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Curriculum Vitae 1980 - 2019

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CURRICULUM VITAE ROBIN MICHEL WRIGHT, Ph.D. Edited & Co-edited Volumes Department of Religion tel. 352/392-1625 University of Florida fax 352/392-7395 Gainesville, Fl. 32611-7410 [email protected] ACADEMIC POSITIONS …………………………………………… 3 EDUCATION…………………………………………………………. 3 AREAS OF SCHOLARSHIP………………………………………... 3 PUBLICATIONS…………………………………………………… 3 - 15 Single-Author Books Edited and Co-edited Journal Issues Peer-reviewed Journal Articles Chapters in Books Review Essays Encyclopedia Entries Book Reviews Prefaces Multi-Media Production 1


ROBIN MICHEL WRIGHT, Ph.D. Edited & Co-edited Volumes

Department of Religion tel. 352/392-1625

University of Florida fax 352/392-7395

Gainesville, Fl. 32611-7410 [email protected]

ACADEMIC POSITIONS …………………………………………… 3

EDUCATION…………………………………………………………. 3

AREAS OF SCHOLARSHIP………………………………………... 3

PUBLICATIONS…………………………………………………… 3 - 15

Single-Author Books

Edited and Co-edited Journal Issues

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Chapters in Books

Review Essays

Encyclopedia Entries

Book Reviews


Multi-Media Production






GRANTS, AWARDS & FELLOWSHIPS…………………... 24 – 25

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES………………………………. 25 – 29

Non-Academic Positions

Editorial and Review

Research Foundation Committees


Academic Administrative Services

Community Service


Ph.D. Committees

M.A. Committees

Undergraduate Honors Theses

WORKS IN PROGRESS………………………………… 39 - 40



University of Florida, Department of Religion. Associate Professor, 2005-present; Affiliate Professor, Center for Latin American Studies; Affiliate faculty member, Department of Anthropology.

State University of Campinas, Department of Anthropology (Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil). Full Professor, 2005-6; Associate Professor, 1996-2005; Assistant Professor, 1985-1996; Fulbright Visiting Scholar, 1985.


Stanford University, 1973 – 1981. M. A., 1973; Ph.D. in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Dissertation Advisor: Renato I. Rosaldo. Committee members: Michelle Z. Rosaldo (Anthropology), David Sweet (History). National Science Foundation Fellowship, 1973-6; NIMH Fellowship, 1976-79.

Bates College, 1968 – 1972.   B.A cum laude, in Sociology and Anthropology, Honors thesis advisor: Daniel Heyduk. Awarded High Honors. Elected to Phi Beta Kappa.


Thematic: Indigenous Religious Studies; Myth and Ritual Studies; Symbolic Anthropology; Rock Art; Sacred Geographies; Traditional & Contemporary Shamanism; Religion, Medicine and Healing; History of Theory in Religion and Anthropology; Native Ontologies and Animism; Religion, Nature and Culture; Indigenous Advocacy; Writing of Ethnography; Indigenous Histories and the History of Colonization in the Western Hemisphere; Native Prophet Movements.

Geographic Areas: the Americas and the Pacific especially, Amazonia and Latin America; Outer Asia;



Single-author Books

“Mysteries of the Jaguar Shamans of the Northwest Amazon. University of Nebraska Press, Omaha, 2013, 389 pp.

História Indígena e do Indigenismo no Alto Rio Negro. [Indigenous History and the History of Indian Policy on the Upper Rio Negro] Campinas: Mercado de Letras/Instituto Socioambiental, 2005, 300 pp.

 Cosmos, Self and History in Baniwa Religion. For Those Unborn. Austin, TX.: University of Texas Press, 1998, 314 pp.

Edited and Coedited Volumes

Editor, 2016 (2nd ed.; 1st ed., 2014). Religion, Medicine and Healing. Contemporary Perspectives. Kendallhunt: Dubuque, Ia. (e-book, with 11 modules), > 291 pp.

Coeditor with Aparecida Vilaça, 2009. Native Christians. Modes and Effects of Christianity among Indigenous Peoples of the Americas. Ashgate Press: Farnham, UK, 232 pp.

Editor, 2004. Transformando os Deuses. Igrejas Evangélicas, Pentecostais e Neopentecostais entre os Povos Indígenas no Brasil. [Transforming the Gods: Evangelical, Pentecostal and Neo-pentecostal Churches among the Indigenous Peoples in Brazil] Vol. 2. Editora da UNICAMP: Campinas, 531 pp.

Coeditor with Neil L. Whitehead, 2004. In Darkness and Secrecy. The Anthropology of Assault Sorcery and Witchcraft in Amazonia. Duke University Press: Durham, N.C., 327 pp.         

Editor, 1999. Transformando os Deuses. Os Múltiplos Sentidos da Conversão entre os Povos Indígenas no Brasil. [Transforming the Gods: The Multiple Senses of Conversion among the Indigenous Peoples in Brazil] Vol. 1. Editora da UNICAMP: Campinas, 547 pp. Coeditor with José Cornelio et al., 1999. Waferinaipe Ianheke. A Sabedoria dos Nossos Antepassados. [The Wisdom of Our Ancestors] ACIRA/FOIRN:


São Gabriel da Cachoeira, 191 pp.  

Coeditor with José Barreiro, 1982. Native Peoples In Struggle, Cases From The Fourth Russell Tribunal & Other International Forums. E.R.I.N. Publications: Bombay, N.Y., 166 pp.

 Coeditor with Shelton Davis, 1981. The Yanomami Indian Park: A Call for Action. ARC: Boston, 25 pp. booklet.

Edited and Coedited Journal Issues

Guest Editor, 2016. “Indigenous Knowledge, Spiritualities and Science: An Ongoing discussion”, Journal of the Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, Equinox Publishing: Sheffield. vol. 10, no. 2.

Guest Editor, 2012. “Special Issue in Honor of Shelton H. Davis: Legacy to Anthropological Advocacy, Development Issues, and Indigenous Peoples' Movements”. Tipiti, Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America, http://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/tipiti/vol9/iss2

Coedited with Kapfhammer, Wolfgang, & Flavio Braune Wiik. 2012. “The Clash of Cosmographies: Indigenous Societies and Project Collaboration – Three ethnographic cases (Kaingang, Sateré-Mawé, Baniwa)”. Vibrant – Virtual Brazilian Anthropology, v. 9, n. 1. January to June. Brasília, ABA. http://www.vibrant.org.br/issues/v9n1/robin-m-wright-wolfgang-kapfhammer-flavio-braune-wiik-the-clash-of-cosmographies/

Coeditor with Bron Taylor, 2009. “The Religious Lives of Amazonian Plants”, Special issue of the Journal of the Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture. Equinox Publishing, UK. Vol. 3(1).

Coedited with Alaka Wali and Paul Aspelin. 1983. Hidrelétricos En Centro Y Sud America.[Hydroelectrics in Central and South America] Boletin Del Grupo Internacional De Trabajo Sobre Assuntos Indigenas. Copenhagen: IWGIA, v.2, no. 2/3.

Single Author, Peer-reviewed Journal Articles


2018. “The Kuwai Religions of Northern Arawak Speaking Peoples: Initiation, Shamanism, and Nature Religions of the Amazon and Orinoco.” Boletin de Antropologia (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia). V. 33, No. 55, pp. 123-50. http://aprendeenlinea.udea.edu.co/revistas/index.php/boletin/issue/view/2962

  2017. “The State of the Arts of the Study of Indigenous Religious Traditions in South America.” International Journal of Latin American Religions. Springer International Publishing.  Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 42–56. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41603-017-0002-9

2017.  "As Tradições Sagradas de Kuwai entre os Povos Aruaque Setentrionais: Estruturas, Movimentos e Variações” [The Sacred Traditions of Kuwai: Structures, Movements and Variations], Mana. Museu Nacional: Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ. Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 609-52. http://www.scielo.br/pdf/mana/v23n3/1678-4944-mana-23-03-609.pdf

2017. “Jaguar-spirit Shamans among the Baniwa of the Northwest Amazon,” SHAMAN. Journal of the International Society for Academic Research on Shamanism (ISARS). Molnar & Keleman Oriental Publishers: Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 25, Nos. 1&2, pp. 137-58.

