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Dataset of Burmese Migration-Concept Crossover in Thailand

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Suggested citaon: Purpose of survey: License: Acknowledgements: Title: Researcher/Author: Published: Survey period: Survey locaon: Total surveys given out: Total surveys answered: Response rate: Original populaon: Data points/observaons: Survey demographics: Languages: Contact info:

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Title:Researcher/Author:Published: Survey period: Survey location:Total surveys given out:Total surveys answered:Response rate:

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Dataset of Burmese Migration-Concept Crossover in ThailandT. F. Rhoden25-Nov-1520-Jun-15 to 19-Oct-15Thai side of Thailand-Myanmar border (see dataset for specific locations).4,0003,784

50 per respondent (see codesheet).See dataset.

Rhoden, T. F. 2015. Dataset of Burmese Migration-Concept Crossover in Thailand. ResearchGate (November 25). doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3285.6409. http://tinyurl.com/pg4984nOriginal dataset of quantitative analysis section of dissertation research for PhD in political science from Northern Illinois University. Estimated graduation date for fall 2016. Others are encouraged to use this dataset for their own research (see license below).

This dataset is under creative commons license. It is free to use in any way, including, but notlimited to, academic research, governmental- and nongovernmental-organization research, journalism, and/or others. Commercial use is prohibited.

Part of this survey timeframe overlaps with financial assistance from a Boren Fellowship to learn the Sgaw dialect of the Karen language(s) in Northern Thailand. For volunteer assistance in data collection outside of the refugee camps, author would like to thank Khin Soe Mon, education program manager at Help Without Frontiers (HWF) Thailand, Naing Naing Htun and the team at Burma Migrant Teachers Association (BMTA), along with a handfull of other local Burmese- and Karen-speaking volunteers who wish to stay anonymous. For assistance in data collection inside of the refugee camps, author would like to thank Maria Clara Naranjo, instructor with Karen Refugee Committee Education Entity (KRCEE), and other research assistants who wish to keep their identity anonymous. Author would also like to thank Kyaw (David) Pyae Sone of HWF for helping with translating the Internal Review Board (IRB) forms into Burmese and Ma (Zulu) Khin with the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners Burma (AAPPB) with help in translating the questions on the survey from English to Burmese. Any mistakes are the author’s own.

96.85%(note that response rate will vary per individual question/data point; see dataset).2,629,242(estimated number of total migrants from Myanmar in Thailand from pg. 9 of Rhoden, T. F., and Danny Unger. 2015. “No Burmese Returning: Economics across Myanmar-Thailand Border.” International Journal of East Asian Studies 19(2): 51-70. http://tinyurl.com/ow4cll7.)

Survey was printed in Burmese and English. Any responses in Burmese were translated into English for ease of use here. See dataset for challenges/issues of some translations. Note that some respondents answered in Karen, which were also translated into English here.

[email protected]

Purpose: This codesheet is provided for summary of questions asked on survey.Font: To read Burmese script, Zawgyi-One font is required. To read Thai script, Angsana New font may be required.Column: Represents the question asked.Row: Represents the survey respondent.Questions: 50 questions (data points) per respondent.

Q1Data column: Q1.in.outNotes: In order to avoid making value judgement of whether concept-migrant was a "laborer" or a "refugee", we recorded whether or not said person answered survey when living inside or outside one of the refugee camps in Thailand.

Q2Data column: Q2.dateBurmese: ေ�န႔စြ�။English: Date.Notes: These are the dates of raw data collection per survey respondent.

Q3Data column: Q3.locBurmese: တညေ�နရာ။English: Location.Notes: This is where the survey was conducted in Thailand.

Q4Data column: Q4.ageBurmese: အသက။English: Age.Notes: Age range from 18 to some respondents in their 80s.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

in = Survey was conducted INSIDE a "refugee" camp in Thailand.out = Survey was conducted OUTSIDE a "refugee" camp in Thailand.

maesot = Mae Sot ( ตำ�บลแมสอด อำ�เภอแมสอด จงหวดต�ก).maepa = Mae Pa ( ตำ�บลแมปะ อำ�เภอแมสอด จงหวดต�ก).phobprah = Phob Prah ( ตำ�บลพบพระ อำ�เภอพบพระ จงหวดต�ก).thasongyang = Tha Song Yang ( ตำ�บลท�สองย�ง อำ�เภอท�สองย�ง จงหวดต�ก).maekasa = Mae Kasa ( ตำ�บลแมก�ษ� อำ�เภอแมสอด จงหวดต�ก).maeku = Mae Ku ( ตำ�บลแมก อำ�เภอแมสอด จงหวดต�ก).maecharao = Mae Charao ( ตำ�บลแมจะเร� อำ�เภอแมระม�ด จงหวดต�ก).maesariang = Mae Sariang ( ตำ�บลแมสะเรยง อำ�เภอแมสะเรยง จงหวดแมฮองสอน).maeramat = Mae Ramat ( ตำ�บลแมระม�ด อำ�เภอแมระม�ด จงหวดต�ก).maetao = Mae Tao ( ตำ�บลแมต�ว อำ�เภอแมสอด จงหวดต�ก).khanechue = Khane Chue ( ตำ�บลขะเนจอ อำ�เภอแมระม�ด จงหวดต�ก).umphiem = Ban Um Piam and "refugee" camp area ( ค�ยผลภยอมเป ยม อำ�เภอพบพระ จงหวดต�กnupo = Ban Nupo and "refugee" camp area ( ค�ยผลภยนโพ อำ�เภออมผ�ง จงหวดต�ก).maela = Ban Mae La and "refugee" camp area ( ค�ยผลภยแมล� อำ�เภอท�สองย�ง จงหวดต�กmaehongson = Mae Hong Son ( ตำ�บลแมฮองสอน อำ�เภอแมฮองสอน จงหวดแมฮองสอน).maelaoon = Ban Mae La Oon and "refugee" camp area ( ค�ยผลภยแมล�อน อำ�เภอสบเมย จงหวดแมฮองสอนtamhin = Ban Tham Hin and "refugee" camp area ( ค�ยผลภยถำ�หน อำ�เภอสวนผง จงหวดร�ชบร

Q5Data column: Q5.ethBurmese: လမး။English: Ethnicity/nationality.Notes: This was an open fill-in-the-blank question and should be considered self-identification. Also note that some people wrote "Muslim" as their nationality/ethnicity despite the fact that this is a religion.

bama = Bamar and/or Burmese national majority of Myanmar.rakhine = Arakanese and/or Rakhine.karen = Karen and/or Kayin.muslim = ? (most likely of recent "South Asian" descent, but who knows really).mon = Mon.kachin = Kachin.pahoh = Pa'O and/or Paoh.chin = Chin.karenni = Karenni, Kayah, and/or Red Karen.chinese = Chinese.danu = Danu.gurkha = Gurkha.indian = Indian.lahu = Lahu and/or Muso.lisu = Lisu.naga = Naga.palaung = Palaung and/or Ta'ang.shan = Shan.[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q6Data column: Q6.relBurmese: က�းကြကယသ ည� ဘာသာ။English: Religion.Notes: This was an open fill-in-the-blank question and should be considered self-identification. Also note that no one wrote "no religion", "atheist", or anything meaning "non-believer."

bu = Buddhism.ch = Christianity.is = Islam.hi = Hinduism.an = Animism.[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q7Data column: Q7.home.mmBurmese:English: Hometown/village (in Myanmar).Notes: This was an open fill-in-the-blank question and should be considered self-identification.

yangon = Yangon Region and/or Rangoon Division.bago = Bago Region and/or Pegu Division.shan = Shan State.rakhine = Rakhine State and/or Arakan.mandalay = Mandalay Region and/or Mandalay Division.kayin = Kayin State and/or Kayin State.


mon = Mon State.ayeyarwady = Ayeyarwady Region and/or Irrawaddy Division.naypyidaw = Naypyidaw Union Territory.tanintharyi = Tanintharyi Region and/or Tenasserim Division.sagaing = Sagaing Region and/or Sagaing Division.kayah = Kayah State and/or Karenni State.magway = Magway Region and/or Magwe Division.chin = Chin State.kachin = Kachin State.[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q8Data column: Q8.m.fBurmese: လင။English: Sex.Notes: Two options for response. If there were respondents who were transgender, they did not write anything indicating so.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q9Data column: Q9.mar.sinBurmese: အမေ�ထာင။English: Marriage status.Notes: Two options for response. If there were respondents who were polyandrous and/or polygamous, they did not write anything indicating so.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q10Data column: Q10.edBurmese: ပညာအရညအခင�း။English: Education.Notes: Three options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q11Data column: Q11.yearsBurmese: ထင�းႏ��ငငမာ ေ�နတာ ဘယေ�လာကၾ ကာပါၿပလ။English: How long have you been in Thailand? Notes: Open question, which most answered in years. Any thing with number with decimal means months and/or days. For example, 1 month would be 0.083333 (i.e., 1/12), 2 months would be 0.166666 (i.e., 2/12), and so on.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.


f = Female (အမးသမး)m = Male (အမးသား)

mar = Married ( ရသည )sin = Single (မရပါ)

B10 = Below 10 Standard ( ၁၀ တန�းေ�အာက).G10 = Finished 10 Standard ( ၁၀ တန�း).A10 = Above 10 Standard as in some college/university (ေ�ကာလပ/တကသလ).

Data column: Q12.1stBurmese: ထ�င�းႏ��ငငက ေ�ရာကဖးတာ ဒါ ပထမဥးဆ�းအႀကမ ပါလား။English: Is this your first time to Thailand?Notes: Two options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q13Data column: Q13.tripsBurmese: အကယ၍ တ�ႀကမထက ပ�မ�ေ�ရာကရ�းသညဆ�လင ဘယ�ႏ�စ�ႀကမေ�ရာကဖးပါသလ။English: If more than once, how many times? Notes: This was a open fill-in-the-blank question.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q14Data column: Q14.famBurmese: ထ�င�းႏ��ငငကြတင သင၏မသား�ပါ သငန႔အတတရြ�D ေ�နထ�ငပါသလား။English: Do you have family that live in Thailand?Notes: Two options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q15Data column: Q15.numBurmese: အကယ၍ မသား�ႏ�င� အတေ�နထ�ငသညဆ�လင ဘယ�ႏ��ေ�ယာက အတေ�နတာ ပါလ။English: If so, about how many?Notes: This was a open fill-in-the-blank question.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q16Data column: Q16.whoBurmese: မသား�ႏ�င� အတေ�နသညဆ�လင ဘယသ ေ�ကြတလည�းဆ�တာ ေ��Fပာပါ။English: If so, give example.Notes: There were eight options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

y = Yes (ဟတပါသည။).n = No (မဟတပါ။).

y = Yes (ေ�နထ�ငပါသည).n = No (ေမနထ�ငပါ).

f = Father (ေအ�).m = Mother (ေအမ).b = Brother (အက/ည/ေ�မာင).s = Sister (အမ/ညမ).a = Aunt (ေအဒၚ).u = Uncle (ဥးေ�လး).c = Cousin (ဝမ�းကြကေ�တာ�Kစပသစမား).o = Others (အFခားသမား).

Q17Data column: Q17.in.outBurmese: သင၏ မသား�သည ဒကၡသညစခန�း၏ �Fပငပကြတင သ�႔မဟတ �ခန�းအကြတင�းကြတင ေ�နထ�ငတာလား။English: Does your family live inside or outside refugee camp?Notes: There were three options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q18Data column: Q18.villageBurmese:English: Do other people from your village/city live in Thailand? Notes: Two options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q19Data column: Q19.numBurmese: အကယ၍ ေ�နထ�ငသစည ဆ�ပါလင ဘယ�ႏ��ေ�ယာက ေ�နထ�ငေ�နတာပါလ။English: If so, about how many?Notes: This was a open fill-in-the-blank question.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q20Data column: Q20.in.outBurmese:English: Do other people from your village/city live inside or outside refugee camp?Notes: There were three options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q21Data column: Q21.ref.labBurmese: ထ�င�းႏ��ငငကြတင ေ�နထ�ငေ�နျခင�းက သေငQနျ�င� မညDသ�႔ သတမတပါသလ။English: What best describes you in Thailand?Notes: There were three options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

in = Inside (�ခန�းအကြတင�း).out = Outside (�ခန�း�Fပငပ).both = Both (�ႏ��မ း�လ�း).

သင၏ရြရာ/ ၿမ႕မ အFခားလမားသညလည�း ထ�င�းႏ��ငငကြတင ေ�နထ�ငပါသလား။

y = Yes (ေ�နထ�ငပါသည။).n = No (ေမနထ�ငပါ။).

သင၏ရြရာ/ ၿမ႕မ အFခားလမားသညလည�း ဒကၡသညစခန�း၏ အFပငဘက သ႔မဟတ ဒကၡသည �ခန�းအကြတင�းကြတင ေ�နထ�ငတာပါလား။

in = Inside (�ခန�းအကြတင�း).out = Outside (�ခန�း�Fပငပ).both = Both (�ႏ��မ း�လ�း).

l = Labor migrant (ေ�ရႊေ႕�Fပာင�းအလစပသမား).r = Refugee (ဒကၡသည).o = Other (အFခား).

Q22Data column: Q22.jobBurmese: ထ�င�းႏ��ငငကြတင အလပရပါသလား။English: Do you have a job in Thailand?Notes: Two options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q23Data column: Q23.bf.yrsBurmese: အကယ၍ အလပရပါသညဆလင၊ အလပမရရခင ထ�င�းႏ��ငငကြတင ဘယေ�လာကၾ ကာခပါသလ။English: If yes, how long in Thailand before you had a job?Notes: This was a open fill-in-the-blank question.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q24Data column: Q24.wantBurmese: အကယ၍ အလပ မရဘးဆလင ထ�င�းႏ��ငငကြတင အလပ လစပကစ�ငခငပါသလား။English: If no, do you want a job in Thailand? Notes: Two options for response. Also note that this question was only asked to those who were outside the "refugee" camps at time of survey interview.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q25Data column: Q25.ref.in.out.bthBurmese: အကယ၍ အလစပQက�င ရသညဆ�လင အလစပQက�ငမရပ ဒကၡသညစခန�းအကြတင�းမာ ယေ�လာကၾ ကာခပါသလ။English: If yes, how long in refugee camp before you had a jobNotes:

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q26Data column: Q26.job.typBurmese: ဘာအလပ လစပကစငပါသလ။English: What best describes your job?Notes: Originally, only first ten options below were given. But many wrote in answers which have also been included. Assumption is that there may be overlap between some professions.

y = Yes (ရပါသည).n = No (မရပါ).

y = Yes (လစပကစငခငပါသည).n = No (မလစပကစငခငပါ).

in = Inside (�ခန�းအကြတင�း).out = Outside (�ခန�း�Fပငပ).both = Both (�ႏ��မ း�လ�း).

const = Construction (ေ�ဆာကလ ပေ�ရး).sew = Sewing (�ကခပ).maid = (အမQက).ngo = NGO worker ( အ�းရမဟတသ ည� အစြ�႔အ�ည�း).stud = Student (ေ�ကာင�းသား/ေ�ကာင�းသ).staff = Shop worker (ေ��းဆစငQလစပသမား).fact = Factory worker (�ကရအလစပသမား).

farm = Farmer and/or agriculture.mech = Mechanic.nurse = Nurse.rel = Religious leader (e.g., pastor, etc).sell = Seller.taxi = Taxi and/or driver.[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q27Data column: Q27.edBurmese:English: Are education opportunities better in your native village/city or in Thailand where you live now?Notes: Two options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q28Data column: Q28.hlthBurmese:English: Is healthcare better in your native village/city or in Thailand where you live now?Notes: Two options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q29Data column: Q29.con.returnBurmese: ယခ �Fမနမာႏ��ငငကြတင �ႏ��ငငေ�ရးေအ�Fပာင�းအလမား �F��ေ�ေနသာေ�ၾကာင� �Fမနမာႏ��ငငသ�႔ �Fပနရန �ဥ�း�ားထားလား။English: With the political changes in Myanmar now, have you considered returning?Notes: Two options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q30Data column: Q30.poliBurmese: �Fမနမာႏ��ငငကြတင �ႏ��ငငေ�ရးေအ�Fခေအန ပမေ�ကာင�းမြမနနလာသလား ဒါမမဟတ ပမဆးရြရားလာပါသလား။English: Is the political situation getting better or worse in Myanmar?Notes: There were three options for response.

rest = Work at restaurant (�ားေ�သာကဆ �င).teach = Teacher (ေ�ကာင�းဆရာ/ဆရာမ).other = Other (အFခား).

day = Daily wage earner (ေ�န႔�ား).

သင�ေ�မြမးရပ ၿမ႕/ ရြရာ သ႔မဟတ သငယခေ�နထ�ငေ�နသည� ထ�င�းႏ��ငင မညသည�ေ�နရာကြတင ပညာေ�ရးအမြခငa�Qလမ�း ပမေ�ကာင�းမြမနပါသလ။

th = Thailand (ထ�င�းႏ�ငင).mm = Hometown in Myanmar (ေ�မြမးရပ!မ႕/ရြရာ).

သင�ေ�မြမးရပ ၿမ႕/ ရြရာ သ႔မဟတ သငယခေ�နထ�ငေ�နသည� ထ�င�းႏ��ငင မညသည�ေ�နရာကြတင ကန�းမာေ�ရး ေ��ာင�ေ�ရာကမႈ ပ�မ�ေ�ကာင�းမြမနပါသလ။

th = Thailand (ထ�င�းႏ�ငင).mm = Hometown in Myanmar (ေ�မြမးရပ!မ႕/ရြရာ).

y = Yes (�ဥ�း�ားပါသည).n = No (မ�ဥ�း�ားပါ).

b = Better (ပ�မေ�ကာင�းမြမနနလာပါသည).w = Worse (ပမဆးရြရားလာပါသည).

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q31Data column: Q31.econBurmese: �Fမနမာႏ��ငငကြတင �းမြပါးေ�ရး ေအ�Fခေအန ပမေ�ကာင�းမြမနနလာပါသလား သ႔မဟတ ပမ�ဆ�းရြရားလာပါသလား။English: Is the economic situation getting better or worse in Myanmar?Notes: There were three options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q32Data column: Q32.job.vs.voteBurmese:English: What is more important in life to you?Notes: There were three options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q33Data column: Q33.prezBurmese: �Fမနမာႏ�ငငအကြတက မညသသည ေအကာင�းဆ�းသမၼတ �F��လာႏ��ငပါသလ။English: Who would make the best president for Myanmar? Notes: This was an open-ended question. The respondent could write anything she wished, including emphasizing character traits, particular political ideas, or political parties, as opposed to specific candidates. They have been grouped together below).

UMAH = U Min Aung Hlaing (head of armed forces).DASSK = Daw Aung San Su Kyi.UTS = U Thein Sein.DAM = Dr Aye Maung (head of Rakhine Nationalities Dev Party).KMKN = Ko Min Ko Naing (President of Universities Student Union of Burma and a leading democracy activist and dissident).UKKG = U Ko Ko Gyi (He is one of the country's most prominent activists, possibly second only to Min Ko Naing).UTSM = U Thura Shwe Mann (was removed from his post as head of the USDP in August 2015).DTL = Dr. Thein Lwin (of the National Network for Education Reform).UMA = U Maung Aye (Vice Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council).UTO = U Tin Oo (a retired general, former commander in chief of the armed forces of Union of Myanmar and Emeritus Chairman of the National League for Democracy in Myanmar).BKH = General Baw Kyaw Heh (Vice Chief of Staff of the KNLA).NO = No one (I don't want to elect anyone; there is no one; nobody; I don't want anyone).DK = I don't know.NRV = We have no right to vote whilst in Thailand.DEMO = "Democracy" (any democratic leader; whoever get more votes; any leader who is choosen by the people; a person who loves and uses the democractic system; a democratic president).ETH = "Ethnic candidate" (Karen leader; ethnic leader; Kawthoolei Karen Leader; Rakhine ethnic; others).REL = "Religious leader" (a missionary; someone who is god-loving; one who loves god; the one who loves god and loves other people as he or she loves himself/herself; a godly leader).TYPE = "Specific type" (a leader who can give themselves to the people; a leader who has optimism; an honest leader; leader who loves people; a federal president; any educated person; good person; qualified person; a person who has a mind like General Aung Aan; someone like Obama; some from a new generation; a good leader; a president who is not greedy; whoever has knowledge and is fair; a person who does not do political corruption).[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

n = Not sure (ေမသခာပါ).

b = Better (ပ�မေ�ကာင�းမြမနနလာပါသည).w = Worse (ပမဆးရြရားလာပါသည).n = Not sure (ေမသခာပါ).

သငa�ဘဝအကြတက မညသညa�Qရာက ပမ�ေအရးႀကးပါသလ။ ( ေ�ကးဇး�Fပၿပး တ�ခက ေ�ရြရးခယပါ။)

j = Having work/business (အလစပQကင/�းမြပါးေ�ရးလပငန�းရရန).v = Having a vote in politics ( �ႏ�ငငေ�ရးကြတင မေ�ပးရန).n = Cannot choose (ေမရြရးခယ�ႏ��ငပါ).

Q34Data column: Q34.asiaBurmese: �Fမနမာႏ��ငငအကြတက ေအကာင�းဆ�း �ႏ�ငငေ�ရး �းမြပါးေ�ရး �နစ�ကစ အနာဂတတြတတ င အတယၿပး လပေ�ဆာင�ႏ��ငရန အာရႏ�ငငမားထမ မညသည��ႏ��ငငသည ေအကာင�းဆ�း�F��ပါသလ။English: In Asia, which country has the best political economic system for Myanmar to copy in the future?Notes: Only eight choices were provided. No "others" choice was available.

th = Thailand.sg = Singapore.ch = China.ja = Japan.vi = Vietnam.br = Brunei.ma = Malaysia.in = India.[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q35Data column: Q35.job.mmBurmese: �Fမနမာႏ��ငငကြတင သင ဘာအလစပQက�င လပခပါသလ။English: What was your job/occupation originally in Myanmar?Notes: This was an open-ended question.

army = Soldier (for national Burmese and/or rebel ethnic group).

farm = Farmer and/or agriculture.fish = Fisherman.house = House wife/husband and/or stayed at home.

mech = Mechanic.news = Journalist.

nurse = Nurse.none = unemployed.

pol = Politician.rel = Religious leader (e.g., pastor, etc).

sell = Seller.

taxi = Taxi and/or driver.

trav = Tour guide.[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

const = Construction (ေ�ဆာကလ ပေ�ရး).

day = Daily wage earner (ေ�န႔�ား).fact = Factory worker (�ကရအလစပသမား).

maid = (အမQက).

ngo = NGO worker ( အ�းရမဟတသ ည� အစြ�႔အ�ည�း).

other = Other (အFခား).

rest = Work at restaurant (�ားေ�သာကဆ �င).

sew = Sewing (�ကခပ).staff = Shop worker (ေ��းဆစငQလစပသမား).stud = Student (ေ�ကာင�းသား/ေ�ကာင�းသ).

teach = Teacher (ေ�ကာင�းဆရာ/ဆရာမ).

Q36Data column: Q36.th.likeBurmese: ထ�င�းႏ��ငငႏ�င�ပတသ က!ပး သငQႀကကဆ �းက ဘာလ။English: What do you like most about Thailand?Notes: This was an open-ended question. The responses are grouped below. The Burmese is provided in some cases where an exact translation was a challenge.

agriculture = Thai agriculture.allow.refugees = Thais allow Burmese foreigners to live in Thailand.architecture = The way the buildings are built and maintained in Thailand.cleanliness = Thailand is clean.communications = Telecommunications in Thailand.

development = Level of Thailand's development.

electricity = Availability of electricity in Thailand.fashion = The way Thai's dress and/or selection of clothes in Thailand.food = Thai food.freedom = General level of freedom in Thailand.girls = Thai females.

internet = Access to internet in Thailand.

language = Thai language.

media = Thai media, including TV, music, newprint, ect.monarch = King of Thailand.money.design = The actual design and quality of the physical currency in Thailand.natural.environment = Natural environment and its upkeep in Thailand.nothing = Liked nothing at all about Thailand.peace = Thailand is peaceful, no internal war.

product.quality = Quality of products and goods in Thailand.religion = Religion in Thailand (note no one wrote a specific religion here).

shopping = Shopping Thailand.

sports = Sports in Thailand.transport = Trasportation in Thailand.travel = Places to travel in Thailand.weather = Weather in Thailand.[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

culture = Thai culture (ယဥေ�က�းမ).democracy = Democracy (ဒမကေရ�; note that despite Thailand not being a liberal democracy at time of survey, some respondents answered thus).

economy = Thailand's economic system and/or economy in general ( �းမြပါးေ�ရး�န�၊ �းမြပါးေ�ရး).education = Education in Thailand (ပညာေ�ရး).

governance = Goverance in Thailand ( အပခပေ�ရးမရး�န�၊ ဆပခပပ�နည�း�န�; note that no one wrote "regime" အ�းရ�န� or "government" အ�းရ in Burmese. Thus we have chosen "governance" here as a less-than-perfect translation; some did write "government" in the next question 37 on what they hate about Thailand).

healthcare = Healthcare in Thailand (ကန�းမာေ�ရး၊ �Fပညဘ႔ကန�းမာေ�ရး).human.rights = Human rights in Thailand (လ႔အမြခငေ�Qရး).

job.opportunities = Job opportunities in Thailand ( ေ�မြငရာကြလယက �Fခင�း၊ အလစပQကင၊ အလပ).

living.standard = Thai living standard ( လေ�နမ�အဆငa�Qတန�း၊ ေအနအထင).

politics = Thai politics (�ႏ�ငငေ�ရး; note that even though some wrote "politics" in Thailand in a general sense no one wrote Thai "regime" အ�းရ�န� or Thai "government" အ�းရ in Burmese in this section; some did write "government" in the next question 37 on what they hate about Thailand).

rules.regulations = Thailand's rule of law and/or that Thais are law-abiding and/or Thai law in general ( �ည�းမဥ�း�ည�းကမ�း၊ လစပထ�းလပနည�း၊ ဥေပဒ).

society = Thai society in general (လမေ�ရး).

Q37Data column: Q37.th.hateBurmese: ထ�င�းႏ��ငငႏ�င�ပတသ က!ပး သငQမန�းဆ�းက ဘာလ။English: What do you hate the most about Thailand? Notes: This was an open-ended question. The responses are grouped below. The Burmese is provided in some cases where an exact translation was a challenge.

alcohol = Alcohol consumption in Thailand and/or Thai drunkards.boys = Thai males.

crowdedness = Crowdedness in Thailand.

discrimination = Discrimination against people from Myanmar in Thailand.disease = Diseases in Thailand.drugs = Drug use in Thailand.everything = Dislike everything about Thailand.fashion = The way people dress in Thailand and/or Thai clothes.food = Thai food.

human.trafficking = Human trafficking in Thailand.insecurity = Insecurity in Thailand.lack.of.citizenship = No Thai citizenship.lack.of.freedom = No real freedom in Thailand.lack.of.human.rights = No true human rights in Thailand.lack.of.job.unions = No job unions for Burmese people in Thailand.language = Thai language.mosquitos = Mosquitos in Thailand.nothing = Dislike nothing about Thailand.paid.late = Not being paid on time in Thailand.paid.not.fully = Not being paid fully by Thai employers.police = Thai police officers.

pollution = Pollution in Thailand.

refugee.life = Being a refugee in Thailand and/or the lifestyle of refugees in Thailand.religion = Religion in Thailand (note no one wrote a specific religion here).restricted.travel = Unable to travel freely within Thailand (normally due to lack of ID card and/or lack of Thai citizenship).

thai.army = Thai soldiers and/or Thai army in general.unemployment = Not having a job in Thailand.violence = Level of violence in Thailand.weather = Weather in Thailand.[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q38Data column: Q38.corruptBurmese: ယခငက �Fမနမာအ�းရ အာဏာပစငတစ�႔သည သငေ�Qပၚ လာဒKားမႈ �Fပခ�းပါသလား။

corruption = Corruption in Thailand (အကင�ပကမ၊ �Fခ�ားမ).

culture = Thai culture (ယဥေ�က�းမ).

gangsters = Thai gansterism ( လဆး၊ လဆးဂ�ဏ�း၊ ရာဇဝတဂဏ�း၊ မာ�းယားဂဏ�း).government = Thailand's government (အ�းရ).homosexuality = Homosexuality in Thailand and/or gay Thai people in general (ေအ�Fခာက; note that everyone who wrote this used this more offensive Burmese term, similar to "faggot" in American English).

politics = Thai politics (�ႏ�ငငေ�ရး).

prostitution = Prostitutes in Thailand (�Fပညa�တakနဆာ; note that no one wrote "sex worker" in Burmese).

society = Thai society in general (လမေ�ရး).

English: In the past, has Burmese government ever done corruption against you?Notes: There were two options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q39Data column: Q39.force.labBurmese:English: In the past, has Burmese government ever made you work without pay (forced labor)?Notes: There were two options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q40Data column: Q40.threatBurmese: ယခငက �Fမနမာအ��းရ အာဏာပစငတစ�႔သည သငa�Qား ၿခမ�းေ��Fခာကခ�းပါသလား။English: In the past, has Burmese government ever threatened you?Notes: There were two options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q41Data column: Q41.violenceBurmese: ယခငက �Fမနမာအ�းရ အာဏာပစငတစ႔သည သင�၏က�ယခႏၶာအား အမaနတကယ နာကငထခကေ�အာင �Fပလပခ�းပါသလား။English: In the past, has Burmese government ever done real physical violence again you?Notes: There were two options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q42Data column: Q42.fear.returnBurmese: သင�Fမနမာ�Fပညသ�႔ �Fပနရန ေ�ၾကာကရြကရ႕ပါသလား။English: Do you fear to return to Myanmar?Notes: There were two options for response.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

Q43Data column: Q43.ref.campBurmese: ဒကၡသည �ခန�းကြတင ေ�နထ�ငခဘးပါသလား။English: Have you ever spent time in the refugee camp?

y = Yes (�Fပ�းသည).n = No (မFပ�းပါ).

ယခငက �Fမနမာအ�းရ အာဏာပစငတစ႔သည သငေ�Qပၚ ေ�ေမြငၾကးေမပးပ အလပခ�င�းေ��Fခင�း ရခပါသလား (အဓမၼအလပေ��ခင�း�Fခင�း)။

y = Yes (ရခ�းပါသည).n = No (မရခ�းပါ).

y = Yes (ၿခမ�းေ��Fခာကဖးပါသည).n = No (မၿခမ�းေ��Fခာကဖးပါ).

y = Yes (�Fပလပဖးပါသည).n = No (မFပလပဖးပါ).

y = Yes (ေ�ၾကာကပါသည).n = No (ေမၾကာကပါ).


[x] = Was not asked this question, illegible and/or left blank.

Q44Data column: Q44.timeBurmese: အကယ၍ ေ�နထ�ငဖးလင အခနဘယေ�လာက ၾကာေ�အာင ေ�နထ�ငဖးပါသလ။English: If yes, how long did you live in the refugee camp? Notes:

[x] = Was not asked this question, illegible and/or left blank.

Q45Data column: Q45.considerBurmese: အကယ၍ ေမနထ�ငဖးပါက ေ�နထငရန �ဥ�း�ားခ�းပါသလား။English: If no, have you ever considered living in a refugee camp?Notes:

[x] = Was not asked this question, illegible and/or left blank.

Q46Data column: Q46.rationsBurmese: ဒကၡသညစခန�းအကြတင�းကြတင �ား�ရာရကၡာ လ�ေ�လာကပါသလား။English: Are the food rations enough to live in refugee camp?Notes:

[x] = Was not asked this question, illegible and/or left blank.

Q47Data column: Q47.close.campBurmese: အကယ၍ ဒကၡသညစခန�းမား ပတတြတသ ားလင သင �Fမနမာ�Fပညသ�႔ �Fပနမလား သ႔မဟတ ထ�င�းႏ��ငငကြတင ေ�နမလား။English: If the refugee camps close, will you return to Myanmar or stay in Thailand?Notes:

[x] = Was not asked this question, illegible and/or left blank.

Q48Data column: Q48.do.mmBurmese: အကယ၍ �Fမနမာ�Fပညသ�႔ �Fပနလင သင ဘာလပမလ။English: If you return to Myanmar, what will you do? Notes:

[x] = Was not asked this question, illegible and/or left blank.

This question was only asked to those living OUTSIDE of "refugee" camps at time of survey. Two options for response.y = Yes (ေ�နထ�ငဖးပါသည).n = No (ေမနထ�ငဖးပါ).

This question was only asked to those living OUTSIDE of "refugee" camps at time of survey. Time is indicated in years.

This question was only asked to those living OUTSIDE of "refugee" camps at time of survey. Two options for response.y = Yes (�ဥ�း�ားခ�းပါသည).n = No (မ�ဥ�း�ားခ�းပါ).

This question was only asked to those living INSIDE of "refugee" camps at time of survey. Two options for response.y = Yes (လ�ေ�လာကပါသည).n = No (မလ�ေ�လာကပါ).

This question was only asked to those living INSIDE of "refugee" camps at time of survey. Two options for response.stay = Stay in Thailand (ထ�င�းႏ��ငငကြတင ေ�နမည).return = Return to Myanmar (�Fမနမာ�Fပည �Fပနမည).

This question was only asked to those living INSIDE of "refugee" camps at time of survey. Open-ended question.

Q49Data column: Q49.do.thBurmese: အကယ၍ ထ�င�းႏ�ငငမာ ေ�နလင သငဘာလပမလ။English: If you stay in Thailand, what will you do?Notes:

[x] = Was not asked this question, illegible and/or left blank.

Q50Data column: Q50.commentsBurmese: မတKမား။English: Remarks.Notes: Open-ended question.

[x] = Illegible and/or left blank.

This question was only asked to those living INSIDE of "refugee" camps at time of survey. Open-ended question.

To read Burmese script, Zawgyi-One font is required. To read Thai script, Angsana New font may be required.

In order to avoid making value judgement of whether concept-migrant was a "laborer" or a "refugee", we recorded whether or not said person answered survey when living inside or outside one of the refugee camps in Thailand.

ค�ยผลภยอมเป ยม อำ�เภอพบพระ จงหวดต�ก).

ค�ยผลภยแมล� อำ�เภอท�สองย�ง จงหวดต�ก). ตำ�บลแมฮองสอน อำ�เภอแมฮองสอน จงหวดแมฮองสอน).

ค�ยผลภยแมล�อน อำ�เภอสบเมย จงหวดแมฮองสอน). ค�ยผลภยถำ�หน อำ�เภอสวนผง จงหวดร�ชบร).

This was an open fill-in-the-blank question and should be considered self-identification. Also note that some people wrote "Muslim" as their nationality/ethnicity despite the fact that this is a religion.

This was an open fill-in-the-blank question and should be considered self-identification. Also note that no one wrote "no religion", "atheist", or anything meaning "non-believer."

This was an open fill-in-the-blank question and should be considered self-identification.

Two options for response. If there were respondents who were transgender, they did not write anything indicating so.

Two options for response. If there were respondents who were polyandrous and/or polygamous, they did not write anything indicating so.

Open question, which most answered in years. Any thing with number with decimal means months and/or days. For example, 1 month would be 0.083333 (i.e., 1/12), 2 months would be 0.166666 (i.e., 2/12), and so on.

ၿမ႕မ အFခားလမားသညလည�း ဒကၡသညစခန�း၏ အFပငဘက သ႔မဟတ ဒကၡသည �ခန�းအကြတင�းကြတင ေ�နထ�ငတာပါလား။

Two options for response. Also note that this question was only asked to those who were outside the "refugee" camps at time of survey interview.

Originally, only first ten options below were given. But many wrote in answers which have also been included. Assumption is that there may be overlap between some professions.

Are education opportunities better in your native village/city or in Thailand where you live now?

ယခ �Fမနမာႏ��ငငကြတင �ႏ��ငငေ�ရးေအ�Fပာင�းအလမား �F��ေ�ေနသာေ�ၾကာင� �Fမနမာႏ��ငငသ�႔ �Fပနရန �ဥ�း�ားထားလား။

ရြရာ သ႔မဟတ သငယခေ�နထ�ငေ�နသည� ထ�င�းႏ��ငင မညသည�ေ�နရာကြတင ပညာေ�ရးအမြခငa�Qလမ�း ပမေ�ကာင�းမြမနပါသလ။

ရြရာ သ႔မဟတ သငယခေ�နထ�ငေ�နသည� ထ�င�းႏ��ငင မညသည�ေ�နရာကြတင ကန�းမာေ�ရး ေ��ာင�ေ�ရာကမႈ ပ�မ�ေ�ကာင�းမြမနပါသလ။

This was an open-ended question. The respondent could write anything she wished, including emphasizing character traits, particular political ideas, or political parties, as opposed to specific candidates. They have been grouped together below).

KMKN = Ko Min Ko Naing (President of Universities Student Union of Burma and a leading democracy activist and dissident).UKKG = U Ko Ko Gyi (He is one of the country's most prominent activists, possibly second only to Min Ko Naing).UTSM = U Thura Shwe Mann (was removed from his post as head of the USDP in August 2015).

UTO = U Tin Oo (a retired general, former commander in chief of the armed forces of Union of Myanmar and Emeritus Chairman of the National League for Democracy in Myanmar).

NO = No one (I don't want to elect anyone; there is no one; nobody; I don't want anyone).

DEMO = "Democracy" (any democratic leader; whoever get more votes; any leader who is choosen by the people; a person who loves and uses the democractic system; a democratic president).ETH = "Ethnic candidate" (Karen leader; ethnic leader; Kawthoolei Karen Leader; Rakhine ethnic; others).REL = "Religious leader" (a missionary; someone who is god-loving; one who loves god; the one who loves god and loves other people as he or she loves himself/herself; a godly leader).TYPE = "Specific type" (a leader who can give themselves to the people; a leader who has optimism; an honest leader; leader who loves people; a federal president; any educated person; good person; qualified person; a person who has a mind like General Aung Aan; someone like Obama; some from a new generation; a good leader; a president who is not greedy; whoever has knowledge and is fair; a person who does not do political corruption).

�Fမနမာႏ��ငငအကြတက ေအကာင�းဆ�း �ႏ�ငငေ�ရး �းမြပါးေ�ရး �နစ�ကစ အနာဂတတြတတ င အတယၿပး လပေ�ဆာင�ႏ��ငရန အာရႏ�ငငမားထမ မညသည��ႏ��ငငသည ေအကာင�းဆ�း�F��ပါသလ။In Asia, which country has the best political economic system for Myanmar to copy in the future?

This was an open-ended question. The responses are grouped below. The Burmese is provided in some cases where an exact translation was a challenge.

; note that despite Thailand not being a liberal democracy at time of survey, some respondents answered thus).

�းမြပါးေ�ရး�န�၊ �းမြပါးေ�ရး).

; note that no one wrote "regime" အ�းရ�န� or "government" အ�းရ in Burmese. Thus we have chosen "governance" here as a less-than-perfect translation; some did write "government" in the next question 37 on what they hate about Thailand).

; note that even though some wrote "politics" in Thailand in a general sense no one wrote Thai "regime" အ�းရ�န� or Thai "government" အ�းရ in Burmese in this section; some did write "government" in the next question 37 on what they hate about Thailand).

rules.regulations = Thailand's rule of law and/or that Thais are law-abiding and/or Thai law in general ( �ည�းမဥ�း�ည�းကမ�း၊ လစပထ�းလပနည�း၊ ဥေပဒ).

This was an open-ended question. The responses are grouped below. The Burmese is provided in some cases where an exact translation was a challenge.

restricted.travel = Unable to travel freely within Thailand (normally due to lack of ID card and/or lack of Thai citizenship).

homosexuality = Homosexuality in Thailand and/or gay Thai people in general (ေအ�Fခာက; note that everyone who wrote this used this more offensive Burmese term, similar to "faggot" in American English).

; note that no one wrote "sex worker" in Burmese).

In the past, has Burmese government ever made you work without pay (forced labor)?

ယခငက �Fမနမာအ�းရ အာဏာပစငတစ႔သည သင�၏က�ယခႏၶာအား အမaနတကယ နာကငထခကေ�အာင �Fပလပခ�းပါသလား။

ယခငက �Fမနမာအ�းရ အာဏာပစငတစ႔သည သငေ�Qပၚ ေ�ေမြငၾကးေမပးပ အလပခ�င�းေ��Fခင�း ရခပါသလား (အဓမၼအလပေ��ခင�း�Fခင�း)။

အကယ၍ ဒကၡသညစခန�းမား ပတတြတသ ားလင သင �Fမနမာ�Fပညသ�႔ �Fပနမလား သ႔မဟတ ထ�င�းႏ��ငငကြတင ေ�နမလား။

of "refugee" camps at time of survey. Two options for response.

of "refugee" camps at time of survey. Time is indicated in years.

of "refugee" camps at time of survey. Two options for response.

of "refugee" camps at time of survey. Two options for response.

of "refugee" camps at time of survey. Two options for response.

of "refugee" camps at time of survey. Open-ended question.

of "refugee" camps at time of survey. Open-ended question.

In order to avoid making value judgement of whether concept-migrant was a "laborer" or a "refugee", we recorded whether or not said person answered survey when living inside or outside one of the refugee camps in Thailand.

This was an open fill-in-the-blank question and should be considered self-identification. Also note that some people wrote "Muslim" as their nationality/ethnicity despite the fact that this is a religion.

Open question, which most answered in years. Any thing with number with decimal means months and/or days. For example, 1 month would be 0.083333 (i.e., 1/12), 2 months would be 0.166666 (i.e., 2/12), and so on.

This was an open-ended question. The respondent could write anything she wished, including emphasizing character traits, particular political ideas, or political parties, as opposed to specific candidates. They have been grouped together below).

DEMO = "Democracy" (any democratic leader; whoever get more votes; any leader who is choosen by the people; a person who loves and uses the democractic system; a democratic president).

TYPE = "Specific type" (a leader who can give themselves to the people; a leader who has optimism; an honest leader; leader who loves people; a federal president; any educated person; good person; qualified person; a person who has a mind like General Aung Aan; someone like Obama; some from a new generation; a good leader; a president who is not greedy; whoever has knowledge and is fair; a person who does not do political corruption).

in Burmese. Thus we have chosen "governance" here as a less-than-perfect translation; some did write "government" in the next question 37 on what they hate about Thailand).

in Burmese in this section; some did write "government" in the next question 37 on what they hate about Thailand).

; note that everyone who wrote this used this more offensive Burmese term, similar to "faggot" in American English).

TYPE = "Specific type" (a leader who can give themselves to the people; a leader who has optimism; an honest leader; leader who loves people; a federal president; any educated person; good person; qualified person; a person who has a mind like General Aung Aan; someone like Obama; some from a new generation; a good leader; a president who is not greedy; whoever has knowledge and is fair; a person who does not do political corruption).

in Burmese. Thus we have chosen "governance" here as a less-than-perfect translation; some did write "government" in the next question 37 on what they hate about Thailand).

TYPE = "Specific type" (a leader who can give themselves to the people; a leader who has optimism; an honest leader; leader who loves people; a federal president; any educated person; good person; qualified person; a person who has a mind like General Aung Aan; someone like Obama; some from a new generation; a good leader; a president who is not greedy; whoever has knowledge and is fair; a person who does not do political corruption).

Q1.in.out Q2.date Q3.loc Q4.age Q5.eth Q6.rel Q7.home.mm Q8.m.f Q9.mar.sinout 19-Oct-2015 maepa 26 karen ch kayin f sinout 19-Oct-2015 maesot 22 bama bu yangon m sinout 19-Oct-2015 maesot 32 karen bu kayin f marout 19-Oct-2015 maesot 25 karen ch kayin m sinout 19-Oct-2015 maepa 30 mon bu tanintharyi f sinout 19-Oct-2015 maesot 23 karen bu kayin m sinout 19-Oct-2015 maetao 21 karen bu kayin m sinout 19-Oct-2015 maesot 24 bama bu yangon m sinout 19-Oct-2015 maesot 34 karen ch kayin m marout 19-Oct-2015 maesot 30 bama bu kayin m sinout 19-Oct-2015 maesot 31 bama bu mon f sinout 19-Oct-2015 maepa 23 muslim is mon m sinout 19-Oct-2015 maesot 22 bama ch kayin f marout 19-Oct-2015 maetao 21 bama bu yangon m marout 19-Oct-2015 maesot 41 bama bu bago f marout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 24 karen ch kayin f sinout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 19 bama bu yangon f sinout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 24 bama bu bago f sinout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 22 karen bu kayin f sinout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 19 bama bu mon f sinout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 30 karen bu kayin f sinout 15-Oct-2015 maetao 24 karen ch kayin f sinout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 26 karen ch kayin f sinout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 32 bama bu mon f sinout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 26 karen bu kayin f sinout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 19 bama bu mon f sinout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 39 karen bu mon f sinout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 21 karen bu kayin f sinout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 24 bama bu yangon f sinout 15-Oct-2015 maetao 54 bama bu [x] m marout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 27 karen ch kayin f marout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 23 bama bu kayin m sinout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 23 muslim is kayin m sinout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 26 karen bu kayin f marout 15-Oct-2015 maeku 22 bama bu yangon f marout 15-Oct-2015 maetao 32 bama bu [x] m marout 15-Oct-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon f sinout 14-Oct-2015 maesot 19 chin ch chin f sinout 14-Oct-2015 maesot 31 bama bu ayeyarwady m sinout 14-Oct-2015 maesot 20 bama bu bago m sinout 14-Oct-2015 maesot 32 bama bu bago f sinout 14-Oct-2015 maesot 19 bama bu bago m sinout 14-Oct-2015 maesot 40 karen bu kayin f marout 14-Oct-2015 maesot 41 karen bu kayin m marin 9-Oct-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Oct-2015 maela 30 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Oct-2015 maela 21 karen bu kayin m sin

out 6-Oct-2015 maetao 27 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinout 30-Sep-2015 maesot 24 bama bu ayeyarwady f sinout 30-Sep-2015 maesot 28 karen ch yangon f marout 30-Sep-2015 maesot 21 karen bu kayin m sinout 30-Sep-2015 maesot 30 bama bu mon m sinout 29-Sep-2015 maesot 27 bama bu kayin m sinout 28-Sep-2015 maesot 36 karen bu ayeyarwady f marout 28-Sep-2015 maesot 28 bama bu kayin m sinout 27-Sep-2015 maesot 49 rakhine bu yangon f marout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 20 bama bu yangon f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mandalay f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu bago m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 19 karen bu kayin f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 19 rakhine bu rakhine m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu bago f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 27 mon bu mon m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu bago m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen ch kayin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen bu kayin f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu bago m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen bu kayin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu kayin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen bu bago m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 27 mon bu mon f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen ch bago m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 19 karen bu kayin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 51 bama bu yangon f marout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 19 karen bu kayin f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 59 bama bu yangon f marout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 20 chin ch chin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen bu kayin f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 27 mon bu mon f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen bu kayin f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu bago m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu bago m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen bu mon m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama ch kayin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu bago m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 19 mon bu kayin f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon m sin

out 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 chin bu chin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen bu yangon f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen bu kayin f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu yangon m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 21 karen bu kayin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 27 mon bu mon f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu yangon f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 20 karen bu kayin f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen bu kayin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu bago f sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen bu kayin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 18 kachin ch kachin m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen bu mon m sinout 25-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen bu kayin m sinout 23-Sep-2015 maesot 25 mon bu tanintharyi f marout 22-Sep-2015 maetao 46 bama bu mon f marout 21-Sep-2015 maesot 40 bama bu kayin m marout 21-Sep-2015 maesot 29 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 21-Sep-2015 maesot 25 bama bu kayin m sinout 21-Sep-2015 maesot 52 bama bu mon m sinout 21-Sep-2015 maesot 65 karen bu ayeyarwady m marout 21-Sep-2015 maesot 49 bama bu mon f marout 21-Sep-2015 maesot 28 bama bu mon f sinout 21-Sep-2015 maesot 24 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 21-Sep-2015 maesot 38 bama bu mon f marout 21-Sep-2015 maesot 61 bama bu kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 24 karen ch kayin m sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 21 karen ch kayin m marin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 30 karen ch mandalay m marin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 20 karen ch kayin m marin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 25 karen ch kayin m sin

in 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 25 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 24 karen ch kayin f sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 60 bama bu bago m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 28 bama bu bago m marin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 22 karen ch mandalay m sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 22 karen ch kayin f sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 30 mon bu mon f [x]out 20-Sep-2015 maeku 40 bama bu bago m marout 20-Sep-2015 maesot 35 karen bu kayin f marout 20-Sep-2015 maesot 50 karen bu ayeyarwady m marin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 19 karen ch kayin m sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 20 bama bu bago f sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 18 bama bu bago f sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 18 bama bu bago m sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 18 bama bu bago m sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 20 bama bu bago f sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 18 bama bu bago m sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 21 karen ch mandalay m sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 30 mon bu mon f [x]in 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 24 karen ch kayin m sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 21 karen ch kayin m sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 30 bama bu mon f sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 50 bama bu kayin f marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 40 bama bu bago m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 50 bama bu bago m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 30 bama bu bago f sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 40 bama bu bago f [x]out 20-Sep-2015 maeku 30 bama bu bago f sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 30 bama bu kayin m sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 50 bama bu bago f sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 50 bama bu bago m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 44 karen bu kayin m [x]out 20-Sep-2015 maeku 30 bama bu bago m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 55 bama bu bago f sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 44 karen bu kayin m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 35 karen bu bago m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 35 bama bu bago m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 30 bama bu kayin m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 50 bama bu kayin f marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 30 bama bu bago m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 30 bama bu kayin m mar

out 20-Sep-2015 maeku 50 bama bu mon m sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 50 bama bu bago m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 30 bama bu bago m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 50 bama bu mon f marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 50 bama bu mon m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 40 bama bu bago m sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 40 bama bu bago m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 25 bama bu bago f sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 25 bama bu bago f marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 25 bama bu bago f marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 38 bama bu bago m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 40 bama bu bago f sinout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 40 bama bu bago m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 20 bama bu bago m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 35 bama bu bago f marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 40 bama bu bago m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 55 bama bu bago m marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 30 bama bu bago f marout 20-Sep-2015 maeku 50 bama bu bago f marin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 21 [x] ch kayin m sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 33 [x] ch ayeyarwady m sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 24 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 30 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 25 karen ch kayin f sinin 20-Sep-2015 maelaoon 19 karen ch kayin m sinout 19-Sep-2015 maesot 54 bama bu bago m marout 19-Sep-2015 maetao 24 karen bu kayin f sinout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 26 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 31 karen ch mon f marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 33 karen bu kayin f marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 35 karen bu ayeyarwady m sinout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 41 bama bu kayin m marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen bu kayin f marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 25 karen bu kayin m sinout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen ch kayin f marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen bu kayin m marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 21 bama bu mon f sinout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 24 bama bu mon f sinout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 36 karen ch ayeyarwady m marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 40 karen ch bago m marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 20 karen bu kayin m sinout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 45 bama bu kayin f marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu bago f sin

out 18-Sep-2015 maesot 33 karen ch ayeyarwady f marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 35 karen bu kayin m marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 41 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 30 bama bu kayin f sinout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 29 bama bu mon m marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 31 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 41 bama bu kayin m marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 27 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 50 bama bu bago m marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 31 karen ch ayeyarwady f marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 29 karen bu mon m marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 45 bama bu kayin m marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 24 karen bu kayin m sinout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 20 karen bu kayin m sinout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 30 bama is kayin m marout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 24 kachin ch kachin m sinout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 40 bama bu mon m sinout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu mon m sinout 18-Sep-2015 maesot 27 mon bu mon f sinin 17-Sep-2015 nupo 37 chin ch rakhine f sinin 17-Sep-2015 nupo 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 17-Sep-2015 nupo 40 karen ch kayin f marout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 35 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 rakhine bu rakhine f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 bama bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 24 karen bu bago m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 33 karen bu mon m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 bama bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 32 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu mon f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu bago f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu kayin f sinin 17-Sep-2015 nupo 20 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu mon m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu yangon m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 rakhine bu rakhine m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 rakhine bu rakhine m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu yangon f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 27 mon bu bago f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu mon f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 27 muslim is kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu yangon f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 bama bu kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 karen bu bago m sin

out 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu bago f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 rakhine bu rakhine f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu yangon m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 30 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 27 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 31 karen bu mon f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 32 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 karen bu mon f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 pahoh bu mon f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 bama bu bago f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu bago m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 karen bu kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 karen bu kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 karen ch mon f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 bama bu bago f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu mon m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 bama bu bago f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu mon m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 rakhine bu rakhine m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 bama bu ayeyarwady f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 26 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu bago m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 chin ch chin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu mon m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maesot 36 bama bu mandalay f marout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama is bago m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 bama bu bago f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 bama bu shan m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu bago m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 karen bu mon m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu mon f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maesot 30 bama bu bago f marout 17-Sep-2015 maesot 27 karen bu kayin f mar

out 17-Sep-2015 maesot 22 karen bu kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maesot 23 pahoh bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maesot 24 bama bu mandalay m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maesot 21 chin bu chin m sinin 17-Sep-2015 nupo 22 karen bu kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu yangon m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maesot 31 karen bu mon f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 bama bu bago f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu ayeyarwady f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu yangon m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 karen bu kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 karen bu bago f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 25 karen bu kayin f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 bama bu bago f sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 18 chin bu chin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 bama bu kayin m sinout 17-Sep-2015 maeramat 19 bama bu yangon m sinin 16-Sep-2015 nupo 54 karen bu kayin f marin 16-Sep-2015 nupo 18 karen bu [x] f sinin 16-Sep-2015 nupo 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 16-Sep-2015 nupo 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 16-Sep-2015 nupo 21 karen bu kayin f sinin 16-Sep-2015 nupo 23 karen bu [x] f sinin 16-Sep-2015 nupo 21 karen bu kayin m sinin 16-Sep-2015 nupo 23 karen bu kayin m sinin 16-Sep-2015 nupo 23 karen bu kayin f sinin 16-Sep-2015 nupo 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 15-Sep-2015 nupo 40 karen bu kayin [x] [x]in 15-Sep-2015 nupo 63 karen ch kayin f marin 15-Sep-2015 nupo 45 karen ch kayin f marin 15-Sep-2015 umphiem 45 bama ch sagaing f marin 15-Sep-2015 nupo 64 karen ch kayin m marin 15-Sep-2015 nupo 37 karen ch kayin f marin 15-Sep-2015 nupo 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 15-Sep-2015 nupo 38 karen ch kayin m marin 15-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 15-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinin 15-Sep-2015 nupo 66 karen ch yangon f marin 15-Sep-2015 nupo 64 karen ch kayin f sinin 15-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinin 15-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 bama bu kayin f sinin 15-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen bu kayin f sin

in 15-Sep-2015 umphiem 27 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 15-Sep-2015 nupo 20 karen bu kayin f sinout 15-Sep-2015 maesot 45 bama bu bago m marout 15-Sep-2015 maesot 19 kachin ch yangon m sinout 15-Sep-2015 maesot 18 chin bu chin f sinout 15-Sep-2015 maesot 20 karen bu kayin m sinout 15-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu bago f sinout 15-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu yangon f sinout 15-Sep-2015 maesot 19 karen bu mon f sinout 15-Sep-2015 maesot 18 karen bu kayin f sinout 15-Sep-2015 maesot 21 bama bu kayin f sinin 15-Sep-2015 nupo 24 karen ch bago f marout 15-Sep-2015 maesot 22 bama bu kayin f sinin 15-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 15-Sep-2015 nupo 49 rakhine bu rakhine f marin 15-Sep-2015 umphiem 52 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 15-Sep-2015 nupo 44 karen ch mon f sinin 15-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 bama ch sagaing f sinin 15-Sep-2015 nupo 50 karen bu ayeyarwady f sinin 15-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 14-Sep-2015 nupo 24 karen ch kayin f marin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 24 mon bu mon f sinin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 32 karen [x] [x] f marin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu ayeyarwady m sinin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 33 muslim bu kayin f marin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 bama ch sagaing m sinin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 41 karen ch kayin f marin 14-Sep-2015 nupo 23 karen ch yangon m marin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 palaung bu shan m sinin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 40 karen ch kayin f marin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 palaung bu shan m sinin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 40 karen ch ayeyarwady f marin 14-Sep-2015 nupo 35 mon bu mon m sinin 14-Sep-2015 nupo 25 karen bu ayeyarwady f sinin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 41 karen ch ayeyarwady f marin 14-Sep-2015 nupo 32 karen bu kayin f sinin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 35 bama ch sagaing m marin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 45 bama ch sagaing f sinin 14-Sep-2015 nupo 27 bama bu tanintharyi f sinin 14-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 bama bu sagaing m sinin 13-Sep-2015 nupo 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 bama bu kayin f sinin 13-Sep-2015 nupo 45 gurkha bu kachin f marin 13-Sep-2015 nupo 21 karen ch kayin m sin

in 13-Sep-2015 nupo 42 karen bu ayeyarwady m marin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 47 karen bu kayin m marin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 13-Sep-2015 nupo 50 karen bu kayin m marin 13-Sep-2015 nupo 40 bama bu mon f marout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 58 bama bu bago f marin 13-Sep-2015 nupo 22 karen bu kayin m sinin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 44 bama bu kayin f marout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 50 bama bu bago m marout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 19 bama bu bago m sinin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 43 bama bu magway m marout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 38 karen bu bago m marout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 40 karen bu kayin f marout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 37 bama bu [x] f marout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 29 bama bu bago f sinout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 25 bama bu naypyidaw m sinout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 25 karen bu kayin f sinout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 28 bama bu naypyidaw m [x]out 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 46 karen bu kayin m marout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 23 bama bu bago f sinout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 23 bama bu bago f sinout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 27 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 28 bama bu naypyidaw f marout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 41 bama bu yangon m marout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 31 bama bu bago m marout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 21 bama bu bago m sinout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 27 bama bu naypyidaw m marout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 19 bama bu ayeyarwady m sinout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 43 bama bu naypyidaw m marout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 58 rakhine bu rakhine f marout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 50 bama bu yangon m marin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch mon m sinin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 mon bu mon m sinin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 29 bama ch magway f sinin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 bama bu sagaing f sinin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 33 mon bu mon f marin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 28 bama ch bago f sinin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen bu kayin f sinin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 33 karen ch kayin f sinin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 13-Sep-2015 nupo 45 bama bu yangon m marin 13-Sep-2015 nupo 34 bama bu bago f sinin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 24 karen ch mon f sinin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 bama ch bago m sinin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 32 bama bu magway m sinin 13-Sep-2015 nupo 28 bama bu yangon m marin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen bu kayin f sinout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 34 bama bu naypyidaw m mar

out 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 24 bama bu naypyidaw m sinin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 45 karen bu mon m marout 13-Sep-2015 khanechue 37 bama bu naypyidaw m marin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 43 karen ch kayin m marin 13-Sep-2015 nupo 60 bama bu kayin m marin 13-Sep-2015 nupo 64 bama is yangon m sinout 13-Sep-2015 maesot 23 muslim is mon m sinin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 64 karen bu kayin f marin 13-Sep-2015 nupo 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 50 karen bu ayeyarwady f marin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 46 karen bu [x] f marin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 42 karen ch kayin m marin 13-Sep-2015 umphiem 32 karen bu kayin f marin 12-Sep-2015 nupo 40 kachin ch kachin m marin 12-Sep-2015 nupo 30 bama bu kayin m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 48 bama ch mandalay m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 24 bama ch bago m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 24 karen ch yangon m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 58 karen bu mon m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 36 bama ch mandalay f marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 43 pahoh bu bago m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 28 rakhine bu rakhine m sinin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 27 bama ch mandalay m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen ch mon m marout 12-Sep-2015 khanechue 36 bama bu naypyidaw m marout 12-Sep-2015 khanechue 34 bama bu [x] f marout 12-Sep-2015 khanechue 42 bama bu bago f marout 12-Sep-2015 khanechue 43 bama bu bago m sinout 12-Sep-2015 khanechue 33 bama bu naypyidaw f marout 12-Sep-2015 khanechue 22 bama bu ayeyarwady f sinout 12-Sep-2015 khanechue 28 bama bu bago f marout 12-Sep-2015 khanechue 29 bama bu naypyidaw f marout 12-Sep-2015 khanechue 34 bama bu [x] m sinout 12-Sep-2015 khanechue 30 bama bu naypyidaw m marout 12-Sep-2015 khanechue 26 bama bu bago f sinin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 31 karen bu kayin f marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 41 karen bu kayin f marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 32 karen bu kayin f marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 29 karen bu kayin f marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 29 bama ch mandalay m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 bama ch bago f marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 53 bama bu magway m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 30 bama ch magway m sinin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 43 bama ch mandalay m mar

in 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 28 karen bu kayin m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 52 rakhine bu rakhine m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 42 bama ch mandalay m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 26 bama ch mandalay f sinin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 28 bama ch mandalay f marin 12-Sep-2015 nupo 31 kachin ch kachin m sinin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 47 bama bu mon m sinin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 36 karen bu kayin m marin 12-Sep-2015 nupo 31 bama bu mon m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 35 karen ch ayeyarwady m marout 12-Sep-2015 khanechue 27 bama bu [x] f marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 49 karen bu kayin m marin 12-Sep-2015 nupo 40 bama bu yangon m sinin 12-Sep-2015 nupo 32 mon bu mon f sinin 12-Sep-2015 nupo 27 rakhine bu rakhine m sinin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen ch bago m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 28 karen bu kayin m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 63 karen bu kayin m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 karen bu kayin f sinin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 24 karen bu mon f marin 12-Sep-2015 nupo 56 karen bu kayin f marout 12-Sep-2015 khanechue 27 bama bu bago m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 50 bama ch mandalay m marin 12-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 karen ch kayin f sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 39 bama bu yangon m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 34 karen bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 49 bama bu yangon m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 48 bama bu mon f sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 38 rakhine bu rakhine f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 55 bama bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 40 bama bu mon f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 45 karen bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 39 karen bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maesot 25 bama bu kayin m sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 27 karen bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 39 karen bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 40 bama bu yangon f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 29 bama bu mon f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 22 karen ch kayin m sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 38 bama bu yangon m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 44 bama bu mon f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 40 karen bu bago m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 44 bama bu mon f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 48 bama bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 45 bama bu magway f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 38 bama bu yangon f mar

out 11-Sep-2015 maepa 35 bama bu bago f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 50 karen ch ayeyarwady f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 29 bama bu kayin m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 42 bama bu yangon m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 50 bama bu bago m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 60 bama bu mon f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 39 rakhine bu rakhine f sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 28 karen ch yangon f sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 47 bama bu yangon m marin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 45 karen bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 48 karen bu bago m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 34 bama bu magway f marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 20 bama bu mon f marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 21 bama bu bago m sinout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 44 bama bu bago m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 58 karen bu kayin m marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 35 karen bu yangon f marin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 38 karen bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 27 bama bu bago f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 32 bama bu yangon f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 42 karen bu kayin m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 45 bama bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 44 karen bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 50 bama bu bago f sinout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 28 bama bu bago f sinout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 39 karen bu bago f marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 29 bama bu bago f marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 39 bama bu bago m marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 50 bama bu bago m marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 37 bama bu mon f marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 38 bama bu mon f marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 31 bama bu [x] f marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 38 bama bu [x] m marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 55 bama bu bago f marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 29 bama bu bago f marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 30 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 44 bama bu bago m marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 50 karen bu kayin m marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 42 muslim is mon m marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 46 bama bu bago m marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 25 bama bu naypyidaw f sinout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 41 bama bu bago m marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 41 bama bu bago f marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 35 bama bu mon m sinout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 32 bama bu mon f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 43 bama bu bago f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 48 bama bu bago m mar

in 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 24 karen bu mon m sinout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 19 bama bu bago f sinout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 29 karen bu yangon m sinout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 44 bama bu yangon m marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 24 karen bu yangon f sinout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 24 karen bu yangon m sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 44 [x] bu [x] f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 49 kachin ch kachin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 24 karen ch kayin f sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 25 karen bu kayin m sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 34 bama bu kayin m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 42 pahoh bu kayin f marin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 35 karen bu mon f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 43 bama bu sagaing m marin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 rakhine ch kayin f sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen bu kayin f sinout 11-Sep-2015 maesot 27 mon bu mon f sinin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 44 karen bu kayin m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 52 bama bu bago m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 40 bama bu bago f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu mon f sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 48 bama bu mon f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 30 chin ch bago m marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 48 bama bu mon m marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 18 bama bu mon f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 31 bama bu bago m marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 30 bama bu bago m marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 54 karen bu ayeyarwady f marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 23 bama bu sagaing f sinout 11-Sep-2015 maesot 44 bama is yangon f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 40 bama bu bago f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 60 karen bu yangon f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 65 karen bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 50 karen bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 38 karen ch kayin f sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 47 bama ch yangon m mar

out 11-Sep-2015 maepa 45 bama bu kayin m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 29 karen bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 38 pahoh bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 46 karen bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 55 pahoh bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 25 bama bu bago m sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 32 bama bu mon m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 36 karen bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 50 bama bu bago f marout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 27 bama bu bago m sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 45 karen ch kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 30 bama bu bago f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 22 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 53 bama bu bago f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 36 bama bu mon f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 45 bama bu bago f marin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 46 karen bu ayeyarwady f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 48 bama bu kayin m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 45 bama bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 23 bama bu kayin f marin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 44 karen bu mon f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 40 bama bu mon f sinin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen bu kayin f sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 48 karen bu bago m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 50 bama bu mon f marin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen bu bago f marin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 11-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu bago m sinout 11-Sep-2015 maesot 35 karen ch kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maesot 27 karen bu kayin f sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 22 karen bu bago f sinout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 37 bama bu bago f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 39 bama bu mon f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 43 bama bu mon f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 33 bama bu kayin f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 30 bama bu kayin m marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 48 mon bu bago f marout 11-Sep-2015 maepa 35 mon bu mon f marin 11-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 rakhine bu rakhine f sinout 11-Sep-2015 khanechue 24 bama bu bago f marin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 karen bu ayeyarwady m sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 24 bama bu sagaing m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 50 pahoh bu kayin f marin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 30 karen bu kayin f marin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 49 karen ch ayeyarwady m mar

out 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu tanintharyi f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 20 bama bu tanintharyi f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 19 rakhine bu rakhine m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu bago f sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen [x] kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 19 bama bu bago m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 52 rakhine bu rakhine m marin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen bu kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 rakhine bu rakhine m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 28 karen bu kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 52 chinese bu tanintharyi m marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 32 bama bu bago m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 74 rakhine bu rakhine m marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 karen ch bago m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu sagaing f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu sagaing f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu bago m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 35 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 41 bama bu mon f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 49 muslim is kayin m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 45 karen bu kayin m marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 60 pahoh bu kayin f marin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 45 karen ch kayin m marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 47 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 43 muslim is bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 43 rakhine bu bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 40 bama bu bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 48 bama bu [x] f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 38 bama bu yangon m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 40 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 49 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 46 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 42 bama bu bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 36 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 38 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 47 bama bu bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 33 bama bu [x] m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 49 bama bu bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 59 bama bu bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 28 bama bu yangon f marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 58 bama bu yangon f marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 44 bama bu kayin f marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 45 bama bu bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 48 bama bu yangon f marin 10-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen [x] kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 19 karen bu kayin f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu bago f sin

out 10-Sep-2015 maesot 20 bama bu kayin f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 rakhine bu rakhine f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 19 bama ch bago f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama ch bago f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 19 bama bu bago f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 19 karen bu kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu bago m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 35 bama bu mon m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 26 rakhine bu bago m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 49 rakhine bu rakhine m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 19 pahoh bu mon f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 27 muslim is rakhine m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 rakhine bu rakhine m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 20 karen bu kayin f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 19 karen ch kayin f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 karen ch kayin f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu bago f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 karen bu mon f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu bago f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu mon f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu mon m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 mon bu mon m sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 28 karen ch ayeyarwady f marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 karen ch kayin f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu bago f [x]out 10-Sep-2015 maepa 20 bama bu mandalay f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 19 karen bu kayin f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 33 bama bu [x] m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 46 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 34 mon bu mon m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama is yangon f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 karen bu bago f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 19 bama bu mon f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 19 bama bu yangon m sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 41 bama bu bago m marin 10-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen bu kayin f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 55 bama bu [x] f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 40 bama bu bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 50 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 57 bama bu bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 30 bama bu kayin f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 51 bama bu bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 45 bama bu bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 49 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 31 bama bu bago f mar

out 10-Sep-2015 maesot 35 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 35 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 50 karen bu mon f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 55 karen bu mon f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 50 karen bu mon f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 40 bama bu bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 50 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 46 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 43 muslim is kayin f marin 10-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen ch kayin f sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen bu kayin f sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch bago m sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen bu kayin m sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen bu kayin f sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 43 bama bu sagaing [x] [x]in 10-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen ch bago m sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen ch kayin m sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen ch kayin f sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen ch kayin f sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen ch kayin f sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen ch kayin f sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 28 karen bu kayin f sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen ch kayin f sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen an ayeyarwady m sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen bu kayin f sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 bama bu sagaing f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 43 mon bu mon f marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 31 karen bu ayeyarwady f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 43 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 50 bama bu mon m marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 28 karen bu kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 20 karen ch tanintharyi f sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen ch kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 18 shan bu kayin f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 karen ch kayin f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 28 karen bu tanintharyi m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mandalay f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 19 mon ch tanintharyi m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 28 karen ch chin f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 28 karen bu kayin f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 18 karen bu bago m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 21 rakhine bu rakhine m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 mon bu tanintharyi f sin

out 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 28 karen ch mon f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu mon m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 28 karen bu kayin m sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 bama bu mon f sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch mon m sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen bu kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen ch kayin f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 21 bama bu tanintharyi m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu bago m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 19 karen bu kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 19 bama bu magway m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 28 karen bu mon m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 19 bama bu yangon m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 28 karen ch kayin f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu bago m sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen bu ayeyarwady m sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] [x] kayin m marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 19 bama bu mon m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 21 bama bu kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 33 chin bu [x] f marin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 27 pahoh bu shan m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 19 karen ch kayin f marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 36 bama bu bago m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu kayin f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 37 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 42 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 42 bama bu bago f marin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 27 bama ch bago m marin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen ch kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 45 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 43 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 44 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 51 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 45 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 50 bama bu [x] f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 40 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 55 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 51 bama bu bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 55 bama bu bago m mar

out 10-Sep-2015 maesot 51 bama bu mon f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 40 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 40 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 45 bama bu bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 35 bama bu bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 43 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 30 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 41 bama bu mon f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 36 bama bu bago f marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu bago f sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen bu kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu kayin f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 19 bama bu sagaing m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu bago f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu yangon f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 58 bama bu bago m marin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 30 karen bu kayin f marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 20 rakhine bu rakhine m sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 48 karen bu kayin m marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 50 bama bu kayin f marin 10-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 bama bu bago m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 20 mon bu tanintharyi m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 27 mon bu mon m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 rakhine bu rakhine f sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 26 bama bu sagaing m sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 50 karen bu kayin f marin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen bu mon f sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 41 karen bu kayin m marin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 41 karen ch ayeyarwady m marin 10-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 bama bu sagaing m sinin 10-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 33 bama bu [x] m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 50 bama bu kayin f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 33 chin bu [x] m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 33 bama bu bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 45 bama bu bago f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 45 bama bu [x] m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 35 bama bu bago f sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 49 bama bu bago m marout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 19 karen [x] kayin m sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 25 karen ch yangon m marin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen ch shan m sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 bama ch sagaing m sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 32 bama bu magway m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 mon bu mon m sinin 10-Sep-2015 umphiem 24 karen ch ayeyarwady m sin

out 10-Sep-2015 maesot 40 karen ch kayin m marout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 28 karen bu mon m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 47 bama bu bago f marin 10-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen [x] kayin m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maepa 18 karen bu mandalay m sinout 10-Sep-2015 maesot 40 bama bu yangon f marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu bago f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch bago f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 29 bama bu mon m marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 29 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 tamhin 24 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 49 karen ch bago f marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 35 karen bu kayin f marin 9-Sep-2015 tamhin 24 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 30 bama ch bago m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 shan bu shan f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch bago f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 60 karen ch kayin [x] marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 29 bama ch magway f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 32 karen ch kayin f marin 9-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 45 karen ch kayin f marin 9-Sep-2015 maela 30 karen ch kayin m marin 9-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu ayeyarwady f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin m sin

in 9-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu ayeyarwady m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu bago f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch bago m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen an kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen ch kayin m marin 9-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m marin 9-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen an kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch bago m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu ayeyarwady f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 32 karen ch kayin f marin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 tamhin 24 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f marin 9-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch bago m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch bago m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen ch kayin f sin

