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Detoxification of Heavy Metals Using Earthworms

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Chapter 21 Detoxification of Heavy Metals Using Earthworms Oguz Can Turgay, Ridvan Kizilkaya, Ayten Karaca, and Sema Camci Cetin 21.1 Introduction No doubt that earthworms are yet most valuable creatures on our planet with their 600 million years history. Factors such as soil characteristics, agricultural/industrial activities, and environmental pollution have significant effects on population dynamics and the biomasses of these invertebrates. Previous researches carried on earthworms indicated that they improve soil quality and fertility through their feeding, burrowing, and casting activities. Recently, there is a growing attention on a distinctive characteristic of earthworms. Many researches have revealed that earthworms have a capability to change the availability, uptake, and accumulation of heavy metals by passing and accumulating toxic metals through their body tissues. This chapter aims to provide an overview of earthworms in relation to their contribution to heavy metal detoxification in soil. O.C. Turgay • A. Karaca (*) Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Ankara University, Diskapi, Ankara, Turkey e-mail: [email protected] R. Kizilkaya Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey S.C. Cetin Faculty of Forestry, Cankiri Karatekin University, Cankiri, Turkey I. Sherameti and A. Varma (eds.), Detoxification of Heavy Metals, Soil Biology 30, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-21408-0_21, # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 407

Chapter 21

Detoxification of Heavy Metals Using


Oguz Can Turgay, Ridvan Kizilkaya, Ayten Karaca, and Sema Camci Cetin

21.1 Introduction

No doubt that earthworms are yet most valuable creatures on our planet with their

600 million years history. Factors such as soil characteristics, agricultural/industrial

activities, and environmental pollution have significant effects on population

dynamics and the biomasses of these invertebrates. Previous researches carried

on earthworms indicated that they improve soil quality and fertility through their

feeding, burrowing, and casting activities. Recently, there is a growing attention

on a distinctive characteristic of earthworms. Many researches have revealed that

earthworms have a capability to change the availability, uptake, and accumulation

of heavy metals by passing and accumulating toxic metals through their body

tissues. This chapter aims to provide an overview of earthworms in relation to

their contribution to heavy metal detoxification in soil.

O.C. Turgay • A. Karaca (*)

Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Ankara University,

Diskapi, Ankara, Turkey

e-mail: [email protected]

R. Kizilkaya

Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Ondokuz Mayis

University, Samsun, Turkey

S.C. Cetin

Faculty of Forestry, Cankiri Karatekin University, Cankiri, Turkey

I. Sherameti and A. Varma (eds.), Detoxification of Heavy Metals, Soil Biology 30,

DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-21408-0_21, # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011


21.2 Ecological Classification of Earthworms

An earthworm substantially enhances physical, chemical, and biological char-

acteristics of soil through their feeding, casting, and burrowing activities. Different

earthworm species differ in their ecological strategies which influence main physi-

cal features of soil (soil aggregation and porosity) in different degrees and therefore

classify them as epigeic, endogeic, and anecic (Lee 1985; Lavelle and Spain 2001;

Karaca et al. 2010a; Kizilkaya et al. 2011) (Fig. 21.1). Epigeic species such as

Lumbricus rubellus, Eisenia fetida, Dendrodrilus rubidus live in soil humus zone.

They are fed from organic materials accumulated above mineral soil layer and

therefore occasionally digest mineral soil particles. The typical habitats of epigeic

species are manure masses and plant debris layers in forest ecosystems. They build

their burrows in organic material layer or in a depth of 0–2.5 cm mineral soil and

substantially feed on organic compounds rich in microorganisms. Epigeics are

small worms (usually shorter than 7.5 cm) with a reddish brown color. Anecic

species such as Lumbricus terrestris, Aporrectodea longa, Dendrobaena platyuraare reddish brown color worms with the largest and longest sizes ranging between

12.5 and 20.0 cm. They live in permanent or semi-permanent burrows reached to a

depth of 2 m, feed on decaying organic material on soil surface and leave their

castings at the mouth of their burrows located on the surface. Endogeic species

(Aporrectodea caliginosa, Allolobophora chlorotica, Octolasion lacteum v.b.) live

on organic compounds found in mineral soil layers, and inhabit the top 0–50 cm of

the soil. They are distinguished from epigeic and anecic species by their distinct

color characteristics such as lack of red-brown skin pigmentation and appearance of

very pink color on the head and gray color on the body. Adult endogeic species can

range from 3 to 12.5 cm (Lee 1985; Lavelle and Spain 2001; Karaca et al. 2010a;

Kizilkaya et al. 2011).