2016. “Wise People of Great Power,” Journal of the Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, Equinox Publishing: Sheffield S1 2BX. Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 170-88. doi: 10.1558/jsrnc.v10i2.27247      

2015. “The One and Many in an Amazonian Cosmology.” Arteriais | revista do ppgartes [Graduate Program in the Arts]. Federal University of Pará, UFPA: Belem do Pará, Brazil. No. 01 | Feb., pp. 124-46.

2014. “Os princípios metafísicos nos desdobramentos do Universo Hohodene.” [Metaphysical Principles in the Unfolding of the Hohodene Universe] R@U. Universidade de São Carlos: São Carlos, Brazil. Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 191-216.


2014. “Musical Body of the Universe: Unity and Multiplicity in the Spiritualized Cosmos of the Hohodene”. Tipiti. Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America. http://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/tipiti/vol13/iss1/8/

2012. “Fixed Forms and Fluid Powers: Intersubjective Cosmos and Personhood”, Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly, American Anthropological Association: Wiley Online Library. vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 156-76. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1548-1409.2012.01126.x

2012. "A Passion for the Oppressed," Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America. http://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/tipiti/vol9/iss2/1

2012."Sentinels and Entrepreneurs: Advocacy and Development in Brazil," Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America. http://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/tipiti/vol9/iss2/3

2011. “You will save many lives”. Shamanism Annual. Journal of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Mill Valley, CA. Issue 24, pp. 30-36.

2009. “The Fruit of Knowledge and the Bodies of the Gods”. In: “The Religious Lives of Amazonian Plants.” Special issue of the Journal of the Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture. Equinox Publishing: Sheffield, UK. Vol. 3(1): 126-53.

2009. “The Art of Being Crente: The Baniwa Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Sustainable Development”. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power. Taylor & Francis: USA. Vol. 16, Issue 2, pp. 202–226. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10702890902739410

2009. “The Snuff-Jaguar Manuel ‘Mandu’ da Silva”, Shamanism Annual: Journal of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Mill Valley, CA. Issue 22, pp. 20-22.

2008. “As Formações Sócio-Religiosas da Amazônia Indígena e suas transformações históricas” [The Socio-Religious Formations in Indigenous Amazonia and Their Historical Transformations]. Ciência e Cultura. Revista da sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência. Special issue on Culturas Indigenas. SBPC: São Paulo, Brazil. Vol. 60, No. 4: 37-40.


2007. “Indigenous Philosophies and Ontologies and Their Implications for Sustainable Development,” Journal of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture. Equinox Publishing: Sheffield, UK. Vol. 1(1): 93-109.

2006. “The Brazilian Ayahuasca Religions”, Fieldwork in Religion, Equinox: Sheffield, UK.Vol.2 (2): 177-186.

2005. “Da Atribuição de Valores às tradições religiosas indígenas” [On Attributing Values to Indigenous Religious Traditions]. Revista do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional. IPHAN: Brasilia. No. 32, pp. 244-253.

1997. “Violence on Indian Day in Brazil, 1997: Symbol of the Past and Future.” Cultural Survival Quarterly. Cultural Survival: Cambridge, Mass., v.21, n.2, pp.47 – 49.

1994. “Cosmogonie Baniwa. Le Chemin de Salut. [Baniwa Cosmogony. The Way of Health].” Récherches Brésiliennes, Histoire Ancienne et Anthropologie. Centre De Récherches D'histoire Ancienne: Paris, France. v.130, pp. 275 – 288.  1994. “Politics and belief in the nineteenth century millenarian movements of the Northwest Amazon.” Antropológica. Caracas, No.83, pp. 39 – 66. https://biblat.unam.mx/es/frecuencias/autor/wright-r-m/documento

1994. “Umawali. Hohodene Myths of the Anaconda, Father of the Fish.” Bulletin de La Société Suisse des Américanistes. Musée d'Ethnographie: Geneva, v.57-58, pp.37 – 48.  1993. “Pesquisa Antropológica e Ação em favor dos povos indígenas.” [Anthropological Research and Action on Behalf of the indigenous peoples] Terra Indígena. UNESP: Araraquara, SP. no.67, pp. 37 – 51.  1993. “Pursuing The Spirit. Semantic Construction in Hohodene Kalidzamai Chants for Initiation.” Amerindia. CNRS: Paris, France, v.18, pp.1 – 40.  

1992. “Guardians of the Cosmos: Baniwa Shamans and Prophets (Part I).” History of Religions. University of Chicago: Chicago, August, pp. 32 – 58.            1992. “Guardians of The Cosmos: Baniwa Shamans and Prophets (Part 2).”


History of Religions. University of Chicago: Chicago, Nov., pp. 126 – 145.  1992. “Uma Conspiração Contra Os 'Civilizados': História, Política e Ideologias dos Movimentos Milenaristas. [A Conspiracy against the ‘civilized people’: History, politics and ideologies of millenarian movements of the Northwest Amazon]” Anuário Antropológico 89. Tempo Brasileiro: Rio de Janeiro, v.89, pp. 191 – 234.

1991. “‘A Conspiracy Against the Civilized People’: History, Politics and Ideologies of Arahuacan and Tukanoan Millenarian Movements of the Northwest Amazon.” In: Barabas, A., ed. “El mesianismo contemporaneo en America Latina”, spec. issue of Religiones Latinoamericanas. ALER: México, vol. 2, pp. 43 – 70.  1991. “Indian Slavery in the Northwest Amazon.” Boletim Do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. MPEG: Belém, Pará, v.7, n.2, pp.149 – 179.   

1990. “Guerras e Alianças Na História dos Baniwa do Alto Rio Negro [Wars and Alliances in the History of the Baniwa of the Upper Rio Negro].” Ciências Sociais Hoje. ANPOCS: São Paulo, [no Vol. no.] pp. 217 – 236.  

1990. “Guerres de 1'Or Dans Le Rio Negro: Strategies Indiennes.” Ethnies. Survival International: France, v.11- 12, pp. 38 – 42.   1988. “Anthropological Presuppositions of Indigenous Advocacy.” Annual Review of Anthropology. Annual Reviews, Inc.: Palo Alto, California, v.17, pp. 365 – 390.  

1987. “Uma Historia de Resistência: Os 'Heróis' Baniwa e Suas Lutas [A History of Resistance: Baniwa heroes and their struggles].” Revista de Antropologia. Universidade de São Paulo: São Paulo, v.30/31, pp.355 – 381.


1986. “As Guerras do Ouro No Alto Rio Negro. [Gold Wars on the Upper


Rio Negro]” Aconteceu. CEDI: São Paulo, v.17, pp. 85 – 87.             

 1983. “Lucha y Supervivencia en el Noroeste de la Amazonia. [Struggle and Survival in the Northwest Amazon].” America Indigena. Instituto Indigenista Interamericano: México, v.43, n.3, pp. 537 – 554.              1983. “The Great Carajás Program: Brazil's Mega-Project for the '80s.” The Global Reporter. Anthropology Resource Center: Boston, MA, v.1, n.1, pp. 3 – 6.  1982. “The Yanomami Saga: An End in Sight?” Cultural Survival Quarterly. Cultural Survival: Cambridge, MA, v.6, n.2, pp. 27 – 29.  1981. “Demons with no Heads. NTM and the Baniwa of Brazil.” Anthropology Resource Center Bulletin. Anthropology Resource Center: Boston, v.9, pp. 9 – 13.