in 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 28 bama ch magway f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 50 karen ch kayin f marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 54 karen ch kayin f marin 9-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 tamhin 24 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen an kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 50 karen bu kayin m marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 tamhin 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 28 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen ch kayin m marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 bama bu mon m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 25 karen ch bago m marin 9-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen bu bago f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch bago f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 28 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 karen bu bago m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen ch bago m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 31 bama ch magway m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 27 pahoh bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 29 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 29 karen [x] [x] f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen bu kayin [x] [x]in 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 Shan ch shan m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 25 karen bu kayin m marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch bago f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 bama ch magway f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen ch bago f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen ch bago f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen bu kayin m sin

in 9-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 28 bama bu magway f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 30 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 54 karen ch kayin m marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 48 karen bu bago m marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 bama bu sagaing f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen ch bago f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 29 bama bu magway f marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 29 bama bu magway f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen ch mon m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen ch bago m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 42 karen bu kayin m marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 25 karen ch kayin f marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 45 karen ch kayin f marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 36 bama bu bago m marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 40 karen ch bago f marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 67 karen ch kayin f marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 32 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 24 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 24 rakhine bu rakhine m marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 29 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 63 karen bu kayin m marin 9-Sep-2015 tamhin 23 karen bu ayeyarwady f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 tamhin 21 karen bu ayeyarwady m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch ayeyarwady m [x]in 9-Sep-2015 tamhin 24 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 40 karen bu kayin m marin 9-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 28 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu ayeyarwady m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen ch kayin m marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen bu kayin m sin

in 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen ch bago f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 26 karen bu Mon m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 29 bama ch magway m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch bago m sinout 9-Sep-2015 maesot 22 bama bu bago m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 rakhine ch rakhine f marin 9-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 49 karen bu kayin m marin 9-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 27 muslim is mon m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 30 lahu ch shan m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 30 bama ch magway m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 29 karen ch bago m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 42 bama ch Yangon f marin 9-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 35 karen bu [x] m marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 27 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 50 karen ch [x] m marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen bu bago m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 25 karen ch mon f marin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch mon m sinin 9-Sep-2015 maela 28 karen ch mon m sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen ch bago f sinin 9-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen ch bago m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch bago m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f marin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen [x] kayin [x] marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] [x] bago f mar

in 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch bago f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch ayeyarwady m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 nupo 20 mon bu mon f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 kachin ch kachin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch ayeyarwady m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karenni ch kayah f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 karenni ch kayah f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 22 karen ch bago m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin [x] marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen an kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m marin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 21 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 23 karen ch kayin m sin

in 8-Sep-2015 maela 49 karen ch kayin m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 nupo 48 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch tanintharyi f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 nupo 25 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 32 karen bu bago f marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 [x] ch ayeyarwady m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 [x] ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 40 kachin ch kachin f marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 chin ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch ayeyarwady m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin [x] marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m [x]in 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu ayeyarwady f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 kachin ch kachin [x] marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 kachin ch ayeyarwady m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch tanintharyi m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 nupo 22 chin ch chin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch bago f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen an kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sin

in 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 34 karen ch kayin m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 31 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch tanintharyi f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen bu bago f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 54 karen bu ayeyarwady f marin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin f [x]in 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 bama ch sagaing f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch bago f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 bama bu sagaing f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 bama ch sagaing f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 bama ch sagaing f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 bama ch sagaing f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch bago f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 21 karen bu kayin m mar

in 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 27 bama ch sagaing f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch bago f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 bama bu sagaing f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 bama bu sagaing f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 bama bu sagaing f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 20 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen ch bago f marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 bama bu sagaing f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen bu ayeyarwady f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 31 bama ch sagaing f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 30 bama ch sagaing f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 33 bama bu sagaing f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 30 bama ch sagaing f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 28 bama bu sagaing f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin m [x]in 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 bama ch sagaing f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 [x] ch kayin [x] marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 33 bama ch magway f sin

in 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 19 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch tanintharyi f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 34 shan ch shan f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu bago f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu bago f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu bago m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch bago m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] [x] bago m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch bago m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu bago m sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f [x]in 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] kachin [x] kachin f [x]in 8-Sep-2015 maela 27 muslim is yangon f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 32 bama [x] sagaing m [x]in 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 [x] ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karenni ch kayah f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karenni ch kayah f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen an kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f mar

in 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch bago m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 33 bama ch magway f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch bago m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 30 karenni bu kayah f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 34 karen ch kayin m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch bago m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 32 bama ch magway f sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 22 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen bu bago f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch bago m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch bago m sin

in 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 37 bama ch magway f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch ayeyarwady [x] marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch bago m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu bago m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen an bago m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch tanintharyi m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen bu ayeyarwady m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 28 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 31 bama ch magway m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 30 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 34 karen ch kayin m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin m sin

in 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 39 bama ch magway m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen [x] kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 30 shan ch shan m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 30 shan ch shan f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 32 bama ch magway m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 37 bama ch magway m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch ayeyarwady f marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 kachin ch kachin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen bu kayin m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch kayin [x] marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 36 bama ch magway f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 nupo 23 muslim is yangon f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin [x] sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 kachin ch kachin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen [x] kayin m marin 8-Sep-2015 nupo 36 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 38 karen ch kayin f marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin [x] marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch tanintharyi m sin

in 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 nupo 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch tanintharyi m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karenni ch kayah m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 kachin ch kayah m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 nupo 23 bama bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch tanintharyi f sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m [x]in 8-Sep-2015 nupo 38 rakhine bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] [x] kayin f [x]in 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch ayeyarwady [x] marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch bago m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen an kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen an kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen bu ayeyarwady m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch ayeyarwady m marin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu bago f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f marin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch bago [x] sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen bu bago m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] [x] kayin m mar

in 8-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 20 karen ch bago f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 [x] [x] kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 31 karenni ch kayah f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] [x] kayin m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 [x] ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen an kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen [x] kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch tanintharyi m sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen [x] kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 31 shan ch shan f marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karenni bu kayah m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen bu tanintharyi m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch bago f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 34 karenni ch kayah f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 nupo 36 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin f marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen bu tanintharyi m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch bago f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch tanintharyi f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 41 bama ch magway m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f [x]

in 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 26 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 28 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 28 karenni ch kayah f marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 muslim is kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch bago f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 85 muslim is kayin m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch tanintharyi m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen [x] kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen [x] kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 22 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch tanintharyi m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 kachin ch kachin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 40 karen [x] kayin m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen an kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 22 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 tamhin 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 32 karen ch kayin m sin

in 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch kayin m marin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 31 shan ch shan f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 [x] ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch tanintharyi m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch kayin [x] sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin [x] sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 32 karen bu tanintharyi m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 30 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu tanintharyi f sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen bu kayin m sinin 8-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] [x] kayin f sinout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 41 bama bu bago f sinout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 38 bama bu kayin f marout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 80 bama is bago f marout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 33 karen [x] kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin f sinout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 35 bama bu bago f marin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 30 bama bu bago m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sin

in 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin [x] sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen [x] kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] [x] kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 26 karen ch kayin f sinout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 27 bama bu yangon m marout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 bama bu kayin f sinout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 40 bama bu kayin m marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karenni ch kayah f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 25 [x] [x] kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen bu ayeyarwady m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] [x] kayin [x] marout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 59 karen bu kayin m sinout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 33 karen ch ayeyarwady m marout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 27 muslim is bago m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 36 bama is kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 muslim is yangon f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu bago m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 18 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen an kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch bago f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 mon bu mon f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 mon bu mon f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 mon bu mon m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] [x] kayin m sin

in 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] [x] kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] [x] kayin [x] marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 mon bu mon f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 mon bu mon f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 22 mon ch mon f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 30 bama bu kayin m marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] [x] kayin [x] marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 32 karen bu kayin f marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 27 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] [x] kayin [x] marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 [x] ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 32 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu ayeyarwady m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu ayeyarwady f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen [x] kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 30 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f [x]in 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 kachin ch kayah f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin f marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 [x] [x] kayin f marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 [x] bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 [x] bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] ch kayin [x] marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 33 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 bama bu kayin f sinout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu yangon m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin f sin

in 7-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch bago f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu bago m marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu bago f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu bago f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch bago f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu bago f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu bago f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 [x] [x] kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu bago f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu bago f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen bu bago f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 20 karen ch yangon m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 60 bama bu bago f marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch bago f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu bago f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 36 karen ch kayin f marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 26 bama bu yangon f marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 bama bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 60 karen bu kayin m marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 [x] bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 30 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] ch kayin m sin

in 7-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] [x] kayin f marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] [x] ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 30 karen bu kayin f marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch bago f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch bago m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin f marin 7-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen ch kayin f marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin f sinout 7-Sep-2015 maesot 47 bama bu bago m marin 7-Sep-2015 maela 21 [x] ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 28 karen ch kayin m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu ayeyarwady f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 7-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon m sinout 6-Sep-2015 maesariang 35 bama bu yangon m mar

out 6-Sep-2015 maesot 35 bama is magway m marout 6-Sep-2015 maesariang 39 bama bu bago m marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 29 bama [x] kayin f marout 6-Sep-2015 maekasa 35 bama bu mon f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 48 bama bu kayin f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 48 bama bu kayin f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 27 bama bu kayin f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 32 bama bu mon f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 25 muslim is kayin f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 35 bama bu mon m marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 39 bama bu bago m marin 6-Sep-2015 maela 29 karen ch kayin f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 43 bama bu yangon m marout 6-Sep-2015 maecharao 47 bama bu mon f sinout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 59 pahoh bu mon m marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu mon m sinout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 24 bama bu mon f sinout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 38 karen bu bago f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 21 karen bu kayin m sinout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 28 bama bu bago m marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 25 muslim is kayin f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 19 muslim is kayin f marin 6-Sep-2015 maela 30 karen ch kayin m marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 41 muslim is mon f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 28 muslim is kayin f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 41 bama is mon m marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 50 muslim is kayin f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 50 bama bu bago m marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 39 bama bu mon m marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 42 bama bu kayin f sinout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 50 bama bu yangon f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 55 bama bu rakhine f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 19 mon is mon m sinout 6-Sep-2015 maeramat 54 bama bu ayeyarwady f sinout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 41 muslim is kayin f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 41 muslim is kayin m marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 53 muslim is kayin m marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 27 muslim is kayin m sinout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 32 muslim is kayin m marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 43 muslim is kayin f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 23 muslim is mandalay f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 34 pahoh bu mon f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 40 bama bu kayin m marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 45 bama bu bago f marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 39 bama bu mon m marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 30 bama bu shan m mar

out 6-Sep-2015 maesot 20 bama is yangon f sinout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu mon f sinout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 41 bama bu bago f sinout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 32 bama bu mon f sinout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 22 bama bu mon m sinin 6-Sep-2015 maela 19 kachin [x] kachin m marout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 35 mon bu mon m marout 6-Sep-2015 maesariang 35 mon bu mon m marin 6-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen [x] bago m sinout 6-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 24 bama bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 19 bama bu mandalay m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 25 karen ch kayin m marin 5-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 kachin ch kachin m sinin 5-Sep-2015 umphiem 30 kachin ch kachin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 35 karen ch kayin m marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 56 bama bu kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 31 muslim is mon f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 36 bama bu kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 30 muslim is rakhine f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 38 bama bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 38 karen bu kayin m [x]out 5-Sep-2015 maepa 33 mon bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 31 bama bu bago m marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 38 bama bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 40 karen bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 42 bama bu mon f [x]out 5-Sep-2015 maepa 46 bama bu bago m marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 29 bama bu mandalay f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 27 bama bu bago m marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 40 bama bu bago m marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 32 bama bu yangon m marin 5-Sep-2015 maela 61 karen ch kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 53 karen bu ayeyarwady f marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 42 karen bu kayin m marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 42 indian bu kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 37 bama bu mon m marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 40 karen bu kayin m marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 33 karen bu kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 41 bama bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 28 karen ch mon f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 67 bama bu mon m [x]out 5-Sep-2015 maepa 27 bama bu kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 52 bama bu kayin m marin 5-Sep-2015 maela 28 karen bu kayin m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 52 karen ch yangon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 41 bama bu mon m [x]out 5-Sep-2015 maesot 39 bama bu mon m mar

out 5-Sep-2015 maesot 40 bama bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 45 karen bu mon m marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 35 bama bu bago f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 35 karen bu kayin m marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 40 mon bu mon f marin 5-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 30 karen bu kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 42 karen ch bago f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 47 bama bu bago f marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 33 bama bu bago f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 51 karen ch ayeyarwady f marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 karen bu kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 karen bu mon f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu sagaing f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 19 karen bu kayin m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 19 karen ch kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 26 bama bu bago f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 25 shan bu shan m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 35 bama bu mandalay f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 36 lisu ch kachin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 35 karen bu kayin m marout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 37 bama bu yangon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 45 karen bu mon m marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 43 bama bu kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 33 karen bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 47 karen ch mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 38 [x] [x] [x] f [x]out 5-Sep-2015 maepa 36 karen bu kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 47 bama bu kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 38 bama bu mon m marin 5-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch kayin m marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 38 karen bu kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 33 karen ch mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 45 bama bu kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 28 karen ch yangon f marin 5-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen bu kayin f sinin 5-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen bu kayin m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu yangon f sinin 5-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 40 muslim is mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 19 bama bu kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 44 bama bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 55 bama bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu bago f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 50 karen bu bago f marout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 20 bama bu bago f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 34 bama is kayin m mar

out 5-Sep-2015 maepa 47 karen bu kayin f marin 5-Sep-2015 umphiem 30 bama bu mon f sinin 5-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu ayeyarwady f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 50 bama bu mon f marin 5-Sep-2015 umphiem 48 karen bu kayin m marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 38 bama bu yangon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 39 bama bu yangon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 26 bama bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 43 bama bu kayin f marin 5-Sep-2015 umphiem 25 karen ch [x] f sinin 5-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu ayeyarwady m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 42 karen bu kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 30 bama bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 31 bama bu mon f marin 5-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin [x] sinin 5-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 5-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen ch kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 20 mon bu mon m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 20 karen bu kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 42 karen bu kayin m marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 45 muslim is bago m marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 50 karen bu kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 karen bu kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 karen bu kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 48 karen bu kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 19 mon bu mon m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 76 shan ch shan f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 40 bama bu tanintharyi f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 39 bama bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 33 bama bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 karen bu bago m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu yangon m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 19 mon bu mon f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 20 bama bu kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 20 bama bu bago m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 50 bama bu bago m marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 19 mon bu mon f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 21 shan bu shan m sinin 5-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen ch kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 44 karen bu kayin m marout 5-Sep-2015 khanechue 27 muslim is bago m marout 5-Sep-2015 khanechue 27 muslim is bago m marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 37 bama bu mon m marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 32 karen ch ayeyarwady f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 49 karen bu kayin m mar

out 5-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu kayin m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu bago m sinin 5-Sep-2015 umphiem 29 bama bu mon m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu bago m sinin 5-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen ch kayin m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 25 pahoh bu kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 50 karen bu kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 49 mon bu mon m marout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 31 bama bu yangon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 kachin ch kachin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 21 bama bu bago f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 33 karen bu ayeyarwady m marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu yangon m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 30 bama bu mon m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin f sinin 5-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 kachin ch kachin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 44 danu bu shan m marin 5-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 47 pahoh bu mon f [x]out 5-Sep-2015 maepa 42 bama bu bago f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 35 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 50 bama bu yangon m marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 57 pahoh bu mon m marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 29 bama bu bago f marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 30 karen bu kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 37 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 35 mon bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 44 bama bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 54 bama bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 37 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 42 bama bu kayin f marin 5-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen bu kayin m sinin 5-Sep-2015 maela 19 [x] [x] kayin f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 34 shan bu kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 33 karen ch kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 27 karen bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 40 karen bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 71 karen bu kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 46 karen bu kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 38 karen bu kayin f marin 5-Sep-2015 maela 20 kachin ch kachin m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 36 bama bu tanintharyi m marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 18 karen bu yangon f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 5-Sep-2015 maela 28 karen [x] kayin f marin 5-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen bu kayin m sin

in 5-Sep-2015 umphiem 30 karen bu kayin m marin 5-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen ch [x] f sinin 5-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu bago f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 35 pahoh bu mon m marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 35 bama bu bago f [x]out 5-Sep-2015 maepa 27 karen bu mon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 33 karen ch kayin f marout 5-Sep-2015 maetao 40 bama bu bago f marout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 19 karen bu kayin m sinout 5-Sep-2015 maepa 38 bama bu yangon f marout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 30 mon bu mon f sinout 5-Sep-2015 maesot 35 karen bu kayin m marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 32 bama bu kayin m marin 4-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin [x] marin 4-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 29 karen bu ayeyarwady f marin 4-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 25 kachin ch kayin m marin 4-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin m sinout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 36 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 39 bama bu mandalay f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 39 bama bu magway m [x]out 4-Sep-2015 maesot 40 bama bu mon f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 35 bama bu mon f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 45 bama bu kayin f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 49 bama bu kayin f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 42 bama bu kayin f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 39 bama bu mon f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 40 bama bu mon f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 42 bama bu mon f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 40 bama bu yangon m marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 44 bama bu yangon f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 53 bama bu yangon m marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 35 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 39 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 45 bama bu mon f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 37 bama bu mon m [x]out 4-Sep-2015 maesot 48 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 42 bama bu mon m marin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 karen ch yangon m sinin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 29 chin ch mon m sinin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 46 bama bu mon m marin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 30 karen ch kayin f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 48 bama bu bago m mar

out 4-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin m sinin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 26 karen ch kayin f marin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch mon f sinin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 25 karen ch kayin m sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen bu kayin m sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 19 kachin ch kayin m sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 19 kachin ch kachin m sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch bago f sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 22 kachin ch kachin m sinout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 48 bama bu yangon f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 37 bama bu yangon m marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 46 bama bu kayin f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 44 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 43 bama bu yangon m marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 33 bama bu kayin m marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 42 bama bu kayin f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 33 bama bu kayin f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 25 chin ch mon f sinout 4-Sep-2015 maecharao 38 bama bu bago f sinin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 24 karen ch kayin m sinin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 25 karen ch kayin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 19 muslim is kayin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 28 muslim is kayin f marout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 21 bama bu yangon m sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin m [x]in 4-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m [x]out 4-Sep-2015 maesot 31 bama bu bago m marin 4-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m [x]in 4-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 30 karen ch kayin f marin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 80 karen ch kayin f marin 4-Sep-2015 maela 18 kachin ch kachin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin m marin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 55 karen bu kayin f marin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 26 karen ch bago f sinin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 karen ch kayin f sin

in 4-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 28 karen ch kayin f marin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 kachin ch yangon f sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 19 muslim is kayin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 4-Sep-2015 umphiem 24 karen ch mon m sinout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 41 muslim is kayin m sinin 4-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch mon f sinout 4-Sep-2015 maesot 22 karen bu bago m marin 3-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen [x] kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen [x] kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen [x] kayin m sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama is rakhine m sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen bu kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 karen bu kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 34 karen ch kayin f sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 20 bama bu yangon f marout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 24 muslim is kayin f sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 31 bama bu bago f sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu ayeyarwady f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen [x] bago [x] [x]out 3-Sep-2015 maesot 52 muslim is mon m marin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen [x] kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen [x] kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen [x] kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinout 3-Sep-2015 maecharao 44 bama bu bago f marout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 44 bama bu mon m marin 3-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch kayin m sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 36 bama bu bago f sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 20 bama bu mon f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen an kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 karen bu kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 19 karen bu kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 29 muslim is rakhine f sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 30 mon bu mon m sinout 3-Sep-2015 maecharao 22 karen bu kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 bama ch mandalay [x] sin

out 3-Sep-2015 maesot 33 bama bu mon m marin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 32 chin ch chin f marout 3-Sep-2015 maecharao 29 bama bu kayin f marin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 bama ch mandalay f sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 31 karen bu kayin m marout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 59 bama bu kayin f marout 3-Sep-2015 maecharao 28 bama bu bago f marout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 34 karen ch ayeyarwady f marout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 32 bama bu mon f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinout 3-Sep-2015 maecharao 21 karen bu kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen ch kayin f sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 19 karen bu mon f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 36 bama bu mandalay f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 25 bama ch mandalay m sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 43 bama bu mandalay m marin 3-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen [x] kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen [x] kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen [x] kayin [x] sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen [x] kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen [x] kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela [x] karen [x] kayin [x] sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen bu kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 chin ch chin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 bama bu mandalay m sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 24 karen ch kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 24 bama [x] mandalay f marin 3-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen bu kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 34 karen ch yangon m marin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 46 bama [x] mandalay f marin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen bu kayin [x] marin 3-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 bama ch mandalay f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 46 bama [x] mandalay m sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 35 bama [x] mandalay f marout 3-Sep-2015 maesariang 28 bama bu mon f sin

out 3-Sep-2015 maecharao 19 karen bu bago m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 19 karen bu kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen ch bago m sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 3-Sep-2015 maecharao 18 karen bu mon m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen ch bago f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 30 karen ch bago m marin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 33 karen ch bago f marin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 31 karen ch ayeyarwady f marin 3-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin m sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu yangon f sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen bu mon f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 bama bu mandalay m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 20 bama bu bago m sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 bama ch mandalay f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 bama ch mandalay f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 49 karen ch ayeyarwady m marin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 bama ch mandalay m sinout 3-Sep-2015 maecharao 34 muslim is kayin f marin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen ch ayeyarwady f marin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 bama ch mandalay f sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 45 bama bu bago m marin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 karen bu kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 bama bu mandalay m sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 bama bu mandalay f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 bama ch mandalay f sinout 3-Sep-2015 maecharao 39 bama bu ayeyarwady f marin 3-Sep-2015 maela 23 karen an kayin m sinout 3-Sep-2015 maecharao 50 pahoh bu mon m marout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 30 bama bu bago m marout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu yangon f sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 24 bama bu bago f marout 3-Sep-2015 maesariang 41 bama bu mon f marout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 39 bama bu kayin m marout 3-Sep-2015 maecharao 42 bama bu kayin f sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 53 bama bu bago f marout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 69 karen ch ayeyarwady f marout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen bu kayin m sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu bago f sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 46 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 23 bama bu tanintharyi m sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen ch bago f sin

in 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen bu [x] [x] [x]in 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch bago f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 bama bu mandalay f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 bama bu mandalay m sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen [x] bago m sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen bu kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 21 karen ch bago f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 3-Sep-2015 maela 25 karen ch kayin m sinout 3-Sep-2015 maecharao 18 bama bu kayin f marout 3-Sep-2015 maecharao 53 bama bu kachin m marout 3-Sep-2015 maecharao 37 bama bu mon f marout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 79 bama bu kayin f marout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu bago f sinout 3-Sep-2015 maecharao 31 bama bu bago m sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 bama [x] mandalay f sinin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 bama [x] mandalay f sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 33 bama bu bago m marin 3-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 3-Sep-2015 maesot 75 shan bu shan m sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen bu kayin f sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 karen ch kayin f sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 26 karen ch kayin m sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 35 chin ch chin f marin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 chin ch chin m sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 42 karen [x] [x] [x] [x]in 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 28 karen ch bago f sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 48 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinout 2-Sep-2015 maecharao 52 karen bu kayin m marin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 24 karen bu ayeyarwady m marin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 karen bu ayeyarwady m sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen ch kayin m sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen ch kayin f sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 karen bu kayin f sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 30 karen bu kayin f marin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 20 karen ch mon f sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 25 karen bu kayin f marin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 18 karen ch kayin m sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 35 karen ch kayin m marin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch kayin m sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 30 karen ch kayin f marin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 karen bu kayin m sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 50 karen ch ayeyarwady f marin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 24 karen ch mon f sin

in 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinout 2-Sep-2015 maecharao 44 karen bu kayin m marout 2-Sep-2015 maecharao 19 [x] [x] [x] m sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 45 karen ch kayin m marin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 22 bama ch mandalay f sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 45 karen bu kayin f marin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 21 shan bu kayin m sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 50 karen bu [x] f marin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 27 karen bu kayin f marin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 karen ch kayin f sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 26 karen ch kayin m sinin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 23 bama ch mandalay m marin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 30 karen ch kayin f marin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 46 karen ch kayin m marin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 53 bama ch mandalay [x] marin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 35 chin ch chin m marin 2-Sep-2015 umphiem 39 karen ch ayeyarwady f marin 1-Sep-2015 umphiem 19 bama bu sagaing [x] sinout 1-Sep-2015 maesariang 52 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Sep-2015 maesariang 27 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 1-Sep-2015 maesariang 42 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 40 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 41 karen ch kayin m marout 1-Sep-2015 maesariang 40 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 45 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 45 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 40 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 53 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 23 karen bu kayin m marin 1-Sep-2015 umphiem 33 bama ch kayin m marout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 47 karen bu [x] f marout 1-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu bago m sinout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 20 karen bu kayin f sinout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 19 karen bu kayin f sinout 1-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu kayin f marout 1-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 1-Sep-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin m [x]out 1-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu bago f sinout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 39 karen bu [x] f marout 1-Sep-2015 maesariang 42 palaung bu shan f marout 1-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu [x] m sinout 1-Sep-2015 maesariang 38 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Sep-2015 maesariang 42 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu yangon f sinout 1-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu [x] f sinout 1-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu bago m sinout 1-Sep-2015 maesot 19 bama bu yangon m sin

out 1-Sep-2015 maesot 35 bama bu bago f [x]out 1-Sep-2015 maesot 30 bama bu [x] f [x]out 1-Sep-2015 maesot 21 bama bu [x] m [x]out 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 19 karen ch kayin f sinout 1-Sep-2015 maesariang 21 karen bu kayin m sinout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 49 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 40 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Sep-2015 maesariang 45 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Sep-2015 maesariang 45 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 20 karen bu [x] m sinout 1-Sep-2015 maesariang 50 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 23 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Sep-2015 maesariang 20 karen bu kayin m sinout 1-Sep-2015 maecharao 39 karen bu kayin f sinout 31-Aug-2015 maesariang 42 rakhine bu [x] f marout 31-Aug-2015 maesariang 42 bama is mon m marout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 34 bama bu mon m marout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 40 bama bu yangon f marout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 18 bama bu yangon m sinout 31-Aug-2015 maesariang 56 rakhine bu rakhine f marout 31-Aug-2015 maesariang 20 karen bu kayin f sinout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 51 kachin ch kachin m marout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 45 karen ch kayin f marin 31-Aug-2015 maela 20 kachin ch kachin m marout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 25 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 34 bama bu [x] m marout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon f sinout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 32 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 25 karen bu kayin m sinout 31-Aug-2015 maesariang 30 bama bu bago f [x]out 31-Aug-2015 maesot 21 bama bu kayin f sinout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 37 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 27 bama bu mon f marout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 42 bama bu yangon m marout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 70 bama bu mon m sinout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 37 bama bu mon m marout 31-Aug-2015 maesariang 25 bama bu kayin f marout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 18 karen bu kayin f sinout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 40 bama bu mon f marout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 21 bama bu mon m marout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 43 bama bu yangon f sinout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 35 bama bu mon m marout 31-Aug-2015 maesariang 50 muslim is kayin f marout 31-Aug-2015 maesot 22 mon bu mon m sinout 30-Aug-2015 maesot 35 bama bu yangon m marout 30-Aug-2015 maesot 27 bama bu bago m [x]out 30-Aug-2015 maesot 55 muslim is mon f mar

out 30-Aug-2015 maesariang 37 bama bu bago m marout 30-Aug-2015 maesot 42 muslim is mon m marout 30-Aug-2015 maesariang 50 bama bu bago f marout 29-Aug-2015 maesariang 41 chin ch chin f marout 29-Aug-2015 maesot 28 bama bu bago f marout 29-Aug-2015 maesariang 20 karen bu kayin m sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 35 bama bu bago m sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 34 bama bu kayin m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 25 bama bu mon f marout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 29 bama bu mon f marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 30 bama bu kayin f sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 31 bama bu ayeyarwady m sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 25 bama bu [x] m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 70 bama bu mon m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 70 muslim is yangon f sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 29 bama is yangon f marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 41 bama bu yangon m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 34 bama bu bago m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 35 bama bu [x] m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 52 karen bu kayin f marout 28-Aug-2015 maehongson 19 karen bu kayin f sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 44 muslim is yangon f marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 60 bama bu kayin f sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 30 bama bu bago m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 27 muslim is mon m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 40 bama bu bago f marout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 24 karen bu kayin f sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 45 bama bu mon f marout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 19 bama bu mon f sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 18 bama bu magway f sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 35 bama bu mon f sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 22 karen bu kayin f sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 29 bama bu bago m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 45 bama bu kayin f marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 28 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 60 bama is mon m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 30 rakhine bu rakhine m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 30 rakhine bu rakhine m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]out 28-Aug-2015 maesot 43 bama bu kayin m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 50 karen bu kayin m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 42 bama bu yangon f marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 21 bama bu mon f sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 50 muslim is kayin m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 45 bama bu [x] m sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 56 bama bu bago m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 40 bama bu yangon m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 43 bama bu mon m mar

out 28-Aug-2015 maesot 37 bama is bago m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 70 muslim is mon f sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 38 bama bu [x] m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 34 mon ch mon f sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 43 bama bu mon f marout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 31 bama bu kayin f sinout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 34 bama bu bago m marout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 30 bama bu bago m marout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 35 karen bu kayin m marout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 38 karen bu kayin m marout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 28 karen bu kayin m sinout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 38 karen bu kayin m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 39 bama bu mon m marout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 58 pahoh bu mon f marout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 54 bama bu bago m marout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 50 karen bu kayin f marout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 50 karen bu kayin f marout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 45 karen bu kayin m marout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 40 karen bu kayin f marout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 43 karen bu kayin m marout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 40 karen bu kayin m marout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 35 pahoh bu mon f marout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 28 pahoh bu mon f marout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 42 karen bu kayin f marout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 26 karen bu kayin f sinout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 28 karen bu kayin f sinout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 27 mon bu mon f sinout 28-Aug-2015 maeramat 26 mon bu kayin f sinout 28-Aug-2015 maetao 28 bama bu mon f marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 26 bama bu mon m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 35 bama bu mon m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 33 bama bu bago m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 34 mon bu mon m marout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 52 bama bu yangon f marout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 37 muslim is kayin f marout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 18 bama bu magway m sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesariang 43 muslim is kayin m sinout 28-Aug-2015 maesot 45 bama bu mon m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 35 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 39 bama bu mon m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 42 bama bu kayin m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 32 bama bu kayin f marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 54 karen bu kayin f marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 36 bama bu mon f marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 43 karen bu mon m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 35 bama ch mon f marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 32 bama bu kayin f marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 35 bama bu ayeyarwady m [x]

out 27-Aug-2015 maesot 41 bama bu bago f marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 34 bama bu [x] m [x]out 27-Aug-2015 maesot 41 karen bu kayin m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 55 bama bu bago m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 29 rakhine bu rakhine f marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 29 bama bu bago m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 28 muslim is bago f marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 36 bama bu yangon [x] [x]out 27-Aug-2015 maesot 47 karen bu kayin m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 35 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 36 bama bu bago m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 19 muslim is bago m sinout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 34 bama bu kayin f [x]out 27-Aug-2015 maesot 41 bama bu yangon f marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 39 karen bu ayeyarwady f marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 32 bama bu [x] m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 43 karen bu yangon m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 40 bama bu mon m marout 27-Aug-2015 maetao 40 bama bu bago m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 35 karen bu kayin m [x]out 27-Aug-2015 maesot 38 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 24 bama bu bago m marout 27-Aug-2015 maetao 47 bama bu yangon f marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 54 bama bu mon f [x]out 27-Aug-2015 maesot 58 bama bu mandalay f sinout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 56 muslim is mon m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 45 bama bu mon m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 36 karen is kayin m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 44 bama bu yangon m marout 27-Aug-2015 maetao 50 bama bu mon m marout 27-Aug-2015 maetao 37 bama bu naypyidaw m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 44 bama bu [x] m marout 27-Aug-2015 maetao 44 bama bu kayin m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 45 bama bu kayin m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 28 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 27-Aug-2015 maetao 40 bama bu [x] m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 68 bama bu mandalay m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 48 bama bu mandalay f marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 45 karen bu yangon m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 36 bama bu kayin m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 25 karen bu kayin m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 54 bama bu kayin m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 26 bama bu bago m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 48 karen bu kayin m marout 27-Aug-2015 maetao 40 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 47 bama bu bago m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 30 bama bu bago m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 41 bama bu bago m mar

out 27-Aug-2015 maesot 42 karen bu kayin m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 23 muslim is bago m sinout 27-Aug-2015 maetao 30 bama bu mon m marout 27-Aug-2015 maesot 53 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 26-Aug-2015 maesariang 31 karen hi kayin f marout 26-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinout 26-Aug-2015 maesariang 30 bama is mon f sinout 26-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 26-Aug-2015 maehongson 20 karen bu kayin f sinout 26-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 karen bu mon m sinout 26-Aug-2015 maesot 25 bama bu bago f marout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon f sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 18 karen bu kayin f sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 19 karen ch kayin f sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 20 bama bu bago m sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 37 rakhine bu rakhine f marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 26 karen bu kayin m sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 40 karen ch kayin m marout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 20 karen ch tanintharyi f sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 20 bama bu kayin m sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 23 karen bu yangon m sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 27 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesariang 54 karen bu kayin m marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 42 karen bu kayin f marout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 19 muslim is kayin m sinout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 25 bama bu kayin f sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 19 karen bu kayin f sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 37 bama bu bago f sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 27 karen bu kayin m sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesariang 33 bama bu bago f marout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 25 karen ch tanintharyi m sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 18 karen ch kayin m sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesariang 31 bama bu kayin f marout 25-Aug-2015 maesariang 42 bama [x] yangon m marout 25-Aug-2015 maepa 41 karen bu kayin m marout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 20 bama bu ayeyarwady f sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 40 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 19 karen ch tanintharyi f sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesariang 18 bama bu mon f sinout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 30 karen bu mon m sinout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 38 karen bu kayin m marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 56 karen bu kayin m marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 46 bama bu kayin m marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 48 karen bu kayin m marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 35 karen bu kayin m sinout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 43 karen bu kayin m marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 56 karen bu kayin m mar

out 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 50 bama bu kayin f marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 35 karen bu kayin f marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 50 karen bu kayin m marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 46 karen bu kayin f marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 42 karen bu kayin f marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 32 karen bu kayin f marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 30 karen bu kayin f marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 36 karen bu kayin m marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 28 karen bu kayin f marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 26 karen bu kayin m sinout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 30 bama bu kayin m sinout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 45 karen bu kayin f marout 25-Aug-2015 maesariang 40 karen bu kayin f marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 48 karen bu kayin f marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 42 karen bu kayin f marout 25-Aug-2015 maeramat 26 bama bu kayin f marout 25-Aug-2015 maesariang 42 mon ch mon m marout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 18 bama is mandalay f sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 18 bama is kayin f sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 18 bama is kayin m sinout 25-Aug-2015 maesot 21 karen bu ayeyarwady m sinout 24-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 karen ch kayin f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 18 bama bu yangon f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 25 bama bu mon m sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 20 bama bu bago f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maehongson 22 muslim bu shan m sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesariang 42 bama bu yangon m marout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 20 bama bu bago f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesariang 31 bama bu kayin f marout 24-Aug-2015 maesariang 19 karen bu kayin f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 50 bama bu kayin f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 22 bama ch bago m sinout 24-Aug-2015 maehongson 20 karen bu kayin f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 32 bama bu bago m sinout 24-Aug-2015 maehongson 27 muslim is kayin m sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 42 bama bu bago m marout 24-Aug-2015 maehongson 19 karen bu kayin f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 bama bu bago m sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesariang 31 bama bu kayin m sinout 24-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 bama bu bago f marout 24-Aug-2015 maepa 23 karen ch ayeyarwady m sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 63 chin ch bago f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 58 bama bu mon f marout 24-Aug-2015 maesariang 45 bama bu yangon m marout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 20 bama bu yangon m sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 30 karen bu mon f marout 24-Aug-2015 maesariang 35 chinese is yangon f mar

out 24-Aug-2015 maesariang 37 muslim is mon f marout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 32 rakhine bu yangon f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maepa 58 karen ch kayin m marout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 48 bama bu yangon m [x]out 24-Aug-2015 maesariang 44 bama [x] bago f marout 24-Aug-2015 maesariang 27 karen ch kayin f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 29 karen bu kayin m marout 24-Aug-2015 maesariang 24 bama bu bago f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesariang 60 bama bu mon f marout 24-Aug-2015 maehongson 24 bama ch ayeyarwady m sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 60 karen ch kayin f marout 24-Aug-2015 maesariang 42 bama bu kayin f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 karen bu kayin f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 bama bu shan f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 bama bu bago f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesariang 39 bama bu bago m marout 24-Aug-2015 maehongson 19 karen ch kayin m sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 20 muslim is yangon f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 20 bama bu bago m sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 36 karen bu mon m sinout 24-Aug-2015 maehongson 20 karen ch bago f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 33 rakhine bu yangon f sinout 24-Aug-2015 maesot 36 karen ch bago f marout 24-Aug-2015 maepa 24 karen bu kayin m sinout 23-Aug-2015 maehongson 29 bama bu mon f marout 23-Aug-2015 maehongson 25 karen bu kayin m sinout 23-Aug-2015 maehongson 19 muslim is kayin m sinout 23-Aug-2015 maehongson 24 kachin bu sagaing m marout 23-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 bama is mandalay f sinout 23-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 bama is kayin f sinout 23-Aug-2015 maehongson 23 karen bu kayin m sinout 22-Aug-2015 maehongson 25 bama bu mon f sinout 22-Aug-2015 maehongson 24 bama ch mon m sinout 22-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 bama bu mon m sinout 22-Aug-2015 maesariang 47 muslim is kayin f marout 22-Aug-2015 maehongson 20 bama bu mandalay m sinout 21-Aug-2015 maesot 18 bama bu bago f sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 21 karen ch kayin m sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 20 karen ch kayin f sinout 21-Aug-2015 maesot 20 bama bu ayeyarwady f sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 30 bama bu mon f sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 26 karen bu kayin f sinout 21-Aug-2015 maesot 20 karen bu kayin f sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 20 bama bu yangon m marout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 21 bama bu kayin f marout 21-Aug-2015 maesot 28 karen bu tanintharyi m sinout 21-Aug-2015 maesot 18 indian bu shan m mar

out 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 24 bama bu mon f sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 bama bu kayin f sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 22 karen bu kayin m sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 19 karen ch kayin m sinout 21-Aug-2015 maesot 40 bama bu yangon f marout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 29 shan bu shan f sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 19 karen bu kayin f sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 27 muslim is yangon m sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 karen bu kayin f sinout 21-Aug-2015 maesot 30 bama bu mandalay m sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 43 bama bu kayin m marout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 26 bama bu tanintharyi m sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 21 karen ch bago m sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 53 karen ch yangon f marout 21-Aug-2015 maesot 21 karen bu mon f sinout 21-Aug-2015 maesot 20 shan bu shan m sinout 21-Aug-2015 maesot 20 bama ch mon m sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 30 karen ch kayin f sinout 21-Aug-2015 maehongson 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 20-Aug-2015 maesot 59 bama bu yangon f sinout 20-Aug-2015 maesot 20 karen bu kayin m sinout 20-Aug-2015 maesot 32 bama bu bago f sinout 20-Aug-2015 maesot 54 bama bu mon m marout 20-Aug-2015 maesot 25 karen bu mon m sinout 18-Aug-2015 maesot 50 bama bu mon m marout 18-Aug-2015 maesot 46 bama bu yangon m marout 18-Aug-2015 maesot 28 bama bu kayin m sinout 18-Aug-2015 maetao 30 karen ch kayin f marout 18-Aug-2015 maesot 40 karen bu yangon f marout 18-Aug-2015 maesot 32 bama bu yangon f marout 18-Aug-2015 maetao 30 karen ch ayeyarwady m marout 18-Aug-2015 maetao 25 bama bu bago m marout 18-Aug-2015 maesot 44 karen bu kayin f marout 18-Aug-2015 maesot 40 karen ch kayin f marout 14-Aug-2015 thasongyang 31 bama bu mon m marout 14-Aug-2015 thasongyang 35 bama bu mon f marout 14-Aug-2015 thasongyang 28 bama bu bago m marout 14-Aug-2015 thasongyang 42 bama bu bago f marout 14-Aug-2015 thasongyang 29 bama bu mon m marout 14-Aug-2015 thasongyang 27 bama bu yangon f marout 14-Aug-2015 thasongyang 30 karen bu bago m marout 14-Aug-2015 thasongyang 32 bama bu bago f marout 14-Aug-2015 thasongyang 32 bama bu bago f marout 14-Aug-2015 thasongyang 43 bama bu bago f marout 14-Aug-2015 thasongyang 29 bama bu bago m mar

out 14-Aug-2015 thasongyang 31 bama bu mon m marout 14-Aug-2015 thasongyang 23 bama bu bago f marout 13-Aug-2015 thasongyang 30 mon bu mon m sinout 13-Aug-2015 thasongyang 34 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 13-Aug-2015 thasongyang 26 bama bu mon m sinout 13-Aug-2015 thasongyang 22 mon bu mon m sinout 13-Aug-2015 thasongyang 36 bama bu kayin m marout 13-Aug-2015 thasongyang 40 karen ch kayin f marout 13-Aug-2015 thasongyang 38 mon bu mon f marout 13-Aug-2015 thasongyang 24 mon bu rakhine f sinout 13-Aug-2015 thasongyang 27 karen ch kayin m marout 13-Aug-2015 thasongyang 30 bama bu bago m marout 13-Aug-2015 thasongyang 33 mon bu mon m marout 11-Aug-2015 thasongyang 18 bama bu bago m marout 11-Aug-2015 thasongyang 23 bama bu bago m sinout 11-Aug-2015 thasongyang 21 bama bu mon f sinout 11-Aug-2015 thasongyang 18 bama bu mon f sinout 11-Aug-2015 thasongyang 22 bama bu kayin m sinout 11-Aug-2015 thasongyang 32 bama bu mon m marout 11-Aug-2015 thasongyang 41 bama bu bago m marout 11-Aug-2015 thasongyang 52 bama bu bago m marout 11-Aug-2015 thasongyang 65 bama bu mon m marout 11-Aug-2015 thasongyang 28 bama bu bago f marout 11-Aug-2015 thasongyang 31 bama bu mon m marout 11-Aug-2015 thasongyang 43 bama bu bago f marout 11-Aug-2015 thasongyang 35 bama bu bago f marout 11-Aug-2015 thasongyang 35 bama bu mon f marout 10-Aug-2015 thasongyang 36 bama bu mon m marout 10-Aug-2015 thasongyang 35 bama bu bago f marout 10-Aug-2015 thasongyang 28 bama bu bago m marout 10-Aug-2015 thasongyang 34 bama bu mon f marout 10-Aug-2015 thasongyang 35 bama bu bago m marout 10-Aug-2015 thasongyang 25 bama bu mon m marout 10-Aug-2015 thasongyang 31 bama bu mon f marout 10-Aug-2015 thasongyang 30 bama bu bago m marout 10-Aug-2015 thasongyang 29 bama bu bago f marin 9-Aug-2015 maela 23 karen ch kayin m sinin 9-Aug-2015 maela 20 rakhine bu rakhine m sinin 9-Aug-2015 maela 20 karen ch kayin f sinin 8-Aug-2015 maela 26 shan bu shan m sinout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 30 bama bu [x] f [x]out 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 30 bama bu bago m sinout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 34 bama bu yangon f sinout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 29 bama bu bago m marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 40 bama bu bago m marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 28 karen bu kayin m marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 49 bama bu bago f marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 40 bama bu bago f mar

out 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 30 karen bu ayeyarwady f sinout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 25 bama bu bago f marout 7-Aug-2015 thasongyang 27 bama bu mon m sinout 7-Aug-2015 thasongyang 18 bama bu mon f sinout 7-Aug-2015 thasongyang 24 bama bu bago f sinout 7-Aug-2015 thasongyang 37 bama bu bago m marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 20 bama bu bago f marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 29 bama bu bago f marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 20 bama bu yangon f sinout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 25 rakhine bu rakhine m marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 34 bama bu rakhine f sinout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 27 bama bu mon m marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 34 bama bu bago f marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 33 karen bu kayin m marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 42 bama bu yangon f sinout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 22 bama bu bago f sinout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 29 bama bu yangon f marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 39 karen bu kayin m marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 45 bama bu kayin m marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 30 karen bu mon m marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 40 bama bu shan m marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 24 bama bu bago f marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 26 bama bu bago f marout 7-Aug-2015 thasongyang 45 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 25 bama bu bago f marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 50 karen bu bago m sinout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 27 bama bu naypyidaw m marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 20 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 19 karen bu bago m sinout 7-Aug-2015 phobprah 50 rakhine bu rakhine f marout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 21 pahoh bu kayin f sinout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 61 bama bu bago m marout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 29 bama bu mon f sinout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 51 bama bu kayin m marout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 47 bama bu mon f marout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 27 bama bu kayin m sinout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 56 bama bu bago f marout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 20 karen bu kayin m sinout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 26 karen bu kayin m sinout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 58 pahoh bu bago m marout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 49 bama bu kayin f marout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 25 bama bu kayin f sinout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 55 bama bu mon m marout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 55 mon bu mon f marout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 28 bama bu bago f sinout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 48 bama bu bago m marout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 26 karen bu kayin f sinout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 36 bama bu bago f sin

out 6-Aug-2015 thasongyang 28 bama bu mon f marout 6-Aug-2015 thasongyang 40 bama bu bago m marout 6-Aug-2015 thasongyang 38 bama bu mon m marout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 45 bama bu bago f marout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 63 bama bu mon m marout 6-Aug-2015 thasongyang 35 bama bu mon f marout 6-Aug-2015 thasongyang 31 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 6-Aug-2015 thasongyang 42 bama bu mon f marout 6-Aug-2015 thasongyang 29 bama bu bago f marout 6-Aug-2015 thasongyang 30 bama bu bago m marout 6-Aug-2015 maesot 20 karen bu kayin f sinout 5-Aug-2015 phobprah 22 karen bu kayin m marout 5-Aug-2015 phobprah 35 karen bu kayin f marout 5-Aug-2015 phobprah 44 karen bu kayin m marout 5-Aug-2015 phobprah 28 karen bu kayin f marout 5-Aug-2015 maesot 37 bama bu bago f marout 5-Aug-2015 phobprah 40 karen bu kayin m marout 5-Aug-2015 thasongyang 28 bama bu mon m marout 5-Aug-2015 thasongyang 35 bama bu mon f marout 5-Aug-2015 thasongyang 31 bama bu mon m marout 5-Aug-2015 thasongyang 39 bama bu mon m marout 3-Aug-2015 maesot 25 karen bu kayin f marout 3-Aug-2015 maesot 53 karen ch bago m sinout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 35 bama bu mon m marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 45 bama bu bago f marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 37 bama bu bago m marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 24 bama bu mon m sinout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 40 karen bu kayin m marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 34 bama bu bago f marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 31 rakhine bu rakhine f marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 21 bama bu mon m marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 30 bama bu bago f marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 32 bama bu mon f marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 35 karen bu kayin m marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 42 bama bu bago m marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 46 bama bu mon m marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 25 karen bu yangon f marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 30 karen bu kayin f marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 29 bama bu yangon m sinout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 32 bama bu bago m marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 32 bama bu rakhine f marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 33 rakhine bu rakhine m marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 32 bama bu mandalay m marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 24 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 2-Aug-2015 phobprah 28 karen bu bago f marout 30-Jul-2015 maesot 37 bama bu yangon f marout 29-Jul-2015 maesot 50 karen bu kayin m marout 27-Jul-2015 maekasa 37 bama bu kayin f mar

out 27-Jul-2015 maekasa 32 bama bu bago m marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 35 bama bu yangon f marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 51 bama bu bago m marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 46 bama bu bago m marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 27 bama bu mon f marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 32 bama bu mon f marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 40 bama bu bago f marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 32 mon bu mon f marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 39 bama bu bago f marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 45 bama bu bago f marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 67 bama bu kayin m marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 44 bama bu bago f marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 50 bama bu kayin m marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 33 bama bu bago f marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 39 bama bu bago m marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 37 mon bu kayin f marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 50 bama bu bago m sinout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 50 pahoh bu kayin f marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 30 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 27-Jul-2015 thasongyang 30 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 30 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 45 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 49 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 29 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 38 bama bu mon f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 42 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 47 bama bu mon f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 39 rakhine bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 44 rakhine bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 31 bama bu mon f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 27 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 34 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 55 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 25 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 49 rakhine bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 23 rakhine bu mon f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 30 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 50 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 45 rakhine bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 53 bama bu mon m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 30 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 49 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 40 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 37 bama bu mon m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 40 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 50 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 44 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 44 bama bu kayin m mar

out 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 50 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 42 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 42 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 42 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 34 bama bu mon m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 42 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 25 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 30 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 37 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 40 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 41 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 41 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 42 bama bu kayin m sinout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 49 bama bu mandalay m sinout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 53 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 53 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 57 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 63 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 30 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 59 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 35 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 32 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 40 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 56 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 53 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 45 bama bu mon f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 32 bama bu mon f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 32 bama bu kayin f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 43 bama bu kayin f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 47 bama bu kayin f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 49 bama bu mon m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 54 bama bu kayin f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 36 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 30 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 40 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 40 bama bu mon f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 41 bama bu mon f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 42 bama bu kayin f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 45 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 48 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 48 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 54 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 44 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 32 bama bu mon m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 42 rakhine bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 49 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 41 bama bu kayin f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 37 bama bu mon m mar

out 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 40 rakhine bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 45 rakhine bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 41 bama bu mon m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 49 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 42 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 50 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 52 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 29 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 43 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 38 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 51 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 30 bama bu kayin f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 52 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 51 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 33 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 38 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 48 rakhine bu mon f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 42 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 42 bama bu kayin m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 52 bama bu kayin f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 43 bama bu bago f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 43 bama bu bago m marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 47 bama bu kayin f marout 24-Jul-2015 phobprah 45 bama bu kayin m marout 20-Jul-2015 maesot 48 bama bu bago f marout 18-Jul-2015 maesot 45 bama bu bago m marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 28 bama bu bago f marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 53 bama bu bago f marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 37 bama bu kayin f marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 38 bama bu kayin f marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 47 bama bu kayin m marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 68 bama bu kayin m marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 57 bama bu kayin f marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 40 rakhine bu rakhine f marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 35 bama bu bago f marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 57 bama bu mon m sinout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 36 bama bu bago f marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 37 bama bu bago f marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 56 muslim is rakhine m marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 25 bama bu kayin f marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 45 bama bu bago f marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 32 bama bu bago f marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 52 bama bu bago m marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 24 bama bu kayin f marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 23 bama bu mon f marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 36 bama bu bago m sinout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 62 bama bu kayin m sinout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 32 bama bu bago m mar

out 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 27 bama bu bago f marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 35 bama bu kayin f marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 38 bama bu kayin m marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 30 bama bu bago f marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 35 bama bu kayin m marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 50 bama bu kayin f marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 38 bama bu mon m marout 17-Jul-2015 maekasa 45 bama bu kayin f marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 41 bama bu kayin f marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 44 bama bu bago f marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 38 bama bu bago f marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 39 bama bu kayin m marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 51 pahoh bu kayin f marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 35 bama bu bago f marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 44 karen bu kayin f marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 35 bama bu bago f marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 37 bama bu kayin m marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 36 bama bu bago f marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 37 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 40 rakhine bu rakhine f marout 17-Jul-2015 maesot 27 karen ch ayeyarwady f sinout 15-Jul-2015 maesot 22 bama bu bago f sinout 12-Jul-2015 maekasa 47 karen ch yangon f marout 12-Jul-2015 maekasa 39 bama bu kayin f marin 9-Jul-2015 maela 21 karen ch kayin m sinout 8-Jul-2015 maepa 32 bama bu bago m marout 8-Jul-2015 maepa 55 bama bu bago m marout 8-Jul-2015 maepa 40 bama bu bago f marout 8-Jul-2015 maepa 19 bama bu bago f sinout 8-Jul-2015 maepa 34 bama bu kayin m marout 8-Jul-2015 maepa 26 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 7-Jul-2015 maesot [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]out 7-Jul-2015 maesot 48 karen bu kayin f marout 7-Jul-2015 maesot 58 bama bu mon f marout 7-Jul-2015 maepa 22 karen ch bago m sinout 7-Jul-2015 maesot 48 bama bu yangon f marout 7-Jul-2015 maepa 27 bama bu bago f marout 7-Jul-2015 maepa 34 bama bu bago m marout 7-Jul-2015 maepa 42 bama bu mon m marout 7-Jul-2015 maepa 44 bama bu bago f marout 7-Jul-2015 maepa 33 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 7-Jul-2015 maepa 39 bama bu kayin f marout 7-Jul-2015 maepa 22 bama bu bago f marout 7-Jul-2015 maesot 48 mon bu mon f marout 7-Jul-2015 maepa 35 bama bu kayin m marout 7-Jul-2015 maepa 26 bama bu bago f marout 7-Jul-2015 maesot 43 bama bu yangon m sinout 7-Jul-2015 maepa 43 bama bu yangon f sin

out 7-Jul-2015 maepa 39 bama bu bago f marout 7-Jul-2015 maepa 36 bama bu kayin f marout 7-Jul-2015 maesot 35 muslim is kayin m marout 7-Jul-2015 maepa 34 bama bu bago m marout 7-Jul-2015 maesot 45 karen ch yangon f sinout 6-Jul-2015 maecharao 24 mon bu kayin f sinout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 29 bama bu kayin f marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 20 bama bu bago m marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 32 bama bu bago f marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 29 bama bu mon m sinout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 48 bama bu bago m marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 41 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 42 bama bu yangon m marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 46 bama bu bago f marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 47 bama bu bago f marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 55 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 35 bama bu kayin f sinout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 36 bama bu bago f sinout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 32 bama bu yangon f marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 32 bama bu yangon m marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 29 bama bu bago f marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 32 bama bu kayin f marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 41 bama bu bago m marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 42 bama bu bago m marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 25 bama bu bago f marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 28 bama bu bago f marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 39 bama bu mon f marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 20 bama bu bago f marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 39 bama bu bago f marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 28 bama bu mon f marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 19 bama bu bago m sinout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 19 bama bu bago m sinout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 19 bama bu bago f sinout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 45 bama bu kayin m marout 6-Jul-2015 maepa 38 karen ch kayin f marout 6-Jul-2015 maesot 35 karen ch yangon f sinout 6-Jul-2015 maecharao 28 karen ch kayin f sinout 4-Jul-2015 maesot [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]out 4-Jul-2015 maesot [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]out 4-Jul-2015 maesot 43 karen bu kayin f marout 4-Jul-2015 maesot 21 karen ch kayin f marout 4-Jul-2015 maesot 20 karen bu kayin m sinout 3-Jul-2015 maekasa 18 karen bu kayin m sinout 3-Jul-2015 maekasa 48 bama bu mon m marout 3-Jul-2015 maesot 40 karen bu kayin m marout 3-Jul-2015 maekasa 25 bama bu bago f marout 3-Jul-2015 maesot 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 3-Jul-2015 maesot 53 karen bu mon f mar

out 3-Jul-2015 maesot 37 karen bu bago m marout 2-Jul-2015 maecharao 45 muslim is mon f marout 2-Jul-2015 maecharao 27 bama bu mon f marout 2-Jul-2015 maecharao 38 bama bu shan f marout 2-Jul-2015 maecharao 26 muslim is kayin m marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 59 bama bu mon m marout 2-Jul-2015 maekasa 18 bama bu bago f sinout 2-Jul-2015 maecharao 20 bama bu bago m sinout 2-Jul-2015 maekasa 35 bama bu bago m marout 2-Jul-2015 maekasa 40 bama bu bago f sinout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 43 mon bu mon f marout 2-Jul-2015 maecharao 45 bama bu bago m marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 32 muslim is mon f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 30 mon bu mon f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 34 karen bu yangon f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 43 muslim is kayin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maecharao 42 bama bu bago f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 35 karen bu kayin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 49 muslim is bago m marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 30 bama bu bago f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 40 bama bu mon f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 45 bama bu kayin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maecharao 46 bama bu ayeyarwady m [x]out 2-Jul-2015 maesot 42 karen ch kayin m marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 49 karen ch yangon m marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 37 rakhine bu rakhine f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 36 naga ch chin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 52 karen ch bago f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 33 mon bu mon f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 47 bama bu mon m marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 34 karen bu kayin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 54 karen bu kayin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 34 karen bu kayin m marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 53 bama bu bago m marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 45 karen ch kayin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 35 naga ch chin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 49 muslim is kayin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 32 karen ch kayin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 55 bama bu mon f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 35 karen bu kayin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 39 bama bu bago m marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 56 karen bu bago m marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 51 bama bu kayin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 47 bama bu yangon m marin 2-Jul-2015 maesot 49 muslim is mon f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 48 karen bu kayin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 32 bama bu mon f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 34 bama bu yangon f mar

out 2-Jul-2015 maesot 40 karen ch kayin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maecharao 30 muslim is kayin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maekasa 40 bama bu bago m marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 50 bama bu bago f marout 2-Jul-2015 maekasa 67 bama bu bago f marout 2-Jul-2015 maekasa 34 karen bu kayin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maekasa 19 bama bu mon f sinout 2-Jul-2015 maekasa 35 bama bu yangon f marout 2-Jul-2015 maekasa 38 bama bu kayin m marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 64 karen bu kayin m marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 45 karen bu mon m sinout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 34 mon bu mon f marout 2-Jul-2015 maecharao 35 bama bu bago m marout 2-Jul-2015 maekasa 40 karen ch ayeyarwady m marout 2-Jul-2015 maekasa 46 bama bu bago m marout 2-Jul-2015 maekasa 35 karen bu kayin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maecharao 55 bama bu yangon m marout 2-Jul-2015 maecharao 55 bama bu yangon m marout 2-Jul-2015 maecharao 25 bama bu kayin f marout 2-Jul-2015 maesot 37 bama bu bago m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 47 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 29 bama bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 38 bama bu bago m marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 24 karen bu kayin m sinout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 38 bama bu bago f marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 30 bama bu bago f marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 46 bama bu bago m marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 36 bama bu yangon m marout 1-Jul-2015 maecharao 33 bama bu mon f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 35 karen bu kayin f sinout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 72 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 66 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 45 muslim is kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 40 bama bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 47 naga ch chin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 30 shan ch shan f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 35 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 48 bama bu mon f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 29 bama bu kayin f sinout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 39 karen bu kayin f sinout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 49 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 35 muslim is kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 34 indian hi mon m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 30 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 35 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 31 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 37 mon bu mon f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 43 karen ch kayin m mar

out 1-Jul-2015 maesot 35 mon bu mon m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 20 muslim is kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maetao 42 bama bu bago m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 40 bama bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 43 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 49 mon bu bago m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 39 muslim is kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 41 bama bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 43 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 45 karen ch kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 49 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 46 bama bu bago f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 30 muslim is kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 36 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 49 bama bu mon f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 44 bama bu mon f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 34 bama bu mon f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 33 bama bu ayeyarwady f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 46 karen bu yangon m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 38 bama bu mon m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 42 bama bu yangon f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 42 pahoh bu mon m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 41 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 41 rakhine bu rakhine m sinout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 40 rakhine bu rakhine m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 50 bama bu bago m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 45 karen bu shan f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 60 karen ch kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 41 rakhine ch rakhine m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 47 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 24 karen bu mon m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 42 karen bu mon m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 30 naga ch chin m sinout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 48 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 43 bama bu yangon f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 45 muslim is kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 41 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 55 bama bu bago m marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 22 bama bu bago m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 39 bama bu bago m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 44 bama bu bago m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 49 bama bu yangon f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 38 karen bu kayin m sinout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 32 bama bu yangon f marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 18 bama bu mon f sinout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 42 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 41 bama bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 35 mon bu mon m mar

out 1-Jul-2015 maesot 57 bama bu bago m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 50 bama is kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 38 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 40 bama bu mon m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 40 bama bu mon m marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 34 bama bu bago f marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 40 bama bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 42 bama bu yangon f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 19 bama bu kayin f sinout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 36 muslim is kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 34 karen bu bago f marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 39 bama bu kayin f sinout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 30 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 35 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 35 bama bu yangon m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 32 muslim is kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 43 bama bu mon f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 48 bama bu bago f marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 51 bama bu bago m marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 23 bama bu bago f sinout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 30 bama bu yangon m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 40 muslim is kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 27 muslim is kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 60 bama bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 34 bama bu bago m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 25 karen bu kayin m sinout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 42 rakhine bu rakhine f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 45 karen bu ayeyarwady m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 43 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 37 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 39 karen bu mon m marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 28 bama bu bago f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 48 bama bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 33 rakhine bu rakhine m sinout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 44 rakhine bu rakhine m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 45 mon bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 18 karen bu mon f sinout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 45 bama bu yangon m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 45 karen bu ayeyarwady m marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 50 bama bu mon f marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 39 bama bu bago m marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 44 karen ch yangon f marout 1-Jul-2015 maekasa 39 bama bu bago m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 44 bama bu bago m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 45 karen ch mon f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 30 bama bu mon m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 38 bama bu bago f sinout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 43 karen bu kayin m mar

out 1-Jul-2015 maesot 27 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 46 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 43 muslim is mon f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 53 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 32 karen bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 61 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 57 bama bu bago m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 45 karen bu mon m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 37 karen ch kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 40 karen bu kayin m marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 42 bama bu kayin f marout 1-Jul-2015 maesot 33 karen ch bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 25 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 44 bama bu mon f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 35 karen bu kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 19 karen bu mon f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 41 muslim is kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 51 bama bu kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 41 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 45 karen bu kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 30 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 45 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 55 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 37 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 22 bama bu bago m sinout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 40 karen bu kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 37 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 30 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 48 bama bu kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 49 bama bu yangon f sinout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 49 bama bu yangon f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 42 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 46 bama bu mon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 35 bama bu yangon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 25 bama bu yangon f sinout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 20 bama bu yangon m sinout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 38 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 28 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 40 bama bu bago m sinout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 45 bama bu kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 20 bama bu bago m sinout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 35 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 51 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 45 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 25 bama bu bago f sinout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 39 bama bu bago f sinout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 30 bama bu bago f sinout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 55 karen bu mon m sin

out 30-Jun-2015 thasongyang 36 bama bu mon f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 44 karen ch bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 39 muslim is ayeyarwady f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 49 bama bu mon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 40 mon bu kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 44 bama bu kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 31 karen bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 thasongyang 43 karen bu kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 46 karen ch bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 27 karen bu mon f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 45 karen bu kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 39 bama bu mon f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 45 karen bu mon m marout 30-Jun-2015 thasongyang 43 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 46 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 55 karen bu mon f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 37 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 41 bama bu yangon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 42 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 thasongyang 18 bama bu bago m sinout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 38 karen ch bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 40 bama bu bago f sinout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 33 bama bu yangon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 43 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 39 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 18 bama is kayin m sinout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 39 muslim is kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 35 bama bu kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 39 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 41 karen ch kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 27 bama bu yangon f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 46 bama bu mon f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 50 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 57 bama bu kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 39 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 30 bama bu mon f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 32 bama bu mon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 42 bama bu yangon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 35 bama bu mandalay f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 29 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 45 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 44 bama bu kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 39 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 40 rakhine bu rakhine f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 32 bama bu bago f sinout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 34 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 25 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 19 bama bu bago f sin

out 30-Jun-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon f sinout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 18 bama bu mon m sinout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 50 bama bu kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 39 bama bu shan f sinout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 25 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 35 bama bu yangon f sinout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 31 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 44 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 40 bama bu kayin m sinout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 37 bama bu kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 45 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 25 bama bu mon m sinout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 39 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 32 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 32 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 33 bama bu yangon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 30 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 35 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 28 bama bu mon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 36 bama bu bago f sinout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 33 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 45 bama bu ayeyarwady m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 40 bama bu kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 47 muslim is kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 19 bama bu mon f sinout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 45 muslim is mon f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 39 bama bu mon f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 40 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 38 karen bu kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 38 pahoh bu shan m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 30 bama bu kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 44 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 29 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 34 muslim is mon m sinout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 36 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 38 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 35 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 44 karen ch bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 36 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 43 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 33 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 35 bama bu mon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 56 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 42 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 43 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 45 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 30 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 40 bama bu bago m mar

out 30-Jun-2015 maesot 48 karen ch kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 56 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 38 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 45 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 43 karen ch kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 48 karen bu mon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 65 karen ch kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 39 karen ch kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 36 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 40 karen bu ayeyarwady m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 49 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 40 bama bu yangon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 46 karen bu kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 30 bama bu kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 35 bama bu kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 35 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 42 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 46 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 57 karen bu yangon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 35 bama bu mon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 41 bama bu kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 46 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 52 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 30 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 38 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 34 bama bu rakhine f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 25 bama bu yangon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 36 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 37 bama bu mon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 39 bama bu mon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 51 karen ch kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 35 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 38 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 33 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 45 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 34 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 45 naga ch chin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 49 karen bu mon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 26 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 40 bama bu mandalay m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 37 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 34 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 45 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 25 bama bu kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 45 naga ch chin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 51 karen ch ayeyarwady f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 18 bama bu bago m sinout 30-Jun-2015 thasongyang 50 bama [x] mon f mar

out 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 40 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 53 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 34 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 38 muslim is kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 30 karen bu kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 36 muslim is kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 35 mon bu mon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 34 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 55 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 30 bama bu kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 30 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 42 karen bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 38 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 45 bama bu kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 thasongyang 39 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 19 bama bu kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 52 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 45 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 34 karen bu kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 40 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 46 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 55 bama bu kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 50 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 44 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 35 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 22 bama bu ayeyarwady f sinout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 31 muslim is bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 47 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 52 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 47 bama bu mon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 42 bama bu mon f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 51 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 23 bama bu mon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 41 bama bu kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 30 bama bu mon f sinout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 45 bama bu kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 36 bama bu kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 32 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 49 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 19 karen bu mon f sinout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 30 muslim is mon f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 63 karen bu mon m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 42 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 45 bama bu yangon f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 32 karen bu kayin f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 39 karen bu kayin m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 39 bama bu yangon f marout 30-Jun-2015 maesot 29 bama bu bago f mar

out 30-Jun-2015 thasongyang 42 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 40 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maekasa 38 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 30 bama bu bago f marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 35 bama bu bago m marout 30-Jun-2015 maecharao 47 bama bu mon f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 52 bama bu bago f sinout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 33 bama bu yangon f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 40 bama bu kayin f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 35 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 37 bama bu bago m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 38 bama bu bago m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 47 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 45 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 38 bama bu bago m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 39 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 47 bama bu kayin m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 46 bama bu kayin m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 40 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 34 karen bu kayin m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 32 bama bu kayin f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 50 karen bu kayin f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 36 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 32 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 41 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 31 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 35 bama bu mon f marout 29-Jun-2015 maecharao 20 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maecharao 40 bama bu bago f sinout 29-Jun-2015 maecharao 22 bama bu bago m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 44 bama bu mon m marout 29-Jun-2015 maecharao 33 bama bu yangon m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 37 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 thasongyang 50 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 43 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 52 bama bu kayin m marout 29-Jun-2015 thasongyang 33 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 50 bama bu bago m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 48 karen bu kayin m marout 29-Jun-2015 thasongyang 49 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 thasongyang 45 bama bu kayin f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 47 bama bu mon m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 42 bama bu kayin m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 47 bama bu bago m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 44 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 35 bama bu bago m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 45 bama bu bago m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 40 bama bu kayin f mar

out 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 41 bama bu yangon m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 44 bama bu mon f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 46 bama bu bago m sinout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 34 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 42 karen bu kayin m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 40 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 40 karen bu kayin m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 36 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 36 karen bu kayin f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 36 karen bu kayin f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 24 bama bu kayin f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 45 bama bu kayin f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 39 bama bu kayin f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 37 bama bu kayin f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 38 bama bu mon m marout 29-Jun-2015 thasongyang 52 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 thasongyang 67 bama bu mon m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 38 bama bu mon f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 54 bama bu kayin m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 35 bama bu bago m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 44 bama bu mon m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 45 bama bu shan m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 46 karen bu kayin m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 37 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 59 bama bu bago m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 55 bama bu bago m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 46 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 thasongyang 46 bama bu bago m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 47 bama bu bago m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 37 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 33 bama bu bago m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 41 bama bu bago m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 43 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 41 bama bu bago m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 35 bama bu shan m marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 32 bama bu mon f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 33 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 42 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 49 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 33 bama bu mon f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 49 bama bu kayin m marout 29-Jun-2015 thasongyang 31 bama bu mon f marout 29-Jun-2015 thasongyang 25 bama bu kayin f marout 29-Jun-2015 thasongyang 50 bama bu bago f marout 29-Jun-2015 maekasa 47 bama bu bago m sinout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 35 karen bu kayin f marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 41 bama bu bago m marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 30 bama bu kayin f mar

out 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 30 bama bu kayin m sinout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 50 bama bu kayin f marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 18 bama bu kayin m sinout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 45 bama bu kayin f marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 46 bama bu kayin m marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 27 bama bu kayin m marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 30 bama bu kayin f marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 33 bama bu yangon f marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 39 bama bu bago m marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 49 bama bu kayin m marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 34 bama bu bago m marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 41 bama bu bago f marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 47 bama bu bago m marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 36 bama bu kayin f marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 39 bama bu bago m marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 21 bama bu bago f marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 27 bama bu bago m marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 28 bama bu kayin f sinout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 38 bama bu mon f sinout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 26 bama bu bago m sinout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 32 bama bu kayin f [x]out 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 40 bama bu bago f marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 28 bama bu bago f sinout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 30 bama bu bago f marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 34 bama bu yangon f marout 28-Jun-2015 maecharao 32 bama bu mon m marout 27-Jun-2015 maecharao 25 bama bu bago f marout 27-Jun-2015 maecharao 25 bama bu bago m marout 27-Jun-2015 maecharao 30 bama bu bago f marout 27-Jun-2015 maecharao 33 bama bu kayin m marout 27-Jun-2015 maecharao 30 bama bu bago f marout 27-Jun-2015 maecharao 30 bama bu kayin f marout 20-Jun-2015 maesot 58 muslim bu tanintharyi f marout 20-Jun-2015 maesot 32 bama bu bago f marout 20-Jun-2015 maesot 32 muslim is kayin f mar

Q10.ed Q11.years Q12.1st Q13.trips Q14.fam Q15.num Q16.who Q17.in.out Q18.villageA10 7.0 n 14 n [x] [x] [x] nA10 2.0 n 3 y 4 f,m,s [x] nB10 8.0 n 19 y 2 o out yA10 6.0 n 13 y 6 c [x] yA10 10.0 n 24 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 8.0 n 6 y 5 f,m,o [x] nA10 5.0 n 6 y 3 f,m [x] nA10 3.0 y [x] y 4 a,c [x] nA10 15.0 n 20 y 5 c,o out yB10 4.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 8.0 n 8 y 6 a,u,c out yG10 7.0 n 3 y 2 m out nB10 7.0 n 3 y 3 s out nB10 4.0 n 3 y 5 f,m,b,o [x] nB10 5.0 y [x] y 3 [x] out yG10 5.0 n 7 y 2 s out nG10 9.0 n 3 y 3 f,m out nG10 4.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] nA10 4.0 n 20 y 4 f,m,b out nG10 5.0 n 16 y 6 f,m,s,o out yG10 5.0 n 8 y 2 s out nA10 7.0 n 15 y 4 f,m,s out yA10 6.0 n 12 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 8.0 n 10 y 6 s,u,a,c out nG10 7.0 n 12 y 2 s out nA10 5.0 n 13 y 6 f,m,s,o out yG10 26.0 n 4 n [x] [x] [x] n[x] 4.0 n 9 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 3.0 n 4 y 6 a,u,c,o out yB10 15.0 n 10 y 9 o out yA10 6.0 y 3 y 3 o out nG10 8.0 y [x] y 3 b out nG10 20.0 n 15 y 2 m out nG10 12.0 n 15 y 2 o out nB10 7.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s,o out nB10 15.0 n 5 y 9 f,m,s,o out yG10 8.0 n 5 y 5 m,s out yG10 3.0 n 2 y 4 a,o out nA10 9.0 n 8 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 1.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 15.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 15.0 y [x] y [x] o out yA10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 9.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 6.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]

