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Combining Small-Volume Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Approaches for Assessing Brain Chemistry

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1 Combining Small-Volume Metabolomic and Transcriptomic 2 Approaches for Assessing Brain Chemistry 3 Ann M. Knolho, Katherine M. Nautiyal, Peter Nemes, Sergey Kalachikov, § Irina Morozova, § 4 Rae Silver, ,,and Jonathan V. Sweedler* ,5 Department of Chemistry and the Beckman Institute, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, United States 6 Department of Psychology, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027, United States 7 § Department of Chemical Engineering and Columbia Genome Center, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027, United 8 States 9 Department of Psychology, Barnard College, New York, New York 10027, United States 10 Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, Columbia University, New York, New York 10032, United States 11 * S Supporting Information 12 ABSTRACT: The integration of disparate data types provides 13 a more complete picture of complex biological systems. Here 14 we combine small-volume metabolomic and transcriptomic 15 platforms to determine subtle chemical changes and to link 16 metabolites and genes to biochemical pathways. Capillary 17 electrophoresismass spectrometry (CEMS) and whole- 18 genome gene expression arrays, aided by integrative pathway 19 analysis, were utilized to survey metabolomics/transcriptomics 20 hippocampal neurochemistry. We measured changes in 21 individual hippocampi from the mast cell mutant mouse strain, 22 C57BL/6 Kit Wsh/Wsh . These mice have a naturally occurring 23 mutation in the white spotting locus that causes reduced c-Kit 24 receptor expression and an inability of mast cells to 25 dierentiate from their hematopoietic progenitors. Compared with their littermates, the mast cell-decient mice have profound 26 decits in spatial learning, memory, and neurogenesis. A total of 18 distinct metabolites were identied in the hippocampus that 27 discriminated between the C57BL/6 Kit Wsh/Wsh and control mice. The combined analysis of metabolite and gene expression 28 changes revealed a number of altered pathways. Importantly, results from both platforms indicated that multiple pathways are 29 impacted, including amino acid metabolism, increasing the condence in each approach. Because the CEMS and expression 30 proling are both amenable to small-volume analysis, this integrated analysis is applicable to a range of volume-limited biological 31 systems. 32 M ultiple analytical approaches have been combined and 33 used to better understand chemically complex biological 34 processes, yielding important insights on how chemistry and 35 biology relate to function and disease state. The integration of 36 metabolomics and transcriptomics has proven particularly 37 useful when studying the central nervous system (CNS), 38 which is characterized by heterogeneous cell types and complex 39 behavioral phenotypes. Metabolomic studies delineate the small 40 molecule content of a given sample to reveal dierences 41 between sample types or physiological states, especially with 42 regard to disease. 13 These measurements have been helpful in 43 a variety of applications, such as determining molecular 44 dierences in brain tumors 4 and characterizing the molecular 45 composition of single neurons. 57 Transcriptomic analyses are 46 indispensable in brain research; for example, gene expression 47 has been characterized in dierent cell types in the brain, 48 including neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. 8 Contin- 49 uous progress in these elds has made both metabolomics and 50 transcriptomics adaptable to small-volume samples, such as 51 de ned regions in the CNS. 5,9 The combination of 52 metabolomic and transcriptomic data should yield a more 53 complete view of the chemistry of the biological system of 54 interest. 55 Here we integrate metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses 56 to characterize the chemical heterogeneity of the brain (see 57 f1 experimental workow in Figure 1). The objective of our 58 investigation of the CNS was to examine the contribution of 59 multifunctional immune system cells to normal and abnormal 60 function. Mast cells are resident in the brain of mammalian 61 species and have been implicated, along with microglia, in 62 neuroinammation. 10 In the mouse brain, mast cells are located 63 in and near the hippocampal formation, a structure known to Received: November 13, 2012 Accepted: February 14, 2013 Article pubs.acs.org/ac © XXXX American Chemical Society A dx.doi.org/10.1021/ac3032959 | Anal. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX sac00 | ACSJCA | JCA10.0.1465/W Unicode | research.3f (R3.5.i1:3915 | 2.0 alpha 39) 2012/12/04 10:21:00 | PROD-JCA1 | rq_1095697 | 2/21/2013 15:05:36 | 8

1 Combining Small-Volume Metabolomic and Transcriptomic2 Approaches for Assessing Brain Chemistry3 Ann M. Knolhoff,† Katherine M. Nautiyal,‡ Peter Nemes,† Sergey Kalachikov,§ Irina Morozova,§

4 Rae Silver,‡,∥,⊥ and Jonathan V. Sweedler*,†

5†Department of Chemistry and the Beckman Institute, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, United States

6‡Department of Psychology, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027, United States

7§Department of Chemical Engineering and Columbia Genome Center, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027, United

8 States

9∥Department of Psychology, Barnard College, New York, New York 10027, United States

10⊥Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, Columbia University, New York, New York 10032, United States