Co-authored Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals

2015. L. Barros and R. Wright. “Music, Ritual and Cosmology of the Desana and Baniwa People of the Upper Rio Negro, Amazon, Brazil: A Collaborative Research.” El oído pensante, CONICET: Buenos Aires, Argentina. Vol. 3, n°2, pp. 1-21.

2012. Wright, Robin M., Kapfhammer, Wolfgang, & Flavio Braune Wiik. “The Clash of Cosmographies: Indigenous Societies and Project Collaboration – Three ethnographic cases (Kaingang, Sateré-Mawé, Baniwa)”. Vibrant – Virtual Brazilian Anthropology, ABA: Brasília. Vol. 9, no. 1.   http://www.vibrant.org.br/issues/v9n1/robin-m-wright-wolfgang-kapfhammer-flavio-braune-wiik-the-clash-of-cosmographies/

2001. Luiza Garnelo and R.M. Wright. “Doença, cura e serviços de saúde. Representações, práticas e demandas Baniwa” [Sickness, curing, and health services. Baniwa representations, practices and demands]. Cadernos de Saúde Pública. Fundação Oswaldo Cruz: Rio de Janeiro. v.17, no.2, pp. 273 – 284.


1986. Wright, R. M. & Hill, J.D., “History, Ritual and Myth: Nineteenth Century Millenarian Movements in the Northwest Amazon.” Ethnohistory. American Society for Ethnohistory: Durham, NC, v.33, n.1, pp. 39 – 54.

Single-Authored Book Chapters

2018/9. (in production) “The One and the Many: Ancestors and Sorcerers in Hohodene Worldview,” Chapter 4 in V. Narayanan, ed., The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Material Religion. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.: West Sussex. pp. 169-201.

2017. “The Kuwai Religions of Northern Arawak-Speaking Peoples,” in: Arqueologia Musical Amazonica, ed. by Liliam Barros & Rafael Severiano. Editora Paka-Tatu: Belem. Pp. 22-38.

2016. “The Making of a Jaguar Shaman”, in Wright, ed., Religion, Medicine and Healing: Contemporary Perspectives (2nd ed.). Kendallhunt: Dubuque, Ia. pp. 95-121.

2014. “Religious Power and Knowledge. Questions Raised on the Presuppositions of ‘Perspectivism’ among Indigenous Peoples.” Chapter 14, in L. Johnston & W. Bauman, eds. Science and Religion: One Planet, Many Possibilities. Routledge Studies in Religion (Taylor & Francis Group). pp. 216-31.

2013. “Mitagens e seus significados no noroeste amazônico” [Mythscapes and their Meanings in the Northwest Amazon] in: Ensaios em Interculturalidade: Literatura, Cultura e Direitos de indígenas em época de globalização. Martins, Maria Sílvia Cintra, ed., Mercado de Letras: Campinas. pp.

2012. “Arawakan Flute Cults of Lowland South America: The Domestication of Predation and the Production of Agentivity”, In: Bursts of Breath: New Research on Indigenous Flutes in Lowland South America. J.H. Hill and J-P Chaumeil, eds., University of Nebraska: Omaha, pp. 325-356.


2010. “Indigenous Religious Traditions of the World”, Chapter 1 In: Lawrence E. Sullivan, ed., Religions of the World: A Cultural Introduction to the Making of Meaning, Fortress Press: Minneapolis, pp. 31-60.

2009. “Baniwa Art. The Baniwa Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Sustainable Development”, In: Native Christians. Modes and Effects of Christianity among Indigenous Peoples of the Americas. Wright, R.M. & A. Vilaça, eds. Ashgate Press: Farnham, UK, pp. 187-210.

2002. “Ialanawinai: O branco na história e mito Baniwa.” [Ialanawinai: The White Man in Baniwa myth and history] In: Pacificando o Branco. Bruce Albert & Alcida Ramos, eds. São Paulo: Editora Unesp. Pp.

2002. “The Baniwa.” In: Native Religions and Cultures of Central and South America. Anthropology of the Sacred. Lawrence Sullivan, ed. New York: Continuum. Pp.

2002. “Prophetic Traditions among the Baniwa and Other Arawakan Peoples of the Northwest Amazon.” In: Comparative Arawakan Histories. Jonathan D. Hill & Fernando Santos-Granero, eds. University of Illinois Press: Urbana. Pp. 1999. “O Tempo de Sophie: História e Cosmologia da Conversão Baniwa “ [The Time of Sophie: History and Cosmology of Baniwa Conversion] In: Transformando os Deuses. Os múltiplos sentidos da conversão entre os povos indígenas no Brasil. Robin M. Wright, ed. Editora da UNICAMP Campinas. Pp.  1999. “Os Baniwa no Brasil [The Baniwa in Brazil]” In: Demarcando Terras Indígenas [Demarcating Indigenous Lands]. FUNAI/PPTAL/GTZ: Brasília. Pp.  1997. “I Baniva” [The Baniwa] In: Culture e Religioni Indigene in America Centrale e Meridionale. Lawrence Sullivan, ed. Jaca Book – Massimo: Milano. Pp. [Translated and published in: Sullivan, Lawrence, ed. Native Religions and Cultures of Central and South America. Continuum: New York, 2002. Pp. ]  


1996. “Os Guardiões do Cosmos: pajés e profetas entre os Baniwa” [The Guardians of the Cosmos: shamans and prophets among the Baniwa]. In: Xamanismo no Brasil: Novas Perspectivas. E. Jean Langdon, ed. UFSC: Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. Pp.           1994. “Catastrophe And Regeneration. An Appraisal of Recent Theoretical Approaches to Millenarianism in Amazonia”. In: Religiosidad y Resistencia Indigenas Hacia el Fin del Milenio. Alicia Barabas, ed. Ediciones Abya-Yalla: Quito. Pp.  1992. “História Indígena do Noroeste da Amazônia: Questões, Hipóteses e Perspectivas” [Indigenous History of the Northwest Amazon: Questions, Hypotheses and Perspectives]. In: História Dos Índios No Brasil [History of the Indians in Brazil], Manuela Carneiro da Cunha, ed., 1st ed., Companhia Das Letras: São Paulo. Pp.   

1982. “Brazil; Canada.” In: Native Resource Control and the Multinational Corporate Challenge. Sally Swenson, ed. Anthropology Resource Center: Boston. Pp.

Multiple-author Book Chapters

2017. with O. Gonzalez-Ñánez & C. C. Xavier Leal. “Multi-centric Mythscapes: Sanctuaries and Pilgrimages in Northwest Amazon Arawakan Religious Traditions”, in Pilgrimages and Ambiguous Sanctuaries, Thierry Zarcone and Angela Hobart, eds.England: Sean Kingston. Pp. 201-33.

1999. with the collaboration of Manuela Carneiro da Cunha. “Destruction, Resistance, and Transformation – Southern, Coastal, and Northern Brazil (1580-1890)”. In: The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Vol. 3, Part 2. Stuart Schwarz & Frank Salomon, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1992. Co-authored with J. D. Hill, “Venancio Kamiko: Wakuenai Shaman and Messiah.” In: Portals of Power. Shamanism in South America. E. Jean Langdon & Gerhard Baer, eds. Albuquerque, New Mexico: University Of New Mexico Press.


1988.Co-authored with J. D. Hill, “Time, Narrative and Ritual: Historical Interpretations from an Amazonian Society.” In: Rethinking History And Myth: Indigenous South American Perspectives On The Past. J.D. Hill, ed. Urbana, Ill.: Univ. of Illinois Press.