A10 0.3 n 6 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 2.0 n 3 y 1 a out nB10 2.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,s,a out yB10 3.0 n 5 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 4.0 n 2 y 3 o out yG10 0.7 n 6 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 4.0 n 5 n [x] [x] [x] nG10 4.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,c out yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nA10 7.0 [x] [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yG10 7.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,s both nG10 1.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] nG10 5.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 10.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]G10 2.0 y [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] yB10 15.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 3.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b out yG10 1.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 10.0 n 2 y 7 f,m,b,s out yB10 5.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 n 5 y 1 u out yB10 7.0 n 2 y 3 f,m,b out yB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 5.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 0.7 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 5.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] nG10 1.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] nG10 3.0 n 5 y 5 f,m,b out [x]B10 15.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b out yG10 5.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 3.0 n 2 y 3 b out yB10 4.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 9.0 [x] [x] y 5 o out yG10 10.0 n [x] y 1 b out [x]G10 5.0 y [x] y 7 s out yA10 5.0 y [x] y 3 b out yG10 [x] [x] [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out nG10 16.0 y [x] y 9 [x] out yG10 16.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 14.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 17.0 [x] [x] y [x] [x] both [x]B10 5.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 1.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 [x] n [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out nG10 7.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] nG10 6.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s,b out nG10 3.0 n 5 n [x] [x] [x] n

G10 1.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 1.0 n [x] y 3 m,b out nG10 [x] n [x] y [x] c out yG10 [x] n 4 y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 12.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 9.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 6.0 n 6 y 12 m,o out yB10 5.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 5.0 n 5 y [x] b out yG10 3.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 2.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 2.0 n [x] y [x] c out yG10 2.0 n [x] y 3 f,m,b,s out yG10 1.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 1.0 y [x] y 1 s out yG10 [x] n 2 y [x] a out yG10 [x] y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 9.0 n 7 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 12.0 n 6 y 2 o out yB10 2.0 n 2 y 5 o out yG10 10.0 n 3 y 5 f,m,s,u out yB10 8.0 n 11 y 5 m,s,o out yB10 19.0 y [x] y 5 c,o out yG10 19.0 n 4 y 6 m,b,o out yA10 10.0 n 4 y 5 f,m,b,u out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 5 o out yA10 12.0 n 3 y 2 o out yA10 12.0 n 20 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 [x] [x] [x] y 5 f,m,s,u,c in nA10 21.0 n [x] y 5 m,b,s,a,u,c,o out yA10 3.0 [x] [x] y 1 b out yA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,c,u,o out yA10 18.0 n 4 y 8 f,m,b,s in yA10 4.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,c in yA10 3.0 n [x] y 2 s,c in yA10 14.0 n [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 6.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in nG10 4.0 y [x] y [x] b out yG10 18.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,a,u,c,o in yA10 16.0 n [x] y 3 a,u,c out yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 7.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,br,s out yA10 20.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s, in yA10 11.0 y [x] y 2 b,s in y

A10 3.0 n [x] y [x] u in yB10 23.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,c in nA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] a,u,c in yA10 21.0 y [x] y 3 f,m in yA10 9.0 n [x] y 1 b in yB10 10.0 n 4 y 12 s,c out yB10 3.0 n 3 y 5 f,m,c out yA10 2.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s in yA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in yB10 8.0 n 3 y 4 f,s,u out yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 8.0 n 4 y 7 m,o out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 7 o out nB10 3.0 n [x] y [x] f,s in yG10 10.0 y [x] y [x] f,m in yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u,c,o in yG10 9.0 y [x] y 10 b,s,c in yB10 4.0 n 2 y 10 m,s,c,o out yB10 3.0 n 2 y 5 f,b,o out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b out yB10 3.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,b,o out yB10 3.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,o out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 8 f,s,c out yG10 3.0 y [x] y [x] b in yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yB10 8.0 n 3 y [x] o both yG10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] in yG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yB10 6.0 n 4 y 1 u out yB10 5.0 n 3 y 1 f out yG10 2.0 n 2 y 1 a out yB10 2.0 n 2 y 1 s out yB10 [x] n 3 y [x] c out yB10 15.0 n 4 y [x] o out yB10 6.0 n 5 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 4.0 n 5 y [x] o out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 1 b out yB10 0.8 n 2 y 1 f out yB10 25.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 10.0 n 3 y [x] o out yG10 10.0 n 3 y 8 s,c,o out yB10 10.0 n 3 y 4 m,a,c out yB10 8.0 n 3 y 5 f,m,s out yB10 7.0 n 3 y 8 s,c,o out yB10 5.0 n 5 y 1 f out yB10 5.0 n 3 y [x] o out yB10 4.0 n 2 y 4 b,s,c out yB10 4.0 n 6 y 1 s out y

B10 3.0 n 3 y 1 f out yB10 3.0 n 3 y 1 m out yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 2.0 n 2 y 1 m out yB10 2.0 n 2 y 1 s out yB10 12.0 n 4 y 8 m,s,c,o out yB10 6.0 n 2 y 6 b,s out yB10 6.0 n 3 y [x] o out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] b out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 3 f,m [x] yB10 8.0 n 3 y [x] o out yB10 8.0 n 3 y [x] c,o out y[x] 4.0 n 3 y [x] m out yB10 2.0 n 2 y [x] o out yB10 7.0 n 3 y 10 s,c,o out yB10 6.0 n 3 y 3 o,c out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] b,o out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 2 a out yB10 15.0 n 6 y 6 c,o out yA10 4.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 33.0 n [x] y 10 f,m,b,s,a,u,c,o out yG10 11.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,s,a,u,c,o both nG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] s out nB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 19.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,s,u,c,o out yG10 6.0 n [x] y [x] u in yA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,c in yA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u, in yG10 19.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u,c,o out yB10 12.0 n 10 y 8 o out yG10 4.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] nG10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 4.0 y [x] y 5 f,o out yG10 7.0 n 6 y 3 o out yB10 4.0 n 2 y 5 f,m,o out yB10 8.0 n 5 y 7 f,m,o out yB10 5.0 n 3 y 4 o out yG10 3.0 n 4 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 2.0 y [x] y 3 o out yG10 10.0 n 4 y 5 o out yG10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 6.0 n 3 y 3 o out nG10 5.0 n 3 y 4 o out yG10 2.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s out yG10 5.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 4.0 n 2 y 6 o out nG10 3.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s out y

A10 8.0 n 4 y 3 o [x] yB10 3.0 n 3 y 3 a,o out yB10 8.0 n 6 y 5 f,m,o out nB10 4.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 8.0 n 6 y 8 o out yG10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 n 3 y 6 f,o out yG10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 4.0 n 3 y 7 o out yG10 2.0 n 3 y 6 o out nB10 4.0 n [x] y 4 u,o out yB10 5.0 n [x] y 8 f,o out yG10 3.0 n 4 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] c out yA10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 [x] [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 1.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 0.4 y [x] y 1 u out yA10 9.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 16.0 n 2 y 5 f,m,b in yG10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 15.0 n [x] y 7 f,m,s,b out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s in nB10 10.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yG10 8.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s in yB10 9.0 n 3 y 4 f,m,b,s in yB10 [x] y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 17.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 16.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 14.0 n 14 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 14.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,s,b,u,a out yB10 12.0 n 12 y 9 f,m,s,b out yB10 10.0 n [x] y 7 f,m,s,b out yB10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 15.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b in yB10 8.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 7.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s in nB10 6.0 n 2 y 8 f,m,b,s,u in nG10 7.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b,s in yB10 6.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s in yB10 7.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s in yB10 6.0 n 7 y 7 f,m,b,s out nB10 5.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b out yB10 2.0 n 2 y 3 b,a,u out yB10 1.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 16.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out n

B10 5.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 4.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,s,b out nB10 1.0 y [x] y 3 s,a,u out nB10 6.0 n 5 y 4 a,u,c out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s out yB10 [x] n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 17.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 16.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 14.0 n 3 y 7 f,m,b,s,c out yB10 13.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 13.0 n 2 y 7 f,m,b,s,c out yB10 10.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 10.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 10.0 n [x] y 8 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s out yB10 9.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 9.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b out yB10 8.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 6.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 3 f,m out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b out yG10 5.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s out yB10 3.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 3.0 n 10 y 7 f,m,b,s out yB10 3.0 n 10 y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 3 b,s out yB10 1.0 n 2 y 3 f,m out yB10 0.3 n [x] y 5 b,u,c out yB10 5.0 n 2 y [x] a,u,c out yB10 3.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 16.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 14.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 n [x] y 7 f,m,b,s out yB10 7.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yA10 3.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s out yB10 3.0 n 3 y [x] o out yG10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 12.0 n [x] y 8 f,m,b,s out yB10 2.0 n 4 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 1.0 n 4 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 5.0 n 3 y 7 f,m,b,s,c in yB10 11.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 n [x] y 7 f,m,b,s out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 1 [x] out nB10 5.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out y

G10 [x] y [x] y 3 f,m,b out yG10 3.0 y [x] y 1 u out yG10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 1.0 y [x] y 1 b out yA10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 1.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s,b,c out yB10 12.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out yG10 9.0 n 5 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 9.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s out yB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 9.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,u out nB10 2.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out nB10 5.0 n 5 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 4.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 3.0 y [x] y 4 m,b,s out yB10 2.0 n 5 y 5 f,m,s out yB10 1.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 1.0 n 3 y 3 f,m,b out yB10 6.0 n 6 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 3.0 y [x] y 3 b out nA10 8.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,c out yA10 9.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b in yB10 31.0 n 2 y 10 o both yG10 15.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s both yB10 15.0 n 15 y [x] o out yG10 4.0 n 2 y [x] o out yA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o out yG10 3.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 9.0 n [x] y 3 f,b out nB10 9.0 n [x] y 3 f,m out nG10 18.0 y [x] y 9 f,m,b,s both nG10 7.0 y [x] y 2 m in y[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 9.0 y [x] y 4 o in [x]B10 20.0 n 2 y 5 [x] both yB10 16.0 y [x] y 4 m,c in yB10 9.0 y [x] y 4 o in nA10 15.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 9.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b in [x]B10 10.0 y [x] y 3 s in yG10 [x] y [x] y [x] m in yA10 1.0 y [x] y 3 s,a in [x]B10 8.0 y [x] y 3 o in nB10 30.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s in nA10 1.0 y [x] y [x] s,a in yB10 7.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s in yG10 9.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] y

A10 10.0 y [x] y 1 u out yA10 7.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] nA10 20.0 n 13 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 1.0 y [x] y 5 m,o out nG10 [x] y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 2.0 n [x] y 2 b out yG10 0.3 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 10.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 5.0 y [x] y 3 m,b,a out yG10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 2.0 n 2 y 2 b out yA10 8.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s,c in yA10 3.0 n 6 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 3.0 y [x] y 1 o in yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] o in yB10 3.0 y [x] y 1 c out yG10 14.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 18.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b in nA10 8.0 y [x] y 6 o in yA10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 4.0 y [x] y [x] s in yG10 4.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 [x] y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in yG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both nB10 5.0 y [x] y 5 o in nB10 6.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in yB10 14.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both yG10 6.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,o in yB10 8.0 y [x] y 3 f,s both yA10 10.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s in yA10 12.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both yG10 5.0 n 5 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,a,u,c in yB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] f,s in yB10 14.0 y [x] y 7 [x] both yB10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 3.0 y [x] y 3 f,b in nA10 6.0 y [x] y 5 [x] in yG10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 15.0 y 2 y 9 f,m,s,b,a,u,c in yB10 31.0 y [x] y 2 o in yB10 5.0 y [x] y 2 o in yG10 0.3 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 10.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 17.0 n 2 y 3 u,o in yG10 8.0 y [x] y 9 f,m,s,b,a,o,c both yB10 8.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s in nA10 2.0 n 2 y 2 u in y

B10 8.0 y [x] y 4 o in nB10 25.0 y [x] y 6 b,s,a in yB10 15.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s in yG10 10.0 y [x] y [x] o in yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] c in nB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] o out yA10 4.0 y [x] y [x] o in yG10 10.0 y [x] y 8 c in nB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] s out yG10 10.0 y [x] y 8 [x] in nB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] b,c,o out yB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 7.0 n 7 y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b out yB10 5.0 n 2 y 3 o out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 3 o out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b out yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b out yB10 2.0 n 2 y 3 [x] out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out yB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] c out yB10 1.0 n 2 y [x] f,m,b,s out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 2 o out yB10 0.5 y [x] y 3 f,m,o out yB10 0.3 n 3 y 3 [x] out yB10 9.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 0.3 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 9.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b in yG10 8.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b in yA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 5.0 n 5 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 16.0 y [x] y 12 s,as,u,m,f,b,c in yG10 9.0 y [x] y [x] m,b in yB10 10.0 n 2 y 5 f,m,b,s in yB10 23.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,b,s in yA10 10.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s in nB10 27.0 n 20 y 8 f,m,b,s in yB10 10.0 y [x] y 4 m,o in yG10 6.0 n 3 y 7 f,m,b,s in yG10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 15.0 n 2 y 6 m,f,b in yG10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 16.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,b,s both yA10 14.0 y [x] y 2 d out n

B10 4.0 n 3 y 2 m out yB10 19.0 n [x] y 2 b in [x]B10 7.0 n 7 y 2 o out yB10 20.0 y [x] y 4 s in nB10 10.0 n 20 y 3 o in nA10 4.0 y [x] y 2 s in yB10 3.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out yB10 45.0 y [x] y 5 b,s out [x]A10 6.0 y [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]A10 8.0 y [x] y [x] o in yB10 23.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,b,s in yB10 3.0 y [x] y 3 f,m out yB10 32.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s,a,u,b in [x]B10 7.0 y [x] y 2 o in nG10 10.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s in nA10 19.0 y [x] y 5 b,a,c,o both yG10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 9.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s,o in yA10 11.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 12.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s in yA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both nB10 6.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b in yG10 3.0 y [x] y [x] f,b,s in nA10 17.0 n 9 y 9 f,m,s,b in yA10 20.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 n 6 y 4 [x] out yB10 4.0 n 4 y [x] o out yB10 4.0 n 3 y [x] o out yB10 3.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 3.0 n 3 y 3 o out y[x] 2.0 n 3 y 2 [x] out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 2 [x] out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 2 o out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 2 o out yB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] o,c out yB10 0.2 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 2 m,a in yA10 20.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,u in yA10 40.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 7.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,s,o both yA10 7.0 y [x] y 2 m,b both nA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] f,mr,b,s in yA10 16.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b both yA10 7.0 n 10 y 4 f,m,s both yA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] m both yA10 20.0 n 2 y 4 b,u,m,c,s in yA10 15.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s,c in yA10 30.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s,a,u both y

G10 3.0 y [x] y [x] u in yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] a,u in nB10 12.0 n 4 y [x] c both yA10 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 [x] n [x] y [x] f,m,s,a,u,o in yA10 9.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 3.0 n 2 y [x] f,m in yB10 9.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 20.0 n 4 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yB10 2.0 n 2 y 2 o out yA10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 8.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 10.0 y [x] y 3 s in yG10 7.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,a,u in yB10 9.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both yA10 10.0 n 4 y 4 f,m,s in yA10 18.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b both nA10 11.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b in nA10 5.0 [x] [x] y [x] f,m in nB10 10.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b,s in yB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] c [x] yA10 21.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 11.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] nA10 8.0 y [x] y 4 o out nB10 15.0 n 3 y [x] s [x] nB10 7.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out nB10 7.0 n 2 y 2 f,m out yB10 6.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,s out yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] [x] [x] nB10 2.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,s,b,u out yB10 18.0 n [x] y [x] s,b out yB10 20.0 n [x] y 5 o out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 7 [x] out yB10 7.0 n 2 y 4 c out yB10 5.0 n 2 y 5 s,b out yB10 17.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 1.0 y [x] y 4 b out yB10 9.0 n 6 y 6 f,m,b,s,u both yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 6 b out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 3 [x] out yG10 8.0 n [x] y [x] m,b,s out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s both nB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 y [x] y [x] m,b,s,u out y

B10 3.0 n 3 y [x] s out yB10 15.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 10.0 n 2 y 5 f,m,s out yB10 1.0 n 3 y 6 f,m,s out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 5 [x] out yB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 15.0 n 4 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 3.0 n [x] y [x] a out yB10 15.0 y [x] y [x] o out nB10 20.0 y [x] y 4 m,b,s in yB10 20.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] [x] nB10 11.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,o out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 12 f,m,b,s out yB10 13.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 25.0 y [x] y 1 d out yB10 5.0 n 5 y 12 m,s,o out yA10 7.0 n 2 y [x] f,m,b,a,u,c, in yB10 8.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s in nB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] c out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 4 o out nB10 20.0 n 2 y 5 f,m,b,s,u,a out yB10 15.0 n 15 y 4 o out yB10 10.0 n 3 y 5 [x] out yB10 10.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 10.0 n [x] y 10 m,s,o out yB10 9.0 n 9 y [x] c out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 2 f,m,b out yB10 9.0 y [x] y [x] m,a,c out yB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] c out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 5 c,o out yB10 8.0 n [x] y [x] c,o out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 3 f,m out yB10 8.0 n 2 y 3 m,s,c out y[x] 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] m,b,s out yB10 4.0 n 4 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 4.0 n [x] y 6 [x] out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 12 [x] out yB10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 2.0 n [x] y 2 o out yB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 5.0 n 3 y 5 f,m,b,c,o out yB10 12.0 n 3 y 4 o out yB10 4.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,o out yB10 9.0 n 3 y [x] b,s,c out y

A10 2.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 9.0 y [x] y [x] m,a,c out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 12 m,s,a,u out yG10 4.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nA10 4.0 y [x] y 12 m,s,o both yG10 4.0 y [x] y 12 m,s,o out yB10 10.0 [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 10.0 n 18 n [x] [x] [x] nG10 10.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 20.0 n 20 y [x] o [x] yB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] f,m out yB10 20.0 [x] [x] y 10 o out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] m in yB10 6.0 y [x] y 5 [x] out yB10 15.0 y [x] y 4 m,b in yG10 14.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,b,s,a,u in nG10 10.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] nA10 7.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 7.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 1.0 n [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] nA10 1.0 y [x] y 2 a in nA10 16.0 y [x] y 5 m,f,b,s in yA10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 2.0 n 5 y [x] a,u out nB10 8.0 n 8 y 2 b in nA10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,b,s in nB10 0.4 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 20.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s in yG10 19.0 y [x] y 5 [x] out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s out nB10 0.3 n 3 y 2 f out yB10 18.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 20.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nB10 8.0 y [x] y 5 c,o out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 12 f,m,b,c,o out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 6 o out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 15 s,b,c,o out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 12 [x] out yB10 13.0 y [x] y 10 f,m,b,c,o out y[x] 1.0 y [x] y 6 [x] both yB10 10.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s out yB10 4.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 20.0 y [x] y 8 [x] out yB10 30.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 12.0 y [x] y 4 a,o [x] yG10 12.0 y [x] y 6 [x] out y

B10 15.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,o,s out nB10 29.0 y [x] y [x] s out yB10 18.0 n [x] y 7 f,m,b [x] yG10 20.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 27.0 y [x] y 16 f,m,s,b,o out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 1 a out nB10 3.0 y [x] y 3 b out yB10 10.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s,u out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 10 [x] out yB10 0.1 y [x] y 1 b out yB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] o out nB10 12.0 n 4 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 7.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s out nB10 8.0 n 3 y 4 m,o out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out yG10 5.0 y [x] y 8 b,o out nB10 26.0 y [x] y 7 a in yB10 27.0 y [x] y 4 c out yB10 9.0 n 8 y 9 f,m,b,s,u,a out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 10 f,m,s,u,a out yB10 19.0 y [x] y 9 bs in [x]B10 5.0 n [x] y 4 m,b,s out yA10 18.0 y [x] y [x] a,u,c in yB10 18.0 y [x] y 5 [x] out yB10 10.0 n [x] y 10 f,m,s out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 3 f,m in yA10 15.0 n 2 y 8 f,m,b,s,a,u,c,o both yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 20.0 y [x] y [x] c out yG10 5.0 y [x] y 1 f out yG10 8.0 y [x] y 3 a,u,c out yG10 4.0 y [x] y [x] [x] [x] yG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] [x] nA10 14.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s out nB10 10.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b out nB10 3.0 y [x] y 3 [x] out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 6 o out yB10 10.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,b out nA10 6.0 y [x] y 4 m,s,o in nB10 12.0 n 3 y 5 f,m,b,c out yG10 [x] y [x] y [x] f,m,b,c both yB10 9.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both yG10 0.1 n 2 y [x] m out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 5 [x] out yG10 15.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s in yB10 23.0 y [x] y 6 b,s in yG10 7.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,a in yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in y

G10 2.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 2.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 13.0 n [x] y 3 m,s out yG10 10.0 n [x] y 5 m,o out yA10 [x] [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 6.0 n 2 y 4 [x] both yA10 15.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u,c,o in yG10 1.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 3.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 16.0 n [x] y [x] m,s [x] [x]B10 4.0 y [x] y 30 [x] out yA10 25.0 y [x] y 2 o out nB10 2.0 n 2 y 4 m,s [x] yB10 18.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,s,b out yG10 18.0 [x] [x] y 4 f,m,s,b out yB10 [x] y [x] y 6 f,o out nB10 3.0 n 3 y 5 f,m,b,s,a,u,o out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 9 m out y[x] 5.0 n 5 y 11 f,m,b,s,u,a out yB10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 12.0 y [x] y 8 [x] [x] yB10 15.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s,o in yB10 7.0 y [x] y [x] b out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 7 f,m [x] [x]B10 10.0 n [x] y 5 f,m [x] [x]B10 8.0 n 2 y 5 f,m [x] [x]B10 7.0 y [x] y 4 f,m both yB10 1.0 y [x] y 4 b,s out yB10 1.0 n 3 y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 5.0 n 4 y 8 f,m,b,o out yB10 5.0 n 5 y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 3.0 n 3 y 4 f,a [x] y[x] 3.0 n 3 n 3 f,m,b in yB10 1.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out y[x] 2.0 y [x] y [x] f,m [x] [x]B10 1.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b out yB10 3.0 n 3 y 4 f,m [x] yB10 3.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,s,a,u [x] [x]B10 10.0 n 10 y 5 o,b out yB10 6.0 n 6 y [x] b out nB10 8.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s,a out yG10 7.0 n 2 y 9 b out yB10 6.0 n 6 y 4 o,b out yA10 [x] [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 14.0 n [x] y 3 a,c out yB10 8.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,s,b out y

B10 19.0 n 2 y 6 a,u out yB10 8.0 n [x] y [x] m,b out yB10 5.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 8.0 n 2 y 4 b,f out yG10 6.0 y [x] y 6 m,b,f,c out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s [x] yB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 3.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s,u,a out yG10 5.0 n 5 y 5 f,m,b out yG10 [x] y [x] y [x] b both yA10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 10.0 n [x] y 8 b,a,u,c out yB10 18.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,s,b out nB10 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 6.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 18.0 n [x] y 5 m,b,f,c out yB10 16.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 9.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 6.0 n 5 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 4.0 n [x] y 3 m,b out yB10 3.0 n [x] y 2 m,o out yB10 18.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s out nB10 1.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 3.0 y [x] y 4 b,a,u,c in yG10 18.0 n 17 y 2 b both yG10 1.0 n 4 y 2 m,a out yG10 18.0 n 18 y 2 b out nG10 11.0 n 3 y 5 f,m,b out yB10 1.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 10.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s,a out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yG10 4.0 n 5 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 19.0 [x] [x] y [x] f,m,s out yB10 15.0 n [x] y 3 f,s,c out yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] a out yB10 10.0 n [x] y [x] f out yA10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nA10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 10.0 n 10 y 5 m,o out yB10 9.0 n [x] y 10 f,m,b,s,a,u out yB10 9.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u out yB10 9.0 n [x] y 10 f,m,b,s,a,u out yB10 8.0 n [x] y 8 m,b,s out yG10 6.0 n [x] y [x] f out yG10 6.0 n [x] y 6 f,o out yB10 6.0 n [x] y [x] m out yB10 3.0 n [x] y [x] b out y

B10 3.0 n [x] y [x] m out yB10 3.0 n [x] y [x] m out yB10 3.0 n [x] y 4 m out yB10 3.0 n [x] y 4 m out yB10 3.0 n [x] y 4 m,o out yB10 2.0 n [x] y [x] f out yB10 2.0 n [x] y [x] m out yB10 5.0 n 3 y 5 f,m,b,s,a out yB10 5.0 n 3 y 5 f,m,b,s,a,u,o out yG10 1.0 y [x] y 4 b,s in yG10 1.0 y [x] y 2 a,u in yG10 20.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 19.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,s in yG10 15.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s in yG10 8.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s,a,u,c in yG10 2.0 n [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 [x] y [x] y [x] c in y[x] [x] y 2 y [x] f,m,s,a,u,c in yG10 8.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,u in yG10 5.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s in yG10 3.0 n [x] y 3 a,u in yG10 3.0 n 4 y 6 b,s,a,u,c in yG10 1.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 1.0 n 2 y 4 a out yG10 1.0 y [x] y 3 c in yG10 19.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s,a,u,c [x] yG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 1.0 y [x] y 3 c in yG10 1.0 y [x] y 5 b in yG10 3.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 15.0 n [x] y [x] m out yG10 0.4 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 15.0 n [x] y [x] s out yB10 13.0 n [x] y [x] f out yB10 8.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 1.0 n [x] y [x] o [x] nB10 0.4 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 9.0 n [x] y 10 f,m,b,s,c in yG10 4.0 n 10 y [x] o out nB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 15.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b out yG10 6.0 n [x] y [x] o [x] yB10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 3.0 n 4 y 2 a [x] yG10 2.0 n 5 n [x] [x] [x] y[x] 0.8 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 0.5 y [x] y 5 [x] [x] y

B10 1.0 [x] [x] y 5 m,s out nB10 1.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 n 5 y 5 [x] out yB10 1.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 6.0 n [x] y 8 s in yB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] f,m both yG10 8.0 y [x] y 6 [x] in yG10 0.3 y [x] y [x] o out nB10 [x] n 2 y 3 f,m out nB10 10.0 n 10 y 5 f,m,s,b out yB10 13.0 n 3 y 3 f,m out nB10 8.0 n 8 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 18.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,s,b out yA10 10.0 n 1 y [x] [x] out yB10 2.0 n 12 y 4 m,b,u out yB10 19.0 y [x] y [x] m,b,o out yG10 7.0 n [x] y 3 m out nG10 8.0 y [x] y 10 f,m,b,s in yG10 6.0 y [x] y [x] a in yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] f,m in yB10 6.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,s,u out nG10 [x] n 2 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s [x] yA10 8.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s in yG10 2.0 [x] [x] y [x] s in yB10 18.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yA10 12.0 n [x] y 3 [x] out yB10 12.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 9.0 n 2 y 5 [x] out yB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,u,a out yB10 4.0 n 2 y 5 [x] out yG10 15.0 n 2 y [x] b out yG10 5.0 n 2 y 6 [x] out yB10 14.0 y [x] y [x] f,u in yA10 14.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 8.0 n 3 y 5 [x] out yA10 15.0 n 2 y [x] b out yA10 15.0 n [x] y [x] f out yG10 15.0 n [x] y [x] f [x] yG10 15.0 n 2 y [x] s out yG10 10.0 n [x] y [x] f out yB10 10.0 n [x] y [x] m out yB10 10.0 n [x] y [x] m out yG10 10.0 n 2 y [x] o out yG10 6.0 n [x] y [x] f [x] y

G10 6.0 n 3 y [x] m out yG10 5.0 n [x] y 3 [x] out yB10 2.0 n [x] y 7 [x] out yB10 2.0 n [x] y 7 [x] in yG10 2.0 n [x] y 7 f,m,o out yB10 2.0 n [x] y 7 f,m,o out yG10 2.0 n [x] y 7 f,o out yG10 2.0 n [x] y [x] m out yG10 2.0 n [x] y 7 m,o out yB10 1.0 n [x] y [x] b out yB10 15.0 n [x] y 3 f,m,s both yB10 0.3 y [x] y [x] f,m,b [x] yB10 16.0 n 16 y [x] f,m,b,s out yB10 18.0 n 18 y 6 f,m,b out yB10 3.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,s out yB10 10.0 n [x] y 5 [x] out yB10 20.0 y [x] y 10 f,m,b,s,a both yB10 0.4 y [x] y [x] u out yB10 5.0 n [x] y 1 a in yB10 9.0 n [x] y [x] b out yG10 20.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s in yG10 4.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,s,b,o out yG10 8.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 14.0 n [x] y [x] o out nB10 8.0 y [x] y 2 m in yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 4 m,s in yG10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 10.0 y [x] y 4 f,s in yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] o out yA10 4.0 n 1 y 1 u out yB10 4.0 n [x] y 2 a in yB10 3.0 y [x] y 1 o out yB10 1.0 [x] [x] y [x] f,m out yB10 5.0 n 4 y 6 f,m,b,s,a,u out yG10 5.0 n 3 y 6 f,m,b,s,o out yB10 5.0 n 3 y 6 f,m,b,s,u,a out y[x] 5.0 n 3 y 6 f,m,b,s,u,a,o out y[x] 5.0 n 4 y 8 f,m,b out yG10 6.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 6.0 y [x] y 10 f,m,b,s both nA10 7.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b in yA10 12.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nA10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 7.0 y [x] y [x] a,u,c in y

A10 10.0 y [x] y 5 [x] [x] nG10 8.0 n 100 n [x] [x] [x] n[x] 2.0 y [x] y [x] f,m out yA10 [x] [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 18.0 [x] [x] y 5 f,m,s,a out yB10 [x] y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u,o out yA10 [x] y [x] y 9 m,f,b,s,u,a in yA10 18.0 y [x] y 7 m,f,s,a,u,c in yG10 4.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 3.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] m,b,s in yA10 11.0 y [x] y [x] b,s,a,c,u in nA10 [x] y [x] y 7 m,f,s,b in yA10 6.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s in nA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] m,b in nA10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 16.0 n [x] y [x] [x] in yB10 10.0 n 5 y 4 f,m,s both yB10 12.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b in yA10 9.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,u,c in yA10 15.0 [x] [x] y 20 s,u in yA10 5.0 n 3 y 5 b,s out nA10 [x] y [x] y [x] m,b,s,a,u,c,o in yA10 12.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both yA10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 9.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 6 c in yB10 15.0 y [x] y 3 m,b,s in yA10 12.0 y [x] y [x] u out yA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] a in yA10 18.0 n [x] y 8 f,m,s,c,o in yA10 7.0 y [x] y 9 m,f,b,s in yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] f in nA10 4.0 y [x] y 3 a,u in yA10 14.0 n 2 y 10 f,m,b,s in yB10 9.0 y [x] y 4 c in yA10 8.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 6.0 y [x] y 10 f,m,b,s,u both yA10 [x] n [x] y [x] [x] out nG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nA10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 6.0 y [x] y 1 b out nG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nA10 5.0 y [x] y 3 a,u out yG10 5.0 y [x] y 2 f,m,s,b,a,u,c,o in nG10 4.0 y [x] y 1 u out nG10 3.0 y [x] y 1 b out nG10 3.0 y [x] y 1 b out n

G10 1.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nG10 1.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nG10 0.5 y [x] y [x] [x] out nG10 0.4 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 20.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,a,u,c,o in yG10 19.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b,s,a,u,c in yG10 17.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,s,b,a,u,c in yG10 17.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s,b,a,u,c in yG10 14.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s,b,a,u,c in yG10 12.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,s,b in yG10 12.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s,b,a,u,c,o in yG10 9.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,s,b,a,u,c in yG10 9.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,s,b,o in yG10 9.0 y [x] y [x] u,c, in yG10 8.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b,s,a,u,c in yG10 8.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s,a,c in yG10 7.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s,b,a,u,c,o in yA10 7.0 y [x] n [x] u [x] yG10 6.0 y [x] y 1 s in yG10 4.0 y [x] y 1 b in yG10 3.0 y [x] y [x] u in yG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 2.0 n [x] y [x] a,u both yG10 1.0 y [x] y [x] c in yG10 0.4 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 0.4 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 0.4 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 0.3 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 20.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s,b,a,u,c,o in yG10 16.0 y [x] y 1 f,m,b,s in yG10 11.0 y [x] y 1 f,m,s,a,c in yA10 9.0 y [x] y 5 o both yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 8.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b in yG10 7.0 y [x] y 2 a,c,o in yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] b,s,a,u,o in yG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] s in yG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 21.0 n [x] y [x] f,m out yA10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 12.0 y [x] y 2 s out yA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 6.0 n 6 y [x] f,m,b,s out yA10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] n

A10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 25.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yB10 25.0 y [x] y 3 f,m in yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] s in yA10 10.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 9.0 y [x] y 4 c in yG10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 3.0 n 1 n [x] [x] [x] nA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] a,u,c in yA10 7.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b in yG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o out yA10 4.0 y [x] y [x] a,c in yA10 24.0 y [x] y 30 [x] both yB10 6.0 y [x] y 6 f,b,s,c in yA10 10.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,o,o in nA10 9.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nG10 8.0 y [x] y 1 u,o in yG10 0.4 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 3.0 n 4 y 8 u in yA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] u,o both yA10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 5.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s in yB10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 2.0 y [x] y 4 b,c,s both yA10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 5.0 n 4 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 18.0 y [x] y 4 m,f,b in yA10 8.0 n 3 y 3 a,u in yA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] a,u in yA10 4.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 1.0 y [x] y 1 o both yA10 16.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,c,b,s in yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,s,a,u,c in yA10 6.0 y [x] y 4 [x] both yG10 6.0 y [x] y 1 u in yA10 3.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 7.0 y [x] y 3 a,u in yA10 0.1 n [x] y 1 m both yA10 6.0 n [x] y [x] s,a,u,c in yG10 9.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b in nA10 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 10.0 n 4 y 10 s,a,u,c both yB10 6.0 y [x] y 11 f,m,b both yG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o out yA10 10.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s in y

G10 6.0 y [x] y 2 b,a,u,c in yA10 3.0 y [x] y 1 c out yA10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 4.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,s,b out yG10 4.0 y [x] y 2 m,b,s,u in yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] a,u in yB10 6.0 y [x] y 6 [x] in yB10 25.0 y [x] y 6 c in [x]G10 18.0 y [x] y 5 m,a,u,c both yA10 8.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s in yA10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 12.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b in yB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] a in yB10 24.0 n 3 y 5 m,b,s,a,u,c both yB10 10.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b in yB10 9.0 y [x] y 6 m,s,b,o in yA10 10.0 y [x] y 6 m,a,b,o in yG10 2.0 y [x] y 2 b in yB10 12.0 y [x] y 4 [x] in yB10 5.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s in yB10 9.0 y [x] y 6 o,m in yG10 16.0 y [x] y 12 f,m,a,u,c in yA10 10.0 y [x] y 6 m,o in yG10 8.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s in yA10 8.0 y [x] y 4 m,s in nB10 25.0 y [x] y 14 s in yA10 11.0 n 1 y 2 m in yG10 12.0 n 2 y 2 a,u,o in yG10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] m,b,s,a,u,c,o both yG10 2.0 n 2 y 9 f,m,s,b,a,u,c,o in yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 [x] y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 4.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 12.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 3.0 y [x] y [x] a in nB10 24.0 n 2 y 5 m,b,s,o both yA10 [x] y [x] y [x] m in nA10 3.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] nG10 8.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s,a,u,c,o in yA10 4.0 y [x] y [x] b,s,c in yG10 0.4 y [x] y 2 b,u in yA10 27.0 y [x] y [x] f,m [x] yG10 7.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b both y

A10 4.0 n 6 y [x] o out yG10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 19.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s,b,c,a,u in yG10 7.0 n 7 y 4 b,s,a,c,u out yG10 9.0 y [x] y 10 f,m,b,s,a,c in yG10 0.5 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 15.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b in yA10 7.0 y [x] y 7 m,b,s in yA10 10.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 8.0 y [x] y 5 m,f,b,s both yG10 3.0 y [x] y 2 s,a out yA10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 15.0 n 11 y [x] b in yB10 15.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,s in yB10 15.0 n [x] y [x] m,b,s,a,u,o in yA10 8.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s in yA10 5.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,s,b in yA10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 2.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] nA10 22.0 [x] [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 18.0 y [x] y 10 f in yB10 7.0 y [x] y 5 o in yA10 9.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] m,b,s,a,u,c,o in yA10 15.0 y [x] y 11 f,m,b,s,a,u,c in yB10 6.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b in yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] a,c,b,u in yB10 25.0 y [x] y 3 f,m in nG10 15.0 y [x] y 2 m in yA10 16.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s both yA10 10.0 n [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] yA10 20.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,s,o both yA10 16.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s in yB10 5.0 n 2 y 2 b,o in yA10 4.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 8.0 n [x] y [x] [x] both yA10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 3.0 y [x] y 9 f,m,b,s in nA10 7.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,u in nA10 21.0 [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]A10 10.0 [x] [x] y [x] m,b,s in yB10 [x] [x] [x] y [x] [x] both [x]B10 9.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,s in yA10 12.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u,c,o both y

A10 5.0 [x] [x] y 6 f,m,b in nA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] m,s,a,u,c,o in yA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] b,s,a,u,c in yA10 8.0 n [x] y [x] s in yA10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 7.0 y [x] y 7 m,b,s in yA10 10.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s,c [x] yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] m,b in yA10 8.0 n 1 y [x] f,m,b,s in yA10 4.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both nA10 16.0 n [x] y 8 f,m,b,s in yG10 9.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,a,u,c in yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 5.0 n 2 y [x] a,u out yG10 [x] n [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 20.0 n 20 y 8 f,m,b,s,a,u,c in yG10 7.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b [x] yG10 7.0 y [x] y 4 s,c in nG10 6.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 5.0 y [x] y 4 a,u,c,o in nG10 6.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 2.0 [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 19.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b,a,u,c in yA10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 9.0 y [x] y [x] m,b,s,a,c out nA10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 7.0 [x] [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 7.0 n [x] y [x] [x] both nA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] b in nA10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 8.0 n 5 y [x] m,b,s in yA10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 3.0 n 4 y 1 c out yA10 2.0 n 2 y 1 b out yA10 2.0 n 1 y 9 f,m,b,s in nA10 3.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 5.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 5.0 n 4 y 2 b out y

G10 20.0 y [x] y 14 o in yA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] m,b,s,u,a,c,o in yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] o out yA10 10.0 n 3 y [x] u,c in yA10 21.0 y [x] y [x] o in yA10 4.0 y [x] y [x] s,c both yA10 11.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 10.0 y [x] y 4 o in yA10 4.0 y [x] y [x] a,u,c in yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] m [x] yA10 21.0 n [x] y [x] f [x] nG10 9.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 5.0 y [x] y 4 o in yA10 7.0 n [x] y 8 f,m,b,s in yA10 5.0 y [x] y 13 f,m,b,s in yA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 5.0 n [x] y 3 m,b,s in nA10 4.0 y [x] y 1 o out yA10 8.0 y [x] y 9 f,m,b,a,u in yB10 8.0 y [x] y 6 o in yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,c in yA10 7.0 n 2 y 9 f,m,b,s in yB10 4.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 9.0 y [x] y 1 b out nA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 18.0 n [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 1.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] c [x] nA10 19.0 n [x] y 3 m,b,a,c,o in yA10 15.0 y [x] y [x] s,a,u,c in yA10 8.0 n [x] y [x] m in yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] s out yA10 1.0 y [x] y [x] s out yA10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 6.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 6.0 y [x] y 6 b,o in yA10 6.0 y [x] y 9 b,s,o in yA10 0.3 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 11.0 y [x] y [x] a [x] yA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u,c,o in yA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] m [x] yA10 7.0 n [x] y [x] m,b,s in yA10 8.0 n [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 1.0 n 1 y [x] [x] out nA10 1.0 n 1 y [x] u out yA10 1.0 n 1 y [x] [x] out [x]A10 2.0 y [x] y 10 f,m,b,s,c,o in yA10 5.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] y

A10 10.0 y [x] y [x] s [x] nA10 9.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s both nG10 17.0 n 7 y [x] m,f,s in nG10 15.0 n 1 y 10 m,f,b,s,a,u,c in nA10 8.0 y [x] y 21 f,m,b,s,c in nB10 5.0 [x] [x] y 4 a,u,c in nB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o in nA10 4.0 n 34 n [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 4.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b in nA10 19.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s,a,u,c,o in yA10 19.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u,c,o in yA10 18.0 n 1 y 9 f,m,b,s,u,a,c,o in yB10 18.0 n 1 y 5 f,m,b,s,u,a,c,o in yB10 17.0 y [x] y 6 [x] in yB10 10.0 y [x] y 8 o in yB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] s in yB10 9.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s in yA10 9.0 n [x] y 2 u,a out yG10 8.0 y [x] y 5 o in yB10 6.0 y [x] y [x] a [x] yA10 6.0 n [x] y 7 f,m,b,s both yA10 4.0 n 2 y [x] [x] out yA10 2.0 y [x] y 1 m,f,b,s in yA10 2.0 y [x] y 1 s in yG10 2.0 n [x] y [x] u in yB10 [x] y [x] y [x] b both yG10 [x] [x] [x] y [x] m,f,b,s,a,u in yG10 [x] y [x] y [x] o in yB10 23.0 y [x] y 6 m,b,s,a,c in yB10 18.0 [x] [x] y [x] [x] in yB10 18.0 y [x] y [x] m in yG10 17.0 n 1 y [x] f,m,b in yB10 17.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s in yB10 17.0 y [x] y 8 m in yB10 16.0 n [x] y 6 f in yG10 16.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,s in yB10 16.0 y [x] y 6 m in yB10 16.0 n [x] y 9 m,f in yB10 16.0 n [x] y 6 o in yB10 15.0 y [x] y 6 f,m in yB10 15.0 y [x] y 7 f,m in yG10 14.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,a,u in yA10 14.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s in yB10 14.0 y [x] y 4 m in yB10 13.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,a,u in yB10 12.0 y [x] y 7 f,m in yB10 10.0 y [x] y 5 m in yA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] m,b,s,a,u,c in y

B10 10.0 y [x] y 6 m,b,s,c in yB10 9.0 y [x] y [x] c out yB10 9.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in yA10 9.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s,c in yB10 9.0 y [x] y 6 m,f,b in yB10 9.0 y [x] y 8 m,f,b,s in yB10 8.0 y [x] y 7 b in yB10 8.0 y [x] y 7 f,m in yB10 8.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s,a,u,c in yG10 7.0 y [x] y 10 a in yB10 7.0 n [x] y [x] a,u in yB10 7.0 y [x] y [x] b,a,u out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 2 s in yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] a,u out yB10 5.0 n [x] y [x] a in yB10 5.0 n 1 y 8 f,m,b in yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b in yG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] m,s in yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o both yB10 5.0 y [x] y 6 s,a,u,c in yA10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 4.0 n [x] y 5 b in yB10 4.0 y [x] y [x] b,o in yB10 4.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b in yB10 4.0 y [x] y 7 o in yB10 4.0 y [x] y 9 s,b in yG10 3.0 y [x] y [x] a in yB10 3.0 y [x] y 6 s,a,u in yB10 2.0 y [x] y [x] b in yB10 2.0 n [x] y [x] f in yB10 2.0 [x] [x] y [x] f,m [x] yB10 2.0 n 2 y 9 f,m,s [x] yB10 2.0 [x] [x] y [x] m in yB10 2.0 y [x] y 7 m,b,s in yB10 2.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 2.0 [x] [x] y 9 u in yB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] a in yB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] a,o out yB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] o both yB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] u in yA10 18.0 n 18 y 4 f,m,b,s in yA10 8.0 y [x] y 2 c out yA10 6.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s in yA10 4.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 9.0 n [x] y 9 f,m,b,s,a,u,c in yA10 7.0 n 1 y [x] f,m,b,s,u,a,c,o [x] yB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] o out yA10 18.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,c in y

A10 8.0 n 8 y [x] a,u,c in yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] c out yA10 6.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]A10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 12.0 n [x] y [x] m,s in yA10 19.0 y [x] y 1 a in yA10 19.0 y [x] y 1 a in yA10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 4.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 1.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 5.0 y [x] y 3 s,a in yA10 4.0 n 7 y [x] f,m [x] yA10 11.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,u,a,c in yA10 6.0 n 6 y [x] o out yB10 19.0 n many y [x] f,m,b,a,u,c,o in yG10 10.0 [x] [x] y 1 f,m,a in yA10 2.0 y [x] y [x] c in yA10 7.0 y [x] y 7 b,s in yA10 8.0 y [x] y 4 m,s in nA10 1.0 n [x] y [x] o out yA10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 3.0 n 3 y [x] [x] out yA10 10.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 [x] y [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 5.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 10.0 y [x] y [x] o in yA10 12.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] yA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] [x] yB10 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]A10 11.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] [x]G10 17.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,s in yA10 11.0 y [x] y [x] s in nA10 9.0 y [x] y [x] m,s [x] yA10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 6.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nG10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 5.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]A10 5.0 y [x] y 2 c [x] nA10 4.0 [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 4.0 y [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] nG10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 4.0 y [x] y [x] m,b [x] yA10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] n

G10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]G10 2.0 [x] [x] y [x] [x] in nG10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 [x] y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in yG10 20.0 n [x] y [x] f,m, in yG10 20.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,s,c in yA10 12.0 n 12 y [x] [x] out yA10 11.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in yA10 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] f,m in yG10 3.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 18.0 n [x] y [x] m in yA10 15.0 n 2 y 5 b,s in yA10 11.0 y [x] y 11 o in yG10 9.0 n [x] y 8 m,f,b in yG10 9.0 y [x] y [x] s,a,u,c in yB10 7.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 1.0 y [x] y [x] b,s,a,u,c in yG10 20.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b out yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] u in yG10 3.0 y [x] y 4 u,a,c out yG10 9.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nA10 9.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 5.0 [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 20.0 [x] [x] y 7 f,m,b,s in yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] m in yA10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 3.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 20.0 n 20 y 10 f,m,b,a,u,c in yA10 6.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 8.0 y [x] y 6 m,b in yG10 5.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] nA10 [x] y [x] y [x] a in yA10 19.0 n 19 y 6 f,m,b,s,u,a,c,o in yA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] b,s,u,c both yA10 9.0 n 1 y 5 s,a,u,c,o in yG10 4.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 21.0 n 11 y 9 m in yA10 16.0 n 16 y 2 s in yA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] o in yA10 8.0 n 1 y 6 f,m,b,s,c in yA10 9.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b,u,a in [x]A10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 6.0 n 1 y 7 b,s,a,u,c in yA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] c out yG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in y

G10 7.0 n [x] y [x] c in yA10 18.0 y [x] y 4 m,f,a,u,c in yA10 15.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in yA10 4.0 y [x] y [x] a,u,c in yA10 [x] n [x] y [x] [x] in [x]A10 [x] y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in nA10 11.0 [x] [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in yG10 10.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,s in [x]A10 8.0 n 8 n [x] [x] [x] nA10 5.0 y [x] y 5 m,f,s in [x]B10 3.0 y [x] y 4 s in [x]A10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 2.0 y [x] y 8 m,f,a,u in nA10 1.0 n 1 y [x] [x] out nA10 18.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s,a,u,c in yB10 14.0 [x] [x] y [x] a,u,c,o in yB10 9.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s in yB10 9.0 y [x] y 9 m,f,s,c,b in yA10 8.0 y [x] y 5 m,b in yA10 6.0 [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 3.0 y [x] y [x] m,b,s,a,u,c in yA10 2.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b in yB10 0.5 y [x] y [x] a out yG10 10.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s,u in yG10 10.0 y [x] y 8 m,f in yB10 9.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,s in yB10 9.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,s,a in yB10 8.0 y [x] y 8 m in yB10 8.0 y [x] y 5 m in yB10 7.0 y [x] y 4 u in yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in yA10 6.0 y [x] y 2 s out [x]A10 5.0 n [x] y [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 y [x] y 4 b in yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o in yG10 4.0 y [x] y 6 a,u,c [x] yB10 4.0 y [x] y 3 m in yB10 3.0 y [x] y 4 f,m in yG10 3.0 y [x] y [x] o both yB10 2.0 y [x] y 3 b in yB10 2.0 y [x] y 2 o in yG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] o [x] yG10 1.0 y [x] y 3 m,b,s in yG10 1.0 y [x] y [x] o both yG10 1.0 y [x] y [x] o [x] yA10 6.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 2 b out y

B10 3.0 y [x] y [x] o out yA10 1.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in nA10 [x] [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 [x] n [x] y [x] b,s,a,c in yA10 7.0 n [x] y 6 [x] in yA10 10.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b in yA10 5.0 n 5 y [x] a out yA10 12.0 n 2 y [x] [x] out yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 9.0 n 2 y [x] [x] in yB10 12.0 y [x] y [x] b,s in yA10 8.0 y [x] y 5 [x] in yA10 6.0 y [x] y 6 m,b,s,a,u,c in yA10 4.0 n 4 y [x] s out yB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yB10 7.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 5.0 n 2 y [x] [x] out yA10 7.0 y [x] y 13 a,u,c in yG10 1.0 n 1 y [x] [x] out yG10 8.0 y [x] y 2 f in yA10 10.0 y [x] y 22 f,m,b,s,u,a,c,o in yA10 [x] n [x] y [x] b out yG10 1.0 n 1 y [x] o in yA10 1.0 n 1 y [x] b out yA10 0.4 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 4.0 n 1 y [x] o both yA10 11.0 n 2 y 7 a,u,c out yA10 13.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 2.0 n 1 y [x] f,m,s in yA10 9.0 y 1 y 4 m,b,a in yA10 2.0 n 2 y [x] o out yA10 8.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u,c,o in yA10 20.0 n [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 1.0 n 1 y 1 o in yA10 3.0 n 6 y [x] o in yA10 9.0 n 10 y [x] c out yA10 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]A10 7.0 [x] [x] y 5 [x] in yA10 5.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] nA10 10.0 y [x] y 9 m,b,s in yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] c in yA10 9.0 y [x] y 6 m,b,s in nA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 22.0 y [x] y 4 o in yA10 19.0 y [x] y 5 o in yG10 18.0 y [x] y 13 o in yB10 2.0 y [x] y 9 m,s both [x]A10 2.0 y [x] y 5 c out y

A10 2.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 8.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b in yA10 6.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,b,s in yA10 2.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 8.0 y [x] y 6 o in yA10 3.0 [x] [x] y [x] a,u,c in yA10 [x] n [x] y [x] s in yA10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 0.4 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,c,a,u,o in yA10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 6.0 n 1 n [x] [x] [x] nA10 5.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,b,s,u,c,o in yB10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 4.0 n 2 y [x] o [x] yB10 6.0 [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 11.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 8.0 y [x] y 2 b,s in yA10 18.0 y [x] y 5 f,s in yG10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 1.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 2.5 n 2 y 4 b,s in nA10 2.0 n 3 y [x] [x] out yA10 1.0 n 2 y [x] [x] in yA10 9.0 n [x] y 1 [x] in yB10 5.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b in yA10 1.0 y [x] y [x] c out yA10 8.0 y [x] y 20 f,m,a,u,c,o in yA10 15.0 [x] [x] y [x] f in yA10 9.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,c in yA10 7.0 y [x] y 2 b in yA10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] o out yA10 6.0 n 1 y [x] b in yA10 5.0 [x] [x] y 2 m,s in yA10 11.0 y 1 y 7 f,m,b in yA10 20.0 n [x] y 15 f,m,b,s in yA10 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]A10 2.0 n 1 y [x] [x] out nB10 18.0 y [x] y [x] m,f in yA10 15.0 n [x] y 11 b,s,a,c,o in yA10 9.0 [x] [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 7.0 [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] y

A10 6.0 n [x] y [x] b [x] yB10 6.0 y [x] y 1 s in yG10 9.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 9.0 n 10 y [x] s out yA10 8.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 7.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s in yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u,c,o in [x]A10 10.0 y [x] y [x] b,s in nA10 13.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s in yA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] a,u,o in nA10 10.0 n 1 y 3 b in yA10 8.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 1.0 y [x] y [x] o both nA10 1.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 9.0 n 1 y 10 [x] [x] [x]A10 3.0 n 3 y [x] s in nA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 10.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s in yG10 6.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,a,s,u,o in yB10 22.0 n [x] y 22 f,b,a in yA10 10.0 n [x] y [x] [x] in nA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] c [x] yA10 3.0 n 1 y [x] f,c out nA10 21.0 n [x] y 10 [x] in yA10 6.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,s in nA10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 8.0 y [x] y 3 m,s in yA10 1.0 n 2 y [x] o both nA10 10.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] m,b in yA10 9.0 y [x] y [x] s out yA10 9.0 [x] [x] y 6 [x] out yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] f in yA10 10.0 n 1 y 5 b in yA10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 6.0 y [x] y 4 o in yA10 18.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 20.0 n 20 y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u,c in yA10 7.0 n [x] y 3 a,u,c in yA10 8.0 n 2 y [x] s in yA10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 9.0 n 2 y 7 f,m,b,s in yA10 15.0 y [x] y 7 m,f,b,s,a,u,c,o in yA10 10.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,s in nA10 8.0 n 2 y 1 u out yA10 31.0 n 1 y 1 m in yA10 23.0 n 6 y [x] o in yB10 5.0 n [x] y [x] o [x] y

A10 3.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 8.0 [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 13.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 20.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s,u,c,o out yA10 14.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 6.0 y [x] y 4 [x] in yB10 9.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 10.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s in yA10 20.0 y [x] y [x] f in yA10 [x] n [x] y 3 s,u,c in yG10 11.0 [x] [x] y [x] a,u,c both yB10 18.0 n 5 y 7 o in yA10 8.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s in yA10 7.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s,a,u,c in yA10 6.0 y [x] y 1 s in yA10 14.0 y [x] y 14 o in yA10 5.0 y [x] y 2 m,b in nB10 30.0 y [x] y 2 o in yG10 5.0 n [x] y 1 [x] [x] yA10 9.0 n 10 y [x] [x] out yA10 8.0 n 3 y [x] [x] out yA10 4.0 n 4 y [x] [x] out yG10 3.0 y [x] y [x] u [x] nA10 4.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 6.0 n 1 y 1 o [x] yA10 4.0 n 4 y [x] [x] in yA10 20.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 6.0 n 2 y [x] [x] out yA10 4.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 3.0 n [x] y [x] [x] [x] yA10 9.0 n 4 y 2 b in yA10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 6.0 y [x] y [x] c,o [x] yA10 20.0 [x] [x] y [x] o in yA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,u,a,c,o [x] yA10 [x] y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,c,a,u in nA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] m,f,b,s,c in yA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] o in yA10 21.0 [x] [x] y 5 f,m,b,s in yA10 12.0 n 17 y [x] b,s out yA10 4.0 y [x] y 1 s [x] yA10 [x] n 1 y [x] o in yA10 1.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 9.0 y [x] y 4 m,b,s,a,u,c in yB10 8.0 n [x] y [x] a,u,c out nA10 14.0 n many y 3 c in yA10 6.0 n [x] y [x] a in y

G10 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 3.0 n 3 y [x] [x] out yA10 20.0 n 1 y 6 f,m,b in yA10 6.0 n [x] y 9 f,m,b,s out yA10 6.0 n 4 y 2 f,b out yA10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 0.3 n [x] y 1 o out yG10 13.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u,c,o in yA10 5.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u,o in yA10 10.0 y [x] y 2 s in nA10 8.0 y [x] y 4 b,s,a,c [x] yA10 9.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s in yA10 8.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,a,u,c,o in yA10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 10.0 n 1 y [x] [x] out yA10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 3.0 [x] [x] y [x] o out nA10 10.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,s,c,o in yA10 5.0 [x] [x] y [x] f,m in yG10 1.0 n 2 y [x] b [x] nA10 9.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] m,b,s,a,u,c in yB10 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] yB10 2.0 y [x] y [x] m out [x]B10 10.0 n 10 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 [x] y [x] y [x] c out nB10 19.0 n 6 y 5 f,m,b out yG10 8.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 9.0 n [x] y [x] a,u out yG10 7.0 n [x] y [x] a,u, in yG10 10.0 n [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 8.0 n [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 7.0 y [x] y [x] o out yG10 9.0 y [x] y [x] a,u in yG10 19.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,s,b,a,u,c in yG10 20.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,s,b,a,u,c in yG10 7.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in yB10 4.0 y [x] y [x] o out yG10 6.0 n [x] y [x] a out nG10 10.0 n 1 y [x] [x] [x] yG10 20.0 [x] [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in nA10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]G10 3.0 n 13 y 5 f,m,s in yG10 1.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in yG10 5.0 n 7 y [x] a in yA10 8.0 y [x] y 8 [x] in y

B10 9.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 11.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out [x]G10 18.0 n [x] y [x] m,f,b,s,a,u,c in yG10 9.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s,u,a,o in yG10 20.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,a,u,o in yG10 15.0 n 1 y 9 f,m,b,s in yG10 6.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s,u,c in yG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 8.0 n 2 y 5 f,m out yB10 6.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 8.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s in yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,s, in nG10 25.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,o out yG10 7.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 19.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,u,c in yG10 9.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 5.0 y [x] y 1 u in yB10 [x] n [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,o out yB10 8.0 n [x] y 3 [x] out yB10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 9.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 19.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 16.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s,a,u,c,o out nB10 15.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u,c,o in yG10 1.0 y [x] y [x] u in yG10 19.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b in yA10 2.0 n 2 y [x] [x] out nG10 9.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b in yG10 8.0 n 4 y 1 c in yA10 4.0 n 2 y [x] c in yG10 6.0 n 2 y [x] [x] in yG10 5.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 3.0 y [x] y [x] o in yG10 6.0 y [x] y 1 a [x] yA10 8.0 y [x] y 2 b,s in yA10 6.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,s,b in yA10 1.0 y [x] y [x] a in nA10 20.0 y [x] y 10 [x] in yG10 9.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 9.0 y [x] y 11 f,m,a,u,c in yG10 7.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 5.0 n 6 y 4 f,m,a,u [x] yG10 17.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,s,b,a,u,c in yA10 15.0 y [x] y 15 f,m,b,s in yG10 9.0 y [x] y [x] f,b in yG10 9.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a in yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in y

G10 8.0 n [x] y [x] s,a,u,c,o in yB10 7.0 y [x] y [x] c in yA10 6.0 y [x] y 1 a in yA10 6.0 y [x] y 6 a,u, [x] yA10 6.0 y [x] y 6 b,s,a,u,c in yB10 4.0 y [x] [x] 1 c [x] yA10 2.0 y [x] y 5 s,a,u,c in yB10 9.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 17.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b,a,u,c in nA10 12.0 n 2 y 20 f,m,b,s,a,u,c in yG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in yB10 6.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 7.0 n [x] y 3 a [x] yG10 6.0 n 6 y [x] b,s [x] yG10 3.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 18.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,u in yG10 9.0 n 9 y 6 f,m,b,s in yG10 6.0 n 12 y [x] [x] in yG10 8.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a in yG10 7.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s,c in yG10 5.0 n 5 y [x] a in yG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u,o in yG10 1.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u, in yG10 7.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both yG10 2.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 18.0 n 18 y 7 f,m,b in yG10 17.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,s in yG10 7.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b in yG10 2.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 5.0 n 5 y [x] [x] out yG10 4.0 n 4 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 4.0 n 2 y [x] a in yG10 1.0 y [x] y 5 b,s in yG10 1.0 y [x] y [x] s in yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] a,c,u in nA10 9.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,s,a,u,c in yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] o in yB10 13.0 y [x] y [x] c in yG10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 7.0 n [x] y [x] [x] both yA10 10.0 y [x] y 1 c in yB10 5.0 n 2 y 3 a,u,c in yG10 5.0 n 5 y [x] b,o out yG10 8.0 n [x] y [x] [x] both yG10 9.0 y [x] y 14 f,m,b,s,a,u,c in y

A10 7.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,c,o in yG10 9.0 y [x] y 3 f,m in nA10 4.0 y [x] y [x] b in nG10 8.0 n [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]G10 10.0 n [x] y 20 f,m,s,a,b,u,a,o in yG10 7.0 [x] [x] y [x] a,u,c,o in yG10 7.0 n [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 [x] n [x] y [x] b,s in yG10 [x] n [x] y [x] u in yG10 8.0 n 8 y [x] a,c,u out yG10 9.0 n [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 [x] n [x] y [x] m,b in yG10 9.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,s,b,a,u,c in yG10 8.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,s,a,b,u,a,o in yB10 7.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 6.0 n [x] y [x] s,a,u,c in yG10 8.0 n [x] y [x] [x] [x] yG10 10.0 n [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 7.0 n [x] y [x] a,o in yG10 18.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yB10 11.0 n 3 y 4 f,m,b out nB10 18.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s,b,c in yB10 9.0 y [x] y 4 c in yG10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 2.0 n 2 y [x] [x] in yG10 8.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s in yB10 2.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,o out yG10 15.0 y [x] y 3 f,m [x] yG10 7.0 y [x] y 3 f,m in yG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 5.0 y [x] y 8 a,u,c in yG10 3.0 n [x] y [x] o in yG10 8.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s,a,u,c,o in yG10 13.0 n 15 y [x] f,s out yG10 8.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b both nG10 9.0 n [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 20.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 3.0 n 2 y 9 m,s,o out yG10 9.0 n 1 y [x] [x] in yG10 9.0 y [x] y 11 f,m,b,s in nG10 1.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 10.0 [x] [x] y [x] c out yG10 19.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,a,u,c,o in yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,s,a in yG10 25.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,s,a,b,u,a,o [x] yG10 9.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,s,a out yG10 13.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,s,u in nG10 9.0 y [x] y [x] s in y

G10 21.0 y [x] y 2 m in yG10 18.0 [x] [x] y 5 f,m,b,s in yG10 14.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u,c in yG10 13.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s,a,u,c in yB10 [x] n [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 8.0 [x] [x] y 5 f,m,s in yG10 21.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,c in yG10 8.0 y [x] y 20 f,m,b,s,a,u,c,o in yB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 20.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both yG10 17.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out [x]G10 8.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 9.0 n many y [x] b,s,a,u,c out yG10 1.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,a,u in yG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] a,u in yG10 4.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 4.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s in yG10 3.0 n 2 y [x] [x] in yG10 3.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 3.0 y [x] y [x] o out yG10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] b in yG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] c in yG10 1.0 y [x] y [x] b in yG10 17.0 y [x] y 4 m,a,u in yG10 1.0 n 3 y 4 a,u, in yG10 17.0 n 3 y 4 f,m,s in yG10 10.0 n 3 y 2 o in yG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 19.0 y [x] y 4 m,a,u in yG10 10.0 y [x] y 3 c in yG10 10.0 y [x] y [x] o in yG10 10.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,s,o in yG10 8.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,s,a,b,u,a,o in yB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 [x] n 3 y 4 f,m,s,b out yA10 4.0 y [x] y 1 s [x] nA10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 8.0 n [x] y [x] a,u out yG10 9.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,s both yB10 9.0 n 2 y 1 s in yG10 19.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 8.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s,c,o in nB10 [x] y [x] y 8 b,s out yB10 17.0 y [x] y 6 [x] out y

B10 15.0 y [x] y 5 o out yB10 15.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out [x]B10 5.0 n [x] y 5 o out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s,u out yB10 3.0 n 2 y 8 f,m,b,s out yB10 3.0 n 2 y 8 m,b,s out yB10 [x] n 2 y 8 f,m,b,s out nB10 4.0 n 4 y 6 f,m,s,b,u out nB10 5.0 n 5 y 6 m,b,s,a out yB10 10.0 n [x] y 4 b,c out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,c out yG10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 20.0 n 3 y 6 f,m,b out yG10 20.0 n [x] y 8 o out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yG10 9.0 n 3 y [x] m out nB10 17.0 n [x] y 5 o both yG10 6.0 n 6 y 6 f,m,s in yG10 8.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 y [x] y 5 m,b,s out yB10 15.0 y [x] y 4 m,s,b out nB10 15.0 y [x] y 4 o out nG10 6.0 y [x] y [x] f,m in yB10 15.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s out yB10 9.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s out yG10 15.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 13.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s out nG10 7.0 y [x] y 3 o out nB10 14.0 y [x] y 4 o out yG10 18.0 n [x] y 3 f,m,b,s out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b out nB10 8.0 y [x] y 7 m,s,a,u out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,o,s out nA10 14.0 y [x] y [x] c out yB10 23.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b,s both yB10 23.0 n [x] y 10 f,m,c,u both yB10 30.0 n [x] y 3 o out yB10 10.0 n 2 y 7 f,m,b,s,u,a,c out yB10 25.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,o,s out yB10 23.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s out yB10 23.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s,u,a,c out yG10 10.0 n 2 y 3 s out yG10 2.0 n 2 y 4 b out yB10 15.0 n 2 y 13 c out nB10 15.0 n 2 y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 11.0 n 2 y [x] f,m,s,b out yB10 15.0 y [x] y 4 o out n

B10 1.0 y [x] y 5 o out nG10 4.0 n 2 y 5 f,m,s,b out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] m out nG10 4.0 n 2 y 6 m,s,a out yB10 22.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 5.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,c in yB10 15.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 15.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]A10 2.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s out nB10 19.0 y [x] y 7 b out yB10 15.0 y [x] y 7 u,a,b [x] yG10 8.0 n [x] y [x] m both yA10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 18.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,u in yG10 13.0 n [x] y 5 f,m both yB10 28.0 y [x] y 3 f,m both yB10 12.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b out yB10 [x] n [x] y [x] f,m out [x][x] 23.0 y [x] y [x] [x] [x] yB10 18.0 y [x] y 4 b,s out n[x] 15.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] nA10 3.0 y [x] y 3 [x] [x] yB10 2.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out nB10 10.0 n 2 y [x] [x] [x] yB10 9.0 n [x] y [x] o [x] y[x] 8.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s,a out yB10 26.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out n[x] 4.0 y [x] y [x] m,s [x] [x]B10 10.0 n 2 y 6 f,b,a,c [x] yB10 8.0 y [x] y 5 f,m [x] y[x] 7.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,o out yB10 7.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yB10 3.0 y [x] y 5 [x] [x] nB10 11.0 n [x] y 5 c,o both y[x] 17.0 y [x] y 5 o [x] nB10 21.0 y [x] y 4 f,m out yB10 20.0 n [x] y [x] c out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 4 b,s out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 4 o out yG10 3.0 n [x] y [x] b out y[x] 2.0 y [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] y[x] 10.0 [x] [x] y 4 [x] [x] [x]B10 17.0 n [x] y 7 [x] out yG10 9.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nG10 0.3 y [x] y 4 c out n[x] 5.0 [x] [x] y [x] o out nA10 [x] n [x] n [x] [x] [x] y

B10 18.0 n [x] y 7 m,c [x] nB10 15.0 y [x] y [x] o [x] n[x] 13.0 n [x] y [x] o [x] yB10 10.0 n [x] y 5 c out yB10 14.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out nG10 6.0 n 2 y [x] [x] out yA10 5.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 8.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 16.0 [x] [x] y 9 b,s,a [x] nG10 10.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s out nB10 10.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 17.0 n [x] y 8 f,m,b,s,u,a out yG10 15.0 n [x] y 8 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 n 2 y 5 b,s out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s,c out yG10 [x] n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 16.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,o out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 2 m,b out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 3 o out yG10 7.0 y [x] y [x] b,s [x] y[x] 15.0 n [x] y [x] c [x] yB10 9.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 8.0 [x] [x] y 5 [x] [x] yB10 25.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out nB10 20.0 n [x] y 6 o [x] yB10 15.0 n [x] y 3 b [x] y[x] 1.0 y [x] y [x] o [x] yB10 27.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 20.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b out yB10 [x] y [x] y [x] o out yG10 7.0 y [x] y 8 m,c in yB10 10.0 y [x] y 6 m,o out yB10 6.0 n [x] y 4 f,m out yB10 15.0 n [x] y 5 m,f,b,s out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 7 c out yG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] a out yG10 5.0 y [x] y 2 a,u in yB10 1.0 y [x] y 1 b out nG10 4.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 [x] n [x] y [x] f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 2 o out [x]B10 18.0 n [x] y 8 m,b out yG10 10.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 12.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,o out nB10 5.0 n [x] y 6 b out nB10 20.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,c out y

B10 7.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b out yA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] a,u out yG10 6.0 n 1 y [x] a,u out yB10 13.0 y [x] y 9 o out nB10 31.0 y [x] y 15 f,m,s,a,u,c both yB10 18.0 y [x] y 7 [x] [x] nB10 [x] y [x] y 4 f,m out nB10 6.0 y [x] y 3 f,o out nB10 2.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,a,u,c out nA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] a,u out yA10 6.0 n [x] y [x] m [x] yB10 5.0 [x] [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 4 o out nB10 9.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 15.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s in nG10 6.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 20.0 n 6 y [x] f,m,s,c out nG10 6.0 n 6 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 29.0 y [x] y 14 s,a,c [x] yB10 22.0 y [x] y 2 o out nB10 18.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 20.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 30.0 n [x] y 5 m,c out yB10 19.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s,c out yB10 15.0 y [x] y 10 o out nB10 10.0 n [x] y [x] o [x] yG10 15.0 [x] [x] y 3 o out yG10 9.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,s out nB10 10.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s out yB10 8.0 n 2 y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 5.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 20.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 10.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,o out nB10 5.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s out yB10 30.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 17.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yA10 17.0 n 5 y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,o out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 2 m,b out yB10 7.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b in yB10 20.0 n [x] y [x] b out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 5 f,b,o out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 5 m,o out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] b both yG10 12.0 y [x] y [x] c out y[x] 20.0 y [x] y 5 m,o out y

B10 19.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,a out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,s,b out yA10 10.0 n 2 y 5 [x] both nB10 8.0 n [x] y 4 b out yG10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] y[x] 20.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yG10 15.0 n [x] y 3 [x] out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 5 f,o out yB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] f,b,a,u [x] yG10 2.0 y [x] y 3 f,b,o both nA10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 9.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s out yA10 8.0 n 2 y 4 b,a out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s,b out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,s,b out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 9 f,m,s,c out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b in yB10 8.0 n 2 y 7 o out yG10 6.0 n 5 y 2 b in yB10 20.0 [x] [x] y [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 18.0 y [x] y 5 [x] out nB10 18.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s both yB10 5.0 y [x] y 9 f,m,b,s both y[x] 13.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 7.0 n 5 y 3 m,o both yB10 4.0 y [x] y 5 s out yB10 15.0 n [x] y 5 a,o out yB10 15.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,o out yB10 17.0 y [x] y [x] u,a out yB10 16.0 y [x] y [x] [x] [x] yG10 14.0 y [x] y [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 10.0 n [x] y 3 f,m,b,s out yG10 6.0 y 6 y 1 s out yA10 5.0 n [x] y 3 f,m in nB10 15.0 y [x] y [x] m,o out nB10 30.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,c out yB10 6.0 [x] [x] y 3 [x] out y[x] 4.0 y [x] y 6 [x] [x] y[x] 20.0 n [x] y 4 [x] out [x]B10 25.0 y [x] y 4 [x] both yB10 15.0 n 5 y 4 [x] both yA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b in yA10 10.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,o out nG10 16.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,s out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s out yG10 10.0 y [x] y 6 m in yA10 0.5 y [x] y [x] c out y

B10 31.0 y [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] yA10 9.0 y [x] y 4 m,f,s in yG10 7.0 y [x] y [x] a in y[x] 15.0 n [x] y 3 o [x] y[x] 17.0 y [x] y 15 f,m,b,s,o out yG10 8.0 y [x] y 5 s in yA10 8.0 n [x] y 4 m,o out nB10 3.0 n 2 y [x] d [x] nB10 9.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out nA10 10.0 n 2 y 5 s,c out yG10 18.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 n [x] y 10 f,m,o out yB10 8.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b out nA10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 3.0 y [x] y 1 [x] [x] nA10 3.0 y [x] y 1 c [x] [x]B10 8.0 n [x] y [x] b out nA10 12.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 1.0 y [x] y 11 [x] in yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] m,b in yA10 11.0 n 2 y 7 f,m,b,s in yG10 2.0 n 2 y [x] b [x] yB10 7.0 n 2 y [x] o out nB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] o out nB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 [x] y [x] y 1 m out nB10 9.0 y [x] y [x] o out nB10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 6.0 y [x] y [x] o out nB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o out nB10 4.0 y [x] y [x] o out nB10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 9.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 y [x] y 3 o out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,u,a out yA10 9.0 y [x] y 3 f,m in nA10 7.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s,a,u,c in nG10 6.0 y [x] y 2 m in nB10 4.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both nG10 6.0 n [x] y [x] [x] both nB10 3.0 n 2 y 8 f,m,b,s out y

