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Control of plant mitochondrial respiration

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Review Control of plant mitochondrial respiration Charles A¡ourtit a ; *, Klaas Krab b , Anthony L. Moore a a Department of Biochemistry, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QG, UK b Department of Molecular Cell Physiology (BioCentrum Amsterdam), Faculty of Biology, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1087, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands Received 1 May 2000; received in revised form 14 August 2000; accepted 29 September 2000 Abstract Plant mitochondria are characterised by the presence of both phosphorylating (cytochrome) and non-phosphorylating (alternative) respiratory pathways, the relative activities of which directly affect the efficiency of mitochondrial energy conservation. Different approaches to study the regulation of the partitioning of reducing equivalents between these routes are critically reviewed. Furthermore, an updated view is provided regarding the understanding of plant mitochondrial respiration in terms of metabolic control. We emphasise the extent to which kinetic modelling and ‘top-down’ metabolic control analysis improve the insight in phenomena related to plant mitochondrial respiration. This is illustrated with an example regarding the affinity of the plant alternative oxidase for oxygen. ß 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords : Plant mitochondrion ; Respiration ; Alternative oxidase ; Ubiquinone-pool ; Kinetic modelling ; Metabolic control analysis 1. Introduction Like all living organisms, plants require energy for their growth, development, reproduction and main- tenance. This energy is generally conserved in the form of ATP which, in plants, mainly occurs via two mechanisms: chloroplastic photophosphoryla- tion and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Energy transduction in plants is hence a complex interplay between chloroplastic and mitochondrial metabolism which is e¡ected by compounds such as ATP, NAD(P)H and carboxylic acids (recently re- viewed by Hoefnagel et al. [1]). The degree to which each organelle contributes to ATP production is sub- ject to developmental, spatial and diurnal regulation. In mature green leaf tissues for example, mitochon- dria account for virtually all ATP production in the dark, whereas chloroplasts are the main source of ATP formation in the light. Even under illuminated conditions, however, mitochondria in these tissues are believed to at least partly contribute to the total ATP required for sucrose synthesis, optimum CO 2 ¢xation, metabolite transport and protein synthesis [1,2]. Apart from playing a catabolic role in metabolism, plant mitochondria also ful¢l an anabolic function, particularly in the light [2]. Plants are autotrophic and therefore need to assimilate nitrogen for amino acid synthesis. The carbon skeletons required for this process are derived from tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates (cf. [1]). Consequently, this meta- bolic cycle has to turn over continuously during bio- 0005-2728 / 01 / $ ^ see front matter ß 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0005-2728(00)00239-5 Abbreviations : BHAM, benzhydroxamic acid ; Q, ubiquinone ; QH 2 , reduced ubiquinone ; SHAM, salicyl hydroxamic acid; TCA, tricarboxylic acid ; UCP, uncoupling protein * Corresponding author. Fax: +44-1273-678433; E-mail : c.a¡[email protected] Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1504 (2001) 58^69 www.elsevier.com/locate/bba


Control of plant mitochondrial respiration

Charles A¡ourtit a;*, Klaas Krab b, Anthony L. Moore a

a Department of Biochemistry, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QG, UKb Department of Molecular Cell Physiology (BioCentrum Amsterdam), Faculty of Biology, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1087,

1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Received 1 May 2000; received in revised form 14 August 2000; accepted 29 September 2000


Plant mitochondria are characterised by the presence of both phosphorylating (cytochrome) and non-phosphorylating(alternative) respiratory pathways, the relative activities of which directly affect the efficiency of mitochondrial energyconservation. Different approaches to study the regulation of the partitioning of reducing equivalents between these routesare critically reviewed. Furthermore, an updated view is provided regarding the understanding of plant mitochondrialrespiration in terms of metabolic control. We emphasise the extent to which kinetic modelling and `top-down' metaboliccontrol analysis improve the insight in phenomena related to plant mitochondrial respiration. This is illustrated with anexample regarding the affinity of the plant alternative oxidase for oxygen. ß 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Plant mitochondrion; Respiration; Alternative oxidase; Ubiquinone-pool; Kinetic modelling; Metabolic control analysis

1. Introduction

Like all living organisms, plants require energy fortheir growth, development, reproduction and main-tenance. This energy is generally conserved in theform of ATP which, in plants, mainly occurs viatwo mechanisms: chloroplastic photophosphoryla-tion and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation.Energy transduction in plants is hence a complexinterplay between chloroplastic and mitochondrialmetabolism which is e¡ected by compounds such asATP, NAD(P)H and carboxylic acids (recently re-viewed by Hoefnagel et al. [1]). The degree to which

each organelle contributes to ATP production is sub-ject to developmental, spatial and diurnal regulation.In mature green leaf tissues for example, mitochon-dria account for virtually all ATP production in thedark, whereas chloroplasts are the main source ofATP formation in the light. Even under illuminatedconditions, however, mitochondria in these tissuesare believed to at least partly contribute to the totalATP required for sucrose synthesis, optimum CO2

¢xation, metabolite transport and protein synthesis[1,2].