1980. Co-authored with S. H. Davis. “Human Consequences of Development Policies in the Brazilian Amazon.” In: Tropical Deforestation. Hearings before the Subcommittee on International Organizations. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office.

Book Chapters Under Review

N.d.a. “A Joyful Place: Baniwa Jaguar Shamans’ Songs and Historical Change” in: African Diasporic and Indigenous American Religious Traditions: Continuities, Intersections and Global Impact. Hebblethwaite, Benjamin & Jansen, Silke, eds. [TBD]

Bibliographic Review Essays

2014. with F. Bossert, B. Dean, & S. Hirsch. “Ethnology. South America Lowlands.” In: Handbook of Latin American Studies: no. 69. Social Sciences. University of Texas Press: Austin, TX,  pp. 81-106.

2012. with B. Dean, & S. Hirsch. “Ethnology: South America Lowlands.” In: Handbook of Latin American Studies: no.65. Social Sciences. University of Texas Press: Austin, TX. 

2010. “Ethnology and Indigenism in the Brazilian Northwest Amazon.” Tipiti. Jl. Soc. Anthro. Lowland So. Ame. Oxford University Press. Vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 107-18.

2002. “Historical and Anthropological Perspectives on the Formation of Cultural Identity”. Ethnohistory. Duke University Press: v. 49, n.3, pp.703-14.

2002. “Ethnology: South America Lowlands.” In: Handbook of Latin American Studies. no. 57. Social Sciences. Austin, TX: University of Texas


Press. pp. 115-137. 

 Encyclopedia Entries

2015. “Assault Sorcery”, in: Oxford Handbook of Religion. DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199935420.013.28 [reprinted in: Graham Harvey & Amy Whitehouse, eds., 2019. Indigenous Religions, vol. 3, pt. 2, art. 48].

2012. “Pajelança in the Brazilian North” in: Encyclopedia of Religions, Jurgensmayer, Marc, ed. SAGE publications.

2007. “Christianities in South America”, in: Atlas of the World’s Religions, (2nd ed.), Ninian Smart and Frederick Denny, eds. Oxford University Press: New York, pp. 178-179.

2005. (1) “Cosmology: South American Cosmologies”; (2) “South American Indian Religions: Indians of the Western Amazon”; (3) “South American Indian Religions: Indians of the Central and Eastern Amazon” in: Encyclopedia of Religion. Encyclopedia.com. 26 Jan. 2019 <https://www.encyclopedia.com>.

2003. “Ethnic Groups of the Içana” (in English and Portuguese) in: Enciclopédia dos Povos Indígenas no Brasil. [Encyclopedia of the Indigenous Peoples in Brazil] ISA: São Paulo, www.socioambiental.org

2002. “Indianer, religionsgeschichtlich-Wichtige Stammesgruppe-Sudamerika” In: Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Siebeck: Tübingen, p. 10338-9.

1995. “Latin American Religions” (> 30 entries), in: A New Dictionary of Religions. John Hinnel, ed. Blackwell: Oxford, UK.

1991. “Baniwa-Curripaco-Wakuenai,” in: Encyclopedia of World Cultures. Johannes Wilbert, ed. Sage Publications: New Haven.

Book Reviews


2016. “Review of Thunder Shaman by Ana Mariella Bacigalupo. Austin: University of Texas Press” In: Tipiti: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America. Vol. 14: 2, Article 7, pp. 238-242. https://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/tipiti/vol14/iss2/7

2016. “Earth Eaters and the Spirits of Omama: A Review of The Falling Sky, by Davi Kopenawa & Bruce Albert. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.” In: Journal of the Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture. Equinox: Sheffield, UK. Vol. pp. [also transl. into Spanish]

2010. “Review of: Hans Staden’s True History: An Account of Cannibal Activity in Brasil. Neil Whitehead & Michael Harbsmaier, eds., Duke: Durham, 2008.” Journal of Anthropological Research, UNM: Santa Fe. Vol. 66, pp. 134-5.

2010. “Review of Animism: Respecting the Living World, by Graham Harvey. 2006. New York, Columbia University Press,” Journal of the Society for the Study of Religion, Nature & Culture. Equinox: Sheffield, UK. Vol. 3 (1), pp. .

2009. “Review of: Made-from-Bone. Trickster Myths, Music, and History from the Amazon. Jonathan D. Hill. University of Illinois: Urbana.” Journal of Latin American Studies. 42 (1): 205-207.

2008. “Review of Cubeo Hehenawa Religious Thought. Metaphysics of a Northwestern Amazonian People, by Irving Goldman. 2004. New York: Columbia University Press,” Tipiti. Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America. Oxford University Press. Vol. 6 (1-2): 123-8. 

1998. “Review of Yurupari: Studies of an Amazonian Foundation Myth, by Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff. Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA, 1996.” Australian Journal of Anthropology.

1993. “Review of Comendo como Gente. Formas de Canibalismo Wari' [Eating Like People. Forms of Wari’ Cannibalism] by Aparecida Vilaça.” Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais. São Paulo, v.23, n. 8, pp.146 – 148.

1990. “Conquistados Mas Não Vencidos [Conquered but not defeated. Review of Amazon Frontier, by John Hemming].” Anuário Antropológico 87. Tempo Brasileiro: Rio de Janeiro, v. 87, p. 249 – 258.  


1990. “Review of O 'Governo' dos Indios Tikuna [The ‘Government’ of the Tikuna Indians, by João Pacheco de Oliveira Filho].” Ciência Hoje. SBPC: São Paulo, v.11, n.62, p.58 – 59.

1983. “Review of Structure and Process in Guajiro Society, Jean Goulet.” Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly. Society for Humanistic Anthropology. v.8, n.4, pp.5 – 9.

Prefaces to Publications

2018. Prefácio. A Persistência Do Aviamento: Colonialismo e História Indígena no Noroeste Amazônico. [The Persistence of the System of ‘Credit’: Colonialism and Indigenous History in the Northwest Amazon]. Marcio Meira. EDUFSCar/Museu Goeldi/ISA (Brazil).

2015. Preface. The Master Plant, Tobacco in South America. E. Rahman & A. Russell, eds. Bloomsbury Publishing: London.

2013. Prefácio. Yurupari. O Dono das Flautas Sagradas dos Povos do Rio Negro. Mitologia e Simbolismo. Glaucia Buratto Rodrigues de Mello. Paka-Tatu: Belém. Pp. 13-18.

Multi-media Productions

2018. “Manuel da Silva” (text, photos, and recordings) https://www.academia.edu/10464808/THE_LIFE_OF_MANUEL_DA_SILVA_PAJE_A_NARRATIVA_DE_VIDA_DO_MANUEL_DA_SILVA_PAJE_

2015. Baniwa Revitalization Projects: Shamans' House and 'school', the House of Keruaminali, and the House of Adorning. Powerpoint with short videos www.florida.academia.edu/WrightRobinM

2013. “Blood of the Ancestors: History, Cosmology and Sacred Geography, and Shamanism in the Upper Rio Negro” (Sangue Dos Nossos Antepassados. Historia, Cosmologia, Geografia Sagrada, E Xamanismo No Alto Rio Negro), powerpoint (www.florida.academia.edu/Wright,RobinM )


2013. “Indigenous History of the Northwest Amazon - Baniwa”, powerpoint reproducing earliest written documents (18th & 19th centuries) and photographs from 20th Century (www.florida.academia.edu/WrightRobinM)

2010. “Sacred Geography / Mythscape of the Baniwa Northwest Amazon - Slides”, powerpoint on the sacred geography of the Baniwa peoples, with accompanying texts (www.florida.academia.edu/WrightRobinM ).