11 *S Supporting Information

12 ABSTRACT: The integration of disparate data types provides13 a more complete picture of complex biological systems. Here14 we combine small-volume metabolomic and transcriptomic15 platforms to determine subtle chemical changes and to link16 metabolites and genes to biochemical pathways. Capillary17 electrophoresis−mass spectrometry (CE−MS) and whole-18 genome gene expression arrays, aided by integrative pathway19 analysis, were utilized to survey metabolomics/transcriptomics20 hippocampal neurochemistry. We measured changes in21 individual hippocampi from the mast cell mutant mouse strain,22 C57BL/6 KitW‑sh/W‑sh. These mice have a naturally occurring23 mutation in the white spotting locus that causes reduced c-Kit24 receptor expression and an inability of mast cells to25 differentiate from their hematopoietic progenitors. Compared with their littermates, the mast cell-deficient mice have profound26 deficits in spatial learning, memory, and neurogenesis. A total of 18 distinct metabolites were identified in the hippocampus that27 discriminated between the C57BL/6 KitW‑sh/W‑sh and control mice. The combined analysis of metabolite and gene expression28 changes revealed a number of altered pathways. Importantly, results from both platforms indicated that multiple pathways are29 impacted, including amino acid metabolism, increasing the confidence in each approach. Because the CE−MS and expression30 profiling are both amenable to small-volume analysis, this integrated analysis is applicable to a range of volume-limited biological31 systems.

32Multiple analytical approaches have been combined and33 used to better understand chemically complex biological34 processes, yielding important insights on how chemistry and35 biology relate to function and disease state. The integration of36 metabolomics and transcriptomics has proven particularly37 useful when studying the central nervous system (CNS),38 which is characterized by heterogeneous cell types and complex39 behavioral phenotypes. Metabolomic studies delineate the small40 molecule content of a given sample to reveal differences41 between sample types or physiological states, especially with42 regard to disease.1−3 These measurements have been helpful in43 a variety of applications, such as determining molecular44 differences in brain tumors4 and characterizing the molecular45 composition of single neurons.5−7 Transcriptomic analyses are46 indispensable in brain research; for example, gene expression47 has been characterized in different cell types in the brain,48 including neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes.8 Contin-49 uous progress in these fields has made both metabolomics and

50transcriptomics adaptable to small-volume samples, such as51defined regions in the CNS.5,9 The combination of52metabolomic and transcriptomic data should yield a more53complete view of the chemistry of the biological system of54interest.55Here we integrate metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses56to characterize the chemical heterogeneity of the brain (see57 f1experimental workflow in Figure 1). The objective of our58investigation of the CNS was to examine the contribution of59multifunctional immune system cells to normal and abnormal60function. Mast cells are resident in the brain of mammalian61species and have been implicated, along with microglia, in62neuroinflammation.10 In the mouse brain, mast cells are located63in and near the hippocampal formation, a structure known to

Received: November 13, 2012Accepted: February 14, 2013



© XXXX American Chemical Society A dx.doi.org/10.1021/ac3032959 | Anal. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

sac00 | ACSJCA | JCA10.0.1465/W Unicode | research.3f (R3.5.i1:3915 | 2.0 alpha 39) 2012/12/04 10:21:00 | PROD-JCA1 | rq_1095697 | 2/21/2013 15:05:36 | 8

64 modulate stress responses. Mast cells are also well-known for65 their role in allergic response and, more recently, have been66 implicated in additional innate and adaptive immune67 responses.11 Furthermore, the population of brain mast cells68 fluctuates with behavioral, endocrine, and disease states.12 Mast69 cell-deficient mice, bearing alterations in the Kit gene, have70 been used in studies of the biological functions of mast71 cells.13−15 The c-Kit receptor (also known as the tyrosine72 kinase Kit receptor, stem cell growth factor receptor, or73 CD117) is a protein encoded by the Kit gene. This cytokine74 receptor is expressed on the surface of hematopoietic cells and75 binds to the stem cell factor (also known as c-Kit ligand). The76 reduced c-Kit receptor expression results in abnormalities in77 pigmentation and an inability of mast cells to differentiate from78 their hematopoietic progenitors.16,17

79 Using small-volume metabolomics and transcriptomics80 measurements, we examined the mast cell mutant mouse,81 C57BL/6 KitW‑sh/W‑sh. This mouse strain has an inversion82 upstream of the Kit gene that leads to mast cell deficiency due83 to a selective reduction of the Kit expression. These mice are84 fertile but have abnormalities in splenic myeloid and85 megakaryocytic hyperplasia. At the behavioral level, mast cell-86 deficient KitW‑sh/W‑sh mice have normal locomotor activity and87 altered anxiety-like behavior, spatial learning, and memory88 compared to their littermates18 and have reduced neurogenesis89 in the hippocampal regions bearing mast cells and an altered90 serotonin chemistry.19 Given that many other cell lineages,91 including hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, red blood92 cells, neutrophils, intestinal pacemaker cells, melanocytes, and93 germ cells bear the c-Kit receptor, we sought to examine the94 metabolic consequences of a mutation in this receptor in the95 KitW‑sh/W‑sh mutant mouse. Because of the role of mast cells in96 allergy, we also examined whether allergy induction affected97 cells in brain regions populated by mast cells. This biological98 model is an ideal candidate for using a combined tran-99 scriptomics and metabolomics approach to better understand100 how chemistry can relate to function, especially with regard to101 the observed behavioral phenotypes.102 In order to understand the impact of the c-Kit mutation on103 the overall metabolic state of the hippocampus, we studied104 hippocampal chemistry. Taking a systems biology approach,105 metabolic and cell-to-cell signaling data were combined with