Fig. 21.1 Ecological classification of soil earthworms

408 O.C. Turgay et al.

21.3 Earthworm Distribution in Soil

In general, there are considered to be around 6,000 species of earthworms (Fragoso

et al. 1999; Lavelle and Spain 2001). Apart from extreme environments such as

desert and glacial soils, earthworms can inhabit a wide variety of soil environments

including agriculture, forest, and pasture ecosystems. The size of adult earthworms

ranged from few mm to 2 m while their body mass changes between 10 mg and

1 kg. Giant earthworm species usually inhabit in tropical regions of southern

hemisphere such as South America and Africa, Southeastern Asia, Australia, and

New Zealand. Some other earthworms living in other regions of the earth are

usually comparatively smaller and have lower body mass. The Lumbricidae are

dominant species in temperate areas while remaining families inhabit predomi-

nantly tropical or subtropical areas (Lavelle et al. 1999). The number of different

earthworm species living in a certain soil environment can be three or five and

occasionally more than ten. In general, similar earthworm species exist in similar

soil and climate conditions (Edwards and Lofty 1982a, b; Edwards and Bohlen

1996). The soil can contain 10–1,000 individual earthworms or 1–200 g earthworm

biomass per square meter soil, depending on time and soil environmental

characteristics. Earthworm biomass and diversity in soil is closely associated with

plant vegetation and climate. Even forest type, deciduous versus coniferous can be

significant factor affecting earthworm abundance and species diversity in soil. The

temperate region soils were found to be predominated by 12 Lumbricidae species

while 7 species were identified from Africa’s soils (Edwards and Lofty 1982a, b;

Edwards and Bohlen 1996). Tropical agroecosystems have been reported to be

more diverse than these regions with 20 earthworm species (Barois et al. 1999).

Lifespan of an earthworm usually ranges between 10 and 12 years but many species

are eaten by the predator such as large insects, moles, and birds and therefore

survive 1–2 years (Edwards and Bohlen 1996). The main soil characteristics that

control the earthworm number and biomass are soil organic matter (SOM), texture,

pH, water holding capacity, and soil temperature (Lee 1985; Bernier and Ponge

1994; Lavelle and Spain 2001; Karaca et al. 2010a).

21.4 Factors Affecting Earthworm Population and Activity

The factors affecting earthworm populations and activities in soil can be discussed

under two general perspective as surrounding environmental factors (i.e., climate,

soil characteristics, and plant vegetation) and biological relationships (i.e., compe-

tition, hunting, and parasitism).

21 Detoxification of Heavy Metals Using Earthworms 409

21.4.1 Climate

Climate has a direct influence on earthworm biology and life cycle while their

habitats and feeding activities are indirectly related to climate. For example,

temperature affects either earthworm metabolic activities individually or their

distribution globally (Lavelle 1983; Lavelle et al. 1989, 1999). Epigeic and anecic

species rapidly decompose organic matter at high temperatures and hence surface

debris availability diminishes. This process occurs more rapidly in tropical region

soils compared those in temperate region soils (Lavelle et al. 1999). Insufficient

soil moisture at high temperatures affects earthworm populations and their acti-

vities negatively (Gerard 1967; Phillipson et al. 1976). Depending on the variability

among different species, earthworm growth is optimum at the field capacity (10 kPa

tension), rapidly declines over 100 kPa moisture tension and completely ceases

below the permanent wilting point (1,500 kPa) (Nordstr€om and Rundgren 1974;

Nordstr€om 1975; Baker et al. 1993). Earthworm activity changes greatly between

seasons in temperate regions. It is usually higher in spring and autumn and lower

during winter months when they penetrate deeper into soil. In dry summers they

also move through deeper soil layers and can survive by forming stationary coils

until environmental conditions become favorable. Cocoon production is generally

seasonal but can also be produced any time of the year. In temperate zones, cocoon

is mostly produced during spring and early summer while second cocoon produc-

tion is comparatively lower and achieved in autumn. The number of the cocoons

produced changes between 1 and 20 depending on earthworm species. Earthworm

activity is closely associated with soil moisture and temperature. Insufficient and

oversaturated moisture conditions have negative effect on earthworms and most

species cannot survive below 1�C and above 30–35�C (Edwards 1983). Earth-

worms produce cocoons where the environmental conditions are not favorable

enough to survive.