Apart from playing a catabolic role in metabolism,plant mitochondria also ful¢l an anabolic function,particularly in the light [2]. Plants are autotrophicand therefore need to assimilate nitrogen for aminoacid synthesis. The carbon skeletons required for thisprocess are derived from tricarboxylic acid (TCA)cycle intermediates (cf. [1]). Consequently, this meta-bolic cycle has to turn over continuously during bio-

0005-2728 / 01 / $ ^ see front matter ß 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S 0 0 0 5 - 2 7 2 8 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 2 3 9 - 5

Abbreviations: BHAM, benzhydroxamic acid; Q, ubiquinone;QH2, reduced ubiquinone; SHAM, salicyl hydroxamic acid;TCA, tricarboxylic acid; UCP, uncoupling protein

* Corresponding author. Fax: +44-1273-678433;E-mail : c.a¡[email protected]

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Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1504 (2001) 58^69www.elsevier.com/locate/bba

synthesis, in a manner independent of the energycharge of the cell. The plant mitochondrial respira-tory chain contains several non-protonmotive proteincomplexes (cf. Section 2.1) that enable electron trans-fer to proceed without concomitant ATP productionand thus allow TCA cycle turnover even when thecytosolic ATP:ADP ratio is high [3,4].

The presence of phosphorylating as well as non-phosphorylating pathways complicates plant mito-chondrial respiration in so much that reducing equiv-alents are potentially transferred from respiratorysubstrate to molecular oxygen via more than oneroute. It is therefore clear that plant mitochondrialrespiratory activity has to be tightly regulated in or-der to satisfy di¡erent (i.e. catabolic and anabolic)metabolic cellular demands in a £exible fashion. Inthis minireview we aim to discuss current under-standing of the control of electron transfer withinplant mitochondrial respiratory networks.

2. Plant mitochondrial respiration

2.1. The electron transfer network

Plant mitochondrial respiratory chains di¡er inseveral aspects from their mammalian counterparts(Fig. 1). In addition to Complex I, they contain atleast four other substrate dehydrogenases that enable

the oxidation of matrix and cytoplasmic NAD(P)H[5]. The activity of these enzymes is readily distin-guishable from Complex I activity because of its in-sensitivity to inhibitors such as rotenone. Further-more, plant mitochondria are characterised by thepresence of an alternative respiratory pathway, inaddition to the orthodox cytochrome pathway,through which reducing equivalents can be trans-ferred to molecular oxygen. This pathway branchesat the level of the ubiquinone (Q)-pool and comprisesa single enzyme, the alternative oxidase (see [4,6^10]for reviews). This enzyme, which enables plants torespire in the presence of toxic compounds suchas cyanide and carbon monoxide, is functionally aubiquinol:oxygen oxidoreductase [11] and, impor-tantly, is non-protonmotive [12]. Similarly, neitherthe rotenone-insensitive NAD(P)H dehydrogenases[13,14] nor Complex II [15] are proton translocating.It is therefore clear that plant mitochondria cantheoretically oxidise both NAD(P)H and succinatein a manner that is not energy conserving and there-fore is beyond the control of the protonmotiveforce.

2.2. Plant mitochondrial uncoupling protein (UCP)

Relatively recently, it has become clear that plantmitochondria possess, in addition to the non-proton-motive respiratory enzymes, an extra protein (UCP)

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the plant mitochondrial respiratory chain. Thin and thick arrows represent transfer of electronsand protons, respectively, along and across the inner mitochondrial membrane. DH, dehydrogenase; cyt c, cytochrome c ; ALT. OX.,alternative oxidase; P and N refer to the positively and negatively charged sides of the inner-mitochondrial membrane, respectively.

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that also e¡ectively uncouples electron transfer fromphosphorylation [16]. Jezek and colleagues haveshown, in isolated mitochondria [17] and in proteo-liposomes [18], that the plant UCP translocates pro-tons via a fatty acid cycling mechanism, similarly tothe mammalian UCPs. This UCP has been identi¢edin several plant species [16,19,20] as well as in pro-tozoa [21]. It is clear that activity of both the plantalternative oxidase and UCP have the same apparente¡ect: dissipation of free energy as heat. An interest-ing question therefore arises as to the physiologicalneed for two distinct enzymes. An answer might berelated to the fact that the mechanisms by whichboth enzymes uncouple electron transfer from theprotonmotive force are fundamentally di¡erent: theplant UCP directly lowers the energy status of theinner mitochondrial membrane, whilst the alternativeoxidase is a priori not controlled by the protonmo-tive force. In other words, both UCP and the alter-native oxidase allow electron transfer to occur whenthe energy charge of the cell is high, but whilst ac-tivity of the former will decrease this charge, activityof the latter will not a¡ect it. On the other hand, thealternative oxidase, due to its kinetic characteristics(cf. Section 3.1), can only be engaged in electrontransfer at relatively high Q-reduction levels and ismerely able to sustain a relatively low respiratoryrate, whereas the UCP-stimulated electron transferrate can be signi¢cantly higher and can occur at Q-reduction levels that are relatively low.