106transcriptomic data to focus on the chemical alterations in the107hippocampus of c-Kit mutant mice. Hippocampi from mast108cell-deficient mice (Wsh/Wsh) were compared to those of their109heterozygous (Wsh/+) and homozygous littermates (+/+) using110small-volume assays. In one set of experiments, the relative111abundances of more than 40 identified metabolites were112determined in tissue extracts from these three genotypes using113capillary electrophoresis (CE) coupled to electrospray ioniza-114tion (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS). Because of its nanoliter115volume sample requirements, CE−MS is well suited for the116study and determination of the differences in metabolites while117allowing multiple technical replicates from each sample, even118from the small-volume samples that are obtained from a specific119region of individual mouse brain.6,20 This instrumental platform120is capable of detection limits of less than 50 nM, has a large121linear dynamic concentration range, is tolerant of salty samples,122and has been implemented in single-cell analyses.123In a separate experiment, transcriptomic data was collected124via total RNA isolation followed by hybridization to whole-125genome gene expression arrays to compare gene expression126differences in the hippocampus between allergen-sensitization127or saline-treatment in Wsh/+ and Wsh/Wsh littermates as well as128unrelated wild-type (WT) mice. Because of the integral129involvement of mast cells in allergic responses, the allergy130treatment provided additional insight into a potential mast cell-131mediated role in the CNS. The c-Kit mutation caused132statistically significant chemical changes in the mouse hippo-133campus in multiple metabolite pathways that were detected by134both approaches. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of135combining CE−MS metabolite data and transcript data to136identify a subset of metabolic pathways altered by this mutation137and confirm the applicability of this approach to chemically138complex small-volume measurements.

139■ EXPERIMENTAL SECTION140Chemicals. Chemicals and reagents were from Sigma-141Aldrich (St. Louis, MO) unless indicated otherwise: 1 × Hank’s142balanced salt solution (HBSS) without phenol red (Invitrogen,143Carlsbad, CA), water (LC-MS grade, Chromosolv), methanol144(Optima, Fisher Scientific, Fair Lawn, NJ), formic acid (99+%,145Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL), acetic acid (99+%), 4-(2-146hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES)147(99.5%), and RNAlater-ICE (Ambion, Austin, TX).148Animals. Animal care and testing protocols were approved149by the Columbia University Institutional Animal Care and Use150Committee. Wsh/Wsh mice (B6.Cg-KitW‑sh/HNihrJaeBsmJ)151were originally obtained from The Jackson Laboratory (Bar152Harbor, ME) and bred to establish a colony at the Columbia153University animal facility. The Wsh/Wsh mice were crossed with154WT C57BL/6 mice (Jackson Laboratory) to generate155heterozygous mice (Wsh/+). Male littermates from Wsh/+ x156Wsh/+ crosses were used in these experiments and were also157used to obtain homozygous (+/+) mice with mast cells.158Genotypes were determined based on coat color, as the Wsh

159mutation causes abnormalities in pigmentation.16 The mutation160was confirmed by staining for mast cells in the brain with161toluidine blue as previously described.19 Additional WT mice162were purchased (C57BL/6, Charles River, Wilmington, MA)163for the gene expression analysis. Litters were weaned at 28 days,164and mice were housed 2−5 per cage in transparent plastic bins165(36 cm × 20 cm × 20 cm) on a 12:12 light−dark cycle. Cages166had corn cob bedding (Bed-o’cobs, Maumee, OH), and food167and water were provided ad libitum.

Figure 1. Schematic for experimental workflow: metabolomic andtranscriptomic analyses were combined to enable the characterizationof related chemical changes between genotypes.

Analytical Chemistry Article

dx.doi.org/10.1021/ac3032959 | Anal. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXXB

