|!r#*s"s/noun a neurotic condition where the patient isanxious and has morbid fearsanxiolyticanxiolytic /!'0ksi# |$l"t"k/ noun a drug used inthe treatment of anxiety " adjective treating anx-ietyaortaaorta /e" |$)%t#/ noun the main artery in the body,which sends blood containing oxygen from theheart to other blood vessels around the body. Seeillustration at HEART in Supplementaorticaortic /e"|$)%t"k/ adjective relating to the aortaaortic aneurysmaortic aneurysm /e" |!)%t"k !'nj# |$r"z(#)m/noun a serious aneurysm of the aorta, associatedwith atherosclerosisaortitisaortitis /!e")%|$ta"t"s/ noun inflammation of theaortaaortographyaortography /!e")% |$t(1r#fi/ noun an X-rayexamination of the aorta after an opaque sub-stance has been injected into itapatheticapathetic /!'p# |$,et"k/ adjective referring to aperson who takes no interest in anythingapathyapathy /$'p#,i/ noun the condition of not beinginterested in anything, or of not wanting to doanythingaperientaperient /#|$p"#ri#nt/ noun a substance whichcauses a bowel movement, e.g. a laxative or pur-gative " adjective causing a bowel movementaperistalsisaperistalsis /!e"per" |$st'lsis/ noun a lack ofthe peristaltic movement in the bowelApert’s syndrome

Apert’s syndrome /$'p-%ts !s"ndr#*m/ nouna condition in which the skull grows tall and thelower part of the face is underdevelopedapertureaperture /$'p#t/#/ noun a holeapexapex /$e"peks/ noun 1. the top of the heart orlung 2. the end of the root of a toothApgar scoreApgar score /$'p1&% sk)%/ noun a method ofjudging the condition of a newborn baby in whichthe baby is given a maximum of two points oneach of five criteria: colour of the skin, heartbeat,breathing, muscle tone and reaction to stimuli[Described 1952. After Virginia Apgar (1909–74), US anaesthesiologist.]APHAPH abbreviation antepartum haemorrhageaphagia

aphagia /e" |$fe"d+i#/ noun a condition in whicha person is unable to swallowaphakiaaphakia /e"|$fe"ki#/ noun the absence of thecrystalline lens in the eyeaphakicaphakic /e" |$fe"k"k/ adjective referring to apha-kiaaphasiaaphasia /e"|$fe"zi#/ noun a condition in which aperson is unable to speak or write, or to under-stand speech or writing because of damage to thebrain centres controlling speechaphoniaaphonia /e" |$f#*ni#/ noun a condition in whicha person is unable to make soundsaphrodisiacaphrodisiac /!'fr# |$d"zi'k/ noun a substancewhich increases sexual urges " adjective increas-ing sexual desire

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19 aqueous humouraphtha

aphtha /$'f,#/ noun a small white ulcer whichappears in groups in the mouth in people whohave the fungal condition thrush (NOTE: The plu-ral is apthae.)aphthous stomatitis

aphthous stomatitis /!'f,#s !st#*m#|$ta"t"s/noun canker sores which affect the mucous mem-brane in the mouthapical

apical /$'p"k(#)l/ adjective situated at the top ortip of somethingapical abscess

apical abscess /!'p"k(#)l $'bses/ noun anabscess in the socket around the root of a toothapicectomy

apicectomy /!'p" |$sekt#mi/ noun the surgicalremoval of the root of a toothaplasia

aplasia /e" |$ple"zi#/ noun a lack of growth of tis-sueaplastic

aplastic /e"|$pl'st"k/ adjective unable todevelop new cells or tissueaplastic anaemia

aplastic anaemia /e"|!pl'st"k #|$ni%mi#/ nounanaemia caused by the bone marrow failing toform red blood cellsapnea

apnea /'p|$ni%#/ noun US same as apnoeaapnoea

apnoea /'p|$ni%#/ noun the stopping of breath-ing (NOTE: The US spelling is apnea.)apnoeic

apnoeic /'p|$ni%"k/ adjective where breathinghas stoppedapocrine

apocrine /$'p#kra"n/ adjective referring toapocrine glandsapocrine gland

apocrine gland /$'p#kra"n 1l'nd/ noun agland producing body odour where parts of thegland’s cells break off with the secretions, e.g. asweat glandapocrinitis

apocrinitis /!'p#kr" |$na"t"s/ noun the forma-tion of abscesses in the sweat glandsapomorphine

apomorphine /!'p#*|$m)%fi%n/ noun a sub-stance that comes from morphine, used to make aperson cough, sleep or be sick (NOTE: It is admin-istered under the skin and is used to treat drugoverdose, accidental poisoning and Parkinson’sdisease.)aponeurosis

aponeurosis /!'p#*nj*|$r#*s"s/ noun a bandof tissue which attaches muscles to each otherapophyseal

apophyseal /'p# |$f"zi#l/ adjective referring toapophysisapophysis

apophysis /# |$p(f#s"s/ noun a growth of bone,not at a jointapophysitis

apophysitis /'p#f"|$sa"t"s/ noun inflammationof an apophysisapoplexy

apoplexy /$'p#pleksi/ noun same as cere-brovascular accident (dated)apoptosis

apoptosis /# |$p(pt#s"s/ noun a form of celldeath that is necessary both to make room for newcells and to remove cells whose DNA has beendamaged and which may become cancerousappendage

appendage /# |$pend"d+/ noun a part of thebody or piece of tissue which hangs down fromanother part


appendiceal /!'p#n|$d"si#l/ adjective relatingto the appendix ! There is a risk of appendicealinfection.appendicectomy

appendicectomy /#|!pend" |$sekt#mi/ noun thesurgical removal of an appendixappendicitisappendicitis /# |!pend"|$sa"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the vermiform appendixappendicularappendicular /!'p#n|$d"kj*l#/ adjective 1.referring to body parts which are associated withthe arms and legs 2. relating to the appendixappendicular skeleton

appendicular skeleton /!'pen|!d"kj*l#$skel"t(#)n/ noun part of the skeleton, formed ofthe pelvic girdle, pectoral girdle and the bones ofthe arms and legs. Compare axial skeletonappendix

appendix /#|$pend"ks/ noun 1. a small tubeattached to the caecum which serves no functionbut can become infected, causing appendicitis.Also called vermiform appendix. See illustra-tion at DIGESTIVE SYSTEM in Supplement 2. anysmall tube or sac hanging from an organapperception

apperception /!'p#|$sep/(#)n/ noun the con-scious recognition of a stimulusappetite

appetite /$'p"ta"t/ noun the feeling of wantingfoodapplanation tonometry

applanation tonometry /'pl# |!ne"/(#)n t#|

$n(m#tri/ noun the measuring of the thickness ofthe corneaapplianceappliance /#|$pla"#ns/ noun a piece of apparatusused on the body ! He was wearing a surgicalappliance to support his neck.applicator

applicator /$'pl"ke"t#/ noun an instrument forapplying a substanceapposition

apposition /!'p#|$z"/(#)n/ noun 1. the relativepositioning of two things 2. cell growth in whichlayers of new material are deposited on existingonesappraisal

appraisal /# |$pre"z(#)l/ noun a judgment oropinion on something or somebody, especiallyone which decides how effective or useful theyareapprehension

apprehension /!'pr"|$hen/(#)n/ noun a feel-ing of anxiety or fear that something bad orunpleasant will happenapraxia

apraxia /e" |$pr'ksi#/ noun a condition in whichsomeone is unable to make proper movementsapyrexia

apyrexia /!e"pa" |$reksi#/ noun the absence offeverapyrexial

apyrexial /!e"pa"|$reksi#l/ adjective no longerhaving any feveraqua

aqua /$'kw#/ noun wateraqueduct

aqueduct /$'kw"d.kt/ noun a tube which car-ries fluid from one part of the body to anotheraqueous

aqueous /$e"kwi#s, $'kwi#s/ adjective refer-ring to a solution made with water " noun a fluidin the eye between the lens and the corneaaqueous humour

aqueous humour /!e"kwi#s $hju%m#/ nounsame as aqueous. See illustration at EYE in Sup-plement

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AR abbreviation attributable riskarachidonic acid

arachidonic acid /# |!r'k"d(n"k $'s"d/ nounan essential fatty acidarachnodactyly

arachnodactyly /#|!r'kn#*|$d'kt"li/ noun acongenital condition in which the fingers and toesare long and thinarachnoid

arachnoid /#|$r'kn)"d/ noun the middle of ththree membranes covering the brain. ! duramaterarachnoiditis

arachnoiditis /# |!r'kn)" |$da"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of the arachnoidarachnoid mater

arachnoid mater /# |!r'kn)"d $me"t#/, arach-noid membrane /# |$r'kn)"d !membre"n/ nounsame as arachnoidarachnoid villi

arachnoid villi /#|!r'kn)"d $v"la"/ plural nounvilli in the arachnoid which absorb cerebrospinalfluidarborisation

arborisation /!&%b#ra" |$ze"/(#)n/, arboriza-tion noun the branching ends of some nervefibres, of a motor nerve in muscle fibre or ofvenules, capillaries and arteriolesarbovirus

arbovirus /$&%b#va"r#s/ noun a virus transmit-ted by blood-sucking insectsarc

arc /&%k/ noun a nerve pathwayARC

ARC abbreviation AIDS-related complex orAIDS-related conditionarch

arch /&%t// noun a curved part of the body, espe-cially under the footarch-

arch- /&%t// prefix chief, most importantarcuate

arcuate /$&%kju#t/ adjective archedarcuate artery

arcuate artery /$&%kju#t !&%t#ri/ noun acurved artery in the foot or kidneyarcuate ligaments

arcuate ligaments /$&%kju#t !&%t#ri/ pluralnoun three ligaments forming a fibrous arch towhich the diaphragm is attachedarcus

arcus /$&%k#s/ noun an archarcus senilis

arcus senilis /!&%k#s s#|$na"l"s/ noun anopaque circle around the cornea of the eye whichcan develop in old ageARDS

ARDS /&%dz/ abbreviation adult respiratory dis-tress syndromeareola

areola /# |$ri%#l#/ noun the coloured part round anippleareolar tissue

areolar tissue /# |$ri%#l# !t"/u%/ noun a type ofconnective tissuearginine

arginine /$&%d+"ni%n/ noun an amino acid whichhelps the liver form ureaArgyll Robertson pupil

Argyll Robertson pupil /&% |!1a"l $r(b#ts#n!pju%p(#)l/ noun a condition of the eye, in whichthe lens is able to focus but the pupil does notreact to light. It is a symptom of tertiary syphilisor of locomotor ataxia.ariboflavinosis

ariboflavinosis /e" |!ra"b#*fle"v"|$n#*s"s/noun a condition caused by not having enoughvitamin B2. The symptoms are very oily skin andhair and small cuts in the mouth.

Arnold-Chiari malformation

Arnold-Chiari malformation /!&%n#ld ki|

$e#ri m'lf)%|!me"/(#)n/ noun a congenital condi-tion in which the base of the skull is malformed,allowing parts of the cerebellum into the spinalcanal [Described 1894. After Julius A. Arnold(1835–1915), Professor of Pathological Anat-omy at Heidelberg, Germany, and Hans von Chi-ari (1851–1916), Professor of Pathological Anat-omy at Strasbourg and later at Prague, CzechRepublic.]aromatherapy

aromatherapy /# |!r#*m# |$,er#pi/ noun treat-ment to relieve tension and promote wellbeing inwhich fragrant oils and creams containing plantextracts are massaged into the skinarousal

arousal /# |$ra*z(#)l/ noun 1. feelings and phys-ical signs of sexual desire 2. the act of waking upfrom sleep, unconsciousness or a drowsy statearrector pili

arrector pili /# |!rekt# $pa"la" !m.s(#)l/ noun asmall muscle which contracts and makes the hairon the skin stand up when someone is cold orafraidarrest

arrest /# |$rest/ noun the stopping of a bodilyfunction. ! cardiac arrestarrhythmia

arrhythmia /# |$r"2mi#/ noun a variation in therhythm of the heartbeatarsenic

arsenic /$&%sn"k/ noun a chemical elementwhich forms poisonous compounds such asarsenic trioxide and which was formerly used insome medicines (NOTE: The chemical symbol isAs.)artefact

artefact /$&%t"f'kt/ noun something which ismade or introduced artificiallyarter-

arter- /&%t#/ prefix same as arterio- (used beforevowels)arterial

arterial /&%|$t"#ri#l/ adjective relating to arteriesarterial haemorrhage

arterial haemorrhage /&%|!t"#ri#l$hem(#)r"d+/ noun a haemorrhage of bright redblood from an arteryarteriectomy

arteriectomy /&%|!t"#ri |$ekt#mi/ noun the surgi-cal removal of an artery or part of an arteryarterio-

arterio- /&%t"#ri#*/ prefix referring to arteriesarteriogram

arteriogram /&% |$t"#ri#*1r'm/ noun an X-rayphotograph of an artery, taken after injection withan opaque dyearteriography

arteriography /&% |!t"#ri |$(1r#fi/ noun the workof taking X-ray photographs of arteries afterinjection with an opaque dyearteriole

arteriole /&%|$t"#ri#*l/ noun a very small arteryarteriopathy

arteriopathy /&% |!t"#ri |$(p#,i/ noun a disease ofan arteryarterioplasty

arterioplasty /&% |$t"#ri#*pl'sti/ noun plasticsurgery to make good a damaged or blockedarteryarteriorrhaphy

arteriorrhaphy /&% |!t"#ri|$)%r#fi/ noun the act ofstitching an arteryarteriosclerosis

arteriosclerosis /&% |!t"#ri#*skl# |$r#*s"s/ nounthe arterial disease atherosclerosis (dated)

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21 ascitesarteriotomy

arteriotomy /&% |!t"#ri |$(t#mi/ noun a puncturemade in the wall of an arteryarteriovenous

arteriovenous /&% |!t"#ri#* |$vi%n#s/ adjectivereferring to both an artery and a veinarteritis

arteritis /!&%t#|$ra"t"s/ noun inflammation of thewalls of an arteryartery

artery /$&%t#ri/ noun a blood vessel taking bloodfrom the heart to the tissues of the bodyarthr-

arthr- /&%,r/ prefix same as arthro- (used beforevowels)arthralgia

arthralgia /&%|$,r'ld+#/ noun pain in a jointarthrectomy

arthrectomy /&% |$,rekt#mi/ noun the surgicalremoval of a jointarthritic

arthritic /&% |$,r"t"k/ adjective affected by orrelating to arthritis ! She has an arthritic hip. "noun a person suffering from arthritisarthritis

arthritis /&%|$,ra"t"s/ noun a painful inflamma-tion of a joint. ! osteoarthritis, rheumatoidarthritisarthro-

arthro- /&%,r#*/ prefix referring to a jointarthroclasia

arthroclasia /!&%,r#*|$kle"+#/ noun removal ofankylosis in a jointarthrodesis

arthrodesis /!&%,r#* |$di%s"s/ noun a surgicaloperation in which a joint is fused in position, sopreventing pain from movementarthrodynia

arthrodynia /!&%,r#* |$d"ni#/ noun pain in ajointarthrography

arthrography /&%|$,r(1r#fi/ noun X-ray pho-tography of a jointarthrogryposis

arthrogryposis /!&%,r#*1r"|$p#*s"s/ noun agroup of disorders in which movement becomesprogressively restrictedarthropathy

arthropathy /&% |$,r(p#,i/ noun a disease in ajointarthroplasty

arthroplasty /$&%,r#*pl'sti/ noun a surgicaloperation to repair or replace a jointarthroscope

arthroscope /$&%,r#*sk#*p/ noun an instru-ment which is inserted into the cavity of a joint toinspect itarthroscopy

arthroscopy /&% |$,r(sk#pi/ noun a procedure toexamine the inside of a joint by means of anarthroscopearthrosis

arthrosis /&%|$,r#*s"s/ noun the degeneration ofa jointarthrotomy

arthrotomy /&% |$,r(t#mi/ noun a procedure thatinvolves cutting into a joint to drain pusarticular

articular /&%|$t"kj*l#/ adjective referring tojointsarticular cartilage

articular cartilage /&% |!t"kj*l# $k&%t#l"d+/noun a layer of cartilage at the end of a bonewhere it forms a joint with another bone. Seeillustration at BONE STRUCTURE in Supplement,SYNOVIAL JOINT in Supplementarticulate

articulate /&% |$t"kj*le"t/ verb to be linked withanother bone in a jointarticulation

articulation /&% |!t"kj* |$le"/(#)n/ noun a joint orseries of joints


artificial /!&%t" |$f"/(#)l/ adjective 1. made byhumans and not a natural part of the body ! arti-ficial cartilage ! artificial kidney ! artificial leg2. happening not as a natural process but throughaction by a doctor or another person or a machine! artificial feedingartificial insemination

artificial insemination /!&%t"f"/(#)l "n |!sem"|

$ne"/(#)n/ noun the introduction of semen into awoman’s uterus by artificial meansartificial insemination by donor

artificial insemination by donor/!&%t"f"/(#)l "nsem" |!ne"/(#)n ba" $d#*n#/ nounsame as donor insemination. Abbreviation AIDartificial insemination by husband

artificial insemination by husband/!&%t"f"/(#)l "nsem" |!ne"/(#)n ba" $h.zb#nd/noun artificial insemination using the semen ofthe husband. Abbreviation AIHartificial lung

artificial lung /!&%t"f"/(#)l $l.0/ noun amachine through which a person’s deoxygenatedblood is passed to absorb oxygen to take back tothe bloodstreamartificial respiration

artificial respiration /!&%t"f"/(#)l !resp"|

$re"/(#)n/ noun a way of reviving someone whohas stopped breathing, e.g. mouth-to-mouthresuscitationartificial rupture of membranes

artificial rupture of membranes/!&%t"f"/(#)l !r.pt/#r #v $membre"nz/ noun thebreaking of the amniotic sac with an amnihook,so releasing the amniotic fluidarytenoid

arytenoid /!'r" |$ti%n)"d/ adjective located at theback of the larynxarytenoid cartilage

arytenoid cartilage /'r"|$ti%n)"d !k&%t"l"d+/noun a small cartilage at the back of the larynxarytenoidectomy

arytenoidectomy /!'r"|!ti%n)"d|$ekt#mi/ nounan operation to remove the arytenoid cartilageasbestosis

asbestosis /!'sbe|$st#*s"s/ noun a disease ofthe lungs caused by inhaling asbestos dustascariasis

ascariasis /!'sk# |$ra"#s"s/ noun a disease ofthe intestine and sometimes the lungs, caused byinfestation with Ascaris lumbricoidesAscaris lumbricoides

Ascaris lumbricoides /!'sk#r"s l.mbr"|

$k)"di%z/ noun a type of large roundworm whichis a parasite in the human intestineascending aorta

ascending aorta /#|!send"0 e" |$)%t#/ noun thefirst section of the aorta as it leaves the heart andturns upwards. Compare descending aortaascending colon

ascending colon /# |!send"0 $k#*l(n/ noun thefirst part of the colon which goes up the right sideof the body from the caecum. Compare descend-ing colon. See illustration at DIGESTIVE SYSTEMin SupplementAschoff nodules

Aschoff nodules /$'/(f !n(dju%lz/,Aschoff’s nodules /$'/(fs !n(dju%lz/ pluralnoun nodules which are formed mainly in or nearthe heart in rheumatic feverascites

ascites /#|$sa"ti%z/ noun an unusual accumula-tion of fluid from the blood in the peritoneal cav-ity, occurring in heart and kidney failure or as aresult of malignancy

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ascorbic acid 22ascorbic acid

ascorbic acid /#|!sk)%b"k $'s"d/ noun same asVitamin CASD

ASD abbreviation autistic spectrum disorders-ase

-ase /e"z, e"s/ suffix enzymeasepsisasepsis /e" |$seps"s/ noun the absence of micro-organisms which cause infection, usuallyachieved by sterilisationaseptic

aseptic /e"|$sept"k/ adjective sterilised, orinvolving sterilisation, and therefore withoutinfectionaseptic technique

aseptic technique /e"|!sept"k tek |$ni%ks/ nouna method of doing something using sterilisedequipmentasexual

asexual /e"|$sek/u#l/ adjective not sexual, notinvolving sexual intercourseAsian flu

Asian flu /!e"+(#)n $flu%/ noun " flu-asis

-asis /#s"s/ " -iasisasparagine

asparagine /#|$sp'r#d+i%n/ noun an aminoacidaspartame

aspartame /#|$sp&%te"m/ noun a protein pro-duced from aspartic acid, used to make sub-stances sweeteraspartate aminotransferaseaspartate aminotransferase /# |!sp&%te"t #|

!mi%n#*|$tr'nsf#re"z/ noun an enzyme found inheart muscle, liver cells, skeletal muscle cells andsome other tissues. It is used in the diagnosis ofliver disease and heart attacks.aspartic acid

aspartic acid /#|!sp&%t"k $'s"d/ noun an aminoacidaspect

aspect /$'spekt/ noun a direction from whichthe body is viewed, e.g. the view from above is the‘superior aspect’Asperger’s syndrome

Asperger’s syndrome /$'sp-%d+#z!s"ndr#*m/ noun a developmental disorder char-acterised by difficulty in social interaction and arestricted range of interests, more common inboys than girls [Described 1944. After HansAsperger (1906–80), Austrian psychiatrist.]aspergillosisaspergillosis /!'sp-%d+"|$l#*s"s/ noun infec-tion of the lungs with the fungus Aspergillusaspermiaaspermia /e"|$sp-%mi#/ noun the absence ofsperm in semenasphyxiaasphyxia /'s |$f"ksi#/ noun a condition in whichsomeone is prevented from breathing, e.g. bystrangulation or breathing poisonous gas, andtherefore cannot take oxygen into the blood-streamasphyxiation

asphyxiation /#s |!f"ksi |$e"/(#)n/ noun the stateof being prevented from breathing, or the act ofpreventing someone from breathing. ! suffoca-tionaspiration

aspiration /!'sp"|$re"/(#)n/ noun 1. the act ofremoving fluid from a cavity in the body, oftenusing a hollow needle 2. same as vacuum suc-tionaspirator

aspirator /$'sp"re"t#/ noun an instrument usedto suck fluid out of a cavity such as the mouth orthe site of an operation


aspirin /$'spr"n/ noun a common pain-killingdrug, or a tablet containing this drug. Also calledacetylsalicylic acidassay

assay /$'se", # |$se"/ noun the testing of a sub-stance. ! bioassay, immunoassayassessment

assessment /#|$sesm#nt/ noun 1. a judgmentabout something ! Further treatment will bebased on your doctor’s assessment of your condi-tion. 2. a method of deciding whether a student islearning and progressing well ! continuousassessmentassimilation

assimilation /# |!s"m" |$le"/(#)n/ noun the actionof assimilating food substancesassisted suicide

assisted suicide /#|!s"st"d $su%"sa"d/ noun thesuicide of someone who is terminally ill with thehelp of a doctor or friend at the request of the per-son who is dyingassociate

associate /# |$s#*sie"t/ verb to be related to orconnected with something ! side effects whichmay be associated with the drug ! The conditionis often associated with diabetes.associate nurse

associate nurse /#|!s#*si#t $n-%s/ noun anurse who assists a primary nurse by carrying outagreed care for someone based on a plan designedby a primary nurseasthenia

asthenia /'s |$,i%ni#/ noun a condition in whichsomeone is weak and does not have any strengthasthenic

asthenic /'s |$,en"k/ adjective referring to ageneral condition in which someone has nostrength and no interest in thingsasthenopia

asthenopia /!'s,"|$n#*pi#/ noun same as eye-strainasthma

asthma /$'sm#/ noun a lung condition charac-terised by narrowing of the bronchial tubes, inwhich the muscles go into spasm and the personhas difficulty breathing. ! cardiac asthmaasthmatic

asthmatic /'s|$m't"k/ adjective having thelung disease asthma, or relating to asthma ! Hehas an asthmatic attack every spring. " noun aperson who has asthmaasthmaticus

asthmaticus /'s |$m't"k#s/ adjective " statusasthmaticusastigmatism

astigmatism /# |$st"1m#t"z(#)m/ noun a condi-tion in which the eye cannot focus vertical andhorizontal lines simultaneously, leading to blur-ring of visionastringent

astringent /#|$str"nd+#nt/ noun a substancewhich makes the skin tissues contract and harden" adjective referring to an astringentastrocyte

astrocyte /$'str#sa"t/ noun a star-shaped cellof the connective tissue of the nervous systemastrocytoma

astrocytoma /!'str#sa" |$t#*m#/ noun a typeof brain tumour which develops slowly in the con-nective tissue of the nervous systemasymmetric

asymmetric /!'s"|$metr"k/ adjective shaped orarranged so that the two sides do not match or bal-ance each other

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23 atrophyasymmetry

asymmetry /' |$s"m#tri/ noun a state in whichthe two sides of the body or of an organ do notresemble each otherasymptomatic

asymptomatic /!e"s"mpt#|$m't"k/ adjectivenot showing any symptoms of diseaseasynclitism

asynclitism /'|$s"0kl"t"z(#)m/ noun in child-birth, a situation in which the head of the babyenters the vagina at an angleasynergia

asynergia /!'s" |$n-%d+#/, asynergy /'|

$s"n#d+i/ noun awkward movements and badcoordination, caused by a disorder of the cerebel-lum. Also called dyssynergiaasystole

asystole /e" |$s"st#li/ noun a state in which theheart has stopped beatingataractic

ataractic /!'t#|$r'kt"k/ noun a drug which hasa calming effect " adjective calmingataraxia

ataraxia /!'t#|$r'ksi#/, ataraxis /!'t# |$r'ks"s/noun the state of being calm and not worryingataraxic

ataraxic /!'t#|$r'ks"k/ noun, adjective same asataracticataxia

ataxia /# |$t'ksi#/ noun a failure of the brain tocontrol movementsataxic

ataxic /#|$t'ks"k/ adjective having ataxia, orrelating to ataxiaataxic gait

ataxic gait /# |!t'ks"k $1e"t/ noun a way ofwalking in which the person walks unsteadily dueto a disorder of the nervous systemataxy

ataxy /#|$t'ksi/ noun same as ataxiaatelectasis

atelectasis /!'t#|$lekt#s"s/ noun the failure ofa lung to expand properlyatenolol

atenolol /#|$ten#l(l/ noun a drug used in con-trolling blood pressure and anginaateriovenous malformation

ateriovenous malformation /&%|!t"#ri#*|

!vi%n#s m'lf)% |$me"/(#)n/ noun a condition inwhich the arteries and veins in the brain are notproperly formed, leading to strokes or epilepsy.Abbreviation AVMatherogenic

atherogenic /!',#r#*|$d+en"k/ adjective refer-ring to something which may produce atheromaatheroma

atheroma /!',#|$r#*m#/ noun thickening of thewalls of an artery by deposits of a fatty substancesuch as cholesterolatheromatous

atheromatous /!',# |$r(m#t#s/ adjective refer-ring to atheromaatherosclerosis

atherosclerosis /!',#r#*skl#|$r#*s"s/ noun acondition in which deposits of fats and mineralsform on the walls of an artery, especially the aortaor one of the coronary or cerebral arteries, andprevent blood from flowing easilyatherosclerotic

atherosclerotic /!',#r#*skl#|$r(t"k/ adjectivereferring to atherosclerosisathetosis

athetosis /!',# |$t#*s"s/ noun repeated slowmovements of the limbs, caused by a brain disor-der such as cerebral palsyathlete’s foot

athlete’s foot /!',li%ts $f*t/ noun an infectiousskin disorder between the toes, caused by a fun-gus. Also called tinea pedis


atlas /$'tl#s/ noun the top vertebra in the spine,which supports the skull and pivots on the axis orsecond vertebraatom

atom /$'t#m/ noun the smallest part into whichan element can be divided and still keep its prop-erties. It consists of a dense, positively chargednucleus surrounded by a system of electrons.atomiser

atomiser /$'t#ma"z#/ noun an instrumentwhich sprays liquid in the form of very smalldrops like mist. Also called nebuliseratonyatony /$'t#ni/ noun a lack of tone or tension inthe musclesatopenatopen /$'t#pen/ noun an allergen whichcauses an atopyatopic eczema

atopic eczema /e" |!t(p"k $eks"m#/, atopicdermatitis /e"|!t(p"k d-%m#|$ta"t"s/ noun a typeof eczema often caused by a hereditary allergyatopy

atopy /$'t#pi/ noun a hereditary allergic reac-tionATP

ATP abbreviation adenosine triphosphateatracurium

atracurium /!'tr# |$kj*#ri#m/ noun a drug usedas a relaxantatresia

atresia /# |$tri%zi#/ noun an unusual closing orabsence of a tube in the bodyatretic

atretic /# |$tret"k/ adjective referring to atresiaatri-atri- /e"tri/ prefix referring to an atriumatrial

atrial /$e"tri#l/ adjective referring to one or bothof the atria of the heartatrial fibrillation

atrial fibrillation /!e"tri#l fa"br"|$le"/(#)n/noun a rapid uncoordinated fluttering of the atriaof the heart, which causes an irregular heartbeatatrioventricular

atrioventricular /!e"tri#*ven |$tr"kj*l#/ adjec-tive referring to the atria and ventriclesatrioventricular bundle

atrioventricular bundle /!e"tri#*ven|

!tr"kj*l# $b.nd(#)l/ noun a bundle of modifiedcardiac muscle which conducts impulses from theatrioventricular node to the septum and thendivides to connect with the ventricles. Also calledAV bundle, bundle of Hisatrioventricular node

atrioventricular node /!'tri#*ven|$tr"kj*l#!n#*d/ noun a mass of conducting tissue in theright atrium of the heart, which continues as theatrioventricular bundle and passes impulses fromthe atria to the ventricles. Also called AV nodeat-risk

at-risk /#t $r"sk/ adjective exposed to danger orharm of some kind ! at-risk childrenatrium

atrium /$e"tri#m/ noun one of the two upperchambers in the heart. See illustration at HEART inSupplementatrophic cirrhosis

atrophic cirrhosis /'|!tr(f"k s" |$r#*s"s/ nounadvanced portal cirrhosis in which the liver hasbecome considerably smaller and clumps of newcells are formed on the surface of the liver wherefibrous tissue has replaced damaged liver cells.Also called hobnail liveratrophy

atrophy /$'tr#fi/ noun the wasting of an organor part of the body " verb (of an organ or part ofthe body) to waste away

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atropine 24atropine

atropine /$'tr#pi%n/ noun an alkaloid substancederived from the poisonous plant belladonna andused, among other things, to enlarge the pupil ofthe eye, to reduce salivary and bronchial secre-tions during anaesthesia and as a muscarinicantagonistATS

ATS abbreviation antitetanus serumattack

attack /# |$t'k/ noun a sudden occurrence of anillness ! He had an attack of fever. ! She had twoattacks of laryngitis during the winter.attention deficit disorder

attention deficit disorder /# |!ten/#n $def"s"td"s|!)%d#/ noun a condition in which a person isunable to concentrate, does things without con-sidering their actions properly and has little con-fidence. It occurs mainly in children. Abbrevia-tion ADDattention deficit hyperactivity disorder

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder /#|

!ten/#n !def"s"t !ha"p#r'k|$t"v"ti d"s|!)%d#/noun a condition in which a child has an inabilityto concentrate and shows disruptive behaviour.Abbreviation ADHDattention deficit syndrome

attention deficit syndrome /# |!ten/#n$def"s"t !s"ndr#*m/ noun same as attentiondeficit disorderattenuation

attenuation /#|!tenju|$e"/(#)n/ noun a reductionin the effect or strength of something such as avirus, either because of environmental conditionsor as a result of a laboratory procedureatticotomy

atticotomy /!'t"|$k(t#mi/ noun the removal ofthe wall in the inner ear. Also called corticalmastoidectomyattitude

attitude /$'t"tju%d/ noun 1. an opinion or gen-eral feeling about something ! a positive attitudetowards the operation 2. a way of standing or sit-tingattributable risk

attributable risk /# |!tr"bj*t#b(#)l $r"sk/ nouna measure of the excess risk of disease due toexposure to a particular risk. The excess risk ofbacteriuria in oral contraceptive users attributableto the use of oral contraceptives is 1,566 per100,000. Abbreviation ARatypical

atypical /e" |$t"p"k(#)l/ adjective not usual orexpected ! an atypical renal cystaudio-

audio- /)%di#*/ prefix referring to hearing orsoundaudiogram

audiogram /$)%di#1r'm/ noun a graph drawnby an audiometeraudiologist

audiologist /!)%di|$(l#d+"st/ noun a specialistwho deals in the treatment of hearing disordersaudiology

audiology /!)%di |$(l#d+i/ noun the scientificstudy of hearing, especially for diagnosing andtreating hearing lossaudiometer

audiometer /!)%di|$(m"t#/ noun an apparatusfor testing hearing, especially for testing the rangeof sounds that the human ear can detectaudiometry

audiometry /!)%di|$(m#tri/ noun the science oftesting hearing


audit /$)%d"t/ noun a check on figures, scientificdata or procedures ! a medical audit regardingthe outpatient appointment systemaudit commission

audit commission /$)%d"t k#|!m"/(#)n/ noun agovernment body which examines the accounts ofpublic bodies such as hospital trusts to ensure thatpublic money is being spent wiselyaudit cycle

audit cycle /$)%d"t !sa"k(#)l/ noun the cycle inwhich medical topics are selected for review,observation and comparison with agreed stand-ards and changes are decided onauditory

auditory /$)%d"t(#)ri/ adjective relating to hear-ingauditory acuity

auditory acuity /!)%d"t(#)ri #|$kju%"ti/ nounthe ability to hear sounds clearlyauditory canals

auditory canals /!)%d"t(#)ri k#|$n'lz/ pluralnoun the external and internal passages of the earauditory nerve

auditory nerve /$)%d"t(#)ri n-%v/ noun theeighth cranial nerve which governs hearing andbalance. See illustration at EAR in Supplement.Also called vestibulocochlear nerveauditory ossicles

auditory ossicles /!)%d"t(#)ri $(s"k(#)lz/ plu-ral noun the three little bones, the malleus, incusand stapes, in the middle earAuerbach’s plexus

Auerbach’s plexus /!a*#rb&%ks $pleks#s/noun a group of nerve fibres in the intestine wall[Described 1862. After Leopold Auerbach(1828–97), Professor of Neuropathology at Bre-slau, now in Poland.]aura

aura /$)%r#/ noun a warning sensation which isexperienced before an attack of epilepsy,migraine or asthmaaural

aural /$)%r#l/ adjective referring to the earauricle

auricle /$)%r"k(#)l/ noun the tip of each atrium inthe heartauricular

auricular /)% |$r"kj*l#/ adjective referring to theearauricular vein

auricular vein /)% |$r"kj*l# ve"n/ noun a veinwhich leads into the posterior facial veinauriscope

auriscope /$)%r"sk#*p/ noun an instrument forexamining the ear and eardrum. Also called oto-scopeauscultation

auscultation /!)%sk#l |$te"/(#)n/ noun the act oflistening to the sounds of the body using a stetho-scopeauscultatory

auscultatory /)%|$sk.lt#t(#)ri/ adjective refer-ring to auscultationAustralia antigen

Australia antigen /)% |$stre"li# !'nt"d+#n/noun an antigen produced on the surface of livercells infected with the hepatitis B virusautism

autism /$)%t"z(#)m/ noun a condition develop-ing in childhood, characterised by difficulty insocial interaction, language and communicationproblems, learning difficulties and obsessionalrepetitive behaviour (NOTE: Autism is more com-mon in boys than in girls.)autistic

autistic /)% |$t"st"k/ adjective affected by, orrelating to, autism

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25 azathioprineautistic spectrum disorders

autistic spectrum disorders /)% |!t"st"k!spektr#m d"s |$)%d#z/ plural noun autism in allits different forms and degrees of severity. Abbre-viation ASDauto-

auto- /)%t#*/ prefix selfautoantibody

autoantibody /!)%t#*|$'nt"b(di/ noun an anti-body formed to attack antigens in the body’s owncellsautoclave

autoclave /$)%t#*kle"v/ noun equipment forsterilising surgical instruments using heat underhigh pressure " verb to sterilise equipment usingheat under high pressure ! Autoclaving is the bestmethod of sterilisation.autogenous

autogenous /)%|$t(d+#n#s/, autogenic /!)%t#*|

$d+en"k/ adjective produced either in the person’sbody, or using tissue from the person’s own body! an autogenous vein graftautograft

autograft /$)%t#1r&%ft/ noun a transplant madeusing parts of the person’s own bodyautoimmune

autoimmune /!)%t#*"|$mju%n/ adjective refer-ring to an immune reaction in a person againstantigens in their own cellsautoimmune disease

autoimmune disease /!)%t#*" |!mju%n d"|$zi%z/noun a disease in which the person’s own cells areattacked by autoantibodies ! Rheumatoid arthri-tis is thought to be an autoimmune disease.autoimmunisation

autoimmunisation /!)%t#*|!"mj*na"|

$ze"/(#)n/, autoimmunization noun the processleading to an immune reaction in a person to anti-gens produced in their own bodyautoimmunity

autoimmunity /!)%t#*" |$mju%n"ti/ noun a con-dition in which a person’s own cells are attackedby autoantibodiesautoinfection

autoinfection /!)%t#*"n|$fek/(#)n/ noun aninfection by a microorganism already in the body,or infection of one part of the body by anotherpartautointoxication

autointoxication /!)%t#*"nt(ks"|$ke"/(#)n/noun the poisoning of the body by toxins pro-duced in the body itselfautologous

autologous /)% |$t(l#1#s/ adjective referring toa graft or other material coming from the samesourceautolysis

autolysis /)% |$t(l#s"s/ noun a situation in whichcells destroy themselves with their own enzymesautomatism

automatism /)% |$t(m#t"z(#)m/ noun a state inwhich a person acts without consciously knowingthat he or she is actingautonomic

autonomic /!)%t# |$n(m"k/ adjective governingitself independentlyautonomic nervous system

autonomic nervous system /!)%t#n(m"k$n-%v#s !s"st#m/ noun the nervous systemformed of ganglia linked to the spinal column. Itregulates the automatic functioning of the mainorgans such as the heart and lungs and workswhen a person is asleep or even unconscious. !

parasympathetic nervous system, sympa-thetic nervous systemautonomy

autonomy /)%|$t(n#mi/ noun the state of beingfree to act as one wishesautoplasty

autoplasty /$)%t#*pl'sti/ noun the repair ofsomeone’s body using tissue taken from anotherpart of their bodyautopsy

autopsy /$)%t(psi/ noun the examination of adead body by a pathologist to find out the cause ofdeath ! The autopsy showed that he had beenpoisoned. Also called post mortemautosomal

autosomal /!)%t#*|$s#*m(#)l/ adjective refer-ring to an autosomeautosome

autosome /$)%t#*s#*m/ noun a chromosomethat is not a sex chromosomeautotransfusion

autotransfusion /!)%t#*tr'ns |$fju%+(#)n/noun an infusion into a person of their own bloodavascular

avascular /e" |$v'skj*l#/ adjective with noblood vessels, or with a deficient blood supplyAV bundle

AV bundle /!e" $vi% $b.nd(#)l/ noun same asatrioventricular bundleaversion therapy

aversion therapy /# |$v-%/(#)n !,er#pi/ noun atreatment by which someone is cured of a type ofbehaviour by making him or her develop a greatdislike for itavitaminosis

avitaminosis /e"|!v"t#m"|$n#*s"s/ noun a disor-der caused by a lack of vitaminsAVM

AVM abbreviation arteriovenous malformationAV node

AV node /!e" $vi% n#*d/ noun same as atrioven-tricular nodeAVPU

AVPU /!e" vi% pi% $ju%/ noun a method of ratingif a person is conscious: A = alert; V = verbal,responding to verbal commands; P = pain,responding to pain; U = unconsciousavulsion

avulsion /#|$v.l/#n/ noun an act of pulling awaytissue or a body part by forceavulsion fracture

avulsion fracture /# |!v.l/(#)n $fr'kt/#/ nouna fracture in which a tendon pulls away part of thebone to which it is attachedaxial

axial /$'ksi#l/ adjective referring to an axisaxial skeleton

axial skeleton /!'ksi#l $skel"t(#)n/ noun thebones that make up the vertebral column and theskull. Compare appendicular skeletonaxillary

axillary /'k |$s"l#ri/ adjective referring to thearmpitaxis

axis /$'ks"s/ noun 1. an imaginary line throughthe centre of the body 2. a central vessel whichdivides into other vessels 3. the second vertebraon which the atlas sits (NOTE: The plural is axes.)axon

axon /$'ks(n/ noun a nerve fibre which sendsimpulses from one neurone to another, linkingwith the dendrites of the other neurone. See illus-tration at NEURONE in Supplementazathioprine

azathioprine /!e"z# |$,a"#pri%n/ noun a drugwhich suppresses the immune response, usedafter transplant surgery to prevent rejection

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-azepam 26-azepam

-azepam /'z"p'm/ suffix used in names of ben-zodiazepines ! diazepamazidothymidine

azidothymidine /!e"z"d#* |$,a"m"di%n/ noun adrug used in the treatment of AIDS. AbbreviationAZT. Also called zidovudineazo-

azo- /e"z#*/ prefix containing a nitrogen groupazoospermia

azoospermia /e"z#*# |$sp-%mi#/ noun theabsence of sperm

azoturiaazoturia /!e"z#*|$tj*#ri#/ noun the presence ofurea or other nitrogen compounds in the urine,caused by kidney diseaseAZTAZT abbreviation azidothymidineazygousazygous /$'z"1#s/ adjective single, not one ofa pairazygous veinazygous vein /$'z"1#s ve"n/ noun a veinwhich brings blood back into the vena cava fromthe abdomen

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BBabinski reflex

Babinski reflex /b#|!b"nski $ri%fleks/, Babin-ski’s reflex /b#|!b"nskiz $ri%fleks/ noun an unu-sual curling upwards of the big toe when a fingeris lightly run across the sole of the foot, while theothers turn down and spread out, a sign of hemi-plegia and pyramidal tract disease. Compareplantar reflex [Described 1896. After JosephFrançois Felix Babinski (1857–1932), French-born son of Polish refugees. A pupil of Charcot,he was head of the Neurological clinic at Hôpitalde la Pitié, 1890–1927.]Babinski test

Babinski test /b#|$b"nski test/ noun a test for aBabinski reflexbaby

baby /$be"bi/ noun a very young child who is notyet old enough to talk or walk ! Babies start towalk when they are about 12 months old. (NOTE:If you do not know the sex of a baby you canrefer to the child as it: The baby was sucking itsthumb)baby blues

baby blues /$be"bi blu%z/ plural noun same aspostnatal depression (informal)bacillaemia

bacillaemia /!b's"|$li%mi#/ noun an infection ofthe blood by bacillibacillary

bacillary /b# |$s"l#ri/ adjective referring to bacillibacille Calmette-Guérin

bacille Calmette-Guérin /b'|!si%l !k'lmet$1er'n/ noun full form of BCG [After A. Cal-mette (1863–1933) and C. Guérin (1872–1961),French bacteriologists.]bacilluria

bacilluria /!b's"|$lj*#ri#/ noun the presence ofbacilli in the urinebacillus

bacillus /b#|$s"l#s/ noun a bacterium shaped likea rod (NOTE: The plural is bacilli.)back

back /b'k/ noun 1. the part of the body from theneck downwards to the waist, which is made up ofthe spine and the bones attached to it (NOTE: Forother terms referring to the back, see dorsal andwords beginning with dorsi-, dorso-.) 2. theother side from the front ! She has a swelling onthe back of her hand. ! dorsumbackache

backache /$b'ke"k/ noun pain in the back,often without a specific causebackbone

backbone /$b'kb#*n/ noun a series of bones,the vertebrae, linked together to form a flexiblecolumn running from the pelvis to the skull. Alsocalled rachis, spine

background carboxyhaemoglobin level

background carboxyhaemoglobin level/!b'k1ra*nd k&%|!b(ksi hi%m# |$1l#*b"n !lev(#)l/noun the level of carboxyhaemoglobin in theblood of a person who is not exposed to high lev-els of carbon monoxideback pain

back pain /$b'k pe"n/ noun pain in the back,especially long-lasting or severe painbackside

backside /$b'ksa"d/ noun someone’s buttocks(informal)back strain

back strain /$b'k stre"n/ noun a condition inwhich the muscles or ligaments in the back havebeen strainedbacteraemia

bacteraemia /!b'kt# |$ri%mi#/ noun the fact ofhaving bacteria in the blood. Bacteraemia is notnecessarily a serious condition. Compare septi-caemiabacteria

bacteria /b'k |$t"#ri#/ plural of bacteriumbacterial

bacterial /b'k|$t"#ri#l/ adjective relating tobacteria or caused by bacteria ! Children withsickle-cell anaemia are susceptible to bacterialinfection.bacterial plaque

bacterial plaque /b'k|$t"#ri#l !pl'k/ noun ahard smooth bacterial deposit on teethbactericidal

bactericidal /b'k|!t"#r"|$sa"d#l/ adjective refer-ring to a substance which destroys bacteriabactericide

bactericide /b'k|$t"#r"sa"d/ noun a substancewhich destroys bacteriabacteriological

bacteriological /b'kt"#ri# |$l(d+"k(#)l/ adjec-tive referring to bacteriologybacteriologist

bacteriologist /b'k|!t"#ri |$(l#d+"st/ noun adoctor who specialises in the study of bacteriabacteriology

bacteriology /b'k |!t"#ri |$(l#d+i/ noun the sci-entific study of bacteriabacteriolysin

bacteriolysin /b'k|!t"#ri |$(l"s"n/ noun a pro-tein, usually an immunoglobulin, which destroysbacterial cellsbacteriolysis

bacteriolysis /b'k |!t"#ri |$(l"s"s/ noun thedestruction of bacterial cellsbacteriolytic

bacteriolytic /b'k|!t"#ri#|$l"t"k/ adjectivereferring to a substance which can destroy bacte-riabacteriophage

bacteriophage /b'k|$t"#ri#fe"d+/ noun a viruswhich affects bacteria

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bacteriostatic 28bacteriostaticbacteriostatic /b'k |!t"#ri#* |$st't"k/ adjectivereferring to a substance which does not kill bacte-ria but stops them from multiplyingbacteriumbacterium /b'k|$t"#ri#m/ noun a microscopicorganism. Some types are permanently present inthe gut and can break down food tissue, but manycan cause disease. (NOTE: The plural is bacteria.)

COMMENT: Bacteria can be shaped like rods(bacilli), like balls (cocci) or have a spiralform (spirochaetes). Bacteria, especially ba-cilli and spirochaetes, can move and repro-duce very rapidly.

bacteriuriabacteriuria /b'k|!t"#ri|$j*#ri#/ noun a condi-tion in which bacteria are present in the urineBactrimBactrim /$b'ktr"m/ a trade name for co-trimox-azoleBaghdad boilBaghdad boil /!b'1d'd $b)"l/, Baghdadsore /!b'1d'd $s)%/ noun a skin disease of trop-ical countries caused by the parasite Leishmania.Also called Oriental soreBAHABAHA abbreviation bone anchored hearing aidBaker’s cystBaker’s cyst /!be"k#z $s"st/ noun a swellingfilled with synovial fluid, at the back of the knee,caused by weakness of the joint membrane[Described 1877. After William Morrant Baker(1838–96), member of staff at St Bartholomew’sHospital, London, UK]baker’s itchbaker’s itch /!be"k#z $"t//, baker’s dermatitis/$be"k#z d-%m#|$ta"t"s/ noun an irritation of theskin caused by handling yeastBALBAL abbreviation British anti-lewisitebalanced dietbalanced diet /!b'l#nst $da"#t/ noun a dietwhich provides all the nutrients needed in the cor-rect proportionsbalanitisbalanitis /!b'l#|$na"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe glans of the penisbalanoposthitisbalanoposthitis /!b'l#n#*p(s|$,a"t"s/ nouninflammation of the foreskin and the end of thepenisbalantidiasisbalantidiasis /!b'l#nt" |$da"#s"s/ noun aninfestation of the large intestine by a parasite Bal-antidium coli, which causes ulceration of the wallof the intestine, leading to diarrhoea and finallydysenterybalanusbalanus /$b'l#n#s/ noun the round end of thepenis. ! glansbaldbald /b)%ld/ adjective with no hair, especially onthe headbaldnessbaldness /$b)%ldn#s/ noun the state of not hav-ing any hair

COMMENT: Baldness in men is hereditary; itcan also occur in both men and women as areaction to an illness or to a drug.

Balkan frameBalkan frame /!b)%lk#n $fre"m/, Balkanbeam /!b)%lk#n $bi%m/ noun a frame fitted abovea bed to which a leg in plaster can be attached. !Pearson bedball and cage valveball and cage valve /!b)%l #n $ke"d+ v'lv/noun an artificial heart valve, formed of a silicon

ball which moves inside a metal cage to open andshut the valveball and socket joint

ball and socket joint /!b)%l #nd $s(k"td+)"nt/ noun a joint where the round end of along bone is attached to a cup-shaped hollow inanother bone in such a way that the long bone canmove in almost any direction. Compare gingly-musballoon

balloon /b# |$lu%n/ noun a bag of light materialinflated with air or a gas, used to unblock arteriesballoon angioplasty

balloon angioplasty /b#|!lu%n !'nd+i#|

$pl'sti/ noun same as percutaneous angi-oplastyballottement

ballottement /b# |$l(tm#nt/ noun a method ofexamining the body by tapping or moving a part,especially during pregnancybalneotherapy

balneotherapy /!b'lni#* |$,er#pi/ noun thetreatment of diseases by bathing in hot water orwater containing beneficial natural chemicalsbalsam

balsam /$b)%ls(#)m/ noun a mixture of resin andoil, used to rub on sore joints or to put in hot waterand use as an inhalant. ! friar’s balsamban

ban /b'n/ verb to say that something is not per-mitted ! Smoking is banned throughout thebuilding. ! Use of this drug has been banned.bandage

bandage /$b'nd"d+/ noun a piece of clothwhich is wrapped around a wound or an injuredlimb ! His head was covered with bandages. "verb to wrap a piece of cloth around a wound !She bandaged his leg. ! His arm is bandaged up.Bandl’s ring

Bandl’s ring /$b'nd(#)lz r"0/ same as retrac-tion ring [After Ludwig Bandl (1842–92), Ger-man obstetrician.]Bankart’s operation

Bankart’s operation /$b'0k&%ts (p#|

!re"/(#)n/ noun an operation to repair a recurrentdislocation of the shoulder [First performed1923. After Arthur Sydney Blundell Bankart(1879–1951), first orthopaedic surgeon at theMiddlesex Hospital, London, UK]Banti’s syndrome

Banti’s syndrome /$b'ntiz !s"ndr#*m/,Banti’s disease /$b'ntiz d"|!zi%z/ noun same assplenic anaemia [Described 1882. After GuidoBanti (1852–1925), Florentine pathologist andphysician.]Barbados leg

Barbados leg /b&%|!be"d(s $le1/ noun a formof elephantiasis, a large swelling of the leg due toa Filaria wormbarber’s itch

barber’s itch /!b&%b#z $"t//, barber’s rash/!b&%b#z $r'// noun same as sycosis barbaebarbiturate

barbiturate /b&% |$b"t/*r#t/ noun a sedativedrugbarbotage

barbotage /!b&%b#|$t&%+/ noun a method of spi-nal analgesia by which cerebrospinal fluid iswithdrawn and then injected backbarium

barium /$be#ri#m/ noun a chemical element,forming poisonous compounds, used as a contrastmedium when taking X-ray photographs of softtissue (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Ba.)

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29 Beck inventory of depressionbarium enema

barium enema /!be#ri#m $en"m#/ noun a liq-uid solution containing barium sulphate which isput into the rectum to increase the contrast of anX-ray of the lower intestinebarium meal

barium meal /!be#ri#m $mi%l/, barium solu-tion /!be#ri#m s#|$lu%/(#)n/ noun a liquid solu-tion containing barium sulphate which someonedrinks to increase the contrast of an X-ray of thealimentary tractBarlow’s disease

Barlow’s disease /$b&%l#*z d" |!zi%z/ nounscurvy in children, caused by a lack of vitamin C[Described 1882. After Sir Thomas Barlow(1845–1945), physician at various London hos-pitals and to Queen Victoria, King Edward VIIand King George V.]Barlow’s sign

Barlow’s sign /$b&%l#*z sa"n/ noun a test forcongenital dislocation of the hip, in which a sud-den movement is felt and sometimes a sound isheard when the joint is manipulatedbaroreceptor

baroreceptor /!b'r#*r"|$sept#/ noun one of agroup of nerves near the carotid artery and aorticarch, which senses changes in blood pressurebarotrauma

barotrauma /!b'r#*|$tr)%m#/ noun an injurycaused by a sharp increase in pressureBarr body

Barr body /$b&% !b(di/ noun a dense clump ofchromatin found only in female cells, which canbe used to identify the sex of a baby before birth[Described 1949. After Murray Llewellyn Barr(1908–95), head of the Department of Anatomyat the University of Western Ontario, Canada.]Barré-Guillain syndrome

Barré-Guillain syndrome /!b're" $1i% j'n!s"ndr#*m/ noun " Guillain-Barré syndromebarrel chest

barrel chest /!b'r#l $t/est/ noun a chestformed like a barrel, caused by asthma or emphy-semabarrier cream

barrier cream /$b'ri# kri%m/ noun a cream puton the skin to prevent the skin coming into contactwith irritating substancesbarrier nursing

barrier nursing /$b'ri# !n-%s"0/ noun thenursing of someone who has an infectious dis-ease. It involves keeping them away from otherpatients and making sure that faeces and soiledbedclothes do not carry the infection to otherpatients.bartholinitis

bartholinitis /!b&%,#l" |$na"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the Bartholin’s glandsBartholin’s glands

Bartholin’s glands /$b&%,#l"nz 1l'ndz/ plu-ral noun two glands at the side of the vagina andbetween it and the vulva, which secrete a lubricat-ing substance. Also called greater vestibularglands [After Caspar Bartholin (1655–1748),Danish anatomist.]basal

basal /$be"s(#)l/ adjective located at the bottomof something, or forming its basebasal metabolic rate

basal metabolic rate /!be"s"k met# |$b(l"kre"t/ noun the amount of energy used by the bodyin exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide whenat rest. It was formerly used as a way of testingthyroid gland activity. Abbreviation BMR


base /be"s/ noun 1. the bottom part ! the baseof the spine 2. the main ingredient of an ointment,as opposed to the active ingredient 3. a substancewhich reacts with an acid to form a salt " verb touse something as a baseBasedow’s disease

Basedow’s disease /$b'z"d#*z d"|!zi%z/noun a form of hyperthyroidism [Described1840. After Carl Adolph Basedow (1799–1854),general practitioner in Mersburg, Germany.]basement membrane

basement membrane /!be"sm#nt !mem|

$bre"n/ noun a membrane at the base of an epithe-liumbasilar

basilar /$b'z"l#/ adjective referring to a basebasilic vein

basilic vein /b# |!z"l"k $ve"n/ noun a large veinrunning along the inside of the armbasophil

basophil /$be"s#f"l/ noun a type of white bloodcell which has granules in its cytoplasm and con-tains histamine and heparinbasophilia

basophilia /!be"s#|$f"li#/ noun an increase inthe number of basophils in the bloodbasophilic granulocyte

basophilic granulocyte /!be"s#f"l"k$1r'nj*l#sa"t/ noun same as basophilBatten’s diseaseBatten’s disease /$b't(#)nz d" |!zi%z/ noun ahereditary disease which affects the enzymes ofthe brain, causing cells in the brain and eye to diebattered baby syndrome

battered baby syndrome /$b't#d !be"bi!s"ndr#*m/, battered child syndrome /$b't#d$t/a"ld $s"ndr#*m/ noun a condition in which ababy or small child is frequently beaten, usuallyby one or both of its parents, sustaining injuriessuch as multiple fracturesbattledore placenta

battledore placenta /$b't(#)ld)% pl#|!sent#/noun a placenta where the umbilical cord isattached at the edge and not at the centreBazin’s disease

Bazin’s disease /$be"z"nz d"|!zi%z/ noun sameas erythema induratum [Described 1861. AfterPierre Antoine Ernest Bazin (1807–78), derma-tologist at Hôpital St Louis, Paris, France. Hewas an expert in parasitology associated withskin conditions.]BC

BC abbreviation bone conductionBCC

BCC abbreviation Breast Cancer CampaignB cellB cell /$bi% sel/ noun same as beta cellBCG

BCG /!bi% si% $d+i% !v'ksi%n/, BCG vaccinenoun a vaccine which immunises against tubercu-losis. Full form bacille Calmette-GuérinBChBCh abbreviation Bachelor of SurgeryBDA

BDA abbreviation British Dental Associationbearing down

bearing down /!be#r"0 $da*n/ noun a stage inchildbirth when the woman starts to push out thebaby from the uterusbearing-down pain

bearing-down pain /!be#r"0 $da*n !pe"n/noun pain felt in the uterus during the secondstage of labour (NOTE: Bearing-down pain is alsoassociated with uterine prolapse.)Beck inventory of depression

Beck inventory of depression /!bek!"nv#nt(#)ri #v d"|$pre/(#)n/ noun one of the rat-ing scales for depression, in which a series of 21

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beclomethasone 30

questions refers to attitudes frequently shown bypeople suffering from depressionbeclomethasone

beclomethasone /!bekl# |$me,#s#*n/ noun asteroid drug usually used in an inhaler to treatasthma or hay feverbecquerel

becquerel /$bek#rel/ noun an SI unit of meas-urement of radiation. Abbreviation Bq (NOTE:Now used in place of the curie.)bed bath

bed bath /$bed b&%,/ noun an act of washing thewhole body of someone who is unable to get up towash. Also called blanket bathbed blocking

bed blocking /$bed !bl(k"0/ noun the fact ofpeople being kept in hospital because other formsof care are not available, which means that otherpeople cannot be treatedbedbug

bedbug /$bedb.1/ noun a small insect whichlives in dirty bedclothes and sucks bloodbed occupancy

bed occupancy /$bed !(kj*p#nsi/ noun thepercentage of beds in a hospital which are occu-piedbedpan

bedpan /$bedp'n/ noun a dish into whichsomeone can urinate or defecate without gettingout of bedbed rest

bed rest /$bed rest/ noun a period of time spentin bed in order to rest and recover from an illnessbedridden

bedridden /$bed|!r"d(#)n/ adjective referring tosomeone who has been too ill to get out of bedover a long period of timebedside manner

bedside manner /!bedsa"d $m'n#/ noun theway in which a doctor behaves towards a patient,especially a patient who is in bed # a good bed-side manner the ability to make patients feelcomforted and reassuredbedsore

bedsore /$beds)%/ noun an inflamed patch ofskin on a bony part of the body, which developsinto an ulcer, caused by pressure of the part on themattress after lying for some time in one position.Special beds such as air beds, ripple beds andwater beds are used to try to prevent the formationof bedsores. Also called pressure sore, decubi-tus ulcerbedstate

bedstate /$bedste"t/ noun a record of the cur-rent level of occupancy of beds in a hospital orcare unit, updated as admissions and dischargesoccurbedwetting

bedwetting /$bedwet"0/ noun same as noctur-nal enuresis (NOTE: This term is used mainlyabout children.)Beer’s knife

Beer’s knife /$b"#z na"f/ noun a knife with atriangular blade, used in eye operations [AfterGeorge Joseph Beer (1763–1821), Germanophthalmologist.]behaviour

behaviour /b"|$he"vj#/ noun a way of acting !His behaviour was very aggressive.behavioural

behavioural /b" |$he"vj#r#l/ adjective relatingto behaviourbehaviourism

behaviourism /b"|$he"vj#r"z(#)m/ noun a psy-chological theory proposing that only someone’s

behaviour should be studied to discover their psy-chological problemsbehaviourist

behaviourist /b"|$he"vj#r"st/ noun a psycholo-gist who follows behaviourismbehaviour therapy

behaviour therapy /b" |!he"vj# $,er#pi/ noun aform of psychiatric treatment in which someonelearns how to improve their conditionBehçet’s syndrome

Behçet’s syndrome /$be"sets !s"ndr#*m/noun a chronic condition of the immune systemwith no known cause, experienced as a series ofattacks of inflammation of small blood vesselsaccompanied by mouth ulcers and sometimesgenital ulcers, skin lesions and inflamed eyes[Described 1937. After Halushi Behçet (1889–1948), Turkish dermatologist.]behind

behind /b"|$ha"nd/ noun same as buttock(informal)bejel

bejel /$bed+#l/ noun a non-venereal form ofsyphilis which is endemic among children insome areas of the Middle East and elsewhere andis caused by a spirochaete strain of bacteriabelch

belch /belt// noun the action of allowing air inthe stomach to come up through the mouth " verbto allow air in the stomach to come up through themouthbelching

belching /$belt/"0/ noun the action of allowingair in the stomach to come up through the mouth.Also called eructationbelladonna

belladonna /!bel#|$d(n#/ noun 1. a poisonousplant with berries containing atropine. Also calleddeadly nightshade 2. a form of atropineextracted from the belladonna plantbelle indifférence

belle indifférence /!bel 'n|$d"fer&%ns/ nounan excessively calm state in a person, in a situa-tion which would usually produce a show of emo-tionBellocq’s cannula

Bellocq’s cannula /be|!l(ks $k'nj*l#/, Bel-locq’s sound /be|!l(ks $sa*nd/ noun an instru-ment used to control a nosebleed [After JeanJacques Bellocq (1732–1807), French surgeon.]Bell’s mania

Bell’s mania /!belz $me"ni#/ noun a form ofacute mania with delirium [After Luther Vose Bell(1806–62), American physiologist.]Bell’s palsy

Bell’s palsy /!belz $p)%lzi/ noun paralysis ofthe facial nerve on one side of the face, preventingone eye being closed. Also called facial paraly-sis [Described 1821. After Sir Charles Bell(1774–1842), Scottish surgeon. He ran anatomyschools, first in Edinburgh and then in London.Professor of Anatomy at the Royal Academy.]belly

belly /$beli/ noun 1. same as abdomen 2. thefatter central part of a muscleBence Jones protein

Bence Jones protein /!bens $d+#*nz!pr#*ti%n/ noun a protein found in the urine ofpeople who have myelomatosis, lymphoma, leu-kaemia and some other cancers [Described 1848.After Henry Bence Jones (1814–73), physicianat St George’s Hospital, London, UK]

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31 bifocalbends

bends /bendz/ plural noun # the bends " cais-son diseaseBenedict’s solution

Benedict’s solution /$ben"d"kts s#|!lu%/(#)n/noun a solution used to carry out Benedict’s testBenedict’s test

Benedict’s test /$ben"d"kts test/ noun a testto see if sugar is present in the urine [Described1915. After Stanley Rossiter Benedict (1884–1936), physiological chemist at Cornell Univer-sity, New York, USA.]benign

benign /b# |$na"n/ adjective generally harmlessbenign growth

benign growth /b#|$na"n 1r#*,/ noun same asbenign tumourbenign pancreatic disease

benign pancreatic disease /b#|!na"n!p'0kri |$'t"k d" |!zi%z/ noun chronic pancreatitisbenign prostatic hypertrophy

benign prostatic hypertrophy /b" |!na"n pr(|

!st't"k ha"|$p-%tr#fi/ noun a nonmalignantenlargement of the prostate. Abbreviation BPHbenign tumour

benign tumour /b#|!na"n $tju%m#/ noun atumour which will not grow again or spread toother parts of the body if it is removed surgically,but which can be fatal if not treated. Also calledbenign growth. Opposite malignant tumourBennett’s fracture

Bennett’s fracture /!ben"ts $fr'kt/#/ noun afracture of the first metacarpal, the bone betweenthe thumb and the wrist [Described 1886. AfterEdward Halloran Bennett (1837–1907), Irishanatomist, later Professor of Surgery at TrinityCollege, Dublin, Ireland.]benzocaine

benzocaine /$benz#ke"n/ noun a drug withanaesthetic properties used in some throat loz-enges and skin creamsbenzodiazepine

benzodiazepine /!benz#*da"|$'z#pi%n/ nouna drug which acts on receptors in the central nerv-ous system to relieve symptoms of anxiety andinsomnia, although prolonged use is to be avoided(NOTE: Benzodiazepines have names ending in-azepam: diazepam.)benzoin

benzoin /$benz#*"n/ noun a resin used to makefriar’s balsambenzyl benzoate

benzyl benzoate /!benz"l $benz#*e"t/ noun acolourless oily liquid which occurs naturally inbalsams, used in medicines and perfumesbereavement

bereavement /b"|$ri%vm#nt/ noun the loss ofsomeone, especially a close relative or friend,through deathberiberi

beriberi /!beri |$beri/ noun a disease of the nerv-ous system caused by lack of vitamin B1berylliosis

berylliosis /b#|!r"li|$#*s"s/ noun poisoningcaused by breathing in particles of the poisonouschemical compound beryllium oxideBesnier’s prurigo

Besnier’s prurigo /!benie"z pr*|$ra"1#*/noun an itchy skin rash on the backs of the kneesand the insides of the elbows [After Ernest Bes-nier (1831–1909), French dermatologist.]beta

beta /$bi%t#/ noun the second letter of the Greekalphabetbeta-adrenergic receptor

beta-adrenergic receptor /!bi%t# !'dr#|

$n-%d+"k/ noun one of two types of nerve endings

that respond to adrenaline by speeding up theheart rate or dilating the bronchibeta blocker

beta blocker /$bi%t# !bl(k#/ noun a drug whichreduces the activity of the heart (NOTE: Betablockers have names ending in -olol: atenolol,propranolol hydrochloride.)beta cell

beta cell /$bi%t# sel/ noun a type of cell found inthe islets of Langerhans, in the pancreas, whichproduces insulin. Also called B cellBetadine

Betadine /$bi%t#di%n/ noun a trade name for aform of iodinebetamethasone

betamethasone /!bi%t# |$me,#s#*n/ noun avery strong corticosteroid drugbetaxolol

betaxolol /b"|$t'ks#l(l/ noun a beta blockerdrug used in the treatment of high blood pressureand glaucomabethanechol

bethanechol /be|$,'n"k(l/ noun an agonistdrug used to increase muscle tone after surgeryBetnovate

Betnovate /$betn#ve"t/ noun a trade name foran ointment containing betamethasonebi-

bi- /ba"/ prefix two or twicebias

bias /$ba"#s/ noun a systematic error in thedesign or conduct of a study which could explainthe resultsbicarbonate of soda

bicarbonate of soda /ba"|!k&%b#n#t #v$s#*d#/ noun same as sodium bicarbonatebicellular

bicellular /ba" |$selj*l#/ adjective having twocellsbiceps

biceps /$ba"seps/ noun any muscle formed oftwo parts joined to form one tendon, especiallythe muscles in the front of the upper arm (bicepsbrachii) and the back of the thigh (biceps femo-ris). ! triceps (NOTE: The plural is biceps.)bicipital

bicipital /ba"|$s"p"t(#)l/ adjective referring to abiceps musclebiconcave

biconcave /ba" |$k(0ke"v/ adjective referring toa lens which is concave on both sidesbiconvex

biconvex /ba" |$k(nveks/ adjective referring to alens which is convex on both sidesbicornuate

bicornuate /ba"|$k)%nju#t/ adjective dividedinto two parts (NOTE: The word is sometimesapplied to a malformation of the uterus.)bicuspid

bicuspid /ba" |$k.sp"d/ adjective with twopoints " noun a premolar toothbicuspid valve

bicuspid valve /!ba" |$k.sp"d !v'lv/ nounsame as mitral valve. See illustration at HEART inSupplementb.i.d.

b.i.d. adverb (used on prescriptions) twicedaily. Full form bis in diebidet

bidet /$bi%de"/ noun an object for washing thegenital and anal areas. It looks like a low toilet.bifid

bifid /$ba"f"d/ adjective in two partsbifocal

bifocal /ba"|$f#*k(#)l/ adjective referring tolenses made with two sections which have differ-ent focal lengths, one for looking at things whichare near, the other for looking at things which arefar away

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bifocal glasses 32bifocal glasses

bifocal glasses /ba"|!f#*k(#)l $1l&%s"z/, bifo-cal lenses /ba"|$f#*k(#)l $lenz"z/, bifocals /ba"|

$f#*k(#)lz/ plural noun spectacles with lenseswhich have two types of lens combined in thesame piece of glass, the top part being used forseeing at a distance and the lower part for readingbifurcate

bifurcate adjective /ba"|$f-%ke"t/ separating orbranching off into two parts " verb /$ba"f#ke"t/to split or branch off into two partsbifurcation

bifurcation /!ba"f# |$ke"/(#)n/ noun a placewhere something divides into two partsbigeminy

bigeminy /ba" |$d+em"ni/ noun same as pulsusbigeminusbig toe

big toe /!b"1 $t#*/ noun the largest of the fivetoes, on the inside of the foot. Also called greattoebiguanide

biguanide /ba" |$1w&%na"d/ noun a drug whichlowers blood sugar, used in the treatment of TypeII diabetesbilateral

bilateral /ba" |$l't(#)r#l/ adjective affecting bothsidesbilateral pneumonia

bilateral pneumonia /ba"|!l't(#)r#l nju%|

$m#*ni#/ noun pneumonia affecting both lungsbile

bile /ba"l/ noun a thick bitter brownish yellowfluid produced by the liver, stored in the gall blad-der and used to digest fatty substances and neu-tralise acids (NOTE: For other terms referring tobile, see words beginning with chol-.)bilharzia

bilharzia /b"l |$h&%tsi#/ noun 1. a fluke whichenters the bloodstream and causes bilharziasis.Also called Schistosoma 2. same as bilharzia-sis (NOTE: Although strictly speaking, bilharziais the name of the fluke, it is also generally usedfor the name of the disease: bilharzia patients;six cases of bilharzia.)bilharziasis

bilharziasis /!b"lh&% |$tsa"#s"s/ noun a tropicaldisease caused by flukes in the intestine or blad-der. Also called bilharzia, schistosomiasisbili-

bili- /b"li/ prefix referring to bile (NOTE: Forother terms referring to bile, see words begin-ning with chol-, chole-.)biliary

biliary /$b"li#r"/ adjective referring to bilebiliary colic

biliary colic /!b"li#r" $k(l"k/ noun pain in theabdomen caused by gallstones in the bile duct orby inflammation of the gall bladderbilious

bilious /$b"li#s/ adjective 1. referring to bile 2.referring to nausea (informal)biliousness

biliousness /$b"li#sn#s/ noun a feeling of indi-gestion and nausea (informal)bilirubin

bilirubin /!b"li|$ru%b"n/ noun a red pigment inbilebilirubinaemia

bilirubinaemia /!b"liru%b"|$ni%mi#/ noun anexcess of bilirubin in the bloodbiliuria

biliuria /!b"li|$j*#ri#/ noun the presence of bilein the urine. Also called choluriabiliverdin

biliverdin /!b"li|$v-%d"n/ noun a green pigmentin bile, produced by oxidation of bilirubin

Billings method

Billings method /$b"l"0z !me,#d/ noun amethod of birth control which uses the colour andconsistency of the cervical mucus as guides towhether ovulation is taking placeBillroth’s operations

Billroth’s operations /$b"lr(,s (p#|

!re"/(#)nz/ plural noun surgical operations inwhich the lower part of the stomach is removedand the part which is left is linked to the duode-num (Billroth I) or jejunum (Billroth II)[Described 1881. After Christian Albert Theod-ore Billroth (1829–94), Prussian surgeon.]bimanual

bimanual /ba"|$m'nju#l/ adjective done withtwo hands, or needing both hands to be donebinary

binary /$ba"n#ri/ adjective made of two partsbinary fission

binary fission /!ba"n#ri $f"/(#)n/ noun theprocess of splitting into two parts in some types ofcell divisionbinaural

binaural /ba"n|$)%r#l/ adjective using, or relat-ing to, both earsbinder

binder /$ba"nd#/ noun a bandage which iswrapped round a limb to support itBinet’s test

Binet’s test /$b"ne"z test/ noun an intelligencetest for children [Originally described 1905 butlater modified at Stanford University, California,USA. After Alfred Binet (1857–1911), Frenchpsychologist and physiologist.]binocular

binocular /b" |$n(kj*l#/ adjective referring tothe two eyesbinovular

binovular /b" |$n(vj*l#/ adjective referring totwins who develop from two different ovabio-

bio- /ba"#*/ prefix referring to living organismsbioassay

bioassay /!ba"#*# |$se"/ noun a test of thestrength of a drug, hormone, vitamin or serum, byexamining the effect it has on living animals ortissuebioavailability

bioavailability /!ba"#*#ve"l#|$b"l"ti/ noun theextent to which a nutrient or medicine can betaken up by the bodybiochemistry

biochemistry /!ba"#* |$kem"stri/ noun thechemistry of living tissuesbiocide

biocide /$ba"#*sa"d/ noun a substance whichkills living organismsbiodegradable

biodegradable /!ba"#*d"|$1re"d#b(#)l/ adjec-tive easily decomposed by organisms such as bac-teria or by the effect of sunlight, the sea, etc.biofeedback

biofeedback /!ba"#* |$fi%db'k/ noun the con-trol of the autonomic nervous system by some-one’s conscious thought, as he or she sees theresults of tests or scansbiohazard

biohazard /$ba"#*|!h'z#d/ noun a danger tohuman beings or their environment, especiallyone from a poisonous or infectious agentbiological

biological /!ba"#|$l(d+"k(#)l/ adjective refer-ring to biologybiological parent

biological parent /!ba"# |!l(d+"k(#)l $pe#r#nt/noun a parent who was physically involved inproducing a child

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33 bite wingbiologist

biologist /ba"|$(l#d+"st/ noun a scientist whospecialises in biologybiology

biology /ba" |$(l#d+i/ noun the study of livingorganismsbiomaterial

biomaterial /!ba"#*m#|$t"#ri#l/ noun a syn-thetic material which can be used as an implant inliving tissuebiometry

biometry /ba" |$(m#tri/ noun the science whichapplies statistics to the study of living things #biometry of a fetus the measurement of the keyparameters of growth of a fetus by ultrasoundbionic ear

bionic ear /ba"|!(n"k $"#/ noun a cochlearimplant (informal)bionics

bionics /ba" |$(n"ks/ noun the process of apply-ing knowledge of biological systems to mechani-cal and electronic devicesbiophysical profile

biophysical profile /!ba"#*f"z"k(#)l$pr#*fa"l/ noun a profile of a fetus, based on suchthings as its breathing movement and body move-mentbiopsy

biopsy /$ba"(psi/ noun the process of taking asmall piece of living tissue for examination anddiagnosis ! The biopsy of the tissue from thegrowth showed that it was benign.biorhythm

biorhythm /$ba"#*r"2(#)m/ noun a regularprocess of change which takes place within livingorganisms, e.g. sleeping, waking or the reproduc-tive cycle (NOTE: Some people believe that bio-rhythms affect behaviour and mood.)biostatistics

biostatistics /!ba"#*st#|$t"st"ks/ plural nounstatistics used in medicine and the study of dis-easebiotechnology

biotechnology /!ba"#*tek|$n(l#d+i/ noun 1.the use of biological processes in industrial pro-duction, e.g. in the production of drugs 2. same asgenetic modificationbiotin

biotin /$ba"#t"n/ noun a type of vitamin B foundin egg yolks, liver and yeastBiPAP

BiPAP /$ba"p'p/ noun a breathing apparatusthat allows air delivered through a mask to be setat one pressure for inhaling and another for exhal-ing, maximising breathing efficiency and mini-mising natural muscular effort. Full form bi-levelpositive airway pressurebiparietal

biparietal /!ba"p# |$ra"#t(#)l/ adjective referringto the two parietal bonesbiparous

biparous /$b"p#r#s/ adjective producing twinsbipennate

bipennate /ba" |$pene"t/ adjective referring to amuscle with fibres which rise from either side ofthe tendonbipolar

bipolar /ba"|$p#*l#/ adjective with two poles.See illustration at NEURONE in Supplementbipolar disorder

bipolar disorder /!ba"p#*l# d"s |$)%d#/ noun apsychological condition in which someone movesbetween mania and depression and experiencesdelusion. Also called manic-depressive ill-ness, manic depression

bipolar neurone

bipolar neurone /ba" |!p#*l# $nj*#r#*n/ nouna nerve cell with two processes, a dendrite and anaxon, found in the retina. See illustration at NEU-RONE in Supplement. Compare multipolar neu-rone, unipolar neuronebirth

birth /b-%,/ noun the act of being bornbirth canal

birth canal /$b-%, k#|!n'l/ noun the uterus,vagina and vulvabirth control

birth control /$b-%, k#n|!tr#*l/ noun same ascontraceptionbirth control pill

birth control pill /$b-%, k#n|!tr#*l p"l/ nounsame as oral contraceptivebirthing chair

birthing chair /$b-%,"0 t/e#/ noun a specialchair in which a woman sits to give birthbirthing pool

birthing pool /$b-%,"0 pu%l/ noun a speciallarge bath in which pregnant women can relaxbefore and when giving birthbirthmark

birthmark /$b-%,m&%k/ noun an unusual col-oured or raised area on the skin which someonehas from birth. Also called naevusbirth mother

birth mother /$b-%, !m.2#/ noun the womanwho gave birth to a childbirth parent

birth parent /$b-%, !pe#r#nt/ noun one of theparents that physically produced a childbirth plan

birth plan /$b-%, pl'n/ noun a list of a pregnantwoman’s wishes about how the birth of her babyshould take place, e.g. whether she wants a natu-ral birth and what pain relief she should be givenbirth rate

birth rate /$b-%, re"t/ noun the number of birthsper year, shown per thousand of the population !a birth rate of 15 per thousand ! There has beena severe decline in the birth rate.birth trauma

birth trauma /$b-%, !tr)%m#/ noun an injurycaused to a baby during deliverybirth weight

birth weight /$b-%, we"t/ noun the weight of ababy at birthbisacodyl

bisacodyl /!ba"s# |$k#*d"l/ noun a laxative drugbisexual

bisexual /ba" |$sek/u#l/ adjective referring to aperson who is sexually attracted to both males andfemalesbisexuality

bisexuality /!ba"sek/u|$'l"ti/ noun the state ofbeing sexually attracted to both males andfemalesbis in die

bis in die /!b"s "n $di%e"/ adverb full form ofb.i.d.bismuth

bismuth /$b"zm#,/ noun a chemical element(NOTE: The chemical symbol is Bi.)bistoury

bistoury /$b"st#ri/ noun a sharp thin surgicalknifebite

bite /ba"t/ verb 1. to cut into something with theteeth ! He bit a piece out of the apple. 2. (of aninsect) to puncture someone’s skin " noun 1. theaction of biting or of being bitten 2. a place ormark where someone has been bitten ! a dog bite! an insect bitebite wing

bite wing /$ba"t w"0/ noun a holder for dentalX-ray film, which a person clenches between the

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Bitot’s spots 34

teeth, so allowing an X-ray of both upper andlower teeth to be takenBitot’s spotsBitot’s spots /!bi%t#*z $sp(ts/ plural nounsmall white spots on the conjunctiva, caused byvitamin A deficiency [Described 1863. AfterPierre A. Bitot (1822–88), French physician.]bivalvebivalve /$ba"v'lv/ noun an organ which has twovalves " adjective referring to a bivalve organblack eye

black eye /!bl'k $a"/ noun bruising and swell-ing of the tissues round an eye, usually caused bya blowblackheadblackhead /$bl'khed/ noun same as comedo(informal)black heel

black heel /$bl'k !hi%l/ noun a haemorrhageinside the heel, characterised by black spotsblack out

black out /$bl'k a*t/ verb to have sudden lossof consciousness ! I suddenly blacked out and Ican’t remember anything moreblackout

blackout /$bl'ka*t/ noun a sudden loss of con-sciousness (informal) ! She must have had ablackout while driving. Also called fainting fitblackwater feverblackwater fever /$bl'kw)%t# !fi%v#/ noun aform of malaria where haemoglobin from redblood cells is released into plasma and makes theurine darkbladderbladder /$bl'd#/ noun any sac in the body,especially the sac where the urine collects beforebeing passed out of the body ! He is sufferingfrom bladder trouble. ! She is taking antibioticsfor a bladder infection.Blalock’s operation

Blalock’s operation /$ble"l(ks (p#|!re"/(#)n/,Blalock-Taussig operation /!ble"l(k $t)%s"1(p#|!re"/(#)n/ noun a surgical operation to con-nect the pulmonary artery to the subclavian artery,in order to increase blood flow to the lungs ofsomeone who has tetralogy of Fallotbland

bland /bl'nd/ adjective referring to food whichis not spicy, irritating or acidblanket bath

blanket bath /$bl'0k"t b&%,/ noun same asbed bathblastblast /bl&%st/ noun 1. a wave of air pressurefrom an explosion which can cause concussion 2.an immature form of a cell before distinctivecharacteristics develop-blast-blast /bl'st/ suffix referring to a very earlystage in the development of a cellblasto-

blasto- /bl'st#*/ prefix referring to a germ cellblastocoele

blastocoele /$bl'st#*si%l/ noun a cavity filledwith fluid in a morulablastocystblastocyst /$bl'st#*s"st/ noun an early stagein the development of an embryoBlastomyces

Blastomyces /!bl'st#* |$ma"si%z/ noun a typeof parasitic fungus which affects the skinblastomycosis

blastomycosis /!bl'st#*ma" |$k#*s"s/ nounan infection caused by Blastomycesblastulablastula /$bl'stj*l#/ noun the first stage of thedevelopment of an embryo in animalsbleb

bleb /bleb/ noun a blister. Compare bulla


bleeder /$bli%d#/ noun 1. a blood vessel whichbleeds during surgery 2. a person who has haemo-philia (informal)bleeding

bleeding /$bli%d"0/ noun an unusual loss ofblood from the body through the skin, through anorifice or internallybleeding time

bleeding time /$bli%d"0 ta"m/ noun a test of theclotting ability of someone’s blood, by timing thelength of time it takes for the blood to congealblennorrhagia

blennorrhagia /!blen#*|$re"d+#/ noun the dis-charge of mucusblennorrhoea

blennorrhoea /!blen#|$ri%#/ noun the dischargeof watery mucusbleomycin

bleomycin /!bli%#*|$ma"s"n/ noun an antibioticused to treat forms of cancer such as Hodgkin’sdiseaseblephar-

blephar- /blef#r/ prefix same as blepharo-(used before vowels)blepharitis

blepharitis /!blef#|$ra"t"s/ noun inflammationof the eyelidblepharo-

blepharo- /blef#r#*/ prefix referring to the eye-lidblepharoconjunctivitis

blepharoconjunctivitis /!blef#r#*k#n|

!d+.0kt" |$va"t"s/ noun inflammation of the con-junctiva of the eyelidsblepharon

blepharon /$blef#r(n/ noun an eyelidblepharospasm

blepharospasm /$blef#r#*sp'z(#)m/ noun asudden contraction of the eyelid, as when a tinypiece of dust gets in the eyeblepharotosis

blepharotosis /!blef#r#* |$t#*s"s/ noun a con-dition in which the upper eyelid is half closedbecause of paralysis of the muscle or nerveblind

blind /bla"nd/ adjective not able to seeblind loop syndrome

blind loop syndrome /!bla"nd $lu%p!s"ndr#*m/ noun a condition which occurs incases of diverticulosis or of Crohn’s disease, withsteatorrhoea, abdominal pain and megaloblasticanaemiablindnessblindness /$bla"ndn#s/ noun the fact of notbeing able to seeblind spotblind spot /$bla"nd sp(t/ noun the point in theretina where the optic nerve joins it, which doesnot register lightblind study

blind study /!bla"nd $st.di/ noun an investiga-tion to test an intervention such as giving a drug,in which a person does not know if he or she hastaken the active medicine or the placeboblister

blister /$bl"st#/ noun a swelling on the skin con-taining serum from the blood, caused by rubbing,burning or a disease such as chickenpox " verb toproduce blistersbloated

bloated /$bl#*t"d/ adjective experiencing theuncomfortable sensation of a very full stomachblock

block /bl(k/ noun 1. the stopping of a function2. a large piece of something ! A block of woodfell on his foot. 3. a period of time ! The trainingis in two three-hour blocks. " verb to fill thespace in something and stop other things passing

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35 blurred vision

through it ! The artery was blocked by a clot. !He swallowed a piece of plastic which blocked hisoesophagus.blocking

blocking /$bl(k"0/ noun a psychiatric disorder,in which someone suddenly stops one train ofthought and switches to anotherblood

blood /bl.d/ noun a red liquid moved around thebody by the pumping action of the heart (NOTE:For other terms referring to blood, see wordsbeginning with haem-, haemo-, haemato-.)blood bank

blood bank /$bl.d b'0k/ noun a section of ahospital or a special centre where blood given bydonors is stored for use in transfusionsblood blister

blood blister /$bl.d !bl"st#/ noun a swelling onthe skin with blood inside, caused by nipping thefleshblood-borne virus

blood-borne virus /!bl.d b)%n $va"r#s/ nouna virus carried by the bloodblood-brain barrier

blood-brain barrier /!bl.d bre"n $b'ri#/noun the process by which some substances,which in other parts of the body will diffuse fromcapillaries, are held back by the endothelium ofcerebral capillaries, preventing them from com-ing into contact with the fluids round the brainblood clot

blood clot /$bl.d kl(t/ noun a soft mass ofcoagulated blood in a vein or an artery. Alsocalled thrombusblood count

blood count /$bl.d ka*nt/ noun a test to countthe number and types of different blood cells in asample of blood, in order to give an indication ofthe condition of the person’s blood as a wholeblood donor

blood donor /$bl.d !d#*n#/ noun a personwho gives blood which is then used in transfu-sions to other peopleblood dyscrasia

blood dyscrasia /!bl.d d"s |$kre"zi#/ noun anyunusual blood condition such as a low cell countor platelet countblood gas

blood gas /$bl.d 1's/ noun oxygen and carbondioxide that are naturally present in blood, animbalance of which may indicate a respiratorydisorderblood-glucose level

blood-glucose level /!bl.d $1lu%k#*z!lev(#)l/ noun the amount of glucose present inthe blood. The usual blood-glucose level is about60–100 mg of glucose per 100 ml of blood.blood group

blood group /$bl.d 1ru%p/ noun one of the dif-ferent groups into which human blood is classi-fied. Also called blood type

COMMENT: Blood is classified in variousways. The most common classifications areby the agglutinogens (factors A and B) in redblood cells and by the Rhesus factor. Bloodcan therefore have either factor (Group Aand Group B) or both factors (Group AB) orneither (Group O) and each of these groupscan be Rhesus negative or positive.

blood grouping

blood grouping /$bl.d !1ru%p"0/ noun theprocess of classifying people according to theirblood groups


blood-letting /$bl.d !let"0/ noun same as phle-botomyblood loss

blood loss /$bl.d l(s/ noun loss of blood fromthe body by bleedingblood pigment

blood pigment /$bl.d !p"1m#nt/ noun sameas haemoglobinblood pressure

blood pressure /$bl.d !pre/#/ noun the pres-sure, measured in millimetres of mercury, atwhich the blood is pumped round the body by theheartblood relationship

blood relationship /!bl.d r" |$le"/(#)n/"p/noun a relationship between people who comefrom the same family and have the same parents,grandparents or ancestors, as opposed to a rela-tionship by marriageblood sample

blood sample /$bl.d !s&%mp#l/ noun a sampleof blood, taken for testingbloodshot

bloodshot /$bl.d/(t/ adjective referring to aneye with small specks of blood in it from a smalldamaged blood vesselblood sugar

blood sugar /!bl.d $/*1#/ noun glucosepresent in the bloodblood sugar level

blood sugar level /!bl.d $/*1# !lev(#)l/ nounthe amount of glucose in the blood, which ishigher after meals and in people with diabetesblood test

blood test /$bl.d test/ noun a laboratory test ofa blood sample to analyse its chemical composi-tion ! The patient will have to have a blood test.blood transfusion

blood transfusion /$bl.d tr'ns |!fju%+(#)n/noun a procedure in which blood given byanother person or taken from the patient at an ear-lier stage is transferred into the patient’s veinblood type

blood type /$bl.d ta"p/ noun same as bloodgroupblood typing

blood typing /$bl.d !ta"p"0/ noun the analysisof blood for transfusion factors and blood groupblood vessel

blood vessel /$bl.d !ves(#)l/ noun any tubewhich carries blood round the body, e.g. an artery,vein or capillary (NOTE: For other terms referringto blood vessels, see words beginning withangi-, angio-.)blood volume

blood volume /$bl.d !v(lju%m/ noun the totalamount of blood in the bodyblot test

blot test /$bl(t test/ noun " Rorschach testblue baby

blue baby /!blu% $be"bi/ noun a baby who hascongenital cyanosis, born either with a congenitalheart condition or with a collapsed lung, whichprevents an adequate supply of oxygen reachingthe tissues, giving the baby’s skin a slight bluecolour (informal)blue litmus

blue litmus /!blu% $l"tm#s/ noun treated paperwhich indicates the presence of acid by turningredblurred vision

blurred vision /!bl-%d $v"+(#)n/ noun a condi-tion in which someone does not see objectsclearly

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blush 36blush

blush /bl.// noun a rush of red colour to the skinof the face, caused by emotion " verb to go red inthe face because of emotionBM

BM abbreviation Bachelor of MedicineBMA

BMA abbreviation British Medical AssociationBMI

BMI abbreviation body mass indexBMRBMR abbreviation basal metabolic rateBNF

BNF abbreviation British National Formularybody fluid

body fluid /$b(di !flu%"d/ noun a liquid in thebody, e.g. water, blood or semenbody image

body image /!b(di $"m"d+/ noun the mentalimage which a person has of their own body. Alsocalled body schemabody language

body language /$b(di !l'01w"d+/ noun theexpression on your face, or the way you hold yourbody, interpreted by other people as uncon-sciously revealing your feelingsbody odour

body odour /!b(di $#*d#/ noun an unpleasantsmell caused by perspirationbody scan

body scan /$b(di sk'n/ noun an examinationof the whole of the body using ultrasound or otherscanning techniquesbody schemabody schema /!b(di $ski%m#/ noun same asbody imagebody substance isolation

body substance isolation /$b(di !s.bst#nsa"s# |!le"/(#)n/ noun making sure that a traumavictim is kept isolated from the possibility ofinfection from moist body substancesbody temperature

body temperature /$b(di !tempr"t/#/ nounthe internal temperature of the human body, usu-ally about 37°CBoeck’s disease

Boeck’s disease /$beks d" |!zi%z/, Boeck’ssarcoid /$beks !s&%k)"d/ noun same as sar-coidosis [Described 1899. After Caesar PeterMoeller Boeck (1845–1913), Professor of Der-matology at Oslo, Norway.]Bohn’s nodules

Bohn’s nodules /!b)%nz $n(dju%lz/, Bohn’sepithelial pearls /!b)%nz ep"|!,i%li#l $p-%lz/ plu-ral noun tiny cysts found in the mouths of healthyinfantsboilboil /b)"l/ noun a tender raised mass of infectedtissue and skin, usually caused by infection of ahair follicle by the bacterium Staphylococcusaureus. Also called furunclebolus

bolus /$b#*l#s/ noun 1. a mass of food whichhas been chewed and is ready to be swallowed 2.a mass of food passing along the intestinebonding

bonding /$b(nd"0/ noun the process by which apsychological link is formed between a baby andits mother ! In autistic children bonding is diffi-cult.bone

bone /b#*n/ noun 1. calcified connective tissue2. one of the calcified pieces of connective tissuewhich make the skeleton ! There are severalsmall bones in the human ear. See illustration atSYNOVIAL JOINT in Supplementbone-anchored hearing aid

bone-anchored hearing aid /!b#*n !'0k#d$h"#r"0 e"d/ noun a hearing aid that is fitted sur-

gically into the skull, usually behind the ear.Abbreviation BAHAbone marrow

bone marrow /$b#*n !m'r#*/ noun soft tissuein cancellous bone (NOTE: For other terms refer-ring to bone marrow, see words beginning withmyel-, myelo-.)bone marrow transplant

bone marrow transplant /!b#*n $m'r#*!tr'nspl&%nt/ noun the transplant of marrowfrom a donor to a recipientbone scan

bone scan /$b#*n sk'n/ noun a scan whichtracks a radioactive substance injected into thebody to find areas where a bone is breaking downor repairing itselfBonney’s blue

Bonney’s blue /!b(niz $blu%/ noun a blue dyeused as a disinfectant [After William Francis Vic-tor Bonney (1872–1953), British gynaecologist.]bony

bony /$b#*ni/ adjective relating to bones, ormade of bonebony labyrinth

bony labyrinth /!b#*ni $l'b#r"n,/ noun a hardpart of the temporal bone surrounding the mem-branous labyrinth in the inner ear. Also calledosseous labyrinthboob

boob /bu%b/ noun a woman’s breast (informal)booster

booster /$bu%st#r "n|!d+ek/(#)n/, boosterinjection noun a repeat injection of vaccine givensome time after the first injection to maintain theimmunising effectboracic acid

boracic acid /b# |!r's"k $'s"d/ noun a solublewhite powder used as a general disinfectant. Alsocalled boric acidborax

borax /$b)%r'ks/ noun a white powder used as ahousehold cleaner and disinfectantborborygmus

borborygmus /!b)%b#|$r"1m#s/ noun a rum-bling noise in the abdomen, caused by gas in theintestine (NOTE: The plural is borborygmi.)borderline

borderline /$b)%d#la"n/ adjective 1. not clearlybelonging to either one of two categories ! a bor-derline case 2. referring to a medical conditionlikely to develop in someone unless an effort ismade to prevent it 3. characterised by emotionalinstability and self-destructive behaviour ! a bor-derline personalityBordetella

Bordetella /!b)%d#|$tel#/ noun a bacterium ofthe family Brucellaceae (NOTE: Bordetella per-tussis causes whooping cough.)boric acid

boric acid /!b)%r"k $'s"d/ noun same asboracic acidboron

boron /$b)%r(n/ noun a chemical element whichis present in borax, and essential for healthy plantgrowth (NOTE: The chemical symbol is B.)bosom

bosom /$b*z(#)m/ noun a woman’s chest orbreastsbottom

bottom /$b(t#m/ noun 1. the part of the body onwhich you sit. ! buttock 2. the anus (informal)bottom shuffling

bottom shuffling /$b(t#m !/.f(#)l"0/ nounthe process by which a baby who cannot yet walkmoves around by moving itself along on its handsand buttocks

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37 brain scanbotulinum toxinbotulinum toxin /!b(tj*|$la"n#m !t(ks"n/noun a poison produced by the bacteriumClostridium botulinum and used, in small doses,to treat muscular cramps and spasmsbotulismbotulism /$b(t/*l"z(#)m/ noun a type of foodpoisoning, often fatal, caused by a toxin ofClostridium botulinum in badly canned or pre-served food. Symptoms include paralysis of themuscles, vomiting and hallucinations.bougiebougie /$bu%+i%/ noun a thin tube which can beinserted into passages in the body such as theoesophagus or rectum, either to allow liquid to beintroduced or to dilate the passagebovine spongiform encephalopathybovine spongiform encephalopathy/!b#*va"n !sp.nd+"f)%m en |!kef# |$l(p#,i/ nouna fatal brain disease of cattle. Abbreviation BSE.! Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Also called madcow diseasebowelbowel /$ba*#l/ noun the intestine, especially thelarge intestine (NOTE: Bowel is often used in theplural in everyday language.)bowel movementbowel movement /$ba*#l !mu%vm#nt/ noun1. an act of passing faeces out of the body throughthe anus ! The patient had a bowel movementthis morning. Also called motion. ! defecation2. the amount of faeces passed through the anusbowelsbowels /$ba*#lz/ plural noun same as bowelBowen’s diseaseBowen’s disease /$b#*inz d" |!zi%z/ noun aform of carcinoma, appearing as red plaques onthe skinbow legsbow legs /!b#* $le1z/ noun a state where theankles touch and the knees are apart when a per-son is standing straight. Also called genu varumBowman’s capsuleBowman’s capsule /!b#*m#nz $k'psju%l/noun the expanded end of a renal tubule, sur-rounding a glomerular tuft in the kidney, whichfilters plasma in order to reabsorb useful food-stuffs and eliminate waste. Also called Mal-pighian glomerulus, glomerular capsule[Described 1842. After Sir William Paget Bow-man (1816–92), surgeon in Birmingham andlater in London, who was a pioneer in work onthe kidney and in ophthalmology.]BPBP abbreviation 1. blood pressure 2. BritishPharmacopoeiaBPHBPH abbreviation benign prostatic hypertrophyBqBq symbol becquerelbracebrace /bre"s/ noun any type of splint or appli-ance worn for support, e.g. a metal support usedon children’s legs to make the bones straight or onteeth which are forming badly ! She wore abrace on her front teeth.brachi-brachi- /bre"ki/ prefix same as brachio- (usedbefore vowels)brachialbrachial /$bre"ki#l/ adjective referring to thearm, especially the upper armbrachialis musclebrachialis muscle /!bre"ki |$e"l"s !m.s(#)l/noun a muscle that causes the elbow to bendbrachio-brachio- /bre"ki#*/ prefix referring to the arm

brachiocephalic artery

brachiocephalic artery /!bre"ki#*s#|!f'l"k$&%t#ri/ noun the largest branch of the arch of theaorta, which continues as the right commoncarotid and right subclavian arteriesbrachiocephalic vein

brachiocephalic vein /!bre"ki#*s#|!f'l"k$ve"n/ noun one of a pair of large veins on oppo-site sides of the neck that join to form the superiorvena cava. Also called innominate veinbrachium

brachium /$bre"ki#m/ noun an arm, especiallythe upper arm between the elbow and the shoulder(NOTE: The plural is brachia.)brachy-

brachy- /br'ki/ prefix shortbrachycephaly

brachycephaly /!br'ki|$sef#li/ noun a condi-tion in which the skull is shorter than usualbrachytherapy

brachytherapy /!br'ki|$,er#pi/ noun a radio-active treatment in which the radioactive materialactually touches the tissue being treatedBradford’s frame

Bradford’s frame /$br'df#dz fre"m/ noun aframe of metal and cloth, used to support a patient[After Edward Hickling Bradford (1848–1926),US orthopaedic surgeon.]brady-

brady- /br'd"/ prefix slowbradycardia

bradycardia /!br'd"|$k&%di#/ noun a slow rateof heart contraction, shown by a slow pulse rate ofless than 70 beats per minutebradykinesia

bradykinesia /!br'd"ka"|$ni%zi#/ noun a condi-tion in which the someone walks slowly andmakes slow movements because of diseasebradykinin

bradykinin /!br'd"|$ka"n"n/ noun a chemicalproduced in the blood when tissues are injured,that plays a role in inflammation. ! kininbradypnoea

bradypnoea /!br'd"p|$ni%#/ noun unusuallyslow breathingBraille

Braille /bre"l/ noun a system of writing usingraised dots on the paper to indicate letters whicha blind person can read by passing their fingersover the page ! The book has been published inBraille. [Introduced 1829–30. After Louis Braille(1809–52), blind Frenchman and teacher of theblind; he introduced the system which had origi-nally been proposed by Charles Barbier in1820.]brain

brain /bre"n/ noun the part of the central nervoussystem situated inside the skull. Also calledencephalon. See illustration at BRAIN in Supple-mentbrain damage

brain damage /$bre"n !d'm"d+/ noun damagecaused to the brain as a result of oxygen and sugardeprivation, e.g. after a haemorrhage, accident, orthough diseasebrain death

brain death /$bre"n de,/ noun a condition inwhich the nerves in the brain stem have died, andthe person can be certified as dead, although theheart may not have stopped beatingbrain haemorrhage

brain haemorrhage /bre"n $hem(#)r"d+/noun same as cerebral haemorrhagebrain scan

brain scan /$bre"n sk'n/ noun an examinationof the inside of the brain, made by passing X-rays

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brain stem 38

through the head, using a scanner, and reconstitut-ing the images on a computer monitorbrain stembrain stem /$bre"n stem/ noun the lower nar-row part of the brain which connects the brain tothe spinal cordbrain tumourbrain tumour /$bre"n !tju%m#/ noun a tumourwhich grows in the brainbran

bran /br'n/ noun the outside covering of thewheat seed, removed when making white flour,but an important source of roughage in the dietbranchiabranchia /$br'0ki#/ noun a breathing organsimilar to the gill of a fish found in humanembryos in the early stages of development(NOTE: The plural is branchiae.)branchial

branchial /$br'0ki#l/ adjective referring to thebranchiaebranchial cystbranchial cyst /!br'0ki#l $s"st/ noun a cyst onthe side of the neck of an embryobranchial pouch

branchial pouch /!br'0ki#l $pa*t// noun apouch on the side of the neck of an embryoBraun’s frame

Braun’s frame /!bra*nz $fre"m/, Braun’ssplint /!bra*nz $spl"nt/ noun a metal splint andframe to which pulleys are attached, used forholding up a fractured leg while the person islying in bed [After Heinrich Friedrich WilhelmBraun (1862–1934), German surgeon.]Braxton-Hicks contractions

Braxton-Hicks contractions /!br'kst#n$h"ks k#n|!tr'k/#nz/ plural noun contractions ofthe uterus which occur throughout a pregnancyand become more frequent and stronger towardsthe end [After Dr Braxton-Hicks, 19th centuryBritish physician.]breakbone fever

breakbone fever /$bre"kb#*n !fi%v#/ nounsame as denguebreak downbreak down /!bre"k $da*n/ verb 1. to experi-ence a sudden physical or psychological illness(informal) ! After she lost her husband, herhealth broke down. 2. to start to cry and becomeupset (informal) ! She broke down as shedescribed the symptoms to the doctor. 3. to split orcause to split into smaller chemical components,as in the digestion of foodbreastbreast /brest/ noun one of two glands in awoman which secrete milk. Also called mamma(NOTE: For other terms referring to breasts, seewords beginning with mamm-, mammo-,mast-, masto-.)breastbone

breastbone /$brestb#*n/ noun a bone which isin the centre of the front of the thorax and towhich the ribs are connected. Also called ster-numbreast cancerbreast cancer /$brest !k'ns#/ noun a malig-nant tumour in a breastbreast-fed

breast-fed /$brest fed/ adjective referring to ababy which is fed from the mother’s breasts ! Shewas breast-fed for the first two months.breast implant

breast implant /$brest !"mpl&%nt/ noun a saccontaining silicone, implanted to improve theappearance of a breast

breast milk

breast milk /$brest m"lk/ noun the milk pro-duced by a woman who has recently had a babybreast palpation

breast palpation /$brest p'l |!pe"/(#)n/ nounfeeling a breast to see if a lump is present whichmight indicate breast cancerbreast pump

breast pump /$brest p.mp/ noun an instru-ment for taking milk from a breastbreast reconstruction

breast reconstruction /$brest ri%k#n|

!str.k/(#)n/ noun the construction of a newbreast for a woman who has had a breast removedbecause of cancerbreath

breath /bre,/ noun air which goes in and out ofthe body when you breathe ! He ran so fast hewas out of breath. ! Stop for a moment to getyour breath back. ! She took a deep breath anddived into the water.breathe

breathe /bri%2/ verb to take air in and blow airout through the nose or mouth ! The patient hasbegun to breathe normally.breath-holding attack

breath-holding attack /$bre, !h#*ld"0 #|

!t'k/ noun a period when a young child stopsbreathing, usually because he or she is angrybreathing

breathing /$bri%2"0/ noun same as respiration! If breathing is difficult or has stopped, beginartificial ventilation immediately. (NOTE: Forother terms referring to breathing see wordsbeginning with pneum-, pneumo-, pneumat-,pneumato-.)breathlessness

breathlessness /$bre,l#sn#s/ noun difficultyin breathing enough airbreech

breech /bri%t// noun the buttocks, especially ofa baby " adjective describes a birth in which thebaby is delivered buttocks first, not in the normalhead first position, or describes a buttocks-firstpresentationbreech birth

breech birth /$bri%t/ !b-%,/, breech delivery/$bri%t/ d" |!l"v(#)ri/ noun a birth in which thebaby’s buttocks appear first rather than its headbreech presentation

breech presentation /bri%t/ !prez(#)n|

$te"/(#)n/ noun a position of the baby in theuterus in which the buttocks will appear first dur-ing childbirthbregma

bregma /$bre1m#/ noun the point at the top ofthe head where the soft gap between the bones ofa baby’s skull hardensbretylium tosylate

bretylium tosylate /br#|!t"li#m $t(s"le"t/noun an agent used to block adrenergic transmit-ter releasebridge

bridge /br"d+/ noun 1. the top part of the nosewhere it joins the forehead 2. an artificial tooth orset of teeth which is joined to natural teeth whichhold it in place 3. a part joining two or more otherpartsBright’s disease

Bright’s disease /$bra"ts d" |!zi%z/ nouninflammation of the kidneys, characterised byalbuminuria and high blood pressure. Also calledglomerulonephritis [Described 1836. AfterRichard Bright (1789–1858), physician at Guy’sHospital, London, UK]

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39 bronchopneumoniaBritish anti-lewisite

British anti-lewisite /!br"t"/ !'nti |$lu%"sa"t/noun an antidote for gases which cause blistering,also used to treat cases of poisoning such as mer-cury poisoning. Abbreviation BALBritish Dental Association

British Dental Association /!br"t"/$dent(#)l #s#*si|!e"/(#)n/ noun in the UK, a pro-fessional association of dentists. AbbreviationBDABritish Medical Association

British Medical Association /!br"t"/$med"k(#)l #s#*si |!e"/(#)n/ noun in the UK, aprofessional association of doctors. AbbreviationBMABritish National Formulary

British National Formulary /!br"t"/!n'/(#)n#l $f)%mj*l#ri/ noun a book listing keyinformation on the prescribing, dispensing andadministration of prescription drugs used in theUK. Abbreviation BNFBritish Pharmacopoeia

British Pharmacopoeia /!br"t"/ !f&%m#k#|

$pi%#/ noun a book listing drugs approved in theUK and their dosages. Abbreviation BPbrittle bone disease

brittle bone disease /!br"t(#)l $b#*n d"|!zi%z/noun 1. same as osteogenesis imperfecta 2.same as osteoporosisbroad

broad /br)%d/ adjective wide in relation tolengthBroadbent’s sign

Broadbent’s sign /$br)%dbents sa"n/ noun amovement of someone’s left side near the lowerribs at each beat of the heart, indicating adhesionbetween the diaphragm and pericardium in casesof pericarditis [After Sir William Henry Broad-bent (1835–1907), British physician.]broad-spectrum antibiotic

broad-spectrum antibiotic /!br)%d!spektr#m !'ntiba"|$(t"k/ noun an antibioticused to control many types of microorganismBroca’s aphasia

Broca’s aphasia /!br#*k#z # |$fe"zi#/ noun acondition in which someone is unable to speak orwrite, as a result of damage to Broca’s areaBroca’s area

Broca’s area /$br#*k#z !e#ri#/ noun an area onthe left side of the brain which governs the motoraspects of speaking [Described 1861. AfterPierre Henri Paul Broca (1824–80), French sur-geon and anthropologist. A pioneer of neurosur-gery, he also invented various instruments,described muscular dystrophy before Duch-enne, and recognised rickets as a nutritional dis-order before Virchow.]Brodie’s abscess

Brodie’s abscess /!br#*diz $'bses/ noun anabscess of a bone, caused by staphylococcalosteomyelitis [Described 1832. After Sir Ben-jamin Collins Brodie (1783–1862), British sur-geon.]bromhidrosis

bromhidrosis /!br(mh" |$dr#*s"s/ noun a con-dition in which body sweat has an unpleasantsmellbromide

bromide /$br#*ma"d/ noun a bromine salt(NOTE: Bromides are used as sedatives.)bromine

bromine /$br#*mi%n/ noun a chemical element(NOTE: The chemical symbol is Br.)

bromismbromism /$br#*m"z(#)m/ noun chronic illhealth caused by excessive use of bromidesbromocriptinebromocriptine /!br#*m#*|$kr"pti%n/ noun adrug which functions like dopamine, used to treatexcessive lactation, breast pain, some forms ofinfertility, growth disorder and Parkinson’s dis-easebronch-bronch- /br(0k/, bronchi- /br(0ki/ prefix sameas broncho- (used before vowels)bronchibronchi /$br(0ka"/ plural of bronchusbronchialbronchial /$br(0ki#l/ adjective referring to thebronchibronchial breath sounds

bronchial breath sounds /!br(0ki#l $bre,!sa*ndz/ plural noun distinctive breath soundsfrom the lungs which help diagnosisbronchiectasis

bronchiectasis /!br(0ki |$ekt#s"s/ noun a dis-order of the bronchi which become wide, infectedand filled with pus (NOTE: Bronchiectasis canlead to pneumonia.)bronchio-bronchio- /br(0ki#*/ prefix referring to thebronchiolesbronchiolarbronchiolar /!br(0ki |$#*l#/ adjective referringto the bronchiolesbronchiole

bronchiole /$br(0ki#*l/ noun a very small airtube in the lungs leading from a bronchus to thealveoli. See illustration at LUNGS in Supplementbronchiolitis

bronchiolitis /!br(0ki#*|$la"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of the bronchioles, usually in small chil-drenbronchitic

bronchitic /br(0 |$k"t"k/ adjective referring tobronchitisbronchitisbronchitis /br(0|$ka"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe mucous membrane of the bronchibroncho-broncho- /br(0k#*/ prefix referring to thewindpipebronchoconstrictorbronchoconstrictor /!br(0k#* |k#n |$str"kt#/noun a drug which narrows the bronchibronchodilator

bronchodilator /!br(0k#*da"|$le"t#/ noun adrug which makes the bronchi wider, used in thetreatment of asthma and allergy (NOTE: Bron-chodilators usually have names ending in -terol;however, the most common bronchodilator issalbutamol.)bronchography

bronchography /br(0 |$k(1r#fi/ noun an X-ray examination of the lungs after an opaque sub-stance has been put into the bronchibronchomediastinal trunkbronchomediastinal trunk /!br(0k#*|

mi%di#|!sta"n(#)l $tr.0k/ noun the set of lymphnodes draining part of the chestbronchomycosisbronchomycosis /!br(0k#*|ma" |$k#*s"s/noun an infection of the bronchi by a fungusbronchophony

bronchophony /br(0|$k(f#ni/ noun vibrationsof the voice heard over the lungs, indicating solid-ification in the lungsbronchopleural

bronchopleural /!br(0k#* |$pl*#r#l/ adjectivereferring to a bronchus and the pleurabronchopneumoniabronchopneumonia /!br(0k#*|nju% |$m#*ni#/noun an infectious inflammation of the bronchi-

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bronchopulmonary 40

oles, which may lead to general infection of thelungsbronchopulmonary

bronchopulmonary /!br(0k#* |$p.lm#n(#)ri/adjective referring to the bronchi and the lungsbronchorrhoea

bronchorrhoea /!br(0k#*|$ri%#/ noun thesecretion of mucus by the bronchibronchoscope

bronchoscope /$br(0k#*sk#*p/ noun aninstrument which is passed down the trachea intothe lungs, which a doctor can use to inspect theinside passages of the lungsbronchoscopy

bronchoscopy /br(0|$k(sk#pi/ noun an exam-ination of a person’s bronchi using a broncho-scopebronchospasm

bronchospasm /$br(0k#*sp'z(#)m/ noun atightening of the bronchial muscles which causesthe tubes to contract, as in asthmabronchospirometry

bronchospirometry /!br(0k#*|spa"|$r(m"tri/noun a procedure for measuring the volume of thelungsbronchostenosis

bronchostenosis /!br(0k#* |ste |$n#*s"s/ nounan unusual constriction of the bronchial tubesbronchotracheal

bronchotracheal /!br(0k#*tr#|$ki%#l/ adjec-tive referring to the bronchi and the tracheabronchus

bronchus /$br(0k#s/ noun one of the two airpassages leading from the trachea into the lungs,where they split into many bronchioles. See illus-tration at LUNGS in Supplement (NOTE: The plu-ral is bronchi.)bronze diabetes

bronze diabetes /!br(nz da"#|$bi%ti%z/ nounsame as haemochromatosisBroviac catheter

Broviac catheter /$br#*vi'k !k',"t#/ noun atype of thin catheter used to insert into a veinbrow

brow /bra*/ noun same as eyebrowbrown fat

brown fat /!bra*n $f't/ noun dark-colouredbody fat that can easily be converted to energyand helps to control body temperatureBrown-Séquard syndrome

Brown-Séquard syndrome /!bra*n $se"k&%!s"ndr#*m/ noun a condition in which the spinalcord has been partly severed or compressed, withthe result that the lower half of the body is para-lysed on one side and loses feeling in the otherside [Described 1851. After Charles EdouardBrown-Séquard (1817–94), French physiolo-gist.]brucellosis

brucellosis /!bru%s"|$l#*s"s/ noun a diseasewhich can be caught from cattle or goats or fromdrinking infected milk, spread by a species of thebacterium Brucella. The symptoms include tired-ness, arthritis, headache, sweating, irritability andswelling of the spleen. Also called abortusfever, Malta fever, mountain fever, undulantfeverbruise

bruise /bru%z/ noun a dark painful area on theskin, where blood has escaped under the skin fol-lowing a blow. ! black eye " verb to cause abruise on part of the body ! She bruised her kneeon the corner of the table. # she bruises easilyeven a soft blow will give her a bruise


bruised /bru%zd/ adjective painful after a blowor showing the marks of a bruise ! a badlybruised legbruising

bruising /$bru%z"0/ noun an area of bruises !The baby has bruising on the back and legs.bruit

bruit /bru%t/ noun an unusual noise heardthrough a stethoscopeBrunner’s glands

Brunner’s glands /$br*n#z !1l'ndz/ pluralnoun glands in the duodenum and jejunum[Described 1687. After Johann Konrad Brunner(1653–1727), Swiss anatomist at Heidelberg,then at Strasbourg.]bruxism

bruxism /$br.ks"z(#)m/ noun the action ofgrinding the teeth, as a habitBSE

BSE abbreviation bovine spongiform encepha-lopathybubo

bubo /$bju%b#*/ noun a swelling of a lymphnode in the groin or armpitbubonic plague

bubonic plague /bju% |!b(n"k $ple"1/ noun ausually fatal infectious disease caused by Yersiniapestis in the lymph system, transmitted to humansby fleas from ratsbuccal

buccal /$b.k(#)l/ adjective referring to thecheek or mouthbuccinator

buccinator /$b.ks"ne"t#/ noun a cheek musclewhich helps the jaw to move when chewingBudd–Chiari syndrome

Budd–Chiari syndrome /!b.d k" |$e#ri!s"ndr#*m/ noun a disease of the liver, wherethrombosis has occurred in the hepatic veins[Described 1845. After George Budd (1808–82),Professor of Medicine at King’s College Hospi-tal, London; Hans von Chiari (1851–1916), Vien-nese pathologist who was Professor of Patho-logical Anatomy at Strasbourg and later atPrague.]budesonide

budesonide /bju% |$des#na"d/ noun a corticos-teroid drug taken by inhalation or in tablets, usedin the treatment of hay fever and nasal polypsBuerger’s disease

Buerger’s disease /$b-%1#z d"|!zi%z/ nounsame as thromboangiitis obliterans [Described1908. After Leo Buerger (1879–1943), New Yorkphysician of Viennese origin.]buffer

buffer /$b.f#/ noun a substance that keeps a con-stant balance between acid and alkali " verb toprevent a solution from becoming acidbuffer action

buffer action /$b.f#r !'k/#n/ noun the balanc-ing process between acid and alkalibuffered

buffered /$b.f#d/ adjective prevented frombecoming acid ! buffered aspirinbug

bug /b.1/ noun an infectious disease (informal)! He caught a bug on holiday. ! Half the staffhave got a stomach bug.bulb

bulb /b.lb/ noun a round part at the end of anorgan or bonebulbar

bulbar /$b.lb#/ adjective 1. referring to a bulb 2.referring to the medulla oblongata

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41 byssinosisbulbospongiosus muscle

bulbospongiosus muscle /!b.lb#*|sp.nd+i|

$#*s#s !m.s#l/ noun a muscle in the perineumbehind the penisbulbourethral gland

bulbourethral gland /!b.lb#*j* |$ri%,r#l!1l'nd/ noun one of two glands at the base of thepenis which secrete into the urethra. ! glandbulimia

bulimia /bu |$l"mi#/, bulimia nervosa /bu |!l"mi#n#|$v#*s#/ noun a psychological condition inwhich a person eats too much and is incapable ofcontrolling his or her eating. The eating is fol-lowed by behaviour designed to prevent weightgain, e.g. vomiting, use of laxatives or excessiveexercise.bulla

bulla /$b*l#/ noun a large blister (NOTE: The plu-ral is bullae.)bumetanide

bumetanide /bju%|$met#na"d/ noun a drugwhich helps a patient to produce urine, used in thetreatment of swelling caused by fluid accumulat-ing in the tissuesbumper fracture

bumper fracture /$b.mp# !fr'kt/#/ noun afracture in the upper part of the tibia (NOTE: It hasthis name because it can be caused by a blowfrom the bumper of a car.)bundle branch block

bundle branch block /$b.nd(#)l br&%nt/!bl(k/ noun an unusual condition of the heart’sconduction tissuebundle of His

bundle of His /!b.nd(#)l #v $h"s/ noun same asatrioventricular bundle [Described 1893. AfterLudwig His (1863–1934), Professor of Anatomysuccessively at Leipzig, Basle, Göttingen andBerlin.]bunion

bunion /$b.nj#n/ noun an inflammation andswelling of the big toe, caused by tight shoeswhich force the toe sideways so that a callusdevelops over the joint between the toe and themetatarsalbuphthalmos

buphthalmos /b.f|$,'lm#s/ noun a type ofcongenital glaucoma occurring in infantsbupivacaine

bupivacaine /bju%|$p"v#ke"n/ noun a powerfullocal anaesthetic, used in epidural anaesthesiabuprenorphine

buprenorphine /bju% |$pren#fi%n/ noun an opi-ate drug used in the relief of moderate to severepain, and as an opioid substitute in treating drugaddiction

Burkitt’s tumourBurkitt’s tumour /!b-%k"ts $tju%m#/, Burkitt’slymphoma /!b-%k"ts l"m|$f#*m#/ noun a malig-nant tumour, usually on the maxilla, found espe-cially in children in Africa [Described 1957.After Denis Parsons Burkitt (1911–93), formerlySenior Surgeon, Kampala, Uganda; later amember of the Medical Research Council (UK).]burnburn /b-%n/ noun an injury to skin and tissuecaused by light, heat, radiation, electricity orchemicals " verb to harm or destroy somethingby fire ! She burnt her hand on the hot fryingpan. ! Most of his hair or his skin was burnt off.(NOTE: burning – burnt or burned)burningburning /$b-%n"0/ adjective referring to a feel-ing similar to that of being hurt by fire ! She hada burning pain or in her chest.burrburr /b-%/ noun a bit used with a drill to makeholes in a bone such as the cranium or in a toothbursabursa /$b-%s#/ noun a sac containing fluid, form-ing part of the usual structure of a joint such as theknee and elbow, where it protects against frequentpressure and rubbing (NOTE: The plural is bur-sae.)bursitisbursitis /b-% |$sa"t"s/ noun the inflammation of abursa, especially in the shoulderBuscopanBuscopan /$b.sk#p'n/ a trade name for aform of hyoscinebutobarbitonebutobarbitone /!bju%t#*|$b&%b"t#*n/ noun abarbiturate drug used as a sedative and hypnoticbuttockbuttock /$b.t#k/ noun one of the two fleshyparts below the back, on which a person sits,made up mainly of the gluteal muscles. Alsocalled natesbuttonhole surgerybuttonhole surgery /$b.t(#)nh#*l !s-%d+#ri/noun a surgical operation through a small hole inthe body, using an endoscopebypassbypass /$ba"p&%s/ noun 1. a surgical operationto redirect the blood, usually using a graftedblood vessel and usually performed when one ofthe person’s own blood vessels is blocked 2. anew route for the blood created by a bypass oper-ationbyssinosisbyssinosis /!b"s"|$n#*s"s/ noun a lung diseasewhich is a form of pneumoconiosis caused byinhaling cotton dust

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c symbol centi-C

C symbol CelsiusCABG

CABG abbreviation coronary artery bypass graftcachet

cachet /$k'/e"/ noun a quantity of a drugwrapped in paper, to be swallowedcachexia

cachexia /k'|$keksi#/ noun a state of ill healthcharacterised by wasting and general weaknesscadaver

cadaver /k# |$d'v#/ noun a dead body, espe-cially one used for dissectioncadaveric

cadaveric /k#|$d'v#r"k/, cadaverous /k#|

$d'v(#)r#s/ adjective referring to a person who isthin or wasting awaycaecal

caecal /$si%k(#)l/ adjective referring to the cae-cumcaecosigmoidostomy

caecosigmoidostomy /!si%k#*|!s"1m)"|

$d(st#mi/ noun an operation to open up a con-nection between the caecum and the sigmoidcoloncaecostomy

caecostomy /si% |$k(st#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to make an opening between the cae-cum and the abdominal wall to allow faeces to bepassed without going through the rectum andanuscaecum

caecum /$si%k#m/ noun the wider part of thelarge intestine in the lower right-hand side of theabdomen at the point where the small intestinejoins it and which has the appendix attached to it.See illustration at DIGESTIVE SYSTEM in Supple-ment. Also called cecum (NOTE: The plural iscaeca.)caesarean

caesarean /s"|$ze#ri#n/, caesarean section/s"|$ze#ri#n !sek/#n/ noun a surgical operation todeliver a baby by cutting through the abdominalwall into the uterus. Compare vaginal deliverycaesium

caesium /$si%zi#m/ noun a radioactive element,used in treatment by radiation (NOTE: The chem-ical symbol is Cs.)caesium-137

caesium-137 /!si%zi#m w.n ,ri% $sev(#)n/noun a radioactive substance used in radiologycafé au lait spots

café au lait spots /!k'fe" #* $le" sp(ts/ pluralnoun brown spots on the skin, which are an indi-cation of von Recklinghausen’s diseasecaffeine

caffeine /$k'fi%n/ noun an alkaloid found incoffee, tea and chocolate, which acts as a stimu-lant

caisson disease

caisson disease /$ke"s(#)n d" |!zi%z/ noun acondition in which a person experiences pains inthe joints and stomach, and dizziness caused bynitrogen in the blood. Also called the bends,compressed air sickness, decompressionsicknesscalamine

calamine /$k'l#ma"n/, calamine lotion/$k'l#ma"n !l#*/(#)n/ noun a lotion, based onzinc oxide, which helps relieve skin irritation,caused e.g. by sunburn or chickenpoxcalc-

calc- /k'lk/ prefix same as calci- (used beforevowels)calcaemia

calcaemia /k'l|$si%mi#/ noun a condition inwhich the blood contains an unusually largeamount of calciumcalcaneal

calcaneal /k'l|$ke"ni#l/ adjective referring tothe calcaneuscalcaneus

calcaneus /k'l |$ke"ni#s/, calcaneum /k'l |

$ke"ni#m/ noun the heel bone, situated under-neath the talus. See illustration at FOOT in Sup-plementcalcareous degeneration

calcareous degeneration /k'l|!ke#ri#s d"|

!d+en# |$re"/(#)n/ noun the formation of calciumon bones or at joints in old agecalci-

calci- /k'ls"/ prefix referring to calciumcalcification

calcification /!k'ls"f" |$ke"/(#)n/ noun a proc-ess of hardening caused by the formation ofdeposits of calcium saltscalcified

calcified /$k'ls"fa"d/ adjective made hard !Bone is calcified connective tissue.calcinosis

calcinosis /!k'ls" |$n#*s"s/ noun a medical con-dition where deposits of calcium salts form injoints, muscles and organscalcitonin

calcitonin /!k'ls" |$t#*n"n/ noun a hormoneproduced by the thyroid gland, which is believedto regulate the level of calcium in the blood. Alsocalled thyrocalcitonincalcium

calcium /$k'lsi#m/ noun a metallic chemicalelement which is a major component of bones andteeth and which is essential for various bodilyprocesses such as blood clotting (NOTE: Thechemical symbol is Ca.)calcium antagonist

calcium antagonist /$k'lsi#m 'n|!t'1#n"st/noun a drug which makes the arteries wider andslows the heart rate. It is used in the treatment ofangina.

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43 canthoplastycalcium channel blocker

calcium channel blocker /$k'lsi#m!t/'n(#)l !bl(k#/, calcium blocker /$k'lsi#m!bl(k#/ noun a drug which affects the smoothmuscle of the cardiovascular system, used in thetreatment of angina and hypertension (NOTE: Cal-cium channel blockers have names ending in-dipine: nifedipine. Not to be used in heart fail-ure as they reduce cardiac function further.)calculosis

calculosis /!k'lkj* |$l#*s"s/ noun a conditionin which calculi exist in an organcalculus

calculus /$k'lkj*l#s/ noun a hard mass like alittle piece of stone, which forms inside the body.Also called stone (NOTE: The plural is calculi.)Caldwell–Luc operation

Caldwell–Luc operation /!k)%ldwel $lu%k(p# |!re"/(#)n/ noun a surgical operation to drainthe maxillary sinus by making an incision abovethe canine tooth [Described 1893. After GeorgeWalter Caldwell (1834–1918), US physician;Henri Luc (1855–1925), French laryngologist.]calibrator

calibrator /$k'l"bre"t#/ noun an instrumentused to enlarge a tube or passagecaliectasis

caliectasis /!ke"li |$ekt#s"s/ noun swelling ofthe calycescallisthenic

callisthenic /!k'l"s |$,en"k/ adjective relatingto callisthenicscallisthenics

callisthenics /!k'l"s|$,en"ks/ plural noun ener-getic physical exercises for improving fitness andmuscle tone, including push-ups, sit-ups and starjumpscallosity

callosity /k#|$l(s"ti/ noun a hard patch on theskin, e.g. a corn, resulting from frequent pressureor rubbing. Also called calluscallus

callus /$k'l#s/ noun 1. same as callosity 2. tis-sue which forms round a broken bone as it startsto mend, leading to consolidation ! Callus for-mation is more rapid in children and young adultsthan in elderly people.calor

calor /$k'l#/ noun heatcaloric

caloric /k# |$l(r"k/ adjective referring to caloriesor to heatcalorie

calorie /$k'l#ri/ noun 1. a unit of measurementof heat or energy, equivalent to the amount of heatneeded to raise the temperature of 1g of water by1°C. Now called joule 2. also Calorie a unit ofmeasurement of energy in food (informal) ! alow-calorie diet Now called joule # to count cal-ories to be careful about how much you eatcalvaria

calvaria /k'l |$ve#ri#/, calvarium /k'l|

$ve#ri#m/ noun the top part of the skullcalyx

calyx /$ke"l"ks/ noun a part of the body shapedlike a cup especially the tube leading to a renalpyramid. See illustration at KIDNEY in Supple-ment (NOTE: The plural is calyces.)CAM

CAM /!si% e" $em/ abbreviation complementaryand alternative medicinecamphor

camphor /$k'mf#/ noun white crystals with astrong smell, made from a tropical tree, used tokeep insects away or as a liniment


Campylobacter /$k'mp"l#* |!b'kt#/ noun abacterium which is a common cause of food poi-soning in humans and of spontaneous abortion infarm animalscanal

canal /k#|$n'l/ noun a tube along which some-thing flowscanaliculitis

canaliculitis /!k'n#l"kj*|$la"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of the tear duct canalcanaliculus

canaliculus /!k'n#|$l"kj*l#s/ noun a littlecanal, e.g. a canal leading to the Haversian sys-tems in compact bone, or a canal leading to thelacrimal duct (NOTE: The plural is canaliculi.)cancellous bone

cancellous bone /$k'ns#l#s !b#*n/ noun alight spongy bone tissue which forms the innercore of a bone and also the ends of long bones.See illustration at BONE STRUCTURE in Supple-mentcancer

cancer /$k'ns#/ noun a malignant growth ortumour which develops in tissue and destroys it,which can spread by metastasis to other parts ofthe body and which cannot be controlled by thebody itself ! Cancer cells developed in thelymph. ! She has been diagnosed as having lungcancer or as having cancer of the lung. (NOTE:For other terms referring to cancer, see wordsbeginning with carcin-.)cancerophobia

cancerophobia /!k'ns#r#*|$f#*bi#/ noun afear of cancercancer phobia

cancer phobia /$k'ns# !f#*bi#/ noun same ascancerophobiacancrum oris

cancrum oris /!k'0kr#m $)%r"s/ noun severeulcers in the mouth, leading to gangrene. Alsocalled nomacandidiasis

candidiasis /!k'nd"|$da"#s"s/, candidosis/!k'nd"|$d#*s"s/ noun infection with a species ofthe fungus Candidacanicola fever

canicola fever /k#|$n"k#l# !fi%v#/ noun a formof leptospirosis, giving high fever and jaundicecanine

canine /$ke"na"n/, canine tooth /$ke"na"n!tu%,/ noun a pointed tooth next to an incisor. Seeillustration at TEETH in Supplementcanities

canities /k#|$n"/ii%z/ noun a loss of pigments,which makes the hair turn whitecannabis

cannabis /$k'n#b"s/ noun a drug made fromthe dried leaves or flowers of the Indian hempplant. Recreational use of cannabis is illegal andits use to relieve the pain associated with condi-tions such as multiple sclerosis is controversial.Also called hashish, marijuanacannula

cannula /$k'nj*l#/ noun a tube with a trocar orblunt needle inside, inserted into the body tointroduce fluidscanthal

canthal /$k'n,#l/ adjective referring to the cor-ner of the eyecantholysis

cantholysis /k'n |$,(l#s"s/ noun same as can-thoplastycanthoplasty

canthoplasty /$k'n,#pl'sti/ noun 1. an oper-ation to repair the canthus of the eye 2. an opera-

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canthus 44

tion to cut through the canthus to enlarge thegroove in the eyelidcanthus

canthus /$k'n,#s/ noun a corner of the eyecap

cap /k'p/ noun 1. a covering which protectssomething 2. an artificial hard covering for adamaged or broken toothCAPD

CAPD abbreviation continuous ambulatory peri-toneal dialysiscapeline bandage

capeline bandage /$k'p#la"n !b'nd"d+/noun a bandage shaped like a cap, either for thehead, or to cover a stump after amputationcapillary

capillary /k# |$p"l#ri/ noun a tiny blood vesselbetween the arterioles and the venules, which car-ries blood and nutrients into the tissuescapita

capita /$k'p"t#/ plural of caputcapitate

capitate /$k'p"te"t/, capitate bone /$k'p"te"t!b#*n/ noun the largest of the eight small carpalbones in the wrist. See illustration at HAND inSupplementcapitellum

capitellum /!k'p"|$tel#m/ noun a roundedenlarged part at the end of a bone, especially thispart of the upper arm bone, the humerus, thatforms the elbow joint with one of the lower bones,the radius. Also called capitulum of humerus(NOTE: The plural is capitella.)capitulum

capitulum /k#|$p"tj*l#m/ noun the rounded endof a bone which articulates with another bone,e.g. the distal end of the humerus (NOTE: The plu-ral is capitula.)capitulum of humerus

capitulum of humerus /k#|!p"tj*l#m #v$hju%m#r#s/ noun same as capitellumcaplet

caplet /$k'pl#t/ noun a small oblong tablet witha covering that dissolves easily and which usuallycannot be broken in twocapsular

capsular /$k'psj*l#/ adjective referring to acapsulecapsule

capsule /$k'psju%l/ noun 1. a membrane roundan organ or joint 2. a small hollow digestible casefilled with a drug that is taken by swallowing !She swallowed three capsules of painkiller. ! Thedoctor prescribed the drug in capsule form.capsulectomy

capsulectomy /!k'psj*|$lekt#mi/ noun thesurgical removal of the capsule round a jointcapsulitis

capsulitis /!k'psj* |$la"t"s/ noun inflammationof a capsulecapsulotomy

capsulotomy /!k'psj*|$l(t#mi/ noun a surgi-cal procedure involving cutting into the capsulearound a body part, e.g. cutting into the lens of theeye during the removal of a cataractcaptopril

captopril /$k'pt#pr"l/ noun a drug which helpsto prevent the arteries from being made narrowerby an angiotensin. It is used to control high bloodpressure.caput

caput /$k'p#t/ noun the head (NOTE: The pluralis capita.)carbamazepine

carbamazepine /!k&%b#|$m'z#pi%n/ noun adrug which reduces pain and helps to prevent con-

vulsions. It is used in the treatment of epilepsy,pain and bipolar disorder.carbenoxolonecarbenoxolone /!k&%b# |$n(ks#l#*n/ noun aliquorice agent, used to treat stomach ulcerscarbidopa

carbidopa /!k&%b"|$d#*p#/ noun an inhibitorused to enable levodopa to enter the brain inlarger quantities in the treatment of Parkinson’sdiseasecarbimazole

carbimazole /k&%|$b"m#z#*l/ noun a drugwhich helps to prevent the formation of thyroidhormones, used in the management of hyperthy-roidismcarbohydrate

carbohydrate /!k&%b#*|$ha"dre"t/ noun 1. abiological compound containing carbon, hydro-gen and oxygen. Carbohydrates derive from sugarand are an important source of food and energy. 2.food containing carbohydrates ! high carbohy-drate drinkscarbolic acid

carbolic acid /k&%|!b(l"k $'s"d/ noun same asphenolcarbon

carbon /$k&%b#n/ noun one of the common non-metallic elements, an essential component of liv-ing matter and organic chemical compounds(NOTE: The chemical symbol is C.)carbon dioxide

carbon dioxide /!k&%b#n da" |$(ksa"d/ noun acolourless gas produced by the body’s metabo-lism as the tissues burn carbon, and breathed outby the lungs as waste (NOTE: The chemical sym-bol is CO2.)carbon dioxide snow

carbon dioxide snow /!k&%b#n da" |!(ksa"d$sn#*/ noun solid carbon dioxide, used in treatingskin growths such as warts, or to preserve tissuesamplescarbonic anhydrase

carbonic anhydrase /k&%|!b(n"k 'n|

$ha"dre"z/ noun an enzyme which acts as a bufferand regulates the body’s water balance, includinggastric acid secretion and aqueous humour pro-ductioncarbon monoxide

carbon monoxide /!k&%b#n m# |$n(ksa"d/noun a poisonous gas found in fumes from carengines, from burning gas and cigarette smoke(NOTE: The chemical symbol is CO.)carboxyhaemoglobincarboxyhaemoglobin /k&%|!b(ksi|hi%m#|

$1l#*b"n/ noun a compound of carbon monoxideand haemoglobin formed when a person breathesin carbon monoxide from tobacco smoke or carexhaust fumescarboxyhaemoglobinaemia

carboxyhaemoglobinaemia /k&%|

!b(ksihi%m#|!1l#*b" |$ni%mi#/ noun the presenceof carboxyhaemoglobin in the bloodcarbuncle

carbuncle /$k&%b.0k#l/ noun a localised sta-phylococcal infection, which goes deep into thetissuecarcin-

carcin- /k&%s"n/ prefix same as carcino- (usedbefore vowels)carcino-

carcino- /k&%s"n#/ prefix referring to carcinomaor cancercarcinogencarcinogen /k&%|$s"n#d+#n/ noun a substancewhich produces a carcinoma or cancer

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45 cardiographycarcinogenesis

carcinogenesis /!k&%s"n#|$d+en#s"s/ noun theprocess of forming a carcinoma in tissuecarcinogenic

carcinogenic /!k&%s"n#|$d+en"k/ adjectivecausing a carcinoma or cancercarcinoid

carcinoid /$k&%s"n)"d/, carcinoid tumour/$k&%s"n)"d !tju%m#/ noun an intestinal tumour,especially in the appendix, which causes diar-rhoeacarcinoma

carcinoma /!k&%s" |$n#*m#/ noun a cancer ofthe epithelium or glandscarcinomatosis

carcinomatosis /!k&%s"n#*m#|$t#*s"s/ noun acarcinoma which has spread to many sites in thebodycarcinomatous

carcinomatous /!k&%s"|$n(m#t#s/ adjectivereferring to carcinomacarcinosarcoma

carcinosarcoma /!k&%s"n#*s&% |$k#*m#/ nouna malignant tumour containing elements of both acarcinoma and a sarcomacardia

cardia /$k&%di#/ noun an opening at the top ofthe stomach which joins it to the gulletcardiac

cardiac /$k&%di'k/ adjective referring to theheartcardiac achalasia

cardiac achalasia /!k&%di'k !'k#|$le"zi#/noun a condition in which the patient is unable torelax the cardia, the muscle at the entrance to thestomach, with the result that food cannot enter thestomach. ! cardiomyotomycardiac arrest

cardiac arrest /!k&%di'k #|$rest/ noun a condi-tion in which the heart muscle stops beatingcardiac asthma

cardiac asthma /!k&%di'k $'sm#/ noun diffi-culty in breathing caused by heart failurecardiac catheter

cardiac catheter /!k&%di'k $k',"t#/ noun acatheter passed through a vein into the heart, totake blood samples, to record pressure or to exam-ine the interior of the heart before surgerycardiac catheterisation

cardiac catheterisation /!k&%di'k!k',"t#ra"|$ze"/(#)n/ noun a procedure whichinvolves passing a catheter into the heartcardiac cirrhosis

cardiac cirrhosis /!k&%di'k s"|$r#*s"s/ nouncirrhosis of the liver caused by heart diseasecardiac compression

cardiac compression /!k&%di'k k#m|

$pre/(#)n/ noun the compression of the heart byfluid in the pericardiumcardiac conducting systemcardiac conducting system /!k&%di'k k#n |

$d.kt"0 !s"st#m/ noun the nerve system in theheart which links an atrium to a ventricle, so thatthe two beat at the same ratecardiac cycle

cardiac cycle /!k&%di'k $sa"k(#)l/ noun therepeated beating of the heart, formed of the dias-tole and systolecardiac decompression

cardiac decompression /!k&%di'k !di%k#m|

$pre/(#)n/ noun the removal of a haematoma orconstriction of the heartcardiac failure

cardiac failure /!k&%di'k $fe"lj#/ noun sameas heart failurecardiac glycoside

cardiac glycoside /!k&%di'k $1la"k#sa"d/noun a drug used in the treatment of tachycardiaand atrial fibrillation, e.g. digoxin

cardiac index

cardiac index /!k&%di'k $"ndeks/ noun thecardiac output per square metre of body surface,usually between 3.1 and 3.8l/min/m2 (litres perminute per square metre)cardiac infarction

cardiac infarction noun same as myocardialinfarctioncardiac monitor

cardiac monitor /!k&%di'k $m(n"t#/ nounsame as electrocardiographcardiac murmur

cardiac murmur /!k&%di'k $m-%m#/ nounsame as heart murmurcardiac muscle

cardiac muscle /$k&%di'k !m.s(#)l/ noun amuscle in the heart which makes the heart beatcardiac neurosis

cardiac neurosis /!k&%di'k nj*|$r#*s"s/ nounsame as disordered action of the heartcardiac notch

cardiac notch /!k&%di'k $n(t// noun 1. apoint in the left lung, where the right inside wallis bent. See illustration at LUNGS in Supplement2. a notch at the point where the oesophagus joinsthe greater curvature of the stomachcardiac orifice

cardiac orifice /!k&%di'k $(r"f"s/ noun anopening where the oesophagus joins the stomachcardiac output

cardiac output /!k&%di'k $a*tp*t/ noun thevolume of blood expelled by each ventricle in aspecific time, usually between 4.8 and 5.3l/min(litres per minute)cardiac pacemaker

cardiac pacemaker /!k&%di'k $pe"sme"k#/noun an electronic device implanted on apatient’s heart, or which a patient wears attachedto the chest, which stimulates and regulates theheartbeatcardiac reflex

cardiac reflex /!k&%di'k $ri%fleks/ noun thereflex which controls the heartbeat automaticallycardiac surgery

cardiac surgery /!k&%di'k $s-%d+#ri/ nounsurgery to the heartcardiac tamponade

cardiac tamponade /!k&%di'k !t'mp# |$ne"d/noun pressure on the heart when the pericardialcavity fills with blood. Also called heart tam-ponadecardiac vein

cardiac vein /$k&%di'k ve"n/ noun one of theveins which lead from the myocardium to theright atriumcardinal

cardinal /!k&%d"n(#)l $n.mb#/ adjective mostimportantcardinal ligaments

cardinal ligaments /!k&%d"n(#)l $l"1#m#nts/plural noun ligaments forming a band of connec-tive tissue that extends from the uterine cervix andvagina to the pelvic walls. Also called Macken-rodt’s ligamentscardio-

cardio- /k&%di#*/ prefix referring to the heartcardiogenic

cardiogenic /!k&%di#|$d+en"k/ adjective result-ing from activity or disease of the heartcardiogram

cardiogram /$k&%di#1r'm/ noun a graphshowing the heartbeat, produced by a cardiographcardiograph

cardiograph /$k&%di#1r&%f/ noun an instru-ment which records the heartbeatcardiography

cardiography /!k&%di|$(1r#fi/ noun the actionof recording the heartbeat

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cardiologist 46cardiologist

cardiologist /!k&%di |$(l#d+"st/ noun a doctorwho specialises in the study of the heartcardiology

cardiology /!k&%di|$(l#d+i/ noun the study ofthe heart, its diseases and functionscardiomegaly

cardiomegaly /!k&%di#*|$me1#li/ noun anenlarged heartcardiomyopathy

cardiomyopathy /!k&%di#*ma"|$(p#,i/ noun adisease of the heart musclecardiomyoplasty

cardiomyoplasty /!k&%di#* |$ma"#*|!pl'sti/noun an operation to improve the functioning ofthe heart, by using the latissimus dorsi as a stim-ulantcardiomyotomy

cardiomyotomy /!k&%di#*ma"|$(t#mi/ nounan operation to treat cardiac achalasia by splittingthe ring of muscles where the oesophagus joinsthe stomach. Also called Heller’s operationcardiopathy

cardiopathy /!k&%di|$(p#,i/ noun any kind ofheart diseasecardiophone

cardiophone /$k&%di#f#*n/ noun a micro-phone attached to a patient to record sounds, usu-ally used to record the heart of an unborn babycardioplegia

cardioplegia /!k&%di#*|$pli%d+i#/ noun thestopping of a patient’s heart, by chilling it or usingdrugs, so that heart surgery can be performedcardiopulmonary

cardiopulmonary /!k&%di#* |$p.lm#n(#)ri/adjective relating to both the heart and the lungscardiopulmonary bypass

cardiopulmonary bypass /!k&%di#*|

!p.lm#n(#)ri $ba"p&%s/ noun a machine ormethod for artificially circulating the patient’sblood during open-heart surgery. The heart andlungs are cut off from the circulation and replacedby a pump.cardiopulmonary resuscitation

cardiopulmonary resuscitation /!k&%di#*|

!p.lm#n(#)ri r" |!s.s" |$te"/(#)n/ noun an emer-gency technique to make a person’s heart startbeating again. It involves clearing the airways andthen alternately pressing on the chest and breath-ing into the mouth. Abbreviation CPRcardiopulmonary system

cardiopulmonary system /!k&%di#*|

$p.lm#n(#)ri !s"st#m/ noun the heart and lungsconsidered together as a functional unitcardioscope

cardioscope /$k&%di#sk#*p/ noun an instru-ment formed of a tube with a light at the end, usedto inspect the inside of the heartcardiospasm

cardiospasm /$k&%di#*sp'z(#)m/ noun sameas cardiac achalasiacardiothoracic

cardiothoracic /!k&%di#*,(|$r's"k/ adjectivereferring to the heart and the chest region ! a car-diothoracic surgeoncardiotocography

cardiotocography /!k&%di#* |t(|$k(1r#fi/noun the recording of the heartbeat of a fetuscardiotomy

cardiotomy /!k&%di|$(t#mi/ noun an operationthat involves cutting the wall of the heartcardiotomy syndrome

cardiotomy syndrome /!k&%di |$(t#mi!s"ndr#*m/ noun fluid in the membranes roundthe heart after cardiotomycardiotoxic

cardiotoxic /!k&%di#*|$t(ks"k/ adjective whichis toxic to the heart


cardiovascular /!k&%di#*|$v'skj*l#/ adjec-tive referring to the heart and the blood circulationsystemcardiovascular disease

cardiovascular disease /!k&%di#* |$v'skj*l#d" |!zi%z/ noun any disease which affects the circu-latory system, e.g. hypertensioncardiovascular system

cardiovascular system /!k&%di#* |$v'skj*l#!s"st#m/ noun the system of organs and bloodvessels by means of which the blood circulatesround the body and which includes the heart,arteries and veinscardioversion

cardioversion /!k&%di#* |$v-%/(#)n/ noun a pro-cedure to correct an irregular heartbeat by apply-ing an electrical impulse to the chest wall. ! defi-brillationcarditis

carditis /k&%|$da"t"s/ noun inflammation of theconnective tissue of the heartcare pathway

care pathway /$ke# !p&%,we"/ noun the entireprocess of diagnosis, treatment and care that apatient goes throughcare plan

care plan /$ke# pl'n/ noun a plan drawn up bythe nursing staff for the treatment of an individualpatientcaries

caries /$ke#ri%z/ noun decay in a tooth or bonecarina

carina /k#|$ri%n#/ noun a structure shaped likethe bottom of a boat, e.g. the cartilage at the pointwhere the trachea branches into the bronchicariogenic

cariogenic /!ke#ri#*|$d+en"k/ adjective refer-ring to a substance which causes cariescarminative

carminative /$k&%m"n#t"v/ noun a substancewhich relieves colic or indigestion " adjectiverelieving colic or indigestioncarneous mole

carneous mole /!k&%ni#s $m#*l/ noun matterin the uterus after the death of a fetuscarotenaemia

carotenaemia /!k'r#t"|$ni%mi#/ noun anexcessive amount of carotene in the blood, usu-ally as a result of eating too many carrots or toma-toes, which gives the skin a yellow colour. Alsocalled xanthaemiacarotene

carotene /$k'r#ti%n/ noun an orange or red pig-ment in carrots, egg yolk and some oils, which isconverted by the liver into vitamin Acarotid

carotid /k# |$r(t"d/, carotid artery /k# |!r(t"d$&%t#ri/ noun either of the two large arteries in theneck which supply blood to the headcarotid artery thrombosis

carotid artery thrombosis /k#|!r(t"d !&%t#ri,r(m|$b#*s"s/ noun the formation of a blood clotin the carotid arterycarp-

carp- /k&%p/ prefix same as carpo- (used beforevowels)carpal

carpal /$k&%p(#)l/ adjective referring to the wristcarpal bones

carpal bones /$k&%p(#)l b#*nz/, carpals/$k&%p(#)lz/ plural noun the eight bones whichmake up the carpus or wrist. See illustration atHAND in Supplementcarpal tunnel release

carpal tunnel release /!k&%p(#)l $t.n(#)l r"|

!li%s/ noun an operation to relieve the compres-sion of the median nerve

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47 catarrhcarpal tunnel syndromecarpal tunnel syndrome /!k&%p(#)l $t.n(#)l!s"ndr#*m/ noun a condition, usually affectingwomen, in which the fingers tingle and hurt atnight. It is caused by compression of the mediannerve.carphologycarphology /k&%|$f(l#d+i/ noun the action ofpulling at the bedclothes, a sign of delirium intyphoid and other fevers. Also called floccitationcarpo-carpo- /k&%p#*/ prefix referring to the wristcarpometacarpal jointcarpometacarpal joint /!k&%p#*|met#|

$k&%p(#)l d+)"nt/ noun one of the joints betweenthe carpals and metacarpals. Also called CM jointcarpopedal spasmcarpopedal spasm /!k&%p#*pi%d(#)l$sp'z(#)m/ noun a spasm in the hands and feetcaused by lack of calciumcarpuscarpus /$k&%p#s/ noun the bones by which thelower arm is connected to the hand. Also calledwrist. See illustration at HAND in Supplement(NOTE: The plural is carpi.)carriercarrier /$k'ri#/ noun 1. a person who carriesbacteria of a disease in his or her body and whocan transmit the disease to others without show-ing any signs of being infected with it ! Ten percent of the population are believed to be unwittingcarriers of the bacteria. 2. an insect which carriesdisease and infects humans 3. a healthy personwho carries a chromosome variation that givesrise to a hereditary disease such as haemophilia orDuchenne muscular dystrophycartilagecartilage /$k&%t"l"d+/ noun thick connective tis-sue which lines and cushions the joints and whichforms part of the structure of an organ. Cartilagein small children is the first stage in the formationof bones.cartilaginouscartilaginous /!k&%t"|$l'd+"n#s/ adjectivemade of cartilagecartilaginous jointcartilaginous joint /!k&%t"|$l'd+"n#s d+)"nt/noun 1. primary cartilaginous joint same assynchondrosis 2. secondary cartilaginousjoint same as symphysiscaruncle

caruncle /k# |$r.0k#l/ noun a small swellingcascaracascara /k' |$sk&%r#/, cascara sagrada /k'|

!sk&%r# s#|$1r&%d#/ noun a laxative made fromthe bark of a tropical treecasecase /ke"s/ noun a single occurrence of a disease! There were two hundred cases of cholera in therecent outbreak.caseationcaseation /!ke"si |$e"/(#)n/ noun the process bywhich dead tissue decays into a firm and drymass. It is characteristic of tuberculosis.case control study

case control study /ke"s k#n |$tr#*l !st.di/noun an investigation in which a group of patientswith a disease are compared with a group withoutthe disease in order to study possible causescase historycase history /$ke"s !h"st(#)ri/ noun details ofwhat has happened to a patient undergoing treat-mentcaseincasein /$ke"si"n/ noun one of the proteins foundin milk


caseinogen /!ke"si|$"n#d+#n/ noun the mainprotein in milk, from which casein is formedCasey’s model

Casey’s model /$ke"siz !m(d(#)l/ noun amodel for the care of child patients, where theparents are involved in the treatmentcastor oil

castor oil /!k&%st#r $)"l/ noun a plant oil whichacts as a laxativecastration

castration /k'|$stre"/(#)n/ noun the surgicalremoval of the sexual organs, usually the testicles,in malescasualty

casualty /$k'+u#lti/ noun 1. a person who hashad an accident or who is suddenly ill ! The firecaused several casualties. ! The casualties weretaken by ambulance to the nearest hospital. 2.also casualty department same as accidentand emergency department ! The accidentvictim was rushed to casualty.casualty ward

casualty ward /$k'+u#lti w)%d/ noun same asaccident wardCAT

CAT /k't/ noun same as computerised axialtomographycata-

cata- /k't#/ prefix downwardscatabolic

catabolic /!k't#|$b(l"k/ adjective referring tocatabolismcatabolism

catabolism /k#|$t'b#l"z(#)m/ noun the processof breaking down complex chemicals into simplechemicalscatalase

catalase /$k't#le"z/ noun an enzyme present inthe blood and liver which catalyses the break-down of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxy-gencatalepsy

catalepsy /$k't#lepsi/ noun a condition oftenassociated with schizophrenia, where a personbecomes incapable of sensation, the body is rigidand he or she does not move for long periodscatalyse

catalyse /$k't#la"z/ verb to act as a catalyst andhelp make a chemical reaction take place (NOTE:The US spelling is catalyze.)catalyst

catalyst /$k't#l"st/ noun a substance whichproduces or helps a chemical reaction withoutitself changing ! an enzyme which acts as a cat-alyst in the digestive processcatalytic

catalytic /!k't#|$l"t"k/ adjective referring tocatalysiscatamenia

catamenia /!k't# |$mi%ni#/ noun menstruation(technical)cataplexy

cataplexy /$k't#pleksi/ noun a condition inwhich a person’s muscles become suddenly rigidand he or she falls without losing consciousness,possibly caused by a shockcataract

cataract /$k't#r'kt/ noun a condition in whichthe lens of the eye gradually becomes hard andopaquecataractous lens

cataractous lens /!k't#|$r'kt#s !lenz/ nouna lens on which a cataract has formedcatarrh

catarrh /k# |$t&%/ noun inflammation of themucous membranes in the nose and throat, creat-ing an excessive amount of mucus

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catatonia 48catatonia

catatonia /!k't# |$t#*ni#/ noun a condition inwhich a psychiatric patient is either motionless orshows violent reactions to stimulationcatatonic

catatonic /!k't# |$t(n"k/ adjective referring tobehaviour in which a person is either motionlessor extremely violentcatchment area

catchment area /$k't/m#nt !e#ri#/ noun anarea around a hospital which is served by that hos-pitalcatecholamines

catecholamines /k't# |$k(l#mi%nz/ pluralnoun the hormones adrenaline and noradrenalinewhich are released by the adrenal glandscatgut

catgut /$k't1.t/ noun a thread made from partof the intestines of sheep, now usually artificiallyhardened, used to sew up cuts made during sur-gerycatharsis

catharsis /k#|$,&%s"s/ noun purgation of thebowelscathartic

cathartic /k#|$,&%t"k/ adjective laxative or pur-gativecatheter

catheter /$k',"t#/ noun a tube passed into thebody along one of the passages in the bodycatheterisation

catheterisation /!k',"t#ra" |$ze"/(#)n/, cathe-terization noun the act of putting a catheter intoa patient’s bodyCAT scan

CAT scan /$k't sk'n/, CT scan /!si% $ti%sk'n/ noun same as CT scancat-scratch disease

cat-scratch disease /$k't skr't/ d"|!zi%z/,cat-scratch fever /$k't skr't/ !fi%v#/ noun anillness in which the patient has a fever and swol-len lymph glands, thought to be caused by a bac-terium transmitted to humans by the scratch of acat. It may also result from scratching with othersharp points.cauda equina

cauda equina /!k)%d# "|$kwa"n#/ noun a groupof nerves which go from the spinal cord to thelumbar region and the coccyxcaudal

caudal /$k)%d(#)l/ adjective (in humans) refer-ring to the cauda equinacaudal anaesthetic

caudal anaesthetic /!k)%d(#)l !'n#s|$,et"k/noun an anaesthetic, injected into the base of thespine to remove feeling in the lower part of thebody. It is often used in childbirth.caudal analgesia

caudal analgesia /!k)%d(#)l !'n(#)l |$d+i%zi#/noun a method of pain relief that involves inject-ing an anaesthetic into the base of the spine toremove feeling in the lower part of the bodycaul

caul /k)%l/ noun 1. a membrane which some-times covers a baby’s head at birth 2. same asomentumcausalgia

causalgia /k)% |$z'ld+#/ noun burning pain in alimb, caused by a damaged nervecausal organism

causal organism /!k)%z(#)l $)%1#n"z(#)m/noun an organism that causes a particular diseasecaustic

caustic /$k)%st"k/ noun a chemical substancethat destroys tissues that it touches " adjectivecorrosive and destructive


cauterisation /!k)%t#ra" |$ze"/(#)n/, cauteriza-tion noun the act of cauterising ! The growthwas removed by cauterisation.cauterise

cauterise /$k)%t#ra"z/, cauterize verb to useburning, radiation or laser beams to remove tissueor to stop bleedingcautery

cautery /$k)%t#ri/ noun a surgical instrumentused to cauterise a woundcavernous

cavernous /$k'v#n#s/ adjective hollowcavitationcavitation /!k'v"|$te"/(#)n/ noun the formingof a cavitycavity

cavity /$k'v"ti/ noun a hole or space inside thebodycc

cc abbreviation cubic centimetreCCU

CCU abbreviation coronary care unitCD4

CD4 /!si% di% $f)%/ noun a compound consistingof a protein combined with a carbohydrate whichis found in some cells and helps to protect thebody against infection # CD4 count a test used tomonitor how many CD4 cells have beendestroyed in people with HIVCDHCDH abbreviation congenital dislocation of thehipcefaclorcefaclor /$sef#kl)%/ noun an antibacterial drugused to treat septicaemiacefotaxime

cefotaxime /!sef# |$t'ksi%m/ noun a syntheticcephalosporin used to treat bacterial infection bypseudomonads-cele

-cele /si%l/ suffix referring to a swellingcell

cell /sel/ noun a tiny unit of matter which is thebase of all plant and animal tissue (NOTE: Forother terms referring to cells, see words begin-ning with cyt-, cyto-.)cellular

cellular /$selj*l#/ adjective 1. referring to cells,or formed of cells 2. made of many similar partsconnected togethercellulite

cellulite /$selj*la"t/ noun lumpy deposits ofsubcutaneous fat, especially in the thighs and but-tockscellulitis

cellulitis /!selj*|$la"t"s/ noun a usually bacterialinflammation of connective tissue or of the subcu-taneous tissuecellulosecellulose /$selj*l#*s/ noun a carbohydratewhich makes up a large percentage of plant matterCelsius

Celsius /$selsi#s/ noun a metric scale of tem-perature on which 0° is the point at which waterfreezes and 100° is the point at which water boilsunder average atmospheric conditions. Alsocalled centigrade. ! Fahrenheit (NOTE: It isusually written as a C after the degree sign:52°C (say: ‘fifty-two degrees Celsius’).)[Described 1742. After Anders Celsius (1701–44), Swedish astronomer and scientist.]Celsius temperature

Celsius temperature /$selsi#s !tempr"t/#/noun temperature as measured on the CelsiusscaleCEMACH

CEMACH /$si%m'// noun a UK research projectinvestigating the causes of infant deaths and still-

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49 cerebral infarction

births. Full form Confidential Enquiry intoMaternal and Child Healthcementcement /s" |$ment/ noun 1. an adhesive used indentistry to attach a crown to the base of a tooth2. same as cementumcementum

cementum /s" |$ment#m/ noun a layer of thickhard material which covers the roots of teethcensuscensus /$sens#s/ noun a systematic count orsurvey-centesis

-centesis /senti%s"s/ suffix puncturecenti-

centi- /senti/ prefix one hundredth (10-2). Sym-bol ccentigrade

centigrade /$sent"1re"d/ noun same as Cel-siuscentile chartcentile chart /$senta"l t/&%t/ noun a chartshowing the number of babies who fall into eachpercentage category, as regards, e.g., birth weightcentilitrecentilitre /$sent"li%t#/ noun a unit of measure-ment of liquid equal to one hundredth of a litre.Symbol clcentimetre

centimetre /$sent"mi%t#/ noun a unit of meas-urement of length equal to one hundredth of ametre. Symbol cmcentral

central /$sentr#l/ adjective referring to the cen-trecentral line

central line /$sentr#l la"n/ noun a catheterinserted through the neck, used to monitor centralvenous pressure in conditions such as shockwhere fluid balance is severely upsetcentral nervous system

central nervous system /!sentr#l $n-%v#s!s"st#m/ noun the brain and spinal cord whichlink together all the nervescentral temperature

central temperature /!sentr#l $tempr"t/#/noun the temperature of the brain, thorax andabdomen, which is constantcentral venous pressurecentral venous pressure /!sentr#l $vi%n#s!pre/#/ noun blood pressure in the right atrium ofthe heart, which can be measured by means of acathetercentrifugalcentrifugal /!sentr" |$fju%1(#)l, sen |$tr"fj*1(#)l/adjective moving away from the centrecentrifugation

centrifugation /!sentr"fju%|$1e"/(#)n/, centri-fuging /$sentr"fju%d+"0/ noun the process ofseparating the components of a liquid in a centri-fugecentrifuge

centrifuge /$sentr"fju%d+/ noun a device toseparate the components of a liquid by rapid spin-ningcentriole

centriole /$sentri#*l/ noun a small structurefound in the cytoplasm of a cell, which involvedin forming the spindle during cell divisioncentripetalcentripetal /!sentr" |$pi%t(#)l, sen |$tr"p"t(#)l/adjective moving towards the centrecentromere

centromere /$sentr#m"#/ noun a constrictedpart of a chromosome, seen as a cell dividescentrosome

centrosome /$sentr#s#*m/ noun the structurein the cytoplasm of a cell, near the nucleus, andcontaining the centrioles


centrum /$sentr#m/ noun the central part of anorgan (NOTE: The plural is centra.)cephal-

cephal- /sef#l/ prefix same as cephalo- (usedbefore vowels)cephalalgia

cephalalgia /!sef#|$l'ld+#/ noun same asheadachecephalexin

cephalexin /!sef# |$leks"n/ noun an antibioticused to treat infections of the urinary system orrespiratory tractcephalhaematoma

cephalhaematoma /!sef#l |hi%m#|$t#*m#/noun a swelling found mainly on the head ofbabies delivered with forcepscephalic

cephalic /s#|$f'l"k/ adjective referring to theheadcephalo-

cephalo- /sef#l#*/ prefix referring to the headcephalocele

cephalocele /$sef#l#*si%l/ noun a swellingcaused by part of the brain passing through aweak point in the bones of the skullcephalogram

cephalogram /$sef#l#*1r'm/ noun an X-rayphotograph of the bones of the skullcephalometry

cephalometry /!sef#|$l(m"tri/ noun measure-ment of the headcephalopelvic disproportion

cephalopelvic disproportion /!sef#l#*|

!pelv"k !d"spr#|$p)%/(#)n/ noun a condition inwhich the pelvic opening of the mother is notlarge enough for the head of the fetuscephalosporin

cephalosporin /!sef#l#*|$sp)%r"n/ noun a drugused in the treatment of bacterial infectioncephradine

cephradine /$sefr#di%n/ noun an antibacterialdrug used to treat sinusitis and urinary tract infec-tionscerclage

cerclage /s-%|$kl&%+/ noun the act of tying thingstogether with a ringcerebellar

cerebellar /!ser#|$bel#/ adjective referring tothe cerebellumcerebellar cortex

cerebellar cortex /!ser#bel# $k)%teks/ nounthe outer covering of grey matter which covers thecerebellumcerebellum

cerebellum /!ser# |$bel#m/ noun a section of thehindbrain, located at the back of the head beneaththe back part of the cerebrum. See illustration atBRAIN in Supplementcerebr-

cerebr- /ser#br/ prefix same as cerebro- (usedbefore vowels)cerebral

cerebral /$ser#br#l/ adjective referring to thecerebrum or to the brain in generalcerebral dominance

cerebral dominance /!ser#br#l $d(m"n#ns/noun the usual condition where the centres forvarious functions are located in one cerebral hem-ispherecerebral haemorrhage

cerebral haemorrhage /!ser#br#l$hem(#)r"d+/ noun bleeding inside the brain froma cerebral artery. Also called brain haemor-rhagecerebral infarction

cerebral infarction /!ser#br#l "n |$f&%k/#n/noun the death of brain tissue as a result of reduc-tion in the blood supply to the brain

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cerebral ischaemia 50cerebral ischaemia

cerebral ischaemia /!ser#br#l " |$ski%mi#/noun failure in the blood supply to the braincerebral palsy

cerebral palsy /!ser#br#l $p)%lzi/ noun a dis-order mainly due to brain damage occurringbefore birth, or due to lack of oxygen during birth,associated with poor coordination of muscularmovements, impaired speech, hearing and sight,and sometimes mental impairment (NOTE: Pre-mature babies are at higher risk.)cerebral peduncle

cerebral peduncle /!ser#br#l p"|$d.0k(#)l/noun a mass of nerve fibres connecting the cere-bral hemispheres to the midbrain. See illustrationat BRAIN in Supplementcerebral thrombosis

cerebral thrombosis /!ser#br#l ,r(m|

$b#*s"s/ noun same as cerebrovascular acci-dentcerebration

cerebration /!ser#|$bre"/(#)n/ noun brain activ-itycerebro-

cerebro- /ser#br#*/ prefix referring to the cere-brumcerebrospinal

cerebrospinal /!ser#br#*|$spa"n(#)l/ adjectivereferring to the brain and the spinal cordcerebrospinal fever

cerebrospinal fever /!ser#br#*|spa"n(#)l$fi%v#/ noun same as meningococcal meningi-tiscerebrospinal fluid

cerebrospinal fluid /!ser#br#*|spa"n(#)l$flu%"d/ noun fluid which surrounds the brain andthe spinal cord. Abbreviation CSF

COMMENT: CSF is found in the space be-tween the arachnoid mater and pia mater ofthe brain, within the ventricles of the brainand in the central canal of the spinal cord. Itconsists mainly of water, with some sugarand sodium chloride. Its function is to cush-ion the brain and spinal cord and it is contin-ually formed and absorbed to maintain thecorrect pressure.


cerebrovascular /!ser#br#*|$v'skj*l#/adjective referring to the blood vessels in thebraincerebrovascular accident

cerebrovascular accident /!ser#br#* |

!v'skj*l#r $'ks"d(#)nt/ noun a sudden block-ing of or bleeding from a blood vessel in the brainresulting in temporary or permanent paralysis ordeath. Also called strokecerebrum

cerebrum /s#|$ri%br#m/ noun the largest part ofthe brain, formed of two sections, the cerebralhemispheres, which run along the length of thehead. The cerebrum controls the main mentalprocesses, including the memory. Also called tel-encephaloncerumen

cerumen /s# |$ru%men/ noun wax which formsinside the ear. Also called earwaxceruminous gland

ceruminous gland /s#|$ru%m"n#s !1l'nd/noun a gland which secretes earwax. See illustra-tion at EAR in Supplementcervic-

cervic- /s-%v"k/ prefix same as cervico- (usedbefore vowels)


cervical /$s-%v"k(#)l, s#|$va"k(#)l/ adjectivereferring to the neckcervical canal

cervical canal /!s-%v"k(#)l k# |$n'l/ noun atube running through the cervix, from the pointwhere the uterus joins the vagina to the entranceof the uterine cavity. Also called cervicouterinecanalcervical cancer

cervical cancer /!s-%v"k(#)l $k'ns#/ noun acancer of the cervix of the uteruscervical collar

cervical collar /!s-%v"k(#)l $k(l#/ noun a spe-cial strong orthopaedic collar to support the headof a person with neck injuries or a condition suchas cervical spondylosiscervical erosion

cervical erosion /!s-%v"k(#)l " |$r#*+(#)n/noun a condition in which the epithelium of themucous membrane lining the cervix uteri extendsoutside the cervixcervical ganglion

cervical ganglion /!s-%v"k(#)l $1'01li#n/noun one of the bundles of nerves in the neckcervical incompetence

cervical incompetence /!s-%v"k(#)l$"nk(mp"t(#)ns/ noun a dysfunction of the cer-vix of the uterus which is often the cause of spon-taneous abortions and premature births and can beremedied by Shirodkar’s operationcervical intraepithelial neoplasia

cervical intraepithelial neoplasia/!s-%v"k(#)l "ntr#ep" |!,i%li#l !ni%#*|$ple"+#/ nounchanges in the cells of the cervix which may leadto cervical cancer. Abbreviation CINcervical nerve

cervical nerve /!s-%v"k(#)l $n-%v/ noun spinalnerve in the neckcervical node

cervical node /!s-%v"k(#)l $n#*d/ noun lymphnode in the neckcervical plexus

cervical plexus /!s-%v"k(#)l $pleks#s/ noun agroup of nerves in front of the vertebrae in theneck, which lead to nerves supplying the skin andmuscles of the neck, and also the phrenic nervewhich controls the diaphragmcervical rib

cervical rib /!s-%v"k(#)l $r"b/ noun an extra ribsometimes found attached to the vertebrae abovethe other ribs and which may cause thoracic outletsyndromecervical smear

cervical smear /!s-%v"k(#)l $sm"#/ noun a testfor cervical cancer, where cells taken from themucus in the cervix of the uterus are examinedcervical spondylosis

cervical spondylosis /!s-%v"k(#)l !sp(nd" |

$l#*s"s/ noun a degenerative change in the neckbones. ! spondylosiscervical vertebrae

cervical vertebrae /!s-%v"k(#)l $v-%t"bri%/plural noun the seven bones which form the neckcervicectomy

cervicectomy /!s-%v" |$sekt#mi/ noun the sur-gical removal of the cervix utericervicitis

cervicitis /!s-%v"|$sa"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe cervix utericervico-

cervico- /s-%v"k#*/ prefix referring to the neckcervicouterine canal

cervicouterine canal /!s-%v"k#* |!ju%t#ra"nk# |$n'l/ noun same as cervical canalcervix

cervix /$s-%v"ks/ noun 1. any narrow neck of anorgan 2. the neck of the uterus, the narrow lower

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51 chemotaxis

part of the uterus leading into the vagina. Alsocalled cervix uteriCESDI

CESDI abbreviation Confidential Enquiry intoStillbirths and Deaths in Infancy. ! CEMACHcesium

cesium /$si%zi#m/ noun US same as caesiumcetrimide

cetrimide /$setr"ma"d/ noun a mixture ofammonium compounds, used in disinfectants andantisepticsCFT

CFT abbreviation complement fixation testchafe

chafe /t/e"f/ verb to rub something, especially torub against the skin ! The rough cloth of the col-lar chafed the girl’s neck.Chagas’ disease

Chagas’ disease /$/&%1#s d" |!zi%z/ noun a typeof sleeping sickness found in South America,transmitted by insect bites which pass trypano-somes into the bloodstream. Children are mainlyaffected and if untreated the disease can causefatal heart block in early adult life. [Described1909. After Carlos Chagas (1879–1934), Brazil-ian scientist and physician.]CHAI

CHAI abbreviation Commission for HealthcareAudit and Improvementchalasia

chalasia /t/#|$le"zi#/ noun an excessive relaxa-tion of the oesophageal muscles, which causesregurgitationchalazion

chalazion /k# |$le"zi#n/ noun same as meibo-mian cystchalone

chalone /$ke"l#*n, $k'l#*n/ noun a hormonewhich stops a secretion, as opposed to those hor-mones which stimulate secretionchancre

chancre /$/'0k#/ noun a sore on the lip, penisor eyelid which is the first symptom of syphilischancroid

chancroid /$/'0kr)"d/ noun a venereal sorewith a soft base, situated in the groin or on thegenitals and caused by the bacterium Haemo-philus ducreyi. Also called soft chancrecharacterise

characterise /$k'r"kt#ra"z/, characterizeverb to be a typical or special quality or feature ofsomething or someone ! The disease is charac-terised by the development of lesions throughoutthe body.charcoal

charcoal /$t/&%k#*l/ noun a highly absorbentsubstance, formed when wood is burnt in theabsence of oxygen, used to relieve diarrhoea orintestinal gas and in cases of poisoningCharcot’s joint

Charcot’s joint /!/&%k#*z $d+)"nt/ noun ajoint which becomes deformed because thepatient cannot feel pain in it when the nerves havebeen damaged by syphilis, diabetes or leprosy[Described 1868. After Jean-Martin Charcot(1825–93), French neurologist.]Charcot’s triad

Charcot’s triad /!/&%k#*z $tra"'d/ noun threesymptoms of multiple sclerosis: rapid eye move-ment, tremor and scanning speechCharnley clamps

Charnley clamps /!t/&%nli $kl'mps/ pluralnoun metal clamps fixed to a rod through a boneto hold it tight


chart /t/&%t/ noun a record of informationshown as a series of lines or points on graph paper! a temperature chartcharting

charting /$t/&%t"0/ noun the preparation andupdating of a hospital patient’s chart by nursesand doctorsCHC

CHC abbreviation 1. child health clinic 2. com-munity health councilCHD

CHD abbreviation coronary heart diseasecheck-up

check-up /$t/ek .p/ noun a general examina-tion by a doctor or dentist ! She went for a check-up. ! He had a heart check-up last week.cheek

cheek /t/i%k/ noun 1. one of two fleshy parts ofthe face on each side of the nose 2. either side ofthe buttocks (informal)cheekbone

cheekbone /$t/i%kb#*n/ noun an arch of bonein the face beneath the cheek which also forms thelower part of the eye socketcheil-

cheil- /ka"l/ prefix same as cheilo- (used beforevowels)cheilitis

cheilitis /ka"|$la"t"s/ noun inflammation of thelipscheilo-

cheilo- /ka"l#*/ prefix referring to the lipscheiloschisis

cheiloschisis /!ka"l#* |$/a"s"s/ noun a doublecleft upper lipcheilosis

cheilosis /ka" |$l#*s"s/ noun swelling and crackson the lips and corners of the mouth caused bylack of vitamin Bcheiro-

cheiro- /ke"r#*/ prefix referring to the handcheiropompholyx

cheiropompholyx /!ke"r#* |$p(mf#l"ks/ nouna disorder of the skin in which tiny blisters appearon the palms of the handchelating agent

chelating agent /$ki%le"t"0 !e"d+#nt/ noun achemical compound which can combine withsome metals, used as a treatment for metal poi-soningchemical symbol

chemical symbol /!kem"k(#)l $s"mb#l/ nounletters which represent a chemical substance !Na is the symbol for sodium.chemistry

chemistry /$kem"stri/ noun the study of sub-stances, elements and compounds and their reac-tions with each otherchemo

chemo /$ki%m#*/ noun chemotherapy(informal)chemo-

chemo- /kem#*, ki%m#*/ prefix referring tochemistrychemoreceptor

chemoreceptor /!ki%m#*r" |$sept#/ noun a cellwhich responds to the presence of a chemicalcompound by activating a nerve, e.g. a taste budreacting to food or cells in the carotid body react-ing to lowered oxygen and raised carbon dioxidein the bloodchemosis

chemosis /ki%|$m#*s"s/ noun swelling of theconjunctivachemotaxis

chemotaxis /!ki%m#*|$t'ks"s/ noun the move-ment of a cell when it is attracted to or repelled bya chemical substance

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chemotherapeutic agent 52chemotherapeutic agent

chemotherapeutic agent /!ki%m#*|,er#|

$pju%t"k !e"d+#nt/ noun a chemical substanceused to treat a diseasechemotherapy

chemotherapy /!ki%m#*|$,er#pi/ noun the useof drugs such as antibiotics, painkillers or antisep-tic lotions to fight a disease, especially using toxicchemicals to destroy rapidly developing cancercellschest

chest /t/est/ noun 1. the upper front part of thebody between the neck and stomach. Also calledthorax 2. same as thorax (NOTE: For other termsreferring to the chest, see pectoral and wordsbeginning with steth-, thorac-, thoraco-.)chest pain

chest pain /$t/est pe"n/ noun pain in the chestwhich may be caused by heart diseasechesty

chesty /$t/esti/ adjective having phlegm in thelungs, or having a tendency to chest complaintsCheyne–Stokes respiration

Cheyne–Stokes respiration /!t/e"n $st#*ksresp"|!re"/(#)n/, Cheyne–Stokes breathing/!t/e"n $st#*ks !bri%2"0/ noun irregular breath-ing, usually found in people who are unconscious,with short breaths gradually increasing to deepbreaths, then reducing again, until breathingappears to stopchiasm

chiasm /$ka"'z(#)m/, chiasma /ka" |$'zm#/noun " optic chiasmachickenpox

chickenpox /$t/"k"n |!p(ks/ noun an infectiousdisease of children, with fever and red spotswhich turn into itchy blisters. Also called vari-cellaChief Medical Officer

Chief Medical Officer /t/i%f $med"k(#)l!(f"s#/ noun in the UK, a government officialresponsible for all aspects of public health.Abbreviation CMOChief Nursing Officer

Chief Nursing Officer /!t/i%f $n-%s"0 !(f"s#/noun in the UK, an official appointed by theDepartment of Health to advise Government Min-isters and provide leadership to nurses and mid-wives. Abbreviation CNOchilblain

chilblain /$t/"lble"n/ noun a condition in whichthe skin of the fingers, toes, nose or ears becomesred, swollen and itchy because of exposure tocold. Also called erythema perniochild

child /t/a"ld/ noun a young boy or girl. Child isthe legal term for a person under 14 years of age.(NOTE: The plural is children. For other termsreferring to children, see words beginning withpaed-, paedo- or ped-, pedo-.)child abuse

child abuse /$t/a"ld #|!bju%s/ noun cruel treat-ment of a child by an adult, including physicaland sexual harmchildbirth

childbirth /$t/a"ldb-%,/ noun the act of givingbirth. Also called parturitionchild health clinic

child health clinic /!t/a"ld $hel, !kl"n"k/ nouna special clinic for checking the health and devel-opment of small children under school age.Abbreviation CHCchildminder

childminder /$t/a"ldma"nd#/ noun somebodywho looks after other people’s children in his or

her own home, especially when the parents orguardians are workingchild protection

child protection /!t/a"ld pr# |$tek/#n/ noun themeasures taken to avoid abuse, neglect or exploi-tation of any kind towards childrenchildren

children /$t/"ldr#n/ plural of childchill

chill /t/"l/ noun a short illness causing a feelingof being cold and shivering, usually the sign of thebeginning of a fever, of flu or a coldChinese medicine

Chinese medicine /!t/a"ni%z $med(#)s"n/noun a system of diagnosis, treatment and pre-vention of illness developed in China over manycenturies. It uses herbs, minerals and animalproducts, exercise, massage and acupuncture.Chinese restaurant syndrome

Chinese restaurant syndrome /!t/a"ni%z$rest(#)r(nt !s"ndr#*m/ noun an allergic condi-tion which gives people severe headaches aftereating food flavoured with monosodium gluta-mate (informal)chiro-

chiro- /ka"r#*/ prefix referring to the handchiropodist

chiropodist /k" |$r(p#d"st/ noun a person whospecialises in treatment of minor disorders of thefeetchiropody

chiropody /k"|$r(p#di/ noun the study and treat-ment of minor diseases and disorders of the feetchiropractic

chiropractic /!ka"r#*|$pr'kt"k/ noun the treat-ment and prevention of disorders of the neu-romusculoskeletal system by making adjustmentsprimarily to the bones of the spinechiropractor

chiropractor /$ka"r#*|!pr'kt#/ noun a personwho treats musculoskeletal disorders by makingadjustments primarily to the bones of the spinechiropracty

chiropracty /$ka"r#* |!pr'kti/ noun same aschiropractic (informal)Chlamydia

Chlamydia /kl# |$m"di#/ noun a bacterium thatcauses trachoma and urogenital diseases inhumans and psittacosis in birds, which can betransmitted to humans. It is currently a majorcause of sexually transmitted disease.chloasma

chloasma /kl#*|$'zm#/ noun the presence ofbrown spots on the skin from various causeschlor-

chlor- /kl)%r/ prefix same as chloro- (usedbefore vowels)chlorambucil

chlorambucil /kl)%r |$'mbj*s"l/ noun a drugwhich is toxic to cells, used in cancer treatmentchloramphenicol

chloramphenicol /!kl)%r'm|$fen"k(l/ noun apowerful antibiotic which sometimes causes thecollapse of blood cell production, so is used onlyfor treating life-threatening diseases such as men-ingitischlordiazepoxide

chlordiazepoxide /!kl)%da"|!'zi |$p(ksa"d/noun a yellow crystalline powder, used as a tran-quilliser and treatment for alcoholismchlorhexidine

chlorhexidine /kl)% |$heks"di%n/ noun a disin-fectant mouthwashchlorination

chlorination /!kl)%r" |$ne"/(#)n/ noun sterilisa-tion by adding chlorine

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53 cholesterolchlorinechlorine /$kl)%ri%n/ noun a powerful greenishgas, used to sterilise water (NOTE: The chemicalsymbol is Cl.)chlormethiazolechlormethiazole /!kl)%me|$,a"#z#*l/ noun asedative used in the treatment of people with alco-holismchloro-chloro- /kl)%r#*/ prefix referring to chlorinechloroformchloroform /$kl(r#f)%m/ noun a powerful drugformerly used as an anaestheticchloromachloroma /kl)%|$r#*m#/ noun a bone tumourassociated with acute leukaemiachlorosischlorosis /kl)%|$r#*s"s/ noun a type of severeanaemia due to iron deficiency, affecting mainlyyoung girlschlorothiazidechlorothiazide /!kl)%r#*|$,a"#za"d/ noun adrug which helps the body to produce more urine,used in the treatment of high blood pressure,swelling and heart failurechloroxylenolchloroxylenol /!kl)%r#*|$za"l#n(l/ noun achemical used as an antimicrobial agent in skincreams and in disinfectantschlorpheniraminechlorpheniramine /!kl)%fen|$a"r#mi%n/, chlo-rpheniramine maleate /!kl)%fen |a"r#mi%n$m'lie"t/ noun an antihistamine drugchlorpromazine hydrochloridechlorpromazine hydrochloride /kl)%|

!pr#*m#zi%n !ha"dr#*|$kl)%ra"d/ noun a drugused to treat schizophrenia and other psychoseschlorpropamidechlorpropamide /kl)%|$pr#*p#ma"d/ noun adrug which lowers blood sugar, used in the treat-ment of diabeteschlorthalidonechlorthalidone /kl)% |$,'l"d#*n/ noun a diu-reticchoanachoana /$k#*#n#/ noun any opening shapedlike a funnel, especially the one leading from thenasal cavity to the pharynx (NOTE: The plural ischoanae.)chocolate cystchocolate cyst /!t/(kl#t $s"st/ noun an ovar-ian cyst containing old brown bloodchol-chol- /k(l/ prefix same as chole- (used beforevowels)cholaemiacholaemia /k# |$li%mi#/ noun the presence of anunusual amount of bile in the bloodcholagoguecholagogue /$k(l#1(1/ noun a drug whichencourages the production of bilecholangiocarcinomacholangiocarcinoma /k# |!l'nd+i#* |!k&%s"|

$n#*m#/ noun a rare cancer of the cells of the bileductscholangiographycholangiography /k# |!l'nd+i |$(1r#fi/ noun anX-ray examination of the bile ducts and gall blad-dercholangiolitischolangiolitis /k#|!l'nd+i#*|$la"t"s/ nouninflammation of the small bile ductscholangiopancreatographycholangiopancreatography /k# |!l'nd+i#*|

!p'0kri#$t(1r#fi/ noun an X-ray examination ofthe bile ducts and pancreascholangitischolangitis /!k#*l'n |$d+a"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the bile ductschole-chole- /k(li/ prefix referring to bile


cholecalciferol /!k(l"k'l|$s"f#r(l/ noun a formof vitamin D found naturally in fish-liver oils andegg yolkscholecystectomy

cholecystectomy /!k(l"s" |$stekt#mi/ noun thesurgical removal of the gall bladdercholecystitis

cholecystitis /!k(l"s" |$sta"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the gall bladdercholecystoduodenostomy

cholecystoduodenostomy /!k(l"s"st#|

!dju%#d" |$n(st#mi/ noun a surgical operation tojoin the gall bladder to the duodenum to allow bileto pass into the intestine when the main bile ductis blockedcholecystography

cholecystography /!k(l"s" |$st(1r#fi/ noun anX-ray examination of the gall bladdercholecystokinin

cholecystokinin /!k(l"s"st#* |$ka"n"n/ noun ahormone released by cells at the top of the smallintestine. It stimulates the gall bladder, making itcontract and release bile.cholecystotomy

cholecystotomy /!k(l"s"|$st(t#mi/ noun a sur-gical operation to make a cut in the gall bladder,usually to remove gallstonescholedoch-

choledoch- /k#led#k/ prefix referring to thecommon bile ductcholedocholithiasis

choledocholithiasis /k# |!led#k# |l"|$,a"#s"s/noun same as cholelithiasischoledocholithotomy

choledocholithotomy /k# |!led"k#* |l"|

$,(t#mi/ noun a surgical operation to remove agallstone by cutting into the bile ductcholedochostomy

choledochostomy /k#|!led#|$k(st#mi/ noun asurgical operation to make an opening in a bileductcholedochotomy

choledochotomy /k#led#|$k(t#mi/ noun asurgical operation to make a cut in the commonbile duct to remove gallstonescholelithiasis

cholelithiasis /!k(l"l"|$,a"#s"s/ noun a condi-tion in which gallstones form in the gall bladderor bile ducts. Also called choledocholithiasischolelithotomy

cholelithotomy /!k(l"l"|$,(t#mi/ noun the sur-gical removal of gallstones by cutting into the gallbladdercholera

cholera /$k(l#r#/ noun a serious bacterial dis-ease spread through food or water which has beeninfected by Vibrio cholerae ! A cholera epidemicbroke out after the flood.choleresis

choleresis /k# |$l"#r#s"s/ noun the production ofbile by the livercholeretic

choleretic /!k(l" |$ret"k/ adjective referring to asubstance which increases the production andflow of bilecholestasis

cholestasis /!k(l" |$ste"s"s/ noun a condition inwhich all bile does not pass into the intestine butsome remains in the liver and causes jaundicecholesteatoma

cholesteatoma /k#|!lesti# |$t#*m#/ noun a cystcontaining some cholesterol found in the middleear and also in the braincholesterol

cholesterol /k# |$lest#r(l/ noun a fatty sub-stance found in fats and oils, also produced by theliver and forming an essential part of all cells

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cholesterolaemia 54cholesterolaemia

cholesterolaemia /k#|!lest#r#|$le"mi#/ noun ahigh level of cholesterol in the bloodcholesterosis

cholesterosis /k# |!lest#|$r#*s"s/ noun inflam-mation of the gall bladder with deposits of choles-terolcholic acid

cholic acid /!k#*l"k $'s"d/ noun one of the bileacidscholine

choline /$k#*li%n/ noun a compound involved infat metabolism and the precursor for acetylcho-linecholinergic

cholinergic /!k#*l" |$n-%d+"k/ adjective refer-ring to a neurone or receptor which responds toacetylcholinecholinesterase

cholinesterase /!k#*l"|$nest#re"z/ noun anenzyme which breaks down a choline estercholuria

choluria /k#*|$lj*#ri#/ noun same as biliuriachondr-

chondr- /k(ndr/ prefix referring to cartilagechondritis

chondritis /k(n |$dra"t"s/ noun inflammation ofa cartilagechondroblast

chondroblast /$k(ndr#*bl'st/ noun a cellfrom which cartilage develops in an embryochondrocalcinosis

chondrocalcinosis /!k(ndr#*|!k'ls"|$n#*s"s/noun a condition in which deposits of calciumphosphate are found in articular cartilagechondrocyte

chondrocyte /$k(ndr#*sa"t/ noun a maturecartilage cellchondrodysplasia

chondrodysplasia /!k(ndr#*|d"s|$ple"zi#/noun a hereditary disorder of cartilage which islinked to dwarfismchondrodystrophy

chondrodystrophy /!k(ndr#*|$d"str#fi/ nounany disorder of cartilagechondroma

chondroma /k(n|$dr#*m#/ noun a tumourformed of cartilaginous tissuechondromalacia

chondromalacia /!k(ndr#*m#|$le"/#/ noundegeneration of the cartilage of a jointchondrosarcoma

chondrosarcoma /!k(ndr#*|s&%|$k#*m#/noun a malignant, rapidly growing tumourinvolving cartilage cellschorda

chorda /$k)%d#/ noun a cord or tendon (NOTE:The plural is chordae.)chordee

chordee /$k)%di%/ noun a painful conditionwhere the erect penis is curved, a complication ofgonorrhoeachorditis

chorditis /k)% |$da"t"s/ noun inflammation of thevocal cordschordotomy

chordotomy /k)%|$d(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to cut a cord such as a nerve pathway inthe spinal cord in order to relieve intractable painchorea

chorea /k)% |$ri%#/ noun a sudden severe twitch-ing, usually of the face and shoulders, which is asymptom of disease of the nervous systemchorion

chorion /$k)%ri#n/ noun a membrane coveringthe fertilised ovumchorionic

chorionic /!k)%ri|$(n"k/ adjective referring tothe chorion

chorionic gonadotrophin

chorionic gonadotrophin /k)%ri|!(n"k!1#*n#d#*|$tr#*f"n/ noun " human chorionicgonadotrophinchorionic villi

chorionic villi /k)%ri |!(n"k $v"la"/ plural nountiny finger-like folds in the chorionchorionic villus sampling

chorionic villus sampling /k)%ri |!(n"k $v"l#s!s&%mpl"0/ noun an antenatal screening test car-ried out by examining cells from the chorionicvilli of the outer membrane surrounding anembryo, which have the same DNA as the fetuschoroid

choroid /$k)%r)"d/ noun the middle layer of tis-sue which forms the eyeball, between the scleraand the retina. See illustration at EYE in Supple-mentchoroiditis

choroiditis /!k)%r)" |$da"t"s/ noun inflammationof the choroid in the eyeballchoroidocyclitis

choroidocyclitis /k)% |!r)"d#* |sa"|$kla"t"s/noun inflammation of the choroids and ciliarybodyChristmas disease

Christmas disease /$kr"sm#s d"|!zi%z/ nounsame as haemophilia B [After Mr Christmas, theperson in whom the disease was first studied indetail.]Christmas factor

Christmas factor /$kr"sm#s !f'kt#/ nounsame as Factor IXchrom-

chrom- /kr#*m/ prefix same as chromo- (usedbefore vowels)-chromasia

-chromasia /kr#me"zi#/ suffix referring to col-ourchromatid

chromatid /$kr#*m#t"d/ noun one of two par-allel filaments making up a chromosomechromatin

chromatin /$kr#*m#t"n/ noun a network whichforms the nucleus of a cell and can be stained withbasic dyeschromatography

chromatography /!kr#*m#|$t(1r#fi/ noun amethod of separating chemicals through a porousmedium, used in analysing compounds and mix-tureschromatophore

chromatophore /kr#*|$m't#f)%/ noun anypigment-bearing cell in the eyes, hair and skinchromic acid

chromic acid /!kr#*m"k $'s"d/ noun an unsta-ble acid existing only in solution or in the form ofa salt, sometimes used in the removal of wartschromicised catgut

chromicised catgut /!kr#*m"sa"zd $k't1.t/noun catgut which is hardened with chromium tomake it slower to dissolve in the bodychromium

chromium /$kr#*mi#m/ noun a metallic traceelement (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Cr.)chromo-

chromo- /kr#*m#*/ prefix referring to colourchromosomal

chromosomal /!kr#*m# |$s#*m(#)l/ adjectivereferring to chromosomeschromosome

chromosome /$kr#*m#s#*m/ noun a rod-shaped structure in the nucleus of a cell, formedof DNA, which carries the geneschromosome mapping

chromosome mapping /$kr#*m#s#*m!m'p"0/ noun a procedure by which the positionof genes on a chromosome is established

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55 cineplastychronic

chronic /$kr(n"k/ adjective 1. referring to a dis-ease or condition which lasts for a long time ! Hehas a chronic chest complaint. Opposite acute 2.referring to serious pain (informal)chronic abscess

chronic abscess /!kr(n"k $'bses/ noun anabscess which develops slowly over a period oftimechronic appendicitis

chronic appendicitis /!kr(n"k # |!pend" |

$sa"t"s/ noun a condition in which the vermiformappendix is always slightly inflamed. ! grum-bling appendixchronic catarrhal rhinitis

chronic catarrhal rhinitis /!kr(n"k k#|!t&%r#lra" |$na"t"s/ noun a persistent form of inflamma-tion of the nose where excess mucus is secretedby the mucous membranechronic fatigue syndrome

chronic fatigue syndrome /!kr(n"k f#|$ti%1!s"ndr#*m/ noun same as myalgic encephalo-myelitischronic granulomatous disease

chronic granulomatous disease /!kr(n"k!1r'nj* |$l#*m#t#s d"|!zi%z/ noun a type ofinflammation where macrophages are convertedinto epithelial-like cells as a result of infection, asin tuberculosis or sarcoidosischronic obstructive airways disease

chronic obstructive airways disease/!kr(n"k #b |!str.kt"v $e#we"z d" |!zi%z/ nounabbreviation COAD. Now called chronicobstructive pulmonary diseasechronic obstructive pulmonary disease

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/!kr(n"k #b|!str.kt"v $p.lm#n(#)ri d"|!zi%z/noun any of a group of progressive respiratorydisorders where someone experiences loss of lungfunction and shows little or no response to steroidor bronchodilator drug treatments, e.g. emphy-sema and chronic bronchitis. Abbreviation COPDchronic pancreatitis

chronic pancreatitis /!kr(n"k p'0kri#|

$ta"t"s/ noun a persistent inflammation occurringafter repeated attacks of acute pancreatitis, wherethe gland becomes calcifiedchronic periarthritis

chronic periarthritis /!kr(n"k peri&%|$,ra"t"s/noun inflammation of tissues round the shoulderjoint. Also called scapulohumeral arthritischronic pericarditis

chronic pericarditis /!kr(n"k perik&%|$da"t"s/noun a condition in which the pericardiumbecomes thickened and prevents the heart fromfunctioning normally. Also called constrictivepericarditisChronic Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970

Chronic Sick and Disabled Persons Act1970 /kr(n"k !s"k #n d"s|!e"b(#)ld $p-%s(#)nz'kt/ noun an Act of Parliament in the UK whichprovides benefits such as alterations to theirhomes for people with long-term conditionschronic toxicity

chronic toxicity /!kr(n"k t(k|$s"s"ti/ nounexposure to harmful levels of a toxic substanceover a period of timechrysotherapy

chrysotherapy /!kra"s#* |$,er#pi/ noun treat-ment which involves gold injectionsChvostek’s sign

Chvostek’s sign /t/# |$v(steks sa"n/ noun anindication of tetany, where a spasm is produced ifthe facial muscles are tapped


chyle /ka"l/ noun a fluid in the lymph vessels inthe intestine, which contains fat, especially after amealchylomicron

chylomicron /!ka"l#*|$ma"kr(n/ noun a parti-cle of chyle present in the bloodchyluria

chyluria /ka"|$lj*#ri#/ noun the presence ofchyle in the urinechyme

chyme /ka"m/ noun a semi-liquid mass of foodand gastric juices, which passes from the stomachto the intestinechymotrypsin

chymotrypsin /!ka"m#*|$tr"ps"n/ noun anenzyme which digests proteinCi

Ci abbreviation curiecicatrix

cicatrix /$s"k#tr"ks/ noun same as scar-ciclovir

-ciclovir /s"kl#v"#/ suffix used in the names ofantiviral drugs-cide

-cide /sa"d/ suffix referring to killingcilia

cilia /$s"li#/ plural of ciliumciliary

ciliary /$s"li#ri/ adjective referring to ciliaciliary body

ciliary body /$s"li#ri !b(di/ noun the part of theeye which connects the iris to the choroid. Seeillustration at EYE in Supplementciliary ganglion

ciliary ganglion /!s"li#ri $1'01li#n/ noun aparasympathetic ganglion in the orbit of the eye,supplying the intrinsic eye musclesciliary muscle

ciliary muscle /$s"li#ri !m.s(#)l/ noun a mus-cle which makes the lens of the eye change itsshape to focus on objects at different distances.See illustration at EYE in Supplementciliary processes

ciliary processes /!s"li#ri $pr#*ses"z/ pluralnoun the ridges behind the iris to which the lensof the eye is attachedciliated epithelium

ciliated epithelium /!s"lie"t"d ep" |$,i%li#m/noun simple epithelium where the cells have tinyhairs or ciliacilium

cilium /$s"li#m/ noun 1. an eyelash 2. one ofmany tiny hair-like processes which line cells inpassages in the body and by moving backwardsand forwards drive particles or fluid along thepassage (NOTE: The plural is cilia.)-cillin

-cillin /s"l"n/ suffix used in the names of penicil-lin drugs ! amoxycillincimetidine

cimetidine /s"|$met"di%n/ noun a drug whichreduces the production of stomach acid, used inpeptic ulcer treatmentcimex

cimex /$sa"meks/ noun a bedbug or relatedinsect which feeds on birds, humans and othermammals (NOTE: The plural is cimices.)CIN

CIN abbreviation cervical intraepithelial neopla-sia-cin

-cin /s"n/ suffix referring to aminoglycosides !gentamicincinematics

cinematics /!s"n" |$m't"ks/ noun the science ofmovement, especially of body movementscineplasty

cineplasty /$s"n"pl'sti/ noun an amputationwhere the muscles of the stump of the amputatedlimb are used to operate an artificial limb

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cineradiography 56cineradiography

cineradiography /!s"nire"di|$(1r#fi/ noun thepractice of taking a series of X-ray photographsfor diagnosis, or to show how something moves ordevelops in the bodycinesiology

cinesiology /s"|!ni%si |$(l#d+i/ noun the study ofmuscle movements, particularly in relation totreatmentcinnarizine

cinnarizine /$s"n#r#zi%n/ noun an antihista-minic used to treat Ménière’s diseaseciprofloxacin

ciprofloxacin /!sa"pr#*|$fl(ks#s"n/ noun apowerful antibiotic used in eye drops to treat cor-neal ulcers and surface infections of the eye, andin the treatment of anthrax in humanscircadian

circadian /s-% |$ke"di#n/ adjective referring to apattern which is repeated approximately every 24hourscircle of Willis

circle of Willis /!s-%k(#)l #v $w"l"s/ noun a cir-cle of branching arteries at the base of the brainformed by the basilar artery, the anterior and pos-terior cerebral arteries, the anterior and posteriorcommunicating arteries and the internal carotidarteries [Described 1664. After Thomas Willis(1621–75), English physician and anatomist.]circulatory system

circulatory system /!s-%kj* |$le"t(#)ri!s"st#m/ noun a system of arteries and veins,together with the heart, which makes the bloodcirculate around the bodycircum-

circum- /s-%k#m/ prefix aroundcircumcisioncircumcision /!s-%k#m|$s"+(#)n/ noun the sur-gical removal of the foreskin of the peniscircumductioncircumduction /!s-%k#m|$d.k/#n/ noun theaction of moving a limb so that the end of it makesa circular motioncircumflex

circumflex /$s-%k#mfleks/ adjective bent orcurvedcircumoral

circumoral /!s-%k#m|$)%r#l/ adjective referringto rashes surrounding the lipscircumvallate papillae

circumvallate papillae /s-%k#m|!v'le"t p#|

$p"li%/ plural noun large papillae at the base of thetongue, which have taste budscirrhosis

cirrhosis /s# |$r#*s"s/ noun a progressive dis-ease of the liver, often associated with alcoholism,in which healthy cells are replaced by scar tissuecirrhotic

cirrhotic /s" |$r(t"k/ adjective referring to cirrho-sis ! The patient had a cirrhotic liver.cirs-

cirs- /s-%s/ prefix referring to dilationcirsoidcirsoid /$s-%s)"d/ adjective referring to a vari-cose vein which is dilatedcisplatin

cisplatin /s"s |$ple"t"n/ noun a chemical sub-stance which may help fight cancer by binding toDNA. It is used in the treatment of ovarian andtesticular cancer.cistern

cistern /$s"st#n/, cisterna /s"|$st-%n#/ noun aspace containing fluidcitric acid

citric acid /!s"tr"k $'s"d/ noun an acid found infruit such as oranges, lemons and grapefruitcitric acid cycle

citric acid cycle /!s"tr"k $'s"d !sa"k(#)l/ nounan important series of events concerning amino

acid metabolism, which takes place in the mito-chondria in the cell. Also called Krebs cyclecitrulline

citrulline /$s"tr*li%n, $s"tr*la"n/ noun an aminoacidCJD

CJD abbreviation Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseasecl

cl abbreviation centilitreclamp

clamp /kl'mp/ noun a surgical instrument tohold something tightly, e.g. a blood vessel duringan operation " verb to hold something tightlyclap

clap /kl'p/ noun same as gonorrhoea (slang)classification

classification /!kl's"f"|$ke"/(#)n/ noun thework of putting references or components intoorder so as to be able to refer to them again andidentify them easily ! the ABO classification ofbloodclaudication

claudication /!kl)%d" |$ke"/(#)n/ noun the factof limping or being lameclaustrophobia

claustrophobia /!kl)%str#|$f#*bi#/ noun a fearof enclosed spaces or crowded rooms. Compareagoraphobiaclaustrophobic

claustrophobic /!kl)%str#|$f#*b"k/ adjectiveafraid of being in enclosed spaces or crowdedrooms. Compare agoraphobicclavicle

clavicle /$kl'v"k(#)l/ noun same as collarboneclavicular

clavicular /kl# |$v"kj*l#/ adjective referring tothe clavicleclavus

clavus /$kle"v#s/ noun 1. a corn on the foot 2.severe pain in the head, like a nail being driven inclaw foot

claw foot /!kl)% $f*t/ noun a deformed foot withthe toes curved towards the instep and with a veryhigh arch. Also called pes cavusclaw hand

claw hand /!kl)% $h'nd/ noun a deformed handwith the fingers, especially the ring finger and lit-tle finger, bent towards the palm, caused by paral-ysis of the musclesclean

clean /kli%n/ adjective 1. free from dirt, wasteproducts or unwanted substances 2. sterile or freefrom infection ! a clean dressing ! a cleanwound 3. not using recreational drugscleavage

cleavage /$kli%v"d+/ noun the repeated divisionof cells in an embryocleavage lines

cleavage lines /$kli%v"d+ !la"nz/ plural nounsame as Langer’s linescleft

cleft /kleft/ noun a small opening or hollowplace in a surface or body part " adjective refer-ring to a surface or body part which has separatedinto two or more sectionscleft foot

cleft foot /!kleft $f*t/ noun same as talipescleft lip

cleft lip /!kleft $l"p/ noun a congenital conditionin which the upper lip fails to form in the usualway during fetal development. Also called hare-lipcleft palate

cleft palate /!kleft $p'l#t/ noun a congenitalcondition in which the palate does not fuse duringfetal development, causing a gap between themouth and nasal cavity in severe casescleido-

cleido- /kla"d#*/ prefix referring to the clavicle

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57 clotting factorscleidocranial dysostosis

cleidocranial dysostosis /!kla"d#*kre"ni#l!d"s(s|$t#*s"s/ noun a hereditary bone malforma-tion, with protruding jaw, lack of collarbone andmalformed teethclient

client /$kla"#nt/ noun a person visited by ahealth visitor or social workerclimacteric

climacteric /kla"|$m'kt#r"k/ noun a period ofdiminished sexual activity in a man who reachesmiddle ageclimax

climax /$kla"m'ks/ noun 1. an orgasm 2. thepoint where a disease is at its worst " verb to havean orgasmclindamycin

clindamycin /!kl"nd# |$ma"s"n/ noun a powerfulantibiotic used to treat severe infections and acneclinic

clinic /$kl"n"k/ noun 1. a small hospital or adepartment in a large hospital which deals onlywith out-patients or which specialises in the treat-ment of particular medical conditions ! He isbeing treated in a private clinic. ! She wasreferred to an antenatal clinic. 2. a group of stu-dents under a doctor or surgeon who examinepatients and discuss their treatmentclinical

clinical /$kl"n"k(#)l/ adjective 1. referring to thephysical assessment and treatment of patients bydoctors, as opposed to a surgical operation, a lab-oratory test or experiment 2. referring to instruc-tion given to students at the bedside of patients asopposed to class instruction with no patientpresent 3. referring to a clinicclinical audit

clinical audit /!kl"n"k(#)l $)%d"t/ noun an eval-uation of the standard of clinical careclinical care

clinical care /!kl"n"k(#)l $ke#/ noun the careand treatment of patients in hospital wards or indoctors’ surgeriesclinical effectiveness

clinical effectiveness /!kl"n"k(#)l "|

$fekt"vn#s/ noun the ability of a procedure ortreatment to achieve the desired resultclinical governance

clinical governance /!kl"n"k(#)l$1.v(#)n#ns/ noun the responsibility given todoctors to coordinate audit, research, education,use of guidelines and risk management to developa strategy to raise the quality of medical careClinical Management Plan