3. Electron partitioning between reduced ubiquinone(QH2)-oxidising pathways

The relative distribution of reducing equivalentsbetween phosphorylating and non-phosphorylatingrespiratory pathways determines to a great extentthe e¤ciency of plant mitochondrial energy conser-vation. A considerable number of studies, reviewedin this section, has been performed to investigate theregulation of electron partitioning between QH2-ox-idising pathways, particularly to determine the extentto which and the physiological conditions underwhich the `energy-wasting' alternative oxidase is en-gaged in the overall respiratory activity (cf. [10]).

3.1. Predictions from Q-kinetic in vitro experiments

Bahr and Bonner [22,23] were the ¢rst to study thepartitioning of electrons between the cytochrome andalternative pathways. Hydroxamic acids (e.g. salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM)) were used to titrate alter-native pathway activity in plant mitochondria andfrom these experiments it was concluded that thisalternative oxidase activity only occurs upon satura-tion of the cytochrome pathway when the Q-poolbecomes highly reduced. In other words, Bahr andBonner suggested from their experiments a non-pro-portional kinetic dependence of alternative oxidaseactivity upon the Q-redox poise. The introductionof the Q-electrode ([24]; European patent no.

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of respiration in potato tuber mitochondria. Respiration is considered from the `top-down' perspec-tive de¢ned by Kesseler et al. [70] and divided in processes that either produce or consume the protonmotive force (as indicated bythe thick arrows). P and N, as de¢ned in Fig. 1.

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85900699.1, P.R. Rich) enabled simultaneous mea-surements of oxygen uptake rates and Q-reductionlevels. Such measurements revealed that cytochromepathway activity was linearly dependent upon the Q-redox poise [24]. The alternative oxidase, in contrast,did not show any activity at low Q-reduction levels,whilst its activity increased more than proportionallyat high levels [24,25], which indeed agreed well withthe original prediction of Bahr and Bonner [22,23].

Several kinetic models were subsequently devel-oped to describe the experimentally determined be-haviour of the alternative oxidase with respect to theQ-redox poise [6,26,27]. Moore and Siedow [6,26]postulated a reaction mechanism in which the en-zyme is sequentially reduced by two QH2 moleculesbefore it completely reduces dioxygen. The derivedrate equation for such a mechanism was used suc-cessfully to describe alternative oxidase kinetics inmitochondria from a range of plant species at vari-ous developmental stages [26]. To account for chang-ing a¤nities of the alternative oxidase for oxygenupon changes in the Q-reduction level, this modelwas adapted to include an extra activation step priorto the reaction of the enzyme with dioxygen ([27]; cf.Section 4.3).

Krab and colleagues [28^30] reasoned that an en-zyme that is kinetically dependent upon the reduc-tion level of the Q-pool would also be dependent,albeit indirectly, upon any other enzyme that inter-acts with this pool. They therefore modelled the be-haviour of the alternative oxidase as an integral partof the kinetic interplay between Q-reducing andQH2-oxidising enzymes. Each enzyme in this modelis assumed to exhibit reversible Michaelis^Mentenkinetics with respect to the Q-reduction level, butwith the restriction that the size of the Q-pool isconstant [28^30]. The model provided theoreticalground to explain the apparent preference of the al-ternative oxidase for particular respiratory sub-strates, without the need to invoke multiple Q-pools[30]. Furthermore, the frequently observed `reversedrespiratory control' when studying succinate oxida-tion, could be readily explained by predicting a duale¡ect of ADP on both cytochrome pathway (stimu-lation) and succinate dehydrogenase (inhibition) ac-tivity [30]. Subsequent studies with mitochondria iso-lated from Arum maculatum spadices providedexperimental proof for such an explanation [31].

Arguably this model's most far-reaching implica-tion was that it seriously challenged the early notionof Bahr and Bonner that the alternative oxidase onlybecomes active upon saturation of the cytochromepathway [22,23]. Based on this notion, the contribu-tion of the alternative oxidase to the overall mito-chondrial respiratory activity had been generally es-timated as the fraction of activity that is sensitive tohydroxamic acids. Krab's model, however, predictedthat inhibition of the alternative oxidase by SHAMwould induce an increase in the reduction level of theQ-pool. This would in turn result in altered activityof the cytochrome pathway, typically dependentupon the kinetics (with respect to the Q-redox poise)of this path as well as those of the substrate dehy-drogenase(s). This could theoretically result in a con-siderable underestimation of engagement of the alter-native oxidase in respiration [30] which, indeed, hasbeen substantiated experimentally [28].