168 Sample Preparation for CE−ESI-MS. For the CE−ESI-169 MS analysis, male mice (5−6 months of age) were sacrificed by170 rapid decapitation and the brains removed from the crania and171 dissected in half midsagittally. The left hemisphere was affixed172 to the vibratome chuck with Krazy Glue and brain slices (300173 μm thick) were sectioned in HBSS. The left caudal hippo-174 campus was dissected and placed in extraction solution (50%175 methanol containing 0.5% (v/v) acetic acid) to yield a176 concentration of 20 μL/mg of tissue. This extraction solution177 composition has been used successfully for extracting178 metabolites, while also preventing degradation.6,7,20 Addition-179 ally, the combination of methanol and acidic pH are sufficient180 for quenching enzymatic processes.21 These samples were181 grossly homogenized and then incubated for 90 min at 4 °C.182 The samples were centrifuged at 15 000g for 15 min, and the183 supernatants were transferred to polymerase chain reaction184 tubes to better accommodate the sample volume; the samples185 were frozen at −80 °C until analysis. Finally, an internal186 standard, 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid187 (HEPES), was added to the sample extracts for a final188 concentration of 1 μM. The number of biological replicates was189 10 for Wsh/Wsh, 9 for Wsh/+, and 5 for +/+.190 CE−ESI-MS. The metabolomics measurements were191 performed with a custom-designed CE−ESI-MS instrument192 platform, similar to the one previously used6 and described in193 detail elsewhere.7,22 Briefly, a sample volume of 6 nL was194 hydrodynamically injected into a separation capillary having the195 following dimensions: 40 μm inner diameter, 105 μm outer196 diameter, and 90 cm in length (Polymicro Technologies,197 Phoenix, AZ). The CE conditions used were 20 kV for the198 separation voltage and 1% formic acid for the background199 electrolyte. A coaxial sheath flow interface was used to200 hyphenate the CE system to the mass spectrometer. A sheath201 flow consisting of 50% methanol with 0.1% (v/v) formic acid202 was introduced at a rate of 750 nL/min. Generated ions were203 measured by an orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometer204 (micrOTOF ESI-TOF, Bruker Daltonics, Billerica, MA), and205 tandem MS (MS/MS) experiments were performed with a206 high-resolution mass spectrometer (maXis ESI-Qq-TOF,207 Bruker Daltonics). Three technical replicates were analyzed208 for each sample.209 CE−ESI-MS Data Analysis. The molecular content of the210 mouse hippocampus extracts was determined via manual data211 analysis using the mass spectrometer software, DataAnalysis212 (Bruker Daltonics). Extracted ion chromatograms were plotted213 from m/z 50 to 500 with a 500 mDa window. When an eluting214 peak was observed, the accurate mass of the ion was registered215 and searched against the Scripps metabolite database,216 METLIN.23 Accurate mass calculations were performed using217 a molecular weight calculator, which is free, downloadable218 software from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory219 [http://omics.pnl.gov/software/MWCalculator.php]. The MS/220 MS data obtained from the sample was compared against221 fragmentation data listed in METLIN when available. Chemical222 standards were also analyzed to improve the confidence of223 analyte identification by evaluating the MS/MS data and224 migration time of these compounds.225 Relative metabolite levels were assessed and compared226 among hippocampus extracts. Selected ion electropherograms227 were generated with a 10 mDa window for a selected array of228 metabolites, and the intensities of the detected peaks were229 noted. For some high intensity signals, the intensity of the A +230 1 peak was evaluated in addition to the monoisotopic ion to

231avoid detection biases due to potential saturation of the232detector in the mass spectrometer. Measured intensities were233normalized with respect to the peak intensity of the internal234standard, HEPES. The normalized peak intensity of each235identified analyte was averaged among the technical replicates,236and the obtained values were statistically evaluated with the237Student’s test using a two-tailed distribution with two-sample238equal variance (homoscedastic) in Excel (Microsoft, Redmond,239WA). In this work, a calculated p-value of ≤0.05 was considered240to indicate statistically significant differences between data241groups.242Gene Array. For the gene array studies, mice were sacrificed243by decapitation and brains were rapidly removed from the244crania, flash frozen in liquid nitrogen, and then transferred to a245cryostat kept at −20 °C. Brains were sectioned in the coronal246plane at a thickness of 100 μm. Four hippocampi were247dissected out of two adjacent sections, and tissue was pooled in2480.5 mL of RNAlater-ICE, precooled to −20 °C. Following249storage for 24 h at −20 °C, the RNAlater-ICE was removed and250the tissue sample frozen at −80 °C until further processing.251Total RNA was isolated using RNAqueous Micro RNA (Life252Technologies, Grand Island, NY) isolation kits. RNA was253quantified with a Quant-IT RNA fluorometric assay (Life254Technologies) and checked for integrity using the Bioanalyzer255(Agilent, Palo Alto, CA). The resulting RNA samples were256amplified using a conventional in vitro transcription-mediated257linear amplification procedure (MessageAmp II, Life Tech-258nologies), reciprocally labeled with AlexaFluor 546 or259AlexaFluor 647 (Life Technologies) for induced allergy and260control samples and hybridized to mouse whole-genome gene261expression arrays (SurePrint G3Mouse GE 8x60K Kit, Agilent).262The raw signal intensity data was filtered for background and263technical outliers, normalized for dye and array effects using the264loess normalization procedure implemented by the Bioconduc-265tor package af f y,24 and compared for differential gene266expression using hypothesis testing statistics similar to those267previously described.25,26 The data were further corrected for268type 2 error using Storey’s false discovery rates (FDR)27 and269appropriate statistical packages and subroutines implemented in270R28 and Bioconductor.29 Genes differentially expressed between271the groups were selected at <0.5% FDR (typically one to three272expected false-positives per set) and a more than 2-fold change273in expression. Differences in the genes of interest related to the274CE−ESI-MS data were isolated from the data set, with a275specific focus on genes in the choline and autophagy pathways.276The hierarchical clustering was performed in Spotfire Suite for277Functional Genomics (TIBCO Spotfire, Inc., Sommerville,278MA) using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic279mean (UPGMA) as a clustering method with Euclidean280distance as the similarity measure.30