B10 1.0 n 2 y [x] f,b,o out yB10 25.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,c in yG10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 7.0 n 2 y [x] [x] both nA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 5.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s in yG10 5.0 y [x] y 5 a in nG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nA10 3.0 n 3 y 5 m,b in yG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nG10 0.4 n 1 y 5 f,m,b in nA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u,c in yB10 8.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out nB10 7.0 y [x] y 3 f,m out nB10 7.0 y [x] y [x] o out nB10 6.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out nB10 5.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out nB10 5.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,o out nB10 8.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s [x] yB10 1.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 2.0 n 2 y 4 m,s out yA10 8.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,c in yG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both nA10 5.0 y [x] y 10 f,m,b,s in yA10 0.1 n 1 y [x] o in yB10 9.0 y [x] y 5 f,b,o out [x]A10 9.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b out nA10 7.0 y [x] y 2 b both nG10 9.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,b in yA10 8.0 y [x] y 9 f,m,b,s,a,u in y[x] 17.0 n [x] y 1 m in y[x] 9.0 n [x] y 2 a,u, out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 3 [x] out n[x] 9.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b in yA10 9.0 n 9 y [x] m [x] yA10 3.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 0.3 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 3.0 y [x] y [x] a [x] nA10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 8.0 y [x] y 5 m,f,s in nB10 7.0 n 2 y [x] o both yA10 5.0 y [x] y 4 m,b,s in yA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] m [x] yB10 4.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 5.0 y [x] y 3 a,c both yG10 8.0 y [x] y 9 f,m,b,s,o in y

A10 8.0 y [x] y 1 b [x] yG10 15.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 4.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 4.0 n 2 y [x] [x] both nA10 2.0 y [x] y [x] m,f in yG10 3.0 n [x] y [x] s out yA10 8.0 n 1 y 7 f,m,b,s in yA10 7.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 20.0 y [x] y 2 [x] out yA10 8.0 n [x] y 15 m,u,c in yB10 5.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]G10 18.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s,b out nG10 10.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both yA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in [x]G10 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 10.0 n 2 y 3 m,b,s out nB10 8.0 y [x] y 4 m,o out nG10 8.0 n 3 y [x] o out nG10 2.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,o,b,s out yB10 [x] [x] [x] y [x] [x] both [x]B10 [x] n 21 y 21 b,s out yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yA10 1.0 [x] [x] y [x] [x] out [x]A10 5.0 n 5 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 8.0 n 1 y [x] [x] in yA10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 2.0 y [x] y [x] f,b in yB10 11.0 n [x] y 4 f,s [x] yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] a,u out yB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 6.0 y [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] nA10 6.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 10.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,s,b in nA10 9.0 y [x] y 5 m in nA10 5.0 y [x] y 2 f,m [x] nA10 9.0 n [x] y 6 m in yB10 5.0 n [x] y [x] o [x] nA10 17.0 y [x] y 3 f,m in yB10 7.0 n 3 y [x] o out yA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,s,b out yG10 5.0 y [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

B10 15.0 n [x] y 8 o out yB10 2.0 y [x] y [x] c out yG10 14.0 n 2 y 8 f,m,s,b out nA10 6.0 n [x] y [x] [x] in nA10 6.0 n 1 y 5 m,f,b,s,u in yA10 9.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,s,a,u,c,o in yG10 20.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 5 [x] out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out yA10 8.0 n [x] y 3 [x] out yG10 6.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,o,b,s out nA10 7.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s in yG10 6.0 n 6 y [x] f,m,s,b in nA10 16.0 y [x] y [x] m,b,s in yB10 9.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 16.0 y [x] y 7 f,mb,s in yG10 8.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s in yG10 5.0 y [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]G10 20.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b in yB10 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]A10 6.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out [x]A10 4.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] nA10 21.0 n [x] y 7 f,m,b,s both yA10 9.0 y [x] y 11 f,m,b,s,c in yA10 5.0 [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 3.0 y [x] y [x] u out yB10 4.0 n 4 y 3 f,m,s out yA10 6.0 n 1 y 6 f,m,b,s,a,u,c,o in yA10 4.0 n 2 y 11 [x] out y[x] 4.0 y [x] y [x] o in yA10 2.0 n 3 y 5 m out yA10 8.0 n 3 y [x] a,u,c in yA10 7.0 n 2 y [x] f,m,b,a,c in yA10 16.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b in yB10 10.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b in yG10 20.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,u,c both yA10 3.0 n 3 y 1 a out yA10 5.0 n 2 y 1 u out yB10 20.0 n [x] y 5 [x] in yA10 11.0 y [x] y 3 f,m in yA10 2.0 y [x] y 2 b in y[x] 14.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u both yB10 15.0 n 3 y 9 b,u,o out y

G10 1.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both yA10 2.0 n 2 y 25 s,a,u,a,c in yA10 8.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 2.0 n 2 y [x] c out yB10 3.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 7.0 n [x] y 2 o out yA10 8.0 n 8 y 5 m,f,b,s in nG10 7.0 y [x] y 9 f,m,b,s,u in yB10 7.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,c in yB10 9.0 y [x] y 6 m,o in yA10 10.0 n 12 n [x] [x] [x] nG10 7.0 y [x] y [x] c in yA10 5.0 n 2 y [x] [x] out yG10 [x] y [x] y [x] o out yG10 6.0 n 3 y [x] o out yA10 7.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b both yA10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] f in yG10 11.0 n 2 y 3 f,m,s out yA10 5.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s both yG10 15.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,o both yA10 8.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b in yG10 7.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,s,b out yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in yG10 3.0 y [x] y [x] b,c both yG10 11.0 n 3 y 4 f,m,s out yG10 16.0 y [x] y 5 m,b,f,s in yA10 20.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b in yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b both yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in yB10 1.0 y [x] y 3 o out nA10 6.0 n 1 y [x] [x] out yB10 15.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,s,b out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 3 [x] out yG10 3.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,o,b,s out yB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,c out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 4 b out nB10 10.0 n [x] y 4 [x] out nG10 18.0 n 5 y 6 s,c out yG10 3.0 y [x] y 2 [x] out nB10 8.0 n 2 y 5 o both nB10 4.0 n 4 y 4 s out yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in yG10 2.0 y 2 y 4 f,m,s out yB10 18.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out yB10 2.0 y [x] y [x] f,m out nA10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] 6.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both yB10 7.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both [x]A10 16.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b in yA10 16.0 y [x] y 13 f,m,b,s,a,c in yA10 16.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,s,a,u,c both yA10 4.0 y [x] y [x] a,u out yA10 22.0 n [x] y 7 f,m,b,s [x] yA10 20.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b in yA10 21.0 y [x] y [x] f [x] yA10 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 10.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,s,b out nB10 20.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,s,b out nB10 20.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,s,b out yB10 1.0 n 9 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 5.0 n [x] y 3 f,m,s out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 3 f,o out yB10 8.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 10.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,a,u in yB10 18.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,c out yG10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 9.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 4.0 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]A10 1.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s in yG10 4.0 n 2 y [x] [x] out yG10 6.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s in yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s in yA10 8.0 y [x] y 2 u in yG10 7.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s in yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in nG10 20.0 n 1 y 4 f,b,s out yG10 15.0 y [x] y 5 c in yG10 5.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s,c in yG10 1.0 y [x] y [x] u both yA10 6.0 y [x] y 2 b out yA10 5.0 y [x] y 5 b in yG10 6.0 y [x] y 4 a,u,c in [x]A10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 7.0 n [x] y [x] u both yG10 16.0 y [x] y 16 f,m,s,a,c both yG10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 6.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,s,ba,u in yG10 9.0 [x] [x] y 5 f,m,b both yA10 3.0 y [x] y 3 a,u in yG10 7.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 5.0 y [x] y 3 o,o in yG10 7.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s in y

G10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] y[x] 23.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s,o out yG10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 6.0 n [x] y 3 a,u both yA10 6.0 y [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]A10 4.0 y [x] y 2 a,u in yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] f in nB10 5.0 n 2 y 3 f,m in [x]B10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 4.0 y [x] y 2 b in nA10 5.0 n 2 y [x] [x] both yB10 6.0 y [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]A10 8.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b both yA10 3.0 y [x] y 4 u,o both yA10 6.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s,b,o both nB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,o in yG10 36.0 n [x] y 7 f,m,b,c both nB10 10.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 15.0 n 3 y 9 o out yB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 20.0 n 10 y 5 f,m,s out yG10 30.0 n [x] y 2 f,m out yG10 20.0 n 2 y 5 f,m,o out yB10 20.0 n 20 y 6 [x] both yG10 20.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 20.0 n 2 y 5 f,m,s,b out yG10 30.0 [x] 4 y 5 f,m,b out yG10 49.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b out yG10 7.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 15.0 y [x] y 5 [x] in yG10 17.0 n 4 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 10.0 n 3 y 6 f,m,b,s,o out nG10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 7.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 5.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 10.0 n 5 y 8 f,m,b [x] yB10 10.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s,o out y[x] 7.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s out yB10 8.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yG10 10.0 n many n [x] [x] [x] nA10 0.1 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 8.0 n 8 y 7 f,m,b,a out yB10 10.0 n 15 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 4.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 4.0 n 4 y 4 f,m,s both yB10 7.0 n 7 y 5 f,m,s,u out yB10 2.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 y 4 y 6 f,m,s,a,u,o [x] n

[x] 15.0 [x] [x] y [x] a in n[x] 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] y[x] 7.0 [x] [x] y [x] m [x] nG10 20.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,s [x] yG10 7.0 n 7 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 24.0 n 7 y 2 b both nG10 31.0 n [x] y 3 o out yB10 35.0 n 3 y 6 f,m,b out nB10 35.0 n 3 y 6 f,m,b out nG10 5.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 3.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 30.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,s [x] nG10 7.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 20.0 n [x] y 3 f,m out yA10 7.0 y [x] y 3 f,m out nB10 18.0 y [x] y [x] o,c out yB10 23.0 n 3 y 6 o,m,s,a,u out nB10 5.0 n 3 y [x] f,b out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 2 [x] [x] yG10 2.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s,a out nB10 10.0 y [x] y 2 [x] out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s [x] yB10 10.0 n 2 y [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 15.0 n 3 y [x] b out yA10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] in nA10 3.0 y [x] y 2 a out yB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 2.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b out yG10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 3.0 y [x] y 2 m [x] y[x] 10.0 n 4 y [x] o both nB10 5.0 y [x] y 9 f,m,b,s out yB10 25.0 [x] [x] y 4 [x] out nB10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 11.0 y [x] y 6 m,b,c [x] yB10 [x] y [x] y 6 [x] out yB10 11.0 y [x] y 6 m,b,c [x] yG10 5.0 n [x] y [x] c both yB10 10.0 y [x] y 10 b both yB10 2.0 [x] [x] y [x] u,s,o out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s,a both yA10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 7.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 20.0 y 3 y 3 o [x] yB10 [x] n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 5.0 y [x] y 3 o out yG10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 15.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,s,b,u both y

[x] 10.0 y [x] y 7 m,a,o out yG10 10.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 n 3 y 3 o out yG10 10.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b out nB10 10.0 n many n [x] [x] [x] [x]G10 4.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 10.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out nG10 9.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b [x] nG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nA10 5.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out y[x] 7.0 y [x] y [x] f out yB10 13.0 y [x] y [x] m,b out nB10 1.0 y [x] y 2 a out nB10 13.0 n [x] y 4 b,s out yB10 11.0 [x] [x] y 7 f,m,b,s,a out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] m,u,o both nG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nA10 [x] n [x] y [x] b,s [x] yB10 5.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,s out yB10 4.0 n [x] y 3 s out nB10 7.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]B10 25.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,c out y[x] 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] [x] yB10 7.0 y [x] y 9 m,o out yB10 15.0 n 15 y 10 m,s,c out yG10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b out yB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] m out yB10 22.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s,a,u,o both yA10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] out n[x] 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out y[x] 3.0 y [x] y [x] m,u,c [x] yG10 27.0 n 150 y [x] [x] [x] nG10 7.0 y [x] y 6 c out yG10 7.0 y [x] y 6 c [x] y[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]G10 10.0 n 3 y [x] [x] out nG10 20.0 y [x] y [x] o out yA10 16.0 y [x] y [x] c both yG10 3.0 [x] [x] y [x] [x] [x] [x]G10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 [x] y [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]G10 8.0 n [x] y 4 o out [x]G10 9.0 n 9 y 3 f,o out nG10 8.0 y [x] y 10 m,s,o out n

[x] 3.0 y [x] y 5 [x] out yB10 15.0 n 40 y 11 m,b,s,o out yB10 20.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out nA10 5.0 n 3 y 6 f,m,s,o out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] c [x] [x]B10 8.0 n 3 y [x] f,m,s,a out nG10 6.0 n [x] y [x] m,b,s out nB10 12.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 10.0 n 4 y [x] m,s,a out yG10 7.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 n 3 y [x] b,s,a out yG10 7.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 8.0 n 3 y [x] b,s,u out yB10 12.0 n 4 y [x] m,b,a out nB10 12.0 n 3 y [x] f,m,b out yB10 12.0 n 4 y [x] f,m,b,a out yB10 12.0 n 4 y [x] m,b,a out yB10 10.0 n 3 y [x] f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 n 4 y [x] f,m,s out yB10 8.0 n 3 y [x] m,s,a out yB10 7.0 n 2 y [x] f,m,b out nB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b out yG10 8.0 n 3 y 3 f,m,b,s out yG10 7.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 7.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 5.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 5.0 n 12 y 3 [x] out nB10 3.0 n 3 y 3 f,m,o out yB10 17.0 n [x] y 3 a [x] nG10 1.0 y [x] y 9 [x] out nG10 3.0 y [x] y 3 f,u,a,c out yG10 [x] y [x] y [x] [x] out [x]B10 17.0 y [x] y 5 o out yB10 18.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 13.0 y [x] y 5 s out nG10 24.0 n 8 y 4 [x] out yG10 0.3 y [x] y 8 b out yB10 15.0 n 3 y 6 [x] out yG10 15.0 n 56 y 12 o out yG10 10.0 n 10 y 10 s,b,o out yB10 22.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s,b out nA10 15.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b out yB10 30.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,s,b out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 5 [x] [x] [x]G10 10.0 y [x] y 5 a,o out nA10 15.0 n [x] y [x] b out y

B10 7.0 n 7 y 5 f,m,s,b,u out y[x] 1.0 y [x] y 2 a out nG10 3.0 y [x] y 2 f,m [x] yG10 13.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,o,b,s out yB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] b,s,c [x] yG10 [x] y [x] y 1 b out yA10 6.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] y[x] 8.0 y [x] y [x] m,b [x] yB10 20.0 n 4 y 5 f,m,b out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 5 m,o out yG10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 19.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,a,u,c both y[x] 10.0 y [x] y [x] b [x] yB10 7.0 y [x] y 5 [x] out nB10 [x] y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s,u out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 3 [x] out nB10 30.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,s,b out yB10 18.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out yG10 1.0 y [x] y 4 u,s,a,o both y[x] 10.0 [x] [x] y [x] b,s out yA10 7.0 y [x] y [x] b out yG10 5.0 n 3 y 7 f,b,c out yG10 10.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b out y[x] 2.0 n [x] y 10 b out yG10 42.0 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] 14.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b out yA10 15.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out yG10 15.0 y [x] y 1 m out yG10 20.0 y [x] y 6 b,s out nG10 7.0 y [x] y 10 b,o,c out yG10 4.0 n [x] y 2 [x] out yG10 3.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,c out yB10 2.0 n 2 y 4 m,b,a,s out nG10 12.0 y 1 y 3 f,m out yG10 1.0 n 2 y [x] c out nG10 6.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,b out yB10 30.0 y [x] y 9 f,m,s,b out yA10 10.0 y [x] y 3 m out y[x] 15.0 [x] 2 y 4 [x] [x] [x]B10 10.0 n 10 y 17 b,s,c [x] yG10 5.0 n 3 y 5 s,b,o out yB10 33.0 y [x] y [x] o out yA10 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 10.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,b,a,s [x] nG10 10.0 n 2 y 4 b,s,a out yG10 8.0 n 10 y 4 f,m,s out yG10 3.0 y [x] y 3 f,m out nB10 3.0 n 2 y 3 f,m out y

[x] [x] [x] [x] y [x] u,a,o [x] yB10 18.0 n [x] y 4 m,b out yB10 13.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 10.0 y [x] y 10 o out yG10 3.0 y [x] y 7 m,b,a out yB10 5.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,b,s,a,u out yG10 [x] n 2 y 1 b out yB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 3.0 y [x] y 3 s,a out yG10 8.0 n 9 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 0.1 n 2 y 4 [x] [x] yG10 3.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 3.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 10.0 y [x] y 5 m,s,c both yG10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 4.0 n [x] y 4 [x] out yB10 0.3 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 5.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 6.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 2.0 y [x] y 3 a out nB10 8.0 y [x] y 5 m,b,s both yB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 16.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,s out nG10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 0.3 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 5.0 y [x] y 1 [x] out yG10 7.0 n 2 y 8 f,m,s in nB10 15.0 n 7 y 4 b,a,s out yG10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 2.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 10.0 n 3 y 5 m,b,s out yB10 10.0 n 4 y 3 f,m,b out yB10 9.0 n 6 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 8.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,s both nG10 2.0 n [x] y [x] c out yB10 5.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 1.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s,a,u out yB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]G10 10.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 10.0 n 3 y 6 f,m,s out yB10 8.0 n 26 y [x] f,m,b out yB10 7.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 8.0 n 3 y 5 b,s out yB10 15.0 n 3 y [x] m,b,a out y

B10 12.0 n 3 y [x] f,m,b out yB10 8.0 n 2 y [x] m,b,s out yB10 8.0 n 2 y 5 m,b,s,c out yB10 8.0 n 3 y 6 m,s,a out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s out yB10 6.0 y [x] y [x] m,b out yB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s both yB10 4.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 3.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 7.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 12.0 n 4 y 5 f,m,a,o out yB10 8.0 n 3 y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b [x] yB10 20.0 y [x] y [x] c out nB10 2.0 y [x] y 2 f,a out nG10 10.0 n [x] y 3 f,m,b out nB10 5.0 n 2 y 3 u,a,c both yB10 5.0 n 3 y 1 b out yB10 3.0 n 10 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 10.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 n [x] y 3 m,a,s out nG10 4.0 y [x] y 1 b out yA10 2.0 y [x] y 3 f,b out nB10 0.4 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 10.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,c out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 2 f,b out nB10 10.0 n 2 y 9 m,o out yB10 11.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b out yA10 10.0 n [x] y 3 o both nB10 10.0 n [x] y 4 m,f,s out nB10 6.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]G10 12.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 16.0 n [x] y 3 f,m,b,s out yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 0.3 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 [x] n 5 y 2 b out y[x] 2.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,b out yG10 1.0 n 2 y 1 m out yA10 0.1 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 8.0 y [x] y 1 b out nG10 10.0 y [x] y [x] o out y[x] 20.0 y [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] yB10 3.0 y [x] y 4 m,a,s out nA10 [x] y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 0.5 y [x] y 2 f,m,s out n

B10 3.0 n 2 y 7 b,s,c out yA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] s both yA10 5.0 n 3 y 4 f,m,b,s both yA10 8.0 y [x] y 2 o out yB10 26.0 n 2 y 7 f,m,o out y[x] 0.1 n [x] y 8 b,s,a out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 4 b out nB10 4.0 n 2 y 4 b,a,s out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 11 m,c both yG10 2.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out nB10 35.0 y [x] y 5 o both y[x] 17.0 [x] [x] y 10 c out yB10 15.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yG10 0.5 y [x] y 3 f,m,b out nG10 0.4 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 16.0 n [x] y 3 m,s out yG10 3.0 y [x] y 3 s out yB10 0.5 y [x] y 3 f,m out nB10 3.0 n 2 y [x] o out yA10 8.0 y [x] y 3 m,b,s in yA10 0.3 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 9.0 n [x] y 1 s both yA10 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 10.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b,s out nA10 4.0 n [x] y 3 o out nG10 8.0 n 3 y [x] c out yB10 [x] y [x] y 4 f,m,s out yB10 10.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 0.5 y [x] y 3 f,m,b out nB10 10.0 n [x] y 5 s out nG10 0.3 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 5.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out yB10 0.3 y [x] y 1 m in yB10 13.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 17.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s out yG10 3.0 y [x] y 3 m,f,b out nB10 [x] y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 3.0 n 2 y 2 u out yB10 4.0 n 4 y 3 a,u out yB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 0.3 n 5 y 1 m out nG10 [x] y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 10.0 y [x] y 2 u,a out yB10 7.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 0.2 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nA10 11.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 0.1 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] y

B10 15.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,b out yA10 3.0 n [x] y 3 f,m,s out nB10 10.0 n [x] y 2 f,m out nB10 2.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b out yG10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 [x] n 2 y 1 a out yA10 4.0 y [x] y 5 m,o out [x]B10 8.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 [x] n 2 y [x] c out yB10 0.3 y [x] y 6 f,m,b out yB10 5.0 n 10 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 5.0 y [x] y 3 o [x] nG10 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 0.5 n 2 y 1 o out nG10 3.0 n 2 y [x] [x] out y[x] 3.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 8.0 n 5 y 2 b,a out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 2 b,s out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 1 u out yG10 12.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 24.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 5.0 n 4 y 5 f,m,b,s out nG10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 12.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 5.0 n 3 y 2 o out yG10 11.0 n [x] y [x] o both yB10 0.9 y [x] y 7 o out yA10 17.0 n 20 y 4 o out yB10 2.0 n 4 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 25.0 y [x] y 5 m,o out yA10 12.0 y [x] y 5 b,o out yG10 6.0 n 5 y 4 o out yG10 6.0 y [x] y 4 o out yG10 8.0 n 4 y 3 o out yG10 9.0 n 5 y 4 o out nB10 13.0 n 3 y 6 f,o out yG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 5.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 4.0 n 2 y [x] o out yB10 4.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] o out yG10 4.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 5.0 n 2 y [x] o out yB10 5.0 n 2 y [x] o out yB10 3.0 n [x] y [x] o out yG10 3.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 2.0 n 2 y [x] o out y

B10 6.0 n 2 y [x] o out yG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 7.0 n 2 y 4 m,b,s out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 3 b,u out yB10 6.0 n 2 y 3 b out yG10 6.0 n 3 y 4 f,m,c out yG10 12.0 n 4 y 6 m,b out yG10 7.0 n 2 y 2 c out yB10 8.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 10.0 y [x] y [x] o out yG10 14.0 n 3 y 7 b,s,c,o out nG10 5.0 n 2 y [x] o out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 5 o out yB10 0.5 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 1.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 1.0 y [x] y 3 f,m out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 3 f,m out nB10 0.5 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 n 2 y 7 m,s,o out nB10 3.0 n [x] y 3 f,o out nB10 2.0 y [x] y 3 c out nB10 1.0 y [x] y 3 m,o out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 2 o out yB10 7.0 n 2 y [x] o out yB10 3.0 n 3 y 3 m,o out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 4 m,u,b out yB10 2.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 1.0 n 2 y [x] o out yB10 6.0 n 2 y [x] o out yB10 7.0 n 3 y [x] o out yB10 5.0 n 2 y [x] o out yB10 3.0 n 2 y [x] o out yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 2.0 n 2 y [x] o out yB10 3.0 n 2 y [x] o out yA10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 6.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 20.0 n 2 y [x] m in yG10 8.0 y [x] y [x] o out yA10 5.0 n 2 y [x] o out yB10 9.0 y [x] y [x] o out nG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 7.0 y [x] y [x] o out yG10 2.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 8 o out nB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] o out y

G10 0.2 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 3.0 n [x] y 4 o out yB10 1.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 2.0 y [x] y 2 m out nB10 7.0 y [x] y 2 m out nB10 3.0 y [x] y 4 m,s,o out nA10 1.0 y [x] y 2 b,s out yA10 4.0 y [x] y [x] b out yB10 2.0 n 2 y [x] m out nB10 6.0 n 2 y 4 o out nB10 5.0 y [x] y 6 b out nB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] o [x] yB10 10.0 y [x] y 5 o out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o out yA10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 5.0 n 4 y [x] s out yB10 4.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 4.0 n 2 y [x] o in yB10 2.0 y [x] y 3 o out yG10 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 7.0 y [x] y [x] o out yA10 2.0 n 2 y 2 o out nB10 3.0 n 2 y 3 f,o out nA10 3.0 y [x] y [x] m,b,c out yA10 0.3 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 0.2 y [x] y [x] f out nG10 0.1 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 y [x] y [x] o out yG10 10.0 y [x] y 3 b,s out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 5 [x] both yB10 2.0 n [x] y [x] o [x] nB10 5.0 n [x] y [x] o out yG10 3.0 n [x] y [x] o [x] nB10 1.0 n [x] y 3 f,b,s out yB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both yG10 10.0 n [x] y 3 m,b in nB10 10.0 n [x] y [x] o out nB10 11.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 5.0 n [x] y [x] o [x] nB10 1.0 n [x] y 3 f,b,s [x] nB10 18.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both yA10 18.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both yB10 1.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both yB10 5.0 n [x] y [x] o out nB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] o out n

B10 5.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 10.0 n 3 y [x] o out yB10 8.0 n 3 y [x] o out yB10 2.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both yG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] both yB10 10.0 n 3 y [x] o out yB10 7.0 n 2 y 4 m,b,s out yB10 7.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 5.0 n 2 y [x] o out yB10 4.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 1.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 4.0 n [x] y [x] a,c out yB10 11.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 3 o out yB10 5.0 n [x] y [x] o [x] yB10 20.0 y [x] y 5 o out yB10 7.0 n 3 y [x] o out yB10 5.0 n 2 y [x] o out yG10 6.0 n 2 y [x] o out yG10 3.0 n [x] y [x] o out yG10 25.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s,o out yG10 17.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 n 3 y 4 o out nB10 7.0 n 2 y 6 o out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 7 o out nB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o [x] yB10 7.0 n 3 y 7 o out yB10 8.0 n 3 y 3 o out nB10 5.0 n 3 y 5 m,o out nB10 5.0 y [x] [x] [x] o out yA10 3.0 n 2 y 3 o out yB10 4.0 n 3 y 5 o out yB10 5.0 n 3 y 5 o out nB10 9.0 n 3 y 6 o out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 4 o out yB10 7.0 n 2 y 4 o out nB10 4.0 y [x] y 5 o out nB10 4.0 n 3 y 7 f,m,b out yG10 10.0 n 2 y 7 o out nB10 2.0 y [x] y 5 o out nB10 8.0 n 2 y 4 o out nB10 5.0 y [x] y 5 f,o out nG10 3.0 y [x] y 3 o out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 4 s out yG10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 30.0 y [x] y 4 o out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 3 [x] out y

B10 15.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 6.0 n [x] y [x] o out nB10 10.0 n 2 y 1 s out yB10 4.0 n 3 y [x] o out yB10 15.0 n [x] y 3 b,o,s out nB10 10.0 n [x] y [x] o out nB10 9.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 1.0 n [x] y 5 b,s out nB10 3.0 n [x] y 1 b out yB10 7.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 4.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 8.0 n 3 y [x] c,o out nB10 4.0 n 2 y [x] o out nB10 20.0 n [x] y 3 b,s out yB10 17.0 n 2 y [x] c,o out yB10 3.0 n [x] y 5 b,s,o out nB10 3.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 n 3 y 1 s out nG10 4.0 n [x] n [x] o out yB10 3.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 10.0 n 2 y 4 b,a,u,c out yB10 10.0 n 3 y 3 s out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 7 o out yB10 7.0 n 2 y 4 o out yB10 5.0 n 3 y 4 b out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 4 b,s out yB10 5.0 n 2 y 4 o out yB10 3.0 [x] [x] y 6 o out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 5 o out yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] o,s out yB10 3.0 n 2 y 5 s,a,u out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 5 s,a,u out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 5 s,a,u out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 3 o out yB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 0.2 y [x] y 6 b out yB10 0.3 y [x] y 5 c out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 6 o out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 4 o out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 7 c out yB10 [x] y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 [x] y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 [x] y [x] y [x] c out yB10 [x] n [x] y [x] o out yB10 14.0 y [x] y [x] b out yB10 13.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 12.0 y [x] y 1 b out yB10 11.0 y [x] y [x] b out y

B10 10.0 y [x] y [x] b out yB10 9.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 9.0 n 3 y 4 o out yB10 9.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 1 b out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 1 b out yB10 7.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 7.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 7.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 7.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 7.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 7.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 7.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 7.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 7.0 n 2 y 6 o out yB10 7.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 7.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 7.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 y [x] y [x] b out yB10 6.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] b out yB10 5.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 4 o,c out yB10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 4.0 n 2 y 2 b,s out yB10 4.0 y [x] y [x] c out yB10 4.0 y [x] y [x] c out yB10 4.0 y [x] y [x] c out yB10 4.0 y [x] y [x] c out yB10 4.0 y [x] y [x] c out yB10 4.0 y [x] y [x] c out yB10 4.0 y [x] y [x] c out yB10 4.0 y [x] y [x] c out yB10 4.0 y [x] y [x] c out yB10 3.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] b out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 5 b out yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] b out yB10 3.0 n [x] y [x] c out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 4 o out y

B10 3.0 y [x] y 4 o out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 6 o out yB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 2.0 y [x] y [x] b out yB10 2.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 1.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] b out yB10 1.0 y [x] y [x] b out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 6 o out yB10 1.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 0.5 n 2 y 6 b out yB10 0.8 y [x] y 3 b out yB10 7.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 3 o out nB10 6.0 n 3 y 5 o,c out yB10 4.0 n [x] y 9 b out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 5 b,s,u,a out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 6 o out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 6 o out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 4 c out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 3 o out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 7 c out yB10 2.0 n 2 y 7 o out yB10 3.0 n 3 y 5 a,u out yB10 3.0 n 3 y 5 a,c out yB10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 15.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o both yB10 7.0 y [x] y [x] c in yB10 6.0 y [x] y [x] c out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o in yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o,c in yB10 3.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,o out yB10 15.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 [x] y [x] y 2 a,o out yB10 9.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 7.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 4.0 y [x] y [x] f [x] yB10 5.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 6 [x] [x] yB10 5.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out nB10 15.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,o out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 2 f,m in nB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,o out nB10 [x] y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out y

B10 2.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out yB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 8.0 n 5 y [x] [x] out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] c,o in yB10 5.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 10.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out yB10 11.0 y [x] y 4 [x] in yB10 11.0 n [x] y [x] c in yB10 2.0 y [x] y [x] a,c,o in yB10 10.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out yB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out yB10 4.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 7.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,o out yA10 0.3 n 7 n [x] [x] [x] yA10 2.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,s out yG10 1.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 5.0 n 2 y 7 f,s out yB10 6.5 n 6 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 3.0 n 3 y 3 o out yG10 1.0 y [x] y 4 o out nG10 7.0 n 7 y 1 b out nG10 4.0 n 4 y 4 f,m,b,s out yG10 7.0 n 7 y 1 f out nG10 6.0 n 6 y [x] o out y[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] out yB10 25.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out yA10 16.0 n many y 6 o out yB10 6.0 n 6 y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b out yG10 7.0 n 7 y 5 o out nG10 6.0 n 6 y 8 f,m,o out yG10 5.0 n 5 y 7 m,o out yG10 4.0 n 4 y 6 o out yG10 6.0 n 6 y 5 f,o out yG10 4.0 n 4 y 3 o out nG10 2.0 n 2 y 3 o out nB10 [x] n 20 y [x] o out nG10 4.0 n 4 y 5 o out nG10 2.0 n 2 y 4 o out nB10 3.0 y [x] y 3 f,m out yA10 8.0 n 8 n [x] [x] [x] n

G10 4.0 n 4 y 7 o out yB10 7.0 n 7 y 2 s out nB10 10.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,m,a out yG10 5.0 n 5 y 7 o out nA10 7.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s,o both yA10 20.0 n [x] y 3 f,m,s out yG10 4.0 n 4 y 2 s out yG10 2.0 y [x] y 2 b out yG10 7.0 n 7 y 4 o out yG10 5.0 n 5 y 3 f,m,b out yG10 5.0 n 5 y 5 o out yG10 4.0 n 4 y [x] o out yG10 4.0 n 4 y 3 o out yG10 4.0 n 4 y 3 o out yG10 4.0 n 4 y 3 o out yG10 4.0 n 4 y [x] o out yG10 3.0 n 3 y 4 o out yB10 3.0 n 3 y 1 s out yG10 2.0 n 2 y 4 c,o out yG10 2.0 n 2 y 4 m,o out yG10 2.0 n 2 y [x] o out yG10 2.0 n 2 y 8 o out yG10 1.0 y [x] y 6 o out yG10 1.0 y [x] y 6 o out yG10 1.0 y [x] y 2 o out yG10 3.0 n 3 y 2 o out yG10 5.0 n 5 y 8 o out yA10 1.0 y [x] y 4 b,s out yG10 6.0 n 6 y 8 o out yG10 5.0 n 2 y [x] o out yG10 4.0 n 4 y 4 f,m,b,s out yG10 3.0 n 3 y 4 b,s,f,m out yG10 2.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,b,s out yG10 8.0 n 8 y 4 o out nG10 3.0 n 3 y 5 o out yG10 4.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s,o both yB10 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] y[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] out [x][x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] out [x]G10 15.0 n 3 y 5 c,o out yG10 7.0 [x] [x] y 5 m,s,a,c out yG10 4.0 [x] [x] y 4 b,s out yB10 18.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 20.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yA10 3.0 n 20 y 5 o out yB10 10.0 n 10 y 10 f,m,b,s out yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nB10 2.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s out y

B10 11.0 n 3 y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 17.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 9.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 14.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 3.0 n 3 y 6 f,m,b out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s out yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 1.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 3 [x] out yB10 10.0 n 5 y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 12.0 n 2 y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 3 [x] out nB10 20.0 n 3 y 8 f,m,b,s,o out yB10 18.0 n [x] y 2 b,s out nB10 4.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out nB10 20.0 n 2 y 4 o out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 3 [x] out yB10 19.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 17.0 n 3 y 8 f,m,b,s,a,u both yB10 [x] n 4 y 7 f,m,b,s out yB10 8.0 n [x] y 3 f,m,s both yB10 1.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yG10 15.0 n 3 y 2 f,m out nG10 4.0 y [x] y 3 b,s out yB10 [x] n [x] y 1 b out nB10 [x] n [x] y 4 c out yB10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 15.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b out nB10 15.0 n [x] y 3 f,m,b out nB10 15.0 n [x] y 9 f,m,b,s out nB10 15.0 n [x] y 10 f,m,b,s out nB10 6.0 n 2 y 9 f,m,b,s out nB10 10.0 n [x] y 2 f,m [x] yB10 [x] n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 [x] n [x] y [x] f,m out yB10 27.0 n [x] y 8 f,m,b,s out yB10 20.0 n [x] y 2 b,s out yB10 18.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 8.0 n 2 y 8 f,m,b,s,c out yG10 2.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 9.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 7.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out nB10 18.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,s both yB10 20.0 n [x] y 3 b,s,m out yB10 10.0 n [x] y 3 f,m,s out yB10 15.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,s out n

G10 15.0 n 10 y 10 m,o out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 5 [x] [x] yB10 3.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 5.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 22.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out nB10 1.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s,o out nB10 7.0 n [x] y 3 f,m,b out yB10 5.0 n 2 y 7 f,m,b,s,o out yB10 [x] y [x] y 2 o both nB10 25.0 n [x] y 1 b out yB10 15.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,s out yG10 2.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out yG10 5.0 n 5 y 3 [x] out yB10 4.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 20.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b out nB10 5.0 y [x] y 10 f,m,b,s,a,u out yG10 5.0 y [x] y 10 f,m,o [x] yG10 7.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b out yB10 9.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 [x] y [x] y 3 s,a out yB10 7.0 n 2 y 3 [x] out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out [x]B10 10.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 2.0 n 3 y 1 b out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s out yB10 8.0 n [x] y 8 b,s,c,o out yB10 7.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yA10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out nB10 6.0 n [x] y 3 f,c out yG10 39.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s out yG10 35.0 y [x] y 4 f,m out yB10 11.0 n 3 y 3 m,s out yB10 3.0 [x] [x] y 7 s out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 2 s out yB10 1.0 n 2 y 5 b,f,a,u out yB10 17.0 y [x] y 5 m,s out yB10 16.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 8.0 n 3 y 4 f,m,b out yB10 7.0 n 7 y 3 f,m,b out yB10 7.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yG10 2.0 y [x] y 1 f out yB10 11.0 n [x] y 3 s out yB10 15.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 15.0 n 3 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 10.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,s out nB10 7.0 n [x] y 3 f,m,b out n

G10 3.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s,u out nB10 16.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 25.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s out yG10 15.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 14.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 14.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s,a,u out yG10 10.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s,a,u out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 2 f,m,b out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,c out yB10 8.0 [x] [x] y 6 f,m,b,s,a,u out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,c out yG10 7.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 7.0 n 2 y 2 m out yG10 10.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s out yG10 10.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,c out yB10 11.0 n [x] y 3 f,m out yB10 4.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,b,s,a,u out yG10 8.0 y [x] y 2 m,s out nG10 12.0 n [x] y 3 f,m,s out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 4 m,s,u out yB10 9.0 n [x] y 4 f,b,s out yB10 5.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 30.0 n [x] y 3 b out yB10 5.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,b,s in yB10 2.0 n [x] y 3 [x] out yG10 17.0 n [x] y 4 s both yB10 16.0 n [x] y 5 b out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,c out yG10 9.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 20.0 y [x] y 4 f,b out nB10 10.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s out nB10 13.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 15.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 12.0 n 9 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] m,b out yB10 7.0 n 2 y 8 f,m,b,s out yB10 8.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out nB10 10.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b both yG10 [x] y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 15.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 12.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s out nB10 11.0 y [x] y 3 f,m out yB10 15.0 y [x] y 4 m,b out yG10 12.0 y [x] y 4 f,s out y

B10 5.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 2 m,b out yG10 15.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yG10 13.0 n 2 y 5 f,m,b out yB10 13.0 n 2 y 5 f,m,b out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 6.0 n [x] y 7 m,s,o out nB10 10.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s [x] nB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 26.0 y [x] y 3 f,m out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 20.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yG10 19.0 y [x] y 5 f,m out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s out yB10 11.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,o out yB10 8.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 2.0 n 2 y 8 f,m,b,m,a out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out yB10 0.3 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 10 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 n 3 y 11 f,m,b,s both yB10 15.0 y [x] y 16 f,m,b,s,a out yB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 6.0 n 6 y 3 f,m,b out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 5 f,m out nB10 [x] y [x] y 4 u,a, out yB10 20.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,c out yB10 12.0 n 5 y 4 f,m,b out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 1 [x] out yB10 6.0 n 7 y 1 o out yB10 5.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 5 b out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 4 s out yB10 14.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b out nB10 9.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s,b,u out yG10 16.0 n 3 y 4 c out yG10 20.0 n [x] y 2 f out yB10 4.0 n 2 y 5 f,m,b out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 3 o out yA10 13.0 y [x] y 1 f out nB10 8.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] nB10 10.0 y [x] y 20 f,m,b,s in yB10 3.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,s out yA10 2.0 n [x] y 4 [x] out yB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] [x] [x] yB10 17.0 y [x] y 5 f,m out y

B10 35.0 y [x] y 6 f,b,s out yB10 10.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 6.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s out yB10 20.0 n [x] y 7 [x] out yB10 7.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 4 o out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 5 o out yB10 [x] n 6 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 [x] [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 10.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 n [x] y 3 f,m,s out yB10 [x] n 5 y [x] [x] [x] yB10 [x] n [x] y 2 [x] out yB10 13.0 y [x] y 6 m,a,b,s,c out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s,b,u out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 1 m out yB10 [x] n [x] y [x] [x] [x] yB10 [x] y [x] y 3 f,m,b out yB10 10.0 n 5 y 3 f,m,s out yB10 12.0 n 6 y 3 f,m,s out yB10 10.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s,b out yB10 2.0 n 3 y 4 [x] out yB10 2.0 n 2 y 10 f,m,s,b out yB10 15.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b out nB10 12.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s,b out yB10 16.0 y [x] y [x] m,a,b,s in yB10 2.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,s,b out yB10 13.0 y [x] y 10 o out nB10 13.0 y [x] y 10 o out nB10 12.0 n 2 y 5 [x] out nB10 8.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,b out nG10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 3.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out yG10 2.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out yB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 3.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out yB10 3.0 n 3 y 6 o out yB10 3.0 n 3 y 6 o out yB10 2.0 n 2 y 12 o out yB10 1.0 n 2 y 3 f,m out yB10 10.0 n 5 y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out yG10 2.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out yB10 20.0 n [x] y 3 f,m,b out y

G10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 [x] y [x] y [x] o out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 7.0 n 7 y 10 f,m,b,c out yB10 6.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 15.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 6.0 y [x] y [x] o both yB10 24.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 2.0 y [x] y 3 a,u,c out yB10 25.0 n 10 y 6 m,a,b,s out yB10 21.0 n [x] y 1 a out yG10 5.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s out yB10 5.0 n 5 y 7 f,m,s,b,u out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 8.0 n [x] y 8 f,m,s,b,u out yB10 7.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 11.0 n 3 y 4 f,m,b out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,s out yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s out yB10 [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] yA10 10.0 y [x] y 5 f,m out yG10 5.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 2.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b out nB10 10.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 9 f,m,b,s out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b out [x]B10 0.3 y [x] y 4 m,b,s,f out [x]B10 [x] y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yA10 10.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b out yB10 10.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,s,b out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 10 f,m,b out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 16 f,m,b,o out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s,u,a out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,a,u out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 2 m,b both yB10 6.0 n [x] y 3 o out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 10 f,m,b,c out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 2 f,m,b in yB10 3.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 5 m,b,s,f out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s out y

G10 11.0 y [x] y 11 f,m,b,s,a out nG10 10.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out nB10 7.0 n 3 y 3 f,m,s in yA10 6.0 y [x] y [x] o out nG10 [x] y [x] y 2 b out yA10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 17.0 n 3 y 4 f,m,b both yB10 10.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yG10 10.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 [x] y [x] y 7 m,f,b,s out yB10 18.0 n 2 y 4 m,f out yB10 16.0 y [x] y 10 f,m,b out yB10 12.0 n [x] y 4 m,b,s,f out yG10 11.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yG10 11.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yG10 11.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 3 f,m out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 7 m,f,b,s,c out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 3.0 n 3 y 7 m,b,s,f out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 5 m,b,s,f out yB10 25.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s,a,u out yB10 3.0 n 3 y 8 f,m,b both yB10 7.0 y 7 y 2 o out yA10 10.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 5.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 10.0 y [x] y 7 [x] out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 5 [x] out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 2 b,s out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s out yG10 2.0 y [x] y 5 u out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] c out nB10 4.0 y [x] y 1 u both yB10 3.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nG10 1.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 16.0 y [x] y 1 u out yB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 1 a out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 1 a out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 1 u out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 1 u out yB10 6.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 y [x] y 5 b out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] c out y

G10 4.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 4.0 y [x] y 2 u,a out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 8 c out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b out yG10 1.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 6.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yB10 [x] y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 5.0 n 2 y 7 o out yB10 7.0 n 3 y 5 f,m,b out nB10 7.0 n 3 y 5 f,m,b out nB10 6.0 y [x] y 9 [x] out nB10 5.0 y [x] y 9 b out nB10 20.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] yB10 19.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yG10 19.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 18.0 n 2 y 4 [x] out yB10 10.0 n 2 y [x] [x] out yB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] b out yG10 10.0 y [x] y 7 f,m out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 10 f,m,b out yB10 10.0 n 3 y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 8.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 8.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 7.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 7.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 5.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 3.0 n 2 y 1 b out yB10 3.0 n [x] y 5 c out yB10 3.0 n 2 y [x] u out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 3 f,m out yB10 2.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b,s out yG10 1.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 1.0 n [x] y 2 b out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b out yB10 50.0 y [x] y [x] o out nB10 3.0 y [x] y 1 b out yB10 2.0 y [x] y [x] c out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 1 f out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 2 f,m out yG10 3.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]A10 10.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 4 m,b,s in yG10 5.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b out y

B10 5.0 y [x] y 5 s out yB10 4.0 n 2 y 4 c out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 5 f,o out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 4 a,u,c out yB10 20.0 n 5 y [x] f,m,s,b out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,m out yB10 3.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b,s out nB10 1.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out nB10 15.0 y [x] y 10 f,m,s,b,u out yB10 14.0 n [x] y 5 [x] out yB10 7.0 n 7 y [x] o out yB10 20.0 n 2 y 4 m,o out yB10 13.0 n 3 y 9 f,m,b,s out yB10 12.0 n 3 y [x] a,u out yB10 12.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 9.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,b out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,s,b,u out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 10 m,a,b,s,c out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 3 m,a out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 7 m,b,s out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 9 [x] out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s out yB10 5.0 n [x] y 6 [x] out yB10 5.0 y [x] y [x] f,m out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 5 m,a,u,c out yB10 4.0 n 4 y 8 f,m,b,s out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 4 s out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,s,b out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 2 b both yB10 0.3 y [x] y 5 f,m,s,b both yB10 2.0 n 2 y 3 f,m,s out yB10 15.0 y [x] y 17 f,m,b,c both nB10 8.0 y [x] y 25 f,m,s out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 3 o out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 4 u,a,o out yB10 9.0 n [x] y 6 f,m,s,b out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,s out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,s out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b out nA10 3.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b out yB10 20.0 y [x] y 6 b out yB10 2.0 n 2 y 6 f,m,s,b out yG10 15.0 n 3 y 6 [x] out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,m,a out n

B10 13.0 n 2 n [x] [x] [x] yG10 8.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b out yB10 [x] n 4 y 12 o out yB10 4.0 n 4 y 12 o out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 7 b out yB10 13.0 n [x] y 8 f,m,b out yB10 15.0 n [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 11.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b,c both yB10 18.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,s,b out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s [x] yB10 10.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s,a,u out yB10 10.0 n 10 y [x] m,f,s,b,c out nB10 13.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 4 [x] out yB10 [x] n [x] y 4 c out yB10 5.0 n [x] y 7 b,s out yB10 4.0 n 3 y 7 f,m,b,s out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b,s out [x]B10 3.0 y [x] y 8 f,m,b,s out yB10 20.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 3.0 n 3 y 4 u out yB10 2.0 n 2 y 8 f,m,b,s out yB10 1.0 n 3 y 4 u out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out nB10 2.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,b,o out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 5 s,o out yB10 2.0 n 2 y 5 f,m,b,c out yB10 15.0 y [x] y 3 f,m out yG10 13.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 8.0 y [x] y 5 m,a,b,s,c both yB10 5.0 y [x] y 6 o out yB10 10.0 n 10 y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 12.0 n [x] y 6 s out yB10 11.0 y [x] y 3 o out yB10 10.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 10.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 2 s out yB10 5.0 n 2 y 3 o [x] yG10 14.0 y [x] y 6 [x] out yG10 3.0 n [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 14.0 y [x] y 5 o out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 4 m,b,s [x] nB10 3.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 13.0 y [x] y 7 m,f,s,b,c both yB10 19.0 y [x] y 3 f,m out y

B10 15.0 n 3 y 5 o out nB10 11.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yG10 3.0 y [x] y 3 f,m out yB10 18.0 y [x] y 7 [x] out yB10 20.0 n [x] y 7 f,m,b,c out yB10 13.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,s,o out yB10 [x] n 3 y 7 f,m,o out yB10 9.0 y [x] y [x] c out yB10 19.0 n 12 y 5 f,m,s,o out yB10 19.0 n 12 y 5 f,m,a,c out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 10.0 n 2 y 7 f,m,b,s out yB10 5.0 n 2 y 3 f,m,s,o out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 6 o out yB10 3.0 y [x] y 5 [x] out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 8 o out yB10 4.0 n [x] y 3 o out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b,s out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 7 f,m,b out yB10 15.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,a,o out yB10 0.3 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s,a,u out yG10 25.0 n [x] y 4 f,m,o out yB10 16.0 y [x] y [x] f,m,b out yB10 [x] y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 17.0 n 3 y 3 f,m,b out yB10 15.0 y [x] y 6 f,m,b,s out yB10 12.0 n 4 y [x] f,m,b out yB10 8.0 n [x] y 2 s,c out yB10 7.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b out yB10 6.0 n 6 y 2 f,m out yB10 3.0 n 3 y 5 f,b out nB10 2.0 y [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 4.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,a,o out yB10 4.0 n 2 y 4 m,s out yB10 13.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out nB10 5.0 y [x] y 3 m,b,s out yB10 20.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b,s out yB10 20.0 n [x] y [x] f,m,b,s out yB10 1.0 n [x] y 5 f,m,b,s out yB10 25.0 y [x] y 2 a out yB10 2.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,b,c out yB10 10.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 3.0 n [x] y [x] o out yB10 2.0 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] yG10 2.0 n 2 y 4 m,b out yB10 10.0 n 2 y 5 [x] out yB10 10.0 n 2 y 5 [x] out yG10 2.0 n 2 y 2 b out y

B10 2.0 n 2 y 4 f,m,a,u out yB10 0.3 y [x] y 3 [x] out yB10 0.3 y [x] y 1 o out yB10 0.3 y [x] y 5 o out yB10 0.3 y [x] y 5 o out yB10 1.0 y [x] y 3 s,o out yA10 1.0 y [x] y 3 o out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 9 f,m,b,c out yB10 7.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 14.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 10.0 y [x] y 5 o out yB10 9.0 y [x] y 4 o out yB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 6.0 y [x] y [x] o out yB10 5.0 y [x] y 6 o out yB10 3.0 n 3 y 4 f,m,b out nB10 1.0 y [x] y 2 c in nB10 1.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,s out nB10 0.5 y [x] y 4 f,o out yA10 [x] y [x] y 2 f,m out nB10 1.0 y [x] y 3 f,m,b out yB10 2.0 y [x] y 4 f,m,b out yB10 [x] y [x] y 5 f,o out yB10 13.0 y [x] y 35 f,m,b,c,o out yB10 6.0 n 3 y 20 f,m,b,c out yB10 0.1 y [x] n [x] [x] [x] nB10 0.3 n 2 y 3 c out yB10 0.3 n 2 y 3 c out yB10 0.2 y [x] y 3 [x] out yB10 0.2 y [x] y 2 [x] out yB10 0.2 y [x] y 3 c out yB10 0.2 y [x] y 2 o out yB10 6.0 y [x] y 6 m,b,s,a out yB10 8.0 y [x] y [x] [x] out yB10 5.0 n [x] n 5 a,u,c out y

Q19.num Q20.in.out Q21.ref.lab Q22.job Q23.bf.yrs Q24.want Q25.ref.in.out.bth Q26.job.typ[x] [x] l y 3.00000 [x] out ngo[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out teach[x] both l y [x] [x] out fact[x] both l y 2.00000 [x] out fact[x] [x] l y 2.00000 [x] out teach[x] [x] l y 8.00000 y out stud[x] [x] l y 2.00000 [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out other[x] both l y 2.00000 [x] out fact[x] both l y 0.03846 [x] out fact

5 out l y [x] [x] out teach[x] [x] l y 2.00000 [x] out fact[x] [x] l y 5.00000 [x] out other[x] [x] l y 2.00000 [x] out fact[x] in l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l y 0.16667 [x] out ngo[x] [x] r n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] y [x] stud[x] both l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out teach[x] both l y 0.33333 [x] out ngo[x] both l y [x] [x] out ngo[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out teach[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] both l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out other[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out ngo

2 out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y 5.00000 [x] [x] fact[x] [x] l y 0.83333 [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sell[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] out l y 0.16667 [x] out fact[x] out l y 0.58333 [x] out teach[x] [x] l y 2.00000 [x] out teach[x] out l y [x] [x] out teach[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] in l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

7 out l y 0.16667 y out staff[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out teach[x] out l y 0.03846 y out other

15 both l y 0.16667 y out fact[x] both l y 0.08333 y out fact[x] both l y 0.05769 y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] y out maid[x] out l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out teach[x] out o y 6.00000 y out teach[x] [x] r n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] both o n [x] n [x] stud

6 out o n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud

10 both o n [x] n [x] stud6 out o n [x] n [x] stud2 out o n [x] n [x] stud1 out o n [x] n [x] stud

10 out l n [x] y [x] stud[x] out l n [x] y [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] y [x] stud[x] out o n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] stud

10 in l n [x] n [x] stud3 out l n [x] n [x] stud

many out l y [x] y out other[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l y 4.00000 [x] out teach[x] both l y 3.00000 [x] out teach[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud

5 out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l y [x] y out stud

2 out o n [x] n [x] stud[x] out o n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] y [x] stud

[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] y [x] stud

3 out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud

1 out l n [x] y [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud

10 out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] y [x] stud[x] out l n [x] y [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] y [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud

1 out l n [x] n [x] stud2 out l n [x] n [x] stud2 out l y [x] y out rest

[x] both l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l y [x] n out teach[x] out l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y 0.08333 n out fact[x] out l y 0.08333 y out const[x] out l y 5.00000 y out const[x] out o y [x] n out fact[x] out l y 0.25000 y out ngo[x] out l y 0.08333 n out sew[x] out l y 1.00000 y out ngo[x] out l y 0.66667 y out fact[x] out l y 0.41667 y out fact[x] out o y 0.16667 y out teach[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

2 out l y [x] [x] in day[x] out [x] y [x] [x] in sellmany in r y [x] [x] in farmmany both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

3 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

10 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both l n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both l n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

5 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]5 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both l y [x] n out constmany out l y 0.00822 n out const

18 in r n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] both r y [x] [x] in daymany both l y 0.01923 n out factmany out l y 0.00822 n out const

7 in l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] n out const[x] both r y [x] [x] both sell

31 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]3 out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

20 in r y [x] [x] out sell1000 out l y 0.00548 [x] out const

many out l y 0.00274 n out constmany out l y [x] n out const

500 out l y [x] n out constmany out l y [x] n out constmany out l y [x] n out sell[x] out r y [x] [x] both sell[x] both r y [x] [x] in sellmany out l y 0.00548 n out sew

4 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

1000 out l y [x] n out sewmany out l y 0.50000 y out sewmany out l y [x] y out const

10000 out l y [x] n out const10000 out l y 0.01096 n out const10000 out l y 0.01096 n out sew

[x] out l y [x] [x] out sew[x] out l y [x] n out sell

1000 out l y [x] n out ngomany out l y 0.01370 n out ngo

4 both l y 0.00548 n out fact10000 both l y 0.01923 [x] out const

1000 both l y 0.00548 n out constmany out l y 0.00548 n out const

100 out l y 0.01096 n out const108 out l y 0.00548 n out const

many out l y [x] y out restmany out l y [x] y out factmany out l y 0.00548 [x] out fact

1000 out l y [x] y out sew

many out l y 0.01370 [x] out const10000 out l y [x] n out fact

many out l y 0.00548 n out sew10000 out l y 0.00548 n out staff

many out l y [x] n out fact20000 out l y 0.00822 n out const

many out l y [x] n out const1000 out l y [x] n out sell

30000 out l y 0.01370 n out sewmany out l y [x] n out const

10000 both r y 0.01096 n out constmany out l y 0.00548 n out sellmany out l y 1.00000 n out constmany out l y [x] n out rest

200 out l y 0.00548 [x] out constmany out l y 0.01370 n out constmany out l y [x] n out const

200 out l y 0.00548 y out sew108 out l y 0.00548 n out sell

[x] both o y [x] [x] in sellmany out o y [x] [x] out sell[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r y [x] [x] both sell

60 out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]3 both l n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] in o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

60 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y 1.00000 [x] out ngo[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y 0.08333 y out fact

18 out l y [x] n out fact[x] out l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out const[x] out l y [x] n out sew[x] out l y [x] y out other[x] out l y [x] y out other[x] out l y [x] y out const[x] both o y [x] n out fact

15 out l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] y out const[x] out l y 0.08333 y out fact[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l y [x] n out fact[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] both l n [x] n [x] stud

[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact8 out l y [x] y out const

[x] [x] l y [x] y out other[x] [x] l y [x] n out fact[x] out l y [x] y out other[x] out l y [x] y out const[x] out l y [x] y out other

4 out l y [x] y out const[x] out l y [x] y out other[x] [x] l y [x] y out other[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y 0.01923 y out other[x] both l y 0.08333 y out fact[x] out l n [x] n [x] [x][x] out l n [x] y [x] [x][x] out l n [x] y [x] [x][x] out l y [x] y out staff[x] out l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y [x] n out maid[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in nurse[x] both r y [x] [x] both day

34 both r y 8.00000 [x] in day5 out l n [x] y [x] stud

[x] [x] r n [x] y [x] stud[x] out l n [x] y [x] stud[x] in r n [x] n [x] stud

15 out r n [x] n [x] stud[x] out o n [x] n [x] stud

2 out l n [x] n [x] stud5 out l n [x] n [x] stud2 out l n [x] n [x] stud

[x] out l n [x] n [x] studmany out l n [x] n [x] stud

6 out l n [x] n [x] stud15 out l n [x] n [x] stud

[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] in r y [x] [x] out farm[x] [x] r n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] r n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] r n [x] n [x] stud[x] both r n [x] n [x] stud[x] both r n [x] y [x] stud[x] out r n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] o n [x] n [x] stud

4 out o n [x] n [x] stud7 out o n [x] n [x] stud

[x] out o n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud

[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] both l n [x] n [x] stud[x] both l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud

10 out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud

10 out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud

2 out l n [x] n [x] stud3 out l n [x] n [x] stud

[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud1 out l n [x] n [x] stud

[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud

6 out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud

8 out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud

6 out l n [x] n [x] stud2 out l n [x] n [x] stud

[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] y [x] studmany out l y [x] y out other[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] studmany out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud

4 out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sew

4 both r n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] o n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud

5 in l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l y [x] y out maid[x] out l n [x] y [x] [x]

[x] out l y [x] y out rest[x] out l y [x] y out const[x] out l y [x] y out rest[x] out l y [x] y out sew[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in ngo

5 out r n [x] n [x] stud[x] out o n [x] n [x] stud

15 out o n [x] n [x] stud5 out o n [x] n [x] stud5 out o n [x] n [x] stud

10 out o n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud

4 out l n [x] y [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] o y 4.00000 y out teach[x] [x] o n [x] n [x] stud

10 in r y [x] y out daymany both r y 4.00000 y out teachmany both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

5 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many out o n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both o y [x] [x] both daymany both r y [x] [x] out daymany in o y [x] [x] in day[x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] o y [x] [x] in ngo[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

2 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] o [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y 9.00000 [x] [x] farmmany both r y 8.00000 [x] [x] farm[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] in ngo[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] in teach[x] both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out r y [x] [x] in day[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y 15.00000 [x] [x] day[x] in r y [x] [x] in daymany in r y 6.00000 [x] both daymany in o y [x] [x] in farm

3 out r y [x] [x] out farm[x] [x] r y [x] [x] both farm[x] out r y [x] [x] out ngo[x] [x] o n [x] n [x] stud

2 out o n [x] n [x] stud[x] out o n [x] n [x] stud

12 out o n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] studmany in r y [x] [x] out ngo[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out teach[x] out r y [x] [x] in teach

100 in r y 1.00000 [x] in sell[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out r y [x] [x] in ngo[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y [x] [x] in ngo

6 in r y [x] [x] out farm[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in daymany both r y 2.00000 [x] in sew[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] in [x][x] out r y [x] [x] in sew[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r y [x] [x] in ngo[x] in r y 8.00000 [x] out daymany both r y 10.00000 [x] in farmmany in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

5 both r y [x] [x] in farm1 in r y [x] [x] in [x]

[x] out r y [x] [x] in sell1 in r y [x] [x] in farm

many both o y [x] [x] in ngo[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out daymany in r y [x] [x] [x] teach[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r y [x] [x] in sewmany both r y [x] [x] in sewmany in r y 2.00000 [x] in nurse[x] [x] r y [x] [x] both farm[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] in [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y [x] [x] in farm

[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]5 out l y [x] [x] in sell

30 both r y [x] [x] both sew[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] r y 3.00000 [x] out day

10 out l y [x] y out fact[x] in r y 4.00000 [x] in day[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

10 out l y [x] y out const10 [x] l n [x] n [x] [x]

[x] [x] r y 5.00000 [x] in farm10 out l y [x] y out const10 out l y [x] y out fact

many out l y 0.33333 y out factmany out l y [x] y out factmany out l y 0.08333 y out fact

10 out l y [x] y out factmany out l y 0.16667 y out factmany out l y [x] y out const

10 out l y [x] y out fact10 out l y [x] y out fact

many out l y 0.08333 y out factmany out l y [x] y out factmany out l y [x] y out fact

10 out l y [x] y out fact10 out l y [x] y out fact

many out l y [x] y out factmany out l y [x] [x] out factmany out l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y [x] y out fact[x] out o y [x] n out teachmany in r y 6.00000 [x] both [x]many in r y 8.00000 [x] both day

3 both r y [x] [x] in farmmany both r y [x] [x] both day[x] out r y [x] [x] both farm[x] both r y 9.00000 [x] in ngo[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] out teach[x] [x] r y [x] [x] both day

5 in r y 7.00000 [x] both day4 out r y [x] [x] both day

10 in r y [x] [x] in teach2 out l n [x] [x] [x] [x]

many both r y [x] [x] in sell[x] [x] r y 7.00000 [x] [x] ngo

7 both r y [x] [x] in day[x] [x] l y [x] n out teach

many out l y 0.08333 y out fact[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out farmmany out l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out farm[x] [x] r y 5.00000 [x] in teach

1 in r y 1.00000 [x] in teach[x] out l y [x] y out sell[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y 3.00000 [x] in ngo[x] in r y [x] [x] in farmmany out r y [x] [x] in sell[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] in ngo[x] [x] r y 5.00000 [x] in ngo[x] both l y [x] [x] out daymany both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r y [x] [x] out farm[x] out r y [x] [x] both farm

3 in r y 7.00000 [x] in day[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] both farm

16 both r y 1.00000 [x] in teach[x] in o y [x] [x] out sellmany out l y 0.33333 y out factmany out l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y [x] y out fact

5 out l y 0.33333 [x] out fact10 out l y 0.08333 y out fact10 out l y 0.33333 y out fact

[x] out l y 0.08333 y out factmany out l y 0.08333 y out factmany out l y 0.08333 y out factmany out l y 0.16667 y out fact[x] out l y [x] y out fact[x] both o y [x] [x] both farmmany in o y [x] [x] both farm[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out r y [x] [x] out farm[x] [x] r y 3.00000 [x] in ngo

20 both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out l y 3.00000 [x] in day[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both o y [x] [x] both sell[x] both r y [x] [x] in day

4 both o y 2.00000 [x] in teach

many in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] r y [x] [x] both day

20 both r y 5.00000 [x] in teach[x] [x] o y [x] [x] both teach[x] both r y [x] [x] both day[x] in r y [x] [x] both day

27 in r y 2.00000 [x] in teach200 in r y 1.00000 [x] in ngo

many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] o y [x] [x] in daymany both r y 4.00000 [x] in ngo[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many out l y 0.08333 y out fact[x] [x] r y 1.00000 [x] in day

100 both r y 5.00000 [x] in ngo300 in r y 1.00000 [x] in sell500 in r y 2.00000 [x] in day

40 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]30 both o y 10.00000 [x] in sell

[x] [x] l y 3.00000 [x] in ngo[x] [x] o y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in constmany out l y [x] [x] in ngo

10 [x] l y [x] y out const[x] out o y [x] [x] out day[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out farm[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out ngo[x] [x] l y [x] y out maid[x] [x] l y [x] y out factmany in l y [x] y out maid[x] out l y [x] y out sew[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] y out sell

10 both l y 0.41667 n out maid4 out l y [x] y out fact

[x] out l y [x] y out const10 out l y 2.00000 y out maid

4 out l y [x] y out maid[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out maid

2 out o y [x] y out fact6 both l y [x] [x] out fact

[x] both l y [x] y out fact2 out l y [x] [x] out fact1 out l y [x] [x] out fact

[x] out l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l y [x] n out ngo

4 [x] l y [x] [x] out sell[x] out l y [x] y out sell

2 out l y 0.25000 y out sell[x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const

15 out l y [x] y out fact[x] out l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both l y [x] [x] out ngo

3 out l y [x] n out teach[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact

30 in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out maid[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out factmany out l y 9.00000 y out maidmany out l y 3.00000 [x] out sew[x] out l y [x] y out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out const

10 out l y [x] y out factmany [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] in farm

10 [x] l y [x] y out sell[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact

7 out l y [x] y out factmany out l y 8.00000 y out sellmany out l y 5.00000 [x] out fact

10 out l y [x] y out fact10 out l y [x] y out fact10 out l y [x] y out fact

many out l y 0.16667 y out teach10 out l y [x] y out const10 out l y [x] y out const

many out l y 0.16667 y out factmany out l y 0.25000 y out factmany out l y [x] y out constmany out l y 0.16667 y out fact[x] out l y [x] y out fact

10 out l y [x] y out fact5 out l y 0.33333 y out fact

many out l y 0.08333 y out const10 out l y [x] y out fact

6 out l y [x] y out fact10 out l y 0.16667 y out fact

many out l y 0.16667 y out fact[x] out l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y 0.16667 y out factmany out l y [x] y out factmany out l y 8.00000 n out [x]

3 out l y [x] n out fact7 out l y [x] [x] out const

20 [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]10 out l y [x] y out sell10 out l y [x] y out const

[x] [x] l y [x] y out const10 out l y 1.00000 [x] out teach10 out l y [x] y out staff

[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out teach[x] both l y 7.00000 [x] out ngo

2 out l y 18.00000 [x] out teach12 [x] l y [x] y out fact

5 out l y [x] y out const7 both r y [x] [x] out day

50 out l y [x] [x] out factmany [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

100 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] o n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in day

5 in r y [x] [x] in day[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out farm

2 out o y [x] [x] out stud[x] in r y [x] [x] out farm[x] [x] o y 0.25000 [x] out maid[x] [x] l y [x] y out teachmany both o n [x] n [x] stud

5 out l y 3.00000 [x] out const[x] [x] o y [x] n out sewmany out l y 0.16667 y out factmany out l y [x] n out maid[x] out l y [x] y out factmany out l y 0.16667 y out fact

10 out l y [x] y out factmany out l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out day

4 in l y [x] y out maid[x] out l y [x] [x] out factmany out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] out l y [x] y out rest[x] out l y [x] y out const

[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out factmany out l y [x] [x] out teach

8 out l y 1.00000 y out fact7 out l y 0.08333 [x] out maid

16 out l y [x] y out sell[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y 0.41667 y out maid

10 out l y 0.16667 y out fact10 out l y 0.04110 y out fact

[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact10 out l y [x] y out fact

[x] [x] r y 5.00000 [x] out teach[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] in l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] y out maid

10 in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] both l y [x] y out const[x] out l y [x] y out fact

15 out l y [x] y out fact[x] in r y [x] [x] both sell[x] out l y [x] y out sew[x] both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact

50 out l y [x] y out const[x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out l y [x] y out maid[x] out l y [x] y out sell

10 out l y 6.00000 [x] out ngo5 [x] l y [x] [x] out maid

[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sew[x] [x] l y [x] n out teach[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out maid[x] out l y [x] y out sew

3 out l y 3.00000 y out maid[x] [x] l y 1.00000 y out fact[x] in r y [x] [x] in const

10 out l y 1.00000 y out staff[x] both r y [x] [x] in day[x] both r y 5.00000 [x] in teach[x] out r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact

40 both r y [x] [x] both day7 out l y [x] [x] in sell

10 out r y [x] [x] in daymany [x] r y [x] [x] both farm

2 out o n [x] [x] [x] stud2 [x] l n [x] y [x] stud

[x] both l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] out o n [x] y [x] stud[x] both r y [x] n out teach[x] out r y [x] [x] in [x]

2 both r n [x] n [x] stud[x] both r y [x] [x] out ngo[x] [x] l y [x] y out teachmany out l n 0.08333 y [x] stud[x] [x] l y 1.00000 [x] out teach[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact

100 out o n [x] [x] [x] stud600 out o n [x] [x] [x] stud

[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact5 in l y 0.25000 [x] out const

[x] out l y 0.16667 [x] out other[x] out l y 0.25000 y out sew[x] out l y [x] [x] out maid

1 out l y [x] n out fact50 both r y 15.00000 [x] both day

many out r y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y 0.25000 [x] out const[x] [x] l y 0.25000 [x] out const[x] [x] l y 1.00000 y out ngo[x] [x] l y 0.25000 [x] out sew[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sellmany [x] l y 0.16667 y out const

13 out l y 0.16667 y out const[x] out l y 0.25000 y out const[x] out l y 0.25000 y out fact[x] out l y 0.25000 y out fact[x] out l y 0.16667 y out const[x] [x] [x] y [x] y out [x][x] [x] [x] y 0.08333 [x] out fact[x] [x] l y 0.25000 [x] out sew[x] [x] [x] y 0.25000 [x] out teachmany out l y 0.16667 y out const[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sew

10 out l y 8.00000 y out staffmany out l y [x] y out sew[x] out l y 0.08333 y out maid[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both o n [x] y [x] stud[x] both o n [x] y [x] stud

many out o n [x] y [x] studmany out o n [x] [x] [x] stud

15 out o n [x] n [x] stud4 out l n [x] y [x] stud

[x] out l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] out l n [x] y [x] stud[x] out r y [x] y out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out const

30 out l y 0.25000 n out maid[x] [x] l y 0.00274 [x] out teach[x] [x] l y 0.25000 [x] out teach

5 out o n [x] y [x] staff[x] [x] l n [x] y [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l n 6.00000 y [x] stud[x] out l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] out l n [x] y [x] studmany out l n [x] n [x] stud

5 out l n [x] [x] [x] studmany out l n [x] [x] [x] studmany out l n [x] y [x] stud[x] [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] both r y [x] [x] both farm[x] both o y [x] y out fact

1 out o y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y 16.00000 [x] out sew

5 both l y [x] y out teach[x] in l y [x] n out const[x] out l y 0.08333 [x] out teach

50 out l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] [x] y [x] [x] out teach

10 both [x] y [x] [x] out fact[x] out r n [x] y [x] stud

2 both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out l y 0.08333 y out sew[x] [x] r y [x] [x] both sell[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in farmmany out l y [x] y out sewmany out l y 0.02740 y out teachmany out l y 0.02740 y out teachmany out l y 0.02740 y out teachmany out l y 8.00000 [x] out factmany out l y 0.08333 y out maidmany out l y 0.08333 y out maidmany out l y 0.08333 y out maidmany out l y 0.02740 y out const

many out l y 0.02740 y out constmany out l y 0.02740 y out constmany out l y 0.02740 y out sewmany out l y 0.02740 [x] out sewmany out l y 0.02740 y out sewmany out l y 0.08333 y out constmany out l y 0.08333 y out const

5 out l y 0.25000 y out const11 out l y 0.25000 [x] out sew

1100 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]2 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]1 both r y [x] [x] in farm5 both r y [x] [x] in day

25 both r y [x] [x] in day20 both r y [x] [x] in day

2 both r y [x] [x] in farm1 in r y [x] [x] in day

[x] in r y [x] [x] in day9 in r y [x] [x] in farm5 in r y [x] [x] in farm5 in r y [x] [x] in farm6 in r y [x] [x] in day5 in r y [x] [x] in farm

[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm4 in r y [x] [x] in farm

20 out r y [x] [x] in day5 out r y [x] [x] in farm2 both r y [x] [x] in farm3 in r y [x] [x] in farm

many in o y [x] [x] in farm[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out o n [x] [x] [x] [x]many out l y 0.08333 y out constmany out l y 0.08333 y out const[x] [x] r n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] o n [x] y [x] stud[x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] stud

12 out o n [x] y [x] stud5 out o n [x] [x] [x] stud2 out o n [x] n [x] stud

[x] out o n [x] y [x] stud[x] out o n [x] y [x] stud

4 out o n [x] y [x] stud[x] out o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out o n [x] [x] [x] stud

[x] [x] l n [x] y [x] stud[x] in l n [x] y [x] stud

30 out l n 0.25000 n [x] stud[x] [x] [x] n [x] n [x] stud[x] both r y 2.00000 [x] in teach[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm

4 in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] both r y [x] y out fact[x] in r y [x] [x] out farmmany in r y [x] n out fact[x] [x] l y [x] y out staff[x] out l y [x] [x] out sew[x] [x] l n [x] y [x] stud[x] out l n [x] y [x] stud[x] out l n [x] y [x] stud