Underestimation of alternative pathway activitywould only be a problem when the cytochrome path-way indeed operates in a non-saturated fashion.Studies to directly address this matter have revealedthat reducing equivalents can be readily divertedfrom the alternative to the cytochrome pathwayand vice versa, suggesting that neither path operatesat its maximum capacity [32^34]. It has furthermorebeen shown that the alternative oxidase is able, in thepresence of pyruvate, to actively compete with thecytochrome pathway for reducing equivalents [34].From these studies it became clear that approachesother than Bahr-and-Bonner-like inhibitor titrationswere required to adequately determine the relativecontributions of the oxidative pathways to the over-all respiratory activity.

The modular Q-kinetic approach developed byKrab and colleagues (see [28,35^37] for practical ex-amples) aims to explain the behaviour of the overallplant electron transfer system in terms of the kineticsof its component parts. By measuring, in isolatedmitochondria, the kinetics with respect to the Q-re-dox poise of both Q-reducing and QH2-oxidising en-zymes, steady state reduction levels of the Q-pool canbe predicted. The electron transfer rates througheach of the enzymes and, consequently, the distribu-tion of reducing equivalents between the alternativeand cytochrome pathways in these steady states, canthen readily be calculated. That such approxima-

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tions of the alternative oxidase's in vitro engagementcould be a useful indicator for its in vivo participa-tion in respiration, is illustrated by studies performedwith the ¢ssion yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe[35].

Work by Albury and colleagues [38] has resultedin the functional heterologous expression of the plantalternative oxidase (from Sauromatum guttatum) inS. pombe. In this system, the oxidase is cloned onan extra-chromosomal element under the control ofa thiamine-repressible promoter and its presence orabsence can therefore be modulated by simply omit-ting or including thiamine in the growth medium,respectively [38]. From kinetic studies using mito-chondria isolated from S. pombe cells expressingthe alternative oxidase, it was predicted that thenon-protonmotive oxidase would contribute consid-erably (up to 24%) to the total respiratory activity,thereby lowering the e¤ciency of energy conserva-tion [35]. Growth studies showed that expression ofthe alternative oxidase had a profound negative ef-fect on S. pombe growth (yield decreased V20%when cells were batch-cultured with glycerol as thesole carbon source) which is, most likely, a re£ectionof a high engagement of the oxidase in respiration[35].

3.2. Predictions from oxygen uptake in vitroexperiments

More recently, Sluse and co-workers [10,39] havedeveloped an alternative approach to assess, in iso-lated mitochondria, electron partitioning between thealternative and cytochrome pathways. Their ADP/Omethod is based on a concept that has been sug-gested a number of years ago [40]. Previously, gen-eral potential di¤culties associated with ADP/Omeasurements have been critically evaluated byHinkle et al. [41]. The method relies on the factthat cytochrome pathway activity is linked to phos-phorylation of ADP, whereas alternative oxidaseactivity is not, provided that the alternative respira-tion is not dependent upon Complex I activity. TheADP/O ratio relates the amount of ADP phosphor-ylated to the amount of oxygen consumed and,therefore, indicates the relative contribution of thecytochrome and alternative pathways to the overallrate of oxygen uptake. By measuring the ADP/O

ratios in the presence and absence of benzhydroxa-mic acid (BHAM), an alternative oxidase inhibitor[42], the relative contributions of the two QH2-oxi-dising pathways have been successfully determinedin amoeba mitochondria [39]. It should be noted,however, that this method is restricted to estima-tions of alternative oxidase engagement under state3 conditions and is furthermore restricted to theuse of succinate or external NADH as respiratorysubstrates. Additionally, every mitochondrial systemunder investigation, has to meet a set of criteria(cf. [10,39]): the ADP/O ratio should be zerowhen the cytochrome pathway is fully inhibited;complete inhibition of the alternative pathway (withe.g. BHAM), should not induce proton leak; theADP/O ratio in the presence of BHAM should beindependent of the state 3 respiratory rates; the iso-lated mitochondria should be tightly-coupled andstable. It is therefore clear that the ADP/O methodis only useful if all these requirements have beensatis¢ed.

3.3. Non-invasive in vivo measurements of electronpartitioning

The most serious limitation of the modular Q-ki-netic and ADP/O approaches is that they are re-stricted to in vitro measurements and, therefore,only allow the in vivo activity of the alternativeoxidase to be predicted. The extent to which thealternative oxidase is engaged during whole plantrespiration, can be determined directly by oxygendiscrimination measurements [43,44]. Such non-inva-sive measurements rely on the di¡erential fractiona-tion by the alternative and cytochrome pathways of16O and 18O isotopes and have been successfully per-formed to establish, in vivo as well as in vitro, therelative contributions of the respective paths to theoverall respiratory activity [43^49]. The obvious ad-vantage of the technique is that in planta alternativeoxidase engagement can be studied under a range ofphysiologically interesting conditions, although it hasto be ensured, as pointed out by Guy et al. [43], thatrespiration is not limited by O2-di¡usion.