2010. “Searching for Parika” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbkQKvp_Fu8

2000. “Waferinaipe Ianheke” [Wisdom of Our Ancestors], edited collection of 3 CDs of Baniwa creation narratives and other stories. Campinas, SP, Brazil.

1983. “The Yanomami: A People in Crisis,” Co-produced with J. Saffirio, a 30-minute video on the situation of the Yanomami Indians along the Northern Perimeter Highway in Brazil.



“Constructing A Spiritual Dialogue with Baniwa Jaguar Shamans And Savants: 1976 – 2015.” Paper presented at the 2015 Latin America Studies Association meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May, 2015.

“Resurgent Problems in an Emergent Brazil: Indigenous Rights vs Naturvölker ideology of Neo-shamanistic movements”, paper presented in session on “Religion”, coordinated by Manuel Vasquez, at the international Conference on “Emergent Brazil,” Center for Latin American Studies, UF-Gainesvile, FL, March 2013.

“From the Jaguar Shaman’s point-of-view: ‘You Will Suffer Along our Way” presented at the 2013 VII Sesquiannual meeting of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America, Vanderbilt University, March 07-10, 2013.


“Malikai Dapana: a project for the revitalization of Baniwa jaguar shamans”, FASA Speaker series, Department of Anthropology, UF Gainesville, March 05, 2010.

“Mythscapes of the Northwest Amazon and Their Meanings”, presented at the SE Conference on the Amazon and the Andes, UF Gainesville, April, 2009.

“A Nexus of Religious Knowledge and Power”, presented at the SE Conference on the Amazon and the Andes, UF Gainesville, April, 2009.

“Native American religions in an Hemispheric Perspective”, paper presented at the annual AAR (American Academy of Religion) meetings, Chicago, Ill., November, 2008.

“Arawakan Flute Cults of Lowland South America: The Domestication of Predation and the Production of Agentivity”, paper presented in the Symposium “Bursts of Breath: New Research on Indigenous Flutes in Lowland South America,” organized by J.H. Hill and J-P Chaumeil, 52nd ICA, Seville, Spain, July, 2006.

“Baniwa Art. The Baniwa Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Sustainable Development”, presented in the Symposium on “Modes of Christianity among Indigenous Peoples of the Americas”, organized by R.M. Wright & A. Vilaca, 52nd International Congress of Americanists, Seville, Spain, July, 2006.

(Also presented at the Inaugural Conference of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture, Symposium on “Indigenous Cosmologies and Sustainable Development in the Amazon.” University of Florida-Gainesville, April 4-6, 2006.)

“Indigenous Philosophies and Ontologies and Their Implications for Sustainable Development,” presented at the Inaugural Forum of the Inaugural Conference of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture, University of Florida-Gainesville, April 4-6, 2006.

“Ethnogenesis in the Northwest Amazon and Its Implications for the Ethnohistory of Northern Arawakan-speaking Peoples,” International Symposium on Historical Linguistics in South America, Museu Goeldi, Belem-PA, Brazil, 27 August-02 September 2005.


“The Universal and the Particular: Indigenous Amazonian Socio-Religious Formations and their Historical Transformations”, Colloquium address to the Department of Religion, University of Florida-Gainesville, Fl, January, 2005.

“O Desenvolvimento sustentável no Alto Rio Negro: Desafios, avanços e problemas” [Sustainable development on the Upper Rio Negro: Challenges, advances and problems]. Invited Lecture presented to the Workshop “Ameríndia 2004”, UNESP/Araraquara, Brazil. April, 2004.

Keynote Address: “Transformando os Deuses: novas perspectives sobre a conversão e a religiosidade indígena “[Transforming the Gods: new perspectives on conversion and indigenous religiosity]. presented to the 1st International Symposium on Religions, Religiosity and Culture, held in the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Dourados, Brazil. September 28 – October 1st, 2003.

“Xamanismo e saúde no noroeste da Amazônia” [Shamanism and Health in the Northwest Amazon]. Paper presented in the Round Table on Saúde, Religião e Cultura, 1st International Symposium on Religions, Religiosity and Culture, held in the Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul, Dourados, September 28 – October 1st, 2003.

“E o Papa Recebe Ordens do Deus Pajé: Cosmologias Xamânicas no Noroeste da Amazônia” [And the Pope receives orders from the shaman god: shamanic cosmologies in the Northwest Amazon]. Paper presented to the Work Group on “Indians and Missionaries. Symbols, Practices and Policies.” V Reunião de Antropologia do Mercosul. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. November 30 – December 3, 2003.

“A Antropologia Diante das Missões: Uma Diversidade de Perspectivas” [Anthropology and the Missions: a Diversity of Perspectives]. Paper presented in the Round Table on As Missões Religiões entre os índios, a Antropologia e o Estado. V Reunião de Antropologia do Mercosul. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. November 30 – December 3, 2003.

“A Conversão dos Baniwa e o Problema do Mal.” [The Conversion of the Baniwa and the Problem of Evil]. Paper presented at the Research Forum on “Christian Missions in Indigenous Areas”, 23rd Biannual Meetings of the


Brazilian Anthropological Association, Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 2002.

“The Wicked and the Wise Men: Witches and Prophets in Baniwa History” Paper presented to the Invited Session of the Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness, “The Cosmology of Violence in South America”, organized by Neil Whitehead. 101st Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, LA., 2002

“Ethnology, Indigenist and Indigenous Organizations.” Lecture presented at the Encontro de Antropologia. Departamento de Antropologia, UNICAMP, Brazil, 2001.

“Purity and Contamination: Millenarian Traditions among Arawak-speaking Peoples of the Northwest Amazon”. Invited Paper presented at the International Conference of Comparative Arawakan Histories. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama City, Panama, 2000.

“As Formas Religiosas de Resistência Indígena” [Religious Forms of Indigenous Resistance]. Invited Paper presented at the Round Table on Indigenous Resistance over the Centuries, Departamento de Antropologia, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil. 1996.

“South American Indigenous Religions”. Lectures presented at the regional Indigenist Missionary Councils (CIMI) of Rondônia and Mato Grosso, Jí-paraná, Rondônia, 1996.  “Myth, Ritual and symbolism”. Invited Seminar presented at the annual meeting of the Coordinators of the ANDRI (Articulação Nacional de Diálogo Inter-religioso), Brasília, Brazil, 1996.

“Indigenous Religions and Christianity in Brazil”, Invited Paper presented at the International Colloquium on World Christianity and Christian Missions, organized by the Overseas Ministries Study Center, Nashville, Tenn., 1994.

Keynote Address: “Imagens Étnicas e os Meios de Comunicação no Brasil” [Ethnic Images and Mass Communication in Brazil], presented at the Exposition and Seminar Memória da Amazônia, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 1994.


“Quando as Missões Vieram. História e Cosmologia da Conversão Baniwa” [When the Missions Came. History and Cosmology of Baniwa Conversion]. Paper presented at the Biannual meetings of the Associação Brasileira de Antropologia, Niterói, RJ, Brazil, 1994.

“Anthropology and Indigenism”, 1992. Lecture presented during the Encontro do Indigenismo, Instituto de Estudos de Linguagem, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil.

“Traditional and Western Medicines”. Lecture presented at the 40th Course on Traditional Medicine, Escola Paulista de Medicine, São Paulo, 1992.