Clinical Management Plan /!kl"n"k(#)l$m'n"d+m#nt !pl'n/ noun a comprehensivestatement of a patient’s condition that details whatmedicines and treatments may be used in ongoingcare, forming part of the patient’s recordsclinical medicine

clinical medicine /!kl"n"k(#)l $med(#)s(#)n/noun the study and treatment of patients in a hos-pital ward or in the doctor’s surgery, as opposed toin the operating theatre or laboratoryclinical nurse manager

clinical nurse manager /!kl"n"k(#)l $n-%s!m'n"d+#/ noun the administrative manager ofthe clinical nursing staff of a hospitalclinical nurse specialist

clinical nurse specialist /!kl"n"k(#)l n-%s$spe/(#)l"st/ noun a nurse who specialises in aparticular branch of clinical care

clinical pathology

clinical pathology /!kl"n"k(#)l p# |$,(l#d+i/noun the study of disease as applied to the treat-ment of patientsclinical psychologist

clinical psychologist /!kl"n"k(#)l sa"|

$k(l#d+"st/ noun a psychologist who studies andtreats sick patients in hospitalclinical trial

clinical trial /!kl"n"k(#)l $tra"#l/ noun a trialcarried out in a medical laboratory on a person oron tissue from a personclinician

clinician /kl"|$n"/(#)n/ noun a doctor, usuallynot a surgeon, who has considerable experience intreating patientsclinodactylyclinodactyly /!kla"n#*|$d'kt"li/ noun the per-manent bending of a finger to one sideclip

clip /kl"p/ noun a piece of metal with a spring,used to attach things togetherclitoris

clitoris /$kl"t#r"s/ noun a small erectile femalesex organ, situated at the anterior angle of thevulva, which can be excited by sexual activity.See illustration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM (FEMALE)in Supplementcloaca

cloaca /kl#* |$e"k#/ noun the end part of thehindgut in an embryoclomipramine

clomipramine /kl#* |$m"pr#mi%n/ noun a drugused to treat depression, phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorderclonazepam

clonazepam /kl#*|$n'z"p'm/ noun a drugused to treat epilepsyclone

clone /kl#*n/ noun a group of cells derived froma single cell by asexual reproduction and so iden-tical to the first cell " verb to reproduce an indi-vidual organism by asexual meansclonic

clonic /$kl(n"k/ adjective referring to clonusclonic spasms

clonic spasms /!kl(n"k $sp'z(#)mz/ pluralnoun spasms which recur regularlyclonidine

clonidine /$kl(n"di%n/ noun a drug whichrelaxes and widens the arteries, used in the treat-ment of hypertension, migraine headaches andheart failureclonus

clonus /$kl#*n#s/ noun the rhythmic contrac-tion and relaxation of a muscle, usually a sign ofupper motor neurone lesionsclosed fracture

closed fracture /!kl#*zd $fr'kt/#/ noun sameas simple fractureClostridium

Clostridium /kl(|$str"di#m/ noun a type of bac-teriaclot

clot /kl(t/ noun a soft mass of coagulated bloodin a vein or an artery ! The doctor diagnosed ablood clot in the brain. ! Blood clots occur inthrombosis. " verb to change from a liquid to asemi-solid state, or to cause a liquid to do this !His blood does not clot easily. (NOTE: clotting –clotted)clotrimazole

clotrimazole /kl( |$tr"m#z#*l/ noun a drug usedto treat yeast and fungal infectionsclotting

clotting /$kl(t"0/ noun the action of coagulatingclotting factors

clotting factors /!kl(t"0 $f'kt#z/ plural nounsubstances in plasma, called Factor I, Factor II,

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clubbing 58

and so on, which act one after the other to makethe blood coagulate when a blood vessel is dam-aged

COMMENT: Deficiency in one or more of theclotting factors results in haemophilia.


clubbing /$kl.b"0/ noun a thickening of theends of the fingers and toes, a sign of many differ-ent diseasesclub foot

club foot /!kl.b $f*t/ noun same as talipescluster headache

cluster headache /$kl.st# !hede"k/ noun aheadache which occurs behind one eye for a shortperiodClutton’s joint

Clutton’s joint /$kl.t(#)nz !d+)"nt/ noun aswollen knee joint occurring in congenital syphi-lis [Described 1886. After Henry Hugh Clutton(1850–1909), surgeon at St Thomas’s Hospital,London, UK]cm

cm abbreviation centimetreCMHN

CMHN abbreviation community mental healthnurseCM joint

CM joint /!si% $em d+)"nt/ noun same as car-pometacarpal jointCMO

CMO abbreviation Chief Medical OfficerCMV

CMV abbreviation cytomegalovirusC/N

C/N abbreviation charge nurseCNS

CNS abbreviation central nervous systemcoagulant

coagulant /k#*|$'1j*l#nt/ noun a substancewhich can make blood clotcoagulase

coagulase /k#* |$'1j*le"z/ noun an enzymeproduced by a staphylococcal bacteria whichmakes blood plasma clotcoagulate

coagulate /k#*|$'1j*le"t/ verb to change fromliquid to semi-solid, or cause a liquid to do this !His blood does not coagulate easily. ! clotcoagulation

coagulation /k#* |!'1j* |$le"/(#)n/ noun theaction of clottingcoagulum

coagulum /k#*|$'1j*l#m/ noun same as bloodclot (NOTE: The plural is coagula.)coalesce

coalesce /!k#*# |$les/ verb to combine, or tocause things to combine, into a single body orgroupcoalescence

coalescence /!k#*# |$les(#)ns/ noun the proc-ess by which wound edges come together whenhealingcoarctation

coarctation /!k#*&%k|$te"/(#)n/ noun the proc-ess of narrowingcoat

coat /k#*t/ noun a layer of material covering anorgan or a cavity " verb to cover something withsomething elsecoated tongue

coated tongue /!k#*t"d $t.0/ noun same asfurred tonguecobalt

cobalt /$k#*b)%lt/ noun a metallic element(NOTE: The chemical symbol is Co.)cocaine

cocaine /k#* |$ke"n/ noun a narcotic drug notgenerally used in medicine because its use leadsto addiction, but sometimes used as a surfaceanaesthetic


cocci /$k(ki/ plural of coccuscoccus

coccus /$k(k#s/ noun a bacterium shaped like aball (NOTE: The plural is cocci.)coccy-

coccy- /k(ksi/ prefix referring to the coccyxcoccydynia

coccydynia /!k(ksi |$d"ni#/ noun a sharp pain inthe coccyx, usually caused by a blow. Also calledcoccygodyniacoccygeal vertebrae

coccygeal vertebrae /k(k |!s"d+i#l$v-%t"bre"/ plural noun the fused bones in thecoccyxcoccyges

coccyges /k(k |$sa"d+i%z/ plural of coccyxcoccygodynia

coccygodynia /!k(ksi1#* |$d"ni#/ noun sameas coccydyniacoccyx

coccyx /$k(ks"ks/ noun the lowest bone in thebackbone (NOTE: The plural is coccyges.)cochlea

cochlea /$k(kli#/ noun a spiral tube inside theinner ear, which is the essential organ of hearing.See illustration at EAR in Supplement (NOTE:The plural is cochleae.)cochlear

cochlear /$k(kli#/ adjective referring to thecochleacochlear implant

cochlear implant /!k(kli# $"mpl&%nt/ noun atype of hearing aid for profound hearing lossCochrane database

Cochrane database /!k(kr#n $de"t#be"s/noun a database of regular reviews carried out onresearchcode

code /k#*d/ noun 1. a system of numbers, lettersor symbols used to represent language or infor-mation 2. same as genetic code " verb 1. toconvert instructions or data into another form 2.(of a codon or gene) to provide the genetic infor-mation which causes a specific amino acid to beproduced ! Genes are sections of DNA that codefor a specific protein sequence.codeine

codeine /$k#*di%n/, codeine phosphate/!k#*di%n $f(sfe"t/ noun a common painkillingdrug that can also be used to suppress coughingand in the treatment of diarrhoeacode of conduct

code of conduct /!k#*d #v $k(nd.kt/ noun aset of general rules showing how a group of peo-ple such as doctors or nurses should workcod liver oil

cod liver oil /!k(d l"v#r $)"l/ noun a fish oilwhich is rich in calories and vitamins A and D-coele

-coele /si%l/ suffix referring to a hollow (NOTE:The US spelling is usually -cele.)coeli-

coeli- /si%li/ prefix same as coelio- (used beforevowels) (NOTE: The US spelling is usually celi-.)coeliac

coeliac /$si%li'k/ adjective referring to theabdomencoeliac artery

coeliac artery /!si%li'k $&%t#ri/, coeliac axis/!si%li'k $'ks"s/ noun the main artery in theabdomen leading from the abdominal aorta anddividing into the left gastric, hepatic and splenicarteries. Also called coeliac trunkcoeliac disease

coeliac disease /!si%li'k d"|$zi%z/ noun sameas gluten-induced enteropathy

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59 colloidcoeliac ganglioncoeliac ganglion /!si%li'k $1'01li#n/ noun aganglion on each side of the origins of the dia-phragm, connected with the coeliac plexuscoeliac trunk

coeliac trunk /!si%li'k $tr.0k/ noun same ascoeliac arterycoelio-coelio- /si%li#*/ prefix referring to a hollow, usu-ally the abdomencoelioscopycoelioscopy /!si%li|$(sk#pi/ noun an examina-tion of the peritoneal cavity by inflating the abdo-men with sterile air and passing an endoscopethrough the abdominal wall (NOTE: The plural iscoelioscopies.)coffee ground vomitcoffee ground vomit /$k(fi 1ra*nd !v(m"t/noun vomit containing dark pieces of blood, indi-cating that the person is bleeding from the stom-ach or upper intestinecognition

cognition /k(1 |$n"/(#)n/ noun the mental actionor process of gaining knowledge by using yourmind or your senses, or knowledge gained in thiswaycognitivecognitive /$k(1n"t"v/ adjective referring to themental processes of perception, memory, judg-ment and reasoning ! a cognitive impairmentcognitive disordercognitive disorder /!k(1n"t"v d"s|$)%d#/ nounimpairment of any of the mental processes of per-ception, memory, judgment and reasoningcognitive therapycognitive therapy /!k(1n"t"v $,er&pi/ noun atreatment of psychiatric disorders such as anxietyor depression which encourages people to dealwith their negative ways of thinkingcohortcohort /$k#*h)%t/ noun a group of people shar-ing a particular characteristic such as age or gen-der who are studied in a scientific or medicalinvestigationcohort study

cohort study /$k#*h)%t !st.di/ noun an inves-tigation in which a group of people are classifiedaccording to their exposure to various risks andstudied over a period of time to see if they developa specific disease, in order to evaluate the linksbetween risk and diseasecoil

coil /k)"l/ noun a device fitted into a woman’suterus as a contraceptivecold

cold /k#*ld/ adjective not warm or hot " nounan illness, with inflammation of the nasal pas-sages, in which someone sneezes and coughs andhas a blocked and running nose ! She had aheavy cold. Also called common cold, coryzacold burncold burn /$k#*ld b-%n/ noun an injury to theskin caused by exposure to extreme cold or bytouching a very cold surfacecold cautery

cold cautery /!k#*ld $k)%t#ri/ noun theremoval of a skin growth using carbon dioxidesnowcold packcold pack /$k#*ld p'k/ noun a cloth or a padfilled with gel or clay which is chilled and put onthe body to reduce or increase the temperaturecold sorecold sore /$k#*ld s)%/ noun a painful blister,usually on the lips or nose, caused by herpes sim-plex Type I


colectomy /k# |$lekt#mi/ noun a surgical opera-tion to remove the whole or part of the colon(NOTE: The plural is colectomies.)colic

colic /$k(l"k/ noun 1. pain in any part of theintestinal tract. Also called enteralgia, tormina2. crying and irritability in babies, especially fromstomach painscoliform bacterium

coliform bacterium /!k#*lif)%m b'k|

$t"#ri#m/ plural noun any bacterium which issimilar to Escherichia colicolistin

colistin /k( |$l"st"n/ noun an antibiotic which iseffective against a wide range of organisms and isused to treat gastrointestinal infectionscolitis

colitis /k# |$la"t"s/ noun inflammation of thecolon. Also called colonitiscollaborative care

collaborative care /k#|!l'b(#)r#t"v $ke#/noun treatment that involves collaborationbetween different medical departments or agen-cies, or involves active collaboration between thepatient and the providers of treatmentcollagen

collagen /$k(l#d+#n/ noun a thick protein fibreforming bundles, which make up the connectivetissue, bone and cartilagecollapse

collapse /k#|$l'ps/ noun 1. a condition in whichsomeone is extremely exhausted or semi-con-scious ! She was found in a state of collapse. 2.a condition in which an organ becomes flat orloses air ! lung collapse " verb 1. to fall down ina semi-conscious state ! After running to catchhis train he collapsed. 2. to become flat, or loseaircollapsed lung

collapsed lung /k#|!l'pst $l.0/ noun same aspneumothoraxcollarbone

collarbone /$k(l#b#*n/ noun one of two longthin bones which join the shoulder blades to thebreastbone. Also called clavicle (NOTE: Collar-bone fracture is one of the most frequent frac-tures in the body.)collateral

collateral /k#|$l't(#)r#l/ adjective secondary orless importantColles’ fracture

Colles’ fracture /$k(l"s("z) !fr'kt/#/ noun afracture of the lower end of the radius with dis-placement of the wrist backwards, usually whensomeone has stretched out a hand to try to break afall [After Abraham Colles (1773–1843), Irishsurgeon.]colliculus

colliculus /k#|$l"kj*l#s/ noun one of four smallprojections (superior colliculi and inferior col-liculi) in the midbrain. See illustration at BRAIN inSupplement (NOTE: The plural is colliculi.)collodion

collodion /k# |$l#*di#n/ noun a liquid used forpainting on a clean wound, where it dries to forma flexible coveringcolloid

colloid /$k(l)"d/ noun 1. a mass of tiny particlesof one substance dispersed in another substance2. the particles which are suspended in a colloidsolution 3. a thick jelly-like substance whichstores hormones, produced in the thyroid gland "

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adjective relating to or resembling a colloid !colloid acnecollyrium

collyrium /k#|$l"ri#m/ noun a solution used tobathe the eyes (NOTE: The plural is collyria.)colo-

colo- /k(l#*/ prefix referring to the coloncoloboma

coloboma /!k(l#*|$b#*m#/ noun a condition inwhich part of the eye, especially part of the iris, ismissingcolon

colon /$k#*l(n/ noun the main part of the largeintestine, running from the caecum at the end ofthe small intestine to the rectumcolonic

colonic /k#|$l(n"k/ adjective referring to thecoloncolonic irrigation

colonic irrigation /k#|!l(n"k "r" |$1e"/(#)n/noun the washing out of the contents of the largeintestine using a tube inserted in the anuscolonoscope

colonoscope /k#|$l(n#sk#*p/ noun a surgicalinstrument for examining the interior of the coloncolonoscopy

colonoscopy /!k(l#|$n(sk#pi/ noun an exami-nation of the inside of the colon, using a colono-scope passed through the rectum (NOTE: The plu-ral is colonoscopies.)colony

colony /$k(l#ni/ noun a group or culture ofmicroorganismscolostomy

colostomy /k# |$l(st#mi/ noun a surgical opera-tion to make an opening between the colon andthe abdominal wall to allow faeces to be passedout without going through the rectum (NOTE: Theplural is colostomies.)colostomy bag

colostomy bag /k#|$l(st#mi b'1/ noun a bagattached to the opening made by a colostomy, tocollect faeces as they are passed out of the bodycolostrum

colostrum /k#|$l(str#m/ noun a fluid rich inantibodies and low in fat, secreted by the mother’sbreasts at the birth of a baby, before the true milkstarts to flowcolour blindness

colour blindness /$k.l# !bla"ndn#s/ noun acondition of being unable to tell the differencebetween specific colourscolour index

colour index /$k.l#r !"ndeks/ noun the ratiobetween the amount of haemoglobin and thenumber of red blood cells in a specific amount ofbloodcolp-

colp- /k(lp/ prefix same as colpo- (used beforevowels)colpo-

colpo- /k(lp#*/ prefix referring to the vaginacolpocystitis

colpocystitis /!k(lp#*s" |$sta"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of both the vagina and the urinary bladdercolpohysterectomy

colpohysterectomy /!k(lp#*h"st# |$rekt#mi/noun a surgical operation in which the womb isremoved through the vagina (NOTE: The plural iscolpohysterectomies.)colpopexy

colpopexy /$k(lp#peksi/ noun a surgical oper-ation to fix a prolapsed vagina to the abdominalwall (NOTE: The plural is colpopexies.)colpoplasty

colpoplasty /$k(lp#pl'sti/ noun a surgicaloperation to repair a damaged vagina (NOTE: Theplural is colpoplasties.)

colporrhaphycolporrhaphy /k(l |$p(r#fi/ noun a surgicaloperation to stitch a prolapsed vagina (NOTE: Theplural is colporraphies.)colposcope

colposcope /$k(lp#*sk#*p/ noun a surgicalinstrument used to examine the inside of thevagina. Also called vaginoscopecolposcopy

colposcopy /k(l |$p(sk#pi/ noun an examina-tion of the inside of the vagina (NOTE: The pluralis colposcopies.)colposuspensioncolposuspension /!k(lp#*s#|$spen/#n/ nouna surgical operation to strengthen the pelvic floormuscles to prevent incontinencecolpotomycolpotomy /k(l |$p(t#mi/ noun a surgical oper-ation to make a cut in the vagina (NOTE: The plu-ral is colpotomies.)columncolumn /$k(l#m/ noun " vertebral columncomacoma /$k#*m#/ noun a state of unconsciousnessfrom which a person cannot be awakened byexternal stimulicomatosecomatose /$k#*m#t#*s/ adjective unconsciousor in a comacombined therapycombined therapy /k#m|!ba"nd $,er#pi/ nounthe use of two or more treatments at the same timecomedo

comedo /$k(m"d#*/ noun a small point of dark,hard matter in a sebaceous follicle, often foundassociated with acne on the skin of adolescents(NOTE: The plural is comedones.)comfortercomforter /$k.mf#t#/ noun 1. someone whohelps to make another person less anxious orunhappy 2. a baby’s dummycommando operationcommando operation /k# |$m&%nd#*!(p#re"/(#)n/, commando procedure /k#|

$m&%nd#* pr#|!si%d+#/ noun a major operation tocombat cancer of the face and neck. It involvesthe removal of facial features, which are laterrebuilt.commensal

commensal /k#|$mens#l/ noun an animal orplant which lives on another animal or plant butdoes not harm it in any way. Both may benefitfrom the association. ! Candida is a commensalin the mouths of 50% of healthy adults. (NOTE: Ifa commensal causes harm, it is a parasite.) "adjective living on another animal or plantcomminutedcomminuted /$k(m"nju%t"d/ adjective refer-ring to a fracture where the bone is broken in sev-eral placescomminuted fracturecomminuted fracture /!k(m"nju%t"d$fr'kt/#/ noun a fracture where the bone is bro-ken in several placesCommission for Health ImprovementCommission for Health Improvement /k#|

!m"/(#)n f# $hel, "m|!pru%vm#nt/ in the UK, theindependent inspection body for the NationalHealth Service, with the role of helping to raisestandards of patient care. It aims to identify whereimprovement is required and share good practice.Abbreviation CHIcommissurecommissure /$k(m"sj*#/ noun a structurewhich joins two similar tissues, e.g. a group ofnerves which crosses from one part of the central

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61 competency

nervous system to another. ! corpus callosum,grey commissureCommittee on Safety of Medicines

Committee on Safety of Medicines /k#|

!m"ti (n !se"fti #v $med(#)s"nz/ noun the offi-cial body which advises the British Governmenton the safety and quality of medicinescommode

commode /k#|$m#*d/ noun a special chair witha removable basin used as a toilet by people withlimited mobilitycommon bile duct

common bile duct /!k(m#n $ba"l d.kt/ nouna duct leading to the duodenum, formed of thehepatic and cystic ductscommon carotid artery

common carotid artery /!k(m#n k#|$r(t"d!&%t#ri/ noun the main artery running up each sideof the lower part of the neck. Also called carotidcommon cold

common cold /!k(m#n $k#*ld/ noun same ascoldcommon hepatic duct

common hepatic duct /!k(m#n h" |$p't"kd.kt/ noun a duct from the liver formed when theright and left hepatic ducts joincommon iliac artery

common iliac artery /!k(m#n $"li'k !&%t#ri/noun one of two arteries which branch from theaorta in the abdomen and in turn divide into theinternal iliac artery, leading to the pelvis, and theexternal iliac artery, leading to the legcommunicable disease

communicable disease /k# |!mju%n"k#b(#)ld"|$zi%z/ noun a disease which can be passed fromone person to another or from an animal to a per-son. ! contagious disease, infectious diseasecommunicating artery

communicating artery /k#|$mju%n"ke"t"0!&%t#ri/ noun one of the arteries which connectthe blood supply from each side of the brain,forming part of the circle of Williscommunity

community /k#|$mju%n"ti/ noun a group of peo-ple who live and work in a district ! The healthservices serve the local community.community care

community care /k# |!mju%n"ti $ke#/ noun theproviding of help to people such as those who areelderly or mentally ill in order to allow them tostay in their own homes, rather than requiringthem to be cared for in hospitals or care homescommunity health

community health /k#|!mju%n"ti $hel,/ nounthe health of a local community, or provision ofservices for a local communitycommunity health council

community health council /k#|!mju%n"ti$hel, !ka*ns#l/ noun a statutory body of inter-ested people from outside the medical professionscharged with putting forward the patients’ pointof view on local health issues. Abbreviation CHCcommunity hospital

community hospital /k#|$mju%n"ti!h(sp"t(#)l/ noun a hospital serving a local com-munitycommunity midwife

community midwife /k#|!mju%n"ti $m"dwa"f/noun a midwife who works in a community aspart of a primary health care teamcommunity nurse

community nurse /k# |!mju%n"ti $n-%s/ noun anurse who treats people in a local community

community paediatrician

community paediatrician /k#|!mju%n"tipi%di# |$tr"/(#)n/ noun a paediatrician serving alocal communitycommunity pharmacist

community pharmacist /k#|!mju%n"ti$f&%m#s"st/, retail pharmacist /!ri%te"l$f&%m#s"st/ noun a person who makes medicinesand sells them in a chemist’s shopcommunity psychiatric nurse

community psychiatric nurse /k#|!mju%n"ti!sa"ki |$'tr"k/ noun. Also called communitymental health nurse. Abbreviation CPNcommunity trust

community trust /k# |!mju%n"ti $tr.st/ nounan independent non-profit-making body set up torepresent an area of public concerncompact bone

compact bone /!k(mp'kt $b#*n/ noun a typeof bone tissue which forms the hard outer layer ofa bone. See illustration at BONE STRUCTURE inSupplementcompartment

compartment /k#m|$p&%tm#nt/ noun one ofthe areas into which an enclosed space is dividedcompatibility

compatibility /k#m|!p't" |$b"l"ti/ noun the abil-ity of two drugs not to interfere with each otherwhen administered togethercompatible

compatible /k#m|$p't"b(#)l/ adjective able tofunction together without being rejected ! Thesurgeons are trying to find a compatible donor ora donor with a compatible blood group.compensate

compensate /$k(mp#nse"t/ verb 1. to givesomeone an amount of money or something elseto pay for loss or damage 2. (of an organ) to makegood the failure of an organ by making anotherorgan, or the undamaged parts of the same organ,function at a higher level ! The heart has to beatmore strongly to compensate for the narrowing ofthe arteries. 3. to emphasise a particular ability orpersonality characteristic in order to make thelack of another one seem less badcompensation

compensation /!k(mp#n|$se"/(#)n/ noun 1.something which makes something else seem lessbad or less serious 2. an amount of money orsomething else given to pay for loss or damage !The drugs caused him to develop breathing prob-lems, so he thinks he’s entitled to medical com-pensation. 3. the act of giving money to pay forloss or damage ! compensation for loss of a limb4. a situation where the body helps to correct aproblem in a particular organ by making anotherorgan, or the undamaged parts of the same organ,function at a higher level 5. behaviour thatemphasises a particular ability or personalitycharacteristic in order to make the lack of anotherone seem less badcompetence

competence /$k(mp"t(#)ns/ noun the abilityto do something well, measured against a stand-ard, especially ability which you get throughexperience or training ! encouraging the devel-opment of professional competence in the deliv-ery of care to patientscompetency

competency /$k(mp"t(#)nsi/ noun a guide-line, usually one of several, for the medical treat-

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complaint 62

ment that is to be given in particular circum-stancescomplaintcomplaint /k#m|$ple"nt/ noun 1. an expressionof dissatisfaction about something or someone !The hospital administrator wouldn’t listen to thecomplaints of the consultants. 2. an illness ! achest complaint ! a nervous complaintcomplementcomplement noun /$k(mpl"m#nt/ a substancewhich forms part of blood plasma and is essentialto the work of antibodies and antigens " verb/$k(mpl"ment/ to complete something by provid-ing useful or pleasing qualities which it does notitself havecomplementarycomplementary /!k(mpl"|$ment(#)ri/ adjec-tive 1. combining with or adding to somethingelse ! Ultrasound and CT provide complemen-tary information. 2. used in or using complemen-tary medicine ! complementary therapies 3.referring to genes which are necessary to eachother and produce their effect only when they arepresent togethercomplementary medicinecomplementary medicine/!k(mpl"ment(#)ri $med(#)s"n/ noun the formsof alternative medicine which are now acceptedby practitioners of conventional Western medi-cine, e.g. acupuncture and osteopathycomplete abortioncomplete abortion /k#m|!pli%t # |$b)%/(#)n/noun an abortion where the whole contents of theuterus are expelledcomplete blood countcomplete blood count /k#m|!pli%t $bl.dka*nt/ noun a test to find the exact numbers ofeach type of blood cell in a sample of blood.Abbreviation CBCcomplicated fracturecomplicated fracture /!k(mpl"ke"t"d$fr'kt/#/ noun a fracture with an associatedinjury of tissue, as when a bone has punctured anarterycomplicationcomplication /!k(mpl"|$ke"/(#)n/ noun 1. acondition in which two or more conditions existin someone, whether or not they are connected !He was admitted to hospital suffering from pneu-monia with complications. 2. a situation in whichsomeone develops a second condition whichchanges the course of treatment for the first ! Sheappeared to be improving, but complications setin and she died in a few hours.compos mentiscompos mentis /!k(mp(s $ment"s/ adjectivenot affected by a mental disorder (NOTE: Thephrase is from Latin and means ‘of sound mind’.)compound fracturecompound fracture /!k(mpa*nd $fr'kt/#/noun a fracture where the skin surface is damagedor where the broken bone penetrates the surfaceof the skin. Also called open fracturecompresscompress noun /$k(mpres/ a wad of clothsoaked in hot or cold liquid and applied to the skinto relieve pain or swelling, or to force pus out ofan infected wound " verb /k#m|$pres/ to squeezeor press somethingcompressed air sicknesscompressed air sickness /k#m|!prest $e#!s"kn#s/ noun same as caisson disease


compression /k#m|$pre/(#)n/ noun 1. the actof squeezing or pressing ! The first-aider appliedcompression to the chest of the casualty. 2. a seri-ous condition in which the brain is compressed byblood or cerebrospinal fluid accumulating in it orby a fractured skullcompression stocking

compression stocking /k#m |!pre/(#)n$st(k"0/ noun a strong elastic stocking worn tosupport a weak joint in the knee or to hold vari-cose veins tightlycompulsion

compulsion /k#m|$p.l/(#)n/ noun 1. an act offorcing someone to do something, or the fact ofbeing forced to do something ! You are under nocompulsion to treat a violent patient. 2. a strongpsychological force which makes someone dosomething, often unwillingly ! She felt a suddencompulsion to wash her hands again.compulsive

compulsive /k#m|$p.ls"v/ adjective referringto a feeling which cannot be stopped ! She has acompulsive desire to steal.compulsive–obsessive disorder

compulsive–obsessive disorder /k#m|

!p.ls"v #b |$ses"v d"s|!)%d#/ noun same as obses-sive–compulsive disordercompulsory admission

compulsory admission /k#m |!p.ls#ri #d|

$m"/(#)n/ noun the process of admitting someonewho is mentally ill to hospital for treatmentwhether or not they consentcomputed tomography

computed tomography /k#m|!pju%t"d t#|

$m(1r#fi/ noun same as computerised axialtomography. Abbreviation CTcomputerised axial tomography

computerised axial tomography /k#m|

!pju%t#ra"zd !'ksi#l t#|$m(1r#fi/ noun a systemof examining the body in which a narrow X-raybeam, guided by a computer, photographs a thinsection of the body or of an organ from severalangles, using the computer to build up an imageof the section. Abbreviation CAT. Also calledcomputed tomography-conazole

-conazole /k(n#z#*l/ suffix used in the namesof antifungal drugs ! fluconazoleconcave

concave /$k(nke"v/ adjective curving towardsthe inside ! a concave lensconcept

concept /$k(nsept/ noun a thought or idea, orsomething which someone might be able to imag-ineconception

conception /k#n |$sep/#n/ noun the point atwhich a woman becomes pregnant and the devel-opment of a baby startsconceptual framework

conceptual framework /k#n|!sept/u#l$fre"mw-%k/ noun the theoretical basis on whichsomething is formedconceptus

conceptus /k#n |$sept#s/ noun an embryo orfetus together with all the tissues that surround itduring pregnancy (NOTE: The plural is concep-tuses.)concha

concha /$k(0k#/ noun a part of the body shapedlike a shell (NOTE: The plural is conchae.)concordance

concordance /k#n|$k)%d(#)ns/ noun 1. a statein which two or more things are in the correct or

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63 congenital malformation

expected relationship to each other. For example,the atrioventricular concordance is the relation-ship between the atria and the ventricles in theheart. 2. the fact of two related people sharing thesame genetic characteristic ! the concordance ofschizophrenia in identical twins 3. an agreementbetween a professional and a patient on a courseof treatment, especially related to use of medi-cinesconcretion

concretion /k#n|$kri%/(#)n/ noun a mass ofhard material which forms in the body, e.g. a gall-stone or deposits on bone in arthritisconcussion

concussion /k#n |$k./(#)n/ noun 1. the act ofapplying force to any part of the body 2. loss ofconsciousness for a short period, caused by ablow to the headcondition

condition /k#n|$d"/(#)n/ noun 1. the particularstate of someone or something ! in poor condi-tion ! Her condition is getting worse. ! The con-ditions in the hospital are very good. 2. a particu-lar illness, injury or disorder ! He is beingtreated for a heart condition.conditioned reflex

conditioned reflex /k#n|!d"/(#)nd $ri%fleks/noun an automatic reaction by a person to a stim-ulus, or an expected reaction to a stimulus whichcomes from past experienceconditioned response

conditioned response /k#n |!d"/(#)nd r"|

$sp(ns/ noun a response to a stimulus as a resultof associating it with an earlier stimulus

COMMENT: The classic example of a condi-tioned response is Pavlov’s experiment withdogs in which they produced saliva, ready toeat their food, when a bell rang, because onprevious occasions they had been fed whenthe bell was rung.


condom /$k(nd(m/ noun a rubber sheath wornon the penis during intercourse as a contraceptiveand also as a protection against sexually transmit-ted diseaseconducting system

conducting system /k#n|$d.kt"0 !s"st#m/noun the nerve system in the heart which links anatrium to a ventricle, so that the two beat at thesame rateconduction

conduction /k#n |$d.k/#n/ noun the process ofpassing heat, sound or nervous impulses from onepart of the body to anotherconductive deafness

conductive deafness /k#n|!d.kt"v $defn#s/,conductive hearing loss /k#n |!d.kt"v $h"#r"0!l(s/ noun deafness caused by inadequate con-duction of sound into the inner earconductor

conductor /k#n|$d.kt#/ noun 1. a substance orobject which allows heat, electricity, light orsound to pass along it or through it 2. a tube witha groove in it along which a knife is slid to cutopen a sinuscondyle

condyle /$k(nda"l/ noun a rounded end of abone which articulates with anothercondyloid process

condyloid process /$k(nd"l)"d !pr#*ses/noun a projecting part at each end of the lower

jaw which forms the head of the jaw, joining thejaw to the skullcondyloma

condyloma /!k(nd" |$l#*m#/ noun a growthusually found on the vulva (NOTE: The plural iscondylomas or condylomata.)cone

cone /k#*n/ noun 1. a shape with a circular baseor top and a part that tapers to a point, or an objectwith this shape 2. one of two types of cell in theretina of the eye which is sensitive to light, usedespecially in the perception of bright light andcolour. ! rod " verb to show a rapid change forthe worse in neurological condition due to herni-ation of the midbrain through the foramen mag-num in the skull, caused by raised pressure insidethe brain (NOTE: cones – coning – coned)cone biopsy

cone biopsy /$k#*n ba"|!(psi/ noun the remov-ing of a cone of tissue from the cervix for exami-nationconfabulation

confabulation /k#n|!f'j*|$le"/(#)n/ noun theact of making up plausible stories to cover up lossof memoryconfidentiality

confidentiality /!k(nf"den/i|$'l"ti/ noun anobligation not to reveal professional informationabout a person or organisationconfounding factor

confounding factor /k#n|$fa*nd"0 !f'kt#/noun a factor which has an association with botha disease and a risk factor and thus complicatesthe nature of the relationship between themconfused

confused /k#n |$fju%zd/ adjective unable tothink clearly or act rationally ! Many severelyconfused patients do not respond to spoken com-munication.confusion

confusion /k#n|$fju%+(#)n/ noun the state ofbeing confusedcongenital

congenital /k#n|$d+en"t(#)l/ adjective existingat or before birthcongenital aneurysm

congenital aneurysm /k#n |!d+en"t(#)l$'nj#r"z(#)m/ noun a weakening of the arteriesat the base of the brain, present at birthcongenital cataract

congenital cataract /k#n |!d+en"t(#)l$k't#r'kt/ noun a cataract which is present atbirthcongenital dislocation of the hip

congenital dislocation of the hip /k#n|

!d+en"t(#)l d"sl# |!ke"/(#)n #v 2# $h"p/ noun acondition in which a person is born with weak lig-aments in the hip, so that the femur does not stayin position in the pelviscongenital heart disease

congenital heart disease /k#n |!d+en"t(#)l$h&%t d" |!zi%z/, congenital heart defect /k#n|

!d+en"t(#)l $h&%t !di%fekt/ noun a heart conditionexisting at birthcongenital hyperthyroidism

congenital hyperthyroidism /k#n|

!d+en"t(#)l !ha"p# |$,a"r)"d"z(#)m/ noun a dis-ease caused by a malfunction of the thyroidbefore birth or in early lifecongenital malformation

congenital malformation /k#n |!d+en"t(#)l!m'lf)%|$me"/(#)n/ noun a malformation whichis present at birth, e.g. a cleft palate

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congenital syphilis 64congenital syphiliscongenital syphilis /k#n |!d+en"t(#)l $s"f"l"s/noun syphilis which is passed on from a motherto her unborn childcongenital toxoplasmosiscongenital toxoplasmosis /k#n|!d+en"t(#)l!t(ks#*pl'z|$m#*s"s/ noun a condition in whicha baby has been infected with toxoplasmosis byits mother while still in the uteruscongestioncongestion /k#n|$d+est/#n/ noun an accumu-lation of blood in an organ. ! nasal congestioncongestive

congestive /k#n|$d+est"v/ adjective referringto congestionconisationconisation /!k(na" |$ze"/(#)n/, conizationnoun the surgical removal of a cone-shaped pieceof tissueconjoined twins

conjoined twins /k#n|!d+)"nd $tw"nz/ pluralnoun twins who are joined together at birth. Alsocalled Siamese twins

COMMENT: Conjoined twins are always iden-tical and can be joined at the head, chest orhip. In some cases they can be separated bysurgery, but this is not possible if they sharea single important organ such as the heart.

conjugateconjugate /$k(nd+*1e"t/, conjugate diame-ter /!k(nd+*1#t da"|$'m"t#/ noun a measure-ment of space in a woman’s pelvis, used to calcu-late if it is large enough for a child to be deliveredconjunctivaconjunctiva /!k(nd+.0k|$ta"v#/ noun a mem-brane which covers the front of the eyeball andthe inside of the eyelids. See illustration at EYE inSupplement (NOTE: The plural is conjunctivasor conjunctivae.)conjunctival

conjunctival /!k(nd+.0k |$ta"v(#)l/ adjectivereferring to the conjunctivaconjunctivitisconjunctivitis /k#n|!d+.0kt" |$va"t"s/ nouninflammation of the conjunctiva from a range ofcausesconnective tissue

connective tissue /k# |!nekt"v $t"/u%/ nountissue which forms the main part of bones andcartilage, ligaments and tendons, in which a largeproportion of fibrous material surrounds the tis-sue cellsConn’s syndromeConn’s syndrome /$k(nz !s"ndr#*m/ noun acondition in which excessive production of thehormone aldosterone causes fluid retention andhigh blood pressureconsanguinityconsanguinity /!k(ns'0|$1w"n"ti/ noun ablood relationship between peopleconscious

conscious /$k(n/#s/ adjective 1. awake andaware of what is happening ! He became con-scious in the recovery room two hours after theoperation. 2. deliberate and intended ! a con-scious choice-conscious-conscious /k(n/#s/ suffix giving importanceto ! health-conscious ! safety-consciousconsciousnessconsciousness /$k(n/#sn#s/ noun the stateof being mentally alert and knowing what is hap-peningconsensus managementconsensus management /k#n |$sens#s!m'n"d+m#nt/ noun a form of management

which aims to get everyone to agree on whatactions should be takenconsent

consent /k#n|$sent/ noun agreement to allowsomeone to do something ! The parents gavetheir consent for their son’s heart to be used in thetransplant operation.consent form

consent form /k#n |$sent f)%m/ noun a formwhich a patient signs to show that he or she agreesto have a particular operationconservative treatment

conservative treatment /k#n|!s-%v#t"v$tri%tm#nt/ noun medical or surgical treatmentwhich is limited to conventional measures ratherthan more extreme or risky procedures ! Symp-toms usually resolve with conservative treatment.consolidation

consolidation /k#n|!s(l"|$de"/(#)n/ noun astage in mending a broken bone in which the cal-lus formed at the break changes into boneconstipation

constipation /!k(nst" |$pe"/(#)n/ noun diffi-culty in passing faecesconstrictive pericarditis

constrictive pericarditis /k#n|!str"kt"v!perik&%|$da"t"s/ noun same as chronic pericar-ditisconstrictor

constrictor /k#n|$str"kt#/ noun a muscle whichsqueezes an organ or which makes an organ con-tractconsultant

consultant /k#n|$s.lt#nt/ noun 1. a doctor whois a senior specialist in a particular branch of med-icine and who is consulted by GPs ! She wasreferred to a consultant at the orthopaedic hospi-tal. 2. a senior specialised doctor in a hospitalconsumption

consumption /k#n|$s.mp/(#)n/ noun 1. the actof taking food or liquid into the body ! thepatient’s increased consumption of alcohol 2. aformer name for pulmonary tuberculosiscontact dermatitis

contact dermatitis /!k(nt'kt !d-%m# |$ta"t"s/noun inflammation of the skin caused by touch,e.g. by touching some types of plant, soap orchemical. Also called irritant dermatitiscontact lens

contact lens /$k(nt'kt lenz/ noun a tiny plas-tic lens which fits over the eyeball and is worninstead of spectacles to improve eyesightcontact tracing

contact tracing /$k(nt'kt !tre"s"0/ noun theprocess of tracing people with whom someonewith an infectious disease has been in contactcontagious

contagious /k#n|$te"d+#s/ adjective able to betransmitted by touching an infected person orobjects which an infected person has touchedcontagious disease

contagious disease /k#n |!te"d+#s d" |$zi%z/noun a disease which can be transmitted bytouching an infected person or objects which aninfected person has touched. ! communicabledisease, infectious diseasecontainment

containment /k#n|$te"nm#nt/ noun 1. actiontaken to restrict the spread of something undesir-able or dangerous such as a disease ! governmentpolicy of containment of the SARS virus 2. theeradication of a global disease such as smallpoxby removing it region by region

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65 convexcontaminate

contaminate /k#n |$t'm"ne"t/ verb 1. to makesomething impure by touching it or by addingsomething to it ! Supplies of drinking water werecontaminated by refuse from the factories. ! Thewhole group of tourists fell ill after eating con-taminated food. 2. to spread infection to someoneor somethingcontinence

continence /$k(nt"n#ns/ noun 1. the ability tocontrol the discharge of urine and faeces 2. self-restraintcontinent

continent /$k(nt"n#nt/ adjective able to exer-cise control over the discharge of urine and faecescontinuing education

continuing education /k#n|!t"nju"0 !edj*|

$ke"/(#)n/ noun regular courses or trainingdesigned to bring professional people up to datewith the latest developments in their particularfieldcontinuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialy-sis /k#n|!t"nju#s !'mbj*l#t(#)ri per"t#|!ni%#lda" |$'l#s"s/ noun a method of dialysis of peoplewhile they are walking about. AbbreviationCAPDcontinuous positive airways pressure

continuous positive airways pressure/k#n|!t"nju#s !p(z"t"v $e#we"z !pre/#/ noun amethod used in intensive care which forces airinto the lungs of someone with lung collapse.Abbreviation CPAPcontra-

contra- /k(ntr#/ prefix against, opposite, con-trastingcontraception

contraception /!k(ntr#|$sep/#n/ noun the pre-vention of pregnancy, e.g. by using devices suchas a condom or an IUD, or drugs in the form ofcontraceptive pills or injections at regular inter-vals. Also called birth controlcontraceptive

contraceptive /!k(ntr#|$sept"v/ adjective pre-venting conception ! a contraceptive device ordrug " noun a drug or device which preventspregnancycontraceptive sheath

contraceptive sheath /!k(ntr#|$sept"v /i%,/noun same as condomcontraceptive sponge

contraceptive sponge /!k(ntr#|$sept"vsp.nd+/ noun a piece of synthetic spongeimpregnated with spermicide, which is insertedinto the vagina before intercoursecontractibility

contractibility /$k(ntr'kt"b"l"ti/ noun thecapacity to contractcontraction

contraction /k#n |$tr'k/#n/ noun 1. the act ofmaking something smaller or of becomingsmaller ! the contraction of dental services 2. atightening movement which makes a muscleshorter, which makes the pupil of the eye smalleror which makes the skin wrinklecontracture

contracture /k#n|$tr'kt/#/ noun a permanenttightening of a muscle caused by fibrosiscontraindication

contraindication /!k(ntr#"nd"|$ke"/(#)n/noun something which suggests that someoneshould not be treated with a specific drug or notcontinue with a specific treatment because cir-cumstances make that treatment unsuitable


contralateral /!k(ntr#|$l't#r#l/ adjectivelocated on or affecting the opposite side of thebody. Opposite ipsilateralcontrast medium

contrast medium /$k(ntr&%st !mi%di#m/noun a radio-opaque dye, or sometimes gas, putinto an organ or part of the body so that it willshow clearly in an X-ray photograph ! In an MRIscan no contrast medium is required; in a CATscan iodine-based contrast media are oftenrequired.contrecoup

contrecoup /$k(ntr#ku%/ noun an injury to onepoint of an organ such as the brain, caused by ablow received on an opposite point of the organcontrol

control /k#n|$tr#*l/ verb 1. to have the ability orauthority to direct someone or something !Sometimes we need help to control people whothink they have waited too long. 2. to limit orrestrain something ! administered drugs to con-trol the pain " noun 1. the ability or authority tocontrol something ! After her stroke she had nocontrol over her left arm. ! The administratorsare in control of the admissions policy. 2. a personor group whose test data are used as a comparisonin a study 3. a comparison in a studycontrolled drug

controlled drug /k#n |!tr#*ld $dr.1/ noun adrug which is not freely available, which isrestricted by law and classified as A, B, or C andof which possession may be an offence. Alsocalled controlled substancecontrolled substance

controlled substance /k#n |!tr#*ld$s.bst#ns/ noun same as controlled drugcontrolled trial

controlled trial /k#n|!tr#*ld $tra"#l/ noun atrial in which members of one group are treatedwith a test substance and those of another groupare treated with a placebo as a controlcontrols assurance

controls assurance /k#n |$tr#*lz #|!/*#r#ns/noun a process designed to provide evidence thatNHS organisations are doing their best to managethemselves both in order to meet their objectivesand to protect patients, staff and the public againstrisks of all kindscontused wound

contused wound /k#n |!tju%zd $wu%nd/ noun awound caused by a blow where the skin is bruisedas well as torn and bleedingcontusion

contusion /k#n |$tju%+(#)n/ noun same asbruiseconvalescence

convalescence /!k(nv#|$les(#)ns/ noun aperiod of time when someone is convalescingconvergent strabismus

convergent strabismus /k#n|!v-%d+#nt str#|

$b"zm#s/, convergent squint /k#n|!v-%d+#nt$skw"nt/ noun a condition in which one or bothof a person’s eyes look towards the nose. Alsocalled cross eyeconversion

conversion /k#n |$v-%/(#)n/ noun the process ofchanging one thing into another ! the conversionof nutrients into tissueconvex

convex /$k(nveks/ adjective curving towardsthe outside ! a convex lens

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convoluted 66convoluted

convoluted /$k(nv#lu%t"d/ adjective foldedand twistedconvolution

convolution /!k(nv# |$lu%/(#)n/ noun a twistedshape ! the convolutions of the surface of the cer-ebrumconvulsion

convulsion /k#n |$v.l/#n/ noun the rapid invol-untary contracting and relaxing of the muscles inseveral parts of the body ! The child had convul-sions. ! fit (NOTE: Often used in the plural.)Cooley’s anaemia

Cooley’s anaemia /$ku%liz #|!ni%mi#/ nounsame as thalassaemia [Described 1927. AfterThomas Benton Cooley (1871–1945), Professorof Paediatrics at Wayne College of Medicine,Detroit, USA.]Coombs’ test

Coombs’ test /$ku%mz test/ noun a test forantibodies in red blood cells, used as a test forerythroblastosis fetalis and other haemolytic syn-dromes [Described 1945. After Robin RoystonAmos Coombs (1921–2006), Quick Professor ofBiology, and Fellow of Corpus Christi College,Cambridge, UK]coordination

coordination /k#* |!)%d"|$ne"/(#)n/ noun 1. thecombining of two or more things as an effectiveunit, or the way things combine effectively !requires coordination between nursing staff anddoctors 2. the ability to use two or more parts ofthe body at the same time to carry out a movementor task ! The patient showed lack of coordinationbetween eyes and hands.COPD

COPD abbreviation chronic obstructive pulmo-nary diseasecoping mechanism

coping mechanism /$k#*p"0 !mek#n"z(#)m/noun a method of dealing with situations whichcause psychological stresscopper

copper /$k(p#/ noun a metallic trace element(NOTE: The chemical symbol is Cu.)copr-

copr- /k(pr/ prefix faecescoprolith

coprolith /$k(pr#l",/ noun a lump of hard fae-ces in the bowelcor

cor /k)%/ noun the heartcoraco-acromial

coraco-acromial /!k(r#k#* #|$kr#*mi#l/adjective referring to the coracoid process and theacromioncoracoid process

coracoid process /$k(r#k)"d !pr#*ses/ nouna projecting part on the shoulder bladecord

cord /k)%d/ noun a long flexible structure in thebody like a threadcordectomy

cordectomy /k)%|$dekt#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove a vocal cord (NOTE: The plu-ral is cordectomies.)cordotomy

cordotomy /k)%|$d(t#mi/ noun another spellingof chordotomycorium

corium /$k)%ri#m/ noun same as dermiscorn

corn /k)%n/ noun a hard painful lump of skinusually on a foot, where something such as a tightshoe has rubbed or pressed on the skin. Alsocalled heloma


cornea /$k)%ni#/ noun a transparent part of thefront of the eyeball. See illustration at EYE in Sup-plement (NOTE: The plural is corneae. For otherterms referring to the cornea, see words begin-ning with kerat-, kerato-.)corneal

corneal /$k)%ni#l/ adjective relating to a corneacorneal graft

corneal graft /!k)%ni#l $1r&%ft/ noun 1. a sur-gical operation to graft corneal tissue from adonor or from a dead person to replace diseasedtissue. Also called corneal transplant, kerato-plasty 2. a piece of corneal tissue used in a graftcorneal reflex

corneal reflex /!k)%ni#l $ri%fleks/ noun a reflexfrom touching or hitting the cornea which makesthe eyelid closecorneal transplant

corneal transplant /$k)%ni#l !tr'nspl&%nt/noun same as corneal graftcornification

cornification /!k)%n"f"|$ke"/(#)n/ noun same askeratinisationcornu

cornu /$k)%nju%/ noun a structure in the bodywhich is shaped like a horncorona

corona /k# |$r#*n#/ noun a structure in the bodywhich is shaped like a crowncoronal

coronal /$k(r#n(#)l, k#|$r#*n(#)l/ adjectivereferring to a coronacoronal plane

coronal plane /!k(r#n(#)l $ple"n/ noun a planeat right angles to the median plane, dividing thebody into dorsal and ventral halves. See illustra-tion at ANATOMICAL TERMS in Supplementcoronal suture

coronal suture /!k(r#n(#)l $su%t/#/ noun ahorizontal joint across the top of the skullbetween the parietal and frontal bonescoronary

coronary /$k(r#n(#)ri/ noun same as coronarythrombosis (informal) " adjective referring toany structure shaped like a crown, but especiallyto the arteries which supply blood to the heartmusclescoronary artery

coronary artery /$k(r#n(#)ri !&%t#ri/ nounone of the two arteries which supply blood to theheart musclescoronary artery bypass graft

coronary artery bypass graft /!k(r#n(#)ri!&%t#ri $ba"p&%s 1r&%ft/, coronary arterybypass /!k(r#n(#)ri !&%t#ri $ba"p&%s/ noun asurgical operation to treat angina by graftingpieces of vein around the diseased part of a coro-nary arterycoronary care unit

coronary care unit /!k(r#n(#)ri $ke# !ju%n"t/noun the section of a hospital caring for peoplewho have heart disorders or who have had heartsurgery. Abbreviation CCUcoronary heart disease

coronary heart disease /!k(r#n(#)ri $h&%td" |!zi%z/ noun any disease affecting the coronaryarteries, which can lead to strain on the heart or aheart attack. Abbreviation CHDcoronary sinus

coronary sinus /!k(r#n(#)ri $sa"n#s/ noun avein which takes most of the venous blood fromthe heart muscles to the right atriumcoronary thrombosis

coronary thrombosis /!k(r#n(#)ri ,r(m|

$b#*s"s/ noun a blood clot which blocks the cor-

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67 counselling

onary arteries, leading to a heart attack. Alsocalled coronarycoronavirus

coronavirus /k#|$r#*n# |!va"r#s/ noun a type ofvirus which has been identified in people whohave the common coldcoroner

coroner /$k(r#n#/ noun a public official, eithera doctor or a lawyer, who investigates sudden orviolent deathscoronoid process

coronoid process /$k(r#n)"d !pr#*ses/ nouna projecting piece of bone on the ulnacorpora

corpora plural of corpuscorpse

corpse /k)%ps/ noun the body of a dead personcorpus

corpus /$k)%p#s/ noun any mass of tissue(NOTE: The plural is corpora.)corpus callosum

corpus callosum /!k)%p#s k# |$l#*s#m/ nounthe thick band of nerve fibres that connects thetwo hemispheres of the brain and allows them tocommunicate. See illustration at BRAIN in Sup-plement (NOTE: The plural is corpora callosa.)corpus cavernosum

corpus cavernosum /!k)%p#s !k'v#|

$n#*s#m/ noun a part of the erectile tissue in thepenis and clitoris. See illustration at UROGENITALSYSTEM (MALE) in Supplement (NOTE: The pluralis corpora cavernosa.)corpuscle

corpuscle /$k)%p.s(#)l/ noun 1. a small roundmass 2. a cell in blood or lymphcorpus luteum

corpus luteum /!k)%p#s $lu%ti#m/ noun a bodywhich forms in each ovary after a Graafian folli-cle has ruptured. The corpus luteum secretes thehormone progesterone to prepare the uterus forimplantation of the fertilised ovum. (NOTE: Theplural is corpora lutea.)corpus spongiosum

corpus spongiosum /!k)%p#s !sp.n+"|

$#*s#m/ noun the part of the penis round the ure-thra, forming the glans. See illustration at URO-GENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) in Supplement (NOTE:The plural is corpora spongiosa.)corrective

corrective /k# |$rekt"v/ adjective intended tocorrect an irregularity or problem ! correctivelenses " noun a drug which changes the harmfuleffect of another drugCorrigan’s pulse

Corrigan’s pulse /!k(r"1#nz $p.ls/ noun acondition occurring in the arterial pulse in theneck in which there is a visible rise in pressurefollowed by a sudden collapse, caused by aorticregurgitation. Also called water-hammer pulsecorrugator muscle

corrugator muscle /$k(r#1e"t# !m.s(#)l/noun one of the muscles which produce verticalwrinkles on the forehead when someone frownscortex

cortex /$k)%teks/ noun the outer layer of anorgan, as opposed to the soft inner medulla(NOTE: The plural is cortices or cortexes.)Corti

Corti /$k)%ti/ " organ of Corticortical mastoidectomy

cortical mastoidectomy /!k)%t"k(#)l!m'st)"|$dekt#mi/ noun same as atticotomycortices

cortices plural of cortex


corticospinal /!k)%t"k#* |$spa"n(#)l/ adjectivereferring to both the cerebral cortex and the spinalcordcorticosteroid

corticosteroid /!k)%t"k#*|$st"#r)"d/ noun 1.any steroid hormone produced by the cortex of theadrenal glands 2. a drug which reduces inflamma-tion, used in asthma, gastro-intestinal disease andin adrenocortical insufficiencycorticotrophin

corticotrophin /!k)%t"k#*|$tr#*f"n/ noun sameas adrenocorticotrophic hormonecortisol

cortisol /$k)%t"s(l/ noun same as hydrocorti-sonecortisone

cortisone /$k)%t"z#*n/ noun a hormonesecreted in small quantities by the adrenal cortex! The doctor gave her a cortisone injection in theankle.Corynebacterium

Corynebacterium /k#*|!ra"nib'k|$t"#ri#m/noun a genus of bacteria which includes the bac-terium which causes diphtheriacoryza

coryza /k#|$ra"z#/ noun an illness, with inflam-mation of the nasal passages, in which someonesneezes and coughs and has a blocked and run-ning nose (technical) Also called cold, commoncoldcosmetic surgery

cosmetic surgery /k(z |!met"k $s-%d+#ri/noun a surgical operation to improve a person’sappearancecost-

cost- /k(st/ prefix same as costo- (used beforevowels)costal

costal /$k(st(#)l/ adjective referring to the ribscostive

costive /$k(st"v/ noun a drug which causesconstipationcosto-

costo- /k(st#*/ prefix referring to the ribscot death

cot death /$k(t de,/ noun " sudden infantdeath syndromeco-trimoxazole

co-trimoxazole /!k#* tra" |$m(ks#z#*l/ noun adrug used to combat bacteria in the urinary tractcotyledon

cotyledon /!k(t" |$li%d(#)n/ noun one of the divi-sions of a placentacotyloid cavity

cotyloid cavity /$k(t"l)"d !k'v"ti/ noun sameas acetabulumcouching

couching /$ka*t/"0/ noun a surgical operationto displace the opaque lens of an eye as a treat-ment for cataractscough

cough /k(f/ noun a reflex action, caused by irri-tation in the throat, when the glottis is opened andair is sent out of the lungs suddenly " an infectionthat causes coughing ! She has a bad cough andcannot make the speech. " verb to send air out ofthe lungs suddenly because the throat is irritated! The smoke made him cough. ! She has a coldand keeps on coughing and sneezing.cough medicine

cough medicine /$k(f !med(#)s"n/, coughlinctus /$k(f !l"0kt#s/, cough mixture /$k(f!m"kst/#/ noun a liquid taken to soothe the irrita-tion which causes a coughcounselling

counselling /$ka*ns#l"0/ noun a method oftreating especially psychiatric disorders in which

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a specialist talks with a person about his or hercondition and how to deal with itcounterextension

counterextension /!ka*nt#r"k |$sten/#n/noun an orthopaedic treatment in which the upperpart of a limb is kept fixed and traction is appliedto the lower part of itcounterirritant

counterirritant /!ka*nt#r|$"r"t(#)nt/ noun asubstance which alleviates the pain in an internalorgan by irritating an area of skin whose sensorynerves are close to those of the organ in the spinalcordcoupling

coupling /$k.pl"0/ noun 1. an act of joiningtogether or linking two people, things or proc-esses 2. something which joins two things, espe-cially a device for connecting two pieces of pipe,hose or tubecouvade

couvade /ku%|$v&%d/ noun an act of copying theactions of having a baby while a woman is actu-ally giving birth, done by the father in someNative South American societiesCowper’s glands

Cowper’s glands /$ku%p#z 1l'ndz/ pluralnoun two glands at the base of the penis whichsecrete into the urethra. Also called bulboure-thral glands [Described 1700. After WilliamCowper (1666–1709), English surgeon.]cowpox

cowpox /$ka*p(ks/ noun an infectious viraldisease of cattle which can be transmitted tohumans. It was used as a constituent of the firstvaccines for smallpox.cox-

cox- /k(ks/ prefix the hip jointcoxa

coxa /$k(ks#/ noun the hip joint (NOTE: The plu-ral is coxae.)coxalgia

coxalgia /k(k|$s'ld+#/ noun pain in the hipjointcoxa vara

coxa vara /!k(ks# $ve#r#/ noun an unusualdevelopment of the hip bone, making the legs bowCoxsackie virus

Coxsackie virus /k(k |$s'ki !va"r#s/ noun oneof a group of enteroviruses which enter the cellsof the intestines and can cause diseases such asaseptic meningitis and Bornholm disease [AfterCoxsackie, New York, where the virus was firstidentified.]CPAP

CPAP abbreviation continuous positive airwayspressureCPN

CPN abbreviation community psychiatric nurseCPR

CPR abbreviation cardiopulmonary resuscita-tioncrab

crab /kr'b/, crab louse /$kr'b la*s/ noun alouse, Phthirius pubis, which infests the pubicregion and other parts of the body with coarsehair. Also called pubic lousecrack

crack /kr'k/ noun a thin break ! There’s acrack in one of the bones in the skull. " verb tomake a thin break in something, or become split! She cracked a bone in her leg.cradle

cradle /$kre"d(#)l/ noun a metal frame put overa person in bed to keep the weight of the bed-clothes off the body " verb to carry a child with

one arm under the thigh and the other under theupper backcradle cap

cradle cap /$kre"d(#)l k'p/ noun a yellowdeposit on the scalp of babies, caused by sebor-rhoeacramp

cramp /kr'mp/ noun a painful involuntaryspasm in the muscles, in which the muscle maystay contracted for some timecrani-

crani- /kre"ni/ prefix same as cranio- (usedbefore vowels)crania

crania plural of craniumcranial

cranial /$kre"ni#l/ adjective referring to theskullcranio-

cranio- /kre"ni#*/ prefix the skullcraniometry

craniometry /!kre"ni |$(m"tri/ noun the processof measuring skulls to find differences in size andshapecraniopharyngioma

craniopharyngioma /!kre"ni#*f#|!r"nd+i|

$#*m#/ noun a tumour in the brain originating inthe hypophyseal duct (NOTE: The plural is crani-opharyngiomas or craniopharyngiomata.)craniostenosis

craniostenosis /!kre"ni#*ste |$n#*s"s/, crani-osynostosis /!kre"ni#* |!s"n#*|$st#*s"s/ nounthe early closing of the bones in a baby’s skull, somaking the skull contractcraniotabes

craniotabes /!kre"ni#* |$te"bi%z/ noun thinnessof the bones in the occipital region of a child’sskull, caused by rickets, marasmus or syphiliscraniotomy

craniotomy /!kre"ni |$(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation on the skull, especially one cuttingaway part of the skull (NOTE: The plural is crani-otomies.)cranium

cranium /$kre"ni#m/ noun same as skull(NOTE: The plural is craniums or crania.)CRB check

CRB check /!si% &% $bi% t/ek/ noun a check withthe Criminal Records Bureau to establish whethera candidate has any convictions that disallow himor her from working with children or other vul-nerable members of society. Also called disclo-sure checkcreatine

creatine /$kri%"ti%n/ noun a compound of nitro-gen found in the muscles, produced by proteinmetabolism and excreted as creatininecreatinine

creatinine /kri|$'t#ni%n/ noun a substancewhich is the form in which creatine is excretedcreatinuria

creatinuria /kri |!'t" |$nj*#ri#/ noun excess crea-tine in the urinecreatorrhoea

creatorrhoea /!kri%#t#|$ri%#/ noun the presenceof undigested muscle fibre in the faeces, occur-ring in some pancreatic diseasesCredé’s method

Credé’s method /kre|$de"z !me,#d/ noun 1. amethod of extracting a placenta by massaging theuterus through the abdomen 2. the putting of sil-ver nitrate solution into the eyes of a baby born toa mother who has gonorrhoea, in order to preventgonococcal conjunctivitis [Described 1860. AfterKarl Sigmund Franz Credé (1819–92), Germangynaecologist.]

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69 cruracreeping eruption

creeping eruption /!kri%p"0 " |$r.p/#n/ nounan itching skin complaint, caused by larvae ofvarious parasites which creep under the skincrepitation

crepitation /!krep" |$te"/(#)n/ noun an unusualsoft crackling sound heard in the lungs through astethoscope. Also called ralecrepitus

crepitus /$krep"t#s/ noun a harsh cracklingsound heard through a stethoscope in a personwith inflammation of the lungscrest

crest /krest/ noun a long raised part on a bonecrest of ilium

crest of ilium /!krest #v $"li#m/ noun same asiliac crestCreutzfeldt-Jakob disease

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease /!kr)"tsfelt$j'k(b d" |!zi%z/ noun a disease of the nervoussystem caused by a slow-acting prion which even-tually affects the brain. It may be linked to BSE incows. Abbreviation CJD. ! variant CJD[Described 1920 by H.G. Creutzfeldt (1885–1964); 1921 by A.M. Jakob (1884–1931), Ger-man psychiatrists]cribriform

cribriform /$kr"br"f)%m/ adjective having smallholes like a sievecribriform plate

cribriform plate /$kr"br"f)%m ple"t/ noun thetop part of the ethmoid bone which forms the roofof the nasal cavity and part of the roof of the eyesocketscricoid

cricoid /$kra"k)"d/ adjective relating to the low-est part of the cartilage of the larynxcricoid cartilage

cricoid cartilage /!kra"k)"d $k&%t#l"d+/ nounring-shaped cartilage in the lower part of the lar-ynx. See illustration at LUNGS in Supplementcri-du-chat syndrome

cri-du-chat syndrome /!kri% dju% $/&%!s"ndr#*m/ noun a congenital condition, causedby loss of part of chromosome 5, which is charac-terised in babies by a cry suggestive of that of acatCrigler-Najjar syndrome

Crigler-Najjar syndrome /!kr"1l# $n'd+&%!s"ndr#*m/ noun a genetically controlled condi-tion in which bilirubin cannot be formed, leadingto jaundice or even brain damagecrista

crista /$kr"st#/ noun 1. a ridge, e.g. the border ofa bone 2. a fold in the inner membrane of a mitro-chondrion (NOTE: The plural is cristae.)crista galli

crista galli /!kr"st# $1'la"/ noun a projectionfrom the ethmoid bonecriterion

criterion /kra" |$t"#ri#n/ noun an accepted stand-ard used in making a decision or judgment aboutsomething (NOTE: The plural is criteria.)critical care

critical care /!kr"t"k(#)l $ke#/ noun specialistnursing and medical treatment given to patientswho are critically illcritical list

critical list /$kr"t"k(#)l l"st/ noun the list ofpatients in a hospital whose condition is medi-cally life-threateningCRNA

CRNA abbreviation certified registered nurseanaesthetistCrohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease /$kr#*nz d"|!zi%z/ noun a per-sistent inflammatory disease, usually of the lower

intestinal tract, characterised by thickening andscarring of the intestinal wall and obstruction[Described 1932. After Burrill Bernard Crohn(1884–1983), New York physician.]

COMMENT: No certain cause has been foundfor Crohn’s disease, where only one sectionof the intestine becomes inflamed and canbe blocked.

cromolyn sodium

cromolyn sodium /!kr#*m#l"n $s#*di#m/noun a drug that helps to prevent the release ofhistamine and other substances which cause manyof the symptoms of asthma and hay fevercross-dresser

cross-dresser /!kr(s $dres#/ noun someonewho wears clothes usually worn by people of theopposite sex, e.g. a transvestitecross-dressing

cross-dressing /!kr(s $dres"0/ noun the prac-tice of wearing clothes usually worn by people ofthe opposite sex, e.g. by transvestitescross-infection

cross-infection /!kr(s "n|$fek/#n/ noun aninfection passed from one patient to another inhospital, either directly or from nurses, visitors orequipmentcrossmatch

crossmatch /kr(s |$m't// verb (in transplantsurgery) to match a donor to a recipient as closelyas possible to avoid tissue rejection. ! bloodgroupcrossmatching

crossmatching /kr(s|$m't/"0/ noun the proc-ess of matching a transplant donor to a recipientas closely as possible to avoid tissue rejectioncross-resistance

cross-resistance /!kr(s r" |$z"st#ns/ noun thedevelopment by a disease agent of resistance to anumber of similar drugs or chemicals of the sameclasscrotamiton

crotamiton /kr# |$t'm"t(#)n/ noun a chemicalthat kills mites, used to treat scabiescrotch

crotch /kr(t// noun the point where the legsmeet the body, where the genitals are. Also calledcrutchcroup

croup /kru%p/ noun acute infection of the upperrespiratory passages which blocks the larynx,affecting childrencrown

crown /kra*n/ noun the top part of a tooth abovethe level of the gums " verb to put an artificialcrown on a toothcrowning

crowning /$kra*n"0/ noun 1. the act of puttingan artificial crown on a tooth 2. a stage in child-birth in which the top of the baby’s head becomesvisiblecruciate

cruciate /$kru%/i#t/ adjective shaped like acrosscruciate ligament

cruciate ligament /!kru%/i#t $l"1#m#nt/ nounany ligament shaped like a cross, especially eitherof two ligaments behind the knee which preventthe knee from bending forwardscrude death rate

crude death rate /!kru%d $de, !re"t/ noun thenumber of deaths in a year, divided by the totalpopulationcrura

crura plural of crus

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crural 70crural

crural /$kr*#r#l/ adjective referring to the thigh,leg or shincrura of the diaphragm

crura of the diaphragm /!kr*#r# #v 2#$da"#fr#'m/ plural noun the long muscle fibresjoining the diaphragm to the lumbar vertebraecruscrus /kr.s/ noun a long projecting part (NOTE:The plural is crura.)crus cerebricrus cerebri /!kr.s $ser"bra"/ noun each of thenerve tracts between the cerebrum and themedulla oblongata (NOTE: The plural is cruracerebri.)crush fracture

crush fracture /$kr./ !fr'kt/#/ noun a frac-ture by compression of the bonecrush syndrome

crush syndrome /$kr./ !s"ndr#*m/ noun acondition in which a limb has been crushed, as inan accident, causing kidney failure and shockcrutch

crutch /kr.t// noun 1. a strong support forsomeone with an injured leg, formed of a stickwith a T-bar which fits under the armpit, espe-cially formerly, or a holding bar and elbow clasp2. same as crotchcry-

cry- /kra"/ prefix same as cryo- (used beforevowels)cryaesthesia

cryaesthesia /!kra"i%s|$,i%zi#/ noun the fact ofbeing sensitive to coldcryo-

cryo- /kra"#*/ prefix coldcryobankcryobank /$kra"#*b'0k/ noun a place wherebiological material such as semen and body tissuecan be stored at extremely low temperaturescryoprecipitate

cryoprecipitate /!kra"#*pr" |$s"p"t#t/ noun aprecipitate such as from blood plasma, which sep-arates out on freezing and thawingcryoprobe

cryoprobe /$kra"#*pr#*b/ noun an instrumentused in cryosurgery with a tip that is kept verycold to destroy tissuecryosurgery

cryosurgery /!kra"#*|$s-%d+#ri/ noun surgerywhich uses extremely cold instruments to destroytissuecryotherapy

cryotherapy /!kra"#* |$,er#pi/ noun treatmentusing extreme cold, as in removing a wart withdry icecryptcrypt /kr"pt/ noun a small cavity in the bodycrypto-

crypto- /kr"pt#*/ prefix hiddencryptococcal meningitis

cryptococcal meningitis /!kr"pt#k(k(#)lmen"n |$d+a"t"s/ noun a form of meningitis that isa feature of cryptococcosiscryptococcosis

cryptococcosis /!kr"pt#*k#|$k#*s"s/ noun aninfection mainly affecting the brain or nervoussystem, caused by the fungus Cryptococcus neo-formans. It occurs most often in people with HIVinfection.cryptomenorrhoea

cryptomenorrhoea /!kr"pt#*men# |$ri%#/noun the retention of menstrual flow, usuallycaused by an obstructioncryptorchidism

cryptorchidism /kr"p|$t)%k"d"z(#)m/, cryp-torchism /kr"p |$t)%k"z(#)m/ noun a condition ina young male in which the testicles do not movedown into the scrotum


cryptosporidia /!kr"pt#*sp# |$r"di#/ plural ofcryptosporidiumcryptosporidiosis

cryptosporidiosis /!kr"pt#*sp# |!r"di |$#*s"s/noun an infectious condition of humans anddomestic animals, spread by an intestinal parasiteCryptosporidium parvum. Its symptoms are fever,diarrhoea and stomach cramps.cryptosporidium

cryptosporidium /!kr"pt#*sp# |$r"di#m/ nouna parasite which contaminates drinking watersupplies, causing intestinal infection (NOTE: Theplural is cryptosporidia.)crypts of Lieberkühn

crypts of Lieberkühn /!kr"pts #v $li%b#ku%n/plural noun tubular glands found in the mucousmembrane of the small and large intestine, espe-cially those between the bases of the villi in thesmall intestine. Also called Lieberkühn’sglands [Described 1745. After Johann Nathan-iel Lieberkuhn (1711–56), Berlin anatomist andphysician.]CSF

CSF abbreviation cerebrospinal fluidCT

CT abbreviation computed tomographyCT scan

CT scan /!si% $ti% sk'n/ noun a computer pic-ture of a slice of the body or an organ produced bya CT scanner. Also called CAT scancubital

cubital /$kju%b"t(#)l/ adjective referring to theulnacubitus

cubitus /$kju%b"t#s/ noun same as ulnacuboid

cuboid /$kju%b)"d/, cuboid bone /$kju%b)"db#*n/ noun one of the tarsal bones in the foot.See illustration at FOOT in Supplementcuff

cuff /k.f/ noun an inflatable ring put round thearm and inflated when blood pressure is beingmeasuredcuirass respirator

cuirass respirator /kw" |!r's $resp"re"t#/noun a type of artificial respirator which sur-rounds only the chestculdoscope

culdoscope /$k.ld#*sk#*p/ noun an instru-ment used to inspect the interior of a woman’spelvis, introduced through the vaginaculdoscopy

culdoscopy /k.l |$d(sk#pi/ noun an examina-tion of the interior of a woman’s pelvis using aculdoscopeculture

culture /$k.lt/#/ noun 1. the shared values andbehaviour of a group 2. microoorganisms or tis-sues grown in a culture medium in a laboratory "verb to grow microorganisms or tissues in a cul-ture mediumcumulative

cumulative /$kju%mj*l#t"v/ adjective growingby addingcuneiform

cuneiform /$kju%n"f)%m b#*nz/, cuneiformbone /$kju%n"f)%mz/ noun one of the three tarsalbones in the foot. See illustration at FOOT in Sup-plementcupola

cupola /$kju%p#l#/ noun a dome-shaped struc-turecurare

curare /kj*|$r&%ri/ noun a drug derived fromSouth American plants, antagonist to acetylcho-line and used surgically to paralyse muscles dur-

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71 cyclotomy

ing operations without causing unconsciousness(NOTE: Curare is the poison used to make poi-son arrows.)curettage

curettage /kj*#|$ret"d+/ noun the procedure ofscraping the inside of a hollow organ, often theuterus, to remove a growth or tissue for examina-tion. Also called curettementcurette

curette /kj*# |$ret/ noun a surgical instrumentlike a long thin spoon, used for scraping the insideof an organ " verb to scrape an organ with acurette (NOTE: curettes – curetting – curetted.)curettement

curettement /kj*# |$retm#nt/ same as curet-tagecurie

curie /$kj*#ri/ noun a former unit of measure-ment of radioactivity, replaced by the becquerel.Symbol CiCurling’s ulcer

Curling’s ulcer /!k-%l"0z $.ls#/ noun an ulcerof the duodenum following severe injury to thebodycurvature

curvature /$k-%v#t/#/ noun the way in whichsomething bends from a straight line ! greater orlesser curvature of the stomachcushingoid

cushingoid /$k*/"0)"d/ adjective showingsymptoms of Cushing’s diseaseCushing’s disease

Cushing’s disease /$k*/"0z d"|!zi%z/, Cush-ing’s syndrome /$k*/"0z !s"ndr#*m/ noun acondition in which the adrenal cortex producestoo many corticosteroids [Described 1932. AfterHarvey Williams Cushing (1869–1939), sur-geon, Boston, USA.]cusp

cusp /k.sp/ noun 1. the pointed tip of a tooth 2.a flap of membrane forming a valve in the heartcuspid

cuspid /$k.sp"d/ noun same as caninecut

cut /k.t/ noun 1. a reduction in the number oramount of something 2. a place where the skinhas been penetrated by a sharp instrument ! Shehad a bad cut on her left leg. ! The nurse will puta bandage on your cut. " verb 1. to make anopening in something using a knife, scissors orother sharp thing ! The surgeon cut the diseasedtissue away with a scalpel. ! She cut her fingeron the broken glass. 2. to reduce the number oramount of something ! Accidents have been cutby 10%. (NOTE: cutting – cut)cut-

cut- /kju%t/ prefix referring to the skincutaneous

cutaneous /kju% |$te"ni#s/ adjective referring tothe skincutaneous leishmaniasis

cutaneous leishmaniasis /kju|!te"ni#sli%/m#|$na"#s"s/ noun a form of skin diseasecaused by the tropical parasite Leishmania. Alsocalled Delhi boilcutdown

cutdown /$k.tda*n/ noun the procedure of cut-ting a vein to insert a cannula or administer anintravenous drugcuticle

cuticle /$kju%t"k(#)l/ noun same as epidermis


cutis /$kju%t"s/ noun the skincutis anserina

cutis anserina /!kju%t"s $'nsera"n#/ noun areaction of the skin when someone is cold orfrightened, the skin being raised into many littlebumps by the action of the arrector pili muscles.Also called goose bumpsCVA

CVA abbreviation cerebrovascular accidentcyan-

cyan- /sa"#n/ prefix same as cyano- (usedbefore vowels)cyanide

cyanide /$sa"#na"d/ noun a poison which killsvery rapidly when drunk or inhaledcyano-

cyano- /sa"#n#*/ prefix bluecyanocobalamin

cyanocobalamin /!sa"#n#*k#* |$b'l#m"n/same as Vitamin B12cyanosed

cyanosed /$sa"#n#*st/ adjective with blue skin! The patient was cyanosed round the lips.cyanosis

cyanosis /!sa"#|$n#*s"s/ noun a condition char-acterised by a blue colour of the peripheral skinand mucous membranes, a symptom of lack ofoxygen in the blood, e.g. in heart or lung diseasecyanotic

cyanotic /!sa"#|$n(t"k/ adjective referring to orhaving cyanosiscycle

cycle /$sa"k(#)l/ noun a series of events whichrecur regularlycyclic

cyclic /$s"kl"k, $sa"kl"k/ adjective 1. occurringor repeated in cycles 2. referring to organic com-pounds composed of a closed ring of atomscyclical

cyclical /$s"kl"k(#)l/ adjective referring tocycles-cycline

-cycline /sa"kl"n/ suffix used in names of antibi-otics ! tetracyclinecyclitis

cyclitis /s"|$kla"t"s/ noun inflammation of theciliary body in the eyecyclo-

cyclo- /sa"kl#*/ prefix cyclescyclodialysis

cyclodialysis /!sa"kl#*da" |$'l#s"s/ noun a sur-gical operation to connect the anterior chamber ofthe eye and the choroid, as a treatment of glau-comacyclopentolate

cyclopentolate /!sa"kl#*|$pent#le"t/ noun adrug used to paralyse the ciliary musclecyclophosphamide

cyclophosphamide /!sa"kl#*|$f(sf#ma"d/noun a drug which suppresses immunity, used inthe treatment of leukaemia, lymphoma, Hodg-kin’s disease and tumourscycloplegia

cycloplegia /!sa"kl#*|$pli%d+#/ noun paralysisof the ciliary muscle which makes it impossiblefor the eye to focus properlycyclopropane

cyclopropane /!sa"kl#* |$pr#*pe"n/ noun aflammable hydrocarbon gas used as a generalanaesthetic and in organic synthesiscyclothymia

cyclothymia /!sa"kl#*|$,a"mi#/ noun a mildform of bipolar disorder in which the personexperiences alternating depression and excite-mentcyclotomy

cyclotomy /sa" |$kl(t#mi/ noun a surgical oper-ation to make a cut in the ciliary body (NOTE: Theplural is cyclotomies.)

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-cyclovir 72-cyclovir

-cyclovir /sa"kl#*v"#/ suffix used in the namesof antiviral drugscyesis

cyesis /sa"|$i%s"s/ noun same as pregnancy(technical)cyst

cyst /s"st/ noun an unusual growth in the bodyshaped like a pouch, containing liquid or semi-liquid substancescyst-

cyst- /s"st/ prefix the bladdercystadenoma

cystadenoma /!s"st#d"|$n#*m#/ noun an ade-noma in which fluid-filled cysts form (NOTE: Theplural is cystadonomas or cystadonomata.)cystalgia

cystalgia /s"|$st'ld+#/ noun pain in the urinarybladdercystectomy

cystectomy /s" |$stekt#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove all or part of the urinary blad-der (NOTE: The plural is cystectomies.)cystic

cystic /$s"st"k/ adjective 1. referring to cysts 2.referring to a bladdercysticercosis

cysticercosis /!s"st"s-%|$k#*s"s/ noun a dis-ease caused by infestation of tapeworm larvaefrom porkcystic fibrosis

cystic fibrosis /!s"st"k fa" |$br#*s"s/ noun ahereditary disease in which there is malfunctionof the exocrine glands such as the pancreas, inparticular those which secrete mucus, causingrespiratory difficulties, male infertility and mal-absorption of food from the gastrointestinal tract.Also called fibrocystic disease, mucoviscido-siscystine

cystine /$s"sti%n/ noun an amino acid. It cancause stones to form in the urinary system of peo-ple who have a rare inherited metabolic disorder.cystinosis

cystinosis /!s"st" |$n#*s"s/ noun a disorderaffecting the absorption of amino acids, resultingin excessive amounts of cystine accumulating inthe kidneyscystinuria

cystinuria /!s"st"|$nj*#ri#/ noun cystine in theurinecystitis

cystitis /s"|$sta"t"s/ noun inflammation of theurinary bladder, which makes someone passwater often and with a burning sensationcystocele

cystocele /$s"st#si%l/ noun a hernia of the uri-nary bladder into the vaginacystogram

cystogram /$s"st#1r'm/ noun an X-ray photo-graph of the urinary bladdercystography

cystography /s"|$st(1r#fi/ noun an examina-tion of the urinary bladder by X-rays after radio-opaque dye has been introducedcystolithiasis

cystolithiasis /!s"st#l"|$,a"#s"s/ noun a condi-tion in which stones are formed in the urinarybladdercystometer

cystometer /s"|$st(m"t#/ noun an apparatuswhich measures the pressure in the bladdercystometry

cystometry /s"|$st(m"tri/ noun measurementof the pressure in the bladdercystopexy

cystopexy /s" |$st(peksi/ noun a surgical opera-tion to fix the bladder in a different position. Also

called vesicofixation (NOTE: The plural is cyst-opexies.)cystoplasty

cystoplasty /$s"st#|!pl'sti/ noun a surgicaloperation on the bladder (NOTE: The plural iscystoplasties.)cystoscope

cystoscope /$s"st#sk#*p/ noun an instrumentmade of a long tube with a light at the end, usedto inspect the inside of the bladdercystoscopy

cystoscopy /s" |$st(sk#pi/ noun an examinationof the bladder using a cystoscope (NOTE: The plu-ral is cystoscopies.)cystostomy

cystostomy /s" |$st(st#mi/, cystotomy /s"|

$st(t#mi/ noun a surgical operation to make anopening between the bladder and the abdominalwall to allow urine to pass without going throughthe urethra. Also called vesicostomy (NOTE:The plurals are cystostomies and cystoto-mies.)cystourethrography

cystourethrography /!s"st#* |!j*#r" |$,r(1r#fi/noun X-ray examination of the bladder and ure-thracystourethroscope

cystourethroscope /!s"st#*j*|$ri%,r#sk#*p/noun an instrument used to inspect the bladderand urethracyt-

cyt- /sa"t/ prefix same as cyto- (used beforevowels)cyto-

cyto- /sa"t#*/ prefix cellcytochemistry

cytochemistry /!sa"t#*|$kem"stri/ noun thestudy of the chemical activity of cellscytogenetics

cytogenetics /!sa"t#*d+#|$net"ks/ noun abranch of genetics which studies the function ofcells, especially chromosomes, in hereditycytokine

cytokine /$sa"t#*ka"n/ noun a protein secretedby cells of the lymph system which is involved incontrolling response to inflammationcytokinesis

cytokinesis /!sa"t#*ka"|$ni%s"s/ noun changesin the cytoplasm of a cell during divisioncytological smear

cytological smear /!sa"t#l(d+"k(#)l $sm"#/noun a sample of tissue taken for examinationunder a microscopecytology

cytology /sa" |$t(l#d+i/ noun the study of thestructure and function of cellscytolysis

cytolysis /sa" |$t(l"s"s/ noun the breaking downof cellscytomegalovirus

cytomegalovirus /!sa"t#* |$me1#l#*|!va"r#s/noun one of the herpesviruses which can causeserious congenital disorders in a fetus if it infectsthe pregnant mother. Abbreviation CMVcytometer

cytometer /sa"|$t(m"t#/ noun an instrumentattached to a microscope, used for measuring andcounting the number of cells in a specimencytopenia

cytopenia /!sa"t#* |$pi%ni#/ noun a deficiency ofcellular elements in blood or tissuecytoplasm

cytoplasm /$sa"t#*pl'z(#)m/ noun a sub-stance inside the cell membrane which surroundsthe nucleus of a cellcytoplasmic

cytoplasmic /!sa"t#* |$pl'zm"k/ adjectivereferring to the cytoplasm of a cell

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73 cytotoxincytosine

cytosine /$sa"t#*si%n/ noun one of the fourbasic chemicals in DNAcytosome

cytosome /$sa"t#*s#*m/ noun the body of acell, not including the nucleuscytotoxic

cytotoxic /!sa"t#* |$t(ks"k/ adjective 1. refer-ring to a drug or agent which prevents cell divi-

sion 2. referring to cells in the immune systemwhich destroy other cellscytotoxic drug

cytotoxic drug /!sa"t#*t(ks"k $dr.1/ noun adrug which reduces the reproduction of cells,used to treat cancercytotoxin

cytotoxin /!sa"t#* |$t(ks"n/ noun a substancewhich has a toxic effect on cells

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d symbol deci-da

da symbol deca-da Costa’s syndrome

da Costa’s syndrome /d&% $k(st#z!s"ndr#*m/ noun same as disordered action ofthe heart [Described 1871. After Jacob Mendesda Costa (1833–1900), Philadelphia surgeon,who described this condition in soldiers in theAmerican Civil War.]dacryo-

dacryo- /d'kri#*/ prefix tearsdacryoadenitis

dacryoadenitis /!d'kri#*'d" |$na"t"s/ nouninflammation of the lacrimal glanddacryocystitis

dacryocystitis /!d'kri#*s"|$sta"t"s/ nouninflammation of the lacrimal sac when the tearduct, which drains into the nose, becomesblockeddacryocystography

dacryocystography /!d'kri#*s" |$st(1r#fi/noun contrast radiography to determine the site ofan obstruction in the tear ductsdacryocystorhinostomy

dacryocystorhinostomy /!d'kri#*|

!s"st#*ra"|$n(st#mi/ noun a surgical operation tobypass a blockage from the tear duct which takestears into the nose. Abbreviation DCR (NOTE:The plural is dacryocystorhinostomies.)dacryolith

dacryolith /$d'kri#*l",/ noun a stone in thelacrimal sacdacryoma

dacryoma /!d'kri |$#*m#/ noun a benign swell-ing in one of the tear ducts (NOTE: The plural isdacryomas or dacryomata.)dactyl

dactyl /$d'kt"l/ noun a finger or toedactyl-

dactyl- /d'kt"l/ prefix same as dactylo- (usedbefore vowels)dactylitis

dactylitis /!d'kt" |$la"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe fingers or toes, caused by bone infection orrheumatic diseasedactylo-

dactylo- /d'kt"l#*/ prefix referring to the fin-gers or toesdactylology

dactylology /!d'kt" |$l(l#d+i/ noun signs madewith the fingers in place of words when talking toa person who is unable to hear, or when a personwho is unable to hear or speak wants to commu-nicatedactylomegaly

dactylomegaly /!d'kt"l#*|$me1#li/ noun acondition in which a person has longer fingersthan usualDAH

DAH abbreviation disordered action of the heart

DaltonismDaltonism /$d)%lt#n"z(#)m/ noun the common-est form of colour blindness, in which someonecannot see the difference between red and green.Also called protanopia [Described 1794. AfterJohn Dalton (1766–1844), English chemist andphysician. Founder of the atomic theory, he him-self was colour-blind.]D & CD & C /di% #n/ abbreviation dilatation and curet-tagedanderdander /$d'nd#/ noun very small fragmentsthat fall from the feathers, hair or skin of animalsor peopledandruffdandruff /$d'ndr#f/ noun pieces of dead skinfrom the scalp which fall out when the hair iscombed. Also called pityriasis capitis, scurfD and VD and V /!di% #n $vi%/ abbreviation diarrhoea andvomitingDandy-Walker syndromeDandy-Walker syndrome /!d'ndi $w)%k#!s"ndr#*m/ noun a congenital condition in whichthere is no Magendie’s foramen in the braindark adaptationdark adaptation /d&%k !'d'p |$te"/(#)n/ nounthe reflex changes which enable the eye to con-tinue to see in dim light. For example, the pupilbecomes larger and the rods in the retina becomemore active than the cones.datadata /$de"t#/ plural noun information in words orfigures about a particular subject, especiallyinformation which is available on computer(NOTE: In scientific usage, data is used with aplural verb: The data are accurate. In everydaylanguage, data is often used with a singularverb: The recent data supports our case.)data bankdata bank /$de"t# b'0k/ noun a store of infor-mation in a computer ! The hospital keeps a databank of information about possible kidneydonors.databasedatabase /$de"t#be"s/ noun a structured collec-tion of information in a computer that can beautomatically retrieved and manipulatedData Protection ActData Protection Act /!de"t# pr#|$tek/(#)n!'kt/ noun a parliamentary act intended to pro-tect information about individuals that is held oncomputers. It ensures that all information is storedsecurely and allows people to have access to theirentries.daughterdaughter /$d)%t#/ noun a female child of a par-ent ! They have two sons and one daughter.

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75 decimetreday blindnessday blindness /$de" !bla"ndn#s/ noun same ashemeralopiaday careday care /$de" ke#/ noun supervised recreationor medical care provided during the day for peo-ple who need special help, e.g. some elderly peo-ple or small childrenday caseday case /$de" ke"s/ noun same as day patientday case surgeryday case surgery /$de" ke"s !s-%d+#ri/ nounsame as day surgeryday centreday centre /$de" !sent#/ noun a place providingday careday nurseryday nursery /$de" !n-%s(#)ri/ noun a placewhere small children can be looked after duringthe daytime while their parents or guardians are atworkday patientday patient /$de" !pe"/(#)nt/ noun a patientwho is in hospital for treatment for a day and doesnot stay overnight. Also called day caseday patient careday patient care /$de" !pe"/(#)nt !ke#/ nouncare for patients who are resident in a hospitalduring the daytime onlyday recovery wardday recovery ward /!de" r" |$k.v(#)ri !w)%d/noun a ward where day patients who have hadminor operations can recover before going homeday surgeryday surgery /$de" !s-%d+#ri/ noun a surgicaloperation which does not require the patient tostay overnight in hospital. Also called day casesurgerydBdB abbreviation decibelDCRDCR abbreviation dacryocystorhinostomyDDSDDS abbreviation US doctor of dental surgeryDDTDDT abbreviation dichlorodiphenyltrichlo-roethanede-de- /di%/ prefix removal or lossdead fingersdead fingers /!ded $f"01#z/, dead man’s fin-gers /!ded m'nz $f"01#z/ noun same as Ray-naud’s diseasedead spacedead space /ded spe"s/ noun a breath in thelast part of the process of breathing in air whichdoes not get further than the bronchial tubesdeafdeaf /def/ adjective not able to hear in circum-stances where most people would. ! hearing-impaireddeaf and dumbdeaf and dumb /!def #n $d.m/ noun not ableto hear or to speak (NOTE: This term is regardedas offensive.)deafnessdeafness /$defn#s/ noun the fact of being una-ble to hear in circumstances where most peoplewoulddeaminationdeamination /di%|!'m" |$ne"/(#)n/ noun theprocess by which amino acids are broken down inthe liver and urea is formeddeathdeath /de,/ noun the permanent end of all natu-ral functionsdeath ratedeath rate /$de, re"t/ noun the number ofdeaths per year per thousand of population ! Thedeath rate from cancer of the liver has remainedstable.


debility /d" |$b"l"ti/ noun general weaknessdebridement

debridement /d"|$bri%dm#nt/ noun the removalof dirt or dead tissue from a wound to help healingdeca-

deca- /dek#/ prefix ten. Symbol daDecadron

Decadron /$dek#dr(n/ a trade name for dexam-ethasonedecalcification

decalcification /di% |!k'ls"f" |$ke"/(#)n/ nounthe loss of calcium salts from teeth and bonesdecannulation

decannulation /di% |!k'nj* |$le"/(#)n/ noun theremoval of a tracheostomy tubedecapitation

decapitation /d"|!k'p"|$te"/(#)n/ noun the actor process of cutting off the head of a person oranimaldecapsulation

decapsulation /di%|!k'psj*|$le"/(#)n/ noun asurgical operation to remove a capsule from anorgan, especially from a kidneydecay

decay /d"|$ke"/ noun 1. the process by which tis-sues become rotten, caused by the action ofmicroorganisms and oxygen 2. damage caused totissue or a tooth by the action of microorganisms,especially bacteria " verb (of tissue) to rot ! Thesurgeon removed decayed matter from the wound.deci-

deci- /desi/ prefix one tenth (10-1) ! decigramSymbol ddecibel

decibel /$des"bel/ noun a unit of measurementof the loudness of sound, used to compare differ-ent levels of sound. Symbol dBdecidua

decidua /d"|$s"dju#/ noun a membrane whichlines the uterus after fertilisation (NOTE: The plu-ral is deciduas or deciduae.)

COMMENT: The decidua is divided into sever-al parts: the decidua basalis, where the em-bryo is attached, the decidua capsularis,which covers the embryo and the deciduavera which is the rest of the decidua nottouching the embryo. It is expelled after thebirth of the baby.


decidual /d"|$s"dju#l/ adjective referring to thedeciduadeciduoma

deciduoma /d"|!s"dju|$#*m#/ noun a mass ofdecidual tissue remaining in the uterus after birth(NOTE: The plural is deciduomas or decidu-omata.)deciduous

deciduous /d" |$s"dju#s/ adjective referring toteeth discarded at a later stage of developmentdeciduous dentition

deciduous dentition /d"|!s"dju#s den|

$t"/(#)n/ noun the set of twenty teeth which aregradually replaced by the permanent teeth as achild grows olderdeciduous tooth

deciduous tooth /d" |$s"dju#s tu%,/ noun sameas primary toothdecilitre

decilitre /$des"li%t#/ noun a unit of measure-ment of liquid equal to one tenth of a litre. Sym-bol dl (NOTE: The US spelling is deciliter.)decimetre

decimetre /$des"mi%t#/ noun a unit of measure-ment of length equal to one tenth of a metre. Sym-bol dm (NOTE: The US spelling is decimeter.)

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decompensation 76decompensation

decompensation /di%|!k(mp#n|$se"/(#)n/noun a condition in which an organ such as theheart cannot cope with extra stress placed on itand so is unable to perform its function properlydecomposition

decomposition /!di%k(mp# |$z"/(#)n/ noun theprocess where dead matter is rotted by the actionof bacteria or fungidecompression

decompression /!di%k#m|$pre/(#)n/ noun 1.reduction of pressure 2. a controlled reduction ofatmospheric pressure which occurs as a diverreturns to the surfacedecompression sickness

decompression sickness /!di%k#m|

!pre/(#)n $s"kn#s/ noun same as caisson dis-easedecongestant

decongestant /!di%k#n|$d+est#nt/ adjectivereducing congestion and swelling " noun a drugwhich reduces congestion and swelling, some-times used to unblock the nasal passagesdecontamination

decontamination /!di%k#nt'm"|$ne"/(#)n/noun the removal of a contaminating substancesuch as radioactive materialdecortication

decortication /di% |!k)%t" |$ke"/(#)n/ noun thesurgical removal of the cortex of an organdecrudescence

decrudescence /!di%kru%|$des(#)ns/ noun areduction in the symptoms of a diseasedecubitus

decubitus /d"|$kju%b"t#s/ noun the position of aperson who is lying downdecubitus ulcer

decubitus ulcer /d" |!kju%b"t#s $.ls#/ nounsame as bedsoredecussation

decussation /!di%k.|$se"/(#)n/ noun the cross-ing of nerve fibres in the central nervous system.Also called chiasmdeep

deep /di%p/ adjective located, coming from orreaching relatively far inside the body. Oppositesuperficialdeep cervical vein

deep cervical vein /!di%p $s-%v"k(#)l !ve"n/noun a vein in the neck which drains into the ver-tebral veindeep dermal burn

deep dermal burn /!di%p $d-%m(#)l !b-%n/noun a burn which is so severe that a graft will benecessary to repair the skin damage. Also calledfull thickness burndeep facial vein

deep facial vein /!di%p $fe"/(#)l !ve"n/ noun asmall vein which drains from the pterygoid proc-ess behind the cheek into the facial veindeep plantar arch

deep plantar arch /!di%p $pl'nt#r !&%t// nouna curved artery crossing the sole of the footdeep vein

deep vein /!di%p $ve"n/ noun a vein which isinside the body near a bone, as opposed to asuperficial vein near the skindeep-vein thrombosis

deep-vein thrombosis /!di%p ve"n ,r(m|

$b#*s"s/ noun a condition arising when a throm-bus formed in the deep veins of a leg or the pelvistravels to a lung where it may cause death. Thecondition may affect anyone who is inactive forlong periods. Also called phlebothrombosis.Abbreviation DVT


defecation /!def#|$ke"/(#)n/, defaecationnoun the act of passing out faeces from the bow-elsdefence

defence /d" |$fens/ noun resistance against anattack of a diseasedefence mechanism

defence mechanism /d"|$fens!mek#n"z(#)m/ noun a subconscious reflex bywhich a person prevents himself or herself fromshowing emotiondeferent

deferent /$def#r#nt/ adjective going away fromthe centredefervescence

defervescence /!def#|$ves(#)ns/ noun aperiod during which a fever is subsidingdefibrillation

defibrillation /di% |!f"br" |$le"/(#)n/ noun a proce-dure to correct an irregular heartbeat by applyinga large electrical impulse to the chest wall, espe-cially in potentially life-threatening circum-stances. Also called cardioversiondefibrillator

defibrillator /di% |$f"br"le"t#/ noun an apparatusused to apply an electric impulse to the heart tomake it beat regularlydefibrination

defibrination /di%|!fa"br" |$ne"/(#)n/ noun theremoval of fibrin from a blood sample to preventclottingdeficiency

deficiency /d" |$f"/(#)nsi/ noun a lack of some-thing necessarydeficit

deficit /$def"s"t/ noun the amount by whichsomething is less than it should bedefloration

defloration /!di%fl)% |$re"/(#)n/ noun the act ofbreaking the hymen of a virgin, usually at the firstsexual intercoursedeflorescence

deflorescence /!di%fl)%|$res(#)ns/ noun thedisappearance of a rashdeformans

deformans /di% |$f)%m#nz/ " osteitis deform-ansdeformity

deformity /d"|$f)%m"ti/ noun an unusual shapeof part of the bodydegeneration

degeneration /d" |!d+en#|$re"/(#)n/ noun achange in the structure of a cell or organ so that itno longer works properlydegenerative disease

degenerative disease /d" |!d+en(#)r#t"v d" |

$zi%z/, degenerative disorder /d"|!d+en(#)r#t"vd"s|$)%d#/ noun a disease or disorder in whichthere is progressive loss of function of a part ofthe body, or in which a part of the body fails torepair itselfdeglutition

deglutition /!di%1lu% |$t"/(#)n/ noun the action ofpassing food or liquid, and sometimes also air,from the mouth into the oesophagus (technical)Also called swallowingdehiscence

dehiscence /d"|$h"s(#)ns/ noun the act of open-ing widedehydration

dehydration /!di%ha"|$dre"/(#)n/ noun a dan-gerous lack of water in the body resulting frominadequate intake of fluids or excessive lossthrough sweating, vomiting or diarrhoea

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77 deoxygenated blooddehydrogenase

dehydrogenase /!di%ha"|$dr(d+#ne"z/ nounan enzyme that transfers hydrogen betweenchemical compoundsdéjà vu

déjà vu /!de"+&% $vu%/ noun an illusion that anew situation is a previous one being repeated,usually caused by a disease of the braindeleterious

deleterious /!del" |$t"#ri#s/ adjective damagingor harmfulDelhi boil

Delhi boil /!deli $b)"l/ noun same as cutane-ous leishmaniasisdelirium

delirium /d"|$l"ri#m/ noun a mental state inwhich someone is confused, excited and restlessand has hallucinationsdelirium alcoholicum

delirium alcoholicum /d"|!l"ri#m !'lk#|

$h(l"k#m/ noun " delirium tremensdelirium tremens

delirium tremens /d" |!l"ri#m $tri%menz/,delirium alcoholicum /d"|!l"ri#m !'lk#|

$h(l"k#m/ noun a state of mental illness usuallyfound in long-term alcoholics who attempt to giveup alcohol consumption. It includes hallucina-tions about insects, trembling and excitement.Abbreviation DTsdelivery

delivery /d" |$l"v(#)ri/ noun the birth of a childdelta

delta /$delt#/ noun the fourth letter of the Greekalphabetdeltoid

deltoid /$delt)"d/, deltoid muscle /$delt)"d!m.s(#)l/ noun a big triangular muscle coveringthe shoulder joint and attached to the humerus,which lifts the arm sidewaysdelusion

delusion /d"|$lu%+(#)n/ noun a false belief whicha person holds which cannot be changed by rea-son ! He suffered from the delusion that he waswanted by the police.dementia

dementia /d" |$men/#/ noun the loss of mentalability and memory due to organic disease of thebrain, causing disorientation and personalitychangesdemi-

demi- /demi/ prefix halfdemography

demography /d"|$m(1r#fi/ noun the study ofpopulations and environments or changes affect-ing populationsdemulcent

demulcent /d" |$m.ls#nt/ noun a soothing sub-stance which relieves irritation in the stomachdemyelinating

demyelinating /di% |$ma"#l"ne"t"0/ adjectiverelating to the destruction of the myelin sheathround nerve fibresdemyelination

demyelination /di% |!ma"#l"|$ne"/(#)n/ noun thedestruction of the myelin sheath round nervefibres, caused, e.g. by injury to the head, or as themain result of multiple sclerosisdendrite

dendrite /$dendra"t/ noun a branched structuregrowing out from a nerve cell, which receivesimpulses from the nerve endings of other nervecells at synapses. See illustration at NEURONE inSupplement. Also called dendrondendritic

dendritic /den |$dr"t"k/ adjective referring to adendritedendron

dendron /$dendr(n/ noun same as dendrite


denervation /!di%n#|$ve"/(#)n/ noun the stop-ping or cutting of the nerve supply to a part of thebodydengue

dengue /$de01i/ noun a tropical disease causedby an arbovirus transmitted by mosquitoes, char-acterised by high fever, pains in the joints, head-ache and rash. Also called breakbone feverdenial

denial /d" |$na"#l/ noun a person’s refusal toaccept that he or she has a serious medical prob-lemDenis Browne splint

Denis Browne splint /!den"s bra*n $spl"nt/noun a metal splint used to correct a club foot[Described 1934. After Sir Denis John WolkoBrowne (1892–1967), Australian orthopaedicand general surgeon working in Britain.]dens

dens /denz/ noun a tooth, or something shapedlike a toothdent-

dent- /dent/ prefix referring to a tooth or teethdental

dental /$dent(#)l/ adjective referring to teeth orto the treatment of teeth ! dental caries ! dentalsurgeondental hygiene

dental hygiene /!dent(#)l $ha"d+i%n/ nounprocedures to keep the teeth clean and healthydental impaction

dental impaction /!dent(#)l "m|$p'k/(#)n/noun a condition in which a tooth is closelypressed against other teeth and cannot grow nor-mallydental plate

dental plate /$dent(#)l ple"t/ noun a prosthesismade to the shape of the mouth, which holds arti-ficial teethdental prosthesis

dental prosthesis /!dent(#)l pr(s |$,i%s"s/noun one or more false teethdentine

dentine /$denti%n/ noun a hard substance whichsurrounds the pulp of teeth, beneath the enameldentistry

dentistry /$dent"stri/ noun the profession of adentist, or the branch of medicine dealing withteeth and gumsdentition

dentition /den|$t"/(#)n/ noun the number,arrangement and special characteristics of all theteeth in a person’s jaws

COMMENT: Children have incisors, caninesand molars, which are replaced over a peri-od of years by the permanent teeth: eight in-cisors, four canines, eight premolars andtwelve molars, the last four molars beingcalled the wisdom teeth.


dentoid /$dent)"d/ adjective shaped like a toothdenture

denture /$dent/#/ noun a set of false teeth, fixedto a device which fits inside the mouthdeodorant

deodorant /di |$#*d(#)r#nt/ noun a substancewhich hides or prevents unpleasant smells "adjective hiding or preventing odoursdeontology

deontology /!di%(n|$t(l#d+i/ noun the ethics ofduty and of what is morally right or wrongdeoxygenate

deoxygenate /di% |$(ks"d+#ne"t/ verb toremove oxygen from somethingdeoxygenated blood

deoxygenated blood /di% |!(ks"d+#ne"t$bl.d/ noun blood from which most of the oxy-

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deoxyribonucleic acid 78

gen has been removed by the tissues. It is darkerthan arterial oxygenated blood. Also calledvenous blood. Compare deoxygenated blooddeoxyribonucleic acid

deoxyribonucleic acid /di% |!(ksira"b#*nju%|

!kle""k $'s"d/ noun full form of DNA. " RNADepartment of HealthDepartment of Health /d"|!p&%tm#nt #v$hel,/ noun in the UK, the government depart-ment in charge of health services. AbbreviationDHdependant

dependant /d" |$pend#nt/ noun a person who islooked after or supported by someone else ! Hehas to support a family of six children and severaldependants.dependencedependence /d" |$pend#ns/, dependency /d"|

$pend#nsi/ noun the fact of needing the suuportof something or someone such as a carer, nurse ordoctor, or of being addicted to a drugdependent

dependent /d" |$pend#nt/ adjective 1. needingthe support of someone or something 2. addictedto a drug 3. referring to a part of the body whichis hanging downdependent relative

dependent relative /d" |!pend#nt $rel#t"v/noun a person who is looked after by anothermember of the familydepersonalisation

depersonalisation /di%|!p-%s(#)n(#)la"|

$ze"/(#)n/, depersonalization noun a psychiat-ric state in which someone does not believe he orshe is realdepilationdepilation /!dep" |$le"/(#)n/ noun the removal ofhairdepilatory

depilatory /d" |$p"l#t(#)ri/ noun a substancewhich removes hair " adjective removing hairDepo-Provera

Depo-Provera a trademark for a progesteronederivative used in birth control and the treatmentof endometriosis which is administered by three-monthly injectiondepressant

depressant /d"|$pres(#)nt/ noun a drug whichreduces the activity of part of the body, e.g. a tran-quilliserdepresseddepressed /d"|$prest/ adjective 1. experiencinga mental condition that prevents someone fromcarrying out the normal activities of life in theusual way # clinically depressed Same asdepressed 2. feeling miserable and worried(informal) ! He was depressed after his examresults. 3. referring to something such as a meta-bolic rate which is below the usual leveldepressed fracture

depressed fracture /d" |!prest $fr'kt/#/ nouna fracture of a flat bone such as those in the skullwhere part of the bone has been pushed downlower than the surrounding partsdepressiondepression /d"|$pre/(#)n/ noun 1. a mentalcondition that prevents someone from carryingout the normal activities of life in the usual way 2.a hollow on the surface of a part of the bodydepressor

depressor /d"|$pres#/ noun a muscle whichpulls part of the body downwardsdeprivationdeprivation /!depr"|$ve"/(#)n/ noun 1. the factof not being able to have something that you need

or want ! sleep deprivation 2. the lack of basicnecessities of lifederadenitisderadenitis /d" |!r'd"|$na"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the lymph nodes in the neckDercum’s diseaseDercum’s disease /$d-%k#mz d" |!zi%z/ nounsame as adiposis dolorosa [Described 1888.After François Xavier Dercum (1856–1931), Pro-fessor of Neurology at Jefferson Medical Col-lege, Philadelphia, USA.]derealisationderealisation /di%|!r"#la"|$ze"/(#)n/, derealiza-tion noun a psychological state in which some-one feels the world around him or her is not realderm-derm- /d-%m/ prefix same as derma- (usedbefore vowels)-derm-derm /d-%m/ suffix skinderma-derma- /d-%m#/ prefix skindermaldermal /$d-%m(#)l/ adjective referring to theskindermatitisdermatitis /!d-%m#|$ta"t"s/ noun inflammationof the skindermato-dermato- /d-%m#t#*/ prefix referring to theskindermatochalasisdermatochalasis /!d-%m#t#*k#|$l's"s/ nouna condition where a fold of skin moves down overthe eyelid, common in older peopledermatologicaldermatological /!d-%m#t# |$l(d+"k(#)l/ adjec-tive referring to dermatologydermatologistdermatologist /!d-%m#|$t(l#d+"st/ noun a doc-tor who specialises in the study and treatment ofthe skin and its diseasesdermatologydermatology /!d-%m#|$t(l#d+i/ noun the studyand treatment of the skin and its diseasesdermatomedermatome /$d-%m#t#*m/ noun 1. a specialknife used for cutting thin sections of skin forgrafting 2. an area of skin supplied by one spinalnervedermatomycosisdermatomycosis /!d-%m#t#*ma"|$k#*s"s/noun a skin infection caused by a fungus that isnot a dermatophytedermatomyositisdermatomyositis /!d-%m#t#*ma"#*|$sa"t"s/noun a collagen disease with a wasting inflamma-tion of the skin and musclesdermatophytedermatophyte /$d-%m#t#*fa"t/ noun a fungusbelonging to one of three genera which affect theskin or hair, causing tineadermatophytosisdermatophytosis /!d-%m#t#*fa"|$t#*s"s/noun a fungal infection of the skin caused by adermatophytedermatoplastydermatoplasty /$d-%m#t#*pl'sti/ noun a skingraft, replacing damaged skin by skin taken fromanother part of the body or from a donordermatosisdermatosis /!d-%m#|$t#*s"s/ noun a disease ofthe skindermisdermis /$d-%m"s/ noun a thick layer of livingskin beneath the epidermis. Also called coriumdermo-dermo- /d-%m#*/ prefix same as derma-dermoiddermoid /$d-%m)"d/ adjective 1. referring to theskin 2. like skin

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79 diabetes insipidusDescemet’s membraneDescemet’s membrane /de/#|$mets!membre"n/ noun one of the deep layers of thecornea [Described 1785. After Jean Descemet(1732–1810), French physician; Professor ofAnatomy and Surgery in Paris.]descending aortadescending aorta /d"|!send"0 e" |$)%t#/ nounthe second section of the aorta, which turns down-wards. Compare ascending aortadescending colon

descending colon /d"|!send"0 $k#*l(n/ nounthe third section of the colon which goes down theleft side of the body. Compare ascending colon.See illustration at DIGESTIVE SYSTEM in Supple-mentdesensitisationdesensitisation /di% |!sens"ta" |$ze"/(#)n/,desensitization noun the act of making some-one or something no longer sensitive to some-thing such as an allergendesigner drug

designer drug /d"|$za"n# dr.1/ noun a drugthat has been modified to enhance its properties(informal)desogestreldesogestrel /!des#|$d+estr#l/ noun a hormoneused an as oral contraceptivedesquamationdesquamation /!deskw# |$me"/(#)n/ noun thecontinual process of losing the outer layer of deadskindetached retinadetached retina /d" |!t't/t $ret"n#/ noun acondition in which the retina becomes partiallyseparated from the eyeball, causing loss of vision.Also called retinal detachment

COMMENT: A detached retina can be causedby a blow to the eye, or simply is a conditionoccurring in old age. If left untreated the eyewill become blind. A detached retina cansometimes be attached to the choroid againusing lasers.

detergentdetergent /d" |$t-%d+#nt/ noun a cleaning sub-stance which removes grease and bacteriadeteriorationdeterioration /d"|!t"#ri# |$re"/(#)n/ noun the factof becoming worse ! The nurses were worried bythe deterioration in the patient’s reactions.detoxdetox /$di%t(ks/ noun same as detoxication(informal)detoxication

detoxication /di% |!t(ks" |$ke"/(#)n/, detoxifica-tion /di% |!t(ks"f" |$ke"/(#)n/ noun the removal oftoxic substances to make a poisonous substanceharmlessdetritiondetrition /d" |$tr"/(#)n/ noun the fact of wearingaway by rubbing or usedetritusdetritus /d" |$tra"t#s/ noun rubbish producedwhen something disintegratesdetrusor muscledetrusor muscle /d"|$tru%z# !m.s(#)l/ nounthe muscular coat of the urinary bladderdetumescencedetumescence /!di%tju% |$mes(#)ns/ noun 1.(of the penis or clitoris after an erection ororgasm) the process of becoming limp 2. (of aswelling) the process of disappearingdeuteranopiadeuteranopia /!dju%t#r# |$n#*pi#/ noun a formof colour blindness in which someone cannot seegreen


develop /d"|$vel#p/ verb 1. to become larger andstronger, or more complex ! The embryo isdeveloping normally. ! A swelling developedunder the armpit. ! The sore throat developedinto an attack of meningitis. 2. to make somethingstart to happen ! We’re developing a new systemfor dealing with admission to A & E. 3. to makesomething start to grow or become larger,stronger or more complex ! He does exercises todevelop his muscles. 4. to start to have an illness! The baby may be developing a cold.development

development /d"|$vel#pm#nt/ noun 1. theprocess of growing, or of becoming larger andstronger, or more complex ! The development ofthe embryo takes place in the uterus. 2. somethingwhich happens and causes a change in a situation! Report any developments to me at once.developmental delay

developmental delay /d" |$vel#pment(#)l d"|

!le"/ noun the fact of being later than usual indeveloping, either physically or psychologicallydeviance

deviance /$di%vi#ns/ noun sexual behaviourwhich is considered unusualdeviated nasal septum

deviated nasal septum /!di%vie"t"d !ne"z(#)l$sept#m/, deviated septum /!di%vie"t"d$sept#m/ noun an unusual position of the septumof the nose which may block the nose and causenosebleedsdeviation

deviation /!di%vi|$e"/(#)n/ noun 1. the fact ofbeing different from what is usual or expected orsomething which is different from what is usualor expected 2. an unusual position of a joint or ofthe eye, as in strabismusdexamethasone

dexamethasone /!deks# |$me,#s#*n/ noun asynthetic steroid drug that is used to treat inflam-mation and hormonal imbalancesDexa scan

Dexa scan /$deks# sk'n/ noun a technique toassess changes in someone’s bone density, as inosteoporosis or in Paget’s disease. Full form DualEnergy X-Ray Absorptiometrydextro-

dextro- /dekstr#*/ prefix referring to the right,or the right side of the bodydextromoramide

dextromoramide /!dekstr#|$m)%r#ma"d/noun an opioid drug used to reduce paindextrose

dextrose /$dekstr#*z/ noun same as glucoseDH

DH abbreviation Department of HealthDI

DI abbreviation donor inseminationdi-

di- /da"/ prefix two, doubledia-

dia- /da"#/ prefix 1. through or throughout 2.across 3. in different or opposite directions 4.apartdiabetes

diabetes /!da"#|$bi%ti%z/ noun 1. one of a groupof diseases which cause the body to produce largeamounts of urine. ! gestational diabetes 2.same as diabetes mellitusdiabetes insipidus

diabetes insipidus /da"#|!bi%ti%z "n|$s"p"d#s/noun a rare disorder of the pituitary gland causingan inadequate amount of the hormone vaso-pressin, which controls urine production, to be

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diabetes mellitus 80

produced, leading to excessive passing of urineand extreme thirstdiabetes mellitus

diabetes mellitus /da"#|!bi%ti%z $mel"t#s/noun a disease where the body cannot controlsugar absorption because the pancreas does notsecrete enough insulin

COMMENT: Diabetes mellitus has two forms:Type I may have a viral trigger caused by aninfection which affects the cells in the pan-creas which produce insulin; Type II iscaused by a lower sensitivity to insulin, iscommon in older people, and is associatedwith obesity. Symptoms of diabetes mellitusare tiredness, unusual thirst, frequent pass-ing of water and sweet-smelling urine. Bloodand urine tests show high levels of sugar.Treatment for Type II diabetes involveskeeping to a strict diet and reducing weight,and sometimes the use of oral hypoglycae-mic drugs such as glibenclamide. Type I dia-betes is treated with regular injections of in-sulin.

diabetic cataract

diabetic cataract /!da"#bet"k $k't#r'kt/noun a cataract which develops in people whohave diabetesdiabetic coma

diabetic coma /!da"#bet"k $k#*m#/ noun astate of unconsciousness caused by untreated dia-betesdiabetic retinopathy

diabetic retinopathy /!da"#bet"k ret"|

$n(p#,i/ noun a disease of the retina, caused bydiabetesdiabetogenic

diabetogenic /!da"#bet# |$d+en"k/ adjectivewhich causes diabetesdiabetologist

diabetologist /!da"#be|$t(l#d+"st/ noun a doc-tor specialising in the treatment of diabetes melli-tusdiaclasia

diaclasia /!da"# |$kle"zi#/ noun a fracture madeby a surgeon to repair an earlier fracture whichhas set badly, or to correct a deformitydiadochokinesis

diadochokinesis /da" |!'d#k#*ka" |$ni%s"s/noun the natural ability to make muscles movelimbs in opposite directionsdiagnosis

diagnosis /!da"#1 |$n#*s"s/ noun the act of diag-nosing a condition or illness ! The doctor’s diag-nosis was a viral infection, but the child’s parentsasked for a second opinion. ! They found it diffi-cult to make a diagnosis. Compare prognosis(NOTE: The plural is diagnoses.)diagnostic

diagnostic /!da"#1|$n(st"k/ adjective referringto diagnosisdiagnostic and treatment centre

diagnostic and treatment centre/!da"#1n(st"k #n $tri%tm#nt !sent#/ noun afacility mainly for day surgery or short-term stay,where a range of planned operations such as jointreplacements, hernia repair and cataract removalcan be undertaken. Abbreviation DTCdiagnostic radiographer

diagnostic radiographer /da"#1|!n(st"k!re"di|$(1r#f#/ noun " radiographer


dialysate /da"|$'l"s#t/ noun material which issubjected to dialysisdialyser

dialyser /$da"#la"z#/ noun an apparatus whichuses a membrane to separate solids from liquids,e.g. a kidney machinedialysisdialysis /da" |$'l#s"s/ noun 1. a procedure inwhich a membrane is used as a filter to separatesoluble waste substances from the blood 2. sameas renal dialysisdiapedesis

diapedesis /!da"#p" |$di%s"s/ noun the move-ment of white blood cells through the walls of thecapillaries into tissues in the development ofinflammationdiaphoresis

diaphoresis /!da"#f# |$ri%s"s/ noun excessiveperspirationdiaphoretic

diaphoretic /!da"#f# |$ret"k/ noun a drug whichcauses sweating " adjective causing sweatingdiaphragm

diaphragm /$da"#fr'm/ noun 1. a thin layer oftissue stretched across an opening, especially theflexible sheet of muscle and fibre which separatesthe chest from the abdomen and moves to pull airinto the lungs in respiration 2. same as vaginaldiaphragmdiaphragmatic

diaphragmatic /!da"#fr'1|$m't"k/ adjectivereferring to a diaphragm, or like a diaphragmdiaphysealdiaphyseal /!da"#|$f"zi#l/ adjective referring toa diaphysisdiaphysisdiaphysis /da" |$'f#s"s/ noun the long centralpart of a long bone. Also called shaft. See illus-tration at BONE MARROW in Supplementdiaphysitis

diaphysitis /!da"#f#|$sa"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the diaphysis, often associated with rheu-matic diseasediarrhoea

diarrhoea /!da"#|$ri%#/ noun a condition inwhich someone frequently passes liquid faeces !attack of diarrhoea ! mild/severe diarrhoeadiarthrosis

diarthrosis /!da"&%|$,r#*s"s/ noun same assynovial jointdiastase

diastase /$da"#ste"z/ noun an enzyme whichbreaks down starch and converts it into sugardiastasis

diastasis /!da"# |$ste"s"s/ noun a condition inwhich a bone separates into partsdiastema

diastema /!da"# |$sti%m#/ noun 1. an unusuallywide space between adjacent teeth 2. an unusualgap in any body part or organdiastolic

diastolic /!da"# |$st(l"k/ adjective relating to thediastolediastolic pressure

diastolic pressure /!da"#st(l"k $pre/#/ nounblood pressure taken at the diastole (NOTE:Diastolic pressure is always lower than systolic.)diathermy

diathermy /!da"#|$,-%mi/ noun the use of high-frequency electric current to produce heat in bodytissuediathermy needle

diathermy needle /da"# |!,-%mi $ni%d(#)l/ nouna needle used in surgical diathermydiathermy snare

diathermy snare /!da"#|$,-%mi sne#/ noun asnare which is heated by electrodes and burnsaway tissue

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81 digitoxindiathesis

diathesis /da" |$',#s"s/ noun the general inher-ited constitution of a person in relation to theirsusceptibility to specific diseases or allergiesdiazepam

diazepam /da"|$'z#p'm/ noun a tranquilliserused in the short term to treat anxiety and as amuscle relaxant. In the long term it is potentiallyaddictive.diazoxide

diazoxide /!da"#|$z(ksa"d/ noun a drug used asa vasodilator, to reduce hypertensionDIC

DIC abbreviation disseminated intravascularcoagulationdicephalus

dicephalus /da" |$sef#l#s/ noun a fetus with twoheadsdichlorphenamide

dichlorphenamide /!da"kl)%|$fen#ma"d/ nouna drug used to treat glaucomadichromatism

dichromatism /!da"kr#*|$m't"z(#)m/ nouncolour blindness in which only two of the threeprimary colours can be seen. Compare mono-chromatism, trichromatismdiclofenac sodium

diclofenac sodium /!da"kl#*fen'k$s#*di#m/ noun an anti-inflammatory drug usedto treat rheumatic diseasedicrotism

dicrotism /$da"kr#t"z(#)m/ noun a condition inwhich the pulse occurs twice with each heartbeatdie

die /da"/ verb to stop living ! His father died lastyear. ! She died in a car crash. (NOTE: dying –died)diet

diet /$da"#t/ noun the amount and type of foodeaten ! a balanced diet " verb to reduce thequantity of food you eat, or to change the type offood you eat, in order to become thinner or health-ier ! He is dieting to try to lose weight.dietary

dietary /$da"#t(#)ri/ noun a system of nutritionand energy ! The nutritionist supervised the die-taries for the patients. " adjective referring to adietdietary fibre

dietary fibre /$da"#t(#)ri !fa"b#/ noun fibrousmatter in food, which cannot be digested. Alsocalled roughage

COMMENT: Dietary fibre is found in cereals,nuts, fruit and some green vegetables.There are two types of fibre in food: insolublefibre, e.g. in bread and cereals, which is notdigested, and soluble fibre, e.g. in vegeta-bles and pulses. Foods with the highest pro-portion of fibre include wholemeal bread,beans and dried apricots. Fibre is thought tobe necessary to help digestion and avoid de-veloping constipation, obesity and appendi-citis.


dietetic /!da"#|$tet"k/ adjective referring to dietsdietetics

dietetics /!da"#|$tet"ks/ noun the study of food,nutrition and health, especially when applied topeople’s food intakedietitian

dietitian /!da"#|$t"/(#)n/ noun someone whospecialises in the study of diet, especially some-one in a hospital who supervises dietaries as partof the medical treatment of patients

Dietl’s crisis

Dietl’s crisis /$di%t(#)lz !kra"s"s/ noun a pain-ful blockage of the ureter, causing back pressureon the kidney which fills with urine and swells[After Joseph Dietl (1804–78), Polish physician.]diet sheet

diet sheet /$da"#t /i%t/ noun a list of sugges-tions for quantities and types of food given tosomeone to followdifferential

differential /!d"f#|$ren/#l/ adjective referring toa differencedifferential diagnosis

differential diagnosis /!d"f# |!ren/(#)l !da"#1|

$n#*s"s/ noun the identification of one diseasefrom a number of other similar diseases by com-paring the range of symptoms of eachdifferentiation

differentiation /!d"f#ren/i |$e"/(#)n/ noun thedevelopment of specialised cells during the earlyembryo stagediffuse

diffuse /d"|$fju%s/ verb /d" |$fju%z/ /d" |$fju%s/; /d" |

$fju%z/ to spread through tissue, or cause some-thing to spread ! Some substances easily diffusethrough the walls of capillaries. " adjectivereferring to a disease which is widespread in thebody, or which affects many organs or cellsdiffusion

diffusion /d" |$fju%+(#)n/ noun the process ofmixing a liquid with another liquid, or a gas withanother gasdigest

digest /da"|$d+est/ verb to break down food inthe alimentary canal and convert it into compo-nents which are absorbed into the bodydigestion

digestion /da"|$d+est/#n/ noun the process bywhich food is broken down in the alimentarycanal into components which can be absorbed bythe bodydigestive

digestive /da"|$d+est"v/ adjective relating todigestiondigestive juice

digestive juice /da" |$d+est"v ju%s/ noun " gas-tric juice (usually plural)digestive system

digestive system /da" |$d+est"v !s"st#m/ nounthe set of organs such as the stomach, liver andpancreas which are associated with the digestionof food. Also called alimentary systemdigestive tract

digestive tract /da"|$d+est"v tr'kt/ nounsame as alimentary canaldigit

digit /$d"d+"t/ noun 1. a finger or a toe 2. anumberdigitalin

digitalin /!d"d+"|$te"l"n/, digitalis /!d"d+"|

$te"l"s/ noun a drug derived from foxglove leaves,used in small doses to treat heart conditionsdigitalise

digitalise /$d"d+"t#la"z/, digitalize verb to treatsomeone who has heart failure with digoxindigital palpation

digital palpation /!d"d+"t(#)l p'l|$pe"/(#)n/noun an examination of part of the body by feel-ing it with the fingersdigitoxin

digitoxin /!d"d+"|$t(ks"n/ noun an extract offoxglove leaves, used as a drug to stimulate theheart in cases of heart failure or irregular heart-beat

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digoxin 82digoxin

digoxin /da"|$d+(ks"n/ noun an extract of fox-glove leaves, which acts more rapidly than digi-toxin when used as a heart stimulantdihydrocodeine tartrate

dihydrocodeine tartrate /da"|!ha"dr#*|

!k#*di%n $t&%tre"t/ noun an analgesic used totreat severe paindilatation

dilatation /!da"le"|$te"/(#)n/, dilation /da"|

$le"/(#)n/ noun the act of making a hollow spaceor a passage in the body bigger or wider ! dilata-tion of the cervix during labourdilatation and curettage

dilatation and curettage /da"le"|!te"/(#)n #nkj*# |$ret"d+/ noun a surgical operation to scrapethe interior of the uterus to obtain a tissue sampleor to remove products of miscarriage. Abbrevia-tion D & Cdilate

dilate /da" |$le"t/ verb to become wider or larger,or make something become wider or larger ! todilate the pupil of the eyedilator

dilator /da"|$le"t#/ noun an instrument used towiden the entrance to a cavitydilator pupillae muscle

dilator pupillae muscle /da"|!le"t# pju%|$p"li%!m.s(#)l/ noun a muscle in the iris which pullsthe iris back and so makes the pupil expanddiltiazem hydrochloride

diltiazem hydrochloride /d"l|!ta"#z#m!ha"dr#|$kl)%ra"d/ noun a calcium channelblocker used to treat hypertensiondiluent

diluent /$d"lju#nt/ noun a substance which isused to dilute a liquid, e.g. waterdilute

dilute /da" |$lu%t/ adjective with water added "verb to add water to a liquid to make it less con-centrated ! Dilute the disinfectant in four parts ofwater.dimenhydrinate

dimenhydrinate /!da"men|$ha"dr#ne"t/ nounan antihistamine drug that relieves travel sicknessdimetria

dimetria /da" |$mi%tri#/ noun a condition inwhich a woman has a double uterusdioptre

dioptre /da" |$(pt#/ noun a unit of measurementof the refraction of a lensDIP

DIP abbreviation distal interphalangeal jointdiphenoxalate

diphenoxalate /!da"fen|$(ks"le"t/ noun a drugrelated to pethidine that is used to treat diarrhoea,sometimes mixed with a little atropine in com-mercial preparationsdiphtheria

diphtheria /d"f |$,"#ri#/ noun a serious infec-tious disease of children, caused by the bacillusCorynebacterium diphtheriae, characterised byfever and the formation of a fibrous growth like amembrane in the throat which restricts breathingdiphtheroid

diphtheroid /$d"f,#r)"d/ adjective referring toa bacterium similar to the diphtheria bacterium-dipine

-dipine /d"p"n/ suffix used in the names of cal-cium channel blockers ! nifedipinedipl-

dipl- /d"pl/ prefix same as diplo- (used beforevowels)diplacusis

diplacusis /!d"pl#|$kju%s"s/ noun a disorder ofthe cochlea in which a person hears one sound astwo sounds of different pitch


diplegia /da"|$pli%d+#/ noun paralysis of a simi-lar part on both sides of the body, e.g. paralysis ofboth arms. Compare hemiplegiadiplegic

diplegic /da" |$pli%d+"k/ adjective referring todiplegiadiplo-

diplo- /d"pl#*/ prefix doublediploe

diploe /$d"pl#*i%/ noun a layer of spongy bonetissue filled with red bone marrow, between theinner and outer layers of the skulldiploid

diploid /$d"pl)"d/ adjective referring to a cellwhere there are two copies of each chromosome,except the sex chromosome. In humans the dip-loid number of chromosomes is 46.diplopia

diplopia /d" |$pl#*pi#/ noun a condition in whichsomeone sees single objects as double. Alsocalled double visiondirect contact

direct contact /da"|!rekt $k(nt'kt/ noun a sit-uation where someone or something physicallytouches an infected person or objectdirector

director /da" |$rekt#/ noun an instrument used tolimit the incision made with a surgical knifedis-

dis- /d"s/ prefix 1. undoing or reversal 2. removalfrom 3. lacking or deprived ofdisability

disability /!d"s# |$b"l"ti/ noun a condition inwhich part of the body does not function in theusual way and makes some activities difficult orimpossible. ! learning disabilityDisabled Living Foundation

Disabled Living Foundation /d"s|!e"b(#)ld$l"v"0 fa*n |!de"/(#)n/ noun a charity which aimsto help disabled people live independentlydisarticulation

disarticulation /!d"s&%t"kj*|$le"/(#)n/ nounthe amputation of a limb at a joint, which does notinvolve dividing a bonedisc

disc /d"sk/ noun a flat round structure. !intervertebral discdischarge

discharge /d"s |$t/&%d+/ noun /$d"st/&%d+/ 1.the secretion of liquid from an opening 2. theprocess of sending a patient away from a hospitalbecause the treatment has ended " verb 1. tosecrete liquid out of an opening ! The wound dis-charged a thin stream of pus. 2. to send a patientaway from hospital because the treatment hasended ! He was discharged from hospital lastweek.discharge planning

discharge planning /$d"st/&%d+ !pl'n"0/noun the work of making a plan for when apatient leaves hospital to live at homedisclosure check

disclosure check /d"s |$kl#*+# t/ek/ nounsame as CRB checkdiscomfort

discomfort /d"s |$k.mf#t/ noun a feeling ofmild pain ! You may experience some discomfortafter the operation.discrete

discrete /d" |$skri%t/ adjective separate, notjoined togetherdisease

disease /d"|$zi%z/ noun a condition that stops thebody from functioning in the usual way ! aninfectious disease ! She is suffering from a veryserious disease of the kidneys or from a serious

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83 distraction

kidney disease. ! He is a specialist in occupa-tional diseases. (NOTE: The term disease isapplied to all physical and mental reactionswhich make a person ill. Diseases with distinctcharacteristics have individual names. For otherterms referring to disease, see words beginningwith path-, patho-.)disfigure

disfigure /d"s|$f"1#/ verb to change someone’sappearance so as to make it less pleasant to lookat ! Her legs were disfigured by scars.disinfect

disinfect /!d"s"n|$fekt/ verb to make the surfaceof something or somewhere free from microor-ganisms ! She disinfected the skin with surgicalspirit. ! All the patient’s clothes have to be disin-fected.disinfectant

disinfectant /!d"s"n|$fekt#nt/ noun a substanceused to kill microorganisms on the surface ofsomethingdisinfection

disinfection /!d"s"n |$fek/#n/ noun the removalof microorganisms on the surface of something

COMMENT: The words disinfect, disinfect-ant, and disinfection are used for substanc-es which destroy microorganisms on instru-ments, objects or the skin. Substances usedto kill microorganisms inside infected peopleare antibiotics.


disinfestation /!d"s"nfe|$ste"/(#)n/ noun theremoval of insects or other pests from a place,person or animaldislocate

dislocate /$d"sl#ke"t/ verb to displace a bonefrom its usual position at a joint, or to become dis-placed ! He fell and dislocated his elbow. ! Theshoulder joint dislocates easily.dislocation

dislocation /!d"sl#|$ke"/(#)n/ noun a conditionin which a bone is displaced from its usual posi-tion at a joint. Also called luxationdismember

dismember /d"s|$memb#/ verb to cut off or pulloff someone’s arms or legs, often violently or inan accidentdismemberment

dismemberment /d"s|$memb#m#nt/ noun thestate of being dismembereddisordered action of the heart

disordered action of the heart /d"s|!)%d#d!'k/#n #v 2# $h&%t/ noun a condition in whichsomeone has palpitations, breathlessness and diz-ziness, caused by effort or worry. Also called daCosta’s syndrome, cardiac neurosis. Abbre-viation DAHdisorientation

disorientation /!d"s)%ri#n |$te"/(#)n/ noun acondition in which someone is confused and doesnot know where he or she isdispensary

dispensary /d"|$spens#ri/ noun a place wheredrugs are prepared or mixed and given out accord-ing to a doctor’s prescription, e.g. part of a chem-ist’s shop or a department in a hospitaldispensing optician

dispensing optician /d"|$spens"0 (p |!t"/(#)n/noun a person who fits and sells glasses but doesnot test eyes

dispensing practice

dispensing practice /d" |$spens"0 !pr'kt"s/noun a doctor’s practice which dispenses pre-scribed medicines to its patientsdisplace

displace /d"s |$ple"s/ verb to put something outof its usual placedisplacement

displacement /d"s|$ple"sm#nt/ noun the factof being moved out of the usual position ! frac-ture of the radius together with displacement ofthe wristdisposition

disposition /!d"sp#|$z"/(#)n/ noun a person’sgeneral character or tendency to act in a particularwaydissect

dissect /da" |$sekt/ verb to cut and separate tis-sues in a body to examine themdissection

dissection /da" |$sek/#n/ noun the action of cut-ting and separating parts of a body or an organ aspart of a surgical operation, an autopsy or a courseof studydisseminated

disseminated /d"|$sem"ne"t"d/ adjectiveoccurring in every part of an organ or in the wholebodydisseminated intravascular coagulation

disseminated intravascular coagulation/d" |!sem"ne"t"d "ntr# |!v'sk*l# k#*|!'1j*|

$le"/(#)n/ noun a disorder that causes extensiveclot formation in the blood vessels, followed bysevere bleeding. Abbreviation DICdisseminated sclerosis

disseminated sclerosis /d" |!sem"ne"td skl# |

$r#*s"s/ noun same as multiple sclerosisdissemination

dissemination /d" |!sem"|$ne"/(#)n/ noun thefact of being widespread throughout the bodydissociation

dissociation /d"|!s#*/i |$e"/(#)n/ noun 1. theseparation of parts or functions 2. (in psychiatry)a condition in which part of the consciousnessbecomes separated from the rest and becomesindependentdissociative disorder

dissociative disorder /d"|$s#*si#t"v d"s|

!)%d#/ noun a type of hysteria in which someoneshows psychological changes such as a split per-sonality or amnesia rather than physical onesdistal

distal /$d"st(#)l/ adjective further away from thecentre of a bodyDistalgesic

Distalgesic /!d"st(#)l |$d+i%z"k/ a trade name forthe analgesic co-proxamoldistally

distally /$d"st(#)li/ adverb placed further awayfrom the centre or point of attachment. Oppositeproximally. See illustration at ANATOMICALTERMS in Supplementdistension

distension /d"s|$ten/#n/ noun a condition inwhich something is swollen ! Distension of theveins in the abdomen is a sign of blocking of theportal vein.distichiasis

distichiasis /!d"st" |$ka"#s"s/ noun the presenceof extra eyelashes, sometimes growing on themeibomian glandsdistraction

distraction /d"|$str'k/#n/ noun 1. somethingthat takes a person’s attention away from some-thing else 2. a state where someone is very emo-tionally and mentally troubled

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district general hospital 84district general hospitaldistrict general hospital /!d"str"kt!d+en(#)r#l $h(sp"t(#)l/ noun a hospital whichserves the needs of the population of a specificdistrictdistrict nursedistrict nurse /!d"str"kt $n-%s/ noun a nursewho visits and treats people in their homesdisturbeddisturbed /d"|$st-%bd/ adjective affected by apsychiatric disorder ! severely disturbed childrendisulfiramdisulfiram /da" |$s.lf"r'm/ noun a drug used totreat alcoholism by causing severe nausea if alco-hol is consumed with itdithranoldithranol /$d",r#n(l/ noun an anti-inflamma-tory drug used to treat dermatitis and psoriasisdiuresisdiuresis /!da"j*|$ri%s"s/ noun an increase in theproduction of urinediureticdiuretic /!da"j*|$ret"k/ adjective causing thekidneys to produce more urine " noun a sub-stance which makes the kidneys produce moreurine and, in the treatment of oedema and hyper-tensiondiurnaldiurnal /da" |$-%n(#)l/ adjective 1. happening inthe daytime 2. happening every daydivaricationdivarication /da"|!v'r" |$ke"/(#)n/ noun 1. sepa-ration into widely spread branches 2. the point atwhich a structure forks or dividesdivergencedivergence /da" |$v-%d+#ns/ noun 1. a conditionin which one eye points directly at the object ofinterest but the other does not 2. the process ofmoving apart to follow different courses 3. theamount of difference between two quantities,especially where the difference is unexpected 4. adeviation from a typical behaviour pattern orexpressed wishdivergent strabismusdivergent strabismus /da" |!v-%d+#nt str#|

$b"zm#s/, divergent squint /da" |!v-%d+#nt$skw"nt/ noun a condition in which a person’seyes both look away from the nose. Oppositeconvergent strabismusdiverticuladiverticula /!da"v#|$t"kj*l#/ plural noun pluralof diverticulumdiverticular diseasediverticular disease /!da"v# |$t"kj*l# d" |!zi%z/noun a disease of the large intestine, where thecolon thickens and diverticula form in the walls,causing pain in the lower abdomendiverticulitisdiverticulitis /!da"v#t"kj* |$la"t"s/ nouninflammation of diverticula formed in the wall ofthe colondiverticulosisdiverticulosis /!da"v#t"kj*|$l#*s"s/ noun acondition in which diverticula form in the intes-tine but are not inflamed. In the small intestine,this can lead to blind loop syndrome.diverticulumdiverticulum /!da"v#|$t"kj*l#m/ noun a littlesac or pouch which develops in the wall of theintestine or another organ (NOTE: The plural isdiverticula.)divisiondivision /d"|$v"+(#)n/ noun the action of cuttingor splitting into partsdivulsordivulsor /d" |$v.ls#/ noun a surgical instrumentused to expand a passage in the body


dizygotic /!da"za" |$1(t"k/ adjective developedfrom two separately fertilised eggsdizygotic twins

dizygotic twins /!da"za"1(t"k $tw"nz/ pluralnoun twins who are not identical and not alwaysof the same sex because they come from two dif-ferent ova fertilised at the same time. Also calledfraternal twinsdizziness

dizziness /$d"zin#s/ noun the feeling that eve-rything is going round because the sense of bal-ance has been affecteddl

dl abbreviation decilitreDLE

DLE abbreviation disseminated lupus erythema-tosusdm

dm abbreviation decimetreDNA

DNA noun one of the nucleic acids, the basicgenetic material present in the nucleus of eachcel. Full form deoxyribonucleic acid. ! RNADNA fingerprint

DNA fingerprint /!di% en e" $f"01#pr"nt/ nounsame as genetic fingerprintDNA fingerprinting

DNA fingerprinting /!di% en !e"$f"01#pr"nt"0/ noun same as genetic finger-printingDOA

DOA abbreviation dead on arrivaldobutamine

dobutamine /d#* |$bju%t#mi%n/ noun a drugused to stimulate the heartdoctor

doctor /$d(kt#/ noun a person who has trainedin medicine and is qualified to examine peoplewhen they are ill to find out what is wrong withthem and to prescribe a course of treatment

COMMENT: In the UK surgeons are tradition-ally not called ’Doctor’, but are addressed as’Mr’, ’Mrs’, etc. The title ’doctor’ is also ap-plied to persons who have a higher degreefrom a university in a non-medical subject.So ’Dr Jones’ may have a degree in music,or in any other subject without a connectionwith medicine.

Döderlein’s bacillus

Döderlein’s bacillus /$d-%d#la"nz b#|!s"l.s/noun a bacterium usually found in the vagina[After Albert Siegmund Gustav Döderlein(1860–1941), German obstetrician and gynae-cologist.]dolicho-

dolicho- /d(l"k#*/ prefix longdolichocephalic

dolichocephalic /!d(l"k#*se|$f'l"k/ adjectivereferring to a person with an unusually long skulldolichocephaly

dolichocephaly /!d(l"k#*|$sef#li/ noun a con-dition of a person who has a skull which is longerthan usual, the measurement across the skullbeing less than 75% of the length of the head fromfront to backdolor

dolor /$d(l#/ noun paindolorimetry

dolorimetry /!d(l#|$r"m#tri/ noun the measure-ment of paindomiciliary

domiciliary /!d(m"|$s"li#ri/ adjective at homeor in the homedominance

dominance /$d(m"n#ns/ noun the characteris-tic of a gene form (allele) that leads to the trait

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85 doxepin

which it controls being shown in any individualcarrying itdominant

dominant /$d(m"n#nt/ adjective important orpowerful " noun (of an allele) having the charac-teristic that leads to the trait which it controlsbeing shown in any individual carrying it. Com-pare recessivedomino booking

domino booking /$d(m"n#* !b*k"0/ noun anarrangement for the delivery of a baby, where thebaby is delivered in hospital by a midwife and themother and child return home soon afterwardsDonald-Fothergill operation

Donald-Fothergill operation /!d(n#ld$f(2#1"l (p#|!re"/(#)n/ noun an operation toclose the neck of the vaginadonor

donor /$d#*n#/ noun a person who gives blood,tissue, organs or reproductive material to be usedto treat another persondonor card

donor card /$d#*n# k&%d/ noun a card carriedby people stating that they give permission fortheir organs to be transplanted into other peopleafter they have dieddonor insemination

donor insemination /!d#*n# "nsem"|

$ne"/(#)n/ noun artificial insemination using thesperm of an anonymous donor. Abbreviation DIdopa

dopa /$d#*p#/ noun a chemical related to adren-aline and dopamine. It occurs naturally in thebody and in the form levodopa is used to treat Par-kinson’s disease.dopamine

dopamine /$d#*p#mi%n/ noun a substancefound in the medulla of the adrenal glands, whichalso acts as a neurotransmitter. Lack of dopamineis associated with Parkinson’s disease.dopaminergic

dopaminergic /!d#*p#m"|$n-%d+"k/ adjectivereferring to a neurone or receptor stimulated bydopamineDoppler transducer

Doppler transducer /$d(pl# tr'nz|!dju%s#/noun a device to measure blood flow, commonlyused to monitor fetal heart rateDoppler ultrasound

Doppler ultrasound /!d(pl# $.ltr#sa*nd/noun the use of the Doppler effect in ultrasoundto detect red blood cellsDoppler ultrasound flowmeter

Doppler ultrasound flowmeter /!d(pl#!.ltr#sa*nd $fl#*mi%t#/ noun a device whichmeasures the flow of blood and detects steady orirregular flow, allowing abnormalities or block-ages to be detecteddorsa

dorsa /$d)%s#/ plural of dorsumdorsal

dorsal /$d)%s(#)l/ adjective referring to the back.Opposite ventraldorsal vertebrae

dorsal vertebrae /!d)%s(#)l $v-%t"bre"/ pluralnoun the twelve vertebrae in the back between thecervical vertebrae and the lumbar vertebraedorsi-

dorsi- /d)%si/ prefix referring to the backdorsiflexion

dorsiflexion /!d)%s" |$flek/#n/ noun flexiontowards the back of part of the body, e.g. raisingthe foot at the ankle. Compare plantar flexiondorso-

dorso- /d)%s#*/ prefix same as dorsi-


dorsoventral /!d)%s#* |$ventr#l/ adjectivereferring to both the front and the back of thebodydorsum

dorsum /$d)%s#m/ noun the back of any part ofthe body (NOTE: The plural is dorsa.)dosage

dosage /$d#*s"d+/ noun a measured quantity ofa drug calculated to be necessary for someone !a low dosage ! The doctor decided to increasethe dosage of antibiotics. ! The dosage for chil-dren is half that for adults.dose

dose /d#*s/ noun 1. a measured quantity of adrug or radiation which is to be given to someoneat one time ! It is dangerous to exceed the pre-scribed dose. 2. a short period of experiencing aminor illness (informal) ! a dose of flu 3. aninfection with a sexually transmitted disease(informal) " verb to provide someone with med-ication (informal) ! She has been dosing herselfwith laxatives.dosimeter

dosimeter /d#*|$s"m"t#/ noun an instrumentwhich measures the amount of X-rays or otherradiation receiveddosimetry

dosimetry /d#* |$s"m#tri/ noun the act of meas-uring the amount of X-rays or radiation received,using a dosimeterdouble-blind randomised controlled trial

double-blind randomised controlled trial/!d.b(#)l bla"nd !r'nd#ma"zd k#n |!tr#*ld$tra"#l/ noun a trial used to test new treatments inwhich patients are randomly placed in either thetreatment or the control group without either thepatient or doctor knowing which group any par-ticular patient is indouble pneumonia

double pneumonia /!d.b(#)l nju% |$m#*ni#/noun same as bilateral pneumoniadouble uterus

double uterus /!d.b(#)l $ju%t(#)r#s/ noun acondition in which the uterus is divided into twosections by a membrane. Also called uterusdidelphys. ! dimetriadouble vision

double vision /!d.b(#)l $v"+(#)n/ noun sameas diplopia (informal)douche

douche /du%// noun a liquid forced into thebody to wash out a cavity, or a device used forwashing out a cavitydown below

down below /!da*n b"|$l#*/ adverb used torefer politely to the genital area (informal)Down’s syndrome

Down’s syndrome /$da*nz !s"ndr#*m/ nouna condition due to the existence of an extra copyof chromosome 21, in which a baby is born withslanting eyes, a wide face, speech difficulties andusually some degree of learning difficulty[Described 1866. After John Langdon HaydonDown (1828–96), British physician at Normans-field Hospital, Teddington, UK]downstairs

downstairs /da*n |$ste#z/ adverb used to referpolitely to the genital area (informal)down there

down there /!da*n $2e#/ adverb used to referpolitely to the genital area (informal)doxepin

doxepin /$d(ks"p"n/ noun a drug used as a sed-ative and antidepressant

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doxycycline 86doxycyclinedoxycycline /!d(ksi|$sa"kli%n/ noun a widelyused antibiotic derived from tetracyclineDPTDPT abbreviation diphtheria, whooping cough,tetanusDPT vaccineDPT vaccine /!di% pi% $ti% !v'ksi%n/, DPTimmunisation /!di% pi% $ti% "mj*na" |!ze"/(#)n/noun a combined vaccine or immunisationagainst the three diseases, diphtheria, whoopingcough and tetanusDrDr abbreviation doctor (NOTE: used when writingsomeone’s name: Dr Smith)drachmdrachm /dr'm/ noun a measure used in phar-macy, equal to 3.8g dry weight or 3.7ml liquidmeasuredracontiasisdracontiasis /!dr'k(n |$ta"#s"s/, dracunculia-sis /dr# |!k.0kj*|$la"#s"s/ noun a tropical diseasecaused by the guinea worm Dracunculus medin-ensis which enters the body from infected drink-ing water and forms blisters on the skin, fre-quently leading to secondary arthritis, fibrosisand cellulitisDracunculusDracunculus /dr# |$k.0kj*l#s/ noun a parasiticworm which enters the body and rises to the skinto form a blister. The infection frequently leads tosecondary arthritis, fibrosis and cellulitis. Alsocalled guinea wormdrageedragee /dr'|$+e"/ noun a sugar-coated tablet orpilldraindrain /dre"n/ noun a tube to remove liquid fromthe body " verb to remove liquid from the body! an operation to drain the sinus ! They drainedthe pus from the abscess.drainagedrainage /$dre"n"d+/ noun the removal of liquidfrom the site of an operation or pus from anabscess by means of a tube or wick left in thebody for a timedrapedrape /dre"p/ noun a thin material used to placeover someone about to undergo surgery, leavingthe operation site uncovereddrawndrawn /dr)%n/ adjective appearing tired andcareworn, usually as a result of anxiety, grief orillnessdraw-sheetdraw-sheet /$dr)% /i%t/ noun a sheet under aperson in bed, folded so that it can be pulled outas it becomes soileddrepanocytedrepanocyte /$drep#n#*sa"t/ noun same assickle celldrepanocytosisdrepanocytosis /!drep#n#*sa"|$t#*s"s/ nounsame as sickle-cell anaemiadressingdressing /$dres"0/ noun a covering or bandageapplied to a wound to protect it ! The patient’sdressings need to be changed regularly.drilldrill /dr"l/ noun a tool which rotates very rapidlyto make a hole, especially a surgical instrumentused in dentistry to remove caries " verb to makea hole with a drill ! A small hole is drilled in theskull. ! The dentist drilled one of her molars.Drinker respiratorDrinker respirator /$dr"0k# !resp"re"t#/ nouna machine which encloses the whole of the body

except the head, and in which air pressure isincreased and decreased, so forcing the person tobreathe in and out. Also called iron lungdrip

drip /dr"p/ noun a system for introducing liquidslowly and continuously into the body, by whicha bottle of liquid is held above a person and thefluid flows slowly down a tube into a needle in avein or into the stomach ! After her operation,the patient was put on a drip.drip feed

drip feed /$dr"p fi%d/ noun a drip containingnutrientsdrop

drop /dr(p/ noun 1. a small quantity of liquid 2.a sudden reduction or fall in the quantity of some-thing ! a drop in pressure " plural noun dropsliquid medicine for the eye, nose, or ear adminis-tered with a dropper " verb 1. to fall or let some-thing fall ! Pressure in the artery dropped sud-denly. 2. to reduce suddenlydrop attack

drop attack /$dr(p # |!t'k/ noun a condition inwhich a person suddenly falls down, though he orshe is not unconscious, caused by sudden weak-ness of the spinedroperidol

droperidol /dr( |$per"d(l/ noun a drug used tokeep someone in a calm state before an operationdrop foot

drop foot /$dr(p f*t/ noun a condition, causedby a muscular disorder, in which the ankle is notstrong and the foot hangs limpdroplet

droplet /$dr(pl#t/ noun a very small quantity ofliquiddroplet infection

droplet infection /$dr(pl#t "n|!fek/#n/ nounan infection developed by inhaling droplets con-taining a virus, e.g. from a sneezedropper

dropper /$dr(p#/ noun a small glass or plastictube with a rubber bulb at one end, used to suckup and expel liquid in dropsdropsy

dropsy /$dr(psi/ noun same as oedema (dated)drop wrist

drop wrist /!dr(p $r"st/ noun a conditioncaused by a muscular disorder, in which the wristis not strong and the hand hangs limpdrug

drug /dr.1/ noun 1. a natural or synthetic chem-ical substance which is used in medicine andaffects the way in which organs or tissues func-tion 2. a substance taken by choice which pro-duces a strong effect on a person’s feelings andstate of mind ! recreational drug ! controlleddrugsdrug addict

drug addict /$dr.1 !'d"kt/ noun a person whois physically and mentally dependent on taking aparticular drug regularly ! a heroin addict ! amorphine addictdrug addiction

drug addiction /$dr.1 # |!d"k/#n/ noun the factof being mentally and physically dependent ontaking a particular drug regularly. Also calleddrug dependencedrug allergy

drug allergy /$dr.1 !'l#d+i/ noun a reaction toa particular drugdrug tolerance

drug tolerance /$dr.1 !t(l#r#ns/ noun a con-dition in which a drug has been given to someone

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87 dysarthria

for so long that his or her body no longer reacts toit, and the dosage has to be increaseddry

dry /dra"/ adjective 1. not wet ! The surface ofthe wound should be kept dry. 2. containing onlya small amount of moisture ! She uses a cream tosoften her dry skin. (NOTE: drier – driest) " verbto remove moisture from something (NOTE: dries– drying – dried)dry beriberi

dry beriberi /!dra" !beri |$beri/ noun beriberiassociated with loss of feeling and paralysisdry-eye syndrome

dry-eye syndrome /!dra" $a" !s"ndr#*m/noun same as xerosisdry out

dry out /!dra" $a*t/ verb 1. same as dry 2. totreat someone for alcoholism, or undergo treat-ment for alcoholism (informal)dry socket

dry socket /!dra" $s(k"t/ noun inflammation ofthe socket of a tooth which has just been removedDTC

DTC abbreviation diagnostic and treatment cen-treDTs

DTs abbreviation delirium tremensDuchenne muscular dystrophy

Duchenne muscular dystrophy /du%|!/en!m.skj*l# $d"str#fi/, Duchenne’s musculardystrophy /du% |!/enz !m.skj*l# $d"str#fi/,Duchenne /du%|$/en/ noun an inherited form ofmuscular dystrophy that weakens the muscles ofthe upper respiratory and pelvic areas. It usuallyaffects boys and causes early death. [Described1849. After Guillaume Benjamin Arnaud Duch-enne (1806–75), French neurologist.]Ducrey’s bacillus

Ducrey’s bacillus /du%|!kre"z b# |$s"l#s/ noun atype of bacterium found in the lungs, causingchancroid [Described 1889. After AugustoDucrey (1860–1940), Professor of Dermatologyin Pisa, then Rome, Italy.]duct

duct /d.kt/ noun a tube which carries liquids,especially one which carries secretionsductless

ductless /$d.ktl#s/ adjective without a ductductless gland

ductless gland /!d.ktl#s $1l'nd/ noun sameas endocrine glandductule

ductule /$d.ktju%l/ noun a very small ductductus

ductus /$d.kt#s/ noun same as ductductus deferens

ductus deferens /!d.kt#s $def#r#nz/ nounone of two tubes along which sperm pass from theepididymus to the seminal vesicles near the pros-tate gland. Also called vas deferens. See illus-tration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) in Supple-mentdull

dull /d.l/ adjective referring to pain which is notstrong but which is continuously present ! Shecomplained of a dull throbbing pain in her head.! He felt a dull pain in the chest. " verb to makea sensation or awareness of a sensation less sharp! The treatment dulled the pain for a while. !The drug had dulled her senses.dumbness

dumbness /$d.mn#s/ noun same as mutismdumping syndrome

dumping syndrome /$d.mp"0 !s"ndr#*m/noun same as postgastrectomy syndromeduo-

duo- /dju%#*/ prefix two


duoden- /dju%#*di%n/ prefix referring to theduodenumduodenal

duodenal /!dju%#*|$di%n(#)l/ adjective referringto the duodenumduodenal papillae

duodenal papillae /dju%#*|!di%n(#)l p#|$p"li%/plural noun small projecting parts in the duode-num where the bile duct and pancreatic duct openduodenal ulcerduodenal ulcer /dju%#*|!di%n(#)l $.ls#/ nounan ulcer in the duodenumduodenoscopeduodenoscope /!dju%#*|$di%n#*sk#*p/ nounan instrument used to examine the inside of theduodenumduodenostomy

duodenostomy /!dju%#*d"|$n(st#mi/ noun apermanent opening made between the duodenumand the abdominal wallduodenum

duodenum /!dju%# |$di%n#m/ noun the first partof the small intestine, going from the stomach tothe jejunum. See illustration at DIGESTIVE SYSTEMin Supplementduplex imaging

duplex imaging /!dju%pleks $"m"d+"0/ noun atype of ultrasonic imaging where the speed of theflow of blood is measuredDupuytren’s contractureDupuytren’s contracture /du%|!pwi%tr#nzk#n |$tr'kt/#/ noun a condition in which the pal-mar fascia becomes thicker, causing the fingers,usually the middle and fourth fingers, to bend for-wards [Described 1831. After Baron GuillaumeDupuytren (1775–1835), French surgeon.]dura

dura /$dj*#r#/ noun same as dura materduraldural /$dj*#r(#)l/ adjective referring to the duramaterdura mater

dura mater /!dj*#r# $me"t#/ noun the thickerouter membrane of the three covering the brain.Also called dura, pachymeninx. ! arachnoidduty

duty /$dju%ti/ noun the activities which a personhas to do as part of their job ! What are the dutiesof a night sister? (NOTE: The plural is duties.) #to be on duty to be working ! She’s on duty from2 p.m. till 10 p.m. # a duty of care the require-ment to treat a patient in an appropriate way, aspart of the work of being a health professionald.v.t.

d.v.t., DVT abbreviation deep-vein thrombosisdwarfismdwarfism /$dw)%f"z(#)m/ noun a condition inwhich the growth of a person has stopped, leavinghim or her much smaller than averagedynamic splint

dynamic splint /da"|!n'm"k $spl"nt/ noun asplint which uses springs to help the person movedynamometer

dynamometer /!da"n# |$m(m"t#/ noun aninstrument for measuring the force of muscularcontraction-dynia

-dynia /d"ni#/ suffix paindys-

dys- /d"s/ prefix difficult or impaireddysaesthesia

dysaesthesia /!d"si%s |$,i%zi#/ noun the impair-ment of a sense, in particular the sense of touchdysarthria

dysarthria /d"s |$&%,ri#/, dysarthrosis /!d"s&%|

$,r#*s"s/ noun difficulty in speaking wordsclearly, caused by damage to the central nervoussystem

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dysbasia 88dysbasia

dysbasia /d"s|$be"zi#/ noun difficulty in walk-ing, especially when caused by a lesion to a nervedyschezia

dyschezia /d"s |$ki%zi#/ noun difficulty in pass-ing faecesdyschondroplasia

dyschondroplasia /!d"sk(ndr#*|$ple"zi#/noun a condition in which the long bones areshorter than usualdyschromatopsia

dyschromatopsia /!d"skr#*m# |$t(psi#/ nouna condition where someone cannot distinguishcoloursdyscoria

dyscoria /d"s|$k)%ri#/ noun an unusually shapedpupil of the eyedyscrasia

dyscrasia /d"s|$kre"zi#/ noun any unusual bodycondition (dated)dysdiadochokinesia

dysdiadochokinesia /!d"sda" |!'d#k#*ka" |

$ni%si#/, dysdiadochokinesis /!d"sda"|

!'d#k#*ka"|$ni%s"s/ noun the inability to carryout rapid movements, caused by a disorder orlesion of the cerebellumdysentery

dysentery /$d"s(#)ntri/ noun an infection andinflammation of the colon, causing bleeding anddiarrhoeadysfunction

dysfunction /d"s |$f.0k/#n/ noun an unusualfunctioning of an organdysfunctional

dysfunctional /d"s |$f.0k/#n(#)l/ adjective 1.not working properly 2. unable to relate to otherpeople emotionally or sociallydysfunctional uterine bleeding

dysfunctional uterine bleeding /d"s|

!f.0k/#n(#)l !ju%t#ra"n $bli%d"0/ noun bleedingin the uterus not caused by a menstrual perioddysgenesis

dysgenesis /d"s |$d+en#s"s/ noun unusualdevelopmentdysgerminoma

dysgerminoma /d"s|!d+-%m" |$n#*m#/ noun amalignant tumour of the ovary or testicledysgraphia

dysgraphia /d"s |$1r'fi#/ noun difficulty inwriting caused by a brain lesiondyskariosis

dyskariosis /d"s|!k'ri|$#*s"s/ noun the fact ofbecoming mature in an unusual waydyskinesia

dyskinesia /!d"ska" |$ni%zi#/ noun the inabilityto control voluntary movementsdyslalia

dyslalia /d"s|$le"li#/ noun a disorder of speech,caused by an unusual development of the tonguedyslexia

dyslexia /d"s|$leksi#/ noun a disorder of devel-opment, where a person is unable to read or writeproperly and confuses lettersdyslogia

dyslogia /d"s|$l#*d+#/ noun difficulty in puttingideas into wordsdysmaturity

dysmaturity /!d"sm# |$t/*#r"ti/ noun a condi-tion affecting newborn babies, shown by wrinkled

skin, long fingernails and toenails and relativelylittle body fatdysmenorrhoeadysmenorrhoea /!d"smen#|$ri%#/ noun painexperienced at menstruationdysostosisdysostosis /!d"s(s |$t#*s"s/ noun unusual for-mation of bonesdyspareuniadyspareunia /!d"sp'|$ru%ni#/ noun difficult orpainful sexual intercourse in a womandyspepsiadyspepsia /d"s |$pepsi#/ noun a condition inwhich a person feels pains or discomfort in thestomach, caused by indigestiondysphagiadysphagia /d"s |$fe"d+i#/ noun difficulty inswallowingdysphasiadysphasia /d"s |$fe"zi#/ noun difficulty inspeaking and putting words into the correct orderdysphemiadysphemia /d"s |$fi%mi#/ noun same as stam-meringdysphoniadysphonia /d"s |$f#*ni#/ noun difficulty inspeaking caused by impairment of the vocalcords, or by laryngitisdysplasiadysplasia /d"s|$ple"zi#/ noun an unusual devel-opment of tissuedyspnoeadyspnoea /d"sp |$ni%#/ noun difficulty or pain inbreathingdyspnoeicdyspnoeic /d"sp|$ni%"k/ adjective difficult orpainful when breathingdyspraxiadyspraxia /d"s |$pr'ksi#/ noun difficulty in car-rying out coordinated movementsdysrhythmiadysrhythmia /d"s |$r"2mi#/ noun an unusualrhythm, either in speaking or in electricalimpulses in the braindyssocialdyssocial /d"s|$s#*/(#)l/ adjective same asantisocialdyssynergiadyssynergia /!d"s"|$n-%d+i#/ noun same asasynergiadystaxiadystaxia /d"s|$t'ksi#/ noun an inability to coor-dinate the musclesdystociadystocia /d"s|$t#*si#/ noun difficult childbirthdystoniadystonia /d"s |$t#*ni#/ noun disordered muscletone, causing involuntary contractions whichmake the limbs deformeddystrophiadystrophia /d"s|$tr#*fi#/ noun the wasting ofan organ, muscle or tissue due to lack of nutrientsin that part of the body. Also called dystrophydystrophia adiposogenitalisdystrophia adiposogenitalis /d"s |!tr#*fi#'d"|!p#*s#*d+en"|$te"l"s/ noun same as Fröh-lich’s syndromedystrophydystrophy /$d"str#fi/ noun same as dystrophiadysuriadysuria /d"s|$j*#ri#/ noun difficulty in passingurine

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ear /"#/ noun an organ on the side of the headwhich is used for hearing (NOTE: For other termsreferring to ears, see auricular and wordsbeginning with ot-, oto-.)Ear, Nose & Throat

Ear, Nose & Throat /!"# !n#*z #n $,r#*t/noun the study of the ear, nose and throat. Abbre-viation ENT. Also called otorhinolarngologyearache

earache /$"#re"k/ noun pain in the ear. Alsocalled otalgiaear canal

ear canal /$"# k# |!n'l/ noun one of several pas-sages in or connected to the ear, especially theexternal auditory meatus, the passage from theouter ear to the eardrumeardrum

eardrum /$"#dr.m/ noun the membrane at theend of the external auditory meatus leading fromthe outer ear, which vibrates with sound andpasses the vibrations on to the ossicles in the mid-dle ear. Also called myringa, tympanum (NOTE:For other terms referring to the eardrum, seewords beginning with tympan-, tympano-.)early onset pre-eclampsia

early onset pre-eclampsia /!-%li !(nset !pri%" |$kl'mpsi#/ noun pre-eclampsia which appearsearlier than the 37th week of the pregnancyearwax

earwax /$"#w'ks/ noun same as cerumenEbola virus

Ebola virus /"|$b#*l# !va"r#s/ noun a highlycontagious virus found in West Africa. Patientswho are affected with it vomit, have bloody diar-rhoea and blood seeps through their skin.eburnation

eburnation /!i%b# |$ne"/(#)n/ noun the conver-sion of cartilage into a hard mass with a shiny sur-face like boneecbolic

ecbolic /ek|$b(l"k/ noun a substance which pro-duces contraction of the uterus and so induceschildbirth or abortion " adjective causing con-traction of the uterusecchymosis

ecchymosis /!ek" |$m#*s"s/ noun a dark area onthe skin made by blood which has escaped intothe tissues after a blow. Also called bruise, con-tusioneccrine

eccrine /$ekr"n/ adjective referring to a gland,especially a sweat gland, which does not disinte-grate and remains intact during secretion. Alsocalled merocrineeccyesis

eccyesis /!eksa"|$"%s"s/ noun same as ectopicpregnancy


ECG abbreviation electrocardiogramecho-

echo- /ek#*/ prefix referring to soundechocardiogram

echocardiogram /!ek#*|$k&%di#1r'm/ noun arecord of heart movements made using ultrasoundechocardiography

echocardiography /!ek#*k&%di|$(1r#fi/ nounthe use of ultrasound to examine the heartechoencephalography

echoencephalography /!ek#*en|!kef#|

$l(1r#fi/ noun the use of ultrasound to examinethe brainechography

echography /e |$k(1r#fi/ noun same as ultra-sonographyechovirus

echovirus /$ek#* |!va"r#s/ noun one of a groupof viruses which can be isolated from the intestineand which can cause serious illnesses such asaseptic meningitis, gastroenteritis and respiratoryinfection in small children. Compare reoviruseclampsia

eclampsia /"|$kl'mpsi#/ noun a serious condi-tion of pregnant women at the end of pregnancy,caused by toxaemia, in which the woman has highblood pressure and may go into a coma. ! pre-eclampsiaecmnesia

ecmnesia /ek |$ni%zi#/ noun a condition in whichsomeone is not able to remember recent events,while remembering clearly events which hap-pened some time agoE. coli

E. coli /!i% $k#*la"/ noun same as Escherichiacolieconomy class syndrome

economy class syndrome /"|$k(n#mi kl&%s!s"ndr#*m/ noun same as deep-vein thrombo-sis (informal)écraseur

écraseur /!e"kr&%|$z-%/ noun a surgical instru-ment, usually with a wire loop, used to cut a partor a growth off at its baseECT

ECT abbreviation electroconvulsive therapyect-

ect- /ekt/ prefix same as ecto- (used before vow-els)ecto-

ecto- /ekt#*/ prefix outside-ectomy

-ectomy /ekt#mi/ suffix referring to the removalof a part by surgical operationectoparasite

ectoparasite /!ekt#*|$p'r#sa"t/ noun a para-site which lives on the skin. Compare endopara-siteectopia

ectopia /ek |$t#*pi#/ noun a condition in whichan organ or part of the body is not in its usual posi-tion

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ectopic 90ectopic

ectopic /ek|$t(p"k/ adjective not in the usualposition. Opposite entopicectopic heartbeat

ectopic heartbeat /ek|!t(p"k $h&%tbi%t/ nounan unusual extra beat of the heart which originatesfrom a point other than the sinoatrial node. Alsocalled extrasystole, premature beatectopic pacemaker

ectopic pacemaker /ek|!t(p"k $pe"sme"k#/noun an unusual focus of the heart muscle whichtakes the place of the sinoatrial nodeectopic pregnancy

ectopic pregnancy /ek |!t(p"k $pre1n#nsi/noun a pregnancy where the fetus develops out-side the uterus, often in one of the Fallopian tubes.Also called extrauterine pregnancy, eccyesisectro-

ectro- /ektr#*/ prefix referring to a usually con-genital absence or lack of somethingectrodactyly

ectrodactyly /!ektr#* |$d'kt"li/ noun a congen-ital absence of all or part of a fingerectromelia

ectromelia /!ektr#*|$mi%li#/ noun a congenitalabsence of one or more limbsectropion

ectropion /ek|$tr#*pi#n/ noun a turning of theedge of an eyelid outwards. ! eversioneczema

eczema /$eks"m#/ noun a non-contagiousinflammation of the skin, with an itchy rash andblisterseczematous

eczematous /ek|$sem#t#s/ adjective referringto eczemaeczematous dermatitis

eczematous dermatitis /ek|!sem#t#s !d-%m#|

$ta"t"s/ noun an itchy inflammation or irritationof the skin due to an allergic reaction to a sub-stance which a person has touched or absorbedEDD

EDD abbreviation expected date of deliveryedentulous

edentulous /"|$dentj*l#s/ adjective having lostall teethEDTA

EDTA /!i% di% ti% $e"/ noun a colourless chemicalthat can bind to heavy metals to remove themfrom the bloodstream. Full form ethylenediamine tetra-acetateEdwards’ syndrome

Edwards’ syndrome /$edw#dz !s"ndr#*m/noun a severe genetic disorder that results in mal-formations of the brain, kidney, heart, hands andfeet. It is caused by an extra copy of chromosome18 and those people who have it usually diewithin six months.EEG

EEG abbreviation electroencephalogramEFA

EFA abbreviation essential fatty acideffacement

effacement /"|$fe"sm#nt/ noun the thinning ofthe cervix before it dilates in childbirtheffective dose

effective dose /" |!fekt"v $d#*s/ noun a size ofdose which will produce the effect requiredeffector

effector /" |$fekt#/ noun a nerve ending in mus-cles or glands which is activated to produce con-traction or secretionefferent

efferent /$ef#r#nt/ adjective carrying some-thing away from part of the body or from the cen-tre. Opposite afferentefferent nerve

efferent nerve /$ef#r#nt n-%v/ noun same asmotor nerve


effleurage /!efl-%|$r&%+/ noun a form of massagewhere the skin is stroked in one direction toincrease blood floweffort syndrome

effort syndrome /$ef#t !s"ndr#*m/ nounsame as disordered action of the hearteffusion

effusion /" |$fju%+(#)n/ noun a discharge ofblood, fluid or pus into or out of an internal cavityegg

egg /e1/ noun a reproductive cell produced in thefemale body by an ovary, and which, if fertilisedby the male sperm, becomes an embryoego

ego /$i%1#*/ noun (in psychology) the part of themind which is consciously in contact with the out-side world and is influenced by experiences of theworldEHO

EHO abbreviation Environmental Health OfficerEIA

EIA abbreviation exercise-induced asthmaEisenmenger syndrome

Eisenmenger syndrome /$a"z#nme0#!s"ndr#*m/ noun heart disease caused by a septaldefect between the ventricles, with pulmonaryhypertension [Described 1897. After VictorEisenmenger (1864–1932), German physician.]ejaculate

ejaculate /"|$d+'kj*le"t/ verb to send outsemen from the penisejaculation

ejaculation /"|!d+'kj*|$le"/(#)n/ noun the send-ing out of semen from the penisejaculatio praecox

ejaculatio praecox /"d+'kj* |!le"/i#*$pri%k(ks/ noun a situation where a man ejacu-lates too early during sexual intercourseejaculatory duct

ejaculatory duct /" |$d+'kj*l#tri d.kt/ nounone of two ducts leading from the seminal vesi-cles through the prostate gland to the urethra. Seeillustration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) inSupplementelastic cartilage

elastic cartilage /"|!l'st"k $k&%t#l"d+/ nounflexible cartilage, e.g. in the ear and epiglottiselastic fibre

elastic fibre /" |!l'st"k $fa"b#/ noun fibre whichcan expand easily and is found in elastic cartilage,the skin and the walls of arteries and the lungs.Also called yellow fibreelastic tissue

elastic tissue /" |!l'st"k $t"/u%/ noun connec-tive tissue which contains elastic fibres, e.g. in thewalls of arteries or of the alveoli in the lungselastin

elastin /"|$l'st"n/ noun a protein which occurs inelastic fibreselation

elation /"|$le"/(#)n/ noun the state of beinghappy, stimulated and excitedelbow

elbow /$elb#*/ noun a hinged joint where theupper arm bone (humerus) joins the forearmbones (radius and ulna)elbow crutch

elbow crutch /$elb#* kr.t// noun a crutchwhich surrounds the arms at the elbows and has ahandle to hold lower down the shaftelective care

elective care /" |!lekt"v $ke#/ noun hospital carewhich is planned in advance, rather than aresponse to an emergencyelective surgery

elective surgery /" |!lekt"v $s-%d+#ri/, electivetreatment /" |!lekt"v $tri%tm#nt/ noun surgery or

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91 embolus

treatment which a patient can choose to have butis not urgently necessary to save his or her lifeelectro-

electro- /" |$lektr#*/ prefix referring to electricityelectrocardiogram

electrocardiogram /"|!lektr#*|$k&%di#1r'm/noun a chart which records the electrical impulsesin the heart muscle. Abbreviation ECG, EKGelectrocardiograph

electrocardiograph /" |!lektr#* |$k&%di#1r&%f/noun an apparatus for measuring and recordingthe electrical impulses of the muscles of the heartas it beatselectrocardiography

electrocardiography /" |!lektr#*k&%d"|$(1r#fi/noun the process of recording the electricalimpulses of the heartelectrocardiophonography

electrocardiophonography /"|

!lektr#*k&%di#f# |$n(1r#fi/ noun the process ofelectrically recording the sounds of the heartbeatselectrocautery

electrocautery /"|!lektr#*|$k)%t#ri/ noun sameas galvanocauteryelectroconvulsive therapy

electroconvulsive therapy /"|!lektr#*k#n|

!v.ls"v $,er#pi/ noun the treatment of severedepression and some mental disorders by givingsomeone who has been anaesthetised small elec-tric shocks in the brain to make him or her haveconvulsions. Abbreviation ECT. Also called elec-troplexyelectrode

electrode /" |$lektr#*d/ noun the conductor of anelectrical apparatus which touches the body andcarries an electric shockelectroencephalogram

electroencephalogram /"|!lektr#*"n|

$sef#l#1r'm/ noun a chart on which the electri-cal impulses in the brainare recorded. Abbrevia-tion EEGelectroencephalograph

electroencephalograph /"|!lektr#*"n|

$sef#l#1r&%f/ noun an apparatus which recordsthe electrical impulses in the brainelectroencephalography

electroencephalography /" |!lektr#*"nsef#|

$l(1r#fi/ noun the process of recording the elec-trical impulses in the brainelectrolysis

electrolysis /" |!lek |$tr(l#s"s/ noun the destruc-tion of tissue such as unwanted hair by applyingan electric currentelectrophoresis

electrophoresis /" |!lektr#*f# |$ri%s"s/ noun theanalysis of a substance by the movement ofcharged particles towards an electrode in a solu-tionelectroplexy

electroplexy /" |$lektr#*pleksi/ noun same aselectroconvulsive therapyelectroretinogram

electroretinogram /"|!kektr#*|$ret"n#1r'm/noun the printed result of electroretinography.Abbreviation ERGelectroretinography

electroretinography /" |!lektr#*ret"|$n(1r#fi/noun the process of recording electrical changesin the retina when stimulated by lightelectrosurgery

electrosurgery /" |!lektr#* |$s-%d+#ri/ noun anoperation in which the surgeon uses an electricalcurrent to cut or cauterise tissueelectrotherapy

electrotherapy /"|!lektr#*|$,er#pi/ noun thetreatment of a disorder such as some forms of

paralysis by using low-frequency electric currentto try to revive the muscleselement

element /$el"m#nt/ noun a basic simple chemi-cal substance which cannot be broken down intosimpler substances. ! trace elementelephantiasis

elephantiasis /!el"f#n |$ta"#s"s/ noun a condi-tion in which parts of the body swell and the skinbecomes hardened, frequently caused by infesta-tion with various species of the parasitic wormFilariaelevate

elevate /$el"ve"t/ verb to raise something or tolift something up ! To control bleeding, applypressure and elevate the part.elevation sling

elevation sling /!el" |$ve"/(#)n sl"0/ noun asling tied round the neck, used to hold an injuredhand or arm in a high position to control bleedingelevator

elevator /$el"ve"t#/ noun 1. a muscle whichraises part of the body 2. a surgical instrumentused to lift part of a broken boneelimination

elimination /" |!l"m"|$ne"/(#)n/ noun the removalof waste matter from the bodyelimination diet

elimination diet /"|!l"m" |$ne"/(#)n !da"#t/ nouna structured diet where different foods are elimi-nated one at a time in order to see the effect onsymptoms, used in conditions such as allergiesand attention deficit hyperactivity disorderELISA

ELISA /" |$la"z#/ noun a process in which anenzyme binds to an antibody or antigen andcauses a colour change that shows the presence oramount of protein in a sample of biological mate-rial. Full form enzyme-linked immunosorbentassayelixir

elixir /"|$l"ks#/ noun a sweet liquid which hidesthe unpleasant taste of a drugelliptocytosis

elliptocytosis /" |!l"pt#*sa"|$t#*s"s/ noun a con-dition in which unusual oval-shaped red cellsappear in the bloodemaciation

emaciation /"|!me"si |$e"/(#)n/ noun 1. the factof being extremely thin and underweight 2. theloss of body tissueemasculation

emasculation /"|!m'skj* |$le"/(#)n/ noun theremoval of the penisembalm

embalm /"m|$b&%m/ verb to preserve a deadbody by using special antiseptic chemicals to pre-vent decayembolectomy

embolectomy /!emb#|$lekt#mi/ noun a surgi-cal operation to remove a blood clotemboli

emboli /$emb#li/ plural of embolusembolisation

embolisation /!emb#la"|$ze"/(#)n/, emboliza-tion noun the use of emboli inserted down a cath-eter into a blood vessel to treat internal bleedingembolism

embolism /$emb#l"z(#)m/ noun the blockingof an artery by a mass of material, usually a bloodclot, preventing the flow of bloodembolus

embolus /$emb#l#s/ noun 1. a mass of materialwhich blocks a blood vessel, e.g. a blood clot, airbubble or fat globule 2. material inserted into a

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embryo 92

blood vessel down a catheter to treat internalbleeding (NOTE: The plural is emboli.)embryoembryo /$embri#*/ noun an unborn baby duringthe first eight weeks after conception (NOTE: Aftereight weeks, the unborn baby is called a fetus.)embryological

embryological /!embri#|$l(d+"k(#)l/ adjectivereferring to embryologyembryologyembryology /!embri |$(l#d+i/ noun the study ofthe early stages of the development of an embryoembryonic

embryonic /!embri |$(n"k/ adjective referring toan embryoembryonic membrane

embryonic membrane /!embri(n"k$membre"n/ noun one of the two layers aroundan embryo providing protection and food supply,i.e. the amnion and the chorionemergency

emergency /" |$m-%d+#nsi/ noun a situationwhere urgent immediate action has to be takenemesisemesis /$em#s"s/ noun same as vomitingemeticemetic /" |$met"k/ noun a substance which causesvomiting " adjective causing vomitingeminence

eminence /$em"n#ns/ noun something whichprotrudes from a surface, e.g. a lump on a bone orswelling on the skinemissary vein

emissary vein /$em"s#ri !ve"n/ noun a veinthrough the skull which connects the venoussinuses with the scalp veinsemissionemission /" |$m"/(#)n/ noun a discharge orrelease of fluidemmetropia

emmetropia /em"|$tr#*pi#/ noun the correctfocusing of light rays by the eye onto the retinagiving normal vision. Compare ametropiaemollientemollient /" |$m(li#nt/ noun a substance whichsoothes or smooths the skin, e.g. to prevent thedevelopment of eczema " adjective smootheningemotionemotion /" |$m#*/(#)n/ noun a strong feelingempathyempathy /$emp#,i/ noun the ability to under-stand the problems and feelings of another personemphysemaemphysema /!emf"|$si%m#/ noun a condition inwhich the walls of the alveoli of the lungs breakdown, reducing the surface available for gasexchange and resulting in a lower oxygen level inthe blood and shortness of breath. It can be causedby smoking, living in a polluted environment, oldage, asthma or whooping cough.empirical treatmentempirical treatment /"m|!p"r"k(#)l$tri%tm#nt/ noun treatment which is based onsymptoms and clinical experience rather than ona thorough knowledge of the cause of the disorderempowerment

empowerment /"m|$pa*#m#nt/ noun the act ofgiving someone authority and power to makedecisions that will affect themempyemaempyema /!empa" |$i%m#/ noun the collection ofpus in a cavity, especially in the pleural cavity.Also called pyothoraxemulsion

emulsion /"|$m.l/#n/ noun a combination ofliquids such as oil and water which do not usuallymixEN

EN abbreviation enrolled nurse


en- /en, "n/ prefix 1. in, into 2. to provide with 3.to cause to be 4. to put into or cover with 5. to gointoenalapril

enalapril /e |$n'l#pr"l/ noun a drug used for theshort-term management of high blood pressureenamel

enamel /"|$n'm(#)l/ noun the hard white shinyouter covering of the crown of a toothenarthrosis

enarthrosis /!en&%|$,r#*s"s/ noun a ball andsocket joint, e.g. the hip jointencapsulated

encapsulated /"n|$k'psj*le"t"d/ adjectiveenclosed in a capsule or in a sheath of tissueencefalin

encefalin /en |$kef#l"n/ noun another spelling ofencephalinencephal-

encephal- /enk"f'l/ prefix same as enceph-alo- (used before vowels)encephala

encephala /en|$kef#l#/ plural of encephalonencephalin

encephalin /en|$kef#l"n/ noun a peptide pro-duced in the brain which acts as a natural pain-killer. ! endorphinencephalitis

encephalitis /en |!kef#|$la"t"s, en|!sef# |$la"t"s/noun inflammation of the brainencephalo-

encephalo- /enkef#l#/ prefix referring to thebrainencephalocele

encephalocele /en|$kef#l#*si%l/ noun a condi-tion in which the brain protrudes through a con-genital or traumatic gap in the skull bonesencephalogram

encephalogram /en|$kef#l#1r'm/, encepha-lograph /en|$kef#l#1r&%f/ noun an X-ray photo-graph of the ventricles and spaces of the braintaken after air has been injected into the cerebro-spinal fluid by lumbar punctureencephaloma

encephaloma /en|!kef# |$l#*m#/ noun a tumourof the brainencephalomyelitis

encephalomyelitis /en |!kef#l#*ma"# |$la"t"s/noun a group of diseases which cause inflamma-tion of the brain and the spinal cordencephalomyelopathy

encephalomyelopathy /en |!kef#l#*ma"#|

$l(p#,i/ noun any condition where the brain andspinal cord are diseasedencephalon

encephalon /en |$kef#l(n/ noun same as brain(NOTE: The plural is encephala.)encephalopathy

encephalopathy /en |!kef#|$l(p#,i/ noun anydisease of the brainenchondroma

enchondroma /!enk#n|$dr#*m#/ noun atumour formed of cartilage growing inside a boneencopresis

encopresis /!enk#* |$pri%s"s/ noun faecalincontinence not associated with a physical con-dition or diseaseencysted

encysted /en|$s"st"d/ adjective enclosed in acapsule like a cystend-

end- /end/ prefix same as endo- (used beforevowels)endarterectomy

endarterectomy /!end&%t#|$rekt#mi/ noun thesurgical removal of the lining of a blocked artery.Also called reboreendarteritis

endarteritis /!end&%t#|$ra"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the inner lining of an artery

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93 endothelialendarteritis obliterans

endarteritis obliterans /!end&%t|!ra"t"s #|

$bl"t#r#nz/ noun a condition where inflammationin an artery is so severe that it blocks the arteryendaural

endaural /end|$)%r#l/ adjective inside the earendemic

endemic /en |$dem"k/ adjective referring to anydisease which is very common in specific places! This disease is endemic to Mediterraneancountries.endo-

endo- /end#*/ prefix insideendobronchial

endobronchial /!end#*|$br(0ki#l/ adjectiveinside the bronchiendocardial

endocardial /!end#*|$k&%di#l/ adjective refer-ring to the endocardiumendocardial pacemaker

endocardial pacemaker /!end#*k&%di#l$pe"sme"k#/ noun a pacemaker attached to thelining of the heartendocarditis

endocarditis /!end#*k&%|$da"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of the membrane lining of the heartendocardium

endocardium /!end#*|$k&%di#m/ noun a mem-brane which lines the heart. See illustration atHEART in Supplementendocervicitis

endocervicitis /!end#*s-%v"|$sa"t"s/ nouninflammation of the membrane in the neck of theuterusendocervix

endocervix /!end#*|$s-%v"ks/ noun a mem-brane which lines the neck of the uterusendochondral

endochondral /!end#* |$k(ndr#l/ adjectiveinside a cartilageendocrine

endocrine /$end#*kra"n/ adjective relating tothe endocrine glands or the hormones they secreteendocrine gland

endocrine gland /$end#*kra"n 1l'nd/ noun agland without a duct which produces hormoneswhich are introduced directly into the blood-stream, e.g. the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, theadrenal gland and the gonads. Also called duct-less gland. Compare exocrine glandendocrine system

endocrine system /$end#*kra"n !s"st#m/noun a system of related ductless glandsendocrinologist

endocrinologist /!end#*kr"|$n(l#d+"st/ nouna doctor who specialises in the study of endo-crinologyendocrinology

endocrinology /!end#*kr" |$n(l#d+i/ noun thestudy of the endocrine system, its function andeffectsendoderm

endoderm /$end#*d-%m/ noun the inner ofthree layers surrounding an embryo. Also calledentodermendodermal

endodermal /!end#*|$d-%m(#)l/ adjectivereferring to the endoderm. Also called entoder-malendogenous

endogenous /en |$d(d+#n#s/ adjective devel-oping or being caused by something inside anorganism. Compare exogenousendogenous depression

endogenous depression /en|!d(d+#n#s d"|

$pre/(#)n/ noun depression caused by no obviousexternal factor

endogenous eczema

endogenous eczema /en |!d(d+#n#s$eks"m#/ noun eczema which is caused by noobvious external factorendolymph

endolymph /$end#*l"mf/ noun a fluid insidethe membranous labyrinth in the inner earendometrial

endometrial /!end#*|$mi%tri#l/ adjective refer-ring to the endometriumendometrial laser ablation

endometrial laser ablation /!end#*mi%tri#l$le"z# #b|!le"/(#)n/ noun a gynaecological surgi-cal procedure using a laser to treat fibroids orother causes of thickening of the lining of theuterusendometriosis

endometriosis /!end#*mi%tri|$#*s"s/ noun acondition affecting women, in which tissue simi-lar to the tissue of the uterus is found in other partsof the bodyendometritis

endometritis /!end#*m"|$tra"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of the lining of the uterusendometrium

endometrium /!end#*|$mi%tri#m/ noun themucous membrane lining the uterus, part ofwhich is shed at each menstruation (NOTE: Theplural is endometria.)endomyocarditis

endomyocarditis /!end#*ma"#*k&%|$da"t"s/noun inflammation of the muscle and inner mem-brane of the heartendomysium

endomysium /!end#* |$m"si#m/ noun connec-tive tissue around and between muscle fibresendoneurium

endoneurium /!end#*|$nj*#ri#m/ nounfibrous tissue between the individual fibres in anerveendoparasite

endoparasite /!end#*|$p'r#sa"t/ noun a para-site which lives inside its host, e.g. in the intes-tines. Compare ectoparasiteendophthalmitis

endophthalmitis /!end(f,'l|$ma"t"s/ nouninflammation of the interior of the eyeballendorphin

endorphin /en|$d)%f"n/ noun a peptide pro-duced by the brain which acts as a natural pain-killer. ! encephalinendoscope

endoscope /$end#sk#*p/ noun an instrumentused to examine the inside of the body, made of athin tube which is passed into the body down apassage. The tube has a fibre optic light, and mayhave small surgical instruments attached.endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography

endoscopic retrograde cholangiopan-creatography /!end#*sk(p"k !retr#1re"d k#|

$l'nd+i#*p'0kri#|$t(1r#fi/ noun a method usedto examine the pancreatic duct and bile duct forpossible obstructions. Abbreviation ERCPendoscopy

endoscopy /en |$d(sk#pi/ noun an examinationof the inside of the body using an endoscopeendoskeleton

endoskeleton /$end#* |!skel"t(#)n/ noun theinner structure of bones and cartilage in an animalendosteum

endosteum /en|$d(sti#m/ noun a membranelining the bone marrow cavity inside a long boneendothelial

endothelial /!end#*|$,i%li#l/ adjective referringto the endothelium

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endothelioma 94endotheliomaendothelioma /!end#*,i%li|$#*m#/ noun amalignant tumour originating inside the endothe-liumendotheliumendothelium /!end#*|$,i%li#m/ noun a mem-brane of special cells which lines the heart, thelymph vessels, the blood vessels and various bodycavities. Compare epithelium, mesotheliumendotoxinendotoxin /!end#*|$t(ks"n/ noun a toxic sub-stance released after the death of some bacterialcellsendotrachealendotracheal /!end#* |$tre"ki#l/ adjectivesame as intratrachealendotracheal tube

endotracheal tube /!end#*|$tre"ki#l !tju%b/noun a tube passed down the trachea, througheither the nose or mouth, in anaesthesia or to helpa person breatheend plateend plate /$end ple"t/ noun the end of a motornerve, where it joins muscle fibreend stage renal disease

end stage renal disease /!end ste"d+$ri%n(#)l d" |!zi%z/ noun the stage of kidney diseaseat which uraemia occurs and dialysis needs tostart. Abbreviation ESRDenemaenema /$en"m#/ noun a liquid substance putinto the rectum to introduce a drug into the body,to wash out the colon before an operation or fordiagnosisenergy

energy /$en#d+i/ noun the force or strength tocarry out activities ! You need to eat certain typesof food to give you energy.enervation

enervation /!en#|$ve"/(#)n/ noun 1. generalnervous weakness 2. a surgical operation toremove a nerveengagement

engagement /"n |$1e"d+m#nt/ noun (in obstet-rics) the moment where part of the fetus, usuallythe head, enters the pelvis at the beginning oflabourengorgedengorged /"n|$1)%d+d/ adjective excessivelyfilled with liquid, usually bloodengorgementengorgement /"n |$1)%d+m#nt/ noun the exces-sive filling of a vessel, usually with bloodenkephalin

enkephalin /en |$kef#l"n/ noun US anotherspelling of encephalinenophthalmosenophthalmos /!en(f |$,'lm#s/ noun a condi-tion in which the eyes are very deep in their sock-etsEnrolled NurseEnrolled Nurse /"n |!r#*ld $n-%s/ noun " sec-ond-level nurseensiform cartilageensiform cartilage /!ens"f)%m $k&%t#l"d+/noun same as xiphoid processENTENT abbreviation Ear, Nose & ThroatENT departmentENT department /!i% en $ti% d"|!p&%tm#nt/noun a department of otorhinolaryngologyenter-enter- /ent#/ prefix same as entero- (usedbefore vowels)enteral

enteral /$ent#r#l/ adjective referring to theintestine. Compare parenteralenteral feedingenteral feeding /!ent#r#l $fi%d"0/ noun thefeeding of a person by a nasogastric tube or by the

infusion of liquid food directly into the intestine.Also called enteral nutritionenteralgia

enteralgia /!ent#r |$'ld+#/ noun same as colicenterally

enterally /$ent#r#li/ adverb referring to amethod of feeding a person by nasogastric tube ordirectly into the intestineenteral nutrition

enteral nutrition /!ent#r#l nju% |$tr"/(#)n/noun same as enteral feedingenteric

enteric /en|$ter"k/ adjective referring to theintestineenteric-coated

enteric-coated /en|!ter"k $k#*t"d/ adjectivereferring to a capsule with a coating which pre-vents it from being digested and releasing thedrug until it reaches the intestineenteritis

enteritis /!ent#|$ra"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe mucous membrane of the intestineentero-

entero- /ent#r#*/ prefix referring to the intes-tineEnterobacteria

Enterobacteria /!ent#r#*b'k|$t"#ri#/ noun afamily of Gram-negative bacteria, including Sal-monella, Shigella, Escherichia and Klebsiellaenterobiasis

enterobiasis /!ent#r#* |$ba"#s"s/ noun a com-mon children’s disease, caused by threadwormsin the large intestine which cause itching roundthe anus. Also called oxyuriasisEnterobius

Enterobius /!ent# |$r#*bi#s/ noun a small thinnematode worm, one species of which, Entero-bius vermicularis, infests the large intestine andcauses itching round the anus. Also calledthreadworm, pinwormenterocele

enterocele /$ent#r#*si%l/, enterocoele/$enter#*si%l/ noun a hernia of the intestineenterocolitis

enterocolitis /!ent#r#*k#|$la"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of the colon and small intestineenterolith

enterolith /$ent#r#*l",/ noun a stone in theintestineenteron

enteron /$ent#r(n/ noun the whole intestinaltractenteropathy

enteropathy /!ent#|$r(p#,i/ noun any disorderof the intestine. ! gluten-induced enteropathyenteroscope

enteroscope /$ent#r#sk#*p/ noun an instru-ment for inspecting the inside of the intestineenterostomy

enterostomy /!ent#|$r(st#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to make an opening between the smallintestine and the abdominal wallenterotomy

enterotomy /!ent#|$r(t#mi/ noun a surgicalincision in the intestineenterotoxin

enterotoxin /!ent#r#* |$t(ks"n/ noun a bacterialexotoxin which particularly affects the intestineenterovirus

enterovirus /!ent#r#*|$va"r#s/ noun a viruswhich prefers to live in the intestine. Enterovi-ruses include poliomyelitis virus, Coxsackieviruses and the echoviruses.entoderm

entoderm /$ent#*d-%m/ noun same as endo-dermentodermal

entodermal /!ent#* |$d-%m(#)l/ adjective sameas endodermal

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95 epididymalEntonox

Entonox /$ent#n(ks/ noun a gas consisting of50% oxygen and 50% nitrous oxide that is used asa painkiller during childbirthentopic

entopic /"n |$t(p"k/ adjective located or takingplace in the usual position. Opposite ectopicentropion

entropion /"n |$tr#*pi#n/ noun a turning of theedge of the eyelid towards the insideenucleation

enucleation /" |!nju%kli |$e"/(#)n/ noun the surgi-cal removal of all of a tumourenuresis

enuresis /!enj*|$ri%s"s/ noun the involuntarypassing of urineenuretic

enuretic /!enj* |$ret"k/ adjective referring toenuresis, or causing enuresisenvironment

environment /"n|$va"r#nm#nt/ noun the condi-tions and influences under which an organismlivesenvironmental

environmental /"n|!va"r#n|$ment(#)l/ adjectivereferring to the environmentEnvironmental Health Officer

Environmental Health Officer /"n |

!va"r#nment(#)l $hel, !(f"s#/ noun an official ofa local authority who examines the environmentand tests for air pollution, bad sanitation, noisepollution and similar threats to public health.Abbreviation EHOenzyme

enzyme /$enza"m/ noun a protein substanceproduced by living cells which aids a biochemicalreaction in the body (NOTE: The names ofenzymes mostly end with the suffix -ase.)enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay/!enza"m l"0kt !"mj*n#*|!s)%b#nt $'se"/ nounfull form of ELISAeonism

eonism /$i%#n"z(#)m/ noun cross-dressing,when a male wears female dresseosin

eosin /$i%#*s"n/ noun a red crystalline solid usedas a biological staining dyeeosinopenia

eosinopenia /!i%#*s"n#|$pi%ni#/ noun a reduc-tion in the number of eosinophils in the bloodeosinophil

eosinophil /!i%#*|$s"n#f"l/ noun a type of cellthat can be stained with eosineosinophilia

eosinophilia /!i%#*s"n# |$f"li#/ noun an excessof eosinophils in the bloodependyma

ependyma /" |$pend"m#/ noun a thin membranewhich lines the ventricles of the brain and the cen-tral canal of the spinal cordependymal

ependymal /" |$pend"m(#)l/ adjective referringto the ependymaependymal cell

ependymal cell /"|$pend"m(#)l sel/ noun oneof the cells which form the ependymaependymoma

ependymoma /" |!pend"|$m#*m#/ noun atumour in the brain originating in the ependymaephedrine

ephedrine /$ef"dri%n/ noun a drug that relievesasthma and blocked noses by causing the air pas-sages to widenephidrosis

ephidrosis /!ef"|$dr#*s"s/ noun an unusualamount of sweatepi-

epi- /ep"/ prefix on or over


epiblepharon /!ep"|$blef#r(n/ noun an unusualfold of skin over the eyelid, which may press theeyelashes against the eyeballepicanthus

epicanthus /!ep"|$k'n,#s/, epicanthic fold/!ep"k'n,"k $f#*ld/ noun a large fold of skin inthe inner corner of the eye, common in babies andalso found in adults of some groups such as theChineseepicardial

epicardial /!ep"|$k&%di#l/ adjective referring tothe epicardiumepicardial pacemaker

epicardial pacemaker /!ep"k&%di#l$pe"sme"k#/ noun a pacemaker attached to thesurface of the ventricleepicardium

epicardium /!ep" |$k&%di#m/ noun the innerlayer of the pericardium which lines the walls ofthe heart, outside the myocardium. See illustra-tion at HEART in Supplementepicondyle

epicondyle /!ep" |$k(nda"l/ noun a projectingpart of the round end of a bone above the condyleepicondylitis

epicondylitis /!ep"k(nd" |$la"t"s/ noun same astennis elbowepicranium

epicranium /!ep" |$kre"ni#m/ noun the five lay-ers of the scalp, the skin and hair on the head cov-ering the skullepicritic

epicritic /!ep" |$kr"t"k/ adjective referring to thenerves which govern the fine senses of touch andtemperatureepidemic

epidemic /!ep"|$dem"k/ adjective spreadingquickly through a large part of the population !The disease rapidly reached epidemic propor-tions. " noun an outbreak of an infectious diseasewhich spreads very quickly and affects a largenumber of peopleepidemiologist

epidemiologist /!ep" |!di%m"|$(l#d+"st/ noun aperson who specialises in the study of diseases ingroups of peopleepidemiology

epidemiology /!ep" |!di%mi|$(l#d+i/ noun thestudy of diseases in the community, in particularhow they spread and how they can be controlledepidermal

epidermal /!ep"|$d-%m(#)l/ adjective referringto the epidermisepidermis

epidermis /!ep"|$d-%m"s/ noun the outer layer ofthe skin, including the dead skin on the surface.Also called cuticleepidermoid cyst

epidermoid cyst /!ep"d-%m)"d $s"st/ nounsame as sebaceous cystepidermolysis

epidermolysis /!ep"d-% |$m(l#s"s/ noun sepa-ration of the epidermis from the tissue under-neath, usually forming a blisterepidermolysis bullosa

epidermolysis bullosa /!ep"d-%|!m(l#s"s b*|

$l#*s#/ noun a group of disorders where blistersform on the skinEpidermophyton

Epidermophyton /!ep"d-% |$m(f"t#n/ noun afungus which grows on the skin and causes ath-lete’s foot, among other disordersepididymal

epididymal /!ep" |$d"d"m(#)l/ adjective referringto the epididymis

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epididymectomy 96epididymectomy

epididymectomy /!ep"d"d"|$mekt#mi/ nounthe removal of the epididymisepididymis

epididymis /!ep" |$d"d"m"s/ noun a long twist-ing thin tube at the back of the testis, which formspart of the efferent duct of the testis, and in whichspermatozoa are stored before ejaculation. Seeillustration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) inSupplementepididymitis

epididymitis /!ep"d"d" |$ma"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of the epididymisepididymo-orchitis

epididymo-orchitis /ep"|!d"d"m#* )% |$ka"t"s/noun inflammation of the epididymis and the tes-tesepidural

epidural /!ep" |$dj*#r#l/ adjective on the outsideof the dura mater. Also called extradural " nounsame as epidural anaesthesiaepidural anaesthesia

epidural anaesthesia /ep" |!dj*#r#l !'n#s|

$,i%zi#/ noun a local anaesthesia in which anaes-thetic is injected into the space between the verte-bral canal and the dura materepidural block

epidural block /!ep"dj*#r#l $bl(k/ noun anal-gesia produced by injecting an analgesic solutioninto the space between the vertebral canal and thedura materepidural space

epidural space /!ep"dj*#r#l $spe"s/ noun aspace in the spinal cord between the vertebralcanal and the dura materepigastric

epigastric /!ep"|$1'str"k/ adjective referring tothe upper abdomen ! The patient complained ofpains in the epigastric area.epigastrium

epigastrium /!ep"|$1'stri#m/ noun the part ofthe upper abdomen between the ribcage and thenavel. Also called the pit of the stomachepiglottis

epiglottis /!ep"|$1l(t"s/ noun a flap of cartilageat the root of the tongue which moves to block thewindpipe when food is swallowed, so that thefood does not go down the tracheaepiglottitis

epiglottitis /!ep"1l( |$ta"t"s/ noun inflammationand swelling of the epiglottisepilation

epilation /!ep" |$le"/(#)n/ noun the process ofremoving hair by destroying the hair folliclesepilepsy

epilepsy /$ep"lepsi/ noun a disorder of the nerv-ous system in which there are convulsions andloss of consciousness due to a disordered dis-charge of cerebral neuronesepileptic

epileptic /!ep" |$lept"k/ adjective having epi-lepsy, or relating to epilepsy " noun a personwith epilepsy (NOTE: The word ‘epileptic’ todescribe a person is now avoided.)epileptic fit

epileptic fit /!ep"lept"k $f"t/ noun an attack ofconvulsions, and sometimes unconsciousness,due to epilepsyepileptiform

epileptiform /!ep" |$lept"f)%m/ adjective beingsimilar to epilepsyepiloia

epiloia /!ep"|$l)"#/ noun a hereditary disease ofthe brain associated with learning disabilities,epilepsy and tumours on the kidney and heart.Also called tuberose sclerosis


epimenorrhagia /!ep"men#|$re"d+#/ nounvery heavy bleeding during menstruation occur-ring at very short intervalsepimenorrhoea

epimenorrhoea /!ep"men#|$ri%#/ noun men-struation at shorter intervals than twenty-eightdaysepiphora

epiphora /e|$p"f#r#/ noun a condition in whichthe eye fills with tears either because the lacrimalduct is blocked or because excessive tears arebeing secretedepiphyseal

epiphyseal /!ep" |$f"zi#l/ adjective referring toan epiphysisepiphysis

epiphysis /e|$p"f#s"s/ noun the area of growthin a bone which is separated from the main part ofthe bone by cartilage until bone growth stops. Seeillustration at BONE STRUCTURE in Supplement.Compare diaphysis, metaphysisepiplo-

epiplo- /ep"pl#*/ prefix referring to the omen-tumepiploon

epiploon /e |$p"pl#*(n/ noun same as omentumepisclera

episclera /$ep"skl"#r#/ noun the outer surfaceof the sclera of the eyeballepiscleritis

episcleritis /!ep"skl# |$ra"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the outer surface of the sclera in the eye-ballepisi-

episi- /#p"zi/, episio- /#p"zi#*/ prefix referringto the vulvaepisiorrhaphy

episiorrhaphy /#|!p"zi |$)%r#fi/ noun a proce-dure for stitching torn labia majoraepisiotomy

episiotomy /#|!p"zi |$(t#mi/ noun a surgical cutof the perineum near the vagina to prevent tearingduring childbirthepisodic

episodic /!ep"|$s(d"k/ adjective happening inseparate but related incidents, e.g. asthma whichoccurs in separate attacksepispadias

epispadias /!ep" |$spe"di#s/ noun a congenitalcondition where the urethra opens on the top ofthe penis and not at the end. Compare hypospa-diasepistaxis

epistaxis /!ep"|$st'ks"s/ noun same as nose-bleedepithelial

epithelial /!ep"|$,i%li#l/ adjective referring to theepitheliumepithelialisation

epithelialisation /!ep"|!,i%li#|la"|$ze"/(#)n/, epi-thelialization noun the growth of skin over awoundepithelioma

epithelioma /ep",i%li|$#*m#/ noun a tumourarising from epithelial cellsepithelium

epithelium /!ep"|$,i%li#m/ noun the layer or lay-ers of cells covering an organ, including the skinand the lining of all hollow cavities except bloodvessels, lymphatics and serous cavities. Compareendothelium, mesotheliumEpstein–Barr virus

Epstein–Barr virus /!epsta"n $b&% !va"r#s/noun a virus which probably causes glandularfever. Also called EB virus [Isolated anddescribed 1964. After Michael Anthony Epstein(b. 1921), Bristol pathologist; Murray Llewellyn

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97 erythrogenesis

Barr (1908–95), Canadian anatomist and cytolo-gist, head of the Department of Anatomy at theUniversity of Western Ontario, Canada.]epulis

epulis /" |$pju%l"s/ noun a small fibrous swellingon a gumequi-

equi- /"%kw", ekw"/ prefix equalequilibrium

equilibrium /!i%kw"|$l"bri#m/ noun a state ofbalanceER

ER abbreviation 1. US emergency room 2. endo-plasmic reticulumErb’s palsy

Erb’s palsy /!-%bz $p)%lzi/, Erb’s paralysis/!-%bz p#|$r'l#s"s/ noun a condition in which anarm is paralysed because of birth injuries to thebrachial plexus. ! Bell’s palsyERCP

ERCP abbreviation endoscopic retrogradecholangiopancreatographyerectile

erectile /"|$rekta"l/ adjective able to becomeerecterectile dysfunction

erectile dysfunction /" |!rekta"l d"s|$f.0k/#n/noun a condition in which a man finds it difficultor impossible to have or maintain an erection dur-ing intercourseerection

erection /" |$rek/#n/ noun a state where a bodypart such as the penis becomes swollen because ofengorgement with blooderector

erector /" |$rekt#/ noun a small muscle whichraises a body parterector spinae

erector spinae /" |!rekt# $spa"ni%/ noun a largemuscle starting at the base of the spine, and divid-ing as it runs up the spineERG

ERG abbreviation electroretinogramergonomics

ergonomics /!-%1#|$n(m"ks/ noun the study ofhumans at workergot

ergot /$-%1#t/ noun a disease of rye caused bythe fungus Clariceps purpureaergotamine

ergotamine /-%|$1(t#mi%n/ noun a drug thatcauses narrowing of blood vessels and alleviatesmigraine, derived from the ergot fungusergotism

ergotism /$-%1#t"z(#)m/ noun poisoningcaused by eating rye which has been contami-nated with the ergot funguserogenous

erogenous /" |$r(d+#n#s/ adjective producingsexual excitementerogenous zone

erogenous zone /"|$r(d+#n#s z#*n/ noun apart of the body which, if stimulated, producessexual arousal, e.g. the penis, clitoris or nippleserotic

erotic /"|$r(t"k/ adjective relating to or arousingthe feeling of sexual desireERPC

ERPC abbreviation evacuation of retained prod-ucts of conceptioneructation

eructation /!i%r.k|$te"/(#)n/ noun same asbelchingeruption

eruption /" |$r.p/#n/ noun something whichbreaks through the skin, e.g. a rash or pimpleery-

ery- /er"/ prefix same as erythro-


erythema /!er"|$,i%m#/ noun redness on theskin, caused by hyperaemia of the blood vesselsnear the surfaceerythema ab igne

erythema ab igne /!er",i%m# 'b $"1ne"/ nouna pattern of red lines on the skin caused by expo-sure to heaterythema induratum

erythema induratum /!er",i%m# !"ndj*|

$re"t#m/ noun a tubercular disease where ulcerat-ing nodules appear on the legs of young women.Also called Bazin’s diseaseerythema multiforme

erythema multiforme /!er",i%m#$m.ltif)%mi/ noun the sudden appearance ofinflammatory red patches and sometimes blisterson the skinerythema nodosum

erythema nodosum /!er",i%m# n#*|$d#*s#m/noun an inflammatory disease where red swell-ings appear on the front of the legserythema pernio

erythema pernio /!er",i%m# $p-%ni#*/ nounsame as chilblainerythematous

erythematous /!er"|$,i%m#t#s/ adjective refer-ring to erythemaerythr-

erythr- /er",r/ prefix same as erythro- (usedbefore vowels)erythrasma

erythrasma /!er"|$,r'zm#/ noun a persistentbacterial skin infection occurring in a fold in theskin or where two skin surfaces touch, such asbetween the toes. It is caused by Corynebacte-rium.erythro-

erythro- /"r",r#*/ prefix rederythroblast

erythroblast /" |$r",r#bl'st/ noun a cell whichforms an erythrocyte or red blood cellerythroblastosis

erythroblastosis /"|!r",r#*bl'|$st#*s"s/ nounthe presence of erythroblasts in the blood, usuallyfound in haemolytic anaemiaerythroblastosis fetalis

erythroblastosis fetalis /"|!r",r#* |bl'|

!st#*s"s fi%|$t&%l"s/ noun a blood disease affectingnewborn babies, caused by a reaction between therhesus factor of the mother and the fetuserythrocyte

erythrocyte /" |$r",r#sa"t/ noun a mature redblood cellerythrocyte sedimentation rate

erythrocyte sedimentation rate /"|

!r",r#sa"t sed"men|$te"/(#)n re"t/ noun a testthat measures how fast erythrocytes settle in asample of blood plasma, used to confirm whethervarious blood conditions are present. Abbrevia-tion ESRerythrocytosis

erythrocytosis /"|!r",r#sa" |$t#*s"s/ noun anincrease in the number of red blood cells in theblooderythroderma

erythroderma /"|!r",r#|$d-%m#/ noun a condi-tion in which the skin becomes red and flakes offerythroedema

erythroedema /"|!r",r)"|$di%m#/ noun same asacrodyniaerythrogenesis

erythrogenesis /" |!r",r# |$d+en#s"s/, erythro-poiesis /"|!r",r#p)" |$i%s"s/ noun the formation ofred blood cells in red bone marrow

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erythropenia 98erythropenia

erythropenia /" |!r",r# |$pi%ni#/ noun a conditionin which a person has a low number of erythro-cytes in their blooderythroplasia

erythroplasia /" |!r",r# |$ple"zi#/ noun the for-mation of lesions on the mucous membraneerythropoiesis

erythropoiesis /"|!r",r#p)" |$i%s"s/ noun same aserythrogenesiserythropoietin

erythropoietin /" |!r",r# |$p)"#t"n/ noun a hor-mone which regulates the production of red bloodcellserythropsia

erythropsia /!er" |$,r(psi#/ noun a condition inwhich someone sees things as if coloured redeschar

eschar /$esk&%/ noun a dry scab, e.g. one form-ing on a burnEscherichia

Escherichia /!e/# |$r"ki#/ noun a bacteriumcommonly found in faecesEscherichia coli

Escherichia coli /e/#|!r"ki# $k#*la"/ noun aGram-negative bacterium associated with acutegastroenteritis. Also called E. coliEsmarch’s bandage

Esmarch’s bandage /$esm&%ks !b'nd"d+/noun a rubber band wrapped round a limb as atourniquet before a surgical operation and left inplace during the operation so as to keep the sitefree of blood [Described 1869. After JohannFriedrich August von Esmarch (1823–1908),Professor of Surgery at Kiel, Germany.]esotropia

esotropia /es#|$tr#*pi#/ noun a type of squint,where the eyes both look towards the nose. Alsocalled convergent strabismusESR

ESR abbreviation erythrocyte sedimentation rateESRD

ESRD abbreviation end-stage renal diseaseessence

essence /$es(#)ns/ noun a concentrated oilfrom a plant, used in cosmetics, and sometimes asanalgesics or antisepticsessential amino acid

essential amino acid /" |!sen/#l # |!mi%n#*$'s"d/ noun an amino acid which is necessary forgrowth but which cannot be synthesised in thebody and has to be obtained from the food supply

COMMENT: The essential amino acids are:isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phe-nylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine.

essential element

essential element /"|!sen/#l $el"m#nt/ noun achemical element which is necessary to thebody’s growth or function, e.g. carbon, oxygen,hydrogen and nitrogenessential fatty acid

essential fatty acid /" |!sen/#l !f'ti $'s"d/noun an unsaturated fatty acid which is necessaryfor growth and health. Abbreviation EFA

COMMENT: The essential fatty acids are lino-leic acid, linolenic acid and arachidonic acid.

essential hypertension

essential hypertension /" |!sen/#l $ha"p#|

!ten/#n/ noun high blood pressure without anyobvious causeessential oil

essential oil /"|!sen/#l $)"l/ noun a medicinal orfragrant oil distilled from some part of a plantessential tremor

essential tremor /" |!sen/#l $trem#/ noun aninvoluntary slow trembling movement of thehands often seen in elderly people

essential uterine haemorrhage

essential uterine haemorrhage /"|!sen/#l!ju%t#ra"n $hem(#)r"d+/ noun heavy uterinebleeding for which there is no obvious causeethambutol

ethambutol /"|$,'mbj*t(l/ noun a drug that ispart of the treatment for bacterial infections suchas tuberculosisethanol

ethanol /$e,#n(l/ noun a colourless liquid,present in alcoholic drinks such as whisky, ginand vodka, and also used in medicines and as adisinfectant. Also called ethyl alcoholethene

ethene /$i%,i%n/ noun same as ethyleneether

ether /$i%,#/ noun an anaesthetic substance, nowrarely usedethical

ethical /$e,"k(#)l/ adjective concerning ethicsethical committee

ethical committee /$e,"k(#)l k#|!m"ti/ noun agroup of specialists who monitor experimentsinvolving human beings or who regulate the wayin which members of the medical profession con-duct themselvesethics

ethics /$e,"ks/ noun " medical ethicsethinyloestradiol

ethinyloestradiol /!e,"n(#)l |!"%str# |$da"(l/noun an artificial hormone related to oestrogenthat is effective in small doses. It forms part ofhormone replacement therapy.ethmoid

ethmoid /e,|$m)"d/, ethmoidal /e,|$m)"d(#)l/adjective referring to the ethmoid bone or near tothe ethmoid boneethmoidal sinuses

ethmoidal sinuses /e, |!m)"d(#)l $sa"n#s"z/plural noun air cells inside the ethmoid boneethmoid bone

ethmoid bone /$e,m)"d b#*n/ noun a bonewhich forms the top of the nasal cavity and part ofthe orbitsethmoidectomy

ethmoidectomy /!e,m)"|$dekt#mi/ noun anoperation to remove the lining between thesinusesethmoiditis

ethmoiditis /!e,m)" |$da"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the ethmoid bone or of the ethmoidalsinusesethnic

ethnic /$e,n"k/ adjective relating to a culturallyor racially distinctive group of peopleethyl alcohol

ethyl alcohol /!i,a"l $'lk#h(l/ noun same asethanolethylene

ethylene /$e,#li%n/ noun a gas used as an anaes-theticethylestrenol

ethylestrenol /!e,(#)l|$estr#n(l/ noun an ana-bolic steroidetiology

etiology /!i%ti|$(l#d+i/ noun US same as aetiol-ogyeucalyptus

eucalyptus /!ju%k# |$l"pt#s/ noun a genus of treegrowing mainly in Australia, from which astrongly smelling oil is distilledeucalyptus oil

eucalyptus oil /!ju%k# |$l"pt#s )"l/ noun an aro-matic medicinal oil distilled from the leaves ofvarious species of tree in the genus Eucalyptuseugenics

eugenics /ju% |$d+en"ks/ noun the study of howto improve the human race by genetic selectioneunuch

eunuch /$ju%n#k/ noun a castrated male

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99 exenterationeuphoria

euphoria /ju% |$f)%ri#/ noun a feeling of extremehappinessEustachian canal

Eustachian canal /ju%|$ste"/(#)n k#|!n'l/noun a passage through the porous bone formingthe outside part of the Eustachian tubeEustachian tube

Eustachian tube /ju% |$ste"/(#)n tju%b/ nounthe tube which connects the pharynx to the middleear. See illustration at EAR in Supplement[Described 1562, but actually named after Eus-tachio by Valsalva a century later. BartolomeoEustachio (1520–74), physician to the Pope andProfessor of Anatomy in Rome.]euthanasia

euthanasia /!ju%,# |$ne"zi#/ noun the painlesskilling of an incurably ill person or someone in apermanent coma in order to end their distress.Also called mercy killing (NOTE: This practice isillegal in most countries.)euthyroid

euthyroid /ju%|$,a"r)"d/ noun a condition wherethe thyroid is functioning normallyevacuant

evacuant /" |$v'kju#nt/ noun a medicine whichmakes a person have a bowel movementevacuation

evacuation /" |!v'kju|$e"/(#)n/ noun the act ofremoving the contents of something, especiallydischarging faeces from the bowelevacuation of retained products of conception

evacuation of retained products of con-ception /"v'kju |!e"/(#)n #v r"|!te"nd!pr(d.kts #v k#n |$sep/#n/ noun a D & C opera-tion performed after an abortion or miscarriage toensure the uterus is left empty. AbbreviationERPCevaluation

evaluation /" |!v'lju|$e"/(#)n/ noun the act ofexamining and calculating the quantity or level ofsomething ! In further evaluation of thesepatients no side-effects of the treatment werenoted.eventration

eventration /!"%ven |$tre"/(#)n/ noun the push-ing of the intestine through the wall of the abdo-meneversion

eversion /" |$v-%/(#)n/ noun the act of turningtowards the outside or turning inside out. Seeillustration at ANATOMICAL TERMS in Supplementevertor

evertor /"|$v-%t#/ noun a muscle which makes alimb turn outwardsevidence-based

evidence-based /$ev"d(#)ns be"st/ adjectivebased on the results of well-designed trials of spe-cific types of treatment for specific conditions !evidence-based practiceevidence-based medicine

evidence-based medicine /$ev"d(#)nsbe"st !med(#)s"n/ noun medical practice wherefindings from research are used as the basis fordecisionsevisceration

evisceration /" |!v"s# |$re"/(#)n/ noun the surgi-cal removal of the abdominal viscera. Also calledexenterationevolution

evolution /!i%v#|$lu%/(#)n/ noun a process ofchange in organisms which takes place over avery long period involving many generations


evulsion /"|$v.l/#n/ noun the act of extractingsomething by forceEwing’s tumour

Ewing’s tumour /$ju%"0z $tju%m#/, Ewing’ssarcoma /!ju%"0z s&%|$k#*m#/ noun a malignanttumour in the marrow of a long bone [Described1922. After James Ewing (1866–1943), Profes-sor of Pathology at Cornell University, New York,USA.]EWS

EWS /!i% !d.b(#)lju% $es/ noun an ‘early warningsystem’ designed to alert healthcare professionalsto new developments in technologies, pharma-ceuticals and treatmentsex-

ex- /eks/ prefix same as exo- (used before vow-els)exacerbation

exacerbation /"1|!z's#|$be"/(#)n/ noun 1. thefact of making a condition worse 2. a period whena condition becomes worseexanthem

exanthem /"1|$z'n,#m/ noun a skin rash foundwith infectious diseases like measles or chicken-poxexanthematous

exanthematous /!eks'n |$,em#t#s/ adjectivereferring to an exanthem or like an exanthemexception

exception /"k |$sep/#n/ noun 1. something thatdoes not fit into or is excluded from a general ruleor pattern 2. the act or condition of beingexcludedexchange transfusion

exchange transfusion /"ks|!t/e"nd+ tr'ns|

$fju%+(#)n/ noun a method of treating leukaemiaor erythroblastosis in newborn babies, wherealmost all the blood is removed from the body andreplaced with healthy bloodexcise

excise /"k |$sa"z/ verb to cut something outexcision

excision /"k|$s"+(#)n/ noun an operation by asurgeon to cut and remove part of the body suchas a growth. Compare incisionexcitation

excitation /!eks" |$te"/(#)n/ noun the state ofbeing mentally or physically arousedexcite

excite /"k|$sa"t/ verb 1. to stimulate someone orsomething 2. to give an impulse to a nerve or mus-cleexcoriation

excoriation /"ks |!k)%ri |$e"/(#)n/ noun a raw skinsurface or mucous membrane after rubbing orburningexcrement

excrement /$ekskr"m#nt/ noun same as fae-cesexcrescence

excrescence /"k|$skres(#)ns/ noun a growth onthe skinexcreta

excreta /"k|$skri%t#/ plural noun waste materialfrom the body, especially faecesexcretion

excretion /"k |$skri%/(#)n/ noun the act of pass-ing waste matter, e.g. faeces, urine or sweat, outof the bodyexcruciating

excruciating /"k|$skru%/ie"t"0/ adjectiveextremely painful ! He had excruciating pains inhis head.exenteration

exenteration /ek |!sent# |$re"/(#)n/ noun sameas evisceration

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exercise 100exercise

exercise /$eks#sa"z/ noun 1. physical or mentalactivity, especially the active use of the muscles asa way of keeping fit, correcting a deformity orstrengthening a part ! Regular exercise is goodfor your heart. ! He doesn’t do or take enoughexercise. 2. a particular movement or actiondesigned to use and strengthen the muscles "verb to take exercise, or exert part of the body inexercise ! He exercises twice a day to keep fit.exercise-induced asthma

exercise-induced asthma /!eks#sa"z "n|

!dju%st $'sm#/ noun asthma which is caused byexercise such as running or cycling. AbbreviationEIAexfoliation

exfoliation /eks|!f#*li |$e"/(#)n/ noun the loss oflayers of tissue such as sunburnt skinexfoliative

exfoliative /eks |$f#*lie"t"v/ adjective referringto exfoliationexfoliative dermatitis

exfoliative dermatitis /eks|!f#*li#t"v !d-%m#|

$ta"t"s/ noun a typical form of dermatitis wherethe skin becomes red and comes off in flakesexhalation

exhalation /!eksh# |$le"/(#)n/ noun the act ofbreathing out. Opposite inhalationexhale

exhale /eks |$he"l/ verb to breathe out. Oppositeinhaleexhibitionism

exhibitionism /!eks"|$b"/(#)n"z(#)m/ noun adesire to show the genitals to a person of theopposite sexexo-

exo- /eks#*/ prefix out of, outsideexocrine gland

exocrine gland /$eks#kra"n 1l'nd/ noun agland with ducts which channel secretions to par-ticular parts of the body such as the liver, thesweat glands, the pancreas and the salivaryglands. Compare endocrine glandexogenous

exogenous /ek |$s(d+#n#s/ adjective develop-ing or caused by something outside the organism.Compare endogenousexomphalos

exomphalos /ek |$s(mf#l#s/ noun same asumbilical herniaexophthalmic goitre

exophthalmic goitre /!eks(f,'lm"k $1)"t#/noun a form of hyperthyroidism, in which theneck swells and the eyes protrude. Also calledGraves’ diseaseexophthalmos

exophthalmos /!eks(f |$,'lm#s/ noun pro-truding eyeballsexostosis

exostosis /!eks# |$st#*s"s/ noun a benigngrowth on the surface of a boneexotic

exotic /"1|$z(t"k/ adjective referring to a diseasewhich occurs in a foreign countryexotoxin

exotoxin /!eks#*|$t(ks"n/ noun a poison, pro-duced by bacteria, which affects parts of the bodyaway from the place of infection, e.g. the toxinswhich cause botulism or tetanusexotropia

exotropia /!eks#* |$tr#*pi#/ noun same asdivergent strabismusexpectant mother

expectant mother /"k|!spekt#nt $m.2#/ nouna pregnant womanexpectorant

expectorant /"k|$spekt(#)r#nt/ noun a drugwhich helps someone to cough up phlegm


expectoration /"k|!spekt#|$re"/(#)n/ noun theact of coughing up fluid or phlegm from the res-piratory tractexperiential learning

experiential learning /"k |!sp"#rien/#l $l-%n"0/noun the process of learning from experienceexpert patient

expert patient /!eksp-%t $pe"/(#)nt/ noun apatient with a long-term illness who has beentaught how to manage his or her own medical careexpiration

expiration /!eksp# |$re"/(#)n/ noun 1. the act ofbreathing out, or pushing air out of the lungs !Expiration takes place when the chest musclesrelax and the lungs become smaller. Oppositeinspiration 2. deathexpire

expire /"k |$spa"#/ verb 1. to breathe out 2. to dieexploration

exploration /!ekspl# |$re"/(#)n/ noun a proce-dure or surgical operation where the aim is to dis-cover the cause of symptoms or the nature andextent of an illnessexploratory surgery

exploratory surgery /"k |!spl(r#t(#)ri$s-%d+#ri/ noun a surgical operation in which theaim is to discover the cause of a person’s symp-toms or the nature and extent of an illnessexpression

expression /"k|$spre/(#)n/ noun 1. the look ona person’s face which shows what he or she thinksand feels ! His expression showed that he wasannoyed. 2. the act of pushing something out ofthe body ! the expression of the fetus and pla-centa during childbirthexsanguinate

exsanguinate /"k |$s'01w"ne"t/ verb to drainblood from the bodyexsanguination

exsanguination /"k|!s'01w" |$ne"/(#)n/ nounthe removal of blood from the bodyextension

extension /"k|$sten/#n/ noun 1. the stretchingor straightening out of a joint 2. the stretching ofa joint by tractionextensor

extensor /"k |$stens#/, extensor muscle /"k|

$stens# !m.s(#)l/ noun a muscle which makes ajoint become straight. Compare flexorexterior

exterior /"k|$st"#ri#/ noun the outside of some-thingexterna

externa /"k|$st-%n#/ " otitisexternal cardiac massage

external cardiac massage /"k |!st-%n(#)l!k&%di'k $m's&%+/ noun a method of makingsomeone’s heart start beating again by rhythmicpressing on the breastboneexternal ear

external ear /"k|!st-%n(#)l $"#/ noun same asouter earexternal haemorrhoids

external haemorrhoids /"k |!st-%n(#)l$hem#r)"dz/ plural noun haemorrhoids in theskin just outside the anusexternal iliac artery

external iliac artery /"k |!st-%n(#)l $"li'k!&%t#ri/ noun an artery which branches from theaorta in the abdomen and leads to the legexternal jugular

external jugular /"k|!st-%n(#)l $d+.1j*l#/noun the main jugular vein in the neck, leadingfrom the temporal veinexternal nares

external nares /"k|!st-%n(#)l $ne#ri%z/ pluralnoun same as anterior nares

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101 eyelidexternal otitis

external otitis /"k|!st-%n(#)l # |$ta"t"s/ nounsame as otitis externaexternal respiration

external respiration /"k |!st-%n(#)l !resp"|

$re"/(#)n/ noun the part of respiration concernedwith oxygen in the air being exchanged in thelungs for carbon dioxide from the bloodexteroceptor

exteroceptor /$ekst#r#*sept#/ noun a sensorynerve which is affected by stimuli from outsidethe body, e.g. in the eye or earextinction

extinction /"k |$st"0k/#n/ noun 1. the destruc-tion or stopping of something 2. the lessening orstopping of a conditioned behavioural responsethrough lack of reinforcementextirpation

extirpation /!ekst-%|$pe"/(#)n/ noun the totalremoval of a structure, an organ or growth by sur-geryextra-

extra- /ekstr#/ prefix outsideextracapsular

extracapsular /!ekstr#|$k'psj*l#/ adjectiveoutside a capsuleextracapsular fracture

extracapsular fracture /!ekstr#|!k'psj*l#$fr'kt/#/ noun a fracture of the upper part of thefemur, which does not involve the capsule roundthe hip jointextracellular

extracellular /!ekstr# |$selj*l#/ adjective out-side cellsextracellular fluid

extracellular fluid /!ekstr#selj*l# $flu%"d/noun a fluid which surrounds cellsextract

extract noun /$ekstr'kt/ a preparation made byremoving water or alcohol from a substance, leav-ing only the essence " verb /"k |$str'kt/ to takeout something ! Adrenaline extracted from theanimal’s adrenal glands is used in the treatmentof asthma.extraction

extraction /"k|$str'k/#n/ noun the removal ofpart of the body, especially a toothextradural

extradural /!ekstr# |$dj*#r#l/ adjective same asepiduralextradural haematoma

extradural haematoma /!ekstr#|!dj*#r#l!hi%m#|$t#*m#/ noun a blood clot which forms inthe head outside the dura mater, caused by a blowextradural haemorrhage

extradural haemorrhage /!ekstr#|!dj*#r#l$hem(#)r"d+/ noun a serious condition wherebleeding occurs between the dura mater and theskullextraembryonic membranes

extraembryonic membranes /!ekstr#|

embri |!(n"k $membre"nz/ plural noun mem-branes which are not part of the embryoextrapleural

extrapleural /!ekstr#|$pl*#r#l/ adjective out-side the pleural cavityextrapyramidal

extrapyramidal /!ekstr#p"|$r'm"d(#)l/ adjec-tive outside the pyramidal tractsextrapyramidal system

extrapyramidal system /!ekstr#p"|

!r'm"d(#)l $s"st#m/ noun a motor system whichcarries motor nerves outside the pyramidal sys-temextrapyramidal tracts

extrapyramidal tracts /!ekstr#p"|!r'm"d(#)l$tr'kts/ plural noun same as extrapyramidalsystem


extrasensory /!ekstr#|$sens#ri/ adjectiveinvolving perception by means other than theusual five sensesextrasystole

extrasystole /!ekstr#|$s"st#li/ noun same asectopic heartbeatextrauterine

extrauterine /!ekstr#|$ju%t#ra"n/ adjectiveoccurring or developing outside the uterusextrauterine pregnancy

extrauterine pregnancy /!ekstr#ju%t#ra"n$pre1n#nsi/ noun same as ectopic pregnancyextravasation

extravasation /ek |!str'v#|$se"/(#)n/ noun asituation where a bodily fluid, such as blood orsecretions, escapes into tissueextraversion

extraversion /!ekstr# |$v-%/(#)n/ noun same asextroversionextravert

extravert /$ekstr#v-%t/ noun same as extrovertextremities

extremities /"k |$strem#tiz/ plural noun theparts of the body at the ends of limbs, e.g. the fin-gers, toes, nose and earsextremity

extremity /"k |$strem"ti/ noun 1. a limb 2. thepart of a limb farthest away from the body, espe-cially the hand or foot 3. a situation or state ofgreat distress or danger 4. the greatest intensity ofsomethingextrinsic

extrinsic /eks|$tr"ns"k/ adjective external, orig-inating outside a structureextrinsic factor

extrinsic factor /eks|!tr"ns"k $f'kt#/ noun aformer term for vitamin B12, which is necessaryfor the production of red blood cellsextrinsic muscle

extrinsic muscle /eks|!tr"ns"k $m.s(#)l/ nouna muscle which is some way away from the partof the body which it operatesextroversion

extroversion /ekstr# |$v-%/(#)n/ noun 1. (inpsychology) a condition in which a person isinterested in people and things other than them-selves 2. a congenital turning of an organ insideoutextrovert

extrovert /$ekstr#v-%t/ noun a person who isinterested in people and things in the externalworldextubation

extubation /!ekstju% |$be"/(#)n/ noun theremoval of a tube after intubationeye

eye /a"/ noun the part of the body with which aperson sees (NOTE: For other terms referring tothe eye, see ocular, optic and words beginningwith oculo-, ophth-, ophthalm-, ophthalmo-.)eyeball

eyeball /$a"b)%lz/ noun the round ball of tissuethrough which light passes, located in the eyesocket and controlled by various muscleseyebrow

eyebrow /$a"bra*/ noun an arch of skin with aline of hair above the eyeeye drops

eye drops /$a" dr(ps/ plural noun medicine inliquid form which is put into the eye in smallamountseyelash

eyelash /$a"l'// noun a small hair which growsout from the edge of the eyelideyelid

eyelid /$a"l"d/ noun a piece of skin which coversthe eye. Also called blepharon, palpebra

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eye socket 102

(NOTE: For other terms referring to the eyelids,see words beginning with blephar-, blepharo-.)eye socketeye socket /$a" !s(k"t/ noun same as orbiteyestraineyestrain /$a"stre"n/ noun tiredness in the mus-cles of the eye with a headache, which may becaused by an activity such as reading in bad light

or working on a computer screen. Also calledasthenopiaeyetootheyetooth /$a"tu%,/ noun a canine tooth, one oftwo pairs of pointed teeth next to the incisors(NOTE: The plural is eyeteeth.)