281Allergy Induction. For the gene microarray study, WT282mice and Wsh/+ and Wsh/Wsh littermates were exposed to283allergen or saline treatment. Induction of allergy was performed284as previously described.31 Briefly, mice were injected with285ovalbumin (10 μg; Sigma Aldrich) in Imject Alum (2 mg/mL;286Pierce, Rockford, IL) or with the equivalent volume of saline287(0.5 mL) via intraperitoneal injection. After 14 days, mice were288challenged four times every 48 h with an intranasal injection of289ovalbumin (10 μg in 8 μL of saline) or saline (8 μL). At a time290of 24 h following the last intranasal injection, the mice were291sacrificed. Trunk blood collected at this time confirmed an292increase in Immunoglobulin E in allergy-treated animals (data293not shown).

Analytical Chemistry Article

dx.doi.org/10.1021/ac3032959 | Anal. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXXC

294 Safety Considerations. Standard safety protocols were295 implemented when handling animals, samples, and solvents.296 The high voltage and electrically conductive connections of the297 CE−ESI-MS platform were grounded or shielded.


299 The combination of approaches used in this study permits two300 parallel analyses of the neurochemical pathways associated with301 genetic and metabolic changes that arise in several brain regions302 of the c-Kit mutant mouse (Figure 1). These changes were303 appreciable in spite of substantial interindividual variation,304 variation within individuals over time, and variations in the305 numbers of mast cells present. The analytes measured via CE−306 MS are listed in Table S1 in the Supporting Information). A307 number of global chemical differences were observed between308 Wsh/Wsh and Wsh/+ and +/+ mice, and additionally between309 Wsh/Wsh and Wsh/+ and WT mice (Table S2 in the Supporting310 Information). It is noteworthy that at the gross anatomical311 level, the brains of these mice appear normal, even though the312 metabolic evidence from our investigations points to extensive313 chemical changes accompanying the mutation. There are minor314 differences in volume in the dentate gyrus region of the315 hippocampus, but overall there are no large morphological316 differences in the hippocampus of Wsh/Wsh mice as previously317 reported.19

318 Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Analyses. Several319 hundred distinct ions were detected for each hippocampal320 sample, but only those signals that were assigned to specific321 metabolites with high confidence using a combination of322 accurate mass, retention time, and fragmentation data, and that323 were detected in most samples were used in subsequent324 analyses. Thus, the relative abundances of 42 measured analytes325 were determined and statistically evaluated in a pairwise326 comparison for the hippocampus extracts from Wsh/Wsh, Wsh/327 +, and +/+ mice. A total of 20 distinct analytes exhibited

f2 328 statistically significant differences in relative abundance (Figuref2 329 2), with these molecules consisting of amino acids, classical

330 neurotransmitters, and nucleosides. In particular, 11 different

331analytes were present in significantly different amounts between332the Wsh/Wsh and Wsh/+ mice (p-value ≤0.05), including333multiple amino acids, choline, nicotinamide, hypoxanthine,334and carnosine. In general, the Wsh/Wsh mice had lower relative335analyte concentrations when compared to their heterozygous336littermates (e.g., histidine, choline, and various amino acids).337The +/+ mice were also analyzed; some metabolites exhibited338the same trends observed in the Wsh/Wsh and Wsh/+339comparison, while others did not. For example, the +/+ mice340had lower levels of creatinine in comparison with the other two341genotypes, and the Wsh/Wsh and Wsh/+ mice had comparable342levels of betaine, but higher concentrations were observed in343the +/+ counterparts. Furthermore, seven analyte levels were344statistically lower in the Wsh/Wsh when compared to the +/+345mice, including acetylcholine, glutathione, and a few additional346amino acids (Figure 2). While graded concentration levels for a347number of analytes were observed (Wsh/Wsh < Wsh/+ < +/+),348these often did not rise to the point of statistical significance for349all genotypes studied (Figure 2; e.g., serine and valine were350statistically different in the Wsh/Wsh and Wsh/+ comparison but351not for the Wsh/+ and +/+ comparison).352The observed metabolite changes were supplemented with353transcriptomic measurements to further characterize the354chemistry of the sample; specifically, differences in gene355expression were determined in the hippocampal samples from356Wsh/Wsh and Wsh/+ mice. Furthermore, because mast cells are357known to be intimately involved in allergic responses, gene358expression data was also collected and analyzed for mice359exposed to either an allergen or a saline control. The360accumulated data revealed that differentially expressed genes361appeared to be related to the observed changes in metabolites;362therefore, the corresponding expression and metabolite data363were further examined to assess the relationships between the364metabolic pathways that included the differentially expressed365genes and those associated with altered mast cell composition.366The gene expression data was analyzed for various pairwise367combinations in a 2 × 2 experimental design (Wsh/Wsh versus368Wsh/+ animals, treated with either saline or allergen). These

Figure 2. Metabolites with significant differences in relative abundance in pairwise comparisons of Wsh/Wsh, Wsh/+, and +/+ mice. Bars show themean of normalized abundances measured in the biological replicates for each genotype; error bars represent standard error; p-values from thecorresponding Student’s tests are tabulated to the left. Statistically significant differences in the levels of these analytes (p ≤ 0.05) are also supportedby gene expression data. Metabolites associated with differentially expressed metabolic pathways identified by gene expression analysis are markedwith black bold in the table. An asterisk indicates that the intensity is reflective of the second peak in the isotopic series due to its high concentration.Key: WT (W), Wsh/+ (H), Wsh/Wsh (S).