21.4.2 Soil Properties

The physical and chemical characteristics of soils (i.e., texture, depth, pH, and

organic matter) affect earthworm activity significantly. These characteristics are

largely influenced by climatic factors (i.e., precipitation and temperature). For

example, basic cations such as Na+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ are leached through the soil

profile, replaced with H+ and eventually results in soil acidification in regions with

heavy rainfall. Earthworm activity declines rapidly below pH 4.5 and most species

ceases to exist under strongly acidic conditions i.e., pH < 3.5. The ideal pH

conditions vary depending on earthworm species but most earthworms living in

temperate regions favor the range between pH 5.0 and 7.4 (Satchell 1967). On the

other hand, earthworm populations and activities are also low under highly alkaline

soils. This is due to the fact that soils developed in arid and semi-arid regions

410 O.C. Turgay et al.

contain inadequate organic matter in relation to low amount of rainfall. The texture

is one of the physical aspects of soil influential on earthworm populations and

activities. Comparing with sandy and clayey soils, loamy textured soils are more

preferable for earthworms (Guild 1948). Long-term anoxic conditions may occur

after heavy rain falls in heavy clay soils and sandy soils may have lower water

holding capacity causing decreases in earthworm activities. Soil depth is another

important factor effective on earthworm distribution in moderate and tropical

regions (Phillipson et al. 1976; Fragoso and Lavelle 1992; Lavelle et al. 1999).

Earthworms build their burrows in different depths of soil and the activities of the

species living in lower soil layers are usually poor comparing with those growing

upper soil layers (Curry and Cotton 1983).

Earthworms feed on decomposing organic compounds in soil and their

populations and activities are largely depend on SOM content and quality which

are closely associated with plant vegetation growing on soil surface. The litter

layer of plant residues composed of grass, herbaceous plants, and deciduous trees

contains a nutrient-rich organic matter with a lower C:N ratio less than 20:1 and

therefore more preferable than those with high C:N ratios more than 60:1 (Edwards

and Bohlen 1996; Hendrix et al. 1992). Organic matter amendments may have a

favorable effect on earthworm life in soil. However, animal wastes can reversely

affect earthworms and decrease their activities when applied to soil due to their

high salt and ammonia contents. Liming acidic soils and chemical fertilization

applications yield increases in plant biomass production and hence increase earth-

worm biomass.

21.5 Earthworm Castings

Earthworms usually can digest soil or organic materials at the rate of 60% of their

body mass and defecate their fecal pellets which are called earthworm castings into

their burrows in soil. There are basically four types of earthworm castings (Lee

1985; Lavelle 1988; Edwards and Bohlen 1996). The first type is globular and

usually produced by large earthworm species i.e., anecics and endogeics. Second

type is also formed by endogeics and anecics but it is usually shapeless. Third, these

species also cast spherical pellets at the soil surface. The fourth type appears to be

granular or pellet and is formed by smaller earthworm species such as epigeics,

small endogeics, and various anecic species. The earthworm casts produced by

different species differ in their effect on soil structure. The first three types of casts

are larger, heavier, and more compact whereas granular type is smaller, lighter, and

more crumbly (Blanchart et al. 1997, 1999). Although the characteristics of earth-

worm excrements largely resemble to the composition of organic material that

earthworms feed on, they may differ in chemical and biological characteristics

(Kizilkaya et al. 2010b). This feature is also closely related to the mechanical

grinding step and the activities of the microorganisms that live in the earthworm’s

intestinal system. Compared with the organic material consumed by earthworms,

21 Detoxification of Heavy Metals Using Earthworms 411

the cast of earthworms has a narrow C:N ratio and higher available nutrient content,

more stabile microbial characteristics, and higher extracellular enzyme activities

(Kizilkaya and Hepsen 2004, 2007; Kizilkaya 2008; Hepsen and Kizilkaya 2010).

Therefore, earthworm casts are commonly accepted as a natural fertilizer due

to their high nutrient capacity and called vermicompost in agriculture (Kizilkaya

et al. 2010a).