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F abbreviation Fahrenheitface

face /fe"s/ noun the front part of the head, wherethe eyes, nose and mouth are placed " verb tohave your face towards or to look towards some-thing ! Please face the screen.face delivery

face delivery /$fe"s d" |!l"v(#)ri/ noun a birthwhere the baby’s face appears firstface lift

face lift /$fe"s l"ft/, face-lifting operation/$fe"s !l"ft"0 (p#|!re"/(#)n/ noun a surgical oper-ation to remove wrinkles on the face and neckface presentation

face presentation /$fe"s prez(#)n|!te"/(#)n/noun a position of a baby in the uterus where theface will appear first at birthfacet

facet /$f's"t/ noun a flat surface on a bonefacet syndrome

facet syndrome /$f's"t !s"ndr#*m/ noun acondition in which a joint in the vertebraebecomes dislocatedfacial

facial /$fe"/(#)l/ adjective relating to, or appear-ing on, the face ! The psychiatrist examined thepatient’s facial expression.facial bone

facial bone /$fe"/(#)l b#*n/ noun one of thefourteen bones which form the face

COMMENT: The bones which make up theface are: two maxillae forming the upper jaw;two nasal bones forming the top part of thenose; two lacrimal bones on the inside of theorbit near the nose; two zygomatic or malarbones forming the sides of the cheeks; twopalatine bones forming the back part of thetop of the mouth; two nasal conchae or tur-binate bones which form the sides of the na-sal cavity; the mandible or lower jaw; and thevomer in the centre of the nasal septum.

facial paralysis

facial paralysis /$fe"/(#)l p#|!r'l#s"s/ nounsame as Bell’s palsyfacies

facies /$fe"/ii%z/ noun someone’s facial appear-ance, used as a guide to diagnosisfactor

factor /$f'kt#/ noun 1. something which has aninfluence or which makes something else takeplace 2. a substance, variously numbered, e.g.Factor I, Factor II, in the plasma, which makes theblood coagulate when a blood vessel is injuredFactor II

Factor II /!f'kt# $tu%/ noun same as pro-thrombinFactor IX

Factor IX /!f'kt# $na"n/ noun a protein inplasma which promotes the clotting of blood and

is lacking in people with haemophilia B. Alsocalled Christmas factorFactor VIII

Factor VIII /!f'kt#r $e"t/ noun a protein inplasma which promotes the clotting of blood andis lacking in people with haemophilia AFactor XI

Factor XI /!f'kt#r " |$lev(#)n/ noun a protein inplasma which promotes the clotting of blood andis lacking in people with haemophilia CFactor XII

Factor XII /!f'kt# $twelv/ noun a protein inplasma which promotes the clotting of blood andis lacking in some people with haemophilia. Alsocalled Hageman factorfade away

fade away /!fe"d #|$we"/ verb to be in the proc-ess of dying (informal)faecal

faecal /$fi%k(#)l/ adjective referring to faecesfaecal impaction

faecal impaction /!fi%kl(#)l "m|$p'k/#n/ nouna condition in which a hardened mass of faecesstays in the rectumfaecal incontinence

faecal incontinence /!fi%k(#)l3 "n|

$k(nt"n#ns/ noun an inability to control thebowel movementsfaecalith

faecalith /$fi%k#l",/ noun same as coprolithfaecal matter

faecal matter /$fi%k(#)l !m't#/ noun solidwaste matter from the bowelsfaeces

faeces /$fi%si%z/ plural noun solid waste matterpassed from the bowels through the anus. Alsocalled stools, bowel movement (NOTE: Forother terms referring to faeces, see words begin-ning with sterco-.)Fahrenheit

Fahrenheit /$f'r#nha"t/, Fahrenheit scale/$f'r#nha"t ske"l/ noun a scale of temperatureswhere the freezing and boiling points of water are32° and 212° under standard atmospheric pres-sure (NOTE: Used in the US, but less common inthe UK. Usually written as an F after the degreesign: 32°F (say: ‘thirty-two degrees Fahren-heit’).)fail

fail /fe"l/ verb 1. not to be successful in doingsomething ! The doctor failed to see the symp-toms. ! She has failed her pharmacy exams. !He failed his medical and was rejected by thepolice force. 2. to become weaker and less likelyto recoverfailure to thrive

failure to thrive /!fe"lj# t# $,ra"v/ noun sameas marasmus

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faint 104faintfaint /fe"nt/ verb to stop being conscious for ashort time and, usually, fall down " noun a lossof consciousness for a short period, caused by atemporary reduction in the blood flow to the brainfainting fitfainting fit /$fe"nt"0 f"t/, fainting spell/$fe"nt"0 spel/ noun same as syncope ! Sheoften had fainting fits when she was dieting.Fairbanks’ splintFairbanks’ splint /$fe#b'0ks spl"nt/ noun aspecial splint used for correcting Erb’s palsyfaith healingfaith healing /$fe", !hi%l"0/ noun the treatmentof pain or illness by a person who prays and mayalso lay his or her hands on the patientfalciformfalciform /$f'ls"f)%m/ adjective in the shape ofa sicklefalciform ligamentfalciform ligament /!f'ls"f)%m $l"1#m#nt/noun a piece of tissue which separates the twolobes of the liver and attaches it to the diaphragmfallen archesfallen arches /!f)%l#n $&%t/"z/ plural noun acondition in which the arches in the sole of thefoot are not highFallopian tubeFallopian tube /f#|$l#*pi#n tju%b/ noun one oftwo tubes which connect the ovaries to the uterus.See illustration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM (FEMALE)in Supplement. Also called oviduct, salpinx(NOTE: For other terms referring to Fallopiantubes, see words beginning with salping-,salpingo-.) [Described 1561. After Gabriele Fal-lopio (1523–63), Italian man of medicine. Hewas Professor of Surgery and Anatomy atPadua, where he was also Professor of Botany.]Fallot’s tetralogyFallot’s tetralogy /!f'l#*z te|$tr'l#d+i/ nounsame as tetralogy of Fallotfalse ribfalse rib /!f)%ls $r"b/ noun one of the bottom fiveribs on each side which are not directly attachedto the breastbonefamilialfamilial /f#|$m"li#l/ adjective referring to a fam-ilyfamilial adenomatous polyposisfamilial adenomatous polyposis /f#|!m"li#l'd#|!n(m#t#s !p(l"|$p#*s"s/ noun a hereditarydisorder where polyps develop in the small intes-tine. Abbreviation FAPfamilial disorderfamilial disorder /f# |!m"li#l d"s|$)%d#/ noun ahereditary disorder which affects several mem-bers of the same familyfamilyfamily /$f'm(#)li/ noun a group of people whoare related to each other, especially mother, fatherand childrenfamily doctorfamily doctor /!f'm(#)li $d(kt#/ noun a gen-eral practitionerfamily planningfamily planning /!f'm(#)li $pl'n"0/ noun theuse of contraception to control the number of chil-dren in a familyfamily planning clinicfamily planning clinic /!f'm(#)li $pl'n"0!kl"n"k/ noun a clinic which gives advice on con-traceptionfamily therapyfamily therapy /!f'm(#)li $,er#pi/ noun a typeof psychotherapy where members of the family ofa person with a disorder meet a therapist to dis-cuss the condition and try to come to terms with it


famotidine /f#|$m(t"di%n/ noun a histaminewhich reduces the secretion of gastric acid and isused to treat ulcersFanconi syndrome

Fanconi syndrome /f'n|$k#*ni !s"ndr#*m/noun a kidney disorder where amino acids arepresent in the urine [Described 1927. After GuidoFanconi (1892–1979), Professor of Paediatricsat the University of Zurich, Switzerland.]fantasy

fantasy /$f'nt#si/ noun a series of imaginaryevents which someone believes really took placeFAP

FAP abbreviation familial adenomatous polypo-sisfarcy

farcy /$f&%si/ noun a form of glanders whichaffects the lymph nodesfarmer’s lung

farmer’s lung /!f&%m#z $l.0/ noun a type ofasthma caused by an allergy to rotting hayfascia

fascia /$fe"/#/ noun fibrous tissue covering amuscle or an organ (NOTE: The plural is fasciae.)fasciculation

fasciculation /f# |!s"kj*|$le"/(#)n/ noun smallmuscle movements which appear as tremblingskinfasciculus

fasciculus /f#|$s"kj*l#s/ noun a bundle of nervefibres (NOTE: The plural is fasciculi.)fasciitis

fasciitis /!f'/i |$a"t"s/ noun an inflammation ofthe connective tissue between muscles or aroundorgansfastigium

fastigium /f'|$st"d+i#m/ noun the highest tem-perature during a bout of feverfat

fat /f't/ adjective big and round in the body !You ought to eat less – you’re getting too fat.(NOTE: fatter – fattest) " noun 1. a white oilysubstance in the body, which stores energy andprotects the body against cold 2. a type of foodwhich supplies protein and Vitamins A and D,especially that part of meat which is white, andsolid substances like lard or butter produced fromanimals and used for cooking, or liquid sub-stances like oil ! If you don’t like the fat on themeat, cut it off. ! Fry the eggs in some fat. (NOTE:Fat has no plural when it means the substance;the plural fats is used to mean different types offat. For other terms referring to fats, see alsolipid and words beginning with steato-.)fatigue

fatigue /f#|$ti%1/ noun very great tirednessfatigue fracture

fatigue fracture /f#|$ti%1 !fr'kt/#/ noun "stress fracturefatty

fatty /$f'ti/ adjective containing fatfatty acid

fatty acid /!f'ti $'s"d/ noun an organic acidbelonging to a group that occurs naturally as fats,oils and waxes. ! essential fatty acidfatty degeneration

fatty degeneration /!f'ti d" |!d+en#|$re"/(#)n/noun same as adipose degenerationfauces

fauces /$f)%si%z/ noun an opening between thetonsils at the back of the throat, leading to thepharynxFDA

FDA abbreviation US Food and Drug Adminis-tration

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105 fertilefear

fear /f"#/ noun a state where a person is afraid ofsomething ! fear of flyingfebricula

febricula /fe|$br"kj*l#/ noun a low feverfebrifuge

febrifuge /$febr"fju%d+/ noun a drug which pre-vents or lowers a fever, e.g. aspirin " adjectivepreventing or lowering feverfebrile

febrile /$fi%bra"l/ adjective referring to a fever,or caused by a feverfebrile convulsion

febrile convulsion /!fi%bra"l k#n|$v.l/(#)n/noun a convulsion in a child, lasting a short time,associated with a feverfebrile disease

febrile disease /$fi%bra"l d" |!zi%z/ noun a dis-ease which is accompanied by feverfecundation

fecundation /!fek#n|$de"/(#)n/ noun the act ofbringing male and female reproductive mattertogether. Also called fertilisationfeedback

feedback /$fi%db'k/ noun 1. information orcomments about something which has been done! The initial feedback from patients on the newservice was encouraging. 2. the linking of theresult of an action back to the action itselfFehling’s solution

Fehling’s solution /$fe"l"0z s# |!lu%/(#)n/ nouna solution used in Fehling’s test to detect sugar inurine [Described 1848. After Hermann Christianvon Fehling (1812–85), Professor of Chemistryat Stuttgart, Germany.]Fehling’s test

Fehling’s test /$fe"l"0z test/ noun a test for thepresence of aldehydes and sugars in a biologicalsample by means of Fehling’s solutionfelon

felon /$fel#n/ noun same as whitlowFelty’s syndrome

Felty’s syndrome /$felti%z !s"ndr#*m/ noun acondition, associated with rheumatoid arthritis, inwhich the spleen is enlarged and the number ofwhite blood cells increases [Described 1924.After Augustus Roi Felty (1895–1963), physicianat Hartford Hospital, Connecticut, USA.]female condom

female condom /!fi%me"l $k(nd(m/ noun arubber sheath inserted into the vagina beforeintercourse, covering the walls of the vagina andthe cervixfemale sex hormone

female sex hormone /!fi%me"l $seks!h)%m#*n/ noun same as oestrogenfeminisation

feminisation /!fem"na"|$ze"/(#)n/, feminiza-tion noun the development of female characteris-tics in a malefemoral

femoral /$fem#r#l/ adjective referring to thefemur or to the thighfemoral artery

femoral artery /!fem#r#l $&%t#ri/ noun a con-tinuation of the external iliac artery, which runsdown the front of the thigh and then crosses to theback of the thighfemoral canal

femoral canal /!fem#r#l k#|$n'l/ noun theinner tube of the sheath surrounding the femoralartery and veinfemoral head

femoral head /!fem#r#l $hed/ noun the head ofthe femur, the rounded projecting end part of thethigh bone which joins the acetabulum at the hip

femoral hernia

femoral hernia /!fem#r#l $h-%ni#/ noun a her-nia of the bowel at the top of the thighfemoral neck

femoral neck /!fem#r#l $nek/ noun the narrowpart between the head and the diaphysis of thefemur. Also called neck of the femurfemoral nervefemoral nerve /$fem#r#l n-%v/ noun a nervewhich governs the muscle at the front of the thighfemoral pulsefemoral pulse /!fem#r#l $p.ls/ noun a pulsetaken in the groinfemoral trianglefemoral triangle /!fem#r#l $tra"'01#l/ noun aslight hollow in the groin which contains the fem-oral vessels and nerve. Also called Scarpa’s tri-anglefemoral vein

femoral vein /$fem#r#l ve"n/ noun a vein run-ning up the upper leg, a continuation of the pop-liteal veinfemur

femur /$fi%m#/ noun the bone in the top part ofthe leg which joins the acetabulum at the hip andthe tibia at the knee. Also called thighbone. Seeillustration at PELVIS in Supplement (NOTE: Theplural is femora.)-fen

-fen /fen/ suffix used in names of non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs ! ibuprofenfenestra

fenestra /f# |$nestr#/ noun a small opening inthe earfenestra ovalis

fenestra ovalis /f# |!nestr# #* |$v&%l"s/ nounsame as oval windowfenestra rotunda

fenestra rotunda /f#|!nestr# r#*|$t.nd#/ nounsame as round windowfenestration

fenestration /!fen#|$stre"/(#)n/ noun a surgicaloperation to relieve deafness by making a smallopening in the inner earfenoprofen

fenoprofen /!fen#*|$pr#*fen/ noun a non-ster-oidal, anti-inflammatory drug that is used to man-age the pain of arthritisfentanyl

fentanyl /$fent#n"l/ noun a narcotic drug that isa powerful painkillerfermentation

fermentation /!f-%men|$te"/(#)n/ noun a proc-ess where carbohydrates are broken down byenzymes from yeast and produce alcohol. Alsocalled zymosisferricferric /$fer"k/ adjective containing iron with avalency of threeferritinferritin /$fer"t"n/ noun a protein found in theliver that binds reversibly to iron and stores it forlater use in making haemoglobin in red bloodcellsferrous

ferrous /$fer#s/ adjective containing iron with avalency of twoferrous sulphate

ferrous sulphate /!fer#s $s.lfe"t/ noun awhite or pale green iron salt that is used in thetreatment of iron-deficient anaemiaferrule

ferrule /$feru%l/ noun a metal or rubber cap orring that strengthens and protects the lower end ofa crutch or walking stick " verb to fit a ferruleonto a crutch or walking stickfertile

fertile /$f-%ta"l/ adjective able to produce chil-dren. Opposite sterile

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fertilisation 106fertilisation

fertilisation /!f-%t"la" |$ze"/(#)n/, fertilizationnoun the joining of an ovum and a sperm to forma zygote and so start the development of anembryofertility

fertility /f-%|$t"l"ti/ noun the fact of being fertile.Opposite sterilityfertility rate

fertility rate /f-%|$t"l"ti re"t/ noun the number ofbirths per year calculated per 1000 females agedbetween 15 and 44FESS

FESS abbreviation functional endoscopic sinussurgeryfester

fester /$fest#/ verb (of an infected wound) tobecome inflamed and produce pus ! His legswere covered with festering sores.festination

festination /!fest" |$ne"/(#)n/ noun a way ofwalking in which a person takes short steps, seenin people who have Parkinson’s diseasefetal

fetal /$fi%t(#)l/ adjective referring to a fetusfetal alcohol syndrome

fetal alcohol syndrome /!fi%t(#)l $'lk# |$h(l!s"ndr#*m/ noun damage caused to the fetus byalcohol in the blood of the mother, which affectsthe growth of the embryo, including its facial andbrain development. Abbreviation FASfetal dystocia

fetal dystocia /!fi%t(#)l d"s|$t#*si#/ noun a dif-ficult childbirth caused by a malformation or mal-presentation of the fetusfetal heart

fetal heart /!fi%t(#)l $h&%t/ noun the heart of thefetusfetal monitor

fetal monitor /!fi%t(#)l $m(n"t#/ noun an elec-tronic device which monitors the fetus in theuterusfetal position

fetal position /$fi%t(#)l p#|!z"/(#)n/ noun aposition where a person lies curled up on his orher side, like a fetus in the uterusfetishism

fetishism /$fet"/"z(#)m/, fetichism noun apsychological disorder in which someone getssexual satisfaction from touching objectsfeto-

feto- /fi%t#*/ prefix fetusfetoprotein

fetoprotein /!fi%t#*|$pr#*ti%n/ noun " alpha-fetoproteinfetor

fetor /$fi%t#/ noun a bad smellfetoscope

fetoscope /$fi%t#sk#*p/ noun a stethoscopeused in fetoscopyfetoscopy

fetoscopy /f" |$t(sk#pi/ noun an examination ofa fetus inside the uterus, taking blood samples todiagnose blood disordersfetus

fetus /$fi%t#s/ noun an unborn baby from twomonths after conception until birth, before whichit is called an embryoFEV

FEV abbreviation forced expiratory volumefever

fever /$fi%v#/ noun 1. a rise in body temperature! She is running a slight fever. ! You must stay inbed until the fever has gone down. 2. a conditionwhen the temperature of the body is higher thanusual $ also called pyrexiafever blister

fever blister /$fi%v# !bl"st#/ noun same asfever sore

fever sore

fever sore /$fi%v# s)%/ noun a cold sore or burn-ing sore, usually on the lipsfiber

fiber /$fa"b#/ noun US same as fibrefibr-

fibr- /fa"br/ prefix referring to fibres, fibrous(used before vowels)-fibrate

-fibrate /fa"bre"t/ suffix used in names of lipid-lowering drugsfibre

fibre /$fa"b#/ noun 1. a structure in the bodyshaped like a thread 2. same as dietary fibrefibre optics

fibre optics /!fa"b#r $(pt"ks/, fibreoptics/!fa"b#r|$(pt"ks/ noun the use of thin fibres whichconduct light and images to examine internalorgansfibrescope

fibrescope /$fa"b#sk#*p/ noun a device madeof bundles of optical fibres which is passed intothe body, used for examining internal organsfibrillation

fibrillation /!fa"br"|$le"/(#)n/ noun the flutteringof a musclefibrin

fibrin /$f"br"n/ noun a protein produced byfibrinogen, which helps make blood coagulatefibrin foam

fibrin foam /$f"br"n f#*m/ noun a white mate-rial made artificially from fibrinogen, used to pre-vent bleedingfibrinogen

fibrinogen /f"|$br"n#d+#n/ noun a substance inblood plasma which produces fibrin when acti-vated by thrombinfibrinolysin

fibrinolysin /!f"br" |$n(l#s"n/ noun an enzymewhich digests fibrin. Also called plasminfibrinolysis

fibrinolysis /!f"br"|$n(l#s"s/ noun the removalof blood clots from the system by the action offibrinolysin on fibrin. Also called thrombolysisfibrinolytic

fibrinolytic /!f"br"n# |$l"t"k/ adjective referringto fibrinolysis ! fibrinolytic drugs Also calledthrombolyticfibro-

fibro- /fa"br#*/ prefix referring to fibresfibroadenoma

fibroadenoma /!fa"br#*|!'d" |$n#*m#/ noun abenign tumour formed of fibrous and glandulartissuefibroblast

fibroblast /$fa"br#*bl'st/ noun a long flat cellfound in connective tissue, which develops intocollagenfibrocartilage

fibrocartilage /!fa"br#*|$k&%t#l"d+/ noun carti-lage and fibrous tissue combinedfibrochondritis

fibrochondritis /!fa"br#*k(n |$dra"t"s/ nouninflammation of the fibrocartilagefibrocyst

fibrocyst /$fa"br#*s"st/ noun a benign tumourof fibrous tissuefibrocystic

fibrocystic /!fa"br#* |$s"st"k/ adjective refer-ring to a fibrocystfibrocystic disease

fibrocystic disease /!fa"br#* |$s"st"k d"|!zi%z/,fibrocystic disease of the pancreas /!fa"br#*|

!s"st"k d"|!zi%z #v 2# $p'0kri#s/ noun same ascystic fibrosisfibrocyte

fibrocyte /$fa"br#*sa"t/ noun a cell whichderives from a fibroblast and is found in connec-tive tissuefibroid

fibroid /$fa"br)"d/ adjective like fibre

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107 first-degree relativefibroid tumour

fibroid tumour /!fa"br)"d $tju%m#/ noun abenign tumour in the muscle fibres of the uterus.Also called uterine fibroid, fibromyomafibroma

fibroma /fa" |$br#*m#/ noun a small benigntumour formed in connective tissuefibromyoma

fibromyoma /!fa"br#*ma"|$#*m#/ noun sameas fibroid tumourfibroplasia

fibroplasia /!fa"br#*|$ple"zi#/ noun " retrolen-tal fibroplasiafibrosarcoma

fibrosarcoma /!fa"br#*s&%|$k#*m#/ noun amalignant tumour of the connective tissue, mostcommon in the legsfibrosis

fibrosis /fa"|$br#*s"s/ noun the process ofreplacing damaged tissue by scar tissuefibrositis

fibrositis /!fa"br#|$sa"t"s/ noun a painfulinflammation of the fibrous tissue which sur-rounds muscles and joints, especially the musclesof the backfibrous

fibrous /$fa"br#s/ adjective made of fibres, orlike fibrefibrous capsule

fibrous capsule /!fa"br#s $k'psju%l/ nounfibrous tissue surrounding a kidney. Also calledrenal capsulefibrous joint

fibrous joint /$fa"br#s d+)"nt/ noun a jointwhere fibrous tissue holds two bones together sothat they cannot move, as in the bones of the skullfibrous pericardium

fibrous pericardium /!fa"br#s per"|$k&%di#m/noun the outer part of the pericardium which sur-rounds the heart, and is attached to the main bloodvesselsfibrous tissue

fibrous tissue /!fa"br#s $t"/u%/ noun strongwhite tissue which makes tendons and ligamentsand also scar tissuefibula

fibula /$f"bj*l#/ noun the thinner of the twobones in the lower leg between the knee and theankle. Compare tibia (NOTE: The plural is fibu-lae.)fibular

fibular /$f"bj*l#/ adjective referring to the fibulafield of vision

field of vision /!fi%ld #v $v"+(#)n/ noun sameas visual fieldfight or flight reaction

fight or flight reaction /!fa"t )% $fla"t ri|

!'k/#n/ noun the theory that an organism whichis faced with a threat reacts either by preparing tofight or to escapefil-

fil- /f"l/ prefix referring to a threadfilament

filament /$f"l#m#nt/ noun a long thin structurelike a threadfilamentous

filamentous /!f"l#|$ment#s/ adjective like athreadFilaria

Filaria /f"|$le#ri#/ noun a thin parasitic wormwhich is found especially in the lymph system,and is passed to humans by mosquitoes (NOTE:The plural is Filariae.)filariasis

filariasis /!f"l#|$ra"#s"s/ noun a tropical diseasecaused by parasitic threadworms in the lymphsystem, transmitted by mosquito bitesfiliform

filiform /$f"l"f)%m/ adjective shaped like a thread

filiform papillae

filiform papillae /!f"l"f)%m p#|$p"li%/ pluralnoun papillae on the tongue which are shaped likethreads, and have no taste budsfilipuncture

filipuncture /$f"l"p.0kt/#/ noun the procedureof putting a wire into an aneurysm to cause bloodclottingfilling

filling /$f"l"0/ noun a surgical operation carriedout by a dentist to fill a hole in a tooth with amal-gamfilter

filter /$f"lt#/ noun a piece of paper or cloththrough which a liquid is passed to remove anysolid substances in it " verb to pass a liquidthrough a membrane, piece of paper or cloth toremove solid substances ! Impurities are filteredfrom the blood by the kidneys.FIM

FIM abbreviation functional independence meas-urefimbria

fimbria /$f"mbri#/ noun a fringe, especially thefringe of hair-like processes at the end of a Fallo-pian tube near the ovaries (NOTE: The plural isfimbriae.)finger

finger /$f"01#/ noun one of the five parts at theend of the hand, but usually not including thethumb (NOTE: The names of the fingers are: lit-tle finger, third finger or ring finger, middlefinger, forefinger or index finger.)finger-nose test

finger-nose test /!f"01# $n#*z !test/ noun atest of coordination, where the person is asked toclose their eyes, stretch out their arm and thentouch their nose with their index fingerfingerprint

fingerprint /$f"01#pr"nt/ noun a mark left by afinger when something is touched. ! genetic fin-gerprintfirm

firm /f-%m/ noun a group of doctors and consult-ants in a hospital, especially one to which atrainee doctor is attached during clinical studies(informal)first aid

first aid /!f-%st $e"d/ noun help given by a non-medical person to someone who is suddenly ill orinjured before full-scale medical treatment can begiven ! She gave him first aid in the street untilthe ambulance arrived.first-aid kit

first-aid kit /!f-%st $e"d !k"t/ noun a box withbandages and dressings kept ready to be used inan emergencyfirst-aid post

first-aid post /!f-%st $e"d !p#*st/, first-aidstation /!f-%st $e"d !ste"/(#)n/ noun a placewhere injured people can be taken for immediatecarefirst-degree burn

first-degree burn /!f-%st d" |!1ri% $b-%n/ noun aformer classification of the severity of a burn,where the skin turns redfirst-degree haemorrhoids

first-degree haemorrhoids /!f-%st d"|!1ri%$hem#r)"dz/ plural noun haemorrhoids whichremain in the rectumfirst-degree relative

first-degree relative /!f-%st d"|!1ri% $rel#t"v/noun a relative with whom an individual shares50% of their genes, e.g. a father, mother, siblingor child

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first intention 108first intention

first intention /!f-%st "n |$ten/#n/ noun thehealing of a clean wound where the tissue formsagain rapidly and no prominent scar is leftfirst-level nurse

first-level nurse /!f-%st !lev(#)l $n-%s/, first-level Registered Nurse /!f-%st !lev(#)l!red+"st#d $n-%s/ noun a nurse who has passedqualifying examinations, is registered as suchwith the Nursing and Midwifery Council and canact in an independent decision-making role. Com-pare second-level nursefission

fission /$f"/(#)n/ noun the act of dividing intotwo or more partsfissure

fissure /$f"/#/ noun a crack or groove in theskin, tissue or an organfistula

fistula /$f"stj*l#/ noun a passage or openingwhich has been made unusually between twoorgans, often near the rectum or anusfit

fit /f"t/ adjective strong and physically healthy !She exercises every day to keep fit. ! The doctorsdecided the patient was not fit for surgery. (NOTE:fitter – fittest) " noun a sudden attack of a dis-order, especially convulsions and epilepsy ! Shehad a fit of coughing. ! He had an epileptic fit. !The baby had a series of fits. " verb 1. to providea piece of equipment for someone to wear ! Shewas fitted with temporary support. 2. to have con-vulsions ! The patient has fitted twice. (NOTE: fit-ting – fitted. Note also: you fit someone with anappliance.)fitness

fitness /$f"tn#s/ noun the fact of being strongand healthy ! Being in the football team demandsa high level of physical fitness. ! He had to passa fitness test to join the police force.5-hydroxy-tryptamine

5-hydroxy-tryptamine /!fa"v ha"|!dr(ksi$tr"pt#mi%n/ noun a compound which exists inblood platelets and is released after tissue isinjured, and is a neurotransmitter important insleep, mood and vasoconstriction. Also calledserotoninfixated

fixated /f"k|$se"t"d/ adjective referring to a per-son who has too close an attachment to anotherperson, often to a parentfixator

fixator /f"k|$se"t#/ noun a metal rod placedthrough a bone to keep a part of the body rigidflaccid

flaccid /$fl'ks"d, $fl's"d/ adjective soft orflabbyflaccidity

flaccidity /fl'k|$s"d"ti, fl'|$s"d"ti/ noun thestate of being flaccidFlagyl

Flagyl /$fl'd+a"l/ a trade name for metronida-zoleflail

flail /fle"l/ verb to thrash around with uncontrol-lable or violent movements, particularly of thearmsflail chest

flail chest /$fle"l t/est/ noun a condition inwhich the chest is not stable, because several ribshave been brokenflap

flap /fl'p/ noun a flat piece attached to some-thing, especially a piece of skin or tissue stillattached to the body at one side and used in grafts


flare /fle#/ noun red colouring of the skin at aninfected spot or in urticariaflashback

flashback /$fl'/b'k/ noun a repeated and veryvivid memory of a traumatic eventflat foot

flat foot /!fl't $f*t/, flat feet /!fl't $fi%t/ nouna condition in which the soles of the feet lie flaton the ground instead of being arched as usual.Also called pes planusflatulence

flatulence /$fl'tj*l#ns/ noun gas or air whichcollects in the stomach or intestines causing dis-comfort

COMMENT: Flatulence is generally caused byindigestion, but can be made worse if theperson swallows air (aerophagy).


flatulent /$fl'tj*l#nt/ adjective having flatu-lence, or caused by flatulenceflatus

flatus /$fle"t#s/ noun air and gas which collectsin the intestines and is painfulflea

flea /fli%/ noun a tiny insect which sucks bloodand is a parasite on animals and humansflecainide

flecainide /fle|$ke"na"d/ noun a drug that helpsto correct an irregular heartbeatflex

flex /fleks/ verb to bend somethingflexibilitas cerea

flexibilitas cerea /fleks"|!b"l"t#s $s"#ri#/ nouna condition in which, if someone’s arms or legsare moved, they remain in that set position forsome timeflexion

flexion /$flek/#n/ noun the act of bending a jointFlexner’s bacillus

Flexner’s bacillus /!fleksn#z b#|$s"l#s/ noun abacterium which causes bacillary dysenteryflexor

flexor /$fleks#/, flexor muscle /$fleks#!m.s(#)l/ noun a muscle which makes a jointbend. Compare extensorflexure

flexure /$flek/#/ noun 1. a bend in an organ 2. afold in the skinfloaters

floaters /$fl#*t#z/ plural noun same as muscaevolitantesfloating kidney

floating kidney /!fl#*t"0 $k"dni/ noun same asnephroptosisfloating rib

floating rib /!fl#*t"0 $r"b/ noun one of the twolowest ribs on each side, which are not attached tothe breastboneflooding

flooding /$fl.d"0/ noun same as menorrhagiafloppy baby syndrome

floppy baby syndrome /!fl(pi $be"bi!s"ndr#*m/ noun same as amyotonia congenitaflora

flora /$fl)%r#/ noun bacteria which exist in a par-ticular part of the bodyflorid

florid /$fl(r"d/ adjective with an unhealthilyglowing pink or red complexionflowmeter

flowmeter /$fl#*mi%t#/ noun a meter attachedto a pipe, e.g. as in anaesthetic equipment, tomeasure the speed at which a liquid or gas movesin the pipeflu

flu /flu%/ noun 1. same as influenza 2. a very badcold (informal) (NOTE: Sometimes written ’flu toshow it is a short form of influenza.)

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109 food intoleranceflucloxacillin

flucloxacillin /flu%|$kl(ks#s"l"n/ noun a drugrelated to penicillin and effective against strepto-coccal infections and pneumoniafluconazole

fluconazole /flu%|$k(n#z#*l/ noun a drug usedto treat fungal infections such as candidiasisfluctuationfluctuation /!fl.kt/u|$e"/(#)n/ noun the feelingof movement of liquid inside part of the body orinside a cyst when pressed by the fingersfluid

fluid /$flu%"d/ noun 1. a liquid 2. any gas, liquidor powder which flowsfluid balance

fluid balance /$flu%"d !b'l#ns/ noun the main-tenance of the balance of fluids in the body duringdialysis or other treatmentfluke

fluke /flu%k/ noun a parasitic flatworm whichsettles inside the liver, in the bloodstream and inother parts of the bodyflunitrazepam

flunitrazepam /!flu%na"|$tr'z"p'm/ noun atranquilliser that, because of its association with‘date rape’ cases, is a controlled drug in the UKfluorescence

fluorescence /fl*#|$res(#)ns/ noun the sendingout of light from a substance which is receivingradiationfluorescentfluorescent /fl*#|$res(#)nt/ adjective referringto a substance which sends out lightfluoridefluoride /$fl*#ra"d/ noun a chemical compoundof fluorine and sodium, potassium or tin ! fluo-ride toothpastefluorine

fluorine /$fl*#ri%n/ noun a chemical elementfound in bones and teeth (NOTE: The chemicalsymbol is F.)fluoroscope

fluoroscope /$fl*#r#sk#*p/ noun an apparatuswhich projects an X-ray image of a part of thebody onto a screen, so that the part of the bodycan be examined as it movesfluoroscopy

fluoroscopy /fl*# |$r(sk#pi/ noun an examina-tion of the body using X-rays projected onto ascreenfluoxetine

fluoxetine /flu% |$(ks#ti%n/ noun a drug thatincreases serotonin in the brain and is used to treatanxiety and depressionflush

flush /fl.// noun a red colour in the skin " verb1. to wash a wound with liquid 2. (of person) toturn redflutter

flutter /$fl.t#/, fluttering /$fl.t#r"0/ noun arapid movement, especially of the atria of theheart, which is not controlled by impulses fromthe sinoatrial nodeflux

flux /fl.ks/ noun an excessive production of liq-uid from the bodyfocal

focal /$f#*k(#)l/ adjective referring to a focusfocal distance

focal distance /!f#*k(#)l $d"st#ns/, focallength /$f#*k(#)l le0,/ noun the distancebetween the lens of the eye and the point behindthe lens where light is focusedfocal epilepsy

focal epilepsy /!f#*k(#)l $ep"lepsi/ noun epi-lepsy arising from a localised area of the brainfocus

focus /$f#*k#s/ noun 1. the point where lightrays converge through a lens 2. the centre of an

infection (NOTE: The plural is foci.) " verb 1. toadjust a lens until an image is clear and sharp 2.to see clearly ! He has difficulty in focusing onthe object.focus group

focus group /$f#*k#s 1ru%p/ noun a discussiongroup of lay people brought together under pro-fessional guidance to discuss issues such as carefoetal

foetal /$fi%t(#)l/ adjective another spelling offetal (NOTE: The spelling foetal is common ingeneral use in British English, but the spellingfetal is the accepted international spelling fortechnical use.)foetoscope

foetoscope /$fi%t#sk#*p/ noun another spell-ing of fetoscopefoetoscopy

foetoscopy /f"|$t(sk#pi/ noun another spellingof fetoscopyfoetus

foetus /$fi%t#s/ noun another spelling of fetus(NOTE: The spelling foetus is common in gen-eral use in British English, but the spelling fetusis the accepted international spelling for techni-cal use.)folacin

folacin /$f#*l#s"n/ noun same as folic acidfolic acid

folic acid /!f#*l"k $'s"d/ noun a vitamin in theVitamin B complex found in milk, liver, yeast andgreen vegetables such as spinach, which is essen-tial for creating new blood cellsfollicle

follicle /$f(l"k(#)l/ noun a tiny hole or sac in thebodyfollicle-stimulating hormone

follicle-stimulating hormone /!f(l"k(#)l!st"mj*le"t"0 $h)%m#*n/ noun a hormone pro-duced by the pituitary gland which stimulates ovain the ovaries and sperm in the testes. Abbrevia-tion FSHfollicular

follicular /f# |$l"kj*l#/, folliculate /f#|$l"kj*l#t/adjective referring to folliclesfolliculitis

folliculitis /f#|!l"kj*|$la"t"s/ noun inflammationof the hair follicles, especially where hair hasbeen shavedfomentation

fomentation /!f#*men |$te"/(#)n/ noun same aspoulticefomites

fomites /$f#*m"ti%z/ plural noun objectstouched by someone with a communicable dis-ease which can then be the means of passing onthe disease to othersfontanelle

fontanelle /!f(nt# |$nel/ noun the soft cartilagebetween the bony sections of a baby’s skullfood allergen

food allergen /$fu%d !'l#d+en/ noun a sub-stance in food which produces an allergyfood allergy

food allergy /$fu%d !'l#d+i/ noun an allergy toa specific food such as nuts, which causes a severereaction that may lead to life-threatening anaphy-lactic shockfood canal

food canal /$fu%d k#|!n'l/ noun the passagefrom the mouth to the rectum through which foodpasses and is digestedfood intolerance

food intolerance /$fu%d "n |!t(l#r#ns/ noun anadverse reaction to some foods such as oranges,eggs, tomatoes and strawberries

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food poisoning 110food poisoning

food poisoning /$fu%d !p)"z(#)n"0/ noun anillness caused by eating food which is contami-nated with bacteriafoot

foot /f*t/ noun the end part of the leg on which aperson standsforamen

foramen /f#|$re"m#n/ noun a natural openinginside the body, e.g. the opening in a bone throughwhich veins or nerves pass (NOTE: The plural isforamina.)foramen magnum

foramen magnum /f# |!re"m#n $m'1n#m/noun the hole at the bottom of the skull where thebrain is joined to the spinal cordforamen ovale

foramen ovale /f#|!re"m#n #*|$v&%le"/ noun anopening between the two parts of the heart in afetus

COMMENT: The foramen ovale usually clos-es at birth, but if it stays open the blood fromthe veins can mix with the blood going to thearteries, causing cyanosis.

forced expiratory volume

forced expiratory volume /!f)%st ek|

$sp"r#t(#)ri !v(lju%m/ noun the maximumamount of air that can be expelled in a given time.Abbreviation FEVforceps

forceps /$f)%seps/ noun a surgical instrumentwith handles like a pair of scissors, made in dif-ferent sizes and with differently shaped ends,used for holding and pullingforceps delivery

forceps delivery /$f)%seps d"|!l"v(#)ri/ nounchildbirth where the doctor uses forceps to helpthe baby out of the mother’s uterusfore-

fore- /f)%/ prefix in frontforearm

forearm /$f)%r&%m/ noun the lower part of thearm from the elbow to the wristforebrain

forebrain /$f)%bre"n/ noun the front part of thebrain in an embryoforefinger

forefinger /$f)%f"01#/ noun the first finger onthe hand, next to the thumbforegut

foregut /$f)%1.t/ noun the front part of the gutin an embryoforeign

foreign /$f(r"n/ adjective 1. not belonging toyour own country ! foreign visitors ! a foreignlanguage 2. referring to something that is foundwhere it does not naturally belong, especiallysomething found in the human body that comesfrom a source outside the body ! a foreign object! foreign matterforeign body

foreign body /!f(r"n $b(di/ noun a piece ofmaterial which is not part of the surrounding tis-sue and should not be there, e.g. sand in a cut, dustin the eye or a pin which has been swallowed !The X-ray showed the presence of a foreign body.forensic

forensic /f#|$rens"k/ adjective relating to the useof science in solving criminal investigations orsettling legal casesforensic medicine

forensic medicine /f#|!rens"k $med(#)s(#)n/noun the branch of medical science concernedwith finding solutions to crimes against peopleand which involves procedures such as conduct-

ing autopsies on murdered people or taking bloodsamples from clothesforeskin

foreskin /$f)%sk"n/ noun the skin covering thetop of the penis, which can be removed by cir-cumcision. Also called prepuceforewaters

forewaters /$f)%w)%t#z/ plural noun fluidwhich comes out of the vagina at the beginning ofchildbirth when the amnion burstsformaldehyde

formaldehyde /f)% |$m'ld"ha"d/ noun a gaswith an unpleasant smell that is a strong disinfect-ant. When dissolved in water to make formalin, itis also used to preserve medical specimens.formalin

formalin /$f)%m#l"n/ noun a solution of formal-dehyde in water, used to preserve medical speci-mensformication

formication /!f)%m" |$ke"/(#)n/ noun an itchingfeeling where the skin feels as if it were coveredwith insectsformula

formula /$f)%mj*l#/ noun 1. a way of indicatinga chemical compound using letters and numbers,e.g. H2SO4 2. instructions on how to prepare adrugformulary

formulary /$f)%mj*l#ri/ noun a book that listsmedicines together with their formulaefornix

fornix /$f)%n"ks/ noun an arch (NOTE: The pluralis fornices.)fornix cerebri

fornix cerebri /!f)%n"ks $ser"bra"/ noun a sec-tion of white matter in the brain between the hip-pocampus and the hypothalamus. See illustrationat BRAIN in Supplementfoscarnet

foscarnet /f(s |$k&%n#t/ noun an antiviral drugadministered by intravenous injection that iseffective against herpesviruses that are resistant toacyclovir. It is especially used for people withAIDS.fossa

fossa /$f(s#/ noun a shallow hollow in a bone orthe skinfoster children

foster children /$f(st# !t/"ldr#n/ plural nounchildren brought up by people who are not theirown parentsfoster parent

foster parent /$f(st# !pe#r#nt/ noun a womanor man who brings up a child born to other parentsFothergill’s operation

Fothergill’s operation /$f(2#1"lz (p#|

!re"/(#)n/ noun a surgical operation to correctprolapse of the uterus [After W. E. Fothergill(1865–1926), British gynaecologist.]foundation hospital

foundation hospital /fa*n |$de"/(#)n!h(sp"t(#)l/ noun in the UK, a type of hospitalthat is independent of its Local Health Authorityin financial mattersfourchette

fourchette /f*#|$/et/ noun a fold of skin at theback of the vulvafovea

fovea /$f#*vi#/, fovea centralis /!f#*vi# sen|

$tr&%l"s/ noun a depression in the retina which isthe point where the eye sees most clearly. Seeillustration at EYE in SupplementFP10

FP10 /!ef pi% $ten/ noun in the UK, an NHS pre-scription from a GP

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111 frontal lobotomyfracture

fracture /$fr'kt/#/ verb 1. (of bone) to break !The tibia fractured in two places. 2. to break abone ! He fractured his wrist. " noun a break ina bone ! rib fracture or fracture of a ribfragile-X syndrome

fragile-X syndrome /!fr'd+a"l $eks!s"ndr#*m/ noun a hereditary condition in whichpart of an X chromosome is constricted, causingmental impairmentfragilitas ossium

fragilitas ossium /fr# |!d+"l"t#s $(si#m/ nouna hereditary condition where the bones are brittleand break easily, similar to osteogenesis imper-fectaframe

frame /fre"m/ noun 1. the particular size andshape of someone’s body 2. the main part of abuilding, ship or bicycle, etc., which holds ittogether ! the bicycle has a very light frame !I’ve broken the frame of my glasses 3. a solid sup-port for something. ! walking frame, Zimmerframeframycetin

framycetin /fr'|$ma"s#t"n/ noun an antibioticfraternal twins

fraternal twins /fr#|!t-%n(#)l $tw"nz/ pluralnoun same as dizygotic twinsfreckle

freckle /$frek(#)l/ noun a harmless small brown-ish patch on the skin that becomes more noticea-ble after exposure to the sun. Freckles are oftenfound in people with fair hair. Also called lentigo" verb to mark something, or become markedwith frecklesfreeze

freeze /fri%z/ verb to anaesthetise part of thebody (informal) ! They froze my big toe toremove the nail.Freiberg’s disease

Freiberg’s disease /$fra"b-%1z d"|!zi%z/ nounosteochondritis of the head of the second metatar-sus [Described 1914. After Albert Henry Freiberg(1869–1940), US surgeon.]fremitus

fremitus /$frem"t#s/ noun vibrations or trem-bling in part of someone’s body, felt by the doc-tor’s hand or heard through a stethoscopefrenectomy

frenectomy /fr#|$nekt#mi/ noun an operationto remove a frenumfrenotomy

frenotomy /fr#|$n(t#mi/ noun an operation tosplit a frenumfrenum

frenum /$fri%n#m/, frenulum /$frenj*l#m/noun a fold of mucous membrane under thetongue or by the clitorisfrequency

frequency /$fri%kw#nsi/ noun 1. the number oftimes something takes place in a given time ! thefrequency of micturition 2. the rate of vibration inoscillationsFreudian

Freudian /$fr)"di#n/ adjective understandablein terms of Freud’s theories, especially withregard to human sexuality " noun someone whois influenced by or follows Freud’s theories ormethods of psychoanalysisfriable

friable /$fra"#b(#)l/ adjective easily broken upinto small piecesfriar’s balsam

friar’s balsam /!fra"#z $b)%ls#m/ noun a mix-ture of various plant oils, including benzoin and

balsam, which can be inhaled as a vapour torelieve bronchitis or congestionfriction

friction /$fr"k/(#)n/ noun the rubbing togetherof two surfacesfriction fremitus

friction fremitus /!fr"k/#n $frem"t#s/ noun ascratching sensation felt when the hand is placedon the chest of someone who has pericarditisfriction murmur

friction murmur /!fr"k/#n $m-%m#/ noun thesound of two serous membranes rubbing together,heard with a stethoscope in someone who haspericarditis or pleurisyFriedländer’s bacillus

Friedländer’s bacillus /$fri%dlend#z b#|

!s"l#s/ noun the bacterium Klebsiella pneumo-niae which can cause pneumonia [Described1882. After Carl Friedländer (1847–87), patholo-gist at the Friedrichshain Hospital, Berlin, Ger-many.]Friedman’s test

Friedman’s test /$fri%dm#nz test/ noun a testfor pregnancy [After Maurice H. Friedman(1903–91), US physician.]Friedreich’s ataxia

Friedreich’s ataxia /!fri%dra"ks # |$t'ksi#/noun an inherited nervous disease which affectsthe spinal cord and is associated with club foot, anunsteady walk and speech difficulties. Also calleddystrophia adiposogenitalis [Described 1863.After Nicholaus Friedreich (1825–82), Professorof Pathological Anatomy at Würzburg, later Pro-fessor of Pathology and Therapy at Heidelberg,Germany.]frigidity

frigidity /fr" |$d+"d"ti/ noun the fact of being una-ble to experience orgasm, sexual pleasure or sex-ual desirefringe medicine

fringe medicine /$fr"n+ !med(#)s"n/ nountypes of medical practice which are not usuallytaught in medical schools, e.g. homeopathy oracupuncture (informal)frog plaster

frog plaster /$fr(1 !pl&%st#/ noun a plaster castmade to keep the legs in an open position after anoperation to correct a dislocated hipFröhlich’s syndrome

Fröhlich’s syndrome /$fr-%l"ks !s"ndr#*m/noun a condition in which someone becomesobese and the genital system does not develop,caused by an adenoma of the pituitary gland[Described 1901. After Alfred Fröhlich (1871–1953), Professor of Pharmacology at the Univer-sity of Vienna, Austria.]frontal

frontal /$fr.nt(#)l/ adjective referring to theforehead or to the front of the head. Oppositeoccipitalfrontal bone

frontal bone /$fr.nt(#)l b#*n/ noun a boneforming the front of the upper part of the skullbehind the foreheadfrontal lobe

frontal lobe /$fr.nt(#)l l#*b/ noun the frontlobe of each cerebral hemispherefrontal lobotomy

frontal lobotomy /!fr.nt(#)l l#* |$b(t#mi/noun formerly, a surgical operation on the brainto treat mental illness by removing part of thefrontal lobe

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frontal sinus 112frontal sinus

frontal sinus /!fr.nt(#)l $sa"n#s/ noun one oftwo sinuses in the front of the face above the eyesand near the nosefront passage

front passage /!fr.nt $p's"d+/ (informal) 1.same as urethra 2. same as vaginafrostbite

frostbite /$fr(stba"t/ noun an injury caused byvery severe cold which freezes tissuefrozen shoulder

frozen shoulder /!fr#*z(#)n $/#*ld#/ nounstiffness and pain in the shoulder, caused byinflammation of the membranes of the shoulderjoint after injury or a period of immobility, whendeposits may form in the tendonsfrozen watchfulness

frozen watchfulness /!fr#*z(#)n$w(t/f#ln#s/ noun an expression of petrified fearon a child’s face, especially in children who havebeen abusedfructose

fructose /$fr.kt#*s/ noun fruit sugar found inhoney and some fruit, which together with glu-cose forms sucrosefrusemide

frusemide /$fru%s#ma"d/ noun same as furo-semideFSH

FSH abbreviation follicle-stimulating hormone-fuge

-fuge /fju%d+/ suffix driving awayfulguration

fulguration /!f.l1# |$re"/(#)n/ noun the removalof a growth such as a wart by burning with anelectric needle. Also called electrodesiccationfull thickness burn

full thickness burn /!f*l !,"kn#s $b-%n/ nounsame as deep dermal burnfulminant

fulminant /$f*lm"n#nt/, fulminating/$f*lm"ne"t"0/ adjective referring to a dangerousdisease which develops very rapidlyfumigation

fumigation /!fju%m"|$1e"/(#)n/ noun the proc-ess of killing insects in an area with gas or smokefunction

function /$f.0k/#n/ noun the particular workdone by an organ ! What is the function of thepancreas? ! The function of an ovary is to formova. " verb to work in a particular way ! Theheart and lungs were functioning normally. ! Hiskidneys suddenly stopped functioning.functional

functional /$f.0k/#n(#)l/ adjective referring toa disorder or illness which does not have a physi-cal cause and may have a psychological cause, asopposed to an organic disorderfunctional endoscopic sinus surgery

functional endoscopic sinus surgery/!f.0k/#n(#)l !end#sk(p"k $sa"n#s !s-%d+#ri/noun the removal of soft tissue in the sinusesusing an endoscope. Abbreviation FESSfunctional enuresis

functional enuresis /!f.0k/#n(#)l !enj*|

$ri%s"s/ noun bedwetting which has a psychologi-cal causefunctional independence measure

functional independence measure/!f.0k/#n(#)l !"nd" |$pend#ns !me+#/ noun ameasure of disability. Abbreviation FIMfundoplication

fundoplication /!f.nd#*pl" |$ke"/(#)n/ nounthe process of wrapping the fundus of the stomachround the lower end of the oesophagus


fundus /$f.nd#s/ noun the bottom of a holloworgan such as the uterusfungal

fungal /$f.01#l/ adjective relating to, or causedby, fungi ! a fungal skin infectionfungate

fungate /$f.01e"t/ verb (of some skin cancers)to increase rapidly at a late stage of tumour for-mationfungicide

fungicide /$f.01"sa"d/ noun a substance usedto kill fungifungiform papillae

fungiform papillae /!f.01"f)%m p# |$p"li%/noun rounded papillae on the tip and sides of thetongue, which have taste budsfungoid

fungoid /$f.01)"d/ adjective like a fungusfungus

fungus /$f.01#s/ noun an organism such asyeast or mould, some of which cause disease(NOTE: The plural is fungi. For other terms refer-ring to fungi, see words beginning with myc-,myco-.)funiculitis

funiculitis /fju%|!n"kj*|$la"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the spermatic cordfuniculus

funiculus /fju%|$n"kj*l#s/ noun one of the threeparts of the white matter in the spinal cord ! Thethree parts are called the lateral, anterior andposterior funiculus.funis

funis /$fju%n"s/ noun an umbilical cordfunnel chest

funnel chest /!f.n(#)l $t/est/ noun same aspectus excavatumfunny bone

funny bone /$f.ni b#*n/ noun same as ole-cranon (informal)furfuraceous

furfuraceous /!f-%fj#|$re"/#s/ adjective refer-ring to skin which is scalyfuror

furor /$fj*#r)%/ noun an attack of wild violence,especially in someone who is mentally unwellfurosemide

furosemide /fj* |$r(s#ma"d/ noun a drug whichcauses an increase in urine production, used torelieve water retention in the body. Also calledfrusemidefurred tongue

furred tongue /!f-%d $t.0/ noun a conditionwhen the papillae of the tongue are covered witha whitish coating. Also called coated tonguefuruncle

furuncle /$fj*#r.0k#l/ noun same as boilfurunculosis

furunculosis /fj*# |!r.0kj*|$l#*s"s/ noun acondition in which several boils appear at thesame timefusidic acid

fusidic acid /fju%|!s"d"k $'s"d/ noun an antibi-otic used to prevent protein synthesisfusiform

fusiform /$fju%z"f)%m/ adjective referring tomuscles which are shaped like a spindle, with awider middle section which becomes narrower ateach endfusion

fusion /$fju%+(#)n/ noun the act of joining, espe-cially a surgical operation to relieve pain in thejoint by joining the bones at the joint permanentlyso that they cannot moveFybogel

Fybogel /$fa"b#*d+el/ a trade name for ispa-ghula

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g abbreviation gramGABA

GABA /$1'b#/ abbreviation gamma aminobu-tyric acidgag

gag /1'1/ noun an instrument placed betweenthe teeth to stop the mouth from closing " verb toexperience a reaction similar to that of vomiting! Every time the doctor tries to examine herthroat, she gags. ! He started gagging on theendotracheal tube.gait

gait /1e"t/ noun a way of walkinggalacto-

galacto- /1#l'kt#*/ prefix referring to milkgalactocele

galactocele /1#|$l'kt#si%l/ noun a breasttumour which contains milkgalactorrhoea

galactorrhoea /1#|!l'kt#|$r"#/ noun the exces-sive production of milkgalactosaemia

galactosaemia /1# |!l'kt#|$si%mi#/ noun a con-genital condition where the liver is incapable ofconverting galactose into glucose, with the resultthat a baby’s development may be affected (NOTE:The treatment is to remove galactose from thediet.)galactose

galactose /1# |$l'kt#*s/ noun a sugar whichforms part of milk, and is converted into glucoseby the livergalea

galea /$1e"li#/ noun any part of the body shapedlike a helmet, especially the loose band of tissuein the scalp (NOTE: The plural is galeae.)gall

gall /1)%l/ noun same as bilegall bladder

gall bladder /$1)%l !bl'd#/ noun a sac situatedunderneath the liver, in which bile produced bythe liver is stored. See illustration at DIGESTIVESYSTEM in SupplementGallie’s operation

Gallie’s operation /$1'liz (p# |!re"/(#)n/ nouna surgical operation where tissues from the thighare used to hold a hernia in place [Described1921. After William Edward Gallie (1882–1959),Professor of Surgery at the University of Toronto,Canada.]gallipot

gallipot /$1'lip(t/ noun a little container forointmentgallium

gallium /$1'li#m/ noun a metallic element aradioisotope of which is used to detect tumours orother tissue disorders (NOTE: The chemical sym-bol is Ga.)

gallop rhythm

gallop rhythm /$1'l#p !r"2(#)m/ noun therhythm of heart sounds, three to each cycle, whensomeone is experiencing tachycardiagallstonegallstone /$1)%lst#*n/ noun a small stoneformed from insoluble deposits from bile in thegall bladder. ! calculusgalvanism

galvanism /$1'lv#n"z(#)m/ noun a treatmentusing low voltage electricitygalvanocautery

galvanocautery /!1'lv#n#*|$k)%t#ri/ nounthe removal of diseased tissue using an electri-cally heated needle or loop of wire. Also calledelectrocauterygamete

gamete /$1'mi%t/ noun a sex cell, either a sper-matozoon or an ovumgamete intrafallopian transfer

gamete intrafallopian transfer /!1'mi%t"ntr#f#|!l#*pi#n $tr'nsf-%/ noun a technique tocombine eggs and sperm outside the body andthen insert them into the Fallopian tubes. Abbre-viation GIFTgametocyte

gametocyte /1# |$mi%t#*sa"t/ noun a cell whichis developing into a gametegametogenesis

gametogenesis /1#|!mi%t#*|$d+en#s"s/ nounthe process by which a gamete is formedgamgee tissue

gamgee tissue /$1'md+i% !t"/u%/ noun a sur-gical dressing, formed of a layer of cotton woolbetween two pieces of gauzegamma aminobutyric acid

gamma aminobutyric acid /!1'm# #|

!mi%n#*bju% |!t"r"k $'s"d/ noun an amino acidneurotransmitter. Abbreviation GABAgamma camera

gamma camera /$1'm# !k'm(#)r#/ noun acamera for taking photographs of parts of thebody into which radioactive isotopes have beenintroducedgamma globulingamma globulin /!1'm# $1l(bj*l"n/ noun aprotein found in plasma, forming antibodies asprotection against infectiongamma ray

gamma ray /$1'm# re"/ noun a ray which isshorter than an X-ray and is given off by radioac-tive substancesgangli-

gangli- /1'01li/ prefix referring to gangliaganglion

ganglion /$1'01li#n/ noun 1. a mass of nervecell bodies and synapses usually covered in con-nective tissue, found along the peripheral nerveswith the exception of the basal ganglia 2. a cyst ofa tendon sheath or joint capsule, usually at thewrist, which results in a painless swelling con-

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ganglionectomy 114

taining fluid (NOTE: [all senses] The plural isganglia.)ganglionectomy

ganglionectomy /!1'01li# |$nekt#mi/ nounthe surgical removal of a gangliongangrene

gangrene /$1'01ri%n/ noun a condition inwhich tissues die and decay, as a result of bacte-rial action, because the blood supply has been lostthrough injury or disease of the artery ! After shehad frostbite, gangrene set in and her toes had tobe amputated.gangrenous

gangrenous /$1'01r"n#s/ adjective referringto, or affected by, gangrenegargle

gargle /$1&%1(#)l/ noun a mildly antiseptic solu-tion used to clean the mouth " verb to put someantiseptic liquid solution into the back of themouth and then breathe out air through itgargoylism

gargoylism /$1&%1)"l"z(#)m/ noun a congenitalcondition of the metabolism which causespolysaccharides and fat cells to accumulate in thebody, resulting in mental impairment, swollenliver and coarse features. Also called Hurler’ssyndromegas

gas /1's/ noun 1. a substance such as nitrogen,carbon dioxide or air, which is neither solid norfluid at ordinary temperatures and can expandinfinitely (NOTE: The plural gases is used onlywhen referring to different types of gas.) 2. gaswhich accumulates in the stomach or alimentarycanal and causes paingas and air analgesia

gas and air analgesia /!1's #nd $e#r 'n(#)l |

!d+i%zi#/ noun a form of analgesia used when giv-ing birth, in which a mixture of air and gas isgivengas exchange

gas exchange /$1's "ks|!t/e"nd+/ noun theprocess by which oxygen in the air is exchangedin the lungs for waste carbon dioxide carried bythe bloodgas gangrene

gas gangrene /!1's $1'01ri%n/ noun a com-plication of severe wounds in which the bacte-rium Clostridium welchii breeds in the wound andthen spreads to healthy tissue which is rapidlydecomposed with the formation of gasgash

gash /1'// noun a long deep cut made acciden-tally by something sharp ! She had to have threestitches in the gash in her thigh. " verb to make along deep cut in something accidentally ! Shegashed her hand on the broken glass.gasp

gasp /1&%sp/ noun a short breath taken with dif-ficulty ! His breath came in short gasps. " verbto breathe with difficulty taking quick breaths !She was gasping for breath.gas pain

gas pain /$1's pe"n/ noun a pain caused byexcessive formation of gas in the stomach orintestine. ! flatusgastr-

gastr- /1'str/ prefix same as gastro- (usedbefore vowels)gastrectomy

gastrectomy /1'|$strekt#mi/ noun the surgi-cal removal of the stomach


gastric /$1'str"k/ adjective referring to thestomachgastric acid

gastric acid /!1'str"k $'s"d/ noun hydrochlo-ric acid secreted into the stomach by acid-formingcellsgastric flu

gastric flu /!1'str"k $flu%/ noun any mild stom-ach disorder (informal)gastric juice

gastric juice /$1'str"k d+u%s/ noun the mix-ture of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, intrinsic factorand mucus secreted by the cells of the liningmembrane of the stomach to help the digestion offood (NOTE: Often used in the plural.)gastric lavage

gastric lavage /!1'str"k $l'v"d+/ noun a lav-age of the stomach, usually to remove a poisonoussubstance which has been absorbed. Also calledstomach washoutgastric pit

gastric pit /!1'str"k $p"t/ noun a deep hollowin the mucous membrane forming the walls of thestomachgastric ulcer

gastric ulcer /!1'str"k $.ls#/ noun an ulcer inthe stomach. Abbreviation GUgastrin

gastrin /$1'str"n/ noun a hormone which isreleased into the bloodstream from cells in thelower end of the stomach, stimulated by the pres-ence of protein, and which in turn stimulates theflow of acid from the upper part of the stomachgastrinoma

gastrinoma /!1'str" |$n#*m#/ noun a tumour ofthe islet cells, leading to excessive gastric acidgastritis

gastritis /1'|$stra"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe stomachgastro-

gastro- /1'str#*/ prefix referring to the stom-achgastrocele

gastrocele /$1'str#*si%l/ noun a condition inwhich part of the stomach wall becomes weak andbulges out. Also called stomach herniagastrocnemius

gastrocnemius /!1'str(k|$ni%mi#s/ noun alarge calf musclegastrocolic

gastrocolic /!1'str#*|$k(l"k/ adjective refer-ring to the stomach and colongastrocolic reflex

gastrocolic reflex /!1'str#*k(l"k $ri%fleks/noun a sudden peristalsis of the colon producedwhen food is taken into an empty stomachgastroduodenal

gastroduodenal /!1'str#* |!dju%#*|$di%n(#)l/adjective referring to the stomach and duodenumgastroduodenoscopy

gastroduodenoscopy /!1'str#* |!dju%#*d"|

$n(sk#pi/ noun an examination of the stomachand duodenumgastroduodenostomy

gastroduodenostomy /!1'str#* |!dju%#*d"|

$n(st#mi/ noun a surgical operation to join theduodenum to the stomach so as to bypass a block-age in the pylorusgastroenteritis

gastroenteritis /!1'str#*|ent# |$ra"t"s/ nouninflammation of the membrane lining the intes-tines and the stomach, caused by a viral infectionand resulting in diarrhoea and vomitinggastroenterology

gastroenterology /!1'str#* |ent#|$r(l#d+i/noun the study of the digestive system and its dis-orders

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115 general hospitalgastroenterostomygastroenterostomy /!1'str#* |ent#|$r(st#mi/noun a surgical operation to join the small intes-tine directly to the stomach so as to bypass a pep-tic ulcergastroepiploicgastroepiploic /!1'str#* |ep" |$pl)""k/ adjectivereferring to the stomach and greater omentumgastroepiploic arterygastroepiploic artery /!1'str#*|ep" |!pl)""k$&%t#ri/ noun an artery linking the gastroduodenalartery to the splenic arteryGastrografinGastrografin /!1'str#* |$1r'f"n/ a trade namefor an enema used in bowel X-raysgastroileac reflexgastroileac reflex /!1'str#*|!"li'k $ri%fleks/noun automatic relaxation of the ileocaecal valvewhen food is present in the stomachgastrointestinalgastrointestinal /!1'str#*"n|$test"n(#)l/adjective referring to the stomach and intestine !gastrointestinal bleeding. Abbreviation GIgastrojejunostomygastrojejunostomy /!1'str#*d+"d+u%|

$n(st#mi/ noun a surgical operation to join thejejunum to the stomachgastrolithgastrolith /$1'str#*l",/ noun a calculus in thestomachgastro-oesophageal refluxgastro-oesophageal reflux /!1'str#* "|

!s(f#d+i#l $ri%fl.ks/, gastro-oesophagealreflux disease /!1'str#* "|!s(f#d+i#l $ri%fl.ksd"|!zi%z/ noun the return of bitter-tasting, partlydigested food from the stomach to the oesophagusgastropexygastropexy /$1'str#*peksi/ noun a surgicaloperation to attach the stomach to the wall of theabdomengastroplastygastroplasty /$1'str#*pl'sti/ noun surgeryto correct a deformed stomachgastrorrhoeagastrorrhoea /!1'str#|$r"#/ noun an excessiveflow of gastric juicesgastroschisisgastroschisis /!1'str#*|$sa"s"s/ noun a splitin the wall of the abdomen, with viscera passingthrough itgastroscopegastroscope /$1'str#sk#*p/ noun an instru-ment formed of a tube or bundle of glass fibreswith a lens attached, which a doctor can passdown into the stomach through the mouth toexamine the inside of the stomachgastroscopygastroscopy /1'|$str(sk#pi/ noun an exami-nation of the stomach using a gastroscopegastrostomygastrostomy /1'|$str(st#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to create an opening into the stomachfrom the wall of the abdomen, so that food can beintroduced without passing through the mouthand throatgastrotomygastrotomy /1'|$str(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to open up the stomachGaucher’s diseaseGaucher’s disease /$1#*/e"z d" |!zi%z/ nounan enzyme disease where fatty substances accu-mulate in the lymph glands, spleen and liver,causing anaemia, a swollen spleen and darkeningof the skin. The disease can be fatal in children.[Described 1882. After Philippe Charles ErnestGaucher (1854–1918), French physician anddermatologist.]


gauze /1)%z/ noun a thin light material used tomake dressingsgauze dressing

gauze dressing /$1)%z !dres"0/ noun a dress-ing of thin light materialgavage

gavage /1'|$v&%+/ noun the forced feeding ofsomeone who cannot eat or who refuses to eatgay

gay /1e"/ adjective relating to sexual activityamong people of the same sexGDC

GDC abbreviation General Dental CouncilGehrig’s disease

Gehrig’s disease /$1e"r"1z d"|!zi%z/ nounsame as amyotrophic lateral sclerosisGeiger counter

Geiger counter /$1a"1# !ka*nt#/ noun aninstrument for the detection and measurement ofradiation [Described 1908. After Hans Geiger(1882–1945), German physicist who workedwith Rutherford at Manchester University, UK]gel

gel /d+el/ noun a suspension that sets into a jelly-like solidgelatin

gelatin /$d+el#t"n/ noun a protein found in col-lagen which is soluble in water, used to make cap-sules for medicinesgelatinous

gelatinous /d+# |$l't"n#s/ adjective referring togelatin or something with a texture like jellygemellus

gemellus /d+" |$mel#s/ noun either of the twomuscles arising from the ischium. Also calledgemellus superior muscle, gemellus inferiormusclegender

gender /$d+end#/ noun the fact of being of themale or female sexgender reassignment surgery

gender reassignment surgery /!d+end#ri%# |$sa"nm#nt !s-%d+#ri/ noun surgery to changesomeone’s sexgender reorientation

gender reorientation /!d+end# ri%|!)%ri#n|

$te"/(#)n/ noun the alteration of a person’s sexthrough surgical and drug treatmentgene

gene /d+i%n/ noun a unit of DNA on a chromo-some which governs the synthesis of a proteinsequence and determines a particular characteris-ticgeneral amnesia

general amnesia /!d+en(#)r#l 'm|$ni%zi#/noun a sudden and complete loss of memory, tothe extent that a person does not even rememberwho he or she isgeneral anaesthesia

general anaesthesia /!d+en(#)r#l !'n#s|

$,i%zi#/ noun loss of feeling and loss of sensationthroughout the body, after being given an anaes-theticgeneral anaesthetic

general anaesthetic /!d+en(#)r#l 'n#s|

$,et"k/ noun a substance given to make someonelose consciousness so that a major surgical opera-tion can be carried outGeneral Dental Council

General Dental Council /!d+en(#)r#l$dent(#)l !ka*ns#l/ noun in the UK, the officialbody that registers and supervises dentists.Abbreviation GDCgeneral hospital

general hospital /!d+en(#)r#l $h(sp"t(#)l/noun a hospital which does not specialise in par-ticular types of illness or particular age groups

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General Household Survey 116General Household Survey

General Household Survey /!d+en(#)r#l!ha*sh#*ld $s-%ve"/ noun a survey of householdscarried out continuously by the Office forNational Statisticsgeneralised

generalised /$d+en(#)r#la"zd/, generalizedadjective 1. spreading throughout the body.Opposite localised 2. not having a specific causegeneralised anxiety disorder

generalised anxiety disorder/!d+en(#)r#la"zd '0 |$za"#ti d"s |!)%d#/ noun astate of continual anxiety for which there is nospecific causeGeneral Medical Council

General Medical Council /!d+en(#)r#l$med"k(#)l !ka*ns#l/ noun in the UK, the officialbody that licenses qualified doctors to practisemedicine. Abbreviation GMCGeneral Optical Council

General Optical Council /!d+en(#)r#l$(pt"k(#)l !ka*ns#l/ noun in the UK, the officialbody that registers and supervises opticiansgeneral practice

general practice /!d+en(#)r#l $pr'kt"s/ nouna medical practice where doctors offer first-linemedical care for all types of illness to people wholive locally, refer them to hospital if necessary andencourage health promotiongeneral practitioner

general practitioner /!d+en(#)r#l pr'k|

$t"/(#)n#/ noun a doctor who provides first-linemedical care for all types of illness to people wholive locally, refers them to hospital if necessaryand encourages health promotion. AbbreviationGPgene replacement therapy

gene replacement therapy /!d+i%n r"|

$ple"sm#nt !,er#pi/ noun the replacement ofmissing genes or damaging gene variations incells by the insertion of appropriate genes to treata genetic disorder. Also called gene therapy

COMMENT: Gene replacement therapy hasbeen used successfully in animals, and is inthe early stages of research in humans, butmay be useful in the future treatment of cyst-ic fibrosis, thalassaemia and other geneticdisorders.


generic /d+#|$ner"k/ adjective 1. referring tomedicine which does not have a special trademarkor brand name given to it by its manufacturer 2.referring to a genus ! The generic name of thistype of bacterium is Staphylococcus.-genesis

-genesis /d+en#s"s/ suffix production or origingene therapy

gene therapy /$d+i%n !,er#pi/ noun same asgene replacement therapygenetic

genetic /d+# |$net"k/ adjective referring to genesgenetic code

genetic code /d+# |!net"k $k#*d/ noun thecharacteristics of the DNA of a cell which arepassed on when the cell divides and so are inher-ited by a child from its parentsgenetic counselling

genetic counselling /d+# |!net"k $ka*ns#l"0/noun advice and support given to people if they ortheir children might be affected by inheritedgenetic disorders

genetic disordergenetic disorder /d+#|!net"k d"s|$)%d#/ noun adisorder or disease caused by a damaging genevariation that may be inheritedgenetic engineeringgenetic engineering /d+#|!net"k end+"|

$n"#r"0/ noun same as genetic modification(informal)genetic fingerprintgenetic fingerprint /d+# |!net"k $f"01#pr"nt/noun the pattern of sequences of genetic materialunique to an individual. Also called DNA finger-printgenetic fingerprintinggenetic fingerprinting /d+# |!net"k $f"01# |

!pr"nt"0/ noun a method of revealing an individ-ual’s genetic profile, used in paternity queries andcriminal investigations. Also called DNA finger-printinggeneticistgeneticist /d+# |$net"s"st/ noun a person whospecialises in the study of the way in which char-acteristics and diseases are inherited through thegenesgenetic modificationgenetic modification /d+# |!net"k !m(d"f" |

$ke"/(#)n/, genetic manipulation /d+#|!net"km#|!n"pj*|$le"/(#)n/ noun the combination ofgenetic material from different sources to produceorganisms with altered characteristicsgeneticsgenetics /d+#|$net"ks/ noun the study of genes,and of the way characteristics and diseases areinherited through the genesgenetic screeninggenetic screening /d+# |!net"k $skri%n"0/noun the process of testing large numbers of peo-ple to see if anyone has a particular genetic disor-dergene trackinggene tracking /$d+i%n !tr'k"0/ noun themethod used to trace throughout a family theinheritance of a gene such as those causing cysticfibrosis or Huntington’s Chorea, in order to diag-nose and predict genetic disorders-genic-genic /d+en"k/ suffix referring to a product orsomething which producesgeniculargenicular /d+e|$n"kj*l#/ adjective referring tothe kneegenitalgenital /$d+en"t(#)l/ adjective referring to thereproductive organs " plural noun genitals sameas genital organsgenitaliagenitalia /!d+en" |$te"li#/ noun the genital organsgenital organsgenital organs /!d+en"t(#)l $)%1#nz/ pluralnoun the external organs for reproduction, i.e. thepenis and testicles in males and the vulva infemales. Also called genitals, genitaliagenital wartgenital wart /!d+en"t(#)l $w)%t/ noun a wart inthe genital or anal area, caused by a sexuallytransmitted virusgenito-genito- /d+en"t#*/ prefix referring to the repro-ductive systemgenitourinarygenitourinary /!d+en"t#*|$j*#r"n#ri/ adjectivereferring to both the reproductive and urinary sys-tems. Abbreviation GUgenitourinary systemgenitourinary system /!d+en"t#* |$j*#r"n#ri!s"st#m/ noun the organs of reproduction and uri-nation, including the kidneys

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117 gigantismgenome

genome /$d+i%n#*m/ noun the set of all thegenes of an individualgenotype

genotype /$d+en#ta"p/ noun the geneticmakeup of an individual. Compare phenotypegentamicin

gentamicin /!d+ent# |$ma"s"n/ noun an antibi-otic that is effective against a variety of differentdisease-causing organisms. Patients usuallyreceive it by injection and it can cause serious sideeffects.gentian violet

gentian violet /!d+en/#n $va"#l#t/ noun anantiseptic blue dye, used to paint on skin infec-tions and also to stain specimens. Also calledcrystal violetgenu

genu /$d+enju%/ noun the kneegenual

genual /$d+enju#l/ adjective referring to thekneegenucubital position

genucubital position /!d+enju% |$kju%b"t(#)lp#|!z"/(#)n/ noun the position of someone restingon their knees and elbowsgenupectoral position

genupectoral position /!d+enju%|$pekt#r(#)lp#|!z"/(#)n/ noun the position of someone restingon their knees and upper chestgenus

genus /$d+i%n#s/ noun a category of related liv-ing organisms ! A genus is divided into differentspecies. (NOTE: The plural is genera.)genu valgum

genu valgum /!d+enju% $v'l1#m/ noun sameas knock-kneegenu varum

genu varum /!d+enju% $ve#r#m/ noun same asbow legsgeri-

geri- /d+eri/ prefix referring to old agegeriatric

geriatric /!d+eri|$'tr"k/ adjective 1. referring toold people 2. specialising in the treatment of oldpeople ! geriatric unitgeriatrician

geriatrician /!d+eri# |$tr"/(#)n/ noun a doctorwho specialises in the treatment or study of dis-eases of old peoplegeriatrics

geriatrics /!d+eri |$'tr"ks/ noun the study of thediseases and disorders of old people. Comparepaediatricsgerm

germ /d+-%m/ noun 1. a microorganism whichcauses a disease, e.g. a virus or bacterium(informal) ! Germs are not visible to the nakedeye. 2. a part of an organism capable of develop-ing into a new organismGerman measles

German measles /!d+-%m#n $mi%z(#)lz/ nounsame as rubellagerm cell

germ cell /$d+-%m sel/ noun a cell which iscapable of developing into a spermatozoon orovum. Also called gonocytegerminal epithelium

germinal epithelium /!d+-%m"n(#)l !ep"|

$,i%li#m/ noun the outer layer of the ovarygerm layer

germ layer /$d+-%m !le"#/ noun one of two orthree layers of cells in animal embryos whichform the organs of the bodygerontologist

gerontologist /!d+er#n |$t(l#d+"st/ noun a spe-cialist in gerontology

gerontologygerontology /!d+er#n |$t(l#d+i/ noun the studyof the process of ageing and the diseases of oldpeopleGesell’s developmental chartGesell’s developmental chart /1#|!zels d"|

!vel#p |$ment(#)l t/&%t/ noun a chart showing thedevelopment of motor reactions and growth pat-terns in childrengestationgestation /d+e|$ste"/(#)n/ noun 1. the processof development of a baby from conception to birthin the mother’s womb 2. same as gestationperiodgestational agegestational age /d+e |!ste"/(#)n(#)l $e"d+/noun the age of a fetus, calculated from themother’s last period to the date of birthgestational diabetesgestational diabetes /d+e|!ste"/(#)n(#)l!da"#|$bi%ti%z/ noun a form of diabetes mellituswhich develops in a pregnant womangestation periodgestation period /d+e|$ste"/(#)n !p"#ri#d/noun the period, usually of 266 days, from con-ception to birth, during which the baby developsin the mother’s womb. Also called pregnancygestodenegestodene /$d+est#di%n/ noun an oral contra-ceptiveget betterget better /!1et $bet#/ verb 1. to becomehealthy again after being ill ! He was seriouslyill, but seems to be getting better. 2. (of an illness)to stop or become less severe ! Her cold has gotbetter.getting ongetting on /!1et"0 $(n/ adjective becoming eld-erly ! Her parents are getting on.GFRGFR abbreviation glomerular filtration rateGHGH abbreviation growth hormoneGhon’s focusGhon’s focus /!1(nz $f#*k#s/ noun a spot onthe lung produced by the tuberculosis bacillus[Described 1912. After Anton Ghon (1866–1936), Professor of Pathological Anatomy atPrague, Czech Republic.]GIGI abbreviation gastrointestinalGiardiaGiardia /d+i%|$&%di#/ noun a microscopic proto-zoan parasite which causes giardiasisgiardiasisgiardiasis /!d+i%&% |$da"#s"s/ noun a disorder ofthe intestine caused by the parasite Giardia lam-blia, usually with no symptoms, but in heavyinfections the absorption of fat may be affected,causing diarrhoea. Also called lambliasisgiddinessgiddiness /$1"din#s/ noun a condition in whichsomeone has difficulty in standing up and keepingtheir balance because of a feeling that everythingis turning around ! He began to experienceattacks of giddiness.GIFTGIFT /1"ft/ noun a procedure in which a surgeonremoves eggs from a woman’s ovary, mixes themwith sperm and places them in one of her Fallo-pian tubes to help her conceive a child. Full formgamete intrafallopian transfergigantismgigantism /d+a"|$1'nt"z(#)m/ noun a condi-tion in which someone grows very tall, caused byexcessive production of growth hormone by thepituitary gland

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Gilbert’s syndrome 118Gilbert’s syndrome

Gilbert’s syndrome /$1"lb#ts !s"ndr#*m/noun an inherited disorder where the liver doesnot deal with bilirubin correctlyGilliam’s operation

Gilliam’s operation /$1"li#mz (p# |!re"/(#)n/noun a surgical operation to correct retroversionof the uterus [After David Tod Gilliam (1844–1923), physician, Columbus, Ohio, USA.]gingiv-

gingiv- /d+"nd+"v/ prefix referring to the gumsgingiva

gingiva /d+"n |$d+a"v#/ noun same as gum(NOTE: The plural is gingivae.)gingival

gingival /$d+"nd+"v(#)l/ adjective relating tothe gumsgingivectomy

gingivectomy /!d+"nd+"|$vekt#mi/ noun thesurgical removal of excess gum tissuegingivitis

gingivitis /!d+"nd+"|$va"t"s/ noun inflammationof the gums as a result of bacterial infectionginglymus

ginglymus /$d+"01l"m#s/ noun a joint whichallows movement in two directions only, e.g. theknee or elbow. Also called hinge joint. Compareball and socket jointginseng

ginseng /$d+"nsen1/ noun a plant root widelyused as a tonic and a traditional Chinese herbalremedygirdle

girdle /$1-%d(#)l/ noun a set of bones making aring or archGirdlestone’s operation

Girdlestone’s operation /$1-%d#lst#*nz (p#|

!re"/(#)n/ noun a surgical operation to relieveosteoarthritis of the hip [After Gathorne RobertGirdlestone (1881–1950), Nuffield Professor ofOrthopaedics at Oxford, UK]glabella

glabella /1l# |$bel#/ noun a flat area of bone inthe forehead between the eyebrowsgladiolus

gladiolus /!1l'di|$#*l#s/ noun the middle sec-tion of the sternumgland

gland /1l'nd/ noun an organ in the body con-taining cells that secrete substances such as hor-mones, sweat or saliva which act elsewhereglanders

glanders /$1l'nd#z/ noun a bacterial disease ofhorses, which can be caught by humans, withsymptoms of high fever and inflammation of thelymph nodesglandular

glandular /$1l'ndj*l#/ adjective referring toglandsglandular fever

glandular fever /!1l'ndj*l# $fi%v#/ nounsame as infectious mononucleosisglans

glans /1l'nz/ noun a rounded part at the end ofthe penis or clitoris. See illustration at UROGENI-TAL SYSTEM (MALE) in Supplementglare

glare /1le#/ noun 1. a long stare that expresses anegative emotion such as anger 2. an uncomfort-ably or dazzlingly bright light 3. scattered brightlight when examining something with a micro-scope " verb 1. to stare angrily 2. to shineuncomfortably brightly 3. to be very obvious orconspicuousGlasgow coma scale

Glasgow coma scale /!1l&%s1#* $k#*m#!ske"l/, Glasgow scoring system /!1l&%s1#*

$sk)%r"0 !s"st#m/ noun a seven-point scale forevaluating someone’s level of consciousnessglass eyeglass eye /!1l&%s $a"/ noun an artificial eyemade of glassglaucomaglaucoma /1l)%|$k#*m#/ noun a condition ofthe eyes, caused by unusually high pressure offluid inside the eyeball, resulting in disturbancesof vision and blindnessgleetgleet /1li%t/ noun a thin discharge from thevagina, penis, a wound or an ulcerglenohumeralglenohumeral /!1li%n#* |$hu%m#r#l/ adjectivereferring to both the glenoid cavity and thehumerusglenohumeral jointglenohumeral joint /!1li%n#* |$hu%m#r#ld+)"nt/ noun the shoulder jointglenoidglenoid /$1li%n)"d/ adjective shaped like a smallshallow cup or socketglenoid cavityglenoid cavity /!1li%n)"d $k'v"ti/, glenoidfossa /!1li%n)"d $f(s#/ noun a socket in theshoulder joint into which the head of the humerusfitsgliaglia /$1li%#/ noun connective tissue of the centralnervous system, surrounding cell bodies, axonsand dendrites. Also called neurogliaglial cellglial cell /$1li%#l sel/ noun a cell in the gliaglial tissueglial tissue /!1li%#l $t"/u%/ noun same as gliaglibenclamideglibenclamide /1l" |$be0kl#ma"d/ noun asulphonylurea drug used to treat Type II diabetesmellitusgliclazidegliclazide /$1l"kl#za"d/ noun an antibacterialdrug used to treat Type II diabetes mellitusglio-glio- /1la"#*/ prefix referring to brain tissuegliomaglioma /1la" |$#*m#/ noun any tumour of theglial tissue in the brain or spinal cordgliomyomagliomyoma /!1la"#*ma" |$#*m#/ noun a tumourof both the nerve and muscle tissueglipizideglipizide /$1l"p"za"d/ noun a drug used toreduce the glucose level in the bloodGlisson’s capsuleGlisson’s capsule /!1l"s(#)nz $k'psju%l/noun a tissue sheath in the liver containing theblood vessels [After Francis Glisson (1597–1677), philosopher, physician and anatomist atCambridge and London, UK]globinglobin /$1l#*b"n/ noun a protein which com-bines with other substances to form compoundssuch as haemoglobin and myoglobinglobuleglobule /$1l(bju%l/ noun a round drop, espe-cially of fatglobulinglobulin /$1l(bj*l"n/ noun a protein, present inblood, belonging to a group that includes antibod-iesglobusglobus /$1l#*b#s/ noun any ball-shaped part ofthe bodyglobus hystericusglobus hystericus /!1l#*b#s h"|$ster"k#s/noun a feeling of not being able to swallow,caused by worry or embarrassmentglomerularglomerular /1l(|$mer*l#/ adjective referring toa glomerulus

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119 glycaemiaglomerular capsule

glomerular capsule /1l(|!mer*l# $k'psju%l/noun same as Bowman’s capsuleglomerular filtration rate

glomerular filtration rate /1l( |!mer*l# f"l |

$tre"/(#)n !re"t/ noun the rate at which the kid-neys filter blood and remove waste matterglomerular tuft

glomerular tuft /1l(|!mer*l# $t.ft/ noun agroup of blood vessels in the kidney which filterthe bloodglomeruli

glomeruli plural of glomerulusglomerulitis

glomerulitis /1l(|!mer* |$la"t"s/ noun inflam-mation causing lesions of glomeruli in the kidneyglomerulonephritis

glomerulonephritis /1l(|!mer*l#*ne |$fra"t"s/noun same as Bright’s diseaseglomerulus

glomerulus /1l( |$mer*l#s/ noun a group ofblood vessels which filter waste matter from theblood in a kidney (NOTE: The plural is glomer-uli.)gloss-

gloss- /1l(s/ prefix same as glosso- (usedbefore vowels)glossa

glossa /$1l(s#/ noun same as tongueglossal

glossal /$1l(s(#)l/ adjective relating to thetongueglossectomy

glossectomy /1l( |$sekt#mi/ noun the surgicalremoval of the tongueglossitis

glossitis /1l(|$sa"t"s/ noun inflammation of thesurface of the tongueglosso-

glosso- /1l(s#*/ prefix referring to the tongueglossodynia

glossodynia /!1l(s#* |$d"ni#/ noun pain in thetongueglossopharyngeal

glossopharyngeal /!1l(s#*f'r"n|$d+i%#l/adjective relating to the tongue and pharynxglossopharyngeal nerve

glossopharyngeal nerve /!1l(s#*f'r"n|

$d+i%#l n-%v/ noun the ninth cranial nerve whichcontrols the pharynx, the salivary glands and partof the tongueglossoplegia

glossoplegia /!1l(s#* |$pli%d+#/ noun paralysisof the tongueglossotomy

glossotomy /1l(|$s(t#mi/ noun a surgical inci-sion into the tongueglottis

glottis /$1l(t"s/ noun an opening in the larynxbetween the vocal cords, which forms theentrance to the main airway from the pharynxgluc-

gluc- /1lu%k/ prefix referring to glucoseglucagon

glucagon /$1lu%k#1(n/ noun a hormonesecreted by the islets of Langerhans in the pan-creas, which increases the level of blood sugar bystimulating the breakdown of glycogenglucagonoma

glucagonoma /!1lu%k#1(|$n#*m#/ noun atumour of the cells of the pancreas that producesglucagonglucocorticoid

glucocorticoid /!1lu%k#*|$k)%t"k)"d/ nounany corticosteroid which breaks down carbohy-drates and fats for use by the body, produced bythe adrenal cortexgluconeogenesis

gluconeogenesis /!1lu%k#* |!ni%#* |$d+en#s"s/noun the production of glucose in the liver fromprotein or fat reserves


glucose /$1lu%k#*z/ noun a simple sugar foundin some fruit, but also broken down from whitesugar or carbohydrate and absorbed into the bodyor secreted by the kidneys. Also called dextroseglucose tolerance test

glucose tolerance test /$1lu%k#*z !t(l#r#nstest/ noun a test for diabetes mellitus, in whichsomeone eats glucose and his or her urine andblood are tested at regular intervals. AbbreviationGTTglue ear

glue ear /$1lu% "#/ noun a condition in whichfluid forms behind the eardrum and causes deaf-ness. Also called secretory otitis mediaglue-sniffing

glue-sniffing /$1lu% !sn"f"0/ noun " solventabuseglutamic oxaloacetic transaminase

glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase /1lu%|

!t'm"k (ks#l#*#|!si%t"k tr'ns|$'m"ne"z/ nounan enzyme used to test for viral hepatitisglutamic pyruvic transaminase

glutamic pyruvic transaminase /1lu%|

!t'm"k pa"|!ru%v"k tr'ns|$'m"ne"z/ noun anenzyme produced in the liver and released into theblood if the liver is damagedgluteal

gluteal /$1lu%ti#l/ adjective referring to the but-tocksgluteal artery

gluteal artery /$1lu%ti#l !&%t#ri/ noun one ofthe two arteries supplying the buttocks, the infe-rior gluteal artery or the superior glutealarterygluteal muscle

gluteal muscle /$1lu%ti#l !m.s(#)l/ noun amuscle in the buttock. ! gluteusgluteal vein

gluteal vein /$1lu%ti#l ve"n/ noun one of twoveins draining the buttocks, the inferior glutealvein and the superior gluteal veingluten

gluten /$1lu%t(#)n/ noun a protein found in somecereals, which makes the grains form a stickypaste when water is addedgluten enteropathy

gluten enteropathy /!1lu%t(#)n !ent#|$r(p#,i/same as gluten-induced enteropathygluten-induced enteropathy

gluten-induced enteropathy /!1lu%t(#)n "n|

!dju%st !ent#|$r(p#,i/ noun 1. an allergic diseasemainly affecting children, in which the lining ofthe intestine is sensitive to gluten, preventing thesmall intestine from digesting fat 2. a condition inadults where the villi in the intestine becomesmaller and so reduce the surface which canabsorb nutrients (NOTE: Symptoms include aswollen abdomen, pale diarrhoea, abdominalpains and anaemia.) $ also called coeliac dis-easegluteus

gluteus /$1lu%ti#s/ noun one of three muscles inthe buttocks, responsible for movements of thehip. The largest is the gluteus maximus, whilethe gluteus medius and gluteus minimus aresmaller.glyc-

glyc- /1la"k/ prefix same as glyco- (used beforevowels)glycaemia

glycaemia /1la"|$si%mi#/ noun the level of glu-cose found in the blood. ! hypoglycaemia,hyperglycaemia

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glycerin 120glycerin

glycerin /$1l"s#r"n/, glycerine, glycerol/$1l"s#r(l/ noun a colourless viscous sweet-tast-ing liquid present in all fats (NOTE: Syntheticglycerin is used in various medicinal prepara-tions and also as a lubricant in items such astoothpaste and cough medicines.)glyco-

glyco- /1la"k#*/ prefix referring to sugarglycogen

glycogen /$1la"k#d+#n/ noun a type of starch,converted from glucose by the action of insulin,and stored in the liver as a source of energyglycogenesis

glycogenesis /!1la"k#*|$d+en#s"s/ noun theprocess by which glucose is converted into glyco-gen in the liverglycogenolysis

glycogenolysis /!1la"k#*d+# |$n(l#s"s/ nounthe process by which glycogen is broken down toform glucoseglycolysis

glycolysis /1la"|$k(l#s"s/ noun the metabolicbreakdown of glucose to release energyglycoside

glycoside /$1la"k#*sa"d/ noun a chemicalcompound of a type which is formed from a sim-ple sugar and another compound (NOTE: Many ofthe drugs produced from plants are glycosides.)glycosuria

glycosuria /!1la"k#*|$sj*#ri#/ noun a highlevel of sugar in the urine, a symptom of diabetesmellitusGMC

GMC abbreviation General Medical Councilgnathic

gnathic /$n',"k/ adjective referring to the jawgnathoplasty

gnathoplasty /$n',#*|!pl'sti/ noun surgeryon the jawgnawing

gnawing /$n)%"0/ adjective referring to a physi-cal or emotional feeling that is persistent anduncomfortable ! a gnawing pain ! gnawing anx-ietygoblet cell

goblet cell /$1(bl#t sel/ noun a tube-shapedcell in the epithelium which secretes mucusGOC

GOC abbreviation General Optical Councilgoitre

goitre /$1)"t#/ noun an excessive enlargement ofthe thyroid gland, seen as a swelling round theneck, caused by a lack of iodine (NOTE: The USspelling is goiter.)gold

gold /1#*ld/ noun a soft yellow-coloured pre-cious metal, used as a compound in various drugs,and sometimes as a filling for teeth (NOTE: Thechemical symbol is Au.)golden hour

golden hour /!1#*ld(#)n $a*#/ noun the firsthour after a serious injury when the most differ-ence can be made to the patient’s healthgolfer’s elbow

golfer’s elbow /!1(lf#z $elb#*/ noun inflam-mation of the tendons of the elbowGolgi apparatus

Golgi apparatus /$1(ld+i 'p#|!re"t#s/ noun afolded membranous structure inside the cell cyto-plasm which stores and transports enzymes andhormones [Described 1898. After Camillo Golgi(1843–1926), Professor of Histology and laterRector of the University of Pavia, Italy. In 1906he shared the Nobel Prize with Santiago Ramóny Cajal for work on the nervous sytem.]

Golgi cell

Golgi cell /$1(ld+i !sel/ noun a type of nervecell in the central nervous system, either with longaxons (Golgi Type 1) or without axons (GolgiType 2)gomphosis

gomphosis /1(m|$f#*s"s/ noun a joint whichcannot move, like that between a tooth and thejawgonad

gonad /$1#*n'd/ noun a sex gland which pro-duces gametes and also sex hormones, e.g. a tes-ticle in males or an ovary in femalesgonadotrophic hormone

gonadotrophic hormone /!1#*n#d#*|

!tr(f"k $h)%m#*n/ noun one of two hormones,the follicle-stimulating hormone and the luteinis-ing hormone, produced by the anterior pituitarygland which have an effect on the ovaries infemales and on the testes in malesgonadotrophin

gonadotrophin /!1#*n#d#*|$tr#*f"n/ nounany of a group of hormones produced by the pitu-itary gland which stimulates the sex glands atpuberty. ! human chorionic gonadotrophingoni-

goni- /1#*ni/ prefix same as gonio- (usedbefore a vowel)gonio-

gonio- /1(ni#*/ prefix referring to an anglegonion

gonion /$1#*ni(n/ noun the outer point atwhich the lower jawbone angles upwardsgoniopuncture

goniopuncture /$1#*ni#*|!p.0kt/#/ noun asurgical operation for draining fluid from the eyesof someone who has glaucomagoniotomy

goniotomy /!1#*ni|$(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to treat glaucoma by cutting Schlemm’scanalgonococcal

gonococcal /!1(n# |$k(k(#)l/ adjective refer-ring to gonococcusgonococcus

gonococcus /!1(n#|$k(k#s/ noun a type ofbacterium, Neisseria gonorrhoea, which causesgonorrhoea (NOTE: The plural is gonococci.)gonocyte

gonocyte /$1(n#sa"t/ noun same as germ cellgonorrhoea

gonorrhoea /!1(n# |$ri%#/ noun a sexually trans-mitted disease which produces painful irritationof the mucous membrane and a watery dischargefrom the vagina or penisgoose bumps

goose bumps /$1u%s b.mps/, goose flesh/$1u%s fle//, goose pimples /$1u%s !p"mp(#)lz/noun a reaction of the skin when someone is coldor frightened, the skin being raised into many lit-tle bumps by the action of the arrector pili mus-cles. Also called cutis anserinagorget

gorget /$1)%d+"t/ noun a surgical instrumentused to remove stones from the bladdergouge

gouge /1a*d+/ noun a surgical instrument like achisel, used to cut bonegout

gout /1a*t/ noun a disease in which unusualquantities of uric acid are produced and formcrystals in the cartilage round joints. Also calledpodagraGP

GP abbreviation general practitioner

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121 greater vestibular glandsGP co-op

GP co-op /!d+i% $pi% k#* !(p/ noun a group ofGPs who work together to provide out-of-hourscare without making any profitgraft

graft /1r&%ft/ noun the act of transplanting anorgan or tissue to replace one which is not func-tioning or which is diseased ! a skin graft " verbto take a healthy organ or tissue and transplant itin place of diseased or malfunctioning organ ortissue ! The surgeons grafted a new section ofbone at the side of the skull. ! autograft, hom-ograftgraft versus host disease

graft versus host disease /!1r&%ft !v-%s#s$h#*st d" |!zi%z/ noun a condition which developswhen cells from the grafted tissue react againstthe person’s own tissue, causing skin disorders.Abbreviation GVHDgrain

grain /1re"n/ noun 1. a very small piece ofsomething hard such as salt 2. a measure ofweight equal to 0.0648 grams. Symbol gr-gram

-gram /1r'm/ suffix a record in the form of apictureGram-negative bacterium

Gram-negative bacterium /!1r'm $ne1#t"vb'k|!t"#ri#m/ noun a bacterium which takes upthe red counterstain, after the alcohol has washedout the first violet dyeGram-positive bacterium

Gram-positive bacterium /!1r'm $p(z"t"vb'k|!t"#ri#m/ noun a bacterium which retainsviolet dye and appears blue-black when viewedunder the microscopeGram’s stain

Gram’s stain /$1r'mz ste"n/ noun a method ofstaining bacteria so that they can be identified[Described 1884. After Hans Christian JoachimGram (1853–1938), Professor of Medicine inCopenhagen, Denmark. He discovered the stainby accident as a student in Berlin, Germany.]grand mal

grand mal /!1r(n $m'l/ noun a type of epi-lepsy, in which someone becomes unconsciousand falls down, while the muscles become stiffand twitch violentlygrand multiparity

grand multiparity /!1r'n m.lti|$p'r"ti/ nounthe fact of having given birth to more than fourchildrengranular

granular /$1r'nj*l#/ adjective made up ofgranulesgranular cast

granular cast /!1r'nj*l# $k&%st/ noun a castcomposed of cells filled with protein and fattygranulesgranular leucocyte

granular leucocyte /!1r'nj*l# $lu%k#sa"t/noun same as granulocytegranulation

granulation /!1r'nj*|$le"/(#)n/ noun the for-mation of rough red tissue on the surface of awound or site of infection, the first stage in thehealing processgranulation tissue

granulation tissue /!1r'nj*|$le"/(#)n !t"/u%/noun soft tissue, consisting mainly of tiny bloodvessels and fibres, which forms over a wound


granule /$1r'nju%l/ noun a very small piece ofsomething hardgranulocyte

granulocyte /$1r'nj*l#sa"t/ noun a type ofleucocyte or white blood cell which containsgranules, e.g. a basophil, eosinophil or neutrophilgranulocytopeniagranulocytopenia /!1r'nj*l#*|!sa"t#*|

$pi%ni#/ noun a usually fatal disease caused by thelowering of the number of granulocytes in theblood due to bone marrow malfunctiongranuloma

granuloma /!1r'nj*|$l#*m#/ noun a mass ofgranulation tissue which forms at the site of bac-terial infections (NOTE: The plural is granulo-mata or granulomas.)granulomatosis

granulomatosis /!1r'nj*l#*m#|$t#*s"s/noun persistent inflammation leading to the for-mation of nodulesgraph

graph /1r&%f/ noun a diagram which shows therelationship between quantities as a linegraph-

graph- /1r'f/ prefix writing-graph

-graph /1r&%f/ suffix a machine which recordssomething as pictures-grapher

-grapher /1r#f#/ suffix a technician who oper-ates a machine which records-graphy

-graphy /1r#fi/ suffix the technique of studythrough picturesgrattage

grattage /1r'|$t&%+/ noun a procedure thatinvolves scraping the surface of an ulcer which ishealing slowly to make it heal more rapidlygravel

gravel /$1r'v(#)l/ noun small stones which passfrom the kidney to the urinary system, causingpain in the ureterGraves’ disease

Graves’ disease /$1re"vz d"|!zi%z/ noun sameas exophthalmic goitre [Described 1835. AfterRobert James Graves (1796–1853), Irish physi-cian at the Meath Hospital, Dublin, Ireland,where he was responsible for introducing clinicalward work for medical students.]gravid

gravid /$1r'v"d/ adjective pregnantgravides multiparae

gravides multiparae /!1r'v"di%z !m.lti|

$p&%ri%/ plural noun women who have given birthto at least four live babiesgravitygravity /$1r'v"ti/ noun the importance orpotential danger of a disease or situationGrawitz tumourGrawitz tumour /$1r&%v"ts !tju%m#/ noun amalignant tumour in kidney cells [Described1883. After Paul Albert Grawitz (1850–1932),Professor of Pathology at Greifswald, Germany.]gray

gray /1re"/ noun an SI unit of measurement ofabsorbed radiation equal to 100 rads. Symbol Gy.! radgraze

graze /1re"z/ noun a scrape on the skin surface,making some blood flow " verb to scrape theskin surface accidentallygreater curvature

greater curvature /!1re"t# $k-%v#t/#/ noun aconvex line of the stomachgreater vestibular glands

greater vestibular glands /!1re"t# ve|

$st"bj*l# 1l'ndz/ noun same as Bartholin’sglands

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great toe 122great toe

great toe /$1re"t t#*/ noun same as big toegreenstick fracture

greenstick fracture /$1ri%nst"k !fr'kt/#/noun a type of fracture occurring in children,where a long bone bends, but is not completelybrokengrey commissure

grey commissure /!1re" $k(m"sj*#/ nounpart of the grey matter nearest to the central canalof the spinal cord, where axons cross over eachothergrey matter

grey matter /$1re" !m't#/ noun nerve tissuewhich is of a dark grey colour and forms part ofthe central nervous system

COMMENT: In the brain, grey matter enclosesthe white matter, but in the spinal cord, whitematter encloses the grey matter.

grief counsellor

grief counsellor /$1ri%f !ka*ns(#)l#/ noun aperson who helps someone to cope with the feel-ings they have when someone such as a close rel-ative diesgripe water

gripe water /$1ra"p !w)%t#/ noun a solution ofglucose and alcohol, used to relieve abdominalpains in babiesgroin

groin /1r)"n/ noun a junction at each side of thebody where the lower abdomen joins the top ofthe thighs ! He had a dull pain in his groin.(NOTE: For other terms referring to the groin, seeinguinal.)grommet

grommet /$1r(m"t/ noun a tube which can bepassed from the external auditory meatus into themiddle ear, usually to allow fluid to drain off, asin someone who has glue earground substance

ground substance /!1ra*nd $s.bst#ns/ nounsame as matrixgroup

group /1ru%p/ noun several people, animals orthings which are all close together ! A group ofpatients were waiting in the surgery. " verb tobring things or people together in a group, orcome together in a group ! The drugs aregrouped under the heading ‘antibiotics’.group practice

group practice /!1ru%p $pr'kt"s/ noun a med-ical practice where several doctors or dentistsshare the same office building and support serv-icesgroup therapy

group therapy /!1ru%p $,er#pi/ noun a type ofpsychotherapy where a group of people with thesame disorder meet together with a therapist todiscuss their condition and try to help each othergrowing pains

growing pains /$1r#*"0 pe"nz/ plural nounpains associated with adolescence, which can bea form of rheumatic fevergrowth

growth /1r#*,/ noun 1. the process of increas-ing in size ! the growth in the population since1960 ! The disease stunts children’s growth. 2. acyst or tumour ! The doctor found a cancerousgrowth on the left breast. ! He had an operationto remove a small growth from his chin.growth factor

growth factor /$1r#*, !f'kt#/ noun a chemi-cal, especially a polypeptide, produced in the

body which encourages particular cells to grow !a nerve growth factorgrowth hormone

growth hormone /$1r#*, !h)%m#*n/ noun ahormone secreted by the pituitary gland duringdeep sleep, which stimulates growth of the longbones and protein synthesis. Also called somat-ropingrumbling appendix

grumbling appendix /!1r.mbl"0 # |$pend"ks/noun a vermiform appendix that is alwaysslightly inflamed (informal) ! chronic appendi-citisGU

GU abbreviation 1. gastric ulcer 2. genitourinaryguanine

guanine /$1w&%ni%n/ noun one of the four basicchemicals in DNAguardian ad litem

guardian ad litem /!1&%di#n 'd $li%t#m/ nouna person who acts on behalf of a minor who is adefendant in a court caseguardian Caldicott

guardian Caldicott /!1&%di#n $k)%ld"k(t/noun in the UK, a person appointed by a hospitalor Health Trust to make sure that informationabout patients is kept confidential, following theCaldicott Report of 1997Guillain-Barré syndrome

Guillain-Barré syndrome /!1i%j'n $b're"!s"ndr#*m/ noun a nervous disorder in which,after a non-specific infection, demyelination ofthe spinal roots and peripheral nerves takes place,leading to generalised weakness and sometimesrespiratory paralysis. Also called Landry’sparalysis [Described 1916. After Georges Guil-lain (1876–1961), Professor of Neurology inParis, France, Jean Alexandre Barré (1880–1967), Professor of Neurology in Strasbourg,France.]guillotine

guillotine /$1"l#ti%n/ noun a surgical instrumentfor cutting out tonsilsguinea worm

guinea worm /$1"ni w-%m/ noun same as Dra-cunculusGulf War syndrome

Gulf War syndrome /!1.lf $w)% !s"ndr#*m/noun a collection of unexplained symptoms,including fatigue, skin disorders, and musclepains, affecting some soldiers who fought in theGulf War in 1991gullet

gullet /$1.l"t/ noun same as oesophagusgum

gum /1.m/ noun the soft tissue covering the partof the jaw which surrounds the teeth ! Her gumsare red and inflamed. ! A build-up of tartar canlead to gum disease. Also called gingiva (NOTE:For other terms referring to the gums, see wordsbeginning with gingiv-.)gumboil

gumboil /$1.mb)"l/ noun an abscess on thegum near a toothgustation

gustation /1.|$ste"/(#)n/ noun the act of tastinggustatory

gustatory /$1.st#t(#)ri/ adjective referring tothe sense of tastegut

gut /1.t/ noun 1. the tubular organ for the diges-tion and absorption of food. Also called intestine2. a type of thread, made from the intestines ofsheep. It is used to sew up internal incisions and

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123 gyrus

dissolves slowly so does not need to be removed.! catgutGuthrie test

Guthrie test /$1.,ri test/ noun a test used onbabies to detect the presence of phenylketonuria[After R. Guthrie (1916–95), US paediatrician.]gutta

gutta /$1.t#/ noun a drop of liquid, as used intreatment of the eyes (NOTE: The plural is gut-tae.)gutter splint

gutter splint /$1.t# spl"nt/ noun a shaped con-tainer in which a broken limb can rest withoutbeing completely surroundedGVHD

GVHD abbreviation graft versus host diseasegyn-

gyn- /1a"n/ prefix same as gynae- (used beforea vowel)gynae-

gynae- referring to women

gynaecologicalgynaecological /!1a"n"k#|$l(d+"k(#)l/ adjec-tive referring to the treatment of diseases ofwomengynaecologistgynaecologist /!1a"n" |$k(l#d+"st/ noun a doc-tor who specialises in the treatment of diseases ofwomengynaecologygynaecology /!1a"n"|$k(l#d+i/ noun the studyof female sex organs and the treatment of diseasesof women in generalgynaecomastiagynaecomastia /!1a"n"k#|$m'sti#/ noun theunusual development of breasts in a malegynegyne /$1a"ni/ same as gynaecology, gynaeco-logical (informal) ! a gyne appointmentgypsumgypsum /$d+"ps#m/ noun calcium sulphate,used as plaster of Parisgyrusgyrus /$d+a"#r#s/ noun a raised part of the cere-bral cortex between the sulci

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HH2-receptor antagonist

H2-receptor antagonist /!e"t/ tu% r"|$sept#r'n|!t'1#n"st/ noun a drug that inhibits the pro-duction of stomach acid and so relieves indiges-tion and gastric ulcershabit

habit /$h'b"t/ noun 1. an action which is anautomatic response to a stimulus 2. a regular wayof doing something ! He got into the habit ofswimming every day before breakfast. ! She’s gotout of the habit of taking any exercise.habit-forming drug

habit-forming drug /$h'b"t !f)%m"0 dr.1/noun a drug which is addictivehabitual abortion

habitual abortion /h#|!b"t/u#l #|$b)%/(#)n/noun a condition in which a woman has abortionswith successive pregnancieshabituation

habituation /h# |!b"t/u|$e"/(#)n/ noun the fact ofbeing psychologically but not physically addictedto or dependent on a drug, alcohol or other sub-stancehabitus

habitus /$h'b"t#s/ noun the general physicalappearance of a person, including build and pos-turehaem

haem /hi%m/ noun a molecule containing ironwhich binds proteins to form haemoproteins suchas haemoglobin and myoglobinhaem-

haem- /hi%m/ prefix same as haemo- (usedbefore vowels)haemagglutination

haemagglutination /!hi%m#1lu%t" |$ne"/(#)n/noun the clumping of red blood cells, often usedto test for the presence of antibodieshaemangioma

haemangioma /!hi%m'nd+i|$#*m#/ noun aharmless tumour which forms in blood vesselsand appears on the skin as a birthmarkhaemarthrosis

haemarthrosis /!hi%m&% |$,r#*s"s/ noun painand swelling caused by blood leaking into a jointhaematemesis

haematemesis /!hi%m#|$tem#s"s/ noun a con-dition in which someone vomits blood, usuallybecause of internal bleedinghaematic

haematic /hi% |$m't"k/ adjective referring tobloodhaematin

haematin /$hi%m#t"n/ noun a substance whichforms from haemoglobin when bleeding takesplacehaematinic

haematinic /!hi%m#|$t"n"k/ noun a drug whichincreases haemoglobin in blood, used to treatanaemia, e.g. an iron compound


haemato- /hi%m#t#*/ prefix referring to bloodhaematocolpos

haematocolpos /!hi%m#t#* |$k(lp#s/ noun acondition in which the vagina is filled with bloodat menstruation because the hymen has no open-inghaematocrit

haematocrit /$hi%m#t#*kr"t/ noun same aspacked cell volumehaematocyst

haematocyst /$hi%m#t#*s"st/ noun a cystwhich contains bloodhaematological

haematological /!hi%m#t#* |$l(d+"k(#)l/adjective referring to haematologyhaematologist

haematologist /!hi%m# |$t(l#d+"st/ noun a doc-tor who specialises in haematologyhaematology

haematology /!hi%m# |$t(l#d+i/ noun the scien-tific study of blood, its formation and its diseaseshaematoma

haematoma /!hi%m# |$t#*m#/ noun a mass ofblood under the skin caused by a blow or by theeffects of an operationhaematometra

haematometra /!hi%m#|$t(m"tr#/ noun exces-sive bleeding in the uterushaematomyelia

haematomyelia /!hi%m#t#*ma"|$i%li#/ noun acondition in which blood leaks into the spinalcordhaematopoiesis

haematopoiesis /!hi%m#t#*p)"|$i%s"s/ nounsame as haemopoiesishaematosalpinx

haematosalpinx /!hi%m#t#*|$s'lp"0ks/ nounsame as haemosalpinxhaematozoon

haematozoon /!hi%m#t#* |$z#*(n/ noun a par-asite living in the blood (NOTE: The plural is hae-matozoa.)haematuria

haematuria /!hi%m#|$tj*#ri#/ noun the unusualpresence of blood in the urine, as a result of injuryor disease of the kidney or bladderhaemin

haemin /$hi%m"n/ noun a salt derived from hae-moglobin, used in the treatment of porphyriahaemo-

haemo- /hi%m#*/ prefix referring to bloodhaemochromatosis

haemochromatosis /!hi%m#*kr#*m#|

$t#*s"s/ noun an inherited disease in which thebody absorbs and stores too much iron, causingcirrhosis of the liver and giving the skin a darkcolour. Also called bronze diabeteshaemoconcentration

haemoconcentration /!hi%m#*|!k(ns#n|

$tre"/(#)n/ noun an increase in the percentage ofred blood cells because the volume of plasma isreduced. Compare haemodilution

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125 haemorrhagic disorderhaemocytometer

haemocytometer /!hi%m#*sa"|$t(m"t#/ nouna glass jar in which a sample of blood is dilutedand the blood cells countedhaemodialysed patient

haemodialysed patient /!hi%m#*da"#la"zd$pe"/(#)nt/ noun someone who has undergonehaemodialysishaemodialysis

haemodialysis /!hi%m#*da" |$'l#s"s/ nounsame as kidney dialysishaemodilution

haemodilution /!hi%m#*da"|$lu%/(#)n/ noun adecrease in the percentage of red blood cellsbecause the volume of plasma has increased.Compare haemoconcentrationhaemoglobin

haemoglobin /!hi%m# |$1l#*b"n/ noun a red res-piratory pigment formed of haem and globin inred blood cells which gives blood its red colour. Itabsorbs oxygen in the lungs and carries it in theblood to the tissues. Abbreviation Hb. ! oxyhae-moglobin, carboxyhaemoglobinhaemoglobinaemia

haemoglobinaemia /!hi%m#*1l#*b"|$ni%mi#/noun a comdition in which haemoglobin is foundin blood plasmahaemoglobinopathy

haemoglobinopathy /!hi%m#*1l#*b"|

$n(p#,i/ noun an inherited disease of a groupwhich result from damaging variations in the pro-duction of haemoglobin, e.g. sickle-cell anaemiahaemoglobinuria

haemoglobinuria /!hi%m#*1l#*b" |$nj*#ri#/noun a condition in which haemoglobin is foundin the urinehaemogram

haemogram /$hi%m#*1r'm/ noun the printedresult of a blood testhaemolysin

haemolysin /!hi%m#* |$la"s"n/ noun a proteinwhich destroys red blood cellshaemolysis

haemolysis /hi% |$m(l#s"s/ noun the destructionof red blood cellshaemolytic

haemolytic /!hi%m#*|$l"t"k/ adjective destroy-ing red blood cells " noun a substance whichdestroys red blood cells, e.g. snake venomhaemolytic anaemia

haemolytic anaemia /!hi%m#l"t"k #|$ni%mi#/noun a condition in which the destruction of redblood cells is about six times the usual rate, andthe supply of new cells from the bone marrowcannot meet the demandhaemolytic disease of the newborn

haemolytic disease of the newborn/!hi%m#*l"t"k d"|!zi%z #v 2# $nju%b)%n/ noun acondition in which the red blood cells of the fetusare destroyed because antibodies in the mother’sblood react against themhaemolytic jaundice

haemolytic jaundice /!hi%m#*l"t"k$d+)%nd"s/ noun jaundice caused by haemolysisof the red blood cells. Also called prehepaticjaundicehaemolytic uraemic syndrome

haemolytic uraemic syndrome/!hi%m#*l"t"k j* |$ri%m"k !s"ndr#*m/ noun a con-dition in which haemolytic anaemia damages thekidneyshaemopericardium

haemopericardium /!hi%m#*per"|$k&%di#m/noun a condition in which blood is found in thepericardium


haemoperitoneum /!hi%m#*per"t#|$ni%#m/noun a condition in which blood is found in theperitoneal cavityhaemophilia A

haemophilia A /!hi%m#*f"li# $e"/ noun themost common type of haemophilia, in which theinability to synthesise Factor VIII, a protein thatpromotes blood clotting, means that the bloodclots very slowlyhaemophilia B

haemophilia B /!hi%m#f"li# $bi%/ noun a lesscommon type of haemophilia, in which the inabil-ity to synthesise Factor IX, a protein that pro-motes blood clotting, means that the blood clotsvery slowly. Also called Christmas diseasehaemophiliac

haemophiliac /!hi%m#|$f"li'k/ noun a personwho has haemophiliahaemophilic

haemophilic /!hi%m#*|$f"l"k/ adjective refer-ring to haemophiliaHaemophilus

Haemophilus /hi%|$m(f"l#s/ noun a genus ofbacteria which needs specific factors in the bloodto growHaemophilus influenzae

Haemophilus influenzae /hi% |!m(f"l#s !"nflu|

$enz#/ noun a bacterium which lives in healthythroats, but which can cause pneumonia if a per-son’s resistance is lowered by a bout of fluHaemophilus influenzae type b

Haemophilus influenzae type b /hi%|

!m(f"l#s "nflu|!enz# ta"p $bi%/ noun a bacteriumwhich causes meningitis. Abbreviation Hibhaemophthalmia

haemophthalmia /!hi%m(f|$,'lmi#/ noun acondition in which blood is found in the vitreoushumour of the eyehaemopneumothorax

haemopneumothorax /!hi%m#*|!nju%m#*|

$,)%r'ks/ noun same as pneumohaemothoraxhaemopoiesis

haemopoiesis /!hi%m#*p)"|$i%s"s/ noun thecontinual production of blood cells and bloodplatelets in the bone marrow. Also called bloodformationhaemopoietic

haemopoietic /!hi%m#*p)" |$et"k/ adjectivereferring to the formation of blood in the bonemarrowhaemoptysis

haemoptysis /hi% |$m(pt#s"s/ noun a conditionin which someone coughs blood from the lungs,caused by a serious illness such as anaemia, pneu-monia, tuberculosis or cancerhaemorrhage

haemorrhage /$hem(#)r"d+/ noun the loss of alarge quantity of blood, especially from a burstblood vessel ! He died of a brain haemorrhage." verb to bleed heavily ! The injured man washaemorrhaging from the mouth.haemorrhagic

haemorrhagic /!hem#|$r'd+"k/ adjectivereferring to heavy bleedinghaemorrhagic disease of the newborn

haemorrhagic disease of the newborn/!hem#r'd+"k d"|!zi%z #v 2# $nju%b)%n/ noun adisease of newly born babies, which makes themhaemorrhage easily, caused by temporary lack ofprothrombinhaemorrhagic disorder

haemorrhagic disorder /hem#|!r'd+"k d"s|

$)%d#/ noun a disorder in which haemorrhagesoccur, e.g. haemophilia

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haemorrhagic stroke 126haemorrhagic stroke

haemorrhagic stroke /!hem#r'd+"k$str#*k/ noun a stroke caused by a burst bloodvesselhaemorrhoidectomy

haemorrhoidectomy /!hem#r)" |$dekt#mi/noun the surgical removal of haemorrhoidshaemorrhoids

haemorrhoids /$hem#r)"dz/ plural nounswollen veins in the anorectal passage. Alsocalled pileshaemosalpinx

haemosalpinx /hi%m#*|$s'lp"0ks/ noun theaccumulation of blood in the Fallopian tubeshaemosiderosis

haemosiderosis /!hi%m#*s"d#|$r#*s"s/ noun adisorder in which iron forms large deposits in thetissue, causing haemorrhaging and destruction ofred blood cellshaemostasis

haemostasis /!hi%m#*|$ste"s"s/ noun the proc-ess of stopping bleeding or slowing the movementof bloodhaemostat

haemostat /$hi%m#*st't/ noun a device whichstops bleeding, e.g. a clamphaemostatic

haemostatic /!hi%m#*|$st't"k/ adjective stop-ping bleeding " noun a drug which stops bleed-inghaemothorax

haemothorax /!hi%m#*|$,)%r'ks/ noun a con-dition in which blood is found in the pleural cav-ityHageman factor

Hageman factor /$h&%1#m#n !f'kt#/ nounsame as Factor XIIHAI

HAI abbreviation Hospital Acquired Infectionhair cell

hair cell /$he# sel/ noun a receptor cell whichconverts fluid pressure changes into nerveimpulses carried in the auditory nerve (NOTE: Forother terms referring to hair, see words begin-ning with pilo-, trich-, tricho-.)hair follicle

hair follicle /$he# !f(l"k(#)l/ noun the cells andtissue that surround the root of a hairhairline fracture

hairline fracture /!he#la"n $fr'kt/#/ noun avery slight crack in a bone caused by injuryhair papilla

hair papilla /!he# p# |$p"l#/ noun a part of theskin containing capillaries which feed blood tothe hairhalf-life

half-life /$h&%f la"f/ noun 1. a measurement ofthe period of time taken before the concentrationof a drug has reached half of what it was when itwas administered 2. the time taken for half theatoms in a radioactive isotope to decayhalitosis

halitosis /!h'l" |$t#*s"s/ noun a condition inwhich a person has breath which smells unpleas-ant. Also called bad breathhallucinate

hallucinate /h#|$lu%s"ne"t/ verb to have halluci-nations ! The patient was hallucinating.hallucination

hallucination /h#|!lu%s"|$ne"/(#)n/ noun anexperience of seeing an imaginary scene or hear-ing an imaginary sound as clearly as if it werereally therehallucinatory

hallucinatory /h#|$lu%s"n#t(#)ri/ adjectivereferring to a drug which causes hallucinations


hallucinogen /!h'lu% |$s"n#d+#n/ noun a drugwhich causes hallucinations, e.g. cannabis orLSDhallucinogenic

hallucinogenic /h#|!lu%s"n#|$d+en"k/ adjectivereferring to a substance which produces halluci-nations ! a hallucinogenic fungushallux

hallux /$h'l#ks/ noun the big toe (NOTE: Theplural is halluces.)hallux valgus

hallux valgus /!h'l#ks $v'l1#s/ noun a condi-tion of the foot, where the big toe turns towardsthe other toes and a bunion is formedhaloperidol

haloperidol /!h'l#*|$per"d(l/ noun a tranquil-liser used in the treatment of schizophrenia,mania and psychoseshalo splint

halo splint /$he"l#* spl"nt/ noun a device usedto keep the head and neck still so that they canrecover from injury or an operationhalothane

halothane /$h'l#*,e"n/ noun a general anaes-thetic that is given by inhalationhamartoma

hamartoma /!h'm&%|$t#*m#/ noun a benigntumour containing tissue from any organhamate

hamate /$he"me"t/, hamate bone /$he"me"tb#*n/ noun one of the eight small carpal bones inthe wrist, shaped like a hook. Also called unci-form bone. See illustration at HAND in Supple-menthammer

hammer /$h'm#/ noun same as malleushammer toe

hammer toe /$h'm# t#*/ noun a toe which hasthe middle joint permanently bent downwardshamstring

hamstring /$h'mstr"0/ noun one of a group oftendons behind the knee, which link the thighmuscles to the bones in the lower leghamstring muscles

hamstring muscles /$h'mstr"0 !m.s(#)lz/plural noun a group of muscles at the back of thethigh, which flex the knee and extend the gluteusmaximushand

hand /h'nd/ noun the part at the end of the arm,beyond the wrist, which is used for holding things! He injured his hand with a saw.hand, foot and mouth disease

hand, foot and mouth disease /!h'nd f*t#n $ma*, d"|!zi%z/ noun a mild viral infection inchildren, causing small blistershandicap

handicap /$h'ndik'p/ noun a physical ormental condition which prevents someone fromdoing some everyday activities " verb to preventsomeone from doing an everyday activity (NOTE:The word ‘handicap’ is now usually avoided.)handicapped

handicapped /$h'ndik'pt/ adjective refer-ring to a person who has a disability (NOTE: Theword ‘handicapped’ is now usually avoided.)hangnail

hangnail /$h'0ne"l/ noun a piece of torn skin atthe side of a nailhangover

hangover /$h'0#*v#/ noun a condition occur-ring after a person has drunk too much alcohol,with dehydration caused by inhibition of the anti-diuretic hormone in the kidneys. The symptomsinclude headache, inability to stand noise andtrembling of the hands.

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127 Health and Safety ExecutiveHansen’s diseaseHansen’s disease /$h'ns#nz d" |!zi%z/ nounsame as leprosyhaploidhaploid /$h'pl)"d/ adjective referring to a cellsuch as a gamete where each chromosome occursonly once. In humans the haploid number of chro-mosomes is 23.hapt-

hapt- /h'pt/ prefix relating to the sense of touchhardening of the arterieshardening of the arteries /!h&%d(#)n"0 #v2# $&%t#riz/ noun same as atherosclerosisharelipharelip /$he#l"p/ noun same as cleft lipHarrison’s sulcus

Harrison’s sulcus /!h'r"s#nz $s.lk(#)s/,Harrison’s groove /!h'r"s(#)nz $1ru%v/ noun ahollow on either side of the chest which developsin children who have difficulty in breathing, seenespecially in cases of ricketsHarris’s operationHarris’s operation /$h'r"s"z (p#|!re"/(#)n/noun the surgical removal of the prostate gland[After S.H. Harris (1880–1936), Australian sur-geon.]Hartmann’s solutionHartmann’s solution /$h&%tm#nz s#|

!lu%/(#)n/ noun a chemical solution used in dripsto replace body fluids lost in dehydration, partic-ularly as a result of infantile gastroenteritis[Described 1932. After Alexis Frank Hartmann(1898–1964), paediatrician, St Louis, Missouri,USA.]Hartnup diseaseHartnup disease /$h&%tn#p d"|!zi%z/ noun aninherited condition affecting amino acid metabo-lism and producing thick skin and impaired men-tal development [After the name of the family inwhich this hereditary disease was firstrecorded.]harvest

harvest /$h&%v"st/ verb to take something foruse elsewhere, e.g. a piece of skin for a graft oreggs for IVFHashimoto’s diseaseHashimoto’s disease /h'/" |$m#*t#z d" |!zi%z/noun a type of goitre in middle-aged women,where the woman is sensitive to secretions fromher own thyroid gland, and, in extreme cases, theface swells and the skin turns yellow [Described1912. After Hakuru Hashimoto (1881–1934),Japanese surgeon.]hashishhashish /$h'/"// noun " cannabishaustrumhaustrum /$h)%str#m/ noun a sac on the out-side of the colon (NOTE: The plural is haustra.)HAVHAV abbreviation hepatitis A virusHaversian canalHaversian canal /h#|$v-%/(#)n k#|!n'l/ noun afine canal which runs vertically through theHaversian systems in compact bone, containingblood vessels and lymph ducts [Described 1689.After Clopton Havers (1657–1702), English sur-geon.]Haversian systemHaversian system /h#|$v-%/(#)n !s"st#m/noun a unit of compact bone built around aHaversian canal, made of a series of bony layerswhich form a cylinder. Also called osteonhayfeverhayfever /$he"fi%v#/ noun inflammation in thenasal passage and eyes caused by an allergic reac-tion to plant pollen

HbHb abbreviation haemoglobinHBVHBV abbreviation hepatitis B virushCGhCG abbreviation human chorionic gonado-trophinHCHSHCHS abbreviation Health and CommunityHealth ServicesHDLHDL abbreviation high density lipoproteinhead

head /hed/ noun 1. the round top part of thebody, which contains the eyes, nose, mouth,brain, etc (NOTE: For other terms referring to thehead, see words beginning with cephal-,cephalo-.) 2. a rounded top part of a bone whichfits into a socket ! head of humerus ! head offemurheadacheheadache /$hede"k/ noun a pain in the head,caused by changes in pressure in the blood vesselsfeeding the brain which act on the nerves. Alsocalled cephalalgiahead cold

head cold /$hed k#*ld/ noun a minor illness,with inflammation of the nasal passages, excessmucus in the nose and sneezinghead lousehead louse /$hed la*s/ noun a small insect ofthe Pediculus genus, which lives on the scalp andsucks blood. Also called Pediculus capitis(NOTE: The plural is head lice.)Heaf testHeaf test /$hi%f test/ noun a test in which tuber-culin is injected into the skin to find out whethera person is immune to tuberculosis. ! Mantouxtesthealheal /hi%l/ verb 1. (of wound) to return to ahealthy state ! After six weeks, her wound hadstill not healed. ! A minor cut will heal faster if itis left without a bandage. 2. to make someone orsomething get betterhealing

healing /$hi%l"0/ noun the process of getting bet-ter ! a substance which will accelerate the heal-ing processhealing by first intentionhealing by first intention /!hi%l"0 ba" !f-%st"n|$ten/#n/ noun the healing of a clean woundwhere the tissue reforms quicklyhealing by second intentionhealing by second intention /!hi%l"0 ba"!sek#nd "n|$ten/#n/ noun the healing of aninfected wound or ulcer, which takes place slowlyand may leave a permanent scarhealth

health /hel,/ noun the general condition of themind or body ! He’s in good health. ! She hadsuffered from bad health for some years. ! Thecouncil said that fumes from the factory were adanger to public health. ! All cigarette packetscarry a government health warning.Health and Safety at Work ActHealth and Safety at Work Act /!hel, #n!se"fti #t $w-%k !'kt/ noun in the UK, an Act ofParliament which rules how the health of workersshould be protected by the companies they workforHealth and Safety Executive

Health and Safety Executive /!hel, #n$se"fti "1|!zekj*t"v/ noun in the UK, a govern-ment organisation responsible for overseeing thehealth and safety of workers

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health authority 128health authorityhealth authority /$hel, )%|!,(r#ti/ noun " Stra-tegic Health Authorityhealthcarehealthcare /$hel,ke#/, health care noun thegeneral treatment of people with medical disor-ders, especially the use of measures to stop a dis-ease from occurringhealthcare assistant

healthcare assistant /$hel,ke#r #|!s"st#nt/noun someone who assists health professionals inlooking after a sick or dependent personHealthcare CommissionHealthcare Commission /$hel,ke# k#|

!m"/(#)n/ noun the independent inspection bodyfor the NHShealthcare deliveryhealthcare delivery /$hel,ke# d"|!l"v(#)ri/noun the provision of care and treatment by thehealth servicehealthcare professionalhealthcare professional /$hel,ke# pr#|

!fe/(#)n(#)l/ noun a qualified person who worksin an occupation related to health care, e.g. anursehealthcare systemhealthcare system /$hel,ke# !s"st#m/ nounany organised set of health serviceshealth centre

health centre /$hel, !sent#/ noun a publicbuilding in which a group of doctors practisehealth educationhealth education /$hel, !edj*ke"/(#)n/ nounthe process of teaching people, both school chil-dren and adults, to do things to improve theirhealth, e.g. to take more exerciseHealth Education AuthorityHealth Education Authority /!hel, !edj*|

$ke"/(#)n )% |!,(r"ti/ noun a government healthpromotion agency in England designed to helppeople make aware of how they can improve theirhealth. Abbreviation HEAhealth foodhealth food /$hel, fu%d/ noun food that isregarded as good for health, especially containingingredients such as cereals, dried fruit and nutsand without additiveshealth inequalityhealth inequality /$hel, "n"|!kw(l#ti/ noun thedifferences that exist in health across the socialclasses, with poorer people tending to experiencepoorer healthhealth information servicehealth information service /!hel, "nf#|

$me"/(#)n !s-%v"s/ noun a nation-wide informa-tion service delivered via a free telephone hel-pline. Abbreviation HIShealth insurancehealth insurance /$hel, "n|!/*#r#ns/ nouninsurance which pays the cost of treatment for ill-nessHealth Ombudsman

Health Ombudsman /$hel, !(mb*dzm#n/noun same as Health Service Commissionerhealth promotionhealth promotion /$hel, pr# |!m#*/(#)n/ nounthe act of improving the health of a particularcommunity or of the public generally, e.g. usinghealth education, immunisation and screeningHealth Protection AgencyHealth Protection Agency /!hel, pr#|

$tek/(#)n !e"d+#nsi/ noun a national organisa-tion for England and Wales, established in 2003,dedicated to the protection of people’s health,especially by reducing the impact of infectiousdiseases, chemicals, poisons and radiation. It

brings together existing sources of expertise inpublic health, communicable diseases, emer-gency planning, infection control, poisons andradiation hazards. Abbreviation HPAhealth service

health service /$hel, !s-%v"s/ noun an organi-sation which is in charge of providing health careto a particular communityHealth Service Commissioner

Health Service Commissioner /!hel,!s-%v"s k#|$m"/(#)n#/, Health Service Ombuds-man /$hel, !s-%v"s !(mb*dzm#n/ noun in theUK, an official who investigates complaints fromthe public about the National Health Servicehealth service manager

health service manager /!hel, !s-%v"s$m'n"d+#/ noun someone who is responsible forthe provision of local health care, through themanagement of hospital, GP, and communityhealth serviceshealth service planning

health service planning /!hel, !s-%v"s$pl'n"0/ noun the process of deciding what thehealth care needs of a community are, with thehelp of statistics, and what resources can be pro-vided for that communityhealth service reforms

health service reforms /!hel, !s-%v"s r"|

$f)%mz/ plural noun any of several reforms to theNHS, the most recent package of reforms beingthat introduced in 2002health visitor

health visitor /$hel, !v"z"t#/ noun a registerednurse with qualifications in midwifery or obstet-rics and preventive medicine, who visits mothersand babies and sick people in their homes andadvises on treatmenthear

hear /h"#/ verb to sense sounds with the ears ! Ican’t hear what you’re saying. (NOTE: hearing –heard)hearing

hearing /$h"#r"0/ noun the ability to hear, or thefunction performed by the ear of sensing soundsand sending sound impulses to the brain ! Hishearing is failing. (NOTE: For other terms refer-ring to hearing, see words beginning with audi-,audio-.)hearing aid

hearing aid /$h"#r"0 e"d/ noun a small elec-tronic device fitted into or near the ear, to improvesomeone’s hearing by making the sounds louderhearing-impaired

hearing-impaired /!h"#r"0 "m|$pe#d/ adjectivehaving a degree of hearing losshearing loss

hearing loss /$h"#r"0 l(s/ noun partial or com-plete loss of the ability to hearheart

heart /h&%t/ noun the main organ in the body,which maintains the circulation of the bloodaround the body by its pumping action ! The doc-tor listened to his heart. ! She has heart trouble.(NOTE: For other terms referring to the heart, seealso words beginning with cardi-,cardio-.)heart attack

heart attack /$h&%t #|!t'k/ noun a condition inwhich the heart has a reduced blood supplybecause one of the arteries becomes blocked by ablood clot, causing myocardial ischaemia andmyocardial infarction (informal)

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129 heliumheartbeat

heartbeat /$h&%tbi%t/ noun the regular noisemade by the heart as it pumps bloodheart block

heart block /$h&%t bl(k/ noun the slowing ofthe action of the heart because the impulses fromthe sinoatrial node to the ventricles are delayed orinterrupted. There are either longer impulses (firstdegree block) or missing impulses (second degreeblock) or no impulses at all (complete heartblock), in which case the ventricles continue tobeat slowly and independently of the sinoatrialnode.heartburn

heartburn /$h&%tb-%n/ noun indigestion whichcauses a burning feeling in the stomach andoesophagus, and a flow of acid saliva into themouth (informal)heart bypass

heart bypass /$h&%t !ba"p&%s (p#|!re"/(#)n/,heart bypass operation noun same as coro-nary artery bypass graftheart disease

heart disease /$h&%t d" |!zi%z/ noun any diseaseof the heart in generalheart failure

heart failure /$h&%t !fe"lj#/ noun the failure ofthe heart to maintain the output of blood to meetthe demands of the body. It may affect the left orright sides of the heart, or both sides.heart-lung machine

heart-lung machine /!h&%t $l.0 m#|!/i%n/noun a machine used to pump blood round thebody and maintain the supply of oxygen to theblood during heart surgeryheart-lung transplant

heart-lung transplant /!h&%t $l.0!tr'nspl&%nt/ noun an operation to transplant anew heart and lungs into someoneheart massage

heart massage /$h&%t !m's&%+/ noun a treat-ment which involves pressing on the chest tomake a heart which has stopped beating startworking againheart murmur

heart murmur /$h&%t !m-%m#/ noun an unusualsound made by turbulent blood flow, sometimesas a result of valve diseaseheart rate

heart rate /$h&%t re"t/ noun the number of timesthe heart beats per minuteheart sounds

heart sounds /$h&%t sa*ndz/ plural noun twodifferent sounds made by the heart as it beats. !lubb-duppheart surgeon

heart surgeon /$h&%t !s-%d+#n/ noun a sur-geon who specialises in operations on the heartheart surgery

heart surgery /$h&%t !s-%d+#ri/ noun a surgicaloperation to remedy a condition of the heartheart tamponade

heart tamponade /$h&%t t'mp# |!ne"d/ nounsame as cardiac tamponadeheart transplant

heart transplant /$h&%t !tr'nspl&%nt/ noun asurgical operation to transplant a heart into some-oneheat rash

heat rash /$hi%t r'// noun same as miliariaheat spots

heat spots /$hi%t sp(ts/ plural noun little redspots which develop on the face in very hotweatherheatstroke

heatstroke /$hi%tstr#*k/ noun a condition inwhich someone becomes too hot and his or her

body temperature rises abnormally, leading toheadaches, stomach cramps and sometimes lossof consciousnessheat therapy

heat therapy /$hi%t !,er#pi/, heat treatment/$hi%t !tri%tm#nt/ noun same as thermotherapyheavy period

heavy period /!hevi $p"#ri#d/ noun a monthlyperiod during which a woman loses an unusuallylarge amount of blood. It is often painful andsometimes indicates possible health problems,such as fibroids or hypothyroidism.Heberden’s node

Heberden’s node /!hi%b#d#nz $n#*d/ noun asmall bony lump which develops on the end jointsof fingers in osteoarthritis [Described 1802. AfterWilliam Heberden (1767–1845), British physi-cian, specialist in rheumatic diseases.]hebetude

hebetude /$heb"tju%d/ noun dullness of thesenses during acute fever, which makes the per-son uninterested in his or her surroundings andunable to respond to stimulihectic

hectic /$hekt"k/ adjective recurring regularlyhectic fever

hectic fever /!hekt"k $fi%v#/ noun an attack offever which occurs each day in someone who hastuberculosisheel

heel /hi%l/ noun the back part of the footheel bone

heel bone /$hi%l b#*n/ noun the bone formingthe heel, beneath the talus. Also called cal-caneusHegar’s sign

Hegar’s sign /$he"1#z !sa"n/ noun a way ofdetecting pregnancy, by inserting the fingers intothe uterus and pressing with the other hand on thepelvic cavity to feel if the neck of the uterus hasbecome soft [After Alfred Hegar (1830–1914),Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology atFreiburg, Germany.]Heimlich manoeuvre

Heimlich manoeuvre /$ha"ml"k m#|!nu%v#/noun an emergency treatment for choking, inwhich a strong upward push beneath the breast-bone of a patient clasped from behind forces theblockage out of the windpipehelco-

helco- /helk#*/ prefix relating to an ulcerhelcoplasty

helcoplasty /$helk#*pl'sti/ noun a skin graftto cover an ulcer to aid healingHelicobacter pylori

Helicobacter pylori /!hel"k#*b'kt# pa"|

$l)%ri%/ noun a bacterium found in gastric secre-tions, strongly associated with duodenal ulcersand gastric carcinoma. Abbreviation H pylorihelicopter-based emergency medical services

helicopter-based emergency medicalservices /!hel"k(pt# be"st "|!m-%d+#nsi$med"k(#)l !s-%v"s"z/ plural noun full form ofHEMShelio-

helio- /hi%li#*/ prefix relating to the sunheliotherapy

heliotherapy /!hi%li#*|$,er#pi/ noun treatmentby sunlight or sunbathinghelium

helium /$hi%li#m/ noun a very light gas used incombination with oxygen, especially to relieveasthma or sickness caused by decompression(NOTE: The chemical symbol is He.)

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helix 130helix

helix /$hi%l"ks/ noun the curved outer edge of theearHeller’s operation

Heller’s operation /$hel#z (p#|!re"/(#)n/ nounsame as cardiomyotomy [After E. Heller (1877–1964), German surgeon.]Heller’s test

Heller’s test /$hel#z test/ noun a test for pro-tein in the urine [After Johann Florenz Heller(1813–71), Austrian physician.]Hellin’s law

Hellin’s law /!hel"nz $l)%/ noun a finding whichstates that twins should occur naturally once in 90live births, triplets once in 8,100 live births, quad-ruplets once in 729, 000 live births, and quintu-plets once in 65, 610, 000 live births (NOTE: Sincethe 1960s the numbers have changed due to fer-tility treatment. For example, twins now occuronce in only 38 births.)HELLP syndrome

HELLP syndrome /$help !s"ndr#*m/ noun aserious pre-eclamptic disorder which makes itnecessary to terminate a pregnancy. Full formhaemolysis-elevated liver enzymes–lowplatelet count syndromehelminth

helminth /$helm"n,/ noun a parasitic worm,e.g. a tapeworm or flukehelminthiasis

helminthiasis /!helm"n |$,a"#s"s/ noun infesta-tion with parasitic wormsheloma

heloma /h"|$l#*m#/ noun same as cornhelper T-cell

helper T-cell /!help# $ti% sel/ noun a type ofwhite blood cell that stimulates the production ofcells that destroy antigenshemeralopia

hemeralopia /!hem#r# |$l#*pi#/ noun a usuallycongenital condition in which someone is able tosee better in bad light than in ordinary daylight.Also called day blindnesshemi-

hemi- /hemi/ prefix halfhemianopia

hemianopia /!hemi#|$n#*pi#/ noun a state ofpartial blindness in which someone has only halfthe usual field of vision in each eyehemiarthroplasty

hemiarthroplasty /!hemi|$&%,r#*pl'sti/ nounan operation to repair a joint which replaces oneof its surfaces with an artificial substance, oftenmetalhemiballismus

hemiballismus /!hemib#|$l"zm#s/ noun a sud-den movement of the limbs on one side of thebody, caused by a disease of the basal gangliahemicolectomy

hemicolectomy /!hemik#|$lekt#mi/ noun thesurgical removal of part of the colonhemimelia

hemimelia /!hemi |$mi%li#/ noun a congenitalcondition in which someone has absent orextremely short arms or legshemiparesis

hemiparesis /!hemip#|$ri%s"s/ noun slightparalysis of the muscles of one side of the bodyhemiplegia

hemiplegia /!hemi|$pli%d+#/ noun severe paral-ysis affecting one side of the body due to damageof the central nervous system. Compare diplegiahemisphere

hemisphere /$hem"sf"#/ noun half of a sphereHEMS

HEMS /hemz/ plural noun a system of deliveringa paramedic crew to the scene of an accident or

medical emergency by helicopter and then trans-porting patients to the nearest major hospital orspecialist unit. Full form helicopter-basedemergency medical servicesHenderson’s model

Henderson’s model /$hend#s(#)nz !m(d(#)l/noun a model of nurse–patient relationshipsbased on 14 basic principles of nursing. The mainidea is that "the nurse does for others what theywould do for themselves if they had the strength,the will, and the knowledge…but that the nursemakes the patient independent of him or her assoon as possible".Henle’s loop

Henle’s loop /!henli%z $lu%p/ noun same asloop of Henle [Described 1862. After FriedrichGustav Jakob Henle (1809–85), Professor ofAnatomy at Göttingen, Germany.]Henoch-Schönlein purpura

Henoch-Schönlein purpura /!hen#k!/-%nla"n $p-%pj*r#/, Henoch’s purpura/!hen#ks $p-%pj*r#/ noun a condition in whichblood vessels become inflamed and bleed into theskin, causing a rash called purpura and also painin the stomach and the joints, vomiting and diar-rhoea. It often occurs after an upper respiratoryinfection, mostly in children aged two to 11.[Described 1832 by Schönlein and 1865 by Hen-och. Eduard Heinrich Henoch (1820–1910),Professor of Paedriatrics at Berlin, Germany;Johannes Lukas Schönlein (1793–1864), physi-cian and pathologist at Würzburg, Zürich andBerlin.]heparin

heparin /$hep#r"n/ noun an anticoagulant sub-stance found in the liver and lungs, and also pro-duced artificially for use in the treatment ofthrombosishepat-

hepat- /h"p't/ prefix same as hepato- (usedbefore vowels)hepatectomy

hepatectomy /!hep# |$tekt#mi/ noun the surgi-cal removal of part of the liverhepatic

hepatic /h" |$p't"k/ adjective referring to theliverhepatic artery

hepatic artery /h" |!p't"k $&%t#ri/ noun anartery which takes the blood to the liverhepatic cell

hepatic cell /h" |!p't"k $sel/ noun an epithelialcell of the liver acinihepatic duct

hepatic duct /h" |!p't"k $d.kt/ noun a ductwhich links the liver to the bile duct leading to theduodenumhepatic flexure

hepatic flexure /h"|!p't"k $flek/#/ noun abend in the colon, where the ascending and trans-verse colons joinhepaticostomy

hepaticostomy /h"|!p't"|$k(st#mi/ noun a sur-gical operation to make an opening in the hepaticduct taking bile from the liverhepatic portal system

hepatic portal system /h" |!p't"k $p)%t(#)l!s"st#m/ noun a group of veins linking to formthe portal vein, which brings blood from the pan-creas, spleen, gall bladder and the abdominal partof the alimentary canal to the liver

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131 herpes simplexhepatic vein

hepatic vein /h" |!p't"k $ve"n/ noun a veinwhich takes blood from the liver to the inferiorvena cavahepatitis

hepatitis /!hep# |$ta"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe liver through disease or drugshepatitis A

hepatitis A /!hep#ta"t"s $e"/ noun a relativelymild form of viral hepatitis that is transmittedthrough contaminated food and waterhepatitis A virus

hepatitis A virus /!hep#ta"t"s $e" !va"r#s/noun a virus which causes hepatitis A. Abbrevia-tion HAVhepatitis B

hepatitis B /!hep#ta"t"s $bi%/ noun a severeform of viral hepatitis that is transmitted by con-tact with infected blood or other body fluidshepatitis B virus

hepatitis B virus /!hep#ta"t"s $bi% !va"r#s/noun a virus which causes hepatitis B. Abbrevia-tion HBVhepatitis C

hepatitis C /!hep#ta"t"s $si%/ noun a form ofviral hepatitis that is transmitted by contact withinfected blood or other body fluids but is oftenwithout symptoms (NOTE: It was formerly callednon-A, non-B hepatitis.)hepatitis C virus

hepatitis C virus /!hep#ta"t"s $si% !va"r#s/noun a virus which causes hepatitis C. Abbrevia-tion HCVhepato-

hepato- /hep#t#*/ prefix referring to the liverhepatocellular

hepatocellular /!hep#t#* |$selj*l#/ adjectivereferring to liver cellshepatocellular jaundice

hepatocellular jaundice /!hep#t#*|!selj*l#$d+)%nd"s/ noun jaundice caused by injury to ordisease of the liver cellshepatocirrhosis

hepatocirrhosis /!hep#t#*s" |$r#*s"s/ nounsame as cirrhosishepatocyte

hepatocyte /$hep#t#*sa"t, h"|$p't#sa"t/ nouna liver cell which synthesises and stores sub-stances, and produces bilehepatogenous

hepatogenous /!hep#|$t(d+#n#s/ noun refer-ring to or originating in the liver ! hepatogenousjaundicehepatolenticular degeneration

hepatolenticular degeneration/!hep#t#*len|!t"kj*l# d"|!d+en# |$re"/(#)n/ nounsame as Wilson’s diseasehepatoma

hepatoma /!hep# |$t#*m#/ noun a malignanttumour of the liver formed of mature cells, espe-cially found in people with cirrhosishepatomegaly

hepatomegaly /!hep#t#* |$me1#li/ noun a con-dition in which the liver becomes very largehepatosplenomegaly

hepatosplenomegaly /!hep#t#*|!spli%n#*|

$me1#li/ noun enlargement of both the liver andthe spleen, as occurs in leukaemia or lymphomahepatotoxic

hepatotoxic /!hep#t#*|$t(ks"k/ adjectivedestroying the liver cellsherbalism

herbalism /$h-%b#l"z(#)m/ noun " herbalmedicineherbalist

herbalist /$h-%b#l"st/ noun a person who treatsillnesses or disorders with substances extractedfrom plants

herbal medicine

herbal medicine /!h-%b(#)l $med(#)s"n/ nouna system of medical treatment involving the use ofsubstances extracted from plantsherbal remedy

herbal remedy /!h-%b(#)l $rem#di/ noun amedicine made from plants, e.g. an infusion madefrom dried leaves or flowers in hot waterherd immunity

herd immunity /$h-%d " |!mju%n"ti/ noun thefact of a group of people being resistant to a spe-cific disease, because many individuals in thegroup are immune to or immunised against themicroorganism which causes ithereditary

hereditary /h#|$red"t(#)ri/ adjective passed asfrom parents to children through the geneshereditary spherocytosis

hereditary spherocytosis /h"|!red"t(#)ri!sf"#r#*sa"|$t#*s"s/ noun same as acholuricjaundiceheredity

heredity /h#|$red"ti/ noun the process by whichgenetically controlled characteristics pass fromparents to childrenHering-Breuer reflexes

Hering-Breuer reflexes /!her"0 $br)"#!ri%fleks"z/ plural noun the reflexes which main-tain the usual rhythmic inflation and deflation ofthe lungshermaphrodite

hermaphrodite /h-%|$m'fr#da"t/ noun a per-son with both male and female characteristicshermaphroditismhermaphroditism /h-% |$m'fr#da"t"z(#)m/noun a condition in which a person has both maleand female characteristicshernia

hernia /$h-%ni#/ noun a condition in which anorgan bulges through a hole or weakness in thewall which surrounds it. Also called rupturehernial

hernial /$h-%ni#l/ adjective referring to a herniahernial sac

hernial sac /!h-%ni#l $s'k/ noun a sac formedwhere a membrane has pushed through a cavity inthe bodyherniated

herniated /$h-%nie"t"d/ adjective referring to anorgan which has developed a herniaherniation

herniation /!h-%ni |$e"/(#)n/ noun the develop-ment of a herniahernio-

hernio- /h-%ni#*/ prefix relating to a herniahernioplasty

hernioplasty /$h-%ni#*|!pl'sti/ noun a surgicaloperation to reduce a herniaherniorrhaphy

herniorrhaphy /!h-%ni |$)%r#fi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove a hernia and repair the organthrough which it protrudedherniotomy

herniotomy /!h-%ni |$(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove a hernial sacheroin

heroin /$her#*"n/ noun a narcotic drug in theform of a white powder derived from morphineherpes

herpes /$h-%pi%z/ noun inflammation of the skinor mucous membrane, caused by a virus, wheresmall blisters are formedherpes simplex

herpes simplex /!h-%pi%z $s"mpleks/ noun 1.(Type I) a virus that produces a painful blister,called a cold sore, usually on the lips 2. (Type II)a sexually transmitted disease which forms blis-ters in the genital region. Also called genital her-pes

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herpesvirus 132herpesvirus

herpesvirus /$h-%pi%z|!va"r#s/ noun one of agroup of viruses which cause herpes and chicken-pox (herpesvirus Type I), and genital herpes (her-pesvirus Type II)herpes zoster

herpes zoster /!h-%pi%z $z(st#/ noun inflam-mation of a sensory nerve, characterised by painalong the nerve and causing a line of blisters toform on the skin, usually found mainly on theabdomen or back, or on the face. Also calledshingles, zonaherpetic

herpetic /h-% |$pet"k/ adjective referring to her-peshetero-

hetero- /het#r#*/ prefix differentheterochromia

heterochromia /!het#r#* |$kr#*mi#/ noun acondition in which the irises of the eyes are differ-ent coloursheterogeneous

heterogeneous /!het#r#* |$d+i%ni#s/ adjectivehaving different characteristics or qualities(NOTE: Do not confuse with heterogenous.)heterogenous

heterogenous /!het#|$r(d+"n#s/ adjectivecoming from a different source (NOTE: Do notconfuse with heterogeneous.)heterograft

heterograft /$het#r#*1r&%ft/ noun tissue takenfrom one species and grafted onto an individual ofanother species. Compare homograftheterologous

heterologous /!het# |$r(l#1#s/ adjective of adifferent typeheterophoria

heterophoria /!het#r#*|$f)%ri#/ noun a condi-tion in which if an eye is covered it tends to squintheteroplasty

heteroplasty /$het#r#*pl'sti/ noun same asheterograftheteropsia

heteropsia /!het#|$r(psi#/ noun a condition inwhich the two eyes see differentlyheterosexual

heterosexual /!het#r#*|$sek/u#l/ adjectiveattracted to people of the opposite sex or relatingto relations between males and females " noun aperson who is sexually attracted to people of theopposite sex. Compare bisexual, homosexualheterosexuality

heterosexuality /!het#r#*sek/u|$'l"ti/ nounsexual attraction towards persons of the oppositesexheterotopia

heterotopia /!het#r#* |$t#*pi#/ noun 1. a statewhere an organ is placed in a different positionfrom usual or is malformed or deformed 2. thedevelopment of tissue which is not natural to thepart in which it is producedheterotropia

heterotropia /!het#r#*|$tr#*pi#/ noun same asstrabismusheterozygous

heterozygous /!het#r#*|$za"1#s/ adjectivehaving two or more different versions of a spe-cific gene. Compare homozygoushex-

hex- /heks/ prefix same as hexa- (NOTE: usedbefore vowels)hexa-

hexa- /heks#/ prefix sixHFEA

HFEA abbreviation Human Fertilization andEmbryology AuthorityhGH

hGH abbreviation human growth hormone


HGPRT abbreviation hypoxanthine guaninephosphoribosyl transferase. ! HPRThiatus

hiatus /ha" |$e"t#s/ noun an opening or spacehiatus hernia

hiatus hernia /ha" |!e"t#s $h-%ni#/, hiatal her-nia /ha" |!e"t(#)l $h-%ni#/ noun a hernia where thestomach bulges through the opening in the dia-phragm muscle through which the oesophaguspassesHib

Hib /h"b/ abbreviation Haemophilus influenzaetype BHib vaccine

Hib vaccine /$h"b !v'ksi%n/ noun a vaccineused to inoculate against the bacterium Haemo-philius influenzae that causes meningitishiccup

hiccup /$h"k.p/, hiccough noun a spasm in thediaphragm which causes a sudden inhalation ofbreath followed by sudden closure of the glottiswhich makes a characteristic sound ! She had anattack of hiccups or had a hiccuping attack or gotthe hiccups. Also called singultusHickman catheter

Hickman catheter /$h"km#n !k',"t#/, Hick-man line /$h"km#n la"n/ noun a plastic tubewhich is put into the large vein above the heart sothat drugs can be given and blood samples can betaken easilyhidr-

hidr- /ha"dr/ prefix referring to sweathidradenitis

hidradenitis /!ha"dr#d#|$na"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of the sweat glandshidrosis

hidrosis /ha"|$dr#*s"s/ noun sweating, espe-cially when it is excessivehidrotic

hidrotic /ha"|$dr(t"k/ adjective referring tosweating " noun a substance which makes some-one sweathigh-altitude sickness

high-altitude sickness /!ha" $'lt"tju%d!s"kn#s/ noun same as altitude sicknesshigh blood pressure

high blood pressure /!ha" $bl.d !pre/#/noun same as hypertensionhigh-calorie diet

high-calorie diet /ha" !k'l#ri $da"#t/ noun adiet containing over 4000 calories per dayhigh-density lipoprotein

high-density lipoprotein /!ha" !dens"ti$l"p#*|!pr#*ti%n/ noun a lipoprotein with a lowpercentage of cholesterol. Abbreviation HDLhigh-fibre diet

high-fibre diet /!ha" !fa"b# $da"#t/ noun a dietwhich contains a high percentage of cereals, nuts,fruit and vegetableshigh-protein diet

high-protein diet /!ha" !pr#*ti%n $da"#t/ nouna diet containing mostly foods high in protein andlow in carbohydrates and saturated fat, adopted bypeople who are trying to lose weighthilar

hilar /$ha"l#/ adjective referring to a hilumhilum

hilum /$ha"l#m/ noun a hollow where blood ves-sels or nerve fibres enter an organ such as a kid-ney or lung (NOTE: The plural is hila.)hindbrain

hindbrain /$ha"ndbre"n/ noun the part of brainof an embryo from which the medulla oblongata,the pons and the cerebellum eventually develophindgut

hindgut /$ha"nd1.t/ noun part of an embryowhich develops into the colon and rectum

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133 Hodgkin’s diseasehinge joint

hinge joint /$h"nd+ d+)"nt/ noun same asginglymuship

hip /h"p/ noun a ball and socket joint where thethigh bone or femur joins the acetabulum of thehip bonehip bone

hip bone /$h"p b#*n/ noun a bone made of theilium, the ischium and the pubis which are fusedtogether, forming part of the pelvic girdle. Alsocalled innominate bonehip fracture

hip fracture /$h"p !fr'kt/#/ noun a fracture ofthe ball at the top of the femurhip girdle

hip girdle /$h"p !1-%d(#)l/ noun same as pelvicgirdlehip joint

hip joint /$h"p d+)"nt/ noun the place where thehip is joined to the upper leg. See illustration atPELVIS in SupplementHippel-Lindau

Hippel-Lindau /!h"p#l $l"nda*/ " von Hippel-Lindau syndromehippocampus

hippocampus /!h"p#*|$k'mp#s/ noun a longrounded elevation projecting into the lateral ven-tricle in the brainHippocratic oath

Hippocratic oath /!h"p#kr't"k $#*,/ noun anethical code observed by doctors, by which theywill treat patients equally, put patients’ welfarefirst and not discuss openly the details of apatient’s casehip replacement

hip replacement /$h"p r" |!ple"sm#nt/ noun asurgical operation to replace the whole ball andsocket joint at the hip with an artificial oneHirschsprung’s disease

Hirschsprung’s disease /$h"#/spr.0z d"|

!zi%z/ noun a congenital condition where parts ofthe lower colon lack nerve cells, making peristal-sis impossible, so that food accumulates in theupper colon which becomes swollen [Described1888. After Harald Hirschsprung (1830–1916),Professor of Paediatrics in Copenhagen, Den-mark.]hirsute

hirsute /$h-%sju%t/ adjective with a lot of hairhirsutism

hirsutism /$h-%sju%t"z(#)m/ noun the conditionof having excessive hair, especially a condition inwhich a woman grows hair on the body in thesame way as a manhirudin

hirudin /h"|$ru%d"n/ noun an anticoagulant sub-stance produced by leeches, which is injected intothe bloodstream while the leech is feeding on abodyHIS

HIS abbreviation Health Information Servicehist-

hist- /h"st/ same as histo- (NOTE: used beforevowels)histamine

histamine /$h"st#mi%n/ noun a substancereleased in response to allergens from mast cellsthroughout the body. Histamines dilate blood ves-sels, constrict the cells of smooth muscles andcause an increase in acid secretions in the stom-ach.histamine test

histamine test /$h"st#mi%n test/ noun a test todetermine the acidity of gastric juice


histaminic /!h"st# |$m"n"k/ adjective referringto histamineshistiocyte

histiocyte /$h"sti#*sa"t/ noun a macrophage ofthe connective tissue, involved in tissue defencehistiocytosis

histiocytosis /!h"sti#*sa" |$t#*s"s/ noun a con-dition in which histiocytes are present in thebloodhistiocytosis Xhistiocytosis X /!h"sti#*sa" |!t#*s"s $eks/noun any form of histiocytosis where the cause isnot known, e.g. Hand-Schüller-Christian diseasehisto-

histo- /h"st#*/ prefix relating to the body’s tis-sue ! histologyhistocompatible

histocompatible /!h"st#*k#m |$p't"b(#)l/adjective referring to tissues from two individualswhich have compatible antigenshistogram

histogram /$h"st#1r'm/ noun a way of dis-playing frequency values as columns whoseheight is proportional to the corresponding fre-quency ! a histogram showing numbers ofpatients with the condition in each age grouphistological

histological /!h"st#|$l(d+"k(#)l/ adjectivereferring to histologyhistological gradehistological grade /!h"st#l(d+"k(#)l $1re"d/noun a system of classifying tumours accordingto how malignant they arehistology

histology /h"|$st(l#d+i/ noun the study of theanatomy of tissue cells and minute cellular struc-turehistolysis

histolysis /h" |$st(l#s"s/ noun the disintegrationof tissuehistotoxic

histotoxic /!h"st#* |$t(ks"k/ adjective referringto a substance which is poisonous to tissueHIV

HIV abbreviation human immunodeficiencyvirushives

hives /ha"vz/ noun same as urticaria (NOTE:Takes a singular verb.)HIV-negative

HIV-negative /!e"t/ a" !vi% $ne1#t"v/ adjectivereferring to someone who has been tested andshown not to have HIVHIV-positive

HIV-positive /!e"t/ a" !vi% $p(z"t"v/ adjectivereferring to someone who has been tested andshown to have HIVHLA

HLA abbreviation human leucocyte antigenHLA system

HLA system /!e"t/ el $e" !s"st#m/ noun a sys-tem of HLA antigens on the surface of cells whichneed to be histocompatible to allow transplants totake placeHMO

HMO abbreviation US Health MaintenanceOrganizationhobnail liver

hobnail liver /!h(bne"l $l"v#/ noun same asatrophic cirrhosisHodgkin’s disease

Hodgkin’s disease /$h(d+k"nz d"|!zi%z/ nouna malignant disease in which the lymph glands areenlarged and there is an increase in the lymphoidtissues in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. It isfrequently fatal if not treated early. [Described1832. After Thomas Hodgkin (1798–1866), Brit-ish physician.]

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hoist 134hoisthoist /h)"st/ noun a device with pulleys andwires for raising a bed or a patienthole in the hearthole in the heart /!h#*l "n 2# $h&%t/ nounsame as septal defect (informal)holismholism /$h#*l"z(#)m/ noun the theory that all ofa person’s physical, mental and social conditionsshould be considered in the treatment of his or herillnessholisticholistic /h#*|$l"st"k/ adjective referring to amethod of treatment involving all of someone’smental and family circumstances rather than justdealing with the condition from which he or sheis sufferingholistic careholistic care /h#*|!l"st"k $ke#/ noun the careand treatment of a whole person rather than just ofhis or her medical symptomsholo-holo- /h(l#*/ prefix entire, completeholocrineholocrine /$h(l#kr"n/ adjective referring to agland where the secretions are made up of disin-tegrated cells of the gland itselfHomans’ signHomans’ sign /$h#*m#nz sa"n/ noun pain inthe calf when the foot is bent back, a sign of deep-vein thrombosis [Described 1941. After JohnHomans (1877–1954), Professor of Clinical Sur-gery at Harvard, USA.]home helphome help /!h#*m $help/ noun 1. a person whois paid to carry out ordinary domestic tasks suchas cleaning and cooking for people who are una-ble to carry out these tasks for themselves 2. sameas home help servicehome help servicehome help service /!h#*m $help !s-%v"s/noun a publicly funded support service providedmainly for elderly and disabled people whichoffers help with ordinary household tasks of anon-nursing nature, such as cooking and washingto help people in their own homeshomeo-homeo- /h#*mi#*/ prefix like or similarhomeopathichomeopathic /!h#*mi# |$p',"k/, homoeo-pathic adjective 1. referring to homeopathy ! ahomeopathic clinic ! She is having a course ofhomeopathic treatment. 2. referring to a drugwhich is given in very small quantitieshomeopathisthomeopathist /!h#*mi |$(p#,"st/, homoeopa-thist noun a person who practises homeopathyhomeopathyhomeopathy /!h#*mi |$(p#,i/, homoeopathynoun the treatment of a condition by giving theperson very small quantities of a substance which,when given to a healthy person, would causesymptoms like those of the condition beingtreated. Compare allopathyhomeostasishomeostasis /!h#*mi#*|$ste"s"s/ noun theprocess by which the functions and chemistry ofa cell or internal organ are kept stable, even whenexternal conditions vary greatlyhomo-homo- /h#*m#*/ prefix the samehomoeo-homoeo- /h#*mi#*/ prefix another spelling ofhomeo- (used before vowels)homogenisehomogenise /h#|$m(d+#na"z/, homogenizeverb to give something a uniform nature


homograft /$h(m#1r&%ft/ noun the graft of anorgan or tissue from a donor to a recipient of thesame species, e.g. from one person to another.Also called allograft. Compare heterografthomolateral

homolateral /!h(m# |$l't(#)r#l/ adjective sameas ipsilateralhomologous

homologous /h(|$m(l#1#s/ adjective 1. of thesame type 2. referring to chromosomes whichform a pairhomonymous hemianopia

homonymous hemianopia /h#|!m(n"m#s!hemi# |$n#*pi#/ noun a condition in which thesame half of the field of vision is lost in each eyehomosexual

homosexual /!h#*m#* |$sek/u#l/ adjectivereferring to homosexuality " noun a person whois sexually attracted to people of the same sex.Compare bisexual, heterosexual (NOTE:Although homosexual can apply to both malesand females, it is commonly used for males only,and lesbian is used for females.)homosexuality

homosexuality /!h#*m#*sek/u |$'l"ti/ nounsexual attraction to people of the same sex or sex-ual relations with people of the same sexhomozygous

homozygous /!h#*m#*|$za"1#s/ adjectivehaving two identical versions of a specific gene.Compare heterozygoushookworm

hookworm /$h*kw-%m/ noun a parasitic wormhookworm disease

hookworm disease /$h*kw-%m d"|!zi%z/ noun" ancylostomiasishordeolum

hordeolum /h)%|$di%#l#m/ noun an infection ofthe gland at the base of an eyelash. Also calledstyehorizontal fissure

horizontal fissure /!h(r"z(nt(#)l $f"/#/ nounANAT a horizontal groove between the superiorand middle lobes of a lung. See illustration atLUNGS in Supplementhormone

hormone /$h)%m#*n/ noun a substance whichis produced by one part of the body, especially theendocrine glands and is carried to another part ofthe body by the bloodstream where it has particu-lar effects or functionshormone replacement therapy

hormone replacement therapy /!h)%m#*nr"|$ple"sm#nt !,er#pi/, hormone therapy noun1. treatment for someone whose endocrine glandshave been removed 2. treatment to relieve thesymptoms of the menopause by supplying oestro-gen and reducing the risk of osteoporosis $abbreviation HRTHorner’s syndrome

Horner’s syndrome /$h)%n#z !s"ndr#*m/noun a condition caused by paralysis of the sym-pathetic nerve in one side of the neck, making theeyelids hang down and the pupils contract[Described 1869. After Johann Friedrich Horner(1831–86), Professor of Ophthalmology inZürich, Switzerland.]horny

horny /$h)%ni/ adjective referring to skin whichis very hard (NOTE: For terms referring to hornytissue, see words beginning with kerat-,kerato-.)