 “História Indígena do Noroeste da Amazônia: Questões, Hipóteses e Perspectivas” [Indigenous History of the Northwest Amazon: Questions, Hypotheses and Perspectives]. Paper presented at the international conference on História Indígena e do Indigenismo. Universidade de São Paulo, SP, 1991. “Historical Perspectives and Indigenous Rights Movements in the Northwest Amazon.” Paper presented at the Lowland South America Symposium, American Anthropological Association meetings, New Orleans, LA., 1990. “Indigenismo e Antropologia [Indigenism and Anthropology]. Paper presented at the Round Table on Pesquisa em Área Indígena. Para Quem ? Para Quê ? Universidade do Estado de São Paulo – Araraquara, Brazil, 1990.

“UWI. Guerras e Alianças nas Histórias Orais dos Baniwa do Alto Rio Negro.” [Wars and Alliances in the Oral Histories of the Baniwa of the Upper Rio Negro] Paper presented in the Work Group on História Indígena e do Indigenismo, annual meetings of ANPOCS, Caxambu, MG, Brazil, 1989. 

“Uma Política de Dividir-e-Conquistar. Os Baniwa, a Mineração, e o Projeto Calha Norte.” [A Policy of Divide-and-Conquer. The Baniwa, Mining and the Northern Channel Project]. Paper presented to the Work Group on Política Indigenista, annual meetings of ANPOCS, Caxambu, MG, Brazil, 1989.


“Politics and Belief in the mid-19th Century Rebellions of the Northwest Amazon.” Invited Paper presented at the Symposium on “Rebellions”, First International Congress of Ethnohistory, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1989.

“Cronologia e Estrutura na História Oral dos Índios Hohodene” [Chronology and Struture in the Oral History of the Hohodene Indians]. Paper presented to the Work Group on História Indígena e do Indigenismo, annual meetings of ANPOCS, Campos de Jordão, SP, Brazil. 1986.  

“História Indígena do Alto Rio Negro, séculos 18-20.” [Indigenous History of the Upper Rio Negro, 18th-20th centuries] Paper presented to the Work Group on História Indígena e do Indigenismo, annual meetings of ANPOCS, Águas de São Pedro, MG, Brazil, 1985.  “Time, Narrative and Ritual: Historical Interpretations from an Amazonian Society.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association. Boulder, CO., 1984

 “A Campanha Internacional em favor dos Direitos Yanomami à Terra no Brasil.” [The International Campaign on behalf of Yanomami Land Rights in Brazil] Invited Paper presented at the Biannual meetings of the Brazilian Anthropological Association, Brasília, D.F. Brazil, 1984.

(in collaboration with the Comissão pela Criação do Parque Yanomami, Sao Paulo, Brazil) “The War In The Amazon”, film presentation and lecture in the Museum of the Indian, Heye Foundation (New York), 1983.

“Struggle and Survival in the Northwest Amazon.” Paper presented in the “Lowland South America Symposium” at the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association. Washington, D.C., 1982.

“The Yanomami Indians. Declaration on Violations of the Rights of the Yanomami Indians in Brazil”, presentation at the Fourth Russell Tribunal on the Rights of the Indians of the Americas. Rotterdam, Holland, 1980.



Mini-Course on “Indigenous Culture”. Museu da Cidade (City Museum), Campinas, Brazil. 22-25 April, 2003.

“Religion, Myth and Ritual”, 20-hour course given to students in the Social Sciences of the Universidade Federal do Amazonas, campus of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas, 2000. “The Baniwa People”, 20-hour course given to health personnel in São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas, 1999.

“Myth, Ritual and Symbolism”. Seminar presented at the annual meeting of the Coordinators of the ANDRI (Articulação Nacional de Diálogo Inter-religioso), Brasília, 1996.  “South American Indigenous Religions”. 20-hour course presented to members of the regional Indigenist Missionary Councils (CIMI) of Rondônia and Mato Grosso, Jí-paraná, Rondônia, 1996.             “Ethnohistory”. Lecture presented at the Museu do Índio/FUNAI, Rio de Janeiro, 1995.              “Studies of Brazilian Ethnology in Five Approaches”. Sequence of five Seminars presented at the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém, Pará, 1993.  

“Traditional and Western Medicines”. Lecture presented at the 40th Course on Traditional Medicine, Escola Paulista de Medicine, São Paulo, 1992.  “Baniwa Ethnology – a cycle of five seminars”. Five Seminars presented at the Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus, AM, 1991.



Organizer, 2015-present. “Native American Heritage Month” speaker events, every October (“Indigenous People’s Day”) and November. In 2017, we hosted Dr. Phil Deloria of the Department of History, Harvard University, to speak on: “Indians in the American Imagination”, an event that attracted several hundred people. Co-sponsored by the Center for Humanities and the Public Sphere (UF), the Dean’s Office (CLAS), Religion Departments, the Levin School of Law, and a private donor.

Organizer, 2014. Forum on “Indigenous Knowledge, Spirituality, and the Future of Humans in Nature”, October 13. Co-sponsored by the Templeton Foundation; the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture; and the Religion Department.

Organizer, 2013. “Native American Heritage Day”, two panels on Native American identity.

Organizer, 2012. “Indian Heritage Day” panel of Native American speakers, and keynote speaker, Cherokee Supreme Court Justice Troy Wayne Poteete, on “’Fraudulent Identities”, UF, April 05, 2012;

Co-organizer, 2011. “Multidisciplinary Approaches to Plants and Religion”, co-sponsored by the CLAS Dean’s Office, Religion Department, Law School, and others, UF, Dec. 15-18, 2011;

Organizer of the session “Cosmologies of Conversion” at the Research Forum on “Christian Missions in Indigenous Areas”, 23rd Biannual Meetings of the Brazilian Anthropological Association, Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 2002.

Co-organizer with Jean Jackson, Scientific Session on “Politics and Culture in the Northwest Amazon”, at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, William & Mary College, 1998.

Co-organizer of the “First Congress on the Ritual Use of Ayahuasca,” Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, UNICAMP, Brazil, 1997.

Coordinator of the Round Table on “Religiões e Religiosidades Indígenas, [Indigenous Religions and Religiosities]” in the 1st International Symposium on Religions, Religiosity and Culture, held in the Universidade


Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Dourados, September 28 – October 1st, 2003.  

Organizer of Work Group on “Religiões Indígenas e Cristianismo no Brasil [Indigenous Religions and Christianity in Brazil]”, at the Biannual meetings of the Associação Brasileira de Antropologia, Niterói, RJ, 1994.

Coordinator of the Work Group on “História Indígena e do Indigenismo”, at the annual meetings of ANPOCS, Caxambu, MG, Brazil, 1989.  Organizer, Symposium on “International Dams: The Impact on Native Peoples”. National Conference on Rivers, Washington, D.C., 1983.  Co-organizer of international conference on “Native Resource Control and the Multinational Corporate Challenge. Aboriginal Rights in International Perspective”. Sponsored by the Anthropology Resource Center, Cultural Survival, Indian Law Resource Center, Multinational Monitor. Onondaga Reservation, N.Y. & Washington, D.C., 1982. 


Member & Field Representative for South America, Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Menlo Park, CA. www.shamanism.org, 2009-present.

Member, Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness (SAC), section of the American Anthropological Association, 2010.

Founding member, Member-At-Large for the Social Sciences, and member of the Executive Board of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 2006.

Member, American Academy of Religion (AAR), 2007-8.

Member, Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America (SALSA), 2005-present.

Founding Member, Núcleo para a História Indígena e do Indigenismo (Center for Indigenous History and the History of Indigenism), Universidade de São Paulo, 1985-1991.


Member, American Anthropological Association, 1981 – 2014.

Member, Brazilian Anthropological Association, 1986 – 2004.


Convenor, CLAS Interdisciplinary Collaborative Seed Grant, in collaboration with the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere. $10,000 granted to the American Indian and Indigenous Studies (AIIS) Program, for the proposal on “Indigenous Peoples and sustainability,” 2018-20.