21.6 Earthworm Effects on Soil Characteristics

The influences of earthworms on soil characteristics are mainly driven by their

feeding, casting, and burrowing activities (Lavelle and Spain 2001). Depending

on the mineral soil and/or organic material digested by earthworms, their casts

accumulated at soil surface are rich in organic compounds and may change soil

properties. Organic constituents in earthworm castings are readily mineralized due

to their high C, N, and water contents (Kizilkaya 2008) and this increases stabile

aggregate formation in soil. Fungal hyphae and various microbial metabolites in the

excrement provide more strong binding between soil particles and hence play an

important role in the formation of stabile soil aggregates (Chan and Heenan 1995;

Tomlin et al. 1995; Haynes and Fraser 1998). The gallery building activities of

earthworms vary in relation to their species and soil type and increase macropores in

soil. Depending on ecological categories of the earthworm, these galleries can range

between 1 and 10 mm (Edwards and Shipitalo 2004). Epigeic species are small

species living near the soil surface. They create small galleries within the first few

cm of soil either vertically or horizontally. Endogeics burrow continuously and form

a network of channels. These species usually leave their feces within their galleries

and this may limit water percolation through lower soil layers. Anecic earthworms

create deep vertical galleries that may reach to 2 m into the soil. The bulk density of

soil surrounding these galleries is higher and water movement is more stabile in

these galleries (Lee 1985; Tomlin et al. 1995). Earthworms mix mineral soil with

organic residues accumulated on soil surface and usually leave their excrements that

are rich in readily decomposable organic compounds near the soil surface. The role

of earthworms in organic material decomposition and nutrient conversion processes

is driven by their population density and feeding status (Lee 1985; Barois et al.

1999). Epigeic earthworm species usually feed on organic residues on the soil

surface or mineral soil through O and A horizons. They help to the process of

mixing organic materials with topsoil and thereby stimulate mineralization of

organic compounds due to increasing access between organic compounds and

microbial populations. While anecic species carry organic materials from soil

surface to lower layers through their deep vertical galleries they leave their feces

at soil surface. Epigeic and anecic earthworm activities contribute the formations of

“mull” soil horizon and a well developed A horizon. Moreover, they lead to

formation of organo-mineral complexes (vermimul) consisting of earthworm

excrements in Ah horizon (Green et al. 1993). Endogeic species feed primarily on

412 O.C. Turgay et al.

mineral soil, decaying surface organic residues and symbiotic microorganisms. In

endogeic species, the mineralization of organic compounds of the casts and nutrient

contents of their burrow walls are much larger than in the surroundings. This

earthworm secretion-rich soil compartment and the gallery zone burrowed by

epigeic species is termed as “drilosphere” (Lavelle et al. 1998). The excrements

and burrow walls of both endogeic and anecic species are rich in microbial

populations and have higher enzyme activities. The characteristics of organic

materials consumed by earthworms determine the microbiological properties of

their excrements. In general, the excrements of the earthworms feed on organic

materials with narrow C:N ratios are more readily decomposed and have better

microbiological properties such as higher microbial biomass and enzyme activities

(Kizilkaya and Hepsen 2004, 2007; Kizilkaya 2008). Soil pH is also influenced from

earthworm activities. This is mainly related to higher basic cation content (Ca2+,

Mg2+, and K+) of earthworm casts than their surroundings. Earthworm activities

also increase available nutrient pool in soil (Mackay et al. 1983; Lopez-Hernandez

et al. 1993; Parkin and Berry 1994; Zhang et al. 2000; Karaca et al. 2010b).

21.7 Earthworm–HeavyMetal Relationships and Accumulation

and Detoxification of Heavy Metals by Earthworms

Although heavy metals exist lithologically in the ground, their concentrations in

soil increase through various industrial emissions (Cemek and Kizilkaya 2006),

commercial fertilizers, (Karaca et al. 2002) and sewage sludges (Kizilkaya and

Bayrakl 2005). Depending on soil characteristics, heavy metals accumulated in

food chain and this affects soil life and especially biological–biochemical reactions

negatively (Kizilkaya and Askin 2002; Kizilkaya et al. 2004; Karaca et al. 2010b).

The earthworms are used as a cursor when assessing the effects of heavy metals on

various ecosystems. Heavy metals influence earthworm life by killing (Fitzpatrick

et al. 1996; Neuhauser et al. 1985; Spurgeon and Hopkin 1995; Kizilkaya et al.