It is anticipated that oxygen-isotope discriminationfactors (D-values) of neither the alternative oxidasenor cytochrome c oxidase would di¡er much withinthe plant kingdom [43]. If this were the case then the

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mechanism by which oxygen is reduced by eitheroxidase would be species-speci¢c which, intuitively,is unlikely. In this respect, it is surprising that theD-value of the alternative oxidase in green soybeanleaves is higher than the value observed in roots fromthe same plant [45]. Similarly, the D-value measuredin soybean cotyledon mitochondria [47] is high com-pared to that determined in mitochondria isolatedfrom non-green Symplocarpus foetidus spadices [43].Intriguingly, the relatively high D-value of the alter-native oxidase in soybean cotyledon mitochondria[47] is not observed when these mitochondria areisolated from cotyledons taken from etiolated soy-bean plants [48]. In this case, the D-value is similarto that measured in mitochondria isolated from non-green tissues [43].

Oxygen-fractionation measurements in wholeplants could be complicated by potential oxygen-con-suming processes other than alternative and cyto-chrome pathway activity. The D-value of this `resid-ual respiration' can be determined by measuringoxygen-fractionation in the presence of bothSHAM and cyanide. The relative contribution ofthe individual oxygen-consuming processes to theoverall respiratory activity, however, cannot be cal-culated in the case that more than two of such pro-cesses exist. Fortunately, it has been demonstratedthat, in soybean cotyledons or roots, residual respi-ration does not signi¢cantly contribute to the overalloxygen uptake [48]. We would like to emphasise,however, that the extent of extra oxygen-consuming(and/or -producing) activities is experimentally di¤-cult to assess, particularly under conditions wherethe oxygen-discrimination method would be ofmost use, i.e. in intact plant cells and tissues. Relatedto this, the use of the method is restricted to dark-respiration, since photosynthetic release of oxygencurrently prevents a conclusive interpretation of themeasured D-values.

Nevertheless, the non-invasive oxygen discrimina-tion is the only method of those discussed that allowsthe physiological conditions (both developmentaland environmental) under which the alternative oxi-dase engages in plant respiration, to be revealed di-rectly. The technique, however, requires specialisedand expensive equipment which hampers a routineand broad application. In this respect, it would beof interest to establish whether or not the predictions

made using the modular Q-kinetic or ADP/O meth-ods can be con¢rmed by oxygen fractionation mea-surements.

4. Control of plant mitochondrial respiration

4.1. Control exerted by mitochondria on plant cellularmetabolism

Alterations in plant mitochondrial respiration, no-tably alternative pathway and UCP activity, havebeen correlated with many physiological phenomena.Changes in the expression and/or activity of the al-ternative oxidase have been observed (to cite but afew of many reports) during temporal events such asleaf development [50,51], thermogenesis [31,52] andfruit ripening [53]. Furthermore, the alternative oxi-dase has been implicated to play a role during con-ditions such as, amongst others, oxidative stress [54^56] and plant pathogenic attack [57^60]. It has beenreported that expression of the plant UCP is cold-induced [61]. Similar to the alternative oxidase, thisUCP has also been suggested to prevent generationof reactive oxygen species by the respiratory chain[62] and to be important during fruit ripening [63].Qualitatively, all of these observations indicate phys-iological circumstances where mitochondrial respira-tion exerts a certain degree of control on plant me-tabolism.

To make any quantitative statements with respectto control of mitochondrial respiration on plant cellphysiology, studies should ideally be performed interms of metabolic control analysis (see [64,65] forgeneral reviews). Although whole plant metabolismhas been subjected to several quantitative studies (see[66] for review and [67,68] for recent examples), toour knowledge no such investigations have been car-ried out, to date, to speci¢cally address the role ofplant mitochondrial respiration. It is in the authors'opinion that this lack of information might be re-lated to the practical di¤culty of de¢ning an appro-priate system with distinct boundaries. Metaboliccontrol theory aims to analyse £ux^force relationsbetween enzymes and the metabolic intermediatesthrough which these enzymes communicate. It istherefore required to de¢ne a system with appropri-ate £uxes and intermediates that can experimentally

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be manipulated. Of importance in such a de¢nition isthat the system indeed has a constant boundary, inother words that the chemistry peripheral to it canbe kept constant under experimental conditions.Although the manipulation of enzyme levels in wholecells has been greatly facilitated by the advent ofmolecular genetic techniques, it is still not straight-forward to design a system in which the edges can bekept solid during experimentation.