Analytical Chemistry Article

dx.doi.org/10.1021/ac3032959 | Anal. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXXD

369 comparisons were indicative of changes in gene expression as a370 consequence of the c-Kit mutation. In the pairwise comparison,371 21 differentially expressed genes were found to be associated372 with pathways that are involved with changing metabolites.373 Among the c-Kit associated-metabolite pathway-related (CA-374 MPR) genes were those coding for acetylcholinesterase,375 pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) beta, and genes involved376 in autophagy (Table S3 in the Supporting Information). In377 particular, 19 CA-MPR genes had significantly different378 expression levels between the Wsh/Wsh and Wsh/+ mice, both379 treated with an allergen. When extending this analysis to also380 include the WT mice (Table S3 in the Supporting381 Information), 50 differentially expressed genes were associated382 with pathways involved with changing metabolites in the Wsh/383 Wsh, Wsh/+, and +/+ genotype comparison (Figure 2).384 Hierarchical cluster analysis was implemented on the data to385 help further evaluate connections between gene expression and

f3 386 metabolite composition of the hippocampi. As shown in Figuref3 387 3, when comparing WT and Wsh/Wsh mice, the majority of the

388 metabolites that varied by genotype had a matching pathway389 identified based solely on differential gene expression. As can390 also be seen from the figure, different pathways can implicate391 multiple metabolites; furthermore, each metabolite can392 participate in several pathways. Thus, with the exception of393 the phenylalanine/tyrosine metabolism pathways, Figure 3 may394 be better viewed as an interconnected metabolic super network.395 The clustering pattern (bottom right corner of the diagram)396 indicates that the network is mostly governed by changes in the397 arginine/proline and glycine, serine and threonine, and purine398 metabolism pathways. (See Table S2 in the Supporting399 Information for the complete listing of metabolites and affected400 pathways for the three genotypes.) It is remarkable that many401 canonical KEGG metabolic pathways associated with the402 metabolites noted to change in abundance were also detected403 by the analysis of differential gene expression in hippocampi404 from the same animal groups, providing a mechanistic link405 between the differences in animal genotypes and variations in406 the metabolite abundance (Figures 2 and 3). Thus, the two407 analytically orthogonal techniques used in combination here are

408able to describe the same events at different levels of409phenotypic expression, thereby independently supporting and410ameliorating each other.411Choline, Acetylcholine, and Histidine Changes. Several412metabolic pathways are consistent with the observed differences413in metabolite levels and gene expression, such as choline and414acetylcholine. Acetylcholinesterase gene expression was statisti-415cally different between saline-treated Wsh/Wsh and Wsh/+ mice416as well as between allergen-treated Wsh/Wsh and Wsh/+ mice.417This finding was consistent with the observed choline deficit in418Wsh/Wsh mice. While there was no statistical difference for419acetylcholine between Wsh/Wsh and Wsh/+ mice, there was a420statistical difference between Wsh/Wsh and +/+ mice as well as a421relative decrease in acetylcholine concentrations (Wsh/Wsh <422Wsh/+ < +/+) (see Table S4 in the Supporting Information).423Differential expression of the gene for choline dehydrogenase424was also observed, which could be a result of the observed425lower levels of choline. Furthermore, downstream metabolite426levels in this pathway were also statistically different between427the genotypes (e.g., betaine and methionine). Moreover, this428pathway provides a connection to the synthesis of multiple429amino acids; our observed differences in amino acid levels are430in agreement with this notion.431Altered choline and acetylcholine levels have been linked to432several behaviors or disorders that were also observed in the433mast cell-deficient mice. For example, hippocampal neuro-434genesis is modulated by prenatal choline availability,32 which435could be participating in the observed neurogenesis of the Wsh/436Wsh genotype. Likewise, choline can also affect visuospatial437memory as a function of choline administration33−35 and affect438hippocampal plasticity.36 Acetylcholine is involved in a variety439of functions, including learning and memory in the hippo-440campus.37 The acetylcholine deficit can contribute to the441observed defects in spatial memory and learning. Furthermore,442acetylcholine release in the hippocampus in response to anxiety443and stress has been documented and results in an anxiolytic444effect.38−42 If acetylcholine levels are impaired, this may445contribute to the observed anxiety-like behavior in these mice.

Figure 3. Hierarchical clustering of affected metabolites based on their participation in pathways containing differentially expressed genes. Pathways(rows) were clustered against metabolites (columns) monitored by CE−ESI-MS using the UPGMA clustering algorithm with the Euclidean distanceas a similarity measure. A yellow block in the diagram indicates that a given metabolite is involved in the corresponding pathway containing mast cell-associated genes found through the expression analysis.