2009,) or inhibiting their growth (Khalil et al. 1996; Van Gestel et al. 1991), cocoon

production (Ma 1988; Spurgeon and Hopkin 1996), and activity (Siekierska and

Urbanska-Jasik 2002).

In ecosystem risk assessments, concentrations of mobile or available heavy

metals are more significant than their total amounts (Nahmani et al. 2007). Earth-

worms can affect either available or total metal concentrations in soil in that they

are capable of accumulating heavy metals in their tissues (Kizilkaya et al. 2009;

Karaca et al. 2010a), and hence reduce their involvement in soil food chain. During

their feeding activities, earthworms can change either available or total metal

concentrations in soil due to their metal accumulation capability (Beyer et al.

1987; Wang et al. 1998; Paoletti 1999; Nahmani et al. 2007; Hepsen and Kizilkaya

2007) and hence reduce their involvement in soil food chain. They also leave a

portion of heavy metals to soil environment by their casting activities. Earthworms

21 Detoxification of Heavy Metals Using Earthworms 413

can change both available and total metal concentrations in soil. During their

feeding activities, earthworms partially accumulate heavy metals in their tissues

(Beyer et al. 1987; Wang et al. 1998; Paoletti 1999; Nahmani et al. 2007; Hepsen

and Kizilkaya 2007) and also leave a portion of heavy metals to soil environment by

their casting activities (Lee 1985; Lavelle et al. 1998, 1999) (Fig. 21.2) and hence

reduce their involvement in soil food chain. Heavy metals can be concentrated in

earthworm tissues in high concentrations, whereas their excrements can contain

lower amount of metals (Kizilkaya 2004). In this case, new generations can move

through less polluted or unpolluted soils (Karaca et al. 2010a). The accumulation

of heavy metals by earthworms is mainly associated with the factors such as type

of mineral soil, organic matter content, and metal concentrations of their living

environment (Table 21.1) and has been often applied as biological monitoring of

various metal pollutions (Rozen and Mazur 1997; Wang et al. 1998) resulted from

industrial activities (Wright and Stringer 1980; Bengtsson et al. 1983; Beyer et al.

1985) and heavy road traffic (Gish and Christensen 1973; Gullvag 1979).

Another factor affecting accumulation of heavy metals in earthworms is their

ecological category (Nahmani et al. 2007). For example, Lumbricus rubellus andAporrectodea caliginosa are the members of different ecological categories and

their metal accumulation capacities were found to be different from each other

LSD = 21.542




A Ac












Doses of sewage sludge, g kg-1



d Z

n c



ts in




, µg


Cu Zn

LSD a=0.01 = 20.307
















0 25 50 100 200 300 4000 25 50 100 200 300 400Doses of sewage sludge, g kg-1


tal C

u a







n in





t, µ

g g



Cu Zn

Fig. 21.2 Changes in Cu and Zn concentrations of earthworm tissue (a) and excrement (b) under

increasing doses of sewage sludge treatments (Kizilkaya 2004)

Table 21.1 Heavy metal contents of soil and earthworm (Wang et al. 1998)

Soil Cu (mg kg�1) As (mg kg�1) Cd (mg kg�1) Pb (mg kg�1) Zn (mg kg�1) Hg (mg kg�1)

No S E S E S E S E S E S E

1 74.68 4.58 56.58 16.32 9.18 47.3 670.5 35.2 657.8 67.0 0.95 0.57

2 67.25 3.10 57.78 4.77 3.81 15.8 325.3 8.70 367.8 53.0 0.39 0.27

3 51.25 3.00 51.78 5.86 6.26 15.4 459.0 13.5 479.0 80.0 0.75 0.36

4 25.00 3.06 28.59 1.41 1.87 1.9 204.6 20.8 159.3 35.3 0.30 0.30

5 25.63 2.00 23.56 1.29 0.52 5.8 55.0 2.46 91.1 47.0 0.27 0.05

6 40.63 2.28 24.56 1.72 0.53 2.1 61.1 0.81 220.8 41.0 0.74 0.11

S soil; E earthworm

414 O.C. Turgay et al.

(Morgan and Morgan 1999). Suthar et al. (2008) also observed significant differences

between metal accumulation capacities of endogeic Metaphire posthuma and anecic

Lampito mauritii collected from different soils (agricultural and orchard) and

sewage sludge. The effect of ecological category on heavy metal accumulation by

earthworms is related to the facts that different earthworm species inhabit and burrow

at different depths through soil profile and the organic materials consumed by

earthworms have different metal contents (Ireland and Richars 1977; Ash and Lee

1980; Morgan and Morgan 1999). In terms of ecology, epigeics are the species

capable to accumulate highest amount of metals in their tissues while anecics are

the species with least metal accumulation. However, there may be differences

between metal accumulation capacities of different earthworms within the same

ecological category. Among epigeics, the most capable species is Eisenia fetidawhich is applied as reference earthworm during heavy metal toxicity tests due to its

advantages such as being easily culturable, short regeneration, rapid reproduction,

and response to various heavy metals in laboratory conditions (International Standard