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135 humectanthorseshoe kidney

horseshoe kidney /!h)%s/u% $k"dni/ noun acongenital condition of the kidney, where some-times the upper but usually the lower parts of bothkidneys are joined togetherHorton’s syndromeHorton’s syndrome /$h)%t(#)nz !s"ndr#*m/noun a severe headache, often with constant painaround one eye, which starts usually within a fewhours of going to sleep. It is caused by the releaseof histamine in the body. [After Bayard TaylorHorton (1895–1980), US physician.]hospicehospice /$h(sp"s/ noun a hospital which offerspalliative care for terminally ill peoplehospitalhospital /$h(sp"t(#)l/ noun a place where sickor injured people are looked afterhospital-acquired infection

hospital-acquired infection /!h(sp"t(#)l #|

!kwa"#d "n|$fek/#n/ noun a disease caught dur-ing a stay in hospitalHospital Activity AnalysisHospital Activity Analysis /!h(sp"t(#)l 'k|

$t"v"ti #|!n'l#s"s/ noun a regular detailed reporton patients in hospitals, including informationabout treatment, length of stay and outcomehospital carehospital care /$h(sp"t(#)l ke#/ noun treatmentin a hospitalhospital doctor

hospital doctor /!h(sp"t(#)l $d(kt#/ noun adoctor who works only in a hospital and does notreceive people in his or her own surgeryhospital gangrenehospital gangrene /!h(sp"t(#)l $1'01ri%n/noun gangrene caused by insanitary hospital con-ditionshospital infection

hospital infection /$h(sp"t(#)l "n |!fek/#n/noun an infection which someone gets during ahospital visit, or one which develops among hos-pital staff

COMMENT: Hospital infection is an increas-ingly common problem due to growing anti-microbial resistance and inappropriate anti-biotic use. Strains of bacteria such as MRSAhave evolved which seem to be more easilytransmitted between patients and are diffi-cult to treat.

hospitalisehospitalise /$h(sp"t(#)la"z/, hospitalize verbto send someone to hospital ! He is so ill that hehas had to be hospitalised.hospital trust

hospital trust /$h(sp"t(#)l tr.st/ noun same asself-governing hospitalhost

host /h#*st/ noun a person or animal on whicha parasite liveshothot /h(t/ adjective very warm or having a hightemperaturehot flushhot flush /!h(t $fl.// noun a condition in men-opausal women, in which the woman becomeshot and sweats, and which is often accompaniedby redness of the skinhotpackhotpack /$h(tp'k/ noun a cloth bag or a padfilled with gel or grains which can be heated andapplied to the skin to relieve pain or stiffnesshourglass contractionhourglass contraction /$a*#1l&%s k#n|

!tr'k/#n/ noun a condition in which an organsuch as the stomach is constricted in the centre

hourglass stomach

hourglass stomach /$a*#1l&%s !st.m#k/noun a condition in which the wall of the stomachis pulled in so that it is divided into two cavities,cardiac and pylorichouseman

houseman /$ha*sm#n/ noun same as houseofficerhouse officer

house officer /$ha*s !(f"s#/ noun a doctorwho works in a hospital as a house surgeon orhouse physician during the final year of trainingbefore registration by the General Medical Coun-cilHPA

HPA abbreviation Health Protection AgencyHPRT

HPRT /!e"t/ pi% &% $ti%/ noun an enzyme that islacking in children, usually boys, who haveLesch-Nyhan disease. Full form hypoxanthinephosphoribosyl transferase. Also calledHGPRT (hypoxanthine guanine phosphori-bosyl transferase)HPV

HPV abbreviation human papillomavirusH pylori

H pylori abbreviation Helicobacter pyloriHRT

HRT abbreviation hormone replacement therapyhuman

human /$hju%m#n/ adjective referring to anyman, woman or child " noun a person ! Mostanimals are afraid of humans.human anatomy

human anatomy /!hju%m#n # |$n't#mi/ nounthe structure, shape and functions of the humanbodyhuman being

human being /!hju%m#n $bi%"0/ noun a personhuman chorionic gonadotrophin

human chorionic gonadotrophin/!hju%m#n k)%ri |!(n"k !1#*n#d# |$tr#*f"n/ noun ahormone produced by the placenta, which sup-presses the mother’s usual menstrual cycle duringpregnancy. It is found in the urine during preg-nancy, and can be given by injection to encourageovulation and help a woman to become pregnant.Abbreviation hCGhuman crutch

human crutch /!hju%m#n $kr.t// noun amethod of helping an injured person to walk,where they rest one arm over the shoulders of theperson helpinghuman immunodeficiency virus

human immunodeficiency virus/!hju%m#n !"mj*n#*d"|$f"/(#)nsi !va"r#s/ noun avirus which causes AIDS. Abbreviation HIVhuman leucocyte antigen

human leucocyte antigen /!hju%m#n$lu%k#sa"t !'nt"d+(#)n/ noun any of the systemof antigens on the surface of cells which need tobe histocompatible to allow transplants to takeplace. Abbreviation HLA. ! HLA systemhuman nature

human nature /!hju%m#n $ne"t/#/ noun thegeneral behavioural characteristics of humanbeingshuman papillomavirus

human papillomavirus /!hju%m#n !p'p"|

$l#*m# !va"r#s/ noun a virus that causes genitalwarts in humans. Abbreviation HPVhumectant

humectant /hju%|$mekt#nt/ adjective able toabsorb or retain moisture " noun a substance thatcan absorb or retain moisture, e.g. a skin lotion

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humeroulnar joint 136humeroulnar jointhumeroulnar joint /!hju%m#r#* |$.ln# d+)"nt/noun part of the elbow joint, where the trochlea ofthe humerus and the trochlear notch of the ulnamove next to each otherhumerushumerus /$hju%m#r#s/ noun the top bone in thearm, running from the shoulder to the elbow(NOTE: The plural is humeri.)humoralhumoral /$hju%m#r#l/ adjective relating tohuman body fluids, in particular blood serumhumourhumour /$hju%m#/ noun a fluid in the bodyhunchbackhunchback /$h.nt/b'k/ noun " kyphosishungerhunger /$h.01#/ noun a need to eathunger painshunger pains /$h.01# pe"ns/ plural nounpains in the abdomen when a person feels hungry,sometimes a sign of a duodenal ulcerHunter’s syndrome

Hunter’s syndrome /$h.nt#z !s"ndr#*m/noun an inherited disorder caused by an enzymedeficiency, which leads to learning difficultiesHuntington’s choreaHuntington’s chorea /!h.nt"0t#nz k)% |$ri%#/noun a progressive hereditary disease whichaffects adults, where the outer layer of the braindegenerates and the person makes involuntaryjerky movements and develops progressivedementia [Described 1872. After George Sum-ner Huntington (1850–1916), US physician.]Hurler’s syndromeHurler’s syndrome /$h-%l#z !s"ndr#*m/ nounsame as gargoylism [Described 1919. After Ger-trud Hurler (1889–1965), German paediatri-cian.]hurthurt /h-%t/ noun 1. emotional pain 2. a painfularea (used by children) ! She has a hurt on herknee. " verb to have pain ! He’s hurt his hand." adjective 1. feeling physical pain ! He wasslightly hurt in the car crash. ! Two players gothurt in the football game. 2. feeling emotionalpain ! Her parents’ divorce hurt her deeply.Hutchinson’s teethHutchinson’s teeth /$h.t/"ns#nz !ti%,/,Hutchinson’s tooth /$h.t/"ns#nz !tu%,/ pluralnoun incisor teeth which are narrower than usualand have a crescent-shaped notch at the bitingedge. They are seen especially in children withcongenital syphilis, but can also occur naturally.(NOTE: takes either a singular or a plural verb)hyal-hyal- /ha"#l/ prefix like glass (used before vow-els)hyalinhyalin /$ha"#l"n/ noun a transparent substanceproduced from collagen and deposited aroundblood vessels and scars when some tissues degen-eratehyalinehyaline /$ha"#l"n/ adjective nearly transparentlike glasshyaline cartilagehyaline cartilage /!ha"#l"n $k&%t"l"d+/ noun atype of cartilage found in the nose, larynx andjoints. It forms most of the skeleton of the fetus.See illustration at CARTILAGINOUS JOINT in Sup-plementhyaline membrane diseasehyaline membrane disease /!ha"#l"n$membre"n d"|!zi%z/ noun same as respiratorydistress syndrome


hyalitis /!ha"# |$la"t"s/ noun inflammation of thevitreous humour or the hyaloid membrane in theeye. Also called vitritishyaloid membrane

hyaloid membrane /$ha"#l)"d !membre"n/noun a transparent membrane round the vitreoushumour in the eyehybrid

hybrid /$ha"br"d/ noun an organism that is aresult of a cross between individuals that are notgenetically the same as each otherHYCOSY

HYCOSY abbreviation hysterosalpingo-contrastsonographyhydatid

hydatid /$ha"d#t"d/ noun any cyst-like structurehydatid cyst

hydatid cyst /!ha"d#t"d $s"st/ noun the larvalform of the tapeworms of the genus Echinococcushydatid disease

hydatid disease /$ha"d#t"d d"|!zi%z/, hydati-dosis /!ha"d#t" |$d#*s"s/ noun an infection, usu-ally in the lungs or liver, caused by expandinghydatid cysts that destroy the tissues of theinfected organhydatid mole

hydatid mole /!ha"d#t"d $m#*l/ noun anabnormal pregnancy from a pathologic ovum,resulting in a mass of cysts shaped like a bunch ofgrapeshydr-

hydr- /ha"dr/ prefix same as hydro- (usedbefore vowels)hydraemia

hydraemia /ha" |$dri%mi#/ noun an excess ofwater in the bloodhydralazine

hydralazine /ha"|$dr'l#zi%n/ noun a drug thatlowers blood pressure. People usually receive it incombination with other drugs that increase theoutput of urine.hydramnios

hydramnios /ha"|$dr'mni(s/ noun an unusu-ally large amount of amniotic fluid surroundingthe fetushydrarthrosis

hydrarthrosis /!ha"dr&%|$,r#*s"s/ noun swell-ing caused by excess synovial liquid at a jointhydrate

hydrate /$ha"dre"t/ verb to give water to some-one so as to re-establish or maintain fluid balance" noun a chemical compound containing watermolecules that can usually be driven off by heatwithout altering the compound’s structurehydro-

hydro- /ha"dr#*/ prefix referring to waterhydroa

hydroa /ha"|$dr#*#/ noun an eruption of smallitchy blisters, e.g. those caused by sunlighthydrocalycosis

hydrocalycosis /!ha"dr#*|!k'l" |$k#*s"s/ nounsame as caliectasishydrocele

hydrocele /$ha"dr#*si%l/ noun the collection ofwatery liquid found in a cavity such as the scro-tumhydrocephalus

hydrocephalus /!ha"dr#* |$kef#l#s/ noun anexcessive quantity of cerebrospinal fluid in thebrainhydrochloric acid

hydrochloric acid /!ha"dr#kl(r"k $'s"d/noun an acid found in the gastric juices whichhelps to break apart the foodhydrocortisone

hydrocortisone /!ha"dr#*|$k)%t"z#*n/ noun asteroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex orproduced synthetically, used in the treatment of

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137 hyperadrenalism

rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory and aller-gic conditionshydrogen

hydrogen /$ha"dr#d+#n/ noun a chemical ele-ment, a gas which combines with oxygen to formwater, and with other elements to form acids, andis present in all animal tissue (NOTE: The chemi-cal symbol is H.)hydrogen peroxide

hydrogen peroxide /!ha"dr#d+#n p# |

$r(ksa"d/ noun a solution used as a disinfectanthydrolysis

hydrolysis /ha"|$dr(l#s"s/ noun the breakingdown of a chemical compound when it reacts withwater to produce two or more different com-pounds, as in the conversion of starch to glucosehydroma

hydroma /ha"|$dr#*m#/ noun same as hygromahydrometer

hydrometer /ha" |$dr(m"t#/ noun an instrumentwhich measures the density of a liquidhydromyelia

hydromyelia /!ha"dr#*ma"|$i%li#/ noun a condi-tion in which fluid swells the central canal of thespinal cordhydronephrosis

hydronephrosis /!ha"dr#*ne|$fr#*s"s/ nounswelling of the pelvis of a kidney caused by accu-mulation of water due to infection or a kidneystone blocking the ureterhydropericarditis

hydropericarditis /!ha"dr#*|!perik&% |$da"t"s/,hydropericardium /!ha"dr#* |!peri |$k&%di#m/noun an accumulation of liquid round the hearthydroperitoneum

hydroperitoneum /!ha"dr#* |!per"t# |$ni%#m/noun a build-up of fluid in the peritoneal cavity(NOTE: The plural is hydroperitoneums orhydroperitonea.)hydrophobia

hydrophobia /!ha"dr#|$f#*bi#/ noun same asrabieshydropneumoperitoneum

hydropneumoperitoneum /!ha"dr#* |

!nju%m#*|!per"t#|$ni%#m/ noun a condition inwhich watery fluid and gas collect in the perito-neal cavityhydropneumothorax

hydropneumothorax /!ha"dr#*|!nju%m#*|

$,)%r'ks/ noun a condition in which watery fluidand gas collect in the pleural cavity (NOTE: Theplural is hydropneumothoraxes or hydrop-neumothoraces.)hydrops

hydrops /$ha"dr(ps/ noun same as oedema(NOTE: The plural is hydropses.)hydrosalpinx

hydrosalpinx /!ha"dr#* |$s'lp"0ks/ noun anoccasion when watery fluid collects in one or bothof the Fallopian tubes, causing swelling (NOTE:The plural is hydrosalpinges.)hydrotherapy

hydrotherapy /!ha"dr#* |$,er#pi/ noun a typeof physiotherapy involving treatment in water,where people are put in hot baths or are encour-aged to swimhydrothorax

hydrothorax /!ha"dr#*|$,)%r'ks/ noun the col-lection of liquid in the pleural cavityhydrotubation

hydrotubation /!ha"dr#*tju%|$be"/(#)n/ nounan act of putting a fluid through the neck of theuterus and the Fallopian tubes under pressure tocheck whether the tubes are blocked


hydroureter /!ha"dr#*ju|$ri%t#/ noun a condi-tion in which water or urine collect in the ureterbecause it is blockedhygiene

hygiene /$ha"d+i%n/ noun the procedures andprinciples designed to keep things clean and tokeep conditions healthy ! Nurses have to main-tain a strict personal hygiene.hygienist

hygienist /$ha"d+i%n"st/ noun a person whospecialises in hygiene and its applicationhygr-

hygr- /ha"1r/ prefix same as hygro- (usedbefore vowels)hygro-

hygro- /ha"1r#*/ prefix relating to moisturehygroma

hygroma /ha" |$1r#*m#/ noun a kind of cystwhich contains a thin fluidhymen

hymen /$ha"men/ noun a membrane which par-tially covers the vaginal passage in a female whohas never had sexual intercoursehymenectomy

hymenectomy /!ha"m# |$nekt#mi/ noun 1. thesurgical removal of the hymen, or an operation toincrease the size of the opening of the hymen 2.the surgical removal of any membranehymenotomy

hymenotomy /!ha"m# |$n(t#mi/ noun an inci-sion of the hymen during surgeryhyo-

hyo- /ha"#*/ prefix relating to the hyoid bonehyoglossus

hyoglossus /!ha"#* |$1l(s#s/ noun a musclewhich is attached to the hyoid bone and depressesthe tonguehyoid

hyoid /$ha")"d/ adjective relating to the hyoidbonehyoid bone

hyoid bone /$ha")"d b#*n/ noun a small U-shaped bone at the base of the tonguehyoscine

hyoscine /$ha"#*si%n/ noun a drug used as asedative, in particular for treatment of motionsicknesshyp-

hyp- /ha"p/ prefix same as hypo- (used beforevowels)hypalgesia

hypalgesia /!ha"p#l|$d+i%zi#/ noun low sensi-tivity to painhyper-

hyper- /ha"p#/ prefix higher or too much. Oppo-site hypo-hyperacidity

hyperacidity /!ha"p#r#|$s"d"ti/ noun the pro-duction of more acid in the stomach than is usual.Also called acidity, acid stomachhyperacousia

hyperacousia /!ha"p#r# |$kju%zi#/ noun sameas hyperacusishyperactive

hyperactive /!ha"p#r |$'kt"v/ adjective very orunusually activehyperactivity

hyperactivity /!ha"p#r'k|$t"v#ti/ noun a con-dition in which something or someone, e.g. agland or a child, is too activehyperacusis

hyperacusis /!ha"p#r# |$kju%s"s/ noun a condi-tion in which someone is very sensitive to soundshyperadrenalism

hyperadrenalism /!ha"p#r# |$dri%n(#)l"z(#)m/noun a disorder in which too many adrenal hor-mones are produced, e.g. because of pituitarygland malfunction, a tumour of the adrenal glandor high doses of steroids

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hyperaemia 138hyperaemia

hyperaemia /!ha"p#r |$i%mi#/ noun excess bloodin any part of the bodyhyperaesthesia

hyperaesthesia /!ha"p#ri%s |$,i%zi#/ noun anextremely high sensitivity in the skinhyperalgesia

hyperalgesia /!ha"p#r'l |$d+i%zi#/ noun anincreased sensitivity to painhyperalimentation

hyperalimentation /!ha"p#r|!'l"men|

$te"/(#)n/ noun the feeding of large amounts ofnutrients by mouth or intravenously to someonewith serious nutritional deficiencyhyperandrogenism

hyperandrogenism /!ha"p#r'n|

$dr(d+#n"z(#)m/ noun a condition in which awoman produces too many androgens, associatedwith many problems such as hirsutism, acne,infertility and polycystic ovarian diseasehyperbaric

hyperbaric /!ha"p# |$b'r"k/ adjective referringto a treatment in which someone is given oxygenat high pressure, used to treat carbon monoxidepoisoninghypercalcaemia

hypercalcaemia /!ha"p#k'l|$si%mi#/ noun anexcess of calcium in the bloodhypercalcinuria

hypercalcinuria /!ha"p#k'ls"|$nj*#ri#/ nouna condition in which an unusually high amount ofcalcium occurs in the urinehypercapnia

hypercapnia /!ha"p# |$k'pni#/ noun an unusu-ally high concentration of carbon dioxide in thebloodstreamhypercatabolism

hypercatabolism /!ha"p#k#|$t'b#l"z(#)m/noun a condition in which the body breaks downits own tissues or a particular substance too much.It causes weight loss and wasting.hyperchloraemia

hyperchloraemia /!ha"p#kl)% |$ri%mi#/ noun acondition in which there is too much chloride inthe bloodhyperchlorhydria

hyperchlorhydria /!ha"p#kl)%|$ha"dri#/ nounan excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomachhyperdactylism

hyperdactylism /!ha"p# |$d'kt"l"z(#)m/ nounthe condition of having more than the usualnumber of fingers or toes. Also called polydac-tylismhyperemesis

hyperemesis /!ha"p#r|$em"s"s/ noun excessivevomiting (NOTE: The plural is hyperemeses.)hyperemesis gravidarum

hyperemesis gravidarum /!ha"p#rem"s"s!1r'v"|$de#r#m/ noun uncontrollable vomiting inpregnancyhyperextension

hyperextension /!ha"p#r"k|$sten/#n/ noun theact of stretching an arm or leg beyond its usuallimits of movementhyperflexion

hyperflexion /!ha"p# |$flek/#n/ noun the act offlexing a joint beyond the usual limit ! a hyper-flexion injuryhypergalactia

hypergalactia /!ha"p#1# |$l'kti#/, hyperga-lactosis /!ha"p#|!1'l#k |$t#*s"s/ noun a conditionin which too much milk is secretedhyperglycaemia

hyperglycaemia /!ha"p#1la" |$si%mi#/ noun anexcess of glucose in the bloodhyperhidrosis

hyperhidrosis /!ha"p#ha"|$dr#*s"s/ noun acondition in which too much sweat is produced


hyperinsulinism /!ha"p#r |$"nsj*l"n"z(#)m/noun the reaction of a diabetic to an excessivedose of insulin or to hypoglycaemiahyperkalaemia

hyperkalaemia /!ha"p#k'|$li%mi#/ noun a con-dition in which too much potassium occurs in theblood, which can result in cardiac arrest. Variouspossible causes include kidney failure and chem-otherapy.hyperkeratosis

hyperkeratosis /!ha"p#ker#|$t#*s"s/ noun acondition in which the outer layer of the skinbecomes unusually thickenedhyperkinesia

hyperkinesia /!ha"p#k"|$ni%zi#/ noun a condi-tion in which there is unusually great strength ormovementhyperlipidaemia

hyperlipidaemia /!ha"p#l"p" |$di%mi#/ noun thepathological increase of the amount of lipids, orfat, in the bloodhypermetropia

hypermetropia /!ha"p#m" |$tr#*pi#/, hyper-opia /!ha"p#|$r#*pi#/ noun a condition in whichsomeone sees more clearly objects which are along way away, but cannot see objects which areclose. Also called longsightedness, hyperopiahypernatraemia

hypernatraemia /!ha"p#n'|$tri%mi#/ noun aserious condition occurring most often in babiesor elderly people, in which too much sodium ispresent in the blood as a result of loss of water andelectrolytes through diarrhoea, excessive sweat-ing, not drinking enough or excessive salt intakehypernephroma

hypernephroma /!ha"p#n#|$fr#*m#/ nounsame as Grawitz tumourhyperopia

hyperopia /!ha"p#|$r#*pi#/ noun same ashypermetropiahyperostosis

hyperostosis /ha"p#r( |$st#*s"s/ noun exces-sive overgrowth on the outside surface of a bone,especially the frontal bonehyperparathyroidism

hyperparathyroidism /!ha"p#|!p'r#|

$,a"r)"d"z(#)m/ noun an unusually high concen-tration of parathyroid hormone in the body. Itcauses various medical problems including dam-age to the kidneys.hyperphagia

hyperphagia /!ha"p# |$fe"d+i#/ noun long-termcompulsive overeatinghyperpiesia

hyperpiesia /!ha"p#pa"|$i%zi#/ noun same ashypertensionhyperpituitarism

hyperpituitarism /!ha"p#|$p"tju%"t#r"z(#)m/noun a condition in which the pituitary gland isoveractivehyperplasia

hyperplasia /!ha"p#|$ple"zi#/ noun a conditionin which there is an increase in the number ofcells in an organhyperpyrexia

hyperpyrexia /!ha"p#pa"|$reksi#/ noun a bodytemperature of above 41.1°Chypersecretion

hypersecretion /!ha"p#s" |$kri%/(#)n/ noun acondition in which too much of a substance issecretedhypersensitive

hypersensitive /!ha"p# |$sens"t"v/ adjectivereferring to a person who reacts more stronglythan usual to an antigen

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139 hypodermic needlehypersensitivity

hypersensitivity /!ha"p#sens"|$t"v"ti/ noun acondition in which someone reacts very stronglyto something such as an allergic substance ! herhypersensitivity to dust ! Anaphylactic shockshows hypersensitivity to an injection.hypersplenism

hypersplenism /!ha"p#|$splen"z(#)m/ noun acondition in which too many red blood cells aredestroyed by the spleen, which is often enlargedhypertelorism

hypertelorism /!ha"p#|$tel#r"z(#)m/ noun acondition in which there is too much spacebetween two organs or parts of the bodyhypertension

hypertension /!ha"p# |$ten/#n/ noun arterialblood pressure that is higher than the usual rangefor gender and age. Also called high blood pres-sure, hyperpiesia. Compare hypotensionhypertensive

hypertensive /!ha"p# |$tens"v/ adjective refer-ring to high blood pressurehypertensive headache

hypertensive headache /!ha"p#tens"v$hede"k/ noun a headache caused by high bloodpressurehyperthermia

hyperthermia /!ha"p#|$,-%mi#/ noun a veryhigh body temperaturehyperthyroidism

hyperthyroidism /!ha"p#|$,a"r)"d"z(#)m/noun a condition in which the thyroid gland is tooactive and releases unusual amounts of thyroidhormones into the blood, giving rise to a rapidheartbeat, sweating and trembling. It can betreated with carbimazole. Also called thyrotoxi-cosishypertonia

hypertonia /!ha"p#|$t#*ni#/ noun an increasedrigidity and spasticity of the muscleshypertonic

hypertonic /!ha"p#|$t(n"k/ adjective 1. refer-ring to a solution which has a higher osmoticpressure than another specified solution 2. refer-ring to a muscle which is under unusually hightensionhypertrichosis

hypertrichosis /!ha"p#tr"|$k#*s"s/ noun a con-dition in which someone has excessive growth ofhair on the body or on part of the bodyhypertrophic

hypertrophic /!ha"p# |$tr(f"k/ adjective associ-ated with hypertrophyhypertrophy

hypertrophy /ha"|$p-%tr#fi/ noun an increase inthe number or size of cells in a tissuehyperventilation

hyperventilation /!ha"p#vent"|$le"/(#)n/ nounvery fast breathing which can be accompanied bydizziness or tetanyhypervitaminosis

hypervitaminosis /!ha"p# |!v"t#m" |$n#*s"s/noun a condition caused by taking too many syn-thetic vitamins, especially Vitamins A and Dhypervolaemia

hypervolaemia /!ha"p#v(|$li%mi#/ noun a con-dition in which there is too much plasma in thebloodhyphaema

hyphaema /ha"|$fi%mi#/ noun bleeding into thefront chamber of the eyehypn-

hypn- /h"pn/ prefix referring to sleephypnosis

hypnosis /h"p |$n#*s"s/ noun a state like sleep,but caused artificially, where a person can remem-

ber forgotten events in the past and will do what-ever the hypnotist tells him or her to dohypnotherapy

hypnotherapy /!h"pn#* |$,er#pi/ noun treat-ment by hypnosis, used in treating some addic-tionshypnotic

hypnotic /h"p |$n(t"k/ adjective 1. relating tohypnosis and hypnotism 2. referring to a statewhich is like sleep but which is caused artificially3. referring to a drug which causes sleephypnotism

hypnotism /$h"pn#t"z(#)m/ noun the tech-niques used to induce hypnosishypo

hypo /$ha"p#*/ noun (informal) 1. same ashypodermic syringe 2. an attack of hypoglycae-mia, experienced, e.g., by people who are diabetichypo-

hypo- /ha"p#*/ prefix less, too little or beneathhypoaesthesia

hypoaesthesia /!ha"p#*i%s |$,i%zi#/ noun acondition in which someone has a diminishedsense of touchhypocalcaemia

hypocalcaemia /!ha"p#*k'l|$si%mi#/ noun anunusually low amount of calcium in the blood,which can cause tetanyhypocapnia

hypocapnia /!ha"p#*|$k'pni#/ noun a condi-tion in which there is not enough carbon dioxidein the bloodhypochloraemia

hypochloraemia /!ha"p#*kl)% |$ri%mi#/ noun acondition in which there are not enough chlorineions in the bloodhypochlorhydria

hypochlorhydria /!ha"p#*kl)% |$ha"dri#/ nouna condition in which there is not enough hydro-chloric acid in the stomachhypochondria

hypochondria /!ha"p#*|$k(ndri#/ noun a con-dition in which a person is too worried about hisor her own health and believes he or she is illhypochondriac

hypochondriac /!ha"p#*|$k(ndri'k/ noun aperson who worries about his or her health toomuchhypochondriac region

hypochondriac region /!ha"p#*|$k(ndri'k!ri%d+#n/ noun one of two parts of the upperabdomen, on either side of the epigastrium belowthe floating ribshypochondrium

hypochondrium /!ha"p#* |$k(ndri#m/ nounone of the two hypochondriac regions in the upperpart of the abdomenhypochromic

hypochromic /!ha"p#* |$kr#*m"k/ adjectivereferring to blood cells or body tissue which donot have the usual amount of pigmentation !hypochromic scarshypodermic

hypodermic /!ha"p# |$d-%m"k/ adjectivebeneath the skin " noun a hypodermic syringe,needle or injection (informal)hypodermic injection

hypodermic injection /!ha"p#d-%m"k "n|

$d+ek/#n/ noun an injection of a liquid, e.g. apainkilling drug, beneath the skin. Also calledsubcutaneous injectionhypodermic needle

hypodermic needle /!ha"p#d-%m"k $ni%d(#)l/noun a needle for injecting liquid under the skin

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hypodermic syringe 140hypodermic syringe

hypodermic syringe /!ha"p#d-%m"k s"|

$r"nd+/ noun a syringe fitted with a hypodermicneedle for injecting liquid under the skinhypofibrinogenaemia

hypofibrinogenaemia /!ha"p#*|!f"br"n#*d+#|

$ni%mi#/ noun a condition in which there is notenough fibrinogen in the blood, e.g. because ofseveral blood transfusions or as an inherited con-ditionhypogammaglobulinaemia

hypogammaglobulinaemia /!ha"p#*1'm# |

!1l(bj*l"n|$i%mi#/ noun an unusually low concen-tration of gamma globulin in the blood that causesan immune deficiency. It may be present frombirth or acquired later in life.hypogastrium

hypogastrium /!ha"p# |$1'stri#m/ noun thepart of the abdomen beneath the stomachhypoglossal

hypoglossal /!ha"p#*|$1l(s#l/ adjective 1.underneath or on the lower side of the tongue 2.relating to the hypoglossal nervehypoglossal nerve

hypoglossal nerve /ha"p#|!1l(s(#)l $n-%v/noun the twelfth cranial nerve which governs themuscles of the tonguehypoglycaemia

hypoglycaemia /!ha"p#*1la"|$si%mi#/ noun alow concentration of glucose in the bloodhypoglycaemic

hypoglycaemic /!ha"p#*1la" |$si%m"k/ adjec-tive having hypoglycaemiahypoglycaemic coma

hypoglycaemic coma /!ha"p#*1la"|!si%m"k$k#*m#/ noun a state of unconsciousness affect-ing diabetics after taking an overdose of insulinhypohidrosis

hypohidrosis /!ha"p#*ha" |$dr#*s"s/, hypoid-rosis /!ha"p#*"|$dr#*s"s/ noun a condition inwhich someone produces too little sweathypoinsulinism

hypoinsulinism /!ha"p#*|$"nsj*l"n"z(#)m/noun a condition in which the body does not haveenough insulin, often because of a problem withthe pancreashypokalaemia

hypokalaemia /!ha"p#*k'|$li%mi#/ noun adeficiency of potassium in the bloodhypomania

hypomania /!ha"p#*|$me"ni#/ noun a state ofmild mania or overexcitement, especially whenpart of a manic-depressive cyclehypometropia

hypometropia /!ha"p#*m" |$tr#*pi#/ nounsame as myopiahyponatraemia

hyponatraemia /!ha"p#*n'|$tri%mi#/ noun alack of sodium in the bodyhypoparathyroidism

hypoparathyroidism /!ha"p#*|!p'r#|

$,a"r)"d"z(#)m/ noun a condition in which theparathyroid glands do not secrete enough parath-yroid hormone, leading to low blood calcium andmuscle spasmshypopharynx

hypopharynx /!ha"p#*|$f'r"0ks/ noun the partof the pharynx between the hyoid bone and thebottom of the cricoid cartilage (NOTE: The pluralis hypopharynxes or hypopharynges.)hypophyseal

hypophyseal /!ha"p#|$f"zi#l/ adjective refer-ring to the pituitary glandhypophysectomy

hypophysectomy /ha" |!p(f" |$sekt#mi/ nounthe surgical removal of the pituitary gland

hypophysis cerebri

hypophysis cerebri /ha"|!p(f#s"s $ser#bri/noun same as pituitary glandhypopiesis

hypopiesis /!ha"p#*pa" |$"%s"s/ noun a condi-tion in which the blood pressure is too lowhypopituitarism

hypopituitarism /!ha"p#*p" |$tju%"t#r"z(#)m/noun a condition in which the pituitary gland isunderactivehypoplasia

hypoplasia /!ha"p#*|$ple"zi#/ noun a lack ofdevelopment or incorrect formation of a body tis-sue or an organhypoplastic left heart

hypoplastic left heart /ha"p#*|!pl'st"k left$h&%t/ noun a serious heart disorder in which theleft side of the heart does not develop properly,leading to death within six weeks of birth unlesssurgery is performedhypoproteinaemia

hypoproteinaemia /!ha"p#*pr#*t"|$ni%mi#/noun a condition in which there is not enoughprotein in the bloodhypoprothrombinaemia

hypoprothrombinaemia /!ha"p#*pr#*|

!,r(mb"|$ni%mi#/ noun a condition in which thereis not enough prothrombin in the blood, so thatthe person bleeds and bruises easilyhypopyon

hypopyon /!ha"p#|$pa"#n/ noun an accumula-tion of pus in the aqueous humour in the frontchamber of the eyehyposensitive

hyposensitive /!ha"p#* |$sens"t"v/ adjectivebeing less sensitive than usualhypospadias

hypospadias /!ha"p#|$spe"di#s/ noun a con-genital condition of the wall of the male urethra orthe vagina, so that the opening occurs on theunder side of the penis or in the vagina. Compareepispadiashypostasis

hypostasis /ha" |$p(st#s"s/ noun a condition inwhich fluid accumulates in part of the bodybecause of poor circulationhypostatic

hypostatic /!ha"p#*|$st't"k/ adjective refer-ring to hypostasishypostatic eczema

hypostatic eczema /!ha"p#*st't"k $eks"m#/noun same as varicose eczemahypostatic pneumonia

hypostatic pneumonia /!ha"p#*st't"k nju%|

$m#*ni#/ noun pneumonia caused by fluid accu-mulating in the lungs of a bedridden person witha weak hearthyposthenia

hyposthenia /!ha"p(s |$,i%ni#/ noun a conditionof unusual bodily weaknesshypotension

hypotension /!ha"p#*|$ten/#n/ noun a condi-tion in which the pressure of the blood is unusu-ally low. Also called low blood pressure. Com-pare hypertensionhypotensive

hypotensive /!ha"p# |$tens"v/ adjective havinglow blood pressurehypothalamic

hypothalamic /!ha"p#*,# |$l'm"k/ adjectivereferring to the hypothalamushypothalamic hormone

hypothalamic hormone /!ha"p#*,#|!l'm"k$h)%m#*n/ noun same as releasing hormonehypothalamus

hypothalamus /!ha"p#*|$,'l#m#s/ noun thepart of the brain above the pituitary gland, whichcontrols the production of hormones by the pitui-

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141 hysterotrachelorrhaphy

tary gland and regulates important bodily func-tions such as hunger, thirst and sleep. See illustra-tion at BRAIN in Supplementhypothalmus

hypothalmus /!ha"p#*|$,'lm#s/ noun same ashypothalamus (NOTE: The plural is hypothal-muses or hypothalmi.)hypothenar

hypothenar /ha" |$p(,"n#/ adjective referring tothe soft fat part of the palm beneath the little fin-gerhypothenar eminence

hypothenar eminence /ha"|!p(,"n#$em"n#ns/ noun a lump on the palm beneath thelittle finger. Compare thenarhypothermia

hypothermia /!ha"p#* |$,-%mi#/ noun a reduc-tion in body temperature below normal, for med-ical purposes taken to be below 35°Chypothesis

hypothesis /ha"|$p(,#s"s/ noun a suggestedexplanation for an observation or experimentalresult, which is then refined or disproved by fur-ther investigationhypothyroidism

hypothyroidism /!ha"p#*|$,a"r)"d"z(#)m/noun underactivity of the thyroid glandhypotonia

hypotonia /!ha"p#* |$t#*ni#/ noun reduced toneof the skeletal muscleshypotonic

hypotonic /!ha"p#* |$t(n"k/ adjective 1. show-ing hypotonia 2. referring to a solution with alower osmotic pressure than plasmahypotrichosis

hypotrichosis /!ha"p#*tr"|$k#*s"s/ noun acondition in which less hair develops than usual.Compare alopecia (NOTE: The plural is hypotri-choses.)hypotropia

hypotropia /!ha"p#*|$tr#*pi#/ noun a form ofsquint where one eye looks downwardshypoventilation

hypoventilation /!ha"p#*vent"|$le"/(#)n/noun very slow breathinghypovitaminosis

hypovitaminosis /!ha"p#* |!v"t#m" |$n#*s"s/noun a lack of vitaminshypoxaemia

hypoxaemia /!ha"p(k |$si%mi#/ noun an inade-quate supply of oxygen in the arterial bloodhypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase

hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl trans-ferase /!ha"p#*z'n,i%n !f(sf#|$r"b#s"l!tr'nsf#re"s/ noun full form of HPRThypoxia

hypoxia /ha"|$p(ksi#/ noun 1. an inadequatesupply of oxygen to tissue as a result of a lack ofoxygen in the arterial blood 2. same as hypoxae-miahyster-

hyster- /h"st#/ prefix same as hystero- (usedbefore vowels)

hysteralgiahysteralgia /!h"st#r |$'ld+#/ noun pain in theuterushysterectomyhysterectomy /!h"st# |$rekt#mi/ noun the sur-gical removal of the uterus, often either to treatcancer or because of the presence of fibroidshysteriahysteria /h"|$st"#ri#/ noun a term formerly usedin psychiatry, but now informally used for a con-dition in which the person appears unstable, andmay scream and wave their arms about, but also isrepressed, and may be slow to react to outsidestimuli (dated)hystericalhysterical /h"|$ster"k(#)l/ adjective referring toa reaction showing hysteria (informal)hystericshysterics /h"|$ster"ks/ noun an attack of hyste-ria (dated)hystero-hystero- /h"st#r#*/ prefix referring to the uterushystero-oöphorectomyhystero-oöphorectomy /!h"st#r#* !#*#f#|

$rekt#mi/ noun the surgical removal of theuterus, the uterine tubes and the ovarieshysteroptosishysteroptosis /!h"st#r(p |$t#*s"s/ noun pro-lapse of the uterushysterosalpingo-contrast sonographyhysterosalpingo-contrast sonography/!h"ster#*|!s'lp"01#* !k(ntr&%st s(n|$(1r#fi/noun examination of the uterus and Fallopiantubes by ultrasound. Abbreviation HYCOSYhysterosalpingographyhysterosalpingography /!h"st#r#*|!s'lp"0|

$1(1r#fi/ noun an X-ray examination of theuterus and Fallopian tubes following injection ofradio-opaque material. Also called uterosalp-ingographyhysterosalpingosonographyhysterosalpingosonography /!h"st#r#*|

!s'lp"01#*s#|$n(1r#fi/ noun examination of theuterus and Fallopian tubes by ultrasoundhysterosalpingostomyhysterosalpingostomy /!h"st#r#*|!s'lp"0|

$1(st#mi/ noun an operation to remake an open-ing between the uterine tube and the uterus, tohelp with infertility problemshysteroscopehysteroscope /$h"st#r#sk#*p/ noun a tube forinspecting the inside of the uterushysteroscopyhysteroscopy /!h"st#|$r(sk#pi/ noun an exam-ination of the uterine cavity using a hysteroscopeor fibrescopehysterotomyhysterotomy /!h"st# |$r(t#mi/ noun a surgicalincision into the uterus, as in caesarean section orfor some types of abortionhysterotrachelorrhaphyhysterotrachelorrhaphy /!h"st#r#*|!tr'ki#|

$l(r#fi/ noun an operation to repair a tear in thecervix

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-iasis /a"#s"s/ suffix disease caused by some-thing ! amoebiasisiatro-

iatro- /a"'tr#*/ prefix relating to medicine ordoctorsiatrogenesis

iatrogenesis /a"|!'tr#* |$d+en#s"s/ noun anycondition caused by the actions of doctors orother healthcare professionalsiatrogenic

iatrogenic /a" |!'tr# |$d+en"k/ adjective referringto a condition which is caused by a doctor’s treat-ment for another disease or condition ! an iatro-genic infectionIBS

IBS abbreviation irritable bowel syndromeibuprofen

ibuprofen /!a"bju% |$pr#*f#n/ noun a nonsteroi-dal anti-inflammatory drug that relieves pain andswelling, especially in arthritis and rheumatism.It is also widely used as a household painkiller.ice pack

ice pack /$a"s p'k/ noun a cold compress madeof lumps of ice wrapped in a cloth, and pressed ona swelling or bruise to reduce the painichthamol

ichthamol /"k |$,'m(l/ noun a thick dark redliquid which is a mild antiseptic and analgesic,used in the treatment of skin diseasesichthyosis

ichthyosis /!"k," |$#*s"s/ noun a hereditary con-dition in which the skin does not form properly,resulting in a dry, non-inflammatory and scalyappearanceICM

ICM abbreviation International Confederation ofMidwivesICN

ICN abbreviation 1. International Council ofNurses 2. infection control nurseICP

ICP abbreviation intracranial pressureICRC

ICRC abbreviation International Committee ofthe Red CrossICSH

ICSH abbreviation interstitial cell stimulatinghormoneicteric

icteric /"k|$ter"k/ adjective referring to someonewith jaundiceicterus

icterus /$"kt#r#s/ noun same as jaundiceicterus gravis neonatorum

icterus gravis neonatorum /!"kt#r#s!1r'v"s !ni%#*n# |$t)%r#m/ noun jaundice associ-ated with erythroblastosis fetalisictus

ictus /$"kt#s/ noun a stroke or fitICU

ICU abbreviation intensive care unit


id /"d/ noun (in Freudian psychology) the basicunconscious drives which exist in hidden forms ina personideation

ideation /!a"di|$e"/(#)n/ noun the act or processof imagining or forming thoughts and ideasidentical twins

identical twins /a" |!dent"k(#)l $tw"nz/ pluralnoun twins who are exactly the same in appear-ance because they developed from the sameovum. Also called monozygotic twins, uniovu-lar twinsidentification

identification /a" |!dent"f" |$ke"/(#)n/ noun theact of discovering or stating who someone is orwhat something isideo-

ideo- /a"di#*/ prefix involving ideasidio-

idio- /"di#*/ prefix referring to one particularpersonidiopathic

idiopathic /!"di#|$p',"k/ adjective referring toidiopathyidiopathic epilepsy

idiopathic epilepsy /!"di#p',"k $ep"|!lepsi/noun epilepsy not caused by a brain disorder,beginning during childhood or adolescenceidiopathy

idiopathy /!"di|$(p#,i/ noun a condition whichdevelops without any known causeidiosyncrasy

idiosyncrasy /!"di#*|$s"0kr#si/ noun a way ofbehaving which is particular to one personidiot savant

idiot savant /!"di#* $s'v(0/ noun a personwith learning difficulties who also possesses asingle particular mental ability, such as the abilityto play music by ear, to draw remembered objectsor to do mental calculations, which is very highlydevelopedidioventricular

idioventricular /!"di#*ven|$tr"kj*l#/ adjectiverelating to the ventricles of the heartidioventricular rhythm

idioventricular rhythm /!"di#*ven|!tr"kj*l#$r"2(#)m/ noun a slow natural rhythm in the ven-tricles of the heart, but not in the atriaIDK

IDK abbreviation internal derangement of thekneeIg

Ig abbreviation immunoglobulinIg A antiendomysial antibody

Ig A antiendomysial antibody /!a" d+i% e"!'ntiend#* |!ma"si#l $'nt"b(di/ noun a serolog-ical screening test for coeliac diseaseIHD

IHD abbreviation ischaemic heart diseaseIL-1

IL-1 abbreviation interleukin-1IL-2

IL-2 abbreviation interleukin-2

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143 imagineile-ile- /"li/ prefix same as ileo- (used before vowels)ileal

ileal /$"li#l/ adjective referring to the ileumileal bladderileal bladder /!"li#l $bl'd#/, ileal conduit/!"li#l $k(ndju"t/ noun an artificial tube formedwhen the ureters are linked to part of the ileum,and that part is linked to an opening in the abdom-inal wallileal pouchileal pouch /!"li#l $pa*t// noun a part of thesmall intestine which is made into a new rectumin a surgical operation, freeing someone from theneed for an ileostomy after their colon is removedileectomyileectomy /!"li |$ekt#mi/ noun the surgicalremoval of all or part of the ileumileitisileitis /!"li |$a"t"s/ noun inflammation of the ileumileo-ileo- /"li#*/ prefix relating to the ileumileocaecalileocaecal /!"li#* |$si%k(#)l/ adjective referringto the ileum and the caecumileocaecal orificeileocaecal orifice /!"li#*si%k(#)l $(r"f"s/ nounan opening where the small intestine joins thelarge intestineileocaecal valve

ileocaecal valve /!"li%#*si%k(#)l $v'lv/ noun avalve at the end of the ileum, which allows foodto pass from the ileum into the caecumileocaecocystoplasty

ileocaecocystoplasty /!"li#* |!si%k#*|

$sa"t#*pl'sti/ noun an operation to reconstructthe bladder using a piece of the combined ileumand caecumileocolicileocolic /!"li#* |$k(l"k/ adjective referring toboth the ileum and the colonileocolic arteryileocolic artery /!"li%#*k(l"k $&%t#ri/ noun abranch of the superior mesenteric arteryileocolitisileocolitis /!"li#*k# |$la"t"s/ noun inflammationof both the ileum and the colonileocolostomyileocolostomy /!"li#*k# |$l(st#mi/ noun a sur-gical operation to make a link directly betweenthe ileum and the colonileoproctostomyileoproctostomy /!"li#*pr(k|$t(st#mi/ noun asurgical operation to create a link between theileum and the rectumileorectalileorectal /!"li#*|$rekt(#)l/ adjective referring toboth the ileum and the rectumileosigmoidostomyileosigmoidostomy /!"li#*s"1m)"|$d(st#mi/noun a surgical operation to create a link betweenthe ileum and the sigmoid colonileostomyileostomy /!"li |$(st#mi/ noun a surgical opera-tion to make an opening between the ileum andthe abdominal wall to act as an artificial openingfor excretion of faecesileostomy bag

ileostomy bag /!"li |$(st#mi b'1/ noun a bagattached to the opening made by an ileostomy, tocollect faeces as they are passed out of the bodyileum

ileum /$"li#m/ noun the lower part of the smallintestine, between the jejunum and the caecum.Compare ilium. See illustration at DIGESTIVE SYS-TEM in Supplement (NOTE: The plural is ilea.)ileusileus /$"li#s/ noun obstruction of the intestine,usually distension caused by loss of muscularaction in the bowel. ! paralytic ileus


ili- /"li/ prefix same as ilio- (used before vowels)iliac

iliac /$"li'k/ adjective referring to the iliumiliac crest

iliac crest /!"li'k $krest/ noun a curved topedge of the ilium. See illustration at PELVIS inSupplementiliac fossa

iliac fossa /!"li'k $f(s#/ noun a depression onthe inner side of the hip boneiliac region

iliac region /$"li'k !ri%d+#n/ noun one of tworegions of the lower abdomen, on either side ofthe hypogastriumiliac spine

iliac spine /$"li'k spa"n/ noun a projection atthe posterior end of the iliac crestilio-

ilio- /"li#*/ prefix relating to the iliumiliococcygeal

iliococcygeal /!"li#*k(k|$s"d+i#l/ adjectivereferring to both the ilium and the coccyxiliolumbar

iliolumbar /!"li#*|$l.mb#/ adjective referring tothe iliac and lumbar regionsiliopectineal

iliopectineal /!"li#*pek|$t"ni#l/ adjective refer-ring to both the ilium and the pubisiliopectineal eminence

iliopectineal eminence /!"li#*pek|t"ni#l$em"n#ns/ noun a raised area on the inner surfaceof the innominate boneiliopubic

iliopubic /!"li#*|$pju%b"k/ adjective same as ili-opectinealiliopubic eminence

iliopubic eminence /!"li#*|!pju%b"k$em"n#ns/ noun same as iliopectineal emi-nenceilium

ilium /$"li#m/ noun the top part of each of the hipbones, which form the pelvis. Compare ileum.See illustration at PELVIS in Supplement (NOTE:The plural is ilia.)ill

ill /"l/ adjective not well ! If you feel very ill youought to see a doctor.illness

illness /$"ln#s/ noun 1. a state of not being well! Most of the children stayed away from schoolbecause of illness. 2. a type of disease ! Scarletfever is no longer considered to be a very seriousillness. ! He is in hospital with an infectious trop-ical illness.illusion

illusion /" |$lu%+(#)n/ noun a condition in which aperson has a wrong perception of external objectsi.m.

i.m., IM abbreviation intramuscularimage

image /$"m"d+/ noun a sensation, e.g. a smell,sight or taste, which is remembered clearlyimagery

imagery /$"m"d+#ri/ noun visual sensationsclearly produced in the mindimaginary

imaginary /" |$m'd+"n(#)ri/ adjective referringto something which does not exist but is imaginedimagination

imagination /"|!m'd+"|$ne"/(#)n/ noun the abil-ity to see or invent things in your mind ! In herimagination she saw herself sitting on a beach inthe sun.imagine

imagine /"|$m'd+"n/ verb to see, hear or feelsomething in your mind ! Imagine yourself sit-ting on the beach in the sun. ! I thought I heardsomeone shout, but I must have imagined itbecause there is no one there.

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imaging 144imaging

imaging /$"m"d+"0/ noun a technique for creat-ing pictures of sections of the body, using scan-ners attached to computersimbalance

imbalance /"m|$b'l#ns/ noun a situation inwhich things are unequal or in the wrong propor-tions to one another, e.g. in the dietimipramine

imipramine /"|$m"pr#mi%n/ noun a drug that isused as a treatment for depressionimmature

immature /!"m# |$t/*#/ adjective not mature,lacking insight and emotional stabilityimmature cell

immature cell /!"m#t/*# $sel/ noun a cellwhich is still developingimmaturity

immaturity /!"m# |$t/*#r"ti/ noun behaviourwhich is lacking in maturityimmobilisation

immobilisation /"|!m#*b"la"|$ze"/(#)n/, immo-bilization noun the act of preventing somebodyor something from being able to moveimmobilise

immobilise /" |$m#*b"la"z/, immobilize verb 1.to keep someone from moving 2. to attach a splintto a joint or fractured limb to prevent the bonesfrom movingimmune

immune /" |$mju%n/ adjective protected againstan infection or allergic disease ! She seems to beimmune to colds. ! The injection should makeyou immune to yellow fever.immune deficiency

immune deficiency /" |!mju%n d"|$f"/(#)nsi/noun a lack of immunity to a disease. ! AIDSimmune reaction

immune reaction /" |$mju%n ri |!'k/#n/,immune response /" |$mju%n r" |!sp(ns/ noun areaction of a body to an antigenimmune system

immune system /" |$mju%n !s"st#m/ noun acomplex network of cells and cell products,which protects the body from disease. It includesthe thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, white bloodcells and antibodies.immunisation

immunisation /!"mj*na"|$ze"/(#)n/, immuni-zation noun the process of making a personimmune to an infection, either by injecting anantiserum, passive immunisation or by inocula-tionimmunise

immunise /$"mj*na"z/, immunize verb to givesomeone immunity from an infection. ! vacci-nate (NOTE: You immunise someone against adisease.)immunity

immunity /" |$mju%n"ti/ noun the ability to resistattacks of a disease because antibodies are pro-duced ! The vaccine gives immunity to tubercu-losis.immuno-

immuno- /"mj*n#*, "mju%n#*/ prefix immune,immunityimmunoassay

immunoassay /!"mj*n#*|$'se"/ noun a test forthe presence and strength of antibodiesimmunocompetence

immunocompetence /!"mj*n#*|

$k(mp"t#ns/ noun the ability to develop animmune response following exposure to an anti-gen


immunocompromised /!"mj*n#*|

$k(mpr#ma"zd/ adjective not able to offer resist-ance to infectionimmunodeficiency

immunodeficiency /!"mj*n#*d" |$f"/(#)nsi/noun a lack of immunity to a diseaseimmunodeficiency virus

immunodeficiency virus /!"mj*n#*d"|

$f"/(#)nsi !va"r#s/ noun a retrovirus whichattacks the immune systemimmunodeficient

immunodeficient /!"mj*n#*d" |$f"/(#)nt/adjective lacking immunity to a disease ! Thisform of meningitis occurs in persons who areimmunodeficient.immunogenic

immunogenic /!"mj*n#*|$d+en"k/ adjectiveproducing an immune responseimmunogenicity

immunogenicity /!"mj*n#*d+#|$n"s"ti/ nounthe property which makes a substance able to pro-duce an immune response in an organismimmunoglobulin

immunoglobulin /!"mj*n#*|$1l(bj*l"n/ nounan antibody, a protein produced in blood plasmaas protection against infection, the commonestbeing gamma globulin. Abbreviation Ig (NOTE:The five main classes are called: immunoglob-ulin G, A, D, E and M or IgG, IgA, IgD, IgE andIgM.)immunological

immunological /!"mj*n#|$l(d+"k(#)l/ adjec-tive referring to immunologyimmunologist

immunologist /!"mj*|$n(l#d+"st/ noun a spe-cialist in immunologyimmunology

immunology /!"mj*|$n(l#d+i/ noun the studyof immunity and immunisationimmunosuppressant

immunosuppressant /!"mj*n#*|s#|

$pres(#)nt/ noun a drug used to act against theresponse of the immune system to reject a trans-planted organimmunosuppression

immunosuppression /!"mj*n#*|s#|

$pre/(#)n/ noun the suppression of the body’snatural immune system so that it will not reject atransplanted organimmunosuppressive

immunosuppressive /!"mj*n#*|s#|$pres"v/noun a drug used to counteract the response of theimmune system to reject a transplanted organ "adjective counteracting the immune systemimmunotherapy

immunotherapy /!"mj*n#* |$,er#pi/ noun "adoptive immunotherapyimmunotransfusion

immunotransfusion /!"mj*n#*|tr'ns|

$fju%+(#)n/ noun a transfusion of blood, serum orplasma containing immune bodiesImodium

Imodium /" |$m#*di#m/ a trade name for Iopera-mide hydrochlorideimpacted

impacted /"m|$p'kt"d/ adjective tightly pressedor firmly lodged against somethingimpacted faeces

impacted faeces /"m|!p'kt"d $fi%si%z/ pluralnoun extremely hard dry faeces which cannotpass through the anus and have to be surgicallyremovedimpacted fracture

impacted fracture /"m|!p'kt"d $fr'kt/#/noun a fracture where the broken parts of thebones are pushed into each other

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145 incidence rateimpacted tooth

impacted tooth /"m|!p'kt"d $tu%,/ noun atooth which is held against another tooth and socannot grow normallyimpacted ureteric calculus

impacted ureteric calculus /"m|!p'kt"d!j*#r"ter"k $k'lkj*l#s/ noun a small hard massof mineral salts which is lodged in a ureterimpaction

impaction /"m|$p'k/#n/ noun a condition inwhich things are closely pressed together andcannot develop or move normallyimpair

impair /"m|$pe#/ verb to harm a sense or functionso that it does not work properlyimpaired hearing

impaired hearing /"m|!pe#d $h"#r"0/ nounhearing which is not clear and sharpimpaired vision

impaired vision /"m|!pe#d $v"+(#)n/ noun eye-sight which is not fully clearimpairment

impairment /"m|$pe#m#nt/ noun a condition inwhich a sense or function is harmed so that it doesnot work properly ! His hearing impairmentdoes not affect his work. ! The impairment wasprogressive, but she did not notice that her eye-sight was getting worse.impalpable

impalpable /"m|$p'lp#b(#)l/ adjective not ableto be felt when touchedimpediment

impediment /"m|$ped"m#nt/ noun an obstruc-tionimperforate

imperforate /"m|$p-%f(#)r#t/ adjective withoutan openingimperforate anus

imperforate anus /"m|!p-%f(#)r#t $e"n#s/noun same as proctatresiaimperforate hymen

imperforate hymen /"m|!p-%f(#)r#t $ha"men/noun a membrane in the vagina which is missingthe opening for the menstrual flowimpermeable

impermeable /"m|$p-%mi#b(#)l/ adjective notallowing liquids or gases to pass throughimpetigo

impetigo /!"mp"|$ta"1#*/ noun an irritating andvery contagious skin disease caused by staphylo-cocci, which spreads rapidly and is easily passedfrom one child to another, but can be treated withantibioticsimplant

implant noun /$"mpl&%nt/ something grafted orinserted into a person, e.g. tissue, a drug, inertmaterial or a device such as a pacemaker " verb/"m|$pl&%nt/ 1. to fix into something ! The ovumimplants in the wall of the uterus. 2. to graft orinsert tissue, a drug, inert material or a device !The site was implanted with the biomaterial.implantation

implantation /!"mpl&%n|$te"/(#)n/ noun 1. theact of grafting or inserting tissue, a drug, inertmaterial or a device into a person, or the introduc-tion of one tissue into another surgically 2. a placein or on the body where an implant is positioned3. same as nidationimplant site

implant site /$"mpl&%nt sa"t/ noun a place in oron the body where the implant is positionedimplosion

implosion /"m|$pl#*+(#)n/ noun the violentinward collapse of a hollow structure. It happenswhen the pressure outside the structure is greaterthan the pressure inside it.


impotence /$"mp#t(#)ns/ noun the inability ina male to have an erection or to ejaculate, and sohave sexual intercourseimpotent

impotent /$"mp#t(#)nt/ adjective (of a man)unable to have sexual intercourseimpregnate

impregnate /$"mpre1ne"t/ verb 1. to make afemale pregnant 2. to soak a cloth with a liquid !a cloth impregnated with antisepticimpregnation

impregnation /!"mpre1|$ne"/(#)n/ noun theaction of impregnatingimpression

impression /"m|$pre/(#)n/ noun 1. a mould of aperson’s jaw made by a dentist before making adenture 2. a depression on an organ or structureinto which another organ or structure fitsimpulse

impulse /$"mp.ls/ noun 1. a message transmit-ted by a nerve 2. a sudden feeling of wanting toact in a specific wayin-

in- /"n/ prefix 1. in, into, towards 2. notinaccessible

inaccessible /!"n#k|$ses"b(#)l/ adjective 1.physically difficult or impossible to reach 2. verytechnical and difficult to understandinanition

inanition /!"n# |$n"/(#)n/ noun a state of exhaus-tion caused by starvationinarticulate

inarticulate /!"n&% |$t"kj*l#t/ adjective 1. with-out joints or segments, as in the bones of the skull2. unable to speak fluently or intelligibly 3. notunderstandable as speech or languagein articulo mortis

in articulo mortis /"n &%|!t"kj*l#* $m)%t"s/adverb a Latin phrase meaning ‘at the onset ofdeath’inborn

inborn /"n |$b)%n/ adjective congenital, which isin the body from birth ! A body has an inborntendency to reject transplanted organs.inbreeding

inbreeding /$"nbri%d"0/ noun a situation whereclosely related males and females, or those withvery similar genetic make-up, have childrentogether, so allowing congenital conditions to bepassed onincapacitated

incapacitated /!"nk#|$p's"te"t"d/ adjectivenot able to act or work ! He was incapacitatedfor three weeks by his accident.incarcerated

incarcerated /"n|$k&%s#re"t"d/ adjective refer-ring to a hernia which cannot be corrected byphysical manipulationinception rate

inception rate /"n|$sep/#n re"t/ noun thenumber of new cases of a disease during a periodof time, per thousand of populationincest

incest /$"nsest/ noun an act of sexual inter-course or other sexual activity with so close a rel-ative, that it is illegal or culturally not allowedincidence

incidence /$"ns"d(#)ns/ noun the number oftimes something happens in a specific populationover a period of time ! the incidence of drug-related deaths ! Men have a higher incidence ofstrokes than women.incidence rate

incidence rate /$"ns"d(#)ns re"t/ noun thenumber of new cases of a disease during a givenperiod, per thousand of population

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incipient 146incipient

incipient /"n|$s"pi#nt/ adjective just beginningor in its early stages ! He has an incipient appen-dicitis. ! The tests detected incipient diabetesmellitus.incision

incision /"n |$s"+(#)n/ noun a cut in a person’sbody made by a surgeon using a scalpel, or anycut made with a sharp knife or razor ! The firstincision is made two millimetres below the secondrib. Compare excisionincisional

incisional /"n|$s"+(#)n(#)l/ adjective referring toan incisionincisional hernia

incisional hernia /"n|!s"+(#)n(#)l $h-%ni#/noun a hernia which breaks through the abdomi-nal wall at a place where a surgical incision wasmade during an operationincisor

incisor /"n |$sa"z#/, incisor tooth /"n|$sa"z#tu%,/ noun one of the front teeth, of which thereare four each in the upper and lower jaws, whichare used to cut off pieces of food. See illustrationat TEETH in Supplementinclusion

inclusion /"n|$klu%+(#)n/ noun somethingenclosed inside something elseinclusion bodies

inclusion bodies /"n|$klu%+(#)n !b(diz/ pluralnoun very small particles found in cells infectedby a virusinclusive

inclusive /"n|$klu%s"v/ adjective (of health serv-ices) provided whether or not someone has a dis-ability or special needsincompatibility

incompatibility /!"nk#mp't"|$b"l"ti/ noun thefact of being incompatible ! the incompatibilityof the donor’s blood with that of the patientincompatible

incompatible /!"nk#m|$p't"b(#)l/ adjective 1.referring to something which does not go togetherwith something else 2. referring to drugs whichmust not be used together because they undergochemical change and the therapeutic effect is lostor changed to something undesirable 3. referringto tissue which is genetically different from othertissue, making it impossible to transplant into thattissueincompatible blood

incompatible blood /!"nk#mp't#b(#)l$bl.d/ noun blood from a donor that does notmatch the blood of the person receiving the trans-fusionincompetence

incompetence /$"nk(mp"t(#)ns/ noun the ina-bility to do a particular act, especially a lack ofknowledge or skill which makes a person unableto do particular jobincompetent cervix

incompetent cervix /"n|!k(mp"t(#)nt$s-%v"ks/ noun a dysfunctional cervix of theuterus which is often the cause of spontaneousabortions and premature births and can be reme-died by purse-string stitchingincomplete abortion

incomplete abortion /!"nk#mpli%t #|

$b)%/(#)n/ noun an abortion where part of thecontents of the uterus is not expelledincontinence

incontinence /"n |$k(nt"n#ns/ noun the inabil-ity to control the discharge of urine or faeces(NOTE: Single incontinence is the inability to con-

trol the bladder. Double incontinence is the ina-bility to control both the bladder and the bowels.)incontinence padincontinence pad /"n|$k(nt"n#ns p'd/ noun apad of material to absorb urineincontinent

incontinent /"n |$k(nt"n#nt/ adjective unable tocontrol the discharge of urine or faecesincoordination

incoordination /!"nk#*)%d" |$ne"/(#)n/ noun asituation in which the muscles in various parts ofthe body do not act together, making it impossibleto carry out some actionsincubationincubation /!"0kj*|$be"/(#)n/ noun 1. thedevelopment of an infection inside the bodybefore the symptoms of the disease appear 2. thekeeping of an ill or premature baby in a controlledenvironment in an incubator 3. the process of cul-turing cells or microorganisms under controlledconditionsincubation period

incubation period /!"0kj*|$be"/(#)n !p"#ri#d/noun the time during which a virus or bacteriumdevelops in the body after contamination or infec-tion, before the appearance of the symptoms ofthe disease. Also called stadium invasioniincubatorincubator /$"0kj*be"t#/ noun 1. an apparatusfor growing bacterial cultures 2. an enclosed con-tainer in which a premature baby can be kept,within which conditions such as temperature andoxygen levels can be controlledincurable

incurable /"n|$kj*#r#b(#)l/ adjective who orwhich cannot be cured ! He is suffering from anincurable disease of the blood. " noun a patientwho will never be cured ! She has been admittedto a hospital for incurables.incus

incus /$"0k#s/ noun one of the three ossicles inthe middle ear, shaped like an anvil. See illustra-tion at EAR in Supplementindependent

independent /!"nd"|$pend#nt/ adjective notcontrolled by someone or something elseindependent nursing functionindependent nursing function/!"nd"pend#nt $n-%s"0 !f.0k/#n/ noun any partof the nurse’s job for which the nurse takes fullresponsibilityInderal

Inderal /$"nd#r'l/ a trade name for propranololindex fingerindex finger /$"ndeks !f"01#/ noun the first fin-ger next to the thumbindication

indication /!"nd" |$ke"/(#)n/ noun a situation orsign which suggests that a specific treatmentshould be given or that a condition has a particularcause ! Sulpha drugs have been replaced by anti-biotics in many indications. ! contraindicationindicator

indicator /$"nd"ke"t#/ noun 1. a substancewhich shows something, e.g. a substance secretedin body fluids which shows which blood group aperson belongs to 2. something that serves as awarning or guideindigenousindigenous /"n |$d"d+"n#s/ adjective 1. naturalor inborn 2. native to or representative of a coun-try or regionindigestionindigestion /!"nd" |$d+est/#n/ noun a distur-bance of the normal process of digestion, where

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147 inferior aspect

the person experiences pain or discomfort in thestomach ! He is taking tablets to relieve his indi-gestion or He is taking indigestion tablets. ! dys-pepsiaindigo carmine

indigo carmine /!"nd"1#* $k&%ma"n/ noun ablue dye which is injected into a person to testhow well their kidneys are workingindirect contact

indirect contact /!"nda"rekt $k(nt'kt/ nounthe fact of catching a disease by inhaling germs orby being in contact with a vectorindividualise

individualise /!"nd" |$v"d+u#|!la"z/, individual-ize verb to provide something that matches theneeds of a specific person or situation ! individ-ualised careindividualised nursing care

individualised nursing care/!"nd"v"dju#la"zd $n-%s"0 !ke#/ noun care whichis designed to provide exactly what one particularpatient needs ! The home’s staff are speciallytrained to provide individualised nursing care.Indocid

Indocid /$"nd#s"d/ a trade name for indometh-acinindolent

indolent /$"nd#l#nt/ adjective 1. causing littlepain 2. referring to an ulcer which developsslowly and does not healindomethacin

indomethacin /!"nd#*|$me,#s"n/ noun a drugthat reduces pain, fever and inflammation, espe-cially that caused by arthritisindrawn

indrawn /"n |$dr)%n/ adjective pulled insideinduce

induce /"n |$dju%s/ verb to make something hap-peninduced abortion

induced abortion /"n |!dju%st # |$b)%/(#)n/ nounan abortion which is deliberately caused by drugsor by surgeryinduction

induction /"n|$d.k/#n/ noun 1. the process ofstarting or speeding up the birth of a baby 2. thestimulation of an enzyme’s production when thesubstance on which it acts increases in concentra-tion 3. a process by which one part of an embryoinfluences another part’s development 4. infor-mation and support given to new employees in anorganisationinduction of labour

induction of labour /"n |!d.k/#n #v $le"b#/noun the action of starting childbirth artificiallyinduration

induration /!"ndj*#|$re"/(#)n/ noun the harden-ing of tissue or of an artery because of pathologi-cal changeindustrial disease

industrial disease /"n|$d.stri#l d"|!zi%z/ nouna disease which is caused by the type of workdone by a worker or by the conditions in which heor she works, e.g. by dust produced or chemicalsused in the factoryinebriation

inebriation /" |!ni%br"|$e"/(#)n/ noun a statewhere a person is drunk, especially habituallydrunkinertia

inertia /"|$n-%/#/ noun a lack of activity in thebody or mindin extremis

in extremis /"n "ks |$tri%m"s/ adverb at themoment of death


infant /$"nf#nt/ noun a child under two years ofageinfanticide

infanticide /"n|$f'nt"sa"d/ noun 1. the act ofkilling an infant 2. a person who kills an infantinfantile

infantile /$"nf#nta"l/ adjective referring to smallchildreninfantile convulsions

infantile convulsions /!"nf#nta"l k#n|

$v.l/#nz/, infantile spasms plural noun convul-sions or minor epileptic fits in small childreninfantile paralysis

infantile paralysis /!"nf#nta"l p# |$r'l#s"s/noun a former name for poliomyelitisinfantilism

infantilism /"n|$f'nt"l"z(#)m/ noun a conditionin which a person keeps some characteristics ofan infant when he or she becomes an adultinfant mortality rate

infant mortality rate /!"nf#nt m)%|$t'l"ti!re"t/ noun the number of infants who die perthousand birthsinfarct

infarct /$"nf&%kt/ noun an area of tissue which iskilled when the blood supply is cut off by theblockage of an arteryinfarction

infarction /"n |$f&%k/(#)n/ noun a condition inwhich tissue is killed by the cutting off of theblood supplyinfect

infect /"n |$fekt/ verb to contaminate someone orsomething with microorganisms that cause dis-ease or toxins ! The disease infected her liver. !The whole arm soon became infected.infected wound

infected wound /"n |!fekt"d $wu%nd/ noun awound into which bacteria have enteredinfection

infection /"n|$fek/#n/ noun 1. the entry or intro-duction into the body of microorganisms, whichthen multiply ! As a carrier he was spreadinginfection to other people in the office. 2. an illnesswhich is caused by the entry of microbes into thebody ! She is susceptible to minor infections.infectious

infectious /"n|$fek/#s/ adjective referring to adisease which is caused by microorganisms andcan be transmitted to other persons by directmeans ! This strain of flu is highly infectious. !Her measles is at the infectious stage.infectious disease

infectious disease /"n|!fek/#s d" |$zi%z/ noun adisease caused by microorganisms such as bacte-ria, viruses or fungi. ! communicable disease,contagious diseaseinfectious mononucleosis

infectious mononucleosis /"n|!fek/#s!m(n#*|!nju%kli |$#*s"s/ noun an infectious dis-ease where the body has an excessive number ofwhite blood cells. Also called glandular feverinfectious parotitis

infectious parotitis /"n|!fek/#s !p'r#|$ta"t"s/noun same as mumpsinfective

infective /"n|$fekt"v/ adjective referring to a dis-ease caused by a microorganism, which can becaught from another person but which may notalways be directly transmittedinferior

inferior /"n|$f"#ri#/ adjective referring to a lowerpart of the body. Opposite superiorinferior aspect

inferior aspect /"n |!f"#ri#r $'spekt/ noun aview of the body from below

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inferiority 148inferiority

inferiority /"n |!f"#ri |$(r"ti/ noun the fact of beinglower in value or quality, substandardinferiority complex

inferiority complex /"n|!f"#ri|$(r"ti!k(mpleks/ noun a mental disorder arising froma combination of wanting to be noticed and fear ofhumiliation. The resulting behaviour may eitherbe aggression or withdrawal from the externalworld.inferior mesenteric artery

inferior mesenteric artery /"n|!f"#ri# mesen|

!ter"k $&%t#ri/ noun one of the arteries which sup-ply the transverse colon and rectuminferior vena cava

inferior vena cava /"n|!f"#ri# !vi%n# $k&%v#/noun the main vein carrying blood from the lowerpart of the body to the heart. See illustration atHEART in Supplement, KIDNEY in Supplementinfertility

infertility /!"nf#|$t"l"ti/ noun the fact of not beingfertile, not able to reproduceinfestation

infestation /!"nfe |$ste"/(#)n/ noun the fact ofhaving large numbers of parasites, or an invasionof the body by parasites ! The condition iscaused by infestation of the hair with lice.infiltrate

infiltrate /$"nf"ltre"t/ verb (of liquid or waste) topass from one part of the body to another througha wall or membrane and be deposited in the otherpart " noun a substance which has infiltrated apart of the bodyinfiltration

infiltration /!"nf"l|$tre"/(#)n/ noun 1. the proc-ess where a liquid passes through the walls of onepart of the body into another part 2. a condition inwhich waste is brought to and deposited aroundcellsinfirm

infirm /"n|$f-%m/ adjective old and weakinfirmary

infirmary /"n |$f-%m#ri/ noun 1. a room in aschool or workplace where people can go if theyare ill 2. a former name for a hospital (NOTE:Infirmary is still used in the names of some hos-pitals: the Glasgow Royal Infirmary.)infirmity

infirmity /"n |$f-%m"ti/ noun a lack of strengthand energy because of illness or age (formal)inflamed

inflamed /"n |$fle"md/ adjective sore, red andswollen ! The skin has become inflamed aroundthe sore.inflammation

inflammation /!"nfl# |$me"/(#)n/ noun the factof having become sore, red and swollen as a reac-tion to an infection, an irritation or a blow ! Shehas an inflammation of the bladder or a bladderinflammation. ! The body’s reaction to infectiontook the form of an inflammation of the eyelid.inflammatory

inflammatory /"n|$fl'm#t(#)ri/ adjective caus-ing an organ or a tissue to become sore, red andswolleninflammatory bowel disease

inflammatory bowel disease /"n|

!fl'm#t(#)ri $ba*#l d"|!zi%z/ noun any condition,e.g. Crohn’s disease, colitis or ileitis, in which thebowel becomes inflamedinflammatory response

inflammatory response /"n |!fl'm#t(#)ri r"|

$sp(ns/, inflammatory reaction /"n|

!fl'm#t(#)ri r" |$'k/#n/ noun any conditionwhere an organ or a tissue reacts to an external

stimulus by becoming inflamed ! She showed aninflammatory response to the ointment.influenza

influenza /!"nflu |$enz#/ noun an infectious dis-ease of the upper respiratory tract with fever andmuscular aches, which is transmitted by a virusand can occur in epidemics. Also called fluinformed

informed /"n|$f)%md/ adjective having the latestinformationinformed consent

informed consent /"n |!f)%md k#n|$sent/ nounan agreement to allow a procedure to be carriedout, given by a patient, or the guardian of apatient, who has been provided with all the neces-sary informationinfra-

infra- /$"nfr#/ prefix belowinfrared

infrared /!"nfr#|$red/ adjective relating to infra-red radiation " noun invisible electromagneticradiation between light and radio wavesinfrared rays

infrared rays /!"nfr#red $re"z/ plural noun longinvisible rays, below the visible red end of the col-our spectrum, used to produce heat in body tis-sues in the treatment of traumatic and inflamma-tory conditions. ! light therapyinfundibulum

infundibulum /!"nf.n|$d"bj*l#m/ noun anypart of the body shaped like a funnel, especiallythe stem which attaches the pituitary gland to thehypothalamusinfusion

infusion /"n |$fju%+(#)n/ noun 1. a drink made bypouring boiling water on a dry substance such asherb tea or a powdered drug 2. the process ofputting of liquid into someone’s body, using adripingesta

ingesta /"n|$d+est#/ plural noun food or liquidthat enters the body via the mouthingestion

ingestion /"n|$d+est/#n/ noun the act of takingin food, drink or medicine by the mouthingrowing toenail

ingrowing toenail /!"n1r#*"0 $t#*ne"l/,ingrowing nail /!"n1r#*"0 $ne"l/, ingrown toe-nail /!"n1r#*n $t#*ne"l/ noun a toenail which isgrowing into the skin at the side of the nail, caus-ing pain and swelling. The toenail cuts into thetissue on either side of it, creating inflammationand sometimes sepsis and ulceration.inguinal

inguinal /$"01w"n(#)l/ adjective referring to thegroininguinal canal

inguinal canal /!"01w"n(#)l k# |$n'l/ noun apassage in the lower abdominal wall, carrying thespermatic cord in the male and the round ligamentof the uterus in the femaleinguinal hernia

inguinal hernia /!"01w"n(#)l $h-%ni#/ noun ahernia where the intestine bulges through themuscles in the groininguinal ligament

inguinal ligament /!"01w"n(#)l $l"1#m#nt/noun a ligament in the groin, running from thespine to the pubis. Also called Poupart’s liga-mentinguinal region

inguinal region /!"01w"n(#)l $ri%d+#n/ nounthe part of the body where the lower abdomenjoins the top of the thigh. ! groin

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149 inpatientinhalation

inhalation /!"nh# |$le"/(#)n/ noun 1. the act ofbreathing in. Opposite exhalation 2. the action ofbreathing in a medicinal substance as part of atreatment 3. a medicinal substance which isbreathed ininhale

inhale /"n|$he"l/ verb 1. to breathe in, or breathesomething in ! She inhaled some toxic gas fumesand was rushed to hospital. 2. to breathe in amedicinal substance as part of a treatment. Oppo-site exhaleinhaler

inhaler /"n |$he"l#/ noun a small device foradministering medicinal substances into themouth or nose so that they can be breathed ininherent

inherent /"n|$h"#r#nt/ adjective referring to athing which is part of the essential character of aperson or a permanent characteristic of an organ-isminherit

inherit /"n |$her"t/ verb to receive geneticallycontrolled characteristics from a parent ! Sheinherited her father’s red hair. ! Haemophilia isa condition which is inherited through themother’s genes.inheritance

inheritance /"n |$her"t(#)ns/ noun 1. the processby which genetically controlled characteristicspass from parents to offspring ! the inheritanceof chronic inflammatory bowel disease 2. all ofthe qualities and characteristics which are passeddown from parents ! an unfortunate part of ourgenetic inheritanceinherited

inherited /"n |$her"t"d/ adjective passed on froma parent through the genes ! an inherited disor-der of the lungsinhibit

inhibit /"n |$h"b"t/ verb to prevent an action hap-pening, or stop a functional process ! Aspirininhibits the clotting of blood.inhibition

inhibition /!"nh"|$b"/(#)n/ noun 1. the action ofblocking or preventing something happening,especially of preventing a muscle or organ fromfunctioning properly 2. (in psychology) the sup-pression of a thought which is associated with asense of guilt 3. (in psychology) the blocking of aspontaneous action by some mental influenceinhibitor

inhibitor /"n|$h"b"t#/ noun a substance whichinhibitsinject

inject /"n|$d+ekt/ verb to put a liquid into some-one’s body under pressure, by using a hollow nee-dle inserted into the tissues ! He was injectedwith morphine. ! She injected herself with adrug.injected

injected /"n |$d+ekt"d/ adjective 1. referring to aliquid or substance introduced into the body 2.referring to surface blood vessels which are swol-leninjection

injection /"n|$d+ek/#n/ noun 1. the act of inject-ing a liquid into the body ! He had a penicillininjection. 2. a liquid introduced into the bodyinjury

injury /$"nd+#ri/ noun damage or a woundcaused to a person’s body ! His injuries required

hospital treatment. ! He received severe facialinjuries in the accident.injury scoring system

injury scoring system /!"nd+#ri $sk)%r"0!s"st#m/ noun any system used for deciding howsevere an injury is ! a standard lung injury scor-ing system Abbreviation ISSinlay

inlay /$"nle"/ noun (in dentistry) a type of fillingfor teethinlet

inlet /$"nlet/ noun a passage or opening throughwhich a cavity can be enteredinnate

innate /"|$ne"t/ adjective inherited, which ispresent in a body from birthinner pleura

inner pleura /!"n# $pl*#r#/ noun same as vis-ceral pleurainnervation

innervation /!"n-%|$ve"/(#)n/ noun the nervesupply to an organ, including both motor nervesand sensory nervesinnocent

innocent /$"n#s(#)nt/ adjective referring to agrowth which is benign, not malignantinnominate

innominate /"|$n(m"n#t/ adjective with nonameinnominate artery

innominate artery /"|!n(m"n#t $&%t#ri/ nounthe largest branch of the arch of the aorta, whichcontinues as the right common carotid and rightsubclavian arteriesinnominate bone

innominate bone /"|!n(m"n#t $b#*n/ nounsame as hip boneinnominate vein

innominate vein /"|!n(m"n#t $ve"n/ nounsame as brachiocephalic veininoculate

inoculate /" |$n(kj*le"t/ verb to introduce vac-cine into a person’s body in order to make thebody create its own antibodies, so making the per-son immune to the disease ! The baby was inoc-ulated against diphtheria. (NOTE: You inoculatesomeone with or against a disease.)inoculation

inoculation /" |!n(kj*|$le"/(#)n/ noun the actionof inoculating someone ! Has the baby had adiphtheria inoculation?inoculum

inoculum /"|$n(kj*l#m/ noun a substance usedfor inoculation, e.g. a vaccine (NOTE: The pluralis inocula.)inoperable

inoperable /"n|$(p#r(#)b(#)l/ adjective refer-ring to a condition which cannot be operated on !The surgeon decided that the cancer was inoper-able.inorganic

inorganic /!"n)%|$1'n"k/ adjective referring to asubstance which is not made from animal or veg-etable sourcesinorganic acid

inorganic acid /!"n)%1'n"k $'s"d/ noun anacid which comes from minerals, used in diluteform to help indigestioninotropic

inotropic /!"n#*|$tr(p"k/ adjective affecting theway muscles contract, especially those of theheartinpatient

inpatient /$"n |!pe"/(#)nt/ noun someone whostays overnight or for some time in a hospital fortreatment or observation. Compare outpatient

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inquest 150inquest

inquest /$"0kwest/ noun an inquiry by a coro-ner into the cause of a deathinsanitary

insanitary /"n|$s'n"t(#)ri/ adjective not hygi-enic ! Cholera spread rapidly because of theinsanitary conditions in the town.insanity

insanity /"n|$s'n"ti/ noun a psychotic mentaldisorder or illnessinsect

insect /$"nsekt/ noun a small animal with sixlegs and a body in three partsinsect bite

insect bite /$"nsekt ba"t/ noun a sting causedby an insect which punctures the skin to suckblood, and in so doing introduces irritants

COMMENT: Most insect bites are simply irri-tating. Others can be more serious, as in-sects can carry the organisms which pro-duce typhus, sleeping sickness, malaria,filariasis and many other diseases.


insecticide /"n|$sekt"sa"d/ noun a substancewhich kills insectsinsemination

insemination /"n|!sem" |$ne"/(#)n/ noun the fer-tilisation of an ovum by a sperminsensible

insensible /"n|$sens"b(#)l/ adjective 1. lackingfeeling or consciousness 2. not aware of orresponding to a stimulus 3. too slight to be per-ceived by the sensesinsertioninsertion /"n|$s-%/(#)n/ noun the point of attach-ment of a muscle to a boneinsidious

insidious /"n|$s"di#s/ adjective causing harmwithout showing any obvious signsinsidious disease

insidious disease /"n |!s"di#s d"|$zi%z/ noun adisease which causes damage before beingdetectedinsight

insight /$"nsa"t/ noun the ability of a person torealise that he or she is ill or has particular prob-lems or characteristicsin situ

in situ /!"n $s"tju%/ adverb in placeinsoluble

insoluble /"n |$s(lj*b(#)l/ adjective not able tobe dissolved in liquidinsoluble fibreinsoluble fibre /"n|!s(lj*b(#)l $fa"b#/ noun thefibre in bread and cereals, which is not digestedbut which swells inside the intestineinsomnia

insomnia /"n |$s(mni#/ noun the inability tosleep ! She experiences insomnia. ! What doesthe doctor give you for your insomnia? Alsocalled sleeplessnessinsomniacinsomniac /"n |$s(mni'k/ noun a person whohas insomniainspirationinspiration /!"nsp"|$re"/(#)n/ noun the act oftaking air into the lungs. Opposite expirationinstepinstep /$"nstep/ noun an arched top part of thefootinstillationinstillation /!"nst"|$le"/(#)n/ noun 1. the processof putting a liquid in drop by drop 2. a liquid putin drop by dropinstinct

instinct /$"nst"0kt/ noun a tendency or abilitywhich the body has from birth and does not needto learn ! The body has a natural instinct to pro-tect itself from danger.


institution /!"nst" |$tju%/(#)n/ noun a placewhere people are cared for, e.g. a hospital orclinic, especially a psychiatric hospital or chil-dren’s homeinstitutionalisation

institutionalisation /!"nst" |!tju%/(#)n#la" |

$ze"/(#)n/, institutionalization, institutionalneurosis /!"nst"tju%/#n(#)l nj* |$r#*s"s/ noun acondition in which someone has become soadapted to life in an institution that it is impossi-ble for him or her to live outside itinstrument

instrument /$"nstr*m#nt/ noun a piece ofequipment or a tool ! The doctor had a box ofsurgical instruments.instrumental delivery

instrumental delivery /!"nstr*ment(#)l d"|

$l"v(#)ri/ noun childbirth where the doctor usesforceps to help the baby out of the mother’s uterusinsufficiency

insufficiency /!"ns#|$f"/(#)nsi/ noun the fact ofnot being strong or large enough to perform usualfunctions ! The patient is suffering from a renalinsufficiency.insufflation

insufflation /!"ns# |$fle"/(#)n/ noun the act ofblowing gas, vapour or powder into the lungs oranother body cavity as a treatmentinsulin

insulin /$"nsj*l"n/ noun a hormone produced bythe islets of Langerhans in the pancreasinsulinase

insulinase /$"nsj*l"ne"z/ noun an enzymewhich breaks down insulininsulin dependence

insulin dependence /!"nsj*l"n d" |$pend#ns/noun the fact of being dependent on insulin injec-tionsinsulin-dependent diabetes

insulin-dependent diabetes /!"nsj*l"n d"|

!pend#nt !da"# |$bi%tiz/ noun same as Type I dia-betes mellitusinsulinoma

insulinoma /!"nsj*l"|$n#*m#/ noun a tumour inthe islets of Langerhansinsulin-resistant

insulin-resistant /!"nsj*l"n r"|$z"st(#)nt/adjective referring to a condition in which themuscle and other tissue cells respond inade-quately to insulin, as in Type II diabetesinsuloma

insuloma /!"nsj*|$l#*m#/ noun same as insuli-nomainsult

insult /$"ns.lt/ noun 1. a physical injury ortrauma 2. something that causes a physical injuryor traumaIntal

Intal /$"nt'l/ a trade name for a preparation ofcromolyn sodiumintegrated service

integrated service /!"nt"1re"t"d $s-%v"s/noun a broad care service provided by health andsocial agencies acting togetherintegrative medicine

integrative medicine /!"nt"1re"t"v$med(#)s(#)n/ noun the combination of main-stream therapies and those complementary oralternative therapies for which there is scientificevidence of efficacy and safetyintegument

integument /"n|$te1j*m#nt/ noun a coveringlayer, e.g. the skinintellect

intellect /$"nt"lekt/ noun a person’s ability tothink, reason and understand

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151 internal carotidintelligence

intelligence /"n |$tel"d+#ns/ noun the ability tolearn and understand quicklyintelligence quotient

intelligence quotient /"n|$tel"d+#ns!kw#*/(#)nt/ noun the ratio of the mental age, asgiven by an intelligence test, to the chronologicalage of the person. Abbreviation IQintensity

intensity /"n |$tens"ti/ noun the strength of e.g.painintensive care

intensive care /"n |!tens"v $ke#/ noun 1. thecontinual supervision and treatment of anextremely ill person in a special section of a hos-pital ! The patient was put in intensive care. !residential care 2. same as intensive care unitintensive care unit

intensive care unit /"n|!tens"v $ke# !ju%n"t/noun a section of a hospital equipped with life-saving and life-support equipment in which seri-ously ill people who need constant medical atten-tion are cared for. Abbreviation ICUintention

intention /"n|$ten/#n/ noun 1. the healing proc-ess 2. a plan to do somethingintention tremor

intention tremor /"n|$ten/#n !trem#/ noun atrembling of the hands seen when people suffer-ing from particular brain diseases make voluntarymovements to try to touch somethinginter-

inter- /"nt#/ prefix betweeninteraction

interaction /!"nt#r |$'k/#n/ noun an effectwhich two or more substances such as drugs haveon each otherinteratrial septum

interatrial septum /!"nt#r|$e"tri#l !sept#m/noun a membrane between the right and left atriain the heartintercalated

intercalated /"n|$t-%k#le"t"d/ adjective insertedbetween other tissuesintercalated disc

intercalated disc /"n |!t-%k#le"t"d $d"sk/ nounclosely applied cell membranes at the end of adja-cent cells in cardiac muscle, seen as transverselinesintercellular

intercellular /!"nt#|$selj*l#/ adjective betweenthe cells in tissueintercostal

intercostal /!"nt#|$k(st(#)l/ adjective betweenthe ribs " noun same as intercostal muscleintercostal muscle

intercostal muscle /"nt#|!k(st(#)l $m.s(#)l/noun one of the muscles between the ribs

COMMENT: The intercostal muscles expandand contract the thorax, so changing thepressure in the thorax and making the per-son breathe in or out. There are three layersof intercostal muscle: external, internal andinnermost or intercostalis intimis.

intercurrent disease

intercurrent disease /!"nt#k.r#nt d" |$zi%z/,intercurrent infection /!"nt#k.r#nt "n |$fek/#n/noun a disease or infection which affects some-one who has another diseaseinterdigital

interdigital /!"nt# |$d"d+"t(#)l/ adjective refer-ring to the space between the fingers or toesinterdisciplinary

interdisciplinary /!"nt#|!d"s"|$pl"n#ri/ adjec-tive combining two or more different areas ofmedical or scientific study


interferon /!"nt# |$f"#r(n/ noun a protein pro-duced by cells, usually in response to a virus, andwhich then reduces the spread of virusesinterior

interior /"n|$t"#ri#/ noun a part which is inside "adjective insideinterleukin

interleukin /!"nt# |$lu%k"n/ noun a protein pro-duced by the body’s immune systeminterleukin-1

interleukin-1 /!"nt#lu%k"n $w.n/ noun a pro-tein which causes high temperature. AbbreviationIL-1interleukin-2

interleukin-2 /!"nt#lu%k"n $tu%/ noun a proteinwhich stimulates T-cell production, used in thetreatment of cancer. Abbreviation IL-2interlobar

interlobar /!"nt#|$l#*b#/ adjective betweenlobesinterlobar artery

interlobar artery /!"nt#l#*b#r $&%t#ri/ nounan artery running towards the cortex on each sideof a renal pyramidinterlobular

interlobular /"nt# |$l(bj*l#/ adjective betweenlobulesinterlobular artery

interlobular artery /"nt#|$l(bj*l# !&%t#ri/noun one of the arteries running to the glomeruliof the kidneysintermediate care

intermediate care /!"nt#mi%di#t $ke#/ nouncare following surgery or illness that can be deliv-ered in special units attached to a hospital or in theperson’s home by a special multidisciplinary teamintermittent

intermittent /!"nt# |$m"t(#)nt/ adjective occur-ring at intervalsintermittent claudication

intermittent claudication /!"nt#m"t(#)nt!kl)%d"|$ke"/(#)n/ noun a condition of the arteriescausing severe pain in the legs which makes theperson limp after having walked a short distance(NOTE: The symptoms increase with walking,stop after a short rest and recur when the personwalks again.)intermittent fever

intermittent fever /!"nt#m"t(#)nt $fi%v#/ nounfever which rises and falls regularly, as in malariaintermittent self-catheterisation

intermittent self-catheterisation/!"nt#m"t(#)nt self !k',"t#ra" |$ze"/(#)n/ noun aprocedure in which someone puts a catheterthrough the urethra into their own bladder fromtime to time to empty out the urine. AbbreviationISCinternal

internal /"n |$t-%n(#)l/ adjective inside the bodyor a body partinternal auditory meatus

internal auditory meatus /"n |!t-%n(#)l!)%d"t(#)ri mi |$e"t#s/ noun a channel which takesthe auditory nerve through the temporal boneinternal cardiac massage

internal cardiac massage /"n |!t-%n(#)l!k&%di'k $m's&%+/ noun a method of making theheart start beating again by pressing on the heartitselfinternal carotid

internal carotid /"n|!t-%n(#)l k'|$r(t"d/ nounan artery in the neck, behind the external carotid,which gives off the ophthalmic artery and ends bydividing into the anterior and middle cerebralarteries

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internal derangement of the knee 152internal derangement of the knee

internal derangement of the knee /"n|

!t-%n(#)l d" |$re"n+m#nt #v 2# $ni%/ noun a condi-tion in which the knee cannot function properlybecause of a torn meniscus. Abbreviation IDKinternal ear

internal ear /"n|!t-%n(#)l $"#/ noun the part ofthe ear inside the head, behind the eardrum, con-taining the semicircular canals, the vestibule andthe cochleainternal haemorrhage

internal haemorrhage /"n|!t-%n(#)l$hem(#)r"d+/ noun a haemorrhage which takesplace inside the bodyinternal haemorrhoids

internal haemorrhoids /"n|!t-%n(#)l$hem#r)"dz/ plural noun swollen veins inside theanusinternal iliac artery

internal iliac artery /"n|!t-%n(#)l $"li'k!&%t#ri/ noun an artery which branches from theaorta in the abdomen and leads to the pelvisinternal injury

internal injury /"n |!t-%n(#)l $"nd+#ri/ noundamage to one of the internal organsinternal jugular

internal jugular /"n|!t-%n(#)l $d+.1j*l#/ nounthe largest jugular vein in the neck, leading to thebrachiocephalic veinsinternal nares

internal nares /"n |!t-%n(#)l $ne#ri%z/ pluralnoun the two openings shaped like funnels lead-ing from the nasal cavity to the pharynx. Alsocalled posterior naresinternal oblique

internal oblique /"n |!t-%n(#)l # |$bli%k/ noun themiddle layer of muscle covering the abdomen,beneath the external obliqueinternal respiration

internal respiration /"n|!t-%n(#)l !resp"|

$re"/(#)n/ noun the part of respiration concernedwith the passage of oxygen from the blood to thetissues, and the passage of carbon dioxide fromthe tissues to the bloodInternational Committee of the Red Cross

International Committee of the RedCross /"nt# |!n'/(#)n(#)l k# |!m"ti #v 2# !red$kr(s/ noun an international organisation whichprovides mainly emergency medical help, butalso relief to victims of earthquakes, floods andother disasters, or to prisoners of war. Abbrevia-tion ICRCInternational Council of Nurses

International Council of Nurses/!"nt#n'/(#)n(#)l !ka*ns#l #v $n-%s"z/ noun anorganisation founded in 1899 which now repre-sents nurses in more than 120 countries. Its aimsare to bring nurses together, to advance nursingworldwide and to influence health policies.Abbreviation ICNinternational unit

international unit /!"nt#n'/(#)n#l $ju%n"t/noun an internationally agreed standard used inpharmacy as a measure of a substance such as adrug or hormone. Abbreviation IUinternodal

internodal /!"nt# |$n#*d(#)l/ adjective betweentwo nodesinterosseous

interosseous /!"nt#r |$(si#s/ adjective betweenbonesinterparietal

interparietal /!"nt#p# |$ra"#t(#)l/ adjectivebetween parietal parts, especially between the

parietal bones " noun same as interparietalboneinterparietal bone

interparietal bone /!"nt#p#|$ra"#t(#)l !b#*n/noun a triangular bone in the back of the skull,rarely present in humansinterphalangeal joint

interphalangeal joint /!"nt#f# |$l'nd+i#l!d+)"nt/ noun a joint between the phalanges.Also called IP jointinterphase

interphase /$"nt#fe"z/ noun a stage of a cellbetween divisionsinterpubic joint

interpubic joint /!"nt#pju%b"k $d+)"nt/ noun apiece of cartilage which joins the two sections ofthe pubic bone. Also called pubic symphysisintersex

intersex /$"nt#seks/ noun an organism that hasboth male and female characteristicsintersexuality

intersexuality /!"nt#sek/u|$'l"ti/ noun a con-dition in which a baby has both male and femalecharacteristics, as in Klinefelter’s syndrome andTurner’s syndromeinterstice

interstice /"n|$t-%st"s/ noun a small spacebetween body parts or within a tissueinterstitial

interstitial /!"nt# |$st"/(#)l/ adjective referring totissue located in the spaces between parts ofsomething, especially between the active tissuesin an organinterstitial cell

interstitial cell /!"nt#|$st"/(#)l !sel/ noun a tes-tosterone-producing cell between the tubules inthe testes. Also called Leydig cellinterstitial cell stimulating hormone

interstitial cell stimulating hormone/!"nt#|!st"/(#)l sel $st"mj*le"t"0 !h)%m#*n/noun a hormone produced by the pituitary glandwhich stimulates the formation of corpus luteumin females and testosterone in males. Abbrevia-tion ICSH. Also called luteinising hormoneinterstitial cystitis

interstitial cystitis /!"nt#st"/(#)l s" |$sta"t"s/noun a persistent nonbacterial condition in whichsomeone has bladder pain and wants to pass urinefrequently. It is often associated with Hunner’sulcer.intertrigo

intertrigo /!"nt# |$tra"1#*/ noun an irritationwhich occurs when two skin surfaces rub againsteach other, as in the armpit or between the but-tocksintertubercular plane

intertubercular plane /!"nt#tj*|!b-%kj*l#$ple"n/ noun same as transtubercular planeintervention

intervention /!"nt# |$ven/#n/ noun a treatmentinterventional radiology

interventional radiology /!"nt#ven/#n(#)l!re"di|$(l#d+i/ noun the area of medicine whichuses X-rays, ultrasound and CAT to guide smallinstruments into the body for procedures such asbiopsies, draining fluids or widening narrow ves-selsinterventricular

interventricular /!"nt#ven |$tr"kj*l#/ adjectivebetween ventricles in the heart or braininterventricular foramen

interventricular foramen /!"nt#ven|!tr"kj*l#f#|$re"m#n/ noun an opening in the brain betweenthe lateral ventricle and the third ventricle,through which the cerebrospinal fluid passes

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153 intrauterine contraceptive deviceinterventricular septum

interventricular septum /!"nt#ven |!tr"kj*l#$sept#m/ noun a membrane between the rightand left ventricles in the heartintervertebral

intervertebral /!"nt#|$v-%t"br(#)l/ adjectivebetween vertebraeintervertebral disc

intervertebral disc /!"nt#|!v-%t"br#l $d"sk/noun a round plate of cartilage which separatestwo vertebrae in the spinal column. See illustra-tion at CARTILAGINOUS JOINT in Supplement.Also called vertebral discintervertebral foramen

intervertebral foramen /!"nt#|!v-%t"br#l f#|

$re"m#n/ noun a space between two vertebraeintestinal

intestinal /"n|$test"n(#)l/ adjective referring tothe intestineintestinal anastomosis

intestinal anastomosis /"n|!test"n(#)l #|

!n'st#|$m#*s"s/ noun a surgical operation to joinone part of the intestine to another, after a sectionhas been removedintestinal flora

intestinal flora /"n |!test"n(#)l $fl)%r#/ pluralnoun beneficial bacteria which are always presentin the intestineintestinal glands

intestinal glands /"n|$test"n(#)l 1l'ndz/ plu-ral noun tubular glands found in the mucousmembrane of the small and large intestine, espe-cially those between the bases of the villi in thesmall intestine. Also called Lieberkühn’sglands, crypts of Lieberkühnintestinal obstruction

intestinal obstruction /"n |!test"n(#)l #b|

$str.k/#n/ noun a blocking of the intestineintestinal villi

intestinal villi /"n|!test"n(#)l $v"la"/ plural nounprojections on the walls of the intestine whichhelp in the digestion of foodintestinal wall

intestinal wall /"n|!test"n(#)l $w)%l/ noun thelayers of tissue which form the intestineintestine

intestine /"n |$test"n/ noun the part of the diges-tive system between the stomach and the anus thatdigests and absorbs food. ! large intestine,small intestine (NOTE: For other terms referringto the intestines, see words beginning withentero-.)intima

intima /$"nt"m#/ " tunica intimaintolerance

intolerance /"n |$t(l#r#ns/ noun the fact ofbeing unable to endure something such as pain orto take a medicine without an adverse reaction !He developed an intolerance to penicillin.intoxication

intoxication /"n|!t(ks"|$ke"/(#)n/ noun a condi-tion which results from the absorption and diffu-sion in the body of a substance such as alcohol !She was driving in a state of intoxication.intra-

intra- /"ntr#/ prefix insideintra-abdominal

intra-abdominal /!"ntr# 'b|$d(m"n(#)l/ adjec-tive inside the abdomenintra-articular

intra-articular /!"ntr# &%|$t"kj*l#/ adjectiveinside a jointintracellular

intracellular /!"ntr#|$selj*l#/ adjective inside acell

intracerebral haematomaintracerebral haematoma /!"ntr# |!ser#br#l!hi%m#|$t#*m#/ noun a blood clot inside a cere-bral hemisphereintracranialintracranial /!"ntr#|$kre"ni#l/ adjective insidethe skullintracranial pressureintracranial pressure /!"ntr#kre"ni#l $pre/#/noun the pressure of the subarachnoidal fluid,which fills the space between the skull and thebrain. Abbreviation ICPintractableintractable /"n |$tr'kt#b(#)l/ adjective not ableto be controlled ! an operation to relieve intrac-table painintracutaneousintracutaneous /!"ntr#kju% |$te"ni#s/ adjectiveinside layers of skin tissueintracutaneous injectionintracutaneous injection /!"ntr#kju%|

!te"ni#s "n|$d+ek/#n/ noun an injection of a liq-uid between the layers of skin, as for a test for anallergyintradermal testintradermal test /!"ntr#|$d-%m(#)l !test/ nouna test requiring an injection into the thickness ofthe skin, e.g. a Mantoux test or an allergy testintraduralintradural /!"ntr# |$dj*#r#l/ adjective inside thedura materintramedullaryintramedullary /!"ntr#me|$d.l#ri/ adjectiveinside the bone marrow or spinal cordintramuralintramural /!"ntr#|$mj*#r#l/ adjective insidethe wall of an organintramuscularintramuscular /!"ntr# |$m.skj*l#/ adjectiveinside a muscleintramuscular injectionintramuscular injection /!"ntr#|!m.skj*l# "n|

$d+ek/#n/ noun an injection of liquid into a mus-cle, e.g. for a slow release of a drugintranasalintranasal /!"ntr# |$ne"z(#)l/ adjective inside orinto the noseintraocularintraocular /!"ntr# |$(kj*l#/ adjective inside theeyeintraocular lensintraocular lens /!"ntr# |!(kj*l# $lenz/ noun anartificial lens implanted inside the eye. Abbrevia-tion IOLintraocular pressureintraocular pressure /!"ntr#|!(kj*l# $pre/#/noun the pressure inside the eyeball (NOTE: If thepressure is too high, it causes glaucoma.)intraoperative ultrasoundintraoperative ultrasound /!"ntr#(p#r#t"v$.ltr#sa*nd/ noun high-resolution imaging usedin surgery. Abbreviation IOUSintraorbitalintraorbital /!"ntr#|$)%b"t(#)l/ adjective withinthe orbit of the eyeintraosseousintraosseous /!"ntr#|$(si#s/ adjective within aboneintrathecalintrathecal /!"ntr#|$,i%k(#)l/ adjective inside asheath, especially inside the intradural or sub-arachnoid spaceintratrachealintratracheal /!"ntr#tr#|$ki#l/ adjective withinthe trachea. Also called endotrachealintrauterineintrauterine /!"ntr#|$ju%t#ra"n/ adjective insidethe uterusintrauterine contraceptive deviceintrauterine contraceptive device /!"ntr#|

ju%t#ra"n !k(ntr#|$sept"v d"|!va"s/, intrauterine

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intravascular 154

device /!"ntr#ju%t#ra"n d"|$va"s/ noun a plasticcoil placed inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy.Abbreviation IUCD, IUDintravascular

intravascular /!"ntr#|$v'skj*l#/ adjectiveinside the blood vesselsintravenous

intravenous /!"ntr#|$vi%n#s/ adjective into avein. Abbreviation IVintravenous drip

intravenous drip /!"ntr#vi%n#s $dr"p/ noun athin tube that is inserted into a vein and is used tovery gradually give a person fluids, either forrehydration, feeding or medication purposesintravenous feeding

intravenous feeding /!"ntr#vi%n#s $fi%d"0/noun the procedure of giving someone liquidfood by means of a tube inserted into a veinintravenous injection

intravenous injection /!"ntr#vi%n#s "n|

$d+ek/#n/ noun an injection of liquid into a vein,e.g. for the fast release of a drugintravenously

intravenously /!"ntr#|$vi%n#sli/ adverb into avein ! a fluid given intravenouslyintravenous pyelogram

intravenous pyelogram /!"ntr#vi%n#s$pa"#l#1r'm/, intravenous urogram /!"ntr#|

vi%n#s $j*#r#1r'm/ noun a series of X-ray pho-tographs of the kidneys using pyelography.Abbreviation IVPintravenous pyelography

intravenous pyelography /!"ntr#|vi%n#s!pa"#|$l(1r#fi/, intravenous urography /!"ntr#|

vi%n#s j*|$r(1r#fi/ noun an X-ray examination ofthe urinary tract after opaque liquid has beeninjected intravenously into the body and taken bythe blood into the kidneysintraventricular

intraventricular /!"ntr#ven|$tr"kj*l#/ adjec-tive inside or placed into a ventricle in the heart orthe brainintrinsic

intrinsic /"n|$tr"ns"k/ adjective belonging to theessential nature of an organism, or entirely withinan organ or partintrinsic factor

intrinsic factor /"n |!tr"ns"k $f'kt#/ noun aprotein produced in the gastric glands whichreacts with the extrinsic factor, and which, if lack-ing, causes pernicious anaemiaintrinsic ligament

intrinsic ligament /"n|!tr"ns"k $l"1#m#nt/noun a ligament which forms part of the capsulesurrounding a jointintrinsic muscle

intrinsic muscle /"n|!tr"ns"k $m.s(#)l/ noun amuscle lying completely inside the part or seg-ment, especially of a limb, which it movesintro-

intro- /"ntr#*/ prefix inwardintroitus

introitus /"n|$tr#*"t#s/ noun an opening into anyhollow organ or canalintrojection

introjection /!"ntr#*|$d+ek/#n/ noun a person’sunconscious adoption of the attitudes or values ofanother person whom he or she wants to impressintrospection

introspection /!"ntr#|$spek/#n/ noun adetailed and sometimes obsessive mental self-examination of feelings, thoughts and motivesintroversion

introversion /!"ntr# |$v-%/(#)n/ noun a condi-tion in which a person is excessively interested in

himself or herself and his or her own mental state.Compare extroversionintrovert

introvert /$"ntr#v-%t/ noun a person who thinksonly about himself or herself and his or her ownmental state. Compare extrovertintubate

intubate /$"ntju%be"t/ verb to insert a tube intoany organ or part of the body. Also called cathe-teriseintubation

intubation /!"ntju% |$be"/(#)n/ noun the thera-peutic insertion of a tube into the larynx throughthe glottis to allow the passage of air. Also calledcatheterisationintumescence

intumescence /!"ntju% |$mes(#)ns/ noun theswelling of an organintussusception

intussusception /!"nt#s#|$sep/#n/ noun acondition in which part of the gastrointestinaltract becomes folded down inside the part beneathit, causing an obstruction and strangulation of thefolded partinunction

inunction /"n |$.0k/#n/ noun 1. the act of rub-bing an ointment into the skin so that the medi-cine in it is absorbed 2. an ointment which isrubbed into the skininvagination

invagination /"n|!v'd+" |$ne"/(#)n/ noun sameas intussusceptioninvalid

invalid /$"nv#l"d/ (dated) noun someone whohas had an illness and has not fully recoveredfrom it or who has been permanently disabled "adjective weak or disabledinvasion

invasion /"n|$ve"+(#)n/ noun the entry of bacte-ria into a body, or the first attack of a diseaseinvasive

invasive /"n |$ve"s"v/ adjective 1. referring tocancer which tends to spread throughout the body2. referring to an inspection or treatment whichinvolves entering the body by making an incision.! non-invasiveinverse care law

inverse care law /!"nv-%s $ke# !l#%/ noun theidea that the people who most need care and serv-ices are least likely or able to access theminversion

inversion /"n|$v-%/(#)n/ noun the fact of beingturned towards the inside ! inversion of the footSee illustration at ANATOMICAL TERMS in Supple-mentinvestigative surgery

investigative surgery /"n|!vest"1#t"v$s-%d+#ri/ noun surgery to investigate the causeof a conditionin vitro

in vitro /!"n $vi%tr#*/ adjective, adverb a Latinphrase meaning ‘in a glass’, i.e. in a test tube orsimilar container used in a laboratoryin vitro fertilisation

in vitro fertilisation /!"n !vi%tr#* !f-%t#la"|

$ze"/(#)n/ noun the fertilisation of an ovum in thelaboratory. ! test-tube baby. Abbreviation IVFin vivo

in vivo adjective, adverb a Latin phrase meaning‘in living tissue’, i.e. referring to an experimentwhich takes place on the living bodyin vivo experiment

in vivo experiment /"n !vi%v#* "k|$sper"m#nt/noun an experiment on a living body, e.g. that ofan animal

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155 irritable hipinvolucrum

involucrum /!"nv# |$lu%kr#m/ noun a coveringof new bone which forms over diseased boneinvoluntary

involuntary /"n|$v(l#nt(#)ri/ adjective doneautomatically, without any conscious thought ordecision-making being involved ! Patients areadvised not to eat or drink, to reduce the risk ofinvoluntary vomiting while on the operatingtable.involuntary action

involuntary action /"n |!v(l#nt(#)ri $'k/#n/noun an action which someone does withoutthinking or making a conscious decisioninvoluntary muscle

involuntary muscle /"n |!v(l#nt(#)ri $m.s(#)l/noun a muscle supplied by the autonomic nervoussystem, and therefore not under voluntary control,e.g. the muscle which activates a vital organ suchas the heartinvolution

involution /!"nv#|$lu%/(#)n/ noun 1. the return ofan organ to its usual size, e.g. the shrinking of theuterus after childbirth 2. a period of decline oforgans which sets in after middle ageinvolutional

involutional /!"nv# |$lu%/(#)n(#)l/ adjectivereferring to involutioninvolutional melancholia

involutional melancholia /"nv#|!lu%/(#)n(#)l!mel#n|$k#*li#/ noun a depression which occursin people, mainly women, after middle age, prob-ably caused by a change of endocrine secretionsiodine

iodine /$a"#di%n/ noun a chemical elementwhich is essential to the body, especially to thefunctioning of the thyroid gland (NOTE: Lack ofiodine in the diet can cause goitre. The chemicalsymbol is I.)IOL

IOL abbreviation intraocular lension

ion /$a"#n/ noun an atom that has an electriccharge (NOTE: Ions with a positive charge arecalled cations and those with a negative chargeare called anions.)ionise

ionise /$a"#na"z/, ionize verb to give an atom anelectric chargeioniser

ioniser /$a"#na"z#/, ionizer noun a machinethat increases the amount of negative ions in theatmosphere of a room, so counteracting the effectof positive ionsiontophoresis

iontophoresis /a"|!(nt#*f# |$ri%s"s/ noun themovement of ions through a biological materialwhen an electric current passes through itIOUS

IOUS abbreviation intraoperative ultrasoundIPAV

IPAV abbreviation intermittent positive airwayventilation. ! positive pressure ventilationipecacuanha

ipecacuanha /!"p"k'kj*|$'n#/ noun a drugmade from the root of an American plant, used asa treatment for coughs, and also as an emeticIP joint

IP joint /!a" $pi% !d+)"nt/ noun same as inter-phalangeal jointIPPV

IPPV abbreviation intermittent positive pressureventilation. ! positive pressure ventilationipratropium

ipratropium /!a"pr#|$tr#*pi#m/, ipratropiumbromide /!a"pr#|!tr#*pi#m $br#*ma"d/ noun adrug which helps to relax muscles in the airways,

used in the treatment of conditions such asasthma, bronchitis and emphysemaipsilateralipsilateral /!"ps"|$l't#r#l/ adjective located onor affecting the same side of the body. Also calledhomolateral. Opposite contralateralIQIQ abbreviation intelligence quotientIRDSIRDS abbreviation infant respiratory distresssyndromeirid-irid- /"r"d/ prefix referring to the irisiridectomyiridectomy /!"r"|$dekt#mi/ noun the surgicalremoval of part of the irisiridocyclitisiridocyclitis /!"r"d#*s"|$kla"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of the iris and the tissues which surrounditiridodialysisiridodialysis /!"r"d#*da"|$'l#s"s/ noun the sep-aration of the iris from its insertioniridoplegiairidoplegia /!"r"d#*|$pli%d+#/ noun paralysis ofthe irisiridoptosisiridoptosis /!"r"d#*|$t#*s"s/ noun the pushingforward of the iris through a wound in the corneairidotomyiridotomy /!"r"|$d(t#mi/ noun a surgical inci-sion into the irisirisiris /$a"r"s/ noun a coloured ring in the eye, withthe pupil at its centre. See illustration at EYE inSupplement

COMMENT: The iris acts like the aperture in acamera shutter, opening and closing to allowmore or less light through the pupil into theeye.

iritisiritis /a" |$ra"t"s/ noun inflammation of the irisironiron /$a"#n/ noun 1. a chemical element essentialto the body, present in foods such as liver and eggs2. a common grey metal (NOTE: The chemicalsymbol is Fe.)iron-deficiency anaemiairon-deficiency anaemia /!a"#n d" |$f"/(#)nsi# |!ni%mi#/ noun anaemia caused by a lack of ironin red blood cellsiron lungiron lung /!a"#n $l.0/ noun same as Drinkerrespiratorirradiationirradiation /" |!re"d" |$e"/(#)n/ noun 1. the processof spreading from a centre, as e.g., nerve impulsesdo 2. the use of radiation to treat people or to killbacteria in foodirreducible herniairreducible hernia /"r" |!dju%s#b(#)l $h-%ni#/noun a hernia where the organ cannot be returnedto its usual positionirrigationirrigation /!"r"|$1e"/(#)n/ noun the washing outof a cavity in the bodyirritabilityirritability /!"r"t# |$b"l"ti/ noun the state of beingirritableirritableirritable /$"r"t#b(#)l/ adjective 1. easily able tobecome inflamed and painful 2. feeling annoyedand impatientirritable bowel syndromeirritable bowel syndrome /!"r"t#b(#)l $ba*#l!s"ndr#*m/ noun " mucous colitis. Abbrevia-tion IBSirritable hipirritable hip /!"r"t#b(#)l $h"p/ noun a conditionof pain in the hip which is caused by swelling of

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irritant 156

the synovium. Treatment involves bed rest, trac-tion and anti-inflammatory drugs.irritantirritant /$"r"t(#)nt/ noun a substance which canirritateirritant dermatitisirritant dermatitis /!"r"t(#)nt !d-%m# |$ta"t"s/noun same as contact dermatitisirritateirritate /$"r"te"t/ verb to cause a painful reactionin part of the body, especially to make it inflamed! Some types of wool can irritate the skin.irritationirritation /!"r"|$te"/(#)n/ noun a feeling of beingirritated ! an irritation caused by the ointmentISCISC abbreviation intermittent self-catheterisationisch-isch- /"sk/ prefix too littleischaemiaischaemia /" |$ski%mi#/ noun a deficient bloodsupply to a part of the bodyischaemicischaemic /"|$ski%m"k/ adjective lacking inbloodischi-ischi- /"ski/ prefix same as ischio- (used beforevowels)ischiaischia /$"ski#/ plural of ischiumischialischial /$"ski#l/ adjective referring to theischium or hip jointischial tuberosityischial tuberosity /!"ski#l !tju%b# |$r(s"ti/noun a lump of bone forming the ring of theischiumischio-ischio- /"ski#*/ prefix referring to the ischiumischiorectalischiorectal /!"ski#*|$rekt(#)l/ adjective refer-ring to both the ischium and the rectumischiorectal abscessischiorectal abscess /!"ski#*|!rekt(#)l$'bses/ noun an abscess which forms in fat cellsbetween the anus and the ischiumischiorectal fossaischiorectal fossa /!"ski#* |!rekt(#)l $f(s#/noun a space on either side of the lower end of therectum and anal canalischiumischium /$"ski#m/ noun the lower part of the hipbone in the pelvis. See illustration at PELVIS inSupplement (NOTE: The plural is ischia.)Ishihara colour chartsIshihara colour charts /!"/"h&%r# $k.l#!t/&%ts/ plural noun charts used in a test for col-our vision in which numbers or letters are shownin dots of primary colours with dots of other col-ours around them. People with normal colourvision can see them, but people who are colour-blind cannot.islets of Langerhansislets of Langerhans /!a"l#ts #v $l'0#h'ns/,islands of Langerhans /!a"l#ndz #v$l'0#h'nz/, islet cells /$a"l#t selz/ plural noungroups of cells in the pancreas which secrete thehormones glucagon, insulin and gastrin[Described 1869. After Paul Langerhans (1847–88), Professor of Pathological Anatomy atFreiburg, Germany.]iso-iso- /a"s#*/ prefix equalisograftisograft /$a"s#*1r&%ft/ noun a graft of tissuefrom an identical twin. Also called syngraftisoimmunisationisoimmunisation /!a"s#*|!"mjuna" |$ze"/(#)n/,isoimmunization noun immunisation of a per-son with antigens derived from another person


isolation /!a"s#|$le"/(#)n/ noun the separation ofa person, especially one with an infectious dis-ease, from othersisolation ward

isolation ward /!a"s#|$le"/(#)n w)%d/ noun aspecial ward where people who have dangerousinfectious diseases can be kept isolated from oth-ersisolator

isolator /$a"s#le"t#/ noun 1. a large clear plasticbag in which a person can be nursed, or operatedon, in a sterile environment 2. a room or piece ofequipment which keeps people or substances sep-arated from others which may contaminate them! an isolator stretcher ! an isolator cabinetisoleucine

isoleucine /!a"s#* |$lu%si%n/ noun an essentialamino acidisometric

isometric /!a"s#*|$metr"k/ adjective 1. involv-ing equal measurement ! an isometric view of thesystem 2. referring to muscle contraction in whichtension occurs with very little shortening of mus-cle fibres 3. referring to exercises in which themuscles are put under tension but not contractedisometrics

isometrics /!a"s#* |$metr"ks/ plural noun exer-cises to strengthen the muscles, in which the mus-cles contract but do not shortenisoprenaline

isoprenaline /!a"s#* |$pren#li%n/, isoprotere-nol /!a"s#*pr#*|$ter#n(l/ noun a drug thatrelieves asthma by widening the bronchial tubesin the lungsisosorbide dinitrate

isosorbide dinitrate /!a"s#* |!s)%ba"d da"|

$na"tre"t/ noun a compound which causes widen-ing or relaxation of the blood vessels, used in thetreatment of angina pectorisisotonic

isotonic /!a"s#*|$t(n"k/ adjective referring to asolution, e.g. a saline drip, which has the sameosmotic pressure as blood serum and which cantherefore be passed directly into the body. Com-pare hypertonic, hypotonicisotonic solution

isotonic solution /!a"s#*t(n"k s# |$lu%/(#)n/noun a solution which has the same osmotic pres-sure as blood serum, or as another liquid it is com-pared withisotope

isotope /$a"s#t#*p/ noun a form of a chemicalelement which has the same chemical propertiesas other forms but a different atomic massisotretinoin

isotretinoin /!a"s#*tre|$t"n)"n/ noun a drugused in the treatment of severe acne and severalother skin diseasesispaghula

ispaghula /!"sp#|$1u%l#/, ispaghula husk/!"sp#|$1u%l# h.sk/ noun a natural dietary fibreused to treat constipation, diverticulitis and irrita-ble bowel syndromeISS

ISS abbreviation injury scoring systemisthmus

isthmus /$"sm#s/ noun a short narrow canal orcavityitch

itch /"t// noun an irritated place on the skinwhich makes a person want to scratch " verb toproduce an irritating sensation, making someonewant to scratch

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157 IVUitching

itching /$"t/"0/ noun same as pruritusitchy

itchy /$"t/i/ adjective making a person want toscratch ! The main symptom of the disease is anitchy red rash.-itis

-itis /a"t"s/ suffix inflammationITU

ITU abbreviation intensive therapy unitIU

IU abbreviation international unit

IUCDIUCD abbreviation intrauterine contraceptivedeviceIUDIUD abbreviation 1. intrauterine death 2. intrau-terine deviceIVIV abbreviation intravenousIVFIVF abbreviation in vitro fertilisationIVPIVP abbreviation intravenous pyelogramIVUIVU abbreviation intravenous urography

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J /d+e"/ abbreviation joulejab

jab /d+'b/ noun an injection or inoculation(informal) ! a tetanus jabJacksonian epilepsy

Jacksonian epilepsy /d+'k |!s#*ni#n$ep"lepsi/ noun a form of epilepsy in which thejerking movements start in one part of the bodybefore spreading to others [Described 1863. AfterJohn Hughlings Jackson (1835–1911), Britishneurologist.]Jacquemier’s sign

Jacquemier’s sign /$d+'k#m"#z !sa"n/ nouna sign of early pregnancy in which the vaginalmucosa becomes slightly blue due to an increasedamount of blood in the arteries [After Jean MarieJacquemier (1806–79), French obstetrician.]jactitation

jactitation /!d+'kt"|$te"/(#)n/ noun the actionof constantly moving the body around in a restlessway, especially because of mental illnessjag

jag /d+'1/ noun in Scotland, an injection orinoculation (informal)jargon

jargon /$d+&%1#n/ noun 1. the words used bypeople who have a particular area of knowledge,which are usually only understood by those peo-ple ! medical jargon 2. a stream of words thatmakes no sense, produced by someone with apha-sia or a severe mental disorderjaundice

jaundice /$d+)%nd"s/ noun a condition in whichthere is an excess of bile pigment in the blood, andin which the pigment is deposited in the skin andthe whites of the eyes, which have a yellow col-our. Also called icterusjaw

jaw /d+)%/ noun the bones in the face which holdthe teeth and form the mouth ! He fell down andbroke his jaw. ! The punch on his mouth broke hisjaw.

COMMENT: The jaw has two parts, the upper(the maxillae) being fixed parts of the skull,and the lower (the mandible) being attachedto the skull with a hinge so that it can moveup and down.


jawbone /$d+)%b#*n/ noun one of the boneswhich form the jaw, especially the lower jaw ormandiblejejun-

jejun- /d+"d+u%n/ prefix same as jejuno- (usedbefore vowels)jejunal

jejunal /d+" |$d+u%n(#)l/ adjective referring to thejejunum

jejunal ulcerjejunal ulcer /d+" |!d+u%n(#)l $.ls#/ noun anulcer in the jejunumjejunectomyjejunectomy /!d+"d+u% |$nekt#mi/ noun a surgi-cal operation to remove all or part of the jejunum(NOTE: The plural is jejunectomies.)jejuno-jejuno- /d+i%d+u%n#*/ prefix referring to thejejunumjejunoileostomyjejunoileostomy /d+"|!d+u%n#*|!"li|$(st#mi/noun a surgical operation to make an artificiallink between the jejunum and the ileum (NOTE:The plural is jejunoileostomies.)jejunostomyjejunostomy /!d+"d+u |$n(st#mi/ noun a surgi-cal operation to make an artificial passage to thejejunum through the wall of the abdomen (NOTE:The plural is jejunostomies.)jejunotomyjejunotomy /!d+"d+u|$n(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to cut into the jejunum (NOTE: The plu-ral is jejunotomies.)jejunumjejunum /d+"|$d+u%n#m/ noun the part of thesmall intestine between the duodenum and theileum, about 2 metres long. See illustration atDIGESTIVE SYSTEM in Supplementjerkjerk /d+-%k/ noun a sudden movement of part ofthe body which indicates that the local reflex arcis intact " verb to make sudden movements, orcause something to make sudden movements ! Insome forms of epilepsy the limbs jerk.jet lagjet lag /$d+et l'1/ noun a condition suffered bypeople who travel long distances in planes,caused by rapid changes in time zones whichaffect sleep patterns and meal times and thusinterfere with the body’s metabolism ! We hadjet lag when we flew from Australia.jet-laggedjet-lagged /$d+et l'1d/ adjective experiencingjet lag ! jet-lagged travellers ! We were jet-lagged for a week.jointjoint /d+)"nt/ noun a structure at a point wheretwo or more bones join, especially one whichallows movement of the bones ! The elbow is ajoint in the arm. ! Arthritis is accompanied bystiffness in the joints. ! Charcot’s joint (NOTE:For other terms referring to joints, see wordsbeginning with arthr-, arthro-.)joint capsulejoint capsule /$d+)"nt !k'psju%l/ noun whitefibrous tissue which surrounds and holds a jointtogether. See illustration at SYNOVIAL JOINT inSupplement

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159 juxtapositionjoint investment plan

joint investment plan /!d+)"nt "n|$vestm#ntpl'n/ noun a plan that health and social servicesdraw up together for specific areas of carejoint mouse

joint mouse /$d+)"nt ma*s/ plural noun aloose piece of bone or cartilage in the knee joint,making the joint lockjoulejoule /d+u%l/ noun the SI unit of measurement ofwork or energy. 4.184 joules equals one calorie.Symbol Jjugularjugular /$d+.1j*l#/ adjective referring to thethroat or neck " noun same as jugular veinjugular nerve

jugular nerve /$d+.1j*l# n-%v/ noun one ofthe nerves in the neckjugular trunk

jugular trunk /$d+.1j*l# tr.0k/ noun a termi-nal lymph vessel in the neck, draining into thesubclavian veinjugular veinjugular vein /$d+.1j*l# ve"n/ noun one of theveins which pass down either side of the neck.Also called jugular

jumper’s knee

jumper’s knee /!d+.mp#z $ni%/ noun a painfulcondition suffered by athletes and dancers inwhich inflammation develops in the knee jointjunction

junction /$d+.0k/#n/ noun a joining pointjunior doctor

junior doctor /!d+u%ni# $d(kt#/ noun a doctorwho is completing his or her training in hospitaljunk food

junk food /$d+.0k fu%d/ noun food of littlenutritional value, e.g. high-fat processed snacks,eaten between or instead of mealsjuvenile

juvenile /$d+u%v#na"l/ adjective relating to oraffecting children or adolescentsjuxta-

juxta- /d+.kst#/ prefix beside or nearjuxta-articular

juxta-articular /!d+.kst# &% |$t"kj*l#/ adjectiveoccurring near a jointjuxtaposition

juxtaposition /!d+.kst#p#|$z"/(#)n/ noun theplacing of two or more things side by side so as tomake their similarities or differences more obvi-ous

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k symbol kilo-kala-azar

kala-azar /!k&%l# # |$z&%/ noun an often fatalform of leishmaniasis caused by the infection ofthe intestines and internal organs by a parasite,Leishmania, spread by flies. Symptoms are fever,anaemia, general wasting of the body and swell-ing of the spleen and liver.kaolin

kaolin /$ke"#l"n/ noun a fine soft clay used in themaking of medical preparations, especially forthe treatment of diarrhoeaKaposi’s sarcoma

Kaposi’s sarcoma /k#|!p#*ziz s&%|$k#*m#/noun a cancer which takes the form of manyhaemorrhagic nodes affecting the skin, especiallyon the extremities [Described 1872. After MoritzKohn Karposi (1837–1902), Professor of Der-matology at Vienna, Austria.]Kartagener’s syndrome

Kartagener’s syndrome /!k&%t# |$d+i%n#z!s"ndr#*m/ noun a hereditary condition in whichall the organs in the chest and abdomen are posi-tioned on the opposite side from the usual one, i.e.the heart and stomach are on the rightkaryo-

karyo- /k'ri#*/ prefix relating to a cell nucleuskaryotype

karyotype /$k'ri#*ta"p/ noun the chromosomecomplement of a cell, shown as a diagram or as aset of letters and numbersKawasaki disease

Kawasaki disease /!k&%w# |$s&%kiz d" |!zi%z/noun a retrovirus infection that often occurs insmall children and causes a high temperature,rash, reddened eyes, peeling skin and swollenlymph nodesKayser-Fleischer ring

Kayser-Fleischer ring /!ka"z# $fla"/# !r"0/noun a brown ring on the outer edge of the cornea,which is a diagnostic sign of hepatolenticulardegeneration [Described 1902 by Kayser, 1903by Fleischer. Bernard Kayser (1869–1954), Ger-man ophthalmologist; Bruno Richard Fleischer(1848–1904), German physician.]kcal

kcal abbreviation kilocalorieKegel exercises

Kegel exercises /$ke"1(#)l !eks#sa"z"z/ pluralnoun exercises which strengthen the muscles ofthe pelvic floor in women and help to prevent anyaccidental leakage of urine when they cough,sneeze or lift thingsKeller’s operation

Keller’s operation /$kel#z (p# |!re"/(#)n/ nouna surgical operation on the big toe to remove abunion or to correct an ankylosed joint

[Described 1904. After William Lordan Keller(1874–1959), US surgeon.]keloidkeloid /$ki%l)"d/ noun an excessive amount ofscar tissue at the site of a skin injurykerat-kerat- /ker#t/ prefix same as kerato- (usedbefore vowels)keratectasiakeratectasia /!ker#tek |$te"zi#/ noun a condi-tion in which the cornea bulgeskeratectomykeratectomy /!ker# |$tekt#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove the whole or part of the cor-nea (NOTE: The plural is keratectomies.)keratickeratic /k#|$r't"k/ adjective 1. relating to hornytissue or to keratin 2. relating to the corneakeratinkeratin /$ker#t"n/ noun a protein found in hornytissue such as fingernails, hair or the outer surfaceof the skinkeratinisationkeratinisation /!ker#t"na"|$ze"/(#)n/, keratini-zation noun the appearance of horny characteris-tics in tissue. Also called cornificationkeratinisekeratinise /$ker#t"na"z, k#|$r't"na"z/, kerati-nize verb to convert something into keratin orinto horny tissue (NOTE: keratinising – kerat-inised)keratinocytekeratinocyte /!ker#|$t"n#*sa"t/ noun a cellwhich produces keratinkeratitiskeratitis /!ker# |$ta"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe corneakerato-kerato- /ker#t#*/ prefix referring to horn, hornytissue or the corneakeratoconjunctivitiskeratoconjunctivitis /!ker#t#*k#n|!d+.0kt"|

$va"t"s/ noun inflammation of the cornea withconjunctivitiskeratomakeratoma /!ker#|$t#*m#/ noun a hard thickenedgrowth due to hypertrophy of the horny zone ofthe skin (NOTE: The plural is keratomas orkeratomata.)keratomalaciakeratomalacia /!ker#t#*m# |$le"/#/ noun a sof-tening of the cornea frequently caused by VitaminA deficiencykeratomekeratome /$ker#t#*m/ noun a surgical knifeused for operations on the corneakeratometerkeratometer /!ker#|$t(m"t#/ noun an instru-ment for measuring the curvature of the corneakeratopathykeratopathy /!ker# |$t(p#,i/ noun any non-inflammatory disorder of the cornea (NOTE: Theplural is keratopathies.)

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161 Kimmelstiel-Wilson diseasekeratoplasty

keratoplasty /$ker#t#pl'sti/ noun a surgicaloperation to graft corneal tissue from a donor inplace of diseased tissue (NOTE: The plural iskeratoplasties.)keratoprosthesis

keratoprosthesis /!ker#t#*pr(s |$,i%s"s/ noun1. a surgical operation to replace the central areaof a cornea with clear plastic, when it has becomeopaque 2. a piece of clear plastic put into the cor-nea (NOTE: The plural is keratoprostheses.)keratoscope

keratoscope /$ker#t#sk#*p/ noun an instru-ment for examining the cornea to see if it has anunusual curvature. Also called Placido’s disckeratosis

keratosis /!ker# |$t#*s"s/ noun a lesion of theskin (NOTE: The plural is keratoses.)keratotomy

keratotomy /!ker# |$t(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to make a cut in the cornea, the first stepin many intraocular operations (NOTE: The pluralis keratotomies.)kerion

kerion /$k"#ri(n/ noun a painful soft mass, usu-ally on the scalp, caused by ringwormkernicterus

kernicterus /k# |$n"kt#r#s/ noun yellow pig-mentation of the basal ganglia and other nervecells in the spinal cord and brain, found in chil-dren with icterusKernig’s sign

Kernig’s sign /$k-%n"1z sa"n/ noun a symptomof meningitis in which the knee cannot bestraightened if the person is lying down with thethigh brought up against the abdomen [Described1882. After Vladimir Mikhailovich Kernig (1840–1917), Russian neurologist.]ketamine

ketamine /$ket#mi%n/ noun a white crystallinepowder that is a general anaesthetic, used inhuman and veterinary medicineketoacidosis

ketoacidosis /!ki%t#*|!'s"|$d#*s"s/ noun anaccumulation of ketone bodies in tissue in diabe-tes, causing acidosisketoconazole

ketoconazole /!ki%t#*|$k(n#z#*l/ noun a drugwhich is effective against a wide range of fungalinfections such as cryptococcosis and thrushketogenesis

ketogenesis /!ki%t#* |$d+en#s"s/ noun the pro-duction of ketone bodiesketogenic

ketogenic /!ki%t#* |$d+en"k/ adjective formingketone bodiesketogenic diet

ketogenic diet /!ki%t#*d+en"k $da"#t/ noun adiet with a high fat content, producing ketosisketonaemia

ketonaemia /!ki%t#* |$ni%mi#/ noun a morbidstate in which ketone bodies exist in the bloodketone

ketone /$ki%t#*n/ noun a chemical compoundproduced when glucose is unavailable for use asenergy, as in untreated diabetes, and fats are usedinstead, leading to ketosisketone bodies

ketone bodies /$ki%t#*n !b(diz/ plural nounketone compounds formed from fatty acidsketone group

ketone group /$ki%t#*n 1ru%p/ noun a chemi-cal group characteristic of ketones, with carbonatoms doubly bonded to an oxygen atom and tothe carbon atoms of two other organic groups


ketonuria /!ki%t#*|$nj*#ri#/ noun a state inwhich ketone bodies are excreted in the urineketoprofen

ketoprofen /!ki%t#* |$pr#*f#n/ noun an anti-inflammatory drug used in the treatment of rheu-matoid arthritis and osteoarthritisketosis

ketosis /ki% |$t#*s"s/ noun a state in whichketone bodies such as acetone and acetic acidaccumulate in the tissues, a late complication ofType I diabetes mellitusketosteroid

ketosteroid /!ki%t#* |$st"#r)"d/ noun a steroidsuch as cortisone which contains a ketone groupkeyhole surgery

keyhole surgery /$ki%h#*l !s-%d+#ri/ nounsurgery carried out by inserting tiny surgicalinstruments through an endoscope (informal)Also called laparoscopic surgerykg

kg abbreviation kilogramkidney

kidney /$k"dni/ noun either of two organs situ-ated in the lower part of the back on either side ofthe spine behind the abdomen, whose function isto maintain the usual concentrations of the mainconstituents of blood, passing the waste matterinto the urine. See illustration at KIDNEY in Sup-plementkidney dialysis

kidney dialysis /$k"dni da"|!'l#s"s/ noun theprocess of removing waste matter from blood bypassing it through a kidney machine. Also calledhaemodialysiskidney donor

kidney donor /$k"dni !d#*n#/ noun a personwho gives one of his or her kidneys as a transplantkidney failure

kidney failure /$k"dni !fe"lj#/ noun a situationin which the kidneys do not function properlykidney machine

kidney machine /$k"dni m#|!/i%n/ noun anapparatus through which blood is passed to becleaned by dialysis if the person’s kidneys havefailedkidney stone

kidney stone /$k"dni st#*n/ noun a hard massof calcium like a little piece of stone which formsin the kidneykidney transplant

kidney transplant /$k"dni !tr'nspl&%nt/ nouna surgical operation to give someone with a dis-eased or damaged kidney a kidney from anotherpersonkiller cell

killer cell /$k"l# sel/, killer T cell /!k"l# $ti% !sel/noun a type of immune cell that recognises anddestroys cells that have specific antigens on theirsurface, e.g. virus-infected or cancerous cellskilo-

kilo- /k"l#*/ prefix one thousand (103). Symbol kkilogram

kilogram /$k"l#1r'm/ noun an SI unit of meas-urement of weight equal to 1000 grams ! Sheweighs 62 kilos (62 kg). Symbol kgkilojoule

kilojoule /$k"l#*d+u%l/ noun an SI unit of meas-urement of energy or heat equal to 1000 joules.Symbol kJkilopascal

kilopascal /$k"l#*p'sk#l/ noun an SI unit ofmeasurement of pressure equal to 1000 pascals.Symbol kPaKimmelstiel-Wilson disease

Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease /!k"m#lsti%l$w"ls#n d" |!zi%z/, Kimmelstiel-Wilson syn-

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kin 162

drome /!k"m#lsti%l $w"ls#n !s"ndr#*m/ noun aform of nephrosclerosis found in people with dia-betes [Described 1936. After Paul Kimmelstiel(1900–70), US pathologist; Clifford Wilson(1906–98), Professor of Medicine, London Uni-versity, UK]kinkin /k"n/ noun relatives or close members of thefamilykin-kin- /k"n/ prefix same as kine- (used before vow-els)kinaesthesiakinaesthesia /!k"ni%s |$,i%zi#/ noun the fact ofbeing aware of the movement and position ofparts of the body (NOTE: The US spelling iskinesthesia.)kinanaesthesiakinanaesthesia /!k"n'ni%s|$,i%zi#/ noun thefact of not being able to sense the movement andposition of parts of the body (NOTE: The USspelling is kinanesthesia.)kinasekinase /$ka"ne"z/ noun an enzyme belonging toa large family of related substances that bind tothe energy-providing molecule ATP and regulatefunctions such as cell division and signallingbetween cellskine-kine- /k"ni/ prefix movementkinematicskinematics /!k"n"|$m't"ks/ noun the science ofmovement, especially of body movements (NOTE:Also spelled cinematics.)kineplastykineplasty /$k"n"pl'sti/ noun an amputation inwhich the muscles of the stump of the amputatedlimb are used to operate an artificial limb (NOTE:Also spelled cineplasty.The plural is kineplast-ies.)kinesi-kinesi- /ka"ni%si/ prefix movement (NOTE: usedbefore vowels)kinesiologykinesiology /!ka"ni%si|$(l#d+i/ noun the studyof human movements, particularly with regard totheir use in treatmentkinesiskinesis /k"|$ni%s"s/ noun the movement of a cellin response to a stimulus. Compare taxis-kinesis-kinesis /k"ni%s"s/ suffix 1. activity or motion 2.a change in the movement of a cell, though not inany particular direction. Examples are a change inits speed or in its turning behaviour.kinesitherapykinesitherapy /!ka"ni%si|$,er#pi/ noun therapyinvolving movement of parts of the bodykinetickinetic /k" |$net"k, ka"|$net"k/ adjective relatingto movementKing’s FundKing’s Fund /$k"0z f.nd/ noun a major inde-pendent health charity in LondonKing’s modelKing’s model /$k"0z !m(d(#)l/ noun a modelof nurse–patient relationships based on ten princi-ples: interaction, perception, communication,transaction, role, stress, growth and development,time, self and space. Through an exchange ofinformation nurses and patients work together tohelp individuals and groups attain, maintain andrestore health.kininkinin /$ka"n"n/ noun a polypeptide that makesblood vessels widen and smooth muscles contract

Kirschner wire

Kirschner wire /!k-%/(#)n# $wa"#/, Kir-schner’s wire noun a wire attached to a bone andtightened to provide traction to a fracture[Described 1909. After Martin Kirschner (1879–1942), Professor of Surgery at Heidelberg, Ger-many.]kiss of life

kiss of life /!k"s #v $la"f/ noun same as cardi-opulmonary resuscitation (informal)kJ

kJ abbreviation kilojouleKlebsiella

Klebsiella /!klebsi|$el#/ noun a Gram-negativebacterium, one form of which, Klebsiella pneu-moniae, can cause pneumoniaKlebs-Loeffler bacillus

Klebs-Loeffler bacillus /!klebz $lefl# b#|

!s"l#s/ noun the bacterium which causes diphthe-ria, Corynebacterium diphtheriae [After TheodorAlbrecht Klebs (1834–1913), bacteriologist inZürich, Switzerland, and Chicago, USA; Frie-drich August Loeffler (1852–1915), bacteriolo-gist in Berlin, Germany.]Kleihauer test

Kleihauer test /$kla"ha*# test/, Kleihauer-Betke test noun a test used to check whetherthere has been any blood loss from a fetus to themother across the placenta. It is usually doneimmediately after delivery.klepto-

klepto- /klept#*/ prefix stealing or theftkleptomania

kleptomania /!klept#*|$me"ni#/ noun a formof mental disorder in which someone has a com-pulsive desire to steal things, even things of littlevaluekleptomaniac

kleptomaniac /!klept#*|$me"ni'k/ noun aperson who has a compulsive desire to stealKlinefelter’s syndrome

Klinefelter’s syndrome /$kla"nfelt#z!s"ndr#*m/ noun a genetic disorder in which amale has an extra female chromosome, making anXXY set, giving sterility and partial female char-acteristics [Described 1942. After Harry FitchKlinefelter Jr. (b. 1912), Associate Professor ofMedicine, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Balti-more, USA.]Klumpke’s paralysis

Klumpke’s paralysis /!klu%mpk#z p#|

$r'l#s"s/ noun a form of paralysis due to aninjury during birth, affecting the forearm andhand. Also called Déjerine-Klumpke’s syn-drome [Described 1885. After Augusta Klumpke(Madame Déjerine-Klumpke) (1859–1937),French neurologist, one of the first women toqualify in Paris in 1888.]knee

knee /ni%/ noun a joint in the middle of the leg,joining the femur and the tibia (NOTE: For otherterms referring to the knee, see genu.)kneecap

kneecap /$ni%k'p/ noun same as patellaknee jerk

knee jerk /$ni% d+-%k/ noun same as patellarreflexknee joint

knee joint /$ni% d+)"nt/ noun a joint where thefemur and the tibia are joined, covered by thekneecapknock-knee

knock-knee /!n(k $ni%/ noun a state in whichthe knees touch and the ankles are apart when a

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163 kyphotic

person is standing straight. Also called genu val-gumknock-kneedknock-kneed /!n(k $ni%d/ adjective referring toa person whose knees touch when he or she standsstraight with feet slightly apartknock outknock out /!n(k $a*t/ verb to hit someone sohard that he or she is no longer conscious ! Hewas knocked out by a blow on the head.knowledge and skills frameworkknowledge and skills framework /!n(l"d+#n $sk"lz !fre"mw-%k/ noun full form of KSFknuckleknuckle /$n.k(#)l/ noun the back of each jointon a person’s handKocher manoeuvreKocher manoeuvre /$k(k# m#|!nu%v#/ noun amethod for realigning a dislocated shoulder inwhich the arm is raised and a sudden change ismade between inward and outward rotation of thehead of the jointKoch’s bacillusKoch’s bacillus /!k#*ks b# |$s"l#s/ noun thebacterium which causes tuberculosis, Mycobacte-rium tuberculosis [Described 1882. After RobertKoch (1843–1910), Professor of Hygiene in Ber-lin, Germany, later Director of the Institute forInfectious Diseases. (Nobel Prize 1905).]Köhler’s diseaseKöhler’s disease /$k-%l#z d"|!si%z/ noun adegeneration of the navicular bone in children.Also called scaphoiditis [Described 1908 and1926. After Alban Köhler (1874–1947), Germanradiologist.]koilonychiakoilonychia /!k)"l#* |$n"ki#/ noun a conditionin which the fingernails are brittle and concave,caused by iron-deficiency anaemiaKoplik’s spotsKoplik’s spots /$k(pl"ks sp(ts/ plural nounsmall white spots with a blue tinge surrounded bya red areola, found in the mouth in the early stagesof measles [Described 1896. After Henry Koplik(1858–1927), US paediatrician.]Korotkoff’s methodKorotkoff’s method /$k(r#tk(fs !me,#d/noun a method of finding a person’s blood pres-sure by inflating a cuff around his or her upperarm to a pressure well above the systolic bloodpressure and then gradually decreasing itKorsakoff’s syndromeKorsakoff’s syndrome /$k)%s#k(fs!s"ndr#*m/ noun a condition, caused usually bychronic alcoholism or disorders in which there isa deficiency of vitamin B, in which a person’smemory fails and he or she invents things whichhave not happened and is confused [Described1887. After Sergei Sergeyevich Korsakoff(1854–1900), Russian psychiatrist.]kraurosis peniskraurosis penis /kr)% |!r#*s"s $pi%n"s/ noun acondition in which the foreskin becomes dry andshrivelled

kraurosis vulvae

kraurosis vulvae /kr#% |!r#*s"s $v.lv#/ noun acondition in which the vulva becomes thin anddry due to lack of oestrogen, found usually in eld-erly womenKrause corpuscles

Krause corpuscles /$kra*z# !k)%p.s(#)lz/plural noun encapsulated nerve endings in themucous membrane of the mouth, nose, eyes andgenitals [Described 1860. After Wilhelm JohannFriedrich Krause (1833–1910), German anato-mist.]Krebs cycle

Krebs cycle /$krebz !sa"k(#)l/ noun same ascitric acid cycle [Described 1937. After SirHans Adolf Krebs (1900–81), German biochem-ist who emigrated to England in 1934. Sharedthe Nobel prize for Medicine 1953 with F.A. Lip-mann.]KSF

KSF /!ke" es $ef/ noun a document setting outthe knowledge and skills required in a particularhealthcare post, giving guidance on professionaldevelopment, and setting out the pay progression.Full form knowledge and skills frameworkKuntscher nail

Kuntscher nail /$k.nt/# ne"l/, Küntschernail noun a long steel nail used in operations topin fractures of long bones, especially the femur,through the bone marrow [Described 1940. AfterGerhard Küntscher (1900–72), German sur-geon.]Kupffer’s cells

Kupffer’s cells /$k*pf#z selz/, Kupffer cells/$k*pf# selz/ plural noun large specialised livercells which break down haemoglobin into bile[Described 1876. After Karl Wilhelm von Kupffer(1829–1902), German anatomist.]Kveim test

Kveim test /$kva"m test/ noun a skin test toconfirm the presence of sarcoidosis [After MortenAnsgar Kveim (1892–1966), Swedish physi-cian.]kwashiorkor

kwashiorkor /!kw(/i |$)%k)%/ noun malnutritionof small children, mostly in tropical countries,causing anaemia, wasting of the body and swollenliverkypho-

kypho- /ka"f#*/ prefix a humpkyphoscoliosis

kyphoscoliosis /!ka"f#* |!sk(li |$#*s"s/ noun acondition in which someone has both backwardand lateral curvature of the spinekyphosis

kyphosis /ka" |$f#*s"s/ noun an excessive back-ward curvature of the top part of the spine (NOTE:The plural is kyphoses.)kyphotic

kyphotic /ka"|$f(t"k/ adjective referring tokyphosis

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l, L symbol litrelab-

lab- /le"b/ prefix same as labio- (used beforevowels)labia

labia /$le"bi#/ plural of labiumlabial

labial /$le"bi#l/ adjective referring to the lips orto labialabia majora

labia majora /!le"bi# m#|$d+)%r#/ plural nountwo large fleshy folds at the outside edge of thevulva. See illustration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM(FEMALE) in Supplementlabia minora

labia minora /!le"bi# m"|$n)%r#/ plural nountwo small fleshy folds on the inside edge of thevulva. See illustration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM(FEMALE) in Supplement. Also called nymphaelabile

labile /$le"ba"l/ adjective referring to a drugwhich is unstable and likely to change if heated orcooledlability of mood

lability of mood /l#|!b"l"ti #v $mu%d/ noun atendency for a person’s mood to change suddenlylabio-

labio- /le"bi#*/ prefix referring to the lips or tolabialabioplasty

labioplasty /$le"bi#* |!pl'sti/ noun a surgicaloperation to repair damaged or deformed lips(NOTE: The plural is labioplasties.)labium

labium /$le"bi#m/ noun any of the four fleshyfolds which surround the female genital organslaboratory technician

laboratory technician /l#|!b(r#t(#)ri tek|

$n"/(#)n/ noun a person who does practical workin a laboratory and has particular care of equip-mentlaboratory techniques

laboratory techniques /l#|$b(r#t(#)ri tek|

!ni%kz/ plural noun the methods or skills neededto perform experiments in a laboratorylaboratory test

laboratory test /l#|$b(r#t(#)ri test/ noun a testcarried out in a laboratorylabour

labour /$le"b#/ noun childbirth, especially thecontractions in the uterus which take place duringchildbirthlaboured breathing

laboured breathing /!le"b#d $bri%2"0/ noundifficult breathing, which can be due to variouscauses such as asthmalabour pains

labour pains /$le"b# pe"nz/ plural noun thepains felt at regular intervals by a woman as themuscles of the uterus contract during childbirth


labrum /$le"br#m/ noun a ring of cartilagearound the rim of a joint (NOTE: The plural islabra.)labyrinth

labyrinth /$l'b#r"n,/ noun a series of intercon-necting tubes, especially those in the inside of theearlabyrinthectomy

labyrinthectomy /!l'b#r"n|$,ekt#mi/ noun asurgical operation to remove the labyrinth of theinner ear (NOTE: The plural is labyrinthecto-mies.)labyrinthitis

labyrinthitis /!l'b#r"n|$,a"t"s/ noun same asotitis internalaceration

laceration /!l's#|$re"/(#)n/ noun 1. a woundwhich has been cut or torn with rough edges, andis not the result of stabbing or pricking 2. the actof tearing tissuelachrymal

lachrymal /$l'kr"m(#)l/ adjective same as lac-rimallacrimal

lacrimal /$l'kr"m(#)l/ adjective referring totears, the tear ducts or the tear glands. ! nasolac-rimallacrimal apparatus

lacrimal apparatus /!l'kr"m(#)l !'p#|

$re"t#s/ noun the arrangement of glands andducts which produce and drain tears. Also calledlacrimal systemlacrimal bone

lacrimal bone /$l'kr"m(#)l b#*n/ noun one oftwo little bones which join with others to form theorbitslacrimal canaliculus

lacrimal canaliculus /!l'kr"m(#)l !k'n#|

$l"kj*l#s/ noun a small canal draining tears intothe lacrimal saclacrimal caruncle

lacrimal caruncle /!l'kr"m(#)l k# |$r.0k(#)l/noun a small red point at the inner corner of eacheyelacrimal duct

lacrimal duct /$l'kr"m(#)l d.kt/ noun a smallduct leading from the lacrimal gland. Also calledtear ductlacrimal gland

lacrimal gland /$l'kr"m(#)l 1l'nd/ noun agland beneath the upper eyelid which secretestears. Also called tear glandlacrimal puncta

lacrimal puncta /!l'kr"m(#)l $p.0kt#/ pluralnoun small openings of the lacrimal canaliculusat the corners of the eyes through which tearsdrain into the nose

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165 lanugolacrimal sac

lacrimal sac /!l'kr"m(#)l $s'k/ noun a sac atthe upper end of the nasolacrimal duct, linking itwith the lacrimal canaliculuslacrimal system

lacrimal system /$l'kr"m(#)l !s"st#m/ nounsame as lacrimal apparatuslacrimation

lacrimation /!l'kr" |$me"/(#)n/ noun the pro-duction of tearslacrimator

lacrimator /$l'kr"me"t#/ noun a substancewhich irritates the eyes and makes tears flowlacrymal

lacrymal /$l'kr"m(#)l/, lachrymal/$l'kr"m(#)l/ adjective same as lacrimallact-

lact- /l'kt/ prefix same as lacto- (used beforevowels)lactase

lactase /$l'kte"z/ noun an enzyme, secreted inthe small intestine, which converts milk sugar intoglucose and galactoselactate

lactate /l'k|$te"t/ verb to produce milk in thebody (NOTE: lactating – lactated)lactation

lactation /l'k|$te"/(#)n/ noun the production ofmilk in the bodylacteal

lacteal /$l'kti#l/ adjective referring to milk "noun a lymph vessel in a villus which helps thedigestive process in the small intestine by absorb-ing fatlactic

lactic /$l'kt"k/ adjective relating to milklactic acid

lactic acid /!l'kt"k $'s"d/ noun a sugar whichforms in cells and tissue, and also in sour milk,cheese and yoghurtlactiferous

lactiferous /l'k |$t"f#r#s/ adjective producing,secreting or carrying milklactiferous duct

lactiferous duct /l'k |!t"f#r#s $d.kt/ noun aduct in the breast which carries milklactiferous sinus

lactiferous sinus /l'k|!t"f#r#s $sa"n#s/ nouna dilatation of the lactiferous duct at the base ofthe nipplelacto-

lacto- /l'kt#*/ prefix referring to milkLactobacillus

Lactobacillus /!l'kt#*b# |$s"l#s/ noun a genusof Gram-positive bacteria which produces lacticacid from glucose and may be found in the diges-tive tract and the vaginalactogenic hormone

lactogenic hormone /!l'kt#*|!d+en"k$h)%m#*n/ noun same as prolactinlactose

lactose /$l'kt#*s/ noun a type of sugar found inmilklactose intolerance

lactose intolerance /$l'kt#*s "n |!t(l#r#ns/noun a condition in which a person cannot digestlactose because lactase is absent in the intestine orbecause of an allergy to milk, causing diarrhoealactosuria

lactosuria /!l'kt#*|$sj*#ri#/ noun the excre-tion of lactose in the urinelactulose

lactulose /$l'ktj*l#*s/ noun an artificiallyproduced sugar used as a laxativelacuna

lacuna /l'|$kju%n#/ noun a small hollow or cav-ity (NOTE: The plural is lacunae.)Laënnec’s cirrhosis

Laënnec’s cirrhosis /!le"#neks s#|$r#*s"s/noun the commonest form of alcoholic cirrhosisof the liver [Described 1819. After René

Théophile Hyacinthe Laennec (1781–1826),Professor of medicine at the Collège de France,and inventor of the stethoscope.]-lalia

-lalia /le"li#/ suffix speech or a speech disorderlambda

lambda /$l'md#/ noun 1. the 11th letter of theGreek alphabet 2. the point at the back of the skullwhere the sagittal suture and lambdoidal suturemeetlambdoid

lambdoid /$l'md)"d/ adjective shaped like thecapital Greek letter lambda, like an upside downV or ylambdoid suture

lambdoid suture /$l'md)"d !su%t/#/, lamb-doidal suture /$l'md)"d(#)l !su%t/#/ noun ahorizontal joint across the back of the skullbetween the parietal and occipital boneslambliasis

lambliasis /l'm|$bla"#s"s/ noun same as giar-diasislame

lame /le"m/ adjective not able to walk easilybecause of pain, stiffness or damage in a leg orfoot (NOTE: This term is regarded as offensive.)lamella

lamella /l#|$mel#/ noun a thin sheet of tissue(NOTE: The plural is lamellae.)lamina

lamina /$l'm"n#/ noun a thin membranelamina propria

lamina propria /!l'm"n# $pr#*pri#/ noun theconnective tissue of mucous membranes contain-ing, e.g., blood vessels and lymphatic tissueslaminectomy

laminectomy /!l'm"|$nekt#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to cut through the lamina of a vertebrain the spine to get to the spinal cord. Also calledrachiotomy (NOTE: The plural is laminecto-mies.)lamotrigine

lamotrigine /l# |$m(tr"d+i%n/ noun a drug thathelps to control petit mal epilepsylance

lance /l&%ns/ verb to make a cut in a boil orabscess to remove the puslancet

lancet /$l&%ns"t/ noun 1. a sharp two-edgedpointed knife formerly used in surgery 2. a smallpointed implement used to take a small capillaryblood sample, e.g. to measure blood glucose lev-elslancinate

lancinate /$l&%ns"ne"t/ verb to lacerate or cutsomething (NOTE: lancinating – lancinated)lancinating

lancinating /$l&%ns"ne"t"0/ adjective referringto pain which is sharp and cuttingLandsteiner’s classification

Landsteiner’s classification /$l'ndsta"n#zkl's"f" |!ke"/(#)n/ noun same as ABO systemLangerhans’ cells

Langerhans’ cells /$l'0#h'ns selz/ pluralnoun cells on the outer layers of the skinLanger’s lines

Langer’s lines /$l'0#z la"nz/ plural noun thearrangement of collagen protein fibres whichcauses the usual skin creases. Cuts made alongthese lines sever fewer fibres and heal better thanother cuts. Also called cleavage lineslanolin

lanolin /$l'n#l"n/ noun grease from sheep’swool which absorbs water and is used to rub ondried skin, or in the preparation of cosmeticslanugo

lanugo /l# |$nju%1#*/ noun 1. soft hair on thebody of a fetus or newborn baby 2. soft hair on the

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laparo- 166

body of an adult, except on the palms of thehands, the soles of the feet and the parts wherelong hair growslaparo-

laparo- /l'p#r#*/ prefix the lower abdomenlaparoscope

laparoscope /$l'p#r#sk#*p/ noun a surgicalinstrument which is inserted through a hole in theabdominal wall to allow a surgeon to examine theinside of the abdominal cavity. Also called peri-toneoscopelaparoscopic surgery

laparoscopic surgery /!l'p#r# |!sk(p"k$s-%d+#ri/ noun same as keyhole surgerylaparoscopy

laparoscopy /!l'p# |$r(sk#pi/ noun a proce-dure in which a laparoscope is used to examinethe inside of the abdominal cavity. Also calledperitoneoscopy (NOTE: The plural is laparo-scopies.)laparotomy

laparotomy /!l'p# |$r(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to cut open the abdominal cavity(NOTE: The plural is laparotomies.)large intestine

large intestine /!l&%d+ "n |$test"n/ noun the sec-tion of the digestive system from the caecum tothe rectumLariam

Lariam /$l'ri#m/ a trade name for mefloquinehydrochloridelaryng-

laryng- /l#r"nd+/ prefix same as laryngo- (usedbefore vowels)laryngeal

laryngeal /l# |$r"nd+i#l/ adjective referring to thelarynxlaryngeal inlet

laryngeal inlet /l#|!r"nd+i#l $"nl#t/ noun theentrance from the laryngopharynx leadingthrough the vocal cords to the trachealaryngeal prominence

laryngeal prominence /l#|!r"nd+i#l$pr(m"n#ns/ noun same as Adam’s applelaryngeal reflex

laryngeal reflex /l#|!r"nd+i#l $ri%fleks/ nounthe reflex that makes a person coughlaryngectomy

laryngectomy /!l'r"n|$d+ekt#mi/ noun a sur-gical operation to remove the larynx, usually astreatment for throat cancer (NOTE: The plural islaryngectomies.)laryngismus

laryngismus /!l'r"n |$d+"zm#s/, laryngismusstridulus /l'r"n|!d+"zm#s $str"dj*l#s/ noun aspasm of the throat muscles with a sharp intake ofbreath which occurs when the larynx is irritated,as in children who have crouplaryngitis

laryngitis /!l'r"n|$d+a"t"s/ noun inflammationof the larynxlaryngo-

laryngo- /l#r"01#*/ prefix larynxlaryngology

laryngology /!l'r"n|$1(l#d+i/ noun the study ofdiseases of the larynx, throat and vocal cordslaryngomalacia

laryngomalacia /l#|!r"01#*m# |$le"/#/ noun acondition in which breathing is made difficult bysoftness of the larynx, occurring mainly in chil-dren under the age of twolaryngopharyngeal

laryngopharyngeal /l#|!r"0n1#*f#|$r"nd+i'l/adjective referring to both the larynx and thepharynxlaryngopharynx

laryngopharynx /l#r"01#*|$f'r"0ks/ noun thepart of the pharynx below the hyoid bone


laryngoscope /l#|$r"01#sk#*p/ noun an instru-ment for examining the inside of the larynx usinga light and mirrorslaryngoscopy

laryngoscopy /!l'r"0 |$1(sk#pi/ noun anexamination of the larynx with a laryngoscope(NOTE: The plural is laryngoscopies.)laryngospasm

laryngospasm /l#|$r"01#sp'zm/ noun a mus-cular spasm which suddenly closes the larynxlaryngostenosis

laryngostenosis /l#|!r"01#*st#|$n#*s"s/ nounnarrowing of the lumen of the larynxlaryngostomy

laryngostomy /!l'r"0 |$1(st#mi/ noun a surgi-cal operation to make a permanent opening fromthe neck into the larynx (NOTE: The plural islaryngostomies.)laryngotomy

laryngotomy /!l'r"0|$1(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to make an opening in the larynxthrough the membrane, especially in an emer-gency, when the throat is blocked (NOTE: The plu-ral is laryngotomies.)laryngotracheal

laryngotracheal /l#|!r"01#* |$tre"ki#l/ adjec-tive relating to both the larynx and the trachea !laryngotracheal stenosislaryngotracheobronchitis

laryngotracheobronchitis /l# |!r"01#* |

!tre"ki#*br(0 |$ka"t"s/ noun inflammation of thelarynx, trachea and bronchi, as in crouplarynx

larynx /$l'r"0ks/ noun the organ in the throatwhich produces sounds. Also called voice box(NOTE: The plural is larynges or larynxes.)laser

laser /$le"z#/ noun an instrument which pro-duces a highly concentrated beam of light whichcan be used to cut or attach tissue, as in operationsfor a detached retinalaser laparoscopy

laser laparoscopy /!le"z# l'p#|$r(sk#pi/noun surgery performed through a laparoscopeusing a laserlaser probe

laser probe /$le"z# pr#*b/ noun a metal probewhich is inserted into the body and through whicha laser beam can be passed to remove a blockagein an arterylaser surgery

laser surgery /$le"z# !s-%d+#ri/ noun surgeryusing lasers, e.g. for the removal of tumours, seal-ing blood vessels, or the correction of shortsight-ednessLasix

Lasix /$le"z"ks/ a trade name for frusemideLassa fever

Lassa fever /$l's# !fi%v#/ noun a highly infec-tious and often fatal virus disease found in Centraland West Africa, causing high fever, pains, andulcers in the mouth [After a village in northernNigeria where the fever was first reported.]lassitude

lassitude /$l's"tju%d/ noun a state where a per-son does not want to do anything, sometimesbecause he or she is depressedlatent

latent /$le"t(#)nt/ adjective referring to a diseasewhich is present in the body but does not showany signs ! The children were tested for latentviral infection.lateral

lateral /$l't(#)r#l/ adjective further away fromthe midline of the body

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167 lentigolateral aspect

lateral aspect /!l't(#)r#l $'spekt/ noun aview of the side of part of the body. Also calledlateral view. See illustration at ANATOMICALTERMS in Supplementlateral epicondyle

lateral epicondyle /!l't(#)r#l !ep" |$k(nda"l/,lateral epicondyle of the humerus /!l't(#)r#lep" |!k(nda"l #v 2# $hju%m#r#s/ noun a lateralprojection on the rounded end of the humerus atthe elbow jointclateral epicondylitis

lateral epicondylitis /!l't(#)r#l !ep"k(nd"|

$la"t"s/ noun same as tennis elbowlaterally

laterally /$l'tr#li/ adverb towards or on the sideof the body. See illustration at ANATOMICALTERMS in Supplementlateral malleolus

lateral malleolus /!l't(#)r#l m#|$li%#l#s/ nounthe part of the end of the fibula which protrudeson the outside of the anklelateral view

lateral view /! l't(#)r#l $vju%/ noun same aslateral aspectlateroversion

lateroversion /!l't(#)r#* |$v-%/(#)n/ noun acondition in which an organ is turned to one sidelatissimus dorsi

latissimus dorsi /l#|!t"s"m#s $d)%si/ noun alarge flat triangular muscle covering the lumbarregion and the lower part of the chestlaudanum

laudanum /$l)%d(#)n#m/ noun a solution ofopium in alcohol that was formerly in widespreaduse for pain relieflaughing gas

laughing gas /$l&%f"0 1's/ noun same asnitrous oxide (informal)lavage

lavage /$l'v"d+, l' |$v&%+/ noun the act of wash-ing out or irrigating an organ such as the stomachlaxative

laxative /$l'ks#t"v/ adjective causing a bowelmovement " noun a medicine which causes abowel movement, e.g. bisacodyl, which stimu-lates intestinal motility, or lactulose which altersfluid retention in the bowel $ also called (allsenses) purgativelazy eye

lazy eye /!le"zi $a"/ noun an eye which does notfocus properly without an obvious cause(informal) ! amblyopiaLD

LD abbreviation lethal doseLDL

LDL abbreviation low-density lipoproteinL-dopa

L-dopa /!el $d#*p#/ noun same as levodopaLE

LE abbreviation lupus erythematosuslead

lead /led/ noun a very heavy soft metallic ele-ment, which is poisonous in compounds (NOTE:The chemical symbol is Pb.)lead poisoning

lead poisoning /!led $p)"z(#)n"0/ noun poi-soning caused by taking in lead salts. Also calledplumbism, saturnismlearning

learning /$l-%n"0/ noun the act of gainingknowledge of something or of how to do some-thinglearning disability

learning disability /$l-%n"0 d"s#|!b"l"ti/,learning difficulty /$l-%n"0 !d"f"k(#)lti/ noun acondition that results in someone finding it diffi-cult to learn skills or information at the same rate

as others of similar age ! children with learningdisabilitiesLE cells

LE cells /!el $i% !selz/ plural noun white bloodcells which show that someone has lupus ery-thematosuslecithin

lecithin /$les","n/ noun a chemical which is aconstituent of all animal and plant cells and isinvolved in the transport and absorption of fatsleech

leech /li%t// noun a blood-sucking parasiticworm which lives in water, occasionally used inspecialist proceduresleg

leg /le1/ noun a part of the body with which aperson or animal walks and standsLegg-Calvé disease

Legg-Calvé disease /!le1 $k'lve" d"|!zi%z/,Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease /!le1 !k'lve"$p-%t"z d"|!zi%z/ noun degeneration of the upperend of the thighbone in young boys, which pre-vents the bone growing properly and can result ina permanent limp [Described 1910 separately byall three workers. Arthur Thornton Legg (1874–1939), American orthopaedic surgeon; JacquesCalvé (1875–1954), French orthopaedic sur-geon; Georg Clemens Perthes (1869–1927),German surgeon.]Legionnaires’ disease

Legionnaires’ disease /!li%d+# |$ne#z d"|!zi%z/noun a bacterial disease similar to pneumonialeio-

leio- /le"#*/ prefix smooth or smoothnessleiomyoma

leiomyoma /!la"#*ma"|$#*m#/ noun a tumourof smooth muscle, especially the smooth musclecoating the uterus (NOTE: The plural is leiomyo-mas or leiomyomata.)leiomyosarcoma

leiomyosarcoma /!la"#*|!ma"#*s&% |$k#*m#/noun a sarcoma in which large bundles of smoothmuscle are found (NOTE: The plural is leiomy-osarcomas or leiomyosarcomata.)leishmaniasis

leishmaniasis /!li%/m# |$na"#s"s/ noun a dis-ease caused by the parasite Leishmania, one formof which causes disfiguring ulcers, while anotherattacks the liver and bone marrowLembert’s suture

Lembert’s suture /$l&%mbe#z !su%t/#/ noun asuture used to close a wound in the intestinewhich includes all the coats of the intestine[Described 1826. After Antoine Lembert (1802–51), French surgeon.]lens

lens /lenz/ noun 1. the part of the eye behind theiris and pupil, which focuses light coming fromthe cornea onto the retina. See illustration at EYEin Supplement 2. a piece of shaped glass or plas-tic which forms part of a pair of spectacles ormicroscope 3. same as contact lenslens implant

lens implant /$lenz !"mpl&%nt/ noun an artifi-cial lens implanted in the eye when the naturallens is removed, as in the case of cataractlenticular

lenticular /len |$t"kj*l#/ adjective referring to orlike a lenslentigo

lentigo /len|$ta"1#*/ noun a small brown spot onthe skin often caused by exposure to sunlight.Also called freckle (NOTE: The plural is lentigi-nes.)

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leontiasis 168leontiasis

leontiasis /!li%(n|$ta"#s"s/ noun a rare disorderin which the skull bones become enlarged andmay give the appearance of a lion’s head. It occursif Paget’s disease is not treated.leprosy

leprosy /$lepr#si/ noun an infectious bacterialdisease of skin and peripheral nerves caused byMycobacterium leprae, which destroys the tissuesand causes severe disfigurement if left untreated.Also called Hansen’s diseaseleptin

leptin /$lept"n/ noun a hormone produced by fatcells that signals the body’s level of hunger to thehypothalamus of the brainlepto-

lepto- /lept#*/ prefix thinleptocyte

leptocyte /$lept#sa"t/ noun a thin red blood cellfound in anaemialeptomeninges

leptomeninges /!lept#*me|$n"nd+i%z/ pluralnoun the two inner meninges, the pia mater andarachnoidleptomeningitis

leptomeningitis /!lept#*men"n|$d+a"t"s/noun inflammation of the leptomeningesLeptospira

Leptospira /!lept#*|$spa"r#/ noun a genus ofbacteria excreted continuously in the urine of ratsand many domestic animals. It can infect humans,causing leptospirosis or Weil’s disease.leptospirosis

leptospirosis /!lept#*spa"|$r#*s"s/ noun aninfectious disease caused by the spirochaete Lept-ospira, transmitted to humans from rat urine,causing jaundice and kidney damage. Also calledWeil’s diseaselesbianism

lesbianism /$lezbi#n"z(#)m/ noun sexualattraction in one woman for another. ComparehomosexualityLesch-Nyhan disease

Lesch-Nyhan disease /!le/ $na"h#n d"|!zi%z/,Lesch-Nyhan syndrome /!le/ $na"h#n!s"ndr#*m/ noun a rare genetic disorder in boyscaused by a lack of the enzyme HPRT. Symptomsinclude uncontrolled muscle movements andlearning disabilities, and life expectancy is 20 –25.lesion

lesion /$li%+(#)n/ noun a wound, sore or damageto the body (NOTE: Lesion is used to refer to anydamage to the body, from the fracture of a boneto a cut on the skin.)lesser

lesser /$les#/ adjective smallerlesser circulation

lesser circulation /!les# !s-%kj* |$le"/(#)n/noun same as pulmonary circulationlesser trochanter

lesser trochanter /!les# tr# |$k'nt#/ noun aprojection on the femur which is the insertion ofthe psoas major musclelesser vestibular gland

lesser vestibular gland /!les# ve|$st"bj*l#1l'nd/ noun the more anterior of the vestibularglandslethal

lethal /$li%,(#)l/ adjective killing or able to kill !These fumes are lethal if inhaled.lethal dose

lethal dose /!li%,(#)l $d#*s/ noun the amount ofa drug or other substance which will kill the per-son who takes it ! She took a lethal dose of aspi-rin. Abbreviation LD

lethal gene

lethal gene /!li%,(#)l $d+i%n/, lethal mutation/!li%,(#)l mju% |$te"/(#)n/ noun a gene, usuallyrecessive, that results in the premature death of anindividual who inherits it, e.g. the gene control-ling sickle-cell anaemialethargic

lethargic /l" |$,&%d+"k/ adjective showing leth-argylethargy

lethargy /$le,#d+i/ noun a state in which some-one is not mentally alert, has slow movements andis almost inactiveLetterer-Siwe disease

Letterer-Siwe disease /!let#r# $si%we" d"|

!z"%z/ noun a usually fatal disease, most commonin infants, caused by the overproduction of a spe-cialised type of immune cellleucine

leucine /$lu%si%n/ noun an essential amino acidleuco-

leuco- /lu%k#*/, leuko- prefix whiteleucocyte

leucocyte /$lu%k#sa"t/, leukocyte noun awhite blood cell which contains a nucleus but hasno haemoglobinleucocytolysis

leucocytolysis /!lu%k#*sa"|$t(l#s"s/, leukocy-tolysis /!lu%k#sa"|$t(l#s"s/ noun destruction ofleucocytesleucocytosis

leucocytosis /!lu%k#*sa" |$t#*s"s/, leukocyto-sis /!lu%k#sa"|$t#*s"s/ noun an increase in thenumbers of leucocytes in the blood above theusual upper limit, in order to fight an infectionleucoderma

leucoderma /!lu%k#* |$d-%m#/, leukodermanoun same as vitiligoleucolysin

leucolysin /!lu%k#*|$la"s"n/, leukolysin noun aprotein which destroys white blood cellsleuconychia

leuconychia /!lu%k#* |$n"ki#/, leukonychianoun a condition in which white marks appear onthe fingernailsleucopenia

leucopenia /!lu%k# |$pi%ni#/, leukopenia noun areduction in the number of leucocytes in theblood, usually as the result of a diseaseleucoplakia

leucoplakia /!lu%k#* |$pl'ki#/, leukoplakianoun a condition in which white patches form onmucous membranes, e.g. on the tongue or insideof the mouthleucopoiesis

leucopoiesis /!lu%k#*p)"|$i%s"s/, leukopoiesisnoun the production of leucocytesleucorrhoea

leucorrhoea /!lu%k# |$ri%#/, leukorrhoea nounan excessive discharge of white mucus from thevagina. Also called whites (NOTE: The US spell-ing is leukorrhea.)leukaemia

leukaemia /lu% |$ki%mi#/ noun any of severalmalignant diseases where an unusual number ofleucocytes form in the blood (NOTE: The USspelling is leukemia.)leuko-

leuko- /lu%k#*/ prefix same as leuco-levator

levator /l# |$ve"t#/ noun 1. a surgical instrumentfor lifting pieces of fractured bone 2. a musclewhich lifts a limb or a part of the bodylevel of care

level of care /!lev(#)l #v $ke#/ noun any of theplanned divisions within the system of health carewhich is offered by a particular organisation !

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169 light adaptation

Our care homes offer six different levels of care toallow the greatest independence possible.level one bed

level one bed /!lev(#)l $w.n !bed/ noun a bedoccupied by a patient whose needs can be man-aged in a ward but who has an increased require-ment for nursing support, e.g. a post-operativepatient with fluctuating vital signslevel three bed

level three bed /!lev(#)l $,ri% !bed/ noun a bedoccupied by a patient whose needs should not bemanaged in a ward, e.g. a patient intubated fol-lowing a cardiac arrestlevel two bed

level two bed /!lev(#)l $tu% !bed/ noun a bedoccupied by a patient whose needs would not nor-mally be managed in a ward, e.g. a patient with adeteriorating condition awaiting transfer to ahigh-dependency unitlevodopa

levodopa /!li%v#|$d#*p#/ noun a natural chemi-cal that stimulates the production of dopamine inthe brain and is used to treat Parkinson’s diseaselevonorgestrel

levonorgestrel /!li%v#*n)%|$d+estr#l/ noun anartificially produced female sex hormone, usedmostly in birth control pills or capsulesLeydig cells

Leydig cells /$la"d"1 selz/ plural noun testo-sterone-producing cells between the tubules in thetestes. Also called interstitial cells [Described1850. After Franz von Leydig (1821–1908), Pro-fessor of Histology at Würzburg, Tübingen andthen Bonn, Germany.]Leydig tumour

Leydig tumour /$la"d"1 !tju%m#/ noun atumour of the Leydig cells of the testis. It oftenreleases testosterone, which makes young boysshow early signs of maturing.l.g.v.

l.g.v. abbreviation lymphogranuloma venereumLH

LH abbreviation luteinising hormonelibido

libido /l"|$bi%d#*/ noun 1. the sexual urge 2. (inpsychology) a force which drives the unconsciousmindLibrium

Librium /$l"bri#m/ a trade name for chlo-rdiazepoxidelice

lice /la"s/ plural of louselichen

lichen /$la"ken/ noun a type of skin disease withthick skin and small lesionslichenification

lichenification /la" |!ken"f" |$ke"/(#)n/ noun athickening of the skin at the site of a lesionlichen planus

lichen planus /!la"ken $ple"n#s/ noun a skindisease where itchy purple spots appear on thearms and thighslid

lid /l"d/ noun the top which covers a container !a medicine bottle with a child-proof lidlidocaine

lidocaine /$la"d#ke"n/ noun US a drug used asa local anaesthetic. Also called lignocainelie

lie /la"/ noun same as lie of fetus " verb to be ina flat position ! The accident victim was lying onthe pavement. ! Make sure the patient lies stilland does not move. (NOTE: lying – lay – lain)Lieberkühn’s glands

Lieberkühn’s glands /$li%b#ku%nz 1l'ndz/plural noun same as crypts of Lieberkühn


lien- /la"#n/ prefix spleenlienal

lienal /$la"#n(#)l/ adjective relating to or affect-ing the spleen ! the lienal arterylienculus

lienculus /l#|$e0kj*l#s/ noun a small secondaryspleen sometimes found in the body (NOTE: Theplural is lienculi.)lienorenal

lienorenal /!la"#n#*|$ri%n(#)l/ adjective relatingto or affecting both the spleen and the kidneyslie of fetus

lie of fetus /!la" #v $fi%t#s/ noun the position ofthe fetus in the uterus ! Cause of rupture: abnor-mal lie of fetus.life

life /la"f/ noun the quality that makes a person orthing alive and not dead or inorganic ! The sur-geons saved the patient’s life. ! Her life is in dan-ger because the drugs are not available. ! Thevictim showed no sign of life.life event

life event /$la"f " |!vent/ noun a significant eventwhich alters a person’s status as regards taxation,insurance or employment benefits, e.g. the birthof a child or the onset of a disabilitylife expectancy

life expectancy /$la"f "k|!spekt#nsi/ noun thenumber of years a person of a particular age islikely to livelife-support system

life-support system /!la"f s#|$p)%t !s"st#m/noun a machine that takes over one or more vitalfunctions such as breathing when someone is una-ble to survive unaided because of a disease orinjurylift

lift /l"ft/ noun 1. a particular way of carrying aninjured or unconscious person ! a four-handedlift ! a shoulder lift 2. a cosmetic operation toremove signs of age or to change a body feature !a face liftligament

ligament /$l"1#m#nt/ noun a thick band offibrous tissue which connects the bones at a jointand forms the joint capsuleligate

ligate /$la"1e"t/ verb to tie something with a lig-ature, e.g. to tie a blood vessel to stop bleeding orto tie the Fallopian tubes as a sterilisation proce-dure (NOTE: ligating – ligated)ligation

ligation /la" |$1e"/(#)n/ noun a surgical operationto tie up a blood vesselligature

ligature /$l"1#t/#/ noun a thread used to tie ves-sels or a lumen, e.g. to tie a blood vessel to stopbleeding " verb same as ligate (NOTE: ligatur-ing – ligatured)light

light /la"t/ adjective 1. bright so that a person cansee ! At six o’clock in the morning it was just get-ting light. 2. referring to hair or skin which is verypale ! She has a very light complexion. ! He haslight-coloured hair. 3. weighing a comparativelysmall amount " noun the energy that makesthings bright and helps a person to see ! There’snot enough light in here to take a photo.light adaptation

light adaptation /$la"t 'd'p|!te"/(#)n/ nounchanges in the eye to adapt to an unusually brightor dim light or to adapt to light after being in dark-ness

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lightening 170lightening

lightening /$la"t#n"0/ noun a late stage in preg-nancy where the fetus goes down into the pelviccavitylightning pains

lightning pains /$la"tn"0 pe"nz/ plural nounsharp pains in the legs in someone who has tabesdorsalislight reflex

light reflex /$la"t !ri%fleks/ noun same as pupil-lary reactionlight therapy

light therapy /$la"t !,er#pi/, light treatment/$la"t !tri%tm#nt/ noun the treatment of a disorderby exposing the person to light such as sunlight orinfrared lightlignocaine

lignocaine /$l"1n#ke"n/ noun same as lido-cainelimb

limb /l"m/ noun one of the legs or armslimbic system

limbic system /$l"mb"k !s"st#m/ noun a sys-tem of nerves in the brain, including the hippoc-ampus, the amygdala and the hypothalamus,which are associated with emotions such as fearand angerlimb lead

limb lead /$l"m li%d/ noun an electrode attachedto an arm or leg when taking an electrocardio-gramlimb lengthening

limb lengthening /$l"m !le0,#n"0/ noun a pro-cedure in which an arm or a leg is made longer. Itsbone is divided in two and new bone forms in thegap between the ends.limbus

limbus /$l"mb#s/ noun an edge, especially theedge of the cornea where it joins the sclera (NOTE:The plural is limbi.)liminal

liminal /$l"m"n(#)l/ adjective referring to a stim-ulus at the lowest level which can be sensedlimp

limp /l"mp/ noun a way of walking awkwardlybecause of pain, stiffness or malformation of a legor foot ! She walks with a limp. " verb to walkawkwardly because of pain, stiffness or malfor-mation of a leg or foot ! He was still limpingthree weeks after the accident.linctus

linctus /$l"0kt#s/ noun a sweet cough medicinelinea nigra

linea nigra /!l"ni# $na"1r#/ noun a dark line onthe skin from the navel to the pubis which appearsduring the later months of pregnancy (NOTE: Theplural is lineae nigrae.)linear

linear /$l"ni#/ adjective 1. long and narrow inshape 2. able to be represented by a straight linelingual

lingual /$l"01w#l/ adjective referring to thetonguelingual tonsil

lingual tonsil /!l"01w#l $t(ns(#)l/ noun a massof lymphoid tissue on the top surface of the backof the tonguelingula

lingula /$l"01j*l#/ noun a long thin piece ofbone or other tissue ! the lingula of the left lung(NOTE: The plural is lingulae.)lingular

lingular /$l"01j*l#/ adjective relating to a lin-gulaliniment

liniment /$l"n"m#nt/ noun an oily liquid rubbedon the skin to ease the pain or stiffness of a sprain

or bruise by acting as a vasodilator or counterirri-tant. Also called embrocationlining

lining /$la"n"0/ noun a substance or tissue on theinside of an organ ! the thick lining of the aortalink

link /l"0k/ verb 1. to join things together ! Theankle bone links the bones of the lower leg to thecalcaneus. 2. to be related to or associated withsomething ! Health is linked to diet.linkage

linkage /$l"0k"d+/ noun (of genes) the fact ofbeing close together on a chromosome, and there-fore likely to be inherited togetherlinoleic acid

linoleic acid /!l"n#*li%"k $'s"d/ noun one ofthe essential fatty acids, found in grains and seedslinolenic acid

linolenic acid /l"n#*|!len"k $'s"d/ noun one ofthe essential fatty acids, found in linseed andother natural oilslint

lint /l"nt/ noun thick flat cotton wadding, used aspart of a surgical dressinglip

lip /l"p/ noun 1. each of two fleshy muscular partsround the edge of the mouth ! Her lips were dryand cracked. 2. same as labiumlipaemia

lipaemia /l"|$pi%mi#/ noun an excessive amountof fat in the blood (NOTE: The US spelling islipemia.)lipase

lipase /$l"pe"z/ noun an enzyme which breaksdown fats in the intestine. Also called lipolyticenzymelipid

lipid /$l"p"d/ noun an organic compound which isinsoluble in water, e.g. a fat, oil or waxlipid metabolism

lipid metabolism /!l"p"d m#|$t'b#l"z(#)m/noun the series of chemical changes by which lip-ids are broken down into fatty acidslipidosis

lipidosis /!l"p" |$d#*s"s/ noun a disorder of lipidmetabolism in which subcutaneous fat is notpresent in some parts of the bodylipochondrodystrophy

lipochondrodystrophy /!l"p#*|!k(ndr#*|

$d"str#fi/ noun a congenital disorder affectinglipid metabolism, the bones and the main organs,causing learning difficulties and physical deform-itylipodystrophy

lipodystrophy /!l"p#* |$d"str#fi/ noun a disor-der of lipid metabolismlipogenesis

lipogenesis /!l"p#*|$d+en#s"s/ noun the pro-duction or making of deposits of fatlipoid

lipoid /$l"p)"d/ noun a compound lipid, or a fattysubstance such as cholesterol which is like a lipid" adjective like a lipidlipoidosis

lipoidosis /!l"p)"|$d#*s"s/ noun a group of dis-eases with reticuloendothelial hyperplasia andunusual deposits of lipoids in the cellslipolysis

lipolysis /l"|$p(l"sis/ noun the process of break-ing down fat by lipaselipolytic enzyme

lipolytic enzyme /!l"p#l"t"k $enza"m/ nounsame as lipaselipoma

lipoma /l" |$p#*m#/ noun a benign tumourformed of fatty tissue (NOTE: The plural is lipo-mas or lipomata.)

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171 lobelipoprotein

lipoprotein /!l"p#*|$pr#*ti%n/ noun a proteinwhich combines with lipids and carries them inthe bloodstream and lymph system (NOTE: Lipo-proteins are classified according to the percent-age of protein which they carry.)liposuction

liposuction /$l"p#*|!s.k/(#)n/ noun the surgi-cal removal of fatty tissue for cosmetic reasonslipping

lipping /$l"p"0/ noun a condition in which bonetissue grows over other boneslip salve

lip salve /$l"p s'lv/ noun an ointment, usuallysold as a soft stick, used to rub on lips to preventthem crackingliquid diet

liquid diet /!l"kw"d $da"#t/ noun a diet consist-ing only of liquids ! The clear liquid diet is atemporary diet used in preparation for surgery.liquid paraffin

liquid paraffin /!l"kw"d $p'r#f"n/ noun an oilused as a laxativeliquor

liquor /$l"k#/ noun (in pharmacy) a solution,usually aqueous, of a pure substancelisp

lisp /l"sp/ noun a speech condition in whichsomeone replaces ‘s’ sounds with ‘th’ " verb totalk with a lispListeria

Listeria /l" |$st"#ri#/ noun a genus of bacteriafound in domestic animals and in unpasteurisedmilk products which can cause uterine infectionor meningitislisteriosis

listeriosis /l"|!st"#ri|$#*s"s/ noun an infectiousdisease transmitted from animals to humans bythe bacterium Listerialistlessness

listlessness /$l"stl#sn#s/ noun the fact ofbeing generally weak and tiredliter

liter /$li%t#/ noun US spelling of litrelith-

lith- /l",/ prefix same as litho- (used before vow-els)lithagogue

lithagogue /$l",#1(1/ noun a drug which helpsto remove stones from the urinelithiasis

lithiasis /l"|$,a"#s"s/ noun the formation ofstones in an organlithium

lithium /$l",i#m/ noun a soft silver-white metal-lic element that forms compounds, used as a med-ical treatment for bipolar disorderlitho-

litho- /l",#*/ prefix referring to a calculuslitholapaxy

litholapaxy /l"|$,(l#p'ksi/ noun the evacuationof pieces of a stone in the bladder after crushing itwith a lithotrite. Also called lithotritylithonephrotomy

lithonephrotomy /!l",#*n# |$fr(t#mi/ noun asurgical operation to remove a stone in the kidney(NOTE: The plural is lithonephrotomies.)lithotomy

lithotomy /l" |$,(t#mi/ noun a surgical operationto remove a stone from the bladder (NOTE: Theplural is lithotomies.)lithotomy position

lithotomy position /l"|$,(t#mi p#|!z"/(#)n/noun a position for some medical examinations inwhich the person lies on his or her back with thelegs flexed and the thighs against the abdomenlithotripsy

lithotripsy /$l",#tr"psi/ noun the process ofbreaking up kidney or gall bladder stones into

small fragments that the body can eliminate themunaidedlithotrite

lithotrite /$l",#tra"t/ noun a surgical instrumentwhich crushes a stone in the bladderlithotrity

lithotrity /l"|$,(tr"ti/ noun same as litholapaxylithuresis

lithuresis /!l",j* |$ri%s"s/ noun the passage ofsmall stones from the bladder during urinationlitmus

litmus /$l"tm#s/ noun a substance which turnsred in acid and blue in alkalilitmus paper

litmus paper /$l"tm#s !pe"p#/ noun a smallpiece of paper impregnated with litmus, used totest for acidity or alkalinitylitre

litre /$li%t#/ noun a unit of measurement of liq-uids equal to 1.76 pints. Abbreviation l, L (NOTE:With figures, usually written l or L: 2.5l, but it canbe written in full to avoid confusion with thenumeral 1. The US spelling is liter.)Little’s area

Little’s area /$l"t(#)lz !e#ri#/ noun an area ofblood vessels in the nasal septumLittle’s disease

Little’s disease /$l"t(#)lz d" |!zi%z/ noun sameas spastic diplegia [Described 1843. After Wil-liam John Little (1810–94), physician at the Lon-don Hospital, UK]liver

liver /$l"v#/ noun a large gland in the upper partof the abdomen. See illustration at DIGESTIVE SYS-TEM in Supplement (NOTE: For other termsreferring to the liver, see words beginning withhepat-, hepato-.)liver fluke

liver fluke /$l"v# flu%k/ noun a parasitic flat-worm which can infest the liverliver spot

liver spot /$l"v# sp(t/ noun a little brown patchon the skin of the backs of the hands, attributed tosun damage (NOTE: Liver spots are unconnectedwith any liver disorder.)liver transplant

liver transplant /$l"v# !tr'nspl&%nt/ noun asurgical operation to give a person the liver ofanother person who has diedlivid

livid /$l"v"d/ adjective referring to skin with ablue colour because of being bruised or becauseof asphyxiationliving will

living will /!l"v"0 $w"l/ noun a document signedby a person while in good health to specify thedecisions he or she wishes to be taken about med-ical treatment if he or she becomes incapable ofmaking or communicating themLMC

LMC abbreviation local medical committeelobar

lobar /$l#*b#/ adjective referring to a lobelobar bronchi

lobar bronchi /!l#*b# $br(0ki%/ plural noun airpassages supplying a lobe of a lung. Also calledsecondary bronchilobar pneumonia

lobar pneumonia /!l#*b# nju% |$m#*ni#/ nounpneumonia which affects one or more lobes of thelunglobe

lobe /l#*b/ noun a rounded section of an organsuch as the brain, lung or liver. See illustration atLUNGS in Supplement

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lobectomy 172lobectomy

lobectomy /l#* |$bekt#mi/ noun a surgical oper-ation to remove one of the lobes of an organ suchas the lung ! The plural is lobectomies.lobotomy

lobotomy /l#* |$b(t#mi/ noun a surgical opera-tion formerly used to treat mental illness by cut-ting into a lobe of the brain to cut the nerve fibres(NOTE: The plural is lobotomies.)lobular

lobular /$l(bj*l#/ adjective relating to a lobule! lobular carcinomalobule

lobule /$l(bju%l/ noun a small section of a lobein the lung, formed of acinilocal

local /$l#*k(#)l/ adjective 1. referring to a sepa-rate place 2. confined to one part " noun same aslocal anaestheticlocal anaesthesia

local anaesthesia /!l#*k(#)l 'n#s |$,i%zi#/noun loss of feeling in a single part of the bodylocal anaesthetic

local anaesthetic /!l#*k(#)l 'n#s|$,et"k/noun an anaesthetic such as lignocaine whichremoves the feeling in a single part of the bodyonly ! The surgeon removed the growth underlocal anaesthetic.localise

localise /$l#*k#la"z/, localize verb 1. to restrictthe spread of something to a specific area 2. tofind where something is 3. to transfer power froma central authority to local organisations (NOTE:localising – localised)localised

localised /$l#*k#la"zd/, localized adjectivereferring to an infection which occurs in one partof the body only. Opposite generalisedlocal supervising authority

local supervising authority /!l#*k(#)l$su%p#va"z"0 )%|!,(r"ti/ noun an organisationwhich controls midwife services within its arealochia

lochia /$l(ki#/ noun a discharge from the vaginaafter childbirth or abortionlochiometra

lochiometra /$l(ki#mi%tr#/ noun a condition inwhich lochia remains in the uterus after a baby isborn, making it swollenlock

lock /l(k/ verb to fix something in a positionlocked-in syndrome

locked-in syndrome /!l(kt $"n !s"ndr#*m/noun a condition in which only the eyes and eye-lids can move although the person is fully alertand conscious. It results from severe damage tothe brain stem.locked knee

locked knee /!l(kt $ni%/ noun a condition inwhich a piece of the cartilage in the knee slips outof position. The symptom is a sharp pain, and theknee remains permanently bent.locking joint

locking joint /!l(k"0 $d+)"nt/ noun a jointwhich can be locked in an extended position, e.g.the knee or elbowlockjaw

lockjaw /$l(kj)%/ noun same as tetanus (datedinformal)locomotion

locomotion /!l#*k#|$m#*/(#)n/ noun the fact ofbeing able to movelocomotor

locomotor /!l#*k#|$m#*t#/ adjective relating tolocomotionlocomotor ataxia

locomotor ataxia /!l#*k#|!m#*t#r #|$t'ksi#/noun same as tabes dorsalis


loculated /$l(kj*le"t"d/ adjective referring toan organ or a growth which is divided into manycompartments ! a loculated renal abscesslocule

locule /$l(kju%l/ noun same as loculusloculus

loculus /$l(kj*l#s/ noun a small space in anorgan (NOTE: The plural is loculi.)locum

locum /$l#*k#m/ noun a healthcare professionalsuch as a doctor or pharmacist who takes the placeof another for a time. Also called locum tenenslocum tenenslocum tenens /!l#*k#m $ten#nz/ noun sameas locum (NOTE: The plural is locum tenentes.)locus

locus /$l#*k#s/ noun 1. an area or point wherean infection or disease is to be found 2. a positionon a chromosome occupied by a gene (NOTE: Theplural is loci.)lofepramine

lofepramine /l( |$fepr#mi%n/ noun an antide-pressant druglog roll

log roll /$l(1 r#*l/ noun a method of turningpeople in bed onto their side by putting them intoa straight position and pulling on the sheet underthemlogrolling

logrolling /$l(1r#*l"0/ noun the process ofmoving a person who is lying down into anotherposition using the log roll method-logy-logy /l#d+i/ suffix 1. science or study ! psychol-ogy ! embryology 2. speech or expressionloinloin /l)"n/ noun the lower back part of the bodyabove the buttocksLomotil

Lomotil /l#* |$m#*t"l/ a trade name for a prepa-ration containing diphenoxalatelongitudinal

longitudinal /!l(01" |$tju%d"n(#)l/ adjective 1.positioned lengthwise 2. in the direction of thelong axis of the bodylongitudinal arch

longitudinal arch /!l(01"tju%d"n(#)l $&%t//noun same as plantar archlongitudinal lie

longitudinal lie /!l(01"tju%d"n(#)l $la"/ nounthe usual position of a fetus, lying along the axisof the mother’s bodylongitudinal studylongitudinal study /!l(01"tju%d"n(#)l $st.di/noun a study of individuals or groups of peopleand of how some aspect such as their health oreducation changes over a long timelongsighted

longsighted /!l(0|$sa"t"d/ adjective able to seeclearly things which are far away but not thingswhich are closelongsightedness

longsightedness /!l(0 |$sa"t"dn#s/ noun thecondition of being longsighted. Also calledhypermetropialoo

loo /lu%/ noun a toilet, or a room containing a toi-let (informal) # to go to the loo to urinate or def-ecateloop

loop /lu%p/ noun 1. a curve or bend in a line,especially one of the particular curves in a finger-print 2. a curved piece of wire placed in the uterusto prevent contraceptionloop of Henle

loop of Henle /!lu%p #v $henli/ noun a curvedtube which forms the main part of a nephron inthe kidney

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173 luteinising hormoneloperamide

loperamide /l#*|$per#ma"d/, loperamidehydrochloride /l#* |!per#ma"d !ha"dr#* |

$kl)%ra"d/ noun a drug that relieves severe diar-rhoea by slowing down the movements of theintestineloratidine

loratidine /l(r |$'t"di%n/ noun an antihistaminedruglorazepam

lorazepam /l)%|$r'z"p'm/ noun a mild tran-quilliser that people often receive before surgeryto lessen anxietylordosis

lordosis /l)% |$d#*s"s/ noun excessive forwardcurvature of the lower part of the spine. ! kypho-sislordotic

lordotic /l)%|$d(t"k/ adjective referring to lordo-sislotion

lotion /$l#*/(#)n/ noun a medicinal liquid usedto rub on the skin ! a mild antiseptic lotionlouse

louse /la*s/ noun a small insect of the Pediculusgenus, which sucks blood and lives on the skin asa parasite on animals and humans (NOTE: Theplural is lice.)low-density lipoprotein

low-density lipoprotein /!l#* !dens"ti$l"p#*pr#*ti%n/ noun a lipoprotein with a largepercentage of cholesterol which deposits fats inmuscles and arteries. Abbreviation LDLlower motor neurones

lower motor neurones /!l#*# $m#*t#!nj*#r#*nz/ plural noun linked neurones whichcarry motor impulses from the spinal cord to themuscleslozenge

lozenge /$l(z"nd+/ noun a sweet medicinal tab-let ! She was sucking a cough lozenge.LRCP

LRCP abbreviation licentiate of the Royal Col-lege of PhysiciansLSA

LSA abbreviation local supervising authorityLSD

LSD abbreviation lysergic acid diethylamidelubb-dupp

lubb-dupp /!l.b $d.b/ noun two sounds madeby the heart, which represent each cardiac cyclewhen heard through a stethoscopelubricant

lubricant /$lu%br"k#nt/ noun a fluid whichlubricateslubricate

lubricate /$lu%br"ke"t/ verb to cover somethingwith a fluid to reduce friction (NOTE: lubricating– lubricated)lucid

lucid /$lu%s"d/ adjective with a clearly workingmind ! In spite of the pain, he was still lucid.lucid interval

lucid interval /!lu%s"d $"nt#v(#)l/ noun a periodof clear thinking which occurs between two peri-ods of unconsciousness or of mental illnesslumbago

lumbago /l.m |$be"1#*/ noun pain in the lowerback (informal) ! She has been suffering fromlumbago for years. ! He has had an attack oflumbago.lumbar

lumbar /$l.mb#/ adjective referring to the lowerpart of the backlumbar puncture

lumbar puncture /$l.mb# !p.0kt/#/ noun asurgical operation to remove a sample of cerebro-spinal fluid by inserting a hollow needle into the

lower part of the spinal canal. Also called spinalpuncturelumbar regionlumbar region /$l.mb# !ri%d+#n/ noun the twoparts of the abdomen on each side of the umbilicalregionlumbar vertebralumbar vertebra /!l.mb# $v-%t"br#/ pluralnoun each of the five vertebrae between the tho-racic vertebrae and the sacrumlumbo-lumbo- /l.mb#*/ prefix the lumbar regionlumbosacrallumbosacral /!l.mb#*|$se"kr#l/ adjectivereferring to both the lumbar vertebrae and the sac-rumlumbosacral jointlumbosacral joint /!l.mb#*|$se"kr#l !d+)"nt/noun a joint at the bottom of the back between thelumbar vertebrae and the sacrumlumenlumen /$lu%m"n/ noun 1. an SI unit of light emit-ted per second 2. the inside width of a passage inthe body or of an instrument such as an endoscopelumplump /l.mp/ noun a mass of hard tissue whichrises on the surface or under the surface of theskin ! He has a lump where he hit his head on thelow door. ! She noticed a lump in her right breastand went to see the doctor.lumpectomylumpectomy /l.m|$pekt#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove a hard mass of tissue such asa breast tumour, leaving the surrounding tissueintact (NOTE: The plural is lumpectomies.)lunatelunate /$lu%ne"t b#*n/, lunate bone noun oneof the eight small carpal bones in the wrist. Seeillustration at HAND in SupplementLund and Browder chartLund and Browder chart /!l.nd #n $bra*d#!t/&%t/ noun a chart for calculating the surfacearea of a burnlunglung /l.0/ noun one of two organs of respirationin the body into which air is sucked when a personbreathes (NOTE: For other terms referring to thelungs, see words beginning with bronch-,broncho-, pneum-, pneumo-, pneumon-,pneumono-, pulmo-.)lunulalunula /$lu%nj*l#/ noun a curved white mark atthe base of a fingernail (NOTE: The plural is lunu-lae.)lupuslupus /$lu%p#s/ noun a persistent skin disease, ofwhich there are several unrelated typeslupus erythematosuslupus erythematosus /!lu%p#s !er",i%m#|

$t#*s#s/ noun an inflammatory disease of con-nective tissue of which the more serious, sys-temic, form affects the heart, joints and blood ves-sels. Abbreviation LElupus vulgarislupus vulgaris /!lu%p#s v.l|$1e#r"s/ noun aform of tuberculosis of the skin in which red spotsappear on the face and become infectedluteinlutein /$lu%ti"n/ noun a yellow pigment in thecorpus luteumluteinising hormoneluteinising hormone /$lu%ti"na"z"0!h)%m#*n/, luteinizing hormone noun a hor-mone produced by the pituitary gland, whichstimulates the formation of the corpus luteum infemales and of testosterone in males. Abbrevia-

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luteo- 174

tion LH. Also called interstitial cell stimulatinghormoneluteo-

luteo- /lu%ti#*/ prefix 1. yellow 2. corpus luteumluxation

luxation /l.k |$se"/(#)n/ noun same as disloca-tionLyme disease

Lyme disease /$la"m d"|!zi%z/ noun a viral dis-ease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi transmittedby bites from deer ticks. It causes rashes, nervouspains, paralysis and, in extreme cases, death.lymph

lymph /l"mf/ noun a colourless liquid containingwhite blood cells which circulates in the lymphsystem from all body tissues, carrying waste mat-ter away from tissues to the veins. Also calledlymph fluid

COMMENT: Lymph drains from the tissuesthrough capillaries into lymph vessels. It isformed of water, protein and white bloodcells (lymphocytes). Waste matter such asinfection in the lymph is filtered out and de-stroyed as it passes through the lymphnodes, which then add further lymphocytesto the lymph before it continues in the sys-tem. It eventually drains into the brachio-cephalic (innominate) veins, and joins thevenous bloodstream. Lymph is not pumpedround the body like blood but moves by mus-cle pressure on the lymph vessels and by thenegative pressure of the large veins intowhich the vessels empty. Lymph is an es-sential part of the body’s defence against in-fection.


lymph- /l"mf/ prefix meaning same as lympho-(used before vowels)lymphaden-

lymphaden- /l"mf'd#n/ prefix relating to thelymph nodeslymphadenectomy

lymphadenectomy /!l"mf'd#|$nekt#mi/noun the surgical removal of a lymph node(NOTE: The plural is lymphadenectomies.)lymphadenitis

lymphadenitis /!l"mf'd#|$na"t"s/ nouninflammation of the lymph nodeslymphadenoma

lymphadenoma /!l"mf'd#|$n#*m#/ nounsame as lymphomalymphadenopathy

lymphadenopathy /!l"mf'd#|$n(p#,i/ nounany unusual condition of the lymph nodes (NOTE:The plural is lymphadenopathies.)lymphangi-

lymphangi- /l"mf'nd+i/ prefix lymphatic ves-sellymphangiectasis

lymphangiectasis /!l"mf'nd+i|$ekt#s"s/noun swelling of the smaller lymph vessels as aresult of obstructions in larger vesselslymphangiography

lymphangiography /!l"mf'nd+i|$(1r#fi/noun an X-ray examination of the lymph vesselsfollowing introduction of radio-opaque material(NOTE: The plural is lymphangiographies.)lymphangioma

lymphangioma /!l"mf'nd+i|$#*m#/ noun abenign tumour formed of lymph tissues (NOTE:The plural is lymphangiomas or lymphangi-omata.)


lymphangioplasty /l"mf |$'nd+i#pl'sti/ nouna surgical operation to make artificial lymphchannels (NOTE: The plural is lymphangioplast-ies.)lymphangitis

lymphangitis /!l"mf'n|$d+a"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of the lymph vesselslymphatic

lymphatic /l"m|$f't"k/ adjective referring tolymphlymphatic capillary

lymphatic capillary /l"m|!f't"k k# |$p"l#ri/ plu-ral noun any of the capillaries which lead fromtissue and join lymphatic vesselslymphatic duct

lymphatic duct /l"m|$f't"k d.kt/ noun themain channel for carrying lymphlymphatic node

lymphatic node /l"m|$f't"k n#*d/ noun sameas lymph glandlymphatic nodule

lymphatic nodule /l"m|!f't"k $n(dju%l/ nouna small lymph node found in clusters in tissueslymphatics

lymphatics /l"m|$f't"ks/ plural noun lymphvesselslymphatic system

lymphatic system /l"m|$f't"k !s"st#m/ nouna series of vessels which transport lymph from thetissues through the lymph nodes and into thebloodstreamlymphatic vessel

lymphatic vessel /l"m|$f't"k !ves(#)l/ noun atube which carries lymph round the body from thetissues to the veinslymph duct

lymph duct /$l"mf d.kt/ noun any channel car-rying lymphlymph gland

lymph gland /$l"mf 1l'nd/, lymph node/$l"mf n#*d/ noun a mass of lymphoid tissue sit-uated in various points of the lymphatic system,especially under the armpits and in the groin,through which lymph passes and in which lym-phocytes are produced. Also called lymphaticnodelympho-

lympho- /l"mf#*/ prefix meaning lymphlymphoblast

lymphoblast /$l"mf#*bl'st/ noun an unusualcell which forms in acute lymphoblastic leukae-mia as a result of the change which takes place ina lymphocyte on contact with an antigenlymphoblastic

lymphoblastic /!l"mf#*|$bl'st"k/ adjectivereferring to lymphoblasts, or forming lym-phocyteslymphocele

lymphocele /$l"mf#si%l/ noun a cyst containinglymph from injured or diseased lymph nodes orductslymphocyte

lymphocyte /$l"mf#sa"t/ noun a type of matureleucocyte or white blood cell formed by thelymph nodes and concerned with the productionof antibodieslymphocytopenia

lymphocytopenia /!l"mf#*|!sa"t#* |$pi%ni#/noun same as lymphopenialymphocytosis

lymphocytosis /!l"mf#*sa" |$t#*s"s/ noun anincreased number of lymphocytes in the bloodlymphoedema

lymphoedema /!l"mf#*" |$di%m#/ noun a swell-ing caused by obstruction of the lymph vessels orunusual development of lymph vessels (NOTE:The US spelling is lymphedema.)

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175 lysozymelymphogranuloma venereum

lymphogranuloma venereum /!l"mf#*|

!1r'nj* |!l#*m# v#|$n"#r#m/ noun a sexuallytransmitted bacterial infection that causes swell-ing of the genital lymph nodes and, especially inmen, a genital ulcer. Abbreviation l.g.v.lymphoid tissue

lymphoid tissue /$l"mf)"d !t"/u%/ noun tissuein the lymph nodes, the tonsils and the spleenwhere masses of lymphocytes are supported by anetwork of reticular fibres and cellslymphokine

lymphokine /$l"mf#*ka"n/ noun a protein pro-duced by lymphocytes that has an effect on othercells in the immune system. ! cytokinelymphoma

lymphoma /l"m |$f#*m#/ noun a malignanttumour arising from lymphoid tissue. Also calledlymphadenoma (NOTE: The plural is lympho-mas or lymphomata.)lymphopenia

lymphopenia /!l"mf#*|$pi%ni#/ noun a reduc-tion in the number of lymphocytes in the blood.Also called lymphocytopenialymphopoiesis

lymphopoiesis /!l"mf#*p)" |$i%s"s/ noun theproduction of lymphocytes or lymphoid tissuelymph vessel

lymph vessel /$l"mf !ves(#)l/ noun one of thetubes which carry lymph round the body from thetissues to the veins


lyophilisation /la" |!(f"la"|$ze"/(#)n/, lyophili-zation noun the act of preserving tissue, plasmaor serum by freeze-drying it in a vacuumlysergic acid diethylamide

lysergic acid diethylamide /la"|!s-%d+"k!'s"d da" |$e,"l#ma"d/ noun a powerful halluci-nogenic drug which can cause psychosis. Abbre-viation LSDlysin

lysin /$la"s"n/ noun 1. a protein in the bloodwhich destroys the cell against which it is directed2. a toxin which causes the lysis of cellslysine

lysine /$la"si%n/ noun an essential amino acidlysis

lysis /$la"s"s/ noun 1. the destruction of a cell bya lysin, in which the membrane of the cell isdestroyed 2. a reduction in a fever or diseaseslowly over a period of time-lysis

-lysis /l"s"s/ suffix referring to processes whichinvolve breaking up or decaying, or to objectswhich are doing this ! haemolysislysosome

lysosome /$la"s#s#*m/ noun a particle in a cellwhich contains enzymes which break down sub-stances such as bacteria which enter the celllysozyme

lysozyme /$la"s#za"m/ noun an enzyme foundin the whites of eggs and in tears, which destroysspecific bacteria

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m symbol 1. metre 2. milli-M

M symbol mega-MAAG

MAAG abbreviation medical audit advisorygroupmaceration

maceration /!m's# |$re"/(#)n/ noun the processof softening a solid by letting it lie in a liquid sothat the soluble matter dissolvesMackenrodt’s ligaments

Mackenrodt’s ligaments /$m'k#nr#*dz!l"1#m#nts/ plural noun same as cardinal liga-mentsMacmillan nurse

Macmillan nurse /m#k|$m"l#n n-%s/ noun anurse who specialises in cancer care and isemployed by the organisation Macmillan CancerReliefmacro-

macro- /m'kr#*/ prefix large. Opposite micro-macrobiotic

macrobiotic /!m'kr#*ba" |$(t"k/ adjectivereferring to food which has been produced natu-rally without artificial additives or preservativesmacrocephaly

macrocephaly /!m'kr#*|$kef#li/ noun thecondition of having an unusually large headmacrocheilia

macrocheilia /!m'kr#*|$ka"li#/ noun the con-dition of having large lipsmacrocyte

macrocyte /$m'kr#*sa"t/ noun an unusuallylarge red blood cell found in people who have per-nicious anaemiamacrocythaemia

macrocythaemia /m'kr#*sa" |$,i%mi#/ nounsame as macrocytosismacrocytic

macrocytic /!m'kr#*|$s"t"k/ adjective refer-ring to macrocytesmacrocytic anaemia

macrocytic anaemia /!m'kr#*s"t"k #|

$ni%mi#/ noun anaemia in which someone hasunusually large red blood cellsmacrocytosis

macrocytosis /!m'kr#*sa"|$t#*s"s/ noun thecondition of having macrocytes in the blood. Alsocalled macrocythaemiamacrodactyly

macrodactyly /!m'kr#*|$d'kt"li/ noun a con-dition in which a person has unusually large orlong fingers or toesmacroglobulin

macroglobulin /!m'kr#* |$1l(bj*l"n/ noun aclass of immunoglobulin, a globulin protein ofhigh molecular weight, which serves as an anti-bodymacroglossia

macroglossia /!m'kr#* |$1l(si#/ noun thecondition of having an unusually large tongue


macrognathia /!m'kr#*|$ne",i#/ noun a con-dition in which the jaw is larger than usualmacromastia

macromastia /!m'kr#* |$m'sti#/ noun over-development of the breastsmacronutrient

macronutrient /$m'kr#* |!nju%tri#nt/ noun asubstance which an organism needs in largeamounts for normal growth and development, e.g.nitrogen, carbon or potassium. Compare micro-nutrientmacrophage

macrophage /$m'kr#*fe"d+/ noun any ofseveral large cells which destroy inflammatorytissue, found in connective tissue, wounds, lymphnodes and other partsmacroscopic

macroscopic /!m'kr#* |$sk(p"k/ adjectiveable to be seen with the naked eyemacrosomia

macrosomia /!m'kr#* |$s#*mi#/ noun a condi-tion in which the body grows too muchmacrostomia

macrostomia /!m'kr#* |$st#*mi#/ noun a con-dition in which the mouth is too wide because thebones of the upper and lower jaw have not fused,either on one or on both sidesmacula

macula /$m'kj*l#/ noun 1. same as macule 2.a small coloured area, e.g. a macula luteamacula lutea

macula lutea /!m'kj*l# $lu%ti#/ noun a yellowspot on the retina, surrounding the fovea, the partof the eye which sees most clearly. Also calledyellow spotmacular

macular /$m'kj*l#/ adjective referring to amaculamacular degeneration

macular degeneration /!m'kj*l# d"|!d+en#|

$re"/(#)n/ noun an eye disorder in elderly peoplein which fluid leaks into the retina and destroyscones and rods, reducing central visionmacule

macule /$m'kju%l/ noun a small flat colouredspot on the skin. Compare papulemaculopapular

maculopapular /!m'kj*l#*|$p'pj*l#/ adjec-tive made up of both macules and papules ! mac-ulopapular rashmad cow disease

mad cow disease /!m'd $ka* d" |!zi%z/ nounsame as bovine spongiform encephalopathy(informal)Magendie’s foramen

Magendie’s foramen /m# |!d+end"z f#|

$re"men/ noun an opening in the fourth ventricleof the brain which allows cerebrospinal fluid toflow [Described 1828. After François Magendie

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177 malleus

(1783–1855), French physician and physiolo-gist.]magnesium

magnesium /m'1|$ni%zi#m/ noun a chemicalelement found in green vegetables, which isessential especially for the correct functioning ofmuscles (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Mg.)magnesium sulphate

magnesium sulphate /m'1|!ni%zi#m$s.lfe"t/ noun a magnesium salt used as a laxa-tive. Also called Epsom saltsmagnesium trisilicate

magnesium trisilicate /m'1|!ni%zi#m tra"|

$s"l"k#t/ noun a magnesium compound used totreat peptic ulcersmagnetic

magnetic /m'1|$net"k/ adjective able to attractobjects, like a magnetmagnetic field

magnetic field /m'1 |!net"k $fi%ld/ noun anarea round an object which is under the influenceof the magnetic force exerted by the objectmagnetic resonance imaging

magnetic resonance imaging /m'1|!net"k$rez#n#ns !"m"d+"0/ noun a scanning techniquewhich exposes the body to a strong magnetic fieldand uses the electromagnetic signals emitted bythe body to form an image of soft tissue and cells.Abbreviation MRImagnum

magnum /$m'1n#m/ " foramen magnummain bronchi

main bronchi /!me"n $br(0ki%/ plural noun thetwo main air passages which branch from the tra-chea outside the lung. Also called primary bron-chimajor surgery

major surgery /!me"d+# $s-%d+#ri/ noun sur-gical operations involving important organs in thebodymal

mal /m'l/ noun an illness or diseasemal-

mal- /m'l/ prefix bad or unusualmalabsorption

malabsorption /!m'l#b|$s)%p/#n/ noun a situ-ation where the intestines are unable to absorb thefluids and nutrients in food properlymalabsorption syndrome

malabsorption syndrome /!m'l#b |$s)%p/#n!s"ndr#*m/ noun a group of symptoms and signs,including malnutrition, anaemia, oedema and der-matitis, which results from steatorrhoea and mal-absorption of vitamins, protein, carbohydratesand watermalacia

malacia /m# |$le"/#/ noun the pathological sof-tening of an organ or tissuemalaise

malaise /m# |$le"z/ noun a feeling of discomfortmalaligned

malaligned /!m'l#|$la"nd/ adjective not in thecorrect position relative to other parts of the bodymalalignment

malalignment /!m'l#|$la"nm#nt/ noun a con-dition in which something is malaligned, espe-cially in which a tooth is not in its correct positionin the mouthmalar

malar /$me"l#/ adjective referring to the cheekmalar bone

malar bone /$me"l# b#*n/ noun same ascheekbonemalaria

malaria /m#|$le#ri#/ noun a mainly tropical dis-ease caused by a parasite Plasmodium, whichenters the body after a bite from the femaleanopheles mosquito

malarialmalarial /m#|$le#ri#l/ adjective referring tomalariamalarial parasitemalarial parasite /m# |!le#ri#l $p'r#sa"t/noun a parasite transmitted into the human blood-stream by the bite of the female anopheles mos-quitomalarial therapymalarial therapy /m# |$le#ri# !,er#pi/ noun atreatment in which a person is given a form ofmalaria in the belief that the high fevers theyexperience can stimulate the immune system tofight off serious diseases such as syphilis and HIVmale menopausemale menopause /!me"l $men#p)%z/ noun aperiod in middle age when a man may feel inse-cure and anxious about the fact that his physicalpowers are declining (informal)malformationmalformation /!m'lf)%|$me"/(#)n/ noun anunusual variation in the shape, structure or devel-opment of somethingmalfunctionmalfunction /m'l |$f.0k/#n/ noun a situationin which a particular organ does not work in theusual way ! Her loss of consciousness was due toa malfunction of the kidneys or to a kidney mal-function.malignancymalignancy /m#|$l"1n#nsi/ noun 1. the state ofbeing malignant ! The tests confirmed the malig-nancy of the growth. 2. a cancerous growth(NOTE: The plural is malignancies.)malignantmalignant /m# |$l"1n#nt/ adjective likely tocause death or serious disablement if not properlytreatedmalignant hypertensionmalignant hypertension /m#|!l"1n#nt!ha"p#|$ten/#n/ noun dangerously high bloodpressuremalignant melanomamalignant melanoma /m# |!l"1n#nt !mel#|

$n#*m#/ noun a dark tumour which develops onthe skin from a mole, caused by exposure tostrong sunlightmalignant pustulemalignant pustule /m# |!l"1n#nt $p.stju%l/noun a pus-filled swelling that results from infec-tion of the skin with anthraxmalignant tumourmalignant tumour /m#|!l"1n#nt $tju%m#/noun a tumour which is cancerous and can growagain or spread into other parts of the body, evenif removed surgically. Opposite benign tumourmalingerermalingerer /m# |$l"01#r#/ noun a person whopretends to be illmalingeringmalingering /m#|$l"01#r"0/ adjective the act ofpretending to be illmalleolarmalleolar /m#|$li%#l#/ adjective referring to amalleolusmalleolusmalleolus /m# |$li%#l#s/ noun one of two bonyprominences at each side of the ankle (NOTE: Theplural is malleoli.)mallet fingermallet finger /!m'l"t $f"01#/ noun a fingerwhich cannot be straightened because the tendonattaching the top joint has been tornmalleusmalleus /$m'li#s/ noun the largest of the threeossicles in the middle ear, shaped like a hammer.See illustration at EAR in Supplement

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Mallory bodies 178Mallory bodies

Mallory bodies /$m'l#ri !b(diz/ plural nounlarge irregular masses which occur in the cyto-plasm of damaged liver cells, often a sign of analcohol-related diseaseMallory-Weiss syndrome

Mallory-Weiss syndrome /!m'l#ri $va"s!s"ndr#*m/, Mallory-Weiss tear /!m'l#ri $va"s!te#/ noun a condition in which there is a tearingin the mucous membrane where the stomach andoesophagus join, e.g. because of strain on themdue to vomiting [Described 1929. After G. Ken-neth Mallory (1900–86), Professor of Pathology,Boston University, USA; Konrad Weiss (1898–1942) US physician.]malnourished

malnourished /m'l |$n.r"/t/ adjective not hav-ing enough to eat or having only poor-qualityfood, leading to ill-healthmalnutrition

malnutrition /!m'lnj* |$tr"/(#)n/ noun a lack offood or of good-quality food, leading to ill-healthmalocclusion

malocclusion /!m'l# |$klu%+(#)n/ noun a con-dition in which the teeth in the upper and lowerjaws do not meet properly when the person’smouth is closedmalodorous

malodorous /m'l |$#*d#r#s/ adjective with astrong unpleasant smellMalpighian body

Malpighian body /m'l|$p"1i#n !b(di/, Mal-pighian corpuscle /m'l |$p"1i#n !k)%p.s(#)l/noun same as renal corpuscle [Described 1666.After Marcello Malpighi (1628–94), anatomistand physiologist in Rome and Bologna, Italy.]Malpighian glomerulus

Malpighian glomerulus /m'l|!p"1i#n 1l(|

$mer*l#s/ noun same as Bowman’s capsuleMalpighian layer

Malpighian layer /m'l |$p"1i#n !lei#/ noun thedeepest layer of the epidermismalposition

malposition /!m'lp#|$z"/(#)n/ noun an unusualor unexpected position of something such as afetus in the uterus or fractured bonesmalpractice

malpractice /m'l |$pr'kt"s/ noun illegal,unethical, negligent or immoral behaviour by aprofessional person, especially a healthcare pro-fessional ! The surgeon was found guilty of mal-practice.malpresentation

malpresentation /!m'lprez(#)n |$te"/(#)n/noun an unusual position of a fetus in the uterusjust before it is ready to be bornMalta fever

Malta fever /$m)%lt# !fi%v#/ noun same as bru-cellosismaltase

maltase /$m)%lte"z/ noun an enzyme in thesmall intestine which converts maltose into glu-cosemaltose

maltose /$m)%lt#*s/ noun a sugar formed bydigesting starch or glycogenmalunion

malunion /m'l |$ju%nj#n/ noun a bad join of thepieces of a broken bonemamilla

mamilla /m#|$m"l#/ noun another spelling ofmammillamamillary

mamillary /$m'm"l(#)ri/ adjective anotherspelling of mammillary


mamm- /m'm/ prefix same as mammo- (usedbefore vowels)mamma

mamma /$m'm#/ noun same as breast (NOTE:The plural is mammae.)mammary

mammary /$m'm#ri/ adjective referring to thebreastmammary gland

mammary gland /$m'm#ri 1l'nd/ noun agland in female mammals which produces milkmammilla

mammilla /m# |$m"l#/, mamilla noun the pro-truding part in the centre of the breast, containingthe milk ducts through which the milk flows. Alsocalled nipplemammillary

mammillary /$m'm"l(#)ri/, mamillary adjec-tive referring to the nipplemammo-

mammo- /m'm#*/ prefix referring to breastsmammogram

mammogram /$m'm#1r'm/ noun a pictureof a breast made using a special X-ray techniquemammography

mammography /m'|$m(1r#fi/ noun examina-tion of the breast using a special X-ray techniquemammoplasty

mammoplasty /$m'm#pl'sti/ noun plasticsurgery to alter the shape or size of the breastsManchester operation

Manchester operation /$m'nt/"st#r (p#|

!re"/(#)n/ noun a surgical operation to correctdownward movement of the uterus, involvingremoval of the cervixmandible

mandible /$m'nd"b(#)l/ noun the lower bonein the jaw. Also called lower jawmandibular

mandibular /m'n|$d"bj*l#/ adjective referringto the lower jawmane

mane /$me"ni/ adverb (used on prescriptions)during the daytime. Opposite noctemanganese

manganese /$m'01#ni%z/ noun a metallictrace element (NOTE: The chemical symbol isMn.)mania

mania /$me"ni#/ noun a state of bipolar disorderin which the person is excited, very sure of his orher own abilities and has increased energy-mania

-mania /me"ni#/ suffix obsession with some-thingmaniac

maniac /$me"ni'k/ noun a person who behavesin an uncontrolled way or is considered to have anobsession (NOTE: This term is regarded as offen-sive.)manic

manic /$m'n"k/ adjective referring to maniamanic depression

manic depression /!m'n"k d"|$pre/(#)n/noun same as bipolar disordermanic-depressive

manic-depressive /!m'n"k d" |$pres"v/ adjec-tive relating to bipolar disorder " noun a personwith bipolar disordermanic-depressive illness

manic-depressive illness /!m'n"k d"|

$pres"v !"ln#s/, manic-depressive psychosis/!m'n"k d"|!pres"v sa"|$k#*s"s/ noun same asbipolar disordermanifestation

manifestation /!m'n"fe|$ste"/(#)n/ noun asign, indication or symptom of a diseasemanipulation

manipulation /m# |!n"pj*|$le"/(#)n/ noun aform of treatment that involves moving or rubbing

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179 mastoiditis

parts of the body with the hands, e.g. to treat a dis-order of a jointmanometermanometer /m#|$n(m"t#/ noun an instrumentfor comparing pressuresmanometrymanometry /m#|$n(m"tri/ noun the measure-ment of pressures within organs of the bodywhich contain gases or liquids, e.g. the oesopha-gus or parts of the brainMantoux testMantoux test /$m'ntu% test/ noun a test fortuberculosis, in which a person is given an intrac-utaneous injection of tuberculin. ! Heaf test[Described 1908. After Charles Mantoux (1877–1947), French physician.]manualmanual /$m'nju#l/ adjective done by handmanubrium sternimanubrium sterni /m# |!nu%bri#m $st-%na"/noun the upper part of the sternumMAOMAO abbreviation monoamine oxidaseMAOIMAOI abbreviation monoamine oxidase inhibi-torMAO inhibitorMAO inhibitor /!em e" $#* "n |!h"b"t#/ nounsame as monoamine oxidase inhibitormaple syrup urine diseasemaple syrup urine disease /!me"p(#)l!s"r#p $j*#r"n d"|!zi%z/ noun an inherited condi-tion caused by not having enough of a particularenzyme which helps the body to deal with aminoacid. The urine smells like maple syrup. It can befatal if not treated.marasmusmarasmus /m# |$r'zm#s/ noun a wasting dis-ease which affects small children who have diffi-culty in absorbing nutrients or who are malnour-ished. Also called failure to thrivemarble bone diseasemarble bone disease /!m&%b(#)l $b#*n d"|

!zi%z/ noun same as osteopetrosismarch fracturemarch fracture /$m&%t/ !fr'kt/#/ noun a frac-ture of one of the metatarsal bones in the foot,caused by excessive exercise to which the body isnot accustomedMarfan’s syndromeMarfan’s syndrome /$m&%f&%nz !s"ndr#*m/,Marfan syndrome /$m&%f&%n !s"ndr#*m/ nouna hereditary condition in which a person hasextremely long fingers and toes, with disorders ofthe heart, aorta and eyes [Described 1896. AfterBernard Jean Antonin Marfan (1858–1942),French paediatrician.]marijuanamarijuana /!m'r"|$w&%n#/ noun same as can-nabismarkermarker /$m&%k#/ noun 1. something which actsan indicator of something else 2. a substanceintroduced into the body to make internal struc-tures clearer to X-raysmarrowmarrow /$m'r#*/ noun soft tissue in cancellousbone. In young animals red marrow is concernedwith blood formation while in adults it becomesprogressively replaced with fat and is known asyellow marrow. Also called bone marrow. Seeillustration at BONE STRUCTURE in Supplementmarsupialisationmarsupialisation /m&% |!su%pi#la"|$ze"/(#)n/,marsupialization noun a surgical procedure inwhich the inside of a cyst is opened up so that the

cyst can be allowed to shrink gradually, because itcannot be cut outmasculinisation

masculinisation /!m'skj*l"na"|$ze"/(#)n/,masculinization noun the development of malecharacteristics such as body hair and a deep voicein a woman, caused by hormone deficiency or bytreatment with male hormonesMaslow’s hierarchy of human needs

Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs/!m'zl#*z !ha"r&%ki #v !hju%m#n $ni%dz/ noun asystem which explains human behaviour byorganising human needs in order of priority, frombasic ones such as eating to complex ones such asfinding self-fulfilment, a higher level of motiva-tion not being activated until the lesser needs havebeen satisfiedmasochism

masochism /$m's#k"z(#)m/ noun a sexualcondition in which a person takes pleasure inbeing hurt or badly treatedmasochistic

masochistic /!m's#|$k"st"k/ adjective refer-ring to masochismmass

mass /m's/ noun 1. a large quantity, e.g. a largenumber of people ! The patient’s back was cov-ered with a mass of red spots. 2. a body of matterwith no clear shapemassage

massage /$m's&%+/ noun a treatment for mus-cular conditions which involves rubbing, strokingor pressing the body with the hands " verb to rub,stroke or press the body with the handsmasseter

masseter /m' |$si%t#/, masseter muscle /m'|

$si%t# !m.s(#)l/ noun a muscle in the cheek whichclenches the lower jaw making it move up, toallow chewingmast-

mast- /m'st/ prefix same as masto- (usedbefore vowels)mast cell

mast cell /$m'st sel/ noun a large cell in con-nective tissue, which carries histamine and reactsto allergensmastectomy

mastectomy /m'|$stekt#mi/ noun the surgicalremoval of a breastmastication

mastication /!m'st" |$ke"/(#)n/ noun the act ofchewing foodmastitis

mastitis /m'|$sta"t"s/ noun inflammation of thebreastmasto-

masto- /m'st#*/ prefix referring to a breastmastoid

mastoid /$m'st)"d/ adjective shaped like a nip-ple " noun same as mastoid processmastoid air cell

mastoid air cell /!m'st)"d $e# !sel/, mastoidcell /$m'st)"d sel/ noun an air cell in the mas-toid processmastoid antrum

mastoid antrum /!m'st)"d $'ntr#m/ noun acavity linking the air cells of the mastoid processwith the middle earmastoidectomy

mastoidectomy /!m'st)"|$dekt#mi/ noun asurgical operation to remove part of the mastoidprocess, as a treatment for mastoiditismastoiditis

mastoiditis /!m'st)" |$da"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the mastoid process and air cells. Thesymptoms are fever and pain in the ears.