University of Florida Term Professorship Award, 2018-21. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. $5,000.00 salary supplement for three years.

Co-PI, US Department of Education, grant to Center for Latin American Studies, 2011-2014. “One Nation out of Many: Multiculturalism in Brazil and the United States”, FIPSE/CAPES Title IV grant for the exchange of students between the two countries administered by Vanderbilt-UF-UFRGS-UFPE (Brazil).

CLAS/UF, Faculty Enhancement Opportunity Award, $28,000.00 for field research & writing of book-length study on Jaguar Shamans of the Northwest Amazon, 2010.

PI. “Shamans’ House of Knowledge and Power,” Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Mill Valley, CA. $15,000.00 for the construction and inauguration of a Shamans’ House in the indigenous village of Uapui, Northwest Amazon, Brazil, 2010.

Center for Latin American Studies, UF, $1,500.00 travel grant to the Northwest Amazon, 2009.

Humanities Scholarship Enhancement Fund, $6,000.00 CLAS/UF, 2009.

CNPq (Conselho de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico), annual research stipend, Brazil, 1990-2004.


Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Small Grants awards, $10,000.00 for ethnographic research, 1998.

FAEP (Research Support Foundation), University of Campinas, field research small grants for travel: 1990, 1996, 2002.

Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo [Research Support Foundation of the State of São Paulo], Brazil, field research Northwest Amazon, 1989-90.

Harry Frank Guggenheim Fellowship. $15,000.00 for field research in the Northwest Amazon on the Anthropology of Assault Sorcery, 1989.

Pew Foundation Post-doctoral fellowship (through the Overseas Ministries Study Center), $18,000.00 for comparative research on Native Christianities, 1988.

Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Small Grants awards, $5,000.00 for ethnohistorical research, 1987.

Social Science Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellowship, $15,000.00 for project on Ethnohistory of the Northwest Amazon, 1987-8.

Fulbright Research Fellowship, $3,500.00, Second semester 1985, at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil.

Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Council of International Exchange of Scholars. First semester 1985, at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil. 1985.

National Science Foundation Fellowship, Doctoral fellowship, 1973-6.


Non-Academic Positions

1997 – 2005. Collaborator, Upper Rio Negro Program.  Socioenvironmental Institute (Instituto Socioambiental – ISA, São Paulo, Brazil).


1985 – 1989. Planning Consultant. Ecumenical Center for Documentation and Information (Centro Ecumênico de Documentação e Informação – CEDI, São Paulo, Brazil).

1983 – 1985. Technical Assistant and Indexer. Tozzer Anthropology Library, Harvard University.

1980 – 1985. Research Associate and Project Coordinator. Anthropology Resource Center - ARC (Boston, MA)           

Editorial and Review          

Ad hoc Reviewer: Tipiti, Journal of the South America Lowlands Studies Association, 2018; Journal of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, UF, Gainesville, 2018; International Journal of Latin American Religions (Springer, Inc.), 2018; Journal of Linguistic Anthropology (Hamilton College, Clinton, NY), 2018-; Berghahn Press (NY/Oxford), 2018; Wiley, 2018; University of Texas (Austin) Press, 2015, 2018; the University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, N.M., 2012; Comparative Studies in Society and History, 2012; University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ, 2012; University of Nebraska Press, Omaha, Nebraska, 2011; Routledge Press, 2011; UNESP Editor, São Paulo, 2003; University of Londrina Editor, Londrina, São Paulo, 2003; Ethnohistory, Duke University Press, 2001; Current Anthropology, Chicago, 2003, 1995.

Editorial Board: Tipiti, Journal of the South America Lowlands Studies Association, 2006-present; Journal of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, UF, Gainesville, 2006-present; Ñandety, U. Federal de Grande Dourados, MS, Brazil, 2010-present; Tellus, Universidade Católica Dom Bosco, Dourados, MS, Brazil, 2008-present.

Coeditor, Newsletter of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture. University of Florida-Gainesville, 2006-8.

Contributing Editor on Lowland South American Ethnology for the Handbook of Latin American Studies. National Library of Congress NLC (Washington, D.C), 1994 – 1999, 2008-present.


Chief Editor, ARC Bulletin (a bimonthly bulletin on the situation of indigenous peoples in Brazil). Boston, MA: Anthropology Resource Center, 1980-82.

Foundation/University Evaluation Committees

Member of Directory of External Evaluators, Vicerrectorado de Investigación (VRI), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, (Lima, Peru) 2016-present.

Ad hoc Consultant: National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in the Social Sciences (Associação Nacional de Pós Graduação e Pesquisa Em Ciências Sociais – ANPOCS), Brazil, 2003-05.

Member, Ford/ANPOCS Ph.D. Thesis Evaluation Committee, 1997-2000.

Member of the Brazilian Fellowships Commissions for the annual CNPq/ANPOCS best thesis competition, 1994-97.

Project evaluator for the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico/DF - CNPQ/DF, Brazil), 2001-5.

Project Evaluator, Foundation for Support to Research in the State of São Paulo (FAPESP), 1986 – 2006.

Project Evaluator, FAEP (Support Fund for Research and Teaching at the UNICAMP), 1986 - 2006.

Consultant, Cultural Survival on “Support Organizations and Indigenous Organizations in Brazil”, 1984.


Translations (Portuguese-English) of > 50 entries for the Encyclopedia of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil, by the Instituto Socioambiental (Sao Paulo, Brazil), on the site www.socioambiental.org. 2003-4.


Translation (English-Portuguese), “How do we develop an anthropological gaze that avoids the fallacy of the superior position of Western civilization?” by Joanna Overing, paper presented at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, (November, 2003), published in Cadernos de Campo. UFSC, Santa Catarina.

Translation (English – Portuguese) “Os Bancos Multilaterais de Desenvolvimento e o Setor Energético” [Multilateral Development Banks and the Energy Sector] by Schwartzman, S., Malone, M.São Paulo: Comissão Pró-Indio de São Paulo, 1988.

Translation (Portuguese – English, entire book) Hydroelectric Dams on Brazil's Xingu River and Indigenous Peoples. Santos & Andrade, eds. Cambridge, MA: Cultural Survival, 1990, 191 pp.

Translation (Portuguese – English) URIHI. [Bulletin of the Commission for the Creation of the Yanomami Park]. Comissão Pela Criação Do Parque Yanomami, São Paulo: CCPY, 1986-89.

Academic Administrative Service

University of Florida:

Diversity Officer for the Department of Religion, CLAS, UF. 2018-present.

Faculty Advisor and Coordinator, American Indian and Indigenous Studies Program, CLAS, UF, 2008-present.

Member, Faculty Advisory Council. Center for Latin American Studies. 2008-12.

University Disabilities Committee, 2012-2014.

University Library Committee, CLAS, 2012-2014.

Evaluating Committee, Research Awards, Center for Latin American Studies, UF, Summer 2010.

Member, Graduate Advisory Committee, Religion Dept., 2008-09.


Graduate Coordinator, Department of Religion, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (CLAS), 2006-2008.

Member, Department Steering Committee, Religion Dept., 2006- 2008.

Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas/ Departamento de Antropologia):

Founding Member and Coordinator, Centro de Pesquisas em Etnologia Indigena [Center for Research in Indigenous Ethnology], University of Campinas, S.P., Brazil, 2000-5.

Member, Commission to create a Doctoral Program in Anthropology, 2003-04.

Chair, Graduate Program (Master’s and Doctorate) in Anthropology, 2003-04.

Chair, Graduate Program (Master’s) in Anthropology, 1997-99.

Member, Doctoral Commission in the Social Sciences, 1994-96; 2002-04.