800 both o n [x] [x] [x] studmany out l y [x] [x] in teach[x] out o n [x] y [x] stud[x] out o n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] o n [x] y [x] stud

2 both r y [x] [x] in day[x] in r y [x] [x] in farmmany [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l n [x] y [x] stud[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact

5 out l y 0.08333 y out sewmany in r y 8.00000 [x] in farm

10 in r y [x] [x] in farm3 out r y [x] y out const

[x] out r y [x] y out teach[x] out r y [x] y out rest[x] out l y 0.00548 y out const

50 out l y 0.41667 y out factmany [x] l y 0.00548 y out sew[x] out l y 0.08333 y out factmany out l y 0.01370 y out const[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] in daymany [x] l y 0.00822 y out sewmany out l y 0.04110 y out sellmany out l y 0.04110 y out teachmany out l y 0.08333 y out maidmany out l y 0.08333 y out factmany out l y 0.02740 y out sewmany out l y 0.08333 y out factmany out l y 0.02740 [x] out maidmany out l y 0.00274 y out constmany out l y 0.08333 y out maid

many out l y 0.08333 [x] out sewmany out l y 0.03288 y out factmany out l y 0.02740 y out maidmany out l y 0.02740 y out maidmany out l y 0.02740 y out sewmany out l y 0.02740 [x] out sewmany out l y 0.02740 y out sewmany out l y 0.08333 [x] out constmany out l y 0.02740 y out sew[x] out l y 0.08333 y out sew[x] [x] o y [x] [x] both sell[x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] out o n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] out o y [x] [x] out fact[x] out l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] out l y [x] y out sewmany both r y [x] [x] both farm[x] out l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] both r y [x] [x] in daymany out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] in r y [x] [x] in daymany out l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] l y 7.00000 y out teach[x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] both r n [x] n [x] stud[x] out r y [x] [x] both daymany both r y 3.00000 [x] in sell[x] in o y [x] [x] in farmmany both r y 4.00000 [x] both taximany in r y [x] [x] both farm[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out r y [x] [x] in farm[x] both r y [x] [x] in ngo

3 in r y [x] y out sew[x] out o y [x] n out maid[x] [x] l y [x] y out const[x] out l y 0.16667 y out sew

5 out l y 0.41667 y out const[x] out l y 0.16667 y out const

5 out l y 0.41667 y out const[x] out l y 0.16667 y out const[x] [x] o y 6.00000 y out teach[x] [x] r y 6.00000 [x] [x] day[x] both r n [x] [x] in [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o n [x] n [x] studmany [x] r y [x] [x] in ngo

[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out teach[x] [x] r y [x] y out teach[x] out o y 0.16667 y out maid[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

50 out l n [x] [x] [x] stud4 out r y 0.08333 [x] out sell

[x] both r y [x] [x] both const[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] both r y [x] [x] out farm

9 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y [x] [x] in day[x] [x] r y [x] [x] both sell[x] [x] o y [x] [x] both day[x] both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm

4 both r y 10.00000 [x] both sell[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

100 in r y [x] [x] in teach13 in r y [x] [x] in farm

[x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] in mech[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] out daymany in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

20 in o y [x] [x] both day[x] in r y [x] [x] out farmmany both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y 18.00000 [x] both farm[x] in r y [x] [x] both day[x] [x] r y 1.00000 [x] in mech

100 in r y [x] [x] in farm7 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]3 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]3 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

3 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]8 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]3 both r y [x] [x] [x] farm5 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]6 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]3 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

10 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]2 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]6 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]3 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]4 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

37 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]6 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] both r [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]4 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]7 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]1 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]5 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]4 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]2 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]5 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]3 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]4 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]3 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]4 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]3 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]2 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]6 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

45 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]3 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

70 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]1 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]2 out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y 7.00000 [x] both teach

7 out l y [x] [x] both day[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in farm

many both r y [x] [x] in day[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] in nurse[x] out r y [x] [x] in ngo

12 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]1 in r y [x] [x] out day

[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] both farm

400 both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] r y 5.00000 [x] out staff[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

4 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]5 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

5 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o y 2.00000 [x] [x] day[x] in o n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r y [x] [x] both day[x] in r y [x] [x] both farm[x] both r y [x] [x] in farm

17 both r y 8.00000 [x] in ngomany both r y [x] [x] in sell

1000 both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] both r n [x] [x] in [x][x] in r y [x] [x] in daymany in r y 8.00000 [x] in farm

4 in r y [x] [x] in farm29 in r y [x] [x] in teach10 in r y [x] [x] in farm

[x] out r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out r y [x] [x] in daymany in r y [x] [x] out farm[x] [x] r [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y 10.00000 [x] [x] day[x] both r y 6.00000 [x] [x] day

10 both r y 5.00000 [x] in ngo4 in r y [x] [x] out day

2 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]10 in l n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] both l y [x] [x] out farm5 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]3 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]5 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

many in r y 3.00000 [x] in sell[x] [x] o y 25.00000 [x] [x] day

9 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]4 in r y [x] [x] in farm

[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]20 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

5 in r y [x] [x] both day[x] in r y 5.00000 [x] both day[x] in r y 4.00000 [x] both day[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

2 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]10 both r y 24.00000 [x] both day

[x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r y 7.00000 [x] in teach

1 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]7 both r y 9.00000 [x] both farm

many in r y [x] [x] in farmmany both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

10 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

5 out r y 8.00000 [x] [x] farm[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in farmmany both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

2 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]14 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]50 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

3 in r y [x] [x] [x] day[x] in o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

1 out r y [x] [x] out day5 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] [x]10 both r y 24.00000 [x] both day

[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

4 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] both day

2 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r y [x] [x] in teach

6 in r y [x] [x] both teachmany in r y [x] [x] both farm

10 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]19 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

2 both r y 3.00000 [x] in farmmany both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r y [x] [x] in farmmany in r y [x] [x] in farm

11 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] both ngo[x] out l y [x] y out rest[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out l n [x] [x] [x] [x]

3 in o y [x] [x] in daymany both r y [x] [x] in sell[x] in r y [x] [x] in farmmany both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

2 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] in day[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y 1.00000 [x] in sell

10000 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]many both l n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r y 5.00000 [x] both farmmany in r y 6.00000 [x] [x] day[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r y 15.00000 [x] in sew

7 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

5 both r y [x] [x] both day1 both r y [x] [x] out farm

many both l y [x] [x] both day[x] both r y [x] [x] out farmmany both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

10 out r y [x] [x] both day[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] o y [x] [x] [x] farm[x] in o y [x] [x] [x] farm[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] r y [x] [x] both ngo[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out l n [x] [x] [x] [x]

6 out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r y 4.00000 [x] [x] nurse[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm

20 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y [x] [x] [x] farm[x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

3 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]10 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

4 out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

3 both r y [x] [x] out sell[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out farmmany out r [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y [x] [x] in day[x] [x] o y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

4 both o n [x] [x] [x] [x]8 out o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] out day

4 in o n [x] [x] [x] [x]3 out o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in day70 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]5 both r y 1.00000 [x] in teach

many in r y [x] [x] in ngo[x] in o y [x] [x] in day[x] out r y [x] [x] out farmmany both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r y 6.00000 [x] in ngo[x] [x] r y 2.00000 [x] in sell[x] [x] r [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] stud

200 in o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] [x] farm

1 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

10 both r n [x] [x] in stud[x] both r n [x] [x] out sell[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out day

1 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]20 out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

30 both r y [x] [x] both farm[x] in r y [x] [x] both day[x] out r y [x] [x] in day[x] out r y [x] [x] in day[x] out r y [x] [x] in day[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out farm

2 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]1 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]5 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]3 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

20 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in o y [x] [x] [x] teach[x] [x] r y [x] [x] both day[x] out r y [x] [x] both const[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in day

15 both r y [x] [x] in teach11 in r [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] [x] farm[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] [x] day[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y [x] [x] [x] day[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

4 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

7 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

2 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

7 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y [x] [x] [x] day[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y [x] [x] [x] farm[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y [x] [x] [x] farm[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

5 both o n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

9 in o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

20 in o n [x] [x] [x] [x]7 in l n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] both day[x] both r y [x] [x] both daymany in r y [x] [x] both daymany in r y [x] [x] both daymany in r y [x] [x] both teach[x] in r y [x] [x] both farm[x] in r y [x] [x] both farm

50 [x] r y [x] [x] in day[x] [x] r n 4.00000 [x] in studmany both r n [x] [x] in stud

10 both r n 6.00000 [x] in stud[x] in r y [x] [x] in sellmany in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out r y 2.00000 [x] in teach[x] [x] o y [x] [x] in stud[x] out o y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out farm[x] out o y [x] [x] out farm[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] both const

1 in r y 1.00000 [x] in ngo[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

4 [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

18 [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

11 [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

7 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

2 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

5 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

50 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

15 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]3 out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]2 out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] o y [x] [x] [x] farm[x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

7 in o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]

8 in [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r y [x] [x] both daymany both r y [x] [x] both farm[x] in r y [x] [x] both farm[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in farm[x] both r y [x] [x] in farmmany both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] both r y [x] [x] in ngo

10 both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] both r n [x] [x] in [x]

9 in r y [x] [x] in farm6 in r y [x] [x] in ngo

100 in r y [x] [x] in day6 in r y [x] [x] in [x]

[x] [x] o n [x] [x] in stud[x] in o y [x] [x] in day

3 in r y 6.00000 [x] out const[x] out r n [x] [x] out stud

13 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both l y [x] [x] out sell[x] out r y 1.00000 [x] in teach

1100 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y [x] [x] [x] farm[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

3 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

3 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out o n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] out o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

30 both l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] both day

1 both r y [x] [x] both daymany both r y [x] [x] both day[x] in r y [x] [x] both farm[x] in r y [x] [x] both farm[x] both o y [x] [x] both farm[x] in o y [x] [x] both daymany both r y [x] [x] in [x]many in r y [x] [x] in ngo

30 in l y [x] [x] in farm[x] out r y [x] [x] out const[x] both r y [x] [x] [x] day[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in o y [x] [x] [x] const

10 both r y [x] [x] both farm[x] out r y [x] [x] both daymany [x] r y [x] [x] in teach

1 in r y 1.00000 [x] in teach[x] in r y [x] [x] out farm[x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in o y [x] [x] [x] farm

10 both r y [x] [x] both stud[x] in o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

50 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] in farm

2 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both o n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r y 3.00000 [x] in sell[x] both r y [x] [x] in ngomany in r y [x] [x] in sell[x] [x] r [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r y [x] [x] [x] ngo

15 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]20 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

3 out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y [x] [x] both daymany both r y 2.00000 [x] in ngomany both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

3 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

1 in r y [x] [x] both sell[x] out [x] y [x] [x] out farm

8 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

12 out r y [x] [x] out sell[x] out l y [x] [x] out day[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r y 3.00000 [x] [x] ngo[x] both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

2 out r y [x] [x] out daymany both r y [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

14 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r y [x] [x] [x] farm[x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

1000 in r y 1.00000 [x] in teach28 out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] both const[x] in o y [x] [x] both day[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in ngo

5 both r y [x] [x] in daymany both r y [x] [x] in ngo[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] o [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

4 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

5 in o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] [x]

100 in r y [x] [x] in day[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out farmmany both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

10 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y [x] [x] both day[x] out r y [x] [x] both const

3 both l y [x] [x] out farm[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

1 in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] r y [x] [x] both farmmany both r y 2.00000 [x] [x] ngo[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

50 in r [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]7 both r y [x] [x] out farm

[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r y [x] [x] in daymany both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

10 in r y [x] [x] [x] teach[x] in r y [x] [x] [x] farm

[x] both l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] both ngo[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

3 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r y [x] [x] both day[x] in r y [x] [x] both ngo[x] both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] both r [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] in sellmany both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

10 [x] r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] in ngo[x] out r y 7.00000 [x] in teach[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out farm[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

1 [x] r y [x] [x] out day[x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

5 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]2 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] r y [x] [x] [x] farm150 both r y [x] [x] both day

1 [x] r y [x] [x] in farmmany both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

10 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]1 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] in day[x] out l y [x] [x] out daymany both l n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

2 in r y [x] [x] both farm[x] in r y [x] [x] in teach

80 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

100 in r y [x] [x] in farm3 out l n [x] [x] [x] [x]

many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]2 out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x]100 both l n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]8 both o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] in l y [x] [x] in day

11 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] [x] farmmany both r y [x] [x] in teach[x] in r y [x] [x] in day

6 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]4 out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]1 out r y [x] [x] out farm5 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

many in o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

10 [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

20 [x] r y [x] [x] in day[x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] both farm[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

20 in r y 5.00000 [x] [x] teach32 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] l y [x] [x] [x] day[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in farm[x] both l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l y [x] [x] out maid[x] out l y [x] [x] out sew[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] out [x][x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] stud

1 [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y 4.00000 [x] both nurse[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out [x] y [x] [x] in farm[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out teach

20 both r y [x] [x] both ngo[x] in r y [x] [x] in daymany in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] both l y [x] [x] in day[x] in l y [x] [x] in farm

10 in l y [x] [x] in day10 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l y [x] y out [x]many out l n [x] [x] [x] studmany in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] in ngo

4 out l y 1.00000 y out maid[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o y [x] [x] both farm

5 in r y [x] [x] in day[x] both r y [x] [x] out day[x] out l y 1.00000 [x] out maid[x] out l y [x] n out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

3 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in o y [x] [x] both farm

4 both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out l y [x] y out fact[x] in l y [x] [x] out daymany out r [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

12 [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]20 [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

6 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]30 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]80 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

20 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]35 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]70 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]30 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]15 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] out r y [x] [x] both farm[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in day[x] in r y 11.00000 [x] in teach[x] in r y [x] [x] in day[x] out r y [x] [x] out day[x] both o y [x] [x] both farm

3 both r y [x] [x] in daymany both o y [x] [x] in day[x] out r y [x] [x] out daymany both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r y [x] [x] [x] daymany both r y [x] [x] [x] farmmany in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r y [x] [x] [x] farm[x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in l n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r y [x] [x] both day

12 in r y [x] [x] both sell[x] in o y [x] [x] both sellmany both r y [x] [x] in ngomany in r y [x] [x] out farmmany in r y [x] [x] out daymany in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r y [x] [x] [x] sell[x] [x] r y [x] [x] both day[x] [x] r y [x] [x] both day[x] in r n [x] [x] in studmany in r y [x] [x] out const[x] both r y [x] [x] both farm[x] both l y [x] n out fact[x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

50 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

many in r y [x] [x] both farm[x] [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

10 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both l y [x] [x] [x] farm[x] in [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y [x] [x] in day[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] in day[x] both r y [x] [x] out day[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l y 2.00000 [x] out sell

5 in l y [x] [x] in day2 both l y [x] [x] both farm

[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out factmany both r y 2.00000 [x] both ngo[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out o n [x] [x] [x] studmany in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r y [x] [x] both farm

3 out l y 0.00274 [x] out maid[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

2 out l y 0.16667 y out fact[x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

2 both o y [x] [x] both daymany both r n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

200 both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] both sell[x] both r y [x] [x] both day

[x] in r y [x] [x] in day[x] in [x] y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] out sell

25 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both l y [x] [x] out day

3 in [x] n [x] [x] [x] [x]4 both r y [x] [x] in farm

[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out day[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out farmmany both l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in l n [x] [x] [x] [x]

3 both r y [x] [x] out sell[x] in o y [x] [x] out daymany in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r y [x] [x] [x] farmmany in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r y [x] [x] [x] farmmany both r y [x] [x] both farmmany both r y [x] [x] in daymany both r y [x] [x] out farmmany in r y [x] [x] out farmmany out r y [x] [x] out day[x] both r y [x] [x] both farmmany [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both o y [x] [x] in day[x] in l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r y [x] [x] out farm[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] both day[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in day[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

8 out l y [x] n out rest[x] out l y [x] n out const

[x] in l y [x] y out sew[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out constmany out l y [x] y out fact

1 out l y [x] y out day[x] out l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] [x] y [x] y out sell[x] [x] l y [x] n out fact

8 out l y [x] y out const4 out l y [x] [x] out const5 out l y 0.25000 [x] out sell2 out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]6 out l y [x] [x] out fact2 out l y 5.00000 y out fact

100 out l y [x] y out const5 out l y [x] y out fact

[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] both l y 1.00000 y out maid[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] stud

10 out o n [x] [x] [x] stud10 out l y 0.50000 y out const

[x] [x] l y 0.16667 y out maid[x] [x] l y 0.16667 y out maid

30 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out l y [x] [x] out rest

5 out l y [x] y out sell[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y 0.25000 y out sell[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] in l y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sell[x] [x] l y 0.25000 y out fact

7 out l y 1.00000 y out fact[x] [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x] stud

3 out l y 1.00000 [x] out teach20 both l y [x] y out sell

[x] both l y [x] y out sell[x] out o y [x] y out fact

4 out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out r y [x] [x] out sellmany both l y 10.00000 y out restmany out l y 10.00000 y out rest

2 out l y 1.00000 n out sew2 out l y 0.16667 y out fact

[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y [x] y out sew

80 both l n [x] y [x] stud[x] [x] l y 3.00000 [x] out fact

[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact3 out o y 0.16667 [x] out sew

[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out maid[x] out l y [x] n out fact

16 out l n 12.00000 n [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] sell[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sew[x] [x] [x] y [x] [x] out sew[x] out o y [x] [x] out day[x] [x] l y [x] y out sewmany out o n [x] y [x] [x][x] [x] l n [x] y [x] [x][x] both l n [x] y [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] in day[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm

5 both r y [x] [x] out ngo3 both o y [x] y out const

[x] out o y 0.08333 y out sell[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out [x][x] [x] l y [x] [x] out maid

4 [x] l y [x] [x] out sew[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out ngo[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sell[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const

6 out l y 10.00000 y out fact5 out l y [x] [x] out fact

[x] out l y [x] [x] out sew[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact

6 in l y [x] y out const6 out l y [x] [x] out const4 out l y 1.00000 y out const5 in r y 7.00000 [x] in ngo

[x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both l n 0.91667 n [x] [x][x] [x] l y [x] n out fact

6 out l y 0.25000 y out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out sell

3 out l y 0.41667 n out fact2 out l y [x] y out sell5 out l y [x] [x] out fact2 out l y [x] [x] out fact

[x] [x] [x] y [x] y out rest[x] in [x] y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] r y 4.00000 [x] in teach[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out fact[x] out o y [x] [x] out sell

[x] [x] l y 0.25000 [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out factmany both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both l y [x] [x] out ngo[x] [x] r y 0.25000 [x] out ngo

3 out l y [x] [x] out sew[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sell[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out teach[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] out l n [x] [x] [x] stud

1 out l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] out o y [x] [x] out fact

15 both l y [x] [x] out const3 out l y [x] [x] out fact

[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact3 out l y [x] [x] out fact

11 [x] l y [x] [x] out teach10 both o y [x] [x] out const

[x] [x] o y 0.25000 [x] out fact10 [x] l y [x] [x] out staff

[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact

3 [x] l y [x] y out maid5 [x] l y [x] [x] out sew

[x] out l y [x] [x] out maid[x] out l y [x] y out maid

8 out l y [x] [x] out sew3 out r y [x] [x] out sell

[x] out l y [x] y out maid[x] out l y [x] y out maid[x] out l y 0.91667 y out const

2 out l y 0.01923 y out sell[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

1 out r y 2.00000 [x] [x] sell[x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] stud

10 in r y [x] [x] in daymany out o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

5 [x] l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] y [x] [x]

3 out l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] l y [x] n out fact[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] [x] out const

[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l n 0.16667 y [x] [x]many both o y [x] [x] both farm[x] [x] o y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out o y [x] [x] out day

2 out l y 1.00000 [x] out ngo[x] [x] l y 0.25000 [x] out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out factmany in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] in day[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact

14 out l y 5.00000 y out stud[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y 0.41667 y out fact[x] [x] l n [x] y [x] [x][x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y 25.00000 [x] out sell

1 out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y 3.00000 [x] out fact

3 out r y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] o y [x] y out const[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud

8 out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out sell[x] out o y [x] [x] out stud[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sell[x] both l y [x] [x] out fact[x] out l y [x] n out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out stud[x] out l y [x] [x] out teach

3 out l y [x] [x] out sell[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact

4 in l y [x] y out sell5 both l y 4.00000 y out fact5 out l y 0.08333 y out const

[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

35 out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in [x][x] out l y [x] [x] out ngo

2 out o y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] n out fact

19 [x] l y 6.00000 y out sew[x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] stud

1 out o y [x] [x] out teach[x] both l y [x] [x] out ngo

10 out l y [x] [x] out const1 out l y [x] [x] out fact

[x] out l y [x] [x] out sew[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] in r y [x] [x] both day[x] [x] l y [x] y out ngomany in r y 6.00000 [x] both stud[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out ngo[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sew

5 out o y [x] y out fact9 out l y 0.41667 y out sew

[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out fact8 both o y 7.00000 y out sew

[x] in l y [x] y out const[x] out o y 5.00000 [x] out fact[x] out l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y 13.00000 n out sew[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sew

10 out l y 0.41667 y out fact9 out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] r y [x] [x] [x] sell[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact

3 out l y [x] [x] out ngo[x] [x] o y [x] n out fact[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] [x] out const

2 both l y 0.08333 [x] out maidmany in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l y 4.00000 [x] out fact[x] both r n [x] n [x] stud

2 out l n [x] [x] [x] stud5 out l y [x] [x] out const3 in r y [x] [x] in sell

[x] out r y [x] [x] out [x]

[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y [x] [x] in farmmany in r n 7.00000 [x] in stud

4 [x] l y [x] [x] out sell4 [x] l y [x] [x] out sell5 both l y 0.16667 [x] out staff

[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sew[x] [x] r y [x] y out ngo

5 out l y 10.00000 y out sell[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l y [x] y out sell[x] [x] l y [x] y out const[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sew[x] in o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r n [x] [x] both stud[x] in r y [x] [x] [x] farm

1000 in r y [x] [x] in teach[x] both l y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] l y 0.16667 y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] y out sew

2 out l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] y out teach[x] [x] l y 0.25000 y out maid[x] [x] l y 0.50000 y out fact[x] [x] l y 0.08333 [x] out sew[x] [x] l y 0.33333 y out sell[x] [x] l y [x] y out teach[x] [x] l y [x] y out sew[x] [x] l y [x] y out teach[x] [x] l y 0.58333 y out const[x] [x] l y [x] y out rest[x] [x] l y [x] y out const[x] [x] l y [x] y out sell[x] out l y [x] y out sew[x] out l y 0.33333 y out sew

8 out l y 0.66667 y out const[x] out l y 0.33333 y out fact[x] out l y 0.16667 y out fact[x] [x] r y 4.00000 [x] [x] day[x] [x] r y 6.00000 [x] [x] day[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] both farm[x] out l y [x] y out fact

[x] out l y 0.00274 n out sewmany both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

35 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] both day[x] [x] r y [x] [x] [x] stud[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y 3.00000 y out fact[x] [x] l y 0.50000 y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y 0.50000 [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y 0.41667 y out sew[x] out l y 0.25000 y out maid[x] out l y [x] y out staff

4 out r n [x] n [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] both farm[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in daymany in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r y 0.25000 [x] in day[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out maid[x] [x] o y [x] n out teach[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] both day[x] both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] l y 1.00000 y out fact[x] both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out r n [x] [x] in [x][x] out r y [x] [x] [x] daymany both r n [x] [x] in [x]

50 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] [x] farm[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] [x] day

5 both r y 4.00000 [x] in farmmany both r y [x] [x] both day[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r y 1.00000 [x] [x] daymany in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

30 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] in day[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y 2.00000 [x] in day[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

3 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r y [x] [x] in day

2 [x] l y [x] y out maid5 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out sell[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in day[x] in r y [x] [x] in day[x] in r y [x] [x] in day[x] in r y [x] [x] in day[x] out r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] o y 7.00000 [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] y out const[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sew

10 out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] o [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

20 out r y 1.00000 y out const[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

50 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y [x] [x] both day[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out const[x] in l y [x] y out sell

20 out l y [x] y out const3 out r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] l n [x] y [x] [x][x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] stud

50 both r y [x] [x] both farmmany in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

20 both r y [x] [x] both day[x] [x] o n [x] y [x] studmany in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

7 out o n [x] y [x] stud20 out l y [x] [x] out ngo

[x] [x] o [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

1 out o y [x] n out fact7 in r y [x] [x] in day

[x] [x] l y 0.01370 [x] out sell[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

7 in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] both farmmany out o y 1.00000 [x] out factmany out l y 1.00000 [x] out maid[x] out l y [x] y out day[x] out o y [x] n out fact[x] [x] l y 1.00000 [x] out fact

50 both r y 7.00000 [x] [x] day[x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] both r y [x] [x] [x] farm

10 out o n [x] n [x] studmany out r y 16.00000 [x] both farmmany both r y [x] [x] in day[x] [x] o [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] in sell[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

10 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]60 both r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]8 out l n [x] [x] [x] stud

[x] both r y [x] [x] both farmmany both r y [x] [x] both ngo[x] both r y [x] [x] both farm

20 both r y [x] [x] both day20 in r y [x] [x] both farm20 in r y [x] [x] both farm

5 both l y [x] [x] both day[x] both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] in sell[x] out r y 2.00000 [x] in farm

5 both l y [x] [x] out farm[x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

3 [x] r y 11.00000 [x] both daymany both r y 10.00000 [x] both teach[x] both r y [x] [x] in farm

12 in l y 0.08333 n out sell

[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] stud30 both o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] in l n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both l y [x] [x] out farm

21 out r n [x] [x] [x] stud3 out o n [x] [x] [x] stud

[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r [x] [x] [x] in [x]many in r y 2.00000 [x] in sew[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] both farm[x] both o n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] both o n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] l y [x] [x] in day[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] both r y [x] [x] both farm[x] in r y [x] [x] both sell

100 both r y [x] [x] in rel[x] both o y [x] [x] both sell[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sew[x] in r y [x] [x] in day[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out l y 0.08333 [x] out const[x] both r y [x] [x] in farmmany both r y 23.00000 [x] both farmmany in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sell[x] out r y [x] [x] out const

5 out l y 0.08333 y out const10 out l y 0.01370 y out const

[x] out l y 3.00000 [x] out const7 out l y 0.83333 [x] out fact

[x] [x] l y 2.00000 [x] out other[x] [x] l y 0.25000 [x] out fact

10 out l y [x] y out sell[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] o n [x] y [x] [x]

21 out l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] out r n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] out l y 0.00274 y out const[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out r y [x] [x] in day[x] [x] o [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r y 1.00000 [x] both daymany in r y 1.00000 [x] both day[x] out r y [x] [x] in farm[x] both l y [x] [x] both day[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l y 0.16667 y out sell[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out const

1 out l y [x] n out day[x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] stud

5 out o n [x] y [x] stud10 out l y 0.08333 n out fact

[x] both r y [x] [x] both farm[x] in r y [x] [x] in sellmany out l y 0.16667 n out const[x] in r y [x] [x] out farm[x] in r n [x] n [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]many in r y [x] [x] in teach[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] both r y [x] [x] both farm[x] in r y [x] [x] both [x]many in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

4 out l y 0.00822 y out const[x] both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]many both r y [x] [x] both farm[x] in r y [x] [x] both day[x] in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] both r y [x] [x] both day[x] in r y [x] [x] both day[x] out r y 16.00000 [x] both day[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in day

3 both r y [x] [x] in farm[x] in r y [x] [x] in farmmany in r y [x] [x] in farm[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] both farm

7 in r y 5.00000 [x] in day

[x] in l n [x] [x] [x] [x]5 in r y 10.00000 y out const3 out o y 3.00000 y out maid

[x] both r y [x] [x] both farm[x] [x] o [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] both day[x] [x] r y 2.00000 [x] in mech[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] in day[x] [x] o [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] both r y [x] [x] both sew[x] both r y [x] [x] both farm[x] [x] r y [x] [x] in farm[x] both r y [x] [x] both day[x] [x] r y [x] [x] both farm[x] out r y [x] [x] in farm[x] out o y 0.25000 y out sell[x] [x] l y 0.08333 y out sell

4 out l y 1.00000 n out sell13 out o y [x] y out day

[x] in l y 0.01923 n out const12 out l y 0.08333 n out const35 out l y [x] [x] out fact10 out l y 0.16667 n out sell

[x] out l y [x] [x] out sell[x] out l y 0.03846 n out factmany out l y 0.08333 n out teachmany in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r y [x] n out day[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact

2 out o y 4.00000 [x] out teachmany both l y 2.00000 [x] out teachmany both l y 1.00000 [x] out teach

50 out l y 6.00000 [x] out sellmany out l y 5.00000 y out constmany out l y 3.00000 y out constmany out l y 8.00000 y out const[x] [x] o y 0.08333 y out maid[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out teach

4 out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] o y 0.03846 [x] out maid[x] [x] o y 0.03846 [x] out sellmany both l y 11.00000 y out const

10 out l y 1.00000 [x] out fact4 out l y [x] y out fact

[x] [x] l y 0.16667 [x] out sell

[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out rest[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out staff[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact

10 out l y [x] y out daymany both l y 1.00000 n out teach[x] [x] [x] y 0.16667 [x] out teachmany out l y 0.03846 n out sell[x] [x] l y [x] n out maid[x] [x] l y [x] n out maidmany both o y 4.00000 n out teach

5 out l y 2.00000 [x] out teach[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out other[x] [x] l y 3.00000 [x] out teachmany both l y 18.00000 y out teach[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out teach

3 out l y 0.03846 [x] out const[x] [x] l y 0.50000 y out teachmany out l y 0.66667 y out sell[x] [x] o y 2.00000 [x] out const[x] [x] l y 0.08333 y out staff[x] out l y [x] y out constmany both [x] y 4.00000 y out sew[x] [x] l y 1.00000 y out factmany out l y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x]

8 out l y [x] [x] out fact1 out l y [x] y out rest

many out l y [x] [x] out sewmany out l y 0.25000 y out sew[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out maid[x] [x] l y [x] y out teachmany out l y 3.00000 y out const[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sellmany both l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y [x] y out maid[x] out l y [x] n out sell[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out [x]

5 out l y 2.00000 y out const1000 out l n 2.00000 y [x] [x]1000 out l y 3.00000 [x] out fact

[x] both r y [x] y out ngomany both o y [x] [x] out const

3 [x] l y 0.50000 y out sellmany out l y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out constmany [x] l y [x] y out const[x] both r y 0.50000 [x] out fact

4 out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] both l y [x] [x] out sellmany out l y 0.00274 y out other[x] [x] r y 1.00000 y out rest[x] [x] l y [x] n out factmany out l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] l y 1.00000 [x] out other[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out other[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out teach[x] out l y [x] [x] out teach

10 out l y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out maid[x] out l y 0.41667 y out sew[x] [x] l y [x] y out sell[x] [x] [x] y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y 8.00000 y out sew[x] out l y [x] n out ngo[x] both l y [x] y out const[x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] o n [x] y [x] stud

10 out l y 0.25000 y out constmany out l y [x] n out other[x] [x] l y [x] y out const

5 out l y 7.00000 y out sell7 [x] l y 0.08333 y out maid

[x] both l y [x] y out maid7 out l y 0.01918 y out maid

[x] out l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] out l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] out l y [x] [x] out sellmany both l y [x] y out rest[x] [x] l y 0.00274 [x] out sell

5 out l y 0.08333 [x] out const[x] [x] l y 2.00000 y out fact[x] [x] o y [x] y out other[x] [x] l y 0.00822 y out other[x] out l y 0.00822 y out other[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] both r y 0.41667 [x] out const[x] [x] r y [x] n out teach[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out teach[x] out l y 4.00000 y out teach[x] [x] o y [x] y out const[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] l y [x] y out sell[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sell

5 out l y 0.16667 y out fact5 both l y 0.01096 y out sew

[x] [x] o y 0.16667 y out constmany out l y 0.50000 [x] out other

12 out l y 0.01370 y out sell[x] [x] [x] y [x] y out teach[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] n out sew[x] both o y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out sell[x] both l y [x] y out sell[x] both l y [x] y out sell[x] both l y [x] y out sell[x] both l y [x] y out sell[x] out l y [x] y out rest[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y 2.00000 y out teach

3 [x] l y 1.00000 [x] out other[x] [x] l y 17.00000 n out sell[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] out l y 0.00822 n out const[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] out l y [x] n out sellmany [x] l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] stud

3 out l y 0.33333 y out sell8 out l y 0.16667 y out staff

15 out l y [x] y out const50 out l y 2.00000 n out const

3 out l y 6.00000 y out other[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out sew

10 both l y 2.00000 [x] out sell[x] [x] l y [x] y out sell[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out othermany out o y [x] [x] out fact

10 out l y 1.00000 y out const[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out maid

3 [x] [x] y [x] n out sell9 out l y 0.25000 y out sell

[x] out l y [x] [x] out sell[x] out l y [x] y out sellmany out l y 1.00000 [x] out teach

5 [x] l y 1.00000 [x] out factmany out l y [x] n out const

5 out l y 0.25000 y out maid[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] out r n [x] n [x] studmany [x] l y 0.16667 y out teach[x] [x] l y 1.00000 y out sell

5 [x] l y [x] [x] out ngo[x] [x] l y 0.08333 y out sell

10 both l y 1.00000 [x] out sell2 out l y 0.83333 [x] out sell9 both l y 1.00000 y out other

[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact3 out l y 0.50000 [x] out teach

many out l y [x] n out const5 out l y 1.00000 y out const

20 out l y 1.00000 y out fact[x] [x] l y 35.00000 y out teach[x] both l y 0.25000 y out other[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] both l y 2.00000 n out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out other

18 out l y 0.04110 y out const[x] out l y [x] y out const

20 out l y 0.02740 y out const[x] [x] l y 0.08333 y out factmany out l y [x] y out const[x] [x] l y 0.25000 y out sell

20 out l y 0.05479 [x] out fact3 out l y [x] y out sell

many out l y 0.50000 [x] out teach[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

17 out l y 5.00000 y out other5 out l y 0.02740 y out sell

many out l y [x] n out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sell[x] out l y 0.08333 n out const

20 out l y [x] [x] out other[x] [x] l y 0.08333 y out const

3 out l y [x] y out const

2 out [x] y [x] [x] out sellmany both l y [x] y out sell[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const

10 out l y 3.00000 y out ngo1 out l y 0.83333 n out maid

[x] out l y [x] [x] out [x]10 out l y 0.08333 y out maid

9 out l y [x] y out staff4 out o y [x] y out sew

[x] out o y [x] [x] out sell50 both l n [x] y [x] [x]

[x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] o y 3.00000 y out ngomany [x] o y [x] y out ngo[x] [x] l y 0.08333 y out sell[x] both l y 1.00000 [x] out teach[x] both l y [x] y out rest

4 out o y 1.00000 y out factmany in l y 0.33333 y out rest

2 [x] l n [x] y [x] stud[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sell[x] [x] l y [x] y out const

15 both l y [x] y out rest54 both [x] y [x] y out sew

[x] [x] l y [x] y out const[x] [x] l y [x] y out rest[x] [x] o y [x] n out fact

5 [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] r y [x] y out teach

10 out l y [x] y out other2 out l y [x] y out const

[x] [x] r n [x] n [x] stud10 out l y 1.00000 y out fact

2 out o y 0.25000 y out const[x] [x] l y [x] n out fact[x] both l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l y 5.00000 y out ngomany out l y 2.00000 y out rest

4 out l y [x] y out rest12 out l n [x] [x] [x] stud

[x] [x] l y [x] y out rest[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out rest[x] both [x] y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact

[x] both l y [x] y out sew[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] [x] out fact[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out maid[x] both l y [x] y out maid[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out maid[x] both l y [x] y out rest[x] both l y [x] y out rest[x] out l y [x] y out maid[x] both l y [x] y out sell[x] both l y [x] y out fact[x] both l y [x] y out sell[x] both l y [x] y out maid[x] [x] l y [x] y out const[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l n [x] n [x] stud[x] both l y 0.16667 y out fact

8 [x] l n [x] n [x] stud4 out l y [x] y out fact

10 both l n [x] y [x] stud[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] out l y 0.41667 [x] out other[x] [x] [x] y 0.08333 n out ngo[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y 0.08333 y out const[x] [x] o y [x] y out fact

3 out l y 0.33333 y out sell[x] out l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] l y 2.00000 y out ngo[x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l n [x] y [x] studmany out l y 0.50000 y out teach[x] out l n [x] y [x] studmany out l y 1.00000 y out teach[x] [x] o y [x] n out fact[x] both l y 0.08333 y out stud

6 out l y 1.00000 y out const5 out l y [x] y out fact

[x] [x] o y 0.00548 [x] out teach[x] [x] l y 2.00000 [x] out teachmany out l y 1.00000 y out teach[x] out r y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sell[x] out l y [x] y out ngo[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sew

3 out l y 0.08333 y out maid[x] both l y 0.25000 [x] out ngo[x] both r y 3.00000 [x] out teach[x] both r y 2.00000 [x] out ngo

10 out o y [x] [x] out const8 out l y [x] y out maid

[x] [x] l y 0.00822 y out sell14 out l y 1.00000 y out other20 out l y 5.00000 y out const

[x] [x] l y 1.00000 y out staff[x] both r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out l y [x] [x] out sell

6 both l n [x] y [x] studmany out l n [x] y [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] y [x] stud[x] [x] l y 0.01923 [x] out maidmany out l y 0.08333 [x] out const

5 out l n [x] y [x] stud[x] [x] o y 0.25000 [x] out sell

3 out l y 0.08333 y out sell[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out teach[x] [x] l y 0.25000 y out staff[x] both r y 1.00000 [x] out ngo[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out teach[x] [x] l y 5.00000 [x] out teach[x] [x] l y [x] y out teach

5 out l y 4.00000 y out ngo[x] out o y [x] n out fact[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l n [x] y [x] stud[x] [x] o y [x] y out fact

3 out l y [x] y out ngo[x] out l y 0.25000 n out fact[x] both o n [x] n [x] stud[x] out o n [x] n [x] stud

80 out l y 0.16667 y out sew[x] [x] o y 0.00822 [x] out sell[x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] stud

4 both o y [x] y out fact2 out o y [x] y out fact

[x] out l y [x] [x] out stud[x] [x] o y 0.08333 y out sell[x] [x] l y [x] n out sell

20 both l n [x] y [x] stud[x] [x] o y [x] y out ngo[x] [x] l y [x] n out ngo

2 out l y 2.00000 [x] out teach[x] out o n [x] n [x] stud

[x] out l n [x] y [x] stud[x] [x] l y [x] n out teach[x] [x] l n [x] y [x] stud

10 out l y 0.01096 [x] out fact10 both l y 2.00000 [x] out fact

[x] both l n [x] y [x] stud[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out teachmany out l y 0.16667 n out fact[x] both l n [x] y [x] stud

12 out l n [x] y [x] [x]many out l y [x] y out stud[x] [x] l y 2.00000 y out teach[x] both l y [x] y out sell[x] [x] r n [x] n [x] stud[x] both o y 0.16667 y out teachmany out o y [x] y out factmany both l y 0.00274 y out sell[x] out l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y [x] y out rest

10 both l y [x] y out rest[x] [x] o y [x] y out ngo[x] [x] l y 4.00000 n out sell

20 both r y 1.00000 [x] out ngo[x] both r y [x] y out day

20 [x] l y 0.25000 [x] out ngo[x] both o y 0.08333 [x] out ngomany both r y [x] y out ngo[x] out o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] both l y [x] [x] out fact[x] both r y [x] [x] out fact[x] both o y [x] [x] out fact[x] out o y [x] [x] out fact[x] out l y 1.00000 [x] out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] both l y [x] [x] out fact

5 out l y 0.01370 y out day5 out l y 0.01918 y out day

10 out l y 0.08333 y out day10 out l y [x] y out day15 out l y 0.08333 y out day

[x] out l y 0.25000 y out maid5 out l y 0.01918 y out day

10 out l y [x] y out day12 out l y [x] y out day10 out l y 0.01918 y out day10 out l y [x] y out day

8 out l y 0.01370 y out day[x] out l y 0.04110 y out ngo[x] out l y 0.08333 y out day[x] both l y 0.00822 y out const[x] out l y 0.01644 y out rest[x] both l y 0.01923 y out rest[x] out l y 0.01644 y out const[x] both l y 0.08333 y out sell[x] both l y 0.04110 [x] out sell[x] both l y 6.00000 y out ngo[x] [x] l y 0.01370 y out day

10 out l y [x] y out day[x] both l y 0.16667 y out const[x] [x] l y 0.05479 y out const[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const

2 out l y 0.08333 y out day[x] [x] l y 0.04110 y out sell

2 out l y [x] [x] out const5 out l y [x] y out const

[x] [x] l y 0.16667 y out const[x] [x] l y 0.08333 y out rest[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out day

5 out l y 0.08333 [x] out const3 out l y 0.16667 y out sell

13 out l y 0.01370 y out day[x] out l y 0.08333 [x] out sell[x] out l y 0.25000 y out day

8 out l y [x] y out day12 out l y [x] y out day10 out l y 0.04110 y out day10 out l y [x] y out day

5 out l y [x] y out day15 out l y [x] y out day

5 out l y [x] y out day10 out l y [x] y out day15 out l y 0.08333 y out day

[x] both o n [x] [x] [x] [x]1 [x] o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out o y 0.08333 y out sell

7 out l y 0.08333 y out fact[x] [x] o n [x] [x] [x] [x]

5 out o y [x] y out fact7 out o y [x] [x] out const

[x] out o y [x] [x] out sell[x] [x] l y 3.00000 y out fact[x] [x] [x] y [x] y out fact

[x] out l y [x] y out fact5 out l y 0.25000 y out sew

[x] [x] l y 0.04110 [x] out const[x] [x] l y 0.08333 y out sell[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sell[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const

4 out l y 0.03014 [x] out teach6 out o y [x] y out teach5 out o y [x] y out teach

[x] [x] l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l y 0.25000 y out sell[x] [x] l y [x] y out const

10 out l y [x] y out sew10 out o y 0.08333 y out const

[x] out l y [x] [x] out teach5 out o y [x] y out teach

[x] [x] l y 0.41667 y out day[x] out o y [x] y out const

7 out l y 0.03846 y out sell4 out l y 0.01923 [x] out const

[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out teach5 out o y [x] y out teach

[x] [x] l y 0.50000 [x] out teach[x] [x] l y 0.16667 [x] out const

15 out l y 0.16667 [x] out fact[x] out l y [x] y out staff[x] out o y [x] y out const[x] [x] l y [x] y out teach[x] out l y [x] [x] out teach

8 out o y [x] y out [x]2 out r y [x] [x] out teach

15 both l y 0.02740 [x] out const[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out maid[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out fact

15 both l y 0.08333 [x] out day[x] [x] r n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] r y [x] y out const[x] out r y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out maid[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out sell

100 both l y [x] [x] out const100 both l y [x] n out [x]

[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out const7 both l n [x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] r y [x] y out maid[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out maid

15 out l y 0.08333 n out day10 out l y [x] y out day

9 out l y [x] y out day5 both l y [x] [x] out const

20 both l y [x] [x] out staff5 out l y 0.01918 y out day

[x] out l y 0.01923 n out day5 out l y [x] y out day

10 out l y [x] y out day5 out l y [x] y out day

[x] out l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] l y 0.50000 y out day

10 both r y [x] [x] out teach10 out l y 0.25000 [x] out day

[x] both o y 1.00000 y out maid[x] [x] r n [x] y [x] [x]many both o y [x] y out maid

8 out l y 0.08333 y out day10 out l y [x] y out day10 out l y 0.08333 n out day

5 out l y [x] y out day[x] out l y 20.00000 y out day[x] out r y [x] y out teach[x] [x] l y 0.41667 y out const

10 out l n [x] y [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] y out day

3 [x] l y [x] [x] out day7 out l y 0.16667 y out day

[x] [x] l y 0.16667 y out maid[x] [x] l y 0.41667 y out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out day

5 out l y 0.16667 y out teach10 out l y 1.00000 y out day

[x] [x] l y 0.16667 y out day10 out l y 0.33333 y out const

2 out l y 0.08333 y out day[x] [x] l y 0.08333 y out const[x] [x] l y 0.25000 y out sew

4 out l y 0.50000 y out sell[x] [x] l y 0.41667 y out fact[x] [x] l y 0.25000 y out day[x] [x] l y 0.16667 y out const[x] [x] l y 0.25000 y out const

5 [x] l y [x] y out teach[x] out l y 0.41667 y out maid[x] [x] l y [x] y out sew

10 out l y 0.08333 [x] out day2 out l y [x] y out day

[x] out l y [x] n out day[x] [x] l y [x] y out day

10 out l n [x] y [x] [x]20 out l y 0.08333 y out day

[x] [x] l y [x] y out day[x] [x] l y [x] y out day[x] [x] l y [x] n out day[x] [x] l y [x] y out day

45 out l y [x] y out day[x] [x] l n [x] y [x] [x][x] [x] l n [x] y [x] [x][x] [x] l y 0.00548 y out day[x] [x] l y [x] y out day

4 out l y [x] y out day7 out l y [x] y out day

[x] [x] l y 0.08333 y out day10 out l n [x] y [x] [x]

[x] [x] l y [x] y out day30 out l y 0.00822 y out day

5 out l y [x] y out day60 out l y 0.25000 n out day15 out l y 0.41667 n out day

2 out l y 0.16667 [x] out day2 out l y [x] n out day5 out l y 0.16667 [x] out day

50 out l y [x] [x] out day10 out l y [x] n out day28 out l y [x] [x] out day35 out l y [x] n out day20 out l y 0.03846 n out day60 out l y 0.16667 n out day60 out l y 0.08333 n out day60 out l y 0.08333 n out day42 out l y 0.08333 n out day28 out l y [x] n out day40 out l y [x] n out day

[x] [x] l y 0.02740 n out day[x] out l y 0.05479 n out day

29 out l y [x] n out day[x] [x] [x] y 0.07945 n out day

22 out l y [x] n out day13 out l y 0.02466 [x] out day

9 out l y [x] [x] out day9 out l y 0.08333 n out day9 out l y 0.03836 [x] out day8 out l y 0.02466 [x] out day9 out l y 0.03288 [x] out day9 out l y 0.03014 [x] out day

9 out l y 0.02740 [x] out day9 out l y 0.02466 [x] out day

10 out l y [x] n out day3 out l y 0.16667 n out day

25 out l y 0.02192 [x] out day10 out l y 0.01918 [x] out day13 out l y 0.08333 [x] out day

9 out l y 0.08333 n out day13 out l y 0.08333 n out day11 out l y 0.08333 [x] out day

9 out l y 0.08333 n out day9 out l y 0.08333 n out day

11 out l y 0.08333 n out day13 out l y 0.08333 n out day

[x] out l y 0.00822 n out day12 out l y 0.08333 n out day11 out l y 0.08333 n out day

9 out l y 0.08333 n out day14 out l y 0.02466 n out day17 out l y 0.02466 [x] out day

8 out l y 0.08333 n out day18 out l y 0.02466 [x] out day

5 out l y 0.01370 [x] out day18 out l y 0.02192 [x] out day12 out l y 0.08333 n out day35 out l y [x] n out day

9 out l y 0.01096 n out day[x] out l y 0.01096 n out day

13 out l y 0.01096 n out day9 out l y [x] [x] out day9 out l y 0.00548 [x] out day

18 out l y 0.01096 n out day50 out l y 0.01370 n out day16 out l y 0.01096 n out day13 out l y 0.01096 [x] out day12 out l y 0.01096 n out day17 out l y 0.01096 n out day

4 out l y 0.01096 n out day11 out l y 0.01096 n out day22 out l y 0.01096 n out day13 out l y 0.01096 n out day

9 out l y 0.01096 n out day8 out l y [x] n out day8 out l y 0.02466 [x] out day

38 out l y [x] n out day18 out l y 0.01918 [x] out day12 out l y 0.05479 [x] out day18 out l y [x] [x] out day

26 out l y [x] n out day15 out l y 0.00548 n out day14 out l y 0.02466 [x] out day12 out l y 0.03288 [x] out day13 out l y 0.04658 n out day12 out l y 0.00822 n out day

9 out l y 0.01370 [x] out day12 out l y 0.02466 [x] out day

2 out l y 0.04110 n out day50 out l y 0.00548 n out day

4 out l y 0.16667 [x] out day50 out l y [x] n out day

[x] [x] [x] y 0.04110 n out day9 out [x] y 0.08333 n out day

[x] [x] l y [x] n out day50 out l y [x] n out day

5 out l y 1.00000 [x] out day52 out l y 0.00822 n out day

[x] out l y [x] n out day52 out l y [x] n out day

[x] out l y [x] n out day3 out l y [x] n out day

[x] [x] l y 0.02192 n out day[x] [x] l y 0.03562 n out day

15 out l y [x] y out sew15 out l y 2.00000 y out const

[x] [x] l [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l y [x] [x] out day[x] both l y [x] y out sell[x] in l y [x] y out staff[x] in l y [x] y out const[x] in l y [x] y out staff[x] in l y [x] [x] out sell[x] out l y [x] y out fact[x] [x] l n [x] y [x] [x]

2 both o y [x] [x] out day[x] both l y [x] y out day[x] out l y [x] [x] out teach

2 in l y 3.00000 y out sell[x] out r n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] in o y [x] y out rest[x] [x] l y 0.25000 [x] out day

3 out l y 0.16667 y out ngo[x] out l y [x] [x] out [x][x] [x] [x] y [x] [x] out day[x] [x] r n [x] y [x] stud[x] [x] l y [x] n out day[x] [x] l y [x] n out day

[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out day[x] out l y [x] n out day[x] out l y [x] n out day[x] out l y [x] y out day[x] out l y [x] n out day[x] out l y [x] n out day[x] out l y [x] n out day[x] in l y [x] y out sell[x] [x] l y [x] y out day

10 out l y [x] y out day5 in l y [x] y out fact

[x] in l y [x] y out staff[x] in l y [x] y out sell

10 out l y [x] y out day8 out l y [x] y out day

[x] out l y [x] y out day4 out l y 2.00000 y out day

[x] out l y [x] y out day[x] out l y [x] y out day[x] out l y [x] y out sew

5 out o y 0.16667 y out day10 out l y 0.33333 y out teach

[x] [x] l y [x] y out sew10 out r n [x] n [x] [x]

2 out o y [x] [x] [x] farm2 out l y [x] [x] out fact

[x] [x] l y 0.08333 [x] out const[x] [x] l y 0.08333 [x] out sew

3 out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y 0.01923 [x] out fact

1 out l y [x] [x] out teach[x] out l [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out l y [x] y out ngomany out l y 0.08333 [x] out teach

2 out l y 0.16667 [x] out teach1 out l y [x] y out const

[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact3 out l y [x] [x] out day3 out l y [x] [x] out const2 out l y 0.16667 [x] out day4 out l y [x] [x] out fact

[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sew[x] [x] o y [x] [x] out day[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact

1 out l y 3.00000 y out sell[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out teach

7 out l y [x] [x] out sew[x] [x] l y 0.25000 [x] out daymany both r y [x] y out const[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] [x] l y 3.00000 y out ngo[x] out o y 20.00000 y out teach

6 out l y [x] [x] out sew4 out l y [x] [x] out const8 out l y 0.16667 [x] out day

[x] out l y 0.02740 [x] out fact5 out l y [x] [x] out fact2 out l y 0.08333 [x] out const5 out l y 0.58333 [x] out const3 out l y 0.08333 [x] out const3 out l y 0.16667 [x] out fact

[x] out l y 0.41667 [x] out day7 out l y [x] [x] out sew4 out l y 0.08333 [x] out teach2 out l y 0.03846 [x] out maid4 out l y 0.33333 [x] out fact1 out l y [x] [x] out fact8 out l y 0.03846 [x] out day6 out l y [x] [x] out day6 out l y [x] [x] out day3 out l y 0.16667 [x] out day4 out l y [x] [x] out day8 out l y 0.08333 [x] out const4 [x] l y [x] [x] out fact8 out l y 0.16667 [x] out day2 out l y 0.50000 [x] out day5 out l y [x] [x] out fact5 out l y 0.01923 [x] out const3 out l y [x] [x] out fact

[x] [x] l y 0.08333 [x] out day6 out l y [x] [x] out sell

[x] both l y 1.00000 y out teach5 out l y 2.00000 [x] out [x]

[x] [x] l [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] l [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out l y 2.00000 [x] out maid[x] out l y 4.00000 [x] out maid[x] out l y 1.00000 [x] out const

5 out l n [x] [x] [x] stud5 out l y [x] y out const

[x] both o y [x] y out day3 out l y 1.00000 [x] out sew

[x] [x] l y 2.00000 y out sell10 out o y 1.00000 y out maid

10 out l y 2.00000 y out const4 out l y [x] y out sell

[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact5 out l y 0.04110 y out const

[x] out r y [x] y out fact[x] both r y [x] y out day

10 out l y 1.00000 [x] out day[x] out l y 0.41667 y out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out [x]

20 out l y 2.00000 [x] out fact1 out l y 0.01923 y out staff

[x] [x] o y [x] y out const4 out l y 1.00000 y out maid

[x] [x] o y 0.01923 y out maid[x] [x] l y 1.00000 n out [x]

3 both l y 1.00000 y out maid2 out l y 1.00000 [x] out const

10 [x] l y [x] y out maid[x] in o y [x] n out const[x] [x] l y 5.00000 y out maid[x] out l y 5.00000 y out const

2 out l y [x] y out maid6 [x] l y [x] y out day

[x] [x] l y [x] y out const10 out l y 1.00000 y out const

[x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] [x]15 out l n [x] [x] [x] [x]

3 out l n [x] n [x] [x][x] [x] l y 10.00000 y out maid[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] l y [x] y out maid[x] [x] l y [x] y out maid[x] [x] l y 1.00000 y out sell[x] both l y [x] y out sell[x] out l y [x] y out const

12 out l y [x] n out const[x] out l y [x] y out const

7 out l y 3.00000 y out maid10 out l y 0.01923 y out const

2 out l y 0.08333 y out maid4 out l y 0.08333 y out const9 out l y [x] y out staff

30 out l y 0.25000 y out const[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out fact[x] both l y 1.00000 y out sell[x] out l y 0.08333 y out const

10 out l y 0.00274 y out const[x] [x] l y [x] y out maid

20 out l y 0.08333 [x] out staff[x] [x] r y [x] [x] out sell

10 out l y 0.05769 y out const5 out l n [x] n [x] [x]

[x] out l y [x] y out day[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out maid[x] [x] o y [x] y out day

4 out l y [x] y out sew9 out l y 1.00000 [x] out const

[x] [x] l y [x] y out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out sell[x] out l y 0.16667 y out const

2 out l y 0.41667 y out const10 out l y [x] y out fact

[x] out l y [x] y out ngo[x] [x] l y 20.00000 [x] out maid

5 out l y [x] y out const5 [x] [x] y [x] y out const

[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out const

2 out r y 0.16667 y out sell[x] out o y 0.01923 y out day[x] [x] l y [x] n out [x]

1 in l y [x] y out const3 in l y [x] n out day

10 out l y [x] [x] out sew15 out l y [x] n out day

5 out l y [x] n out day[x] [x] o y [x] y out [x]

4 out l y 0.16667 n out const12 out l y 0.08333 y out const22 out l y 1.00000 y out maid10 out l y 3.00000 y out const

[x] out l y [x] y out const4 out o y 0.08333 y out sew7 out l y [x] n out const5 out o y 1.00000 y out maid

[x] [x] l y 0.03846 y out const6 out l y 0.25000 n out sell2 out l y 0.08333 y out stud5 out l y [x] y out const5 out l y 0.16667 n out const2 out l y 0.08333 n out sell

[x] out l n [x] n [x] const5 out o y 1.00000 y out const5 [x] l y 0.16667 y out const

[x] [x] l y 6.00000 [x] out maid[x] [x] l y 0.03846 n out const

[x] [x] l y 0.01923 y out fact50 both l y [x] [x] out const

5 in l y 1.00000 y out const10 out l y 0.25000 y out sell

[x] out l y 1.00000 y out sell4 out l y 0.25000 n out const

10 out l y 0.25000 n out const7 out l y 0.08333 n out const1 out l y 0.01923 n out sell1 out l y 0.08333 n out maid1 out l y 0.08333 n out maid

15 out l y 0.02740 n out const9 out l y 0.25000 n out maid1 out l y 0.08333 n out const

10 out l y 0.03846 y out const1 out l y 0.08333 n out const

10 out l y 0.25000 y out sell5 out l y 0.25000 y out fact

30 out l y [x] [x] out const2 out l y 0.16667 n out const

[x] [x] l y 0.00274 n out sew4 out l y 0.00274 n out [x]2 out l y 1.00000 [x] out sell

10 out l n [x] y [x] stud7 out l y 0.08333 [x] out const

20 out l y 0.08333 n out constmany out l n [x] n [x] [x][x] in r y [x] n out teach

20 out r y 0.16667 n out const20 out o y 1.00000 y out maid20 out o y 1.00000 y out maid

[x] out o y 0.08333 [x] out const[x] out o y 0.08333 [x] out ngo[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out sell

7 both l y 0.50000 y out const4 out l y 1.00000 y out maid

many out l y 0.08333 [x] out const[x] out l y [x] y out daymany out l y 0.16667 y out const[x] [x] l y 0.16667 n out const

100 out l y 0.08333 [x] out sew9 out [x] y 0.25000 y out sell

[x] out o y 0.08333 y out const[x] [x] l n [x] y [x] stud

10 out o y [x] y out rest10 out o y 2.00000 y out maid

5 out o y 3.00000 y out maid

8 out l y 0.08333 n out const35 out o y 1.00000 y out maid13 out o y 1.00000 y out const

[x] out l y 2.00000 y out sew[x] out l y 2.00000 y out sew

10 out l y 1.00000 y out day[x] out l y [x] y out day[x] [x] l y 0.02740 y out sew[x] [x] o n [x] n [x] stud[x] out l y [x] y out sew

30 out o y 1.00000 y out sew1 out o y [x] y out const4 out l y [x] y out fact5 out l y 2.00000 y out maid

10 out l y 0.08333 [x] out maid6 in o y [x] y out stud

[x] out o y 0.08333 y out sell2 out l y [x] [x] out sew

[x] out r y 0.41667 [x] out maid[x] out r y 0.25000 y out day[x] out o y [x] [x] out ngo[x] both l y 2.00000 y out const

3 out l y 1.00000 y out maid[x] out l y [x] y out day

3 out l y 0.08333 y out day1 both r y 0.50000 n out const

[x] [x] o y 0.08333 y out staff[x] in l y [x] y out restmany out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y [x] y out day[x] out l y 6.00000 [x] out const[x] out l y [x] y out day

5 out l y 0.08333 n out const5 out l y [x] [x] out sell4 out l y [x] [x] out const

[x] [x] o y [x] y out sell6 both l n [x] y [x] stud

[x] out l y [x] y out const8 out l y 0.16667 y out rest4 out l y [x] [x] out farm6 out l y 0.08333 y out day

[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out teach[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out day[x] in l y [x] n out restmany both o y [x] [x] out maid[x] out l y 0.08333 y out const[x] out l y 1.00000 y out rest

5 out l y 1.00000 y out maid

18 out r y 3.00000 y out maid[x] [x] o y 0.08333 y out staff

7 out o y 3.00000 y out const6 out l y 2.00000 y out rest

40 out l y 0.16667 y out const10 out l y [x] [x] out const10 out l y 0.01370 y out const

8 both o n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] out o y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y 0.08333 y out const

10 out l y [x] n out maidmany [x] [x] y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y 0.16667 [x] out fact

22 out l y 13.00000 y out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out [x][x] out l y [x] y out sell[x] out [x] y [x] y out day[x] out l y [x] [x] out [x]

5 out l y [x] [x] out [x]2 out l y 0.04110 y out day

[x] out l y [x] y out day[x] out l y [x] y out ngo[x] out l y 0.16667 y out maid[x] out l y [x] [x] out [x][x] out l y 2.00000 [x] out [x][x] [x] [x] y 0.08333 y out day[x] in l y [x] y out const

10 out l y 0.00548 y out fact2 out l y 2.00000 y out maid

[x] [x] r y [x] n out day[x] [x] r y [x] n out day[x] [x] l y 2.00000 [x] out const[x] [x] l y 0.01370 y out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y [x] y out other[x] out l y [x] [x] out const

6 out l y [x] y out const[x] out l y [x] y out const[x] out l y [x] y out const

5 out l y 1.00000 y out teach50 out l y [x] n out [x]

[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] out l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out fact

10 out l y 1.00000 y out sell

[x] out l y [x] [x] out staff4 out o y [x] n out const

10 out l y 1.00000 y out const10 out l y 1.00000 y out const20 out l y 5.00000 y out const24 out l y 1.00000 y out const

[x] both o y [x] n out day[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out day

3 in l y 0.08333 y out teach[x] out l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y 1.00000 y out const

4 out l y 3.00000 y out day7 out l y [x] y out day

20 out l y 0.16667 y out day15 out l y [x] n out [x]

5 out o y [x] y out const[x] [x] l y [x] y out const

10 out l y 1.00000 y out const[x] out l y 0.16667 y out const

30 out l y 1.00000 y out day4 out o y [x] n out const

60 out l y [x] y out teach50 out l y [x] [x] out const

[x] [x] l y [x] y out const[x] [x] l y [x] y out const

10 both l y 1.00000 y out stud10 out l y 1.00000 y out const

[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const

5 out l y [x] y out farm[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y 0.08333 y out sew[x] out l y [x] [x] out const

100 out l y [x] y out const[x] out l n [x] [x] out constmany out l y [x] y out day

30 out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out const

40 out l y 0.08333 y out maid[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out sew[x] out l y [x] y out day[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out maid

8 out l y 3.00000 [x] out fact

[x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] [x] l n [x] [x] [x] stud[x] in l y [x] y out maid[x] [x] l y 0.01918 y out teach[x] out l y [x] y out teach

4 out l y [x] [x] out teach[x] out l y [x] [x] out [x][x] out l y 0.08333 y out sell

5 out l y [x] [x] out teach[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out const

10 out l y [x] y out const5 out l y [x] [x] out const

10 out l y 0.01370 y out sew10 out l y [x] y out sew10 out l y 0.16667 y out const

[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out const

10 out l y 2.00000 [x] out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y [x] y out const

12 both l y 6.00000 n out const8 both o y 0.05769 y out [x]

many out o y [x] [x] out sew20 out l y 1.00000 y out const

[x] out l y [x] y out const[x] out l y [x] y out teach

5 out l y 1.00000 y out const7 out l y 0.01370 [x] out const

17 out l y 0.00822 [x] out const5 out l y 0.08333 [x] out const6 out l y 0.08333 [x] out const

[x] in l n [x] y [x] [x][x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const

2 [x] l y 0.33333 n out const[x] [x] l y 0.00548 [x] out fact

2 in l y [x] y out sell[x] out l y 16.00000 y out const[x] out l y 0.83333 [x] out const[x] out l y 10.00000 [x] out const[x] out l y 10.00000 [x] out const[x] out l y 10.00000 [x] out const[x] out l y 0.08333 [x] out const

7 out l y 0.01923 [x] out const16 out l y 0.00274 [x] out const22 out l y 0.00548 [x] out const

[x] out l y 0.01923 [x] out const

5 out l y 1.00000 y out sew[x] out l y 4.00000 y out const[x] out l y [x] y out const

30 out l y [x] [x] out const10 out l y 1.00000 y out const20 both l n [x] y [x] [x]

3 in r y [x] n out const8 in o y 0.08333 [x] out const

[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] l y [x] n out const[x] [x] l y [x] y out const[x] [x] l y [x] y out const

10 out l y 1.00000 y out sell50 out l y [x] n out const

100 out l y [x] [x] out const80 out l y [x] [x] out const

150 out l y [x] [x] out sell50 out l y [x] [x] out sew15 out l y 3.00000 y out const

280 out l y 0.01370 [x] out const1 out l y [x] y out const6 out l y 0.08333 y out sew

[x] out l y 0.00822 y out day120 out l y [x] [x] out const

10 out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y 0.00548 y out teach

120 out l y [x] [x] out const200 out l y [x] y out const200 out l y [x] [x] out const

9 out l y [x] y out const20 out l y 1.00000 y out const

9 out l y 0.01096 y out maid[x] out l y 0.08333 y out sell

8 out l y 0.01370 y out sew30 out l y [x] [x] out const

9 out l y 0.08333 n out day10 out l y [x] [x] out const

many out l y [x] y out [x]11 out l y 1.00000 n out const

[x] [x] l y 0.08333 [x] out teach9 out l y 0.16667 [x] out sell7 out l y 0.03836 y out const5 out l y 0.08333 [x] out sew

12 out l y 0.02740 [x] out sew[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] both r y [x] n out teach

13 in r y [x] y out sew5 in l y 0.08333 y out sew

4 out l y 0.08333 y out const5 out l y 0.02192 y out const4 out l y 0.08333 y out const

[x] out r y [x] y out [x][x] out l n [x] [x] [x] [x]

30 out o y 2.00000 y out staff[x] [x] l y 0.08333 y out const[x] [x] l y [x] y out day[x] both l y [x] n out sell[x] both l y [x] y out day[x] in l y [x] y out day

2 out l y [x] n out fact200 out l y 0.08333 y out [x]

[x] out l y 0.25000 y out stud25 out l y 0.01370 [x] out day

[x] out l y 0.00822 [x] out fact7 out l y 0.16667 y out day

[x] out l y 0.16667 [x] out fact[x] out l y 2.00000 y out const

7 out l y 3.00000 y out const[x] out l y [x] y out day

2 out l y [x] y out daymany out l y 0.08333 y out fact

6 out l y 0.16667 y out day[x] out l y [x] y out day

4 out l y 5.00000 y out const100 out l y 2.00000 y out maid

[x] out l y 0.25000 y out const5 out l y 0.07397 y out sell

[x] out l y 0.16667 y out fact[x] out l y 0.16667 y out day

15 out l y [x] y out day[x] out o y [x] [x] out day[x] both l y 0.08333 y out day[x] out l y 0.41667 y out rest[x] [x] l y [x] y out const[x] both l y 0.16667 y out const[x] out l y [x] y out day

5 out l y 0.08333 y out const6 out l y 9.00000 y out stud

many out l y 3.00000 y out const[x] out o y [x] y out day[x] [x] l y 5.00000 y out daymany out l y 1.00000 y out rest[x] out r y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y [x] y out day

4 out l y [x] [x] out sew[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const

20 out l y 0.00822 y out day[x] both l y [x] y out const

10 out l y [x] [x] out farm12 out l y [x] y out const12 out l y [x] y out const

9 out l y [x] y out const[x] out l n [x] n [x] stud[x] [x] l y 0.03562 [x] out const[x] both l y [x] y out maid

10 out l y 0.08333 n out day[x] out l y 0.25000 y out const[x] out l n [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] r y [x] y out maid

3 out r y [x] y out farm[x] [x] l y [x] y out day

7 out l y 13.00000 y out sell3 out l y 0.25000 n out day

[x] out l y [x] y out sew6 out l y 0.08333 y out day

[x] [x] [x] y [x] y out [x][x] out l y 0.25000 y out sew

5 out l y [x] y out fact10 out l y [x] y out staff

5 out l y 0.00548 y out day9 out l y [x] y out const5 out l y 0.16667 y out day

[x] [x] [x] y [x] y out const8 out l y [x] y out sew8 out l y [x] y out sew

[x] out l y 1.00000 y out staff3 out l y [x] y out day

[x] both l y [x] [x] out teach5 out o y [x] y out day

25 [x] l y [x] [x] out day10 in l y 0.04110 y out day10 out l y [x] n out day20 out l y [x] [x] out day

[x] out l y [x] [x] out day[x] out l y 0.01923 [x] out const

30 out l y 0.25000 [x] out day10 out l y [x] [x] out day15 out l y 3.00000 y out sell

7 out l y [x] y out const[x] out l y [x] y out const[x] [x] o y [x] y out day

6 out o y [x] y out day5 in l y 0.08333 y out day1 out l y [x] y out sew

5 out l y 0.04110 [x] out day5 out l y [x] n out day

[x] out l y [x] y out maid10 out l y [x] [x] out teach

[x] out l y [x] [x] out rest[x] out l y [x] y out const[x] out o y [x] y out ngo

2 out l y [x] y out day[x] out o y [x] n out sell[x] out l y [x] y out sell

4 out l y 0.50000 n out sew[x] out l y [x] y out [x][x] out l y 0.16667 n out day[x] out l y [x] n out day[x] out l y [x] n out day

30 out l y [x] y out day9 out l y [x] [x] out day

[x] out l y [x] y out fact[x] out l y [x] [x] out constmany out l y [x] y out const

10 out l y [x] y out day4 out l y [x] y out day6 both l y 16.00000 y out farm

[x] out l y 0.01923 y out restmany out l y [x] n out const[x] out l y [x] y out sell[x] out l y [x] n out day

20 out l y 0.00548 y out day[x] out l y 0.01923 y out const[x] out l y [x] n out day[x] [x] o y [x] n out day

5 out l y 0.16667 y out [x]many out l y [x] y out sew

4 out l y 0.16667 y out maid[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const

10 out l y 5.00000 n out ngo10 out l y 0.08333 n out sell

9 out l y 0.08333 n out daymany out l y 0.01370 y out day

6 out l y 0.16667 y out maid2 out o y [x] [x] out fact

10 out l y [x] y out day20 out l n [x] y [x] [x]10 out l y 0.33333 y out day

9 out l y 0.02740 y out rest[x] out l y [x] y out const[x] out l y [x] y out other

6 out l y [x] y out other

8 out l y [x] y out const14 out l y [x] y out other14 out l y [x] y out other14 out l y [x] y out other14 out l y [x] y out other

6 out l y [x] y out other6 out l y [x] y out teach

80 out l y [x] y out teach[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y [x] [x] out constmany out l y [x] [x] out constmany out l y [x] [x] out const[x] out l y 0.00548 y out const[x] out l y 0.58333 y out constmany out l y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] l y 2.00000 y out ngo[x] [x] [x] y [x] [x] out const[x] [x] l y [x] y out const[x] both l y [x] n out sew[x] [x] l y [x] n out ngo

1 out l y 0.16667 y out fact2 out r y 0.08333 y out maid

[x] both l y [x] y out sewmany in l y 0.08333 y out const[x] out l y 0.33333 y out const[x] [x] [x] y 0.08333 y out teach

14 out l y [x] y out other14 out l y [x] y out other14 out l y [x] n out other

4 out l y [x] y out other14 out l y [x] n out other

4 out l y [x] y out othermany out l y 3.00000 y out day[x] [x] l y [x] [x] out const[x] both l n [x] [x] [x] day