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mastoid process 180mastoid process

mastoid process /!m'st)"d $pr#*ses/ nounpart of the temporal bone which protrudes at theside of the head behind the earmasturbation

masturbation /!m'st# |$be"/(#)n/ noun stimu-lation of one’s own genitals to produce an orgasm.Also called onanismmater

mater /$me"t#/ " dura matermateria medica

materia medica /m#|!t"#ri# $med"k#/ noun thestudy of drugs or dosages as used in treatment(NOTE: It comes from a Latin term meaning‘medical substance’.)maternal

maternal /m# |$t-%n(#)l/ adjective referring to amothermaternal death

maternal death /m#|!t-%n(#)l $de,/ noun thedeath of a mother during pregnancy, childbirth orup to twelve months after childbirthmaternal deprivation

maternal deprivation /m#|!t-%n(#)l !depr"|

$ve"/(#)n/ noun a psychological condition causedwhen a child does not have a proper relationshipwith a mothermaternal dystocia

maternal dystocia /m# |!t-%n(#)l d"s|$t#*si#/noun difficult childbirth caused by a physicalproblem in the mothermaternal instincts

maternal instincts /m# |!t-%n(#)l $"nst"0kts/plural noun instinctive feelings in a woman tolook after and protect her childmaternity

maternity /m#|$t-%n"ti/ noun childbirth, the factof becoming a mothermaternity clinic

maternity clinic /m# |$t-%n"ti !kl"n"k/ nounsame as antenatal clinicmaternity hospital

maternity hospital /m#|$t-%n"ti !h(sp"t(#)l/,maternity ward /m# |$t-%n"ti w)%d/, maternityunit /m# |$t-%n"ti !ju%n"t/ noun a hospital, ward orunit which deals only with women giving birthmatrix

matrix /$me"tr"ks/ noun an amorphous mass ofcells forming the basis of connective tissue. Alsocalled ground substancematron

matron /$me"tr#n/ noun a title formerly given toa woman in charge of the nurses in a hospital. !modern matronmattress suture

mattress suture /$m'tr#s !su%t/#/ noun asuture made with a loop on each side of the inci-sionmaturation

maturation /!m't/*|$re"/(#)n/ noun the proc-ess of becoming mature or fully developedmature

mature /m#|$t/*#/ adjective fully developedmature follicle

mature follicle /m#|!t/*# $f(l"k(#)l/ noun aGraafian follicle just before ovulationmaturing

maturing /m#|$t/*#r"0/ adjective becomingmaturemaxilla

maxilla /m'k |$s"l#/, maxilla bone /m'k |$s"l#b#*n/ noun the upper jaw bone (NOTE: The pluralis maxillae. It is more correct to refer to theupper jaw as the maxillae, as it is in fact formedof two bones which are fused together.)maxillary

maxillary /m'k |$s"l#ri/ adjective referring tothe maxilla

maxillary antrum

maxillary antrum /m'k|!s"l#ri $'ntr#m/,maxillary air sinus /m'k |!s"l#ri $e# !sa"n#s/noun one of two sinuses behind the cheekbones inthe upper jaw. Also called antrum of Highmoremaxillo-facial

maxillo-facial /m'k|!s"l#* |$fe"/(#)l/ adjectivereferring to the maxillary bone and the face !maxillo-facial surgeryMB

MB abbreviation bachelor of medicineMcBurney’s point

McBurney’s point /m#k|!b-%niz $p)"nt/ nouna point which indicates the usual position of theappendix on the right side of the abdomen,between the hip bone and the navel, which isextremely painful if pressed when the person hasappendicitis [Described 1899. After CharlesMcBurney (1845–1913), US surgeon.]McNaghten’s Rules on Insanity at Law

McNaghten’s Rules on Insanity at Law/m#k|!n)%t#nz !ru%lz (n "n |!s'n"ti #t $l)%/,McNaghten’s Rules /m#k |$n)%t#nz !ru%lz/ plu-ral noun a set of principles which explain howpeople can defend themselves in law by claimingthat they committed a murder because they werementally ill, and therefore not responsible for anyof their actions. In 1957 it was adapted to includethe idea of knowing that an action is wrong butbeing unable to stop yourself from committing itbecause of your mental condition.MCP joint

MCP joint /!em si% $pi% !d+)"nt/ noun same asmetacarpophalangeal jointMCU

MCU, MCUG abbreviation micturating cysto(-urethro)gramMD

MD abbreviation doctor of medicineME

ME abbreviation myalgic encephalomyelitismeasles

measles /$mi%z(#)lz/ noun an infectious diseaseof children, where the body is covered with a redrash ! She’s in bed with measles. ! He’s gotmeasles. ! They caught measles from their friendat school. ! Have you had the measles? Alsocalled morbilli, rubeola (NOTE: Takes a singularor plural verb.)meat-

meat- /mie"t/ prefix relating to a meatusmeatus

meatus /mi|$e"t#s/ noun an opening leading toan internal passage in the body, e.g. the urethra orthe nasal cavity (NOTE: The plural is meatusesor meatus.)mechanism

mechanism /$mek#n"z(#)m/ noun 1. a physi-cal or chemical change by which a function is car-ried out 2. a system in the body which carries outor controls a particular function ! The inner earis the body’s mechanism for the sense of balance.mechanism of labour

mechanism of labour /!mek#n"z(#)m #v$le"b#/ noun all the forces and processes whichcombine to push a foetus out of the uterus duringits birth, together with the ones which oppose itmechanotherapy

mechanotherapy /!mek#n#*|$,er#pi/ nounthe treatment of injuries through mechanicalmeans, such as massage and exercise machinesmeconism

meconism /$mek#*niz(#)m/ noun poisoningby opium or morphine

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181 medical social workermeconiummeconium /m" |$k#*ni#m/ noun the first darkgreen faeces produced by a newborn babymediamedia /$mi%di#/ noun same as tunica mediamedialmedial /$mi%di#l/ adjective nearer to the centralmidline of the body or to the centre of an organ.Compare lateralmediallymedially /$mi%di#li/ adverb towards or on thesagittal plane of the body. See illustration at ANA-TOMICAL TERMS in Supplementmedial malleolusmedial malleolus /!mi%di#l m# |$li%#l#s/ noun abone at the end of the tibia which protrudes at theinside of the anklemedianmedian /$mi%di#n/ adjective towards the centralmidline of the body, or placed in the middlemedian nervemedian nerve /$mi%di#n n-%v/ noun one of themain nerves of the forearm and handmedian planemedian plane /$mi%di#n ple"n/ noun an imag-inary flat surface on the midline and at rightangles to the coronal plane, which divides thebody into right and left halves. See illustration atANATOMICAL TERMS in Supplementmediastinalmediastinal /mi%di# |$sta"n(#)l/ adjective refer-ring to the mediastinum ! the mediastinal sur-face of pleura or of the lungsmediastinitismediastinitis /!mi%di#st"|$na"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of the mediastinummediastinoscopymediastinoscopy /!mi%di#st" |$n(sk#pi/ nounan operation in which a tube is put into the medi-astinum so that its organs can be examinedmediastinummediastinum /mi%di#|$sta"n#m/ noun the sec-tion of the chest between the lungs, where theheart, oesophagus and phrenic and vagus nervesare situatedmedicmedic /$med"k/ noun a doctor or medical stu-dent (informal)medicalmedical /$med"k(#)l/ adjective referring to thestudy of diseases ! a medical student " noun anofficial examination of a person by a doctor ! Hewanted to join the army, but failed his medical. !You will have to have a medical if you take out aninsurance policy.medical alert braceletmedical alert bracelet /!med"k(#)l #|$l-%t!bre"sl#t/ noun a band or chain worn around thewrist giving information about the wearer’s med-ical needs, allergies or conditionmedical assistantmedical assistant /$med"k(#)l # |!s"st(#)nt/noun someone who performs routine administra-tive and clinical tasks to help in the offices andclinics of doctors and other medical practitionersmedical auditmedical audit /!med"k(#)l $)%d"t/ noun a sys-tematic critical analysis of the quality of medicalcare provided to a person, which examines theprocedures used for diagnosis and treatment, theuse of resources and the resulting outcome andquality of life for the personmedical audit advisory groupmedical audit advisory group /!med"k(#)l!)%d"t #d|$va"z(#)ri !1ru%p/ noun a body with theresponsibility of advising on medical audit in pri-mary care. Abbreviation MAAG

medical certificate

medical certificate /$med"k(#)l s# |!t"f"k#t/noun an official document signed by a doctor,giving someone permission to be away from workor not to do specific types of workmedical committee

medical committee /$med"k(#)l k#|!m"ti/noun a committee of doctors in a hospital whoadvise the management on medical mattersmedical doctor

medical doctor /$med"k(#)l !d(kt#/ noun adoctor who practises medicine, but is not usuallya surgeonmedical ethics

medical ethics /!med"k(#)l $e,"ks/ pluralnoun the moral and professional principles whichgovern how doctors and nurses should work, and,in particular, what type of relationship theyshould have with their patientsmedical examination

medical examination /!med"k(#)l "1|!z'm"|

$ne"/(#)n/ noun an examination of a person by adoctormedical history

medical history /!med"k(#)l $h"st(#)ri/ nounthe details of a person’s medical condition andtreatment over a period of timemedical intervention

medical intervention /!med"k(#)l !"nt#|

$ven/#n/ noun the treatment of illness by drugsmedicalisation

medicalisation /!med"k#la"|$ze"/(#)n/, medi-calization noun the act of looking at somethingas a medical issue or problemmedical jurisprudence

medical jurisprudence /!med"k(#)l !d+*#r"s|

$pru%d(#)ns/ noun the use of the principles of lawas they relate to the practice of medicine and therelationship of doctors with each other, theirpatients and society. ! forensic medicineMedical Officer of Health

Medical Officer of Health /!med"k(#)l!(f"s#r #v $hel,/ noun formerly, a local govern-ment official in charge of the health services in anarea. Abbreviation MOHmedical practitioner

medical practitioner /!med"k(#)l pr'k|

$t"/(#)n#/ noun a person qualified in medicine,i.e. a doctor or surgeonmedical profession

medical profession /$med"k(#)l pr#|!fe/(#)n/noun all doctorsMedical Register

Medical Register /!med"k(#)l $red+"st#/noun a list of doctors approved by the GeneralMedical Council ! The committee ordered hisname to be struck off the Medical Register.Medical Research Council

Medical Research Council /!med"k(#)l r"|

$s-%t/ !ka*ns#l/ noun a government body whichorganises and pays for medical research. Abbrevi-ation MRCmedical school

medical school /$med"k(#)l sku%l/ noun a sec-tion of a university which teaches medicine ! Heis at medical school.medical secretary

medical secretary /!med"k(#)l $sekr"t(#)ri/noun a qualified secretary who specialises inmedical documentation, either in a hospital or ina doctor’s surgerymedical social worker

medical social worker /!med"k(#)l $s#*/(#)l!w-%k#/ noun someone who helps people withfamily problems or problems related to their work

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medical ward 182

which may have an effect on their response totreatmentmedical ward

medical ward /$med"k(#)l w)%d/ noun a wardfor people who do not have to undergo surgicaloperationsMedicare

Medicare /$med"ke#/ noun a system of publichealth insurance in the USmedicated

medicated /$med"ke"t"d/ adjective containinga medicinal drug ! medicated cough sweetmedicated shampoo

medicated shampoo /!med"ke"t"d /'m|

$pu%/ noun a shampoo containing a chemicalwhich is supposed to prevent dandruffmedication

medication /!med"|$ke"/(#)n/ noun 1. the treat-ment of illnesses by giving people drugs. ! pre-medication 2. a drug used to treat a particular ill-ness ! What sort of medication has she beentaking? ! 80% of elderly patients admitted togeriatric units are on medication.medicinal

medicinal /m#|$d"s(#)n(#)l/ adjective which hashealing properties or a beneficial effect on some-one’s health ! He has a drink of whisky before hegoes to bed for medicinal purposes.medicinal leech

medicinal leech /m# |!d"s(#)n(#)l $li%t// noun aleech which is raised specially for use in medicinemedicine

medicine /$med(#)s(#)n/ noun 1. a preparationtaken to treat a disease or condition, especiallyone in liquid form ! Take some cough medicine ifyour cough is bad. ! You should take the medi-cine three times a day. 2. the study of diseases andhow to cure or prevent them ! She is studyingmedicine because she wants to be a doctor.medicine cabinet

medicine cabinet /$med(#)s(#)n !k'b"n#t/,medicine chest /$med(#)s(#)n t/est/ noun acupboard where medicines, bandages, thermome-ters and other pieces of medical equipment can beleft locked up, but ready for use in an emergencymedico

medico /med"k#*/ noun a doctor (informal) !The medico said I was perfectly fit.medico-

medico- /med"k#*/ prefix referring to medicineor to doctorsmedicochirurgical

medicochirurgical /!med"k#* |ka"|

$r-%d+"k(#)l/ adjective referring to both medicineand surgerymedicolegal

medicolegal /!med"k#*|$li%1(#)l/ adjectivereferring to both medicine and the lawmedicosocial

medicosocial /!med"k#* |$s#*/(#)l/ adjectiveinvolving both medical and social factorsmedium

medium /$mi%di#m/ adjective average, in themiddle or at the halfway point " noun a sub-stance through which something actsmedroxyprogesterone

medroxyprogesterone /m#|!dr(ksi|pr#*|

$d+est#r#*n/ noun a synthetic hormone used totreat menstrual disorders, in oestrogen replace-ment therapy and as a contraceptivemedulla

medulla /me|$d.l#/ noun the soft inner part of anorgan, as opposed to the outer cortex. See illustra-tion at KIDNEY in Supplement

medulla oblongata

medulla oblongata /me |!d.l# !(bl(0 |$1e"t#/noun a continuation of the spinal cord goingthrough the foramen magnum into the brainmedullary

medullary /me|$d.l#ri/ adjective similar to mar-rowmedullary cavity

medullary cavity /me |!d.l#ri $k'v"ti/ noun ahollow centre of a long bone, containing bonemarrow. See illustration at BONE STRUCTURE inSupplementmedullated nerve

medullated nerve /$med#le"t"d n-%v/ noun anerve surrounded by a myelin sheathmefenamic acid

mefenamic acid /!mef#n'm"k $'s"d/ noun adrug which reduces inflammation and pain, usedin the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and men-strual problemsmefloquine

mefloquine /$mefl#kwi%n/, mefloquinehydrochloride /!mefl#kwi%n !ha"dr#*|

$kl)%ra"d/ noun a drug used in the prevention andtreatment of malariamega-

mega- /me1#/ prefix 1. large. Opposite micro-2. one million, or 106


megacolon /!me1#|$k#*l#n/ noun a conditionin which the lower colon is very much larger thannormal, because part of the colon above is con-stricted, making bowel movements impossiblemegajoule

megajoule /$me1#d+u%l/ noun a unit of meas-urement of energy equal to one million joules.Symbol Mjmegakaryocyte

megakaryocyte /!me1# |$k'ri#sa"t/ noun abone marrow cell which produces blood plateletsmegalo-

megalo- /me1#l#*/ prefix largemegaloblast

megaloblast /$me1#l#*bl'st/ noun an unusu-ally large blood cell found in the bone marrow ofpeople who have some types of anaemia causedby Vitamin B12 deficiencymegaloblastic anaemia

megaloblastic anaemia /!me1#l#*|!bl'st"k#|$ni%mi#/ noun anaemia caused by Vitamin B12deficiencymegalocyte

megalocyte /$me1#l#*sa"t/ noun an unusuallylarge red blood cell, found in pernicious anaemiamegalomania

megalomania /!me1#l#* |$me"ni#/ noun a psy-chiatric disorder in which a person believes theyare very powerful and importantmegalomaniac

megalomaniac /!me1#l#*|$me"ni'k/ nounsomeone who has megalomania " adjective hav-ing megalomania-megaly

-megaly /me1#li/ suffix enlargementmegaureter

megaureter /!me1#j* |$ri%t#/ noun a conditionin which a part of the ureter becomes very wide,above the site of a blockagemeibomian cyst

meibomian cyst /ma"|!b#*mi#n $s"st/ nounthe swelling of a sebaceous gland in the eyelid.Also called chalazionmeibomian gland

meibomian gland /ma" |$b#*mi#n !1l'nd/noun a sebaceous gland on the edge of the eyelidwhich secretes a liquid to lubricate the eyelid.Also called tarsal gland

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183 meninxmeibomianitis

meibomianitis /ma" |!b#*mi# |$na"t"s/ noun acondition in which the meibomian glands becomeswollenMeigs’ syndrome

Meigs’ syndrome /$me1z !s"ndr#*m/ noun acondition in which liquid collects in the chest andabdominal cavities. It is associated with pelvictumours.meiosis

meiosis /ma" |$#*s"s/ noun the process of celldivision which results in two pairs of haploidcells, i.e. cells with only one set of chromosomes.Compare mitosisMeissner’s corpuscle

Meissner’s corpuscle /!ma"sn#z$k)%p.s(#)l/ noun a receptor cell in the skinwhich is thought to be sensitive to touchMeissner’s plexus

Meissner’s plexus /!ma"sn#z $pleks#s/ nouna network of nerve fibres in the wall of the ali-mentary canal [Described 1853. After GeorgMeissner (1829–1905), German anatomist andphysiologist.]melaena

melaena /m# |$li%n#/ noun black faeces wherethe colour is caused by bleeding in the intestinemelan-

melan- /mel#n/ prefix same as melano- (usedbefore vowels)melancholia

melancholia /!mel#n |$k#*li#/ noun a severedepressive illness occurring usually between theages of 45 and 65melanin

melanin /$mel#n"n/ noun a dark pigment whichgives colour to skin and hair, also found in thechoroid of the eye and in some tumoursmelano-

melano- /mel#n#*/ prefix black or darkmelanocyte

melanocyte /$mel#n#*sa"t/ noun any cellwhich carries pigmentmelanocyte-stimulating hormone

melanocyte-stimulating hormone/!mel#n#*sa"t $st"mj*le"t"0 !h)%m#*m/ noun ahormone produced by the pituitary gland whichcauses darkening in the colour of the skin. Abbre-viation MSHmelanoma

melanoma /!mel#|$n#*m#/ noun a tumourformed of dark pigmented cellsmelatonin

melatonin /!mel#|$t#*n"n/ noun a hormone pro-duced by the pineal gland during the hours ofdarkness, which makes animals sleep during thewinter months. It is thought to control the body’srhythms.melena

melena /m# |$li%n#/ noun same as melaenamellitus

mellitus /$mel"t#s/ " diabetes mellitusmembranemembrane /$membre"n/ noun a thin layer oftissue which lines or covers an organmembranous

membranous /$membr#n#s/ adjective refer-ring to membranes, or like a membranemembranous labyrinth

membranous labyrinth /!membr#n#s$l'b#r"n,/ noun a series of ducts and canalsformed of membrane inside the osseous labyrinthmenarche

menarche /m# |$n&%ki/ noun the start of men-strual periodsMendel’s laws

Mendel’s laws /$mend#lz l)%z/ plural noun thelaws of heredity, that are the basis of the scienceof genetics [Described 1865. After Gregor

Johann Mendel (1822–84), Austrian Augustinianmonk and naturalist of Brno, whose work wasrediscovered by de Vries in 1900.]Ménière’s disease

Ménière’s disease /meni|$e#z d" |!zi%z/,Ménière’s syndrome /$s"ndr#*m/ noun a dis-ease of the middle ear, in which someonebecomes dizzy, hears ringing in the ears and mayvomit, and becomes progressively deaf. Thecauses may include infections or allergies, whichincrease the fluid contents of the labyrinth in themiddle ear. [Described 1861. After ProsperMénière (1799–1862) and his son, Emile Anto-ine Ménière (1839–1905), French physicians.]mening-mening- /men"nd+/ prefix same as meningo-(used before vowels)meningeal

meningeal /me |$n"nd+i#l/ adjective referring tothe meningesmeninges

meninges /me |$n"nd+i%z/ plural noun the mem-branes which surround the brain and spinal cord(NOTE: The singular is meninx.)meningioma

meningioma /!men"nd+i |$#*m#/ noun a benigntumour in the meningesmeningismmeningism /me|$n"nd+"z(#)m/ noun a condi-tion in which there are signs of meningeal irrita-tion suggesting meningitis, but where there is nopathological change in the cerebrospinal fluidmeningitis

meningitis /!men"n|$d+a"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the meninges, causing someone to haveviolent headaches, fever, and stiff neck muscles,and sometimes to become deliriousmeningo-

meningo- /m#n"01#*/ prefix referring to themeningesmeningocele

meningocele /m#|$n"01#*si%l/ noun a condi-tion in which the meninges protrude through thevertebral column or skullmeningococcal

meningococcal /m#|!n"01#*|$k(k(#)l/ adjec-tive referring to meningococcimeningococcal meningitismeningococcal meningitis /m#|!n"01#*|

!k(k(#)l !men"n |$d+a"t"s/ noun the commonestepidemic form of meningitis, caused by a bacte-rium Neisseria meningitidis, where the meningesbecome inflamed causing headaches and fevermeningococcusmeningococcus /m# |!n"01#*|$k(k#s/ nounthe bacterium Neisseria meningitidis whichcauses meningococcal meningitis (NOTE: Theplural is meningococci.)meningoencephalitis

meningoencephalitis /m# |!n"01#* |en|!kef#|

$la"t"s/ noun inflammation of the meninges andthe brainmeningoencephalocele

meningoencephalocele /m# |!n"01#*|en|

$kef#l#*si%l/ noun a condition in which part ofthe meninges and the brain push through a gap inthe skullmeningomyelocele

meningomyelocele /m#|!n"01#*|

$ma"#l#*si%l/ noun the pushing forward of part ofthe meninges and spinal cord through a gap in thespine. Also called myelomeningocele, mye-locelemeninx

meninx /$men"0ks/ noun " meninges

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meniscectomy 184meniscectomymeniscectomy /!men"|$sekt#mi/ noun the sur-gical removal of a cartilage from the kneemeniscusmeniscus /m# |$n"sk#s/ noun one of two pads ofcartilage, the lateral meniscus and medial menis-cus, between the femur and tibia in a knee joint.Also called semilunar cartilage (NOTE: The plu-ral is menisci.)meno-meno- /men#*/ prefix referring to menstruationmenopause

menopause /$men#p)%z/ noun a period, usu-ally between 45 and 55 years of age, when awoman stops menstruating and can no longer bearchildren. Also called climacteric, change of lifemenorrhagiamenorrhagia /!men#|$re"d+i#/ noun veryheavy bleeding during menstruation. Also calledfloodingmensesmenses /$mensi%z/ plural noun same as men-struationmenstrualmenstrual /$menstru#l/ adjective referring tomenstruationmenstrual crampmenstrual cramp /!menstru#l $kr'mp/ nouna cramp in the muscles round the uterus duringmenstruationmenstrual cyclemenstrual cycle /$menstru#l !sa"k(#)l/ nouna period, usually of 28 days, during which awoman ovulates, the walls of the uterus swell andbleeding takes place if the ovum has not been fer-tilisedmenstrual flowmenstrual flow /$menstru#l fl#*/ noun thedischarge of blood from the uterus during men-struationmenstruatemenstruate /$menstrue"t/ verb to bleed fromthe uterus during menstruationmenstruationmenstruation /!menstru|$e"/(#)n/ noun bleed-ing from the uterus which occurs in a woman eachmonth when the lining of the uterus is shedbecause no fertilised egg is presentmental

mental /$ment(#)l/ adjective 1. referring to themind 2. referring to the chinmental aberrationmental aberration /!ment(#)l !'b# |$re"/(#)n/noun slight forgetfulness or confusion (oftenhumorous) ! I thought the meeting was at 11 – Imust have had a mental aberration.mental agemental age /!ment(#)l $e"d+/ noun a measure-ment based on intelligence tests that shows a per-son’s intellectual development, usually comparedto standardised data for a chronological age #he’s nine, but he has a mental age of fivealthough he is nine years old, his level of intellec-tual development is the same as that of an averagechild of fivemental blockmental block /!ment(#)l $bl(k/ noun a tempo-rary inability to remember something, caused bythe effect of nervous stress on the mental proc-essesMental Capacity ActMental Capacity Act /!ment(#)l k#|$p's"ti!'kt/ noun a piece of UK legislation, introducedin 2007, that establishes five principles in relationto mental capacity and medical treatment, namelythat patients should be assumed to be capable of

making their own decisions, that they should begiven support in decision-making, that it ispatients’ capacity to make decisions that shouldbe judged, not the decisions themselves, thattreatment must be in patients’ best interests, andthat treatment should restrict rights and freedomsas little as possiblemental deficiency

mental deficiency /!ment(#)l d"|$f"/(#)nsi/noun a former term for learning disability (NOTE:This term is regarded as offensive.)mental development

mental development /!ment(#)l d"|

$vel#pm#nt/ noun the development of the mind! Her mental development is higher than usualfor her age.mental disorder

mental disorder /!ment(#)l d"s |$)%d#/ noun atemporary or permanent change in a person’smental state which makes them function lesseffectively than they would usually, or than theaverage person would be expected to functionmental faculties

mental faculties /!ment(#)l $f'k#lti%z/ pluralnoun abilities such as thinking and decision-mak-ing ! There has been no impairment of the mentalfaculties.mental handicap

mental handicap /!ment(#)l $h'ndik'p/noun a former term for learning disability (NOTE:This term is regarded as offensive.)mental health

mental health /$ment(#)l hel,/ noun the con-dition of someone’s mindMental Health Acts

Mental Health Acts /!ment(#)l $hel, 'kts/plural noun laws made by a parliament which laydown rules for the care of people with mental ill-nessMental Health Review Tribunal

Mental Health Review Tribunal /!ment(#)lhel, r"|$vju% tra"|!bju%n(#)l/ noun a committeewhich makes decisions about whether people whohave been detained under the Mental Health Actsshould be released. It consists of medical mem-bers, legal experts and lay members, who includepeople with experience in social services. Abbre-viation MHRTmental hospital

mental hospital /$ment(#)l !h(sp"t(#)l/ nouna psychiatric hospital (NOTE: This term isregarded as offensive.)mental illness

mental illness /!ment(#)l $"ln#s/ noun any dis-order which affects the mindmental impairment

mental impairment /!ment(#)l "m |$pe#m#nt/noun a temporary or permanent condition whichaffects a person’s mental state, making them func-tion less effectively than they would usually, orthan the average person would be expected tofunctionmentally

mentally /$ment(#)li/ adverb in the mind !Mentally, she is very advanced for her age.mentally handicapped

mentally handicapped /!ment(#)li$h'ndik'pt/ adjective a former term for some-one with learning disability (NOTE: This term isusually regarded as offensive.)mentally ill

mentally ill /!ment(#)li $"l/ adjective experienc-ing mental illness

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185 metastasisemental nerve

mental nerve /$ment(#)l n-%v/ noun a nervewhich supplies the chinmental patient

mental patient /$ment(#)l !pe"/(#)nt/ noun aformer term of a patient who has mental illness(NOTE: This term is regarded as offensive.)mental retardation

mental retardation /!ment(#)l !ri%t&%|

$de"/(#)n/ noun a former term for learning disa-bility, a condition that results in someone findingit difficult to learn skills or information at thesame rate as others of a similar age (NOTE: Thisterm is regarded as offensive.)mental subnormality

mental subnormality /!ment(#)l !s.bn)%|

$m'l"ti/ noun a former term for mental impair-ment (NOTE: This term is usually regarded asoffensive.)menthol

menthol /$men,(l/ noun a strongly scentedcompound, produced from peppermint oil, usedin cough medicines and in the treatment of neural-giamentholated

mentholated /$men,#le"t"d/ adjective impreg-nated with mentholmento-

mento- /ment#*/ prefix relating to the chinmentor

mentor /$ment)%/ noun somebody who advisesand guides a younger, less experienced person "verb to act as a mentor to somebodymentum

mentum /$ment#m/ noun the chinmercury

mercury /$m-%kj*ri/ noun a poisonous liquidmetal, used in thermometers (NOTE: The chemi-cal symbol is Hg.)mercury poisoning

mercury poisoning /$m-%kj*ri !p)"z(#)n"0/noun poisoning by drinking mercury or mercurycompounds or by inhaling mercury vapourmercy killing

mercy killing /$m-%si !k"l"0/ noun same aseuthanasiameridian

meridian /m#|$r"di#n/ noun in acupuncture andChinese medicine, one of the pathways in thebody along which its energy is believed to flowmes-

mes- /mes/ prefix same as meso- (used beforevowels)mesencephalon

mesencephalon /mesen|$kef#l(n/ noun sameas midbrainmesenteric

mesenteric /!mesen |$ter"k/ adjective referringto the mesenterymesentery

mesentery /$mesent(#)ri/ noun a double-layerperitoneum which attaches the small intestine andother abdominal organs to the abdominal wallmesial

mesial /$mi%si#l/ adjective 1. in dentistry, relat-ing to the middle of the front of the jaw, or occur-ring in a place near this 2. relating to or located inthe middle part of somethingmeso-

meso- /mes#*/ prefix middlemesometrium

mesometrium /!mes#*|$mi%tri#m/ noun amuscle layer of the uterusmesothelioma

mesothelioma /!mes#*ti%li |$#*m#/ noun atumour of the serous membrane, which can bebenign or malignant


mesothelium /!mes#*|$,i%li#m/ noun a layer ofcells lining a serous membrane. Compare epithe-lium, endotheliummessenger RNA

messenger RNA /!mes(#)nd+# !&%r en $e"/noun a type of ribonucleic acid which transmitsthe genetic code from the DNA to the ribosomeswhich form the proteins coded on the DNA.Abbreviation mRNAmestranol

mestranol /$mi%str#n(l/ noun a syntheticallyproduced oestrogen used in birth control pillsmeta-

meta- /met#/ prefix referring to changemetabolic

metabolic /!met#|$b(l"k/ adjective referring tometabolismmetabolic acidosis

metabolic acidosis /!met#b(l"k !'s"|

$d#*s"s/ noun acidosis caused by a malfunctionof the body’s metabolismmetabolic alkalosis

metabolic alkalosis /!met#b(l"k 'lk#|

$l#*s"s/ noun alkalosis caused by a malfunctionof the body’s metabolismmetabolise

metabolise /m# |$t'b#la"z/, metabolize verbto change the nature of something by metabolism! The liver metabolises proteins and carbohy-drates.metabolism

metabolism /m# |$t'b#l"z(#)m/ noun thechemical processes which are continually takingplace in the human body and which are essentialto life, especially the processes that convert foodinto energymetabolite

metabolite /m#|$t'b#la"t/ noun a substanceproduced by metabolism, or a substance takeninto the body in food and then metabolisedmetacarpal bone

metacarpal bone /!met#|$k&%p(#)l b#*n/,metacarpal /!met#|$k&%p(#)l/ noun one of thefive bones in the metacarpusmetacarpophalangeal

metacarpophalangeal /!met# |!k&%p#* |f# |

$l'nd+i#l/ adjective relating to the part of thehand between the wrist and the fingersmetacarpophalangeal joint

metacarpophalangeal joint /!met#|!k&%p#*|

f#|$l'nd+i#l !d+)"nt/ noun a joint between a met-acarpal bone and a finger. Also called MCP joint,MP jointmetacarpus

metacarpus /!met#|$k&%p#s/ noun the fivebones in the hand between the fingers and thewrist. See illustration at HAND in Supplementmetaphase

metaphase /$met#fe"z/ noun one of the stagesin mitosis or meiosismetaphysis

metaphysis /me |$t'f#s"s/ noun the end of thecentral section of a long bone, where the bonegrows and where it joins the epiphysismetaplasia

metaplasia /met#|$ple"zi#/ noun a change ofone tissue to anothermetastasis

metastasis /me |$t'st#s"s/ noun the spreadingof a malignant disease from one part of the bodyto another through the bloodstream or the lymphsystem. Also called secondary growth (NOTE:The plural is metastases.)metastasise

metastasise /me |$t'st#sa"z/, metastasizeverb to spread by metastasis

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metastatic 186metastatic

metastatic /met#|$st't"k/ adjective relating to,or produced by, metastasis ! Metastatic growthsdeveloped in the liver.metatarsal

metatarsal /!met#|$t&%s(#)l/ noun one of thefive bones in the metatarsus " adjective relatingto the metatarsusmetatarsal arch

metatarsal arch /!met#|$t&%s(#)l &%t// noun anarched part of the sole of the foot, running acrossthe sole of the foot from side to side. Also calledtransverse archmetatarsalgia

metatarsalgia /!met#t&%|$s'ld+#/ noun pain inthe heads of the metatarsal bonesmetatarsophalangeal joint

metatarsophalangeal joint /met#|!t&%s#*|f#|

$l'nd+i#l !d+)"nt/ noun a joint between a meta-tarsal bone and a toemetatarsus

metatarsus /!met#|$t&%s#s/ noun the five longbones in the foot between the toes and the tarsus.See illustration at FOOT in Supplement (NOTE:The plural is metatarsi.)meteorism

meteorism /$mi%ti#r"z(#)m/ noun same astympanitesmeter

meter /$mi%t#/ noun US same as metre-meter

-meter /mi%t#, m"t#/ suffix measuring instru-mentmetformin

metformin /met |$f)%m"n/ noun a drug whichreduces the level of the blood sugar levels, used totreat non-insulin dependent diabetes which doesnot respond to dietary measuresmethadone

methadone /$me,#d#*n/ noun a syntheticallyproduced narcotic drug, used to reduce pain andas a substitute for heroin in the treatment of addic-tionmethaemoglobin

methaemoglobin /met |!hi%m#*|$1l#*b"n/noun a dark brown substance formed from hae-moglobin which develops during illness, follow-ing treatment with some drugs. Methaemoglobincannot transport oxygen round the body, and socauses cyanosis.methaemoglobinaemia

methaemoglobinaemia /met|!hi%m#*|

!1l#*b" |$ni%mi#/ noun the presence of methaemo-globin in the bloodmethane

methane /$mi%,e"n, $me,e"n/ noun a colour-less flammable gas with no smellmethanol

methanol /$me,#n(l/ noun a colourless poison-ous liquid, used as a solvent and a fuel. It changeseasily into a gas. Also called methyl alcoholmethicillin

methicillin /!me," |$s"l"n/ noun a syntheticallyproduced antibiotic, used in the treatment ofinfections which are resistant to penicillinmethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

methicillin-resistant Staphylococcusaureus /me,"|!s"l"n r"|!z"st#nt st'f"l#|!k(k#s$)%ri#s/ noun a bacterium resistant to almost allantibiotics and which can cause life-threateninginfection in people recovering from surgery.Abbreviation MRSAmethionine

methionine /me|$,a"#ni%n/ noun an essentialamino acid

methotrexatemethotrexate /!me,# |$trekse"t/ noun a drugwhich helps to prevent cells reproducing, used inthe treatment of cancermethyl alcoholmethyl alcohol /!mi%,a"l $'lk#h(l/ noun sameas methanolmethylated spiritsmethylated spirits /!me,#le"t"d $sp"r"ts/ plu-ral noun almost pure alcohol, with wood alcoholand colouring addedmethylphenidatemethylphenidate /!mi%,a"l|$fen"de"t/ noun adrug which stimulates the central nervous system,used in the treatment of narcolepsy and attentiondeficit disordermethylprednisolonemethylprednisolone /!mi%,a"l|pred|

$n"s#l#*n/ noun a corticosteroid drug whichreduces inflammation, used in the treatment ofarthritis, allergies and asthmametoclopramidemetoclopramide /!met#*|$kl#*pr#|ma"d/noun a drug used to treat nausea, vomiting andindigestionmetoprololmetoprolol /m" |$t(pr#l(l/ noun a drug whichcontrols the activity of the heart, used to treatangina and high blood pressuremetr-metr- /metr/ prefix same as metro- (used beforevowels)metrametra /$metr#/ noun the uterusmetralgiametralgia /me|$tr'ld+#/ noun pain in the uterusmetremetre /$mi%t#/ noun an SI unit of length ! Theroom is four metres by three. Symbol mmetritismetritis /me|$tra"t"s/ noun same as myometri-tismetro-metro- /metr#*/ prefix referring to the uterusmetrocolpocelemetrocolpocele /!metr#|$k(lp#*si%l/ noun acondition in which the uterus protrudes into thevaginametronidazolemetronidazole /!metr#|$n"d#z#*l/ noun a yel-low antibiotic compound, used especially in thetreatment of vaginal infectionsmetroptosismetroptosis /!metr#|$t#*s"s/ noun a conditionin which the uterus has moved downwards out ofits usual position. Also called prolapse of theuterusmetrorrhagiametrorrhagia /!mi%tr#* |$re"d+i#/ noun unusualbleeding from the vagina between the menstrualperiods-metry-metry /m#tri/ suffix relating to the process ofmeasuring, or to instruments which are used formeasuringmgmg abbreviation milligramMIMI abbreviation 1. mitral incompetence 2. myo-cardial infarctionMichel’s clipsMichel’s clips /m"|!/elz $kl"ps/ plural nounmetal clips used to suture a wound [After GastonMichel (1874–1937), Professor of Clinical Sur-gery at Nancy, France.]miconazolemiconazole /ma"|$k(n#z#*l/ noun a drug usedto treat fungal infections of the skin and nailsmicro-micro- /ma"kr#*/ prefix 1. very small. Oppositemacro-, mega-, megalo- 2. one millionth (10-6)

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187 mid-life crisismicroangiopathy

microangiopathy /!ma"kr#*|!'nd+i |$(p#,i/noun any disease of the capillariesmicrobe

microbe /$ma"kr#*b/ noun a microorganismwhich may cause disease and which can only beseen with a microscope, e.g. a bacteriummicrobiologist

microbiologist /!ma"kr#*ba"|$(l#d+"st/ nouna scientist who specialises in the study of micro-organismsmicrobiology

microbiology /!ma"kr#*ba" |$(l#d+i/ noun thescientific study of microorganismsmicrocephalic

microcephalic /!ma"kr#*ke |$f'l"k/ adjectivehaving microcephalymicrocephaly

microcephaly /!ma"kr#* |$kef#li/ noun a con-dition in which a person has an unusually smallhead, sometimes caused by the mother having hada rubella infection during pregnancymicrocyte

microcyte /$ma"kr#*sa"t/ noun an unusuallysmall red blood cellmicrocythaemia

microcythaemia /ma"kr#*sa"|$,i%mi#/ nounsame as microcytosismicrocytic

microcytic /!ma"kr#|$s"t"k/ adjective referringto microcytesmicrocytosis

microcytosis /!ma"kr#*sa"|$t#*s"s/ noun thepresence of excess microcytes in the bloodmicrodactylia

microdactylia /!ma"kr#*d'k|$t"li#/, micro-dactyly /!ma"kr#*|$d'kt"li/ noun a condition inwhich a person has unusually small or short fin-gers or toesmicrodiscectomy

microdiscectomy /!ma"kr#*|d"sk |$ekt#mi/noun a surgical operation to remove all or part ofa disc in the spine which is pressing on a nervemicroglossia

microglossia /!ma"kr#* |$1l(si#/ noun a condi-tion in which a person has an unusually smalltonguemicrognathia

micrognathia /!ma"kr#*|$ne",i#/ noun a con-dition in which one jaw is unusually smaller thanthe othermicrogram

microgram /$ma"kr#1r'm/ noun a unit ofmeasurement of weight equal to one millionth ofa grammicromastia

micromastia /!ma"kr#*|$m'sti#/ noun a con-dition in which a person has unusually smallbreastsmicromelia

micromelia /!ma"kr#* |$mi%li#/ noun a condi-tion in which a person has unusually small armsor legsmicromole

micromole /$ma"kr#* |!m#*l/ noun a unit ofmeasurement of the amount of substance equal toone millionth of a mole. Symbol µmicronutrient

micronutrient /$ma"kr#* |!nju%tri#nt/ noun asubstance which an organism needs for normalgrowth and development, but only in very smallquantities, e.g. a vitamin or mineral. Comparemacronutrientmicroorganism

microorganism /!ma"kr#*|$)%1#n"z(#)m/noun an organism which can only be seen under amicroscope and which may cause disease.

Viruses, bacteria and protozoa are microorgan-isms.microphthalmia

microphthalmia /!ma"kr(f|$,'lmi#/ noun acondition in which the eyes are unusually smallmicroscope

microscope /$ma"kr#sk#*p/ noun a scientificinstrument with lenses, which makes very smallobjects appear larger ! The tissue was examinedunder the microscope. ! Under the microscope itwas possible to see the cancer cells.microscopic

microscopic /!ma"kr#|$sk(p"k/ adjective sosmall that it can only be seen through a micro-scopemicroscopy

microscopy /ma" |$kr(sk#pi/ noun the scienceof the use of microscopesMicrosporum

Microsporum /$ma"kr#*sp)%r#m/ noun a typeof fungus which causes ringworm of the hair, skinand sometimes nailsmicrosurgery

microsurgery /$ma"kr#* |!s-%d+#ri/ noun sur-gery using tiny instruments and a microscope.Microsurgery is used in operations on eyes andears, and also to connect severed nerves and bloodvessels.microvillus

microvillus /!ma"kr#*|$v"l#s/ noun a very smallprocess found on the surface of many cells, espe-cially the epithelial cells in the intestine (NOTE:The plural is microvilli.)microwave therapy

microwave therapy /$ma"kr#*we"v !,er#pi/noun treatment using high-frequency radiationmicturate

micturate /$m"ktj*re"t/ verb same as urinatemicturating cystogram

micturating cystogram /!m"ktj*re"t"0$s"st#*1r'm/, micturating cysto-urethro-gram /!m"ktj*re"t"0 !s"st#* j*|$ri%,r#1r'm/noun an X-ray of the bladder and urethra takenwhile the bladder is being filled and then emptied.Abbreviation MCU, MCUGmicturition

micturition /!m"ktj*|$r"/(#)n/ noun same asurinationmid-

mid- /m"d/ prefix middlemidazolam

midazolam /m"|$d'z#l'm/ noun a drug used toproduce sleepiness and to reduce anxiety beforesurgery or other proceduresmidbrain

midbrain /$m"dbre"n/ noun the small middlesection of the brain stem above the pons andbetween the cerebrum and the hindbrain. Alsocalled mesencephalonmidcarpal

midcarpal /m"d|$k&%p(#)l/ adjective betweenthe two rows of carpal bonesmiddle colic

middle colic /!m"d(#)l $k(l"k/ noun an arterywhich leads from the superior mesenteric arterymiddle ear

middle ear /!m"d(#)l $"#/ noun a section of theear between the eardrum and the inner earmiddle ear infection

middle ear infection /!m"d(#)l $"#r "n|

!fek/#n/ noun same as otitis mediamidgut

midgut /$m"d1.t/ noun the middle part of thegut in an embryo, which develops into the smallintestinemid-life crisis

mid-life crisis /!m"d la"f $kra"s"s/ noun aperiod in early middle age when some people

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midline 188

experience feelings of anxiety, insecurity andself-doubtmidline

midline /$m"dla"n/ noun an imaginary linedrawn down the middle of the body from the headthrough the navel to the point between the feetmidstream specimen

midstream specimen /$m"dstri%m!spes"m"n/, midstream specimen of urine/!m"dstri%m !spes"m"n #v $j*#r"n/ noun a sam-ple of urine collected in a sterile bottle in the mid-dle of a flow of urine, because the first part of theflow may be contaminated with bacteria from theskin. Abbreviation MSUmidtarsal

midtarsal /m"d |$t&%s(#)l/ adjective between thetarsal bonesmidwife

midwife /$m"dwa"f/ noun a professional personwho helps a woman give birth to a child, often athomemidwifery

midwifery /m"d |$w"f#ri/ noun the profession ofa midwifemidwifery course

midwifery course /m"d|$w"f#ri k)%s/ noun atraining course to teach nurses the techniques ofbeing a midwifeMidwives Rules

Midwives Rules /$m"dwa"vz ru%lz/ pluralnoun laws relating to midwiferymigraine

migraine /$mi%1re"n, $ma"1re"n/ noun a sharpsevere recurrent headache, often associated withvomiting and visual disturbances ! He had anattack of migraine and could not come to work. !Her migraine attacks seem to be worse in thesummer.miliaria

miliaria /!m"li|$e#ri#/ noun itchy red spots whichdevelop on the chest, under the armpits andbetween the thighs in hot countries, caused byblocked sweat glands. Also called prickly heat,heat rashmiliary

miliary /$m"li#ri/ adjective small in size, like aseedmiliary tuberculosis

miliary tuberculosis /!m"li#ri tju% |!b-%kj*|

$l#*s"s/ noun a form of tuberculosis which occursas little nodes in many parts of the body, includingthe meninges of the brain and spinal cordmilk

milk /m"lk/ noun 1. a white liquid produced byfemale mammals to feed their young. Cow’s milkand other dairy products are important parts ofmost diets, especially children’s. ! The patientcan only drink warm milk. (NOTE: No plural:some milk, a bottle of milk or a glass of milk.) 2.the breast milk produced by a woman ! The milkwill start to flow a few days after childbirth.(NOTE: For other terms referring to milk, seewords beginning with galact-, galacto-, lact-,lacto-.)milk dentition

milk dentition /$m"lk den |!t"/(#)n/ noun sameas deciduous dentitionmilk leg

milk leg /$m"lk le1/ noun acute oedema of theleg, a condition which affects women after child-birth, where a leg becomes pale and inflamed as aresult of lymphatic obstruction. Also called whiteleg, phlegmasia alba dolens

milk rash

milk rash /$m"lk r'// noun a temporary blotch-iness of the skin seen in young babiesmilk sugar

milk sugar /!m"lk $/*1#/ noun same as lactosemilk tooth

milk tooth /$m"lk tu%,/ noun same as primarytoothMiller-Abbott tube

Miller-Abbott tube /!m"l#r $'b#t !tju%b/ nouna tube with a balloon at the end, used to clear thesmall intestine. The balloon is inflated after thetip of the tube reaches an obstruction.milli-

milli- /m"l"/ prefix one thousandth (10-3). Symbolmmilligram

milligram /$m"l"1r'm/ noun a unit of measure-ment of weight equal to one thousandth of a gram.Symbol mgmillilitre

millilitre /$m"lili%t#/ noun a unit of measurementof liquid equal to one thousandth of a litre. Abbre-viation mlmillimetre

millimetre /$m"l"mi%t#/ noun a unit of measure-ment of length equal to one thousandth of a metre.Abbreviation mmmillimole

millimole /$m"lim#*l/ noun a unit of measure-ment of the amount of a substance equal to onethousandth of a mole. Abbreviation mmolmillisievert

millisievert /$m"lisi%v#t/ noun a unit of meas-urement of radiationMilwaukee brace

Milwaukee brace /m"l|!w)%ki $bre"s/ noun asupport for people with unusually curved spines,consisting of a leather or metal pelvic girdle withtwo bars at the back and one at the front, whichconnect into a neck ringmind

mind /ma"nd/ noun the part of the brain whichcontrols memory, consciousness or reasoningminimally invasive surgery

minimally invasive surgery /!m"n"m(#)l "n|

!ve"s"v $s-%d+#ri/ noun surgery which involvesthe least possible disturbance to the body. It oftenuses lasers and other high-tech devices.mini mental state examination

mini mental state examination /!m"ni$ment(#)l !ste"t "1z'm"|!ne"/(#)n/ noun a testperformed mainly by psychiatrists to determinesomeone’s mental ability, used in the diagnosis ofdementiaminimum lethal dose

minimum lethal dose /!m"n"m#m !li%,(#)l$d#*s/ noun the smallest amount of a substancerequired to kill someone or something. Abbrevia-tion MLDministroke

ministroke /$m"nistr#*k/ noun same as tran-sient ischaemic attackminitracheostomy

minitracheostomy /!m"ni|tre"ki|$(st#mi/noun a temporary tracheostomyminor injuries unit

minor injuries unit /!ma"n#r $"nd+#riz!ju%n"t/ noun a hospital department which treatsmost accidents and emergencies. AbbreviationMIUmio-

mio- /ma"#*/ prefix lessmiosis

miosis /ma" |$#*s"s/ noun 1. the contraction ofthe pupil of the eye, as in bright light 2. US sameas meiosis

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189 moleculemiotic

miotic /ma" |$(t"k/ noun a drug which makes thepupil of the eye become smaller " adjective caus-ing the pupil of the eye to become smallermis-

mis- /m"s/ prefix wrongmiscarriage

miscarriage /$m"sk'r"d+/ noun a situation inwhich an unborn baby leaves the uterus before theend of the pregnancy, especially during the firstseven months of pregnancy ! She had two mis-carriages before having her first child. Alsocalled spontaneous abortionmismatch

mismatch /$m"sm't// verb to match tissueswronglymissed case

missed case /!m"st $ke"s/ noun someone withan infection or disease which is not identified bya doctormist.

mist. /m"st/, mistura /m"s|$tj*#r#/ " re. mist.Misuse of Drugs Act 1971

Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 /m"s|!ju%s #v$dr.1z !'kt/ noun a law relating to all aspects ofthe supply and possession of dangerous drugssuch as morphine, anabolic steroids, LSD andcannabis. In 2002 many new benzodiazepineswere added.mite

mite /ma"t/ noun a very small parasite, whichcauses dermatitismitochondrial

mitochondrial /!ma"t#|$k(ndri#l/ adjectivereferring to mitochondriamitochondrion

mitochondrion /!ma"t# |$k(ndri#n/ noun a tinyrod-shaped part of a cell’s cytoplasm responsiblefor cell respiration (NOTE: The plural is mito-chondria.)mitomycin C

mitomycin C /!ma"t#*ma"s"n $si%/ noun anantibiotic which helps to prevent cancer cellsfrom growing, used especially in the chemother-apy treatment of bladder and rectal cancersmitosis

mitosis /ma"|$t#*s"s/ noun the process of celldivision, where the mother cell divides into twoidentical daughter cells. Compare meiosismitral

mitral /$ma"tr#l/ adjective referring to the mitralvalvemitral incompetence

mitral incompetence /!ma"tr#l "n|

$k(mp"t(#)ns/ noun abbreviation MI. Now calledmitral regurgitationmitral regurgitation

mitral regurgitation /!ma"tr#l r"|!1-%d+"|

$te"/(#)n/ noun a situation in which the mitralvalve does not close completely so that bloodgoes back into the atriummitral stenosis

mitral stenosis /!ma"tr#l ste|$n#*s"s/ noun acondition in which the opening in the mitral valvebecomes smaller because the cusps have fused(NOTE: This condition is almost always the resultof rheumatic endocarditis.)mitral valve

mitral valve /$ma"tr#l v'lv/ noun a valve inthe heart which allows blood to flow from the leftatrium to the left ventricle but not in the oppositedirection. Also called bicuspid valvemitral valvotomy

mitral valvotomy /!ma"tr#l v'l|$v(t#mi/ nouna surgical operation to separate the cusps of themitral valve in mitral stenosis


mittelschmerz /$m"t(#)l|!/me#ts/ noun a painfelt by women in the lower abdomen at ovulationMIUMIU abbreviation minor injuries unitml

ml abbreviation millilitreMLDMLD abbreviation minimum lethal doseMLSO

MLSO abbreviation medical laboratory scien-tific officermmmm abbreviation millimetremmol

mmol abbreviation millimoleMMR

MMR /!em em $&%/, MMR vaccine /!em em $&%!v'ksi%n/ noun a single vaccine given to smallchildren to protect them against measles, mumpsand rubellaMNDMND abbreviation motor neurone diseaseMO

MO abbreviation medical officermobilisationmobilisation /!m#*b"la" |$ze"/(#)n/, mobiliza-tion noun the act of making something mobilemodality

modality /m#* |$d'l"ti/ noun a method used inthe treatment of a disorder, e.g. surgery or chem-otherapymodernisation agenda

modernisation agenda /!m(d#na" |$ze"/(#)n# |!d+end#/ noun same as Agenda for Changemodern matron

modern matron /!m(d(#)n $me"tr#n/ noun anursing post which supports the ward sister inensuring that basic care of patients, includingcleanliness of the ward and infection control, iscarried out to a high standardMODSMODS abbreviation multiple organ dysfunctionsyndromeMOF

MOF abbreviation 1. male or female 2. multi-organ failureMogadon

Mogadon /$m(1#d(n/ a trade name fornitrazepamMOH

MOH abbreviation Medical Officer of Healthmol

mol symbol mole 2molarmolar /$m#*l#/ adjective 1. referring to the largeback teeth 2. referring to the mole, the SI unit ofamount of a substance " noun one of the largeback teeth, used for grinding food. In milk teeththere are eight molars and in permanent teeththere are twelve. See illustration at TEETH in Sup-plementmolarity

molarity /m#* |$l'r"ti/ noun the strength of asolution shown as the number of moles of a sub-stance per litre of solutionmole

mole /m#*l/ noun 1. a dark raised spot on theskin ! She has a large mole on her chin. !melanoma 2. an SI unit of measurement of theamount of a substance. Symbol molmolecularmolecular /m# |$lekj*l#/ adjective referring to amoleculemolecular biology

molecular biology /m#|!lekj*l# ba"|$(l#d+i/noun the study of the molecules of living mattermolecular weight

molecular weight /m# |!lekj*l# $we"t/ nounthe weight of one molecule of a substancemoleculemolecule /$m(l"kju%l/ noun the smallest inde-pendent mass of a substance

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molluscum contagiosum 190molluscum contagiosummolluscum contagiosum /m#|!l.sk#m k#n |

!te"d+i|$#*s#m/ noun a contagious viral skininfection which gives a small soft soremolluscum fibrosummolluscum fibrosum /m#|!l.sk#m !fa"|

$br#*s#m/ noun same as neurofibromatosismonauralmonaural /m(n|$)%r#l/ adjective referring to theuse of one ear onlymongolismmongolism /$m(01#l"z(#)m/ noun a formername for Down’s syndrome (NOTE: This term isregarded as offensive.)monitormonitor /$m(n"t#/ noun a screen on a computer" verb 1. to check something 2. to examine howsomeone is progressingmonitoringmonitoring /$m(n"t(#)r"0/ noun the regularexamination and recording of a person’s tempera-ture, weight, blood pressure and other essentialindicatorsmono-mono- /m(n#*/ prefix single or onemonoamine oxidasemonoamine oxidase /!m(n#*|!'mi%n$(ks"de"z/ noun an enzyme which breaks downthe catecholamines to their inactive forms. Abbre-viation MAOmonoamine oxidase inhibitormonoamine oxidase inhibitor /!m(n#*|

!'mi%n !(ks"de"z "n|$h"b"t#/ noun a drug whichinhibits monoamine oxidase and is used to treatdepression, e.g. phenelzine. Its use is limited,because of the potential for drug and dietary inter-actions and the necessity for slow withdrawal. Itcan also cause high blood pressure. AbbreviationMAOI. Also called MAO inhibitormonoblastmonoblast /$m(n#*bl'st/ noun a cell whichproduces a monocytemonochromatismmonochromatism /!m(n#*|

$kr#*m't"+(#)m/ noun colour blindness inwhich all colours appear to be black, grey orwhite. Compare dichromatism, trichromatismmonoclonalmonoclonal /!m(n#* |$kl#*n(#)l/ adjectivereferring to cells or products of cells which areformed or derived from a single clonemonoclonal antibodymonoclonal antibody /!m(n#*kl#*n(#)l$'nt"b(di/ noun an antibody which can be easilymade in the laboratory by a single clone of cells.It may be useful in the treatment of cancer.monocularmonocular /m(|$n(kj*l#/ adjective referring toone eye. Compare binocularmonocular visionmonocular vision /m#|!n(kj*l# $v"+(#)n/noun the ability to see with one eye only, so thatthe sense of distance is impairedmonocytemonocyte /$m(n#*sa"t/ noun a white bloodcell with a nucleus shaped like a kidney, whichdestroys bacterial cellsmonocytosismonocytosis /!m(n#*sa" |$t#*s"s/ noun a con-dition in which there is an unusually high numberof monocytes in the blood. Symptoms includesore throat, swelling of the lymph nodes andfever. It is probably caused by the Epstein–Barrvirus. Also called glandular fevermononucleosismononucleosis /!m(n#* |!nju%kli|$#*s"s/ nounsame as monocytosis


monoplegia /!m(n#*|$pli%d+#/ noun the paral-ysis of one part of the body only, i.e. one muscleor one limbmonosaccharide

monosaccharide /!m(n#*|$s'kra"d/ noun asimple sugar which cannot be broken down anyfurther, such as glucose or fructosemonosodium glutamate

monosodium glutamate /!m(n#*s#*di#m$1lu%t#me"t/ noun a sodium salt of glutamic acid,often used to make food taste better. ! Chineserestaurant syndromemonosomy

monosomy /$m(n#*s#*mi/ noun a conditionin which a person has a chromosome missingfrom one or more pairsmonoxide

monoxide /m#|$n(ksa"d/ " carbonmonozygotic twins

monozygotic twins /!m(n#*za" |!1(t"k$tw"nz/ plural noun same as identical twinsmons

mons /m(nz/ noun a fleshy body part whichsticks out, especially the one formed by the pad offlesh where the pubic bones join (NOTE: The plu-ral is montes.)mons pubis

mons pubis /!m(nz $pju%b"s/ noun a cushionof fat covering the pubismons veneris

mons veneris /!m(nz $ven#r"s/ noun same asmons pubisMontgomery’s glands

Montgomery’s glands /m#nt|$1.m#riz1l'ndz/ plural noun sebaceous glands around thenipple which become more marked in pregnancy[After William Fetherstone Montgomery (1797–1859), Dublin gynaecologist.]mood

mood /mu%d/ noun a person’s mental state at aparticular time ! a mood of excitement # in a badmood feeling angry or irritable # in a good moodfeeling happymoon face

moon face /$mu%n fe"s/ noun a condition inwhich someone has a round red face, occurring inCushing’s syndrome and when there are too manysteroid hormones in the bodyMooren’s ulcer

Mooren’s ulcer /$m#*r#nz !.ls#/ noun a per-sistent ulcer of the cornea, found in elderly people[After Albert Mooren (1828–99), ophthalmolo-gist in Düsseldorf, Germany.]morbid

morbid /$m)%b"d/ adjective showing symptomsof being diseased ! The X-ray showed a morbidcondition of the kidneys.morbid anatomy

morbid anatomy /!m)%b"d # |$n't#mi/ nounsame as pathologymorbidity

morbidity /m)% |$b"d"ti/ noun the condition ofbeing diseased or sickmorbidity rate

morbidity rate /m)%|$b"d"ti re"t/ noun thenumber of cases of a disease per hundred thou-sand of populationmorbilli

morbilli /m)%|$b"li/ noun same as measlesmorbilliform

morbilliform /m)% |$b"lif)%m/ adjective refer-ring to a rash which is similar to measlesmorbus

morbus /$m)%b#s/ noun diseasemoribund

moribund /$m(r"b.nd/ adjective dying " nouna dying person

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191 MRCmorning-after pill

morning-after pill /!m)%n"0 $&%ft# p"l/ noun acontraceptive pill taken after intercourse. Alsocalled next-day pillmorning sickness

morning sickness /$m)%n"0 !s"kn#s/ nounnausea and vomiting experienced by women inthe early stages of pregnancy when they get up inthe morningMoro reflex

Moro reflex /$m)%r#* !ri%fleks/ noun a reflex ofa newborn baby when it hears a loud noise (NOTE:The baby is laid on a table and observed to seeif it raises its arms when the table is struck.)[After Ernst Moro (1874–1951), paediatrician inHeidelberg, Germany.]morphea

morphea /m)% |$fi#/ noun a form of scleroderma,a disease where the skin is replaced by thick con-nective tissuemorpho-

morpho- /m)%f#*/ prefix relating to form, shapeor structuremorphoea

morphoea /m)% |$fi#/ noun same as morpheamorphology

morphology /m)% |$f(l#d+i/ noun the study ofthe structure and shape of living organisms-morphous

-morphous /m)%f#s/ suffix relating to form orstructure of a particular typemortality rate

mortality rate /m)% |$t'l#ti re"t/ noun thenumber of deaths per year, shown per hundredthousand of populationmortification

mortification /!m)%t"f"|$ke"/(#)n/ noun "necrosismortis

mortis /$m)%t"s/ " rigormortuary

mortuary /$m)%tju#ri/ noun a room in a hospi-tal where dead bodies are kept until removed byan undertaker for burialmosquito

mosquito /m(|$ski%t#*/ noun an insect whichsucks human blood, some species of which canpass viruses or parasites into the bloodstreammother

mother /$m.2#/ noun a biological or adoptivefemale parentmother-fixation

mother-fixation /$m.2# f"k |!se"/(#)n/ noun acondition in which a person’s development hasbeen stopped at a stage where he or she remainslike a child, dependent on his or her mothermotile

motile /$m#*ta"l/ adjective referring to a cell ormicroorganism which can move spontaneously !Sperm cells are extremely motile.motility

motility /m#*|$t"l"ti/ noun 1. (of cells ormicrobes) the fact of being able to move about 2.(of the gut) the action of peristalsismotion

motion /$m#*/(#)n/ noun 1. movement 2. sameas bowel movementmotion sickness

motion sickness /!m#*/(#)n $s"kn#s/ nounillness and nausea felt when travelling. It iscaused by the movement of liquid inside the lab-yrinth of the middle ear and is particularly notice-able in vehicles which are closed, such as planes,coaches or hovercraft. (informal)

COMMENT: The movement of liquid insidethe labyrinth of the middle ear causes motionsickness, which is particularly noticeable in

vehicles which are closed, such as planes,coaches, hovercraft.

motormotor /$m#*t#/ adjective referring to move-ment, which produces movementmotor areamotor area /$m#*t#r !e#ri#/, motor cortex/!m#*t# $k)%teks/ noun the part of the cortex inthe brain which controls voluntary muscle move-ment by sending impulses to the motor nervesmotor disordermotor disorder /$m#*t# d"s |!)%d#/ nounimpairment of the nerves or neurons that causemuscles to contract to produce movementmotor end platemotor end plate /!m#*t#r $end ple"t/ nounthe end of a motor nerve where it joins musclefibremotor nervemotor nerve /$m#*t# n-%v/ noun a nervewhich carries impulses from the brain and spinalcord to muscles and causes movements. Alsocalled efferent nervemotor neuronemotor neurone /!m#*t# $nj*#r#*n/ noun aneurone which is part of a nerve pathway trans-mitting impulses from the brain to a muscle orglandmotor neurone diseasemotor neurone disease /!m#*t# $nj*#r#*nd"|!zi%z/ noun a disease of the nerve cells whichcontrol the movement of the muscles. Abbrevia-tion MND

COMMENT: Motor neurone disease has threeforms: progressive muscular atrophy (PMA),which affects movements of the hands, later-al sclerosis, and bulbar palsy, which affectsthe mouth and throat.

motor pathwaymotor pathway /!m#*t# $p&%,we"/ noun aseries of motor neurones leading from the motorcortex to a musclemottledmottled /$m(t(#)ld/ adjective with patches ofdifferent coloursmountain fevermountain fever /$ma*nt"n !fi%v#/ noun sameas brucellosismountain sicknessmountain sickness /$ma*nt"n !s"kn#s/ nounsame as altitude sicknessmouthmouth /ma*,/ noun an opening at the head ofthe alimentary canal, through which food anddrink are taken in, and through which a personspeaks and can breathe ! She was sleeping withher mouth open. (NOTE: For other terms referringto the mouth, see oral and words beginning withstomat-, stomato-.)mouth-to-mouthmouth-to-mouth /!ma*, t# $ma*,/, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation /!ma*, t# !ma*, r"|

!s.s"|$te"/(#)n/, mouth-to-mouth ventilation/!ma*, t# !ma*, !vent" |$le"/(#)n/ noun same ascardiopulmonary resuscitation (informal)mouthwashmouthwash /$ma*,w(// noun an antisepticsolution used to treat infection in the mouthmovementmovement /$mu%vm#nt/ noun the act of chang-ing position or the fact of not being stillMP jointMP joint /!em $pi% !d+)"nt/ noun same as meta-carpophalangeal jointMRCMRC abbreviation Medical Research Council

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MRCGP abbreviation Member of the Royal Col-lege of General PractitionersMRCP

MRCP abbreviation Member of the Royal Col-lege of PhysiciansMRCS

MRCS abbreviation Member of the Royal Col-lege of SurgeonsMRI

MRI abbreviation magnetic resonance imagingmRNA

mRNA abbreviation messenger RNAMRSA

MRSA abbreviation methicillin-resistant Sta-phylococcus aureusMS

MS abbreviation 1. mitral stenosis 2. multiplesclerosisMSH

MSH abbreviation melanocyte-stimulating hor-moneMSU

MSU abbreviation midstream specimen of urinemSv

mSv abbreviation millisievertmucin

mucin /$mju%s"n/ noun a compound of sugarsand protein which is the main substance in mucusmuco-

muco- /mju%k#*/ prefix referring to mucusmucocele

mucocele /$mju%k#*si%l/ noun a cavity con-taining an accumulation of mucusmucociliary transport

mucociliary transport /!mju%k#* |!s"li#ri$tr'nsp)%t/ noun the process in which the cilia,the microscopic structures within the nose, movemucus towards the oesophagus, cleansing thenose of dust and bacteriamucocoele

mucocoele /$mju%k#*si%l/ noun 1. a conditionin which a cavity or organ becomes swollenbecause there is too much mucus in it 2. the swell-ing produced by this conditionmucocutaneous

mucocutaneous /!mju%k#* |kju%|$te"ni#s/adjective referring to both mucous membrane andthe skinmucoid

mucoid /$mju%k)"d/ adjective similar to mucusmucolytic

mucolytic /!mju%k#*|$l"t"k/ noun a substancewhich dissolves mucusmucopurulent

mucopurulent /!mju%k#* |$pj*#r*l#nt/ adjec-tive consisting of a mixture of mucus and pusmucopus

mucopus /!mju%k#* |$p.s/ noun a mixture ofmucus and pusmucosa

mucosa /mju% |$k#*z#/ noun same as mucousmembrane (NOTE: The plural is mucosae.)mucosal

mucosal /mju%|$k#*z(#)l/ adjective referring toa mucous membranemucous

mucous /$mju%k#s/ adjective referring tomucus, covered in mucusmucous colitis

mucous colitis /!mju%k#s k#|$la"t"s/ noun aninflammation of the mucous membrane in theintestine, in which the person experiences paincaused by spasms in the muscles of the walls ofthe colon, accompanied by constipation or diar-rhoea or alternating attacks of both. Also calledirritable bowel syndromemucous membrane

mucous membrane /!mju%k#s $membre"n/noun a wet membrane which lines internal pas-sages in the body, e.g. the nose, mouth, stomach

and throat, and secretes mucus. Also calledmucosamucous plugmucous plug /$mju%k#s pl.1/ noun a plug ofmucus which blocks the cervical canal duringpregnancymucoviscidosismucoviscidosis /mju%k#*v"si|$d#*s"s/ nounsame as cystic fibrosismucusmucus /$mju%k#s/ noun a slippery liquidsecreted by mucous membranes inside the body,which protects those membranes (NOTE: Forother terms referring to mucus, see words begin-ning with blenno-.)multi-multi- /m.lti/ prefix manymultidisciplinarymultidisciplinary /!m.lti|$d"s"pl"n#ri/ adjec-tive using or involving several specialised sub-jects or skills ! a multidisciplinary teammultifactorialmultifactorial /!m.ltif'k|$t)%ri#l/ adjective 1.involving several different factors or elements 2.referring to inheritance which depends on morethan one gene. Height and weight are examples ofcharacteristics determined by multifactorialinheritance.multifocal lensmultifocal lens /!m.lti|!f#*k(#)l $lenz/ noun alens in spectacles whose focus changes from topto bottom so that the person wearing the specta-cles can see objects clearly at different distancesmultiformemultiforme /$m.ltif)%m/ " erythema multi-formemultigravidamultigravida /!m.lti |$1r'v"d#/ noun a preg-nant woman who has been pregnant two or moretimes beforemulti-infarct dementiamulti-infarct dementia /!m.lti $"nf&%kt d"|

!men/#/ noun dementia caused by a number ofsmall strokes, when the dementia is not progres-sive as in Alzheimer’s disease but increases insteps as new strokes occurmultilocularmultilocular /!m.lti|$l(kj*l#/ adjective refer-ring to a body part or growth which has a lot ofseparate compartments or loculesmulti-organ failuremulti-organ failure /!m.lti $)%1#n !fe"lj#/noun an extremely serious condition in whichseveral of the body’s organs stop functioning atthe same time. The person may survive, depend-ing on how many organs fail and the length oftime that the failure lasts. Abbreviation MOFmultiparamultipara /m.l|$t"p#r#/ noun a woman who hasgiven birth to two or more live childrenmultiplemultiple /$m.lt"p(#)l/ adjective occurring sev-eral times or in several placesmultiple birthmultiple birth /!m.lt"p(#)l $b-%,/ noun a birthwhere more than one child is born at the sametimemultiple fracturemultiple fracture /!m.lt"p(#)l $fr'kt/#/ nouna condition in which a bone is broken in severalplacesmultiple organ dysfunction syndromemultiple organ dysfunction syndrome/!m.lt"p(#)l !)%1#n d"s|$f.0k/(#)n !s"ndr#*m/noun a state of continuous disturbances andabnormalities in organ systems, rather than true

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193 mutism

failure, e.g. following trauma and sepsis. It isoften fatal. Abbreviation MODSmultiple pregnancy

multiple pregnancy /!m.lt"p(#)l $pre1n#nsi/noun a pregnancy where the mother is going togive birth to more than one childmultiple sclerosis

multiple sclerosis /!m.lt"p(#)l skl#|$r#*s"s/noun a nervous disease which gets progressivelyworse, where patches of the fibres of the centralnervous system lose their myelin, causing numb-ness in the limbs and progressive weakness andparalysis. Abbreviation MS. Also called dissem-inated sclerosis. ! arteriosclerosis, athero-sclerosismultipolar neurone

multipolar neurone /m.lt" |!p#*l# $nj*#r#*n/noun a neurone with several processes. See illus-tration at NEURONE in Supplement. Comparebipolar neurone, unipolar neuronemultiresistant

multiresistant /!m.ltir"|$z"st#nt/ adjectiveresistant to several types of antibioticmultivitamin

multivitamin /$m.lti |!v"t#m"n/ noun a prepara-tion containing several vitamins and sometimesminerals, used as a dietary supplement " adjec-tive referring to a preparation containing severalvitamins, and sometimes minerals ! multivitaminpills ! multivitamin supplementmumps

mumps /m.mps/ noun an infectious disease ofchildren, with fever and swellings in the salivaryglands, caused by a paramyxovirus ! He caughtmumps from the children next door. Also calledinfectious parotitis (NOTE: Takes a singular ora plural verb.)Münchausen’s syndrome

Münchausen’s syndrome /$m.nt/a*z(#)nz!s"ndr#*m/ noun a mental disorder in whichsomeone tries to get hospital treatment by claim-ing symptoms of an illness which he or she doesnot have. Many people will undergo very painfulprocedures which they do not need. [Describedby Richard Asher in 1951, and named afterBaron von Münchhausen, a 16th century travel-ler and inveterate liar.]Münchausen’s syndrome by proxy

Münchausen’s syndrome by proxy/!m.nt/a*z(#)nz !s"ndr#*m ba" $pr(ksi/ nouna mental disorder in which someone tries to gethospital treatment for someone else such as theirchild or an elderly relative. It is regarded as a formof child abuse, as the person may cause a child tobe ill in order to receive attention.murmur

murmur /$m-%m#/ noun a sound, usually thesound of the heart, heard through a stethoscopemuscae volitantes

muscae volitantes /!m.ska" !v(l"|$t'nte"z/plural noun pieces of cellular or blood debrispresent in the vitreous of the eye, common in oldage but, if a sudden event, can be a symptom ofretinal haemorrhage. Also called floatersmuscarine

muscarine /$m.sk#ri%n/ noun a poison foundin fungimuscarinic

muscarinic /!m.sk# |$r"n"k/ adjective referringto a neurone or receptor stimulated by acetylcho-line and muscarine


muscle /$m.s(#)l/ noun 1. an organ in the body,which contracts to make part of the body move !If you do a lot of exercises you develop strongmuscles. ! The muscles in his legs were still weakafter he had spent two months in bed. ! She hadmuscle cramp after going into the cold water. Seeillustration at EYE in Supplement 2. same asmuscle tissuemuscle fatigue

muscle fatigue /$m.s(#)l f# |!ti%1/, muscularfatigue /!m.skj*l# f#|$ti%1/ noun tiredness in themuscles after strenuous exercisemuscle fibre

muscle fibre /$m.s(#)l !fa"b#/ noun a compo-nent fibre of muscles (NOTE: There are two typesof fibre which form striated and smooth mus-cles.)muscle relaxant

muscle relaxant /$m.s(#)l r"|!l'ks#nt/ noun adrug which reduces contractions in the muscles,e.g. baclofenmuscle spasm

muscle spasm /$m.s(#)l !sp'z(#)m/ noun asudden contraction of a musclemuscle tissue

muscle tissue /$m.s(#)l !t"/u%/, musculartissue /!m.skj*l# $t"/u%/ noun the specialisedtype of tissue which forms the muscles and whichcan contract and expandmuscle wasting

muscle wasting /$m.s(#)l !we"st"0/ noun acondition in which the muscles lose weight andbecome thinmuscular

muscular /$m.skj*l#/ adjective referring tomusclemuscular dystrophy

muscular dystrophy /!m.skj*l# $d"str#fi/noun a type of muscle disease where some mus-cles become weak and are replaced with fatty tis-sue. ! Duchenne muscular dystrophymuscular fatigue

muscular fatigue /!m.skj*l# f#|$ti%1/ nounsame as muscle fatiguemuscular tissue

muscular tissue /!m.skj*l# $t"/u%/ nounsame as muscle tissuemusculo-

musculo- /m.skj*l#*/ prefix relating to oraffecting musclemusculocutaneous

musculocutaneous /!m.skj*l#* |kju% |

$te"ni#s/ adjective referring to muscle and skinmusculoskeletal

musculoskeletal /!m.skj*l#*|$skel"t(#)l/adjective referring to muscles and bonemutant

mutant /$mju%t(#)nt/ adjective in which muta-tion has occurredmutant gene

mutant gene /!mju%t(#)nt $d+i%n/ noun a genewhich has undergone mutationmutation

mutation /mju%|$te"/(#)n/ noun a change inDNA which changes the physiological effect ofthe DNA on the cellmute

mute /mju%t/ adjective 1. unwilling or unable tospeak 2. felt or expressed without speech " nounsomebody who is unable or unwilling to speak(NOTE: This term is sometimes consideredoffensive.)mutism

mutism /$mju%t"z(#)m/ noun the condition ofbeing unable to speak. Also called dumbness

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my- 194my-

my- /ma"/ prefix same as myo- (used beforevowels)myalgia

myalgia /ma"|$'ld+#/ noun a muscle painmyalgic encephalomyelitis

myalgic encephalomyelitis /ma"|!'ld+"k en|

!kef#l#*ma"#|$la"t"s/ noun a long-term conditionaffecting the nervous system, in which someonefeels tired and depressed and has pain and weak-ness in the muscles. Abbreviation ME. Alsocalled chronic fatigue syndrome, postviralfatigue syndromemyasthenia

myasthenia /!ma"#s|$,i%ni#/, myastheniagravis /!ma"#s |!,i%ni# $1r&%v"s/ noun a generalweakness and dysfunction of the muscles, causedby poor conduction at the motor end platesmyc-

myc- /ma"k, ma"s/ prefix same as myco- (usedbefore vowels)myco-

myco- /ma"k#*/ prefix referring to fungusMycobacterium

Mycobacterium /!ma"k#*b'k|$ti%#ri#m/noun one of a group of bacteria including thosewhich cause leprosy and tuberculosisMycoplasma

Mycoplasma /$ma"k#* |!pl'zm#/ noun a typeof microorganism, similar to a bacterium, associ-ated with diseases such as pneumonia and urethri-tismycosis

mycosis /ma"|$k#*s"s/ noun any disease causedby a fungus, e.g. athlete’s footmydriasis

mydriasis /ma"|$dra"#s"s/ noun an enlargementof the pupil of the eyemydriatic

mydriatic /!m"dri|$'t"k/ noun a drug whichmakes the pupil of the eye become largermyelin

myelin /$ma"#l"n/ noun the substance of the cellmembrane of Schwann cells that coils into a pro-tective covering around nerve fibres called a mye-lin sheathmyelinated

myelinated /$ma"#l"ne"t"d/ adjective referringto nerve fibre covered by a myelin sheathmyelination

myelination /!ma"#l" |$ne"/(#)n/ noun the proc-ess by which a myelin sheath forms around nervefibresmyelin sheath

myelin sheath /$ma"#l"n /i%,/ noun a layer ofmyelin that insulates some nerve cells and speedsthe conduction of nerve impulses. See illustrationat NEURONE in Supplementmyelocele

myelocele /$ma"#l#si%l/ noun same as menin-gomyelocelemyelography

myelography /!ma"#|$l(1r#fi/ noun an X-rayexamination of the spinal cord and subarachnoidspace after a radio-opaque substance has beeninjectedmyeloid

myeloid /$ma"#l)"d/ adjective 1. referring tobone marrow, or produced by bone marrow 2.referring to the spinal cordmyeloid leukaemia

myeloid leukaemia /!ma"#l)"d lu%|$ki%mi#/noun an acute form of leukaemia in adultsmyeloid tissue

myeloid tissue /$ma"#l)"d !t"/u%/ noun redbone marrow


myeloma /!ma"#|$l#*m#/ noun a malignanttumour in bone marrow, at the ends of long bonesor in the jawmyelomeningocele

myelomeningocele /!ma"#l#*|m#|

$n"01#*si%l/ noun same as meningomyelocelemyelopathy

myelopathy /!ma"# |$l(p#,i/ noun any disorderof the spinal cord or bone marrowmyelosuppression

myelosuppression /!ma"#l#*|s#|$pre/(#)n/noun a condition in which the bone marrow doesnot produce enough blood cells, often occurringafter chemotherapymyo-

myo- /ma"#*/ prefix referring to musclemyocardial

myocardial /!ma"#*|$k&%di#l/ adjective refer-ring to the myocardiummyocardial infarction

myocardial infarction /!ma"#* |!k&%di#l "n|

$f&%k/#n/ noun the death of part of the heart mus-cle after coronary thrombosis. Abbreviation MImyocarditis

myocarditis /!ma"#*k&%|$da"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of the heart musclemyocardium

myocardium /!ma"#* |$k&%di#m/ noun the mid-dle layer of the wall of the heart, formed of heartmuscle. See illustration at HEART in Supplementmyocele

myocele /$ma"#si%l/ noun a condition in whicha muscle pushes through a gap in the surroundingmembranemyoclonic

myoclonic /!ma"#*|$kl(n"k/ adjective referringto myoclonusmyoclonic epilepsy

myoclonic epilepsy /!ma"#*kl(n"k$ep"lepsi/ noun a form of epilepsy where thelimbs jerk frequentlymyoclonus

myoclonus /ma" |$(kl#n#s/ noun a musclespasm which makes a limb give an involuntaryjerkmyocyte

myocyte /$ma"#*sa"t/ noun a muscle cellmyofibril

myofibril /!ma"#* |$fa"br"l/ noun a long thread ofstriated muscle fibremyofibrosis

myofibrosis /!ma"#*fa" |$br#*s"s/ noun a con-dition in which muscle tissue is replaced byfibrous tissuemyoma

myoma /ma" |$#*m#/ noun a benign tumour in asmooth musclemyomectomy

myomectomy /!ma"#*|$mekt#mi/ noun thesurgical removal of a benign growth from a mus-cle, especially removal of a fibroid from theuterusmyometritis

myometritis /!ma"#*m#|$tra"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of the myometrium. Also called metritismyometrium

myometrium /!ma"#*|$mi%tri#m/ noun themuscular tissue in the uterusmyoneural

myoneural /!ma"#* |$nj*#r#l/ adjective relatingto or involving both the muscles and the nervesmyoneural junction

myoneural junction /!ma"#*nj*#r#l$d+.0k/(#)n/ noun same as neuromuscularjunctionmyopathy

myopathy /ma"|$(p#,i/ noun a disease of a mus-cle, especially one in which the muscle wastesaway

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195 myxovirusmyopiamyopia /ma"|$#*pi#/ noun a condition in whichsomeone can see clearly objects which are close,but not ones which are further away. Also calledshortsightedness. Opposite longsightednessmyopic

myopic /ma"|$(p"k/ adjective able to see closeobjects clearly, but not objects which are furtheraway. Also called shortsighted, nearsightedmyoplasty

myoplasty /$ma"#*pl'sti/ noun a form of plas-tic surgery to repair a musclemyosarcomamyosarcoma /!ma"#*s&% |$k#*m#/ noun amalignant tumour containing unstriated musclemyosismyosis /ma"|$#*s"s/ noun another spelling ofmiosis 1myositis

myositis /!ma"#* |$sa"t"s/ noun inflammationand degeneration of a musclemyoticmyotic /ma"|$(t"k/ noun a drug which causes thepupil of the eye to contractmyotomymyotomy /ma"|$(t#mi/ noun a surgical opera-tion to cut a musclemyotonia

myotonia /!ma"#*|$t#*ni#/ noun difficulty inrelaxing a muscle after exercisemyotonicmyotonic /!ma"#* |$t(n"k/ adjective referring totone in a musclemyringamyringa /m"|$r"01#/ noun same as eardrummyringitismyringitis /!m"r"n |$d+a"t"s/ noun inflammationof the eardrum


myringoplasty /m" |$r"01#*pl'sti/ noun thesurgical repair of a perforated eardrum. Alsocalled tympanoplastymyringotome

myringotome /m" |$r"01#*t#*m/ noun a sharpknife used in myringotomymyringotomy

myringotomy /!m"r"0|$1(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to make an opening in the eardrum toallow fluid to escape. Also called tympanotomymyx-

myx- /m"ks/, myxo- /m"ks#*/ prefix referring tomucusmyxoedema

myxoedema /!m"ks# |$di%m#/ noun a conditioncaused when the thyroid gland does not produceenough thyroid hormone. The person, often amiddle-aged woman, becomes overweight,moves slowly and develops coarse skin. It can betreated with thyroxine.myxoedematous

myxoedematous /!m"ks#|$dem#t#s/ adjectivereferring to myxoedemamyxoid cyst

myxoid cyst /!m"ks)"d $s"st/ noun a cystwhich develops at the base of a fingernail or toe-nailmyxovirus

myxovirus /!m"ks#*|$va"r#s/ noun any viruswhich has an affinity for the mucoprotein recep-tors in red blood cells. One of these viruses causesinfluenza.

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n symbol nano-nabothian cyst

nabothian cyst /n#|!b#*,i#n $s"st/, naboth-ian follicle /n# |!b#*,i#n $f(l"k(#)l/, nabothiangland /n#|!b#*,i#n $1l'nd/ noun a cyst whichforms in the cervix of the uterus when the ducts inthe cervical glands are blockedNaegele rule

Naegele rule /$ne"1#l# ru%l/ noun a methodused to determine when a pregnant woman islikely to go into labour, in which nine months andseven days are added to the date on which her lastperiod started. If the woman does not have a 28-day menstrual cycle, an adjustment is made: e.g.,if she has a 26-day cycle you would subtract 2days from the Naegele’s estimated due date.naevus

naevus /$ni%v#s/ noun same as birthmark(NOTE: The plural is naevi.)NAI

NAI abbreviation non-accidental injurynail

nail /ne"l/ noun a hard growth, made of keratin,which forms on the top surface at the end of eachfinger and toe. Also called unguis (NOTE: Forterms referring to nail, see words beginning withonych-, onycho-.)nail avulsion

nail avulsion /$ne"l #|!v.l/#n/ noun the act ofpulling away an ingrowing toenailnail bed

nail bed /$ne"l bed/ noun the part of the fingerwhich is just under the nail and on which the nailrestsnail matrix

nail matrix /$ne"l !me"tr"ks/ noun the internalstructure of the nail, the part of the finger fromwhich the nail growsnaloxone

naloxone /n# |$l(ks#*n/ noun a drug resemblingmorphine, used in the diagnosis of narcoticsaddiction and to reverse the effects of narcoticspoisoningnamed nurse

named nurse /!ne"md $n-%s/ noun a nurse,midwife or health visitor who is responsible forcommunicating with a particular person andensuring that his or her needs for care and infor-mation are metnandrolone

nandrolone /$n'ndr#l#*n/ noun an anabolicsteroid which builds muscle. Its use is banned bythe International Amateur Athletics Federation.nano-

nano- /n'n#*/ prefix one thousand millionth(10-9). Symbol n


nanometre /$n'n#*mit#/ noun a unit of meas-urement of length equal to one thousand millionthof a metre. Symbol nmnanomole

nanomole /$n'n#*m#*l/ noun a unit of meas-urement of the amount of a substance equal to onethousand millionth of a mole. Symbol nmolnanosecond

nanosecond /$n'n#*|!sek#nd/ noun a unit ofmeasurement of time equal to one thousand mil-lionth of a second. Symbol nsnapenape /ne"p/ noun the back of the neck. Alsocalled nuchanappy

nappy /$n'pi/ noun a cloth used to wrap rounda baby’s bottom and groin, to keep clothing cleanand drynappy rashnappy rash /$n'pi r'// noun sore red skin ona baby’s buttocks and groin, caused by long con-tact with ammonia in a wet nappynaproxen

naproxen /n'|$pr(ksen/ noun a drug whichreduces inflammation and pain, used in the treat-ment of arthritisnarcissism

narcissism /$n&%s"s"z(#)m/ noun in psychiatry,a personality disorder in which someone has avery confident opinion about their own appear-ance and abilities, and a great need to be admiredby other people. It sometimes involves sexualinterest in their own body.narco-

narco- /n&%k#*/ prefix referring to sleep or stu-pornarcolepsy

narcolepsy /$n&%k#lepsi/ noun a condition inwhich someone has an uncontrollable tendency tofall asleep at any timenarcoleptic

narcoleptic /!n&%k#|$lept"k/ adjective 1. caus-ing narcolepsy 2. having narcolepsy " noun 1. asubstance which causes narcolepsy 2. someonewho has narcolepsynarcosis

narcosis /n&% |$k#*s"s/ noun a state of loweredconsciousness induced by a drugnarcotic

narcotic /n&% |$k(t"k/ noun a pain-relieving drugwhich makes someone sleep or become uncon-scious ! The doctor put her to sleep with a pow-erful narcotic. " adjective causing sleep orunconsciousness ! the narcotic side-effects of anantihistaminenares

nares /$ne#ri%z/ plural noun the nostrils (NOTE:The singular is naris.)nasal

nasal /$ne"z(#)l/ adjective referring to the nose

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197 navelnasal apertures

nasal apertures /!ne"z(#)l $'p#t/#s/ pluralnoun the two openings shaped like funnels lead-ing from the nasal cavity to the pharynx. ! cho-ananasal cavity

nasal cavity /!ne"z(#)l $k'v"ti/ noun the cav-ity behind the nose between the cribriform platesabove and the hard palate below, divided in twoby the nasal septum and leading to the nasophar-ynxnasal conchae

nasal conchae /!ne"z(#)l $k(0ki%/ plural nounthe three ridges of bone, called the superior, mid-dle and inferior conchae, which project into thenasal cavity from the side walls. Also called tur-binate bonesnasal congestion

nasal congestion /!ne"z(#)l k#n |$d+est/(#)n/noun the blocking of the nose by inflammation asa response to a cold or other infectionnasal drops

nasal drops /$ne"z(#)l dr(ps/ plural noundrops of liquid inserted into the nosenasal septum

nasal septum /!ne"z(#)l $sept#m/ noun a wallof cartilage between the two nostrils and the twoparts of the nasal cavitynasal spray

nasal spray /$ne"z(#)l spre"/ noun a spray ofliquid into the nosenascent

nascent /$n's(#)nt, $ne"s(#)nt/ adjective 1. inthe process of coming into existence and startingto develop 2. referring to a substance, especiallyhydrogen, in the process of being created. At thisstage it is often in a highly active form.Naseptin

Naseptin /n' |$sept"n/ a trade name for a mix-ture containing chlorhexidine and neomycin, usedto treat nasal infection by organisms such as sta-phylococcinaso-

naso- /ne"z#*/ prefix referring to the nosenasogastric

nasogastric /!ne"z#* |$1'str"k/ adjective refer-ring to the nose and stomachnasogastric tube

nasogastric tube /!ne"z#* |!1'str"k $tju%b/noun a tube passed through the nose into thestomachnasolacrimal

nasolacrimal /!ne"z#* |$l'kr"m(#)l/ adjectivereferring to the nose and the tear glandsnasolacrimal duct

nasolacrimal duct /!ne"z#* |!l'kr"m(#)l$d.kt/ noun a duct which drains tears from thelacrimal sac into the nosenasopharyngeal

nasopharyngeal /!ne"z#*|!f'r"n|$d+i%#l/adjective referring to the nasopharynxnasopharyngitis

nasopharyngitis /!ne"z#*|!f'r"n|$d+a"t"s/noun inflammation of the mucous membrane ofthe nasal part of the pharynxnasopharynx

nasopharynx /!ne"z#* |$f'r"0ks/ noun the toppart of the pharynx which connects with the nosenasosinusitis

nasosinusitis /!ne"z#*|!sa"n#|$sa"t"s/ noun acondition in which the nose and sinuses swell upnates

nates /$ne"ti%z/ noun same as buttockNational Boards

National Boards /!n'/(#)n#l $b)%rdz/ pluralnoun the National Boards for Nursing, Mid-wifery, and Health Visiting, which were formerlyresponsible for the education of professionals in

these fields in England, Wales, Scotland andNorthern IrelandNational Council for Vocational Qualifications

National Council for Vocational Qualifi-cations /!n'/(#)n#l !ka*ns(#)l f# v#*|

!ke"/(#)n#l !kw(l"f"|$ke"/(#)nz/ noun full formof NCVQNational Health Service

National Health Service /!n'/(#)n#l $hel,!s-%v"s/ noun a government service in the UKwhich provides medical services free of charge atthe point of delivery, or at reduced cost, to thewhole population. The service is paid for out oftax revenue. Abbreviation NHSNational Institute for Clinical Excellence

National Institute for Clinical Excellence/!n'/(#)n(#)l !"nst"tju%t f# !kl"n"k(#)l$eks#l#ns/ noun an organisation in the UK whichproduces recommendations for treatments basedon clinical evidence and cost-effectiveness.Abbreviation NICENational Service Framework

National Service Framework /!n'/(#)n#l$s-%v"s !fre"mw-%k/ noun full form of NSFnatriuretic

natriuretic /!ne"trij*|$ret"k/ noun somethingwhich helps sodium to be excreted in the urinenatural childbirth

natural childbirth /!n't/(#)r#l $t/a"ldb-%,/noun childbirth where the mother is not given anypain-killing drugs or anaesthetic but is encour-aged to give birth after having prepared herselfthrough relaxation and breathing exercises and anew psychological outlooknatural immunity

natural immunity /!n't/(#)r#l "|$mju%n"ti/noun the immunity from disease which a new-born baby has from birth and which is inherited oracquired in the uterus or from the mother’s milknatural killer cell

natural killer cell /!n't/(#)r#l $k"l# !sel/ nouna white blood cell which can recognise microor-ganisms and tumour cells as foreign without anyprevious exposure to them, and destroy themnatural mother

natural mother /!n't/(#)r#l $m.2#/, naturalparent /!n't/(#)r#l $pe#r#nt/ noun same asbirth mother, birth parentnature nurture debate

nature nurture debate /!ne"t/# $n-%t/# d"|

!be"t/ noun the arguments put forward aboutwhether human beings behave in the way they dobecause of their genetic make-up and instincts orbecause of the way they are educated and theinfluences they are exposed to when they areyoungnaturopathy

naturopathy /!ne"t/# |$r(p#,i/ noun a methodof treatment of diseases and disorders which doesnot use medical or surgical means, but naturalforces such as light, heat, massage, eating naturalfoods and using herbal remediesnausea

nausea /$n)%zi#/ noun a feeling that you want tovomit ! She suffered from nausea in the morning.! He felt slight nausea after getting onto the boat.nauseated

nauseated /$n)%zie"t"d/ adjective feeling as ifyou are about to vomit ! The casualty may feelnauseated.navel

navel /$ne"v(#)l/ noun the scar with a depressionin the middle of the abdomen where the umbilical

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navicular 198

cord was detached after birth. Also called umbili-cus (NOTE: For other terms referring to thenavel, see words beginning with omphal-,omphalo-.)navicular

navicular /n#|$v"kj*l#/ adjective relating to anavicular bone " noun same as navicular bonenavicular bone

navicular bone /n# |$v"kj*l# b#*n/ noun oneof the tarsal bones in the foot. See illustration atFOOT in SupplementNCVQ

NCVQ /!en si% vi% $kju%/ noun a governmentbody in the UK responsible for setting standardsof qualification for specific jobs. Full formNational Council for Vocational Qualifica-tionsNDU

NDU abbreviation Nursing Development Unitnearsighted

nearsighted /n"# |$sa"t"d/ adjective same asmyopicnebula

nebula /$nebj*l#/ noun a slightly cloudy spot onthe corneanebuliser

nebuliser /$nebj*la"z#/, nebulizer noun sameas atomiserneck

neck /nek/ noun 1. the part of the body whichjoins the head to the body ! He is suffering frompains in the neck. ! The front of the neck is swol-len with goitre. ! The jugular veins run down theside of the neck. 2. a narrow part of a bone ororganneck collar

neck collar /$nek !k(l#/ noun a strong high col-lar to support the head of a person with neck inju-ries or a condition such as cervical spondylosisnecro-

necro- /nekr#*/ prefix referring to deathnecrology

necrology /ne|$kr(l#d+i/ noun the scientificstudy of mortality statisticsnecrophilia

necrophilia /!nekr#* |$f"li#/, necrophilism /ne|

$kr(f"l"z(#)m/ noun unusual pleasure in corpsesnecropsy

necropsy /$nekr(psi/ noun same as post mor-temnecrosis

necrosis /ne |$kr#*s"s/ noun the death of a partof the body such as a bone, tissue or an organ as aresult of disease or injury ! Gangrene is a formof necrosis.necrotic

necrotic /ne |$kr(t"k/ adjective referring to, oraffected with, necrosis ! necrotic tissuenecrotising enterocolitis

necrotising enterocolitis /!nekr#ta"z"0!ent#r#*k# |$la"t"s/ noun a disorder in whichpatches of dead tissue are found in the small orlarge intestine as a result of severe bacterial infec-tion. It occurs in babies, especially prematureones.necrotomy

necrotomy /ne |$kr(t#mi/ noun the dissection ofa dead body (NOTE: The plural is necrotomies.)needle

needle /$ni%d(#)l/ noun 1. a thin metal instru-ment with a sharp point at one end and a hole atthe other for attaching a thread, used for sewingup surgical incisions 2. the hollow pointed end ofa hypodermic syringe, or the syringe itself

needlestickneedlestick /$ni%d(#)lst"k/ noun an accidentalpricking of your own skin by a needle, as by anurse picking up a used syringeneedlestick injuryneedlestick injury /$ni%d(#)lst"k !"nd+#ri/noun the real or potential harm resulting from aprick with a needle previously used to take bloodor give an injection. The main concern is the riskof HIV or hepatitis B infection.needlingneedling /$ni%d(#)l"0/ noun the puncture of acataract with a needleneeds assessmentneeds assessment /$ni%dz #|!sesm#nt/ nounthe investigation of what a particular group ofpeople need in terms of health and social care, sothat services can be matched to their needsneeds deprivationneeds deprivation /$ni%dz depr"|!ve"/(#)n/noun a state in which someone does not have theopportunity or capacity to fulfil his or her basicneedsnegativenegative /$ne1#t"v/ adjective 1. meaning orshowing ‘no’ 2. indicating that something beingtested for is not present ! The test results werenegative. Opposite positivenegative feedbacknegative feedback /!ne1#t"v $fi%db'k/ nouna situation in which the result of a processrepresses the process which caused itnegligencenegligence /$ne1l"d+#ns/ noun the act of caus-ing injury or harm to another person or to prop-erty as the result of doing something wrongly orfailing to provide a proper level of careNeisseriaNeisseria /na"|$s"#ri#/ noun a genus of bacteriawhich includes gonococcus, which causes gonor-rhoea, and meningococcus, which causes menin-gitisnematodenematode /$nem#t#*d/ noun a type of parasiticroundworm, e.g. a hookworm, pinworm or round-wormneo-neo- /ni%#*/ prefix newneoadjuvant chemotherapyneoadjuvant chemotherapy /!ni%#*|

!'d+*v#nt !ki%m#*|$,er#pi/ noun chemotherapygiven to people with tumours instead of immedi-ate surgery or radiotherapy, in the hope of reduc-ing the need for these laterneomycinneomycin /!ni%#*|$ma"s"n/ noun a drug usedexternally to treat bacterial infectionsneonatalneonatal /!ni%#* |$ne"t(#)l/ adjective referring tothe first few weeks after birthneonatal death rateneonatal death rate /!ni%#*ne"t(#)l $de,!re"t/ noun the number of babies who die soonafter birth, shown per thousand babies bornneonatal screeningneonatal screening /!ni%#*|!ne"t(#)l$skri%n"0/ noun a set of tests performed on babiessoon after birth so that any problems can betreated immediately (NOTE: Tests for certain dis-eases such as hypothyroidism and phenylke-tonuria are a legal duty.)neonateneonate /$ni%#*ne"t/ noun a baby which is lessthan four weeks oldneonatologistneonatologist /!ni%#n# |$t(l#d+"st/ noun a spe-cialist who looks after babies during the first few

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199 nerve gas

weeks of life, or premature babies and babies withsome congenital disordersneonatology

neonatology /!ni%#*n# |$t(l#d+i/ noun thebranch of medicine dealing with babies in the firstfew weeks of lifeneoplasm

neoplasm /$ni%#*pl'z(#)m/ noun any new andmorbid formation of tissueneoplasty

neoplasty /$ni%#*pl'sti/ noun the surgicalrepair or replacement of damaged tissueneostigmine

neostigmine /!ni%#* |$st"1mi%n/ noun a whitecrystalline compound used in the treatment ofmuscle fatigue myasthenia and to reverse theeffects of muscle relaxant drugsnephr-

nephr- /nefr/ prefix kidneynephralgia

nephralgia /ne|$fr'ld+#/ noun pain in the kid-neynephralgic

nephralgic /ne |$fr'ld+"k/ adjective relating topain in the kidneynephrectomy

nephrectomy /ne |$frekt(mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove the whole kidney (NOTE: Theplural is nephrectomies.)nephritis

nephritis /ne |$fra"t"s/ noun inflammation of thekidneynephroblastoma

nephroblastoma /!nefr#*bl'|$st#*m#/ nouna malignant tumour in the kidneys in young chil-dren, usually under the age of 10, leading toswelling of the abdomen. It is treated by removalof the affected kidney. Also called Wilms’tumour (NOTE: The plural is nephroblastomasor nephrobrastomata.)nephrocalcinosis

nephrocalcinosis /!nefr#*|!k'ls" |$n#*s"s/noun a condition in which calcium deposits arefound in the kidneynephrocapsulectomy

nephrocapsulectomy /!nefr#* |!k'psj*|

$lekt#mi/ noun a surgical operation to remove thecapsule round a kidney (NOTE: The plural isnephrocapsulectomies.)nephrogram

nephrogram /$nefr#1r'm/ noun a radio-graphic examination of the kidneynephrolith

nephrolith /$nefr#l",/ noun a stone in the kid-neynephrolithiasis

nephrolithiasis /!nefr#*l"|$,a"#s"s/ noun acondition in which stones form in the kidneynephrolithotomy

nephrolithotomy /!nefr#*l"|$,(t#mi/ noun asurgical operation to remove a stone in the kidney(NOTE: The plural is nephrolithotomies.)nephrologist

nephrologist /ne|$fr(l#d+"st/ noun a doctorwho specialises in the study of the kidney and itsdiseasesnephrology

nephrology /ne |$fr(l#d+i/ noun the study of thekidney and its diseasesnephroma

nephroma /ne |$fr#*m#/ noun a tumour in thekidney, or a tumour derived from renal substances(NOTE: The plural is nephromas or nephro-mata.)nephron

nephron /$nefr(n/ noun a tiny structure in thekidney through which fluid is filtered


nephropathy /ne|$fr(p#,i/ noun a disease ormedical disorder of the kidney (NOTE: The pluralis nephropathies.)nephropexy

nephropexy /$nefr#*peksi/ noun a surgicaloperation to attach a mobile kidney (NOTE: Theplural is nephropexies.)nephroptosis

nephroptosis /!nefr(p |$t#*s"s/ noun a condi-tion in which a kidney is mobile. Also calledfloating kidneynephrosclerosis

nephrosclerosis /!nefr#*skl# |$r#*s"s/ noun akidney disease due to vascular changenephroscope

nephroscope /$nefr#sk#*p/ noun a type ofendoscope used to examine the kidneysnephrosis

nephrosis /ne|$fr#*s"s/ noun degeneration ofthe tissue of a kidneynephrostomy

nephrostomy /ne |$fr(st#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to make a permanent opening into thepelvis of the kidney from the surface (NOTE: Theplural is nephrostomies.)nephrotic

nephrotic /ne |$fr(t"k/ adjective relating to orcaused by nephrosisnephrotic syndrome

nephrotic syndrome /ne |!fr(t"k $s"ndr#*m/noun increasing oedema, albuminuria and raisedblood pressure resulting from nephrosisnephrotomy

nephrotomy /ne|$fr(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to cut into a kidney (NOTE: The plural isnephrotomies.)nephrotoxic

nephrotoxic /!nefr#*|$t(ks"k/ adjective poi-sonous or damaging to kidney cellsnephroureterectomy

nephroureterectomy /!nefr#*|!j*#r"t#|

$rekt#mi/ noun a surgical operation to remove allor part of a kidney and the ureter attached to it.Also called ureteronephrectomy (NOTE: Theplural is nephroureterectomies.)nerve

nerve /n-%v/ noun 1. a bundle of fibres that cantransmit electrochemical impulses and that formspart of the network that connects the brain andspinal cord to the body’s organs 2. the sensitivetissue in the root of a tooth (NOTE: For otherterms referring to nerves, see words beginningwith neur-, neuro-.)nerve block

nerve block /$n-%v bl(k/ noun the act of stop-ping the function of a nerve by injecting an anaes-theticnerve centre

nerve centre /$n-%v !sent#/ noun the point atwhich nerves come togethernerve ending

nerve ending /$n-%v !end"0/ noun same assensory receptornerve entrapment syndrome

nerve entrapment syndrome /!n-%v "n|

$tr'pm#nt !s"ndr#*m/ noun pain caused bypressure on a nerve, especially where nervesoccur in narrow passages such as the wristnerve fibre

nerve fibre /$n-%v !fa"b#/ noun a thin structureleading from a nerve cell and carrying nerveimpulses, e.g. an axonnerve gas

nerve gas /$n-%v 1's/ noun a gas which attacksthe nervous system

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nerve impulse 200nerve impulse

nerve impulse /$n-%v !"mp.ls/ noun an elec-trochemical impulse which is transmitted bynerve cellsnerve regeneration

nerve regeneration /$n-%v r"|!1en#re"/(#)n/noun the growth of new nerve tissue after damagehas occurrednerve root

nerve root /$n-%v ru%t/ noun the first part of anerve as it leaves or joins the spinal column(NOTE: The dorsal nerve root is the entry for asensory nerve, and the ventral nerve root is theexit for a motor nerve.)nerve tissue

nerve tissue /$n-%v !t"/u%/ noun tissue whichforms nerves, and which is able to transmit thenerve impulsesnervosa

nervosa /n#|$v#*s#/ " anorexia nervosanervous

nervous /$n-%v#s/ adjective 1. referring tonerves 2. very easily worried ! Don’t be nervous– the operation is a very simple one.nervous breakdown

nervous breakdown /!n-%v#s $bre"kda*n/noun any sudden mental illness (informal)nervous complaint

nervous complaint /!n-%v#s k#m|$ple"nt/,nervous disorder /!n-%v#s d"s|$)%d#/ noun anemotional or mental illness (informal)nervousness

nervousness /$n-%v#sn#s/ noun the state ofbeing nervousnervous system

nervous system /$n-%v#s !s"st#m/ noun thenervous tissues of the body, including the periph-eral nerves, spinal cord, ganglia and nerve centresnether parts

nether parts /$ne2# p&%ts/, nether regions/$ne2# !ri%d+(#)nz/ plural noun the lower part ofthe body, especially the buttocks or genital area(informal)nettle rash

nettle rash /$net(#)l r'// noun same as urti-carianetwork

network /$netw-%k/ noun any of various com-puter-based systems designed to allow fast com-munication of information between NHS agen-cies, e.g. communication of X-ray results from ahospital to a GP surgery ! a network of fine bloodvesselsNeuman’s model

Neuman’s model /$n)"m#nz !m(d(#)l/ noun amodern model for nursing in which prevention isthe primary nursing aim (NOTE: Preventionfocuses on keeping both the things which causestress and the patient’s response to stress fromhaving a damaging effect on the body.)neur-

neur- /nj*#r/ prefix same as neuro- (usedbefore vowels)neural

neural /$nj*#r#l/ adjective referring to a nerveor the nervous systemneural arch

neural arch /!nj*#r#l $&%t// noun a curved partof a vertebra, which forms the space throughwhich the spinal cord passesneuralgia

neuralgia /nj*|$r'ld+#/ noun a spasm of painwhich runs along a nerveneural tube

neural tube /$nj*#r#l tju%b/ noun a tube linedwith ectodermal cells running the length of an

embryo, which develops into the brain and spinalcordneural tube defectneural tube defect /!nj*#r#l $tju%b d"|!fekt/noun a congenital anomaly which occurs whenthe edges of the neural tube do not close up prop-erly while the fetus develops in the uterus, e.g.spina bifida (NOTE: There is less risk of a neuraltube defect if the mother takes folic acid duringher pregnancy.)neurapraxia

neurapraxia /!nj*#r#|$pr'ksi#/ noun a lesionof a nerve which leads to paralysis for a very shorttime, giving a tingling feeling and loss of functionneurectomy

neurectomy /nj*|$rekt#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove all or part of a nerve (NOTE:The plural is neurectomies.)neurilemma

neurilemma /!nj*#r" |$lem#/ noun the outersheath, formed of Schwann cells, which coversthe myelin sheath around a nerve fibre. Alsocalled neurolemma. See illustration at NEURONEin Supplementneuritis

neuritis /nj* |$ra"t"s/ noun inflammation of anerve, giving a constant painneuro-neuro- /nj*#r#*/ prefix nerve or nervous systemneuroendocrine system

neuroendocrine system /!nj*#r#*|

$end#kr"n !s"st#m/ noun a system in which thecentral nervous system and hormonal systemsinteract to control the function of organs and tis-suesneuroepithelialneuroepithelial /!nj*#r#*ep" |$,i%li#l/ adjec-tive referring to the neuroepitheliumneuroepithelium

neuroepithelium /!nj*#r#*ep"|$,i%li#m/ nounthe layer of epithelial cells forming part of the lin-ing of the mucous membrane of the nose or thelabyrinth of the middle earneurofibrilneurofibril /!nj*#r#*|$fa"br"l/ noun a finethread in the cytoplasm of a neuroneneurofibrilla

neurofibrilla /!nj*#r#*|$f"br"l#/ noun same asneurofibril. See illustration at NEURONE in Sup-plement (NOTE: The plural is neurofibrillae.)neurofibromaneurofibroma /!nj*#r#*fa"|$br#*m#/ noun abenign tumour of a nerve, formed from the neuri-lemma (NOTE: The plural is neurofibromas orneurofibromata.)neurofibromatosis

neurofibromatosis /!nj*#r#* |!fa"br#*m#|

$t#*s"s/ noun a hereditary condition in which aperson has neurofibromata on the nerve trunks,limb plexuses or spinal roots, and pale brownspots appear on the skin. Abbreviation NF. Alsocalled molluscum fibrosum, von Reckling-hausen’s diseaseneurogenic

neurogenic /!nj*#r#*|$d+en"k/ adjective com-ing from the nervous systemneurogenic bladder

neurogenic bladder /!nj*#r#*d+en"k$bl'd#/ noun a disturbance of the bladder func-tion caused by lesions in the nerve supply to thebladderneurogenic shock

neurogenic shock /!nj*#r#*d+en"k $/(k/noun a state of shock caused by bad news or anunpleasant surprise

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201 next-day pillneuroglandular junction

neuroglandular junction /!nj*#r#* |

!1l'ndj*l# $d+.0k/#n/ noun the point where anerve joins the gland which it controlsneurohormone

neurohormone /!nj*#r#* |$h)%m#*n/ noun ahormone produced in some nerve cells andsecreted from the nerve endingsneurohypophysis

neurohypophysis /!nj*#r#*ha"|$p(f#s"s/noun the lobe at the back of the pituitary gland,which secretes oxytocin and vasopressin (NOTE:The plural is neurohypophyses.)neurolemma

neurolemma /!nj*#r#*|$lem#/ noun same asneurilemmaneuroleptic

neuroleptic /!nj*#r#*|$lept"k/ noun an anti-psychotic drug which calms a person and stopshim or her from worrying, e.g. chlorpromazinehydrochlorideneurological

neurological /!nj*#r#|$l(d+"k(#)l/ adjectivereferring to neurologyneurological assessment

neurological assessment/!nj*#r#l(d+"k(#)l # |$sesm#nt/ noun an evalua-tion of the health of a person with a disorder of thenervous system, using interviews, a physicalexamination, and specific diagnostic tests, some-times with the help of a family member or closefriendneurologist

neurologist /nj*|$r(l#d+"st/ noun a doctor whospecialises in the study of the nervous system andthe treatment of its diseasesneurology

neurology /nj*|$r(l#d+i/ noun the scientificstudy of the nervous system and its diseasesneuroma

neuroma /nj*|$r#*m#/ noun a benign tumourformed of nerve cells and nerve fibres (NOTE: Theplural is neuromas or neuromata.)neuromuscular

neuromuscular /!nj*#r#*|$m.skj*l#/ adjec-tive referring to both nerves and musclesneuromuscular junction

neuromuscular junction/!nj*#r#*m.skj*l# $d+.0k/#n/ noun the pointwhere a motor nerve joins muscle fibre. Alsocalled myoneural junctionneuron

neuron /$nj*#r#*n/, neurone /$nj*#r(n/ nouna cell in the nervous system which transmits nerveimpulses. Also called nerve cellneuropathic bladder

neuropathic bladder /!nj*#r#*p',ik$bl'd#/ noun a condition in which the bladderdoes not function properly because its nerve sup-ply is damaged, e.g. due to an injury to the spinalcordneuropathology

neuropathology /!nj*#r#*p# |$,(l#d+i/ nounthe study of diseases of the nervous systemneuropathy

neuropathy /nj*#|$r(p#,i/ noun a diseaseinvolving destruction of the tissues of the nervoussystem (NOTE: The plural is neuropathies.)neurophysiology

neurophysiology /!nj*#r#*f"zi|$(l#d+i/ nounthe study of the physiology of nervesneuroplasty

neuroplasty /$nj*#r#*pl'sti/ noun surgery torepair damaged nervesneuropsychiatry

neuropsychiatry /!nj*#r#*sa"|$ka"#tri/ nounthe study of mental and nervous disorders


neurorrhaphy /nj*|$r)%r#fi/ noun a surgicaloperation to join by suture a nerve which has beencut (NOTE: The plural is neurorraphies.)neurosecretion

neurosecretion /!nj*#r#*s" |$kri%/(#)n/ noun asubstance secreted by a nerve cellneurosis

neurosis /nj* |$r#*s"s/ noun a disorder of thepersonality in which a person experiences obses-sive negative emotions towards someone or some-thing, e.g. fear of empty spaces or jealousy of asibling. ! psychoneurosis (NOTE: The plural isneuroses.)neurosurgeon

neurosurgeon /$nj*#r#*|!s-%d+#n/ noun a sur-geon who operates on the nervous system, includ-ing the brain and spinal cordneurosurgery

neurosurgery /$nj*#r#*|!s-%d+#ri/ noun sur-gery on the nervous system, including the brainand spinal cordneurotic

neurotic /nj*|$r(t"k/ adjective relating to orhaving neurosisneurotomy

neurotomy /nj* |$r(t#mi/ noun a surgical oper-ation to cut a nerve (NOTE: The plural is neurot-omies.)neurotoxic

neurotoxic /!nj*#r#*|$t(ks"k/ adjective harm-ful or poisonous to nerve cellsneurotransmitter

neurotransmitter /!nj*#r#*tr'ns |$m"t#/noun a chemical substance which transmits nerveimpulses from one neurone to anotherneurotripsy

neurotripsy /$nj*#r#*tr"psi/ noun surgicalbruising or crushing of a nerveneurotrophic

neurotrophic /!nj*#r#*|$tr#*f"k/ adjectiverelating to the nutrition and maintenance of tissueof the nervous systemneurotropic

neurotropic /!nj*#r#* |$tr(p"k/ adjective refer-ring to a bacterium which is attracted to andattacks nervesneuter

neuter /$nju%t#/ adjective neither male norfemaleneutral

neutral /$nju%tr#l/ adjective (of a substance)neither acid nor alkali ! A pH factor of 7 is neu-tral.neutralise

neutralise /$nju%tr#la"z/, neutralize verb 1. tocounteract the effect of something ! Alkali poi-soning can be neutralised by applying acid solu-tion. (NOTE: neutralising – neutralised) 2. toform a salt from an acidneutropenia

neutropenia /!nju%tr# |$pi%ni#/ noun a conditionin which there are fewer neutrophils than usual inthe bloodneutrophil

neutrophil /$nju%tr#f"l/ noun a type of whiteblood cell with an irregular nucleus, which canattack and destroy bacteria. Also called poly-morphnewton

newton /$nju%t(#)n/ noun an SI unit of measure-ment of force. Symbol Nnew variant CJD

new variant CJD /!nju% !ve#ri#nt !si% d+e"$di%/ noun " variant CJDnext-day pill

next-day pill /!nekst de" $p"l/ noun same asmorning-after pill

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next of kin 202next of kin

next of kin /!nekst #v $k"n/ noun the person orpersons who are most closely related to someone! The hospital has notified the next of kin of thedeath of the accident victim. (NOTE: Takes a sin-gular or plural verb.)nexus

nexus /$neks#s/ noun a point where two organsor tissues joinNHS

NHS abbreviation National Health ServiceNHS Direct

NHS Direct /!en e"t/ es d" |$rekt/ noun in theUK, a national telephone helpline run by nurses toprovide information about health and health serv-ices for the publicNHS targets

NHS targets /!en e"t/ es $t&%1"ts/ plural nounperformance targets set by the government forindividual NHS primary care trustsniacin

niacin /$na"#s"n/ noun a vitamin of the vitaminB complex found in milk, meat, liver, kidney,yeast, beans, peas and bread, lack of which cancause mental disorders and pellagra. Also callednicotinic acidnicardipine

nicardipine /n" |$k&%d"pi%n/ noun a drug whichslows down the movement of calcium ions intosmooth muscle cells, used especially to treatanginaNICE

NICE /na"s/ abbreviation National Institute forClinical Excellenceniclosamide

niclosamide /n" |$kl#*s#ma"d/ noun a drugused for removing tapewormsnicotine

nicotine /$n"k#ti%n/ noun the main alkaloid sub-stance found in tobacconicotine addiction

nicotine addiction /$n"k#ti%n #|!d"k/#n/ nounan addiction to nicotine, derived from smokingtobacconicotine patch

nicotine patch /$n"k#ti%n p't// noun a patchcontaining nicotine which is released slowly intothe bloodstream, applied to the skin as a methodof curing nicotine addictionnicotine replacement

nicotine replacement /$n"k#ti%n r"|

!ple"sm#nt/ noun the use of nicotine patches orother products to help during an attempt to giveup smokingnicotinic acid

nicotinic acid /!n"k#t"n"k $'s"d/ same asniacinnictation

nictation /n"k |$te"/(#)n/, nictitation /n"kt"|

$te"/(#)n/ noun the act of winkingnidation

nidation /na" |$de"/(#)n/ noun 1. the process ofbuilding the endometrial layers of the uterusbetween menstrual periods 2. the point in thedevelopment of an embryo at which the fertilisedovum reaches the uterus and implants in the wallof the uterus. Also called implantationnidus

nidus /$na"d#s/ noun a site where bacteria cansettle and breed, which becomes a centre of infec-tion (NOTE: The plural is niduses or nidi.)Niemann-Pick disease

Niemann-Pick disease /!ni%m#n $p"k d" |

!zi%z/ noun a rare inherited disease of a groupwhich affect metabolism. Signs in babies include

feeding difficulties, a large abdomen within 3 to 6months, and progressive loss of early motor skills.nifedipinenifedipine /n" |$fed"pi%n/ noun a drug whichstops the heart muscles from taking up calcium,used in the treatment of high blood pressure andangina pectorisnight nursenight nurse /$na"t n-%s/ noun a nurse who is onduty at nightnight sweatnight sweat /$na"t swet/ noun heavy sweatingwhen a person is asleep at nightnight terrornight terror /$na"t !ter#/ noun a period of dis-turbed sleep, which a child does not rememberafterwardsnigranigra /$na"1r#/ " linea nigranihilismnihilism /$na"h"l"z(#)m/ noun the rejection ofall the usual social conventions and beliefs, espe-cially of morality and religionnihilisticnihilistic /!na"h" |$l"st"k/ adj relating to or show-ing a belief in nihilismnipplenipple /$n"p(#)l/ noun 1. same as mammilla 2.US a rubber teat on a baby’s feeding bottleNissl granuleNissl granule /$n"s(#)l !1r'nju%l/, Nissl body/$n"s(#)l !b(di/ noun one of the coarse granulessurrounding the nucleus in the cytoplasm of nervecells. See illustration at NEURONE in Supplement[Described 1894. After Franz Nissl (1860–1919),German psychiatrist.]nitnit /n"t/ noun an egg or larva of a lousenitratenitrate /$na"tre"t/ noun a drug such as glyceryltrinitrate which dilates the vessels leading to theheart muscle and lowers cardiac work by reducingvenous return to the heart, for rapid relief ofangina and in heart failure (NOTE: Patients candevelop tolerance to these drugs.)-nitrate-nitrate /na"tre"t/ suffix used in names of nitratedrugsnitrazepamnitrazepam /na"|$tr'z"p'm/ noun a tranquil-liser used in some sleeping pillsnitrofurantoinnitrofurantoin /!na"tr#*fj*|$r'nt#*in/ noun adrug which helps to prevent the growth of bacte-ria, used in the treatment of urinary infectionsnitrogennitrogen /$na"tr#d+#n/ noun a chemical ele-ment, which is a gas that is the main componentof air and is an essential part of protein (NOTE:The chemical symbol is N.)nitroglycerinnitroglycerin /!na"tr#*|$1l"s#r"n/ noun a drugwhich helps the veins and coronary arteries tobecome widernitrous oxidenitrous oxide /!na"tr#s $(ksa"d/ noun a col-ourless gas with a sweet smell, used in combina-tion with other gases as an anaesthetic in dentistryand surgery. Also called laughing gasnmnm abbreviation nanometreNMCNMC abbreviation Nursing and MidwiferyCouncilnmolnmol abbreviation nanomoleNMRNMR abbreviation nuclear magnetic resonancenoci-noci- /n#*si/ prefix pain or injury

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203 non-unionnociassociation

nociassociation /!n#*si# |!s#*si |$e"/(#)n/noun an unconscious release of nervous energy,e.g. as a result of shocknociceptive

nociceptive /!n#*si |$sept"v/ adjective referringto nerves which carry pain to the brainnociceptor

nociceptor /$n#*si |!sept#/ noun a sensorynerve which carries pain to the brainnoct-

noct- /n(kt/ prefix same as nocti-nocte

nocte /$n(kti/ adverb at night. Opposite mane(NOTE: used on prescriptions)nocti-

nocti- /n(kti/ prefix referring to nightnocturia

nocturia /n(k|$tj*#ri#/ noun the fact of passingan unusually large quantity of urine during thenightnocturnal

nocturnal /n(k|$t-%n(#)l/ adjective referring toor taking place at nightnocturnal emission

nocturnal emission /n(k |!t-%n(#)l "|$m"/(#)n/noun the production of semen from the peniswhile a man is asleepnocturnal enuresis

nocturnal enuresis /n(k|!t-%n(#)l !enj*|

$ri%s"s/ noun the act of passing urine when asleepin bed at night. Also called bedwettingnodal

nodal /$n#*d(#)l/ adjective referring to nodesnodal tachycardia

nodal tachycardia /!n#*d(#)l !t'ki|$k&%di#/noun a sudden attack of rapid heartbeats. Alsocalled paroxysmal tachycardianode

node /n#*d/ noun a small mass of tissuenode of Ranvier

node of Ranvier /!n#*d #v $r'nvi#/ noun oneof a series of gaps in the myelin sheath surround-ing a nerve fibre. See illustration at NEURONE inSupplementnod off

nod off /!n(d $(f/ verb to fall asleep (informal)nodosum

nodosum /n#* |$d#*s#m/ " erythema nodo-sumnodular

nodular /$n(dj*l#/ adjective formed of nodulesnodule

nodule /$n(dju%l/ noun 1. a small node or groupof cells. ! Bohn’s nodules 2. the anterior part ofthe inferior vermisnomen proprium

nomen proprium /!n#*m#n $pr#*pri#m/noun full form of n.p.non-

non- /n(n/ prefix notnon-absorbable suture

non-absorbable suture /!n(n #b |!z)%b#b(#)l$su%t/#/ noun a suture made of a substance whichcannot be absorbed into the body and which even-tually has to be removednon-accidental injury

non-accidental injury /!n(n 'ks"|!dent(#)l$"nd+#ri/ noun an injury which is not caused acci-dentallynon-allergenic

non-allergenic /!n(n 'l# |$d+en"k/ adjectivenot aggravating an allergynon-compliance

non-compliance /!n(n k#m|$pla"#ns/ nounthe failure to take drugs at the correct times and inthe dosages prescribed, or to take them at allnon compos mentis

non compos mentis /!n(n !k(mp#s$ment"s/ adjective referring to a person who ismentally incapable of managing his or her own

affairs (NOTE: From a Latin phrase meaning ‘notof sound mind’.)non-contagiousnon-contagious /!n(n k#n |$te"d+#s/ adjectivenot contagiousnon-emergency surgery

non-emergency surgery /!n(n " |!m-%d+#nsi$s-%d+#ri/ noun a surgical operation which doesnot need to be performed immediately because itis for a condition which is not life-threatening,e.g. joint replacement. Also called non-urgentsurgerynon-Hodgkins lymphomanon-Hodgkins lymphoma /!n(n !h(d+k"nzl"m|$f#*m#/ noun a cancer of the lymph nodeswhich differs from Hodgkin’s disease by theabsence of a particular type of cell with doublenucleinon-insulin-dependent diabetes

non-insulin-dependent diabetes /!n(n!"nsj*l"n d" |!pend#nt !da"#|$bi%ti%z/ noun sameas Type II diabetes mellitusnon-invasive

non-invasive /!n(n "n|$ve"z"v/ adjective refer-ring to treatment which does not involve enteringthe body by making an incision. ! invasivenon-maleficence

non-maleficence /!n(n m#|$lef"s(#)ns/ nounthe concept that professionals in the health serv-ice have a duty to protect the patient from harmnon-medical prescriber

non-medical prescriber /!n(n !med"k(#)lpr" |$skra"b#/ noun a professional healthcareworker who prescribes medicine but is not a reg-istered doctor or dentistnon-official drugnon-official drug /!n(n #|!f"/(#)l $dr.1/ nouna drug that is not listed in the national pharmaco-poiea. Compare official drugnon-palpablenon-palpable /!n(n $p'lp#b(#)l/ adjective notable to be felt when touchednon-secretor

non-secretor /!n(n s" |$kri%t#/ noun a personwho does not secrete substances indicating ABOblood group into mucous fluids such as semen orsalivanon-smokernon-smoker /!n(n $sm#*k#/ noun a personwho does not smokenon-specificnon-specific /!n(n sp#|$s"f"k/ adjective notcaused by any single identifiable causenon-specific urethritis

non-specific urethritis /!n(n sp#|!s"f"k!j*#r" |$,ra"t"s/ noun any sexually transmittedinflammation of the urethra not caused by gonor-rhoea (dated) Abbreviation NSUnon-steroidalnon-steroidal /!n(n ste |$r)"d(#)l/ adjective notcontaining steroidsnon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug/!n(n ste|!r)"d(#)l !'nti "n|$fl'm#t(#)ri dr.1/noun a drug used in the treatment of pain associ-ated with inflammation, including rheumatic dis-ease, post-operative analgesia and dysmenor-rhoea, by inhibiting the release of prostaglandins.Abbreviation NSAID (NOTE: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have names ending in -fen:ibuprofen.)non-union

non-union /!n(n $ju%nj#n/ noun a condition inwhich the two parts of a fractured bone do not jointogether and do not heal

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non-urgent surgery 204non-urgent surgery

non-urgent surgery /!n(n !-%d+#nt$s-%d+#ri/ same as non-emergency surgerynoradrenaline

noradrenaline /!n)%r#|$dren#l"n/ noun a hor-mone secreted by the medulla of the adrenalglands which acts as a vasoconstrictor and is usedto maintain blood pressure in shock, haemorrhageor hypotensionnormal

normal /$n)%m(#)l/ adjective usual, ordinary orconforming to a standard ! After he took the tab-lets, his blood pressure went back to normal. !Her temperature is two degrees above normal. !He had an above-normal pulse rate. ! Is it nor-mal for a person with myopia to suffer from head-aches?normo-

normo- /n)%m#*/ prefix normal, usual orexpectednormoblast

normoblast /$n)%m#*bl'st/ noun an earlyform of a red blood cell, usually found only inbone marrow but occurring in the blood in sometypes of leukaemia and anaemianormocyte

normocyte /$n)%m#*sa"t/ noun a red blood cellnormotension

normotension /!n)%m#* |$ten/#n/ noun bloodpressure at the usual levelnormotensive

normotensive /!n)%m#* |$tens"v/ adjectivereferring to blood pressure at the usual levelNorton score

Norton score /$n)%t(#)n sk)%/ noun a scale fordeciding how likely it is that pressure sores willdevelop, used mostly in assessing elderly patientsnortriptyline

nortriptyline /n)%|$tr"pt#li%n/ noun a drug usedto reduce pain and as an antidepressant and tran-quillisernose

nose /n#*z/ noun an organ through which a per-son breathes and smellsnosebleed

nosebleed /$n#*zbli%d/ noun an incident ofbleeding from the nose, usually caused by a blowor by sneezing, by blowing the nose hard or byhigh blood pressure (informal) ! She had a head-ache, followed by a violent nosebleed. Also calledepistaxisnoso-

noso- /n(s#*/ prefix diseasenosocomial

nosocomial /!n(s#*|$k#*mi#l/ adjective refer-ring to hospitalsnosocomial infection

nosocomial infection /!n(s#*|!k#*mi#l "n|

$fek/#n/ noun an infection which is passed on toa person being treated in a hospitalnosology

nosology /n(|$s(l#d+i/ noun the classificationof diseasesnostril

nostril /$n(str"l/ noun one of the two passagesin the nose through which air is breathed in or out! His right nostril is blocked. (NOTE: The nostrilsare also referred to as the nares.)notch

notch /n(t// noun a depression on a surface,usually on a bone, but sometimes on an organ. !cardiac notchnotifiable

notifiable /$n#*t"fa"#b(#)l/ adjective referringto an infectious disease which must be reported tothe appropriate authorities when it occurs, so thatthey can attempt to control its spread

notifiable disease

notifiable disease /!n#*t"fa"#b(#)l d" |$zi%z/noun a serious infectious disease which, in theUK, has to be reported by a doctor to the Depart-ment of Health so that steps can be taken to stopit spreadingnoxious

noxious /$n(k/#s/ adjective harmful ! a nox-ious gasn.p.

n.p. noun the name of the drug written on thelabel of its container. Full form nomen propriumNPO

NPO abbreviation used to refer to patients beingkept without food ! The patient should be keptNPO for five hours before the operation. Fullform ne per orisNSAID

NSAID abbreviation non-steroidal anti-inflam-matory drugNSF

NSF /!en es $ef/ noun a long-term strategy forimproving a specific area of healthcare across theUK. Full form National Service FrameworkNSU

NSU abbreviation non-specific urethritisnucha

nucha /$nju%k#/ noun same as nape (NOTE: Theplural is nuchae.)nuchal

nuchal /$nju%k(#)l/ adjective referring to theback of the necknucle-

nucle- /nju%kli/ prefix same as nucleo- (usedbefore vowels)nuclear

nuclear /$nju%kli#/ adjective referring to nuclei,e.g. of a cell or an atomnuclear magnetic resonance

nuclear magnetic resonance /!nju%kli#m'1|!net"k $rez#n#ns/ noun a scanning tech-nique using magnetic fields and radio waveswhich reveals abnormalities in soft tissue andbody fluids. ! magnetic resonance imaging.Abbreviation NMRnuclear medicine

nuclear medicine /!nju%kli# $med(#)s(#)n/noun the use of radioactive substances for detect-ing and treating disordersnuclease

nuclease /$nju%klie"z/ noun an enzyme whichbreaks down nucleic acidsnucleic acid

nucleic acid /nju%|!kli%"k $'s"d/ noun anorganic acid of a type found in all living cells,which consists of complex nucleotide chainswhich pass on genetic information, e.g. DNA orRNAnucleo-

nucleo- /nju%kli#*/ prefix referring to a cell oratomic nucleusnucleus

nucleus /$nju%kli#s/ noun 1. the central body ina cell, which contains DNA and RNA and con-trols the function and characteristics of the cell.See illustration at NEURONE in Supplement 2. agroup of nerve cells in the brain or spinal cord(NOTE: The plural is nuclei.)nullipara

nullipara /n.|$l"p#r#/ noun a woman who hasnever had a child (NOTE: The plural is nulliparasor nulliparae.) " adjective referring to a womanwho has never had a childnurse

nurse /n-%s/ noun a person who looks after sickpeople in a hospital or helps a doctor in a localsurgery. Some nurses may be trained to diagnose

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205 nystatin

and treat patients. ! She works as a nurse in thelocal hospital. ! He’s training to be a nurse. !nurse practitioner " verb to look after a sickperson, or to be employed as a nurse ! When hewas ill his mother nursed him until he was better.nurse executive director

nurse executive director /!n-%s "1|!zekj*t"vda" |$rekt#/ noun in the UK, a senior nurse whosits on the Board of an NHS Trust and has corpo-rate as well as professional responsibilities in theorganisation for nursing and sometimes otheraspects such as quality or human resourcesnurse practitioner

nurse practitioner /!n-%s pr'k|$t"/(#)n#/noun a nurse with additional clinical training atdegree level who often works independently,assessing, diagnosing and treating patients, par-ticularly in primary carenurse prescriber

nurse prescriber /$n-%s pr"|!skra"b#/ noun anurse who is qualified and entitled to prescribemedicines for patientsnurse station

nurse station /$n-%s !ste"/(#)n/, nurses’ sta-tion /$n-%s"z !ste"/(#)n/ noun an area in or near award from which nurses work, keep records andcontrol the activities of the wardnursing

nursing /$n-%s"0/ noun 1. the work or profes-sion of being a nurse ! He has chosen nursing ashis career. 2. care for sick people provided by anurse " adjective providing care as a nurseNursing and Midwifery Council

Nursing and Midwifery Council /!n-%s"0 #nm"d|$w"f#ri !ka*ns#l/ noun in the UK, an organ-isation that sets standards for the education, prac-tice and conduct of nurses, midwives and healthvisitors. Abbreviation NMCnursing audit

nursing audit /$n-%s"0 !)%d"t/ noun a formaldetailed review of records or observation of nurs-ing actions so that judgments can be made aboutthe quality of nursing care being givennursing dependency

nursing dependency /$n-%s"0 d" |!pend#nsi/noun the extent to which a patient requires nurs-ing carenursing development unit

nursing development unit /!n-%s"0 d"|

$vel#pm#nt !ju%n"t/ noun a nurse-led ward orunit that sets out to demonstrate by example inno-vative high-quality care, to reflect on practice anddraw lessons from this experience, and to providelearning opportunities for other nurses. Abbrevia-tion NDUnursing diagnosis

nursing diagnosis /$n-%s"0 da"#|!1n#*s"s/noun an assessment of the nursing needs of apatient, which forms the basis of a subsequentcare plannursing home

nursing home /$n-%s"0 h#*m/ noun a housewhere convalescents or dependent elderly peoplecan live under medical supervision by a qualifiednursenursing intervention

nursing intervention /!n-%s"0 !"nt# |$ven/#n/noun the treatment of illness by nursing care,without surgery

nursing language

nursing language /$n-%s"0 !l'n1w"d+/ nounthe standard terminology used in nursingnursing model

nursing model /$n-%s"0 !m(d(#)l/ noun a setof stated principles about nursing which givesprofessionals a way of formulating a plan of care,assessing its success and addressing any problemswhich arise from itnursing mother

nursing mother /!n-%s"0 $m.2#/ noun amother who breast-feeds her babyNursing Officer

Nursing Officer /$n-%s"0 !(f"s#/ noun in theUK, a nurse employed by the Department ofHealth to assist the Chief Nursing Officer in pro-viding professional advice to Ministers and pol-icy-makersnursing practice

nursing practice /$n-%s"0 !pr'kt"s/ nountreatment given by nursesnursing process

nursing process /!n-%s"0 $pr#*ses/ noun astandard method of treatment and documentationof treatment carried out by nursesnursing standard

nursing standard /$n-%s"0 !st'nd#d/ noun anaccepted level of achievement by which nursingcare can be assessed or comparednutation

nutation /nju% |$te"/(#)n/ noun involuntary nod-ding of the headnutrient

nutrient /$nju%tri#nt/ noun a substance in foodwhich is necessary to provide energy or to helpthe body grow, e.g. protein, fat or a vitaminnutrition

nutrition /nju%|$tr"/(#)n/ noun the study of thesupply of nutrients to the body from digestingfoodnutritional

nutritional /nju% |$tr"/(#)n(#)l/ adjective refer-ring to nutritionnyct-

nyct- /n"kt/ prefix night or darknessnyctalopia

nyctalopia /!n"kt# |$l#*pi#/ noun the conditionof being unable to see in bad light. Also callednight blindnessnyctophobia

nyctophobia /!n"kt# |$f#*bi#/ noun fear of thedarknymphae

nymphae /$n"mfi%/ plural noun same as labiaminoranympho-

nympho- /n"mf#*/ prefix 1. female sexuality 2.nymphaenymphomania

nymphomania /!n"mf# |$me"ni#/ noun anobsessive sexual urge in a woman (NOTE: A simi-lar condition in a man is called satyriasis.)nymphomaniac

nymphomaniac /!n"mf# |$me"ni'k/ noun awoman who has an unusually obsessive sexualurge (NOTE: This term is regarded as offensive.)nystagmus

nystagmus /n"|$st'1m#s/ noun a rapid, invol-untary movement of the eyes up and down or fromside to sidenystatin

nystatin /na"|$st't"n/ noun an anti-microbialdrug used in the treatment of fungal infections,especially thrush

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Ooat cell carcinomaoat cell carcinoma /$#*t sel k&%s"|!n#*m#/noun a type of cancer of the bronchi, with distinc-tive small cellsOB

OB abbreviation obstetricsobese

obese /#*|$bi%s/ adjective so overweight as to beat risk of several serious illnesses, including dia-betes and heart diseaseobesity

obesity /#* |$bi%s"ti/ noun the condition of beingseriously overweightobjectiveobjective /#b |$d+ekt"v/ noun an aim or goal "adjective 1. existing independently of any indi-vidual person’s mind 2. not influenced by anybias or prejudice caused by personal feelings 3.referring to symptoms of illness which can beobserved by somebody other than the person whois ill. Compare subjectiveobligate

obligate /$(bl"1e"t/ adjective referring to anorganism which exists and develops in only oneway, e.g. a virus which is a parasite only insidecellsoblique

oblique /#|$bli%k/ adjective lying at an angleoblique fissure

oblique fissure /#|!bli%k $f"/#/ noun a groovebetween the superior and inferior lobes of a lung.See illustration at LUNGS in Supplementoblique fracture

oblique fracture /#|!bli%k $fr'kt/#/ noun afracture in which the bone is broken diagonallyoblique muscle

oblique muscle /# |!bli%k $m.s(#)l/ noun 1.each of two muscles in the wall of the abdomen 2.each of two muscles which control the movementof the eyeballobliterans

obliterans /#|$bl"t#r'ns/ " endarteritis oblit-eransoblongata

oblongata /!(bl(0|$1e"t#/ " medulla oblon-gataobservable

observable /#b|$z-%v#b(#)l/ adjective whichcan be seen or measuredobservation

observation /!(bz#|$ve"/(#)n/ noun the processof watching and examining a person or thing overa period of time ! She was admitted to hospitalfor observation.observation register

observation register /!(bz#|$ve"/(#)n!red+"st#/ noun a record of children who havehad problems at birth, or soon after their birth,and so need particular follow-up care from ahealth visitor, general practitioner or socialworker


observe /#b|$z-%v/ verb 1. to see something !The nurses observed signs of improvement in thepatient’s condition. ! The girl’s mother observedsymptoms of anorexia. 2. to watch a person orthing carefully in order to discover something !Observe the way in which the patient is lying. 3.to take something into account ! You’re expectedto observe the rules of conduct.obsession

obsession /#b|$se/(#)n/ noun a mental disorderin which a person has a fixed idea or emotionwhich he or she cannot get rid of, even if he or sheknows it is wrong or unpleasant ! She has anobsession about cats.obsessional

obsessional /#b|$se/(#)n(#)l/ adjective refer-ring to or having an obsession ! He is sufferingfrom an obsessional disorder.obsessive

obsessive /#b |$ses"v/ adjective having orshowing an obsession ! He has an obsessivedesire to steal little objects.obsessive action

obsessive action /#b|!ses"v $'k/#n/ noun anaction such as washing which is repeated over andover again and indicates a mental disorderobsessive–compulsive disorder

obsessive–compulsive disorder /#b|!ses"vk#m|$p.l/"v d"s |!)%d#/ noun a mental disordercharacterised by the need to perform repeated rit-ual acts such as checking or cleaning, which canbe treated with psychotherapy and antidepres-sants. Abbreviation OCDobstetrical forceps

obstetrical forceps /#b|!stetr"k(#)l $f)%seps/plural noun a type of large forceps used to hold ababy’s head during childbirthobstetrician

obstetrician /!(bst#|$tr"/(#)n/ noun a doctorwho specialises in obstetricsobstetrics

obstetrics /#b |$stetr"ks/ noun a branch of med-icine and surgery dealing with pregnancy, child-birth and the period immediately after childbirth.Abbreviation OBobstipation

obstipation /!(bst" |$pe"/(#)n/ noun severe con-stipation, often caused by a blockage in the intes-tinesobstruction

obstruction /#b|$str.k/#n/ noun somethingwhich blocks a passage or a blood vesselobstructive

obstructive /#b |$str.kt"v/ adjective caused byan obstructionobstructive jaundice

obstructive jaundice /#b|!str.kt"v$d+)%nd"s/ noun jaundice caused by an obstruc-

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207 oculomotor nerve

tion of the bile ducts. Also called posthepaticjaundice. ! acholuric jaundice, icterus gravisneonatorumobstructive lung disease

obstructive lung disease /#b|!str.kt"v $l.0d"|!zi%z/ noun bronchitis and emphysemaobstructive sleep apnoea

obstructive sleep apnoea /#b |!str.kt"v$sli%p !'pni#/ noun the stopping of breathing, ordifficulty in breathing, during sleep, resulting inloud snoringobturation

obturation /!(btj* |$re"/(#)n/ noun the act ofobstructing a body passage, or the state of a bodypassage when it is obstructed, e.g. by hard faecesobturator

obturator /$(btj*re"t#/ noun one of two mus-cles in the pelvis which govern the movement ofthe hip and thighobturator foramen

obturator foramen /!(btj*re"t# f# |$re"m#n/noun an opening in the hip bone near the acetab-ulum. See illustration at PELVIS in Supplement(NOTE: The plural is obturator foramina.)obtusion

obtusion /#b |$tju%+(#)n/ noun a condition inwhich perception and feelings become dulledOC

OC abbreviation oral contraceptiveoccipital

occipital /(k |$s"p"t(#)l/ adjective referring tothe back of the head " noun same as occipitalboneoccipital bone

occipital bone /(k |$s"p"t(#)l b#*n/, occipitalnoun the bone at the back of the headoccipital condyle

occipital condyle /(k|!s"p"t(#)l $k(nda"l/noun a round part of the occipital bone whichjoins it to the atlasoccipito-anterior

occipito-anterior /(k|!s"p"t#* 'n|$t"#ri#/adjective referring to a position of a baby duringbirth, in which the baby faces the mother’s backoccipito-posterior

occipito-posterior /(k|!s"p"t#* p( |$st"#ri#/adjective referring to a position of a baby duringbirth in which the baby faces the frontocciput

occiput /$(ks"p.t/ noun the lower part of theback of the head or skull (NOTE: The plural isocciputs or occipita.)occlusion

occlusion /#|$klu%+(#)n/ noun 1. a thing whichblocks a passage or which closes an opening 2.the way in which the teeth in the upper and lowerjaws fit together when the jaws are closed (NOTE:A bad fit between the teeth is a malocclusion.)occlusive

occlusive /#|$klu%s"v/ adjective referring toocclusion or blockingocclusive stroke

occlusive stroke /#|!klu%s"v $str#*k/ noun astroke caused by a blood clotocclusive therapy

occlusive therapy /#|!klu%s"v $,er#pi/ noun atreatment for a squint in which the good eye iscovered up in order to encourage the squintingeye to become straightoccult

occult /# |$k.lt/ adjective not easy to see with thenaked eye. Opposite overtoccult blood

occult blood /#|!k.lt $bl.d/ noun very smallquantities of blood in the faeces, which can onlybe detected by tests

occupancy rate

occupancy rate /$(kj*p#nsi re"t/ noun thenumber of beds occupied in a hospital, shown asa percentage of all the bedsoccupational

occupational /!(kj* |$pe"/(#)n#l/ adjectivereferring to workoccupational asthma

occupational asthma /!(kj*pe"/(#)n(#)l$'sm#/ noun asthma caused by materials withwhich people come into contact at workoccupational dermatitis

occupational dermatitis /!(kj*pe"/(#)n(#)l!d-%m#|$ta"t"s/ noun dermatitis caused by materi-als touched at workoccupational disease

occupational disease /!(kj*pe"/(#)n#l d" |

$zi%z/ noun a disease which is caused by the typeof work a person does or the conditions in whicha person works, e.g. a disease caused by dust orchemicals in a factoryoccupational hazard

occupational hazard /!(kj*pe"/(#)n(#)l$h'z#d/ noun a dangerous situation related to theworking environmentoccupational health nurse

occupational health nurse/!(kj*pe"/(#)n(#)l $hel, !n-%s/ noun a nurse whodeals with health problems of people at work.Abbreviation OH nurseoccupational medicine

occupational medicine /!(kj*pe"/(#)n(#)l$med(#)s"n/ noun the branch of medicine con-cerned with accidents and diseases connectedwith workoccupational therapist

occupational therapist /!(kj*pe"/(#)n(#)l$,er#p"st/ noun a qualified health professionalwho offers patients occupational therapyoccupational therapy

occupational therapy /!(kj*pe"/(#)n(#)l$,er#pi/ noun light work or hobbies used as ameans of treatment, especially for physicallychallenged or mentally ill people, to promoteindependence during the recovery period after anillness or operationOCD

OCD abbreviation obsessive-compulsive disor-deroct-

oct- /(kt/ prefix same as octo- (used beforevowels)octo-

octo- /(kt#*/, octa- /(kt#/ prefix eightocular

ocular /$(kj*l#/ adjective referring to the eye !Opticians are trained to detect all kinds of ocularimbalance.ocular dominance

ocular dominance /!(kj*l# $d(m"n#ns/ nouna condition in which a person uses one eye morethan the otherocular prosthesis

ocular prosthesis /!(kj*l# pr(s|$,i%s"s/ nouna false eyeoculist

oculist /$(kj*l"st/ noun a qualified physician orsurgeon who specialises in the treatment of eyedisordersoculo-

oculo- /(kj*l#*/ prefix eyeoculomotor

oculomotor /!(kj*l#* |$m#*t#/ adjective refer-ring to movements of the eyeballoculomotor nerve

oculomotor nerve /!(kj*l#*|$m#*t# !n-%v/noun the third cranial nerve which controls theeyeballs and eyelids

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oculonasal 208oculonasal

oculonasal /!(kj*l#*|$ne"z(#)l/ adjective refer-ring to both the eye and the noseoculoplethysmography

oculoplethysmography /!(kj*l#* |!ple,"z|

$m(1r#fi/ noun measurement of the pressureinside the eyeballOD

OD /a* $di%/ abbreviation overdoseo.d.

o.d. adverb (written on a prescription) every day.Full form omni die " abbreviation overdoseODA

ODA abbreviation operating department assist-antodont-

odont- /(d(nt/ prefix same as odonto- (usedbefore vowels)odonto-

odonto- /(d(nt#*/ prefix toothodontoid

odontoid /( |$d(nt)"d/ adjective similar to atooth, especially in shapeodontoid process

odontoid process /(|!d(nt)"d $pr#*ses/noun a projecting part of a vertebra, shaped like atoothodontology

odontology /!(d(n|$t(l#d+i/ noun the study ofteeth and associated structures, and their disor-dersodyn-

odyn- /(d"n/ prefix same as odyno- (usedbefore vowels)-odynia

-odynia /#d"ni#/ suffix painodyno-

odyno- /(d"n#*/ prefix painodynophagia

odynophagia /(|!d"n#|$fe"d+#/ noun a condi-tion in which pain occurs when food is swallowedoedema

oedema /" |$di%m#/ noun the swelling of part ofthe body caused by accumulation of fluid in theintercellular tissue spaces ! Her main problem isoedema of the feet. Also called dropsy. ! tumes-cenceoedematous

oedematous /" |$dem#t#s/ adjective referring tooedema (NOTE: The US spelling is edematous.)Oedipus complex

Oedipus complex /$i%d"p#s !k(mpleks/ noun(in Freudian psychology) a condition in which aboy feels sexually attracted to his mother and seeshis father as an obstacleoesophag-

oesophag- /i%s(f#d+/ prefix same asoesophago- (used before vowels)oesophageal

oesophageal /i%|!s(f#|$d+i%#l/ adjective refer-ring to the oesophagus (NOTE: The US spelling isesophageal.)oesophageal hiatus

oesophageal hiatus /i% |!s(f#|!d+i%#l ha"|

$e"t#s/ noun the opening in the diaphragmthrough which the oesophagus passesoesophageal spasm

oesophageal spasm /i% |!s(f#|!d+i%#l$sp'z(#)m/ noun a spasm in the oesophagusoesophageal ulcer

oesophageal ulcer /i%|!s(f# |!d+i%#l $.ls#/noun an ulcer in the oesophagusoesophageal varices

oesophageal varices /i% |!s(f#|!d+i%#l$v'r"si%z/ plural noun varicose veins in theoesophagusoesophagectomy

oesophagectomy /i%|!s(f#|$d+ekt#mi/ noun asurgical operation to remove part of the oesopha-gus (NOTE: The plural is oesophagectomies.)oesophagi

oesophagi /i%|$s(f#1i/ plural of oesophagus


oesophagitis /i%|!s(f# |$d+a"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of the oesophagus, caused by acid juicesfrom the stomach or by infectionoesophago-

oesophago- /i%s(f#1#*/ prefix oesophagus(NOTE: The US spelling is esophago-.)oesophagogastroduodenoscopy

oesophagogastroduodenoscopy /"%|

!s(f#1#* |!1'str#* |!dju%#*d#|$n(sk#pi/ noun asurgical operation in which a tube is put downinto the oesophagus so that the doctor can exam-ine it, the stomach and the duodenum. Abbrevia-tion OGD (NOTE: The plural is oesophagogas-troduodenoscopies.)oesophagojejunostomy

oesophagojejunostomy /"%|!s(f#1#*d+"|

!d+u%|$n(st#mi/ noun a surgical operation to cre-ate a junction between the jejunum and theoesophagus after the stomach has been removed(NOTE: The plural is oesophagojejunosto-mies.)oesophagoscope

oesophagoscope /i%|$s(f#1#*sk#*p/ noun athin tube with a light at the end, which is passeddown the oesophagus to examine itoesophagoscopy

oesophagoscopy /i% |!s(f# |$1(sk#pi/ noun anexamination of the oesophagus with anoesophagoscope (NOTE: The plural isoesophagoscopies.)oesophagostomy

oesophagostomy /i%|!s(f# |$1(st#mi/ noun asurgical operation to make an opening in theoesophagus to allow the person to be fed, usuallyafter an operation on the pharynx (NOTE: The plu-ral is oesophagostomies.)oesophagus

oesophagus /i%|$s(f#1#s/ noun a tube downwhich food passes from the pharynx to the stom-achoestradiol

oestradiol /!i%str#|$da"(l/ noun a type of oestro-gen secreted by an ovarian follicle, which stimu-lates the development of secondary sexual char-acteristics in females at puberty (NOTE: Asynthetic form of oestradiol is given as treatmentfor oestrogen deficiency. The US spelling isestradiol.)oestriol

oestriol /$i%stri(l/ noun a placental hormonewith oestrogenic properties, found in the urine ofpregnant women (NOTE: The US spelling isestriol.)oestrogen

oestrogen /$i%str#d+#n/ noun any steroid hor-mone which stimulates the development of sec-ondary sexual characteristics in females atpuberty (NOTE: The US spelling is estrogen.)oestrogenic hormone

oestrogenic hormone /!i%str#d+en"k$h)%m#*n/ noun synthetic oestrogen used to treatconditions which develop during menopause(NOTE: The US spelling is estrogenic hor-mone.)official drug

official drug /#|!f"/(#)l $dr.1/ noun any druglisted in the national pharmacopoiea. Comparenon-official drugOGD

OGD abbreviation oesophagogastroduodenos-copy

Nursing.fm Page 208 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM

209 oncometerOH nurse

OH nurse /!#* $e"t/ !n-%s/ abbreviation occupa-tional health nurse-oid

-oid /)"d/ suffix like or related toointment

ointment /$)"ntm#nt/ noun a smooth oilymedicinal preparation which can be spread on theskin to soothe or to protectold age

old age /!#*ld $e"d+/ noun a period in a person’slife, usually taken to be after the age of sixty-fiveolecranon

olecranon /#* |$lekr#n(n/, olecranon process/#* |$lekr#n(n !pr#*s#s/ noun a curved projectingpart at the end of the ulna at the elbow, whichgives rise to a painful tingling sensation if hit byaccident. Also called funny boneoleic

oleic /#*|$li%"k/ adjective referring to oiloleic acid

oleic acid /#* |!li%"k $'s"d/ noun a fatty acidwhich is present in most oilsoleo-

oleo- /#*li#*/ prefix oiloleum

oleum /$#*li#m/ noun oil (used in pharmacy)olfaction

olfaction /(l|$f'k/#n/ noun 1. the sense ofsmell 2. the way in which a person’s sensoryorgans detect smellsolfactory

olfactory /(l|$f'kt(#)ri/ adjective referring tothe sense of smellolfactory cortex

olfactory cortex /(l |!f'kt(#)ri $k)%teks/ nounthe parts of the cerebral cortex which receiveinformation about smellolfactory nerve

olfactory nerve /(l |$f'kt(#)ri n-%v/ noun thefirst cranial nerve which controls the sense ofsmellolig-

olig- /(l"1/ prefix same as oligo- (used beforevowels)oligaemia

oligaemia /!(l" |$1i%mi#/ noun a condition inwhich a person has too little blood in his or hercirculatory system (NOTE: The US spelling isoligemia.)oligo-

oligo- /(l"1#*/ prefix few or littleoligodactylism

oligodactylism /!(l"1#*|$d'kt"l"z(#)m/ nouna congenital condition in which a baby is bornwithout some fingers or toesoligodipsia

oligodipsia /!(l"1#* |$d"psi#/ noun a conditionin which a person does not want to drinkoligodontia

oligodontia /!(l"1#*|$d(n/#/ noun a state inwhich most of the teeth are lackingoligohydramnios

oligohydramnios /!(l"1#*ha"|$dr'mni#s/noun a condition in which the amnion surround-ing the fetus contains too little amniotic fluidoligomenorrhoea

oligomenorrhoea /!(l"1#*men#|$ri%#/ noun acondition in which a person menstruates infre-quently (NOTE: The US spelling is oligomenor-rhea.)oligo-ovulation

oligo-ovulation /!(l"1#* !(vj* |$le"/(#)n/ nounovulation which does not occur as often as isusualoligospermia

oligospermia /!(l"1#* |$sp-%mi#/ noun a condi-tion in which there are too few spermatozoa in thesemen


oliguria /!(l"|$1j*#ri#/ noun a condition inwhich a person does not produce enough urine-ology

-ology /(l#d+i/ suffix area of study-olol

-olol /#l(l/ suffix beta blocker ! atenolol ! pro-pranolol hydrochlorideo.m.

o.m. adverb (written on a prescription) everymorning. Full form omni maneom-

om- /(m/ prefix relating to the shoulder-oma

-oma /#*m#/ suffix tumouroment-

oment- /#*ment/ prefix omentumomenta

omenta plural of omentumomental

omental /#*|$ment(#)l/ adjective referring to theomentumomentum

omentum /#* |$ment#m/ noun a double fold ofperitoneum hanging down over the intestines.Also called epiploon (NOTE: The plural isomenta. For other terms referring to the omen-tum see words beginning with epiplo-.)omeprazole

omeprazole /#*|$mepr#z#*l/ noun a drugwhich reduces the amount of acid released in thestomach, used in the treatment of ulcers andheartburnomphal-

omphal- /(mf#l/ prefix same as omphalo-(used before vowels)omphalitis

omphalitis /!(mf#|$la"t"s/ noun inflammationof the navelomphalo-

omphalo- /(mf#l#*/ prefix navelomphalocele

omphalocele /$(mf#l#si%l/ noun a hernia inwhich part of the intestine protrudes through theabdominal wall near the navelomphalus

omphalus /$(mf#l#s/ noun a scar with adepression in the middle of the abdomen wherethe umbilical cord was detached after birth. Alsocalled navel, umbilicus (NOTE: The plural isomphali.)-omycin

-omycin /#*ma"s"n/ suffix macrolide drug !erythromycino.n.

o.n. adverb (written on a prescription) everynight. Full form omni nocteonco-

onco- /(0k#*/ prefix tumouroncogene

oncogene /$(0k#d+i%n/ noun a part of thegenetic system which causes malignant tumoursto developoncogenesis

oncogenesis /!(0k#|$d+en#s"s/ noun the ori-gin and development of a tumouroncogenic

oncogenic /!(0k#|$d+en"k/ adjective causingtumours to develop ! an oncogenic virusoncologist

oncologist /(0|$k(l#d+"st/ noun a doctor whospecialises in oncology, especially canceroncology

oncology /(0 |$k(l#d+i/ noun the scientificstudy of new growths, especially cancersoncometer

oncometer /(0|$k(m"t#/ noun 1. an instrumentfor measuring swelling in an arm or leg usingchanges in their blood pressure 2. an instrumentfor measuring the variations in size of the kidneyand other organs of the body

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ondansetron 210ondansetron

ondansetron /(n|$d'ns"tr(n/ noun a drugwhich helps to prevent the production of serot-onin, used to control nausea and vomiting causedby drug treatment and radiotherapy for canceronych-

onych- /(n"k/ prefix same as onycho- (usedbefore vowels)onycho-

onycho- /(n"k#*/ prefix nailsonycholysis

onycholysis /!(n"|$k(l#s"s/ noun a condition inwhich a nail becomes separated from its bed,without falling outonychomadesis

onychomadesis /!(n"k#*m#|$di%s"s/ noun acondition in which the nails fall outonychomycosis

onychomycosis /!(n"k#*ma" |$k#*s"s/ nounan infection of a nail with a fungusoo-

oo- /#*#/ prefix ovum or embryooocyte

oocyte /$#*#sa"t/ noun a cell which forms froman oogonium and becomes an ovum by meiosisoocyte donation

oocyte donation /!#*#sa"t d#*|$ne"/(#)n/noun the transfer of oocytes from one woman toanother who cannot produce her own, so that shecan have a baby. The oocytes are removed in alaparoscopy and fertilised in vitro.oogenesis

oogenesis /!#*#|$d+en#s"s/ noun the formationand development of ova

COMMENT: In oogenesis, an oogonium pro-duces an oocyte, which develops throughseveral stages to produce a mature ovum.Polar bodies are also formed which do notdevelop into ova.


oophor- /#*#f#*r/ prefix same as oophoro-(used before vowels)oophore

oophore /$#*#f)%/ noun same as ovaryoophorectomy

oophorectomy /!#*#f#|$rekt#mi/ noun a sur-gical operation to remove an ovary. Also calledovariectomy (NOTE: The plural is oophorecto-mies.)oophoritis

oophoritis /!#*#f#|$ra"t"s/ noun inflammationin an ovary, which can be caused by mumps. Alsocalled ovaritisoophoro-

oophoro- /#*(f#r#*/ prefix ovaryoophorocystectomy

oophorocystectomy /#* |!(f#r#*s"|

$stekt#mi/ noun a surgical operation to removean ovarian cyst (NOTE: The plural is oophoro-cystectomies.)oophorocystosis

oophorocystosis /#* |!(f#r#*s" |$st#*s"s/ nounthe development of one or more ovarian cystsoophoron

oophoron /#* |$(f#r(n/ noun same as ovary(technical) (NOTE: The plural is oophora.)oophoropexy

oophoropexy /#*|$(f#r#peksi/ noun a surgicaloperation to attach an ovary (NOTE: The plural isoophoropexies.)oophorosalpingectomy

oophorosalpingectomy /#*|!(f#r#|!s'lp"n|

$d+ekt#mi/ noun a surgical operation to removean ovary and the Fallopian tube attached to it(NOTE: The plural is oophorosalpingecto-mies.)op

op /(p/ noun an operation (informal)


OP abbreviation outpatientopacification

opacification /#*|!p's"f"|$ke"/(#)n/ noun thefact of becoming opaque, as the lens does in acase of cataractopacity

opacity /#*|$p's"ti/ noun the fact of not allow-ing light to pass throughopaque

opaque /#* |$pe"k/ adjective not allowing light topass throughoperant conditioning

operant conditioning /$(p#r#nt k#n|

!d"/(#)n"0/ noun a form of learning which takesplace when a piece of spontaneous behaviour iseither reinforced by a reward or discouraged bypunishmentoperating department assistant

operating department assistant/!(p#re"t"0 d"|!p&%tm#nt #|$s"st#nt/ noun a per-son who works in an operating department.Abbreviation ODAoperating microscope

operating microscope /$(p#re"t"0!ma"kr#sk#*p/ noun a special microscope withtwo eyepieces and a light, used in very delicatesurgeryoperating table

operating table /$(p#re"t"0 !te"b(#)l/ noun aspecial table on which the patient is placed toundergo a surgical operationoperating theatre

operating theatre /$(p#re"t"0 !,"#t#/ noun aspecial room in a hospital, where surgical opera-tions are carried out (NOTE: The US term is oper-ating room.)operation

operation /!(p# |$re"/(#)n/ noun 1. a surgicalprocedure carried out to repair or remove a dam-aged body part ! She’s had an operation on herfoot. (NOTE: A surgeon performs or carries outan operation on a patient.) 2. the way in which adrug actsophth-

ophth- /(f,, (p,/ prefix eyeophthalm-

ophthalm- /(f,'lm, (p,'lm/ prefix same asophthalmo- (used before vowels)ophthalmectomy

ophthalmectomy /!(f,'l |$mekt#mi/ noun asurgical operation to remove an eye (NOTE: Theplural is ophthalmectomies.)ophthalmia

ophthalmia /(f|$,'lmi#/ noun inflammation ofthe eyeophthalmia neonatorum

ophthalmia neonatorum /(f |!,'lmi#!ni%#*ne" |$t)%r#m/ noun conjunctivitis of a new-born baby, beginning 21 days after birth, causedby infection in the birth canalophthalmic

ophthalmic /(f|$,'lm"k/ adjective referring tothe eyeophthalmic nerve

ophthalmic nerve /(f|$,'lm"k n-%v/ noun abranch of the trigeminal nerve, supplying the eye-ball, the upper eyelid, the brow and one side of thescalpophthalmic optician

ophthalmic optician /(f|!,'lm"k (p|$t"/(#)n/,ophthalmic practitioner /(f |!,'lm"k pr'k|

$t"/(#)n#/ noun same as opticianophthalmic surgeon

ophthalmic surgeon /(f|!,'lm"k $s-%d+#n/noun a surgeon who specialises in surgery to treateye disorders

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211 oral thermometerophthalmitis

ophthalmitis /!(f,'l |$ma"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the eyeophthalmo-

ophthalmo- /(f,'lm#*, (p,'lm#*/ prefixeye or eyeballophthalmological

ophthalmological /(f |!,'lm#|$l(d+"k(#)l/adjective referring to ophthalmologyophthalmologist

ophthalmologist /!(f,'l |$m(l#d+"st/ noun adoctor who specialises in the study of the eye andits diseases. Also called eye specialistophthalmology

ophthalmology /!(f,'l|$m(l#d+i/ noun thestudy of the eye and its diseasesophthalmoplegia

ophthalmoplegia /!(f,'lm#|$pli%d+#/ nounparalysis of the muscles of the eyeophthalmoscope

ophthalmoscope /(f|$,'lm#sk#*p/ noun aninstrument containing a bright light and smalllenses, used by a doctor to examine the inside ofan eyeophthalmoscopy

ophthalmoscopy /!(f,'l |$m(sk#pi/ noun anexamination of the inside of an eye using an oph-thalmoscope (NOTE: The plural is ophthalmo-scopies.)ophthalmotomy

ophthalmotomy /!(f,'l |$m(t#mi/ noun a sur-gical operation to make a cut in the eyeball(NOTE: The plural is ophthalmotomies.)ophthalmotonometer

ophthalmotonometer /!(f,'lm#t# |$n(m"t#/noun an instrument which measures pressureinside the eye-opia

-opia /#*pi#/ suffix eye conditionopiate

opiate /$#*pi#t/ noun a sedative which is pre-pared from opium, e.g. morphine or codeineopistho-

opistho- /(p"s,#*/ prefix backboneopisthotonos

opisthotonos /!(p"s |$,(t#n#s/ noun a spasmof the body in which the spine is arched back-wards, occurring, e.g., in people with tetanusopium

opium /$#*pi#m/ noun a substance made frompoppies which is used in the preparation ofcodeine and heroinopponens

opponens /#|$p#*n#nz/ noun one of a group ofmuscles which control the movements of the fin-gers, especially one which allows the thumb andlittle finger to come togetheropportunist

opportunist /!(p# |$tju%n"st/, opportunistic/!(p#tju% |$n"st"k/ adjective referring to a parasiteor microorganism which takes advantage of thehost’s weakened state to cause infectionopsonic index

opsonic index /(p|!s(n"k $"ndeks/ noun anumber which gives the strength of an individ-ual’s serum reaction to bacteriaopsonin

opsonin /$(ps#n"n/ noun a substance, usuallyan antibody, in blood which sticks to the surfaceof bacteria and helps to destroy themoptic

optic /$(pt"k/ adjective referring to the eye or tosightoptical

optical /$(pt"k(#)l/ adjective 1. same as optic 2.relating to the visible light spectrumoptical fibre

optical fibre /!(pt"k(#)l $fa"b#/ noun an artifi-cial fibre which can carry light or images

optical illusionoptical illusion /!(pt"k(#)l "|$lu%+(#)n/ nounsomething which is seen wrongly so that itappears to be something elseoptic chiasmaoptic chiasma /!(pt"k ka"|$'zm#/ noun astructure where some of the optic nerves fromeach eye partially cross each other in the hypoth-alamusoptic discoptic disc /$(pt"k d"sk/ noun the point on theretina where the optic nerve starts. Also calledoptic papillaoptic fundusoptic fundus /!(pt"k $f.nd#s/ noun the backpart of the inside of the eye, opposite the lensopticianoptician /(p|$t"/(#)n/ noun a qualified personwho specialises in making glasses and in testingeyes and prescribing lenses. Also called ophthal-mic opticianoptic nerveoptic nerve /$(pt"k n-%v/ noun the second cra-nial nerve which transmits the sensation of sightfrom the eye to the brain. See illustration at EYE inSupplementoptic neuritisoptic neuritis /!(pt"k nj* |$ra"t"s/ noun sameas retrobulbar neuritisoptic papillaoptic papilla /!(pt"k p#|$p"l#/ noun same asoptic discopticsoptics /$(pt"ks/ noun the study of the visiblelight spectrum and sightopto-opto- /(pt#*/ prefix sightoptometristoptometrist /(p |$t(m#tr"st/ noun mainly US aperson who specialises in testing eyes and pre-scribing lensesoptometryoptometry /(p|$t(m#tri/ noun the testing ofeyes and prescribing of lenses to correct sight-oquine-oquine /#kw"n/ suffix antimalarial drug !chloroquineOROR abbreviation US operating roomoraora /$)%r#/ plural noun plural of os 2oraloral /$)%r#l/ adjective 1. referring to the mouth 2.referring to medication that is swallowed ! anoral contraceptive Compare enteral, parenteraloral cavityoral cavity /!)%r#l $k'v"ti/ noun the mouthoral contraceptiveoral contraceptive /!)%r#l !k(ntr#|$sept"v/noun a contraceptive pill which is swallowedoral hygieneoral hygiene /!)%r#l $ha"d+i%n/ noun the prac-tice of keeping the mouth clean by gargling andmouthwashesorallyorally /$)%r#li/ adverb by swallowing ! not to betaken orallyoral medicationoral medication /!)%r#l !med"|$ke"/(#)n/ nounmedication which is taken by swallowingoral rehydration therapyoral rehydration therapy /!)%r#l !ri%ha"|

$dre"/(#)n !,er#pi/ noun the administration of asimple glucose and electrolyte solution to treatacute diarrhoea, particularly in children, whichhas greatly reduced the number of deaths fromdehydration. Abbreviation ORToral thermometeroral thermometer /!)%r#l ,#|$m(m"t#/ noun athermometer which is put into the mouth to takesomeone’s temperature

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orbicularis 212orbicularis

orbicularis /)%|!b"kj*|$le#r"s/ noun a circularmuscle in the faceorbicularis oculi

orbicularis oculi /)% |!b"kj*|!le#r"s $(kj*la"/noun a muscle which opens and closes the eyeorbicularis oris

orbicularis oris /)%|!b"kj*|!le#r"s $)%r"s/ nouna muscle which closes the lips tightorbit

orbit /$)%b"t/ noun the hollow bony depression inthe front of the skull in which each eye and lac-rimal gland are situated. Also called eye socketorbital

orbital /$)%b"t(#)l/ adjective referring to theorbitorchi-

orchi- /)%ki/ prefix testissorchidalgia

orchidalgia /!)%k"|$d'ld+#/ noun a neuralgic-type pain in a testisorchidectomy

orchidectomy /!)%k" |$dekt#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove a testis (NOTE: The plural isorchidectomies.)orchidopexy

orchidopexy /$)%k"d#*|!peksi/ noun a surgicaloperation to place an undescended testis in thescrotum. Also called orchiopexy (NOTE: Theplural is orchidopexies.)orchiepididymitis

orchiepididymitis /!)%ki|!ep"d"d"|$ma"t"s/noun a condition in which a testicle and its epidi-dymis become swollenorchiopexy

orchiopexy /$)%ki#*|!peksi/ noun same asorchidopexy (NOTE: The plural is orchiopex-ies.)orchis

orchis /$)%k"s/ noun a testisorchitis

orchitis /)%|$ka"t"s/ noun inflammation of thetestes, characterised by hypertrophy, pain and asensation of weightOrem’s model

Orem’s model /$)%r#mz !m(d(#)l/ noun amodern model for nursing which focuses on aperson’s ability to perform self-care, defined asactivities which individuals initiate and performon their own behalf to maintain life, health andwell-being. The goal of nursing is to help peoplemeet their own self-care demands.organ

organ /$)%1#n/ noun a part of the body which isdistinct from other parts and has a particular func-tion, e.g. the liver, an eye or ovariesorganic

organic /)%|$1'n"k/ adjective 1. referring toorgans in the body 2. coming from an animal,plant or other organismorganic disease

organic disease /)% |!1'n"k d" |$zi%z/, organicdisorder /)% |!1'n"k d"s |$)%d#/ noun a disease ordisorder associated with physical changes in oneor more organs of the bodyorganisation

organisation /!)%1#na" |$ze"/(#)n/, organiza-tion noun 1. a group of people set up for a partic-ular purpose 2. the planning or arranging of some-thing ! the organisation of the rota 3. the way inwhich the component parts of something arearrangedorganism

organism /$)%1#n"z(#)m/ noun any singleplant, animal, bacterium, fungus or other livingthingorgano-

organo- /)%1#n#*, )%1'n#*/ prefix organ

organ of Corti

organ of Corti /!)%1#n #v $k)%ti/ noun a mem-brane in the cochlea which takes sounds and con-verts them into impulses sent to the brain alongthe auditory nerve. Also called spiral organ[Described 1851. After Marquis Alfonso Corti(1822–88), Italian anatomist and histologist.]organ transplant

organ transplant /$)%1#n !tr'nspl&%nt/ nouna surgical operation to transplant an organ fromone person to anotherorgasm

orgasm /$)%1'z(#)m/ noun the climax of thesexual act, when a person experiences a momentof great excitementorifice

orifice /$(r"f"s/ noun an opening in the body,e.g. the mouth or anusorigin

origin /$(r"d+"n/ noun 1. the source or begin-ning of something 2. a place where a muscle isattached, or where the branch of a nerve or bloodvessel beginsoris

oris /$)%r"s/ " cancrum oris, orbicularis orisornithosis

ornithosis /!)%n"|$,#*s"s/ noun a disease ofbirds which can be passed to humans as a form ofpneumoniaoro-

oro- /)%r#*/ prefix mouthorogenital

orogenital /!)%r#* |$d+en"t(#)l/ adjective relat-ing to both the mouth and the genitalsoropharynx

oropharynx /!)%r#*|$f'r"0ks/ noun a part ofthe pharynx below the soft palate at the back ofthe mouth (NOTE: The plural is oropharynxes ororopharynges.)ORT

ORT abbreviation oral rehydration therapyortho-

ortho- /)%,#*/ prefix correct or straightorthodontics

orthodontics /!)%,#*|$d(nt"ks/ noun a branchof dentistry which deals with correcting badlyplaced teethorthopaedic

orthopaedic /!)%,# |$pi%d"k/ adjective 1. refer-ring to treatment which corrects badly formedbones or joints 2. referring to or used in orthopae-dics (NOTE: The US spelling is orthopedic.)orthopaedic collar

orthopaedic collar /!)%,#pi%d"k $k(l#/ noun aspecial strong collar to support the head of a per-son with neck injuries or a condition such as cer-vical spondylosisorthopaedic hospital

orthopaedic hospital /!)%,#pi%d"k$h(sp"t(#)l/ noun a hospital which specialises inoperations to correct badly formed joints or bonesorthopaedics

orthopaedics /!)%,#|$pi%d"ks/ noun a branch ofsurgery dealing with irregularities, diseases andinjuries of the locomotor system (NOTE: The USspelling is orthopedics.)orthopaedic surgeon

orthopaedic surgeon /!)%,#pi%d"k $s-%d+#n/noun a surgeon who specialises in orthopaedicsorthopnoea

orthopnoea /!)%,#p|$ni%#/ noun a condition inwhich a person has great difficulty in breathingwhile lying down. ! dyspnoea (NOTE: The USspelling is orthopnea.)orthopnoeic

orthopnoeic /!)%,#p|$ni%"k/ adjective referringto orthopnoea (NOTE: The US spelling is orthop-neic.)