Organization 1993, 1998). The level of heavy metals accumulated in earthworm body

depends on the quality of organic materials used by earthworms (Fig. 21.3). It

has been shown that the earthworms feeding on the organic materials with larger

C:N ratio accumulated higher concentrations of metals compared to those using

organic materials with narrow C:N ratio (Kizilkaya 2005). Moreover, heavy metals

concentrated in the species of Lumbricus rubellus and Aporrectodea tuberculatafound to decrease depending on the increase in organic matter content of metal





in e



m b


µ g











HH CM WS TOW TEWOrganic Wastes

Zinc (Zn) doses, µ g g–1







Fig. 21.3 The changes in Zn concentrations of earthworm tissues under different organic residue

applications combined with increasing Zn doses (HH hazelnut husk, CM cow manure, WS wheat

straw, TOW tobacco production waste, TEW tea production waste) (Kizilkaya 2005)

21 Detoxification of Heavy Metals Using Earthworms 415

polluted soils (Ma 1982; Beyer et al. 1987). However, if the amount of metals binding

to organic compounds increases in a polluted soil, metal accumulation in earthworms

increases since they naturally prefer high quality organic compounds rather than

mineral soil. Vermicomposting of sewage sludges having high heavy metal content

and their applications in increasing doses have been shown to increase the metal

concentration accumulated in earthworm tissues (Kizilkaya 2004, 2005).

The soil pH is one of the important soil chemical characteristics that can control

heavy metal accumulation by earthworms (Morgan 1985; Morgan and Morgan

1988). The solubility of heavy metals is closely related to soil pH and metal uptake

by living organism’s increases with decreasing pH (Herms and Br€umner 1984).

Therefore, earthworm metal accumulation increases in lower pH conditions. For

example, in acidic soils with metal pollution, Lumbricus rubellus (Ma 1982; Ma

et al. 1983) and Aporrectodea caliginosa were found to accumulate higher metal

concentrations (Peramaki et al. 1992). Soil moisture content also affects metal

content accumulated in earthworm tissues (Marinussen and van der Zee 1997)

(Fig. 21.4). Soil moisture primarily affects earthworm activity and then fate of

24 160ba














e co








e co








e co

















150 10 20 30 40 50 60

0 10 20 30

Exposure-time [days]

Exposure-time [days]

Exposure-time [days]

40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

water content 25%water content 45%water content 35%

Fig. 21.4 Copper accumulation by L. rubellus under laboratory conditions; (a) reference soil

(10 mg kg�1 Cu), (b) soil No 3 (132 mg kg�1 Cu), and (c) soil No 11 (80 mg kg�1 Cu)

416 O.C. Turgay et al.

heavy metals in soil. Water content near field capacity is the most appropriate soil

water condition favoring an ideal earthworm activity whereas saturated and insuf-

ficient water conditions have negative influence on both earthworm activities

and their metal accumulation capability. High soil salinity decreases metal accu-

mulation by earthworms (Chang et al. 1997). Similarly, high level of ammonium

ions in earthworm feeding environment affects earthworm activities (Masciandaro

et al. 2002; Kizilkaya et al. 2009) and hence their metal accumulation capacity


21.8 Conclusion

Many researches revealed that earthworms can improve soil fertility by stimulating

physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the soil. They can also change

soil ecology by suppressing plant pathogens and promoting the growth of soil

microflora and fauna. More recently, earthworms have been shown to be not only

resistant to metal toxicity but also capable of accumulating heavy metals in their

body tissues and increasing metal uptake. This newly explored feature of

earthworms may provide many advantages for monitoring of soil environmental

quality, pollution assessment, and phytoremediation. However, it should be kept

in mind that earthworm–heavy metal relationships are mostly driven by soil

characteristics and their ecological category.


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