4.2. Internal control of plant mitochondrial respiration

When respiration is studied in isolated mitochon-dria, it becomes less di¤cult to de¢ne a tight exper-imental system that is suitable for the application ofmetabolic control analysis. During the last decade,several quantitative investigations have been per-formed in an attempt to obtain a better insight inthe way plant mitochondrial respiration is controlled[29,35,69^77]. Most of the studies referred to, havebeen reviewed fairly recently in detail by Krab [30]who drew particular attention to the structural sim-ilarity between two experimental approaches thatwere developed independently by Kesseler et al.[70], who performed studies in potato tuber mito-chondria (alternative oxidase absent), and by Krabet al. [29,73], who performed studies in mitochondriaisolated from potato callus (alternative oxidasepresent). In both methods, mitochondrial respirationwas considered from a `top-down' perspective[65,78,79], which simpli¢es the respective systemsunder consideration in so much that certain enzymesare considered to behave as single units that kineti-cally interact with each other via a (signi¢cantly re-duced) number of intermediates. Furthermore, inboth approaches only one common intermediatewas de¢ned through which three enzymatic branchescommunicated. Additionally, control coe¤cientswere in either case derived from elasticity coe¤cientsthat were experimentally determined by means ofinhibitor titrations (cf. [30]).

Kesseler and colleagues [70] designed a system(Fig. 2) where the protonmotive force ^ measuredas the electrical potential across the mitochondrialinner membrane ^ was chosen as the central inter-mediate. The phosphorylation system as a whole andthe proton leak across the inner membrane, werede¢ned to `consume' this intermediate, whereas the

respiratory chain as a whole was de¢ned to `produce'it. It was found that control on the respiratory rate(with either NADH or succinate as reducing sub-strate) was mainly exerted by the respiratory system,except for rates close to state 4 where the proton leakhad equal or more control. Control on phosphoryla-tion also lay predominantly with the respiratorychain, although at very low rates the phosphoryla-tion system itself exerted control. The rate of protonleak was positively controlled by respiration as wellas by the leak process itself and negatively controlledby phosphorylation. Relatively little control was ex-erted, by any of the processes, on the protonmotiveforce [70]. The power of this approach was clearlyfurther demonstrated in subsequent studies whichwere designed to probe the e¡ect of cadmium onrespiration in potato tuber mitochondria [74^77].The main conclusions from these studies were thatcadmium inhibits substrate oxidation, increases theproton leak, but does not a¡ect phosphorylation.The e¡ects on all processes studied were dependenton the cadmium concentration as well as the energydemand.

The approach of Kesseler et al. [70], in which theenzymes that constitute the respiratory network aregrouped into a single kinetic unit (Fig. 2), does notdistinguish between control exerted on the respira-tory £ux by the cytochrome and alternative path-ways, respectively. The method applied by Kraband co-workers [29,30,73] does enable such a distinc-tion to be made. As can be observed from Fig. 3, thede¢ned system centres around the mitochondrial Q-pool via which four enzyme groups interact: two Q-reducing units (succinate dehydrogenase linked to thedicarboxylate carrier (from this point simply referredto as succinate dehydrogenase) and the externalNADH dehydrogenase) and two QH2-oxidisingones (the cytochrome pathway as a whole and thealternative oxidase). The total electron £ux throughthe system was determined as the rate of oxygenuptake (at saturating O2 concentrations), whereasthe common intermediate (de¢ned as the QH2 con-centration) was measured as the reduction level ofthe Q-pool. In typical experiments, one respiratorysubstrate (at a saturating concentration) was appliedat the time, which reduces the system to threebranches linked by a single intermediate. Under ex-perimental conditions, the magnitude of the proton-

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motive force was assumed to be constant [30] whichmay not always be the case (cf. Section 5).

Application of the method to data obtained fromexperiments with potato callus mitochondria [28], re-vealed that in this system very little control on res-piratory £ux was exerted by the alternative oxidase,either under state 3 [73] or under state 4 conditions[29,73]. Both the £ux control coe¤cient of the alter-native oxidase and that of the cytochrome pathwaywere (somewhat) higher in state 4 than in state 3 [73].The increase in control exerted by the QH2-oxidisingenzymes was obviously at the expense of control ex-erted by succinate dehydrogenase [73]. We speculatethat this re-distribution of £ux control is related tothe dual e¡ect that ADP potentially has on succinatedehydrogenase (inhibitory) and cytochrome pathway(stimulatory) activity, which has been experimentallyobserved in Arum mitochondria ([31]; cf. Section3.1). It should be emphasised, however, that in po-tato callus mitochondria, the di¡erence in cyto-chrome pathway kinetics between state 4 and state3 was indeed evident from the experimental data [28],whereas the change in succinate dehydrogenase ki-netics was inferred from mathematical modelling ofthe results (which yielded the control coe¤cients re-ported in [73]). The range of experimental data wasnot su¤cient to determine the signi¢cance of the ap-parent di¡erence in succinate dehydrogenase kineticsbetween state 4 and state 3 in this system [28].