Analytical Chemistry Article

dx.doi.org/10.1021/ac3032959 | Anal. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXXE

446 Mast cells release histamine in response to acetylcholine.43,44

447 Histamine levels were lower the Wsh/Wsh mice compared to the448 Wsh/+ littermates, confirming that mast cells contribute to brain449 histamine levels.18 While the levels of histamine were below the450 limits of detection for the current instrument platform, its451 precursor, histidine, was measured at lower levels in Wsh/Wsh

452 mice compared to the Wsh/+ mice. The lack of mast cells may453 result in lower expression levels of these analytes in other cell454 types in the hippocampus because they are no longer needed to455 regulate mast cell release.456 Amino Acid Metabolism. While the change in molecules457 related to cell−cell signaling discussed in the previous section458 were expected based on the mediators released by mast cells,459 the decrease in many monitored amino acids in the c-Kit mice460 is surprising, as most pathways do not affect amino acids so461 indiscriminately. Depletion of amino acids can induce462 autophagy, a catabolic process in which cells are degraded for463 energy production.45 In the brain, increased autophagy is464 observed after injury46 and complete impairment of autophagy465 results in neurodegeneration.47,48 While this scenario was not466 directly tested in the current work, it is possible that autophagy467 had been induced, which would result in a modified cellular468 environment. In agreement, several genes for proteins involved469 in autophagy were differentially expressed between the Wsh/Wsh

470 and Wsh/+ littermates (Table S3 in the Supporting471 Information; Ras proteins).472 Another possible reason for the amino acid-level changes473 may be related to the pyruvate dehydrogenase beta (Pdhb)474 gene; this gene is differentially expressed in Wsh/Wsh versus475 Wsh/+ mice after allergen treatment. Pdhb participates in the476 citrate, or Krebs, cycle and so is involved in multiple amino acid477 pathways. Pdhb is also involved in pyruvate metabolism, which478 is connected to nicotinamide metabolism, the biosynthesis of479 several amino acids including lysine, and is directly involved in480 leucine biosynthesis. Additionally, the nicotinamide pathway is481 included under the affected pathway list determined by the482 gene expression analysis (Figure 3). Such dysregulation of Pdhb483 expression could be responsible for the decrease in multiple484 amino acids and nicotinamide observed in the Wsh/Wsh mice as485 compared to the Wsh/+ littermates.486 Additional Altered Pathways. Some of the differences487 between Kit mutant and WT animals are not directly involved488 with the repertoire of chemical mediators that are localized489 within mast cell granules. Instead they implicate targets of mast490 cell mediators (i.e., chemicals released by mast cells that act on491 other parenchymal elements). For the gene expression analysis,492 particular attention was focused on mining the data for493 differences in expression related to the metabolite changes494 described in the CE−ESI-MS analyses.495 Pathway analysis revealed that the mast cell-dependent496 metabolites and mast cell-associated differentially expressed497 genes share many of the same pathways. Using hierarchical498 clustering analysis, metabolites were grouped based on their499 participation in metabolic pathways that included differentially500 expressed genes (Figure 3). It was observed that the majority of501 affected pathways and metabolites were connected either by502 shared pathways or by their products, forming a single network.503 This was true despite the use of unrelated control mice (WT504 and +/+). It may be inferred from the data that the majority of505 the metabolite changes may be regulated by changes in gene506 expression of a handful of pathways, seen at the bottom of the507 diagram. The exact details of such regulation may be a tempting508 subject for a follow up study.

509Several pathway/metabolite combinations are intriguing,510given what is known about mast cell function within the511brain. For example, the Pdhb gene is differentially expressed in a512mast cell-dependent manner and has been shown to increase in513the rat hippocampus after chronic antidepressant treatments514(like serotonin), in addition to other proteins that are515associated with neurogenesis.49 Stress has also been shown to516suppress hippocampal neurogenesis, which is mediated by517interleukin-1,50,51 a cytokine that mast cells synthesize.52 As518noted in an independent study, Wsh/Wsh mice exhibit519heightened anxiety-like behavior.18

520Similarly, stress has resulted in amino acid level changes in521various biological sample matrixes. For example, amino acids522have been found to change in blood plasma, urine, and regions523of the brain as a result of stress;53−58 furthermore, some murine524models of chronic stress also demonstrate severe immunosup-525pression,59,60 which could be mediated by mast cells. Additional526support for a link between mast cells and stress is that chronic527stress results in increased numbers of mast cells in the CNS.61