Q27.ed Q28.hlth Q29.con.return Q30.poli Q31.econ Q32.job.vs.vote Q33.prez Q34.asiath th y b b j DASSK jath th y b b v DASSK jath th y b b v DASSK jath th y b b v DASSK jath th y b b v DASSK jath th y b b v DASSK sith th y b b v DASSK simm mm y b b v DASSK sith th y b b j DASSK jamm th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b v DASSK jath th n b b j DASSK thth th y b b v DASSK thth th y b b v DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th y b b v DASSK sith th y b b v DASSK sith th y b b v DASSK sith th y b b v DASSK sith th y b b v DASSK jath th y b b v DASSK sith th y b b v DASSK sith th y b b j [x] jath th y b b v DASSK jath th y n n v DASSK thth th y b b v DASSK jath th y b b j [x] thth th y b b v DASSK thth th y b b v DASSK sith th y b b j DASSK thth th n b b j DASSK sith th n b b j DASSK thth th y b b j [x] thth th y b b v DASSK sith th n b b j [x] thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b v DASSK jath th y b b j [x] sith th n b b n DASSK sith th y b b j DASSK thth th n b b j NLD thth th y b b j [x] thth th y b b j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y n w j [x] chth th n b b j [x] sith th n w n j [x] th

mm th y n n v DASSK jath th y b b v DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th n n n v DASSK jamm th y n n n DASSK thmm th y n n j DASSK thmm th y b n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK thth th n w w j [x] [x]th th n n n n [x] thth th n n n n DASSK chth th y n n j DASSK chth th n n n j DASSK sith th y n n n DASSK chth th n n n n [x] chth th y n n n DASSK thth th n n n n DASSK sith th n n n n DASSK chth th n n n n UTS jath th n n n n DASSK sith th n n n n DASSK jath th n n n n UTS jath th y n n n DASSK chth th y n n n DASSK chmm th y n n n DASSK chmm th y w b j [x] sith th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK simm mm y n n n [x] jath th y n n n DASSK jath th y n n n DASSK [x]th th y n n j DASSK chth th n n n n DASSK sith th y n n j [x] thth th y n n n UTS chth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n n DASSK chth th y n n n DASSK chth th n n n n [x] chth th n n n n DASSK thth th y n n n [x] chth th y n n n DASSK jath th y n n n [x] chth th n n n n [x] chth th y n n n DASSK chth th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n n DASSK ch

mm th n n n v DASSK chmm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n n DASSK chmm th y n n j UTS jath th y n n j DASSK jath th y n n j DASSK sith th n n n n DASSK chth th y n n n DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK jamm th y n n n [x] chth th y n n v DASSK chmm th y n n n [x] chmm th y b b [x] [x] thmm th y n n n DASSK chmm th n n n j DASSK sith th n n n v [x] chth th n n n j [x] chmm th n n b j [x] jamm mm y n w j [x] chmm th y b b n [x] sith th y b b j DASSK thth th n b b j DASSK thth th y w b j DASSK thth th n b b j DASSK simm th y b b v DASSK jath th n w b v DASSK sith th n b b j DASSK thth th n b b v DASSK simm th y b w j DASSK thth th n b b j DASSK thth th n b b j DASSK sith th n n w j [x] [x]th th y n b v [x] thth th y n b v [x] thmm mm y n n j DK chth th y n w j NO inth th y n w j NO inth th y w w v NO chth th n n w j ETH jath th y w w j [x] chth th n w n v DEMO thth th n w w v DEMO chth th n w w v DEMO chth th n w w v DEMO chth th n w w v DEMO chth th n w w v DEMO chth th n w w v NO chth th n w w v ETH ch

th th n n w j ETH chth th n n n j [x] [x]th th n n w v DEMO thth th n n n j DK thth th y w w j DASSK sith th y n n n DASSK sith th y b n n DASSK sith th y n n j REL thth th y w w j TYPE chth th y n n n DASSK sith th y b b n DASSK sith mm n n n j DASSK thth th y n n n [x] ja[x] [x] y w n v [x] chth th y w w v DEMO chth th n w w v DEMO chth th n n w v DEMO chth th y b b n DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y n n n DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK sith th y b b n DASSK thth th n w w v [x] jath th y b b j [x] chth th y n n j DASSK sith th y w w v DEMO chth th n n w v DEMO chth th y n n n DASSK thth th y n n n DASSK thth th y n n n DASSK sith th y n n n DASSK thth th y b n n DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK sith th y b n n DASSK sith th y n n n DASSK thth th y b b n DASSK thth th n n n n DASSK thth th y n n n DASSK sith th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n v DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y n n n DASSK sith th y n n n DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK sith th y b n n DASSK si

th th y n n n DASSK thth th y n n n DASSK thth th y n n n DASSK sith th y n n n DASSK thth th y b b n DASSK sith th y b b j DASSK sith th y b b j DASSK thth th y n n n DASSK sith th y b b n DASSK sith th y b b n DASSK thth th y n n n DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK sith th y b b n DASSK sith th y n n n DASSK sith th y b b j DASSK sith th y b b v DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK thth th y b b v DASSK sith th y w w j REL sith th y w w v DEMO chth th n n n v TYPE chth th n n w j DEMO chth th n n w v [x] jath mm n n n v DK chth th n w n j DEMO chth th n n w j DK chth th n n w j DK chmm mm n n w j DEMO chth th y b n j DASSK thth th y b b j [x] simm th y n n v DASSK jath th y n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK jath th n n n j DASSK thth th y n n n [x] sith th y n n j DASSK thth th n n n j [x] jamm th y n n j DASSK thmm th y b w v DASSK [x]th th y n n n [x] simm th y b b j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th y n w n [x] thmm th y b b n DASSK jath th n n b j UTS thmm th y n n n DASSK th

th th y n w j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK jath th n n n j [x] thmm th y n n n [x] thth th n n n j DASSK thmm th y n n j DASSK jath th n n n j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j [x] jath th n n n j DASSK jath th y n n j DASSK chmm th y n n j DASSK thth th n n n n [x] simm th n b w n [x] simm th n n n n [x] jamm th n b b v [x] sith th y w w j [x] jath th n w w n [x] sith th n w w [x] [x] sith th y n b j ETH [x]th th n n n j DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK thth th n n w j [x] [x]th th n n n j DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK jath th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK sith th n n n n DASSK thth th n n n n DASSK jath th y n w n DASSK sith th n n n n DASSK thth th n n n n DASSK jath th n n n j DASSK jath th y w w n DASSK jath th n n n n DASSK jath th n n b v [x] chth th y b w j DASSK chth th y n w n [x] jath th n n n j [x] jath th n n w [x] ETH jath th y n n j DASSK jath th n n n j [x] jath th n n n j DASSK sith th n n n n DASSK math th n n n j DASSK sith th y n n n [x] jath th y n n j [x] ja

th th n n n j [x] jath th n n n n DASSK jath th y n n j [x] jath th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] chth th y n n j [x] chth th y n n j [x] jath th n n n n DASSK thth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n n DASSK chth th y n n n DASSK jath th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j [x] sith th y n n n DASSK jath th y w w j DASSK jath th n n n j [x] sith th y n n n [x] jath th y n n n DASSK jath th y n n j [x] jath th y n n j [x] jath th y w n n [x] chth th y n n n DASSK jath th n n n j [x] jath th n n n n DASSK jath th y n n j DASSK thth th y n w j DASSK chth th y n n j UTSM sith th y n n n DASSK [x]th th n n n j [x] th[x] [x] y n n j [x] [x]th th y n n n [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j DASSK sith th n w w n [x] thth th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK sith th y w w j DASSK sith th y n n v UKKG sith th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK brth th y n n v DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK jath th y n n j DASSK jath th y n n j DASSK jath th y n n j UKKG jamm th n n n n [x] si

mm th n n n n [x] sith th n b w j [x] [x]th th n n n n [x] sith th n w w n [x] sith th y n n n DK chth th y n n n DASSK sith th n n n n DASSK thth th n n n n DASSK sith th n n n n DASSK thth th n n n n DASSK thth th n n n n DASSK thth th y n n j [x] jamm th y w n j DASSK [x]th th y n n n DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK chth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK thth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK jath th y b b j [x] sith th y n n j DASSK jath th y n n j DASSK sith th n n n n DASSK jath th n n n j DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK [x]th mm n n n j [x] math mm y n n j [x] jath mm y n n j DK jath th n n n v DK chth th n n w v DK chth th n n n v DK math th n n b j DASSK sith th n w n v DK th[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] ETH [x]th th n n n n DASSK sith th n n w j [x] [x]th th n n n j DK thth th n n n n DASSK sith th n n n n DK thth th n n n n NRV sith th n n n j DK jath th n n n j DK thth th n n n n DK thth th n n n n DK thmm mm n w w n [x] jath th n n n n DK thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n v [x] ch

th th n n w v ETH chmm mm y n n j NRV brth th y b b v DASSK jath th y w w n DASSK jath th y n w j DASSK jath th y n n j DASSK jath th y n w j DASSK jath th n w n j DASSK sith th n n w j DASSK chth th y n w j DASSK chth th y n w j DASSK jath th n w b j [x] jath th y n b v DASSK sith th n n n j DK brth th n n n n [x] sith th n n w n [x] jath th n w w j [x] sith th n n n j DK [x]th th n n n j [x] sith th n n n v [x] chth th n w w j [x] jath th n b b j UTS thth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n n DK sith th n n n j [x] thmm th y w w j NRV sith th y n n j [x] simm th n w w j DK sith th n w w j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK sith th n w n n [x] sith th n n n v DASSK thth th n n n j DK simm th n w n j [x] sith th n n n v DK [x]th th n n n j [x] vith th n n w j DASSK chth th n w w n DK [x]mm th n n w j DASSK jath th n n n v ETH sith th n n n j DK thth th n n n j DK thth th n n n n [x] sith th n n b j DASSK thth th n n n [x] DK jath th n n n j [x] thmm mm n n n j DK thmm mm n n n n [x] ja

mm th n w w j TYPE thth th n n n j DK thth th n n n j ETH sith th n n n n DASSK sith th y n n n [x] thth th y b b j DASSK thmm mm n w w v ETH thth th n w w n [x] brth th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th n w w j [x] jath th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thmm th y n w j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y w w j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y w w j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th [x] b b [x] [x] thth th [x] b b [x] [x] thth th y w w j DASSK thmm th y w w j DASSK thmm th y w w j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th n b b j DASSK thth th n w w j DASSK thth th n w w j DASSK jath th n [x] w j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thmm mm n b b j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n b n DK sith th n n n j DASSK sith th n n n n DK thth th n w b j DK thth th n w b n DASSK chth th n n n n DASSK chth th n n n j [x] [x][x] th n n n j [x] sith th n w w n DASSK thth th n n n j DK sith th n n n j DK thth th y n n j [x] jamm th n n n j NRV sith th n n n j [x] simm th n n n [x] [x] si

th th n w w j DASSK thth th n n b v DASSK thmm th y w w j DASSK thth th y b b j DK chth th n n n j DK chmm th n w w j DASSK sith th n w w n [x] sith th n w w j DASSK thth th n n n n DK sith th y n n j DASSK jath th n w n v DASSK thth th n n b n DASSK sith th n n n n DK thth th n n n j DK sith th y n n n [x] sith mm y b n n [x] thth th n n n n [x] thth mm y n b j DASSK thth th n b b j [x] chth th n w w j DASSK chmm th n n n j NRV jath th n w w j [x] chth th n n n j NRV jath th n w b v [x] vimm th y [x] w n [x] thth th y n w j DASSK thth th n w w j DASSK thth th n w w j DASSK thth th n w n j DASSK jath th y w w j DASSK jath th y w w j DASSK thth th n w w [x] DASSK thth th n w w j DASSK thth th n w w j DASSK thth th n w w j DASSK thth th n w w j DASSK thth th n n n n DK thth th n n n n [x] thth th y b b j TYPE thth th n n n j DASSK jath th n b b j DK vith th n n n j DK chth th n n n j DK chth th n w w v DK math th n w w j DK [x]th th n n n j DK thth th n n n n [x] thmm mm y n n n DK br

th th y n n j [x] chth th y w b n DK chth th n n n j [x] math th n w w j UTS sith th n n n n DASSK thth th n n n n DK jath mm y n n n DK jath th n n n n TYPE simm th n n n j [x] [x]mm mm y n b n [x] inmm mm n n n j DASSK thth th n n n n DK thth th y w w j DASSK thth th n b b [x] DASSK brmm th n n n j DASSK jath th y n n j DASSK jath th n n n j TYPE simm th n n n n [x] jath th n n b n [x] jath th y n b j NRV thth th [x] b b n DK thth th y w w j DK math th n n w n DK sith th n b b v DASSK thth mm y n n n DK inth th n w b n DK chth th y w w [x] [x] jath th y n n j [x] [x]th th n n n n [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] [x]th th y n n j [x] [x]th th y n n j [x] thth th y n n n [x] vith th y b n j DASSK thth th y n n j [x] thth th y b n j [x] thth th n w w n [x] jath th n n n [x] [x] thth th y n n n [x] sith th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n [x] j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th n n n v DASSK thth th y n n j [x] th

th th y n n j [x] thth th y n n v [x] thth th y w n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th y w w j [x] thth th y w n j [x] sith th y w w j [x] thth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n v [x] sith th n n n v DK math th y n n n DASSK sith th n n n n DASSK jamm th y w w j DASSK thmm th y w w j UTS thth th y n b j DASSK thth th [x] [x] [x] [x] DASSK [x]th th y b b j DASSK thth th n n n n [x] sith th y n n v ETH sith th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n j [x] vith th y n n n [x] [x]th th y b b j [x] sith th y n n v [x] chth th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thmm th n w w j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b v DASSK thth th y w w j DASSK thth th n w w [x] DASSK thth th y w w j DASSK thth th n w w j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th n b b j DASSK thth th y w w j DASSK thmm th y b b j [x] thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th n b b j [x] thmm th n w w j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j [x] jamm th n b b j [x] thth th y w w j [x] thth mm y n n n DASSK si

th th y n w v [x] jath th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th n n n n DASSK sith th y n n n DASSK sith th n n n v [x] jamm th y w w j DASSK jath th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j DK jamm mm n n b j [x] jath th n n n n DK thth th n n n n DK sith th n n n n DK chth th n n n n [x] sith th n n n n DK sith th n n n n DK thth th n n n n DK thth th n n n n DK sith th n n n n DK chth th n n n n DK [x]th th n n n n [x] chth th n n b n [x] sith th n n n n DK chth th n n w n DK thth mm y w n n [x] math th n w n j TYPE chth th n n w v [x] thth th y n n v DASSK thth th n w n v DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK thth th n n n [x] [x] jamm th n w w v [x] thth th y w w j UTS thth th y n n n [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] thth th y b b j DASSK thmm th n b w j DASSK thth th y w w j [x] jath th y n n n [x] chth th n n w j [x] sith th y n n j [x] thth th n w w n DASSK chth th n n b j [x] thth th y n n n [x] ch

th th n n n j DASSK sith th y n n v DASSK chth th y n b j DASSK math th n n n j [x] math th n n n j DASSK thth th n b b j DASSK thth th y n [x] j [x] thth th y n n n [x] [x]th th y [x] b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th n w w j [x] jath mm y n n n [x] [x]th th y n w j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] thmm mm y n n j [x] th[x] [x] y n n j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK sith th y n w v [x] jath th y n n j [x] vith th y n n n [x] thth mm n n n n DK thth th y b b j [x] thth th n b b v [x] chth th n n n j [x] sith th n w w v DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK jath th n n n v ETH thth th n w w v [x] chth th n n n j [x] [x]th th n n n n [x] sith th y n n j DASSK thth th n w w n [x] thth th n w w n [x] [x]th th y n n [x] [x] thth th y b b n [x] thth th y n [x] j [x] [x]th th y n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n w w n DK thth th y b b [x] DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n b b j [x] thth th n n n n [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n [x] b j [x] thth th y n n j DK sith th n n n n DASSK chmm th n n n j DK th

th th y n n j KMKN sith th y n n j KMKN sith th y w w [x] [x] inth th n n n j [x] chth th n b b j [x] [x]th th y n n j DASSK jath th n w w j [x] thth th y n n n [x] thth mm y w b j [x] chth th y n n v [x] jath th y n n j DASSK jath th n w w v DASSK sith th n n n j [x] inth th n n w v DASSK sith th y w w n DASSK brth th n n n v DASSK jath th n w w v DASSK thth th n n n j [x] simm th y n n [x] [x] math th y n n j [x] simm th y n w [x] [x] thth th y n w j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y n n n ETH jath th y n w j [x] jath th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th y n w j [x] simm th y n b j [x] thth th n n w [x] [x] sith th n w w j [x] thmm th y n n [x] [x] thmm th y n w j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thmm th y n w [x] [x] thth th y n w j [x] thth th y b b j [x] thmm mm y b b j [x] si[x] [x] y n n j [x] sith th n w w j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n w w n [x] thth th y w w j [x] chth th n w n j [x] thth th n w w j [x] [x]th th y n w n DASSK thth th n w w v DASSK ja

th th n n n n DASSK thth th n n n n DASSK thth th y n n n [x] sith th y n n n NLD thth th n w w n NLD jath th y n n n DASSK thth th y w w v [x] jath th n w b j [x] simm th n w w j [x] jath th n n n j [x] sith th n n w j [x] sith th n w w j DASSK sith th n n n n [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n w w j DASSK sith th n w w n NLD jath th y n n j [x] jath th y n n n DASSK math th y n n n DASSK brth th y n n n DASSK thth th y n n n DASSK thth th n n n n [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th n n n j DK thth th n n n n [x] jath th n n n j KMKN sith th n n n n [x] jath th n n n v DASSK thth th y w b v [x] chth th n n n j [x] sith th n w w n [x] thth th y n n j [x] chth th n n n j [x] thth th y b b n UTS thth mm n n n j [x] thth th y n n v NO chth th n n n j [x] sith th y b w j DK vith th n n n n [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n [x] j [x] sith th n n n v [x] thth th n n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] si

th th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n [x] j [x] sith th n n [x] j [x] simm mm n n n [x] [x] thmm mm n n w [x] [x] sith th n n n j DK sith th n n n j DK sith th n n b j NO thth th n n n j NO thth th n n w j NO chth th n n w j NO chmm th n n n j NO math th n n n n DK thth th n n n n DASSK thth th n n n j NO thth th [x] w n j [x] thth th n n n j DK jath th n n n j DK sith th n n n j NO math th y n n j DK math th n n n j NO math th n n w j NO chth th n n n j NO thmm mm y n w j NO chth mm n n n j DK sith th n n n v [x] chth th n n n j [x] sith th y n n [x] DASSK thth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th y w w v [x] sith th y b b j [x] thth th y w w j [x] thth th n n n j NO thth th y n n n DASSK thth th y b b v [x] sith th y n n n DASSK sith th y n n n DASSK thth th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th y n b j DASSK thth th y n n j [x] sith th y b b v [x] sith th y n n j [x] si

th th n n [x] j [x] chth th n w w j [x] sith th n w w j [x] thth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n n v DK chth th n n n j NO thth th y n n v DASSK thth th n n n n [x] sith th n w n j DASSK jath th y n n n DASSK thth th y w w j [x] thth th y n n j DASSK thth th n w w n DASSK thth th n n w j DASSK brth th n w w v DASSK brth th n w n n NO [x]th th y n n n [x] math th n n n n [x] jath th y b n j DASSK sith th n n n v DK thth th n n n j DK chth mm n n n j [x] jath th y n n j [x] chth th n w b v [x] thth th n b n j [x] jath th n w w j DASSK thth th n n n j NO jath th y n n v [x] jath th n w w j [x] thth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n [x] [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n b b j [x] thth th n n n [x] TYPE sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n [x] [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n [x] [x] thth th n n n j [x] sith th n n w [x] [x] thth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] si

th th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n v [x] sith th n n n v [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j DK math th y w w j DASSK sith th n w w j DASSK thth th n w w j [x] thth th n w w n [x] thth th y n n n [x] chth th n n n j DASSK sith th n w w j [x] thth th y n n j DK thth th y w w j DASSK thth th n n n j NO thth th y n n j DASSK sith th n n w j DASSK thth th n w w [x] DASSK jath th n w w j [x] thth th n n n j DK chmm mm y n n j DASSK sith th n n n v DK jamm mm y n n j DASSK sith th n w n n DK thth th n n n v NO chth th n n n j DK thth th n n n v NO chth th n w w v [x] chth th n n w j [x] thmm th n b b j [x] thth th y n w j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y n w j [x] thmm th n n n j [x] thmm mm y w w j [x] thth th y w w n [x] [x]mm mm y n n j DK simm mm n n n n [x] sith th n n n n DK sith th n n n j TYPE sith th y n n n [x] si[x] [x] n n n j DK si

th th n n w j [x] jath th n w w j DASSK sith th n n n [x] [x] inth th n b b j [x] [x]th th y b b j DASSK jath th y b b j [x] thth th n n n j [x] sith th n w w n [x] [x]th th y n n j [x] sith th n n w j [x] chth th n w w j DEMO [x]th th n w w v TYPE sith th n n n n [x] chth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK chth th n n n [x] [x] sith th n n n j [x] [x]mm mm n w n n DASSK thth th n n n v NRV thth th n n n j [x] jath mm n w b j ETH chth th n n n j NO thth th n n w j [x] thth th n n n n [x] thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n w w j DEMO inth th n n n v DK thth th n n n n NRV thth th n n n v NO ja[x] th n w n j DEMO chth th y n n j ETH jath th n n b j TYPE chth th n n n j DK sith th n b n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK math th n n n j TYPE chth th n n n v [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j ETH thth th n n n n [x] chth th n w w j [x] sith th y n n n [x] chth th n n n n [x] chth th n w b n [x] sith th n n n n [x] chth th y n n n [x] chth th y n n j [x] chth th y n n n [x] ch

th th y n n n [x] chth th n n n n [x] chth th n n n j [x] chth th y b n n [x] sith th n n n j DK jath th n n b j DK thth th n n n j DK thth th n n n j DK thth th n w w j DK jath th n n n j DK thth th n w w j DK jath th n n n j DK thth th n w n n [x] jath th n n n j DK jath th n n b j DK chth th n w w j DK jath th n n n n [x] jath th n w n v [x] jath th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] chth th n n n j DK jath th n n w v DK thth th n w n n [x] chth th n w w j DK jath th n n n j DK jath th y n n j DK jath th y n n j [x] chth th n n n j [x] chth th y n n j [x] sith th y n b j DK sith th n n n j [x] chth th n n w j DK thth th n n n j [x] jath th n n n n [x] sith th n n n v [x] chth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK chth th n n w j DK thth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j DK chth th n w w v DEMO sith th n w w j DEMO chth th n w w j DEMO chth th n w w j NO chth th n n w j TYPE chth th n n n j [x] jath th n n n v DK vi

th th y n n v [x] vith th n w n j NRV thth th n w n j NRV thth th n n n j DK sith th n n b j TYPE jath mm y n n n [x] jath mm n w w j DASSK sith th n n n j DK sith th n n n j DASSK chth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th n b b j [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j DEMO jamm th n w n n NRV thth mm n w w j [x] thth th n n w j REL thth th n n n n [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th n w n j DK sith th n n n j TYPE thth th n n w v TYPE thth th n w n j NRV chth th n w w j DK thth th y n n n ETH vimm th y n n j [x] sith th n n w j TYPE chth th n n n j [x] chth th n n n n [x] thth th n n n n DK chth th n n n j DK chth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j NRV jath th n n n n [x] sith th y b b v DASSK sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n w j UTS sith th y n b v [x] thth th y n n j DK sith th n n n n DK jath th n n n n DK thth th n n b j [x] thth mm n n n n DASSK simm mm y n n j [x] math mm y n n j [x] simm mm y n n j [x] vimm mm n n n j DK jath mm n w w v DASSK si

th th n n n n [x] jath th n n n n DASSK sith th n w w j TYPE jath th n b b j DK jath th n n n j DK jath th n n n j DK jath th n n n v DK vith mm [x] w w v DASSK thth th n n n j DK [x]mm th n w n j DASSK sith mm n n n j DASSK mamm mm n n n v DASSK math th n b n j DASSK thth th n n n n [x] sith th n n n j NRV sith th n n n n NRV sith th n w w j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n n n DK chth th n n n j DK jath th n n n j DK ja[x] th n n w n [x] sith th n n n j TYPE thth th n n n n DK sith th n n w j DASSK thth th n n n j DK sith th n n n j NRV sith th n n n n DK jath th y n b j DASSK sith th n n n j TYPE chth th n n n v [x] thth th n n n n [x] jath th n w w v DK math th n w w n [x] sith th n w b v DK brth th n w w v [x] math th n w n j ETH jath th n w n j DEMO sith th n n n j DEMO thth th y n n n DASSK sith th n w w j DASSK inth th y n n j DEMO chth th n n n j DK jamm th n n b j DASSK chth th n n n j DK jamm mm n w n j DK chth th n n n j DASSK si

th th n w b j [x] sith th n w b j [x] sith th n n n j DK thth th n n n j DK thth th n n n j DK jath th y n n j DK jamm th n w w n ETH sith th n n n j DK jath th n b b j DK chth th n w w n [x] sith th n n n n [x] [x]mm mm n w w j [x] sith th y n n n DK sith th n w w j DEMO chth th n n n j DK jath th y n n n DK thmm th n n n j ETH sith th n n n j DK sith th n n n j ETH si[x] th n w w j TYPE sith th y n b j NRV sith th y n n n DK sith th n n n j [x] chth th y b b n [x] sith th n n w v ETH chth th n n n j DK thth th n n n j TYPE thth th n n n j ETH chth th n n n j DK chth th n n n n [x] sith th n n n j DASSK simm mm n w w j DASSK sith mm y n b n DK sith th n n n j DK [x]th th y n n j DASSK chth th n n n j DASSK thth th n w n j [x] sith th n w n j [x] thth th y n n n NRV sith th n n n n [x] chth th n n n j [x] chth th n n n n [x] jath mm n n b j DK jath th n w w j DASSK [x]th th y w w j DASSK [x]th [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]th [x] n n n j REL chth th y w b j DEMO [x]

th th n n n j [x] chth th n n n j [x] si[x] [x] y n n j [x] [x][x] [x] n w w j DEMO sith th n w w j [x] [x]th th y n n j DASSK sith th n n n n ETH thth th y n n j REL chth th n w w j DASSK jath th n w w j REL chth th n w w v ETH chth [x] y w b j [x] jath th n w w v DEMO chth th n w w v DEMO chth th n w w v DEMO chth th y n w j DEMO chth th n w n v TYPE chth th n w w v DEMO chth th y n n v DEMO chth th n n w v DEMO chth th n w w v DEMO chth th n w n v TYPE chth th y n n j DASSK jath th y n w j [x] chth th n n n j DASSK sith th n w w j DEMO chth th n n n j DK [x]th mm n w w v DEMO chth th n n n j REL chth th n w b v [x] chth th n n n j DK sith th n n n j DK sith th y n n j DASSK sith th n n n j DK sith th n w n j DASSK sith th n n n j DK math th n n n j DK sith th n n n v DK sith th n n n j DK sith th n n n v DK sith th n w n j [x] [x]th th n n n j BKH chth th y n n j BKH chth th n n n j DK sith th n n n v [x] sith th n w w n NO chth th n n w v ETH jath th n n w v ETH ja

th th n b b j DASSK sith th n n b j TYPE sith th n w w j UTS chth th y n n v REL chth th y b b v DASSK sith th y w b v [x] chth th n w w j ETH sith th n b n j DASSK jath th n n n j [x] sith th n b n j DASSK sith th n w w j [x] jath th y b n j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] sith th y n n j REL sith th y n n j REL sith th n w w j DEMO jamm th y n n v DEMO chth th y w w j [x] thth th n n b j [x] chth th [x] n n j [x] sith th n w w j DASSK sith th n w w j DEMO chth th n w n v [x] sith th n n w j TYPE chth th n w w v DEMO chth th n n b j DEMO chth th n n w j DEMO chth th y n n v NO thth th n w n j DASSK jath th n w n j DASSK jath th n w n j DK thth th n n n j NO math th n n n j NO sith th n w w v DEMO math th n w n j DK thth th n w w j DK thth th n w n j DEMO sith th n w w j DK sith th n n n n DK sith th n w n j DEMO chmm th n n n j DK chth th y w w j ETH jath th n w w j DEMO [x]th th y n n j DK chth th n n n j DK chth th y n n j DK chth th y n n j DK chmm mm n w n j NO si

th th y n n j TYPE brth mm y w n v TYPE thth th n w w n DK thth th n b b n NO thth th n n n v DASSK sith th n w w n NO chth th n w w n DK chth th n w w j BKH chth th n b b j [x] math th n n w j NO sith th n n w j NO sith th n n n j [x] chth th n n n j [x] chth th n w w n NO thth th n w w n DK thth th n w w n ETH chth th n w w n NRV sith th n n n n [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th n w w n DASSK chth th n w w j DEMO sith th y n n j DEMO [x]th th n n w v DASSK jath th n w w v ETH sith th n w w v DK sith th n w w n DK thth th n n w n DK [x]th th n w w n DK sith th n w w n NRV thth th n w w n DK thth th n w w n ETH chth th n w w n NO chth th n w w n NRV sith th n w w n DK sith th n w w n NRV sith th n w w n NO vith th n w w n NRV sith th n w w n NRV thth th n w w n DK chth th n w w n NO math th n w w n NO chth th n n w v DASSK [x]th th n b n j NO chth th n w w n NO chth th n w w n NO jath th n w w n DK sith th n w w n NO jath th n n n j BKH si

th th n w w n DK sith th n w w n NRV chth th n w w n DK sith th n n n j NO chth th n w w n NO chth th n b w n NO chth th n w w n NO math th n w w v NO math th n w w n NRV chth th n w w n NO sith th n w w n NO thth th n w w n NRV chth th n w w n NO chth th n n w j NO thth th n w w n NRV thth th n w w n NO chth th n w w n DK thth th n w b n NO chth th n w w n NO chth th n w w n NO chth th y n n j NO chth th n w w n NO jath th n w w n DK sith th y w w n NRV chth th n w w n NRV sith th n w w n NO math th n w b n NO thth th n w w n NO chth th n w w n DK thth th n w w n NRV thth th n w w n NRV thth th n w w n NRV thth th n w w n NRV thth th n w w n NO chth th n w w n NRV thth th n w w n NO vith th n w w n ETH chth th n w w n NRV thth th n w w n NO chth th n w w n DK thth th y w n v ETH jath th n n n j TYPE chth th n n n j [x] sith th n w w j NO si[x] th n n n v DEMO jath th y n n j DK [x]mm th y w b n NO sith th n w w j DEMO ja

th th n n n j ETH simm th n n n j DK chth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j DEMO thth th n n n v DEMO jath th n w n j DASSK chth th n w n j DASSK chth th y w w j NO chth th n w w j TYPE sith th n n n n [x] sith th n n n v DASSK sith th n n n v [x] thth th n n n v DASSK chth th n n n v DEMO thth th n b b j [x] thth th n b w j DEMO sith th n n n j [x] sith th n w n v DEMO thth th n n n v NO thth th y b b j [x] jath th y w b v [x] [x]th th n n n j ETH simm mm n w w j NO thmm mm n n n j DASSK thth mm y n n j TYPE jamm mm y n n v NO ch[x] [x] n n n j ETH chth [x] [x] w w n NO ma[x] [x] y b b j [x] [x]th [x] [x] b b j NRV [x][x] [x] n n n j DEMO sith th n w w j DEMO chth th y w w v DEMO chth th n w w v DEMO chth th n n n j [x] sith th y n n j DEMO chth th n w w v DEMO chth th n w w v DEMO chth th n w w v DEMO chth th n n n j DK sith th n w w v DK sith th n n n j DEMO [x]th th n w w v DEMO chth th n n w v DEMO chth th n n w j DEMO chth th n n w j DK sith th n b b v [x] sith th n n w j DK si

th th n n w v DEMO chth th n n w v DEMO chth th n n n v DEMO chth th n n n v DK thth th n w w v DEMO chth th n w w v DEMO chth th n w w j DK chth th n n n j DK sith th n w w j DASSK thth th n w n n DK sith th n n n v DEMO chth th y b n j DEMO chth th n w w j DASSK ja[x] th n n n n DASSK thth th n w w v DK jath th n w w v NO [x]th th n w w v DEMO chth th n w w j DASSK chth th y w w v DEMO chth th n w w v DEMO chth th n w n v DEMO chth th n w w v DEMO chth th n w w v DEMO chth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j DEMO jath th y n n j DEMO thth th n n n v TYPE jath th n b b v [x] chth th n n n j [x] jath th n n n j DEMO sith th n n n n DASSK thth th n w n j DASSK jath th n n n j DASSK sith th n n n v DEMO chth th n n n j NO thth th n n n j DK thth th n w w j DEMO chth th n w w j DASSK chth th n n w v DEMO chth th n n b j ETH thth th n w n j TYPE sith th n n n v DK chth th n w w j NO sith th n w w j DEMO jath th y n n v UTS chth th n w w j DK sith th y n n j DEMO sith mm n w w v DEMO ch

th mm n w w j DEMO chmm mm n n n j DASSK thth [x] y n [x] v REL chth th n w n j DEMO chth mm n w w j DASSK chth th y n n j DEMO [x]th th n w w j DK sith th n n n j [x] simm th n w w j NO [x]th th n n n j NO thth th n w w j DASSK sith th n w w n NO chth th n w w v [x] [x]th th n w w n NO thth th y n n j NO chth th n w n j DEMO chth th y n n j DEMO chth th n w w n NO sith th n w w n NO chth th n n n j DK sith th n n n j [x] sith th n w n v DASSK sith th n n n j NO jath th n w w j NO chmm th n w w n NO [x]th th n w w n NO chth th n w w n NO chth th n w w n NO chth th n w w n NO chth th n w w n NO chth th n w w n NO sith th n w w j DEMO thth th y w w j ETH chth th n n n v NO jath th n w w n NO chth th n n n n NO chth th n w w n NO [x]th th n w w n NO chth th n w w n NO chth th n w w n [x] chth th n n n n NO thth th n w w n NO chth th n w w n NO sith th n w w n DK thth th n w w j NO sith th n w w j [x] chth th n w w j DEMO jath th n w w n NO ch

th th n w w n NO chth th n w w j DEMO jath th [x] w w j NO chth th n n n v DEMO [x]th th y b b j DASSK chth th n n n j [x] [x]th th y n n n UTS jath th n w w j DEMO chth th y w w v TYPE sith th n w w j DEMO chth th n w w j DEMO sith th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n n DASSK thth th n w w j DASSK sith th y w w v TYPE sith th n n n n UTS sith th n w w j DEMO jath th n n b j DK jamm th n n n n DK chth th y n n j DK thth th n n n j [x] jath mm n n n j DK sith mm n n n j DASSK chth mm y n n j TYPE brth mm n w b j [x] sith mm n n n j [x] jath mm n w w v TYPE chth mm y n n j DK thth mm n w w j DK sith mm n n n j [x] jath [x] n n n j DEMO ja[x] [x] y n n j DEMO thth [x] n n b j DK jath th n n b v DASSK jath th n n n j DASSK jath th n b b j [x] [x]th th n b n j TYPE jath th y w w j [x] chth th n w w v DEMO chth th y b b j [x] sith th n w w j DASSK thth th n n n v TYPE simm th n b b j DASSK vith th n b b j DASSK sith th y n n j [x] thth [x] y w w v [x] sith th n n n j NO ch

th th n n n j [x] sith th n w w n [x] simm th y b b j DASSK sith th n w n j ETH chth th n w w j NO chth th n n n j DEMO jath th n n n j DK brmm th n w w v DK sith th n w n j NO thth th y b n j ETH jath th n b b v [x] sith th n n n n UTS thth th y n w n DK jath th n w n j NO sith th n n n j DK chth th y w n j TYPE chth th n n n n NO sith mm n n n v DEMO chth th n w w j DEMO chth th n n n j DEMO sith th n n n j NO thth th n w w v DEMO chth th y w w v DEMO chth th y n n j NO thth th n n n j DK sith th y n n n TYPE jath th n n n n TYPE sith mm n w w j DEMO thth th n b b j [x] [x]th th y n n j DK chth th n b b j NO thth th n n n j [x] chth th y n n v [x] chth th n w w j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] chth th n w b v TYPE jamm th y b b j [x] thth th n n w j [x] sith th n b b j [x] [x]th th n b b j [x] [x]th th n b b j [x] [x]th th n n n n [x] [x]th th n b w v UTS [x]th th n w w j DEMO thmm th y n n j [x] [x]th th n n n j DEMO [x]

th th y n n j DASSK sith th n w w v DK math th n w n j [x] [x]th th n w w n No thth th n n w j [x] vith th n n n j [x] sith th y w b j DEMO [x]th th n n n j DK chth th n b b j [x] [x]th th n w n j DASSK sith th y w n j UTS jath th n n n j TYPE [x]th th n n n n [x] sith [x] n w n j NO ch[x] [x] y b b j [x] [x]th th n w b v DASSK sith th n b w v [x] thth th n w w j [x] jamm th n w w n NO [x]th th n n n j [x] thth th y w w j DEMO math th n n n j [x] sith mm y b w j DEMO sith [x] n w w j DK chth th n n n n DK chth th n w n j NO sith th n w w n NO chth th n n n v [x] chth th y n n j DEMO jath th n w n n DK sith th n n n j DK chth th n n n j DASSK thth mm y n n j TYPE jath mm y n n j UTS [x]mm th y n w j TYPE sith th n w w n DASSK sith th n n n j DEMO chth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n v ETH jath th y w w v NO sith th y n n j TYPE jath th n w n j DEMO chth th n w w j NO jath th n n w v NO chth th y n n j [x] chth th y n n v DASSK sith th n b b j DASSK brth th n w w j [x] si

th th n n n j [x] chth th y n n j TYPE jath th y n n j DEMO jamm mm n n n j NO ch[x] [x] y w n v DEMO jath th n n w j NO jath th n n n j [x] sith th n n w j NO ja[x] th n w w v NO sith th y n w v NO ch[x] [x] y n n j DK chth th n n n n DASSK thth th n w w j [x] jath th n w w j NO jath th n n n j DK chth th n n n j [x] simm th n w w v DK sith th n b b v DASSK sith mm n w w v NO thth th n w w j NO sith th n n n v [x] jath th y n n j [x] chth th n n n n [x] jath th n b w v DEMO thth th n n n j [x] jath th n n n j DASSK math th y w w v NO chth th y n n v [x] chmm mm n n w j DK thth th n n n j NO chth th n n n j DASSK si[x] [x] y w w v ETH jath th n w w j NO chth th n n n j DK thth th n n n j TYPE math th n n n j NO vith th n n n j NO jath th n w n j DASSK chth th n n n j NO si[x] th n w w j NO chth mm n n n j DEMO chth th y w n j DASSK chth th n n b j NO sith th n w n j DEMO jath th n w w v ETH vith th y w n v ETH [x]th th n w w j REL inth mm y b b j [x] th

th th n n n v DEMO chth th n b w v DEMO chth th y n n v DEMO chth th n w w v DK thth th n w w v ETH chth th n n n v DEMO thmm th n n n j [x] sith th y w n v DASSK chth th n w w v DEMO chth th n n n j DEMO sith th y n n n DK chth th n b b j [x] [x]th th n w w j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] thth mm n n w v [x] th[x] [x] y b b j [x] [x]th th n w w j NO chth th n n w j DK sith th n n n j DK sith th y n w j [x] chth th n n n j DEMO sith mm y w w n [x] chth th n n n j DASSK chth th n w w j DEMO thth th y n [x] [x] [x] [x]mm th n n n j [x] [x]mm th y n w [x] [x] jath th y n n n [x] [x]mm mm y n n n [x] jath th n w n n [x] jath th n n n n [x] chth th n w w j DK chth th n n n j [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] jath th y n n n [x] jath th n w n v [x] chth th n n n n DASSK chth th n n n n [x] sith th n n n n [x] thth th y n n j [x] vith mm y n n j DASSK thth th n b n v NO si[x] th n n n j [x] chth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] jath th n n n n [x] thth th n n n n NO thth th n w w j NO [x]

th th n w w v DASSK sith th n w w v DASSK [x]th th n n n n [x] thth th n w w v DASSK ch[x] th n n w j [x] [x]th th n w w v DASSK ch[x] th n n n j DEMO chth th n w w v DEMO chth th y n b j [x] sith th y w w n DASSK jath th n n n j DK jath th n n n j TYPE chmm th y n n n [x] thth th n n n j DK sith th n n n j DK jath th n w w j NO sith th n w w j DK chth th n n n j [x] sith th y b b j DASSK thmm th y n n j DASSK jath th y n n j DASSK thth mm n n n j DASSK sith mm n w n j [x] jath th n w n j DK sith th n w n j DASSK sith th n w w n NO simm mm n n n j DK thth th y n n j TYPE thth th n n n v NO sith th y n n j NO jath th n w b v NO sith th n n b n DEMO thmm th y n n j DASSK jath th n n w v DK thth mm n n n n NO thth th n n w j NO sith th n n w j NO sith th y n b j NO [x]th th n w n j DK chth th n n n j DASSK thth th y n n n [x] jath th n n n v NO thth th y n w j [x] sith th y n n j [x] chth th n n w j NO sith th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DK thth th y n n j DASSK th

th th y n n j [x] chth th n w w j [x] chth th n n w j NO sith th n n w j NO sith th n n w j NO sith th n n w j NO sith th n n w j NO sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n n [x] chth th n w n v DEMO chth th n n n n [x] sith th n n n j DK jath mm n n w j [x] simm mm n b b j NO vith mm n n n j [x] thmm mm n n n n [x] chth th n n w j [x] thth th n n n n NO thth th n n n n NO thth th y n n n DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n n NO thth th n n n n NO thth th n w w n NO jath th n n n n NO thth th n n n j DASSK chth th y n w n NO thth th n n n n NO thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n n NO thth th n n n n NO sith th n n n n NO sith mm n n n n NO thth mm n n n n NO thth mm n n n n NO thth th n n n n [x] sith th n n n j DK thth th n n n j NO chth th n n n j DASSK [x]th th y n b v DASSK chth th y n b v DASSK chth th y n n v DASSK thth th n n n j [x] chmm mm n n n n [x] sith th y n w n DASSK jath th n b b v DASSK chth th n n n j DASSK [x]

th th n n n j NO chth mm n b n j DASSK si[x] th n n n v DK jath th n n n j [x] chth th y n n n [x] [x]th th n n n n [x] chth th n b n j DASSK sith th n n n n DASSK sith th n n n n [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n n [x] jath th n n n n [x] sith th y n n n DASSK th[x] th n n n j [x] [x]th th n n n n [x] si[x] th n n n v [x] thth [x] n n n n [x] sith [x] n n n n [x] sith th n n n v NO sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j DK sith th n w n j DK simm th y n n n [x] [x]th th n n n v DEMO thth th n n n n [x] chmm th y w w j DASSK jath th n w w j NO thth th n w b n DASSK simm th n n n n DASSK chth th n w b n DASSK sith th n n n n NO thth mm y n n n NO thth th y w w j [x] chth th n n n v [x] sith th n n n v ETH sith [x] n n n j [x] thth th y b b j UTS sith th n n n j NO sith mm n w b v DASSK ch[x] [x] n n n j [x] jath th n w n j NO [x]th th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] chth th y w w j REL jath th n n n j NO [x]th th n n n j DASSK chth th n n n j DASSK ch

th th n w n j DASSK jath th n w w j DASSK chth th n n n v DASSK chth mm n w n j DASSK thth [x] n w w j NO jath mm n w w j DASSK chth th n n n j DASSK th[x] th y w w j DK thth th n w w j DK thth th n w w j DK thth th n w w j DK thth th n n n n NO chth th y w b v [x] thth th y n n v ETH thth th n w b v [x] chth th n n n n NO thth th n w w n NO chmm th n n n v NO chth th n n n n DASSK vimm th n n n v NO chth th n n n n NO jath th n n n v NO mamm th n w n v NO chmm th n n n v NO chmm th n w n v NO chth th n b n n DASSK simm th n w n v NO chth th n n n n NO thth th n n n n NO chth th y n n j NO thth th n n w v NO sith th n n n j NO thth [x] y n n n NO thth th n n n v DK vith th n n n n NO [x]th th n n n n [x] jath th n n n n [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] thmm th y b b j [x] thth th n n n j DEMO chth th n n n v ETH sith th y n n v [x] [x]th th y n n j DASSK sith th n w w j DASSK sith th n w w j [x] [x]th th n n n n DK chth th y n n j [x] thmm th y n w j [x] si

th th n n n j [x] simm mm y b b j [x] sith th y n n j [x] [x]th th y n n j [x] thmm mm y b b j [x] thmm mm y b b j [x] simm mm y b b j [x] thmm th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n b b j [x] chmm th y b n j DASSK thth th n w w j DASSK jath th y b b j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n w w v DASSK thth th y n n v DASSK jath th y w w n DASSK jath th y b b j NLD jath th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th n n n j [x] thth th y n n v [x] thth th n n n n [x] thth th y b n [x] [x] thth th y w w j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thmm th n n n j [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] chmm th n n n j [x] sith th y b b j [x] sith th y b b n DASSK thmm th y n n n DASSK sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thmm th y n n j [x] thth th n n n n [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n n [x] thth th n n n n [x] thmm th y b n j UTS thmm mm n b b j DASSK thth th n n n n [x] thth th n n n n [x] thth th n n w v DASSK simm mm y b b v DASSK th

th th y n n j UTS jamm th y b b j [x] mamm th n n n j [x] [x]mm th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] thth th n w w j NO thmm th n n n j DASSK simm th n n n j [x] si[x] [x] n n n j ETH sith th y n n n [x] [x]th th y b b j DASSK th[x] th n b w j [x] sith th n b b j DASSK thth th y n n n [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n w n j DASSK chth th n b n j [x] jath th y n [x] j [x] jath th n [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] ja[x] th [x] n n [x] [x] thth th y n n j DASSK thth th n b b j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n w w [x] [x] thmm mm n n w n [x] jath [x] n n n j DASSK jath th n n n j [x] thth th y n n v [x] jath th n n b j [x] sith th n n n n TYPE jath th y n n j [x] [x]th th y n n n [x] thmm th y n n v DASSK thth th y n n v [x] jath th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j DASSK jath th y n n n DASSK thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK th[x] [x] n n n j DK thth th n n n n DASSK thth th y n n n DASSK thth th n n w j [x] th

th th n w n j DASSK thth th y b b v DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK [x]th th n w n j [x] thmm mm n b b j [x] [x]th th n n n n NO jath th y n n j [x] sith th n n w j [x] thth th n w w v DASSK thth th n n n n [x] sith th n n n j [x] jamm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n n DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK sith th n w w n DASSK thth th n n n v [x] chth th n n n v [x] thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n w j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j DEMO thth th y n n j DASSK thth th n w b j [x] sith th n w w j UTS thth th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n j DEMO chth th n n n j DK thmm th y n n j DASSK sith th n n n v DEMO math th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y w w j [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] thmm th y w w j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] thth th n b w v DASSK thth th n w w j [x] th

th th n w w j DASSK thth th n w b j ETH sith th n n n j DEMO jath th n w n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] jath th y n w j DASSK thth th n n n j [x] thth th n w w j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth mm n n n n ETH jamm mm n n n n [x] chth th n [x] n n [x] thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j TYPE thth th n n n j DK chth th n n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK thth th n w w j [x] thmm th n w b j DASSK thth th n w w j [x] thmm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n v [x] simm th y n n j DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j [x] math th n n n j [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] jamm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK sith th n b b j ETH sith th y n n n [x] sith th n n n n [x] thth th n n n n [x] thth th n w w [x] DASSK thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK si

mm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y b b j REL simm th y n n j DASSK sith th y w b j ETH sith th n n n j DASSK sith th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th y n n n [x] thmm th y n n j DASSK simm th y w w j [x] sith th n n n v [x] thmm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK sith th y b b j [x] sith th y n n j DASSK thth th n n n v DEMO thth th n n n j [x] jath th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] jath th y w b n UTS thth mm n n w v [x] thth th n b b j [x] thth th y b [x] j [x] [x]th th n n w j NLD thmm th y n w j NLD thth th n b b j [x] thth th n n n j DEMO chth mm n w w j DEMO chth th y n n j DASSK thth th n b b n [x] thth th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK sith th n w w j NO jath th n n n j NLD jamm th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK simm mm n b b n NO th

th th n n n [x] [x] sith th n w b j REL si[x] [x] y n n n DASSK thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n b j [x] thth th n n n j [x] jamm th n w w j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] [x]th th n n n n [x] thth th n n n j NLD thmm th y n n j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th n n n n [x] jath th n n n n [x] chth th n n n j [x] chth th y n n j [x] thth th n n n n [x] [x]th th n n n n NO chth th n w w j DASSK jamm th y b b j [x] thth mm n w w j [x] chmm th y b w j UTS simm th y n n j DASSK mamm th y b w j UTS jamm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK thmm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK jamm th y n n j DASSK jamm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK jamm th y n n j DASSK jamm th y n n j DASSK jamm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK jamm th y n n j DASSK jamm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j UTS jamm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK vith th n n n n DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK jath th n n n j DASSK thth th n n w n DK jath th n n n n DK simm mm y b b j [x] [x]

mm mm y n b j [x] thth th n n n j [x] vith th n w w n DK sith th n n n n DASSK thth th n w w v DASSK chth th n b n j DK [x]th th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DK sith th n n n j DASSK thth mm n n n j [x] sith th n w w j NO thmm th y n n j [x] simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j [x] simm th y n n j DASSK chmm th y n n j DASSK chmm th y n n j DASSK mamm mm y b b j [x] sith th n n n j DK chth th n w w j DK jath th n w b j DASSK math th n n n j DK chth th n n n n [x] thth th y n w v DASSK sith th n n n n [x] chth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] chth th n n n v DK sith th n n n j [x] sith th y b b j [x] [x][x] [x] n n n v [x] si[x] [x] n n n j DK sith th n w w j DK sith th y w w j DK sith th n n n n [x] chth th n n n j DK jath th y n n n [x] chth th n n n j DK jath th y w w j DASSK sith th n n n j DK si[x] [x] n n n j DK sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j [x] [x]

th th n b w j DASSK chth th n n n n REL jath th n n n j DASSK sith th n n n n DK chmm th n w w j DASSK sith mm y n n j [x] [x]th th n n b j DK chth th n n n n [x] jath th y b b j [x] [x]th th n n n j DASSK [x]mm th y b b v DASSK sith th n [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]th th n [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]th th n [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th y b n j [x] thth th [x] b b j [x] sith th n n n n [x] sith th n b b n [x] jath th n n n j [x] thmm mm y n n j [x] jath mm y b b j [x] sith [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] sith th n w w j [x] jath th n n w n [x] chth th n n w n [x] chth th n n n n [x] chth th n n n n [x] [x]th th n n n n [x] [x]th th y w w j [x] thth th n n n v DASSK simm mm n w w j [x] simm th y b b j [x] sith th y n n n [x] sith th n n n j [x] chth th y n n j [x] chth th n w w n [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th y n n v [x] chth th y n n j [x] sith th n w w j [x] sith th n n n n DASSK jath th n w w v [x] th[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] DASSK [x]

mm th n n n j UTS jath th n n w v [x] sith th y n n j [x] thth th n w w j DASSK sith th y n w j DASSK chth th n n n j DASSK vith th n w w v [x] thmm mm y w w v DASSK thmm mm y [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]mm th y b b j DASSK jath th y n n j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] sith th y n n v DASSK jath th n w w j [x] sith th n n n v [x] jath th n n n n DK sith th n n n j [x] th[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] DASSK [x]th th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n n [x] chth th n n n n [x] chth th n n n n [x] chth th n n n n [x] chth th n n n n [x] chth th n n n n [x] chth th y n n v [x] chth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK chth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK chth th n n n j [x] chth th y w w j DASSK jath th n w w v [x] chth th n n n j [x] chth th n n n j NRV sith th y n n j DASSK chth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n n [x] vith th n n b j NRV sith th n w [x] j UTS thth th y n w j DASSK chth th n n n v [x] sith [x] n n w j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK simm th y n n v DASSK thth th n n n [x] NRV simm th y n n n [x] ja

th th n w w v [x] sith th n n n j [x] chth th y w w j DASSK chth th n n n j [x] chth th y n n n DASSK jath th y n n j DASSK jath th n n w n [x] chth th n n n v [x] thth th n n n n DK thth th n n n v ETH thth th y n n v DASSK chth th n w w v [x] sith th y b b j [x] chth th y w w v [x] sith th y n n v [x] sith th y b b j [x] vith th n w w [x] DASSK thth th y w w j DASSK chth th n n n j [x] thth th n w w j DK thth th y n n n TYPE thth th n n w [x] [x] thth th y w w n DASSK chth th n n n j DASSK jath th y b b j [x] si[x] th n w n j DASSK thth th y n n v DASSK sith th n w w j [x] sith th n n n n DASSK sith th n n n n [x] chth th n n n n [x] chth th n w w j DASSK jath th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK sith mm y n n j [x] thmm mm y n b j [x] sith th n n b n [x] thmm th y n n j [x] chth th y n b j [x] jath th n n n j [x] [x]mm mm y n n j [x] jath th n n n j DASSK thth th y n n n [x] sith th n n n n [x] chmm th y n w n [x] thth th n w n j [x] [x]th th y n n n UTO sith th n w w j DK si

th th n w w j DK sith th y b n j [x] si[x] [x] [x] n n j NRV sith th n w w n DASSK sith th n n n n DASSK sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] chth th n n n j DK chth th n n n j [x] chth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n v [x] sith th n n n j [x] simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n v [x] sith th n n n j UTS jath th y n n n [x] sith th y n n v DASSK sith th n b b [x] [x] thth th n n n v [x] jath th n n n n NRV jamm th y b b j [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th n n w v DASSK ja[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]th th n n n n ETH [x]th th n n w j [x] [x]th th n w w n [x] sith th y n n n NRV sith th n w n n TYPE math th n n n j ETH thth th n n n j DK thmm th y n n j [x] sith th n w n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] chth th y n n v [x] sith th n b n v [x] sith th n n n j [x] math th n n n j DK math th n n n v [x] jath th n n n n DK sith th n w b v DK sith th n n n n [x] sith th y n n n NRV math th n n n j DK thth th y n n j [x] sith th [x] w w j DASSK sith th n n n j DK si

th th n n n j DK thmm th y w b n [x] thth th y n w n DASSK jath th n n n n DK th[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] DASSK [x]th th n n n n [x] sith th n [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]th th n w w j NRV sith th n n n n [x] thth th n w w j NRV sith th n n n j DK si[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] DASSK [x]th th n n n n [x] sith th y w w n [x] sith th n n w n DASSK sith th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j DK jath th n n n j DK thmm th y n b j [x] thmm th y n n j [x] thth th y w n j [x] thth th y n [x] v DASSK jath th n w w v DASSK thmm th n w w v DASSK thmm th n w w v DASSK thmm th n w w v DASSK thth th y n n j [x] thth th n n w j DASSK thth th n w w v DASSK thth th n n n n NRV jath th n n n n [x] jamm mm n b b j [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] [x]th th y b b j [x] thth th y b b j [x] thth th y b b j DASSK sith th n w n j [x] mamm th n w w j [x] sith th y b b j [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y n b j DASSK sith th y n w j DASSK thmm th y n b j DASSK math th n n n j [x] [x]

th th n w w j KMKN jath th n n n j [x] jath th n n w [x] DASSK jath th y b b j DASSK sith th n n w v DASSK chth mm y n n n [x] chth th y b b j [x] sith th y n n n DASSK thth th y n n n DASSK thth th y n n n DK sith th y n n v DASSK sith th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th y w b j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK thth mm y n n j [x] sith th n n n j UTSM thth th y n n j UMA inth th n n n j UTS mamm th y n n j [x] sith th y w w n DASSK thmm th y w w j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n n DASSK [x]th th n n n n [x] simm th y n n j DASSK jath th y b w j DASSK jath th y w w j DASSK chth th n n w n DASSK chth th y b b v UTS inth th y b b [x] UTS sith th y b b j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK jath th y n n j KMKN sith th n n n j [x] [x]th th n n [x] j [x] sith th n n [x] j [x] simm th n [x] b j [x] [x]th th y w w j DASSK sith th y n n n [x] thth th y n n n [x] thmm th n n n j DASSK sith th n w w v UKKG sith th n n n j DASSK thth th y w w j DASSK jath th y n n j [x] sith th n w n n DASSK jath th y n n n KMKN th

th th n b b [x] [x] chth th y b n v [x] thth th y n n j [x] sith th n w n v DTL jath th n n n j [x] jath th y w w v DASSK jath th n b b j DASSK sith th n n w j [x] thmm th y n b j [x] thmm th n n n j [x] thth th y n n n [x] chth th y n n j [x] sith mm y b b j UTS thth th n n w n DASSK math th y [x] [x] j [x] th[x] [x] y n n n [x] [x][x] th [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]th th y b b j DASSK simm mm y n n n [x] thth th y b b j [x] [x]th th y n n j [x] thth th y w w n [x] thth th n n w j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n b b j DASSK mamm th y b w j DASSK sith th y n n j NLD sith th n w w j DASSK thth th n n n n DASSK thth th n n n v DASSK sith th y n w j DASSK jath th n n n n [x] thth th n n n j UTS sith th y w w j DASSK sith mm y n n [x] [x] thth th y n n v NLD thth th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] si[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]th mm n b n j [x] sith th n w w v KMKN math th n w w j DASSK simm th y n b j [x] thth th y n n n DASSK thmm th n [x] w n [x] thth th y b b n [x] sith th n w n j [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] [x]

mm th y n n j DASSK chth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK simm th n w w j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK sith th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j NLD sith th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j NLD sith th y n n [x] NLD simm th y n n n [x] chth th n n n n [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n [x] [x] thth th y n n j NLD thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j NLD thth th y n n j NLD thth th y n n j NLD jath th y n n j NLD simm mm y b b j [x] jath th n n n j [x] jamm mm y b b j DASSK [x]mm th n n n j [x] simm mm y b b n DASSK sith th [x] n n j DASSK thth th y b n j [x] sith th n n n n DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK sith th n b b j UTS chth th y n n j [x] thth th n b b j [x] thth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th y b b j DASSK thth th n w w j [x] jath th y w w j DASSK si[x] th y n [x] v [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] thmm th n n n j DASSK si

th th y w w j DASSK th[x] mm y b b j UTS th[x] [x] y w [x] [x] DASSK [x]th th n w w j [x] math th y w w j [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n w j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] jamm th n n n j [x] thmm mm y n n j [x] [x]th th n n n n [x] thth th n n w j DASSK jath th n n n j [x] jamm [x] y n n j [x] thth th n b b j [x] sith th y w w j DASSK sith th n w w j [x] jamm mm y n n v DASSK sith th n n n j [x] jamm th y n n j [x] simm mm y b b j [x] sith th y n n j [x] thmm th y b b j UTS jamm th n n n j DASSK simm th n n n n [x] thth th y n n j DASSK jamm mm y b b j [x] thth th y b b j [x] thmm th n n n j [x] jamm th y n [x] j [x] [x]mm th y n n v [x] jamm th y n b j DASSK mamm th y n n j DASSK simm mm n n n j [x] thmm mm y n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] thth th n n w j DASSK si[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] thmm th n n n j [x] thmm mm y n b n [x] jath th y n w j [x] jath th y n n j [x] thmm th n n n j DASSK thmm th y b b j DASSK thmm mm y b b n DASSK simm mm y b b n DASSK si

th th y w w j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] jath th y n n j [x] chth th y w w v DASSK sith th n n n n DASSK thmm mm n n n v [x] sith th n b b j [x] brth th y n n v [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] jamm th n [x] [x] j [x] [x]th th y n n j DASSK thth mm y n n j DASSK [x]th mm y b b n [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j NLD sith th n n n n [x] thth th y w w j [x] thth mm y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n w w j DASSK math th y n n [x] NLD sith th y n n n DASSK thth th y n n v DASSK sith th y w w j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK thth th y n n j [x] sith th n w w n [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th y n w j [x] thmm th y n n n DASSK thmm th n w w n DASSK sith th n w n j DASSK thth th y w w v [x] jath th y n w v DASSK simm mm n n w n DASSK thth th y n n [x] NLD sith th y n n [x] NLD sith th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j NLD thth th y n n j NLD thth th n n n j NLD th

th th y n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j NLD thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j NLD thth th y n n j [x] jath th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j NLD thth th y w w n DASSK math th n n n n [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j DASSK chmm th n w w v DASSK simm th n w w v DASSK simm th y n n n [x] jamm th y n n j [x] thth th n w w j DASSK chth th y b w j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK jamm th y n n j [x] chth mm n b n v [x] thth th n n n j DASSK sith th n n w n DASSK thth th y n n j [x] thth th n n n v [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK jath th n n n j DASSK math th n n n j DASSK jath th y n n n [x] thth th y n b j [x] sith th y n n v DASSK sith th y b b j DASSK sith th y w w j [x] sith th n n n n [x] sith th n n n j DASSK sith th y w w j UTS thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n n [x] sith th n w w j DASSK si

th th y w w j DASSK sith th n n w j [x] vith th n w w j [x] jath th n n w j [x] simm th n n n n [x] thth th y n n j [x] vimm th y n n n [x] sith th n b w j DASSK sith th y b w j DASSK sith th n w w j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] chth th n n w n DASSK chth th y n n j [x] sith th n b b j [x] sith mm y b b j [x] jath th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j [x] thth th n w w n [x] thth th y w w [x] [x] thth th n w w j [x] jath th y w w j DASSK simm th n w w j DASSK sith th n n [x] j [x] jath th y n n n [x] math mm y b b j [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] chmm th n n n n DASSK sith th n b b j [x] simm mm n n n n [x] sith th y n n j [x] jamm th y n n j [x] simm mm n n n n [x] sith th y n n j [x] thth th n w w j DASSK sith th y w w j DASSK sith th y n n n [x] [x]th th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th n n n n [x] [x]mm mm n n n j [x] jath th y n n j DASSK thth th n w w v [x] [x]th th y n w j [x] simm th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n n [x] sith mm n n n j UTS si

th th n n n n DASSK sith th y n n j [x] sith mm y b n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th n n w j DASSK sith th n w w n [x] jath th y n w j DASSK simm th n n n j [x] thth th n n w v [x] sith th n n w n DASSK thth th n n n n [x] simm th y b n j DASSK thth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK sith th n w w j [x] simm th n w n v [x] jath th y w n n [x] thth th n n n n [x] sith th n n n n [x] [x]mm mm y w w v [x] jath th n n b n [x] thmm th n n n j [x] thth th n n n [x] DASSK [x]th th y n n j [x] thth th n w w j [x] chth th n w w v DASSK jath th n n w j [x] chth th y n n [x] [x] [x]th th y b b v DASSK sith th y n n j [x] thmm th n w w j DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK thth th y b b v DASSK simm th n n n j DASSK sith th y n n n DASSK jath th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK jath th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n w b j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK th

th th n n n j DASSK thmm th n w b j DASSK jath th n n b n DASSK thth th n n n j UTSM jath th n n b n UTSM sith th y b b j DASSK sith th n w b n DASSK thmm th y w w v DASSK sith th n n b j DASSK sith th n w b v DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n w b j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n w n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth mm n n w j DASSK simm th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK thth th y w w j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK thmm mm y n n v DASSK thth th n n n j [x] thth th y w w n KMKN thth th n n n j DASSK thmm th y n n j [x] chth th y n w j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK th[x] [x] y n n j [x] si[x] [x] y n w j NO jath th n n n v NO sith th n n n v NLD sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th n w [x] v DASSK thth th n n n j [x] si

th th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] simm th n w w v DASSK sith mm n n n j [x] thmm th y n n n [x] thmm th y n n j DASSK simm mm n n n j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] jath th n n w j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y b b j [x] thth th n n w j [x] thth th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] simm th n n n j DASSK thth th n w w j [x] sith th n n n j [x] jath th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n n n [x] [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK math th n [x] w j [x] thth th y n n j DASSK math th y n n j [x] vith th y n n n DASSK vith th n n n n DASSK simm th n w w j [x] thth th y n n j [x] [x]th th n n n n DASSK thth th y n n n DASSK math th y n n n DASSK jath th y n n j DASSK thth th n w w [x] [x] thth th n w w v [x] thth th y n n j DASSK [x]th th n w w j [x] thth th y n n n DASSK sith th y n n j [x] si

th th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n w w j [x] thth th y n w j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK thmm th n w n j DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th y w w j DASSK jath th n w w j [x] sith th n w w [x] [x] chth th n w n j [x] sith th n w b j DASSK vith th y n n n DASSK math th n n n j DASSK math th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th y n [x] n [x] simm mm n n n [x] [x] sith th y n w j [x] chth th y n n j [x] jath th y b b v UMAH thth th n w w j UMAH thth th n w w j [x] sith th y n n j UMAH jath th y w w j [x] thmm [x] n n b j DASSK thth th n w n j [x] sith th y w w j [x] chth th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] sith th y n b j DASSK thth th y w w j [x] jath th n w w j [x] thth th y n n [x] DASSK chth th n w w j [x] sith th n w w j [x] jath th y n n j [x] math th y n n j DASSK thth th y w n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK sith th n w w j [x] chth th y b n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] th

mm mm y b b j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n n DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thmm th y n n j UTS simm th y n w j UTS chmm th y n n j UTS jamm th n n n j UTS jamm th y n n j UTS chmm th y n n j UTS simm th y n n j UTS simm th y n w j UTS chth th y n w j DAM simm th y n n j UTS simm th y n w j UTS chmm th y n n j UTS chth th y w w j UTS simm th y n n j UTS sith th y w w j DAM sith th y n n j DAM simm mm n b b j [x] simm mm y b b j [x] simm mm y n n j DAM chmm mm y b b j [x] sith th n n b j DASSK thth th n n b j UTS thth th y n n j UTS thth th y n w j UTS thth th n n b j UTS thth th n n b [x] UTS thth th n n b j UTS thth th n n b j UTS th

th th n n b j UTS thth th n n b j UTS thth th y [x] w j UTS sith th y n n j DASSK thth th n n b j UTS thth th n n b j UTS thth th y n w j [x] thth th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK thth th n n w j DASSK thth th n n w j UTS chth th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK thth th n n b j UTS thth th y n b j UTS thth th n n w j DASSK thth th n n b j UTS thth th n n b j UTS thth th n n b j UTS thth th y n n j DASSK thmm th y n n j UTS sith th n n b j DASSK thth th n n b j DASSK thth th n n b j DASSK thth th n n b j DASSK thth th n n b j UTS thth th n n b j DASSK thth th n n n j UTS [x]th th n n b j DASSK thth th n n b j DASSK thth th n n b j DASSK thth th n n b j DASSK thth th n n b j DASSK thth th n n b j DASSK thth th n n b j DASSK thth th n n b j DASSK thth th n n b j DASSK thth th n n b j UTS thth th n n b j UTS thth th y w w j DAM sith th n n b j UTS thth th y n n j UTS thmm th y n n j UTS ch

mm th y n n j DASSK thmm th y n n j DAM sith th n n b j UTS thth th n n b j UTS thth th n n b [x] UTS thth th n n b j UTS thth th n n n j UTS thth th n n b j UTS thth th n n b j UTS thmm th y n n j UTS jath th y n n j DASSK thth th y n w j UTS sith th n b b j [x] thth th y n n j DASSK thmm th y n b j UTS jamm th y n w j UTS jamm th y b w j DAM chmm th y n w j UTS sith th y n n j DAM simm th n n n v UTS chmm th y n n j UTS chmm th y n b j UTS chmm mm y b b j [x] simm mm n b b j [x] sith th y w n j [x] thth th y w n j [x] thmm th y b b [x] [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] thth th n w w j [x] thth th n w w j [x] thth th n w w j [x] thth th y w w j [x] thth th n w w j [x] thth th y b [x] j [x] thmm mm y b b [x] [x] [x]th mm n w w j [x] thmm mm y b [x] [x] [x] [x]mm mm y b b [x] [x] [x]mm th n n n j [x] sith th y b n j [x] thth mm y b n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK thth th y n n j [x] thth th y b b j [x] thth mm n n n j [x] thmm mm y b b j [x] inmm mm y b b j [x] in

th mm y n n j [x] thmm mm y b b j [x] thmm mm y b b j [x] thmm mm n n n j [x] thmm mm y b b j [x] inmm mm y b b j [x] thmm mm y b b j [x] thth th n w w j [x] thth th n w w j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n w j [x] thth th n w w j [x] thth th n w w j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thmm th n n n j [x] thmm th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thmm mm y b b j [x] thth th y b b j [x] thmm th y n n j DASSK jath th y w n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] th[x] [x] y n n n [x] simm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n w w j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n w w j DASSK thmm mm n w w j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] jamm mm n w n j DASSK thth th y b b j [x] thmm mm n w w j DASSK thmm mm n w w j DASSK thmm mm n w w j DASSK thmm mm n w w j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n w w j DASSK thmm mm n w w j DASSK thth th y b b j [x] thmm mm n w w j DASSK thmm mm n w w j DASSK thmm mm n b b j [x] simm mm n w w j DASSK si

mm mm n w w j DASSK thmm mm n w w j DASSK thth th y n b j [x] thmm mm n w w j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK sith th n b b j DASSK thmm mm n w n j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n w n j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK simm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK simm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK jamm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n n DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK jamm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n n DASSK jamm mm n n n j DASSK mamm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n n DASSK mamm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK thmm mm n n n j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK jath th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] [x]th th y n n j [x] [x]th th y n n n DASSK sith th y n n n DASSK sith th y n n n DASSK sith mm y [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]th th y b b j [x] [x]th th n n n j DASSK jamm th n n n j UTSM thth th n w n j [x] thth th y n n n [x] si

mm mm y n n n [x] sith th n n n n DASSK thth th y n n j [x] [x]mm th n n n j DASSK jath th n n n j [x] thth mm y n n j [x] thth th n n n j UTS thth mm y n n j [x] sith th y [x] [x] j [x] thmm mm y b b j [x] chth th n n n j DASSK thmm th y b b j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j DASSK chth th n n n j DASSK thmm th y b b j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK sith th n n n j UTS chth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK chth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK jath th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK math th y n n j DASSK chth th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n n DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK thmm th y b n j DASSK sith th y n n v DASSK sith th y n n j [x] jath th y n n j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] inth th n n n j DASSK chth th n n n j DASSK chth th y n n j DASSK chth th n n n j [x] simm th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK sith th y b n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK sith th y n n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] chth th y n n j DASSK th

th th y n n j DASSK jath th y n n j [x] thmm mm n b b j [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] sith th n n w n DASSK chth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y n b j [x] thth th y b b j [x] [x]th th y n n j DASSK thth th y n b j DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK simm mm y b b j [x] simm th y b b j DASSK jath th y n n v [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th y n w j [x] thth th y n w j [x] thmm th n [x] n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] math th y b b j [x] thmm th y b n j [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] jamm th y b n j UTS thth th y b b j [x] thth mm y b w j [x] jamm mm y b n j DASSK jath th y n n j [x] [x]th th n n w j DASSK thth th y n n j [x] thth th n n n n [x] sith th n n n j [x] sith th n b b v [x] thth th n n n n [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th y n n v [x] sith th y n n n DASSK thth th n n w j DASSK sith th y n n n UTS thth th n w w j UTS thth th y n n j DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK chth th y b b n [x] sith th n b b j [x] [x]th th n n n j UTS sith th y n n j DASSK si

th th y n w j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] jath th n n n j [x] jamm th n b n j DASSK sith th n n n n DASSK sith th y n n v DASSK sith th n n w j DASSK sith th y n w j DASSK sith th n n w j DASSK sith th y n w j DASSK sith th y n w j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK math th y n w j DASSK sith th n w w j DASSK sith th y n w j DASSK sith mm n b n j DASSK simm th y b b j DASSK sith th y n n n [x] sith th n n n j DASSK mamm th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j UTS sith th y n n j [x] sith th n n n n [x] thth th y n n j [x] jath th y n n j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK jath th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n j [x] sith th y n n n [x] thth th n n n j [x] sith th y n n n [x] thth th y n n j [x] jamm th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK jath th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j UTS thth th y b b j [x] thth th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j DASSK sith th y n b n DASSK thth th y b b j [x] thth th y n n n [x] thth th n n n n [x] jath th y n n n [x] thth th n n n n [x] thth th y n n n [x] th

th mm y n n j [x] sith th y b n n [x] sith th y b n n [x] sith th y n n j [x] jath th y n n j [x] chth th y n n v [x] thmm th y w w j DASSK simm mm y n w n DASSK math th n n n j [x] sith th n n n j DASSK sith th y n n j [x] sith th y b b j [x] thth th y n n v [x] thth th y n n n [x] thth th y n n j [x] sith th n n n v DASSK thth th n n n j [x] thmm th y b b j [x] thth th y [x] [x] j [x] [x]th th y [x] b j UTS [x]mm th y b b j [x] sith th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] jath th y n n j DASSK [x]mm th n n n j [x] thth th n n n n [x] thth th y n n j UTS thth th y n n j [x] thmm th y w w j [x] sith th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] jath th y n n j DASSK mamm mm y n n j [x] jamm mm y n n j [x] thth th y n n n [x] thth th n n b j [x] thth th y n n j UTS thth th y b b j [x] chth th n n n j [x] thth th n n w v [x] thth th n n n j [x] thmm th y n n j [x] jath th n n b v [x] thth th y n n j [x] jath th y b b j [x] thth th y n n n [x] jath th y n n n [x] th

th th n n n j DASSK sith th n n n n [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n b j [x] chth th y n n j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK chmm mm n n n n DASSK math th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n n DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK sith th n n n [x] [x] [x]th th y n n n [x] thth th n n n n [x] thth th y n n n [x] thth th y n n n [x] thmm mm y b b v [x] [x]mm th y b b j [x] sith th n b n n [x] thmm th y n n v [x] thmm th y n n v [x] [x]th th y b b j [x] thth th n n n j [x] [x]th th y n n [x] [x] thth th y n n j DASSK thmm mm y b b j [x] [x]th mm y n b n [x] thth mm y n n j [x] thth th n n n [x] [x] thth th n n n n [x] thmm th y n n j [x] simm mm n n b j UTS simm th y n w j [x] [x]mm th y w w j [x] [x]mm th y n w j [x] [x]th th y n w j [x] [x]mm th y n w j [x] [x]mm th y n n j [x] thmm th y n n n [x] thmm th y n n n [x] vith th y n n n [x] thth mm y n [x] j [x] [x]mm th y n w j [x] [x]mm th y n w [x] [x] [x]mm th y n w j [x] [x]mm th y w w j [x] [x]th th y n n j [x] si

mm th n w w n [x] thmm th y n b j [x] sith th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] simm th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j [x] sith th n n n n [x] math th n b n j [x] thth th y n n j DASSK jamm th y w b v [x] thmm th n n n j DASSK chth th y b b j [x] thth th y w b j [x] thth th n b b j DASSK thth mm y b w j [x] [x]th th y n b j DASSK chth th y b b j UTS thth th y n n j DASSK sith th n n n n [x] thth th y b b j DASSK thmm th y n n j [x] sith th y b n j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK thth th y b b j UTS thth th y b b j UTS thth th n n n j DASSK thth th y n n j [x] math th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j UTS thmm th y n n j [x] sith th y b b j DASSK thth th y n n n [x] thth th y b b j DASSK thth th n n n n [x] thth th y b b j UTS thth th y n n [x] [x] thth th y n b j UTS thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK jath th y [x] b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j [x] thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y w b j UTS thth th y b b j DASSK thmm mm n b b v [x] th

th th n n b j DASSK sith th n n n j DASSK sith th n n n n DASSK inth th y n b j DASSK thth th y b b j UTS thth th y n n j DASSK thth th y [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]th th y b b j [x] thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j UTS thth th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK thth th y b b j UTS thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thth th y b b j UTS thth th y b b j DASSK thmm mm y n n j DASSK thth th n b b n [x] thth th n n n n [x] [x]th th n n n j [x] sith th y b b j UTS thth th n n w j [x] [x]th th y n n j [x] simm th y n n j DASSK mamm th y n n j DASSK sith th n n b j DASSK thth th y b b j DASSK thmm th y n n v [x] mamm th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK sith th n n n j [x] simm th y n n n DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th n n n j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j DASSK si

mm th y n n j [x] simm th y n n j DASSK sith th y b b j UTS thth th y b b j [x] thth th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j DASSK jath th y n n j [x] sith th y n b j [x] jath th y b b j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK thth th y n b j UTS thth th y b b j UTS thth th y n n j [x] jath th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK inth th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n j UTS thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j DASSK jath th n b b j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y w b j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK jath th y n n j DASSK thth th y n b j [x] thth th y n n j [x] chth th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK thth th y b b j UTS thmm th y n n j [x] jath th n n n j DASSK thth th y n b j UTS thth th n n n j UTS thth th y n n j DASSK math th y w w n DASSK thth th y n n j [x] jath th y n n j [x] jamm mm y n n j DASSK jamm th y n n j DASSK sith th y w w j UTS thth th n n n j DASSK sith th y b b j DASSK thmm th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j [x] jath th y n n j [x] chth th n n n j [x] mamm th n n n [x] [x] th

th th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th y w b j DASSK thth th n n n n [x] jath th n n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] thth th y n n v [x] thmm th y n n j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK jamm th y n n j [x] jath th y b b j [x] jath th n n b j [x] thth th y b b n [x] math th y b b j DASSK thth th y n n v [x] thth th y n n v [x] chth th y n b v DASSK thth th y n n v [x] simm th y b b j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thmm th n n b j [x] thth th y n n j [x] jath th n n b j [x] thth th n n b j [x] thth th n w w j UTS sith th n b b [x] [x] jath th n n n j DASSK thth th y n n v [x] chth th y n n [x] [x] chth th y b b j DASSK thth mm y n n n [x] thmm mm y b b j DASSK thmm mm y w b j [x] math th y b b j DASSK jath th y b b j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j DASSK thth th y [x] n j [x] thth th y n n n [x] mamm mm y n b j [x] thth mm y b b j DASSK thmm th y n n j [x] sith th y n n j [x] [x]th th n n n n [x] thmm th n n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] th

th th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j [x] thmm mm y [x] n j [x] thmm th y n n n [x] chmm th n n n n [x] sith th y n b j UTS thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth mm n n n j [x] thmm th y n [x] v [x] thth th n b b j [x] thth th y n n n [x] thth th y n n j [x] [x]th th y n n j [x] thth th y b b n [x] thth th y n b j [x] [x]th th y n b j DASSK thth th n n n n [x] thth mm y b b v [x] thth mm y n n v [x] thth th y b b n DASSK thth th y w w j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y w b j [x] thmm th n n n n [x] thmm th y n n n [x] thmm th n n n n [x] chth th y n n n [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j DASSK thth th y n n j DASSK chth th n w w j DASSK thmm th y n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thmm th y b b j [x] thmm th n n n v [x] thth th y b [x] [x] [x] thmm th y b b j DASSK thth mm y b b j DASSK thth th y n n j [x] thth th n n n j [x] th[x] [x] [x] n n v DASSK brth th y [x] b j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y b b v [x] math th y b b j [x] th

th th y w w v [x] [x]th th y n n v [x] thth th y n n j UTS thth th n n n j DASSK sith th y n n j [x] thth th y b b j [x] thth th y b b [x] [x] thmm th n n n j [x] thth th y w n v [x] thth th y w n n [x] thth th y n n j [x] thmm th n n b j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th n n n n [x] thth th n n n j [x] thmm mm y b b j DASSK thth mm n n b j UTS thth th n n n n [x] thth th y b n j [x] jath th n n b j [x] thth th y n n n [x] chth th y b b j [x] brth th n w w j [x] thth th n n n j [x] thth th y n n j [x] brth th y n n j [x] thth th y n n j DASSK chth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j [x] thth th y b b j UTS thth mm y n n v [x] brth mm y n n n [x] thth th y n n j [x] thth th y b b j [x] sith th y n n j DASSK simm th y n n j [x] thth th y w w j DASSK sith th y w w j DASSK simm mm n b b j UTS thth th y b b v [x] thth th y b b j DASSK chth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK thth th n n n j [x] thth th y n n n [x] chth th y n n j [x] thmm th y n n n [x] th

mm th y n n n [x] sith th y w w j [x] math th y w w j [x] thth th y w w j [x] thth th y w w j [x] math th y n n j [x] thth th y n n n [x] thth th n n n j [x] jath th n n n j [x] jath th y n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK chth th y n n j DASSK sith th y n n j DASSK thth th n n n j DASSK sith th y n n n [x] thth th n n n n [x] jath th y b b j [x] jamm th y b b j [x] jath th y b b j DASSK jath th y w w v [x] math th y n w j [x] thth th n w w n [x] inth th n b b j [x] thth th n b b j DASSK thth th n w w v [x] [x]th th y b w j [x] thth th y b w j [x] thth th y n n n [x] chth th y w w j [x] sith th y n n n [x] chth th y w w j [x] thth th y n n j [x] thmm th n n n j [x] jamm th y n n j [x] ma