The functional expression of the alternative oxi-

dase in S. pombe confers a mitochondrial respiratorysystem to this yeast, which closely resembles thosefound in plants [35,38]. The all-or-nothing characterof this expression was exploited to investigate thee¡ect of the presence of the alternative oxidase onthe distribution of control within the electron trans-fer system [35]. Previous modelling predicted that adi¡erential presence of the alternative oxidase couldresult in signi¢cant changes in the way control isdistributed [29], which was indeed con¢rmed by ex-periments performed with mitochondria isolatedfrom transformed S. pombe cells [35]. From the mod-elled data, it was expected that the presence of anadditional QH2-oxidising pathway would increasethe degree of £ux control exerted by the Q-reducingenzymes [29]. Interestingly, however, control by thereducing side of the system did not change signi¢-cantly upon expression of the alternative oxidase inS. pombe. Under state 4 conditions, the alternativeoxidase itself claimed approximately 22% of the con-trol on overall electron transfer, fully at the expenseof the control formerly exerted by the cytochromepathway [35]. From the kinetic data it appearedthat, in S. pombe mitochondria, the alternative oxi-dase was able to actively compete with the cyto-chrome path for reducing equivalents, which was re-£ected in a similar degree of control (in absoluteterms) exerted by the respective enzyme units onthe ratio of electron £uxes through the QH2-oxidis-ing pathways [35].

Fig. 3. Schematic representation of plant mitochondrial electron transfer. Electron transfer is considered from the `top-down' perspec-tive de¢ned by Krab et al. [29,30,73] and divided in Q-reducing and QH2-oxidising processes. NADH DH, NADH dehydrogenase;SDH, succinate dehydrogenase; P and N, as de¢ned in Fig. 1.

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4.3. The predictive value of kinetic modelling andmetabolic control analysis

As may be clear from the preceding discussion, aconsiderable degree of insight into the regulation ofplant mitochondrial electron transfer can be obtainedfrom kinetic modelling and metabolic control analy-sis. To illustrate this further, an example concerningdeterminations of apparent oxygen a¤nities of thealternative oxidase, is presented in this section.Ideally, the oxygen a¤nity of an oxidase is measuredby monitoring spectral changes during the deoxy-genation of haem-based oxygen carrier proteins (cf.[80]). It should be noted, however, that the followingdiscussion concerns a¤nity measurements that weremade with an oxygen electrode. From the kineticmodel developed by Siedow and Moore [26] it waspredicted that the apparent Km for O2 of the alter-native oxidase would decrease upon an increase in Q-reduction. To test this notion, Ribas-Carbo et al. [27]performed experiments in mitochondria isolatedfrom soybean and mungbean and found rather theopposite: the apparent Km for O2 increased upon arise in Q-reduction, which led these authors to adapt

the kinetic model by introducing an extra step in thereaction mechanism.

Based on modelling predictions (Fig. 4), we sug-gest that the observed correlation between the appar-ent Km �O2� of the alternative oxidase and the Q-re-duction level is not necessarily a dependency intrinsicto the alternative oxidase enzyme, but is, at leastpartly, a re£ection of the di¡erent control distribu-tions that prevailed under the di¡erent experimen-tally steady states created to probe this potentialcorrelation. The oxygen a¤nities were experimentallydetermined in mitochondria isolated from etiolatedsoybean cotyledons that were oxidising succinate inthe presence of myxothiazol; to vary the Q-redoxpoise succinate dehydrogenase was inhibited to dif-ferent extents with malonate [27]. It is clear that themeasured respiratory activity under such conditionsis not the sole result of alternative oxidase activity,but rather of the kinetic interplay of this enzymewith succinate dehydrogenase. An inhibitory e¡ectof a limiting oxygen concentration on alternative ox-idase activity would only be noticeable as a decreaseof the oxygen uptake rate, if the overall rate of elec-tron transfer was fully controlled by the oxidase.

We have modelled the di¡erent steady states mea-sured by Ribas-Carbo et al. [27] in terms of Q-poolkinetics (Fig. 4) with the assumption that they shouldall be described by a single curve re£ecting the ki-netic behaviour of the alternative oxidase. From Fig.4 it is clear that the steady states are reasonably wellmodelled assuming reversible Michaelis^Menten ki-netics [28]. Curves describing succinate dehydroge-nase kinetics in the presence of the di¡erent malonateconcentrations, were modelled such that they de-scribed the respective experimental steady states aswell as the theoretical inevitable steady state (i.e.Q-pool fully reduced, no Q-reducing activity). Fluxcontrol coe¤cients, tabulated in Fig. 4, were calcu-lated for the three modelled steady states; note theproximity of these steady states to the experimentallydetermined ones (Fig. 4). An intuitively anticipatedrelationship indeed appears to exist between the mal-onate concentration and the way control is distrib-uted: the more succinate dehydrogenase is inhibited,the more it controls the respiratory activity, obvi-ously at the expense of the alternative oxidase. Basedon these model-derived data, we suggest that the ob-served decrease in the apparent Km �O2� of the alter-