Member, Master’s Program commission, 1991-93; 2002.

Member, Edgard Leeuenroth Archive commission, 1993-95.

Chair, Department of Anthropology, 1987-88.

Member, Library Commission, 1986-88; 1991-93.

Community Service


Consultant, Research Coordinator, Malikai Dapana (indigenous center for shamanic training), S. Gabriel da Cachoeira, AM, Brazil. 2008-2013.


Part-Time Consultant. Comissão pela Criação do Parque Yanomami (Brazilian NGO), S. Paulo, S.P., Brazil, 1985-1989.

Consultant on indigenous Amazonia, Translator. Cultural Survival (NGO), Boston, MA. 1984-1981.


Ph.D. Committees at UF:

(Member) Christina Calicott, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Anthropology, UF-Gainesville. [in progress]

(Chair) Chris Lomelin, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Religion, UF-Gainesville. [in progress]

(Member) Kerri Blumenthal, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Religion, UF-Gainesville. [in progress]

(Member) Rodney Sebastien, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Religion, UF-Gainesville. 2018.

(Member) Scott Smolenski, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Music, UF-Gainesville. 2017.

(Chair) Jason Purvis, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Religion, UF-Gainesville. 2016.

(Member) Timoteo Mesh, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Anthropology, UF-Gainesville. 2016.

(Member) O’Brien, Bridgette, Ph.D., Department of Religion, UF-Gainesville. 2013.

(Member) Hilit Surowitz, Ph.D., Department of Religion, UF-Gainesville, 2012.


(Chair) Chungwhan Sung, Ph.D., Department of Religion, UF-Gainesville, 2011.

(Member) Leah Sarat, Ph.D., Department of Religion, UF-Gainesville, 2010.

(Co-Chair) Renzo Duin, Ph.D., Department of Anthropology, UF-Gainesville, 2009.

(Member) Luke Johnston, Ph.D., Department of Religion, UF-Gainesville, 2009.

Ph.D. Committees at UNICAMP:

(Chair) Noemia dos Santos Pereira Moura, Ph.D. in Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil, 2009.

(Chair) Juan Carlos Peña, Ph.D. in Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil, 2007.

(Member) Levi Marques Pereira, Ph.D., Department of Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo, 2004.

(Member) Aristóteles Barcelos Neto, Ph.D., Department of Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo, 2004.

(Member) Graziele Acçolini, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, Universidade Estadual Paulista – Araraquara Campus, 2004.

(Member) Elba Guillermina Soto Veloso, Ph.D., Faculty of Education, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2004.

(Member) Melvina Afra Mendes de Araújo, Ph.D., Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo, 2003.

(Member) Fernando Sérgio Dumas dos Santos, Ph.D., Department of History, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2003.

(Member) Sidnei Clemente Peres, Ph.D., Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2003.


(Member) Isabelle Braz Peixoto da Silva, Ph.D., Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2003.

(Chair) Carlos Francisco Pérez Reyna, Ph.D., Institute of Arts, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2002.

(Chair) Arthur Shaker Fauzi Eid, Ph.D., Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2002.

(Chair) Luiza Garnelo Pereira, Ph.D., Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2002.

(Member) Marcos Pereira Rufino. Social Sciences, Universidade de São Paulo, 2002.

(Member) Ronaldo Rômulo Machado de Almeida. Universidade de São Paulo, 2002.

(Member) Ronan Alves Pereira. Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2001.

(Member) Maria Cristina Pompa. Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2001.

(Member) Maria Antonieta da Costa Vieira. Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2001.

(Member) Edilene Coffaci de Lima. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo, 2000.

(Member) Juracilda Veiga. Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2000.

(Member) Maria Regina Celestino de Almeida. Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2000.

(Chair) Juan Ranulfo Cavero Carrasco. Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1999.

(Member) Maria Antonella Tassinari. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo, 1999.


(Member) Marta Rosa Amoroso. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo,1998.

(Member) Adone Agnolin. Department of Sociology, Universidade de São Paulo, 1998.

(Member) Agenor de Castro Farias. Department of Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo, 1996.

(Member) Lúcia Hussak van Velthem. Department of Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo, 1995.

(Member) Maria de Fátima R. Machado. Department of Social Anthropology, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 1994.

(Member) Maria Cándida Drumond Mendes Barros. Department of Linguistics, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1993.

(Member) Eliane Moura da Silva. Department of History, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1993.

(Member) Priscila Faulhaber Barbosa. Department of Social Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1992.

(Member) Dominique Tilkin Gallois. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade de Sao Paulo. 1991.

Master’s Theses

(Chair) James P. Taylor, M.A. thesis in Latin American Studies, Center for Latin American Studies, UF Gainesville. 2013.

(Chair) Noelle Nuebler, M.A. thesis in Latin American Studies. Center for Latin American Studies, UF-Gainesville. 2008.

(Chair) Yara Costa, M.A. in Dance, Universidade Técnica De Lisboa. Faculdade De Motricidade Humana. Mestrado Em Performance Artística – Dança. Portugal. 2008.


(Chair) Dorotea Grijalva Gomes, Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil, 2006.

(Chair) Giovana Acácia Tempesta. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2004.

(Member) Ivan Soares Farias. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2004.

(Member) Valeria Esteves Barros. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2003.

(Chair) Artionka Manuela Goes Capiberibe. Universidade Estadual de Campinas. 2001.

(Member) Odemar Leotti. Department of History, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2001.

(Member) Gilton Mendes dos Santos. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2001.

(Member) Maria Gabriela Araújo Jahnel. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1998.

(Member) Décio Guzmán. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1997.

(Chair) Wladimiyr Sena Araújo. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas. 1997.

(Chair) Marlene Rodrigues de Novaes. Department of Social Anthropology,Universidade Estadual de Campinas. 1996.

(Member) Lino João de Oliveira Neves. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 1996.

(Member) Alcides Fernandes Gussi. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1996.

(Chair) Celso Gestermaier de Nascimento. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1996.


(Member) Stela Azevedo de Abreu. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1995.

(Member) Maria Cristina Pompa. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1995.

(Member) Aloísio Cabalzar Filho. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo, 1995.

(Member) Paula Morgado Dias Lopes. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo, 1994.

(Chair) Márcio de Freitas Meira. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1993.

(Member) Jaime Siqueira Júnior. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo, 1993.

(Member) Geraldo Luciano Andrello. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas,1993.

(Member) Sidnei Clemente Peres. Department of Social Anthropology, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 1992.

(Chair) Myriam Martins Álvarez. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1992.

(Member) Regina Maria de Carvalho Erthal. Department of Social Anthropology, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 1992.

(Member) Cristina de Resende Rubin. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1991.

(Member) Margarete Kitaka Mendes. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1991.

(Member) Marta Rosa Amoroso. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1991.


(Member) Victoria Peres Costa. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1991.

(Chair) Denise Genuina Da Silva Adrião. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1991.

(Member) Beatriz Perrone-Moisés. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1990.

(Member) Paulo Santilli. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1989.

(Member) Nádia Farage. Department of Social Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1986.

Undergraduate Honors’ Theses or Monographs (UF and UNICAMP)

Advisor, Marcos Valdes Ramos. Honor’s thesis, Department of Anthropology, CLAS, University of Florida-Gainesville, 2018.

Advisor, Zachary Rogers, Honor’s thesis, Department of Anthropology, CLAS, University of Florida-Gainesville, 2008.

Advisor, Isabel de Rose. Department of Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas 2002.

Advisor, Adriana Carvalho. Universidade Estadual de Campinas. 1999.

Advisor, Ronaldo de Almeida. Universidade Estadual de Campinas. 1989.


Research and Working Papers:

Book Chapters

Book Manuscripts



Book Reviews