Q35.job.mm Q36.th.like Q37.th.hate Q38.corrupt Q39.force.labstud culture [x] n nstud culture [x] n nday education [x] n nday education [x] n nstud education gangsters n nstud education [x] n nstud education [x] n nmech food [x] n nday job.opportunities [x] y nfact job.opportunities [x] n nsell job.opportunities [x] n nstud job.opportunities [x] n nstud job.opportunities [x] n nstud job.opportunities [x] n nday living.standard [x] y n[x] education [x] n nstud education [x] n nstud education police n nstud education police n nstud education [x] n nstud education [x] n nstud education [x] n nstud education [x] n nsell fashion police n nstaff fashion police n nstud fashion police n nstud fashion [x] n n[x] job.opportunities [x] n n[x] job.opportunities police n nday job.opportunities [x] n nsell job.opportunities [x] n nstud job.opportunities police n nstud job.opportunities police n nstud job.opportunities [x] n nstud job.opportunities [x] n nstud job.opportunities [x] n nstud job.opportunities [x] n nstud culture [x] n nnews fashion discrimination n nfact food [x] n nday job.opportunities [x] n nfarm job.opportunities [x] n nfarm job.opportunities [x] n nfarm job.opportunities [x] n nfarm education drugs n nstud rules.regulations police y nstud rules.regulations police y y

teach job.opportunities discrimination n nstud communications [x] n nstaff education police y nstud job.opportunities discrimination y nfarm transport police y nfact education discrimination y nfarm transport police y nfarm transport police y nstaff monarch [x] y y[x] [x] [x] n nstud [x] [x] y nstud cleanliness police y ystud cleanliness gangsters n nstud culture [x] n nstud democracy police y nstud economy drugs y ystud economy drugs y n[x] education nothing n nstud education police y nstud education [x] y nstud education police y nstud education drugs n nstud education police y nstud education nothing n nstud electricity [x] n nstud governance culture y nstud governance gangsters y nstud governance gangsters y nstud governance nothing [x] y[x] healthcare police y ystud healthcare discrimination y ystud healthcare police y nstud healthcare police y yconst living.standard [x] n nstud living.standard [x] y yteach living.standard [x] n nfarm monarch language y n[x] rules.regulations [x] y n[x] rules.regulations discrimination y n[x] rules.regulations [x] n n[x] rules.regulations police y y[x] rules.regulations government n nstud rules.regulations police y ystud rules.regulations police y nstud rules.regulations [x] n nstud rules.regulations thai.army y nstud rules.regulations discrimination y nstud rules.regulations gangsters n n

stud rules.regulations [x] n nstud rules.regulations [x] y nstud rules.regulations [x] n nstud rules.regulations nothing n nstud rules.regulations police y nstud rules.regulations [x] y nstud rules.regulations nothing n nstud rules.regulations [x] y nstud rules.regulations police y nstud rules.regulations thai.army y nstud rules.regulations [x] y ystud rules.regulations [x] n nstud rules.regulations [x] y nstud rules.regulations [x] n nstud rules.regulations [x] n nstud rules.regulations violence n nstud rules.regulations [x] y nstud rules.regulations [x] n nstud rules.regulations violence y y[x] nothing police n nfact education [x] n nday [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nstud [x] [x] n nconst communications [x] n nfarm culture gangsters n nsew food [x] n nstud food [x] n nfact job.opportunities [x] n nstaff job.opportunities [x] n nteach natural.environment [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] thai.army n nfarm [x] [x] y ynone [x] [x] y nnone [x] [x] y nteach [x] restricted.travel n nfarm allow.refugees unemployment y yfarm allow.refugees restricted.travel y ynone allow.refugees police y ynone allow.refugees police y ynone allow.refugees restricted.travel y ynone allow.refugees restricted.travel y ynone allow.refugees everything y ynone allow.refugees lack.of.freedom y ynone allow.refugees restricted.travel y ynone allow.refugees restricted.travel y y

sell allow.refugees nothing y ystud allow.refugees restricted.travel y yfarm democracy lack.of.human.rights y yfarm democracy unemployment y yfarm democracy restricted.travel y yfarm democracy [x] y yfarm democracy [x] y ynone democracy politics y ynone democracy politics y yfact economy [x] y nfarm economy [x] y ysell economy police y nday education police n nfarm education restricted.travel y ynone education restricted.travel y ynone education lack.of.freedom y ynone education restricted.travel y ystud education [x] y ystud education [x] n nstud education [x] n nstud education [x] n nstud education [x] y ystud education [x] n nnone Food police y yfarm freedom restricted.travel y yday governance [x] y ynone governance unemployment y ynone governance lack.of.freedom y nday human.rights [x] y yday human.rights [x] n nday human.rights [x] y yday human.rights [x] n nfact human.rights [x] y yfact human.rights [x] y yfact human.rights [x] n nfact human.rights [x] n nfact human.rights [x] n nfact human.rights [x] y yfarm human.rights [x] y yfarm human.rights nothing y yfarm human.rights [x] y yfarm human.rights police y yfarm human.rights discrimination y yfarm human.rights [x] y yfarm human.rights [x] y yfarm human.rights [x] y yfarm human.rights police y yfarm human.rights [x] n n

farm human.rights [x] n nfarm human.rights [x] n nfarm human.rights [x] n nfarm human.rights [x] n nfarm human.rights [x] y yday job.opportunities [x] y yday job.opportunities [x] n yday job.opportunities [x] y yday job.opportunities police n yday job.opportunities [x] y yfact job.opportunities [x] y yfact job.opportunities [x] y yfact job.opportunities [x] y yfact job.opportunities [x] y yfarm job.opportunities [x] y yfarm job.opportunities government y yfarm job.opportunities [x] y yfarm job.opportunities nothing y ysell living.standard [x] y ystud media thai.army y yfarm monarch police y ynone monarch police y ynone monarch restricted.travel y ynone monarch [x] n nnone monarch corruption y ynone natural.environment police y ynone nothing nothing y ynone nothing nothing y ynone peace corruption y yday job.opportunities [x] n nstud job.opportunities [x] n n[x] [x] discrimination n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] discrimination y n[x] [x] paid.late n nfarm [x] police y nday economy discrimination y nfact economy police n nfarm economy police n nsell economy police n nstud economy police y nstud economy police y nteach economy paid.late y nfarm education police n nstud education police n nstud education discrimination n nfarm food police n nstud food gangsters n n

[x] job.opportunities police n nday job.opportunities discrimination n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities discrimination n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities police y nfarm job.opportunities discrimination n nfarm job.opportunities discrimination n nsell job.opportunities police n nsell job.opportunities gangsters n nsell job.opportunities discrimination n nstud monarch police y n[x] nothing police n n[x] nothing police n n[x] nothing police n n[x] nothing police n n[x] nothing police n n[x] nothing police n n[x] [x] [x] [x] [x]farm [x] [x] y nnone [x] [x] y ystud culture drugs y nstud economy police n nstud economy police y n[x] education discrimination n n[x] education police n n[x] education police n n[x] education police y y[x] education police y n[x] education police n n[x] education police n n[x] education police y y[x] education police y y[x] education police y y[x] education police y y[x] education [x] n nday education discrimination y nstud education police y ystud education police y ystud education police y ystud education police y ystud education police y ystud education human.trafficking y ystud education drugs n nstud education police y nstud education police n nstud education police n n

stud education police y ystud education police y ystud education police n nstud education human.trafficking y nstud education police n nstud education police n nstud education police y nstud education police y ystud education drugs y nstud education police y ystud education drugs y nstud education police y ystud education police y nstud education police y nstud education police n ystud education police n nstud education police n nstud education police n nstud education police y ystud education police y ystud education police n ystud education police n nstud education police y ystud education police n nstud education police y nstud education police y nstud education police n nstud education police y nstud education discrimination n nstud education police n nstud education police n nstud education police y y[x] food [x] n n[x] governance police y n[x] governance police n n[x] governance discrimination y y[x] governance police n n[x] governance drugs y y[x] governance police y yfact governance police n nstud governance police n nstud governance police n nstud governance discrimination y nstud governance police y ystud governance police y nstud governance police y ysell monarch police n n[x] nothing police n n

[x] nothing police n n[x] nothing police n n[x] nothing police n n[x] nothing police n nnone politics human.trafficking y ystud rules.regulations police n nstud rules.regulations drugs y nstud rules.regulations drugs n nstud rules.regulations police y nstud rules.regulations drugs y nstud rules.regulations police y nstud rules.regulations discrimination n nstud rules.regulations police n nstud rules.regulations police y nstud rules.regulations police y ystud rules.regulations police y nstud rules.regulations drugs n nstud rules.regulations police y nstud rules.regulations police n nstud rules.regulations police n n[x] transport police n n[x] transport police n nstud transport police n nfarm economy restricted.travel y ynone education nothing n nnone education police n nnone education police n ynone education restricted.travel n nsell education restricted.travel n nstud education restricted.travel n ystud education nothing y ynone human.rights restricted.travel n nstud rules.regulations restricted.travel n n[x] [x] [x] [x] [x]farm [x] nothing y yfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] restricted.travel n nfarm [x] nothing y ynone [x] [x] n [x]none [x] thai.army n nnone [x] police n ynone [x] discrimination [x] [x]stud [x] nothing n nteach [x] nothing n nday democracy government y ystud economy nothing n n[x] education crowdedness n nfarm education [x] n n

farm education nothing n nnone education restricted.travel n nstaff education [x] n nstud education police n nstud education police n nstud education police n nstud education police n nstud education police y nstud education police n nstud education police n nstud education police n nstud education nothing y yteach education [x] n nnone governance police n nsell governance corruption y yfarm job.opportunities discrimination y ynone job.opportunities thai.army y ynone monarch restricted.travel n nsell monarch corruption y ystud nothing restricted.travel n n[x] [x] [x] y y[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] y yday [x] discrimination y yfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] police n ynone [x] nothing y nnone [x] restricted.travel n nfarm economy police y ysell economy police y ystud education corruption y ystud education restricted.travel n ystud education restricted.travel y yfarm girls culture n nnone human.rights nothing [x] yday monarch [x] y yday monarch police y yrel monarch [x] y yteach monarch restricted.travel y ynone natural.environment discrimination y ynone natural.environment drugs y ynone natural.environment drugs y ystud religion discrimination y ystud rules.regulations corruption n n[x] [x] [x] y y[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] nothing n n[x] [x] [x] y y

farm [x] [x] y yfarm [x] [x] n ynone [x] restricted.travel n nsell [x] restricted.travel y yday cleanliness police y yfarm culture police n nfarm democracy [x] n y[x] economy nothing y yconst economy police n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy [x] y yfarm economy police n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy [x] n [x]farm economy [x] n [x]farm economy police n nfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy nothing n nsell economy police n nsell economy police n n[x] education crowdedness n n[x] education crowdedness n nnone education unemployment y nstud education restricted.travel y ystud education restricted.travel n nstud education restricted.travel n ystud education restricted.travel y ystud education unemployment y y[x] food [x] n nday food mosquitos y yday food [x] n nsell food nothing y yfarm governance nothing n yfarm governance police y nstud governance police n y[x] healthcare [x] y ysell healthcare [x] n n

stud healthcare nothing n nfarm job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities nothing n nfarm living.standard restricted.travel y nday monarch nothing y yteach monarch nothing y y[x] nothing police n nfarm nothing nothing y ynone nothing nothing n nteach rules.regulations discrimination y yfarm society nothing y yfarm society [x] y nnone society police n nday [x] [x] y ynone [x] nothing y ynone [x] nothing n ystud [x] nothing y ystud [x] [x] n nmaid architecture nothing y ystaff culture culture y yteach democracy discrimination y yday economy drugs y yfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy unemployment n nfarm economy corruption n yfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy police n nnone economy nothing n nnone economy nothing n nnone economy corruption n nnone economy restricted.travel n ntaxi economy corruption n n[x] education drugs n n[x] education [x] n nday education drugs y yfarm education nothing y yfarm education police y ynone education restricted.travel n nnone education drugs n n

sell education nothing n nteach education politics y nteach education restricted.travel y ynone electricity police n nnone everything nothing y ystud food police y ystud food police y yday governance corruption y ysell governance discrimination y ysell governance drugs y n[x] healthcare police y yday healthcare [x] y yfarm job.opportunities police n nstud media weather y yday monarch discrimination y ystaff monarch [x] y ystud monarch [x] y nday natural.environment drugs y ysell natural.environment restricted.travel n yfarm nothing nothing n nnone politics nothing n nstud politics government y nfarm rules.regulations nothing y yfarm shopping police n nnone sports society n nstud weather restricted.travel y n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n nday [x] [x] n nday [x] [x] n nday [x] [x] n nday [x] [x] n nday [x] nothing n nday [x] [x] n nday [x] [x] n nfact [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] police n yfarm [x] [x] [x] nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nother [x] [x] n nsell [x] [x] n nsell [x] police n nsew [x] [x] n n

sew [x] [x] n nfarm cleanliness police y yfarm cleanliness police y yfarm cleanliness police y yfarm cleanliness [x] y ysell cleanliness [x] y yteach cleanliness [x] y nteach cleanliness drugs n nfarm culture discrimination n nsell culture nothing y n[x] economy discrimination n n[x] economy [x] n n[x] economy police n n[x] economy police n nconst economy [x] n nfact economy discrimination n nfact economy [x] n nfarm economy drugs y yfarm economy [x] y yfarm economy police n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy discrimination n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy human.trafficking y nfarm economy police n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy [x] n nfish economy insecurity n nsell economy lack.of.job.unions n nsell economy police n ysell economy gangsters n n

stud economy nothing y ystud economy [x] n nstud economy [x] n nteach economy [x] n nteach economy [x] n nteach economy [x] n n[x] education [x] n n[x] education [x] n n[x] education discrimination y y[x] education [x] n nday education police y yday education [x] y nfarm education discrimination y yfarm education police n nstud education nothing y ystud education nothing y ystud education nothing y ystud education drugs y ystud education drugs y ystud education nothing y ystud education nothing y ystud education nothing n ystud education nothing y ystud education nothing n ystud education police n nstud education nothing y ystud education drugs y ystud education nothing y ystud education drugs y nfarm governance corruption y yfarm governance discrimination y nfarm governance discrimination n n[x] healthcare discrimination n nday healthcare police n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare police n nfarm healthcare police n nfarm healthcare nothing n nfarm healthcare nothing n nnews healthcare [x] n nsell healthcare police n ysell healthcare [x] n n[x] human.rights discrimination n n[x] human.rights discrimination n nday human.rights police y nfarm human.rights government y ysell human.rights discrimination n nstaff human.rights discrimination y n

[x] job.opportunities [x] n y[x] job.opportunities [x] n n[x] job.opportunities police n nconst job.opportunities [x] n yday job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities police n nsell job.opportunities [x] n nsell job.opportunities police n nstud job.opportunities [x] n n[x] living.standard [x] n n[x] living.standard [x] n n[x] living.standard [x] n nfarm living.standard restricted.travel n nfarm living.standard discrimination n yfarm living.standard police n nfarm living.standard police n nfarm living.standard nothing n ysew living.standard [x] y nstud living.standard restricted.travel y yconst monarch corruption n nfish monarch drugs y ystud monarch restricted.travel n nfarm natural.environment drugs y yfarm natural.environment thai.army y y[x] nothing police n n[x] nothing police n n[x] rules.regulations discrimination n nfarm rules.regulations [x] y nfarm rules.regulations [x] y nsell rules.regulations [x] n nday society [x] y nfarm society [x] n nngo society police n nsell society police n nstud society nothing y y[x] travel police n n[x] [x] nothing y y[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] politics [x] nconst [x] police n nfarm [x] police y yfarm [x] nothing y nnone [x] discrimination n nteach [x] nothing y y

[x] cleanliness police y y[x] cleanliness nothing y y[x] cleanliness [x] [x] [x]stud cleanliness discrimination n nfarm communications unemployment n n[x] culture discrimination y n[x] culture police n n[x] culture corruption y ynone culture corruption y ystud culture discrimination y nstud culture police y n[x] democracy [x] n nstud democracy [x] n nteach democracy nothing n ystud development police n n[x] economy [x] y y[x] economy [x] y y[x] economy nothing n n[x] economy police n n[x] economy discrimination n n[x] economy gangsters n n[x] economy gangsters n nday economy [x] n nfarm economy police y yfarm economy [x] y nfarm economy discrimination y nfarm economy discrimination y yfarm economy discrimination y nfarm economy discrimination y yfarm economy gangsters n nfarm economy gangsters n nfarm economy gangsters n nfarm economy gangsters n nfarm economy gangsters n nfarm economy gangsters n nfarm economy gangsters n nfarm economy gangsters y nfarm economy gangsters n nfarm economy discrimination y yfarm economy discrimination y nmaid economy nothing n nsell economy nothing n nsell economy police n nsell economy nothing n nsell economy drugs n nstud economy unemployment y ystud economy nothing n nstud economy [x] y y

stud economy nothing n nstud economy nothing n nstud economy [x] n nstud economy police n nstud economy nothing n nstud economy [x] n nstud economy drugs n nstud economy drugs n ntaxi economy drugs n nteach economy lack.of.job.unions n nteach economy [x] y n[x] education restricted.travel n n[x] education police y n[x] education [x] y y[x] education restricted.travel n n[x] education police n n[x] education corruption n n[x] education [x] n n[x] education [x] n n[x] education [x] n n[x] education [x] n n[x] education police n n[x] education nothing [x] [x][x] education discrimination y [x][x] education [x] n n[x] education discrimination y y[x] education [x] n n[x] education [x] n n[x] education [x] y y[x] education discrimination n n[x] education police n n[x] education [x] n n[x] education [x] y n[x] education [x] n n[x] education police n narmy education nothing y yfact education paid.not.fully n nfarm education thai.army y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education paid.not.fully n nfarm education paid.not.fully n nfarm education paid.not.fully n nfarm education paid.not.fully n nfarm education [x] y nfarm education paid.not.fully n nfarm education paid.not.fully n nfarm education paid.not.fully n nfarm education paid.not.fully n n

farm education paid.not.fully n nfarm education paid.not.fully n nfarm education paid.not.fully n nfarm education paid.not.fully n nfarm education paid.not.fully n nfarm education paid.not.fully n nfarm education paid.not.fully n nfarm education gangsters n nfarm education gangsters n nnone education unemployment y nnone education drugs y nnone education nothing y ynone education nothing y ynone education lack.of.freedom y ynone education lack.of.freedom y ynone education nothing y ynone education unemployment y ynone education nothing y ynone education unemployment y ynone education nothing n nnone education unemployment y ynone education nothing y nnone education nothing n ynone education drugs n nnone education nothing y ynone education restricted.travel y ynone education unemployment y ynone education discrimination y ynone education drugs y ysell education [x] n nsell education paid.not.fully n nsew education [x] n nstaff education paid.not.fully n nstaff education paid.not.fully n nstud education drugs n nstud education [x] n nstud education nothing n nstud education unemployment y ystud education nothing n nstud education police y nstud education police n nstud education police n nstud education police y ystud education society n nstud education nothing n nstud education [x] n nstud education [x] n nstud education society n n

stud education society n nstud education society y ystud education drugs n nstud education drugs n nstud education crowdedness n nstud education drugs y ystud education unemployment y ystud education police y nstud education drugs y ystud education police y ystud education nothing n nstud education drugs n n[x] electricity [x] n n[x] electricity police n n[x] electricity police n n[x] everything [x] n nfarm everything insecurity n ystud everything drugs n n[x] food corruption [x] [x]stud food police n nnone freedom discrimination y ynone freedom discrimination y yfarm girls boys n n[x] governance nothing n n[x] governance discrimination n n[x] governance discrimination n nfarm governance drugs n ynone governance discrimination y y[x] healthcare police n n[x] healthcare police n n[x] healthcare police n nconst healthcare paid.not.fully n nday healthcare discrimination n nfact healthcare paid.not.fully n nfact healthcare paid.not.fully n nfact healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare corruption y nfarm healthcare corruption y yfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n n

farm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nfarm healthcare paid.not.fully n nnone healthcare politics [x] [x]stud healthcare [x] n nstud healthcare police y nstud healthcare police n n[x] human.rights police y y[x] human.rights discrimination n nfarm human.rights restricted.travel y ystud human.rights nothing y nfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities [x] n nnone job.opportunities lack.of.freedom n ystud job.opportunities [x] y nstud job.opportunities [x] n n[x] living.standard discrimination n n[x] monarch police n nfarm monarch drugs [x] ysell monarch police y ystud monarch drugs y ytaxi monarch police y yteach monarch nothing y ynone nothing police y ynone nothing politics [x] [x]none peace unemployment n yfarm politics police n nfarm politics gangsters n nfarm politics gangsters n nfarm politics gangsters n nfarm politics gangsters n nfarm politics gangsters n nfarm politics gangsters n nfarm politics gangsters n n[x] product.quality [x] y nfarm rules.regulations restricted.travel y nnone rules.regulations restricted.travel y ystud rules.regulations corruption y ystud rules.regulations nothing y ystud rules.regulations nothing y nstud rules.regulations nothing n y

teach rules.regulations [x] y ystud sports police n n[x] transport gangsters n nfarm transport unemployment n n[x] travel [x] n nfarm travel police n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] [x] n[x] [x] [x] y yday [x] police n nfarm [x] restricted.travel y yfarm [x] lack.of.citizenship y ynone [x] nothing n nstud [x] [x] n nstud [x] [x] n ystud [x] [x] [x] nstud [x] [x] n nstud [x] [x] n n[x] agriculture [x] y ystud agriculture homosexuality y yfarm allow.refugees nothing y yfarm communications restricted.travel y yfarm culture nothing y nfarm democracy government n yfarm democracy government n yfarm development restricted.travel y yfarm economy nothing y yfarm economy police y yfarm economy police y ynone economy restricted.travel y ynone economy police y nstud economy police y ystud economy restricted.travel y nstud economy drugs n n[x] education restricted.travel n n[x] education drugs y y[x] education police n yday education discrimination n nfarm education gangsters y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education pollution y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y y

farm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel n nfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education politics y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel n nfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education police y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education politics y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education culture y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education unemployment y yfarm education nothing y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education religion n nfarm education [x] n nfarm education violence n n

farm education violence y nfarm education drugs n yfarm education drugs y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education drugs y ynone education police n ynone education police y nnone education government y ynone education crowdedness n nnone education lack.of.citizenship y ynone education crowdedness n nnone education politics y ynone education [x] y nnone education restricted.travel y yrel education culture n nsell education restricted.travel y nsell education police y nstud education nothing y ystud education drugs y ystud education police y nstud education nothing n nstud education nothing y ystud education nothing y nstud education [x] n nstud education police y nstud education police y ystud education restricted.travel y ystud education restricted.travel [x] nstud education restricted.travel y nstud education government n ystud education culture y ystud education society n nstud education discrimination n nstud education police n nstud education thai.army y ystud education nothing y nstud education restricted.travel y ystud education restricted.travel n ystud education corruption n nstud education discrimination y nstud education drugs y ystud education restricted.travel n nstud education restricted.travel n nstud education restricted.travel n nstud education restricted.travel n nstud education drugs y y

teach education restricted.travel n nteach education discrimination y nteach education politics y yfarm fashion restricted.travel y yfarm fashion restricted.travel y yfarm food restricted.travel y yfarm food nothing y yfarm food drugs n nnone food restricted.travel n nstud food government y ystud food restricted.travel n n[x] freedom unemployment n nfarm freedom nothing n nstud freedom restricted.travel n nfarm governance drugs n nnone governance human.trafficking y ystud governance police y ystud governance drugs n y[x] healthcare [x] y yday healthcare restricted.travel y yday healthcare restricted.travel y yfarm healthcare restricted.travel y yfarm healthcare [x] y yfarm healthcare drugs y yhouse healthcare restricted.travel y ynone healthcare [x] n ynone healthcare restricted.travel y ystud healthcare restricted.travel y ystud healthcare drugs y nfarm human.rights restricted.travel y ynone human.rights unemployment y yfarm job.opportunities restricted.travel y yfarm job.opportunities restricted.travel y yfarm job.opportunities culture n nfarm job.opportunities restricted.travel y yfarm job.opportunities drugs y yfarm job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities police y nnone job.opportunities restricted.travel y ynone job.opportunities thai.army y ynone job.opportunities drugs n ysell job.opportunities refugee.life y ystud job.opportunities nothing y yfarm language restricted.travel y yfarm living.standard government y yfarm media restricted.travel y yfarm media restricted.travel y ynone media restricted.travel n n

stud media nothing n nstud media nothing n nfarm monarch restricted.travel y nfarm monarch restricted.travel y ysew monarch restricted.travel y yfarm money.design restricted.travel y y[x] natural.environment discrimination n nfarm natural.environment restricted.travel y ynone natural.environment government y ynone natural.environment discrimination n n[x] nothing police n n[x] nothing nothing y yfarm nothing police n yfarm nothing discrimination y yfarm nothing discrimination y ynone nothing nothing n nnone nothing restricted.travel y ystud nothing nothing y nstud nothing nothing y nstud nothing police y ystud nothing drugs n nstud nothing nothing n yfarm peace restricted.travel y yfarm peace restricted.travel y yfarm peace restricted.travel y nsell peace human.trafficking n nfarm politics restricted.travel y yfarm politics prostitution y ynone politics unemployment y nnone politics restricted.travel y ystud politics discrimination y nnone rules.regulations thai.army y yteach rules.regulations unemployment y ynone society human.trafficking [x] [x]none society government y ynone sports restricted.travel n nnone sports police [x] [x]sell sports police n ystud sports nothing n nstud transport drugs y ystud transport drugs y yfarm weather unemployment y ystud weather language n n[x] [x] [x] y y[x] [x] [x] y y[x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] y yfarm [x] [x] y n

farm [x] [x] y yfarm [x] [x] y yfarm [x] prostitution n nnone [x] discrimination y ystud [x] [x] y yfarm agriculture police y ystud agriculture police y nfarm allow.refugees lack.of.freedom n yfarm allow.refugees lack.of.freedom n yfarm allow.refugees discrimination y yfarm allow.refugees restricted.travel y yfarm allow.refugees unemployment y ynone allow.refugees restricted.travel y ynone allow.refugees restricted.travel y ynone allow.refugees restricted.travel y ynone allow.refugees restricted.travel y ynone allow.refugees restricted.travel y ynone allow.refugees restricted.travel y ynone allow.refugees nothing y nnone allow.refugees [x] y nnone allow.refugees police y ynone allow.refugees police y ynone allow.refugees restricted.travel y ynone allow.refugees police y ynone allow.refugees restricted.travel y ynone allow.refugees unemployment y ynone allow.refugees nothing y ynone allow.refugees drugs y ystud allow.refugees restricted.travel y yfarm architecture lack.of.freedom y yfarm communications police y yfarm communications police y yfarm communications police y yfarm communications police y yfarm communications police y yfarm communications police y yfarm communications police y yfarm communications police y yfarm communications police y yfarm communications police y yfarm communications police y yfarm communications restricted.travel y yfarm communications restricted.travel y yfarm communications police y ynone communications restricted.travel y ynone communications [x] n nstud communications lack.of.citizenship y ystud communications government y y

army culture gangsters y nday culture drugs y yfarm culture violence y yfarm culture lack.of.freedom y yfarm culture police n nfarm culture restricted.travel y ynone culture lack.of.citizenship y ysell culture police n ystud culture drugs y ystud culture refugee.life n nstud culture lack.of.freedom y ystud culture refugee.life n yteach culture [x] n nfarm democracy restricted.travel y yfarm democracy restricted.travel y yfarm democracy lack.of.human.rights y ynone democracy lack.of.human.rights y nteach democracy restricted.travel n nfarm economy lack.of.freedom y yfarm economy lack.of.freedom y yfarm economy lack.of.freedom n nfarm economy police y yfarm economy [x] y yfarm economy police y ynone economy restricted.travel y ynone economy restricted.travel y ynone economy restricted.travel y ynone economy nothing y ynone economy drugs y ynone economy drugs y ynone economy nothing y ynone economy nothing n nnone economy nothing n nnone economy corruption y ystud economy human.trafficking n nstud economy police y nstud economy discrimination y ystud economy lack.of.freedom y ystud economy nothing n nstud economy discrimination y ystud economy police y ystud economy police y nstud economy restricted.travel y ystud economy politics y ystud economy nothing n ystud economy corruption n nstud economy politics y ystud economy restricted.travel y y

day education refugee.life y yday education refugee.life y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education drugs n nfarm education drugs n nfarm education nothing n nfarm education drugs y yfarm education police n yfarm education police n nfarm education lack.of.freedom n nfarm education lack.of.freedom y nfarm education drugs n nfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education corruption y yfarm education lack.of.freedom n nFarm education corruption y nfarm education drugs y yfarm education lack.of.citizenship n yfarm education discrimination y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education drugs n nfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education corruption y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education corruption y yfarm education drugs n nfarm education drugs n nfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs n nfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs n nfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y nfarm education corruption y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education nothing y y

farm education drugs n nfarm education corruption n yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education corruption y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs n nfarm education corruption y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education police y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y nfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education corruption y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education corruption y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education corruption y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education corruption y yfarm education drugs y nfarm education drugs y yfarm education thai.army y yfarm education lack.of.citizenship y yfarm education police y yfarm education lack.of.freedom y yfarm education prostitution n yfarm education lack.of.freedom n yfarm education drugs n nfarm education drugs y y

farm education prostitution n nfarm education drugs y yfarm education thai.army y nfarm education culture n nfarm education police n nfarm education drugs n nfarm education drugs n nfarm education lack.of.freedom y yfarm education drugs n yfarm education drugs y yfarm education police n yfarm education discrimination y yfarm education discrimination n nfarm education discrimination y yfarm education police y yfarm education politics y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education restricted.travel y nfarm education nothing y yfarm education police y nfarm education refugee.life n yfarm education prostitution n nfarm education police y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education police y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education discrimination y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education lack.of.freedom n nfarm education corruption n nfarm education prostitution n nnone education restricted.travel y ynone education restricted.travel y ynone education restricted.travel y ynone education refugee.life y ynone education unemployment y ynone education restricted.travel y ynone education restricted.travel y ynone education restricted.travel y ynone education refugee.life y ynone education refugee.life y ynone education restricted.travel n nnone education restricted.travel y ynone education restricted.travel y nnone education restricted.travel y nnone education lack.of.freedom y ynone education lack.of.citizenship n nnone education refugee.life y y

none education restricted.travel y ynone education restricted.travel y ynone education restricted.travel y nnone education nothing y nnone education restricted.travel y ynone education restricted.travel y ynone education restricted.travel y ynone education refugee.life n ynone education lack.of.human.rights y ynone education discrimination n ynone education lack.of.human.rights n nnone education restricted.travel y nnone education lack.of.human.rights n nnone education nothing n ynone education corruption n ynone education drugs y ynone education restricted.travel y ynone education lack.of.human.rights y nnone education unemployment y ynone education restricted.travel y ynone education restricted.travel y ynone education lack.of.human.rights y ynone education restricted.travel y ynone education refugee.life y ynone education nothing y ynone education lack.of.human.rights y ynone education discrimination y nnone education lack.of.citizenship n ynone education nothing y nnone education restricted.travel n nnone education nothing n nnone education drugs y ynone education restricted.travel n ynone education restricted.travel y ynone education nothing n ynone education restricted.travel n nnone education lack.of.human.rights n nnone education thai.army y ynone education restricted.travel y ynone education discrimination n nnone education discrimination y ynone education nothing n nnone education restricted.travel y ynone education lack.of.citizenship y ynone education nothing y ynone education refugee.life y ynone education nothing y ynone education unemployment y y

none education lack.of.human.rights y ynone education lack.of.human.rights y ynone education unemployment y yrel education restricted.travel y ystaff education insecurity y ystud education politics y ystud education lack.of.human.rights y ystud education discrimination y nstud education drugs y ystud education nothing y ystud education restricted.travel y ystud education drugs y nstud education refugee.life n nstud education drugs y nstud education police y nstud education discrimination y ystud education lack.of.human.rights y ystud education drugs y ystud education drugs y ystud education corruption y nstud education discrimination y nstud education police n nstud education drugs n nstud education drugs y nstud education drugs y ystud education drugs y ystud education drugs y nstud education drugs y nstud education drugs y ystud education drugs y ystud education drugs y ystud education unemployment y ystud education restricted.travel y ystud education restricted.travel y ystud education drugs y ystud education drugs y nstud education drugs y ystud education drugs y ystud education drugs y ystud education drugs n ystud education drugs y nstud education drugs y ystud education drugs y ystud education drugs y ystud education drugs y ystud education drugs y ystud education politics y ystud education drugs y y

stud education drugs y nstud education drugs y ystud education drugs y ystud education discrimination y ystud education restricted.travel y ystud education police y nstud education politics n nstud education drugs n nstud education corruption y ystud education police y ystud education restricted.travel y ystud education restricted.travel y ystud education corruption y nstud education nothing n nstud education human.trafficking y nstud education corruption n ystud education restricted.travel n nstud education drugs y ystud education everything y ystud education refugee.life n nstud education lack.of.human.rights y ystud education restricted.travel y ystud education discrimination y ystud education drugs n nstud education police y ystud education discrimination y nstud education government y ystud education corruption y ystud education unemployment y ystud education refugee.life y nstud education drugs n nstud education prostitution y ystud education restricted.travel n nstud education police y yteach education police n nfarm electricity discrimination y yfarm everything nothing n nfarm everything corruption n yfarm everything nothing y ynone everything lack.of.human.rights y yfarm food discrimination y yfarm food police y nfarm food restricted.travel y yfarm food nothing n yfarm food police n yfarm food discrimination y yfarm food police y ynone food police y y

stud food lack.of.citizenship y ystud food restricted.travel y ystud food discrimination n nstud food thai.army y ystud food restricted.travel y ystud food police y ystud food food n nstud food police n nfarm freedom police y yfarm freedom [x] y nnone freedom lack.of.citizenship n nfarm girls boys y yday governance gangsters y yfarm governance thai.army y yfarm governance prostitution y yfarm governance thai.army y yfarm governance police y yfarm governance restricted.travel y ynone governance lack.of.human.rights y ynone governance lack.of.human.rights n nnone governance nothing y nnone governance restricted.travel y ynone governance unemployment n ynone governance nothing y ystud governance discrimination y ystud governance unemployment y ystud governance police y nstud governance police y yfarm healthcare drugs n nstud healthcare police n nfarm human.rights nothing n nfarm human.rights thai.army y yfarm human.rights politics n nfarm human.rights discrimination y yfarm human.rights police y ynone human.rights lack.of.citizenship n nstud human.rights nothing y ystud human.rights restricted.travel y ystud human.rights restricted.travel n nfarm internet refugee.life y yfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities drugs n nfarm job.opportunities drugs n nfarm job.opportunities language y yfarm job.opportunities drugs y yfarm job.opportunities lack.of.citizenship y yfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities politics y n

farm job.opportunities [x] n nfarm job.opportunities restricted.travel n nfarm job.opportunities violence n yfarm job.opportunities drugs y yfarm job.opportunities restricted.travel y nfarm job.opportunities refugee.life y yfarm job.opportunities politics y nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities culture y nfarm job.opportunities police y yfarm job.opportunities restricted.travel n nfarm job.opportunities police y yfarm job.opportunities police y nfarm job.opportunities drugs n nnone job.opportunities lack.of.citizenship n nnone job.opportunities restricted.travel n ynone job.opportunities lack.of.human.rights y ynone job.opportunities drugs y ynone job.opportunities thai.army n nnone job.opportunities corruption y ynone job.opportunities restricted.travel y ynone job.opportunities human.trafficking y ynone job.opportunities police n nstud job.opportunities police n nstud job.opportunities police n nstud job.opportunities police n nstud job.opportunities police y nstud job.opportunities police y ystud job.opportunities corruption n nstud job.opportunities nothing n nstud job.opportunities refugee.life y ystud job.opportunities thai.army y ystud job.opportunities police y ytaxi job.opportunities police y nfarm language refugee.life y ynone language nothing y nstud language nothing y ystud language restricted.travel y ystud living.standard police y ystud living.standard discrimination y ynone media police y yfarm monarch police n yfarm monarch refugee.life y yfarm monarch police y yfarm monarch corruption n yfarm monarch refugee.life n nfarm monarch police y y

farm monarch corruption y yfarm monarch discrimination y yfarm monarch restricted.travel y yfarm monarch unemployment y yfarm monarch restricted.travel y ynone monarch police n ynone monarch police y ynone monarch police n ynone monarch nothing y ynone monarch restricted.travel y ynone monarch police y ysell monarch police n nstud monarch police y nstud monarch police y nstud monarch thai.army y ystud monarch police n nstud monarch police y ytaxi monarch police y yteach monarch police y yfarm natural.environment thai.army y nnone natural.environment lack.of.freedom n nnone natural.environment restricted.travel y ystud natural.environment lack.of.freedom n nstud natural.environment thai.army n ystud natural.environment drugs y yfarm nothing nothing n yfarm nothing thai.army y yfarm nothing lack.of.citizenship n yfarm nothing discrimination y ynone nothing police n nnone nothing corruption n nnone nothing nothing y ystud nothing police y ystud nothing human.trafficking n nteach nothing nothing n nday peace lack.of.citizenship y yfarm peace nothing y yfarm peace unemployment y yfarm peace nothing y yfarm peace unemployment y yfarm peace restricted.travel y nnone peace unemployment y ynone peace restricted.travel n nnone peace discrimination y nstud peace police y yfarm politics restricted.travel y yfarm politics corruption y nfarm politics police y y

none politics restricted.travel y ynone politics drugs y ynone politics unemployment y ynone politics violence y ynone politics police y ystud politics lack.of.human.rights y ystud politics drugs y yfarm rules.regulations drugs y ynone rules.regulations lack.of.human.rights y ynone rules.regulations discrimination y yfarm transport police y yfarm transport corruption n nfarm transport police n yfarm transport corruption n nfarm transport police y nfarm transport refugee.life n nnone transport police y ynone transport police y ystud transport police y nstud transport police y ystud transport thai.army y ystud transport lack.of.freedom n nnone travel politics y ystud travel restricted.travel y y[x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n nfarm [x] corruption n nfarm [x] restricted.travel y nfarm [x] refugee.life y yfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] government y nfarm [x] [x] y yfarm [x] corruption n nfarm [x] police n yfarm [x] police n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] y ynone [x] [x] y ynone [x] [x] n nstaff [x] police y nstud [x] [x] y yfarm agriculture police y ynone agriculture police y yfarm allow.refugees corruption y y

farm allow.refugees police y yfarm allow.refugees police y yfarm allow.refugees police y yfarm allow.refugees police y yfarm allow.refugees restricted.travel y yfarm allow.refugees police y ynone allow.refugees restricted.travel y ynone allow.refugees restricted.travel y ysell architecture police n nstud cleanliness nothing n nstud culture food n ynone democracy thai.army n yday economy [x] n nfarm economy police y yfarm economy police y nfarm economy thai.army y nfarm economy police n nfarm economy restricted.travel y nfarm economy drugs n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy food n nfarm economy restricted.travel y ynone economy lack.of.citizenship y ynone economy police y ynone economy police y ynone economy police n nstud economy politics y nstud economy [x] n ystud economy police y ystud economy [x] y ystud economy nothing n nstud economy police n nday education restricted.travel y yday education police y yfarm education politics y yfarm education politics y yfarm education politics y yfarm education corruption y yfarm education drugs n nfarm education police n nfarm education police n yfarm education politics y yfarm education police y yfarm education politics y yfarm education restricted.travel n nfarm education politics y yfarm education drugs n n

farm education police y yfarm education police y nfarm education politics y yfarm education politics y yfarm education politics y yfarm education politics y yfarm education politics y yfarm education police y yfarm education police n yfarm education restricted.travel y nfarm education police y yfarm education police y yfarm education police n nfarm education thai.army y nfarm education police n nfarm education nothing n nnone education police y ynone education police y ynone education police y nnone education police y ynone education drugs n nnone education police y ynone education police y ynone education police y ynone education police y ynone education drugs n nnone education police y ynone education police y ynone education drugs n nnone education drugs n nnone education police y ynone education police y ynone education police y ynone education police y ynone education police y ynone education police y ystud education police n ystud education police y nstud education restricted.travel y ystud education drugs n nstud education nothing y ystud education lack.of.citizenship n ystud education restricted.travel n nstud education restricted.travel y ystud education police n nstud electricity [x] n nfarm everything drugs y ynone everything drugs n n

none everything nothing y yfarm food nothing n nstud food culture n nfarm governance police y nfarm governance restricted.travel n nfarm governance restricted.travel n nfarm governance police n yfarm governance restricted.travel y yfarm governance corruption y yfarm governance restricted.travel n yfarm governance restricted.travel y yfarm governance restricted.travel n nfarm governance corruption y yfarm governance corruption n nfarm governance corruption n nfarm governance restricted.travel n nfarm governance restricted.travel n nfarm governance restricted.travel y nfarm governance restricted.travel y nnone governance police y ystud governance corruption n nfarm healthcare lack.of.citizenship y nnone healthcare lack.of.freedom y ysell healthcare [x] n nstud human.rights nothing n nfarm job.opportunities restricted.travel y yfarm job.opportunities police n nnone job.opportunities police y ynone job.opportunities police n nnone job.opportunities politics y ynone job.opportunities police y ynone job.opportunities police y ynone job.opportunities police y y[x] monarch police n nfarm monarch police y yfarm monarch police y nfarm monarch police n ystaff monarch police n nfarm nothing police y nfarm nothing corruption y nfarm nothing nothing n nnone nothing restricted.travel n nnone nothing nothing y ynone nothing nothing y ynone nothing corruption y ynone nothing restricted.travel n nnone nothing paid.not.fully y ynone nothing nothing y y

none nothing police y ynone nothing police y ynone nothing nothing y ynone nothing corruption y ynone nothing restricted.travel n nstud nothing government n nfarm peace police y ynone peace nothing y ynone peace nothing y ynone peace nothing y ynone peace nothing y yfarm politics police y yfarm politics restricted.travel n nfarm politics drugs y yfarm politics government n nnone politics police y ynone politics police y ynone politics police y ynone politics police n nnone politics police y ynone politics police y ynone politics police y ynone politics police y ynone politics police y ynone politics police y ynone politics police n ynone politics police y ynone politics police y ynone politics police y ynone politics police y ynone politics police y ynone politics police y ynone politics police y ystud politics [x] n nstud politics police n nfarm rules.regulations restricted.travel y nfarm rules.regulations restricted.travel y nfarm rules.regulations restricted.travel n nfarm rules.regulations nothing n yfarm transport police n nfarm transport police y yfarm travel corruption n nnone travel police n nnone travel restricted.travel y ynone travel discrimination y ystud travel discrimination y y[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n

const [x] [x] y yconst [x] [x] n nday [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nsell [x] [x] n nstud [x] [x] n nsell culture police n nday economy nothing n nfarm economy lack.of.freedom y yfarm economy nothing n nsell economy corruption n nsell economy gangsters n nsell economy [x] n nfarm education unemployment n nsell education nothing y nstud education discrimination y nstud education police n yfarm electricity nothing n nsell food nothing n nsell food nothing n nstud food restricted.travel y nday governance drugs n nday governance drugs n nfarm governance [x] n nday healthcare [x] n nday healthcare paid.not.fully n nday healthcare [x] n nsell healthcare corruption n nsell healthcare drugs n nsew healthcare drugs n nstud healthcare [x] n nteach healthcare discrimination y yday human.rights drugs n nday human.rights drugs n nfarm human.rights nothing n yfarm human.rights nothing n n[x] job.opportunities police n nday job.opportunities [x] n nday job.opportunities [x] n nfarm job.opportunities gangsters n nfarm job.opportunities nothing n nsew living.standard nothing n nsew living.standard nothing n nstud living.standard police y yfarm monarch [x] n n

sell monarch nothing n nsew monarch nothing n n[x] rules.regulations [x] n nsell society [x] n n[x] sports nothing n narmy transport thai.army n nfarm transport drugs n yfarm transport gangsters n ntaxi transport language y yfarm weather [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n [x][x] [x] police y y[x] [x] [x] [x] n[x] [x] [x] y y[x] [x] [x] y y[x] [x] police [x] [x][x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n y[x] [x] police n n[x] [x] [x] n y[x] [x] discrimination n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] police n nconst [x] [x] n nconst [x] [x] n nconst [x] police n nday [x] restricted.travel n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n [x]farm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] police n nnone [x] [x] n yrel [x] [x] n nsell [x] [x] [x] [x]sell [x] nothing n n

sell [x] [x] n [x]sell [x] [x] n nsell [x] gangsters n nsell [x] [x] [x] [x]sell [x] [x] n nstud [x] [x] n nstud [x] [x] [x] yfarm cleanliness police y nsell cleanliness police y ystud cleanliness gangsters [x] nteach cleanliness [x] y y[x] culture discrimination [x] [x]stud culture discrimination y ystud culture discrimination n nstud culture discrimination n ystud culture discrimination [x] ystud culture discrimination y ystud culture discrimination [x] [x]stud culture nothing [x] ystud culture discrimination [x] [x]teach culture gangsters n narmy democracy police y ysew democracy police n nstud democracy [x] y y[x] economy discrimination n n[x] economy [x] n n[x] economy paid.not.fully n n[x] economy [x] [x] [x][x] economy [x] n n[x] economy discrimination n nday economy [x] [x] nfarm economy police n nfarm economy [x] n nmaid economy police y ysell economy police y ysew economy police y nstud economy police n nstud economy lack.of.freedom n ystud economy discrimination y ystud economy police n y[x] education nothing n y[x] education police [x] [x][x] education [x] y y[x] education police n n[x] education human.trafficking y n[x] education [x] n n[x] education nothing n n[x] education [x] n y

[x] education discrimination n nday education politics y yfarm education nothing n nfarm education [x] n nfarm education unemployment y yfarm education police n nfarm education [x] [x] nfarm education [x] n nfarm education [x] n nfarm education police y yfarm education police n nnurse education drugs n nsell education [x] n nsell education [x] n nstud education restricted.travel n nstud education drugs n ystud education drugs y ystud education discrimination [x] ystud education restricted.travel n y[x] electricity police y ysell electricity alcohol y nfarm everything [x] y ystud fashion discrimination n n[x] food discrimination n n[x] food drugs n n[x] food discrimination [x] [x]farm food restricted.travel y yfarm food nothing y nsell food [x] n nsell food [x] n nstud food discrimination n nstud food discrimination y ystud food discrimination n nstud food discrimination [x] [x]stud food discrimination y nstud food discrimination n nstud food discrimination n ystud food discrimination n nstud food discrimination n nstud food discrimination y ystud food discrimination n y[x] governance [x] [x] yday governance [x] n nday governance drugs n nday governance drugs n nday governance [x] y yfarm governance restricted.travel y yfarm governance gangsters n n

stud governance discrimination [x] ystud governance discrimination [x] yteach governance [x] y y[x] healthcare police n y[x] healthcare [x] y n[x] healthcare discrimination y yday healthcare police n nday healthcare police n nrest healthcare [x] y nstud healthcare discrimination n nstud healthcare discrimination n nstud healthcare [x] y ystud healthcare discrimination n ystud healthcare discrimination [x] [x]stud healthcare discrimination [x] [x]stud healthcare discrimination y n[x] human.rights [x] y ysell human.rights discrimination y ystud human.rights [x] n n[x] job.opportunities police n n[x] job.opportunities police n nday job.opportunities nothing n yfact job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities nothing y yfarm job.opportunities [x] n nfarm job.opportunities police y [x]farm job.opportunities [x] n nfish job.opportunities police n nsell job.opportunities [x] y [x]sew job.opportunities police n nsew job.opportunities police n nsew job.opportunities nothing n [x]stud job.opportunities police n ystud job.opportunities lack.of.human.rights n y[x] living.standard [x] n n[x] living.standard [x] n n[x] living.standard police y nday living.standard discrimination n nday living.standard discrimination y yfarm living.standard police n nfarm living.standard police n nnone living.standard homosexuality y yother living.standard [x] n nstud living.standard discrimination [x] [x]stud living.standard discrimination n nstud living.standard discrimination y ynone monarch nothing y yday nothing police n n

farm nothing police n yfarm nothing drugs y ynone nothing police n nday rules.regulations drugs n nfarm rules.regulations thai.army n nfarm rules.regulations police y nstud rules.regulations police n nsew society [x] n n[x] sports police n n[x] sports [x] n n[x] transport discrimination n nfarm transport [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n nfarm [x] police y nfarm [x] police y nfarm [x] thai.army y nsew [x] [x] n nstud [x] police y nfarm agriculture restricted.travel y yfarm allow.refugees nothing n ystud allow.refugees restricted.travel n nstud allow.refugees nothing n nconst cleanliness police y yday cleanliness discrimination y yfact cleanliness police y yday culture police y yday culture discrimination y yday culture discrimination y yday culture discrimination y yday culture discrimination y yday culture police y yday culture police y [x]day culture police y yday culture discrimination y yday culture discrimination y nday culture discrimination y yday culture discrimination y yday culture discrimination y nday culture police y yday culture discrimination [x] yday culture police y yday culture discrimination y yfarm culture corruption y nfarm culture corruption y nfarm economy corruption y nfarm economy nothing y yfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy [x] n n

fish economy society n nnone economy nothing y ystud economy drugs [x] nfarm education nothing y yfarm education police y ynone education police n nstud education police n nstud education disease n nstud education discrimination n nstud education disease n nstud education discrimination y ntaxi education violence y yday food discrimination y yday food discrimination [x] yday food discrimination y yday food discrimination [x] yday food police y yday food discrimination [x] yday food police y yday food police y yday food police y yfarm food alcohol n ystud food police y nstud food police n nfarm freedom police n nstud freedom discrimination n nday governance drugs n n[x] healthcare discrimination y nstud human.rights thai.army y n[x] job.opportunities [x] y yfarm job.opportunities nothing y yfarm job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities discrimination n nfarm job.opportunities nothing n nnone job.opportunities drugs n nstud job.opportunities discrimination n nstud job.opportunities nothing y yfarm natural.environment thai.army y ystud natural.environment unemployment y nstud natural.environment thai.army n nfarm nothing corruption n nfarm nothing nothing n nnone nothing nothing n nnone nothing violence n nsell nothing nothing n nstud nothing nothing n nstud nothing nothing n n

farm peace lack.of.human.rights y yfarm politics corruption n ystud politics restricted.travel y nstud product.quality nothing n nnone rules.regulations police n nfarm sports police n nnone sports human.trafficking n ystud sports nothing y y[x] transport [x] n nfarm transport thai.army y nfarm transport [x] n n[x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] y y[x] [x] police y y[x] [x] [x] y y[x] [x] [x] y y[x] [x] [x] y n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] [x] [x]const [x] [x] n nday [x] [x] y yfarm [x] discrimination y yfarm [x] discrimination y yfarm [x] restricted.travel n nfarm [x] thai.army y nfarm [x] thai.army y nfarm [x] nothing n nfarm [x] police y yfarm [x] unemployment y ysew [x] police n nstud [x] [x] n nfarm allow.refugees restricted.travel y yfarm communications unemployment y y[x] culture discrimination n nstud culture discrimination n nstud culture politics n nfarm democracy thai.army y ystud development [x] n n[x] economy [x] y y[x] economy police n n[x] economy discrimination y y[x] economy [x] [x] [x]

const economy [x] n nday economy nothing y yday economy corruption n yfarm economy prostitution y yfarm economy restricted.travel y yfarm economy nothing y yfarm economy human.trafficking n yfarm economy drugs n nfarm economy corruption n nnurse economy police n nsell economy nothing y nstud economy police n [x]stud economy discrimination y n[x] education violence n n[x] education police n n[x] education discrimination y y[x] education [x] n y[x] education [x] [x] [x]day education drugs y yfarm education police n nfarm education police n nfarm education police n nfarm education police n nfarm education police n nfarm education discrimination n nfarm education police n nfarm education discrimination y yfarm education drugs n nfarm education discrimination y yfarm education discrimination n yfarm education drugs n yfarm education nothing n nfarm education refugee.life y yfarm education unemployment y yfarm education human.trafficking y yfarm education religion y yfarm education discrimination y yfarm education restricted.travel y yfarm education police y yfarm education government y yfarm education drugs y yfarm education government y yfarm education discrimination y yfarm education restricted.travel y ynone education discrimination n nnone education unemployment y ynone education drugs n ysell education [x] n n

stud education corruption n ystud education restricted.travel y nstud education discrimination y nstud education restricted.travel y y[x] electricity police n nstud electricity police n nfarm everything refugee.life y nfarm everything restricted.travel y yfarm everything nothing y yday food restricted.travel y yfarm food politics y yfarm food culture [x] ystud food discrimination y y[x] governance discrimination n n[x] governance police n n[x] governance [x] y yfarm governance nothing n yfarm governance discrimination y yfarm governance police n nmaid governance nothing n nnone governance nothing n nrel governance restricted.travel y ysell governance human.trafficking y ysew governance nothing y n[x] healthcare [x] y yfarm healthcare restricted.travel y yfarm healthcare discrimination y nnone healthcare [x] n nnone human.rights discrimination n nnone human.rights [x] n nnone human.rights [x] n nsell human.rights nothing n nfarm internet refugee.life y yfarm job.opportunities gangsters n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfish job.opportunities nothing n ystud job.opportunities police n nteach job.opportunities [x] n n[x] living.standard nothing n n[x] living.standard corruption n nsell living.standard paid.not.fully n nstaff living.standard nothing n nstud living.standard [x] n nstud media refugee.life y y[x] monarch [x] n n[x] monarch paid.not.fully n nstud monarch gangsters n nfarm nothing nothing n y

farm nothing nothing n yfarm nothing nothing y yfarm nothing human.trafficking y ynone nothing nothing y ynone nothing nothing y ynone nothing nothing n nfarm peace restricted.travel n ynone peace restricted.travel y ynone peace restricted.travel y yfarm religion discrimination n nstud religion discrimination n nstud religion discrimination n nfarm rules.regulations corruption n nsell rules.regulations gangsters n nsell rules.regulations nothing y nstud rules.regulations nothing n nstud rules.regulations discrimination n nfarm shopping corruption n yfarm society [x] n nfarm society nothing y yday sports nothing n nnone sports nothing n n[x] transport police n n[x] [x] [x] [x] [x]none [x] restricted.travel y yteach [x] [x] [x] nday economy nothing y yfarm economy [x] y yfarm economy drugs y ysell economy restricted.travel y y[x] education nothing n n[x] education police n nday education drugs y yday education drugs y yfarm education drugs n yfarm education violence y nfarm education [x] n nfarm education human.trafficking y ynone education human.trafficking y ynone education drugs y nnone education restricted.travel n nnone education nothing y ynone education drugs n ynone education nothing y ynone education nothing y ystud education drugs y yfarm food [x] n nnone food nothing y y

farm governance nothing y y[x] healthcare police n n[x] healthcare [x] n nnone healthcare drugs y y[x] human.rights [x] [x] [x][x] monarch restricted.travel y y[x] natural.environment [x] [x] [x]farm nothing nothing n ynone nothing nothing n ynone nothing nothing y ynone nothing nothing n n[x] society [x] [x] [x]sell society nothing n nsew society nothing n nstud society nothing y ystud sports nothing y ynone weather nothing y n[x] [x] [x] [x] [x]farm [x] police n [x]sell [x] police n nstaff culture police n nfarm economy gangsters n nfarm economy corruption y yfarm economy [x] y yfarm economy corruption y yfarm economy corruption y yfish economy police n nstud economy corruption y ystud economy [x] y yday education politics n yfarm education police n nfarm education police n nstud education police n nstud education police y nstud education discrimination y nstud electricity police n nstud food corruption n nstud food gangsters n nconst healthcare police y nfarm healthcare [x] n nteach healthcare police n n[x] job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities [x] n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities restricted.travel n yfarm job.opportunities restricted.travel n nsell job.opportunities police n n

[x] living.standard police n nstaff living.standard police n nstud living.standard nothing n nteach living.standard police n nfarm monarch restricted.travel y yarmy sports police n nfarm sports police n nmaid sports police y nmaid sports police y nstud sports police y nstud sports police n n[x] transport discrimination n n[x] transport police n n[x] transport police n nday transport discrimination n nconst [x] paid.not.fully n nday culture drugs n nfarm culture police y ystaff culture police n nstud democracy [x] n nstaff economy drugs n nstud economy drugs n nday education police y yfarm education drugs y ystud education police n nfarm electricity police n nfarm electricity police n nstud fashion human.trafficking n nday food discrimination n nstaff food nothing n nstaff food police n nstud food corruption n nsell healthcare police y ysell healthcare drugs y yconst human.rights [x] n nfarm human.rights [x] n nfarm human.rights [x] [x] n[x] job.opportunities [x] n nsew job.opportunities [x] n nfarm living.standard police n nfarm living.standard police n nteach living.standard police y nsell monarch human.trafficking [x] ysell society [x] n nstud transport [x] [x] [x]sell economy discrimination n nday job.opportunities police y y[x] monarch police n n

farm monarch nothing n nfarm nothing nothing n nfarm rules.regulations police n nfarm education human.trafficking n nstud healthcare drugs n nstud rules.regulations nothing n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] y y[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n nconst [x] police n nday [x] [x] n nday [x] [x] n nfarm [x] police n nsell [x] [x] n nsell [x] [x] n nsew [x] [x] [x] [x]farm economy corruption n nmech economy police n nsew economy gangsters n n[x] education police n n[x] education culture n n[x] education [x] n nfarm education police n nfarm education police n nsell education police n nsell education nothing n nsell education police y ystud education police n nstud education police n nteach education police y y[x] food police y yconst food prostitution n nfarm food gangsters n nmech food nothing n nfarm freedom restricted.travel y ysell governance police n nsell governance [x] n n[x] healthcare [x] [x] [x]const healthcare police n nfarm healthcare police y nteach healthcare police y y[x] human.rights [x] n nrel human.rights police n yday job.opportunities [x] n nday job.opportunities discrimination n nfarm job.opportunities human.trafficking n nsell job.opportunities [x] n n

sell job.opportunities [x] n nsew job.opportunities police y yother living.standard police n nsell living.standard police y ysell living.standard police n nsell living.standard police n nconst monarch nothing n nconst monarch nothing n nconst monarch nothing n nconst monarch nothing n nconst monarch nothing n nconst monarch nothing n nday monarch culture n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nsell monarch nothing n nsell monarch nothing n nsell monarch nothing n nsell monarch nothing n nsew monarch nothing n n[x] nothing police n nfarm nothing [x] n yfarm nothing police y nmech nothing [x] n nconst rules.regulations fashion n nsew rules.regulations discrimination [x] nday sports drugs n nstud sports police n nstud sports police n nfarm transport police y y[x] [x] corruption n nconst [x] [x] n nconst [x] [x] n nday [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nsell [x] [x] n nstud [x] [x] y nfarm cleanliness nothing n n[x] culture nothing n nfarm culture gangsters n [x]

farm culture drugs y nday economy [x] n nday economy [x] [x] [x]farm economy police y yfish economy [x] n nstud economy [x] n n[x] education corruption [x] [x]farm education [x] n nfarm education [x] n nsell education police n nsell education [x] n nstud education [x] n nstud education police y ysell electricity police n nfarm everything [x] [x] [x]farm food police n nfarm food drugs y nfarm freedom [x] n nfarm freedom discrimination n n[x] governance [x] y y[x] governance [x] y nconst governance police n nday governance discrimination n nmaid governance paid.not.fully n n[x] healthcare discrimination n nsell healthcare police n nfarm human.rights police n y[x] job.opportunities nothing n nconst job.opportunities nothing n nday job.opportunities police y nday job.opportunities police y nday job.opportunities paid.not.fully y nfarm job.opportunities restricted.travel n nsell job.opportunities police y yday living.standard police n nday living.standard discrimination n nsell living.standard drugs n nteach living.standard police n nfact monarch [x] [x] [x]day nothing [x] n nfarm nothing nothing n nfarm nothing nothing n n[x] rules.regulations police n nfarm rules.regulations drugs n nfarm rules.regulations alcohol n nfarm rules.regulations discrimination n nfarm rules.regulations alcohol n nfarm rules.regulations [x] n n

farm shopping [x] y n[x] sports [x] n nday transport [x] n nfarm transport police y y[x] [x] culture n n[x] [x] [x] n nsell [x] [x] n nfarm education nothing y ystud education police n nstud food weather n nsew healthcare police n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] y yfarm [x] police n nteach cleanliness discrimination y yfarm economy nothing n n[x] education police n y[x] education discrimination n n[x] education police y yday education [x] n nfact education police n nfarm education [x] n nfarm education nothing n nsell education discrimination n nsell education nothing n nstud education [x] n n[x] food police n n[x] governance police y nday healthcare police n nfarm human.rights police n ystud human.rights discrimination y n[x] job.opportunities police n nconst job.opportunities thai.army n nfarm job.opportunities discrimination n n[x] living.standard violence n n[x] living.standard drugs n y[x] living.standard discrimination y yfarm living.standard discrimination y nstud living.standard police n nconst monarch nothing n nconst monarch nothing n nconst monarch nothing n yconst monarch nothing n yconst monarch [x] y nconst monarch nothing n nconst monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n n

farm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n yfarm monarch nothing n nsell monarch [x] n nsell monarch nothing n nsell monarch nothing n nsew monarch nothing n ystud monarch gangsters n nsell natural.environment [x] n n[x] product.quality [x] n nsell product.quality [x] n nstud transport discrimination n nstud transport discrimination y y[x] [x] [x] y ystud [x] [x] n nday culture alcohol y nstud culture discrimination y n[x] economy drugs n n[x] economy drugs n nfarm economy [x] n nsell economy thai.army n nstud economy nothing y yteach economy nothing y y[x] education [x] n n[x] education police n nday education police y ysell education drugs n nsell education police y ystud education [x] n nstud education [x] n nstud education drugs n nstud education discrimination n nteach education [x] n nteach education discrimination [x] nteach education police [x] yconst everything gangsters n n[x] food [x] [x] n[x] food [x] n ntaxi freedom [x] y n

farm healthcare police n ystaff healthcare police y nteach human.rights [x] n ystaff internet police y y[x] job.opportunities nothing n n[x] job.opportunities culture n nfarm job.opportunities discrimination n nfarm job.opportunities police n nsell job.opportunities police n n[x] living.standard discrimination y nfarm living.standard [x] y ysell living.standard police y nstud living.standard discrimination y ystud living.standard discrimination n n[x] monarch [x] y n[x] monarch police n nfarm monarch drugs n nstud monarch [x] n nsew politics [x] n n[x] rules.regulations paid.not.fully n nteach shopping police y y[x] transport discrimination y nstaff transport discrimination y nstaff transport discrimination y nstud transport discrimination y n[x] [x] police n nstud [x] violence y y[x] economy nothing n n[x] governance discrimination [x] [x][x] monarch [x] y n[x] monarch [x] n nngo rules.regulations police y y[x] [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] y n[x] education [x] n nfarm healthcare police y ystud monarch police y n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] y y[x] [x] [x] y y[x] [x] [x] n n[x] cleanliness police n nstud economy police n n[x] education discrimination n n[x] education discrimination n nstud education police n nstud education discrimination y nstud education [x] n n