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213 osteochondritis dissecansorthoptics

orthoptics /)% |$,(pt"ks/ noun the study ofmethods used to treat squintsorthoptist

orthoptist /)% |$,(pt"st/ noun an eye specialist,working in an eye hospital, who treats squints andother disorders of eye movementorthoptoscope

orthoptoscope /)%|$,(pt#sk#*p/ noun sameas amblyoscopeorthosis

orthosis /)%|$,#*s"s/ noun a device which is fit-ted to the outside of the body to support a weak-ness or correct a malformation, e.g. a surgical col-lar or leg brace (NOTE: The plural is orthoses.)orthostatic

orthostatic /!)%,#|$st't"k/ adjective referringto the position of the body when standing upstraightorthostatic hypotension

orthostatic hypotension /!)%,#st't"k!ha"p#* |$ten/#n/ noun a common conditionwhere the blood pressure drops when a personstands up suddenly, causing dizzinessorthotics

orthotics /)%|$,(t"ks/ plural noun the branch ofmedical engineering which deals with the designand fitting of devices such as braces in the treat-ment of orthopaedic disorders (NOTE: Takes asingular verb.)orthotist

orthotist /$)%,#t"st/ noun a qualified personwho fits orthosesOrtolani’s sign

Ortolani’s sign /!)%t# |$l&%niz sa"n/, Ortolanimanoeuvre /!)%t# |$l&%ni m#|!nu%v#/, Ortolani’stest /!)%t# |$l&%niz test/ noun a test for congenitaldislocation of the hip in babies aged 6–12, inwhich the hip makes sharp sounds if the joint isrotated [Described 1937. After Marino Ortolani(1904–83), Italian orthopaedic surgeon.]os

os /(s/ noun (technical) 1. a bone (NOTE: Theplural is ossa.) 2. the mouth (NOTE: The plural isora.)OSA

OSA abbreviation obstructive sleep apnoeaosche-

osche- /$(ski/ prefix relating to the scrotumoscillation

oscillation /!(s"|$le"/(#)n/ noun 1. the action ofmoving backwards and forwards between twopoints at a regular speed 2. a single movementbetween two pointsoscilloscope

oscilloscope /(|$s"l#sk#*p/ noun a devicewhich produces a visual record of an electricalcurrent on a screen using a cathode ray tube. It isused in the testing of electronic equipment and inmeasuring electrical impulses of the heart or thebrain.osculum

osculum /$(skj*l#m/ noun a small opening orpore (NOTE: The plural is oscula.)-osis

-osis /#*s"s/ suffix diseaseOsler’s nodes

Osler’s nodes /$(sl#z n#*dz/ plural noun ten-der swellings at the ends of fingers and toes inpeople who have subacute bacterial endocarditis[Described 1885. After Sir William Osler (1849–1919), Professor of Medicine in Montreal, Phila-delphia, Baltimore and then Oxford.]osm-

osm- /(zm/ prefix 1. smell 2. osmosis


osmoreceptor /!(zm#*r" |$sept#/ noun a cellin the hypothalamus which checks the level ofosmotic pressure in the blood by altering thesecretion of ADH and regulates the amount ofwater in the bloodosmosis

osmosis /(z|$m#*s"s/ noun the movement of asolvent from one part of the body through a sem-ipermeable membrane to another part where thereis a higher concentration of moleculesosmotic pressure

osmotic pressure /(z |!m(t"k $pre/#/ nounthe pressure required to stop the flow of a solventthrough a membraneosseous

osseous /$(si#s/ adjective referring to orresembling boneosseous labyrinth

osseous labyrinth /!(si#s $l'b#r"n,/ nounsame as bony labyrinthossicle

ossicle /$(s"k(#)l/ noun a small boneossification

ossification /!(s"f" |$ke"/(#)n/ noun the forma-tion of bone. Also called osteogenesisossium

ossium /$(si#m/ " fragilitas ossiumost-

ost- /(st/ prefix same as osteo- (used beforevowels)ostectomy

ostectomy /( |$stekt#mi/ noun a surgical opera-tion in which a bone, or a piece of bone, isremoved (NOTE: The plural is ostectomies.)osteitis

osteitis /!(sti |$a"t"s/ noun inflammation of abone due to injury or infectionosteitis deformans

osteitis deformans /!(sti |!a"t"s di% |$f)%m#nz/noun a disease which gradually softens bones inthe spine, legs and skull, so that they becomecurved. Also called Paget’s diseaseosteitis fibrosis cystica

osteitis fibrosis cystica /!(stia"t"s fa"|

!br#*s"s $s"st"k#/ noun a generalised weaknessof bones, caused by excessive activity of the thy-roid gland and associated with formation of cysts,in which bone tissue is replaced by fibrous tissue.Also called von Recklinghausen’s disease(NOTE: The localised form is osteitis fibrosislocalista.)osteo-

osteo- /(sti#*/ prefix boneosteoarthritis

osteoarthritis /!(sti#*&% |$,ra"t"s/ noun adegenerative disease of middle-aged and elderlypeople characterised by inflamed joints whichbecome stiff and painful. Also called osteoar-throsisosteoarthropathy

osteoarthropathy /!(sti#*&%|$,r(p#,i/ noun adisease of the bone and cartilage at a joint, partic-ularly the ankles, knees or wrists, associated withcarcinoma of the bronchiosteoarthrosis

osteoarthrosis /!(sti#*&% |$,r#*s"s/ nounsame as osteoarthritisosteoarthrotomy

osteoarthrotomy /!(sti#*&% |$,r(t#mi/ noun asurgical operation to remove the articular end of abone (NOTE: The plural is osteoarthrotomies.)osteochondritis

osteochondritis /!(sti#*k#n |$dra"t"s/ noundegeneration of the epiphysesosteochondritis dissecans

osteochondritis dissecans/!(sti#*k#ndra"t"s $d"s#k'nz/ noun a painful

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osteochondrosis 214

condition where pieces of articular cartilagebecome detached from the joint surfaceosteochondrosis

osteochondrosis /!(sti#*k(n|$dr#*s"s/ nouna disorder of cartilage and bone formation whichaffects the joints in children, causing pain and alimp, probably due to circulation disturbances tothat part of the boneosteoclast

osteoclast /$(sti#*kl'st/ noun a cell whichdestroys boneosteocyte

osteocyte /$(sti#*sa"t/ noun a bone cellosteogenesis

osteogenesis /!(sti#*|$d+en#s"s/ noun sameas ossificationosteogenesis imperfecta

osteogenesis imperfecta /!(sti#* |!d+en#s"s"mp#|$fekt#/ noun a congenital condition inwhich bones are brittle and break easily due tounusual bone formation. Also called brittle bonediseaseosteology

osteology /!(sti |$(l#d+i/ noun the study ofbones and their structureosteolysis

osteolysis /!(sti |$(l#s"s/ noun destruction ofbone tissue by osteoclastsosteolytic

osteolytic /!(sti#*|$l"t"k/ adjective referring toosteolysisosteoma

osteoma /!(sti |$#*m#/ noun a benign tumour ina bone (NOTE: The plural is osteomas or osteo-mata.)osteomalacia

osteomalacia /!(sti#*m#|$le"/#/ noun a condi-tion in adults in which the bones become softbecause of lack of calcium and Vitamin D, or lim-ited exposure to sunlightosteomyelitis

osteomyelitis /!(sti#*ma"#|$la"t"s/ nouninflammation of the interior of bone, especiallythe marrow spacesosteon

osteon /$(sti(n/ noun same as Haversian sys-temosteopath

osteopath /$(sti#* |!p',/ noun a person whopractises osteopathyosteopathy

osteopathy /!(sti |$(p#,i/ noun 1. the treatmentof disorders by massage and manipulation ofjoints 2. any disease of bone (NOTE: The plural isosteopathies.)osteopetrosis

osteopetrosis /!(sti#*p#|$tr#*s"s/ noun a dis-ease of a group in which bones increase in den-sity. Also called marble bone diseaseosteophyte

osteophyte /$(sti#*fa"t/ noun a bony growthosteoplasty

osteoplasty /$(sti#*pl'sti/ noun plastic sur-gery on bonesosteoporosis

osteoporosis /!(sti#*p)%|$r#*s"s/ noun a con-dition in which the bones become thin, porousand brittle, due to low levels of oestrogen, lack ofcalcium and lack of physical exercise. Also calledbrittle bone diseaseosteosarcoma

osteosarcoma /!(sti#*s&%|$k#*m#/ noun amalignant tumour of bone cells (NOTE: The pluralis osteosarcomas or osteosarcomata.)osteosclerosis

osteosclerosis /!(sti#*skl# |$r#*s"s/ noun acondition in which the bony spaces become hard-ened as a result of persistent inflammation


osteotome /$(sti#*t#*m/ noun a type of chiselused by surgeons to cut boneosteotomy

osteotomy /!(sti |$(t#mi/ noun a surgical oper-ation to cut a bone, especially to relieve pain in ajoint (NOTE: The plural is osteotomies.)ostium

ostium /$(sti#m/ noun an opening into a pas-sage (NOTE: The plural is ostia.)-ostomy

-ostomy /(st#mi/ suffix operation to make anopeningOT

OT abbreviation occupational therapistot-

ot- /#*t/ prefix same as oto- (used before vow-els)otalgia

otalgia /#*|$t'ld+#/ noun same as earacheOTC

OTC abbreviation referring to medication whichcan be bought freely at a chemist’s shop, and doesnot need a prescription. Full form over the coun-terOTC drug

OTC drug /!#* ti% $si% dr.1/ noun same as over-the-counter drugotic

otic /$#*t"k/ adjective referring to the earotitis

otitis /#* |$ta"t"s/ noun inflammation of the earotitis externa

otitis externa /#*|!ta"t"s "k |$st-%n#/ nouninflammation of the external auditory meatus tothe eardrumotitis interna

otitis interna /#*|!ta"t"s "n |$t-%n#/ noun inflam-mation of the inner ear. Also called labyrinthitisotitis media

otitis media /#* |!ta"t"s $mi%di#/ noun an infec-tion of the middle ear, usually accompanied byheadaches and fever. Also called middle earinfection, tympanitisoto-

oto- /#*t#*/ prefix earotolaryngologist

otolaryngologist /!#*t#*l'r"0|$1(l#d+"st/noun a doctor who specialises in treatment of dis-eases of the ear and throatotolaryngology

otolaryngology /!#*t#*l'r"0 |$1(l#d+i/ nounthe study of diseases of the ear and throatotolith

otolith /$#*t#l",/ noun a stone which forms inthe inner earotolith organ

otolith organ /!#*t#l", $)%1#n/ noun one oftwo pairs of sensory organs in the inner ear, thesaccule and the utricle, which pass information tothe brain about the position of the headotologist

otologist /#*|$t(l#d+"st/ noun a doctor whospecialises in the study of the earotology

otology /#* |$t(l#d+i/ noun the scientific studyof the ear and its diseases-otomy

-otomy /(t#mi/ suffix an act of cutting into anorgan or part of the body in a surgical operationotoplasty

otoplasty /$#*t#pl'sti/ noun plastic surgery ofthe external ear to repair damage or deformityotorhinolaryngologist

otorhinolaryngologist /!#*t#*|!ra"n#*|!l'r"0|

$1(l#d+"st/ noun a doctor who specialises in thestudy of the ear, nose and throatotorhinolaryngology

otorhinolaryngology /!#*t#*|!ra"n#*|!l'r"0|

$1(l#d+i/ noun the study of the ear, nose andthroat. Also called ENT

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215 ovulateotorrhagia

otorrhagia /!#*t#|$re"d+#/ noun bleeding fromthe external earotorrhoea

otorrhoea /!#*t# |$ri%#/ noun the discharge ofpus from the ear (NOTE: The US spelling is otor-rhea.)otosclerosis

otosclerosis /!#*t#*skl#|$r#*s"s/ noun a con-dition in which the ossicles in the middle earbecome thicker and the stapes becomes fixed tothe oval window leading to deafnessotoscope

otoscope /$#*t#sk#*p/ noun same as auri-scopeotospongiosis

otospongiosis /!#*t#|!sp.nd+i|$#*s"s/ nounthe formation of spongy bone in the labyrinth ofthe ear which occurs in otosclerosisOtosporin

Otosporin /$#*t#sp(r"n/ a trade name for eardrops containing hydrocortisone, neomycin andpolymyxinototoxic

ototoxic /!#*t# |$t(ks"k/ adjective referring to adrug or an effect which is damaging to organs ornerves involved in hearing or balanceoutcome

outcome /$a*tk.m/ noun a measure of theresult of an intervention or treatment, e.g. themortality rate following different methods of sur-gery ! medical outcomesouter

outer /$a*t#/ adjective outside or externalouter ear

outer ear /!a*t#r $"#/ noun the part of the earwhich is on the outside of the head, together withthe passage leading to the eardrum. Also calledexternal earouter pleura

outer pleura /!a*t# $pl*#r#/ noun same asparietal pleuraout-of-body experience

out-of-body experience /!a*t #v $b(di "k|

!sp"#ri#ns/ noun an occasion when a person feelsas though they have left their body and, often,travelled along a tunnel towards a bright lightoutpatient

outpatient /$a*tpe"/(#)nt/ noun someone whocomes to a hospital for treatment but does not stayovernight ! She goes for treatment as an outpa-tient. Abbreviation OP. Compare inpatientoutpatient department

outpatient department /$a*tpe"/(#)nt d" |

!p&%tm#nt/, outpatients’ department/$a*tpe"/(#)nts d" |!p&%tm#nt/, outpatients’clinic /$a*tpe"/(#)nts !kl"n"k/ noun a depart-ment of a hospital which deals with outpatientsoutreach

outreach /$a*tri%t// noun services provided forpatients or the public in general, outside a hospitalor clinicova

ova /$#*v#/ plural of ovumoval window

oval window /$#*v(#)l !w"nd#*/ noun an ovalopening between the middle ear and the inner ear.Also called fenestra ovalis. See illustration atEAR in Supplementovar-

ovar- /#*v#r/ prefix same as ovari- (used beforevowels)ovari-

ovari- /#*v#ri/ prefix ovariesovarian

ovarian /#* |$ve#ri#n/ adjective referring to theovaries

ovarian cancer

ovarian cancer /#*|!ve#ri#n $k'ns#/ noun amalignant tumour of the ovary, which occursespecially after the menopauseovarian cycle

ovarian cycle /#* |!ve#ri#n $sa"k(#)l/ noun theregular changes in the ovary during a woman’sreproductive lifeovarian cyst

ovarian cyst /#* |!ve#ri#n $s"st/ noun a cystwhich develops in the ovariesovarian follicle

ovarian follicle /#* |!ve#ri#n $f(l"k(#)l/ noun acell which contains an ovum. Also called Graa-fian follicleovariectomy

ovariectomy /!#*v#ri|$ekt#mi/ noun same asoophorectomy (NOTE: The plural is ovariecto-mies.)ovariotomy

ovariotomy /!#*v#ri|$(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove an ovary or a tumour in anovary (NOTE: The plural is ovariotomies.)ovaritis

ovaritis /!#*v#|$ra"t"s/ noun same as oophori-tisovary

ovary /$#*v(#)ri/ noun one of two organs in awoman which produce ova or egg cells andsecrete the female hormone oestrogen. Alsocalled oophoron. See illustration at UROGENITALSYSTEM (FEMALE) in Supplement (NOTE: Theplural is ovaries. For other terms referring toovaries, see words beginning with oophor-,oophoro-.)over-

over- /#*v#/ prefix too muchoverbite

overbite /$#*v#ba"t/ noun the usual formationof the teeth, in which the top incisors come downover and in front of the bottom incisors when thejaws are closedovercompensation

overcompensation /!#*v#k(mp#n|$se"/(#)n/noun an attempt by a person to remove the badeffects of a mistake or a fault in their character inwhich they make too much effort, and so causesome other problemoverflow incontinence

overflow incontinence /!#*v#fl#* "n|

$k(nt"n#ns/ noun a leakage of urine because thebladder is too fulloverjet

overjet /$#*v#d+et/ noun a space which sepa-rates the top incisors from the bottom incisorswhen the jaws are closedoversew

oversew /$#*v#s#*/ verb to sew a patch of tis-sue over a perforation (NOTE: oversewing –oversewed – oversewn)overt

overt /#*|$v-%t/ adjective easily seen with thenaked eye. Opposite occultover-the-counter drug

over-the-counter drug /!#*v# 2# $ka*nt#!dr.1/ noun a drug which you can buy from apharmacy without a doctor’s prescription. Alsocalled OTC drugovi-

ovi- /#*vi/ prefix eggs or ovaoviduct

oviduct /$#*v"d.kt/ noun same as Fallopiantubeovulate

ovulate /$(vj*le"t/ verb to release a matureovum into a Fallopian tube (NOTE: ovulating –ovulated)

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ovulation 216ovulation

ovulation /!(vj*|$le"/(#)n/ noun the release ofan ovum from the mature ovarian follicle into theFallopian tubeovum

ovum /$#*v#m/ noun a female egg cell which,when fertilised by a spermatazoon, begins todevelop into an embryo (NOTE: The plural is ova.For other terms referring to ova, see wordsbeginning with oo-.)-oxacin

-oxacin /(ks#s"n/ suffix quinolone drug ! cip-rofloxacinoxidase

oxidase /$(ks"de"z/ noun an enzyme whichencourages oxidation by removing hydrogen. !monoamine oxidaseoxidation

oxidation /!(ks" |$de"/(#)n/ noun the action ofmaking oxides by combining with oxygen orremoving hydrogenoximeter

oximeter /(k|$s"m"t#/ noun an instrumentwhich measures the amount of oxygen in some-thing, especially in bloodoxybutynin

oxybutynin /!(ksi|$bju%t#n"n/, oxybutininnoun a drug which reduces the need to pass urineoxycephalic

oxycephalic /!(ksik#|$f'l"k/ adjective refer-ring to oxycephalyoxycephaly

oxycephaly /!(ks"|$kef#li/ noun a condition inwhich the skull is shaped into a point, with exoph-thalmos and poor sight. Also called turricephalyoxygen

oxygen /$(ks"d+#n/ noun a chemical elementthat is a common colourless gas which is presentin the air and essential to human life (NOTE: Thechemical symbol is O.)oxygenate

oxygenate /$(ks"d+#ne"t/ verb to combineblood with oxygen (NOTE: oxygenating – oxy-genated)oxygenated blood

oxygenated blood /!(ks"d+#ne"t"d $bl.d/noun blood which has received oxygen in thelungs and is being carried to the tissues along thearteries. Also called arterial blood. Comparedeoxygenated blood (NOTE: Oxygenated bloodis brighter red than venous deoxygenatedblood.)oxygenation

oxygenation /!(ks"d+#|$ne"/(#)n/ noun thefact of becoming combined or filled with oxygen! Blood is carried along the pulmonary artery tothe lungs for oxygenation.

oxygenatoroxygenator /$(ks"d+# |!ne"t#/ noun a machinewhich puts oxygen into the blood, used as an arti-ficial lung in surgeryoxygen cylinderoxygen cylinder /$(ks"d+#n !s"l"nd#/ noun aheavy metal tube which contains oxygen and isconnected to a patient’s oxygen maskoxygen maskoxygen mask /$(ks"d+#n m&%sk/ noun a maskconnected to a supply of oxygen, which can beput over the face to help someone with breathingdifficultiesoxygen tentoxygen tent /$(ks"d+#n tent/ noun a type ofcover put over a person so that he or she canbreathe in oxygenoxygen therapyoxygen therapy /$(ks"d+#n !,er#pi/ noun anytreatment involving the administering of oxygen,e.g. in an oxygen tent or in emergency treatmentfor heart failureoxyhaemoglobinoxyhaemoglobin /!(ksi|!hi%m# |$1l#*b"n/ nouna compound of haemoglobin and oxygen, whichis the way oxygen is carried in arterial blood fromthe lungs to the tissues. ! haemoglobin (NOTE:The US spelling is oxyhemoglobin.)oxynticoxyntic /(k |$s"nt"k/ adjective referring to glandsand cells in the stomach which produce acidoxyntic celloxyntic cell /(k|$s"nt"k sel/ noun a cell in thegastric gland which secretes hydrochloric acid.Also called parietal celloxytetracyclineoxytetracycline /!(ksi |!tetr# |$sa"kli%n/ nounan antibiotic which is effective against a widerange of organismsoxytocicoxytocic /!(ksi |$t#*s"k/ noun a drug whichhelps to start the process of childbirth, or speedsit up " adjective starting or speeding up child-birth by causing contractions in the muscles of theuterusoxytocinoxytocin /!(ksi |$t#*s"n/ noun a hormonesecreted by the posterior pituitary gland, whichcontrols the contractions of the uterus and encour-ages the flow of milkozoneozone /$#*z#*n/ noun a gas present in theatmosphere in small quantities, which is harmfulat high levels of concentrationozone sicknessozone sickness /$#*z#*n !s"kn#s/ noun acondition experienced by jet travellers, due to lev-els of ozone in aircraft

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PPaPa abbreviation pascalpacemakerpacemaker /$pe"sme"k#/ noun 1. a node in theheart which regulates the heartbeat. Also calledsinoatrial node, SA node 2. " cardiac pace-maker, epicardial pacemakerpachy-pachy- /p'ki/ prefix thickeningpachydactylypachydactyly /!p'ki |$d'kt"li/ noun a condi-tion in which the fingers and toes become thickerthan usualpachydermiapachydermia /!p'ki|$d-%mi#/, pachyderma/!p'ki|$d-%m#/ noun a condition in which the skinbecomes thicker than normalpachymeningitispachymeningitis /!p'ki |!men"n|$d+a"t"s/noun inflammation of the dura materpachyonychiapachyonychia /!p'ki# |$n"ki#/ noun unusualthickness of the nailspachysomiapachysomia /!p'ki |$s#*mi#/ noun a conditionin which soft tissues of the body become unusu-ally thickpacingpacing /$pe"s"0/ noun a surgical operation toimplant or attach a cardiac pacemakerPacinian corpusclePacinian corpuscle /p# |!s"ni#n $k)%p.s(#)l/noun a sensory nerve ending in the skin which issensitive to touch and vibrationspackpack /p'k/ noun a tampon of gauze or cottonwool, used to fill an orifice such as the nose orvagina " verb to fill an orifice with a tampon !The ear was packed with cotton wool to absorbthe discharge.packed cell volumepacked cell volume /!p'kt $sel !v(lju%m/noun the volume of red blood cells in a person’sblood shown against the total volume of blood.Also called haematocritPACTPACT /p'kt/ abbreviation prescribing analysesand costpadpad /p'd/ noun a piece or mass of soft absorbentmaterial, placed on part of the body to protect it !She wrapped a pad of soft cotton wool round thesore.paed-paed- /pi%d/ prefix same as paedo- (used beforevowels)paediatricpaediatric /!pi%di|$'tr"k/ adjective referring tothe treatment of the diseases of children ! A newpaediatric hospital has been opened. ! Parentscan visit children in the paediatric wards at anytime.


paediatrician /!pi%di#|$tr"/(#)n/ noun a doctorwho specialises in the treatment of diseases ofchildrenpaediatrics

paediatrics /!pi%di|$'tr"ks/ noun the study ofchildren, their development and diseases. Com-pare geriatricspaedo-

paedo- /pi%d#*/ prefix referring to childrenpaedodontia

paedodontia /!pi%d#|$d(n/#/ noun anotherspelling of pedodontiaPaget’s disease

Paget’s disease /$p'd+#ts d"|!zi%z/ noun 1.same as osteitis deformans 2. a form of breastcancer which starts as an itchy rash round the nip-ple [Described 1877. After Sir James Paget(1814–99), British surgeon.]pain

pain /pe"n/ noun the feeling of severe discomfortwhich a person has when hurt ! The doctor gavehim an injection to relieve the pain. ! She is suf-fering from back pain. (NOTE: Pain can be usedin the plural to show that it recurs: She haspains in her left leg.)pain clinic

pain clinic /$pe"n !kl"n"k/ noun a centre whichlooks after people with severe persistent pain andwhose staff include professionals from many spe-cialist areas of medicinepainkiller

painkiller /$pe"n|!k"l#/ noun a drug that reducespainpain pathway

pain pathway /$pe"n !p&%,we"/ noun a seriesof linking nerve fibres and neurones which carryimpulses of pain from the site to the sensory cor-texpain receptor

pain receptor /$pe"n r"|!sept#/ noun a nerveending which is sensitive to painpain relief

pain relief /$pe"n r" |!li%f/ noun the act of easingpain by using analgesicspaint

paint /pe"nt/ noun a coloured antiseptic, analge-sic or astringent liquid which is put on the surfaceof the body " verb to cover a wound with an anti-septic, analgesic or astringent liquid or lotion !She painted the rash with calamine.pain threshold

pain threshold /$pe"n !,re/h#*ld/ noun thepoint at which a person finds it impossible to bearpain without cryingpalate

palate /$p'l#t/ noun the roof of the mouth andfloor of the nasal cavity, formed of the hard andsoft palates

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palate bone 218palate bone

palate bone /$p'l#t b#*n/ noun one of twobones which form part of the hard palate, theorbits of the eyes and the cavity behind the nose.Also called palatine bonepalatine

palatine /$p'l#ta"n/ adjective referring to thepalatepalatine bone

palatine bone /$p'l#ta"n b#*n/ noun same aspalate bonepalatine tonsil

palatine tonsil /!p'l#ta"n $t(ns(#)l/ nounsame as tonsilpalato-

palato- /p'l#t#*/ prefix the palatepalatoplasty

palatoplasty /$p'l#t#pl'sti/ noun plastic sur-gery of the roof of the mouth, e.g. to repair a cleftpalatepalatoplegia

palatoplegia /!p'l#t# |$pli%d+#/ noun paralysisof the soft palatepalatorrhaphy

palatorrhaphy /!p'l#|$t)%r#fi/ noun a surgicaloperation to suture and close a cleft palate. Alsocalled staphylorrhaphy, uraniscorrhaphypali-

pali- /p'l"/ prefix same as palin-palin-

palin- /$p'l"n/ prefix repeatingpalindromic

palindromic /!p'l"n|$dr#*m"k/ adjectiverecurring ! a palindromic diseasepalliative

palliative /$p'li#t"v/ noun a treatment or drugwhich relieves symptoms but does nothing to curethe disease which causes the symptoms. Forexample, a painkiller can reduce the pain in atooth, but will not cure the caries which causes thepain. " adjective providing reliefpalliative care

palliative care /$p'li#t"v !ke#/, palliativetreatment /$p'li#t"v !tri%tm#nt/ noun treatmentwhich helps to reduce the symptoms of a disease,especially a terminal or chronic condition, butdoes not cure it

COMMENT: Palliative care may involve givingantibiotics, transfusions, pain-killing drugs,low-dose chemotherapy and psychologicaland social support to help the person andtheir family adjust to the illness. The treat-ment is often provided in a hospice.


pallidotomy /!p'l"|$d(t#mi/ noun an operationon the brain which can reduce many of the symp-toms of Parkinson’s disease, such as tremor,bradykinesia and stooped posturepallor

pallor /$p'l#/ noun the condition of being palepalm

palm /p&%m/ noun the inner surface of the hand,extending from the bases of the fingers to thewristpalmar

palmar /$p'lm#/ adjective referring to the palmof the handpalmar arch

palmar arch /$p'lm#r &%t// noun one of twoarches or joins within the palm formed by twoarteries which link togetherpalmar fascia

palmar fascia /!p'lm# $fe"/#/ noun the ten-dons in the palm of the handpalpate

palpate /p'l|$pe"t/ verb to examine part of thebody by feeling it with the hand


palpation /p'l |$pe"/(#)n/ noun an examinationof part of the body by feeling it with the handpalpebra

palpebra /$p'lp"br#/ noun same as eyelid(NOTE: The plural is palpebrae.)palpebral

palpebral /$p'lp"br#l/ adjective referring to theeyelidspalpitation

palpitation /!p'lp" |$te"/(#)n/ noun awarenessthat the heart is beating rapidly or irregularly, pos-sibly caused by stress or by a diseasepan-

pan- /p'n/ prefix referring to everythingpanacea

panacea /!p'n# |$si%#/ noun a medicine which issupposed to cure everythingpanarthritis

panarthritis /!p'n&% |$,ra"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of all the tissues of a joint or of all the jointsin the bodypancarditis

pancarditis /!p'nk&%|$da"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of all the tissues in the heart, i.e. the heartmuscle, the endocardium and the pericardiumpancreas

pancreas /$p'0kri#s/ noun a gland which liesacross the back of the body between the kidneys.See illustration at DIGESTIVE SYSTEM in Supple-mentpancreatectomy

pancreatectomy /!p'0kri#|$tekt#mi/ nounthe surgical removal of all or part of the pancreaspancreatic

pancreatic /!p'0kri |$'t"k/ adjective referringto the pancreaspancreatic duct

pancreatic duct /!p'0kri|$'t"k d.kt/ noun aduct leading through the pancreas to the duode-numpancreatic juice

pancreatic juice /!p'0kri't"k $d+u%s/, pan-creatic secretion /!p'0kri't"k s"|$kri%/(#)n/noun a digestive juice, formed of enzymes pro-duced by the pancreas, which digests fats and car-bohydratespancreatin

pancreatin /$p'0kri#t"n/ noun a substancemade from enzymes secreted by the pancreas,used to treat someone whose pancreas does notproduce pancreatic enzymespancreatitis

pancreatitis /!p'0kri# |$ta"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the pancreaspancreatomy

pancreatomy /!p'0kri |$'t#mi/, pancreatot-omy /!p'0kri# |$t(t#mi/ noun a surgical opera-tion to open the pancreatic ductpancytopenia

pancytopenia /!p'nsa"t#|$pi%ni#/ noun a con-dition in which there are too few red and whiteblood cells and blood plateletspandemic

pandemic /p'n|$dem"k/ noun an epidemic dis-ease which affects many parts of the world. Com-pare endemic, epidemic " adjective wide-spreadpanhysterectomy

panhysterectomy /!p'nh"st#|$rektmi/ nounthe surgical removal of all the uterus and the cer-vixpanic

panic /$p'n"k/ noun a feeling of great fearwhich cannot be stopped and which sometimesresults in irrational behaviour ! He was in apanic as he sat in the consultant’s waiting room." verb to be suddenly afraid ! She panicked

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219 parageusia

when the surgeon told her she might need to havean operation.panic attack

panic attack /$p'n"k #|!t'k/ noun a suddenonset of panicpanic disorder

panic disorder /$p'n"k d"s|!)%d#/ noun a con-dition in which somebody has frequent panicattackspanniculitis

panniculitis /p# |!n"kj*|$la"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the panniculus adiposus, producing tenderswellings on the thighs and breastspanniculus

panniculus /p#|$n"kj*l#s/ noun a layer ofmembranous tissuepanniculus adiposus

panniculus adiposus /p# |$n"kj*l#s 'd"|

!p#*s#s/ noun a layer of fat underneath the skinpannus

pannus /$p'n#s/ noun a growth on the corneacontaining tiny blood vesselspanophthalmia

panophthalmia /!p'n(f|$,'lmi#/, panoph-thalmitis /!p'n(f,'l |$ma"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the whole of the eyepanosteitis

panosteitis /!p'n(sti|$a"t"s/, panostitis/!p'n(|$sta"t"s/ noun inflammation of the wholeof a bonepanotitis

panotitis /!p'n#*|$ta"t"s/ noun inflammationaffecting all of the ear, but especially the middleearpanproctocolectomy

panproctocolectomy /!p'npr(kt#k#|

$lekt#mi/ noun the surgical removal of the wholeof the rectum and the colonpant-

pant- /p'nt/ prefix same as pan-panto-

panto- /p'nt#*/ prefix same as pan-pantothenic acid

pantothenic acid /!p'nt#,en"k $'s"d/ nouna vitamin of the vitamin B complex, found inliver, yeast and eggsPapanicolaou test

Papanicolaou test /!p'p#n"k#|$le"u% test/noun a method of staining samples from variousbody secretions to test for malignancy, e.g. testinga cervical smear sample to see if cancer is present.Also called Pap test [Described 1933. AfterGeorge Nicholas Papanicolaou (1883–1962),Greek anatomist and physician who worked inthe USA.]papaveretum

papaveretum /p# |!p'v# |$ri%t#m/ noun a prepa-ration of opium used to reduce painpapilla

papilla /p#|$p"l#/ noun a small swelling whichsticks up above the usual surface level ! Theupper surface of the tongue is covered with papil-lae. (NOTE: The plural is papillae.)papillary

papillary /p# |$p"l#ri/ adjective referring to papil-laepapillitis

papillitis /!p'p"|$la"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe optic disc at the back of the eyepapilloedema

papilloedema /!p'p"l#*|$di%m#/ noun an accu-mulation of fluid in the optic disc at the back ofthe eyepapilloma

papilloma /!p'p" |$l#*m#/ noun a benigntumour on the skin or mucous membrane (NOTE:The plural is papillomas or papillomata.)


papillomatosis /!p'p"l#*m# |$t#*s"s/ nounbeing affected with papillomatapapillotomy

papillotomy /!p'p" |$l(t#mi/ noun the opera-tion of cutting into the body at the point where thecommon bile duct and pancreatic duct meet to gointo the duodenum, in order to improve bile drain-age and allow any stones to pass outpapovavirus

papovavirus /p#|$p#*v#va"r#s/ noun a familyof viruses which start tumours, some of which aremalignant, and some of which, such as warts, arebenignPap test

Pap test /$p'p test/, Pap smear /$p'p sm"#/noun same as Papanicolaou testpapular

papular /$p'pj*l#/ adjective referring to apapulepapule

papule /$p'pju%l/ noun a small coloured spotraised above the surface of the skin as part of arash (NOTE: A flat spot is a macule.)papulo-

papulo- /p'pj*l#*/ prefix relating to a papulepapulopustular

papulopustular /!p'pj*l#*|$p.stj*l#/ adjec-tive referring to a rash with both papules and pus-tulespapulosquamous

papulosquamous /!p'pj*l#*|$skwe"m#s/adjective referring to a rash with papules and ascaly skinpara-

para- /p'r#/ prefix 1. similar to or near 2.changed or beyondparacentesis

paracentesis /!p'r#sen|$ti%s"s/ noun the pro-cedure of draining fluid from a cavity inside thebody using a hollow needle, either for diagnosticpurposes or because the fluid is harmful. Alsocalled tappingparacetamol

paracetamol /!p'r#|$si%t#m(l/ noun a com-mon drug used to relieve mild to moderate painand reduce fever (NOTE: The US name is aceta-minophen.)paracusis

paracusis /!p'r#|$kju%s"s/, paracousia /!p'r#|

$ku%si#/ noun a disorder of hearingparadoxical breathing

paradoxical breathing /!p'r#d(ks"k(#)l$bri%2"0/, paradoxical respiration/!p'r#d(ks"k(#)l !resp" |$re"/(#)n/ noun a condi-tion affecting someone with broken ribs, wherethe chest appears to move in when he or shebreathes in, and appears to move out when he orshe breathes outparadoxus

paradoxus /!p'r# |$d(ks#s/ " pulsus para-doxusparaesthesia

paraesthesia /!p'ri%s |$,i%zi#/ noun an unex-plained tingling sensation. ! pins and needles(NOTE: The plural is paraesthesiae.)paraffin

paraffin /$p'r#f"n/ noun an oil produced frompetroleum, forming the base of some ointments,and also used for heating and lightparaffin gauze

paraffin gauze /$p'r#f"n 1)%z/ noun gauzecovered with solid paraffin, used as a dressingparageusia

parageusia /!p'r# |$1ju%si#/ noun a disorder ofthe sense of taste

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paralyse 220paralyse

paralyse /$p'r#la"z/ verb to make a part of thebody unable to carry out voluntary movements byweakening or damaging muscles or nerves so thatthey cannot function, or by using a drug ! Hisarm was paralysed after the stroke. ! She is par-alysed from the waist down.paralysis

paralysis /p#|$r'l#s"s/ noun a condition inwhich part of the body cannot be moved becausethe motor nerves have been damaged or the mus-cles have been weakened ! The condition causesparalysis of the lower limbs. ! He suffered tem-porary paralysis of the right arm.paralytic

paralytic /!p'r#|$l"t"k/ adjective 1. referring toparalysis 2. referring to a person who is paralysedparalytic ileus

paralytic ileus /!p'r#l"t"k $"li#s/ noun anobstruction in the ileum caused by paralysis of themuscles of the intestine. Also called adynamicileusparamedian

paramedian /!p'r#|$mi%di#n/ adjective nearthe midline of the bodyparamedian plane

paramedian plane /!p'r#|$mi%di#n !ple"n/noun a plane near the midline of the body, parallelto the sagittal plane and at right angles to the coro-nal plane. See illustration at ANATOMICAL TERMSin Supplementparamedic

paramedic /!p'r#|$med"k/ noun a personwhose work involves the restoration of health andnormal functioningparameter

parameter /p#|$r'm"t#/ noun a measurement ofsomething such as blood pressure which may bean important consideration in treating the condi-tion which the person hasparametritis

parametritis /!p'r#m"|$tra"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of the parametriumparametrium

parametrium /!p'r# |$mi%tri#m/ noun the con-nective tissue around the uterusparanasal

paranasal /!p'r#|$ne"z(#)l/ adjective by theside of the noseparanasal sinus

paranasal sinus /!p'r#ne"z(#)l $sa"n#s/,paranasal air sinus /!p'r#ne"z(#)l $e# !sa"n#s/noun one of the four pairs of sinuses in the skullnear the nose, which open into the nasal cavityand are lined with sticky mucus (NOTE: They arethe frontal, maxillary, ethmoidal and sphenoidalsinuses.)paranoia

paranoia /!p'r#|$n)"#/ noun a behaviour char-acterised by mistaken ideas or delusions of perse-cution or self-importanceparanoiac

paranoiac /!p'r#|$n)"'k/ noun a personaffected by paranoiaparanoid

paranoid /$p'r#n)"d/ adjective having a fixeddelusionparanoid disorder

paranoid disorder /!p'r#n)"d d"s|$)%d#/noun a mental disorder which causes someoneexperiencing it to believe strongly that somethingis not right with them, with someone else or withthe world generally and to maintain the beliefeven when given evidence against it

paranoid schizophreniaparanoid schizophrenia /!p'r#n)"d!sk"ts#*|$fri%ni#/ noun a form of schizophrenia inwhich the person believes he or she is being per-secutedparaparesisparaparesis /!p'r#p#|$ri%s"s/ noun incompleteparalysis of the legsparaphimosis

paraphimosis /!p'r#fa"|$m#*s"s/ noun a con-dition in which the foreskin around the penis istight and may have to be removed by circumci-sionparaplegiaparaplegia /!p'r#|$pli%d+#/ noun paralysiswhich affects the lower part of the body and thelegs, usually caused by an injury to the spinal cordparaplegicparaplegic /!p'r#|$pli%d+"k/ noun someonewho has paraplegia " adjective paralysed in thelower part of the body and legsparaprofessional

paraprofessional /!p'r#pr#|$fe/(#)n(#)l/noun somebody with training who acts as anassistant to a professional personparapsychologyparapsychology /!p'r#sa" |$k(l#d+i/ noun thestudy of effects of the mind which appear not tobe explained by known psychological or scientificprinciples, e.g. extrasensory perception and telep-athyParaquat

Paraquat /$p'r#kw(t/ a trade name for dime-thyl dupyridilium used as a weedkillerparasagittalparasagittal /!p'r#|$s'd+"t(#)l/ adjective nearthe midline of the bodyparasagittal planeparasagittal plane /!p'r#|$s'd+"t(#)l !ple"n/noun a plane near the midline of the body, parallelto the sagittal plane and at right angles to the coro-nal plane. Also called paramedian plane. Seeillustration at ANATOMICAL TERMS in Supplementparasiteparasite /$p'r#sa"t/ noun a plant or animalwhich lives on or inside another organism anddraws nourishment from that organismparasiticparasitic /!p'r# |$s"t"k/ adjective referring toparasitesparasitic cystparasitic cyst /!p'r#s"t"k $s"st/ noun a cystcaused by the growing larvae of a parasite in thebodyparasiticideparasiticide /!p'r#|$sa"t"sa"d/ noun a sub-stance which kills parasites " adjective killingparasitesparasuicide

parasuicide /!p'r# |$su%"sa"d/ noun an actwhere someone tries to kill himself or herself, butwithout really intending to do so, rather as a wayof drawing attention to his or her psychologicalconditionparasympathetic nervous systemparasympathetic nervous system/!p'r#s"mp#|!,et"k $n-%v#s !s"st#m/, parasym-pathetic system /!p'r#s"mp#|$,et"k !s"st#m/noun one of two parts of the autonomic nervoussystem. Its messages reach the organs of the bodythrough the cranial and sacral nerves to the eyes,the gastrointestinal system and other organs. !sympathetic nervous systemparasympatholyticparasympatholytic /!p'r#s"m|!p',#|$l"t"k/noun a drug which reduces the effects of the par-

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221 parous

asympathetic nervous system by relaxing smoothmuscle, reducing the amount of sweat and salivaproduced and widening the pupil of the eye. Anexample is atropine. " adjective relating to a par-asympatholytic drugparasympathomimetic

parasympathomimetic /!p'r#s"m|

!p',#*m" |$met"k/ noun a drug which stimulatesthe parasympathetic nervous system by makingsmooth muscle more tense, widening the bloodvessels, slowing the heart rate, increasing theamount of sweat and saliva produced and con-tracting the pupil of the eye " adjective produc-ing effects similar to those of a parasympathomi-metic drugparathormone

parathormone /!p'r#|$,)%m#*n/ noun thehormone secreted by the parathyroid glandswhich regulates the level of calcium in bloodplasma. Also called parathyroid hormoneparathyroid

parathyroid /!p'r#|$,a"r)"d/ noun same asparathyroid gland " adjective 1. relating to aparathyroid gland 2. located close to the thyroidglandparathyroidectomy

parathyroidectomy /!p'r#|!,a"r)"|$dekt#mi/noun the surgical removal of a parathyroid glandparathyroid gland

parathyroid gland /!p'r#|$,a"r)"d !1l'nd/noun one of four small glands which are situatedin or near the wall of the thyroid gland and secretea hormone which controls the way in which cal-cium and phosphorus are deposited in bonesparathyroid hormone

parathyroid hormone /!p'r#|$,a"r)"d!h)%m#*n/ noun same as parathormoneparatyphoid

paratyphoid /!p'r#|$ta"f)"d/, paratyphoidfever /!p'r# |$ta"f)"d !fi%v#/ noun an infectiousdisease which has similar symptoms to typhoidand is caused by bacteria transmitted by humansor animals

COMMENT: There are three forms of paraty-phoid fever, known by the letters A, B, and C,caused by three types of bacterium, Salmo-nella paratyphi A, B, and C. TAB injectionsgive immunity against paratyphoid A and B,but not against C.


paravertebral /!p'r# |$v-%t"br#l/ adjective nearthe vertebrae, beside the spinal columnparavertebral injection

paravertebral injection /!p'r#v-%t"br#l "n|

$d+ek/#n/ noun an injection of local anaestheticinto the back near the vertebraeparenchyma

parenchyma /p# |$re0k"m#/ noun tissues whichcontain the working cells of an organparenchymal

parenchymal /p# |$re0k"m#l/ adjective relatingto parenchymaparenteral

parenteral /p'|$rent#r#l/ adjective referring tomedication which is not given by mouth but in theform of injections or suppositories. Compareenteral, oralparenteral nutrition

parenteral nutrition /p'|!rent#r#l nju% |

$tr"/(#)n/, parenteral feeding /p'|!rent#r#l$fi%d"0/ noun the process of feeding someone bymeans other than the digestive tract, especially by

giving injections of glucose to someone criticallyillparenting

parenting /$pe#r#nt"0/ noun the activitiesinvolved in bringing up children # parentingskills the abilities and experience that makesomeone a good parentparesis

paresis /p# |$ri%s"s/ noun partial paralysisparietal

parietal /p#|$ra"#t(#)l/ adjective referring to thewall of a cavity or any organparietal bone

parietal bone /p#|$ra"#t(#)l b#*n/, parietal /p#|

$ra"#t(#)l/ noun one of two bones which form thesides of the skullparietal cell

parietal cell /p#|$ra"#t(#)l sel/ noun same asoxyntic cellparietal lobe

parietal lobe /p# |$ra"#t(#)l l#*b/ noun the mid-dle lobe of the cerebral hemisphere, which isassociated with language and other mental proc-esses, and also contains the postcentral gyrusparietal pleura

parietal pleura /p#|!ra"#t(#)l $pl*#r#/ noun amembrane attached to the diaphragm and cover-ing the chest cavity. Also called outer pleura.See illustration at LUNGS in Supplement-parin

-parin /p#r"n/ suffix used for anticoagulants !heparinParis

Paris /$p'r"s/ " plaster of Parisparity

parity /$p'r"ti/ noun 1. equality of status orposition, especially in terms of pay or rank 2. thenumber of children that a woman has given birthtoParkinsonism

Parkinsonism /$p&%k"ns#n"z(#)m/ noun aprogressive nervous disorder, which may be aneffect of some drugs, repeated head injuries orbrain tumours. The main symptoms are tremblinghands and a slow shuffling walk. Also calledparalysis agitansParkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease /$p&%k"ns#nz d"|!zi%z/noun a progressive nervous disorder without aknown cause which is a type of Parkinsonism, themain symptoms of which are trembling hands, aslow shuffling walk and difficulty in speaking[Described 1817. After James Parkinson (1755–1824), English physician.]paronychia

paronychia /!p'r# |$n"ki#/ noun inflammationnear the nail which forms pus, caused by an infec-tion in the fleshy part of the tip of a finger. ! whit-lowparosmia

parosmia /p#|$r(zmi#/ noun a disorder of thesense of smellparotid

parotid /p#|$r(t"d/ adjective near the earparotid gland

parotid gland /p#|$r(t"d 1l'nd/, parotid /p#|

$r(t"d/ noun one of the glands which producessaliva, situated in the neck behind the joint of thejaw and earparotitis

parotitis /!p'r#|$ta"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe parotid glandsparous

parous /$pe#r#s/ adjective referring to a womanwho has given birth to one or more children

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paroxetine 222paroxetine

paroxetine /p# |$r(ks"ti%n/ noun an antidepres-sant drug which prolongs the effects of serotoninin the brainparoxysm

paroxysm /$p'r#ks"z(#)m/ noun a suddenmovement of the muscles ! She suffered parox-ysms of coughing during the night.paroxysmal

paroxysmal /!p'r#k|$s"zm(#)l/ adjective refer-ring to a paroxysm, or similar to a paroxysmparoxysmal dyspnoea

paroxysmal dyspnoea /p'r#k |!s"zm(#)ld"sp |$ni%#/ noun an attack of breathlessness atnight, usually caused by congestive heart failureparoxysmal tachycardia

paroxysmal tachycardia /p'r#k |!s"zm(#)lt'ki |$k&%di#/ noun same as nodal tachycardiapars

pars /p&%z/ noun the Latin word for partpartially

partially /$p&%/(#)li/ adverb not completely !He is partially paralysed in his right side. # par-tially sighted having only partial vision ! Largeprint books are available for people who are par-tially sighted.partially sighted register

partially sighted register /!p&%/(#)li $sa"t"d!red+"st#/ noun a list of people who have poorsight but are not blind, and may require some spe-cial servicespartial mastectomy

partial mastectomy /!p&%/(#)l m'|$stekt#mi/noun an operation to remove part of a breastpartial thickness burn

partial thickness burn /!p&%/(#)l $,"kn#s!b-%n/ noun a burn which leaves enough tissue forthe skin to grow again. Also called superficialthickness burnparticleparticle /$p&%t"k(#)l/ noun a very small piece ofmatterparticulate

particulate /p&% |$t"kj*l#t/ adjective referring toor composed of particlesparticulate matter

particulate matter /p&% |$t"kj*l#t !m't#/ nounparticles of less than a specified size, usually ofcarbon, which are used as a measure of air pollu-tion and can affect asthmaparturient

parturient /p&% |$tj*#ri#nt/ adjective referringto childbirthparturition

parturition /!p&%tj* |$r"/(#)n/ noun same aschildbirthparv-parv- /p&%v/, parvo- prefix smallpass

pass /p&%s/ verb to allow faeces, urine or anyother body product to come out of the body !Have you passed anything this morning? ! Hepassed a small stone in his urine. # to pass bloodto produce faeces or urine that contain blood # topass water to urinate (informal)passage

passage /$p's"d+/ noun 1. a long narrow chan-nel inside the body 2. the introduction of aninstrument into a cavitypass away

pass away /!p&%s #|$we"/ verb used to avoidsaying ‘die’ (informal) ! Mother passed awayduring the night.passive

passive /$p's"v/ adjective receiving rather thaninitiating an actionpassive immunity

passive immunity /!p's"v "|$mju%n"ti/ nounimmunity which is acquired by a baby in the

uterus or by a person through an injection with anantitoxinpassive movement

passive movement /!p's"v $mu%vm#nt/noun movement of a limb or other body part by adoctor or therapist, not by the personpassive smoking

passive smoking /!p's"v $sm#*k"0/ nounthe act of breathing in smoke from other people’scigarettes when you do not smoke yourselfpass on

pass on /!p&%s $(n/ verb 1. to give a disease tosomeone ! Haemophilia is passed on by awoman to her sons. ! The disease was quicklypassed on by carriers to the rest of the population.2. used to avoid saying ‘die’ ! My father passedon two years ago.pass out

pass out /!p&%s $a*t/ verb to faint (informal) !When we told her that her father was ill, shepassed out.pasteurisation

pasteurisation /!p&%st/#ra"|$ze"/(#)n/, pas-teurization noun the process of heating food orfood products to destroy bacteria [After LouisPasteur (1822–95), French chemist and bacteri-ologist.]pasteurise

pasteurise /$p&%st/#ra"z/, pasteurize verb tokill bacteria in food by heating it ! The govern-ment is telling people to drink only pasteurisedmilk.pastille

pastille /$p'st(#)l/ noun a sweet jelly with med-ication in it, which can be sucked to relieve a sorethroatpatch

patch /p't// noun a piece of sticking plasterwith a substance on it, which is stuck to the skinto allow the substance to be gradually absorbedinto the system through the skin, e.g. in HRTpatch test

patch test /$p't/ test/ noun a test for allergiesor tuberculosis, where a piece of sticking plastercontaining an allergic substance or tuberculin isstuck to the skin to see if there is a reactionpatella

patella /p# |$tel#/ noun the small bone in front ofthe knee joint. Also called kneecappatellar

patellar /p# |$tel#/ adjective referring to thekneecappatellar reflex

patellar reflex /p#|!tel# $ri%fleks/ noun the jerkmade as a reflex action by the knee, when the legsare crossed and the patellar tendon is tappedsharply. Also called knee jerkpatellar tendon

patellar tendon /p#|!tel# $tend#n/ noun a ten-don just below the kneecappatellectomy

patellectomy /!p't#|$lekt#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove the kneecappatent

patent /$pe"t#nt, $p't#nt/ adjective open,exposed ! The presence of a pulse shows that themain blood vessels from the heart to the site of thepulse are patent.patent ductus arteriosus

patent ductus arteriosus /!pe"t#nt !d.kt#s&% |!t"#ri|$#*s#s/ noun a congenital condition inwhich the ductus arteriosus does not close, allow-ing blood into the circulation without havingpassed through the lungs

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223 peau d’orangepatent medicinepatent medicine /!pe"t#nt $med(#)s"n/ nouna medicinal preparation which is made and soldunder a trade name and is protected by law frombeing copied or sold by other manufacturers for acertain length of time after its invention. ! propri-etary medicinepaternitypaternity /p# |$t-%n"ti/ noun the fact of being orbecoming a father ! paternity leave Comparematernitypaternity test

paternity test /p#|$t-%n"ti test/ noun a test suchas blood grouping which makes it possible todetermine the identity of the father of a child

COMMENT: DNA fingerprinting may be re-quired in order to identify a man who mightbe the father according to his blood groupand that of the child, but is not in fact the fa-ther.

path-path- /p',/, patho- /p',#*/ prefix referring todiseasepathogenpathogen /$p',#d+#n/ noun a microorganismwhich causes a diseasepathogenesispathogenesis /!p',# |$d+en#s"s/ noun the ori-gin, production and development of a morbid ordiseased conditionpathogenicpathogenic /!p',# |$d+en"k/ adjective causingor producing a diseasepathogenicitypathogenicity /!p',#d+#|$n"s"ti/ noun theability of a pathogen to cause a diseasepathognomonic

pathognomonic /!p',#1n#*|$m(n"k/ adjec-tive referring to a symptom which is typical andcharacteristic, and which indicates that someonehas a particular diseasepathologicalpathological /!p',#|$l(d+"k(#)l/, pathologic/!p',#|$l(d+"k/ adjective 1. referring to a disease,or caused by a disease 2. indicating a diseasepathological depressionpathological depression /!p',#l(d+"k(#)ld"|$pre/(#)n/ noun an unusually severe state ofdepression, possibly leading to suicidepathological dislocationpathological dislocation /!p',#l(d+"k(#)l!d"sl# |$ke"/(#)n/ noun the dislocation of a dis-eased jointpathological fracture

pathological fracture /!p',#l(d+"k(#)l$fr'kt/#/ noun a fracture of a diseased bonepathologistpathologist /p#|$,(l#d+"st/ noun 1. a doctorwho specialises in the study of diseases and thechanges in the body caused by disease, examiningtissue specimens from patients and reporting onthe presence or absence of disease in them 2. adoctor who examines dead bodies in order to findout the cause of deathpathologypathology /p#|$,(l#d+i/ noun the study of dis-eases and the changes in structure and functionwhich diseases cause in the body. Also calledmorbid anatomypathology reportpathology report /p#|$,(l#d+i r"|!p)%t/ noun areport on tests carried out to find the cause of adiseasepathophysiologypathophysiology /!p',#*f"zi|$(l#d+i/ nounthe study of unusual or diseased organs

-pathy-pathy /p#,i/ suffix diseasepatient

patient /$pe"/(#)nt/ noun a person who is inhospital or who is being treated by a doctor ! Thepatients are all asleep in their beds. ! The doctoris taking the patient’s temperature.patient allocationpatient allocation /!pe"/(#)nt !'l#|$ke"/(#)n/noun a system of assigning each patient to a par-ticular nurse for all their care needspatient-group directionpatient-group direction /$pe"/(#)nt 1ru%pda" |!rek/(#)n/ noun full form of PGDpatient identifierpatient identifier /!pe"/(#)nt a" |$dent"fa"#/noun a code of letters and numbers attached to thepatient’s medical records by which all informa-tion concerning the patient can be tracked, e.g.cause of deathPaul–Bunnell reaction

Paul–Bunnell reaction /!p)%l $b.n(#)l r"|

!'k/#n/, Paul–Bunnell test /!p)%l $b.n(#)l!test/ noun a blood test to see if someone hasglandular fever, where the person’s blood is testedagainst a solution containing glandular feverbacilli [Described 1932. After John RodmanPaul (1893–1971), US physician; Walls WillardBunnell (1902–66), US physician.]pavement epitheliumpavement epithelium /$pe"vm#nt ep"|

!,i%li#m/ noun same as squamous epitheliumPavlov’s methodPavlov’s method /$p'vl(vz !me,#d/ noun aset of procedures for the study or production ofconditioned reflexesPBI testPBI test /!pi% bi% $a" test/ noun same as protein-bound iodine testp.c.p.c. /!pi% $si%/ adverb (used on prescriptions)after food. Full form post cibumPCC

PCC abbreviation Professional Conduct Com-mitteePCGPCG abbreviation primary care groupPCODPCOD abbreviation polycystic ovary diseasePCOSPCOS abbreviation polycystic ovary syndromePCP

PCP abbreviation pneumocystis carinii pneumo-niaPCTPCT abbreviation primary care trustp.d.

p.d. adverb (used on prescriptions) per day. Fullform per diemPDAPDA /!pi% di% $e"/ noun a handheld computer withvarious functions, e.g. information storage anddigital notetaking. Full form personal digitalassistantPEPE abbreviation pulmonary embolismpeak expiratory flow ratepeak expiratory flow rate /!pi%k "k|

!spa"#r#t(#)ri $fl#* !re"t/ noun the rate at whichsomeone can expel air from their lungs when theyare full and with no time limit. AbbreviationPEFRPearson bedPearson bed /$p"#s(#)n bed/ noun a type ofbed with a Balkan frame, a rectangular frameattached to and overhanging the bed, used mainlyfor people with splintspeau d’orangepeau d’orange /!p#* d(|$r&%n+/ noun thick-ened skin with many little depressions caused by

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PEC 224

lymphoedema which forms over a breast tumouror in elephantiasis (NOTE: From the Frenchphrase meaning ‘orange peel’.)PEC

PEC /!pi% i% $si%/ noun the committee responsiblefor the day-to-day management of a Primary CareTrust and for developing service policies andinvestment plans. Full form Professional Exec-utive Committeepecten

pecten /$pekt#n/ noun 1. the middle section ofthe wall of the anal passage 2. a hard ridge on thepubispectineal

pectineal /pek |$t"ni#l/ adjective referring to thepecten of the pubispectoral

pectoral /$pekt(#)r#l/ noun 1. a therapeuticsubstance which has a good effect on respiratorydisease 2. same as pectoral muscle " adjectivereferring to the chestpectoral girdle

pectoral girdle /!pekt(#)r#l $1-%d(#)l/ nounthe shoulder bones, the scapulae and clavicles, towhich the upper arm bones are attached. Alsocalled shoulder girdlepectoralis

pectoralis /!pekt# |$re"l"s/ noun a chest musclepectoralis major

pectoralis major /pekt#|!re"l"s $me"d+#/ nouna large chest muscle which pulls the arm forwardor rotates itpectoralis minor

pectoralis minor /pekt#|!re"l"s $ma"n#/ nouna small chest muscle which allows the shoulder tobe depressedpectoral muscle

pectoral muscle /$pekt(#)r#l !m.s(#)l/ nounone of two muscles which lie across the chest andcontrol movements of the shoulder and arm. Alsocalled chest musclepectus

pectus /$pekt#s/ noun the anterior part of thechestpectus carinatum

pectus carinatum /!pekt#s !k'r"|$n&%t#m/noun a condition in which the sternum is unusu-ally prominent. Also called pigeon breastpectus excavatum

pectus excavatum /!pekt#s !eksk#|$ve"t#m/noun a congenital condition, in which the chest isdepressed in the centre because the lower part ofthe breastbone is curved backwards. Also calledfunnel chestpedicle

pedicle /$ped"k(#)l/ noun a long thin piece ofskin which attaches a skin graft to the place whereit was growing originallypediculosis

pediculosis /p"|!d"kj*|$l#*s"s/ noun a skin dis-ease caused by being infested with licePediculus

Pediculus /p"|$d"kj*l#s/ noun same as louse(NOTE: The plural is Pediculi.)Pediculus capitis

Pediculus capitis /p"|!d"kj*l#s k#|$pa"t"s/noun same as head lousepedo-

pedo- /pi%d/ prefix same as paedo-pedodontia

pedodontia /!pi%d#|$d(n/#/ noun the study ofchildren’s teethpedodontist

pedodontist /!pi%d# |$d(nt"st/ noun a dentistwho specialises in the treatment of children’steethpeduncle

peduncle /p"|$d.0k#l/ noun a stem or stalk


pee /pi%/ verb same as urinate (informal)peel

peel /pi%l/ verb 1. to take the skin off a fruit orvegetable 2. (of skin) to come off in pieces ! Aftergetting sunburnt, his skin began to peel.PEEP

PEEP abbreviation positive end-expiratory pres-surepeer review

peer review /$p"# r" |!vju%/ noun an assessmentof a piece of someone’s work by people who areexperts on the subjectPEFR

PEFR abbreviation peak expiratory flow ratePel–Ebstein fever

Pel–Ebstein fever /!pel $ebsta"n !fi%v#/ nouna fever associated with Hodgkin’s disease whichrecurs regularly [Described 1885. After PieterKlaases Pel (1852–1919), Professor of Medicinein Amsterdam, Netherlands; Wilhelm Ebstein(1836–1912), Professor of Medicine at Göttin-gen, Germany.]pellagra

pellagra /p#|$l'1r#/ noun a disease caused by adeficiency of nicotinic acid, riboflavine and pyri-doxine from the vitamin B complex, wherepatches of skin become inflamed, and the personhas anorexia, nausea and diarrhoeapellet

pellet /$pel"t/ noun a small rod- or oval-shapedpill of steroid hormone, usually either oestrogenor testosterone, that is implanted under the skinfor slow absorptionpelvic

pelvic /$pelv"k/ adjective referring to the pelvispelvic brim

pelvic brim /!pelv"k $br"m/ noun a line on theilium which separates the false pelvis from thetrue pelvispelvic cavity

pelvic cavity /!pelv"k $k'v"ti/ noun a spacebelow the abdominal cavity, above the pelvispelvic colon

pelvic colon /!pelv"k $k#*l(n/ noun same assigmoid colonpelvic diaphragm

pelvic diaphragm /!pelv"k $da"#fr'm/ nouna sheet of muscle between the pelvic cavity andthe peritoneumpelvic floor

pelvic floor /!pelv"k $fl)%/ noun the lower partof the space beneath the pelvic girdle, formed ofmusclepelvic fracture

pelvic fracture /!pelv"k $fr'kt/#/ noun a frac-ture of the pelvispelvic girdle

pelvic girdle /!pelv"k $1-%d(#)l/ noun the ringformed by the two hip bones to which the thighbones are attached. Also called hip girdlepelvic inflammatory disease

pelvic inflammatory disease /!pelv"k "n|

$fl'm#t(#)ri d" |!zi%z/ noun an inflammation of awoman’s reproductive organs in the pelvic area,which can cause infertilitypelvic outlet

pelvic outlet /!pelv"k $a*tlet/ noun an openingat the base of the pelvispelvimeter

pelvimeter /pel|$v"m"t#/ noun an instrument tomeasure the diameter and capacity of the pelvispelvimetry

pelvimetry /pel |$v"m"tri/ noun the act of meas-uring the pelvis, especially to see if the internalring is wide enough for a baby to pass through inchildbirth

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225 perfusion scanpelvis

pelvis /$pelv"s/ noun 1. the strong basin-shapedring of bone near the bottom of the spine, formedof the hip bones at the front and sides and the sac-rum and coccyx at the back 2. the internal spaceinside the pelvic girdle (NOTE: [all senses] Theplural is pelvises or pelves.)pelvis of the kidney

pelvis of the kidney /!pelv"s #v 2# $k"dni/noun see illustration at KIDNEY in Supplement(NOTE: For other terms referring to the pelvis ofthe kidney, see words beginning with pyel-,pyelo-.)pemphigoid

pemphigoid /$pemf"1)"d/ noun a skin diseasewhich is similar to pemphigus " adjective refer-ring to a skin disease similar to pemphiguspemphigus

pemphigus /$pemf"1#s/ noun a rare diseasewhere large blisters form inside the skinpendulous

pendulous /$pendj*l#s/ adjective referring toan object or body part which hangs loosely orswings freely-penia

-penia /pi%ni#/ suffix meaning a deficiency ornot enough of somethingpenicillamine

penicillamine /!pen" |$s"l#mi%n/ noun a chelat-ing agent which is used to help the body get rid oftoxic metalspenicillin

penicillin /!pen"|$s"l"n/ noun a common antibi-otic originally produced from a fungus (NOTE:Penicillin drugs have names ending in -cillin:amoxicillin.)penicillin resistance

penicillin resistance /!pen"s"l"n r"|$z"st#ns/noun the ability of bacteria to resist penicillinPenicillium

Penicillium /!pen"|$s"li#m/ noun the fungusfrom which penicillin is derivedpenile

penile /$pi%na"l/ adjective referring to the penispenis

penis /$pi%n"s/ noun the male genital organ,which also passes urine. See illustration at URO-GENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) in Supplement. ! krau-rosis penispentamidine

pentamidine /pen |$t'm"di%n/ noun an antibi-otic used in the treatment of African sleepingsickness and of pneumonia in people with AIDSpentazocine

pentazocine /pen|$t'z#si%n/ noun an artifi-cially produced narcotic drug used to reduce painPentothal

Pentothal /$pent#,'l/ a trade name for thio-pentonePEP

PEP abbreviation post-exposure prophylaxisPeplau’s model

Peplau’s model /$pepla*z !m(d(#)l/ noun amodel for nursing which describes the individualas a system with physiological, psychological andsocial components. The nurse and patient worktogether to define the patient’s problems and tounderstand their reactions to one another, and thenurse takes on different roles in each phase of therelationship, such as a teacher, counsellor, leader,and technical expert, until the patient no longerneeds their care.pepsin

pepsin /$peps"n/ noun an enzyme in the stom-ach which breaks down the proteins in food intopeptones


pepsinogen /pep|$s"n#d+#n/ noun a secretionfrom the gastric gland which is the inactive formof pepsinpeptic

peptic /$pept"k/ adjective referring to digestionor to the digestive systempeptic ulcer

peptic ulcer /!pept"k $.ls#/ noun a benignulcer in the duodenum or in the stomachpeptidase

peptidase /$pept"de"z/ noun an enzyme whichbreaks down proteins in the intestine into aminoacidspeptide

peptide /$pepta"d/ noun a compound formed oftwo or more amino acidsper

per /p-%, p#/ preposition 1. out of each ! ten perthousand 2. by or through ! per rectumperception

perception /p# |$sep/#n/ noun an impressionformed in the brain as a result of informationabout the outside world which is passed back bythe sensesperceptive deafness

perceptive deafness /pe|!sept"v $defn#s/noun same as sensorineural deafnesspercussion

percussion /p#|$k./(#)n/ noun a test, usuallyon the heart and lungs, in which the doctor tapspart of the person’s body and listens to the soundproducedpercutaneous

percutaneous /!p-%kju%|$te"ni#s/ adjectivethrough the skinpercutaneous absorption

percutaneous absorption /!p-%kju%|!te"ni#s#b|$z)%p/#n/ noun the process of absorbing a sub-stance through the skinpercutaneous angioplasty

percutaneous angioplasty /!p-%kju%|

!te"ni#s $'nd+i#pl'sti/ noun the repair of a nar-rowed artery by passing a balloon into the arterythrough a catheter and then inflating it. Alsocalled balloon angioplastypercutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration

percutaneous epididymal sperm aspira-tion /!p-%kju%te"ni#s !ep"d"d"m(#)l $sp-%m!'sp"re"/(#)n/ noun the removal of sperm fromthe epididymis by withdrawing it through theskin, usually as part of fertility treatment. Abbre-viation PESAper diem

per diem /!p-% $di%em/ adverb (written on pre-scriptions) per dayperforated eardrum

perforated eardrum /!p-%f#re"t"d $"#dr.m/noun an eardrum with a hole in itperforation

perforation /!p-%f#|$re"/(#)n/ noun a holethrough the whole thickness of a tissue or mem-brane such as the intestine or eardrumperformance indicators

performance indicators /p#|$f)%m#ns!"nd"ke"t#z/ plural noun statistical informationneeded for analysis of how effectively healthorganisations are meeting their objectives, pro-duced by health authorities and sent to the govern-ment. Abbreviation PIsperfusion

perfusion /p# |$fju%+(#)n/ noun the process ofpassing a liquid through vessels, an organ or tis-sue, e.g. the flow of blood into lung tissueperfusion scan

perfusion scan /p# |$fju%+(#)n sk'n/ noun aprocedure in which radioactive or radiopaque

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peri- 226

substances are introduced into the body so that theblood supply of an organ can be tracedperi-

peri- /peri/ prefix near, around or enclosingperiadenitis

periadenitis /!peri#d" |$na"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of tissue around a glandperianal

perianal /!peri |$e"n(#)l/ adjective around theanusperiarteritis

periarteritis /!peri&%t# |$ra"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the outer coat of an artery and the tissueround itperiarteritis nodosa

periarteritis nodosa /!peri&%t# |!ra"t"s n#* |

$d#*s#/ noun same as polyarteritis nodosaperiarthritis

periarthritis /!peri&% |$,ra"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the tissue round a jointpericard-

pericard- /perik&%d/ prefix referring to the peri-cardiumpericardectomy

pericardectomy /!perik&%|$dekt#mi/ noun thesurgical removal of the pericardiumpericardial

pericardial /!peri |$k&%di#l/ adjective referringto the pericardiumpericardial effusion

pericardial effusion /!perik&%di#l "|

$fju%+(#)n/ noun an excess of fluid which formsin the pericardial sacpericardial sac

pericardial sac /!perik&%di#l $s'k/ noun theinner part of the pericardium forming a bag-likestructure or sac which contains fluid to preventthe two parts of the pericardium rubbing togetherpericardiectomy

pericardiectomy /!perik&%di|$ekt#mi/ nounsame as pericardectomypericardiocentesis

pericardiocentesis /!peri|!k&%di#*sen |$ti%s"s/noun the puncture of the pericardium to removefluidpericardiorrhaphy

pericardiorrhaphy /!perik&%di|$)%r#fi/ noun asurgical operation to repair a wound in the peri-cardiumpericardiostomy

pericardiostomy /!perik&%di|$(st#mi/ noun asurgical operation to open the pericardiumthrough the thoracic wall to drain off fluidpericardiotomy

pericardiotomy /!perik&%di|$(t#mi/ nounsame as pericardotomypericarditis

pericarditis /!perik&% |$da"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the pericardiumpericardium

pericardium /!peri |$k&%di#m/ noun a mem-brane which surrounds and supports the heartpericardotomy

pericardotomy /!perik&%|$d(t#mi/ noun a sur-gical operation to open the pericardiumperichondritis

perichondritis /!perik(n |$dra"t"s/ nouninflammation of cartilage, especially in the outerearperichondrium

perichondrium /!peri |$k(ndri#m/ noun thefibrous connective tissue which covers cartilagepericranium

pericranium /!peri |$kre"ni#m/ noun connectivetissue which covers the surface of the skullperilymph

perilymph /$peril"mf/ noun a fluid found in thelabyrinth of the inner ear


perimenopause /!peri |$men#p)%z/ noun thefew years before the menopause, in which oestro-gen levels start to fallperimeter

perimeter /p#|$r"m"t#/ noun 1. an instrument tomeasure the field of vision 2. the length of theoutside line around an enclosed areaperimetritis

perimetritis /!perim# |$tra"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the perimetriumperimetrium

perimetrium /!peri |$mi%tri#m/ noun a mem-brane round the uterusperimetry

perimetry /p# |$r"m"tri/ noun a measurement ofthe field of visionperimysium

perimysium /!peri|$ma"si#m/ noun a sheathwhich surrounds a bundle of muscle fibresperinatal

perinatal /!peri|$ne"t(#)l/ adjective referring tothe period just before and after childbirthperinatal mortality rate

perinatal mortality rate /!perine"t(#)l m)%|

$t'l"ti re"t/ noun the number of babies born deador who die during the period immediately afterchildbirth, shown per thousand babies bornperinatal period

perinatal period /!peri|$ne"t(#)l !p"#ri#d/noun the period of time before and after child-birth, from the 28th week after conception to thefirst week after deliveryperinatologist

perinatologist /!perin#|$t(l#d+"st/ noun anobstetrician who is a specialist in perinatologyperinatology

perinatology /!perin#|$t(l#d+i/ noun a branchof medicine which studies and treats physiologi-cal and pathological conditions affecting themother and/or infant just before and just after thebirth of a babyperineal

perineal /!per"|$ni%#l/ adjective referring to theperineumperineoplasty

perineoplasty /!peri |$ni%#pl'sti/ noun a surgi-cal operation to repair the perineum by graftingtissueperineorrhaphy

perineorrhaphy /!perini |$)%r#fi/ noun a surgi-cal operation to stitch up a perineum which hastorn during childbirthperinephric

perinephric /!peri |$nefr"k/ adjective around thekidneyperinephritis

perinephritis /!perin"|$fra"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of tissue round the kidney, which spreadsfrom an infected kidneyperineum

perineum /!per" |$ni%#m/ noun the skin and tis-sue between the opening of the urethra and theanusperineurium

perineurium /!peri |$nj*#ri#m/ noun connec-tive tissue which surrounds bundles of nervefibresperiocular

periocular /!peri |$(kj*l#/ adjective around theeyeballperiodic

periodic /!p"#ri |$(d"k/ adjective occurring fromtime to time ! He has periodic attacks ofmigraine. ! She has to go to the clinic for peri-odic checkups.

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227 permeabilityperiodic fever

periodic fever /!p"#ri(d"k $fi%v#/ noun a dis-ease of the kidneys, common in Mediterraneancountriesperiodic paralysis

periodic paralysis /!p"#ri(d"k p#|$r'l#s"s/noun recurrent attacks of weakness where thelevel of potassium in the blood is lowperiodontal

periodontal /!peri#*|$d(nt(#)l/, periodontic/!peri#*|$d(nt"k/ adjective referring to the areaaround the teethperiodontal membrane

periodontal membrane /!peri#*d(nt(#)l$membre"n/, periodontal ligament/!peri#*d(nt(#)l $l"1#m#nt/ noun a ligamentwhich attaches a tooth to the bone of the jawperiodontics

periodontics /!peri#*|$d(nt"ks/, periodontia/!peri#*|$d(n/#/ noun the study of diseases of theperiodontal membraneperiodontist

periodontist /!peri#*|$d(nt"st/ noun a dentistwho specialises in the treatment of gum diseasesperiodontitis

periodontitis /!peri#*d(n |$ta"t"s/ noun aninfection of the periodontal membrane leading topyorrhoea, and resulting in the teeth falling out ifuntreatedperiodontium

periodontium /!peri#*|$d(n/i#m/ noun 1. thegums, bone and periodontal membrane around atooth 2. same as periodontal membraneperionychia

perionychia /!peri#* |$n"ki#/, perionyxis/!peri#*|$n"ks"s/ noun a painful swelling round afingernailperioperative

perioperative /!peri |$(p(#)r#t"v/ adjectivebefore and after a surgical operationperiorbital

periorbital /!peri#* |$)%b"t(#)l/ adjective aroundthe eye socketperiosteal

periosteal /!peri|$(sti#l/ adjective referring to,or attached to, the periosteumperiosteotome

periosteotome /!peri |$(sti#*t#*m/ noun asurgical instrument used to cut the periosteumperiosteum

periosteum /!peri|$(sti#m/ noun a dense layerof connective tissue around a bone. See illustra-tion at BONE STRUCTURE in Supplementperiosteum elevator

periosteum elevator /!peri(sti#m $el#ve"t#/noun a surgical instrument used to remove theperiosteum from a boneperiostitis

periostitis /!peri#|$sta"t"s/ noun inflammationof the periosteumperipheral

peripheral /p#|$r"f(#)r#l/ adjective at the edgeperipheral nerves

peripheral nerves /p# |$r"f(#)r#l n-%vz/ pluralnoun the parts of motor and sensory nerves whichbranch from the brain and spinal cordperipheral nervous system

peripheral nervous system /p# |!r"f(#)r#l$n-%v#s !s"st#m/ noun all the nerves in differentparts of the body which are linked and governedby the central nervous system. Abbreviation PNSperipheral resistance

peripheral resistance /p# |!r"f(#)r#l r"|

$z"st#ns/ noun the ability of the peripheral bloodvessels to slow down the flow of blood insidethem

peripheral vascular disease

peripheral vascular disease /p# |!r"f(#)r#l$v'skj*l# d" |!ziz%z/ noun a disease affecting theblood vessels which supply the arms and legsperipheral vasodilator

peripheral vasodilator /p# |!r"f(#)r#l!ve"z#*da"|$le"t#/ noun a chemical substancewhich acts to widen the blood vessels in the armsand legs and so improves bad circulationperiphery

periphery /p# |$r"f(#)ri/ noun 1. the regions ofthe body where the nerves end, such as the senseorgans or the muscles 2. the surface of somethingperiproctitis

periproctitis /!peripr(k|$ta"t"s/ noun swellingof the tissues around the rectumperistalsis

peristalsis /!per"|$st'ls"s/ noun the movement,like waves, produced by alternate contraction andrelaxation of muscles along an organ such as theintestine or oesophagus, which pushes the con-tents of the organ along it. Compare antiperistal-sisperistaltic

peristaltic /!per" |$st'lt"k/ adjective occurringin waves, as in peristalsisperitendinitis

peritendinitis /!peritendi |$na"t"s/ noun sameas tenosynovitisperitoneal

peritoneal /!per"t# |$ni%#l/ adjective referring to,or belonging to, the peritoneumperitoneal cavity

peritoneal cavity /!per"t#ni%#l $k'v"ti/ nouna space between the layers of the peritoneum,containing the major organs of the abdomenperitoneal dialysis

peritoneal dialysis /!per"t#ni%#l da" |$'l#s"s/noun removing waste matter from someone’sblood by introducing fluid into the peritoneumwhich then acts as a filter, as opposed to haemo-dialysisperitoneoscope

peritoneoscope /!peri |$t#*ni#sk#*p/ nounsame as laparoscopeperitoneoscopy

peritoneoscopy /!perit#*ni|$(sk#pi/ nounsame as laparoscopyperitoneum

peritoneum /!per"t#|$ni%#m/ noun a membranewhich lines the abdominal cavity and covers theorgans in itperitonitis

peritonitis /!per"t#|$na"t"s/ noun inflammationof the peritoneum as a result of bacterial infectionperitonsillar

peritonsillar /!peri |$t(ns"l#/ adjective aroundthe tonsilsperitonsillar abscess

peritonsillar abscess /!perit(ns"l# $'bses/noun same as quinsyperityphlitis

perityphlitis /!perit"|$fla"t"s/ noun swelling ofthe tissues around the caecumPERLA

PERLA abbreviation Pupils Equal and Reactiveto Light and Accommodationperle

perle /p-%l/ noun a soft capsule of medicineperleche

perleche /p-% |$le// noun inflammation, withsmall cracks, at the corners of the mouth, causedby infection, poor diet, or producing too muchsalivapermeability

permeability /!p-%mi# |$b"l"ti/ noun (of a mem-brane) the ability to allow some substances topass through

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permeable membrane 228permeable membrane

permeable membrane /!p-%mi#b(#)l$membre"n/ noun a membrane which allowssome substances to pass through itpernicious

pernicious /p# |$n"/#s/ adjective harmful ordangerous, or unusually severe and likely to endin deathpernicious anaemia

pernicious anaemia /p#|!n"/#s #|$ni%mi#/noun a disease where an inability to absorb vita-min B12 prevents the production of red blood cellsand damages the spinal cord. Also called Addi-son’s anaemiaperniosis

perniosis /!p-%ni|$#*s"s/ noun any conditioncaused by cold which affects blood vessels in theskinpero-

pero- /per#*/ prefix malformed or impairedperoneal

peroneal /!per#* |$ni%#l/ adjective referring tothe outside of the legperoneal muscle

peroneal muscle /!per#*|$ni%#l !m.s(#)l/,peroneus /!per#*|$ni%#s/ noun one of three mus-cles, the peroneus brevis, longus and tertius, onthe outside of the lower leg which make the legturn outwardsperoperative

peroperative /p# |$r(p(#)r#t"v/ adjective takingplace during a surgical operationperoral

peroral /p#|$r)%r#l/ adjective through the mouthper os

per os /p#r $(s/ adverb referring to a drug orother substance to be taken through the mouthpersistent vegetative state

persistent vegetative state /p# |!s"st#nt$ved+"t#t"v ste"t/ noun a condition in whichsomeone is alive and breathes, but shows no brainactivity, and will never recover consciousness.Abbreviation PVSpersonal care

personal care /$p-%s(#)n#l ke#/ noun the actof washing, toileting and dressing someone whocannot do these things for themselvespersonal digital assistant

personal digital assistant /!p-%s(#)n(#)l!d"d+"t(#)l # |$s"st#nt/ noun full form of PDApersonal hygiene

personal hygiene /!p-%s(#)n(#)l $ha"d+i%n/noun the standards someone has of looking afterparts of their body such as hair, skin, teeth andbreath, hands and nails, and keeping them cleanpersonality

personality /!p-%s#|$n'l"ti/ noun all the charac-teristics which are typical of one particular personand the way he or she thinks and behaves, andwhich make him or her different from other peo-plepersonality disorder

personality disorder /!p-%s# |$n'l"ti d"s|

!)%d#/ noun a disorder which affects the way aperson behaves, especially in relation to otherpeopleperspiration

perspiration /!p-%sp#|$re"/(#)n/ noun sweat orthe action of sweating ! Perspiration broke outon her forehead.Perthes’ disease

Perthes’ disease /$p-%ti%z d"|!zi%z/, Perthes’hip /!p-%ti%z $h"p/ noun a disease found in youngboys, in which the upper end of the femur degen-erates and does not develop as expected, some-times resulting in a permanent limp


pertussis /p# |$t.s"s/ noun same as whoopingcoughperversion

perversion /p#|$v-%/(#)n/ noun a form ofbehaviour which is thought to be unnatural, dan-gerous or disgusting ! He is suffering from aform of sexual perversion.pes

pes /pes/ noun a footPESA

PESA abbreviation percutaneous epididymalsperm aspirationpes cavus

pes cavus /!pes $ke"v#s/ noun same as clawfootpes planus

pes planus /!pes $ple"n#s/ noun same as flatfootpessary

pessary /$pes#ri/ noun 1. a drug in solublematerial which is pushed into the vagina andabsorbed into the blood there. Also called vagi-nal suppository 2. a contraceptive device worninside the vagina to prevent spermatozoa entering3. a device like a ring, which is put into the vaginaas treatment for prolapse of the uteruspesticide

pesticide /$pest"sa"d/ noun a substance whichkills pestsPET

PET abbreviation positron-emission tomographypetechia

petechia /pe |$ti%ki#/ noun a small red spotwhich does not go white when pressed, caused bybleeding under the skin (NOTE: The plural ispetechiae.)pethidine

pethidine /$pe,"di%n/ noun a synthetically pro-duced narcotic drug, used to reduce pain and as asedativepetit mal

petit mal /!peti $m'l/ noun a less severe form ofepilepsy, where loss of consciousness attacks lastonly a few seconds and the person appears simplyto be thinking deeply. Compare grand malPetri dish

Petri dish /$pi%tri d"// noun a small glass orplastic dish with a lid, in which a culture is grownpetrissage

petrissage /!petr"|$s&%+/ noun an action used inmassaging the musclespetrositis

petrositis /!petr#*|$sa"t"s/ noun inflammationof the petrous part of the temporal bonepetrous

petrous /$petr#s/ adjective like stonepetrous bone

petrous bone /$petr#s b#*n/ noun the part ofthe temporal bone which forms the base of theskull and the inner and middle ears-pexy

-pexy /peksi/ suffix referring to fixation of anorgan by surgeryPeyer’s patches

Peyer’s patches /!pa"#z $p't/"z/ plural nounpatches of lymphoid tissue on the mucous mem-brane of the small intestine [Described 1677.After Johann Conrad Peyer (1653–1712), Swissanatomist.]Peyronie’s disease

Peyronie’s disease /$per#ni%z d"|!zi%z/ noun acondition associated with Dupuytren’s contrac-ture in which hard fibre develops in the peniswhich becomes painful when erect [Described1743. After François de la Peyronie (1678–1747), Surgeon to Louis XV in Paris, France.]

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229 pharyngeal tonsilsPGD

PGD /!pi% d+i% $di%/ noun a document that allowsthe supply of prescription-only drugs to a groupof patients without individual prescriptions. Fullform patient-group directionpH

pH /!pi% $e"t// noun the concentration of hydro-gen ions in a solution, which determines its acid-ityphaco-

phaco- /f'k#*/ prefix referring to the lens of theeyephacoemulsification

phacoemulsification /!f'k#*" |!m.ls"f" |

$ke"/(#)n/ noun an ultrasonic technique whichturns a cataract in the eye into liquid. It is thenremoved by suction and a plastic lens is put intothe eye.phaeochromocytoma

phaeochromocytoma /!fi%#* |!kr#*m#*sa"|

$t#*m#/ noun a tumour of the adrenal glandswhich affects the secretion of hormones such asadrenaline, which in turn results in hypertensionand hyperglycaemiaphag-

phag- /f'1/ prefix same as phago- (used beforevowels)phage

phage /fe"d+/ noun same as bacteriophage-phage

-phage /fe"d+/ suffix referring to somethingwhich eats-phagia

-phagia /fe"d+#/ suffix referring to eatingphago-

phago- /f'1#*/ prefix referring to eatingphagocyte

phagocyte /$f'1#*sa"t/ noun a cell, especiallya white blood cell, which can surround anddestroy other cells such as bacteria cellsphagocytic

phagocytic /!f'1#|$s"t"k/ adjective referring tophagocytes ! Monocytes become phagocyticduring infection.phagocytosis

phagocytosis /!f'1#*sa"|$t#*s"s/ noundestruction of bacteria cells and foreign bodies byphagocytesphakic

phakic /$f'k"k/ adjective referring to an eyewhich has its natural lensphako-

phako- /f'k#*/ prefix same as phaco-phalangeal

phalangeal /f# |$l'nd+i#l/ adjective referring tothe phalangesphalanges

phalanges /f#|$l'nd+i%z/ plural of phalanxphalanx

phalanx /$f'l'0ks/ noun a bone in a finger ortoe. See illustration at HAND in Supplement,FOOT in Supplementphalloplasty

phalloplasty /$f'l#*pl'sti/ noun a surgicaloperation to repair a damaged or deformed penisphantom limb

phantom limb /!f'nt#m $l"m/ noun a condi-tion in which someone seems to feel sensations ina limb which has been amputatedphantom pregnancy

phantom pregnancy /!f'nt#m $pre1n#nsi/noun same as pseudocyesisphantom tumour

phantom tumour /!f'nt#m $tju%m#/ noun acondition in which a swelling occurs which imi-tates a swelling caused by a tumourpharmaceutical

pharmaceutical /!f&%m#|$sju%t"k(#)l/ adjec-tive referring to pharmacy or drugs


pharmaceuticals /!f&%m# |$sju%t"k(#)lz/ pluralnoun drugs prescribed as medicinesPharmaceutical Society

Pharmaceutical Society /!f&%m#|$sju%t"k(#)ls#|!sa"#ti/ noun a professional association forpharmacistspharmacist

pharmacist /$f&%m#s"st/ noun a trained personwho is qualified to prepare medicines accordingto the instructions on a doctor’s prescriptionpharmaco-

pharmaco- /f&%m#k#*/ prefix referring todrugspharmacodynamic

pharmacodynamic /!f&%m#k#*da" |$n'm"k/adjective referring to a property of a drug whichaffects the part where it is appliedpharmacodynamics

pharmacodynamics /!f&%m#k#*da"|

$n'm"ks/ plural noun the study of the effects ofdrugs on living organisms, and especially of howmuch the body’s response changes when youincrease the dose of a drug. Compare pharma-cokinetics (NOTE: Takes a singular verb.)pharmacokinetic

pharmacokinetic /!f&%m#k#*ka" |$net"k/adjective referring to a property of a drug whichhas an effect over a period of timepharmacokinetics

pharmacokinetics /!f&%m#k#*ka"|$net"ks/plural noun 1. the study of how the body reacts todrugs over a period of time. Compare pharmaco-dynamics (NOTE: Takes a singular verb.) 2. theway in which a drug interacts with the bodypharmacological

pharmacological /!f&%m#k# |$l(d+"k(#)l/adjective referring to pharmacologypharmacologist

pharmacologist /!f&%m# |$k(l#d+"st/ noun ascientist who specialises in the study of drugspharmacology

pharmacology /!f&%m#|$k(l#d+i/ noun thestudy of drugs or medicines, and their actions,properties and characteristicspharmacopoeia

pharmacopoeia /!f&%m#k#|$pi%#/ noun an offi-cial list of drugs, their methods of preparation,dosages and the ways in which they should beusedpharmacy

pharmacy /$f&%m#si/ noun 1. the study of themaking and dispensing of drugs ! He has a qual-ification in pharmacy. 2. a shop or department ina hospital where drugs are preparedPharmacy Act

Pharmacy Act /$f&%m#si 'kt/ noun in the UK,one of several Acts of Parliament which regulatethe making, prescribing and selling of drugs, e.g.the Pharmacy and Poisons Act 1933, the Misuseof Drugs Act 1971 and the Poisons Act 1972pharyng-

pharyng- /f'r"nd+/ prefix same as pharyngo-(used before vowels)pharyngeal

pharyngeal /!f'r"n |$d+i%#l/ adjective referringto the pharynxpharyngeal pouch

pharyngeal pouch /!f'r"nd+i%#l $pa*t//noun one of the pouches on each side of the throatof an embryo. Also called visceral pouchpharyngeal tonsils

pharyngeal tonsils /!f'r"nd+i%#l $t(ns(#)lz/plural noun same as adenoids

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pharyngectomy 230pharyngectomy

pharyngectomy /!f'r"n|$d+ekt#mi/ noun thesurgical removal of part of the pharynx, especiallyin cases of cancer of the pharynxpharyngismus

pharyngismus /!f'r"n|$d+"zm#s/, pharyng-ism /$f'r"nd+"z(#)m/ noun a spasm which con-tracts the muscles of the pharynxpharyngitis

pharyngitis /!f'r"n |$d+a"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the pharynxpharyngo-

pharyngo- /f#r"01#*/ prefix referring to thepharynxpharyngolaryngeal

pharyngolaryngeal /f#|!r"01#*l# |$r"nd+i#l/adjective referring to the pharynx and the larynxpharyngoscope

pharyngoscope /f#|$r"01#*sk#*p/ noun aninstrument with a light attached, used by a doctorto examine the pharynxpharyngotympanic tube

pharyngotympanic tube /f# |!r"01#*t"m|

!p'n"k $tju%b/ noun one of two tubes which con-nect the back of the throat to the middle ear. Alsocalled eustachian tubepharynx

pharynx /$f'r"0ks/ noun a muscular passageleading from the back of the mouth to theoesophagus (NOTE: The plural is pharynges orpharynxes.)phenazopyridine

phenazopyridine /f# |!n'z#*|$p"r"di%n/ noun adrug used to reduce pain in conditions of the uri-nary tract, such as cystitisphenobarbitone

phenobarbitone /!fi%n#* |$b&%b"t#*n/ noun abarbiturate drug which is used as a sedative, ahypnotic and an anticonvulsantphenolphenol /$fi%n(l/ noun a strong disinfectant usedfor external use. Also called carbolic acidphenomenon

phenomenon /f#|$n(m"n#n/ noun 1. a fact orsituation which can be observed 2. someone orsomething that is considered to be extraordinaryand marvellousphenotype

phenotype /$fi%n#ta"p/ noun the particularcharacteristics of an organism. Compare geno-typephenylalanine

phenylalanine /!fi%na"l|$'l#ni%n/ noun anessential amino acidphenylketonuria

phenylketonuria /!fi%na"l|!ki%t#* |$nj*#ri#/noun a hereditary condition which affects the wayin which the body breaks down phenylalanine,which in turn concentrates toxic metabolites inthe nervous system causing brain damagephenytoin

phenytoin /$fen"t)"n/ noun a drug which helpsto prevent convulsions, used in the treatment ofepilepsyphial

phial /$fa"#l/ noun a small medicine bottle-philia

-philia /f"li#/ suffix attraction to or liking forsomethingphiltrum

philtrum /$f"ltr#m/ noun a groove in the centreof the top lipphimosis

phimosis /fa" |$m#*s"s/ noun a condition inwhich the foreskin is tight and has to be removedby circumcisionphleb-

phleb- /fleb/ prefix same as phlebo- (usedbefore vowels)

phlebectomyphlebectomy /fl" |$bekt#mi/ noun the surgicalremoval of a vein or part of a veinphlebitisphlebitis /fl" |$ba"t"s/ noun inflammation of aveinphlebo-phlebo- /fleb#*/ prefix referring to a veinphlebogramphlebogram /$fleb#1r'm/ noun an X-ray pic-ture of a vein or system of veins. Also called ven-ogramphlebographyphlebography /fl" |$b(1r#fi/ noun an X-rayexamination of a vein using a radio-opaque dye sothat the vein will show up on the film. Also calledvenographyphlebolithphlebolith /$fleb#l",/ noun a stone which formsin a vein as a result of an old thrombus becomingcalcifiedphlebothrombosisphlebothrombosis /!fleb#*,r(m|$b#*s"s/noun a blood clot in a deep vein in the legs or pel-vis, which can easily detach and form an embolusin a lungphlebotomyphlebotomy /fl"|$b(t#mi/ noun an operationwhere a vein or an artery is cut so that blood canbe removed, as when taking blood from a donorphlegmphlegm /flem/ noun same as sputum ! Shewas coughing up phlegm into her handkerchief.phlegmasia alba dolensphlegmasia alba dolens /fle1 |!me"zi# !'lb#$d#*l#ns/ noun same as milk legphlyctenaphlyctena /fl"k |$ti%n#/, phlycten /$fl"kt#n/noun 1. a small blister caused by a burn 2. a smallvesicle on the conjunctivaphlyctenulephlyctenule /fl"k|$tenju%l/ noun a tiny blisteron the cornea or conjunctivaphobiaphobia /$f#*bi#/ noun an unusually strong andirrational fear ! She has a phobia about or ofdogs. ! Fear of snakes is one of the commonestphobias.-phobia-phobia /f#*bi#/ suffix neurotic fear of some-thing ! agoraphobia ! claustrophobiaphobicphobic /$f#*b"k/ adjective referring to a phobia-phobic-phobic /f#*b"k/ suffix a person who has a pho-bia of somethingphocomeliaphocomelia /!f#*k# |$mi%li#/, phocomely /f#*|

$k(m#li/ noun a congenital condition in whichthe upper parts of the limbs are missing or poorlydeveloped, leaving the hands or feet directlyattached to the bodyphon-phon- /f#*n/ prefix same as phono- (usedbefore vowels)phonationphonation /f#* |$ne"/(#)n/ noun the productionof vocal sounds, especially speechphoniatricsphoniatrics /!f#*ni|$'tr"ks/ noun the study ofspeech and disorders related to itphono-phono- /f#*n#*/ prefix referring to sound orvoicephonocardiogramphonocardiogram /!f#*n#* |$k&%di#1r'm/noun a chart of the sounds made by the heartphonocardiographyphonocardiography /!f#*n#* |!k&%di |$(1r#fi/noun the process of recording the sounds made bythe heart

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231 physical medicinephonology

phonology /f# |$n(l#d+i/ noun the study of thesystem of speech sounds used in a particular lan-guage or in human speech generallyphonosurgery

phonosurgery /$f#*n#*|!s-%d+#ri/ noun sur-gery performed to alter the quality of the voicephosphatase

phosphatase /$f(sf#te"z/ noun a group ofenzymes which are important in the cycle of mus-cle contraction and in the calcification of bonesphosphate

phosphate /$f(sfe"t/ noun a salt of phosphoricacidphosphaturia

phosphaturia /!f(sf# |$tj*#ri#/ noun the pres-ence of excess phosphates in the urinephospholipid

phospholipid /!f(sf#* |$l"p"d/ noun a com-pound with fatty acids, which is one of the maincomponents of membranous tissuephosphorescent

phosphorescent /!f(sf# |$res(#)nt/ adjectiveshining without producing heatphosphoric acid

phosphoric acid /f(s|!f(r"k $'s"d/ noun anacid which is very soluble in water and gives riseto acid, neutral and alkali saltsphosphorus

phosphorus /$f(sf(#)r#s/ noun a toxic chemi-cal element which is present in very small quanti-ties in bones and nerve tissue. It causes burns if ittouches the skin, and can poison if swallowed.(NOTE: The chemical symbol is P.)phosphorylase

phosphorylase /f(s|$f(r"le"z/ noun anenzyme that aids the process of carbohydratemetabolismphot-

phot- /f(t, f#*t/ prefix same as photo- (usedbefore vowels)photalgia

photalgia /f#*|$t'ld+#/ noun pain in the eyecaused by bright lightphoto-

photo- /f#*t#*/ prefix referring to lightphotoablation

photoablation /!f#*t#*#|$ble"/(#)n/ noun theremoval of tissue using lasersphotocoagulation

photocoagulation /!f#*t#* |k#* |!'1j*|

$le"/(#)n/ noun the process in which tissue coag-ulates from the heat caused by light, used to treata detached retinaphotodermatosis

photodermatosis /!f#*t#*|!d-%m#|$t#*s"s/noun a lesion of the skin after exposure to brightlightphotogenic

photogenic /!f#*t#|$d+en"k/ adjective 1. pro-duced by the action of light 2. producing lightphotophobia

photophobia /!f#*t#*|$f#*bi#/ noun a condi-tion in which the eyes become sensitive to lightand conjunctivitis may be caused (NOTE: It can beassociated with measles and some other infec-tious diseases.)photophthalmia

photophthalmia /!f#*t(f |$,'lmi#/ nouninflammation of the eye caused by bright light, asin snow blindnessphotopic vision

photopic vision /f#*|!t(p"k $v"+(#)n/ nounvision which is adapted to bright light such asdaylight, using the cones in the retina instead ofthe rods, which are used in scotopic vision. ! lightadaptation


photopsia /f#* |$t(psi#/ noun a condition of theeye in which someone sees flashes of lightphotoreceptor neurone

photoreceptor neurone /!f#*t#*r"|!sept#$nj*#r#*n/ noun a rod or cone in the retina,which is sensitive to light or colourphotoretinitis

photoretinitis /!f#*t#*reti|$na"t"s/ noun dam-age to a retina caused by looking directly at thesun. Also called sun blindnessphotosensitive

photosensitive /!f#*t#* |$sens"t"v/ adjectivesensitive to light, or stimulated by lightphotosensitivity

photosensitivity /!f#*t#*sens" |$t"v"ti/ nounthe fact of being sensitive to lightphototherapy

phototherapy /!f#*t#* |$,er#pi/ noun a treat-ment for jaundice and vitamin D deficiency,which involves exposing the person to ultravioletraysphren-

phren- /fren/ prefix same as phreno- (usedbefore vowels)-phrenia

-phrenia /fri%ni#/ suffix disorder of the mindphrenic

phrenic /$fren"k/ adjective referring to the dia-phragmphrenic nerve

phrenic nerve /$fren"k n-%v/ noun a pair ofnerves which controls the muscles in the dia-phragmphreno-

phreno- /fren#*/ prefix 1. referring to the brain2. referring to the phrenic nervepH test

pH test /!pi% $e"t/ test/ noun a test to see howacid or alkaline a solution isphthiriasis

phthiriasis /,"|$ra"#s"s/ noun infestation withthe crab lousePhthirius pubis

Phthirius pubis /!,a"#ri#s $pju%b"s/ noun alouse which infests the pubic region. Also calledpubic louse, crabphysi-

physi- /f"zi/ prefix same as physio- (usedbefore vowels)physical

physical /$f"z"k(#)l/ adjective referring to thebody, as opposed to the mind " noun a physicalexamination ! He has to pass a physical beforebeing accepted by the police force.physical drug dependence

physical drug dependence /!f"z"k(#)l $dr.1d"|!pend#ns/ noun a state where a person isaddicted to a drug such as heroin and suffersphysical effects if he or she stops or reduces thedrugphysical education

physical education /!f"z"k(#)l !edj*|

$ke"/(#)n/ noun the teaching of sports and exer-cises in schoolphysical examination

physical examination /!f"z"k(#)l "1|!z'm"|

$ne"/(#)n/ noun an examination of someone’sbody to see if he or she is healthyphysical genetic trait

physical genetic trait /!f"z"k(#)l d+#|$net"ktre"t/ noun a characteristic of the body of a per-son, e.g. red hair or big feet, which is inheritedphysical medicine

physical medicine /!f"z"k(#)l $med(#)s"n/noun a branch of medicine which deals withphysical disabilities or with treatment of disordersafter they have been diagnosed

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physical sign 232physical sign

physical sign /!f"z"k(#)l $sa"n/ noun a symp-tom which can be seen on someone’s body orwhich can be produced by percussion and palpita-tionphysical therapy

physical therapy /!f"z"k(#)l $,er#pi/ noun thetreatment of disorders by heat, by massage, byexercise and other physical meansphysician

physician /f" |$z"/(#)n/ noun a registered doctorwho is not a surgeonphysio

physio /$f"zi#*/ noun (informal) 1. a session ofphysiotherapy treatment 2. a physiotherapistphysio-

physio- /f"zi#*/ prefix 1. referring to physiology2. physicalphysiological

physiological /!f"zi# |$l(d+"k(#)l/ adjectivereferring to physiology and the regular functionsof the bodyphysiological saline

physiological saline /!f"zi# |l(d+"k(#)l$se"la"n/, physiological solution /!f"zi#|

l(d+"k(#)l s# |$lu%/(#)n/ noun any solution used tokeep cells or tissue alivephysiological tremor

physiological tremor /!f"zi#l(d+"k(#)l$trem#/ noun a small movement of the limbswhich takes place when a person tries to remainstillphysiologist

physiologist /!f"zi |$(l#d+"st/ noun a scientistwho specialises in the study of the functions ofliving organismsphysiology

physiology /!f"zi|$(l#d+i/ noun the study ofregular body functionsphysiotherapist

physiotherapist /!f"zi#*|$,er#p"st/ noun atrained specialist who gives physiotherapyphysiotherapy

physiotherapy /!f"zi#*|$,er#pi/ noun the treat-ment of a disorder or condition by exercise, mas-sage, heat treatment, infrared lamps or otherexternal means, e.g. to restore strength or functionafter a disease or injuryphysiotherapy clinic

physiotherapy clinic /!f"zi#*|$,er#pi !kl"n"k/noun a clinic where people can have physiother-apyphysique

physique /f" |$zi%k/ noun the shape and size of aperson’s bodyphyso-

physo- /fa"s#*/ prefix 1. tending to swell 2.relating to air or gasphyt-

phyt- /fa"t/, phyto- /fa"t#*/ prefix referring toplants or coming from plantsPI

PI abbreviation pressure indexpia

pia /$pa"#/, pia mater /!pa"# $me"t#/ noun thedelicate innermost membrane of the three whichcover the brain. ! arachnoid, dura materpica

pica /$pa"k#/ noun a desire to eat things whichare not food, e.g. wood or paper, often found inpregnant women and small childrenPick’s disease

Pick’s disease /$p"ks d" |!zi%z/ noun a rare formof presenile dementia, in which a disorder of thelipoid metabolism causes mental impairment,anaemia, loss of weight and swelling of the spleenand liver

pico-pico- /pi%k#*/ prefix one million millionth (10-

12). Symbol ppicomolepicomole /$pi%k#*m#*l/ noun a unit of meas-urement of the amount of substance equal to onemillion millionth of a mole. Symbol pmolPierre Robin syndromePierre Robin syndrome /!pje# r(|$b'n!s"ndr#*m/ noun a combination of facial featuresincluding a small lower jaw and a cleft palate thatexist at birth, causing breathing and feeding prob-lems early in a child’s lifepigeon breastpigeon breast /$p"d+"n brest/, pigeon chest/$p"d+#n t/est/ noun same as pectus carinatumpigeon toes

pigeon toes /$p"d+#n t#*z/ plural noun a con-dition in which the feet turn towards the insidewhen a person is standing uprightpigment

pigment /$p"1m#nt/ noun a substance whichgives colour to part of the body such as blood, theskin or hairpigmentation

pigmentation /!p"1men|$te"/(#)n/ noun thecolouring of the body, especially that produced bydeposits of pigmentPIHPIH abbreviation pregnancy-induced hyperten-sionpilespiles /pa"lz/ plural noun same as haemorrhoidspilipili /$pa"la"/ " arrector pilipillpill /p"l/ noun a small hard round ball of medica-tion that is taken by swallowing ! He has to takethe pills twice a day. # the pill an oral contracep-tive. ! morning-after pill # on the pill taking aregular course of contraceptive pillspillarpillar /$p"l#/ noun a part that is long and thinpilo-pilo- /pa"l#*/ prefix referring to hairpilocarpinepilocarpine /!pa"l#*|$k&%pi%n/ noun an organiccompound of plant origin which is used in eyedrops to treat glaucomapilomotorpilomotor /!pa"l#*|$m#*t#/ adjective referringto something that moves the hairs of the skinpilomotor nerve

pilomotor nerve /!pa"l#*|$m#*t# !n-%v/ nouna nerve which supplies the arrector pili musclesattached to hair folliclespilomotor reflex

pilomotor reflex /!pa"l#* |$m#*t# !ri%fleks/noun a reaction of the dermal papillae of the skinto cold and fear which causes the hairs on the skinto become erectpilonidalpilonidal /!pa"l#|$na"d(#)l/ adjective relating toa cyst or cavity which has a growth of hairpilonidal cystpilonidal cyst /!pa"l#na"d(#)l $s"st/ noun acyst containing hair, usually found at the bottomof the spine near the buttockspilonidal sinuspilonidal sinus /!pa"l#na"d(#)l $sa"n#s/ nouna small depression with hairs at the base of thespinepilosispilosis /pa"|$l#*s"s/, pilosism /$pa"l#s"z(#)m/noun a condition in which someone has an unu-sual amount of hair or where hair is present in anunusual placepilot studypilot study /$pa"l#t !st.di/ noun a small ver-sion of a project which is carried out first, in order

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233 placental barrier

to discover how well it works and to solve anyproblems, before going ahead with the full ver-sionpilus

pilus /$pa"l#s/ noun one hair (NOTE: The pluralis pili.)pimple

pimple /$p"mp#l/ noun a small swelling on theskin, containing pus ! He had pimples on hisneck.pineal

pineal /$p"ni#l/ adjective relating to or releasedby the pineal glandpineal body

pineal body /$p"ni#l !b(di/, pineal gland/$p"ni#l 1l'nd/ noun a small cone-shaped glandsituated below the corpus callosum in the brain,which produces melatonin and is believed to beassociated with the circadian rhythm. See illustra-tion at BRAIN in Supplementpinguecula

pinguecula /p"0|$1wekj*l#/, pinguicula /p"0|

$1w"kj*l#/ noun a condition affecting elderlypeople, in which the conjunctiva in the eyes hassmall yellow growths near the edge of the cornea,usually on the nasal sidepinna

pinna /$p"n#/ noun the outer ear, the part of theear which is outside the head, connected by a pas-sage to the eardrum. See illustration at EAR inSupplementpinnaplasty

pinnaplasty /$p"n#pl'sti/ noun a cosmeticsurgical procedure to correct the shape of the earpinocytosis

pinocytosis /!pi%n#*sa"|$t#*s"s/ noun theprocess by which a cell surrounds and takes influidpins and needles

pins and needles /!p"nz #n $ni%d(#)lz/ nounan unpleasant tingling sensation, usually occur-ring after a temporarily restricted blood supplyreturns to an arm or leg (informal) ! paraesthe-siaPIP

PIP abbreviation proximal interphalangeal jointpiriform fossae

piriform fossae /!p"rif)%m $f(si%/ plural nounthe two hollows at the sides of the upper end ofthe larynxPiriton

Piriton /$p"r"t(n/ a trade name for chlorphe-niraminepiroxicam

piroxicam /p"|$r(ks"k'm/ noun a non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drug used in the treatment ofrheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritisPIs

PIs abbreviation performance indicatorspisiform

pisiform /$p"sif)%m/, pisiform bone /$p"sif)%mb#*n/ noun one of the eight small carpal bones inthe wrist. See illustration at HAND in Supplementpit

pit /p"t/ noun a hollow place on a surfacepitting

pitting /$p"t"0/ noun the formation of hollows inthe skinpituitary

pituitary /p" |$tju%"t(#)ri/ adjective 1. relating toor produced by the pituitary gland 2. caused by adisturbance of the pituitary gland " noun same aspituitary glandpituitary body

pituitary body /p"|$tju%"t(#)ri !b(di/ nounsame as pituitary gland

pituitary fossa

pituitary fossa /p"|!tju%"t(#)ri $f(s#/ nounsame as sella turcicapituitary gland

pituitary gland /p" |$tju%"t(#)ri 1l'nd/ nounthe main endocrine gland in the body whichsecretes hormones that stimulate other glands.Also called pituitary body, hypophysis cere-bri. See illustration at BRAIN in Supplement

COMMENT: The pituitary gland is about thesize of a pea and hangs down from the baseof the brain, inside the sphenoid bone, on astalk which attaches it to the hypothalamus.The front lobe of the gland (the adenohypo-physis) secretes several hormones (TSH,ACTH) which stimulate the adrenal and thy-roid glands, or which stimulate the produc-tion of sex hormones, melanin and milk. Theposterior lobe of the pituitary gland (the neu-rohypophysis) secretes the antidiuretic hor-mone (ADH) and oxytocin.


pituitrin /p"|$tju%"tr"n/ noun a hormone secretedby the pituitary glandpityriasis

pityriasis /!p"t" |$ra"#s"s/ noun any skin diseasein which the skin develops thin scalespityriasis alba

pityriasis alba /p"t"|!ra"#s"s $'lb#/ noun a dis-ease affecting children which results in flat whitepatches on the cheeks that usually heal naturallypityriasis capitis

pityriasis capitis /p"t" |!ra"#s"s k#|$pa"t"s/noun " dandruffpityriasis rosea

pityriasis rosea /p"t" |!ra"#s"s $r#*zi#/ noun amild irritating rash affecting young people, whichappears especially in the early part of the year andhas no known causepityriasis rubra

pityriasis rubra /p"t" |!ra"#s"s $ru%br#/ noun aserious, sometimes fatal, skin disease, a type ofexfoliative dermatitis in which the skin turns darkred and is covered with white scalespivot

pivot /$p"v#t/ noun a stem used to attach an arti-ficial crown to the root of a tooth " verb to restand turn on a point ! The atlas bone pivots on thesecond vertebra.pivot joint

pivot joint /$p"v#t d+)"nt/ noun same as tro-choid jointPKD

PKD abbreviation polycystic kidney diseasePKU

PKU abbreviation phenylketonuriaplacebo

placebo /pl#|$si%b#*/ noun a tablet whichappears to be a drug, but has no medicinal sub-stance in itplacebo effect

placebo effect /pl# |$si%b#* "|!fekt/ noun theapparently beneficial effect of telling someonethat he or she is having a treatment, even if this isnot true, caused by the hope that the treatmentwill be effectiveplacenta

placenta /pl# |$sent#/ noun the tissue whichgrows inside the uterus during pregnancy andlinks the baby to the motherplacental

placental /pl#|$sent(#)l/ adjective referring tothe placentaplacental barrier

placental barrier /pl#|!sent(#)l $b'ri#/ noun abarrier which prevents the blood of a fetus and

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placental insufficiency 234

that of the mother from mixing, but allows water,oxygen and hormones to pass from mother tofetusplacental insufficiency

placental insufficiency /pl#|!sent(#)l !"ns#|

$f"/(#)nsi/ noun a condition in which the placentadoes not provide the fetus with the necessary oxy-gen and nutrientsplacenta praevia

placenta praevia /pl# |!sent# $pri%vi#/ noun acondition in which the fertilised egg becomesimplanted in the lower part of the uterus, whichmeans that the placenta lies across the cervix andmay become detached during childbirth andcause brain damage to the babyplagiocephaly

plagiocephaly /!ple"d+i#|$kef#li/ noun a con-dition in which a person has a distorted headshape, from irregular closure of the cranialsuturesplague

plague /ple"1/ noun an infectious disease whichoccurs in epidemics where many people are killedplane

plane /ple"n/ noun a flat surface, especially thatof the body seen from a specific angleplanning

planning /$pl'n"0/ noun the work of decidingand arranging how something should be doneplanta

planta /$pl'nt#/ noun the sole of the footplantar

plantar /$pl'nt#/ adjective referring to the soleof the footplantar arch

plantar arch /!pl'nt#r $&%t// noun the curvedpart of the sole of the foot running along thelength of the foot. Also called longitudinal archplantar flexion

plantar flexion /!pl'nt# $flek/#n/ noun thebending of the toes downwardsplantar reflex

plantar reflex /!pl'nt# $ri%fleks/, plantarresponse /!pl'nt# r"|$sp(ns/ noun the usualdownward movement of the toes when the sole ofthe foot is stroked in the Babinski testplantar region

plantar region /$pl'nt# !ri%d+#n/ noun thesole of the footplantar surface

plantar surface /$pl'nt# !s-%f"s/ noun theskin of the sole of the footplanus

planus /$ple"n#s/ " lichen planusplaque

plaque /pl'k, pl&%k/ noun 1. a flat area 2. a filmof saliva, mucus, bacteria and food residues thatbuilds up on the surface of teeth and can causegum damage-plasia

-plasia /ple"zi#/ suffix referring to somethingwhich develops or growsplasm-

plasm- /pl'z(#)m/ prefix same as plasmo-(used before vowels)plasma

plasma /$pl'zm#/ noun a yellow watery liquidwhich makes up the main part of bloodplasma cell

plasma cell /$pl'zm# sel/ noun a lymphocytewhich produces a particular type of antibodyplasmapheresis

plasmapheresis /!pl'zm#f# |$ri%s"s/ noun anoperation to take blood from someone, then toseparate the red blood cells from the plasma, andto return the red blood cells suspended in a salinesolution to the patient through a transfusion

plasma protein

plasma protein /$pl'zm# !pr#*ti%n/ noun aprotein in plasma, e.g. albumin, gamma globulinor fibrinogenplasmin

plasmin /$pl'zm"n/ noun same as fibrinolysinplasminogen

plasminogen /pl'z |$m"n#d+#n/ noun a sub-stance in blood plasma which becomes activatedand forms plasminplasmo-

plasmo- /pl'zm#*/ prefix referring to bloodplasmaPlasmodium

Plasmodium /pl'z |$m#*di#m/ noun a type ofparasite which infests red blood cells and causesmalariaplaster

plaster /$pl&%st#/ noun a white powder which ismixed with water and used to make a solid sup-port to cover a broken limb ! After his accidenthe had his leg in plaster for two months.plaster cast

plaster cast /$pl&%st# k&%st/ noun a hard sup-port made of bandage soaked in liquid plaster ofParis, which is allowed to harden after beingwrapped round a broken limb and which preventsthe limb moving while the bone healsplaster of Paris

plaster of Paris /!pl&%st#r #v $p'r"s/ noun afine white plaster used to make plaster castsplastic

plastic /$pl'st"k/ noun an artificial materialmade from petroleum, and used to make manyobjects, including replacement organs " adjec-tive able to change shape or develop in differentshapesplastic lymph

plastic lymph /$pl'st"k l"mf/ noun a yellowliquid produced by an inflamed wound whichhelps the healing processplastic surgeon

plastic surgeon /!pl'st"k $s-%d+#n/ noun asurgeon who specialises in plastic surgeryplastic surgery

plastic surgery /!pl'st"k $s-%d+#ri/ noun sur-gery to repair damaged or malformed parts of thebody (informal)

COMMENT: Plastic surgery is especially im-portant in treating accident victims or peoplewho have suffered burns. It is also used tocorrect congenital disorders such as a cleftpalate. When the aim is simply to improvethe patient’s appearance, it is usually re-ferred to as ‘cosmetic surgery’.


plastin /$pl'st"n/ noun same as fibrinolysin-plasty

-plasty /pl'sti/ suffix referring to plastic sur-geryplate

plate /ple"t/ noun a flat sheet of metal or bone !The surgeon inserted a plate in her skull.platelet

platelet /$ple"tl#t/ noun a small blood cellwhich releases thromboplastin and which multi-plies rapidly after an injury, encouraging thecoagulation of blood. Also called thrombocyteplatelet count

platelet count /$ple"tl#t ka*nt/ noun a test tocount the number of platelets in a specific quan-tity of bloodplaty-

platy- /pl'ti/ prefix flatpledget

pledget /$pled+"t/ noun a small piece of gauzeor cotton wool used to protect or apply medica-

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235 pneumococcus

tion to a small enclosed space, such as the ear pas-sage-plegia

-plegia /pli%d+#/ suffix paralysispleio-

pleio- /pla"#*/ prefix same as pleo-pleo-

pleo- /pli%#*/ prefix too manypleocytosis

pleocytosis /!pli%#*sa"|$t#*s"s/ noun a condi-tion in which there are an unusual number of leu-cocytes in the cerebrospinal fluidpleoptics

pleoptics /pli% |$(pt"ks/ noun treatment to helpthe partially sightedplessor

plessor /$ples#/ noun a little hammer with arubber tip, used by doctors to tap tendons to testfor reflexes or for percussion of the chest. Alsocalled plexorplethysmography

plethysmography /!ple,"z |$m(1r#fi/ noun amethod of recording the changes in the volume oforgans, mainly used to measure blood flow in thelimbspleur-

pleur- /pl*#r/ prefix same as pleuro- (usedbefore vowels)pleura

pleura /$pl*#r#/ noun one of two membraneslining the chest cavity and covering each lung(NOTE: The plural is pleuras or pleurae.)pleuracentesis

pleuracentesis /!pl*#r#sen |$ti%s"s/ noun sameas pleurocentesispleural

pleural /$pl*#r#l/ adjective referring to thepleurapleural cavity

pleural cavity /!pl*#r#l $k'v"ti/ noun a spacebetween the inner and outer pleura of the chest.See illustration at LUNGS in Supplementpleural effusion

pleural effusion /!pl*#r#l "|$fju%+(#)n/ nounan excess of fluid formed in the pleural sacpleural fluid

pleural fluid /!pl*#r#l $flu%"d/ noun a fluidwhich forms between the layers of the pleura inpleurisypleural membrane

pleural membrane /!pl*#r#l $membre"n/noun same as pleurapleurectomy

pleurectomy /pl*#|$rekt#mi/ noun the surgicalremoval of part of the pleura which has beenthickened or made stiff by chronic empyemapleurisy

pleurisy /$pl*#r"si/ noun inflammation of thepleura, usually caused by pneumoniapleuritis

pleuritis /pl*# |$ra"t"s/ noun same as pleurisypleuro-

pleuro- /pl*#r#*/ prefix referring to the pleurapleurocentesis

pleurocentesis /!pl*#r#*sen|$ti%s"s/ noun anoperation in which a hollow needle is put into thepleura to drain liquid. Also called pleuracente-sispleurodesis

pleurodesis /!pl*#r#*|$di%s"s/ noun treatmentfor a collapsed lung, in which the inner and outerpleura are stuck togetherpleurodynia

pleurodynia /!pl*#r#* |$d"ni#/ noun pain in themuscles between the ribs, due to rheumaticinflammationpleuropneumonia

pleuropneumonia /!pl*#r#*nj*|$m#*ni#/noun acute lobar pneumonia, the classic type ofpneumonia

plexorplexor /$pleks#/ noun same as plessorplexus

plexus /$pleks#s/ noun a network of nerves,blood vessels or lymphaticsplicaplica /$pla"k#/ noun a foldplicate

plicate /$pla"ke"t/ adjective foldedplicationplication /pla"|$ke"/(#)n/ noun a surgical opera-tion to reduce the size of a muscle or a holloworgan by making folds in its walls and attachingthemploidyploidy /$pl)"di/ noun the number of sets of chro-mosomes within a cellplumbingplumbing /$pl.m"0/ noun any system of tubesor vessels in the body, but especially the urinarysystem (informal humorous)Plummer–Vinson syndromePlummer–Vinson syndrome /!pl.m#$v"ns#n !s"ndr#*m/ noun a type of iron-defi-ciency anaemia, in which the tongue and mouthbecome inflamed and the person cannot swallow[Described 1912 by Plummer, 1919 by Vinson(also described in 1919 by Patterson and BrownKelly, whose names are frequently associatedwith the syndrome). Henry Stanley Plummer(1874–1937), US physician; Porter Paisley Vin-son (1890–1959), physician at the Mayo Clinic,Minnesota, USA.]pluri-

pluri- /pl*#ri/ prefix indicating more than one ofsomethingPMPM abbreviation post mortemPMA

PMA abbreviation progressive muscular atrophypmolpmol symbol picomolePMRPMR abbreviation polymyalgia rheumaticaPMSPMS abbreviation premenstrual syndromePMTPMT abbreviation premenstrual tension-pnea-pnea /pni%#/ suffix same as -pnoeapneo-pneo- /ni%#*/ prefix relating to breathingpneum-pneum- /nju%m/ prefix same as pneumo- (usedbefore vowels)pneumat-pneumat- /nju%m#t/ prefix same as pneumato-(used before vowels)pneumato-pneumato- /nju%m#t#*/ prefix relating to air,gas or breathpneumatocelepneumatocele /nju% |$m't#*si%l/ noun a sac ortumour filled with gaspneumatonometerpneumatonometer /!nju%m#t#|$n(m"t#/noun an instrument which measures the air pres-sure in the eye, used in testing for glaucoma. Itblows a puff of air onto the cornea.pneumatosispneumatosis /!nju%m# |$t#*s"s/ noun theoccurrence of gas in an unusual place in the bodypneumaturiapneumaturia /!nju%m#|$tj*#ri#/ noun the actof passing air or gas in the urinepneumo-pneumo- /nju%m#*/ prefix referring to air, tothe lungs or to breathingpneumococcalpneumococcal /!nju%m#* |$k(k(#)l/ adjectivereferring to pneumococcipneumococcuspneumococcus /!nju%m#*|$k(k#s/ noun abacterium which causes respiratory tract infec-

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tions including pneumonia (NOTE: The plural ispneumococci.)pneumoconiosis

pneumoconiosis /!nju%m#*k#*ni |$#*s"s/noun a lung disease in which fibrous tissue formsin the lungs because the person has inhaled parti-cles of stone or dust over a long period of timepneumocystis carinii pneumonia

pneumocystis carinii pneumonia/!nju%m#*s"st"s k#|!ri%nii nju%|$m#*ni#/ noun aform of pneumonia found in people with impairedimmune systems after radiotherapy or with AIDS.Abbreviation PCPpneumocyte

pneumocyte /$nju%m#*sa"t/ noun a cell of thewalls between the air sacs in the lungpneumoencephalography

pneumoencephalography /!nju%m#*en |

!kef#|$l(1r#fi/ noun same as encephalogrampneumogastric

pneumogastric /!nju%m#* |$1'str"k/ adjectivereferring to the lungs and the stomachpneumograph

pneumograph /$nju%m#1r&%f/ noun an instru-ment which records chest movements duringbreathingpneumohaemothorax

pneumohaemothorax /!nju%m#*|!hi%m#*|

$,)%r'ks/ noun blood or air in the pleural cavity.Also called haemopneumothoraxpneumomycosis

pneumomycosis /!nju%m#*ma" |$k#*s"s/noun an infection of the lungs caused by a funguspneumon-

pneumon- /nju%m#n/ prefix same as pneu-mono- (used before vowels)pneumonectomy

pneumonectomy /!nju%m# |$nekt#mi/ nounthe surgical removal of all or part of a lung. Alsocalled pulmonectomypneumonia

pneumonia /nju% |$m#*ni#/ noun inflammationof a lung, where the tiny alveoli of the lungbecome filled with fluid ! He developed pneumo-nia and had to be hospitalised. ! She died ofpneumonia.pneumonitis

pneumonitis /!nju%m#*|$na"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of the lungspneumono-

pneumono- /nju%m#n#*/ prefix referring to thelungspneumoperitoneum

pneumoperitoneum /!nju%m#*per"t#|

$ni%#m/ noun air in the peritoneal cavitypneumoradiography

pneumoradiography /!nju%m#*|!re"di|

$(1r#fi/ noun an X-ray examination of part of thebody after air or a gas has been inserted to makethe organs show more clearlypneumothorax

pneumothorax /!nju%m#* |$,)%r'ks/ noun acondition in which air or gas is in the thorax. Alsocalled collapsed lung-pnoea

-pnoea /pni%#/ suffix referring to breathingPNS

PNS abbreviation peripheral nervous systempock

pock /p(k/ noun a localised lesion on the skin,due to smallpox or chickenpoxpod-

pod- /p(d/ prefix referring to the footpodagra

podagra /p(|$d'1r#/ same as goutpodalic

podalic /p#*|$d'l"k/ adjective relating to thefeet

podalic version

podalic version /p#*|!d'l"k $v-%/(#)n/ nounthe procedure of turning a fetus in the uterus by itsfeetpodarthritis

podarthritis /!p#*d&%|$,ra"t"s/ noun the swell-ing of one or more joints of the footpodiatrist

podiatrist /p#*|$da"#tr"st/ noun US a personwho specialises in the care of the foot and its dis-easespodiatry

podiatry /p#*|$da"#tri/ noun US the study ofminor diseases and disorders of the feet-poiesis

-poiesis /p)"i%s"s/ suffix referring to somethingwhich formspoikilo-

poikilo- /p)"k"l#*/ prefix irregular or variedpoison

poison /$p)"z(#)n/ noun a substance which cankill or harm body tissues if eaten or drunk " verbto harm or kill someone with a poisonpoisoning

poisoning /$p)"z(#)n"0/ noun a condition inwhich a person is made ill or is killed by a poison-ous substancepoison ivy

poison ivy /!p)"z(#)n $a"vi/, poison oak/!p)"z(#)n $#*k/ noun American plants whoseleaves can cause a painful rash if touchedPoisons Act

Poisons Act /$p)"z(#)nz 'kt/ noun in the UK,one of several Acts of Parliament which regulatethe making, prescribing and selling of drugs, e.g.the Pharmacy and Poisons Act 1933, Misuse ofDrugs Act 1971, or Poisons Act 1972polar

polar /$p#*l#/ adjective with a polepolar body

polar body /!p#*l# $b(di/ noun a small cellwhich is produced from an oocyte but does notdevelop into an ovumpole

pole /p#*l/ noun the end of an axispoli-

poli- /p(li/ prefix same as polio- (used beforevowels)polio

polio /$p#*li#*/ noun same as poliomyelitis(informal)polio-

polio- /p#*li#*/ prefix grey matter in the nervoussystempolioencephalitis

polioencephalitis /!p#*li#*en|!kef# |$la"t"s/noun a type of viral encephalitis, an inflammationof the grey matter in the brain caused by the samevirus as poliomyelitispolioencephalomyelitis

polioencephalomyelitis /!p#*li#*en|

!kef#l#*|!ma"#|$la"t"s/ noun polioencephalitiswhich also affects the spinal cordpoliomyelitis

poliomyelitis /!p#*li#* |!ma"#|$la"t"s/ noun aninfection of the anterior horn cells of the spinalcord caused by a virus which attacks the motorneurones and can lead to paralysis. Also calledpolio, infantile paralysispoliovirus

poliovirus /$p#*li#*|!va"r#s/ noun a viruswhich causes poliomyelitisPolitzer bag

Politzer bag /$p(l"ts# b'1/ noun a rubber bagwhich is used to blow air into the middle ear tounblock a Eustachian tube [Described 1863.After Adam Politzer (1835–1920), Professor ofOtology in Vienna, Austria.]

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237 pons Varoliipollex

pollex /$p(leks/ noun the thumb (technical)(NOTE: The plural is pollices.)pollution

pollution /p#|$lu%/(#)n/ noun the act of makingdirty, or substances which make e.g. air or waterimpurepoly-

poly- /p(li/ prefix 1. many or much 2. touchingmany organspolyarteritis

polyarteritis /!p(li&%t#|$ra"t"s/ noun a condi-tion in which a lot of arteries swell up at the sametimepolyarteritis nodosa

polyarteritis nodosa /!p(li&%t#|!ra"t"s n#|

$d#*s#/ noun a collagen disease in which thewalls of the arteries in various parts of the bodybecome inflamed, leading to asthma, high bloodpressure and kidney failure. Also called peri-arteritis nodosapolyarthritis

polyarthritis /!p(li&% |$,ra"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of several joints, as in rheumatoid arthritispolycystic

polycystic /!p(li |$s"stik/ adjective referring toan organ which has developed more than one cyst,or to a disease caused by the development of cystspolycystic kidney disease

polycystic kidney disease /!p(lis"st"k$k"dni d"|!zi%z/ noun a condition in which thereare multiple cysts on each kidney which grow andmultiply over time. Abbreviation PKD

COMMENT: The diseased kidney finally shutsdown in over 60% of cases, and dialysis andtransplantation are the only forms of treat-ment.

polycystic ovary disease

polycystic ovary disease /!p(lis"st"k$#*v#ri d"|!zi%z/ noun same as polycystic ovarysyndrome. Abbreviation PCODpolycystic ovary syndrome

polycystic ovary syndrome /!p(lis"st"k$#*v#ri !s"ndr#*m/, polycystic ovarian syn-drome /!p(lis"st"k #* |$ve#ri#n !s"ndr#*m/noun a hormonal disorder in which a woman’sovaries are enlarged and contain many small pain-less cysts, hair growth is excessive, acne developsand infertility may occur. Also called Stein Lev-enthal syndrome. Abbreviation PCOSpolycystitis

polycystitis /!p(lis"|$sta"t"s/ noun a congenitaldisease in which several cysts form in the kidneyat the same timepolycythaemiapolycythaemia /!p(lisa" |$,i%mi#/ noun a con-dition in which the number of red blood cellsincreases (NOTE: The US spelling is poly-cythemia.)polydactylism

polydactylism /!p(li|$d'kt"l"z(#)m/ nounsame as hyperdactylismpolydipsia

polydipsia /!p(li |$d"psi#/ noun a condition,often caused by diabetes insipidus, in which aperson is unusually thirstypolymyalgia rheumatica

polymyalgia rheumatica /!p(lima" |!'ld+#ru% |$m't"k#/ noun a disease of elderly peoplecharacterised by pain and stiffness in the shoulderand hip muscles making them weak and sensitivepolymyositis

polymyositis /!p(lima"#*|$sa"t"s/ noun a con-dition in which a lot of muscles swell up at thesame time, especially the ones in the trunk of the

body, causing weakness. It is treated with steroiddrugs or immunosuppressants, and also exercise.polyneuritis

polyneuritis /!p(linj* |$ra"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of many nervespolyneuropathy

polyneuropathy /!p(linj* |$r(p#,i/ noun anydisease which affects several nerves (NOTE: Theplural is polyneuropathies.)polyopia

polyopia /!p(li|$#*pi#/, polyopsia /!p(li |

$(psi#/, polyopy /$p(li#*pi/ noun a condition inwhich a person sees several images of one objectat the same time. Compare diplopiapolyp

polyp /$p(l"p/ noun a tumour growing on a stalkin mucous membrane, which can be cauterised.Polyps are often found in the nose, mouth orthroat. Also called polypuspolypectomy

polypectomy /!p(l" |$pekt#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove a polyp (NOTE: The plural ispolypectomies.)polypeptide

polypeptide /!p(li |$pepta"d/ noun a type ofprotein formed of linked amino acidspolypi

polypi /$p(l"pi/ plural of polypuspolyploid

polyploid /$p(lipl)"d/ adjective referring to acell where there are more than two copies of eachchromosome, which is not viable in humanspolypoid

polypoid /$p(l"p)"d/ adjective looking like apolyppolyposis

polyposis /!p(l" |$p#*s"s/ noun a condition inwhich many polyps form in the mucous mem-brane of the colon. ! familial adenomatouspolyposispolypus

polypus /$p(l"p#s/ noun same as polyp (NOTE:The plural is polypi.)polysaccharide

polysaccharide /!p(li|$s'k#ra"d/ noun a typeof carbohydrate made up of a lot of monosaccha-rides joined together in chains. They includestarch and cellulose, are insoluble in water and donot form crystals.polysomnograph

polysomnograph /!p(li|$s(mn#1r&%f/ noun arecord of bodily activity during sleep to identifypossible causes of sleep disorderspolyspermia

polyspermia /!p(li|$sp-%mi#/, polyspermism/!p(li |$sp-%m"z(#)m/, polyspermy /!p(li |

$sp-%mi/ noun excessive seminal secretionpolyuria

polyuria /!p(li |$j*#ri#/ noun a condition inwhich a person passes a large quantity of urine,usually as a result of diabetes insipiduspompholyx

pompholyx /$p(mf(l"ks/ noun a type ofeczema with many irritating little blisters on thehands and feetpons

pons /p(nz/ noun a bridge of tissue joining partsof an organ. See illustration at BRAIN in Supple-ment (NOTE: The plural is pontes.)pons Varolii

pons Varolii /!p(nz v#|$r#*lia"/ noun part ofthe hindbrain, formed of fibres which continuethe medulla oblongata. See illustration at BRAIN inSupplement (NOTE: The plural is pontesVarolii.) [After Constanzo Varolius (1543–75),

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pontine 238

Italian physician and anatomist, doctor to PopeGregory XIII.]pontine

pontine /$p(nta"n/ adjective referring to a ponsPOP

POP /p(p/ abbreviation progesterone only pillpopliteal

popliteal /!p(pl" |$ti%#l/ adjective referring to theback of the kneepopliteal artery

popliteal artery /!p(pl"ti%#l $&%t#ri/ noun anartery which branches from the femoral arterybehind the knee and leads into the tibial arteriespopliteal fossa

popliteal fossa /!p(pl"ti%#l $f(s#/ noun aspace behind the knee between the hamstring andthe calf muscle. Also called popliteal spacepopliteal muscle

popliteal muscle /!p(pl" |$ti%#l !m.s(#)l/ nounsame as popliteuspopliteal space

popliteal space /!p(pl"ti%#l $spe"s/ nounsame as popliteal fossapopliteus

popliteus /p( |$pl"ti#s/ noun a muscle at theback of the knee. Also called popliteal musclepopulation

population /!p(pj*|$le"/(#)n/ noun 1. thenumber of people living in a country or town !Population statistics show that the birth rate isslowing down. ! The government has decided toscreen the whole population of the area. 2. thenumber of patients in hospital ! The hospitalpopulation in the area has fallen below 10,000.pore

pore /p)%/ noun a tiny hole in the skin throughwhich the sweat passesporphyria

porphyria /p)%|$f"ri#/ noun a hereditary diseaseaffecting the metabolism of porphyrin pigments

COMMENT: Porphyria causes abdominalpains and attacks of mental confusion. Theskin becomes sensitive to light and the urinebecomes coloured and turns dark brownwhen exposed to the light.


porphyrin /$p)%f#r"n/ noun a member of a fam-ily of metal-containing biological pigments, thecommonest of which is protoporphyrin IXporphyrinuria

porphyrinuria /!p)%f"r"|$nj*#ri#/ noun thepresence of excess porphyrins in the urine, a signof porphyria or of metal poisoningporta

porta /$p)%t#/ noun an opening which allowsblood vessels to pass into an organ (NOTE: Theplural is portae.)Portacath

Portacath /$p)%t#k',/ noun a type of catheterput in place under a person’s skin to make it easierto have chemotherapy, transfusions and bloodtests. It is accessed by the use of a special needleand flushed regularly with sterile saline.portacaval

portacaval /!p)%t# |$ke"v(#)l/ adjective anotherspelling of portocavalportae

portae /$p)%ti/ plural of portaporta hepatis

porta hepatis /!p)%t# $hep#t"s/ noun an open-ing in the liver through which the hepatic artery,hepatic duct and portal vein pass (NOTE: The plu-ral is portae hepatitis.)portal

portal /$p)%t(#)l/ adjective referring to a porta,especially the portal system or the portal vein

portal hypertension

portal hypertension /!p)%t(#)l !ha"p#|

$ten/#n/ noun high pressure in the portal vein,caused by cirrhosis of the liver or a clot in the veinand causing internal bleedingportal system

portal system /$p)%t(#)l !s"st#m/ noun agroup of veins which have capillaries at both endsand do not go to the heartportal vein

portal vein /$p)%t(#)l ve"n/ noun a vein whichtakes blood from the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, intestines and spleen to the liver (NOTE:For other terms referring to the portal vein, seewords beginning with pyl-, pyle-.)portocaval

portocaval /!p)%t#*|$ke"v(#)l/ adjective linkingthe portal vein to the inferior vena cavaportocaval anastomosis

portocaval anastomosis /!p)%t#*ke"v(#)l#n |!'st# |$m#*s"s/ noun a surgical operation tojoin the portal vein to the inferior vena cava anddivert blood past the liverportocaval shunt

portocaval shunt /!p)%t#*ke"v(#)l $/.nt/noun an artificial passage made between the por-tal vein and the inferior vena cava to relieve portalhypertensionport wine stain

port wine stain /!p)%t $wa"n !ste"n/ noun apurple birthmarkposition

position /p# |$z"/(#)n/ noun 1. the place wheresomething is ! The exact position of the tumouris located by an X-ray. 2. the way a person’s bodyis arranged ! in a sitting position ! The accidentvictim had been placed in the recovery position." verb to place something in a particular position! The fetus is correctly positioned in the uterus.positive

positive /$p(z"t"v/ adjective 1. indicating theanswer ‘yes’ 2. indicating the presence of some-thing being tested for ! Her cervical smear waspositive. Opposite negativepositive end-expiratory pressure

positive end-expiratory pressure/!p(z"t"v !end "k|!spa"r#t(#)ri $pre/#/ noun theprocedure of forcing a person to breathe througha mask in cases where fluid has collected in thelungs. Abbreviation PEEPpositive feedback

positive feedback /!p(z"t"v $fi%db'k/ noun asituation in which the result of a process stimu-lates the process which caused itpositive pressure respirator

positive pressure respirator /!p(z"t"v$pre/# !resp"re"t#/ noun a machine which forcesair into the lungs through a tube inserted in themouthpositive pressure ventilation

positive pressure ventilation /!p(z"t"v$pre/# vent"|!le"/(#)n/ noun the act of forcing airinto the lungs to encourage the lungs to expand.Abbreviation PPVpositron-emission tomography

positron-emission tomography /!p(z"tr(n"|$m"/(#)n t# |!m(1r#fi/ noun a method of scan-ning the tissues of the brain, chest and abdomenfor unusual metabolic activity after injecting aradioactive substance into the body. AbbreviationPETposology

posology /p#|$s(l#d+i/ noun the study of dosesof medicine

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239 postpartumposseting

posseting /$p(s"t"0/ noun (in babies) the act ofbringing up small quantities of curdled milk intothe mouth after feedingPossum

Possum /$p(s#m/ noun a device using elec-tronic switches which helps a person who isseverely paralysed to work a machine such as atelephone (NOTE: The name is derived from thefirst letters of patient-operated selector mech-anism.)post-

post- /p#*st/ prefix after or laterpost-cibal

post-cibal /!p#*st $sa"b(#)l/ adjective afterhaving eaten foodpost cibum

post cibum /!p#*st $k"b#m/ adverb full formof p.c.post-coital

post-coital /!p#*st $k)"t(#)l/ adjective takingplace after sexual intercoursepostconcussional syndrome

postconcussional syndrome /!p#*stk#n|

$k./(#)n(#)l !s"ndr#*m/ noun a set of symptomswhich sometimes follow a head injury in which aperson lost consciousness, including headache,loss of concentration, memory loss, depressionand irritabilitypost-epileptic

post-epileptic /!p#*st ep" |$lept"k/ adjectivetaking place after an epileptic fitposterior

posterior /p( |$st"#ri#/ adjective at the back.Opposite anterior # posterior to behind ! Thecerebellum is posterior to the medulla oblongata." noun same as buttock (informal)posterior approach

posterior approach /p( |$st"#ri#r #|!pr#*t//noun an operation carried out from the backposterior aspect

posterior aspect /p(|$st"#ri#r !'spekt/ nouna view of the back of the body, or of the back ofpart of the body. See illustration at ANATOMICALTERMS in Supplementposterior chamber

posterior chamber /p( |!st"#ri# $t/e"mb#/noun a part of the aqueous chamber which isbehind the irisposterior fontanelle

posterior fontanelle /p(|!st"#ri# !f(nt# |$nel/noun a cartilage at the back of the head where theparietal bones join the occipital. ! bregmaposterior nares

posterior nares /p( |!st"#ri# $ne#ri%z/ pluralnoun same as internal narespostero-

postero- /p(st#r#*/ prefix back or behindposteroanterior

posteroanterior /!p(st#r#*'n |$t"#ri#/ adjec-tive lying from the back to the frontpost-exposure prophylaxis

post-exposure prophylaxis /!p#*st "k|

!sp#*+# !pr(f#|$l'ks"s/ noun a treatment givento a person who has been exposed to a harmfulagent, in an effort to prevent or reduce injury orinfection. Abbreviation PEPpostganglionic neurone

postganglionic neurone /!p#*st1'01li|

!(n"k $nj*#r#*n/ noun a neurone which starts ina ganglion and ends in a gland or unstriated mus-clepostgastrectomy syndrome

postgastrectomy syndrome /!p#*st 1'|

$strekt#mi !s"ndr#*m/ noun a group of symp-toms which can occur after eating in people whohave had stomach operations. It is caused by a lot

of food passing into the small intestine too fastand can cause dizziness, nausea, sweating andweakness. Also called dumping syndromeposthepatic jaundice

posthepatic jaundice /!p#*sth"|!p't"k$d+)%nd"s/ noun same as obstructive jaundicepost herpetic neuralgia

post herpetic neuralgia /!p#*st h#|!pet"knj* |$r'ld+#/ noun pains felt after an attack ofshinglesposthitis

posthitis /p(s |$,a"t"s/ noun inflammation of theforeskinposthumous

posthumous /$p(stj*m#s/ adjective occur-ring after deathpostmature

postmature /!p#*stm#|$t/*#/ adjective refer-ring to a baby born after the usual gestation periodof 42 weekspostmature baby

postmature baby /!p#*stm#t/*# $be"bi/noun a baby born more than nine months afterconceptionpostmaturity

postmaturity /!p#*stm# |$t/*#r"ti/ noun apregnancy which lasts longer than the usual ges-tation period of 42 weekspostmenopausal

postmenopausal /!p#*stmen#* |$p)%z(#)l/adjective happening or existing after the meno-pause ! She experienced some postmenopausalbleeding.post mortem

post mortem /!p#*st $m)%t#m/, post mortemexamination /!p#*st $m)%t#m "1z'm"|

!ne"/(#)n/ noun an examination of a dead bodyby a pathologist to find out the cause of death !The post mortem showed that he had been poi-soned. Abbreviation PM. Also called autopsypostnasal

postnasal /p#*st|$ne"z(#)l/ adjective situatedor happening behind the nosepostnasal drip

postnasal drip /p#*st|!ne"z(#)l $dr"p/ noun acondition in which mucus from the nose runsdown into the throat and is swallowedpostnatal

postnatal /p#*st |$ne"t(#)l/ adjective referringto the period after the birth of a childpostnatal care

postnatal care /p#*st |!ne"t(#)l $ke#/ noun thecare given to a woman after the birth of her childpostnatal depression

postnatal depression /p#*st |!ne"t(#)l d"|

$pre/(#)n/ noun depression which sometimesaffects a woman after childbirthpostnecrotic cirrhosis

postnecrotic cirrhosis /!p#*stnekr(t"k s"|

$r#*s"s/ noun cirrhosis of the liver caused by viralhepatitispost-op

post-op /!p#*st $(p/ adjective same as postop-erative (informal)postoperative

postoperative /p#*st |$(p(#)r#t"v/ adjectivereferring to the period after a surgical operation !The patient has suffered postoperative nauseaand vomiting. ! Occlusion may appear as post-operative angina pectoris.postoperative pain

postoperative pain /p#*st |!(p(#)r#t"v $pe"n/noun pain felt after a surgical operationpostpartum

postpartum /p#*st |$p&%t#m/ adjective refer-ring to the period after the birth of a child

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postpartum fever 240postpartum fever

postpartum fever /p#*st |!p&%t#m $fi%v#/noun same as puerperal infectionpostpartum haemorrhage

postpartum haemorrhage /p#*st |!p&%t#m$hem(#)r"d+/ noun heavy bleeding after child-birth. Abbreviation PPHpost-primary tuberculosis

post-primary tuberculosis /p#*st!pra"m#ri tju% |!b-%kj*|$l#*s"s/ noun the reap-pearance of tuberculosis in a person who has beeninfected with it beforepost-registration education and practice

post-registration education and practice/!p#*st red+"|!stre"/(#)n edj* |!ke"/(#)n #nd$pr'kt"s/ noun in the UK, the requirement for allregistered nurses and midwives to undertake edu-cational activities and keep up with contemporarypractice, and also for their employers to addressthe learning needs of staff. It was started by theUKCC in 1993. Abbreviation PREPpost-traumatic

post-traumatic /!p#*st tr)%|$m't"k/ adjectiveappearing after a trauma, e.g. after an accident,rape or firepost-traumatic amnesia

post-traumatic amnesia /!p#*st tr)%|!m't"k'm|$ni%zi#/ noun amnesia which follows a traumapost-traumatic stress disorder

post-traumatic stress disorder /!p#*sttr)%|!m't"k $stres d"s|!)%d#/ noun a psychologi-cal condition affecting people who have sufferedsevere emotional trauma, e.g. occasioned by waror natural disaster. Its symptoms include chestpain, dizziness, sleep disturbances, flashbacks,anxiety, tiredness, and depression. AbbreviationPTSDpostural

postural /$p(st/#r#l/ adjective referring to pos-ture ! a study of postural disorderspostural drainage

postural drainage /!p(st/#r#l $dre"n"d+/noun a a procedure for removing matter frominfected lungs by making the person lie downwith the head lower than the feet, so that he or shecan cough more easilypostural hypotension

postural hypotension /!p(st/#r#l !ha"p#*|

$ten/#n/ noun low blood pressure when standingup suddenly, causing dizzinessposture

posture /$p(st/#/ noun the position in which abody is arranged, or the way a person usuallyholds his or her body when standing ! Bad pos-ture can cause pain in the back. ! She has to doexercises to correct her bad posture.postviral

postviral /p#*st |$va"r#l/ adjective occurringafter a viral infectionpostviral fatigue syndrome

postviral fatigue syndrome /p#*st|!va"r#lf#|$ti%1 !s"ndr#*m/ noun same as myalgicencephalomyelitispotassium

potassium /p# |$t'si#m/ noun a metallic ele-ment (NOTE: The chemical symbol is K.)potassium permanganate

potassium permanganate /p# |!t'si#m p#|

$m'01#n#t/ noun a purple-coloured poisonoussalt, used as a disinfectantPott’s fracture

Pott’s fracture /$p(ts !fr'kt/#/ noun a frac-ture of the lower end of the fibula together withdisplacement of the ankle and foot outwards

[Described 1765. After Sir Percivall Pott (1714–88), London surgeon.]pouch

pouch /pa*t// noun a small sac or pocketattached to an organpoultice

poultice /$p#*lt"s/ noun a compress made ofhot water and flour paste or other substanceswhich is pressed onto an infected part to draw outpus, to relieve pain or to encourage the circula-tion. Also called fomentationPoupart’s ligament

Poupart’s ligament /$pu%p&%ts !l"1#m#nt/noun same as inguinal ligament [Described1705. After François Poupart (1616–1708),French surgeon and anatomist.]powder

powder /$pa*d#/ noun a medicine in the form ofa fine dry dust made from particles of drugs ! Hetook a powder to help his indigestion or He tookan indigestion powder.pox

pox /p(ks/ noun same as syphilis (old)poxvirus

poxvirus /$p(ks|!va"r#s/ noun any of a group ofviruses which cause cowpox, smallpox andrelated diseasesp.p.

p.p. abbreviation after a meal. Full form postprandiumPPH

PPH abbreviation postpartum haemorrhagePPV

PPV abbreviation positive pressure ventilationPQRST complex

PQRST complex noun the set of deflectionson an electrocardiogram, labelled P to T, whichshow ventricular contractionp.r.

p.r. adverb (of an examination) by the rectum.Full form per rectumpractice

practice /$pr'kt"s/ noun 1. the business, or thepremises occupied by, a doctor, dentist, or a groupof doctors or dentists working together ! Afterqualifying she joined her father’s practice. # inpractice doing the work of a doctor or dentist !He has been in practice for six years. 2. the factof doing something, as opposed to thinking ortalking about it ! theory and practice 3. a usualway of doing something ! Such practices arenow regarded as unsafe.practice nurse

practice nurse /$pr'kt"s n-%s/ noun a nurseemployed by a GP or primary care trust to work ina GP’s practice providing treatment, health pro-motion, screening and other services to patients ofthe practicepractitioner

practitioner /pr'k |$t"/(#)n#/ noun a qualifiedperson who works in the medical professionpraevia

praevia /$pri%vi#/ noun " placenta praeviapravastatin

pravastatin /!pr'v# |$st't"n/ noun a drug usedto reduce unusually high levels of blood choles-terolprazosin

prazosin /$pr'z#s"n/ noun a drug whichrelaxes or widens the blood vessels, used to treathypertensionpre-

pre- /pri%/ prefix before or in front ofpreadmission information

preadmission information /!pri%#d|$m"/(#)n"nf#|!me"/(#)n/ noun information given to a per-son before he or she is admitted to hospital

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241 premature labourpre-anaesthetic round

pre-anaesthetic round /!pri% !'n#s|$,et"k!ra*nd/ noun an examination of patients by thesurgeon before they are anaesthetisedprecancerous

precancerous /pri%|$k'ns#r#s/ adjective refer-ring to a growth which is not malignant now, butwhich can become cancerous laterpreceptor

preceptor /pr"|$sept#/ noun a specialist whogives practical training to a studentpreceptorship

preceptorship /pr"|$sept#/"p/ noun a period oftime during which a recently trained nurse, mid-wife or health visitor can gain practical experi-ence working with a specialist who advises andguides themprecipitate

precipitate /pr"|$s"p"t#t/ noun a substancewhich is precipitated during a chemical reaction" verb 1. to make a substance separate from achemical compound and fall to the bottom of aliquid during a chemical reaction ! Casein is pre-cipitated when milk comes into contact with anacid. 2. to make something start suddenly (NOTE:[all verb senses] precipitating – precipitated)precipitate labour

precipitate labour /pr" |!s"p"t#t $le"b#/ noununusually fast labour, lasting two hours or less. Itcan be dangerous both to the mother and to thechild.precipitin

precipitin /pr"|$s"p"t"n/ noun an antibody whichreacts to an antigen and forms a precipitate, usedin many diagnostic testsprecocious

precocious /pr" |$k#*/#s/ adjective more phys-ically or mentally developed than is usual for aspecific ageprecocious puberty

precocious puberty /pr"|!k#*/#s $pju%b#ti/noun the development of signs of puberty in girlsbefore the age of seven, and in boys before the ageof nine. If untreated, affected boys typically growno taller than 1.6 metres and girls rarely reach 1.5metres.precocity

precocity /pr"|$k(s"ti/ noun the state or fact ofbeing precociousprecordia

precordia /pri% |$k)%di#/ plural noun plural ofprecordiumprecordial

precordial /pri% |$k)%di#l/ adjective referring tothe precordiumprecordium

precordium /pri%|$k)%di#m/ noun the part of thethorax over the heart (NOTE: The plural is precor-dia.)precursor

precursor /pr"|$k-%s#/ noun a substance or cellfrom which another substance or cell is devel-oped, e.g. dopa, the precursor for dopamine,which is converted to dopamine by the enzymedopa decarboxylasepredisposing factor

predisposing factor /!pri%d"sp#*z"0 $f'kt#/noun a factor which will increase the risk of dis-easeprednisolone

prednisolone /pred |$n"s#l#*n/ noun a synthet-ically produced steroid hormone, similar to corti-sone, used especially to control inflammatory dis-eases such as rheumatoid arthritis


prednisone /pred|$n"s#*n/ noun a syntheti-cally produced steroid hormone produced fromcortisone, used to treat allergies and rheumatoidarthritispre-eclampsia

pre-eclampsia /!pri% "|$kl'mpsi#/ noun a con-dition in pregnant women towards the end of thepregnancy which may lead to eclampsia. Symp-toms are high blood pressure, oedema and proteinin the urine. Also called pregnancy-inducedhypertensionpre-eclamptic

pre-eclamptic /!pri% " |$kl'mpt"k/ adjectivereferring to pre-eclampsiaprefrontal leucotomy

prefrontal leucotomy /pri% |!fr.nt(#)l lui% |

$k(t#mi/ noun a surgical operation to dividesome of the white matter in the prefrontal lobe,formerly used as a treatment for schizophreniaprefrontal lobe

prefrontal lobe /pri%|$fr.nt(#)l l#*b/ noun anarea of the brain in the front part of each hemi-sphere, in front of the frontal lobe, which is con-cerned with memory and learningpreganglionic neurone

preganglionic neurone /!pri%1'01l" |!(n"k$nj*#r#*n/ noun a neurone which ends in a gan-glionpregnancy

pregnancy /$pre1n#nsi/ noun 1. same as ges-tation period 2. the condition of being pregnant.Also called cyesispregnancy-induced hypertension

pregnancy-induced hypertension/!pre1n#nsi "n|$dju%st !ha"p#|$ten/#n/ nounsame as pre-eclampsiapregnancy test

pregnancy test /$pre1n#nsi test/ noun a testto see if a woman is pregnant or notpregnant

pregnant /$pre1n#nt/ adjective with an unbornchild in the uterus ! She is six months pregnant.prehepatic jaundice

prehepatic jaundice /!pri%h"|!p't"k$d+)%nd"s/ noun same as haemolytic jaundiceprem

prem /prem/ (informal) adjective same as pre-mature " noun a premature babypremature

premature /$prem#t/#/ adjective before theexpected or desirable time ! The baby was fiveweeks premature.

COMMENT: Babies can survive even if bornseveral weeks premature. Even babiesweighing less than one kilo at birth can sur-vive in an incubator, and develop healthily.

premature baby

premature baby /!prem#t/# $be"bi/ noun ababy born earlier than 37 weeks from conception,or weighing less than 2.5kg, but capable of inde-pendent lifepremature birth

premature birth /!prem#t/# $b-%,/ noun thebirth of a baby earlier than 37 weeks from concep-tionpremature ejaculation

premature ejaculation /!prem#t/# " |!d+'kj*|

$le"/(#)n/ noun a situation in which a man ejacu-lates too early during sexual intercoursepremature labour

premature labour /!prem#t/# $le"b#/ nounthe condition of starting to give birth earlier than37 weeks from conception ! After the accidentshe went into premature labour.

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premed 242premed

premed /$pri%med/ noun a stage of being givenpremedication (informal) ! The patient is inpremed.premedication

premedication /!pri%med"|$ke"/(#)n/, pre-medicant drug /pri% |!med"k#nt $dr.1/ noun adrug given before an operation in order to blockthe parasympathetic nervous system and preventvomiting during the operation, e.g. a sedativepremenstrual

premenstrual /pri%|$menstru#l/ adjective hap-pening before menstruationpremenstrual syndrome

premenstrual syndrome /pri%|!menstru#l$s"ndr#*m/, premenstrual tension /pri%|

!menstru#l $ten/#n/ noun nervous stress experi-enced by a woman for one or two weeks before amenstrual period starts. Abbreviation PMS, PMTpremolar

premolar /pri%|$m#*l#/ noun a tooth with twopoints, situated between the canines and the firstproper molar. See illustration at TEETH in Supple-mentprenatal

prenatal /pri%|$ne"t(#)l/ adjective during theperiod between conception and childbirthprenatal diagnosis

prenatal diagnosis /pri% |!ne"t(#)l !da"#1|

$n#*s"s/ noun same as antenatal diagnosispre-op

pre-op /!pri% $(p/ adjective same as preopera-tive (informal)preoperative

preoperative /pri%|$(p(#)r#t"v/ adjective dur-ing the period before a surgical operationpreoperative medication

preoperative medication /pri%|!(p(#)r#t"v!med"|$ke"/#n/ noun a drug given before an oper-ation, e.g. a sedativePREP

PREP /prep/ abbreviation post-registration edu-cation and practiceprepatellar bursitis

prepatellar bursitis /!pri%p# |!tel# b-% |$sa"t"s/noun a condition in which the fluid sac at the kneebecomes inflamed, caused by kneeling on hardsurfaces. Also called housemaid’s kneeprepubertal

prepubertal /pri%|$pju%b#t(#)l/ adjective refer-ring to the period before pubertyprepuce

prepuce /$pri%pju%s/ noun same as foreskinpresby-

presby- /prezbi/ prefix same as presbyo- (usedbefore vowels)presbyacusis

presbyacusis /!prezbi# |$ku%s"s/ noun a condi-tion in which an elderly person’s hearing failsgradually, through to degeneration of the internalearpresbyo-

presbyo- /prezbi#*/ prefix referring to the laststages of the natural life spanpresbyopia

presbyopia /!prezbi|$#*pi#/ noun a conditionin which an elderly person’s sight fails gradually,through hardening of the lensprescribed disease

prescribed disease /pr" |!skra"bd d" |$zi%z/noun an illness caused by the type of work a per-son does which is on an annually reviewed offi-cial list, entitling the person to claim benefit.Examples are deafness, pneumoconiosis and RSI.prescribing analyses and cost

prescribing analyses and cost /pr" |

!skra"b"0 # |!n'l"si%z #nd $k(st/ plural noun data

on the prescribing of drugs in primary care.Abbreviation PACTprescription

prescription /pr"|$skr"p/#n/ noun an orderwritten by a doctor to a pharmacist asking for adrug to be prepared and given or sold to a personpresenile

presenile /pri% |$si%na"l/ adjective prematurelyshowing the effects of advanced agepresenile dementia

presenile dementia /pri%|!si%na"l d"|$men/#/noun mental degeneration affecting adults ofaround 40–60 years of age (dated)

COMMENT: Patients used to be diagnosedwith presenile dementia if they showedsymptoms of dementia and were under theage of 65, and senile dementia if over 65.However, the terms are no longer often usedand instead the type of dementia is used fordiagnostic purposes, e.g. Alzheimer’s dis-ease, multi-infarct or vascular.


present /$prez(#)nt/ verb /pr" |$zent/ 1. (of apatient) to show particular symptoms ! Thepatient presented with severe chest pains. 2. (of asymptom) to be present ! The doctors’ first taskis to relieve the presenting symptoms. ! The con-dition may also present in a baby. 3. (of a baby)to appear in the vaginal channel " adjective cur-rently existing in a place ! All the symptoms ofthe disease are present.presentation

presentation /!prez(#)n |$te"/(#)n/ noun theway in which a baby will be born, in respect of thepart of the baby’s body which will appear first inthe vaginal channelpresenting part

presenting part /pr" |$zent"0 p&%t/ noun thepart of a baby which appears first during birthpressor

pressor /$pres#/ adjective 1. referring to a nervewhich increases the action of part of the body 2.raising blood pressurepressure

pressure /$pre/#/ noun the action of squeezingor forcing somethingpressure area

pressure area /$pre/#r !e#ri#/ noun an area ofthe body where a bone is near the surface of theskin, so that if the skin is pressed the circulationwill be cut offpressure bandage

pressure bandage /$pre/# !b'nd"d+/ noun abandage which presses on a part of the bodypressure index

pressure index /$pre/#r !"ndeks/ noun amethod for determining the extent of obstructionto the artery in the leg by measuring the bloodpressure in the arms and legs and then dividingthe systolic pressure in the leg by that in the arm.Abbreviation PIpressure point

pressure point /$pre/# p)"nt/ noun a placewhere an artery crosses over a bone, so that theblood can be cut off by pressing with the fingerpresystole

presystole /pri%|$s"st#li/ noun the period beforesystole in the cycle of heartbeatspreterm

preterm /pri%|$t-%m/ adjective referring to thebirth of a child which takes place before theexpected time

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243 primordialpreterm birth

preterm birth /pri% |$t-%m !b-%,/ noun the birthof a baby before 37 completed weeks of preg-nancy, which presents a greater risk of serioushealth problems (NOTE: About 12 per cent ofbirths in the UK are preterm births.)preventative

preventative /pr"|$vent#t"v/ adjective same aspreventivepreventive

preventive /pr" |$vent"v/ adjective referring toan action taken to stop something happening,especially to stop a disease or infection fromspreading ! preventive treatment ! preventiveactionpreventive medicine

preventive medicine /pr" |!vent"v$med(#)s(#)n/ noun action carried out to stop dis-ease from occurring, e.g. by education in health-related issues, immunisation and screening forknown diseasesPriadel

Priadel /$pra"#del/ a trade name for lithiumpriapism

priapism /$pra"#p"z(#)m/ noun an erection ofthe penis without sexual stimulus, caused by ablood clot in the tissue of the penis, injury to thespinal cord or stone in the urinary bladderprickly heat

prickly heat /$pr"kli hi%t/ noun same as mili-aria-pril

-pril /pr"l/ suffix used for ACE inhibitors ! Cap-toprilprilocaine

prilocaine /$pra"l#ke"n/ noun a local anaes-thetic used especially in dentistryprimaquine

primaquine /$pra"m#kwi%n/ noun a syntheti-cally produced drug used in the treatment ofmalariaprimary

primary /$pra"m#ri/ adjective 1. happeningfirst, and leading to something else 2. mostimportantprimary amenorrhoea

primary amenorrhoea /!pra"m#ri !e"men#|

$ri%#/ noun a condition in which a woman hasnever had menstrual periodsprimary bronchi

primary bronchi /!pra"m#ri $br(0ki%/ pluralnoun same as main bronchiprimary care

primary care /!pra"m#ri $ke#/ noun in the UK,health services offered directly to individuals byGPs, dentists, opticians and other health profes-sionals who may also refer a patient on to special-ists for further treatment. Also called primaryhealth care, primary medical care. Comparesecondary care, tertiary careprimary care group

primary care group /!pra"m#ri $ke# !1ru%p/noun an organisation responsible for overseeingthe provision of primary healthcare and the com-missioning of secondary care in a district. Keymembers include GPs, community nurses, socialservices and lay members. Abbreviation PCGprimary care team

primary care team /!pra"m#ri $ke# !ti%m/noun same as primary health care teamprimary care trust

primary care trust /!pra"m#ri $ke# !tr.st/noun in the UK, the top level of the primary caregroup with extra responsibilities such as direct

employment of community staff. AbbreviationPCTprimary haemorrhage

primary haemorrhage /!pra"m#ri$hem(#)r"d+/ noun bleeding which occurs imme-diately after an injury has taken placeprimary health care

primary health care /!pra"m#ri $hel, !ke#/noun same as primary careprimary health care team

primary health care team /!pra"m#ri $hel,ke# !ti%m/ noun a group of professional medicalworkers who have first contact with someoneneeding medical attention and are responsible fordelivering a range of health care services. Abbre-viation PHCTprimary medical care

primary medical care /!pra"m#ri $med"k(#)l!ke#/ noun same as primary careprimary nurse

primary nurse /!pra"m#ri $n-%s/ noun a nursewho is responsible for planning a person’s nurs-ing care in consultation with that person and hisor her family. In the absence of the primary nurse,associate nurses provide care based on the plandesigned by the primary nurse.primary nursing

primary nursing /!pra"m#ri $n-%s"0/ noun amodel of nursing that involves the delivery ofcomprehensive, continuous, co-ordinated andindividualised patient care through a primarynurse, who has autonomy, accountability andauthority in relation to his or her patient’s careprimary tooth

primary tooth /$pra"m#ri tu%,/ noun any oneof the first twenty teeth which develop in childrenbetween about six months and two-and-a-halfyears of age, and are replaced by the permanentteeth at around the age of six. Also called milktooth, deciduous toothprimary tuberculosis

primary tuberculosis /!pra"m#ri tju%|

!b-%kj*|$l#*s"s/ noun a person’s first infectionwith tuberculosisprimary tumour

primary tumour /!pra"m#ri $tju%m#/ noun asite of the original malignant growth from whichcancer spreadsprime

prime /pra"m/ adjective 1. of the greatest impor-tance or the highest rank 2. of the highest quality" noun the best state or period of something,especially the most active and enjoyable period inadult life " verb to make something ready foruse, or to become ready for use (NOTE: priming –primed)prime mover

prime mover /!pra"m $mu%v#/ noun 1. same asagonist 2. somebody or something which has themost influence over the starting of a process oractivityprimigravida

primigravida /!pra"m"|$1r'v"d#/, primigravidpatient /!pra"m"|$1r'v"d !pe"/(#)nt/ noun awoman who is pregnant for the first time (NOTE:The plural is primigravidas or primigravidae.)primipara

primipara /pra"|$m"p#r#/ noun a woman whohas given birth to one child. Also called unipara(NOTE: The plural is primiparas or primiparae.)primordial

primordial /pra" |$m)%di#l/ adjective in the veryfirst stage of development

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primordial follicle 244primordial follicle

primordial follicle /pra"|!m)%di#l $f(l"k(#)l/noun the first stage of development of an ovarianfollicleP-R interval

P-R interval /!pi% $&%r !"nt#v(#)l/ noun the timerecorded on an electrocardiogram between thestart of atrial activity and ventricular activityprion

prion /$pri%(n/ noun a particle of protein whichcontains no nucleic acid, does not trigger animmune response and is not destroyed by extremeheat or cold. Prions are considered to be theagents responsible for scrapie, BSE, and Creut-zfeldt-Jakob disease.priority despatch

priority despatch /pra"|$(r"ti d" |!sp't// nounthe process of talking to people who need medicalhelp on the telephone in order to make sure thatambulances are sent to the most urgent cases firstpriority matrix

priority matrix /pra" |$(r"ti !me"tr"ks/ noun away of trying to make sure that each communityhas a fair number of services for its particularhealth needsprivate hospital

private hospital /!pra"v#t $h(sp"t(#)l/ noun ahospital which takes only paying patientsprivate parts

private parts /$pra"v#t p&%ts/ plural noun thegenital area (informal) Also called privatesprivate patient

private patient /!pra"v#t $pe"/(#)nt/ noun apatient who is paying for treatment and who is notbeing treated under the National Health Serviceprivates

privates /$pra"v#ts/ plural noun same as pri-vate parts (informal)p.r.n.

p.r.n. adverb (written on a prescription) as andwhen required. Full form pro re natapro-

pro- /pr#*/ prefix before or in front ofprobe

probe /pr#*b/ noun an instrument used toexplore inside a cavity or wound " verb to inves-tigate the inside of something ! The surgeonprobed the wound with a scalpel. (NOTE: probing– probed)problem

problem /$pr(bl#m/ noun 1. something whichis difficult to find an answer to ! Scientists aretrying to find a solution to the problem of drug-related disease. 2. a medical disorder ! heartproblems # he has an alcohol problem or adrugs problem he is addicted to alcohol or drugs3. an addiction to something ! has a drug prob-lemproblem child

problem child /$pr(bl#m t/a"ld/ noun a childwho is difficult to controlproblem drinking

problem drinking /!pr(bl#m $dr"0k"0/ nounalcoholism or heavy drinking which has a badeffect on a person’s behaviour or workproblem-oriented record

problem-oriented record /!pr(bl#m!)%rient"d $rek)%d/ noun a record of patient carewhich links patients’ clinical data with their prob-lems, so that all aspects of the care process arefocused on resolving those problemsproblem-solving approach

problem-solving approach /$pr(bl#m!s(lv"0 #|!pr#*t// noun the provision of nursingcare based on assessment, problem identification

(nursing diagnosis), planning implementation(nursing intervention) and evaluationprocess

process /$pr#*ses/ noun 1. a technical or scien-tific action ! A new process for testing serumsamples has been developed in the research labo-ratory. 2. a projecting part of the body " verb 1.to deal with a person or thing according to astandard procedure 2. to examine or test samples! The blood samples are being processed by thelaboratory.prochlorperazine

prochlorperazine /!pr#*kl)%|$per#zi%n/ nouna drug used to control nausea and vomiting, and toreduce the symptoms of Ménière’s disease,migraine and anxietyprocidentia

procidentia /!pr#*s"|$den/#/ noun movementof an organ downwardsproct-

proct- /pr(kt/ prefix same as procto- (usedbefore vowels)proctalgia

proctalgia /pr(k|$t'ld+#/ noun pain in thelower rectum or anus, caused by neuralgiaproctalgia fugax

proctalgia fugax /pr(k|!t'ld+# $fju%1'ks/noun a condition in which a person has suddenpains in the rectum during the night, usuallyrelieved by eating or drinkingproctatresia

proctatresia /!pr(kt# |$tri%zi#/ noun a conditionin which the anus does not have an opening. Alsocalled imperforate anusproctectasia

proctectasia /pr(ktek |$te"zi#/ noun a condi-tion in which the rectum or anus is dilatedbecause of continued constipationproctectomy

proctectomy /pr(k|$tekt#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove the rectum (NOTE: The pluralis proctectomies.)proctitis

proctitis /pr(k |$ta"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe rectumprocto-

procto- /pr(kt#*/ prefix the anus or rectumproctocele

proctocele /$pr(kt#si%l/ noun same as rec-toceleproctocolectomy

proctocolectomy /!pr(kt#*k( |$lekt#mi/noun a surgical operation to remove the rectumand the colon (NOTE: The plural is proctocolec-tomies.)proctocolitis

proctocolitis /!pr(kt#k#|$la"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of the rectum and part of the colonproctodynia

proctodynia /!pr(kt#|$d"ni#/ noun a sensationof pain in the anusproctogram

proctogram /$pr(kt#1r'm/ noun an X-rayphotograph of the rectum taken after a contrastagent is introducedproctologist

proctologist /pr(k |$t(l#d+"st/ noun a special-ist in proctologyproctology

proctology /pr(k |$t(l#d+i/ noun the scientificstudy of the rectum and anus and their associateddiseasesproctorrhaphy

proctorrhaphy /pr(k|$t)%r#fi/ noun a surgicaloperation to stitch up a tear in the rectum or anus(NOTE: The plural is proctorrhaphies.)

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245 prolapseproctoscope

proctoscope /$pr(kt#sk#*p/ noun a surgicalinstrument consisting of a long tube with a light inthe end, used to examine the rectumproctoscopy

proctoscopy /pr(k |$t(sk#pi/ noun an exami-nation of the rectum using a proctoscope (NOTE:The plural is proctoscopies.)proctosigmoiditis

proctosigmoiditis /!pr(kt#* |!s"1m)"|$da"t"s/noun inflammation of the rectum and the sigmoidcolonproctotomy

proctotomy /pr(k|$t(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to divide a structure of the rectum oranus (NOTE: The plural is proctotomies.)prodromal

prodromal /pr#* |$dr#*m(#)l/ adjective occur-ring between the appearance of the first symp-toms of a disease and the major effect, e.g. a feveror rashprodromal rash

prodromal rash /pr#*|!dr#*m(#)l $r'// noun arash which appears as a symptom of a diseasebefore the major rashprodrome

prodrome /$pr#*dr#*m/, prodroma /pr#*|

$dr#*m#/ noun an early symptom of an attack ofa diseaseproductive cough

productive cough /pr#|!d.kt"v $k(f/ noun acough where phlegm is producedprofession

profession /pr# |$fe/(#)n/ noun a type of job forwhich special training is neededprofessional

professional /pr# |$fe/(#)n#l/ adjective refer-ring to a professionprofessional body

professional body /pr# |!fe/(#)n#l $b(di/noun an organisation which acts for all the mem-bers of a professionProfessional Conduct Committee

Professional Conduct Committee /pr#|

!fe/(#)n(#)l $k(nd.kt k# |!m"ti/ noun a commit-tee of the General Medical Council which decideson cases of professional misconduct. Abbrevia-tion PCCProfessional Executive Committee

Professional Executive Committee /pr#|

!fe/(#)n#l "1 |$zekj*t"v k# |!m"ti/ noun full formof PECprofile

profile /$pr#*fa"l/ noun 1. a brief description ofthe characteristics of a person or thing 2. a set ofdata, usually in graph or table form, which indi-cates to what extent something has the same char-acteristics as a group tested or considered stand-ard 3. the amount that other people noticesomebody or something " verb to give a shortdescription or assessment of somebody or some-thing (NOTE: profiling – profiled)profunda

profunda /pr#|$f.nd#/ adjective referring toblood vessels which lie deep in tissuesprofundaplasty

profundaplasty /pr# |$f.nd#pl'sti/ noun asurgical operation to widen a junction of the fem-oral artery, in order to relieve narrowing byatherosclerosis (NOTE: The plural is profunda-plasties.)progeny

progeny /$pr(d+#ni/ noun a person’s child orchildren (NOTE: Takes a singular or plural verb.)


progeria /pr#* |$d+"#ri#/ noun a condition ofpremature ageing. Also called Hutchinson-Gil-ford syndromeprogesterone

progesterone /pr#* |$d+est#r#*n/ noun a hor-mone which is produced in the second part of themenstrual cycle by the corpus luteum and whichstimulates the formation of the placenta if anovum is fertilised (NOTE: Progesterone is alsoproduced by the placenta itself.)progestogen

progestogen /pr#|$d+est#d+#n/ noun any sub-stance which has the same effect as progesteroneprognathic jaw

prognathic jaw /pr(1 |!n',"k $d+)%/ noun ajaw which protrudes further than the otherprognathism

prognathism /$pr(1n#,iz(#)m/ noun a condi-tion in which one jaw, especially the lower jaw, orboth jaws protrudeprognosis

prognosis /pr(1|$n#*s"s/ noun an opinion ofhow a disease or disorder will develop ! Thiscancer has a prognosis of about two years. ! Theprognosis is not good. (NOTE: The plural is prog-noses.)progressive

progressive /pr#|$1res"v/ adjective developingall the time ! Alzheimer’s disease is a progres-sive disorder which sees a gradual decline inintellectual functioning.progressive deafness

progressive deafness /pr#|!1res"v $defn#s/noun a condition, common in people as they getolder, in which a person gradually becomes moreand more deafprogressive muscular atrophy

progressive muscular atrophy /pr# |!1res"v!m.skj*l# $'tr#fi/ noun muscular dystrophy,with progressive weakening of the muscles, par-ticularly in the pelvic and shoulder girdlesproguanil

proguanil /pr#*|$1w'n"l/ noun a drug used inthe prevention and treatment of malariaproject

project /pr# |$d+ekt/ verb to protrude or stick outProject 2000

Project 2000 /!pr(d+ekt tu% $,a*z(#)nd/ nouna revision of nursing education introduced by theUKCC in 1989. It included new courses whichprepare individuals to work in all settings, both inhospitals and in the community, and gave a stu-dent the ability to qualify as a midwife withoutfirst qualifying as a nurse and the chance to gainspecialist qualifications in all areas of practice.projection

projection /pr#|$d+ek/#n/ noun 1. a part of thebody which sticks out or stands out. Also calledprominence. Compare promontory 2. (in psy-chology) mental action in which a person blamesanother person for his or her own faultsprolactin

prolactin /pr#* |$l'kt"n/ noun a hormonesecreted by the pituitary gland which stimulatesthe production of milk. Also called lactogenichormoneprolapse

prolapse /$pr#*l'ps/ noun a condition inwhich an organ has moved downwards out of itsusual position " verb to move downwards out ofthe usual position (NOTE: prolapsing – pro-lapsed)

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prolapsed intervertebral disc 246prolapsed intervertebral discprolapsed intervertebral disc /pr#*|!l'pst"nt#|!v-%t#br#l $d"sk/ noun a condition in whichan intervertebral disc becomes displaced or wherethe soft centre of a disc passes through the hardcartilage of the exterior and presses onto a nerve.Abbreviation PID. Also called slipped discprolapse of the rectum

prolapse of the rectum /!pr#*l'ps #v 2#$rekt#m/ noun a condition in which mucousmembrane of the rectum moves downwards andpasses through the anusprolapse of the uterusprolapse of the uterus /!pr#*l'ps #v 2#$ju%t#r#s/, prolapse of the womb /!pr#*l'ps#v 2# $wu%m/ noun a movement of the uterusdownwards due to weakening of the structures ofthe pelvic floor, e.g. because of age or a difficultchildbirth. Also called metroptosis, prolapseduterus, uterine prolapseproliferate

proliferate /pr# |$l"f#re"t/ verb to produce manysimilar cells or parts, and so grow (NOTE: prolif-erating – proliferated)proliferationproliferation /pr#|!l"f#|$re"/(#)n/ noun the proc-ess of proliferatingpromethazine

promethazine /pr#*|$me,#zi%n/ noun an anti-histamine drug used in the treatment of allergiesand motion sicknessprominenceprominence /$pr(m"n#ns/ noun a part of thebody which sticks out or stands out. Also calledprojection. Compare promontorypromontorypromontory /$pr(m#nt(#)ri/ noun a section ofan organ, especially the middle ear and sacrumwhich stands out above the rest. Compare projec-tion, prominencepronation

pronation /pr#* |$ne"/(#)n/ noun the act of turn-ing the hand round so that the palm faces down-wards. Opposite supination. See illustration atANATOMICAL TERMS in Supplementpronatorpronator /pr#* |$ne"t#/ noun a muscle whichmakes the hand turn face downwardsproneprone /pr#*n/ adjective lying face downwards.Opposite supineprophase

prophase /$pr#*fe"z/ noun the first stage ofmitosis when the chromosomes are visible as longthin double threadsprophylacticprophylactic /!pr(f#|$l'kt"k/ noun a substancewhich helps to prevent the development of a dis-ease " adjective preventiveprophylaxisprophylaxis /!pr(f#|$l'ks"s/ noun the preven-tion of disease (NOTE: The plural is prophy-laxes.)propranololpropranolol /pr#* |$p'n#l(l/ noun a drug thatslows heart rate and heart output, used in the treat-ment of angina pectoris, irregular heart rhythms,migraine and high blood pressureproprietaryproprietary /pr# |$pra"#t(#)ri/ adjective belong-ing to a commercial companyproprietary medicine

proprietary medicine /pr#|!pra"#t(#)ri$med(#)s(#)n/, proprietary drug /pr#|

!pra"#t(#)ri $dr.1/ noun a drug which is soldunder a trade name. ! patent medicine

proprietary name

proprietary name /pr#|!pra"#t(#)ri $ne"m/noun a trade name for a drugproprioception

proprioception /!pr#*pri#|$sep/#n/ noun thereaction of nerves to body movements and therelaying of information about movements to thebrainproprioceptor

proprioceptor /!pr#*pri#|$sept#/ noun the endof a sensory nerve which reacts to stimuli frommuscles and tendons as they moveproptosis

proptosis /pr(p|$t#*s"s/ noun forward dis-placement of the eyeballprosop-

prosop- /pr(s#p/, prosopo- /pr(s#p#*/ prefixreferring to the faceprostaglandin

prostaglandin /!pr(st# |$1l'nd"n/ noun any ofa class of unsaturated fatty acids found in allmammals which control smooth muscle contrac-tion, inflammation and body temperature, areassociated with the sensation of pain and have aneffect on the nervous system, blood pressure andin particular the uterus at menstruationprostate

prostate /$pr(ste"t/ noun same as prostategland (NOTE: Do not confuse with prostrate.) #prostate trouble inflammation or enlargement ofthe prostate gland (informal)prostate cancer

prostate cancer /$pr(ste"t !k'ns#/ noun amalignant tumour of the prostate gland, foundespecially in men over 55prostatectomy

prostatectomy /!pr(st#|$tekt#mi/ noun a sur-gical operation to remove all or part of the pros-tate gland (NOTE: The plural is prostatecto-mies.)prostate gland

prostate gland /$pr(ste"t 1l'nd/ noun an O-shaped gland in males which surrounds the ure-thra below the bladder and secretes a fluid con-taining enzymes into the sperm. See illustration atUROGENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) in Supplement.Also called prostate

COMMENT: As a man grows older, the pros-tate gland tends to enlarge and constrict thepoint at which the urethra leaves the bladder,making it difficult to pass urine.


prostatic /pr(|$st't"k/ adjective referring to orbelonging to the prostate glandprostatic hypertrophy

prostatic hypertrophy /pr( |!st't"k ha"|

$p-%tr#fi/ noun an enlargement of the prostateglandprostatitis

prostatitis /!pr(st# |$ta"t"s/ noun inflammationof the prostate glandprostatorrhoea

prostatorrhoea /!pr(st#t# |$ri%#/ noun dis-charge of fluid from the prostate gland (NOTE:The US spelling is prostatorrhea.)prosthesis

prosthesis /pr(s |$,i%s"s/ noun a device which isattached to the body to take the place of a partwhich is missing, e.g. an artificial leg or glass eye(NOTE: The plural is prostheses.)prosthetic

prosthetic /pr(s|$,et"k/ adjective replacing apart of the body which has been amputated orremoved ! He was fitted with a prosthetic hand.

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247 prurigoprosthetic dentistry

prosthetic dentistry /pr(s |!,et"k $dent"stri/noun the branch of dentistry which deals withreplacing missing teeth parts of the jaw, and fit-ting dentures, bridges and crowns. Also calledprosthodonticsprosthodontics

prosthodontics /!pr(s,# |$d(nt"ks/ noun sameas prosthetic dentistry (NOTE: Takes a singularverb.)prostrate

prostrate /$pr(stre"t/ adjective lying facedown (NOTE: Do not confuse with prostate.)prostration

prostration /pr(|$stre"/(#)n/ noun extremetiredness of body or mindprotamine

protamine /$pr#*t#mi%n/ noun a simple proteinfound in fish, used with insulin to slow down theinsulin absorption rateprotanopia

protanopia /!pr#*t#|$n#*pi#/ noun same asDaltonismprotease

protease /$pr#*tie"z/ noun a digestive enzymewhich breaks down protein in food by splittingthe peptide link. Also called proteolytic enzymeProtection of Children Act 1999

Protection of Children Act 1999 /pr#|

!tek/#n #v $t/"ldr#n !'kt/ noun in the UK, anAct of Parliament to protect children by restrict-ing the employment of certain nurses, teachers orother workers whose jobs bring them into contactwith children, on grounds such as misconduct orhealthprotective isolation

protective isolation /pr# |!tekt"v !a"s#|

$le"/(#)n/ noun a set of procedures used to protectpeople who have impaired resistance to infectiousdisease, e.g. those with leukemia and lymphoma,Aids and graft patients. Also called reverse iso-lationprotein

protein /$pr#*ti%n/ noun a nitrogen compoundwhich is present in and is an essential part of allliving cells in the body, formed by the linking ofamino acidsprotein balance

protein balance /$pr#*ti%n !b'l#ns/ noun asituation when the nitrogen intake in protein isequal to the excretion rate in the urineprotein-bound iodine

protein-bound iodine /!pr#*ti%n ba*nd$a"#di%n/ noun a compound of thyroxine andiodineprotein-bound iodine test

protein-bound iodine test /!pr#*ti%n ba*nd$a"#di%n test/ noun a test to measure if the thy-roid gland is producing adequate quantities ofthyroxine. Abbreviation PBI testprotein deficiency

protein deficiency /$pr#*ti%n d"|!f"/(#)nsi/noun a lack of enough proteins in the dietproteinuria

proteinuria /!pr#*t"|$nj*#ri#/ noun a conditionin which there are proteins in the urineproteose

proteose /$pr#*ti#*s/ noun a water-solublecompound formed during hydrolytic processessuch as digestionProteus

Proteus /$pr#*ti#s/ noun a genus of bacteriacommonly found in the intestinesprothrombin

prothrombin /pr#*|$,r(mb"n/ noun a proteinin blood which helps blood to coagulate and

which needs Vitamin K to be effective. Alsocalled Factor IIprothrombin time

prothrombin time /pr#* |$,r(mb"n ta"m/ nounthe time taken in Quick test for clotting to takeplaceproto-

proto- /pr#*t#*/ prefix first or at the beginningproton pump

proton pump /$pr#*t(n p.mp/ noun anenzyme system within the gastric mucosa thatsecretes gastric acids ! The drug acts on the pro-ton pump mechanism.proton-pump inhibitor

proton-pump inhibitor /$pr#*t(n p.mp "n|

!h"b"t#/ noun a drug which suppresses the finalstage of gastric acid secretion by the proton pumpin the gastric mucosaprotoplasm

protoplasm /$pr#*t#*|!pl'z(#)m/ noun a sub-stance like a jelly which makes up the largest partof each cellprotozoa

protozoa /!pr#*t# |$z#*#/ plural of protozoonprotozoan

protozoan /!pr#*t# |$z#*#n/ adjective referringto protozoaprotozoon

protozoon /!pr#*t# |$z#*(n/ noun a tiny simpleorganism with a single cell (NOTE: The plural isprotozoa or protozoons.)

COMMENT: Parasitic protozoa can causeseveral diseases, including amoebiasis, ma-laria and other tropical diseases.


protuberance /pr#|$tju%b(#)r#ns/ noun arounded part of the body which projects above therestproud flesh

proud flesh /!pra*d $fle// noun new vesselsand young fibrous tissue which form when awound, incision or lesion is healingprovider

provider /pr#|$va"d#/ noun a hospital whichprovides secondary care which is paid for byanother body such as a PCG or social services. !purchaserprovitamin

provitamin /pr#* |$v"t#m"n/ noun a chemicalcompound which is converted to a vitamin duringusual biochemical processes, e.g. the amino acidtryptophan, which is converted to niacin, and betacarotene, which is converted into vitamin Aproximal

proximal /$pr(ks"m(#)l/ adjective near the mid-line, the central part of the bodyproximal convoluted tubule

proximal convoluted tubule /!pr(ks"m(#)l!k(nv#lu%t"d $tju%bju%l/ noun a part of the kid-ney filtering system between the loop of Henleand the glomerulusproximal interphalangeal joint

proximal interphalangeal joint/!pr(ks"m(#)l !"nt#f# |$l'nd+i#l !d+)"nt/ noun ajoint nearest the point of attachment of a finger ortoe. Abbreviation PIPproximally

proximally /$pr(ks"mli/ adverb further towardsthe centre or point of attachment. Opposite dis-tally. See illustration at ANATOMICAL TERMS inSupplementProzac

Prozac /$pr#*z'k/ a trade name for fluoxetineprurigo

prurigo /pru#|$ra"1#*/ noun an itchy eruption ofpapules

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pruritus 248pruritus

pruritus /pru# |$ra"t#s/ noun an irritation of theskin which makes a person want to scratch. Alsocalled itchingpruritus ani

pruritus ani /pru# |!ra"t"s $e"na"/ noun itchinground the anal orificepruritus vulvae

pruritus vulvae /pru# |!ra"t"s $v.lvi%/ nounitching round the vulvapseud-

pseud- /sju%d/ prefix same as pseudo- (usedbefore vowels)pseudarthrosis

pseudarthrosis /!sju%d&%|$,r#*s"s/ noun afalse joint, as when the two broken ends of a frac-tured bone do not bind together but heal sepa-rately (NOTE: The plural is pseudarthroses.)pseudo-

pseudo- /sju%d#*/ prefix similar to somethingbut not the samepseudoangina

pseudoangina /!sju%d#*'n |$d+a"n#/ nounpain in the chest, caused by worry but not indicat-ing heart diseasepseudocrisis

pseudocrisis /$sju%d#*|!kra"s"s/ noun a sud-den fall in the temperature of a person with feverwhich does not mark the end of the feverpseudocroup

pseudocroup /!sju%d#* |$kru%p/ noun same aslaryngismuspseudocyesis

pseudocyesis /!sju%d#*sa"|$i%s"s/ noun a con-dition in which a woman has the physical symp-toms of pregnancy but is not pregnant. Also calledphantom pregnancy, pseudopregnancypseudocyst

pseudocyst /$sju%d#*s"st/ noun a false cystpseudogynaecomastia

pseudogynaecomastia /!sju%d#*|!1a"n"k#*|

$m'sti#/ noun enlargement of the male breastbecause of extra fatty tissue (NOTE: The US spell-ing is pseudogynecomastia.)pseudohermaphroditism

pseudohermaphroditism /!sju%d#*h-% |

$m'fr#da"t"z(#)m/ noun a condition in which aperson has either ovaries or testes but externalgenitalia that are not clearly of either sexpseudohypertrophy

pseudohypertrophy /!sju%d#*ha" |$p-%tr#fi/noun an overgrowth of fatty or fibrous tissue in apart or organ, which results in the part or organbeing enlargedpseudomonad

pseudomonad /!sju%d#* |$m#*n#d/ noun arod-shaped bacterium which lives in soil ordecomposing organic material and can cause dis-ease in plants and sometimes in humansPseudomonas

Pseudomonas /!su%d#*|$m#*n#s/ noun "pseudomonadpseudo-obstruction

pseudo-obstruction /!sju%d#* #b|$str.k/#n/noun a condition in which symptoms such asstomach cramps, nausea and bloating indicate ablockage in the intestines although no blockageexistspseudoplegia

pseudoplegia /!sju%d#* |$pli%d+#/, pseudopa-ralysis /!sju%d#*p# |$r'l#s"s/ noun loss of mus-cular power in the limbs without true paralysispseudopolyposis

pseudopolyposis /!sju%d#*p(li|$p#*s"s/noun a condition in which polyps are found inmany places in the intestine, usually resultingfrom an earlier infection


psilosis /sa" |$l#*s"s/ noun a disease of the smallintestine which prevents a person from absorbingfood properly. Also called spruepsoas major

psoas major /!s#*'s $me"d+#/ noun a musclein the groin which flexes the hippsoas minor

psoas minor /!s#*'s $ma"n#/ noun a smallmuscle similar to the psoas major but not alwayspresentpsoriasis

psoriasis /s# |$ra"#s"s/ noun a common inflam-matory skin disease where red patches of skin arecovered with white scalespsoriatic

psoriatic /!s)%ri |$'t"k/ adjective referring topsoriasispsoriatic arthritis

psoriatic arthritis /!s)%ri't"k &%|$,ra"t"s/noun a form of psoriasis which is associated witharthritispsych-

psych- /sa"k/ prefix same as psycho- (usedbefore vowels)psyche

psyche /$sa"ki/ noun the mindpsychedelic

psychedelic /!sa"k# |$del"k/ adjective referringto drugs such as LSD which expand a person’sconsciousnesspsychiatric

psychiatric /!sa"ki|$'tr"k/ adjective referringto psychiatry ! He is undergoing psychiatrictreatment.psychiatric hospital

psychiatric hospital /!sa"ki|$'tr"k!h(sp"t(#)l/ noun a hospital which specialises inthe treatment of patients with mental disorderspsychiatrist

psychiatrist /sa"|$ka"#tr"st/ noun a doctor whospecialises in the diagnosis and treatment of men-tal and behavioural disorderspsychiatry

psychiatry /sa" |$ka"#tri/ noun a branch of med-icine concerned with the diagnosis and treatmentof mental and behavioural disorderspsychic

psychic /$sa"k"k/, psychical /$sa"k"k(#)l/adjective 1. referring to a person who is suppos-edly able to guess thoughts which people have notexpressed, or to foresee the future 2. relating to ororiginating in the human mindpsycho-

psycho- /sa"k#*/ prefix referring to the mindpsychoanalysis

psychoanalysis /!sa"k#*# |$n'l#s"s/ noun aform of treatment for mental disorders in which aspecialist and patient talk and together analyse thepatient’s condition and past events which mayhave contributed to itpsychoanalyst

psychoanalyst /!sa"k#* |$'n(#)l"st/ noun aperson who is trained in psychoanalysispsychodrama

psychodrama /$sa"k#*|!dr&%m#/ noun a typeof psychotherapy in which patients act out roles indramas illustrating their emotional problems, infront of other patientspsychodynamics

psychodynamics /!sa"k#*da"|$n'm"ks/ nounthe study of how the forces which affect humanbehaviour and mental states work, especially on asubconscious levelpsychogenic

psychogenic /!sa"k#|$d+en"k/, psychoge-netic /!sa"k#*d+#|$net"k/, psychogenous /sa"|

$k(d+#n#s/ adjective referring to an illness

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249 ptyalin

which starts in the mind, rather than in a physicalstatepsychogeriatrics

psychogeriatrics /!sa"k#*d+eri |$'tr"ks/noun the study of the mental disorders of the latestages of the natural life spanpsychological

psychological /!sa"k#|$l(d+"k(#)l/ adjectivereferring to psychology, or caused by a mentalstatepsychological dependence

psychological dependence /!sa"k# |

!l(d+"k(#)l d" |$pend#ns/, psychological drugdependence /!sa"k#|!l(d+"k(#)l $dr.1 d"|

!pend#ns/ noun a state in which a person isaddicted to a drug such as cannabis or alcohol butdoes not suffer physical effects if he or she stopstaking itpsychologist

psychologist /sa" |$k(l#d+"st/ noun a personwho specialises in the study of the mind and men-tal processespsychology

psychology /sa"|$k(l#d+i/ noun the study of themind and mental processespsychometrics

psychometrics /!sa"k#|$metr"ks/ noun a wayof measuring intelligence and personality inwhich the result is shown as a number on a scalepsychomotor

psychomotor /!sa"k# |$m#*t#/ adjective refer-ring to muscle movements caused by mentalactivitypsychoneuroimmunology

psychoneuroimmunology /!sa"k#*|

!nj*#r#*|!"mj*$n(l#d+i/ noun a branch of medi-cine which deals with how emotions affect theimmune systempsychoneurosis

psychoneurosis /!sa"k#*nj*|$r#*s"s/ nounany of a group of mental disorders in which a per-son has a faulty response to the stresses of life. !neurosis (NOTE: The plural is psychoneuro-ses.)psychopath

psychopath /$sa"k#p',/ noun a person with along-term mental disorder characterised by anti-social and often violent behaviourpsychopathic

psychopathic /!sa"k# |$p',"k/ adjective refer-ring to psychopaths or psychopathypsychopathological

psychopathological /!sa"k#*p',#|

$l(d+"k(#)l/ adjective referring to psychopathol-ogypsychopathology

psychopathology /!sa"k#p#|$,(l#d+i/ noun abranch of medicine concerned with the pathologyof mental disorders and diseasespsychopathy

psychopathy /sa"|$k(p#,i/ noun any disease ofthe mind (NOTE: The plural is psychopathies.)psychopharmacology

psychopharmacology /!sa"k#*|!f&%m#|

$k(l#d+i/ noun the study of the actions and appli-cations of drugs which have a powerful effect onthe mind and behaviourpsychophysiological

psychophysiological /!sa"k#*|!f"zi#|

$l(d+"k(#)l/ adjective referring to psychophysiol-ogypsychophysiology

psychophysiology /!sa"k#* |!f"zi|$(l#d+i/noun the physiology of the mind and its functionspsychoses

psychoses /sa" |$k#*si%z/ plural of psychosis

psychosexualpsychosexual /!sa"k#* |$sek/u#l/ adjectiverelating to the mental and emotional aspects ofsexuality and sexual developmentpsychosexual developmentpsychosexual development /!sa"k#*|

!sek/u#l d" |$vel#pm#nt/ noun the developmentof human personality in stages based upon theability to experience sexual pleasure, and the wayin which sexuality plays a role in a person’s lifepsychosispsychosis /sa" |$k#*s"s/ noun any serious men-tal disorder in which a person has a distorted per-ception of reality (NOTE: The plural is psycho-ses.)psychosocialpsychosocial /!sa"k#* |$s#*/(#)l/ adjectiverelating to the interaction of psychological andsocial factorspsychosomatic

psychosomatic /!sa"k#*s#|$m't"k/ adjectivereferring to the relationship between body andmindpsychosurgery

psychosurgery /!sa"k#* |$s-%d+#ri/ noun brainsurgery, used as a treatment for psychological dis-orderspsychosurgicalpsychosurgical /!sa"k#*|$s-%d+"k(#)l/ adjec-tive referring to psychosurgerypsychotherapeuticpsychotherapeutic /!sa"k#*,er# |$pju%t"k/adjective referring to psychotherapypsychotherapistpsychotherapist /!sa"k#* |$,er#p"st/ noun aperson trained to give psychotherapypsychotherapypsychotherapy /!sa"k#* |$,er#pi/ noun thetreatment of mental disorders by psychologicalmethods, as when a psychotherapist encourages aperson to talk about his or her problems. ! ther-apypsychotic

psychotic /sa"|$k(t"k/ adjective referring topsychosispsychotropicpsychotropic /!sa"k#|$tr(p"k/ adjective refer-ring to a drug such as a stimulant or sedativewhich affects a person’s moodpterionpterion /$t"#ri(n/ noun the point on the side ofthe skull where the frontal, temporal parietal andsphenoid bones meetpteroylglutamic acid

pteroylglutamic acid /!ter#*a"l1lu%|!t'm"k$'s"d/ noun same as folic acidpterygiumpterygium /t# |$r"d+i#m/ noun a degenerativecondition in which a triangular growth of con-junctiva covers part of the cornea, with its apextowards the pupilpterygo-

pterygo- /ter"1#*/ suffix the pterygoid processpterygoid processpterygoid process /$ter"1)"d !pr#*ses/ nounone of two projecting parts on the sphenoid boneptosisptosis /$t#*s"s/ noun prolapse of an organ-ptosis-ptosis /t#*s"s/ suffix prolapsePTSD

PTSD abbreviation post-traumatic stress disor-derptyal-ptyal- /ta"#l/ prefix same as ptyalo- (usedbefore vowels)ptyalinptyalin /$ta"#l"n/ noun an enzyme in salivawhich cleanses the mouth and converts starch intosugar

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ptyalism 250ptyalismptyalism /$ta"#l"z(#)m/ noun the production ofan excessive amount of salivaptyalithptyalith /$ta"#l",/ noun same as sialolithptyalo-ptyalo- /ta"#l#*/ prefix referring to salivapubertalpubertal /$pju%b#t(#)l/, puberal /$pju%b#r#l/adjective referring to pubertypubertypuberty /$pju%b#ti/ noun 1. the physical andpsychological changes which take place whenchildhood ends and adolescence and sexual matu-rity begin and the sex glands become active 2. thetime when these changes take placepubespubes1 /$pju%bi%z/ noun the part of the body justabove the groin, where the pubic bones are foundpubespubes2 /$pju%bi%z/ plural of pubispubicpubic /$pju%b"k/ adjective referring to the areanear the genitalspubic bonepubic bone /$pju%b"k b#*n/ noun the bone infront of the pelvis. Also called pubis. See illus-tration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) in Supple-mentpubic hairpubic hair /!pju%b"k $he#/ noun tough hairgrowing in the genital regionpubic lousepubic louse /!pju%b"k $la*s/ noun also calledPediculus pubispubic symphysispubic symphysis /!pju%b"k $s"mf#s"s/ noun apiece of cartilage which joins the two sections ofthe pubic bone. Also called symphysis pubis

COMMENT: In a pregnant woman, the pubicsymphysis stretches to allow the pelvic gir-dle to expand so that there is room for thebaby to pass through.

pubiotomypubiotomy /!pju%bi|$(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to divide the pubic bone during labour,in order to make the pelvis wide enough for thechild to be born safely (NOTE: The plural is pubi-otomies.)pubispubis /$pju%b"s/ noun a bone forming the frontpart of the pelvis. See illustration at PELVIS inSupplement (NOTE: The plural is pubes.)public healthpublic health /!p.bl"k $hel,/ noun the study ofillness, health and disease in the communitypublic health laboratory servicepublic health laboratory service /!p.bl"k!hel, l# |$b(r#t(#)ri !s-%v"s/ noun in the UK, aformer service of the NHS which detected, diag-nosed and monitored suspected cases of infec-tious disease in a countrywide network of labora-tories. Abbreviation PHLSpublic health medicinepublic health medicine /!p.bl"k !hel,$med(#)s(#)n/ noun the branch of medicine con-cerned with health and disease in populations,with the responsibilities of monitoring health,identification of health needs, development ofpolicies which promote health and evaluation ofhealth servicespublic health nursepublic health nurse /!p.bl"k !hel, $n-%s/noun a nurse such as a school nurse, health visitoror other community nurse who monitors healthand works to prevent illness in community situa-tions

public health physician

public health physician /!p.bl"k !hel, f"|

$z"/(#)n/ noun a consultant who has special train-ing in public health medicinepudenda

pudenda /pju% |$dend#/ plural of pudendumpudendal

pudendal /pju%|$dend(#)l/ adjective referring tothe pudendumpudendal block

pudendal block /pju%|!dend(#)l $bl(k/ nounan operation to anaesthetise the pudendum duringchildbirthpudendum

pudendum /pju%|$dend#m/ noun an externalgenital organ of a woman (NOTE: The plural ispudenda.)puerpera

puerpera /pju|$-%p(#)r#/ noun a woman whohas recently given birth, or is giving birth, andwhose uterus is still distended (NOTE: The pluralis puerperae.)puerperal

puerperal /pju|$-%p(#)r#l/ adjective referring tothe puerperiumpuerperal infection

puerperal infection /pju|!-%p(#)r#l "n|

$fek/#n/, puerperal fever /pju |!-%p(#)r#l $fi%v#/noun an infection of the uterus and genital tractafter the birth of a baby, which is more commonin women who have had a caesarean section. Itcauses a high fever, and occasionally sepsis,which can be fatal and was commonly so in thepast. Also called postpartum feverpuerperalism

puerperalism /pju |$-%p(#)r#l"z(#)m/ noun anillness of a baby or its mother resulting from orassociated with childbirthpuerperium

puerperium /!pju%# |$p"#ri#m/ noun a period ofabout six weeks which follows immediately afterthe birth of a child, during which the mother’ssexual organs recover from childbirthpuerperous

puerperous /pju|$-%pr#s/ adjective same aspuerperalpuke

puke /pju%k/ verb same as vomit (informal)pull

pull /p*l/ verb to make a muscle move in a wrongdirection ! He pulled a muscle in his back. # topull the plug to switch off life support (informal)" # to pull yourself together to become calmer! Although he was very angry he soon pulledhimself together.pull through

pull through /!p*l $,ru%/ verb to recover from aserious illness (informal) ! The doctor says she isstrong and should pull through.pulmo-

pulmo- /p.lm#*/, pulmon- /p.lm#n/ prefixreferring to the lungspulmonary

pulmonary /$p.lm#n(#)ri/ adjective referringto the lungspulmonary artery

pulmonary artery /!p.lm#n(#)ri $&%t#ri/noun one of the two arteries which take deoxy-genated blood from the heart to the lungs for oxy-genation. See illustration at HEART in Supple-mentpulmonary circulation

pulmonary circulation /!p.lm#n(#)ri!s-%kj*|$le"/(#)n/ noun the circulation of bloodfrom the heart through the pulmonary arteries tothe lungs for oxygenation and back to the heart

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251 purine

through the pulmonary veins. Also called lessercirculationpulmonary embolism

pulmonary embolism /!p.lm#n(#)ri$emb#l"z(#)m/ noun a blockage of a pulmonaryartery by a blood clot. Abbreviation PEpulmonary hypertension

pulmonary hypertension /!p.lm#n(#)ri!ha"p#|$ten/#n/ noun high blood pressure in theblood vessels supplying blood to the lungspulmonary insufficiency

pulmonary insufficiency /!p.lm#n(#)ri!"ns#|$f"/(#)nsi/, pulmonary incompetence/!p.lm#n(#)ri "n |$k(mp"t(#)ns/ noun a conditioncharacterised by dilatation of the main pulmonaryartery and stretching of the valve ring, due to pul-monary hypertensionpulmonary oedema

pulmonary oedema /!p.lm#n(#)ri "|$di%m#/noun the collection of fluid in the lungs, as occursin left-sided heart failurepulmonary stenosis

pulmonary stenosis /!p.lm#n(#)ri ste|

$n#*s"s/ noun a condition in which the opening tothe pulmonary artery in the right ventriclebecomes narrowpulmonary tuberculosis

pulmonary tuberculosis /!p.lm#n(#)ri tju%|

!b-%kj*|$l#*s"s/ noun tuberculosis in the lungs,which makes the person lose weight, cough bloodand have a feverpulmonary valve

pulmonary valve /$p.lm#n(#)ri v'lv/ noun avalve at the opening of the pulmonary arterypulmonary vein

pulmonary vein /$p.lm#n(#)ri ve"n/ nounone of the four veins which carry oxygenatedblood from the lungs back to the left atrium of theheart. See illustration at HEART in Supplement(NOTE: The pulmonary veins are the only veinswhich carry oxygenated blood.)pulmonectomy

pulmonectomy /!p.lm#|$nekt#mi/ noun sameas pneumonectomy (NOTE: The plural is pul-monectomies.)pulp

pulp /p.lp/ noun soft tissue, especially whensurrounded by hard tissue as in the inside of atoothpulp cavity

pulp cavity /$p.lp !k'v"ti/ noun the centralpart of a tooth containing soft tissuepulsation

pulsation /p.l |$se"/(#)n/ noun the action ofbeating regularly, e.g. the visible pulse which canbe seen under the skin in some parts of the bodypulse

pulse /p.ls/ noun the regular expansion andcontraction of an artery caused by the heart pump-ing blood through the body, which can be felt withthe fingers especially where an artery is near thesurface of the body, as in the wrist or neck ! Herpulse is very irregular. # to take or feel a per-son’s pulse to measure a person’s pulse rate bypressing on the skin above an artery with the fin-gers ! Has the patient’s pulse been taken?pulseless

pulseless /$p.lsl#s/ adjective referring to aperson who has no pulse because the heart is beat-ing very weaklypulse oximetry

pulse oximetry /!p.ls (k|$s"m#tri/ noun amethod of measuring the oxygen content of arte-rial blood

pulse pointpulse point /$p.ls p)"nt/ noun a place on thebody where the pulse can be takenpulse pressurepulse pressure /$p.ls !pre/#/ noun the differ-ence between the diastolic and systolic pressure.! Corrigan’s pulsepulse ratepulse rate /$p.ls re"t/ noun the number oftimes the pulse beats per minutepulsuspulsus /$p.ls#s/ noun same as pulsepulsus alternanspulsus alternans /!p.ls#s $)%lt#n'nz/ noun apulse with a beat which is alternately strong andweakpulsus bigeminuspulsus bigeminus /!p.ls#s ba" |$1em"n#s/noun a double pulse, with an extra ectopic beatpulsus paradoxuspulsus paradoxus /!p.ls#s !p'r# |$d(ks#s/noun a condition in which there is a sharp fall inthe pulse when the person breathes inpulvispulvis /$p.lv"s/ noun powderpunch drunk syndromepunch drunk syndrome /!p.nt/ $dr.0k!s"ndr#*m/ noun a condition affecting a person,usually a boxer, who has been hit on the headmany times and develops impaired mental facul-ties, trembling limbs and speech disorderspunctapuncta /$p.0kt#/ plural of punctumpuncta lacrimalia

puncta lacrimalia /!p.0kt# !l'kr"|$me"li#/plural noun small openings at the corners of theeyes through which tears drain into the nosepunctate

punctate /$p.0kte"t/ adjective referring to tis-sue or a surface which has tiny spots, holes ordents in itpunctumpunctum /$p.0kt#m/ noun a point (NOTE: Theplural is puncta.)puncturepuncture /$p.0kt/#/ noun a neat hole made bya sharp instrument " verb to make a hole in tissuewith a sharp instrument (NOTE: puncturing –punctured)puncture woundpuncture wound /$p.0kt/# wu%nd/ noun awound made by a sharp instrument which makesa hole in the tissuepupilpupil /$pju%p(#)l/ noun the central opening in theiris of the eye, through which light enters the eye.See illustration at EYE in Supplementpupillarypupillary /$pju%p"l#ri/ adjective referring to thepupilpupillary reactionpupillary reaction /!pju%p"l#ri ri|$'k/#n/noun a reflex of the pupil of the eye which con-tracts when exposed to bright light. Also calledlight reflexpurchaserpurchaser /$p-%t/"s#/ noun a body, usually aPCG, which commissions health care and man-ages the budget to pay for the service. ! providerpurgationpurgation /p-%|$1e"/(#)n/ noun the use of a drugto cause a bowel movementpurgativepurgative /$p-%1#t"v/ noun a drug used toempty the bowels. ! laxativepurine

purine /$pj*#ri%n/ noun 1. a nitrogen-containingsubstance derived from uric acid which is the par-ent compound of several biologically importantsubstances 2. a derivative of purine, especially

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Purkinje cells 252

either of the bases adenine and guanine, which arefound in RNA and DNAPurkinje cells

Purkinje cells /p#|$k"nd+i selz/ plural nounneurones in the cerebellar cortex [Described1837. After Johannes Evangelista Purkinje(1787–1869), Professor of Physiology at Bre-slau, now in Poland, and then Prague, CzechRepublic.]Purkinje fibres

Purkinje fibres /p# |$k"nd+i !fa"b#z/ pluralnoun a bundle of fibres which form the atrioven-tricular bundle and pass from the atrioventricularnode to the septum [Described 1839. AfterJohannes Evangelista Purkinje (1787–1869),Professor of Physiology at Breslau, now inPoland, and then Prague, Czech Republic.]Purkinje shift

Purkinje shift /p# |$k"nd+i /"ft/ noun thechange in colour sensitivity which takes place inthe eye in low light when the eye starts using therods in the retina because the light is too weak tostimulate the conespurpura

purpura /$p-%pj*r#/ noun a purple colouring onthe skin, similar to a bruise, caused by blood dis-ease and not by traumapursestring operation

pursestring operation /!p-%sstr"0 !(p#|

$re"/(#)n/ same as Shirodkar’s operationpursestring stitch

pursestring stitch /$p-%sstr"0 st"t// nounsame as Shirodkar suturepurulent

purulent /$pj*#r*l#nt/ adjective containing orproducing puspus

pus /p.s/ noun a yellow liquid composed ofblood serum, pieces of dead tissue, white bloodcells and the remains of bacteria, formed by thebody in reaction to infection (NOTE: For otherterms referring to pus, see words beginning withpy- or pyo-.)pustule

pustule /$p.stju%l/ noun a small pimple filledwith pusputrefaction

putrefaction /!pju%tr"|$f'k/#n/ noun thedecomposition of organic substances by bacteria,making an unpleasant smellp.v.

p.v. adverb by way of the vagina. Full form pervaginamPVS

PVS abbreviation persistent vegetative statepy-

py- /pa"/, pyo- /pa"#*/ prefix same as pyo- (usedbefore vowels)pyaemia

pyaemia /pa" |$i%mi#/ noun invasion of bloodwith bacteria which then multiply and form manylittle abscesses in various parts of the body (NOTE:The US spelling is pyemia.)pyarthrosis

pyarthrosis /!pa"&%|$,r#*s"s/ noun a conditionin which a joint becomes infected with pyogenicorganisms and fills with pus. Also called acutesuppurative arthritispyel-

pyel- /pa"#l/ prefix same as pyelo- (used beforevowels)pyelitis

pyelitis /!pa"# |$la"t"s/ noun inflammation of thecentral part of the kidney


pyelo- /pa"#l#*/ prefix referring to the pelvis ofthe kidneypyelocystitis

pyelocystitis /!pa"#l#*s" |$sta"t"s/ nouninflammation of the pelvis of the kidney and theurinary bladderpyelogram

pyelogram /$pa"#l#1r'm/ noun an X-ray pho-tograph of a kidney and the urinary tractpyelography

pyelography /!pa"#|$l(1r#fi/ noun X-ray exam-ination of a kidney after introduction of a contrastmediumpyelolithotomy

pyelolithotomy /!pa"#l#*l" |$,(t#mi/ noun asurgical operation to remove a stone from the pel-vis of the kidney (NOTE: The plural is pyelo-lithotomies.)pyelonephritis

pyelonephritis /!pa"#l#*n" |$fra"t"s/ nouninflammation of the kidney and the pelvis of thekidneypyeloplasty

pyeloplasty /$pa"#l#pl'sti/ noun any surgicaloperation on the pelvis of the kidney (NOTE: Theplural is pyeloplasties.)pyelotomy

pyelotomy /!pa"# |$l(t#mi/ noun a surgical oper-ation to make an opening in the pelvis of the kid-ney (NOTE: The plural is pyelotomies.)pyg-

pyg- /p"d+/, pygo- prefix relating to the buttockspykno-

pykno- /p"kn#*/ prefix indicating thickness ordensitypyl-

pyl- /pa"l/, pyle- /pa"li/ prefix referring to theportal veinpylephlebitis

pylephlebitis /!pa"lifl#|$ba"t"s/ noun thrombo-sis of the portal veinpylethrombosis

pylethrombosis /!pa"li,r(m|$b#*s"s/ noun acondition in which blood clots are present in theportal vein or any of its branchespylor-

pylor- /pa"l)%r/ prefix same as pyloro- (usedbefore vowels)pylorectomy

pylorectomy /!pa"l#|$rekt#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove the pylorus and the antrum ofthe stomach (NOTE: The plural is pylorecto-mies.)pylori

pylori /pa"|$l)%ri/ plural of pyloruspyloric

pyloric /pa"|$l(r"k/ adjective referring to thepyloruspyloric antrum

pyloric antrum /pa" |!l(r"k $'ntr#m/ noun aspace at the bottom of the stomach, before thepyloric sphincterpyloric orifice

pyloric orifice /pa" |!l(r"k $(r"f"s/ noun anopening where the stomach joins the duodenumpyloric sphincter

pyloric sphincter /pa" |!l(r"k $sf"0kt#/ noun amuscle which surrounds the pylorus, makes itcontract and separates it from the duodenumpyloric stenosis

pyloric stenosis /pa" |!l(r"k ste |$n#*s"s/ nouna blockage of the pylorus, which prevents foodfrom passing from the stomach into the duode-numpyloro-

pyloro- /pa" |$l)%r#*/ prefix the pyloruspyloroplasty

pyloroplasty /pa"|$l)%r#pl'sti/ noun a surgicaloperation to make the pylorus larger, sometimes

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253 pyuria

combined with treatment for peptic ulcers (NOTE:The plural is pyloroplasties.)pylorospasmpylorospasm /pa"|$l)%r#sp'z(#)m/ noun amuscle spasm which closes the pylorus so thatfood cannot pass through into the duodenumpylorotomypylorotomy /!pa"l# |$r(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to cut into the muscle surrounding thepylorus to relieve pyloric stenosis. Also calledRamstedt’s operation (NOTE: The plural ispylorotomies.)pyloruspylorus /pa"|$l)%r#s/ noun an opening at the bot-tom of the stomach leading into the duodenum(NOTE: The plural is pylori.)pyo-pyo- /pa"#*/ prefix referring to puspyocolpospyocolpos /!pa"#|$k(lp#s/ noun an accumula-tion of pus in the vaginapyodermapyoderma /!pa"# |$d-%m#/ noun an eruption ofpus in the skinpyoderma gangrenosumpyoderma gangrenosum /!pa"#d-%m#!1'01r" |$n#*s#m/ noun a serious ulcerating dis-ease of the skin, especially the legs, usuallytreated with steroid drugspyogenicpyogenic /!pa"#|$d+en"k/ adjective producingor forming puspyometrapyometra /!pa"#|$mi%tr#/ noun an accumulationof pus in the uteruspyomyositispyomyositis /!pa"#*ma"#|$sa"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of a muscle caused by staphylococci orstreptococcipyonephrosispyonephrosis /!pa"#*n"|$fr#*s"s/ noun thedistension of the kidney with puspyopericarditispyopericarditis /!pa"#*perik&%|$da"t"s/ nounan inflammation of the pericardium due to infec-tion with staphylococci, streptococci or pneumo-coccipyopneumothoraxpyopneumothorax /!pa"#*|!nju%m#*|

$,)%r'ks/ noun an accumulation of pus and gasor air in the pleural cavitypyorrhoeapyorrhoea /!pa"#|$ri#/ noun discharge of pus(NOTE: The US spelling is pyorrhea.)pyosalpinxpyosalpinx /!pa"#|$s'lp"0ks/ noun inflamma-tion and formation of pus in a Fallopian tubepyothoraxpyothorax /!pa"#|$,)%r'ks/ noun same asempyema


pyr- /pa"r/ prefix same as pyro- (used beforevowels)pyramid

pyramid /$p"r#m"d/ noun a cone-shaped part ofthe body, especially a cone-shaped projection onthe surface of the medulla oblongata or in themedulla of the kidney. See illustration at KIDNEYin Supplementpyramidal

pyramidal /p" |$r'm"d(#)l/ adjective referring toa pyramidpyramidal cell

pyramidal cell /p" |$r'm"d(#)l sel/ noun acone-shaped cell in the cerebral cortexpyramidal system

pyramidal system /p" |$r'm"d(#)l $s"st#m/,pyramidal tract /p" |$r'm"d(#)l tr'kt/ noun agroup of nerve fibres within the pyramid of themedulla oblongata in the brain. It is thought to bevital in controlling movement and speech.pyret-

pyret- /pa"ret/, pyreto- prefix relating to heat orfeverpyrexia

pyrexia /pa"|$reksi#/ noun same as feverpyridostigmine

pyridostigmine /!p"r"d#* |$st"1mi%n/ noun adrug which stops or delays the action of theenzyme cholinesterase, used to treat myastheniagravispyridoxine

pyridoxine /!p"r"|$d(ks"n/ noun same as Vita-min B6pyrimidine

pyrimidine /p" |$r"m"di%n/ noun 1. a strong-smelling nitrogenous based compound with a six-sided ring structure that is the parent compound ofseveral biologically important substances 2. aderivative of pyrimidine, especially any of thebases cytosine, thymine, and uracil which arefound in RNA and DNApyro-

pyro- /pa"r#*/ prefix burning or feverpyrogen

pyrogen /$pa"r#d+en/ noun a substance whichcauses a feverpyrogenic

pyrogenic /!pa"r# |$d+en"k/ adjective causing afeverpyromania

pyromania /!pa"r#*|$me"ni#/ noun an uncon-trollable desire to start firespyruvic acid

pyruvic acid /pa" |!ru%v"k $'s"d/ noun a sub-stance formed from glycogen in the muscleswhen it is broken down to release energypyuria

pyuria /pa" |$j*#ri#/ noun pus in the urine

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q.d.s. adverb (written on prescriptions) to betaken four times a day. Full form quater in diesumendusQ fever

Q fever /$kju% !fi%v#/ noun an infectious rickett-sial disease of sheep and cows caused by Coxiellaburnetti transmitted to humansQRS complex

QRS complex /!kju% &%r $es !k(mpleks/ nounthe deflections on an electrocardiogram, labelledQ, R, and S, which show ventricular contraction.! PQRST complexq.s.

q.s. adverb (written on prescriptions) as much asnecessary. Full form quantum sufficiatQ-T interval

Q-T interval /!kju% $ti% !"nt#v(#)l/, Q-S2 inter-val /!kju% es $tu% !"nt#v(#)l/ noun the length ofthe QRS complex in an electrocardiogram. !PQRST complexquad

quad /kw(d/ noun same as quadruplet(informal)quadrant

quadrant /$kw(dr#nt/ noun one of four sectorsof the body thought of as being divided by thesagittal plane and the intertubercular plane ! ten-derness in the right lower quadrantquadratus femoris

quadratus femoris /kw(|!dre"t#s $fem#r"s/noun a muscle at the top of the femur whichrotates the thighquadri-

quadri- /kw(dri/ prefix fourquadriceps

quadriceps /$kw(dr"seps/, quadriceps fem-oris /!kw(dr"seps $fem(r"s/ noun a large mus-cle in the front of the thigh, which extends to thelegquadriplegia

quadriplegia /!kw(dr" |$pli%d+#/ noun paralysisof all four limbs, both arms and both legsquadriplegic

quadriplegic /!kw(dr" |$pli%d+"k/ adjective par-alysed in both arms and both legs " noun a per-son paralysed in both arms and both legsquadruple

quadruple /$kw(dr*p(#)l/ adjective 1. consist-ing of four times as much 2. having four partsquadruplet

quadruplet /$kw(dr*pl#t/ noun one of fourbabies born to a mother at the same time. Alsocalled quadquadruple vaccine

quadruple vaccine /!kw(dr*p(#)l $v'ksi%n/noun a vaccine which immunises against four dis-eases, diphtheria, whooping cough, poliomyelitisand tetanus


qualitative /$kw(l"t#t"v/ adjective referring toa study in which descriptive information is col-lected. Compare quantitativequality

quality /$kw(l"ti/ noun 1. a characteristic ofsomebody or something 2. the general standard orgrade of something 3. the highest or finest stand-ardquality assurance

quality assurance /$kw(l"ti #|!/*#r#ns/ nouna set of criteria which are designed to check thatpeople in an organisation maintain a high stand-ard in the products or services they supplyquality circle

quality circle /$kw(l#ti !s-%k(#)l/ noun agroup of employees from different levels of anorganisation who meet regularly to discuss waysof improving the quality of its products or serv-icesQualpacs

Qualpacs /$kw(lp'ks/, Quality Patient CareScale /!kw(l"ti !pe"/(#)nt $ke# !ske"l/ noun amethod which guides nurses to evaluate theiractivity in terms of efficiency of cost, time, use ofskill level and workloadquantitative

quantitative /$kw(nt"t#t"v/ adjective referringto a study in which numerical information is col-lected. Compare qualitativequantitative digital radiography

quantitative digital radiography/!kw(nt"t#t"v !d"d+"t(#)l !re"di|$(1r#fi/ nounthe use of digital X-ray scans to find out whethera person has a bone disease such as osteoporosis.The levels of calcium in the bones are measured,usually in the spine and hip.quarantine

quarantine /$kw(r#nti%n/ noun 1. the situationin which a person, animal or ship just arrived in acountry is kept isolated in case it carries a seriousdisease, to allow the disease time to develop andbe detected 2. the period of such isolation to pre-vent the spread of disease ! six months’ quaran-tine " verb to put a person or animal in quaran-tine (NOTE: quarantining – quarantined)quartan fever

quartan fever /$kw)%t(#)n !fi%v#/ noun a formof malaria caused by Plasmodium malariae inwhich the fever returns every four days. ! tertianfeverqueasiness

queasiness /$kwi%z"n#s/ noun the feeling ofbeing about to vomitqueasy

queasy /$kwi%zi/ adjective feeling as thoughabout to vomit

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255 Q waveQueckenstedt testQueckenstedt test /$kwek#nsted test/ nouna test done during a lumbar puncture in whichpressure is applied to the jugular veins to see if thecerebrospinal fluid is flowing correctly[Described 1916. After Hans Heinrich GeorgeQueckenstedt (1876–1918), German physician.]quickeningquickening /$kw"kn"0/ noun the first sign oflife in an unborn baby, usually after about fourmonths of pregnancy, when the mother can feel itmoving in her uterusquiescentquiescent /kwi |$es(#)nt/ adjective referring to adisease with symptoms reduced either by treat-ment or in the usual course of the diseasequinquin /kw"n/ noun same as quintuplet (informal)(NOTE: The US term is quint.)quininequinine /kw" |$ni%n/ noun an alkaloid drug madefrom the bark of cinchona, a South American treequinolonequinolone /$kw"n#l#*n/ noun a drug used totreat Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterialinfections of the respiratory and urinary tracts andof the gastro-intestinal system (NOTE: Quinolone

drugs have names ending in -oxacin: cipro-floxacin)quinsy

quinsy /$kw"nzi/ noun acute throat inflamma-tion with an abscess round a tonsil. Also calledperitonsillar abscessquint

quint /kw"nt/ noun US same as quintupletquintuplet

quintuplet /$kw"ntj*pl#t/ noun one of fivebabies born to a mother at the same time. Alsocalled quin, quintquotidian

quotidian /kw#* |$t"di#n/ adjective recurringdailyquotidian fever

quotidian fever /kw#*|!t"di#n $fi%v#/ noun aviolent form of malaria in which the fever returnsat daily or even shorter intervalsquotient

quotient /$kw#*/(#)nt/ noun the result whenone number is divided by anotherQ wave

Q wave /$kju% we"v/ noun a negative deflectionat the start of the QRS complex on an electrocar-diogram, going downwards

Nursing.fm Page 255 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM


R symbol roentgenR/

R/ abbreviation prescription. Full form reciperabid

rabid /$r'b"d/ adjective referring to rabies, oraffected by rabies ! She was bitten by a rabiddog.rabid encephalitis

rabid encephalitis /!r'b"d en|!kef# |$la"t"s/noun a fatal form of encephalitis resulting fromthe bite of a rabid animalrabies

rabies /$re"bi%z/ noun a frequently fatal viraldisease transmitted to humans by infected ani-mals ! The hospital ordered a batch of rabiesvaccine. Also called hydrophobiaracemose

racemose /$r's"m#*s/ adjective referring toglands which look like a bunch of grapesrachi-

rachi- /re"ki/ prefix same as rachio- (usedbefore vowels)rachides

rachides /$re"k"di%z/ plural of rachisrachio-

rachio- /re"ki#*/ prefix referring to the spinerachis

rachis /$re"k"s/ noun same as backbone (NOTE:The plural is rachises or rachides.)rachischisis

rachischisis /re"|$k"sk"s"s/ noun same asspina bifidarachitic

rachitic /r#|$k"t"k/ adjective referring to ricketsrachitis

rachitis /r#|$ka"t"s/ noun same as ricketsrad

rad /r'd/ noun a unit of measurement ofabsorbed radiation dose. ! becquerel, gray(NOTE: Gray is now used to mean one hundredrads.)radial

radial /$re"di#l/ adjective 1. referring to some-thing which branches 2. referring to the radiusbone in the armradial artery

radial artery /$re"di#l !&%t#ri/ noun an arterywhich branches from the brachial artery, runningnear the radius, from the elbow to the palm of thehandradial nerve

radial nerve /$re"di#l n-%v/ noun the mainmotor nerve in the arm, running down the back ofthe upper arm and the outer side of the forearmradial pulse

radial pulse /$re"di#l p.ls/ noun the mainpulse in the wrist, taken near the outer edge of theforearm just above the wristradial recurrent

radial recurrent /!re"di#l r"|$k.r#nt/ noun anartery in the arm which forms a loop beside thebrachial artery

radial reflex

radial reflex /!re"di#l $ri%fleks/ noun a jerkmade by the forearm when the insertion in theradius of one of the muscles, the brachioradialis,is hitradiant

radiant /$re"di#nt/ adjective 1. lit with a brightor glowing light 2. referring to light, heat or otherenergy sent out in the form of rays or waves 3.sending out light, heat or other energy in the formof rays or wavesradiation

radiation /!re"di |$e"/(#)n/ noun waves of energywhich are given off by some substances, espe-cially radioactive substancesradiation burn

radiation burn /!re"di |$e"/(#)n b-%n/ noun aburn on the skin caused by exposure to largeamounts of radiationradiation sickness

radiation sickness /!re"di|$e"/(#)n !s"kn#s/noun an illness caused by exposure to radiationfrom radioactive substancesradiation treatment

radiation treatment /!re"di |$e"/(#)n!tri%tm#nt/ noun same as radiotherapyradical

radical /$r'd"k(#)l/ adjective aiming to dealwith the root of a problem, taking thorough actionto remove the source of a disease rather than treatits symptomsradical mastectomy

radical mastectomy /!r'd"k(#)l m'|

$stekt#mi/ noun a surgical operation to remove abreast and the lymph nodes and muscles associ-ated with itradical mastoidectomy

radical mastoidectomy /!r'd"k(#)l !m'st)"|

$dekt#mi/ noun a surgical operation to remove allof the mastoid processradical treatment

radical treatment /!r'd"k(#)l $tri%tm#nt/noun treatment which aims at complete eradica-tion of a diseaseradicle

radicle /$r'd"k(#)l/ noun a small root or veinradicular

radicular /r#|$d"kj*l#/ adjective referring to aradicleradiculitis

radiculitis /r# |!d"kj*|$la"t"s/ noun inflammationof a radicle of a cranial or spinal nerveradio-

radio- /re"di#*/ prefix 1. referring to radiation 2.referring to radioactive substances 3. referring tothe radius in the armradioactive

radioactive /!re"di#*|$'kt"v/ adjective with anucleus which disintegrates and gives off energyin the form of radiation which can pass throughother substances

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257 raperadioactive isotope

radioactive isotope /!re"di#*'kt"v$a"s#t#*p/ noun an isotope which sends out radi-ation, used in radiotherapy and scanningradioactivity

radioactivity /!re"di#*'k |$t"v"ti/ noun energyin the form of radiation emitted by a radioactivesubstanceradiobiologist

radiobiologist /!re"di#*ba" |$(l#d+"st/ noun adoctor who specialises in radiobiologyradiobiology

radiobiology /!re"di#*ba" |$(l#d+i/ noun thescientific study of radiation and its effects on liv-ing thingsradiocarpal joint

radiocarpal joint /!re"di#*|$k&%p(#)l !d+)"nt/noun the joint where the radius articulates withthe scaphoid, one of the carpal bones. Also calledwrist jointradiodermatitis

radiodermatitis /!re"di#*|!d-%m#|$ta"t"s/ nouninflammation of the skin caused by exposure toradiationradiograph

radiograph /$re"di#1r&%f/ noun an image pro-duced on film or another sensitive surface whenradiation such as X-rays or gamma rays passesthrough an object " verb to make a radiograph ofsomething, especially a part of the bodyradiographer

radiographer /!re"d"|$(1r#f#/ noun 1. a personspecially trained to operate a machine to take X-ray photographs or radiographs. Also called diag-nostic radiographer 2. a person speciallytrained to use X-rays or radioactive isotopes in thetreatment of patients. Also called therapeuticradiographerradiography

radiography /!re"di|$(1r#fi/ noun the work ofexamining the internal parts of the body by takingX-ray photographsradioimmunoassay

radioimmunoassay /!re"di#*|!"mj*n#*|

$'se"/ noun the use of radioactive tracers toinvestigate the presence of antibodies in bloodsamples, in order to measure the antibodies them-selves or the amount of particular substances,such as hormones, in the bloodradioisotope

radioisotope /!re"di#*|$a"s#t#*p/ noun an iso-tope of a chemical element which is radioactiveradiologist

radiologist /!re"d"|$(l#d+"st/ noun a doctorwho specialises in radiologyradiology

radiology /!re"di |$(l#d+i/ noun the use of radia-tion to diagnose disorders, e.g. through the use ofX-rays or radioactive tracers, or to treat diseasessuch as cancerradiomimetic

radiomimetic /!re"di#*m" |$met"k/ adjectivereferring to a drug or chemical which producessimilar effects to those of radiation, e.g. the nitro-gen mustard group of chemicals used in chemo-therapyradionuclide

radionuclide /!re"di#*|$nju%kla"d/ noun an ele-ment which gives out radiationradionuclide scan

radionuclide scan /!re"di#*|$nju%kla"d!sk'n/ noun a scan, especially of the brain, whereradionuclides are put in compounds which areconcentrated in particular parts of the body


radio-opaque /!re"di#* #* |$pe"k/ adjectiveabsorbing and blocking radiant energy, e.g. X-raysradio-opaque dye

radio-opaque dye /!re"di#* #*|!pe"k $da"/noun a liquid which appears on an X-ray, andwhich is introduced into soft organs such as thekidney so that they show up clearly on an X-rayphotographradiopaque

radiopaque /!re"di#*|$pe"k/ adjective same asradio-opaqueradioscopy

radioscopy /!re"di |$(sk#pi/ noun an examina-tion of an X-ray photograph on a fluorescentscreenradiosensitive

radiosensitive /!re"di#*|$sens"t"v/ adjectivereferring to a cancer cell which is sensitive toradiation and can be treated by radiotherapyradiotherapist

radiotherapist /!re"di#* |$,er#p"st/ noun adoctor who specialises in radiotherapyradiotherapy

radiotherapy /!re"di#* |$,er#pi/ noun the treat-ment of diseases by exposing the affected part toradioactive rays such as X-rays or gamma raysradium

radium /$re"di#m/ noun a radioactive metallicelement (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Ra.)radius

radius /$re"di#s/ noun the shorter and outer ofthe two bones in the forearm between the elbowand the wrist. See illustration at HAND in Supple-ment (NOTE: The plural is radii. The other bonein the forearm is the ulna.)radix

radix /$re"d"ks/ noun same as root (NOTE: Theplural is radices or radixes.)radon

radon /$re"d(n/ noun a radioactive gas, formedfrom the radioactive decay of radium, and used incapsules called radon seeds to treat cancers insidethe body (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Rn.)rale

rale /r&%l/ noun same as crepitationRamstedt’s operation

Ramstedt’s operation /$r&%mstets (p# |

!re"/(#)n/ noun same as pylorotomy [Described1912. After Wilhelm Conrad Ramstedt (1867–1963), German surgeon.]ramus

ramus /$re"m#s/ noun 1. a branch of a nerve,artery or vein 2. the ascending part on each side ofthe mandible (NOTE: The plural is rami.)R & D

R & D abbreviation research and developmentrandomised

randomised /$r'nd#ma"zd/, randomizedadjective involving subjects which have beenselected without a prearranged plan and in no par-ticular pattern or orderranitidine

ranitidine /r'|$n"t"di%n/ noun a drug whichreduces the amount of acid released by the stom-ach. It is used to treat peptic ulcers and gastritis.ranula

ranula /$r'nj*l#/ noun a small cyst under thetongue, on the floor of the mouth, which formswhen a salivary duct is blockedRanvier

Ranvier /$r&%nv" |!e"/ " node of Ranvierrape

rape /re"p/ noun the crime of forcing somebodyto have sexual intercourse " verb to force some-body to have sexual intercourse

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raphe 258raphe

raphe /$re"fi/ noun a long thin fold which lookslike a seam, along a midline such as on the dorsalface of the tonguerapid eye movement sleep

rapid eye movement sleep /!r'p"d $a"!mu%vm#nt !sli%p/ noun same as REM sleeprapport

rapport /r'|$p)%/ noun an emotional bond orfriendly relationship between people ! a psychi-atrist who quickly establishes a rapport with hispatientsrarefaction

rarefaction /!re#r"|$f'k/#n/ noun a conditionin which bone tissue becomes more porous andless dense because of a lack of calciumrash

rash /r'// noun a mass of small spots whichstays on the skin for a period of time, and then dis-appearsraspatory

raspatory /$r'sp#t(#)ri/ noun a surgical instru-ment like a file, which is used to scrape the sur-face of a bonerate

rate /re"t/ noun 1. the amount or proportion ofsomething compared with something else 2. thenumber of times something happens in a set time! The heart was beating at a rate of only 59 perminute.ratio

ratio /$re"/i#*/ noun a number which shows aproportion or which is the result of one numberdivided by another ! An IQ is the ratio of the per-son’s mental age to his or her chronological age.Raynaud’s disease

Raynaud’s disease /$re"n#*z d"|!zi%z/, Ray-naud’s phenomenon /$re"n#*z f"|!n(m"n#n/noun a condition with various possible causes inwhich the blood supply to the fingers and toes isrestricted and they become cold, white and numb.Also called dead man’s fingers, vasospasm[Described 1862. After Maurice Raynaud(1834–81), French physician.]RBC

RBC abbreviation red blood cellRCGP

RCGP abbreviation Royal College of GeneralPractitionersRCN

RCN abbreviation Royal College of NursingRCOG

RCOG abbreviation Royal College of Obstetri-cians and GynaecologistsRCP

RCP abbreviation Royal College of PhysiciansRCPsych

RCPsych /!&% si% $sa"k/ abbreviation RoyalCollege of PsychiatristsRCS

RCS abbreviation Royal College of SurgeonsRCT

RCT abbreviation randomised controlled trialreaction

reaction /ri |$'k/#n/ noun 1. an action whichtakes place as a direct result of something whichhas happened earlier ! A rash appeared as areaction to the penicillin injection. 2. the particu-lar response of someone to a testreactionary

reactionary /ri |$'k/#n(#)ri/ adjective same asreactivereactionary haemorrhage

reactionary haemorrhage /ri|!'k/#n(#)ri$hem(#)r"d+/ noun bleeding which follows anoperation


reactivate /ri |$'kt"ve"t/ verb to make some-thing active again ! His general physical weak-ness has reactivated the dormant virus.reactive

reactive /ri |$'kt"v/ adjective taking place as areaction to something elsereagent

reagent /ri|$e"d+(#)nt/ noun a chemical sub-stance which reacts with another substance, espe-cially one which is used to detect the presence ofthe second substancereal-time imaging

real-time imaging /!r"#l ta"m $"m"d+"0/ nounthe use of ultrasound information to produce aseries of images of a process or changing objectalmost instantlyrear

rear /r"#/, rear end /r"# end/ noun same as but-tock (informal)recalcitrant

recalcitrant /r" |$k'ls"tr#nt/ adjective notresponding to treatment ! a recalcitrant condi-tionrecall

recall /r" |$k)%l/ noun the act of rememberingsomething from the past " verb /r"|$k)%l/ toremember something which happened in the pastreceptor

receptor /r"|$sept#/, receptor cell /r" |$sept#sel/ noun a nerve ending or cell which senses achange such as cold or heat in the surroundingenvironment or in the body and reacts to it bysending an impulse to the central nervous systemrecess

recess /r"|$ses/ noun a hollow part in an organrecessive

recessive /r" |$ses"v/ adjective (of an allele)having the characteristic that leads to the traitwhich it controls being suppressed by the pres-ence of the corresponding dominant allele. Com-pare dominantrecipient

recipient /r"|$s"pi#nt/ noun a person whoreceives something such as a transplant or a bloodtransfusion from a donorrecombinant DNA

recombinant DNA /r" |!k(mb"n#nt di% en $e"/noun DNA extracted from two or more differentsources and joined together to form a single mol-ecule or fragment. This technology is used to pro-duce molecules and organisms with new proper-ties.recover

recover /r"|$k.v#/ verb to get better after an ill-ness, operation or accident ! She recovered fromher concussion in a few days. ! It will take himweeks to recover from the accident. (NOTE: Yourecover from an illness.)recovery

recovery /r"|$k.v(#)ri/ noun the process ofreturning to health after being ill or injuredrecovery position

recovery position /r" |$k.v(#)ri p#|!z"/(#)n/noun a position in which someone is lying facedownwards, with one knee and one arm bent for-wards and the face turned to one siderecovery room

recovery room /r" |$k.v(#)ri ru%m/ noun aroom in a hospital where patients are cared forafter they have had a surgical operation and arerecovering from the effects of the anaesthetic.Abbreviation RR

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259 reflective practicerecreational drug

recreational drug /!rekri |$e"/(#)n(#)l dr.1/noun a drug that is taken for pleasure rather thanbecause of medical needrecrudescence

recrudescence /!ri%kru% |$des(#)ns/ noun thereappearance of symptoms of a disease whichseemed to have got betterrect-

rect- /rekt/ prefix same as recto- (used beforevowels)rectal

rectal /$rekt(#)l/ adjective referring to the rec-tumrectal fissure

rectal fissure /!rekt(#)l $f"/#/ noun a crack inthe wall of the anal canalrectal prolapse

rectal prolapse /!rekt(#)l $pr#*l'ps/ noun acondition in which part of the rectum movesdownwards and passes through the anusrecto-

recto- /rekt#*/ prefix referring to the rectumrectocele

rectocele /$rekt#*si%l/ noun a condition associ-ated with prolapse of the uterus, in which the rec-tum protrudes into the vagina. Also called proc-tocelerectopexy

rectopexy /$rekt#*peksi/ noun a surgical oper-ation to attach a rectum which has prolapsedrectoscope

rectoscope /$rekt#sk#*p/ noun an instrumentfor looking into the rectumrectosigmoid

rectosigmoid /!rekt#*|$s"1m)"d/ noun the partof the large intestine where the sigmoid colonjoins the rectumrectosigmoidectomy

rectosigmoidectomy /!rekt#* |!s"1m)"|

$dekt#mi/ noun the surgical removal of the sig-moid colon and the rectumrectovaginal

rectovaginal /!rekt#*v#|$d+a"n(#)l/ adjectiverelating to both the rectum and the vaginarectovaginal examination

rectovaginal examination /!rekt#*v#|

!d+a"n(#)l "1|!z'm"|$ne"/(#)n/ noun an examina-tion of the rectum and vaginarectovesical

rectovesical /!rekt#* |$ves"k(#)l/ adjectivereferring to the rectum and the bladderrectum

rectum /$rekt#m/ noun the end part of the largeintestine leading from the sigmoid colon to theanus. See illustration at DIGESTIVE SYSTEM inSupplement, UROGENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) inSupplement (NOTE: For other terms referring tothe rectum, see words beginning with proct-,procto-.)rectus

rectus /$rekt#s/ noun a straight muscle (NOTE:The plural is recti.)rectus abdominis

rectus abdominis /!rekt#s 'b|$d(m"n"s/noun a long straight muscle which runs down thefront of the abdomenrectus femoris

rectus femoris /!rekt#s $fem(r"s/ noun aflexor muscle in the front of the thigh, one of thefour parts of the quadriceps femoris. ! medialrecumbent

recumbent /r"|$k.mb#nt/ adjective lying downrecuperation

recuperation /r"|!ku%p# |$re"/(#)n/ noun theprocess of getting better after an illness ! Hisrecuperation will take several months.


recurrent /r"|$k.r#nt/ adjective 1. occurring inthe same way many times 2. referring to a vein,artery or nerve which forms a looprecurrent abortion

recurrent abortion /r"|!k.r#nt #|$b)%/(#)n/noun a condition in which a woman has abortionswith one pregnancy after anotherrecurrent fever

recurrent fever /r" |!k.r#nt $fi%v#/ noun a feverlike malaria which returns at regular intervalsred blood cell

red blood cell /!red $bl.d !sel/ noun a bloodcell which contains haemoglobin and carries oxy-gen to the tissues and takes carbon dioxide fromthem. Abbreviation RBC. Also called erythro-cyteRed Crescent

Red Crescent /!red $krez(#)nt/ noun inIslamic countries, an international organisationdedicated to the medical care of the sick andwounded in wars and natural disasters (NOTE: It isknown as the Red Cross elsewhere.)Red Cross

Red Cross /!red $kr(s/ noun an internationalorganisation dedicated to the medical care of thesick and wounded in wars and natural disasters(NOTE: It is known as the Red Crescent inIslamic countries.)Redivac drain

Redivac drain /$red"v'k dre"n/, Redivacdrainage tube /!red"v'k $dre"n"d+ !tju%b/trademark a tube which drains fluid away fromthe inside of a wound into a bottle, used mainlyafter operations on the abdomenreducible

reducible /r" |$dju%s"b(#)l/ adjective capable ofbeing reducedreducible hernia

reducible hernia /r" |!dju%s"b(#)l $h-%ni#/noun a hernia where the organ can be pushedback into place without an operationreduction

reduction /r" |$d.k/#n/ noun the action ofputting a hernia, a dislocated joint or a brokenbone back into the correct positionreduction division

reduction division /r" |$d.k/#n d" |!v"+(#)n/noun same as meiosisrefer

refer /r"|$f-%/ verb 1. to mention or to talk aboutsomething ! The doctor referred to the patient’shistory of sinus problems. 2. to pass on informa-tion about a patient to someone else ! Theyreferred her case to a gynaecologist. 3. to sendsomeone to another doctor, usually a specialist,for advice or treatment ! She was referred to acardiologist.referral

referral /r" |$f-%r#l/ noun the act of sending some-one to a specialist ! She asked for a referral to agynaecologist.referred pain

referred pain /r"|!f-%d $pe"n/ noun same assynalgiareflection

reflection /r"|$flek/#n/ noun 1. the image ofsomebody or something which is seen in a mirroror still water 2. the process of reflecting some-thing, especially light, sound or heat 3. carefulthought 4. a situation in which an anatomicalstructure bends back upon itselfreflective practice

reflective practice /r" |!flekt"v $pr'kt"s/ nounthe process of improving professional skills by

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reflex 260

monitoring your own actions while they are beingcarried out, and by then later evaluating them bytalking or writing about them and asking otherprofessionals to give their assessments of youreflex

reflex /$ri%fleks/, reflex action /$ri%fleks!'k/#n/ noun a physiological reaction withoutany conscious thought involved, e.g. a knee jerkor a sneeze, which happens in response to a par-ticular stimulusreflex arc

reflex arc /$ri%fleks &%k/ noun the basic systemof a reflex action, where a receptor is linked to amotor neurone which in turn is linked to an effec-tor musclereflexologist

reflexologist /!ri%fl#k |$s(l#d+"st/ noun a per-son specialising in reflexologyreflexology

reflexology /!ri%flek|$s(l#d+i/ noun a treatmentto relieve tension by massaging the soles of thefeet and thereby stimulating the nerves andincreasing the blood supplyreflux

reflux /$ri%fl.ks/ noun a situation where a fluidflows in the opposite direction to its usual flow !The valves in the veins prevent blood reflux. !vesicoureteric refluxreflux oesophagitis

reflux oesophagitis /!ri%fl.ks i% |!s(f#|

$d+a"t"s/ noun inflammation of the oesophaguscaused by regurgitation of acid juices from thestomachrefraction

refraction /r"|$fr'k/#n/ noun a change of direc-tion of light rays as they enter a medium such asthe eyerefractory

refractory /r"|$fr'kt(#)ri/ adjective difficult orimpossible to treat, or not responding to treatmentrefractory period

refractory period /r"|!fr'kt(#)ri $p"#ri#d/noun a short space of time after the ventricles ofthe heart have contracted, when they cannot con-tract againrefrigeration

refrigeration /r"|!fr"d+# |$re"/(#)n/ noun theprocess of making something coldregeneration

regeneration /r" |!1en#|$re"/(#)n/ noun theprocess where tissue that has been destroyedgrows againregimen

regimen /$red+"m#n/ noun a fixed course oftreatment, e.g. a course of drugs or a special dietregional

regional /$ri%d+(#)n#l/ adjective in a particularregion, referring to a particular regionregister

register /$red+"st#/ noun an official list " verbto write a name on an official list, especially theofficial list of patients treated by a GP or dentist,or the list of people with a particular disease ! Heis a registered heroin addict. ! They went to reg-ister the birth with the Registrar of Births, Mar-riages and Deaths. # to register with someoneto put your name on someone’s official list, espe-cially the list of patients treated by a GP or dentist! Before registering with the GP, she asked if shecould visit him. ! All practising doctors are reg-istered with the General Medical Council.

registered midwife

registered midwife /!red+"st#d $m"dwa"f/noun a qualified midwife who is registered topractiseRegistered Nurse

Registered Nurse /!red+"st#d $n-%s/, Regis-tered General Nurse /!red+"st#d $d+en(#)r#l!n-%s/, Registered Theatre Nurse /!red+"st#d$,"#t# !n-%s/ noun a nurse who has been regis-tered by the UKCC. Abbreviation RN, RGN, RTNregistrar

registrar /!red+"|$str&%/ noun 1. a qualified doc-tor or surgeon in a hospital who supervises houseofficers 2. a person who registers something offi-ciallyregistration

registration /!red+"|$stre"/(#)n/ noun the act ofregistering ! A doctor cannot practise withoutregistration by the General Medical Council.regression

regression /r" |$1re/(#)n/ noun a stage wheresymptoms of a disease are disappearing and theperson is getting betterregurgitation

regurgitation /r"|!1-%d+"|$te"/(#)n/ noun theprocess of flowing back in the opposite directionto the usual flow, especially of bringing up partlydigested food from the stomach into the mouthrehabilitation

rehabilitation /!ri%#b"l"|$te"/(#)n/ noun theprocess of making someone fit to work or to leadan ordinary life againrehydration

rehydration /!ri%ha"|$dre"/(#)n/ noun the act ofgiving water or liquid to someone who has dehy-drationReiter’s syndrome

Reiter’s syndrome /$ra"t#z !s"ndr#*m/,Reiter’s disease /$ra"t#z d"|!zi%z/ noun an ill-ness which may be sexually transmitted andaffects mainly men, causing arthritis, urethritisand conjunctivitis at the same time [Described1916. After Hans Conrad Reiter (1881–1969),German bacteriologist and hygienist.]reject

reject /r"|$d+ekt/ verb 1. to refuse to acceptsomething 2. to be unable to tolerate tissue or anorgan transplanted from another body because itis immunologically incompatible ! The newheart was rejected by the body. ! They gave thepatient drugs to prevent the transplant beingrejected. 3. to be unable to keep food down andvomit it up againrejection

rejection /r" |$d+ek/#n/ noun the act of rejectingtissue ! The patient was given drugs to reducethe possibility of tissue rejection.relapse

relapse /$ri%l'ps, r"|$l'ps/ noun a situation inwhich someone gets worse after seeming to begetting better, or where a disease appears againafter seeming to be cured " verb to return to anearlier and worse state, especially to get ill againafter getting better ! She relapsed into a coma.relapsing fever

relapsing fever /r" |$l'ps"0 !fi%v#/ noun a dis-ease caused by a bacterium, where attacks offever recur from time to timerelative density

relative density /!rel#t"v $dens"ti/ noun theratio of the density of a substance to the density ofa standard substance at the same temperature and

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261 rep

pressure. For liquids and solids the standard sub-stance is usually water, and for gases, it is air.relative riskrelative risk /!rel#t"v $r"sk/ noun a measure ofthe likelihood of developing a disease for peoplewho are exposed to a particular risk, relative topeople who are not exposed to the same risk. Forexample, the relative risk of myocardial infarctionfor oral contraceptive users is 1.6 times that ofnon-users. Abbreviation RRrelaxant

relaxant /r" |$l'ks#nt/ noun a substance whichrelieves strain " adjective relieving strainrelaxationrelaxation /!ri%l'k|$se"/(#)n/ noun the processof reducing strain in a musclerelaxation therapy

relaxation therapy /!ri%l'k|$se"/(#)n !,er#pi/noun a treatment in which people are encouragedto relax their muscles to reduce stressrelaxin

relaxin /r"|$l'ks"n/ noun a hormone which issecreted by the placenta to make the cervix relaxand open fully in the final stages of pregnancybefore childbirthrelease

release /r" |$li%s/ noun the process of allowingsomething to go out ! the slow release of the druginto the bloodstream " verb to let something out! Hormones are released into the body by glands.releasing factorreleasing factor /r" |$li%s"0 !f'kt#/ noun a sub-stance produced in the hypothalamus whichencourages the release of hormonesreleasing hormonereleasing hormone /r"|$li%s"0 !h)%m#*n/noun a hormone secreted by the hypothalamuswhich makes the pituitary gland release particularhormones. Also called hypothalamic hormonerem

rem /rem/ noun a unit for measuring amounts ofradiation, equal to the effect that one roentgen ofX-rays or gamma-rays would produce in a humanbeing. It is used in radiation protection and moni-toring.REMREM /rem/ abbreviation rapid eye movement. !REM sleepremission

remission /r"|$m"/(#)n/ noun a period when anillness or fever is less severere. mist.re. mist. /!ri% $m"st/ adverb (on a prescription)repeat the same mixture. Full form repetaturmisturaREM sleepREM sleep /$rem sli%p/ noun a stage of sleepwhich happens several times each night and ischaracterised by dreaming, rapid eye movementand increased pulse rate and brain activity. Alsocalled rapid eye movement sleep

COMMENT: During REM sleep, a persondreams, breathes lightly and has a raisedblood pressure and an increased rate ofheartbeat. The eyes may be half-open, andthe sleeper may make facial movements.

ren-ren- /ri%n/ prefix same as reno- (used beforevowels)renal

renal /$ri%n(#)l/ adjective referring to the kidneysrenal artery

renal artery /!ri%n(#)l $&%t#ri/ noun one of twoarteries running from the abdominal aorta to thekidneys

renal calculus

renal calculus /!ri%n(#)l $k'lkj*l#s/ noun asmall hard mineral mass called a stone in the kid-neyrenal capsule

renal capsule /!ri%n(#)l $k'psju%l/ noun sameas fibrous capsulerenal colic

renal colic /!ri%n(#)l $k(l"k/ noun a sudden paincaused by a kidney stone or stones in the ureterrenal corpuscle

renal corpuscle /!ri%n(#)l $k)%p.s(#)l/ nounpart of a nephron in the cortex of a kidney. Alsocalled Malpighian bodyrenal cortex

renal cortex /!ri%n(#)l $k)%teks/ noun the outercovering of the kidney, immediately beneath thecapsule. See illustration at KIDNEY in Supplementrenal dialysis

renal dialysis /!ri%n(#)l da"|$'l#s"s/ noun amethod of artificially maintaining the chemicalbalance of the blood when the kidneys havefailed, or the process of using this method. Alsocalled dialysisrenal hypertension

renal hypertension /!ri%n(#)l !ha"p# |$ten/#n/noun high blood pressure linked to kidney diseaserenal medulla

renal medulla /!ri%n(#)l me|$d.l#/ noun theinner part of a kidney containing no glomeruli.See illustration at KIDNEY in Supplementrenal pelvis

renal pelvis /!ri%n(#)l $pelv"s/ noun the upperand wider part of the ureter leading from the kid-ney where urine is collected before passing downthe ureter into the bladder. Also called pelvis ofthe kidney. See illustration at KIDNEY in Supple-mentrenal transplant

renal transplant /!ri%n(#)l $tr'nspl&%nt/ nouna kidney transplantrenal tubule

renal tubule /!ri%n(#)l $tju%bju%l/ noun a tinytube which is part of a nephron. Also calleduriniferous tubulereni-

reni- /ri%ni/ prefix referring to the kidneysrenin

renin /$ri%n"n/ noun an enzyme secreted by thekidney to prevent loss of sodium, and which alsoaffects blood pressurerennin

rennin /$ren"n/ noun an enzyme which makesmilk coagulate in the stomach, so as to slow downthe passage of the milk through the digestive sys-temreno-

reno- /ri%n#*/ prefix referring to the kidneysrenovascular system

renovascular system /!ri%n#*|$v'skj*l#!s"st#m/ noun the blood vessels associated withthe kidneyreorganisation

reorganisation /ri% |!)%1#na"|$ze"/(#)n/, reor-ganization noun 1. a change in the way some-thing is organised or done 2. the process of chang-ing the way something is organised or done 3. anoccasion when a business or organisation is givena completely new structurereovirus

reovirus /$ri%#* |!va"r#s/ noun a virus whichaffects both the intestine and the respiratory sys-tem, but does not cause serious illness. Compareechovirusrep

rep /rep/ adverb (written on a prescription)repeat. Full form repetatur

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repetitive strain injury 262repetitive strain injuryrepetitive strain injury /r"|!pet"t"v $stre"n!"nd+#ri/, repetitive stress injury /r" |!pet"t"v$stres !"nd+#ri/ noun pain, usually in a limb, feltby someone who performs the same movementmany times over a period, e.g. when operating acomputer terminal or playing a musical instru-ment. Abbreviation RSIreplantationreplantation /!ri%pl&%n|$te"/(#)n/ noun a surgi-cal technique which reattaches parts of the bodywhich have been accidentally cut or torn offreplication

replication /!repl"|$ke"/(#)n/ noun the processin the division of a cell, where the DNA makescopies of itselfrepolarisationrepolarisation /ri% |!p#*l#ra"|$ze"/(#)n/, repo-larization noun the restoration of the usual elec-trical polarity of a nerve or muscle cell membraneafter reversal of its polarity while a nerve impulseor muscle contraction travelled along itreportable diseasesreportable diseases /r"|!p)%t#b(#)l d" |$zi%z"z/plural noun diseases such as asbestosis, hepatitisor anthrax which may be caused by working con-ditions or may infect other workers and must bereported to the District Health Authorityrepositorrepositor /r" |$p(z"t#/ noun a surgical instru-ment used to push a prolapsed organ back into itsusual positionrepression

repression /r"|$pre/(#)n/ noun (in psychiatry)the act of ignoring or forgetting feelings orthoughts which might be unpleasantreproductionreproduction /!ri%pr# |$d.k/(#)n/ noun theprocess of making new living beings by existingones, e.g. producing children or derived otherdescendantsreproductivereproductive /!ri%pr# |$d.kt"v/ adjective refer-ring to reproductionreproductive organsreproductive organs /!ri%pr#|$d.kt"v!)%1#nz/ plural noun parts of the bodies of menand women which are involved in the conceptionand development of a fetusreproductive systemreproductive system /!ri%pr#|$d.kt"v!s"st#m/ noun the arrangement of organs andducts in the bodies of men and women which pro-duce spermatozoa or ova

COMMENT: In the human male, the testesproduce the spermatozoa which passthrough the vasa efferentia and the vasa def-erentia where they receive liquid from theseminal vesicles, then out of the bodythrough the urethra and penis on ejaculation.In the female, an ovum, produced by one ofthe two ovaries, passes through the Fallopi-an tube where it is fertilised by a spermato-zoon from the male. The fertilised ovummoves down into the uterus where it devel-ops into an embryo.