Fig. 4. Kinetic modelling of mitochondrial Q-pool kinetics. Ex-perimental steady states (b) were taken from [27] and modelled(a) according to [28]: solid, dotted and dashed lines representSDH kinetics in the presence of 0, 1 and 4 mM malonate, re-spectively. Rates are expressed as a fraction of the uninhibitedcontrol which was V50 nmol O2 min31 mg31 [27]. Flux con-trol coe¤cients (CJ) were calculated as described in [29]. SDH,succinate dehydrogenase, AOX, alternative oxidase.

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native oxidase upon a decrease in Q-reduction [27] is,at least partly, due to the fact that an inhibitorye¡ect of oxygen limitation is masked by the oxidase'srelative lack of £ux control.

From Fig. 4 it can be seen that the maximum £uxcontrol exerted by the alternative oxidase in any ofthe experimentally created steady states, does notexceed 28%. To determine at which point duringoxygen limitation the alternative oxidase would com-mence, due to the fact the enzyme is inhibited, toexert more control on the £ux, we have modelled(for the di¡erent malonate concentrations) the rela-tion between the £ux control coe¤cient of the alter-native oxidase and its relative activity. From Fig. 5 itcan be predicted that the oxidase does not claimmore than 50% of the £ux control until its activityis inhibited by more than 97%. Therefore, if ourmodelling predictions are correct, then the maximumapparent Km �O2� value observed by Ribas-Carbo etal. in mitochondria from young aetiolated soybeancotyledons (V18 WM O2 ; [27]) would still be anunderestimation. Experiments in S. pombe mitochon-dria containing the alternative oxidase [38], suggestthis is indeed the case. When S. pombe mitochondriaoxidise NADH in the presence of antimycin A, thealternative oxidase exerts 94% of the control on theoverall respiratory activity (cf. the kinetic data in[35]). The determination of NADH-dependent, anti-mycin-insensitive respiratory activity as a function ofthe dissolved oxygen concentration, indicates that

apparent Km �O2� values of the alternative oxidaseunder these conditions exceed 30 WM (A¡ourtit, C.and Moore, A.L., unpublished).

5. Concluding remarks

The preceding discussion illustrates how kineticstudies implementing metabolic control analysis, im-prove the understanding of phenomena relating toplant respiration. It becomes increasingly apparentthat kinetic modelling of plant mitochondrial elec-tron transfer provides useful insight into the regula-tion and control of the relative activities of phos-phorylating and non-phosphorylating pathways.From this, clues may be obtained as to the metaboliccircumstances under which either activity is impor-tant and hence as to the exact physiological role ofthe `energy-wasting' enzymes. It should be stressedthat such in vitro studies merely have predictivepower. In future investigations, it could be attemptedto expand the experimental plant systems under con-sideration. Quantitative studies e.g. into the interac-tion between the respiratory chain and the TCAcycle, might provide relevant experimental informa-tion as to the way in which electron transfer activityreacts to changes in TCA cycle function in responseto di¡erent catabolic and anabolic cellular demands.In this light, quantitative studies into the interplaybetween the di¡erent plant organelles, particularlymitochondria and chloroplasts, would also be of in-terest. As discussed, the challenge of such experimen-tal approaches is to de¢ne a system that can be ex-perimentally manipulated easily, yet has solidboundaries.

Finally, it should be mentioned that the edges ofthe systems de¢ned to quantitatively study mitochon-drial respiration, are also not always as hard as de-sired. For example, the boundary of the Q-kineticsystem de¢ned by Krab and colleagues [29], is as-sumed to include the magnitude of the protonmotiveforce. This force is unlikely to be constant, particu-larly during the antimycin A titrations required todetermine Q-reducing kinetics. An experimental ap-proach that combines measurements of respiratoryactivity, the Q-reduction level, phosphorylation andthe protonmotive force, should clarify the extent towhich these concerns are justi¢ed. In other words, a

Fig. 5. Modelled relation between £ux control exerted by thealternative oxidase and the enzyme's relative activity. Flux con-trol coe¤cients were calculated as described in [29]. AOX, alter-native oxidase.

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synthesis of the approaches of Kesseler et al. [70] andKrab et al. [29] seems a logical way to obtain a morecomplete understanding of the activity of the sepa-rate mitochondrial respiratory enzymes, the phos-phorylation system and proton leak, processes whichare all kinetically dependent, directly or indirectly,upon both the Q-redox poise and the protonmotiveforce.


The authors would like to thank AstraZeneca for¢nancial support. Part of the experimental work de-scribed in this paper was supported by a BBSRCstudentship (C.A.) and a BBSRC grant (A.L.M.).


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