528Stress can also induce increased permeability of the blood-529brain-barrier through mast cell activation,62,63 which could be530responsible for molecular differences.531Kit mutant animals are well-known for their augmented532response to allergens. Thus, it was interesting to see whether533genes associated with the metabolic differences found between534Wsh and +/+ animals are differentially expressed during the535allergic reaction in a Kit-dependent manner. These genes and536their association with a particular metabolite and its expression537are shown in Table S3 in the Supporting Information. It is538remarkable that in addition to the genes apparently associated539with metabolic pathways and specific metabolites, many of the540metabolites in turn are associated with neuroligand receptor541interaction pathways. These include Crhr1, Aplnr, Gabra2,542Scrtr, Drd2, and signal transduction pathways and global543transcription regulators such as Nkiras2, Rasl10a, Mapk1, and544Dvl2.545Mast Cells in Behavioral and Physiological Systems.546The combined cell count of neurons, glia, and microglia in the547mouse hippocampus is greater than one million,64−68 while548mast cells are far fewer in number. The entire mouse brain is549estimated to contain an average of 500 mast cells, with a range550of 180−709 mast cells per individual in the mouse strain551studied in our work.69 In contrast to resting microglia however,552mast cells constantly release their granular material, even at rest.553Their population is mobile, and they can be rapidly recruited in554response to normal physiological signals and following immune555system activation.12,70−72 Furthermore, mast cells are present556and actively release their granular material throughout develop-557ment. In this context, it may not be surprising that large-scale558metabolite differences are observed between Wsh/Wsh and Wsh/559+ mice. While some of the metabolites present in mast cells560may be distinct from those in other brain cells (e.g., neurons,561glia, and endothelial cells), the greater than 3 orders of562magnitude difference in cell-type abundance and the ubiquitous563nature of the metabolites with affected levels (e.g., the amino564acids) indicates that the majority of changes are in metabolites565external to mast cells. Thus, this mutation, and likely the lack of566mast cells, appears to affect large numbers of hippocampal cells.567Mast cell granules have many potent mediators, and these568released mediators can migrate over great distances.18,73,74

569Perhaps the observed chemical changes are a result of volume570transmission, an intracellular mode of communication that571potentially affects and modulates the activity of entire brain

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572 regions.75 Another possibility is that the deficits are attributable573 to the cumulative effect throughout development of the Kit574 mutation or the mast cell deficit. Some aspects previously575 attributed to the mast cell deficit may turn out to be due to the576 disrupted Kit receptor. The development of mice deficient in577 mast cells independent of alterations in the Kit receptor76 will578 enable the examination of whether this receptor might579 contribute to the losses described herein.

580 ■ CONCLUSIONS581 The combination of CE−MS-based metabolomics and whole582 genome transcriptomics approaches enabled us to determine583 chemical changes and understand how they relate to an584 observed phenotype. In c-Kit mutant mice, there is a striking585 global chemical difference in the hippocampus metabolite586 content, which may be caused by changes in the hippocampal587 cell chemical content consequent to loss of mast cells or of the588 Kit receptor. A drastic chemical effect is observed in both the589 brain metabolic profile and in a remarkable range of pathways.590 The magnitude of these molecular changes is surprising given591 the relatively small number (and fraction) of mast cells in the592 brain. It is intriguing to speculate how these changes correlate593 to the observed behavioral and developmental differences594 observed in Kit mutant mice.19 Compounds of particular595 interest include choline, with its link to memory and596 neurogenesis, as well as acetylcholine and its relationship to597 stress, learning, and memory. Less straightforward to interpret598 is the decrease in abundance of multiple amino acids. There599 may be a cumulative developmental link, which is suggested by600 prior studies highlighting a significant decrease in neurogenesis601 observed in mast cell-deficient mice.19 Furthermore, the602 possibility of aggregating the pathways and metabolites via603 hierarchical clustering suggests that the majority of the604 pathways form a single interconnected network based on the605 metabolites common to both. Regardless, these global chemical606 differences provide a framework for follow-up experiments to607 obtain specific mechanistic information, as well as to under-608 stand how specific cell types such as neurons and glia are609 affected. The combination of metabolomic and transcriptomic610 measurements allows us to highlight pathways common to both611 platforms, thus producing a small but validated list of metabolic612 pathways on which to focus future studies; as both approaches613 are information rich and compatible with a range of sample614 sizes down to individual brain nuclei, this approach offers615 potential for a number of brain studies.

616 ■ ASSOCIATED CONTENT617 *S Supporting Information618 Supporting tables (Tables S1−S4) as noted in the text. This619 material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://620 pubs.acs.org.

621 ■ AUTHOR INFORMATION622 Corresponding Author623 *Phone: +1 217-244-7359. Fax: +1 217-244-8068. E-mail:624 [email protected] Notes626 The authors declare no competing financial interest.

627 ■ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS628 This work was supported by Award No. P30 DA081310 from629 the National Institute on Drug Abuse and Award No. 5R01

630DE018866 from the National Institute of Dental and631Craniofacial Research and the Office of Director, National632Institutes of Health (J.V.S.); NIH training Grant F31633MH084384 (K.M.N.); Award No. IOS 05-54514 from the634National Science Foundation; and Award No. R21 MH 067782635from the National Institute of Mental Health (R.S.). The636content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not637necessarily represent the official views of the awarding agencies.638The molecular weight calculator was supported by the NIH639National Center for Research Resources (Grant RR018522)640and the W.R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Science641Laboratory, a national scientific user facility sponsored by the642U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Biological and643Environmental Research and located at Pacific Northwest644National Laboratory, which is operated by the Battelle645Memorial Institute for the U.S. Department of Energy under646Contract DE-AC05-76RL0 1830. The authors thank Christine647Cecala for helpful discussions regarding data analysis, Jaquelyn648Jahn for her technical assistance, and Stephanie Baker for649assistance in the preparation of this manuscript.

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