RESRES abbreviation reticuloendothelial systemresearch and development

research and development /r" |!s-%t/ #n d"|

$vel#pm#nt/ noun the process by which pharma-ceutical companies find new drugs and test theirsuitability. Abbreviation R & D


resection /r"|$sek/#n/ noun the surgicalremoval of any part of the bodyresection of the prostate

resection of the prostate /r" |!sek/#n #v 2#$pr(ste"t/ noun same as transurethral prosta-tectomyresectoscope

resectoscope /r" |$sekt#sk#*p/ noun a surgicalinstrument used to carry out a transurethral resec-tionreservoir

reservoir /$rez#vw&%/ noun 1. a cavity in anorgan or group of tissues in which fluids collectand are stored 2. an organism in which a parasitelives and develops without damaging it, but fromwhich the parasite then passes to another specieswhich is damaged by it 3. a part of a machine orpiece of equipment where liquid is stored for it touseresident

resident /$rez"d(#)nt/ adjective living in a placeresidential

residential /!rez" |$den/#l/ adjective 1. living ina hospital 2. living at homeresidential care

residential care /!rez" |$den/#l !ke#/ noun thecare of patients either in a hospital or at home, butnot as outpatientsresidual

residual /r"|$z"dju#l/ adjective remaining,which is left behindresidual air

residual air /r" |!z"dju#l $e#/, residual volume/r"|!z"dju#l $v(lju%m/ noun air left in the lungsafter a person has breathed out as much air as pos-sibleresidual urine

residual urine /r" |!z"dju#l $j*#r"n/ noun urineleft in the bladder after a person has passed asmuch urine as possibleresistance

resistance /r"|$z"st#ns/ noun 1. the ability of aperson not to get a disease 2. the ability of bacte-ria or a virus to remain unaffected by a drug !The bacteria have developed a resistance to cer-tain antibiotics. 3. opposition to a forceresolution

resolution /!rez# |$lu%/(#)n/ noun the amount ofdetail which can be seen in a microscope or on acomputer monitorresonance

resonance /$rez(#)n#ns/ noun a sound madeby a hollow part of the body when hit. ! mag-neticresorption

resorption /r" |$s)%p/#n/ noun the process ofabsorbing a substance produced by the body backinto the bodyrespiration

respiration /!resp# |$re"/(#)n/ noun the act oftaking air into the lungs and blowing it out againthrough the mouth or nose. Also called breathingrespiration rate

respiration rate /!resp#|$re"/(#)n !re"t/ nounthe number of times a person breathes per minuterespirator

respirator /$resp#re"t#/ noun 1. same as venti-lator 2. a mask worn to prevent someone breath-ing harmful gas or fumesrespiratory

respiratory /r" |$sp"r#t(#)ri/ adjective referringto breathingrespiratory centre

respiratory centre /r" |!sp"r#t(#)ri $sent#/noun a nerve centre in the brain which regulatesthe breathing

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263 retino-respiratory distress syndrome

respiratory distress syndrome /r"|

!sp"r#t(#)ri d" |$stres !s"ndr#*m/ noun a condi-tion of newborn babies, and especially commonin premature babies, in which the lungs do notexpand properly, due to lack of surfactant. Alsocalled hyaline membrane diseaserespiratory failure

respiratory failure /r"|!sp"r#t(#)ri $fe"lj#/noun failure of the lungs to oxygenate the bloodcorrectlyrespiratory quotient

respiratory quotient /r" |!sp"r#t(#)ri$kw#*/(#)nt/ noun the ratio of the amount of car-bon dioxide taken into the alveoli of the lungsfrom the blood to the amount of oxygen which thealveoli take from the air. Abbreviation RQrespiratory syncytial virus

respiratory syncytial virus /r" |!sp"r#t(#)ris"n |$s"ti#l !va"r#s/ noun a virus which causesinfections of the nose and throat in adults, butserious bronchiolitis in children. AbbreviationRSVrespiratory system

respiratory system /r"|$sp"r#t(#)ri !s"st#m/,respiratory tract /r" |$sp"r#t(#)ri tr'kt/ noun theseries of organs and passages which take air intothe lungs, and exchange oxygen for carbon diox-iderespite care

respite care /$respa"t ke#/ noun temporarycare provided to people with disabilities, seriousconditions or terminal illness, so that their fami-lies can have a rest from the daily routineresponse

response /r"|$sp(ns/ noun a reaction by anorgan, tissue or a person to an external stimulusresponsibility

responsibility /r"|!sp(ns" |$b"l"ti/ noun 1. some-body or something which a person or organisationhas a duty to take care of ! Checking the drip isyour responsibility. 2. the blame for somethingbad which has happened ! She has taken fullresponsibility for the mix-up. 3. the position ofhaving to explain to somebody why somethingwas done ! Whose responsibility is it to talk tothe family?rest

rest /rest/ noun a period of time spent relaxingor sleeping ! What you need is a good night’srest. " verb 1. to spend time relaxing or sleeping2. to use a body part less for a period of time !Rest your arm for a week.restenosis

restenosis /!ri%st#|$n#*s"s/ noun an occasionwhen something becomes narrow again, e.g. acoronary artery which has previously been wid-ened by balloon angioplasty (NOTE: The plural isrestenoses.)resuscitation

resuscitation /r"|!s.s" |$te"/(#)n/ noun the act ofreviving someone who seems to be dead, by mak-ing him or her breathe again and restarting theheartretardation

retardation /!ri%t&% |$de"/(#)n/ noun the processof making something slowerretching

retching /$ret/"0/ noun the fact of attempting tovomit without being able to do so


rete /$ri%ti%/ noun a network of veins, arteries ornerve fibres in the body. ! reticular (NOTE: Theplural is retia.)retention

retention /r"|$ten/(#)n/ noun the act of not let-ting out something, especially a fluid, which isusually released from the body, e.g. holding backurine in the bladderretention cyst

retention cyst /r"|$ten/#n s"st/ noun a cystwhich is formed when a duct from a gland isblockedretention of urine

retention of urine /r" |!ten/(#)n #v $j*#r"n/noun a condition in which passing urine is diffi-cult or impossible because the urethra is blockedor because the prostate gland is enlargedrete testis

rete testis /!ri%ti% $test"s/ noun a network ofchannels in the testis which take the sperm to theepididymisretia

retia /$ri%/i#/ plural of retereticular

reticular /r" |$t"kj*l#/ adjective relating to or inthe form of a networkreticular fibres

reticular fibres /r"|!t"kj*l# $fa"b#s/ pluralnoun fibres in connective tissue which support,e.g., organs or blood vesselsreticulocyte

reticulocyte /r" |$t"kj*l#*sa"t/ noun a red bloodcell which has not yet fully developedreticulocytosis

reticulocytosis /r"|!t"kj*l#*sa"|$t#*s"s/ nouna condition in which the number of reticulocytesin the blood increases unusuallyreticuloendothelial cell

reticuloendothelial cell /r"|!t"kj*l#*|!end#*|

$,i%li#l sel/ noun a phagocytic cell in the reticu-loendolethial systemreticuloendothelial system

reticuloendothelial system /r" |!t"kj*l#*|

!end#*|$,i%li#l !s"st#m/ noun a series of phago-cytic cells in the body, found especially in bonemarrow, lymph nodes, liver and spleen, whichattack and destroy bacteria and form antibodies.Abbreviation RESretin-

retin- /ret"n/ prefix same as retino- (used beforevowels)retina

retina /$ret"n#/ noun the inside layer of the eyewhich is sensitive to light. ! detached retina.See illustration at EYE in Supplement (NOTE: Theplural is retinae.)retinal

retinal /$ret"n(#)l/ adjective referring to the ret-inaretinal artery

retinal artery /$ret"n(#)l !&%t#ri/ noun the onlyartery of the retina, which accompanies the opticnerveretinal detachment

retinal detachment /!ret"n(#)l d"|$t't/m#nt/noun a condition in which the retina is partlydetached from the choroidretinitis

retinitis /!ret"|$na"t"s/ noun inflammation of theretinaretinitis pigmentosa

retinitis pigmentosa /!ret"|!na"t"s !p"1men|

$t#*s#/ noun a hereditary condition in whichinflammation of the retina can result in blindnessretino-

retino- /ret"n#*/ prefix referring to the retina

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retinol 264retinol

retinol /$ret"n(l/ noun a vitamin found in liver,vegetables, eggs and cod liver oil which is essen-tial for good vision. Also called Vitamin Aretinopathy

retinopathy /!ret" |$n(p#,i/ noun any disease ofthe retinaretinoscope

retinoscope /$ret"n#sk#*p/ noun an instru-ment with various lenses, used to measure therefraction of the eyeretraction

retraction /r"|$tr'k/#n/ noun the fact of movingbackwards or becoming shorter ! There is retrac-tion of the overlying skin.retraction ring

retraction ring /r"|$tr'k/#n r"0/ noun a grooveround the uterus, separating its upper and lowerparts, which, in obstructed labour, prevents thebaby from moving forward as expected into thecervical canal. Also called Bandl’s ringretractor

retractor /r" |$tr'kt#/ noun a surgical instrumentwhich pulls and holds back the edge of the inci-sion in an operationretro-

retro- /retr#*/ prefix at the back, behindretrobulbar

retrobulbar /!retr#* |$b.lb#/ adjective behindthe eyeballretrobulbar neuritis

retrobulbar neuritis /!retr#*b.lb# nju%|

$ra"t"s/ noun inflammation of the optic nervewhich makes objects appear blurred. Also calledoptic neuritisretroflexion

retroflexion /!retr#* |$flek/(#)n/ noun the factof being bent backwardsretrograde

retrograde /$retr#*1re"d/ adjective goingbackwards or deteriorating, getting worseretrograde pyelography

retrograde pyelography /!retr#*1re"d !pa"#|

$l(1r#fi/ noun an X-ray examination of the kid-ney where a catheter is passed into the kidney andan opaque liquid is injected directly into itretrolental fibroplasia

retrolental fibroplasia /!retr#*lent(#)l!fa"br#*|$ple"zi#/ noun a condition in whichfibrous tissue develops behind the lens of the eye,resulting in blindnessretro-ocular

retro-ocular /!retr#* $(kj*l#/ adjective at theback of the eyeretroperitoneal

retroperitoneal /!retr#*|!per"t# |$ni%#l/ adjec-tive at the back of the peritoneumretroperitoneal space

retroperitoneal space /!retr#*per"t#*|!ni%#l$spe"s/ noun the area between the posterior pari-etal peritoneum and the posterior abdominal wall,containing the kidneys, adrenal glands, duode-num, ureters and pancreasretropharyngeal

retropharyngeal /!retr#*|!f'r"n |$d+i%#l/adjective at the back of the pharynxretropubic

retropubic /!retr#* |$pju%b"k/ adjective at theback of the pubisretrospection

retrospection /!retr#*|$spek/#n/ noun the actof recalling what happened in the pastretrospective

retrospective /!retr#*|$spekt"v/ adjectiveapplying to the past, tracing what has happenedalready to selected people


retroversion /!retr#*|$v-%/(#)n/ noun the factof sloping backwards # retroversion of theuterus Same as retroverted uterusretroverted uterus

retroverted uterus /!retr#*v-%t"d $ju%t#r#s/noun a condition in which the uterus slopes back-wards away from its usual position. Also calledretroversion of the uterus, tipped wombretrovirus

retrovirus /$retr#*va"r#s/ noun a virus whosegenetic material contains RNA from which DNAis synthesised (NOTE: The AIDS virus and manycarcinogenic viruses are retroviruses.)revascularisation

revascularisation /ri% |!v'skj*l# |ra" |

$ze"/(#)n/, revascularization noun 1. the act ofrestoring an adequate blood supply to an organ ortissue, especially in a surgical operation using ablood vessel graft 2. the condition of having anadequate blood supply restoredreverse isolation

reverse isolation /r" |!v-%s !a"s# |$le"/(#)n/noun same as protective isolationrevision

revision /r" |$v"+(#)n/ noun an examination of asurgical operation after it has been carried out !a revision of a radical mastoidectomyReye’s syndrome

Reye’s syndrome /$ra"z !s"ndr#*m/ noun aform of brain disease affecting young children,which is possibly due to viral infection and has asuspected link with aspirinRGN

RGN abbreviation Registered General NurseRh

Rh abbreviation rhesusrhabdomyosarcoma

rhabdomyosarcoma /!r'bd#*|!ma"#*s&%|

$k#*m#/ noun a malignant tumour of striatedmuscle tissue. It occurs mostly in children.rhabdovirus

rhabdovirus /$r'bd#*va"r#s/ noun any of agroup of viruses containing RNA, one of whichcauses rabiesrhachio-

rhachio- /re"ki#*/ prefix referring to the spineRh disease

Rh disease /!&%r $e"t/ d" |!zi%z/ noun same asrhesus factor diseaserheo-

rheo- /ri%#*/ prefix 1. relating to the flow of liq-uids 2. relating to the flow of electrical currentrhesus baby

rhesus baby /$ri%s#s !be"bi/ noun a baby witherythroblastosis fetalisrhesus factor

rhesus factor /$ri%s#s !f'kt#/ noun an antigenin red blood cells, which is an element in bloodgrouping. Also called Rh factorrhesus factor disease

rhesus factor disease /$ri%s#s !f'kt# d"|

!zi%z/ noun a disease which occurs when theblood of a fetus has a different rhesus factor fromthat of the mother. Also called Rh diseaserheumatic

rheumatic /ru%|$m't"k/ adjective referring torheumatismrheumatic fever

rheumatic fever /ru%|!m't"k $fi%v#/ noun acollagen disease of young people and children,caused by haemolytic streptococci, where thejoints and also the valves and lining of the heartbecome inflamed. Also called acute rheuma-tism

COMMENT: Rheumatic fever often followsanother streptococcal infection such as a

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265 rickets

strep throat or tonsillitis. Symptoms are highfever, pains in the joints, which become red,formation of nodules on the ends of bonesand difficulty in breathing. Although recoverycan be complete, rheumatic fever can recurand damage the heart permanently.


rheumatism /$ru%m#t"z(#)m/ noun pains andstiffness in the joints and muscles (informal) !She has rheumatism in her hips. ! He com-plained of rheumatism in the knees.rheumatoid

rheumatoid /$ru%m#t)"d/ adjective relating torheumatismrheumatoid arthritis

rheumatoid arthritis /!ru%m#t)"d &% |$,ra"t"s/noun a general painful disabling collagen diseaseaffecting any joint, but especially the hands, feetand hips, making them swollen and inflamed. !osteoarthritisrheumatologist

rheumatologist /!ru%m# |$t(l#d+"st/ noun adoctor who specialises in rheumatologyrheumatology

rheumatology /!ru%m#|$t(l#d+i/ noun a branchof medicine dealing with rheumatic disease ofmuscles and jointsRh factor

Rh factor /!&%r $e"t/ !f'kt#/ noun same as rhe-sus factorrhin-

rhin- /ra"n/ prefix same as rhino- (used beforevowels)rhinitis

rhinitis /ra" |$na"t"s/ noun inflammation of themucous membrane in the nose, which makes thenose run, caused, e.g., by a virus infection or anallergic reaction to dust or flowersrhino-

rhino- /ra"n#*/ prefix referring to the noserhinology

rhinology /ra" |$n(l#d+i/ noun a branch of med-icine dealing with diseases of the nose and thenasal passagesrhinophyma

rhinophyma /!ra"n#*|$fa"m#/ noun a conditioncaused by rosacea, in which the nose becomespermanently red and swollenrhinoplasty

rhinoplasty /$ra"n#*pl'sti/ noun plastic sur-gery to correct the appearance of the noserhinorrhoea

rhinorrhoea /!ra"n#*|$r"#/ noun a watery dis-charge from the noserhinoscope

rhinoscope /$ra"n#sk#*p/ noun an instrumentfor examining the inside of the noserhinoscopy

rhinoscopy /ra" |$n(sk#pi/ noun an examina-tion of the inside of the noserhinosinusitis

rhinosinusitis /!ra"n#* |!sa"n# |$sa"t"s/ nounswelling of the lining of the nose and paranasalsinuses, as a result of either a viral infection orallergic rhinitis. It is usually treated with antibiot-ics, antihistamines or steroids.rhinovirus

rhinovirus /$ra"n#* |!va"r#s/ noun a group ofviruses containing RNA, which cause infection ofthe nose and include the virus which causes thecommon coldrhiz-

rhiz- /ra"z/, rhizo- /ra"z#*/ prefix referring to aroot


rhizotomy /ra"|$z(t#mi/ noun a surgical opera-tion to cut or divide the roots of a nerve to relievesevere painRh-negative

Rh-negative /!&% e"t/ $ne1#t"v/ adjective whodoes not have the rhesus factor in his or her bloodrhodopsin

rhodopsin /r#* |$d(ps"n/ noun a light-sensitivepurple pigment in the rods of the retina, whichmakes it possible to see in dim light. Also calledvisual purplerhomboid

rhomboid /$r(mb)"d/ noun one of two musclesin the top part of the back which move the shoul-der bladesrhonchus

rhonchus /$r(0k#s/ noun an unusual sound inthe chest, heard through a stethoscope, caused bya partial blockage in the bronchi (NOTE: The plu-ral is rhonchi.)Rh-positive

Rh-positive /!&% e"t/ $p(z"t"v/ adjective whohas the rhesus factor in his or her bloodrhythm method

rhythm method /$r"2(#)m !me,#d/ noun amethod of birth control where sexual intercourseshould take place only during the safe periodswhen conception is least likely to occur, i.e. at thebeginning and at the end of the menstrual cycle

COMMENT: This method is not as safe or re-liable as other methods of contraception be-cause the time when ovulation takes placecannot be accurately calculated if a womandoes not have regular periods.


rib /r"b/ noun one of twenty-four curved boneswhich protect the chest (NOTE: For other termsreferring to the ribs, see words beginning withcost-, costo-.)ribavirin

ribavirin /$ra"b#|!va"r"n/ noun a synthetic drugwhich helps to prevent the synthesis of viral DNAand RNA, used in the treatment of viral diseasesrib cage

rib cage /$r"b ke"d+/ noun the ribs and the spaceenclosed by themriboflavine

riboflavine /!ra"b#*|$fle"v"n/ same as VitaminB2ribonuclease

ribonuclease /!ra"b#*|$nju%klie"z/ noun anenzyme which breaks down RNAribonucleic acid

ribonucleic acid /!ra"b#*nju%|!kli%"k $'s"d/noun one of the nucleic acids in the nucleus of allliving cells, which takes coded information fromDNA and translates it into specific enzymes andproteins. ! DNA. Abbreviation RNAribosome

ribosome /$ra"b#s#*m/ noun a tiny particle ina cell, containing RNA and protein, where proteinis synthesisedricewater stools

ricewater stools /$ra"sw)%t# stu%lz/ pluralnoun watery faeces that are typically passed bypeople who have choleraricin

ricin /$ra"s"n/ noun a highly toxic albumin foundin the seeds of the castor oil plantrickets

rickets /$r"k"ts/ noun a disease of children,where the bones are soft and do not develop prop-erly due to lack of Vitamin D. Also called rachi-tis

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ridge 266ridge

ridge /r"d+/ noun a long raised part on the sur-face of a bone or organrifampicin

rifampicin /r"f |$'mp"s"n/ noun an antibioticwhich works by interfering with RNA synthesisin the infecting bacteria, used in the treatment oftuberculosis, leprosy and other bacterial infec-tionsright-left shuntright-left shunt /!ra"t left $/.nt/ noun a mal-formation in the heart, allowing blood to flowfrom the pulmonary artery to the aortarigidity

rigidity /r" |$d+"d"ti/ noun the fact of being rigid,bent or not able to be moved. ! spasticityrigor

rigor /$r"1#/ noun an attack of shivering, oftenwith feverrigor mortisrigor mortis /!r"1# $m)%t"s/ noun a condition inwhich the muscles of a dead body become stiffafter death and then become relaxed again

COMMENT: Rigor mortis starts about eighthours after death, and begins to disappearseveral hours later. Environment and tem-perature play a large part in the timing.


rima /$ra"m#/ noun a narrow crack or cleftrima glottidis

rima glottidis /!ri%m# $1l(t"d"s/ noun a spacebetween the vocal cordsring

ring /r"0/ noun a circle of tissue, or tissue ormuscle shaped like a circlering block

ring block /$r"0 bl(k/ noun the process ofinserting local anaesthetic all the way round adigit, e.g a finger, in order to perform a proceduredistal to the block.Ringer’s solution

Ringer’s solution /$r"0#z s# |!lu%/(#)n/ noun asolution of inorganic salts which is used both totreat burns and cuts and to keep cells, tissues ororgans alive outside the bodyring finger

ring finger /$r"0 !f"01#/ noun the third finger,the finger between the little finger and the middlefingerringworm

ringworm /$r"0w-%m/ noun any of variousinfections of the skin by a fungus, in which theinfection spreads out in a circle from a centralpoint. It is very contagious and difficult to get ridof. Also called tineaRinne’s test

Rinne’s test /$r"niz test/ noun a hearing test inwhich a tuning fork is hit and its handle placednear the ear, to test for air conduction, and then onthe mastoid process, to test for bone conduction.It is then possible to determine the type of lesionwhich exists by finding if the sound is heard for alonger period by air or by bone conduction.[Described 1855. After Friedrich Heinrich Rinne(1819–68), otologist at Göttingen, Germany.]ripple bed

ripple bed /$r"p(#)l bed/ noun a type of bedwith an air-filled mattress divided into sections, inwhich the pressure is continuously being changedso that the body can be massaged and bedsorescan be avoidedrisk

risk /r"sk/ noun the possibility of somethingharmful happening ! There is a risk of a choleraepidemic. ! There is no risk of the disease

spreading to other members of the family. # atrisk in danger of being harmed ! Businessmenare particularly at risk of having a heart attack. "verb to do something which may possibly causeharm or have bad results ! If the patient is notmoved to an isolation ward, all the patients andstaff in the hospital risk catching the disease.risk factor

risk factor /$r"sk !f'kt#/ noun a characteristicthat increases a person’s likelihood of getting aparticular disease ! Smoking is a risk factor forlung cancer. ! Obesity is a risk factor for diabe-tes.risus sardonicus

risus sardonicus /!ra"s#s s&%|$d(n"k#s/ nouna twisted smile which is a symptom of tetanusrite of passage

rite of passage /!ra"t #v $p's"d+/ noun a cer-emony which shows that somebody is movingfrom one stage of their life to another, e.g. fromchildhood to puberty or from unmarried to mar-ried lifeRM

RM abbreviation Registered MidwifeRMN

RMN abbreviation Registered Mental NurseRN

RN abbreviation Registered NurseRNA

RNA abbreviation ribonucleic acidRNMH

RNMH abbreviation Registered Nurse for theMentally HandicappedRocky Mountain spotted fever

Rocky Mountain spotted fever /!r(ki!ma*nt"n !sp(t"d $fi%v#/ noun a type of typhuscaused by Rickettsia rickettsii, transmitted tohumans by ticksrod

rod /r(d/ noun 1. a stick shape with roundedends ! Some bacteria are shaped like rods or arerod-shaped. 2. one of two types of light-sensitivecell in the retina of the eye. Rods are sensitive todim light, but not to colour. ! conerodent ulcer

rodent ulcer /!r#*d(#)nt $.ls#/ noun a malig-nant tumour on the faceroentgen

roentgen /$r(nt1#n/ noun a unit of radiationused to measure the exposure of someone orsomething to X-rays or gamma rays. Symbol R[After Wilhelm Konrad von Röntgen (1845–1923), physicist at Strasbourg, Geissen, Würz-burg and Munich, and then Director of the phys-ics laboratory at Würzburg where he discoveredX-rays in 1895. Nobel prize for Physics 1901.]role

role /r#*l/ noun 1. the usual or expected functionof somebody or something in a particular processor event ! the role of haemoglobin in blood clot-ting 2. the characteristic or expected pattern ofbehaviour of a particular member of a socialgroup ! the eldest child’s role in the familyrole playing

role playing /$r#*l !ple""0/ noun the act of pre-tending to be somebody else in a situation, so thatyou have to imagine how that person feels andthinks. It usually involves several people. It isused in many training exercises and psychiatricevaluations.rolled bandage

rolled bandage /!r#*ld $b'nd"d+/, rollerbandage /$r#*l# !b'nd"d+/ noun a bandage in

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267 rubefacient

the form of a long strip of cloth which is rolled upfrom one or both endsRomberg’s sign

Romberg’s sign /$r(mb-%1z sa"n/ noun aswaying of the body or falling when standing withthe feet close together and the eyes closed, theresult of loss of the joint position sense[Described 1846. After Moritz Heinrich Romberg(1795–1873), German physician and pioneerneurologist.]rongeur

rongeur /r(0|$1-%/ noun a strong surgical instru-ment like a pair of pliers, used for cutting boneroot

root /ru%t/ noun 1. a point from which a part ofthe body grows ! root of hair or hair root ! rootof nerve or nerve root 2. part of a tooth which isconnected to a socket in the jaw $ also calledradixroot canal

root canal /$ru%t k#|!n'l/ noun a canal in theroot of a tooth through which the nerves andblood vessels passrooting reflex

rooting reflex /$ru%t"0 !ri%fleks/ noun theinstinct in new babies to turn their heads towardsa touch on the cheek or mouth, which is importantfor breastfeedingRoper, Logan and Tierney model

Roper, Logan and Tierney model /!r#*p#!l#*1#n #n $t"#ni !m(d(#)l/ noun an importantmodel of nursing developed in the UK in 1980.Various factors such as necessary daily tasks,lifespan and health status are used to assess therelative independence of an individual, which thenurse will help them to increase.Rorschach test

Rorschach test /$r)%/&%k test/ noun the inkblot test, used in psychological diagnosis, wheresomeone is shown a series of blots of ink on paperand is asked to say what each blot reminds him orher of. The answers give information about theperson’s psychological state. [Described 1921.After Hermann Rorschach (1884–1922), Ger-man-born psychiatrist who worked in Bern, Swit-zerland.]rosacea

rosacea /r#*|$ze"/#/ noun a common skin dis-ease seen from middle age affecting the face, andespecially the nose, which becomes red becauseof enlarged blood vessels. The cause is notknown. Also called acne rosacea (NOTE:Despite its alternative name, rosacea is not atype of acne.)rosea

rosea /$r#*zi#/ " pityriasisrostrum

rostrum /$r(str#m/ noun a projecting part of abone or structure shaped like a beak (NOTE: Theplural is rostra.)rotation

rotation /r#* |$te"/(#)n/ noun the act of movingin a circle. See illustration at ANATOMICAL TERMSin Supplementrotator

rotator /r#* |$te"t#/ noun a muscle which makesa limb rotateRothera’s test

Rothera’s test /$r(2#r#z test/ noun a test tosee if acetone is present in urine, a sign of ketosiswhich is a complication of diabetes mellitus [After

Arthur Cecil Hamel Rothera (1880–1915), bio-chemist in Melbourne, Australia.]Roth spot

Roth spot /$r#*t sp(t/ noun a pale spot whichsometimes occurs on the retina of a person whohas leukaemia or some other diseases [AfterMoritz Roth (1839–1915), Swiss pathologist andphysician.]rotunda

rotunda /r#* |$t.nd#/ " fenestraroughage

roughage /$r.f"d+/ noun same as dietary fibreround

round /ra*nd/ adjective shaped like a circle "noun a regular visitround ligament

round ligament /$ra*nd !l"1#m#nt/ noun aband of muscle which stretches from the uterus tothe labiaround window

round window /$ra*nd !w"nd#*/ noun a roundopening between the middle ear and the cochlea,and closed by a membrane. Also called fenestrarotunda. See illustration at EAR in SupplementRovsing’s sign

Rovsing’s sign /$r(vs"0z sa"n/ noun pain inthe right iliac fossa when the left iliac fossa ispressed, which is a sign of acute appendicitis[Described 1907. After Nils Thorkild Rovsing(1862–1927), Professor of Surgery at Copenha-gen, Denmark.]Royal College of General Practitioners

Royal College of General Practitioners/!r)"#l !k(l"d+ #v $d+en(#)r#l/ noun a profes-sional association which represents family doc-tors. Abbreviation RCGPRoyal College of Nursing

Royal College of Nursing /!r)"#l !k(l"d+ #v$n-%s"0/ noun a professional association whichrepresents nurses. Abbreviation RCNRoy’s model

Roy’s model /$r)"z !m(d(#)l/ noun a model fornursing developed in the US in the 1970s. Itdescribes a person’s health as being a state of suc-cessful positive adaptation to all those stimulifrom the environment which could interfere withtheir basic need satisfaction. Illness results froman inability to adapt to such stimuli, so nursesshould help patients to overcome this.RQ

RQ abbreviation respiratory quotientRR

RR abbreviation 1. recovery room 2. relative risk-rrhage

-rrhage /r"d+/, -rrhagia /$re"d+#/ suffix refer-ring to an unusual flow or discharge of blood-rrhaphy

-rrhaphy /r#fi/ suffix referring to surgical sew-ing or suturing-rrhexis

-rrhexis /reks"s/ suffix referring to splitting orrupture-rrhoea

-rrhoea /r"#/ suffix referring to an unusual flowor discharge of fluid from an organRSCN

RSCN abbreviation Registered Sick Children’sNurseRSI

RSI abbreviation repetitive strain injuryRSV

RSV abbreviation respiratory syncytial virusRTN

RTN abbreviation Registered Theatre Nurserubefacient

rubefacient /!ru%b"|$fe"/(#)nt/ noun a sub-stance which makes the skin warm, and pink orred " adjective causing the skin to become red

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rubella 268rubellarubella /ru%|$bel#/ noun a common infectiousviral disease of children with mild fever, swollenlymph nodes and rash. Also called German mea-sles

COMMENT: Rubella can cause stillbirth ormalformation of an unborn baby if the mothercatches the disease while pregnant. Onecomponent of the MMR vaccine immunisesagainst rubella.

rubeolarubeola /ru% |$bi%#l#/ noun same as measlesruborrubor /$ru%b#/ noun redness of the skin or tissueRuffini corpusclesRuffini corpuscles /ru%|$fi%ni !k)%p.s(#)lz/,Ruffini nerve endings /ru% |$fi%ni n-%v !end"0z/plural noun branching nerve endings in the skin,which are thought to be sensitive to heatrugaruga /$ru%1#/ noun a fold or ridge, especially ina mucous membrane such as the lining of thestomach (NOTE: The plural is rugae.)ruminationrumination /!ru%m"|$ne"/(#)n/ noun 1. a condi-tion in which someone has constant irrationalthoughts which they cannot control 2. the regurgi-tation of food from the stomach which is thenswallowed againrun-downrun-down /!r.n $da*n/ adjective exhausted andunwell

runningrunning /$r.n"0/ adjective from which liquid isflowing ! running eyesrunning sorerunning sore /!r.n"0 $s)%/ noun a sore which isdischarging pusrunsruns /r.nz/ noun the runs same as diarrhoea(informal) ! I’ve got the runs again. (NOTE:Takes a singular or plural verb.)rupturerupture /$r.pt/#/ noun 1. the breaking or tear-ing of an organ such as the appendix 2. same ashernia " verb to break or tear somethingruptured spleenruptured spleen /!r.pt/#d $spli%n/ noun aspleen which has been torn by piercing or by ablowRussell tractionRussell traction /$r.s(#)l !tr'k/(#)n/ noun atype of traction with weights and slings used tostraighten a femur which has been fractured[Described 1924. After R. Hamilton Russell(1860–1933), Australian surgeon.]Ryle’s tubeRyle’s tube /$ra"lz !tju%b/ noun a thin tubewhich is passed into the stomach through eitherthe nose or mouth, used to pump out the contentsof the stomach or to introduce a barium meal inthe stomach [Described 1921. After John AlfredRyle (1882–1950), physician at London, Cam-bridge and Oxford, UK]

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SSabin vaccine

Sabin vaccine /$se"b"n !v'ksi%n/ noun an oralvaccine against poliomyelitis, consisting of weaklive polio virus. Compare Salk vaccine (NOTE:This is the vaccine used in the UK) [Developed1955. After Albert Bruce Sabin (1906–93), Rus-sian-born New York bacteriologist.]sac

sac /s'k/ noun a part of the body shaped like abagsaccades

saccades /s'|$ke"dz/ plural noun controlledrapid movements of the eyes made when a personis changing the direction in which they are focus-ing, e.g. when they are readingsacchar-

sacchar- /s'k#/ prefix same as saccharo-(used before vowels)saccharide

saccharide /$s'k#ra"d/ noun a form of carbo-hydratesaccharin

saccharin /$s'k#r"n/ noun a white crystallinesubstance, used in place of sugar because,although it is nearly 500 times sweeter than sugar,it contains no carbohydratessaccharine

saccharine /$s'k#ra"n/ adjective relating to,resembling or containing sugarsaccharo-

saccharo- /s'k#r#*/ prefix referring to sugarsaccule

saccule /$s'kju%l/, sacculus /$s'kj*l#s/ nounthe smaller of two sacs in the vestibule of theinner ear which is part of the mechanism whichrelates information about the position of the headin spacesacral

sacral /$se"kr#l/ adjective referring to the sac-rumsacral foramen

sacral foramen /!se"kr#l f#|$re"m#n/ noun oneof the openings in the sacrum through which thesacral nerves pass. See illustration at PELVIS inSupplement (NOTE: The plural is sacralforamina.)sacral nerve

sacral nerve /$se"kr#l n-%v/ noun one of thenerves which branch from the spinal cord in thesacrum and govern the legs, the arms and the gen-ital areasacral plexus

sacral plexus /!se"kr#l $pleks#s/ noun a groupof nerves inside the pelvis near the sacrum whichlead to nerves in the buttocks, back of the thighand lower leg and footsacral vertebrae

sacral vertebrae /!se"kr#l $v-%t"bri%/ pluralnoun the five vertebrae in the lower part of thespine which are fused together to form the sacrum


sacro- /se"kr#*/ prefix referring to the sacrumsacrococcygeal

sacrococcygeal /!se"kr#*k(k|$si%d+i#l/adjective referring to the sacrum and the coccyxsacroiliac

sacroiliac /!se"kr#*|$"li'k/ adjective referringto the sacrum and the iliumsacroiliac joint

sacroiliac joint /!se"kr#* |$"li'k !d+)"nt/ nouna joint where the sacrum joins the iliumsacroiliitis

sacroiliitis /!se"kr#*"li|$a"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the sacroiliac jointsacrum

sacrum /$se"kr#m/ noun a flat triangular bone,formed of five sacral vertebrae fused together,located between the lumbar vertebrae and thecoccyx. It articulates with the coccyx and alsowith the hip bones. See illustration at PELVIS inSupplement (NOTE: The plural is sacra.)SAD

SAD abbreviation seasonal affective disordersaddle joint

saddle joint /$s'd(#)l d+)"nt/ noun a synovialjoint where one element is concave and the otherconvex, like the joint between the thumb and thewristsadism

sadism /$se"d"z(#)m/ noun a sexual conditionin which a person finds sexual pleasure in hurtingotherssadist

sadist /$se"d"st/ noun a person whose sexualurge is linked to sadismsadistic

sadistic /s# |$d"st"k/ adjective referring to sad-ism. Compare masochismSADS

SADS abbreviation seasonal affective disordersyndromesafe

safe /se"f/ adjective 1. not likely to cause harm! Is it safe to use this drug on someone who isdiabetic? 2. in a protected place or situation andnot likely to be harmed or lost ! Keep the drugsin a safe place. ! He’s safe in hospital beinglooked after by the doctors and nurses. (NOTE:safer – safest)safe dose

safe dose /$se"f d#*s/ noun the amount of adrug which can be given without being harmfulsafe sex

safe sex /!se"f $seks/ noun the use of measuressuch as a contraceptive sheath and having onlyone sexual partner to reduce the possibility ofcatching a sexually transmitted diseasesagittal

sagittal /$s'd+"t(#)l/ adjective going from thefront of the body to the back, dividing it into rightand left

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sagittal plane 270sagittal plane

sagittal plane /!s'd+"t(#)l $ple"n/ noun thedivision of the body along the midline, at rightangles to the coronal plane, dividing the body intoright and left parts. Also called median plane.See illustration at ANATOMICAL TERMS in Supple-mentsagittal section

sagittal section /!s'd+"t(#)l $sek/#n/ nounany section or cut through the body, going fromthe front to the back along the length of the bodysagittal suture

sagittal suture /!s'd+"t(#)l $su%t/#/ noun ajoint along the top of the head where the two pari-etal bones are fusedSt Vitus’s dance

St Vitus’s dance /s#nt $va"t#s"z !d&%ns/ nouna former name for Sydenham’s choreasalbutamol

salbutamol /s'l|$bju%t#m(l/ noun a drugwhich relaxes and dilates the bronchi, used in therelief of asthma, emphysema and chronic bron-chitissalicylate

salicylate /s# |$l"s"le"t/ noun one of variouspain-killing substances derived from salicylicacid, e.g. aspirinsalicylic acid

salicylic acid /!s'l"s"l"k $'s"d/ noun a whiteantiseptic substance which destroys bacteria andfungi and which is used in ointments to treatcorns, warts and other skin disorderssalicylism

salicylism /$s'l"s"l"z(#)m/ noun the effects ofpoisoning due to too much salicylic acid. Symp-toms include headache, tinnitus, faintness andvomiting.saline

saline /$se"la"n/ adjective referring to or con-taining salt ! The patient was given a salinetransfusion. " noun same as saline solutionsaline drip

saline drip /!se"la"n $dr"p/ noun a drip contain-ing a saline solutionsaline solution

saline solution /$se"la"n s#|!lu%/(#)n/ noun asolution made of distilled water and sodium chlo-ride, which is introduced into the body intrave-nously through a dripsaliva

saliva /s# |$la"v#/ noun a fluid in the mouth,secreted by the salivary glands, which starts theprocess of digesting food (NOTE: For terms refer-ring to saliva, see words beginning with ptyal-,ptyalo- or sial-, sialo-.)salivary

salivary /s# |$la"v(#)ri/ adjective referring tosalivasalivary calculus

salivary calculus /s#|!la"v(#)ri $k'lkj*l#s/noun a stone which forms in a salivary glandsalivary gland

salivary gland /s# |$la"v(#)ri 1l'nd/ noun agland which secretes saliva, situated under thetongue (the sublingual gland), beneath the lowerjaw (the submandibular gland) and in the neckat the back of the lower jaw joint (the parotidgland)salivation

salivation /!s'l"|$ve"/(#)n/ noun the productionof salivaSalk vaccine

Salk vaccine /$s)%k !v'ksi%n/ noun an injectedvaccine against poliomyelitis, consisting of inac-tivated polio virus. Compare Sabin vaccine

[Developed 1954. After Jonas Edward Salk(1914–95), virologist in Pittsburgh, USA.]salmeterol

salmeterol /s'l|$met#r(l/ noun a drug whichrelaxes and widens the airways, used to treatsevere asthmaSalmonella

Salmonella /!s'lm#|$nel#/ noun a genus ofpathogenic bacteria which live in the intestinesand are usually acquired by eating contaminatedfood, responsible for many cases of gastroenteri-tis and for typhoid or paratyphoid fever (NOTE:The plural is Salmonellae.)Salmonella poisoning

Salmonella poisoning /!s'lm#|$nel#!p)"z(#)n"0/ noun poisoning caused by Salmo-nellae which develop in the intestines ! Five peo-ple were taken to hospital with Salmonella poi-soning.salmonellosis

salmonellosis /!s'lm#ne|$l#*s"s/ noun foodpoisoning caused by Salmonella in the digestivesystemsalping-

salping- /s'lp"nd+/ prefix same as salpingo-(used before vowels)salpingectomy

salpingectomy /!s'lp"n |$d+ekt#mi/ noun asurgical operation to remove or cut a Fallopiantube, used as a method of contraceptionsalpingitis

salpingitis /!s'lp"n|$d+a"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion, usually of a Fallopian tubesalpingo-

salpingo- /s'lp"01#*/ prefix 1. referring to theFallopian tubes 2. referring to the auditory meatussalpingography

salpingography /!s'lp"0 |$1(1r#fi/ noun anX-ray examination of the Fallopian tubessalpingolysis

salpingolysis /!s'lp"0|$1(l"s"s/ noun a surgi-cal operation to open up blocked Fallopian tubesby removing any adhesions near the ovariessalpingo-oophorectomy

salpingo-oophorectomy /s'l |!p"01#*!#*#f#|$rekt#mi/ noun a surgical operation toremove a Fallopian tube and ovarysalpingo-oophoritis

salpingo-oophoritis /s'l |!p"01#* !#*#f#|

$ra"t"s/, salpingo-oothecitis /s'l |!p"01#*!#*#," |$sa"t"s/ noun inflammation of a Fallopiantube and the ovary connected to itsalpingo-oophorocele

salpingo-oophorocele /s'l|!p"01#* #*|

$(f#r#*si%l/, salpingo-oothecocele /s'l |

!p"01#* !#*# |$,i%k#*si%l/ noun a hernia where aFallopian tube and its ovary pass through a weakpoint in the surrounding tissuesalpingostomy

salpingostomy /!s'lp"0 |$1(st#mi/ noun a sur-gical operation to open up a blocked Fallopiantubesalpinx

salpinx /$s'lp"0ks/ noun same as Fallopiantube (NOTE: The plural is salpinges.)salt

salt /s)%lt/ noun 1. small white crystals mainly ofsodium chloride used to flavour and preserve food2. a crystalline compound, usually containing ametal, formed when an acid is neutralised by analkalisalt-free diet

salt-free diet /!s)%lt fri% $da"#t/ noun a diet inwhich no salt is allowedsalve

salve /s'lv/ noun an ointment

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271 scalenus syndromesample

sample /$s&%mp#l/ noun a small quantity ofsomething used for testing ! Blood samples weretaken from all the staff in the hospital. ! The doc-tor asked her to provide a urine sample.sanatorium

sanatorium /!s'n#|$t)%ri#m/ noun an institu-tion, similar to a hospital, which treats particulartypes of disorder such as tuberculosis, or offersspecial treatment such as hot baths or massage(NOTE: The plural is sanatoria or sanatoriums.)sandfly fever

sandfly fever /$s'ndfla" !fi%v#/ noun a virusinfection like influenza, which is transmitted bythe bite of the sandfly Phlebotomus papatasii andis common in the Middle Eastsandwich therapy

sandwich therapy /$s'nw"d+ !,er#pi/ noun asystem in which one type of treatment is usedbetween exposures to a different treatment, e.g.,chemotherapy given before and after radiation, orradiation given before and after surgerysangui-

sangui- /s'01w"/ prefix relating to bloodsanguineous

sanguineous /s'0 |$1w"ni#s/ adjective refer-ring to blood, containing bloodsanies

sanies /$se"nii%z/ noun a discharge from a soreor wound which has an unpleasant smellsanitary towel

sanitary towel /$s'n"t(#)ri !ta*#l/ noun a dis-posable pad of absorbent material worn bywomen to absorb the blood flow during menstru-ationSA node

SA node /!es $e" !n#*d/, S-A node /!es $e"!n#*d/ noun same as sinoatrial nodesaphena

saphena /s#|$fi%n#/ noun same as saphenousvein (NOTE: The plural is saphenae.)saphenous

saphenous /s# |$fi%n#s/ adjective relating to thesaphenous veinssaphenous nerve

saphenous nerve /s#|$fi%n#s n-%v/ noun abranch of the femoral nerve which connects withthe sensory nerves in the skin of the lower legsaphenous vein

saphenous vein /s#|$fi%n#s ve"n/ noun one oftwo veins which take blood from the foot up theleg. Also called saphena

COMMENT: The long (internal) saphenousvein, the longest vein in the body, runs fromthe foot up the inside of the leg and joins thefemoral vein. The short (posterior) saphen-ous vein runs up the back of the lower legand joins the popliteal vein.


sapphism /$s'f"z(#)m/ noun same as lesbian-ismsarc-

sarc- /s&%k/, sarco- /s&%k#*/ prefix 1. referringto flesh 2. referring to musclesarcoid

sarcoid /$s&%k)"d/ noun a tumour which is likea sarcoma " adjective like a sarcomasarcoidosis

sarcoidosis /!s&%k)"|$d#*s"s/ noun a diseasecausing enlargement of the lymph nodes, wheresmall nodules or granulomas form in certain tis-sues, especially in the lungs or liver and otherparts of the body. Also called Boeck’s disease,Boeck’s sarcoid (NOTE: The Kveim test con-firms the presence of sarcoidosis.)

sarcolemmasarcolemma /!s&%k#*|$lem#/ noun a membranesurrounding a muscle fibresarcomasarcoma /s&%|$k#*m#/ noun a cancer of connec-tive tissue such as bone, muscle or cartilagesarcomatosissarcomatosis /s&% |!k#*m# |$t#*s"s/ noun acondition in which a sarcoma has spread throughthe bloodstream to many parts of the bodysarcoptessarcoptes /s&% |$k(pti%z/ noun a type of mitewhich causes scabiesSARSSARS /s&%z/ noun a serious, sometimes fatal,infection affecting the respiratory system, firstseen in China. Suspected cases of SARS must beisolated with full barrier nursing precautions. Fullform severe acute respiratory syndromesartoriussartorius /s&% |$t)%ri#s/ noun a very long mus-cle, the longest muscle in the body, which runsfrom the anterior iliac spine, across the thighdown to the tibiasaturated fatsaturated fat /!s't/#re"t"d $f't/ noun a fatwhich has the largest amount of hydrogen possi-blesatyriasissatyriasis /!s't#|$ra"#s"s/ noun an obsessivesexual urge in a man (NOTE: A similar condition ina woman is called nymphomania.)saucerisationsaucerisation /!s)%s#ra"|$ze"/(#)n/, sauceri-zation noun 1. a surgical operation in which tis-sue is cut out in the form of a saucer-like depres-sion, usually in order to help material drain awayfrom infected areas of bone 2. the shallow saucer-like appearance of the upper surface of a vertebraafter a compression fractures.c.s.c. abbreviation subcutaneousscabscab /sk'b/ noun a crust of dry blood whichforms over a wound and protects itscabicidescabicide /$ske"b#sa"d/ noun a solution whichkills mites " adjective killing mitesscabiesscabies /$ske"bi%z/ noun a very irritating infec-tion of the skin caused by a mite which lives underthe skinscalascala /$sk&%l#/ noun a spiral canal in the cochleascaldscald /sk)%ld/ noun an injury to the skin causedby touching a very hot liquid or steam. Alsocalled wet burn " verb to injure the skin with avery hot liquid or steamscalescale /ske"l/ noun 1. a thin flat piece of some-thing such as dead skin 2. same as tartar 3. a sys-tem of measurement or valuation based on aseries of marks or levels with regular intervalsbetween them ! a pay scale 4. same as scales "verb to remove the calcium deposits from teethscalenusscalenus /ske" |$li%n#s/, scalene /$ske"li%n/noun one of a group of muscles in the neck whichbend the neck forwards and sideways, and alsohelp expand the lungs in deep breathingscalenus syndromescalenus syndrome /ske"|$li%n#s !s"ndr#*m/noun a pain in an arm, caused by the scalenusanterior muscle pressing the subclavian artery andthe brachial plexus against the vertebrae. Alsocalled thoracic outlet syndrome

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scaler 272scaler

scaler /$ske"l#/ noun a surgical instrument forscaling teethscales

scales /ske"lz/ noun a machine for weighing !The nurses weighed the baby on the scales.scalp

scalp /sk'lp/ noun the thick skin and muscle,with the hair, which covers the skullscalpel

scalpel /$sk'lp#l/ noun a small sharp-pointedknife used in surgeryscan

scan /sk'n/ noun an examination of part of thebody using computer-interpreted X-rays to createa picture of the part on a screen " verb to examinepart of the body using computer-interpreted X-rays to create a picture of the part on a screenscanning

scanning /$sk'n"0/ noun 1. the act of examin-ing an area with the eyes 2. the act of examininginternal organs of the body with a piece of elec-tronic equipmentscaphocephalic

scaphocephalic /!sk'f#*s# |$f'l"k/ adjectivehaving a long narrow skullscaphocephaly

scaphocephaly /!sk'f#* |$kef#li, !sk'f#*|

$sef#li/ noun a condition in which the skull isunusually long and narrowscaphoid

scaphoid /$sk'f)"d/, scaphoid bone/$sk'f)"d b#*n/ noun one of the carpal bones inthe wrist. See illustration at HAND in Supplementscapula

scapula /$sk'pj*l#/ noun one of two large flatbones covering the top part of the back. Alsocalled shoulder blade (NOTE: The plural isscapulae.)scapular

scapular /$sk'pj*l#/ adjective referring to theshoulder bladescapulo-

scapulo- /sk'pj*l#*/ prefix relating to thescapulascapulohumeral

scapulohumeral /!sk'pj*l#* |$hju%m#r#l/adjective referring to the scapula and humerusscar

scar /sk&%/ noun the mark left on the skin after awound or surgical incision has healed ! He stillhas the scar of his appendicectomy. Also calledcicatrix " verb to leave a scar on the skin ! Theburns have scarred him for life. ! Plastic sur-geons have tried to repair the scarred arm. !Patients were given special clothes to reducehypertrophic scarring.scarlatina

scarlatina /!sk&%l#|$ti%n#/, scarlet fever/!sk&%l#t $fi%v#/ noun an infectious disease with afever, sore throat and a red rash. It is caused by ahaemolytic streptococcus and can sometimeshave serious complications if the kidneys areinfected.scar tissue

scar tissue /$sk&% !t"/u%/ noun fibrous tissuewhich forms a scarscat-

scat- /sk't/, scato- /sk't#*/ prefix referring tothe faecesscatole

scatole /$sk't#*l/ noun a substance in faeces,formed in the intestine, which causes a strongsmell (NOTE: Also spelled skatole.)SCC

SCC abbreviation squamous cell carcinoma

Scheuermann’s disease

Scheuermann’s disease /$/)"#m#nz d"|

!zi%z/ noun inflammation of the bones and carti-lage in the spine, usually affecting adolescents[Described 1920. After Holger Werfel Scheuer-mann (1877–1960), Danish orthopaedic sur-geon and radiologist.]Schick test

Schick test /$/"k test/ noun a test to see if aperson is immune to diphtheria [Described 1908.After Bela Schick (1877–1967), paediatrician inVienna, Austria, and New York, USA.]Schilling test

Schilling test /$/"l"0 test/ noun a test to see ifsomeone can absorb Vitamin B12 through theintestines, to determine cases of pernicious anae-mia [After Robert Frederick Schilling (b. 1919),US physician.]-schisis

-schisis /ska"s"s/ suffix referring to a fissure orsplitschisto-

schisto- //"st#*/ prefix referring to somethingwhich is splitSchistosoma

Schistosoma /!/"st# |$s#*m#/, schistosome/$/"st#s#*m/ same as bilharziaschistosomiasis

schistosomiasis /!/"st#s#*|$ma"#s"s/ nounsame as bilharziasisschiz-

schiz- /sk"ts/, schizo- /sk"ts#*/ prefix referringto something which is splitschizoid

schizoid /$sk"ts)"d/ adjective referring toschizophrenia " noun a person who has a lesssevere form of schizophreniaschizoid personality

schizoid personality /!sk"ts)"d !p-%s#|

$n'l"ti/ noun a disorder in which someone is coldtowards other people, thinks mainly about himselfor herself and behaves in an odd way. Also calledsplit personalityschizophrenia

schizophrenia /!sk"ts#*|$fri%ni#/ noun a men-tal disorder in which someone withdraws fromcontact with other people, has delusions andseems to lose contact with the real worldschizophrenic

schizophrenic /!sk"ts#* |$fren"k/ noun some-one who has schizophrenia " adjective havingschizophreniaSchlemm’s canal

Schlemm’s canal /$/lemz k#|!n'l/ noun a cir-cular canal in the sclera of the eye, which drainsthe aqueous humour [Described 1830. After Frie-drich Schlemm (1795–1858), Professor of Anat-omy in Berlin, Germany.]Schönlein–Henoch purpura

Schönlein–Henoch purpura /!/-%nla"n$hen(k !p-%pj*r#/, Schönlein’s purpura/$/-%nla"nz !p-%pj*r#/ noun a blood disorder ofchildren, in which the skin becomes purple on thebuttocks and lower legs, the joints are swollen andpainful and there are gastrointestinal problemsschool health service

school health service /sku%l $hel, !s-%v"s/noun a special service, part of the local healthauthority, which looks after the health of childrenin schoolschool nurse

school nurse /$sku%l n-%s/ noun a nurse whoworks in a school, treating health problems andpromoting health and safety

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273 screenSchwann cells

Schwann cells /$/v(n selz/ plural noun thecells which form the myelin sheath around anerve fibre. See illustration at NEURONE in Sup-plement [Described 1839. After Friedrich Theo-dor Schwann (1810–82), German anatomist.]sciatic

sciatic /sa"|$'t"k/ adjective 1. referring to thehip 2. referring to the sciatic nervesciatica

sciatica /sa" |$'t"k#/ noun pain along the sciaticnerve, usually at the back of the thighs and legssciatic nerve

sciatic nerve /sa"|$'t"k n-%v/ noun one of twomain nerves which run from the sacral plexus intoeach of the thighs, dividing into a series of nervesin the lower legs and feet. They are the largestnerves in the body.scintigram

scintigram /$s"nt"1r'm/ noun an imagerecording radiation from radioactive isotopesinjected into the bodyscirrhous

scirrhous /$s"r#s/ adjective hard ! a scirrhoustumourscirrhus

scirrhus /$s"r#s/ noun a hard malignant tumour,especially in the breastscissor leg

scissor leg /$s"z# le1/ noun a condition inwhich someone walks with one leg crossing overthe other, usually as a result of spasticity of theleg’s adductor musclesscissor legs

scissor legs /$s"z# le1z/ plural noun mal-formed legs, where one leg is permanentlycrossed over in front of the otherscissura

scissura /$s"/*r#/ noun an opening in some-thing or a splitting of somethingscler-

scler- /skl"#/ prefix same as sclero- (usedbefore vowels)sclera

sclera /$skl"#r#/ noun the hard white outer cov-ering of the eyeball. See illustration at EYE inSupplement. Also called sclerotic, scleroticcoat, albuginea oculiscleral

scleral /$skl"#r#l/ adjective referring to thesclerascleritis

scleritis /skl#|$ra"t"s/ noun inflammation of thesclerasclero-

sclero- /skl"#r#*/ prefix 1. hard, thick 2. refer-ring to the sclerascleroderma

scleroderma /!skl"#r#|$d-%m#/ noun a collagendisease which thickens connective tissue and pro-duces a hard thick skinscleromalacia

scleromalacia /!skl"#r#*m#|!le"/i# p#|

$f)%r#ns/, scleromalacia perforans/!skl"#r#*m#|$le"/i#/ noun a condition of thesclera in which holes appear in itsclerosant agent

sclerosant agent /skl#|$r#*s(#)nt !e"d+#nt/noun an irritating liquid injected into tissue toharden itsclerosing

sclerosing /skl# |$r#*s"0/ adjective becominghard, or making tissue hardsclerosing agent

sclerosing agent /skl#|$r#*s"0 !e"d+(#)nt/,sclerosing solution /skl#|$r#*s"0 s#|!lu%/(#)n/noun same as sclerosant agent


sclerosis /skl#|$r#*s"s/ noun a condition inwhich tissue becomes hardsclerotherapy

sclerotherapy /!skl"#r#*|$,er#pi/ noun thetreatment of a varicose vein by injecting a sclero-sant agent into the vein, and so encouraging theblood in the vein to clotsclerotic

sclerotic /skl# |$r(t"k/ adjective referring tosclerosis, or having sclerosis " noun same assclerasclerotic coat

sclerotic coat /skl#|!r(t"k $k#*t/ noun same assclerasclerotome

sclerotome /$skl"#r#t#*m/ noun a sharp knifeused in sclerotomysclerotomy

sclerotomy /skl# |$r(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to cut into the sclerascolex

scolex /$sk#*leks/ noun the head of a tape-worm, with hooks which attach it to the wall ofthe intestine (NOTE: The plural is scolices orscolexes.)scoliosis

scoliosis /!sk#*li|$#*s"s/ noun a condition inwhich the spine curves sidewaysscoliotic

scoliotic /!sk#*li|$(t"k/ adjective referring to aspine which curves sidewaysSCOPE

SCOPE /sk#*p/ noun a UK organisation thatoffers support and services to people with cere-bral palsy-scope

-scope /sk#*p/ suffix referring to an instrumentfor examining by sightscopolamine

scopolamine /sk#|$p(l#mi%n/ noun a colour-less thick liquid poisonous alkaloid found in someplants of the nightshade family. It is used espe-cially to prevent motion sickness and as a seda-tive.scorbutic

scorbutic /sk)% |$bju%t"k/ adjective referring toscurvyscorbutus

scorbutus /sk)% |$bju%t#s/ noun same asscurvyscoto-

scoto- /sk#*t#/ prefix darkscotoma

scotoma /sk( |$t#*m#/ noun a small area in thefield of vision where someone cannot seescotometer

scotometer /sk#* |$t(m"t#/ noun an instrumentused to measure areas of impaired visionscotopia

scotopia /sk#* |$t#*pi#/ noun the power of theeye to adapt to poor lighting conditions and dark-nessscotopic

scotopic /sk#*|$t(p"k/ adjective referring toscotopiascotopic vision

scotopic vision /sk#*|!t(p"k $v"+(#)n/ nounvision in the dark and in dim light, where the rodsof the retina are used instead of the cones, whichare used for photopic vision. ! dark adaptationscreen

screen /skri%n/ noun 1. a light wall, sometimeswith a curtain, which can be moved about and putround a bed to shield a person 2. same as screen-ing " verb to examine large numbers of people totest them for a disease ! The population of thevillage was screened for meningitis.

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screening 274screening

screening /$skri%n"0/ noun the process of test-ing large numbers of people to see if any of themhave a particular type of disease. ! geneticscreeningscreening test

screening test /$skri%n"0 test/ noun a test fora particular disease which is given to people whohave no symptoms in order to identify how manyof them have that disease or are showing earlysigns of itscrotal

scrotal /$skr#*t(#)l/ adjective referring to thescrotumscrototomy

scrototomy /skr#* |$t(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to open up and examine the scrotum(NOTE: The plural is scrototomies.)scrotum

scrotum /$skr#*t#m/ noun a bag of skin hang-ing from behind the penis, containing the testes,epididymides and part of the spermatic cord. Seeillustration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) inSupplement (NOTE: The plural is scrotums orscrota.)scrub up

scrub up /!skr.b $.p/ verb (of a surgeon ortheatre nurse) to clean the hands and arms thor-oughly before performing surgery (NOTE: scrub-bing up – scrubbed up)scrumpox

scrumpox /$skr.mp(ks/ noun a form of herpessimplex found especially in male sports players,passed on easily due to the presence of small cutsin the skin combined with the abrasive effects offacial stubblescurf

scurf /sk-%f/ noun same as dandruffscurvy

scurvy /$sk-%vi/ noun a disease caused by lackof vitamin C or ascorbic acid which is found infruit and vegetables. Also called scorbutusscybalum

scybalum /$s"b#l#m/ noun very hard faecesseasickness

seasickness /$si%s"kn#s/ noun illness, withnausea, vomiting and sometimes headache,caused by the movement of a ship ! Take someseasickness tablets if you are going on a longjourney.seasonal affective disorder

seasonal affective disorder /!si%z(#)n(#)l #|

$fekt"v d"s |!)%d#/, seasonal affective disordersyndrome /!si%z(#)n(#)l # |$fekt"v d"s|!)%d#!s"ndr#*m/ noun a condition in which a personbecomes depressed and anxious during the winterwhen there are fewer hours of daylight. Its precisecause is not known, but it is thought that the short-age of daylight may provoke a reaction betweenvarious hormones and neurotransmitters in thebrain. Abbreviation SAD, SADSseat

seat /si%t/ noun same as buttock (informal)seat-belt syndrome

seat-belt syndrome /$si%t belt !s"ndr#*m/noun a group of injuries between the neck and theabdomen which occur in a car accident when aperson is using either a lap belt or a shoulder beltincorrectly, not over the strongest part of the chestsebaceous

sebaceous /s#|$be"/#s/ adjective referring tosebum

sebaceous cyst

sebaceous cyst /s# |!be"/#s $s"st/ noun a cystwhich forms when a sebaceous gland is blocked.! steatomasebaceous gland

sebaceous gland /s#|!be"/#s $1l'nd/ noun agland in the skin which secretes sebum at the baseof each hair follicleseborrhoea

seborrhoea /!seb#|$ri%#/ noun an excessivesecretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands, com-mon in young people at puberty, and sometimeslinked to seborrhoeic dermatitis (NOTE: The USspelling is seborrhea.)seborrhoeic

seborrhoeic /!seb#|$ri%"k/ adjective caused byseborrhoea (NOTE: The US spelling is sebor-rheic.)seborrhoeic dermatitis

seborrhoeic dermatitis /!seb#ri%"k !d-%m#|

$ta"t"s/, seborrhoeic eczema /!seb#ri%"k$eks"m#/ noun a type of eczema where scalesform on the skinsebum

sebum /$si%b#m/ noun an oily substancesecreted by a sebaceous gland, which makes theskin smooth. It also protects the skin against bac-teria and the body against rapid evaporation ofwater.secondary

secondary /$sek#nd(#)ri/ adjective 1. occur-ring after the first stage 2. less important thansomething else " noun a malignant tumourwhich has developed and spread from anothermalignant tumour. ! primary (NOTE: The plural issecondaries.)secondary amenorrhoea

secondary amenorrhoea /!sek#nd(#)ri e"|

!men#|$ri%#/ noun a situation in which a premen-opausal woman’s menstrual periods have stoppedsecondary biliary cirrhosis

secondary biliary cirrhosis /!sek#nd(#)ri!b"li#ri s#|$r#*s"s/ noun cirrhosis of the livercaused by an obstruction of the bile ductssecondary care

secondary care /!sek#nd(#)ri $ke#/ nountreatment provided by the professional team in ahospital, rather than by a GP or other primary careprovider and the primary health care team. Com-pare primary care, tertiary care. Also calledsecondary health caresecondary growth

secondary growth /!sek#nd(#)ri $1r#*,/noun same as metastasissecondary haemorrhage

secondary haemorrhage /!sek#nd(#)ri$hem(#)r"d+/ noun a haemorrhage which occurssome time after an injury, usually due to infectionof the woundsecondary health care

secondary health care /!sek#nd(#)ri $hel,!ke#/ noun same as secondary caresecondary infection

secondary infection /!sek#nd(#)ri "n|

$fek/#n/ noun an infection which affects a personwhile he or she is weakened through havinganother infectionsecondary medical care

secondary medical care /!sek#nd(#)ri$med"k(#)l !ke#/ noun specialised treatment pro-vided by a hospitalsecondary peritonitis

secondary peritonitis /!sek#nd(#)ri !per"t#|

$na"t"s/ noun peritonitis caused by infection from

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275 self-catheterisation

an adjoining tissue, e.g. from the rupturing of theappendixsecondary prevention

secondary prevention /!sek#nd(#)ri pr"|

$ven/#n/ noun the use of methods such as screen-ing tests which avoid a serious disease by detect-ing it earlysecondary sexual characteristic

secondary sexual characteristic/!sek#nd(#)ri !sek/u#l !k'r"kt# |$r"st"k/ noun asexual characteristic which develops afterpuberty, e.g. pubic hair or breastssecond-degree burn

second-degree burn /!sek#nd d" |!1ri% $b-%n/noun a burn where the skin becomes very red andblisterssecond-level nurse

second-level nurse /!sek#nd !lev(#)l $n-%s/,second-level registered nurse /!sek#nd!lev(#)l !red+"st#d $n-%s/ noun a trained personwho delivers nursing care under the direction andsupervision of a first-level nurse. Compare first-level nursesecretin

secretin /s"|$kri%t"n/ noun a hormone secretedby the duodenum which encourages the produc-tion of pancreatic juicesecretion

secretion /s" |$kri%/(#)n/ noun 1. the process bywhich a substance is produced by a gland ! Thepituitary gland stimulates the secretion of hor-mones by the adrenal gland. 2. a substance pro-duced by a gland ! Sex hormones are bodilysecretions.secretor

secretor /s" |$kri%t#/ noun a person who secretessubstances indicating ABO blood group intomucous fluids such as semen or salivasecretory otitis media

secretory otitis media /s"|!kri%t#ri #* |!ta"t"s$mi%di#/ noun same as glue earsection

section /$sek/#n/ noun 1. a part of something !the middle section of the aorta 2. the action of cut-ting tissue 3. a slice of tissue cut for examinationunder a microscope 4. a part of a document suchas an Act of Parliament ! She was admitted undersection 5 of the Mental Health Act.Section 47

Section 47 /!sek/#n !f)%ti $sev(#)n/ noun a UKlaw under which a local authority has the powerto seek an order from a magistrate’s court author-ising the removal of a person at severe risk fromtheir home. The authority must have a doctor’scertificate that the person is either suffering froma grave and chronic disease or is unable to lookafter himself or herself and is not receiving propercare and attention from other people.security blanket

security blanket /s" |$kj*#r#ti !bl'0k"t/ nouna familiar blanket, toy or other object which achild carries around because it makes him or herfeel safesedation

sedation /s" |$de"/(#)n/ noun the act of calmingsomeone using a sedativesedative

sedative /$sed#t"v/ noun an anxiolytic or hyp-notic drug such as benzodiazepine, which acts onthe nervous system to help a person sleep or torelieve stress (dated) ! She was prescribed seda-

tives by the doctor. " adjective acting to help aperson sleep or to relieve stresssedentarysedentary /$sed(#)nt(#)ri/ adjective involvinga lot of sitting and little exercisesedentary occupationsedentary occupation /!sed(#)nt(#)ri !(kj*|

$pe"/(#)n/ noun a job where the workers sit downfor most of the timesedimentationsedimentation /!sed"men|$te"/(#)n/ noun theaction of solid particles falling to the bottom of aliquidsedimentation ratesedimentation rate /!sed"men |$te"/(#)n !re"t/noun the rate at which solid particles are depos-ited from a solution, measured especially in a cen-trifugesegmentsegment /$se1m#nt/ noun a part of an organ orpiece of tissue which is clearly separate fromother partssegmentalsegmental /se1|$ment(#)l/ adjective formed ofsegmentssegmental ablationsegmental ablation /se1|!ment(#)l '|

$ble"/(#)n/ noun a surgical operation to removepart of a nail, e.g. treatment for an ingrowing toe-nailsegregationsegregation /!se1r"|$1e"/(#)n/ noun 1. the actof separating one person, group or thing from oth-ers, or of dividing people or things into separategroups which are kept apart from each other 2. theseparation of the alleles of each gene and theirdistribution to separate sex cells during the forma-tion of these cells in organisms with paired chro-mosomesseizureseizure /$si%+#/ noun a fit, convulsion or suddencontraction of the muscles, especially in a heartattack, stroke or epileptic fitselectiveselective /s" |$lekt"v/ adjective choosing onlyone person, thing or group, and not othersselective serotonin re-uptake inhibitorselective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor/s" |!lekt"v ser# |!t#*n"n ri% |$.pte"k "n|!h"b"t#/noun a drug which causes a selective accumula-tion of serotonin in the central nervous system,and is used in the treatment of depression, e.g.fluoxetine. Abbreviation SSRI

COMMENT: The drug should not be startedimmediately after stopping an MAOI andshould be withdrawn slowly.

seleniumselenium /s# |$li%ni#m/ noun a non-metallictrace element (NOTE: The chemical symbol isSe.)self-self- /self/ prefix yourselfself-abuseself-abuse /!self #|$bju%s/ noun same as self-harmself-actualisationself-actualisation /self !'ktju#la"|$ze"/(#)n/,self-actualization noun the successful develop-ment and use of personal talents and abilitiesself-careself-care /!self $ke#/ noun the act of lookingafter yourself properly, so that you remain healthyself-catheterisationself-catheterisation /!self !k',"t#ra"|

$ze"/(#)n/, self-catheterization noun a proce-dure in which a person puts a catheter through the

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self-governing hospital 276

urethra into his or her own bladder to empty outthe urineself-governing hospital

self-governing hospital /!self !1.v#n"0$h(sp"t(#)l/ noun in the UK, a hospital whichearns its revenue from services provided to theDistrict Health Authorities and family doctors.Also called hospital trustself-harm

self-harm /!self $h&%m/ noun a deliberate act bywhich someone injures part of their body as theresult of a personal trauma. Cutting and burningare two of the most common forms of self-harm.Also called self-abuse, self-injury, self-mutila-tion, self-woundingself-image

self-image /!self $"m"d+/ noun the opinionwhich a person has about how worthwhile, attrac-tive, or intelligent he or she isself-injury

self-injury /!self $"nd+#ri/, self-mutilation/!self !mju%t"|$le"/(#)n/ noun same as self-harmself-retaining catheter

self-retaining catheter /!self r"|!te"n"0$k',"t#/ noun a catheter which remains in placeuntil it is deliberately removedself-wounding

self-wounding /!self $wu%nd"0/ noun same asself-harmsella turcica

sella turcica /!sel# $t-%s"k#/ noun a hollow inthe upper surface of the sphenoid bone in whichthe pituitary gland sits. Also called pituitaryfossasemeiology

semeiology /!si%ma" |$(l#d+i/ noun same assymptomatologysemen

semen /$si%m#n/ noun a thick pale fluid con-taining spermatozoa, produced by the testes andseminal vesicles and ejaculated from the penissemi-

semi- /semi/ prefix halfsemicircular

semicircular /!semi|$s-%kj*l#/ adjectiveshaped like half a circlesemicircular canal

semicircular canal /!semis-%kj*l# k# |$n'l/noun any one of three tubes in the inner ear whichare partly filled with fluid and help to maintainbalance. See illustration at EAR in Supplement

COMMENT: The three semicircular canals areon different planes. When a person’s headmoves, as when he or she bends down, thefluid in the canals moves and this movementis communicated to the brain through thevestibular section of the auditory nerve.


semicomatose /!semi |$k#*m#t#*s/ adjectivealmost unconscious or half asleep, but capable ofbeing woken upsemilunar

semilunar /!semi |$lu%n#/ adjective shaped likehalf a moonsemilunar cartilage

semilunar cartilage /!semilu%n# $k&%t#l"d+/noun same as meniscussemilunar valve

semilunar valve /!semilu%n# $v'lv/ nouneither of two valves in the heart, the pulmonaryvalve and the aortic valve, through which bloodflows out of the ventriclesseminal

seminal /$sem"n(#)l/ adjective referring tosemen

seminal fluid

seminal fluid /$sem"n(#)l !flu%"d/ noun thefluid part of semen, formed in the epididymis andseminal vesiclesseminal vesicle

seminal vesicle /!sem"n(#)l $ves"k(#)l/ nounone of two glands at the end of the vas deferenswhich secrete the fluid part of semen. See illustra-tion at urogenital system (male) in Supple-mentseminiferous tubule

seminiferous tubule /semi |!n"f#r#s$tju%bju%l/ noun a tubule in the testis which car-ries semenseminoma

seminoma /!sem"|$n#*m#/ noun a malignanttumour in the testis (NOTE: The plural is semino-mas or seminomata.)semipermeable

semipermeable /!semi|$p-%mi#b(#)l/ adjec-tive allowing some types of particle to passthrough but not otherssemipermeable membrane

semipermeable membrane /!semi |

!p-%mi#b(#)l $membre"n/ noun a membranewhich allows some substances in liquid solutionto pass through but not otherssemiprone

semiprone /!semi |$pr#*n/ adjective referring toa position in which someone lies face downwards,with one knee and one arm bent forwards and theface turned to one sideSEN

SEN abbreviation State Enrolled Nursesenescence

senescence /s"|$nes#ns/ noun the ageing proc-esssenescent

senescent /s"|$nes#nt/ adjective approachingthe last stages of the natural life spanSengstaken tube

Sengstaken tube /$se0zte"k#n tju%b/ noun atube with a balloon, which is passed through themouth into the oesophagus to stop oesophagealbleeding [After Robert William Sengstaken (b.1923), US surgeon.]senile

senile /$si%na"l/ adjective referring to the laststages of the natural life span or to the medicalconditions associated with itsenile dementia

senile dementia /!si%na"l d" |$men/#/ nounmental degeneration affecting elderly people(dated)senilis

senilis /s#|$na"l"s/ " arcus senilissenility

senility /s#|$n"l"ti/ noun the deterioration ofmental activity associated with the last stages ofthe natural life spansenna

senna /$sen#/ noun a laxative made from thedried fruit and leaves of a tropical treesensation

sensation /sen |$se"/(#)n/ noun a feeling orinformation about something which has beensensed by a sensory nerve and is passed to thebrainsense

sense /sens/ noun 1. one of the five faculties bywhich a person notices things in the outsideworld: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch !When she had a cold, she lost her sense of smell.2. the ability to discern or judge something "verb to notice something by means other thansight ! Teeth can sense changes in temperature.

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277 sequestrationsense organ

sense organ /$sens !)%1#n/ noun an organ inwhich there are various sensory nerves which candetect environmental stimuli such as scent, heator pain, and transmit information about them tothe central nervous system, e.g. the nose or theskinsensibility

sensibility /!sens" |$b"l"ti/ noun the ability todetect and interpret sensationssensible

sensible /$sens"b(#)l/ adjective 1. showingcommon sense or good judgment 2. able to bedetected by the sensessensible perspiration

sensible perspiration /!sens#b(#)l !p-%sp#|

$re"/(#)n/ noun drops of sweat which can be seenon the skin, secreted by the sweat glandssensitisation

sensitisation /!sens"ta" |$ze"/(#)n/, sensitiza-tion noun 1. the process of making a person sen-sitive to something 2. an unexpected reaction toan allergen or to a drug, caused by the presence ofantibodies which were created when the personwas exposed to the drug or allergen in the pastsensitive

sensitive /$sens"t"v/ adjective 1. able to detectand respond to an outside stimulus 2. having anunexpected reaction to an allergen or to a drug,caused by the presence of antibodies which werecreated when the person was exposed to the drugor allergen in the pastsensitivity

sensitivity /!sens"|$t"v"ti/ noun 1. the fact ofbeing able to detect and respond to an outsidestimulus 2. the rate of positive responses in a testfrom persons with a specific disease. A high rateof sensitivity means a low rate of people beingincorrectly classed as negative. Compare specif-icitysensorineural deafness

sensorineural deafness /!sens#ri|!nj*#r#l$defn#s/, sensorineural hearing loss /!sens#ri|

!nj*#r#l $h"#r"0 !l(s/ noun deafness caused by adisorder in the auditory nerves or the brain centreswhich receive impulses from the nerves. Alsocalled perceptive deafnesssensory

sensory /$sens#ri/ adjective referring to thedetection of sensations by nerve cellssensory cortex

sensory cortex /!sens#ri $k)%teks/ noun thearea of the cerebral cortex which receives infor-mation from nerves in all parts of the body(dated)sensory deprivation

sensory deprivation /$sens#ri!depr"ve"/(#)n/ noun a condition in which a per-son becomes confused because they lack sensa-tionssensory nerve

sensory nerve /$sens#ri n-%v/ noun a nervewhich registers a sensation such as heat, taste orsmell and carries impulses to the brain and spinalcord. Also called afferent nervesensory neurone

sensory neurone /$sens#ri !nj*#r#*n/ nouna nerve cell which transmits impulses relating tosensations from the receptor to the central nerv-ous systemsensory receptor

sensory receptor /$sens#ri r"|!sept#/ noun acell which senses a change in the surrounding

environment, e.g. cold or pressure, and reacts to itby sending out an impulse through the nervoussystem. Also called nerve endingsepsis

sepsis /$seps"s/ noun the presence of bacteriaand their toxins in the body, which kill tissue andproduce pus, usually following the infection of awoundsept-

sept- /sept/ prefix same as septi- (used beforevowels)septa

septa /$sept#/ plural of septumseptal

septal /$sept(#)l/ adjective referring to a septumseptal defect

septal defect /!sept(#)l $di%fekt/ noun a con-genital condition in which a hole exists in the wallbetween the left and right sides of the heart allow-ing an excessive amount of blood to flow throughthe lungs, leading in severe cases to pulmonaryhypertension and sometimes heart failureseptate

septate /$septe"t/ adjective divided by a septumsepti-

septi- /sept"/ prefix referring to sepsisseptic

septic /$sept"k/ adjective referring to or pro-duced by sepsissepticaemia

septicaemia /!sept" |$si%mi#/ noun a conditionin which bacteria or their toxins are present in theblood, multiply rapidly and destroy tissue (NOTE:The US spelling is septicemia.)septic shock

septic shock /!sept"k $/(k/ noun shock causedby bacterial toxins in the blood as a result ofinfection. There is a dramatic drop in blood pres-sure, preventing the delivery of blood to theorgans. Toxic shock syndrome is one type of sep-tic shock.septo-

septo- /sept#*/ prefix referring to a septumseptoplasty

septoplasty /$sept#*pl'sti/ noun a surgicaloperation to straighten the cartilage in the septum(NOTE: The plural is septoplasties.)Septrin

Septrin /$septr"n/ a trade name for co-trimoxa-zoleseptum

septum /$sept#m/ noun a wall between twoparts of an organ, e.g. between two parts of theheart or between the two nostrils in the nose. Seeillustration at HEART in Supplement (NOTE: Theplural is septa.)sequela

sequela /s" |$kwi%l#/ noun a disease or disorderthat is caused by a disease or injury which the per-son had previously ! a case of osteomyelitis as asequela of multiple fractures of the mandible !biochemical and hormonal sequelae of the eatingdisorders ! Kaposi’s sarcoma can be a sequela ofAids. (NOTE: The plural is sequelae.)sequestra

sequestra /s"|$kwestr#/ plural noun plural ofsequestrumsequestration

sequestration /!si%kwe|$stre"/(#)n/ noun 1.the act of putting someone in an isolated place 2.the loss of blood into spaces in the body, reducingthe circulating volume. It can occur naturally orcan be produced artificially by applying tourni-quets. ! pulmonary sequestration ! A dry hack-ing cough can cause sequestration of the perito-

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sequestrectomy 278

neum in the upper abdomen. 3. the formation of asequestrumsequestrectomy

sequestrectomy /!si%kw" |$strekt#mi/ noun asurgical operation to remove a sequestrum (NOTE:The plural is sequestrectomies.)sequestrum

sequestrum /s"|$kwestr#m/ noun a piece ofdead bone which is separated from whole bone(NOTE: The plural is sequestra.)ser-

ser- /s"#r/ prefix same as sero- (used beforevowels)sera

sera /$s"#r#/ plural noun plural of serumSERM

SERM abbreviation selective (o)estrogen recep-tor modulatorsero-

sero- /s"#r#*/ prefix 1. referring to blood serum2. referring to the serous membraneseroconvert

seroconvert /!s"#r#*k#n|$v-%t/ verb to producespecific antibodies in response to the presence ofan antigen such as a bacterium or virusserological

serological /!s"#r#|$l(d+"k(#)l/ adjective refer-ring to serologyserological type

serological type /!s"#r#l(d+"k(#)l $ta"p/ nounsame as serotypeserology

serology /s"# |$r(l#d+i/ noun the scientific studyof serum and the antibodies contained in itseropus

seropus /$s"#r#*|!p.s/ noun a mixture of serumand pusserosa

serosa /s" |$r#*s#/ noun same as serous mem-brane (NOTE: The plural is serosas or serosae.)serositis

serositis /!s"#r#*|$sa"t"s/ noun inflammation ofa serous membraneserotherapy

serotherapy /!s"#r#*|$,er#pi/ noun treatmentof a disease using serum from immune people orimmunised animalsserotonin

serotonin /!s"#r# |$t#*n"n/ noun a compoundwhich is a neurotransmitter and exists mainly inblood platelets. It is released after tissue is injuredand is important in sleep, mood and vasoconstric-tion.serotype

serotype /$s"#r#*ta"p/ noun a group of closelyrelated microorganisms which all have the sametype of antigensserous

serous /$s"#r#s/ adjective referring to, produc-ing, or like serumserous membrane

serous membrane /!s"#r#s $membre"n/ nouna membrane which both lines an internal cavityand covers the organs in the cavity, e.g. the peri-toneum lining the abdominal cavity or pleura lin-ing the chest cavity. Also called serosaserpiginous

serpiginous /s#|$p"d+"n#s/ adjective referringto an ulcer or eruption which creeps across theskinserrated

serrated /s#|$re"t"d/ adjective with a zigzag orsaw-like edgeserration

serration /s# |$re"/(#)n/ noun one of the pointsin a zigzag or serrated edgeSertoli cells

Sertoli cells /s# |$t#*li selz/ plural noun cellswhich support the seminiferous tubules in the tes-

tis [Described 1865. After Enrico Sertoli (1842–1910), Italian histologist, Professor of Experi-mental Physiology at Milan, Italy.]sertraline

sertraline /$s-%tr#li%n/ noun an antidepressantdrug which extends the action of the neurotrans-mitter serotonin. It is also used in the treatment ofobsessive-compulsive disorder and post-trau-matic stress disorder.serum

serum /$s"#r#m/ noun 1. a fluid which separatesfrom clotted blood and is similar to plasma exceptthat it has no clotting agents. Also called bloodserum 2. blood serum taken from an animalwhich has developed antibodies to bacteria, usedto give humans temporary immunity to a disease.Also called antiserum 3. any clear watery bodyfluid, especially a fluid that comes from a serousmembrane (NOTE: The plural is serums or sera.)serum albumin

serum albumin /!s"#r#m $'lbj*m"n/ noun amajor protein in blood plasmaserum bilirubin

serum bilirubin /!s"#r#m !b"l"|$ru%b"n/ nounbilirubin in serum, converted from haemoglobinas red blood cells are destroyedserum globulin

serum globulin /!s"#r#m $1l(bj*l"n/ noun amajor protein in blood serum that is an antibodyserum glutamic–oxalacetic transaminase

serum glutamic–oxalacetic transami-nase /!s"#r#m 1lu%|!t'm"k !(ks'l#si%t"k tr'ns|

$'m"ne"z/ noun an enzyme excreted by damagedheart muscle, which appears in the blood of peo-ple who have had a heart attack. AbbreviationSGOTserum glutamic–pyruvic transaminase

serum glutamic–pyruvic transaminase/!s"#r#m 1lu% |!t'm"k pa"|!ru%v"k tr'ns|

$'m"ne"z/ noun an enzyme secreted by theparenchymal cells of the liver, occurring inincreased amounts in the blood of people withinfectious hepatitis. Abbreviation SGPTserum hepatitis

serum hepatitis /!s"#r#m !hep# |$ta"t"s/ nouna serious form of hepatitis transmitted by infectedblood, unsterilised surgical instruments, sharedneedles or sexual intercourse. Also called hepati-tis B, viral hepatitisserum sickness

serum sickness /$s"#r#m !s"kn#s/ noun anallergic reaction to serum therapy which was for-merly used as a way of boosting passive immunityserum therapy

serum therapy /$s"#r#m !,er#pi/ noun theadministration of treated serum, often fromhorses, formerly used as a way of boosting pas-sive immunityserve

serve /s-%v/ verb 1. to give a person food ordrink ! Lunch is served in the ward at 12:30. 2.to be useful or helpful to a person or group ! Theclinic serves the local community well. 3. to havea particular effect or result ! The letter serves toremind you of your outpatients’ appointment.(NOTE: [all senses] serves – serving – served)sesamoid

sesamoid /$ses#m)"d/, sesamoid bone/$ses#m)"d b#*n/ noun any small bony nodule ina tendon, the largest being the kneecap

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279 shocksevere acute respiratory disorder

severe acute respiratory disorder /s"|!v"## |!kju%t r" |$sp"r#t(#)ri d"s|!)%d#/ noun full form ofSARSsex

sex /seks/ noun one of two groups, male andfemale, into which animals and plants can bedivided ! The sex of a baby can be identifiedbefore birth.sexarche

sexarche /$seks&%ki/ noun the age when a per-son first has sexual intercoursesex chromosome

sex chromosome /$seks !kr#*m#s#*m/noun a chromosome which determines if a personis male or femalesex determination

sex determination /$seks d"t-%m"|!ne"/(#)n/noun the way in which the sex of an individualorganism is fixed by the number of chromosomeswhich make up its cell structuresex hormone

sex hormone /$seks !h)%m#*n/ noun an oes-trogen or androgen which promotes the growth ofsecondary sexual characteristicssex-linked

sex-linked /$seks l"0kt/ adjective referring togenes which are linked to X chromosomessexology

sexology /sek |$s(l#d+i/ noun the study of sexand sexual behavioursextuplet

sextuplet /$sekstj*pl#t/ noun one of six babiesborn to a mother at the same timesexual

sexual /$sek/u#l/ adjective referring to sexsexual act

sexual act /$sek/u#l 'kt/ noun an act of sexualintercoursesexual deviation

sexual deviation /!sek/u#l di%vi|$e"/(#)n/noun any sexual behaviour which is not acceptedas usual in the society in which you live. Exam-ples in Western society are sadism and voyeurism.sexually transmitted disease

sexually transmitted disease /!sek/u#litr'ns |!m"t"d d"|$zi%z/, sexually transmittedinfection /!sek/u#li tr'ns|!m"t"d "n|$fek/(#)n/noun a disease or infection transmitted from aninfected person to another person during sexualintercourse. Abbreviation STD, STIsexual reproduction

sexual reproduction /!sek/u#l !ri%pr#|

$d.k/#n/ noun reproduction in which gametesfrom two individuals fuse togetherSFD

SFD abbreviation small for datesSGOT

SGOT abbreviation serum glutamic-oxalacetictransaminaseSGPT

SGPT abbreviation serum glutamic-pyruvictransaminaseSHA

SHA abbreviation Strategic Health Authorityshaft

shaft //&%ft/ noun the long central section of along boneshaken baby syndrome

shaken baby syndrome /!/e"k#n $be"bi!s"ndr#*m/, shaken infant syndrome /!/e"k#n$"nf#nt !s"ndr#*m/ noun a series of internal headinjuries in a very young child, caused by beingshaken violently. It can result in brain damageleading to speech and learning disabilities, paral-ysis, seizures and hearing loss, and may be life-threatening.

shakyshaky /$/e"ki/ adjective feeling weak andunsteadyshareshare //e#/ verb 1. to use or do somethingtogether with others 2. to divide something andgive parts of it to different people or groups(NOTE: [all verb senses] shares – sharing –shared) " noun a single part of somethingdivided among different people or groupsshared careshared care /!/e#d $ke#/ noun antenatal caregiven jointly by an obstetrician in a hospitaltogether with a general practitioner or a midwifeworking in the communitysharpssharps //&%ps/ plural noun objects with points,e.g. syringes (informal)sheath

sheath //i%,/ noun 1. a layer of tissue which sur-rounds a muscle or a bundle of nerve fibres 2.same as condomshiatsushiatsu //i|$'tsu%/ noun a form of healing mas-sage in which the hands are used to apply pressureat acupuncture points on the body in order tostimulate and redistribute energyShigellaShigella //" |$1el#/ noun a genus of bacteriawhich causes dysenteryshigellosisshigellosis /!/"1e |$l#*s"s/ noun infestation ofthe digestive tract with Shigella, causing bacillarydysenteryshinshin //"n/ noun the front part of the lower legshinboneshinbone /$/"nb#*n/ noun same as tibiashiner

shiner /$/a"n#/ noun same as black eye(informal)shinglesshingles /$/"01#lz/ noun same as herpeszostershin splintsshin splints /$/"n spl"nts/ plural nounextremely sharp pains in the front of the lower leg,felt by athletesShirodkar’s operationShirodkar’s operation //"|$r(dk&%z (p#|

!re"/(#)n/, Shirodkar pursestring //" |!r(dk&%$p-%sstr"0/ noun a surgical operation to narrowthe cervix of the uterus in a woman who experi-ences habitual abortion in order to preventanother miscarriage, the suture being removedbefore labour starts. Also called pursestringoperation [After N. V. Shirodkar (1900–71),Indian obstetrician.]Shirodkar suture

Shirodkar suture //" |$r(dk&% !su%t/#/ noun atype of suture which is placed around a cervix totighten it during pregnancy and prevent miscar-riage. Also called pursestring stitchshiveryshivery /$/"v#ri/ adjective trembling from cold,fear or a medical conditionshockshock //(k/ noun a state of weakness caused byillness or injury that suddenly reduces the bloodpressure ! The patient went into shock. ! Severalof the passengers were treated for shock. " verbto give someone an unpleasant surprise, and soput him or her in a state of shock ! She was stillshocked several hours after the accident. (NOTE:You say that someone is in shock, in a state ofshock or that they went into shock.)

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shock lung 280shock lungshock lung /$/(k l.0/ noun a serious conditionin which a person’s lungs fail to work following atraumashock syndromeshock syndrome /$/(k !s"ndr#*m/ noun agroup of symptoms, a pale face, cold skin, lowblood pressure and rapid and irregular pulse,which show that someone is in a state of shock. !anaphylactic shockshock therapyshock therapy /$/(k !,er#pi/, shock treat-ment /$/(k !tri%tm#nt/ noun a method of treatingsome mental disorders by giving an anaesthetisedpatient an electric shock to induce an epilepticconvulsionshootshoot //u%t/ verb (of pain) to seem to move sud-denly through the body with a piercing feeling !The pain shot down his arm.shootingshooting /$/u%t"0/ adjective (of pain) suddenand intenseshort of breathshort of breath /!/)%t #v $bre,/ adjective una-ble to breathe quickly enough to supply the oxy-gen needed ! After running up the stairs he wasshort of breath.shortsightedshortsighted //)%t |$sa"t"d/ adjective same asmyopicshortsightednessshortsightedness //)%t |$sa"t"dn#s/ nounsame as myopiashotshot //(t/ noun same as injection (informal) !The doctor gave her a tetanus shot. ! He neededa shot of morphine to relieve the pain.shouldershoulder /$/#*ld#/ noun a joint where the top ofthe arm joins the main part of the body ! He dis-located his shoulder. ! She was complaining ofpains in her shoulder or of shoulder pains.shoulder bladeshoulder blade /$/#*ld# ble"d/ noun same asscapulashoulder girdleshoulder girdle /$/#*ld# !1-%d(#)l/ noun sameas pectoral girdleshoulder jointshoulder joint /$/#*ld# d+)"nt/ noun a balland socket joint which allows the arm to rotateand move in any directionshoulder presentationshoulder presentation /$/#*ld# !prez(#)n|

!te"/(#)n/ noun a position of a baby in the uterus,in which the shoulder will first appearshowshow //#*/ noun the first discharge of blood atthe beginning of childbirth " verb 1. to cause orallow something to be visible 2. to provide con-vincing evidence of somethingshuntshunt //.nt/ noun the passing of fluid through achannel which is not the usual one " verb (ofblood) to pass through a channel which is not theusual one ! As much as 5% of venous blood canbe shunted unoxygenated back to the arteries.shuntingshunting /$/.nt"0/ noun a condition in whichsome of the deoxygenated blood in the lungs doesnot come into contact with air, and full gasexchange does not take placeSISI abbreviation the international system of metricmeasurements. Full form Système Interna-tional


sial- /sa"#l/ prefix same as sialo- (used beforevowels)sialadenitis

sialadenitis /!sa"#l|!'d"|$na"t"s/ noun inflam-mation of a salivary gland. Also called siaload-enitis, sialitissialitis

sialitis /!sa"# |$la"t"s/ noun same as sialadenitissialo-

sialo- /sa"#l#*/ prefix 1. referring to saliva 2.referring to a salivary glandsialoadenitis

sialoadenitis /!sa"#l#*|!'d"|$na"t"s/ noun sameas sialadenitissialography

sialography /!sa"# |$l(1r#fi/ noun X-ray exami-nation of a salivary gland. Also called ptyalogra-physialolith

sialolith /sa" |$'l#*l",/ noun a stone in a salivarygland. Also called ptyalithsialorrhoea

sialorrhoea /!sa"#l#* |$ri%#/ noun the productionof an excessive amount of saliva (NOTE: The USspelling is sialorrhea.)Siamese twins

Siamese twins /!sa"#mi%z $tw"nz/ plural nounsame as conjoined twinssib

sib /s"b/ noun same as sibling (informal)sibling

sibling /$s"bl"0/ noun a brother or sistersick

sick /s"k/ adjective 1. having an illness ! Hewas sick for two weeks. # to report or call in sickto say officially that you are unwell and cannotwork 2. about to vomit ! The patient got up thismorning and felt sick. # to be sick to vomit ! Thechild was sick all over the floor. # to make some-one sick to cause someone to vomit ! He wasgiven something to make him sick.sick building syndrome

sick building syndrome /!s"k $b"ld"0!s"ndr#*m/ noun a condition in which many peo-ple working in a building feel ill or have head-aches, caused by blocked air-conditioning ductsin which stale air is recycled round the building,often carrying allergenic substances or bacteria(informal)sickle cell

sickle cell /$s"k(#)l sel/ noun a red blood cellshaped like a sickle, formed as a result of the pres-ence of an unusual form of haemoglobin. Alsocalled drepanocytesickle-cell anaemia

sickle-cell anaemia /$s"k(#)l sel #|!ni%mi#/noun an inherited condition in which someonedevelops sickle cells which block the circulation,causing anaemia and pains in the joints and abdo-men. Also called drepanocytosis, sickle celldisease

COMMENT: Sickle-cell anaemia is a heredi-tary condition which is mainly found in peo-ple from Africa and the West Indies.

sickle-cell chest syndrome

sickle-cell chest syndrome /!s"k(#)l sel$t/est !s"ndr#*m/ noun a common complicationof sickle-cell disease, with chest pain, fever andleucocytosissickle-cell disease

sickle-cell disease /$s"k(#)l sel d"|!zi%z/ nounabbreviation SCD. Same as sickle-cell anaemiasickle-cell trait

sickle-cell trait /$s"k(#)l sel !tre"t/ noun ahereditary condition of the blood in which some

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281 sinusoid

red cells become sickle-shaped, but there are notenough affected cells to cause anaemiaside-effect

side-effect /$sa"d "|!fekt/ noun an effect pro-duced by a drug or treatment which is not themain effect intended ! One of the side-effects ofchemotherapy is that the patient’s hair falls out.sidero-

sidero- /sa"d#r#*/ prefix referring to ironsideropenia

sideropenia /!sa"d#r#*|$pi%ni#/ noun a lack ofiron in the blood usually caused by insufficientiron in the dietsiderophilin

siderophilin /!sa"d#|$r(f#l"n/ noun same astransferrinsiderosis

siderosis /!sa"d# |$r#*s"s/ noun a condition inwhich iron deposits form in tissueSIDS

SIDS abbreviation sudden infant death syndromesigmoid

sigmoid /$s"1m)"d/ adjective 1. shaped like theletter S 2. referring to the sigmoid colon " nounsame as sigmoid colonsigmoid colon

sigmoid colon /!s"1m)"d $k#*l(n/ noun thefourth section of the colon which continues as therectum. See illustration at DIGESTIVE SYSTEM inSupplement. Also called pelvic colon, sig-moid, sigmoid flexuresigmoidectomy

sigmoidectomy /!s"1m)" |$dekt#mi/ noun asurgical operation to remove the sigmoid colon(NOTE: The plural is sigmoidectomies.)sigmoid flexure

sigmoid flexure /!s"1m)"d $flek/#/ nounsame as sigmoid colonsigmoidoscope

sigmoidoscope /s"1|$m)"d#sk#*p/ noun asurgical instrument with a light at the end whichcan be passed into the rectum so that the sigmoidcolon can be examinedsigmoidoscopy

sigmoidoscopy /!s"1m)"|$d(sk#pi/ noun aprocedure in which the rectum and sigmoid colonare examined with a sigmoidoscopesigmoidostomy

sigmoidostomy /!s"1m)" |$d(st#mi/ noun asurgical operation to bring the sigmoid colon outthrough a hole in the abdominal wall (NOTE: Theplural is sigmoidostomies.)sign

sign /sa"n/ noun a movement, mark, colouringor change which has a meaning and can be recog-nised by a doctor as indicating a condition (NOTE:A change in function which is also noticed by thepatient is a symptom.)sign language

sign language /$sa"n !l'01w"d+/ noun a set ofagreed signs made with the fingers and hands,used to indicate words by or for people who can-not hear or speaksildenafil citrate

sildenafil citrate /!s"ld#n#f"l $sa"tre"t/ nounan enzyme-inhibiting drug used in the treatmentof male impotencesilicon

silicon /$s"l"k#n/ noun a non-metallic chemicalelement (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Si.)silicosis

silicosis /!s"l"|$k#*s"s/ noun a disease of thelungs caused by inhaling silica dust from miningor stone-crushing operations

silver nitrate

silver nitrate /!s"lv# $na"tre"t/ noun a salt ofsilver that is mixed with a cream or solution andused, e.g., to disinfect burns or to kill wartsSimmonds’ disease

Simmonds’ disease /$s"m#ndz d"|!zi%z/ nouna condition of women due to postpartum haemor-rhage, in which there is lack of activity in the pitu-itary gland, resulting in wasting of tissue, brittlebones and premature senility [Described 1914.After Morris Simmonds (1855–1925), Germanphysician and pathologist.]simple fracture

simple fracture /!s"mp#l $fr'kt/#/ noun afracture where the skin surface around the dam-aged bone has not been broken and the brokenends of the bone are close together. Also calledclosed fracturesimple tachycardia

simple tachycardia /!s"mp#l !t'ki|$k&%di#/noun same as sinus tachycardiasimplex

simplex /$s"mpleks/ " herpes simplexSims’ position

Sims’ position /$s"mz p#|!z"/(#)n/ noun aposition of the body in which the person lies onhis or her left side with their left arm behind theirback and their right knee and thigh flexed. It isused to allow the anal or vaginal area to be exam-ined easily.simvastatin

simvastatin /s"m|$v'st"n/ noun a drug whichlowers lipid levels in the blood, used in the treat-ment of high cholesterolsinew

sinew /$s"nju%/ noun same as tendonsinger’s nodule

singer’s nodule /!s"0#z $n(dju%l/ noun asmall white polyp which can develop in the lar-ynx of people who use their voice too much or tooloudlysingultus

singultus /s"0 |$1.lt#s/ noun same as hiccupsino-

sino- /sa"n#*/ prefix referring to a sinussinoatrial

sinoatrial /!sa"n#* |$e"tri#l/ adjective relating tothe sinus venosus and the right atrium of the heartsinoatrial node

sinoatrial node /!sa"n#*|$e"tri#l n#*d/ noun anode in the heart at the junction of the superiorvena cava and the right atrium, which regulatesthe heartbeat. Also called SA node, sinus nodesinogram

sinogram /$sa"n#*1r'm/ noun an X-ray pho-tograph of a sinussinography

sinography /sa"|$n(1r#fi/ noun examination ofa sinus by taking an X-ray photographsinu-

sinu- /sa"n#/ prefix same as sino-sinuatrial

sinuatrial /!sa"n#|$e"tri#l/ adjective same assinoatrialsinus

sinus /$sa"n#s/ noun a cavity inside the body,including the cavities inside the head behind thecheekbone, forehead and nose ! The doctor diag-nosed a sinus infection.sinusitis

sinusitis /!sa"n#|$sa"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe mucous membrane in the sinuses, especiallythe maxillary sinusessinusoid

sinusoid /$sa"n#s)"d/ noun a specially shapedsmall blood vessel in the liver, adrenal glands andother organs

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sinus tachycardia 282sinus tachycardia

sinus tachycardia /!sa"n#s !t'ki|$k&%di#/noun rapid beating of the heart caused by stimu-lation of the sinoatrial node. Also called simpletachycardiasinus trouble

sinus trouble /$sa"n#s !tr.b(#)l/ noun same assinusitis (informal)sinus venosus

sinus venosus /!sa"n#s v#|$n#*s"s/ noun acavity in the heart of an embryo, part of whichdevelops into the coronary sinus and part ofwhich is absorbed into the right atriumsiphonage

siphonage /$sa"f#n"d+/ noun the removal ofliquid from one place to another with a tube, asused to empty the stomach of its contentssit

sit /s"t/ verb 1. to rest with your weight largelysupported by the buttocks 2. to cause a person tosit somewhere (NOTE: [all senses] sitting – sat)situs inversus

situs inversus /!sa"t#s "n|$v-%s#s/, situsinversus viscerum /!sa"t#s "n|!v-%s#s$v"s#r#m/ noun a congenital condition, in whichthe organs are not on the usual side of the body,i.e. where the heart is on the right side and not theleftsitz bath

sitz bath /$s"ts b&%,/ noun a small low bathwhere someone can sit, but not lie downSI units

SI units /!es $a" !ju%n"ts/ plural noun the unitsused in an international system of units for meas-uring physical properties such as weight, speedand lightskatole

skatole /$sk't#*l/ noun another spelling ofscatoleskeletal

skeletal /$skel"t(#)l/ adjective referring to theskeletonskeletal muscle

skeletal muscle /$skel"t(#)l !m.s(#)l/ noun amuscle attached to a bone, which makes a limbmoveskeleton

skeleton /$skel"t(#)n/ noun all the bones whichmake up a bodyskia-

skia- /ska"#/ prefix referring to shadowskier’s thumb

skier’s thumb /!ski%#z $,.m/ noun an injury tothe thumb caused by falling directly onto it whenit is outstretched, resulting in tearing or stretchingof the ligaments of the main thumb jointskill

skill /sk"l/ noun an ability to do difficult work,which is acquired by training ! You need specialskills to become a doctor.skill mix

skill mix /$sk"l m"ks/ noun the range of differentskills possessed by the members of a group orrequired for a particular jobskin

skin /sk"n/ noun the tissue which forms the out-side surface of the body ! His skin turned brownin the sun. ! Skin problems in adolescents may becaused by diet. (NOTE: For other terms referringto skin, see words beginning with cut-, derm-,derma-, dermato-, dermo-.)skin graft

skin graft /$sk"n 1r&%ft/ noun a layer of skintransplanted from one part of the body to cover anarea where the skin has been destroyed ! Afterthe operation she had to have a skin graft.

skullskull /sk.l/ noun the eight bones which arefused or connected together to form the head,along with the fourteen bones which form theface. Also called craniumSLESLE abbreviation systemic lupus erythematosussleepsleep /sli%p/ noun the state or a period of resting,usually at night, when the eyes are closed and youare not conscious of what is happening ! Youneed to get a good night’s sleep if you have a lotof work to do tomorrow. ! He had a short sleepin the middle of the afternoon.sleep apnoeasleep apnoea /$sli%p 'p |!ni%#/ noun a conditionrelated to heavy snoring, with prolonged respira-tory pauses leading to cerebral hypoxia and sub-sequent daytime drowsinesssleeping sicknesssleeping sickness /$sli%p"0 !s"kn#s/ noun anAfrican disease, spread by the tsetse fly, wheretrypanosomes infest the blood. Also called Afri-can trypanosomiasissleeping tabletsleeping tablet /$sli%p"0 !t'bl#t/ noun a tabletcontaining a drug, usually a barbiturate, whichmakes a person sleepsleepwalkersleepwalker /$sli%pw)%k#/ noun same as som-nambulistsleepwalkingsleepwalking /$sli%pw)%k"0/ noun same assomnambulismsliding sheetsliding sheet /!sla"d"0 $/i%t/ noun a silicon-coated nylon sheet used for transferring and repo-sitioning patientsslingsling /sl"0/ noun a triangular bandage attachedround the neck, used to support an injured armand prevent it from moving ! She had her leftarm in a sling.slipped discslipped disc /!sl"pt $d"sk/ noun same as pro-lapsed intervertebral discslit lampslit lamp /$sl"t l'mp/ noun a piece of equip-ment which provides a narrow beam of light andis connected to a special microscope, used toexamine the eyesloughslough /sla*/ noun dead tissue, especially deadskin, which has separated from healthy tissue "verb to lose dead skin which falls offslow-release vitamin tabletslow-release vitamin tablet /!sl#* r" |!li%s$v"t#m"n !t'bl#t/ noun a vitamin tablet whichwill dissolve slowly in the body and give a longerand more constant effectsmall for datessmall for dates /!sm)%l f# $de"ts/ adjectivereferring to an unborn baby which is small incomparison to the average size for that number ofweeks. Abbreviation SFDsmall intestinesmall intestine /!sm)%l "n|$test"n/ noun a sec-tion of the intestine from the stomach to the cae-cum, consisting of the duodenum, the jejunumand the ileumsmall of the backsmall of the back /!sm)%l #v 2# $b'k/ nounthe middle part of the back between and below theshoulder bladessmallpoxsmallpox /$sm)%lp(ks/ noun a very serious,usually fatal, contagious disease caused by the

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283 soft palate

pox virus, with a severe rash, leaving masses ofsmall scars on the skin. Also called variolasmear

smear /sm"#/ noun a sample of soft tissue, e.g.blood or mucus, taken from a person and spreadover a glass slide to be examined under a micro-scopesmear test

smear test /$sm"# test/ noun same as Papani-colaou testsmegma

smegma /$sme1m#/ noun an oily secretionwith an unpleasant smell which collects on andunder the foreskin of the penisSmith-Petersen nail

Smith-Petersen nail /!sm", $pi%t#s(#)n ne"l/noun a metal nail used to attach the fractured neckof a femur [Described 1931. After Marius Nyg-aard Smith-Petersen (1886–1953), Norwegian-born Boston orthopaedic surgeon.]Smith’s fracture

Smith’s fracture /$sm",s !fr'kt/#/ noun afracture of the radius just above the wristsmoke inhalation

smoke inhalation /$sm#*k "nh#|!le"/(#)n/noun the breathing in of smoke, as in a firesmoking

smoking /$sm#*k"0/ noun the action of smok-ing a cigarette, pipe or cigar ! Smoking can injureyour health.smooth

smooth /smu%2/ adjective flat, not rough "verb to make something smooth ! She smootheddown the sheets on the bed.smooth muscle

smooth muscle /$smu%2 !m.s(#)l/ noun atype of muscle found in involuntary muscles.Also called unstriated muscleSMR

SMR abbreviation submucous resectionsnare

snare /sne#/ noun a surgical instrument made ofa loop of wire, used to remove growths withoutthe need of an incisionsneeze

sneeze /sni%z/ noun a reflex action to blow airsuddenly out of the nose and mouth because ofirritation in the nasal passages ! She gave a loudsneeze. " verb to blow air suddenly out of thenose and mouth because of irritation in the nasalpassages ! The smell of flowers makes hersneeze. ! He was coughing and sneezing anddecided to stay in bed. (NOTE: sneezing –sneezed)Snellen chart

Snellen chart /$snel#n t/&%t/ noun a chartcommonly used by opticians to test eyesight[Described 1862. After Hermann Snellen (1834–1908), Dutch ophthalmologist.]sniffles

sniffles /$sn"f(#)lz/ plural noun a slight headcold, or an allergy that causes a running nose(informal; used to children) ! Don’t go out intothe cold when you have the sniffles.snoring

snoring /$sn)%r"0/ noun noisy breathing whileasleepsnow blindness

snow blindness /$sn#* !bla"ndn#s/ nountemporary painful blindness caused by bright sun-light shining on snowsnuffles

snuffles /$sn.f(#)lz/ plural noun the conditionof breathing noisily through a nose which isblocked with mucus, which is usually a symptom

of the common cold, but can sometimes be a signof congenital syphilis (informal; used to children)social

social /$s#*/(#)l/ adjective referring to societyor to groups of peoplesocialisation

socialisation /!s#*/(#)la" |$ze"/(#)n/, sociali-zation noun the process involved when youngchildren are becoming aware of society and learn-ing how they are expected to behavesocial services

social services /!s#*/(#)l $s-%v"s"z/ pluralnoun the special facilities which the governmentor local authorities provide to people in the com-munity who need help, such as the elderly, chil-dren whose parents have died or the unemployedsocial worker

social worker /$s#*/(#)l !w-%k#/ noun a gov-ernment employee who works to provide socialservices to people in need and improve their liv-ing standardssociety

society /s#|$sa"#ti/ noun 1. the community ofpeople who live in a particular country and shareits institutions and customs 2. an organisation ofpeople who have a shared interestsociology

sociology /!s#*si |$(l#d+i/ noun 1. the study ofthe origin, development and structure of humansocieties and the behaviour of individual peopleand groups in society 2. the study of a particularsocial institution and the part it plays in societysociopath

sociopath /$s#*si#p',/ noun same as psycho-pathsocket

socket /$s(k"t/ noun a hollow part in a bone,into which another bone or organ fits ! The tip ofthe femur fits into a socket in the pelvis.sodium

sodium /$s#*di#m/ noun a chemical elementwhich is the basic substance in salt (NOTE: Thechemical symbol is Na.)sodium balance

sodium balance /$s#*di#m !b'l#ns/ noun thebalance maintained in the body between salt lostin sweat and urine and salt taken in from food.The balance is regulated by aldosterone.sodium bicarbonate

sodium bicarbonate /!s#*di#m ba"|

$k&%b#n#t/ noun sodium salt used in cooking,and also as a relief for indigestion and acidity.Also called bicarbonate of sodasodium fusidate

sodium fusidate /!s#*di#m $fju%s"de"t/ nounan antibiotic used mainly to treat penicillin-resist-ant staphylococcal infectionssodium pump

sodium pump /$s#*di#m p.mp/ noun a cellu-lar process in which sodium is immediatelyexcreted from any cell which it enters and potas-sium is brought insodium valproate

sodium valproate /!s#*di#m v'l |$pr#*e"t/noun an anticonvulsant drug used especially totreat migraines, seizures and epilepsysoft

soft /s(ft/ adjective not hard or not resistant topressuresoft chancre

soft chancre /!s(ft $/'0k#/ noun same as softsoresoft palate

soft palate /!s(ft $p'l#t/ noun the back part ofthe palate leading to the uvula. ! cleft palate

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soft sore 284soft sore

soft sore /!s(ft $s)%/ noun a venereal sore witha soft base, situated in the groin or on the genitalsand caused by the bacterium Haemophilusducreyi. Also called chancroid, soft chancresoft tissue

soft tissue /!s(ft $t"/u%/ noun skin, muscles,ligaments or tendonssolar plexus

solar plexus /!s#*l# $pleks#s/ noun a nervenetwork situated at the back of the abdomenbetween the adrenal glandssolar retinopathy

solar retinopathy /!s#*l# ret"|$n(p#,i/ nounirreparable damage to the most sensitive part ofthe retina, the macula, caused by looking at thesun with no protection or inadequate protection,as when looking at an eclipse of the sunsoleus

soleus /$s#*li#s/ noun a flat muscle which goesdown the calf of the leg (NOTE: The plural issolei.)solids

solids /$s(l"dz/ noun solid foodsoluble

soluble /$s(lj*b(#)l/ adjective able to dissolve! a tablet of soluble aspirinsoluble fibre

soluble fibre /!s(lj*b(#)l $fa"b#/ noun a fibrein vegetables, fruit and pulses and porridge oatswhich is partly digested in the intestine andreduces the absorption of fats and sugar into thebody, so lowering the level of cholesterolsolute

solute /$s(lju%t/ noun a solid substance which isdissolved in a solvent to make a solutionsolution

solution /s#|$lu%/(#)n/ noun a mixture of a solidsubstance dissolved in a liquidsolvent

solvent /$s(lv(#)nt/ noun a liquid in which asolid substance can be dissolvedsolvent abuse

solvent abuse /$s(lv#nt # |!bju%s/, solventinhalation /!s(lv#nt !"nh# |$le"/(#)n/ noun a typeof drug abuse in which someone inhales the toxicfumes given off by particular types of volatilechemical. Also called glue-sniffingsoma

soma /$s#*m#/ noun the body, as opposed to themind (NOTE: The plural is somata or somas.)somat-

somat- /s#*m#t/ prefix same as somato- (usedbefore vowels)somata

somata /$s#*m#t#/ plural noun plural of somasomatic

somatic /s#* |$m't"k/ adjective referring to thebody, either as opposed to the mind, or as opposedto the intestines and inner organs. Compare psy-chosomaticsomato-

somato- /s#*m#t#*/ prefix referring to thebodysomatostatin

somatostatin /!s#*m#t#* |$st't"n/ noun a hor-mone produced in the hypothalamus which helpsto prevent the release of the growth hormonesomatotrophic hormone

somatotrophic hormone /!s#*m#t#|!tr(f"k$h)%m#*n/, somatotrophin /!s#*m#t#|$tr#*f"n/noun a growth hormone, secreted by the pituitarygland, which stimulates the growth of long bonessomatropin

somatropin /!s#*m#|$tr#*p"n/ noun same asgrowth hormone-some

-some /s#*m/ suffix tiny cell bodies


somnambulism /s(m|$n'mbj*l"z(#)m/ nouna condition especially affecting children wherethe person gets up and walks about while stillasleep. Also called sleepwalkingsomnambulist

somnambulist /s(m|$n'mbj*l"st/ noun a per-son who walks in his or her sleep. Also calledsleepwalkersomnolent

somnolent /$s(mn#l#nt/ adjective sleepysomnolism

somnolism /$s(mn#l"z(#)m/ noun a trancewhich is induced by hypnotismSomogyi effect

Somogyi effect /$/(m(d+i " |!fekt/, Somogyiphenomenon /$/(m(d+i f" |!n(m#n#n/ noun indiabetes mellitus, a swing to a high level of glu-cose in the blood from an extremely low level,usually occurring after an untreated insulin reac-tion during the night. It is caused by the release ofstress hormones to counter low glucose levels.-somy

-somy /s#*mi/ suffix the presence of chromo-somesson

son /s.n/ noun a male child of a parent ! Theyhave two sons and one daughter.Sonne dysentery

Sonne dysentery /$s(n# !d"s#ntri/ noun acommon form of mild dysentery in the UK,caused by Shigella sonnei [Described 1915. AfterCarl Olaf Sonne (1882–1948), Danish bacteriol-ogist and physician.]sonogram

sonogram /$s#*n#1r'm/ noun a chart pro-duced using ultrasound waves to find wheresomething is situated in the bodysonography

sonography /s#|$n(1r#fi/ noun same as ultra-sonographysonotopography

sonotopography /!s#*n#t# |$p(1r#fi/ nounthe use of ultrasound waves to produce a sono-gramsoporific

soporific /!s(p# |$r"f"k/ noun a drug whichmakes a person go to sleep " adjective causingsleepsorbitol

sorbitol /$s)%b"t(l/ noun a white crystallinesweet alcohol which is used as a sweetener and amoisturiser, and in the manufacture of Vitamin Csordes

sordes /$s)%di%z/ plural noun dry deposits roundthe lips of someone who has a feversore

sore /s)%/ noun a small wound on any part of theskin, usually with a discharge of pus " adjective1. rough and inflamed ! a sore patch on the skin2. painful ! My ankle still feels very sore.sore throat

sore throat /!s)% $,r#*t/ noun a condition inwhich the mucous membrane in the throat isinflamed, sometimes because the person has beentalking too much, but usually because of an infec-tion (informal)s.o.s.

s.o.s. adverb (on prescriptions) if necessary.Full form si opus sit (NOTE: It means that thedose should be taken once.)sotalol

sotalol /$s(t#l(l/ noun a drug used to treat anirregular heartbeat and high blood pressuresouffle

souffle /$su%f(#)l/ noun a soft breathing sound,heard through a stethoscope

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285 spectrumsound

sound /sa*nd/ noun 1. something which can beheard ! The doctor listened to the sounds of thepatient’s lungs. ! His breathing made a whistlingsound. 2. a long rod, used to examine or to dilatethe inside of a cavity in the body " verb to exam-ine the inside of a cavity using a rodspansule

spansule /$sp'nsju%l/ noun a drug in the formof a capsule which is specially designed to releaseits contents slowly in the stomachspasm

spasm /$sp'z(#)m/ noun a sudden, usuallypainful, involuntary contraction of a muscle, as incramp ! The muscles in his leg went into spasm.! She had painful spasms in her stomach.spasmo-

spasmo- /sp'zm#*/ prefix referring to a spasmspasmodic

spasmodic /sp'z|$m(d"k/ adjective occurringin spasmsspasmolytic

spasmolytic /!sp'zm#|$l"t"k/ noun a drugwhich relieves muscle spasmsspasmus nutans

spasmus nutans /!sp'zm#s $nju%t#nz/ nouna condition in which someone nods his or herhead and at the same time has spasms in the neckmuscles and rapid movements of the eyesspastic

spastic /$sp'st"k/ adjective with spasms orsudden contractions of muscles " noun a personaffected with cerebral palsy (NOTE: The nounsense is now considered to be offensive.)spastic colon

spastic colon /!sp'st"k $k#*l(n/ noun sameas mucous colitisspastic diplegia

spastic diplegia /!sp'st"k da"|$pli%d+#/ nouna congenital form of cerebral palsy which affectsmainly the legs. Also called Little’s diseasespastic gait

spastic gait /!sp'st"k $1e"t/ noun a way ofwalking where the legs are stiff and the feet notlifted off the groundspasticity

spasticity /sp'|$st"sti/ noun a condition inwhich a limb resists passive movement. ! rigidityspastic paralysis

spastic paralysis /!sp'st"k p# |$r'l#s"s/ nounsame as cerebral palsyspastic paraplegia

spastic paraplegia /!sp'st"k !p'r# |$pli%d+#/noun paralysis of one side of the body after astrokespatula

spatula /$sp'tj*l#/ noun 1. a flat flexible toolwith a handle, used to scoop, lift, spread or mixthings 2. a flat wooden stick used to press thetongue down when the mouth or throat is beingexaminedspecial care baby unit

special care baby unit /!spe/(#)l ke# $be"bi!ju%n"t/ noun a unit in a hospital which deals withpremature babies or babies with serious disordersspecial health authority

special health authority /!spe/(#)l $hel, )%|

!,(r"ti/ noun a health authority which has uniquenational functions, or covers various regions. Anexample is UK Transplant, which manages theNational Transplant Database and provides a 24-hour service for the matching and allocation ofdonor organs.special hospital

special hospital /!spe/(#)l $h(sp"t(#)l/ nouna hospital for people whose mental condition

makes them a potential danger to themselvesand/or othersspecialise

specialise /$spe/#la"z/, specialize verb 1. toconcentrate on a specific subject or activity 2. tobe an expert in a specific subject or area of knowl-edge (NOTE: specialising – specialised)specialised

specialised /$spe/#la"zd/, specialized adjec-tive 1. designed for a particular purpose 2. con-centrating on a particular activity or subject !specialised skillsspecialist registrar

specialist registrar /!spe/(#)l"st $red+"|

!str&%/ noun a junior doctor in a hospital who isdoing further specialist trainingspeciality

speciality /!spe/i|$'l#ti/ noun a particularactivity or type of work which someone is spe-cially trained for or very interested in. Also calledspecialism, specialtyspecial school

special school /$spe/(#)l sku%l/ noun a schoolfor children with disabilitiesspecialty

specialty /$spe/(#)lti/ noun US same as speci-alityspecies

species /$spi%/i%z/ noun a group of living thingswith the same characteristics and which can inter-breed (NOTE: The plural is species.)specific

specific /sp#|$s"f"k/ adjective referring to a dis-ease caused by one type of microorganism only.Opposite non-specific " noun a drug which isonly used to treat one diseasespecific gravity

specific gravity /sp#|!s"f"k $1r'v"ti/ nounsame as relative densityspecificity

specificity /!spes"|$f"s#ti/ noun the rate of neg-ative responses in a test from persons free from adisease. A high specificity means a low rate offalse positives. Compare sensitivityspecific urethritis

specific urethritis /sp#|!s"f"k j*#r" |$,ra"t"s/noun inflammation of the urethra caused by gon-orrhoeaspecimen

specimen /$spes"m"n/ noun a small quantity ofsomething given for testing ! He was asked tobring a urine specimen.spectacles

spectacles /$spekt#k(#)lz/ plural noun glasseswhich are worn in front of the eyes to help correctproblems in visionspectrography

spectrography /spek|$tr(1r#fi/ noun therecording of a spectrum on photographic filmspectroscope

spectroscope /$spektr#sk#*p/ noun aninstrument used to analyse a spectrumspectrum

spectrum /$spektr#m/ noun 1. the range of col-ours, from red to violet, into which white light canbe split when it is passed through something(NOTE: Different substances in solution have dif-ferent spectra.) 2. the range of organisms that anantibiotic or chemical can kill (NOTE: The pluralis spectra or spectrums.) # broad-spectrumantibiotic an antibiotic which kills a largenumber of different organisms # narrow-spec-trum antibiotic an antibiotic which is targeted ata few particular organisms

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speculum 286speculum

speculum /$spekj*l#m/ noun a surgical instru-ment which is inserted into an opening in thebody such as a nostril or the vagina to keep it openin order to allow a doctor to examine the inside(NOTE: The plural is specula or speculums.)speech

speech /spi%t// noun 1. the ability to makeintelligible sounds with the vocal cords 2. a talkgiven to an audiencespeech block

speech block /$spi%t/ bl(k/ noun a temporaryinability to speak, caused by the effect of nervousstress on the mental processesspeech impediment

speech impediment /$spi%t/ "m |!ped"m#nt/noun an inability to speak easily or in the usualway because of the physical structure of themouth or other disordersspeech therapist

speech therapist /$spi%t/ !,er#p"st/ noun aqualified person who practises speech therapyspeech therapy

speech therapy /$spi%t/ !,er#pi/ noun treat-ment for a speech disorder such as stammering orone which results from a stroke or physical mal-formationsperm

sperm /sp-%m/ noun same as spermatozoon(NOTE: The plural is sperm.)spermat-

spermat- /sp-%m#t/ prefix same as spermato-(used before vowels)spermatic

spermatic /sp-% |$m't"k/ adjective referring tospermspermatic artery

spermatic artery /sp-% |!m't"k $&%t#ri/ nounan artery which leads into the testes. Also calledtesticular arteryspermatic cord

spermatic cord /sp-% |!m't"k $k)%d/ noun acord running from the testis to the abdomen car-rying the vas deferens, the blood vessels, nervesand lymphatics of the testisspermatid

spermatid /$sp-%m#t"d/ noun an immaturemale sex cell that develops into a spermatozoonspermato-

spermato- /sp-%m#t#*/ prefix 1. referring tosperm 2. referring to the male reproductive sys-temspermatocele

spermatocele /$sp-%m#t#si%l/ noun a cystwhich forms in the scrotumspermatogenesis

spermatogenesis /!sp-%m#t#|$d+en#s"s/noun the formation and development of sperma-tozoa in the testesspermatorrhoea

spermatorrhoea /!sp-%m#t#|$r"#/ noun thedischarge of a large amount of semen frequentlyand without an orgasm (NOTE: The US spelling isspermatorrhea.)spermatozoon

spermatozoon /!sp-%m#t#|$z#*(n/ noun amature male sex cell, which is ejaculated from thepenis and is capable of fertilising an ovum. Alsocalled sperm (NOTE: The plural is spermato-zoa.)spermaturia

spermaturia /!sp-%m#|$tj*#ri#/ noun sperm inthe urinesperm bank

sperm bank /$sp-%m b'0k/ noun a placewhere sperm can be stored for use in artificialinsemination

sperm count

sperm count /$sp-%m ka*nt/ noun a calcula-tion of the number of sperm in a quantity ofsemensperm donor

sperm donor /$sp-%m !d#*n#/ noun a malewho gives sperm, for a fee, to allow a childlesswoman to bear a childspermi-

spermi- /sp-%mi/ prefix referring to sperm andsemenspermicidal

spermicidal /!sp-%m"|$sa"d(#)l/ adjective kill-ing or able to kill spermspermicidal jelly

spermicidal jelly /!sp-%m"sa"d(#)l $d+eli/noun a jelly-like product which acts as a contra-ceptivespermicide

spermicide /$sp-%m"sa"d/ noun a substancewhich kills spermspermio-

spermio- /sp-%mi#*/ prefix same as spermi-spermiogenesis

spermiogenesis /!sp-%mi#*|$d+en#s"s/ nounthe stage of spermatogenesis during which a sper-matid changes into a spermatozoonspheno-

spheno- /sfi%n#*/ prefix referring to the sphe-noid bonesphenoid

sphenoid /$sfi%n)"d/ adjective 1. relating to thesphenoid bone 2. shaped like a wedge " nounsame as sphenoid bonesphenoid bone

sphenoid bone /$sfi%n)"d b#*n/ noun one oftwo bones in the skull which form the side of thesocket of the eye. Also called sphenoidsphenoid sinus

sphenoid sinus /!sfi%n)"d $sa"n#s/ noun oneof the sinuses in the skull behind the nasal pas-sagespherocyte

spherocyte /$sf"#r#*sa"t/ noun a red bloodcell that is round rather than than the usual discshapespherocytosis

spherocytosis /!sf"#r#*sa"|$t#*s"s/ noun acondition in which someone has spherocytes inthe blood, causing anaemia, enlarged spleen andgallstones, as in acholuric jaundicesphincter

sphincter /$sf"0kt#/, sphincter muscle/$sf"0kt# !m.s(#)l/ noun a circular band of mus-cle which surrounds an opening or passage in thebody, especially the anus, and can narrow or closethe opening or passage by contractingsphincterectomy

sphincterectomy /!sf"0kt# |$rekt#mi/ noun 1.a surgical operation to remove a sphincter 2. asurgical operation to remove part of the edge ofthe iris in the eye (NOTE: The plural is sphincter-ectomies.)sphincteroplasty

sphincteroplasty /$sf"0kt#r#|!pl'sti/ noun asurgical operation to relieve a tightened sphincter(NOTE: The plural is sphincteroplasties.)sphincterotomy

sphincterotomy /!sf"0kt# |$r(t#mi/ noun asurgical operation to make an incision into asphincter (NOTE: The plural is sphincteroto-mies.)sphyg

sphyg /sf"1/ noun same as sphygmomanome-ter (informal)sphygmo-

sphygmo- /sf"1m#*/ prefix referring to thepulse

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287 Spitz-Holter valvesphygmocardiograph

sphygmocardiograph /!sf"1m#*|

$k&%di#*1r&%f/ noun a device which recordsheartbeats and pulse ratesphygmograph

sphygmograph /$sf"1m#1r&%f/ noun a devicewhich records the pulsesphygmomanometer

sphygmomanometer /!sf"1m#*m#|$n(m"t#/noun an instrument which measures blood pres-sure in the arteriesspica

spica /$spa"k#/ noun a way of bandaging a jointwhere the bandage crosses over itself like the fig-ure 8 on the inside of the bend of the joint (NOTE:The plural is spicae or spicas.)spicule

spicule /$sp"kju%l/ noun a small splinter of bonespigot

spigot /$sp"1#t/ noun the end of a pipe which isjoined by insertion into the enlarged end ofanother pipespina

spina /$spa"n#/ noun 1. a thin sharp piece ofbone 2. the vertebral columnspina bifida

spina bifida /!spa"n# $b"f"d#/ noun a seriouscondition in which part of the spinal cord pro-trudes through the spinal column. Also calledrachischisisspinal

spinal /$spa"n(#)l/ adjective referring to thespine ! She suffered spinal injuries in the crash.spinal accessory nerve

spinal accessory nerve /!spa"n(#)l #k|

$ses#ri n-%v/ noun the eleventh cranial nervewhich supplies the muscles in the neck and shoul-dersspinal anaesthesia

spinal anaesthesia /!spa"n(#)l !'n#s|$,i%zi#/noun local anaesthesia in which an anaesthetic isinjected into the cerebrospinal fluidspinal anaesthetic

spinal anaesthetic /!spa"n(#)l !'n#s|$,et"k/noun an anaesthetic given by injection into thespine, which results in large parts of the body los-ing the sense of feelingspinal block

spinal block /!spa"n(#)l $bl(k/ noun analgesiaproduced by injecting the spinal cord with ananaestheticspinal canal

spinal canal /!spa"n(#)l k# |$n'l/ noun the hol-low channel running down the back of the verte-brae, containing the spinal cord. Also called ver-tebral canalspinal column

spinal column /$spa"n(#)l !k(l#m/ noun sameas spinespinal cord

spinal cord /$spa"n(#)l k)%d/ noun part of thecentral nervous system, running from the medullaoblongata to the filum terminale, in the vertebralcanal of the spine (NOTE: For other terms refer-ring to the spinal cord, see words beginning withmyel-, myelo-.)spinal curvature

spinal curvature /!spa"n(#)l $k-%v#t/#/ noununusual bending of the spinal columnspinal fusion

spinal fusion /!spa"n(#)l $fju%+(#)n/ noun asurgical operation to join two vertebrae togetherto make the spine more rigid. Also called spond-ylosyndesisspinal ganglion

spinal ganglion /!spa"n(#)l $1'01li#n/ nouna cone-shaped mass of cells on the posterior root,

the main axons of which form the posterior rootof the spinal nervespinal nerve

spinal nerve /$spa"n(#)l n-%v/ noun one of the31 pairs of nerves which lead from the spinal cordand govern mainly the trunk and limbsspinal puncture

spinal puncture /!spa"n(#)l $p.0kt/#/ nounsame as lumbar puncturespinal shock

spinal shock /$spa"n(#)l $/(k/ noun a loss offeeling in the lower part of the body below a pointat which the spine has been injuredspindle

spindle /$sp"nd(#)l/ noun 1. a long thin struc-ture 2. a structure formed in cells during divisionto which the chromosomes are attached by theircentromeresspine

spine /spa"n/ noun the series of bones, the ver-tebrae, linked together to form a flexible support-ing column running from the pelvis to the skull !She injured her spine in the crash. Also calledbackbone, spinal column, vertebral columnSpinhaler

Spinhaler /sp"n |$he"l#/ a trade name for adevice from which a person with breathing prob-lems can inhale a preset dose of a drugspinnbarkeit

spinnbarkeit /$sp"nb&%ka"t/ noun a thread ofmucus formed in the cervix which is used indetermining the time of ovulation. At this time itcan be drawn out on a glass slide to its maximumlength.spino-

spino- /spa"n#*/ prefix 1. referring to the spine2. referring to the spinal cordspiral

spiral /$spa"r#l/ adjective running in a continu-ous circle upwardsspiral bandage

spiral bandage /!spa"r#l $b'nd"d+/ noun abandage which is wrapped round a limb, eachturn overlapping the one beforespiral organ

spiral organ /!spa"r#l $)%1#n/ noun same asorgan of Cortispiro-

spiro- /spa"r#*/ prefix 1. referring to a spiral 2.referring to respirationspirogram

spirogram /$spa"r#*1r'm/ noun a record ofsomeone’s breathing made by a spirographspirograph

spirograph /$spa"r#*1r&%f/ noun a devicewhich records depth and rapidity of breathingspirography

spirography /spa"|$r(1r#fi/ noun the recordingof a someone’s breathing by use of a spirographspirometer

spirometer /spa" |$r(m"t#/ noun an instrumentwhich measures the amount of air a personinhales or exhalesspirometry

spirometry /spa" |$r(m#tri/ noun a measure-ment of the vital capacity of the lungs by use of aspirometerspironolactone

spironolactone /!spa"r#n#|$l'kt#*n/ noun asteroid which helps the body produce urine, usedin the treatment of oedema and hypertensionSpitz-Holter valve

Spitz-Holter valve /!sp"ts $h(lt# !v'lv/ nouna valve with a one-way system, surgically placedin the skull and used to drain excess fluid from thebrain in hydrocephalus

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splanchnic 288splanchnic

splanchnic /$spl'0kn"k/ adjective referring toviscerasplanchnic nerve

splanchnic nerve /$spl'0kn"k n-%v/ nounany sympathetic nerve which supplies organs inthe abdomenspleen

spleen /spli%n/ noun an organ in the top part ofthe abdominal cavity behind the stomach andbelow the diaphragm, which helps to destroy oldred blood cells, form lymphocytes and storeblood. See illustration at DIGESTIVE SYSTEM inSupplementsplen-

splen- /splen/ prefix same as spleno- (usedbefore vowels)splenectomy

splenectomy /sple|$nekt#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove the spleen (NOTE: The pluralis splenectomies.)splenic

splenic /$splen"k/ adjective referring to thespleensplenic anaemia

splenic anaemia /!splen"k # |$ni%mi#/ noun atype of anaemia, caused by cirrhosis of the liver,in which the person has portal hypertension, anenlarged spleen and haemorrhages. Also calledBanti’s syndromesplenic flexure

splenic flexure /!splen"k $flek/#/ noun a bendin the colon where the transverse colon joins thedescending colonsplenitis

splenitis /spl# |$na"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe spleenspleno-

spleno- /spli%n#*/ prefix referring to the spleensplenomegaly

splenomegaly /!spli%n#* |$me1#li/ noun a con-dition in which the spleen is unusually large,associated with several disorders includingmalaria and some cancerssplenorenal

splenorenal /!spli%n#* |$ri%n(#)l/ adjectiverelating to both the spleen and the kidneyssplenorenal anastomosis

splenorenal anastomosis /!spli%n#*|

!ri%n(#)l # |!n'st#|$m#*s"s/ noun a surgical opera-tion to join the splenic vein to a renal vein, as atreatment for portal hypertensionsplenovenography

splenovenography /!spli%n#*v#|$n(1r#fi/noun X-ray examination of the spleen and theveins which are connected to itsplint

splint /spl"nt/ noun a stiff support attached to alimb to prevent a broken bone from moving ! Hehad to keep his arm in a splint for several weeks.! shin splintssplinter haemorrhage

splinter haemorrhage /$spl"nt#!hem(#)r"d+/ noun a tiny line of haemorrhagingunder the nails or in the eyeballsplit personality

split personality /!spl"t !p-%s# |$n'l#ti/ nounsame as schizoid personalitysplit-skin graft

split-skin graft /!spl"t !sk"n $1r&%ft/ noun atype of skin graft in which thin layers of skin aregrafted over a wound. Also called Thiersch graftspondyl

spondyl /$sp(nd"l/ noun same as vertebraspondyl-

spondyl- /sp(nd"l/ prefix same as spondylo-(used before vowels)


spondylitis /!sp(nd" |$la"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the vertebraespondylo-

spondylo- /sp(nd"l#*/ prefix referring to thevertebraespondylolisthesis

spondylolisthesis /!sp(nd"l#* |$l"s,#s"s/noun a condition in which one of the lumbar ver-tebrae moves forwards over the one beneathspondylosis

spondylosis /!sp(nd" |$l#*s"s/ noun stiffness inthe spine and degenerative changes in theintervertebral discs, with osteoarthritis. This con-dition is common in older people.spondylosyndesis

spondylosyndesis /!sp(nd"l#*s"n |$di%s"s/noun same as spinal fusionsponge bath

sponge bath /$sp.n+ b&%,/ noun the act ofwashing someone in bed, using a sponge or dampcloth ! The nurse gave the elderly lady a spongebath.spongiform encephalopathy

spongiform encephalopathy /!sp.n+if)%men |!kef# |$l(p#,i/ noun a brain disease in humansand animals in which areas of the brain slowlydevelop holes in their cells and begin to look likea spongespontaneous

spontaneous /sp(n|$te"ni#s/ adjective hap-pening without any particular outside causespontaneous delivery

spontaneous delivery /sp(n |!te"ni#s d"|

$l"v(#)ri/ noun a delivery of a baby which takesplaces naturally, without any medical or surgicalhelpspontaneous pneumothorax

spontaneous pneumothorax /sp(n |!te"ni#s!nju%m#*|$,)%r'ks/ noun a condition occurringwhen an opening is created on the surface of thelung allowing air to leak into the pleural cavityspontaneous version

spontaneous version /sp(n |!te"ni#s$v-%/(#)n/ noun a movement of a fetus to take upanother position in the uterus, caused by the con-tractions of the uterus during childbirth or by themovements of the baby itself before birthsporadic

sporadic /sp# |$r'd"k/ adjective referring to out-breaks of disease that occur as separate cases, notin epidemicsspore

spore /sp)%/ noun a reproductive body of partic-ular bacteria and fungi which can survive inextremely hot or cold conditions for a long timesporicidal

sporicidal /!sp)%r" |$sa"d(#)l/ adjective killingsporessporicide

sporicide /$sp)%r"sa"d/ noun a substance whichkills bacterial sporesSporozoa

Sporozoa /!sp)%r# |$z#*#/ noun a type of para-sitic Protozoa which includes Plasmodium, thecause of malariasports injury

sports injury /$sp)%ts !"nd+#ri/ noun an injurycaused by playing a sport, e.g. a sprained ankle ortennis elbowsports medicine

sports medicine /$sp)%ts !med(#)s"n/ nounthe study of the treatment of sports injuriesspotted fever

spotted fever /!sp(t"d $fi%v#/ noun same asmeningococcal meningitis

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289 Standard Precautionssprainsprain /spre"n/ noun a condition in which theligaments in a joint are stretched or torn becauseof a sudden movement " verb to tear the liga-ments in a joint with a sudden movement ! Shesprained her wrist when she fell.Sprengel’s deformitySprengel’s deformity /$spre01#lz d"|

!f)%m"ti/, Sprengel’s shoulder /!spre01#lz$/#*ld#/ noun a congenitally malformed shoul-der, in which one scapula is smaller and higherthan the other [Described 1891. After Otto Ger-hard Karl Sprengel (1852–1915), German sur-geon.]spruesprue /spru%/ noun same as psilosisspudspud /sp.d/ noun a needle used to get a piece ofdust or other foreign body out of the eyespurspur /sp-%/ noun a sharp projecting part of abonesputumsputum /$spju%t#m/ noun mucus which isformed in the inflamed nose, throat or lungs andis coughed up ! She was coughing up blood-stained sputum. Also called phlegmsquamasquama /$skwe"m#/ noun a thin piece of hardtissue,e.g. a thin flake of bone or scale on the skin(NOTE: The plural is squamae.)squamo-squamo- /skwe"m#*/ prefix 1. relating to thesquamous part of the temporal bone 2. scalysquamoussquamous /$skwe"m#s/ adjective thin andhard like a scalesquamous bonesquamous bone /$skwe"m#s b#*n/ noun apart of the temporal bone which forms the side ofthe skullsquamous cell carcinomasquamous cell carcinoma /!skwe"m#s sel!k&%s" |$n#*m#/ noun a common type of cancerwhich usually develops in the outer layer of theskin, on the lips, or inside the mouth or oesopha-gus. Abbreviation SCCsquamous epitheliumsquamous epithelium /!skwe"m#s !ep"|

$,i%li#m/ noun epithelium with flat cells likescales, which forms the lining of the pericardium,the peritoneum and the pleura. Also called pave-ment epitheliumsquintsquint /skw"nt/ noun a condition in which theeyes focus on different points. Also called stra-bismus " verb to have one eye or both eyes look-ing towards the nose ! Babies often appear tosquint, but it is corrected as they grow older.SRNSRN abbreviation State Registered NurseSSRISSRI abbreviation selective serotonin re-uptakeinhibitorstabbing painstabbing pain /$st'b"0 pe"n/ noun pain whichcomes in a series of short sharp bursts ! He hadstabbing pains in his chest.staccato speechstaccato speech /st# |!k&%t#* $spi%t// noun anunusual way of speaking with short pausesbetween each wordStacke’s operationStacke’s operation /$st'kiz (p#|!re"/(#)n/noun a surgical operation to remove the posteriorand superior wall of the auditory meatus [AfterLudwig Stacke (1859–1918), German otologist.]


stadium /$ste"di#m/ noun a particular stage ofa disease (NOTE: The plural is stadia.)stadium invasioni

stadium invasioni /!ste"di#m "n|!ve"/i|$#*ni/noun same as incubation periodstaff nurse

staff nurse /$st&%f n-%s/ noun a nurse who is onthe permanent staff of a hospitalstage

stage /ste"d+/ noun a point in the developmentof a disease at which a decision can be takenabout the treatment which should be given or atwhich distinctive developments take place ! Thedisease has reached a critical stage. ! This is asymptom of the second stage of syphilis.staging

staging /$ste"d+"0/ noun the process of per-forming tests to learn the extent of a diseasewithin the body, in order to decide the best treat-ment for someonestain

stain /ste"n/ noun a substance used to give col-our to tissues which are going to be examinedunder the microscope " verb to treat a piece oftissue with a dye to increase contrast before it isexamined under the microscopeStamey procedure

Stamey procedure /$ste"mi pr#|!si%d+#/ nouna surgical operation to cure stress incontinence inwomen. A minor abdominal incision is made aswell as a vaginal incision, and the neck of thebladder is stitched to the abdominal wall.stammer

stammer /$st'm#/ noun a speech difficulty inwhich someone repeats parts of a word or thewhole word several times or stops to try to pro-nounce a word ! He has a bad stammer. " verbto speak with a stammerstammerer

stammerer /$st'm#r#/ noun a person whostammersstammering

stammering /$st'm#r"0/ noun difficulty inspeaking, in which the person repeats parts of aword or the whole word several times or stops totry to pronounce a word. Also called dysphemiastand

stand /st'nd/ verb 1. to be in an upright posi-tion with your bodyweight resting on your feet, orto put a person in this position 2. to get to yourfeet from a sitting position (NOTE: stood)standard

standard /$st'nd#d/ adjective usual, recom-mended or established ! It is standard practice totake the patient’s temperature twice a day. "noun 1. something which has been agreed uponand is used to measure other things by 2. a levelof quality achieved by someone or something !The standard of care in hospitals has increasedover the last years. ! The report criticised thestandards of hygiene in the clinic.standardise

standardise /$st'nd#da"z/, standardize verbto make all things of the same type follow thesame standardStandard Precautions

Standard Precautions /!st'nd#d pr"|

$k)%/(#)nz/ plural noun the most recent set ofguidelines for health care workers on dealing withblood, all body fluids, secretions and excretions(except sweat), non-intact skin and mucous mem-branes. They are designed to reduce the risk of

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stapedectomy 290

transmission of microorganisms. The StandardPrecautions are implemented automatically foreveryone, as all patients are presumed to bepotentially infectious.stapedectomy

stapedectomy /!ste"pi |$dekt#mi/ noun a sur-gical operation to remove the stapes (NOTE: Theplural is stapedectomies.)stapedial mobilisation

stapedial mobilisation /st#|!pi%di#l!m#*b"la"|$ze"/(#)n/, stapediolysis /st# |!pi%d"|

$(l#s"s/ noun a surgical operation to relieve deaf-ness by detaching the stapes from the fenestraovalis (NOTE: The plural of stapediolysis is sta-pediolyses.)stapes

stapes /$ste"pi%z/ noun one of the three ossiclesin the middle ear, shaped like a stirrup. See illus-tration at EAR in Supplementstaphylectomy

staphylectomy /!st'f" |$lekt#mi/ noun a surgi-cal operation to remove the uvula (NOTE: The plu-ral is staphylectomies.)staphylococcal

staphylococcal /!st'f"l# |$k(k(#)l/ adjectivereferring to StaphylococciStaphylococcus

Staphylococcus /!st'f"l# |$k(k#s/ noun a bac-terium which grows in a bunch like a bunch ofgrapes, and causes boils and food poisoning(NOTE: The plural is Staphylococci.)staphyloma

staphyloma /!st'f" |$l#*m#/ noun a swelling ofthe cornea or the white of the eye (NOTE: The plu-ral is staphylomas or staphylomata.)staphylorrhaphy

staphylorrhaphy /!st'f"|$l)%r#fi/ noun sameas palatorrhaphy (NOTE: The plural is staphyl-orrhaphies.)staple

staple /$ste"p(#)l/ noun a small piece of bentmetal, used to attach tissues together " verb toattach tissues with staplesstapler

stapler /$ste"pl#/ noun a device used in surgeryto attach tissues with staples, instead of suturingstarch

starch /st&%t// noun the usual form in whichcarbohydrates exist in food, especially in bread,rice and potatoes. It is broken down by the diges-tive process into forms of sugar.startle reflex

startle reflex /$st&%t(#)l !ri%fleks/ noun theusual response of a young baby to a sudden loudnoise or a sudden fall through the air, by contract-ing the limb and neck musclesstarvation

starvation /st&% |$ve"/(#)n/ noun the fact of hav-ing had very little or no foodstasis

stasis /$ste"s"s/ noun a stoppage or slowing inthe flow of a liquid, such as blood in veins, orfood in the intestine-stasis

-stasis /ste"s"s/ suffix referring to stoppage inthe flow of a liquidstat.

stat. /st't/ adverb (written on prescriptions)immediately. Full form statimState Enrolled Nurse

State Enrolled Nurse /!ste"t "n |!r#*ld $n-%s/noun abbreviation SEN. Now called second-level nurse

State Registered Nurse

State Registered Nurse /!ste"t !red+"st#d$n-%s/ noun abbreviation SRN. Now called first-level nurse-statin

-statin /st't"n/ suffix used in generic names oflipid-lowering drugs ! pravastatinstatistics

statistics /st#|$t"st"ks/ plural noun official fig-ures which show facts ! Population statisticsshow that the birth rate is slowing down.status

status /$ste"t#s/ noun a state or conditionstatus asthmaticus

status asthmaticus /!ste"t#s 's|$m't"k#s/noun an attack of bronchial asthma which lastsfor a long time and results in exhaustion and col-lapsestatus epilepticus

status epilepticus /!ste"t#s ep"|$lept"k#s/noun repeated and prolonged epileptic seizureswithout recovery of consciousness between themstatus lymphaticus

status lymphaticus /!ste"t#s l"m|$f't"k#s/noun a condition in which the glands in the lym-phatic system are enlargedstatutory bodies

statutory bodies /!st'tj*t(#)ri $b(diz/ pluralnoun organisations set up by Acts of Parliamentto carry out specific functions, e.g. the Nursingand Midwifery Council, set up to regulate thenursing and midwifery professionsSTD

STD abbreviation sexually transmitted diseasesteam inhalation

steam inhalation /!sti%m "nh#|$le"/(#)n/ nouna treatment for respiratory disease in which some-one breathes in steam with medicinal substancesin itsteat-

steat- /sti%#t/, steato- /sti%#t#*/ prefix referringto fatsteatoma

steatoma /!sti%#|$t#*m#/ noun a cyst in ablocked sebaceous gland. ! sebaceous cyst(NOTE: The plural is steatomata.)steatopygia

steatopygia /!sti%#t#|$p"d+i#/ noun excessivefat on the buttockssteatorrhoea

steatorrhoea /!sti%#t# |$r"#/ noun a condition inwhich fat is passed in the faecesStein-Leventhal syndrome

Stein-Leventhal syndrome /!sta"n$lev#nt&%l !s"ndr#*m/ noun " polycystic ovarysyndrome [Described 1935. After Irving F. Stein(1887–1976), US gynaecologist; Michael LeoLeventhal (1901–71), US obstetrician andgynaecologist.]Steinmann’s pin

Steinmann’s pin /!sta"nm'nz $p"n/ noun apin for attaching traction wires to a fractured bone[Described 1907. After Fritz Steinmann (1872–1932), Swiss surgeon.]stellate

stellate /$stele"t/ adjective shaped like a starstellate fracture

stellate fracture /!stele"t $fr'kt/#/ noun afracture of the kneecap shaped like a starstellate ganglion

stellate ganglion /!stele"t $1'01li#n/ noun agroup of nerve cells in the neck, shaped like a starStellwag’s sign

Stellwag’s sign /$stelv&%1z sa"n/ noun asymptom of exophthalmic goitre, where someonedoes not blink often, because the eyeball is pro-truding [After Carl Stellwag von Carion (1823–1904), ophthalmologist in Vienna, Austria.]

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291 Stevens-Johnson syndromestem

stem /stem/ noun a thin piece of tissue whichattaches an organ or growth to the main tissuesteno-

steno- /sten#*/ prefix narrow or constrictedstenosed valve

stenosed valve /ste |!n#*st $v'lv/ noun avalve which has become narrow or constrictedstenosis

stenosis /ste|$n#*s"s/ noun a condition inwhich a passage becomes narrowstenostomia

stenostomia /!sten#*|$st#*mi#/, stenostomy/ste|$n(st#mi/ noun the narrowing of an openingStensen’s duct

Stensen’s duct /!stens#nz $d.kt/ noun a ductwhich carries saliva from the parotid glands[Described 1661. After Niels Stensen (1638–86), Danish physician and priest, anatomist,physiologist and theologian.]stent

stent /stent/ noun a support of artificial materialoften inserted in a tube or vessel which has beensuturedsterco-

sterco- /st-%k#*/ prefix referring to faecesstercobilin

stercobilin /!st-%k#|$ba"l"n/ noun a brown pig-ment which colours the faecesstercolith

stercolith /$st-%k#l",/ noun a hard ball of driedfaeces in the bowelstereognosis

stereognosis /!steri(1|$n#*s"s/ noun the abil-ity to tell the shape of an object in three dimen-sions by means of touchstereoscopic vision

stereoscopic vision /!steri#sk(p"k $v"+(#)n/noun the ability to judge the distance and depth ofan object by binocular visionstereotactic

stereotactic /!steri#* |$t'kt"k/ adjective refer-ring to procedures which use coordinates put intoa computer or scanner in order to locate and oper-ate upon tumours precisely. Examples are biop-sies, surgery or radiation therapy.stereotaxy

stereotaxy /!steri#*|$t'ksi/, stereotaxic sur-gery /!steri#*t'ks"k $s-%d+#ri/ noun a surgicalprocedure to identify a point in the interior of thebrain, before an operation can begin, to locateexactly the area to be operated onSterets

Sterets /$ster#ts/ a trademark for a type of swabused for cleaning the skin before an injectionsterile

sterile /$stera"l/ adjective 1. with no harmfulmicroorganisms present ! a sterile environment2. not able to produce childrensterile dressing

sterile dressing /!stera"l $dres"0/ noun adressing which is sold in a sterile pack, ready forusesterilisation

sterilisation /!ster"la" |$ze"/(#)n/, sterilizationnoun 1. the action of making instruments or areascompletely free from microorganisms whichmight cause infection 2. a procedure that makessomeone unable to have childrensterilise

sterilise /$ster"la"z/, sterilize verb 1. to makesomething completely free from microorganismswhich might cause infection 2. to make someoneunable to have childrensterilising

sterilising /$ster"la"z"0/ adjective able to killmicroorganisms ! Wipe the surface with sterilis-ing fluid.


sterility /st# |$r"l"ti/ noun 1. the state of beingfree from microorganisms 2. the state of beingunable to have childrenSteri-Strips

Steri-Strips /$steri str"ps/ a trademark for thinpaper strips which are placed over an incision inthe skin. They help its edges to come together andform a scar.sternal

sternal /$st-%n(#)l/ adjective referring to thebreastbonesternal angle

sternal angle /!st-%n(#)l $'01(#)l/ noun theridge of bone where the manubrium articulateswith the body of the sternumsterno-

sterno- /st-%n#*/ prefix relating to the breast-bonesternocleidomastoid muscle

sternocleidomastoid muscle /!st-%n#* |

!kla"d#* |$m'st)"d !m.s(#)l/ noun a muscle inthe neck, running from the breastbone to the mas-toid processsternocostal joint

sternocostal joint /!st-%n#* |$k(st(#)l!d+)"nt/ noun a joint where the breastbone joinsa ribsternohyoid

sternohyoid /!st-%n#*|$ha")"d/ adjective relat-ing to the sternum and the hyoid bonesternohyoid muscle

sternohyoid muscle /!st-%n#*|$ha")"d!m.s(#)l/ noun a muscle in the neck which runsfrom the breastbone into the hyoid bonesternomastoid

sternomastoid /!st-%n#*|$m'st)"d/ adjectivereferring to the breastbone and the mastoidsternomastoid tumour

sternomastoid tumour /!st-%n#*|!m'st)"d$tju%m#/ noun a benign tumour which appears inthe sternomastoid muscle in newborn babiessternotomy

sternotomy /st-%|$n(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to cut through the breastbone, so as tobe able to operate on the heartsternum

sternum /$st-%n#m/ noun same as breastbonesteroid

steroid /$st"#r)"d/ noun any of several chemicalcompounds, including the sex hormones, whichhave characteristic ring systems and which affectthe body and its functionsstertor

stertor /$st-%t#/ noun noisy breathing sounds insomeone unconsciousstertorous

stertorous /$st-%t(#)r#s/ adjective character-ised by heavy snoringsteth-

steth- /ste,/, stetho- /ste,#/ prefix referring tothe cheststethoscope

stethoscope /$ste,#sk#*p/ noun a surgicalinstrument with two earpieces connected to a tubeand a metal disc, used by doctors to listen tosounds made inside the body, e.g. the sounds ofthe heart or lungsStevens-Johnson syndrome

Stevens-Johnson syndrome /!sti%v#nz$d+(ns#n !s"ndr#*m/ noun a severe form of ery-thema multiforme affecting the face and genitals,caused by an allergic reaction to drugs [Described1922. After Albert Mason Stevens (1884–1945);Frank Chambliss Johnson (1894–1934), physi-cians in New York, USA.]

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sthenia 292stheniasthenia /$s,i%ni#/ noun a condition of greatstrength or vitalitySTISTI abbreviation sexually transmitted infectionsticking plastersticking plaster /$st"k"0 !pl&%st#/ noun anadhesive plaster or tape used to cover a smallwound or to attach a pad of dressing to the skinstiff neckstiff neck /!st"f $nek/ noun a condition in whichmoving the neck is painful, usually caused by astrained muscle or by sitting in a cold windstigmastigma /$st"1m#/ noun a visible symptom whichshows that someone has a particular disease(NOTE: The plural is stigmas or stigmata.)stiletstilet /sta" |$let/ noun 1. a fine wire used as aprobe in surgery 2. a wire inserted in a catheter togive it rigiditystillbirthstillbirth /$st"lb-%,/ noun the birth of a deadfetus, more than 28 weeks after conception(informal)Still’s diseaseStill’s disease /$st"lz d"|!zi%z/ noun arthritisaffecting children, similar to rheumatoid arthritisin adults [Described 1896. After Sir George Fre-deric Still (1868–1941), British paediatrician andphysician to the king.]stimulantstimulant /$st"mj*l#nt/ noun a substancewhich makes part of the body function faster !Caffeine is a stimulant. " adjective increasingbody functionstimulatestimulate /$st"mj*le"t/ verb to make a personor organ react, respond or function ! The therapyshould stimulate the patient into attempting towalk unaided. ! The drug stimulates the heart.stimulusstimulus /$st"mj*l#s/ noun something whichhas an effect on a person or a part of the body andmakes them react (NOTE: The plural is stimuli.)stingingstinging /$st"0"0/ adjective referring to a sharpunpleasant feeling of pricking or burning ! a sud-den stinging sensation in the back of her legstirrupstirrup /$st"r#p/ noun same as stapesstitchstitch /st"t// noun 1. same as suture noun 2 !He had three stitches in his head. ! The doctortold her to come back in ten days’ time to have thestitches taken out. 2. pain caused by cramp in theside of the body after running ! He had to stoprunning because he developed a stitch. " verbsame as suture ! They tried to stitch back the fin-ger which had been cut off in an accident.stitch abscessstitch abscess /$st"t/ !'bses/ noun anabscess which forms at the site of a stitch orsutureStokes–Adams syndromeStokes–Adams syndrome /!st#*ks$'d#mz !s"ndr#*m/ noun a loss of conscious-ness due to the stopping of the action of the heartbecause of asystole or fibrillation [After WilliamStokes (1804–78), Irish physician; RobertAdams (1791–1875), Irish surgeon.]stomastoma /$st#*m#/ noun any opening into a cavityin the body (NOTE: The plural is stomata.)stomachstomach /$st.m#k/ noun 1. the part of the bodyshaped like a bag, into which food passes after

being swallowed and where the process of diges-tion continues ! She complained of pains in thestomach or of stomach pains. ! He has had stom-ach trouble for some time. See illustration atDIGESTIVE SYSTEM in Supplement 2. the abdo-men (informal) ! He had been kicked in the stom-ach. (NOTE: For other terms referring to thestomach, see words beginning with gastr-,gastro-.)stomach achestomach ache /$st.m#k e"k/ noun pain in theabdomen or stomach, caused by eating too muchfood or by an infectionstomach crampstomach cramp /$st.m#k kr'mp/ noun asharp spasm of the stomach musclesstomach herniastomach hernia /$st.m#k !h-%ni#/ noun sameas gastrocelestomach pumpstomach pump /$st.m#k p.mp/ noun aninstrument for sucking out the contents of thestomach, e.g. to extract a poison that has beenswallowedstomach upsetstomach upset /$st.m#k !.pset/ noun aslight infection of the stomach ! She is in bedwith a stomach upset. Also called upset stom-achstomach washoutstomach washout /!st.m#k $w(/a*t/ nounsame as gastric lavagestomalstomal /$st#*m(#)l/ adjective referring to astomastomat-stomat- /st#*m#t/ prefix same as stomato-(used before vowels)stomatitisstomatitis /!st#*m#|$ta"t"s/ noun inflammationof the inside of the mouthstomato-stomato- /st#*m#t#/ prefix referring to themouthstomatologystomatology /!st#*m# |$t(l#d+i/ noun a branchof medicine which studies diseases of the mouth-stomy-stomy /st#mi/ suffix meaning an operation tomake an openingstonestone /st#*n/ noun 1. same as calculus(informal) (NOTE: For other terms referring tostones, see words beginning with lith-, litho-, orending with -lith.) 2. a measure of weight equal to14 pounds or 6.35 kilograms ! He tried to loseweight and lost three stone. ! She weighs eightstone ten (i.e. 8 stone 10 pounds).stoolstool /stu%l/ noun 1. an act of emptying the bow-els 2. a piece of solid waste matter which ispassed out of the bowels ! an abnormal stool !loose stools ! a stool test (NOTE: Often used inthe plural.) " verb to pass a piece of solid matterout of the bowelsstrabismalstrabismal /str#|$b"zm(#)l/ adjective with theeyes focusing on different pointsstrabismusstrabismus /str#|$b"zm#s/ noun a condition inwhich the eyes focus on different points. Alsocalled squint, heterotropiastrabotomystrabotomy /str#|$b(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to divide the muscles of the eye in orderto correct a squint

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293 strokestrain

strain /stre"n/ noun 1. a condition in which amuscle has been stretched or torn by a strong orsudden movement 2. a group of microorganismswhich are different from others of the same type! a new strain of influenza virus 3. nervous ten-sion and stress ! Her work is causing her a lot ofstrain. ! He is suffering from nervous strain andneeds to relax. " verb to stretch a muscle too far! He strained his back lifting the table. ! Shehad to leave the game with a strained calf muscle.! The effort of running upstairs strained hisheart.strangulated

strangulated /$str'01j*le"t"d/ adjectivereferring to part of the body which is caught in anopening in such a way that the circulation ofblood is stoppedstrangulated hernia

strangulated hernia /!str'01j*le"t"d$h-%ni#/ noun a condition in which part of theintestine is squeezed in a hernia and the supply ofblood to it is cut offstrangulation

strangulation /!str'01j*|$le"/(#)n/ noun theact of squeezing a passage in the bodystrangury

strangury /$str'01j*ri/ noun a condition inwhich very little urine is passed, although the per-son wants to urinate, caused by a bladder disorderor by a stone in the urethraStrategic Health Authority

Strategic Health Authority /str#|!ti%d+"k$hel, )%|!,(r"ti/ noun in the UK, an organisation,accountable to government, that assesses thehealth needs of local people and ensures that localhealth services are commissioned and provided tomeet those needs. Abbreviation SHAstratified

stratified /$str't"fa"d/ adjective made of sev-eral layersstratified epithelium

stratified epithelium /!str't"fa"d ep" |

$,i%li#m/ noun epithelium formed of several lay-ers of cellsstrawberry mark

strawberry mark /$str)%b(#)ri m&%k/ noun ared birthmark in children, which will often disap-pear in later lifestreak

streak /stri%k/ noun a long thin line of a differ-ent colourstrepto-

strepto- /strept#/ prefix referring to organismswhich grow in chainsstreptococcal

streptococcal /!strept# |$k(k(#)l/ adjectivecaused by a streptococcusstreptococcus

streptococcus /!strept#|$k(k#s/ noun a genusof bacteria which grows in long chains, andcauses fevers such as scarlet fever, tonsillitis andrheumatic fever (NOTE: The plural is strepto-cocci.)streptokinase

streptokinase /!strept#|$ka"ne"z/ noun anenzyme formed by streptococci which can breakdown blood clots and is therefore used in thetreatment of myocardial infarctionstreptolysin

streptolysin /strep|$t(l#s"n/ noun a toxin pro-duced by streptococci in rheumatic fever, whichacts to destroy red blood cells


stress /stres/ noun 1. physical pressure on anobject or part of the body 2. a factor or combina-tion of factors in a person’s life which make himor her feel tired and anxious 3. a condition inwhich an outside influence such as overwork or amental or emotional state such as anxiety changesthe working of the body and can affect the hor-mone balancestress disorder

stress disorder /$stres d"s|!)%d#/ noun a disor-der caused by stressstress fracture

stress fracture /$stres !fr'kt/#/ noun a frac-ture of a bone caused by excessive force, as insome types of sport. Also called fatigue fracturestress incontinence

stress incontinence /$stres "n|!k(nt"n#ns/noun a condition in women in which the musclesin the floor of the pelvis become incapable ofretaining urine when the intra-abdominal pressureis raised by coughing or laughingstress reaction

stress reaction /$stres ri|!'k/#n/ noun aresponse to an outside stimulus which disturbs theusual physiological balance of the bodystress-related illness

stress-related illness /!stres r" |!le"t"d $"ln#s/noun an illness which is due in part or completelyto stressstretch

stretch /stret// verb to pull something out, ormake something longerstretch mark

stretch mark /$stret/ m&%k/ noun a mark onthe skin of the abdomen of a pregnant woman orof a woman who has recently given birth. ! striaegravidarumstretch reflex

stretch reflex /$stret/ !ri%fleks/ noun a reflexreaction of a muscle which contracts after beingstretchedstria

stria /$stra"#/ noun a pale line on skin which isstretched, as in obese people (NOTE: The plural isstriae.)striae gravidarum

striae gravidarum /!stra"i% !1r'v"|$de#r#m/plural noun the lines on the skin of the abdomenof a pregnant woman or of a woman who hasrecently given birthstriated

striated /stra"|$e"t"d/ adjective marked withpale linesstriated muscle

striated muscle /stra" |$e"t"d !m.s(#)l/ noun atype of muscle found in skeletal muscles whosemovements are controlled by the central nervoussystem. Also called striped musclestricture

stricture /$str"kt/#/ noun the narrowing of apassage in the bodystricturoplasty

stricturoplasty /$str"kt/#r#̃*|!pl'sti/ noun asurgical operation in which a part of the intestineis widenedstridor

stridor /$stra"d)%/, stridulus /$stra"dj*l#s/noun a sharp high sound made when air passes anobstruction in the larynx. ! laryngismusstriped muscle

striped muscle /$stra"pt !m.s(#)l/ noun sameas striated musclestroke

stroke /str#*k/ noun same as cerebrovascularaccident ! He had a stroke and died. ! She was

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stroke patient 294

paralysed after a stroke. " verb to touch some-thing or someone softly with the fingersstroke patient

stroke patient /$str#*k !pe"/(#)nt/ noun a per-son who has had a strokestroke volume

stroke volume /$str#*k !v(lju%m/ noun theamount of blood pumped out of the ventricle ateach heartbeatstroma

stroma /$str#*m#/ noun tissue which supportsan organ, as opposed to the parenchyma or func-tioning tissues in the organstrontium

strontium /$str(nti#m/ noun a metallic ele-ment (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Sr.)strontium-90

strontium-90 /!str(nti#m $na"nti/ noun anisotope of strontium which is formed in nuclearreactions and, because it is part of the fallout ofnuclear explosions, can enter the food chain,attacking in particular the bones of humans andanimalsstrychnine

strychnine /$str"kni%n/ noun a poisonous alka-loid drug, made from the seeds of a tropical tree,and formerly used in small doses as a tonicStryker frame

Stryker frame /$stra"k# fre"m/ noun a specialpiece of equipment on which a patient can easilybe rotated by a nurse, used for patients with spinalinjuriesST segment

ST segment /!es $ti% !se1m#nt/, S-T segmentnoun the part of an electrocardiogram, betweenthe points labelled S and T, immediately beforethe last phase of the cardiac cycle. ! PQRSTcomplexstudy

study /$st.di/ noun the act of examining some-thing to learn about it ! She’s making a study ofdiseases of small children. ! They have finishedtheir study of the effects of the drug on pregnantwomen. " verb to examine something to learnabout it ! He’s studying pharmacy. ! Doctorsare studying the results of the screening pro-gramme.stupe

stupe /stju%p/ noun a wet medicated dressingused as a compressstupor

stupor /$stju%p#/ noun a state of being semi-conscious ! After the party several people werefound lying on the floor in a stupor.Sturge-Weber syndrome

Sturge-Weber syndrome /!st-%d+ $web#!s"ndr#*m/ noun a dark red mark on the skinabove the eye, together with similar marks insidethe brain, possibly causing epileptic fitsstuttering

stuttering /$st.t#r"0/ noun same as stammer-ingstye

stye /sta"/ noun same as hordeolumstylet

stylet /$sta"l#t/ noun 1. a very thin piece of wirewhich is put into a catheter or hollow needle sothat it will not become blocked when it is notbeing used 2. any long thin pointed instrumentstylo-

stylo- /sta"l#*/ prefix referring to the styloidprocessstyloid

styloid /$sta"l)"d/ adjective pointed

styloid processstyloid process /$sta"l)"d !pr#*ses/ noun apiece of bone which projects from the bottom ofthe temporal bonestylus

stylus /$sta"l#s/ noun a long thin instrumentused for applying antiseptics or ointments to theskinstyptic

styptic /$st"pt"k/ noun a substance which stopsbleeding " adjective used to stop bleedingstyptic pencil

styptic pencil /!st"pt"k $pens(#)l/ noun a stickof alum, used to stop bleeding from small cutssub-sub- /s.b/ prefix underneath or belowsubacutesubacute /!s.b# |$kju%t/ adjective referring to acondition which is not acute but may becomechronicsubacute bacterial endocarditissubacute bacterial endocarditis/!s.b#kju%t b'k |!ti#ri#l !end#*|k&%|$da"t"s/,subacute infective endocarditis /!s.b#kju%t"n|!fekt"v !end#*k&%|$da"t"s/ noun an infectionof the membrane covering the inner surfaces ofthe heart caused by bacteriasubacute combined degeneration of the spinal cordsubacute combined degeneration of thespinal cord /!s.b#kju%t k#m|!ba"nd d"|

!d+en#re"/(#)n #v 2# $spa"n(#)l k)%d/ noun acondition, caused by Vitamin B12 deficiency, inwhich the sensory and motor nerves in the spinalcord become damaged and the person has diffi-culty in movingsubacute sclerosing panencephalitissubacute sclerosing panencephalitis/s.b#|!kju%t skl#|!r#*s"0 !p'nenkef# |$la"t"s/noun a rare inflammatory disease of the brain,mostly affecting children. It is linked to havingmeasles at a very young age, and is usually fatal.subarachnoid

subarachnoid /!s.b# |$r'kn)"d/ adjectivebeneath the arachnoid membranesubarachnoid haemorrhage

subarachnoid haemorrhage /!s.b#|

!r'kn)"d $hem(#)r"d+/ noun bleeding into thecerebrospinal fluid of the subarachnoid spacesubarachnoid space

subarachnoid space /!s.b#|!r'kn)"d $spe"s/noun a space between the arachnoid membraneand the pia mater in the brain, containing cerebro-spinal fluidsubclaviansubclavian /s.b|$kle"vi#n/ adjective under-neath the claviclesubclavian arterysubclavian artery /s.b |!kle"vi#n $&%t#ri/noun one of two arteries branching from the aortaon the left and from the innominate artery on theright, continuing into the brachial arteries andsupplying blood to each armsubclavian veinsubclavian vein /s.b|!kle"vi#n $ve"n/ nounone of the veins which continue the axillary veinsinto the brachiocephalic veinsubclinicalsubclinical /s.b |$kl"n"k(#)l/ adjective referringto a disease which is present in the body, butwhich has not yet developed any symptomssubconscioussubconscious /s.b|$k(n/#s/ noun the part of aperson’s mental processes which he or she is notaware of most of the time, but which can affect hisor her actions " adjective present in the mindalthough a person is not aware of it

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295 suddensubcostal plane

subcostal plane /s.b|!k(st(#)l $ple"n/ nounan imaginary horizontal line drawn across thefront of the abdomen below the ribssubcutaneous

subcutaneous /!s.bkju%|$te"ni#s/ adjectiveunder the skin. Abbreviation s.c.subcutaneous injection

subcutaneous injection /!s.bkju%|!te"ni#s"n|$d+ek/#n/ noun same as hypodermic injec-tionsubcutaneous oedema

subcutaneous oedema /!s.bkju% |!te"ni#s "|

$di%m#/ noun a fluid collecting under the skin,usually at the anklessubcutaneous tissue

subcutaneous tissue /!s.bkju%|!te"ni#s$t"/u%/ noun fatty tissue under the skinsubdural

subdural /s.b |$dj*#r#l/ adjective between thedura mater and the arachnoidsubdural haematoma

subdural haematoma /s.b |!dj*#r#l !hi%m# |

$t#*m#/ noun a haematoma between the duramater and the arachnoid which displaces thebrain, caused by a blow on the headsubglottis

subglottis /s.b|$1l(t"s/ noun the lowest part ofthe laryngeal cavity, below the vocal foldssubinvolution

subinvolution /!s.b"nv# |$lu%/(#)n/ noun a con-dition in which a part of the body does not go backto its former size and shape after having swollenor stretched, as in the case of the uterus afterchildbirthsubjective

subjective /s#b|$d+ekt"v/ adjective represent-ing the views or feelings of the person concernedand not impartial ! The psychiatrist gave a sub-jective opinion on the patient’s problem. Com-pare objectivesublimate

sublimate /$s.bl"me"t/ noun a deposit leftwhen a vapour condenses " verb to convert vio-lent emotion into action which is not antisocialsublimation

sublimation /!s.bl"|$me"/(#)n/ noun a psycho-logical process in which violent emotions whichwould otherwise be expressed in antisocialbehaviour are directed into actions which aresocially acceptablesubliminal

subliminal /s.b|$l"m"n(#)l/ adjective too slightto be noticed by the sensessublingual

sublingual /s.b|$l"01w#l/ adjective under thetonguesublingual gland

sublingual gland /s.b|$l"01w#l 1l'nd/ nouna salivary gland under the tonguesubluxation

subluxation /!s.bl.k|$se"/(#)n/ noun a condi-tion in which a joint is partially dislocatedsubmandibular gland

submandibular gland /!s.bm'n|$d"bj*l#!1l'nd/, submaxillary gland /s.b |$m'ks"l#ri!1l'nd/ noun a salivary gland on each side of thelower jawsubmental

submental /s.b|$ment(#)l/ adjective under thechinsubmucosa

submucosa /!s.bmju%|$k#*s#/ noun tissueunder a mucous membranesubmucous

submucous /s.b|$mju%k#s/ adjective under amucous membrane

submucous resection

submucous resection /s.b|!mju%k#s r"|

$sek/#n/ noun the removal of a bent cartilagefrom the septum in the nose. Abbreviation SMRsubnormal

subnormal /s.b|$n)%m(#)l/ adjective with amind which has not developed fully (NOTE: Thisterm is regarded as offensive.)subphrenic

subphrenic /s.b |$fren"k/ adjective under thediaphragmsubphrenic abscess

subphrenic abscess /s.b|!fren"k $'bses/noun an abscess which forms between the dia-phragm and the liversubstance

substance /$s.bst#ns/ noun a chemical mate-rial, e.g. a drug ! toxic substances released intothe bloodstream ! He became addicted to certainsubstances.substance abuse

substance abuse /$s.bst#ns # |!bju%s/, sub-stance misuse /$s.bst#ns m"s |!ju%z/ noun themisuse or excessive use of drugs, alcohol or othersubstances for pleasure or to satisfy addiction,which often causes health, emotional or socialproblems for the usersubstitution

substitution /!s.bst"|$tju%/(#)n/ noun the actof replacing one thing with anothersubstitution therapy

substitution therapy /!s.bst"|$tju%/(#)n!,er#pi/ noun a way of treating a condition byusing a different drug from the one used beforesubstrate

substrate /$s.bstre"t/ noun a substance whichis acted on by an enzymesubsultus

subsultus /s.b |$s.lt#s/ noun a twitching of themuscles and tendons, caused by feversubtertian fever

subtertian fever /s.b |!t-%/(#)n $fi%v#/ noun atype of malaria, where the fever is present most ofthe timesubtotal gastrectomy

subtotal gastrectomy /!s.bt#*t(#)l 1'|

$strekt#mi/ noun the surgical removal of all butthe top part of the stomach in contact with the dia-phragmsubtotal hysterectomy

subtotal hysterectomy /!s.bt#*t(#)l !h"st#|

$rekt#mi/ noun the surgical removal of theuterus, but not the cervixsubtotal pancreatectomy

subtotal pancreatectomy /!s.bt#*t(#)l!p'0kri#|$tekt#mi/ noun the surgical removal ofmost of the pancreassubungual

subungual /s.b|$.01w#l/ adjective under a nailsuccussuccus /$s.k#s/ noun juice secreted by an organsuccus entericus

succus entericus /!s.k#s en |$ter"k#s/ nounjuice formed of enzymes, produced in the intes-tine to help the digestive processsuccussion

succussion /s#|$k./(#)n/ noun a splashingsound made when there is a large amount of liquidinside a cavity in the body, e.g. the stomachsucrose

sucrose /$su%kr#*s/ noun a sugar, formed ofglucose and fructose, found in plants, especiallyin sugar cane, beet and maple syrupsuction

suction /$s.k/#n/ noun a force created by theaction of sucking ! The dentist hooked a suctiontube into the patient’s mouth.sudden

sudden /$s.d(#)n/ adjective happening quickly

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sudden death 296sudden deathsudden death /!s.d(#)n $de,/ noun deathwithout any identifiable cause, not preceded by anillnesssudden infant death syndromesudden infant death syndrome /!s.d(#)n!"nf#nt $de, !s"ndr#*m/ noun the sudden deathof a baby under the age of about twelve months inbed, without any identifiable cause. AbbreviationSIDS. Also called cot deathsudorsudor /$su%d)%/ noun sweatsudorificsudorific /!su%d# |$r"f"k/ noun a drug whichmakes someone sweatsuffersuffer /$s.f#/ verb 1. to have an illness for a longperiod of time ! I suffer from headaches. 2. tofeel pain ! I didn’t suffer much. 3. to receive aninjury ! He suffered multiple injuries in the acci-dent.sufferingsuffering /$s.f(#)r"0/ noun the experiencing ofpain over a long period of timesuffocationsuffocation /!s.f#|$ke"/(#)n/ noun the act ofmaking someone become unconscious by cuttingoff his or her supply of airsuffusionsuffusion /s#|$fju%+(#)n/ noun the spreading ofa red flush over the skinsugarsugar /$/*1#/ noun any of several sweet carbo-hydrates (NOTE: For other terms referring tosugar, see words beginning with glyc-, glyco-.)sugar intolerancesugar intolerance /$/*1#r "n|!t(l#r#ns/ noundiarrhoea caused by sugar which has not beenabsorbedsuggestibilitysuggestibility /s# |!d+est" |$b"l"ti/ noun a mentalstate in which somebody just accepts other peo-ple’s ideas, attitudes or instructions, withoutquestioning them. It is usually increased underhypnosis.suggestiblesuggestible /s#|$d+est"b(#)l/ adjective easilyinfluenced by other peoplesuggestionsuggestion /s# |$d+est/#n/ noun 1. an ideawhich has been mentioned ! The doctor didn’tagree with the suggestion that the disease hadbeen caught in the hospital. 2. (in psychiatry) theprocess of making a person’s ideas change, bysuggesting different ideas which the person canaccept, such as that he or she is in fact curedsuicidesuicide /$su%"sa"d/ noun the act of killing one-selfsulcussulcus /$s.lk#s/ noun a groove or fold, espe-cially between the gyri in the brainsulfa drugsulfa drug /$s.lf# dr.1/, sulfa compound/$s.lf# !k(mpa*nd/ noun same as sulfonamidesulfasalazinesulfasalazine /!s.lf#|$s'l#zi%n/ noun a drugbelonging to the sulfonamide group of antibacte-rial drugs. It is used in the treatment of ulcerativecolitis and Crohn’s disease, and also of severerheumatoid arthritis.sulfonamidesulfonamide /s.l |$f(n#ma"d/ noun a bacterio-static drug, e.g. trimethoprim, used to treat bacte-rial infection, especially in the intestine and uri-nary system, but now less important due toincreasing bacterial resistance


sulfonylurea /!s.lf#na"lj* |$ri%#/ noun any of agroup of drugs which lower blood sugar, used inthe treatment of diabetessulfur

sulfur /$s.lf#/ noun another spelling of sulphursulphur

sulphur /$s.lf#/ noun a yellow non-metallicchemical element which is contained in someamino acids and is used in creams to treat someskin disorders (NOTE: The chemical symbol is S.)sulphuric acid

sulphuric acid /s.l |!fj*#r"k $'s"d/ noun astrong colourless oily corrosive acid which hasmany usessumatriptan

sumatriptan /!su%m#|$tr"pt'n/ noun a drugwhich helps to narrow the blood vessels, used inthe treatment of acute migrainesun blindness

sun blindness /$s.n !bla"ndn#s/ noun sameas photoretinitissunburn

sunburn /$s.nb-%n/ noun damage to the skin byexcessive exposure to sunlightsunstroke

sunstroke /$s.nstr#*k/ noun a serious condi-tion caused by excessive exposure to the sun or tohot conditions, in which the person becomesdizzy and has a high body temperature but doesnot perspiresuper-

super- /su%p#/ prefix 1. above 2. extremelysuperciliarysuperciliary /!su%p#|$s"li#ri/ adjective referringto the eyebrowssuperegosuperego /!su%p#r |$i%1#*/ noun (in psychology)the part of the mind which is a person’s con-science, which is concerned with right and wrongsuperfecundation

superfecundation /!su%p#fi%k#n|$de"/(#)n/noun a condition in which two or more ova pro-duced at the same time are fertilised by differentmalessuperfetation

superfetation /!su%p#fi%|$te"/(#)n/ noun a con-dition in which an ovum is fertilised in a womanwho is already pregnantsuperficial

superficial /!su%p# |$f"/(#)l/ adjective on the sur-face, close to the surface or on the skinsuperficial thickness burn

superficial thickness burn /!su%p#f"/(#)l$,"kn#s !b-%n/ noun same as partial thicknessburnsuperinfectionsuperinfection /$su%p#r"n|!fek/#n/ noun asecond infection which affects the treatment ofthe first infection, because it is resistant to thedrug used to treat the firstsuperior

superior /s* |$p"#ri#/ adjective (of part of thebody) higher up than another partsuperior aspect

superior aspect /s*|!p"#ri# $'spekt/ noun aview of the body from abovesuperiority complex

superiority complex /s* |!p"#ri|$(r"ti!k(mpleks/ noun a condition in which a personfeels he or she is better and more important thanothers and pays little attention to themsuperior mesenteric artery

superior mesenteric artery /s*|!p"#ri#mes(e)n |!ter"k $&%t#ri/ noun one of the arterieswhich supply the small intestinesuperior vena cava

superior vena cava /s* |!p"#ri# !vi%n# $ke"v#/noun a branch of the large vein into the heart, car-

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297 surgical

rying blood from the head and the top part of thebody. See illustration at HEART in Supplementsupernumerary

supernumerary /!su%p# |$nju%m#r#ri/ adjec-tive extra, more than the usual numbersuperovulation

superovulation /!su%p#r|!(vj*|$le"/(#)n/ nounan increased frequency of ovulation, or produc-tion of a large number of ova at one time. It isoften caused by giving a woman with infertilityproblems gonadotrophin hormones to stimulateovulation.supination

supination /!su%p" |$ne"/(#)n/ noun the act ofturning the hand so that the palm faces upwards.Opposite pronation. See illustration at ANATOMI-CAL TERMS in Supplementsupinator

supinator /$su%p"ne"t#/ noun a muscle whichturns the hand so that the palm faces upwardssupine

supine /$su%pa"n/ adjective lying on the back.Opposite pronesupplement

supplement /$s.pl"m#nt/ noun 1. any extranutrients that are taken to help a specific condi-tion when someone is not getting all they needfrom their food ! vitamin and folic acid supple-ments 2. a pill or product regarded as helpful inimproving health that can be bought without aprescription. Supplements are not tested in thesame way as prescription drugs. ! dietary or foodsupplements " verb to add on or increase abovewhat is taken usually ! She supplemented herdiet with folic acid when she was planning a preg-nancy.supplementary prescriber

supplementary prescriber /!s.pl"|

$ment(#)ri pr"|!skra"b#/ noun a healthcare pro-fessional who, in agreement with a patient’s doc-tor, implements an agreed course of treatmentsupport hose

support hose /s#|$p)%t h#*z/ plural nounstockings that fit tightly to the legs, worn to helpthe flow of bloodsupportive

supportive /s#|$p)%t"v/ adjective helping orcomforting someone in trouble ! Her family wasvery supportive when she was in hospital. ! Thelocal health authority has been very supportive ofthe hospital management.support worker

support worker /s#|$p)%t !w-%k#/ noun some-one who assists registered health service profes-sionals as part of a team, e.g. as a nursing auxil-iary or assistant, or in specialist areas such asmental health, speech therapy or physiotherapysuppository

suppository /s#|$p(z"t(#)ri/ noun a piece of asoluble material such as glycerine jelly contain-ing a drug, which is placed in the rectum to act aslubricant, or in the vagina, to treat disorders suchas vaginitis, and is dissolved by the body’s fluidssuppress

suppress /s# |$pres/ verb to reduce the action ofsomething completely, e.g. to remove a symptomor to stop the release of a hormone ! a course oftreatment which suppresses the painful irritation! The drug suppresses the body’s natural instinctto reject the transplanted tissue. ! The release ofadrenaline from the adrenal cortex is suppressed.


suppression /s#|$pre/(#)n/ noun the act of sup-pressing something ! the suppression of allergicresponses ! the suppression of a hormonesuppressor T-cell

suppressor T-cell /s#|!pres# $ti% !sel/ noun aT-cell which stops or reduces the immuneresponse to an antigen of B-cells and other T-cellssuppuration

suppuration /!s.pj* |$re"/(#)n/ noun the for-mation and discharge of pussupra-

supra- /su%pr#/ prefix above or oversupraglottis

supraglottis /!su%pr# |$1l(t"s/ noun the part ofthe larynx above the vocal folds, including theepiglottissupraorbital

supraorbital /!su%pr#|$)%b"t(#)l/ adjectiveabove the orbit of the eyesupraorbital ridge

supraorbital ridge /!su%pr#|!)%b"t(#)l $r"d+/noun the ridge of bone above the eye, covered bythe eyebrowsuprapubic

suprapubic /!su%pr# |$pju%b"k/ adjective abovethe pubic bone or pubic areasuprarenal

suprarenal /!su%pr# |$ri%n(#)l/ adjective abovethe kidneys " noun same as suprarenal glandsuprarenal gland

suprarenal gland /!su%pr#|$ri%n(#)l 1l'nd/,suprarenal /!su%pr#|$ri%n(#)l/ noun one of twoendocrine glands at the top of the kidneys, whichsecrete adrenaline and other hormonessuprarenal medulla

suprarenal medulla /!su%pr#ri%n(#)l me|

$d.l#/ noun same as adrenal medullasuprasternal

suprasternal /!su%pr# |$st-%n(#)l/ adjectiveabove the sternumsupraventricular tachycardia

supraventricular tachycardia /!s.bven|

!tr"kj*l# !t'ki|$k&%di#/ noun tachycardia comingfrom the upper chambers of the heartsurfactant

surfactant /s-%|$f'kt#nt/ noun a substance inthe alveoli of the lungs which keeps the surfacesof the lungs wet and prevents lung collapsesurgeon

surgeon /$s-%d+#n/ noun a doctor who special-ises in surgery (NOTE: Although surgeons aredoctors, in the UK they are traditionally called‘Mr’ and not ‘Dr’, so ‘Dr Smith’ may be a GP, but‘Mr Smith’ is a surgeon.)surgeon general

surgeon general /!s-%d+#n $d+en(#)r#l/ nounUS a government official responsible for allaspects of public healthsurgery

surgery /$s-%d+#ri/ noun 1. the treatment of dis-eases or disorders by procedures which require anoperation to cut into, to remove or to manipulatetissue, organs or parts ! The patient will needplastic surgery to remove the scars he received inthe accident. ! The surgical ward is for patientswaiting for surgery. ! Two of our patients had tohave surgery. ! She will have to undergo surgery.2. a room where a doctor or dentist sees andexamines patients ! There are ten patients wait-ing in the surgery. ! Surgery hours are from 8.30in the morning to 6.00 at night.surgical

surgical /$s-%d+"k(#)l/ adjective referring tosurgery ! All surgical instruments must be steri-lised.