[x] electricity police n n[x] electricity police n n[x] electricity [x] n nfarm electricity discrimination n nstud electricity discrimination n nstud human.rights discrimination y nteach human.rights discrimination y nfact job.opportunities [x] y n[x] living.standard discrimination y ysell living.standard nothing n nstud living.standard discrimination y ytaxi living.standard police y n[x] monarch [x] n nfarm monarch [x] n nfarm monarch discrimination n nnurse monarch police y nstud monarch police n n[x] nothing police n n[x] nothing police n nday rules.regulations police y y[x] society discrimination y ystud transport corruption y nngo [x] corruption n n[x] human.rights violence n nsell living.standard discrimination n nstud living.standard police n nstud rules.regulations discrimination y y[x] [x] [x] n npol [x] [x] y yfarm economy [x] n nstud education [x] y yteach education [x] y nfact food [x] n nfarm human.rights police n nday job.opportunities [x] n nfarm job.opportunities police y y[x] living.standard discrimination y ysell fashion discrimination n nfarm food discrimination n nfarm food discrimination n nfarm food discrimination n nfarm food discrimination n nsell living.standard insecurity y nfarm product.quality discrimination n nfarm product.quality discrimination n nfarm product.quality discrimination n nfarm product.quality discrimination n nfarm product.quality discrimination n n

sell product.quality discrimination n nfact shopping insecurity n nfarm agriculture police n nother culture discrimination n nfact living.standard police n nfarm living.standard paid.late n nfarm living.standard paid.late n nsell living.standard paid.late y ysew living.standard paid.not.fully n nstud living.standard discrimination n yfarm product.quality discrimination n nfarm product.quality discrimination n nfarm shopping police n nconst fashion police n nday fashion police n nfact fashion police n nfact fashion paid.late n ntaxi fashion discrimination n nconst food discrimination n nday food police n nday food police n nngo food police n nsell food paid.late n nconst product.quality paid.not.fully n nsell product.quality police n nsell product.quality [x] n nsell product.quality discrimination y nsell fashion discrimination n nsell fashion discrimination n nfarm food discrimination n nfarm product.quality discrimination n nfarm product.quality discrimination n nfarm product.quality discrimination n nfarm product.quality paid.late n nfarm product.quality discrimination n nsell product.quality discrimination n narmy education police y ynone education police n nstud education police n ystud education discrimination n nsell allow.refugees nothing n nsell allow.refugees police n nsell cleanliness violence n nday culture human.trafficking n nconst economy corruption n nfarm economy human.trafficking n nfarm economy police y yfarm economy police n n

stud economy drugs n nday education police n nday fashion police n nday fashion paid.late n nfact fashion police n nfarm food police n nstud food human.trafficking n nteach food human.trafficking n nstud healthcare drugs n nday job.opportunities human.trafficking n nday job.opportunities human.trafficking n nday job.opportunities culture n nday job.opportunities gangsters n nfarm job.opportunities gangsters n nstaff job.opportunities drugs n nstud job.opportunities lack.of.human.rights n nconst living.standard gangsters n nday living.standard police n nday living.standard drugs n nfarm living.standard gangsters n nstaff living.standard [x] y ystud living.standard corruption n ntrav living.standard gangsters y yfarm product.quality police n nsell society police y ystaff society police n n[x] sports gangsters n nstud transport nothing n nstud transport drugs n nday weather violence n n[x] [x] [x] n nconst [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] y yfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] y yfarm [x] [x] n nsell [x] [x] n n[x] economy gangsters n n[x] economy [x] y y[x] economy [x] n nfarm economy [x] y yfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy police n n[x] education [x] [x] [x]const education [x] n nfarm education [x] n yfarm education [x] n y

sell fashion discrimination n nfarm food police n nfarm food discrimination n nsell governance [x] n nstaff governance [x] n nfarm product.quality police n nfarm product.quality police n nfarm product.quality paid.late n nfarm product.quality police n nfarm product.quality police n n[x] society [x] y nday [x] police y yfarm [x] gangsters y yday economy police y ysell economy police y yfarm education police n nday everything police y yfarm product.quality discrimination n nfarm product.quality discrimination n nsell product.quality discrimination n nsell product.quality discrimination n n[x] [x] police n n[x] [x] police n yfarm cleanliness [x] n nday development corruption n nfarm development insecurity n nday economy police n nday economy drugs n nfarm economy corruption n nfish economy gangsters n nother economy police n nteach economy corruption n nday everything [x] n nday food police n ntaxi food insecurity n nday freedom human.trafficking n yfarm job.opportunities corruption n nfarm job.opportunities corruption y nsell job.opportunities drugs n nday living.standard police n nday living.standard police n nfish living.standard corruption n nsell living.standard gangsters n nstud living.standard corruption n nfarm nothing police n n[x] [x] [x] n nfarm food police n n[x] [x] discrimination n n

farm economy police n nday food police n nfarm food discrimination n nfarm food discrimination n n[x] job.opportunities discrimination n nday job.opportunities discrimination n nday job.opportunities discrimination n nday job.opportunities discrimination n nday job.opportunities discrimination n nfarm job.opportunities discrimination n nfarm job.opportunities discrimination n nfarm job.opportunities discrimination n nfarm job.opportunities discrimination n nfarm job.opportunities discrimination n nfarm job.opportunities discrimination n nday product.quality discrimination n nfarm product.quality discrimination n nfarm product.quality discrimination n nfarm product.quality discrimination n nfarm product.quality discrimination n nday job.opportunities unemployment n nday job.opportunities unemployment n nday job.opportunities unemployment n nday job.opportunities unemployment n nday job.opportunities unemployment n nday job.opportunities unemployment n nday job.opportunities unemployment n nday job.opportunities unemployment n nday job.opportunities unemployment n nday job.opportunities unemployment n nday job.opportunities unemployment n nday job.opportunities unemployment n nday job.opportunities unemployment n nday job.opportunities unemployment n nday job.opportunities unemployment n nday job.opportunities unemployment n nday job.opportunities police n nday job.opportunities police n nday job.opportunities unemployment n nday job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n n

farm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities thai.army n nfarm job.opportunities alcohol n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities insecurity n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities drugs n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities thai.army n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities thai.army n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities alcohol n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n n

farm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities insecurity n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfish job.opportunities unemployment n nfish job.opportunities unemployment n nfish job.opportunities unemployment n nfish job.opportunities unemployment n nfish job.opportunities unemployment n nfish job.opportunities unemployment n nstaff job.opportunities unemployment n nstaff job.opportunities unemployment n nday living.standard police n nday living.standard police n nsell economy [x] n nfarm education [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] alcohol n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nsell [x] [x] n n[x] economy [x] n nday economy corruption n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy police y yfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy police y nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy [x] n n

farm economy [x] n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm healthcare [x] n nday job.opportunities corruption n nday job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities corruption n nfarm job.opportunities corruption n nfarm job.opportunities corruption n nfarm job.opportunities corruption n nfarm job.opportunities corruption n nfarm job.opportunities corruption n nfarm job.opportunities corruption n nfarm job.opportunities corruption n nfarm job.opportunities corruption n nfarm living.standard alcohol n nteach living.standard police n nstud governance [x] n nnurse living.standard [x] n nfarm monarch [x] n nfarm education restricted.travel n nconst economy discrimination n nday economy insecurity n nfact economy insecurity n nstud economy insecurity n nsell food insecurity n nstud job.opportunities human.trafficking n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] architecture nothing n nteach cleanliness police n nstud culture police n n[x] economy [x] n n[x] economy discrimination [x] nconst economy discrimination n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy human.trafficking n nfact economy insecurity n nsell economy discrimination n nsew economy discrimination n nday education [x] y yconst food discrimination n nday food discrimination n nstaff healthcare police n nngo human.rights human.trafficking n n

sew job.opportunities discrimination n n[x] living.standard human.trafficking n nday living.standard police n nfact living.standard human.trafficking n nsell monarch police n n[x] [x] [x] n nstud culture police n n[x] economy human.trafficking n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy human.trafficking n nfact economy human.trafficking n nsell economy human.trafficking n nday everything human.trafficking n n[x] food human.trafficking n nday food human.trafficking n nday food human.trafficking n nstud food human.trafficking n nstud food human.trafficking n nstud food human.trafficking n nsell job.opportunities discrimination n nsell job.opportunities insecurity n nstaff monarch police y nstud monarch police y y[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] discrimination n nfarm [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n nstaff [x] [x] n nstud [x] discrimination y yfarm culture [x] n nsell economy nothing n nsell food human.trafficking n n

const sports human.trafficking n n[x] [x] gangsters n n[x] [x] [x] n nconst [x] [x] y nday [x] [x] n nday [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nsell [x] police n nfarm culture [x] n nfarm culture [x] n nconst economy nothing n nday economy police n nfact economy gangsters n nfarm economy drugs n nfarm economy discrimination n nfarm economy gangsters n nfarm economy gangsters n nmaid economy human.trafficking n nsell economy discrimination n nsell economy human.trafficking n nsell economy gangsters n nsell economy gangsters n n[x] education corruption n nday education drugs n yday education police n [x]farm education human.trafficking n yfarm education human.trafficking n nfarm education police y nfarm education discrimination n nfarm education discrimination n nfarm education human.trafficking n nfarm education human.trafficking n nfarm education discrimination n nfarm education human.trafficking n nfarm education discrimination n nfarm education discrimination n nfarm education discrimination n nfarm education discrimination n nfarm education discrimination n nfarm education gangsters n nfarm education [x] n nfarm education insecurity n nmaid education gangsters n nsell education discrimination n nsell education discrimination n nsell education discrimination n nsell education discrimination n nsew education human.trafficking n n

staff education police n nday everything police n nfarm food police n nday healthcare police n nfarm healthcare nothing n n[x] job.opportunities [x] n nday job.opportunities [x] n nday job.opportunities [x] n nday job.opportunities [x] n nfarm job.opportunities human.trafficking n nfarm job.opportunities human.trafficking n nfarm job.opportunities human.trafficking n ntaxi job.opportunities paid.not.fully n nfarm living.standard discrimination n nfarm living.standard discrimination y nfarm monarch nothing n nday money.design nothing n nday money.design nothing n n[x] nothing nothing n nfarm transport police n nfarm [x] human.trafficking n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n yfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nsell [x] [x] n nteach [x] [x] n n[x] architecture drugs y yfarm architecture violence n nfarm architecture gangsters n nfarm architecture human.trafficking n nfarm architecture [x] n nfarm culture human.trafficking n nrest culture [x] n nsell culture human.trafficking n n[x] economy discrimination y n[x] economy human.trafficking y y[x] economy drugs n n[x] economy drugs y yday economy drugs y yday economy gangsters y yfarm economy police n nfarm economy culture n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy discrimination y yfarm economy discrimination y y

farm economy human.trafficking y yfarm economy [x] y nfarm economy police n nfarm economy food n nfarm economy food n nfarm economy human.trafficking y yfarm economy human.trafficking y yfarm economy human.trafficking y yfarm economy human.trafficking y yfarm economy human.trafficking y yfarm economy human.trafficking y yfarm economy discrimination y yfarm economy human.trafficking y yfarm economy human.trafficking y yfarm economy human.trafficking y yfarm economy human.trafficking y yfarm economy food n nfish economy [x] n nmaid economy discrimination n nrest economy human.trafficking y ysell economy discrimination y ysell economy discrimination y ysell economy drugs y yconst education corruption y yday education police n nfact education police n nfarm education society n nfarm education police n nfarm education police n nfarm education alcohol n nfarm education alcohol n nfarm education police n nfarm education society n nfarm education discrimination n nfarm education society n nfarm education police n nfarm education human.trafficking n nfarm education police n nfarm education alcohol n nfarm education society n nsell education discrimination y ysell education society n nsell education human.trafficking n nsew education alcohol n nstud education nothing n n[x] food alcohol n nfarm food alcohol n nfarm food alcohol n n

farm food police n nrest food human.trafficking n nsell food human.trafficking n nsew food police n nsew food police n nday governance nothing n nfarm governance discrimination y ysell governance society n n[x] healthcare [x] n nday healthcare police n nfarm healthcare alcohol n nfarm healthcare [x] n nfarm healthcare [x] y yfarm healthcare human.trafficking n nfarm healthcare human.trafficking n nsell healthcare [x] y nsell healthcare alcohol n nsell healthcare [x] n nday job.opportunities [x] n nday job.opportunities nothing y nday job.opportunities nothing n nday job.opportunities [x] n nday job.opportunities nothing n nday job.opportunities police n nday job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities [x] n nfarm job.opportunities alcohol n nfarm job.opportunities police y yfarm job.opportunities society n nfarm job.opportunities alcohol n nfarm job.opportunities society n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities drugs y yfarm job.opportunities unemployment n nfish job.opportunities unemployment n nsell job.opportunities [x] n nstud job.opportunities insecurity n ntaxi job.opportunities police y yfarm media drugs n nday monarch nothing n nfarm monarch corruption n nstaff monarch nothing n nfarm money.design [x] n nsell money.design nothing n nfarm product.quality society n nsell rules.regulations paid.late n nstud rules.regulations [x] n nfarm shopping human.trafficking n n

sell shopping food n nsell shopping alcohol n nfarm sports human.trafficking n nfarm sports alcohol n nfarm sports human.trafficking n nday transport society n nday transport society n nfarm transport society n nfarm transport police n nfarm transport police n nfarm transport human.trafficking y yfarm transport police n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] y y[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n nday [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nsell [x] [x] n nsell [x] [x] n nfarm architecture nothing y nfarm culture police n nconst development police n nconst development police n nconst development police n nday development police n nday development police n nday development nothing n nday development nothing n nday development nothing n nfarm development nothing n nfarm development [x] n nsell development police n nsell development corruption n nsell development corruption n nsew development police n n[x] economy police n n

[x] economy nothing n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy police n nday economy human.trafficking n nday economy police n nfact economy corruption n nfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy drugs y nfarm economy police n nfarm economy drugs n nfarm economy drugs n nfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy [x] n nrest economy human.trafficking n nsell economy police n nsell economy restricted.travel n nsell economy police n nstud economy nothing n n[x] education drugs n n[x] education [x] n nconst education discrimination n nday education society n nday education police n nday education [x] n nday education police n nfarm education police n nfarm education police y nfarm education police n nfarm education police n nfarm education nothing n nfarm education police n nfarm education police n nfarm education police n nfarm education [x] n nfarm education discrimination n yfarm education police n nfarm education police n nfarm education police y nfarm education police n nfarm education police n nfarm education police n nfarm education alcohol n nfarm education police n nfarm education [x] y nfarm education police n yfarm education [x] n n

stud education police n nstud education discrimination y nstud education [x] n nteach education police n nteach education police n nteach education police n nfarm food nothing n nsell food [x] n nday governance discrimination n nfarm governance police n nfarm governance police n nfarm governance police n nfarm governance police y nfarm governance discrimination n nfarm governance discrimination n nfarm governance discrimination n nfarm governance police y nfarm governance police n nfarm governance police n nfarm governance police n nfarm governance police y nfarm governance police n nfarm governance police n n[x] healthcare [x] n n[x] healthcare [x] n n[x] healthcare police n n[x] healthcare politics n n[x] healthcare [x] n nconst healthcare police n nconst healthcare paid.not.fully n nconst healthcare discrimination y yconst healthcare police n nconst healthcare police n nday healthcare police n nday healthcare discrimination y yday healthcare discrimination y yday healthcare discrimination n yday healthcare police n nday healthcare discrimination y yday healthcare discrimination y yday healthcare discrimination y yday healthcare discrimination y yday healthcare discrimination y yday healthcare discrimination y yday healthcare discrimination y yday healthcare discrimination n yday healthcare discrimination n nday healthcare police n n

day healthcare police n nday healthcare discrimination y yday healthcare police n nday healthcare discrimination n nday healthcare police n nfarm healthcare discrimination n nfarm healthcare police n nfarm healthcare police n nfarm healthcare discrimination n nfarm healthcare discrimination n nfarm healthcare police n nfarm healthcare police n nfarm healthcare police n nfarm healthcare discrimination n nfarm healthcare discrimination y nfarm healthcare discrimination n nfarm healthcare discrimination n nfarm healthcare discrimination n yfarm healthcare police n nfarm healthcare discrimination n nfarm healthcare [x] n nfarm healthcare [x] n nfarm healthcare [x] n nfarm healthcare discrimination n nfarm healthcare discrimination y nfarm healthcare [x] n nfarm healthcare discrimination n nfarm healthcare discrimination n nfarm healthcare discrimination n nfarm healthcare discrimination n nfarm healthcare police y nfarm healthcare police n nfarm healthcare nothing n nfarm healthcare police n nfarm healthcare discrimination n nfarm healthcare [x] n nfarm healthcare police n nfarm healthcare police n nfarm healthcare discrimination n nsell healthcare discrimination y ysell healthcare police n nsell healthcare police n nsell healthcare police n nsew healthcare police n ystaff healthcare police n nteach healthcare human.trafficking y y[x] job.opportunities insecurity n n[x] job.opportunities nothing n n

const job.opportunities police n nconst job.opportunities police n nconst job.opportunities police n nday job.opportunities police y yfarm job.opportunities alcohol n nfarm job.opportunities drugs y nfarm job.opportunities drugs n nfarm job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities drugs n nfarm job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities [x] n nfarm job.opportunities [x] n nfarm job.opportunities fashion n nfarm job.opportunities fashion n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities gangsters n nfarm job.opportunities [x] n nfarm job.opportunities insecurity n nfarm job.opportunities police y yfarm job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities discrimination n nfarm job.opportunities [x] n nfarm job.opportunities thai.army n nfarm job.opportunities language y nfarm job.opportunities [x] n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities fashion n nfarm job.opportunities fashion n nfarm job.opportunities drugs n nfarm job.opportunities fashion n nfarm job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities nothing n nsell job.opportunities police n nsell job.opportunities [x] n nsell job.opportunities nothing n nsell job.opportunities police n nstud job.opportunities insecurity n nday living.standard police n nfarm living.standard insecurity y yfarm living.standard [x] n nrest living.standard police y n[x] monarch nothing n n[x] monarch [x] n nsew monarch discrimination n nsell money.design nothing n n

farm product.quality paid.not.fully n nday rules.regulations discrimination n nfarm rules.regulations nothing n nday transport nothing n nday transport nothing n nday transport discrimination n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n n[x] [x] [x] n nconst [x] [x] n nday [x] [x] n nfarm [x] nothing n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] police n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n nfarm [x] [x] n n[x] agriculture [x] n nsell architecture [x] n nfarm cleanliness [x] n nfarm cleanliness [x] n nfarm cleanliness [x] n nfarm cleanliness [x] n nday development nothing n nday development nothing n nfarm development nothing n n[x] economy drugs n nconst economy discrimination y nfarm economy nothing y nfarm economy corruption y nfarm economy [x] y nfarm economy nothing y yfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy discrimination n nfarm economy human.trafficking n nfarm economy police n nfarm economy nothing n nsell economy discrimination n n[x] education gangsters n nday education discrimination n yfarm education nothing n nfarm education [x] n nfarm education police y yfarm education alcohol n n

farm education police n nfarm education police y nfarm education nothing n nsew electricity nothing y nrest food nothing n nsell food nothing n nday healthcare [x] n nday healthcare [x] n nfarm healthcare nothing n nfarm healthcare [x] n nfarm healthcare nothing n nfarm healthcare [x] n nfarm healthcare nothing n nfarm healthcare nothing n nfarm healthcare [x] n nfarm healthcare nothing n nfarm healthcare nothing n nsew healthcare nothing n nconst human.rights nothing n nfarm human.rights nothing n n[x] job.opportunities [x] n nconst job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities human.trafficking n nfarm job.opportunities [x] n nfarm job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities nothing y yfarm job.opportunities paid.late n nfarm job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities nothing n nfarm job.opportunities drugs n n[x] living.standard [x] n n[x] living.standard [x] y yconst living.standard nothing n nday living.standard nothing n nfarm living.standard nothing n nfarm living.standard nothing n nfarm monarch nothing n nfarm nothing nothing n nsell nothing nothing n nday product.quality police n nfarm product.quality discrimination n nfarm product.quality paid.not.fully n nsell transport nothing y nday development nothing n nday development nothing n nday development nothing n n

day development nothing n nday development nothing n nday development nothing n nday development nothing n nday development nothing n nfarm development nothing n nteach development nothing n n[x] economy [x] n nfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy corruption y nfarm economy nothing n nfarm economy discrimination y nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy [x] n nfarm economy nothing n nday education nothing n nday education language n nfarm education discrimination n nfarm human.rights police y ysell human.rights police y ysew human.rights gangsters y nfarm job.opportunities gangsters n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfarm job.opportunities police n nfish job.opportunities police n nsew society gangsters n nday development nothing n nday development police n nday development nothing n nday development nothing n nday development police n nday development police n nsell economy [x] n nsell healthcare [x] n nday living.standard gangsters n n

Q40.threat Q41.violence Q42.fear.return Q43.ref.camp Q44.time Q45.consider Q46.rationsn n n y 3.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y 2.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y 2.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y 3.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] n

n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y 6.0 [x] [x]y n n y 4.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n y 2.0 [x] [x]y n n y 14.0 [x] [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n y 4.0 [x] [x]n n n y 6.0 [x] [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y 5.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]

y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n y y 7.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n [x] [x] [x] nn y y [x] [x] [x] yn y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] nn y y [x] [x] [x] yn y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yy y n [x] [x] [x] ny y n [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] n

y y n [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] ny y n [x] [x] [x] yy y n n [x] n [x]y y [x] n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yy n n n [x] n [x]y y n n [x] n [x]y y n n [x] n [x]y y n n [x] n [x]y y n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] yy y n [x] [x] [x] yy y n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]y y n y 8.0 [x] [x]y y n n [x] n [x]y y n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]y y y y [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]y y [x] n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]

n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]y y n y 4.0 [x] [x]y y [x] n [x] n [x]y y n n [x] n [x]y y n n [x] y [x]y y n n [x] n [x]y y y y [x] n [x]y y n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]y y n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]y y n n [x] n [x]y y n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]y y n y 5.0 [x] [x]y y n [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny y n [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]

n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x][x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] nn n [x] [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n n y [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y y 8.0 [x] [x]n n y y 8.0 [x] [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n n y 3.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]y n n y 7.0 [x] [x]y n n y 6.0 [x] [x]y n n y 7.0 [x] [x]n n n y 4.0 [x] [x]y n n y [x] [x] [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]

y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y y n n [x] n [x]n n y y 9.0 [x] [x]n n n y 5.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]

n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y 1.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y 5.0 [x] [x]n n n y 5.0 [x] [x]n y y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n [x] [x] [x] yn n n [x] [x] [x] yn n n [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] y[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]y n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] n[x] [x] y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] n

y n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] ny n n y 3.0 [x] [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y 1.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n n [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] yn n n [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] yn n n [x] [x] [x] nn y [x] [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] yn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn y n [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] ny n n [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny [x] y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n [x] [x] [x] nn n n [x] [x] [x] nn n n [x] [x] [x] yy y n [x] [x] [x] n

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n n n n [x] n [x]n n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] ny y n [x] [x] [x] ny y [x] [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] yy y n [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n [x] [x] [x] yn y y [x] [x] [x] yn y n [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n [x] [x] [x] [x]n n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] yn n y [x] [x] [x] yn n n [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] ny y n [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn y n [x] [x] [x] n

n n y [x] [x] [x] nn y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] nn y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]y n [x] [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] ny n n [x] [x] [x] yn n n [x] [x] [x] yn n n [x] [x] [x] ny n n [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n y 5.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y 0.3 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n y n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]

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y y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]y y y y 4.0 [x] [x]n n n y 4.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]y y n [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny n n [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] nn [x] y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] ny n n [x] [x] [x] nn n n y 4.0 [x] [x]y n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yy y n [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n y y n [x] n [x]y y y y [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]

y n y n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n n y 7.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y n [x] [x] [x] nn n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] y [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]n n y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y n y [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]y n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n y [x] [x] [x] yn n n [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] y

y y y n [x] n [x]y y n n [x] n [x][x] [x] [x] n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n [x] [x] [x] [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]y y y y 6.0 [x] [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] yy n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n n y [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y y n [x] [x] y [x]n n n n [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] [x] [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n y [x] [x] [x]y n n n [x] n [x]

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n n n n [x] n [x]y n n [x] [x] [x] yn n n [x] [x] [x] yn n y n [x] n [x][x] y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n [x] [x] [x] yn n y [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y n [x] n [x]y n n y 2.0 [x] [x]y y [x] n [x] n [x]y n n y 2.0 [x] [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n n [x] [x] [x] [x]y [x] y n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n [x] [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n y y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y [x] y [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y n y 0.1 [x] [x]y y n y 4.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]

y n y n [x] n [x][x] n y n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y n [x] n [x]n [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] yy n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y y [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n y n [x] [x] [x] yy n n n [x] n [x]n n n [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x][x] y y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x][x] y n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] y [x]y n n [x] [x] [x] yy n n [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x][x] n n y 7.0 [x] [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n [x] [x] [x] y

y n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yn n n [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n n y [x] [x] [x]n n n y 3.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]y n y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] y [x]y n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] ny n n [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] y [x]

n n n n [x] n [x]n y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn y n [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yy y n [x] [x] [x] yn n n [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] yy n n [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] n [x]y y n n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]n n n y 0.3 [x] [x]n n y [x] [x] [x] yn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y n y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] nn y y [x] [x] [x] ny n n [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] yn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n [x] [x] [x] nn n n [x] [x] [x] n

n y y [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] yn n n y [x] y [x]n y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] y [x][x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] n[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] n[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] yn n n [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x][x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] yn n n y [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x][x] y y [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]y y n y 1.0 [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

n n n n [x] n [x]y n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny y n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y 0.1 [x] [x][x] [x] y [x] [x] [x] ny n n y 1.0 [x] [x]y n y [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]y y [x] [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] n[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] yy y n [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] n[x] n y [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]y n y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny y [x] [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] yy y n [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yn n n [x] [x] [x] ny y n [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]

n n n y [x] y [x]y n y [x] [x] [x] ny n n [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n y [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny n n [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]y n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] yy y n [x] [x] [x] nn y y n [x] n [x]y y n [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y 10.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y 0.1 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n y [x] [x] [x] n

n n y [x] [x] [x] ny y n [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] ny n n [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n n [x] [x] [x] nn n n y 7.0 [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] y[x] n y [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] yn n n y 0.1 [x] [x]y n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] yn n y [x] [x] [x] yy n y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny y [x] [x] [x] [x] yn n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] yy y y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] ny n n [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] yn n y [x] [x] [x] y

n n y [x] [x] [x] yn n n y 5.0 [x] [x]n n n y 5.0 [x] [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] n[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] n[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] y[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]n n y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] ny n y [x] [x] [x] ny y y [x] [x] [x] nn n y [x] [x] [x] n[x] [x] y [x] [x] [x] nn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n 1.0 y [x]n y y y 0.2 [x] [x]y y n y 0.1 [x] [x]n y n n [x] n [x]y y n y 0.2 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y n n [x] n [x]n y n y 0.1 [x] [x]y y y [x] [x] [x] yn n y y 17.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n y n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]

n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y n y 0.1 [x] [x]n n n y [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y 10.0 [x] [x]n n n y 5.0 [x] [x]n n n [x] [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n y n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] y [x]n n y n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]y y [x] n [x] n [x]y n y [x] [x] [x] yn n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y [x] y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n [x] [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y y 1.0 [x] [x]y n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x][x] n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]n n n y [x] n [x]

n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y 5.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x][x] [x] [x] n [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]y y y y 5.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x][x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] y [x]n n [x] y 4.0 [x] [x]y n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n [x] [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y 4.0 [x] [x]

n n n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]n n n y 5.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y 9.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y y y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n n y 2.0 [x] [x]n n n n [x] [x] [x]n n n n [x] n [x][x] n n n [x] [x] [x]

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n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n y n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]y n y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n y y y [x] y [x]y y y n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n y [x] y [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]n n n n [x] n [x]

Q47.close.camp Q48.do.mm Q49.do.th Q50.comments[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Help my parent[x] [x]stay [x] Do random wo[x]return Do hard work.[x] The young people are the future leaders, but in Burma the young people don't have rights.

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I don't like discrimination against the Burmese. If there were Job opportunities in our country we wouldn't need to work in other countries. We don't need to be discriminated by Thai people.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]return [x] [x] [x]return [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Nothing. [x]stay Never return. [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]return I will go back [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Set up a minis[x]stay [x] I will be a mi [x]stay [x] Find out some[x]stay [x] Do teaching. [x]stay [x] Study more. [x]stay [x] I will find mo [x]return Return and tea[x] [x]stay [x] Will study. [x]

return Return and ser[x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]return I will be teac [x] [x]stay [x] I will be a mi [x]stay [x] Study. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Serve our nati [x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] I will study m [x]stay [x] Further my st[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]return [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Will be teacher[x] [x]return Teach. [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return I will do whate[x] [x]return Find a job. [x] [x]stay [x] I will study [x]stay [x] Learn and tea[x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Do teaching. [x]stay [x] I'll be a missi [x]stay [x] I will teach. [x]stay [x] Do teaching. [x]stay [x] Be a teacher. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Will find any [x][x] [x] [x] We want Daw Su to be president.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We want Daw Su to be president of Myanmar.[x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Seek an educa[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We want Daw Su to be president of Myanmar.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Will work for [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] Now I live with my brothers and sisters. My parents passed away last year. Now I am studying.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We want to go back home if our country if some things are changed, such as the economy, education, etc.[x] [x] [x] Burmese migrant children need more educational support.[x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Do some farm[x]stay [x] Continue my [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]return Teach. [x] [x]return Sep up a shop.Work and con[x]stay [x] Start a busine[x]stay [x] Continue my s[x]stay [x] Continue my [x]stay [x] Continue my [x]stay [x] Continue my [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Raise animals[x]stay [x] Raise animals [x]stay [x] Do any busine[x]stay [x] Do agriculture[x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] I have a plan [x]return Merchandising[x] [x][x] I fear to retur Don't know . [x]stay [x] Continue my [x]stay [x] Take care of Burma is a nice place, but there is nonejob opportunities so it is not possible to go back to Burma.stay [x] Be a daily wor[x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay Don’t know. Countinue my[x]stay Don't know. Seek educatio[x]

stay Don't know. Do any busine[x]stay [x] Will find a wa[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We need a government which can run the best many sections of our society, such as the economy, education, public health, etc., for the local people within Myanmar.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Make busines[x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Don't know yeI'm considering suicide.stay [x] Sell. [x]stay [x] Any job that's[x]stay [x] Will work at a [x]stay [x] Start a privat [x]stay [x] After finished [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Not yet condid[x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Seek an educa[x]stay [x] Any job. [x]return Be a daily wor [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study and woThanks!!return Any job. [x] I want Myanmar to be developed. If I see the situtation right now there is nothing which benefits the people.stay [x] Set up a small[x]stay [x] After finished[x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] Seek an educa[x]return Do daily work.[x] [x]stay [x] [x] Thanks.stay Farming, raisinNot yet condid[x]stay [x] Daily work. noneBurmese ID card, nonehouse, nonejobs, nonerealitives in Burma.stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Seek an educa[x]stay [x] Constructure.[x]stay [x] Sew and weav[x]stay [x] Midwife. [x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Will go to Ban[x]stay [x] Any job that'sIt would be good to stay in Burma, but there are nonejob opportunities there. Therefore, I left from Burma.stay [x] [x] [x]

stay [x] Daily work. [x]stay [x] Daily work. [x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] Will be sellingI am not ready to return to Burma yet because I don't have any proporty in Burma (e.g., house, land, finances, and a job).stay [x] Be a daily worNot ready to return to Burma.[x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Be a daily wor[x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Daily work. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay Don't know. Countinue my[x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] Become a fact[x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] Raise animals [x]stay [x] Teach and Rai[x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Daily work. I'm afraid of military soldiers.stay [x] Daily work. [x]stay [x] Do business. [x]return Will help my [x] [x]stay [x] Any job that's[x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Do daily work[x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Farm. [x]stay [x] Any job that's[x]stay [x] Sell. nonehuman rights in Burma. Therefore, I don't want to stay.[x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Daily work. [x]stay [x] Not yet condi[x]stay [x] Not yet condi[x]stay [x] Raise animals[x]stay [x] Farm and be a[x]stay [x] Daily work. [x]stay [x] Daily work. Because of the political situation I fear to return to Burma.return Any job which [x] I'm afraid of being used as a porter.return Teach. [x] [x]stay [x] Any job that's[x]return Find a job. [x] [x]return Work in agricu[x] [x]stay [x] Business. [x]stay [x] Any job. There is noneone who can be president right now in Burma. stay [x] Any job that c[x]stay [x] Any job. [x]stay [x] I will study at[x][x] [x] Business. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Teach and Fa [x]stay [x] Sell. [x]stay [x] Business. [x]stay [x] Do any busine[x]return Do some shipp[x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Don't know. [x]stay [x] Any job. [x]stay [x] Daily work. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]return Do Business. [x] [x]

stay [x] Business. [x]return Teach. [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Business. [x][x] Sell. Study. [x]return Teach. [x] [x]stay [x] Don't know. [x]stay [x] Become a far [x]stay [x] Business. [x]stay [x] Be a medic. I want to go to the United State of America because my wife lives in USA. I always miss her.stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Sell. [x]stay [x] [x] I don't believe It is safe to return to Burma.stay [x] Any job. [x]stay [x] Any job that'sI am willing to study if I had any opportunities.stay [x] Do daily work[x]stay [x] Sell. [x]stay [x] Any job. [x]return Teach. [x] [x][x] Continue studyStudy. [x]stay [x] Any type of da[x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Farm. [x] [x]stay [x] Set up a small[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Merchandisin[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Seek an educa[x]return [x] Not yet condidEven if we are refugees in Thailand, it is better than in Burma.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

return [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I would like to suggest everyone learn or study about the political situation. If you get disagree, you will see what happens in the future.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] Seek an educaThe education in Burma is not as good as in the refugee camp.stay [x] Seek an educaNeed to change the education system.stay [x] Seek an educa[x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] Seek an educa[x]return [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Seek an educa[x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] Seek an educa[x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work as laborWhen I stayed in Burma I was afraid of the military government and the soldiers. Whenever military soldiers entered the village all of the men had to flee or hide. If we did not, we would have to be a porter.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I'm really pleased that my son can study in a migrant school.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] There are nonejob opportunities in Myanmar. We must work for our family.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] If possible I want go back to Myanmar. [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I am afraid to go back to Myanmar because there are nonejob opportunities in Myanmar for the low class.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Daily work. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Do business. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] There is a very low salary for workers which is not enough for living costs in Myanmar.stay [x] Apply for a jo[x]stay [x] Continue my e[x]stay [x] Study. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I want to know more about migrant education for the long term.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Seek an educa[x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Continue in s [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Will find a job[x]stay [x] Daily work. [x]stay [x] Find a job. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I'm going serve my best for Burmee migrant education and for my family.return Medicine. [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I have been gone from Myanmar since 1988 and I support for my children's education as a migrant teacher. If our country is changed to democracy after the election, I am going to serve the new generation who wish to be good people in their society.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] If the same government, which is currently leading our country at the present, were to stay in power after the elections, the country would not be develop and will be destroyed as before. Therefore, l want to vote for Daw Su. I believe that if Daw Su wins in this election it will be what the people wish.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Farm. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I want Daw Su to be president.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I want Daw Su to be president.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Any job to sur[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Be a soldier. [x] Thank you.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.return I want to lead.[x] [x]stay [x] Be a health w[x][x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] If Myanmar were to develop its economy, education, health, etc., I really want to live in my own country.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.

[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Continue stud[x]stay [x] Find some edu[x]stay [x] Do doctor's w[x]stay [x] Find an educa[x]stay [x] Get an educatThank you.stay Study. [x] [x]stay [x] There are man[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Get an educatThank you.stay [x] Get an educatWe are happy in the Mae La Camp. We get a good education. I would like to be successfucl in my education.stay [x] Study. [x]return Study. [x] [x]stay [x] Study and leaThank you.stay [x] Be a doctor. [x]stay [x] Study. Thank you.stay Be a soldier. [x] We don't know whether the country will get better or worse.return Study. [x] [x]stay [x] Doing any bus[x][x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study and do [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Continue with[x]stay [x] I will do some[x]stay [x] Do business a[x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I want to give my vote to NLD.stay I won't return I will do a job[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study and leaThank you for this survey.stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Continue stud[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Be a health w[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.

[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Any job. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Farm. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Farm. [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study and leaWe want our own freedom and rights.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] Thanks for the survey. Myanmar's president is very bad to the people and I don't like our president. I don't like the people who are election candidates for the 2015 election.stay [x] If I have a cha[x]stay [x] Sell. I wish I had any documents that were recognized by the Thais.stay [x] Seek an educa[x]stay [x] Be a driver. If I have any documents that were recognized by the Thai government it would be easier for me to travel. [x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Research freeThank you for this survey.stay [x] Any job. [x]stay I won't return Will find some[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Will find a job [x] [x]stay [x] Any job that's[x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] Depends on thThe education in the refugee camp is better than in Burma because education in Burma is too expensive.[x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] Thank you!!!

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Any job. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Will find a job[x]stay [x] Do a job. [x]return Vote in the nex[x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] Find work. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Countinue my [x]stay [x] Be a missiona[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Be a nurse. [x]stay [x] Business. [x]stay [x] I will accept [x]stay [x] Start by raisi [x]stay [x] Business. [x]return [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Do missionary[x]stay [x] Become gover[x]stay [x] Will try to get[x]stay [x] Countinue myIt is not possible to return to Burma, even if we don't want to go back at all.stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] The Burmese political situation is not good as in Thailand. Yet Burmese citizens have to face with many problems staying in Thailand.stay [x] Not sure yet. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]return Become a teac[x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Seek an educa[x]stay [x] Teach. [x]return Become a teac[x] [x]return Become a teac[x] [x]return Become a teac[x] [x]

return Become a teac[x] [x]return Teach. [x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]return Study. [x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Be a teacher. [x]stay [x] Go to school. [x]stay [x] Continue to b[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Be a student. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Be a doctor. [x]stay [x] Teacher [x]stay [x] Go to school. [x]stay [x] Find an educa[x]return Become a solid[x] [x]stay [x] study [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Be a teacher. [x]return Be a teacher. [x] [x]return Teach. [x] [x]stay [x] Do a doctor's [x]return Study. [x] [x]return Be a soldier. [x] [x]return Be a soldier. [x] [x]return Become a teac[x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]return Become a teac[x] [x]return Do physician w[x] [x]stay [x] Continue teac[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Continue to st[x]stay [x] Continue teac[x]stay [x] Do any job. [x]stay [x] Go to school. [x]return Become a teac[x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]return Do a business.[x] [x]stay [x] Will be a miss[x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Serve Christ [x]stay Teach. Teach. [x]stay [x] I will study in [x]stay [x] Seek an educa[x]

stay [x] Begin teachin[x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Join an NGO. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]return Study. [x] [x]stay Do farming. Daily work. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]return I will help my [x] [x]return Will do any bu[x] [x]stay [x] Countinue my [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Countinue my [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay I do not dare Depends on th[x]stay [x] Will find a jo [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]return Become a teac[x] [x]return [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Be a nurse. [x]stay [x] Be a nurse. [x]stay [x] Be a doctor. [x]return Continue to st [x] [x]return Continue my e[x] [x]stay [x] Be a nurse. [x]stay [x] Get an educat[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Don’t know. [x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] Any business.[x]stay [x] Apply for a j [x]stay [x] Seek an educa[x]return Apply my skill [x] [x][x] Will sell goodsSell. [x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] Be a doctor. [x]return [x] Will do any bu[x]stay [x] Countinue my[x][x] [x] Business. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Study and afte[x]return Countinue my [x] [x]return Continue my e[x] [x]return Continue my e[x] [x]stay [x] Any job that's[x]stay Study, and afte[x] There are less food rations in the refugee camp. It is not easy to travel. There is noneone to support us in this. I want to return to Burma but the situation right now is not really safe for me.

stay [x] Join an NGO. [x]stay [x] Seek an educa[x]stay [x] Will be a miss[x]return Teach. [x] [x]stay [x] Be a doctor. [x]stay [x] Be a doctor. [x]stay [x] Do agriculture[x]return Agricultural wo[x] [x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] Seek an educa[x]stay [x] Countinue my[x]stay [x] Be a nurse. [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]return Continue my e[x] [x]stay [x] Work for a c [x]stay [x] Will find a job[x]stay [x] Continue my e[x]stay Build furniture[x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Daily work. [x]stay [x] Depends on thI need more freedom for living in the refugee camp. nonefreedom for us refugees because we are refugees. If the Thai government would recognize or give any card for travelling or transportation, it would be better for everything.return Help my Karen[x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Be a school teIn terms of the financial system, the Burmese government has threatened and corrupted the people of Burma.stay [x] Depends on th[x]stay [x] Any business.[x]stay [x] Become a publThai government should give more free health care and education for refugees.stay [x] Sell. [x]stay [x] Begin a new b[x]return Daily work. [x] [x]stay [x] Do business. [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Sell things. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] work [x]stay [x] Work. [x]return I will do garde [x] [x]stay [x] Teach childre[x]return Work. [x] [x]stay Do farming and[x] [x]stay [x] I will accept [x]return Do missionary [x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Be a leader. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]

return Not yet consid[x] [x]return Not yet consideHaven't consid[x]stay [x] Go to school. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Become a doc[x]return Daily worker. [x] noneideasstay [x] Not sure yet. [x]stay [x] Study more an[x]stay [x] Do some busi[x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]return [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] I don't know. [x]return Farm. [x] [x]return If there is a job[x] [x]stay [x] Not yet condi[x]stay [x] Not yet condi[x]stay [x] Don't know ex[x]return [x] [x] [x]return [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]return Rebuild my life[x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Do selling and[x]stay [x] I don't know w[x]stay [x] Will find a job[x]stay [x] I will look for [x][x] [x] Will apply for[x]stay [x] Any job to sur[x]stay [x] Any business.[x]return [x] Weave. [x]stay [x] Nothing. [x]return Teach. [x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Business. [x]stay [x] I will teach a [x]return Be a doctor. [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Do accounting[x]stay [x] Find a job. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Study. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Do missionary[x]stay [x] Teach. [x]

stay [x] I will help my [x]stay [x] Work. [x]return Get a new iden[x] [x]stay [x] Find a good jo[x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Be a seller. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Find a good jo[x]stay [x] Study. [x]return Get an educati[x] [x]stay [x] Will be teache[x]stay [x] Find a job. [x]return I will be a teac[x] [x]return Be a missionar[x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] I will be a mi [x]return I will help my [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] I will do what[x]stay [x] I'll teach. [x]return Join up with t [x] [x]stay [x] Study and tea[x]return Just go back t [x] [x]stay [x] Continue stud[x]stay [x] Teach. [x]return I will be a teac[x] [x]return I will help the [x] [x][x] Continue to st [x] [x]stay [x] Do teaching. [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]return Become a teac[x] [x]stay [x] Do teaching. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]return Work. [x] [x]return Become a teac[x] [x]return Teach. [x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]return I will teach. [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]return Do teaching. [x] [x]return Join the KNU a[x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Find an educa[x]stay [x] do random jo[x]return Join with KNU.[x] [x]return Serve our peop[x] [x]

stay [x] Work for NGO[x]return Continue study[x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Join an NGO. [x]stay [x] Get an opport[x]stay [x] I study or hav[x]stay [x] Not sure yet. [x]stay [x] Continue to li[x]stay [x] Get work at [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] seller [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Not sure yet. [x]return Teach. [x] [x]stay [x] I will find a jo[x]return I will study. [x] [x]return [x] Not sure. [x]stay [x] Continue stud[x]stay Do our own buWe will do wh[x][x] I will rebuild [x] [x]stay [x] Find work. [x]stay I will help my [x] [x]stay [x] I will find a jo[x]return Will find a job.[x] [x]return Rebuild our co[x] [x]stay [x] Find a job. [x]stay [x] I don't know y[x]stay [x] Join the econ[x]return Do business. [x] [x]return Do my own bus[x] [x]stay [x] Search for so [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Make a busine[x]stay [x] Continue stud[x]stay [x] Do business. I don't hate Burma. It's just because of the government that many people suffer.stay [x] Do business. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]return Help people. [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]return I will help my [x] [x]stay [x] Find a job and[x]return Do something [x] [x]

return Help people. [x] [x]stay [x] To do what I c[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]return Be a farmer. [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Do random wo[x]stay [x] I will continu [x]stay [x] I will continu [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Get a job. Thank You.stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Continue to s[x]stay [x] I will do work[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Be a teacher. [x]stay [x] Study more. [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Continue to s[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Do a day job. [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Find agricultu[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] I will try to w [x]

stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. Thank You.stay [x] Be a teacher. [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work as a migI hate the Burmese president.return [x] I will continu [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Try to find wo[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Be a daily lab [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Go to school. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Find a job. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Find a job. [x]stay [x] Be a daily lab [x]stay [x] Get a job. [x]

stay [x] I will study in [x]return Will develop ou[x] [x]return Teach. [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] I will go to sc [x]stay [x] I will go to sc [x]return Maybe study. [x] [x]stay [x] Study. I want an opportunity to study.stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Find a job. [x]stay [x] Study more. [x]stay Not sure. Not sure. [x]stay [x] Study more. [x]return Return to Kare[x] [x]stay [x] I don't need [x]stay [x] Find work. [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay If I finish grad [x] [x]return Do any work. [x] [x]stay Get an educati[x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Learn more ab[x]stay [x] Work. [x]return I will do good [x] [x]stay [x] Be a political [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] I will be stud [x]stay [x] Find an educa[x]stay [x] Study in Thail[x]stay Find education[x] [x]return Do missionary[x] [x]stay [x] I will teach ch[x]stay [x] Will be teache[x]return Take care of m[x] [x]stay [x] Find an educa[x]stay [x] Find some job[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] I will study. [x]stay [x] I will study. [x]stay [x] Further my st[x]stay [x] Be a student. [x]stay [x] Improve my e[x]stay [x] I will study. [x]

stay [x] I will study. [x]return I will promote [x] [x]stay [x] I will study. [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Do a business[x]stay [x] I will do ordi [x]stay [x] I will continu [x]stay [x] Teach the chi[x]stay [x] Continue stud[x]return I want to stay [x] [x]stay [x] Help my peop[x]stay [x] Work hard for[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Find an educa[x]return Return to fight[x] [x]stay [x] I will continu [x]stay [x] Be a farmer. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]return teaching [x] [x]stay [x] I will study. [x]return I will be teachi[x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Continue stud[x]stay [x] I will continu [x]stay [x] I will study. [x]stay [x] Find an educa[x]stay [x] Seeking empl[x]return [x] Continue to s[x]stay [x] Help my paren[x]stay [x] Feed animals [x]stay [x] Work. [x]return I will teach. [x] [x]stay [x] Nothing. [x]stay [x] Whatever Tha[x]stay [x] I will continu [x]stay [x] Learn more ski[x]stay [x] Continue stud[x]stay Help people. Teach childre[x]stay [x] I will try to [x]stay [x] Work for my f[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] I'll be looking [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Find a job. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]return We will rebuil [x] [x]

return I will study. [x] [x]stay [x] Continue to s[x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Find work. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Be a soldier. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Attend school [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Work for dail [x]return Teach. [x] [x]stay [x] Study more. [x]return Maintain our [x] [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] I will teaching[x]return Get some educ[x] [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]return I will protect [x] [x]stay [x] Will be doing [x]stay [x] Make a busine[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Be a daily lab [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Be a daily lab [x]stay [x] Find an educaI am Karen. I want the Karen people to get independence. Even if we can't get our own country, I want the peace.stay [x] Work as a mig[x]return Work. [x] [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Work for dail [x]

stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay I won't go backWork as a migI would like to carry on my education to get better life. Education is the most important thing for my life.stay [x] Work. [x]return I will be a teac[x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]return [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]return I am going to t[x] [x]stay [x] Work with an[x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay Do work. Not sure. [x]stay [x] Work. Living in Thailand is very good. I've improve my educaiton, health, and it's very promissing for my future.stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] education [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Do business. [x]return I don't know. [x] It's important to improve Myanmar's educational system.return I want to provi[x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work in busin[x]stay [x] Work. [x]return Teach. [x] [x]return Become a teac[x] [x]stay [x] Find nursing j[x]stay [x] I work for my[x]return Farm my fields[x] [x]return Become a teac[x] [x]return Become a teac[x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Do some teac[x]stay [x] Make a busine[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Start business[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] I hope to get [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] I will find to [x]return Farm. [x] [x]stay [x] Try to find a j [x]stay [x] Work as an e [x]stay [x] I will sell ice [x]stay [x] Work for an [x]return Get a job. [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Study and find[x]

stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]return Do some learni[x] [x]stay [x] Not sure. [x]stay [x] I'm not sure. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]return Study. [x] [x]stay [x] Work in indus[x]stay [x] I will study f [x]stay [x] Do business. [x]stay [x] Improve my e[x]stay Do nothing. Work as a migSometimes I want to fight the Burmese military. return Farm. [x] [x]return Return to my vi[x] [x]stay [x] Make a minist[x]return Be a missionar[x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Find a job. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]return I will get some[x] [x]return I will lead my [x] [x]stay I will work for [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]return No idea. [x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Do a ministry [x]stay [x] Work. [x]return I will work for [x] [x]return I am going to t[x] [x]stay [x] [x]return Work in the c [x] [x]stay [x] Be a worker. [x]return Do farming. [x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Shoot myself.[x]return Do teaching in [x] [x]stay [x] Be a nurse [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Find a job. [x]return [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Do working. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Try to get a n[x]

return Do some busin[x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]return Do farming. [x] [x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Find a job. [x]stay [x] Find a job. [x]stay [x] I will still st [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] I will do miss [x]return Stay with my p[x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Find a job. [x]return Join the KNLA [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]return Myanmar is my[x] [x]stay [x] Just continue [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Try to study. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Learn more ed[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]return I don't know. [x] The students from Myanmar need more education. stay [x] I will be look [x]stay [x] Work. [x]return Set up a works[x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]return I don't know. [x] [x]stay [x] Continue stud[x]return Study. [x] [x]return Stay with my p[x] [x]stay [x] Do NGO work[x]return Teach. [x] [x]stay [x] Be a missiona[x]stay [x] I'm not so sur[x]return Develop educa[x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]return Do government[x] Thanks for the questions. I love Burma, but because of the bad government we have to live in another country.stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Do agriculture[x]stay [x] Work in my c [x]stay Depends on the[x] [x]stay [x] Apply for NG [x]stay [x] Do business. [x]

stay [x] Study. [x]return I will rebuild [x] [x]stay Do nothing at a[x] Without real peace in Burma, I will never return.stay [x] Begin a minist[x]stay [x] Depends on t[x]stay [x] Be a NGO wor[x]stay [x] Do business. [x]stay [x] Work for a N [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Do agriculture[x]stay [x] I will teach. [x]stay [x] Do random wo[x]stay [x] I will do som [x]stay [x] I will find a [x]stay [x] Continue to s[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] I will try to [x]stay [x] Work for a da[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Continue to s[x]return I will teach a [x] [x]return Join some orga[x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Do some trave[x]stay [x] Find a job. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Do whatever t[x]stay [x] Find work. [x]stay [x] Will go to a t [x]return I am not sure. [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]return Return to being[x] [x]stay I don't want t [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] I will improv [x]stay [x] Participate w [x]stay [x] Get a job. [x]stay [x] Find another [x]stay [x] Work for a mi[x]stay [x] Participate w [x]return Not sure which [x] [x]stay [x] I will continu [x]stay [x] Find a job to [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] I will do as I c[x]stay [x] Find a job. [x]

return Missionary [x] [x]stay [x] Be a missiona[x]return I will rebuild [x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Continue to s[x]stay [x] Continue stud[x]return Join politics. [x] [x]stay [x] Study more. [x]stay [x] I will try to d [x]return Teach. [x] [x]stay [x] Continue stud[x]stay [x] Work as a mig[x]stay [x] [x] [x]return Get a prostitut[x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study a Thai [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]return Be a teacher. [x] [x]stay [x] Do business. [x]return [x] [x] I want real freedom.stay [x] Be a teacher. [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Find some wo[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] God has plan [x]stay [x] Look for a job[x]stay [x] Look for a job[x]stay [x] Continue teac[x]stay [x] I will continu [x]stay [x] working [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Find a job an [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Help poor peo[x]stay [x] Work. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study in schooNo peace yet in Myanmar.stay [x] Do business. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Do business. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Do something[x]

stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Provide for m[x]stay [x] Do my own wo[x]stay [x] Provide for m[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Provide for m[x]stay [x] Will preach fr[x]stay [x] I will be teach[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I want our country to develop each sector, such as education, the economy, and politics. Moreover, I request our government that to reduce corruption.stay [x] Learn. [x]stay [x] Go to school. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Get a job. [x]stay [x] Do my own bu[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Have to get w[x]stay [x] Look for a job[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Get a job. [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]return Join KNU. [x] I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Do my own bu[x]return Continue in my [x] [x]stay [x] Do politics. I see no peace.stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Find random [x]return I will study. [x] No unity, and no peace[x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] If I stay in tha[x]return Become a lead[x] I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Continue study[x]stay [x] Continue study[x]stay [x] Continue study[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Get work. [x]return Be a soldier w [x] [x]stay [x] I will continu [x]return Work. [x] [x]stay [x] Continue study[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Work in labor[x]stay [x] Do studying. [x]

return Work. [x] [x]stay [x] Look for a goo[x]stay [x] Continue study[x]stay [x] Continue study[x]stay [x] Continue study[x]stay [x] I will continu [x]stay [x] Study and get[x]stay [x] Get work. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Go to school. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Get an educat[x]stay [x] Study. [x]return I want to be a [x] [x]return Work. [x] [x]stay [x] I'll work. [x]stay [x] Do business. I assure all the information provided above is true.return [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Be a doctor. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] I will study in [x]stay [x] Do business. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Do business. I assure all the information provided above is true.return Join KNU. [x] I assure all the information provided above is true.return Join KNU. [x] I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Will get a job.[x]return Be a leader. [x] I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Do business. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay Become a lead[x] I assure all the information provided above is true.stay Become a lead[x] I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Continue to s[x]stay [x] Do agriculture[x]stay [x] If I finish sch [x]stay [x] I will study o [x]return I have no plan [x] [x]return I have no plan [x] [x]return Teach. [x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Study. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] I will continu [x]stay [x] I will continu [x]

stay [x] Find some occ[x]return Study. [x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Get a job. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Find work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] I will study. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]return Do some farmi[x] [x]return Find a job. [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Study. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Find a job. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Try hard. [x] I'm not afraid of going back to burma, because I am going back to my home.stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Sell items. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Do business. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Start a busineI assure all the information provided above is true.return Become a leade[x] I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.[x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Get a job. [x]stay [x] Find an educa[x]stay [x] Study. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] to help poor [x]stay [x] I will continu [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Attend school[x]stay [x] Find a job. [x]stay [x] Get a job. [x]stay [x] Get a job. [x]return Get a job. [x] [x]stay [x] I don't know. [x]stay [x] Get a job. [x]

stay [x] I don't know. [x]stay [x] Nothing. [x]stay [x] I don't know. [x]stay [x] Work in Thail [x]stay [x] Find some wo[x]stay [x] Start a busine[x]stay [x] Get a job. [x]stay I don't know. Continue to s[x]stay I don't know. Continue to s[x]stay [x] I don't know. [x]stay [x] Find a job. [x]stay [x] Do business. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Find some wo[x]return Join the KNU a[x] [x]return Work. [x] [x]return Join KNU. [x] I assure all the information provided above is true.return Join KNU. [x] I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.return Join KNU. [x] I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.return Do some busin[x] I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.return Get an educati[x] I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Study. I assure all the information provided above is true.stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work in Thail [x]stay [x] Do teaching. [x]return Work. [x] [x]stay [x] Continue my s[x]stay [x] Get a job. [x]stay [x] Study. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Sell things. I'm afraid of soldiers.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Find a job. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] Hope to develop all sections including education, economy, health, etc.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Be a farmer. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Find random As our family lives in Thailand, we don't want to go back to Burma because we don't have a home there.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work in an orI don't have Burmese citizenship card. There are many check points inside Burma, and if I go the forest way there are many land mines.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Become a teac[x] I'm afraid of civil wars.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I don't believe in our government.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I want to back Myanmar, but I don't believe in our government . [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work I don't have a house or land there in Burma anymore, therefore I don't want to go back.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I want to go back home.return Be a teacher. [x] [x]stay [x] Study. No peace and stabilization yet.[x] [x] [x] [x]return Study. [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Go to vocatio[x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Start a businesBusiness. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Do teaching. [x]stay [x] Continue stud[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Find random [x]stay [x] Be a daily wor[x]return [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We can earn money in Thailand for our family. Therefore, we want job opportunities in Myanmar as well.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Farm. Daily work. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Be independe[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I left my family in Myanmar to earn money .[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Be a soldier. [x] [x]stay [x] Do some selli [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study. The Burmese military does inhuman activies to villagers, so I don't dare to go back.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work for the I'm not don't afraid to go back home, because I have family there. However, I will stay in Thailand and work.

[x] [x] [x] [x]return Farm. Become a dail[x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] Find individua[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]return [x] [x] We want real freedom.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Business. [x]stay [x] Start a busine[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Business. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Business and [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Study, and aft[x]stay [x] Continue teac[x]stay [x] Do business. Because of the war situation is worse in Burma, I'm afraid to go back.stay [x] Continue stud[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Attend school[x]stay [x] Work. [x]return Study. [x] [x]stay [x] Continue stud[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Any job that c[x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Don't know. [x]return Don't know. [x] I'm afraid, but also not afraid.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]return Teach. [x] [x]stay Do not dare to[x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay Can't go back. Be working in[x]stay [x] Will be doing I urge the responsible leaders to particiate together to develop Myanmar in the future.return Work. [x] [x]stay [x] Further my ed[x]stay [x] Find some job[x]stay [x] [x] I want freedom.stay [x] Start my busi [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Continue stud[x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Not yet consid[x]stay [x] Business. [x]stay [x] Business and [x]

return Work. [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]return Work at office.[x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] I don't know. [x]return Continue in sc [x] [x]stay [x] Go to school. I want the Burma to be peaceful one day, and I want for the ethnic groups to participate together.stay [x] Study and get [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Live with my r[x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Any job. [x]return We will rebuil [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Get work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Find job [x]stay [x] Work in comm[x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Do business. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We want to return to our homeland but there is nonesafty for us and we have to be residents in other country. Actually, we don't want to stay under the dictatorship system in Burma. There is nonereal peace for ethnic peoples.[x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Just be a work[x]return [x] [x] [x][x] Seek an educatSeek an educa[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Work at an offi[x] I don't want to return to Burma. I want to go to a third country or to other places because I wish for family to be ok with everything.[x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay Don't know. [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Any job. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]return [x] Assist the co [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Seek my educI don't think I will reurn to Burma.stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Business. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Join the gover [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Continue my [x]stay [x] Start a busine[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] I don't know. [x]stay [x] Will go to a t [x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]return Join the milita [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x]stay [x] Begin a small [x]return Do general lab[x] [x]stay Don't know. Don't know. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Do nothing. [x]stay [x] Any job. [x]stay Do farming. Find a job. [x]stay Raise animals,Find a job. [x]return Anything. [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]return Help my peopl[x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Don't know wh[x]stay [x] Work in comm[x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Seek an educa[x]stay [x] Any vocationa[x]stay [x] Will work as aThere are a lot of natural resources in Burma. In Karen state the military is expanding their activities as soldiers, weapons, foods rations, and they have a plan to build at least eight dams along the Tharlwin River.[x] Teach. Teach. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Study. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Any job to sur[x]stay Be a farmer. Study. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return [x] Do business. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Do business. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We need a good president for our country in the future.return [x] [x] [x]

return [x] [x] [x]return [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay Not yet consideNot yet condi[x]stay [x] Don't know. [x]stay [x] Continue my [x]stay [x] Go to third co[x]stay [x] Will continue[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] I'll be continu[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Study. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Become a sold[x]stay [x] Study. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Business. [x]stay Don't know. Don't know. I want to return to Burma but I fear the Burma government because they are not planning anything for our return.return [x] Business. [x]stay [x] Seek an educa[x]stay [x] Will work at a[x]stay [x] Daily work. I have nonedesire to return to Myanmar.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x]return Do any busines[x] [x]stay [x] Teach. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Begin studyin[x]stay Don't know. Any job. [x]stay [x] Will work at a[x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay Don't know. Don't know. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay Study. Continue my [x]stay [x] Study. [x]stay [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Any job in ord[x]

stay [x] Do business. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Find a job. [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Nothing. [x]stay [x] Study. [x]return [x] [x] [x]return [x] [x] [x]return [x] [x] [x]stay [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Continue my [x]stay Want to continContinue my [x]stay [x] Seek an educa[x]return [x] Study. [x]stay [x] Get an educat[x]stay [x] Any job. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Be a daily wor[x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]stay [x] Work. [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I want to go home. I left my family.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] Good questions.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] There are nonehuman rights in Myanmar.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] There is nonejob opportunity in Myanmar for the low class.

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We want to change Myanmar's education.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I don't like our president U Thein Sein.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] There are manyjJob opportunities in Thailand. Transportation is also very good and the living standard is also different with Myanmar. Therefore we want to develop our country such as Thailand. I love Daw Su and I hope Daw Su to be our President.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We hope our country develops.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We want a president who can lead the local people.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] It's difficult to go to a hospital or clinic in Thailand because of language proble.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] There are nonejob opportunities in Myanmar.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I want Myanmar to be a real democarcy.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] If there were some job opportunities for the lower class in Myanmar, we would go back home.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I wish to see Myanmar to develop like Thailand.[x] [x] [x] We want to live in our country but there are noneJob opportunities in Myanmar for the lower class.[x] [x] [x] If there were some job opportunities for the lower class in Myanmar, we would go back home.[x] [x] [x] If Myanmar's politics change after the 2015 election, we to will go back home.[x] [x] [x] If there were some job opportunities for the lower class in Myanmar, we would go back home.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We want to live in our country but there are noneJob opportunities in Myanmar for the lower class.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Be a teacher. [x] I will never return to Burma until the current government changesstay [x] Work. I don't live in refugee camp, therefore, I can't anser the refugee questions.return Work. [x] [x]return Teach. [x] UNFC need to make sure that all ethnic groups are involved in peace talks.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

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[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We would go home in the economy, health services and education were better than present in Myamar.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

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[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]return Study. [x] I will never return to Burma until the current government changes[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] Now I an getting old. My children are working in Thailand officially. My children and my children-in-law go to Thai government schools freely without pay. I live here to support and guide the children. Actually I really want to go back Myanmar. I am going to back to my native town on one day. [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I want to earn a lot of money for my family.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We are migrant workers. Therefore, we want our country to develop every section such as the economy, education, health, etc., before we go back to Myanmar.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I want to tell all Burmese migrant teachers that "thanks so much", because they work hard for migrant children education.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I will go back to Myanmar but it depends on the situation.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I really want to go back to Myanmar. I'm not happy working here. I want to earn money in my country for my family but there are nonejob opportunities in our country.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I don't know about politics, but I believe that I love my country. Although I love my country, I can't live in my hometown because of the economy and the political situation.[x] [x] [x] In Myanmar, some states and some reagions need more job opportunities and better public health.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I want to go back to Myanmar.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We want our country to develop more than it is now, because we want to live in our country.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I want to go back to Myanmar.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I believe in Daw Su to be a great president in the future.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

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[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I wish to develop the whole country in Myanmar.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I am afraid to back to Myanmar because there are nonejob opportunities and they discriminate against us.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We came here only to earn money for our family's living costs and our children's education.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We support our family by working here.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We are afraid to go back Myanmar because there are nonejobs in Myanmar and we can’t earn money for our family. Therefore, please help our Burmese migrant people and refugees.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We want our country to develop more than it does now, because we want to live in our own country.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We escapde to Thailand in July 1987. Although we faced some difficulities, we always thought about our children. Now I am satisfied to live here and with childrens' education.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We need human rights in Myanmar.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We want go to back home if Myanmar's economic, health, and education situtation change from their present state.[x] [x] [x] We want more and regular job opportunities in Myanmar.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We went our boss in Thailand to give the salary regularly. If they don't give us the salary we can't manage for our living expenses.[x] [x] [x] It is a good point for our migrant workers that we can go to MTC (Mae Tao Clinic ) when we are not feeling well. We can get treatment free without paying. Thanks a lot, MTC.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] I really want to live with my family but my father and younger sister passed away because of a car accident. Now I have left my mother in Myanmar for my education in Thailand.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] We want to get our salary regularly here. Now we don't get paid regularly.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] Myanmar workers are disgriminated against.[x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]

The young people are the future leaders, but in Burma the young people don't have rights.

I don't like discrimination against the Burmese. If there were Job opportunities in our country we wouldn't need to work in other countries. We don't need to be discriminated by Thai people.

Now I live with my brothers and sisters. My parents passed away last year. Now I am studying.

We want to go back home if our country if some things are changed, such as the economy, education, etc.Burmese migrant children need more educational support.

Burma is a nice place, but there is nonejob opportunities so it is not possible to go back to Burma.

We need a government which can run the best many sections of our society, such as the economy, education, public health, etc., for the local people within Myanmar.

I want Myanmar to be developed. If I see the situtation right now there is nothing which benefits the people.

noneBurmese ID card, nonehouse, nonejobs, nonerealitives in Burma.

It would be good to stay in Burma, but there are nonejob opportunities there. Therefore, I left from Burma.

I am not ready to return to Burma yet because I don't have any proporty in Burma (e.g., house, land, finances, and a job).

nonehuman rights in Burma. Therefore, I don't want to stay.

Because of the political situation I fear to return to Burma.

There is noneone who can be president right now in Burma.

I want to go to the United State of America because my wife lives in USA. I always miss her.

Even if we are refugees in Thailand, it is better than in Burma.

I would like to suggest everyone learn or study about the political situation. If you get disagree, you will see what happens in the future.

The education in Burma is not as good as in the refugee camp.

When I stayed in Burma I was afraid of the military government and the soldiers. Whenever military soldiers entered the village all of the men had to flee or hide. If we did not, we would have to be a porter.

I'm really pleased that my son can study in a migrant school.

There are nonejob opportunities in Myanmar. We must work for our family.

I am afraid to go back to Myanmar because there are nonejob opportunities in Myanmar for the low class.

There is a very low salary for workers which is not enough for living costs in Myanmar.

I want to know more about migrant education for the long term.

I'm going serve my best for Burmee migrant education and for my family.

I have been gone from Myanmar since 1988 and I support for my children's education as a migrant teacher. If our country is changed to democracy after the election, I am going to serve the new generation who wish to be good people in their society.

If the same government, which is currently leading our country at the present, were to stay in power after the elections, the country would not be develop and will be destroyed as before. Therefore, l want to vote for Daw Su. I believe that if Daw Su wins in this election it will be what the people wish.

We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.

We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.

We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.

We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.

We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.If Myanmar were to develop its economy, education, health, etc., I really want to live in my own country.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.

We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.

We are happy in the Mae La Camp. We get a good education. I would like to be successfucl in my education.

We don't know whether the country will get better or worse.

We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.

We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.

We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.

We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.

We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.

We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.

We will return to Myanmar is the economy gets better than it current is at present.

Thanks for the survey. Myanmar's president is very bad to the people and I don't like our president. I don't like the people who are election candidates for the 2015 election.

I wish I had any documents that were recognized by the Thais.

If I have any documents that were recognized by the Thai government it would be easier for me to travel.

The education in the refugee camp is better than in Burma because education in Burma is too expensive.

It is not possible to return to Burma, even if we don't want to go back at all.

The Burmese political situation is not good as in Thailand. Yet Burmese citizens have to face with many problems staying in Thailand.

There are less food rations in the refugee camp. It is not easy to travel. There is noneone to support us in this. I want to return to Burma but the situation right now is not really safe for me.

I need more freedom for living in the refugee camp. nonefreedom for us refugees because we are refugees. If the Thai government would recognize or give any card for travelling or transportation, it would be better for everything.

In terms of the financial system, the Burmese government has threatened and corrupted the people of Burma.

Thai government should give more free health care and education for refugees.

I don't hate Burma. It's just because of the government that many people suffer.

I am Karen. I want the Karen people to get independence. Even if we can't get our own country, I want the peace.

I would like to carry on my education to get better life. Education is the most important thing for my life.

Living in Thailand is very good. I've improve my educaiton, health, and it's very promissing for my future.

It's important to improve Myanmar's educational system.

Thanks for the questions. I love Burma, but because of the bad government we have to live in another country.

I want our country to develop each sector, such as education, the economy, and politics. Moreover, I request our government that to reduce corruption.

I'm not afraid of going back to burma, because I am going back to my home.

Hope to develop all sections including education, economy, health, etc.

As our family lives in Thailand, we don't want to go back to Burma because we don't have a home there.

I don't have Burmese citizenship card. There are many check points inside Burma, and if I go the forest way there are many land mines.

I want to back Myanmar, but I don't believe in our government .

I don't have a house or land there in Burma anymore, therefore I don't want to go back.

We can earn money in Thailand for our family. Therefore, we want job opportunities in Myanmar as well.

The Burmese military does inhuman activies to villagers, so I don't dare to go back.

I'm not don't afraid to go back home, because I have family there. However, I will stay in Thailand and work.

Because of the war situation is worse in Burma, I'm afraid to go back.

I urge the responsible leaders to particiate together to develop Myanmar in the future.

I want the Burma to be peaceful one day, and I want for the ethnic groups to participate together.

We want to return to our homeland but there is nonesafty for us and we have to be residents in other country. Actually, we don't want to stay under the dictatorship system in Burma. There is nonereal peace for ethnic peoples.

I don't want to return to Burma. I want to go to a third country or to other places because I wish for family to be ok with everything.

There are a lot of natural resources in Burma. In Karen state the military is expanding their activities as soldiers, weapons, foods rations, and they have a plan to build at least eight dams along the Tharlwin River.

We need a good president for our country in the future.

I want to return to Burma but I fear the Burma government because they are not planning anything for our return.

There is nonejob opportunity in Myanmar for the low class.

There are manyjJob opportunities in Thailand. Transportation is also very good and the living standard is also different with Myanmar. Therefore we want to develop our country such as Thailand. I love Daw Su and I hope Daw Su to be our President.

It's difficult to go to a hospital or clinic in Thailand because of language proble.

If there were some job opportunities for the lower class in Myanmar, we would go back home.

We want to live in our country but there are noneJob opportunities in Myanmar for the lower class.If there were some job opportunities for the lower class in Myanmar, we would go back home.If Myanmar's politics change after the 2015 election, we to will go back home.If there were some job opportunities for the lower class in Myanmar, we would go back home.

We want to live in our country but there are noneJob opportunities in Myanmar for the lower class.

I will never return to Burma until the current government changesI don't live in refugee camp, therefore, I can't anser the refugee questions.

UNFC need to make sure that all ethnic groups are involved in peace talks.

We would go home in the economy, health services and education were better than present in Myamar.

I will never return to Burma until the current government changes

Now I an getting old. My children are working in Thailand officially. My children and my children-in-law go to Thai government schools freely without pay. I live here to support and guide the children. Actually I really want to go back Myanmar. I am going to back to my native town on one day.

We are migrant workers. Therefore, we want our country to develop every section such as the economy, education, health, etc., before we go back to Myanmar.

I want to tell all Burmese migrant teachers that "thanks so much", because they work hard for migrant children education.

I will go back to Myanmar but it depends on the situation.

I really want to go back to Myanmar. I'm not happy working here. I want to earn money in my country for my family but there are nonejob opportunities in our country.

I don't know about politics, but I believe that I love my country. Although I love my country, I can't live in my hometown because of the economy and the political situation.In Myanmar, some states and some reagions need more job opportunities and better public health.

We want our country to develop more than it is now, because we want to live in our country.

I believe in Daw Su to be a great president in the future.

I am afraid to back to Myanmar because there are nonejob opportunities and they discriminate against us.

We came here only to earn money for our family's living costs and our children's education.

We are afraid to go back Myanmar because there are nonejobs in Myanmar and we can’t earn money for our family. Therefore, please help our Burmese migrant people and refugees.

We want our country to develop more than it does now, because we want to live in our own country.

We escapde to Thailand in July 1987. Although we faced some difficulities, we always thought about our children. Now I am satisfied to live here and with childrens' education.

We want go to back home if Myanmar's economic, health, and education situtation change from their present state.We want more and regular job opportunities in Myanmar.

We went our boss in Thailand to give the salary regularly. If they don't give us the salary we can't manage for our living expenses.It is a good point for our migrant workers that we can go to MTC (Mae Tao Clinic ) when we are not feeling well. We can get treatment free without paying. Thanks a lot, MTC.

I really want to live with my family but my father and younger sister passed away because of a car accident. Now I have left my mother in Myanmar for my education in Thailand.

We want to get our salary regularly here. Now we don't get paid regularly.

I don't like discrimination against the Burmese. If there were Job opportunities in our country we wouldn't need to work in other countries. We don't need to be discriminated by Thai people.

We need a government which can run the best many sections of our society, such as the economy, education, public health, etc., for the local people within Myanmar.

When I stayed in Burma I was afraid of the military government and the soldiers. Whenever military soldiers entered the village all of the men had to flee or hide. If we did not, we would have to be a porter.

I have been gone from Myanmar since 1988 and I support for my children's education as a migrant teacher. If our country is changed to democracy after the election, I am going to serve the new generation who wish to be good people in their society.

If the same government, which is currently leading our country at the present, were to stay in power after the elections, the country would not be develop and will be destroyed as before. Therefore, l want to vote for Daw Su. I believe that if Daw Su wins in this election it will be what the people wish.

Thanks for the survey. Myanmar's president is very bad to the people and I don't like our president. I don't like the people who are election candidates for the 2015 election.

There are less food rations in the refugee camp. It is not easy to travel. There is noneone to support us in this. I want to return to Burma but the situation right now is not really safe for me.

I need more freedom for living in the refugee camp. nonefreedom for us refugees because we are refugees. If the Thai government would recognize or give any card for travelling or transportation, it would be better for everything.

We want to return to our homeland but there is nonesafty for us and we have to be residents in other country. Actually, we don't want to stay under the dictatorship system in Burma. There is nonereal peace for ethnic peoples.

There are a lot of natural resources in Burma. In Karen state the military is expanding their activities as soldiers, weapons, foods rations, and they have a plan to build at least eight dams along the Tharlwin River.

There are manyjJob opportunities in Thailand. Transportation is also very good and the living standard is also different with Myanmar. Therefore we want to develop our country such as Thailand. I love Daw Su and I hope Daw Su to be our President.

Now I an getting old. My children are working in Thailand officially. My children and my children-in-law go to Thai government schools freely without pay. I live here to support and guide the children. Actually I really want to go back Myanmar. I am going to back to my native town on one day.

I really want to go back to Myanmar. I'm not happy working here. I want to earn money in my country for my family but there are nonejob opportunities in our country.

I don't know about politics, but I believe that I love my country. Although I love my country, I can't live in my hometown because of the economy and the political situation.

We are afraid to go back Myanmar because there are nonejobs in Myanmar and we can’t earn money for our family. Therefore, please help our Burmese migrant people and refugees.

We escapde to Thailand in July 1987. Although we faced some difficulities, we always thought about our children. Now I am satisfied to live here and with childrens' education.

It is a good point for our migrant workers that we can go to MTC (Mae Tao Clinic ) when we are not feeling well. We can get treatment free without paying. Thanks a lot, MTC.

I really want to live with my family but my father and younger sister passed away because of a car accident. Now I have left my mother in Myanmar for my education in Thailand.

If the same government, which is currently leading our country at the present, were to stay in power after the elections, the country would not be develop and will be destroyed as before. Therefore, l want to vote for Daw Su. I believe that if Daw Su wins in this election it will be what the people wish.

Now I an getting old. My children are working in Thailand officially. My children and my children-in-law go to Thai government schools freely without pay. I live here to support and guide the children. Actually I really want to go back Myanmar. I am going to back to my native town on one day.