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surgical diathermy 298surgical diathermy

surgical diathermy /!s-%d+"k(#)l !da"# |

$,-%mi/ noun a procedure which uses a knife orelectrode which is heated by a strong electric cur-rent until it coagulates tissuesurgical fixation

surgical fixation /!s-%d+"k(#)l f"k|$se"/(#)n/noun a method of immobilising something suchas a bone either externally by the use of a splint orinternally by a metal plate and screwssurgical gloves

surgical gloves /$s-%d+"k(#)l 1l.vz/ pluralnoun thin plastic gloves worn by surgeonssurgical intervention

surgical intervention /!s-%d+"k(#)l !"nt#|

$ven/#n/ noun the treatment of disease or othercondition by surgerysurgical neck

surgical neck /!s-%d+"k(#)l $nek/ noun thenarrow part at the top of the humerus, where thearm can easily be brokensurgical ward

surgical ward /$s-%d+"k(#)l w)%d/ noun a wardfor patients who have undergone surgerysurgical wound

surgical wound /$s-%d+"k(#)l wu%nd/ noun anincision made during a surgical operationsurrogate

surrogate /$s.r#1#t/ adjective taking the placeof " noun someone or something that takes theplace of another person or thingsurrogate mother

surrogate mother a woman who has a child byartificial insemination for a woman who cannotbecome pregnant, with the intention of handingthe child over to her when it is bornsusceptibility

susceptibility /s#|!sept"|$b"l"ti/ noun lack ofresistance to a diseasesuspension

suspension /s# |$spen/#n/ noun a liquid withsolid particles in itsuspensory

suspensory /s# |$spens#ri/ adjective hangingdownsuspensory bandage

suspensory bandage /s# |!spens#ri$b'nd"d+/ noun a bandage to hold a part of thebody which hangssuspensory ligament

suspensory ligament /s# |!spens#ri$l"1#m#nt/ noun a ligament which holds a part ofthe body in position. See illustration at EYE inSupplementsustentacular

sustentacular /!s.st#n|$t'kj*l#/ adjectivereferring to a sustentaculumsustentaculum

sustentaculum /!s.st#n|$t'kj*l#m/ noun apart of the body which supports another partsuture

suture /$su%t/#/ noun 1. a fixed joint where twobones are fused together, especially the bones inthe skull 2. a procedure for attaching the sides ofan incision or wound with thread, so that healingcan take place. Also called stitch 3. a thread usedfor attaching the sides of a wound so that they canheal " verb to attach the sides of a wound or inci-sion together with thread so that healing can takeplace. Also called stitchsuxamethonium

suxamethonium /!s.ks#m" |$,#*ni#m/ noun adrug similar to acetylcholine in structure, used asa muscle relaxant during surgeryswab

swab /sw(b/ noun 1. a cotton wool pad, oftenattached to a small stick, used, e.g., to clean a

wound, to apply ointment or to take a specimen 2.a specimen taken with a swab ! a cervical swabswallowing

swallowing /$sw(l#*"0/ noun same as degluti-tionSwan-Ganz catheter

Swan-Ganz catheter /!sw(n $1'ntz!k',it#/ noun a special catheter which can befloated through the right chamber of the heart intothe pulmonary artery. The balloon at its tip is theninflated to measure arterial pressure.sweat

sweat /swet/ noun a salty liquid produced by thesweat glands to cool the body as the liquid evapo-rates from the skin ! Sweat was running off theend of his nose. ! Her hands were covered withsweat. Also called perspiration " verb to pro-duce moisture through the sweat glands and ontothe skin ! After working in the fields she wassweating.sweat duct

sweat duct /$swet d.kt/ noun a thin tube con-necting the sweat gland with the surface of theskinsweat gland

sweat gland /$swet 1l'nd/ noun a glandwhich produces sweat, situated beneath the der-mis and connected to the skin surface by a sweatductsweat pore

sweat pore /$swet p)%/ noun a hole in the skinthrough which the sweat comes outswell

swell /swel/ verb to become larger, or causesomething to become larger ! The disease affectsthe lymph glands, making them swell. ! The doc-tor noticed that the patient had swollen glands inhis neck. ! She finds her swollen ankles painful.(NOTE: swelling – swelled – swollen)swelling

swelling /$swel"0/ noun a condition in whichfluid accumulates in tissue, making the tissuebecome large ! They applied a cold compress totry to reduce the swelling.sycosis

sycosis /sa"|$k#*s"s/ noun a bacterial infectionof hair folliclessycosis barbae

sycosis barbae /sa" |!k#*s"s $b&%bi/ noun aninfection of hair follicles on the sides of the faceand chin. Also called barber’s itch, barber’srashSydenham’s chorea

Sydenham’s chorea /!s"dn#mz k( |$ri%#/noun temporary chorea affecting children, fre-quently associated with endocarditis and rheuma-tism [Described 1686. After Thomas Sydenham(1624–89), English physician.]symbiosis

symbiosis /!s"mba" |$#*s"s/ noun a condition inwhich two organisms exist together and help eachother to survivesymblepharon

symblepharon /s"m|$blef#r(n/ noun a condi-tion in which the eyelid sticks to the eyeballsymbol

symbol /$s"mb#l/ noun a sign or letter whichmeans somethingSyme’s amputation

Syme’s amputation /!sa"mz 'mpj*|

$te"/(#)n/ noun a surgical operation to amputatethe foot above the ankle [Described 1842. AfterJames Syme (1799–1870), Edinburgh surgeonand teacher; one of the first to adopt antisepsis

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299 synostosed

(Joseph Lister was his son-in-law), and alsoamong the early users of anaesthesia.]symmetry

symmetry /$s"m#tri/ noun the regularity ofstructure and distribution of parts of the body,each side of the body being structurally similar tothe othersympathectomy

sympathectomy /!s"mp#|$,ekt#mi/ noun asurgical operation to cut part of the sympatheticnervous system, as a treatment of high blood pres-suresympathetic

sympathetic /!s"mp#|$,et"k/ adjective 1. feel-ing or showing shared feelings, pity or compas-sion 2. relating to or belonging to the sympatheticnervous system, or to one of its partssympathetic nervous system

sympathetic nervous system/!s"mp#,et"k $n-%v#s !s"st#m/, sympatheticsystem /!s"mp#,et"k $s"st#m/ noun part of theautonomic nervous system, which leaves the spi-nal cord from the thoracic and lumbar regions togo to various important organs such as the heart,the lungs and the sweat glands, and which pre-pares the body for emergencies and vigorousmuscular activity. ! parasympathetic nervoussystemsympatholytic

sympatholytic /!s"mp#,#*|$l"t"k/ noun a drugwhich stops the sympathetic nervous systemworkingsympathomimetic

sympathomimetic /!s"mp#,#*|m"|$met"k/adjective referring to a drug such as dopaminehydrochloride which stimulates the activity of thesympathetic nervous system and is used in car-diac shock following myocardial infarction and incardiac surgerysympathy

sympathy /$s"mp#,i/ noun 1. the feeling orexpression of pity or sorrow for the pain or dis-tress of somebody else 2. the relationshipbetween people which causes one of them to pro-voke a similar condition to their own in the otherone. For example, when the first person yawns,the second feels an urge to yawn too. 3. the influ-ence produced on any part of the body by diseaseor change in another partsymphysis

symphysis /$s"mf#s"s/ noun the point wheretwo bones are joined by cartilage which makesthe joint rigidsymphysis pubis

symphysis pubis /!s"mf#s"s $pju%b"s/ nounsame as pubic symphysissymptom

symptom /$s"mpt#m/ noun a change in the waythe body works or a change in the body’s appear-ance, which shows that a disease or disorder ispresent and which the person is aware of ! Thesymptoms of hay fever are a running nose andeyes. ! A doctor must study the symptoms beforemaking his diagnosis. ! The patient presented allthe symptoms of rheumatic fever. (NOTE: If asymptom is noticed only by the doctor, it is asign.)symptomatic

symptomatic /!s"mpt# |$m't"k/ adjectivebeing a symptom of something ! The rash issymptomatic of measles.


symptomatology /!s"mpt#m# |$t(l#d+i/ nouna branch of medicine concerned with the study ofsymptoms. Also called semeiologysyn-

syn- /s"n/ prefix joint, or fusedsynalgia

synalgia /s" |$n'ld+#/ noun a pain which is feltin one part of the body, but is caused by a condi-tion in another part, e.g. pain in the groin whichcan be a symptom of a kidney stone or pain in theright shoulder which can indicate gall bladderinfection. Also called referred painsynapse

synapse /$sa"n'ps/ noun a point in the nervoussystem where the axons of neurones are in contactwith the dendrites of other neurones " verb tolink something with a neuronesynaptic

synaptic /s"n|$'pt"k/ adjective referring to asynapsesynarthrosis

synarthrosis /!s"n&%|$,r#*s"s/ noun a joint, e.g.in the skull, where the bones have fused togethersynchondrosis

synchondrosis /!s"nk(n|$dr#*s"s/ noun ajoint, as in children, where the bones are linked bycartilage, before the cartilage has changed to bonesynchysis

synchysis /$s"0k"s"s/ noun a condition inwhich the vitreous humour in the eye becomessoftsyncope

syncope /$s"0k#pi/ noun a condition in whichsomeone becomes unconscious for a short timebecause of reduced flow of blood to the brain.Also called fainting fitsyndactyly

syndactyly /s"n|$d'kt"li/, syndactylism /s"n|

$d'kt"l"z(#)m/ noun a condition in which twotoes or fingers are joined together with tissuesyndesm-

syndesm- /s"ndesm/, syndesmo-/s"ndesm#*/ prefix referring to ligamentssyndesmology

syndesmology /!s"ndes|$m(l#d+i/ noun abranch of medicine which studies jointssyndesmosis

syndesmosis /!s"ndes|$m#*s"s/ noun a jointwhere the bones are tightly linked by ligamentssyndrome

syndrome /$s"ndr#*m/ noun a group of symp-toms and other changes in the body’s functionswhich, when taken together, show that a particu-lar disease is presentsynechia

synechia /s"|$neki#/ noun a condition in whichthe iris sticks to another part of the eyesynergism

synergism /$s"n#d+"z(#)m/ noun a situationwhere two or more things are acting together insuch a way that both are more effective. Alsocalled synergysynergist

synergist /$s"n#d+"st/ noun a muscle or drugwhich acts with another and increases the effec-tiveness of bothsynergy

synergy /$s"n#d+i/ noun same as synergismsyngeneic

syngeneic /!s"nd+# |$ni%"k/ adjective referringto individuals or tissues that have an identical orclosely similar genetic make-up, especially onethat will allow the transplanting of tissue withoutprovoking an immune responsesynostosed

synostosed /$s"n(|!st#*zd/ adjective (ofbones) fused together with new bone tissue

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synostosis 300synostosissynostosis /!s"n( |$st#*s"s/ noun the fusing oftwo bones together by the formation of new bonetissuesynovectomysynovectomy /!s"n#* |$vekt#mi/ noun a surgi-cal operation to remove the synovial membrane ofa jointsynoviasynovia /sa" |$n#*vi#/ noun same as synovialfluidsynovialsynovial /sa"|$n#*vi#l/ adjective referring to thesynoviumsynovial fluidsynovial fluid /sa" |!n#*vi#l $flu%"d/ noun afluid secreted by a synovial membrane to lubri-cate a joint. See illustration at SYNOVIAL JOINT inSupplementsynovial jointsynovial joint /sa"|!n#*vi#l $d+)"nt/ noun ajoint where the two bones are separated by a spacefilled with synovial fluid which nourishes andlubricates the surfaces of the bones. Also calleddiarthrosissynovial membranesynovial membrane /sa" |!n#*vi#l$membre"n/, synovium noun a smooth mem-brane which forms the inner lining of the capsulecovering a joint and secretes the fluid which lubri-cates the joint. See illustration at SYNOVIAL JOINTin Supplementsynovitissynovitis /!sa"n#|$va"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe synovial membranesynthesissynthesis /$s"n,#s"s/ noun 1. the process ofcombining different ideas or objects into a newwhole 2. a new unified whole resulting from thecombination of different ideas or objects 3. theformation of compounds through chemical reac-tions involving simpler compounds or elements 4.in psychiatry, the fusing together of all the variouselements of the personality (NOTE: The plural issyntheses.)synthesisesynthesise /$s"n,#sa"z/, synthesize verb tomake a chemical compound from its separatecomponents ! Essential amino acids cannot besynthesised. ! The body cannot synthesise essen-tial fatty acids and has to absorb them from food.syntheticsynthetic /s"n|$,et"k/ adjective made byhumans, made artificiallysyphilissyphilis /$s"f#l"s/ noun a sexually transmitteddisease caused by a spirochaete Treponema palli-dumsyring-syring- /s"r"nd+/ prefix same as syringo- (usedbefore vowels)


syringe /s"|$r"nd+/ noun a medical instrumentmade of a tube with a plunger which either slidesdown inside the tube, forcing the contents outthrough a needle as in an injection, or slides upthe tube, allowing a liquid to be sucked into it "verb to wash out the ears using a syringesyringo-

syringo- /s"r"01#*/ prefix referring to tubes,especially the central canal of the spinal cordsyringomyelia

syringomyelia /s" |!r"01#*ma" |$i%li#/ noun adisease which forms cavities in the neck sectionof the spinal cord, affecting the nerves so that theperson loses the sense of touch and painsyringomyelitis

syringomyelitis /s"|!r"01#*|ma"#|$la"t"s/ nouna swelling of the spinal cord, which results in theformation of cavities in itsyringomyelocele

syringomyelocele /s"|!r"01#*|$ma"#l#*si%l/noun a severe form of spina bifida where the spi-nal cord pushes through a hole in the spinesystem

system /$s"st#m/ noun 1. the body as a whole !Amputation of a limb gives a serious shock to thesystem. 2. the arrangement of particular parts ofthe body so that they work together ! the lym-phatic systemsystemic

systemic /s" |$sti%m"k/ adjective referring to oraffecting the whole body ! Septicaemia is a sys-temic infection.systemic circulation

systemic circulation /s"|!sti%m"k !s-%kj*|

$le"/(#)n/ noun the circulation of blood aroundthe whole body, except the lungs, starting with theaorta and returning through the venae cavaesystemic lupus erythematosus

systemic lupus erythematosus /s" |!sti%m"k!lu%p#s !er",i%m#|$t#*s#s/ noun one of severalcollagen diseases which are forms of lupus, wherered patches form on the skin and spread through-out the body. Abbreviation SLEsystole

systole /$s"st#li/ noun a phase in the beating ofthe heart when it contracts as it pumps blood outsystolic

systolic /s"|$st(l"k/ adjective referring to thesystolesystolic murmur

systolic murmur /s"|!st(l"k $m-%m#/ noun asound produced during systole which indicates anunusual condition of a heart valvesystolic pressure

systolic pressure /s" |!st(l"k $pre/#/ noun thehigh point of blood pressure which occurs duringthe systole. Systolic pressure is always higherthan diastolic pressure.

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TAB abbreviation typhoid-paratyphoid A and B! He was given a TAB injection. ! TAB injec-tions give only temporary immunity against para-typhoid. ! TAB vaccinetabes

tabes /$te"bi%z/ noun a condition in which some-one is wasting awaytabes dorsalis

tabes dorsalis /!te"bi%z d)% |$se"l"s/ noun a dis-ease of the nervous system, caused by advancedsyphilis, in which the person loses the sense offeeling, control of the bladder and the ability tocoordinate movements of the legs, and has severepains. Also called locomotor ataxiatablet

tablet /$t'bl#t/ noun 1. a small flat round objectcontaining medicine that is taken by swallowing! a bottle of aspirin tablets ! Take two tabletsthree times a day. 2. any tablet, pill or capsuletaken by swallowing (informal)taboparesis

taboparesis /!te"b#*p#|$ri%s"s/ noun the finalstage of syphilis in which the person has locomo-tor ataxia, general paralysis and mental deteriora-tionTAB vaccine

TAB vaccine /!ti% ei% $bi% !v'ksi%n/ noun a vac-cine which immunises against typhoid fever andparatyphoid A and Btachy-

tachy- /t'ki/ prefix fasttachycardia

tachycardia /!t'ki |$k&%di#/ noun a rapid beat-ing of the hearttachyphrasia

tachyphrasia /!t'ki|$fre"zi#/, tachyphasia/!t'ki|$fe"zi#/ noun a particularly rapid way ofspeaking, as occurs with some people with mentaldisorderstachypnoea

tachypnoea /!t'k"p|$ni%#/ noun very fastbreathingtacrolimus

tacrolimus /!t'kr#|$li%m#s/ noun a powerfulimmunosuppressant drug used to reduce the riskof organ transplant rejectiontactile

tactile /$t'kta"l/ adjective able to be sensed bytouchtaeniasis

taeniasis /ti% |$na"#s"s/ noun infestation of theintestines with tapewormsTagamet

Tagamet /$t'1#met/ a trade name for a prepa-ration of cimetidinetai chi

tai chi /!ta" $t/i%/, t’ai chi noun an ancient Chi-nese system of exercises designed for health, self-defence and spiritual development


talc /t'lk/ noun a soft white powder used to duston irritated skintalipes

talipes /$t'l"pi%z/ noun a foot with a shape thatdoes not allow usual walking, a congenital condi-tion. Also called cleft foot, club foottalo-

talo- /te"l#*/ prefix referring to the ankle bonetalus

talus /$te"l#s/ noun the top bone in the tarsuswhich articulates with the tibia and fibula in theleg, and with the calcaneus in the heel. Also calledanklebone. See illustration at FOOT in Supple-ment (NOTE: The plural is tali.)tamoxifen

tamoxifen /t#|$m(ks"fen/ noun a drug whichhelps to prevent the actions of oestrogen, usedespecially in the treatment of breast cancer andsome types of infertilitytampon

tampon /$t'mp(n/ noun 1. a wad of absorbentmaterial put into a wound to soak up blood duringan operation 2. a cylindrical plug of soft materialput into the vagina to absorb blood during men-struationtamponade

tamponade /!t'mp#|$ne"d/ noun the action ofputting a tampon into a woundtan

tan /t'n/ verb (of skin) to become brown in sun-light ! He tans easily. ! She is using a tanninglotion.tantalum

tantalum /$t'nt#l#m/ noun a rare metal, usedto repair damaged bones (NOTE: The chemicalsymbol is Ta.)tantalum mesh

tantalum mesh /$t'nt#l#m me// noun a typeof net made of tantalum wire, used to repair cra-nial conditionstantrum

tantrum /$t'ntr#m/ noun a sudden episode ofbad behaviour, usually in a child, where the childthrows things or lies on the floor and screamstap

tap /t'p/ noun a surgical procedure to drain offbody fluid with a hollow needle or a tube " verbto remove or drain liquid from part of the body. !spinaltapeworm

tapeworm /$te"pw-%m/ noun a parasitic wormwith a small head and long body like a ribbon.Tapeworms enter the intestine when a person eatsraw meat or fish. The worms attach themselveswith hooks to the side of the intestine and growlonger by adding sections to their bodies.

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tapotement 302tapotement

tapotement /t#|$p#*tm#nt/ noun a type ofmassage where the therapist taps the person withhis or her handstapping

tapping /$t'p"0/ noun same as paracentesistarry stool

tarry stool /!t&%ri $stu%l/ noun dark and stickysolid matter which is passed out of the bowelstars-

tars- /t&%s/ prefix same as tarso- (used beforevowels)tarsal

tarsal /$t&%s(#)l/ adjective referring to the tarsus" noun same as tarsal bonetarsal bone

tarsal bone /$t&%s(#)l b#*n/ noun one of sevensmall bones in the ankle, including the talus andcalcaneus. Also called tarsaltarsalgia

tarsalgia /t&% |$s'ld+#/ noun a pain in the ankletarsal gland

tarsal gland /$t&%s(#)l 1l'nd/ noun same asmeibomian glandtarsectomy

tarsectomy /t&%|$sekt#mi/ noun 1. a surgicaloperation to remove one of the tarsal bones in theankle 2. a surgical operation to remove the tarsusof the eyelidtarsitis

tarsitis /t&% |$sa"t"s/ noun an inflammation of theedge of the eyelidtarso-

tarso- /t&%s#*/ prefix 1. relating to the ankle 2.relating to the edge of the eyelidtarsorrhaphy

tarsorrhaphy /t&% |$s(r#fi/ noun an operation tojoin the two eyelids together to protect the eyeafter an operationtarsus

tarsus /$t&%s#s/ noun 1. the seven small bonesof the ankle. See illustration at FOOT in Supple-ment 2. a connective tissue which supports aneyelid (NOTE: The plural is tarsi.)tartar

tartar /$t&%t#/ noun a hard deposit of calciumwhich forms on teeth, and has to be removed byscaling. Also called scaletask allocation

task allocation /$t&%sk 'l#|!ke"/(#)n/ noun asystem in which patient care is divided into taskswhich are given to different nurses with specificskillstaste

taste /te"st/ noun one of the five senses, wherefood or substances in the mouth are noticedthrough the tongue ! She doesn’t like the taste ofonions. ! He has a cold, so food seems to havelost all taste or seems to have no taste. " verb tonotice the taste of something with the tongue ! Ihave a cold so I can’t taste anything ! You cantaste the salt in this butter.taste bud

taste bud /$te"st b.d/ noun a tiny sensoryreceptor in the vallate and fungiform papillae ofthe tongue and in part of the back of the mouth

COMMENT: The taste buds can tell the differ-ence between salt, sour, bitter and sweettastes. The buds on the tip of the tongueidentify salt and sweet tastes, those on thesides of the tongue identify sour, and thoseat the back of the mouth the bitter tastes.Note that most of what we think of as taste isin fact smell, and this is why when someonehas a cold and a blocked nose, food seemsto lose its taste. The impulses from the taste

buds are received by the taste cortex in thetemporal lobe of the cerebral hemisphere.


taxis /$t'ks"s/ noun the procedure of pushing ormassaging dislocated bones or hernias to makethem return to their usual position-taxis

-taxis /t'ks"s/ suffix manipulationtaxonomytaxonomy /t'k|$s(n#mi/ noun 1. the practiceor principles of classification generally ! Anydiagnostic task can be aided by a taxonomy ofsymptoms and a taxonomy of causes together withconnections between them. 2. the science of clas-sifying plants, animals and microorganisms intoincreasingly broader categories based on sharedfeatures. Traditionally, organisms were groupedby physical resemblances, but recently other cri-teria such as genetic matching have also beenused.Tay-Sachs diseaseTay-Sachs disease /!te" $s'ks d"|!zi%z/ nounan inherited condition affecting the metabolism,characterised by progressive paralysis of the legs,blindness and learning disabilities [Described1881. After Warren Tay (1843–1927), Britishophthalmologist; Bernard Sachs (1858–1944),US neurologist.]TB

TB abbreviation tuberculosis ! He is sufferingfrom TB. ! She has been admitted to a TB sana-torium.TBITBI abbreviation total body irradiationT-cell

T-cell /$ti% sel/ noun same as T-lymphocyteTCP

TCP /!ti% si% $pi%/ a trade name for various mildantiseptic liquidst.d.s.

t.d.s. /!ti% di% $es/, TDS adverb (written on pre-scriptions) three times a day. Full form ter indiem sumendusteaching hospital

teaching hospital /$ti%t/"0 !h(sp"t(#)l/ nouna hospital attached to a medical school where stu-dent doctors work and study as part of their train-ingteam nursing

team nursing /$ti%m !n-%s"0/ noun a system inwhich the care of a group of patients is assignedto a team of four or five health workers, led by aprofessional nurse who assigns them varioustasks. They meet at the beginning and end of eachshift to exchange information.tear

tear /t"#/ noun a drop of the salty fluid whichforms in the lacrimal gland. The fluid keeps theeyeball moist and clean and is produced in largequantities when a person cries. ! Tears ran downher face. (NOTE: For other terms referring totears, see words beginning with dacryo- or lac-rimal.)tear ducttear duct /$t"# d.kt/ noun same as lacrimalducttear glandtear gland /$t"# 1l'nd/ noun same as lacrimalglandteatteat /ti%t/ noun a rubber nipple on the end of ababy’s feeding bottleTEDTED abbreviation thrombo-embolic deterrentstocking

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303 tenesmusteeth

teeth /ti%,/ plural of toothTeflon

Teflon /$tefl(n/ trademark a synthetic polymerinjected into the joints of the larynx to increasemovement and help hoarseness of voicetegmen

tegmen /$te1m#n/ noun the covering for anorgan (NOTE: The plural is tegmina.)tegument

tegument /$te1j*m#nt/ noun a covering, espe-cially the protective outer covering of an organ-ismtel-tel- /tel/ prefix same as tele- (used before vow-els)tela

tela /$ti%l#/ noun a delicate part or tissue in thebody with a fine or intricate pattern like a webtelangiectasis

telangiectasis /te |!l'nd+i |$ekt#s"s/, tel-angiectasia /te|!l'nd+iek|$te"si#/ noun smalldark red spots on the skin, formed by swollen cap-illariestelangioma

telangioma /te|!l'nd+i|$#*m#/ noun a tumouror haematoma of the blood capillariestele-

tele- /teli/ prefix referring to distanceteleceptor

teleceptor /$tel"sept#/ noun a sensory receptorwhich receives sensations from a distance. Theseoccur in the eyes, ears and nose. Also called tel-ereceptortelemedicine

telemedicine /$telimed(#)s"n/ noun the provi-sion of diagnosis and health care from a distanceusing media such as interactive computer pro-grams or off-site adviserstelencephalon

telencephalon /!telen|$kef#l(n/ noun same ascerebrumtelepathy

telepathy /t#|$lep#,i/ noun the apparent com-munication directly from one person’s mind toanother person’s, without the use of speech, writ-ing or other signs or symbolsteleradiology

teleradiology /!telire"di|$(l#d+i/ noun theprocess of transmitting scans and other imageselectronically so that they can be viewed by sur-geons or other health care workers in differentlocations at the same timetelereceptortelereceptor /$telir" |!sept#/ noun same as tele-ceptortelophasetelophase /$tel#*fe"z/ noun the final stage ofmitosis, the stage in cell division after anaphasetemazepamtemazepam /t# |$m'z"p'm/ noun a hypnoticdrug used in the short-term treatment of insomniatemperature

temperature /$tempr"t/#/ noun the heat of thebody or of the surrounding air, measured indegrees ! The doctor asked the nurse what thepatient’s temperature was. ! His temperaturewas slightly above normal. ! The thermometershowed a temperature of 99°F.temperature chart

temperature chart /$tempr"t/# t/&%t/ noun achart showing changes in a person’s temperatureover a period of timetemple

temple /$temp#l/ noun the flat part of the side ofthe head between the top of the ear and the eyetemporal

temporal /$temp(#)r#l/ adjective referring tothe temple

temporal arteritis

temporal arteritis /!temp(#)r#l !&%t#|$ra"t"s/noun a headache caused by inflammation of theregion over the temporal artery, usually occurringin older peopletemporal bone

temporal bone /$temp#r#l b#*n/ noun one ofthe bones which form the sides and base of thecranium. See illustration at EAR in Supplementtemporalis

temporalis /!temp# |$re"l"s/, temporalis mus-cle /!temp# |$re"l"s !m.s(#)l/ noun a flat musclerunning down the side of the head from the tem-poral bone to the coronoid process, which makesthe jaw move uptemporal lobe

temporal lobe /$temp(#)r#l l#*b/ noun thelobe above the ear in each cerebral hemispheretemporal lobe epilepsy

temporal lobe epilepsy /!temp(#)r#l l#*b$ep"lepsi/ noun epilepsy due to a disorder of thetemporal lobe and causing impaired memory, hal-lucinations and automatismtemporo-

temporo- /temp#r#*/ prefix 1. referring to thetemple 2. referring to the temporal lobetemporomandibular

temporomandibular /!temp#r#*|m'n|

$d"bj*l#/ adjective relating to the temporal boneand the mandibletemporomandibular joint

temporomandibular joint /!temp#r#*|m'n|

$d"bj*l# !d+)"nt/ noun a joint between the jawand the skull, in front of the eartenacious

tenacious /t" |$ne"/#s/ adjective sticking orclinging to something else, especially a surfacetenaculum

tenaculum /t# |$n'kj*l#m/ noun a surgicalinstrument shaped like a hook, used to pick upsmall pieces of tissue during an operationtender

tender /$tend#/ adjective referring to skin or abody part which is painful when touched ! Thebruise is still tender. ! Her shoulders are still ten-der where she got sunburnt. ! A tender spot onthe abdomen indicates that an organ is inflamed.tendinitis

tendinitis /!tend"|$na"t"s/ noun an inflamma-tion of a tendon, especially after playing sport,and often associated with tenosynovitistendinous

tendinous /$tend"n#s/ adjective referring to atendontendon

tendon /$tend#n/ noun a strip of connective tis-sue which attaches a muscle to a bone. Also calledsinew (NOTE: For other terms referring to a ten-don, see words beginning with teno-.)tendonitis

tendonitis /!tend#|$na"t"s/ noun same as tend-initistendon sheath

tendon sheath /$tend#n /i%,/ noun a tube ofmembrane which covers and protects a tendontendovaginitis

tendovaginitis /!tend#*v'd+" |$na"t"s/ nounan inflammation of a tendon sheath, especially inthe thumbtenens

tenens /$ten#nz/ " locumtenesmus

tenesmus /t#|$nezm#s/ noun a condition inwhich someone feels the need to pass faeces, orsometimes urine, but is unable to do so and expe-riences pain

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tennis elbow 304tennis elbow

tennis elbow /!ten"s $elb#*/ noun an inflam-mation of the tendons of the extensor muscles inthe hand which are attached to the bone near theelbow. Also called lateral epicondylitisteno-

teno- /ten#*/ prefix referring to a tendontenonitis

tenonitis /!ten#*|$na"t"s/ noun the inflamma-tion of a tendonTenon’s capsule

Tenon’s capsule /$ti%n(ns !k'psju%l/ noun atissue which lines the orbit of the eye [AfterJacques René Tenon (1724–1816), French sur-geon.]tenoplasty

tenoplasty /$ten#pl'sti/ noun a surgical oper-ation to repair a torn tendontenorrhaphy

tenorrhaphy /te |$n(r#fi/ noun a surgical opera-tion to stitch pieces of a torn tendon togethertenosynovitis

tenosynovitis /!ten#*|!sa"n#|$va"t"s/ noun apainful inflammation of the tendon sheath and thetendon inside. Also called peritendinitistenotomy

tenotomy /t# |$n(t#mi/ noun a surgical opera-tion to cut through a tendontenovaginitis

tenovaginitis /!ten#*|!v'd+" |$na"t"s/ nouninflammation of the tendon sheath, especially inthe thumbTENS

TENS /tens/ abbreviation a method of treatingpain by applying electrodes to the skin. Smallelectric currents are passed through sensorynerves and the spinal cord. This suppresses thetransmission of pain signals. ! a TENS unit ormachine Full form transcutaneous electricalnerve stimulationtension

tension /$ten/#n/ noun 1. the act of stretchingor the state of being stretched 2. an emotionalstrain or stresstension headache

tension headache /$ten/#n !hede"k/ noun aheadache all over the head, caused by worry andstresstension pneumothorax

tension pneumothorax /$ten/#n nju%m#*|

!,)%r'ks/ noun a condition of the pneumothoraxin which rupture of the pleura forms an openinglike a valve, through which air is forced duringcoughing but cannot escapetensor

tensor /$tens#/ noun a muscle which makes ajoint stretch outtent

tent /tent/ noun a small shelter put over andaround someone’s bed so that gas or vapour canbe passed insidetera-

tera- /ter#/ prefix 1012. Symbol Tterat-

terat- /ter#t/, terato- /ter#t#*/ prefix congeni-tally unusualteratogen

teratogen /t# |$r't#d+en/ noun a substancewhich causes the usual development of an embryoor fetus to be disrupted, e.g. the German measlesvirusteratogenesis

teratogenesis /!ter#t# |$d+en#s"s/ noun anunusual pattern of development in an embryo andfetusteratogenic

teratogenic /!ter#t# |$d+en"k/ adjective 1. hav-ing the tendency to produce physical disorders in

an embryo or fetus 2. relating to the production ofphysical disorders in an embryo or fetusteratology

teratology /!ter# |$t(l#d+i/ noun the study of theunhealthy development of embryos and fetusesteratoma

teratoma /!ter#|$t#*m#/ noun a tumour, espe-cially in an ovary or testis, which is formed of tis-sue not usually found in that part of the bodyterbutaline

terbutaline /t-% |$bju%t#li%n/ noun a drug whichrelaxes muscles, used in the treatment of respira-tory disorders and to control premature labourteres

teres /$t"#ri%z/ noun one of two shoulder mus-cles running from the shoulder blade to the top ofthe humerus. The larger of the two muscles, theteres major, makes the arm turn towards theinside, and the smaller, the teres minor, makes itturn towards the outside.terfenadine

terfenadine /t-%|$fen#di%n/ noun an antihista-mine used in the treatment of hay fever and urti-cariaterminal branch

terminal branch /$t-%m"n(#)l br&%nt// nounthe end part of a neurone which is linked to a mus-cle. See illustration at NEURONE in Supplementterminal illness

terminal illness /!t-%m"n(#)l $"ln#s/ noun anillness from which someone will soon dieterminally ill

terminally ill /!t-%m"n#li $"l/ adjective very illand about to die ! She was admitted to a hospicefor terminally ill patients or for the terminally ill.-terol

-terol /ter(l/ suffix used in names of bronchodi-latorstertian

tertian /$t-%/(#)n/ adjective referring to a feverwith symptoms which appear every other day "noun a tertian fever or set of symptomstertian fever

tertian fever /$t-%/(#)n !fi%v#/ noun a type ofmalaria where the fever returns every two days. !quartan fevertertiary

tertiary /$t-%/#ri/ adjective third, coming aftersecondary and primarytertiary bronchi

tertiary bronchi /!t-%/#ri $br(0ki%/ pluralnoun " syphilistertiary care

tertiary care /!t-%/#ri $ke#/, tertiary healthcare /!t-%/#ri $hel, !ke#/ noun highly specialisedtreatment given in a health care centre, oftenusing very advanced technology. Compare pri-mary care, secondary caretest

test /test/ noun a short examination to see if asample is healthy or if part of the body is workingwell ! He had an eye test this morning. ! Labo-ratory tests showed that she was a meningitis car-rier. ! Tests are being carried out on swabs takenfrom the operating theatre.testicle

testicle /$test"k(#)l/ noun same as testistesticular

testicular /te |$st"kj*l#/ adjective referring tothe testes ! Testicular cancer comprises only 1%of all malignant neoplasms in the male.testicular artery

testicular artery /te|!st"kj*l# $&%t#ri/ nounsame as spermatic arterytestis

testis /$test"s/ noun one of two male sex glandsin the scrotum. See illustration at UROGENITAL

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305 therapeutic index

SYSTEM (MALE) in Supplement. Also called tes-ticle (NOTE: The plural is testes. For other termsreferring to the testes, see words beginning withorchi-.)

COMMENT: The testes produce both sperma-tozoa and the sex hormone, testosterone.Spermatozoa are formed in the testes, andpassed into the epididymis to be stored.From the epididymis they pass along the vasdeferens through the prostate gland whichsecretes the seminal fluid, and are ejaculat-ed through the penis.

test meal

test meal /$test mi%l/ noun a test to check thesecretion of gastric juices, no longer much usedtestosterone

testosterone /te|$st(st#r#*n/ noun a male sexhormone, secreted by the Leydig cells in the tes-tes, which causes physical changes, e.g. the devel-opment of body hair and a deep voice, to takeplace in males as they become sexually maturetest tube

test tube /$test tju%b/ noun a small glass tubewith a rounded bottom, used in laboratories tohold samples of liquidstest-tube baby

test-tube baby /$test tju%b !be"bi/ noun ababy conceived through in vitro fertilisation inwhich the mother’s ova are removed from the ova-ries, fertilised with a man’s spermatozoa in a lab-oratory, and returned to the mother’s uterus tocontinue developing in the usual waytetanic

tetanic /te |$t'n"k/ adjective referring to tetanustetano-

tetano- /tet#n#*/ prefix 1. relating to tetanus 2.relating to tetanytetanus

tetanus /$tet(#)n#s/ noun 1. the continuouscontraction of a muscle, under repeated stimulifrom a motor nerve 2. an infection caused byClostridium tetani in the soil, which affects thespinal cord and causes spasms in the muscleswhich occur first in the jaw. Also called lockjawtetany

tetany /$tet#ni/ noun spasms of the muscles inthe feet and hands, caused by a reduction in thelevel of calcium in the blood or by lack of carbondioxidetetra-

tetra- /tetr#/ prefix fourtetracycline

tetracycline /!tetr#|$sa"kli%n/ noun an antibi-otic of a group used to treat a wide range of bac-terial diseases such as chlamydia. However, theyare deposited in bones and teeth and cause a per-manent yellow stain in teeth if given to children.tetralogy of Fallot

tetralogy of Fallot /te|!tr'l#d+i #v $f'l#*/noun a disorder of the heart which makes a child’sskin blue. Also called Fallot’s tetralogy. ! Bla-lock’s operation, Waterston’s operation[Described 1888. After Etienne-Louis Arthur Fal-lot (1850–1911), Professor of Hygiene andLegal Medicine at Marseilles, France.]tetraplegia

tetraplegia /!tetr# |$pli%d+#/ same as quadriple-giathalam-

thalam- /,'l#m/ prefix same as thalamo- (usedbefore vowels)


thalamo- /,'l#m#*/ prefix referring to the tha-lamusthalamus

thalamus /$,'l#m#s/ noun one of two massesof grey matter situated beneath the cerebrumwhere impulses from the sensory neurones aretransmitted to the cerebral cortex. See illustrationat BRAIN in Supplement (NOTE: The plural is tha-lami.)thalassaemia

thalassaemia /!,'l'|$si%mi#/ noun a heredi-tary disorder of which there are several formscaused by an anomalies in the protein componentof the haemoglobin, leading to severe anaemia. Itis found especially in people from Mediterraneancountries, the Middle East and East Asia. Alsocalled Cooley’s anaemiathalidomide

thalidomide /,# |$l"d#ma"d/ noun a syntheticdrug given to pregnant women for morning sick-ness in the 1960s which caused babies to be bornwith stunted limbs. It is now used in the treatmentof leprosy.thallium scan

thallium scan /$,'li#m sk'n/ noun a methodof finding out about the blood supply to the heartmuscle by scanning to see how the radioactiveelement thallium moves when injected into thebloodstream and where it attaches itself to theheart wallthanatology

thanatology /!,'n#|$t(l#d+i/ noun the study ofthe medical, psychological and sociologicalaspects of death and the ways in which peopledeal with ittheatre nurse

theatre nurse /$,"#t# n-%s/ noun a nurse whois specially trained to assist a surgeon during anoperationtheca

theca /$,i%k#/ noun tissue shaped like a sheaththelarche

thelarche /$,el&%ki/ noun the beginning of theprocess of breast development in young womenthenar

thenar /$,i%n#/ adjective referring to the palm ofthe hand " noun the palm of the hand. Comparehypothenarthenar eminence

thenar eminence /!,i%n#r $em"n#ns/ noun theball of the thumb, the lump of flesh in the palm ofthe hand below the thumbtheophylline

theophylline /,i|$(f"li%n/ noun a compoundmade synthetically or extracted from tea leaveswhich helps to widen blood vessels and airways,and to stimulate the central nervous system andheart. It is used in the treatment of breathing dis-orders.therapeutic

therapeutic /!,er#|$pju%t"k/ adjective given inorder to cure a disorder or diseasetherapeutic abortion

therapeutic abortion /!,er#pju%t"k # |

$b)%/(#)n/ noun an abortion which is carried outbecause the health of the mother is in dangertherapeutic index

therapeutic index /!,er#pju%t"k $"ndeks/noun the ratio of the dose of a drug which causescell damage to the dose of that drug which is typ-ically needed to effect a cure, by which the safetyof the drug is decided

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therapeutic radiographer 306therapeutic radiographer

therapeutic radiographer /!,er# |!pju%t"k!re"di|$(1r#f#/ noun someone specially trained touse X-rays or radioactive isotopes in the treatmentof patientstherapeutics

therapeutics /!,er# |$pju%t"ks/ noun the studyof various types of treatment and their effect onpatientstherapist

therapist /$,er#p"st/ noun a person speciallytrained to give therapy ! an occupational thera-pist ! psychotherapisttherapy

therapy /$,er#pi/ noun the treatment of a personto help cure a disease or disordertherm

therm /,-%m/ noun a unit of heat equal to100,000 British thermal units or 1.055 x 108


thermal /$,-%m(#)l/ adjective referring to heatthermo-

thermo- /,-%m#*/ prefix referring to heat ortemperaturethermoanaesthesia

thermoanaesthesia /!,-%m#* |!'n#s |$,i%zi#/noun a condition in which someone cannot tellthe difference between hot and coldthermocautery

thermocautery /!,-%m#*|$k)%t#ri/ noun theprocedure of removing dead tissue by heatthermogram

thermogram /$,-%m#1r'm/ noun an infraredphotograph of part of the bodythermography

thermography /,-% |$m(1r#fi/ noun a tech-nique, used especially in screening for breast can-cer, where part of the body is photographed usinginfrared rays which record the heat given off bythe skin and show variations in the blood circulat-ing beneath the skinthermolysis

thermolysis /,-% |$m(l#s"s/ noun a loss of bodytemperature, e.g. by sweatingthermometer

thermometer /,# |$m(m"t#/ noun an instrumentfor measuring temperaturethermoreceptor

thermoreceptor /!,-%m#*r"|$sept#/ noun asensory nerve which registers heatthermotaxis

thermotaxis /!,-%m#* |$t'ks"s/ noun an auto-matic regulation of the body’s temperaturethermotherapy

thermotherapy /!,-%m#* |$,er#pi/ noun treat-ment using heat, e.g. from hot water or infraredlamps, to treat conditions such as arthritis and badcirculation. Also called heat therapythiamine

thiamine /$,a"#mi%n/, thiamin /$,a"#m"n/ nounsame as Vitamin B1Thiersch graft

Thiersch graft /$t"#/ 1r&%ft/, Thiersch’s graft/$t"#/"z 1r&%ft/ noun same as split-skin graftthigh

thigh /,a"/ noun the top part of the leg from theknee to the grointhiopental sodium

thiopental sodium /!,a"#*pent(#)l$s#*di#m/ noun a barbiturate drug used as arapid-acting intravenous general anaesthetic.Also called thiopentonethiopentone

thiopentone /!,a"#*|$pent#*n/, thiopentonesodium /!,a"#*pent#*n $s#*di#m/ noun sameas thiopental sodium (NOTE: Its chemical for-mula is C11H17N2O2SNa.)


thioridazine /!,a"#* |$r"d#zi%n/ noun a syntheticcompound used as a tranquilliser for people whoare suffering from a psychosisthird-degree haemorrhoids

third-degree haemorrhoids /!,-%d d" |!1ri%$hem#r)"dz/ plural noun haemorrhoids whichprotrude into the anus permanentlythird molar

third molar /!,-%d $m#*l#/ noun one of the fourmolars at the back of the jaw, which only appearsat about the age of 20 and sometimes does notappear at all. Same as wisdom tooththirst

thirst /,-%st/ noun a feeling of wanting to drink! He had a fever and a violent thirst.Thomas’s splint

Thomas’s splint /$t(m#s"z spl"nt/, Thomassplint /$t(m#s spl"nt/ noun a metal splint used tokeep a fractured leg still. It has a padded ring atthe hip attached to rods to which bandages arebound and a bar under the foot at the lower end.[Described 1875. After Hugh Owen Thomas(1834–91), British surgeon and bonesetter.]thorac-

thorac- /,)%r#s/ prefix same as thoraco- (usedbefore vowels)thoracectomy

thoracectomy /!,)%r#|$sekt#mi/ noun a surgi-cal operation to remove one or more ribsthoracentesis

thoracentesis /!,)%r#sen|$ti%s"s/ noun same asthoracocentesisthoracic

thoracic /,)%|$r's"k/ adjective referring to thechest or thoraxthoracic cavity

thoracic cavity /,)% |!r's"k $k'v"ti/ noun thechest cavity, containing the diaphragm, heart andlungsthoracic duct

thoracic duct /,)% |$r's"k d.kt/ noun one ofthe main terminal ducts carrying lymph, on theleft side of the neckthoracic vertebrae

thoracic vertebrae /,)%|!r's"k $v-%t"bri%/ plu-ral noun the twelve vertebrae in the spine behindthe chest, to which the ribs are attachedthoraco-

thoraco- /,)%r#k#*/ prefix relating to the thoraxthoracocentesis

thoracocentesis /!,)%r#k#*sen|$ti%s"s/ nounan operation in which a hollow needle is insertedinto the pleura to drain fluidthoracoscope

thoracoscope /$,)%r#k#sk#*p/ noun a surgi-cal instrument, like a tube with a light at the end,used to examine the inside of the chestthoracoscopy

thoracoscopy /!,)%r# |$k(sk#pi/ noun anexamination of the inside of the chest, using a tho-racoscopethoracotomy

thoracotomy /!,)%r#|$k(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to make a hole in the wall of the chestthorax

thorax /$,)%r'ks/ noun the cavity in the top partof the front of the body above the abdomen, con-taining the diaphragm, heart and lungs, and sur-rounded by the ribcagethreadworm

threadworm /$,redw-%m/ noun a thin parasiticworm, Enterobius vernicularis, which infests thelarge intestine and causes itching round the anus.! Enterobius. Also called pinwormthready pulse

thready pulse /!,redi $p.ls/ noun a very weakpulse which is hard to detect

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307 thyroidthreatened abortion

threatened abortion /!,ret(#)nd #|$b)%/(#)n/noun a possible abortion in the early stages ofpregnancy, indicated by bleedingthreshold

threshold /$,re/h#*ld/ noun the point at whichsomething starts, e.g. where something can beperceived by the body or where a drug starts tohave an effect ! She has a low hearing threshold.thrill

thrill /,r"l/ noun a vibration which can be feltwith the hands-thrix

-thrix /,r"ks/ suffix relating to a hairthroat

throat /,r#*t/ noun the top part of the tubewhich goes down from the mouth to the stomachthrobbing pain

throbbing pain /!,r(b"0 $pe"n/ noun painwhich continues in repeated short attacksthrombectomy

thrombectomy /,r(m |$bekt#mi/ noun a surgi-cal operation to remove a blood clotthrombin

thrombin /$,r(mb"n/ noun a substance whichconverts fibrinogen to fibrin and so coagulatesbloodthrombo-

thrombo- /,r(mb#*/ prefix 1. referring to ablood clot 2. referring to thrombosisthromboangiitis

thromboangiitis /!,r(mb#*|!'nd+i |$a"t"s/noun a condition in which the blood vessels swelland develop blood clots along their wallsthromboangiitis obliterans

thromboangiitis obliterans/!,r(mb#*'nd+i|!a"t"s #b|$l"t#r#nz/ noun a dis-ease of the arteries in which the blood vessels in alimb, usually the leg, become narrow, causinggangrene. Also called Buerger’s diseasethromboarteritis

thromboarteritis /!,r(mb#* |!&%t# |$ra"t"s/noun inflammation of an artery caused by throm-bosisthrombocyte

thrombocyte /$,r(mb#*sa"t/ noun same asplateletthrombocythaemia

thrombocythaemia /!,r(mb#*sa"|$,i%mi#/noun a disease in which someone has an unusu-ally high number of platelets in the bloodthrombocytopenia

thrombocytopenia /!,r(mb#* |!sa"t#* |$pi%ni#/noun a condition in which someone has an unusu-ally low number of platelets in the bloodthrombocytopenic

thrombocytopenic /!,r(mb#* |!sa"t#* |$pen"k/adjective referring to thrombocytopeniathrombocytosis

thrombocytosis /!,r(mb#*sa"|$t#*s"s/ nounan increase in the number of platelets in some-one’s bloodthrombo-embolic deterrent stocking

thrombo-embolic deterrent stocking/!,r(mb#* em|!b(l"k d"|$ter#nt !st(k"0/ noun asupport stocking to prevent thrombus formationfollowing surgery. Abbreviation TEDthromboembolism

thromboembolism /!,r(mb#* |$emb#l"z(#)m/noun a condition in which a blood clot forms inone part of the body and moves through the bloodvessels to block another, usually smaller, partthromboendarterectomy

thromboendarterectomy /!,r(mb#*|

!end&%t#|$rekt#mi/ noun a surgical operation toopen an artery to remove a blood clot which isblocking it


thromboendarteritis /!,r(mb#* |!end&%t# |

$ra"t"s/ noun inflammation of the inside of anartery, caused by thrombosisthrombokinase

thrombokinase /!,r(mb#*|$ka"ne"z/ noun anenzyme which converts prothrombin intothrombin, so starting the sequence for coagulationof blood. Also called thromboplastinthrombolysis

thrombolysis /,r(m|$b(l#s"s/ noun same asfibrinolysisthrombolytic

thrombolytic /,r(mb#*|$l"t"k/ adjective sameas fibrinolyticthrombophlebitis

thrombophlebitis /!,r(mb#*fl" |$ba"t"s/ nounthe blocking of a vein by a blood clot, sometimescausing inflammationthromboplastin

thromboplastin /!,r(mb#*|$pl'st"n/ nounsame as thrombokinasethrombosis

thrombosis /,r(m|$b#*s"s/ noun the blockingof an artery or vein by a mass of coagulated bloodthrombus

thrombus /$,r(mb#s/ noun same as blood clotthrow up

throw up /!,r#* $.p/ verb same as vomit(informal)thrush

thrush /,r.// noun an infection of the mouth orthe vagina with the bacterium Candida albicansthumb

thumb /,.m/ noun the short thick finger, withonly two bones, which is separated from the otherfour fingers on the handthym-

thym- /,a"m/ prefix referring to the thymusglandthymectomy

thymectomy /,a"|$mekt#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove the thymus gland-thymia

-thymia /,a"mi#/ suffix referring to a state ofmindthymic

thymic /$,a"m"k/ adjective referring to the thy-mus glandthymine

thymine /$,a"mi%n/ noun one of the four basicchemicals in DNAthymol

thymol /$,a"m(l/ noun a colourless compoundwhich is made synthetically or extracted fromthyme oil, used as an antisepticthymus

thymus /$,a"m#s/, thymus gland /$,a"m#s1l'nd/ noun an endocrine gland in the front partof the top of the thorax, behind the breastbonethyro-

thyro- /,a"r#*/ prefix referring to the thyroidglandthyrocalcitonin

thyrocalcitonin /!,a"r#*k'lsi |$t#*n"n/ nounsame as calcitoninthyroglossal

thyroglossal /!,a"r#* |$1l(s(#)l/ adjectivereferring to the thyroid gland and the throatthyroglossal cyst

thyroglossal cyst /!,a"r#*1l(s(#)l $s"st/noun a cyst in the front of the neckthyroid

thyroid /$,a"r)"d/, thyroid gland noun/$,a"r)"d 1l'nd/ an endocrine gland in the neck,which is activated by the pituitary gland andsecretes a hormone which regulates the body’smetabolism " adjective referring to the thyroidgland

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thyroid cartilage 308thyroid cartilage

thyroid cartilage /!,a"r)"d $k&%t#l"d+/ noun alarge cartilage in the larynx, part of which formsthe Adam’s apple. See illustration at LUNGS inSupplementthyroidectomy

thyroidectomy /!,a"r)"|$dekt#mi/ noun a sur-gical operation to remove all or part of the thyroidglandthyroid gland

thyroid gland /$,a"r)"d 1l'nd/ noun same asthyroidthyroid hormone

thyroid hormone /$,a"r)"d !h)%m#*n/ noun ahormone produced by the thyroid glandthyroiditis

thyroiditis /!,a"r)" |$da"t"s/ noun inflammationof the thyroid glandthyroid-stimulating hormone

thyroid-stimulating hormone /$,a"r)"d!st"mj*le"t"0 !h)%m#*n/ noun a hormonesecreted by the pituitary gland which stimulatesthe thyroid gland. Abbreviation TSH. Also calledthyrotrophinthyroparathyroidectomy

thyroparathyroidectomy /!,a"r#* |!p'r#|

!,a"r)" |$dekt#mi/ noun a surgical operation toremove the thyroid and parathyroid glandsthyroplasty

thyroplasty /$,a"r#*pl'sti/ noun a surgicalprocedure performed on the cartilages of the lar-ynx to improve the quality of the voicethyrotoxic

thyrotoxic /!,a"r#*|$t(ks"k/ adjective referringto severe hyperthyroidismthyrotoxic crisis

thyrotoxic crisis /!,a"r#*|!t(ks"k $kra"s"s/noun a sudden illness caused by hyperthyroidismthyrotoxic goitre

thyrotoxic goitre /!,a"r#*|!t(ks"k $1)"t#/noun overactivity of the thyroid gland, as inhyperthyroidismthyrotoxicosis

thyrotoxicosis /!,a"r#*t(ks"|$k#*s"s/ nounsame as hyperthyroidismthyrotrophin

thyrotrophin /!,a"r#* |$tr#*f"n/ noun same asthyroid-stimulating hormonethyrotrophin-releasing hormone

thyrotrophin-releasing hormone /!,a"r#*|

!tr#*f"n r"|$li%s"0 !h)%m#*n/ noun a hormonesecreted by the hypothalamus, which makes thepituitary gland release thyrotrophin, which in turnstimulates the thyroid gland. Abbreviation TRHthyroxine

thyroxine /,a" |$r(ksi%n/ noun a hormone pro-duced by the thyroid gland which regulates thebody’s metabolism and the conversion of foodinto heat, used in treatment of hypothyroidismTIATIA abbreviation transient ischaemic attacktibia

tibia /$t"bi#/ noun the larger of the two longbones in the lower leg between the knee and theankle. Also called shinbone. Compare fibulatibial

tibial /$t"bi#l/ adjective referring to the tibiatibialis

tibialis /!t"bi |$e"l"s/ noun one of two muscles inthe lower leg running from the tibia to the foottibial torsion

tibial torsion /!t"bi#l $t)%/(#)n/ noun a persist-ent slight twist in the tibia, caused by a crampedposition in the uterus. It makes the feet of youngchildren point inwards for up to a year after theybegin to walk on their own, but it corrects itself asthe leg grows.tibio-

tibio- /t"bi#*/ prefix referring to the tibia


tibiofibular /!t"bi#*|$f"bj*l#/ adjective refer-ring to both the tibia and the fibulatic

tic /t"k/ noun an involuntary twitch of the mus-cles usually in the face (informal)tic douloureux

tic douloureux /!t"k !du%l# |$ru%/ noun same astrigeminal neuralgiatick

tick /t"k/ noun a tiny parasite which sucks bloodfrom the skint.i.d.

t.i.d. /!ti% a" $di%/, TID adverb (used on prescrip-tions) three times a day. Full form ter in dietidal air

tidal air /$ta"d(#)l !e#/, tidal volume /!ta"d(#)l$v(lju%m/ noun the amount of air that passes inand out of the body in breathing-tidine

-tidine /t"di%n/ suffix used for antihistaminedrugstimolol

timolol /$t"m#l(l/ noun a beta-blocker used inthe treatment of migraine, high blood pressureand glaucomatincture

tincture /$t"0kt/#/ noun a medicinal substancedissolved in alcoholtincture of iodine

tincture of iodine /!t"0kt/#r #v $a"#di%n/noun a weak solution of iodine in alcohol, used asan antiseptictinea

tinea /$t"ni#/ noun " ringwormtinea barbae

tinea barbae /!t"ni# $b&%bi%/ noun a fungalinfection in the beardtinea capitis

tinea capitis /!t"ni# k#|$pa"t"s/ noun a fungalinfection on the scalptinea pedis

tinea pedis /!t"ni# $ped"s/ noun same as ath-lete’s foottingle

tingle /$t"01#l/ verb to have a pricking or sting-ing sensation in a body parttingling

tingling /$t"01l"0/ noun a feeling of pricking orstinging in a body part ! an unpleasant tinglingdown her arm " adjective pricking or stinging !a tingling sensationtinnitus

tinnitus /$t"n"t#s/ noun a condition in whichsomeone hears a ringing sound in the earstissue

tissue /$t"/u%/ noun a group of cells that carriesout a specific function (NOTE: For other termsreferring to tissue, see words beginning withhist-, histo-.)

COMMENT: Most of the body is made up ofsoft tissue, with the exception of the bonesand cartilage. The main types of body tissueare connective, epithelial, muscular andnerve tissue.

tissue culture

tissue culture /$t"/u% !k.lt/#/ noun tissuegrown in a culture medium in a laboratorytissue plasminogen activator

tissue plasminogen activator /!t"/u% pl'z|

$m"n#d+#n !'kt"ve"t#/ noun an agent given tocause fibrinolysis in blood clots. AbbreviationTPAtissue typing

tissue typing /$t"/u% !ta"p"0/ noun the processof identifying various elements in tissue from adonor and comparing them to those of the recipi-ent to see if a transplant is likely to be rejected

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309 tophustitanium

titanium /ta" |$te"ni#m/ noun a light metallic ele-ment which does not corrode (NOTE: The chemi-cal symbol is Ti.)titration

titration /ta"|$tre"/(#)n/ noun the process ofmeasuring the strength of a solutiontitre

titre /$ti%t#/ noun a measurement of the quantityof antibodies in a serumT-lymphocyte

T-lymphocyte /$ti% !l"mf#sa"t/ noun a lym-phocyte formed in the thymus gland. Also calledT-cellTNM classification

TNM classification /!ti% en $em kl's"f"|

!ke"/(#)n/ noun an internationally agreed stand-ard which is the most widely used means for clas-sifying the extent of cancer. T refers to the size ofthe tumour, N to the lymph node involvement andM to the presence or absence of metastasis.toco-

toco- /t#*k#*/ prefix referring to childbirthtocography

tocography /t( |$k(1r#fi/ noun the process ofrecording the contractions of the uterus duringchildbirthtocopherol

tocopherol /t( |$k(f#r(l/ noun one of a group offat-soluble compounds which make up vitamin E,found in vegetable oils and leafy green vegetablestoddler’s diarrhoea

toddler’s diarrhoea /!t(dl#z da"#|$ri%#/ nouna condition in which recurrent loose stools areproduced, often containing partially digestedfood. It usually occurs in children between theages of one and three years.toileting

toileting /$t)"l#t"0/ noun the act of helpingsomeone to perform the actions of urinating oropening their bowels, including helping them todo so if they are unable to get out of bed or areincontinenttolbutamide

tolbutamide /t(l |$bju%t#ma"d/ noun a drugwhich lowers blood-glucose levels by stimulatingthe pancreas to produce more insulin. It is used inthe treatment of Type II diabetes.tolerance

tolerance /$t(l#r#ns/ noun the ability of thebody to tolerate a substance or an action ! He hasbeen taking the drug for so long that he has devel-oped a tolerance to it.tolerate

tolerate /$t(l#re"t/ verb 1. not to be affected bythe unpleasant effects of something, especiallynot to experience bad effects from being exposedto something harmful 2. not to react to a drugthrough having developed a resistance to it-tome

-tome /t#*m/ suffix 1. a cutting instrument 2. asegment ! a dermatometomo-

tomo- /t#*m#*/ prefix referring to cutting or asectiontomogram

tomogram /$t#*m#1r'm/ noun a picture ofpart of the body taken by tomographytomography

tomography /t# |$m(1r#fi/ noun the scanningof a particular part of the body using X-rays orultrasound-tomy

-tomy /t#mi/ suffix referring to a surgical opera-tion


tone /t#*n/ noun the slightly tense state of ahealthy muscle when it is not fully relaxed. Alsocalled tonicity, tonustongue

tongue /t.0/ noun the long muscular organinside the mouth which can move and is used fortasting, swallowing and speaking. The top surfaceis covered with papillae, some of which containtaste buds. ! The doctor told him to stick out histongue and say ‘Ah’. Also called glossa (NOTE:For other terms referring to the tongue, see lin-gual and words beginning with gloss-,glosso-.)tongue depressor

tongue depressor /$t.0 d" |!pres#/ noun aninstrument, usually a thin piece of wood, used bya doctor to hold someone’s tongue down while thethroat is being examinedtongue-tie

tongue-tie /$t.0 ta"/ noun the condition ofbeing unable to move your tongue with the usualamount of freedom, because the small membranewhich attaches the tongue to the floor of themouth is unusually shorttonic

tonic /$t(n"k/ adjective referring to a musclewhich is contracted " noun a substance whichimproves the someone’s general health or whichmakes a tired person more energetic ! He is tak-ing a course of iron tonic tablets. ! She asked thedoctor to prescribe a tonic for her anaemia.tonicity

tonicity /t#*|$n"s"ti/ noun same as tonetono-

tono- /t#*n#*/ prefix referring to pressuretonography

tonography /t#* |$n(1r#fi/ noun a measure-ment of the pressure inside an eyeballtonometer

tonometer /t#*|$n(m"t#/ noun an instrumentwhich measures the pressure inside an organ,especially the eyetonometry

tonometry /t#*|$n(m#tri/ noun a measurementof pressure inside an organ, especially the eyetonsil

tonsil /$t(ns(#)l/ noun an area of lymphoid tis-sue at the back of the throat in which lymph cir-culates and protects the body against germs enter-ing through the mouth. Also called palatinetonsiltonsillar

tonsillar /$t(ns"l#/ adjective referring to thetonsilstonsillectomy

tonsillectomy /!t(ns" |$lekt#mi/ noun a surgi-cal operation to remove the tonsilstonsillitis

tonsillitis /!t(ns"|$la"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe tonsilstonsillotomy

tonsillotomy /!t(ns" |$l(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to make a cut into the tonsilstonus

tonus /$t#*n#s/ noun same as tonetooth

tooth /tu%,/ noun one of a set of bones in themouth which are used to chew food (NOTE: Theplural is teeth. For other terms relating to theteeth, see words beginning with dent-.)tophus

tophus /$t#*f#s/ noun a deposit of solid crystalsin the skin or in the joints, especially in someonewith gout (NOTE: The plural is tophi.)

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topical 310topical

topical /$t(p"k(#)l/ adjective referring to a spe-cific area of the external surface of the body !suitable for topical applicationtopical drug

topical drug /$t(p"k(#)l dr.1/ noun a drugwhich is applied to a specific external part of thebody onlytopically

topically /$t(p"kli/ adverb by putting on a spe-cific external part of the body only ! The creamis applied topically.topo-

topo- /t(p#/ prefix a place or regiontopographical

topographical /!t(p# |$1r'f"k(#)l/ adjectivereferring to topographytopography

topography /t#|$p(1r#fi/ noun the descriptionof each particular part of the bodytorpor

torpor /$t)%p#/ noun a condition in which some-one seems sleepy or slow to reacttorsion

torsion /$t)%/(#)n/ noun 1. the twisting of some-thing, or a twisted state 2. the stress placed on anobject which has been twistedtorso

torso /$t)%s#*/ noun the main part of the body,not including the arms, legs and head. Also calledtrunktorticollis

torticollis /!t)%t" |$k(l"s/ noun a condition of theneck, where the head is twisted to one side bycontraction of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.Also called wry necktotal recalltotal recall /!t#*t(#)l r"|$k)%l/ noun the fact ofbeing able to remember something in completedetailTourette’s syndrome

Tourette’s syndrome /tu%|$rets !s"ndr#*m/,Tourette syndrome /tu%|$ret !s"ndr#*m/ noun acondition which includes involuntary move-ments, tics, use of foul language and respiratorydisorders. Also called Gilles de la Tourette Syn-drometourniquet

tourniquet /$t)%n"ke"/ noun an instrument ortight bandage wrapped round a limb to constrictan artery, so reducing the flow of blood and stop-ping bleeding from a woundtox-

tox- /t(ks/ prefix same as toxo- (used beforevowels)toxaemia

toxaemia /t(k|$si%mi#/ noun the presence ofpoisonous substances in the bloodtoxaemia of pregnancy

toxaemia of pregnancy /t(k|!si%mi# #v$pre1n#nsi/ noun a condition which can affectwomen towards the end of pregnancy, in whichthey develop high blood pressure and pass proteinin the urinetoxic

toxic /$t(ks"k/ adjective poisonoustoxicity

toxicity /t(k |$s"s"ti/ noun 1. the degree to whicha substance is poisonous or harmful 2. the amountof poisonous or harmful material in a substancetoxico-

toxico- /t(ks"k#*/ prefix referring to poisontoxicologist

toxicologist /!t(ks" |$k(l#d+"st/ noun a scien-tist who specialises in the study of poisonstoxicology

toxicology /!t(ks" |$k(l#d+i/ noun the scientificstudy of poisons and their effects on the humanbody

toxicosistoxicosis /!t(ks" |$k#*s"s/ noun poisoningtoxic shock syndrometoxic shock syndrome /!t(ks"k $/(k!s"ndr#*m/ noun a serious condition caused by astaphylococcus infection of the skin or soft tissue.Its symptoms include vomiting, high fever, faint-ness, muscle aches, a rash and confusion. Abbre-viation TSStoxintoxin /$t(ks"n/ noun a poisonous substance pro-duced in the body by microorganisms, and which,if injected into an animal, stimulates the produc-tion of antitoxinstoxo-toxo- /t(ks#*/ prefix referring to poisontoxocariasistoxocariasis /!t(ks#k#|$ra"#s"s/ noun theinfestation of the intestine with worms from a dogor cat. Also called visceral larva migranstoxoidtoxoid /$t(ks)"d/ noun a toxin which has beentreated and is no longer poisonous, but which canstill provoke the formation of antibodies. Toxoidsare used as vaccines, and are injected into apatient to give immunity against specific diseases.toxoplasmosistoxoplasmosis /!t(ks#*pl'z|$m#*s"s/ noun adisease caused by the parasite Toxoplasma whichis carried by animals. Toxoplasmosis can causeencephalitis or hydrocephalus and can be fatal.TPATPA abbreviation tissue plasminogen activatortrabeculatrabecula /tr# |$bekj*l#/ noun a thin strip of stifftissue which divides an organ or bone tissue intosections (NOTE: The plural is trabeculae.)trabeculectomytrabeculectomy /tr# |!bekj* |$lekt#mi/ noun asurgical operation to treat glaucoma by cutting achannel through trabeculae to link with Sch-lemm’s canaltracetrace /tre"s/ noun a very small amount ! Thereare traces of the drug in the blood sample. ! Thedoctor found traces of alcohol in the patient’surine. " verb to find someone or something thatyou are looking fortrace elementtrace element /$tre"s !el"m#nt/ noun a sub-stance which is essential to the human body, butonly in very small quantities

COMMENT: The trace elements are cobalt,chromium, copper, magnesium, manga-nese, molybdenum, selenium and zinc.

tracertracer /$tre"s#/ noun a substance, often a radio-active one, injected into a substance in the body,so that doctors can follow its passage round thebodytrache-trache- /tre"ki/ prefix same as tracheo- (NOTE:used before vowels)tracheatrachea /tr#|$ki%#/ noun the main air passagewhich runs from the larynx to the lungs, where itdivides into the two main bronchi. It is about 10cm long, and is formed of rings of cartilage andconnective tissue. See illustration at LUNGS inSupplement. Also called windpipetrachealtracheal /tr# |$ki%#l/ adjective referring to the tra-cheatracheal tuggingtracheal tugging /tr#|!ki%#l $t.1"0/ noun thefeeling that something is pulling on the windpipe

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311 transplant

when the person breathes in, a symptom of aneu-rysmtracheitis

tracheitis /!tre"ki|$a"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe trachea due to an infectiontrachelorrhaphy

trachelorrhaphy /!tre"ki|$l(r#fi/ noun a surgi-cal operation to repair tears in the cervix of theuterustracheo-

tracheo- /tre"ki#*/ prefix relating to the tracheatracheobronchitis

tracheobronchitis /!tre"ki#*br(0|$ka"t"s/noun inflammation of both the trachea and thebronchitracheostomy

tracheostomy /!tr'ki |$(st#mi/, tracheotomy/!tr'ki|$(t#mi/ noun a surgical operation to makea hole through the throat into the windpipe, so asto allow air to get to the lungs in cases where thetrachea is blocked, as in pneumonia, poliomyelitisor diphtheriatract

tract /tr'kt/ noun a series of organs or tubeswhich allow something to pass from one part ofthe body to anothertraction

traction /$tr'k/#n/ noun a procedure that con-sists of using a pulling force to straighten a bro-ken or deformed limb ! The patient was in trac-tion for two weeks.tragus

tragus /$tre"1#s/ noun a piece of cartilage in theouter ear which projects forward over theentrance to the auditory canaltrait

trait /tre"t/ noun 1. a typical characteristic ofsomeone 2. a genetically controlled characteristictrance

trance /tr&%ns/ noun a condition in which a per-son is in a dream, but not asleep, and seems not tobe aware of what is happening round him or her! a hypnotic trancetranexamic acid

tranexamic acid /!tr'nek|!s'm"k $'s"d/noun a drug used to control severe bleedingtranquilliser

tranquilliser /$tr'0kw"la"z#/, tranquillizer,tranquillising drug /$tr'0kw"la"z"0 dr.1/noun an antipsychotic, anxiolytic or hypnoticdrug which relieves someone’s anxiety and calmshim or her down (informal) ! She’s taking tran-quillisers to calm her nerves. ! He’s been ontranquillisers ever since he started his new job.trans-

trans- /tr'nz/ prefix through or acrosstransaminase

transaminase /tr'n |$s'm"ne"z/ noun anenzyme involved in the transamination of aminoacidstranscendental meditation

transcendental meditation/!tr'nsendent(#)l !med"|$te"/(#)n/ noun a typeof meditation in which the same words or soundsare repeated silentlytranscription

transcription /tr'n |$skr"p/#n/ noun 1. the actof copying something written, or of putting some-thing spoken into written form 2. the first step incarrying out genetic instructions in living cells, inwhich the genetic code is transferred from DNAto molecules of messenger RNA, which thendirect protein manufacture

transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

transcutaneous electrical nerve stimula-tion /!tr'nskju% |!te"ni#s "|!lektr"k(#)l $n-%vst"mj*|!le"/(#)n/ noun full form of TENStransdermal

transdermal /tr'nz|$d-%m(#)l/ adjective refer-ring to a drug which is released through the skintransference

transference /$tr'nsf(#)r#ns/ noun (in psy-chiatry) a condition in which someone transfers tothe psychoanalyst the characteristics belonging toa strong character from his or her past such as aparent, and reacts as if the analyst were that per-sontransferrin

transferrin /tr'ns |$fer"n/ noun a substancefound in the blood, which carries iron in thebloodstream. Also called siderophilintransfer RNA

transfer RNA /!tr'nsf-% !&%r en $e"/ nounRNA which attaches amino acids to proteinchains being made at ribosomestransfusion

transfusion /tr'ns|$fju%+(#)n/ noun the proce-dure of transferring blood or saline fluids from acontainer into a someone’s bloodstreamtransient

transient /$tr'nzi#nt/ adjective not lastinglongtransient ischaemic attack

transient ischaemic attack /!tr'nzi#nt "|

$ski%m"k #|!t'k/ noun a mild stroke caused by abrief stoppage of blood supply to the brain.Abbreviation TIAtransillumination

transillumination /!tr'ns"|!lu%m" |$ne"/(#)n/noun an examination of an organ by shining abright light through ittransitional epithelium

transitional epithelium /tr'n|!z"/(#)n#l ep" |

$,i%li#m/ noun a type of epithelium found in theurethratranslation

translation /tr'ns|$le"/(#)n/ noun 1. the act ofputting something written or spoken in one lan-guage into words of a different language 2. theprocess by which information in messenger RNAcontrols the sequence of amino acids assembledby a ribosome during protein synthesistranslocation

translocation /!tr'nsl#* |$ke"/(#)n/ noun themovement of part of a chromosome to anotherpart of the same chromosome or to a differentchromosome pair, leading to genetic disorderstranslucent

translucent /tr'ns |$lu%s(#)nt/ adjective allow-ing light to pass through, but not enough to allowobjects on the other side to be clearly distin-guishedtransmission-based precautions

transmission-based precautions /tr'ns|

!m"/(#)n be"st pr"|$k)%/(#)nz/ plural noun themost recent set of guidelines for health care work-ers on dealing with highly infectious diseases, tobe used in addition to the Standard Precautions.There are three categories: Airborne Precautions,Droplet Precautions and Contact Precautions,sometimes used in combination for diseaseswhich can be transmitted in various ways.transplacental

transplacental /!tr'nspl#|$sent(#)l/ adjectivethrough the placentatransplant

transplant noun /$tr'nspl&%nt/ 1. a procedurewhich involves taking an organ such as the heart

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transplantation 312

or kidney, or tissue such as skin, and grafting itinto someone to replace an organ or tissue whichis diseased or not functioning properly ! She hada heart-lung transplant. 2. the organ or tissuewhich is grafted ! The kidney transplant wasrejected. " verb /tr'ns|$pl&%nt/ to graft an organor tissue onto or into someone to replace an organor tissue which is diseased or not functioning cor-rectlytransplantation

transplantation /!tr'nspl&%n |$te"/(#)n/ nounthe act of transplanting somethingtransposition

transposition /!tr'nsp#|$z"/(#)n/ noun a con-genital condition where the aorta and pulmonaryartery are placed on the opposite side of the bodyto their usual positiontranspyloric plane

transpyloric plane /!tr'nspa"l(r"k $ple"n/noun a plane at right angles to the sagittal plane,passing midway between the suprasternal notchand the symphysis pubis. See illustration at ANA-TOMICAL TERMS in Supplementtranssexual

transsexual /tr'nz|$sek/u#l/ adjective feelinguncomfortable with the birth gender " noun aperson, especially a man, who feels uncomforta-ble with their birth gendertranssexualism

transsexualism /tr'nz |$sek/u#l"z(#)m/ nouna condition in which a person, especially a man,feels uncomfortable with their birth gendertranstubercular plane

transtubercular plane /!tr'nstj*|!b-%kj*l#$ple"n/ noun an imaginary horizontal line drawnacross the lower abdomen at the level of the pro-jecting parts of the iliac bones. See illustration atANATOMICAL TERMS in Supplement. Also calledintertubercular planetransudate

transudate /$tr'nsju%de"t/ noun a fluid whichpasses through the pores of a membrane. It con-tains less protein or solid material than an exu-date.transudation

transudation /!tr'nsju%|$de"/(#)n/ noun theprocess of passing a fluid from the body’s cellsthrough the pores of a membranetransuretero-ureterostomy

transuretero-ureterostomy /tr'ns|

!j*ri%t#r#* !j*ri%t#|$r(st#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation in which both ureters are brought to thesame side in the abdomen, because one is dam-aged or obstructedtransurethral

transurethral /!tr'nsj* |$ri%,r#l/ adjectivethrough the urethratransurethral prostatectomy

transurethral prostatectomy/!tr'nsj*ri%,r#l !pr(st#|$tekt#mi/, transure-thral resection /!tr'nsj*ri%,r#l r"|$sek/#n/noun a surgical operation to remove the prostategland, where the operation is carried out throughthe urethra. Abbreviation TUR. Also calledresection of the prostatetransvaginal

transvaginal /!tr'nsv# |$d+a"n(#)l/ adjectiveacross or through the vaginatransverse

transverse /tr'nz|$v-%s/ adjective across, atright angles to an organ

transverse archtransverse arch /!tr'nz|$v-%s &%t// noun sameas metatarsal archtransverse colontransverse colon /!tr'nzv-%s $k#*l(n/ nounthe second section of the colon which crosses thebody below the stomach. See illustration atDIGESTIVE SYSTEM in Supplementtransverse fracturetransverse fracture /!tr'nzv-%s $fr'kt/#/noun a fracture where the bone is broken straightacrosstransverse lietransverse lie /!tr'nzv-%s $la"/ noun the posi-tion of a fetus across the body of the mothertransverse planetransverse plane /!tr'nzv-%s $ple"n/ noun aplane at right angles to the sagittal plane, runninghorizontally across the body. See illustration atANATOMICAL TERMS in Supplementtransverse presentationtransverse presentation /!tr'nzv-%s!prez(#)n|$te"/(#)n/ noun a position of the babyin the uterus, where the baby’s side will appearfirst, usually requiring urgent manipulation orcaesarean section to prevent complicationstransverse processtransverse process /!tr'nzv-%s $pr#*ses/noun the part of a vertebra which protrudes at thesidetransvesical prostatectomytransvesical prostatectomy /tr'ns|

!ves"k(#)l !pr(st#|$tekt#mi/ noun an operationto remove the prostate gland, carried out throughthe bladdertransvestismtransvestism /tr'nz|$vest"z(#)m/ noun thecondition of liking to dress and behave as a mem-ber of the opposite sextransvestitetransvestite /tr'nz|$vesta"t/ noun a personwho dresses and behaves as a member of theopposite sextrapeziumtrapezium /tr# |$pi%zi#m/ noun one of the eightsmall carpal bones in the wrist, below the thumb.See illustration at HAND in Supplement (NOTE:The plural is trapeziums or trapezia.)trapeziustrapezius /tr#|$pi%zi#s/ noun a triangular mus-cle in the upper part of the back and the neck,which moves the shoulder blade and pulls thehead backtrapezoidtrapezoid /$tr'p"z)"d/, trapezoid bone/$tr'p"z)"d b#*n/ noun one of the eight smallcarpal bones in the wrist, below the first finger.See illustration at HAND in Supplementtraumatrauma /$tr)%m#/ noun a wound or injurytraumatictraumatic /tr)%|$m't"k/ adjective 1. caused byan injury 2. extremely frightening, distressing orshockingtraumatic fevertraumatic fever /tr)% |!m't"k $fi%v#/ noun afever caused by an injurytraumatic pneumothoraxtraumatic pneumothorax /tr)% |!m't"k!nju%m#*|$,)%r'ks/ noun pneumothorax whichresults from damage to the lung surface or to thewall of the chest, allowing air to leak into thespace between the pleuraetraveller’s diarrhoeatraveller’s diarrhoea /!tr'v(#)l#z !da"# |$ri%#/noun diarrhoea that affects people who travel toforeign countries and which is due to contact with

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313 tricyclic antidepressant

a different type of E. coli from the one they areused to. (informal)travel sickness

travel sickness /$tr'v(#)l !s"kn#s/ noun sameas motion sicknesstrazodone

trazodone /$tr'z#d#*n/ noun an antidepres-sant drug which has a strong sedative effect, usedin the treatment of depressive disorders accompa-nied by insomniaTreacher Collins syndrome

Treacher Collins syndrome /!tri%t/#$k(l"nz !s"ndr#*m/ noun a hereditary disorder inwhich the lower jaw, the cheek bones, and the earare not fully developedtreat

treat /tri%t/ verb to use medical methods to curea disease or help a sick or injured person torecover ! She has been treated with a new antibi-otic. ! She’s being treated by a specialist forheart disease.treatment

treatment /$tri%tm#nt/ noun 1. actions taken tolook after sick or injured people or to cure disease! He is receiving treatment for a slipped disc. 2.a particular way of looking after a sick or injuredperson or trying to cure a disease ! cortisonetreatment ! This is a new treatment for heart dis-ease.tremens

tremens /$tri%menz/ " delirium tremenstremor

tremor /$trem#/ noun slight involuntary move-ments of a limb or muscletrench foot

trench foot /!trent/ $f*t/ noun a condition,caused by exposure to cold and damp, in whichthe skin of the foot becomes red and blistered andin severe cases turns black when gangrene sets in.Also called immersion foot (NOTE: Trench footwas common among soldiers serving in thetrenches during the First World War.)Trendelenburg’s operation

Trendelenburg’s operation /tren |

$del#nb-%1z (p#|!re"/(#)n/ noun an operation totie a saphenous vein in the groin before removingvaricose veins [After Friedrich Trendelburg(1844–1924), German surgeon.]Trendelenburg’s position

Trendelenburg’s position /tren|$del#nb-%1zp#|!z"/(#)n/, Trendelenburg position /tren |

$del#nb-%1 p#|!z"/(#)n/ noun a position in whichsomeone lies on a sloping bed, with the headlower than the feet, and the knees bent. It is usedin surgical operations to the pelvis and for peoplewho have shock.Trendelenburg’s sign

Trendelenburg’s sign /tren|$del#nb-%1zsa"n/ noun a symptom of congenital dislocationof the hip, where the person’s pelvis is lower onthe opposite side to the dislocationtrephine

trephine /tr" |$fi%n/ noun a surgical instrumentfor making a round hole in the skull or for remov-ing a round piece of tissueTRH

TRH abbreviation thyrotrophin-releasing hor-monetriage

triage /$tri%&%+/ noun the system in which a doc-tor or nurse sees patients briefly in order to decidewho should be treated first


trial /$tra"#l/ noun a process of testing somethingsuch as a drug or treatment to see how effective itis, especially before allowing it to be used gener-ally ! clinical trials ! a six-month trial period !We’re supplying it on a trial basis. " verb to testsomething as part of a trialtriamcinolone

triamcinolone /!tra"'m|$s"n#l#*n/ noun asynthetic corticosteroid drug used in the treat-ment of skin, mouth and joint inflammationstriangular bandage

triangular bandage /tra" |!'01j*l# $b'nd"d+/noun a bandage made of a triangle of cloth, usedto make a sling for the armtriceps

triceps /$tra"seps/ noun a muscle formed ofthree parts, which are joined to form one tendontrich-

trich- /tr"k/ prefix same as tricho- (used beforevowels)trichiasis

trichiasis /tr" |$ka"#s"s/ noun a painful conditionin which the eyelashes grow in towards the eyeand scratch the eyeballtrichinosis

trichinosis /!tr"k" |$n#*s"s/, trichiniasis /!tr"k"|

$na"#s"s/ noun a disease caused by infestation ofthe intestine by larvae of roundworms or nema-todes, which pass round the body in the blood-stream and settle in musclestricho-

tricho- /tr"k#*/ prefix referring to hairtrichology

trichology /tr" |$k(l#d+i/ noun the study of hairand the diseases which affect itTrichomonas

Trichomonas /!tr"k# |$m#*n#s/ noun a speciesof long thin parasite which infests the intestinesTrichomonas vaginalis

Trichomonas vaginalis /tr"k# |!m#*n#sv'd+"|$ne"l"s/ noun a parasite which infests thevagina and causes an irritating dischargetrichomoniasis

trichomoniasis /!tr"k#*m#|$na"#s"s/ nouninfestation of the intestine or vagina with Tri-chomonasTrichophyton

Trichophyton /tra" |$k(f"t(n/ noun a funguswhich affects the skin, hair and nailstrichophytosis

trichophytosis /!tr"k#*fa" |$t#*s"s/ noun aninfection caused by Trichophytontrichosis

trichosis /tra" |$k#*s"s/ noun any unusual condi-tion of the hairtrichromatism

trichromatism /tra" |$kr#*m#t"z(#)m/ nounvision which allows the difference between thethree primary colours to be seen. Comparedichromatism, monochromatismtricuspid

tricuspid /tra"|$k.sp"d/ noun something whichhas three cusps, e.g. a tooth or leaf " adjective 1.having three cusps or points 2. referring to a tri-cuspid valve or toothtricuspid valve

tricuspid valve /tra" |$k.sp"d v'lv/ noun aninlet valve with three cusps between the rightatrium and the right ventricle in the heart. Seeillustration at HEART in Supplementtricyclic antidepressant

tricyclic antidepressant /tra"|!sa"kl"k!'ntid"|$pres(#)nt/, tricyclic antidepressantdrug /tra" |!sa"kl"k !'ntid"|$pres(#)nt !dr.1/noun a drug used to treat depression and panicdisorder, e.g. amitriptyline and nortriptyline

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tridactyly 314tridactyly

tridactyly /tra"|$d'kt"li/ noun the condition ofhaving only three fingers or toestrifocal lenses

trifocal lenses /tra"|!f#*k(#)l $lenz"z/, trifocalglasses /tra" |!f#*k(#)l $1l&%s"z/, trifocals /tra"|

$f#*k(#)lz/ plural noun spectacles which havethree lenses combined in one piece of glass togive clear vision over different distances. ! bifo-caltrigeminal

trigeminal /tra" |$d+em"n(#)l/ adjective in threepartstrigeminal nerve

trigeminal nerve /tra" |$d+em"n(#)l n-%v/ nounthe fifth cranial nerve, formed of the ophthalmicnerve, the maxillary nerve and the mandibularnerve, which controls the sensory nerves in theforehead, face and chin, and the muscles in thejawtrigeminal neuralgia

trigeminal neuralgia /tra" |!d+em"n(#)l nj*|

$r'ld+#/ noun a disorder of the trigeminal nerve,which sends intense pains shooting across theface. Also called tic douloureuxtrigeminy

trigeminy /tra" |$d+em"ni/ noun an irregularheartbeat, where a regular beat is followed by twoectopic beatstrigger finger

trigger finger /$tr"1# !f"01#/ noun a conditionin which a finger can bend but is difficult tostraighten, probably because of a nodule on theflexor tendontriglyceride

triglyceride /tra" |$1l"s#ra"d/ noun a substancesuch as fat which contains three fatty acidstrigonitis

trigonitis /!tr"1#|$na"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe bottom part of the wall of the bladdertrigonocephalic

trigonocephalic /tra"|!1(n#k#|$f'l"k/ adjec-tive referring to a skull which shows signs of trig-onocephalytrigonocephaly

trigonocephaly /tra" |!1(n#|$kef(#)li/ noun acondition in which the skull is in the shape of a tri-angle, with points on either side of the face infront of the earstriiodothyronine

triiodothyronine /tra"|!a"#d#*|$,a"r#ni%n/noun a hormone synthesised in the body fromthyroxine secreted by the thyroid glandtrimeprazine

trimeprazine /tra"|$mepr#zi%n/ noun an anti-histamine used to relieve the itching caused byeczema and various skin rashes, including allergicskin rashes caused by poison ivytrimester

trimester /tra" |$mest#/ noun one of the three 3-month periods of a pregnancytrimethoprim

trimethoprim /tra"|$mi%,#pr"m/ noun a syn-thetic drug used in the treatment of malariatriple marker test

triple marker test /!tr"p(#)l $m&%k# test/noun a blood test performed on pregnant womenwhich can detect Down’s syndrome in a fetus byanalysing the relative levels of substances pro-duced by the mother’s placenta and the fetus itselftriplet

triplet /$tr"pl#t/ noun one of three babies born toa mother at the same timetriple vaccine

triple vaccine /!tr"p(#)l $v'ksi%n/ noun a vac-cine which induces protection against three dis-

eases e.g. diphtheria, tetanus and whoopingcoughtriquetrumtriquetrum /tra"|$kwetr#m/, triquetral /tra"|

$kwetr(#)l/, triquetral bone /tra" |$kwetr(#)lb#*n/ noun one of the eight small carpal bones inthe wrist. See illustration at HAND in Supplementtrismustrismus /$tr"zm#s/ noun a spasm in the lowerjaw, which makes it difficult to open the mouth, asymptom of tetanustrisomy

trisomy /$tra"s#*mi/ noun a condition in whichsomeone has three chromosomes instead of a pairtrisomy 21trisomy 21 /!tra"s#*mi !twenti $w.n/ nounsame as Down’s syndrometrocar

trocar /$tr#*k&%/ noun a surgical instrument orpointed rod which slides inside a cannula to makea hole in tissue to drain off fluidtrochantertrochanter /tr# |$k'nt#/ noun two bony lumpson either side of the top end of the femur wheremuscles are attachedtrochleatrochlea /$tr(kli#/ noun any part of the bodyshaped like a pulley, especially part of the lowerend of the humerus, which articulates with theulna, or a curved bone in the frontal bone throughwhich one of the eye muscles passes (NOTE: Theplural is trochleae.)trochlear

trochlear /$tr(kli#/ adjective referring to a ringin a bonetrochlear nervetrochlear nerve /$tr(kli# n-%v/ noun thefourth cranial nerve which controls the muscles ofthe eyeballtrochoid joint

trochoid joint /$tr#*k)"d d+)"nt/ noun a jointwhere a bone can rotate freely about a central axisas in the neck, where the atlas articulates with theaxis. Also called pivot jointtroph-

troph- /tr(f/ prefix same as tropho- (usedbefore vowels)trophictrophic /$tr(f"k/ adjective relating to food andnutritiontrophic ulcer

trophic ulcer /!tr(f"k $.ls#/ noun an ulcercaused by lack of blood, e.g. a bedsoretropho-tropho- /tr(f#*/ prefix referring to food or nutri-tion-trophy-trophy /tr#fi/ suffix 1. nourishment 2. referringto the development of an organtropia

tropia /$tr#*pi#/ noun same as squint-tropic

-tropic /tr(p"k/ suffix 1. turning towards 2.referring to something which influencestropicaltropical /$tr(p"k(#)l/ adjective located in orcoming from areas around the equator where theclimate is generally very hot and humidtropical disease

tropical disease /!tr(p"k(#)l d" |$zi%z/ noun adisease which is found in tropical countries, e.g.malaria, dengue or Lassa fevertropical medicine

tropical medicine /!tr(p"k(#)l $med(#)s"n/noun a branch of medicine which deals with trop-ical diseasestropical ulcertropical ulcer /!tr(p"k(#)l $.ls#/ noun a largearea of infection which forms around a wound,

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315 tumescence

found especially in tropical countries. Also calledNaga soretrots

trots /tr(ts/ # the trots an attack of diarrhoea(informal)trouble

trouble /$tr.b(#)l/ noun a disorder or condition(informal) ! treatment for back trouble ! She haskidney trouble.Trousseau’s sign

Trousseau’s sign /$tru%s#*z sa"n/ noun aspasm in the muscles in the forearm when a tour-niquet is applied to the upper arm, which causesthe index and middle fingers to extend. It is a signof latent tetany, showing that the blood containstoo little calcium. [After Armand Trousseau(1801–67), French physician.]true vocal cords

true vocal cords /!tru% $v#*k(#)l !k)%dz/ plu-ral noun the cords in the larynx which can bebrought together to make sounds as air passesbetween themtrunk

trunk /tr.0k/ noun same as torsotruss

truss /tr.s/ noun a belt worn round the waist,with pads, to hold a hernia in placetrust status

trust status /$tr.st !ste"t#s/ noun the positionof a hospital which is a self-governing trusttrypanosome

trypanosome /$tr"p#n#*s#*m/ noun a micro-scopic organism which lives as a parasite inhuman blood. It is transmitted by the bite ofinsects such as the tsetse fly and causes sleepingsickness and other serious illnesses.trypsin

trypsin /$tr"ps"n/ noun an enzyme convertedfrom trypsinogen by the duodenum and secretedinto the digestive system where it absorbs proteintrypsinogen

trypsinogen /tr"p |$s"n#d+#n/ noun an enzymesecreted by the pancreas into the duodenumtryptophan

tryptophan /$tr"pt#f'n/ noun an essentialamino acidtsetse fly

tsetse fly /$tetsi fla", $setsi fla"/ noun an Afri-can insect which passes trypanosomes into thehuman bloodstream, causing sleeping sicknessTSH

TSH abbreviation thyroid-stimulating hormoneTSS

TSS abbreviation toxic shock syndrometubal

tubal /$tju%b(#)l/ adjective referring to a tubetubal ligation

tubal ligation /!tju%b(#)l la" |$1e"/(#)n/ noun asurgical operation to tie up the Fallopian tubes asa sterilisation proceduretubal occlusion

tubal occlusion /!tju%b(#)l # |$klu%+(#)n/ nouna condition in which the Fallopian tubes areblocked, either as a result of disease or surgerytubal pregnancy

tubal pregnancy /!tju%b(#)l $pre1n#nsi/ nounthe most common form of ectopic pregnancy, inwhich the fetus develops in a Fallopian tubeinstead of the uterustube

tube /tju%b/ noun 1. a long hollow passage in thebody 2. a soft flexible pipe for carrying liquid orgas 3. a soft plastic or metal pipe, sealed at oneend and with a lid at the other, used to dispense apaste or gel

tube feedingtube feeding /$tju%b !fi%d"0/ noun the processof giving someone nutrients through a tubedirectly into their stomach or small intestinetubertuber /$tju%b#/ noun a swollen or raised areatubercletubercle /$tju%b#k(#)l/ noun 1. a small bonyprojection, e.g. on a rib 2. a small infected lumpcharacteristic of tuberculosis, where tissue isdestroyed and pus formstuberculartubercular /tj*|$b-%kj*l#/ adjective causing orreferring to tuberculosistuberculintuberculin /tj*|$b-%kj*l"n/ noun a substancewhich is derived from the culture of the tubercu-losis bacillus and is used to test people for thepresence of tuberculosistuberculin testtuberculin test /tj*|$b-%kj*l"n test/ noun atest to see if someone has tuberculosis, in whichsomeone is exposed to tuberculin and the reactionof the skin is notedtuberculosis

tuberculosis /tj* |!b-%kj*|$l#*s"s/ noun aninfectious disease caused by the tuberculosisbacillus, where infected lumps form in the tissue.Abbreviation TBtuberculoustuberculous /tj* |$b-%kj*l#s/ adjective refer-ring to tuberculosistuberose sclerosistuberose sclerosis /!tju%b#r#*s skl#|$r#*s"s/noun same as epiloiatuberosity

tuberosity /!tju%b# |$r(s"ti/ noun a large lumpon a bonetuberoustuberous /$tju%b#r#s/ adjective with lumps ornodulestubo-tubo- /tju%b#*/ prefix referring to a Fallopiantube or to the internal or external auditory meatustuboabdominaltuboabdominal /!tju%b#*'b |$d(m"n(#)l/adjective referring to a Fallopian tube and theabdomentubocurarinetubocurarine /!tju%b#*|$kj*#r#ri%n/ noun atoxic alkaloid which is the active constituent ofcurare, used as a muscle relaxanttubo-ovariantubo-ovarian /!tju%b#* #*|$ve#ri#n/ adjectivereferring to a Fallopian tube and an ovarytubotympanal

tubotympanal /!tju%b#*|$t"mp#n(#)l/ adjec-tive referring to the Eustachian tube and the tym-panumtubular

tubular /$tju%bj*l#/ adjective shaped like a tubetubular bandagetubular bandage /!tju%bj*l# $b'nd"d+/ nouna bandage made of a tube of elastic clothtubular reabsorptiontubular reabsorption /!tju%bj*l# !ri%#b|

$s)%p/#n/ noun the process by which some of thesubstances filtered into the kidney are absorbedback into the bloodstream by the tubulestubuletubule /$tju%bju%l/ noun a small tube in thebody. ! renal tubuletumefactiontumefaction /!tju%m" |$f'k/#n/ noun swellingwithin body tissue, usually caused a build-up ofblood or watertumescencetumescence /tju% |$mes(#)ns/ noun swollen tis-sue where liquid has accumulated underneath. !oedema

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tumid 316tumid

tumid /$tju%m"d/ adjective swollentummy

tummy /$t.mi/ noun stomach or abdomen(informal)tummy ache

tummy ache /$t.mi e"k/ noun stomach pain(informal)tumoral

tumoral /$tju%m#r#l/, tumorous /$tju%m#r#s/adjective referring to a tumourtumour

tumour /$tju%m#/ noun an unusual swelling orgrowth of new cells ! The X-ray showed atumour in the breast. ! a brain tumour. (NOTE:For other terms referring to tumours, see wordsbeginning with onco-.)tunica

tunica /$tju%n"k#/ noun a layer of tissue whichcovers an organtunica albuginea testis

tunica albuginea testis /!tju%n"k# 'lbj* |

!d+"ni# $test"s/ noun a white fibrous membranecovering the testes and the ovariestunica intima

tunica intima /!tju%n"k# $"nt"m#/ noun theinner layer of the wall of an artery or vein. Alsocalled intimatunica media

tunica media /!tju%n"k# $mi%di#/ noun themiddle layer of the wall of an artery or vein. Alsocalled mediatunica vaginalis

tunica vaginalis /!tju%n"k# !v'd+" |$ne"l"s/noun a membrane covering the testes and epidi-dymistuning fork

tuning fork /$tju%n"0 f)%k/ noun a metal forkwhich, if hit, gives out a perfect note, used inhearing tests such as Rinne’s testtunnel

tunnel /$t.n(#)l/ noun a passage or channelthrough or under something ! the carpal tunnel" verb 1. to make a tunnel under or throughsomething 2. to produce or dig something whichis shaped like a tunneltunnel vision

tunnel vision /!t.n(#)l $v"+(#)n/ noun visionwhich is restricted to the area directly in front ofthe eyeturbinate

turbinate /$t-%b"n#t/ adjective 1. having ashape like a spiral or an inverted cone 2. referringto any of the three bones found on the walls of thenasal passages of mammalsturbinate bone

turbinate bone /$t-%b"n#t b#*n/ noun " nasalconchaeturbinectomy

turbinectomy /!t-%b"|$nekt#mi/ noun a surgi-cal operation to remove a turbinate boneturgescence

turgescence /t-%|$d+es(#)ns/ noun a swellingin body tissue caused by the accumulation of fluidturgid

turgid /$t-%d+"d/ adjective swollen with bloodturgor

turgor /$t-%1#/ noun the condition of beingswollenTurner’s syndrome

Turner’s syndrome /$t-%n#z !s"ndr#*m/noun a congenital condition in females, caused bythe absence of one of the pair of X chromosomes,in which sexual development is retarded and noovaries develop [Described 1938. After HenryHubert Turner (1892–1970), US endocrinologist,Clinical professor of Medicine, Oklahoma Uni-versity, USA.]


turricephaly /!t.r" |$sef#li/ same as oxyceph-alytussis

tussis /$t.s"s/ noun coughingtwenty-twenty vision

twenty-twenty vision /!twenti !twenti$v"+(#)n/ noun perfect visiontwilight sleep

twilight sleep /$twa"la"t !sli%p/ noun a type ofanaesthetic sleep, in which the patient is semi-conscious but cannot feel any paintwilight state

twilight state /$twa"la"t ste"t/ noun a condi-tion of epileptics and alcoholics in which the per-son can do some automatic actions, but is not con-scious of what he or she is doing

COMMENT: Twilight state is induced at child-birth, by introducing anaesthetics into therectum.


twin /tw"n/ noun one of two babies born to amother at the same timetylosis

tylosis /ta" |$l#*s"s/ noun the development of acallustympan-

tympan- /t"mp#n/ prefix same as tympano-(NOTE: used before vowels)tympanectomy

tympanectomy /!t"mp# |$nekt#mi/ noun a sur-gical operation to remove the tympanic mem-branetympanic

tympanic /t"m|$p'n"k/ adjective referring tothe eardrumtympanic membrane

tympanic membrane /t"m|!p'n"k$membre"n/ noun the membrane at the inner endof the external auditory meatus leading from theouter ear, which vibrates with sound and passesthe vibrations on to the ossicles in the middle ear.Also called tympanum, eardrum. See illustra-tion at EAR in Supplementtympanites

tympanites /!t"mp#|$na"ti%z/ noun the expan-sion of the stomach with gas. Also called meteor-ismtympanitis

tympanitis /!t"mp#|$na"t"s/ noun same as otitismediatympano-

tympano- /t"mp#n#*/ prefix referring to theeardrumtympanoplasty

tympanoplasty /$t"mp#n#*pl'sti/ nounsame as myringoplastytympanosclerosis

tympanosclerosis /!t"mp#n#*skl#|$r#*s"s/noun irreversible damage to the tympanic mem-brane and middle ear, starting with the replace-ment of tissues or fibrin by collagen and hyalin.Then calcification occurs, leading to deafness.tympanotomy

tympanotomy /!t"mp# |$n(t#mi/ noun same asmyringotomytympanum

tympanum /$t"mp#n#m/ noun same as tym-panic membranetype A behaviour

type A behaviour /!ta"p $e" b" |!he"vj#/ noun abehaviour pattern which may contribute to coro-nary heart disease, in which an individual isaggressive and over-competitive, and usuallylives at a stressful pace. Compare type B behav-iour

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317 tyrosinetype B behaviourtype B behaviour /!ta"p $bi% b"|!he"vj#/ nouna behaviour pattern which is unlikely to contrib-ute to coronary heart disease, in which an individ-ual is patient, tolerant, not very competitive andlives at a more relaxed pace. Compare type AbehaviourType I diabetes mellitusType I diabetes mellitus /!ta"p !w.n da"#|

!bi%ti%z m#|$la"t#s/ noun the type of diabetes mel-litus in which the beta cells of the pancreas pro-duce little or no insulin, and the person is com-pletely dependent on injections of insulin forsurvival. It is more likely to develop in peopleunder 30. Symptoms are usually severe and occursuddenly. Also called insulin-dependent diabe-tesType II diabetes mellitusType II diabetes mellitus /!ta"p !tu% da"#|

!bi%ti%z m#|$la"t#s/ noun the type of diabetes mel-litus in which cells throughout the body lose someor most of their ability to use insulin. It is morelikely to develop in people who are over 40, whoare overweight or obese, and who do not exerciseregularly. It can be controlled in some cases withdiet and exercise, but more severe cases may needoral medication which reduces glucose concen-

trations in the blood, or insulin injections, so thateven cells with a poor uptake will capture enoughinsulin. Also called non-insulin-dependentdiabetestypho-

typho- /ta"f#*/ prefix 1. relating to typhoid fever2. relating to typhustyphoid

typhoid /$ta"f)"d/, typhoid fever /!ta"f)"d$fi%v#/ noun an infection of the intestine causedby Salmonella typhi in food and watertyphus

typhus /$ta"f#s/ noun one of several feverscaused by the Rickettsia bacterium, transmittedby fleas and lice, producing a fever, extremeweakness and a dark rash on the skin. The test fortyphus is the Weil-Felix reaction.tyramine

tyramine /$ta"r#mi%n/ noun an enzyme found incheese, beans, tinned fish, red wine and yeastextract, which can cause high blood pressure iffound in excessive quantities in the brain. !monoamine oxidasetyrosine

tyrosine /$ta"r#si%n/ noun an amino acid in pro-tein which is a component of thyroxine, and is aprecursor to the catecholamines dopamine,noradrenaline and adrenaline

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UUKCCUKCC abbreviation United Kingdom CentralCouncil for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visit-ingulcerulcer /$.ls#/ noun an open sore in the skin or ina mucous membrane, which is inflamed and diffi-cult to heal ! stomach ulcerulcerativeulcerative /$.ls(#)r#t"v/ adjective referring toulcers, or characterised by ulcersulcerative colitisulcerative colitis /!.ls(#)r#t"v k# |$la"t"s/noun severe pain in the colon, with diarrhoea andulcers in the rectum, often with a psychosomaticcauseulceromembranous gingivitisulceromembranous gingivitis /!.ls#r#*|

!membr#n#s !d+"nd+" |$va"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the gums, which can also affect themucous membrane in the mouthule-ule- prefix relating to a scar, or to scar tissueulnaulna /$.ln#/ noun the longer and inner of the twobones in the forearm between the elbow and thewrist. See illustration at HAND in Supplement.Compare radiusulnarulnar /$.ln#/ adjective referring to the ulnaulnar arteryulnar artery /$.ln#r !&%t#ri/ noun an arterywhich branches from the brachial artery at theelbow and runs down the inside of the forearm tojoin the radial artery in the palm of the handulnar nerveulnar nerve /$.ln# n-%v/ noun a nerve whichruns from the neck to the elbow and controls themuscles in the forearm and some of the fingers

COMMENT: The ulnar nerve passes near thesurface of the skin at the elbow, where it caneasily be hit, giving the effect of the ‘funnybone’.

ultra-ultra- prefix 1. further than 2. extremelyultrafiltrationultrafiltration /!.ltr#f"l |$tre"/(#)n/ noun theprocess of filtering the blood to remove tiny par-ticles, e.g. when the blood is filtered by the kidneyultrasonicultrasonic /!.ltr#|$s(n"k/ adjective referring toultrasoundultrasonic probeultrasonic probe /!.ltr#s(n"k $pr#*b/ nounan instrument which locates organs or tissuesinside the body using ultrasoundultrasonicsultrasonics /!.ltr#|$s(n"ks/ noun the study ofultrasound and its use in medical treatmentsultrasonic wavesultrasonic waves /!.ltr#s(n"k $we"vz/ pluralnoun same as ultrasound


ultrasonogram /!.ltr#|$s(n#1r'm/ noun apicture made with ultrasound for the purpose ofmedical examination or diagnosisultrasonograph

ultrasonograph /!.ltr#|$s(n#1r&%f/ noun amachine which takes pictures of internal organs,using ultrasoundultrasonography

ultrasonography /!.ltr#s#|$n(1r#fi/ noun theprocedure of passing ultrasound waves throughthe body and recording echoes which show detailsof internal organs. Also called echographyultrasound

ultrasound /$.ltr#sa*nd/ noun very high fre-quency sound waves which can be reflected offinternal body parts or off a fetus in the womb tocreate images for medical examination (NOTE: Noplural for ultrasound.)ultrasound marker

ultrasound marker /$.ltr#sa*nd !m&%k#/noun an unusual physical characteristic seen in anultrasound examination of a fetus which is anindication of the existence of a genetic or devel-opmental disorderultrasound probe

ultrasound probe /$.ltr#sa*nd pr#*b/ nounsame as ultrasonic probeultrasound scanning

ultrasound scanning /$.ltr#sa*nd!sk'n"0/, ultrasound screening /$.ltr#sa*nd!skri%n"0/ noun a method of gathering informa-tion about the body by taking images using high-frequency sound wavesultrasound treatment

ultrasound treatment /$.ltr#sa*nd!tri%tm#nt/ noun the treatment of soft tissueinflammation using ultrasound wavesultraviolet

ultraviolet /!.ltr# |$va"#l#t/ adjective referringto the short invisible rays beyond the violet end ofthe spectrum, which form the element in sunlightwhich tans the skin, helps the skin produce Vita-min D and kills bacteria. Abbreviation UVultraviolet lamp

ultraviolet lamp /!.ltr#va"#l#t $l'mp/ noun alamp which gives off ultraviolet raysultraviolet radiation

ultraviolet radiation /!.ltr#va"#l#t !re"di |

$e"/(#)n/, ultraviolet rays /!.ltr#|$va"#l#t re"s/noun short invisible rays of ultraviolet light.Abbreviation UVRumbilical

umbilical /.m|$b"l"k(#)l/ adjective referring tothe navelumbilical cord

umbilical cord /.m|$b"l"k(#)l k)%d/ noun acord containing two arteries and one vein whichlinks the fetus inside the uterus to the placenta

Nursing.fm Page 318 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM

319 uran-umbilical hernia

umbilical hernia /.m|!b"l"k(#)l $h-%ni#/ nouna hernia which bulges at the navel, usually inyoung children. Also called exomphalosumbilicated

umbilicated /.m|$b"l"ke"t"d/ adjective with asmall depression, like a navel, in the centreumbilicus

umbilicus /.m|$b"l"k#s/ noun same as navelumbo

umbo /$.mb#*/ noun a projecting part in themiddle of the outer side of the eardrumun-

un- /.n/ prefix notunciform bone

unciform bone /$.ns"f)%m b#*n/ noun one ofthe eight small carpal bones in the wrist, shapedlike a hook. Also called hamate boneuncinate

uncinate /$.ns"n#t/ adjective shaped like ahookunconditioned response

unconditioned response /!.nk#nd"/(#)ndr" |$sp(ns/ noun a response to a stimulus whichoccurs automatically, by instinct, and has notbeen learnedunconscious

unconscious /.n|$k(n/#s/ adjective not awareof what is happening ! She was unconscious fortwo days after the accident. " noun # the uncon-scious (in psychology) the part of the mind whichstores feelings, memories or desires that someonecannot consciously call up. ! subconsciousunconsciousness

unconsciousness /.n |$k(n/#sn#s/ noun thestate of being unconscious, e.g. as a result of lackof oxygen or from some other external cause suchas a blow on the headundecenoic acid

undecenoic acid /.n |!des"n#*"k $'s"d/,undecylenic acid /.n |!d"s"len"k $'s"d/ noun asubstance made from castor bean oil, used in thetreatment of fungal infections such as thrushundine

undine /$.ndi%n/ noun a glass container for asolution to bathe the eyesundulant fever

undulant fever /$.ndj*l#nt !fi%v#/ same asbrucellosisungual

ungual /$.01w#l/ adjective referring to the fin-gernails or toenailsunguentum

unguentum /.0|$1went#m/ noun (in phar-macy) an ointmentunguis

unguis /$.01w"s/ same as nailuni-

uni- /ju%ni/ prefix oneunicellular

unicellular /!ju%n" |$selj*l#/ adjective referringto an organism formed of one cellunigravida

unigravida /!ju%ni|$1r'v"d#/ noun same asprimigravidaunilateral

unilateral /!ju%n"|$l't(#)r#l/ adjective affectingone side of the body onlyunilateral oophorectomy

unilateral oophorectomy /!ju%n"l't(#)r#l!#*#f#|$rekt#mi/ noun the surgical removal ofone ovaryunion

union /$ju%nj#n/ noun the joining together oftwo parts of a fractured bone. Opposite non-union. ! malunionuniovular

uniovular /!ju%ni |$(vj*l#/ noun consisting of, orcoming from, one ovum

uniovular twins

uniovular twins /!ju%ni(vj*l# $tw"nz/ pluralnoun same as identical twinsunipara

unipara /ju%|$n"p#r#/ noun same as primiparaunipolar neurone

unipolar neurone /ju%n" |!p#*l# $nj*#r#*n/noun a neurone with a single process. Comparemultipolar neurone, bipolar neurone. Seeillustration at NEURONE in Supplementunit

unit /$ju%n"t/ noun 1. a single part of a largerwhole 2. a part of a hospital that has a specialisedfunction ! a burns unit 3. a named and agreedstandard amount used for measuring something !A gram is an SI unit of weight. 4. a quantity of adrug, enzyme, hormone or of blood, taken as astandard for measurement and producing a giveneffect ! three units of blood ! a unit of insulin 5.a machine or device ! a waste-disposal unitUnited Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Visiting

United Kingdom Central Council forNursing, Midwifery, and Health Visiting/ju%|!na"t"d !k"0d#m !sentr#l !ka*ns#l f#!n-%s"0 m"d|!w"f#ri #nd $hel, !v"z"t"0/ noun inthe UK from 1979 until April 2002, an organisa-tion which regulated nurses, midwives, and healthvisitors. The UKCC and the four National Boardshave now been replaced by the Nursing and Mid-wifery Council. Abbreviation UKCCuniversal donor

universal donor /!ju%n"v-%s(#)l $d#*n#/ nouna person with blood group O, whose blood may begiven to anyoneUniversal Precautions

Universal Precautions /!ju%n"v-%s(#)l pr"|

$k)%/(#)nz/ abbreviation UP. ! Standard Pre-cautionsuniversal recipient

universal recipient /!ju%n"v-%s(#)l r"|

$s"pi#nt/ noun a person with blood group ABwho can receive blood from all the other bloodgroupsunsaturated fat

unsaturated fat /.n|!s't/#re"t"d $f't/ nounfat which does not have a large amount of hydro-gen, and so can be broken down more easilyunstable angina

unstable angina /.n |!ste"b(#)l 'n |$d+a"n#/noun angina which has suddenly become worseunstriated muscle

unstriated muscle /!.nstra" |!e"t"d $m.s(#)l/noun same as smooth muscleupper respiratory infection

upper respiratory infection /!.p# r"|

$sp"r#t(#)ri "n|!fek/#n/ noun an infection in theupper part of the respiratory systemUPPP

UPPP abbreviation uvulopalatopharyngoplastyupset stomach

upset stomach /.p|!set $st.m#k/ noun sameas stomach upseturacil

uracil /$j*#r#s"l/ noun a pyrimidine base, one ofthe four bases in RNA in which it pairs with thym-ineuraemia

uraemia /j* |$ri%mi#/ noun a disorder caused bykidney failure, where urea is retained in the blood,and the person develops nausea, convulsions andin severe cases goes into a comauraemic

uraemic /j*|$ri%m"k/ adjective referring to urae-mia, or having uraemiauran-

uran- /j*#r#n/ prefix referring to the palate

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urate 320urate

urate /$j*#re"t/ noun a salt of uric acid found inurineuraturia

uraturia /!j*#r#|$tj*#ri#/ noun the presence ofexcessive amounts of urates in the urine, e.g. ingouturea

urea /j*|$ri%#/ noun a substance produced in theliver from excess amino acids, and excreted by thekidneys into the urineuresis

uresis /j* |$ri%s"s/ noun the act of passing urineureter

ureter /j*|$ri%t#, $j*#r"t#/ noun one of the twotubes which take urine from the kidneys to the uri-nary bladder. See illustration at KIDNEY in Sup-plement. Also called urinary ductureter-

ureter- /j*ri%t#/ prefix same as uretero- (usedbefore vowels)ureteral

ureteral /j* |$ri%t#r#l/ adjective referring to theuretersureterectomy

ureterectomy /!j*#r"t#|$rekt#mi/ noun thesurgical removal of a ureterureteric

ureteric /!j*#r"|$ter"k/ adjective same as ure-teralureteric calculus

ureteric calculus /!j*#r"ter"k $k'lkj*l#s/noun a kidney stone in the ureterureteric catheter

ureteric catheter /!j*#r"ter"k $k',"t#/ nouna catheter passed through the ureter to the kidney,to inject an opaque solution into the kidney beforetaking an X-rayureteritis

ureteritis /!j*#r"t# |$ra"t"s/ noun inflammationof a ureteruretero-

uretero- /j*ri%t#r#*/ prefix referring to the ure-terureterocele

ureterocele /j*|$ri%t#r#*si%l/ noun swelling in aureter caused by narrowing of the opening wherethe ureter enters the bladderureterocolostomy

ureterocolostomy /j*|!ri%t#r#*k( |$l(st#mi/noun a surgical operation to implant the ureterinto the sigmoid colon, so as to bypass the bladderureteroenterostomy

ureteroenterostomy /j*|!ri%t#r#* |!ent#|

$r(st#mi/ noun an artificially formed passagebetween the ureter and the intestineureterolith

ureterolith /j* |$ri%t#r#*l",/ noun a stone in aureterureterolithotomy

ureterolithotomy /j*|!ri%t#r#*l"|$,(t#mi/ nounthe surgical removal of a stone from the ureterureterolysis

ureterolysis /!j*#r"t#|$r(l#s"s/ noun a surgicaloperation to free one or both ureters from adhe-sions or surrounding tissueureteroneocystostomy

ureteroneocystostomy /j*|!ri%t#r#*|

!ni%#*sa" |$st(st#mi/ noun a surgical operation totransplant a ureter to a different location in thebladderureteronephrectomy

ureteronephrectomy /j*|!ri%t#r#*n"|

$frekt#mi/ noun same as nephroureterectomyureteroplasty

ureteroplasty /j*|$ri%t#r#*pl'sti/ noun a sur-gical operation to repair a ureterureteropyelonephritis

ureteropyelonephritis /j*|!ri%t#r#*|

!pa"#l#*n"$fra"t"s/ noun inflammation of the

ureter and the pelvis of the kidney to which it isattachedureteroscope

ureteroscope /j* |$ri%t#r#*sk#*p/ noun aninstrument which is passed into the ureter and upinto the kidneys, usually used to locate or removea stoneureteroscopy

ureteroscopy /!j*#r"t#|$r(sk#pi/ noun anexamination of the ureter with a ureteroscopeureterosigmoidostomy

ureterosigmoidostomy /j*|!ri%t#r#*|s"1m)"|

$d(st#mi/ same as ureterocolostomyureterostomy

ureterostomy /!j*#r"t# |$r(st#mi/ noun a surgi-cal operation to make an artificial opening for theureter into the abdominal wall, so that urine canbe passed directly out of the bodyureterotomy

ureterotomy /!j*#r"t# |$r(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to make an incision into the ureter,mainly to remove a stoneureterovaginal

ureterovaginal /j* |!ri%t#r#*v#|$d+a"n(#)l/adjective referring to the ureter and the vaginaurethra

urethra /ju |$ri%,r#/ noun a tube which takesurine from the bladder to be passed out of thebody. See illustration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM inSupplementurethral

urethral /ju|$ri%,r(#)l/ adjective referring to theurethraurethral catheter

urethral catheter /ju|!ri%,r(#)l $k',"t#/ nouna catheter passed up the urethra to allow urine toflow out of the bladder, used to empty the bladderbefore an abdominal operation. Also called uri-nary catheterurethral stricture

urethral stricture /ju |!ri%,r#l $str"kt/#/ noun acondition in which the urethra is narrowed orblocked by a growth. Also called urethrosteno-sisurethritis

urethritis /!j*#r# |$,ra"t"s/ noun inflammationof the urethraurethro-

urethro- /juri%,r#*/ prefix referring to the ure-thraurethrocele

urethrocele /ju |$ri%,r#si%l/ noun a swellingformed in a weak part of the wall of the urethraurethrogram

urethrogram /ju|$ri%,r#1r'm/ noun an X-rayphotograph of the urethraurethrography

urethrography /!j*#r" |$,r(1r#fi/ noun X-rayexamination of the urethraurethroplasty

urethroplasty /ju|$ri%,r#pl'sti/ noun a surgi-cal operation to repair a urethraurethrorrhaphy

urethrorrhaphy /!j*#r"|$,r(r#fi/ noun a surgi-cal operation to repair a torn urethraurethrorrhoea

urethrorrhoea /j* |!ri%,r#|$ri%#/ noun the dis-charge of fluid from the urethra, usually associ-ated with urethritisurethroscope

urethroscope /j* |$ri%,r#sk#*p/ noun a surgi-cal instrument, used to examine the interior of aman’s urethraurethroscopy

urethroscopy /!j*#r"|$,r(sk#pi/ noun anexamination of the inside of a man’s urethra witha urethroscope

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321 urticariaurethrostenosis

urethrostenosis /j* |!ri%,r#*st# |$n#*s"s/ nounsame as urethral strictureurethrostomy

urethrostomy /!j*#r" |$,r(st#mi/ noun a surgi-cal operation to make an opening for a man’s ure-thra between the scrotum and the anusurethrotomy

urethrotomy /!j*#r" |$,r(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to open a blocked or narrowed urethra.Also called Wheelhouse’s operationurge incontinence

urge incontinence /$-%d+ "n|!k(nt"n#ns/noun a condition in which someone feels a verystrong need to urinate and cannot retain theirurine-uria

-uria /j*#ri#/ suffix 1. a condition of the urine 2.a disease characterised by a condition of the urineuric acid

uric acid /!j*#r"k $'s"d/ noun a chemical com-pound which is formed from nitrogen in wasteproducts from the body and which also formscrystals in the joints of people who have gouturin-

urin- /j*#r"n/ prefix same as urino- (used beforevowels)urinalysis

urinalysis /!j*#r"|$n'l#s"s/ noun the analysis ofurine, to detect diseases such as diabetes mellitusurinary

urinary /$j*#r"n(#)ri/ adjective referring tourineurinary bladder

urinary bladder /!j*#r"n(#)ri $bl'd#/ noun asac where the urine collects after passing from thekidneys through the ureters, before being passedout of the body through the urethra. See illustra-tion at KIDNEY, UROGENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) inSupplementurinary catheter

urinary catheter /!j*#r"n(#)ri $k',"t#/ nounsame as urethral catheterurinary duct

urinary duct /$j*#r"n(#)ri d.kt/ noun same asureterurinary incontinence

urinary incontinence /!j*#r"n(#)ri "n|

$k(nt"n#ns/ noun the involuntary emission ofurineurinary obstruction

urinary obstruction /!j*#r"n(#)ri #b|

$str.k/#n/ noun a blockage of the urethra, whichprevents urine being passedurinary retention

urinary retention /!j*#r"n(#)ri r" |$ten/#n/noun the inability to pass urine, usually becausethe urethra is blocked or because the prostategland is enlarged. Also called urine retentionurinary system

urinary system /!j*#r"n(#)ri $s"st#m/ noun asystem of organs and ducts which separate wasteliquids from the blood and excrete them as urine,including the kidneys, bladder, ureters and ure-thraurinary tract

urinary tract /$j*#r"n(#)ri tr'kt/ noun the setof tubes down which the urine passes from thekidneys to the bladder and from the bladder out ofthe bodyurinary tract infection

urinary tract infection /$j*#r"n(#)ri tr'kt "n|

!fek/#n/ noun a bacterial infection of any part ofthe urinary system. Symptoms are usually a needto urinate frequently and pain on urination.Abbreviation UTI

urinateurinate /$j*#r"ne"t/ verb to pass urine from thebodyurinationurination /!j*#r" |$ne"/(#)n/ noun the passing ofurine out of the body. Also called micturitionurineurine /$j*#r"n/ noun a yellowish liquid, contain-ing water and waste products, mainly salt andurea, which is excreted by the kidneys and passedout of the body through the ureters, bladder andurethraurine retentionurine retention /$j*#r"n r"|!ten/(#)n/ nounsame as urinary retentionuriniferous tubuleuriniferous tubule /!j*#r"|!n"f(#)r#s$tju%bju%l/ noun same as renal tubuleurino-urino- /j*#r"n#*/ prefix referring to urineurinogenitalurinogenital /!j*#r"n#* |$d+en"t(#)l/ adjectivesame as urogenitalurinometerurinometer /!j*#r" |$n(m"t#/ noun an instru-ment which measures the specific gravity of urineurobilinurobilin /!j*#r#*|$ba"l"n/ noun a yellow pig-ment formed when urobilinogen comes into con-tact with airurobilinogenurobilinogen /!j*#r#*ba"|$l"n#d+#n/ noun acolourless pigment formed when bilirubin isreduced to stercobilinogen in the intestinesurochromeurochrome /$j*#r#kr#*m/ noun the pigmentwhich colours the urine yellowurodynamicsurodynamics /!j*#r#*da" |$n'm"ks/ pluralnoun the active changes which occur during thefunction of the bladder, urethral sphincter andpelvic floor musclesurogenitalurogenital /!j*#r#*|$d+en"t(#)l/ adjectivereferring to the urinary and genital systems. Alsocalled urinogenitalurogenital systemurogenital system /!j*#r#* |$d+en"t(#)l!s"st#m/ noun the whole of the urinary tract andreproductive systemurogramurogram /$j*#r#1r'm/ noun an X-ray pictureof the urinary tract, or of a part of iturographyurography /j* |$r(1r#fi/ noun an X-ray exami-nation of part of the urinary system after injectionof radio-opaque dyeurokinaseurokinase /!j*#r#* |$ka"ne"z/ noun an enzymeformed in the kidneys, which begins the processof breaking down blood clotsurolithurolith /$j*#r#l",/ noun a stone in the urinarysystemurologicalurological /!j*#r#|$l(d+"k(#)l/ adjective refer-ring to urologyurologisturologist /j*|$r(l#d+"st/ noun a doctor whospecialises in urologyurologyurology /j* |$r(l#d+i/ noun the scientific study ofthe urinary system and its diseasesurostomyurostomy /j* |$r(st#mi/ noun the surgical crea-tion of an artificial urethraurticariaurticaria /!-%t" |$ke#ri#/ noun an allergic reactionto injections, particular foods or plants where theskin forms irritating reddish patches. Also calledhives, nettle rash

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usual 322usualusual /$ju%+u#l/ adjective expected or typicaluter-uter- /ju%t#/ prefix same as utero- (used beforevowels)uterineuterine /$ju%t#ra"n/ adjective referring to theuterusuterine cavityuterine cavity /!ju%t#ra"n $k'v"ti/ noun theinside of the uterusuterine procidentiauterine procidentia /!ju%t#ra"n !pr#*s"|

$den/#/, uterine prolapse /!ju%t#ra"n$pr#*l'ps/ noun a condition in which part of theuterus has passed through the vagina, usuallyafter childbirth

COMMENT: Uterine procidentia has threestages of severity: in the first the cervix de-scends into the vagina, in the second thecervix is outside the vagina, but part of theuterus is still inside, and in the third stage,the whole uterus passes outside the vagina.

uterine retroflexionuterine retroflexion /!ju%t#ra"n !retr#* |

$flek/(#)n/ noun a condition in which the uterusbends backwards away from its usual positionuterine retroversionuterine retroversion /!ju%t#ra"n retr#*|

$v-%/(#)n/ noun a condition in which the uterusslopes backwards away from its usual positionutero-utero- /ju%t#r#*/ prefix referring to the uterusuterographyuterography /!ju%t#|$r(1r#fi/ noun an X-rayexamination of the uterusuterosalpingographyuterosalpingography /!ju%t#r#*s'lp"0 |

$1(1r#fi/ noun same as hysterosalpingogra-phyuterovesicaluterovesical /!ju%t#r#*|$ves"k(#)l/ adjectivereferring to the uterus and the bladderuterusuterus /$ju%t(#)r#s/ noun the hollow organ in awoman’s pelvic cavity, behind the bladder and infront of the rectum in which the embryo develops

before birth. Also called womb. See illustrationat UROGENITAL SYSTEM (FEMALE) in Supplement(NOTE: For other terms referring to the uterus,see words beginning with hyster-, hystero-,metr-, metro-.)uterus didelphys

uterus didelphys /!ju%t(#)r#s da"|$delf"s/noun same as double uterusutricle

utricle /$ju%tr"k(#)l/, utriculus /j*|$tr"kj*l#s/noun a large sac inside the vestibule of the ear,which relates information about the upright posi-tion of the head to the brainUV

UV abbreviation ultravioletuvea

uvea /$ju%vi#/ noun a layer of organs in the eyebeneath the sclera, formed of the iris, the ciliarybody and the choroid. Also called uveal tractuveal

uveal /$ju%vi#l/ adjective referring to the uveauveal tract

uveal tract /$ju%vi#l tr'kt/ noun same as uveauveitis

uveitis /!ju%vi|$a"t"s/ noun inflammation of anypart of the uveaUVR

UVR abbreviation ultraviolet radiationuvula

uvula /$ju%vj*l#/ noun a piece of soft tissuewhich hangs down from the back of the soft palateuvular

uvular /$ju%vj*l#/ adjective referring to theuvulauvulectomy

uvulectomy /!ju%vj* |$lekt#mi/ noun the surgi-cal removal of the uvulauvulitis

uvulitis /!ju%vj* |$la"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe uvulauvulopalatopharyngoplasty

uvulopalatopharyngoplasty /!ju%vj*l#*|

!p'l#t#*f# |$r"01#*pl'sti/ noun a surgical oper-ation to remove the uvula and other soft tissue inthe palate, in order to widen the airways and treatthe problem of snoring. Abbreviation UPPP

Nursing.fm Page 322 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM


vaccinate /$v'ks"ne"t/ verb to introduce vac-cine into a person’s body in order to make thebody create its own antibodies, so making the per-son immune to the disease (NOTE: You vaccinatesomeone against a disease.)vaccination

vaccination /!v'ks"|$ne"/(#)n/ noun the actionof vaccinating someone

COMMENT: Originally the words vaccinationand vaccine applied only to smallpox immu-nisation, but they are now used for immuni-sation against any disease. Vaccination ismainly given against cholera, diphtheria, ra-bies, smallpox, tuberculosis, and typhoid.


vaccine /$v'ksi%n/ noun a substance whichcontains antigens to a disease or a weak form of adisease, used to protect people against itvacuum

vacuum /$v'kju%m/ noun a space which iscompletely empty of all matter, including airvacuum extraction

vacuum extraction /$v'kju#m "k|!str'k/#n/noun the procedure of pulling on the head of thebaby with a suction instrument to aid birthvacuum extractor

vacuum extractor /$v'kju#m "k|!str'kt#/noun a surgical instrument formed of a rubbersuction cup which is used in vacuum extractionduring childbirthvacuum suction

vacuum suction /$v'kju#m !s.k/#n/ noun amethod used to achieve an abortion, after dilata-tion of the cervix. Also called aspirationvagal

vagal /$ve"1(#)l/ adjective referring to the vagusnervevagal tone

vagal tone /!ve"1(#)l $t#*n/ noun the action ofthe vagus nerve to slow the beat of the sinoatrialnodevagin-

vagin- /v#d+a"n/ prefix referring to the vaginavagina

vagina /v#|$d+a"n#/ noun a passage in awoman’s reproductive tract between the entranceto the uterus, the cervix, and the vulva, able tostretch enough to allow a baby to pass throughduring childbirth. See illustration at UROGENITALSYSTEM (FEMALE) in Supplement (NOTE: Forother terms referring to the vagina, see wordsbeginning with colp-, colpo-.)vaginal bleeding

vaginal bleeding /v# |!d+a"n(#)l $bli%d"0/ nounbleeding from the vagina

vaginal deliveryvaginal delivery /v#|!d+a"n(#)l d" |$l"v(#)ri/noun the birth of a baby through the mother’svagina, without surgical interventionvaginal diaphragmvaginal diaphragm /v#|!d+a"n(#)l $da"#fr'm/noun a circular contraceptive device for women,which is inserted into the vagina and placed overthe neck of the uterus before sexual intercoursevaginal dischargevaginal discharge /v# |!d+a"n(#)l $d"st/&%d+/noun the flow of liquid from the vaginavaginal douchevaginal douche /v#|!d+a"n(#)l $du%// noun 1.the process of washing out the vagina 2. a deviceor liquid for washing out the vaginavaginal examinationvaginal examination /v#|!d+a"n(#)l "1|!z'm"|

$ne"/(#)n/ noun the act of checking the vagina forsigns of disease or growthvaginal suppositoryvaginal suppository /!v'd+"n(#)l s#|

$p(z"t(#)ri/ noun same as pessary 1vaginismusvaginismus /!v'd+"|$n"zm#s/ noun a painfulcontraction of the vagina which prevents sexualintercoursevaginitisvaginitis /!v'd+" |$na"t"s/ noun inflammation ofthe vagina which is mainly caused by the bacte-rium Trichomonas vaginalis or by a fungus Can-dida albicansvaginoplastyvaginoplasty /v# |$d+a"n#pl'sti/ noun a surgi-cal operation to graft tissue on to the vaginavaginoscopevaginoscope /$v'd+"n#*sk#*p/ noun sameas colposcopevago-vago- /ve"1(/ prefix referring to the vagus nervevagotomyvagotomy /ve" |$1(t#mi/ noun a surgical opera-tion to cut through the vagus nerve which controlsthe nerves in the stomach, as a treatment for pep-tic ulcersvagusvagus /$ve"1#s/, vagus nerve /$ve"1#s n-%v/noun either of the tenth pair of cranial nerveswhich carry sensory and motor neurons servingthe heart, lungs, stomach, and various otherorgans and control swallowing. Also calledpneumogastric nervevalgusvalgus /$v'l1#s/, valgum /$v'l1#m/, valga/$v'l1#/ adjective turning outwards. ! halluxvalgus. Compare varusvalidityvalidity /v#|$l"d"ti/ noun (of a study) the fact ofbeing based on sound research and methodswhich exclude alternative explanations of a resultvalinevaline /$ve"li%n/ noun an essential amino acid

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Valium 324Valium

Valium /$v'li#m/ a trade name for diazepamvallate papillae

vallate papillae /!v'le"t p#|$pili%/ plural nounlarge papillae which form a line towards the backof the tongue and contain taste budsValsalva’s manoeuvre

Valsalva’s manoeuvre /v'l |$s'lv#z m#|

!nu%v#/ noun the process of breathing out whileholding the nostrils closed and keeping the mouthshut, used in order to test the functioning of theEustachian tubes or to adjust the pressure in themiddle earvalve

valve /v'lv/ noun a flap which opens and closesto allow liquid to pass in one direction only, e.g.in the heart, blood vessels or lymphatic vesselsvalvotomy

valvotomy /v'l |$v(t#mi/ noun a surgical oper-ation to cut into a valve to make it open widervalvula

valvula /$v'lvj*l#/ noun a small valve (NOTE:The plural is valvulae.)valvulitis

valvulitis /!v'lvj* |$la"t"s/ noun inflammationof a valve in the heartvalvuloplasty

valvuloplasty /$v'lvj*l#*pl'sti/ noun sur-gery to repair valves in the heart without openingthe heartvalvulotomy

valvulotomy /!v'lvj* |$l(t#mi/ noun same asvalvotomyvancomycin

vancomycin /!v'0k#*|$ma"s"n/ noun an anti-biotic which is effective against some bacteriawhich are resistant to other antibiotics. Strains ofbacteria resistant to vancomycin have now devel-oped.van den Bergh test

van den Bergh test /!v'n den $b-%1 !test/noun a test of blood serum to see if a case of jaun-dice is caused by an obstruction in the liver or byhaemolysis of red blood cells [After A.A. Hijmansvan den Bergh (1869–1943), Dutch physician.]vaporiser

vaporiser /$ve"p#ra"z#/, vaporizer noun adevice which warms a liquid to which medicinaloil has been added, so that it provides a vapourwhich someone can inhalevapour

vapour /$ve"p#/ noun 1. a substance in the formof a gas 2. steam from a mixture of a liquid and amedicinal oilvara

vara /$ve#r#/ adjective same as varusvariant CJD

variant CJD /!ve#ri#nt !si%d+e" $di%/ noun aform of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease which wasobserved first in the 1980s, especially affectingyounger people. Abbreviation vCJDvaricectomy

varicectomy /!v'ri |$sekt#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove a vein or part of a veinvaricella

varicella /!v'ri|$sel#/ noun same as chicken-poxvarices

varices /$v'r"si%z/ plural of varixvaricose

varicose /$v'r"k#*s/ adjective 1. affected withor having varicose veins 2. designed for the treat-ment of varicose veins 3. relating to or producingswellingvaricose eczema

varicose eczema /!v'r"k#*s $eks"m#/ nouneczema which develops on the legs, caused bybad circulation. Also called hypostatic eczema

varicose ulcervaricose ulcer /!v'r"k#*s $.ls#/ noun anulcer in the leg as a result of bad circulation andvaricose veinsvaricose veinvaricose vein /!v'r"k#*s $ve"n/ noun a vein,usually in the legs, which becomes twisted andswollenvaricosityvaricosity /!v'r"|$k(s"ti/ noun (of veins) thecondition of being swollen and twistedvaricotomyvaricotomy /!v'r"|$k(t#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to make a cut into a varicose veinvarifocalsvarifocals /$ve#ri |!f#*k(#)lz/ plural noun spec-tacles with lenses which have varying focallengths from top to bottom, for looking at thingsat different distances from the wearervariolavariola /v# |$ra"#l#/ noun same as smallpoxvarix

varix /$ve#r"ks/ noun a swollen blood vessel,especially a swollen vein in the leg (NOTE: Theplural is varices.)varusvarus /$ve#r#s/, varum /$ve#r#m/, vara/$ve#r#/ adjective turning inwards. ! coxa vara.Compare valgusvasvas /v's/ noun a tube in the body (NOTE: Theplural is vasa.)vas-

vas- /v's/ prefix same as vaso-vasa efferentiavasa efferentia /!ve"s# !ef#|$renti#/ pluralnoun the group of small tubes which sperm traveldown from the testis to the epididymisvasa vasorumvasa vasorum /!ve"s# ve"|$s)%r#m/ pluralnoun tiny blood vessels in the walls of largerblood vesselsvascularvascular /$v'skj*l#/ adjective referring toblood vesselsvascularisationvascularisation /!v'skj*l#ra" |$ze"/(#)n/,vascularization noun the development of newblood vesselsvascular lesionvascular lesion /!v'skj*l# $li%+(#)n/ noundamage to a blood vesselvascular system

vascular system /$v'skj*l# !s"st#m/ nounthe series of vessels such as veins, arteries andcapillaries, carrying blood around the bodyvasculitis

vasculitis /!v'skj*|$la"t"s/ noun inflammationof a blood vesselvas deferensvas deferens /!v's $def#r#nz/ noun see illus-tration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) in Supple-ment. Also called ductus deferens, spermduct (NOTE: The plural is vasa deferentia.)vasectomyvasectomy /v#|$sekt#mi/ noun a surgical oper-ation to cut a vas deferens, in order to preventsperm travelling from the epididymis up the ductvas efferensvas efferens /!v's $ef#renz/ noun one ofmany tiny tubes which take the spermatozoa fromthe testis to the epididymis (NOTE: The plural isvasa efferentia.)vaso-vaso- /ve"z#*/ prefix 1. referring to a blood ves-sel 2. referring to the vas deferensvasoactivevasoactive /!ve"z#* |$'kt"v/ adjective havingan effect on the blood vessels, especially con-stricting the arteries

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325 venogramvasoconstriction

vasoconstriction /!ve"z#*k#n|$str"k/#n/noun a contraction of blood vessels which makesthem narrowervasoconstrictor

vasoconstrictor /!ve"z#*k#n |$str"kt#/ noun achemical substance which makes blood vesselsbecome narrower, so that blood pressure rises,e.g. ephedrine hydrochloridevasodilatation

vasodilatation /!ve"z#* |!da"l#|$te"/(#)n/,vasodilation /!ve"z#*da"|$le"/(#)n/ noun therelaxation of blood vessels, especially the arter-ies, making them wider and leading to increasedblood flow or reduced blood pressurevasodilator

vasodilator /!ve"z#*da"|$le"t#/ noun a chemi-cal substance which makes blood vessels becomewider, so that blood flows more easily and bloodpressure falls, e.g. hydralazine hydrochloridevaso-epididymostomy

vaso-epididymostomy /!ve"z#* !ep"d"d"|

$m(st#mi/ noun a surgical operation to reverse avasectomy in which the cut end of the vas defer-ens is joined to a tubule within the epididymisabove a blockage in itvasomotion

vasomotion /ve"z#|$m#*/(#)n/ noun the con-trol of the diameter of blood vessels and thus ofblood flow. ! vasoconstriction, vasodilatationvasomotor

vasomotor /!ve"z#* |$m#*t#/ adjective refer-ring to the control of the diameter of blood vesselsvasomotor centre

vasomotor centre /!ve"z#|$m#*t# !sent#/noun a nerve centre in the brain which changesthe rate of heartbeat and the diameter of bloodvessels and so regulates blood pressurevasomotor nerve

vasomotor nerve /!ve"z#*|$m#*t# !n-%v/noun a nerve in the wall of a blood vessel whichaffects the diameter of the vesselvasopressor

vasopressor /!ve"z#* |$pres#/ noun a sub-stance which increases blood pressure by narrow-ing the blood vesselsvasospasm

vasospasm /$ve"z#*sp'zm/ noun a musclespasm causing the fingers to become cold, whiteand numb. ! Raynaud’s diseasevasovagal

vasovagal /!ve"z#*|$ve"1(#)l/ adjective refer-ring to the vagus nerve and its effect on the heart-beat and blood circulationvasovagal attack

vasovagal attack /!ve"z#* |$ve"1(#)l #|!t'k/noun a fainting fit as a result of a slowing down ofthe heartbeats caused by excessive activity of thevagus nervevasovasostomy

vasovasostomy /!ve"z#*v#|$s(st#mi/ noun asurgical operation to reverse a vasectomyvasovesiculitis

vasovesiculitis /!ve"z#*ves"kju|$la"t"s/ nouninflammation of the seminal vesicles and a vasdeferensVBAC

VBAC abbreviation vaginal birth after CaesareansectionvCJD

vCJD abbreviation variant CJDVD

VD abbreviation venereal diseaseVD clinic

VD clinic /!vi% $di% !kl"n"k/ noun a clinic spe-cialising in the diagnosis and treatment of vene-real diseases


vector /$vekt#/ noun an insect or animal whichcarries a disease and can pass it to humans ! Thetsetse fly is a vector of sleeping sickness.vegan

vegan /$vi%1#n/ noun someone who does not eatmeat, dairy produce, eggs or fish and eats onlyvegetables and fruit " adjective involving a dietof only vegetables and fruitvegetarian

vegetarian /!ved+"|$te#ri#n/ noun someonewho does not eat meat, but eats mainly vegetablesand fruit and sometimes dairy produce, eggs orfish " adjective involving a diet without meatvegetation

vegetation /!ved+"|$te"/(#)n/ noun a growth ona membrane, e.g. on the cusps of valves in theheartvegetative

vegetative /$ved+"t#t"v/ adjective referring togrowth of tissue or organsvehicle

vehicle /$vi%"k(#)l/ noun a liquid in which a doseof a drug is putvein

vein /ve"n/ noun a blood vessel which takesdeoxygenated blood containing waste carbondioxide from the tissues back to the heart (NOTE:For other terms referring to veins see wordsbeginning phleb-, phlebo- or vene-, veno-.)vena cava

vena cava /!vi%n# $ke"v#/ noun one of twolarge veins which take deoxygenated blood fromall the other veins into the right atrium of theheart. See illustration at HEART in Supplement,KIDNEY in Supplement (NOTE: The plural isvenae cavae.)vene-

vene- /ven"/ prefix referring to veinsvenepuncture

venepuncture /$ven"p.0kt/#/ noun the act ofpuncturing a vein either to inject a drug or to takea blood samplevenereal

venereal /v#|$n"#ri#l/ adjective 1. relating to sexacts or sexual desire 2. relating to the genitals 3.referring to an infection or disease which is trans-mitted through sexual intercourse ! venerealwartsvenereal disease

venereal disease /v#|$n"#ri#l d" |!zi%z/ noun adisease which is passed from one person toanother during sexual intercourse. AbbreviationVD (NOTE: Now usually called a sexually trans-mitted infection (STI).)venereal wart

venereal wart /v#|!n"#ri#l $w)%t/ noun a warton the genitals or in the urogenital areavenereology

venereology /v#|!n"#ri |$(l#d+i/ noun the scien-tific study of venereal diseasesvenesection

venesection /!ven" |$sek/#n/ noun an operationwhere a vein is cut so that blood can be removed,e.g. when taking blood from a donorvenipuncture

venipuncture /$ven"p.0kt/#/ noun same asvenepunctureveno-

veno- /vi%n#*/ prefix referring to veinsvenoclysis

venoclysis /v# |$n(kl#s"s/ noun the procedureof slowly introducing a saline or other solutioninto a veinvenogram

venogram /$vi%n#1r'm/ noun same as phle-bogram

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venography 326venography

venography /v" |$n(1r#fi/ noun same as phle-bographyvenom

venom /$ven#m/ noun a poison in the bite of asnake or insectvenous

venous /$vi%n#s/ adjective referring to the veinsvenous blood

venous blood /$vi%n#s bl.d/ noun same asdeoxygenated bloodvenous system

venous system /$vi%n#s !s"st#m/ noun a sys-tem of veins which brings blood back to the heartfrom the tissuesvenous thrombosis

venous thrombosis /!vi%n#s ,r(m|$b#*s"s/noun the blocking of a vein by a blood clotvenous ulcer

venous ulcer /!vi%n#s $.ls#/ noun an ulcer inthe leg, caused by varicose veins or by a bloodclotventilation

ventilation /!vent" |$le"/(#)n/ noun the act ofbreathing air in or out of the lungs, so removingwaste products from the blood in exchange foroxygen. ! dead spaceventilator

ventilator /$vent"le"t#/ noun a machine whichpumps air into and out of the lungs of someonewho has difficulty in breathing ! The newbornbaby was put on a ventilator. Also called respira-torVentimask

Ventimask /$ventim&%sk/ a trademark for atype of oxygen maskVentolin

Ventolin /$vent#l"n/ a trade name for salbuta-molventouse

ventouse /$ventu%s/ noun a cup-like vacuumdevice attached to the top of an unborn baby’shead in the process of delivery, used to enable adistressed baby to be born quicklyventral

ventral /$ventr(#)l/ adjective 1. referring to theabdomen 2. referring to the front of the body.Opposite dorsalventricle

ventricle /$ventr"k(#)l/ noun a cavity in anorgan, especially in the heart or brain. See illus-tration at HEART in Supplementventricul-

ventricul- /ventr"kj*l/ prefix referring to a ven-tricle in the brain or heartventricular

ventricular /ven|$tr"kj*l#/ adjective referringto the ventriclesventricular fibrillation

ventricular fibrillation /ven|!tr"kj*l# !fa"br"|

$le"/(#)n/ noun a serious heart condition wherethe ventricular muscles flutter and the heart nolonger beats. Abbreviation VFventricular folds

ventricular folds /ven|$tr"kj*l# f#*ldz/ pluralnoun same as vocal cordsventricular septal defect

ventricular septal defect /ven|!tr"kj*l#$sept(#)l d" |!fekt/ noun a condition in whichblood can flow between the two ventricles of theheart, because the intraventricular septum has notdeveloped properly. Abbreviation VSDventriculoatriostomy

ventriculoatriostomy /ven |!tr"kj*l#* |!e"tri |

$(st#mi/ noun an operation to relieve pressurecaused by excessive quantities of cerebrospinalfluid in the brain ventricles

ventriculo-peritoneal shunt

ventriculo-peritoneal shunt /ven |!tr"kj*l#*!per"t# |!ni%#l $/.nt/ noun an artificial drain usedin hydrocephalus to drain cerebrospinal fluidfrom the ventriclesventriculoscopy

ventriculoscopy /ven |!tr"kj*|$l(sk#pi/ nounan examination of the brain using an endoscopeventriculostomy

ventriculostomy /ven|!tr"kj*|$l(st#mi/ noun asurgical operation to pass a hollow needle into aventricle of the brain so as to reduce pressure,take a sample of fluid or enlarge the ventricularopening to prevent the need for a shuntventro-

ventro- /ventr#*/ prefix ventralventrofixation

ventrofixation /!ventr#*f"k|$se"/(#)n/ noun asurgical operation to treat retroversion of theuterus by attaching the uterus to the wall of theabdomenventrosuspension

ventrosuspension /!ventr#*s#|$spen/#n/noun a surgical operation to treat retroversion ofthe uterusVenturi mask

Venturi mask /ven|$tj*#ri m&%sk/ noun a typeof disposable mask which gives the person a con-trolled mixture of oxygen and airVenturi nebuliser

Venturi nebuliser /ven|$tj*#ri !nebj*la"z#/noun a type of nebuliser which is used in aerosoltherapyvenule

venule /$venju%l/ noun a small vein or vesselleading from tissue to a larger veinvera

vera /$v"#r#/ " deciduaverapamil

verapamil /v# |$r'p#m"l/ noun a synthetic com-pound which helps to prevent the movement ofcalcium ions across membranes. It is used in thetreatment of angina pectoris, hypertension andirregular heartbeat.vermiform appendix

vermiform appendix /!v-%m"f)%m #|

$pend"ks/ noun same as appendix 1vermillion border

vermillion border /v# |!m"li#n $b)%d#/ nounthe external red parts of the lipsvermix

vermix /$v-%m"ks/ noun a vermiform appendixvernix caseosa

vernix caseosa /!v-%n"ks ke"si|$#*s#/ noun anoily substance which covers a baby’s skin at birthverruca

verruca /v#|$ru%k#/ noun a small hard harmlessgrowth on the sole of the foot, caused by a virus(NOTE: Verrucas are a type of wart. The plural isverrucas or verrucae.)version

version /$v-%/(#)n/ noun the procedure of turn-ing a fetus in a uterus so as to put it in a betterposition for birthvertebra

vertebra /$v-%t"br#/ noun one of twenty-fourring-shaped bones which link together to form thebackbone. See illustration at CARTILAGINOUSJOINT in Supplement (NOTE: The plural is verte-brae.)vertebral

vertebral /$v-%t"br#l/ adjective referring to thevertebraevertebral artery

vertebral artery /!v-%t"br#l $&%t#ri/ noun oneof two arteries which go up the back of the neckinto the brain

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327 victimvertebral canal

vertebral canal /!v-%t"br#l k#|$n'l/ noun sameas spinal canalvertebral column

vertebral column /$v-%t"br#l !k(l#m/ nounthe series of bones and discs linked together toform a flexible column running from the base ofthe skull to the pelvis. Also called backbone,spinal column. See illustration at PELVIS in Sup-plementvertebral discvertebral disc /!v-%t"br#l $d"sk/ noun same asintervertebral discvertebral foramenvertebral foramen /!v-%t"br#l f#|$re"m#n/noun a hole in the centre of a vertebra which linkswith others to form the vertebral canal throughwhich the spinal cord passesvertex

vertex /$v-%teks/ noun the top of the skullvertex delivery

vertex delivery /$v-%teks d"|!l"v(#)ri/ noun anormal birth, where the baby’s head appears firstvertigo

vertigo /$v-%t"1#*/ noun 1. feelings of dizzinessor giddiness caused by a malfunction of the senseof balance 2. a fear of heights, as a result of a sen-sation of dizziness which is felt when high up,especially on a tall building ! She won’t sit nearthe window – she suffers from vertigo.vesical

vesical /$ves"k(#)l/ adjective referring to thebladdervesiclevesicle /$ves"k(#)l/ noun 1. a small blister onthe skin, e.g. caused by eczema 2. a sac whichcontains liquidvesico-

vesico- /ves"k#*/ prefix referring to the urinarybladdervesicostomy

vesicostomy /!ves" |$k(st#mi/, vesicotomy/!ves"|$k(t#mi/ noun same as cystostomyvesicoureteric reflux

vesicoureteric reflux /!ves"k#*j*#r"|!ter"k$ri%fl.ks/ noun the flowing of urine back from thebladder up the ureters during urination, whichmay carry infection from the bladder to the kid-neys. Also called vesicouretic refluxvesicouretic

vesicouretic /!ves"k#*j*|$ret"k/ adjectiverelating to the urinary bladder and the uretersvesicouretic reflux

vesicouretic reflux /!ves"k#*j*|!ret"k$ri%fl.ks/ noun same as vesicoureteric refluxvesicovaginal

vesicovaginal /!ves"k#*v# |$d+a"n(#)l/ adjec-tive referring to the bladder and the vaginavesicovaginal fistula

vesicovaginal fistula /!ves"k#*v#|!d+a"n(#)l$f"stj*l#/ noun an unusual opening between thebladder and the vaginavesicularvesicular /v# |$s"kj*l#/ adjective referring to avesiclevesicular breathing

vesicular breathing /v#|!s"kj*l# $bri%2"0/,vesicular breath sound /v# |!s"kj*l# $bre,sa*nd/ plural noun the sound made during thenormal breathing processvesiculation

vesiculation /v#|!s"kj*|$le"/(#)n/ noun the for-mation of blisters on the skinvesiculitis

vesiculitis /v# |!s"kj*|$la"t"s/ noun inflamma-tion of the seminal vesiclesvesiculography

vesiculography /v#|!s"kj*|$l(1r#fi/ noun anX-ray examination of the seminal vesicles


vesiculopapular /v# |!s"kj*l#* |$p'pj*l#/adjective referring to a skin disorder which hasboth blisters and papulesvesiculopustular

vesiculopustular /v#|!s"kj*l#*|$p.stj*l#/adjective referring to a skin disorder which hasboth blisters and pustulesvessel

vessel /$ves(#)l/ noun 1. a tube in the bodyalong which liquid flows, especially a blood ves-sel 2. a container for fluidsvestibular

vestibular /ve|$st"bj*l#/ adjective referring to avestibule, especially the vestibule of the inner earvestibular glands

vestibular glands /ve |$st"bj*l# 1l'ndz/ plu-ral noun the glands at the point where the vaginaand vulva join, which secrete a lubricating sub-stancevestibular nerve

vestibular nerve /ve|$st"bj*l# n-%v/ noun thepart of the auditory nerve which carries informa-tion about balance to the brainvestibule

vestibule /$vest"bju%l/ noun a cavity in thebody at the entrance to an organ, especially thefirst cavity in the inner ear or the space in the lar-ynx above the vocal cords or a nostril. See illus-tration at EAR in Supplementvestibulocochlear nerve

vestibulocochlear nerve /ve|!st"bj*l#*|

$k(kli# !n-%v/ noun the eighth cranial nervewhich governs hearing and balance. Also calledacoustic nerve, auditory nervevestigial

vestigial /ves |$t"d+i#l/ adjective existing in arudimentary form ! The coccyx is a vestigial tail.VF

VF abbreviation ventricular fibrillationviable

viable /$va"#b(#)l/ adjective referring to a fetuswhich can survive if born ! A fetus is viable byabout the 28th week of pregnancy.Viagra

Viagra /va"|$'1r#/ a trade name for sildenafil cit-ratevial

vial /$va"#l/ noun same as phialVibramycin

Vibramycin /!va"br#|$ma"s"n/ a trade name fordoxycyclinevibrate

vibrate /va" |$bre"t/ verb to move rapidly andcontinuouslyvibration

vibration /va"|$bre"/(#)n/ noun rapid and con-tinuous movement ! Speech is formed by thevibrations of the vocal cords.VibrioVibrio /$v"bri#*/ noun a genus of Gram-negativebacteria which are found in water and cause chol-eravibrissae

vibrissae /va" |$br"si%/ plural noun hairs in thenostrils or earsvicarious

vicarious /v" |$ke#ri#s/ adjective done by oneorgan or agent in place of anothervicarious menstruation

vicarious menstruation /v"|!ke#ri#s!menstru|$e"/(#)n/ noun the discharge of bloodother than by the vagina during menstrual periodsvictim

victim /$v"kt"m/ noun a person who is injured inan accident or who has caught a disease ! Thevictims of the rail crash were taken to the localhospital. # to fall victim to something tobecome a victim of or to experience bad effects

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vigour 328

from something ! Half the people eating at therestaurant fell victim to salmonella poisoning.vigour

vigour /$v"1#/ noun a combination of positiveattributes expressed in rapid growth, large size,high fertility and long life in an organismvillous

villous /$v"l#s/ adjective shaped like a villus, orformed of villivillus

villus /$v"l#s/ noun a tiny projection like a fingeron the surface of a mucous membrane (NOTE: Theplural is villi.)vinblastine

vinblastine /v"n|$bl'sti%n/ noun an alkaloiddrug used in the treatment of cancervincristine

vincristine /v"n |$kr"sti%n/ noun an alkaloiddrug similar to vinblastine, also used in the treat-ment of cancer. It works by blocking cell divisionand is highly toxic.viraemia

viraemia /va"|$ri%mi#/ noun a virus in the bloodviral hepatitis

viral hepatitis /!va"r#l !hep#|$ta"t"s/ nounsame as serum hepatitisviral infection

viral infection /$va"r#l "n|!fek/#n/ noun aninfection caused by a virusviral pneumonia

viral pneumonia /!va"r#l nju%|$m#*ni#/ nouna type of inflammation of the lungs caused by avirus. Also called virus pneumoniavirilisation

virilisation /!v"r"la" |$ze"/(#)n/, virilizationnoun the development of male characteristics in awoman, caused by a hormone imbalance or ther-apyvirilism

virilism /$v"r"l"z(#)m/ noun male characteristicssuch as body hair and a deep voice in a womanvirology

virology /va"|$r(l#d+i/ noun the scientific studyof virusesvirulence

virulence /$v"r*l#ns/ noun 1. the ability of amicroorganism to cause a disease 2. the degree ofeffect of a diseasevirulent

virulent /$v"r*l#nt/ adjective 1. referring to theability of a microorganism to cause a disease ! anunusually virulent strain of the virus 2. referringto a disease which develops rapidly and hasstrong effectsvirus

virus /$va"r#s/ noun a parasite consisting of anucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat that canonly develop in other cells. Viruses cause manydiseases including the common cold, AIDS, her-pes and polio. (NOTE: Antibiotics have no effecton viruses, but effective vaccines have beendeveloped for some viral diseases.)virus pneumonia

virus pneumonia /!va"r#s nju%|$m#*ni#/noun same as viral pneumoniaviscera

viscera /$v"s#r#/ plural noun the internalorgans, e.g. the heart, lungs, stomach and intes-tinesvisceral

visceral /$v"s#r#l/ adjective referring to theinternal organsvisceral larva migrans

visceral larva migrans /!v"s#r#l !l&%v#$ma"1r'nz/ noun same as toxocariasis

visceral pleura

visceral pleura /!v"s#r#l $pl*#r#/ noun amembrane attached to the surface of a lung. Seeillustration at LUNGS in Supplementvisceral pouch

visceral pouch /$v"s#r#l pa*t// noun same aspharyngeal pouchviscero-

viscero- /v"s#r#*/ prefix relating to the visceraviscid

viscid /$v"s"d/ adjective referring to a liquidwhich is sticky and slow-movingviscosity

viscosity /v" |$sk(s"ti/ noun the state of a liquidwhich moves slowlyviscous

viscous /$v"sk#s/ adjective referring to a liquidwhich is thick and slow-movingviscus

viscus /$v"sk#s/ " visceravision

vision /$v"+(#)n/ noun the ability to see, eye-sight ! After the age of 50, many people’s visionbegins to fail.visual

visual /$v"+*#l/ adjective referring to sight orvisionvisual acuity

visual acuity /!v"+*#l #|$kju%"ti/ noun the abil-ity to see objects clearlyvisual cortex

visual cortex /!v"+u#l $k)%teks/ noun the partof the cerebral cortex which receives informationabout sightvisual field

visual field /$v"+*#l fi%ld/ noun the area whichcan be seen without moving the eye. Also calledfield of visionvisualisation

visualisation /!v"+u#la" |$ze"/(#)n/, visualiza-tion noun 1. a technique in which an image of aninternal organ or other part of the body is pro-duced by using X-rays or other means such asmagnetic resonance imaging 2. a technique inwhich someone creates a strongly positive mentalpicture of something such as the way in whichthey would like to solve a problem, in order tohelp them cope with itvisually impaired person

visually impaired person /!v"+*#li "m|!pe#d$p-%s(#)n/ noun a person whose eyesight is notclearvisual purple

visual purple /!v"+*#l $p-%p(#)l/ noun same asrhodopsinvital

vital /$va"t(#)l/ adjective very important or nec-essary for life ! If circulation is stopped, vitalnerve cells begin to die in a few minutes. ! Oxy-gen is vital to the human system.vital capacity

vital capacity /!va"t(#)l k#|$p's"ti/ noun thelargest amount of air which a person can exhale atone timevital organs

vital organs /!va"t(#)l $)%1#nz/ plural noun themost important organs in the body, without whicha human being cannot live, e.g. the heart, lungsand brainvital signs

vital signs /!va"t(#)l $sa"nz/ plural noun meas-urements of pulse, breathing and temperaturevital statistics

vital statistics /!va"t(#)l st#|$t"st"ks/ pluralnoun a set of official statistics relating to the pop-ulation of a place, such as the percentage of livebirths per thousand, the incidence of particulardiseases and the numbers of births and deaths

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329 voluntary movementvitaminvitamin /$v"t#m"n/ noun an essential substancenot synthesised in the body, but found in mostfoods, and needed for good healthVitamin A

Vitamin A /!v"t#m"n $e"/ noun a vitamin whichis soluble in fat and can be formed in the bodyfrom precursors but is mainly found in food suchas liver, vegetables, eggs and cod liver oil. Alsocalled retinolVitamin BVitamin B1 /!v"t#m"n bi% $w.n/ noun a vitaminfound in yeast, liver, cereals and pork. Also calledthiamineVitamin B

Vitamin B2 /!v"t#m"n bi% $tu%/ noun a vitaminfound in eggs, liver, green vegetables, milk andyeast. Also called riboflavineVitamin B

Vitamin B6 /!v"t#m"n bi% $s"ks/ noun a vitaminfound in meat, cereals and molasses. Also calledpyridoxineVitamin BVitamin B12 /!v"t#m"n bi% $twelv/ noun a vita-min found in liver and kidney, but not present invegetables. Also called cyanocobalaminVitamin B complexVitamin B complex /!v"t#m"n bi% $k(mpleks/noun a group of vitamins such as folic acid, ribo-flavine and thiamineVitamin CVitamin C /!v"t#m"n $si%/ noun a vitamin whichis soluble in water and is found in fresh fruit,especially oranges and lemons, raw vegetablesand liver. Also called ascorbic acidVitamin DVitamin D /!v"t#m"n $di%/ noun a vitamin whichis soluble in fat and is found in butter, eggs andfish. It is also produced by the skin when exposedto sunlight. It helps in the formation of bones, andlack of it causes rickets in children.vitamin deficiency

vitamin deficiency /$v"t#m"n d"|!f"/(#)nsi/noun a lack of necessary vitamins ! He is suffer-ing from Vitamin A deficiency. ! Vitamin C defi-ciency causes scurvy.Vitamin EVitamin E /!v"t#m"n $i%/ noun a vitamin foundin vegetables, vegetable oils, eggs and wholemealbreadVitamin KVitamin K /!v"t#m"n $ke"/ noun a vitaminfound in green vegetables such as spinach andcabbage, and which helps the clotting of bloodand is needed to activate prothrombinvitiligovitiligo /!v"ti|$la"1#*/ noun a condition in whichwhite patches appear on the skin. Also called leu-codermavitrectomyvitrectomy /v"|$trekt#mi/ noun a surgical oper-ation to remove some or all of the vitreoushumour of the eyevitreousvitreous /$v"tri#s/ adjective 1. having the char-acteristics of glass 2. relating to the vitreoushumour of the eyevitreous bodyvitreous body /$v"tri#s !b(di/ noun same asvitreous humourvitreous detachmentvitreous detachment /!v"tri#s d"|$t't/m#nt/noun the separation of the vitreous humour fromthe retina, often due to natural ageing when thevitreous humour thins, but also occurring in otherconditions such as diabetes

vitreous humour

vitreous humour /!v"tri#s $hju%m#/ noun atransparent jelly which fills the main cavitybehind the lens in the eye. See illustration at EYEin Supplementvitritis

vitritis /v"|$tra"t"s/ noun same as hyalitisvitro

vitro /$vi%tri#*/ " in vitroVitus

Vitus /$va"t#s/ " St Vitus’s dancevivisection

vivisection /!v"v" |$sek/#n/ noun the act of dis-secting a living animal as an experimentvocal

vocal /$v#*k(#)l/ adjective referring to the voicevocal cords

vocal cords /$v#*k(#)l k)%dz/ plural noun apair of fibrous sheets of tissue which span the cav-ity of the voice box (larynx) and produce soundsby vibrating. Also called ventricular foldsvocal folds

vocal folds /$v#*k(#)l f#*ldz/ plural nounsame as vocal cordsvocal folds abducted

vocal folds abducted /!v#*k(#)l f#*ldz #b |

$d.kt"d/ noun the usual condition of the vocalcords in quiet breathingvocal folds adducted

vocal folds adducted /!v#*k(#)l f#*ldz #|

$d.kt"d/ noun the position of the vocal cords forspeakingvocal fremitus

vocal fremitus /!v#*k(#)l $frem"t#s/ noun avibration of the chest when a person speaks orcoughsvocal resonance

vocal resonance /!v#*k(#)l $rez#n#ns/ nouna sound heard by a doctor when he or she listensthrough a stethoscope to the chest while a personis speakingvolar

volar /$v#*l#/ adjective referring to the palm ofthe hand or sole of the footvolatile

volatile /$v(l#ta"l/ adjective referring to a liquidwhich turns into gas at room temperaturevolitantes

volitantes /v(l" |$t'nti%z/ " muscae volitantesvolition

volition /v# |$l"/(#)n/ noun the ability to use thewillVolkmann’s contracture

Volkmann’s contracture /$f(lkm&%nz k#n|

!tr'kt/#/ noun a fibrosis and tightening of themuscles of the forearm because blood supply hasbeen restricted, leading to contraction of the fin-gersvolsella

volsella /v(l|$sel#/ noun a type of surgical for-ceps with claw-like hooks at the end of each arm.Also called vulsellavolume

volume /$v(lju%m/ noun an amount of a sub-stancevoluntary

voluntary /$v(l#nt(#)ri/ adjective done becauseone wishes to do itvoluntary admission

voluntary admission /!v(l#nt(#)ri #d|

$m"/(#)n/ noun the process of taking someoneinto a psychiatric hospital with the person’s con-sentvoluntary movement

voluntary movement /!v(l#nt(#)ri$mu%vm#nt/ noun a movement directed by theperson’s willpower, using voluntary muscles, e.g.walking or speaking

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voluntary muscle 330voluntary musclevoluntary muscle /$v(l#nt(#)ri !m.s(#)l/noun a muscle which is consciously controlled. Itis usually made up of striated fibres.

COMMENT: Voluntary muscles work in pairs,where one contracts and pulls, while the oth-er relaxes to allow the bone to move.

volvulusvolvulus /$v(lvj*l#s/ noun a condition inwhich a loop of intestine is twisted and blocked,so cutting off its blood supplyvomervomer /$v#*m#/ noun a thin flat vertical bone inthe septum of the nosevomicavomica /$v(m"k#/ noun 1. a cavity in the lungscontaining pus 2. the act of vomiting pus from thethroat or lungsvomitvomit /$v(m"t/ noun partly digested food whichhas been brought up from the stomach into themouth ! His bed was covered with vomit. ! Shedied after choking on her own vomit. Also calledvomitus " verb to bring up partly digested foodfrom the stomach into the mouth ! He had afever, and then started to vomit. ! She vomitedher breakfast.vomitingvomiting /$v(m"t"0/ noun the act of bringing upvomit into the mouth. Also called emesisvomitusvomitus /$v(m"t#s/ noun same as vomitvon Hippel-Lindau syndromevon Hippel-Lindau syndrome /v(n !h"p(#)l$l"nda* !s"ndr#*m/ noun a disease in whichangiomas of the brain are related to angiomas andcysts in other parts of the bodyvon Recklinghausen’s diseasevon Recklinghausen’s disease /!v(n$rekl"0ha*z(#)nz d" |!zi%z/ noun 1. same as neu-rofibromatosis 2. same as osteitis fibrosis

cystica [Described 1882. After Friedrich Danielvon Recklinghausen (1833–1910), Professor ofPathology at Strasbourg, France.]von Willebrand’s disease

von Willebrand’s disease /!v(n$v"l"br'ndz d"|!zi%z/ noun a hereditary blood dis-ease, occurring in both sexes, in which themucous membrane starts to bleed without anyapparent reason. It is caused by a deficiency of aclotting factor in the blood, called von Wille-brand’s factor. [Described 1926. After E. A. vonWillebrand (1870–1949), Finnish physician.]von Willebrand’s factor

von Willebrand’s factor /!v(n $v"l"br'ndz!f'kt#/ noun a protein substance in plasmainvolved in platelet aggregationVSD

VSD abbreviation ventricular septal defectvulgaris

vulgaris /v.l |$1e#r"s/ " lupus vulgarisvulsella

vulsella /v.l |$sel#/, vulsellum /v.l |$sel#m/noun same as volsellavulv-

vulv- /v.lv/ prefix referring to the vulva (usedbefore vowels)vulva

vulva /$v.lv#/ noun a woman’s external sexualorgans, at the opening leading to the vagina. !kraurosis vulvae (NOTE: For other terms refer-ring to the vulva, see words beginning withepisi-.)vulvectomy

vulvectomy /v.l |$vekt#mi/ noun a surgicaloperation to remove the vulvavulvitis

vulvitis /v.l|$va"t"s/ noun inflammation of thevulva, causing intense irritationvulvovaginitis

vulvovaginitis /!v.lv#*v'd+" |$na"t"s/ nouninflammation of the vulva and vagina

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Wwaiting list

waiting list /$we"t"0 l"st/ noun a list of peoplewaiting for admission to hospital usually for treat-ment of non-urgent disorders ! The length ofwaiting lists for non-emergency surgery variesenormously from one region to another. ! It ishoped that hospital waiting lists will get shorter.walking distance

walking distance /$w)%k"0 !d"st#ns/ noun thedistance which someone can walk before theyexperience pain in their muscles, which shows theeffectiveness of the blood supply to their legswalking frame

walking frame /$w)%k"0 fre"m/ noun a metalframe used by people who have difficulty in walk-ing. ! Zimmer frameWangensteen tube

Wangensteen tube /$w'01#nsti%n tju%b/noun a tube which is passed into the stomach toremove the stomach’s contents by suction[Described 1832. After Owen Harding Wangen-steen (1898–1980), US surgeon.]ward

ward /w)%d/ noun a room or set of rooms in ahospital, with beds for the patients ! He is inWard 8B. ! The children’s ward is at the end ofthe corridor.ward manager

ward manager /$w)%d !m'n"d+#/ noun anurse in charge of a wardward nurse

ward nurse /$w)%d n-%s/ noun a nurse whoworks in a hospital wardward sister

ward sister /$w)%d !s"st#/ noun a senior nursein charge of a wardwarfarin

warfarin /$w)%f(#)r"n/ noun a colourless crys-talline compound used to help prevent the bloodclottingwart

wart /w)%t/ noun a small hard harmless growthon the skin, usually on the hands, feet or face,caused by a virus (NOTE: Warts on the feet arecalled verrucas.)wasting disease

wasting disease /$we"st"0 d"|!zi%z/ noun adisease which causes severe loss of weight orreduction in size of an organwater

water /$w)%t#/ noun 1. the liquid essential to lifewhich makes up a large part of the body ! Can Ihave a glass of water please? ! They suffereddehydration from lack of water. # water on theknee fluid in the knee joint under the kneecap,caused by a blow on the knee 2. urine (informal)! He passed a lot of water during the night. !She noticed blood streaks in her water. ! The

nurse asked him to give a sample of his water. "plural noun waters the fluid in the amnion inwhich a fetus floats (informal) Also called amni-otic fluidwater bed

water bed /$w)%t# bed/ noun a mattress madeof a large heavy plastic bag filled with water, usedto prevent bedsoreswaterbrash

waterbrash /$w)%t#br'// noun a conditioncaused by dyspepsia, in which there is a burningfeeling in the stomach and the mouth suddenlyfills with acid salivawater-hammer pulse

water-hammer pulse /$w)%t# !h'm# p.ls/noun same as Corrigan’s pulseWaterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome

Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome/!w)%t#ha*s $fri%d#r"ks#n !s"ndr#*m/ noun acondition caused by blood poisoning with menin-gococci, in which the tissues of the adrenal glandsdie and haemorrhage [Described 1911 by RupertWaterhouse (1873–1958), physician at Bath,UK; described 1918 by Carl Friderichsen (1886–1979), Danish physician.]Waterston’s operation

Waterston’s operation /$w)%t#st#nz!(p#re"/(#)n/ noun a surgical operation to treatFallot’s tetralogy, in which the right pulmonaryartery is joined to the ascending aorta [After DavidJames Waterston (1910–85), paediatric surgeonin London, UK]waterworks

waterworks /$w)%t#w-%ks/ plural noun sameas urinary system (informal)Watson-Crick helix

Watson-Crick helix /!w(ts(#)n $kr"k !hi%l"ks/noun a molecular model for DNA in which theorganic base pairs are linked by hydrogen bondswhich form the rungs of a ladder spiralling in theform of a helixWBC

WBC abbreviation white blood cellweal

weal /wi%l/ noun a small area of skin whichswells because of a sharp blow or an insect bitewean

wean /wi%n/ verb to make a baby stop breast-feeding and take other liquid or solid food, or tomake a baby start to eat solid food after havingonly had liquids to drink ! The baby was breast-fed for two months and then was graduallyweaned onto the bottle.webbing

webbing /$web"0/ noun the condition of havingan extra membrane of skin joining two structuresin the body together

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Weber-Christian disease 332Weber-Christian disease

Weber-Christian disease /!ve"b# $kr"st/#nd" |!zi%z/ noun a type of panniculitis where theliver and spleen become enlarged [After FrederickParkes Weber (1863–1962), British physician;Henry Asbury Christian (1876–1951), US physi-cian.]Weber’s test

Weber’s test /$ve"b#z test/ noun a test to see ifboth ears hear correctly, where a tuning fork isstruck and the end placed on the head [After Frie-drich Eugen Weber-Liel (1832–91), Germanotologist.]web space

web space /$web spe"s/ noun the soft tissuebetween the bases of the fingers and toesWechsler scales

Wechsler scales /$veksl# ske"lz/ plural nouna set of standardised scales for measuring some-one’s IQ. There are three separate versions devel-oped for different age groups.wee

wee /wi%/ verb same as urinate (informal)weep

weep /wi%p/ verb 1. to cry 2. (of a wound) toooze fluidWegener’s granulomatosis

Wegener’s granulomatosis /!ve1#n#z!1r'nj*l#*m#|$t#*s"s/ noun a disease of connec-tive tissue, where the nasal passages, lungs andkidneys are inflamed and ulcerated, with forma-tion of granulomas. It is usually fatal.Weil-Felix reaction

Weil-Felix reaction /!va"l $fe"l"ks r" |!'k/#n/,Weil-Felix test /!va"l $fe"l"ks test/ noun a test tosee if someone has typhus, in which the person’sserum is tested for antibodies against Proteus vul-garis [Described 1916. After Edmund Weil(1880–1922) Austrian physician and bacteriolo-gist; Arthur Felix (1887–1956), British bacteriol-ogist.]Weil’s disease

Weil’s disease /$we"lz d" |!zi%z/ noun same asleptospirosis [Described 1886. After Adolf Weil(1848–1916), physician in Estonia who alsopractised in Wiesbaden, Germany.]well

well /wel/ adjective healthy ! He’s not a wellman. ! You’re looking very well after your holi-day. ! He’s quite well again after his flu. ! She’snot very well, and has had to stay in bed.well-baby clinic

well-baby clinic /!wel $be"bi !kl"n"k/ noun aclinic where parents can ask a doctor or nurse anyquestions they have about their child’s growth anddevelopment. Their babies can be weighed andmeasured and their development monitored.wellbeing

wellbeing /$wel !bi%"0/ noun the state of beingin good health and having good living conditions! She is responsible for the wellbeing of thepatients under her care.well-man clinic

well-man clinic /!wel $m'n !kl"n"k/ noun aclinic just for men where they can get check-ups,advice and health informationwell-woman clinic

well-woman clinic /!wel $w*m#n !kl"n"k/noun a clinic which specialises in preventivemedicine for women, e.g. breast screening andcervical smear tests, and gives advice on preg-nancy, contraception and the menopause


wen /wen/ noun a cyst which forms in a seba-ceous glandWerdnig-Hoffmann disease

Werdnig-Hoffmann disease /!v-%dn"1$h(fm#n d"|!zi%z/ noun a disease in which the spi-nal muscles atrophy, making the muscles of theshoulders, arms and legs weak. In its most severeform, infants are born floppy, have feeding andbreathing problems and rarely live more than twoor three years.Werner’s syndrome

Werner’s syndrome /$w-%n#z !s"ndr#*m/noun an inherited disorder involving prematureageing, persistent hardening of the skin, underde-velopment of the sex organs and cataractsWernicke’s encephalopathy

Wernicke’s encephalopathy /!v-%n"k#z en|

!kef#|$l(p#,i/ noun a condition caused by lack ofVitamin B, which often affects alcoholics and inwhich the person is delirious, moves the eyesabout rapidly, walks unsteadily and is subject toconstant vomiting [Described 1875. After KarlWernicke (1848–1905), Breslau psychiatrist andneurologist.]Wertheim’s operation

Wertheim’s operation /$v-%tha"mz (p#|

!re"/(#)n/ noun a surgical operation to remove theuterus, the lymph nodes which are next to it andmost of the vagina, the ovaries and the Fallopiantubes, as treatment for cancer of the uterus[Described 1900. After Ernst Wertheim (1864–1920), Austrian gynaecologist.]wet burn

wet burn /$wet b-%n/ noun same as scaldWharton’s duct

Wharton’s duct /!w)%t(#)nz $d.kt/ noun aduct which takes saliva into the mouth from thesalivary glands under the lower jaw [After Tho-mas Wharton (1614–73), English physician andanatomist at St Thomas’s Hospital, London, UK]Wharton’s jelly

Wharton’s jelly /!w)%t(#)nz $d+eli/ noun ajelly-like tissue in the umbilical cordwheal

wheal /wi%l/ same as wealwheeze

wheeze /wi%z/ noun a whistling noise in thebronchi ! The doctor listened to his wheezes. "verb to make a whistling sound when breathing !When she has an attack of asthma, she wheezesand has difficulty in breathing.wheezing

wheezing /$wi%z"0/ noun whistling noises in thebronchi when breathing. Wheezing is often foundin people with asthma and is also associated withbronchitis and heart disease.whiplash injury

whiplash injury /$w"pl'/ !"nd+#ri/ noun aninjury to the vertebrae in the neck, caused whenthe head jerks backwards, often occurring in a carthat is struck from behindwhiplash shake syndrome

whiplash shake syndrome /!w"pl'/ $/e"k!s"ndr#*m/ noun in young babies, a series ofinternal head injuries caused by being shaken vio-lently. They can result in brain damage leading tospeech and learning disabilities, paralysis, sei-zures, blindness and hearing loss. They are oftenlife-threatening.Whipple’s disease

Whipple’s disease /$w"p(#)lz d" |!zi%z/ noun adisease in which someone has difficulty in

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333 World Health Organization

absorbing nutrients and passes fat in the faeces,the joints are inflamed and the lymph glandsenlarged [Described 1907. After George HoytWhipple (1878–1976), US pathologist. Nobelprize for Pathology and Medicine 1934.]Whipple’s operation

Whipple’s operation /$w"p(#)lz (p#|

!re"/(#)n/ noun same as pancreatectomywhite

white /wa"t/ adjective of a colour like snow ormilk ! White patches developed on his skin. !Her hair has turned quite white. (NOTE: whiter –whitest) " noun the main part of the eye whichis white ! The whites of his eyes turned yellowwhen he developed jaundice.white blood cell

white blood cell /!wa"t $bl.d !sel/ noun a col-ourless blood cell which contains a nucleus buthas no haemoglobin, is formed in bone marrowand creates antibodies. Abbreviation WBC. Alsocalled leucocytewhite finger

white finger /$wa"t !f"01#/ noun a condition inwhich a finger has a mottled discoloured appear-ance because its blood vessels are damaged. Thethumb is usually not affected. Very severe casescan result in finger loss. It occurs most commonlyin Raynaud’s disease.white leg

white leg /$wa"t le1/ noun a condition whichaffects women after childbirth, in which a legbecomes pale and inflamed as a result of lym-phatic obstruction. Also called milk leg, phleg-masia alba dolenswhite matter

white matter /$wa"t !m't#/ noun nerve tissuein the central nervous system which containsmore myelin than grey matterwhite noise instrument

white noise instrument /!wa"t $n)"z!"nstr*m#nt/ noun a small electronic deviceworn in the ear. It combines sounds of many dif-ferent frequencies. It is used to mask internalnoise in the ear due to tinnitus.whites

whites /wa"ts/ plural noun same as leucor-rhoea (informal)whitlow

whitlow /$w"tl#*/ noun an inflammation causedby infection near the nail in the fleshy part of thetip of a finger. Also called felonWHO

WHO abbreviation World Health Organizationwhoop

whoop /wu%p, hu%p/ noun a loud noise madewhen inhaling by a person who has whoopingcoughwhooping cough

whooping cough /$hu%p"0 k(f/ noun aninfectious disease caused by Bordetella pertussisaffecting the bronchial tubes, common in chil-dren, and sometimes very serious. Also calledpertussisWidal reaction

Widal reaction /vi%|$d&%l r" |!'k/#n/, Widal test/vi%|$d&%l test/ noun a test to detect typhoid fever.A sample of the person’s blood is put into a solu-tion containing typhoid bacilli, or anti-typhoidserum is added to a sample of bacilli from the per-son’s faeces. If the bacilli agglutinate, i.e. forminto groups, this indicates that the person hastyphoid fever. [Described 1896. After Georges

Fernand Isidore Widal (1862–1929), Frenchphysician and teacher.]Willis

Willis /$w"l"s/ " circle of WillisWilms’ tumour

Wilms’ tumour /$v"lmz !tju%m#/ noun same asnephroblastoma [Described 1899. After MaxWilms (1867–1918), Professor of Surgery atLeipzig, Basle and Heidelberg.]Wilson’s disease

Wilson’s disease /$w"ls#nz d"|!zi%z/ noun ahereditary disease where copper deposits accu-mulate in the liver and the brain, causing cirrho-sis. Also called hepatolenticular degeneration[Described 1912. After Samuel Alexander Kin-nier Wilson (1878–1937), British neurologist.]windpipe

windpipe /$w"ndpa"p/ noun same as tracheawiring

wiring /$wa"#r"0/ noun 1. a network of wires 2.a neurological or physiological structure or proc-ess which controls a function in the body 3. theact of fixing a piece of bone in place using wireswisdom tooth

wisdom tooth /$w"zd#m tu%,/ noun one of thefour teeth in the back of the jaw which onlyappear at about the age of 20 and sometimes donot appear at all. Also called third molarwitch hazel

witch hazel /$w"t/ !he"z(#)l/ noun a lotionmade from the bark of a tree, used to check bleed-ing and harden inflamed tissue and bruises. Alsocalled hamameliswithdrawal

withdrawal /w"2|$dr)%#l/ noun 1. a loss of inter-est in having contact with other people, whichleads to a person becoming isolated 2. a periodduring which a person who has been addicted to adrug stops taking it and experiences unpleasantsymptomswithdrawal symptom

withdrawal symptom /w"2 |$dr)%#l!s"mpt#m/ noun an unpleasant physical condi-tion, e.g. vomiting, headaches or fever, whichoccurs when someone stops taking an addictivedrugWolff-Parkinson-White syndrome

Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome /w*lf!p&%k"ns(#)n $wa"t !s"ndr#*m/ noun a conditionwithin the heart’s conducting tissue which makesthe heart beat dangerously fast. It can be fatal.womb

womb /wu%m/ noun same as uterus (NOTE: Forother terms referring to the womb, see wordsbeginning with hyster-, hystero-, metr-,metro-, uter-, utero-.)Wood’s lamp

Wood’s lamp /$w*dz l'mp/ noun an ultravio-let lamp which allows a doctor to see fluores-cence, e.g. in the hair of someone who has a fun-gal infection [After Robert Williams Wood(1868–1955), US physicist.]word blindness

word blindness /$w-%d !bla"ndn#s/ nounsame as alexiawork-related upper limb disorder

work-related upper limb disorder /!w-%kr" |!le"t"d !.p# $l"m d"s |!)%d#/ same as repetitivestrain injury. Abbreviation WRULD. World Health Organization

World Health Organization /!w-%ld $hel,)%1#na" |!ze"/(#)n/ noun an organisation, part ofthe United Nations, which aims to improve healthin the world. Abbreviation WHO

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worm 334worm

worm /w-%m/ noun a long thin animal with nolegs or backbone, which can infest the humanbody, especially the intestineswound

wound /wu%nd/ noun damage to external tissuewhich allows blood to escape ! He had a knifewound in his leg. ! The doctors sutured thewound in his chest. " verb to harm someone bymaking a hole in the tissue of the body ! She waswounded three times in the head.wound dehiscence

wound dehiscence /$wu%nd di% |!h"s(#)ns/noun the splitting open of a surgical incisionwound healing

wound healing /$wu%nd !hi%l"0/ noun thereplacement of dead tissue with new tissuewrist

wrist /r"st/ noun a joint between the hand andforearm ! He sprained his wrist and can’t play

tennis tomorrow. See illustration at HAND in Sup-plement (NOTE: For other terms referring to thewrist, see words beginning with carp-, carpo-.)wrist drop

wrist drop /$r"st dr(p/ noun paralysis of thewrist muscles, caused by damage to the radialnerve in the upper arm, which causes the hand tohang limpwriter’s cramp

writer’s cramp /!ra"t#z $kr'mp/ noun a pain-ful spasm of the muscles in the forearm and handwhich comes from writing too muchWRULD

WRULD abbreviation work-related upper limbdisorderwry neck

wry neck /$ra" nek/, wryneck /$ra"nek/ nounsame as torticollis

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xanth- /z'n,/ prefix same as xantho- (usedbefore vowels)xanthaemia

xanthaemia /z'n|$,i%mi#/ noun same as caro-tenaemiaxanthelasma

xanthelasma /!z'n,#|$l'zm#/ noun the for-mation of little yellow fatty tumours on the eye-lidsxanthine

xanthine /$z'n,i%n/ noun 1. an intermediateproduct in the breakdown of nucleic acids to uricacid, found in blood, body tissue and urine 2. aderivative of xanthine, e.g. caffeine or theophyl-linexantho-

xantho- /z'n,#*/ prefix yellowxanthochromia

xanthochromia /!z'n,#|$kr#*mi#/ noun yel-low colour of the skin as in jaundicexanthoma

xanthoma /z'n|$,#*m#/ noun a yellow fattymass, often on the eyelids and hands, found inpeople with a high level of cholesterol in theblood (NOTE: The plural is xanthomata.)xanthomatosis

xanthomatosis /!z'n,#m# |$t#*s"s/ noun acondition in which several small masses of yellowfatty substance appear in the skin or some internalorgans, caused by an excess of fat in the bodyxanthopsia

xanthopsia /z'n|$,(psi#/ noun a disorder ofthe eyes, making everything appear yellowxanthosis

xanthosis /z'n|$,#*s"s/ noun yellow colouringof the skin, caused by eating too much food con-taining caroteneX chromosome

X chromosome /$eks !kr#*m#s#*m/ noun achromosome that determines sex. Compare Ychromosome. ! sex chromosomexeno-

xeno- /zen#*/ prefix differentxenotransplantation

xenotransplantation /!zen#*tr'nspl&%n|

$te"/(#)n/ noun the process of transplantingorgans from one species to another, especiallyfrom animals to humansxero-

xero- /z"#r#*/ prefix dryxeroderma

xeroderma /!z"#r#|$d-%m#/ noun a skin disor-der where dry scales form on the skinxerophthalmia

xerophthalmia /!z"#r(f|$,'lmi#/ noun a con-dition of the eye, in which the cornea and con-junctiva become dry because of a lack of VitaminAxerosis

xerosis /z"|$r#*s"s/ noun extreme dryness ofskin or mucous membrane


xerostomia /!z"#r#|$st#*mi#/ noun dryness ofthe mouth, caused by lack of a salivaxiphi-

xiphi- /z"f"/ prefix relating to the xiphoid processxiphisternal plane

xiphisternal plane /!z"f"st-%n(#)l $ple"n/noun an imaginary horizontal line across the mid-dle of the chest at the point where the xiphoidprocess startsxiphisternum

xiphisternum /!z"f"|$st-%n#m/ noun same asxiphoid processxiphoid process

xiphoid process /$z"f)"d !pr#*ses/, xiphoidcartilage /$z"f)"d !k&%t"l"d+/ noun the bottompart of the breastbone which is cartilage in youngpeople but becomes bone by middle age. Alsocalled ensiform cartilage, xiphisternumX-linked

X-linked /$eks !l"0kt/ adjective relating to thegenes situated on the X chromosomeX-linked disease

X-linked disease /$eks !l"0kt d"|!zi%z/ noun agenetic disorder caused by a mutation on the Xchromosome which only appears in males, e.g.one form of haemophiliaX-ray

X-ray /$eks !re"/, x-ray noun 1. a ray with a veryshort wavelength, which is invisible, but can gothrough soft tissue and register as a photograph ona film. X-rays are used in diagnosis in radiogra-phy, and in treating disease by radiotherapy. !The X-ray examination showed the presence of atumour in the colon. 2. a photograph taken usingX-rays ! The dentist took some X-rays of thepatient’s teeth. ! He pinned the X-rays to thelight screen. 3. an examination in which X-rayphotographs are taken ! All the staff had to havechest X-rays. " verb to take an X-ray photographof a patient ! There are six patients waiting to beX-rayed.X-ray imaging

X-ray imaging /$eks re" !"m"d+"0/ noun theprocess of showing X-ray pictures of the inside ofpart of the body on a screenX-ray screening

X-ray screening /$eks re" !skri%n"0/ noun amethod of gathering information about the bodyby taking images using X-rays. It is carried out bya radiographer or radiologist.Xylocaine

Xylocaine /$za"l#ke"n/ a trade name for a prep-aration of lignocainexylometazoline hydrochloride

xylometazoline hydrochloride /!za"l#*m#|

!t'z#li%n !ha"dr# |$kl)%ra"d/, xylometazoline/!za"l#*m#|$t'z#li%n/ noun a drug which helps to

Nursing.fm Page 335 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM

XYY syndrome 336

narrow blood vessels, used in the treatment ofcolds and sinusitisXYY syndrome

XYY syndrome /!eks wa" $wa" !s"ndr#*m/noun an extremely rare condition in males inwhich they have two Y chromosomes instead ofone. They grow faster than normal, and their finalheight is approximately 7cm above average.Many experience severe acne during adolescence.yawn

yawn /j)%n/ noun a reflex action when tired orsleepy, in which the mouth is opened wide andafter a deep intake of air, the breath exhaledslowly ! His yawns made everyone feel sleepy. "verb to open the mouth wide and breathe indeeply and then breathe out slowlyyawning

yawning /$j)%n"0/ noun the act of opening themouth wide without conscious control and slowlyreleasing a deep breath, usually a sign of tirednessor boredomY chromosome

Y chromosome /$wa" !kr#*m#s#*m/ noun achromosome that determines sex, it is carried bymales and is shorter than an X chromosome.Compare X chromosome. ! sex chromosomeyeast

yeast /ji%st/ noun a fungus which is used in thefermentation of alcohol and in making bread. It isa good source of Vitamin B.yellow

yellow /$jel#*/ adjective of a colour like that ofthe sun or of gold ! His skin turned yellow whenhe had hepatitis. ! The whites of the eyes becomeyellow as a symptom of jaundice. " noun a colourlike that of the sun or of goldyellow fever

yellow fever /$jel#* !fi%v#/ noun an infectiousdisease, occurring especially in Africa and SouthAmerica, caused by an arbovirus carried by themosquito Aedes aegypti. It affects the liver andcauses jaundice. There is no known cure and itcan be fatal, but vaccination can prevent it.yellow marrow

yellow marrow /!jel#* $m'r#*/ noun " mar-rowyellow spot

yellow spot /$jel#* sp(t/ noun same as mac-ula luteayin and yang

yin and yang /!j"n #nd $j'0/ noun the twoopposite and complementary principles of Chi-nese philosophy which are thought to exist in var-ying proportions in all things. They are some-times thought of as femininity and masculinity.yoga

yoga /$j#*1#/ noun 1. a Hindu discipline whichpromotes spiritual unity with a Supreme Beingthrough a system of postures and rituals 2. anyone of dozens of systems and methods derivedfrom or based on Hindu yoga. Many includebreathing exercises and postures which arethought to aid health.Zadik’s operation

Zadik’s operation /$ze"d"ks (p# |!re"/(#)n/noun a surgical operation to remove the whole ofan ingrowing toenailZantac

Zantac /$z'nt'k/ a trade name for ranitidinezidovudine

zidovudine /z"|$d#*vj*di%n/ noun azidothymi-dine or AZT, a drug used in the treatment of

AIDS, which helps to slow the progress of the dis-easeZimmer frame

Zimmer frame /$z"m# fre"m/ a trademark for ametal frame used by people who have difficulty inwalking ! She managed to walk some steps witha Zimmer frame. ! walking framezinc

zinc /z"0k/ noun a white metallic trace element(NOTE: The chemical symbol is Zn.)zinc ointment

zinc ointment /$z"0k !)"ntm#nt/ noun a sooth-ing ointment made of zinc oxide and oilzinc oxide

zinc oxide /!z"0k $(ksa"d/ noun a compound ofzinc and oxygen, which forms a soft white sooth-ing powder used in creams and lotions (NOTE: Itschemical formula is ZnO.)Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

Zollinger-Ellison syndrome /!z(l"nd+#r$el"s(#)n !s"ndr#*m/ noun a condition in whichtumours are formed in the islet cells of the pan-creas together with peptic ulcers [Described1955. After Robert Milton Zollinger (1903–92),Professor of Surgery at Ohio State University,USA; Edwin H. Ellison (1918–70), AssociateProfessor of Surgery at Ohio State University,USA.]zona

zona /$z#*n#/ noun a zone or areazone

zone /z#*n/ noun an area of the bodyzonula

zonula /$z(nj*l#/, zonule /$z(nju%l/ noun asmall area of the bodyzoo-

zoo- /z#*#, zu%#/ prefix relating to animalszoonosis

zoonosis /!z#*# |$n#*s"s/ noun a disease whicha human can catch from an animal (NOTE: Theplural is zoonoses.)zoster

zoster /$z(st#/ " herpes zosterZ-plasty

Z-plasty /$zed !pl'sti/ noun a technique used inplastic surgery. A deep Z-shaped incision is madeto relieve tension in the area of a scar, or to changethe direction of a scar.zygoma

zygoma /za" |$1#*m#/ noun same as zygomaticarch (NOTE: The plural is zygomata.)zygomatic

zygomatic /!za"1#|$m't"k/ adjective referringto the zygomatic archzygomatic arch

zygomatic arch /!za"1#m't"k $&%t// noun theridge of bone across the temporal bone, runningbetween the ear and the bottom of the eye socket.Also called zygomazygomatic bone

zygomatic bone /!za"1#m't"k $b#*n/ noun abone which forms the prominent part of the cheekand the lower part of the eye socket. Also calledcheekbone, malar bonezygomatic process

zygomatic process /!za"1#m't"k $pr#*ses/noun one of the bony projections which form thezygomatic archzygote

zygote /$za"1#*t/ noun a fertilised ovum, thefirst stage of development of an embryozym-

zym- /za"m/ prefix (used before vowels) 1.enzymes 2. fermentation

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Anatomical Terms

The body is always described as if standing upright with the palms of the handsfacing forward. There is only one central vertical plane, termed the median or sagittalplane, and this passes through the body from front to back. Planes parallel to this oneither side are parasagittal or paramedian planes. Vertical planes at right angles tothe median are called coronal planes. The term horizontal (or transverse) planespeaks for itself. Two specific horizontal planes are (a) the transpyloric, midwaybetween the suprasternal notch and the symphysis pubis, and (b) the transtubercularor intertubercular plane, which passes through the tubercles of the iliac crests. Manyother planes are named from the structures they pass through.

Views of the body from some different points are shown on the diagram; a view ofthe body from above is called the superior aspect, and that from below is the inferioraspect.

Cephalic means toward the head; caudal refers to positions (or in a direction)towards the tail. Proximal and distal refer to positions respectively closer to andfurther from the centre of the body in any direction, while lateral and medial relatemore specifically to relative sideways positions, and also refer to movements. Ventralrefers to the abdomen, front or anterior, while dorsal relates to the back of a part ororgan. The hand has a dorsal and a palmar surface, and the foot a dorsal and aplantar surface.

Note that flexion of the thigh moves it forward while flexion of the leg moves itbackwards; the movements of extension are similarly reversed. Movement androtation of limbs can be medial, which is with the front moving towards the centreline, or lateral, which is in the opposite direction. Specific terms for limb movementsare adduction, towards the centre line, and abduction, which is away from the centreline. Other specific terms are supination and pronation for the hand, and inversionand eversion for the foot.








11. o


ue fi







12. h



l fis


3. tr



. car





n br



. vis


l ple


5. su


r lob

e br



. par


l ple


6. m


e lo

be b



16. p


al c


7. in


r lob

e br



. alv




rior l


18. a


lar d


9. m


e lo


. bro



10. i


ior l






rior v



9. b






rior v



10. p



y ar


3. ri

ght a


11. p



y ve


4. le

ft at


12. e





t ven



. myo



6. le

ft ve



. end



7. a


15. s





d va












ng c


2. p



10. t



e co


3. sp


11. d



g co


4. g

all b



. sig


d co


5. st



. cae


6. d



14. a



7. je



. rec


8. il


16. a







7. a


al g


2. c


8. a







9. in


r ven

a ca




10. u





11. u


y bl




l pel




1. c


s cal




rior c



2. th






3. h




9. c


ral p



4. p


l bod


. for


5. p


ry g


11. p


6. su


r col







) mul




) bip


(c) u



1. n




lin sh


2. N







n ce

ll nu






8. n


of R





9. n






. ter


al b











l bon


. sta


3 ex


al a



. tym


c m










ous g



. rou

nd w








13. a


ry n


6. c



. ves







15. o

val w








ic n


9. ir






10. c





. cili



4. c



. sus





5. re


13. f


6. c




. mus


7. a


us h



. cili




8. le


. pup

















10. u


y bl





. ure


4. e




. rec


5. d


s def



. anu






14. c


s cav



7. e



ry d


15. c


s spo



8. p





. pub

ic b











1. p






2. la




8. fa


an tu



a m







10. c







11. r





12. a






r vi


1. il






al c









8. h

ip jo


4. p


9. sa




5. sa


10. o















6. c












8. ta




1. c









9. tr



3. p



10. c





11. h





. uln





. rad


7. p



. wris









1. in










2. v








1. b


4. sy


al c



2. a


lar m




3. sy


al m



5. jo

int c








3. p






4. m













5. a


lar c



2. c


ct b


6. e



3. c





7. d










ry c






